#bucky as cap
ace-bucket · 3 months
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Happy 107th Birthday Bucky Barnes 🎉
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metalbvcky · 2 months
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First meetings be like.
Washington DC | April 3rd Theme: Cap Quartet @catws-anniversary
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anonymousmink · 11 months
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There’s a reason they call him Bucky with the Good Hair ™
Reblogs are loved but please don’t repost!
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enthyrea · 19 days
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bring them back to me i’m literally begging
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artgroves · 1 month
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Steve Rogers Learns to Fly by @gutterandthestars
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koffeebiscuits · 3 months
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Team Cap 🧢🐱
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outerjersey · 6 months
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one (1) buck
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fizzy-dizzie · 1 month
Can Iron man dick riders take 2 seconds to use critical thinking skills. "What if it was your parents" NO ONE IS BLAMING TONY'S REACTION BUT DO YOU SERIOUSLY JUST EXPECT STEVE TO SIT THERE AND LET IT HAPPEN??
He knows Bucky has been tortured and been through fucking hell for 70 YEARS, not to mention that is his best friend, you want him to just stand and fucking watch?? They didn't 'jump tony' tony attacked first and they went as far as they needed to aka disabling Tony's weapon, that being his suit.
It makes me think that people haven't watched CATWS BC Bucky is quite literally as innocent as they can get, he was stripped of all his autonomy. He had no choice over his actions, do I need to define mind control for some people?? Seriously.
I feel like I need to reiterate like 10 times over, No one is blaming Tony but you cannot possibly blame Steve for protecting Bucky because Bucky is a victim.
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Y’all I just found these two pics on Pinterest and—
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BAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA It’s giving grumpy and old husbands and their annoying sunshine child and I’m living for it
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reducedemtasketch · 5 months
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James Buchanan Barnes
(Happy New Year!)
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ace-bucket · 2 months
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CATWS Anniversary Day 9 - Found Family
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cable-knit-sweater · 4 months
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CA:TWS 10th Anniversary Event - Interest check!!
We ( @sparkagrace and I) have been thinking for a while about how to celebrate the upcoming 10th anniversary of CA:TWS’s release, and thought we’d see if people would be up for participating in an event around this anniversary.
Please fill out our interest check form here:
Let us know your thoughts!! The event would be open to all types of creations (fanfic, fanart, moodboards, gifsets, fic rec lists, playlists etc.) and low-pressure.
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catws-anniversary · 3 months
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Today is exactly 10 years since the LA premiere of CA:TWS! As good a day as any to release all of our prompts so you can plan for the anniversary event.
Kicking off on March 26th, we'll be celebrating a decade of CA:TWS with 8 daily prompts to choose from, ranging from thematic prompts and quotes, to more general prompts and character-specific ones. These can be interpreted in any manner you choose and do not need to be linked to the daily theme.
As a reminder: this is an open event (see rules and FAQs - content does need to relate to CA:TWS), and the use of our daily prompts is entirely optional. They’re there to inspire, not to put up restrictions.
You can always contact us if you have any questions. We're so excited to see your creations!
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The Smithsonian
First Meetings
"I'll put it on the list"
Favorite quote
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Camp Lehigh
Steve's list
"It kind of feels personal"
Favorite Steve quote
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The Triskelion
Surprise Visit
"It's called compartmentalization"
Favorite scene
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Trust Issues
"Did I step on your moment?"
Favorite Natasha quote
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Press Conference
Character Bleed
Social Media
"I'll take this one"
Favorite cast member
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Department of Veteran's Affairs
Missing Scenes
"I never said 'pilot'."
Favorite Sam quote
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Lemurian Star
Project Insight
Post-Credit Scenes
"Order comes through pain"
Favorite fight
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Metal Arm
Ghost Story
"But I knew him"
Favorite Bucky quote
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Washington DC
Bedside Vigil
Found Family
"When do we start?"
Favorite duo
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Identity Porn
"Schoolyard and battlefield"
Favorite Stucky scene
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Happy creating!
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rookthorne · 10 months
⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐌𝐢𝐝𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭
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The urge, while powerful and all-consuming most of the time, never burned this hot. It was always temperable, until it wasn’t — and there was one way to make it better, it was just a good thing that a certain someone was just as much of a trouble maker as you were.
