#blue period hashida
v-3-rdure · 7 months
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blue period week day 3: fantasy
aka self indulgent vampire art bc like..
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ginkgo-mist · 4 months
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full spread under cut
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harukaprism · 1 year
Pairing: Haruka Hashida x GN!Reader
Warnings: Fluff, not prof read
Word Count: 1,247
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How would you describe your subject for your experiment? Haruka Hashida was a man of many personality traits, mostly the popular guy that every girl gushed over but with the project you were doing you made him show the sides of himself he would hate showing others. 
“Well Hashida, where would you like to go today?” Today the two of you were hanging out so you could see his everyday life for one of the last parts of your psychology project and he had picked you up from your apartment. 
“I think we should go to an art museum, we haven’t done that yet.” You were not the only one that benefited out of this project, he was using the scenery that the two of you saw for his art projects during this time too. 
Glancing at your body length mirror in your hallway you checked out your outfit, though it was your regular everyday clothing the long cardigan sweater you wore in your favorite color gave you some coziness with the colder weather outside. “Sure, it is your natural habitat, isn’t it?” 
Haruka only offered you a smile as he opened the front door to your apartment for you, this is how it normally went; you knew that it would be like this when you chose him for this observation. He was quieter with you; it was like his brain had the chance to catch up on itself with the craziness that is an art student. 
With your tickets secured you both walked inside the building you were met with silence and cold air. Taking out your notepad you fell a few steps behind the tall man and studied him closely, picking up on his emotions as he looked over the paintings and sculptures. He explained a few pieces to you after he caught you staring curiously, he was never rude about it he was gentle and calming. 
Your notes today were about the subtle changes in his mood and emotions, it was such a shame he was a pretty boy. The way his braids slightly swayed as he gazed between the paintings, the way his eyebrows knitted together as he scoffed slightly at a Picasso piece. 
He asked you every so often what you enjoyed about the pieces you were looking at, though art was not your expertise you made comments about the colors and the inspiration behind them. Every once in a while he would talk to a fellow art connoisseur while you stood back taking your notes and filling out the required questions. 
After about 30 minutes you finally took a seat, while Haruka was off talking to a student from his school you glanced into the interactive piece you subconsciously sat by. The water in the pool glowed as the water stilled, the instructions to this were to experience the waves and how life looked with them. Your bench was a bit above the water, so you reached your hand down dipping your fingertips into the water, counting the ripples you caused and the way they bounced back when hitting the edge of the glass.
Raising your hand from the water you flicked off the rest of the moisture watching the drops fall back to where they belonged. A smile crossed your face as you thought of Haruka’s response to this piece. It was not art in the traditional sense but the commentary would be interesting. 
“This is hardly art.” A huff came from behind you as long black braids fell to either side of your face, you could smell the subtle cologne he wore as he studied the ripples that were fading away. 
“You are correct but I like it. You get to control what happens with the water, it really is all in your hands.” Taking a spare pencil you thrusted the eraser into the water sending ripples throughout the container, then you dipped your fingers back in gently watch the slow waves meet with the larger ones. 
“You would like this one, as a psychology major.” His voice was teasing of course but there was some sincerity behind it. “Art is my department.” Having you a handkerchief you dried your hand and pencil and went to hand it back as you stood up. “Keep it for now, I think there may be other interactive arts here.” 
Though there were you didn’t quite enjoy them as much as the water one. After excusing himself real quick you stood by the water again watching as children splashed the water watching the ripples distort their faces and your own, yet the corner you stood at calmed after the waves were sent back to the young children. 
You were so entranced with the piece that you lost track of time. Soon the children left and you were standing by yourself, leaning against the barrier you played around with the water with your fingers. 
After a moment the sounds of footsteps pulled you from your head as Haruka approached, a soft smile etched on his face. “Ready to get some dinner?” 
With a nod the two of you left the museum stopping by a ramen shop to eat, the entire time the two of you talked about what you saw on your trip and your feelings behind the art, though he sneered at the Picasso arts you couldn’t help but smile at his distaste for the man's work. 
Taking you home the two of you parted ways, today was the last day you would see him for this project, part of you hoped you would still meet up every once in a while but that remained to be seen. 
