#but if anyone cares my stance is that music and memory is so personal and if your excitement about the rerecords
godofsmallthings · 8 months
i love acting like 1989tv is going to catapult me into a 1989 phase when we've done this three times already so i know that actually i'll listen to it once in full and be like huh these sound mildly different in a way that is so uncanny to me because of how well i know the originals and then i will only listen to the vault tracks and in a year will finally warm up to the album and have a belated 1989 phase :)
#and honestly? not complaining at all#i keep forgetting speak now tv is out#and i had my taylor discography playlist on the other day in the car and a speak now song came on (mean maybe?) and i was like half paying#attention and halfway through the song i'm like why the fuck does this sound so weird?#like girl did you forget about taylor lautner backflip?? hello????????#it's wild how ppl moralize liking/not liking the rerecords on here (on both sides of the equation) and it's such a tired convo so i hate#posting about it bc really what am i adding to this discussion#but if anyone cares my stance is that music and memory is so personal and if your excitement about the rerecords#and the technical/vocal improvements in the (earlier especially) recordings works better for you then that's so awesome!!#i wish my creature-of-habit brain could work a little more like that truly bc i think i would have a teeny bit more fun with this#but if you're like me and have gotten used to/emotionally attached to specific vocal performances and tiny details#take ur timeeeeeeee <3 the best part about music is that once it's out it's not going anywhere#the best feeling is when you start having those attachments to the rerecorded version of a song (state of graceeeeeee)#and if that adjustment never happens for u then that's also fine (although it takes two seconds to put those mp3s of all the albums u def#have lying around somewhere into a silly little spotify playlist and listen to those instead of streaming the ogs. turn on local files!!!!)#anyway. i love not giving scooter braun/ppl who treat music as an investment instead of an art money <3#and i love that the rerecords have bene giving us a chance to really reflect upon and celebrate specific albums and eras for a prolonged#period of time. especially as someone who missed most of these when they were happening.#vi is typing...
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nicollekidman · 7 months
yeah we need an immediate press release from you on ~The Prologue~
i literally do not care about it at all like. you know my stance on the usefulness/health of taylor constantly going backwards and relitigating the emotional reality of her life in the past….. but the prologue just made me really sad and reemphasizes that for the hell the media scrutiny put her through, she made it even worse for herself (i’m not saying that in a way that Blames taylor but, she pathalogically cannot and could not let things go and find out who she was outside of rumors and reputation). imagine being 24 and deciding you can never be seen with men in case it makes rumors worse, imagine building yourself a wall of female friendship while thinking, in the forefront of your mind, this will save me. it’s sad!! but like she did fully feel like an animal in a cage constantly being hunted and that’s traumatizing. so the line everyone thinks is “slamming gaylors” reads to me more like. there was nothing i could do to escape this.
i don’t care to do another whole elementary school primer on how being gay isn’t a bad thing, being straight isn’t the default blah blah blah blah but it doesn’t matter. to her, any commentary or assumptions about her personal life made from her public life was painful. which is an extremely difficult lens to live under for so long.
but at this point it’s hard for me to be like 🥺🥺🥺 about any of this when she’s currently engaged in the most obnoxious PR stint of recent memory, swiftie’s sense of entitlement and boundary crossing has only been ENCOURAGED with the “vulnerability” and retreading of old ground in the re-records, and people on twitter are like FINALLY mother is telling those dykes how disgusting and deviant she thinks they are!!!
i hope that this exercise is somehow healing for taylor, and that she’s able to experience the reclamation she’s talking about. but for me personally? i know this music. i remember who i was and what life was like when i got this music for the first time. i know how it made me feel and how it still makes me feel and all the friendship and love it’s brought into my life. i do not care for the overall project that feels, to me, like torturing taylor’s younger self AND throwing a preemptive eulogy for her. i’ve never wanted to know less about anyone in my LIFE and i hope in general that she gets what she needs from this era so she can move on and look to the future and allow herself to experience new things in both her life and music without like. the aforementioned torture.
but at the end of the day she is a pop star. my relationship to her is as a fan of a musical artist. i don’t need all of This and it’s not my responsibility to engage with the music in a way that other fans thinks will Annoy Her The Least. i am a normal person with a healthy sense of boundaries and as such it is not my responsibility to look out for what other people think is taylor swift’s mental health. so im feeling fine ❤️
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doll-book · 1 year
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𝚖𝚢 𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚏𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚚𝚞𝚒𝚛𝚔𝚜…♡ (random sht i do when scripting / shifting (´ω`★)
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🍭 i always use my own first name in my drs, but switch up my nicknames (which sometimes dont sound anything like my real name). the reason for this is because if i can't have anything but memories from my dr in my cr, i'll bring something from my cr to my dr. hearing my s/o call me by the name my parents gave me would feel so intimate and personal, and makes it more special imo. it's the name i'm used to, whether it's aesthetically pleasing or not. i also feel that it'd help me adjust to my dr quicker after shifting in - because if i woke up in a whole different place with a whole different face and a completely new identity, i already know ill be going bonkers. hearing someone call my cr name will help calm me down, and i'll feel more in tune with my dr self.
🍭 i also use different last names that suit each dr; like for my rich/famous dr, i chose the last name celene-sinclair because it just feels expensive and it-girl like. for my princess dr, i chose bluebell because i have the power to grow flowers in that dr and bluebell blossoms are one of my favorites. in my florist dr (i have a thing for flower themed drs lmao) my last name is magnolia. in my bakery dr my last name is coco for the spice, etc etc etc! i really like embodying the vibe of the dr, which i talk more about in the next point.
🍭 i have a light case of synesthesia (tasting shapes, hearing colors etc) and it definitely affects the way i approach scripting. each of my drs has a highly specific color, theme, taste, and/or sound; and to be honest, i feel like this made meditating and hyperfocusing on my drs super easy. hearing a certain song immediately makes me think of a scenario i scripted, or helps me embody the person i am in that dr. because of these connections i make subconciously, i'm able to enter the void state pretty easily and experience intense symptoms. i have other mental blockages that have been stopping me from shifting thus far, but we're working through them! it's only a matter of time.. ヾ(`ヘ´)ノ
🍭 one thing i'd like to add is: i feel like we all subconciously associate things in a similar way, whether you have synesthesia or not. my stance is that making connections to your dr through music / mood boards / colors / sounds / etc is super helpful, and helps you slip into your dr headspace in a much shorter amount of time. the connections you make literally become triggers, and once you shift for the first time, you'll likely be able to do so again if you use what triggered you previously.
🍭 i like categorizing my drs. why am i shifting here? what will i feel once i shift there? currently, i have pleasure drs, travel drs, different lifestyle drs, job drs, self care drs, comfort drs, and book/show drs. each one gives a diff vibe and i like having options when choosing where i wanna go at night lmao
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🍭 i never script in my irls, especially not my parents. it's not because i don't love them or anything like that, it's because i'm scared of growing too attached to my drs, and / or changing the relationship i have with that person in my cr. i love my mom so much, if i see her in any other reality i know i'll find it hard to consciously make the decision to leave. in a way, she's what's grounding me to my current reality, and my safe word is literally her name. i always script that my parents are never anyone i know personally. the same thing goes for close friends - if i see my best friend in my dr, how the hell am i supposed to leave? i cherish the memories i have with the people i know, and interacting with them in a new reality where we have completely different backgrounds and upbringings .. idk it'd be unsettling to me ( ╥_╥ ) it'd probably affect the way i interact with that person in my cr too. but that's just me!! if you feel differently you do you ganggg
that's all!
kisses, pearl ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧₊
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omni-present-god-send · 4 months
Hazbin Hotel One-shot
This is just a quick oneshot that takes place during the finale. It’s also a niche way to intoduce y’all to my OC. Enjoy!
Alastor shuffled his way into his radio tower. What was left of it at least. Adam got him good. His chest burned as blood trickled down from the wound. He slammed the hatch behind him as he dragged himself to the control panel. “I can see the headlines now: Alastor, altruist, died for his friends!” He mocks himself. How did he get so close with these nincompoops so quickly? Well... there was one. One that was different then the others. “Alastor? Are you in there?”. Ah. There she is.
Alastor didn’t say a word. His heart going a mile-a-minute. He can’t let anyone see him like this. Especially not her. Not Ivy. Anyone but Ivy. “I wont force you to open the door. I just want to make sure you’re OK.” Her voice sounded so sad, so scared for him. Just like... just like his own mother would when he would come back from school or the factory. Bloody and bruised from the other children beating him. It wasn’t his fault his skin was darker! His mama had darker skin then him and she was the most beautiful woman in the world! Why couldn’t they see that? Why couldn’t his papa see that he was hurting them? Couldn’t Papa see that Mama and him didn’t like when he came home smelling like booze?
“Alastor? Are you alright? Please... at least let me know you’re alive.” Oh right. Ivy is still out there. Her voice was laced with tears as she spoke. He shook the memories away. This is no time to go down memory lane. “I’m alive. There is no reason to worry.” He forced out. Trying to make his voice seem normal. Ivy sighed from the other side of the hatch. “Thank God you’re alive.”
God wasn’t here. If he was, he wouldn’t care about someone like Alastor. Not in the way his mother and Ivy did. Alastor wasn’t someone who was easy to care about. He made sure of it. Never again would he let anyone close to him. He tried that once, and look where that got him. Fighting for his life on the floor of his destroyed radio tower. Where was God when you needed him? God wouldn’t tuck him into bed with a lullaby. God didn’t make him treats when he was sad. God wouldn’t scratch behind his ears when he was stressed. God didn’t put lavender in his room to help him sleep. God only had his father come home smelling like booze and death. God let a 7-year-old risk his life in a factory all day every day just for the hope of being able to eat at the end of the week. If God existed, he gave up on humanity a long time ago.
A folded piece of paper was shoved through the hatch. He started to crawl towards it. “We won. Adam is dead and the extermination is no more. Charlie is already making plans to rebuild the hotel. I was able to sneak them.” It certainly looked like something Charlie would call a plan. It looked like it was ripped right out of her notebook. Sketched on with a pen with colorful notes made around circled sections. Music notes of Charlies favorite song were going to be a center-piece of the front. Husk, Niffty and Angel would be getting upgraded rooms all to themselves. Lucifer, ugh, would be getting his own personal suite. Across from that, on the other side of the building, was a black tower. Circled with a red glitter-gel pen. Alastor’s New Radio Tower!!!! <3
Charlie added his radio tower into the plans? It looked... nice. Built into the building instead of smashed on like his old one. What was this warm feeling? It couldn’t have been the blood from his wound, that wasn’t near where the feeling was. The feeling was in his heart. Was he... emotional? Someone else had thought of him. Added something specific especially for him. It even looked like something he would design himself! Maybe they aren’t as stupid as he once thought.
Slowly, he opened the hatch for her. Ivy only had to straighten out her stance To enter the tower. Being a 10-feet-tall Orchid Mantis helps sometimes. Immediately she saw the wound. He couldn’t have looked much better in comparison. “Alright. Sit against the wall. I’ll see what I can do to help.” To this day, he still doesn’t know why he listened to her so quickly. That’s what he tells himself at least. He could tell that she was having trouble maneuvering around the tower with her size. She didn’t say anything though. Too focused on the bleeding wound in Alastor’s chest. “Alastor, I do apologize. However, I need you to remove your coat and shirt. Only if you’re comfortable with me touching you that is.” She was always so gentle with him. Never glared at him. Never... made him sad. He removed his hand from the wound.
The sudden air on the wound made it sting. Badly. He gave an unconscious hiss at the feeling. A warm hand cupped his face. “There there. It will be alright.” He leaned into her hand as his shoulders relaxed. He felt her slowly unbutton the rest of his coat with her other hand. She removed her hand from his face to help him out of his shirt. Alastor hasn’t been this vulnerable with someone in a very long time. It felt... nice to have someone else take care of him. Even if he had to almost die to get it.
But that’s not what happened. She had been caring for him for months. Caring for all of them really, but she seemed to give Alastor extra attention. Did she sing lullabies to the others? Or teach them how to play guitar? He doesn’t think so. He knows he’s selfish and cruel. It’s part of what makes him such a good Overlord and business partner. He knows that Charlie’s whole thing is to be as good a person as possible to try for redemption, but what could it hurt to be selfish about this one thing?
A hot stinging pain shot up from his wound. “Shh shh shh. It’s alright. It’s just the anti-septic.” He didn’t even notice the medical kit she brought. He felt her scratching just behind his ears. His breathing evened out as she pet his head. “Now, I’m going to have to stitch it up. I’m warning you now cause it’s going to hurt.” was his wound really that bad?
