#and damn though because that's a really brutal way of finding out that your dad is about to be murdered on live television
angelasscribbles · 1 year
In Your Room Chapter 6: Okay, I Like You
Series: In Your Room
Fandom: TRR                    
Pairings: Leo x Drake
Rating: MA
Warnings for this chapter: mature themes
Song Inspiration for the series: In Your Room by The Bangles
Word Count: 2,586
My other stuff: Master List.
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“There you are!” Liam found Leo by the pool, stretched out in one of the outdoor recliners.
“Go away,” Leo did not bother to remove his sunglasses or turn his head to look at his brother.
“Can’t,” Liam responded, “Dad was looking for you this morning. He sent me to find you. You weren’t in your room. Your bed clearly hadn’t been slept in.”
“So, one of the maids asked me if she should continue to treat Drake’s room as if it’s being used because his bed has been slept in every night since he left.”
Leo finally turned his head to glower at his brother, “So what? His bed is more comfortable than mine, that’s all!”
It still smelled like him.
Liam sighed, “Don’t you think you should just call him?”
Leo sat up and ripped the sunglasses off as he demanded, “Why the fuck would I do that?”
They had said all there was to say.
Leo had barely seen Drake since the morning in the hallway outside his room. This was his last night in Cordonia, tomorrow he’d be on a plane back to the states. Leo paced back and forth in his room, debating if he should go see him. Just to say goodbye of course.
He put his hand on the doorknob and then froze. Maybe it was a bad idea. Maybe he should text him instead. He backtracked to his bed and scooped his phone off the nightstand. Taking a seat on the edge of the mattress, he typed out a message, then deleted it without hitting send.
Why was this so hard?
He was being ridiculous. They’d known each other forever, the past month and a half shouldn’t get in the way of that, he decided. He jumped to his feet with determination and strode to the door. His hand was on the knob again when he realized that even though they’d known each other since childhood, they hadn’t really been close. He was more Liam’s friend than Leo’s. Wouldn’t it be weird to go out of his way to say goodbye when he’d never done that in the past?
“Fuck!” he said out loud as he released the door handle again and kicked at the carpet.
A knock sounded at the door.
“Now what?” He grumbled as he pulled it open.
Leo’s heart stopped when the open door revealed Drake standing in the hallway outside his room.
Drake’s eyes lifted from the floor to Leo’s face, “Ah…hey….”
Leo’s heart was suddenly in overdrive but damned if he was going to show it, “Hey,” he said with a slightly hostile edge.
“Can I come in?”
“Sure,” Leo stood back and held the door open as Drake walked through it. He pushed it closed as he asked, “What do you want?”
“I just wanted to make sure we’re good before I leave,” Drake said to the floor, hands jammed in his pockets, “I mean…if I was an ass the other day, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean anything by it. I just…I’m sorry, that’s all.”
Leo’s heart soared but again, damned if he was going to show it. In a neutral tone, he said, “We’re good.”
“Okay,” Drake nodded his head with a sigh of relief, “Good.”
“Good,” Leo agreed.
They stood in awkward silence for a bit then Leo asked, “Was there anything else?”
“No,” Drake shrugged, then slowly lifted his eyes to meet Leo’s, “I mean, not unless you wanted to do…anything.”
“Are you serious right now?” Leo asked him in astonishment, “You ignore me for three fucking days then show up trying to get your dick sucked?”
“No, that’s not what I-Yeah, no, you’re right. That was a dick move. I should just go,” Drake headed for the door, his face bright pink.
“Wait!” Leo stepped between him and the door, blocking his way, “I’ll do it.”
Drake stopped and looked at him in confusion, “Do what?”
A slow smile spread across Leo’s face, “You,” he grabbed Drake by his shirt and spun him around, slamming him up against the door, “Just don’t fucking talk!”
“Why?” Drake asked in bewilderment.
“Because,” Leo brought his lips to Drake’s in a brutal kiss. When he pulled away, he pinched his cheeks between his fingers and said, “You say stupid shit all the time and I’m afraid if you talk you’re going to ruin this.”
“Ruin what? We’re not in a-“
Leo’s breath brushed across Drake’s ear as he whispered, “I said don’t talk,” before attacking the side of his neck with hot, wet kisses as one hand tangled in his hair and the other started to explore. Leo spoke again as his lips moved down Drake’s body, each word punctuated with a lick, a nip, a kiss, or a bite, as he worked his way downward, “Be. Quiet. And. Let. Me. Say. Good. Bye. Properly.”
Drake clamped his mouth shut and let his head fall back against the wall wondering if this was going to make it easier or harder to leave.
“All right, fine,” Liam shook his head, “be a stubborn ass. But you need to stop moping around here like your best friend died or something.”
“What is there to do?” Leo held his hands out, “I finished school and all the shit dad wants me to learn is here, inside this fucking mausoleum! That’s why he’s looking for me now! He wants me at the council meeting this afternoon and the duchy’s budgetary meeting in Krona this evening.”
“Well, I’m meeting Riley at the beer garden tonight. Hana and Liv are coming, and so are Max and Savannah. You should come too!”
Leo looked at his brother doubtfully. Just what he wanted, to hang out with a bunch of happy couples. “No thanks, Li. I know what you’re doing, and I appreciate it, but I don’t need it. I’m fine.”
“We’re meeting at seven if you change your mind.”
“I won’t.”
7:30 p.m. Beer Garden, Stormholt City, Cordonia
“Liam! Shit!” Olivia pointed to the TV mounted above the bar.
“What is it?” Liam had never seen Olivia shaken before. He turned to look but barely made out the headline Shots Fired at the King and Crown Prince as They Leave Budget Meeting before he was drug out by his security detail.
8:30 p.m. Cordonian Royal Hospital
Liam paced back and forth in the private waiting area, cell phone to his ear, “Pick up the phone, pick up the phone….”
Drake had just sat down with a group of friends for dinner when his phone rang. He glanced at the caller id then excused himself so he could take it, “Hey, Li. What’s up?”
Relief washed over Liam at the sound of Drake’s voice, “You haven’t heard? I didn’t want you to find out from the internet-“
Drake’s stomach dropped, “Heard what? What’s wrong?”
“There was a sniper attack tonight. Someone took shots at my father and Leo-“
Drake’s knees buckled out from under him. He stumbled and dropped down into the nearest chair, struggling to catch his breath, “Is he….is he-“
“He’s fine, Drake! Dad too. Physically anyway...”
“What aren’t you telling me?”
Liam sighed, “He’d kill me if he knew I was telling you this…”
“Just spit it out already!"
“He’s been sleeping in your room since you left.”         
“My room?” Astonishment pulled through him, “Why?”
“Why do you think, you fucking idiot?”
There was stunned silence for a moment then Drake practically whispered, “But…he doesn’t like me like that.”
“Drake, you’re my best friend and I love you but you’re about as clueless as they come. He literally came out for you, after spending his life in the closet. Why would he do that if he didn’t like you, huh?”
“I’ll be on the next flight home.”
The next day….
Leo growled in frustration when a knock sounded on his door. Why the hell couldn’t everyone just leave him alone? He had already told his father, stepmother, brother, Olivia, Max, Savannah, a butler, and two maids that he didn’t want any lunch.
He yanked the door open and yelled, “Whatever it is, I don’t want any!”
Drake stood on the other side of the door with that cocky-ass grin that Leo both loved and hated, “You sure about that? You don’t even know what I’m offering.”
“Drake?” Leo felt shock course through him, followed by a surge of happiness, “What are you doing here?”
“I live here, remember?” Drake pushed past Leo into the room without waiting for an invitation.
Leo pushed the door shut and followed Drake across the room. “I know that! I meant…why are you here now? You’re supposed to be at school in Texas!”
Drake stopped in midstride and spun toward Leo with fury and anguish in his voice, “Someone took a shot at you, Leo! Of course, I came home!”
“I mean…they missed,” Leo smiled for the first time since it had happened. First time in weeks if he were being honest.
“It’s not funny, Leo!”
“It’s called dark humor, Drake,” Leo told him, “How did you even know?”
“Liam called me.”
“Okay. I mean, I appreciate the concern, but as you can see,” Leo patted his own body to show that there were no holes in it, “I’m perfectly fine-“
“Would you just shut up?” Drake lurched forward and cupped Leo’s face in both hands, cutting him off as their lips crashed together.
Drake had kissed him with passion before, had kissed him as if he were going to drown in his desire for him and he had kissed him with tenderness as if they were actual lovers, but he had never kissed him like this before… with desperation as if he needed him to breath and he was afraid if he let go, he was going to float away.
When the kiss broke, Drake leaned his forehead against Leo’s as he stared into his eyes, breathing jagged, hand still caressing his face, “That phone call scared the shit out of me, Leo!”
Leo’s eyes stayed locked on Drake, “Why? I told you, I’m fine…”
“I mean…if something happened to you….”
“Liam would be devastated,” Drake dropped his hand and stepped back, “and he’s my best friend so I need to be here! You know…for him.”
“Right…you came back for Liam…”
“What do you want me to say, Leo?” Drake’s tone was defensive as he yanked a hand through his hair.
“I don’t know, maybe the truth for fucking once instead of this bullshit macho façade you’ve got going on!”
“Me?” Drake scoffed, “Mister I can’t be gay because I’m so manly!”
“Oh, okay, mister I’m going to pick up a woman to prove my manliness and deny that I could possibly be catching feelings for someone!”
Drake scoffed again, “Yeah, all right mister playboy of the Mediterranean!”
Leo’s mouth fell open, “You cannot hold me accountable for the nicknames that the press gives me!”
“But it’s true, isn’t it? You shun relationships, don’t you?”
“No more than you do!” Leo’s voice rose, “You’re the fucking poster child for toxic masculinity!”
Drake stared at him for a moment then all the anger drained out of him as he started laughing.
A small, bewildered smile tugged at the corners of Leo’s lips, “What?”
“I’m surprised you know what toxic masculinity is, that’s all.”
“I know what toxic masculinity is,” Leo huffed, “I grew up in Cordonia not the backwoods of Texas!”
“Fuck you, so did I,” Drake shook his head with a quiet laugh, “Look, I’m sorry, this isn’t easy for me.”
“You think it’s easy for me?”
Surprise pulled through him, “What?”
“This,” Leo gestured vaguely around at everything, “Admitting I have…fuck…feelings for someone…. especially…you know….you….”
Drake felt butterflies explode in his chest, “You have feelings for me?”
Leo turned bright red as he mumbled to the floor, “Shut up….”
“If you want me to shut up, you’ll have to come over here and make me,” Drake teased, “preferably with tongue, because you just admitted that you like me and I don’t think I’m ready to stop talking about it!”
“This is the part where you admit that you like me back, asshole!”
Drake stepped back into Leo’s personal space, his hand going up to caress his cheek again, “I thought you would have figured that out when I got on a fucking plane in the middle of the night to get to you the minute I realized I could have lost you!”
“It would still be nice to hear….”
“Fine, damn it! I like you, okay? I like you!”
“Yeah, okay, that’s good.” Leo grinned before leaning in for another kiss, “Now that we’ve settled that, how about we have a proper reunion?”
“I’m never going to say no to that….” Drake laughed as Leo pulled his shirt off him.
Thirty minutes later, they lay naked and panting on Leo’s bed, side by side staring up at the ceiling.
“Damn, I missed you so fucking much,” Drake admitted.
“You couldn’t possibly have missed me as much as I missed you,” Leo said.
“Bet!” Drake scoffed as he rolled onto his side and propped up on his elbow, “I was fucking miserable, Leo.” It had felt like he’d cut his heart out and left it on the wrong side of the Atlantic.
“Yeah, me too…” Leo ran a hand down his face with a sigh afraid to ask the next question. He hated to think about it, but he had to know, “So, when are you going back?”
“I’m not.”
“What do you mean?” Leos’s brows furrowed, “It’s not even halfway through the semester!”
“I’m not leaving you again, Leo! Someone tried to kill you!”
“That’s…that’s stupid! You can’t just drop out of college! What about your future?”
“What?” Drake looked at him like he was stupid, “I didn’t drop out! I transferred to Cordonia U.”
“Oh.” Leo’s heart beat a little faster. Drake was moving back to the Cordonia…for him.
“Give me a little credit, I’m not a complete idiot!”
Leo gave him a teasing smile, “Well…”
“Well, you like me,” Drake grinned at him as he scooted closer, “so if I’m an idiot, what does that say about you?”
“You make a fair point,” Leo conceded as he traced his fingertips across Drake’s lips.
“So…are we like, officially a thing or what?”
“Yes, we are officially a thing!” Leo answered.
“So….we can tell people and shit?”
Leo heaved a deep sigh, “Everyone but my parents….it’s not because of you!” he added quickly, as panic at the thought of causing another misunderstanding shot through him, “It’s them! You know how they are!”
“Hey, hey, calm the fuck down! Breathe! I do know how they are and I’m fine with not telling them.” Drake assured him.
Drake pushed back his fears and insecurities about the future as he tried not to think about the fact that Constantine would never approve, that Leo was meant to be king, and that the royal council would be pushing Leo to marry. To marry a woman. To marry a noblewoman.
Those were all problems for another day. Constantine was still in his fifties; he would be king for decades. There was plenty of time to figure things out. For the moment he was just going to focus on the fact that Leo Rys liked him, that they had admitted their feelings for each other, and that they could now start to build an actual relationship.
Everything was going to be fine.
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thatpunkmaximoff · 4 months
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Book One of...
Story: 3 out of 5 Smut: 5 out of 5
What.. the.. hell. I was expecting a bully romance set during the college years, but Spine Ridge University is not your average university.
At first, I wasn’t sure how I felt about this book because the violence felt like it was too extreme for some college kids. But after wrapping my mind around what Spine Ridge actually is, I was able to enjoy it all and root for the girl avenging her sister.
Not only is the smut intense, but the secrets and betrayal will keep you turning page after page.
Now here are my rambling thoughts..
* Goddamn. The prologue just jumped right into it, huh.
* Oh wow. She witnessed her sister commit suicide 😬 and in her last text, she warned her away from our three main boys. wtf is going on?
* She’s never even met these boys and they know her name? Suspicious…
* These guys are kind of intense, no? She ended up stabbing one with a pen and kicking him in the balls 😂
* Damn. They ransacked her room for a diary they think is hers. But really, it belongs to the dead sister. What fucking secrets are they so desperate to keep?
* Damn. Brutal face fucking… I’m not sure how I feel about that lol.
* Lmao. She sliced Felix and kicked Dylan in the nuts. Again. And then threw a chair at Alistair before pulling the fire alarm and escaping 😂
* Wow. They really chased her in the woods, wearing masks, and coated her in cum 👀
* Felix is a major dick. Please tell me he eases up some 😒
* Ohhh. We finally got the “touch her and die” vibe. But only after they pulled a dick move with the dead sister’s diary.
* Damn. Felix really tortured Nathan. And then let him walk.
* I need to know their connection to the dead sister! If they fucked her too, then this situation with Penelope is kinda fucked.
* Is Alistair my bb now? I think so. Even if he confuses the fuck out of me lol.
* She had a suicide pact with her sister and Felix thought she was responsible for her sister’s death? wtf.
* Oh fuck. Dylan and Alistair and Penelope in the hot spring 🥵
* Who the fuck do these Phantom asshole think they are? They really attacked Dylan, Alistair, and Penelope and thought they’d get away with it?
* Also, I love the violence but it’s a little far fetched for these young college kids to be this crazy.
* All three of them filled her. Wow.
* Why the fuck is Felix so jealous?! I thought this was a “why choose”?
* Oh fuck. They found a body. And Nathan’s little bitch ass is gloating that the police are involved now.
* Jesus Christ. Penelope really took a gamble telling half truths and half lies about the body. They’re so lucky.
* And now Felix’s jealousy kicked in. Again.
* Awkward family dinner from hell.
* “Ride my face like you own it.” — Alistair 🤭
* Felix is such a grumpy shit when around Penelope’s friends 😂 but why the invite to Club Rivera? What is he planning?
* Wooowww. They were in a relationship with her sister. Fuck that. I’d stop everything then and there.
* They fucked around in a cemetery 🤦🏻‍♀️
* Damn. She got kicked out of the sorority because someone set a fire and left her name taped to a firework. Who’s fucking with her?
* So the sister jumped because of a breakup?
* Ouch. Penelope is gonna end things with them, huh. At least for now she will.
* Oh fuck. Felix, what did you do 🤦🏻‍♀️
* The fucking dean?! Dylan’s father is who pushed the sister to jump?!
* Ricci family..? wtf. Is her family some crime family too?! I always wondered why her dad was cool with her going to the school where his eldest committed suicide. They sent her to find answers.
* SHE WAS PREGNANT!!! Now her suicide is really fucked up.
* She set the school on fire 😂
* Goddamn. She played them all.
* “Tell me what you need. Be specific.” // “Hurt him. Scar him where it hurts the most.” // His face darkens in a way that only happens when he’s on a murder spree, and he grabs her hand and slowly brings it to his lips, pressing a kiss on top as though he’s dealing a deal. “I’ll bring him fucking hell for you.”
* Goddamn. It’s a mafia war in a fraternity house.
* Ding dong, the dean is dead.
* Holy shit. She’s in charge now. She’s making the boys watch as she fucks herself and the boys can’t touch.
* “You. Crawl to me.” —- 🥵
* Goddamn. That was some major dicking down lol.
* Awww. They tattooed each other’s names on each other.
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Stranger Things Season 4 Volume 2 - REACTION + THOUGHTS
Holy fucking shit, everyone 😭 it was only two episodes and yet I feel drained, it took like 4+ hours to get through two damn episodes but I did it!
My reaction to Episodes 1-7 are HERE!
I wrote my thoughts in a notebook as I watched and I’ve elaborated more on those thoughts in this post below. Mostly it’s a lot of freaking out and fangirling though 😂
⚠️ There are HUGE spoilers below the read more so please read at your own risk! ⚠️
Episode 8 - Papa
Awww mini Eleven is so cute
She was so exhausted after sending Vecna to the beyond that she straight up passed out after
Not me getting triggered by showing 001 being tattooed again 🤧
The gang panicking to find music is so funny but also FIND THE MUSIC FFS
“I want you to tell Eleven… I want you to tell her everything you’ve seen… tell her everything” - oh shit, he didn’t kill Nancy 😮‍💨 but also yikes
Not the Russian demogorgan still alive???
Awww, Joyce patching Hopper up :3
“You’re the hero of Hawkins” - IM NOT CRYING, NOT YET 🤧
Hop asking after El and Joyce saying “she misses her dad” ❤️
“Umm I hate to interrupt” LMAO “but apparently they (the demogorgons) can climb too” … shit
Tell me the Russians have NOT been experimenting on the demo-creatures 😭💀 and what the hell is that swirling dust stuff???
Eleven’s powers are BACK! 😀
To be quite brutally honest, I forgot what the Cali crew were up to because they were just… there. Not really doing that much. :/
I’m not really digging Mike’s whole “what if she doesn’t need me anymore???”, let alone Will having to reassure him “of course she’ll need you” like… ?? Boys, hello???
Awww is it based on DND?? Apparently El commissioned it, and Mike in the painting’s coat of arms is a heart because he’s the heart of the group or some shit?
Honestly not really here for Will’s painting/feelings being used to further the Mileven pairing :/
The way Jonathan was looking at Will and Mike, I thought he was thinking “yeah my brother’s got it bad”
“When you’re different, you feel like a mistake” - WILL BABY??? Again, it’s so obvious he’s gay and hiding it???
NOT WILL LOOKING OUT THE WINDOW AND CRYING, POOR BOY IS HEARTBROKEN (and at this point I’m starting to think that yes, in love with Mike)
Did sending Vecna through the portal cause Eleven’s speech and language to regress too??? Because I’m S1 she can barely speak and needs to be taught common words, whilst in flashbacks in S4 in the lab, she seems quite fluent?
Has this motherfucker Brenner been searching for 001 this whole time??? Is that what this is about???
Oh god not the autopsy photos 😭
“Your friends are in danger” - yeah but what else is new??? They’re in danger like every 6-12 months 💀
The clock has 4 chimes… which means 4 gates, 4 victims??? Shit, he’s one away???
Eleven using her powers to watch the Hawkins gang :’(
Nancy: We have to go back // Eddie: 🤦 NO
Robin calling him “Henry-slash-Vecna-slash-One” 😂
Because El is watching them, she’s in on their plan too now… interesting
If Max fucking dies, I will be SO ANGRY
Yayyy Jopper + Murray + Dmitri made it out of the Russian base!
LMFAO at the van just smashing through the gate
Hopper protecting Joyce by wrapping his arms around her :3
Joyce saying “That plane crashed” and Hopper’s concerned “… crashed?!?”
Dmitri threatening Yuri lol
I like that at this point Steve is still not wearing a proper shirt 🥵
Eddie calling Max “red”
“You got a ski mask or a bandana?” - cut to Eddie wearing Max’s Michael Myers mask that she wore at Halloween in S2 😂
Eddie hot wiring a van
HE CALLED STEVE “big boy”, I’M-
Also Steve is STILL barefoot 😂
“Your friends are not prepared for this fight” - right, so maybe go and fucking help them????
Owens at least tried to let Eleven make a choice, Brenner is a dick
No but Steve talking about his dreams and saying in his dreams for his life, he wants 6 kids and to travel America on road trips with them 😭🤧 he would be such a great dad, I’m-
Nancy calling 6 kids “a nightmare” LMFAO SAME
“If only I had some practice” *gestures to the kids he’s always babysitting* 💀
Lucas making the Ms Kelly link and also wanting to find someone else - anyone else - so Max won’t be in danger
Max’s happiest memory involves Lucas, which makes me think it’s probably the Snow Ball dance when they got together?
Is that a helicopter?!! There’s no way that thing is carrying five adults from Russia to America???
“For me, she is still a virgin” - PLEASE DO NOT SAY THAT ABOUT THE HELICOPTER YURI
The War Zone store is like the size of an entire shopping mall :/
Ah, America… no one is questioning young teenagers like Erica, Max, etc buying guns and explosives
Robin being heartbroken 😭
Jason really needs to back the fuck off, and the scene where he’s talking to Nancy and putting his hands on her gun really proved that
Argyll saying Nina sounds like a “small woman” 😭 he ain’t wrong, “nina” is Spanish for little girl I think
Nahhh is Argyll STILL fucking high 💀
Getting REAL sick and tired of seeing military and army assholes
“If my men hear you coming, they’ll kill him (Owens)” - BRENNER IS LITERALLY BLACKMAILING HER WHAT THE FUCK FUCK HIM
Eleven called him OUT and I love it
“You could not let him (001) go” “you are the monster” — SO TRUE
He injected her what the hell 💀
She should have just killed him tbh
“Is this legal?” “Actually, I think it’s a felony” — LMFAO
Eddie and Dustin play fighting and Eddie making Dustin promise “never change, promise me”… why do I feel like Eddie’s imparting some wisdom and is about to be killed…
“Even though you’re a bench riding loser, you’re still my brother” - awww Erica :3
Wait did Steve say Vickie’s boyfriend is a full ass college man 💀
“Not everyone has a happy ending” - ST writers are definitely trying to tell the fans to lower their expectations of happy endings for everyone 😭
“It might not work out for us this time” - FUCK. NO. NOPE.
Oh god did he put one of those collars on Eleven?!?
Not the shootout 🤦
Omg they shot Brenner and he dropped Eleven. Not gonna be sad if he dies tho, he low-key deserves it lmao
Owens saying he could put El in a coma and then if the killings stop they’ll know it’s her, but the gang is planning on taking down Vecna do the killings will stop??? And they’ll think it’s El???
Never mind, asshole army guy ordered them to kill Eleven anyway
EYYYY Cali gang FINALLY pulling their weight and going to the rescue!
Go on, Eleven! Bring it down! Knock the aircraft out the air!
I’m confused tho because I thought he collar subdued her powers but she’s still wearing it in this scene and straight up knocking a helicopter out of the sky???
The Mike and Eleven reunion was sweet but idk Will still feels like a third wheel even when he’s happy to see Eleven and he hugs her
Will crying with happiness at seeing El again and giving her a hug 😭❤️ love the brother-sister relationship
Brenner has a remote control to make the collar fall off???
“I’m proud of you” “you are my family” “my child” — yeah? Funny way of fucking showing it, mate
“Please tell me you understand” - and then she doesn’t say anything, just gets up and says “goodbye papa” 😅
Soooo… is he actually dead this time?
I’m so anxious for this plan, holy shit
THE MUSIC IS PHENOMONAL!!! (It’s Separate Ways (Worlds Apart) by Journey and Steve Perry, and it was in one of the trailers)
The chills I got at them approaching the Creel house again… ooh
Episode 9 - The Piggyback
Strap in, folks, this one is a whopping 2hrs and 20 minutes!
Hopper and Joyce’s sexual tension is getting VERY obvious Jesus Christ
Lmao at her Hulk Hogan t shirt though
Hopper’s been dreaming about their Enzo date and starts listing the food, and then… “been dreaming about something else too”
“You can be the hero, Steve” - yes but only if he survives 😇
I’ve got a horrible feeling about both Steve and Eddie, and I hope I’m wrong
To be fair to him, Jonathan is trying very hard to get plane tickets to Hawkins and I appreciate the effort
Soooo Eleven is going to go inside Max’s mind and protect her there? 🤔
*talking about how El needs a “bathtub”* Argyll: Yeah, gotta be clean to enter the mind — I FUCKING DIED LAUGHING
Hell yeah for the Kate Bush reappearing
Them writing notes so they won’t be overheard by Vecna on the other side is super smart actually
Not that dude seeing Erica and tipping the basketball team off 😤
Not Jason target practicing smh
Murray: “I see the mood here is bleak, and understandably so” LMFAO NO KIDDING
So those particles moving… means there’s a gate open?
Part of the hive mind is in Russia… where they’ve just escaped from 💀
Of course there’s another Surfer Boy Pizza shop, of course it’s a franchise
The amount of “dudes” in this one conversation LMFAO Even Jonathan was doing it 💀
Love that their prep involves cooking a pizza in the oven 😂
Also the sensory tank is in the newly emptied pizza freezer???
Robin panicking about getting lost is a whole ass mood frankly
“She’s a super klutz” - bless
Apparently Steve used to crawl backwards as a baby? “Always in reverse” (no joke I actually read a book about a boy who crawled backwards and did everything backwards because his mother and father met on a train that was travelling backwards???) (I looked it up; it’s called “Back To Front Benjy” by Dick King Smith)
He also apparently thumped his head as a baby o_o (Nancy: “explains so much” lol)
Steve calling himself confident but an idiot made me kinda sad, all this self reflection made me think he was gonna die 😭
Him thanking her for giving him “the biggest thump” of his life and discussing their relationship
I can’t believe he really said NANCY was the most important part of his dream… I am really not here for Steve/Nancy :/
LMAO at Robin ruining their moment 😂
Wait, where are the Russian guards?
… ohhh I think I know based on the sounds coming off that radio, my god
Ooh did Dmitri break through with Yuri and convince him to do the right thing? :O
Max writing “hi” and Lucas writing “hi :D” back
“I’m glad you’re here” - AWWWW
He asked her to a movie on Friday and she drew him a cute picture 🤧
Okay but WILL Vecna take the bait or not is the question?
Max taking her headphones off… Here we go.
I had a fleeting thought of what if he decides to take Lucas instead??? They’re expecting him to go for Max but Lucas is there too?!?
Mike made goggles out of pizza boxes, I’m-
Argyll interrupting Mileven to give them pizza!
Ewww okay so Eleven: she’s an 11 but she likes pineapple on pizza 🤢
“Do you remember that time you told me you had Lego stuck up your nose?” - I SPAT OUT MY COFFEE WHAT THE FUCK JONATHAN
“You used to come to me more for help” — aww :(
“I’ve been distanced-“ “Stoned.” - LOL
Aww Byers brothers sharing a hug :3 and Will getting emotional 🥹
“I love you: there is nothing in this world that will change that” - TELL ME THIS WOULD NOT BE JONATHAN’S REACTION TO WILL COMING OUT??? This should have at LEAST been a prompt for Will to come out to him maybe???
Eleven found Max!
… oh no. No, it’s not working??? Vecna isn’t taking the bait???
Max saying Vecna was right, Billy made her life hell, she would pray for something awful to happen to him… “I didn’t know if he deserved to be saved” OOF
“So now when I lie in bed at night, I pray something terrible will happen to me.” - MAX SWEETIE NO 😭
Oh gosh come on Eleven, save the day
We get to see a little Max memory of her skating
“Chrissy, this is for you” - I’M NOT OKAY
“Where are you going, Maxine?” Oh fuck no I’m out
Let me say it again, Eddie shred the FUCK outta that guitar solo
Max’s memory is the snow ball dance…
Dustin: “Most. Metal. EVERRRRR!” Bless
NOOOO the Russian glass cage things are broken?!?!
Sooo… monster got in, guards tried to stop it, gunfire shattered the tanks, others came alive :O Particles = The Shadow, which went into the monster(s)?
By the way, this whole plan of “hey, while Max distracts Vecna and probably gets herself killed, let’s sneak up into the attic in the upside down and stab/burn him while he’s in a trance” is fucking stupid 💀
Ohhhh that’s a LOT of vines on the floor
Robin worrying because she’s clumsy, she’ll tread on them, and Nancy holds her hand and says it’s okay??? RONANCY FANS RISE UP
“Shouldn’t you be playing with dolls?” “Should you bag your face?” YOUNG MAX IS A SAVAGE
Wait, the song from the Snow Ball (Every breath you take)?
I was singing along to that song and then I let out a scream because the balloon popped 💀
Speaking of balloons popping, what is this, Stephen King’s IT??? 🤡
Ohhh now the music’s changed to Dream a Little Dream of Me, which was playing in the Creel house and was what Victor was listening to
Well this took a sharp turn… the flowers are withering, blood is everywhere…
He thinks Lucas is doing some cult shit to Max (a la Hellfire Club)
He wants Lucas to wake Max up or he’ll shoot???
“Or are we supposed to read your mind” lmao Murray
Nooo why does Hopper need to he demo-bait 😬
Not Joyce remembering Bob because Bob did exactly the same thing and she watched him die in front of her 😭
“I still got a date to make, remember?” “I am not having another funeral” - I CAN’T DEAL WITH THIS I WANT TO CRY
Awww now there’s a tender Jopper kiss in addition to the down and dirty one
The demobats are on the roof… they can’t get in, right?