A week later you turned in your project, you got a text from him telling you to meet him at his college you grabbed your trust cardigan and a thank you basket for his help on your work. The two of you met at the front. “Here, this is a thank you for all the help.” 
A genuine smile cracked his face as he took it. “I would offer you one too but I have something much better.” Guiding you inside the school you were taken to a hall where various works were being displayed, you had seen his handy work upfront as he sketched while you were asking him questions but surrounded by paintings you were at a loss for words. 
A blonde looked as the two of you approached, he had a shorter friend with him as they both stared at you with wide eyes. They glanced back at the two paintings in front of all four of you and then back. 
Taking a glance at Harukas work you froze in place, they were big canvases of the museum, the wave pool and most importantly you. The first one was you sitting above the pool with your cardigan flowing around your body with your fingers in the water, your reflection staring back at you; the second one was you staring into the pool longingly as the waves seemed to be alive on the canvas. 
“This is my thanks for all the hard work you put in.” His voice was just a whisper in your ear as your heart swelled in your chest, unable to pull your eyes away from the masterpieces in front of you. 
Did he feel the same as you? With the way he drew you it seemed that way. All doubts evaporated as his soft lips met your cheek.
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ber-go · 2 years
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luftrise · 9 months
realest pinterest threat about hashida’s hair ever
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calatarii · 11 months
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Haruka doodles, experimenting with a new style?
Anywho my love <3
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adoaraism · 2 years
Hashida Haruka is an incredible observer. He has a good eye for art, lends an ear to those who need it, and is a walking encyclopedia when it comes to art history. He pays very close attention to things, to people, to the art that surrounds him.
Interestingly enough, though the teaching arc showed us more of Hashida than ever, I was left with more questions than answers. In spite of us seeing him so often in these few chapters, much like Yatora, we realise how elusive he is. He is, if anything, a master at evasion.
Hashida has a mask on, 90% of the time - as nonchalant as he may seem, he is acutely aware of it. One of the few times when he opens up about his insecurities is when he talks to his student - Sae-chan.
"Sae-chan, the truth is I'm bad at painting. I like paintings and I like people who paint. I even paint myself. But the more I learn about other people who do it, I end up thinking of how I can't be like them."
He sees the difference between his art, and the art of others.
Take Yotasuke - someone with incredible skill who seemingly is always steps ahead of everyone else. Someone who is a different league altogether.
And Yatora, who is motivated, passionate and hard working, who made dessins in cram school as if it were nobody's business.
And when he looks into himself... how can he compare? He has incredible knowledge about art, and he enjoys seeing others' art very much. But what about his own? Why does his art have such little worth in his eyes?
That's why, when Sae-chan begins beating up her own work, he reacts so strongly.
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This kid, whose works he has observed and appreciated, is beating herself up, yet continues holding her brush. She is jealous of the other kids' art, and finds herself disliking her own art.
Hashida is surrounded by people who he has deemed to be better than him, in some way or another. He doesn't seem averse to others knowing him, but he brushes off others' attempts to understand him. We've seen him invite others out to eat several times but never seen him being invited out.
He confuses yet intrigues me. He seems so lonely and yet we have hardly seen him alone (with him having three sisters and hanging out with Yatora and Yotasuke). It might be a lot to ask for but I hope Hashida gets a backstory as well. I wonder where his journey with art will take him to.
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sunpeachhh · 2 years
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Mirrored reflections pt. 1
Haruka Hashida, Blue Period // Photography by Cho Gi-Seok
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loucygoosey · 2 years
Some old blue period fanarts
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lupusmaxima · 1 year
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2023/01/04, 01:23
some late night reading and journaling. i really need to fix my sleep schedule for the new semester, but until then, i’ll be well acquainted with the serene hours of the night
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unrulyknight · 1 year
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sliding in with this Very quick lil haruka portrait for the birthday boy. he's winking about it even. pats his face
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ginkgo-mist · 1 year
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renegaedz · 2 years
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[ID: A shoulders-up drawing of Haruka Hashida from Blue Period. The drawing is repeated 4 times in different color palettes, creating a collage. In each he is looking off to the right of the viewer with a neutral expression. End ID]
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bokuacatart · 2 years
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blackwhitewhatever · 2 years
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levbolton · 12 days
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Blue Period chapter 67 color page to celebrate comeback after 6 months break
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