One look told him yes. Yes it was that bad. He heard fabric ripping. Looking up, Ivy had ripped off a piece of her skirt, folded it up, and was holding it up to his face. “Bite down. This will hurt.” So he did. His sharp teeth somehow not tearing through the soft fabric.
Alastor doesn’t know how long he stayed there. Sitting against the wall of his radio tower. Being stitched up for what felt like eternity. If it were anyone else, they would have been dead before the needle broke skin. The needle and thread going in and out of his skin was torture. Even still, Ivy tried to comfort him. “You’ll be alright.” I’m almost done.” Just a little more.” “You’re doing great.”.
How did a woman like this end up in Hell? Oh right, she killed her husband and ate his head. He keeps forgetting that.
Finally, the torture is finished and Ivy finished all the stitches. She began to wrap them up so they didn’t come out. “You did great Alastor. I’m so proud of you.” Those damn words. Why does she always know what to say before even Alastor does? “Who... who killed that prick?” he finally managed to strain out, not trying to make his voice seem normal.
Ivy gave a soft smile as she helped him into his shirt and coat. “You’ll never believe me, but Niffty is the one who killed Adam.” She laughed. Alastor loved that laugh. It meant that everything would be OK. “He was so busy insulting us that he didn’t even notice Niffty sneaking up behind him.”. Seems as though celebration is in order. “Can you stand?” Alastor tried. At least, likes to pretend he did. He was just so tired. His legs ‘gave out’ under him. Seems he’s a better actor then he thought. Ivy bought it hook, line, and sinker.
“Why don’t I carry you back? I’ll make sure the others don’t see.” Alastor gave her a nod. In an instant. He was being cradled in her arms like a child. He didn’t care if the others saw in that moment. She just felt so... warm. So safe and comforting. He closed his eyes and pretended. He pretended he was a child again. Being carried by his mama off to bed after a long day of working and whatever meal his darling mama was able to whip together. He could even hear her humming Alouette to him again. Oh wait, that was Ivy. He didn’t care. He fell asleep all the same. Perhaps God hasn’t given up on him yet. After all, he did send an Angel his way.
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fictionplumis · 1 year
I have opinions about Bill's (The Last of Us) political stances and I have nothing to do but make people suffer through my thoughts. 
But first like... Obligatory thing to say that these are my headcanons of the politics of a fictional character, they're no reflection of my personal political opinions and any phrasing that makes it seem like they are my personal opinions is just me dramatically impersonating what's going on in Bill's head. I'm just a little gremlin who likes to think about how the minds of fictional characters might work. And that this is more of a modern day thing because my memory is shit when it comes to dates and times and things that have happened, and I don't remember the political climate of anything more than three years back at a time, which is very sexy of me. 
So firstly, we know several things for a fact about Bill. He does not trust the government one fucking bit, he believes very, very strongly in his 2nd Amendment Rights, he has a Don't Tread On Me flag, he's a Survivalist, he's gay, and has refined tastes in music, wine, and food. To me, Bill is an interesting person with some seemingly contradictory traits and I firmly believe his political opinions are also an interesting mix of things. 
Some people have thrown around the word libertarian, and I vaguely know what that means politically, but not enough for me to be satisfied just going with that and I don't care enough right now to look it up, which is also very sexy of me. This is a stupid fandom post, I am not trying to make an informed decision about something or influence someone else to, therefore I don't have to do research about things if I don't want to. So if I just describe what the typical libertarian believes then. Okay. Whatever, I guess. Post cancelled. 
Bill would see someone with a Don't Tread On Me flag and a Thin Blue Line flag and immediately consider them the dumbest dumbass to ever dumb, because the latter thing shows you don't understand the former. OBVIOUSLY the message of the Don't Tread On Me flag is meant specifically for people like the POLICE and the MILITARY and the GOVERNMENT. 
And some people might look at him and go, wait, you hate the military? But Bill, don't you love freedom? They're fighting for that!
To which Bill would probably be like, you're stupid if you think they're fighting for YOUR freedom. Who do you think those guys work for, dipshit? Not you! You're not giving them orders! What happens when Governor Jackass decides he's sick of people disagreeing with him so he mobilizes the National Guard to get everyone in line, huh? You think the National Guard is gonna care about YOUR freedom? No. 
Which is of course why he thinks everyone should have guns, because the government is run by Nazis. 
Now, this being modern with no apocalypse, which means no FEDRA, people will be like well, not quite that bad, Bill. 
And he's like, have you never researched World War II? Pearl Harbor? We had concentration camps! Arguably, we still have concentration camps! We just call them migrant detainment centers. And prison. 
So Bill, you're for immigration and abolishing prisons? 
No. Bill is not necessarily for or against these things, because these things are matters that hold no personal importance to him. It's not worth having an opinion on them. He is, however, very against anything that the government can use to just throw people that disagree with them into a cell. 
Well that would never happen, Bill! Only bad people go to jail. Only people entering the country illegally get put in detainment camps. 
Uh, no, actually. Again, Pearl Harbor, they rounded up anyone who so much as looked Japanese, who had done nothing wrong, and put them in camps. And that's all it takes! The second they have a reason to come after you, they will!
Which is of course why he thinks everyone should have guns.
But Bill, what about all the school shootings and gun violence?
If more people had guns, people wouldn't be stupid with guns, because they know someone would fucking shoot them. Yes, also, teachers should have guns. Duh. 
Now I think meeting Frank would kind of slide his opinion on that a little bit, but it would be later in their relationship and it would be in that weird way where he knows he doesn't believe what he did before, but he doesn't know what the proper solution would be because it's obviously not stricter gun control. But at the beginning, if Frank asks him, "Okay, so you believe teachers should have guns, and grocery store people, and mothers, in case those people ever have to shoot someone. And me? You think I should have a gun in case I ever need to shoot someone?" Bill would say yes, of course, it's a matter of safety. 
But later. 
Later, if asked that same question, his knee-jerk answer is interrupted by the mental image of Frank watering flowers, and painting, and smiling, and laughing, and touching so gently, so kindly... And him having to point a gun at someone and pull the trigger. Which is an immediate no from him. Frank should never have to do that. And that's kind of where he suddenly, viscerally understands that the argument for not giving teachers a gun is about protecting them in an entirely different way. It's about wanting to make sure people who thrive on gentleness never have to be put in that kind of situation. And from then on, he doesn't know. He doesn't know because he firmly believes the answer is not to take guns away from people, but now he also believes it's not a good idea to arm everyone, and it's DEFINITELY not any kind of police presence, but then how do you make sure people like Frank are physically safe, and emotionally safe? 
The best answer he has is that physical safety comes first, so, reluctantly, yes, arm everyone. But he's no longer satisfied with that answer so it comes with a whole spiel about, "But other people's safety isn't my concern, so that's something each person should decide for themselves. I'm just going to be here and make sure MY personal ray of sunshine never has to worry about that so don't fucking test me."
Now of course we all know what kind of people usually have those Don't Tread On Me flags and a hard stance on the 2nd Amendment, so where does Bill stand on racism? 
And that's kind of like the immigration and prison abolishment deal. He has no hard and fast opinion of that. Is the government probably inherently racist? Yeah, that tracks. Is life easier for him because he's white? No, that's stupid. Does white privilege exist? No, that's stupid. So you don't believe in the Black Lives Matter movement? And that's where he would shrug and say that he doesn't have an opinion on it, he's not black, he doesn't know shit about what black people experience every day. But enough of them seem to think that there's something they need to push back against, and he very much supports the right to do that, it's not going to turn into reverse racism, because that's also stupid. It's not like they're pushing back against him specifically because he's not doing shit to them. 
The right to protest is an important right to him. Made even more important because cops show up in full riot gear to them, which means the government is scared, and the government should be scared. 
Oh, the people bemoan, but Bill! The the police are there because the protests will turn into riots and looting otherwise!
Yeah, well. If the government listened in the first place, they wouldn't. But Bill would damn well resort to violence too if he felt he had to, and half the time those riots and looting are started by COPS, and also, if all the store owners had guns, there wouldn't be any rioting or looting!
Welfare stuff? 
He doesn't need it, but hey, he might one day, so he had a vague opinion about it. And that vague opinion is that the government is supposed to help people but they don't because they're all Nazis and not helping people keeps them in power. This is why everyone--
--Should learn how to be self-reliant at all costs and not hesitate to break those stupid ass laws about not growing or hunting your own food, because in the end no one can help you but yourself, also yeah, everyone should have guns. 
Basically. Basically. This is a man who hates the government and believes in defending his own so much that it almost wraps around and becomes a weird kind of liberalism. Like, every person for themselves means that every person has the right to do whatever they feel they need to in order to keep themselves and their own safe, just like he does. It's not "go around and shoot everyone" but it's "if someone goes for you or yours, shoot them". And it's fine, because he doesn't plan on going after anyone, so it won't hurt him if everyone is allowed to do that. If someone takes it too far like people sometimes do, he will shoot them, easy peasy. 
Also also. Yes, Bush did 9/11, no the government is not secretly aliens or living off baby blood or whatever, and that Q Anon conspiracy stuff isn't trustworthy, I'm not going to trust shit from some random jackass on the internet who plays favorites with politicians.
And I can just see when Frank and Bill in this hypothetical modern AU get around to talking about political opinions, and Frank experiences the emotional whiplash of, "Immigration detention centers and prisons are bad," followed closely by, "Teachers having guns would end gun violence in schools," followed by, "Cops shoot innocent people and I don't trust them," followed by, "The government has no right to issue mask mandates for Covid and by doing so they're only further proving my point that they're all Nazis," followed by, "But I'm wearing a fucking mask regardless because the only negative side of it is doing what the government says and all the people who have made up reasons for not wearing one have obviously never worn a military grade gas mask for 8 hours straight while working with incredibly toxic chemicals. Your stupid cotton mask won't give you brain damage, Sharon, and neither will an N95, but I'll be damned if I'm going to catch whatever kind of stupid you have just to spite our dumbass government."
Frank sitting there like, "Okay. So all the things you said that pissed me off are balanced by all the things you said that I wholeheartedly support, so... I guess that means I'm neutral about your political opinions? Alright, good talk. I think?"
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servin-up-surveys · 1 year
survey #130
Is there a person you talk to everyday? Mom and Girt without fail. I'd say most days some messages go between me, Mazzy, and Tez.
Does one of your parents ever complain to you about the other parent? My mother will take any opportunity to talk shit about my dad, yes, meanwhile Dad NEVER has while I've been with him. As a matter of fact, all my dad ever has to say about her around us kids is that she did a damn good job raising us/is a wonderful mother. I honestly would not be surprised if Mom, meanwhile, would prefer him dead with how she handles the topic of him. I know I don't know everything about why they split, but how she is about Dad nearly a whole decade after they split is kinda ridiculous. It's uncomfortable showing in any way that we care about him in her presence because she VERY obviously hates it.
If you have a webcam, do you take more pictures or make more videos with it? I've never used this webcam and historically have also avoided using them at all costs. I only ever really have for virtual appointments.
Who was the last person you wished a “Happy Birthday” to? Actually Kelsee today; she's the daughter of my favorite teacher. Basically an impossibly sweet human being.
Last person you kissed, are they into any type of sports? Which ones? No.
Does your best friend have a job? Yeah, he's worked at the same place for very nearly a decade.
Do you ever visit people at work? Thus far I've brought lunch to Girt at work once, and I plan to keep doing that occasionally forever. I just don't do it a lot now because his work is rather far and Mom has a super shitty car that doesn't need to drive that far, but also I don't have my own income and am not having Mom pay for it. The one time I did do it was with gifted money.
When you move out your house (or if you already have moved out) do you plan on still visiting your parents' house? I fully intend to invite Mom over for dinner like once a week, and I'd absolutely come back here if she wanted me to for something. It breaks my mom's fucking heart how Ashley and Nicole are, generally acting like she's no longer important, and I'll fucking die before I let her feel like I've left her behind, too. I'd still visit Dad too, probably occasionally invite him over. It's a hard situation to imagine just because I already very rarely see him.
What is one thing you hope never changes about you? How much I care about people.
Who was the last person you were mad at? Me.
Why did you break your last promise? Honestly, I feel like the only real promise I HAVE broken (that I remember, I'm sure it's happened more than just once, realistically) is the one I made with Sara, to keep her straight-up diabolical political stance a secret. I broke it because I don't protect the feelings of Nazis/very literal Hitler fangirls. I never should have kept it secret in the first place.
