#ass quality drawing because i had to use my phone
cemeterything · 10 months
thinking about a person with those butterfly wings with eyespots in the place of regular eyes and instead of blinking they fold and unfold their wings. like this.
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The Princess and The Duke Chapter 2 More than meets the Eye Stepdad!Dave York x Cam Worker!Reader
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This blog is a 18+ space, Minors, do not engage. If you are under the age of 18 you are not welcome here. Please heed these warnings and the warnings put in place on each individual fic and chapter. Your reading and consumption of my work is your responsibility but I will endeavour to mitigate any discomfort for you, the reader, as possible. Once again, this is a 18+ space and minors should not interact.  Specific Warnings: None, still pretty tame, some sexual tension, Dave getting angry, angst from both, mutual pining, reader is such a brat.
Graphics made by me - Images used for effect, they are not intended to race-code or gender-code reader. Thank you again to @patti7dc and @lucyeyelesbarrow for beta-ing! Read on AO3
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Your mom arrived home at the same time as you, her makeup a mess and her clothes dishevelled. Panic rose in your throat as you hurried over to her cherry-red Escalade. You had called out to Dave for help, only for his terrified look to drop into something you could only call an acceptance of inevitability.
He helped you get your mom into bed with minimal effort and now you’re sat, fingers drumming angrily on the breakfast island as you chew through your cold burger and fries. You can hear your mom and Dave bickering upstairs as Dave’s double cheeseburger with extra bacon sits in its foil across from you.
You can’t explain it, the heat rising in your chest as you listen to your mom scold Dave like he was the one to traipse back into the house looking like he’d fucked half the neighbourhood. For sure, good on your mom for having a great time, but not at the expense of someone so fucking undeserving as Dave.
I’ve known this man less than forty-eight hours and already I want to protect him like a kicked puppy.
You scold yourself internally as you put Dave’s untouched burger and fries in the fridge, if he doesn’t eat it, you will devour it later. You dump your wrappers in the trash and head up to your new room. Your head is spinning, the fucked-up scenes of your mom coming home smelling of cheap cologne and another man’s sweat and Dave just accepting it playing over and over. It makes you angry in a way you can’t place.
You’re pacing as you draw a bath, your angst playlist raging through your Bluetooth speaker as you try to sift through the jet lag, anger, and for some reason, shame. You’re not even sure why you’re so angry. Is it because your mom didn’t text you? Even after you texted her? Or is it because she’s clearly cheating on Dave and that he knows.
You pull up local events on your phone, looking for something, anything going on tonight so you could make an excuse to be out of the house. You’re angry at them both. Your mom for cheating on what you could only ever describe as a fine ass man.
And then there’s Dave.
You’re furious at him for being so self-assured and interesting around you, only to roll over and let your mom verbally abuse him the moment she graced his home – their home – with her disgraceful state. You’re too angry to rationalise or even justify the feelings coiling and writhing in your chest. You’ve known Dave properly for less than two days, but fuck, you’re livid.
You’ve often hated ex-boyfriends and flings of your mom’s and for good reason. Darren was an alcoholic, even rivalling your mom’s drinking. Jason was a bland man with no discernible positive qualities, but from the noises that came from your mom and his bedroom at that one lake-house vacation, you could tell he could fuck. And then there’s Dave.
Handsome, funny, smart, capable. And this is how she treats him?
You feel like you’re losing it, you’re twisting yourself into knots over a marriage that has existed for just over a year. Over a man you barely know, and a mother you know all too well to be surprised at. You hear the gurgle of the bath’s overflow and catch it just before it spills over.
You turn off the faucet just in time and sigh as you slump down onto your knees. You rest your head against the tub as you mash out an angry text to your dad.
You: wtf is wrong with mom?
Your message is seen almost immediately before three dots appear in a ripple as he texts back.
Dad: Warum? Was ist los?
You: Vater, Englisch.
You type back, already smiling through your foul mood as your dad messes with you. You’re more or less fluent verbally but you always struggle to read and write it, and he knows it.
Dad: Ok, what’s going on?
You: She’s cheating on her new husband already, what the fuck?!
The dance of three dots plays out for some time, then disappear and leave you hanging. You press the heel of your palms into your eyes before you pull them away to up the volume on your speaker through your phone.
You hear your mom shouting at you from outside the door to turn the music down and suddenly you’re fifteen again, you feel small and pathetic as you turn the volume down a little and slide into the bath with a sigh. You flick through local events and see there’s a blues night at a local club and make a note of it before a message from an unknown number pops up in your notifications.
Unknown: Hey, can we talk? It’s Dave.
You consider telling him to go fuck himself, or simply responding with a curt no. But you refrain from answering, dropping your phone onto the bathmat before submerging yourself under the hot, lavender-scented bath water. Your fingers slide over your skin as you decide an orgasm would make you feel better. It does, but morbidly, only because your mind is still full of thoughts of Dave.
The jazz club is packed as you try and find somewhere to sit, your overpriced beer in one hand, your phone in the other. You navigate groups of people of all ages as you appreciate the exposed brickwork and hardwood flooring of the establishment. You adjust your tight black leather trousers as you sit down, your crimson, strapless bustier a little slutty for the occasion but you don’t care. With any luck you’re going to get laid tonight.
Anything beats going home.
You’re off towards the side of the stage, the view less than optimal but that doesn’t really matter as you’re not really here for the show. You just needed to get out of that fucking house. You’d taken a painfully expensive Uber to get here, and you were going to make the most of it.
You scroll through your phone as you hear the musicians tuning up back-stage. Your father still hasn’t texted you back, and Dave has left a string of messages but you’re leaving him on read. You’d snuck out of the house earlier without either of them seeing.
Dave: Please, your mother is worried about you, she’s sorry she forgot your flight was yesterday.
Dave: Can you at least text her to let her know where you are?
Dave: Get home safe.
The last message pulls at your chest as you re-read the messages. You sigh and wiggle your thumbs over the keyboard, trying to decide if you want to answer him or not, but before you can make that decision the band comes on stage.
“Thank you all for coming out here tonight, we’re the Bluez Brotherz and we’ve got some killer tunes for you tonight. Enjoy!”
You look up from your phone and your mouth drops open in bemusement. True to their name, all four men are wearing dark suits, black ties, sunglasses and black fedoras. Just like in the film. But that’s not what shocks you, you’d seen their band name on the event page.
No, what has you reeling is the saxophone player. It’s Dave.
You pull up your camera and take photos, you need evidence of this to lord over Dave at a later date, when you hope you can stop being angry at him. The band starts with a cover of Gimme Shelter by The Rolling Stones, and you can’t help but like them already.
You sip on your beer as you occasionally take some more photos of Dave on the sly. But for the most part, you just listen to the music, and study Dave from your seat. They reach the middle of their set and take a break for refreshments. Dave sets down his silver saxophone on a stand and hops off the stage. You watch as women fawn over him as he makes his way to the bar, you can hardly blame them, you were only touching yourself in the bath to thoughts of him this morning.
You decide to make your move as he reaches the bar, you need another drink anyway. You saunter up to him, low heels clicking on the hardwood floors, a plan formulating already as you practice a few voice training exercises to get your throat warmed up.
Dave orders for the whole band as they schmooze with some of the event attendees. He isn’t built for small talk and fending off women. So, as always, he volunteered to get the intermission drinks.
“Hey there handsome, you look good with a saxophone between your lips, seems like you’re pretty good with your mouth huh?”
The all too familiar voice makes Dave flinch visibly as he recognises Princess Luna’s voice. He turns slowly, and his stomach drops as he sees who’s voice it actually is. You.
“Chill the fuck out Dave, I’m just messing with you.”
Your affected voice is gone and Dave freezes for a moment, unsure if he was imagining Princess Luna’s voice when he heard you speak, or if you really did affect your voice to disguise it. He’s not sure which thought is more troubling.
But one thing is for certain, he is glad to see you. Your mother hadn’t so much as talked about you all day, his texts were a lie. It was him who was worried about you, she seemingly couldn’t care less. That troubled Dave, and he wondered if his daughters would be so estranged from him some day if he didn’t make amends with them.
Your voice snaps him out of his spiral and he gives you a stern look. It makes you thrum with arousal, the way his brow creases, his jaw set in a hard line as he purses his lips. His hand flexes into a fist on the bar as his nostrils flare.
“Sorry I just didn’t expect you to be here.” He mutters as his drinks are placed on the bar.
“Right back at you,” You grumble, annoyed you didn’t get the response you were hoping for, even a hint of a laugh would have been enough, but clearly, you’ve hit a nerve, “I can leave if this makes you uncomfortable?”
Daves eyes go wide as he wraps his fingers around the bottle necks, condensation beading over his skin and you try not to stare. His face softens and he lets out a deep, emotive sigh as he turns to face you fully.
“Fuck, no. Sorry it’s just been a long day, could we sit down and talk after this? Get something to eat?”
His flustered response has your heart beating hard in your chest and you try not to whine at the smell of his cologne and the way sweat beads on his temple from the exertion of playing with such passion you can barely believe it’s him up there playing the sax.
“Sounds good, I was just going to eat your left-over burger and fries when I got home, so this is a step up.”
Dave’s lips curl up into an incredulous smile as he looks you up and down with a quick flick of his dark eyes. You’re glad you’d dressed up a little, instead of turning up in an old boyfriend’s hoodie and jeans like you’d initially planned.
“Alright, meet me backstage after the show.”
“Yes, sir!” You give him a mock salute and you clock the way Dave’s pupils dilate at the word sir. Yet another piece of information to file away in your mental David York Dossier. You swear he grumbles something under his breath as you turn back to order a drink.
“Hey Francis, this one’s on my tab.” He points at you with his thumb as the bartender reaches you.
“You got it Dave, what can I get for you?”
The man behind the bar is slight, a cropped beard accenting his strong jaw as his ice blue eyes are somehow penetrating yet warm at the same time.
“Just a beer, not about to take advantage of my-,” You pause, almost calling him your stepdad but you stop yourself, it still feels wrong to think about him that way, “My mom’s husband.”
“Uh-huh, good on you, one beer coming up.”
You watch the rest of the show from the bar, perched on a stool in full view of the stage. Dave plays like his life depends on it, revealing to you a side of him you never could have expected. He’s passionate and full of vigour and it does nothing but stoke the fire in your belly as you watch him lose himself to the music.
As their final set finishes, you’re clapping along like a seal on Adderall. The music was beautiful but the soul and passion the whole band had for it all made your heart swell with happiness. You almost forget you’re mad at Dave.
“So, what did you think?” Dave asks as you hover around the stage as the band packs up. You offered to help but it became painfully obvious that they were a well-oiled machine, you’d probably only interfere.
“It was great, I’ve always loved rhythm and blues, and your Stones covers were magnificent.” You gush, genuinely in awe at it all.
“Yeah? Your mom hates the stuff, so I wouldn’t have expected it to be your thing.”
“One thing you’re going to come to realise Dave, is that my mom and I are very different people.”
“Yeah, seems that way.”
He sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose, tension rolling off him as he takes a deep breath. The anger from before bubbles up again and you shake your head in disbelief. This ridiculous submission to your mother’s behaviour sours the idea of spending any more time with Dave.
“Actually David, do you know what? I’m going to head home, I’m not in the mood to talk to you right now.”
Dave’s eyes snap open and there’s a darkness there, it’s cold and menacing as you take an instinctive step back. Your skin pebbles with goosebumps as you take another step. Dave moves as if to touch your arm as his face softens instantly, but you’re not having it.
“I’m getting an Uber home, don’t fucking follow me.”
Dave calls your name as you storm out, you catch Francis out of the corner of your eye, standing at the bar, looking at you with a bemused grin. You flip him off without looking in his direction. Dave calls your name again, louder this time. But you lose him in the throng of people outside. You duck down an alley and hide behind a dumpster.
Your heart is hammering in your chest as you scold yourself for acting like a fucking child.
“You’re turning thirty fucking years old next month, what the fuck is wrong with you?”
Dave is livid, scanning the sea of people outside the club, desperately tyring to pick you out. You have no right to speak to him like that. No-one speaks to him like that.
“Fucking brat.”
He hisses under his breath as he pulls out his phone to call you, it’s late, you’ve had a few beers, and despite being mad at you, he’s worried. Ever since he picked you up there’s been a burning desire to protect you seated deep in his chest. And he’s blown it already.
“She’s not going to go home with you man,” Francis’s voice makes Dave jump, and immediately he reaches for his gun. Or rather, where his gun would be if he was carrying, “Let her go.”
“Francis, if I wanted you advice I’d fucking ask for it.” Dave snarls as he tries to play off his panicked grab for the phantom chest holster as adjusting his suit jacket. Francis just leans against the brick wall of the club, taking a long, pointed draw on his vape pen. A cloud of strawberry flavoured vapour billowing over Dave as he wrinkles his nose up at the stench.
“How long has she been staying with you?”
“What?” Dave asks, blinking a few times in shock at the question.
“Simple question man, how long?”
“Since yesterday.”
Francis’s eyebrows raise at that and a smirk twitches across his lips.
“Uh-huh, and you and her mom,” Francis says with venom lacing his tone as he mentions her, “Been together what? A year?”
“Get to the fucking point Francis.” Dave snaps as he resumes his search for you in the thinning crowd but with no luck. He’s furious at himself, this is literally his job, finding people, and yet you’re eluding him like it’s nothing.
“How is it that I’ve never met her mom, and on the first damned night your stepdaughter is in town, she just waltzes in and can’t take her eyes off you?”
“Fucking hell Francis, she didn’t even know I played until she saw me on stage.” Dave’s the one getting angry now, he and Francis have been friends for a very long time, but he doesn’t appreciate the insinuation. He also doesn’t appreciate how his chest constricts at the thought of you unable to take your eyes off him.
“Sure, but the universe works in mysterious ways Dave, watch yourself around her.”
“Francis, if you don’t shut the-!”
“There she is, getting into that Uber.” Francis points with his vape pen towards you scrambling out of an alley and into your cab. Dave glares at you, then at Francis before storming off wordlessly, saxophone case gripped tightly in his hand.
As he gets to his car he feels his phone vibrate in his pocket. He opens the message without hesitation, but it only makes his blood boil.
You: Don’t even bother trying to talk to me when you get home.
It takes every last shred of self-control for Dave not to throw his saxophone case against the floor in frustration. He takes a steadying breath before loading up his car and driving home.
You arrive home much later than Dave, your Uber driver definitely fucking you over to make a better rate but you’re too tired and frustrated to care. You barge through the front door, not caring who sees you. Then you hear it, your mom’s voice calling your name from the kitchen and you sigh.
“Hey mom, what’s up?”
“Come in here, have a drink with me.” She’s slurring and you roll your eyes as you do as you’re told, kicking off your shoes before heading into the sad beige kitchen.
“What’re you drinking?”
You ask as you take in your mother, perched in the same stool as Dave was this morning. Her wine glass full with some kind of rosé and you gag internally.
“Wine, you want some?” She waves the almost empty bottle enthusiastically and you roll your eyes, heading to the fridge.
“Nah I’ll get a beer or something.” You call over your shoulder as you immediately look for the burger and fries you stashed away earlier, ready to dump it all into the air fryer to freshen it up. But it’s gone, you grumble to yourself as you grab some European import lager and shut the fridge.
You sit in the same seat as this morning and watch as your mom scrolls through Instagram with one hand as she slurps on her wine with the other. You tap out a rhythm on the counter with your fingertips.
“So, did you want to chat or?”
“Hmmm?” Your mom asks without even looking up. You roll your eyes and decide to change tactics.
“Dave home yet?”
“Grumpy bastard’s sulking in his man cave, seems like his evening was a bummer.” She actually fucking laughs. Your blood boils as you shake your head, you feel like you should apologise, especially now. You were taking your frustrations out on the wrong person, even if you are still mad at Dave, he clearly was having the worst night of you all.
“At least he’s got a burger to cheer him up.” You grumble to yourself as you look down the hall, you can see the basement door is open. You wonder if you should go down there to say you’re sorry.
“Oh that crap? I threw it out, you know I don’t like that garbage in the house.”
“Alright, well, this was nice.” You sigh as you head back to the fridge, downing your beer before getting two fresh ones.
“Night hon.” You mom calls after you absently as you hear the glug of wine as she refills her glass.
“Night mom.”
You could almost laugh at the ridiculous nature of the evening if you weren’t feeling so damned furious at the whole fucked up situation.
“Hey, Dave, you down there?”
You call down the stairwell, not wanting to disturb him if he was busy, or wanted to be left alone. You hear your name called from within and the way Dave says it with such hope has you biting your lip.
“Come on down, if you want?”
You don’t answer, instead just heading down without a word, beer bottles in hand as you peer into the so-called “man cave”. In reality it’s a pretty modest space, dark red carpet, mahogany panelled walls.
Dave is sprawled out on an L-shaped sofa in the middle of the room, his suit and fedora replaced by a tired looking green USMC t-shirt and grey sweatpants. His feet are bare, propped up on a glass coffee table as some sci-fi show plays on the tv. The domesticity of the scene makes you smile.  
“I come baring a peace offering.” You say as you hold up the beers in your hand, hovering near the end of the sofa as Dave pauses the show.
“With my own beer?” He teases as you sit down next to him, his face set in a teasing smirk as you hand him one of the bottles.
“I’ve lived here less than two days Dave, I’ve not had a chance to do groceries, so take what you’re given.”
“You’re something else.” Dave huffs before you clink bottles in a casual toast.
“Yeah, you’re not the first man to tell me that.” You say with a soft, humourless chuckle. Dave doesn’t press, but you notice the furrow in his brow as he registers your tone.
“Look, I’m sorry, I know this can’t be easy, with me and your mom, and our,” He pauses, waving his free hand in the air as he tries to find the right words, “Situation.”
“Nah, I’ve been a moody bitch since I landed, I over-reacted, and I don’t have any right to be mad, or pass judgement here.”
“You’re not a bitch, but I appreciate it, thanks.”
There’s a pause in the conversation as you both sip pensively on your drinks. It’s not uncomfortable or weird, just a natural lapse in the conversation.
“So, the blues band?” You say with a raised eyebrow, your lips set in a mischievous grin.
“Yeah,” Dave rolls his eyes before taking a long swig of his drink, you have to stop yourself watching the way his neck muscles ripple as he swallows, “What’d you think? Honestly?”
“Honestly?” You waggle your eyebrows at him, “It was very Duke Silver of you, very cool.”
Dave frowns, confusion apparent on his face as you realise he has no clue who that is.
“Oh shit, you’ve never watched Parks and Rec?” You exclaim as you reach for the remote on the coffee table.
“Afraid not.” Dave smiles at your enthusiasm, letting you flick onto YouTube on his smart TV without protest.
“Ok so, don’t bother with the first season, unless you’re some kind of completionist,” You ramble on as you bring up a clip of Nick Offerman playing the sax as Duke Silver, “But it’s great, really witty and fun, and a great way to pass the time, could probably use it to stave off the boredom on your business trips.”
You don’t notice it, but Dave flinches at the mention of his job. He wipes away the grimace before you’re done speaking, plastering a fake smile on his lips as he looks to the screen. His eyes light up as the clip starts. You scoot a little closer to him, eager to see his reaction.
“Hey, that’s Nick Offerman, from The Last of Us!” He points excitedly at the screen as you sit back, watching his reaction to the clip.
“That’s based on a game right?”
“You’ve not seen it? Damn, it’s good!” Dave responds with a shake of his head as he watches the performance.
“I’ll watch it if you promise to watch Parks and Rec?”
“Oh and I’m ordering pizza, seeing as mom threw out a perfectly good midnight snack, you want anything?”
“If you’re buying?” Dave grins at you before looking back to the Duke Silver compilation, “Damn, that man can actually play the sax!”
“Oh you’re going to love his character in this, I just know it.”
You spend the rest of the night watching the first few episodes of the second season of Parks and Rec, drinking beer, and eating pizza. You catch Dave up on the plot of the first season and he seems to be content with that, already hooked from the first episode.
Dave’s laugh is infectious, and you can’t help but lean in a little as the night goes on.
Eventually you fall asleep, and Dave keeps watching, turning the volume down as to not disturb you. By the time he’s ready to go to bed it’s gone three in the morning. He covers you with a throw blanket and clears up the beer bottles and pizza boxes before hauling your passed-out mother, still hunched over the breakfast island, to bed.
He descends the stairs to the basement and as expected, you’re still out like a light, snoring gently on the sofa. He pauses for a brief moment, watching your sleeping form for too long to be considered appropriate, but he doesn’t care, not tonight. He flicks the light off and pads into his office, leaving the door ajar just enough so that if you need him, he would hear you.
Dave climbs into bed and smiles to himself. He can’t remember the last time he felt so at peace, nor had such a good night in. He drifts off to the memory of your laughter and the way you fell asleep against him.
He definitely didn’t wrap his arm around you over the back of the sofa at some point during the night, and he certainly did not let you fall asleep against his chest. No, that would have been wrong. So very wrong.
Even if it did feel so right.
