#another reason I don’t want daisy in the mcu
cosmicqvake · 6 months
You know, no matter what anyone says, I’m glad AOS ended when it did.
1. It had a really solid ending for what it was, and that makes me very happy. Not to mention its seven solid seasons!!
2. The writers didn’t get the chance to think up SOME way to brutally traumatise Daisy even more by killing Sousa or something, because we all know they’d do that. :)
As much as I occasionally think I wish there were more episodes… do I? Do I?
No, no I don’t.
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magickgirl786 · 2 years
Fixing MCU Spider-Man (5/6)
I loved No Way Home and decided to watch all three of Tobey’s movies and both of Andrew’s movies as well as all of Tom’s MCU appearances after watching No Way Home and I have come to the conclusion that I really don’t like the MCU’s portrayal of Spider-Man/Peter Parker
This is because they decided to write him as a T/ony S/tark fanboy which goes against a lot of his characterization from the comics and previous film versions of him
So I decided that I am going to fix MCU Spider-Man and next up is Spider-Man Far From Home
Fixing MCU Spider-Man (5/6): Spider-Man Far From Home
Other than removing all of the “living up to T/ony’s legacy” stuff (which should be obvious with my other rewrites), the biggest change that I am going to be making in this movie is the removal of H/appy H/ogan. Sorry to anyone who likes H/appy and his relationship with Aunt May but I did not like it at all. Why would Aunt May decide to date the guy who literally blew off her nephew time and time again and acted like what Peter was doing was not important enough for him to care about and was one of the reasons why Peter nearly got crushed to death when a building fell on top of him? Yeah ... no.
This is why I am replacing H/appy’s role of saving Peter in Europe with Daisy Johnson from Agents of SHIELD because I just want her in an MCU movie already lol. To bring Daisy in to the movie, when Peter meets Fury for the first time, Fury is going to give Peter a card that has Coulson’s number on it and tell him that if anything is wrong, his first call is not to his family, it’s not to his friends, it’s not the Avengers, it’s to that number and when Peter calls that number for help, they send Daisy to help him
As for the relationship with Aunt May, instead, she gets to be single because another thing that bugs me about these movies is that Aunt May never gets to be her own character and her scenes are always about how “hot” Marissa Tomei is and she’s so much more than that so there is no H/appy and Aunt May relationship.
Instead of Aunt May sneaking the Spider-Man suit into Peter’s luggage, I’m going to have him leave the suit in the closet but then he’s going to look at the initials on his luggage “BFP” and remember his Uncle Ben. He’s going to look up, whisper “You were right, Uncle Ben” and take the Spider-Man suit out of the closet and pack it in his luggage
Also, with the scene with the banana and where we find out that Peter’s Spidey Sense/Peter Tingle isn’t working, I’m going to add a scene between Peter and Aunt May where she discusses that it took her the entire five years to come to terms with him being Spider-Man but she couldn’t be prouder of him and that she knows Uncle Ben would be too.
The other change that I am making is with the EDITH system because a series of drones that can neutralize any target at any time sounds an awful lot like Project INSIGHT from Captain America The Winter Solider and a little too HYDRA for me so instead it’ll be like how T/ony’s suits have JARVIS/FRIDAY and how Peter’s S/tark-tech suit used to have KAREN so it’ll be an upgraded version of Karen
The note from Tony will say “Thank you for telling me off and helping me become a better hero. I’m glad I had you and I am also glad I always had JARVIS and FRIDAY to help me. I hope that this software will help you become a hero even better than me.”
You can even keep the tech named “EDITH” to have that “Even Dead I’m The Hero” acronym and make it so that the AI can easily be hacked and made to do terrible things a la Ultron so Beck can use it for his evil schemes
Instead of the scene on the bus when Peter nearly kills them all with a drone, it’ll be that he’s trying to use EDITH to hack into Brad’s phone to delete the photo or whatever and something happens with the tech that makes the phone self-detonate or whatever and Peter uses his webs to get the phone off the bus and it detonates harmlessly outside the bus
After the battle with the fire monster, Peter will think he’s not a good enough hero and give EDITH to Beck as Beck was the one to save everyone from the fire monster and not Peter. During this conversation, he’ll talk to Beck about losing someone important to him but he won’t be talking about T/ony, he’ll be talking about Uncle Ben so in the illusion scene, instead of it being T/ony’s grave, it will be Uncle Ben’s grave
When Peter is in the Netherlands, he calls the number Fury gave him and Coulson sends Daisy to get him and when the Quinjet lands, Peter recognizes Daisy as Quake from the news (because of course Peter would know all of the heroes/vigilantes he’s such a fanboy lol) and asks how does he know she’s real and not an illusion. She’ll do something similar to the Skimmons scene in 4x15 where she quakes Jemma gently to prove she’s not an LMD. We can make it similar to how LMD’s couldn’t replicate Inhuman abilities, that Beck’s illusions can’t do that either and he believes her and they go off to save everyone
Instead of Peter using S/tark tech to make his suit, we’ll have it that Fitzsimmons have uploaded all of Spider-Man’s suits to some sort of mainframe on their Holotable on the Quinjet and Peter uses those schematics to design his own suit
Daisy uses her hacking skills to find Peter a back door into the EDITH system and the drones that can’t be detected by Beck (because she’s just that good of a hacker lbh) and then goes off to help MJ, Ned, Betty, and Flash while Peter fights Beck
I’m going to make it that Daisy can’t use her powers because if she does it will alert Beck and his team that she’s there so she’ll rely on her SHIELD training and fighting skills instead because lbh, Daisy could easily take down everything with her abilities lol
There are no other changes because I liked everything else about this movie. the only thing that I didn’t really like that I am not sure how I would even change is the fact that Beck was a disgruntled former employee of T/ony because this is now two villains in two of Peter’s solo films that have been villains because of their hatred of T/ony and they literally just beat up this poor child because of his connections with T/ony like what lol why can’t this kid have his own villains jfc but that is such a minor detail so whatever lol
Also I loved the Spideychelle scenes and hopefully my addition of MJ to the end scene of Peter and Ned in Avengers Endgame helps to make their relationship and their feelings for each other more organic and less out of nowhere
Finally the end sequence with Beck revealing Peter’s identity stays the same.
Next up will be fixing Spider-Man No Way Home!
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smiledog15578 · 3 years
OK BUT CAN WE TALK ABOUT LIKE... who the real villain is in wkm?
I think we all know who it is it’s pretty obvious it’s the house but I honestly think we don’t talk about it often? Literally that’s the mf who’s the real bastard here. ITS THEORY TIME 😼
While actor Mark is an asshole and technically a villain he wasn’t like like that before. Hell he was a generous man helping his friends and was a loved man. When Celine left his ass he was venerable af and the entity was like “TIME TO MANIPULATE THIS MAN FOR MY OWN GAIN” and made him the asshole the way that he is now. I think actor Mark thinks that he’s in control oh shit because he might of been told that but really the house is pulling the strings and making him believe that. He’s literally just about chess piece to use for this evil game of chess (lol analogy)
I’d also like to point out that Celine might of left actor because the house told her to. At the time actor wasn’t vulnerable especially with having a good life with his wife and having an outstanding career and the house probably didn’t like that. So in order to make him weak it took the only thing that he lived at the time, Celine. Another reason she left was because of bad vibes. That house is just infested with bad juju and Celine being a seer noticed that over time but back then since it was kinda discouraged to divorce especially for a women to do it luckily William knew and took her in. William has lived in the same house actor lived so I’m guessing he’s aware of the evil it contains since when he gets turned into Wilford hell even during wkm he isn’t weirded out by the things happening to the house and other weird shit. He was trying to protect Celine. Now again I just wanna say the adultery doesn’t excuse it still a shitty thing to do and William is still a stubborn a hole just as much as actor.
HOWEVER this situation is like novel: The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald (1925). (Btw if you don’t want spoilers skip this) in the book, daisy cheats with Gatsby behind Tom’s (daisy’s husband) back because like I said either during those times it was shunned for women to divorce their husbands and during those days women weren’t really independent back then. They were VERY pressured to get married and have children etc etc. Tom was an asshole to daisy and was even cheating on her but of course men and women back then had double standards where women couldn’t or should do this and same went for men. and I’m not saying that Celine didn’t love actor cause I’m sure they did love each other so much but it kinda explains why she left him other than just because. I also don’t think Celine was necessarily abusive nor do I think actor was at the time. Things got heated and the only scapegoat was to leave him and never return to that house again.
Another thing on my tiny pea sized brain is about the houses world. I have a theory that the house has created a universe inside it while Everything out side it is the original universe (or just our reality idk). This is why George (the groundskeeper) doesn’t appear in any of the new videos is because he wasn’t in the house during all this mess (in the character world idk if the actor for George just didn’t wanna be in the series but then you have to wonder why his portrait isn’t up in the hallway dark made in AHWM). You can think of the house as if it’s a movie set or a green screen. To us and the actors we see these worlds and weird shit when in reality there’s nothing there. Nobody actually dies in this universe because like movies no one actually dies they’re just not on the set. Even the side characters don’t really die cause us as the viewers revive them be just rewatching the video. Wilford knows people won’t die because 1. He’s seen his friend get up and walk around after being dead and 2. He knows that when people “die” they just come back by the help of your Or the entity. He acknowledges that in AHWM where he states that we can PAUSE the video. Almost none of the characters except Wilford has acknowledged that which makes me think he’s a lot smarter the we think or just has more common sense. Wilford is forgetful sure but that doesn’t mean he’s stupid he was a colonel for crying out loud one of the highest ranks in the US army lol. I’d like to also point out that Wilford uses this set ordeal to his advantage most importantly. In WKM we see William do it too by appearing one place then teleporting to another place. Kinda think of the house as the 3rd dimension. Wilford “escapes” that dimension to a new plane and can come back when in reality he’s just leaving what the house is previewing to everyone in the house. Everyone else In this universe except maybe actor, Wilford, and dark know that you don’t have to play along. These people in the houses universe are programmed to believe that they can’t escape have HAVE to play a character.
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(Spoilers for wandavision) when I watched wandavision not that long ago it made me think about the MCU (not marvel cinematic universe😏✨ MARKIPLIER cinematic universe) and how it’s kinda like that. Wanda in the show creates this force field out of grief where everything inhabits it is turned into her liking of what fits the narrative. People are being held hostage to just play a part in Wandas sick tv show SHES made for her and her husband. People outside the forcefield are just normal people but once they put a person, object, etc it gets turned into what WANDA wants. I think that fits into the mcu because the house is EXACTLY like that. These mfs haven’t aged at all because time isn’t existing for their universe. Abe thinks that he’s been tracing down William for years but Mark said that “he thinks that but really wmlw is right after wkm” (that’s paraphrasing go watch the wmlw to get a better explanation LMAO) but like I said the house makes you feel like it’s been only years or days but it’s not even close to that.
With that all being said I don’t think anyone here is the real villain here or the hero. Like Mark said They’re all human which they have bad and good traits the only thing that’s the real asshole is the house. It’s like it’s a living breathing purgatory that creates chaos
A GAME- or a youtube .. YouTube theory? YEA A YOUTUBE THEORY!
now mind you I’m not the best at writing so I’m sorry that none of this made sense feel free to correct me or chime in with your theories but I just wanted to share my theories and ideas :) and if you made it those far I’m sorry I wasted ur time HSJSJDJJSJD
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lokigodofaces · 3 years
thoughts on loki ep 2: the variant (spoilers)
under cut to not disturb your scrolling
Overall I enjoyed so that's good
Uh frick my mind blanked so sorry if things are completely out of order
I don't know, I expected the renaissance fair to be 2012 or 2021 or 2024 (Loki's time, our time, current time in the "sacred timeline"). So I was genuinely surprised when it was in 1985.
Ok, i really like the title card thing. And how the year scrolls around. It's a nice aesthetic touch there.
I wonder why the female Loki variant chooses her locations? Does she have a thing for renaissance fairs, French cathedrals, and Oklahoma?
1985 is when Back to the Future came out. And it's y'know, one of the most popular time travel movies ever. So I think they chose that year as a reference.
Again, not liking that the minutemen only have numbers, not names. It is giving me lots of Clone Wars vibes. If you don't know anything about Clone Wars, the clones are given number identifiers by the Kaminoans. Things like CT-7567. The clones would give themselves names (CT-7567, for example, names himself Rex). A really good sign throughout the series that someone is a sketchy person is if they call the clones by their numbers. The clones don't want to be known as numbers. They are people too, they deserve names, so they come up with all sorts of creative names (Rex, Fives, Cody, Tup, Hevy, Hardcase, Echo, Waxer, Boil, Wolffe, Jesse, Kix, Fox, Hunter, Wrecker, Crosshair, Omega, Tech, Matchstick, etc). The jedi respect this, and the only jedi that i can think of that called clones by their numbers is Krell, who fell to the dark side. the Kaminoans and other sketchy people all call them by their numbers and the clones don't like it. A big focus of the show is on the clone's agency (at the end, they all have brain chips that take away their agency and force them to kill jedi), and how the clones need to be respected. So for me to see in another series that people are only given numbers is bad. What's worse is that the minutemen are fine with this. They don't see it as dehumanizing or belittling. They are brainwashed into being okay with it. Which says a thing or two about the Time Keepers.
did. did the renaissance fair really have Bonnie Tyler's "Holding Out for a Hero" for their renaissance themed fight? Is this normal? Was it normal in the '80's? We saw later that the female Loki can do electronic stuff. Did she rig it to play it? For the vibes?
Also the stuff before the song was about fighting for a princess, and in the end she kidnaps C-20.
Okay, btw, I'm just gonna say Lady Loki for a while because no one has explicitly said Sylvie yet, so I'm going to refer to di Martino as Loki until she or another calls her Sylvie. Cool? Cool.
I was thinking the "Holding Out for a Hero" fight would be the roomba fight or something. It is such a good song that has huge potential for this genre. Why did they use it in a lame fight as that one?
When Lady Loki did the spell on C-20, it looked similar to what Wanda and Agatha can do. As in, it had similar visuals.
Loki reading a random magazine he finds while sitting with his feet on the desk bored out of his mind because he has to learn sh*t is a MOOD.
What is Miss Minutes? She can jump around anywhere, and pop into computers. But she can't be just a projection. She took the effort to dodge Loki swatting at her, so that may mean she was corporeal. She also could be something similar to the Kree's Supreme Intelligence?
So, did Mobius give Loki the shirt, tie, and slacks, but really didn't give him the jacket until they had to call him in? What? That makes no sense? Did the TVA not have any jackets with the variant label? Did someone have to custom design a jacket for Loki?
What is up with this show giving me things I wanted to see only in holographic form? First we saw Coulson's death, and now Loki in his Jotun form in a holograph of another variant.
Okay, Loki being someone the TVA has to constantly deal with is very on brand. Loki is a creature of chaos, of course he's going to unknowingly rebel against the sacred timeline.
Also, headcanon that the Jotun Loki we see is king of Jotunheim because that would be epic.
Also, for personal reasons I choose to believe there is a Loki variant that defeated the Avengers and immediately went queer rights.
Loki's reaction to there being many Loki variants. He's seen what his life is supposed to be. I think he is even more upset that the TVA often deals with him, that there are so many things that could have been instead if it weren't for the TVA and the "sacred timeline."
Also, I totally think Mobius was waiting for another Loki to show up to help him defeat Lady Loki. They get them so often, it makes sense.
Loki explaining the difference between illusion projection and duplication was great. And very helpful to me personally understanding lore. Also, Mobius, get your crap together. If you're a Loki expert, figure this stuff out.
Loki calling the TVA out on propaganda, we love that.
The wolf quote is actually very nice, I quite like it.
Okay, the TVA doesn't even bury or cremate or do any sort of ritual for their fallen minutemen, they just reset the timeline. Which to me seems like another way to show how little the TVA actually care for their workers.
There are statues of the Time Keepers in Ravonna's office. The camera pays extra attention to it. Keep reading for more about Time Keepers and cinematography choices.
What. What sort of relationship does Ravonna and Mobius have? What is going on there? I am really confused.
Who is this "analyst on the side?" What is going on there?
Ravonna is MEGA SUS. Along with that, the Time Keepers are mega sus.
She signs R. Slayer. Yeah. Slayer. Not at all subtle, Marvel. Letting us know that she'll do the deed if needed.
Mobius you are sending me mixed signals. What do you want?
Okay, Mobius saying Loki was a "cold, scared boy" and an "ice runt" and stuff was totally a jab at Loki being Jotun.
Mobius saying Loki is insecure because of Lady Loki is...probably true.
With the elevator, the camera stops and focuses on the Time Keepers.
The Creation of the TVA, the beginning of time, the end of time, all classified. That is sus.
Loki almost crying over Ragnarok was good. Let him cry over the destruction of his home.
Loki being the one to discover something the TVA had no idea about after a day is on brand for Loki. And it shows how the TVA really are vulnerable.