Has anyone ever told you that you were really pretty? Yeah, somehow.
Do you listen to a wide variety of music? Not really, but I've been more open to pop music in recent times... granted, they're primarily songs I grew up with lmao, but still.
What holiday are you looking forward to next? So I'm not very big on the 4th of July just because I'm not this country's biggest fan, but it's more appealing knowing I'll probably spend it with Girt's family, like last year.
Did you ever go through a phase when you didn’t want to take medicine? My problems have always been just being upset over how many medications I've been prescribed during certain periods. There have been many occasions in the past where I've gotten verbally pissed off and even cried over just how many medications I was waking up to and having to take before bed. 100% convinced my memory and focus problems hold DEEP roots in just being so grossly overmedicated by the time I was just a young teenager, and it remained that way for a very, very long time. Thankfully, I'm more at peace with the number I take now; I'm not happy about it, but it's absolutely nothing like it used to be.
Do you love popsicles? They're fine.
Do you like your smile? No, entirely convinced I look high as shit and I know I have a lazy eye when I do smile.
Was the last book you read good? Yup, it was. Jesus, I need to start reading more again... I've been on the same book for SO fucking long.
Does sunlight make you feel happier? Yes, it absolutely does. This was something I learned around the time I started recovering from the breakup and my worst level of depression: I used to be the person who kept the shades closed, lights off always, and just live in the dark. Then I started keeping my shades open and just in general stay in decently-lit rooms, and it made a pretty profound impact on my happiness, eventually. It's why I'm not even big on rainy days anymore; they used to be my favorite, but nowadays I will absolutely feel a difference if it's gloomy outside.
What helps you fall asleep? Fucking nothing. I finally almost cried last night over just how atrocious my ability to fall asleep has been lately; I'm regularly not falling asleep until early morning hours. I just lay in bed for hours on end tossing and turning and being completely fucking miserable. Thankfully I'm starting a new medication tonight that is meant to help me fall asleep... I just hope it works, because historically, meds meant to assist in good sleep have had zero effect on me. I'm one of those people that isn't even knocked out by Benadryl, and you always hear about how that'll knock you flat on your ass.
Do you have stomach problems? Yes.
Do you enjoy editing photos? Yeah, that's basically mandatory to be a notably successful photographer lol, as much as many people don't like to admit.
What was the last photo filter you used? I think it was this one called "Honey" that's on my phone for a picture I took of Girt's sister's dog Onyx.
Do you live a simple life? I'm sure it looks like it on the very surface to people who don't know me well whatsoever, but you realize pretty fucking quickly it's astronomically far from "simple."
What was the last song you listened to on repeat? "Rein raus" by Rammstein.
What are three of your favorite toppings for a pizza? Pepperoni, sausage, and jalapeno are all good.
What are three of your favorite ingredients for a salad? Besides the lettuce, I'm assuming? Cucumbers, bacon bits, and uh... that's it lmao I am MEGA basic with salad. WELL I will say I do absolutely love the jalapenos that are in Olive Garden's salads, like that's my favorite part of the whole thing haha, but idk if I'd enjoy them in every salad.
Do you express yourself better out loud or in writing? Oh there is ZERO competition here, my ability to express myself in writing is indisputably WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better than my capability to do so verbally. I can barely make a normal sentence when speaking.
Do you sing in the shower? No.
What are three random things you are good at? Writing, taking pictures I'd hope, and understanding animal body language, generally.
What is one thing you’ve been waiting patiently for for quite some time? Finding a job, I guess. Though I've been less patient about it lately. I've been doing daily (and I do mean daily) checks online for around three months now for various job titles I feel I could realistically do, and I'm just not getting lucky at all.
What are three of the most painful things you have ever stepped on? Uh idk, honestly.
If you could choose three US states to visit, which three states would you pick? Alaska, Arizona, and one of the states Yellowstone is part of; I'd have to research more about each state.
What color is your camera case (if you have one)? It's black.
What are three things you like that start with the same letter as your middle name? MEERKATS (are you even remotely surprised), music, and mountains.
Which do you use more: Facebook or Instagram? Facebook.
When was the last time you swam in a pool? Today actually; I did hydrotherapy today at PT because there were no land slots for this week when we were scheduling. Well, I guess I didn't really swim because I couldn't get my tattoo wet (it's a saltwater pool), like both my feet never completely left the bottom, but still.
Who or what do you worship? Nothing; I'm not even really a "hail thyself" person just because I think it puts too much divine worth on just us insignificant humans. We're nothing special in the grand scheme of the universe and I think that mentality feeds the ego too much.
Do you know a Ted? Yeah, that's the name of one of my childhood friend's dad.
Have you ever swam in one of the Great Lakes? No.
What is one thing you wish were more easily accessible? ADEQUATE FUCKING HEALTHCARE.
Have you ever chopped something with an axe? No.
What is one mistake you’ve made that you hope to never repeat? Hand my entire identity and worth over to another person.
What was the last thing that kept you awake? My brain doesn't know how to shut the fuck up whenever I try to sleep; that's the primary problem, and it's been that way since I was a literal child. My brain is just always, ALWAYS going, even when I try to tell myself to just concentrate on sleeping. Then there's also the fact my tattoo is starting to scab, and just because of the location, I can really feel the scabbing pull when I roll around in bed, and that obviously hurts.
If you have pets, do they sleep in your bedroom at night? Roman generally does, and sometimes Cookie decides to sleep in my bed instead of Mom's. Venus' terrarium is also in my bedroom.
Can you sleep with background noise or does it keep you up? Only if it's something on the quieter side and monotonous, like a fan. I definitely struggle with like, a TV being on.
Who was the last person to cook you a meal? What did they make? Mom made popcorn shrimp and white rice tonight.
Who was the last person you cooked a meal for? What did you make? I made eggs once when Sara was here.
Who is your female celeb crush? (If applicable) Y'ALL I fucking hate wrestling and find the acting cringy as shit, including whom's I'm about to mention (I know because my niece and nephew like watching????), but Rhea Ripley could RUIN ME and I would thank her
Who is your male celeb crush? (If applicable) I don't think I'll ever be able to explain my level of attraction towards Richard Kruspe even though he could literally be my dad h e l p
Do you have a favorite Marvel character? Probably Deadpool.
Favorite DC character? Harley Quinn.
Who has been your favorite actor to play Batman (live-action)? No opinion, I haven't even seen them all.
Who has been your favorite live-action Joker? Heath Ledger was MADE for the role imo, even if it did cause him a lot of harm. I probably also just have a bias because Heath Ledger's Joker was Jason's favorite thing on the face of the planet.
Has a horror film ever actually scared you? Which one(s)? [TW: RAPE MENTION] There's only been one that has, and that's only because it fed off my pregnancy phobia: The Rite. Doubt it's spoiler material with just being a big part of the plot and it's an old movie now, but a woman is raped by either a demon or just straight-up the devil and it's EXTREMELY fucking gross, like I could not handle it. I still wouldn't watch it to this day, I'm pretty sure I didn't even finish watching it when Nicole had it on. Like obviously I don't believe in supernatural impregnation but I still couldn't handle it.
What was the last horror movie you saw? Well Girt and I startedThe Black Phone but didn't finish it, I've told this story enough.
What was the first horror movie you remember seeing? What did you think of it? Hmmmm... it might have been the OG Paranormal Activity movie. At least, that's the first I remember. I liked it; I tend to like "paranormal evidence" horror films, the ones that seem like they actually happened and can't be explained. I find those much easier to put yourself into/imagine them happening to you.
Name a few historical figures you find interesting. Why? I don't care enough about history for this lmao.
What is your favorite historical film and why? The Boy in the Striped Pajamas because it tears my fucking heart ENTIRELY open every time I see it. I'm crying without fail.
Do you usually enjoy historical films? Not usually, or at least they're not the sort of movies that I seek out.
Name a sequel film (any franchise) you like better than the first film. Why is that? Shrek 2 lmao, the first movie is absolutely legendary and I love it but the second is just more fun to me.
Which do you find most interesting: Greek, Roman, or Norse mythology? Why? Greek. I think it's just because that's what I know most about, though. I will say what I know of Norse is awesome too; it has total potential to be my favorite if I actually knew more about it. All I do know comes from the two most recent God of War games, and while I'm quite sure it is a rather accurate representation of key roles and events, I'm definitely not sure.
Which tale from whichever mythology you listed above do you find most interesting? ... You're making me realize I actually don't remember a lot of Greek mythos lmao, it's been too long since I was in mythology class. With Norse though, I think Jörmungandr as well as Sköll and Hati's lore are very cool.
Do you collect anything? What was the last item you added to that collection? Meerkat stuff is my primary collection; I think the last thing I got relating to meerkats was a shirt. I also collect Silent Hill merch, but I can't recall what the last thing I added on was.
What is your favorite vampire movie? I don't really have one.
Your favorite fictional couple? This is BASICALLY impossible, but I thiiiink I can pick one: Woo Young-Woo and Lee Jung-Ho from Extraordinary Attorney Woo, like that is just a STRAIGHT-UP wholesome, genuine relationship that warms my fucking heart to mush.
Do you have a favorite historical couple? Nope. Again, just don't know enough about history or care enough to dig into their personal lives, especially.
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raineydays411 · 3 years
Bruce Banner x daughter!reader
Summary: You are finally reunited with your father. 
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Your heart raced as you waited for Loki to return. 
Apparently, Thor escaped and took Hulk with him. You were happy that they found a way to leave this damn planet. Or at least get out of the vicinity of the Grandmaster. 
But now, the Grandmaster was upset, calling for Loki. Turns out, you’ve come to care for the man, more than you ever thought you would. 
So here you are, outside the Grandmasters throne room, ready to step in if needed. You have no idea what you’d do, but you’d step in. That’s when Loki came out. You jogged up to his side, not realizing that he was with someone else.
“Well? Are you alright? What happened?” You ask, looking at his face for answers.
“Darling I am fine. Are you okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” He teases, then he turns his attention to the woman next to you. 
“What have you done?”
“I don’t answer to you, lackey.”
Loki grabs her arm, “It’s Loki, and you will answer to the Grandmaster.”
“Um hey maybe you shouldn’t” 
Then, she pushed his arm off her, the two of them hitting each other resulting in Loki getting punched in the face. 
‘Hmmph” The woman says smugly. Annoyed, Loki pulls out a dagger. 
“Why would you help my brother escape with that green fool” He asks pointing the blade at her threatingly. She pulls out her own knife.
“I don’t help anyone.” Loki lunges at her, the both of them swiping at each other trying to land a hit. You watch anxiously, debating on whether or not you would step in. That’s when Loki gets her arm pinned, seeing her tattoo.
“You’re a Valkyrie?” he questions, she breaks his hold, but he disarms her. She, however, doesn’t need a weapon as he lands several punches on Loki, managing to throw him to the wall.
“I thought the Valkyrie all dies gruesome deaths.” Loki taunted. It was surprising to hear him speak like this. He has always been so kind to you, you forget how cold his personality could be. He had a way to get under peoples skin, dig into their deepest insecurities. 
The Valkyrie knees him in the chest and hold the daggers to his face. “Choose your next words carefully.” She threatens.
That was enough to get you to jump in. You kick the back of her knee, making her loose her stance. Shocked at the sudden assault, her state allowed Loki to move in.
“I’m terribly sorry. It must be a painful memory.” Then he strikes, placing his hand on her forehead. It looks like she was forced into a memory. He face turning grim as she is forced to remember what, you assume to be an awful memory. 
She falls to the floor, shocked at what she had seen. Then she recovered. Faster than what Loki expected and pinned him on the ground, promptly knocking him out. 
You cringe, that punch looked like it hurt. Suddenly she stands up. Turning her attention on you.
“Hey, I’m no Loki but I’m pretty scrappy.” You say, tense and prepared to fight. She scoffs at your words.
“I’m not going to fight a child. You’ll either come willingly or face the Grandmaster.”
You sigh, gathering your bags. “ Yeah, yeah, I’m coming.” 
She drags Loki, who is still knocked out and leads you outside the castle. 
“We have to hurry before the streets get busy. The Grandmaster has already announced the disappearance of his champion.” She says, walking briskly as you follow along.
“So...you helped Thor escape?” You ask trying to keep up with her.
“More like he tricked me. Like I said before, I don’t help.”
“Then why are you taking Loki? You could’ve just left him.” You inquire.
