#binging john oliver
brewed-pangolin · 4 months
I will be continuing more Soap Thirst Thoughts today.
Currently, I'm binging Last Week Tonight because I needed a good John Oliver fix (haven't watched since Oct)
Stay Thirsty Soap Sqaud 🧼
The brainrot for the Captain will commence soon...
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merricatblckwood · 2 years
every time I binge watch last week tonight I end up falling in love again with John Oliver after like one or two videos without realising right away and every time I'm taken aback. every fucking time.
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laserpinksteam · 3 months
Bingeing, microdosed: The Big C, s02e03, "Sexual Healing" (created by Darlene Hunt, 2011)
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The commercial success of the first seasons of "Weeds" (its astoundingly good season six) spawned "Nurse Jackie" and "The Big C," i.e. dramedies led by forty-plus renowned actresses who salvage, through their sheer awesomeness, plodding and mundanely structured storylines. When Cynthia Nixon's supremely annoying character gets pregnant, you know it won't end well. When Hugh Dancy's incredibly hot cancer patient shows up at the beginning of season two, you can bet he will be dead by its end: guest-star contracts work (or: used to work) this way. It's a low-key and frequently marred pleasure.
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jbuffyangel · 4 months
Hot and Cold: Arrow 1x22 Review (Darkness of the Edge of Town)
There is no episode that exemplifies the disjointed nature of Season 1 more than “Darkness on the Edge of Town.”  We have Exhibit A: an OTA field op and the smoaking hot chemistry of Stephen Amell and Emily Bett Rickards igniting in an elevator shaft of all places.
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And Exhibit B: the other show. A frigid black hole I feared we’d never escape from.
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Let’s dig in…
Olicity and OTA
Let’s start with the positive since there is soooooo much freaking positive! It can take time for a television series to find its footing in the first season.  Unfortunately, nowadays if the audience isn’t binging the entire season in 24 hours, the show gets canceled. But blessedly, this was 2013. Network TV was still the supreme ruler, and Arrow was pulling big enough numbers for the CW to allow for some leeway.
Twenty two episodes of leeway. Arrow finally found its groove and latched on to the mystical “it factor” that keeps an audience watching - Oliver, Felicity and Diggle. The chemistry and dynamic between these characters and the actors who play them is undeniable and it creates an action packed, laughing out loud, and sizzling hot episode. The writers are having FUN in “Darkness on the Edge of Town" and it shows, which means we get to have fun too.
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Oliver decides to question his mother regarding the Undertaking, but she refuses to confess. So, Oliver and Diggle take a more brutal approach. The Hood kidnaps them both and beats the crap out of Oliver until she coughs up the information. It’s always hilarious when this show acts like David Ramsey can fit in Stephen Amell’s suit.
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The burgeoning relationship between Oliver and Felicity is very much in its infancy. Oliver is fully in denial about feeling any type of way toward his IT girl. Never is that more apparent then when Oliver and Diggle return from the confrontation with Moira. Diggle gets a few solid whacks in, which I’m sure felt amazing given the absolute jackass Oliver was being the past few episodes.
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Felicity has a much harder time concealing her feelings towards Oliver and it’s clear she worries about him. She is always the first to ask if he’s okay, offer a supportive ear to listen or shoulder to cry on. However, Oliver seems to draw a line in this episode when Felicity reaches to touch the bruise on his face. That small step was too much. He physically keeps her at arm’s length because the intimacy of Felicity’s concerned touch is not something Oliver is ready for. There is still a very big wall hiding all that pain, regret and unworthiness.
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Source: @lyricalarrow
Admitting he remembers the exact day they met, however, is absolutely no problem. We shall come to discover just how much Oliver remembers about that day in later seasons. I have a lot of male friends and I guarantee you I don’t remember the day we met. However, the day I met my husband is burned into my memory.
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The team determines the only way to stop Merlyn from leveling the Glades with a man-made earthquake machine is to find the location of the device. Unfortunately, Felicity is unable to hack Merlyn’s system so she needs direct access to his mainframe inside Merlyn Global Headquarters. LET'S DO CRIMES!
Oliver makes an appointment with Tommy (more on that later) while Felicity continues to up her adorability factor by dressing up as Big Belly Burger employee delivering lunch to a security guard otherwise known as John Diggle.
The burger is laced with benzodiazepine, so it knocks out the other security guard and gives John free reign to control the elevator & cameras. Do we know how Diggle is able to pose as a security guard? No. Do we care? Nope. Let the hijinks commence!
Oliver and Felicity make their way to the elevator, but not until Oliver unloads an unwelcomed dudebro hitting on Felicity.
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Jealousy looks so good on him. The way Stephen Amell plays this scene, with his nails-on-a-chalkboard look at the word “sweetie” to robotically knocking the papers out of the elevator, is physical comedy at its best. Something Amell rarely gets to do, but he’s great at it.  
The mainframe is on the twenty fifth floor, but the elevator only goes up to the nineteenth, so Oliver and Felicity have some climbing to do. It seems Felicity is thinking of a certain kind of climbing as well and really who can blame her?
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Source: @lyricalarrow
Oliver lifts her WITH ONE ARM out of the elevator, which is so freaking hot I cannot.
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Then, very gently, bends down to wrap his arm around Felicity’s waist and loop her arm around his neck. Oliver is moving with the precision of a jungle cat, but it also feels like an incredibly elaborate way to grab hold of someone. It has a very superhero sweep-her-into-my-arms sensuality to it. The mission is giving Oliver plenty of reasons to touch Felicity and he doesn’t seem unhappy about it, particularly when he softly tells her, "Hold onto me tight."
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Is it warm in here? Holy Moses, Oliver Queen. Get control. This man is a god to women, so he clearly understands the connotations of, “Hold onto me tight.” There’s a thousand different ways to say that platonically, but nope! Oliver charges headlong into the blinking neon lights of SEXUAL INNNUENDO.
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Felicity’s Freudian slip didn’t feel so Freudian either. She knew exactly what she was saying and leveled her full meaning in a single look. I thought the elevator was going to combust from all the heat. If you are looking for the text book definition of undressing someone with your eyes than look no further than these two. They way they hold the gaze. WOW. Can we have all the nakedness now?!!! It’s a sin against science for Oliver and Felicity not to bang regularly BECAUSE THE CHEMISTRY.
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This scene has the classic Superman and Lois Lane feel to it.
