#also this is the flower pattern girl i was talking about on the other blog
wis-art · 1 year
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This angel is trans, lesbian and her name is Wiki
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pastanest · 1 year
A/N: I’m really sorry but read-more links aren’t working on my blog atm, I’ve raised a ticket with Tumblr and they’ve registered it as a bug that they’re looking into but for now I can’t use them because they mess up the whole post :(
Eleventh Doctor x gender!neutral reader
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Dating Eleven Would Include
so to begin with, he’d be awkward and clumsy as per usual
over time he gets more accustomed to the blossoming feelings for you and relaxes into them, being more open to flirting back
PDA comes so naturally to him he consistently catches himself out when he becomes aware of the fact he’s holding your hand, swung an arm around you or pulled you in for a hug on instinct
the Doctor is always going out of his way to do sweet things for you
he remembers every place you’ve referenced wanting to visit, every favorite food you’ve mentioned, every dream date idea that he has pried out of you with the least subtle questions and motivations you can imagine
and he uses all of that information to his advantage, regularly planning said dates out for you in the most beautiful places in the universe
a regular picnic? nono, not on the Doctor’s watch. we’re talking planets entirely made of meadows, as far as the eye can see, inhabited by sentient orbs of light that exist in complete peace and harmony, floating around amongst the flowers and creating a field of stars every time the seven sun’s set
a date at the cinema? try the biggest cinema screen in the universe that you have to sit 50 feet away from, with special goggles just to protect your eyes from the power of the light from the screen. 
“And it’s not just the screen that’s big, it’s the highest quality speakers ever invented, and they are completely invisible! 4D sound systems? Not here, 8D AND UP ONLY BABY! That does mean that if we see any movie with freak weather patterns, we may have to bring several changes of clothes to suit the climates they simulate around our seats. Which are levitating in total darkness. So we will also need a very powerful torch to find our seats. Which I have already invented, naturally. It plays tense music whenever it’s switched on.”
“That’s a lot to process, but I am stuck on the torch - why did you add tense music as a feature?”
“For dramatic effect, why else?!”
he’s fiercely protective of you 
we all know the look in his eyes when the Daleks rock up, the fury that burns when he recalls anything regarding the Time War; that’s the same expression that greets anyone or anything that causes you harm in any way whatsoever
he’s almost scared to admit that he’d tear a planet apart to find you, save you, fix any harm that has been done to you, if that is what it cost
whether you are with him through his regeneration into 11 or not, you show him parts of his personality that have been hidden for hundreds and hundreds of years, feelings he never thought he would be lucky enough to find again
and it terrifies him, of course, to consider what he lost in those feelings before, how he could lose you in a new, more painful way 
but you reassure him
with every hold of your hand, every bright smile, every hug, every laugh at one of his silly lines, every kiss, every whisper in the dark when he lies with you until you fall asleep in his arms, you comfort the Doctor that no matter what happens, you will find your way back to each other
you, the Doctor and River Song are absolutely in a three-way marriage
River flirts with you more than the Doctor and he’ll sulk about it
“Honestly, what’s the point in me being here?! Should I drop you two off on an isolated moon to engage in your…shenanigans?! Ooh, ‘shenanigans’, now that’s a good word, I should use it more often!”
you and River both know him so well and share your frustrations over his occasional idiocies the girl’s that get it, y’know?
picture this: the Doctor being so excited to see River but she just runs past him and straight to you because the two of you have orchestrated sleepovers in the TARDIS and routinely fail to let the Doctor know ahead of time iconic
the two of you never make it official, but it is understood on both sides that you are in a relationship and nothing will break that bond
and you are the happiest couple in this universe, and every other
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Four Times Anders' Lovers Visit him After the Destruction of Kirkwall Chantry and the Mage Rebellion (and one time he decides to visit them)
(my first posted dragon age fic, but certainly not my last. There isn’t enough OT5 Poly content for the kirkwall crew, so I wrote some. You can also find this fic on my AO3, the link for which is in my blog description)
When Anders wakes, his hair is full of flowers.
The colourful petals have left stains on his pillow that were once a familiar sight. He hasn’t seen such patterns in years.
He pushes himself wordlessly upright and glances around the room for more signs of her. Once, long ago, he wouldn’t have needed to. He would have simply smiled, rolled over, and pressed his face to her neck, mumbled good mornings to the only lover he had who was liable to get up even earlier than he. Usually, Hawke’s snores would be the background noise of such early morning reunions.
He aches for that. He misses that. And at the same time, he is well aware of his crimes. There is nobody but himself to blame for the fact that they are not still waking up in Hawke’s manor in High Town.
And yet, this morning, he has woken with flowers in his hair.
There’s no other sign, much to his dismay. He expected…something. Her hairbrush on the dresser, her scarf discarded haphazardly on the floor. But the room is as bland and empty as when he went to sleep.
She’s probably gone. Of all of them – Hawke, Isabela, even Fenris – she was the one who seemed least able to forgive him. It would probably be easier for her, to only see him while he was lost to sleep and the fade.
He forces away the grief and stands. He has long since promised himself he will not be a slave to the pit in his chest that tries it’s best to consume him, that can overpower even Justice.
Still, he aches.
Isabela stops by in summer, and they do not even make it inside before they are kissing, hungry, desperate for one another, laid out on the grass in front of Anders home (hovel, really).
He has missed her; sharp tongue, quick wit, cutting smile. He shows her it in insufficient ways; in his fingers grazing over the perk of her breasts, in his tongue pressed into the warm, wet heat of her cunt, in the gentle kisses he peppers her with only after she has already climaxed three times.
She’s been there over three hours by the time they finally get around to actually saying hello.
The sky is dark, and his lips are pressed to her navel. Her hand is in his hair, and he wonders at it; at the softness she gives freely when she feels safe to do so.
“How’s your ship?” He asks because he loves it when she talks about the ocean. She makes it sound like freedom. Sometimes, he’s tempted to set sail with her, but when he’s not living in the fancy fantasy she paints of life aboard a ship, when he’s actually on the boat, he get’s dreadfully sea sick. It’s almost worse than the deep roads.
“Blessedly still standing. In for repairs, though. Someone had the bright idea to shoot a canon at us.”
There’s a story there. He’ll get it out of her later. His fingers curl up her sides, and he delights that even now, after everything, he can still make her body shiver under his touch.
“You’re taking care of yourself?”
She shrugs, “as much as ever. I’m hardly Aveline, but I’ll manage.”
Ander’s snorts at that, “Aveline’s an adrenaline junky, and you know it.”
“She has all the adrenaline she needs these days; between Captain of the Guard and the little ones she has running around.”
Anders swallows. Once upon a time, he sat in the front row while Aveline said her vows to Donnic. He’d seen her smile, teased her in a speech afterwards, teased Isabela for being the maid of honour (Aveline had made her wear such a ridiculous looking dress). He’d been family, not blood – all of Aveline’s were dead and gone to the Maker’s side – but the family she’d chosen to have there.
Now, he doubted he’d ever meet Aveline’s children. Even if by some miracle she forgave him, wrote to him, came to see him…it would be too dangerous to have her little girls next to one of the most wanted men in all of Thedas.
“Have you seen the others?” He asks and then immediately wishes he hadn’t.
Remembering the times they could do this together…it hurts. He misses the sweaty nights, the huge bed Hawke spent a fortune getting custom made, the moans of debauchee and the way that afterwards, any old joke could send them all into peals of laughter.
They rarely spent time outside the manor and the Hanged Man together, but he holds a memory close to his chest of a time when Hawke dragged everyone out shopping. Somehow, he’d ended up in the middle of Hawke and Merrill, the two gripping his hands like the nobles of high town weren’t throwing dirty looks their way. Merrill’s other hand had been in Isabela’s, while Hawke had her arm hooked around the crook of Fenris’s elbow. At the time he’d felt awkward; they took up nearly the whole street walking that way.
Merrill had pulled them into the chantry after Hawke was done shopping. She wanted to hear the singing.
Anders closed his eyes to the pain.
Things have changed.
Hawke’s quiet, these days. Out of everyone, she stops by most often, but it’s…different. When Anders had first met her, she’d been in her twenties, dumb and beautiful and loud.
It’s oh so rare that she comes as anything more than a friend. She stops by and relays news of Varric, of Caver, of the others when she’s seen them.
“He’s working for the inquisitor, if you can believe that,” Hawke murmurs, over a glass of wine Anders only keeps on his shelves because it was Fenris’s favourite, “about as far away from Kirkwall as it is possible for him to be.”
Anders tries and fails not to feel guilty about that. If he hadn’t done what he did, then maybe they would all still be in Kirkwall, Varric too, together as they should have remained—
Or maybe he and Hawke would be locked up in the Circle, and Meredith would have killed them all anyway. Justice – still an ever-present companion in the recesses of his mind – stirs at the idea. The Knight Commander has always the one thing that has managed to make the Spirit far more of a demon than he ever should have been. At least, that’s what they tell themselves. It’s comforting to think that their trigger is gone.
“Can’t believe you’ve managed to stay out of that one,” Anders says, and he knows immediately that she hasn’t from the way her face contorts slightly, but he doesn’t call her out on it. If she told him whatever shit she had gotten herself into, he’d only want to go with her, to watch her back. And if there’s one place he can’t be right now, it’s with the Inquisition. Varric may be working for them, but he knows full well that one of the seekers had locked the dwarf up to question him about the events that led to the explosion of the Chantry. If he went, he’d die, but worse, he’d probably get Varric in trouble.
Varric might not have spoken to him since…everything…but the last thing he wanted was to make the man’s life any harder than he already had.
Hawke leaves the next morning, but she’s back three weeks later, and she’s got a scar on her face that wasn’t there before. When Ander’s reaches up his hand to heal it, she flinches.
He deserves such reactions, but he still isn’t used to them.
She sleeps in his living room for four nights, sprawled out by the fire. He hears her nightmares but knows she doesn’t wish for his comfort, so he does nothing about the whimpers that fill his hovel. Even when she is awake, they barely speak.
She isn’t the one to tell him about Adamant in the end. He hears the news from the local village when he goes to collect the supplies, he cannot precure by himself. The whole place is full of talk about it; how the Champion of Kirkwall and the Inquisitor fought side by side, how they fell into the fade – physically – and how Stroud didn’t make it out.
When he gets home that night he is angry at her and when he shouts that she should have told him, that she should have been more careful he gets the joy of hearing her shout back. Its cathartic, and horrible, and their argument lasts until they’re both screaming, screaming until their throats are raw with it and Ander’s slams the door to his bedroom.
He expects her to be gone in the morning, when he wakes, but when he pulls himself up, she’s laying in the bed next to him.
He loves her so much it hurts.
 Fenris is cooking when Anders get’s home from his walk.
Anders knew that he was there the moment that he got in. His sword – the one that Hawke got him – is by the door. Ander’s doesn’t comment on the trust he knows that takes Fenris, after everything. He doesn’t think he knows how.
He wants to die, kill him and be done with it.
The word’s – harsh, biting, cutting – still follow on his coat tails. They have followed him everywhere; into the battle against Meredith, onto the ship that took them away from Kirkwall, away from the Ferelden docks they ported in and into the rebellion to help where he could, and finally, here, into the mountains, where they are whispers on the wind that haunt his every moment.
Anders wishes he knew why Hawke didn’t take Fenris’ advice.
But then, Hawke had always been soft at heart underneath it all. It was one of the reasons Anders fell in love with her in the first place.
He takes off his coat as he enters and – after a moment of consideration – he takes off his shoes too placing them neatly by the door.
He’s stalling.
But he is no coward.
He moves into the kitchen, where Fenris still has his back to him. The white hair shines almost as bright as his lyrim infused skin. He’s stirring herbs into the pot above the small fire. When they’d first met, it’s the sort of thing that would have had Anders worrying about poison in his meal.
Now, he moves up behind the elf, wraps an arm around his middle, rests his head on Fenris’s shoulder.
Fenris doesn’t pause in his task, but he hums a greeting.
He had thought, when Fenris had left Isabela’s ship, that he’d never see the elf again. It wouldn’t be by choice. He loved Fenris with everything in him. Even Justice loved Fenris, in his own way, for the simple way Fenris upheld his principle so viciously. But they had always had their differences, and the words still lingered (He wants to die, kill him and be done with it. He wants to die, kill him and be done with it. He wants to die, kill him and be done with it.).
Instead, they had…this.
They argued less now. They bickered less now. Their interactions were strangely domestic.
Ander’s still didn’t know what to make of it. But he wouldn’t risk losing it for the sake of asking Fenris why their relationship seemed to be at it’s most steady now when every fear and suspicion Fenris had ever had about him had been proved inarguably correct.
After dinner, and a few long, lazy kisses, Fenris begins to talk about the slavers he has taken down in the past few months, and the ones he plans on hitting next. It seems to be his life’s mission to rid Thedas of them, now that Kirkwall is far behind them, and both Anders and Justice are so fucking proud of him that it’s a struggle to stop justice from coming out and lighting up the room.
Anders is surprised when the conversation takes another turn; Fenris talks about the last time he saw Hawke, and how Varric had introduced him to the Inquisitor when they ran into each other on one of the Inquisitions missions to hunt out the last of the Venatori that were still clinging on even after their master had died and the hole in the sky had been closed. Even later still, Fenris surprises him further when he says—
“I’m going back to Kirkwall.”
Anders blinks. Fenris and him haven’t spoken the name of that city between them in a long time.
“Varric is being made Viscount,” Fenris shrugs, as if that explains anything, and then— “He’s publicly pardoned Hawke for any and all crimes against the city she may have been accused of in his absence. He has the full backing of the Inquisition on his side.” Fenris goes quiet for a moment, then— “Isabela is coming back too. And Merrill rarely leaves.”
They’ll all be there.
All of them. Except him.
“I’m happy for you all,” Ander’s chokes out.
Fenris takes another sip of wine, and lets Ander’s lean against his chest.
He doesn’t say anything when Anders shoulders begin to shake in silent sobs. But he does hold him tighter.
 There is a letter. One of the children in a nearby village delivered it.
Come home. Fuck the consequences.
It’s not signed, but there’s only one person who’s ever called him that. On the back of the piece of paper, in different handwriting are four pairs of initials. F. MA. M. I.
Anders places the letter on the desk, and goes to collect a bag from one of his cupboards.
It is a terrible idea.
Two hours later, he closes the door to his hovel.
And begins the journey home.
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alice-in-wonderart · 4 years
I have found your blog and I love it!! Good look with it! Can you do headcanons for pregnancy and post-delivery for the juniors? (I see you write about them, and I don't know which other characters you are comfortable to write for). Thnkx~
I write for right about all characters! The Nies, the Jiangs, the Wens, the Lans, even all of the Jins (except Jin Zixun he can go be mean somewhere else) + Yi City power characters are all characters I write for ✌️ (I may have missed a few names) That aside, thank you so much for reading my stuff! I'm glad you enjoy them ❤️❤️ Aside from having 0 time management skills, running such a blog is so much fun! Here is your request about the Juniors being...well- themselves.
Ouyang Zizhen
You're what now?
OYZZ.exe stopped working.
Then he realised three fundamental truths at the exact same time. (if u get the reference, bless ✌️ )
Once the realization of the situation hit, his eyes watered and a loud, yet emotional whail escaped his lips, before engulfing you in a big hug. He was going to be a dad! You two were going to have a baby. And then realization hit him again.
Shit. He was going to be a father. A father to a baby - his baby. That was a lot of responsibility he was about to take. A lot of work, a lot of sleepless nights, a lot of time and energy. Babies are hard.
And then realization hit him a third time. He was going to have an actual family with you. And you were the mother to his child. YOUR child. He almost couldn't believe it.
Cue OYZZ becoming 70 times more affectionate and careful. You want to go outside? By all means, but let your gentle lover accompany you. Just in case, y'know. You want something sweet? By all means, what kind of sweets does the queen desire? You need new clothes because of the baby bump? By all means, what kind of silk do you want? Colour? Pattern? Style? You want to sleep? 3, 5 or 50 pillows?
OYZZ is a walking panic bomb when it comes to your pregnancy. Conveniently, he also knows how to mostly hide said panic. But you being in pain, having morning sickness and and in general feeling off is not something he signed up for. So, he will dote over you as much as humanly possible.
But then judgement day arrived. And he was out of it. He somehow never considered the fact, that you were going to one day have to give birth to that baby.
You have never seen a more distressed looking man than OYZZ when he finally got the permission to see you. His eyes were puffy, his lips were quivering and he was so pale, he could easily pass for a corpse. It seemed as if he was the one giving birth, not you.
And he immediately dropped to his knees next to your bed, gently taking your hand in his. You were alive. You were alive and argueably healthy and that was what he needed to hear.
But then! In comes the medic, holding your child in pure white blankets, gently letting you take it. And the moment his eyes landed on that baby he knew, that his heart was stolen once more.
"Congratualtions! It's a girl."
Guess who is about to become "Daddy's little princess".
Jin Ling
"Hahahahahhahha. Funny. Oh wait, you're serious?!"
What do you mean you're pregnant? When did that happen? When did you learn? How were you sure? Wait, you were how many months in?!
Give him time. It's not, that he isn't happy. He's just panicking like crazy. Of course, once the initial mental breakdown™️ wears off, he'd come up to you and give you the most emotional hug you've ever experienced. He'd hide his face in your hair, as he mumbled into you how incredibly grateful he actually is.
Now, as the Lanling Jin Sect's leader, of course it was expected of him to have an heir, so such news travelled quickly. Immediately this became the gossip of every household and ultimately led to you receiving a metric ton of gifts from all over the place. Jin Ling would also make sure you were living the most lavish, yet healthy lifestyle possible.
The truth is, he was utterly terrified. After all, he grew up without parents, lived only with his uncle and as a result was quite hot-tempered. More than anything, he wanted to be the best dad possible. He wanted his children to grow up in a loving family, with their parents next to them, with a mother to care for them and a father to teach them. And he was afraid whether he was capable of even being a good father. But of course, you knew he was going to be the best father in the world.
Now, speaking of hot-tempered, Jin Ling honestly would throw more hissy fits than you. In fact, he'd get more mood swings than you too. In fact, even when pregnant, you're the calm one. Because if you think he's snappy and over-protective of you usually, wait 'till you see him once he learns you're pregnant. Hoo boy.
He was at work, dealing with the pressures of leading a sect when one of Lanling's servants hurriedly burst into the room, giving him the news that made his tough guy act crumble in seconds - his wife was giving birth.
At the time, he was surrounded by now Sect Leader Lan Sizhui, (idk it's a hc), Nie Huaisang and of course - his uncle, who all ushered him to go see you. Thus, he stormed out, running towards the nursery like his life depended on it.
"What do you mean I can't enter yet, my WIFE is in there." You haven't seen scary until you've seen Jin Ling, amidst an utter mental breakdown, being held down by a few nurses, trying desperately to stop him from going in.
Once they DID let him in, he'd be by your side in 0.001 seconds, only to see you holding not one, but two babies.
"A-Ling, look. They're twins. Say hello to papa, little ones." For once, Jin Ling didn't mind the tears that began falling from his eyes, as he gently held one of his two sons in his embrace. Perhaps, being a father wouldn't be that bad after all. Not with you by his side.