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vendetta-if · 1 year
𝓱𝓲 💖 (sorry for this asdkjfhjijhj)
im back and i have returned (to everyone's dismay) and i come bearing gifts - i have found the pages where i had my vendetta sequel mc drawn in!! 😈
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here's my first doodle of rei when i was designing him - i didnt have the proper markers to colour him in but i used what markers i could get my hands on at the time lol but i did fuck up his face :( (closeup)
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now i have lots of doodles i drew alongside this fullbody design of his and without further ado >:)
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here are some facts i wrote about him 😊 as well as rei decorating his helmet :D though i'll write it down here if you can't read my messy ass handwriting (sorry about that hsjdhsd) »»————- ★ ————-«« FACTS ABOUT REI 2: ELECTRIC BOOGALOO: ➭ loves all things cutesy and colourful ➭ acts and whines like an actual toddler (because it forces his family to give him attention whenever he's being an actual pain in the ass 💞) ➭ reckless af and hates when people fret over him or protect him (that's his job. 👺) ➭ unironically thinks that blood splatters on his clothes look good on him (rei doesn't care if he's seen covered in blood in public, he can make millions of excuses why it isn't blood >:D) " NO this isn't blood this is paint 😇" " tf did you think this was?? i spilled my kool aid all over my clothes 😪" just to name a few, lol ➭ would honestly sell his soul for a lifetime supply of strawberry milkshakes (this is totally not me projecting myself onto rei when it comes to taro milk tea 💀) »»————- ★ ————-««
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now here's another doodle of rei using his blood manipulation powers 😋 also ignore the pencil text below LMAO
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so i did mention in my first ask about rei that he loves to explode things- yeah um idk if luka and jackal would give their menace of a son explosives or a grenade launcher if they knew that this is how he'd act with them LMFAOO
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i also mentioned that rei makes the best belgian waffles! (send help hes holding me at gunpoint and forcing me to say this) here's rei offering a divine dish of waffles to my vendetta mc, remedy / remi 💕💕 and look at his face! his mouth is practically watering in anticipation to gobble up the waffles! 💗💝💘💓
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okay on a side note- i made some small drawings of rei in a different outfit and was actually gonna include this in the ref but i didnt like it because it looked ugly 😭 so i made a poor life decision to cut these two abominations out and now they're on my phone 💟 (closeups)
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anyways now here have a drawing of rei as demoman from the hit game tf2!!11!1!11!! 😲😳
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(he really looks like a dollarstore demoman lol)
(reference used):
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now if you have been on the internet during its baby phase im sure you may understand the reference i used for this doodle 🤭
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yknow looking back at this downgraded rip off drawing of the original this is actually a shit drawing LMAO (how tf do you draw flames and smoke pls help 💔) now one thing i like to headcanon about rei is that whenever he starts to get frustrated or is having a hard time with carrying out an assassination he decides to do fuck all and blow everything up with literally anything flammable he could find because no target survives being blown to oblivion! (which happens more often than you think...) i like to think while this is an easy way out for rei, it is an absolute nightmare and a headache for the rest of his family 😌 (they probably would have to deal with unwanted attention because rei doesn't give a shit about keeping a low profile and people may tie him to the Morozovs 🤗 they also may struggle to come up with cover stories as these arson incidents become more frequent - because rei is the type of person who values quantity over quality, where he challenges himself to complete multiple assassinations so he can receive praise from his family 😂🤪 and it also doesn't help that he would rather cut corners and take the easy way out when it comes to his work) luka and jackal: " these fires are getting out of hand, we can't keep doing this... " fucking rei: " DAD 1 AND DAD 2!! LOOK!! THATS ME!! THAT BURNING BUILDING, I DID THAT!! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD " (reference used):
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now moving on to a somewhat ironic drawing, here's a doodle of rei in a raincoat vibing in the rain ✨(aside from overalls, rei loves to wear raincoats - and would rather wear them instead of wintercoats when it's cold LOL) rei is the type of person to prioritize fashion than comfort :(
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now here's a crappy drawing of cousin bonding time (rei and remedy) tbh i dont really like this scribble lol - this is just filler because i hated empty patches in my paper 🤡
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now, a word from our sponsor; rei himself!! he is presenting his aforementioned homemade waffles in greater detail :) and now, cue the advertisement that totally is not completely false and not just rei's delusional and stubborn ramblings on that he creates the best waffles and that waffle makers are inferior to him ☺️
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(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Rei's amazing homemade Belgian waffles! ♥ (𝑀𝒶��𝑒 𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒽𝑜𝓊𝓉 𝒶 𝓌𝒶𝒻𝒻𝓁𝑒 𝓂𝒶𝓀𝑒𝓇!) ♥ 𝗙𝗿𝗼𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗱𝗲𝗰𝗼𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝗴𝗮𝗹𝗼𝗿𝗲! (𝙎𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙩 𝙬𝙤𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙞𝙣 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙢𝙤𝙪𝙩𝙝) ♥ ♥ 𝗛𝗼𝗺𝗲𝗺𝗮𝗱𝗲, 𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗰𝗿𝗮𝗳𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝘄𝗮𝗳𝗳𝗹𝗲𝘀 (𝙏𝙤𝙩𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮 𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙘, 𝙣𝙤 𝙬𝙖𝙛𝙛𝙡𝙚 𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙣𝙨𝙞𝙡𝙨 𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙤𝙬𝙚𝙙 >:( ) ♥ ♥ 𝗖𝗿𝘂𝗻𝗰𝗵𝘆 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗳𝘂𝗹𝗹 𝗼𝗳 𝗺𝗮𝗽𝗹𝗲 𝘀𝘆𝗿𝘂𝗽 >:) (𝙉𝙤𝙩 𝙗𝙪𝙧𝙣𝙩 𝙖𝙩 𝙖𝙡𝙡!) ♥ ♥ 𝟷𝟶/𝟷𝟶 ��𝚕𝚊𝚟𝚘𝚞𝚛! (𝙍𝙚𝙞'𝙨 𝙗𝙧𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙙𝙖𝙙𝙨 𝙘𝙖𝙣 𝙖𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙨𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙩𝙤𝙩𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙡𝙮𝙞𝙣𝙜! :) ) ♥
i feel like im trying too hard to be funny here, lmao 🤡💀 anyways, here are the full pages of all of the drawings :D
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alright so thats finally all i have - if i somehow get my motivation to draw or do literally anything productive ill start working on my vendetta mc's (remedy) ref sheet 👹 (im sorry for this cesspool of cringe again btw LMAO)
Rei sounds so chaotic and kinda sweet at the same time 😆
Also, I love the lil headcanon about the waffle. You can bet that big bro will boast about how his lil brother can make really good waffles to his friends whenever he hang out or has breakfast with them 🥺
Thank you for sharing all these lovely drawings and headcanons about your upcoming sequel MC 🥰
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zebrashork · 1 year
So my first mermay drawing almost didn't end up happening because of everything becoming hectic and still getting used to digital art, BUT I ended up finishing it and I'm proud of it, despite the fact the quality got nerfed when I sent it to my phone
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Getting used to shading and trying different brushes, but I had fun!
Couldn't be assed to draw a background lmao
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guys i don't think karl marx would have had enough foresight to accurately predict which social class freelance artists would fall into in the modern day with factors such as "they don't get health insurance, benefits, or PTO" ... "they pay nearly double the amount of income tax due to freelance tax" ... "art is much harder to make a living off of due to it's importance being heavily devalued" ... "the average person cannot afford luxuries such as art, therefore commissions are scarce and undervalued" ... "it's some disabled people's only option to survive"
So no, I don't think freelance artists fall within the petite bourgeoisie category, the same category described as willing to backstab the working class for a cut of the pie. you guys seriously think freelance artists would willingly uphold capitalist systems? where many of them can hardly put food on the table because they know if they work a stable 9-5, they won't have time or energy to engage with their passions? Many of them being disabled? It's really obvious that some of you think artists live lavishly lol
Let's say a furry artist* living in California puts up an auction for a design and the bids reach 1k. That's a 30% income tax, so it's down to 700.(That is only 200 dollars more than my part-time retail paycheck). The average cost of living in California is 53k a year. That artist would have to make 75 designs a year and hope that all of them would reach 1k in bids. Even if they don't burn out from pumping out designs of lowering quality, chances are all those auctions won't even be close to reaching 1k because that's rare. That would require around 75 people willing and able to spend 1k on a design, which I already mentioned is a luxury that few people can afford. 53K in of itself would be the absolute minimum to cover necessities, so I wouldn't call that living lavishly at all. I wouldn't even call that well-off, that's someone's head barely floating above water. I didn't even factor for payment processors taking a cut of the money, too.
The jokes about furry porn artists with 100k on patreon are the exception, not the rule. That's extremely rare compared to how many freelance artists there are online. Many freelance artists state that they make 20,000 a year, only 5k above US federal poverty level. That livelihood is far more precarious than the mom and pop shop that opened on a street corner. Opening a physical business with products and such requires some level of pre-established wealth and capital. All you need to be a digital artist is, at minimum, an ipad or a phone, which makes it more accessible for people in poverty. Chances are an artist is starting off in a severely disadvantaged position. The majority of artists that I see living in stability have a partner that's the breadwinner, or they live with their parents.
When I had my first job working retail as a late teen, I had taken art commissions a bit prior. I got my first paycheck and thought "I made much more just showing up and standing around doing nothing than I did working my ass off to draw someone's character" and I think that speaks to the trade-off of being a freelance artist more than anything
*Furry artists and adoptables were picked as an example because I saw this exact sentiment expressed towards them. Not at the artists who have their works put up in museums and auctioned off for hundreds of thousands of dollars.
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vannahfanfics · 1 year
Vannah, my wonderful friend! I've got all my oh-so exciting info for that match-up commission!
They/he pronouns, I'm a nonbinary trans masc. gremlin. I'm a very short boy, a whopping 5'3, and am definitely on the curvier, fluffier side when it comes to body types. (I like snacks. I regret nothing.) I've got real short brown hair that likes to stick up like crazy and golden brown eyes, which I'm told can look hazel in certain lighting. I put comfort over fashion with clothes because nothing is better in life than an oversized hoodie and sweatpants. Cozy heaven right there.
Being neurodivergent tends to make people think I'm odd or strange. I like it though. I like being different! It can be a little lonely though. Since social skills aren't my strong suit, I usually try to put people at ease with humor! (I follow the Mirio Togata theory that laughter makes everything better.) I also like complimenting people and letting them know they're doing a good job. Everybody needs to be appreciated sometimes. Overall, I'm told I'm too nice for my own good, but my family knows that only goes so far before my temper slips and I get sneaky. I'm not above using people's assumption that I'm naive against them. Mama Star didn't raise no fool.
For interests, I'm a nerd that loves learning. In true hyper introvert fashion, I bury myself into books on everything from revolutionary history to human zoology. I spend way too much time on Duolingo learning as many languages (Spanish, French, German, Russian, Japanese...) as I can and grew up reading books on medical terminology and emergency first aid. You already know this, but creative stuff is essentially my life though. I constantly have stories floating in my head and like to draw, paint, sing, play piano and voice act. I'm hoping to pick up guitar or harmonica next. I always have music playing on my phone. 24/7 at home.
The things I value most in people are kindness, a good sense of humor, and a mostly laid-back attitude to offset my anxious little ass. I would want someone that makes me feel safe to be myself - quirks, oddities, flaws and all. I like someone who can bounce back and forth between silly, light-hearted shenanigans to more serious, borderline philosophical discussions. (Intelligence is sexy, yo!) That's more of a bonus though. Someone that can be a friend and fellow adventurer in life is the more important aspect.
Thank you, Vannah! Hopefully I did this right. I've never been great about talking about myself. Sorry if this is too long or too much info! I really appreciate all your hard work and good luck with your medical studies!
Ahh, thank you so very much, Starry—for both your commission and your appreciation! <3 You're so kind! And not to worry, all of this information is great (I learned so much about you in one little message, hehe!) and will be put to good use for your match-up. Speaking of, let's get to it!:
I match you with...
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Red-Haired Shanks from One Piece!
How could I match you with anyone but your great love in life? It would be simply blasphemous! LOL, real talk though, I think there are a lot of qualities about you that make you a good fit for Shanks, so why don't we dive in, hmm?
Shanks definitely strikes me as the type to be far more attracted to someone's personality than their appearance, but make no mistake—you're his little cutie patootie of a gremlin! He honestly enjoys the fact that you're over a foot shorter than him; he can just pick you up and carry you around and through you over his shoulder with ease (this is Shanks, though; he could do the same if you were a foot taller than him, LOL!). If he had to pick a favorite feature about you, it would probably be your wild, untameable hair. It speaks to his own wild and untameable nature!
Don't worry about your neurodivergence. Shanks likes that you're different, too! In fact, it would probably be the thing about you that catches his eye—that special spark that makes you, you. You can feel safe in your uniqueness with Shanks; he'll love every aspect of you, whether you consider it a flaw or a strength, simply because it is a part of you. And in the moments where you're less than appreciative about a part of yourself, you can count on Shanks to swoop in and tell you all the reasons why you should appreciate that part of yourself. He always knows the right things to say, especially because he one hundred percent feels that he's just speaking the truth! He'll definitely appreciate your love of humor, too. Shanks loves to laugh and have a riotous good time, after all, and he'll most appreciate somebody with wit to match his. Life's best when it's full of laughs and good times, as far as Shanks is concerned, and you just fill his life with that much more!
He'll also appreciate how ready you are to praise and compliment others. You're right; everyone needs to be appreciated, and he admires that you have no qualms about doing that. He recognizes that you aren't naïve, but, ever the mischievous fella, he'll definitely let people think that just for the entertainment of you one-upping them!
Shanks adores how hungrily you pursue knowledge! He's not as avid a learner as you, but he's got his own pockets of knowledge to share with you. Honestly, though, even if he doesn't have the faintest clue about what you're talking about, he'll happily learn and discuss topics with you just because he knows it makes you so happy. And, of course, he will happily provide you with anything you need or want to help you learn something new!
He also appreciates your creative streak. It's just so amazing to him, the fact that you can just... come up with these ideas and stories, all from your own mind! Shanks would definitely appreciate the musical aspects of you the most, I think; this guy is a partier, after all! He loves nothing more than to drink and dance and sing and have a grand ol' time! He's not the best singer, but the zeal with which he belts out shanties is enough to be infectious. Dance and sing with him, please!
Seriously, I cannot stress enough how much this man likes to have a good time. Here's some more in-depth headcanons about him exploiting your musical talents so you both have some fun:
Once you show this man that you like to sing, it's over. Any and every opportunity that arises where a song can be involved, you can be he's dragging you into it.
Y'all are out drinking at a bar? He's dragging you to the dance floor to start shamelessly dancing goofily with you, not satisfied until you're screaming the songs playing around you at the top of your lungs right along with him.
Gatherings with friends? It's inevitable that a guitar or some kind of musical instrument comes out—or, if one's unavailable, making a beat with clapping hands, stomps, etc. so you can all dance around and sing like drunken fools. Some of you probably are drunken fools, because there is no party that Shanks throws that doesn't alcohol, and lots of it.
Trying to do chores around the house? Shanks doesn't get much down with the way he waltzes around with the broom or pretends the duster is a microphone. And if you walk by while he's in his fun mood, watch out, because he's dragging you right into his antics and not letting go until you make his solo performance a duet!
He will definitely look for jaunty piano tunes for you to learn. You don't have to sing along if you don't want to, but he will! Badly. More badly than usual and totally on purpose because he wants to break your intense concentration with laughter. You can never finish a song on the piano because Shanks will have you busting a gut laughing before you even get halfway.
The point is, Shanks just uses your musical interests and talents to make his spontaneous and fun lifestyle even more so! You'd better buckle up, because you're along for the ride!
And, finally, the third part of your Tier III match-up: the drabble! For this, I decided to take inspiration from your love of learning. Enjoy!:
"Fascinating..." you murmur appreciatively to yourself as your eyes sweep down the page of the thick, heavy book in front of you. You're hunched over the library table as if your posture will make you that much more absorbed in what you're reading—as if you can get more absorbed than you already are. You're only dimly aware of the spacious library around you, too busy digesting each and every factoid presented in the astronomy textbook that you've had your nose buried into for the past hour. When you turn the page, you hunch forward a little more, your nose nearly brushing the crisp-smelling pages—and you hear a snort of laughter that yanks you out of your intellectual rapture like a yo-yo being jerked back into someone's hand.
You glance up to see Shanks sitting in the seat across from you. He's got his crossed arms propped up on the table and his chin resting atop them, and he's watching you read with an expression so full of dreamy, starry-eyed adoration that you reflexively blush. You don't know how long he's been sitting there, either, which makes you flush even more. Last you recall, he'd wandered off into the stacks to find something that might occupy his own attention. Of course, that was right before you'd buried your nose in this textbook. There was no telling how much time had passed.
"You didn't find anything to read?" you ask, taking note of the absence of a book in front of him.
"Nope," he quips, and his serene smile widens. "I'm much more entertained watching you."
A shy smile blossoms on your face before you can stop it, and you shyly wiggle in the chair.
"'M not that interesting," you mumble bashfully. You slide down in your chair a little at the crook of Shank's brow.
"I beg to differ," he retorts. "You don't get to see the expressions you make when you read something. But I do, and I like them."
"Shanks..." you start, but you don't know what to say. Not that you could say much with the big, cheesy grin on your face—and you certainly don't know how to stop smiling. The fact that Shanks found your rapturous pursuit of knowledge so captivating made you downright giddy.
"I hate for you to just sit here and watch me read," you pout. You know that he is more than content to do so—it was he who brought you to the library for your date, after all—but it was still a date, and you didn't want him to sit there without being acknowledged at all. It just didn't seem that fair.
Shanks knew that it would bother you even if he argued otherwise, so he didn't bother. Instead, he waved a hand toward the book before you and said, "Then tell me about what you're reading."
You, naturally, were more than happy to oblige.
"Okay!" you cry delightedly, instantly growing giddy again at the notion of sharing the fascinating things you'd learned. As you began to babble about the various classification of stars, you almost drifted off into that state of being totally unaware of everything around you again—almost. Because you made it a point this time to stay aware of the handsome man listening intently to your excited rant, and you were glad for it.
If you hadn't been paying attention, you would have missed how totally lovesick he looked just listening to you.
Interested in a commission? Check out this post!
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mha-princess · 3 years
Hello, I really like your writing, and I was wondering if I could request headcanons of how Bakugou, Kirishima, Denki, and Todoroki would react if somebody flirted with their s/o right in front of them, and the boys try to be calm and just tell the other person that they're in a relationship, but the person flirting just doesn't care, and continues to flirt with their s/o
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They get jealous of someone flirting with you
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A/N: I added Shoji to this request just because I love him.I hope you don’t mind (⁍̴̆◡⁍̴̆ )⊃♡- Anako
Characters: Bakugou, Kirishima, Denki, Todoroki, and Shoji
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Masterlist | Request Rules | Request Box
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This..... this is the reason he doesn’t like to go shopping
Now katsuki isn’t necessarily one to tell his s/o what to do let alone what to wear
But when your clothes start drawing too much attention is when he has a problem
Here you were checking out at your favorite mall outlet, katsuki behind you patiently waiting
“That’ll be $132 dollars please.” The cashier says looking up at you. You smile and hand hun your card. He takes it in his hand and examine the name on the front of the card.
“Y/N? That’s a pretty name.” He grins swiping the card. You hesitate to respond, you could feel katsuki moving closer to you.
“T-thank you.” The cashier is slow with what he’s doing, clearly trying to get a conversation out of you.
“Do you shop here often? I don’t ever see you around her.”
“She comes here with her boyfriend.” You feel Katsuki’s arm wrap firmly around your waist. The cashier raises and eyebrow, but persistent. He sets the card on the counter.
“You know if you were mine, you wouldn’t be paying for your own stuff it’d be on me.”
“With your fucking mall job? You wish.” Bakugou scoffs. Your mouth parts with sheer embarrassment.
“Katsuki!” You repeemind, “Sir, can I just have my bags?” You question.
“If I can have your num-.” He’s cut off by a concerning crackling. You look down to see Bakugou hands illuminating with bright little flames. Not enough to cause damage, but it was still concerning.
Quickly you reach over the counter and grab your card and your bags. You then drag Katsuki out of the outlet.
“Katsuki!” You reprimand once again.
“You should’ve let me blow his ass to shreds.”
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I feel like Kiri is a territorial guy
What’s his is his
So that being said Kiri is very heavy on PDA
And when someone persistently flirts with you is mind boggling to you both , as he makes it pretty clear that you have a boyfriend
But he also is very aware that his s/o is very attractive and that before are going to flirt with you
It’s only when you tell the person you have a boyfriend and they don’t respect that is when he has a problem.
One day when you were hanging out at the park just spending some quality time with Kiri, he had pointed out that a guy had been eyeing you for quite sometime
You brush him off saying that he’s just imagining things, but its when said guy walks over to you, you panic.
When the guy reaches you he doesn’t say anything, he just grins and hands you a piece of paper.
“I-I have a boyfriend.” You say, handing the sheet of paper with a number sprawled on it back. The boy pushes the paper back towards you.
“But I really think you should keep it. I saw you checking me out.” Kirishima grits his teeth at the accusation.
“Like they said they have a boyfriend. I’m the only only they’re ‘checking’ out.” You then push the paper back toward hun once more, but he still refuses to take it back.
“Keep-” The male stops dead in the middle of his sentence, in awe at the sight of Kirishima tonguing you dead in the mouth.
After he’s finished you fluster as you notice the guy is long gone.
Kirishima takes the paper from your hands and throws it on the ground.
“I hope he learned his lesson.”
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Ok so we all know that Denki has a flirty personality
So when someone is flirting with you he picks up on it VERY quickly
That being said he’d stop it as quickly as it started, already knowing how these things work
But if the person were to keep on hitting on you I’d see Denki getting a bit physical (as a last resort ofc)
“I already told you dude. Their taken.” He says sternly standing toe to toe with the other male.
“And I already told you I want their number.” The boy says shoving at Denkis chest.
Quickly you step in, forcefully shoving the other male to the ground before this gets out of hand and someone is in the ER for electrical burns
“And I said you weren’t fucking getting it.” You respond taking Kaminari by the wrist and walking away
Afterward Kaminari would apologize constantly for not keeping his cool, but you constantly tell him it’s fine
“I didn’t think you’d get physical for me.” He dramatically gasps at your words.
“I’ll always fight for something worth fighting for.”
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Just from looking at todoroki I get scared so how someone is flirting with you while he’s right there is beyond me
I honestly don’t even imagine him saying anything to the person that’s flirting with you that glare is deadly enough to scare anyone away
And when he’s jealous it’s doesn’t necessarily show, due to his personality
He gets hit on all the time and just ignores whoever’s hitting on him and expects you to do the same
But one day when your both at dinner, there’s a waiter who just won’t stop.
When he would come by your table he would BLATANTLY ignore Shouto
“Do you need a refill? Or is there anything I can help you with?” He says smiling at you.
There’s no change in Todorokis expression but you can fell he’s aura go dark, this had to of been the fifth time that waiter has came by and asked that question
“No thank you just the bill please.” You respond .
“Will you be splitting it between you and your friend?”
“Boyfriend.” Shouto corrects, putting a large emphasis on the ‘Boy’ part.
The male doesn’t even glance in Todoroki’s direction.
“I’ll be right back, love.” Your mouth drops as he walks away. You look at Todoroki who is physically calm, but mentally pissed.
The boy returns from the back with the billfold. He hands it to you, but you slide it to Todoroki.
Upon opening it his eyes are met with a number. Not a bill number but a phone number.
You look at Todorki who is now showing signs of being upset. He grips the bill tightly and it begins to freeze.
You look at the waiter who is now visibly scared.
“Y-You know using you q-quirk in public is illeg-.”
“Do I look like I give a damn about what’s illegal?”
You pay for the food and quickly get him out of that restaurant.
After that incident he definitely got more clingy, realizing that some people simply have no respect and he didn’t want anyone to steal you away from him
He has never really been in a relationship so handling these kinds of problems is new for him. He’ll need a lot of verbal and physically validation for awhile
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This boy really doesn’t like being in public so the few times he acommanpies you, you hope everything will go well
But sadly, that’s not always the case
This boy’s a true gentleman and doesn’t like to have any form of dispute
So when someone’s flirting with you he’d try to handle the situation as ‘professional’ as possible
But when his attempts fail he doesn’t get jealous, he gets very insecure.
He’s already unsure of his appearance and seeing someone flirt with you makes him feel bad
It makes him feel as though he isn’t enough
But it’s a good thing that your quick to act in these situations
“Look my boyfriend is right here, so I’d appreciate it if you got the hell on.” You say harshly, shoving the irrelevant male who was hitting on you.