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Source: @olicitygifs
Oliver is doing his vigilante thing, but his partner in crime isn’t the leading lady of Arrow. It’s a supporting character who’s feeling less and less supporting with each episode.
Unfortunately, Felicity is about to be discovered while Oliver is held up by Malcolm Merlyn, Thea and Roy Harper. This is a very popular day to visit Merlyn Global. Oliver’s frustration under his cool and calm exterior builds the tension nicely and we do wonder how Felicity is getting out of this jam. Never fear! It’s John Diggle to the rescue. Top notch comedy from both Rickards and Ramsey.
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Source: @olicitygifs
Their first official team mission outside of the bunker is a wild success. Felicity still has to search through all of Merlyn’s data to determine the location of the device. Despite all the heat, hilarity and hijinks on this side of the show, Oliver makes an abrupt decision regarding the other side of the show that makes absolutely no sense.
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Lauriver and Merlance
Still feeling warm friends? Well don’t worry. I have a nice bucket of ice cold water to dump on you.
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As predicted, Oliver’s love confession messes with Laurel’s mind and obliterates any clear path back to Tommy. He drops this bomb on her and they have not spoken for a WEEK. Of course, this is all Laurel has thought about and she makes a rather elaborate speech admitting she has feelings for Oliver too.
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Yeah, none of this is a surprise. Tommy knew Laurel had feelings for Oliver. We knew Laurel had feelings for Oliver. Hell, even Oliver knew. The only one who wasn’t admitting it was Laurel, so at least she’s finally being honest about things. You don’t get a love triangle if the central figure in the love triangle doesn’t have feelings for two people. The issue is who does Laurel love MORE.
Laurel: Maybe Tommy was right. Maybe he and I weren’t meant to be.
She had a clear answer last week. It was Tommy. She absolutely wanted to get back together with him, but Oliver decided honesty was the best policy on this one subject only. This line enrages me because Oliver has distracted Laurel from the man she is truly meant to be with. I will die on this hill, friends. DIE. ON. THIS. MERLANCE. HILL.
Laurel: Tommy’s a good guy. Are you?
Oliver: I didn’t have an agenda. I didn’t mean to make it more difficult to fix things with Tommy.
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Oh for fucks sake. Yes, you did Oliver. That’s exactly why you said it. This is just a straight up lie. Oliver absolutely wanted to confuse Laurel. He just doesn’t want to look like the bad guy for doing it. This is some A+ Ollie behavior.
After Laurel makes a wonderfully impassioned and heartfelt speech about her feelings for Oliver, after probably obsessing about it for seven days straight, Oliver dumps her. AGAIN.
Oliver: Nothing’s changed. My life hasn’t changed. I haven’t changed.
I am infuriated on Laurel’s behalf with this flip flopping back and forth. The time to make this speech was last week in the hospital hallway. That was the moment to let her go and put Laurel on the plane with the man she belongs with, but Oliver couldn’t do it because it was too damn hard. It was just cruel and horribly unfair to both Tommy and Laurel because Oliver has absolutely no intention of being with her. But now it’s too late. The information is out there. You can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube, my dude.
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Laurel pays her father a visit to basically get his permission to date Oliver again. Yeah, let’s make the man who lost his daughter to Oliver’s selfishness sign off on banging his other daughter again. This show.
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Quentin’s speech is equally as empty as any speech Laurel’s made about seeing the change in Oliver because we, the audience, have not been privy to those moments. We’re just supposed to take their word for it even though the last time Quentin saw Oliver Queen he was trying to arrest him for drug trafficking. But sure, Quentin thinks he’s “changed.”
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In order to make this storyline work, you have to give proper attention to the Lance family interacting with Oliver and the writers do not seem interested in doing that. All the important emotional growth takes place off screen and we’re supposed to accept it as fact because the characters tell us.
Meanwhile, they are organically growing the relationship Oliver has with Diggle, Felicity, hell even Roy! So we know the writers are capable of SHOWING these moments of character evolution. They just choose not to when it comes to the Lance family. It’s why the show feels so completely disjointed.
Oliver pays Tommy a visit and wants to have a chat.
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Source: @queensarrow
So it's safe to say Tommy is still pissed.
Oliver encourages him to work things out with Laurel – kind of?
Oliver: Lord knows, I am guilty of a lot of things between us, but not you are her.
What’s infuriating about this conversation is that Oliver still refuses to accept any kind of responsibility in their break up. Oliver pretends to be a friend to the all feminists and touts Laurel’s independence and free will. She makes her own choices and she chose Tommy.
Tommy’s point is clear, even if it is self pitying; Laurel is not dealing with all the information. If she did have all the information then she would choose Oliver. From Oliver’s standpoint, it doesn’t matter because he can’t be with her.
That’s not reassuring to Tommy nor is it supposed to be. If the elements keeping Oliver and Laurel apart were removed (the Hood) then Oliver wouldn’t think twice about making a move on Laurel. And Tommy knows this. These are not the actions of a best friend, which is why he’s so pissed.
Now, Tommy’s big mistake was throwing in the towel too early. He should have NEVER given Oliver an opening with Laurel, but he did and it set them on this path. No we have to watch it play out.
Oliver: I promised myself that when I crossed all of these names off the list, I’d be done, but taking down these people, it doesn’t honor him. I was just treating the symptoms while the disease festered. I stop the Undertaking… I wipe out the disease.
Diggle: What are you saying Oliver? You would hang up the Hood?
Oliver: Merlyn’s plan is what I returned from the island to stop.
Does anyone else have whiplash? Oliver does a complete about face and determines he can be with Laurel since he only needs to cross one name off the list instead of dozens. He’s just missing one step, gee what could it be? Oh! I know. OLIVER STILL HAS TO CROSS MERLYN’S NAME OFF THE LIST AND STOP THE UNDERTAKING. Talk about counting your chickens before their hatched.
A hero’s journey is a very specific type of story. Joseph Campbell outline seventeen stages in 1949 and Christopher Vogler created an updated version in 2007 for screenwriting. I’m not going through all seventeen steps, but we can skip to the very last one regarding this storyline.
Freedom to Live/Return with the Elixir – meaning the hero has faced their internal and external struggles, has conquered the demons around them and earned the right to live as they choose. From a spiritual sense, the hero lives without fear of death.
It’s similar with Vogler’s elixir stage. From a community perspective, the hero has found the magical way to heal their wounded land. They are bringing hope, life and freedom back to their loved ones. In doing so, it gives the hero a personal victory. They’ve earned the right to experience peace and joy, which can be represented in a wide variety of narratives.