Lan Jingyi
*dramatic gasp*
For once the loud, wild Jingyi was left speechless, unmoving, utterly starstruck by the news. He'd never admit it, but for a while he'd been dreaming of having a family with you. So, when you told him the news, his heart skipped a beat. His dream was coming true.
And then, with the biggest smile on his face, he'd lift you up, carrying you to your now shared room, stating how you shouldn't strain yourself and how he'd take care of everything you need.
"Er-gege, I'm only 3 months in, it's barely noticeable yet, I can take care of myself."
Lan Jingyi will be there for you at the cost of right about everything, even if it meant breaking Lan's rules, much to yours and everybody's dismay. Macho man™️ will protect his darling flower. What he wasn't ready for was how complicated pregnancy actually is.
Whenever you're more moody, he'd be quick to anger as well, so small and pointless arguments wouldn't be uncommon. But for every little argument, there is also a sleepless night where he'd cuddle you, whenever your stomach would hurt, or you'd feel uncomfortable.
Now Lan Jingyi is a cool dad. He is a cool dad before he is officially a dad. Whenever you two are alone, lying in bed, he'd lean in to rest a hand on your stomach. And he'd always give a happy yelp whenever he felt his little one move. And gosh, how much he'd talk to the baby. He'd tell your stomach stories of his great adventures, he'd joke around and believe me, he's planned every family outing for next 10 years.
Absolutely everybody thought it was going to be a boy. Ouyang Zizhen and Jin Ling even bet on it, OYZZ being ABSOLUTELY sure it would be a boy.
Giving birth was a whole new adventure. He'd wake up much too early for his liking with you frantically shaking him awake.
"The baby is coming." "Who's coming?" "The baby." "THE BABY?!"
Cue, Lan Jingyi losing his damn mind. He'd be up and running in a blink of an eye, casually scaring the medics and waking up the entire Cloud Recess in his hurry. Don't run in Cloud Recess? He's not running. He's SPRINTING. Do not shout in Cloud Recess? He's not shouting, he's SCREECHING. Do not speak out of turn? FOR GOD'S SAKE MY BABY IS COMING. And he'd be like that the entire time, until he's allowed to see you. He'll write the rules a thousand times if he has to later. He won't, Lan aren't heartless.
Seeing his healthy little baby, he was right about ready to pass out. He almost didn't hear you joking how your little girl was a loud crier and was about to be just as wild as her dad.
" Wait. It's a girl? We have a little girl!" Cue Ouyang Zizhen screaming in misery, as Jin Ling victoriously smirks his way.
Lan Jingyi on the other hand couldn't have been happier.
Lan Sizhui
"This is the best day of my life, I can't believe we're going to have our own family!"
With a bright smile, he'd pull you in for a sweet kiss, shaking with excitement. Honestly, he'd have the best reaction out of all the Juniors. He's a family guy, who gets to witness true love everyday around his fathers, so having a child of his own with you was one of his long-term goals. He was old enough and wise enough to be absolutely ready to embark on an adventure through fatherhood.
Lan Sizhui would be so loving and gentle with you. You'd have him wrapped around your finger, he'd respond to your every beg and call. He'd minimize any work-related travelling to make sure he could be as close to you as possible.
When he wasn't there, he'd assign his cultivation partner and trusty bestie Lan Jingyi to take care of you and look after you. Did you necessarily need it? No. But you understood his worry, so you let him be.
He'd be there for you when you were feeling down, through your mood swings, morning sickness. He never complained, never fought with you, never gave you anything short of his unconditional love.
In fact, he was so SO compassionate, that he'd get pregnancy cravings WITH you. Nothing like the two of you, sitting awake at 2 am, (uncommon for him) eating chocolate-covered cucumbers and apricots.
Similarly to Lan Jingyi, everybody were already 100% sure the two of you would have a little girl. With Sizhui's sweet soft-spoken behavior and big warm heart, having a little gentle flower to spoil rotten seemed like the obvious outcome.
Lan Sizhui, on the other hand, refused to give into all of those "what ifs". Only time could tell. Besides, he'd be just as happy and proud no matter what gender the baby would be.
With his careful planning and skillful avoidance of any travelling, thankfully he was there when the due date was up. On the outside, he remained as calm as physically possible, but oh, on the inside it was a storm. Few could see through his façade, but by the trembling of his fingers, discreet chewing on the inside of his lip and eyes darting all around him, his true feelings came to light.
And when he finally got to see you, you've never seen him more unlike himself. With a worried expression and hasty movements he'd make his way to you, trembling hand reaching out to cup your face. He'd leave a gentle kiss on your forehead, before turning to the newborn in your hands.
"Sizhui. Say hi to your son."
A single tear rolled down his face, carrying the weight of all of his love in it. One look at his child and his heart was pierced by a million arrows. At that very moment he vowed, that he'd protect this child with all he's got, teach him all he knows and love him with all of his heart.
Thank you for reading~
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bbugyu · 4 years
in your dreams + lee seokmin
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your lifetime best friend visits you in a less than pg dream.
wc.7413 | fluff, mentions of sex, potty mouths across the board, hs/friends to lovers au, fem reader
i finally am posting a fic about one of my ults haha! this is also a recycled/reworked fic from my old blog so if you've read something similar to this before no you haven't <3
Mornings were never your strong suit. You always hit snooze as many times as possible, rushed to get your uniform on and fix your hair, then ran out the door with a piece of toast. You knew you’d feel less tired if you just woke up at a decent time, had a proper meal, and got ready like a real human being, but staying in bed felt so much better for those few luxurious moments. There was no stopping your bed bug habits, especially after being accepted into university. Suddenly, getting to school on time was the last thing on your mind when you were swimming under your covers.
You always knew you would make it when you caught up to Seokmin. He lived a block up from you, and he always turned up for class exactly three minutes early. If you saw him, you knew you’d be okay.
Today, he was much further ahead of you than he normally was. So, you sprinted past his house, earbuds in and chewing on your breakfast that you hadn't even managed to toast, hoping you would see his familiar form when you turned the corner a couple blocks down.
Sure enough, as you skidded around the corner, you spotted him at the end of the street. You let out a groan, already winded, before shoving the rest of your bread in your mouth and running towards him. You flew past him and pulled out the earbuds when you were a few yards ahead, bent over with your hands on your knees, trying to catch your breath. He laughed as he caught up to you.
“You’re later than usual.”
You wiped your nose on the back of your hand. “Really? I hadn't noticed.” You fell into stride next to him, still breathing heavily while you straightened out your skirt. “I swear if we're running in gym today, I’m going to fake a migraine.”
He watched you pull your ponytail tighter. “Did you run the entire way?”
When you nodded, he got a plastic water bottle out of his bag and handed it to you. “Oh, god, you’re the best,” you said, drinking from it. “Water tastes so good.”
Seokmin laughed as you chugged, shoving his hands in his pockets. “That means you're dehydrated.”
“I’ll buy you another bottle when we get there,” you said after you drained the one he gave you. “Thanks.”
“You should’ve tried for the track team this year,” he said teasingly, nudging you with his elbow. 
You laughed. “I’d only do well if you’re at the finish line, yelling at me that I’ll be late.”
“I would have done it, but you better break some school records if I’m doing that much work.”
You liked Seokmin. Your mothers were good friends, forcing the two of you to play together while they talked when you were barely potty trained. Lucky for them, you got along well, and lucky for you, you ended up in the same class all the way through elementary school. You had been worried when you entered high school that he would grow out of having “girl friends,” as many of the guys did, but he never stopped hanging out with you. He continued to walk home with you, at least as far as his house. He still helped you with your homework, even when he was just as confused about the mathematics problem. He kept the promise he made you when you were little tots.
“Seokminnie,” you had said, tiny hands covered in markings from your colored pens. “Can we be best friends forever?”
He had given you the biggest smile his six-year-old face could manage. “Yes! Best friends forever.”
You walked into the classroom and put the bottle of water you had just purchased on Seokmin’s desk, letting out a “thanks again” as you passed. He saluted you as you walked to your seat, then went back to his conversation with his friends. You could hear them teasing him as you put your bag down.
As the two of you grew older, you gained more friends of the same sex. It didn’t stop you from calling Seokmin your best friend, but it seemed natural to have a different group to hang out with at school, one you could go to the bathroom and fawn over boys with. However, whenever the two of you interracted within eyeshot of any of them, they seemed to insinuate that the two of you should be something more than friends.
“You know who’s handsome?” Haseul said once. “Seokmin.”
Sooyoung giggled. “Watch out, somebody already has dibs.”
You rolled your eyes. “Stop it. We’ve been friends since diapers.”
“How romantic,” Haseul swooned. “Childhood friends turned lovers!”
You threw your pencil at her, and she laughed as she deflected it. "Guys and girls can be friends, you know!"
From what you could tell, Seokmin’s friends did the same to him, teasing him endlessly about his girlfriend, even though you had spent plenty of time with them by proxy.
“You look like hell,” Sooyoung said as you sat down in your usual seat behind hers. “Late again?”
You laughed, tucking a loose hair behind your ear. “Thanks. Yeah, I had to run to catch up today.”
“Thank god for your oppa, huh?”
“Ugh, don’t call him that,” you said, covering a yawn.
“Ah,” Haseul exhaled to your right, straightening out her notebook. “Is ‘jagiya’ better, then?”
You hit her shoulder and she yelped, making Sooyoung laugh. They started talking about something else and you stole a peek over to Seokmin’s desk. He had his face buried in a hand, being prodded by his friends. His eyes opened and he noticed you. You sneakily pointed a finger gun under your chin and he stifled a laugh, which set off his friends again when they realized he was looking in your direction. You would have to apologize later for triggering his torment
When classes ended, you found Seokmin waiting for you by the school gate. Sooyoung cooed at the two of you from a distance, making you roll your eyes as you straightened the straps of your bookbag.
“They’re relentless,” you said.
Seokmin groaned, throwing his head back in agreement. “Has it been especially bad recently for you, too?”
“It's springtime,” you laughed. “They want to watch a pretty romance blossom with the flowers.”
“Someone should tell them to stop watching so many dramas.”
You ended up at his house, reading a webcomic on your phone while he played a computer game. Afternoons were often spent like this. You were sprawled out on his bed, mindlessly crunching on a bag of chips, when he suddenly let out an expletive and dropped the controller on his desk.
You looked up, then read out the red text that was splattered across the dark screen. “You died.”
He spun in his chair. “Yeah.” He pulled the chair towards you and stole the bag, shoving a handful of Fritos into his mouth. “Whatcha reading?”
You looked at your phone. “Slice of life romance. It’s cute, I like the art style.”
He nodded, chewing slowly. He was obviously thinking of something else, even as he was staring at you, but you didn’t blame him for having other things on his mind.
When you looked up at him again, he suddenly dropped the bag by your side and turned back to his computer, scooting his chair as he did. You tucked your hand into the bag of chips and went back to your comic. You ended up going home for dinner, messaging Seokmin when you made it back to your house.
You found yourself in his room again that night, this time the details warped. You spent so much time with Seokmin, it wasn't uncommon for him to appear in your dreams, but this context was entirely new for you.
He crowded you, filling your personal space, his fingertips tracing lace patterns on your bare shoulders. A hand found its way to the back of your neck, tipping your head to let him place delicate kisses on your lips that left you breathless. Every time his mouth found yours, a shock of electricity ran down your spine, the tingling settling in your core. He caressed you, held you, laid you out on his bed. Your understanding of the situation was blurred by the dreamscape, but you liked it. In this reality, you liked him. And you liked what he was doing to you. You even liked it when his thumbs grazed over the peaks of your bare breasts, when he sucked bruises onto your neck, when you felt the pressure of his erection filling you. 
He muttered your name into your lips. “I love you.
Your legs were wrapped around him, hands desperately pulling him close. You gasped. “God, I love you, too.”
You woke up suddenly, sitting up in bed with your heart pounding. It took you a moment to recognize the sound of your alarm clock, and you hurriedly shut it off. You were sweating. You kicked off your covers and swung your legs over the edge of your bed, staring down at your hands.
Was that a wet dream?
You felt your already hot face turn red. Not only was it a wet dream, but it was about Seokmin. An involuntary shiver ran up your body, remembering the torturous detail that your imagination had held you hostage for.
Unsure of what to do with yourself, you rushed to the bathroom to splash cold water on your face. The feeling of his hands ghosted up your torso, and you stomped your feet slightly in an attempt to ward off the strange sensation.
It was just a dream, you told yourself. But... it had felt so real.
With nothing else to occupy yourself with, you got ready for school. You spent a long time staring at yourself in the mirror, fixing and re-fixing your half up-do. You couldn’t remember the last time you had this much time to get ready. The time felt empty, somehow. Your mother saw that you were awake and excitedly fried an egg to put over rice for you. The metal spoon lingered in your mouth as you stared into space. 
“I love you,” he had said. His voice had been low, gravelly, a tone you had never heard before. You shuddered.
“Are you okay?”
You snapped to attention, looking up to your mother. “What?”
She pouted. “You look feverish.”
“Ah,” you felt your cheek. It was hot. “I’m fine.”
“Be careful of hay fever,” she said, clearing her own place at the table. “Your father has bad seasonal allergies, too.”
As you left the house, you realized that you would have to walk right past Seokmin’s. Panic stricken, you wondered if you should start walking faster to make it past and avoid him, or if he had already left. You checked the time on your phone, realizing that he would probably be leaving soon. 
Your legs moved as fast as they could without running. If you made it past his house before he left, you wouldn’t have to face him until you had more time to process. But, as you were about to pass, the front door opened.
“Ah!” Seokmin waved to you. “You’re early.”
Externally, you smiled and waved. Internally, you collapsed into yourself.
“Your hair looks nice,” he said, patting your head. “Did you actually wake up properly today?”
You nodded, trying not to wince at his touch. “For the first time ever, I didn’t want to go back to sleep when my alarm went off.”
“Wow,” he laughed as you walked beside him. “I’m impressed.”
You had never seen Seokmin as anything but a brother. Your best friend. Someone you had been close with since childhood. Now, you looked over to him and couldn’t help but see his naked body hovering over yours. Your heart raced as you stared at your feet, all while he told you about the complex lore of the game he had been playing the day before.
It was unbearable.
Your friends would be no help. You knew better than to confide in them - they had already been so convinced that the two of you should hook up, if you said anything that hinted at some subconscious attraction you might have towards Seokmin, they would never let you live it down. You spent the entire day avoiding him, thinking that if you allowed yourself time to forget the dream, things would go back to normal. But when you saw him with his friends by the school gate at the end of the day, your stomach flipped in your gut and you felt your pulse quicken. You thought about walking past them, blending in with Sooyoung and Haseul, hoping he would be distracted with their conversation, but you had no such luck.
“Hey!” Seokmin waved you over. “The guys wanted to get some food, you in?”
“Uh,” you looked over to your friends for help. They stared back at you.
Mingyu spoke up. “You two are welcome, too, obviously.”
“Sure,” Sooyoung said. “It’s Friday, why not.”
Haseul nodded, and you were dragged along with them to a small restaurant a few blocks down. This had happened a few times before, where the two of your friend groups went out together. The six of you crowded around a table, everyone hungrily picking at the side dishes while you waited for the stew to boil in the center of the table. After getting a consensus from the table, Mingyu got the attention of a waitress.
“Unnie! Could we please get some ramen noodles, also?”
“And more kimchi,” Seokmin muttered, shoving a scoop of rice in his mouth.
“And more kimchi,” Mingyu repeated. “Thank you!”
Sooyoung laughed. “You guys sure like to eat well.”
“We’re growing boys,” Seokmin said. 
The dried noodles got added to the stew, and you took it upon yourself to break it up as it boiled, mixing it in with the army stew. Mingyu was the first to steal some of the cooked noodles, slurping them down and grabbing bits of meat from the stew as he chewed. 
“Oh, it tastes really good,” he said, leaning back. “It never tastes this good when it’s just us guys.”
Haseul laughed as she took a spoonful of the broth. “It can sense your fear.”
“Hey,” Seokmin nudged you with his elbow, sticking a folded bit of meat and kimchi in your face with his chopsticks. “Eat up.”
This was a normal gesture, you tried to remind yourself. This was something he did all the time when you went out to eat. You always distracted yourself so much with cooking the food, you hardly ate anything, and Seokmin always made sure you enjoyed the meal with everyone else. But the action felt strangely intimate today, and your leg bobbed nervously as you chewed. It reminded you of the electricity you had felt when he touched you.
In your dream, you reminded yourself. When he touched you in your dream.
“The three of us will split the bill,” Minghao said when all the food had all been devoured.
“Eh?” Sooyoung looked at you, then back to the boy across from her. “We can pay for ourselves.”
“No no no,” Seokmin insisted. “We’ve already discussed it. We invited you three out, so we’re paying.”
“Wow, what gentlemen,” Haseul giggled. “Thanks for the food!”
You and Sooyoung repeated the thanks, the boys saying that it was no big deal. The three pooled their money to cover check, then met you girls outside the restaurant.
“I should study for that quiz on Monday,” you said when the conversation started to die down. 
“Ugh, you’re no fun,” Mingyu groaned. “I don’t want to think about school all weekend.”
Haseul laughed. “Good luck failing, then.”
You threw up a peace sign, backing up towards the road that led to your neighborhood. “Thanks for the food, guys!”
“Seokmin-ah,” Minghao nodded to him. “You coming over?”
Seokmin shook his head and started to follow you. “I should get help studying while I can. Tomorrow?”
You waved to your friends as they headed in the direction of their own homes. Seokmin fell into step beside you as you trotted down the steep alley that was a shortcut towards your street. His hands stuffed in his pockets, as usual. You tucked your thumbs under the straps of your book bag, examining your feet as you walked.
“I love you,” he had said. For some reason, the dreamy sound of his voice wouldn’t get out of your head. The words rattled in your skull; you could almost feel a headache coming on in response to it. The two of you walked in near-silence the entire way.
“Do you wanna come in?” He asked as you approached his house. 
You distracted your fingers with the hem of your shirt. “Ah, maybe not today.”
“Eh?” He punched your shoulder. “Why not? I wanna play Mario Kart.”
You laughed shortly, hoping he wasn’t noticing your blush. “I was serious about studying, Seokmin.”
“Well, come on, then.” He tugged on your arm, pulling you towards the front door. “We can study and then play Mario Kart.”
Unable to find a worthy excuse, you let him pull you through the front door. You slipped off your shoes, greeting his mom and waving to his sister, both of whom were practically family for you, but the interaction felt stilted in your current state. The two of you escaped to Seokmin’s room, where he dropped his bag on the floor and pulled a folding table out of his closet. Trying to not act as awkward as you felt, you busied yourself by messaging your mother on kakao to let her know you would be at the Lee household for a while. You thought about sitting on his bed, but you were hit with a sudden flashback of being pushed down onto it. You picked at your nails instead.
Seokmin quickly set up the short table in the middle of the room, then situated himself at one of the sides, pulling his bag closer to get his school things out. You hesitated before you sat across from him, back to his bed, tucking your legs under you and flattening your skirt.
“You’re acting weird,” he said suddenly. 
You looked at him, wide eyed. “What do you mean?”
“It’s been all day, but don’t know how to describe it,” he said, leaning back on his hands and furrowing his brow at you. “It’s weird. You’re acting… timid.”
You tried to laugh it off, but it sounded unconvincing even to yourself. “You’re crazy.”