Mobius: Really? In front of my salad?
No but the object lesson was well done and actually did help me understand what Loki was talking about.
Casey! Casey drinks grape juice! Imagine how confusing this is for Casey though. Loki is captured, threatens to gut you like a fish (whatever that means), and now he's dressed like an analysist, stealing your juice box. Does Loki get Casey more juice?
Honestly, Loki looking at everything logically and scientifically is fantastic. Adds to the science = magic thing Marvel's got going on, since Loki is a sorcerer.
Loki saying volcanoes are cool is fun. I agree. Volcanoes mean the planet is geologically active, which means we won't die. Also, there is a volcano named Loki on one of Jupiter's moons. I wonder if the creators knew that and put Loki in Pompeii because he is already linked with volcanoes.
Mobius telling Loki to start off small and Loki completely disregarding that felt very personal to me.
Loki being absolutely chaotic and telling everyone they were going to die while speaking perfect Latin was iconic. I want more of that content. Let the man be buckwild.
Again, Loki finding something out after a day that the TVA never knew about is on brand.
"Be free, my horned friends, be free!" I love that way too much.
Mobius being obsessed with jet skis wasn't something I expected, but I'm down for it. Heck, even Loki admitted they were cool.
The discussion on beliefs is going to lead to saying the Time Keepers are bullcrap. Hopefully.
Grapes and nuts are "candy" on Asgard. So, when Loki was eating grapes in Ragnarok, we can interpret that as him eating M&Ms. Second, this might add to something I've seen around here. I've seen things about a book somewhere with Loki saying chocolate fountains are mythical (which is really funny to me). So, I guess Asgard really doesn't have chocolate.
Oh my gosh, so many apocalypses between 2047 and 2051...hopefully none of those happen in real life.
Roxxcart is probably part of Roxxon, something that has been around in Iron Man movies.
Lady Loki got the shovel thing from Roxxcart that she left in Oklahoma! The minutemen said it was from the early third millenia, which is where we are now! 2050 also fits that category!
I saw something about the file saying Class 8 hurricane...there are only 5 classes...which means this is a crazy storm.
Does B-15 want Loki dead? This is a legitimate question, because I think she does. Dead or pruned.
Loki looking around at the storm, I love it. This could be him loving science, or him missing Thor, since Thor creates storms. Also, at this point Loki probably things Thor dies shortly after him in the sacred timeline, so Loki would be particularly sentimental about Thor.
I love Loki drying himself off and not anyone else. And B-15 yelling about his magic. And Loki's motions are so fluid, it's so aesthetically pleasing, I love it.
Dudes, I thought B-15 was going to try to prune Loki when they were alone.
Okay, was Lady Loki bsing about the azalea sale, or does Roxxcart actually do that? I want to know.
Wunmi Mosaku did a really good job as Lady Loki, I loved it.
Loki being annoyed at Lady Loki and saying he understood how Thor felt, does that insinuate Loki can do what Lady Loki was doing?
B-15 and C-20 were both very shaken after being possessed by Lady Loki. I wonder how that felt for them? We've had different explanations of mind control/brainwashing/similar from Clint, Bucky, Daisy, Mack, Fitz, and Monica in the MCU (including AoS). I wonder what is specific to Lady Loki's possession.
C-20 kept going on about something being real. What was that about?
C-20 revealed the location of the Time Keepers to Lady Loki!
Lady Loki not wanting to be called Loki could be a sign she is Sylvie.
There's something weird where Loki's voice echoed around while the camera focused on Lady Loki. Maybe she's telepathic?
Someone needs to keep a tracker on people telling Loki this isn't his story in a show literally about him.
But, that does add to themes for his life, and how everything was always about someone else in his life. He was always a supporting character for Thor, for Odin, for Thanos. Now, even in his own story, everyone insists he doesn't matter.
I was wondering what the reset charges would be used for. I wasn't expecting a massive bombing of the sacred timeline! Wow! That was unexpected and I loved it!
Okay, this isn't from me, this is from New Rockstars. But to list all the places mentioned on chronomonitors, either bombed or not: Knowhere, Barcelona, Niflheim, Dartford, Phong Nha, Lisbon, Vormir, Thorton, Cookeville, Asgard, Rome, Sakaar, Barichara, Porvoo, Ego, Titan, New York City, Tokyo, Hala, Kingsport, Xandar, Beijing, Madrid, Portland, Jotunheim. Bolded are other planets. Those are almost all the planets visited in the MCU. So fun easter eggs there!
I like Lady Loki's aesthetic. The fingerless gloves, the cloak, I love it. And YES SHE ISN'T SEXUALIZED. So many genderbent characters are excuses to sexualize women. But Lady Loki is just as covered as the male Lokis.
Lady Loki just...left the time door open for Loki to follow...for a really long time...I'm worried he's running into a trap.
What is Loki going to do now?
Theory time y'alls: Lady Loki bombed the sacred timeline to flush the minutemen out of the TVA, leaving it defenseless. And she's gonna go after the Time Keepers themselves. We know she gets into the TVA from trailer footage, and that's what I think we're gonna see next episode. I think she (like the Loki we are following) is upset over the lack of free will, and she plans to change that. That's why she wasn't interested in helping Loki "take over" the TVA, because she doesn't want to become the leader of a new TVA, she wants it destroyed.
Alright, back to the Time Keepers stuff. They keep focusing on the middle Time Keeper. Even in the end credits they have a weird cut to focus directly on his face. I'm not 100% on this, but I like this theory. That face is similar to Jonathan Major's, the actor confirmed to be Kang the Conqueror in Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania. Kang is a well known time travelling villain in Marvel. Maybe he is Kang, and is using variant versions of himself (that's a Kang thing in the comics) to mess with the timeline, and no one expects that from him. Also, Renslayer was his S/O for a bit in the comics, and they keep framing her in front of that one Time Keeper's face. I feel like this would be a good way to set up Quantumania and to show how sus the Time Keepers are.
Also, Loki was absolutely adorable the entire episode. And he got to sleep! Yay for him!
Again, I enjoyed, and can't wait for next week!
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Writer Meme
@loved-the-stars-too-fondly tagged me!
What’s your all-time favourite ship?
To write? Skimmons or Daisy/Jemma, of course! I only created the AO3 tag and wrote about 2% of that tag, that’s all.
How many works do you have on AO3?
106, which is spread out over ten years, but damn lol.
What’s your total AO3 word count?
2,045,848 words, at least half of which is mallverse (1,088,386 words) and again, stretched out over a decade, but still!
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
connect the dots and draw a different picture up AKA mallverse (873)
you've been dropping hints like bombs on me (661) (the first Skimmons high school AU)
you are the ditch I tumbled into running blind (526) (the first Skimmons fic on AO3! and part 1 of my s1 canon-adjacent series which I stopped in the middle of)
dropped my caution, stopped my watching (352) (part 2 of s1 series)
turning the lights out, burning the candles (235) (our first Skimmorse smut!)
Do you reply to comments, why or why not?
I do sometimes, usually if somebody asks a question or mentions something in the fic I’m really proud of/excited about. I used to pretty consistently but I got very lazy about it in my old age.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I literally went through every single fic of mine trying to answer this question adequately lmao. I don’t...this is the opposite of my brand, I take angsty ends and I make them go away! But I suppose disregard the details of this strange elusive world, in which Lady Sif teleports into Westeros and helps Daenerys Targaryan out in multiple ways (some of them sexy), ended sort of sadly because they obviously don’t get to see each other anymore after that. I mostly just wanted to give this fic a shoutout because I think B and I did a really good job on this and for obvious reasons it doesn’t get a ton of attention.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
This is also difficult because most of my fics ends happily? But I ended up going with forever going with the flow, but you're friction, which is the SHIELD AU B and I wrote where everybody is popstars and it’s Kara/Melinda and I just think it’s very cute.
Do you write crossovers?
A lot of what I write is like, a merging crossover where everybody in SHIELD are stand-ins for the cast of Dollhouse or Buffy or Phantom of the Opera. I have on occasion written a proper crossword, like this series where Sif just fucks random women from other canons (and the MCU because sure why note).
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Not as often as you’d think? There was the incredibly funny comment (abridged for length) on mallverse from a person who, to their credit, was mainly expressing “this fic is not to my taste” rather than outright hate:
Anyway, you also have this habit of turning entire chapters into soapboxes to stand on. You turned an entire chapter about the 4th of July into a PSA about how fireworks are bad.
Also, just a personal question… why ignore the canon couples that actually do work? Bobbi/Hunter, Tony/Pepper, FitzSimmons, Matt Murdock/Karen Page… they’re all GREAT relationships helped by vibrant characters, and they’re not even given an ounce of credibility insofar as being acknowledged, let alone played-out. Scott Lang and Wilson Fisk aren’t even *in this story* as far as I know, but their partners are mashed together into these oddball pairings… why? But then maybe I missed something in the story, or just haven’t reached that point yet in the narrative, I don’t know…
As for the lopsided way in which you write characters of one gender versus characters of another gender… that kinda got under my skin after a while. I kept waiting for some semblance of equality in the way in which the characters are portrayed to crop up, but either it isn’t going to happen or I just haven’t, and won’t, get around to it; as of this chapter, the writing is very heavily weighted against the male demographic of your story.
We also used to get people mad at us for tagging too much on that story lol. Other than that, I’m actually shocked that I haven’t gotten more outright hate, because I sure did mock and/kill Ward frequently and with great relish.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
LOL do I write smut. Part of my brand is/was a Skimmons kinky smut series B and I wrote together. Also we have a different series of Defender f/f smut sometimes ft. Matt Murdock, a valid man. Oh and some Dark Fate smut too, if you prefer that. I used to be very scared of it but now I’m slightly more comfortable!
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I had an incredibly hilarious experience wherein someone emailed me to let me know that part of this Skimmorse threesome B and I had written had been stolen - but pretty much immediately it became one of the funniest things that has ever happened to me because the person who stole it just couldn’t write for shit, and also they repurposed part of the explicitly consensual fluffy threesome (which contained previously established pet/scene names, also) into Raina kidnapping the three of them and sex pollening them into having sex in front of her, and also they distinguished the parts of the fic that they wrote from our writing with “MINE” AND “NOT MINE.” Also in their author’s notes their excuse was “i can’t write good sexual fanfic” and “from Mine its min again” [sic]. Here is an excerpt from their writing (I kept screencaps on my phone bc this amused me so much): (content warning for the worst written sexual demand you’ve ever seen in your life)
The two other girls regain consciousness and both exclaimed “Where are we!!!” “I don’t Fuck’in know” exclaimed Bobbi. [...] “What do you want” cried Jemma “Simple, you three will have sex for me NOW” Raina exclaimed. “NO” all three girls shouted. “Tough, you will”
It was so fucking funny and after laughing my ass off I immediately commented like “uh excuse me, please take this down, I do not give you permission to use my writing” and they did, to their credit, take it down immediately and post an apology in which they claimed “i had writers block” [sic]. I left them a (frankly, nicer than I should have) comment with some basic writing tips and then never heard from them again. We still quote some of the above sections sometimes in private conversations.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
A really lovely German reader translated I'll sing you every known love song (until you can sleep through the night), a very old Red/Snow fic from the five minutes I was in OUAT fandom.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Lololol this is half of my brand - originally it was because B and I were long-distance and our “dates” were basically just writing fic on Google Docs until 2 AM every night, and now it’s just like, well, I like writing with her! She’s the only person I think I could cowrite with, really. I tried text RPGs in high school and even those were just so stressful because I don’t like giving control over to other people when I write.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I feel bad that I left off that Skimmons s1 series where I did, but I really can’t go back now - part of the authenticity of it was that I was writing it as the episodes aired.
What are your writing strengths?
I feel like I’m pretty good at character voice, not least because i have the ability to keep “sound clips” in my brain of how characters sound and test what I wrote against that. I generally like my dialogue too. I asked Brynna out of curiosity and she says I write animals and animal behavior well, which makes me happy because i really try. Like with my werewolves AU, I tried REALLY hard to keep the wolf behavior realistic while still retaining some of their human characters and I feel like I did a good job with that.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I feel like I sort of just meander around for awhile until I stumble upon plot points like they’re holes I trip into. y’know?
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I do it occasionally but I try not to unless I’m pretty confident I’ve got an accurate translation because I don’t want to be insensitive.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Technically, I wrote Winnie the Pooh fanfic when I was 2-6. Back on ff.net, my first fanfic was a Cyberchase interview with the cast. And on AO3, surprisingly my first was You and Me, Old Girl, just a short little character piece about the Eleventh Doctor and the TARDIS.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
What a terrible question lmfao. I think in terms of sheer like, emotional and mental effort I’m going to say say you will, the 45K Endgame AU I wrote where Clint dies instead of Natasha, and also Natasha and Laura have a romantic history. i wrote this as a love letter and also a goodbye to both Natasha and Laura, and also I made all the Barton kids autistic and I love them all so much because at this point they’re basically my OCs, and I did so much work to make the timelines work out, and I’m really proud of it. Obviously it doesn’t get a ton of attention, but some people have really enjoyed it and that pleases me.
Tagging @unwind-myself @swiftzeldas @theomenroom @purlturtle and uhhhh. Anyone else who wants to, I’m so bad at remembering which of my friends write fics, I’m sorry!
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missroonilwazlib · 3 years
So I was just randomly thinking about cool ways they could reintroduce AoS characters into the new Marvel tv show lineup, and here’s a few I thought about. (Only going to focus on the original first season cast for now, although I might share my thoughts on where I think characters like Mack and Yo-Yo could go later.)
-Coulson, well this one I could see them doing very easily. In fact, there are technically two ways I could think of that they’d bring him in. Obviously, there’s his Chronicom/LMD version as it stands in the sort of current timeline (obviously not sure how they would explain some of the timeline discrepencies, although that could easily be explained by the quantum realm, as depicted in the show) either way, they could just bring that version of him in to one of the shows (like the Hawkeye show for instance.) in that scenario, they wouldn’t even have to explain to the wider non-AoS audience, how he’s alive, because of the whole “it’s actually a robot version of him” but it would also be rewarding to AoS fans to do it that way.
The other way they could bring him in is through the multiverse, which we already know it’s going to be a thing. While bringing an alternate universe version of him would be the nicest because he would actually be brought back from the dead rather than just brought back as a robot, it wouldn’t be as rewarding to the AoS fans, since he probably wouldn’t have all the AoS history intact. Of course, we could always get the best of both worlds and have both versions of Coulson show up at one point or another in a future Marvel show. I do think that if it’s the second version, the best place for him to show up would be in the Loki show, since that seems to focus on alternate timelines. (Would also be interesting to see Coulson coming face to face with the guy who killed him the first time.) Alternatively could imagine him in a future season of WandaVision, assuming the Multiverse is something it’s heading towards. If it’s just the LMD version, then I could definitely see Coulson showing up in Hawkeye probably.
-Melinda May, another easy one, being that she teaches at Coulson Academy, which probably means she still works for SHIELD. Could see her showing up pretty much anywhere, except for maybe the Loki show. Best place would probably be Hawkeye, or if a tv show spin-off of Sword happens (hopefully starring Monica Rambeau, Darcy Lewis, and Jimmy Woo,) then I could definitely see her as something of a recurring character. (Especially since it was implied in the show that Melinda May knew Woo personally.)
-Daisy Johnson, definitely could see her joining one of the shows with the new superheroes or any shows involving Sword, assuming that’s where she’s working now. Ms. Marvel in particular would be a good place for her to have a recurring role. Could also see her being the character who branches off to the movies, too, along with Coulson.
- Fitz and Simmons, now this one’s a little more tricky because they’re basically semi-retired and have a child. Also, don’t think any of us want to see them put through the ringer after everything they went through in the show. That’s why I’m thinking the best place to have them show up would be to make them recurring or guest star characters in a more comedic show. Which means definitely not Falcon and the Winter Soldier or Hawkeye, which I assume both would be on the more serious side than some of their other lineups. Now, if there’s ever a spin-off series featuring Monica Rambeau, Jimmy Woo, and Darcy Lewis solving crimes, like I mentioned earlier, then this would be by far the best place to reintroduce FitzSimmons to the wider audience. Not only would that keep them out of harm, but it would also allow the actors to return to the old school humor of the first season, which is something I’m sure us AoS fans would like to see. In fact, I feel like that would be a good show to have any AoS character show up in, like May, but I feel as far as which AoS characters would be the most ideally suited to showing up in that kind of spin-off, it would have to be FitzSimmons.
Also, random aside, but another interesting thing I wouldn’t mind seeing, at least with Fitz, is have that evil Doctor version of Fitz show up in something like Loki. De Caestecker did a great job in that role (as much as I hated seeing Fitz be evil in any way.)