Watching Steve/Robin/Nancy dodge the vines made me extremely anxious to be honest
(They’re not dead, just being strangled by vines inside the house)
I can’t do this, I’m not strong enough for this show 💀
Not the demodog chasing Hopper 😭 meanwhile the demobats are coming through the vent
Dustin climbed back through the portal and then Eddie cUT THE ROPE NOOOOOO
Eddie trying to buy more time 😭 don’t do it, Eddie, the town don’t deserve it
Somehow I don’t think barricading the door with fold up chairs is going to stop Vecna, Max lmao
Oh god that chiming is going to haunt my fucking nightmares
Vecna appearing behind Max definitely scared me, Jesus Christ
Nooooo leave Max alone!!!
Lucas trying to convince Jason but of course Jason is a toolbag and too far gone
“I never should have let you in the door” “and I never should have knocked” OH SHIT
Lucas called Jason a raging psychopath, which is quite accurate to be honest
Sinclair siblings once again kicking ass at the same time, we love to see it
“Much braver than your brother” OOF OKAY VECNA JESUS
Oh no no no no he’s gonna do the thing-
V: You. // E: Hi. *throws him through a wall*
Dustin trying to jump back up into the ceiling portal using furniture and then he hurt his leg falling though :(
Jason needs to leave everyone alone smh what an ass
ElMax checking on each other :3
“Are you real? Did I make you?” “I’m real.” “How?” “I piggy-backed from a pizza freezer.” “… what?” — LMFAO
Oh of course Vecna is up again 😭
“If you touch her again, I’ll kill you again” — OOF GO OFF
Vecna is right though, technically she didn’t kill him before, just sent him through that portal 🤷🏻
Max really tried to run up behind Vecna and stab him when she was being noisy as fuck
Yeah no Eleven’s getting her ass beat in this fight I won’t lie
Goddammit now he’s attached El to the door with vines
Vecna has Max 😥😓😰
She told him Papa is dead and Vecna paused
“He is the monster, Henry. Not you.” OOF.
“He was just a man. An ordinary mediocre man.” - DAMN TRUE THO
“He did not make me into this. You did.” - … Vecna is telling the truth technically 😬
The flashback showing him exploring this “realm unspoilt by mankind” and it looks like a barren shit hole to me 😫
So the particle cloud… helped him become a predator???
THE MIND FLAYER??? And young Henry/Vecna’s drawing IDENTICAL to Will’s???
So has this all always been Vecna or…?
“Sought a means to open my own doors” (showing S3) - so was THAT Vecna????
I love the contrast of the red lighting in the Eleven/Vecna scene vs the blue in literally all the others but especially Lucas/Jason’s fight
Erica, come on girl! Jason is literally about to strangle Lucas to death!
“But now I just want you to watch” - oh shit
Mike/Will/Jonathan/Argyll trying to wake Eleven up…
Will telling Mike he’s “the heart” and Mike saying “I love you” to El… I’m so tired. I’m so tired of Will’s obvious sexuality/crush being used to further a straight couple
Not Mike claiming his life was only meaningful after meeting Eleven 💀 and the flashbacks to the very first episode when they met, I’m so done with this
Wait, are the vines uncurling from around Eleven???
Joyce rescuing Hopper by electrocuting that demodog 😥
Murray kicking ass with the flamethrower!!!
Oh thank fuck Steve/Nancy/Robin are released and okay
Ewww not the squelchy noises when they all walk around 🤢
Well, Hopper, looks like shooting a demogorgan didn’t work…
RoStAncy found Vecna - come on, guys, prove this plan wasn’t shit
“The beginning of the end” - eyyy it’s the season 4 tagline!
Not them playing Running Up That Hill again, I’m already a mess 💀
Wait… what do you mean there’s still 40 FUCKING MINUTES TO GO?!?!
IS Max okay??? And Eddie???
NOPE EDDIE’S DYING FOR FUCK SAKE I’m so upset he was my favourite newbie 😭😭😭
“I didn’t run away this time, right?“ STOP IT RIGHT NOW
Eddie didn’t even get to graduate 😭🤧 this was supposed to be his year, I’m so upset-
No no no no I hate this, this is awful, she’s blind and can’t see and she’s so scared and she’s crying 😭
Max crying and panicking because “I can’t see, I’m so scared, I’m not ready to go, I want to go on” I’M SOBBING, NO, NO, NO, FUCK OFF RIGHT NOW
Lucas sobbing as she dies I can’t fucking STAND THIS FUCKING SHOW FUCK THIS
Four chimes… oh no. Oh no no no no NO.
Karen and Little Holly 😭
Holy FUCK, Hawkins is actually well and truly FUCKED this time
… Is Eleven trying to bring Max back to life??? Is that even possible???
Not the ElMax flashbacks making me tear up again 😭
Don’t get my hopes up, I can’t take it if my hopes are raised and smashed down again
Cut to black and… two days later??? Excuse me??? WHt the fuck happened???
Ohhh that’s a lot of cars leaving Hawkins
Oh shit the smoke coming off of Hawkins?!?!
So they’re saying it was this ridiculously traumatic earthquake???
Not them all believing it’s Hellfire’s fault still :/ and that Eddie is still guilty, fuck this town-
“Doorway into hell” - oof, that’s one way to put it I guess
Eyyy Mike finally reuniting with his family and Will reuniting with his friends, and Jancy seeing each other too!!
“You can forget about college” - LMFAO
Okay, now why is Lucas at the hospital??? Again, do NOT get my hopes up!
Wait, is Max in a coma????
Lucas reading to Max 😭
I can’t get over Lucas and Eleven hugging?!! They’ve come so far since S1 when he hated her 😭
They don’t know if Max will wake up or why she hasn’t yet :( they’re saying she died for like a minute but then a miracle (Eleven) happened
Eleven holding Max’s hand and telling her “I’m here” :’(
Nancy and the others are donating their stuff because of the disaster, that makes sense
I love how ready Steve and Robin are to help 🤧❤️
Vickie?!?! Oh that’s awkward… I love Amybeth tho
“Was my boyfriend” — ohhh aye? 👀
Her saying she should have dumped him for disliking “fast times” lmfao
“It’s like my mouth is running faster than my brain” - oh her and Robin are so suited to each other
Listen… Vickie could still be bisexual, okay, just because she dated a guy it doesn’t mean she can’t date girls 🤷🏻
I hate that people have been graffiti-ing Eddie’s missing poster 😭
Dustin has Eddie’s guitar pick neck chain 🥺
I feel so bad for Eddie’s uncle 😢
When Dustin started crying over Eddie and telling Eddie’s uncle that Eddie was a hero, I lost it
“He fought and died to protect this town that hated him” - I CAN’T 😭 Eddie deserved so much fucking better
Hopper’s cabin???
Jonathan: *pointing to massive gaping hole in ceiling* Well, that’s a bit of a problem — 😂😂😂😂
Aww they’re fixing up the cabin :3
Argyll gathering mushrooms 🤣
“I’m sorry I wasn’t there.” “I’m actually kinda glad you weren’t… I mean, that you were with Mike” - suuure, Nancy -_-
Why did I feel like they were about to go on a break during this scene 💀
Nancy saying Steve’s grown quite a bit as a person… true but girl seriously
“Are we okay?” “… yeah.” — Nancy, you did NOT sound very sure
Oof Jonathan had the perfect opportunity to tell Nancy about his plans for college but he didn’t :/
Will knowing 001 isn’t dead because he can feel him hurting… o_0
So will Vecna be in S5, and if so will his first target be Will because lord knows that boy has a LOT of trauma to feed off of
Is that coke bottle from when El and Max played spin the bottle in S3? That feels like so long ago now 😭
So apparently Eleven couldn’t find Max in that mindscape/black area thing? (I don’t know what to call it, I’m sorry 😭)
She kept the door open 3 inches always and never stopped believing 😭😭😭😭
“Your hair…” “My hair? Your hair!” - THEY BOTH LOST THEIR HAIR IM SO-
“I kinda stole your look, kid, what you think?” “Bitching” - 😭❤️
I do wonder if the Hoppers and Byers will be one big family now because Jopper is a thing 🤔🙂
Oh no… no, not the Will Neck Tingle™️
Oh damn, it went from sunny to overcast VERY quickly
It’s snowing??? It’s spring break so it shouldn’t be snowing???
Plants rotting/dying… ash in the sky I think? (So is it ash or is it snow?)
Joyce and Hopper holding hands 🥺
21 notes · View notes
ellie-e-marcovitz · 1 year
April 1999 - New Zealand
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1 April 1999
New Zealand Ministry of Magic, Wellington
It was with a ‘thud’ I arrived in the international arrivals area at the New Zealand Ministry of Magic. Pain erupted up my left leg as it met whatever was underneath the grass.
Pushing myself up the best I could, I pulled out my phone. Dead. The amount of magic it had been around probably drained the battery. Hopefully, Eileen had gotten the message I’d sent during lunch.
Finally managing to get to my feet, a quick glace told me everything had managed to stay together.
“Welcome to New Zealand!” came a far too chipper voice to my right, and I bemusedly took in the figure standing there. “I’m Brian Redpath.”
He looked more like an airplane pilot or steward than a ministry official, though the dancing figures decorating his tie more than confirmed that he was.
“How long will you be here?” He asked, settling in at his desk. I stole a glance at the calendar sitting on the desk facing out. April 1st.
“Erm…” Ii rubbed my head. “Monday afternoon at the latest, so… Four… days? Sounds about right…”
“Visiting family?” he continued, jotting down something on a piece of parchment. I nodded. “And any restricted items?” I shook my head. That I had been very careful about.
“Please fill out the rest of the form, then you’re free to go.”
Filling out the rest of the details, I scribbled down the candy I’d brought to share, before scribbling my signature at the bottom. Tapping my wand at the bottom sealed it.
Finding the exit, I took in my surroundings. The ministry appeared to be set within the grounds of the muggle parliament here, not dissimilar to London.
As I made my way towards the street, I caught sight of a familiar, red-headed figure standing next to a shiny jaguar. “Ellie!” she cheered, waving her hand. “You made it!”
I hurried over the best I could, Eileen hurrying towards me as well. “Oh, am I glad to see you!”
A teasing smile flitted across her lips. “You must be really out of it, El.” She joked, taking my suitcase. “Oof, what’s in this? Bricks?”
I snorted a laugh. “What d’you think? Plenty of books and some candy to share with the family, along with some clothes for the next few days.”
We shared a laugh before making our way over to the jaguar. I noticed a familiar Pride of Portree scarf on the front seat as I slid in.
“Andre’s been here?” I asked, picking up the scarf to move it as Eileen got in. She blushed, but said nothing on it.
“We’re going to have to portkey up to Auckland,” she said instead. “I know it’s not entirely your favourite way to go…”
“It’s not as bad if it’s the car.” I noted. “Whiplash is the only problem.”
“Then buckle up,” Eileen ordered. “Because I’m not spending eight hours on the road again.” I shuddered in response and clicked it in place.
Another gut pull and we were at a road stop near Auckland, blinking in the sunlight. Twenty or so minutes later, we pulled into the drive of her house.
“…So mum and dad should be here, either tomorrow or Saturday. Elliott said he’s coming tomorrow…”
“Which means he’s on his way here already.” I deadpanned, still feeling the extreme time difference.
Suitcase extracted, we headed inside. Stepping in, it took more than a little willpower to just leave my suitcase and not crash face first on the bed.
Instead, I recharged on the couch, before Eileen dragged me out to the local grocery store for both some snacks for me and items for Easter. There were plenty of interesting things on the shelves and, between the both of us, managed to pick out a couple.
Getting back to Eileen’s, dinner was eaten and I crashed not long after, routine be damned. There was no way I was going to be able to stay up anywhere close to my usual time.
Elliott arrived the next morning, somehow surviving the brutal time change like a champ.
It also turned out that he and our parents had coordinated their arrivals.
We had just enough time to grab something to eat, before mum and dad arrived in not much better shape than I had been. A round of hugs, and we ended up walking along the quayside area, before cramming ourselves into Eileen’s car. It was a tight fit for the four of us and what luggage was brought.
At least I’d brought Andre’s scarf inside the night before. I figured Eileen wasn’t much in the mood for questions while playing taxi driver for the rest of the family.
Of course, who should be waiting for us at Eileen’s, but Jacob and Olivia, both of whom appeared just as exhausted. We all tumbled out of the car, eager to greet the unexpected arrivals.
The rest of my time in New Zealand passed in something of a blur. We spent Saturday exploring some, mainly around Auckland, and even managing to find spots that Eileen hadn’t seen yet. Mum even managed to drag us all out on a grocery run with only minor complaints.
Easter was peaceful enough, in that, no one was outright demanding that I go. Jacob, Eileen and I all went out for a quiet breakfast instead, before finding a lone bookstore daring to be open. I would’ve liked a little extra sleep, but enjoyed the company of my siblings none the less.
Mum, dad and Elliott were all back by the time we got back to Eileen’s. Mum was in the kitchen, as was dad, bouncing between the countertops, the oven and the stove. Olivia also hovered at the edge of the kitchen, tossing a salad of some kind.
While me and Eileen had decided on a ham earlier in the week, mum had grabbed a cut of lamb during the family run on the grocery store.
Monday was far more chaotic.
Having noted that I intended to leave in the afternoon, the ministry had dispatched an owl with a reminder. Nice as you will, merely asking to not overstay too long.
I think I burned it, not before groaning and texting Charlie to expect me in the next few hours. Mum packed me a bag of leftovers, mainly the lamb and a fruit salad she’d put together, which I put in my bag.
There were rounds of “see you laters” and hugs, before Elliott appariated us down to Wellington. He was leaving later in the day, only needing to get back before Tuesday morning in Britain. He’d also frequently visited the New Zealand ministry while hiding out here.
I turned my phone off before entering the ministry, not needing it to go dead while using the portkey again. Following Elliott, I gaped at the visitor’s entrance. It looked almost like a futuristic tube station.
Completing the wand check, we passed through security and headed down to the international portkey arrivals and departures area.
Checking out, I headed over to the open area. Shoving the beach ball into the box, I pulled out the other object: an empty flour bag. Grabbing my things, I waved one last time.
“la Roumanie,” I muttered, and with a sharp tug, I was off.
0 notes
makeste · 5 years
BnHA Chapter 188: Hard Knocks Path to Redemption
Previously on BnHA: The Todoroki kids sans Shouto (and Dabi lulz) visited their mom at the hospital and awkwardly discussed Endeavor officially becoming the #1 hero. Shouto’s older brother Natsuo wasn’t happy about it, saying that the world doesn’t know about “what he did” and how he treated his family. But interestingly, Rei came to his defense, saying that things were more complex than that. She said she doesn’t know what’s going on in his heart, “but he hasn’t left us behind.” We then cut to Endeavor’s fight with the High Tide Noumu, which basically consisted of Endeavor hovering for a few seconds with his flames, and then getting very violently flung through a building. Like, he was basically used as a human laser saw to cut the top of this high rise clean off. A bunch of people nearly fell to their deaths, but thankfully Hawks saved them all with his ridiculously OP Mighty Wings quirk. Speaking of Hawks, idk but it sure is some shifty bullshit that Your Highness Noumu just happened to attack him and Endeavor in this building right when they were having a chitchat about Noumus. Something is definitely up you guys.
Today on BnHA: Endeavor continues to battle the High Heaven Noumu and pulls off some impressive feats, such as dicing a falling building into tiny pieces with his flames so that the spectators below don’t get crushed. Unfortunately these techniques come at a price, and he finds himself beginning to struggle due to the heat building up in his body. Meanwhile the High Hopes Noumu remains mostly unfazed, even dispatching a bunch of disgusting slimy clone things to wreak some havoc and distract Hawks and the other pros on the scene so that they can’t assist. Realizing he has no choice but to Go For It, Endeavor powers up his flames and hits the Noumu with massive flame attack: Prominence Burn. Unfortunately the Noumu anticipates his actions and is able to avoid being completely disintegrated. He regenerates, and then brutally slashes/stabs Endeavor in the most ironic spots possible -- his torso (nearly the same place where All Might was wounded by AFO), and his left eye (don’t think I have to explain this one lol). It’s all very violent, and probably not the sort of thing you’d want your child to witness on live television -- oh hey there Shouto. Didn’t see you there. Uh... well, shit.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 209 now, so any ETAs will reflect that.)
interesting title!
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I wonder which of his four kids this is referring to? ngl I’ve been missing the U.A. kids for these past couple chapters so it would be nice to get Shouto back in here
holy shittttt
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thiiiiiiiis is bad. that is some serious destruction. not something they can just shrug their shoulders about later, especially in BnHA where damage like this actually has lasting consequences
lol some other heroes are watching from a distance and they’re all “did Endeavor just Vidalia Chop Wizard that whole fucking building”
meanwhile Hawks is tumbling to safety on a nearby rooftop
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and he’s referring here to Endeavor’s opening line in the chapter, “I’ll dice you up and burn you until there’s nothing left”
(ETA: in addition to being the first reluctant hero in the series, Hawks is also the quippiest we’ve had by far. Hawks is all your dialogue polished up by a Marvel screenwriting team or what)
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I appreciate Hawks’s efforts at combat banter, but all I keep thinking is that those pieces actually did look remarkably neat and uniform, and that it wouldn’t kill him to show a little appreciation for what was honest to god one of the most insane quirk feats we’ve seen to date
also, looking at this picture more closely, my disbelief is gonna need a little more suspending, because I honestly don’t feel like either of them should currently be able to fly the way they’re doing lol. Hawks’s wings are in a pretty sorry state at the moment
and here comes High Treason Noumu back at them again, and he’s grumbling “bird...” like he’s all pissy at Hawks
lol what is this
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what the hell is this quirk. does he shoot air gun fists or something. and this other guy has all of his fingers fucking disconnected for no apparent reason. like, what the hell is that even gonna do besides gross people out
(ETA: and isn’t this Tokage’s quirk as well. getting lazy are we Horikoshi)
now High Score Noumu is doing something disturbing oh god
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Endeavor’s hitting it with another fire blast. thanks man
and now he’s doing a mental tally of the thing’s quirks
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and don’t forget “can fucking talk.” not to mention what I still think is the most intriguing one of all, “has Kurogiri’s fucking face”
oh and I guess this is a new one
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fucking gross ew fuck sick gross ugh!! why are they so gooey sob
I don’t really understand what’s going on but Endeavor seems to have it all figured out, so here
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okay so he wants to fight strong opponents like Endeavor so he made some disgusting clones to deal with the small fries I guess
-- hold up. that muscle amplification quirk... that looks and sounds a whole lot like Muscular’s, though
is it just coincidence? that this Noumu just so happens to be so strikingly similar to not one but two captured villains previously associated with the League?? just what in the hell is going on here dammit
meanwhile, as Endeavor observed, the Noumus that emerged from his body look completely different and appear to be just your everyday run-of-the-mill Noumus
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just a little grosser is all
Hawks is swooping down and taking them out without much effort. looks like he’s gotten most of his feathers back too
he’s telling everyone to keep evacuating
and he says that to be frank, power struggles aren’t his “forte”
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so he’s acknowledging that he doesn’t have the All Might Factor, so to speak? that even though he’s strong and popular, he’s not at that level of always beating the big bads no matter what?
you know, that actually makes some sense. I can maybe understand a little better just why he was bothering Endeavor so much. that is, if it weren’t for the fact that I STILL DON’T TRUST YOU, HAWKS, YOU SUSPICIOUS LITTLE SERAPH
High Speed Noumu is asking Endeavor if he’s done shooting those red hot little slice-and-dice death rays
oh snap this thing really is smart
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it’s not just talking and thinking, it’s fucking analyzing. there’s some real brainpower at work in this thing
now Endeavor is talking about his quirk, and I’m just gonna post the panel because like hell am I gonna try to summarize this
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he was thinking this a few panels earlier, too. that he’s got a lot of heat built up now
and now he’s thinking about Rei and his kids with their ice powers
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fuck me but every single time I start wanting to root for Endeavor he’s gotta go and remind us of this, though
also!? fourth kid alert!?? and this kid seems to have white hair just like all the others, and seems to be younger than Natsuo in this shot. which would seem to go against the prevailing theory? explain yourself, manga
(ETA: lol and I got an ask about this just today. I gotta give this some thought. but I still think it’s Dabi! maybe Endeavor is just confused about what his non-Shouto children looks like because he spent so much time ignoring them all!)
so now Highlander Noumu is making a crazy face and extending his arms or muscle fibers or whatever the fuck these things are again, and saying he wants to test out his new power on Endeavor
shiiiiiit this does not look good
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this doesn’t seem like the kind of move he can maintain for very long given what he was saying earlier
he’s shouting at the Noumu that he’ll incinerate him until there’s nothing left, and his regeneration won’t be enough
well this has worked before, to be fair. back in Hosu
but why do I get the feeling that isn’t going to be the case this time, though
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is this the literal translation. is there some other meaning of “prominence” other than “famous and well-known” that I’m not thinking of. I guess it can also mean “something that sticks out a lot”, but I don’t see how that would apply to this attack
basically, to me this reads as “Endeavor’s I-Wanna-Be-Famous Big Fire Attack”
and damned if that just doesn’t say it all, though
he’s thinking back to what he said at the JP Hero Billboard thing. “just watch me”
and that he won’t disgrace himself by failing here
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh shit
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you’re telling me that Endeavor’s attack actually worked, but that he wasn’t able to disintegrate the whole Noumu because HE FUCKING RIPPED HIS OWN FUCKING HEAD OFF AND FRISBEE-D IT TO SAFETY AHEAD OF TIME!?
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goddamn -- fucking --
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motherfucker oh shit you guysssss
(ETA: how does he even still have that eye though)
you guys. oh shit. this is so bad. you don’t understand
shit. because let me tell you, the very first thing that ran through my head was that he’s going to look so much hotter now and fuck, you guys. I KNOW THAT’S NOT WHAT I’M SUPPOSED TO BE THINKING RIGHT NOW. BUT I CAN’T HELP IT. noooo what the hell is wrong with me I feel like slapping myself lmao
I fucking started laughing in real life at my own absurd reaction. I am ruining the mood of this chapter so damn fast
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the parallels, though. oh shit. the same eye
and did Shouto’s quirk activate just now?? are those flames on his left side? oh shit
okay I need to get myself under control. fucking stop this now. stop thinking about how much hotter Endeavor is going to be with a big ol’ slashy scar along the left side of his face. and maybe an eyepatch. oh god. no, stop
(ETA: I really thought there was going to be an eyepatch. how does he still have that eye)
and now we’re cutting back to U.A. and Aizawa is gently telling Eri he’s gonna take her back to his room and I can’t you guys. first Endeavor losing his fucking eye and now Aizawa being a loving, protective parent on two counts, because LOOK WHAT HE SAYS RIGHT AFTER
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now All Might is gripping at his stomach wound nooooo
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seems like every big hero has That Moment, huh
oh fuckkkkk
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fuuuuuck, Endeavor. going for that hard knocks path to redemption, huh
but I fucking can’t, though, because I just keep picturing Horikoshi’s creative process. like, you fucking troll, though. goes and creates the worst character of all time (not literally, I’m just being dramatic here just let me have this) and does his absolute fucking best to make him as terrible as possible, and then challenges himself to redeem him nonetheless. “how can I make readers actually feel sympathy for Todoroki fucking Enji in spite of everything? oh I know I’ll take away everything he ever wanted and make him finally start to realize what was really important and have him finally start trying to be a better husband and father. and then I’ll fucking murder him”
and like, I really need to stop laughing at this chapter, though. I’m ruining it, I know. if it helps, it’s not mirthful laughter though! the best way I can describe it is “haunted house laughter.” like, this is how I react when I’m walking through any sort of haunted attraction, and I’m really tense and excited and on edge. my weird natural response is usually to start laughing, possibly as my brain’s way of psyching myself up to be brave and reminding myself that it’s not real and they’re only actors. I feel like that, for some reason. and I don’t know why, but it’s actually a very positive thing, because this is the first time in quite a while that I’ve gotten this excited about the manga, actually
so I’m sorry, Endeavor. I’m not laughing at you, I’m laughing because OH SHIT THIS IS GETTING GOOD and I’m really loving it. and also because Horikoshi has got some serious balls
(ETA: and because this is Kamino all over again. and I was fucking pumped. angst!! stakes!! tension!! there was just a ton of adrenaline all of a sudden and I didn’t really know what to do with it so my brain was like “well then let’s just do something really weird!”)
anyway, so we’re cutting back to Shouto and U.A., where Shouto is watching his dad die on live television
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aaaaaand that’s the chapter end
my god. this went from “eh” to “epic” in like .06 seconds. is this the fight that anon was talking about a while back? because this was pretty damn good, I gotta say. fucking damn
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
sup how have u been doing lately? our school year just started and we're already getting bombarded with a lot of activities and it sucks!!! 😭😭😭, Nyways, can I request for Bokuto, Shuu, Hanamiya, Aomine, Erza, and Yumeko where they're going out on a date with their oblivious and shy darling and someone kept pestering/sending unwanted remarks towards them? thank you so much! (Also don't forget to drink ur water for today)
I’m planning a little something in the near future since something special is almost around the corner😉. Also, school has been terrible so I’m trying my best to manage😣.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, delusions, paranoia, clinginess, overprotectiveness, s/o being pestered, aggressive behavior, humiliation, death
Ruined date
Shuu Tsukiyama
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🍷His darling is literally too much for him to handle in the most positive way possible. Tsukiyama finds their shy behavior just beyond adorable and he can’t quite suppress the coo whenever they suddenly cling to his arm or hide behind him when confronted by too many people at once. Mostly trying to be gentle, sometimes this ghoul here becomes a bit more teasing though, embarrassing you with specifically much affection. That counts most likely only for servants since Tsukiyama gets especially protective over his darling because they’re shy and oblivious. We’ve talked about this before, he only really trusts the other servants in the household and his father with the darling. Having to consider that too many people might make you uncomfortable in the first place, he really only prefers having you in the mansion in the first place, trying to justify his isolation. Obliviously that won’t work on his father.
🍷He’s just extra with a lot of his dates so he definitely brought his darling to a very chic place even if he still made sure that it was a bit less crowded, a small yet pretty restaurant maybe. Even if his this date was forcefully planned due to his dad wanting him to take the s/o out and not keeping them constantly in the manor, Shuu was still looking forward to it since he wants to guarantee that his darling has a good time. So just try to imagine the wrath he felt as soon as he hears this damn bastard starting to send such impudent remarks to you and having the shamelessness to continue despite noticing your growing discomfort. He has a short temper and sees such behavior towards you as about unforgivable. Worst is yet that you might just try to ignore it despite getting uncomfortable with it, asking Shuu to do the same since it isn’t as dramatic. My dear, what are you even talking about?
🍷There’s only that one time he’ll hold back due to your plea, fists and jaw already clenched tightly together and teeth gritting harshly against each other. Yet that fool had to continue speaking such nasty things and that’s when he snaps, suddenly jumping up and nearly throwing the chair over in the process and slamming his fists on the table, making you flinch in the process. He’s really trying to hold back here, breathing deeply to calm himself and repeating over and over again in his head that he’s in public and would never do something bloody in front of you. He just grabs his darling with a tight grip by their hands after, quickly leading them out of there. There were only a few seconds he took to stare them down and the look he gave them was nothing but terrifying. Will lament to his father later on that this is exactly why he shouldn’t take you out. Regarding the person who dared to talk to you like that, they were found dead soon after, the whole jaw brutally ripped out with blood everywhere.
Kōtarō Bokuto
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🦉His darling is the cutest and nothing in heaven and hell can ever change his mind about that. Just like Tsukiyama, Bokuto finds himself really only being able to dote on his s/o for their shy and oblivious behavior. Grows rather protective due to that fact as well, he isn’t completely brainless and does notice that they grow quickly uncomfortable and offers himself always as a shield to hide behind or a support to cling on, he partially really just loves that. If he wouldn’t be so worried about this as well. Being clingy in either case, he definitely grows to stick a lot more to his darling than he would already, the need to be there to protect them growing exceptionally strong whenever he witnesses someone cornering them due to their shy behavior. With that being said, Kōtarō is a number to deal with himself and he knows that as well so he always gets insecure about himself whenever he made them uncomfortable.
🦉Akaashi sometimes gives him advices, overall Bokuto still prefers to choose the date himself. Trying to be considerate of their personality and having a weakness for cuddling them in private anyways, not to mention that he’s prone to jealousy, Bokuto has his moments where he sometimes wants to show his darling a bit off. There will be some action involved in the date and he was more motivated than his darling was. Until this guy suddenly called his darling inappropriate nicknames and made unwanted remarks. Now, Bokuto could be described as foolish due to his infatuation so he’s a bit oblivious as well, not to mention he is not someone to be mad quickly. But there was literally nothing to mistake in their words and after a short look of shock and speechlessness crossed his face before he tried to replace it with a half-hearted smile, initially trying to ignore the person in hopes that they would stop and he could still enjoy his date.
🦉What a surprise that this didn’t happen, instead the person continued and when hearing the second uncalled thing for, the man just flinched before the smile faded from his face. Instead it was replaced by a blank expression as he turned around to look at the guy, shielding you protectively behind his back. Maybe there is still the tiniest hope in him that this guy will still apologize yet they don’t, successfully ignoring the tall man in front of you and continuing their harassment. Now that is where Bokuto’s forgiveness ends, anger boiling up inside of him with each disgusting word spit out. Feeling you suddenly clenching on to his shirt with growing discomfort was only the final straw before he stomped over to the person, towering over them with a look all too different from his usual cheerful one before he started yelling furiously at them, catching everyone’s attention nearby and at the end of it his face was slightly red from all the yelling and the anger. Blames himself that you had to endure this afterwards and he feels terrible.
Daiki Aomine
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💙His darling gives him sometimes literally just a heart attack whenever they suddenly get all shy and flustered, playing with their fingers or hurrying themself embarrassed in his chest. It’s laughable to see the big, though guy getting all flustered himself and Momoi kind of teases him about it. The cuteness all aside it has to end up being a scary experience for everyone to make his shy and oblivious s/o feel any sense of unease and have him towering with a dark look on his face over the counterpart. Actually shares similarities to Bokuto in regards of insecurities even if he wouldn’t want to admit it out loud. Daiki is labeled as a rather scary guy with his height and strength and having someone quite as shy and soft as you has him worrying that he’ll end up scaring you or pushing you into a situation of discomfort as well. He’d probably still rather break his bones than seeing you with other trash so his pride still leads him to seeing himself as the best choice.
💙The sane and average person will think probably about ten times about saying something offensive to his darling or dare to interact much with them anyways when they have Aomine sticking to them. The blue-haired man really just wanted to have a good time with you on the date, chances are that his friend helped since he still lacks some knowledge. So I have to give it to the person who dared to say something as repulsing at this to you, seeing clearly Aomine sitting right next to you, a man who can turn into a beast if needed. And my lord, he is all too trigger-happy when it comes to such matters since he is insanely protective. All that is needed is this one sentence or two of the other person for him to suddenly tense up all of a sudden, the sudden content and happy look on his face being replaced by something much more darker.