He laughed at you. “You know it, too. You’re acting weird but you’re trying so hard not to.”
You groaned, putting your forehead on the table. “Leave me alone.”
“So... are you gonna tell me why?”
You adjusted onto your chin, eyeing him. “I said leave me alone.”
“C’mon, aren’t we supposed to be best friends?” He reached over and poked your forehead. “Tell me what’s up.”
You exhaled while you got up onto your elbows, rubbing your face. “I don’t know. I don’t really want to talk about it with you.”
Seokmin’s eyebrows furrowed again. “Is it really that serious? Are you okay?”
You laughed, despite how incredibly nervous you felt. “It’s nothing serious, I promise. It’s stupid, really.”
“Now I’m worried,” he whined.
“How about that quiz, huh?” You said, pulling notebooks out of your book bag. He whined at you again, but complied and retrieved his own study supplies. He allowed an hour to pass before he brought it up again.
“Do you have a crush on someone?”
Your pencil clattered on the table when you fumbled with it. “What? No! What the hell?”
He squinted at you. “Is it Minghao?”
“Min, seriously,” you rubbed your face again. “I don’t have a crush.”
“You’re lying.”
You laughed incredulously. “I’m not!”
He studied you a moment. “You have a tell,” he said finally. “I’ve always known when you’re lying.”
You were sure the color washed from your face. Always? Surely that couldn’t be true. Besides, you really weren’t lying this time. “Seokmin. I don’t have a crush.”
“Liar,” he said after a beat. “You were being weird when we went out for food. Minghao?”
“No,” you said, suddenly nervous.
He squinted at you. “Mingyu?”
You rolled your eyes. This was insane. “No.”
He paused. “Haseul?”
You laughed. “You think I’m gay, now?”
“Well, who else?” He asked, exasperated. “Me?”
“No way.”
He stared at you a moment, clockwork moving behind his eyes. “Oh my God.”
You frowned. “What?”
“You have a crush on me.”
“You’re crazy.”
He pointed at you. “You chewed on the inside of your cheek. That’s your tell. You did it just now.”
You stared at him, your tongue running to the side of your mouth. He was right. The inside of your cheek was raw from the nervous habit. You stuttered. “Min, I swear, it’s not a crush, but I really don’t want to talk about this with you.”
“How long?” He asked, slouched over the table, watching you closely.
“Listen to what I’m saying, idiot.” You pointed at your lips for good measure as you enunciated each syllable. “It’s. Not. A. Crush.”
He exhaled and leaned back on his hands. “Then what is it? I’m not gonna stop until you tell me.”
You whined, dropping your head onto the table. “God, this is a nightmare.”
He poked at your head. “Tell me.” You whined in response. “Tell me!”
“Fine!” You said, sitting up and slapping away his hand. “I’ll tell you. But you better not tell another soul, Seokmin. Swear on your life.”
He crossed his heart. “I swear.”
You sighed deeply, leaning back, avoiding eye contact. “I had a dream last night.”
Seokmin watched you. “Wow, I got chills.”
You threw your pencil at him. “Shut up, I’m getting to it.” You exhaled again. “I had a dream about you last night, and it was… confusing.”
“Confusing how?”
You looked over at him. “Confusing… like, I don't know how I feel about it. It was… charged. Sexually.”
He stared at you blankly for a second. “Wait-”
You groaned and collapsed onto the floor, already regretting saying anything. “This is a nightmare.”
“Wait wait wait,” Seokmin’s hand hit the table. “You had-”
“This sucks!”
“-A sex dream-”
“Shut up!”
“About me?”
You groaned. “This is why I didn't want to talk about this.”
He picked up your pencil off the floor, laughing. “Wet dreams happen. Why do you feel so weird about it?”
“What,” you said, straightening out your shirt as you sat up. “You wouldn’t feel weird if you had a sex dream about me?”
“Well, I mean,” he paused, fiddling with the pencil. "I have. Had them about you, I mean."
You stared at him, cheeks burning. “What?”
He laughed, looking down. “I’m a guy,” he said, nervously folding the corner of his notebook. “And you’re pretty. I can’t control my subconscious.”
“Pretty,” you repeated.
“Yeah, I mean, obviously.” He shrugged. “That’s not a secret, or anything.”
“Right.” You nodded slowly, “So you’ve dreamt about… us.”
“Not on purpose,” he said, fussing with his notebook still. “But, yeah.”
“I guess that makes sense,” you said sheepishly. “We spend a lot of time together.”
He nodded, pointedly tapping the table with your pencil’s eraser. “Yeah, that probably has a lot to do with it. Was this the first time for you?”
“With you, yeah.” You pouted. "I know I've had them before, but I never really remember them like this."
Seokmin chuckled. “Well, I’m flattered.”
There was a pause between you two, but it wasn’t as uncomfortable as you expected it to be.
“So,” you swallowed. “Are yours just fucking, or…”
“More than that?”
You nodded, staring at your hands.
“It depends,” he laughed nervously. “Sometimes they freak me out a little bit, actually.”
You chewed on your lip. “This one freaked me out.”
He shifted, obviously wanting to ask about it, but not knowing how. You took the hint.
“It was really… intimate,” you said quietly. “Like,” you paused, studying the wall. You put your hands up, palms together. “Like, looking-deep-in-your-eyes intimate.”
He stared at you. You cleared your throat nervously.
“You said you loved me.”
He exhaled. “Damn.”
“And I said it back.”
“Like…” he trailed off, gesturing.
You nodded. “During.”
“Wow,” he flipped the pencil around his thumb. “That’s a lot more than just fucking.”
“No kidding.”
“So,” he started after a long pause, then cleared his throat. “That’s why you've been acting weird?”
You groaned. “Yeah, it’s all I’ve been thinking about all day.”
He stifled a laugh. “It was that good, huh?”
“Shut up,” you giggled, despite how embarrassed his implication made you feel. “I don't know. Every time I see you now, I see that dream in my head. It's awkward.”
“Does that mean…” he paused, tapping your pencil again, his eyes wandering around his room. “You’re imagining me naked?”
“Ugh!” Your hands covered your face. “Well, now I am, you asshole!”
He laughed. “For what it’s worth, I have to pretend that I’m not imagining you naked way more often than I’d like to admit.”
Your fingers slid down your face, uncovering your eyes so you could stare at him. “Are you serious?”
“Yeah, I mean,” he dropped the pencil on the table. “Like, yesterday. When you were reading that comic on your phone?”
You nodded slowly, flattening your skirt against your thighs.
“It reminded me of this dream I had once, where you showed me a hentai and wanted to act it out with me.”
Your jaw dropped. “What the fuck?”
He laughed. “Listen, I don’t come up with this stuff on purpose.”
“How long ago was that dream?”
Seokmin thought a moment. “A few weeks ago?”
You eyed him. “How often do these dreams happen?”
He shifted. “I… I don’t know.”
“You’re lying, but I’ll let it go,” you said, sitting back and leaning against his bed.
He laughed. “Thanks.”
You watched him a moment as he stared at his fingers, fiddling with your pencil again. You suddenly remembered the way his lips had felt against yours. You had never really paid much attention to them before, but when you examined them now, you realized how full they were. They formed a sweet heart, you thought, and you wondered if they felt as velvety as they looked. You spent too long staring at his lips, you had to stop yourself from biting your own.
Seokmin exhaled and held out your pencil. “Back to studying, I guess?”
You blinked. “Right. Yeah.”
His brow raised while you took the pencil from him. “What was that?”
“What was what?”
He laughed. “You were looking at me really weird.”
You examined your pencil. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Seriously.” He cocked his head at you, a smile teasing his lips.
“Stop that,” you muttered, pouting. “I don’t like that I’m noticing you like that.”
“Like what?”
“Like,” you scoffed for a second, unable to believe yourself. “Like not my brother. Or best friend. I’ve been noticing you. As a man. All day. It’s weird and I can’t stop it.”
“As a man?” 
You looked up. Seokmin’s brows were furrowed, but his expression was still gentle. You felt your heart quicken. You screwed your eyes shut. “I’m going to do something. I want you to be totally honest about it after it happens, okay?”
Before you could change your mind, you steadied yourself as you leaned over the table, planting your lips on his.
And you stopped. And he stopped. And you felt electricity run down your spine.
Then time started again, and you pulled away slightly, your eyes opening to find him staring at you.
“I-I’m sorry,” you stuttered. “Was that-”
His hand reached up to you, pulling you back into him with a gentle grip on the back of your neck. This time, his lips moved against yours. You immediately settled into him, goosebumps forming on your arms when you felt his tongue brush against yours. When the pace slowed, he let out a hot breath, and you rested your forehead against his.
He laughed. “Holy shit.”
A giggle escaped your lips. “Yeah.”
“I,” he laughed again. “I’m not gonna lie to you. I have a raging boner.”
You couldn’t stop yourself from looking down, immediately noticing the tent in his pants. You sputtered out a laugh. “Oh my god, Min. You’re such a romantic.”
“Listen!” His hand moved from your nape to your jaw. “That was… A lot. I didn’t realize that kissing you would be like that.”
You smiled gently. You’d never seen his eyes this close before. “Me neither.”
“Like,” he paused. “Is it always like that? Or are we just… insanely compatible?”
You giggled. “I’ve never had a kiss that felt that good.”
“One second,” he said, adjusting himself quickly and standing. He stepped around the table and put out a hand to help you to your feet. “Can we continue?”
You giggled as you stood, straightening your skirt with your free hand. “Yeah, I think I want to.”
He placed his hands on your waist hesitantly. The touch was new. Different, but not unpleasant. You settled your arms on his shoulders, and he dipped down to kiss you again. It was exploratory, almost nervous, but you both settled into a rhythm quickly. You found your hand burying itself in the hair above his nape, and he pulled your hips into him. You gasped slightly, surprised by the unfamiliar feeling of his clothed hard on against your pelvis.
“Too much?” He asked breathlessly, pulling away.
You shook your head and pulled him back onto your lips, immediately deepening the kiss. After a few beats, your teeth tugged on his lip and he groaned, fingers gripping you desperately. His heavy eyelids opened, and you stared at him, trying to catch your breath. “We should… stop.”
He nodded. “Probably, yeah.”
“This is…” You watched his lips. “This is your first time kissing a girl, right?”
He nodded.
“And it would be, you know…” Your fingers were still buried in his hair. “The first time doing that for both of us.”
He nodded.
“So…” You bit your lip. “We should stop.”
He nodded.
But neither of you really wanted to stop. Despite all logic pointing towards it, you really had a hard time justifying it to yourself when you were here, with him, and everything felt so good.
So you didn’t stop. Not yet.
You slowed the pace, both of you aware that you were no longer participating in a sprint, but rather a marathon. He was gentle with you, his hands following the curve of your waist as he discovered your weak points - the small of your back, your lower lip, and the skin between your ear and jaw. You couldn't stop thinking about how you just couldn't believe he had never kissed a girl before, considering how easily he was making you melt in his hands.
And when a curious hand found its way to your ass, playfully pulling up your skirt to grip you better, you nearly fell apart. You desperately wanted to do something, despite knowing that you probably shouldn't, and you fought with the notion for a long moment, all while Seokmin made a very compelling case for you to strip down right that second.
You needed to think logically. Seokmin was your very best friend and you didn’t want to ruin that, but you were a bit beyond that at this point. You had only admitted attraction, not even feelings. You weren’t even close to dating, you thought. You always wanted your first time to be with someone you had been seeing for a while, someone you really cared for and really cared for you. Someone special. But the more you considered it, you realized Seokmin might be the perfect candidate; he was the person you were closest to, and you shared an emotional intimacy that you couldn’t even imagine with anyone else, so even that argument seemed null.
It didn’t take much for you to work up the courage. He pulled your hips into him again, and you let your hands drift downward, finding their way to the (impressive) bulge in the front of his pants. He made a noise - a mix between a yelp and a groan - before grabbing your shoulders and pushing you away slightly.
Your already rosy pink cheeks went bright red. “Bad?”
“I-” Seokmin stuttered. “I thought-”
“I just,” you paused, looking down. You tried not to stare at his crotch. “We don’t have to do anything major but… I want to touch you.”
He let out a strangled laugh. “What happened to ‘we should stop’?”
You bit at your lip, pushing him lightly until he sat on the edge of the bed, sinking to your knees in front of him. “Do you want to stop?”
He stared at you, seeming to consider everything for the first time, suddenly awake to what you were suggesting. “Not really, no.”
“Then,” you looked down. “Let me touch you.”
The next day, you were on his bed. You were laying next to each other, listening to music, when you suddenly propped yourself up on an elbow to look at him. He raised an eyebrow at you.
“Can I help you?”
You laughed. “Yes.”
He smiled, placing a hand on your nape to pull you down to him, resulting in a long, slow kiss. That same electricity ran down your spine.
“Uh oh.”
He laughed lightly. “Why uh oh?”
You examined his face for a moment. “I think I might actually have a crush on you.”
“I told you you were lying yesterday.”
You laughed and hit him. The music stopped suddenly, his phone ringing from where it was plugged in across the room. Seokmin groaned.
“Can you get that?”
“You’re closer than me, asshole.”
He groaned again, rolling off his bed and onto the floor, crawling his way to his desk. He pulled it off its cord and answered. “Hey.”
You watched as he stood, making a noise of recognition. His hand hit his forehead.
“Ah, I forgot. Do you wanna come over here instead? I don’t wanna leave the house.”
As Seokmin walked back towards the bed, you could hear Minghao’s annoyed voice through the phone. “-been waiting all afternoon. Mingyu’s here already, you know? And you’re gonna make us come to you?”
“Ah, well,” he said, flopping back onto the bed and putting his phone on speaker. “Y/N’s over here, so. Are you gonna make her walk all the way to your house? Are you even allowed to have girls over?”
You laughed at Minghao’s stutter as he repeated your name. “Hey, am I on speaker? That’s rude, you know.”
“Hi, Hao,” you said, giggling. “You and Mingyu should come over, the four of us can play Mario Kart!”
“See!” Seokmin said. “Listen to your elders, Myungho.”
“We're the same age, don't call yourself my elder.”
“See you soon?”
He sighed into the phone. You stifled a snort. “Fine, we’ll come to you. Be there in twenty.”
You laughed at the dial tone that signified Minghao hung up without letting Seokmin say bye. He had a look of betrayal on his face before he dropped the phone and rolled onto his side, facing you. You raised a brow. He contorted his face to wink at you dramatically, making you laugh, and him follow suit.
“Yah,” he rolled over again, rubbing his face. “I can’t believe this is actually happening.”
You poked his side and he swatted at your hand. “What do you mean?”
“To be totally honest?” Seokmin inspected the ceiling. “I’ve liked you for a really long time.”
Your mouth opened involuntarily. “Really?”
He nodded. “I woke up this morning thinking for sure that I dreamt yesterday. I’ve thought about confessing to you so many times, but you never seemed interested in me that way. I didn’t want to make our friendship awkward.”
“Well,” you said, picking at your nails. “I’m interested in you now, so…”
Seokmin laughed, tucking a hand under his head. “Good thing, I was getting worried I wouldn’t be able to keep it in much longer. You keep getting prettier every day.”
You coasted on that high, laying on your stomach and smiling at your phone, for the time it took your friends to make their way to you. You heard the door opening downstairs and Seokmin’s mother’s voice as she told them to go ahead up. 
Seokmin rolled off the bed. “I should move. They might suspect something if we’re laying in bed together.”
You nodded at him, looking back at your phone and mindlessly playing a puzzle game as he settled, seated on the floor with his back against the bed. There was an unspoken agreement that the two of you should keep whatever relationship developed a secret, at least for now. The two of you didn’t even know what this was yet, it’d be stupid to let others in on it, too.
When Minghao and Mingyu practically kicked open Seokmin’s bedroom door, you jumped at the noise and stared at them wide eyed.
“Yah!” Seokmin yelled. “Be careful! The hell is wrong with you?”
Minghao looked like he was trying to be intimidating, pursing his lips to stop himself laughing while he tried to be serious. “You lazy assholes made us walk all the way over here.”
You looked from him to Mingyu, who looked back at you, his face reading like a hostage. You burst into laughter, rolling onto your side.
“Don’t laugh!” Minghao pointed at you, a smile breaking through his facade. “I’m serious. This jerk agreed to come over to my house, yet we somehow ended up here! Because you’re here! Why?”
Seokmin was staring at him, mouth open and squinting. “In my defense, I forgot.”
“I wanted to hang out,” you said sweetly, sitting up and leaning against the wall. “I’m sorry.”
“He’s always choosing you over us,” Minghao pouted, crossing his arms as Mingyu snuck around him to sit on the bed next to you. “What’s up with that?”
“Well, first of all,” Seokmin said. “She’s way cooler than both of you.”
You laughed and said “thanks,” while both Mingyu and Minghao whined in unison.
“Secondly, I’ve known her for literally a decade longer than I’ve known you guys.”
“Whatever,” Minghao said, pulling his phone out of his jeans’ pocket and sitting on the floor. “You’re weirdly confident today. Did you finally get laid?”
You almost snapped your neck with how quickly you looked up at him. Mingyu snorted, laughing at the idea, but both you and Seokmin were frozen, staring at Minghao, who’s forehead creased when he saw the looks on both of your faces. Realization dawned on him and Mingyu almost simultaneously.
“Holy fuck, you two-”
“I have to pee,” Seokmin announced loudly, standing so suddenly that he toppled slightly before walking past Minghao and exiting the room. You stared after him incredulously, ears bright red, silently cursing the scaredy-cat bitch for abandoning you.
Mingyu cleared his throat. “So.”
“Nope,” you said. “This isn’t happening. We’re not talking about this.”
Minghao pointed at you. “So it’s true!”
You shook your head and rubbed your face. “That idiot really just walked out of the room.”
Mingyu laughed his big loud laugh, making you chuckle into your hands as you continued to cover your face.
“I’m so pissed. I can’t believe he actually just walked out.”
“I can’t believe you fucked him,” Minghao said.
Your hands fell off your face. “I didn’t! We didn’t fuck!”
He pointed at the door. “Then what the hell was that?”
“That was an idiot.”
He pouted a moment. “That’s not fair. I can’t argue with that.”
When the door opened again, you threw a pillow at Seokmin. “You jerk!”
He caught the pillow and stared at you. “What?”
The other boys stifled laughter as you fumed. “You abandoned me, you asshole!”
“I had to pee!”
“Nice cover, dick.” You crossed your arms. “I’m mad at you.”
“Don’t be mad at me!” He pointed at Minghao. “Be mad at him!”
Mingyu whined. “Mommy and Daddy are fighting...”
You smacked him in the arm with the back of your hand, and he jumped, rubbing the spot you hit. 
Minghao laughed and leaned back on his hands. “You’re a real dumbass.”
“Shut up,” he grumbled, hugging the pillow while he sat down across the room. “I didn’t know what to do.”
You scoffed. “Clearly.”
“So... are you guys done talking about it?”
You threw your phone at him, and he deflected it with the pillow. 
“Hey! That could have actually hurt me!”
“Yet it didn’t,” you said, trying to grab Mingyu’s phone out of his hand to throw that, too, but he held it out of your reach and pushed you away. “We didn’t talk about anything, and we’re not gonna talk about anything.” You pointed a look at Minghao. “Right?”