Afterward like Todoroki, Shoji will need a lot of reassurance I mean a lot
So do things like hug him, touch him, kiss him. And let him know that there’s nobody who can take his place
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bakugohoex · 4 years
“you’re such a pretty setter”
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pairings: atsumu miya x female reader, eita semi x gender neutral reader, keiji akaashi x female reader, keishin ukai x female reader, kenma kozume x female reader, koshi sugawara x female reader, tobio kageyama x female reader, toru oikawa x female reader cw: swearing, kissing, fluff word count: 4500+ a/n: this took so long, bruh i have to isolate as well which sucks but more time for school work at least, keep sending in requests summary: in which you wait for the setters after practice
↞ back to haikyu!! masterlist
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atsumu miya
Atsumu knew he had fangirls; knew he had a lengthy line of girls who would do anything to fuck him. Through them all the only person he would ever see was you. You and your bright eyes, your soft y/e/c eyes looking past the fans as you saw him.
You had walked towards the gym after studying for you and Atsumu to walk home. You loved walking home with him, the way his fingers wrapped around your own, the way he brought your knuckles to his mouth. He adored you and you adored him.
The fangirls screeching with baked goods that Atsumu wouldn’t take, you tried to barge through them, getting elbowed, why was it so hard to see your boyfriend?
Osamu had been at the door as he noticed you, “Y/n.” You smile at him as he takes your sleeve dragging you through.
“Where did all the fangirls come from?” You mutter as you follow him inside.
“It’s summer and you know what happens then.”
“What sweat and shirtless men.” He laughs at your comment as you try to find Atsumu.
“Agh Osamu, we need to do some sets before we can leave.” Kita speaks before noticing you. “Is this your girlfriend, nice to meet you.”
He gives a smile as you look at the twin, both looking at disgust at the thought of being in a relationship together. Sure, he may look like your boyfriend, but his qualities were more brother like whilst his brothers were more boyfriend type.
“Ugh...” You were interrupted as you felt arms wrap around your waist.
“What’s my princess doing surrounded by all these boys?” Atsumu’s lips brushed against your ear as you shivered at his touch.
“Osamu helped me past the fangirls.” You said as you turned to meet his eyes, his hands moving to your waist to being you closer.
“They weren’t any trouble.” You shook your head as he leans down to meet your lips.
His soft lips on your own feeling as you both move together. “Oi you two we still have some sets to do.” Atsumu huffs at his brother as he leaves you.
“Wait on the benches princess.” You nod as you walk away.
Kita looks between the twins before shaking his head, “someone’s actually dating you.”
He walks away as Atsumu scowls, he watches you sit down making sure nobody disturbed you.
He starts the set effortlessly before he hears you speak, “You’re such a pretty setter.” You had stood up cheering him as he did one of his great sets to Osamu who spiked it. He blushes at you he knew how much he loved your eyes on all of him, his body, his form even his hands. He wanted you to know that he was all yours.
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eita semi
“Semi.” You hum his name out to the empty gym, he was with Ushijima and Tendo as they were practicing spikes and blocks.
You smiled at three boys as you walked onto the court, “do you boys never get sleep?” You laugh as you walk up to Semi.
“I get the daily amount needed to survive.” Ushijima spoke stoically he had the ball in his hands rotating. You raised your eyebrow at the boy as Tendo started to sing about sleep, his fingers doing little dances.
“Come on guys it’s like 9, don’t you have beds to get too.” You mutter as you lean against Semi, his arm wrapping around your waist.
“One more minute.” Semi pleads his eyes softly looking at you, “and I’ll even teach you how to set a ball.”
Ushijima gives a confused look as you look at the boy, “Fine by me.” Is all he mutters.
You drop your bag only wearing your skirt and thigh highs with your button up. Semis hands wrap around you showing you the technique of setting, how far your hands should be raised, the whole lot.
Before you knew it Ushijima passed the ball to you ready to spike, you push the ball from your hands upwards making it go towards Ushijima as he spikes it down, Tendo just missing it.
“That was amazing, you might even end up taking your boyfriends spot.” Tendo joked out as your waiting for praise from your boyfriend.
“You did amazing baby.” Semi smiles kissing the top of your head. “Give us another five minutes and then we’ll leave.”
You nod as you move to the benches watching them practice, you admired all of Semi’s features, the way his hands moved to set the ball, the way he scrunched his noise. You loved it all you loved everything about him.
“You’re such a pretty setter.” You say aloud, the boys looking at you, Semi goes red as you gawk at him. He finally walks up to you kissing you softly, his hands wrapping around your waist to bring you forward. He would never admit it but you calling him pretty made him feel some type of way.
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keiji akaashi
Fukurodani’s practice game with Nekoma was closing to an end, you had stayed late in the library to revise for an upcoming exam and had sadly missed the game. Knowing Akaashi would be upset, you left a little early to catch the last part of the game. Hopefully.
You walked through the gym doors, the points at a mere 2-point lead by Fukurodani, Nekoma had been putting up a fight, you examine the game, going towards the two managers who you were friends with. 
“How longs this been going on then?” You ask Yukie as she gives a look of dread.
“Too long Y/N.”
“Has Bokuto gone into emo mode?” You question as Kaori speaks this time.
“Gladly no.” You loved the frosted tip owl like a brother and a happy Bokuto meant a happy Akaashi, you watched as the game was drawing to a close, the ball being sent to Akaashi as he effortlessly set it to Bokuto who spiked it down winning the set.
You admired all of Akaashi’s features, the way his blue eyes analysed the area, brightening up once he saw you. He rand his hands through his already messy black hair, Bokuto screaming at Akaashi, “Akaashi you saw that.” He bounced about as Akaashi quickly praised him before walking up to you.
“You’re such a pretty setter.” You hum at the tall boy; he gazes down at you smiling at the comment.
“You’re my pretty girl.” He kisses your temple before quickly going back to thank Nekoma.
“I’ll wait outside for you.” He had passed you gesturing five minutes as you walked outside. The chilly air hitting your exposed thighs as your socks only went below your knees. The uniform not helping as you hadn’t worn your blazer due to the immense heat in the morning.
“What do we have here? A cold owl.” You could recognise that voice from anywhere.
You turn around to be met with the one and only Nekoma’s captain. “One day Kuroo I’d wish you weren’t an ass.”
“Ooo my bad, princess.”
You glare at the tall boy, he was mocking you, knowing already of yours and Akaashi’s relationship. “Don’t call me that you dickhead.”
“Are you pissing off my girlfriend?” Akaashi walked towards you unamused at the situation.
He handed you a hoodie as you quickly wore it, not wanting to freeze your tits off.
“Me never.” Kuroo laughs as you roll your eyes.
“Come on Y/n, pain in the ass Kuroo san must be getting tired from all the loosing he did today.” You smirk at the uncharacteristic comment of Akaashi but nevertheless take his hand.
“You’re so cute.” You sing out as he grabs you closer to his body, putting a hand to your jaw as he kisses you softly, his calm demeanour making you melt underneath his touch.
“You’re cuter Y/n.” You blush as you remain in each other’s arms.
“AWWW MY FAVOURITE COUPLE.” Bokuto screams as he runs next to you.
“Bokuto san.” Both you and Akaashi scold in unison at his shouting. He gives a signature smirk as he beings to praise both his and Akaashi’s skills. You listen intently as you stare up at Akaashi his warm eyes filling you with love and comfort. 
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keishin ukai
Keishin and you had dinner plans and knowing him you knew he would not be ready or ever arrive early to get ready. Being the best girlfriend ever you went to go collect him, you had already closed the shop up for the night, occasionally helping out when you had free time mostly to spend time with Keishin though.
You had always wanted to meet the kids he coached but he had always been a wary because he knew the kids and knew exactly how they acted in front of pretty women. Especially Nishinoya and Tanaka.
You walked up the steps leading to the volleyball gym, well that’s what you assumed it was. Knocking on the door as you saw the team taking a break, a man comes up to you with black hair and glasses as you smile at him.
“Hi, how can I help you?” He speaks cheerily before you recognise him as the man who had tormented Keishin for a couple of months back at the shop.
“Who’s she?” You hear one of them mutter, you were dressed up to be a teacher and you couldn’t have come for any of them. Even with the blue dress that clinged to you, you looked gorgeous and the whole boys team knew it.
“Oh, hi, I’m Y/n I looking for Keishin.” He gives a confused look inviting you in from the freezing air. 
“You know our coach.” A loud orange hair boy jumps up in front of you as you look between both males and the rest of the team. This had shocked the team how did their coach know you.
You nod speaking, “Yeah he’s my boyfriend.” Deadpanned as the team goes silent, Takeda goes red at the fact that Keishin had mentioned you but never introduced you to them all.
Two boys instantly jolted in front of you as you jumped back, one with a buzz cut and another with a brown strip of her between his black hair. “Tanaka, Noya don’t frighten the woman.” A guy with grey hair spoke calmly to the boys. 
“I have hope, if coach was able to get her than there is hope for us all.” Noya screams at the team as you fiddle with your clutch that kept your phone. You regretted not calling before you had arrived. 
“Hope for what?” Keishin had come through the doors carrying his car keys. “Y/n what are you doing here?” He looked even more confused before seeing the dress and how amazing you looked 
“You forget didn’t you.” You walk towards him as you mutter at looking up at him.  
“Dinner, fuck, let me wrap practice up, I need to…” You bring your finger to his lips. 
“I know you need to get changed we have an hour before the reservation.” You spoke confidently, the team gawking at how you shut their couch up so easily. 
“Guess you better meet the team before we leave.” You laugh as he grabs your hand making you stand in front of the boys. “Introduce yourselves make it quick.” 
One by one they all introduce themselves even stating their position as you remembered what Keishin had taught you about volleyball. “Wow you’re both setters, I love setters.” You smile at both Kageyama and Sugawara as you turn back at Keishin.
“You’re such a pretty setter.” You coo to your boyfriend teasingly. 
The team laughs at Keishins bright red face, “Yeah, yeah.” He mutters grabbing your waist feeling your skin through the thin dress material. “I’m gonna wrap practice up early, you are all free to stay longer, but I’ll make practice a lot longer tomorrow.” The boys groan at the lack of energy knowing that they did love Volleyball enough to spend all hours of the day doing it.
“Before you leave, how did you get her?” Nishinoya said with no filter. 
“The imbecil actually asked that.” The tall blonde Tsukishima snickered as you laughed. 
You turned to face the dyed blonde man, “He begged.” He goes wide eyed as he pokes your side. 
“You really be telling people that’s how I got you.” He pulls at his hair taking the headband out of his hair as you smirk.
“He begged on his knees.” You rephrase as the boys laugh at how embarrassed their coach was getting. 
“Okay this practice is done now.” He grabs your hand as he pulls you outside, “Princess I distinctly remember you were the only one of your knees.” 
You slap him playfully as you look at him, “you perve.” You give a quick kiss as you retract he grabs your throat making you stay close to his mouth as he continues the kiss. His rough hands on your body. 
He retracts the mere inches between both your mouths still visible, “as soon as I saw you in that dress, how could I ever resist you?” You chuckle your head going back as his hand was still wrapped around your neck, his thumb brushing against your lips. “A quickie in my car.” 
“You pervert.” You could almost feel his smirk as he laughed at your reaction. He adored everything about you as you go back for another kiss. He loved you and you couldn’t lie and say you didn’t love him back.
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kenma kozume
You had been showing the new kid around making sure he knew where his classes were, you were going to show him the volleyball club so you could end the day meeting Kenma. He seemed nice enough but had already asked for number which you rejected as soon as you realised what he wanted.
“Finally, this is the gym, the Volleyball boys team are practicing, and I have to meet my boyfriend but if you have any questions. 
“Isn’t volleyball for girls.” You gave a sign as you looked at him. 
“Some of my friends are the best volleyball players in Tokyo, so no its not just a girls sport.” He gave a look as he peeked through the doors. 
“There’s a girl right there though.” You grew confused as Nekoma had no manager and people wouldn’t stay long enough. He had been pointing to Kenma, you scowled at his ideocracy. 
“He’s not a girl, he is the setter and he’s fucking amazing at it.” You shout urning the glances from the team as they heard you shouting. “If you started thinking with your upstairs brain maybe you’d realise that people don’t have to conventionally look like boys to be boys, they are whatever they want to identify as.” 
He was scared and you had started to get pissed, the team walked up to you as Kuroo looked at you, “he giving you a problem Y/n.” 
“I handled it Kuroo.” 
“This the boyfriend.” The new kid asked as your blood boiled. 
Kuroo was confused, he grabbed Kenma by the hood as he made him stand in front of you. “Kitten is everything okay?” All the anger that filled you had disappeared as soon as you saw him, your love, your everything. 
“This is your boyfriend.” Your face grew angry again.
“Cover me.” Is all you said to Kuroo and the rest of the team, Kenma knew what was about to happen as he stopped the game he was playing to watch. “You want to say that again.” 
Before you let him speak, your fist went to his face, pushing him back even if you didn’t condone violence, it was sometimes necessary. Kenma smiled as he saw his girl fighting for him. “That’s enough kitten.” He spoke softly as you stopped beating the crap out of the boy. 
You don’t say anything as you leave, he wasn’t injured just a few scratches, Kenma grabbed your hand holding it, even if you were shorter than him you would always fight for him. He brought your bruised knuckles to his mouth. Kissing it better as if all the love and care he had was going to heal your wounds. You giggle at his touch as you watch the rest of the game feeling his eyes fixated on the ball. 
Before you knew it the practice had finished and you and Kenma held hands walking to the train, the new kid disappearing. He smiled listening inattentively at your day. “You know.” You pause speaking as you notice him watching, “you’re such a pretty setter.”
He hides his face with his hair not wanting to feel embarrassed you knew he loved it as he squeezed your hand softly, you smiled leaning your head against his shoulder, feeling everything, you needed in him.  
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koshi sugawara
You hadn’t intended to come watch the practice, but Suga had insisted you come so he could walk home with you. You adored him and even though you knew the basics of Volleyball it was still a confusing game.
You ended up coming right on time with Kageyama swapped out with Suga. He noticed you as he gave a bright smile, you smiled back going to Kiyoko and Yachi as they greeted you with cheery HI’s. 
The game started again, Suga serving as he started getting passed the ball, you understood the terminology and what was going on, it was when they would do their insane moves that were unexplainable. He set the ball effortlessly as Asahi spiked it right past the blockers. 
You cheered always being Suga’s biggest fan, as they continued on with the game you watched smiling at the love you had for him. The devotion you had to this boy who brought happiness to your life. You knew he would bring about comfort in a room and right now all you could feel was admiration at his perfect sets, his perfect passes, his perfect serves. He was perfect to you and he deserved the world. 
They had started doing something you didn’t know much about, Noya coming from the frontline as he jumped up setting as well. Suga had told you about this attack, a synchronised attack that would only work if everybody was perfect. You didn’t really read up on it as much as you did other attacks but seeing it in action as Suga spiked the ball passing the blockers you realised just how much satisfaction it brought your boyfriend. 
“Suga that was amazing.” You shout as he smiles, the practice game having been won as he scored the last point. 
He walked up to you, opening your arms for a big hug. You loved his hugs he always smelt of fresh towels and vanilla a combination expected from the grey-haired boy. “You’re such a pretty setter.” 
He smirks as he remains around you, his arms encasing you as he was so in love with you. You were his everything and he wanted to show you the world. 
“Can you two stop making us want to puke?” Daichi laughs out as you stick your tongue out at him. 
You turn back to Suga his eyes remaining glued to you, “just because nobody loves you Daichi.” Suga spoke still fixated on you, “I love you.” He whispers as you reply back the same love and adoration for him. He kisses you quickly before coach shouted at him. 
Even with the smallest quickest kiss it still brought happiness to you as you felt your heart beat through your uniform, your body missing his touch, even your thighs encased in tights had hairs risen just at the pining of love you had for this boy. He was going to ruin you and you were going to gladly let him.
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tobio kageyama
Kageyama had been none stop practicing for the past week, even with nationals months away he was still concentrated on improving. You loved that about him, loved his dedication but his lack of knowing when to take breaks is what worried you the most.
You walked through the double doors, it was another late night of studying for you and playing volleyball for Kageyama, your lack of communication annoying you. You saw as he set the ball perfectly, Hinata spiking it to where the water bottles were. You smiled as you continued to watch not drawing any attention to yourself, he kept setting perfectly for the orange haired boy. 
As soon as the last ball had been set, he looked at the door seeing your cold frame watching intently. You smiled giving a small wave as he gestured for you. 
“Hey Y/n, what are you doing here?” You play with your fingers being shorter than the boy making you have to look up to him. 
“I thought we could walk home.” He knew you both hadn’t spent that much time together since the team had won Nationals. 
He hesitated a response, but you spoke before he could, “you’re such a pretty setter.” You were embarrassed at what you said his face going a bright red. 
“Kageyama you look like a rotten tomato” Hinata said as he walked past, you giggle at the comment as he looks at you again, the reddening calming down. 
“We should walk home together; I’ll go grab my stuff.” You smile as he starts to walk off before pausing in his tracks, “thank you Y/n.” He was never this outwardly affectionate but in the enclose where only you could hear you felt love. 
“It’s all true you’re a…” He interrupts you quickly. 
“No, thank you for that but also thank you for staying by my side, I love Volleyball and I love you, I’m not very good as balance, but you realise how important Volleyball is to me, so thank you for always being there.” You smile looking down. 
“I’ll always be there for you.” He smiles as he leaves to grab his stuff. 
He arrives as quick as he left, the small action of skimming his fingertips beside your own, made you grab his hand, he looked down smiling as you leaned in closer to hid frame. He let your other arm go around his arm, bringing warmth to you. 
“You know, every time I set, I set for you.” He smirks as you have love in your eyes. 
“R…really.” You choke out. 
He stops you, putting his hands to your face, “yeah and I really do love you Y/n” 
“I love you too Tobio.” You close the gap, his hands guiding the kiss as in the privateness of the empty street allowing Tobio to express himself in which words could never do. You had to hand it to the boy, he would always be better at physically showing his love than emotionally. But even then it made you love him even more, it made Tobio Kageyama, Tobio Kageyama.
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toru oikawa
Oikawa had fans, a lot of fans. You hated to admit you were jealous of how they’d come up to him after games, how they’d touch his arm. It was always a race to get to him first and even him always ignoring them as soon as you came. You still hated them.
You knew how much Oikawa had been practicing lately so you made him some milk bread and would wait for him to finish practice so you both could walk home. You walked towards the double doors, his fans crowding around as they watched intently. 
You sign as you push past them, hearing scowls, someone even elbowing you as you glared at the girl, just as you reached the entrance about to walk in. Someone on the team came running up to you, he looked new and have the ugliest hair ever. 
“Sorry you can’t come in when practice is on, are you one of Oikawa’s fans?” You were about to answer him as he saw the food in your hands. “Fucking hell you fangirls are obsessed with him, y’know he won’t eat it.” 
You raised an eyebrow at the first year, “Yeah well I’m not a fan so move it.” 
You try to barge past him, but his arm was out, he glared as you glared back. Almost a competition of seeing who would retain eye contact. “Then what are you doing here?” 
“I’m here to see my boyfriend.” He raised an eyebrow as he chuckled. 
“You must be crazy if you think Oikawa’s your boyfriend.” You grew even more frustrated at the new kid. 
“I’m going to kill you if you don’t move.” He remained standing in front of you. 
The commotion that had been occurring had made Iwaizumi come over, “Leave Y/n alone Kindaichi.” You finally found out his name. 
“Thank you Iwa-chan.” 
“Who the fuck is Y/n.” Kindaichi mutters as you continue to glare at the boy. 
You walked towards Oikawa who was sitting on the bench, his knee was getting better, but he needed some breaks occasionally. “You okay, baby.” 
He broke out from his trance as a soft smile appeared on his lips, “What are you doing here princess.” 
He gestured for you to come closer to him, you complied as he brought his arms around your waist, hugging you, his head resting on your stomach. “I brought you some milk bread, you didn’t eat enough this morning.” 
He smiles as he takes the bread, he puts it to the side before hugging you again. “I love you.” 
“I love you too.” He lets go looking up at you, “now go show me those amazing sets of yours.” 
He nods standing up becoming a lot taller than you now, grabbing a slice of bread he stuffs it in his mouth as he goes into a game. “Shittykawa don’t stuff your face.” Iwaizumi shouts as Oikawa looks at him hurt. 
“My baby made me bread.” He coos as you laugh sitting on the bench. 
The game occurred, Oikawa setting perfectly as Iwaizumi spiked it past the blockers especially the annoying turnip head. You watched Oikawa intensively occasionally glaring at Kindaichi as he glared back. The game ended quickly as Oikawa’s serves allowed for many points to arise. 
He came up to you, smiling happily waiting for some praise, “you’re such a pretty setter.” He grabbed your waist pulling you towards him as he hugged you tightly. 
“You’re too nice to me.” You laugh as your hands played with his hair, it brought comfort to the tall boy. He gave a genuine smile as he looked down at you. 
He brought his face closer to yours as he kissed you softly, his mouth gaining momentum as it became heated. His hands bringing you closer to his waist as you could feel his skin on your own. Before it could go anywhere further, you felt Oikawa’s head push against you, he let go off you his hand to his head as you saw the stray volleyball roll away. 
“Iwa-chan don’t be so mean.” 
“Lazykawa we still have practice, stop eating Y/n’s face off.” He huffed at the boy, you watched as Oikawa left to go pout to Iwaizumi for being mean. The tall boy would be the death of you, but even then you still loved him. 
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Daydreams and Tickles ~ Ruby Martinez
Summary: You get distracted while Ruby rambles. 
Word count: 3.3k
Pairing: Ruby Martinez x Fem!Latina!Reader
Warnings: Tickling, Kissing, Suggestive dialogue (Innuendos, dirty jokes, etc) If we missed something let us know!
A/N: Hiya, it’s been a while, we are going to try to post at least a monthly one shot, but won’t make any promises. Hope you all that read this enjoy this!
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You were awoken by the sound of notifications going off loudly. You stirred around on your bed, trying to ignore the cacophony of dings your phone kept emitting. Groggily, you made a mental note to silence your phone from now on. When you could finally look at the screen without it blinding you, you scrolled through the seemingly endless string of texts Ruby had sent to the group chat, “The Gnomies”. Yes, Jamal came up with it. Yes, everyone tried to change it, but he just kept changing it back so they gave up. You groaned as you read the messages. ‘Be here at one on the dot,’ the last message read, ‘mandatory meeting’. That was less than half an hour from now. Lazily getting out of bed, you started getting ready. After brushing your teeth and making your hair look somewhat presentable, you threw together an outfit that resembled a picture you had seen on Pinterest after looking up ‘grunge aesthetic’. You liked trying out different styles constantly, feeling like every single one of them suited you, but none of them could get you to commit to them for more than a month. Satisfied with the way you looked, you left your room, grabbed your keys and skateboard, and started to skate your way to Ruby’s house. Midway, though, you decided to take a detour and get some food—junk food, to be precise—knowing that you would not be able to handle a hyperactive Ruben on an empty stomach.