💙Asks his darling shortly to please stay where they are before he pushes the chair away, taking huge and swift steps to the other person who has by now probably gotten sober. Who wouldn’t when seeing someone like Daiki walking with a face twisted in ferocity over to them? One hand is harshly slammed on their table whilst the other one is placed on their shoulder, the tight grip that might just leave a bruise and feels like it’ll break a bone all done with full intention. It’s quite clear who is the predator in here, Aomine towering in a superior manner over the other person and watching them shivering. He won’t yell or anything and by all the desire in his blood to punch their teeth out, you’re watching and he’s in public. So all he can do for now is grabbing them by the collar and demanding in a very low voice to apologize. He leaves right after with you, in an exceptionally bad mood. The next time he sees that face again, he swears he’ll punch that guy right in the face to stop that nasty mouth.
Makoto Hanamiya
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❌He’s probably the worst of all to have due to his rather mean and slightly sadistic side. I think it was mentioned somewhere that his ideal type would be a dumb partner and that really is what he kind of views the s/o as. Their obliviousness to things around them has him thinking that they’re stupid. It annoys him as much as it kind of ends up attracting him. Loves screwing around with you and really testing your limits every once in a while, using your cluelessness successfully against you. The guy is quick to see his advantage in that stupidity of his darling and will have them like this in his palms. It’s angering as much as it is delightful to come to know that he can do quite a bit manipulative and rude stuff without you not realizing the fully obsessive and possessive intentions behind it all. For Makoto as angering and irritating as he finds it precious in his very own way.
❌Yet he would never let anyone else screw with you like this, less out of good will than his own possessiveness. You’re his, his to love, his to be rude to, his to treasure and his to play with. Hanamiya, despite being really just a quite spiteful person, is actually quite good in playing a good guy role so most people tend to not instantly notice that he’s quite the bully. On dates he’s probably either doing things he wants to do with his darling without giving them a choice or letting them for once decide. Was acting quite smug and an acceptable amount of teasing before they started opening their damn mouth, ruining about everything. There’s a difference in the way he acts though, turning around to take a look at whoever spoke like this before a really terrifying grin makes it’s way up his face, purposely letting it be seen by the harasser and it’s able to send chills down someone’s spine. His s/o didn’t notice just yet so he will continue the date for a bit yet with an additional goal in mind.
❌At the end of the date he probably ended up ruining the other person’s day quite a bit with all the small “accidents” that happened every once in a while and they were the only one who lost their cool at one point. He spilled his drink on them, let them trip over his legs and lots more that caused humiliation in public. And since they were the one yelling and screaming whilst he stayed perfectly calm with a mocking tone, acting like the innocent and rational person in here, this damn bastard was forced to leave the place. Merely a small smirk from Hanamiya was what they got in the end, the malicious and sadistic glint in his eyes being nothing else but scary. Remembering faces quite well, he will definitely continue where he left it he were ever to meet them again. Taunting others is a hobby of his after all. Between it all he managed to not slip up yet there is hidden frustration within him that you didn’t even fully realized what was going on. He won’t let you know now since it’s too late but there will be sharp snarky remarks from him later.
Jabami Yumeko
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♠️Probably ends up showing a bit more of a sadistic side of hers as well in regards of her shy and oblivious darling. Yumeko is a affectionate girl and she knows that her darling due to their bashful behavior tends to get easily flustered by it which is why she makes them sometimes uncomfortable on purpose. Having them squirming in her arms whilst she flaunts all of her love is something she finds herself enjoying. The oblivious and shy attitude is in the relationship appreciated yet for gambling it’s good for nothing as long as the darling doesn’t know how to use it in a gamble. In such areas Yumeko can be rather cruel since she won’t really interfere with a gamble where the stakes are against you since you have to take risks as well. Yet when it’s not about gambling she loves the shyness and isolates you due to it even a bit more than normally . Mary, Suzui and Sumeragi are probably the only ones she’d let you interact freely with.
♠️This little and cute date was decided from her after she successfully won in a gamble against her darling, getting to chose the location as the price. Being possessive herself and not the happiest person when having her darling under too many persons at once, she went for a cute small coffee shop somewhere near school. Such adorable dates are her favorites and she was basically pushing her darling the whole way. Initially she doesn’t even react as the person starts, seeing two extremely cute persons sitting there and currently trying to choose something from the card. Yumeko herself is a master in playing all innocent and naive which already led many people to shamelessly underestimating her. But her hands have tightened visibly around the menu and with the next wrong remark she closed it with slightly shaking hands before slowly raising from her seat and walking over to them, a smile decorating her face.
♠️Do remember that the devil is playing disguised as the angel in here. It all looks so incredibly normal as she starts asking the person politely what their name is and why they say such awful things to her darling. Her counterpart probably can’t take her seriously, instead snarling at her to leave them alone. That’s when it all starts, her starting to insult them still with a smile on her face yet her words aren’t matching that sweet smile of her. It only stays that long though before her face drops and she stares with a similarly degrading and disgusted look down on them as she did with Midari. She’ll definitely inform someone from the staff as well since other people are witnesses as well, leading to the other person being kicked out successfully. Doesn’t want them to ruin her date with you and as soon as she gets back, she’ll probably act like nothing happened. There are bad news if they person should attend school with her because when it comes to such things, Yumeko holds grudges.
Erza Scarlet
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🛡Putting Someone as tough as Erza together with someone as bashful and oblivious as her darling is a combination done perfectly for some troublesome fun. No doubt that Erza grows protective over her darling as soon as discovering their shy and more antisocial side which makes her grow more warning with her guild. Fairy Tail can be quite the bunch to deal with even if they’d never dare to do anything bad to you, not since Erza is watching and you’re like family to them. Erza herself can be quite chaotic herself every once in a while even if she tries to stay collected most of the time, even she gets flustered from her darling’s shy behavior. The red-haired woman finds herself quite simply melting and sometimes she happens to gush over you. It just slips from her tongue yet when it happens in public she finds herself getting slightly embarrassed herself. Her guild mates only give her a grin in return, they know that Erza only acts tough.
🛡Alright, I think it was seen very often in the Anime that Erza can turn girlish and giddy when she wants to do things she has never tried before and that counts for dates especially much. When planning dates, Erza always grows excited and she looked nothing like her usual self as she walked with her darling to the spot she had chosen to do a small picnic. There were almost stars sparkling in her eyes and she was really only in the best mood. But ruining Erza something she was genuinely looking forward too is always a stupid idea so the person was kind of doomed the moment they started catcalling and harassing her darling with unacceptable remarks. At first Erza looks more dumbfounded and speechless then she looks angry, she didn’t really expect anyone to ever dare to say something like this to you directly. Her darling, whilst noticing too, probably has yet to grasp the full situation and is more confused than anything.
🛡A sensitive nerve is critically struck though, she doesn’t tolerate someone ruining her date like this nor does she tolerate disrespectful jerks and that’s what drives Erza finally over the edge. A vein or two are probably appearing on her head as she walks with a dark aura surrounding her and her falling hair casting shadows over her eyes over to the jerk. The moment she lifts her head, the look on her face says it all. She would have taken this all lighter if it wouldn’t have been for that jackass catcalling and harassing you with their words. I guess they’ll realize at that moment that they have fucked up, though Erza still knows not to grow violent in front of you nor does she want to end the date. That’s maybe the only reason she won’t do any physical damage, though the slap they received from her was far worse than any punch from the average person.
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scandalsavagefanfic · 3 years
Hello! I am a huge fan of ur writing. I've loved everything I've read of yours. I've read alot of what you've posted, except for a couple of the tags that are squicky for me (so I'm very thankful you tag very thoroughly). No judgement for the squick, it's just not for me. & when I'm having a bad day, I usually just go thru ur ao3 and find something to reread. I think about Therapy's Bruce & Jason every damn day. While I obvs appreciate ur darker more "problematic" content (I really vibe with some of the themes you write about bc of my own trauma, & so it's very cathartic to read about in a fictional setting), I am truly a sucker for ur more happy content. The Happily Ever After verse also lives in my head rent free. Idk more wholesome stuff just seems more special when you write it. Anyways. I would die for you. But the point of this ask is cause I'm curious as to why you don't like Urban Legends? I'm sorry if you already talked about it here or on twitter and I missed it. I was just wondering because I really enjoy your take on things and would love to hear why you dislike it. I've been enjoying it so far personally, but I am always open to DC comics criticism.
Aw thank you so much! I'm so flattered by everything you just said. You're so sweet ❤❤❤❤❤
I haven't talked about Urban Legends here or twitter (I haven't been very active in either place lately. Just a lot going on and no energy 😔) but I'm happy to do it here.
Before I start though, I just want to add a standard disclaimer and make it clear that if you like it, there's nothing wrong with that and you don't have to let me ruin it for you lol. Like what you like.
That said, since you asked...
I said this when I was talking about it on discord, that there is a difference between hope and expectation. I always hope that a new story centered on Jason (or anyone really, but things have been especially egregious for Jay for 15 years) will be good or at least treat the character with a minimal level of respect (to be honest, the bar is super fucking low). But my expectations always temper my hope, to keep it from getting unrealistic. Because my expectations are based on experience.
The long history of Jason Todd, since even before his resurrection, has been one of retroactively trying to make him "a bad seed" in order to absolve Bruce of any responsibility in his death.
I don't even expect DC or their writers to start honoring the fact that Jason was not an angry, reckless Robin (and less of the later than Dick or Tim and definitely Damian). There plenty of ways that retcon can be folded into his history and be compelling and sympathetic. And if they're going to stick with that retcon, I'm only asking that they do it in one of those compelling and sympathetic ways because Jason was 15 when he died, heroically, in one of the most selfless acts in comics, to save a woman who literally handed him over to be brutally murdered. He was 12 when Bruce plucked him off the streets, he'd been homeless and fending for himself for at least two years. I personally think that Jason's story hits harder for him and Bruce if their original, canon relationship, of Jason as starry-eyed and eager to learn and absolutely devoted to Bruce and Bruce to Jason, is preserved. But Jason's origins does leave room for a meaningful interpretation of him as angry and frustrated at the lack of meaningful results of Bruce's methods.
And that's really where my irritation at stories like Batman: Urban Legends, Cheer and Batman The Adventure Continues has it's roots.
Every time one of these stories comes out, I think (or hope, rather) that this will be the one that remembers and respects the origins of the Jason and the Red Hood, that takes into account the changed sensibilities of comics readers in the 30 years since Jason's death and the subtle, 20 year, retroactive campaign to make him the "bad Robin". The "born bad" trope is played out and literally no one likes the message it implies. That some kids are just bad eggs and there's nothing parents or the adults around them can do. Especially when it's played as the kid's fault. If Jason's time as Robin is going to be characterized by anger, then it should be rooted in anger at the social injustices he witnessed as he grew up in an impoverished, crime-ridden, area and the horrors he faced raising himself when every day was a battle for survival. There are topical, meaningful, stories to tell with that backdrop.
But those are never the stories we get.
⚠⚠ Spoilers for Batman: Urban Legends, Cheer ⚠⚠
I'm particularly disappointed in Urban Legends because for the first issue, it looked like that was the kind of story we were going to get. I was put off by the first flashback of Jason being mesmerized by Bruce's guns, and I got that feeling in my gut that it was a bad sign. Jason depicted as impatient and overconfident and the scene with the guns is heavy-handed foreshadowing that got my spidey-sense tingling. I had a inkling then (in the first three pages) of how this story was going to play out, but it was early and I could still see many narrative paths that could lead to a satisfying story. My concerns were soothed somewhat and the little flame of my hope fanned, with the flashback of Alfred scolding Bruce, with Barbara's concern for Jason. A bit of worry returned with the way Jason ruthlessly pursued an addict who didn't appear to be a dealer and with the ending of the issue. The stuff with the addict sat wrong with me but the ending was tempered some by how despicable Tyler's dad was written. The scene was clearly set so that the reader could sympathize with Jason's decision and the scene with the addict could be brushed aside as a side-effect of comics over-the-top need for constant action, so I still held hope.
Issue 2 made me uncomfortable and it's where my hope starts to take a backseat to my expectations. I can dismiss Jason's self-deprecating internal monologue as unreliable narration, except that the flashback reinforces his thought process to explicitly show that it's not unreliable narration, and should be taken at face value. Jason faces physical abuse at the hands of his mother's drug dealer and when the flashback continues later, Jason kills the drug dealer. To be clear, this is a pre-Bruce Jason. His mom is still alive. He's like... 10. He kills this guy for shoving his head into a wall and implying Jason's mother paid for her drugs with sex. This is a scene that serves a single purpose. To show that Jason has always been prone to violence.
In the spirit of full disclosure, there is the small chance the drug dealer might not be dead. But the story obviously wants the reader to think he is, and it hasn't done anything to change that yet.
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Starlin already did this story with The Diplomat’s Son in 1988 and he did it infinitely better. AND that’s still technically canon. So now I’m supposed to believe that Jason lost his cool bad enough to kill two douche bags before his sweet 16? Like it’s totally normal for abused kids raised in poverty, who’ve led hard and heartbreaking lives to just... haul off and kill people? That’s bullshit, and when taken with the Jason in the third issue, who is little more than an idiot thug, this story is really doubling down on some fucked up stereotypes.
Which brings us to the most recent issue. I went into this installment with very low expectations. I thought this story was going to be about Jason, through this experience with Tyler, a young boy with a similar background to Jason's, coming to the realization that Bruce's way is the best way and that Bruce did his best by Jason.
That would be annoying (in no small part because it takes increasingly absurd levels of plot armor to keep Bruce's no kill rule relevant, let alone irrefutably right). But I can probably live with that, if only because maybe if Jason officially falls back into line with the Bats crusade, maybe I'll get stories that treat him with respect, stories that don't relegate him to comic relief, dumb brute, or a background body with no lines in a story about the Joker burning Gotham (like Jason would just fucking stand there quietly for that).
And that may still be where the story is going, Jason realizing Bruce is right.
But holy shit do I not have the right words to describe how fucking insulting and gross issue three is.
From start to finish--including the flashback--Jason is written as cruel and fucking stupid. Like straight up dumb.
The entire issue is Bruce explaining the fucking basics to Jason like it's his first day. And Jason flies off the fucking handle and terrorizes a doctor he knows isn't a part of making the Cheerdrops, beats the shit out of some random addicts, and finally, when he can't accomplish anything on his own because he's a dumb brute he calls Barbara for help and rushes in with no information where he's promptly incapacitated and must now wait to be rescued by Batman.
This panel is the least of the issues sins but I can’t screenshot the entire story but it’s representative of the tone for the whole issue (and retroactively tainted the prior two issues).
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This is beyond insulting. The only conclusions Jason comes to in this issue are the ones Bruce leads him to by talking to him like he can’t make the simplest connections. And like... in this story Jason can’t make the simplest connections.
This (and the Jason throughout the entirety of this issue) is a far cry from the Jason we fell in love with in Under the Red Hood, who was competent and strategic and intelligent enough to seize control of Gotham’s underworld from Black Mask (who’s no fucking slouch, he’s the first and only person to unify organized crime in Gotham) AND elude and manipulate Bruce until the time and place of his choosing.
This is a far cry from even the Red Hood and the Outlaws Jason who is competent enough to fight the League of Shadows and Ra’s al Ghul (among very dangerous and skilled others) and smart enough to create antidotes for mind control nanotech viruses.
As he should be, by the way. Jason Todd is one of the best, most comprehensively trained fighters in DC’s stable of non powered vigilantes. He’s not irrational or hot headed. He’s pragmatic, tactically minded, and patient. He’s a detective. Right now. Has been since he was 12. Bruce doesn’t have to make him one because he already is. 
Jason is not a stupid thug who uses his fists because his brain doesn’t work. And I can’t tell you how so very exhausted I am by this narrative. 
This is actually the most egregious example of Jason’s skills and intelligence being not just undermined but dismissed entirely. Even Morrison’s Jason had some degree of competency. 
The one, single redeeming factor of this story is the art. It’s beautiful. And Marcus To is a godsend he seems to be one of only a couple of artists who remember that Jason was a child when he was Robin and I’m literally only buying this book because of him. 
Anyway, I’m sorry. I didn’t want that to come out so... um... passionately lol. I’m just very very tired. My intention with this isn’t to ruin it for you, if you like it, that’s fine. 
But this issue shot this story to the top of my "Vehemently Despise” list. 1) Batman: Urban Legends (Cheer), 2) Battle for the Cowl/Morrison’s Batman and Robin, 3) Batman The Adventure Continues.
I hope the next issues somehow salvage this dumpster fire. But I’m not expecting it.
(Damnit. That sounded harsh again. To reiterate, I’m not trying to judge anyone who enjoys it, I just personally hate it and you asked me why lol 😅)
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sourwolf-sterek32 · 3 years
Welcome to the End
Summary: Y/N Winchester was a hunter like her brothers, following in their fathers footsteps. Saving people, hunting things, the family business.
During a case in Georgia, you meet the Dixon brothers and after saving Daryl’s life against a Chupacabra, the two of you become close. But, when the zombie apocalypse starts, life as you know it changes forever.
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Winchester!Reader
Word Count: 3.6k
Warnings: Language, descriptions of blood, injury and violence.
Chapter 18-
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"Jesus! It pleases me to see you, old friend." A voice shouted from across the room as you walked inside.
"It pleases him, indeed!" A different voice added causing you to chuckle softly before everyone suddenly came to an abrupt stop a few metres inside the theatre.
"Jerry." The first voice muttered.
You looked across the room to put a face to the voices and figure out why everyone had stopped walking and that's when you saw it.
The tiger.
They had a God damn tiger. 
A pet tiger with a chain laying beside the man with dreadlocks who was sitting on a large chair on the stage. Straight away you knew that was the King. Where the hell did he get a pet tiger from though?
"Tell me, what news do you bring good King Ezekiel? Are these new allies you've bought me?" The King questioned, his eyes scanning the group of you as you took a step forward until you were beside Jesus, but you couldn't take you eyes away from the tiger.
"Indeed, they are, Your Majesty. This is..." Jesus trailed off as he glanced over his shoulder at the group who were all still standing a few metres back with wide eyes staring at the tiger. "Oh, right. I forgot to mention that-"
"Yeah, a tiger." Rick mumbled, nodding slightly as the tiger roared as if on cue. 
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"This is Rick Grimes, leader of Alexandria, and these are some of his people." Jesus introduced as the group of you walked further into the room until you were standing in front of the stage.
"I welcome you all to the Kingdom, good travellers. Now, what brings you to our fair land? Why do you seek an audience with the King?" 
"Ezekiel- King Ezekiel." Rick corrected himself. "Alexandria, the Hilltop and the Kingdom – all three of our communities have something in common. We all serve the Saviours. Alexandria already fought them once, and we won. We thought we took out the threat, but we didn't know then what we know now. We only beat one outpost. We've been told you have a deal with them, that you know them. Then you know they rule through violence and fear."
The King didn't say anything for a moment. Hell, he wasn't even looking at Rick anymore, he was glaring at Jesus who quickly raised his hands defensively.
"Your Majesty, I only told them of the-" Jesus quickly tried to say before the Ezekiel cut him off.
"Our deal with the Saviours is not known among my people, for good cause. We made you a party to that secret when you told us of the Hilltop's own travails, but we did not expect you to share-" Ezekiel started to explain, but now it was Jesus who cut him off.
"We can help each other."
"Don't interrupt the King." The man in the red jacket ordered who you thought was that Jerry guy.
"We brought you into our confidence. Why did you break it?" Ezekiel asked.
"Because I want you to hear Rick's plan." Jesus simply answered and the King nodded, turning his attention back to Rick.
"And what plans have you, Rick Grimes of Alexandria?"
"We came to ask the Kingdom, to ask you, to join us in fighting the Saviours, fighting for freedom for all of us." Rick said, motioning towards the group of you as you spoke and you forgot how good Rick was at doing this.
He was good at talking, good at negotiating with others. That's what made him stand out at the King County Sheriff's Station when you and your brothers rolled into town for that vampire case all those years ago. Rick was a smart man, he knew what to say to people to get them to listen to him and he clearly had an affect on the King who seemed to be taking in what he had just heard.
"What you are asking is very serious." Ezekiel commented.
"Several of our people- good people- were killed by the Saviours, brutally." Michonne said.
"Who?" Morgan suddenly questioned and you only just realised that he would have no idea about any of this. He hadn't been back to Alexandria since, he had no idea what had happened.
"Abraham. Denise. Spencer. Olivia. Nearly Glenn. Eugene was taken. They took Daryl and Y/N, but they escaped. Every second they're out here, they're a target." Rosita explained, looking over at Morgan who stared at her in disbelief.
"Negan murdered Abraham, beat him death. Nearly did the same to Glenn in front of his pregnant wife." Rick added.
It was weird hearing people call your father 'Negan' because in your head he was your dad, but at the same time, it wasn't your father. Negan was a different person. Your father would never do any of this. Neither would your brothers, but they were a threat. They needed to be dealt with and if you had to kill them... you didn't want to think about that.
"I used to think the deal was something we could live with. A lot for us did. But, that's changing. So, let's change the world, Your Majesty." Jesus said, bringing you out of your thoughts.
"I want to be honest about what we're asking. My people are strong, but there's not enough of us. We don't have guns, not enough at least. Not a lot of weapons, period." Rick added, looking up at the King.
"We have people. And we have weapons. If we strike first, together, we can beat them. Your Majesty, no more waiting for things to get worse beyond what we can handle. We set things right. The time is now." One of the Kings soldiers responded.
Again, the King didn't say anything for a moment as he stared at his soldier before he looked back at the rest of you, his eyes flashing over the group before landing on Morgan.
"Morgan, what do you say?" He asked.
"People will die. A lot of people, and not just the Saviours. It... If we can find another way, we have to. Maybe it's just about Negan, just capturing him, holding him. Maybe..." Morgan trailed off, shaking his head.
"That won't work." You said, speaking up for the first time which caught the King attention.
"Why is that?" He asked curiously and you could feel the rest of the group staring at you, waiting to hear what you were going to say and you sighed before taking a step forward.
"Because they are all Negan. You take Negan or kill him, another will step up and take his place. That's how it works there. My brothers... they're with the Saviours. That's how I know." You answered, shaking your head trying to get the image of Dean with the gun out of your head.
"Your brothers are working for Negan? How do we know that you aren't on their side?" The King suddenly questioned and well, realistically you should have seen that question coming.
"She ain't one of 'em." Daryl quickly said defensively.
You reached out and grabbed his hand, trying to silently calm him before you continued talking.
"Do you believe in God, Your Majesty?"
"Y/N." Rick warned, seeming to realise where this conversation was going.
You glanced over at Rick to find him already looking at you with an uneasy expression and you didn't blame him. It took him a while to come to terms with the Supernatural the first time you met him way back when, but the King needed to know.
"God is real. Well... God was real. But, he's dead now and he created Negan." You started to explain which caused a few of your own group members to look over at you in confusion and you had completely forgotten that not all of them knew the whole story.
"What are you trying to say?" The King questioned in confusion.
"Negan isn't really Negan. He is a man named John Winchester. John died over 14 years ago, but God bought him back and turned him into Negan. I know how it sounds, trust me, I do. But, I'm telling the truth. My brothers... I don't know what happened to them, but they're not themselves, they would never fight with the Saviours. But, they are-" You continued to explain before you got cut off.
"Is this some kind of joke?" Ezekiel asked, his tone stern as he leant back in his throne staring at you with a masked expression.
"No, but-" 
"I've heard enough. Richard, escort the people of Alexandria to the gates-" Ezekiel suddenly ordered.
"She's telling the truth. I know how crazy it sounds. I've been in your position before when I first learnt about it. But, she's telling the truth." Rick quickly said.
"The supernatural is real. God, caused all of this. He bought the apocalypse upon this world before he died and he killed off all the supernatural creatures too. It's just humans and the dead. With a few exceptions." You added which just caused the King to look even more confused and pissed off.
Okay, you understood why he was staring at you like that. What you were saying sounded absolutely crazy, but there was no easy or gentle way to say it.
"The supernatural? Like creatures we talk about in children's bedtime stories?" Ezekiel asked in a blunt tone and you nodded.
"Werewolves, vampires, ghosts, ghouls, wendigos, you name it. The supernatural is real and before all this my brothers and I used to hunt supernatural creatures, but when the apocalypse started, all the supernatural creatures just disappeared-" You continued to explain before Jerry started speaking.
"I like cool stories as much as the next dude, but you don't expect us to believe all that, right? That's crazy."
"Crazy as dead people walkin' around?" Daryl questioned, appearing beside you, resting his hand on your shoulder as you glanced over at him to find him giving you a small reassuring nod. Daryl had your back with this, so did Rick. That was all you needed.
"I can prove it. I can prove the supernatural is real." You suddenly announced, catching the Kings attention.
"How?" Ezekiel questioned, sitting up straighter in his seat.
"Because I'm not entirely human." You started to say, glancing back at Daryl with a questioning look and he just nodded.
It was either show them what you were or let them think you were crazy. This was the only way to convince them and you needed them on your side.
"My father was human, but my mother was an angel. They had me and I'm what they call a Nephilim. Half angel, half human." You explained, closing your eyes for a second before opening them again, your eyes now glowing a bright purple which caused Ezekiel to quickly stand up, his soldiers all reaching for their guns.
"Don't." Daryl and Rick quickly shouted.
Daryl took a step forward until he was half standing in front of you, blocking you from the Kings soldiers.
"She's not a threat. She's friend. She's family. And everything she has said is the truth. Her brothers are with Negan, but she's not and we need you and your people to fight with us." Rick quickly said as you turned your eyes back to normal and grabbed Daryl's shoulder, noticing how tense he was.
"It's okay." You whispered, but Daryl didn't move from in front of you.
"The hour grows late. Rick Grimes of Alexandria, you and your people have given the King much to ponder. I invite you all to sup with us and stay till the morrow." The King announced, motioning for his men to relax and they all lowered their hands from their weapons.
"Yeah, we need to get back home." Rick responded.
"I shall deliver my decree in the morn." Ezekiel simply said.
None of you spoke as you followed Richard to the spare living quarters where he allocated everyone a bedroom and told you where all the facilities you needed were.
Once Richard left Rosita, Sasha, Michonne, Tara and Carl all disappeared into the rooms, claiming their bedrooms, leaving you, Daryl, Rick and Jesus standing in the hallway.
"That was risky. Showing him what you are." Rick said, breaking the long silence as he looked over at you and you just nodded lowering you head slightly. "But, it worked. It's gotten him thinking." 
"Ya think he'll join us?" Daryl asked, but Rick just shrugged his shoulders before looking over at Jesus.
"You know him better than us. Will he join?" Rick questioned, but Jesus just shrugged his shoulders too.
"Maybe. He knows the Saviours need to be dealt with, but he doesn't want to fight." 
"Could you do it though? If it came down to it, would you fight Negan? Would you fight your brothers?" Rick asked turning his attention back towards you.
You didn't say anything for a moment as you thought about it, but deep down you knew you could never kill Negan, not when he looked and sounded exactly like your father. You would never be able to hold a gun to John Winchesters head and pull the trigger and the same goes for Sam and Dean.
"She ain't gotta answer that." Daryl responded, grabbing your hand. "C'mon." He muttered and you didn't argue as you let him lead you down the hallway towards one of the spare bedrooms.
It was only a small room with a queen bed, a wooden desk and chair inside, but it was more than what either of you had at the Sanctuary.
Daryl didn't say anything as he closed the door behind the two of you before he walked over to the bed and immediately collapsed onto it, laying on his back as you stared up at the ceiling.
"As much as I hated Rick asking... if it came down to it, ya know what needs to happen." Daryl suddenly said, still staring at the ceiling and you silently nodded.
There was no way in hell that you could kill your father, even if it technically wasn't John, you wouldn't be able to do it. And there was absolutely no way you would be able to kill your brothers, you would rather die than do that and the thought of actually doing it... no. You had seen your brothers die more times than you'd like to count, you couldn't do it again. You had seen your father die once and that was the worst day of your life..
You still had nightmares about that day in the hospital. You and Sam left to get your dad coffee and when you came back... when you came back he was dead on the floor.
You still remembered Sam's screams as he sprinted into the room, dropping to his knees beside your dad while you just stood in the door way, coffee cup dropping from your hands as you stared at your dads lifeless body lying on the ground.
You remembered Sam crying out for help and all the nurses running into the room past you. You remembered Sam leaving for a moment before he reappeared with Dean, both the boys standing beside you in tears.
You remembered collapsing into Deans arms when they announced the time of death and cried. You remembered that day so clearly and there was no way you could do that again. Your dad was back, whether he was Negan or not, he was back and you couldn't lose him again.
"Hey." Daryl's voice suddenly called out, snapping you out of your thoughts as you looked over at him to find him staring at you from where he was still lying on the bed. "Hey, ya okay?" He asked, and you nodded, rubbing your eyes, hating the fact that you could feel tears rising in your eyes.
You were stronger than this, damnit.
"Come here." Daryl said and without saying anything you walked over to the bed and laid down beside him, staring at the ceiling before Daryl propped himself up on his elbow and turned to face you. "What's wrong?"
"Don't lie to me, angel. What's wrong? Ya worried 'bout ya brothers?"
"I'm worried about everything. My brothers. You. Rick. My dad... I can't lose them. I-I can't lose my family again." You whispered unable to stop the silent tear from falling down your face.
"Come here." He whispered, pulling you into his chest as you cried into him.
You woke up the next morning in Daryl's arms. He was still asleep, snoring softly from beside you as you laid there enjoying the small peaceful moment while it lasted. You hadn't slept a full nights sleep in weeks, but you clearly needed it.
You thought back to the days where you'd wake up in with Daryl in his bed in the trailer he shared with Merle. You always woke up before him, not needing as much sleep as normal humans. You'd end up just laying on the bed in his arms in the early hours of the morning, waiting for him to wake up.
Or the times the two of you would go hunting in the woods and camp out for the night under the stars. You missed those days where life was just simple. You missed going on hunts with your brothers and Cas during the week and spending the weekends at Daryl's trailer. You missed sitting under the veranda of the trailer drinking beer and listening to Daryl and Merle bicker about stupid shit. You missed the old days.
You laid in bed for another hour before Daryl woke up and the two of you met back up with the others who all seemed to wake up at the same time.
Ezekiel shouted you all breakfast in some kind of mess hall, but the King himself wasn't there and you had a bad feeling that he was going to say no to Rick's plan.
After breakfast, Richard lead the group of you outside where the King was waiting in the middle of the courtyard near the group that was practicing archery. You watched the kids that were shooting the bows and you quickly realised that most of them had a missing arm or leg. Some with prosthetic metal limbs in their place, others with nothing at all, but that didn't stop them from shooting dead centre every shot.
