#also not me celebrating the goal and going to text my bestie about it and my brother telling me i dont need to make another tumblr post
belle-ofthe-sea · 5 months
have been waiting so patiently for tanev to score, so happy he got one tn 🥰 but also really need schwartz to be okay
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evergardenwall · 1 year
tagged by @hakkiofficial <33 ty bestie!!
1. what book are you currently reading?
already said it in my other tag game post but it's @stjohnstarling's novel the sacred sins of father black! it's the story of a fbi agent in pursuit of a wine forgers gang, who arrives in a small town with a mysterious and morally ambiguous priest 😌
2. what do you usually wear?
most of the time, i'm wearing pretty bland (but comfy) outfits composed of jeans or sweatpants, with t-shirts and sweaters lol. the t-shirts only sometimes happen to be like, bright orange camp half-blood ones i bought on etsy...
i do wear colorful/flowery long skirts from time to time, though!
3. how tall are you?
161cm tall!
4. what’s your star sign? do you share a birthday with a celebrity or historical event?
taurus! my birthday is on may 8th and i literally share it with hiromu arakawa :-)
5. do you go by your name or a nickname?
i go by sam online and by my legal first name irl. my friends use a nickname derivated from the latter!
6. did you grow up to become what you wanted to be as a child?  
not really, but, hey, i am still young and learning how to live! i still have time to work towards these goals! <- has been crying because they don't have the art skills they wished they would have when they would be older, while their art student friends have been greatly improving for obvious reasons. the feeling of falling behind is constantly present these days lads.... u_u"
7. what’s something you’re good at vs something you’re bad at?
i think i'm pretty great at reading (fast) and noticing misspellings on other people's texts when tasked with proofreading (yes this is very specific lmao).....also i've been doing my duolingo norwegian lessons daily for almost three months now and i'm amazed by the fact i've managed to stick to this one (1) routine when i usually am not able to keep up with this kind of thing. learning that language has done wonders to my self esteem for some reason WDXSKDHFKS
hmmm i'm bad at relaxing and getting things done. and i'm kind of a shitty sibling :/
8. if you draw/write, or create in any way, what’s your favorite picture/favorite line/favorite etc. from something you created this year?
not from this year but one of my favorite written works is an old fanfiction wip i wrote back in 2019 (i think) and have been re-reading with my friends last week. they ended up binge-reading the manga it's based on thanks to me and... i don't have any specific favorite line but receiving compliments on this piece of writing from them made my day and i am even more proud of it <3
9. dogs or cats?
cats, obviously. my favorite creatures....
10. what’s something you would like to create content for?
i want to draw mob psycho fanart!! but i'm too scared to start, it's really stupid 😭
11. what’s something you’re currently obsessed with?
the conman with his autistic boy apprentice show, of course. and also, french political history documentaries have been rotting my brain...
12. what’s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year?
well. university 🚬
13. what’s a hidden talent of yours?
i don't knowwww....i'll let my mutuals answer that one for me if they noticed anything </3
14. what’s something you wish to have at this moment?
time home alone. disclosure. and a yummy snack.
tagging @wolfsnape @linanord @lokh @mihai-florescu @teabox @sidh-rah @future-circuit @magical-alien @reloaderror @wolfkilling @hammyletto @prizefigures @bakedbananners @sleepcities and @bhatoora 💌
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sorikkung · 2 years
I don't mind, I just like talking to you anyways and this is a good excuse 🙃 first things first I'm in my mom's place, so I'm almost 100km away from where I live and I thought would be a good idea to open up Tinder and see if I could match with some interesting people now so basically I have two gossips about my midnight Tinder matches.
First one was with this really sweet guy that lives in my city. He's a hella sportist and even participates on jiu-jitsu championships. You know those quiet math guys that don't usually talk much but they are very talkative when it comes to his interests and this hard shell is only to protect a big warm heart? Is him. And the fact that it only took me a a couple of DAYS to get so close of him bothered and scared me a lot. Right now, we're in a video call and he keeps saying that I'm pretty and that he's falling in love with me and I can see, by the way he looks at me, that it trully might have something going on.
I don't know, I feel a little scared about it, not gonna lie, but I assume I'm intrigued as well as I want to try out and see where it goes but is all so unsure...
This second gossip is about some friends of mine from here. They used to date for a long time, I met them with already two years of relationship on their backs so, this year they would be like, 6 years together. As I said, I was at Tinder and I saw this profile with a picture I've seen before. I went to this friend Insta and the picture was there, same name, age, place, everything was the same. I was gagged but, anyway, brushed it off because it might be a fake profile or maybe they were seeking for someone to spicy up their relationship, I don't know, I was trying to create an excuse for why was him there that wasn't because he was cheating.
Obviously, I swiped right on him because, if he was really cheating, he would know I saw him and I knew what he was doing. But that left me really unsettled, so I went to Insta again. I checked both his and hers profiles and they weren't following each other anymore, all their cute photos with texts celebrating their birthdays were also gone... Was like they were never together. I even checked her TikTok videos and, apparently, she had returned to her parents house after a year living with him.
They had broke up and I heard about it from Tinder 🤡
To add up: he just text me today, while I was in call with this new guy and legit asked about a hook-up. Like a good slut, I said he could pass by with drinks and drugs and we would party and kiss like good friends do 🙃 so I guess this will have more scenes to come. And I hope I can kiss her as a friend too, they're both hot
this is so wild lmFAOooo mainly the second part but damn look at you go??? mfs fallin in love w you n shit??? goals???? i keep telling myself ill never stoop as low as to download tinder bc too many straight people but honestly all the lgbt focused dating apps be kinda dry i might as well 😭😭 doesnt help that i usually leave convos on read bc they bore me easily or just take too much effort... oof. but i digress. why are you so scared of where things are going w your tinder match? lmfao right now as in as you type this?? does he know youre gossiping abt him to a random australian online 😭😭
as for the second part at least theres no cheating, but if you kiss them separately when they seem to have broken up on bad enough terms to wipe it all i feel like thatd cause drama... but if youre not super close w them and just wanna shitstir, im not gonna deter you lmFAOoo live ur hoe life bestie. wish that were me (i say, with like 37 bitches in my dms i ghosted bc i ran out of things to say to them and they didnt interest me enough to ask to meet SDFGSDFKHSDFH)
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manikrege · 2 years
Your late 20s might be a lonely time. Are you ready?
Tumblr media
Do you remember breaking up with a bestie in school? The first time you had a fight that grew beyond a small quarrel or misunderstanding?
It was probably something silly, wasn't it?
Growing up, I always dreaded that kind of abrupt ending ... until I experienced something much more sobering.
Many times, the start of adult life will randomly fade out bonds that you thought were strong enough to stick together for life.
I say "randomly" because I have pals I connect with twice a year but I never find it difficult to catch up with them. It's as if we Zoom everyday. The conversation flows effortlessly & one of us has to remind the other to go to sleep.
But a few of my friends have been moving inches away every day, and now they're just out of range. Funny how they're technically just a text away but I'm finding it too heavy to start a new chat or reply to their DMs.
Mind you there is no "negative" reason in particular for this. Maybe in the hasty run to make it into the next stage of our careers, we had to choose different paths & adopt different mindsets. Or maybe we just missed a couple birthday wishes so it's too awkward to care again.
It's like I'm holding a 120kg barbell without gloves and I can feel the grip slipping as it rolls & heats up under my palms.
Friendships that die slow deaths leave harsh bruise when you're finally past them.
Because they ruin playlists, singers, songs, and entire genres too. All the special things they introduced you to.
Oh yes, it was the recent Friendship Day celebration that made me think of all this. While I did send & receive grateful wishes, it did hurt not being able to forward those messages to certain someones.
What took that thought forward was the cascade of more than two dozen confessions on Reddit by 25-30 year old boys talking about their loneliness.
The guys said that they're finding it hard to socialize & find their tribes, have never went out on dates, and envy the colleagues or peers who are supposedly settled into tight circles. They marvel at how so many people are getting married all of a sudden!
So I thought someone should address these stories. I've lived them too.
Yes, your 20s is a time when you start earning so the ideal goal is to have people with whom you can plan treks, go out for brunches, and chase those road trips goals you've been dreaming of since college.
But see that's the happy part everyone puts up on their Stories.
There will also come long dry periods after you graduate when the batch mates you promised to meet every year ... become stuck in an exhausting cycle of grinding too hard & then being too burnt to lift a finger.
You will go through this too.
I haven't yet used the word "busy" because one of the realities you'll learn to accept is that people can be 100% free & available & still not want to dedicate that time to you because God knows that one Saturday evening is the only time they get to breathe & watch a good show at length (Sunday is reserved for errands & classes).
Again this completely fine & understandable, in my opinion. Because I do it, too.
Understand that people do care but most often they just don't have the energy or the same priorities to reciprocate your efforts & love with the same intensity you would ideally expect from them. Also people express their love in different ways that might not fit your definition of what it means to care.
Bluntly put, it would hurt less if you tried learning to love & give without hoping for an ROI.
Your friends are just too caught up.
I don't know how to explain it but now I sorta need everything in my Google Calendar LMAO or I'll have no energy or interest in the activity.
I had this crazy back-to-back with a friend when we had to keep postponing our mandatory quarterly call for one or the reason. It became so irritating at one point that he sent me an official proposal on email asking for my appointment.
We both cracked up so hard talking about it & agreed how deeply embedded we are into our work lives. Not to mention the hundreds of other unbaked hustles we're trying to set up on the side.
Adult friendships are complicated & nothing like the ones you may have been a part of in school. Because your timetables & priorities were the same back then. Now? Not do much.
Our generation is chasing difficult goals harder than any before ours. Everyone's under pressure to start a blog, launch a Reel page, post LinkedIn Motivations, build their startup, create an NGO, and how could I forget - grow a YouTube channel too now. It's the influencer life or no life.
The problem is that for those of us going at a slower pace or taking detours, this hustle culture can us feel left behind. It can make us question our worth.
As if we're the only lost wanderer without any concrete game plan or a good team to execute it.
But I'm here to remind you (as I always do) that there is a SHITLOAD of time left for you to gather guests for your party.
It might be in your 30s. Or 40s. But you'll find them, I promise.
I guarantee you'll eventually find your zones. One tip to fasten that process would be that rather than randomly seeking out company, join hobby or activity classes. Even a sports or gym class if you can. Go where communities already exist. Because shared interests make it easy to bond.
There you'll meet quality people who speak to your heart and listen to its beats.
Who understand your rhythm & know how to vibe with it at a cozy distance. A distance that brings you warm soup like feelings of safety but also respects your personal space.
You'll meet folks you can cook brunch with on a Sunday morning. Folks who you can enjoy silence or simple things with.
Butttt.... And it's a big but.
Until that happens, you should start getting comfy with the person you're going to spend the biggest chunk of your life with - yourself.
When you start thinking of it less as loneliness & more as freedom, it'll almost get addictive.
I go for movies I WANT to watch. Head out to restaurants I WANT to eat at. Travel in the style I WANT with my kind of itinerary (or none). And I do get a lot of stares or looks of pity from all the people who've come there in groups or as couples.
I wish I could stand up & express how content I am to dine in alone or sit in theaters all by myself. Soaking in the ambience, one breath at a time.
This is not to prove myself. But so that when they find themselves without a group, they don't feel sad or awkward about it.
Yes sharing slices is always fun but that's its own kind of joy, and so is getting to finish an entire pizza a la solo.
Does that mean I don't crave companions or groups? That I never feel the need for having a girlfriend by my side?
Absolutely I do & I won't deny it.
But over the years, I've learnt to stop letting these be items that I need to cross out ASAP.
I know they'll happen at the right time & place. Or they won't and I'll still have lived a meaningful life.
But until that conclusion unravels, I'm growing fonder of my own company.
Strutting alone through Mumbai's soaked streets this windy rainy season, I'm moving as per my own breeze in no set direction.
And it has led to sketching out many good plans that were previously dependent on having co-passengers. Plans I'm actually looking forward to. Plans that won't be cancelled at the last minute because it'll just be me.
More than enough.
You're not "empty" waiting to be filled fully. You're not unlucky. Nor miserable. You have everything you need to discover & enjoy the planet.
And like so many others who've felt the same, your late 20s might as well feel like a lonely time. But it won't be that bad once you start befriending yourself first.
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stephspurs · 3 years
A Family Affair | Euro 2020 Football Fanfiction
BESTIES!! PART 10 IS A HOT ONE!! Enjoy reading it as much as I did while writing it (and re-reading it because its probs one of my fav parts of the whole series) Love Always, Steph xx
Part 10 | parte dieci
warnings; heavy-petting, almost-smut, and a hot jack grealish - read at your own risk ;) word count; 2469. writing tools; third person until dashed line, first person thereafter. next update; Monday 16/08 5pm AEST. Updates are three times/week (Monday, Wednesday & Friday)! tags (as requested by users); @footballffbarbiex @obsesseds-world @abysshaven link to fic masterlist here
Longing glances and shy smiles. That  was how Amelia and Ben both spent the next morning at Cobham together, prior to travelling to Stamford Bridge for the fourth match of the season against Aston Villa. The two had spent the rest of the evening relaxing on the couch; no additional kisses were shared between them as they had both agreed to keep things friendly, and no matter how hard Ben tried, Amelia had no intentions of going any further just yet. She had admitted to him something that she had never uttered out loud before: she still needed to work out how to exist without Fede.
While their situationship had been as unconventional as it was, it was still something that Amelia had grown to live with and love. Fede’s personality was unlike no other she had come across, perhaps closest to that of Jack Grealish. Friendly, flirtatious, charming, to the point where she found herself blushing sometimes - not many people had been able to make her shy enough to blush, but Fede had, and now Jack was too.
hot boy grealish
mornin mils, can’t wait to see ya today.
I’ll be the hot one with the good hair and even better ass.
hot gal mils
morning my dear jacky, looking forward to seeing you too.
Is Tyrone not playing?
His bum has always been my fav bum to stare at.
hot boy grealish
cut it out, you.
Banter-filled texts had been a constant stream of entertainment throughout the days leading up to the match. Jack has been preparing Amelia for the possibility of her losing, constantly picking on the girl for being an overachiever and saying that she needs to be brought down a few pegs, having been quite some time since her team had lost a match. Amelia however, with enough self-confidence to rival that of the villa boy, wouldn’t even let him finish his sentences. Far too superstitious for that to happen.
The girl believed in superstitions, and she was not about to tempt her fate. She even went so far as to have her family name and a small Italian flag embroidered onto the inside of her collar of every polo shirt she would wear for match days. She did it at Juventus and organised for it to be done to her new Chelsea uniform. It was a personal choice, something that happened to run in her family also, her father and brother also having the White family name stitched to the inside of their kit. It was a way of keeping them all tied together, no matter what side of the pitch they were on. The Italian flag was there to remind her of all that the country had given her: her grandparents and a chance to be brilliant at what she loves most.
Arriving at Stamford Bridge off of the team bus, Jorgi had insisted she sitwith him and they spoke exclusively in Italian for the 30-odd minute drive from Cobham. Despite Amelia purchasing a new car a few days prior, Jorgi insisted they continue to carpool. It worked out well because now Amelia wouldn’t have to catch the team bus back to the training ground after the match. She had spent the better part of an hour out on the pitch with some of the boys, running through the plays she had in mind before she ushered them back into the changeroom, allowing the Aston Villa men to have their time out on the grass.
“I would know that bum anywhere.”
“Hello Jack, nice to see you too. I’ve been well thanks, so has my bum. I’ll let my face know you said hello, too,” I spoke as I stood up from my crouched position, where I had been tying my laces.
“Just kiddin love, actually no I'm not - I love your bum. But I am happy to see your beautiful face too!” Jack spoke, as he pulled me into a hug - wrapping both of his arms around my head, effectively pushing me further into his chest.
“You saw my face a couple days ago when we were on FaceTime!”
“I saw your bum a few days ago on FaceTimetoo, doesn’t mean I'm not happy to see it!”
“So that's why you like helping me do my laundry, so you can see my backside as I reach into the machine!”
“Now I’m not a religious man, but I have prayed to God a few times that you drop a sock or two riiiiiiight in front of the camera.” He laughed back at my shocked expression.
“Jack! You are ridiculous! Stop being such a perv! No wonder you don’t have a girlfriend” I play-shouted at him as I smacked him with my rolled up matchday program.
“I’m holding out for you, my love.”
“Always the joker, Jack. Get out there and prepare for the worst match of your season.”
“Dream on Mils, we’ve got this in the bag.”
“Sure thing Jacky, sure thing.”
I walked further up the tunnel towards the changeroom, getting ready to deliver my strategy talk to the boys.
“Stop looking at my ass, Grealish!” I shouted without turning around. The boisterous laugh that followed my exclamation was enough to know that I was correct. I didn’t need to turn around to be able to predict what the laddish lad was already doing.
60 minutes of football later.