You left the joint with two bags full of food, hoping bribery would get you out of being lectured by Ruby about punctuality. You balanced the bags on both hands like a scale as you focused on not falling from your board on the way there. Making the last turn to Ruby’s house, you miscalculated the speed you were going at and had to hop off the board, letting it crash against the curb. Though you fell on your ass, you made sure to hold the food up keeping it safe and sound. Holding both bags in one hand, you retrieved your skateboard and walked up to the door, but it flung open before you could even think about knocking. Ruby stood on the other side with a scowl. You smiled sheepishly, extending one of the bags to him. 
“You’re very late! Did you get me fries with that? Also where are the others?!" Ruby said all in one breath.
"First of all, I know I'm late, but I'm sorry to inform you that you are not more important than food.” Ruby scowled and was about to protest, but you kept speaking before he could utter a word. “Secondly, yes, I did get you fries, you impatient goblin. I mean, what do you take me for? A monster?” You pretended to be offended, but Ruby simply looked annoyed by the dramatic display. “Just know that when I win my first Oscar I will not be thanking you, Ruben.”
“Yeah, yeah if you say so—also don’t call me that. Can you get to the most important question now?”
“Damn, someone hasn’t had their daily handy.” You laughed in astonishment, amused by how much irritation Ruby had in him.
“Seriously, Y/N, this is serious!” His voice raised an octave, causing it to crack, and you had to bite back a laugh.
“A la jaula, bestia, a la jaula,” you began, laughter causing your words to come out like wheezes. Ruby spared you one death stare, and you somehow found your composure. “Look, I have no idea where everyone else is. I, honestly, thought everyone was already here and that you were waiting on me.”
“So, you thought they were here and didn’t think to bring them food?” Ruby questioned.
“Do I look like I have enough money to feed todos esos trogloditas? I brought you food with hopes of getting out of the ‘Punctuality Lecture’, but seeing as they aren’t here, guess that spares me.” You dropped the skate on the entryway, pushing past Ruby to sit on the couch.
“And here I was beginning to think you favored me from the rest.” Ruby sighed with disappointment before raising his voice dramatically. “When in reality, it was just BRIBERY!” he exclaimed, his voice cracking once more as he fake sobbed while clutching the food. You clapped as you opened your food, ready to dig in.
“Damn, man, I better watch out, otherwise you’re probably going to win that Oscar before me,” you said as you began stuffing your face.
“Are you calling me dramatic?” He placed his free hand over his heart.
“Oh, without a shadow of a doubt, now sit down and eat.” With your fork, you pointed at him then towards the couch. Instead of sitting, he started pacing around the coffee table, and you watched him as you munched on your sandwich and fries. He stopped for a second to place his bag of food down, yet he didn’t sit down to eat it. He kept going around the small table at a pace too quick for your eyes to keep up without feeling dizzy. “Wow, man, slow down. Me mareas con tus vueltitas.” He only huffed. “Ruben, seriously, I did not buy that for you to let it go to waste. At least breathe and stress eat.” He whipped around at the mention of his full name.
“I thought I told you not to call me that,” he reminded you exasperatedly. “Anyway, I can’t eat right now. I have many thoughts whirring in my brain, and it’s making me sick. Do you know why I called you guys here? Well, if you’re here, you must have read the messages—” Ruby was rambling on and didn’t even stop in between sentences to take a breath so you cut him off. 
“RUBEN!” He ceased all movement so abruptly that a skid mark could’ve possibly been seen in the spot where he stopped. “Could you get to the point,, please? You’re making my head hurt.” You completely ignored his previous statement and pressed the tips of your fingers to your temples. Rolling his eyes at you he sat on the other end of the couch and took his food out. After a few angry munches, he turned to face you, the grease of the food that was plastered on his mouth drawing your attention to his lips. 
“Alright, since the others aren’t here yet, I’ll just start telling you my new ideas for income.” He stopped eating and started chattering and chattering and chattering… 
You don’t know when it happened, but at some point, he stood up and began pacing around the living room again. You stopped listening about half an hour into his ramble, zoning out and staring blankly at him. Your mind got the best of you, and you started to remember why you liked Ruby. What brought this on? You didn’t know. Maybe it was how much passion he put into his pointless arguments, or maybe even that you found it totally adorable that he was practically unable to lie because he would start sweating like a pig on a stick. Maybe it was the way he smiled at you, the tendency he had to correct everything you said matter-of-factly, or maybe it was his dangerously absurd perfectionism. It could be one of his many qualities, good or bad, you didn’t care. Your eyes trailed to his lips once more. They were so full and pink it was hard not to stare—slightly chapped too, but that wasn’t a problem to you. You imagined running your thumb over them, pulling them close to yours and then just crashing them together. Your breath hitched in your throat at the thought of you and Ruby making out. It wasn’t an uncommon thought of yours, seeing as you’ve been dreaming about it happening almost every night since you discovered what hormones could do. 
There was always Cesar, you thought. He was the “face” of the group after all, but that got to his brain sometimes. Nothing more dangerous than a cholo who’s aware of his good looks. You grimaced slightly. Cesar’s ego was one of the many reasons why you never developed an emotional nor carnal liking to the boy. You’d rather leave him to Monse, plus you wouldn’t dream of getting caught in the middle of their toxic and manipulative games. But that’s beside the point. You were abruptly brought back to reality by Ruby waving his hands in front of your face, occasionally snapping his fingers. Shaking your head to shake out the thoughts, you noticed Ruby was now standing on top of the coffee table, being careful not to step on either of your foods.
“PAY ATTENTION TO ME, (Y/N)!” Ruby whined. You held back a chuckle at how funny he looked. His small body barely added to the coffee table’s weight. Deciding to play it cool, you shrugged nonchalantly.
“What’s your fuzz? I am listening to you. Have been for the past hour and a half.” 
Ruby squinted his eyes at you. “No, you weren’t. I know that face. You were very deep in your thoughts. What’s going on in that pretty, little head of yours?” You freaked internally. 
He’s onto us, you told yourself. “Yes, I am onto you, (Y/N), that’s why I asked. Keep up.” He looked at you like you were stupid. Wait how did he—Can he read my mind?  Blink twice if you can read my mind. Ruby blinked twice, and you felt like a rock dropped in your stomach.
“Oh shit,” you whispered under your breath.
“Before you throw up on my couch, I’ll have you know I can’t read your mind. You were just speaking out loud.” You threw yourself backwards unto the couch, grabbing a pillow to cover your face. After making a mental note to slam your head against the nearest wall later, you decided you were not going to make a further fool of yourself. 
“I wasn’t not paying attention; I was just—”
“I am the king of bad excuses, babe, so spare me your lies.” You blushed at the nickname and prayed he wouldn’t notice. “Now since there is obviously something more important on your mind, speak,” he demanded. 
You weighed your options. You could either try to lie and hope he’d let you off the hook, which was not likely, or you could tell him the truth and risk your friendship being awkward from now on if he didn’t feel the same way—and with your luck he most likely didn’t. A few more silent seconds passed before Ruby spoke once more, “Don’t make me take drastic measures on you, (Y/N). I will have no mercy.” He eyed you with determination. You scoffed in disbelief.
“What could you possibly do to torture me, Ruben?” You mocked him, stretching out his name. Ruby smirked.
“Oh, you’ve done it now.” He jumped from the coffee table, landing on top of you and successfully pinning you to the sofa. You giggled and tried to get away from his grip, but it was surprisingly strong. Ruby chuckled at your failed attempts to break free. “Now, you’re going to tell me what I want to know, or else,” he brought his lips close to your ears, “you’ll pay for it with your melodious laughter.” Your eyes widened in realization as his words sank in.
“No, not the tickles,” you begged him playfully. He nodded while mischievously smirking. 
“One last chance, are you gonna talk?” You shook your head.
“In your dreams,” you defied. 
“I was hoping you’d say that.” In seconds, his hands went to your sides and laughter erupted from your throat in loud cackles.
“Stop, Ruby—Stop!” you tried to articulate between laughs. He shook his head no.
“Not until I get what I want.” He said between laughs as well, since in retaliation, you had managed to start tickling him as well. The sound of his own laughter mixed with yours was like music to your ears.
“N—Never!” You still mutinied. His fingers only increased their pace and not in ways you’d like. Your stomach was starting to hurt and you were running out of breath, leaving you with just one option. Well, it was now or never. 
“I WAS THINKING ABOUT KISSING YOU,” you blurted; his movements ceased, “I have been since we were in middle school.” You closed your eyes, concentrating on catching your breath. Ruby released you and got off of you, running his hands through his hair in deep thought. You sat up and covered your face with your hands. “This is going to be so awkward now,” you muttered through your hands but it came out like an incoherent jumble of sounds. You moved your hands to sneak a peek at Ruby. Your muffled words didn’t even faze him.
“Ruby?” You looked over at him. His eyes met yours, and he struggled to bite back a laugh. Great, you thought, he thinks I’m a joke now. 
“About time.” He grumbled and sighed.
“What?” You were very confused. What could he possibly mean by that?
 “I said ‘about damn time,’ (Y/N).” His suppressed laughs turned to a shy grin. Still confused as ever, you tried your best to gather your thoughts and form a coherent sentence.
“Wait, YOU KNEW?” You felt sick to your stomach now. All this time, you thought you had been successful at keeping your feelings hidden and sealed away, but now it turns out even he knew.
“Well, yeah, I’ve known for a couple of months now.” He shrugged it off as if it were obvious. 
“Months?!” This was unbelievable. You abruptly stood up and faced him, hands on your hips. “So, you’ve known for months and you didn’t think for one second to tell me? At least, have the decency to confront me, damn it.” You found yourself feeling dumbfounded, feeling toyed with. Ruby reached out to you, holding on to your forearm and pulling you back to sit on the couch. You let him.
“Cesar and Jamal implied it once during one of our guy’s nights, and ever since then, I kind of started paying more attention. Ergo, leading me to the conclusion that you liked me,” he explained. “If it makes you feel any better, the clues to your feelings were very subtle so, I would have probably never noticed if it hadn’t been brought up.” Ruby was trying his best to cheer you up, but you still felt extremely embarrassed by the fact that your secret crush wasn’t so secret. 
“Why would they even bring that up, in the first place?” you questioned, annoyed.
“Well, I may or may not have made a comment about how I thought I was starting to develop feelings for you and the guys just jumped on that and told me that you liked me too,” Ruby admitted shyly, rubbing his neck awkwardly. 
“So, if you like me back, then why didn’t you say anything or make a move when you figured out I actually felt the same way?” You felt bad for interrogating him like that, but you were in dire need of answers.
“I just didn’t know how to bring it up, and even if I did, I wouldn’t have known how to say I liked you back without, probably, choking on my own saliva.” He chuckled lowly, afraid that if he laughed too loud, he’d set you off again. “You know I’ve never been good with the ladies, (Y/N).” You grimaced at the memory of all of Ruby’s failed love attempts. 
“Well, you already knew I liked you—it was a matter of saying three words, eight letters,, and I would’ve been yours months ago.” You pushed his shoulder playfully, the anxiety and embarrassment you had felt washing of and making room for the still-settling realization of having confessed your feelings. Ruby leaned back into you, your legs brushing, causing you to take notice of your proximity. Your hands fell upon each other’s, and you looked up to meet his eyes. You started leaning in, maintaining eye contact as you got closer.
“Ruby,” you started, but he shook his head. 
“Don’t think, act,” he said as he grabbed the back of your neck, crashing your lips together. All your late night fantasies crashed at once, the real thing surpassing each and every one of them. Kissing Ruby felt like a kaleidoscope of butterflies got loose in your stomach—it felt like your heart alone was running a marathon. Kissing Ruby was soft and messy, your lack of experience shining through-. Ruby kept pressing himself to you, making sure there was absolutely no space between you. You had to resort to lying down, pulling Ruby on top of you, not once breaking the kiss. Due to the new position, one of his hands made its way to rest on your waist and the other cupped your cheek. Your hands around his neck were pulling him impossibly closer, and in that moment, your body felt like it was exploding with fireworks, warm all over. You didn’t break away until you needed to  breathe, a goofy smile plastering itself on your face. Ruby held the same expression as you as he looked down at you. As you started leaning in for another kiss, the door burst open. You pushed Ruby off of you, causing Ruby to fall on the ground with a thud. 
“Uh, what’s going on here?” Jamal asked.
“Told you guys it would work.” Cesar had the biggest, cockiest smirk on his face. You and Ruby shared a confused look and stared back at the very late rest of the crew.
“Yep, just like you said. A couple of hours alone, and they were all over each other.” Monse said, trying her best to refrain from laughing.
“I think our little man, Ruby, just popped his cherry.” Cesar wiggled his eyebrows. Monse’s eyes widened and she broke down laughing. 
Irritated enough, you finally spoke up, “Slow your roll, Little Spooky, we’re not like you and Monse.” You shot at him defensively, and Monse choked on her laughter. “No offense,” you added, not wanting to stir up any drama.
“None taken,” Cesar assured. Ruby got off the ground and reclaimed his seat beside you.
Leaning over, he whispered, “Why can’t we be like them?”
“Keep it in your damn pants, Ruben.” You nudged his side and he raised his hands in surrender.  
In retaliation, though, Cesar sat between you and Ruby. You shared a look of annoyance before Cesar asked, “Are you going to finish that?” referring to the forgotten leftover cluttering the small table. 
“Go crazy.”
“Suit yourself,” you and Ruby at the same time.
As Cesar dug in Jamal spoke up, “Can we just skip to the part where Ruby yells at us for being late and starts talking non-stop?” 
“No, man, not today.” Everyone looked bewildered. “Cesar why don’t you take that home? Yes, okay, bye,” Ruby dismissed him.
“Wait, woah, the hell man?” Cesar questioned as Ruby used all his might to get him off the couch. 
“You can all come back tomorrow, on time, and we’ll talk about my idea.” He said shooing them all away. 
“Are you freaking serious?” Monse got angry quickly.
“Hey, not my fault you decided to play cupid and be late on purpose.” Cesar, Jamal, and Monse shared looks of pride at Ruby’s statement. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some wasted time to make up for with my new girlfriend so, bye!” 
“Whatever you say, man,” Cesar said as he opened the door with one hand, the leftovers in the other. When Jamal and Monse were outside he said, “Just remember sin gorrito no hay fiesta.” He immediately shut the door after himself, but that didn’t stop Ruby and you from yelling after him.
“Fuck off, Cesar!” You both yelled with smiles on your faces as you looked at each other. With everyone else gone, Ruby cupped your cheek once more and tenderly kissed you until you had to head back home. That night you slept peacefully, no longer having to dream and wonder about how kissing Ruby would feel like.
Taglist: @steveisherdaddy  @apotatoinabigfield @xlostinobsessionsx @izjustafaze @yourlocalwhitemanwhore​
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creatingnikki · 3 years
What 2020 has taught me
1. Those things that seem like content for sci fi or pure fiction are actually things that can happen. To the entire world. Like a pandemic. And to you. Like a seizure.
2. Everyone is sad. Everyone is struggling. In different ways and in different measures. Makes no one special. But you still get to feel sad for yourself and be compassionate towards others. But it's also okay to draw boundaries because you're everyone too. Remember, not special? You're sad and trying to deal with it too.
3. Every job you have will not add value to your life. It will not teach you new things or give you people you'll want to stay in touch with. Sometimes some jobs will only be a season of your life. Even if the season lasts for over a year. It's okay.
4. You know how you thought picking a college and picking a major and picking your first job and picking a specific industry were all the career decisions you had to make? Yeah, no. It's never a one time thing. You could have a job as a marketing strategist for two years and then want nothing to do with it. And then you'll have to make another decision and work towards it. So I'd like to call it moves. It's like chess. You always have to make a move. And it always has to be strategic, yes. But the truth is in your 20s it probably won't. Even if you try. And as long as you're trying, you'll be fine.
5. You may have different sorts of friends like the one you only talk to about kdrama with or the one you met when you went book shopping alone and the friendship is all about books really. That's normal. But irrespective of why and how you became friends with them, if you consider them a friend then there has to be this basic sense of care, respect and empathy for each other. I don't care what people want to say. If you're faced with the worst trauma of your life, the least your friends can do is check up on you regularly. On text. And if they don't even do that then guess what? They aren't friends. They are acquaintances. Social media and quick promises make everyone seem like your friend. But they are not. They are just nice people who will be nice to you for specific periods and then wander away like you are a speck of dust floating in their journey.
6. You speak a lot and write and you express yourself and you’re emotionally mature but oh my god. You still hold in so much. You’ve known that at a subconscious level and over the last year people - experts - have told you that. You have also realized that you make your pain and sadness about pettier things because dealing with them, admitting about them, sharing that with your friends, is easier. You do that so that you don’t have to deal with the real stuff. Because it’s so damn painful. And you don’t know how to do it. Yet. Acknowledging is the first step anyway right? I know you’re confused about how exactly to let go of all this pain and sadness and feel lighter, and you know that talking to people really isn’t the solution, but I also know you’re smart enough to figure it out. 
7. Talking about being smart...you know you’re different than others. Better. Special. Smarter. None of these are the right words. And you never voiced this out until this year because you knew it would make you come across as narcissistic. Some would say it’s because you’re an INFJ. But my mother once said that this may be the first time we are consciously living life but our souls are old and so our instinct and the things we know but can’t explain are because this isn’t the first time for our souls. The connections we feel with certain people, the reason we are so different from our siblings who grew up in the exact same environment with the exact same opportunities, our sense of right and wrong...it’s all because our souls learn and grow with each time and that’s why we are who we are. I think that’s probably how I can explain what I have always felt. That I am living in a different universe than everybody but I have to pretend to be in this one and dumb my emotions and thoughts down. Maybe that’s because my soul has lived through thousands of years while most around me are living their 100th life. Or maybe I’m just narcissistic, who knows?
8. You shift between talking in first person and second person but that’s because that’s how you think in your head and talk to yourself and live your life. You ask yourself things and you accuse yourself of things and you apologize to yourself and you comfort yourself. I think that seeps into your writing and the changing of the voices. 
9. You always genuinely thought that you’d not be afraid of dying. And then what happened this October proved you shockingly wrong. I know it’s not so much being afraid of dying but the unbearable pain of knowing what that would mean to your family. So you have to be more prudent and less reckless with your life and the choices you make. 
10. Regret is not something that plagued you but this year the realisation and pain of giving away your favourite books from your own personal collection to people you care about as a show of affection and them turning out to be ass holes or losers has hit you so hard. So, yes. No more of that shit. I really fucking want my copy of The Perks Of Being A Wallflower back. UGH. With the childhood picture of me inside it! 
11. Sleeping at 5 am in the morning stops being fun or romanticised when you realise just how much harm it does to your body and mind. Literally every single disease and disorder can be traced back to a shitty fucking sleep schedule. It’s not just the hours you sleep but also the quality of sleep and the time you sleep at. So yes sleeping for 8 hours is healthy but not if that 8 hours is from 5 am to 12 pm. ‘Not a morning person’ is just another construct of capitalism and you don’t realise how many industries profit from having you believe that and staying up late or all night. Entertainment. Food. Alcohol. Pharma. Biologically and naturally you are a bloody morning person. And you don’t need 3 cups of coffee to begin your day or your phone notifications to get you to open your eyes and brain to wake up. 
12. Sometimes you really have to stop taking people so seriously. I know the idea of treating people as casual friends or entertainment makes you want to fight that concept but you know what? Some people like Pineapple are ever only going to be good for that. No matter how much they ‘grow and change’. So keep them in the background for whenever you want some entertainment or drama. But please don’t clear up your busy schedule to meet them or send them gifts on their birthday. 
13. If you don’t have the fruit juice or green juice within half an hour of making it then you are losing out on its most optimum health benefits. Or when you remove the white stringy stuff from oranges. That’s where all the actual nutrients are.
14. I am privileged and so are most of the people I interact with. The global pandemic has been hell for a lot of people around the world. Health wise. Financially. Losing people they care about. But I was blessed enough to be safe at home and have a job that I could smoothly do from home and not have a pay cut or 4-hour long Zoom meetings. So honestly when my friends tell me 2020 has been bad I have to stop and ask them why? Yes, the crippling uncertainty and anxiety is not something that can be undermined. But most people I know had very great positive life-changing milestones this year like moving away to another country for college or taking their first solo trip or getting married. So I have to ask them. Because I am not going to agree that everybody’s 2020 and pandemic narrative is the same. 
15. Money gets spent really quickly. When I left my job earlier this year because of personal issues, I thought I had enough savings to last me a year. Full disclosure - I mean to last my personal expenses because I live with my parents. But it didn’t even last me 3 months. And so to use money wisely and buy things that provide utility than instant gratification is something to follow. Also buying one pair of really expensive but quality shoes is better than buying 5 pairs of affordable but low quality shoes that will have a very short life and force you to buy more. I know that higher price doesn’t always mean better quality but sometimes it does. And as an adult now I want to do the whole quality > quantity thing even with things and not just people. 
16. Everyone in their 20s went through a crisis of what they should do with their lives and their careers and it’s not unique to the 21st century and the challenges of today. Whether it was Vincent Van Gogh in the 19th century or Sylvia Plath in the 20th, every single person, as brilliant as them went through the torture of making these decisions and living with their consequences. You may think I picked wrong examples for they both killed themselves but you know what? They were the people who really want to live more than anyone. They knew what life meant. And maybe if mental health help was more accessible back then their lives would be longer and more peaceful. 
17. Telling people everything is overrated. You don’t have to talk about every single thing that’s on your mind or that’s going on in your life. The good and the bad and the mediocre. You have to be mindful about how much of yourself you’re giving away. 
18. Re-watch Suits when people at work feel intimidating because the confidence + negotiation tactics that they show can actually work irl cos at the end of the day no matter in what position you’re dealing with people who have emotions and fears and insecurities and desires. You understand how to leverage that nobody can get the better of you. 
19. You belong to yourself. No matter how much you love someone or how much they have done for you or how much you owe them - you belong to yourself. You can’t live your life for someone else. Everyone belongs to themselves first. No relationship, no promise, no circumstance should make you feel like you have to give up your life and make it all about them. If and when the time comes to die for them, go ahead. Take a bullet. Donate that kidney. Write them in your will. But live your life for yourself. And let them live theirs. 
20. Twenty three was a challenging year. When it started you claimed the age 23 sounds boring and insignificant. Guess it proved you wrong. It hurt so much now. But that only means you’ll look back on it later and see how it added so much wisdom and resilience to your being. It doesn’t mean that it makes all the bad things that happened to you okay. Or that you should be grateful to them. Fuck no. It means that you should be kinder to yourself because at the end of the day, your mind and body find it in themselves to deal with whatever is thrown their way. They have your back. It’s time you learn to sit straight. 
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kate-komics · 3 years
Okay, so I LOVE your comics SO MUCH!!!! So much so, that I wanna make a comic of my own too. I also use Procreate for a lot of art stuff, but are there any tips on comic layout and shadowing, lighting and drawing peopl? I'm having the most trouble with how the hair should look and lighting in the face.