"This is life here. Every day. But, it came at a cost and I wanted more of this. I wanted to expand. To create more places like this. Men and Women lost their limbs. Children lost their parents because I sent them into a battle against the wasted when I did not need to." Ezekiel started to say while watching the group shoot the recurve bows before he turned back towards the group of you.
"This is different." Rick responded, but Ezekiel shook his head.
"It isn't."
"It is. The dead don't rule us. The world doesn't look like this outside your walls. People don't have it as good. Some people don't even have it good at all." Rick argued, but again Ezekiel shook his head.
"I have to worry about my people." 
"Ya call yourself a damn king. Ya sure as hell don't act like one." Daryl muttered, which caught Ezekiel's attention as he took a few steps towards Daryl until he was standing right in front of him.
"All of this... came at a cost. It was lives, arms, legs. The peace we have with the Saviours is uneasy, but it is peace. I have to hold onto it. I have to try." He stated, but you just shook your head.
"Although, the Kingdom cannot grant you the aid you desire, the King is sympathetic to your plight. I offer our friend Daryl asylum for as long as he requires it. He will be safe here. The Saviours do not set foot inside our walls." The King responded.
"How long do ya think that's gonna last?" Daryl muttered before you both turned around and started walking towards the front gates.
The others all followed behind you as you reached the gates. Daryl called out to the men on the watch platform to open it up before Richard handed back Rick and Carl's guns which he had taken before you entered the community yesterday.
"You're not going." Rick suddenly said before you even had a chance to take a step towards the now open doors.
You quickly turned around to find Rick talking to Daryl causing you to frown in confusion.
"I'm not stayin' here." Daryl responded, staring at Rick like he was crazy.
"You have to. It's the smartest play. You know it is." Rick replied, but Daryl just shook his head before he looked over at you and Rick followed his line of sight.
"The Saviours would be after her as well. Why the hell am I stayin' 'n my girl ain't?" He questioned, slight anger rising in his tone.
"Because Ezekiel didn't offer it to her. He's cautious of her now that he knows the truth. We can hide Y/N at Alexandria, she can teleport out of there in the worst case scenario, but you can't." Rick explained, but Daryl just shook his head as he looked away from Rick, but Rick just moved to the side so that Daryl had no choice but to look at him. "Try to talk to Ezekiel. Or stare him into submission. Whatever it takes. We'll be back soon."
Rick rested his hand on Daryl's shoulder before he glanced over at you with a small nod and started following the others out the gate.
"Hey, I know you don't like this. But, Rick's right. This is the smartest play and the safest for you. Please, just listen to him." You said, walking over to Daryl as you pulled him to a hug before he had the chance to say anything.
Daryl just sighed before melting into your hug, wrapping his arms around your back as he hugged you as well.
"Don't like ya bein' out there without me." He whispered and you just chuckled softly with a small smile as you pulled away from him, your hands still on his shoulders.
"I can take care of myself, Dixon. Just be careful, okay?" You asked and Daryl nodded.
"You too, angel." He replied before leaning forward and placing a gentle kiss to your lips.
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"Y/N, c'mon." Someone shouted and you sighed, pulling away from Daryl who nodded softly giving you a tiny smile before you turned around and followed the others out the gate.
Next Chapter
-Gifs used are not mine. Credit to rightful owners.
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cloverrover · 3 years
Any Time, Any Place
A/N: I wanted to do a Scott fic and I got inspiration from the usual #thotsquad antics so Thots, enjoy
Warnings: it's spicier than I normally write that's for sure so just to be safe MINORS DNI or is2g I'll block you faster than I blocked my ex
WC: 680
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“Oh God please don’t stop!”
“Not God. But I couldn’t stop even if I wanted to.”
You couldn’t help the chortle of laughter at his comment on not being God. Whoever discovered the algorithm that funny guys are where it’s at, should be paid because this man, child really, had you the moment he opened his mouth.
But lord was he good at distracting you from the current predicament. Sitting on an unstable ledge with Scotts head buried in your neck while he’s got his hands gripping your thighs so hard you already know there’s going to be bruises. And he’s finishing at a brutal pace that has you making some sound you’ve never made and Scott’s never heard. And you wouldn’t know it but Scott instantly is thinking of ways to get that sound out of you as well.
PNC slams into you, while he’s getting everything back in order, so hard you start snot laughing. You’re almost worried about grossing him out, but after being with him from the start of his Ant-Man training, you’re not worried. He’s also a dad and knows how the human body functions and isn’t grossed out about it.
He damn near folded himself like a lawn chair when he heard the noise, startled so bad he nearly had a heart attack.
You’re snorting like a pig now and him covering your mouth with his hand barely contains the noise and before he knows it, Scott is laughing right along with you. Soon you’re half on each other and half trying to keep upright and not knock over anymore things in the closet that have already been knocked over.
You can’t take this man anywhere really, not even to a damn parent teacher conference even though Cassie is his daughter not yours. Eventually you manage to pull yourselves together and his arms are around your hips, trapping you on the ledge that’s about to give.
“Ok I know I’m not like Steve Rogers but maybe don’t laugh like the kraken when you’ve literally got me leaking out.”
A pointed look to your legs has you giggling again when you realize he’s accurate.
“I’m sorry babe. I am. But I saw this thing once in the group chat that someone sent to me. And there’s speculation on you doing that in the suit any time, any place, and you could grow or shrin-”
You can’t finish your sentence before you’re crying laughing now. The idea that Scott would have sex while wearing the suit AND be able to shrink and grow was entirely too funny to you.
“Jesus Christ what kind of friends are in this chat?”
You’re having a hard time breathing now you’re laughing so hard.
“To be fair, it was Katy who originally found it then sent it in the chat.”
Scott groans at the mention of Katy. He knew the second there was another hero located in San Francisco he was doomed. He was going to need to chat with Shangqi if he wanted to keep Y/N away from the madness that Katy routinely brings her into.
“Before you say anything don’t you dare think about talking to Shangqi about Katy. It’s nice to finally have a friend on this side of the coast.”
“Well I guess they better meet Luis.”
He kisses you to confirm the idea, and just because.
“I might not talk to him, but I’m definitely talking to her about that theory. I want to find out as much as you but I don’t think Hank will approve that kind of experiment with his suits.”
“He didn’t approve of you going to Germany either and look where that got you.”
“Ahem excuse you he didn’t know about Germany.”
You’re looking at like he’s stupider than an infant.
“Ok so he didn’t know about Germany until I was in the raft.”
Another look.
“Ok ok! Jeez woman you should try talking to prisoners that won’t give information with that damn stare. So he knew about Germany.”
“Scott, dear, my love, Hank knows all just accept that. But I’m down to test this out as long as you don’t tell Luis. Then we’re well and truly fucked because Hank will never trust me again near his work”
“You? What about me?!”
You’ve opened the door from the closet by now and make a point to stare at him even harder. Doing the absolute best to not break, it’s impossible. Steve Rogers may give off the energy and demeanor of a golden retriever but Scott. Oh Scott is a pure lab type. Not a thought behind his eyes just here to vibe.
Laughing at the adorable pout, you motion over for him to actually get out of the damn closet before you get in trouble with Cassie’s teacher for being late.
“Come on Mr. Spy we can finish this talk after.”
Kissing you softly on your temple, you lean your body into his while his arm wraps around your shoulder. Maybe one of these days you’d convince him to try it and report back to Katy on the accuracy of the theory or not.s
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binniedeactivated · 3 years
txt reactions. ||  👾👾
Reaction to them cheating on you...
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a/n; was just in the mood to write this, purely self indulgent because this is what sam smith at 5am does to me <3
it’s been a while since you and soobin had done anything romantic. so, while he was at work you decided to fix the house up pretty and make him a big dinner. the both of your work schedules prevented you both from even touching each other, you were much too tired. most nights you guys would come home and go straight to bed. you thought a nice dinner, some lingerie and soft sex would get you both back on your game again. you got off work a little earlier tonight and  put your plan into action, making all of his favorite foods and lighting some candles in your bedroom to make everything look as romantic as possible. you even went as far as to making the bathtub water floral and inserting scented candles in there also.
you were excited. you were finally going to do something with your boyfriend other than sleep inside the same bed as him night after night. you thought he would be really happy about it as well considering he was often moody when you two weren’t clingy like usual. you lit the last candle while you heard a bit of bustling on the side of the door and you assumed soobin could be coming in at any moment. you turned off the light and stood further away from the door, waiting to surprise him.
as soon as the keys unlocked the door you heard a body slam into the wall beside it while soobin closes the door with his foot. you heard soft moans and you could see soobin rushing to take his jacket off just to throw it on the floor beside him and lift the girl on the wall by her thighs. your blood began to boil.
“fuck soobin-- you really gonna fuck me right here? while you’re girlfriend isn’t home?”.
“we have another hour baby”. soobin groans and moves his lips to her neck. she grips his hair strands and continues letting the meek noises flow from her throat.
“you have another hour?”. you spoke up loud enough to startle them. soobin jumps and immediately puts her down to glare back at you in fear. “baby i was just--”.
“i got off work early and bought all this shit just so we can have a romantic night to ourselves. I cooked, I set up the bathroom and the bedroom. I made it all nice and pretty thinking maybe we can eat and have some fun. but now I see why you haven’t been touching me. It isn’t because we’re tired it’s because you’re too busy fucking someone else”.
the girl breathes, releasing her grip from soobin’s forearm. “maybe I should leave--”.
“yeah maybe you should. now”. 
she scoots past soobin and slips out of the door with ease. soobin could only stare at you in guilt. “It’s not even like that baby I swear”.
you blow the candles out one by one. “sure it wasn’t soobin. you were about to fuck her had I not spoke up sooner. how long has it been?”.
“what are you talking about?”.
you take a spoon from his plate and throw it at his chest. “you know what the hell I’m talking about. how long have you been fucking her?”.
he rubs himself in pain. “only a few weeks”.
“good. i hope you continue to enjoy her for the rest of your life. you’re going to need someone to keep you company because I’m not staying with you”.
“baby I just felt like we haven’t really been doing anything so I thought--”.
“so you thought--hey let me just go cheat? you’re an idiot and that’s a stupid ass excuse”
“cmon--you know I’m a man we have needs”.
“I’m a woman with needs too soobin! you think we all don’t crave sex sometimes? what did you think I was making this whole night about?! I wanted to spend time with you and have sex. but you’re getting your needs met with someone else so I’ll do the same thing. like I said enjoy her. this will be the last time you ever see me again”.
“I’m sorry--look I’m sorry I’ll cut ties with her and I won’t do again”.
“save every last apology you have. I’m not taking it. I’m find someone else”.
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it was all over everywhere. especially stan twitter. and quite frankly you were tired of seeing it. it was yeonjun doing his solo song at their recent concert, singing jealous by labrinth. he sung it as painfully and brutal as if someone stuck a stake through his heart with no care in the world. but he wasn’t the hurt one here. it was you. he was cheating on you repeatedly with numerous women, not giving a damn about his actions until you caught him. and now here he was, singing his heart out on stage and crying, making everyone believe you were the one that broke his heart.
his voice croaked and cracked when he sung it. and you’ll admit it he sung it beautifully. so beautiful it made you cry every time you heard it. it was sad that you both had to end a three year relationship because he didn’t know how to be with you and you only. you were sick of his games, his lies, you were sick of it all. you wanted to be completely free of him. you moved to a different city and took an acting job elsewhere. one you were proud of in fact. well, you were proud of it before you realized who was casted to play as your ex in the next episode.
you avoided yeonjun during rehearsal as much as you possibly could. but that didn’t stop him from singing about you on stage and pouring his heart out as if he missed you. you didn’t believe he missed you. you thought he just missed the fact that you gullible enough to fall for every lie he told. today was another taping day. like the script instructed you open the door and yeonjun was required to be there with a sullen expression on his face.
“what are you doing here?”.
“just give me another chance. please. I swear this time I’ll do right by you”.
you attempt to shut the door in his face but he holds it open with arm. which wasn’t in the script at all. neither was his next line.
“please. please I’m sorry for everything I’ve done. I know i wasn’t the best boyfriend. I was so stupid for thinking those girls could ever make up for the endless love that you showered me with. I’m so dumb for taking you for granted in the moment I thought that having multiple partners would make me feel better about myself and boost my ego but it only hurt me in the end. It made me feel so empty. you were the only person that could ever make me feel whole”.
you cross your arms, seeing that this became real.
“yeah, you’re stupid for losing me but i’m not responsible for your wholeness yeonjun. you are. don’t ever depend on someone else to make you happy that’s selfish. the emotional trauma and stress you put me through is something I will never go through again. you broke me beyond repair. I constantly poured out for you and all you did was take. you didn’t appreciate me and I don’t deserve that. you sung about how you were jealous of anyone else I ever come across because you’re afraid of someone loving me the way you should’ve. I’m not running back to you anymore”.
tears raced down his cheeks.
“I’ll be good to you. just please let me be good to you”.
“no. I’m done with you”.
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the front door open and closed softly but he didn’t think you were awake. little did he know you were. in fact you were wide awake. your pregnancy hormones kept you up later than usual. you were grateful though because you were wide awake enough to see beomgyu. to see him try to discreetly throw his condom wrapper in the nearby garbage before taking his jacket off and placing it on the coat rack.
you quickly turned the kitchen light on behind him which startled him completely. he frighteningly turns around to face you, he could already tell you weren’t too pleased with how late he was coming in. his heart started to pound rapidly hoping you wouldn’t suspect anything. but you saw everything. even down to the purple hickeys on his neck that he failed to cover.
“I’m so sick and tired of this gyu. I’m so sick”.
“I had to work late tonight. me and the boys-“.
“you and the boys weren’t doing anything because I already texted yeonjun and soobin and they said you got off work two hours ago. so where the hell where you?”. you fold your arms, hating how he was getting you worked up while you were carrying his child. he swallows,
“I had some extra things to take care of”.
“like what? who were you fucking gyu? because I’m not stupid”.
“why would I cheat on you while you’re pregnant? that’s bad for baby. I think you’re just stressing yourself out at this point”.
“I’m stressing myself out?!”. you lean over as best as you could just to pluck the wrapper out the garbage can and angrily flick it at his face. “what the fuck is this then? and why are you lying about it?!”.
“babe that’s from the last time we--”.
“that’s bullshit beomgyu! when have we ever used a condom?! please tell me and then after that please tell me what the hell are those marks are your neck?!”.
he reaches his hand up to try and cover them. “mosquitos--I’ve been getting bitten by a lot of bugs lately”. you shove him backwards.
“get out! please get out until you can learn how to stop cheating and lying. go get yourself some fucking help. I’m not doing this with you! when the baby is born we can figure out some custodial situations but I don’t want to be with you if you don’t want to be with me. I’m done with this. I’m done with us”.
“don’t do this. you know what I want most is to be a dad. how are you just going to kick me out?”.
you shook your head in disbelief. “pack your shit and go beomgyu”. you hated yourself for crying. “I don’t want you here anymore”.
“I’ll admit it then i was cheating. alright? is that what you wanted to hear?”.
“it’s sad that it took me threatening to kick you out for you to come clean. you’re not even man enough to tell me straight up?”.
“I won’t do it anymore. just please let me father my son in the same household I can’t do any of that custody crap. don’t be like this”.
“you did it to yourself. had you made it clear that you wanted to love me, the mother of your son, you wouldn’t be out here cheating and lying like you are right now. I’m not stressing myself over this anymore beomgyu. get out. take all of your stuff with you”.
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friday nights always ended like this. you and taehyun cuddled together on his living room sofa eating too many snacks to name. surrounded by complete darkness except for the movie blaring on the television screen. most would think that couples your age would love to spend their friday nights partying or drinking. however you and taehyun were a different pair.
“sweetheart can you get your elbow off my bladder that’s why I have to go pee every five seconds”.
“no you have to pee every five seconds because you’re lowkey pregnant”.
as taehyun gets up he laughs at your comment. “whatever. I’ll be back can you pause it?”.
you shove another piece of popcorn in your mouth before pressing the middle on the remote, rushing him. in the midst of waiting though you realized taehyun’s phone was getting numerous notifications, most of which you brushed off thinking it was the group chat he’s in with the boys. but an unfamiliar number popped up on his phone screen, one you haven’t saw before. in pure wonder you grab ahold of his phone, taking another peak at the bathroom door before unlocking it to see the message.
333-333-333: are you still with her? when she goes to sleep you should come over...
with a jaw clenched you angrily squeeze his phone, wanting to lock it again so you can gather your thoughts. but you couldn’t help yourself from scrolling through his message thread with whoever the number was, which you assumed was some girl because she’d been sending him nudes since a couple of weeks ago. and to make matters worse he was responding with heart eyes. once the sink in the bathroom went off taehyun closes the door behind himself and you immediately lock his phone, glaring at him with the coldest expression you could muster.
“sweetheart? what’s the matter? why do you have my phone?”.
with your heart racing you launch his phone at his chest. “fuck you taehyun!”. you remove the blankets off yourself to fetch your shoes. he winces at the sudden hit just before unlocking his phone to see that you had opened his message thread. shit.  “why are you going through my phone?”.
“that’s all you have to fucking say?! why was i going through your phone? why were you getting nudes from some other girl?! that’s the real question!”. you grab your bag and approach the door. of course taehyun was trying his best to pull you back over to him. you snatch his arms of your torso in a fit of rage. “she’s just a friend--”.
“we’ve been dating for 5 years and you do this shit?! fuck you. if you didn’t want me anymore you could’ve just said that. don’t call me, don’t text me or talk to me anymore. we’re done”.
“sweetheart please. I can’t be alone. I didn’t even mean to text her i don’t know what came over me”.
“don’t talk to me anymore. you’re a cheater. that’s what came over you”.
“so you’re just going to leave so quick like that?”.
“you think you deserve for me to stay? you’re so fucking self centered. don’t make me seem like the weak one for leaving someone who obviously doesn’t love me anymore. now move your damn hands. I’m leaving”.
and with that there was a slamming door. taehyun could feel his heart sink with every step you took down the hallway.
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you were working when you got the notification. it was from your bank account, specifically the joint account you and kai shared. they were notifying you about a recent purchase from last night. one that you hadn’t remembered at all so you figured it had to be kai. he didn’t know that you opted to be notified about the spending on the account just to make sure the both of you were keeping your savings in order. but one thing that wasn’t in order was what the last purchase was on.
dinner for two and perfume shopping.
no. no way. you checked once again to make sure you weren’t seeing things. but the notification was loud and clear. you figured maybe someone had stolen your credit card and began using it. but even that wouldn’t make sense because it has a pin and only you and kai knew it. you felt your cheeks grow hot at the thought of kai with someone else. you knew he was acting a little distant these past couple of days but you couldn’t figure out why. the tears welled in your eyes but you refused to let them fall, in front of your colleagues at least. you took a step out into the bathroom to take a breath. but you couldn’t keep yourself from crying. you couldn’t understand why he’d be doing this. you loved him too much and too hard for him to even think of being with someone else.
you opened your phone deciding to call him. the phone ringed so many times you thought he wasn’t going to pick up until he finally picked up on the last ring. you didn’t even give him a chance to speak once he did.
“kai i’m only going to ask you this one time and please don’t lie to me”.
“what’s wrong baby?”.
“don’t call me that. who were you taking out on a date the other night? buying perfume for?”. you ask more calmly than you rehearsed in your head. kai’s heart dropped. he panicked. how did you know?
“no one. what are you talking about? you sound so upset. I don’t like when you’re like this baby”.
you exhale heavily. fury pooled in your chest. “you don’t like it? so why the hell were you cheating? you know what? you’re so pathetic. i can’t. I’m fucking leaving you”.
“baby for what? why are you leaving? don’t leave me I promise I wasn’t with anyone else”.
“you sound so innocent when you say that. is that what you like? huh? you like sounding innocent so you can further manipulate me?”.
“baby please”.
“don’t worry. I’ll be out the house by tonight”.
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tenthgrove · 3 years
I was wondering if i could request,child!reader being adopted by Gelato and Sorbet(they kept the child a secret) and when they have to go away on a mission they leave child!reader with la squadra to look after? Howd they react? If this is okay!
La Squadra Babysitting Sorbet and Gelato’s Adopted Child
La Squadra x Reader, platonic/parental, sfw.
Sorbet and Gelato had always hoped to be parents someday. Originally intending to adopt by legal means as soon as they left the assassination busines, their plans altered considerably as their 30s dragged on with no sign of escape from the criminal underworld.
Still, you were an impulse.
Your parents were business folk. Though incredibly wealthy, they had run afoul of Passione and for that they had to be punished. Your room was on the far side of the mansion, where you couldn’t hear the sounds of your parents’ murders.
There was never a reason for the assassins to find you, but your fate was altered by a fleeting, split-second decision to find a different way out of the house. The second Sorbet and Gelato laid eyes on you, they knew their search for a child had ended. 
For the merciless brutality they regard most of humanity with, your new fathers are excellent to you. You are showered with love every day of your life and you are never harmed or neglected. Within weeks you are already beginning to feel happier than you ever did with your old parents.
A few months after Sorbet and Gelato adopted you, you are bundled into the car with a bag of your things and driven to a large house in the middle of the city. You are somewhat familiar with this place as the dwelling of your fathers’ friends, and according to them, the place they spent most of their time before you came along. Still, you have not spoken much with the eccentric men who live inside, recalling little from your brief conversations with them other than their names. 
Sorbet and Gelato lead you up the doorstep and kiss you goodbye. They explain that they have to go away for a few days for work, but their friends will take good care of you in the meantime. You watch them drive away, before a tall man clad in black calls you into the house. 
Risotto- The Capo of La Squadra is still a little bitter about the stunt Sorbet and Gelato pulled to keep you with them. How convenient it was, that they simply forgot to inform him of your adoption until the point where it would simply be too cruel, even by Risotto’s standards, to demand they give you away. But even if he’s only known about your existence for a few weeks, you are still a part of Risotto’s family and he’ll be damn well sure the team looks after you like they promised. For one, Risotto will be overseeing everyone else’s responsibilities, making sure that anyone who agrees to watch you for a certain period actually does it. However, especially as the days drag on, Risotto will frequently find himself taking on your supervision personally. The man can clear a playground just by showing up, so whenever he has an hour free he’ll take you down there so you can get some fresh air. It fills you with a sense of pride and self-confidence to have such a scary-looking man as your friend. And having you smile at him makes Risotto feel human again.
Prosciutto- Jesus Christ on a bike. In retrospect, Prosciutto is starting to wish that the very obvious secret Sorbet and Gelato were badly hiding for those months really had been a plot against the boss. They would be more likely to come out of that alive than parenthood. But… Prosciutto isn’t going to risk getting his knees caved in for letting your health falter in their care, so the second-in-command is going to take on the more practical elements of baby-sitting you. Food, clothes, hygiene… he’ll bitch about it, but if anyone else offers to do it for him he’ll turn them down. The truth is, Prosciutto secretly enjoys looking after someone. It feeds his naturally caring nature, a side of him he rarely gets to explore. 
Pesci- Personally he doesn’t know what everyone else is angry about. He thinks it’s great Sorbet and Gelato got a kid! They’re both so nice to everyone! (Pesci thinks this because he hasn’t been on many missions with them yet.) Prosciutto doesn’t like him spending too much time with you because he sees it as an excuse to slack off from his training, but whenever the opportunity arises Pesci is going to watch you play. He doesn’t join in, always fearing he’ll ruin things for you with his clumsiness somehow, but if you ask him, he will.
Formaggio- This guy has had like no experience with young children in a long, long time, so having you around is somewhat of a novelty to him. At first, he scares you a little with how loud and unpredictable he is, but it isn’t long before you find yourself having a lot of fun with him. He’d like to take you outside, kick a ball around perhaps, but Risotto insists that you’re only allowed out the house with him or Prosciutto. Instead, Formaggio will settle for watching some TV, always ready with his own weak-humoured commentary to make it more entertaining for you.
Illuso- He immediately finds himself more endeared to you than he would have liked. He shouldn’t be getting attached to some random kid, even if it is his colleagues’ child, but you’re just so damn sweet to everyone. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad wasting his time with you. When things are getting tense around the hideout, Illuso will let you and you alone see him through the mirror. It always makes you giggle, and you forget whatever it was that’s worrying everyone.
Melone- Don’t ask him how, but he figured out Sorbet and Gelato had adopted a kid a while before everyone else did. Given his stand, it’s useful for him to be able to identify the signs of someone being a parent, and this came in handy here. Anyway, Melone knew it would inevitably come down to you staying over with them whenever Sorbet and Gelato needed you off their hands for a bit. He bought a few new toys, to add to the collection he uses for educating babyface, and spends his allotted time with you observing how you interact with them. Although his demeanour may seem detached and experimental during these times, he genuinely does enjoy watching you. It fills him with happiness to see how obviously happy you are in your new life with your dads.
Ghiaccio- He tries to avoid you at first, thinking that a child in the hideout can only ever go wrong. But then he realises you seem to think you’ve displeased him somehow, and deep down, Ghiaccio feels bad. You aren’t a bad kid, he supposes. You’re not annoyingly loud or stubborn, and you generally do as you’re told. You do cry sometimes, mostly when you miss your dads, but you always stop whenever Ghiaccio gets them on the phone for you. He’ll tolerate you. If anything, he wouldn’t mind doing this again if Sorbet and Gelato need them too.
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False God- Sean Wallace
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Disclaimer: No gifs or photos are mine unless stated otherwise.
Warning: A violent, smutty NSFW Sean Wallace fic. What if that last day ended differently? What if Sean made it out with his wounds? And what if there was someone from his childhood who haunted him just as much as he haunted her?
Subject: Sean X Y/N
Growing up, Sean Wallace and I were one in the same. We liked the same jokes, ate our peanut butter and jelly sandwiches cut the same way- in triangles- and our only real difference was that I was an American. Our fathers, both legendary crime bosses in their own right, were great business partners and made each other filthy rich. We were dangerously similar.
Until we weren’t.
I’d been in America when Finn Wallace was murdered, and I’d stayed in America during the aftermath. My father had cared deeply for Finn, but the world we lived in was fucking brutal, cold, and my dad would never risk my well being by allowing me to go to the UK to be with Sean.
Hearing about all of it had been a nightmare, though. Hearing about murders and the carnage, communities and families wiped out when Sean locked the city down. My heart ached for the boy I once knew and feared for the man that was, and then, just as quickly as it all blew up, the flames went out. All was quiet.
Sean Wallace was dead.
Or so the world thought. My father, who had an in with Billy and Jac, knew the truth. The Wallace family had connections within the police force- cliché, right?- and when a few of their own found him lying in a pool of his own blood, bleeding out from his fucking face, they quickly pronounced him dead at the scene. I didn’t know the ins and outs, didn’t care to, because the life I lived now was so far from the life I was forced to live as a child. All I knew was they got him out of there and Sean Wallace, as London knew him, was dead.
I needed him to stay that way.
It had been nearly a year since then, nearly a year since I last had the nerve to ask my dad about him. I think he knew how I felt, knew I had gone to great lengths to distance myself from him and my mother and the hellish, brutal life they created. But that didn’t mean my dad didn’t love me. I knew he did in his own, twisted way, and I knew he caught on to the hurt I felt whenever Sean’s name was mentioned.
So he stopped mentioning it.
Billy and Jac were stateside and living under different names, that much I knew. I had yet to see them, but I knew they were close enough to drive to because my mother had made sure to mention in her last email that their “home was beautiful and they think it was quite rude of you not to come around and visit, Y/N.”
It was bullshit. Billy and Jac didn’t feel any type of way about me, we were never close. That was reserved specifically for Sean and me. And look how well that turned out.
I was haunted by the ghost of a man I didn’t even know anymore.
He was labeled as a terrorist and maybe that’s what hurt more than anything. I could never scream from the rooftops how much I fucking loved him because that’s crazy. Because who could love a terrorist? Who could love a man that had murdered, cheated, stolen to get his way? And if I did love him, what kind of woman did that make me?
It was a thought that had been in my mind on replay all day long, the musings drifting into the night as I drove towards my childhood home. I had made the agreement with my parents- namely my father- that once a month I would return home for dinner. It was nearly a two hour drive but one that I committed to because if I didn’t I knew they would show up at my apartment. And what twenty-something year old woman wants her parents showing up at her apartment unannounced?
The gravel ground under my tires as I pulled my all black BMW into the driveway. It was already dark and I knew my mother would have something to say about me showing up late, but at least I showed up. Sure, I was still wearing the navy blue pantsuit I’d worn at work all day and I usually changed whenever I had dinner with them, but my mind was occupied tonight. By thoughts of Sean. By thoughts of Sean getting his face blown off. Did it hurt? Did he remember? Would I ever know?
My father met me at the door. Six foot three and wide like a linebacker, the man was not to be messed with. He was no nonsense and the only people he smiled at were me and the people he was going to shoot right before he shot them. You can do what you want with that information.
“My little angel,” he said and reached for me, taking both my hands in his and bringing them to his lips. It was a simple gesture but one he did every single time. It was the one constant my dad ever provided me. “How was the drive up?”
“Traffic wasn’t too bad tonight, but I ended up getting out a bit later than I thought I would.”
He swung an arm around me as we made our way through the marble foyer, my heels clacking against the floor. “My art gallery owner. Your mother and I are so proud of you.”
I raised my eyebrows. He was feeding me bullshit, both he and my mom wanted me in the family business more than anything, but from the time I could voice my opinion I let them know. No. I would be taking no part in the family business.
Not that I didn’t know my shit. I knew my way around a gun shop and had a better shot than half the men my dad hired to protect us. I hit harder than my first two boyfriends and let everyone know that my last name was still my last name and not to fuck with me. I knew I was untouchable.
That didn’t mean I was embracing the lifestyle.
“Yeah, business is going great, I even hired someone part-time to help out.”
“Background check?”
I rolled my eyes and laughed. “Of course.”
“Family ties?”
“Her name is Mindy and she’s from a farm in rural Kansas.”
He paused and raised his eyebrows, one of the rare times my father ever looked shocked. “She doesn’t even know what our last name holds, does she?”
I shook my head. “Not a clue.”
He laughed his hearty, deep chuckle and stopped us at the bar cart outside of the dining room. As always, he grabbed two tumblers and threw a handful of ice in each before adding to fingers of whiskey. Our favorite. One of our few commonalities. “Proud of you, kid.”
“Thanks, dad.”
I was about to ask him how his week was when my mother’s voice drifted in from the balcony. She liked to drink her wine out there at night, before dinner. Just one glass, but it was a ritual she followed religiously. Her voice was somewhat raspy, a little cold, and I could hear her laughter as though it was wrapping around me like a vine.
But that was the thing; my mother drank her wine outside alone. That was her time. So who was she laughing at?