Oliver is hero. Arrow has made his endgame very clear - save Starling City. Has he saved the city? Has he stopped Malcolm Merlyn? NO. So why is his leather clad ass running all the way back to Laurel Lance to enjoy the fruits an elixir he has yet to procure? If Laurel is endgame, this makes absolutely no sense. This is too fast. It’s too abrupt. It doesn’t feel earned because it hasn’t been earned.
Clearly, the initial plan was to put Oliver (Green Arrow) and Laurel (Black Canary) on parallel, if not intersecting, paths. I’m not saying Oliver cannot be with Laurel as they evolve into superheroes together. But this is the first freaking season you guys! He hasn’t done a damn thing yet! Neither has she. And yet, here Oliver is, knocking on Laurel’s door, looking for some fruit.
Oliver: Ever since I’ve been back, we’ve been doing this dance. We come together and then I pull away.  Something pulls me away, but I think finally that something might be over.
Laurel: What are you are trying saying?
Oliver: That you know me better than anyone. And that you are more important to me than anyone. I just hope I didn’t wait too long to say it.
If Laurel has no clue Oliver is the Hood then can he really claim she knows him best? It sounds good to say, and probably what Laurel is dying to hear, but it rings hollow because there’s no evidence of this anywhere on the show. Laurel was wrong about who Oliver is all season. We are just supposed to accept some verbal acknowledgment of change, that she knows him better than anyone, but without any television scenes to back it up. That’s not how storytelling works, Arrow writers.
Sorry to beat a dead horse, but I warned you I wasn’t done with this topic - Oliver is still lying to Laurel. There should be more talking. What are those things pulling you away, Oliver? Why are they over? Are you a hooded, crime fighting, serial killer who has been mysteriously stalking me all year? Those are just some ideas off the top of my head. There is no person on this planet that Oliver needs an honest conversation with more than Laurel Lance, but nope. They jump straight to sex.  
Let’s talk about the sex. This has been built up all season. These two characters belong together. They are bulldozing over Tommy Merlyn to be together because they are this passionate romance that time cannot quell. It should be like the fourth of July in Laurel’s apartment right now.
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Source: laurelscanary
Instead, of heat we get frigid. Fish have hotter sex.
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I’m willing to acknowledge "Radioactive" was the hit song of 2013 and every show on the CW was using it. It has a very sexy beat and big crescendo. It sounds like a good song to use during a sex scene.
Except for the fact that it’s called RADIOACTIVE with lyrics like, “This is it, the apocalypse.” This is not the romance your Plan A couple usually requires in a scene like this. They had Blake Neely for a composer. Where’s Oliver and Laurel’s love theme? We'll probably get it in the season finale but anything would be better than "Radioactive."
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Source: laurelscanary
Next issue. Black socks and jean shorts?  Wardrobe – what were you thinking? Nobody felt the need to tell Katie to take off the sox? Details matter!!
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Source: laurelscanary
Stephen Amell and Katie Cassidy kissing are like watching two pieces of flat cardboard trying to hump each other. Can they choose a direction? Are we biting or no biting? Are we using tongue or no tongue? Can Oliver unbutton his shirt or does Laurel need to help? Is Oliver going to drop Laurel while trying to get her sweatshirt off? It was just so awkward from start to finish. ZERO SPARKS.
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Source: habibialkaysani
And for the coup de grace, they leave the curtains pulled wide open, so Tommy can see them screwing from the street. The look of utter devastation on his face is heartbreaking and that’s the final image they leave us with as their love scene fades to black. Oliver and Laurel reuniting are not framed as a good thing. It’s framed as a betrayal, because that’s exactly what it is.
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Source: @queensarrow
Even worse, Felicity finds the device while Oliver and Laurel are asleep and HE LEAVES. No note. No, honey I have to run out and save the city real quick, but I’ll be back for round two later. Nothing. But please, tell me again how much Ollie has changed.
When I watched this episode live I was horribly disappointed the big reunion with Laurel and Oliver fell flat. This was really my last gasp trying to be a Lauriver shipper. And I use the term “trying” loosely. I was more or less looking for any redeeming qualities in this love story, but after this hypothermic love scene I was officially out. I could not ship these two. I could never forgive them for betraying Tommy. But I feared Arrow would never move on from Oliver and Laurel.  
Of course, their real intention becomes all too clear later. Arrow was trying to blow them up to make way for something infinitely better.
Speaking of flipping back and forth, these two break up every other week. Roy is clearly committed to finding the Vigilante, which leads them to Merlyn Global and a run in with Oliver, the disapproving older brother. Again, Stephen Amell’s acting is superb.
I loved the way he said “What” to Thea and the firm alpha male handshake he gives Roy, warning him to stay away.
Obviously, Roy accomplished his goal. He found the Vigilante. Roy just doesn’t know it. He thinks Oliver Queen is too much of a wimp to ever consider him as the man in the hood. Thea was good and ticked off with that “wimp” remark. Enough to dump Roy. She will not tolerate any slander of her brother. #QUEENSIBILINGSFOREVER
But this is like the fifth time these two broke up, so it’s losing the impact. This isn’t all about the Hood’s identity and thanking him for saving Roy’s life. He wants to BE the Hood, so Roy can protect the people he loves and never lose anyone again. The question is – who did Roy lose? Unfortunately, Thea storms out before we get an answer, but hopefully one is coming in the season finale. (No I do not remember who).
Long story short, yes I like these two, but the faster the Arrow writers move the characters into the Hood storyline the better. Otherwise they are just marooned on their own show like Laurel Lance Island.
Stray Thoughts
Yao Fei died! It’s so sad and traumatic. I forgot he’s shot in the head. Really didn’t need to see that twice.
Fyers is shooting down a commercial airliner to destabilize the Chinese economy. It’s always about money for these assholes.
Walter wants a divorce and I would say their differences are irreconcilable. Moira is getting what she deserves. You can’t kidnap your husband for six months and then offer him tea and crumpets when he comes home.
"Who the hell is Felicity Smoak?" Uh oh. Quentin has Felicity’s name. That ain’t good.
“Is the other archer working for Merlyn?” Please don’t make Diggle look this dumb again.
Merlyn versus Oliver battle was EPIC! The fight scenes this season are so stellar.
“Psychopaths are color coding themselves. That’s helpful.” HA!
Listen to the Watchover podcast reaction to 1x22!!!