Okay I can finally answer this one! I had to gather my MATERIALS...
First off, thank you so much for reading my comics and I’m so happy you want to make one! So , let’s get into the process!
So, I write my own scripts and figure out what each page will have and what each panel will contain. The internet’s full of good comic script examples. Some good advice I’ve gotten for figuring out your panels is thinking of it ‘cinematically’, because what are comics besides still movies, really? So when I say cinematically I just mean stuff like close ups to show a lot of dramatic emotion, long shots to establish your environment, different angles for different emotions and so on. I highly recommend finding some crash course in filmmaking. I’m sure YouTube is full of them 😂
As for layouts I don’t have too much to say. Those are really up to the artist style. Like, I usually stick to grid-ish layouts and hardly ever do any diagonal or circular panels. It’s just what I like. Some artists have pages of only crazy dramatic panels with characters bursting out of them everywhere and a bunch of slanting borders of emphasis and over lapping images that look cool.
It. Is. Up. To. The. Artist.
I really really like the way Mike Mignola and Duncan Fegredo lay out the Hellboy comics. Their my main story telling inspiration and I look through their comics often for inspiration on layouts. I thing I often consult is this...
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It’s a bunch of examples from Jack Kirby (the king of comics) and layouts he frequently used. It’s saved my ass SO many times. Just keep reading comics and you’ll get a feel for the kind of layouts you like 😘
In the same vain I also come up with 2 or 3 thumbnail ideas for a pages layout and try to figure out which one shows the story the clearest. It’s all about telling a story clearly in the end. Once I get that figured out my process looks something like this...
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Tell a clear story. That’s all the goal is. Don’t worry about the quality of your art or your style. Just tell a good story 🥰
So, I can’t give you much advice on drawing people since that is a journey every artist has to endure and it’s different for everyone. Keep practicing and get out of your comfort zone with some crazy poses and props!
BUT... I can tell you some stuff about my shading method that I wish I knew when I started going digital.
First of all, I’d like to say there are...SO many coloring techniques for digital. This is just the way I do it and it works for me.
So, I do all my shading with the magic of the ‘Multiply Mode!’ If you don’t know the coloring modes it’s a very easy one second google. So when I’m shading I use more of an unsaturated color of the environment around them and that looks something like this...
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God, I use pale purple for almost everything 😂 but what’s nice about using multiply is that you don’t have to guess at colors and figure out color theory and what not. Your shading with one color that helps unify the whole piece. And you can layer a bunch of multiply layers for deeper shadows or use darker versions of your color as well. And it’s easy to edit the saturation and tone so there’s that too, as a bonus.
And it also really helps set the tone of the environment too! Like if it’s cool or warm, dark or really bright. Here’s some better examples of that...
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So yeah....multiply is magic and maybe learn a little bit about color theory to help you along 👍🏻
And finally... shading the face! I’ll be honest, I don’t think I do this that well but here we go anyway. So, the dumb thing about the face is it’s just a bunch of weird recognizable lumps that we have to make sense of and there’s so many lighting angles that cast so many weird shadows and while you’re drawing it you’ll be thinking the whole time “Is this right? This looks really weird.” Lighting a face is HARD, but if you just remember the important areas of it you can make out petty well.
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Of course the shading changes with where the light source is coming from, but if you just remember how the ridges of the face slope you can figure out stuff like ‘Should the shadow go on top of or underneath the cheek? The light is really dramatic here so I should make the shadow by the eyes really dark. This character has a very smooth and round face so they don’t need much shading around their cheeks and chin.’ Slowly but surely it will come.
My final advice...
Please....please use references. If you don’t understand something then look it up or look at yourself. Pinterest is a PLETHORA of amazing artistic references, there’s free use 3D models, there’s a timer on your phone camera and there’s the world around you! Reference is so key when it comes to being an artist. Use the tools around you ❤️
And I think that’s all I got. I hope this helps! Thank you for coming to my TED talk. Good luck creating!
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from-seas-to-skies · 3 years
Farm Grown / Hawks x Reader ♕︎
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uwu, I had the lovely @weirddpand4 draw this picture of cowboy Hawks for this work!!!
warnings: NSFW, spanking, cream pie
words: 4,802
“Oh, wow! Look at that! I’ve never seen grass so green before!” your friend, Urakaka Ochaco, exclaims.
Glancing up from your phone, you follow her line of vision; gracious hills of rich green grass stretch out far into the horizon, meeting with the brilliant shade of blue. It’s so unlike the skyscrapers and closely-knit houses you’re used to seeing. No, this is what pure beauty looks like, Mother Nature in one of her most wonderful forms. Although the fields are dotted with wildflowers and corn fields, you don’t miss the dirt road further up ahead, a large wooden sign planted next to it.
When Ochaco originally came to you with the idea of being a farmhand, you thought she was crazy. You’ve finally graduated from high school, got the title of professional hero, and this is the first thing she wanted to do? However, as she further explained, it was a family friend who needed help during the summer months, and what were heroes for? Granted, you wanted to run around the cement jungle and provide help that way, but this “almost vacation” didn’t sound too bad – plus, with the puppy eyes Ochaco flashed at you, it was impossible to say no.
And so, here you are, sitting in the passenger side of a coupe with Ochaco behind the wheel. You have to admit; the surrounding atmosphere is beautiful, and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t want to run barefoot through the grass. Clouds of dust rise as the car eventually comes to a stop outside of a weathered farmhouse. Ochako flashes you a smile, her large eyes twinkling.
“Look at how huge this place is! I know Uncle Iroh said he had a couple people helping out, but this is incredible! We’ll each have our own room!”
You can’t help but smile at her enthusiasm. Ochaco’s always been easy to rile up, and the fact that she’s genuinely excited to spend quality “bonding time” with you is heartwarming. As the two of you step out of the car, the front door to the farmhouse opens, revealing an elderly man with a long beard and a kind expression. His face cracks into a smile when he and Ochaco make eye contact; the two hurry towards each other, warm greetings and bone-crushing hugs being shared between the two. It’s no wonder Ochaco was so excited to spend the summer here; with a relationship like that, you’d be happy to see the man too.
“Oh, come, come!” Iroh says, hurrying around the car and popping the trunk open. “You must be Ochaco’s friend, yes?” he asks, looking towards you. A wave of pleasant warmth washes over your being as he sends you that charming smile. “I appreciate the help! I only have my nephew and another man working here already, but the extra hands will come in handy.” He pauses then to chuckle at his own joke. “But I think it’s about you two get settled, yeah?”
“Right!” you respond, pulling out your own suitcase.
As you walk up towards the wraparound porch, you glance to the other trucks sitting out in front of the farmhouse. Iroh said two others were already here, so you figured the trucks must be theirs…
“Zuko!” Iroh booms. “Our guests are here!”
After a moment or so, a boy around your age staggers from the kitchen, a tray in his hands. From the looks of it, a teapot and some cups line its surface.
“Tea is our specialty, here,” Iroh says, nudging you with your shoulder. “Get something to drink and then we’ll show you your rooms.”
Later on that evening, you’re gazing out your window, watching the sun fall. Hues of orange, peach, and lilac paint the sky, bidding the world goodbye for the night. It’s definitely different to experience it here than back home, back where silhouettes were outlined by the golden glow. A steady breeze carries on, carrying the scent of wildflowers and musk; your curtains flap from the sheer force of it, but you pay it no mind. It’s like Ochaco brought you to a slice of paradise, even if it’s with the intention of putting in labor.
In the distance, you hear calls and the distinguished moos of cows. Shifting your gaze, you catch a herd of cows being moved towards a barn; a man riding a brown horse wrangles them in, a border collie by his side. The way he pulls it off is smooth, and it’s clear that he’s used to pulling such a feat. However, what really catches your attention is the pair of magnificent scarlet wings protruding from his back. Now, you’re used to seeing some rather flashy quirks, but this guy’s is just… Wow.
“Hey, Uncle Iroh wanted me to come get you,” Ochaco’s voice says suddenly. Turning around, you see her standing in the doorway, a pleasant expression playing on her face. “We’re having oyakodon for dinner! Doesn’t a hot meal sound delicious?” And, as if to amp up your spirits, Ochaco licks her lips and pats her tummy. “I’m so hungry from a long drive!”
You huff in amusement. “Yeah, I am too.” Turning around, you catch a glimpse of the cows disappearing into the barn, that mysterious cowboy stationed by the doors. “Hey, Ochaco,” you start before realizing it, “but who’s that other guy that lives here? The one with the wings?”
Walking over to where you stand, Ochaco peers out the window, following your line of sight. “Oh, him? That’s Keigo. Uncle Iroh says he’s only been here for the past year or so, but he’s really good at what he does! I heard all the animals like him a lot – maybe it’s because of the wings?”
“Don’t you think it’s… odd that’s only a farmhand? With a quirk like that, you’d think he’d be doing something else.”
Ochaco shrugs. “I dunno. Maybe you should ask him sometime? Oh, but I’m really hungry! Can we go eat, now?”
“Yeah, sorry, I just got distracted…”
And so, you soon find yourself sitting at a sturdy wooden table, a bowl of oyakodon sitting before you. It smells utterly delicious - and paired with the tea Iroh brewed, you know you’re in for a treat. Just then, you hear a door opening and closing; there’s a chatter of some sorts, but then there he is, right there in the flesh.
Strong build, wide shoulders, blond hair that looks permanently tousled, and oh yes, those magnificent wings. Perhaps you shouldn’t be staring so much, but the sharp line of his jaw and intense eyes make it nearly impossible to look away. You’ve heard of such things, read about them in stories, but maybe, just maybe, you might’ve fallen for the guy at first sight. That, or he’s just too damn attractive for his own good.
“Howdy! Oh, shit, who are these two cuties?”
Or maybe not.
“Oi! Keigo! Can’t you be respectful for once in your life?” Iroh barks, popping around the other. He scowls as he slaps a wing out of his way. “Make a good impression for yourself. These two are going to be here for the rest of the summer, so don’t be an ass.”
“C’mon, gramps,” Keigo drawls, “you know I’m better than that. Plus, if they don’t like my attitude, then it’s not really my fault, huh?”
“Nothing ever changes,” Zuko says lowly, his words followed by a deep sigh.
You and Ochaco share a look. It seems like your Prince Charming is nothing more than a sarcastic asshat. How befitting.
“Liven up, birdies,” Keigo says, sliding into the chair directly across from you. “I don’t bite.” He winks at you. “Yet.”
Your entire body jolts at his proclamation. This guy really is shameless, isn’t he? Still, you can’t help but feel undeniably attracted to him. Curse his charisma, dammit.
“Aw, sweet! Is this oyakodon? Hell yeah.”
To the side, Zuko facepalms. Iroh merely chuckles and shakes his head, much like he’s way too used to this kind of behavior and has accepted it as it is. Hell, even Ochako cracks a smile. You, on the other hand, stare at Keigo in confusion. He has a bird-based quirk, doesn’t he? Does it not bother him to not eat chicken…?
Keigo puts up a hand, an amused glint in his eyes. “Look, I already know what you’re gonna ask, kid. I can practically see the gears spinning in that pretty head of yours. I fucking love chicken.”
Oh… Well, that takes care of that, doesn’t it…
After that first fateful encounter, you’ve grown used to Keigo’s ways. It’s funny, though, how he and Zuko’s personalities basically sit on either end of the spectrum, yet Iroh treats the both of them like they’re his children. While Zuko is serious and straight-laced, Keigo is more of a chatty free spirit. That said, you’ve also gotten used to Keigo’s flirty side. You suspect it’s because he likes to get a rise out of everyone. Whether that’s the case or not, your eyes often wander after him, stare down the hard lines of his back. Even better, you itch to trail your lips over the scruff lining his jaw. The guy’s too damn hot and he knows it.
Over the past month, a game of cat and mouse has started between the two of you. Him, trying to act all chummy and overstepping numerous boundaries. You, trying not to give into the weird relationship that’s bloomed between you and him. Sure, you might have flirted back, but what were you supposed to do? After all, Keigo’s proved himself to be a rather cool guy.
“You can’t keep spacing out like that, kid,” Keigo says, snapping you from your thoughts. Glancing down at him, you attempt to suppress your embarrassment, but Keigo’s too smart for that. Despite his relaxed attitude, he’s surprisingly intelligent and quite observant.
Hands tightening around the saddle, you scoff. “I wasn’t spacing out…”
Keigo cocks an eyebrow. “You know, if I wasn’t holding onto the reins, Nugget would’ve bucked you off a long time ago.”
This time, you snicker. You know that he has an undying love for chicken, but every time he refers to his horse as Nugget, you can’t help but laugh. This guy really is like a child.
“Pffft. Laugh all you want, birdie. If there’s one thing I know how to do, it’s how to ride.” Narrowing his eyes, he flashes you a sultry look. “If you want, I can show you.”
All laughter dies on your tongue. A spark of heat erupts in your stomach, makes your heart thump against your ribcage. He always manages to fluster you, to plant naughty little thoughts into your head. You swallow thickly. “I think… I think I’ll stick with Nugget for now.”
At that, Keigo shrugs, his expression turning into something more nonchalant. “Suit yourself. Seriously, though; you should always keep your focus while riding a horse. Anything can happen, and you’ll only know you’re fucked until you’re being crushed. Better yet, you’re flying overhead and end up snapping your neck. Hate to break it to you, but you don’t have wings to break your fall.”
He looks back up at you. “What?”
“Your wings. It’s just that… Well… Why help out on farm?”
Keigo blinks at you, no words slipping out. “Hah? What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Shit,” you say quickly, mentally cursing yourself out, “that’s not what I meant. You can fly, can’t you? It just seems like you could’ve made a name for yourself…”
“And become a hero, right?” You wince at his words. He hit the nail right on the head. “Heh. Yeah, I guess you’re right. I could spew a whole bunch of shit from my mouth and call it a day, but that’s not my style. I’m a hero in my own right.”
You furrow your brows. Remaining silent, you wait for him to carry on.
Keigo sighs at your implication. “Not all heroes wear capes or whatever. What about cops? Firefighters? Nurses? People who help put food on your table and help that old man out? Just because I’m not stopping some robbery doesn’t mean I’m not important.”
His words come as a slap to the face. He has a good point; actually, scratch that. He has a fantastic fucking point.
“I’m sorry,” you say after a moment’s silence. “That was selfish of me.”
Keigo waves a dismissive hand. “Don’t beat yourself up, kid. Nugget gets nervous if you get into a bad mood.”
Absentmindedly, your hand drops onto the horse’s neck, giving it a couple of reassuring strokes. “He’s a beautiful horse.”
“Yeah – well, until I bathe him. Getting up close and personal to horse cock isn’t fun. A bit degrading, actually.”
Slapping a hand over your mouth, you try to muffle your sudden laughter. Air streams through the cracks of your fingers.
Instead of his usual smirk, Keigo flashes you a genuine smile. You’ve only seen it once or twice before, but it never fails to make your heart stop. His whole face scrunches, his pearly teeth a startling white compared to his sun-kissed skin. Okay, so maybe you’ve fallen in love with this guy. It’s no big deal; you’re only here for the summer, so there’s no point in chasing after something you can’t have.
“What, did ya find that funny? I’m here all week, folks.”
“You saying you’re a standup comedian now?” you shoot back. “I didn’t know they accepted clowns on farms.”
“Ohoho, so you do got a mouth. Where’s that been all this time, huh? Would’ve made things a lot more fun.” Reaching up, he knocks his cowboy hat further back, revealing more strands of sandy hair and bronzed skin. “Listen here, partner. This town ain’t big enough for the two of us.”
“Oh my god,” you say with a snort. “You’re such a dork.”
Keigo snickers. “You know you love me.”
Heh. Yeah…
If only he knew.
Maybe you should’ve taken his words more into consideration.
Your instincts are more attuned to what could happen in battle, not for words. Besides, Keigo is a sneaky bastard. Most of the things that spew from his mouth are innuendos and pure sarcasm. He doesn’t really come off as a genuine type of person.
It’s whatever. You don’t like to read into things too much, and maybe that’s your fault, maybe it’s not. Who knows?
Even so, your eyes continuously drift over to where he stands. He busies himself with hanging Nugget’s saddle and harness away, his body lax. If one’s thing for sure, he definitely seems a lot more comfortable around animals rather than actual human beings. You can’t blame him, but what about you? Is he comfortable around you?
Clearing your throat, you turn back to the task at hand. Brushing Nugget down, you trail your hand over the coarse hair, the hard muscle. You meant it when you said he’s beautiful. Shiny brown coat, straw colored hair – he seems like the perfect match for Keigo.
“Cowboy Keigo,” you mutter. “Tell me, Nugget,” you begin, “does Keigo treat you right? Feeds you apples and lumps of sugar? A pretty horse like you deserves to be spoiled.” At the mention of his master’s name, Nugget whinnies. “Is that a yes? You’re avoiding the question, man.”
“Are you seriously trying to sweettalk my horse?” Keigo pipes up. Stepping over the stall, he hoists himself up onto the gate and straddles the wood. Wings sweeping behind him, he flashes you a peculiar look. “Didn’t they teach you in school that you shouldn’t seduce a horse? I don’t know about you, kid, but bestiality isn’t smiled upon around here.”
“Then what does that say about you, bird boy?” you quip. “Surely you don’t put yourself in that category?”
“Ooo, degradation. How did you know that was one of my kinks? Were you looking through my search history?”
Rolling your eyes, you set the brush to the side and join him at the gate. Climbing up, you mimic his movements and straddle the wooden beam. “Kinky cowboy, huh? Kind of has a nice ring to it.”
“Oh yeah. I’ve got the bedazzled white boots and everything. I mean, I’m already wearing the assless chaps and everything.”
“You sound more like a stripper rather than a farmhand. What do you think, Nugget?” you ask, turning towards the horse. Nugget merely snorts and shakes his head.
“Hey, hey, don’t agree,” Keigo tells him. “I’ve got to keep my secret life a secret, you damned horse. Help a guy out.”
“I guess your partner would rather throw you under the bus,” you say with a chuckle. “Good horse.”
“Now you’re just trying to hurt my feelings.”
“Cry me a river, bird boy. Or do I have to kiss your booboos?”
At that, Keigo falls quiet. The look in his eyes is unreadable, but the way his body tensed tells you something else entirely. Abruptly, he swings his leg over the gate and hops back down onto the ground. Aw, shit. Did you take it too far? It was only lighthearted flirting and yanking on his leg-
“C’mere,” Keigo says, offering you his hand. His voice is a lot more… soft.
With little to no hesitation, you take hold of his hand and get off the gate. You’re about to ask him what he wants, but then he’s abruptly pulling you to the side, further away from the stable’s open doors. Birds are singing outside, their sweet melody carrying along with the sweet summer breeze. It almost seems like an entire world away. A grunt escapes your lips as you’re shoved against the wall, the smell of straw and musk filling your senses. Keigo steps in close, the heat radiating off his body sending shivers down your spine.
“Listen here, pretty little birdie,” he drawls, his lips pulling back in a smirk, “but I may just have to take you up on that offer.”
Wait, what?
“What the hell, Keigo? Where is this coming from?” you question. It’s not like you’re against him being so damn close, it’s just… unexpected.
“Oh, right, like I’m supposed to pretend that you don’t gawk at me at any chance you get. You’re not very subtle, you know.”
Embarrassment heats up your insides, crawls up your neck. So this bastard is really going to rub it in your face, huh? Seems just like him.
“Then why didn’t you say anything about it before?” you hiss. “If it’s such a problem, don’t stay silent. You’re not the type to let things like that slide.”
“Who said it was problem?”
Keigo: 1 / you: 0
Spluttering, you try to gain control of your whirling emotions. This is not how you were expecting this conversation to go. Actually, you weren’t expecting this conversation at all!
“I know for a fact that you can’t get enough of me,” Keigo continues. “And if I’m being completely honest, I like it. You look so cute when you stare after me, birdie. Then you have the audacity to pretend like nothing happened whenever I catch you.”
“Is that what this is all about?” you huff. “Okay, fine. I admit it. Maybe I watch what you’re doing more than what’s necessary. It’s not my fault you walk around all the time without a shirt on or anything…”
“Normally, I’d say because it’s because I get hot when I’m working, but knowing that you were watching made it all the better.” He winks at you. “Gotta hand out a treat here and there, you know?”
“You really are a clown!” you squeak. Keigo laughs as you weakly shove at his chest. “You’ve been leading me on this entire time? What am I, a joke?”
“Hey now, don’t get ahead of yourself, kid. It’s not my fault you couldn’t come up to me like a civilized adult.”
Okay, now you’re fuming. “Keigo, you fucking idiot-“
Swooping in, Keigo cuts you off with a kiss. Unsurprisingly, his lips are soft; he tastes like citrus and salt, and before you know it, you’re looping your arms around his neck, knocking his hat off in the process. A huff of laughter fans across your lips as Keigo pulls back, his mouth hovering over yours. “Shit, I’ve been wanting to do that ever since your pretty ass sat at the kitchen table for the first time.”
You sigh. “You really do have a bird brain…”
You kiss him, again and again. Perhaps you should be ashamed that you have your tongue shoved down somebody’s throat rather than working, but there’s no way you’re stopping now. Like him, you’ve been waiting for this moment. The two of you have been tiptoeing around each other, rolling the tension back and forth like a goddamn snowball.
But fuck if it doesn’t feel good.
His hands aren’t shy, not in the slightest. Fingertips map out the ridges and dips of your body, seek out the spots that really make you tick. You bite back a giggle as he drops his mouth down your neck, the scruff covering his jawline tickling your skin. Your own hands trail over his body, tracing over the hard lines of muscle that hide beneath his clothes. Time and time again, whenever you’d see him without a shirt, you wanted nothing more than to run your hands all over him. This is your chance, now, and you’d be damned if you didn’t take it.
“Shit, shit, shit, not the wings,” Keigo pants into your neck. The scarlet feathers feel like silk beneath your fingertips; skimming over them, you follow their shape, feel how they get fluffier the closer they are to his shoulders. “Oh, fuck. You know just what you’re doing, huh, birdie? Playing around with me like that. Two can play at that game.”
Another grunt slips from your lips as he pushes you against the wall, harder this time. His hands shamelessly drift underneath your shirt, warm palms sliding over your skin. Your shirt comes off before you know it, being unceremoniously thrown to the ground.
“Fuck, birdie, aren’t a pretty one,” Keigo purrs, his nose bumping against your throat as he sucks another mark into your flesh. “I bet you’re real pretty down here, too…” Making quick work of your jeans, he easily slips them down your legs and you eagerly step out of them. “Don’t mind if I do, kid,” he murmurs into your ear before nipping at the lobe.
A weak moan breaks from your throat as a hand slips into your underwear and cups your sex. His hand is just so warm, and the roughness of his callouses causes your head to spin. Within no time, wet, sinful noises sound from between your legs, mixing with your heavy breaths and Keigo’s encouraging words.