Amelia was correct in saying that Chelsea were going to win the match, her quiet confidence only getting louder and louder as each premier league match went on. She was apprehensive at first to see if her tactics were going to work in the Prem, or if there was to be some compromise on skill due to the fast-paced nature of the game. So far, however, the Chelsea men were quick learners and even quicker to execute.
One thing she wasn’t prepared for, however, was the absolute worldie that Jack had scored just before half-time at the Bridge. There was an element of familiarity in his goal, recognising the play as one of her own. A small smile crossed  her face after he scored, running to celebrate with the away fans before jogging down past the bench and mouthing a quick “all you baby” at her as he moved back into position. She must have told him about it back when she was in Italy, knowing that there was no chance she would have exchanged her trade secrets to an enemy in the same league. It warmed her to know he paid enough attention to her to be able to practice that on his own with his team and execute it flawlessly in a live game.
What Amelia also wasn’t prepared for was for anyone else to recognise the play. Behind her on the bench sat an oddly-inquisitive Ben. He saw the tactic as it was playing out, recognising the run that Jack had to make to put himself in the box at the exact moment that John McGinn crossed the ball. Better yet, he saw Jack run down the sideline, nowhere near where he should have been, and mouth those words to Amelia. He wanted to know what was going on, was that why she wasn’t ready to commit to him?
Later that same evening.
After a hot shower, Amelia was curled up on the couch, ready to continue the docuseries she was watching the night before when she had an unexpected visitor pop round and confess his feelings to her. Thinking back on the night prior, she was happy that things ended up working out the way they did. Of course she wasn’t exactly thrilled with just how they happened but she could forgive the sweet boy. His intentions were pure and that's not something she was used to. It made her giddy to think about him, and about where things may go in the future.
A ring of her doorbell, almost to the exact hour that it had the night prior, made her get off her couch and walk down the small hall to the front door with a smirk on her face. Expecting to see the same brown-haired, blue-eyed boy that seemed to enjoy ringing her bell after hours. What she saw on the other side, however, was not what she was expecting.
“Jack, what on bloody God’s earth are you doing here?! You should be halfway back to Birmingham by now!”
“Are you gonna let me in love, it’s bloody cold out ‘ere tonight. Come on, shove over,” The slightly-less-than-6-foot-tall footballer commandeered her hallway, shutting the door behind him and locking it. This,  coupled with his overnight duffle bag hanging off his shoulder let Amelia know that he had no other plans but to stay with her.
“Sure, Jack, I suppose you can come in and spend the night crashing in my spare room.”
“Now now, don’t pretend that you’re not happy to see me, love. And a spare room? I believe you promised me a cuddle.”
Rolling her eyes, she couldn’t help but smile at the charming young man. Feeling the blush start to spread from her chest up her neck and across her cheeks, she quickly turned and walked into her kitchen, calling out over her shoulder to ask if he wanted a cup of tea. Feeling a sense of deja vu from the night before, she shook her head and reminded herself that this is nothing like the night before. How could it have been - there was no kissing involved.
“Was that a blush I saw? Do I make you nervous, Amelia?” Somehow, Jack had moved to be right behind the girl at her kitchen counter. Hands on her hips, chest to her back, lips to her ear. Amelia felt herself freeze, and then relax into his hands.
“Jack, please, I don’t think we should do this.”
“Why not, Mils? You can feel it, too. The tension through the screen’s enough to force me into a cold shower most nights.”
And just like the night before, the whistle of the kettle was the only piercing sound resonating around the townhouse. Whilst all she saw was truth behind Ben’s eyes, Jack's eyes were clouded with lust and affection. Just once, she could give in, right?
Leaning her head back to rest on his right shoulder, he attached his lips to the left side of her neck. Hands rolling from the side of her hips, to underneath her shirt, feeling the small navel piercing between his fingers and smirking.
“Didn’t take you for being the kind of girl to have a piercing, Mils,” He spoke into her collarbone, a small nip to the sensitive skin as the girl continued to focus on her breathing.
“Piercings, Jack. I have more than one” She breathlessly spoke, knowing exactly what she was doing now. The admission of having more than one piercing that he could not see was all of the consent Jack needed to continue his exploration of her body.
“Are you going to let me see them, darling?”
“If you’re lucky.”
“I’d say I'm the luckiest guy in the world right now, especially in this position.”
She was unsure how it had happened, but Jack had pressed her further into the countertop. With her back still to his chest, his waist was at the perfect height to press into the small of her back. His leg had settled between both of her own and his hands had found the bottom of her bralette and were gently caressing her rib cage, desperate to get closer to where he presumed her other piercing was.
“We shouldn’t be doing this Jack,” she breathed out into the air, hot air escaping her lungs to resemble what she felt brewing in the pit of her stomach. Desire.
“Why the bloody hell not?” he mumbled into her sweet spot, where her jaw met her neck.
“Because I've been here before. This is bad.” With her eyes shut, he continued his way down her neck. The fabric of her top shifted so he could slide one of her straps down her arm.
“If it's bad, why does it feel so good? '' Whilst his lips got to work on her collarbone, and his hand was busy toying with the elastic line of her bralette, his other hand began to fiddle with her fingers. Entwining them with his own, the kind of strength she needed to feel to make her next decisions.
Pushing back off of the counter, meaning her ass had pushed right into the part of his body where he wanted her most, Amelia turned around and faced Jack. The two stood there, slightly panting, staring at each other. Amelia being the kind of girl that she is, decided that she wanted to have a little slice of the dominance pie. Maintaining eye contact, she lifted the bottom of her t-shirt over her head and dropped in on the floor, that second piercing now very clearly visible through the sheer fabric of her bralette.
“Come on Jack, aren’t you an athlete? What’s got you so out of breath? I thought you’d be able to last a little longer than some heavy petting.” She taunted at the smirking man, wanting nothing more than to mess up his hair as he nestled himself between her thighs. That's exactly the position that they found themselves in not more than 5 minutes later, this time upstairs in her bedroom.
Throughout the multiple rounds of passion that the two so-called friends shared that night, not once had their lips touched. Of course, her lips had touched parts of him and he had definitely been all over a completely different set of lips a few times (and from a few different positions), but face to face, eye to eye, nose to nose - their lips had never met. That told Amelia enough to set her anxiety on fire. Had she just gotten involved with a carbon-copy of the man she left behind in Italy?
The regret seeped through her bones and settled into her heart by the time that the Villa boy had fallen asleep next to her. What had she done? This was not the girl Amelia wanted to be anymore. She was done being the girl that was loved only when the lights went out. She wanted love under the sun, she wanted breakfast by the river, double dates, family parties. She wanted the kind of love that you could never try and hide even if you wanted to. She knew that this wasn’t what Jack was able to offer her. She was grateful for their friendship, she truly was, he made her laugh more than most people but for the first time in a very long time, she was certain that that's all she wanted from him.
Part 11. | parte undicesima
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probably-haven · 3 years
So I’m the anon who asked for more Archon War Venti headcanons and I just loved it! I really like reading your headcanons cuz some of them are similar to mine but mostly are headcanons that I didn’t think of so it really is nice to read and see your thoughts about Venti!
I feel like as if I’m asking too much but could you keep doing these types of headcanons? Like it doesn’t have to be Archon War headcanons but like some headcanons about Venti’s relationship with the Ragnvindrs and Gunnhildrs. Because the first Gunnhildr was the first one who prayed to Barbatos and the first Ragnvindr was his friend who left but came back and I really wanna hear your thoughts on that!
And I’ve decided to get off anon cuz you just replied to my texts and I wasn’t expecting that so I’ve got a short confidence boost that I am completely taking advantage of! And thanks for the advice! or uhh comment? observation? I’m not entirely sure but thank you for that! I’ve heard that be said to me a few times and I have been trying to be more, uhh, assertive so thanks for that!
rfouierjkhfkecs i actually came across information on Gunnhildr and the "Red-haired warrior" yesterday when i was doing more research into the rebellion against Decarabian and I was like "wow this would be really fucking fun to research and theorize on, but its too specific/niche to include unprompted no matter how much i want to" but bestie you prompted, and im literally so happy right now because I didn't think I'd ever really get the chance to post about them!
also lmao yeah, i tend to try and reply to as much as I can, since it's a good feeling when someone does and all. but yeah, no problem! I’m glad you felt confident enough to reveal XD. 
This may be structured a bit more like analysis/theory/just citing canon things at first before it gets into a more headcanony format.
ehe i have so much free reign on this it's lovely
More Archon War Era Venti: one two three
spoilers for Venti's backstory and Diluc's(kinda, i think, just in case)
first things first, laying down some canon background because before yesterday i hadn't heard of either of them outside of that one cutscene.
the very reason Decarabian had his storm wall up in the first place was because at the time Andrius had declared war on him- and his tower, and the city of Mondstadt by extent, were basically constantly under attack by Andrius's blizzards, which since he was still alive back then, were a lot bigger and covered basically what seems to be the whole of Mondstadt outside the barrier.
This meant that people had two options. Live in the city under Decarabian's oppression, or live outside the barrier, and brave the blizzards of a warring god... which was not a good idea
but the Gunnhildr clan(not yet called that) tried- and they almost died because of it. In the midst of a blizzard, the clan chief's daughter, named Gunnhildr(which the clan would be named after later) sent out a prayer that was heard by a wandering wind spirit. And the faith of that prayer gave the spirit enough power to create a small shelter to protect them.
When her father past, she became the new leader and also a priestess. She would later lead the clan to fight Decarabian alongside four others. And basically the Gunnhildr Clan ended up as like sworn protectors of Mondstadt
as for the red-haired warrior, who is basically assumed to be the earliest known ancestor of the Ragnvindir clan(im gonna refer to as Ragnvindir for convenience sake, even though "Ragnvindir" is technically a different character from Vanessa's era)theres not much information on him, but heres what i have from the various wiki's
- he was a wanderer
- one of the first to use the sign of windblume to find other rebels(so he's intelligent)
- actively propped up the nameless bard so he could watch as the tower was destroyed
there's this little tidbit too from the Windblume Ode bow's description that im probably gonna talk about a considerable amount too: "Atop the ruins of the ancient tower, amidst the cheers, songs, and tears of those who had newly won their freedom. A red-haired warrior turned his back on the newborn god, hidden like a single raindrop in a tidal wave of humanity. He was first among those who passed the secret sign of Windblume, the one who wove threads of dawn throughout the long night. His name has since been lost to time, but his deeds are still remembered in song." followed later by "The fate of this clan will likely never change: they shall ever live in the darkness and bring forth the flame of dawn."
Now I'm going to start with the Ragnvindir(geez, why's it spelled like that tho)
My idea of his character is basically formed by a mix of Ragnvindir stereotypes and just generally analyzing text.
So what do we know about Ragnvindir's for sure? they are shady motherfuckers- or at least they rarely operate in the spotlight. also damn, these guys are more cursed than anemo vision wielders- like the only one who didn't canonically lose someone close to them was Crepus, but considering that Diluc doesn't exactly have a mom..... he probably did
so what do we know? - he was close with the nameless bard - he was intelligent - he likely operated primarily from the shadows "ever living in the darkness" - he was a wanderer - he abandoned Venti during the celebration - but his deeds were still remembered in song, so Venti and him were likely still close
now the question of the century: how will i choose to interpret "turned his back on the newborn god"? And honestly, I'm- not sure- at first i assumed he abandoned him completely- but Venti did still make sure to carry on his memory- which could just be Venti being Venti, but for the sake of sanity, this is how I'm interpreting it.
A lot of things happened to the Ragnvindir that day. He lost a friend, saw another become a god to replace the one they had conquered, and he saw his goal, his reason for being in Mondstadt, come to fruition. "see the world through my eyes" the bard had said, and the Ragnvindir had been a wanderer even before. Sure, the people had won freedom, and that was to be celebrated, but he's intelligent to recognize that people would likely see him as one of the key figures in leading the rebellion. And for him this was a solemn time, and ending to a chapter, and not being one to operate in the spotlight, the last thing he'd want is to be swept up in festivities and attention at a time like this.
It also likely didn't help that he's probably smart enough to understand the idea of "power corrupts," and seeing the wind sprite just readily accept the mantle of Archon was likely not the most comforting thing to happen in the given situation after all. But Decarabian was gone, and Andrius had ceased his blizzards, so without a word, he slipped into the crowd and left, a wanderer once more.
now back to Gunnhildr
she was the first to receive an anemo vision from Barbatos, no I do not take criticism on this "the power bestowed on her by Barbatos" like please, they basically said it.
It also mentions that she crowned Venti with laurels(symbol of vistory) after the battle- the book Biography of Gunnhildr additionally says "the Gunnhildr Clan will continue honoring the legacy of its ancestors and its duty to the Anemo Archon: to protect Mondstadt, the land and all who inhabit it, forever."
I really like this because it conveniently ties into my past headcanon about Venti granting visions to the people of Mondstadt and having them be the ones to erect wind barriers and defend the city in his absence.
So in the Archon War I like to imagine that the Gunnhildr clan had a lot of people who were actually granted visions and were basically in charge of protecting it from those who would attempt to ambush them.
Mondstadt essentially became known for this- the fact that the mortals within it were strong enough to fend off the force of a god without support from their own.
but regardless, Gunnhildr, as she had before, served as a priestess to Barbatos, the closest thing that Mondstadt had to a ruler, and yet she only took charge of prayer and protection.... i hate to just- equate them to their descendants- but to an extent- her role was kind of like a merge between Jean and Barbara- Except with a whole lot less structure.... i really dont want their characters to just be carbon copies of the descendants but- c'mon, the comparison was right there.
anyways besties- back to Venti so i can tie them in
The Archon War was one of the worst times for Venti in his entire life thus far. And the time immediately after Decarbian's fall, while Gunnhildr and the Ragnvindir were still alive, was the key period of time in which things could have gone very differently.
Venti is the god of freedom. That's a reoccurring theme and I think I've made that abundantly clear. But during this time, Venti was anything but free.
I've mentioned before how he would stay far from the city of Mondstadt so the shockwave of his death wouldn't reach him, should he fall.... well- Venti is new to a lot of things- godhood- humanity- war- freedom- and at this point he was trying hard to figure out how to be Mondstadt's god without becoming Decarabian, and while still being able to survive, and make sure they survived, and see the world for his friend, and carry on his friends legacy.
And this is a lot of stuff for what was once a carefree elemental being, and there were certain things that had to be done for this to happen. He couldn't just stay in Mondstadt, or he would grow weak and his people would be vulnerable to attack, but he couldn't abandon it, because despite being able to fend for themselves, there's always hat just in case. He couldn't stay in any one place outside of Mondstadt for very long or he'd be found and killed. He knew in order for Mondstadt to survive he would have to take an active role in the war, strengthen himself so he could defend Mondstadt, and thats exactly what he did.
He started by going after the less powerful gods, ones he had a chance at beating with the power he got from the Gunnhildr clan and the rest of Mond, and by wiping them out, he would grow stronger, so he kept it up- working his way up the metaphorical ladder.
but he couldn't let anyone near him either, because he knew just what would happen if he was attacked then. Were it not for Gunnhildr's prayer, the early years of the Archon War would have been without contest the loneliest time of his life, and there would be nothing he could do about it, bound by survival and his attachment to the legacy of his friend, constantly fearing for his life and going against his very nature as the god of freedom. Frankly thrust into that circumstance that early on, and having to face it alone, it's likely that Venti would have caved under the pressure and dropped his attachment to either his survival, or to his friends legacy... or just something entirely worse(isolation messes with brains) so I'm attributing the fact that he didn't do that to Gunnhildr's companionship, speaking to him and guiding him through it as he had guided her through the blizzard some time ago.
I also like to think that she's responsible for founding at least a number of the different celebrations that still happen in Mondstadt even now.
Ugh supportive warrior priestess- we stan
anyway meanwhile! we got the Ragnvindir
He hears about Venti taking part in the Archon war during his wanderings and returns to Mondstadt to check in, wary of what he might find.
Venti, who hadn't seen him since the rebellion, is elated to say the least and they do a bit of catching up because they need it
and then the conversation turns more serious, and the Ragnvindir brings up a third thing that Venti needs to hold onto- his humanity.
See, in the early years, just desperate to get a foothold on the world, Venti's first number of targets were just indiscriminately going after those he knew to be weaker than him, and the Ragnvindir points this out, saying that while it's not necessarily bad, if he keeps doing it, it won't be long until he causes his and, by extent, Mondstadt's legacy to be tainted by a reputation for slaughter, no better than any of the other bloodthirsty gods that frequented the war's fields. "Think of what the bard would do, we were both close enough to do that much"
And Venti becomes yet more caged, but recognizes that he's right, and this is another turning point, that in the coming years would keep Venti from losing himself.
also- Gunnhildr, Venti having told her about the Ragnvindir's concerns that he now shared, probably organized some kind of event (not unlike the right of part, but also, yes unlike it) that was deliberately intended and designs to serve as an excuse that Venti could chose to take to visit Mondstadt, something she know he desperately wanted to do, but wouldn't allow himself for fear of putting them in danger. But if she made it an official celebration, then it would give Venti the opportunity to visit his people again, under the guise of it being a responsibility, not having to deal with the moral implications of doing so at a time when he was already dealing with enough of those already.