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Disclaimer: Any gifs on the blog are not mine. If you would like a gif removed from my reviews, please message me!
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filmnoirsbian · 1 year
Hi !! I was wondering if you had any book recs/favorite books? Things that you think of as inspiration or just plain like? Genuinely curious. <3 im in love with your work btw i spent the other day binging your patreon
Some favorites that deeply impacted me from a young age up into teenagedom: the Animorphs series by K. A. Applegate, Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein, Oddly Enough by Bruce Coville, The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Little Sister by Kara Dalkey, The Enchanted Forest Chronicles by Patricia C. Wrede, The Tale of Desperaux by Kate DiCamillo, A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket, The Chronicles of Prydain by Lloyd Alexander, Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury, the Septimus Heap series by Angie Sage, Piratica by Tanith Lee, the Inkheart series by Cornelia Funke, His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman, Holes by Louis Sachar, The View from Saturday by E. L. Konigsburg, Shizuko's Daughter by Kyoko Mori, The Sea-Wolf by Jack London, Walk Two Moons by Sharon Creech, Criss Cross by Lynne Rae Perkins, Everything on a Waffle by Polly Horvath, Surviving the Applewhites by Stephanie S. Tolan, The Last Book in the Universe by Rodman Philbrick, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle, Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe by Fannie Flagg, The Iliad and Odyssey (allegedly) by Homer, The Táin by many people, Harlem by Walter Dean Myers, Esperanza Rising by Pam Muñoz Ryan, The Wall and the Wing by Laura Ruby, The Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkein, The Hainish Cycle by Ursula K. Le Guin, Till We Have Faces by C. S. Lewis, The Ethical Vampire series by Susan Hubbard, The Howl Series by Diana Wynne Jones, the Curseworkers series by Holly Black, The Turn of the Screw by Henry James, Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov, The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater, Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Philip K. Dick, Android Karenina by Ben H. Winters, An Autobiography of Red by Anne Carson, Beloved by Toni Morrison, A Stir of Bones by Nina Kiriki Hoffman, the Mistborn series by Brandon Sanderson, Deathless by Catherynne M. Valente, World War Z by Max Brooks, This is Not A Drill by K. A. Holt, Fade to Blue by Sean Beaudoin, Carmilla by Sheridan Le Fanu, The Moth Diaries by Rachel Klein, Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman, Crush by Richard Siken, Hopscotch by Julio Cortázar, The Hunchback of Notre-Dame by Victor Hugo, Devotions by Mary Oliver, The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
Some favorites read more recently: The Expanse series by James S. A. Corey, Engine Summer by John Crowley, Lovecraft Country by Matt Ruff, The Princess Bride by William Goldman, Heart Berries by Terese Marie Mailhot, My Best Friend's Exorcism by Grady Hendrix, Reprieve by James Han Mattson, House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski, Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn, Kindred by Octavia Butler, Reading Lolita in Tehran by Azar Nafisi, Station Eleven by Emily St. John-Mandel, The Crown Ain't Worth Much by Hanif Abdurraqib, The Refrigerator Monologues by Catherynne M. Valente, Convenience Store Woman by Sayaka Murata, Tender is the Flesh by Augustina Bazterrica, The Girl with All the Gifts by Mike Carey, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson, The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison, She had some horses by Joy Harjo, Bright Dead Things by Ada Limón, The King Must Die by Mary Renault, Books of Blood by Clive Barker, Rosemary's Baby by Ira Levin, Cassandra by Christa Wolfe
Plays: The Oresteia by Aeschylus, Electra by Sophocles, Los Reyes by Julio Cortázar, Angels in America by Tony Kushner, August: Osage County by Tracy Letts, The Bald Soprano by Eugène Ionesco, The Trojan Women by Euripides, Salome by Oscar Wilde, Girl on an Altar by Marina Carr, Fences by August Wilson, The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams, M. Butterfly by David Henry Hwang, Our Town by Thornton Wilder, Sweeney Todd by Christopher Bond
Graphic novels: The Crow by James O'Barr, DMZ by Brian Wood and Riccardo Burchielli, Eternals (2021) by Kieron Gillen and Esad Ribić, Watchmen by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons and John Higgins, My Favorite Thing is Monsters by Emil Ferris, Maus by Art Spiegelman, Tank Girl by Alan Martin and Jamie Hewlett, Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi, Through the Woods by Emily Carroll, Anya's Ghost by Vera Brosgol
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sunnyhedgie · 5 days
What kind of Animal Crossing house do you think John Oliver would have? 🤔
Hi, Anon!!!
Sorry to keep you hanging (this took longer than I thought)!
Honestly, after looking at the types of houses in Animal Crossing, I didn't see any that particularly called to him?
But during my binging of LWT while drawing, I was reminded of something that I think would be perfect as his "house".
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The Door. Nothing else but a simple set of steps, some shrubbery, and a mailbox.
The infamous door leading John in and out of his personal void, a pocket universe he doesn't fully comprehend, but has embraced the madness and unpredictability of.
(LWT fans that watched during the pandemic, y'all know what I mean.)
I'm not the best at backgrounds, so hope this looks alright! 😅 I tried my best! 😊
Also, tried to give him a bedhead, but it just came out looking like one of his old hairdos. 🤣
Also, put exactly two references in here. Kudos if you can figure them out!! 🥰
Thanks for the ask! <3 These are pretty fun!!
🌠 Made in Clip Studio Paint 🌠
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handeaux · 4 months
Not Exactly Vampires, Many Cincinnatians Indulged A Craving For Fresh Blood
A curious article appeared in the Cincinnati Medical Advance for November 1875, alerting local doctors that a number of their patients had adopted a peculiar diet.
“It may not be generally known that, like New York, Cincinnati has its blood drinkers – consumptives and others who daily visit the slaughterhouses to obtain the invigorating draught of ruddy life-elixir, fresh from the veins of beeves. Lawrence’s slaughter house, opposite the Oliver Street Police Station, has its daily visitants who drink blood; and the slaughter houses of the Loewensteins on John Street, a few squares away have perhaps half a dozen visitants of the same class.”
Yes, you read that correctly. Back when Cincinnati butchers operated abattoirs all over the fringes of the downtown area, they provided free blood to anyone who stopped by and asked for a glass. It is no surprise that a macabre practice such as this would attract Cincinnati’s legendary chronicler of the bizarre, Lafcadio Hearn, and indeed it did. Hearn published his report of a visit to the Loewensteins in the 26 July 1876 edition of the Cincinnati Commercial.