“Yeah, you like that, birdie? My fingers feel good, huh? Wait until you get a feel of my cock.”
Spurred on by his words, you hastily unbutton his shirt, pushing the fabric to the side and running your hands over the swell of his pectorals, the ridges of his abdomen. A faint dusting of blond hairs covers his chest and arms; and, if you look close enough, more sticks out from the waistband of his jeans. Keigo hums as you continue to feel him up, his tongue pushing against the inside of his cheek.
“Like what you see? I bet you’ve been wanting to do this for a long time… Fuck! Not going to go easy on me, huh? I like someone who can bite back.”
“Has anybody ever told you that you talk too much?” you breathe. Fingers wrapped around his cock, your movements catch up to his in speed. “You should consider yourself lucky that I like your voice.”
“Oohoohoo, feisty. That mouth of yours is saying a lot of mean things today, isn’t it? Guess I’ll have to put you in your place.” He pauses, swipes his tongue over his bottom lip. “But, if I’m being entirely too honest, I don’t think I have the patience for that.”
“Keigo,” you pant, “I swear to Christ if you don’t fuck me right now-“
“On it, on it. Don’t get your panties in a twist, your majesty.” In hurried movements, he strips you of your underwear and shucks his chaps and jeans down. Large hands grip onto your thighs and then you’re being hoisted up, sandwiched between his rigid body and the wall. “Why, won’t you feel that,” he purrs, “I’d say it’s high noon.”
“Don’t talk about your dick like that, you dork,” you scoff. “Oh, fuck.” Another pleasured noise slips through your lips as you grind down against him, his cock just barely teasing your hole.
“What was that, birdie? You know what they say – sweetie on the farm, a freak in the barn.”
“You’re anything but sweet. Just – Keigo, please?”
“Alright, I get it, enough teasing.” Adjusting his hold on you, he flashes you a tiny smile. “Hold on, partner.”
A choked groan breaks free from your throat as his cock slides in, your velvety walls sucking him in greedily. That damned smirk of his stays on his face the entire time he fucks you, along with that devious glint in his eyes. His façade only cracks after you start stroking his wings and squeeze around his cock; if he wants to act like a cocky son of a bitch, then so can you.
“Shit, you’re fucking tight,” he pants. The smack of skin against skin fills your ears, right alongside Keigo’s breathy moans and muttered words. “Keep squeezing like that, birdie, and you’re gonna make me cum quicker than I want to.”
“You almost sound like that’s exactly what you want me to do,” you breathe. “A cowboy like you has got to have some stamina, right? Don’t tell me all of that work goes to nothing.”
“Jesus, and you called me talkative. Fuck, I can’t wait to shove my cock down your throat and shut you the hell up – I said don’t squeeze like that, holy hell. Dirty little head you got there, huh?”
“Shut the fuck up,” you mumble, yanking him back into a kiss. Keigo only moans loudly as you continue to play with his wings, quickly finding out that the spot where they protrude from his flesh is the most sensitive.
“Milk my cock, birdie,” he mutters between broken kisses. “You’re so fucking good to me, oh yeah. I should’ve done this weeks ago.” A startled squeak bursts from your throat as he abruptly strikes your ass. Sucking air through his teeth, he does it again, relishing in the desperate noises spilling from your mouth. “That’s right, birdie. Come on, make me cum. I’m gonna cum so fucking hard for you, fill you up until your belly’s bloated.”
“Keigo-“  You moan as his hand drops down, fingers furiously rubbing at your sex.
“That’s right, say my name. Let the whole fucking world know who’s fucking you this good.”
The knot building up inside you snaps; with a cry, you cling even closer to him, your velvety walls spasming around his thick cock as you cum.
Slamming a hand against the wall, Keigo fucks into you harder, faster, the wet noises sounding from between your legs almost deafening. “Oh fuck yeah, oh fuck yeah, oh fuck, fuck, fuck – ah- ah- ugghnn…” Burying his face in your neck, his hips erratically jerk as warmth fills your insides. “Still… cumming… fuccckkk…”
Your eyes flutter as he shallowly thrusts into you, the sinful squelch of his cum leaking out around his cock filling your ears. Slowly, he comes to a stop, his hot breath fanning over your neck and the side of your face. Gingerly, you let him go, completely unaware that your fingernails had dug into him in the first place.
“Well,” he starts, lifting his head and flicking away sweaty strands of hair, “that was eventful, wasn’t it?”
You scoff. “Tell me why I like you again…?”
“Oh, darling,” he drawls, leaning in and pecking the corner of your mouth. “I don’t think you like me. I think you love me. You aren’t very subtle.” He laughs as you smack him on the chest.
“Okay, fine. You’re lucky I love you, bird brain. Don’t go rubbing it in.”
“Silly birdie,” Keigo hums, his face scrunching into that wonderful smile of his. “I may just love you too.”
Wait, seriously?
“And no, I’m not joking or being an ass,” he continues, as if reading your mind. “What’s it called? Love at first sight? I dunno, seems like cheesy bullshit to me, but I… I like the appeal of it. It sounds nice when you’re involved.”
Your heart thumps against your chest.
Oh, fuck.
234 notes · View notes
makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 295: So How Are You Holding Up (Because I’m a Potato)
Previously on BnHA: Horikoshi randomly and graciously decided to answer all of our long-standing questions about Mr. Compress, including “is he secretly hot,” “is he secretly related to that Robin Hood thief guy,” and “is he ever going to use his quirk to chain chomp a hole right through his ass??” with the answer to all three being “yes, of course.” As for our follow-up questions, “sir, is Mr. Compress going to die,” and “holy shit,” his answers were, respectively, “wait and see,” and, “I understand, really I do, but that isn’t actually a question.” Well, he’s got us there.
Today on BnHA: Horikoshi finally ends the War arc with the speed and grace of an overworked college student scrambling to BS their entire midterm essay with five minutes left before the deadline. Deku’s Spidey Sense is all “what up, I exist, p.s. you’re in danger kid” like oh shit, no, you think?? Compress is all “I’m not gonna die but I am going to pass out and be captured” and honestly, at this point I’ll take it. Spinner is all “Tomura you can have this one last Souvenir Hand I found that was in the oven for too long” and slaps it on his face because HE’S JUST TRYING TO BE HELPFUL, SHUT UP. Dabi is all, “[currently in a marble].”Tomura is all “actually, I’m AFO.” AFO is all “hahahahaha” and summons all of the remaining Noumus to cart him and Spinner and Dabi off to safety. Deku is all “DAMMIT TOMURA I’M REALLY MAD AT YOU FOR KILLING, AND I QUOTE, ‘AN UNBELIEVABLE AMOUNT OF PEOPLE’, BUT AT THE SAME TIME, GET THIS, I TOTALLY WANT TO SAVE YOU TOO! LMAO ISN’T THAT WILD.” Fandom is all “OH MY GOD, NO WAY, is what we would say if we had literally never met Deku before, I guess.” And then the arc just ends, lol. See you in the new year, kids.
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no you didn’t pass out because of a ~heatwave~, you passed out because he set you on fire while you were out here shooting Blackwhip out of your mouth with your SPINDLY ACCORDION LIMBS dangling uselessly from you like WINDCHIMES you RIDICULOUS BOY
“where’s Todoroki-kun” oh shiiiiiiit. right. god I hope someone caught him. BAKUGOU OWES HIM A FAVOR, HOW ‘BOUT IT
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Todoroki Shouto has really highkey been the MVP of the entire fourth quarter of this arc. he deserves the world, and odds are all Horikoshi’s going to give him are lasting trauma, and a souvenir shirt that says “I survived this stupid arc and all I got was this t-shirt”
anyway now Deku’s being hit by a Lightning Bolt of Realization or some such? idk what’s going on, but I bet you it’s related to Tomura waking up again
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LOL WHAT. THAT’S IT?? SPIDEY-SENSE?? I mean we all predicted Spidey-Sense being one of his quirks like ages ago, so Well Done, Us, I guess
but also, seriously?? all of that drama and intrigue about the fourth user’s quirk and this is what we end up with? what was All Might being so cagey about then? how did this dude die? I need answers goddammit. new, better answers lol
maybe it’s something to do with the fact that Deku keeps talking about how his head hurts?
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I mean, for Deku of all people to be all “ouch that hurts”, it must really fucking hurt, you know? like oh my god Deku are you dying
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this man is out here FROLICKING, half-naked and half-torsoed, AND STILL FEVERISHLY RATTLING OFF HIS MONOLGOUE. YOU HAVEN’T EVEN ESCAPED YET YOU DINGUS. did watching Dabi pour bleach over his head inspire you to think of interesting new ways you could abuse your own body for the sake of Theatrics?? why are villains Like This
anyway so now Mirio’s punching him, because what else are you even supposed to do in this situation
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I read this speech bubble three times in a row very carefully this time around just to make sure I was reading the words right. and then looked for a T/L note below. and there was none. whatever RHA, at least you all are out here enjoying yourselves
wait what?
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I guess he hasn’t woken up yet after all?? so then wtf is Deku’s Spidey Sense getting all worked up about. I mean to be fair there’s danger all around them still so having a Spidey Sense in this kind of situation is kind of like bringing a smoke alarm to a BBQ
now what
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wait did he put them back in the marble?? or is that panel just meant to show us how they were in the marble earlier?? Horikoshi please make this less confusing, I’m already having trouble staying focused as it is. and on top of everything else Compress is cascading blood like Niagara Falls right now and I’m starting to wonder if you really are going to kill him off
anyway so Mirio is still in mid-punch, and now he’s reaching out to punch Spinner with his other hand. heh. Mirio please be careful Tomura is right there, and I swear to god Horikoshi IF HE LAYS A HAND ON HIS SWIRLY BLOND HEAD SO HELP ME I WILL MAIL YOU A VIAL OF MY TEARS
okay seriously what the hell is happening
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when you attach?? everyone?? to your body?? whose body?? who is this??
oh wait okay it’s a flashback to Tomura talking about his Hands
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lmao this is so disjointed, I can’t tell what’s a flashback and what isn’t and whose thoughts these are lmao I give up. I’m just going to fire up a bunch of question marks until this starts making some goddamn sense. ???????
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-- !!!!!!!!!!!
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okay hold up. so did Spinner just slap Tomura’s last remaining Signature Fashion Hand onto his face just now for absolutely no reason?? is that what’s going on?? and fuck me but it actually worked too, lmao. is your buddy unconscious and unresponsive to stimuli?? no problem, just slap ‘em in the face with a burnt and shriveled severed hand. works every time
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ohhhhhh, okay. so this is AFO’s narration
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and that’s a partial answer to the question of “why did AFO bother raising Tomura up as his heir if he was planning on taking over his body the whole time.” apparently it makes it easier to control him. joy :’)
also this image of a potato wearing a Tomura wig is sending me fjkllkhl
oh my god he summoned all the Noumu to him like Aquaman and his sea creatures. this whole situation just keeps on getting better
-- oh hell no. oh fuck me, fucking shit
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oh my god. I fucking hate everything right now oh my god
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fucking great!! so I guess nobody is getting a happy ending today, then. the heroes got their asses handed to them (sorry Compress, it’s a figure of speech, didn’t mean to be disrespectful); Deku and Kacchan died; Shouto’s evil brother came back from the dead to ruin his life; everyone and their dog lost various limbs; and the villains have now lost Twice (dead), Compress and Machia (presumably going to be captured), and now their fearless leader’s body has been completely taken over by AFO, which is such an unsexy development that it managed to completely undo all of the Mr. Compress Sexiness from last week. goddamn it
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up close Hadou’s face is looking pretty rough. :/ that’s going to scar over isn’t it. at least she’ll look like a badass
meanwhile I appreciate that Horikoshi drew what looks to be a little puff of air next to Kacchan’s mouth, just to reassure us all that he’s not actually dead. that’s fine. you just lie there then. also his wound really is in the exact same place as All Might’s and it’s giving me all kinds of feels you guys but whatever I’m not gonna sit here dwelling on it all day
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“peace out, loser.” “SHUT YOUR TRAP, HO.” quality encounter right here
anyway so he’s blasting Deku with something and Deku’s just flying back all unconscious-like. so then, what even was the point of all that, huh
oh I see, it was to lead us into one last Deku monologue to close this arc out
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oh my god Deku if you say you’re going to save him I will turn around and do a cannonball into a ballpit of feels right now, don’t do this to me
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by the way I just have to point out here, that after all of those impossibly pretty close-ups of Hawks’s unconscious face, Horikoshi really did my child dirty here lmao
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he looks like a squished cockroach. THAT’S MY BABY BOY
and it looks like the cavalry is finally on its way too! took them long enough. so I guess they can take care of any of the remaining Noumu stragglers, but first let Deku finish his speech. listen up Deku I really need you to say something cool and iconic to cap off this thus-far admittedly underwhelming Last Chapter Of The Year, here
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well he thought the thing, anyway. close enough. I’ll take it!
so this is really the end of the arc then! or at least I hope, good lord. anyways, all right then so let’s do a quick status check:
it looks like the Noumu are hauling Tomura and Spinner away to safety, but it doesn’t look like they managed to save Machia or Compress. this honestly might be in Compress’s best interests though. the heroes can get him some medical help along with Kacchan and Endeavor and everyone else
Dabi is apparently hidden inside Spinner’s scarf, but do they have any way of releasing him without Compress there to undo the quirk? will he be all right in there. like how is he going to get food and water and air and stuff lol. does it wear off after a bit? can Compress undo it when he wakes up, even if he’s in custody? is there a distance limit on it?
and Skeptic was presumably turned into a marble as well, but Compress didn’t bother mentioning him at all. nobody cares about poor Skeptic lol
and bonus AFO theories status check:
Dad for One - AFO called Deku worthless and hasn’t seemed to take the least bit of interest in him despite getting to see his fancy SIXQUIRKS up close and personal. so if he is his dad he sure as heck is a terrible one, that’s all I can say
All for One for All/Deku is a horcrux - well the Spidey Sense seems to offer an alternative explanation to why Deku could sense AFO’s presence, but on the other hand it doesn’t explain why AFO was able to sense Deku’s as well (seeing his dreams and such). still thinking there’s a connection there, guys, idk
AFO is the final villain - five words for you: “EVERYTHING IS FOR MY SAKE.” is that concrete enough yet lol. pretty sure this arc marked both the beginning and end of Tomura’s brief stint as the Big Bad. Deku’s got it in his mind to save him now somehow, and we all know what happens when Deku starts getting determined to save people. look out AFO
as for the heroes, they’re all varying degrees of Fucked and I think it’s honestly too much to even take stock of at this point. maybe if I get a rush of hyperfixation in the next couple days or so I’ll do a separate post analyzing the impact of this arc and where things currently stand and where they might be headed from here
but in the meantime, ngl, this chapter was kind of a hot mess lmao. but whatever, I don’t even care because at least he managed to get all of it done within the allotted 17 pages, meaning that next week (or rather two weeks from now, sob) we really can get moving onto the aforementioned Triage arc! BRING ON THAT ANGST. I am so fucking hyped goddammit
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nlights37 · 3 years
Fixer-Upper Tease: The Final Installment
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Okay kids, we're in the home stretch with my favorite grouches (and maybe yours, too, who knows), so here's a little morsel from out final installment, a little taste of what to expect in this last chronicle of Joe Snow and the newly-minted Mrs. Snow. Enjoy!
“Oh, Dan-YER-US!”
Dany stared numbly at the phone in her hand, the screen long since gone dark, still so shocked that she couldn’t force even the slightest noise past her lips.
She should, actually. She really should remind Jon that his newest gag of addressing her by every mispronunciation of her name possible, submitted to him by telemarketers if he was lucky enough to catch the landline, was getting old.
But she was too stupefied to respond, and he was making himself laugh, moving further into the house, the solid thud of Drogon jumping down from his cat tree and onto the hardwood below firm evidence that Jon was heading her way. She could hear his chuckles bouncing down the hallway as his voice grew louder. “Dan-yer-us Tar-jerry-an?”
Her lungs unfroze enough to allow a huffed exhale.
A knock sounded against the door of their shared office, now that his place was their place, and he waltzed in, holding Drogon like a football and rubbing his knuckles against the old cat’s jaw as her husky boy began to rumble. “Hey,” she breathed out, eyes wide, her limbs still somewhat sluggish to respond in the wake of her phone call. “It’s Dan-yer-us Snow, asshole.”
Jon held his hand up in mock surrender. “My mistake,” he drawled, seeming to notice as the seconds ticked by that she was very much not quite herself. Gray eyes narrowed and settled straight on her face, his amusement quickly replaced by growing concern. “What’s going on?”
She squeaked, then winced, and finally forced herself into motion. “Everything’s fine,” she said soothingly, not as convincing as she’d hoped when he cocked his head to the side and looked at her skeptically. “I’m just…,” she floundered for a moment, searching for a way to describe this disorienting storm of happiness and fear and nervous excitement, “Surprised? Yes, that’s good. That works.”
Her husband of two surprisingly awesome months (well, not surprising really because of course she’d known deep down this would work, but still there had been that little whisper of fear, of everything that had gone wrong for her before beginning again, and she felt silly even admitting it to herself) remained a hard sell. “And what, Mrs. Snow, are you so surprised about,” he checked his watch, “at 4:17 in the afternoon?”
“They want to publish it.” Saying it out loud made it seem even more outrageous, because she’d never actually thought anyone would want to publish her little labor of love for the Hardware King himself.
Jon’s brows drew together. “Publish what? Oh, Gods, Dany, not my nudes. Not my beautiful catalogue of tasteful nudes.” His forced horror melted away the moment she yelped his name indignantly and thumped him on the shoulder.
“The book, Jon, and please,” she scoffed, “if you had nudes I would already have made them my lockscreen.”
Jon snorted and rolled his eyes, leaning down to deposit Drogon near her bare feet. “The book?” He swatted away errant cat hairs from his t-shirt. “Which book?”
She made an exasperated noise, dancing away from his newly-freed and wandering hands, over to the built-in shelves tucked into the corner. “This book, Jon.” His brows flew to his hairline as he spied the book in her hands, the one she’d made him for Christmas, now displayed out of reach after Ghost had swept it from the living room table in one wide brush of his tail.
Oh.” He settled finally on her face. “The book.” Then he considered her quietly, a long contemplative silence passing before he crossed to his chair and sat down, bracing each foot on the floor so the rolling seat wouldn’t budge and patting his crossed leg invitingly. “Step into Joe Snow’s office.”
Shoulders slumping with a resigned laugh, she dropped herself into his lap, leaning in automatically as he wrapped an arm around her, the other dropping to her knee as she settled against him. “Hey,” he whispered, and she craned her neck up to meet his eyes. “This is a good thing, right? I mean Rhaegar’s been on you for awhile about getting it out there, and you were really pumped, remember?”
Dany nibbled on her lip for a moment. “Yeah,” she sighed out, tucking her head into the space between his shoulder and neck. “But I don’t know, I guess it just feels really personal? I made that for you.”
“Aye,” he said gravely, the arm around her back shifting so he could slide his hand to her ass and squeeze. “To declare your undying love for me.”
Wrinkling her nose, she threw him a glare, which deepened as he grinned. “You are so annoying, Jon. I hope you appreciate what a saint I am for tolerating all of your nonsense.”
“A regular 'Baelor the Blessed', Dan-yer-us, that’s what you are.” He squirmed a little as she fished a hand between them and pinched lightly along his ribcage, her put-upon expression softening his own as he stopped needling her. “Okay, listen, I get what you mean. But to the rest of the world, like the 99.99% that doesn’t know us? They’ll think it’s a fun story about the grouchiest fucking pets known to mankind.” He paused, only to find Drogon glaring at him from his renewed perch on the cat tree. “Case in point, old man, what are you looking at?”
“He knows you’re slandering his good name.”
Jon snorted and flicked his finger at the cover of the book she still held in her hands. “You literally titled it ‘Grouchy’, Dany, so maybe his fight is with you, not me.”
It was a good thing he made being insufferable so attractive, it really was. And she understood what he meant, all his jesting aside. The butterflies in her stomach began to settle, as she let out a hard breath and relaxed once more against his chest. “And you don’t mind?”
“What?” He looked at her as though it was the most ludicrous thing she’d ever said, the title formerly held by her declaration that putting ketchup on macaroni and cheese was something psychopaths did. Which probably hadn’t helped as he’d been in the act of doing that very thing, when she’d said it. “Dany, why would I mind?”
Dany gave him a small smile as she gazed up at him, and shrugged. “I made it for you, Jon. I mean, your dog is in it. You are in it.”
“Just the top of my head,” he interjected with mock sternness.
She just sighed and rolled her eyes, because honestly, his instinctual disagreeableness was one of her favorite things about him. It made her own perfectly allowable. “You know what I mean, Joe Snow.”
“Do it,” Jon said firmly, not an order, she understood that, but he was casting his vote. “I hope it makes a shitpot of money. I have plans.”
“Oh?” Her question, coupled with a sarcastic raise of his brow, earned her another squeeze of her ass.
Jon nodded with a quick jerk of his chin, perfectly sure. “Oh, yeah. See, the way I figure, it’s destined to be a hit, with me as your muse.”
Dany scoffed, just before a giggle escaped. “Ghost, you mean. Ghost was my muse. And Drogon.”
Jon relinquished his hold on her ass to slide his hand upward, patting comfortingly at the top of her head. “Whatever makes you feel better, love.” Then he winked and dropped a kiss on the tip of her nose. “Besides, either way, seems to me I’m headed straight down the path towards my dream job, the role I think, frankly, I’ve been destined to fill.” His voice had taken on a dreamy quality, as he stared away, now, at the wall opposite, where several of her drawings were tacked up to a corkboard, a drafting table he’d built for her situated just below. “It’s fate.”
“Do I want to know?” He side-eyed her at the droll question, and huffed.
“Look at me, Dany,” he said, head lifting imperiously. “I’m clearly meant to be a trophy husband.”
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everafterkeiji · 3 years
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Song: drivers license by Olivia Rodrigo
Summary: How the flashing lights in the street bring you to the moment that was once yours and Oikawas.
Parings: Tooru Oikawa x fem! reader
Word count: 7.3k
Genre: angst
A/N: fuck it honestly, self control we don't know her boo, pls be careful with the flashbacks and little details, enjoy pt. 1 <33
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"Can't you give me just one more kiss?" Oikawa begs, leaning his arm behind your seat as you see his irresistible pout resting on his lips. You chuckle before leaning close to him and him copying your actions.
Lips lingering with each other, as he removes his arm behind you to ghost upon your cheek. It was so intoxicating, a distance too great that was covered in tension. He glides his finger through your lips before resting it on your chin.
"Run away with me."
He states, closing his eyes and leaning his forehead to yours with a shaky sigh, his hand now running through the hair from the back of your neck. You smile at his words, caressing his arm, shutting your eyes like he did, embracing his warmth in his car.
"And we'd go everywhere?"