-Grant Ward; yeah, sort of a forgotten character in comparison to the others, but he was part of the main cast for the first three seasons, and I almost feel like, if they bring back AoS for another season, he should be integral to it, and it was kind of a missed opportunity not to have him show up anywhere in the last season during all of that time traveling. Now, unlike Coulson, or really any character I mentioned so far, there’s really only one way you COULD bring this character back, and that’s through the multiverse. However, don’t think they could reintroduce him anywhere but in a season 8 reboot of AoS. In fact, if AoS is rebooted, I feel like the focus this time around would have to be on the Multiverse, because while they certainly toyed with the idea a lot in AoS, they were never able to truly explore it, most likely because of what they were and weren’t allowed to do because of the MCU. But since they would be working more closely with Feige and company, then there’s no reason for them not to, and that’s where I think Ward would fit best.
Anyway, those are my thoughts for now. As I said, I’ll probably do another separate post about where I think Mack or Yo-Yo would make the most sense to show up. Hope you all enjoyed reading my musings, though.
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livingandthriving · 4 years
My AoS S7 rant
SO. Here’s why I’m having a hard time with the Daisy/Daniel romance they’re trying to sell us. Aside from the fact that I just don’t see a romantic spark between the two of them and that it’s pretty rushed (they’ve only known each other for what, a week at this point? And we’ve only got 4 episodes left), the only way this would even be possible would be for Peggy Carter to be an idiot. A massive, massive idiot. Because only an idiot would break up with someone who is perfect for them.
@eggsaladstain wrote a lovely post on how sweet and caring Daniel is and how he complements Daisy’s intensity and impulsive nature and how it’s important for someone like her to have someone like him to back her up and pick her back up when she needs it. And to an extent I agree; Daisy definitely needs someone like that in her life (which is why I was never a fan of the Deke and Daisy pairing either: Deke’s a good guy but he’s still a walking disaster half the time and Daisy needs somebody more grounded). But here’s the thing: all those things that (on paper at least) make him perfect for Daisy are the very same things that make him perfect for Peggy. And the character of Daniel Sousa was originally created to be Peggy’s future husband, and they were canonically a couple by the end of Agent Carter. Which begs the question: why in the world would they break up, especially after all they had to work through in order to get together in the first place?
Season 1 of Agent Carter shows Peggy slowly coming to terms with Steve’s (apparent) death and by the end of the season she’s gotten to the point where she’s accepted it and is ready to move on, and we get the first hint that Daniel’s massive crush on her might not be so one-sided after all. In season 2, a misunderstanding and some lingering insecurities have caused Daniel to pull away, and between that and having another guy express interest in her, Peggy has to do a bit of soul-searching and determine exactly what (or rather who) she wants (summed up in what is arguably the trippiest sequence in the entire MCU and which also features Enver’s magnificent singing voice *swoon*). And she comes to the conclusion that a) she wants Daniel and b) she is NOT going to let her second chance at love slip through her fingers again. So, once the bad guys have been defeated and the misunderstandings cleared up along the way, she makes her move – after Daniel basically dares her to. Because he knows now how she feels about him and knows that she might need a little encouragement to act on said feelings: she might be recklessly impulsive when it comes to a lot of things, but after what happened with Steve she is understandably more cautious with her heart these days. And hoo boy, is it satisfying. The epic kiss she plants on him is one of my all-time favorites (I rank it right up there with the Philinda kiss from season 5). It’s been a long time coming, but they are finally on the same page.
So, after all that, I’m expected to believe that Peggy just dropped Daniel like a hot potato because Steve happened to show up (or possibly an unrelated reason)? Nope, I’m not buying it. It would mean her forgetting 2 years’ worth of character development and suddenly being unable to appreciate the exquisite specimen of humanity that is Daniel Sousa, and I just don’t see that happening. Not with competent writers, anyway. Which begs the question of why the AoS writers, who are some of the very best I’ve ever seen, would go along with such blatant character assassination. I can only assume they felt obligated to tie in the show with the movies somehow and figured that the best they could do was to put Daniel with somebody who appreciates him. A fix-it of sorts. It’s a nice idea, and certainly better than leaving him to be alone for the rest of his life and/or assassinated by Hydra (because he definitely would have noticed the infiltration; good job on that one, AoS). But honestly, I think they would have done better to just ignore Endgame altogether, which they could easily have done, seeing as they already changed the timeline at the end of season 5. All they had to do was show that in this timeline, the Snap never happened (which they inadvertently implied with season 6), therefore Endgame never happened, therefore neither Steve nor Peggy were idiots, and when the team shows up in 1955, Peggy and Daniel are happily married. And maybe Daisy sees them together (or at the very least sees how much Daniel adores and respects his wife) and decides that she wants that too. It would still be tricky to realistically have her find love again in just 10 episodes, especially with the time jumps, but they could at least show her resolving to keep an eye out for a man who complements her the way Daniel complements Peggy.
All that to say, a romantic relationship between Daisy and Daniel could only happen at the expense of Peggy Carter’s character development, and I am 1000000% Not Okay with that.
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popculturebuffet · 3 years
The Legend of the Three Caballeros: Dope-A-Cabana Review (Commissioned by WeirdKev27)
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Salduos Amigos! Since i’m covering a full series, i’d like to welcome any newcomers to the first part of the epic final stretch of THE RIDE OF THE THREE CABLLEROS! For those of you just joining us, a few months back WeirdKev27, easily my biggest supporter as the only one who comissions any reviews from me, asked if I could do a big project for him: a comission of EVERY major american apperance of those three happy chappies in matching serapes. Give i’ve ALWAYS loved the boys ever since house of mouse and had been sitting on Legend of the Three Cablleros for far too long, more on that in a minute obviously, I happily agreed. Plus the rather nice influx of cash from the comissions was very welcome. If your intrested in comissioning your own, hit me up via my direct messages. It’s 5 dolalrs an episode, though I do do discounts on orders of 3 or more, and 10 for a movie, with again discounts for orders of more than one. And yes that plug was very shamless, but again I have no other job than this.  Back to the point these reviews have taken me on a wonderful journey: I got to rewatch the movie and revel in the fun songs, acid trips and super horny Donald Duck, got to both revisit one of Don Rosa’s best story and read another all time classic from the man I hadn’t before, took a trip back to the house of mouse to hear some great songs and see some great cartoons.. and some not so great ones, took a small detour to Mickey and The Roadster Racers to be baffled and annoyed though I am proud to say it was my first review back after I came down with Cornovirus and lost a week of work time. And finally I covered the town where everyone was nice, and got to see the boys have a joyous reunion with Donald and be lushly animated while.. Dewey jackassed around in a B-Plot and Webby resisted the urge to throat chop him. It’s been a long ride and you can find all of it is so far RIGHT HERE IN THIS CONVIENT LINK ! CLICK IT NOW IF YOUR CURIOUS. Point is while this was well paid for.. it’s easily one of the projects i’ve been most proud of and while i’m sad to see it winding down, i’m proud of what i’ve done so far, and I just wanted to heartily thank Kevin for the ride and for being so generious as to fund the whole damn thing. Your a good dude man. 
Which brings us here, to the grand finale. The Legend of the Three Caballeros! As the boys first starring roll as a group since the movie, there was really no other way this retrospective could end, and since I have a terrible problem with procastination and really hated this series version of daisy I just kept pushing back watching the series until now. I’m not proud of it but I am happy to correct it and hope you’ll all come along with me.  Before we get started I could not find much background on the show. It was directred by Matt Danner who was the character designer for the utter classic Xiaoilin Showdown and currently works on the Muppet Babies reboot, so i’m happy he’s still getting work. Otherwise I couldn’t find much. The most I could was on tv tropes, claming the series was orignally meant for Netflix.. and while I have no proof and this could easily be conjecture.. i’m inclined to belivie it. The series was apparently done long before the Ducktales reboot, to the point Frank Angrones was only vaguely aware of it and it didn’t even remotely impact the series, with Panchito and Jose only debuting in Season 2 because the original idea for bringing them in was scrapped. So while I don’t have proof.. I’m inclined to belivie it since it makes sense: Disney DID have a healthy relationship with Netflix once, setting up the MCU shows and likely being happy there.. but eventually they wanted their own corner of the sky, and likely didn’t want one of their shows bolted to the network like all their marvel shows were.  The problem this created though is Disney was CLEARLY left with a show they no longer had a place for. But even with that the show was still done, they COULD have put it on the Disney Now app or just aired it on the Disney Channel. See if there was any fan intrest in season 2 or throw one into production to at least beef up the episode count. I mean the Cabs have a built in fanbase, kids would likely love it... it’s the logical choice. But this is Disney. They’ve had to be drug kicking and screaming into representation, to the point they had to be fought for the gay romance subplot in owl house to happen, try to hide that the Sparkshort “Out” is about a gay man struggling with coming out despite having you know reams of content on the service with either gay subtext or out and out gay characters, and their attempts at doing representatoin to score points in other little ways.. have been pathetic, easily missable bits in movies that could , and have been, edited out in more homophobic countries. My point is yeah i’m still sore about how they and a LOT of the animation industry have to be dragged into doing the right thing over profit, and they often make very stupid decisions for seemingly no reason. They are a good company a good chunk of the time.. but Disney has done fucked up quite a bit. This is one of those times.  Instead they dumped the show on the Disney Life app in the phillipines and slowly some other countries, basically the Disney Now equilvent over there, and then just sort of forgot about it until Disney Plus launched. And given how many shows they HAVEN’T put on the streamer for again, seemingly no reason, it is a nice suprise the show finally got a release on there in the US. But before that, and proving what a massive mistake just abandoing the show was, the show did gather a massive fanbase via people uploading the episodes online. So yeah the show was treated REALLY shittily for stupid reasons, but thankfully it still has a fanbase to this day and said shabby treatment, as it always does, just encouraged fans to support it harder. So naturally i’m more than happy to give the series some spotlight as fanbase or no, it badly needs it and Disney sure as hell dosen’t want to do it. So if somebody’s gotta do it, might as well be me. This is the Legend of the Three Cablleros.  We open on some narration from Xandra, Goddess of Adventure. Granted she hasn’t been identified yet, and won’t be till next episode.. buuuut it’s easier on me to not have to dance around her name so your learning it now. But Xandra narrates that long ago there were epic battles against the good and the evil and all that by epic heroes, and it’s all cumilated in the Legend of the Three Cablleros. Post title drop we’re treated to the boys, in cool looking armor and with neat weapons, fighting a purple monster man as you do in an really beautiful and epic sequence As this scene illustrates the animation for this show is GORGEOUS, a lavish update of the standard disney style with nice use of shadows. It feels almost film quality in it’s work, and it’s an utter treat to watch and opening at the end was a good call: it both ratchets up excitement and allows the first ep to have some action since this one, as part of a two part premiere, is mostly setup. It’s eyecatching, exciting and makes you want to know what the hell is going on. And since Xandra realizes MAYBE starting the story at the climax was a bad idea, she takes us back a bit.
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Okay maybe not that far. No we open properly at Donald’s house, where it’s his birthday! And like the movie, it’s Friday the 13th, an excellent call back. Donald’s making his breakfast, boliling some tea and.. talking with the weird foced warped refelection in the kettle who can apparently only say “right back at you handsome, wink”. Seriously I have so many questoins and all of them are about what this guy is, why is Donald so calm about all of this, and is he still alive after Donald destroys his tea kettle later.  Donaldo gets a call from Daisy, whose visting to spend the day with him and is waiting patiently int he bad part of town. I didn’t know Duckburg had a bad part of town but given Glomgold has to get his sharks and bombs somewhere, i’m not surprised. Unless he special orders them, but even then what if he needs a shark or a bomb in a hurry? He’s gotta get them somewhere and now we know where. So there’s that. So all’s going well until Donald’s asshole boss calls and forces him to come in despite Donald having the fucking day off and it presumably being on the schedule. So Donald rushes to work, and we do get some great gags but as you’d expect for Donald it goes poorly and he botches a kid’s haircut despite the mother being very rude.. and also a female version of pete. LIke.. did he remarry after the divorce from peg or is that his sister? Does that mean PJ and PIstol have a cousin I never knew about? I want answers dammit.. and picutures of spider-man. Not for any slander job I just really like spider-man. 
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Eh it’ll do.As i’m doing a full series this time i’m stopping to talk about the main cast as we go soooo.... Tony Anselmo is naturally Donald, even pitching in to consult the crew on Donald’s characterization here, as really what better expert is there? He’s voiced Donald since the original Ducktales and has stuck with the roll since, only taking a break for Mickey and the Roadster racers and that’s likely because between finishing up this series and the Mickey Mouse shorts, and moving on to Ducktales 2017, he likely simply didn’t have the time for it. Granted given how little he was used in the first season of the show, he probably still could’ve done it but regardless, he’s a legend.  Daisy is voiced by Tress Macneile, who not only has voiced the character since House of Mouse and is easily the best voice for her, but is also one of the most storied and legendary va’s in the buisness, having been at this since the 80′s with zero signs of stopping. Just to name a few of her more notable roles, in chronological order; Gadget Hackenwrench, Babs Bunny, Agnes Skinner, Charlotte Pickles, Dot Warner (Which as of last year she’s picked up again and will do the same for Babs, just in case you thought i was exagerating on the “zero signs of stopping” thing), Pookie from Hey Arnold, Mom, Hoodsey Bishop, and Queen Oona among MANY, MANY smaller rolls. I didn’t even realize Charlotte or Hodsey were here, she’s that talented and deserves all the praise.. and way better rolls as Daisy than this one but we’ll both get to that and thankfully much like with Tony, the reboot’s giving her character some depth to work with so she gets to reallys tretch her chops. The woman turns 70 here, will likely keep going until she dies, and is wonderful and deserves more respect. 
 So because this is Donald, life wont’ stop punching him in the face and it turns out his house burned down, the fire people are destroying everything because their assholes, seriously they destroy both a family heirloom and a picture of his parents despite not being on fire. I’d be genuinely suprised if their general strategy wasn’t scremaing “fire, fire fire” and then going “rock rock rock” while they throw rocks on it. Super brucey bonus prize for the first person who gets that refrence and comments on it. I’ll get back to this in a second but SOMEHOW, beisdes loosing his home, all his possesions and his job... it gets even WORSE and Daisy calls, refuses to listen to him despite him having VERY valid excuses and breaks up with him. Oh and then the fire fighters gladly talk about going home to their in tact houses  and partners. 
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So yeah let’s talk about this. This first 6 or 7 minutes.. is why I didn’t return to the show for a while. My brain has a bad habit of glomming onto certain parts of things, so it remembered the rough to sit through and not very funny first act.. and not the rest of the episode which is very good and likely more indiciative about how good the series is. Thankfully it does get better but this first act .. frames things like it’s DONALD’S fault somehow. I mean yes he did burn his house down.. but even that really isn’t his fault. He was called away suddenly, wasn’t thinking and made a mistake. Hell he proabably woudl’ve had more left if the fire department hadn’t gone crazy with the axes. His being called into work? He took the day off, and his boss was just a dick. His screwing up at the job? he was genuinely trying his best and doing his best and the client was just wholly unresonable. Donald did nothing wrong but the episode WANTS to frame him like some sort of screwup.. which he is, it’s Donald.. but not in this case. It was just a string of uncomfortable to watch bad luck that cumilates in him having nothing left. It’s not funny, it’s jsust really sad and it’s REALLY hard to tell the tone their going for as they seem to awkwardly bounce from jokes to Donald being utterly devistated and alone. 
And the worst of this.. is Daisy. Daisy is EASILY the most infamous part of the show, as their portryal.. is pretty bad and apparently gets worse. We’ll see as we go but yeah.. her screaming at and breaking up with her boyfriend without listneing to his side and giving the claim we only have HER word on that he’s always screwing up, ON HIS BIRTHDAY no less, when he’s done nothing wrong, does not make a good first impression nor the fact the show seems to AGREE WITH HER. And look Donald is a trainwreck, this is true.. but the show dosen’t remotely portray him as one until AFTER this scene. As I said nothing that happened was his fault. Donald isn’t irresponsible or a screwup or dating a high schooler or anything. He isn’t Scott Pilgrim. He just has really bad luck. Again, we do see some foibles in the scenes to come.. but we don’t see any that would justify her claims, especially since she seemed perfectly happy earlier with him. Now if she’d say brought up some screwups in the first scene, and gently at that, then this would’ve worked.. but as it stands she just comes off as MASSIVELY unsymapthetic.. especially since Donald later calls her nieces over for help, which is objectively weird not gonna lie.. so she now KNOWS he had to move to a new house and his likely burned down.. yet still apparently has nothing good to say about him. 
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It didn’t help this rubbed me the wrong way in a very special way. As i’ve made plain before I don’t like THIS version of Daisy, the nagging, selfish, vindictive asshole who will gladly try and cheat on donald, dump him at a moments notice and you know PUNCH HIM IN THE FACE. Which just in case you think i’m exagerating...