“Between the hours of 2 and 4 o’clock almost any afternoon, the curious visitor may observe many handsomely dressed ladies and others enter the cleanly, well-kept establishment in question, and waiting, glass in hand, for a draught of crimson elixir, yet warm from the throat of some healthy bullock. Just as soon as the neck of the animal is severed by one rapid slash of the ‘Schochet’s’ long blade, glass after glass is held to the spouting veins and quickly handed to the invalids, who quaff the red cream with evident signs of pleasure, and depart their several ways.”
Hearn’s reference to a Schochet identifies the Lowenstein slaughter house as following kosher practices. The Schochet is a ritual slaughterer, certified by the local rabbi to practice his craft. That the Loewenteins followed kosher practice was an important distinction for Hearn, who had previously described his displeasure while observing gentile butchery.
“Many who can drink the blood of animals slaughtered according to the Hebrew fashion, can not stomach that of bullocks felled with the ax. The blood of the latter is black and thick and lifeless; that of the former bright, ruddy and clear as new wine.”
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While most of Cincinnati’s blood drinkers were satisfied with a single tumbler of fresh blood, Hearn relates the experience of a “short, well-built but pallid-looking” man who downed glass after glass of blood and strolled away, apparently satiated. When he next reappeared, ten days later, he was asked if all that blood had made him queasy or nauseous. He replied that he could drink gallons of blood at a time but confessed that his latest sanguinary binge had caused him to go blind for a week.
“Yet, having recovered his vision, he believed that he could see better than ever.”
Hearn interviewed several doctors who insisted that drinking fresh beef blood could never produce blindness, temporary or otherwise. In fact, most of Hearn’s medical informants told him they discouraged their patients from imbibing in slaughter-house blood at all.
“I have always warned my consumptive patients against drinking blood,” one doctor told Hearn. “The latter practice is both morally and physically detrimental.”
Despite medical objections, Hearn gulped a tall glass of blood himself and provided detailed tasting notes.
“Fancy the richest cream, warm, with a tart sweetness, and the healthy strength of the pure wine ‘that gladdeneth the heart of man!’ It was a draught simply delicious, sweeter than any concoction of the chemist, the confectioner, the winemaker – it was the very elixir of life itself.”
A decade later, according to an article in the Cincinnati Times [12 February 1885] Cincinnatians were still lining up for bloody drinks. The Times reporter asked an emaciated man how his unusual dietary supplement tasted.
“Like salted milk,” he replied. “And some put salt in the blood, but I do not feel that it makes it more palatable.”
The Times recorded a visit to the slaughter house by a man of eighty years in age, who had walked three miles to get a glass of blood. He claimed that he had been a near invalid when a friend suggested a regular glass of the stuff. The old man boasted he now walked six miles a day and felt stronger than he had when he was fifty.
The proprietor informed the Times that his slaughter house always kept a supply of dark blue glasses on hand for new patients. The tinted glass disguised the color of the drink they were offered and allowed them to get used to the taste. After a few visits, the very demeanor of the blood drinkers changed, often radically.
“I know of one person whom it did change in that way. At first she could not bear even the sight of blood, and was weak, sickly, delicate and timid, but finally she got all over this and liked to see a steer killed, especially if the beast was game.”
One bloody quaff certainly had a dramatic effect on Lafcadio Hearn, who sailed off into a rhapsodic endorsement of this strange elixir, tempered by a premonition that a taste of blood might result in a decidedly unwanted transformation of character.
“No other earthly draught can rival such crimson cream, and its strength spreads through the veins with the very rapidity of wine. Perhaps this knowledge originated that terrible expression, ‘drunk with blood.’ That the first draught will create a desire for a second; that a second may create an actual blood-thirstiness in the literal sense of the word; that such a thirst might lead to the worst consequence in a coarse and brutal nature, we are rather inclined to believe is not only possible, but probable.”
The Schochet informed Hearn that he himself, following Mosaic law, had never tasted blood. Hearn, after pondering the effects of a single warm glass, advised the “healthy and vigorous” to follow the instructions of Moses and abstain. Hearn feared that blood-drinking, while beneficial to the sickly and infirm, would drive healthy individuals onto a bestial quest for even more vile excesses.
“Perhaps it was through occasional indulgence in a draught of human blood (before men’s veins were poisoned with tobacco and bad liquor) that provoked the monstrous cruelty of certain Augustinian Emperors.”
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rescue-ram · 7 months
Finished my rewatch of S1
This has been my first experience binge watching MASH- I don't think I've ever watched more than 4 episodes in a row before, and usually not in order. So it was really interesting actually watching the show this way...
Hawkeye- his characterization stood out to me. While he's definitely not doing a Donald Sutherland impression, his portrayal is closer to movie than late series. Very laconic. In "Bananas, Crackers, and Nuts" there's a line where Frank calls him "a rock" which retrospectively feels like a joke, but in S1 isn't- he's clearly very stable and pretty unflappable.
I actually was tallying the amount of times Trapper and Hawkeye explicitly hook up with nurses and the crimes they commit lol and was surprised by how low the number is for both lol. Between the two of them they hooked up with women in 7 episodes, though they're referenced as doing it more often and they flirt/get shot down/refuse sex a little more often, bringing total up to 12. Only two episodes really featured pranks, which was also surprising
I know Major Fred C. Dobbs is in the running for worst MASH episode but I liked it lol. It was funny and had some quality TrapHawk moments, and the Hawnk kiss at the end made me laugh even as I added it to the rap sheet
Just tallying up the days that pass on screen gets us to just over 3 months, giving me little a hope for my horrible timeline ldkkdjf
I really liked the recurring characters- they didn't have a lot of depth per se but they made things feel fleshed out. It was nice having recurring nurses I could recognize and I will miss my boy Ugly John. God that we lived in the alternate universe where the writers had figured out what to do with Oliver...
Also was thinking about how a lot of the racist moments kinda come from the writers trying to engage in a neutral-to-well-meaning way but alas they were all white guys raised in a white supremacist culture and cannot escape that influence so it comes out horrifically dated, but I think they do try more in the early seasons
I had forgotten what a minor character Mulcahy is in S1. He gets a couple little moments, but I think Margie and Dish have more scenes lol...
Trapper my baby Trapper, he does not necessarily have a lot to do besides be lovable but he does it well. Him providing pediatric care for local kids is deffo going in my note document for Shit Trapper Is Doing lol...