"Everywhere, any time, you name it babe." He whispers with desperation in his tone. This close. Why can't he hold you like this forever? A tear nearly escapes his eye as he cherishes your touch. Why did he have to lose contact with his true self?
He opens his eyes to see yours closed and in full serenity. He bites his lip before allowing the tears to cast down his cheeks. He tried not to sniffle so you'd let this moment last without any trace of pain.
"In that case, I'm not driving."
You joked, making him let out a soft laugh as he wipes his tears before you can see. Instead, he leans in finally breaking the distance between you two. You kissed back, not knowing his cheeks were tear stained as he lets his lips tell his apology. This wasn't him, this wasn't a kiss that could last more than once.
He hesitantly pulls away as you caress his cheeks as he leans into your touch, melting in the skin he's adored every inch of. He takes in the way you stared at him, the lights of the passing cars glowing on your face as his hands shakes at the sight of you.
He wished the silence wouldn't give out how painful it was to watch you like this, so with a disguise, he smiles.
"You'll be able to in the future." He says, earning him an ache to surround his heart. You intertwine your hands with his, your thumb assuring him since you've noticed a change in his aura.
"Maybe, but it's still you and me right?"
His eyes wander around his car, reminiscing on each memory that you've made in just a vehicle. Every moment where you'd leave the window open, freedom in your clutch. Every time your voices were close to being gone from furiously shouting the lyrics. All the times you'd rather sleep in his car and run from your problems. Even the random placements of clothes from the two of you, to scattered photographs and snack wrappers.
Just one more, Tooru.
"You and me, love. That's all it takes. "
You let your head rest on his shoulder as he turns on the engine, surprising you with your hands still intertwined with his.
"What'd you say babe? One last drive?"
You nod happily as he chuckles looking at you before driving, his facade weakening with every mile.
One more.
"Pick up, Tooru!" You shout, aggressively clicking the button on your phone as each call was heard with his voice mail. You threw the phone to the floor as you let out a scream, your throat begging you to stop torturing yourself.
"Pick up!" You scream once again before lying down on the bed, not giving a care that your sobs echoed outside his apartment. Your cheeks were warm, with heavy eyes and mascara staining the pillow cases. Tears nonstop with the crumpled paper in your hand. Shaking uncontrollably as you denied what he's done.
Running to your door, the breeze greeting your legs since you wore his hoodie to sleep and little shorts to cover the weather. Frantically turning left and right to reach the entrance of the building.
You let your hand cover your mouth as you see his car nowhere in your sight. You gripped on the handle of the door to steady yourself from falling, with your sob catching the attention of strangers.
"Y/N! Fuck- I'm here- hey I'm here."
Clouded with water, you barely recognize the person who was hugging you tightly. Falling to the rough surface of the ground, he joined you in your downfall and it seemed that nothing made sense anymore. The noise of the world drifted far from you as the only sound that replayed was his words, and you despised it.
How come it was only you?
"Y/N- I got you, it's okay now." Iwaizumi whispers but you shook your head punching his back as you fell into a state you didn't know Oikawa could put you in, solitude.
Iwaizumi hated hearing you cuss at the universe. It still scares him the way the color was drained out of your body when he saw you got out of the apartment looking like an absolute tragedy. Your punches felt numb to him but he couldn't ignore how painful it was to hear you scream Oikawa names, and for him to desperately come back.
"W-why-" You couldn't form the words properly since you were having trouble breathing. Iwaizumi carried you in his arms since he noticed your knee had been scraped, as he tried his hardest not to fall in rage for his best friend.
"I'll be here. C'mon, let's calm you down yeah?" He assures you making you nod, left with no energy but what remained was your heart torn by the person you loved the most.
You woke up to Iwaizumis voice making you shift in the sheets, mistaking him for your Tooru. When you opened your eyes, you didn't see your favorite pair of brown eyes instead you were face to face with the same hue but a different person.
"Y/N- hey I got somewhere to go to today but I made breakfast, is that okay?" He asks softly, a comforting hand to your shoulder. You nod as he smiles standing up to open the curtains now that you were wide awake.
"Thank you, Hajime." You bid him as he sits down on the bed, beside you. You turn to where he is and stare at him, overwhelmed with how he chose to stay.
"I'll be gone for half the day." He states as you sit up slowly, rubbing your eyes.
"I've never seen a birds nest this up close before." He jokes making you glare at him before punching his shoulder as he laughs.
"Says the fucking spikey ass hair." You threw back as he laughs, delighted that your past self was resurfacing every now and then.
"What about you? Don't you have any plans today?" He asks as you check your phone. You sigh as you saw the reminder on your phone as he takes a peak and his heart drops at it.
"It's nothing."
"You have to go. "
"It doesn't matter anymore."
"Okay now put your foot here babe." You obeyed Oikawas words as he pecks your cheek. Before you could insert the key in, he stops you. Questioning him, he turns to you with a smug smirk before leaning close to your lips.
You expected him to kiss you the way that he does but instead he pulls away before strapping you in, putting your safety first before kissing you. He laughs at how you were clearly upset that he lead you on. He strapped himself in as well.
"You'll get that kiss if we make it out here alive." He jokes as you gasp in betrayal, making him stick out his tongue, still taunting you.
"I'm kidding baby! But you will get that kiss when we reach that pole over there." You glanced to where he was pointing as you sighed in relief at how easy it was. Turning on the engine, he smiles at how eager you were to succeed.
"Then I'll get us there."
"Y/N-" he bites his lips before he could throw you something he'd regret. You look to him, wondering why he became silent. Clicking in your mind that he's being careful with his words since Oikawa left, you leaned your head on his arm.
"I know, Iwa. I'm sorry." You apologized so suddenly, surprising him that you'd catch up on his behavior. He shakes his head before wrapping his arm around yours, just like he always would.
"I know how much this means to you. Hate me for saying this, but he'd be proud to see you get it." He says, making you smile at how honest he was. If he were here, he'd immediately bring you to your favorite restaurant and go all out just because you aced it. To others, it'd look like another step into growing up, learning how to drive and how to maintain the quality of the car.
It wouldn't be this important if his words didn't paint you perfect memories.
"You know what makes me so excited?" Oikawa asks as you continued to run your fingers through his brown locks. His head was laid on your lap as he draws constellations in the air, smiling to himself.
"What is it babe?"
"I'll get my drivers license." You whispered as Iwaizumi pats your hair, happy that you managed to push yourself through that cloud of sorrow.
"Okay that is extremely random, Tooru." You chuckled but he shakes his head before sitting up to meet with you. Slowly, he pulls you into his lap as you wrap your arms around his neck as his hand loosely finds its home to your waist.
"We don't have to wait anymore, think about it." He asks making you focus on what he's hinting to. Once he realizes you couldn't figure it out, he chuckles before pulling you to him gently. Your heart beating too quickly for you to even realize that it felt normal for you to be this dangerously close to him.
"We can come home to each other."
At first you questioned why he was so worked up in teaching you how to drive and finally getting your drivers license, but now it was too clear for you and you hated it.
"Call me when you get it ok? Maybe by dinner we can celebrate?" Iwaizumi suggests as you nod, genuinely smiling that he was there to celebrate with you. You immediately wrap your arms around him as he does the same, closing his eyes, proud of you.
"You got this." He whispers as you embraced him longer, desperately wanting to cry at how thankful you were for him. Iwaizumi feels a flush to his cheeks as he pulls away, fearful of the pace of his heart.
"Well don't get my shirt wet with your tears again- I need to look presentable!" He jokes make you wipes your eyes as he smiles when he hears your laugh.
Hajime: I'm sorry I can't make it tonight, Y/N. I'll promise I'll make it up to you by morning.
That was the message that was sent to you hours ago yet here at 11pm, you were staring at the movie in the ceiling. Oikawa insisted buying a projector for the two of you to enjoy movies in the comfort of your own space. So using it now felt nostalgic remembering how much he loved this movie.
Sighing, you sat up as you lift the drink to your lips, relieved at the sensation of alcohol entering your mouth. It's been a while since you've got a hold of it. Iwaizumi being protective of the amount you could consume while he was gone so he kept the alcohol cabinet away from you. He promised that he'd allow you to drink once a month because he was indeed worried for your health if you allowed yourself to drink everyday.
On this day, you chose to ask him if it'd be okay to drink. Understanding the pain that you were in, he agreed. Before he went away, he got the key and unlocked the cabinet handing you your favorite drink. You thanked him as usual, now being satisfied with being alone with a bottle of liquor that could temporarily drown the pain.
Hearing a smack from where the projector was set up, the bright lights of the ending movie flashed through your eyes so you shield yourself from it. You immediately turn your back to the projector that was now facing you since it's lost it balance from your previous angle.
The credits rolled in as you reached for your laptop to stop the screening but then another video plays, making you read the date of the video.
"Hello! Unfortunately I'm still here in the car but I'm making this video as proof if I died, it's because of my girlfriend right here who can't drive properly."
It's him.
Turning your attention to the video playing in front of you. You scoot to the left so your silhouette doesn't create a barrier while you watched.
You had a hand to your mouth, lost at words for this unexpected video to play. His voice immediately brought you to tears as you gripped the pillow beside you as your laughter in the video echoed in the background.
"For the record- I'm learning so get this camera away from me, Tooru!" You defended yourself as Oikawa looks at the camera before rolling his eyes.
"On this episode, I'm teaching her how to park! So wish me good luck- maybe prepare a casket for my car." You immediately slap his shoulder as he lets a loud laugh. He sets the camera in a better landscape angle.
You smiled at his teases. It struck you how much you missed his little remarks that would always make your day. Wiping the tears from your eyes, you watched the way he looks at you as you tried to figure out which direction to turn to. His stare was one of the things many people wished they could experience.
A look as if you were the reason they believed in love and how endless it was.
Surprisingly, in your last drive, he still looked at you the same way.
Your chest tightens as you fell for his illusion. It felt like it'd be an eternity for you to move on from how he looked that night. You should've asked him why a tear landed on your clothes, why was his fingers cold and trembling? You thought that his kiss felt like the one you'd receive when you finally hear the priest bid you two as husband and wife but it was a kiss that held farewell in secret.
"Would you look at that! I'm alive and barely a scratch on my car so far- good job baby!" He cheers engulfing you in his arms. You swarmed him in sweet and tiny kisses as he giggles at each one before placing a delicate to your lips, closing his eyes as you pull him closer placing your hand on his cheek.
You wondered if there was something that could hold you back from how much you allowed yourself to endure the pain this long. Moving closer to the wall, your chest heavily coming up and down, difficulty in finding a way to breathe properly.
Kneeling to reach him, you let your hand touch the wall as your hand lands in Oikawas face as he laughs at something you said in the video. You felt how you closed your eyes and reminiscing on what it felt like to hold him in your hands again. His soft lips, his skin that warms you up during your cuddles, his hair that would be snuggled in your neck when he embraced you.
"I love you, Y/N."
He says, leading you to sob as you turned away from the wall, the light of the projector passing through you as you dropped to the bed with knees to your chest, the walls of the room was familiarized with your cries again.
You felt every part of you crumble as you continued to scream, having another miserable night. You'd rise from your knee from time to time to gasp for air from the unstable breathing.
You felt like a stranger to him.
That alone was enough for you to be swallowed by darkness once again.
How careless was he to assume you'd give him a call?
You're probably out with Iwaizumi celebrating and driving freely with him. Oikawa sighs as he removes the reminder from his phone as he takes another punch to the steering wheel as he feels the irony hit him that he's jealous of his best friend.
For someone who has been with you since you went to Aoba Johsai, Iwaizumi would've been perfect for you, Oikawa thinks. To keep you grounded, to take his position in making you the happiest.
He's everything Oikawa is but the difference is that Iwaizumi was the one who could give you more, and importantly, he stayed.
And nothing scared the setter more than to lose you to a person that can truly love you more than he ever could.
Though it feels like he's defeated already.
"Sir! Good morning, this is Oikawa from room 104?" He greets through the phone as the man smiles fondly at the sweet boy who he's seen chasing around in the hallway with his girlfriend.
"Ah! Mr. Oikawa! I barely see you nowadays what happened?" Oikawa sighs, running a hand through his hair, debating on what answer to give to the landlord.
"I've been okay sir, I just called to ask about the payment due-"
"No worries Oikawa-kun, the man took care of it for this month!"
"E-excuse me sir?"
His heart was beating too loudly at the sudden information. What man? He feels sweat rushing to him, heavily anxious of what happened to you and his apartment.
"Hajime was it? Ah anyway he's covered it this time!"
It felt as if he was struck down by force as he drops to his couch with his mouth agape and eyes widened with his heart raging too fast for his liking. He let out a gasp, putting each piece into its place as he feels a swift of the threatening atmosphere surround him, along with anger.
"H-he's my friend sir- does he stop by often?" He asks, biting his fingers in anxiousness. With his other hand, he reaches for a pillow, gripping it tightly like he'd want it to collapse in his hand.
"Often? He lives there silly. I was honestly surprised you'd let him but I guess young love isn't for everyone, son."
He didn't even notice that he's thrown the pillow all the way across the room as he stands up, his phone held tightly in his hands, wanting nothing more than to be slammed to the floor but with sourness in his tone, regret in his heart then he replies.
"You're right."
After that day, even if it's been months since he was informed, he chose to feel numb but there was a tug on his heart at the thought of Iwaizumi taking care of you. You deserved every ounce of effort that the ace gives you. Oikawa is more than thankful that Iwaizumi was there to wipe your tears and embrace you since he was the one to cause you this overwhelming amount of pain.
But he didn't expect this.
"Iwa-chan, how are you?" He asks with envy hidden from his true intentions of calling him. Iwaizumi stretches, tired from the workout as he answers the boy.
"I'm tired. What about you?" Oikawa lets out a mocking laugh as he leans on the couch, hands behind his head but both hands were formed into fists as he converses with him.
"I'm sure Y/N is there to patch you up huh?" He exclaims making Iwaizumi sit up, nervous at the outburst but then he looks at the apartment, seeing your sleeping state on the couch, and he sighs. Oikawa was bound to know sooner or later.
"I'm sorry Oikawa but-"
"Hajime that's my apartment!"
"And she was your girl wasn't she? But where are you right now!"
He was at lost for words, like the life of him was knocked out of him, deeply taking in Iwaizumis words. It was unhealthy with how much he was shaking and how he felt so cold and empty. On the other end, Hajime bites his lip, suddenly regretting his words but he can't turn back knowing it struck a nerve to Oikawa.
"Oikawa, listen to me." Iwaizumi starts as the setter was left to no other option then to obey since he couldn't think of anything else to respond to him.
"I know you love her but you're never going to be there for her. You asked me to go to her when you left and it's been a year. I know it's a dick move to move in with her but I don't trust her when she's alone. If you ask her, it feels like it's been forever so I'm just- being there for her cause she needs me."
He hated how right he was. If he would be honest, leaving you alone would be the least appropriate thing to do. All he can hear was your screams and imagining the way you look made his heart throb with too many emotions.
What made him lose was the fact that he can come back with hundreds of medals, but he'll never have you.
And Iwaizumi was more than ready to win.
He was surprised to see you awake at 12am but seeing how distraught you were, he couldn't help but want to end the day with you smiling or at least a reaction where he'd feel his heart flutter at the sight of it so he sighs before asking.
"Wanna go for a drive?"
The question that left you with so much trauma, sounded so soft when Hajime said it bringing a new feeling to it. It didn't sound like an unfulfilled promise and you nod to him knowing he could never hurt you the way Oikawa did.
Maybe it was best for you to escape the apartment.
Spending time with Iwaizumi as you drove around made you realize that there was a world where you can enjoy life without wondering about him.
Or maybe because it was suffocating.
Being in your apartment and Iwaizumi moving in with you was something your heart can never handle. To this day, you couldn't put into words how you despised that Iwaizumi had to care for you so much, even letting him living with you for a year. You admired the way he's known you since high school and now that you all had to choose different paths but he still took the one that had you in it since Tooru left you stranded.
With every tear that left your eyes, he was one step ahead to wipe them away and comfort you with his embrace. His patience when he sees you passed out on the couch from binge watching a series you were never really interested in, even to bringing you to random events just to spark your interest like you had back in school. Taking the time for you to fully open yourself to him by sharing your memories with Oikawa and why you've gained an attachment to his white car that held too many memories for you to just let go instantly.
At first, Iwaizumi wanted to laugh at how simple it was. What was so special about these late night drives and basic driving lessons from him? Wasn't that just one of the little things included in a relationship?
But then he sees the way you'd always ask him to put the windows down and how you preferred driving at night, driving without a specific location. Even when you'd clung to the seatbelt when he'd drive in the rain. He was more than curious. There were so many questions in his head but he had to give you some space knowing these memories course through your heart and mind everyday.
Now looking at you as you leaned on the seat with a solemn look on your face, he realizes how heavy it was for you to drive like this, without him by your side.
"He's proud of you, you know?" Iwaizumi whispers as you shift your body to face him, leaning your head on the seat.
"If only that was true." You whispered as he shakes his head before hesitantly sets his hand on your knee as a way of reassurance.
"I never understood it at first but now I guess it makes a fuck lot of sense why you didn't wanna get your drivers license." He comments, making you nod drunkenly.
"Because what's a journey without him?"
Iwaizumi then shifts his body like you did, fully invested in whatever you had to say feeling like this was finally the moment where you'd let him just how bad were those memories embedded in you.
"He used to say- that the best part of getting my license was that distance can never be a problem but says the asshole who's fucking miles away huh?" Iwaizumi knew that even if it was a joke, you held nothing but the truth. He sees the way your eyes didn't hold a sparkle anymore when Oikawas name was mentioned or just the sight of him. You didn't look like the lovesick fool back in high school, that made Iwaizumi realize how love makes such an impact on a person.
"I don't even know who to come home to anymore."
"You have me."
Iwaizumi boldly confesses as your eyes gaze at him, wide eyed at his statement. How come it held something that you could never figure out? Realizing that he held his heart in his hands, he switches the tone of his voice, finding it hard to fight the urge to be real with himself.
"As your friend, idiot. Plus, I don't trust you around cup noodles." He adds, trying to clear the tension that surrounded the two of you. Smiling at him, you close your eyes, wondering why it felt right to be in this moment. You felt your self drown in intoxication as you took him by surprise as you let your hand rest on his cheek as Iwaizumi flinches at the sudden contact but finds himself accepting it, ignoring the pleas of his thoughts to back away.
"Don't fall in love with my broken pieces, Hajime. You deserve someone who is- complete."
You let a tear slip from your eyes as it mixed with exhaustion as Iwaizumi lets out an anxious breath as he takes in every word you said.
Yet there he was picking every piece of you wherever you went, admiring each of them.
Before he could answer, he felt your hand slip away from his skin and he turns to see you asleep. He gently puts you back in your seat, putting on your seatbelt as he frustratedly runs his fingers through his dark hair as he feels the trembling of his fingers. Hands to the steering wheel, gripping it knowing he's betrayed his own promise.
Opening his phone to check the time, what flashes before him was a photo of the three of you when you graduated. He sees Oikawa with a hand to your waist, grinning brightly at the camera while you had your eyes closed with a smile, holding out a peace sign. His eyes linger on Oikawa before he watches over your figure on the passenger seat.
Lastly, he throws his head back before glancing at Oikawa in the picture, closing his eyes before painfully whispering to himself.
"I've never felt this way for no one."
He then shuts his phone as he turns on the engine, hoping that this isn't the night where he'll regret leaving his heart open.
"Don't overthink it." Iwaizumi whispers as you sniffle in his arms, he let his hands play with your hair as he removes the phone from your hands. Why did it have to be so early? It's 10am, both of you were utterly exhausted from the night before, one of you experiencing a heavy hang over, and the other just extremely tired from his racing thoughts.
Unfortunately, Hajime found you sat up frantically on the bed as he quickly stepped in just to see an image of a post from one of Oikawas fan pages. Spotted in multiple places were the one and only Oikawa Tooru, accompanied by a certain blonde. Captured in photos were segments of them in a café holding hands, smiles plastered on either lips. Which lead him to sit beside you and embrace you, seeing that your luck was purely running out.
You hated how in each photo, he looked painfully happy. Even if you were meant to skip the photo, how could you when this was real evidence that he's promises were turning into thin air the more you look at it. After a year of constant aches and wasted tears, here he was smiling, which you envied until the end.
"God- she's tall, gorgeous, I can never-" Iwaizumi shushes you as you wiped you tears as they continuously ran through his sweats. Iwaizumi leans his head on yours, sighing as he prepares himself, wishing that you'd realize that not enough words were there to describe how beautiful you were.
"Don't try to tell yourself that you can't compare to her- because you're all he could ever want. "
"Shit, I'm so sorry. " Iwaizumi says as he watches a figure pick up the ball that landed next to her, a ball that was spiked by him, almost hitting her directly. You turn around, the ball in your hands with a smile.
"No it's fine!" You say but Iwaizumi was struck with the view of you. You hand the ball to him but the beating of his heart was as loud as fireworks during New Years. He knows you, of course he does. Oikawa never stops ranting about you anyway, showing him multiple photos of you, completely bragging about the fact that he's got you to himself.
And fuck- you were prettier than what the pixels display you in the setters phone, you had the ace momentarily blank at your presence.
How lucky. He thinks.
"Iwaizumi was it? I'm Y/N!" You reach your hand out as he smiles at you, taking in your hand shaking it lightly, as he stared at your eyes and admired the way your lips were tugged in a beautiful smile.
So this is her. He says to himself and the feeling washes away when Oikawa walks up to greet you with a kiss to your cheek. Turning away, he shrugs his shoulders returning to play.
She's his.
"Believe me that Oikawa can never look at anyone else the way he does with you." He puts your face in between his hands, wiping your tears as you sobbed holding onto his him. Iwaizumi wanted to scream at how the world kept pushing you through your limit.
Seeing the images felt like the universe added salt to your open wounded heart. It felt like your heart was progressively being tossed around like it was nothing. How come everyday felt like you weren't given a chance to be at peace? How come the moment you felt the tiniest amount of calmness was being in the car with Iwaizumi and then the next day you were back to zero all over again.
The image of yourself was already broken when you let yourself completely fall for the insecurities, but how can you rise from all of it? When it was clear that she was all you ever wanted to be.
"Hey, why don't we take a break? For real now, Y/N. Let's just put the phone down and- rest." Iwaizumi whispers, caressing your cheek as you closed your eyes, desperate to remove all trace of emotion. You wanted to blur out the world even for a second and Iwaizumi could promise you a silence worth more than you could ever want.
Your lungs were giving out, every muscle in your body, every function. It felt like any time you could collapse from the lack of sleep, the lack of proper nutrients, the lack of a smile. Your confidence was down to one as you held onto Iwaizumis words, drifting off into what he said before about Oikawa.
If all that he could ever want was you, how come you didn't feel like you weren't what he needed?