Valkyrie huffs and turns to you, “ You ask a lot of questions, kid.” 
“I’m a curious person.” You respond. You look around, the streets are already filling with people. They all are so diverse. It was different out here, seeing them in green and parading around masks and costumes of the Hulk. On Earth, people feared him. But here, he was...praised. 
“I have a question.” Valkyrie says, “How did a Midgardian child end up all the way out here, with this.” She gestures to Loki.
“I was looking for my father.” You say shortly, “Loki saw me panicking and helped me out. We’ve been together ever since.”
“hmm” she hums, “We’re here.” 
She leads you into a house, it was green and white, kind of like the other room Thor was imprisoned in. 
“You stay here.” She says dropping Loki on a small stool. She tied him with a chain she pulls out from no where. “ I have to go find that idiot.” 
Then she leaves you alone with a passed out Loki. 
You sigh, taking a seat next to a window. You pull out your phone and start listening to music. You don’t feel like writing so you just stare out the window. You start to song to yourself lowly, already bored of just waiting here.
Then you hear a groan. You turn to look at Loki, who was waking up.
“Y/n? What happened” He asks wincing in pain
“You got knocked the fuck out man.” You tease. “ That Valkyrie lady brought us to her house or something.”
“Are you alright? Did she hurt you” He says struggling with the chains.
“No, just threatened me and made me come with her. I would’ve anyway, I wasn’t going to leave you. Besides, she’s kind of hot.” You say, getting up from where you were sat and grabbed a random bottle that looked like a drink.
Loki looks at you weirdly considering what you just said.
‘Here” you said, holding the bottle to his lips, “ You must be thirsty.”
He drinks from the bottle but spits it out, “Ugh that's alcohol”
You look at him and then the bottle. 
“Don’t even think about it.” He warns.
“Aw man.”
Thor had just made it to the quinjet. He’s relieved to find that the jet still works.
“Welcome, voice activation required.”
He places his hand on the scanner.
Access denied.
“Thor, Son of Odin.”
Access denied
“God of Thunder’
Access denied
“Strongest Avenger.”
Access denied
“Strongest Avenger” He emphasizes.
Access denied.
Thor grunts in frustration. Trying to rack his brain for any possible passwords or nicknames. He sighs realizing what it must be.
“Damn you Stark. Point Break”
All the lights turn on as the plane is activated. 
“Welcome Point Break.”
Thor rolls his eyes and starts working on starting the quinjet. 
That’s when the Hulk tears the back open.
“FRIEND STAY” He shouts, making his way inside the plane.
“Hulk no!” Thor shouts, trying to get him to stop wrecking the already damaged ship.
“ STAY!” Hulk shouts stubbornly. Thor starts desperately looking for a way to preserve the ship.
He clicks random buttons, in hopes of a miracle. That's when a video pops up.
“Nice work Big guy” Natasha's voice comes through, “ We don’t know where Ultron's headed but you’re going very high, very fast. We can’t track you...”
Hulk freezes. Then jerks around. He bangs his head against the walls, punches himself in the head. 
“NO BANNER.” Hulk shouts. 
Thor presses another button. And another video pops up.
“Hi daddy. It’s me.” Your twelve year old voice rings through the jet, “ Tony doesn’t know I’m in here, but I need you to hear this. Come home. Please, I need you. I don’t care if you’re the hulk or anything. I just want my dad…don’t leave me...” 
Thor can see emotion in Hulks eyes. He roars, desperate to stay as he is. 
He fluctuated between Hulk and Bruce. They both fight to gain control of each other. Till finally he collapses, shrinking down to reveal Bruce Banner, panting in exhaustion.
“Banner?” Thor says carefully, slowly placing a hand on the mans shoulders.
Bruce jumps, not aware of his surroundings. Thor hushes him, attempting to calm him down,
“Shh, shh the suns going down. The suns going down real low”
“Thor?” Bruce says panting.
“What happened to your hair?” 
“Oh some creepy old guy cut it off”
“It looks good.”
“Oh thanks” Thor says smiling.
“Where are we? Where’s Nat? How is she?”
Thor frowns, “Um, she’s good. I assume.” 
“What about Sokovia? Did we save the city?” Bruce asks 
“Banner, listen, Sokovia, Ultron. All that was four years ago.”
Bruce's heart dropped, “I’ve been the hulk for four years”
Thor winces, “I’m afraid so..”
Bruce looks down at the beads has wearing and takes them off. Then he freezes, “Thor, my daughter. Y/n..is she okay?”
“Of course, oh Banner she’s wonderful. She... she’s waiting for you.” Thor says, not knowing how to tell him that you were on the same planet. 
“I have to get home... I” Bruce stands up almost toppling over but Thor catches him.
“Banner there's something you should know...”
Bruce gets up and goes to the hand scanner 
“Bruce Banner”
Welcome, Strongest Avenger.
“What?” Thor says offended. 
Him and Bruce watch the footage from when he crashed on Sakaar. 
Thor sighs knowing that this was going to be hard to explain.
You sigh, after trying the fifth time to free Loki.
“What the hell are these chains made out of?” You grunt
Loki laughs, “Darling don’t stress yourself. We’ll escape in time.” 
You sigh and sit down next to Loki. 
“Was that you I heard singing earlier?” He asks, turning his head to face you. 
“Oh.. yeah, I do that a lot.” You blush, even though you’re a theater kid, you still get shy when singing in front of people.
“It was lovely.” Loki remarks not meeting your eyes. You smile, knowing not to make a big deal. You’re stomach growls. 
“There’s some fruit over there.” Loki says, “ They look about ripe.” 
You stand and walk towards the counter of fruit. It was just beyond the view of the door. You help yourself to the fruit. It was weird, like a mix of cantaloupe and a grape. You were about to offer Loki some when you saw him wipe his face of emotion and into an irritated look. Then the door opened.
“Surprise.” Loki said sarcastically. Then you see a can hit him in the forehead.
“Ow.” He says in a monotone.
“Just making sure.” you hear Thor say, walking into the place.
“Hello Bruce.” Loki says. 
You freeze, hearing your fathers voice for the first time in four years.
“So, last time I saw you, you were trying to kill everybody. Where are you at these days?’
“It varies from moment to moment.” 
You decide to make your presence known. You gulped and over your beating heart said, “ Don’t be such a drama king, you sound like an edgy middle school boy.” 
Loki smirks, looking towards you, but before he can say anything Thor cuts him off.
“Y/n! Thank heavens you’re alright” Thor says patting your shoulder. 
You smile up at him , avoiding your fathers stare, “Yeah I’m good, Lord of Thunder.” 
You take a deep breath, the room going quiet.
You slowly turn, facing your father, “Hi daddy...”
Bruce can hear his heart beating in his ears. He didn’t recognize you at first. He couldn’t have, the last time he saw you...you were a kid. This tiny little twelve year old that was barely in sixth grade. 
But here you are. His daughter, four years older. A teenager. He...He lost four years with you. He practically missed you growing up. Your first period, first day of high school. Here you were, on an other planet, dressed in some weird suit of armor, conversing with a man who tried to enslave Earth like he was an old friend. 
“Y/n?” He says in disbelief. You turn to him, slowly. Your face...you..you look just like your mother.
“Hi daddy” You say as your eyes start to water.
“Y/n” He says striding towards you and pulling you into a tight hug, “ Wha-what are you doing here? What are you wearing?”
“I came to look for you.” You respond, your face pressed into his chest. He pulls away, grabbing your face in his hands.
“God...look at you, you...you were just a kid..” He whispers tears filling his eyes. You smile sadly and nod. You really don’t know what to say, you’re relieved to finally see your dad but...it’s kind of awkward with all these people around.
“What is going on?” Valkyrie whispers to Thor as they watch the emotional scene play out.
“Oh, Y/n is Bruce’s daughter who hasn’t seen him for four years.” Thor simply says, “ Is that a dragonfang?!”
Valkyrie rolls her eyes at the topic change, “ sure is”
You roll your eyes, overhearing their conversation.
“ So, you were with Thor this whole time?” Bruce asks confused, “ why didn’t I see you?”
“Um actually I was with Loki..” you answer nervously, peaking over at Loki who looked annoyed to still be tied up.
“Did he kidnap you?” Bruce asks, “Thor, you let my daughter run around with your psychotic brother?!”
“ Hey!” Loki said offended. You giggle, always finding him being insulted amusing. You look at Loki's face, seeing an emotion in his eyes that you can’t place.
“Shh Banner stay calm” Thor says soothingly, “ in my defense I was enslaved and forced to fight.” He shoots a glare at Valkyrie who was drinking. She rolls her eyes and picks up another bottle.
“Can we get back to the plan?” Valkyrie, “ Sakaar and Asgard are as far apart as any two known systems. Our best bet, is a wormhole just outside of city limits. If we refuel on Xandar, and we can be back on Asgard in about...18 months.”
“Nope. We’re going through the big one.” Thor says, pointing at the large wormhole in the sky. 
“The Devil’s Anus?” 
You snort at the name as your dad’s attention is caught.
“Anus? wait, wait, wait, whose anus?” Bruce says, letting go of you and walking to the two Asgardians.
“For the record, I didn’t know it was called that when I picked it.”
You walk up to Loki, and sit next to him looking out the window.
“That looks like a collapsing neutron star inside of an Eisen-Rosen Bridge.” Bruce says facing the window. 
“We need another ship, that one would tear mine to pieces.” Valkyrie says drinking from another bottle. 
“She’s right, we’ll need one that can withstand the geodetic strain from the singularity” Thor says.
You make eye contact with Loki, both of you realizing that the Grandmaster has a bunch of ships. You have a silent conversation with him, trying to convince him to do the right thing. Considering that the time you two spent there, he had you steal the access codes to the security systems with his guide.
You look up at the right second to see your dad and Thor fist bump. Kind of awkwardly but its nice to see him get out of his comfort zone. 
“There are one of two ships, one of top of the line models and...”
“I don’t mean to impose..” Loki starts, but Valkyrie throws her bottle at him, nearly hitting him but smashing into the wall instead. Loki slightly turns his body to shield you from the glass, even though you were on the other side. You glare at her from where you are sat.
“The fuck...” You start, but see Loki's face telling you to stay quiet. 
“The Grandmaster has a great many ships. Y/n here, may have stolen the access codes to his security systems,” He says proudly glancing at you. You blush as the three glance at you. Your father looking at you in confusion.
“And suddenly you’re both overcome with the urge to do the right thing?” 
“Heavens no.” “I’m literally just vibing” You both say at the same time.
“We’ve run out of favor with the Grandmaster. In exchange for codes and access to a ship, I’m asking for safe passage, through the Anus. For the both of us.” Loki concludes glaring at you when you laugh at the wording.
“You’re telling us, you can get us a ship without setting the alarms?” Thor asks
“Yes brother, we can.”
“Why don’t we just take the girl? She’s the one who knows  the codes.” Valkyrie asks glaring at the both of you. 
“Y/n is not going back to that retched place.” Loki states, “We both know those codes, and she stays far away, where its safe.” 
“Okay, can we just,” Bruce gestures for the team to meet up, “just a quick fyi. Y/n you too.”
You groan, getting up from your spot as Loki rolls his eyes. You walk over to the 
“ I was just talking to him, and he was totally ready to kill any of us.”
“He did try to kill me.” Valkyrie says. 
“Yes, me too on many, many occasions.” Thor adds, “ There was this one time when we were children, he transformed himself into a snake, and he knows that I love snakes. So I went to pick up the snake to admire it.” “
no” Bruce whispers
 “ And he transformed back into himself and was like ‘blegh its me’ and then he stabbed me. We were eight at the time.”
Bruce looked back at Loki in disbelief, and when you looked at Loki you can see a small smile creep up on his face. 
“Well, he’s never tried to kill me.” You chime in, “ He made me some soup thing when I got sick. “
The three adults looked at you in disbelief. 
“Sweetheart, he’s murdered people.” Bruce said. 
“Okay?? He’s my emotional support murderer. He hugs me when I’m sad.” You say rolling your eyes. 
Thor and Valkyrie look at you in confusion. 
“That doesn’t sound healthy.” Bruce mutters
“Dad, if Bucky can get a second chance then so can Loki” You say stubbornly leaving the group to sit with Loki.
“Who’s Bucky?”
“Guys, if we’re going to boost a ship we have to draw attention away from the palace.”
“Why not set the beast loose?”
“Shut up” “That's a terrible idea.”