I glanced over my shoulder at my father to find him looking as though he was at a loss for words. It was so rare that he was speechless, a man of his stature always held a level of composure that was sometimes shocking. But not this time.
“Dad, wha-“
“You’re going to want to finish that drink, angel.”
My blood ran cold at his words. His tone was low, suddenly serious. The lighthearted moment from before was gone, something dark and heavy in its place.
I should have listened to him and finished the drink because as soon as I turned around I was met with the coldest, most pristine set of blue eyes I’d ever seen. Eyes that I once swore I would drown in someday.
Sean Wallace was standing eight feet in front of me. It was the first time we had seen each other in years, the first time I’d seen him since he was… dead.
His face was… fucked. Marred by the bullet that ripped through his left cheek on that fateful day. The skin was raised, almost burn-like, and left a medium sized indent in what would otherwise be a perfectly symmetrical face. His left eyelid held a little lower and it looked like he tried to cover up the other, minor scars with the facial hair that littered his jaw and around his mouth.
But even with the new, broken face, Sean Wallace was still the most breathtaking man in the room. His suit was impeccable and fit him like a glove, the stormy gray matching the storm that seemed to be raging in his eyes. His tie was a navy that matched my own suit and it felt like the universe was pointing at me and laughing. It felt like that bitch was having the time of her life watching me suffer.
“I…” I started, unsure of how to finish.
“I didn’t mean to startle you. I know this” he held a hand up to his face “is a lot to take in.”
I already shook my head, my stomach turning at the thought of him thinking he was ugly. “No! No, I… I, I’m, I wasn’t-“
“Best private schools in the state and she still has that damn stutter.” My mother’s cutting voice ceased my own and I bit at the inside of my cheek. She came around the corner in all her glory, designer dress, perfect manicure and not a hair out of place.
She made me fucking sick.
“It’s nice to see you.” I finally managed to get the words out, although I didn’t know if I was talking to Sean or my mom.
“Jesus, Y/N, you couldn’t even change first?”
“I think she looks great.” Sean’s voice caught everyone off guard and even my mom turned to look at him. “Beautiful, really. You always looked great in a suit.”
I knew he was referring to my high school graduation. Sean was two years older and had flown in to see me graduate. My mom, ever the lady, was determined to force me into a nightmare of a ball gown while I wanted a simple, chic suit. Sean had been there for the entire screaming match, laughing at my mother as she tripped over the dress she had been hellbent on making me wear.
I couldn’t help the small smile that tugged my lips and nodded at him. “Thank you.”
He nodded in return and said nothing else.
“Let’s eat, shall we?” I felt my dad’s hand on my back as he ushered me into the dining room. My feet felt like stone blocks were attached to them as I walked, feeling Sean directly behind me with his eyes burning holes into my suit jacket.
We all sat in silence with the ghost of my past sitting directly across from me. Sean made no secret that he was staring at me and it reminded me of the ignorant young boy I once knew. Sean knew he was handsome, powerful, and could easily get his way. He held himself with the confidence of a man who had everything and it seemed a gunshot to the face didn’t change that.
“You’ve managed to stay under the radar.” I noted as one of the maids poured red wine into my glass.
“Y/N!” my mother scolded.
I raised my eyebrows and didn’t glance in her direction, my eyes holding Sean’s. “What? Are we supposed to sit here and pretend everything is normal? You want me to ask him about the weather?”
“Y/N…” my father’s tone held a warning in it.
“No, she’s right.” Sean spoke up as I took a hearty gulp of wine. “Facial reconstruction had me laid up for a bit. Reconstructing an entire cheekbone can be tricky. And expensive.”
I nodded. “Especially when the entire cheekbone belongs to a dead man.”
The room fell quiet with even the staff scurrying to disappear. My mother was glaring at me and I was sure my father was too, but I didn’t care. I’d spent my entire childhood and teen years caring about and loving Sean only for him to cut me off when he became Finn’s minion and then fake his own fucking death a few years after. He got so caught up in the Wallace life, in the life I thought we both hated, that he forgot about me. And I was angry about it.
“I deserve that.” His accent was the same as always. Smooth. Elegant. The best that private school could buy. “I should have reached out sooner as I knew my siblings were in touch.”
My mother, the martyr, was quick to reassure him. “Sweetheart, you don’t owe us anything. We’re just so happy you’re alright.”
She was so warm with him, a complete contrast to how she acted with me. It was a constant reminder that she always wanted a son and ended up with me instead.
My father opened his mouth to speak when his right hand, Marcus, walked in with a phone in his hand. His face looked pinched, stressed, and my father immediately stood. “Excuse me.”
Sean nodded politely and turned to my mother, but she was already standing and following behind dad, sensing his stress.
“Should we be concerned?”
I shook my head, my eyes still trained in the doorway. “I doubt it.”
Things were quiet then. Too fucking quiet. So quiet I felt like I was suffocating. I took a sip of wine. Then another. Another until my glass was empty and the bottle was taunting me from the center of the table.
“You have every right to be angry.”
“I’m not angry.” I was instantly defensive.
His smile was small, but it was there. “You always were a shit liar.”
“You were always a good one.”
His smile disappeared then and I was soon sitting across from the gangster that was always lurking underneath. Sean could do cool, calm, and collected. But he could only hide the angry, arrogant Wallace traits for so long. 
“I… can’t remember the last time we were face to face.”
I shrugged my shoulders, suddenly uncomfortable. “Christmas. Six years ago. Kingston.”
His smile- God, that fucking smile- reappeared. “You threw a drink in my face.”
“You called me a spoiled fucking twat.”
“You were acting like one.”
Now it was my turn to smile. I didn’t want to, but I couldn’t help it. My early twenties were filled with vodka soda fueled arguments and boyfriends that my family- and Sean- hated. I was so different, that girl doesn’t even seem real anymore.
I was about to respond when I heard shouting coming from down the hall. My father’s office.
Sean and I stood at the same time, both of us sensing a certain level of danger. My father rarely ever shouted, it had to be something catastrophic for him to raise his voice like that.
Entering the hall, I quickly grabbed my bag next to the bar cart and produced my glock before tucking it into my waistband. Sean watched me silently the entire time. He was getting a little too comfortable with staring at me.
“Always prepared.”
“Family business, right?” I shot back at him over my shoulder as we neared my father’s study.
“No, no, fucking No! What do you mean they’re all dead? An entire fucking warehouse of people and they’re all fucking dead?”
My heart stopped in my chest. That was… impossible. The warehouses were untouchable, no one knew where they were unless they were part of our inner circle. Our microscopic inner circle. Which could only mean one thing…
It was an inside job.
“Fuck.” I spat. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!”
“Y/N, something’s happened.” My mother appeared in the doorway as we approached.
“Who did it?” I asked, getting straight to the point. “Any ideas?”
My dad was seated behind his wooden desk, a desk so large it was fit for a king. When I was a child I would spend hours in there reading on the stuffed leather couch while he worked silently. It was one of the few places I felt “safe” growing up.
“Kensington’s dead.” Our eyes met.
Rodger Kensington was my father’s longtime business partner and someone who was like an uncle to me. He’d been there at my prom, my graduation, and when I took my first steps. He was… family.
“Shit.” Sean’s word was quick and quiet, but then I remembered he knew Rodger too, and he knew what this meant.
“What about Sherry? The kids?” I was desperate to make sure their little ones were alright, they were all so young.
“They’re fine. They weren’t home, they-“
My father never got the words out as one of the staff walked in. I had turned at the sound of him entering the room, just barely meeting his eye as he raised his arm, a small handgun pointed directly at the man whose home we were in.
“Y/N!” My mother screaming my name like that would haunt my nightmares for months after.
A single shot rang out and my ears rang, a gasp leaving my lips as I reached for the gun in my waistband. But it wasn’t there.
The man was dead, a gunshot to the temple with crimson blood spilling all over the Italian wood floors. And then there was Sean, standing at my side with my gun pointed straight ahead, a dead look in his eyes.
It was all dangerously quiet and I could hear my own heartbeat, but only for a moment. Because as soon as I took a single breath, shit hit the fan.
My mother released a blood curdling scream, Marcus rushing to her side and grabbing her as she collapsed. My father, stoic, stood and walked over to the wardrobe near the window, swiftly pulling out guns and rounds of ammo. More security rushed in and I stood next to Sean, everything moving in slow motion. I could hear voices, hear my dad barking commands at his security who acted like his soldiers.
“There’s blood on my shoes.”
What? Did I just say there was blood on my shoes? But it was true. My expensive cream suede shoes had blood splatter on them and I was ninety percent sure there was bone fragment near my heel.
“Blood. On my shoes.” My voice sounded far away.
Sean was suddenly in front of me and tucking my gun back into my waist while everyone shouted around us. “I’ll buy you a new pair. Bought them at the store on fifth, yeah?”
“How the fuck did you-“ I stopped, putting two and two together. “Have you been watching me?”
Sean’s face changed then and he straightened his shoulders. Our height nearly matched but only because of my heels, and I knew his gesture was dominant, authoritative. “I promise we can talk about that later, but-“
I pushed past him and walked towards my father who was barking orders into a phone. “Did you have Sean keep tabs on me?”
“Y/N, this isn’t the time for you to complain about your independence.”
I slammed my hand down on the wooden desk the same way I had watched him do it so. Many. Times. “Answer me!”
My father, all six foot three of him, stood tall and looked over me even with a desk separating us. “Watch yourself, young lady.”
“What the fuck is going on that you hired someone to watch me? That you hired Sean to watch me? What aren’t you telling me?”
He paused for the briefest of moments while everyone moved around us. I could hear safeties being turned off, my mom screaming down the hallway, and feel Sean standing close enough that I could smell his cologne.
“I’ve known for a bit that someone on the inside was giving information to Merkov brothers. Rodger and I spent months sifting through the weeds trying to figure out who it was. We had a break last night, I was going to tell you everything-“
“Four black SUV’s were spotted five miles from the property. Moving quickly. We need to go.” Marcus had appeared in the doorway sans my mother, his face wiped of anything sort of emotion. In fact, Marcus may have been the most emotionless man I had ever come into contact with. I would even venture to call him heartless.
“Shit.” My dad scrubbed a hand over his face. “I promise I will tell you everything, angel.” He looked at me, the desk separating us. “But right now you need to go and it can’t be back to your apartment.”
“Dad, I…” I had no idea what to say. I couldn’t go back to my apartment in the city, there was most definitely a hit out on my family, including myself, and Sean Wallace was back from the fucking dead. My day was going from bad to worse, my life blowing up in a twenty minute time span.
But I knew my last name, knew the weight it carried. I knew I had a certain responsibility to handle my shit and handle it well, with my shoulders back and my chin up.
“Where am I going?”
He was already on the move and I was on his heels, following him down the winding hallways of the home I grew up in. It was the same house that was sure to be shot to shit as soon as those SUV’s showed up.
“Harbor House.” He barked over his shoulder. “You can drive down there in the charger. Tinted windows. Marcus, have Anthony load a bag into the car. Ammo, guns, everything she’ll need.”
“No one knows where Harbor House is except us.” I reminded him. His business partners may have known about the warehouses and my father’s permanent residence, but Harbor House was for family and family alone.
“I’m not taking any chances, Y/N, not with you. Sean will accompany you and you’ll stay there until you hear from me. I’ll call-“
“What?” I cut him off. “Sean’s not coming with me.”
“I’m not taking any chances with you.” He repeated.
“I don’t need a babysitter.”
Sean cleared his throat behind me and I refused to look at him. I knew he was offended by what I’d said, but quite honestly I was offended by everything he had done since stepping foot in my parents’ home that day.
“This isn’t about what you need or want, Y/N. He’s going with you.”
I was about to fully lose my temper when shots rang out through the house. I reached for my glock and turned the safety off, immediately ducking behind a marble pillar with Sean’s hand on my elbow, holding me still.
There was yelling and gunshots, some of the housekeepers screaming bloody murder from the second and third floors. There was no way those SUV’s were already on the property, no way. It had to be someone else.
Someone had burned our entire fucking family.
“Dad!” I yelled as a bullet whirred past my head.
“Y/N, go! Now!” I could hear him but I couldn’t fucking see him. Marco was beating the shit out of a man dressed all in black, ripping his gun away and firing off a round into his chest. The smell of blood and gunpowder burned my nostrils and I winced.
“I’m not leaving you!” I screamed so loud my voice cracked.
“Sean!” My father shouted. “Get her the fuck out of here! Get her out now, kid! Now!”
I glanced over at Sean, warning him with my eyes not to touch me, but it was too late. He ripped the gun from my hand and wrapped an arm around my waist, tugging me backwards.
“Sean, no!” I screamed, trying to pull away.
“We have to go, Y/N.” He dragged me down the hall while I fought him the whole way , dragging my feet and scratching at the suit clad arm wrapped around my waist. He finally stopped at the side door at the end of the hall and yanked it open before tossing me in.
I stumbled across the cold concrete of the garage and caught myself against the car I was supposed to be leaving in.
Sean locked the door behind him and turned to me, my gun still in his hand. “In.” He motioned to the car.
Still the same, bossy man he always was. Without responding, I turned and made my way across the expansive garage, shoving a table out of the way and yanking open the drawers of a metal cabinet.
“Y/N!” Sean was losing his temper and we were losing time.
“You took my gun!” I finally screamed back, practically growling at him as I picked up twin Berettas and tucked them into the back of my waistband. I grabbed a rifle to throw into the backseat, and one more Glock since Sean had unceremoniously stolen mine and left me empty handed.
He was staring at me as I made my way back to the car, his chest heaving. God, he still looked good. A gunshot to the face only amplified how rough and beautiful he was. Dumb fucking asshole and his dumb fucking face.
I grabbed the keys from the wall and tossed them to Sean who caught them with one hand.
Show off, I thought to myself sullenly as I got into the passenger side, my heart leaping out of my chest. I was about to leave my parents to potentially die. My childhood home was being torn apart, half the staff that knew me since I was a child were now lying dead in the same house they’d dedicated their lives to. It made me sick.
“Just focus on driving.” I told him as the garage door began to rise. I could already see the shadows of feet on the concrete leaned halfway out the window, my nine millimeter raised. One shot to the knee and a man fell, a second shot between the eyes and he was done.
The second man was smart, moved off to the side and just out of aim, and Sean floored the gas pedal while I kept watch.
“Your left.” I said quietly and pointed the gun in front of him, sending shots flying out of the driver’s side door, taking out the second man who had been waiting for us.
“Three of them in front of the gate.” Sean nodded towards the gate at the side of the property, all of them holding assault rifles and aiming at us. “Duck.” he commanded with the car still in reverse.
“Duck.” I felt his hand grab at the back of my head he shoved me down, my forehead nearly knocking against my knee as he picked up speed. A loud blast blew out the back windshield and then there was a loud, violent thunk.
His wide palm was still resting on the back of my head, grip so tight it made my scalp prickle in a way that annoyed me. My body had no business getting turned on while in the midst of this shit.
When the tires squealed against the gravel and we went surging forward, I sat back up. I could see smoke coming out of the windows, bullet holes in the brick and mortar. It was a fucking war zone and we were on our way out, leaving behind my family and any shred of sanity I had left.
* * * * * *
The ride to Harbor House was almost completely silent. Sean, ever the Brit, would curse out other drivers every now and then even though ninety percent of the mistakes were his own. Maybe I should have insisted on driving, but at the time the only thing I could think about was whether or not my parents got out.
Although we were never close, I didn’t wish death on my parents. Sure, I resented them for bringing me up in a life of chaos and violence and I’m well aware they caused me a lifetime of trauma, but that didn’t mean I wanted them dead. Definitely not murdered.
It was nearly midnight by the time we arrived. Harbor House was in an exclusive neighborhood and every home had a gate. It had been years since I was last at the house, but it held the only fond memories from my childhood. Harbor House and the Wallace house always felt like home to me. Strange that I was sitting next to a Wallace and not a single shred of me felt comfortable or at home. It was strange, when we were kids he was always my safe space.
I punched in the code and black iron gates opened up, promptly closing with a loud clang behind us. The property itself was a sprawling estate with a two floor home as well as a large yard, pool, and separate guest house. It was on the edge of a cliff and overlooked the Atlantic. Isolated. Safe. Private. The kind of place my family relied on to keep us safe.
“Pull the car into the garage, we’ll get a rental tomorrow.” My voice was monotonous. I felt so drained of every emotion other than pure exhaustion. I was covered in blood, my clothes smelled like gunpowder and sweat, I needed a hot shower.
Sean silently pulled into the garage and killed the engine. We sat there quietly for a moment, so quiet I couldn’t even hear him breathing. If he had any blood on him, I couldn’t tell. From this angle he looked every bit the GQ model. It was only when he turned his face to look at me that I got a glimpse of the mauled left half and got angry all over again.
I was angry at my parents for birthing me into this.
I was angry at whoever burned us.
I was angry at Sean for disappearing from my life in favor of violence. But I was so fucking angry that he had let it go so far that the world thought he was dead.
I almost wished he was.
“There’s five bedrooms. I trust that you’ll find one far away from me?” I phrased it like a question but we both knew it wasn’t.
He gave a curt nod.
The house was exactly as I remembered it. It even smelled the same. Hardwood floors, light walls, French doors leading to a beautiful deck. A kitchen so modern it would make Gordon Ramsey cream his pants. It was the homiest home my family had. It was my haven.
Only now Sean was here to cast a shadow over it.
“There’s plenty of clothes in all the guest bedrooms. My parents like to be prepared for every emergency, you know that.”
Sean nodded as he closed the door that connected to the garage. He locked it and was quick to set the code. The code that he definitely shouldn’t have had.
“How did you-“
“Your father.”
I raised my eyebrows incredulously. “My father gave you the codes to Harbor House?”
He sucked his bottom lip into his mouth, eyes narrowing. “He gave me the code for the gate too, but I was polite enough to let you do it. That’s something, innit?”
He was being a smart ass, pushing my buttons on purpose simply because he could. Or because he’d had enough of my attitude. Either way, I wasn’t having it.
“You must be so fuckin’ proud of yourself. You still have an in with my father even after the shit you pulled in London. My father, Sean, not me. You don’t have shit with me and you made that perfectly clear.”
He squared his shoulders and I couldn’t help but roll my eyes as I sat on the edge of a beautiful cream colored sofa. I couldn’t wait to sink into it tomorrow with a good book.
I quickly fingered at the straps on my heels and kicked them off while mentally preparing for whatever speech he was about to throw my way.
“I’ve really had enough of you talking to me like I’m some shit person. Enough, Y/N.”
I stood back up, hating that I was smaller than him now as I turned on my heel and headed up the stairs. “If you hate my attitude so much then leave me the fuck alone and let me take a shower in peace.”
* * * * *
My shower was hot and relaxing and everything I needed. As soon as the steam surrounded me, I was able to calm down a bit, and once the hot water hit my skin I was able to sigh in relief. Washing off the blood and grime left me feeling like a whole new woman.
So new, in fact, I briefly forgot about the bane of my existence showering down the hall.
Sean. Showering. Sean in the shower with water dripping down his chest and into that perfect V of his hips. Sean’s hot, wet body pressed against mine. Sean’s-
“Can you not?” I said to my reflection as I ran a brush through my hair. Even when I was angry at him, violently angry, it was impossible to deny that he was attractive.
We never hooked up, not even when we were young. But there was always something there. We flirted. We toyed with each other. We got into nasty arguments. People noticed, my friends made comments. I always ignored them and played it off and said it was because we knew each other forever and just connected that way. They all argued that it was more.
I ignored them.
After changing into a comfortable pair of loose cotton pants and a long sleeved shirt, I made my way downstairs. The windows were open and I could hear the waves crashing against the cliff side. My favorite sound. It gave me peace. It soothed me.
The kitchen was empty and I grabbed a bottle of red wine with every intention of drinking the entire bottle. After pouring a rather large amount into the pristine crystal stemware my mother bought, I threw my head back and took a long, large sip.
Ugh. That’s better. I closed my eyes and took another sip, getting lost in the sound of the waves and the dark, cherry taste of the wine. A moment of peace after all the bullshit I had to endure tonight.
It was only when Sean cleared his throat that I realized I wasn’t alone. He was standing at the bottom of the stairs wearing black sweats and a white t-shirt. Simple. Clean. Comfortable. If this had been a few years ago I would have been aching to curl up against him.
“Kitchen’s all yours,” I said as I grabbed my glass and bottle, preparing to go out back.
“You told me you didn’t want to talk to me anymore.” His words cut like a knife to my retreating back and it made me pause, not yet turning around. “You fucking told me you were done.”
I knew what he was referring to. The last time we spoke had been over the phone, maybe four years ago. It had been a normal night with normal conversation and normal “I miss yous”. Sean had truly been one of my best friends and closest confidants. And then the conversation turned ugly when he informed me his father was sending him out on a seriously violent, potentially fatal, mission. Our argument had gotten vile and I said horrible things. He did too, including telling me to “stop acting like a girlfriend because you’re so fucking lonely”.
That had been my breaking point. He reminded me so much of Finn then. He dressed like him, spoke like him, became a carbon copy of him, and I was having none of it. So I had told him to fuck off and lose my number, to never call me again, to pretend I was dead.
It was the one time Sean listened to me and the one time I wished he hadn’t.
To this day, I got embarrassed when I thought about what he had said to me. The way he screamed and the way he humiliated me. Maybe I was lonely, maybe it came off as clingy, but my intentions were always good and I never thought I was a burden to him. But after that last conversation I spent years telling myself that’s exactly what I was. A burden. I checked in too much, my double texting him probably got on his nerves. Constantly complaining about our families when I knew how fortunate I was to live such a lavish life made me sound spoiled, he got tired of it. I spent years convincing myself there was no possible way he missed me and I didn’t miss him either.
“Do you even remember our last conversation?” I turned slowly to face him. “Do you remember what you said?”
He took a step forward and scrubbed a hand over his face. “Of course I do. I’ve had plenty of time to think about it- you. I’d been out drinking with my father-“
“And then turned into him?”
“Oh, fuck off then.” He shook his head, his frustration evident as he rounded the marble island in the kitchen. An expert, he seemed to know where everything was. The glasses. The whiskey.
“I’m not wrong.” I defended myself.
Sean laughed and the sound was hollow, sarcastic. He took a sip of whiskey before turning to me with a cold look in his eyes. “And I wasn’t wrong that day either. Was I?”
I scowled at him to mask the absolute hurt I was experiencing. My heart ached. He’d known he was hurting me. He didn’t care. He remembered and he didn’t care.
“Oh, fuck you, Sean.” I whispered before quickly pushing through the french doors and stepping onto the deck.
“Oi!” Sean shouted as I slammed the doors behind me, taking off down the steps, wine glass in hand.
“I’m not done talking to you.” Sean was hot on my heels.
“The conversation is over.”
“Like hell it is.” I felt long, thick fingers curl around my elbow and then he was hauling me back against him. “You say what you want to say and then think we’re done. We’re not.”
I ripped my arm back and shoved my finger in his face. “I’ve waited four years to say this shit to you!”
“So have I!” He shouted back, the vein in his neck becoming prominent. The female part of my brain wondered what it would feel like to run my tongue along that vein, feel it pulse against my mouth.
Wrong time, I thought to myself and shook my head. “You fucked off for four years, faked your own death, and now I found out my father has had you following me. I don’t know what kind of weird, stalker fetish you’ve developed, but it’s really not doing anything for me.”
Okay, maybe that last part was flat out bitchy, but at that point I didn’t care.
I drained my wine glass while I waited for his response.
“Would you like to tell me about your fetishes?”
“Sure, they all involve watching you bleed out.”
“Should have been there a year ago then, yeah?”
I didn’t have a response for that. I zeroed in on the left half of his face, the scar on his cheek. His cheekbone curved differently, probably because it was handmade, and his scar disappeared into his stubble. He looked so vastly different from the Sean I used to know. He was hardened by life, by Finn’s life. Thirty and angry and alone and legally dead.
I ached for the Sean I once knew, but this wasn’t him.
“How long have you been watching me?”
“A little more than three months.”
“Three months?” I was shocked. I’d had a tail for three months and I didn’t even know it? How embarrassing.
“You wouldn’t have known.” It was as though he could read my mind. “I’ve always been better at it than you.”
“You’re so fucking cocky.” I didn’t know whether to laugh, cry, or slap him, so instead I walked past him and back up the stairs, making my way back into the house to refill my glass. I knew he was following me, knew that the alcohol in my bloodstream was making me feel bold, more bold than I was sober.
Sean closed the French doors, the lock clicking with a tone of finality. I was too aware of it.
“You were shit as hide and seek when we were kids.”
“So that makes you a better spy?”
His tone was serious when he responded. “I was never spying on you. I didn’t have access to your flat. I didn’t follow you around with that ugly wanker with gray hair.”
“Leave Beckett out of this.”
“Beckett?” It was the first time his face had resembled something other than anger. He looked amused. “You’re dating a man named Beckett?”
I cocked my head to the side, narrowing my eyes. “We actually aren’t discussing my dating life, we’re talking about my stalker.”
“Stop saying that. It was to and from work. Only when you were out in public.”
“That doesn’t make it okay!” I finally shouted. None of what happened today was okay. Sean, my dad, the shootout. None of it was okay. “You don’t get to keep up with my fucking life when I have to pretend you’re dead!”
“Lower your voice.” Sean took a step forward.
“Fuck off!” I shouted even louder than before. “You don’t get to just come back and bark orders at me. This isn’t London, Sean!”
“Enough.” He took another step forward and I backed up, reaching for my wine glass.
He was so calm, so fucking collected while I was beginning to fall apart. I hated him for it. Fuck Sean Wallace, I wanted him to hurt the way I did. So, without thinking twice, I hurled my glass at him. Sean barely dodged it, whipping his head to the side as it soared past him and landed on the floor in a million little pieces.
He was a blur as he flew across the kitchen, growling as he slammed my back up against the wall. I cried out as searing pain sent shock waves down my back, but I was too angry to focus on it. My hands instantly went into fight mode and my fingers caught the tip of his nose as I swiped at him, but he pulled his head back, out of my reach.
“Are you out of your fucking mind?” He roared in my face. “Are you bloody mental?” His hands circled my wrists and he pinned them at my sides, effectively halting my movements.
Stuck between Sean and the wall, I suddenly couldn’t breathe. “Let me go.”
“The fuck I will.” He squeezed my wrists harder.
“Sean.” I shoved myself against him and he did the same thing, his face even closer than before. I could smell the whiskey on his breath, see the smattering of freckles across his nose and cheeks. God, he was a sight. “Fuck. Off.”
His eyes zeroed in on my mouth as I enunciated the words, nostrils flaring slightly. My breasts were pressed against his chest and I couldn’t move even if I wanted to, because suddenly we were staring each other eye to eye and I couldn’t look anywhere else. I was drowning the way I always imagine I would except this time I didn’t want it. I wanted no part of it.
“Don’t even think about it.” I whispered softly.
“Or what?” Sean’s remark felt snide and childish, something I would have happily said to him had he not leaned down and slid his lips over mine. It was a light touch, so soft I barely felt it. But I still gasped because it was Sean’s lips touching mine and I hated that I liked it so much.
At the sound of my sharp intake of breath, he smirked. “I fucking knew it.” And then he smashed his lips against mine, not letting up on the grip he had on my wrists.
Sean’s tongue pushed past my lips and slid against mine, weakening my reserve just a bit. He tasted good, his scruff scratched against the edges of my mouth and I reveled in it, loving how rough he felt.
He fucking engulfed my mouth, taking complete control of the kiss and demanding that I give him more. Forgetting the position we were in, he let go of my wrists in favor of cupping my face, wide palms against my cheeks.
I should have pushed him away, should have told him to leave, but the simple truth was that Sean Wallace knew how to kiss. He kissed like a man, held my face, stroked rough thumbs over my cheekbones, and swallowed my moans. He crowded me, stood so close our torsos were touching while we made out against the kitchen wall. Our tongues touched, teeth clashed, and when I sucked Sean’s bottom lip into my mouth the groan he let out was guttural. Animalistic.
But the noise was enough to bring me back to reality and I shoved my hands against his chest, pushing him away from me as hard as I could.
Sean stumbled back and caught himself on the counter. He was just as caught up as I was, his eyes wild, cheeks flushed red.
“You’ve got some nerve.” I cleared my throat and wiped my mouth, still tasting him on my tongue.
“Me?” He had the audacity to smile, still clearly fired up. “You were the one sucking my lip like it was my cock.”
My cheeks felt hot. The way he said cock with the accent and the smirk… it murdered me on the inside. It absolutely killed me how good it sounded. “You wish.”
“Every fucking night.” Sean stepped forward again. “I think about you sucking my cock every. Fucking. Night.”
His admission left me breathless. It felt like someone had knocked the wind out of me. The thought of Sean laying in bed at night and thinking about my mouth wrapped around his dick lit me up. I was hot everywhere.
“Shut the fuck up.” He crowded me again, this time wrapping one arm around my back and pulling me against him. “For once in your life, please, Y/N, shut the fuck up.”
Cupping the back of my head, Sean kissed me again. I wanted to fight him, wanted to tell him to fuck off, but that would only prove him right. I really did have a problem with shutting the fuck up.
So, I kissed him back. I gave it my all, twining my arms around his neck and leaning against him. Sean tongue fucked my mouth as though he’d been dying to for years, and after his admission I wondered if he had. His body felt warm against mine and feeling his fingertips glide along the exposed area of my lower back made my knees nearly buckle.
He smiled against my mouth and before I knew it, Sean was sliding both hands down, gripping my hips and hoisting me in the air. My legs locked around his waist instantly, ankles crossing at the small of his back while he carried me through the kitchen.
Our mouths never stopped touching. I’d been waiting years to kiss Sean. I’d been waiting years to slap the fuck out of him as well, but right now the only thing I cared about was keeping our mouths fused together for as long as humanly possible. I felt drunk on him, on the taste of whiskey on his tongue.
I didn’t realize we were in the living room until Sean sat down on the couch with me straddling his lap. I took the opportunity to pull back slightly, his lips chasing my own, and I smiled at the way he leaned forward. I cupped the right side of his face, loving the way his scruff felt against my soft palm. He truly was beautiful, the red-brown hair and beard, the plump mouth that spent more time scowling than smiling. His freckles, God, when we were young I could have spent hours counting them.
And then there was that scar. That brutal, obvious scar. The trauma his body must have gone through made me sick and when I reached up to run my fingers over the jagged, raised skin, Sean was quick to grab my wrist in a bruising grip.
“Don’t touch me there.”
But I wanted to. So badly. But it was clear in his reaction, in the stiffness of his body, that he was serious. Of all the limits Sean DIDN’T have, touching the left side of his face was one of them and I had no choice but to respect it.
“Fine, how about you touch me then?”