Also on his travels, the Ragnvindir probably started and spread a number of rumors that could end up working in Venti's favor, not that anyone ever knew it was him of course.
basically Gunnhildr protected the people of Mondstadt and did all she could to keep everyone in as high spirits as possible, Venti included.
And as for the Ragnvindir, he took a more realistic approach, traveling and getting venti followers in far places, spreading false information about him, and just overall making sure that Venti didn't do things he'd regret.
And when they died, Venti would carry their legacy with him as well, not losing his humanity to the tide of war as he very nearly had(though he still often came close), and trying to spreading high spirits where ever he could without fail.
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si-nging-ren · 3 years
okay. ive decided im going to discontinue the jirou x reader fanfic "wrong number, my bad" for a number of reasons that i will get into in a bit. i have also, however, decided to create an smau for hawks (probably not, but who ive decided on for now) x reader, based on something more personal about me. the goal of the story being more personal is to give me a better layout for how it should continue on and the feelings can be more genuine than me making up stories on a whim and hoping they work. i will give out the plan for wnmb, however, so that anybody interested can still understand how the story wouldve ended.
now as for why im abandoning wnmb.
1. i dont feel the energy to write it anymore. i dont like where the story is going, and with my current mental state and status at school, i dont have the ability to start over or try again. i font have the ideas for the story and just dont vibe with it.
2. mental reasons. i can't stick to the schedule i made for the story as well as i used to be able to, and also personal mental health reasons that sort of keep me from doing so.
3. there are personal life reasons that cause this, but jirou has slowly evolved into somewhat of a discomfort character. i dont want to get into the reasons as to why, but i dont like her that much and bad memories come up whenever i try to sit with her in my head for too long.
thats really all for why i dont want to continue wnmb, but for anybody interested, here was the plan as to how the story was planned out (via notes):
- [x] yn and mina and ochaco do be talking doe
- [x] basically introductions
- [x] same with jirou baku toko yaomomo and denks
- [x] but THEN
- [x] yn and jirou talk :DDD
- [x] jirou basically says that theyre not annoying
- [x] yn says their typical clown shit
- [x] "aidjskjdh thanks you daddy 🥺"
- [x] jirou doesnt answer for a wholeass hour
- [x] "sorry had to go to church and clense from that sin"
- [x] "o-oh okay 😔 daddy doesnt love me"
- [x] "there are so many things wrong with that"
- [x] "😳😳😳"
- [x] "im starting to wish that i blocked you"
- [x] "nyways what did you wanna talk about d-"
- [x] "......."
- [x] "arling :)))"
- [x] poor jirou just wanted to know about who they are
- [x] "name, hobby, talent, interests, whatever i just wanna know about you"
- [x] yn hops over to twitter all "omg theyre so sweet 🥺🥺🥺"
- [x] naturally ochaco and mina are all "fake bestie wtf are u talking about"
- [x] yn is laughing awkwardly and is just,,, "oh nothing 😳😳"
- [x] (nobody believes them)
- [x] then they ask about jirou but she has to give false info
- [x] except for her gender its fine if she says that
- [x] she hops over to the squad
- [x] panicking
- [x] "guys wtf i think i just committed a crime"
- [x] "nono youre fine what happened"
- [x] "i made a fake identity so the person who contacted me wouldnt know it was me"
- [x] "do they even know you???"
- [x] "YES they said they really liked our music and im PANICKING"
- [x] "okok calm down its not illegal or anything"
- [x] "i think"
- [x] "YOU T H I N K ? "
- [x] "yeah sorry :// but like you did this to yourself lmaooo"
- [x] jirou awkwardly hops back to yn
- [x] "yeah i think that band is pretty cool too im actually friends with some of them"
- [x] i mean its not false
- [x] ":ooo omg rlly?????? theyre so cool aaa 🥺🥺 maybe we can meet one day at one of their concerts 👉👈 jkjk...... unless 😳"
- [x] little did they know
- [x] LMAOO jk
- [x] kinda
- [ ] they end up talking for hoursss and mina and ochaco ask one day if they wanna hang out
- [ ] theyre all "hell yesss 🥴 where we goin??"
- [ ] a bar. they go to a fucking bar. (btw its to celebrate minas new job thingyyy)
- [ ] drink responsible kiddosss
- [ ] nyways afterwards she ends up talking to jirou bout how shes super nice and would love to be friends with her more
- [ ] jirou has gay panic tm
- [ ] like actually theyre rlly cute fuck
- [ ] yn asks if they can call since theyve never heard her voice or seen her
- [ ] jirous all ".....theyre drunk they wont recognize my voice"
- [ ] also shes rlly groggy since its TWO IN THE DAMN MORNING
- [ ] jirou calls her and yn asks if she wants to meet someday bby doesnt understand okay
- [ ] jirou panics and asks if they can get to know each other more first
- [ ] yn is hurt but understands and agrees
- [ ] yn asks to play 20 questions
- [ ] jirou asks if theyre a preteen jokingly
- [ ] yn whines and says its either that or a drinking game
- [ ] not wanting yn to drink anymore, she sighs and agrees
- [ ] she ends up finding out:
1. yn has a cat
3. thats it, yn passed out
- [ ] jirou fell asleep on call later nd they didnt hang up until jirou woke up later and realized that awake yn would recognize her
- [ ] she quickly hung up and then sent them a good morning text
- [ ] bitches be playin
- [ ] but yn doesnt mind theyre a gay, dumb clown
- [ ] yn asks what minas job was since they never found out- god their dumb
- [ ] mina says its the typical teaching thing but its for ome of yns favorite bands
- [ ] "ooh, who are they?"
- [ ] "they said their name was blackbear! pretty sure youve talked about them some times before"
- [ ] "omygod mina you dont understnad if you could somehow find a way for me to find them i would literally marry u"
- [ ] "please dont. but ill try boo dw"
- [ ] she ends up doing it
- [ ] but inbetween then they end up getting rlly close like numerous calls and texts and learning more about each other until they realize they like her
- [ ] yn is super happy all "bro u guys are so awesome"
- [ ] bby girl is vibrating.
- [ ] yn blinks and realizes she should probably confess or smth
- [ ] "uhm, jirou?"
- [ ] "yeah whats up?"
- [ ] later in a call they say it
- [ ] jirou is rlly smart and all but her first thought was "its cause of who i am. this happened immediately after."
- [ ] some part of her is screaming that its feelings and that she likes them back but she ignores it.
- [ ] like this has to be bad right???
- [ ] nyways jirou ghosts her like a clown and rants to the band b-wordssss gc
- [ ] yn cries to the babiest of the babies 🥺🥺🥺 gc
- [ ] yn asks if she just doesnt care about them now that shes seen them
- [ ] jirou realizes "wait fuck maybe im wrong"
- [ ] spoiler alert: she is
- [ ] she sort of goes "i didnt rlly think that you actually liked me actually
- [ ] yn starts crying
- [ ] (this is over call btw)
- [ ] "why tf wouldnt i?!"
- [ ] "bc you confessed right after you knew who i was"
- [ ] "istfg so our conversations just dont matter ig"
- [ ] jirou is confused
- [ ] like??? she gets that theyre mad but she does understand why so much
- [ ] "listen i just need to know if you like me back or not please. before i start crying again."
- [ ] she decided to not comment on how they were already crying
- [ ] "yes i like you okay"
- [ ] "do you actually?"
- [ ] "yes. istag that i actually like you and im not shitting u. if you want ill go there rn"
- [ ] ".....yes pls"
- [ ] "i need your address though"
- [ ] "oh yeah– its *address*"
- [ ] jirou arrives all nervous and shit
i didn't have anything planned out after that, but it was probably gonna be a kiss scene or something idk
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Get to know me?
Yoooo - yall remember Myspace, and people would blog survey posts lol. Well thats me, I’m people. And I just wanna write my lil heart out and avoid all of my real life responsibilities. So found a lil questionnaire thing and I’m gonna fill it out. Also lowkey like doing this every so often so I can look back on it and reflect and see how much I may have grown/changed/shifted viewzzz ya feel? :) 
Sooo here yall go <3 
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
My neice maybe?
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
People who know me would tell me to put outgoing, but I honestly feel shy on the inside, so it just depends.
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
Literally anyone lmao fuck this quarantine
4. Are you easy to get along with?
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
Lets hope so
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
Kind souls <3 always notice how they talk to their friends and family, but even people they don’t know like servers or janitors, etc. that shit matters heavy.
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
Probably not
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
A few homies
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
Nah not really, just depends
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
Not sure -it’s been a min since I had a “deep” connection or convo that I can remember - but was probably with my bestie R’Bo
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
“Google that shit” lmao me, giving advice to my friends
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
TOUGH!!!! After Hours by The Weeknd is up there, Cayendo by Frank Ocean (been jamming his shit HAARD lately) and Inside Friend by Leon Bridges & John Mayer….but also been listening to albums - like Childish’s new album, Floreyyy for lo-fi shit, and also got into 070 Shake recently just to name a few.
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
Yeah budddyy
15. What good thing happened this summer?
Idk, my bday party was lit?? And lots of river floats happened
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
Cant deny that there isn’t so yaaa
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
19. Do you like bubble baths?
20. Do you like your neighbors?
Just moved, so don’t know em
21. What are you bad habits?
Procrastination lol and biting my nails
22. Where would you like to travel?
Literally ANNNYY-fuckin-WHERE!
23. Do you have trust issues?
Hmm I wanna say generally no, but I also always keep it one hunnnid with myself, and as much as I’d like to say I don’t have any - I think I def have insecurities with myself, that have the potential to become “trust issues” in certain relationships, but overall no. I live by the whole “you have my trust til you fuck it up” mantra
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
Coffee in the morning lately, missed it and forgot how energized it makes me - gives me time to wake up and reflect/set daily goals
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
Stomach forever :((((
26. What do you do when you wake up?
Scroll on my phone, pee usually, or feed my cat lol
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
Tanner maybe?
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
My mom or my best friend R’Bonney - but any of my close friends and fam honestly
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
Not directly
30. Do you ever want to get married?
Lol ok, so this is always changing…but lately (and by lately I mean the past few years) its been a no. I’m open minded though and am aware that I’m always changing my mind sooo who knows
31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail?
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
Honestly, those aren’t my “thing” lollike id prob laugh or be awkward or just have to be hellllla drunk - but like I wouldn’t mind Jason Momoa and Tom Hardy tossin me around
33. Spell your name with your chin.
34. Do you play sports? What sports?
Scocer back in the day - actually went and kicked it like a week ago for the first time in YEARSSSS - felt so damn good
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
TV, music forreeevverrr
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
Lol story of my life
37. What do you say during awkward silences?
“Soooo” then probably ask a question or some shit lol
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
Hmmm…definitely have to be funny/have a good sense of humor. They’d have to be open-minded for sure. Up for trying new things, places, cultures, food, music, etc. Just have an adventurous spirit I guess when it comes to that. Have a good line of communication/openness - and just be able to have a deep/intellectual convo about anything and everything. Bonuses: taller than me, likes cooking, and going to music shows.
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
Amazon lol I hate shopping
40. What do you want to do after high school?
To go back to high school :( lmao so much id re-do, cant believe its almost been a decade
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
Hell yeah, this is life my dudes, dont take it so seriously - we all fuck up at some point or another
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
Something is on my mind for sure, or im just tired lol
43. Do you smile at strangers?
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
DAMNNN WHAT so hard - I guesss if I had to pick, space…just because it’s more rare/harder to do I’d think.
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
My cat lol with his meowing ass
46. What are you paranoid about?
Lowkey a lot lol
47. Have you ever been high?
48. Have you ever been drunk?
Who hasn’t????
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
Black probably, like half my wardrobe
51. Ever wished you were someone else?
Of course
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
My bad habits
56. Favourite colour?
Yelllllow :)
57. Favourite food?
Oh gaaawwd, literally anything - lately: PB&J’s, fries, wings, Mediterranean, Mexican, pickles, ice cream, ramenzzzz
58. Last thing you ate?
59. First thing you ate this morning?
Cofffeeee w creamer
60. Ever won a competition? For what?
Idk, not off the top of my head - maybe something back in elementary
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
62. Been arrested? For what?
Yeah lmao
63. Ever been in love?
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
No its really not that interesting and idc to type it out
65. Are you hungry right now?
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
Lol yes a few of them <333
67. Facebook or Twitter?
68. Twitter or Tumblr?
69. Are you watching tv right now?
70. Names of your bestfriends?
R’Bonney is number 1
71. Craving something? What?
Foooood, and companionship? Lol
72. What colour are your towels?
Idk, random, mostly blue
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
A lot lol
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
Lol no, but I have my one from my childhood in my room
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
1 - shout out to you Mr.Fluffy
75. Favourite animal?
I am fascinated by sharks; and like gators/crocs. But I have mad respect for elephants, they’re sooo damn smart and beautiful.
76. What colour is your underwear?
Dont have any on
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
All of them
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?
80. What colour pants?
81. Favourite tv show?
Game of Thrones prob
82. Favourite movie?
Avatar or Shawshank Redemption
87. First person you talked to today?
88. Last person you talked to today?
Friend on FT
89. Name a person you hate?
No one, maybe Trump? lol
90. Name a person you love?
Everyone, fr fr
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
92. In a fight with someone?
93. How many sweatpants do you have?
Not enough <3
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
Not enough <3
95. Last movie you watched?
The Decline on Netflix, short lil foreign oil, was deep/interesting
96. Favourite actress?
Not sure-Sandra Bullock? Or Meryl
97. Favourite actor?
Denzel or Morgan Freeman
98. Do you tan a lot?
Nah not anymore honestly
99. Have any pets?
100. How are you feeling?
101. Do you type fast?
102. Do you regret anything from your past?
Im sure
103. Can you spell well?
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
Lol im nostalgic af, so yes
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?
Yes litttty tittyyy
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
Probably :(
107. Have you ever been on a horse?
Hell yeah brother, I’m from TX
108. What should you be doing?
So much shit lol
109. Is something irritating you right now?
The fact that I ain’t doing all the shit I should be lol
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
Yooo yes
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
Prob my sister or my mom?? Lol I cry a lot, idk and idc
113. What was your childhood nickname?
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
115. Do you play the Wii?
Back in the day
116. Are you listening to music right now?
Surprisingly, no
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?
Nah, unless maybe if its homemade
118. Do you like Chinese food?
Yeah occasionally, more of a Thai food chick or Japanese
119. Favourite book?
Kite Runner
120. Are you afraid of the dark?
Low-key sometimes lol
121. Are you mean?
Hell noooo
122. Is cheating ever okay?
Ok, this is an interesting one lol I mean no, it’s not “okay” - since it usually constitutes lying/hiding/hurting someone - BUTTTT, for a lack of a better term - I wanna say it’s “normal”? But thats because I, personally, am on the fence about the concept of monogamy. Like no, I’ve never cheated nor experienced that in return - but the whole concept of monogamy and like that a person can love and only love or be with one person is WILLLLDDD and I can’t help but note that its a social construct that we, as a society, are conditioned to from the time we are born. Idk if that makes sense bc im high af lol but those are my thoughts…like to sum it up - cheating is fucked up and sucks, but at the same time its not all that surprising/shocking anymore, like borderline “normalized” just as divorces are and shit, so I feel like bc biologically we aren’t made to be with one person lol. I don’t condone it tho. Thanks for coming to my TedTalk.
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?
Hell to the naw naw
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Hmmm idk about that one, but also can’t deny it
125. Do you believe in true love?
Yeah of course, you’re talking to a hopeless romantic
126. Are you currently bored?
I guess we could say that
127. What makes you happy?
Food and close, loved ones
128. Would you change your name?
Nah, too much paper work
129. What your zodiac sign?
Cancer, with my lil moody, sensitive ass
130. Do you like subway?
I did lol
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
Story of my mf life lol literally all my exes are “best friends turned lovers” situation, so guess it would just depend lmao
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
133. Favourite lyrics right now?
Lol oh godddd; ok off the top of my head - Tupac - Keep Ya Head Up is what comes to mind; just a timeless song and the lyrics are still relevant/apply to this day and idk just really resonate with the message behind that song <3
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
Idk, but it was probably SO dumb, and told to my parents lol
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
Either or, lately open so my cat can go in and out lol
137. How tall are you?
5’6 mayyybeee 5’5 actually lol
140. Summer or Winter?
141. Night or Day?
Def a lil night owl, always have been
142. Favourite month?
April and October for weather at least
143. Are you a vegetarian?
No but I try, and go through phases, I’m definitely mindful the older I get and more focused on my health I become
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
145. Tea or Coffee?
Coffee but I like tea too, just seem to drink coffee more regularly
146. Was today a good day?
The grateful-to-just-be-alive in me wants to say yes lol but idk, felt off/unaccomplished and cried a lot, so no.