Henry and Radar's relationship 🥹 I really liked both characters, scamp!Radar is so good, and Henry is so funny with these little moments of genuine wisdom and compassion... Good shit
I really liked both Margaret and Frank, not a lot to say beyond that, but they're just so good. Just enough nuance to make 'em pop.
Gaaaaah many more thoughts than I can type, but in conclusion I Love MASH
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godjustkys · 8 days
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- Teen wolf
- Marvel Cinematic Universe
- Supernatural
- The Walking Dead (AMC)
- Merlin (BBC)
- Dune
- Game of Thrones
- F.R.I.E.N.D.S
- The Maze Runner
- Lord of The Rings
- The Hobbit
- Harry Potter
- Brooklyn Nine-Nine
- IT
- Diary of a Wimpy Kid
- Dead Poet's Society
- Shameless
- Handsome Devil
- The Black Phone
- Sweet Home
- Arcane
- Spider-man Universe
- The Last of Us
- The Goldfinch
- The Beekeeper
- Weak Hero Class 1
- Bad and Crazy
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Characters I am willing to write for;
Teen wolf:
- Stiles Stilinski
- Scott McCall
- Derek Hale
- Allison Argent
- Lydia Martin
- Isaac Lahey
- Jackson Whittemore
- Peter Hale
- Malia Tate
- Kira Yukimura
- Liam Dunbar
- Theo Raeken
- Jordan Parrish
- Erica Reyes
- Ethan Steiner
- Aiden Steiner
- Christopher Argent
- Mason Hewitt
- Danny Mahealani
Marvel Cinematic Universe:
- Tony Stark
- Peter Parker
- Bruce Banners
- Thor Odinson
- Loki Laufeyson
- Steve Rogers
- Natasha Romanoff
- Stephen Strange
- Wanda Maximoff
- Clint Barton
- Bucky Barnes
- Carol Danvers
- Shuri
- Sam Wilson
- Okoye
- Wade Wilson
- Pietro Maximoff
- Vision
- Yelena Belova
- Peter Quill
- Gamora
- Nebula
- Matt Murdock
- Frank Castle
- Xu Shang-chi
- Eddie Brock
- Dean Winchester
- Sam Winchester
- Castiel
(I have little knowledge of supernatural.)
The Walking Dead:
- Rick Grimes
- Carl Grimes
- Michonne
- Negan
- Daryl Dixon
- Eugene
- Rosita Espinosa
- Maggie Greene
- Glenn Rhee
- Carol Peletier
- Andrea
- Gabriel Stokes
- Merlin
- Arthur Pendragon
- Morgana Pendragon
- Guinevere
- Lancelot
- Mordred
- Gwaine
- Percival
- Elyan
- Leon
- Princess Mithian
- Paul Atreides
- Leto Atreides
- Chani
- Feyd-Rautha
- Duncan Idaho
- Stilgar
Game of Thrones:
- Ned Stark
- Catelyn Stark
- Robb Stark
- Jon Snow
- Theon Greyjoy
- Sansa Stark
- Arya Stark
- Tywin Lannister
- Jaime Lannister
- Cersei Lannister
- Tyrion Lannister
- Tommen Baratheon
- Joffrey Baratheon
- Daenerys Targaryen
- Jorah Mormont
- Sandor Clegane
- Samwell Tarly
- Margaery Tyrell
- Tormund Giantsbane
- Brienne of Tarth
- Podrick
- Ramsay Bolton
- Jaqen H'ghar
- Grey Worm
- Rachel Greene
- Phoebe Buffay
- Monica Geller
- Ross Geller
- Chandler Bing
- Joey Tribbiani
The Maze Runner:
- Thomas
- Newt
- Minho
- Gally
- Frypan
- Aris
- Janson
Lord of The Rings:
- Frodo Baggins
- Samwise Gamgee
- Pippin Took
- Merry Brandybuck
- Aragorn
- Legolas
- Boromir
- Faramir
- Galadriel
- Arwen
- Éowyn
- Éomer
The Hobbit:
- Bilbo Baggins
- Thorin Oakenshield
- Kili Durin
- Fili Durin
- Tauriel
- King Thranduil
- Elrond
Harry Potter:
- Harry Potter
- Hermione Granger
- Ron Weasley
- Fred Weasley
- George Weasley
- Draco Malfoy
- Blaise Zabini
- Oliver Wood
- Seamus Finnigan
- Luna Lovegood
- Neville Longbottom
- Dean Thomas
- Severus Snape
- Sirius Black
- Regulus Black
- Remus Lupin
- James Potter
- Lily Potter
- Bill Weasley
- Bellatrix Lestrange
- Cedric Diggory
- Lucius Malfoy
- Narcissa Malfoy
Brooklyn Nine-Nine:
- Jake Peralta
- Amy Santiago
- Charles Boyle
- Gina Linetti
- Rosa Diaz
- Terry Jeffords
- Ray Holt
- Richie Tozier
- Eddie Kaspbrak
- Beverly Marsh
- Bill Denbrough
- Stanley Uris
- Ben Hanscom
- Mike Hanlon
- Henry Bowers
- Patrick Hockstetter
Diary of a wimpy kid:
- Greg Heffley
- Rodrick Heffley
Dead Poet's Society:
- Neil Perry
- Todd Anderson
- Charlie Dalton
- Knox Overstreet
- Steven Meeks
- John Keating
- Fiona Gallagher
- Lip Gallagher
- Ian Gallagher
- Debbie Gallagher
- Carl Gallagher
- Liam Gallagher
- Mickey Milkovich
- Mandy Milkovich
- Kevin Ball
- Veronica Fisher
- Jimmy Lishman
- Karen Jackson
Handsome Devil:
- Ned Roche
- Conor Masters
- Dan Sherry
The Black Phone:
- Finney Blake
- Robin Arellano
- Vance Hopper
- Bruce Yamada
- Billy
- Griffin
Sweet home:
- Cha Hyun-su
- Lee Eun-hyuk
- Pyeon Sang-wook
- Jung Jae-heon
- Seo Yi-kyung
- Lee Eun-yu
- Yoon Ji-su
- Jung Ui-Myeong
- Jinx
- Vi
- Viktor
- Caitlyn
- Silco
- Sevika
- Ekko
- Vander
- Mel
- Jayce
Spider-Man Universe:
- Peter Parker (A. G.)
- Peter Parker (T. M.)