“Hey, why don’t you start a revaluation?” You say.
The adults look at you again in surprise. 
“I thought of that “ Thor says.
“Well I said it first.’ You snipe back with a smirk.
“...You’ve spent too much time with Loki.”
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nightingaelic · 3 years
Fnv Companions react to Fem Courier being trans girl (sorry feel abit of self projection today hahah)
Don't feel sorry for wanting to see yourself reflected in the world around you, we all want to know that we belong.
The Forecaster frowned, and his eyes moved rapidly from left to right as if scanning some hidden radar. "Your face does the thinking... two to the skull, yet one gets up," he said.
The courier who stood before the boy nodded and touched her fingers to her temple, almost reflexively. "That's me."
"Odds are against you," the Forecaster went on, squinting. "But they're just numbers after the two-to-one. You've changed suits once, clubs to diamonds, and now you're playing the hand you've been dealt."
At this, the courier stiffened suddenly. "Um..."
The Forecaster went on, unaware of his customer's discomfort. "But you don't let it rest, you shuffle and stack, and a gamble... a gamble that may pay off? But how? Forecast: Rapidly changing conditions."
"Um... thanks." The courier counted out the caps and handed them over to the boy, then beat a hasty retreat from beneath the overpass.
Once back atop Highway 95, she took her traveling companion aside. "Before you think I worked for some Mojave faction and deserted, that thing he said about changing suits... I didn't think he'd... what he meant was... I wasn't always..."
She sighed and ran a hand over her head. "Hell, it's about time I told you anyway. I'm trans."
Arcade Gannon: Arcade stopped her before she could stumble into an over-explanation. "It's, uh, it's okay. I... may have already known."
"You..." The courier's eyes widened. "You did? But who told you?"
"I, um..." Arcade straightened his glasses and looked up at the sky, avoiding eye contact. "Oh boy. Doctor Usanagi..."
Immediately, the courier's eyes narrowed. "... doesn't betray doctor-patient confidentiality, but I was in one of her medical clinics that day you came in for the NEMEAN sub-dermal armor," Arcade finished hastily. "She, uh, asked me and a couple of the others to help her close you up."
"Oh." The courier relaxed her stance a bit. "Oh yeah, I remember. I mean, I don't remember you, but I do remember signing the form that said I was okay with med student assistance. Why didn't you say anything, when I first asked you to tag along?"
Arcade shrugged. "I don't betray doctor-patient confidentiality either. Usanagi hammers that into you pretty hard on day one. Besides, something like that doesn't matter much outside of a doctor's office."
Craig Boone: Boone shrugged. "Okay."
The courier's eyes darted around his countenance, looking for some kind of stronger reaction. "Nothing? Not even a 'congratulations' or a disapproving grimace? Who are you, Boone?"
"Unconcerned," he shot back testily. "Unless it affects your aim somehow, it's not a problem. If that's what you're asking."
The courier sighed. "No, it's... you're fine. I guess I'm still pretty defensive about it. Especially around NCR types."
Boone nodded. "There were a few officers that Manny and I operated under who weren't the open-minded sort. They didn't last long."
Lily Bowen: Lily looked positively stormy. "Did that young man just air your personal business for the whole trading post to hear without a care in the world?" she thundered, with all her grandmotherly might. "Let's go back, dearie, I need to give him a piece of my mind."
"Lily, no," the courier protested, grabbing the nightkin's arm before she could stomp off toward the overpass again. "He probably doesn't even know what he said, it's just part of his gift. And no one's going to put two and two together unless I tell them outright, like I did you."
"If you say so, pumpkin." Lily smiled and settled herself. "But I can always ask Leo for a little help if anyone has cross words for you about this."
The courier sighed and patted her companion's arm. "No need for that, Lily. That reminds me, you should take your medication today."
Lily wrapped her up in a hug. "You take such good care of Grandma, my sweet girl."
Raul Alfonso Tejada: "Mija." Raul smiled. "How long you been holding onto that for?"
The courier let out the breath she'd taken, and her shoulders sank back to a normal level. "Well not everyone takes news like that too well. I didn't know if you would... mind."
"Mind?" Raul shook his head. "Oye. I've lived a long time, out here in the desert. It's a lonely place, even if you're surrounded by a crowd on the Strip. You can lose yourself pretty easily, lose sight of what you want, what you are. I'd know better than most. If you held onto who you want to be, then that's a victory, in the Mojave."
"Um..." The courier's eyes were shiny with tears, but before Raul could comment or pull out a handkerchief, she'd enveloped him in an unexpected hug. "Thanks, viejo."
Rose of Sharon Cassidy: "Well, I'll be a gecko's uncle." Cass grinned. "You're serious? All this time on the road together, and you didn't think you could tell me that? I'm wounded, Six."
"Hey now, you were slow to trust me, too," the courier pointed out with a growing smirk. "I was gonna tell you after the Silver Rush situation, if we made it out alive, but then we did and you were riding so high at the Atomic Wrangler that I didn't want to dampen your memory of that day."
"Dampen my..." Cass chuckled and clapped the courier on the shoulder. "Better fix your metaphor there, Six. Rain in the desert is a good thing. And trust between friends would never dampen my day."
She held up a hand before the courier could protest. "I know, I know what you were worried about. Trust me, I'm not the type to froth at the mouth over propriety or 'family values.' Thought you'd've picked up on that, with my smart mouth and wanderin' eyes."
"Wandering..." The courier ducked out from under her arm and danced away, laughing. "Uh-uh. I helped you with your vendetta, now you help me with mine. Then we'll buy a drink at the Tops and talk, whiskey rose."
Veronica Santangelo: "You..." Veronica's eyes went as wide as the Mojave's full moon. "Oh. Oh."
Slowly, the Scribe sank into a sitting position on the cracked asphalt. "That explains a few things, I suppose."
The courier sat down next to her. "Like what?"
Veronica started ticking things off on her fingers. "Both that guy in Primm and the bartender in Goodsprings called you by a different name, but they were the same name and it sounded kind of like yours so I wrote it off as a coincidence. Benny didn't recognize you right away, even though he shot you in the head. And Arcade locked us all out of your room that time you took some shrapnel to the torso and were laid up in the Lucky 38 until you weren't covered in bandages."
"Oh yeah." The courier grinned. "Surprised you didn't piece it together sooner, then."
"I sometimes forget that's something people can do," Veronica admitted. "Remember when I said that some in the Brotherhood don't look too kindly on those who choose relationships that don't produce new children? Well, ditto and worse for those who want to transition. Most of the ones brave enough to do it anyway don't stay Brotherhood for long."
ED-E: The eyebot beeped in mock surprise, then whizzed around the courier three times playing triumphant music. She giggled and swatted the bot away playfully. "Go on then. I have no idea how you could've known, but there it is."
ED-E beeped quizzically once it came to a stop.
"Why hide it?" the courier responded. "Well, unlike robots, some people think it's strange to change your... parts. Or even just your classification. Honestly, it's old-world thinking, no clue."
The eyebot beeped long and low, almost like a coo of affection and reassurance.
"Thanks, ED-E," the courier said with a smile. "I'll try to remember that."
Rex: Rex cocked his head to the side. The courier knelt down to his level and scratched his ears, inspecting his new brain and cybernetic limbs as she did.
"I don't know why I'm telling you this," she murmured, increasing her attentions as Rex leaned into her. "You probably already knew, with that amazing nose of yours. I think your owner knows, otherwise why keep spouting that line of his whenever I come around?"
Rex whined, and the courier smiled. "You know. 'Do what's right for you, so long as it don't hurt no one.' Got that seared into my brain as surely as that bullet, thanks to him. I bet that king he's worshipping never even said that."
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pleasantanathema · 4 years
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Pairing: Daichi x Fem! Reader
Rating: Explicit (18+ only)
Warnings: Cheating, semi-public sex, dirty talk, a hand over your mouth to keep you quiet
Word count: 2.7k
A/N: Thank you to the sweet anon who requested this! It’s a little longer than I expected, but I got very into this. My requests are still open! I’m working on a few others tonight, but I’m, of course, going slower than expected haha.
           It was never hard to find Sawamura Daichi in a crowded room. As demure as he seemed, he stood out, broad shoulders and wide stance making him appear large, commanding…though perhaps it was easier for you to find him, seeing as though you were always looking for him.
           You wondered if he knew you’d be here.
           The house party was far out of your usual university bubble, a gathering of alumni and older students from a neighboring college, all muddled voices and low lights, a bass thumping music from the living room. You wouldn’t normally venture out this far on a week night, but you’d heard mutterings from Tsukishima about the open invites his older brother had mentioned, and you had hoped that Daichi heard the same rumor mill as well.
           You planned to leave if he wasn’t there, but now you were just waiting for an opportunity to get closer, or perhaps for him to seek you out.
           He was a vexation to you, a temptation that never seemed to go away, not even after you found your partner over a year ago. You still found yourself awake at night, wishing you were in someone else’s arms, in his arms. You’d check your phone, look at his location, dreaming that you were there in his apartment, that he would text you and beg you to come over.
           But you knew he never would. He had been dating the same girl since high school, he was loyal to a fault, even if that fault meant you’d never get to touch him like you wanted to.
           He was forbidden fruit, the box warned to never be opened, else you’d both have to face the consequences.
           However, you had a feeling that the consequences would surely be damned tonight.
          You felt the heavy presence of his gaze since you spotted him, felt like you were being pulled into his gravity well, all your thoughts churning and tumbling around him, your lungs tightening when you’d catch his eyes across the room. It was maddening, like there were whispers in your ears telling you to go to him, to touch him, an invisible cord tugging at your heels to get closer.
           He must have felt it too, that pull, because before the night was over, his hands were on your waist, large palms gripping at the fabric of your skirt as he led you into a back room. He was polite about it, using his size to help the two of you navigate between the throngs of people, but his grip was harsh, crushing, like he was afraid if he let you go, you’d disappear into the crowd.
           “Do you know anyone here?”
           There was more to his question, you could hear remnants of more words resting under his tongue, suppressed but still heavy.
           “No,” you shook your head, lacing your fingers into his as you spotted a surprisingly empty couch against a forgotten wall.
           The music in this room was dulled, sound bouncing off the walls in a vicious repeat of being heard and unheard. Someone had lined the ceiling with neon lights, the kind that cycled through colors, and there were cups, empty and full, left neglected on the floor, the furniture, each one holding the memory of a person come and gone from the room.
           Daichi took the lead when it came to the couch, body weight sinking into the worn cushions. Then he was tugging you into him, onto him, spreading you across his thick thighs as you settled into his lap.
           “Then what are you doing here?”
           He said the words like he didn’t already know the answer, like his hands weren’t back on your waist, fingers sneaking under the sides of your shirt to rub against too-hot skin.
           Your mind was swimming, still trying to catch up and recognize that he’d pulled you into his lap, that he was making the move to touch you, to begin prying open the lid to something that should not be opened.
           Confidence was bubbling in your throat. You felt powerful like this, your hands on his shoulders, body hovering over his, his dark brown eyes looking up at you like he wanted something, something only you could give him.
           “I’m here for the same reason you are.”
           You were here because his lingering touches gave you hope, every brush against your lower back on your way to class, every smile and quip that he threw over his shoulder just for you. You were here because you needed to feel him, you needed to know if what you were craving was truly what you were missing.
           He was here to see if you really wanted him, to know if all your late-night texts were more than just flirting with temptation, to know if you wouldn’t run away when he finally touched all the places on your body he thought about on restless nights.
           You both knew all the reasons, which is why your body was quick to mold against his, legs snug against his thighs, hands tracing his neck, his face. His hands were bolder, slinking farther up your top, hot and heavy and engulfing against your stomach, up to your breasts.
           No one knew you here, no one would know. Only you two knew the history that lined every caress, every excited breath and heartbeat.
           No one would know that when you pressed your mouth to his, you were kissing something that didn’t belong to you. But in that moment, he was yours, and you were his, and neither of you were going to let that go to waste.
           Daichi groaned against your lips, a soft grumble that sent tingles down your spine. You nestled in closer to his lap, slanting your mouth against his hungrily as he groped at your breasts, thick fingers dipping underneath the fabric of your bra. You could feel him getting hard within his jeans, pent up lust brewing from where your core was pressed against his erection.
           As your tongue slid into his mouth, you urged one of his hands to trail lower down your body, grasping it gently as you placed him underneath your skirt.
           “Touch me,” you whispered, losing the words in his mouth.
           He didn’t have to be told twice.