“Right,” he said, sighing. “Whatever. I’ll corner Seokmin later.”
You continued to fume from your curled position on the bed, pouting and glaring at Seokmin. He stared back at you, eyes wide and lips slightly curved downwards. He mouthed an I’m sorry, but you just kept glaring.
“So,” Mingyu said, scratching his head. “Mario Kart?”
Hours passed, and you slowly let out your anger one shell at a time, Seokmin crying out and begging you to stop every time you hit him. At the end of a Grand Prix, you announced that you needed to pee.
“Have fun,” you said to Seokmin, then stood up to go to the restroom. He stared at you, wishing for mercy, as you closed the bedroom door. You giggled to yourself as you walked down the stairs.
You purposefully took your time, using the restroom downstairs, washing your hands extra well, looking at photos in the hall, peeking into the kitchen and chatting with Seokmin’s mother. When you finally returned, Seokmin looked shellshocked and both Mingyu and Minghao looked up at you.
“Did you enjoy yourself?”
Minghao nodded. “He’s easier to crack than you are.”
That was the moment where you thought, oh, this may have been a mistake. You gulped, looking at Seokmin. “What did you say?”
“Nothing,” he said, but it came out as almost a whisper. He cleared his throat. “Nothing, I swear.”
You looked at Mingyu, and he shook his head with a frown to tell you he was lying. “Seokmin, what the fuck?”
“You abandoned me!”
“That doesn’t mean you can tell them everything!”
“I didn’t tell them everything…”
“Oh,” Minghao said, “So you guys did do more than that.”
You stared at him. “Seokmin, what the fuck!”
“I’m sorry!” He put his hands together and getting on his knees to plead with you. “I’m sorry! I’m weak! You know this!”
“You’re a fucking traitor,” you said, shaking your head as you sat down. He practically put his head in your lap while he bowed to you, muttering apologies. “I’m never sucking your dick again.”
His head shot up while both of the other boys burst into laughter. Seokmin let out a weak “really?”, which made them laugh even harder.
You almost snorted at the look on his face, shoving on his shoulder while the boys were distracted laughing. “Stop digging your own grave, idiot. What did you even tell them?”
He sat up, lower lip sticking out as he stared at you, clearly searching for a sign that you weren’t absolutely pissed at him anymore. "Just that you, y'know," he muttered, aimlessly gesturing. "Taught me how to make you feel good."
"You got pretty good, too," you giggled. You leaned over, planting a quick kiss on his lips.
“Wait, no, come back,” he said, pulling at you with a hand on the back of your neck. You laughed while Mingyu made a gagging noise behind you.
“Ugh, get a room.”
“This is my room,” Seokmin snapped back, looking over your shoulder. He kissed you again, then finally let you sit back. “Hey,” he started. You looked up at him, pursing your lips. “Wanna be my girlfriend?”
You giggled.
“You two aren’t even together?” Minghao whined.
“Seriously, you have to do this right now?” Mingyu groaned.
“I’d like that,” you said.
“Me too,” Seokmin grinned.
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wlwpiece · 4 years
Hello! I wanna say THANK YOU for creating this blog! The girls in One Piece need so much love, and it's so nice to see more positive WLW content. 😭 If it's okay, could I ask for some sweet, domestic relationship headcanons for Reiju, Bonney, and Perona? Like cuddling, how they would treat their girlfriends, dates, stuff like that? Thank you so much for your time, and I hope you have a wonderful day! ❤
Thanks a bunch for your supportive message~  I can absolutely fill this request for you. A parade of pink-haired ladies you shall… read about! Enjoy!
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Sure, Reiju can appear forward and flirtatious, but the truth is, if she really likes a woman, she will be much more reserved toward her. She’s cautious of showing too much emotion around the Germa, and wouldn’t want to risk the life of someone important to her.
When Reiju is alone with her girlfriend, it’s a completely different story. She’s passionate and compassionate. She loves to hold her girlfriend close, and listen to her talk about things she is passionate about.
Dating would have to be a secretive affair. Reiju is a well-known mercenary, so to protect her girlfriend, they would have to meet up in disguise, or in places they know they can be alone.
Reiju would be the type of lover to buy a lot of gifts for her girlfriend. That way, Reiju can see her wearing clothes or jewelry that is a symbol of her love.
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Bonney wants a girlfriend who can cook. If she falls for someone who can’t, well, that person will just have to put up with a half-dozen take-out orders a day. Hope she’s hungry!
Dates with Bonney won’t always revolve around food, don’t worry. But that might be how the relationship starts – with her making excuses for why the woman she likes should join her for dinner. After more time getting to know her, she’d suggest other venues for dates. After all, when you’re eating like Bonney does… it can be hard to hold a conversation.
While she doesn’t mind physical affection and cuddling, Bonney’s the kind of girlfriend who likes cute actions, like pinkie swears. She’d make her girlfriend pinkie-promise to be with her forever just before they fall asleep side by side.
And speaking of cute, she also likes to let her girlfriend pick out what she wears. Those fun patterned stockings and shorts? They don’t match themselves…
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Perona loves cute things, and wants a cute girlfriend. It quickly becomes apparent though that her definition of cute is very lenient. If her girlfriend doesn’t mind the adjective, she’s cute. That’s all there is to it.
The ghost princess is a bit of a demanding woman to date though. She always expects gifts, fresh flowers, stuffed animals, makeup… and there’s no occasion necessary. If Perona wants something, she’ll pout until her girlfriend has no choice but to buy it.
She does like to cuddle though, of course! She’s used to cuddling plushies, so the warm embrace of her girlfriend will take some getting used to, but she won’t be reluctant for a hug.
Dates with Perona include watching scary movies together, hands clasped tight; or baking cookies together so they can be decorated with bats and ghosts.
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I was thinking about writing this short post last night, but I was too sleepy to focus so I decided to do it today. This post (which the astros / haters are sure to criticize), is about some hints from the girls and the reason (theory) behind Lauren for not doing the Attunement last Sunday.
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We started with Camila mentioning that she will be spending time at the grandparents' house on July 25 (unless we are talking about a latergram) she mentions her estrangement from social media and that she had not been active for some time and explained everything she had been doing has been closely related to what Lauren had also been sharing about self love.
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So Camila on July 25 was with her grandparents but on July 26 she posted a photo with the image of her flower shirt and the legend "Flower Child"
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Aka the nickname that our Moonchild had long ago
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With this I have started to think of something. If we take into account these posts and that the girls have shared the same type of IG stories, it is very possible that they have been together. I say this because we have already seen that it is Lauren who has helped Camila to relax, she has taught her the subject of meditation (And no, I am not talking about last year, nor this year, but much earlier)
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These are GIF from an old post but I can’t post them here
This little scene tells us that it was Lauren who knows when Camila is nervous and needs support. Here Lauren asks her to breathe and Camila is distracted enough to calm down. So we have those details, folks. They are small but there are other details that have made me think that the girls have been together for two things: Lauren did not make her Attunement last Sunday
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And now there is a possibility that Camila is traveling to London and Lauren too, we cannot know.
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Quite possibly with Lauren because the fandom already knows that when the girls are inactive at the same time it is likely that they are spending time together before they are forced to separate. The Camren-PR-Camren-PR pattern As always, it is a theory that I have taken from what I have seen and thanks to what the Anons have sent me. I don't have the answers and I may be wrong, but they are just that, possibilities.
Side note: This thought also came from this ask on @karlaswine’s blog that caught my attention too.
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Possibilities, folks.
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Blueberries, Lavender & Hot Matcha Tea  (Part 2)
A SasuHina ficlet
PART 1| Part 2
AN: THANK YOU SO MUCH TO THOSE WHO COMMENTED, OR RE-BLOGGED, OR LIKED THE FIRST PART TO THIS FIC. It truly means more than I can say. Helped a lot with motivation and it’s super cool to know that people are reading the things I write. I hope the follow up chapter doesn’t disappoint <3
Summary: Hinata has a run in with a familiar face.
Warnings: Brief mentions of grief and anxiety (because Hinata’s a nervous butterfly) but nothing remotely heavy. Also there’s alcohol consumption.
Word count: 6167
Hinata knows that she needs to start putting herself out there. She can’t stay holed up comfortably in her room while years of her life pass on by, listening to cigarettes after sex under the safe warmth of her white fluffy blanket that still smells like her late mothers perfume, and sniffing essential oils like they’re some kind of soft-core drug to distract her spiralling thoughts from every embarrassingly mortifying predicament she’s ever found herself in.
She’s been trying really hard not to think about spilling her extra hot matcha latte all over this potentially handsome stranger a few days ago. She thinks - potentially - because she did not have the courage to look at the man's face after maiming him and probably ruining his expensive suit!
Hinata’s sure she must have ruined his entire morning, which must have ruined his whole day, and now he probably hates her. Oh goodness, Hinata strongly dislikes the thought of people out there in this world walking around hating her.  
Wow, these thoughts are entirely useless, she really needs to stop her brain from going down these awful paths.  
Today Hinata has decided to try really hard not to wallow in the comfort of all her numbing guilty pleasures.  
So, when Sakura Haruno, the loud and outgoing girl with pretty pink hair, who always smells like strawberries and vanilla from her photography course asked if she wanted to hangout and work on their portfolio’s after class; Hinata was thankful for the distraction.
They had spent that afternoon drinking green tea at the kitchen table in Sakura’s little homey apartment, showing each other their favourite pieces and sharing feedback.
“You have to include this one, it’s so cute” Sakura gushes, pointing at a print of children finger painting; a mischievous little boy is smearing bold red paint all over the face of a girl whose expression is twisted in pure terror.
“You have a real talent for capturing the essence of people.” She continues in a dreamy tone, “it’s like you’re able to capture the moment they’re most alive, even if it’s just the little moments, y’know?”  
Hinata blushes at the complement, “th-thank you Sakura.”
“It's kind of ironic that people are your main muse considering how afraid of them you are.” She teases.
“I’m not sca-AhyH!”
Of course, that’s the moment a woman with a giant blond ponytail barges through the door brandishing a bouquet of peonies making Hinata squeal. “Sakura I swear to god if you ate the last of the ice-cream again, I’m gonna- Oh! hello there.” The crazy flower lady stops mid-threat noticing a stranger in her apartment.
“Ino this is Hinata from class, Hinata this is my roommate Ino.” Sakura introduces, failing to constrain her laughter.
Ino’s demeanor does a 180 as she gently rests the flowers on her lacquered kitchen counter and approaches Hinata in a trance like state. “Your hair is so long and gorgeous, it totally reminds me of the violets we have at the flower shop -- you have to let me braid it.” She breathes and Hinata’s eyes are as wide as the sky outside.
“Ino, tone it down you’re going to scare her.” Sakura chides, rolling her eyes, not at all surprised by her roommate's antics. “Do you always have to act like such a spazz?”
“I am but a simple girl who is a slave to all things beautiful.” Ino proudly counters running her fingers through blue strands and Hinata mentally notes that she smells like a garden.
Sakura’s phone vibrates on the kitchen table, “it’s Naruto,” she says glancing at the screen. “Wondering when we’ll be coming over.”
“I don’t know, an hour or two? Tell him we’re bringing Hinata!” Ino adds excitedly and starts to braid blue hair without permission. “You should come out tonight with Sakura and I, meet the rest of the gang.”
“Oh.” In high school Hinata was never able to make friends with girls, and spent most of her time in the photography club’s black room developing pictures. Her introverted nature made it difficult to connect with people, but in this moment, the prospect of meeting Sakura’s friends, and the inclusive enthusiasm from these girls is making Hinata a little emotional. “I-I don’t know.”  
“Hinata, you don’t have to come if you don’t want to, but I think it could be good for you,” Sakura encourages.
“Carpe diem bitch,” is Ino’s convincing addition.
Hinata giggles, absent mindedly sniffing her wrist searching for the comforting sweet scent of the fragrance she’s wearing today, “yeah, okay.”
Ino makes a pleased sound and saunters over to a kitchen drawer to snatch a pair of scissors and clips the head off of one the peonies, then ties it into the base of Hinata’s braid. “You really have no idea how cute you are Hinata,” she coos observing her work in admiration and Hinata feels warm all over.
Hinata likes the rapport between Ino and Sakura, there’s something about their friendship that she finds inspiring.  
When they split what’s left of the chocolate ice-cream and start getting ready for a night out, Hinata can’t help pulling out her camera and snapping shots of Ino with her shades of purple and Sakura’s vibes in red. Hinata feels outshined in her usual high waisted mom jean and oversized grey patterned sweater.  
But that’s okay, she still feels like one of the girls.
Ino had made a strong case for wanting to get her steps in for the day, (since her fitbit said she had only reached 8243 so far) convincing the girls to walk to Naruto’s apartment instead of taking the bus. On their stroll Sakura and Ino began giving Hinata character profiles of everyone she was going to meet and Hinata found them to be quite amusing.
Ino playfully starts with, “Shikamaru’s like, my best bro. I’ve known him forever, smartest guy I know but a total stoner and he doesn’t give a fuck about anything.
“Choji gives the best hugs and he loves giving them, so if he looks like he’s going in for one - just let it happen - you’ll hurt his feelings if you don’t.”
“Naruto and Kiba are basically the same person and are the biggest loudest dorks on the planet,” Sakura chimes in, “but they’re also super friendly and kinda funny if you can get over their lack of brain cells.”
“Then there’s Sasuke,” Ino says, and hearing that name strikes a familiar chord with Hinata, triggering flashes of fond memories. “He’s really hot, but kind of a dick,” Ino hugs herself smiling at a distant memory, “basically, we all know each other from going to the same high school -”
“Ino and I had the hugest rivalry back then because we both wanted him.”  
“What happened?” Hinata really wanted to ask if they were talking about Sasuke Uchiha, but didn’t want to interrupt the momentum of their story.
“We were so stupid causing all sorts of drama in our little social circle nearly tearing it apart, and Sasuke wasn’t having any of it, one day he told us to grow the fuck up and to leave him alone.” That did kind of sound like something Sasuke would say, but that would just be too big of a coincidence, wouldn’t it?
“We both cried.” Sakura snickers sheepishly.
“Eventually we finally realized that friendships should be forever-”
“And boyfriends are whatever.” Both girls enthusiastically finish the rehearsed line making silly faces at each other.
Hinata giggles at that, whishing she had taken a picture, “awe, that’s so cute.”
“And now he’s one of our good friends, but I just want to warn you that he can be cold and he can be mean and if he says something dickish, please don’t take it personally.”
Hinata hums, only half listening to Ino. Was it possible that when Hinata arrives at this apartment she was going to be face to face with the childhood friend she hasn’t seen in over a decade?  
Guess she’ll just have to wait and see.
When Hinata enters the apartment, her senses are immediately overstimulated; it smells salty like ramen and sour with beer which clashes with how clean and pristine the space actually is. It’s decorated with blacks, whites and a few splashes of colors, but overall has a very minimalist feel.
Hinata barely has time to kick her shoes off before she’s surrounded by strangers, and can’t stop the heat from suffusing her face from the disorienting barrage of unwanted attention.  
“Hey bitches!” Ino yells at the group, “we’re here! We know you missed us!”
“This is the beautiful Hinata,” Sakura adds, and Hinata really wants to hide under a rock somewhere. “Be nice okay, she’s really shy.”
“Hey I’m Naruto.” A blond man appears beaming at her, outstretching his hand. “I have never seen eyes that look like your eyes before!”
“Oh.” Hinata went to shake his hand but was interrupted by another hand grabbing hers and kissing it, which is so uncalled for.
“And I’m Kiba, don’t listen to that guy, he’s a complete moron.” He says with a wolfish grin and Hinata has no idea what’s going on anymore.
When she tries to turn away, she’s met with the kind face of a stout man in a green Zelda t-shirt with his arms wide open for an inviting hug. She decides to accept her fate by awkwardly stepping forward wearing a confused pout, and lets the arms of a stranger wrap around her in what is surprisingly one of the best hugs she has ever received. He smells nice, Hinata thinks. Savoury and warm like a thanksgiving dinner. For a moment she actually feels safe, like a veil has been thrown over the sudden wave of chaos, giving her a quiet moment for her heartbeat to settle, “I’m Choji, it’s really nice to meet you Hinata, try not to worry so much, everyone here is harmless, I promise.” He says, rubbing gentle circles on her back.
When Choji pulls away, he sends her one last reassuring smile before padding off towards the ponytailed man currently dying of laughter, and joining him on a leather couch. Choji grabs a handful of potato chips from a bowl on the marble coffee table and starts earnestly snacking.
Snacks! Snacks sound really nice right now! Tasting tasty things can sometimes be a good distraction when Hinata is overwhelmed. She self-consciously shuffles forward towards the provisions, drawn towards the colorful array of fresh fruits, grabbing a small handful of blueberries and popping one of them in her mouth. She tries to ignore the pair legs in her periphery... she needs a moment before making another introduction.
Hinata jumps feeling a presence directly behind her, she twirls around to see Naruto pulling back appearing extremely guilty.
What was he doing?  Was he pointing at her hair?
“Hehehe, sorry about that,” he says, smiling sheepishly, and scratches the back of his head, “I was just pointing out to my friend here, how beautiful your hair is, what a wonderful shade of blue,” he made a weird face directed at someone over her head, “are you enjoying those, blueberries?”
Hinata hears more laughter coming from ponytail boy on the couch.
Hinata turns to see who Naruto is looking at and-
Sasuke was here.  
It was her Sasuke!
She instantly looks away, eyes wide, staring down at the hardwood floors.
Well, not her Sasuke. But an older version of the one she knew as a child. The one she met that one summer years ago and spent nearly every day with him before her mother fell ill and her family moved away in the wake of tragedy.
And he was... Glaring at her? No, he was glaring at Naruto? He kind of looked like he recognized her, but why would he be glaring?
“This is fucking stupid,” Sasuke seethes and takes off towards the kitchen, where Kiba and Ino are talking and drinking.
Sakura approaches Hinata with a glass in hand, Hinata stares at the ice clinking as she offers it, “vodka soda, with lime?”
Well, one drink couldn’t hurt, Hinata thinks.
She glances over at a brooding Sasuke leaning on the kitchen island sipping his beer.
She might need it.
It’s nearly an hour later and Hinata feels the dread sinking deep into the pit of her stomach. She desperately wishes she could conjure up some courage, approach Sasuke, and see how he’s been after all these years, but he still hasn’t left from his spot in the kitchen.  
She’s starting to believe that maybe he doesn’t recognize her, which is a rather sad thought.
Hinata also appears to be at the butt end of some sort of mean inside joke that she doesn’t understand, ponytail bo- Shikamaru and Naruto joined Sasuke in the kitchen and kept making not-so-subtle glances her way -- but whatever -- she’s a big girl, she’s not going to cry about it even if she wants to.
Currently she’s sitting on the puffy leather couch between Choji and Sakura, Sakura is sharing the memes she’s saved onto her phone this month with Ino and Kiba while Hinata stares down at the melting ice in her drink and Choji attempts to calm her with platitudes.
Hinata doesn’t regret coming tonight despite feeling like the biggest fool in existence.
After all, tonight she actually has the opportunity to reconnect with someone she still thinks about, even after all these years.
She has always wondered what had happened to that bratty boy she met that one summer.
The sinking feeling grows deeper and Hinata feels her heart beating in the drums of her ears.