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჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 ༄ Fireman!Bucky Barnes x F!Reader x Fireman!Steve Rogers
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 ༄ 1.9k
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 ༄ Fluff, aftercare, Bucky is a lil' shit ჻჻჻ SMUT: Fingering (F receiving), masturbation (M), somnophilia, unprotected piv, Dom/Sub/Brat (Dom/Brat!Bucky + Dom!Steve + Sub!Reader) ჻჻჻ KINKS: Praise, daddy, degredation, voyeurism, exhibitionism
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆 ༄ @sgt-seabass chose this one, so I am entirely innocent here. No, I don't have a habit of deflecting, what do you mean?
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎 ༄ Cravin' by Stileto, Kendayle Paige
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჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒔 ༄ @buckybarnesevents Hot Bucky Summer ჻჻჻ Week 9 — 'S' Week (Somnophilia) — Masterlist ༄ @allcapsbingo 𝗚𝟱 — Waking Up Together — Masterlist
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𝐁𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐭 𝐃𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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It wasn’t often that you dreamed. Nor was it often that you felt so… lonely — so empty. 
Not when you had two men sharing the bed you slept in — one fast asleep, the other just dozing lightly, their shared heavy breaths waking you fully from your fitful sleep. 
In a state of half consciousness, you took stock of your body — your hips felt loose, and you couldn’t help but wriggle in the sheets, just a little. Taking deep breaths felt like a laborious task, and you couldn’t help the small whimpers that left your lips as you stared at the profile of Bucky. 
And your cunt — it ached something fierce, and the cavernous feeling of being empty intensified by the second, and it was rapidly becoming unbearable. 
Bucky’s brow twitched and his lips parted on an exhale, and you watched with half lidded eyes as his head turned to face you. He was still fast asleep. “Fuck,” you murmured, wriggling a little more to see if changing the angle of your hips would help ease the ache — you were tired after all. 
It only made it worse.
You whined breathlessly, and Bucky twitched, his eyes opening blearily as he scanned the room, before finally landing on your face — flushed and heated from arousal, your bottom lip swollen from you biting it. His brows furrowed in confusion as he stared, and you blinked slowly, still shifting your hips. 
“You right, doll?” he rasped, one hand scratching his jaw, while the other came to rest on your waist. “Wha’s wrong? Where’s it hurt?”
Bless him, you thought. 
Blinking rapidly, you canted your bare ass up into the air and angled it towards him. “Please, it hurts, daddy,” you whispered.
“Oh, sweetheart,” Bucky murmured, realisation dawning on his sleepy features, and his hand moved to cup your ass in his palm. “Can’t have you hurtin’ now, can I?”
“No,” you answered, gripping the sheets between your fingers and bunching them painfully into your palm. “Wanna be fucked, daddy.”
Bucky grinned sleepily and sidled closer. “Y’know what, Cherry? Why don’t you fuck Stevie–he would love it,” he cooed, rubbing circles with his thumb over the skin of your ass. “Go on. Ride daddy.”
“But he’s asleep-”
“Doesn’t mean shit, baby,” Bucky soothed. “Take all of his cock–be a good girl for me.”
You whined quietly and pushed yourself up onto your elbows to better look at Steve. Fast asleep and face turned away from you, he was lying on his back with the comforter bunched at his hips to cover his naked form. 
“Don’t you wanna be filled, baby?” Bucky asked, his lips now tracing the column of your throat. “Daddy has a load for you, sweetheart, you just have to take it.”
“Oh, god,” you moaned. “Please-”
“One sec, baby,” Bucky said, and you felt his hand wander down the cleft of your ass. “Spread those legs for me–good girl,” he praised just as your knees parted on instinct. “Have to make sure you can take him. Don’t need our girl hurtin’ taking all of daddy, do we?”
“No, fuck, daddy,” you gasped, the feel of his fingers tracing over your clit knocking the breath out of you. “Yes, feels good-”
“Almost ready,” Bucky replied, his fingers sinking deep into your cunt with no warning. You keened and rocked back against them, all while Bucky’s breath fanned over your ear and neck. “Such a good girl, just lay there for me–keep makin’ those pretty noises.”