           Two of his fingers curled against your damp panties, tracing over the outline of your pussy. You moaned quietly, still aware that there were people filtering in and out of the room, though it’s not like anyone was sober enough to pay the lovebirds on the couch any mind.
           You kissed at his jawline, trailing your lips down his thick neck, being careful not leave any marks behind, though there was something pressing in the back of your mind telling you to claim him.
           “Fuck, you’re wet,” he said it with a grin, his other hand now pinching at your hardening nipple beneath your shirt.  
           “I’m always wet when you’re around.”
           The rumble that left his chest almost startled you. It sounded possessive, like he was coming alive at your words, coming alive from touching the most sensitive parts of your body.
           He roughly moved your panties to the side, fingers now dancing within your slick, back and forth, finger tips brushing against your folds and spreading you apart. He prodded your tight hole, testing the waters before plunging one of his fingers inside of you.
           You hissed out a sound of delight, head tipping back and spine arching at the sudden wave of pleasure. After a few quick pumps, he added a second, keen eyes watching how your chest heaved and your mouth fell open.
           “I bet that feels better than your own pretty fingers, baby.”
           It wasn’t even a question; he knew the answer to that. He leaned forward, licking up your exposed throat with a flat tongue, greedily taking in the sweetness of your skin as he kept his fingers moving inside of you.
           You were gripping onto his shoulder for dear life, nails piercing into the tight threads of his t-shirt. Your hips rocked down against his hand that was obscured by your skirt, your thighs growing hot as they rubbed against his dark jeans.
           “You’re so tight,” he breathed against your neck, eyes closing as he focused on feeling you, “like someone doesn’t fuck you right.”
           A strangled sound left your mouth, shocked and sharp, but smothered by the moan that soon followed as he curled his fingers inside of you, pressing and rubbing against the fleshy patch of your inner walls.
           You couldn’t remember that last time you touched yourself and didn’t think of him. You couldn’t even remember the last time you didn’t close your eyes during sex and wish that he was on top of you, moaning your name and whispering praises.
           You moved to press your forehead against his, sweet little sounds still pouring from your lips.
           “I need you to fuck me right, please.”
           “You want me stuff this pretty little pussy under your skirt? Fuck you right here?”
           You nodded silently, brain sloshing with bliss, shocks of heat and pleasure still rolling from where he was driving his fingers inside of you.
           “Yes, I want you so, so badly, Daichi.”
           One of your hands was sliding down his chest, fingers almost catching in the defined grooves of his muscles. Deft fingers worked at his belt buckle, hastily pulling at the leather like nirvana was waiting within his jeans. He moved to help you, releasing his hold on your breast so his hand could aid yours in freeing his cock from his zipper.
           You settled in closer, wrapping your hand around his cock, thumb tracing a thick vein as you kept him pressed close to your belly. His head fell back against the couch, massive shoulders sagging with a breathy sigh as you pumped his wide cock in your palm. His skin was hot and silky, pre-cum sticky against your fingers.
           A whine left your chest as he pulled his fingers out of you, covering your small hand with his slick covered fingers to have you sliding against him harder, faster.
           “Sit on me, baby, let me feel you.”
           Your hands returned to his shoulders for balance as you lifted your thighs up enough to let his cock settle between them.
           He kept his grip on your thighs, easing you down onto his length. You molded your lips to his again to keep quiet, a burning, blooming line of ecstasy stemming from where his cock was sinking into your depths. He tasted so good, warm like bourbon, like foreign, forbidden spices that you couldn’t get enough of.
           Daichi mumbled curses against your mouth, his fingers so deep into the flesh of your thighs that you worried for a moment that he would bruise you. Let him, your mind screamed, you wanted something to remember this moment by.
           You gasped as he finally sheathed all of himself inside of you, your legs back to resting against his jeans. One of his hands found your face, cupping your cheek and keeping your mouth on his, lips wet and messy as they moved against one another.
           Your inner walls burned from the intrusion of his fat cock, but you felt so whole, like you were made to sit on him and suck him into you.
           “You feel so good, so fucking tight,” his was voice was cracking, like he was holding in his sound.
           You rocked your hips tentatively, whining softly when you felt the sweet stretch of his cock inside you, felt the thick length of him plunge deeper inside you. You could cum just like this, just from the thrill of it all, of finally having the man you wanted most seated inside your cunt.
           “No one’s here,” he mused, gaze settled over your shoulder to look at the empty room, the ghost of music the only presence left, “be a good girl and be quiet for me, okay?”
           You nodded against the hand still placed against your cheek, nuzzling into it for comfort as he began to thrust his hips up into you.
           “Fuck, oh fuck, yes, anything you say,” you muttered, eyes closed as he used the hand on your hip to help bounce you into his lap.
           You both fell into a brisk rhythm, bodies rocking and bucking against each other, fingers digging into skin, moans left stuck in your throats.
           It was all so much, the feeling of his jeans against your thighs, against your clit every time you sat back into his lap, the feeling of his breath against your neck, of his cock splitting apart your wet insides. You could feel your slick against his thighs, feel it pooling against his dick every time he left your wet heat only to pump back in again.
           “What are you going to do with the cum I leave inside you?”
           You whined at the thought, causing his palm to press against your mouth to keep you quiet.
           “You’re gonna leave it inside you, alright? Let it sink into your panties all night.”
           You nodded your head eagerly, hips rolling a little faster to get you closer to that point. You wanted to feel him cum inside you, wanted to feel his seed drip slowly from inside you for the rest of the night.
           His thrusts were getting a bit frantic, the rhythm breaking as you felt him twitching inside of you. Then his thumb was sliding beneath the fabric of your panties, rubbing tight, quick circles on your clit. The shock of pleasure had you panting against his palm, eyes squeezing shut as you felt that tight coil inside your belly ready to burst.
           “God, I want you to be mine.”
           He said it into your throat, planting wet kisses between the words against your skin.
           If he only he knew you were already his. You had been for so long, every other thought you had was about him, every weak moment you had revolved around how badly you wanted him, how you needed this.
           You were pressing up that orgasmic ladder hard and fast, the thrusts of his cock and the swirling of his thumb throwing higher and higher towards the peak you desired.
           Then, the world suddenly didn’t exist anymore. You saw white behind your eyelids, felt heat explode from inside your core, waves of euphoria washing over your body as you creamed around his cock. You could feel your walls sucking him in tighter, fluttering with each crest and ebb of your orgasm, bringing him to the point of stopping as you milked his cock for all the cum he promised.
           You cried into his hand, grateful that it was there to stifle your sounds of ecstasy as you came apart around him. You felt his cum coating your insides, thick and warm, cock drooling relentlessly until all the cum couldn’t be contained inside of you, instead spilling out from where his cock met the spread folds of your cunt.
           You pried his hand from your face, crashing your lips onto his as you felt a rush of heavy emotions come in the wake of your orgasm.
           He held you close, smoothing his lips over yours with tender kisses as he petted your cheek, ran his fingers down your back.
           “Come home with me,” he whispered against your mouth, hope laced between his words.
           “I-I can’t, I shouldn’t.”
           You could tell the weight of your actions were settling into his composure now, saw the realization flash across his eyes. But then something new fell into his resolve, a look of determination.
           “Come home with me and stay with me.”
           A thought flashed across your mind, the image of the body you left behind at home in bed, and then that picture blended into one of you wrapped in Daichi’s arms, comforted and whole and desired like how you wanted.
           You brushed your hand across his cheek, felt his grin tug against your palm.
           “You’ll have to pull your cock out of me before I can follow you home.”
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miss-tc-nova · 3 years
Events Unchanged - Xehanort x Eraqus
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So THIS is my final piece for the @checkmate-zine. I had a blast writing it and it’s probably one of my favorite pieces I’ve ever written. Please check out the other creators on this project because they are all absolutely amazing.​
Music Inspiration: End In Tragedy and MIssing You by Set It Off
Art by my queen @kingdomcarrots​
               The castle looms over the young man. This being his first stop, he’s not entirely sure he’s in the right place, or rather, the right time. The description of the place matches up, but he could be anywhere from minutes to decades off with no idea how to tell. Additionally, if he’s jumped even a minute too far, that complicates the whole plan.
               With really no other choice, he climbs the steps to the front door, letting himself in. He’d heard a little of this place, seen a few paragraphs in books, but the Land of Departure is such a small world compared to Scala Ad Caelum. However, this is very obviously an off-shoot of the Scala training school; the only real difference lies in the missing inhabitants. Such spacious halls lack the chatter of students and staff despite the well-kept appearance.
               “Identify yourself.”
               He stops. That gruff voice rumbles with the faintest hint of familiarity. Curiosity piqued, the young man turns back.
               It has to be him; it couldn’t be anyone else. Aside from that traditional style and the Master’s Defender prepared to strike, Xehanort could never mistake those eyes and no amount of hostility could mislead him. There’s no doubt now that Xehanort is far into the future, not while he stares at the aged face of the man Eraqus is to become.
               He looks worn, as if the years have been long and hard and those scars prove nearly as much. That welcoming cheer from their very first meeting has been replaced by sheer apprehension, likely caused by his arduous life. It seems he’s become the soldier his parents always pushed him to be; and yet, surely, he can’t have forgotten his beloved.
               Cautious hands lift to push the hood back and reveal the face hiding beneath.
               Shock takes over the old warrior’s expression. “Xehanort?!”
               “Eraqus.” It’s all Xehanort can come up with in his uncertainty.  
               “How is this possible?!” Resumed suspicion reaffirms that fighting stance.
               First and foremost, Xehanort has a mission, one that could potentially fix everything that went wrong in their lives. They could have everything they lost, including the happiness stripped from them far too soon. Additionally, this is Eraqus, the one who saved Xehanort from self-destruction and gave him the motivation to do all these incredible things. There’s nothing he wouldn’t do to ensure Eraqus’s happiness. However, the stubborn blueblood often disapproved of Xehanort’s methods as of late and perhaps that’s only gotten worse as the years passed—perhaps plans should be kept quite even from one’s most precious. Having been caught here in the future, Young Xehanort must pick carefully which truths to divulge.
               A soft exhale calms the nerves. “I’m from the past,” the traveler confesses. “Brought here by the version of me from this time.”
               “How? What for?” Eraqus demands. “What proof do you have for any of this?”
               “I can’t say how or why but…”
               A well-seasoned Master Eraqus is probably not a fight Xehanort wants to pick, but he’ll need something personal to convince this man of the truth. He knows just the memory, but it’s not pleasant.
               Xehanort’s gaze drops to the floor. “You once caught me on the roof of the citadel. You told me…that if I couldn’t find a reason not to step off, then you would make one.”
               Eraqus’s mouth presses into a thin line; they never told anyone of that incident.
               “So what are you doing here?”
               Shaking off morbid memories, Xehanort replies, “Like I said, I can’t tell you that, but I need to find myself from this time. Is he here?”
               Eraqus wears a heavy pity that agitates Xehanort—he may still be young with much to learn, but he’s never taken kindly to pity.
               “You don’t know anything. You just left, didn’t you…”
               “I left Scala several hours ago,” the youth says. That empathy grows. “Why?”
               “You…Your older self doesn’t come by often.”
               This is unexpected. Even as he left, Xehanort fully intended to visit his significant other once he got things set in motion. Besides, Xehanort is greedy—he knows it. He’s got only the sparsest restraint when it comes to indulging in his partner’s presence, so this statement by the man at the heart of that avarice makes no sense.
               “Why not?” Xehanort is not going to remain calm if that look of condolence continues. “When does he come by?”
               There’s a solemn shake of the old man’s head. “He doesn’t.”
               “What do you mean he doesn’t?!” Xehanort barks, leather creaking with tightened fists. “He has to come visit you! He wouldn’t leave forever—not when you’re the person most important to him!”
               The outburst does nothing against Eraqus’s empathy. “I’m sorry. Once you left, we started to view things differently. There were things we simply couldn’t agree on.”
               “Then why didn’t you stop me?!”
               “Nothing I said would’ve convinced you to stay.”
               “No!” he shouts. “There’s no excuse! You should have stopped me! If me leaving made you so miserable, you shouldn’t have let me go! You should have cried or begged or even beat me over the head—whatever it took to make me stay!”
               Tears form in the man’s eyes and that unwanted compassion pushes Xehanort past his threshold. With renewed determination, he stalks past the elder to resume the search for his future self.
               A strong fist catches around the young man’s wrist. “Where are you going?”
               His answer is short, sharp. “To do what I came here to do.”