She takes one last tentative sip before downing the rest of her drink and summons every ounce of bravery she didn’t know she had to strengthen her resolve.
She stands from the couch with shaky determination ignoring Choji’s concerned inquiry, then forces one foot in front of the other strait towards the guiding bright lights of the kitchen.
The easy conversation awkwardly dies down when she arrives beside Naruto and Sasuke. She feels both their gazes land on her, and Hinata spots an ugly orange magnet on the stainless-steel fridge Sasuke is leaning on that has the phrase - believe it! - stamped on it and chooses to direct most of her focus on the positive affirmation.
“Uh, hey Hinata, you doing okay?” Naruto asks, slightly taken aback. Hinata nods still focusing on the magnet, face heating up as the beginning of a buzz tingles in the corners of her mind. “Can I get you another drink?”
She looks down at the empty glass she grips and nods again, muttering a quiet thank you, and handing it over. He takes it and moves further down the island to chat with Shikamaru and starts making her another.
“Hi Sasuke,” she forces passed her chapped lips.
“Hello Hinata.” Sasuke says, sounding about as uncomfortable as she feels and she looks up, hopeful, to meet his burning gaze and quickly looks back at that stupid orange magnet.
“So, you do remember me?” She asks, confused as to why he’s been ignoring her since her arrival.
“I remember how two days ago you ran into me quite rudely, burning me with tea.”
Hinata’s brain short-circuits.  
“Wait what!?-”
No! No no no no no. Impossible. No.
“-That- that was you? oh my god, oh no! I am so sorry about that, I really wasn’t looking where I was going, I-I can’t believe this, I swear you just came out of nowhere though, oh my goodness, I can’t believe that was-”  
“Please just stop before you give yourself an aneurysm.” Sasuke lifts his hands in a placating manner and Hinata snaps her mouth shut. “So that’s not how you seem to know me?” He asks, further rankling as the conversation drags on.
“So you don’t remember me.” She says mostly to herself, completely humiliated by this entire exchange, every time she opens her mouth it’s like falling down a flight of stairs -- Hinata seriously wishes she would reach the bottom already.
“Remember you from... where?”  
“I-I mean I guess it’s not that surprising, we were only nine or ten at the time and it-it was only one summer... over a decade ago... You-you never really did call me by my name either.” Hinata says focusing on her twiddling fingers, her voice barely above a whisper, a pensive smile framing her lips at the memory.
There’s a long drawn out silence before Sasuke slowly asks, “...Tomato face?”  
Hinata feels her face burn red at the old moniker, nodding. “Yeah...”
“Hyuuga, Hinata. Shit. Yeah. I do remember.”
The culminating tension finally releases from the moment and Hinata smiles at the black and white tiles breathing just a little bit easier.
He remembers.
“Wait... Did I hear you call her a tomato?” Naruto returns with a mildly amused Shikamaru in tow, handing Hinata her drink, and looks between the pair completely intrigued.
It didn’t take long for the word to spread that Hinata and Sasuke were childhood friends and everyone congregated into the small-ish kitchen asking curious questions.
It also didn’t take long for everyone to lose interest when Naruto nudged Hinata and started grilling her for embarrassing details of what a prepubescent Sasuke was like, earning him a surly glare. Hinata shyly shrugged saying, “I-I don’t really remember, it was a long time ago.”  
Safe to say -- Naruto didn’t buy it, but surprisingly didn’t press further, and the group dispersed, leaving them to reacquaint.
The conversation between them after that was unfortunately still quite awkward, thankfully, Hinata wasn’t entirely to blame.
They exchanged small talk, Hinata mentions that she actually works at Heaven’s Little Corner and was just coming off her shift early when she ran into him the other day, and Sasuke talks about going to school and getting a Bachelor's degree in Business and how he focused on E-commerce after graduation. Overall, their -- re-connecting -- consisted of the typical pleasantries involved in catching up, and Hinata couldn’t distinguish if she was disappointed or relieved when their conversation came to a lull and she couldn’t think of anymore pointless verbiage to drag it along.
What she really wanted was to reminisce over hot days on the beach, collecting tiny crabs to occupy the sandcastles they built, and how Hinata had found sand in her hair days after the event. She wanted to talk about ice-cream and food fights and sneaking out to gaze at the stars in the night sky way past their bedtime, and how they pondered if aliens exist.
“I think the universe is too big for there not to be something out there somewhere.”  
She remembers Sasuke saying, thoughtfully looking up.
“I-I think you’re an alien.”
She said back, earning her an indignant huff.  
“Whatever tomato face.”
She wanted to talk about how simple everything was when they were kids, how she misses that naivety and how scary the world had revealed itself to be over the years.
Hinata was never good at making friends, even as a child, but she could still look back and she knew that Sasuke was one. He had been the last mark on her childhood that had made it a good one, the last moments she had to truly be a kid before she lost her mother, the truest love she had ever felt, forcing her to grow up.
Instead silence overtakes the kitchen and they both stare at their drinks unsure of what to say.
Sasuke isn’t how she remembers him at all. Yeah, he has the same face, just matured, and the same haughtiness, but the spark for life that had once inspired her seemed to be gone.
Which is an unfair thought to have, she admits, but she can’t stop herself from thinking it.
“Well I think it’s time to go on an adventure,” Naruto awkwardly offers.  
“An adventure?”  Hinata repeats, eyes growing wide.
“Naruto’s idea of an adventure is leaving the house and walking around the block.” Sasuke says rolling his eyes.
“Hey anything can be an adventure if you let it!”
It smells like damp grass and Hinata nearly jumps out of her skin as Naruto’s roar of triumph echo's off the surrounding buildings, catching the glow in the dark frisbee Kiba threw him. Sakura and Ino had joined them in their late-night excursion and Hinata can’t suppress the giddy giggles from watching them stumble about attempting athleticism when they are clearly four or five drinks deep.
She snaps a few photos and decides that she likes Naruto’s philosophy of approaching even the mundane aspects of life as an adventure.
This whole day certainly has felt like one.
Hinata puts her camera away, feels the chill in the October air, and pulls her scarf tighter. She casts a glance over at the park bench where Shikamaru was smoking a joint to see that he’s now casually chatting about... string theory? -- to Choji, who continues to nod his head like he understands.  
Her trailing gaze then lands on Sasuke and-  
Hinata immediately looks back towards the glowing air bound frisbee.  
He was watching her - he looked suspicious - Hinata doesn’t know of what.
“Hey Sakura,” Hinata tries to call out, voice wavering, “it’s getting late, I think I-I should start heading home.”
That seems to put a halt on the physical activity for a moment, she’s then hugged by every frisbee player.
“It was nice meeting you Hinata.”
“Come back any time.”
“Yes please! We need more girls in our group, Sakura and I are severely outnumbered.”  
“Are you sure you don’t want us to walk you?” Sakura slurs slightly, pulling away from the tight embrace.
“I’ll be fine, thank you Sakura,” Hinata smiles at her newest friend and turns to leave but stops at the bench to wave goodbye at Choji and Shikamaru, earning her a warm smile and a lazy nod. She looks at Sasuke’s arms proudly crossed over his broad chest and says, “it was nice seeing you again Sasuke.” And makes her way down the busy street, casting one last glance behind her just in time to see Sakura jump on Ino piggyback style to catch the frisbee in an impressive display of drunken camaraderie.
She smiles wider to herself. Wow. Today was a good day. An Adventure! Even if seeing Sasuke again was really weird and awkward and not at all how she wished it could have gone, she still met a lot of new people – Sakura's friends are so nice! They made her feel right at home and didn’t make her feel too weird about being shy and -
“Hey, Hinata.”
Hinata startles, hearing the sound of her name accompanied by footsteps catching up and her breath hitches when she turns to see Sasuke slowing down next to her.
“S-Sasuke? What are you-”
“I’m going to walk you home,” he snorts like it’s obvious, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his black jacket, “it’s late.”
“Oh,” Hinata hugs herself, suddenly feeling extremely self-conscious and maybe even a little nauseous as they walk in silence, their steps in sync.  
She can feel the heat of his gaze on her and Hinata makes a point to stare at the crispy autumn leaves on the pavement – yeah – Hinata has no idea what to make of this.
“You know it finally makes sense now, why I couldn’t stop thinking about you.”  
Hinata trips over nothing, “you what?”  
Leaves. Look at the leaves. The beautiful burnt orange leaves. Just. Keep. Looking.
“At the coffee shop, there was something about you, I couldn’t get you out of my mind. Guess I thought you were familiar somehow.” Sasuke shrugs, with an air of nonchalance as they cross the street.
“Oh,” Hinata’s starting to feel warm, she doesn’t know if it’s from their quickening pace, the two drinks she’s had or how Sasuke is close enough for their shoulders to brush.
“It’s kind of crazy that we’d run into each other like this, after all these years.”  
Hinata stops walking and Sasuke mirrors her. There’s something in his tone that catches Hinata off guard, something almost fond? Hinata looks back in the direction of his friends, they’re about five blocks away now.  
Sasuke seemed... different than how he’s been all night -- more open somehow. Maybe he feels weird about their earlier interactions too, but didn’t feel comfortable acting this way in front of his friends? Sasuke’s always been a very private person, even as a child.
“Yeah it is,” Hinata bites her lip and throws him a timid fleeting smile, silently wishing she knew what was going through his mind.
“So, why did you come back to Konoha.”  
“I-uh-” Hinata starts playing with the hem of her sweater and reminds herself it’s good to open up, “-wanted to figure out this life thing for myself – be independent - if my dad had his way, I’d never leave home or do anything that wasn’t part of his plan-” she tapers off, distracted by the approaching sound of music, a dumb smile spreads across her face when she sees an old skinny man on a sparkly bicycle riding past them on the road blaring ‘Dancing Queen’ from an oversized speaker he probably installed himself -- he seemed so – in the moment, like all that existed was him and the music filling the streets that he owned – Hinata silently mourns the missed opportunity of capturing that moment forever in a-
“You were saying,” Sasuke pokes her shoulder harder than necessary, bursting her from her reverie, and starts leading her down concrete stairs away from the bustling main road of the city, towards the waterfront.
“Right,” Hinata continues feeling energized from the random encounter and embarrassed from being caught drifting away in a daydream when they were in the middle of a conversation, “it was – uh - hard to leave my sister, but she encouraged me to go, that I should at least attempt to do the dream chasing thing.” Hinata pats her shoulder bag in reference to her camera. “I saved up some money and here I am, making it up as I go.”
“Hm, you always were snapping pictures everywhere you went.”  
Their steps slow to a stop once they reach the cold metal railing where tourists gather during the day overlooking the docks, but it’s mostly quiet at this time of night.
It smells cold from the breeze and salty from the ocean. The lampposts must need changing because the only light is from the half-moon in the cloudless sky, casting them in dark shades of blue.
Hinata takes a deep breath observing the skyline and the colorful lights reflecting in the undulating ocean waves, then asks the question that’s been bothering her since their seemingly kismet reunion. “What do you remember after all this time?”
“I remember...” He trails off, Hinata doesn’t miss the sly edge in his tone. “That I had told you I’d marry you one day,” his voice is deep, almost gravely when he takes a slow playful step closer and Hinata swears her heart skips several beats noticing their breaths mixing in the cold air between them. “And that... you were technically my first kiss.” He says with a sarcastic snort, stepping back, and gesticulates somewhere behind them. “You can’t tell them about it though. Especially Naruto, the idiot would never let me live it down.”
Hinata blushes at the memory and attempts to mask her frown with an indignant pout, trying not to take the jeer personally.
Sasuke always did like to mess with her.
“You were my only kiss.” Hinata then whispers without thinking and regrets it. She immediately hates the implications -- like she’s some inexperienced-love-sick-twenty-something, who’s never gotten over her childhood crush.
Hinata sighs, briefly drowning in her own self-deprecating thoughts, gripping at the railing, eyes a passing ship, and pretends she can’t feel him studying her, surprised by the admission.
“What do you remember?” He asks back, finally breaking the silence.
She bites her lip, thinking, a rush of memories flashing one by one, settling on their goodbye -- her sobbing because she had to move away to a new city thousands of miles away that had special doctors who could treat her mother, how Sasuke was speechless and could only squeeze her tight in the first and only hug they had ever shared.  
She remembers how he always told her she should stand up for herself, even against him, and she remembers how sometimes when she was around, he’d bite his tongue, holding back petulant sneers.
There’s a small quirk to her lips when she softly says, “Looking back, I-I always thought that we brought out the best in each other.”
There’s another long silence and Hinata once again feels the heavy weight of his gaze examining her, he reaches out and she stiffens when he gently grips the base of her braid touching the bright pink flower there.
“Did Ino do this?” He quietly asks, and there something hidden in his voice that shifts the mood of their conversation, and he’s close again, close enough for their visible breaths to once again mix, his fingers trail down towards the tail end of her braid.
“Uh huh.” Hinata breathes, watching his fingers play with the tip of her strands.
“Why can’t you…” he starts to ask, unsure, but curious, “never mind.” He let’s go of the braid, huffing lightly in frustration and leans on the railing, looking out towards the roaring waves.
Hinata’s stunned by his sudden apprehension. "Why can’t I what?”
“I said never mind.”
“But… I- I want to know.”
“Why can’t you look at me?”  
Sasuke sighs, “you don’t have to answer.”
Hinata bites her lip hard, internally wincing. “I-it’s not just you it’s most people really.” She starts, racking her brain for the right words “- It’s -it’s embarrassing… Well everything is embarrassing but, I get anxious about nothing all the time? And looking at people. I don’t know. I get paranoid that they can hear my thoughts or something? Not that I’m thinking about anything weird, well sometimes I am… it’s easier when they’re not looking back at me... Anyways... I guess it’s just become a bad habit now…” she sighs and smiles bitterly at the mess that just flew out of her mouth. “So, to summarize, looking at people kind of sometimes really freaks me out?”
“I see,” Sasuke says, Hinata glances at his mouth, he’s smiling a little, it’s almost warm in an amused sort of way, which completely disarms her.  
Hinata’s tongue feels dry, “uhm, do-do you ever feel anxious?”  
“Never. I get annoyed or frustrated with people very easily though, which can be problematic, not that I care”
“I guess some things never change then.” Hinata teases gently.
Sasuke smirks, he seems ready to retort with a quip but retreats and opts for something entirely different, “are there things that help you with your anxiety?”
There’s something about the question that makes Hinata feel warm all over, she never really gets to talk about these kinds of things without it feeling like it would dampen the mood, but there’s surprisingly no judgement in his tone, he seems genuinely curious, which encourages her to open up some more, "I find different scents to be calming, so I wear whatever my current favorite essential oil is on my wrist every day and whenever I feel too overwhelmed,” Hinata begins to explain in a rush pulling her sleeve up to demonstrate and presents Sasuke her wrist, “I close my eyes, count down from ten and-” Hinata’s breath catches in her throat and her eyes fly open when Sasuke gently pulls her forward by the wrist and she feels the softness of his lips brush over her pulse, then draws in a slow breath to scent the fragrance she chose to wear that day, “...and... sniff.”
Oh goodness, is it getting hot out here? Because Hinata’s face feels like it’s about to burst into flames. Hinata debates pulling her arm back but is currently enraptured by the softest look she’s seen on the Uchiha’s face this evening.  
This feels way too intimate, and Hinata thinks she likes it. Hinata thinks that maybe this is what’s been missing in her life. The feeling of being close to someone in more ways than just proximity. Is it possible she’s been physically and emotionally touch starved for years without realizing it?
That’s a thought that petrifies her. How sleeping on your basest human needs can become a habit, and you find yourself going through the trivial motions of existence, not bothering to search for more, for something that makes your heart sing, twist, and turn into itself the way that muscle pumping blood through her circulatory system at a quickening pace is doing right now.
“Lavender,” Sasuke murmurs against her wrist and his breath feels hot on her skin, Hinata struggles for breath when the sensation brings her back to the present moment and she realizes that she’s been staring directly into his darkened obsidian eyes, boring into hers and she finds herself unable to look away. A subtle look of achievement flashes through them when he softly asks, “you okay there?”
Is she dead? Is she imagining this? This whole situation with the soft touches coinciding with depressing epiphanies triggered by Sasuke smelling her suddenly seems completely absurd, and Hinata’s not sure she’ll be able to form a coherent sentence any time soon.
“I uh, uhm.” There’s definitely something wrong with Hinata’s voice when she attempts to speak.
“I think that...” Sasuke smoothly adjusts their hands to interlock their fingers and his hand feels so warm in hers, “you should go out with me.”
What is happening?
Hinata kinda meant to say yes, but sure, no works too?
“I mean, I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Hinata winces slightly. Gosh what is she even saying? Is this some sort of weird defense mechanism because she’s afraid of getting hurt?  
Sasuke nods slowly, narrowing his eyes, “why not.”
Don’t you have to risk getting hurt to get anywhere in life that’s worth while?
“I-I don’t know.”
“Hn.” Sasuke breaks eye contact and lets their holding hands fall. Hinata reels at the loss of warmth. He turns away from her and crosses his arms over the railing and looks out towards the dark rhythmic waves of the ocean. Hinata worries her bottom lip between her teeth as she studies the man before her. The moonlight is hitting the sharp angles of his face just perfect, and Hinata’s in awe. He’s all grown up now, and by default that means Hinata is too. Yet, here they are, the oldest they’ve been, and still the youngest they will ever be.  
Nostalgia floods through Hinata’s system, deciding to grab the moment instead of letting it pass. She’s not sure when she pulled the camera out of her bag, but the flash went off before she understood that she was taking a picture.
Sasuke jumps slightly at the flash and is pulled from his brooding thoughts, shooting her a puzzled glare.
“Sorry, that was kind of weird of me. I just – I just thought you-you looked erm... nice in the moonlight?”  
A bewildered look flashes across Sasuke’s face before a small smile begins to form and he laughs! He actually, genuinely laughs while shaking his head in what appears to be disbelief.  
The only thing Hinata can do is smile sheepishly distracted by how handsome he looks when he lets go of his composure, the light in his eyes makes him look younger, like the Sasuke she knew all those years ago.  
Hinata wonders if any of his friends get to see him like this.
He looks down at the pavement, shoulders still shaking, smile still present and pinches the bridge of his nose while taking in a slow breath and on his exhale, he reaches into his pocket, pulls out his phone, unlocks it, hands it over and says, “give me your number.”
Hinata tentatively obliges, pulling open the add new contact page, filling in the blanks then handing it back. Sasuke starts typing something in his phone and asks. “Do you work Sunday?”  
“Uhm, yes?”  
Hinata’s phone buzzes, when retrieving it from her bag she sees a text from an unknown number.
>> I’m going to come by after your shift and I'm taking you out. Don’t even bother using your mouth to respond.
Hinata feels her fingers tingling and tries to open her mouth to speak, closes it, bites her lip to try and stifle her giggles and resists the urge to slap herself in the face for acting like a complete airhead.
She pushes her fears aside one more time tonight...
And takes the damn dive.