147. Mars or Snickers?
148. What’s your favourite quote?
“This too shall pass”
149. Do you believe in ghosts?
Sure why not
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?
“After all, what he had always wanted was just that: to know new places.” -The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho
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WhatsApp? Part 2. (Steve Rogers x reader)
Description: You've never been lucky with guys. You just wanted to catch someone's eye, to be loved. One day, that's about to turn completely - with one fake, completely imagined number a guy gave you
A/N: Tagging is opened as much as you like, babes. To ask us the only thing you should do.
Warnings: None really, just Steve and the duo being themselves. Also, other Avengers appear sort of? (I am proud of those guest appearances. Bwehehe.)
Tagging: @missdictatorme
Read other parts here: Part One
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So your texting with that mysterious Steve Rogers started.
You had exactly zero ideas who the man is (you sucked history, be honest with yourself and you didn't hear about an Avenger named Steve Rogers either). All you could say that he is really well mannered and nice to you. Which was a nice change and you welcomed it as well? The only thing that didn't escape your concerns was that he never intended to make a move with you.
And that was a serious change since you knew a lot of guys who's goal was simple: get girls into their beds, on their backs, and without panties. Steve wasn't like that at all. His texts during the day were simple and light-hearted as these:
Steve: Good morning, Y/N. How was your night like? Did you sleep well? (This one came at 5 a.m. so Steve had a serious issue with being a morning bird. You couldn't decide if you liked it, because it seemed like Steve's thinking about you, or if you hated it because these ones had the tendencies to wake you up.)
Steve: Enjoy your meal, Y/N. I'm in downtown so I am about to decide what to eat. (Texts like this usually came around 11 a.m. and you thought that it's his own way to remind you of having an actual lunch.)
Steve: Goodnight, Y/N. Sleep tight. I'll text you in the morning. (A text like this always came around 10 p.m. when you were about to go to sleep; Steve picked on your daily schedule really fast. It was a formal yet light-hearted text which always made you smile.)
You tend to control your language, grammar, and spelling way more than before, not wanting to appear dumb in front of the strange man, you didn't use emojis except plain ':)' because you noticed that Steve isn't exactly emoji's man. And words like lol and rofl? Those were forbidden.
This thing lasted for two weeks at least and you always grinned when you find a text from that mysterious Steve. You just sat at your desk, wishing that man bon appetit to his lunch whatever he decided to eat.
"Okay, spill the truth." - Your boss suddenly appeared in front of your desk, freaking the living hell out of your body. She wasn't angry about using a phone at the workplace at all - but you irritated her with your constant grinning. - "What's up? Or WhatsApp is more like it? I larb those puns." - She grinned at herself.
May Parker was the sweetest woman you have ever known. She was an energetic woman, sometimes a bit too much for your liking, funny and relaxed almost 24/7. She loved those weird words which the younglings were saying. Not that you were old, but you sometimes couldn't comprehend what she was saying. You almost couldn't tell that she was really close to her fifties, because of the way she behaved and dressed.
It was really bad with her almost a half year ago. She has lost her husband Ben, such a lovely and polite man, and she was left alone to raise her nephew Peter up.
He was a lovely guy as well. He respected women at all cost, he was funny and he always brought you something to eat. You loved that kid with your whole soul - everyone was suspicious that Peter developed a huge crush on you, but you knew about his feelings for Liz Toomes, a girl from his school. He crushed on her so her much. You awed every time he rambled about Liz that and Liz this.
He maybe admitted he liked you a bit, an itsy-bitsy bit, but he was a small kid and he knew you were way out of his league. You were more like his best friend than a crush.
"Let me guess, Peter said I larb you once and you didn't let go since then, did you?" - You chuckled, trying to make her forget about Steve. But you knew that woman too well. When May started something, she will push you through living hell with her energetic attitude to the finish line.
It was always like that since the first day you two met.
You worked under May ever since you finished your studies. She was leading one department of a local charity and you just loved to help those who needed your help. Everyone always said that having too many women at one workplace can be a living hell - and they were really far away from the truth.
There were only women in your department and you loved it. You celebrated everyone's birthday, every day someone baked something or brought the coffee for everyone. You usually split to groups for lunch, taking your pause for a half an hour and then change the seats with the next group. It was just lovely. And you found your three best friends out there - May, Suzie and Deena. You, Suzie and Deena used to hang out together a lot. Sometimes you took May with you, but most of the times she stayed at home with Pete.
"Don't you dare to bring my focus on Peter. Now tell me," - She sat on your desk, supporting herself with her hand, looking you dead into your eyes. - "Is this the lucky guy you met in the club? Suzie told me by the fridge last Friday."
"Am I even surprised? No, I am not. Suzie would say anything to everyone, isn't that right?" - You yelled to Suzie's desk and earned a loud frick you. (That was another word that Peter brought to your office.) - "It is not that guy. He didn't give me his number." - You rolled your eyes at your endless dumbness. You realized what is about to come - NYPD lead by May Parker.
"So where have you met him?" - May asked with a concerned voice. - "On Tinder? It's nothing wrong. A lot of young people actually met that way. But what if he's an old pedo or a creep? Did he try to make you send some nudes? You know you can call police at him, right?" - May squirmed in a scared voice. She really loved you as her bestie (another word she used too much and which Peter had taught her.) She was genuinely scared for you.
"Does Y/N look like a small child to you, May? Don't you need to see an ophthalmologist? You really need new glasses." - Valerie, another of your mates said in a playful voice as she passed your desk with her swaying hips. She was a lesbian and a really beautiful one. You and Deena hissed and wheezed at that joke.
"Val is right. Just look at Y/N's cleavage. She couldn't look like a small child even if she tried." - Deena said and continued laughing. - "Agreed." - Val said with a sinful wink but you knew that she knows you're not into LGBT activities.
"Alright ladies, stop right there. Let's keep it PG-13." - You said with a smile. You loved these women so much. - "Steve is... A gentleman. A really nice mannered man. And he probably has a dog. We're texting for two weeks in a row and he didn't ask anything nasty at all. So calm down and keep your panties dry, okay?" - You finished and looked at May.
"Well, that thing is behind us. Now tell me, what do you need?" - You smiled at her and took the papers she put in front of you into your palms.
"You remember that charity ball for the Marina?" - She asked. Yeah, the Marina ball to support your soldiers on the sea. It was always something special. It was a fight for your place between the other charities. This event was always held by Tony Stark and it was a really extraordinary evening.
Every time it was centered around different themes and Marinas were on the program this year. (You tried to raise the funds for children with leukemia.) You, as always, attended the night where departments of charities prepared a special program - some chose to do stand up comedy (and those were usually the best), some chose a choreography and others sang a song. There was a lot of things to think about. But it was a rivalry contest after all - every charity tried to raise the biggest money for themselves, or at least for their own name and prestige. It was a fight for your clean shield and for your department's honor.
And May always went over the top with her moral motivational speeches around that time of year. She was like a ball of pure energy which always made you awe but scared as hell.
"How would I not?" - You chuckled at her.
"Stark, or his assistant, signed us up with that choreography. They will be sending some money on the costumes. You are the economic genius in our group so make it work. " - May smiled at you and left.
Then, an hour later, you stopped working for a slight sec and you caught yourself thinking about that Steve. Who was he? You were so curious about him. It was itching your consciousness. You wanted to know more about that man. What did he like to do? What did he liked to eat?
"Hey!" - A sudden yell into your ear almost shot you down from your chair. You almost smashed Peter's angelic cute face with your keyboard. But he dropped a coffee and a piece of cake in front of you, so you slowly let the keyboard down.
"Was that necessary?" - You looked him down when he innocently smiled on the empty chair next to you. He started spinning around subconsciously as he always used to do. - "You will have to give me a heard massage one day. You'll kill me."
"With those tones of caffeine and sugar, he buys you every time he comes here? He surely will. Hey, Petey boy." - Deena smiled at Peter and nudged his hair playfully because she knew how much Pete hates it. He laughed and tried to make his hair look normal again.
"You were out of your mind completely, Y/N. I was grinning at you since I came into the office and you looked through the window. So your death would be your own fault. Anyway... What's up?" - Pete spun at a fast pace, looking at you with his hazelnut eyes. Even this boy noticed? You. Were. Screwed. But it was only better if you tell him yourself - May would be interpreting it as if Steve was a creep or that you're getting married to Steve. There was nothing between that.
"I'm texting with a guy." - You said quietly.
"Okay. Like, friendly or like..." - His cheeks got rosy as he stared you down with that stare. Since Peter got his birds and bees talk, he saw sex within everything. He was a boy in puberty, after all, it was normal.
"Calm your thoughts down, you dirty pig. I can hear them." - You rolled eyes and laughed - "We're casually texting. He's just nice to me, reminding me to eat, wishing me goodnight... You know what I'm talking about. But I think about how I can get to know him better. I would love to."
"That's simple as the sun rotating around the earth, dummydumdum. Just play a question game with him. Five questions each. We played that when I got to high school, to get to know each other better." - Peter said. And he was right - that was a good and a safe idea. He was a smart kid and you knew that. But that wasn't your main concern at that moment.
"You called me dummydumdum? You know what you are? Ultra dummydumdum!" - You exclaimed and heard Val laughing in the back.
Y/N: Let's get to know each other. I'm kinda curious about you. :)
That freaked Steve the hell out. Has she realized? She had fourteen days after all. And she surely wasn't dumb or ignorant. Those thoughts have earned him a punch to the nose. He squealed and looked at Natasha's fist.
"Don't you try me with your puppy look, Rogers." - She pointed her finger at him with a warning in her eyes, knowing that this sparring with Steve sucked like hell. - "This punch was well deserved. It's almost afternoon and you're out of your mind. What happened? Some technology attacked you again? Should I kick its ass for you?" - Nat grinned and reminded him of his situation with the smart fridge which somehow shot a whole cube of ice onto his forehead. It was hilarious, at least for her.
"Y/N wants to know me better. I don't know what to do?" - Steve sipped his water and refused to give Nat any munition to support that fridge story.
"Oh. I see. Girl problems. I forgot that you're a boy in puberty." - Natasha rolled her eyes. - "Spill the tea. What did those two say to you and then I'll maybe give my opinion on the situation." - She demanded, braiding her own hair which reminded Steve of the fire.
"Bucky said that it's just a natural process between two people." - Steve started carefully. - "And Sam mentioned something about shagging and that she wants to see the D. I have absolutely no idea what he said. But he laughed like a lunatic so I can finish the context."
Natasha genuinely laughed at that. She didn't like Wilson that much, but he always seemed so dumb it just amused her every time. Everything he said or every advice he gave? Pure comedic pearls centered around sex. Always. It was almost unbelievable.
"Go into it. Don't hold back. Try to risk a little. Live a life, Rogers. If she knows, she knows. She didn't try to make you face the fact she knows, so let it be. And now come to the ring. I can't wait to kick your super-serum ass." - Natasha grinned, leaving him behind.
Steve: I will gladly answer your questions in the evening. I can't right now. Have a lovely day at work. :)
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Birthday Presents (M)
Pairing: Jimin x Reader
Genre: Smut, fluff
Word Count: 7.5k
Summary: You spend your birthday with your boyfriend Jimin and he gets you some gifts. 
Warnings: Dirty talk, bondage (I guess, but nothing too kinky), dom!Jimin, squirting,  profanity as always
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You woke up in the middle of the afternoon looking like a troll from under a bridge. Turning to glance at the clock, you saw that it was well past noon, but you had no regrets. Laying back against your pillows you try to think clearly and come back into reality. What day is it? Then it hit you when you looked at the calendar hanging on your wall. Today was your yearly reminder of how quickly your youth was slipping away from you and how old you were getting. A groan slipped past your lips as you rolled out of the comfort of your bed to grab your phone from the nightstand.
When you looked at the screen you were only half surprised to see the many text messages and snapchats from your friends and family wishing you a happy birthday. You half heartedly replied to all of them, copying and pasting your thank you to everyone. You really couldn’t care less. When you opened Snapchat, you clicked on your boyfriend’s name and looked at all of the messages and pictures he had sent you. Most of them were of his face with a cute caption saying happy birthday or how much he loved you and how he couldn’t wait to see you later today. His messages made you smile and you happily replied to him.
Since you hated birthday parties, you asked Jimin not to throw you one this year. You couldn’t understand why people made such a big deal over birthdays when it’s literally just another day of the year. But Jimin insisted on doing something to “celebrate” so you agreed on just spending time together. He was the only person you truly cared about anyway, aside from your best friend and yourself.
You put your phone down and continued with your normal routine. It was the weekend and you didn’t have anything to do, so you took the time to lounge on the couch to scroll through social media. You got a text from Jimin saying that he would be at your house by 5 and you sighed. Looking up at the clock, you saw that it was already 4:15 and a groan slipped past your lips. You didn’t feel like moving so you sat there until 4:45, hopping off of the sofa quickly when you realized that you only had 15 minutes to get ready. Quickly rushing to the bathroom, you attempted to clean yourself up. Your hair was a tangled mess, you hadn’t brushed your teeth yet, and you didn’t have on any makeup. Let alone, you didn’t even know what you were going to wear. You cursed silently for always putting yourself in this situation.
Fifteen minutes passed faster than you expected and at exactly 5pm on the dot, your doorbell rang. You put down the flat iron and practically skipped to the door, excitement bubbling in your chest at the thought of seeing your lover. When you pulled the door open, you were met with a smiling Jimin who stepped inside with the breeze. He was holding something in his hand and you glanced at it before being swept up into a tight hug. Your feet lost contact with the ground as your boyfriend’s strong arms constricted around you, cutting off most of the air flow to your lungs. You patted his back for mercy.
“J-Jimin I can’t breathe.” You struggled and he gently placed you back on the floor, peppering your face in butterfly kisses, ending with the tip of your nose.
“Happy birthday, jagiya!” He smiled so brightly that you thought you were looking at the sun. “How’s the birthday girl? Do you feel any different?”
“No, I feel the same as yesterday, old and decrepit.” You deadpan and he frowns.
“Come on, be a little more optimistic than that.” You let out a heavy sigh and try again.
“I feel great, I’m one more year closer to my end goal: the grave.” A forced fake smile pushes itself onto your lips and you give Jimin a thumbs up. He rolls his eyes at you.
“Well at least you’re making progress.”
Jimin could always be positive and see the good side in everything. That’s why your relationship was so appalling at first. Few people understood how someone so positive could end up with, and fall in love with, someone as pessimistic and impassive as you. It’s not like you didn’t have emotions, you just didn’t express them as openly as others and your resting bitch face made it seem like you were cold and constantly judging people. But Jimin saw through that. You were actually an empathetic and passionate person who put all of her energy into a few select things, this included only a small group of people. You opened up to people easily, you thought of yourself as an open book because you honestly had nothing to hide, but people just needed to get past your exterior roughness and approach you to figure that out. If someone wanted to know something, all they had to do was ask.
Jimin was first drawn to the fact that you had many good acquaintances but so few real friends. He wondered if you were just a quiet person, but the more he observed you, the more he saw that you had a great personality and were quite friendly and funny when you wanted to be.
But none of this compared to the fact that you were absolutely stunning. He thought you were the most beautiful girl in the world from the moment he first saw you and his attraction only grew from there. Because he put so much energy into paying attention to you, you put that same amount of energy into him and opened your arms to let him into your inner circle. Give what you get, as you always say. Jimin’s attraction to you was obvious and he had no desire to hide it as he flirted with you every chance he got, but he was so sweet and caring that you couldn’t stop your heart from growing fond of him. You shocked everyone when you first told them that you and Jimin were dating, but that was fine by you. You had little regard for what others thought of you and your personal life and you didn’t expect them to understand the dynamics of your relationship. What you and Jimin had was mutual respect for each other, among other things, and you wouldn’t have it any other way. He never tried to change you and you loved that about him.
“Can you wait here? As you can see I’m not 100% ready to go yet.” You motioned to your half straightened hair and bare face and his eyes disappeared into the crescent moons you loved so much.
“I don’t know… I kinda like that look on you. Especially the pajamas.” He reached over to pinch your bare thigh just below the end of your pajama shorts and you smacked his hand away with a laugh.
“I promise I won’t take too long.”
Hurrying to the bathroom, you stopped in front of the mirror to continue what you were doing before he got here. You noticed how the grin still hadn’t left your lips yet and you paused. How did Jimin have the ability to brighten your mood with just his face? Just his presence could make you smile and you hardly recognized the person staring at you in the mirror. When did you become a giggly teenager who smiled like a fool because of a boy? You were a grown adult and you figured you should start acting like one. Composing yourself, you grabbed the flat iron again and resumed your work.
When you finally finished getting dressed and doing your makeup, you walked out into your living room to show your boyfriend, who was doing something on his phone. He looked up when he heard you walk in and immediately his eyes widened at the sight of you. You had on a short floral sundress with a simple pair of wedges. A pearl dotted each of your ears and silver charms dangled from the chain hugging your wrist. You went for a natural look with your makeup, since you weren’t going anywhere fancy you didn’t feel the need to do anything fancy. Even though you were going for a more casual look, Jimin thought you were breathtaking. His eyes raked up and down your figure, lingering on your curves and smooth legs before hopping up to inspect your face.