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She fucking upercutted him..and like here for something that isn’t his fault. I mean this Daisy isn’t physically beating Donald.. but that’s a VERY low bar to clear. And emotional abuse is just as bad, so there. My point is too often in the comics when written poorly, Daisy is a pretty terrible person and I REALLY didn’t want a screen adaptation of this form of Daisy. It took a WHILE to recover from not liking daisy over this version, with help from remembering house of mouse, some good barks story with her and the AMAZING Ducktales version and the suprisingly good Quack Pack version.. I did. But yeah.. this is not a good sign of things to come for the character in this show. 
So yeah Donald’s heart is in the basement and his week is at an all time low when a post man shows up and gives him a letter.. well puts it in the box for a good gag but semantics. But the letter turns around as his ancestor Clinton Coot left him an inhertance for his 3Xth birthday: a house of some kind in the swanky neighboring town of New Quackmore. And i’ll also say.. it’s REALLY nice that for once, we focus on the Duck side of Donald’s legacy, or rather the coot but semantics, instead of the McDuck part. Don’t get me wrong, I fucking love the clanmcduck, always will and I love Ducktales exploration of it.. but it’s still nice to acknowledge Donald comes from two sides and while one of those may be humble farmers, they still accomplished a lot, including founding Duckburg in most continuities including presumably this one. It’s also a good way to seperate thigns from other properties including the reboot: focusing on a part of Donald’s lineage that isn’t usually touched on and making THEM just as badass as the other side. 
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So we get a quick montage as Donald takes a cab there and takes in the rich and fancy sights. It’s also a brilliant way to set up New Quackmore and it’s attached instutite as a fancy, upperclass place.. and thus perfectly clash it with Donald. Donald ends up getting dropped off at a big mansion.. which is not his , but belongs to the insittutes head, Baron Von Sheldgoose, played by WAYNE KNIGHT. 
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Hell. Yes. I freaking love Wayne Knight. In case you don’t know who the man above is, or at least don’t recognize his face, Wayne Knight is a very funny and talented actor and voice actor with a lengthy career primarily in side rolls, with the rolls that he broke out with being loveable asshole and Jerry’s enternal nemisis Newman on Seinfeld and Dennis Nedry, aka “that guy who got sprayed acid in his face by those horrifying frilled dinosaurs that will never not haunt my nightmares”. Seriously that scene fucked me up as a kid and I could not watch that part of the movie. For the most part he’s been a side character man but he has done a LOT of voice work, most notable Zurg in Buzz Lightyear of Star Command, Dojo for the aformentioned and excellent Xiaolin Showdown, and Mr. Blik for Catscratch and I wish he’d do more. He also recently voiced the penguin in Harley Quin so when I get to that you better belivie i’m looking forward to it. Point is while he may not always get the glory, and had to settle for starring in a mediocre tv land sitcom to get a steady paycheck once, the man is VERY talented, very funny and perfectly cast here. 
So Donald makes himself home, finds out it’s not HIS home and gets thrown out by the snooty rich asshole’s bodyguards. As you’d expect. Donald does find HIS home, a run down cabana next door to the mansion with caution tape all over. Still Donald takes it best he can as it’s better than no home at all> What he doesn’t take well is finding out from the executor of the will that he’s not the only one inheriting the house... which is  absolutley fair. The guy just had the worst day of his life, and this lady didn’t bother to put in the letter to any of them that they were sharing the house. The Sheldgoose thing was just an average Donald screw up. This is just this lady going...
But yes we meet our boys.. and the introductions are naturally given this series is about them the best we’ve gotten so far: Jose is thrown off a bus, having ran out of fair, and having wooed all the ladies on board, and quickly charms the executor and is perfectly cordial to Donald, while Panchito parachutes out of a plane and marvels at how he went from nothing to having two new best friends, a run down shack and a sleezy lawyer! In short the two make a great first impression, helped by wonderful casting.  Jose is voiced by Eric Bauza, a talented voice actor whose had WAY too many roles to list here, but two of the most notable are being the current voice of Bugs and Daffy, and his most notable role outside that recently has been playing Splinter in Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. But the guy is endlessly talented, seems really nice, and is easily one of my faviorite Jose’s so far after just one episode. He just.. gets the character perfectly and is thankfully NOT another white guy stepping into the role, so that’s nice. He easily oozes the charm and layabout nature Jose and was a natural in the role and i hope he gets to take it up again at some point.  Speaking of naturals we have Jamie Camil as Panchito, who easily steps into the guys boundless energy and the sterotpical bits are swapped out for making him a cloud cuckoolander instead, which I genuinely love and fits the character perfectly. He’s best known for CW Soap Jane the Virgin, where his charcter Rodrigo just sounds like a delight, but has recently picked up a pretty good voice acting career, vocing Don Karnage in the Ducktales reboot, Globgor in Star vs the Forces of Evil and Todd’s Stepdad George in Bojack Horseman. I only hope he gets more voice work as he’s really damn great at it and it’s wonderful to get to see him in a role that’s not limited to a few episodes at best for a change. 
So Donald’s less than happy about this, again it’s hard to really be that mad at him when he’s had a really, REALLY bad day and wasn’t told about this, but it’s kept to just the light level of grumpy as to not make him unlikeable. Granted after that intro it’d take a LOT to make him unsympathetic, but after their version of Daisy I really dont’ want to test this series.  Our boys also find out they have a groundskeeper, ari, aka THE ARCUAN BIRD! He’s just a delight any time he pops up, doing his usual “ya ta ta ta” bit, and being adorable and hilarioius as always.. and also hilariously failing to fix the boys door. So Donald ends up just accepting he has roomates now, nothing he can do, and the three explore the house finding all sorts of cool old artifacts, feeling they’ve stumbled onto something specail. And you know what that means: YARD SALE! Seriously it feels like a bit out of Wet Hot American Summer or Stella, a  series from the same creators you really should check out and that is high praise, trust me. 
I wish this series was streaming somewhere.. I mean we finally got Clone HIgh streaming Viacom, get on that. Anyways, it’s just.. fucking hilarious, and a LOT of this episode is once we walk back from the writers kicking donald in the junk and acting like it was his fault. Once Donald gets his inhertiance, the episode picks up immensley and we see the shows real charm and hilarirty fly, with jokes coming at a rapid and wonderful pace. The show really did impress me with the second half and made me utterly excited for tommrow.. or I guess today’s, look at the follow up.  But we’re still in this episode and being a rich asshole, Sheldgoose isn’t happy about a yard sale, though given this series standards, we not only get some great deliveres from Knight of an outraged “A YARD SALE?!”... but a wonderful gag where Sheldgoose out to white guy it up and yell at them over this..accidently takes a wrong turn in his massive house, and turns around, not loosing how upset he is once.  Meanwhile, we meet.. April, May and June. Yeah apparnetly Della isn’t dead or lost in this continuity, so the boys are MIA, and are instead replaced by Daisy’s Nieces, who I hope show up in the reboot before it ends. Especially since the show makes them WAY more tolerable than classic huey dewey and louie and instead enjoyable like Ducktales HDL. While not as indvidual as those three, the three are still idendtical outside of outfits, their voice actress Jessica DiCicco uses her consderiable talents and experince to give each one a unique voice, so while they all share a voice actress, none of them sound alike. And to round out our main cast for now, as our last members will be joining us fully next time, let’s talke about Jessica DiCicco. Jessica is a very talented and increasingly prolific voice actor and if you haven’t heard of her, and you probably have, you’ve defintely heard her voice. Starting out with Disney, hence why the probably called on her for this, she did the voices of Maggie for the Buzz on Maggie and Melina for Emperor’s New School before breaking out as Flame Princess on Adventure Time, whose both one of my faviorite characters from the show and one we’ll be digging into starting next month. And not one to rest easily she picked up a second set of iconic rolls vocing Lynn and Lucy Loud on The Loud HOuse, and funnily enough using those voices for two of the girls here. And along with Loud House she’s also currently starring in it’s Pony and is int he main cast of Close Enough as Candace. My point is she’s exceedingly talented.. as is this whole cast, as it’s a DAMN excellent cast and just further sells that this series deserves better.  We’ll get into the girls more next time as they don’t do much here other than get called in by Donald for help, with what I saw of episode 2 fleshing them out more. Point is Sheldgoose offers a million dollars for the cabana and all it’s stuff and the boys are glad to sell.. they just have to find something Sheldgoose desperately wants, a mysterious golden atlas encrusted with Jewels.  Our heroes head in to find it with Panchito finding it, and being very specific about it. We also get a nice call back to Ari destroying the door as Jose cleverly calls on him to destroy the lock. So our heroes open the book... and a goddess pops out and threatens to kill them all. 
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Final Thoughts: Dope-A-Cabana is a decent intro the series, but as i’ve said it’s heavily hampered by a weak and mean spirited first act. But once it gets going it REALLY gets going and as part 1 one of a two part pilot, it does it’s job well once it does get going: introducing our three boys and one of our antagonists well and setting up the side cast and preparing for our last to major additions Next Time: The Boys go on their first adventure, Sheldgoose finds a boss and the girls find their voice. Thanks for Reading, Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye. 
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pocketmouse18 · 3 years
Thank you so much to @herosofmarvelanddc @cloudypaws and @mtab2260 for the tag! This was so much fun to think about :)
(fair warning, I wrote too much for many of these...)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Just 2 :)
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
450,577 if I did my math right!
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Officially? Just 1 - Agents of Shield (two, I guess, if you count MCU as separate, since I use characters from both...). Off the record, many more than that! I have lots of bits and bobs from other fandoms that I tinkered with when I was younger, still getting the hang of writing, not brave enough to post things, etc. etc. Some of those include X-Men, Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, the Fosters, Star Wars, the Hunger Games, the 39 Clues, and a few others I can’t remember. None of those will likely see the light of day, mostly because they’re unfinished, not very good, and just not reflective of who I am as a writer anymore, but they were fun to play around with at the time :)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I just have the two, but The Important Thing is to Try wins, hands down, with 1227. Shoulder to Shoulder has 95, though, which I’m also very proud of! Important Thing has a definite advantage, being as long as it is, so I don’t know if that’s really a fair comparison between them.
5. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Yes! Or at least, I always try to! I just can’t believe someone would be kind enough to take the time to tell me what they thought of my story, so I always want to take the time to thank them and return the favor :) Plus, as I’ve learned, it’s a fantastic way to get to know some really lovely people!
6. What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
Well... I technically only have one story that has an ending, at least on Ao3, and it’s not an especially angsty one, since it ends in Phil and Melinda getting married :) I have some angsty chapter endings in Important Thing, if that counts? I’m not even sure if any of my unpublished fiddlings have angsty endings (most don’t have endings at all lol)... I don’t mind writing angst, but I don’t know if I’m capable of making something without a happy (or at least hopeful) ending.
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you've ever written?
Not really, unless you count AoS/MCU crossovers (which I guess technically count, but also I would argue it’s not a true crossover since (and I will die on this hill) AoS is a part of MCU canon). When I was younger I was a fan of playing around with crossover AUs more so than the actual characters crossing paths (so like, what if these characters from XYZ were demigods or went to Hogwarts or what have you, and not so much what would happen if the X-Men met Luke, Leia, and Han on one of their space adventures). I started writing a crossover between AoS and the Marvel Rising cartoon once (which again, not sure if that’s a true crossover, since Daisy was in Marvel Rising, but I digress), where Coulson tasks Daisy to work with Kate Bishop and Rayshaun Lucas to collect and train a team of young Inhumans, starting with Kamala Khan, but I ran out of steam pretty quickly when it got too plot heavy.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I don’t think so. I’ve had some people not understand some choices that I made, but they asked it in a way that I thought was perfectly nice, and I was happy to talk about it with them. Sometimes people get “mad” at me when I cause pain and suffering, but I know that’s all in good fun :)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Nope, not for me. I don’t read it or write it, personally. Writing a kiss is hard enough!
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge! Important Thing is probably too long and unwieldy to ever steal :P
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Someone once asked me on FFN if they could translate Important Thing to Russian, which was basically the coolest thing I’ve ever been asked!
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
A fic, no. I’d love to try sometime! I had a friend in college who I co-wrote with A LOT, though, so I know I enjoy that process, given the right partner. We wrote several short plays together (ranging from ~15-50 minutes in length, including one that we wrote in a single afternoon!), selected scenes from a larger (unfinished) play inspired by historical letters we found in an archive that were sent between a man from Massachusetts serving in the American Civil War, his wife, and his 8-year-old son, and several scripts for TV sitcoms (2 pilots for 2 different shows, plus additional eps for those pilots, and a couple of later eps for a different show that a classmate of ours wrote the pilot for - we were trying to practice what it would be like to be on a staff with a showrunner haha). The sitcom scripts in particular I’m very proud of, and could talk somebody’s ear off about if asked (one’s about ghost hunters and one’s about a DnD party!), but maybe that’s better saved for another post ;)
13. What's your all-time favorite ship?
That’s a very hard question for me! Mostly because shipping stuff is usually one of the last things to register for me when I’m thinking about shows/books/movies I like haha... I’m always a sucker for Philinda, and younger me was rather taken with Percabeth, I suppose.
14. What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
Hmm, several, really. The aforementioned AoS/Marvel Rising crossover I think could be really cool if I got it to work, but I don’t think that’ll ever happen. I also have a WIP that’s like an angstier version of a Hallmark Christmas movie AU where Daisy has to come home to her small town right before Christmas and figure out what she wants out of life, but I’m a little stalled out on that one, mostly because I’m waffling on who the charming love interest should be and because I don’t have enough of a plot, just lots of feelings about coming back home to a place you thought you had left behind lol.
I’d put Important Thing and it’s (as of yet) untitled sequel on here as things I want to finish, but I’m much more determined to see those through, so I don’t think they qualify for the “never will actually write” part of this question :)
15. What are your writing strengths?
I don’t know if other people agree with this, but I think I write pretty decent dialogue. My “training” (if you can call it that) is in, as you might have figured out by now, script and screenplay writing (those were the only creative writing classes I took in college). So having a sense of the rhythm a conversation needs to have and how to write dialogue that sounds mostly like how people really talk (but shined and tightened up enough so that it’s not actually like verbatim dialogue, which is far less interesting to read!) is something that I feel like comes pretty easily. I also think I do okay with similes and metaphors - my brain tends to work in that way. It’s easier for me to think of stuff (feelings, especially) in terms of comparing it to more familiar things than to just think of the thing directly, if that makes sense?
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
If I was being honest, this would be a very long section, but I know it’s not fun to read a big ol’ paragraph of someone self-criticizing, so I’ll keep it to one or two items ;) A big one for me is pacing, I think. I tend to write more than I need to and to over-explain things, so my chapters get very long and sometimes don’t really go anywhere? Until all of the sudden, they DO, because things need to HAPPEN! I’m a pretty rigorous self-editor, but I do have a really hard time cutting out sections (unless they’re really just not working), so even if it would help the pacing to leave out this conversation between character A and character B, I often can’t make myself cut it. I also think I struggle sometimes with balancing my ‘showing’ and my ‘telling,’ especially in the sense of me over-explaining certain things - like when it comes to feelings/facial expressions/etc, for example. I compensate for that in Important Thing by making it a part of a few people’s POV, but it’s not really a good habit to have in general. Also spelling! I’m really bad at spelling and run my stuff through robust spellchecks and text-to-speech before I post anything to make up for it :)
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I do it with some regularity, although I always get nervous about doing it wrong! It’s hard to avoid in AoS, where characters are spies and should (in theory, at least) have a working knowledge of multiple languages (”We’re spies, I thought we all learned languages?!”). Even in an AU, where characters aren’t spies, I like to try and pay homage to that, plus pay homage to certain characters’ native languages or just general multilingualism. I’ve spent a fair amount of time around people who speak more than one language, so I feel like it’s a natural part of groups of people to have more than one language spoken. I have a pretty good handle on written Spanish, a patchy idea of French, plus I know some Russian phrases from my dad and some German words from my grandfather, but I do rely on internet translation a lot. I usually run stuff through google, then run it backwards to see just how far off the initial translation was, then consult some actual, like, language learning sites to see if there’s particular idioms or common phrases that use different words than what google will give me, then run those words through backwards in the place of the original words to see if I can massage the whole thing to sound reasonably competent. Languages like Russian or Mandarin (which have their own alphabets/characters) are the hardest, since I have to also try and do a transliteration. I always try to put an apology/disclaimer in the notes any time I write in a language that isn’t English, because I’m sure I make lots of mistakes.
Also, I tend not to italicize words that are in other languages, because it looks weird on the page to me to set the other language apart like that (and because I italicize mainly for internal thoughts or emphasis, and usually what’s being said in another language isn’t internal or being emphasized). I put a rough translation at the end so we don’t have to pause the story for a parenthetical translation, but because the translation’s not right there, I try to either put in enough context clues that a person can still understand what’s going on, or I make sure that what’s written in another language isn’t critical to the overall understanding of the scene.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Officially, it’s AoS, since that’s the only fandom I’ve published for. I think the first true fandom I wrote fic for was probably either Harry Potter (entirely populated with OCs lol, I just liked using the world/setting), Percy Jackson (a mix of OCs and canon characters), or X-Men (all canon characters). I was a bit of a latecomer to fanfiction, though, like, I wrote a ton as a kid, but mostly original stuff, because I didn’t know that fanfiction in its current form was even allowed until I was in high school lol.