You endured a few more minutes of him scissoring his fingers in your pussy to stretch you, and you panted and moaned through every second – pitch varied and volume increasing, but still, Steve did not wake up, not once. 
The slick sounds of Bucky’s fingers grew louder. “Tha’s it, sweetheart,” he praised, pumping his fingers in and out. “I think you’re ready–what d’you think, baby? Ready for daddy’s cock?”
“Mhm,” you hummed, nodding fervently. You could just feel Bucky’s grin against the skin of your neck, and his huffed laughter. “Please.”
“Go get ‘im, Cherry–show daddy who’s boss,” Bucky encouraged, helping you up and move to straddle Steve’s hips. The blond only stirred lightly, his nose scrunching in his sleep, but he didn’t wake. “Go on,” Bucky whispered, “take his cock like the good girl I know you are.”
“Okay,” you murmured, and you raised your hips up to better grip Steve’s flaccid cock in your hand. 
“Tha’s it, good girl,” Bucky praised, and his hand reached out to take Steve’s cock. “Lemme guide, baby, I’ve gotchu.” You let go of Steve’s length, and took a deep breath as the sound of Bucky’s slick hand pumped his husband’s cock until he was semi-hard. “Alright, kitten, there you go.”
Slowly, ever so damn slowly, you sank down onto Steve’s cock – each inch made your breath hitch. He began to harden, but still, he did not wake up. “Daddy, daddy,” you whimpered, gripping Bucky’s forearm. “Fuck.”
“I know, sweetheart–sonofabitch is a heavy sleeper, isn’t he?”
“I want-”
“Hang on,” Bucky soothed, his hand rubbing up and down your thigh. “Is he hard–has his cock at least noticed that he’s in the prettiest cunt?”
A heavy breath left your lungs, and you nodded, biting your lip. “Yeah.”
Bucky grinned, a wolfish smile if you’ve ever seen. “Alright then, you ride him–and you ride him good, can you do that for me, Cherry?” You nodded again, rocking your hips slowly. “Atta girl, now take him. Don’t you go slow.”
You took one deep breath, a second, and then rocked your hips in earnest, your hands resting on Steve’s chest – which began to rapidly rise and fall, and his hips moved, causing a moan to fall from your lips. 
Steve whimpered, moaned, and then shouted, “What- Fuckin’ hell, Cherry!” His eyes flew open, and his hands frantically gripped your hips. “Shit. Fuck, you feel-”
“She feels s’good, doesn’t she, babe?” Bucky purred, his mouth hovering over Steve’s shoulder. He bit down on the muscle with a low growl that Steve mimicked a second later. “Kitten was achin’, and I wanted to watch you get a taste of your own fuckin’ medicine. Cherry,” he called, loud enough to be heard over your pants for air – Steve’s cock was hitting all the right places and you revelled in the way he filled you. You looked at Bucky and met his gaze, smiling lazily. “Fuck him.”
“Yes, daddy,” you moaned, and you bounced on Steve’s cock, taking just what you deserved while the blond squirmed beneath you. “Fuck, feels good, need more-”
“Darlin’, honey, fuck-” Steve moaned, his hands lifting you up and down at a faster pace. “Goddammit, what the hell happened?”
“She was desperate, and she needed someone to fill that pretty pussy up–figured you’d want it to be your cock, honey,” Bucky cooed. You watched as Bucky turned Steve’s face to his and kissed him hungrily. 
The lewd sound of your slicked cunt sliding up and down Steve’s fully hard cock filled the room, each pass of his cockhead over your walls hitting that spot perfectly. “Oh, fuck- Ah! Daddy, please,” you begged, your rhythm faltering the further the coil tightened. “Please!”
Steve pulled away from Bucky to look up at you. “Aw, honey,” he breathed, “you cockdrunk on me already? You feelin’ good?”
“Uh-huh,” you cried, your fingers scrambling over Steve’s chest as Bucky chuckled darkly. “Wanna cum!”
“You better let her cum, babe,” Bucky cautioned. “Poor thing woke me up. Now she needs you to fuck her back to sleep.”