It was all the incentive Sean needed and he flipped me onto my back, hovering over me with one hand braces on the back of the couch. Our eyes held as I slid my hands down his chest, his heartbeat pulsing under my hand as I slid lower, lower still until I gripped the hem of his shirt and yanked it up. He leaned back, only for a moment to rip the shirt off his head and send it flying.
Fair skinned with broad shoulders and a tapered waist, I itched to lick the V that disappeared into his waistband. He may have been injured, but he hasn’t been resting this last year. Sean didn’t have the body of a man who rested, he had the Jody of a man who was constantly pushing himself. He was strong in every sense of the word and it made me pathetically, desperately wet for him.
“Your turn,” he said against my lips, fingers playing under my shirt and sliding along my ribs. “You’re so fucking soft.” He whispered against the skin of my cheek.
Unable to help myself, I reached down to cup him through his sweats. Jesus… Christ. “You’re so fucking not.”
Sean laughed then, but I was dead serious. Either Sean was hiding a gun in his pants or his cock was just that fucking solid. And… thick. Even through his pants I could tell. I squeezed once and he let out a guttural groan, the sound sending shock waves between my legs. I wanted that sound on a loop for the rest of my life.
He pushed my shirt up and over my head, eyes zeroing in on my breasts. “Fuck me…” He trailed off, cupping one in his hand and giving a firm squeeze as he settled his eight between my legs. I could feel him against my clit even with barriers of clothing separating us.
“I always wondered what your nipples looked like.” He licked one gently and my back arched hard, my whole body tightening. “They’re so much better than my imagination.”
Sean fastened his mouth against my nipple and he sucked, flicking his tongue against the sensitive bud while I writhed underneath him. My nails scraped through his shirt hair, digging into his scalp and holding him against me. He said he had wondered what they would look like, but I spent the better part of a decade wondering what this would feel like.
Fuck, it felt good.
Sean’s hips ground against mine as he moved to my other nipple, hands roaming felt over my body, gripping my clothes thighs and sliding up my sides. Tracing along my collarbone, fingers tugging at the nipple that wasn’t getting any attention.
I felt like a horny teenager, aching to have him inside me as fast as humanly possible. My nails raked over his shoulders and he gave a delicious growl in return, leaning up and hovering over me again. 
“I’ve thought about your mouth on my cock for ages, but right now the only thing I want is to be buried inside you. That okay?”
I was modding before he even finished speaking. Fuck a blowjob, fuck foreplay. I didn’t need that with Sean, not now. Right now I just needed… connection. I was almost desperate for it and it fucking terrified me.
Sean leaned back on his knees and hooked his fingers into my pants, tugging them down in one swift move and leaving me completely naked and sprawled out in front of him. His eyes raked over me and my breath hitched in my throat. He could see… everything.
“Fuck me… this body was fucking made for me.”
I couldn’t help but laugh, wiggling my brows. “A bit cocky, yeah?”
“No.” His face was serious, eyes focused as they raked over my breasts, my hips, my legs, zeroing in on the spot between my thighs. Sean slid one long, thick finger over my slit and I cried out, my body stiffening. “I knew you’d be bald here.” He repeated the motion. “Been dying to see that tattoo on your thigh for ages.”
I’d gotten the tattoo when I was 20 and officially moved out of my parents house. It was one of those stupid young decisions, but I didn’t regret it. It was a snake that wrapped all the way around my right thigh, the snake’s tongue permanently engraved on my inner thigh like an invitation. Or a warning.
“And?” I asked inquisitively, rubbing a hand absentmindedly down my stomach.
“And I think this body was fucking made for me.”
His lips came crashing down on mine again and I wrapped my bare legs around his waist, loving the way his hip bones pressed into my thighs. He littered kisses over my cheekbone, an oddly sweet gesture, and then absolutely assaulted my neck, licking and biting and nipping at my collarbone until I cried out.
I reached down, yanking at his sweats and pushing them down his thighs with my heels. I was fucking dying for Sean Wallace to be inside of me, I couldn’t even breathe because I wanted him so badly. Needed him, needed to know what it was like to feel him.
“Sean.” I gasped as he braced one hand above my head, the other one gripping his cock and lining it up at my entrance. I gripped his bicep when he pushed the tip in, my nails digging half crescents into his skin.
“Sean.” I repeated his name, this time somewhat panicked because what the fuck was I doing? Was I really about to fuck him?
“Remember when I told you to shut the fuck up?” Sean’s eyes met mine and he gave one sharp, hard thrust and was suddenly inside me so deep I swore I could feel him in my cervix.
I didn’t even have time to gasp, my mouth fell open in a silent scream and Sean’s groan was something I’d think about for months. He was so deep I felt as though I couldn’t breathe, looking up at him completely frozen.
“Oh, fuck.” He finally breathed out. “That’s right, so good you can’t even speak.”
“I… hate you.” I finally managed, leaning up and catching his bottom lip between my teeth, tugging so hard he let out a groan of pain.
“You don’t hate me.” Sean pulled nearly all the way out before slamming back inside me, giving me no warning or time to breathe. But the yelp I let out was enough to make him smirk.
Cocky bastard.
Fine, I could play. Tightening my legs around his waist, I raked my nails down his back and watched his face change, jaw clenching tight. I licked his collarbone before sucking the skin there. I sucked hard and didn’t stop until I felt his fingers tangle in my hair and yank me back, forcing me to look at him.
“You’re not the fucking boss right now.” He practically growled the words, not letting up on the grip on my hair. He pumped in and out of me, my scalp pricking with a weird, pleasurable pain that left me moaning for more.
Sean’s thrusts got harder and I cried out when he hit that spot, so deep I could feel him everywhere. “Sean!” I cried his name, my breath hitching in my throat.
He let my hair go in favor of those perfect ducking fingers wrapping around my throat. His thumb pressed firmly under my jaw, I had no other choice but to look at him as he fucked me into oblivion.
“Fuck, I missed you.” He groaned, pressure on my throat tightening just a bit. “Thought about you every fucking day.”
I was instantly thrown back into reality. Everything that happened that day. The shooting. Sean coming back from the dead, all of it.
“Nope, stay with me.” Sean commanded, sensing my disconnect. He slowed his thrusts leaning down to lick at my lips lightly. It was oddly erotic and I found myself whimpering for more. “That’s it, relax for me.”
“I…” I started desperately. “I can’t. Sean-“
He squeezed my throat harder and I suddenly gasped, my air being cut off. “Relax.” His voice was oddly soothing. “You can still breathe.”
I shook my head.
He paused his thrusts, once again settling deep inside me with my legs splayed. “Yes, you can. I’m not squeezing that hard. Breathe.”
I took in a breath. It was shallow, but it was there. Letting it out slowly, I repeated the motion, Sean catching on and thrusting every time I exhaled. It all felt different like this, barely able to breathe and dripping wet onto the couch. I’d never wanted someone more and I was terrified, I’d never been “handled” the way he was handling me, treating me like I was his.
“Been waiting years to feel you come on my cock.” He groaned when he released my throat, leaning back on his heels and looking down at where we were connected. “God, you’re soaked. Made a proper mess all over me.”
I moaned because at that point words were not possible. My stomach felt tight, I felt like I was going to cry or laugh or scream. I felt like I was going crazy.
And then Sean rubbed his thumb over my clit, watching me jerk, and I knew I was done for. He did it again and again, giving me shallow strokes while he rubbed the little bundle of nerves that were certainly going to send me into a tailspin.
“Sean, please.” My back arched and I shouted, so fucking close, teetering on the edge.
“Come all over my cock so I can watch you lick it off after.”
My mouth fell open and I screamed his name, my orgasm hitting me like a ton of bricks. I squeezed my eyes shut, feeling Sean lean over me and wrap an arm around my back.
He picked up the pace while I clung to him, whispering in my ear about how he’d wanted it forever, how this was his, how I was his. It was overwhelming, yet I couldn’t bring myself to do anything other than rake my nails through his hair and whisper his name over and over again in his ear.
“Fuck.” Sean’s groan was long and low, stroking into me one, two, three more times before holding himself still, his climax hitting him as hard as mine hit me. 
His arms shook as he held himself over me, eventually collapsing onto my chest in a huff. We sat there silently, the sound of the waves crashing against the cliff side lulling us. Sean’s right cheek was pressed against my breast and his dick was still inside me. He was as close as he could possibly be but I somehow wanted him closer. I wanted to fucking absorb him into my body, keep him there forever and enjoy the weight of him on me.
“Sean?” I whispered, wondering if he was still awake.
I ran my fingers lightly over the back of his neck and delighted in his shiver. “I’m really glad you’re not dead.”
He lifted his head then, searching my face for some sort of emotion, but I forced myself to remain stoic. It took Sean fucking my brains out for me to realize how much I missed him. How much I fucking loved him. But I couldn’t tell him that, I couldn’t give him that much power over me.
“Today was the first time in a year that I was thankful that bullet didn’t kill me.” Sean’s words were honest, quiet.
We didn’t say anything after that, we didn’t really need to. In that moment we were safe, together after years of being apart, and now all we had to do was wait for word from my father. Until then, I was going to enjoy whatever time I had with Sean and I prayed I would never have to pretend he was dead again.
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m-y-fandoms · 3 years
1 Thing I Love & 1 Thing I Hate About EVERY Danganronpa Character Part 1
Part 2
I’d love to hear our opinions as well in the comments or my inbox or DM’s! If you try this trend with DR characters, tag me!
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Sayaka Maizono
♡ Her passion for her career and friends.
✘ The way she tries to screw over Makoto when the game had just begun. Like wait and see what happens before screwing over such a great guy? Leon didn’t deserve it either.
Leon Kuwata
♡ His voice actor (English), and how real and human his execution was in that we all would be so scared and irrational. It was just so iconic and sad as it’s our first introduction to the death in this series and we all think: “shit, this is real... they are really killing these kids.” I didn’t think it would be that brutal, just seeing his body limp at the end with the haunting music.
✘ His design is disgusting. I hate how he looks.
Chihiro Fujisaki
♡ So innocent, so kind, so intelligent
✘ Shouldn’t have been killed for such a stupid reason, also they did Mondo dirty with that motive for killing as well. Just a mess. As for the actual character, Chihiro cries right off the bat when you do your introductions and that was kind of annoying to me personally.
Mondo Oowada
♡ He has a lot of respect, understanding and emotions for someone I thought would be a hard-ass douche biker.
✘ The worst motive to kill ever in a game where you know you’re getting executed if you’re found out. Like you’d be extra careful and that’s his reason to kill? Lazy writing.
Celestia Ludenberg
♡ Bad bitch energy and her goth lolita design.
✘ Manipulation and double murder. Bad bitch energy only goes so far. Confidence is different then selfishness. Also, of all the chapter 3 triple murders... the worst motive to kill.
Kiyotaka Ishimaru
♡ Emotions: secure in his masculinity, able to cry, show emotions, and apologize when he’s wrong. He’s funny and likable.
✘ The Ishimondo white hair thing was stupid. Taka was fine on his own.
Hifumi Yamada
♡ Writing takes talent, fan fiction as much as any other style or genre. Also the talent of his voice actor (who also voices Kiibo/K1-B0).
✘ Literally everything else about him.
Sakura Oogami
♡ I love everything about her. I love her wisdom, loyalty, design, voice etc. Just step on me, mother.
✘ Why the hell would she ever agree to be a spy even if it meant the end of her dojo? I just don’t think she would do that rationally because she isn’t selfish. The others would suffer for her spying. She remedies this with redemption in her letter in chapter 4 but still she should’ve said no off the bat. Everyone had something to lose. The dojo wasn’t worth spying for monokuma. Also I just don’t think she would commit suicide. She can’t help the remaining students survive and redeem herself truly if she’s dead.
Kyoko Kirigiri
♡ Bad bitch energy, calm and collected when I could never be.
✘ Especially in future arc of the anime, damn can you show some emotion please? Through your words and expressions not just your actions. Sure she was willing to “die” for Makoto but like I just want more emotion from her sometimes, even in THH.
Makoto Naegi
♡ So pure. I Love Bryce Papenbrook. Makoto reminds me of Sora and I love his design.
✘ In THH I didn’t mind his innocence but in the Danganronpa 3 future arc anime, when people started straight up abusing him and accusing him, he needed to grow a little backbone.
Byakuya Togami
♡ Love my dad, king shit, also love how over the progression of the games and animes he becomes a little more kind to his friends.
✘ Why the fuck did he mess with Chihiro’s body? Just so cruel and disrespectful.
Yasuhiro Hagakure
♡ Funny magic man. Sexy voice.
✘ Please. Please Hiro use your brain just once. Why do we have to prove Kyoko isn’t a ghost?!
Toko Fukawa
♡ Character development in UDG and I love Genocider.
✘ Putting down herself and others constantly gets old in THH.
Aoi Asahina
♡ Love her voice actress and her personality
✘ We really just gonna get everyone killed in chapter 4 huh? Surely you know they don’t all deserve that.
Junko Enoshima
♡ A very memorable villain with great hair and design.
✘ I just can’t stand her. I hate her so much.
Mukuro Ikusaba
♡ Her mercenary background is super cool as a concept.
✘ Too bad it wasn’t explored nearly enough.
Hajime Hinata
♡ Seeing the protagonist be a little less naive, innocent and positive than Makoto was a refreshing change, although I loved Makoto. I liked Hajime’s cynicism and expressions that sometimes just screamed “this shit again, huh?”
✘ I enjoy the way Izuru looks but I hate him as a character. He is sexy to look at but Hajime is just a better character overall
Teruteru Hanamura
♡ His love for his family and mother especially is so cute and heart breaking if you know the full story.
✘ He needs to know when to dial it back and quit with the perversions. And no it’s not just how he looks, Miu needs to chill at times, too.
♡ I feel like he genuinely cares about his friends, just hides it well
✘ His death felt like a cop out and poorly written. It just didn’t sit right with me. Also his design is disgusting to me, his outfit and such.
Mahiru Koizumi
♡ Loyal to her close friends.
✘ I just have no interest in her as a character and I find her boring.
Peko Pekoyama
♡ Loyalty. Loyalty is something I value very highly in every form of relationship. Peko is also very hot.
✘ Come on girl... I know how you were raised but you should’ve known Fuyuhiko didn’t think of you as just a tool and you two should’ve expressed your true feelings long ago. Like even in secret. How do you live like this? Also I feel like killing Mahiru could’ve been avoided with a calm talk.
Ibuki Mioda
♡ Cute design, positive vibes.
✘ Cringe sometimes in the way she talks.
Hiyoko Saionji
♡ Beautiful character design and some very good insults and snarky remarks at times.
✘ Just irredeemably mean and annoying. Even when you do her free time events she is just so annoying.
Mikan Tsumiki
♡ I like her design as well as her hair, expressions, sprites and clothing.
✘ I hate her. I just hate her whether she’s in her true psycho form or timid stuttering form. She’s just annoying in my opinion.
Nekomaru Nidai
♡ So supportive, can hold my drink at a party. Respects everyone and wants the best for them.
✘ Bro Mechamaru was a stupid plot point. I just couldn’t stand looking at him and couldn’t take it seriously. Still sad when he died though.
Chiaki Nanami
♡ From chapter 5 of sdr2 on she is impossible not to love if you didn’t already. Just the selflessness, the sadness of the reveal and execution, how she returns to help Hajime at the end???? I love her. I love her hair design, color palette, her personality, everything.
✘ I’m bitter and miserable about her being the only class member to actually die (the despair arc anime) also her falling asleep at random times is kind of odd and she doesn’t seem to be like that later on in the game??? Like it seemed like a cheap joke but not actually who she is? Hard for me to explain.
Gundham Tanaka
♡ King shit, couldn’t praise him enough. He’s sexy, loves animals, and is funny as hell sometimes. His voice actor is a saint and a cool dude and I named my guinea pigs after the Dark Devas (yes I know they are hamsters in the games.)
✘ Come on dude. I get that being from Hell and magic and having evil powers is your shtick, but we all know that you and Nekomaru sacrificed yourselves so the others wouldn’t starve. We know you care about your classmates. There comes a time when it’s time to let personas and facades fade and be true to your heart. I just feel like him denying he cared at the end hurt. We all know he cared. I didn’t like how he was haughty until the end. He deserved better. I love him.
Nagito Komaeda
♡ I love him so much. So cunning and intelligent, always a step ahead. And he’s big sexy.
✘ Him killing himself in chapter 5 hurt me so bad I was like in denial for days. Also hate how Bryce Papenbrook gives him a raspy stoner psycho voice in the game then a light airy higher-pitched voice in the despair arc anime. It just bothers me. I love his voice still but the inconsistency just hurts my OCD
Sonia Nevermind
♡ I love that she’s so interested in her passions and love her feelings for Gundham
✘ Her outfit and bow are atrocious. Also why didn’t she start liking and talking to Gundham sooner on? Their romance bloomed late and it would’ve made for a better chapter 4 ending if they were a bit closer.
Kazuichi Souda
♡ Cool design and outfit, love his voice (also voices Kaito in V3) and his backstory is relatable at times. He’s also very human in that he’s scared a lot of the time or insecure or blames others in panicked situations. It’s not always a good thing but it’s human and realistic.
✘ Gosh he can be so annoying. Sometimes flirting or whining too much is well... too much.
Akane Owari
♡ Strong-willed and definitely someone I would be friends with
✘ What the hell is her outfit? Gymnasts and athletes don’t wear that shit. Stop objectifying her when it doesn’t even make the product or plot better. Like there’s absolutely no point to making her dress that way. I was a gymnast for 15 years. Even those who do parkour (which Akane seems to do more often than actual gymnastics in the anime and game) don’t wear what she wears. Also she’s underrated.
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
♡ I love him. He’s the DR character I’m most like out of all the games and anime. Tenko is a close second. I think he’s adorable, love his character arc, development, redemption, and love his voice.
✘ In the anime/despair arc, Fuyuhiko is not done justice. He doesn’t get enough lines, has a different voice actor, just doesn’t give off the same vibes.
Izuru Kamakura
♡ Sexy man long hair good.
✘ Boring character. I wish he were just Hajime.
Kaede Akamatsu
♡ Loyalty and leadership are such attractive qualities in her. Also she faced her death with such class and dignity and I respect her because I could never.
✘ Some of the voice lines Erika does for her are just weird and cringe. Just random moans or grunts... I don’t know it’s like when Ann Takamaki from Persona 5 (also voiced by Erika) makes suggestive noises as well. Just grinds my gears. Also hate her outfit down to the hair pins.
Shuichi Saihara
♡ I love his nasally voice. I love his design and he’s so adorable. I love how emotional and compassionate he can be. He ties with Makoto for favorite protag of mine.
✘ That sprite where he sniffs his hand. And his ugly ass hat.
Rantarou Amami
♡ Sexy man, sexy voice, sexy piercings
✘ Ugly outfit, and wasted potential
Ryoma Hoshi
♡ I respect him and feel bad for his outlook on life and for how poorly he views himself. I love his little hat as well and he’s the first “different styled” character (Hifumi, Bandai, Teruteru) that I liked the design of.
✘ I hate when he says “got a long ways to go,” it’s overused and annoying, and wish he gave himself more credit. Also hate that when you first meet him he warns you that he’s killed people and is dangerous to be around. Come on buddy, you know you wouldn’t hurt your friends. Stop pushing them away.
Kirumi Tojo
♡ Competence, well rounded, skillful
✘ Boring as hell. I wouldn’t waste one free time event on her.
Angie Yonaga
♡ Dark skin, super cute, love her talent as an artist myself.
✘ Gives religious people a bad name and is super manipulative which I hate.
Tenko Chabashira
♡ I relate to her and feel bad when she’s misunderstood. She’s a good person deep down. Also love her sprites.
✘ There’s more cunning, funny and clever ways to write her digs at men.
Korekiyo Shunguuji
♡ I’m in love with this man. Long hair, voice, mystery, mask, intelligence, passion, talent.
✘ He definitely was a victim of abuse and a lot of people refuse to see that and just hate him. Team Danganronpa should’ve given him a redemption arc where he realized his sister abused him and changed.
Gonta Gokuhara
♡ I love his design except for his suit. Also he’s so cute and naive. I cried for his trail.
✘ No need talk like caveman. Better way to do this.
Kokichi Ouma
♡ Like Nagito, I value his intelligence and crazy cunning.
✘ Shouldn't have died. Also shouldn’t have manipulated Gonta. That was just cruel.
Miu Iruma
♡ She has her hilarious moments and her death surprised me and was sad.
✘ Sometimes she lacks basic empathy, i.e. calling Tenko “Tencrotch” when she just fucking died.
Maki Harukawa
♡ Amazing character development. Didn’t see her surviving until the end at the start. Also her love and passion for Kaito.
✘ “Do you wanna die?” gets old.
Kaito Momota
♡ Just the overall best bro you could ever have.
✘ Has some toxic masculinity issues and anger issues.
♡ Pretty much everything about him. His design, his attitude and personality, especially how amazing and cool he is chapter 5 onward, his execution made me so sad. He’s so innocent and funny without trying.
✘ When you do his free time events he’s very arrogant and just talks about himself a lot... it seems odd and not similar to the Kiibo we see throughout the game.
Himiko Yumeno
♡ Super cute design, love her voice and “Nyeh...” and her sprites. Her character development is great as well.
✘ Why did they take so long to make her important and likable?
Tsumugi Shirogane
♡ An excellent and well hidden reveal
✘ I hate her. So annoying, from the voice to the references and her personality.
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chvrliesapcet · 3 years
ever since olivia rodrigo released her debut album, SOUR, i have been listening to it on repeat (totally not kidding). so, after seeing a girl on tiktok do something like this, but with the avengers, i was inspired to make this post. there you go:
the poets as olivia rodrigo’s songs.
trigger warning: mention of su*c*de and mental health issues.
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brutal: all of them. they’re teenagers, insecure sometimes, trying their best, but sadly not living the teenage dream (what is it, that fucking teenage dream, anyway?). “if someone tells me one more time "enjoy your youth, " i’m gonna cry” and they can’t quit what they’re doing, because their parents would most likely be hurt. “and they'd all be so disappointed 'cause who am if, if not exploited?” they once recited the lyrics of this song as a poem, during one of their meetings, and they were all laughing their asses off. life at hell-ton is brutal, what can i say?
traitor: knox, of course. “god i wish that you had thought this through, before i went and fell in love with you” or “guess you didn’t cheat, but you’re still a traitor” just hit different for him. he thinks about chris when he listens to this song, that’s for sure..! we can’t really blame chris for knox falling in love with her though,, sorry buddy.
drivers license: knox, again. poor boy listens to this song while riding his bike, crying his eyes out. “but today i drove through the suburbs, crying 'cause you weren't around” chris isn’t with that blonde girl, she is that blonde girl. knox has never felt this way for no one, and it’s hard for him to imagine that chris is, well, doing okay without him. he thinks and talks about her all the time. “and all my friends are tired of hearing how much i miss you, but i kinda feel sorry for them 'cause they'll never know you the way that i do”
1 step forward, 3 steps back: todd. like many people (including me!) when he listens to this song, he doesn’t necessarily think of a past relationship (mostly because he has never dated anyone before neil). he thinks of his mental health struggles, such as his anxiety, instead. it’s hard, sometimes. he thinks he’s getting better, but then realizes he isn’t.. “got me fucked up in the head, boy. never doubted myself so much. like am i pretty, am i fun boy? i hate that i gave you power over that kinda stuff” need i say more? this song is as soft, but as sad, as he is.
deja vu: keating. this is.. kind of a joke, but only because i didn’t know who to pair this song with. john was an original member of the dead poets society, and knowing that now, other teenage boys are taking turns reading poetry, in the old indian cave, reminds him of his teenage years. “so when you gonna tell her that we did that, too? she thinks it's special, but it's all reused. that was our place, i found it first” olivia’s music isn’t the type of music he normally listens to, but after hearing students (the poets) talk about her album, during his class, he decided he’d give it a try. he likes it. he loves the lyrics, mostly.
good 4 u: CHARLIE. he loves screaming the lyrics to this song. especially the bridge and the last chorus. “LIKE A DAMN SOCIOPATH!” cameron has to beg him to turn the volume down,, he doesn’t listen to him, obviously, and instead turns the volume up. his argument? ‘this song is meant to be played loud!’ to which cameron responds ‘but not that loud! i’m trying to study!’ he thinks looking at his roommate directly in the eye when singing “baby, what the fuck is up with that?” exactly the way olivia does is funny. cameron just rolls his eyes every time, but it’s hard for him to hide the smile taking place on his lips.
enough for you: pitts. although he and stev/phen are both super, super smart, i think meeks is the ‘genius’ of the group. and that, can, sometimes, make pitts feel like he might not be good enough for his boyfriend, whom he loves very much. “and i knew how you took your coffee, and your favorite songs by heart. i read all of your self-help books so you'd think that i was smart” whenever he doubts himself, meeks is the first to reassure him and tell him he’s more than enough, but still.. “'cause all i ever wanted was to be enough for you” he listens to this song with his earphones, always, so no one knows he listens to it on repeat.
happier: meeks. ever since charlie got expelled, he can’t stop listening to this song. these two were pretty close, (“he flatters me, that’s why i help him with latin”) and stev/phen doesn’t like thinking about his friend being in a new school, and spending time with other people. “so find someone great but don't find no one better. i hope you're happy, but don't be happier” he wishes charlie would still be with them, at welton, even if he hated it. “your friends aren't mine, you know, i know. you’ve moved on, found someone new” or “does she mean you forgot about me?” he’s being a bit overdramatic, considering charlie comes to see the poets at least once a week, and still attends the dps meetings.. but anyway.
jealousy, jealousy: cameron, because, yes, he’s smart and everything, but he’s still jealous of other people, and wishes he were different. he thinks he should be like the other guys. “all i see, is what i should be, happier, prettier, jealousy, jealousy” he also thinks that, maybe then, people would like him more </3. he knows no one really hates him, but feels like no one really likes him, either. and in his opinion, it’s because he’s.. him. “I'm so sick of myself, i’d rather be, rather be, anyone, anyone else” just like mr. k, this type of music isn’t what he usually listens to, but he relates to this song so much, he can’t help but listen to it at least once a day.
favorite crime: neil. just like todd, he doesn’t associate this song with a relationship he had in the past. actually, he thinks of his father (and his mom, a bit, too) and all of the things his dad forces him to do, even if it upsets him. “those things i did, just so i could call you mine. the things you did, well, i hope i was your favorite crime” i know we don’t usually talk about the canon ending, but i have to. mr. perry didn’t want his son to pursue his dreams, and planned neil’s life for him, which made him feel so miserable, he sadly committed su*c*de.. but then, his dad wasn’t blamed for it, to preserve his reputation. “and i watched as you fled the scene, doe-eyed as you buried me, one heart broke, four hands bloody” todd knows this was neil’s favorite song. he listens to it once in a while, in their room, alone, and cries.
hope ur ok: all of them. do they know how proud i am they were created? after all they’ve been through, especially their family problems, i’m glad they found each other. “she was tired 'cause she was brought into a world where family was merely blood” and even when life throws bad things at them, they always stay strong, and support each other through everything. they’re very brave. “well, i hope you know how proud i am you were created, with the courage to unlearn all of their hatred” i love them, my beautiful poets <33
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 328: Pandora’s Box of Discourse
Previously on BnHA: DEKU TOOK A BATH.
Today on BnHA: 
Also Naomasa grew a beard. Goddamn. 
please let this be a cool chapter that plays nice with my ADHD lol
(ETA: lol I feel guilty because a lot of people hated this chapter, but I’m just happy there was a lot of stuff to make fun of, and also that I have another week to work on my backlog of meta posts since the kids were MIA.)
around one month ago?? ah, okay, so we’re gonna find out what was in that Tartarus security file huh
I love that they just randomly set the place on fire
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was it necessary to do this in order to escape? no. was it a good idea to set the island they were occupying on fire while they were in the midst of still occupying it? uh. was it cinematic as fuck? fuck yeah
wow it’s a pervert!!
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that’s so great that the villains set loose this fine fellow who I’m sure is definitely not a serial rapist. truly the LoV is so noble and misunderstood. they’re just trying to free society from its chains people
oh my god??!
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SHANKED!!! oh my god I cheered for Stain before I realized what I was doing. time to have an identity crisis I guess
so he’s all “hey what’s going on.” which, while a respectable question, is something I personally would have waited to ask until I had put a bit of distance between myself and the fiery murder island. but that’s just my personal preference
Stain you really are tenacious I’ll give you that
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“what’s the point of escaping prison if you’re not gonna be smart about it” well shit. anyways yeah you’re dead right, society is in the process of collapsing and the outside world is in total chaos, good call there
oh shit
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I mean it’s not like we really expecting anything otherwise, but still. fucking brutal. I feel like these guys’ fates were decided the minute that one guy called AFO “scum” back in chapter 94. AFO is unmatched at getting long-term revenge
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ahh, was it the security footage??
fdsdfk he’s still alive??
and he’s immediately launching into an inappropriately theatrical monologue even as the darkness closes in on him fdlfksjdlk. you know, was it ever confirmed that the other guy back in chapter 297 was Seiji’s dad? I’m just saying
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very impressed that he’s still coherent enough to weigh the pros and cons before making the decision to gamble on giving this info to Stain, who at the very least has his own moral code and isn’t allied with AFO. it was definitely still a risk, but as we now know it was also the right call
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what a weird alliance. so Stain tells him that he’ll give it to a just person, and the guy is all,
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okay for real though I’m gonna need someone to run a DNA test on this guy. maybe it was some kind of cuckold situation?? the other guy had the family resemblance, but this guy absolutely 100% raised Shishikura Seiji and you are not going to convince me otherwise
anyway, so Stain is all,
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PRISON GUARD: “???? ??????? what the hell. what the fuck does that fucking mean. I’m dying here, jesus christ, whatever man fuck you”
(ETA: I kind of feel like this might have been Stain’s last appearance in the manga, given all the fanfare. there’s not really much else he can do for the story at this point, and he seems to have gotten all the character development Horikoshi was planning on giving him. so if this really is it, hasta la vista and good riddance I guess.)