Oh! I almost forgot one! I’m not sure if this really counts as a fandom, but it’s definitely the earliest version of fanfic I wrote haha... I was like 12 and I wrote more than one story of an OC joining Robin Hood’s band of Merry Men, and then also one of that same OC becoming a knight of the Round Table, so like... do what you will with that information haha.
19. What's you're favorite fic you've written?
I can’t choose between my two darlings :( I mean, okay, technically it’s probably Important Thing. That story’s my baby. It’s huge and I’ve been working on it for almost 2 years, and I’ve poured a lot of my heart and soul into it. I’ve fallen in love with the universe I built in it, so much so that I wrote an entire prequel and have very concrete plans for a lengthy sequel. But I can’t not crow about Shoulder to Shoulder (the aforementioned prequel!), too... I’m just really proud of that one - it has a lot of firsts for me. First completed story. First romance-focused story. First foray into expanding the Important Thing universe. But yes, if I have to choose, then Important Thing wins. That’s a story that I started writing exclusively for myself - to give myself characters I could relate to and to explore a style of AoS fic that I loved reading - and that’s a story I will always and forever be proud of.
I think most people have probably answered this tag game at this point, so I don’t want to accidentally retag anyone! If you haven’t yet, and would like to join in, please do! This is your invitation <3
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drstrangefictions · 4 years
Deke Shaw x Female Reader
Word Count: 4,356
Spoilers: None. Unless you haven’t seen AOS at all then yes? 
Warnings: References the main MCU story, references earlier seasons of AOS, small references that mean nothing but I added because I can. Slight angst (not enough to tag in my opinion), happy ending. Simple, cute, funny (maybe, probably none of these tbh). Used personal experience with talking to people. Went on much longer than planned. Cross posted here, was a request over there!
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Deke paced back and forth in his room within the Lighthouse. “Stupid!” He scolded himself. He got chastised for trying to protect Daisy when he was told not to. But had he not, Daisy would have been in critical condition and that’s how Deke looks at it. It seems, yet again, Deke is the only one who sees it that way. Daisy didn’t want the help; May didn’t want to get involved in another clean up because of Deke, Yo-Yo didn’t want to be pulled away from her end of the mission. He put them all in more danger than they already were in, he thought, (Y/N) got hurt because of his failure to listen to direct orders – she was the only casualty. “I always do this!” He continued beating himself up for doing what he thought was the right thing to do. He just couldn’t get the hang of the way things worked here with this team.
They worked together and listened to the orders they were given… most of the time. Apparently, Daisy had a hard time listening at some point and makes some iffy calls. On the other end, (Y/N)’s first mission in S.H.I.E.L.D ended up being one of the most successful in S.H.I.E.L.D history because she didn’t think her orders were justified and took charge of the team she was assigned to and did what she does best. Succeed.
He stopped beating himself up and thinking about how the others disobey orders better than he does only when there was a light knocking on his door. He wasn’t expecting anyone to need him or want him for any reason this late in the evening.
“Deke, can I come in?” She was leaning against the door, not wanting to be loud in case anyone on this team was around to question her motives. They had questioned her and interrogated her when she arrived, she came directly from her undercover position at H.Y.D.R.A. She went in under Director Fury, learned about the origin of the Winter Soldier program, the origin of Deathlok, about Daniel Whitehall (formerly Werner Reinhardt), and much more.
Deke slowly opened the door, just enough to see her and for her to see him. He leaned on the doorframe, awkwardly. “What are you doing?” He asked, almost rudely, as if he didn’t want to speak to her. But he was curious as to why she was at his door when her own wasn’t too far from his. He kept his gaze on the cuts on her face. It was easier for him, easier than eye contact.
“I just want to talk to you.” Her voice was low and comforting. She looked tired and less beat up than earlier, and yet she was face to face with Deke, asking to come in instead of going to her own room to rest up.
Deke’s expression softened a little bit after listening to and studying her, he let her in. “What – what do you want to talk about?” He asked. He left the door open just a crack.
“I take it this isn’t your room in 2091, is it? I missed that little field trip, right?” She asked, avoiding what she came to talk about. She glanced around, there really wasn’t too much to look at. No one had much at the Lighthouse. Deke less so because he didn’t have anything with him when he traveled backward in time.
Deke nodded. “Decided not to move a whole closet when I can have a free room. Might be better anyway.” He sat on the bed and looked up at her. He clasped his hands together. He couldn’t figure her out. Not when she was in his present (technically now his past), not on missions, not now. She almost felt like a completely different person here.
She faced the door and closed it all the way. She felt awkward, coming to him at this time; she felt nervous, with a lot on her mind between what she heard him say and her original intention. Her forehead was against the cold door. “I heard you through the door. What’s going on?”
Deke rolled his eyes and looked away from her, great. He took a deep breath. “Does it matter?” He asked, trying to be rude enough to make her leave it alone.
She turned to face him, pressing her back against the cold door. “I think it does. Is it about today? Because everyone is fine, no one is dying or dead. It’s really… nothing.” She rolled up her sweatshirt sleeve to show him her arm. Earlier it was bloodier and not wrapped up, the blood is just barely seeping through the bandages. She had a few scratches across her face, nothing to be worried about. Her torso is roughly the same as her arm. Nothing she couldn’t walk off – it was her superpower. She always gets back up; she doesn’t know when it is time to rest. She could go all day if they let her.
He looked at her arm. Bandages. Even on her face. Smaller bandages. “It could have been worse.” He told her, still angry with himself for allowing anything like this to happen to the team. To her. To her?
“Yeah, it always can be. I signed up for this life on my own accord. I knew the risks going in; you are going to make sacrifices and lose people you have worked with and trusted.” She pushed herself off the door and walked towards the bed in one smooth motion. “You are going to do things that you don’t think are right and you are going to disobey orders and be right.” She sat next to him. She looked at the door, twiddling her thumbs, thinking back to her own experiences.
Deke looked at her hands, not sure if this has a nervous habit of hers. “Sounds… like a terrible decision to make on your own.”
She looked down at her hands. “It wasn’t always like this. I had a good time back at the Triskelion and infiltrating H.Y.D.R.A and making friends with Earths Mightiest Heroes and learning much more than I ever wished to know about S.H.I.E.L.D and H.Y.D.R.A.” She glanced at Deke, noting his sympathetic look. “I didn’t come here to give a dramatic sob story. I came here for you.” She bounced back. She fixed her posture and no longer looked upset or nervous. He needed her more than she needed him.
Deke gaped at her and noticed how quickly she changed emotions, wondering how she was able to do that. “Be honest with me, then.” He said, staring at her. Honesty seems like something she is capable of.
“I can do that.” She brought her legs onto his bed and sat crisscross, facing him. At any moment, she could lean back and fall to the floor. “Personal honesty is my forte.”
“I don’t belong here, do I?” He asked. There was no other way for him to ask. He was a man out of time. 2091 is where he belongs, destroyed Earth or not.
She scanned his face, seeing as he was serious, she looked at her hands then up at him. “In terms of time period, no, you don’t belong. But you’re not the only man out of time that I know. I think being from a different time is cool, honestly. Not that I want to learn more about what happens in the future, but I get to learn how you act and talk in the future and how different it is from now. Just like my friends from the past. In terms of with this team, please, there’s no better addition than you. You’re the perfect combination of good ideas and humor.” She pulled her sleeve back down and played with the loose threads. “Why do you ask?”
“I messed up pretty bad today, and it was not the first time I have messed up since being here. I put us in more danger than we ask for. I put us in more danger than the people we are fighting do.” He began. He wanted to raise his voice and yell all of this at her. “I could have gotten hurt, you could have been much worse than you are, Daisy could have been hurt.” He looked at the door. He wanted to walk away from this way of thinking or this conversation. He looked at her, realizing he just wanted to be listened to. “Because of me that guy got away from Daisy and we may not find him.” Always back to Daisy.
“That guy,” (Y/N) laughed, she didn’t care for the man, his name, or his story. She just found the lack of a name hilarious; it takes away from the seriousness.
“Yeah, you know. The guy.” Deke looked away from her. “To top it off Fitz thinks I’m a complete idiot. Well, sorry for the difference in time period and how things are done here! I didn’t ask to be brought to the 21st century. I thought I was going to die. That was my sacrifice! The first thing I did here was get arrested.” Deke said. He was beginning to raise his voice, some things hit harder than others “How was I even supposed to know I would end up here? How was I supposed to find you guys? Oh, and I never asked for this life. I didn’t choose this life like you did.”
“We were lucky to have found you because you got arrested.” (Y/N) said. She looked him in the eyes, her way of letting him know her words meant something.
He looked at her, taken aback. “Lucky?” He was almost disgusted with her usage of that word in this context. “There is nothing lucky about – “
“I, personally, call it lucky.” She stopped playing with the loose threads on her sleeve.
“You call it lucky to have a screw up like myself on the team?” He said, truly disgusted now. Lucky.
She raised her eyebrows, shocked and angry with his word choice. She kept her feelings to herself as she spoke. “You are not a screw up. No one has told you that either. We are lucky to have another genius on the team. We are lucky to have you on the team, just as we are lucky to have this team… this family.” She refrained from reaching out to him. She kept her hands in her lap and her gaze on him.
Deke saw her reaction, taking it in and partially realizing why she reacted the way she did. “You’re… not just saying that.” He noticed how her tone changed. “Thank you. For being honest, I mean.”
“Don’t thank me for something like that. It should be something normal, but it isn’t. I’m just a few doors down if you ever need to talk and I don’t come to you first.” She slowly loosened up. “We’ve all felt down about ourselves before and sometimes still do. Before you even consider saying it, no this does not burden me, you never will be a burden. I’ve been there, I’ve heard it before.” She grabbed his hands. Her hands were clammy. Deke didn’t seem to mind.
“This isn’t what you came to talk to me about, was it?” Deke looked down at his hands, now in hers. He rather liked the feeling of his hands in hers. They fit.
She shook her head. “Not even close, but it can wait for now. Sometimes, something else is a little more important…” Her voice trailed off. She kept her eyes on him, seemingly forgetting she was holding his hands.
“So, what did you want to talk about?” Deke asked. He flinched after she stiffened up. “That bad?”
She shook her head. “Not bad, just out of my comfort zone.” She smiled, swallowing all of her unnecessary fears. “If I’m being honest, Deke, all of my confidence goes into things that require that of me. Y’know, being a field agent, interrogations, being a hostage for whatever reason that time, being there for someone, and anything else that demands I do anything but break down or show the not so tough and confident me. When I do something like this, which is almost never, it never really goes my way.”
“What are you saying?” He thought to take his hands away from hers. He almost did. She wasn’t moving her hands away; did she even know she was still holding his hands? He wasn’t too sure where she was going with this, but he had an idea.
She shrugged. “Hopefully nothing stupid.”
“Oh, come on, nothing you say is stupid.” Deke put a hand on her shoulder. “That brain of yours is filled with a lot of information.” He has seen her brain at work. She has done what he deems nearly impossible. Fixed a quinjet in midair, fixed nearly everything on the go, assisted Fitz with anything in her area of expertise. He believes there is more to her brain then he has seen.
Her hand felt cold when he removed his from her grasp. “I wouldn’t say that so confidently. Sometimes I think there is no brain up here – jeez, okay, this is off topic.” She laughed.
Deke laughed with her.
“I have something for you.” She pulled her hands away from his and reached behind her into a small backpack Deke didn’t even know she had with her. She carries it around with her through the Lighthouse for reasons such as tonight.
Deke tried to look over her shoulder to see what she was grabbing, the bag hung too low for him to see. “What are you reaching for?” He asked.
He got his answer when she held out a lemon. “Originally, I was going to leave it on your bed, but my plans never work out. I get yanked every which way and never get the chance to pull this off. Kind of disappointing. Hopefully the point still gets across.” She smiled.
Deke looked at the lemon in her hand for a moment, putting the pieces together. All the times she stood up for him, protected him by choice, talked to him over the rest of the team, the subtle gestures, even the look in her eyes that he has never noticed before. “I thought Coulson and Mack just let me think you guys did this to make fun of me.” He finally said.
(Y/N) nodded, smiling and holding in a laugh. “Very much so.”
Deke took the lemon from her. “You weren’t in the room when we talked about it, so how did you know?”
“They told me while laughing. I saw it as an opportunity that ended up not working in my favor but instead took a wildly different turn as you can see.” She said in one breath. “I should really breathe while talking. Heh, I’ve come to realize I could have just used my words. I made it complicated.”
“No, no. That is actually really… wow…” Deke slowly smiled. He was chasing the wrong girl and he knew it the whole time. He just never thought the right one would be so… right in front of him. “Would now be a bad time to celebrate?”
(Y/N) shook her head. “There is never a bad time to celebrate anything.”
“In that case…” Deke got up from his bed and put the lemon on the nightstand next to it. “I am going to celebrate.”
She watched him. “I’m afraid of your definition of celebrate.”
“Quick question,” Deke said. “You’re serious about this?”
She nodded, growing more concerned. She leaned back, scaring herself as she almost fell.
Deke took that as an opportunity to wrap his arms around her and pull her up. She didn’t know how to react, she just dangled in his arms, concerned for him. Although, she didn’t really mind being in someone’s arms for the first time in a long time. She forgot how nice it was to be held, to feel this kind of warmth.
“I never thought I would ever say this in my life, but I would like to be on the ground, Deke.” She said. She kicked her feet against his legs. The ground, usually not her friend, The Bus, The Boat, and a quinjet however…
Deke set her down. “There, there.” He stepped back; arms slightly stretched out, ready to grab her again for any reason. “This is great… this is wow…” He said.
She held her arms up, palms facing him. “Nice save. I wasn’t in the mood to fall, good thing you were here.” Her head was titled to the side, keeping her eyes on him. He was unpredictable in a good way.
“You’re not going to fall again, are you?” He was still ready to grab her if he needed to. He wanted to laugh at the incident, it was funny, but he couldn’t yet. The fear in her eyes when she startled herself was gone, but his wasn’t. This was relatively new to him. He wasn’t sure when to let his guard down, even if incidents are their own fault.
She shook her head. Happy. “Not like that. Though, I wouldn’t mind falling for you again.” She said it without thinking. She was good at this, but only once in a while could she be that smooth.
He was dense just a few minutes ago, he didn’t even piece it together fully. He took a moment to take in what had happened to him. One of the smartest agents he had the pleasure of meeting wanted to talk to him. She willingly listened to him vent about everything he could blurt out. She listened to him. She offered minimal advice because she knew he just wanted to be heard. She could read people, or maybe just him. She didn’t understand but she had an idea of how he felt because she had friends like him. She accepted this one thing she knew about that they did in his time and tried to use it to her advantage only to fail and make light of it. She made light of his situation. She made light of him. His problems practically melted away because of her. She just said she wouldn’t mind falling for him again. Now the burning question is why.
He grabbed her by the shoulders. “I’m going to celebrate!” He let go, nearly pushing her down and burst out of his room to go tell everyone he could. Everyone in his way became victim to his celebration.
(Y/N) ran out of his room and stood in the middle of the hallway and watched him until he was no longer in her line of sight. She laughed. “So, that’s his definition of celebrate apparently. I would’ve liked to have… I don’t know… dessert, alcohol, a nice chat?”
“What did you do?” May walked up behind (Y/N) and looked at her. They could hear Deke in the distance, meaning he didn’t get very far yet, he was actively searching for the team, not just any S.H.I.E.L.D agents.
(Y/N) looked back at her. “Hopefully made the best decision ever.”
“You say hopefully a lot.” May told her.
“I said luck a lot to Deke today. I know a few words.” She joked. “My vocabulary is pretty large if you ask me.” She kept smiling. She couldn’t stop.
“So, what exactly is all this about?” May asked, referring to Deke.
(Y/N) scratched the back of her neck, nervously, she couldn’t really explain Deke’s behavior, but she could. She wasn’t a Deke expert. “He’ll be back eventually. I’m pretty sure I’m his girlfriend now. He has to come back eventually; I mean his room is also right there.” She pointed to Deke’s room with the door still wide open.
May raised an eyebrow. “I thought you would never date again.”
(Y/N) looked down, thinking about the reasons why she said such a thing. She shook her head, as she would call it, shaking her head like an Etch-A-Sketch. Get rid of those negative thoughts and restart. “He… convinced me.” She looked back up, seeing Deke make his way towards her and May, he wasn’t gone long at all, he couldn’t have run out of people to bother. “It’s been cold for too long. I’ve forgotten what warmth is.”