Your stomach flipped at the sight below you – two identical hungry stares that would rival a wolf’s hunting glare, and you knew you were screwed. A small, pitiful whimper left your lips, and Steve grinned; all fucked out and sharp teeth aside. “Oh, I will.”
Steve’s hands, warm and rough, gentle and soft all at once, pulled you to his chest, and you felt his thighs move under you. You glanced over your shoulder for a singular second to see he had planted his feet on the mattress, and you had only one chance to catch your breath and gulp.
“Hold on, kitten,” Bucky called – the grin of triumph so clear in his tone.
“Wait- Fuck! Daddy!”
The sharp sound of skin slapping against wet skin filled the room again, this time, it was constant with the grunts of effort Steve let out as he fucked up into your cunt – each thrust a harsh drive into your heat that had you panting for breath. It was an onslaught like no other and tears welled along your waterline, as desperate to fall as you were to cum. 
“You feel so fuckin’ good, darlin’,” Steve groaned, his grip tightening as he drove his hips up and up and up. “Such a good girl for me, taking what you want–know you want my fuckin’ load, huh? That what you want?”
“Yes!” you cried, your mouth falling open. “Please, daddy! Fuckfuckfuck-”
“She looks so good like this,” Bucky commented, his voice full of awe. “You close, kitten? You wanna cum?”
You opened your eyes and stared down at them – Steve with his chin tucked to his chest, a snarl of determination on his lips, while Bucky lay next to him, pumping his cock with his hand with a victorious smirk on his pretty lips. “Oh-”
“I think that’s a yes,” Bucky mused, nodding once. “Go on then, fuckin’ cum, you slut.”
Unbidden, your cunt clenched around Steve’s cock with the first flutter of your climax, and you hiccuped. 
“Do that again, Buck,” Steve moaned, his voice hoarse. “She’s squeezin’ me, and I know she’s close.”
Bucky’s smirk morphed into a grin with as many sharp teeth as Steve’s, and he bit his lip as his hand sped up on his dick. “Oh, that so, kitten? You like being called a fuckin’ slut? What about a fucktoy–nothin’ but a fuckin’ fucktoy for us to use and fill, maybe even breed-”
“Fuck!” You screamed, you back bowing into Steve’s chest as your orgasm ripped through your whole body. “Daddy! Fuck–cumming! ‘M cumming!”
“Good fuckin’ girl!” Bucky called over your sobs, and you felt a hand on your thigh. “Tha’s it, let it out–soak Stevie, kitten, fuck, you’re gorgeous like this.”
Your chest spasmed in time with your cunt through the waves, and you distantly registered the loud roar from Steve just as you felt his cock twitch in your heat, his release coating your walls. A low moan came from beside you and you felt the warm, tacky residue of Bucky’s cum hitting your thigh and calf. 
“Fuck,” Steve groaned, as you fell onto his chest, and his hands came to rest on your lowerback to cradle you close. “That’s it, honey–good girl, did so good for us.” 
Shivers wracked your body and you hummed, relaxing into the warmth he offered. There was a rustle beside you, and Bucky said, “I’ll just get a towel. Hang on, baby.”
“You alright, darlin’?” Steve whispered, his fingertips running up and down your back. “Didn’t hurt ya?”
“No,” you slurred – the sated monster deep in your belly finally purring and content enough to let you sleep. “‘M tired, daddy.”
“Go to sleep, sweetheart,” Steve urged, kissing the crown of your head. “I’ve gotchu, and Buck’ll clean us up, okay?”
You would have replied with a semblance of gratitude, but sleep pulled you under her waves and kept you there – the last thing you felt before succumbing was the brush of a soft cloth on your thighs, and the whispered words from both Steve and Bucky, “Such a good girl.”
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⠈⠂⠄ 𝐢𝐧𝐛𝐨𝐱 | 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲 | 𝐚𝐨𝟑 ⠄⠂⠁
⠈⠂⠄ 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 ⠄⠂⠁
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skullfragments · 2 months
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April 3rd Prompt: Cap Quartet
Bucky just wants to hang out too!! Let him in!!😫
i love that this is our one shot of the cap quartet. i love them so much.
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stuckyfingers · 7 months
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Poll Result #2: Bleeding Bucky
"The Asset no longer responds to the baton."
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