“You look gorgeous, jagi.” He gave you a genuine smile and you felt your heart flutter in the confines of your chest.
“Thanks.” You returned his smile and tried to fight the blush that crept up to the surface of your cheeks when you noticed him biting the corner of his lip. Walking over to where he was seated, you stood between his legs and took his hands.
“You know Hobi’s mad at you right?” You cocked your head to the side questioningly as Jimin craned his neck to look up at you. “He’s upset that you didn’t want to have a party because he really wanted to see you today. He also told me to tell you that he’s offended that you wanted to spend the day with me instead of him.”
“Gosh he’s such a child,” You huffed, shaking your head playfully. “He acts like I didn’t spend everyday of my life with him for four years straight. I think my boyfriend is a little bit more important than my bestie so tell him he can see me tomorrow. And it’s not like he couldn’t have stopped by, I wasn’t doing anything.” You laugh.
“I think he just wanted another excuse to party. Not to mention your other cute friend would have been there and you know how he feels about her.” Jimin wiggled his eyebrows and you stuck out your tongue in disgust.
“I still don’t know how I would feel about them hooking up. Also, I don’t think I ever want to have another birthday party after how bad it was last year.” You both cringed at the memory.
Last year’s party was more than a flop, it was a disaster. A fight broke out in the middle of the dance floor and several people vomited because they thought it was a good idea to take homemade Jell-O shots in a corner. Aside from that chaos, your family would not leave your side and they kept asking you questions about your life, obviously failing to realize why they were ignorant of that information in the first place. You barely had any time to dance with Jimin or talk to your friends because you were too busy doing everything at once and by the end of the night you were exhausted, leaving the party with disgustingly sticky shoes, sweated out hair, a hole in your dress, and an injured boyfriend who so bravely decided to help break up the fight.
“Yeah let’s not talk about last year ever again.” Jimin suggested and you agreed.
“What’s in the box?” You asked curiously, nodding your head in the direction of the gift propped up against his leg.
“I got you something.” Jimin tightened his fingers around yours before pulling them away to hand you the present.
“I told you not to get me anything.” You whined with a pout that made Jimin want to pinch your cheeks.
“Just open it.”
“Aish, Jimin why didn’t you listen? I said I didn’t want anything..” You complained even though you were very grateful for his thoughtfulness.
“Open it!” He forced the object into your hands gently and you took it with a sigh. He grinned to himself as you untied the ribbon and lifted the lid slowly, eyes lighting up at the sight of the contents.
You stared at the matching set of silver jewelry shining inside the box. There was a pair of crescent moon earrings sitting next to a matching bracelet and necklace. The bracelet had charms on it; aside from the crescent moon there were stars and a planet with rings. You looked up at Jimin to see him holding up his hand to read some words from it.
“You are my world, you are the stars in my sky, the light of my life.” He looked back down at his palm for comedic effect. “And unlike the phases of the moon, my love for you will never wane.” He gave you a cheesy smile and you couldn’t help but chuckle at him.
“Jimin these are beautiful,” You looked back at his gift and pulled them out of the box.
“Not as beautiful as you, but I guess they’ll have to do.” He shrugged. “Do you like them?”
“I love them.”
“And did you like my poem? I wrote it myself.” He seemed proud so you praised him until he confessed that he found it somewhere on the internet, to which you laughed. You hated his cheesiness so much that it was charming. He knew how you felt about corny lines so he used them often just to get a kick out of you.
Jimin helped put on your new accessories instead of the jewelry you had on before and smiled at you.
“The crescent moons remind me of your eyes.” You tell him in a loving tone when you observe how his eyes disappeared behind the tops of his cheeks and eyelids.
“I know, that’s why I got them.”
“How thoughtful.” There was sarcasm in your voice but you were being completely genuine.
“Are you ready to go?” Jimin stood up and took your hand in his. You nodded and followed him out of the door.
You told Jimin previously that you didn’t want to go to a fancy restaurant or anything like that so he settled on taking you to a movie and then to an ice cream restaurant. You ate dinner there and had your favorite ice cream. You expressed to Jimin how happy you were that he decided to take you there because it used to be your favorite place to go as a child. He reminded you of all the times you told him that same thing whenever you passed it and you admitted that you didn’t think he was ever listening. A warm and fuzzy feeling surrounded you when you realized that Jimin listened and cared about you more than you thought.
Once you arrived at your home, you thanked Jimin for your night.
“Oh it’s not over yet.” He smirked at you before grabbing a gift bag from the back seat of his car.
“Another gift?” You were surprised but also curious to see what it was.
“Mhm, and I hope you’ll like this one more than the first.” There was a glint of something in his eyes but you couldn’t decipher what it was. He walked ahead of you to your doorstep and allowed you to unlock the door.
Instead of heading to your living room like you expected, Jimin walked straight toward your bedroom without saying a word. Locking the door behind yourself, you quickly followed to see what he was up to. When you walked into the room, you found that he was already sitting on the bed waiting patiently for you. He wordlessly handed you the bag and you took it, a thin layer of sweat slicking your palms as you became eager to find out what your gift was.
“Lingerie?” You cocked an eyebrow up at him and he licked his lips in response.
“Try it on.” He encouraged and you didn’t hesitate. You pulled the garments out of the bag, eyeing the scant fabric and trying to figure out how much of your body it would, or should you say wouldn’t, cover. Slipping your panties down from under your dress, you turn your back to your boyfriend and bend over to pick them up from the ground, giving him a glimpse of your ass and heat. You grab the lingerie and slide it slowly up your legs to tease him before pulling your dress over your head and unclasping your bra. You know Jimin can’t see you and is probably holding his breath in anticipation of you turning around, but you give him no such pleasure. You calmly put on the bra and leave the straps loose intentionally as you finally whirl around to reveal yourself to him. He gasps at your beauty.
“Do you like it?” You ask innocently as you watch the flesh of his plump bottom lip get assaulted by his teeth.
“You’re so hot, (Y/n).” His eyes follow as the strap on your shoulder glides down the skin slowly and he swallows loudly.
“I’m starting to think this present is more for you than it is for me.” You giggle and the corners of his lips rise slightly at your remark. You stride up to where he’s sitting and you place yourself across his lap, legs dangling to one side. Your hands crawl up his chest and shoulders to lock behind his neck as you look him in the eyes.
“Those look so much better on you than they did on the mannequin.” He states, clearly in awe of your appearance.
He leans in and connects his lips with yours, his fingertips whispering along your exposed side leaving a ticklish trail in their wake. The seal of your lips are parted by his tongue and you easily comply, letting his wet muscle wrestle yours. It feels like someone has just turned on the heater in your bedroom because suddenly you feel a wave of warmth go through you, contrasting the goosebumps that erupt from your skin everywhere Jimin’s hands touch. Soon you’re moaning into his mouth quietly, but he pulls away.
“You know, there’s something else in the bag.” He reaches beside him to retrieve the discarded bag you placed on the sheets and hands it back to you. You briefly look up at him again before reaching into the bag. A silky material grazes your fingers and you pull it out to inspect the fabric. Long black ribbons appear from the bag and you wonder how you missed them before.
“Are these..?”
“They’re exactly what you think they are.” Jimin nods and you feel another wave of heat course through your veins as you think about what you could do with them.
“This is kinda kinky,” You comment with a smirk, but Jimin can tell you love it too. If you didn’t you would have expressed your distaste by now. “I like it.”
“I know you do. I just thought we should try something different tonight.” He places a peck on your now swollen lips before allowing you to stand up. There are four ribbons in the bag and you assume that they could be used for various things in this situation.
“Are these for me or you?” You look up to lock eyes with Jimin and you see his relaxed form resting back on his arms as he drinks up your appearance.
“It’s your birthday so you get to decide.” A comforting smile crosses his lips and calms your heart. You hadn’t even noticed it was beating that fast until then. The laziness in his demeanor puts you at ease and you can tell that he’s drunk off of you. You’ve been told that your kisses can do that to him, but little did he know you felt the same way. Thinking about what you wanted to do tonight, you looked at his body in his tight clothing, debating with yourself if you wanted to have fun wrecking him or if you wanted him to control you. No matter what you choose it would be a win-win for both of you.
“Umm,” You bit your lip and thought hard. Ultimately, you decided that you could have your fun with him another time. It was your birthday so you were allowed to be a little selfish and want things for yourself. “Use them on me.”
He smirked a wicked and lazy smirk as he pushed himself off of the bed to stand in front of you.
“Are you sure?” His eyes bore into your own and you saw the arousal swimming in them. The intensity alone made you feel wet and you were only partially sorry that you were ruining the nice panties he had just bought you.
“Yes.” Your voice came out as a breath and you were amazed by how the change in his body language could make you become so submissive so easily.
“Whatever you want, princess.” Once the name dripped off of his lips, you felt your core throb. He has never called you that before but you found it to be more arousing than you expected. Jimin could tell that you liked it and mentally noted that that would be your pet name for the night. “Get on the bed.” He’s voice was still gentle and sweet but you followed his instructions anyway.
You laid on your back as you watched Jimin circle the bed, staring at your body like a hungry vulture. The mattress dipped when he climbed onto it, the ribbons held tightly in his soft hands as he made his way up your body. He reached behind you to unhook your bra and slide the straps down your arms, feather light touches of his fingers against your bare skin causing goosebumps to appear.
“Arms up.” You obliged instantly by putting your hands above your head, resting your arms on the pillows so that you were comfortable enough to stay like that. Your usually sweet and squishy boyfriend hovered over you but you could hardly recognize him. His features seemed chiseled and hard as he leaned over you to tie a ribbon around both of your wrists and you couldn’t tell if it was just the angle or not. It was rare for you to see this dominant side of Jimin. In bed you have only experienced it twice, once when you asked him specifically to dominate you and another time when he was upset about something and you let him take his frustrations out on you. He wasn’t a rough lover and you knew he wouldn’t be unless you asked him to, but the look he had on his face was intimidating to say the least. You were nervous in the best way possible and you didn’t know what to expect.
After tying another ribbon in the middle of the makeshift handcuffs on your wrists, Jimin fastened it to the bedpost. You tested the give of the ribbon and his knots and were surprised to see that his knots were really strong. Looking up at him, you silently asked him what he was going to do next. He pulled off his shirt and pants quickly before coming back down to you, lips just inches from yours as he observed your face. Moving a strand of hair from your face, he spoke in a low voice.
“Okay princess, I’m going to set some rules.” His fingertips traced your jawline and it made you want to squirm from ticklishness. You nodded, unsure if that was what he was looking for, and he continued. “Today’s about you, so I’m going to focus on making you feel good. That means you have to tell me when you like something. Don’t try to hide your moans either, I want to know how good you feel.”
Even though he wasn’t saying or doing anything too dirty, the thought of what was to come was enough for you to soak the lace between your legs. You nodded again.
“But that also means you have to tell me if you don’t like something.” His eyes softened slightly and told you that he was serious. “Tell me if anything hurts or if you don’t like something I do and I’ll stop immediately and fix it.”
“Okay.” You breathe after swallowing to remedy the dryness in your throat. You doubted very seriously that Jimin would do anything you didn’t like.
Your confirmation prompted him to slide a firm hand up your torso, starting from your hip and ending at one of your breasts. He took the soft flesh into his hand and kneaded it lightly while he leaned in to capture your lips. Your skin felt hot in his hand already and he hadn’t even done anything to you yet. Quiet kisses moved down your jawline and neck, stopping to whisper purple flowers onto your collarbone and the tops of your breasts. You gasped when you felt a sudden wetness against your nipple, followed by the warmth of your boyfriend’s mouth. A moan of surprise escaped you when his teeth sunk into the bud lightly, his tongue licking at it again to soothe the dull pain. The same treatment was given to the other nipple and you began to arch into his touch.
Jimin smirked at your increasing neediness, continuing his slow path down your body while leaving marks every few centimeters. When he reached your hips and spread your legs, you thought he was finally going to take care of the throbbing between your thighs, but he completely skipped over your core to lick along your legs. He kissed your inner thighs and bit the sensitive skin closest to your panties. You whimpered in response and he could hear how heavy you were breathing in the quiet room. Jimin took his time kissing down your leg all the way to your ankle, only to repeat his trail on your other leg. Whines left your mouth when he stopped to suck a dark hickey next to your panty line, so close to where you wanted him yet so far.
“Jimin,” Your voice came out weak again, but that was only because Jimin decided to lick at your core through the thin lace of your panties, his nose nudging your clit pleasantly. “Please don’t tease me, it’s my birthday.” You batted your eyelashes at him and tried to coax him with your cuteness.
“I thought you said you didn’t care about your birthday?” His hot breath could be felt over the fabric and it made you buck your hips up toward him.
“I thought you said you were going to please me tonight?” Your smart remark earns you a bite on the hip and your breath hitches.
“I am.” He replies simply, playfulness dancing in his pupils.
“You said to tell you if I don’t like something and I don’t like your teasing. Do something please.” You figured that begging would be the most effective way to get what you wanted so you dropped your pride for him.
“We have all night princess, there’s no rush.” Despite his words, Jimin complied to your plea and slid down your underwear to throw them somewhere in the room for you to find later. “Obviously you did like the teasing, you soaked straight through your brand new panties.”
He ran a finger up your slit, your juices slicking his finger as he moved it up and down, his eyes locking with yours briefly before he slid the digit into you. You moan loudly when your body gets some sort of relief, but you crave more. Jimin curls his finger before moving it in and out at a moderate pace, soon adding in a second next to it.
“Look at how wet you are.” He cooed, leaning up to speak into your ear. “Did you see how easy my fingers went in? Maybe I should tease you more often.” He chuckles and you bite your lip. Jimin adjusts so he can kiss you properly, pumping his fingers faster in time with the movement of his plump lips against yours.
Your hips lift off of the bed slightly to meet his hand and he smirks against your lips at your eagerness for more contact. Breaking away from you, he moves back down to lick at your core, spreading the liquid seeping out alongside his fingers up to your clit. A simple flick of the tip of his tongue has you throwing your head back and spreading your legs wider. Instinct and habit tells you to intertwine your fingers in his hair, but a creak of the headboard and pressure on your wrists reminds you of your current situation. You settle for balling your hands into fists.
Jimin sucks at your bud with fervor and you can’t help but arch into him at the feeling. He slips in another finger and curses tumble from your lips alongside his name.
“Do you like this, princess?” He lifts his mouth from you only enough to mumble the words before dipping back down to continue his work. You had almost forgotten about his rules.
“Fuck, Jimin that feels so good, keep going.” You manage to pant out and you can feel his face scrunching at your praise. His tongue flicks faster at your clit and you let out a long groan, your hips bucking wildly against his face. Jimin uses his free hand to hold down your hips but he allows enough mobility for you to rock into him.
The pace of his fingers and tongue increases exponentially when he brushes a spot inside of you that makes you gasp. You stare down at him to watch his ministrations and the sight propels you into higher pleasure. His name falls from your lips like a prayer and your eyes squeeze shut as you near the edge.
“Baby, I’m gonna cum.” You warn Jimin of your oncoming orgasm but the tightness of your walls around him has already given you away. He hums and the vibrations send you over the edge. Your legs clamp around his head as waves of pleasure crash through you, causing your body to jerk and thrust on its own. Moans and whimpers that almost sound like Jimin’s name clumsily tumble out of your mouth with your staggered breaths. Jimin looks up from between your legs and observes the pleasure and delight on your features, eyebrows knitted tightly together, mouth open in an “o” shape, hands pulling helplessly on their restraints, breasts rising and falling with every ridged breath you take. He can feel himself twitching in his boxers at the sight of you and he palms himself with his free hand to ease the tension.
He keeps pumping his fingers and kissing along your lower body until your hips stop completely and you jerk from sensitivity. When he removes his fingers with a lewd wet noise, you open your eyes to look at his now shiny face. Looking you dead in the eye, Jimin brings his cum covered fingers up to his mouth and sucks on each one, humming around the digits as if you were the most delicious thing he’s ever tasted. When he’s done cleaning them, he runs his hands back up your body only to place them beside your head to support his weight as he leans down to kiss you sweetly.
“Mmmm, you taste so good princess.” He utters against your lips before pushing his tongue into your mouth to allow you to taste yourself.
He grinds his hips into you and you can feel his erection pressing against your leg. It’s so hard that it must be painful for him and you want nothing more than to touch it. But you can’t. Your make out session lasts until Jimin has to pull away for air and you gaze up at his beautiful features. He rests his forehead against yours for a moment before pushing himself away to kneel in front of your body.
“You make me so hard (Y/n), you have no idea.” Jimin says as he pulls his boxers down his thick thighs. His cock springs up against his toned stomach and you can’t tear your eyes away from it. A bead of precum sits at the tip of it, threatening to drip down, and a long throbbing vein runs up the underside of it. His balls look tight and you wish your hands were free so you could relieve some of the tension.