May gave her a slight nod, understanding. She was pleased that (Y/N) may have found what she was looking for. “There’s beer in the fridge, I know that’s what you like.” She let her know before she walked back to where she was initially heading.
Deke hugged (Y/N) again, this time allowing her to hug back. “This is nice.”
“It is indeed nice to be able to hug back, the best hugs anyone has to offer.” She hugged him back. “I take it you didn’t find the one friend you wanted to tell.”
Tumblr media
(Y/N) sat on the arm of the couch, eating some blueberries. “So… none of you, not a single person in this room right now, saw this coming?” She looked at them, almost disappointed in everyone, excluding May, she was told.
The team scattered across the room gave echoed No’s. Some members even shook their heads. Coulson and Mack were grouped directly across from (Y/N) and Deke. FitzSimmons were off to the side, together. Yo-Yo, Daisy, and May were close by, just not in (Y/N)’s line of sight.
“Nice.” She continued eating, she looked down trying to hide her smile and stifle a laugh. She thought it was obvious, perhaps what is obvious in her eyes is not obvious to anyone else… unless they are lying to her for fun. This family enjoys their fun every now and then. She stiffened slightly when Deke’s arms fell around her waist. After realizing it was just him, she relaxed. “Is the world falling apart today?” She asked Coulson.
Coulson smiled at her. “Not yet, but I will let you know when that happens.” He said. He knows she enjoys missions, the adrenaline, the thrill. She just doesn’t stop, and she never will.
Deke looked up at her. “You can’t go with injuries like that!” He protested, rightfully so too. “There are a lot of risks.” He could list them all.
“Oh yeah? Name one.” She dared him, putting him on the spot.
“Bleeding.” He said, immediately feeling stupid. Though he was right, that was not the answer she was looking for.
Her sigh turned into a chuckle. “That’s – I set that bar too low on that one.” She got up to grab her drink that she left too far away from her.
Deke looked around, maybe she was right, he did belong here. He turned his attention to her, she was barely ready for the day, already eating after having breakfast not too long ago, nodding along to a song playing in her head. How has he not seen this version of her before? Maybe he just didn’t see it until he needed to. He smiled at her as she walked back, drink and her blueberries in hand. Mouthing the words to the song in her head. She wasn’t the S.H.I.E.L.D agent she thought she was, she was human. The most normal part of Deke’s life at the moment…
“What are you smiling at?” She asked, sitting back up on the arm of the couch.
“I’m going to hope the correct answer is you.” He said, putting his arm back around her. He wasn’t sure if she would ever stop tensing up at his touch, it was something he could bear for now.
She shrugged her shoulders. “Anything would’ve been an acceptable answer. I still smile about the time I almost got hit by a punching bag that Cap’ punched so hard it broke and flew off the chain.”
“Cap’?” Deke asked, not sure who that was. He’d rather not question why she was fond of that memory; it could be funny to her now for all he knows.
“Friend from the past, the first man out of time. Nice guy, or at least he was. I don’t have the full story.” She leaned back. “He hasn’t contacted me since… I want to say 2014. He was on the news, which is the only reason I know he’s still alive. Apparently, my old friends are having issues and I am glad I’m not there.”
“Didn’t they split up like The Beatles?” Coulson asked. He tuned in when he heard her mention Steve.
She nodded. “Exactly like The Beatles!”
Deke looked between Coulson and (Y/N), not understanding the reference they are making. “I don’t get it.”
(Y/N) leaned against Deke. “Don’t worry about it right now. You’ll be up to speed eventually. There’s just so much to unpack there.” She rested her head on his. “Blueberry?” She held them in front of his face and offered.
He took a few and popped them in his mouth. “I thought you didn’t like blueberries.”
“The outside? Indigo. You peel it? Green. Smush them? Purple. Blueberries are my mortal enemy.” She declared, eating them as she spoke. “The texture is weird too.”
Deke nodded slightly, agreeing. “Yeah, they are weird.” He paused. “Hey, I was wondering if you could help me test something later. It’s not really something you would normally work with, but I think you’re the right person for the job.” He did have something minuscule in the works, it was just barely in the testing phase. The only good news for him was the amount of accessible resources and the amount of brains he could pick at.
“Sounds like a plan, just as long as it does not explode in my face. I speak from experience.” She said. She subconsciously rubbed her eyebrow. She wouldn’t mind stepping out of her comfort zone for him. Working on something different might turn out to be fun and a lot safer with him than most other people she has worked with.
“That won’t happen.” Deke assured her. He couldn’t tell if she believed him or not. He meant what he said regardless.
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nazezdha321 · 3 years
i saw this and thought it looked fun and @bobbimorseisbisexual tagged “whoever sees this and wants to do it” so <3
name: z
fandom(s): agents of shield, mcu, firefly
where you post: ao3
most popular oneshot: Side by Side (as it was meant to be), a morgan stark & peter parker oneshot i wrote a while ago lmao
most popular multichapter fic: We May Not Have It All Together (but together we have it all), my au where may and coulson get de-aged into toddlers
favorite story you’ve written so far: honestly? i’m living for i threw stones at the stars (but the whole sky fell), my victoria hand character study, right now
fic you were nervous to post: uhhh all of them lmao. i’m always scared to post things. you and me and in between, the huntingbird soulmate au, was definitely a big one. i love it with all of my soul now so i’d say it worked out well. i’ve even been considering a part two
how do you choose your titles: it depends! the more recent ones have been song lyrics, or song lyrics i changed so they’d work better, or half of song lyrics that i added onto, that sort of thing. i do run my own title-hoarding mafia, though. i have like, pages and pages of potential titles. i have more titles than i ever will write something for lmao
do you outline?: uhh sometimes? i outline for character studies, just sort of what format i’ll use, and what i want to include. for multichapter fics, it really depends, but my two main wips, in some other time and toddlers (mentioned above), both have outlines. toddlers has a chapter-by-chapter outline, and isot has a general story outline for three “sets” of characters that i consider my povs in that story, if that makes sense? 
complete ao3
in progress:
We Lost Everything & Found So Much More: @here-for-huntingbird and i’s secret service au with bobbi as the head of daisy’s detail when she’s kidnapped. i haven’t actually written anything for it yet as v wrote the first chapter. i think we’re considering starting this one up again, but it’s not definite
There’s No Light At The End Of The Tunnel (so we’ll set it on fire ourselves): i meant to update this wip... and then it just got pushed to the side when life got in the way. it’s basically “what if lila survived instead of clint in infinity war/endgame” but i really want to pick it back up. i don’t think i will till 2021, though. 
When Everything We Fought For Was A Lie (doesn’t that make us liars?):  on the last chapter but i wrote this when @aleksandrachaev and i were in our little angst war. lots of killing, lots of death, set in season 5. i don’t love this one but i learned a lot from writing it. 
We May Not Have It All Together (but together we have it all): my “what if may and coulson got de-aged into toddlers and the team had to take care of them.” this is another one that fell off the rails when i underwent crisis #924879457934, but i have plans to update it in a few weeks. 
in some other time: written before the finale of season 7, in which maisie fitz-simmons meets isabelle shaw aka morse-hunter but she’s not allowed to say that. full of nine-year-olds being absolutely chaotic as they grow up. didn’t update for a while for reasons above, but i am (hopefully) updating next wednesday!
coming soon/not yet started: 
too many fics to list ajkdkhfkd
although i will say that i’m (hopefully!!!) posting a huntingbird sick fic that i’ve been working on for an anon prompt today
do you accept prompts?: i do!
upcoming works you’re most excited about: lots of things! i have... so so many upcoming works. i’m really excited to see what you guys think of the huntingbird sick fic so :) 
tagging: @marvelflavoredgelato @genderfluid-and-confuzled @a-biochemist-not-a-bird and anyone else who wants to <3
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Two Hundred and Ten Roses
fandom: Stony (Steve x Tony), MCU,
summary: Steve is away for a secret mission during Valentine's day and Tony definitely isn't pouting about it, so seeing a surprise from his husband definitely didn’t improve his mood.
length: 1 767
a/n: Happy Valentine's day!  Please accept this fluffy piece as an expression of my love to you all! 💜 
Two Hundred and Ten Roses
A romantic dinner in a fancy restaurant. An evening spent wrapped in blankets and watching TV. Maybe a special breakfast served in bed. There were many ways to celebrate Valentine's day with your loved one.
Tony didn't get married to spend Valentine's day alone.
Granted, he never really cared about Valentine's day. He and Steve showed each other plenty of affection on a daily basis (Tony was sure of it, they both heard complaints from various team members) and Valentine's wasn't an exception of it.
Just seeing the romance pouring out on him from every corner, was reminding him, that this day he would be spending alone as his stupid husband had been sent away for some stupid classified mission to a stupid secret location. That was another reason why Tony felt so bitter - he and Steve didn't make their relationship official and on paper to still have withheld information about their spouses' location. Stupid safety protocols.
The whole day was stupid.
But Tony definitely wasn't petty about it. No, he was a man of science and had work to do, and was above such trivial thing as Valentine's day.
So, when he entered his workshop and was hit with an overpowering smell of roses and saw the biggest bouquet ever standing in a vase in the middle of his workshop, Tony didn't know what to think of it. There was a note attached, simple and to the point.
'Happy Valentine's day, sweetheart. Love, Steve'
Tony ran his hands over the not fully bloomed roses, feeling the delicate petals and breathing in the sweet smell, reading the note over and over again. There was some fuzzy feeling growing in him and a sarcastic remark about the sappiness of it all to mask his true feelings, but there was no one he could deliver the snappy comment to. Before Steve had left they made a deal, that Steve would be the one calling Tony. So, Tony put the note aside, made sure that roses had plenty of water and got to his work, occupying his mind and thinking that, that maybe today won't be so awful after all.
It was well into the afternoon when Tony’s back started to hurt from hunching over the blueprints and saw an icon with Steve’s name flashing in the corner of one of his screen and a characteristic melody of an incoming call.
“Friday, connect me,” Tony sat back in his chair, waiting for his husband’s face to show on the screen.
"Hi, babe!"
“Hiiiiii - dear God, you look awful,” Tony blurted out, the sight of Steve’s close up face taking him by surprise. Battles were not glorious, and despite the healing factor, last rough days were taking a toll on his husband's face - his eyes were circled, hair hung miserably, and as usual, in extreme conditions, Steve didn’t have time to shave, a dark, thick beard covering his jaw.
"Happy Valentine's day to you too," Steve laughed in good humor. Even his laugh sounded strained and tired.
“Sorry,” Tony said quickly, trying to fix his earlier outburst. It was always comforting when Steve managed to find time to call him during his secret missions, but seeing Steve all worn did worry Tony. “Happy Valentine's!” Tony smiled, finally sounding properly happy.
Steve’s smile dimmed into something subtler before his face became serious.
"Before we talk, I have to inform you that this conversation is wiretapped."
“I know, I know,” Tony said dismissively. Safety protocols, yada yada. He knew the drill. “Is Gary listening to us again? Hi, Gary!”
"No, Gary quit after last time," Steve chuckled, referring to the agent who was assigned to the infamous wiretapping on the superhusbands, something all agents dreaded. Cleaning sanitary facilities was easier. "Now he can’t look me in the eye. Today it is Karen’s turn."
"Hi, Karen!" Tony waved at the screen, "happy Valentine’s!"
"Oh, I am sure she is having a blast. We had a flood this morning and I ate breakfast from a tin can."
“Sorry to hear that, baby,” Tony cooed. Maybe Steve was used to rough military life, but it didn’t mean he enjoyed it. If anything, it was getting harder and harder to sleep on the cold ground, while he had a comfortable bed and a warm husband to snuggle with back in New York.
"I am gonna survive," Steve smiled and Tony hoped that he better, as he didn't plan on becoming a widower any time soon. Or ever. Just for now, he would keep that thought to himself, to not tempt fate. “I wanted to ask, did you find your gift?"
“It is hard to miss,” Tony laughed. Two hundred and ten crimson red roses on long stems in a crystal vase. The whole bouquet took over a square meter out of his workshop and was easier to jump over than walk around. Just to be sure, Tony made Friday scan the roses and count them three times. He had tried asking for a fourth count, but Friday put herself on mute. The reason was that, that the number didn’t add up for Tony, he couldn’t think of any reason why Steve chose that number of flowers. “They are beautiful, thank you. Just why two hundred and ten roses?”
Steve folded hands together under his chin and looked at his husband with love, Tony could feel all the way from the screen. Steve liked symbolics in their relationship. His favorite flowers to give to Tony were daisies because he claimed that Tony was cute and small like a daisy but also was resistant and stubborn, just like the innocent looking white flowers able to grow in harshest conditions. Their wedding rings had hidden gems, Tony’s had a blue sapphire, Steve’s had a red ruby, to represent their superhero colors. There was no way Steve ordered two hundred ten roses on random.
"I got you two hundred and ten roses to represent each and every pound of you I love and cherish."
Tony stared. And stared. And started some more before losing it again.
“What the hell, Steve?!” Tony yelled in outrage. Steve just smiled brighter, as if enjoying this situation. Well, he always claimed that angry Tony looked like a puffed out cat. So cute.
"I know I might have been a little off with your weight -"
“Damn straight, you are,” Tony hissed.
"-so I added an extra ten roses to count in your winter weight."
And it became tense again. Tony pinched the bridge of his nose, knowing that Steve was just teasing him. It was working beautifully. Years of marriage meant that they knew exactly how to push each other buttons.
“If you weren’t God knows where and I wasn’t sure when I see you again, I would totally hang up on you,” Tony gritted out through his teeth.
"I love you too, butterball," Steve cooed, blowing him a kiss.
“Steve!” Tony protested, feeling that his face became heated from embarrassment. Tony knew he wasn’t overweight. Chubby at most. He was thick in all good places. Places Steve seemed to enjoy on a daily basis. “Don’t embarrass me in front of Karen!”
"I am pretty sure that at this point Karen hung up on us," Steve laughed.
“Good, because I planned to give you all of this,” Tony motioned to himself, “once you will be back, but now you won’t get any.”
Steve narrowed eyes. "Like you will be able to resist this," Steve slowly raised his eyebrows and pressed lips together, jutting them forward. Tony tried hard not give up and let the playful jab be forgotten so easily, but he had to admit that his husband’s seductive face was quite a success. "Uh, hold on, babe," Steve said, leaning out of the camera view, exchanging a few words with someone, before coming back into view. "Sorry, Tony, I have to go."
“Is everything alright?” Tony asked, alarmed that Steve wanted to cut him short so abruptly.
"Yeah, it’s fine, just a meeting about strategy," Steve smiled, trying to ease his husband. "Will talk tomorrow, okay?"
“Okay. Stay safe!” Tony added hurriedly.
"I will."
“You would be safer if I was there with you.”
Steve’s eyes softened. That was true, but Steve was glad it wasn’t happening. Tony was safe back in New York and didn’t belong out there on the battlefield. This was good.
"I know, babe," Steve agreed.
“And not just because it was scientifically proven that a sufficient layer of fat can make one almost bulletproof -”
Steve laughed, interrupting Tony’s ramble, not expecting his husband to poke fun at himself.
“I love you, babe," Steve smiled, grateful for the short moment with his husband. It was good to see him, even briefly.
“I love you too,” Tony said and the screen turned black, the connection cut off.
Looking at the empty screen, Tony sighed, sinking into his chair. The smell of roses was strong and all around him, and became a painful reminder of his husband stuck somewhere far away from him in a state of constant danger. He needed something to fill up the void in his heart and remembered that before Steve had left for his mission, he prepared an array of homemade food and stuck in the freezer, saving Tony from constantly ordering takeaway or burning the pots. A tray of lasagna sounded especially good. He could save his work, go back to his quarters and mope over layers of pasta, cheese and tomato sauce with meat, or he could do something even better.
“Hey, Fry,” Tony looked at the ceiling, where one of the cameras to Friday’s system was located. “Let the team know that I am putting one of Steve’s lasagna in the oven and if someone wants a piece, they should come to the shared kitchen.”
“Okay, boss,” Friday replied, passing the message to the Avengers currently present in the compound and Tony could almost hear Thor and Clint sprinting in the kitchen direction. Tony stood up, thinking that he should get some nice bottle of red for him and Natasha to drink, Bruce was all set up with his weird, green teas. He could always count on Vision and Wanda to prepare something sweet, as the pair went through cookbook after cookbook, trying all kinds of recipes. Maybe he could reach Peter and invite him to swing over for a piece. Wonder what Pepper and Happy had planned, he should call them too.
After all, even if he couldn’t spend Valentine’s day with his husband, nothing was stopping him from spending it with his family.  
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spadesinglasses · 4 years
Agents of SHIELD (Series)
I finally finally finished the series. Figured a reaction post would be nice to air out all my sentimentality about the show.