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(ETA: I feel like this is meant to be evocative of that Sermon on the Mount painting, but in a really fucked up way lol.)
if it were me stumbling upon this scene I would just shake my head and walk right back into the flaming building. not getting involved in that mess. sorry not sorry. I’ll take my chances with the fire, especially given that it’s half-assed neutered BnHA fire lol
blah blah blah and so he decided to pass the info on to All Might -- HOT DAMN, HOLY SHIT
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“I really like that facial scruff thing Aizawa’s got going on, I think I’m gonna get in on that” yes sir. “also thinking of ditching the tie in favor of the bulletproof vest look. also thinking of getting totally fucking jacked.” good lord. except I’m pretty sure that’s just body armor, but also I don’t care. anyway I should probably stop staring and actually read the fucking speech bubbles here lol
“All Might first handed this information over to Nao, and then went to see Deku, and then came back to Nao” thanks for that tidy little summary Horikoshi. we are capable of piecing events together in sequential order, I just want you to know that. but thank you
“so has Deku finally gotten a bath? also, sucks that Stain saved the day, but what are you gonna do” Nao I missed you so fucking much and didn’t even realize. how am I just now realizing that you are the perfect man
for a second I was gonna ask why Tartarus’s security systems would be cut off from the outside world, and then I remembered that’s a basic security control, and then I actually got impressed by how sensible that is. like, it’s been a while since I could genuinely say that the good guys (excluding class 1-A) did something smart. not that it helped them much in the end, but still
anyway so they’re talking about how AFO was able to coordinate the attack by communicating between his horcrux self on the outside and his ugly peanut-faced self on the inside
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okay you have my attention. I am taking notes here lol please continue
ah okay so he says that prior to Jakku, the transfer of information between him and his Vestige self was only one-way. but post-Jakku when Deku was in the hospital, he was able to tell what was happening inside the OFA Radical Lisa Frank Dead People Book Club Realm when he touched him. I feel like we established that before, actually. but he didn’t talk about how it actually felt, though
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boy we already know this lol. yes AFO can talk with his horcrux self. and he can also communicate with his little bro in OFA too, let’s talk about that sometime why don’t we. what exactly does that imply, based on the rules we’ve established here
my god I cannot get over Naomasa and his fucking facial hair
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no wonder All Might was in such a hurry to leave Deku and get back here
like I have no idea what this radio waves nonsense is but my god, people
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that jawline. also so it’s a quirk, I see. except last I checked Deku didn’t have a radio waves quirk, so that doesn’t really explain his connection to AFO. but whatever, hopefully we’re at least getting closer to some kind of reveal here
(ETA: since I sometimes forget that other people’s lives don’t revolve around my theory posts, here are the two relevant links if you by chance want to know my thoughts about this.
Hagakure is still The U.A. Traitor™ regardless of whether Deku is passing information on to AFO through his psychic link, which he almost certainly is.
speaking of said psychic link, Deku is a horcrux.
just posting these now, because whenever trippy OFA stuff happens I tend to get an influx of theory asks. so hopefully this will be a bit of a time saver lol.)
-- wait, what
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THAT’S what the recording was??!? holy SHIT. I genuinely was not expecting that. y’all wiretapped his fucking telepathy. fucking quirks, man. wild
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-- oh shit wait lol, except I forgot we’re not talking about 38 days from the present, we’re talking about 38 days from the date the conversation was recorded. heh. um
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yeah that’s the face I would make too if All Fucking Might just casually told me we had eight days left until the end times
oh, pardon me. three fucking days
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r.i.p. anyone who thought we were going to have another band arc sob. I sure hope Deku is enjoying that nap
(ETA: I realize people were hoping for a longer rest period here, but given that the man warned us all the way back in chapter 306 that we were entering the final act, you can’t really blame him too much when that turns out to be true. anyway but I do recognize that we’ve reached the point in the story where this kind of discourse is going to become a weekly occurrence, simply because there’s no possible way for Horikoshi’s actual endgame to line up perfectly with the variable headcanons of millions of fans, all of whom have wildly differing and in many cases contradictory expectations which can’t possibly all be fulfilled. anyway, so I’m already bracing myself for that lol. this coming year is going to be a wild ride.)
damn, U.A. out here looking like the motherfucking United Nations
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-- is this U.A.?? I actually just realized, U.A. is four interconnected buildings, not two. wait holy shit is this Shiketsu?
wait holy SHIT
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based on the overwhelmingly powerful vibes of bureaucratic incompetence, I’m thinking this really is the (future) U.N., or whatever organization it is that deals with international hero stuff
“just let them handle it themselves I’m sure they’ll be fine” yeah okay, thanks guys. appreciate it
wait oh shit did he say that it’s not just Japan?
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soooo, what you’re telling me is that AFO is this close to bringing about the end of not just Japan, but the entire world, and you guys don’t think it’s a good idea to help the Japanese heroes stop him? so, genuine follow-up question: are you guys already planning your rich people exodus into space a la Wall-E, and that’s why you don’t give a fuck?? like, what??
omg international heroes
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these guys are from World Hoodie Mission, right? is this Horikoshi’s way of reminding me to buy tickets
(ETA: and it worked too lol.)
WHO??? WHAT???
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don’t tell me you’re introducing yet another badass new female character for me to fall in love with only to watch as you dismember them and/or blow them up, Horikoshi. I’m getting tired of playing this game my dude. don’t lie and tell me this time will be different. we’re not doing this again goddammit
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god fucking dammit lmao. [sighs and rips the previous paragraph into shreds]
on behalf of Americans I apologize for our superheroes always being Like This
I also apologize because I love her already and I’m gonna be shameless about it. so fucking shameless you guys
is her fucking hair red white and blue. it is, isn’t it
this is the volume cliffhanger, 100% lol. it will take every ounce of Horikoshi’s willpower not to put her on the volume cover. he’ll have to settle for the spine or the inner cover this time because Deku VS his class 1-a superpals takes precedence. but it will be a close thing let me tell you
tbh it’s that smile that does it for me. she’s definitely All Might’s protege. get out there and show them how it’s done girl. and maybe call Salaam and BRD and see if you can’t convince them to play hooky from their governments as well. why not. world’s ending in three days you guys. “sorry, I’m busy this weekend” ain’t gonna cut it lol
so while I am not fully caught up with Vigilantes, I have read far enough to know that there’s an American hero named Captain Celebrity whose superpower from what I recall is being a humongous douchebag. and while I haven’t read far enough to know what happens to this guy, I can’t say I’m very disappointed to learn that he’s no longer the number one hero in the U.S. (actually, didn’t they kick him out and that’s why he moved to Japan to begin with?). anyway, so my thanks to Horikoshi for having a marginally higher opinion of Americans than Furuhashi, even though we have definitely not done anything to warrant said opinion lately, and you may have inadvertently opened the door to a pandora’s box of discourse lmao
(ETA: lol I went into the tags and they don’t disappoint. “why is she dressed like a flag” because she’s an homage to Captain America and Major Victory and literally every other character on this list. again, I apologize for fictional American superheroes being Like This. “oh boy another thicc waifu to make the fanboys happy” look, tumblr fandom never seems to have a problem thirsting over Dabi or Tomura or Aizawa or Nao, lol, I’m just saying. “where is Captain Celebrity” idk, probably murdered by the exploding bee cartel, let’s just be grateful for our good fortune and try not to Beetlejuice the man.)
anyway, so let’s see if Horikoshi’s recent character development with regards to making Mineta not terrible anymore will apply to other aspects of his writing as well. I know I was making light of discourse just now, but I do think the complaints about him introducing yet another new character at the 11th hour to be cannon fodder in the final battle are absolutely valid. and again, it wouldn’t be a problem if he didn’t keep maiming/killing off his female characters one by one instead of developing them and letting them kick ass long-term. but that said, I will never complain about Horikoshi adding another female character to the series, regardless of how clumsy the attempt may be. go ahead and pander away, just give us more girl power lol
anyway so we’ll see how it goes, but I think I’m gonna be optimistic and let myself hope once again, even though I’m probably gonna regret it lol. it is what it is. she is standing on an airplane just chilling for fuck’s sake. I’m only human. anyway fingers crossed
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angelanimedesaray · 3 years
A Demon’s Promise Part 11:  Lights and Edges
AN:  There’s a bit of time jumping in this, across the span of a few months, cause this was going to get bogged down and drawn out if I was trying to write all this in detail, cause it was just a lot of general stuff, really slow plot, it wouldn’t have worked well.  So we’re jumping across the span of 7 ish months, and the next chapter is going to be around the 9 month point.
Characters:  Incubus!Levi, Reader, Ida, Asa, Isabel, Captain (You’ll see), Various BG Characters
Pairings:  (Eventual) Levi x Reader
Warnings:  Language, Blood, Gore, Violence, Death, Brutal Death, Major Injury, some Angst, Mentions of Sexual Acts, Heavily Implied Sexual Acts.  But also Domestic Fluff and Dad!Levi :D
Word Count:  12674
<----Previous Part    Masterlist    Next Part---->
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(Four Months Later)
*Reader’s POV*
You could have started small.  There were a thousand ways you could start trying to make things work with Levi.  But the first thing you did was try to force yourself not to hold the children hostage from him.  They were his children, too, and from what you could see, he loved them.  It wasn’t fair to him--cruel, even--that you kept the twins just out of his reach or sight more often than not, or you’d leave the room with them before he could even ask to hold them.
You needed to let him try to be a father.
You still didn't want him in your space, so if he asked to come in to do something, it was an automatic no.  You still needed boundaries, and that was your safe space, and he was going to stay out of it.
But when you left your room, you stayed conscious of natural excuses to let him hold the twins.  Maybe one of them needed changed.  You would ask him to feed one while you fed the other.  He seemed to be strangely pleased if he was asked to give them baths, which at first was just a gentle sponge bath in a special seat.  If your arms got tired or the wrap started to sit uncomfortably, you would pass them off to him to hold for a while.
Once he realized you were giving him opportunities to hold the twins, Levi stopped any and all pushing to be allowed around them, because you were giving him that time.  The most he ever did was offer help if you were struggling and hadn't yet thought to ask him for help.  Most of the time, you felt you had things pretty well handled.  But sometimes you were at the end of your rope and unable to figure out what it was that the twins wanted.  It was in those moments Levi tended to approach, stoically asking if he could try figuring out what they wanted.  Most of the time, they tended to calm down after a few minutes with him.
Which began to convince you that the twins just wanted time with their father.  And you weren't going to deny your twins that if it was what they wanted, as well.
So, gradually, over the first few months, you relaxed your grip, let Levi be with his children, let him wander the house with them, out of your sight.  He would take them both when you sat down to eat so you could have a peaceful dinner, or he would just take them for an hour or so just to be with them, usually reappearing when they were hungry or tired.  If they were tired and were going to do more than nap, he would bring them back to you so you could put them in their cribs in your room.  The cribs in his bedroom were still, at this point, unused.
By now, though, you were starting to trust him with the twins.  You'd seen him change around them, seen a bit of that indifferent exterior crack to reveal a surprisingly soft individual underneath.  You'd seen how gently and carefully he gave them their baths, how patiently he endured it if they were trying to gum his fingers, hair, or clothes--and how he discreetly washed his hands or changed his clothes afterwards, or how quick he was to keep dangerous objects out of their mouths 
Just because you saw how he was with the twins didn't mean everything between the two of you was magically fixed, though.  There was still tension between the two of you, though you were trying not to treat him like he was liable to go on a rampage and hurt you or the twins anymore.
Frankly, you were trying to pin down where that feeling came from in the first place.  Levi was a lot of things, but he'd never raised a hand to you, the twins--you'd never seen him physically threaten anyone.  You didn't want to admit it, but this concept that he was out to hurt you seemed to develop around the time you found out he was a demon.  Which meant it was probably entirely rooted in the fact he was a demon, which made you one hell of a hypocrite since your children were half-demon and would one day be full-demon, yet you held nothing against them and didn't fear any possible innate malice in them.
The duplicity made you hope maybe it was just rooted in how Levi had hurt you in the past in non-physical ways, and a fear with the reveal he was a demon and all those harsh words and suggestions that he didn't give a damn about you meant he might one day escalate to physical violence.
But again, he didn't show any signs.  It was just the fear you harbored in your mind, and he knew the fear was there.  He didn't complain, though.  He seemed to quietly accept and endure it.  He didn't react when you wouldn't let him touch you, or you flinched away if the two of you accidentally came into contact.  He never forced his presence upon you, and for the most part, made himself scarce and let you have your space.  But as much as that made you feel relieved, allowed some of the tension to drain out of your body...it also made you feel alone, in this giant strange house that wasn't yours.
That, oddly enough, was the next thing that you started to work on.  And it was from the stupidest whim, too, that you started to warm up to the house and finally, finally accept Levi’s statement that the house was yours to do with as you wished. 
The floor could be cold on your bare feet when you walked around the house, wood or stone, and one day when you found yourself reluctant to get off the couch because you were warm curled up with your feet on the cushions but the floor below was freezing in comparison, you'd wondered if any of those catalogs Levi kept updated in the bookshelf had rugs in them.
You went through the pile--new catalogs having replaced the ones that had been there when he'd initially showed them to you--and picked out the ones that looked like they might have some nice rugs in them.  You ignored the prices, just to test how far this offer actually went, and simply sought out one you liked best, marking the page and circling the item like Levi had told you to, placing the catalog in the other basket tentatively and then scurrying away.
The next day, you'd realized the catalog was back in the stack.  Not too much longer and the ordered rug was delivered, and after the basic questions had been asked by Levi, it was rolled out and covering the floor in front of and at the base of the sectional couch in the living room.
No complaints, no questioning if that was what you wanted, nor even any passing comments suggesting it didn't match the rest of the room.  Levi bought it and placed it for you without hesitation and the only question being where you wanted it and how it was supposed to lay.
Now that you knew he was actually going to follow through, you picked up a bit more confidence and went to the bookshelf a bit more frequently.  Browsing the catalogs became a pastime, at least for a little while, as you slowly redecorated the downstairs half of the house into something more to your taste.  At first it was just little things--curtains, rugs, a bigger coat and shoe rack by the door, a few plants, little things like that.  After that, you got things like baby clothes--the twins were growing, and from the advice you’d managed to scrounge up, you knew that they would burn through clothes like gasoline in a poor mileage vehicle.  Toys made an appearance, and soon decorations and little knick-knacks that caught your eye that you really didn’t need, it was more of a want.  He didn’t complain about those, but you /swore/ you felt a /look/ on occasion when the two of you happened to be in the living room at the same time when he came by to check the catalogs.  You were even considering trying to liven up the outside of the house as well--the ivy that had grown over the stone could be pretty if the yard was decorated a bit more--that way it would look decorative instead of abandoned.
Of course, you weren’t the best with plants, but it would give you something to do besides take care of the kids and lounge around all day.
That one thing ended up being the topic Levi pushed you on.  Not giving the twins to him to take care of every now and then, not making the place your own, it was getting out of the house that not even his blatant ‘hints’ could put a stop to.  You hadn’t found a part time job, and you’d only browsed a few things you could be doing on whims, never committing to anything, and if something really caught your eye, you ended up finding a way to do that at home.
It wasn’t healthy.  You were probably going to go stir crazy if you didn’t have something to get out of the house soon, but you were afraid to leave.  Maybe you trusted Levi to handle the twins when you were around, but there was something so much more real about leaving them in his care when you left the house.  Any time you thought about leaving with him to take care of them, something in you seized up with panic, and you quickly backed out.
Until, apparently, Levi had enough.
Four months old--he waited until the twins were four months old to give you the chance to get your life back in gear before he took matters into his own hands.
Levi making breakfast had become habit by now, and he was catching on to the things you liked and what you left untouched if he made it.  He still put variety into breakfast, but it was more personalized to your tastes now.  In fact, you had the sneaking suspicion he actually enjoyed this, enjoyed practicing his cooking skills and getting the chance to make at least the first meal of the day, even if he didn’t eat and the twins were still only drinking pumped breast milk.
He waited until you were halfway through your meal before he ambushed you, dropping what at first glance appeared to be a business card and a credit card on the counter beside you.
Holy shit, that was a fabled black card.
You stared at the credit card like it might bite you, brain crashing as you tried to figure out why he would throw something like /that/ at you.  How loaded was he?  Who did he have to kill to have that kind of money?
“Never seen a credit card before?” Levi asked flatly.  You were starting to understand that was just the way he talked, and he didn’t mean anything by his brisk way of speaking--it was just the way he was.  If he was trying to intentionally make a jab at you or piss you off, you would know.
“Not a shiny black one, no.”
Levi gave a soft, irritated sigh and pushed the card out of the way with his fingers, bringing the business card back into focus.  As opposed to the sleek black card, this was simple cream cardstock, with curly, almost cursive letters spelling out what was clearly a business name.  You picked up the card, arching an eyebrow at the name printed across the surface and staring at Levi.
“Rose’s Touch Spa?”
What was that supposed to mean to you?
“Turn it over,” he said with an exasperated sigh that you couldn’t even figure out what it was on your own.  You did, in fact, turn it over, and on the other side was a simple list of appointment information filled out by hand.  The date was written in light pink for today, in about two hours, a Platinum package for one already paid for.
Slightly alarmed, you looked up at him.  “Uh, what is--”
“It’s been four months,” Levi said, cutting you off before you could question or decline, his voice firm and leaving no room for argument.  “You haven’t left since you got here, not even for a jog.  That package is a full treatment, right down to all the amenities.  Take the day.  Relax.  Do whatever else you want, as long as it’s not here.”
“But the twins--”
“Will be fine here with me for one day until you get back.  You're not getting out on your own, so I took some initiative.  It’s not up for debate, you’re going,” Levi said flatly.
“You know I hate it when you make decisions for me,” you said hotly, but Levi didn’t rise to the bait, calmly pouring himself some more tea--the two of you were having breakfast alone while the twins slept after their morning meal, grabbing a rare quiet moment, so it was just the two of you in the room having this conversation.
“I left it to you for four months.  You didn’t do shit.  It’s not healthy, and I’m stepping in,” Levi said bluntly.  You chewed nervously on your bottom lip, mind suddenly buzzing with all kinds of things that could go wrong while you were gone, and that persistent, underlying, general sense of fear that wouldn’t leave you alone when Levi was involved.  “If you’re that worried, you have a phone for a reason,” Levi added at your nervous disposition.  However, he didn’t seem to be anywhere near changing his mind on the subject.  In fact, he was starting to clean up as if everything was already finished.
“They’ll treat you as a VIP, so you won’t have to wait very long once you get there.  You can probably leave thirty minutes before and get there with plenty of time,” he said casually, water running as he started scrubbing at the dishes.
You were quiet for several long moments, the only sound Levi cleaning up what remained of the morning breakfast mess.  “I don’t want to leave the twins,” you eventually said in a soft, barely audible voice.  Levi paused, appearing to consider your words for several long minutes.
“Your life didn’t stop because you had the babies.  If it has, it's of your own doing.  Nothing’s stopping you.  Nothing will happen to them while you’re gone.  They'll still be here when you come back.  I promise."
He didn't look at you while he said it, but there was a sincerity in his words that made you believe you could at least attempt it today.  It would do you some good to get out of the house, and to get a full package at a spa, and then do whatever you wanted with no limit to your spending…
It didn't look like much when it was just two cards on the counter, but he was really pushing to give you a day to yourself, a bit of freedom and fresh air.  Maybe you wanted to see ulterior motives in it and that was what made you scared, but you really needed to stop doing just that.  If you kept looking for problems everywhere, you'd find them, usually of your own making.  And one of his biggest complaints had been you twisting his words.
You were going to give him this chance, and if nothing bad happened...maybe you could stand to trust him a little more.
"Fine…" you murmured softly, taking both cards and tucking them away for later.  "You're not going to be busy today?"
"I don't have to be anywhere until Saturday."
Right.  One upside of being around all the time was that you were becoming quite familiar with Levi’s schedule.  He always went out on Saturday nights like clockwork, and always came back wanting to see the twins.  Every now and then, he didn't walk through the door like a normal person--he'd come from upstairs like he'd been home the whole time, which left you wondering how he got inside in the first place.  Another demon thing, maybe.  Usually when that happened, he was a little worse for wear and kept more covered up than usual, which only made you more suspicious about what was happening when he went out on Saturdays.
Then, of course, there were those hours he spent locked in the tower doing God knew what.  You hadn't snooped around to try and find out, and you'd told yourself you didn't want to know, but with how frequent it was, you were starting to wonder.
Thanks to the twins and their knack for waking you up at odd hours with their crying--and if one started, the other was grunted to join in--you'd also found out Levi didn't seem to sleep much, as you could hear him moving around the house at all hours of the night.  And in the early mornings, when the sun was just starting to rise, he tended to go out for a jog.  And Tuesdays were his cleaning day where he made sure the whole damn house was spotless.
So, you'd asked if it was all right with him because you didn't know if he planned on locking himself in the library again, today.
Well, apparently not, since he'd scheduled this appointment with the intent to get you out of the house all day.  Which meant you had no excuse.  The twins were going to be with their father today, and you were going to get out of the house for the first time in months.
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You hadn't realized how much you actually needed this say to yourself, no strings attached, until you were right in the middle of it.  When Levi had said he got you the full package, he hadn't been kidding.  An hour long massage, manicure, pedicure, haircut however you wanted it, facial, the works.  By the time you left, you almost felt like an entirely new person, and you realized you were suddenly faced with an entire town of things you could do.
Food was first, with you going to your favorite restaurant to get whatever you wanted--except alcohol, since you were driving yourself around.  After that, you went to the nearest mall and browsed, ogling the puppies in one of the shop windows and buying yourself a nice sun dress to go with your new makeover.  Strolling around downtown opened a few doors you hadn't been expecting, as you caught sight of one or two advertised classes or workshops that caught your interest, Levi’s suggestion that you pick up a once a week hobby that got you out of the house regularly flashing through your mind.  You finished up your night with a movie, the sun having set long ago by the time you left, and a longing to get back to the twins now firmly rooted in your chest.
You'd decide if you were going to commit to a weekly class later after some online research and contemplation at home.
It was strange having a home with a driveway and a large stone gate, how you had to park and get our of the car to open the gate before you could drive inside, and having to get out again to close it behind you.  You felt like you were driving up to some ancient, off limits castle instead of somewhere you were living.
I really need to liven this place up, you thought as your gaze flickered across the plain front lawn, driving the car up to where it usually stayed when it wasn't being used and putting it in park.  You gathered your things and, mindful that it was an hour that the twins should be asleep, you quietly entered the house.
It was completely silent inside, which put you on edge as much as it helped relax you a bit not to be greeted with chaos.  But Levi didn't appear to see who entered the house or show you the twins were fine, either.
As you set your bags by the door, you were fighting off fearful thoughts, things like Levi making off with the twins while you were gone.  So as soon as you were free from the things you needed to carry inside, you started searching, going straight up to the bedrooms and peeking your head inside to confirm that the twins weren’t in the cribs in either room.  You went up to the library next to see if the door was locked and Levi was inside, but it was empty.  At that point, you were starting to panic, hurrying downstairs in a rush to check the kitchen to see if Levi was feeding them in there--he wasn’t.  You were basically running when you checked the living room, and promptly came to a full halt at the scene inside.
Two bare feet sticking out from behind the couch caused you to hurry forward enough you could see what was on the other side.  The floor blanket playmat thing you’d bought a while back for the babies was spread out and plush on the floor, on top of the carpet for extra cushion.  Both babies were lying on their backs asleep, one of the baby blankets thrown over them to keep them warm and a few baby toys lying on the ground around them, like a rattle or a few stuffed animals.  Beside them, lying on his side with one arm draped protectively over them, was Levi, asleep for once as you’d rarely seen him do.  You weren’t sure he intended to fall asleep here, but he’d definitely planned on being here for a while based on the pillow he had under the elbow of his other arm, which might have been propping up his head before he fell asleep.
Frankly, you were surprised that none of them had woken up with all your running about.  And...you were a little glad, too, because now you got to see this scene.
You lingered, deciding against waking him up for the time being.  They all looked so...peaceful right now.  The scene was soft and warm, Levi’s hair falling gently in front of a face that was suddenly gentle and missing signs of hardness or harsh edges.  He looked perfectly comfortable and at peace lying there beside the twins, and you kind of wished he’d stay like this solely because...well, he seemed more approachable like this, at least to you.  He looked...sweet, lying there with the twins.  Even the twins looked slightly more peaceful than normal when they slept, like they were aware they were being protected while they slept, safe under his arm.
After simply gazing at the scene for several long minutes, you left them alone--at least for now--and retrieved your things by the door to put them away.  Almost all of it went to your room, so it was one quick, quiet trip and then you were coming back downstairs.  Levi and the twins were still asleep in the living room, but now you didn’t have an excuse to delay, and the twins really should have been asleep in their crib.  So, quietly, you knelt down beside Levi, reaching out to gently touch his shoulder to wake him up.
He took a sharp breath in as he stiffened, eyelids opening even though his eyes were foggy and darting around to take in his surroundings, leaning slightly back to look at you.  Once he realized it was you, he started to relax slightly, rolling his shoulders and starting to sit up.
“It’s late.  Let’s get them in their cribs,” you said softly, receiving a grunt from Levi in acknowledgement as he sat up and gently pulled the blanket off of Asa, wrapping Ida up as he gently picked her up, taking care not to wake her in the process.  You picked up Asa in the meantime, freezing for a heartbeat when Asa twitched and you thought he might wake up before, thankfully, he settled back down, and you were able to get to your feet without waking him.
This was one of the few times you would let Levi into your room, just for the few moments it took for him to safely put one of the twins in the crib.  He made sure they were covered and warm, lying on their back without anything in the way before he backed up to the doorway, leaning on the frame just outside your bedroom.
“How was the spa?” he asked you as he watched you situate Asa in his crib, watching the twins for a few moments just to make sure they really were going to fall asleep.
“Very nice,” you said honestly, a little part of you in the back of your mind grateful that the two of you had at least gotten to the point you could have simple conversation.  “I even rescheduled...a month out.”
Levi’s gaze wandered to the sun dress you had laying on the bed.  “And had a shopping spree afterwards?”
You shrugged, stepping away from the cribs and making your way towards the doorway.  Levi stepped out of your way and let you walk by, closing the door behind you before he followed you back down the stairs to the living room.
“Not really.  I browsed a few places, but didn’t buy much.  I had dinner, saw a movie, walked around downtown--just a regular night out,” you said simply, starting to pick up the baby toys on the floor.  Levi helped, especially since he’d contributed to the mess, folding up the blanket and putting the pillows back up on the couch.
“Will you be going out again?  Before next month’s appointment?” Levi asked casually, though you were well aware he was hoping this one day out had inspired you to get out of the house more.
“Maybe.  I’m looking at some things, I’ll let you know,” you murmured, playing idly with the stuffed animal in your hand.  “What about while I was gone?  They weren’t too fussy, were they?”
“They seemed fairly content.  I think they were looking for their mother sometimes, though,” Levi said honestly.  You appreciated the honesty.  As much as it tasted bittersweet that they’d missed you, you also appreciated that he didn’t try to claim they’d been perfectly happy without you, with just him to keep them company.  At least he hadn’t made it sound like they didn’t need you.  “You look different.”
You turned to look at him, stuffed animals in your arms with your hand wrapped around the baby rattle.  “You booked the full package, didn’t you?  It was practically a full makeover.”  You shifted, suddenly a little self-conscious, though you couldn’t for the life of you figure out why.  “Is that a bad thing?”
“Never said it was.”
An awkward silence lingered between the two of you for a few moments, what could have been a nice moment spoiled by the tension of the history between the two of you as you turned away.  “I’ve been running around all day.  I’m going to head to bed...I’ll see you in the morning,” you said softly, already leaving the room before you even finished talking.
You were tired, and you wanted to rest, but you also wanted to get out while the conversation was positive, leave things on a good note before the two of you had the chance to spoil it by accident or bringing up things that didn’t need brought up.
Let this moment stay a good day, a good memory.  Which was exactly what it became when you were able to fall asleep that night without any other incident.
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(One Month Later)
You had slowly grown used to the house, made it your own.  There were still a few things that made you reluctant to call it home, namely the continued awkwardness and unease living with Levi, but you were starting to be able to coexist with him, which was the important thing.  You had your spots around the house now, places you liked to be.  There was your room of course, but now there was also the library, where you liked to go up to the balcony floor to read, and outside, where you were working on some yard work to make the place feel more at home.  You were planning on putting outside toys in the back when the twins were old enough--sprinklers on a water hose for the kids to play in, a playhouse, swing sets, that kind of thing.  In the front, you were more worried about plant life--flowers, trees, bushes, the like.  Maybe put in some rock beds.  If you were lucky, maybe you could even convince Levi to let you put in a fountain or two--make the place look nice.  You were determined to put in the flowers, bushes, and at least one tree.  You still needed to talk to Levi to see if remodeling the front and back lawn was part of his ‘make this place yours’ statement, but you were drawing up plans for larger alterations while making the smaller ones like the rock beds, bushes, and flowers.
At the moment, however, you were looking for something a bit less laborious than gardening.  You just wanted some quiet time in the library while the twins were down for a nap, which meant you were heading up to the tower with the baby monitor on your person, hoping that Levi wasn’t currently holed up in there with the door locked, which would have meant your plans were entirely spoiled and you’d have to think of something new.
You paused with your hand hovering over the doorknob, able to hear Levi’s voice once again, faintly, from the other side of the door.
Shit, he was in there, which meant the door was probably locked, and you couldn’t go in.  So much for a bit of reading for your time to yourself.
You started to back away from the door, but paused, that curiosity that you had managed to keep at bay for these past few months cropping up much stronger and more intense than it had been, especially when you knew all you had to do...was press your ear up to the door for a few minutes and listen, just long enough to get context and figure out what might be going on behind that door, combined with what you saw of him afterwards usually--though usually he disappeared to his room or the bathroom directly afterwards unless he was needed.
You really should just walk away.  Part of you was afraid to know what was happening behind that door.  But at the same time, the curiosity was killing you.
Fuck it.  Just get it over with.
Slowly and hesitantly, so you didn’t make any noise that might give you away, you gently pressed your ear against the wood, closing your eyes to focus more on what you heard and not get distracted by the grains in the wood or something.
For a few moments, you didn’t really...hear anything.  Just soft but heavy breathing--well, if you could hear it, it was probably panting.  There was the softest grunt, and you heard him speak again.
“There.  Right there…” Levi said, his voice sounding a little strained and followed by a low moan.
Wait a second…
You strained you ears to try and catch maybe another voice, a different pitch, but all you could hear was Levi, no one else.  Which made you doubt your brief moment of almost realization.
But then you heard a low chuckle that made a tingle go down your spine in an almost conditioned response.  “Faster?  Impatient today, aren’t we?”
Oh yeah, that was definitely what was going on in there.  It would explain why the few times you saw him afterwards he looked disheveled and a little sweaty if he didn’t get a chance to clean up first.  As for the lack of a responding individual...well, either he was rubbing one out for himself, which would suggest a stupidly high sex drive bordering on addiction with how long and often he was up here, or he was performing for an audience that wasn’t necessarily here.
Whichever it was, you really didn’t want to be listening much longer now that you had a hint about what was going on in there.
Also, if there was an audience, it would explain why he wouldn’t want you walking in on that.