“I wish I could touch you.” You say quietly, eyes flicking up to his.
“Yeah, but I’d much rather fuck you instead.” He moves closer after kicking his boxers off the side of the bed and you spread your legs in anticipation for his body. Reaching down to grip your legs, he brings each of them over each one of his shoulders respectively and plants a kiss just below your knee. “Are you ready?” He asks as he wraps one hand around your thigh and uses the other to line himself up with your entrance.
You nod and move your hips toward him in reply. Jimin skims his tip up and down your slit to lubricate himself. He then slides himself through your folds without entering you. The head of his cock rubs against your clit and you squirm beneath him with every movement he makes. You clamp down on your bottom lip to contain the moans in your throat as you watch Jimin tease you, hoping silently that he would take mercy on you and cave into his desires.
“Please Jimin,” You whisper when his eyes meet yours, already feeling out of breath. He can clearly see the desperation in your eyes and he decides to take pity on you. As he slides into you, he bites down on the skin of your thigh as a way to control himself from pounding into you immediately. It doesn’t hurt when his teeth sink into your skin, but you know there will be a mark in the morning. You stretch around him as he pushes himself deeper into you inch by inch, allowing you to feel all of him as he goes. Jimin makes a conscious effort to make sure he doesn’t hurt you, so he peers at your face the entire time to watch your reactions.
The pleasurable sting of his thickness inside you causes your face to contort, but your moans let Jimin know that you are enjoying this. He leans forward over your body and it makes his entry smoother. When he bottoms out, he groans and waits for you to give him the ‘ok’ to move. His thumb caresses your side as he places kisses on your legs. You relax as much as possible under him and tell him quietly that he can move. Jimin pulls out of you slowly until just his head sits inside of you and pushes back in delicately. This time his entry is pain-free and your wetness allows him to slip in faster. The next thrust is rougher and he quickly picks up speed.
“Ahh~ you’re so fucking wet princess. Do you like the sound of me fucking your tight little pussy?” Jimin grunts, leaning back to exaggerate his motions so you can hear the wet noises better.
“Yes, it’s so hot.” You can’t tell if you’re pulling on your restraints anymore because your hands have fallen asleep. Your body feels like it’s on fire and moans of Jimin’s name are falling from your lips faster than you can catch them. But he doesn’t want you to stop them. Each noise that is released from your throat pushes him to go harder, and in turn, causes you to be louder.
He leans over you and places his hands on either side of your head, staring directly at your face as he fucks the soul out of you. You’re thankful that you are flexible because right now Jimin has you folded in two. The change in position let’s him thrust deeper and it steals your breath away. He’s in so deep that it feels like your organs are being pushed around, and you love it. You try to crane your neck up to kiss him.
“Jimin, your cock feels so good, I love how you fill me up!” Knowing that your dirty talk fuels him, you let your vulgarities fly freely. When you crane your neck again, he takes the hint and bends down to connect your lips. This forces his weight onto you and you whimper at the new angle he’s hitting. The sheets beneath you are probably soaking wet because of how much you’re sweating from the exercise and both of your body heat, but you couldn’t care less. All you could focus on was how good he felt.
Suddenly, Jimin pulls away and pulls out of you, taking your legs from his shoulders and grabbing ahold of your hips tightly. Before you can ask any questions, he flips you over with a swift motion and you land on your stomach with your face in the pillows. He smacks your right butt cheek and you gasp, feeling your arousal drip out of you.
“Ass up, princess.”
It’s hard for you to get on your knees in this position with your hands still tied above your head, but Jimin helps you by lifting you by your waist so you can get your legs under you. Bending your elbows, you inch your way up the bed slightly so there is more slack on the now twisted ties. You dare to peek behind you and are met with another hard smack on the ass.
“You have such a nice, round butt. I could play with it all day.” Jimin’s hands knead the flesh and reduce the dull stinging from the hits they just took. He spreads your lower lips and ass cheeks and you could hear him hissing behind you. “Princess, you look so sexy like this.”
Your cheeks turn hot at his words and you feel foolish for blushing. You’ve exposed yourself to him many times before so you shouldn’t feel shy. No longer able to contain himself, he unexpectedly thrusts into you and you cry out at the feeling. He looks at you with concern when the sound escapes you, but continues to push in and out. When he notices that it was just out of surprise, he increases the power of his thrusts dramatically and it propels you forward. He grabs your hips to keep you in place. You are helpless against his stimulation and all you can do is moan into the pillow. Your throat starts to feel raw from your constant sounds of pleasure, but it doesn’t stop you from practically screaming out his name as he pounds into you from behind.
Jimin’s fingers dig into your waist, creating small crescents in your skin. His jaw is clenched tightly as he watches himself glide in and out of your warm cavern. The moans and groans that erupt from him are husky at first, but get higher the closer he get to his peak. He’s moving at a quick and even pace and his balls slap against your clit with every powerful thrust. You begin to tighten around him.
“Mm I like it, Jimin. Please don’t stop.” You pant, rambling aimlessly as your body tenses with the pressure of your oncoming orgasm. You hold your own hand and squeeze as the pressure builds.
“You like how I fuck you? How I stretch your tiny hole out with my hard cock?” You can hear how strained his voice is coming out and know that he’s holding back.
“I fucking love it!” At this point you’re almost yelling at the top of your lungs. Your legs tremble beneath you and you fight with your body to stay upright.
“Are you going to cum, princess? Let it go for me.” Jimin increases his pace and the force of his hips hitting your ass causes you to jerk forward again. He grabs your hips and pulls you back so he can slam into you and you both let out a string of moans. You won’t move back any further because of the ties around your wrists, but Jimin seems to be unaware of that fact as he keeps moving you back and forth. You have to straighten your arms to relieve the pulling on your wrists, but you can’t feel any of that. The only thing that is processing in your brain is the pulsing of your core and Jimin’s name.
He brings a hand around your underside and presses his fingers to your clit. Electricity courses through your veins as you clench and release over his length. He groans at the feeling and rubs you faster, desperately wanting you to reach your high before him.
“Ah~ Jimin!!” A high pitched cry tears from your throat but is muffled by your pillow when you bury your head in it.
“I wanna hear you. Let me hear you princess.” Jimin pleads and you can tell he’s close. A final slap on the ass throws you over the edge and you lift your head just in time for Jimin to hear you scream his name. He’s sure the neighbors can hear you in the next house over and he finds it extremely hot. Your walls tighten intensely as your back arches and your toes curl, vibrating waves flowing throughout your body making you quake and shiver. You can’t hear anything and you aren’t sure if you’ve gone blind or if you were just squeezing your eyes shut, and if it wasn’t for the strong arms holding you up, you would have collapsed onto the bed completely by now. Your boyfriend’s name is all that you can comprehend and it rolls off your tongue continuously with your breathless moans and whimpers.
You can hear his curses behind you as his thrusts get sloppier. The white noise ringing in your ears goes away as you begin to calm down and suddenly you can hear everything. It sounds like you’re dripping puddles as he drives into you and you can feel the liquid streaming down the backs of your thighs. Jimin’s voice is louder now as he shamelessly lets out high-pitched moans of your name beside his ragged breaths. The headboard is creaking because of how fierce his movements are and it reminds you of the black ribbons still tied to your wrists. You can feel Jimin twitching inside of you and you tighten around him to help bring him to his peak.
“Fuck, Jimin your dick is so perfect, you made me cum so hard. Please cum in me, I want to feel it.” You knew he loved your dirty talk because of the way his hips stuttered and picked up even faster than before. His tip began to swell and you both moan. You were sensitive because of your recent orgasm but you held out for him. Soon Jimin was gripping your hips with bruising force and calling your name as he came undone behind you. He shallowly pumps himself into you and you could feel his member throbbing as he shot his seed onto your walls. His eyes were closed and his jaw was hanging slack, hair stuck to his forehead caked on by sweat. If you had been able to see him fully you were sure it would have been the hottest he’s ever looked, but you could only see him out of the corner of your eye because of your position.
Jimin lets go of your hips and pulls out slowly, causing your body to drop to the bed. When he hears you pulling on them, he crawls up beside you and unties the knots of ribbons still attached to your wrists. Once you’re able to relax your arms again, you drop them to your sides and shake out your hands, trying to get rid of the tingling sensation pricking them.
“It didn’t hurt did it?” You understand what he means immediately and you shake your head.
“It was fine,” You spoke softly because your throat was a little sore from screaming. Rolling over onto dry sheets, you spot a dark patch where your legs had been. “Damn was I that wet?”
Jimin chuckles at you and you turn to look at him. “You squirted on me.” He chirps, amusement ringing in the chimes of his voice. He carefully rolls over to you and wraps his arms around your sweaty body. Your face was a brilliant stop sign red and there was no way for you to hide it. “It was fucking hot. I’ll have to make you do that again next time.”
You smirk in his direction and turn your head to kiss him. It’s a slow and lazy kiss that makes your heart flutter and you find yourself grinning.
“Happy birthday, jagiya. I hope you liked your presents.” He mumbles against your lips and you smile before pulling away.
“Thanks baby. Next time I want to use them on you.” Jimin bites his lip and agrees before scooping you up and carrying you to the bathroom to run a bath. “I’m starting to like birthdays.”
— A/N: I’m currently in the midst of writing another scenario and I’ll try to finish that one soon (fingers crossed). Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed!!
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@fuckinwalflower thankyou for tagging! <3
Rules: Answer the 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers/people you would like to get to know better! Name: Lisette Nickname: Liz, Lizzy, Zippy (last one is only by my bestie tho) Zodiac: Scorpio Height: 155cm Orientation: straight, pretty sure (also probably demisexual). (Side note: I know there are all these issues about straight girls being in mlm fandoms and I have been thinking about this a LOT so I’m just gonna take this opportunity to say that I try to be self-reflective of how I behave in the fandom and how I think about things and not be problematic... but if you ever think I’m being problematic hop on anon and tell me.)
Nationality: Australian Favourite fruit: cherries? Bananas? idk Favourite season: Autumn Favourite book: Carry On. But since that doesn’t help you get to know me at all, some of my other favourite authors are Marissa Meyer, Becky Albertalli,  and Stephanie Perkins. And my second favourite Rainbow book is Attachments. Favourite flower: idk Favourite scent: baking (no specific foods. just. baking.) Favourite Colour: some kind of dark blue/green Favourite animal: doggo. But also quokka (whoa Tumblr doesn’t accept quokka as a correctly spelt word? Rude.) Coffee, tea or hot cocoa: hot cocoa which I would generally refer to as hot chocolate :/ Average hours of sleep: 9 Cat or dog person: dogs are life (but cats are cute too. Side note: I met a girl yesterday at the beach who was carrying her cat around with her.) Favourite fictional character: It’s probably Baz because he is so complex and snarky and melodramatic and angsty and I’ve never encountered a character with a backstory quite like his. I would probably never be friends with him IRL and nor do I feel like I relate to him on absolutely any level whatsoever (or really any other character from Carry On? Like not even Penny? So it’s a little strange that I find them all so fascinating) but I love him. Number of blankets you usually sleep with: Depends on the weather, still 3 at the moment but it’ll go down soon as it’s now Spring here. Dream trip: Europe, especially France. Blog created: This one in May 2016. Joined Tumblr in April 2015. Followers: ~1400 on this blog I think Extra questions: Are you a socks or a barefoot kind of person? I’m a depends on the weather kind of person :/ Good old traditional notebook or Pc? PC Best song you ever heard? That is a very difficult question. Wonderland by Taylor Swift maybe Mornings or Evenings? I have no preference Favourite quote from all time? I really don’t know so I’ll just pick one from Carry On that I love - when Simon is explaining what snow devils are and he says they are ‘half-sentient, like gnomes and internet trolls’ Do you believe in ghosts? I do not. However, ghosts would be cool Scarf or gloves? Scarf (gloves are annoying) Favourite name? um... idk Celebrity you would love to meet? Taylor Swift. Would also love to meet Rainbow because I lowkey think she is a genius, or Becky Albertalli because she is literally my entire life goals (is she a celebrity tho? Probs not but she has a verified sticker thingy on Twitter so.)
Reading or listening? Reading (I’m not sure if this refers to like audio vs reading the same text or like music vs books but I’m going wiht the first interpretation)
I am too lazy to tag and also should probably log off Tumblr now :/ But if you’re looking at my blog and reading this then consider yourself tagged
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livingbreathingnerd · 7 years
#1 through #150
No rest for the weary, huh? Alright, here we go…
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
I honestly don’t remember. Probably somebody from church or something.
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
My future girlfriend/wife
4. Are you easy to get along with?
Generally, yes. Don’t piss me off though.
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
I should hope so! Good thing I don’t drink :P
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
Aside from certain physical attributes, kindness, positivity, and faithfulness are very attractive. High intelligence is a must and musical and/or artistic ability is a plus. :) Oh, and good work ethic. Definitely.
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
It depends… we’ll see.
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
My INTJ bestie is the first one who comes to mind.
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
Not with people I’m very close to (like INTJ). If I don’t know someone that well, I’ll tend to shy away from the topic. Depends on the person, really.
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
INTJ bestie
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
I like way too many songs to narrow it down. Lately, these songs have been in my head:A) Rainbow Connection (learning to play that on guitar)B) Surfer Girl (ditto)C) Cheerleader (Pentatonix version)D) Aozora no Rhapsody (Theme of Kobayashi-San Chi no Maid Dragon)E) Various songs from the Hamilton soundtrack
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
If we’re friends, family, or I have a crush on you, I love it.
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
Idk, I’m skeptical
15. What good thing happened this summer?
It’s still too early to say! My day trip to Brown County State Park was fun.
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
The last one I kissed romantically? No.
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
Sentient life? It’s possible, but I’ll believe it when I see it.
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
19. Do you like bubble baths?
I don’t really take baths.
20. Do you like your neighbors?
Most of them are fine. The ones living on either side of us both have pools and they’re SO annoying. I can rant about them another time though.
21. What are you bad habits?
Staying up way too late when I know I have to get up early the next morning.
22. Where would you like to travel?
Yes! I just get to do it as often as I’d like.
23. Do you have trust issues?
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
Coming home and taking a nap after work.
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
My skin is kinda sensitive, so it tends to get red and itch, and I still break out with acne, so yeah.
26. What do you do when you wake up?
Hit the snooze button and sleep for nine more minutes. :P
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
Eh, maybe a tad darker, but not much. I just don’t like the redness.
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
My brother, INTJ, and a few other friends.
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
30. Do you ever want to get married?
Definitely. It’s kinda cheesy, but it’s kinda a life goal of mine.
31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail?
Yup. Wear one everyday at work.
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
No one. Threesomes are a no-no.
33. Spell your name with your chin.
How about no :P
34. Do you play sports? What sports?
Let’s see, throughout my school life, I have played softball, basketball, swimming, golf, tae kwon do, and Brazilian jiu jitsu (in college). I’ve been wanting play golf again lately, but I don’t have the time or money.
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
TV. Don’t take away my music.
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
37. What do you say during awkward silences?
Nothing. That’s why there’s an awkward silence in the first place :P I try to make some kind of small talk.
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
My dream girl is about my height. She is kind, loving, faithful, encouraging, intelligent, and sweet. She’s funny, and she has a beautiful singing voice and can play another instrument too. I’ve been attracted to different physical appearances, but brunettes and blue or green eyes are my weakness. She’s fit, but also has some curves.
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
I don’t really like to go shopping, but I tend to shop at Kohl’s for clothes and I like walking around comic book stores, book stores, candy shops, and toy shops. (Yes, I am very much a kid at heart)
40. What do you want to do after high school?
Well, I’ve been out of high school for five years now…
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
Generally, yes. Depends on who the person is and what exactly they did. Abusive/violent people typically don’t deserve a second chance in my opinion.
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
It either means I’m focused on whatever I’m doing, don’t feel like talking at the moment, or I’m not comfortable around you yet to be talking to you a whole bunch. Rarely, it can also mean that you fucked up and I’m pissed.
43. Do you smile at strangers?
Sometimes. I try to at work.
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
Outer Space. The bottom of the ocean seems like hell with some of the creatures living there.
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
The knowledge that I need to get up or I’ll be late for work.
46. What are you paranoid about?
Do you want a list or what?
47. Have you ever been high?
48. Have you ever been drunk?
Nope again
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
If I did, do you really think I’d tell you?
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
Gray, I think?
51. Ever wished you were someone else?
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
My height. I hate being confused for a kid.
53. Favourite makeup brand?
*Most Interesting Man in the World voice* I don’t always wear makeup, but when I do, I prefer Revlon. Stay beautiful, my friends.
54. Favourite store?
Barnes & Noble, I guess
55. Favourite blog?
Don’t really have one.
56. Favourite colour?
I like greens and blues
57. Favourite food?
I like sandwiches a lot. And pizza. And Italian food.