Disclaimer btw, throughout this post, I would be writing shit that I hate. It might include character hate from specific situations to seasons. If you don’t want to read people hating on your fave characters, click away. If you want to change my mind about my hate, please just move on, we’ll just be wasting each other’s time.
Years ago I stopped watching AoS around season 5 episode 3.
Just this week I decided to pick it up again from the start. It was a roller coaster of emotion. From having to go through Season 1 again and how different they all are, dealing with Grant and the other arcs.
I’ve rewritten this post so many times now. One time I would be writing so much, even doing it per season only to delete it all and do it per arc, only to again delete it all and start over again.
I don’t know anymore how to write this down. But ya know what, I’ve never been that serious or technical with my reactions. So i might as well just whine about it lol.
So here ya go, a rant.
In my blog I gifed a total of 3 scenes for AoS.
The Spy’s Goodbye.
Hive and Lincoln’s death.
and Enoch’s death.
A lot of scenes made me sob like a fatherfucker but these three was too much.
The Spy’s goodbye scene was a bittersweet good bye. Not seeing Bobbi and Lance anymore was such a devastating reality, but it’s good to know that at least they do not die or sth tragic like what they did to Triplett.
Hive and Lincoln’s death was devastating in a way I wasn’t expecting. Daisy’s acting during that scene was fucking too much. THAT SHIT HURT. Lincoln’s sacrifice was something of an expected scene but god does it not have to be like that.
ALSO Hive just taking it all in, letting his death be is the most unexpected thing there. To him just saying that he just wanted connection, to make the world better was fucking sad. I understand what he said, Lincoln did too. 
Enoch’s death was fucking unappreciated.
His death was silent, he died without his best friend by his side, without Jemma, without even Deke. No, he was left with Daisy and Coulson who if I remember correctly, didn’t even have that much scene with him.
And how he just accepted it and understand that It was a necessary sacrifice was soo fucking bad.
Y’all can tell me how the crew can do that sacrifice for Enoch, but it won’t change my mind. None of them barely even tried to understand Enoch in more ways than what was just presented in front of them.
Maybe its the curse of being a minor/side character, but that shit was sad. I wonder if that sentence was more for himself, to comfort himself in his death than him being confident about it.
Again, y’all can fight me about it, tell me off how wrong I am but nope nope nope.
warning : Mackenzie Daisy Hate 
Now I can’t exactly remember what season or arc it was anymore. If it was during the lighthouse with the kree arc, or after or before, but damn Mackenzie really pissed me off.
His hypocritical holier than thou attitude pissed me so much. He’s a conflicting mess that adjusts his morality based on what’s in front of him. Everyone going against Elena was a fucking hard pill to take because she really was in a different sphere compare to where the others are.
I see her as doing her best to fit in with the group but unfortunately she didn’t just have that same experience with the others to be on the same wavelength as them.
Coulson agreeing with her was a small comfort. But Daisy and Mack and May? Dang that shit hurt.
There was a season where Daisy and Mackenzie annoyed the fuck out of me. I couldn’t stand a scene with them on it. I just can’t remember it much. I think it was after the framework scene.
Now that I finished the entire series, looking back to it, it’s not exactly OOC of them to act that way. But it sure was hell annoying and just ugh.
warning : Fitz Hate
This portion would be ranting about how sucky Fitz became after his trauma. I’m not even technically talking about what Fitz did to Daisy with her limiter and his whole “Oh Dark Fitz is doing all this bad shit, oh no wait its me all along” schtick.
I’m talking about how he responded to Deke throughout the series.
He was shitty to him. I’m not sure if its because of his immature ass, his fucking issues with Nazi Fitz, or whatever. He was shitty.
Deke did his best to connect with Fitz in anyway possible, DEKE IS STUCK IN A GODDAMN WORLD HE DOESN’T KNOW SHIT ABOUT, A SIMPLE SOFT WORLD EVEN COMPARE TO HIS OWN WORLD, and for Fitz do be that shitty to him?
I don’t even think there was one scene where Deke and Fitz even did not butt heads off.
YES them bantering, sniping at one another can be funny but damn was it draining after Deke chose to stay behind.
Deke did his best, but let’s face it, only Jemma truly accepted him in the group.
Not fucking Coulson, not fucking Mackenzie or May, not even Daisy and Elena. SPECIALLY not fucking Fitz. I hate what he did to Deke, and I hate all of them for not reaching out more.
I don’t think I’ll ever forgive Fitz ever anymore.
I truly enjoyed his character but after framework, or it was just too much.
Yes, he was traumatized by his own actions in the framework, all of them are but goddamn.
I don’t even want to drag Sousa in this but we can all agree that they all embraced Sousa quicker, and much warmer than how they all did with Deke. 
I think the arc I hated the most was the Lighthouse/Kree arc. The crew acted so fucking ignorant despite seeing what the circumstance is. They acted in ways that could’ve endangered the lives of the people who live in the Lighthouse, and yes sure if they solved the problem none of that would’ve happen in the first place but fucking hell they were all so ignorant.
Mackenzie’s shit with the guy with the baby was fucking unnecessary. I hated that scene so much.
Let’s talk about Season 7 which was fucking great.
After the seasons I felt meh about because of reasons written above, special mention to season 5 and it’s shitty ass, let’s finally talk about good stuff.
Let’s talk about young Malick first. Freddy opening that door was a fucking revelation. At this time I didn’t know he’s a big baddie, but goddamn was the actor so fineeeee. Like literally I was on my phone when the scene came up, and when I looked up, my jaw dropped.
Time travel to the past has always been an iffy plot for me. Because I don’t really wanna deal with people being sexist and racist out in public, (pfft as if the 21st century was any better about it)
But they deal with it with a comical spin. Daisy and Mack threatening shitheads back was fucking awesome. THE SCENE WITH THE WHITE DEFENSE GENERAL WAS MAGNIFICENT EVEN. DEKE WAS SO FUCKING DONE WITH HIM. HAHAHA.
In season 7 the editors really had fun changing the title sequence to accomdate each time period. It was really great!
Let’s talk about Daniel Sousa, our cinnamon bun of a man who is the only one that will now hold the title “Man out of Time” now that Steve Rogers time traveled his ass back for some fake ass moving on shit.
UGH I THINK WE ALL FELL IN LOVE WITH DANIEL SOUSA IN THIS SEASON. His go to attitude and just so ready to be with Daisy was fucking great. I love Daisy and him together. After all the shit that Daisy went through, FUCKING FINALLY SHE FINALLY GETS THE HAPPY ENDING SHE DESERVESSSSS.
I want a Daniel Sousa myself. He seems to be like a traditional man who isn’t sexist and racist and homophobic ya know. (side eyeing some traditional male actors who I thought would not be shitty only to be proved wrong by them)
Anywho their kiss was fucking satisfying. And I hope that they will fucking have a great long life with Kora. 
THIS TWO DUMBOS ARE FUCKING GREAT. Still not sure about reviving Agent Davis as an LMD but at least they didn’t keep it a secret that he isn’t a real person anymore.
I shipped him one with Agent LT Koenig. I know Davis is already married and probably has a child based on his interaction with Elena but daaang.
Earlier I wrote something about Elena trying to penetrate the Coulson group but not exactly being able to?
Honestly, it makes sense to me that Elena is closer to Piper and Davis than she is with any of the core 6. And I truly love the fact that Davis and Piper is Elena’s new squad. I wish they interacted more honestly.
Also I miss Agent Fox, he was a fucking cutie. Agent Keller was also damn hot lol.
I think I’m done. I can’t think of anything more to say. Oh wait maybe the bit where the guy who acted as young Garrett was actually the son of the actor of old Garrett. Lol I was shooked when I watched them have the same smile. It was eerie without knowing they are father and son lol.
Okay im done, I’m happy that I finally finished AoS. I miss the scenes where they still reference the MCU movies but it seemed like after the gravitonium arc, they didn’t do any of it anymore. Sad truly.
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Agent H’s AOS Rewatch
Season 3 Pro’s and Con’s 
We’re done with the season 4 rewatch, and I’m over here still trying to process season 3. First time watching, it was my least favorite season and I nearly stopped watching the show because of it. Second time watching…it’s still probably my least favorite just by comparison, but I have infinite more respect for it. Anyway, I needed to sort out my thoughts on this, so it’s all under “keep reading” and don’t get mad at me.
Cons (because let’s get the bad stuff out of the way)
-I really dislike revenge stories, so all the revenge stuff with Hunter and Coulson and Ward and all did not sit well with me and felt even OOC. 
-Speaking of, from the S2 finale through most of this season, there’s this theme of the men protecting and revenging their wounded or fridged girlfriends. It’s not super fun because this is a show where the women are clearly just as, if not more, competent than the men, but they’re not given the same opportunity to protect/revenge the men, much less given the same importance even in their own stories. I’m blanking on what MCU movies were going on around the time of this season, but I remember seeing this even in the movies. If I remember correctly there was a head of MCU who was later removed, but was apparently responsible. 
-The use of Ward is muddled. I’m cool with his takeover of HYDRA, that seemed natural. But you expect it to lead to a huge standoff with SHIELD because he, their worst enemy, is now head of their worst enemy organization. Instead, he gets converted to the HYDRA religion and literally becomes a vessel. Which is fine, but the transition was really hurriedly and poorly done. This is a man who has complex views of loyalty (Garrett not HYDRA. Skye and Coulson but not SHIELD), so I’m gonna need a lot more convincing that he’d believe Gideon’s HYDRA.
-This will be on both lists: I’m disappointed about how after three seasons HYDRA is taken out so quietly and quickly.
-I don’t know where to put this, but: I didn’t actually hate the space boyfriend arc as much the second time around, but the potential overall got squandered and I dislike that. 
-Rosalind’s death and possibly her whole arc was pointless. She was literally created and killed to serve Coulson’s character. Gross. And it’s a shame because it would have been really cool to use her as an actual foe-turned-friend for SHIELD throughout the season; she could have easily taken Mace’s place in S4 and that way at least would have been important for two seasons
-Okay, this is ABC’s fault not AOS’s. But like I remember how hard they advertised for Secret Warriors. Like that was the name of the arc. And. Then. They were a team FOR AN EPISODE.  Imagine my disappointment. Also, there really weren’t enough Inhumans this season to suit me.
-Bobbi and Hunter leave for a failed spinoff and I will never forgive Marvel for doing that.
-I mean…I appreciate that they give Andrew a noble death, but like…was it really necessary to have him turn and later die? Really? It gives Ming Na Wen and Blair Underwood opportunities to do extraordinary acting and they nail it, but like maybe don’t kill a guy to solve your inevitable ship? Don’t kill off your second black actor?
-The time jump in the season finale is too sudden. Like we barely get to grieve over Lincoln and they hit us with a time jump and Daisy on the run and new director in charge. Uncool. 
-This was the season I started to dislike Fitzsimmons. Don’t hate me. To me there’s an undercurrent in the writing that seems to favor Fitz over Simmons. FS’s subject to the same sexism that I mentioned in the first bullet. Like the story post-Simmons’ return focuses a lot more on Fitz’s feelings than on hers. He’s the one who has to stop her from getting tortured. He’s the one who saves Will, when it makes way more sense for her to go. He’s the one they all turn to for answers, when it should be both of them combined. And Simmons just gets a little pushed aside in her own story arc, but she just goes along with it anyway. 
-I had to write this last because this is the thing that hurts the season the most for me: Lincoln’s treatment. Okay, first, he’s a great character who got a major personality change between seasons. I don’t like the personality change, but I’d be okay with it if they didn’t do worse. For starters, we barely know him. His life and backstory are so vague, the guy he visits in 3x03 is just “a friend”, and like we get zero information on how they know each other. They spend the entire season having everyone in SHIELD (except Daisy) be against him, dislike him, belittle him, and mistrust him WHEN HE DESERVED NONE OF IT. Like they make it really obvious that Coulson dislikes him father-style because of his relationship with Daisy. They make him petulant and act out to prove that Mack and May are right to mistrust him when really given the fact that he was an Inhuman guide and a medical doctor and a recovered addict, he’d be a lot more under control. They make Fitzsimmons talk down to him just because no one can be smart except Fitzsimmons, when clearly he would know more about Inhuman biology and medicine in general THAN THE BIOCHEM PHD (sorry that one will always bug me). Like they make some work on him with Coulson and May, and that’s good, but overall he is not allowed to have a solid relationship with anyone but Daisy. I think the writers 1) knew he was gonna die and decided not to invest in him or his relationships. 2) were trying to get a moody bad boy in the cast, and decided to cast him as it when it didn’t really make sense. Also, while talking about Lincoln, I really wish they did some more interesting things with his powers than lightning blasts. He has electric powers!! There’s so much you can do!!
-Okay, this one is just real personal. LINCOLN IS A MEDICAL DOCTOR. Or at least a medical student or resident or fellow (I mean, he’s in the hospital doing rounds). TREAT HIM AS SUCH. HE WANTED TO HELP PEOPLE, LET HIM HELP PEOPLE. LET HIM DO THE SURGERIES AND KNOW THE STUFF ABOUT BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE. LET HIM RETURN TO HIS OLD LIFE AS A DOCTOR. You had such a good character who turned himself around from addiction, dedicated his life to saving lives, got thrown multiple curve balls, and now has to decide how will he continue to serve others. Yes, he’s a hero in the end. But all that in between time, he could have been saving lives too.
Pros (because there is good stuff, I promise) 
-Someone mentioned that this is the first season to have a unified storyline throughout, and that’s so true and it’s so well done! 
-There’s a good natural continuation of the HYDRA and Inhuman storylines from S1 and S2. I think we can look at AOS as two large arcs: S1-S3 is about powered people and HYDRA. S4-S7 is about bending the limits of reality with Ghost Rider, LMDs, Framework, Space, and Time Travel,. S1 was about introducing us to powered people and HYDRA, S2 was about developing the history and politics of them respectively and how they relate to SHIELD. S3 is when Inhumans get involved with SHIELD and with the world directly and the fallout from that. For HYDRA it’s when we get the history and reasoning of the group, and even if it’s a retcon, I appreciate that it introduces the background of HYDRA as a way to end this arc
-Overall, I really do appreciate how this season fills out a lot of worldbuilding. We get a complete history on HYDRA, and we get way more info on Inhumans, but we also get to see how the human world is reacting to and divided on Inhumans, which carries over into the net season
-On both lists: It’s good that they take HYDRA out so quickly and quietly. That plotline had run its course, and it was so bittersweet because they finally had defeated their biggest enemy, but now they had even bigger problems to deal with it. That scene of Coulson and May watching HYDRA fall is one of my favorites because it mirrors that S1 scene of watching HYDRA takeover, but it’s so quiet and not celebratory like it should be.
-Like I said, I hate revenge arcs, but I do appreciate how it came full circle at the end with Coulson admitting his mistake and regret in seeking revenge. That’s much more on brand with Coulson and MCU even I had to sit through a painful arc just to get to that point. 
-Episode 1, Daisy’s entrance and, for that matter, Fitz’s entrance. HOT DAMN.
-One of my favorite things about AOS is the way that they mix up pairings and everyone feels like friends and family. This season did a fantastic job on that with like Fitz/Bobbi, Mack/Daisy, Hunter/May, and way more.
-I complain that there wasn’t enough Inhumans to suit me, but also I really enjoyed the ones we got. I expected them to do Inhumans with basic powers like water, fire, plants, shrinking. But AoS writers were like nah, how about a guy who melts metal?? How about Medusa eyes?? How about a guy who can predict deaths? Like they just went straight to the extremes and I respect that. And yes, we have our typical speedster and fire guy, but the sheer joy that comes from those characters makes up for the predictability of their powers.
-We get Joey and Yoyo who are the effin’ best and deserve the world. And with Lincoln and Daisy we got SECRET WARRIORS!!!!
-First time, we get introduced to Charles and Robin and manipulating time, which obviously becomes important later, so I like that they introduce it so early in the show.
-I also love the way things come full circle with Lash. I wish he didn’t die, but the reveal of his true purpose was amazing 
-THAT FITZ vs MONOLITH SCENE. That is top like five moments of the show for me, and I’m gonna need the Emmys to give Iain de Castecker his belated Best Actor award any day now.
-4722 Hours was a work of art, and Elizabeth Henstridge, I will be getting you that Best Actress Emmy one way or another. 
-Brett Dalton’s acting. This rewatch served to highlight how brilliantly he developed Ward’s evilness over the course of the three seasons and then the way he flipped the switch and played a completely different character as Hydra. You can feel it in his voice and mannerisms, it’s a totally different person even if it’s still technically Ward’s body. And to top it off, that finale where he pulls of a brilliant two-minute psychotic breakdown and a kickass fight scene. Standing ovation, good sir. I miss you.
-After S2 fridged three women of color, I do appreciate how this season chooses to take out four of its white characters even if I’m sad that they had to go.
-The Star Wars references were so effin’ funny
-Spy’s Goodbye. I will never be okay about this.