- Peter B. Parker
- Miles Morales (Earth 1610)
- Miles Morales (Earth 42)
- Miguel O'Hara
- Hobie Brown
- Pavitr Prabhakar
- Gwen Stacy
The Goldfinch:
- Boris Pavlikovsky
- Theodore Decker
The Last of Us:
- Ellie Williams
- Joel Miller
- Tommy Miller
- Tess Servopoulos
- Abby Anderson
- Dina Woodward
- Lev
- Yara
- Jesse Pinkman
- Manny
- Owen
- Mel
The Beekeeper:
- Derek Danforth
- Adam Clay
Weak Hero Class 1:
- Yeon Si-eun
- Oh Beom-seok
- Ahn Su-ho
- Park Hu-min
- Kang Woo-young
- Jeon Seok-dae
Bad and Crazy:
- Ryu Soo-Yeol
- Do In-beom
- K
- Oh Kyung-Tae
- Boss Yong
- Andrei Kang
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Removing anime from my writing list because I realized how much I need to catch up with everything,, :Dd
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trivialbob · 8 months
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This morning I woke up at the insane time of 3:15 AM. Shockingly, I felt well rested. I read in bed for a while, finally finishing a book the library automatically renewed twice. I did not care for the ending. It seemed like the author looked at his watch or calendar and realized there's a deadline, so time to cram a lot of action and resolution into nine pages and call it done.
Then I got up and started laundry. I like doing laundry. That's why my wife doesn't care what I spend on a washer and dryer. She's relieved of laundry duty.
Of course I don't waste money on some machine that gives me a choice of chimes to signal the end of the cycle. I have a solid, practical washer/dryer combo. If they were cars they'd be Toyota Camrys, the XLE trim level, and probably with the V6.
After brewing and ingesting a fair amount of coffee I washed all the bedding in the house. Sunrise today was 6:56 AM. Any awake neighbors might have laughed at me because I was hanging sheets, a blanket, and a quilt on my clothesline two hours before the darkness left. Even the bats likely thought I was crazy.
When it finally got light outside I took the dogs to the airport dog park. Plane-watching sucked. We saw some other Aussies, which always makes me smile.'
When Ella, Oliver, and Sulley were tired I brought them home, Then I got my Surly Cross Check out for a ride. I did a ten mile loop around the three Minneapolis lakes I enjoy being at. The weather was perfect.
Later, grocery shopping followed by making the beds and cleaning around the house.
Sulley still had energy. He's a year-and-a-half old. Ella is 12 and Oliver is 10. It really pissed off the older dogs when I took only Sulley for a walk around Lake Harriet. The other two would have been too exhausted to complete the 2.8 mile loop, though Ella would have liked a swim.
Now I think I understand why Sulley did poorly in obedience school. He's rarely on a leash. Between our fenced-in back yard and the mostly fenced-in dog park, that boy isn't used to having a leash on except to go from the car to the park gate or when he's in a brewery.
At the lake the first ten minutes were awkward as he and I figured out leash protocol. Then it got easy. He was very well behaved. Now I'm starting to think of trying another obedience class, after I take him on more leashed long walks.
Top picture is a view of Bde Maka Ska from a bike path. That's the Dakota name that replaced Lake Calhoun as the lake's current name. The second picture is the trolley car that runs from Lake Harriet to Bde Maka Ska. The operator rang a bell to warn Sulley and me to not attempt to cross the street as the trolley approached. It was kind of cute.
Now I'm going to eat a Jimmy John's sub and watch the final season of Succession. I don't like waiting week by week for new episodes. I waited for some time and now I can binge watch it.
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atjsgf · 6 months
John Oliver talking about tech monopolies using google-as-a-verb as an example "Nobody has ever said 'I'm going to Bing it'" COMMUNITY NOTES: This is technically true but misleading. Sarah Canning as Jenna Sommers was once forced by Julie Plec at gunpoint to convincingly read the line "I bing'ed it" on The Vampire Diaries (2009-2017) to fulfill their contractual obligations for product placement, a performance for which Canning was unfairly snubbed at the Emmys that year.
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fibula-rasa · 5 months
Seen in ’23: Annual Roundup
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Top new-to-me films of ‘23 
(in the order I saw them, not preference)
The Blizzard / Gunnar Hedes saga (1923) [imdb | letterboxd]
The Rafter’s Bride / Koskenlaskijan morsian (1923) [imdb | letterboxd]
Funeral Parade of Roses / 薔薇の葬列 (1969) [letterboxd | imdb]
Dorian Gray in the Mirror of the Yellow Press / Dorian Gray im Spiegel der Boulevardpresse (1984) [letterboxd | imdb]
Drylongso (1998) [letterboxd | imdb]
The Cruz Brothers and Miss Malloy (1980) [letterboxd | imdb]
The Burning Crucible / Le Brasier ardent (1923) [letterboxd | imdb]
Let’s Scare Jessica to Death (1971) [letterboxd | imdb]
Merry-Go-Round (1923) [letterboxd | imdb]
Dream Demon (1988) [letterboxd | imdb]
Mazel Tov / Ost und West (1923) [letterboxd | imdb]
The Signal Tower (1924) [letterboxd | imdb]
The Second Track / Das zweite Gleis (1962) [letterboxd | imdb]
Restless Blood / Levoton Veri (1946) [letterboxd | imdb]
The Man Without Desire (1923) [letterboxd | imdb]
Revolutionary Girl Utena: The Adolescence of Utena / 少女革命ウテナ アドゥレセンス黙示録 (1999) [letterboxd | imdb]
Honorable mention:
Ritratto di donna velata (1972) [letterboxd | imdb] (because it’s technically a mini-series)
Spirits of the Dead / Histoires extraordinaires (1968) [letterboxd | imdb] (because it would make the year-end list for “Toby Dammit” alone TBH)
So, according to letterboxd, only 33% of the films I watched in 2023 were rewatches. In an unexpected bit of consistency, that’s also my proportion of rewatches for ‘22 and ‘21. Sometimes crunching the numbers teaches you potentially meaningless things about yourself.
On my letterboxd, I put together a list of my top new-to-me films of ’23, in case you want an easier way to check if there’s anything you might want to add to your own watchlists!
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As I continued my tradition of watching films as they turn 100, the 1920s was my most-watched decade as it was in 2022.
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I was startled looking at the stats that the 1930s were so underrepresented! To ward that off in 2024, I think I’ll binge some pre-codes. Maybe we should all watch pre-codes in March 2024 to dishonor Will Hays on his birthday?