<< Okay <3
AN2:  Wow, okay. A month later and I have the second part to this little story. This is the first time that I’m posting something I didn’t just throw together in one sitting. I’ve also never posted anything that was longer than 1200 words and it’s unexpectedly a little nerve-wracking??? OKAY SO, I guess there’s going to be one last chapter and it’s going to be like 90% SasuHina interactions? And spoiler alert they’re finally going to make-out. I have this SasuHina headcannon where they’re both private people who generally keep to themselves -- so people think they’re a boring couple, but when they’re alone together it’s like they’re in their own little world, and that’s the dynamic I’m looking forward to exploring in the final part.  I’m not sure when it’s going to be up since I have a bunch of other stuff I need to work on so it depends on how the inspo hits me, but I do have plenty of fun ideas!
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settersloveletters · 4 years
hello hellooo!! i literally love ur blog so mf much, can i pls request some yummy angst w a fluffy ending w tsukki and kenma 🥺? where their s/o feels jealous n insecure maybe about another girl and when they bring it up they end up having a huge fight ?
— you’re great; oneshot
a/n: okay,, i only wrote tsukki’s right now and i’ll get to kenma’s soon but i really wanted to post this tonight so i hope that’s okay >_< also idk how to write angst so i’m sorry if this doesn’t pull your heartstrings ;w;
oh i also started to write in proper grammar and not all lowercase ehehe
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➳ request: s/o insecure abt another girl + angst + big fight with tsukki and kenma
➳ pairing: tsukishima x f!reader
➳ genre: angst, fluffy at the end
➳ word count: 1.9k
➳ admin: kiri ♡
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Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.
You continued to tap the top end of your pencil against your desk, leaning your head against the palm of your hand as you glared at the familiar blonde across the room. You and Tsukishima Kei had been an item for almost a year now, and you couldn’t be happier. That is, until your homeroom teacher assigned a project that required everyone to be in pairs.
“Earth to (Y/N),” Hitoka Yachi, your assignment partner and best friend, waved her hand in front of your face. “You’re gonna get wrinkles on your forehead if you keep glaring at Tsukishima-kun and Akari-san.”
“I am not glaring at them.” You scoff, leaning back against your chair and folding your arms over your chest.
“(Y/N) you shouldn’t be worried about anything,” Yachi responded, “Tsukishima-kun only has eyes for you.”
You blew your bangs out of your face in frustration as you turned towards the window. You knew that you shouldn’t be worrying over this trivial matter, but the fact that your boyfriend was spending most of his time with the most popular girl — also dubbed at the most prettiest — in your year bothered you.
“Doesn’t help that Kei’s partners with Akari-san.” You argue back. Akari Hana was the girl that every guy dreamed about. Smart, athletic, pretty. You were insecure enough. When you compare yourself to Akari you could find so many flaws in you and so many perfections in her. It didn’t help that your last boyfriend — which was back in junior high — broke up with you for a girl similar to Akari.
As the bell rang, signaling that school was over, you gathered your things into your school bag and was about to head over to Tsukki when you stopped. You watched as your boyfriend — without glancing at you — made his way out the class. Still talking to Akari. You purse your lips and gripped the strap of your bag.
It’s okay. You were fine.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
The rest of the week remained just like that. Tsukki only offering you good morning texts and a peck on the cheek when he sees you, before making his way to Akari. Again. Every time you tried to talk to, or approach Tsukki he would brush you off before he ran off to Ms. Popularity.
You told yourself that it was fine, and that they were only spending that much time together for the sake of the project. However you started to notice how much closer the two started to get. Every time you see either of them, the other is right beside them. Even as you went to the volleyball club’s practice after school, you stopped yourself from entering the gym as you saw Akari watching from the sides. You turned right around and went home. The only text you got from Tsukki was him asking where you were, to which you replied saying you weren’t feeling well.
[5:43] my little tsun-chan: hey why didn’t you come to practice today?
[5:50] you: i went home, wasn’t feeling well
[6:00] my little tsun-chan: dumbass, you gotta take better care of yourself
You tossed your phone to the side and pressed your face into your pillow. Kei you idiot.
Friday finally came around and you couldn’t be more relieved. Friday was the day you and Tsukki held your weekly movie nights. One of the days that left a special place in your heart. You smiled as you made your way to school, knowing that this was one day that Akari Hana couldn’t take Tsukki away.
“Oh sorry (Y/N),” Tsukki looked at you. You found him underneath a tree out in the school yard. You assumed that he was waiting for you, however that wasn’t the case. “Hana-san and I were gonna finish the assignment today.”
“But we always have movie nights Fridays.” You furrow your eyebrows. “We’ve never missed one unless you have a game.”
“Well yeah, but this is for school and Hana-san is busy over the weekend so we only have today to finish.” Tsukki pulled out his phone.
“Hana-san? Since when have you started calling her by her first name?”
“I forgot, but she’s the one who insisted and I didn’t really care.” Tsukki replied, not sparing you any glacé.
“You and Akari-san have gotten a lot closer huh?” You bite your lip, your throat starting to hurt.
“Well yeah, we’re partners of course.”
“You’ve been spending a lot of time with her too. We’ve barely talked to each other this whole week” You brought your gaze downwards, whispering the last sentence.
“(Y/N), don’t you think you’re overreacting?” Tsukki, rolled his eyes, finally looking at you.
“Is it my fault that I’m worried? Probably.” You bite your lip harder. “Akari-san’s amazing though. She’s pretty, smart, talented and athletic.”
“Yeah she’s all of those things. But you’re great too (Y/N).”
“Just great… That makes me feel better.” You laugh bitterly.
Just hearing Tsukki say stuff like it wasn’t a big deal, affected you a lot. You started to remember this exact scenario happening back in your last year of junior high. Where you confronted your current boyfriend at the time and asked him about a girl in your grade that all the guys fawned over. If you weren’t already insecure the words that he said raised the bar.
“She’s just amazing. From her face to her personality. But you’re great too (Y/N).”
But you’re great too (Y/N). But you’re great too (Y/N). But you’re great too (Y/N).
You could feel some tears welling up in your eyes as you remember that phrase, “You seem like you like Akari-san a lot.”
“What are you jealous?” He smirks.
“Do you think this is a joke?” You can see a figure out of the corner of your eye. Glancing towards the side you see Akari Hana walking out of the school doors looking around for Tsukki.
“Okay Hana-san and I need to finish our assignment. When you’ve gotten over your unnecessary jealousy, I’ll text you.” He started to walk towards Akari.
“You know what. I’m done Tsukishima.” You dig your nails into your hand. “If you think Akari is all that, you might as well go out with her.”
Tsukki turns around at your statement, “What? (Y/N) what are you even saying?” He touches your wrist.
“NO! Don’t touch me!” You yell, shrinking away from his touch. “Just go to Akari. I’m done Tsukishima.”
You turn away and run off to your house.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
You spend your weekend locked up in your room, eating ice cream and chips while reading sad fanfiction to soothe your aching heart. Tsukki tried calling you after you ran home, and even sent multiple texts. But you just brushed it off, putting your phone on do not disturb as to not disrupt your reading.
When Sunday came around, your heart hurt just more than it had been. It was your one year anniversary with Tsukki. Or it would’ve been. You covered yourself with your blankets as you hugged your stuffed animal. You gave up reading on fanfics and decided to just lay there, staring off into space. You enjoyed the quietness.
“(Y/N)-CHAN!” Your bedroom door was slammed open, surprising you from the sudden loud noise. You looked up to see Yachi standing in the doorway. “I’m here to take you out because you’ve been stuck inside all weekend.”
“Yachi please no,” You groan, pulling the covers over your head. “Just let me wither away in my sadness.”
“Nope it’s almost 6 and you’ve spend the entire day inside, now get up and get in the shower.” Yachi replied, grabbing the covers off of you.
Groaning once again, you begrudgingly made your way to your bathroom knowing that you couldn’t argue your way out of this. Stepping back into your room, wrapped in your towels you see Yachi sitting on your bed, texting away on her phone.
“Who’re you texting?”
“Huh? Oh, just Hinata-kun don’t worry.” Yachi says, placing her phone down on your bed. “You’re wearing that by the way.”
She points to a yellow sundress covered in a floral pattern laid out on your bed. Letting out a sigh, you grab the dress and head back into your bathroom to change. After fixing yourself up, You and Yachi head downstairs. Reaching the final step you hear a knock at your door which leaves you confused. Looking back at Yachi, she shrugs her shoulders at you.
Opening the door, you come face-to-face with the person you’d least expect to show up. “What’re you doing here.”
At your door stands Tsukki, in a pair of khaki coloured pants and a navy blue polo shirt. He was holding a bouquet of flowers as he darted his eyes everywhere, except your own eyes.
“I–uh,” Tsukki, sighed and finally looked at you. “(Y/N), please let me explain everything.”
“I’m supposed to be going out with Yachi right now.” You cross your arms over your chest.
“Actually (Y/N), Hinata-kun texted me and needs my help with Kageyama-kun.” Yachi speaks up, “I gotta go but I’ll talk to you later!”
The blonde girl heads out the door before you could say anything and you’re left alone with Tsukki. The two of you fall into uncomfortable silence, something that hasn’t happened between you in awhile.
“(Y/N)–“ Tsukki starts to say, but you cut him off before anything.
“As much as I don’t wanna talk to you, I’ll give you 10 minutes.”
“I need 30 minutes.”
Your mouth gapes open, “30 minutes, Tsukishima–“
“Please, (Y/N).” He pleaded.
After a long walk in silence, the sun had started to set that an orange hue was left in the sky. Tsukishima led you to a small park away from the houses and roads. From a distance you could see small little lights littering the ground. As you got closer, you realized that the little lights littering the ground were candles. Candles that led to a small gazebo where a table setting was set up in the middle.
“Tsukishima what is this?” You asked as he pulled out your chair for you to sit.
“This is what me and Han- Akari-san had been planning.” Tsukki reveals.
“All that time her and I have been spending, she’s been helping me plan this for our one year.”
Your eyes widen at his confession. You suddenly feel stupid for thinking the things you thought. You felt stupid for thinking that Tsukishima would ever be like your ex-boyfriend. You just felt stupid.
“I–“ You don’t even know what to say.
“No don’t you dare apologize. I’m the one who’s sorry for just edging you on like that. I just made things worse.” Tsukki took your hands in his. “I have no idea how to express how I’m feeling without being sarcastic. And I hurt you. But I swear to you (Y/N), I love you and I will always love you.”
You could feel the tears coming up in your eyes, but you feel Tsukki’s calloused fingers wipe them away. “I’m sorry for acting so jealous and insecure. And for jumping to conclusions.”
Tsukki shakes his head. “Let’s just put this behind us.” He leans in and places a kiss on your forehead showing his affection.
Your relationship stood strong ever since.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
[Behind the Scenes]
(Y/N): wait a minute did yachi have a hand in this too? Is that why she came to my house and got me to get ready?
Tsukki: maybe
(Y/N): wait is that hinata and yachi… and akari-san in those bushes??
three heads pop up before the three run off
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starsfic · 3 years
Treasure Bin- Chapter 1
Summary: MK hears about his great-aunt’s passing, Macaque gets back in contact with some old friends, and MK gets a call from his sister.
Notes: Reposted from my old blog. @purble-turble
MK woke up to come down to a quiet restaurant.
That wasn’t unusual at the early hour and Tang only on his second bowl, he had been finding out. He had been falling asleep faster at night, which had been allowing him to wake up earlier. It had been agreed that this was due to his increased physical activity as the Monkie Kid. (Pigsy, much to his delight, had been giving him bigger portions of food to help.)
But this was a different silence. He opened his mouth to ask when his eyes landed on the newspaper. Tang grabbed it, but it was too late.
He froze, heart not sure whether it wanted to sink or start running like a rabbit. He knew the woman that the article was talking about.
For a moment, MK was back to feeling a wrinkled hand run through his hair, an aged voice cooing You’re our most precious treasure, starshine-
It was Pigsy’s voice, calm and certain, that drew him back. MK tried a shaky smile. (The chef noticed the shakiness and added it to the mental list of ‘reasons to look up therapists’.) “Sorry.” He nodded to the article. “Great- She- dead?” Tang, thankfully, understood.
“Three days ago.” He thought before offering the article, relief passing over his face when the younger man shook his head. “They kept it secret until she could be buried.” Pigsy snatched it away, crumbling it up and throwing it at the recycling.
“C’mon kid, it doesn’t matter. Kitchen.”
“Yes sir.” MK said, thoughts already moving away from his former family and to helping Pigsy prepare.
Well, his thoughts attempted to move away.
He was stuck puzzling over Great Aunt Tetra all day. He greeted Mei when she poked her head in, did deliveries, and took orders, but it was all on autopilot. Sure, he didn’t like the woman- no. Dislike wasn’t the word to describe it. But he had known her.
Eventually, he had some free time to slip away to Flower Fruit Mountain. As he climbed the peak, he considered every angle until his brain landed on one question.
How was Bao taking it?
Princess Iron Fan was careful.
Being careful was often the only thing saving you from the forces of Heaven or whatever came. That was the lesson she had taught Red Son. So, as the world changed, both of them were careful with money. Both of them were careful with resources. And Iron Fan, most of all, was careful with places.
The small palace that the Demon Bull family now inhabited was the same palace DBK had lived in centuries ago, back when they were preparing for his strike against the Monkey King. The same strike that ultimately landed him under a mountain. His wife and son had lived there for a few years before moving to the city, but Iron Fan had been careful to keep a few servants in the hidden complex to keep it updated.
After the mess that the last lair had been left in, everyone was glad for that one.
Especially Red Son.
He sat in his room, staring at a bracelet. It was a cuff bracelet, made out of gold with one small ruby. The jewel itself matched the headband of a certain boy. He twirled the piece absently, considering the implications that hadn’t filled his head when he had started crafting the gift.
There was a knock on the door. Red let out a yelp, trying to both stuff the bracelet into his pocket and scramble off the bed. “Come in!” He managed out eventually, smoothing his shirt down.
The door opened, revealing a servant. He straightened, trying to look like the cool and confident prince he was. “Your parents request your presence.” they said with a bowed head. Red Son nodded, not trusting his voice.
He stalked out of his room, keeping his head high. It was probably to talk over plans, he supposed. There had been some silent agreement to not talk about the White Bone Spirit at the moment. But his thoughts kept wandering.
To his enraged father.
To the cry of traitor.
To MK-
A chuckle broke him out of his thoughts. Red Son looked around, confused and a little wary due to the said spirit. There was a tap on his shoulder and he let out a shout. On instinct, his fist slammed out before slamming into a hand. There was another chuckle.
“Jumpy, kid?”
He drew back. “Macaque.” he said, giving a respectful bow of his head. The dark-furred immortal chuckled, eyes glowing. “Excuse me. I…”
“We weren’t expecting you here, Macaque.” His mother’s voice broke the tension as she strode down the hallway, his father following. Her face was frozen into one of politeness and he couldn’t blame her. Given his and Monkey King’s past…relationship, it was hard to determine if he was now friend or foe. “What brings you.”
Unannounced was the word Iron Fan didn’t use.
“Iron Fan!” Macaque said, striding forward to meet her. He grabbed her hand to press a chaste kiss to it. “Can’t a guy come visit some old friends?” She drew her hand away. “Anyway, I’ve heard about your difficulties.”
“There are no difficulties at the moment.” his mother said stiffly.
Macaque chuckled. “Denial. But I’ve brought all of us a chance.” He pulled out a jar, full of what Red Son could only describe as slime. “One of the few sorceresses in the world left us three days ago.” Everyone stared at the information as Macaque swirled the jar. “But she did manage to leave us this.” He snapped his fingers. “And we still have a guide.”
Out of the shadows, probably carried by one of his shadow clones, a girl tied up was thrown. She looked to be a few years older then Red, dressed in a teal sweater and white leggings, and covered in soot. She also looked completely pissed. Macaque stepped forward, ignoring how she was struggling against her bonds, and pulled out the gag.
She coughed, clearly getting used to the freedom of speech, before ignoring everyone except Macaque. “I told you already, I have no idea exactly what that does! It could make the Monkey King loopy or it could kill him! It could blow us up! I! Have! No idea!”
His mother grabbing her shoulder stopped the struggles. “Ah ah ah! Except you do!” Macaque pulled out an aging journal. He paused. “Excuse me, I’m being rude. Everyone, meet the Monkie Kid’s older sister, Bao.”
MK had an older sister?
“And you better not touch a hair on his head!” Bao yelled, struggling against her bonds again. “Look, I might know what that stuff is supposed to do, but I have no idea if it does and you f-”
Macaque pulled out his staff.
She went silent.
“This stuff,” He explained to his audience, holding up the glowing jar. “Is a special spell that her great aunt developed. For lack of a better word, it’s a virus that loosens their controls, like under the influence of alcohol. Which means that they’re easy to catch and control.”
Red stepped forward, considering the jar. “And what do you want?” he voiced.
Macaque grinned harder. “Simple. To work with you to create a trap for both Wukong and MK. She,” Bao grunted as he gave her a kick. “Is the current owner of a huge warehouse full of magical artifacts. Artifacts that will be useful to you and…” He leaned forward, eyes lighting up. “Especially to the brat. I get Wukong to undo whatever that monk did to him. You get MK-”
“Shutting up.”
“As I was saying, you get MK for whatever you want.” Macaque said, smoothing back his hair from where it had fluffed up. Red Son’s thoughts whirled, all circling around the bracelet in his pocket. He didn’t move, however. Instead, he watched his parents before Iron Fan finally nodded. “Great! As for you!”
Bao winced as he reached…to untie her. She blinked when the bonds came loose and he pulled out a phone. “Call your brother. I told you, you’ll come with us but at the end of it, you’re going free.”
She glared but typed in the number.
“My great aunt’s dead.”
Wukong let out a yelp. MK couldn’t blame him- it had come out of nowhere. They were in the middle of after-spar meditation, but he couldn’t keep it down. “I…” the immortal said after a moment. “I’m sorry- wait, no. Your great aunt, from what I saw, was a bitch.”
“I know!” MK said it in a burst. “God, I hated her when I left. But she’s still my blood and I…I don’t know? Feel sad?” He stood, starting to pace. “She thought I couldn’t do a thing for myself, just because I couldn’t do magic like her or Bao or my parents! But she…I don’t know.” He sat back down, staring at his hands. “She still loved me. Kinda.”
His mentor stared before letting out a sigh. “Kid…you shouldn’t think about this. You left because she was your family and she was unhealthy. You shouldn’t let the family part weigh you down-”
There was a ringing. MK pulled out his phone. The number niggled at his memory, but he didn’t remember where. With a shrug at Wukong, he answered. “Hello?”
“Star- MK?”
“BAO?!” On instinct and encouraged by Wukong’s frantic waves, MK moved to end the call.
“Wait, wait, wait- I left!”
He paused. “What?”
“I left Mom and Dad. And…that’s why I’m calling you. Auntie left the shop to me.”
He blinked before moving forward. “That’s great. But I don’t want you in my life, so…”
“I want to make amends.”
He paused again. “What?”
“I…I’m calling. Because I want to make amends.” The words were awkward and the silence was long. Long enough that MK could barely make out a few taps, repeating over and over again. “The White Bone Spirit’s still loose, right? There’s some artifacts here that could help you.”
More tapping. A pattern, repeating over and over again.
“Okay.” MK hadn’t realized he had said it before Bao was talking again.
“Great! That- that’s great! Most of it is in this other warehouse, down north, but Auntie had a portal. I’ll leave instructions and I’ll meet you there, cool?”
He nodded before realizing she couldn’t see. “Yeah. Cool. Bye.”