"You know that you're just being an asshole at this point, Tooru." Iwaizumi says as Oikawa sighs at the other end of the line. The blonde casually looks over to the setter as she takes a sip of her coffee. Oikawa leans on the pillow as he chooses his words wisely.
"How is she?" He asks, he can imagine the way Iwaizumi would roll his eyes, followed by a disappointed scoff. Oikawa knew the way your mind would work, and it never grew on him how every motion of his would bring destruction to you in any shape or form.
"What do you think? She's fucking crying again."
Even if there was a pinch to his heart, he simply took a deep breath to sustain how painful it was.
"Who is she, Oikawa?" Iwaizumi asks desperately. Oikawa turns to the girl sat in the dinner table as she meekly smiles unknowing she was the certain topic of the two best friends. The setter tiredly runs his hand over his face, wondering if there could be a way that he can exit without stepping on you and Iwaizumis heart.
"You owe me at least one explanation. If you can't give me one, then I'll be-"
"I'm ready. I'll tell you who she is."
And with the following sentences, the ace felt his ears ring along with a ruined heart.
Driving has never felt so rueful before but with every passing mile, all Oikawa wanted to do was stop and turn to where you were.
With a stab to his heart, he promised himself that he can never come back until he's found the silence in his mind.
"This is for us. I'll be better, Y/N. I'll come home to you- and I hope you can wait."
Those words may seem like they were directed to you but Tooru can feel himself stand small to his own declaration. He knows you're willing to wait for god knows how long, but he's indecisive if he has the power to wait for this emptiness that surrounds him.
He couldn't allow the rage in his soul to sit around and act like he's deaf to the screams of it. He needed to stop the sensation of his hands missing the way the ball was placed in it and how each serve leaves a breathtaking reaction on any crowd. The hole in his heart was too big enough for him to ignore, and he'd allow anyone to call him selfish knowing it was the inescapable truth.
Hearing all your voice messages to him the following morning had his heart begging for release. Every crack in your voice had him tipping over the edge. He deserved it- god he deserved it more than anyone else because he would have never heard such pain if he didn't book a flight to Argentina.
"Tooru, baby what happened? Please tell me this is a joke."
"Please fucking answer I need you- god Oikawa please!"
"Come back to me, Tooru- I'll do anything please."
"I love y-you, but I guess you've changed your mind huh?"
"Tooru, let's go home yeah?" A soft voice calls out for him as he averts his gaze to her. He sees how his bags were packed as well her tiny suitcase next to her, all dressed up to go. He stands up from where he is, gripping the handle of the luggage as the girl turns to him with such worry.
It was usual for the girl to awake him from his thoughts and he was thankful that she was brought to him, helping him in ways he could never imagine. She was a mere light in his street, a guide in his moonlight trips, and this was finally the moment to stop the waiting.
He takes a look at his apartment, before landing his eyes on the blonde girl who was tying her hair. He smiles fondly as he's felt the adrenaline to finally move again.
"Yeah, let's go."
"Hajime, stop fucking around!" You laughed as you continued to drive. What a breather it was, to drive with somebody who brought warmth to the passenger seat. Previously, Iwaizumi tested your so called driving skills as he purposely flicks your forehead from time to time for no absolute reason.
You two were on your way home from a movie and Iwaizumi was the star that had grabbed your heart the entire night. He was pulling these jokes, making you cackle to no extent, threatening you that if you'd lose the arcade game one of you will have to forcefully wash the dishes for a week, of course both wouldn't back down.
Maybe for the first time, Oikawa has never visited your mind.
And damn did it feel good.
The part that you found pieces of yourself slowly gathering as you were introduced into a new way of light, it felt too good to be true. Felt like each piece was slowly coming all back together because Iwaizumi was the glue that got you together, it may take a long time to fully be fixed, but the ace proved to you his promise.
You're finally resting.
After the anger that rose above you, Iwaizumi stayed confident to his promise of finally giving you a break you well deserved. He fulfilled you days without technology to shield yourself from any knives from the social world, got you out of bed to watch the sunrise with you, left you places to visit while he was out for his internship. This was more than you could ever ask for.
It felt like flowers were decorating your lungs, heart was slowly being treated with a smile, and laughter that radiated growth.
All because of Iwaizumi.
Now there's a new feeling that has unlocked in your heart and you could feel the burn of it when you noticed how everything felt so light. Unlike before where every step felt too heavy for you to carry on, now that weight is being lifted off by Hajime.
And nothing feels better than that.
Inserting your hands into the pocket of your hoodie, you shivered in the nights embrace. Once Hajime has fallen asleep on the couch, you decided to take a stroll and your feet lead you to a place you've yet to visit in a year.
It was a walk meant for you to clear your head, to settle if everything was going to be permanent because you had to know which part of the moments you wanted to hold onto.
This was entirely a mistake- to stroll around his neighborhood like it was always welcoming you with open arms. All the things you wanted to decide on felt like it vanished once you became familiar with the turns of his car when it drove to this place.
This is where it all began. The lessons, the confessions, the blossoming of love, everything. It doesn't matter how many times you try to deny it, this place will always make your heart bleed at how noxious it was. You can never hate the way chills ran up your spine because of how they all rushed to your mind as fast as light.
It's truly a crime to despise how love is formed.
With the sight of his house, a smile creeps on your face remembering your last interaction in this household.
"This is my lovely, Y/N." He sweetly introduces you as you respectfully bowed but you were taken by surprise when you were hugged by his mom, making your boyfriend laugh at your crazed expression. You lose this tenseness when you felt how endearing she was as you gained courage to gently wrap your arms around her too.
"Welcome honey! I've been wanting to meet you so badly since this twat never shuts up about you." She says earning a pout from your boyfriend and a giggle from you. You turn to his dad smiling softly, as he reciprocates your gesture.
"Might as well get used to the house babe, you'll be an Oikawa soon."
You felt your heart clench with his words and you avert your eyes on the road instead. Finding it hard to sustain the bite of how it all turned into a pile of lies.
"No, mom! Please don't embarrass me like that."
You hear a voice shout out making you jolt from your previous stance.
Meanwhile, Iwaizumi awakens with a groan as his phone dings with every second. As he grumpily opens his phone, he was greeted by a flood of messages coming from a certain setter making him sit up and frantic to reach for you. Seeing your door that was wide open, he lets out a gasp as he fidgets for the door, cussing himself at the situation.
"Fuck, Y/N please no."
You suppressed your sobs with a tight hand to your mouth as you felt your feet gain the urge to ran away but your mind demanded you to stay to finally awaken you in this false hope you've been holding onto.
A silhouette of his tall now much more bulky figure was stood next to more of a petite on with hair tied in a ponytail. Wiping your eyes to sharpen your vision, it hit you like a grenade at war.
There he was, proudly introducing the girl that's haunted your dreams.
Oikawa was smiling brightly at her as you watched her look at him with the same expression.
He's right there with someone who isn't you and can never be you.
"You and me, love. That's all it takes."
"Tooru." You whispered as if you'd ever get the chance to let him notice your cries. God, it was unbearable. No words came to your mind, no beating of your heart, it was all gone because the only thing that will forever linger in your mind is the sight of the person you waited so long to come home to, has gone and found the perfect replacement.
Another glance meant like a sword heading straight to your heart in one swing so you finally decide to turn your back on something you knew you had to forget.
"Tooru, who is she?" His mom asks softly, not wanting to let the curiosity lace her tone knowing the smile on his sons face was an exact look he had when he had you.
"This is Himari." He glances to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder, with his lips tugged into a smile, a genuine one that's been kept a secret for too long.
"My dear little helper." Oikawa jokes as Himari rolls her eyes as his parents grew more in confusion at the sight of this stranger.
"Help with what Tooru?"
"To get Y/N to live with me in Argentina."
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honeytea8 · 4 years
✨✨La Squadra Boyfriend Headcanons✨✨
[Alexa, play Boyfriend by Big Time Rush]
Guys, I spend an ungodly amount of time thinking about La Squadra, so here are some bf headcanons for the sexiest group of assassins in Naples. No one asked but I am bringing it straight to your dash anyway! (under the cut for length lmao)
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I’m going to start with Prosciutto, who has recently fallen on my radar pretty heavy! 
He’s a good and decent boyfriend, if not a busy one. Not that he doesn’t care about the relationship, but most of his energy was going to Passione things before you waltzed in and so he’ll struggle a bit between his work responsibilities and maintaining his relationship with you, but only in the beginning. 
If you are also a part of Passione, it’s a hell of a lot easier to manage. 
I see Prosciutto as the gift-giving type: lingerie, sweets, perfume, designers, etc. His salary isn’t the best, but he manages it as well as he can just to accommodate you! 
I just can’t get the idea out of my head that Pro was raised by a strict mama, that’s why he can be a bit of a stickler sometimes. He’ll catch you still lounging in bed at nine am, and be like “Why are you still in bed? Get dressed, we’re going out.” Dude!
I’m sorry to say, but Prosciutto is absolutely the ‘lecturing’ type. (He lectured someone in nearly every scene in the anime, Formaggio once and Pesci numerously and Bucci too) 
He will lecture you when you make mistakes, especially because as his s/o, he has high expectations for you and believes you’re capable of so much more. It’s never, ever out of hate. He loves you, and that’s why he chides you a bit lol. 
This does not negate the fact that he doesn't mind when you lean on him for support. He likes when you count on him, because he always comes through especially for you!
Depending on whether you’re in the mafia or not, I totally see him sparring with you, or working out with you in an effort to make you tough. Prosciutto wants you to be able to defend yourself, just in case. If you complain, he’ll tell you, “Better safe than sorry, tesoro”.
Prosciutto will respect you, period.
A good listener, goddamn! He’s up there with Risotto when it comes to who listens to their s/o more! If you have an issue, he’ll hear you out and offer advice if you want it. If you give him advice, he’ll take it into serious consideration. He’s honestly a good partner, can’t stress that enough.
Finally, sex with Pro is an entire event. Romantic dinner, candles lit, wine, the whole nine yards before he gives you nine inches of something else :) (I’m kidding!! Lmao, kinda). 
But as I said, Prosciutto is quite deliberate, and a bit of a perfectionist. He knows what to do and how to do it, you can trust him.
Ghiaccio is next only because he’s my favorite. 
The ice gremlin is probably the most interesting (and hilarious) boyfriend out of the bunch (I say this with only a tidbit of bias). He isn’t funny himself, but funny shit just happens to him. 
Because of this, he will use you as a soundboard when everyone else refuses to listen to him. He’s got a lot to say, so be prepared for his TEDtalks. LMAO!
It will take some perception on your part to notice when he actually expects a response from you, and other times he’s just ranting to get his point out. 
He will correct your grammar when you text, but barely notices when he makes a similar mistake (his brain moves in mph). Please use the proper names like Venezia, Italia, Roma and Napoli when talking to this man; save yourself from the headache.
When it comes to dates, please have mercy on him, he’s a textbook over-thinker! You’ll just have to plan something simple at home for you both to enjoy. 
He isn’t incapable of planning dates, but he’ll want everything to be so absolutely perfect for his s/o and will throw a fit when it ultimately isn’t. 
Contrary to popular belief, I think that Ghiaccio is a pretty attentive partner. He’s super intelligent and I think a part of it stems from his innate ability to read people (I’m referencing the part in the anime where he deduced what Giorno and Mista had come to look for, while going off very little information). 
The more time he spends with you, the better he gets at it. 
His form of affection will be shown through the amount of time you both spend together. When it comes to sex or anything related to that, be gentle and slow as Ghiaccio will likely be a flustered mess. 
As he becomes more comfortable and confident, he will be bolder and just ask out right if you’ll suck him off tonight or not. The man appreciates directness, so don’t bother being coy. “You want me to give you head? Cool, lay down a towel or something.” is what he’ll probably say.
Very practical 👌🏾👌🏾
Melone, good lord, he’s kind of perfect. 
A bit of a doting boyfriend here and there—very much concerned about your health. Expect him to ask if you’ve eaten, or taken your multivitamin. How are your bowel movements?  LMAO
It can become a bit much, but he really genuinely cares. He’s not asking to be intrusive or nasty! If he was, you’d know. 🤣
But I seriously consider Melone to be the one (at least among La Squadra) who is way, way invested in his relationships. He will know every little detail about you; will ask you lots of questions and expects you to ask him just as many. 
This may be annoying to some, but this dude will definitely bring up your horoscope in an argument. He’ll be like “I honestly can’t fathom why you’re being this way, though it’s to be expected from a libra.” 
Peg this bitch so he can shut up.  
Melone is also touchy as hell, but not in a clingy way. He loves touching, and just to tag onto the headcanon about his partial blindness, I want to say that he’s so touchy because that’s how he ‘sees’ you best.
Just know that half the time, he isn’t touching you to be lecherous, even if he genuinely does like the feel of your skin under his fingertips. Melone will even encourage you to touch him back. 
Rub his thigh or back and he’ll be simping.
He is obsessed with your legs, and will paint your toes if you let him. 
LOVES PDA! Melone will also tongue-kiss you in public if you let him!
Notice how I keep saying ‘if you let him’. Give him an inch and he’ll press you for a mile, so if there are boundaries you would like to establish, please do, cuz he sure as hell won’t, just saying!
When it comes to sex, Melone is a dick and coochie sensei. Oral is his favorite thing to do, probably enjoys giving more than receiving to be honest. I’d say he’s pretty much mastered sex for what it is. 
That being said, if he’s ever talking out of his neck, just invite him to put his mouth to better use. He’ll even thank you for your gracious request.
Formaggio is next 💀 
According to my JoJo compatriots from discord, he’s like the Optimus Prime of fuckboi’s so let’s ride that wave for a bit! LMAO
I hope it doesn’t come as a surprise that Formaggio is pretty shameless. He will send you a dick pic on Sunday morning before church and have the audacity to say “Just wanted to bless you real quick”. 
@autumn-kouhai mentioned him giving his s/o sickly sweet pet names and I just have to agree. 
Expect to be hit upside the head with: baby-boo, sugar plum, honey bunches, sweetums. I can imagine them becoming really ridiculous too like “the last piece of red velvet cake” or “cheddar bae biscuits from Red Lobster”
His catch phrase is “Got nudes?”
Send them, and he won’t be afraid to reply with something equally sexy. 
Be warned though, he will stockpile whatever you send him and then be careless with his phone. If you don’t mind Illuso’s snoopy ass seeing your nudes then by all means, have at it. Otherwise, send them through snapchat, so they disappear later. 
As far as La Squadra boyfriends go, he’s the most fun! Y’all don’t even go anywhere because man’s is broke. BUT, Formaggio knows how to have a good time without any need to spend money (my kind of dude tbh) you guys just crank up the tunes, dance, and get lit until the neighbors complain. 
Formi is also the CEO of jokes/memes, and will have you in absolute tears almost always! I literally tell my friends that funny guys are so dangerous, don’t sleep on them! They will make you laugh until your panties drop, it’s magic, I swear. Formaggio has that same energy. 
No matter how bad of a day his s/o is having, rest assured, he will draw the biggest laugh out of you.
Besides his fuckboi tendencies, his most redeeming quality is the fact that he’s super cool and fun to hang with. You’ll literally have a good time, always, because his energy is right! Very good vibes around this man, I swear! It’ll be exactly like dating your best friend, because essentially, he will be your bestie.
Formi has many moments of tenderness that aren’t sexually charged too—moments where the jokes stop and he’ll just rub your back or feet, this is usually when you aren’t feeling well and need some quiet. 
However, Formaggio won’t let you mope all day, he’ll pull out the big guns and call you his “sweetie baby” and when you try to resist he’ll say “What, I’m just tryna show you some love.”
He’s a good dude lmao I’d date a guy like him irl 😭
Pesci stans wya??! Let’s get into this baby boy. 
Pesci is boyfriend material, idgaf what anyone says. 
He is pretty much the least problematic to be with among all of La Squadra, even more so than Risotto (don’t argue with me). 
Pesci is hyper aware of your likes and dislikes and will literally go out of his way to make sure that you’re well and okay. 
Arguments are basically nonexistent and if they occur it ain’t coming from his side. 
I also think that Pesci has a lot of empathy, so when you’re going through something, he’s right there in the thick of it with you. If you’ve seen that meme that goes ‘when my gf is on her period it’s UterUS’ lmao that’s Pesci’s energy 100%. 
Sometimes, he’s more of a lover and not a fight, that is perfectly okay!
However, if someone tries up his s/o, say farewell to Mr. Niceguy. He will defend your honor to his dying breath. And with you in his corner, trust me, he’s not going down. 
A romantic at heart, Pesci will plan little date trips like picnics in the park or boat trips to Capri, actually, I’d like to point out that he excels in the art of date planning. If you’re the adventurous type, he’ll plan outings where you both will be more active, like biking through the city or renting a mop-ed and going sight-seeing. 
Because Pesci has a sensitive stomach, he’s very much considerate of what you both put in your bodies. If you have dietary restrictions or allergies, this guy knows all about it and will cater to you perfectly. 
A true gentleman through and through, he will never force himself on you, ever. In fact, he really doesn’t like engaging in anything sexual when you’re drunk or high, sorry if you’re into that! 
Pesci is the kind of guy who keeps up with your favorite shows.
If ya’ll have similar taste in media or literature, he will immerse himself in it so that he can relate to you all the more.
If there’s anyone who will entertain anime-related discourse, no matter how nonsensical, it’s Pesci. And he isn’t just putting up with it, he’s actively engaging in the conversation so you are always heard and validated. 
He’s an A+ boyfriend, that’s all I gotta say! Haters can stay mad :)
Goddamn Illuso... idk man.
I really feel like you have to have thick/tough skin to handle this guy, for various reasons. 
The first being that Illuso can be a bit mean at first. He’ll push your buttons on purpose just to see what’ll make you tick. Will tease the living heck out of you, always, kind of a bully lmao but not to the extreme, it’s just his brand of humor—and the thing is, he won’t be mad when you dish it right back, so it’s cool. 
Secondly, Illuso has big dick energy!! 
I mean rightfully so, because he is indeed packing! But my word, he ain’t humble about it at all! 
He is not above making jokes about ‘splitting you in half’. In fact all of his jokes have hidden, dirty undertones! 
His affection is shown through speech mostly. Illuso will drop subtle innuendos and provocations, half to see you flustered and half because he wants you to know how much he wants you. 
Illuso isn’t incredibly vocal about his feelings outside of ‘I’m tryna hit that thang’ but you won’t doubt that he loves you because Illuso doesn’t waste his own time. 
If he’s spending his time with you, you can rest assured that it’s because he wants to. 
Illuso is a voyeur and you’ll just have to understand/accept that and move on. 
He loves watching you and will even creep over to your place through the mirror world just to hang or watch you do chores. Loves to surprise you and give you jump scares lmao it’ll make you a tad paranoid but it’s also fun. 
Illuso is prone to random bouts of sweetness; it’s very sporadic, very touch-and-go. 
One day, you’ll wake up to chocolates on your dresser or new shoes, lingerie, or makeup if you wear it. I imagine that if you’re low on funds, he will even help you buy your groceries that week. 
It’ll surprise the hell out of you, but that’s just how Illuso is. He enjoys keeping you on your toes! 
He’s prideful and smug as hell, so he will definitely expect a thank you, because even if he does it out of the kindness in his heart, he also wants to hear that you appreciate him
Same goes for the bedroom scene. Illuso loves making you vocal, it’s his favorite thing in the world, so he’ll make a game out of doing the things that get the biggest reaction out of you. Like I said, it's that big dick energy at work here, smh.
Sorbet and Gelato in a polyamorous relationship with you? Let’s get it! 
We don’t get anything substantial about these two except that Sorbet follows the money, so these are all personal headcanons for how I see and write them. 
Here’s the juice: when it comes to you as their s/o, these two are possessive as hell. You are theirs and that’s that on that! 😭 Don’t ask questions, just go with it.
Sorbet is the chill one of the duo. He can be a bit smug at times, but he’s mostly a laid back dude who doesn’t get bothered by much.
When it comes to you, Sorbet likes to spend quality time with you more than anything, and will ask you to cook for him at your place so he ain’t gotta spend money. Oh? Did I not mention that I kinda think of him as a cheapskate? Lmao cuz I do.
Sorbet will come by your place just to steal your coupons from the mail then head out; you’re not using ‘em so why should he let them go to waste?
Gelato is the complete opposite; personality wise, I headcanon him as a mix between Melone and Formaggio lmao
But it’s not as crazy as it sounds, he’s cute and outspoken like Melone, while maintaining a free-spirit like Formaggio. One quality that I like is that he’s quite devoted to you and Sorbet. If anyone crosses either of you, goodluck to them!
I like to think Gelato’s also just really boujee and high maintenance. He loves to pamper and be pampered. You and him tag-team Sorbet’s wallet and go on spa dates together at his expense (not that he ever really stood a chance)
While Sorbet is cool with just being in the same room as you, Gelato loves hugging/cuddling with you and Sorbet—will definitely fight for the middle spot between the two of you on the couch during movie nights.
He baby, so let him have it lol
In the bedroom, I would salute anyone with the guts to take the two of them on. They both lay down that work, period. 
Sorbet gets his kicks from teasing and edging you (his sadistic side comes out a bit), while Gelato loves when you give him extra TLC. To put it short, they know how to take care of you, so there are no issues there. 
Last but not least, Mr. Risotto Nero himself.
Man, idc on the lowest of keys, he seems a little bit like a grandpa to me
The type to sit at home and do crosswords, has a bird feeder in his yard and plays old Italian hits while washing the dishes. It’s very domestic 💀 (I find it cute, whatever!)
As a boyfriend, I can’t imagine him suddenly being spontaneous or outgoing unless you drag him out of his home/comfort zone.
Be patient with Mr. Nero, and he can come to surprise you
After a while, it won’t be just you dragging him out and about; one day he’ll ask you to come over and you’ll be greeted with a nice, traditional, homemade meal
Pay attention and you will notice him watching your face to see if you like his cooking 🥺
After seeing his fight with Doppio, I must admit that Risotto is very, very observant, almost scarily so.
I can totally picture him pointing out random things about his s/o that even they don’t know
One night, Risotto may come up to you and say “I talked to your neighbor about the dog, they’ll keep it inside now.” And you’re just staring like 😳 how did he know the barking was keeping you up at night????
He’s sweet, and will take good care of you as a boyfriend should.
Very good listener, won’t talk as much but will hang on to your every word, I promise. He could even recite it to you verbatim.
He’s a big dude, that ain’t news, so expect to be swallowed up in hugs and sometimes even picked up (as a tall girl myself, I simp!!!)
Gives A1 piggyback rides, lol
Big dick energy, but on low volume 👏🏾 after all, he doesn’t need to do much talking, because a night with him is more than enough!
Listen babe, you better stretch, do some squats, and prep in whatever way you can before Mr. Nero gives you that work. 🤐
Lowkey a freak, but it’s well hidden behind his ‘quiet giant’ exterior
So, who are y'all dating? Personally, I’m going for Formaggio and Pesci hehe
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