You shook your head after pulling away from the door and hurried back down the spiral staircase, trying desperately to erase the image that your mind easily called up with your...extensive experience with Levi what you were now forced to realize was hardly a year ago.  A whole year since the wild three months of regular wild sex that had led to the situation you were in now.
And now that you thought about it...he hadn’t once touched you since that last night.  Not at all.  Only accidental brushes or the occasional assistance with the twins, or when he’d carried you into the house that first night here.
You didn’t think you hated him anymore, after the past five months with him and the twins.  But you still didn’t like him.  Still, you couldn’t help but wonder...what were the two of you?  What were you now, and what were you going to be?  Was there even a name for whatever this arrangement between the two of you?
Maybe you just needed to wait a little longer and find out what would happen next.
But right now, you really didn’t want to be thinking about what he was doing up in that tower.  You’d been right the first time, it would have been better if your curiosity remained in check.  Now you were going to have to try and avoid thinking about what he was doing up there every time he locked himself in the damn library.
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(Two Months Later)
*Levi’s POV*
While domestic life was gradually getting easier between Levi and Y/N, especially with her getting out of the house for glass blowing lessons every week--that hadn't been what he expected her to pick up, but he wasn't going to complain so long as she was getting out every now and then--Levi was mostly focused on the twins, who had been growing rather rapidly.  Not abnormally so, just, he hadn't expected them to grow this quickly.  Y/N was practically ordering new clothes for them through the catalogues monthly, though he had a feeling she was also trying to get ahead of the growth spurt, buying clothes for one year and older as well and not just the seven months they were currently at.
With both of them not working, considering they were living off the mass of wealth Levi had stolen and accumulated over the centuries and the money he'd made in more modern times doing sex work, they were both there for many of the firsts with the twins.
Two months in, the now calm coexistence with Y/N had still been rough and more tense than anything.  But that had also been the time when Levi had entered the same room as Y/N when she was walking the twins around for some sight seeing outside the bedroom.  As he rounded the corner and approached, Asa had turned his little head at the sound of Levi's approach and smiled for the first time upon locking eyes with Levi.  It had cut him right to the heart--in a good way, and softened his expression immediately, a faint smile flickering across his face as well with the bright look his son was giving him, and one of his firsts, at that.
The first thing Asa smiled at in this world had been him.
Of course, he'd tried to hide it, simply because at that point he was worried about how Y/N would react knowing Levi got the first smile from the twins.  Thankfully, Ida smiled at her mother a few days later, which made Levi relax a bit once more with the relief of Y/N getting the same first with Ida, at least.  The last thing he'd wanted was her to have another reason to be jealous or upset with him.
Not that he could help it, or would apologize for it.
His son smiled for the first time when he saw him.  How could that make him feel bad, besides when he overthought it on his own time worrying about how Y/N perceived him?
While he dodged a bullet with the first smile thing, since it was split between the two of them, the first laugh was singular to him, and him alone, for both twins.  Thankfully that had been roughly around the four month mark, and Y/N had been far more tolerant and forgiving of him by then--hell, she’d been willing to let him take care of the twins on his own while she went out for a day to herself.  That was progress.
One of the twins he’d made laugh by accident, while the other was definitely on purpose, though he hadn’t known it was their first laugh at the time, so he’d felt a little guilty that he’d accidentally made it so he shared more of the firsts with the twins than she did.
Ida had been the first one he made laugh, and it had been entirely by accident.  Him and Y/N started to get into a bit of an argument over something petty, as usual, something that didn’t matter overall and was mostly fueled by the old wounds between them instead of the matter they were arguing over.  The twins happened to be in the room at the time, and in an effort to get the topic to be dropped so the twins wouldn’t have to be in the room as it escalated into a full-blown fight, Levi had looked away with his signature, dismissive ‘Tch’ sound.
That little sound had made Ida giggle and squirm happily while staring at him with a wide smile, which had effectively shut down any argument they’d been having in favor of the fact one of their twins had laughed for the first time.  More specifically, she’d laughed at the funny noise her father made, but still she’d laughed, and they’d both heard it.
And frankly, if she was around and he made that little noise, she would giggle at it.  It actually made him a little self-conscious of how often he made that noise.
Asa had clearly been the one he’d made laugh on purpose.  It had been while he was playing with the little boy, which right now consisted of simply tickles, silly little games, waving interesting objects in their face, that kind of thing.  Levi had been tickling his tummy and feet to keep Asa entertained while they laid on the floor, Asa on the play mat and Levi stretched out beside it, and as his hand came in for quick little tickles all across the little boy’s tummy and sides.  Asa had let out a squeal, legs lifting momentarily into the air and arms pinwheeling beside him and thumping into the ground at the tickles.
And again, Levi smiled in turn, not at that moment realizing it had been Asa’s first laugh.  That part came later, when he mentioned he’d gotten Asa to squeal-laugh while playing with him and he’d seen the downcast look on Y/N’s face.  That look had told him she’d missed something before she’d told him that was the first time Asa had laughed, and it had been because of Levi again, while she was out for the night at the glass blowing class she’d decided to give a try.
Again, he felt a little bad that he currently had experienced more of the children’s firsts by his own hand than she had, but he wasn’t going to let that taint the memories themselves.  They were still good, precious memories he was going to hold onto.
Like their first baths--actual baths, not the sponge baths they got for the first few weeks after coming home from the hospital.  That had taken some convincing, since that had been when the animosity was still fresh, but with Y/N’s supervision, he’d been able to give them their first baths, which he’d insisted on doing.  The twins hadn’t been sure how to react to the experience, both of them appearing to find it all strange and new, but not yet deciding if it was a good or bad thing.  Ida kept trying to grab everything he used to clean her to inspect them, but he kept it firmly out of her reach and stayed focused on very carefully cleaning every part of them so there wasn’t a trace of filth or stink on them, leaving their skin smooth and soft since he’d been careful they didn’t end up dried out, either.  In his opinion, they seemed a bit more active and squirmy afterwards, like they’d been pleased with the clean feeling afterwards despite the alien experience.
He was definitely there when Y/N started to slowly get them eating food instead of just breastmilk.  That was still new, since it was usually recommended around the six month mark, which they hadn’t passed that long ago.  It was strictly baby food right now, no soft melting finger foods yet, just spoon fed baby food, but it was still a graduation from breast milk, which had Levi excited that his anxiety over Y/N possibly being impatient to pump milk and feeding them straight from the source would finally be over when they graduated completely from breast feeding.  When he was the one feeding them, he was always careful to make sure they were paced no matter how eager to eat they might be, and that they didn’t get too much in their little mouths, so they wouldn’t inhale the food and choke.  And, of course, he was always trying to make it as neat of an experience as possible, to the point he’d gotten pretty good at catching stray baby food with the spoon without leaving any traces behind.
They were also able to sit up by now, in a way.  That one was Y/N’s doing--she’d apparently sat with them on the couch and discovered they could officially sit up as long as they were propped on something, which meant that they could play with some toys to entertain themselves on their own for a little while as they read or watched a movie or whatever it was that they wanted to do.  Y/N liked to prop them up on the crescent shaped pillow with a few baby toys within reach and read books from the library.  Levi, however, was still in a mindset to snatch each and every moment he could, just in case Y/N’s favor towards him turned foul in the future and these moments became scarce.  So when the twins were with him, usually all of his attention was on them.  He, of course, tended to have the lingering feeling like this was time he was being allowed to have and he needed to make the most of it.
Even though he was painfully aware of the fact that he and the twins had an eternity stretched in front of them as long as nothing terrible happened, and Y/N only had a few short years with them.  If anyone should be acting like every moment was a rare allowance, it was her, but she wasn’t aware she was on a clock, and he didn’t like to think about it--not at this early stage.  Let her enjoy these years of firsts and infancy in peace, let the memories be pure.  He’d tell her when they got a bit older.  While she still had a few years left, but after the first couple of innocent years had passed untainted by the knowledge.
They were rolling over now, too, which had Levi a little leery about the house.  He was thinking about officially baby proofing it, and just how gung-ho he wanted to go with it.  Considering they had twins and they were his children, it was probably better to be safe than sorry.
Ridiculous amounts of baby proofing it was.  Until some of them frustrated the hell out of him and he realized the lack of necessity for some of them through trial and error.  But right now, if they were going to be crawling around and exploring soon, all sharp edges and dangerous items and open electrical sockets needed taken care of.  And gates needed to be put up.  Fuck, were there baby gates for grand double staircases?
At the moment, it was a rare moment of familial quiet time in the library, the twins snoozing on the baby mat in front of Y/N piled on top of each other like kittens clutching toys and stuffed animals, Y/N curled up on the couch with a book down below while Levi perused his collection on the second floor looking for something he wouldn’t mind reading again.  A lot of the books here were ones that he’d read before and decided they were worth keeping a copy of because he felt they could be read more than once.
As he was passing by the window, moving from one bookshelf to another, he glanced outside, past the large semi-finished lawn and to the street he could view from this high up at this particular window.  However, his movement was brought to a halt in front of the window, gaze fixed on the same spot with burning intensity as he took a step closer to the window to get a better look.
There was someone standing on the opposite side of the street, looking up at the house with as much attention as Levi was currently looking down on them.  The people walking around on the street didn’t seem to notice he was even there, as if it was just open air.  The tingle on the back of Levi's neck confirmed he was seeing someone currently in between, someone keeping themselves unseen to the human eye.  He didn’t have a name for the person he was gazing at, but there was faint recognition.  He felt like it might have been one of the demons who had initially dragged him back to the Infernal Council trial that had led to Levi having to impregnate Y/N.  A vengeance demon, if he remembered properly, and not at all a friend.  A threat, at the very least.
Their gazes locked, and a dangerous burn entered Levi’s gaze, body tensing as he realized he couldn’t let confirmation of where he and the twins were living get out.
I see you.
Y/N wasn’t paying attention to him at the moment, thankfully, so Levi shifted into the in between himself, wings unfurling as he stepped right through what had been a physical wall, his wings controlling the rapid descent as he made a beeline for the other demon that was turning to make a run for it.  The other demon just had to get the information to someone else.  Levi just had to silence him before he could.
The other demon took off with bat-like wings smaller than Levi’s own draconic ones, trying to zip through small places and outmaneuver him.  Levi, however, wasn’t shaken, following with ease and rapidly gaining speed, coming closer and closer as they flew above the roofs of homes and businesses.  Finally, the vengeance demon made the mistake Levi had been counting on him making, and he tried to plummet down and enter Hell so he could shout the information to the nearest demons and let gossip and natural spread of information do the rest.
However, as soon as he tucked in those wings and started to plummet, Levi tucked in as well, diving with the speed and accuracy of a bird swooping down upon an unsuspecting mouse.  His arms wrapped around the other demon with a snarl, turning them both to the side and keeping them from shifting one more plane down into Hell.  They crashed to the ground, Levi making sure the other demon was taking the brunt of the fall before he jumped back up to his feet two paces away from the other demon.  As the other let out a frustrated growl and his twisted true form burst through, Levi’s eyes narrowed, his own human form bleeding away to reveal his demon form, wings, horns, tail, and all.
This was a slightly more matched fight.  Vengeance demons could be vicious, but they were oddly enough considered a lower class of demon like incubi and succubi.  Though he still had some nasty natural weapons Levi was going to have to be mindful of if he wanted to come out of this fight on top.  Like those claws he was staring at, or the fangs.  Vengeance demons certainly weren’t crafted for allure like incubi were, looking more like the Dracula vampire form in the Hugh Jackman Van Helsing movie.
Thankfully, one good thing about all the deals he’d been making and years he’d been gaining, was that he was pumped full of vitality and strength, more than he normally was.  Clearly the Council hadn’t been thinking about that little side effect when they put him in the position to have to make this damn deal.
The other demon lunged at Levi, who stood his ground and lowered his body into a charging position at the last moment, his horns now perfectly aligned to impale the demon that charged him.  When the other howled, Levi quickly backed up before he left his neck exposed any longer than necessary, moving out of range of those wicked claws that slashed at him.  Black ichor dripped down his horns and onto his skin, gold and black eyes flashing as he braced himself for another attack.  The demon lunged itself at him again, and this time Levi met him head on, hands flashing through the air as the two exchanged blows, Levi deflecting most of the others hits and landing a few solid hits of his own, causing black blood to spatter onto the pavement below.  Some of it, unfortunately, was his own.  Those claws managed to do a bit of damage even when Levi deflected since they were so damn sharp, breaking skin wherever they connected.  Levi ignored the sting, however, and stayed focused on the fight, stepping back and leaning away every now and then to avoid the snapping fangs that tried to savagely rip at any flesh it could come into contact with.
Levi ducked and weaved around the other demon, keeping his attacks quick, his movements agile, doing his best not to let the other demon land any solid hits on him as he methodically tore them apart.  The other demon could probably sense he wasn’t going to win this fight, his attacks turning wild and unrefined, Levi able to dodge almost all of them as he put the demon on the ground, pinning him beneath Levi’s weight as he proceeded to beat them to death.
It was a brutal way to go, but he didn’t have any demonic weapons on hand to finish him off, so it would have to be by his own hands.  Killing demons could be tricky, and this was someone he couldn’t let slip through the cracks and risk telling people where Levi and the twins were.
Mid swing, when the demon below him started to look like a bloody pulp, a sudden surge of strength from the being beneath him caught Levi off guard, and he felt sharp claws sink into his abdomen, slender, bony fingers pushed past--it felt like it went all the way through, at least barely.  Levi choked, pain wracking his body, but determination and fierce protectiveness for the little family he had back at that mansion pushed him through it so he could slam the full weight of his fist into the demon’s temple while its head was pressed against the ground, hearing a sick crack and feeling the hand that had impaled him go limp.  He didn’t remove it, yet, knowing that would only cause the bleeding to worsen and the injury to get worse, which he did not need right now.
A few more hits, and he was certain the vengeance demon wasn’t going to be getting back up.  There was no breath, no heartbeat, and he still did another hit or two--overkill, yes--just to be sure.
He needed to get back home.  He needed to take care of this, before he bled out and died.  This was arguably worse than the wounds Zeke gave him.
Being extremely careful he didn’t cause any more damage than was inevitable, Levi let his wings unfurl again, ready to take flight the moment he was free as he slowly pulled the clawed fingers out of his torso.  The demon beneath him was already turning a matte black and seemed to be crumbling, which confirmed that yes, they were very dead, and no one would be able to retrieve the information of where Levi and the others were located.
Though he really needed to figure out what trail had led the demon there in the first place.  He’d have to ask Furlan to look into that.
Those thoughts could wait for later.
As soon as the fingers were clear, Levi pressed his arm against the holes in his abdomen to try and staunch the flow of black ichor, wings already lifting him into the air with temporarily powerful beats in the air, carrying him as fast as he could manage back home.  By now Y/N would have noticed his sudden disappearance, but she was going to have to deal with his disappearing act a little longer.  He didn’t want her seeing this.
By the time the house appeared within view again, Levi was barely keeping himself in the air, head swimming as he bobbed and weaved almost drunkenly through the sky, breaths labored as he simply aimed for making it to the bathroom in the house.
It was a crash landing, Levi ending up curled up on his side on the cold floor as his demon form slowly bled away and gave way to his human form again and he fazed back to the physical plane, skin clammy and eyes half-open as his gaze roamed his familiar bathroom.  His foot weakly kicked the door shut.  He dragged himself over to the cabinet he kept the towels in, dragging out the black ones to press hard against his wound while his bloody hand reached for his phone to make a call--or rather, text--for help.
Human hands or means he couldn’t die from.  Demons and Angels, supernatural beings, that was another story.  Which was why he couldn’t let himself bleed out here in the bathroom.  He had two children that were going to need him after their mother was gone, and he needed assistance with this injury.
The bastard had actually gotten a good last hit on him, and he hated it.
I need help.  Don’t let Y/N see you, the text read when he sent it.  Now all he had to do was sit and wait and hope he didn’t bleed out before help came.
He was borderline unconscious when Isabel finally showed up, walking through the In Between so Y/N wouldn’t see her and she could just walk through walls instead of worrying about locks and doors.  Her words were far away when she picked him up off the floor and leaned him against the wall, but it didn’t take much to figure out what she was trying to say to him despite his current condition.
“Vengeance demon was watching the house.  Had to take care of him before he told anyone,” Levi murmured as Isabel got a good look at the injury, moving around the bathroom to find the first aid supplies Levi kept, water, more towels, things like that.
“A vengeance demon did this to you?” Isabel asked skeptically.  Levi snorted acerbically.
“Caught me off guard.  Guess I’m a little rusty,” he mumbled.
“It’s fixable, but it’s not going to be pleasant.  Your healing’s done part of the work already, but try not to move or fall asleep for a while.”
“I know the drill...Isabel...I don’t know how he found out about the house, but--”
“I know.  I’ll tell Furlan, see what we can find.  Maybe you guys should go to one of the other safe houses until we find out where the leak is.”
Levi shook his head.  “No...Y/N’s just started to settle in and get a life again.  I don’t want to move her.”
“Tell her it’s a vacation.  Go to that beach cottage you love so much.  Take the kids to see the ocean.  Just for a couple weeks, and then right back after we figure this out.”
“...Maybe.  We’ll see.”
There was a knock on the door, and both of them grew quiet, Levi becoming a bit more alert and trying to sit up as Y/N’s voice sounded from the other side of the door.
“Levi?  Are you in there?”
Levi cleared his throat, taking a moment to make sure there wouldn’t be traces of pain or weakness in his voice as he asked a quick, simple, “What?”
“You disappeared, I just...are you okay?”
“Fine,” he said, his tone almost curt, though he made sure it was soft enough she wouldn’t think he was angry at her.
“Okay, but...I have my class tonight, so you’re going to have to watch the twins in an hour or so.”
Levi cursed in his mind, grinding his teeth together.  “I’ll call Isabel, then.”
There were a few long moments of silence where Isabel stared at him, Levi well aware he just accidentally tipped his hand if Y/N had learned anything about him and how he felt about the twins.  He never gave up a chance to be around them and take care of them, and was always more than willing to have one on one time with them.
The doorknob rattled, the door starting to open since neither Levi nor Isabel had bothered to lock it--or in Levi’s case, hadn't been in a condition to lock it.  Levi quickly leaned over and pushed it shut before she could get it open enough to see what was happening inside, his hand pressed flat against the door and a low groan of pain escaping him at the sudden movement.  He hoped she hadn’t heard that, with how his face was maybe two inches off the floor, the sound quiet and maybe not heard over the click of the door shutting.
“I respect your privacy.  Do the same for me...please,” Levi ground out, tagging on the last part so he wouldn’t come off too harsh.  They were finally getting in a good place, he didn’t want to ruin that because he was hurt and his answers were a bit brisk right now.
There were a few moments of silence again, except this time, Y/N simply walked away.  Isabel was right next to him, a hand pressed against his injury to keep it from bleeding more since he’d just agitated it, helping him to get back in a sitting position.  This time he managed to keep the gasp contained, though the pain was spelled out across his face, surely.
“Babysitting?” he asked Isabel briefly as she got back to work on his injury.
“I’ve got it,” she answered just as quietly.
Damn, he was glad he had at least some friends to help him with all this.  He’d be shit outta luck if he didn’t have Isabel and Furlan.
Levi leaned his head back and let Isabel do her work, simply focusing on enduring the pain and keeping his eyes open as his mind raced with what he should do now.
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Predictably, Y/N hadn’t been open to leaving the house for a vacation when she was finally making it home and she had her weekly classes.  She’d been open to the vacation in the future, but right now, she wanted to stay here with the babies, and she had not been open to leaving.  So, Isabel, Furlan, and Levi had to work around that stubbornness to make sure the house remained safe, and Levi had to default to settling for his other, more long term safety measure.
It wasn’t a full solution, but it was a nice start, and it would do more than just add a bit of security to the property.
He had an unannounced day out besides a bit of a warning to Y/N earlier that morning, telling her he didn’t know how long he would be gone, but that he should at least be back in time for dinner.  She didn’t get angry this time--she’d stopped getting angry when he left, since now it was part of normal everyday life and the twins had been home for a few months now.  Not to mention, he rarely went out on days that varied from his usual, except when there was something he needed to do or get for them.
The first three-fourths of his day was spent searching for the perfect fit.  He went to several stores, some out of town, looking for the perfect one, which was a lot more difficult than it might have been for normal people.  The last small part of the day was reserved for supplies, which would be easy once he finally settled on his choice.  He’d done a bit of research two or three days prior, and he knew generally what he was looking for.  Now it was just the matter of finding the right one.
He was looking for a dog.
A puppy, more accurately.  Very young, probably recently started on the transition away from their mother.  He wanted a puppy so that he could start training early, and so that the little one could grow up with the twins and they could form a comfortable bond.  He already knew the breeds he was looking at, he’d narrowed it down to a Doberman pinscher or a German shepherd, and since he knew what age he wanted, it should have been easy, right?
No.  It wasn’t.  Not for a demon.  Dogs could sense the infernal nature in him, and they were not very welcoming whenever he walked into a kennel or a pet store.  Most of them growled or barked or were on edge when he entered.  It might have been another reason he was looking for a puppy.  If he got them that young, they could learn to be comfortable around him and the twins, instead of naturally being hostile.  But it was also making his search a little more difficult.  Not only did he have to find a puppy of one or both of the breeds that fit what he was looking for, he had to find one that took to him fairly well that wasn’t going to be on edge because of his infernal blood.
It didn’t help he could feel some judgmental looks from the caretakers whenever all the dogs responded negatively to him.  He ignored it, though.  If he looked long enough, surely he’d eventually find one that would warm up to him.
His search finally came to an end not at a pet store or a shelter, but at someone’s home.  They’d put up an add that their dogs had puppies and they were selling most of them, and he’d decided to give it a try.  The Doberman father of the puppies had admittedly tried to bite him when he arrived, but the owners had put the dog in another room and brought him into the room they were keeping the puppies in.  The German shepherd mother they had to put on a leash, because she nearly freaked out when Levi was brought into the same room as her puppies, but thankfully the owners were still letting him look.  Patiently, Levi took a seat on the ground instead of the couches, putting himself on the level of the puppies who were old enough to be wandering around and be separated from their mother if they were picked, but young enough they were still being kept around her.
Most of the puppies scattered and hid or went to their mother, but there were two or three brave souls who wanted to check him out and see what this new person that smelled funny to them was.  One left after the mother barked at them when they got too close, and another wouldn’t get close enough for Levi to touch them, but the third…
The puppy was a boy, more Doberman in coloration, but with a German shepherd lean in body structure.  He had little light brown eyebrow and ear markings, a soft light brown underbelly marking and up half of his legs, two light brown, symmetrical patches at the front of its chest, a light brown muzzle, and a little tuft of white/grey fur running in a stripe from nose to between the eyes.  This little guy ignored any warnings from his siblings and mother and went up to Levi, albeit hesitantly, who stayed still and let the puppy sniff him experimentally, occasionally jumping back as if he kept expecting Levi to do something before he would approach again.  When he got comfortable enough to linger around Levi, he carefully extended a hand and let the puppy sniff him, even letting it nibble playfully on his fingers before he very gently and carefully gave the tiny puppy a few gentle pets.  After that, he seemed rather confident, crawling right into Levi’s lap and looking for a comfortable position as he snuggled in.
Finally.  Ironic how it ended up being a mix of the two breeds he’d been looking for.  Or maybe that was part of what made it so perfect.
After that he just had to talk to the owners about price and what the puppy had already been given regarding shots and the like, and if they were already starting house training him or were leaving that for the next owner.  He had the whole discussion with the puppy in his lap, acting as if it was entirely normal that this was happening.  He had twins that happily lolled around in his lap--thankfully they weren’t crawling yet--so a puppy making a happy home in his lap was nothing.
After the discussion with the owner and paying, Levi left with one very tiny nine week old puppy who was already asleep tucked under his arm.  It might not have been the safest, but he let the little guy stay there and drove back to the best store he’d been to one handed, the puppy in his arms waking up at the drastic change in the air after the car came to a stop and Levi stepped inside.  He sat the puppy down in the grass to do his business before picking him back up in his arm and heading inside to get all the dog supplies he needed--with help from one of the store associates, who talked to him about what he’d need for a puppy, and he needed to talk to in order to set up training lessons as well--the basics, at least.  The more advanced guard dog stuff would have to wait until the puppy was older and would probably need a different kind of trainer.
He also let the little guy run around on the floor in the toy aisle to pick some toys while he worried about dog food, bed, leash, collar, food bowls, all that kind of stuff.  The collar ended up being a dark green and gold one, which he got a nameplate for at the kiosk in the store.
Which also meant he needed to come up with a name for the puppy on the spot.
He watched the little guy after filling out address and phone number for if he got lost, the name the only thing still needed as he watched the puppy bounding around, currently entertained with a canvas toy he was absolutely enamored by, tail wagging furiously as he gnawed on the toy.
Hmm...a guard dog...but he didn’t want it terribly cliché, so nothing like Cerberus, Spike, Fang, or anything like that.  Maybe something the twins might eventually be able to say with ease--in a way.
Levi cocked his head to the side, giving it a few more minutes of thought before he finally keyed in CAPTAIN in big letters to have engraved onto the golden name plate.
Once he had everything, Levi and Captain headed back to the car, all of the stuff loaded into the back and Captain getting a seat of honor in his lap where Levi could make sure that the puppy was safe during the drive--after he was let out into the grass again, just to make sure he didn’t need to relieve himself again before they got in the car.
Normally, he probably should have brought this up to Y/N first, but after the encounter with the vengeance demon, Levi wanted some kind of layer of protection for the family he now had to take care of.  He couldn’t ask Isabel and Furlan to constantly keep an eye on the house, and no security system in the world, no matter how state of the art, was going to be able to protect against a demon walking through the In Between plane.
But a dog, a dog could see--a bit--creatures that walked in the In Between.  Cats could, too--animals in general had always been sensitive about that kind of thing.  But a dog he could train to alert them when there was something in the In Between lurking around the property.  It could help if Levi wasn’t around, or if Levi wasn’t somewhere he could see with a glance out the window.  It was another layer of protection, even if it was slight, and it would help Levi have a bit of peace of mind that they would be a little safer on the grounds.  It would take a lot of hard work and training when the dog was older, training him to growl or bark a certain way when there was a demon in the In Between lurking around, but not to bark or growl at Levi or Furlan when they were walking around in the In Between.
He’d figure it out when the puppy was older.  Right now, it was all about integration into the house...and convincing Y/N to let the fact he’d done this without asking her slide.  And convincing her it was a good idea.
When he came home, he once again let the puppy in the grass to do its business, having been told by the store owner that the puppy was going to go all the time in this early stage and he’d have to be vigilant and patient, and that messes inside were inevitable until the puppy was old enough to be properly potty trained, and he eventually was trained successfully.
Twins and a puppy...he really was taking on a lot at once, but...he needed this extra layer of protection for the twins, and he needed the puppy to be young so he could get them used to demons, for his and the twins sakes.  He couldn’t exactly wait, either, considering the threat was real now, even if he wasn’t planning on making it known to Y/N.  Not yet, anyway.
Once Captain had done his business once more, Levi scooped him up and headed inside, leaving the supplies and toys in the car for now.
As soon as the door closed behind them, he heard Y/N moving from the living room, coming over to the foyer with Asa in hand and then freezing when she saw the tiny excited thing wiggling in Levi’s arms wanting to run over and check out the new person and the new surroundings.
“What the hell?” Y/N asked, sounding for the moment too stunned to be angry.
Levi kept a firm hold on Captain, unaware where Ida was and wanting to be safe for the time being.  He planned on Captain getting used to the twins scents and adjusting to being around himself and Y/N before he did an actual first meeting, so he was keeping a tight hold on the puppy for the moment.
“I know I didn’t give you any warning, but this...is Captain.  He’s going to be our new guard dog...eventually,” he said, scratching Captain behind the ear and watching as the puppy turned to investigate, nibbling at his fingers again.
“You got a puppy,” Y/N said blankly, still staring, though Levi didn’t miss how she held Asa a little tighter.
“A puppy can adjust to being around three demons.  And he can grow up with the twins, too, so they’re used to each other,” Levi explained.
“And you didn’t think to ask me first?” she asked pointedly, and Levi grimaced inwardly.  The question that he couldn’t get around.
“I did,” he said honestly.
“But you didn’t ask me.”
“Because it was something I was going to do regardless,” Levi said, giving the puppy little strokes along its head as it licked at the hand holding it.
“You should have asked me.”
“Yes,” he agreed.  “But it still doesn’t change anything.  We need a guard dog, and the best way to go about it is get a young puppy to raise with the twins and get used to being around demons.”
“We need one?” she asked incredulously.
“Yes.  A guard dog can do what a security system can’t for us,” Levi said calmly.  “I won’t be pushing any more responsibilities off on you--I’ll be training and taking care of him, you won’t have to worry about him, usually.  Except the few times I’m not home and he needs let out.”
“Are you sure having a puppy around the twins is a good idea?  What if they don’t get along?” she asked in concern.
“I’m not going to throw them together right away.  I’m going to have him get used to their scent and make sure he associates good things with them first.  And I specifically got a breed that’s good with children and families.”
Levi glanced up at her, realizing for the first time the connotations he was bringing to light whenever he referred to or thought of them as a family.  A dysfunctional one, for sure, unique and with strange relationships...but they were, weren’t they?  Children, mother, father, even if mother and father weren’t together and had a strained relationship.  Now they even had a family dog.
“Is Ida in the other room?” he asked, instead of saying anything about his use of family.
“Yeah, she’s napping on the floor, Asa wore her out.”
Levi nodded.  “If it’s all right with you, I’m going to get a few things from your bedroom with the twins scent on them for him to start getting used to the smells before meeting the three of you.  I’ll keep it out of destructive reach and put him in my room while I bring his things in,” Levi explained, waiting for her express permission before he moved.
Hesitantly, Y/N nodded, still looking a little upset and unsure about the whole thing before Levi headed upstairs to start getting Captain settled into his new home.
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Next Part---->
(Strikethroughs Couldn’t Be Tagged)
Everything Tags:  @antisteller​
Levi Tags:  @clary-quinn @humanitys-hottestsoldier @whalerus @sunny-flo @thirstyforsometea @hauntedhousecat @peaches-and-clouds @queenofcurse @wubbawubwub04 @lollobos @pasteldays @xcocolinox @itsmeaudrieee @macaronnv @tokyo-banana @apuci-kis-szornye @morgana-olson @yellowminb
A Demon’s Promise Tags:  @wo-ming-bai @rindulacre @seeeyounara @myherotrashbin @roseestuosity @drunkenlionart @mikamaek @logicallevi @whore-for-anime @krissykat0207 @september-sunsets @rockssocksthou @french-girl-online @kimuranini @tartxglia @beaniebanby @leviandhisgoonsquad 
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