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@dollsome-does-tumblr​ does this and opened it up to anyone and I am feeling chatty today SO!
Because I co-write a lot with my lovely wife, I might answer some questions including those co-written stories, or I might not, depends on how I feel when I get there.
Megan but I go by Lentils most places on the internet, Shadowcrawler over on AO3
at the moment: MCU, especially Agents of SHIELD and Daredevil; Terminator: Dark Fate; Halt and Catch Fire. Oh and I wrote Dollhouse fanfics a thousand years ago. Sometimes I will watch a movie/show and think “those two girls should be gay” and bang out 2k of fic about it and then never write for that fandom again. (I THOUGHT this was going to be HACF but as it turns out, no, it’s not done with me yet.)
where you post:
AO3, at Shadowcrawler. I also have a tumblr @lentils-writes​ where theoretically I post links to fics/advertise them in the tags, because I used to be real precious about not putting porn on this blog, but fuck it.
most popular multi-chapter fic:
Co-written, it’s definitely mallverse, which is I think the reason most writers definitely hate us because it’s very long and there are a lot of tags lmao. The problem is that every tagged character HAS shown up in a significant fashion at some point so we can’t just...untag them! It doesn’t update weekly anymore because we’re exhausted by life lmao so at least there’s that???
As for a multi-chapter fic that was just me, I don’t tend to do that so much, so actually it’s say you will, my 3-chapter Endgame fix-it where Clint dies instead of Natasha and Natasha and Laura have a past. It actually has over 1000 hits which is very exciting! I feel like it’s...niche in a way that is frustrating but understandable lol. I put a lot of my heart into it and some people really liked it, so that’s gratifying.
favorite story you’ve written so far:
Co-written, I think our SHIELD Dollhouse AU is very underrated for the amount of work we put into it. Author bias evident here because I love Dollhouse warts and all, and it’s a lot of fun translating episode plots as well as the general trajectory of the show into stuff that will work with SHIELD characters. We don’t just rewrite episodes, we really try and rework them as needed. Also it features both Skimmons and my beloved rarepair Bobbi/Kara, though of course they won’t get together until later.
Of my own stuff, I’m still really really proud of the AU where Kara Palamas didn’t die. I think that was a pretty severe misstep of the show and I think I did a good job of fixing it. (I haven’t forgotten Kara, promise!)
fic you were nervous to post:
lolololol I wrote some uh. Terminator pornography last year and. They are very porny! I had co-written a bunch of smut obviously, but that was the first time I’d posted like, PWP all by myself on purpose??? and that was TERRIFYING. Also I was very nervous to post the Engame fix-it because that was my own personal goodbye/tribute to Natasha.
how you choose your titles:
They are always either song lyrics or jokes (such as Three Lawyers and a Baby, my Daredevil Accidental Baby Acquisition fic). My WIP docs are always titled either obvious shit like “RoseJannah horse girls” or memes like “what if we belonged to a fire cult and we fucked haha just kidding unless...?” or “Morgan has two mommies.”
do you outline?:
B and I typically outline for the co-written fics, although it’s more often chapter-by-chapter outlines since that’s how we write them. On occasion we’ve fully planned multi-chapter stuff out in advance but that’s less common. Oh and the one-shots are nearly always outlined as well, just to keep ourselves organized.
When I have written planned multi-chapter fics in the past I have used outlines - particularly for the Kara one and I had to do that for the SHIELD Kill Bill AU because I was trying to follow the format of the movie. For things that are allegedly supposed to be one-shots I almost never outline, which turns out to be a terrible idea when they inevitably balloon beyond my control and become 45k like say you will. That one, I wrote out a list of scenes I thought needed to be in it and then I wrote about 75% of those scenes and then I wrote a bunch more scenes I hadn’t planned for. Don’t be like me, kids!
complete fics:
According to AO3, 89 as of right now. Uh, you do not want me to list all of them, here’s a link, I guess!
in progress:
I don’t understand what the difference is between this question and the WIP questions lmao help????
posted WIPs that I have active plans to continue at this time:
Cowritten: mallverse as I said, and its femslash smut oneshots spinoff and character flashbacks spinoff and older characters/teachers spinoff (these get updated, uh, irregularly), the first half of a Piper/Snowflake SHIELD s7 fic that we are planning on finishing the second half of soonish, SHIELD Dollhouse AU, SHIELD Teen Beach AU, SHIELD Buffy AU. You may notice a pattern!
By myself, I have: Have Your Elf a Merry Little Christmas, a Terminator Hallmark Christmas fic that I ambitiously posted the first chapter of in 2019 and then lost steam immediately (I am going to go back to it sooner or later bc I had some cute ideas for it); the SHIELD Fate of the Furious AU that has one chapter to go and which I do intend on finishing eventually; Three Lawyers and a Little Lady, the Daredevil Accidentally Baby Acquisition AU that is literally just cute kidfic and poly avocados and which I have a bunch of ideas for and just need to buckle down and finish some.
posted WIPs that I have given up on:
Lol so there’s a Dollhouse Caroline/Bennett Doctor Who AU that I wrote purely as idfic and which nobody ever cared about except me, and I think that ship has sailed! RIP darlings. I also had an ongoing Skimmons series waaaay back when where I posted oneshots that were like missing scenes or gay readings for each s1 episode, and I just feel like it would be inauthentic to even try and finish it at this point. (It does include the first ever Skimmons fic to be posted on AO3! Really truly, there’s one fic that shows up as older but it’s an ongoing fic and was updated with the tag way after I posted mine.)
exchange fics due soon/unrevealed:
I haven’t done an exchange since like 2015 lololol I am so bad at them. I am currently working on finishing up my MCU Femslash bingo card, very late, and I do have plans for almost all of the remaining squares!
WIPs that live in my fanfic folder and are incomplete and who knows when they’ll be finished:
“RoseJannah horse girls,” which has been put on hold temporarily but is literally just Rose and Jannah being gay while riding orbaks
half of a Daisy/Gwen fic from Marvel Rising because I know they’re not making any more of those but I stg those two were really gay
multiple fics about Elise Nelson-Page including: avocados Halloween with smol Elise, Aunt Elektra very reluctantly taking smol Elise shopping until she realizes smol Elise also likes weapons (she buys her a fake katana), Uncle Frank is a pushover and spoils the shit out of Elise, and baby Elise has a high fever and everyone freaks out but then she gets better and smile at them for the first time (inspired by baby me lol).
coming soon/not yet started:
“Morgan has two mommies,” yet another Endgame fix-it where Maya Hansen did not die in Iron Man 3 and she resurfaces and she and Pepper kiss and eventually she adopts Morgan
Claire and Colleen go on a nice date to get coffee/tea where Danny doesn’t interrupt them goddammit
Bobbi/Kara Warehouse 13 AU which is sort of like “For the Team” but gayer ft. grappling hook
X-Men: Evolution Tabby/Amara fluff
Cameron/Donna character study disguised as smut
Grace proposes to Dani with a ring made out of the metal from her power source and Carl officiates the wedding 
Dani gets horny watching Grace eat a peach and jerks off and Grace ends up hearing her and then they fuck (I have been calling this “the peach fic” in my head but I gotta stop being delicate about it lmfao it is just porn)
B and I have plans to do a Nico/Karolina Jasper in Deadland AU but we keep forgetting
do you accept prompts:
uhhhhhh I have on occasion written a prompt for someone before but it’s pretty rare and I have enough trouble writing the shit I come up with in my own head lol. but never say never?
upcoming story you are most excited to write:
I’ve got a bit of the Bobbi/Kara Warehouse fic written and it’s nice to go back to that world. Also I’m weirdly excited about the Cam/Donna smutty character study I mentioned above, I have a lot of what I think are good ideas for it and it’ll be fun.
tagging @unwind-myself @swiftzeldas @swashbucklery @loved-the-stars-too-fondly and, if you want to, you!
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ayankun · 4 years
real quick before I get into season 6
So this is my second time watching Season 6 and I’m p. excited.  This last week or so I’ve been dredging up bits and pieces, but most of it is a blur.  It seems the memories that lasted this whole year were mostly of the huge armored truck and the nonbinary character who works at *spoilers*’s tech startup.
I’m curious to see if the second time through it’ll settle in like it belongs.  I remember Season 5 really didn’t make any sense to me until I saw it again.
But really I’m just excited that in 11 hours I can watch the new stuff?!
But first, before I forget, here’s my last thoughts on Season 5.
So remember how I was surprised at Season 1′s structure, that it folded up nicely down the middle with some pretty tidy symmetry?
None of the other seasons do that.
Instead, I remember particularly strongly how jarring the end of the Ghost Rider arc was in the middle of Season 4.  And then again when the (what I’m calling) Kasius arc also wrapped up mid-season.
I’m not sure when I read about it, but it probably was circa Ghost Rider, that they’d intentionally decided on what I’m pretty sure they called “pods” of episodes, these seasons-within-a-season sort of narratives.
Season 2 sort of kicks it off, what with the race to Terragenesis taking eps 1-10 and the Afterlife/splinter SHIELD stories filling 11-22.  Then Season 3 has the monolith/Maveth mystery to start, followed by Hive & the Inhumans for the second half.  S4 is super poddy, obviously branded as Ghost Rider/Agents of Hydra, and S5 also splits neatly into future!Lighthouse and present day!Lighthouse.
Two points to make on this:
Kasius is such a rockstar villain that I feel really bad for Hale/Ruby/Talbot.  They’re so apples and oranges but having the highlight come first allows for unfavorable comparisons to be made.  It’s like asking any well-to-do Kree to compare Xandarian snail to oops all berries.
Good thing they’d had all this practice writing complete stories in 12 eps, since I’m hoping Season 6 (and obvs Season 7) will still feel as fully formed as their longer antecedents.
Anyway, that first point is my major point for S5.
S3 already feels like the second half of S2, and its internal halves are the most similar to each other as any of the other “pods,” so it’s not like people have a reason to go around saying “I liked the first half of the season waaay better than the second.”
(although I might.  I might say that, actually.  but not because the halves were branded separately from one another)
And S4, though the two halves are barely identifiable as coming from the same show much less the same season, they’re both good.  Robbie Reyes is perfect.  The effort to incorporate new MCU topics/aesthetic from Doctor Strange is great.  Robots who just want to be a real girl is my JAM.  All the Framework cameos really make my day!  And then Robbie Reyes comes back all deus ex machina (ironic) and saves the day, and
it makes sense that he does because the function and nature of the Darkhold was well established in part 1 and
it’s GREAT that he does because he’s perfect and we miss him.
Then here comes S5.  I really really respect so much about the creative decisions that took the story where it went (ie, outside Papa MCU’s sphere of interference), and getting to reuse the same set in a different context while minimizing “on-location” shoots is just technical and financial genius, okay. 
But there’s so much about the first half, in the future, that compels me waaaaaaay more than the gritty anger of the second half. 
Kasius, WOW what a villain.  Dominic Rains, everyone.  I have nothing unkind to say about the performance, the character, anything.  Impeccable.  Spectacular.  Perfection.
The mystery of the season opener!  We had the tag scene where Coulson’s “in space” and plenty of time to ruminate on the how and why, especially with Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 coming out right as S4 ended and Thor: Ragnarok literally sizzling in the theaters at the same time as this season started.  They answer the question by the end of the episode, but not before several characters come up with and pursue several different theories, and that’s fun.
What a way to capitalize on the Inhuman storyline your show’s been about for years now, without forcing Papa MCU to contend with all this good work you’ve been doing.  Just go somewhere he can’t reach you (the future), and then un-write all of it anyway.  V. tidy.  Extra style points will be awarded.
LEITMOTIFS.  If y’all’ve seen BSG, then you know Bear McCreary is a master of the art.  But this season has so many good themes, my friends.  The Daisy/Quake theme that’s been knocking around for a season is here in full force, and Sinara’s is the best bad guy theme you could have wanted, and dearest sweetest Flint has the best great guy theme you ever heard.
Just, while we’re here.  Sinara.  She says nothing for episodes (it feels like, I wasn’t counting) and her first line is a scornfully growled “compassion.”  Give it up for Florence Faivre !!!  She hardly has any lines but you always know exactly what she’s thinking and what she’s about.  Sinara and Kasius have the richest on-screen chemistry of anybody on any show from any era fight me on this I dare you.
Mack’s coming down from his second life in the Framework, and that suuuuucks that these folks never have a moment to rest before barreling into their next story.  But he gets to be a father to Flint!  And Yo-Yo gets to be a mother!!!  UGH why couldn’t they have brought Flint instead of Deke lololol oh well.
I think I know another reason why Lincoln seems overhyped to me.  That other Inhuman, Ben I think his name is?  He’s in like two episodes, serves a narrative purpose, and is disposed.  I know Lincoln’s in like 18 times as many episodes but they have the same exact overall impact on my brain-hole.  Imagine if it was Ben that came back with them instead of Deke.  That’s how I feel about Lincoln.  Like, how did this obviously disposable character make it this far?
Then you have Deke.  You love to hate him.  He’s a very well-fashioned character who is flawless in making you feel the way the showrunners want you to feel.  That’s the kind of character that gets killed off twice and still comes back, and it doesn’t surprise you.
So, Enoch.  Enoch is everyone’s favorite character, right?  Right.  Give me genderless robots with a soft spot for humanity ANY DAY.  PLEASE where are they I need them.  (I’m un-repressing memories of S6 and I feel like somehow I should be careful what I wish for)  Man I remember with 1000% clarity the absolute glee I felt sitting down for the opening montage of S5 the first time, how ballsy weird it was, just watching this freaky bald alien of a man go swimming with some fun electro pop number playing in the background.  100/10 please make more television like this
 More monoliths!!  The time one is so pretty!
(remember when there were more monoliths and no one knew where they came from or what they did but then it didn’t matter because they got instantly exploded?)
The low-key obvious answers to the season’s questions, what with the Inhumans running all over the shop, Quake there to tear everything down and Flint there to put the pieces back together I’m not crying you’re crying
Oh man, and Simmons getting to mentor not one but two Inhuman youths to be confident and trust in themselves and their powers.  What a ways from the fear-panic response to Daisy when she turned.
Also, yeah, it has to be said, this show’s blatant “you’re different and that’s okay” agenda sits very well with me.  Agents of SHIELD says LGBTQ+ rights!
So anyway, part 2 falls a little flat for me because its strength is its themes, but I’m not really compelled by the stakes and definitely not by the villains and not really even by the intra-team drama.
Obviously S2 touched on parenthood, but it was pretty specific.  S5 digs in and brings us a lot more on the topic.
Kasius desperately desires his father’s approval but very deeply despises the methods and the people who earn it.
Hale was indoctrinated by Hydra and was very earnest in wanting to uphold the values of the organization, until the organization (and Whitehall) shared with her their narrow appreciation of the gift of her loyalty.  Even then, she struggles to make sense of this loyalty, only realizing too late that being a good Hydra pawn and a good parent are categorically mutually exclusive.
Ruby, obviously, is like a mini-Kasius, the brave-faced rebel who wears her mother’s disappointment on her sleeve like a badge of honor to pretend that it isn’t crippling her.
The Von Strucker kid, boy is he messed up (and his Hydra dad had something to do with it)
((echos of Ward are still heard even this far after his demise, and we know what his father figures were like))
Poor Talbot, got some brain damage and some Hydra conditioning on top of that, cracked that noggin wide open.  He just wanted to do good by his family.  Just wanted his son to know he loves him.
Polly and Robin.  The daughter who needs constant special care because she’s stuck inside her own mind and the mother who’s been through hell and back and still manages to do her best.  Even when she knows she won’t always be there for her daughter.  Even when she knows she’ll be replaced.
May getting a glimpse at the life she and Andrew once talked about.  Getting a chance to do right by that little girl.
Mack recovering from getting that same glimpse, from the echoing memories of a life time spent with his greatest regret erased.  Being roped into being a thug and threatening that dad without knowing the meaning behind his threat -- being told that people like him don’t deserve the privilege of parenthood.  But then getting to know Flint, and having Yo-Yo at his side while they fast track this kid through all the things he’s gonna need to know in order to be the Big Damn Hero the world needs him to be.
The timey-wimey promise that FitzSimmons will one day be parents to a brilliant daughter who will unfortunately give birth to a Deke.
Coulson and Daisy.  Another parent placing enormous expectations on his daughter, desperate that she be ready for his responsibilities because his time is running out.  A daughter who mishandles these expectations and refuses to stop fighting a losing battle, not because she’s not ready to step up, but because she doesn’t want to face the fact that she’s losing the man who raised her.
Anyway, aside from all this good Theme work, part 2 wades perfunctorily through musty remnants of the previous season, from The Doctor to The Russian.  Which makes sense, because that season ended in a way that left so many loose threads -- but then this season comes along and summarily ties them up, all cute little bows, the lot of them.  Dusts its hands.  Nothing to see here.  Move along now.  Time’s up.
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