“…Bye. Dress up warm!” Then the call was over and MK was left staring at his phone. Wukong let out a whistle, startling his student.
“Well, that was a trainwreck-”
“Bao’s in trouble.”
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carnationcomplex · 3 years
Person who I secretly think is very cool and funny @aspeneyes tagged me to answer 30 questions and then tag 20 blogs I want to get to know better (I definitely don't know that many but I'll try my best...)
1. Name/nickname: Chrissy which is actually already a nickname for Christine and I've been going by that since 4th grade. Got tired of people calling me Christina but now I get Christy so not much has changed lol
2. Gender: cis woman
3. Star sign: scorpio (not that I really know what that means but apparently it's sexy of me idk)
4. Height: 5'8" last time I went to the doctor
5. Time: 9:59 p.m. est (well it's 11:30 p.m. when I'm finishing this but that's when I started)
6. Birthday: November 10th
7. Favorite groups/bands: I'm a kpop bastard as we all know so you got bts, dreamcatcher, txt, and a.c.e as the main ones. I also listen to twice, red velvet, everglow, itzy, stray kids, etc. more casually. Outside of that I do listen to fob and patd (although almost exclusively vices and virtues or pretty odd) and also Daughter because I'm unwell <3 Also the musical Nevermore about Edgar Allen Poe it slaps
8. Favorite solo artists: There are less of these but for kpop you primarily got chungha and then you got hyuna and sunmi and such. Outside of that you mostly got hozier and sleeping at last (isn't he technically a solo artist?) and Marina.
9. Song stuck in my head: honestly it's how you like that by blackpink which I am annoyed about because I don't really like it that much but oh well (I don't dislike all their music just this one song in particular)
10. Last movie: I watched Jingle Jangle with my friends before christmas and a few days before that it was Klaus (which i liked better) with mck and willow
11. Last show: the last show I finished was The Untamed (thank you birdie for the worms in my brain!) and I'm now watching House M.D. because I need something to act like background noise when I'm unwell
12. When did I create this blog: uhhhhhh I think 2017? Or 2016? idk I was in high school probably sophomore year
13. What do I post: basically whatever Fandom I'm in so I used to post about voltron when I was watching that (yikes!) and now it's mostly kpop and then theres that destiel/election meme I made that got an inexplicably substantial amount of notes
14. Last thing googled: 'cat tortoise' (to check how to correctly spell tortie because I was talking to birdie about how my cat has tortie like patterning to some of her coloring)
15. Other blogs: this is the only one we die like men on main and all that
16. Do I get asks: I used to get 0 but now I'll get a few when I reblog ask games and stuff but nothing outside of that
17. Why did I choose this url: the girl I was tragically in love with in high school said if I was a flower I'd be a white carnation because of my 'pure love' or whatever and I've been sad about it ever since
18. Following: apparently it's 126
19. Followers: 109! (It genuinely used to be like 10 until the Meme got over 60k notes and I gained nearly 100 which side note why are you guys still here this can't possibly be the content you signed up for but thanks for being here)
20. Average hours of sleep: uhhh somewhere between 6 and 7, 8 if I'm on my best behavior
21. Lucky number: 21 (which is funny)
22. Instruments: guitar!! (both electric and acoustic but I've played acoustic longer)
23. What am I wearing: a navy blue sweater with thin horizontal white dashes and stripes and grey cotton trousers (also fuzzy light grey socks it's cold in my room)
24. Dream job: it's a fight to the death between being a poignant little actor in poignant little films/plays and being a LPC working with children and teens
25. Dream trip: well I was supposed to study abroad this year, Oxford in the summer with 2 of my friends and South Korea in the fall all by myself, which obviously didn't happen so I'd desperately like to still get to someday. Also a road trip with all my friends would be nice...
26. Favorite food: my mom's mac and cheese
27. Nationality: American
28. Favorite song: there are way too many songs to truly pick one but at the moment the answer coming to mind is the gambler by fun.
29. Last book I read: technically the last thing I read was the script for my university's first spring production (it's an adaptation of Three Sisters by Chekhov)
30. Three fictional universes I'd like to live in: When I was a kid I uses to roleplay being at camp halfblood with my neighbors in the woods so the percy jackson universe has gotta be one of them. I'd say the untamed because it would be cool to magically kick ass with a sword but I'm a woman so I'd probably die... Other than that idk
Alright so like I said I don't know 20 blogs but I'll tag @korimi4 @holdingthispain @waluigiapologist and @restinpeas since you're all newer mutuals of mine! (but obviously no pressure if you don't want to!)
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 4 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 113 2Xs2) "Things That Real People Do."
@crystalbaby12 @5sosfam1dlover @backoftheroomandnotbelonging @rosefilledhearts-blog *AGAIN... So sorry if I missed you ❤️
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Colson and Luna wake up late and discombobulated the next morning. They had fucked a few more times and stayed up way too late talking about their future plans together. Now they're rushing around to grab clothes so they're not late meeting Deanna at the airport.
Luna and Colson are a little more than halfway to LAX when she gets a text from Deanna. It says she just landed to their relief.
"It's so good to see you!!" Luna hugs Deanna tightly once they find each other.
"UGH. You are soooo lucky I love you." Deanna half teases, half groans.
"All this yours?" Colson asks with wide eyes as he looks at the stacks of luggage behind The Girls.
"Try YOURS." Deanna answers with a laugh as she greets Colson with a warm hug. "Three wedding dresses, two suites and the makings for two flower girl dress... Yeah, that's YOURS. Mine's there." She deadpans pointing to a significantly smaller sized pile.
"Alright... Let's get this show on the road!" Luna claps with excitement.
With substantial help, Colson, Luna and Deanna load all of the luggage and themselves into Colson's Expedition. On the way home the three of them talk about the astetics that Luna's going for. Colson hearing for the first time her two color schemes.
"This shit is gonna be FIRE, Kitten!" He shouts happily as he pulls her head over to kiss it; making Deanna smile as Luna turns a sweet shade of red.
Music is blaring when they pull into the driveway. The Cleveland House is alive and rocking. Sam and Baze have made their way back over along with Slim and Dub. Mod and Casie are having a water balloon fight in the front yard against Rook and Benny while Pete and Kevin chill on the front step watching.
"Welcome to Cleveland!" Colson laughs at the sight happening in front of his house.
Baze, Colson, Sam, Slim, Dub and Luna help Deanna get her supplies inside. Setting up in the dining room, she spreads out the fabrics and sets up the accessories for Casie's dresses across the large table. Opening Colson's trunk, she reveals his almost finished suits. With some fine tuning, they both should be finished today. Staying closed and locked is the trunk that contains Luna's multiple wedding dresses.
"Colson, can I get you on the box?" Deanna requests once she has her traveling work space fully set up.
"Yeah, no problem. What suit you want me to try on first?" He asks as his fingers run between the two different fabrics.
"Uh... Let's go PinStriped because that's the first one." Deanna decides.
"Hi!" Casie comes up waving. "I'm Casie. Who are you?" She asks inquisitively as she sticks her hand out for a shake.
"Hi!" Deanna laughs at the young girl's candid demeanor. "I'm Deanna, I'll be creating your dresses for your dad and Luna's weddings... It's so nice to finally meet you." She gushes as Casie shakes her hand in an exaggerated fashion.
"Are these for me?" Casie asks with a squeak in her voice as she hops over to the different colors and fabrics laid across the table.
"Yup. I'm gonna finish up with your dad and then we'll start on you." Deanna informs her.
"REALLY?" Casie clasps her hands together in excitement.
"Yeah, come on Dill. Let's go warm up and get changed so you're ready." Luna coaxes her favorite tiny person.
"Okay!!" Casie continues to hop as Luna guides her up stairs after passing Colson.
One Look.
"Oooh! That fits nicely! How does it feel?" Deanna asks once a barefoot Colson is on her box.
"Nice. I can move and bend... " He answers by showcasing how his ninja kicks.
"WHOAH!! NO MARTIAL ARTS TILL AFTER THE CEREMONY!!" Deanna asserts with a laugh as she slides his suit coat onto his shoulders.
"DAMN... I love fly as fuuuuuuuck!" Colson shouts as he admires himself and Deanna's work in the mirror.
"Stand still for a sec, I just wanna check the hem on the pants." The designer instructs as she works her magic; a few small adjustments and the suit is perfect. "Alright, now the orange one." She goes on to direct her model.
"My favorite!" Colson shouts again as he jumps sideways off the box, Luna and Casie coming in just in time to witness it.
"Don't mind my dad, sometimes he can be a nerd." Casie reassures Deanna of her father's antics.
"How's the first?" Luna asks her friend as they wait for Colson.
"BAM!!" Deanna is cut off by Colson's elaborate entrance. "This jawn is litty, my Kitty!!" Colson shouts again as he pulls Luna close to him by the waist. "Feel this shit... It's so fucking soft but so light." He oozes over the crushed orange material.
"You look great, Buns." Luna laughs as she kisses him. "Now get on the box.... GET ON THE BOX!!" She laughs harder, slightly mimicking Brad Pitt from Seven.
"How's that one feel?" Deanna interupts them, she's on a mission.
"I like that this one is looser. Like, I could wear these pants all day at EstFest and be comfortable." Colson answers as he does a slight jig.
"GREAT!! That means you're done. All I have to do is secure all the hems and you're wedding day ready." Deanna let's out with a light sigh.
"See that Kitten, I'm wedding day ready." Colson states as he pops a pose and sticks his tongue out at her; causing her to collapse into a fit of giggles with Casie and Deanna.
"That's a good look for you there, Mzzz. Kelly." Sam comes in, busting balls and carrying beers.
"Whhhyyyy thank you." Colson laughs as he jumps off of the box one last time, steals a beer from Sam and hollers "THANK YOU, DEANNAAAAA!!" As he sprints away to undress and work on his rap hook.
Fitting Casie is a WHOLE different story. She's never had to stand still long enough for a custom piece. It also doesn't help that The Guys keep floating in and out and messing with her.
"Lemme show you something, Dill! " Luna calls for Casie, pulling her sketch book out, she shows the young girl what their goals are.
"Okay. I'll stand better." Casie asserts with a better understanding of what they're trying to construct.
Deanna works as Casie stands. Luna and Sam busting it up with both of them. Colson pulling Luna away for her opinion on the sound for what they're now calling So Am I. Luna dipping all around the house. From the dining room to the music room, then to the backyard to get stoned real quick. Starting from scratch, Casie's takes the longest leaving the tiny one to step down from the box hungry and exhausted.
"I'm going to watch TV." She declares with a dragging sigh.
Luna sets her up in the living room as Ashleigh arrives with Ashton. Pleasing Casie to no end to have her Buddy with her as the women all head to the dining room for Luna's final fittings.
"We need sheets." Deanna informs Luna. "I don't want anyone walking in on you... You know?" She asks to Ashleigh's nod at the sign of the bad omen before she goes to find them.
A couple of beers, a few sheets later and Luna's on the box in her first dress. It's simple and short with lace details. Deanna checks the hems and asks Luna how it feels. She loves it. It's flattering yet comfortable. Delicate but not too girly for Luna. Gushing over it as she throws her arms around Deanna in gratitude.
"Wait till you see the third... That's my favorite." Sam whispers to Ashleigh as they watch Luna shimmy into her second dress.
This one is long with simple, classic lace patterns. Giving off a soft, hippidelic feel. Perfect for the woods of EstFest. Luna stands still as Deanna adjusts the lace around her body and it falls softly against her skin.
"Is it too tight?" Deanna asks with slight concern.
"I don't think so... What do you think?" Luna asks as she twists and twirls on the box.
"Jump off." Deanna instructs Luna.
With that she takes a long, ballerina leap off of the box, making it shake by her sudden weight shift. Legs wide open and arms extended she glides for a moment before landing and twirling again.
"TaDa!" Luna takes a bow, incredibly pleased with herself.
"Show off." Sam snarks with an unamused eye roll as she swigs her beer.
"You look AMAZING, Loons!!" Ashleigh stands up to admire her and the dress.
"Thank you." Luna let's out an embarrassed smile as she pecks Ashleigh's cheek. "What do you think, D?" Luna asks her designer friend.
"You'll be fine." Deanna's head nod making the other girls crack up.
"Yo!! Kitten! Where you at?" Colson tries to come barging in but gets tangled in the sheets.
"Not with you right now." Sam answers as she grabs him and pushes him to freedom; all praising Sam and the sheets with more gratitude and laughter.
Slipping into the third dress is easy. It's a two piece with a full skirt. Deanna only wanting to check the final fit and hem. Still twirling, Luna let's out a sigh... It's not hard to get caught up in the sweetness of planning a wedding. No matter how obscure.
"You okay?" Sam asks as she passes Luna a beer.
"Yeah." Luna smiles dreamily. "Just excited." Her hopeful demeanor seeping slightly into Sam before they click their beers wih the other two ladies.
The fittings took all day. Leading them right up until about 530Pish. Only having time for a huge burn circle for the adults before most of them who aren't dressed have to run off to be ready for their 7P reservation at Morton's Steakhouse.
Finally seated with an array of drinks and appetizers, it's a ton of them as always. Colson, Casie and Luna. Deanna. Then Pete and Kevin; because no one could convince Pete to leave Kevin at home alone during nightfall and Luna knows when to pick her battles. Baze, Sam, Ashleigh and Ashton are there. Along with Rook, Slim, Benny, Mod and a pop up AJ. Fifteen to be exact. The Fabulous Fifteen if you will. Dub making his way home after the circle. Luna orders a ribeye while Colson wants crab legs. Everyone one else places their order before Luna builds Casie a bowl of Chicken Alfredo by getting technical with the server. She doesn't like to be a dick but Casie's an asshole when it comes to food and Luna would rather push a little limit than be pushed to the limits. All the while Colson appreciating Luna's instincts when it comes to his daughter.
Dinner is filling and boozed soaked. Casie successfully getting her coveted dish while Ashton enjoyed plain noodles. They talk mostly about getting back to The House and trying to work out Luna's new song before Ashleigh asks how TownHall went.
"The COURTHOUSE went well." Luna laughs to Colson's smirk as they slightly explain the logistics of their yesterday.
Conversation continues to flow along with more alcohol. Deanna and Sam's thick NY accents drawling out Luna's Brooklyn one as well as Pete's Staten Island slang as they recant war stories and bust each other's balls. It's a different light to see the four old friends in.
Eventually Ashton has his fill, Ashleigh taking him home in her own car. Benny driving Colson, Luna, Casie and Deanna while Baze, Sam, Pete and Kevin follow behind Slim, Rook and Mod. AJ being the lone wolf as always.
Back at The House, Colson has Casie get in the shower while he packs up a few of her things that will head back to Emma's tomorrow. Meanwhile, Luna begins to pack for their overnight stay and upcoming performance in NYC on Thursday. The Guys and Sam are still downstairs tinkering with the idea Luna has in mind while Deanna works on Casie's dresses nearby.
Heading downstairs with a clean Casie, Luna and Colson join them in the music room. Beers are passed along with ideas and thoughts. Luna sits behind the drumkit, making herself comfortable.
"Let's try this, Sammy..." Luna offers as she takes the sticks in her hand and pounds out a quick bop.
"Lemme give it try." Sam agrees as they switch place and she begins to practice to Luna's approving nod.
Grabbing her electric that she'd kept with her since SNL; Luna tunes it up, making the chords howl. Stopping Sam, she looks over at Baze and nods for him to follow her chord pattern. A huge smile lighting up Luna's face as their two instruments align together.
"Now, gimme that strong, quick drum, Sammy!" Luna shouts out over her shoulder. "Colson, follow her lead." Luna continues to instruct as she begins to sing the original lyrics a bit faster with more spunk instead of tease.
Casie sits watching in awe. She's seen her dad create and record a million songs but there's something empowering to her in the way Luna commands the direction of her peers and their instruments. The young artist continues to absorb the creative jam session as it begins to birth an actual song.
"I think here... " Luna points to her and Colson's conjoined lyric lined papers, showing him where she think his part fits.
"So, what... After... " Colson asks as he flips through a few chords on his own electric.
"Yes... Exactly. Wanna try it?" Luna asks as she feels the piece lock into both of their brains.
Colson nods as Luna calls it From The Top. Her lead guitar whining for a couple chords before Baze's bass pops in to even her out. Followed by the unique beat pick up by Sam's thunderous drums and Colson's quick paced rhythm. Luna steps up to the mic, her vocals dancing through the lyrics as Colson slides in to reiterate everything she's claiming.
"FUUUUUCK YES!!" Luna shouts after they slam it out. "Quick break and then another couple run thrus?" She asks to everyone's agreement as she bounces around like she's on Meth; she's not, it's just her creative process.
A quick break means a quick fuck to Luna. Down the hall, in the tiny bathroom. With her senses on overdrive, she's all over Colson. Dropping to her knees to slurp his dick, bringing him close to the edge before releasing him and letting his cock throb as it drags against her outstretched throat.
Bouncing up again with a twinkling gleam, she kisses Colson hard on the mouth. Letting their tongues wrestle playfully with one another before pulling back. Giving him THAT One Look before she hoists herself up onto the sink. With his pants already off, Colson eases himself into Luna's juicy pussy. Making her moan and shudder from his girth. With his hands cradling her face, Colson kisses Luna deeply while her nails grip his ass and she fucks him maniacaly.
"Ooohh FUCK, Bunny! GO!" Luna cries out as her whole body tightens before that beautiful wave of euphoria washes over her.
"God Damn, Loons." Colson pants into her collarbone as she goes limp against his body.
"Mmmm... I FUCKING LoveLOOOOVE Yooou." Luna coos gently in his ear as they rest upon each other
Luna comes bouncing right out of the bathroom and back to practice without missing a beat. Talking over different chords with Baze, rhythms with Sam, along lyrics and feelings with Rook. Colson gazes at her with love and adoration as he watches her create. It's when he sees how intently Casie's watching Luna too, does it turn into appreciation. Heart bursting with pride that he chose a strong woman to be his wife and a role model to His Peanut.
"It's her... It's always been her." Colson smiles to himself as he allows his mind to drift back to the night at The Gramercy and the mysterious Girl in the Cheetah Print Coat before joining in on their band practice for a song She wrote about Him.
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To be continued....
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Name: Florence “Flo” Fernsby Species: Human Occupation: Bartender at Faetal Attraction Age: 25 Years Old Played By: Billy Faceclaim: Paulina Singer
“Do you think the trees are happy? I hope so.”
Florence grew up with very whimsical, odd and free-spirited family. Her parents had been the definition of hippy. With their wild, long hair and their soft flowing clothes. They were all fuck the government and societal norms. They owned a cute little The little family of three was always traveling, never staying in one place for too long. They lived in a very decorative camper, with only a small bathroom and bedroom. She slept on the pullout couch, the living space intertwined with her own bedroom. Plants, records, stickers, rugs, dream catchers, books, antiques, all sorts of things were strewn about the place. It was an odd childhood, but one that was always full of laughter and joy. Her parents raised her to be as carefree as them, to seek happiness and freedom and goodness. Her parents instilled love, above all things, can change the world. That nature, and beauty and art feeds the soul. She became a flower child, visions in her head and songs in her heart. 