               For the third time, Eraqus presses, “And what would that be?”
               Xehanort glowers. With a vague restraint in his voice, he spits, “I’m a time traveler; what do you think I’m doing here?”
               “You can’t do that! There must be consequences to meddling with the timeline!” protests the elder.
               “YOU THINK I DON’T KNOW THAT?!” the young man roars. “YOU THINK THIS IS JUST SOME STROLL IN THE PARK FOR ME?! OF COURSE I’M TRYING TO CHANGE WHAT HAPPENED AND I DON’T GIVE A FUCK WHAT IT COSTS! IT COULD COST MY LIFE AND I WOULDN’T GIVE A DAMN! THEY DESERVED BETTER! YOU—” Fury falters as the words catch in his throat and the edges of his vision blurs. “You deserve better.”
               Guilt resonates on that marred face; this is why Xehanort never told him. Eraqus had said a million times over that what happened wasn’t Xehanort’s fault, but a deep sadness settled in Eraqus’s heart that was clear to the Seeker. For Xehanort, the loss of his friends was already unbearable enough, but to have the love of his life stuffing down his turmoil behind a flighty façade tipped the scales. So now he’s here.
               With a look of defeat, Eraqus pleads, “Don’t do this. Please.”
               “I’m doing this for you.” Again, the older master begins to argue, but the younger has had enough and pulls away. “You couldn’t stop me then, and based on what I’ve seen today, you can’t stop me now. Take care of yourself.”
               With that, Xehanort leaves.
                 It’s been a few hours since the confrontation, but Xehanort still hasn’t found a single clue to the whereabouts of his present self. He’s hopped a few worlds and even double checked those he’d been drawn to in the past, but nothing comes up. Worst of all, something is pulling him back to the Land of Departure. He can’t shake the feeling that, no matter what Eraqus says, Xehanort would return to him eventually. They must still love each other or else he wouldn’t be here.
               His arrival is noiseless and unnoticed, but with each step closer to the castle, he hears the escalating sounds of a battle. Peering around a pillar across from the castle steps, Xehanort sees Eraqus squaring off with a young, brunette man.
               As he watches, Xehanort notices enough between the two to speculate that there’s a clearly straining relationship. Considering the use of darkness by the younger man and Eraqus’s violent abhorrence of it, Xehanort assumes that’s the cause of the clash. The winner would be an easy call if it were a simple fight, but that boost of darkness significantly closes the gap; so it comes as a surprise when the younger warrior rushes past Eraqus, causing him to stumble. It takes every bit of self-control Xehanort has not to act on protective urges as the Master’s Defender falls from its wielder’s hand.
               Terra, as named by Eraqus, is upset with his success. He cries over it, but his master is the one to apologize, admitting that his own heart is full of darkness. That declaration plays in the gray area of Xehanort’s mind. He already knows Eraqus is a good man with his heart bound to the light. What he doesn’t understand is that light, too, can make mistakes—mistakes which may beget darkness. Xehanort has tried explaining this before, but the noble would have none of it.
               A dark figure at the top of the stairs catches Young Xehanort’s eye too late. A blaring ring fills his ears seeing that man aim a familiar weapon. There’s no time to react; he’s too far away to do anything. Before Xehanort’s very eyes, the man he loves, and should have always loved, fades.
               With the reality of what happened beginning to sink in, his eyes focus on the man strolling down the steps. Anger ignites in his heart until he hears Terra question the stranger.
               “Master Xehanort! Why?”
               Master Xehanort—that man, the very person who killed his beloved Eraqus, is Xehanort himself.
               A dark storm swallows the sky, mirroring the wrath churning in the young man’s chest. With nothing but that rage guiding him, he rushes after the assassin into the dark portal. This new land is empty and barren save the mass of foreboding keyblades strewn about, but Xehanort has other concerns right now. Waiting just outside his attack range is the murderer.
               That man’s voice is filled with the gravel of age, but no remorse can be detected. “I wondered when you would arrive.”
               “You killed Eraqus.” Fists tremble at the young man’s sides, that quivering creeping into his chest.
               “I did.” Only a man scorned like Young Xehanort could withstand those chilling yellow eyes.
               Furious, he yells back, “That’s it?! That’s all you have to say?! How could you?! He was the only reason I didn’t throw myself off the citadel! HE’S THE REASON YOU STILL EXIST!”
               “Ah, the foolishness of my youth.” His casual dismissal drives the young Seeker’s heart rate up.  “It’s true he’s the reason I exist today, but Eraqus’s departure was necessary. You know firsthand how loyal his heart is to the light.”
               The response tears from his throat. “AND THAT’S JUSTIFICATION TO MURDER HIM?!”
               “He just didn’t understand that this is all for him, to create the life that he should’ve had. You knew there were consequences to meddling with time.”
               With no comeback, the young adult sneers, but the old master has one last remark that cuts to the quick.
               “As you said: they deserved better—he deserves better.”
               The words spoken just hours ago, shoved back in his face, incite the anguish burning in his heart. Rationality devolves and Young Xehanort charges his future self.
               All his life, Xehanort let his mind dictate his path. Moves were not made without thought to the consequences, but this—this is something beyond even the purpose of this mission and everything in him is screaming for revenge. Grief and anger cloud his judgement and spur attacks too straightforward to connect, however, that sloppiness doesn’t discourage him.
               Old Xehanort swipes, successfully disarming his younger self, and with the same ruthlessness shown to his former love, he eliminates the man from the past.
               Golden eyes meet gold; even as he’s being dragged back into his own time, the young man emanates his fury.
               Unbothered by the turn of events, the victor simply states, “One day, you will understand.”
               The elder watches his past self disappear among the shadows. It’s unfortunate how naïve he was, but this was to be expected—he and Eraqus had been so in love. Xehanort still possesses those feelings, which is why the decision had been so difficult. There’s a hole in his heart but he understands that sometimes things must be broken for them to become better and that’s the sort of thing the Seeker is betting on.
               In lieu of these unfortunate circumstances, he’s going to have to prepare a backup—to persuade his young self into venturing into the future a second time.
               As the thought occurs, darkness flares from the ground, creating a portal from which steps the young man that just tried to smite him. He’s more prepared than he gave himself credit for. He beckons the young man to follow to discuss the details of their plan. Even as they speak, the senior can see a spark in the new master’s eyes. There’s a curiosity that he will no doubt seek answers for.
               “How is Eraqus?”
               He should’ve known.
               Enacting his hard-earned skill of smothering his emotions, the old man answers, “Eraqus is dead.”
               The youth freezes, clearly distraught. “How?”
               A deep breath conveys true sorrow while concealing the lie. “The same as the others.”
               Hard determination grows on the young man’s face. Knowing that look and knowing himself, old Master Xehanort has ensured his ignorant self’s unquestionable devotion to the mission.
               Despair shakes his heart, waking the young man. Opening heavy eyelids, Young Xehanort finds a room illuminated with soft moonlight. Although this is not his room, it’s still familiar. Normally this place would bring him some solace but the discomfort he feels is intense.
               Whatever this is, it’s akin to a nightmare, slipping from his grasp as he tries to remember; it’s confusing and upsetting and damn near painful. Xehanort has had days where getting up for training was hard, he’s been injured so badly he’s been unable to stand, and he’s suffered unending fatigue at the hands of depression; but none of that compares to the sheer heartache of this moment and he doesn’t even understand why.
               Gentle humming draws his gaze lower and he immediately chokes down a whimper. Pressed flush against him is the love of his life, peacefully snoring away. Even with his messy hair and a little drool, he’s absolutely beautiful. No sight could be more stunning and yet, it’s also the most painful. Whatever vice is clenching down on Xehanort’s heart has to do with Eraqus.
               Of course, Xehanort’s always had those fears that maybe he can’t make Eraqus happy or that maybe he’s not good enough—as quoted by the noble’s parents—but even those feel so trivial compared to this dread. It breaks him more than anything ever has.
               His quivering is impossible to stifle and sniffles begin sneaking past his defense. To make matters worse, his sleeping partner stirs.
               “Xehanort?” Such a sweet sound worsens the turmoil. “Xe, what’s wrong?”
               There it is: the first hiccup that destroys the weary dam holding everything in and he breaks down right there.
               Eraqus doesn’t press for an answer but instead holds his sweetheart tightly. With the unknown sorrow flooding his system, Xehanort sobs into his boyfriend’s chest, desperately hoping to get this misery under control before he has to say goodbye to Eraqus in the morning.
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Dru meets Ash (Fan Fic)
This is Chap 6 of “Welcome to Faerieland”, a sequel to my Kitty Fan Fic "To never being parted" although it can be read as a standalone story.
Dru meets Ash (again, although she doesn’t know they have already met) in this Chapter.
AO3 Link here.
Jaime and Dru landed a little away from a clearing where a revel was being held. Jaime hastily slipped the Eternidad back into his pocket. He would give it back to Cristina eventually, but in the meantime, he knew she had no trouble being escorted in and out of the Unseelie Court whenever she wanted to. Perks of being the King’s girlfriend. 
Jaime and Dru had both dressed in faerie clothes, in order to blend in. Dru was wearing a long azur blue dress that brought out the color of her eyes. It fell just above her ankles, revealing high-heeled boots (conveniently hiding a few daggers). An upturned collar and long sleeves covered the marks on her neck and arms, though the low-cut neckline would inescapably draw anyone’s attention to her cleavage. Her dark brown hair was efficiently pulled into an elegant bun. Where Jaime and Dru’s skin showed, both had covered their marks with concealer. 
As they walked toward the revel, and the music grew louder, Dru turned to Jaime. “I have to go find a friend of Nene’s. She may help us locate Ty and Kit. It’s better if I go alone, she knows the Blackthorns very well but she’s a bit wary around other Shadowhunters. Don’t stay too far, though. And of course, I don’t need to tell you not to drink or eat anything.”
“No, you don’t,” Jaime answered a little harshly. Blackthorns knew a great deal about the Fair Folk, but so did the Rosales, he wanted to remind her.
When they had finally joined the party, Dru waved at a faerie woman with blue hair and purple eyes who was standing next to a tent, in deep conversation with a kelpie, and left Jaime to stand awkwardly at the edge of the forest. 
He had not been there five minutes when a fey swooped in to offer some refreshments.
“No, thanks,” he replied immediately, lifting one of his hands reflexively to prevent the fey from coming any closer. 
“Are you certain? Mundanes are particularly fond of this one,” he said, pointing to a blue drink, “it makes you look younger. Not that you need it, of course.” 
“Huh. Is there a drink that makes you grow like two years older, without altering your appearance?” The faerie stared at him aghast. Jaime couldn’t blame him. “Never mind,  very  stupid question,” Jaime mumbled.
Dru appeared then, her eyes glowing in excitement. She grabbed his hand and pulled him into the forest. 
“So... any information on where we could find your brother and Kit?”
“Have you ever been to a revel before?” She replied, ignoring his question.
“Hum. No, but Cristina told me a bit about them…”
“Come over here,” she said as she drew him further into the forest. She stopped in front of a tree, put both her hands on his chest and pushed him against the trunk. His back hit the wood with a loud  thump  but it was mostly drowned by the sound of his heart beating in his chest.
Her gaze was intense, dark eyelashes batting seductively over her blue-green eyes. Jaime swallowed.
“Er- Dru, what are you doing? Aren’t we supposed to go hunting for Ty and Kit?”
“Relaaax. What happens in Faerie stays in Faerie, doesn’t it?”
She bit her lower lip and he gasped.
“God, Dru, those lips…” Jaime choked. His thoughts were becoming more and more incoherent.
“Can I… kiss you?” she asked.
“God, yes. Please.” Jaime slumped against the tree trunk, feeling all the tension leave his body at once.
Dru closed her eyes and he did the same. As she pressed her full lips against his, he could feel blood burning through his veins like wildfire.  Yes, yes, finally. He could be struck by lightning - he probably would - he didn’t care. He would die a happy man.
She bit his lower lip and he could taste his own blood, but he didn’t mind.  Feisty  little Dru. He brought his hands on either side of her face to cup her cheeks, but instead of soft skin he felt a very light... stubble. He pulled away immediately and found himself staring into a pair of bright blue eyes, the colour of a summer sky. Kit Herondale was smiling at him, his grin as mischievous as ever but somehow it looked wrong.  All wrong.
“What does your heart truly desire, little Shadowhunter?” he said, cocking his head, and it was not his voice, but a woman’s voice.