58. Last thing you ate?
A brownie
59. First thing you ate this morning?
I didn’t ._. My lunch was the first thing I ate today.
60. Ever won a competition? For what?
I won my school spelling bee in sixth grade :)
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
Nope. I’m a good girl 😇
62. Been arrested? For what?
63. Ever been in love?
Yes? I’m not sure anymore.
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
I was nervous, I was seventeen, it was kinda awkward, and my girlfriend broke up with me the next day. Wonderful.
65. Are you hungry right now?
Yeah. I’ll probably have dinner soon.
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
Tumblr friends are real friends, what are you talking about? :P I do talk to my Tumblr friends more often than I get with my real-life friends anymore.
67. Facebook or Twitter?
68. Twitter or Tumblr?
69. Are you watching tv right now?
70. Names of your bestfriends?
Kyle (INTJ)
71. Craving something? What?
A nap
72. What colour are your towels?
Either light brown or blue
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
Usually one or two
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
Only if I’m really upset anymore.
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
Too many
75. Favourite animal?
I love so many… but I like tigers :)
76. What colour is your underwear?
Uh… *checks* dark gray
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
Rainbow sherbet (so gay)
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?
White with purple and navy blue stripes
80. What colour pants?
Blue jeans
81. Favourite tv show?
Avatar: The Last Airbender
82. Favourite movie?
Umm… I really like Disney movies and action/adventure movies
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
Mean Girls (haven’t seen the other)
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
Mean Girls (haven’t seen the other)
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?
The one that doesn’t even go here.
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
87. First person you talked to today?
One of my coworkers
88. Last person you talked to today?
My mom
89. Name a person you hate?
This bitch who bullied me for a couple of years in high school.
90. Name a person you love?
My mom
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
92. In a fight with someone?
93. How many sweatpants do you have?
Eh, like one or two pairs
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
Uhhhh at least six
95. Last movie you watched?
Going in Style (it’s hilarious)
96. Favourite actress?
Don’t have one
97. Favourite actor?
Don’t have one
98. Do you tan a lot?
99. Have any pets?
Sadly, no :(
100. How are you feeling?
Tired and hungry
101. Do you type fast?
Kinda, yeah
102. Do you regret anything from your past?
103. Can you spell well?
I won my school spelling bee for a reason :P
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?
Yes, I love bonfires 🔥
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
Yes… and I hate myself for it
107. Have you ever been on a horse?
Yes, well, a pony when I was little
108. What should you be doing?
109. Is something irritating you right now?
Not at the moment.
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
111. Do you have trust issues?
You already asked this :P
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
My parents, I believe
113. What was your childhood nickname?
Didn’t really have one as a child
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
115. Do you play the Wii?
Not so much anymore
116. Are you listening to music right now?
No, just enjoying the silence
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?
118. Do you like Chinese food?
Yeah. I like Kung pao and teriyaki chicken
119. Favourite book?
The House of the Scorpion by Nancy Farmer
120. Are you afraid of the dark?
121. Are you mean?
122. Is cheating ever okay?
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?
If I try, yes. I usually don’t.
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
It isn’t love, it’s infatuation
125. Do you believe in true love?
126. Are you currently bored?
127. What makes you happy?
Sunshine, for one.
128. Would you change your name?
Nah, I’m ok with this name.
129. What your zodiac sign?
130. Do you like subway?
The sub shop? Yeah, but it’s not my favorite sub shop.
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
He kinda doesn’t like me, but he knows that I’m a lesbian and is super supportive. He’s great ❤️
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
133. Favourite lyrics right now?
“Who said that every wish would be heard and answered when wished on the morning star? Somebody thought of that and someone believed it. Look what it’s done so far. What’s so amazing that keeps us stargazing and what do we think we might see? Someday we’ll find it, a rainbow connection, the lovers, the dreamers, and me.
134. Can you count to one million?
Yeah, but who has the time?
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
Can’t think of it right now. I wanna take a nap (not a lie).
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
137. How tall are you?
138. Curly or Straight hair?
139. Brunette or Blonde?
Blonde (I’m assuming they’re asking whether I am this or that)
140. Summer or Winter?
141. Night or Day?
142. Favourite month?
143. Are you a vegetarian?
Nope. I like bacon way too much
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
Milk chocolate
145. Tea or Coffee?
146. Was today a good day?
Today was a busy day. So, in some ways that was good. I wasn’t bored.
147. Mars or Snickers?
148. What’s your favourite quote?
“It’s better to be thought an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt”
149. Do you believe in ghosts?
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?
It’s blank… (Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee)
Thanks Anon. Or Annie, if that’s you :)
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authorracheljoy · 7 years
100 Followers!! WTF!!
Hey, so I finally managed to hit 100 followers here on Tumblr! Just HOW did that happen O.O Seriously WHAT?! Anyway, to celebrate this first milestone, I thought it’d be cool and justified to do 100 facts about myself ;) Sorry if some of ‘em suck! Thanks for everything, guys <3
1.) Name Rachel  
2.) Where are you from? Chandler, Arizona ^^
3.) How old are you? 21!
4.) Do you have any siblings? Yes! I have an older brother, Matt, and an older sister, Sarah :)
5.) Pets? I currently just have a 7yo boxer-lab mix named Honey ^^
6.) Describe yourself Urghh not good at that at ALL! XD Nope, not gonna do this! ;-; I don’t feel like bringing myself down any more than others have…
7.) What do you do for fun? Write, read, watch/obsess over Gravity Falls, & listen to music!
8.) Do you have a job? What do you do? I do NOT have a job ;-; Unfortunately…
9.) Have you had other jobs? Nah
10.) What’s your favorite memory? Can’t think of a specific thing! D:
11.) What is one thing you regret? Ruining friendships by being too clingy ;-; Definitely…
12.) What is one thing you wish you would’ve done, but didn’t? Repaired broken friendships… It’s not like I truly regret that, but… yeah :/
13.) One thing about yourself you wish you could change My shyness/awkwardness aaand my acne-prone face! :P
14.) What do you love about yourself? Mmmm my willingness to adapt and try to help others~
15.) Who inspires you? No one in particular, sorry :/
16.) Do you collect anything? Snowglobes!
17.) Do you have any fears? Plenty! Fear of heights, drowning, spiders and living alone for the rest of my life – to name a few :3
18.) Is there anything that annoys you about your job? Don’t have a job -_-
19.) Can you tell us a secret about yourself? Ohgosh… Uhm… What do you guys not know? Oh! My first dealing with ships began with Avatar: The Last Airbender (first I was Kataang then I was Zutara… now I don’t know what I am XD)  not really a secret!
20.) How about another secret? :) WHY?! Frick…hold up… Ehh I’m pretty much an open book, guys ;-; I’m not THAT interesting either…
21.) Favorite band? Hrmm it’s a 3-way-tie between OneRepublic, Imagine Dragons & Panic! At the Disco <3
22.) What music are you currently listening to? Gravity Falls OST ;3
23.) Do you have a favorite song? Ughh it literally changes every day! XD
24.) Do you have a favorite movie? Hmmm I don’t watch too many movies :3
25.) What’s your favorite color? BLUE, first and foremost, but I also love red, purple, and black~
26.) What’s your favorite place you’ve ever been to? Mmm I really REALLY liked New York… But Boston’s pretty sweet too ;)
27.) Ever broken a promise? I try not to, but I’m sure I have…at some point…
28.) Do you have a favorite book? Mmmmm! Maybe XD Like music, that changes at LEAST monthly! XP
29.) What’s your favorite school subject? English! Followed by Science! ;3
30.) Least favorite school subject? Math! Oh, and P.E. (if that counts XD)
31.) What’s your favorite food? Honestly, anything Italian! ;) Oh yeah, and potatoes! ^^
32.) How about least favorite food? Hmmm….
33.) What’s your favorite Holiday? Halloween, but Christmas is a CLOSE second! ^^
34.) What makes you mad? People that purposefully ignore me… but maybe that makes me more insecure and not necessarily mad… huh… I’ll get back to you on that one!
35.) What makes you happy? Chatting with friends and listening to music ^^ <3
36.) Do you have a favorite scent? Mmm apple cinnamon comes pretty close ;D
38.) Do you have a favorite TV show? Not right now!
39.) Can you share an extremely embarrassing moment? You mean every moment of my life – specifically my childhood? Can’t choose!
40.) When is a time you were extremely irritated? VERY recently ;-;
41.) Is there anybody you hate? I honestly don’t hate anybody. If you hate me, I don’t think I’ll be able to reciprocate. I might not talk to you for an honest amount of time, but I would never hate you ;-; It’s always temporary…
42.) What do you look for in a person? Ehh I’m not too picky (other than status in a relationship) but humor plays a big role ;)
43.) How’s the weather? HOT!
44.) Are you currently in school? Yup! Online college ;)
45.) What is your goal in life? Honestly… I want someone who accepts me in all of my awkwardness/shyness and loves me even when I’m lazy or moody :3 I also want to be a successful writer, and that dream’s very slowly becoming a reality ;)
46.) Is there something you should be doing, but keep putting off? Creating a book trailer for a friend of mine :D
47.) Ever been to a concert? Yeahh but it was mainly when I was younger ;-; Nowadays, I wouldn’t be able to afford it…
48.) What was the last movie you saw in theater? Wonder Woman! ^^
49.) What was the last book you read? Lexicon by Max Barry! :3
50.) What is your favorite season? Autumn~
51.) Do you prefer it to be hot or cold? Honestly, hot :P As much as I complain about the heat in AZ, I’m too much of a native here to stand the harsh cold up north ;-;
52.) Do you prefer the sun, the rain, or snow? I like sun and rain, but prefer RAIN~ ^^
53.) If you could go anywhere, where would you go? Currently, anywhere but here >.>
54.) Any current travel plans? Planning a trip to Oregon next year with one of my besties :D
55.) Do you prefer day or night? NIGHT! ^^
56.) Are you an introvert or extrovert? Hardcore introvert~
57.) What is something not many people know about you? I was a cheerleader back in elementary school ;-; Does that… count??
58.) Where are you right now? My room. Why?
59.) Look in front of you. What do you see? My computer :/ *shrugs*
60.) If you could meet one person, alive or dead, who would it be? Any of my online friends, honestly. Or Alex Hirsh. Or Shakespeare. Yeahhh…
61.) Would you rather look into your future, or fix something from your past? Look into my future :3 I wanna forget the past entirely ;-;
62.) If you could sit down with anyone in the world, and talk to them for an hour, who would you like to speak with? @mercurialsmile for sure <3
63.) What was the first CD you ever owned? Ohgod…Um… Probably a Kidz Bop CD? I think?
64.) What was the first CD you ever purchased with your own money? Also hard… happened forever ago… Probably an Imagine Dragons CD?
65.) If you own any Vinyls, which was your first? Don’t own any Vinyls
66.) How many CDs do you own? TOO MANY TO KEEP TRACK OF!! O.O
67.) What relaxes you? Music and talking to my closest friends :3
68.) Do you have any talents? Does being awkward count??
69.) If you could give yourself the ability to do anything, what would it be? The ability to stop being so stressed out all the time… :|
70.) Favorite candy? Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups!
71.) Is anything bothering you right now? Ehh something always seems to be :/
72.) Are you happy with where you are in life right now? Ehhhh I could stand to get a job and get my Dad’s overbearing presence off my back about it -_-
73.) Is there anyone you regret ever associating with? NEVER
74.) Do you have a favorite memory from your childhood? Plenty… Can’t name one specifically right now, tho ;-;
75.) What is your least favorite memory from your childhood. Falling at the local skating rink and hitting my head O.o
76.) Favorite memory of your parents? Whenever they don’t fight…
77.) Do you have a least favorite memory of your parents? Whenever they DO fight… which is often nowadays…
78.) How is your relationship with your parents? It’s… Look, I heavily love my parents. I depend on them. Sometimes they definitely get on my nerves, but I still care about them <3
79.) What’s your family like? Highstrung, at times D: Yeahh we might need serious counseling…
80.) Are you clean or messy? Kinda in the middle, and it depends on which aspect of my life we’re referring to! ;)
81.) What is your most recent purchase? A Tarot deck of cards for Gravity Falls, a bobblehead and a flashlight~
82.) What’s the most amount of money you’ve spent at once? $133 (I don’t have to say what it was for, right?? *begins to sweat*)
83.) What are you saving up for? Gravity Falls stuff!
84.) How much money do you have to your name currently? Wtf… If ya really want to know, my account says $181, which fucking sucks balls -_-
85.) Have you ever done anything last minute? Yah, all the time!
86.) What’s the furthest in advance you’ve planned something? At LEAST a year! :D
87.) Are you an introvert or Extrovert? But I already answered this ;-; Ehhh introvert! (again)
88.) What’s the latest you’ve ever been out of your house? 11pm
89.) Cats or Dogs? Both, but I’m more of a dog-person ;) Still adore cats, tho!
90.) How long have you gone without sleep? I don’t even know…
91.) What were you like as a child? Fucking too quiet!! -_-
92.) What do you miss from your childhood? My friends </3
93.) Do you have a favorite memory from work? Can’t have a memory if you don’t have a work to go to X’D
94.) What’s the scariest thing that’s ever happened to you? Having panic attacks are pretty horrifying D: I can’t breathe…
95.) What’s a bad habit that you have? Nervously awaiting texts/messages and always being naggy ;-;
96.) What are your plans for the summer? Try to get a job; try to survive the heat…yeah
97.) What was the last thing that made you happy? A gift arriving from my friend! ^^
98.) What was the last picture you took on your phone? A picture of my dog ;3
99.) Who was the last person you texted and why? Uhhh that would probably be my mom and she was checking if I was awake or not >.<
100.) Have a message for your followers? Thanks for putting up with my (at times) Tumblr spam! I never thought that in a mere month I’d reach this many followers O.O It’s almost UNREAL! Anyway, thanks so much for following me, and I hope you continue to ;D
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labelleangel · 7 years
Tag of Basic Information ~ okie dokie so I just saw I was tagged in this and it's like 3:30 in the morning and I can't sleep (plus I saw this video on sleep paralysis and it freaked me out) (plus I'm on my phone which makes things tough) (and thank you Emily for tagging me I'm too tired to search up your username rn but thank you ily bae) ABC tag AGE – 18 BIGGEST FEAR – probably being disliked or being a disappointment/a failure. Also clowns, fuck clowns. I used to be extremely scared of spiders and I still am but I'm able to kill them now CURRENT TIME – 3:39 am but will probably be after 4am when I finish this DRINK YOU LAST HAD – Water EVERYDAY STARTS WITH – Coffee, a pb&j, and a clementine FAVORITE SONG – I have a lot but I'm gonna try to keep it brief. Any Disney song, My Heart Will Go On by Celine Dion, Evermore by Josh Groban, Ride by Lana Del Rey, a shitload of Beatles songs there's too many to list, Monkees songs, and songs from Newsies, Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat GHOSTS, ARE THEY REAL? – Bill Nye and other scientists say nah but I've seen a couple things that make me think "shit, probably" HOMETOWN – ive been told it's a stereotype that we're bitchy and I don't doubt it. But we're hipster af I feel IN LOVE WITH – My dog Angus, Leo DiCaprio, speaking french and anything french related (if you're from Quebec or France hmu let's communicate a bitch is tryna become fluent) and nature. JEALOUS OF – People who are straight A students easily and people with clear skin KILLED SOMEONE – Shhhh LAST TIME YOU CRIED – idk probably yesterday MIDDLE NAME – Lindsay NO. OF SIBLINGS – one ONE WISH – to be able to speak all the languages of the world fluently PERSON I LAST CALLED/TEXTED – My homegirl Gillian (love you boo) QUESTION YOU’RE ALWAYS ASKED – I used to be asked if I was in college when I was still in high school but now I'm in college I'm not asked that anymore lol REASON TO SMILE – Emily had a FANTASTIC list so mine would probably be similar to hers. LEGGO: sunrises and sunsets. The beach. A walk through the woods on a sunny day. Snuggling up with a pet. Snuggling up with a person. Seeing a loved one for the first time in forever. Disney movies. Romance movies and fairy tales. Hearing something in a language you're trying to learn and being able to understand it. Finding seashells on the beach. Traveling to a new place and seeing the landscape change. Confiding in someone and having them listen to you. Intellectual and deep conversations. Concerts. Unity when tragedy strikes the world. Love. Being in love. Being in a great big lake and floating on your back and closing your eyes. MUSIC. A GOOD ASS PLAYLIST FOR ANY OCCASION. EMPHASIS ON LEARNING A NEW LANGUAGE. There's so much more of any of y'all wanna discuss messaging works lmao SONG LAST SANG - Love Potion °9 by i forgot TIME YOU WOKE UP – 10:30 am UNDERWEAR – none cus I'm in my pj's VACATION DESTINATION? – I'm trying to get to Quebec this summer but I love traveling in general. I'd honestly go anywhere WORST HABIT – picking and peeling the whites of my nails off and probably being messy when it comes to my room YOUR FAVORITE FOOD – I LOOOOVE SPAGHETTI AND JUST PASTA IN GENERAL ZODIAC – Leo BOLD tag ~ listen, a bitch is tired so I'm just gonna put yesses next to them if they apply cus I'm still on my phone and I don't think I can bold anything → appearance: I I am 5′7″ or taller- yes 5'8"
I I wear glasses
I have at least one tattoo
i have at least one piercing - yes, my ears
i have brown eyes i have short hair
my abs are at least somewhat defined- i have a couple bumps near the top but they're not totally "defined" i have or have had braces -yes I hated them 
There is something I would change about the way I look - yes I'm trying to get my hair cut into layers soon → personality: I My Hogwarts house is: Gryffindor Hufflepuff - gryffindor af (lowkey used to be in ravenclaw but it's a long story and now I'm in gryffindor) Ravenclaw Slytherin 
I am an introvert 
i like/love meeting new people - yes yes yes
people tell me that i’m funny - maybe, but it's mostly me telling myself 
i enjoy physical challenges -sometimes
i enjoy mental challenges -It depends 
i’m playfully rude with people i know well - yes but I try not to be too mean 
i started saying something ironically and now i can’t stop saying it - yes its awful someone help 
There is something I would change about my personality -yup → ability: I I can sing well 
i can play an instrument 
i can do over 30 pushups without stopping
i’m a fast runner - I guess???