My top individual years were:
1971 (unexpected!) 
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In another bit of unexpected consistency, I seem to have watched roughly 60% American-made films every year for the last 3 years?
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Regardless, I think my MVP for this year was Finland. Teuvo Tulio is quickly becoming one of my favorite directors and the silent films from Finland that I watched this year were highlights too!
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My most watched actors for 2023 were:
Alice Howell
James Finlayson
Stan Laurel
Snub Pollard
Katherine Grant
Marie Mosquini
Christopher Lee
Jackie Cooper
Lois Weber
Mabel Normand
Noah Young
Oliver Hardy
Richard Smith
Can you tell that I watched a ton of silent comedy in 2023? Of course Marie and Snub are making a return appearance here from last year, so I suppose I watched plenty of comedy shorts in ‘22 as well.
If you were only to count the feature films that I watched, Christopher Lee, Boris Karloff, Douglas Fairbanks, Vincent Price, and William Haines would top the list!
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My most watched directors were:
Alice Guy
Dave Fleischer
George Jeske
Arthur Rankin Jr. & Jules Bass
Charley Chase
John G. Blystone
Lois Weber
Richard Smith
Maya Deren
Phillips Smalley
Another affirmation that I watched a whole lot of silent shorts, but this time because of the fantastic Pioneers: First Women Filmmakers set. I highly recommend picking up a copy (or checking it out of your local library). Not only is the set well curated, but there are so many great extras to put the films in context. 
For Christmas ‘23, I got the Cinema’s First Nasty Women set and I’m very excited to marathon those and be influenced into a year of behaving badly.
Maya Deren makes the list because I re-watched her films in advance of my cosplay/profile of her. If you haven’t dug into Deren’s short but fascinating filmography yet, I highly recommend it!
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hey-hamlet · 1 year
thanks to a combination of very little sleep and my binge watching last week tonight on youtube, my brain keep writing me a script for last week tonight's episode on the japanese heroics system - still hosted by john oliver 200 years in the future because he got hit by an immortality quirk and disney owns his soul
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abattoirstars · 11 months
9 people you want to know better (tag game)
graciously tagged by @wateryblasts and @blueberry-beanie
Last song?
Here Comes The Hotstepper - Ini Kamoze. One of those songs you remember exists every 6 months because it gets mega stuck in your head. It will also always remind me of cricket because of john oliver and andy zaltzman singing it on an episode of the bugle probably a decade ago now.
Currently watching?
Rare for me to have an answer for this cos I suck at sticking to long form content, but i do! Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury (or G-Witch if you’re in a hurry). This show has reminded me a) how much i love mechs, b) how dangerous 23 minute episodes are, they are EXACTLY the length that i can binge for Hours (and c) how embarrassing it is to watch anime without headphones, especially one with a teen girl protag)
Currently reading?
Technically still Hot Milk which i posted about the other day but it sucks so bad that i haven’t picked it up in a few days and i don’t know if i can be arsed to finish it. As soon as I post this, though, I’m going to start The Last Blade Priest by W P Wiles which looks, as C put it, so fucking genre.
Current obsession?
Given that two weeks ago I couldn’t have named anyone other than sophie ecclestone and nat sciver (didn’t know she was married and would’ve pronounced it Sy-ver), and now i’d die for amy jones and alice capsey, amongst others, let’s say (English) women’s cricket. honourable mention to alison rumfitt and her writing.
In my traditional role bridging the world between band weirdos and sports weirdos, let’s hear from @tiredgayloser @musingsofadisastergay @knockmeforsix @airbrushfather @shallowtboy @saintsnlancs and @stroyent
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ls-daydreams · 1 year
nine people i want to know
tagged by @catchingbigfish thanks so much!
tagging: @isherwoodj @decaymouth @novel-emma @ihernglass @linaket @dogmomwrites @minutiaewriter @thepixiediaries @ashen-crest (no pressure! let me know if you’d rather I not tag you anymore)
three ships: SNS (Sasuke & Naruto from Naruto) because they invented love, Catherine & Peter from The Great for the delicious enemies to lovers to enemies to lovers tension, Ann & Kuina from Alice In Borderland because “Let’s go back together” 😢
first ship: Scouring the deepest nooks and crannies of my memory, I’d say it’s either Tao and Arina from BeastMaster or Sam and Jack from Stargate SG-1
last song i listened to: Retro Future by Triple H
last movie i watched: Puss In Boots: The Last Wish. 10/10 would recommend.
currently reading: I started The Trial by Franz Kafka but left it back home so I’m reading Lullaby by Chuck Palahniuk now. It’s brilliant, the man has a really unique voice and an incredibly captivating style.
currently watching: The Last of Us like the rest of the world, the Law and Orders (SVU, Organized Crime & the Original), Criminal Minds: Evolution (hate to say it, but its only saving grace is Zach Gilford; the man exhudes talent), Servant (they are wasting Toby Kebbell’s talent), Hudson & Rex, 9-1-1 Lone Star, Last Week Tonight With John Oliver (catching up from 2018 and realizing every single bad thing that could’ve happened in the world actually happened lol) and Dickinson for TV. I also fell into a youtube hole and watched a shitload of Binging With Babish (and Anime with Alvin) and Uncle Roger videos.
currently consuming: I’m gonna have cream of tomato & basil soup with freshly baked bread as soon as I finish posting this and for dessert I’m warming up some brownies I baked yesterday
currently craving: I constantly crave Korean fried chicken. It’s a state of being at this point.
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leverage-ot3 · 4 months
Tagged by @vampirewalterskinner
last song: everywhere everything by noah kahan
favorite color: purple/pink, and then blue (yes I know. the stereotype)
last movie/show: last show I watched was either last week's percy jackson or binging part of the brothers sun (netflix) which I need to finish. michelle yeoh the mother you are!!! but honestly I've just been watching john oliver videos, I started three years ago and am working my way back to the most recent ones I've watched. I could watch that funky lil guy forever. I wanna put him in a jar and shake
Sweet/spicy/savory: sweet
relationship status: idk man
last thing I searched: jobs hiring in my area lmao
current obsession: percy jackson on tuesdays. not an obsession but I'm trying really hard to get into advocacy and activism for palestine within my local community which is taking up a lot of brain power.
tagging: @all-things-breathing @digitaldiscipline and everyone else who sees this, I'm too tired to tag more people
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