There had only been one time her parents actually tried to settle down, one that had been memorable to the girl. She had been enrolled in public school, had only gone for half a semester before her parents swept her away and back to the roads. The children had not been as friendly as she was, and her parents would not stand it. Their daughter deserved the best, so they thought the traveling and homeschooling served her better. She had become very close with her parents, as they were the only real and solid relationships she had throughout most of her life. They all often volunteered in different communities, helped the poor and tried to clean up the Earth whenever they could. They were heavily invested in protests and known advocates for many humanitarian, ecological and animal causes. Florence knew much of what her parents accomplished, and who they were but had never learned about their life before her. They did not talk about it, or their families or where they came from. She had never dared, or cared that much, to explore their histories any further. They were just her parents, and they loved her unconditionally and wanted to change the world and that was enough.
The older she grew, the more Florence became lonely and was desperate for any connection at all. She had come to love films, comics, video games, and had always been an avid reader. Florence had specifically come to love gaming and movies, spending a lot of late nights trying to climb the ranks in League of Legends with online friends. These hobbies really opened her up to the world of the internet, where she began engaged in online forums and joining like-minded communities. She had often felt left out when trying to make connections in real life, even having been mocked for her odd personality and style. With never settling anywhere, it was quite hard for her to make any sturdy relationships over her childhood. The characters in these mediums became her friends, people she admired, they were her heroes and role models, their adventures were her adventures too. The people she met online would further her love for these nerdy pastimes, and there were a plethora of strangers that happened to be passionate about the same things as her! It was amazing!
She started to dress up as different characters from time to time, even going to volunteer around the different communities her family passed through on their travels. There were times she could be found in the streets dressed as someone else, not a care in the world that she seemed out of place. She was invested in social media for most of her life, and even live streamed her game play. People began to discover her more and more over the years, although she had never been too interested in becoming popular or turning into some influencer. She had always been a people person, and now this was her way of gathering a bunch of like-minded individuals and creating her own community space for them. It was an exciting time, and something she has never stopped doing. She continues to live stream, having finally a set schedule now.
About seven months back, Florence had managed to convince her parents to drive all the way to White Crest, Maine. She had read on some blog about the insane amount of “freaks” that had lived in the small town. The blog described people with goat legs, wings, horns, all sorts of weird and wacky looks. Florence had only thought that she had stumbled upon a city full of nerds, cosplaying and dressing up as wonderful characters and she wanted in. Her parents had been sold, and landed in White Crest where they haven’t left in three years. Florence ended up snagging a job at this cosplay bar, where people were always dressing up and getting drunk. It was incredible, and the people that hung around the place where interesting and wild. She hopes that he gaming livestreams will take off someday, and that might be her career but for now this bar tending job does the trick. With her parents declaring that they will be staying in White Crest for another year, Florence recently signed a lease for an apartment all her own. A new thing she wants to try out. There’s still so much more of the town to explore and new people to meet, Florence has never been more excited for the future.
Character Facts:
Personality: Eccentric, bubbly, kind, distracted, clumsy, honest, foolish, generous, childish, dogmatic
Florence is terrible at fashion, and is always wearing really weird or ridiculous outfits. Usually her clothes never match, patterns clash, or different styles that don’t mix. She sticks out like a sore thumb, always wearing bright colors and flowerings strewn in her hair. She never wears make up, and has a rigorous skin care routine that she will stout to anyone that wants to hear. 
She is SUPER opinionated about everything and anything. She’s a big humanitarian so she’s always looking to help others, and devotes a lot of time giving back to the communities she’s in. She can be very political and always thinks she’s right and really wants to change the world. She will try to recruit you to her cause too. She hasn’t decided what she wants to call this army that she’s trying to bring together, but she is determined to get the government to listen to the people and start some progress! 
She also has a lot of strange beliefs. She believes that plants have voices that we can’t hear. She believes that there are dark creatures that roam the deep oceans. She believes that everything has a soul, and that astral projection is a real thing. She thinks that hallucinogenics can be good for the mind. She believes that aliens already walk among us. She’s also a conspiracy theorist. 
She has a lot of strange routines and habits. She always takes a walk at exactly 3 am every night, as she thinks this is the witching hour and doesn’t want any of the ghosts on earth to be left walking alone. She only drinks tea on rainy days. She climbs a tree once a month where she will try to reach the top and then meditate for hours. She waters the plants around the community, even the weeds. She stares at her reflection for fifteen minutes every morning and only speaks of positive thoughts.
Florence has collections of weird objects; bugs, cards, rocks, butterflies, leaves, action figures, comics, records, seeds, acorns, a lot of useless junk that really is worth anything. They mean the world to Florence, though.Very friendly, can talk your ear off, can get annoying. She’s friendly to all that she encounters, even those that try to do her wrong. Always looking for new friends, and people with that accept her for her. 
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tiernamente · 4 years
Hello! 💫✨💛 This is the love bot! I am here to ask you to describe your mutuals as your favorite things/feelings! Spread some love during these tough times 💛✨💫 Then send this to 10 people and keep the love going 💛
This is gonna be a long list cause I have a lot of love to share!🥺💖💖💖
@chaylani nerdy memorabilia, cuddles with my pets (Benji and Mochi) & good morning messages 
Elle, my love, my adorable dork, my one and only. Am I writing a love poem? (maybe) I remember when you first messaged me and we realized that we’re both really nerdy. We’ve bonded over our shared interests which resulted in our strong bond. I trusted you instantaneously and you make me all soft which is why I can’t see my life without you now. 
@khaleesionjupiter my obsession of plushies, blankets & mugs
My baby! Whenever I receive a message from you, I get this instant feeling of wanting to hug you and protect you. Nothing can stop us from fulfilling our evil mad scientists plans. You crack me up and make me smile so fast that it’s crazy. Thank you for being you.
@do-you-know-bts deep talks with friends & warm cups of coffee
Helena, we both now that our sleep schedules suck but at 4am the thoughts just come rolling out. I’m glad to have someone who understands the bad moments just as much as the good. You give me comfort even if you give me a heart attack from all the 2seok content. (Keep it coming please!)
@shadowdevilsslayer nature/landscape photography & fresh baked goods
I know you hate the name but I love seeing Abi’s adventures (even if it’s the same path). I enjoy seeing nature’s beauty in any shape or form and you live in a place that’s surrounded by green!!!!!! You may be more reserved but your caring nature shines through. Thank you for being that mom friend we need.
@zamisriza-the-resurrection board game nights with friends
Zami!!!!! You’re so adorable and funny. Your love for Jungkook makes me all types of soft. You’re just like during a game night, were things start off calm but get chaotic as time progresses. I love that about you!
@glossyvante oranges, mangoes, watermelons & strawberries!
Lovely Mica! You’re such a sweet soul just like my favorite fruits haha. Thank you for letting me get some sneak peaks of your story. (I hope I get to see more of your works soon!) Also thanks for dealing with my crackhead snaps because I’m such a dummy. 
@alittlesugaorspice tea & biscuits (this opportunity was too good, sorry!)
The absolute best person to roast Helena with me! Thank you Li for putting us all together. You make me laugh so hard when we’re on a call and you have such funny stories to share. You’re gonna be an amazing veterinarian! 
@d-rex03 blasting music in my room & having my own jam session
Querida, you already know I love you so so so much! You’re the cutest little bean and I enjoy sending you random Yoongi related posts. You two are so similar that it makes sense why you love him. (But I still love you more!) Te quiero muchisimo chapina!
@dreamyeyes26 watching my favorite youtubers/random videos online
Naz! I love speaking with you when I get the chance to because you’re so calming and comforting (just like the videos I watch haha). You make me happy just by being there. I hope you continue to take care of yourself and I love you!  
@ahh–lexia daydreaming with headphones in during a road trip
The homieeee Lex! I love how we’re both so damn loud. That crackhead energy really makes itself known. You’re easy to talk to and laugh with. I love seeing your creative side because it’s really cool! 
@hobissunshiness the feeling of starting a new book/show/series
You’re like a breath of fresh air Sofie. I love reading the stories you come up with or hearing about your ideas. Your mind is so powerful and I want to encourage all of your ideas (even if some of them are cursed). 
@napofamikrokosmos learning random facts about things
I found it super funny when I realized how we just have random knowledge about things. Google who? I only know Sam. You get super passionate about stuff and I absolutely love that about you. Keep doing what you’re doing sweetie!
@billie-harper discovering new music & getting obsessed with the artist
I love seeing your posts because I’ll notice we’ll share a lot of similar interests. It’s really exciting to see how much we have in common. You’re really kind and I would love to talk to you more. (Suho’s album is TOO GOOD FOR WORDS!)
@jayhoee creating handmade gifts for my friend’s birthdays
The meme queen Kaite! I love how we got into bts at the same time and that we both haven't been to a concert (freaking corona ruining our time to shine). Keep those memes coming Kaite. They're essential in this time of need.
@liamgayllagher the smell of my mom’s cooking/any home cooked meal 
My twin! You're such an extreme version of me and that's saying something. I love how enthusiastic and loud you can get over things you love. Please continue that and I enjoy all the lovely messages you send me.
@the-assembly-call receiving memes from friends on social media
Overalls!!!!! You're so smol and cute and you make me laugh alot with your memes. You're a wonderful human being and I'm glad to have met you.
@dearmyxing soundtracks, soundtracks, soundtracks! (games/movies/etc.)
The Queen when it comes to being a fangirl. I bow to you and respect you. You’re so damn cool to talk to Mary Jane. Thank you for being so awesome. Also, I promise I’ll get around to watching the prodigal son. If not, just yell at me until I do.
@jxnaexo warm hugs, smiles & laughs
Nana! Like I've said before, you're so wholesome and caring and considerate about everyone. You care so much about us and I couldn't be more grateful to have you as a friend. I will fight anyone for you!
@soondaengie finding bright clothing with cool patterns
Omg kiddo you make me laugh so much because of the theories you have or the stories you share. You're bright and passionate and so cute!
@uibout tiramisu & coffee ice cream
This is a cop out because I actually do love tiramisu! You made me wheeze when you sent me those drunk posts. I'll always be your dweeb. (I love you Logan. Also, you jerk you didn't tell me you switched your url, I had to search for you!)
@gukssunshine that feeling of solving homework problems correctly
I love that we can complain about school to each other. You’re so honest and sweet with me and I love you so much Tanya. I love your energy when you talk about random things.
@zombiewerewolfqueen earrings, eyeshadow palettes, nail polish art
I have basic lobe earrings but yours looked so cool when you showed it to me. I don’t do makeup myself but I enjoy seeing the colors and designs people will do. Similar to that, I love seeing how creative you are with your writing even if I don’t understand the context.
@kiwipitupandstir winning on mario kart
You're such a cool person and I absolutely love seeing your posts on my feed. I wish you the best bud. Stay true and stay cool.
@notreyoon flowers, gardens, all aesthetically pleasing things
Ah yes the superior Leslie, you’re just as precious as yoongles. Whenever I see your blog I'm like, how is a human this stunning?!?!?! Like girl, show me your secrets! Sending you my love!
@clickclacktothemangmang museums/observatories/spontaneous adventures
I miss you my fellow funky little Hobi lover. It was so nice to talk to you about the random things bts would be releasing last year or the shows they were doing. You're so adorable and I hope you continue to shine bright!
@majestikblue listening to stories about people/life (post secret/humans of new york/etc.)
Ah yes my taegi buddy. Thank you for showing me post secret because I haven't been the same since. I love stories and you encouraged that. Continue to yell about taegi to me and I will continue to yell about 2seok to you.
@galaxiejoon ​going to bed after a long day
My fellow nam2seok enthusiast. Unfortunately, we don’t talk much but whenever I see your tags on posts, I crack up so hard. You’re so relatable so just keep doing what you’re doing bud.
I love you all! And to all of my other mutuals I haven’t had the chance to talk to, please know that I love you too! I promise I’m nice???? 
🥺🥺💕💕😘😘 sending y'all my love
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hquirks · 4 years
About Us
Hello everyone!! We wanted to tell you all a little bit about ourselves so please feel free to message us if you want to talk or ask more questions! We would love to interact with everyone! ✨ 🐯 🌊
Name: Noodle
Age: 22
Race/Ethnicity: Asian (Filipino)
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Favorite HQ characters: Nishinoya (my #1 boy <3), Kuroo, Iwazumi, Bokuto, Kenma, Yamaguchi, Akaashi, Hinata, Tsukki (though I love them all)
Favorite HQ teams: Karasuno and Nekoma
Favorite HQ ships: TBH can ship any characters if written well but if I had to choose: Iwaoi, KageHina, Bokuaka
Likes: marvel, k-pop (bts, svt, got7, atz, twice, rv, itzy), sports, musicals (come from away & phantom of the opera), coming of age movies (the breakfast club, the outsiders, 10 things i hate about you), sports (basically everything but faves are: american football & baseball/softball), photography, painting, animation (into the spiderverse <33), disney (STITCH, ariel, mulan, rapunzel), boba (cookies n cream, mango smoothie, or coffee) asian food in general
Author’s note: Hi everyone! I’m excited to be doing this with my friends and just getting to share the chaos that is our brains altogether !! I am also excited to be interacting with you all so please don’t be afraid to say hi!! <3
Name: BananaMilk
Age: 22 years old
Race/Ethnicity: Asian, Filipino
Pronouns: She/her/hers
Favorite HQ character: Hinata, Kagayama, Nishinoya, and Tsukki
Favorite HQ Team: Karasuno
Favorite Ships: Kagehina is my absolute favorite, but I like/love all the other ships too!!
Likes: writing poems, music(alternative, pop, indie, rap/hip hop, etc.), k-pop(bts, svt, SHINee, Ateez, EXO, etc.), psychology, talking/discussing about social issues and politics,singing, anime, manga, video games, marvel, shopping, galaxy-themed things, flower patterns, musicals, boba(Tiger Milk Tea and Cookies n Cream), hot chocolate, stuffed animals, tigers, cherry blossoms, reading books, oceans plus anything with water, skincare products, FOOD, and shopping.
Author's note: HEYOOOO! I’m super excited to be participating in this blog with my friends!! We have some really awesome ideas coming your way so please have fun and talk to us!!
Hi I’m FriedOmurice (Frice)
Age: 21
Race/Ethnicity: Asian
Pronoun: she/her/hers
Favorite characters: in HQ: Daichi, Sugawara, Oikawa (but I also hold Tsukki, Ennoshita, Yachi, and Kiyoko dearly.)
Favorite HQ Team: Karasuno>Seijou>nekoma
Favorite ships: I prefer friendship (platonic) pairs over romantic ships but I don’t dislike any ships either.
Likes: Water/blue aesthetics, drawing tutorials, musicals, indie pop, K-pop (girl groups+female singers esp Yaerin Baek, IU, Chungha, Sunmi), DIY tutorials, painting, anime (Fruits Basket, Card Captor Sakura, Inuyasha & obviously, HQ), manga, otome games, animated movies (Up, Spiderverse), Disney (Ariel+Moana+Rapunzel), strawberry rose tea+honeydew boba
Author’s note: Hi, I’m FriedOmurice,short for Frice. I’m happy to present our 3-person HQ blog for your enjoyment. Honestly ^^^ (what my friends said) lol and I look forward to meeting everyone.
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douma-s-bride · 5 years
Sorry for the long post, would love to put a read more but mobile is an ass owo I want to thank you all for all the love it's havn't been a long time i created this side blog and iv'e already hit 100 lovely followers, i have no word to decribe how much I love you all. Huge shout out to all the kny writing familly for being present and accepting the trash child that i am owo Also a thank you for sending some requests.
so don't know if anyone will read that but here my 2 oc i did for fun. I will try to find a ask me oc thing list owo also little spoiler alert for my oc Akai Hasu .
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Haruka hanabi ( spring scent firework)
14 | 140cm
She have long poofy/curly/floof lilac hair with purples tips divided into two lower sections that looks like pigtail with butterflies on the end. her eyes are a iredescent blue(kind of rainbowish) she wear the demon slayer uniform + a pink haori with sakura flowers on it. She is a breath of the flower user and her weapon of choice is a pair of dual blades
She is a ray of sunshine, outgoing, happy, full of energy, she can be a bit annoying, childlish and overhelming. She also is clignly, in need of constant attention and sometime she is a crybaby. She does,'nt like to be left alone nor being yelled at and have some abandonnement issues. She deeply cares about the people around her especially Shinobu, Kanao and later Zenitsu who she have a crush on. She always do her best to help even with her clumsyness. Even if she despices demons, she sympathise with some of them and pray that they find peace. Don't try to cut her hair, she will murder you.
As a child she was abandonned in the streets. She was found by Shinobu and was raised by her. She sees Shinobu as a mom and follows her around most of the time. The first time she interacted with people other than Shinobu and kanao was awkward after sometime she was more social but still shy.
Shinobu is like the mom she never had and is very precious to her. Socializing with the others girls aside Shinobu and Kanao at the estate was a challenge, she did'nt talk much but with time she warm up with the others, she was quickly accepting of Nezuko since she is really cute and developped huge fat crush on Zenitsu.
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Akai Hasu ( red lotus)
She have a very pale skin and long white hair with crescent red at the tips, they were white before she became a demon. She wears a short black kimono with red drops pattern. Her eyes are a bright red and have a cresent blood mark. She developped her on breath style related to blood.
Breath of blood
She uses her own blood for big dammages at huge risks if she uses too much of her blood, now that she is a demon it's less dangerous for her. That breathing style is stronger whe it's full moon.
Even when human, she always had a stoic personality, she does'nt talk much and is calm most of the time. She does have a soft and shy side but she is pretty good at hiding her emotions. She never experienced hapiness she mostly feels anger and sadness. She is very serious and get the job done. She avoids killing innocent people unless it is mandatory she is good at following orders. She won't say it out lout but even if she hates annoying people she does appreciate Douma compagny for some reason she also love to read books. She have a beautiful singing voice but no one heard her sing except maybe Douma but that was by accident. She mostly feeds up on trash humans beings like criminals. She does'nt eat peole cuz they disgust her. She fed up on their blood and brings the remnants as an offering to other demons like the twelves moons.
Back story
Before becoming a demon she was a demon slayer, none of her colleagues would talk to her because of her behavior and the fact that her breathingtechnique is really dangerous since its use of her blood. She almost died in a misson and the people she was with left her thinking she was already dead. Luckyly she survied but she crossed path with kokushibo who reconized her strenght, he offered her to become a demon.
She does'nt like Muzan but she does'nt hate him and the feeling is mutual. He does let her be since her skills are useful and she always strive to get stronger she mind her own buissness and she have a grudge against all the demon slayers. She often trains with Akaza or Kokushibo to hone her skills and to strengthen her body muscles. She have the strangest relationship with Douma, she doesnt know what to think about him and its confuses her. He somehow managed to make her smile forthe first time; he enjoys annoying her/teasing her and she is more open with him.
College Au where Haruka and Akai are sisters
Haruka is a typical art student and younger sister, loves drawing stuff and creating new things while Akai is more like a litterature student. They both enjoy going to rock concerts. They are like the sun and the moon in terms of personalitty. Haruka have many friend mainly the maincast and Akai hangs out more with the delequent side of the school.She is also part of the student council and contrary to. Giyuu she have no mercy in tern of discipline. She works at a music store and hate her boss Muzan with a passion, she does a decent job and is pretty popular among the clients since she have a huge knowledge in the music sphere.
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