i can draw well - i have sketches all over the place 
i have a good memory 
I’m good at doing math in my head 
i can hold my breath underwater for over a minute - I can hold my breath for 9 hours
i have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling 
i know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch
i know how to throw a proper punch - yes thanks to my brother → hobbies: I i enjoy playing sports - yes i love playing soccer and baseball and volleyball and just being active 
I’m in a orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else
i have learned a new song in the past week
i work out at least once a week - I try to
i’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months - yes cus volleyball kept me in pretty good shape and now that's over idk what else to do with myself 
i have drawn something in the past month
i enjoy writing - yes and the best gift you could give me is a journal
Fandoms are my #1 passion
i do or have done martial arts → experiences: I i have had my first kiss - yes
i have had alcohol - yes
i have scored the winning goal in a sports game - yes
I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting
i have been at an overnight event -yes
i have been in a taxi 
I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year - I should've added hospitals to the list of things I'm afraid of, but thankfully no i haven't been to the ER lately
I have beaten a video game in one day
i have visited another country - Canada ig??
i have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts - One Direction yo → relationship: I I’m in a relationship 
i have a celebrity crush - basically any cute actor but it always comes back to Leo DiCaprio 
I have a crush on someone I know 
i have been in at least 3 relationships 
I have never been in a relationship
i have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them 
I get crushes easily - same as what Emily said, i get infatuated but i don't get crushes super easily. But if i like you i god damn like you A LOT
I have had a crush on someone for over a year
I have been in a relationship for at least a year 
i have had feelings for a friend → my life: I i have at least one person i consider a “best friend” - hey gilli and Teags (and my follege besties OF COURSE) where you at 
i live close to my school my parents are still together -yep
i have at least one sibling - yes
i live in the united states -yes
There is snow right now where I live
i have hung out with a friend outside of school in the past month - I hung out with friends in the past two days actually 
i have a smartphone - yes it's what I'm using to painstakingly type all this out on 
I have at least 15 CDs 
I share my room with someone → random shit: I i have breakdanced 
i know a person named jamie 
I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce 
i have dyed my hair
i’m listening to one song on repeat right now 
i have punched someone in the past week
i know someone who has gone to jail -yes but I can't say who
I have broken a bone 
I have eaten a waffle today 
i know what i want to do with my life - mostly, I just hope it all works out
i have made a new friend in the past year - @ All the friends I made at college you're all the bomb Okay so now imma tag @squiinty and @plurth and @natsukashiiii I legit copied and pasted @yixingding 's post and re-wrote everything (iPhone probs) and it's now 4:05 am lol but this was fun my Leo ass loves talking about myself so I invite literally anybody to do this too and THANK YOU EM&M FOR TAGGING ME ITS SO FUNNY I SAW THIS AT LIKE 3:30 IN THE MORNING I MISS YOU BOO
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takemethroughrio · 7 years
Get to know me 1. Name - Jimand Mamaa Adoley Allotey
2. Age - 21 (22 on the 22 Of May)
3. City that you live in - At the moment its Canterbury
4. What do most people not know about you? - Surprisingly that my name is a compilation of my parents name which are, JIMMY AND AMANDA= JIMAND.
5. What do most people know you for? - that I'm into theatre?? Lol i dunno..
7. What are your passions? Jesus, Musical Theatre, Movies and Tv Shows.
8. What do you search for in a significant other? umm gotta be funny, compassionate, be my friend, Jesus, TBH i hate questions like this cause well you never know really.
7. What are you most proud of? maturing in my personal life, overcoming my insecurities and the hate i had for myself, my growth with my general theatre skill, my A level grades lol and lastly possibly how happy I am in compared to the last 2 years of uni.
8. When was the last time you had a significant conversation with someone you love? last week sunday, with my mum.
9. Have you ever collected anything? What was it? yep, a delivery to new look, i think it was just a bunch of clothes. 
10. List 10 things off of your bucket list-
• win an Oscar • win a Tony • Be in a Disney movie • play A Marvel or Dc character • sing For hillsong • jump out of a plane • learn how to ride a motorcycle • meet Beyonce • meet Lin Manuel Miranda
11. What was the last thing you learned? my lines for my show.
12. How many relationships have you been in? well tbh id say one really 5/6 year long relationship but i did have 4 “high-school boyfriends” 
  13. Turn ons- good smell you know like cologne or aftershave (it just gets me going) love a man who smells good, kissing my neck.., a guy who can sing and play an instrument, oh and sincerity.
14. Turn offs-  SNORING, No sense of time, being a dick, smelling bad and late replies.
15. Favorite food - A white chocolate crepe with strawberries. 
16. Favorite drink - cold ( Sprite)  Hot ( Chai Latte) Alcohol (Strawberry daquiri) 
17. What is the best birthday gift you have ever received? um a tumblr page dedicated to me, it was really cute..
18. Are you optimistic or pessimistic? In between really but i am more of a pessimist. 
19. Do you sleep during class? sometimes lol 
20. What is the most expensive thing you own? a chanel bag. 
21. What is the cheapest yet most useful thing you own? my hairband.
22. How many times a day on average do you check your phone? lol too many to even count...
23. Text or call? Call
24. Opinion on long distance? y'all were right.. 
25. What is your definition of success? BEING HAPPY IN LIFE. 
26. Favorite song? everything and anything BEYONCE.
27. Favorite artist? BEYONCE.
28. Celebrity crush/crushes? dylan o’brien, chris pratt, tom holland. 
29. When was the last time you read for fun? last year.
30. Favorite flower? cherry blossoms
31. What is the best gift you could receive right now? MONEY
32. Any guilty pleasures? probably singing in the shower and imagining performing, also nothing ever beats that white chocalate crepe with strawberries.
33. What is one thing you would like to change about yourself? my pessimistic and how i overthink things.
34. What do you search for in a friend? sincerity. 
35. How many times have you said "I love you" in the past month? Too many times lol i love my friends and family legit say it whenever i say bye. 
36. Where did you last go other than your room/home? um i was on campus earlier? lol 
37. Why do bad things happen to good people? because life is beans
38. In your opinion, what hurts more? Being left out or being stabbed in the eye? being left out.
39. How many green shirts do you own? about 6
40. Do you like anime? YASSSS
41. What do you invest the most time in? THEATRE( MUSICAL THEATRE AND PLAYS) 
42. What was the name of the last book you read? The alchemist 
43. What's the difference between loving and liking someone? love is unconditional, no matter what you do they have a spot in your heart, its not by choice also it just happens, whereas with liking someone well that is a choice.
44. Where are you most productive? probably in my sitting room or my bedroom.
45. List 3 things you enjoy doing with friends. - watching movies or tv shows, random adventures or trips, drinking and dancing with them lot.
46. List 3 things you enjoy doing alone. - showering, sleeping and reading. 
47. Do you believe world peace will ever exist? nope
48. Do you have any allergies? yep 
49. When was the last time you cussed at someone? this morning.
50. What was the last promise you made? LOL something crude.
51. What was your last dream about? travelling actually with friends. 
52. If you won a trip to Hawaii and you could take 5 people with you, who would those 5 people be? Eli, Mum, Dad, Ben, Josh.
53. How many countries have you visited? 6 
54. What is your favorite medium of art? (Music, dance, painting, etc.) has to be Musical Theatre.
56. When was the last time somebody complimented you? Last night.
56. If you switched bodies with someone, how would you recognize yourself? look for the small one.
57. Do you consider yourself mature? yup.
58. How many days in your life do you think you have wasted on tumblr? probs 700 there bouts. 
59. What is your favorite quote? Carpe diem.
60. If you started a new religion and you had to create 3 rules or commandments for your new followers to live by, what would those 3 rules be? let there be peace, love and happiness.
61. What is your greatest accomplishment? Atm sticking with my passion and following it. 
62. Do you believe in the death penalty? No.
63. What are your goals for life? to make it on the west end, broadway, hollywood and to also worship in a church.
64. What do you think your soulmate is doing right now? lol living life.
65. If you could live anywhere, where would you live? The place can be in an imaginary, fantasy, or the real world. - probs the marvel universe.
66. What were you like in 2013? depressed. 
67. Do you have a job? nope.. but working on it. 
69. If you could change one thing about society, what would it be? the hatred that exists.
70. How many all-nighters have you pulled before? too many.
71. Is tumblr your favorite website? If not, then what is your favorite website? Twitter. 
72. What is the craziest thing you would do for a million dollars? strip naked and run around lol y'all won't think il be crazy when I'm balling.
73. Does money equal happiness? no.
74. How many times have you experienced true happiness in your lifetime? 3 times when I gave my life to christ, every time I worship and every time I'm on stage performing. 
75. How many times have you experienced true sadness in your lifetime? 4 times in my life. 
76. What is the funniest joke you have ever been told? lol too many to write up
77. When was the last time you looked at the news? last sunday.
78. If you could say one thing to the world, what would you say? fix up guys. 
79. What is your favorite animal? eagle.
80. If you could earn a million dollars by pretending to be dead for 3 years, would you do it? lol bye guys, i am going into hiding. 
81. What is one thing that everyone is bad at? COMMUNICATION.
82. What time do you normally sleep? How many hours of sleep do you usually get? lol 2-4am and usually 5-12 hours. 
83. Does age necessarily equal maturity? i don't believe an age has a specific maturity level, people gain maturity at different ages. 
84. What is your favorite clothing store? probably new look or zara.
85. In the winter- beanies or gloves? beanies.
86. Would you rather have wings or a fish tail? wings
87. If you had the power to erase one person from the world so that nobody remembered him or her except you, would you do it? nope 
88. What do you fear the most? spiders
89. How many digits of pi can you recite? can't
90. If you could travel back to one year and relive it again, which year would it be? 2001
91. Describe yourself in one word.- energy
92. Describe your last victory.- beat depression.
93. What is the weirdest thing you have ever seen? lol i can't even pin point i see too much weird shit on the daily.
94. What is something you will never forget? getting lost in disney land at the age of 5.
95. Would you rather forget all of the past or remember everything in vivid detail? remember.
96. Have you ever broken a bone before? nope.
97. Is it harder to love or to hate somebody? hate. 
98. Coffee or tea? tea.
99. What are some little things that you do that have changed your life in a positive way? don't compare myself to people= no more insecurities= love myself= no more depression = HAPPY JIMS.
100. How many hours have you spend on tumblr today? well this has taken a bloody hour and 30 minutes to do lol
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shitwonho · 7 years
get to know you tag
was tagged by @jeonfhan for the get to know you tag a little while ago, thank you for the tag i lowkey love doing these types of things LOL
also sorry for posting so many tag games recently. its just that i’m catching up on all of the ones that i wasnt able to do while i was writing papers and lab reports LOL
rules: answer the questions and tag followers you would like to get to know better
i’m gonna tag @changhyuk @wonhosflower @wonhard @w-ooshine @1leeminhyuk @hyungnu and @monbeb if i tagged you but you don’t want to do it please dont feel pressured to!!! buttt if you do, please tag me in them so i can read your responses bc i’m highkey nosey LMAO alsoalso, if i didn’t tag you but you wanna do it anyway, please feel free to do it and tag me in it as well!!!!
first game
name: jessie nicknames: mommy, jammy, and my boyfriend calls me buttsie (idk why) zodiac sign: pisces height: 160cm orientation: heterosexual (idk tbh though i’m kinda questioning) ethnicity: chinese vietnamese favorite fruit: peaches!! favorite season: fall :) favorite book: uhhh this is tough...... the last book that I read that completely hooked me was all the light we cannot see, so i guess that?? btw really good book, would highly recommend omg favorite flower: cherry blossom favorite scent: jasmine!!! favorite colour: i love pastel pinks, but I also love rich greens and burgundy favorite animal: orcas!!!!! i love them so much, i did one of those symbolic adoption things where you pay $30 to support an orca and in return you get a stuffed animal and certificate omg favorite beverage: jasmine green tea??? milk tea??? idk. average sleep hours: when i have school: 4-5 hours (i know its tragic) when i dont have school: 8-9 hours favorite fictional character: MULAN!!!   number of blankets you sleep with: one dream trip: either a tour of seoul and tokyo with my besties or like renting a cottage out with my boyfriend blog created: january 2016 is when i made this blog and abandoned my last blog that i ran for 5 years LMAO
hogwarts house: the sorting hat said gryffindor but idk if thats truly an accurate reflection of me LOL
time right now: 11:21 pm
lucky number: 6, or 16
last thing i googled: how to check when you made your tumblr (omfg)
favorite bands/groups: monsta x, vixx, btob, and like ot5 mblaq omfg favorite solo artist: mah boi dean LOL song stuck in my head: cinderella by cnblue last movie watched: beauty and the beast last tv show watched: 13 reasons why on netflix dream job: i used to want to be a musician really badly, but now i hope to be a social worker specifically working in mental health following: 185
posts: 3919 do you get asks regularly: no LOL i hardly get any do you have any other blogs: i have another blog @ouj-i and a dead mblaq blog @blaqeu but i abandoned them to focus here what i post about: monsta x and personal text posts?? why did you chose your url: because every time i see wonho, i think “shit, wonho” LMAO and also bc its close to his last name shin.  when did my blog reach it’s peak: probably back when i made the momsta x meme?? or when I posted that beginners guide to mx? idk, i still gain followers consistently so you could say i’m still going up LOL
second game
rules: bold the statements that apply to you!
i am 5′7″ or taller i wear glasses (but only when i’m in class and can’t see shit) i have at least one piercing i have blonde hair (does bleached blonde at the bottom count?) i have brown eyes i have short hair my abs are at least somewhat defined i have or have had  braces there is something i would change about the way i look
my hogwarts house is: gryffindor hufflepuff ravenclaw slytherin i am an introvert i like meeting new people people tell me that i’m funny helping others with their problems is a big priority for me i enjoy physical challenges i enjoy mental challenges i’m playfully rude with people i know well i started saying  something ironically and now i can’t stop saying it there  is something i would change about my personality
i can sing well i  can play an instrument i can do over 30 pushups without stopping i’m a fast runner i can draw well i have a good memory     i’m  good at doing math in my head i can hold my breath underwater for over a minute i have beaten at  least 2 people in arm wrestling i know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch i know how to throw a proper punch
i enjoy playing sports i’m  on a sports team at my school or somewhere else i’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else i have learned a new song in the past week i work out at least once a week i’ve gone for runs at least once a week i have drawn something in the past month i enjoy writing fandoms are my #1 passion i do or have done martial arts
i have had my first kiss i have had alcohol i have scored the winning goal in a sports game i have watched an entire season of a tv show in one sitting i have been at an overnight event i have been in a  taxi i  have been in the hospital or er in the past year i have beaten a video game in one day i have visited another country i have been to one of my favourite band’s concerts
i’m in a relationship i have a celebrity crush i have a crush on someone i know i have been in at least 3 relationships i have never been in a relationship i have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them i get crushes easily i have had a crush on someone for over a year i have been in a relationship for at least a year i  have had feelings for a friend
my life:
i have at least one person i consider a “best friend” i live close to my school my parents are still together i have at least one sibling i live in the united states there is snow right now where i live i have hung out with a friend outside of school in the past month i have a smartphone i have at least 15 cds i share my room with someone
random shit:
i have breakdanced i  know a person named jamie i  have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce i have dyed my hair (purple!)
i’m listening to one song on repeat right now  (ye boi gotta stream beautiful LMAO) i have punched someone in the past week i know someone who has gone to jail i have broken a bone i have eaten a waffle today i know what i want to do with my life i speak at least 2 languages fluently (i can speak semi decent cantonese LMAO) i have made a new friend in the past year
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