From one moment to another, Kit’s blond hair and blue eyes were replaced by a faerie woman with gray fine hair drifting around a pale face, her skin smooth and ageless. He was staring at a  leanansidhe. He cursed himself. What  a fool  he had been.
He stepped back, feeling sick, and hit something hard behind him. He was about to turn when he was dealt with a blow on the head. His sight blurred and he barely had the time to blink before he fell into unconsciousness. 
As she was talking to Nene’s friend, Dru saw Jaime disappear into the forest with a faerie.  What the hell was he thinking?  They weren’t here to have fun.
She thanked her contact, who unfortunately didn’t have any information, and moved to where Jaime had vanished inside the forest.
The tree trunks were spaced, but their branches leafy and close enough that it was difficult to see beyond a few feet.  She cursed Jaime silently as she got deeper inside the woods, the sounds of the revel now receding and being replaced by the sounds of nocturnal animals and insects. She thought about all the horror movies that warned you from doing just that.
If it wasn’t for her years of Shadowhunter training she wouldn’t have heard the soft footfalls behind her. She stepped further into the forest until she was at an advantageous position for a fight and whirled to face her stalker. It was a very tall faerie knight dressed in elegant velvety clothes. Probably gentry and part of the King’s guard. He smiled at her and she kept herself from shivering from the coldness of his grin. 
“What are you doing here all alone, little girl?”
He probably thought she was a helpless mundane with the Sight. Admittedly, she didn’t look like the Shadowhunter women type, with her curvy figure.
“Minding my own business. As you should.”
“Do you know there are dangerous creatures lurking in these woods?”
“I definitely do. And let me tell you a secret…” She cupped her hand around her mouth and spoke in a stage whisper. “I am the scariest one of them.”
The faerie knight laughed.
“I am Ruadhan Fairburn. I used to be one of the best knights of King Kieran’s guard,  and I have met him personally once. I am also acquainted with Gwyn ap Nudd, of the Wild Hunt. You certainly don’t frighten me.”
Oh, no. He did have a reputation as one of the realm’s best fighters, before King Kieran had suggested he retire, probably due to his attitude.
She mimed checking her watch (although she wasn’t wearing any). “Oooh, so it’s already time for a bit of name-dropping? Sorry, none of these ring a bell.”  
No need to tell him she had seen Gwyn cry in front of  Love actually  a week before, on Friday’s movie night, and that she affectionately called King Kieran  Kiki. 
“Don’t worry, sweetheart. When I am done with you,  my name will be printed in your memory.”
“Hmmm. Thanks, but no thanks. I’ll pass.” She started running her hand through her hair casually, intending to pull out her hair stick made with adamas. It was a gift from Jem who had it made by Sister Emilia.
The faerie’s expression turned furious. “I am not really giving you a choice,” he said in a clipped tone.
An audible sigh had them both whip their head toward the general direction of the sound.
A few feet away, up a large tree, a boy - or rather a young man judging by his frame and the length of his long limbs - was lounging on the thickest branch. He was reading, holding his book high, so Dru could not see his face, only white blond hair tucked behind pointy ears. He was dressed in stunning finery, all black, his collar turned up. He was wearing dark silk gloves and his long fingers were splayed across the cover of his book. He was most certainly part of the gentry, or even royal blood, Dru thought.
“You heard the lady,” he said in a bored voice, and Dru could not help but startle at the sound. It was a beautiful, lyrical voice. “She is not interested. Now, move along. Go hump a tree or something.”
“Excuse me?” the faerie knight spluttered, his delicate features set in a mask of shock. “Do you know who I am?”
“I don’t know who  you are, but I know  what  you are, and that’s enough to convince me not to develop our budding relationship any further,” he answered, turning a page.
The knight started to advance on him, but the blond faerie didn’t even lift his nose from his book. With a flick of his hand, he had the faerie knight hauled away like a puppet, as if a giant invisible hand had grabbed him from behind.
“Don’t move any closer. What did I just say about me not wanting to develop our relationship further? Have you never been taught how to take no for an answer?”
The faerie knight was seething but he backed away, walking in reverse, before he whirled and disappeared inside the deep forest. 
“Thanks, I guess.” Dru said, relaxing her stance. “Although we could have avoided the drama. I had the situation quite in hand before you intervened. I could have knocked him out before he had the chance to spell out the word  asshole.”
The faerie laughed, and it was a beautiful chime sound.
“Ladies shouldn't have to dirty their hands,” he said, as if she had not just uttered the word “asshole”, disqualifying her as such.
“What century do you live in?” she asked, shaking her head. “Anyway, I am a Shadowhunter, dirtying my hands is part of the job description.”
She saw his whole body suddenly tense. Slowly, he brought the book down, just enough to reveal a pair of green eyes under delicate blond eyebrows. As soon as he caught sight of her, his eyes widened in surprise and he let the book fall on the ground, the resulting  thump  muffled by the grass.
In a single swift and elegant motion, he had jumped from his tree and was standing a few feet away, facing her.
Up close, she could see his eyes were a clear emerald green. It made her think of grass fields glowing under the spring sun. His features were sharp and ethereal, his white blond hair tousled as if they had caught wind. Physically, he was the opposite of Jaime, all pale white and thin silvery curls where Jaime had brown golden skin and dark thick hair. They both had a lean figure and a debonair manner, but where Jaime was almost gangly, the faerie was all graceful moves and regal stance. 
He is  absolutely gorgeous, Dru admitted reluctantly. And he was watching her as if he knew all the secrets of her heart, as if he had always known her and was merely returning to her after leaving for a short while. 
Although she was almost certain she had never met him, something about him struck her as oddly familiar. She was idly wondering whether her mind had conjured up one of the princes of her books. Maybe, he was the product of her own fantasy and he would disappear from one blink to another… But no, she had not been the only one to see him.  Get a grip, she told herself.
“It’s you,” he breathed. 
Dru tried to regain her composure. She straightened up as she answered. “It’s definitely me.” She had absolutely no idea what he was talking about.
“Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight, For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night,” he whispered in a daze.
By the Angel,  his voice. Everything about him ensnared your senses, enticed you to love and worship him. But Dru knew better than to let herself be fooled by men’s - especially faerie men’s - spells and enchantments. 
She swallowed and answered in her most detached voice. “Shakespeare. Romeo meets Juliet. Act I Scene 5. Already bringing out the heavy artillery, I see. Do you always quote other people’s work to make yourself interesting? Or do you  actually  have a personality?”
The strange prince was taken aback for a second. Then, slowly, a grin spread across his face. He was breathtaking when he smiled. 
“Oush,” he replied, miming a sword stabbing through his chest. “That went straight through my heart.”
“This line may work its spell on the naive and gullible girls you usually manage to sweep off their feet, but it definitely doesn’t work on me.” Dru sniffed.
The fey cocked his head, as if he was inspecting a strange wild animal. 
“You assume that I am trying to seduce you?”
She rolled her eyes and whirled, avoiding to stare at him for too long. He was quite intimidating. And she needed to find Jaime. 
“Don’t be a jerk, in addition to being a  cliché,” she said without a backward glance, as she walked away. She could hear the sound of his laugh behind her, echoing in the forest like ringing bells.
Tagging @gabtapia sorry I’ve been so busy lately but I am definitely back now with more chapters.
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afairytalestray · 3 years
Tuggoffelees 1 and Black&White Family 2
I can’t believe I’ve gotten to Part 3 of this series and I’m only now mentioning my favourite ship of all time! Tuggoffelees, my OTP, my beloved. As always, all hcs in this series will be pre-canon, if we accept the musical as the present day canon. Here’s my take on how Misto’s relationship with Tugger and with his half siblings develops :) (consistent tense usage? I don’t know her) (masterpost here!)
Tugger was totally enamoured by Mistoffelees from day one. They didn’t meet until after Munkustrap and Demeter’s ball (the one after Bomba/Demeter/Misto’s arrival in the Junkyard, which Misto skipped due to still fearing the other Cats), when Tugger happens across Misto dancing and practising his magic in a quiet corner by himself. For the first time in his life, the Rum Tum Tugger is rendered speechless, and just sits and watches in silent awe for like half an hour until Misto realises he’s there. Misto is initially very wary of Tugger, having heard about his flirty and flighty nature, but Tugger is so warm and genuine in his admiration of Misto’s abilities that he struggles to see what the stories were on about. The two immediately bond. They both have very great fears of violence and abandonment by family members/Macavity, which allow them to feel comfortable with one another and understand each other on a deep level better than anyone else in very little time. 
Misto, despite his own massive crush, is extremely oblivious to Tugger’s true feelings for him for a long time; after all, in what universe would the most popular and attractive Cat in the tribe see weird, skittish little him as anything more than a friend? But Tugger thinks he’s the greatest thing since sliced bread, and despite his fickle tendencies, is doggedly determined when he decides on something. He can’t put his finger on what exactly Misto makes him feel right away, but he knows that it’s good. He at first only recognises it as a weird and confusing desire to spend all his time only with him, and only after someone else points out that he’s not been up to his usual flirty shenanigans in a while. He struggles to explain it; since he’s one of the only ones Misto is able to talk to at that point, he’s one of the only ones who sees him for the fun, warm, and high-key sassy tom he is behind the shyness. It took a very long (and naturally embarrassing) talk with his father to help him work out what exactly he was feeling, and at Old Deuteronomy’s advice he resolved to pursue a serious relationship with Misto. It takes a while, partially because Misto seems to be immune to all Tugger’s best moves (read: oblivious to their real intention and therefore assumes he’s joking), and also because Tugger gets all heart-eyed and tongue-tied whenever Misto smiles at him - the usually suave rockstar Cat becomes a pile of goo.  After all his moves fail, Tugger is at a loss of what to do. In the end, he manages it completely by accident.
Misto is a perfectionist and extremely prone to over-working. Tugger’s insistence on being close by/helping him practise is the only reason he doesn’t wipe out basically all the time. Tugger finds him one evening when he’s pushed himself too far, exhausted and aching and barely able to walk. Tugger’s den is closer, so he picks him up and carries him back there - Misto is asleep long before Tugger lays him down on the blankets. He’s kinda mad - half at Misto for ignoring his own limits, half at himself for not being there to help him - but struggles to stay angry with him when he’s very clearly in pain. He confronts him the next day, which confuses Misto, who’s not really used to having people care about him the way Tugger does. Misto questions why it’s bothering Tugger so much, which prompts him to angrily blurt out that it sucks so much to see someone you love hurt themself like that and not seem to care. He doesn’t realise what he’s saying until he’s said it. It hangs in the air awkwardly for a few moments before Tugger throws caution to the wind and launches into a full confession of his feelings for him. He gets on a roll and doesn’t stop until Misto kisses him (in so learning that that is the best and only guaranteed way to shut Tugger up). From there things develop very quickly. To exactly no one’s surprise they become the youngest mated pair in Jellicle memory at the next ball. Old D bawls like a kitten he’s so happy. 
Tugger and Mistoffelees grew very close very quickly, which did wonders for Misto’s confidence and both of their self-esteem. It did, however, also strain Alonzo and Tugger’s already rocky relationship to near breaking point. Alonzo, having learned of Misto’s story and his mother’s death, feels incredibly guilty for turning away from him. He becomes jealous of how quickly Tugger was able to get close to Misto while he still struggles to even get him to talk to him, and thinks Tugger is an obnoxious bad influence and warns Misto against him. Tugger is normally fairly easygoing and happy to let rumours roll off him like water off a duck’s back, he even sometimes enjoys them and encourages them if he thinks they’re amusing. However, this he takes personally, and very seriously (as he will with any disparagement of his relationship with Misto, or suggestion that he doesn’t take it seriously). Tugger feels very protective of Misto, knowing very well the pain of being on the receiving end of his eldest brother’s rage, and of their blossoming relationship; he asserts that Alonzo should have gone after Misto when his mother attacked him, and that it’s Alonzo’s own damn fault he doesn’t have a relationship with Misto and it’s got nothing to do with Tugger. It becomes a very sore point of contention between the two of them.
Once Misto is more comfortable in himself and who he is, he begins to slowly build a bond with his half siblings. He becomes more comfortable with Victoria quickly, they both enjoy hanging out without really communicating, just enjoying each other’s company in peace. Victoria is deaf. She can lip-read, but Misto is very determined to learn sign language, and when he gets reasonably competent at that it becomes their main method of communication.
Alonzo is a lot trickier, the poor guy still feels so guilty. Misto holds no resentment towards him at all, he’s really happy Alonzo doesn’t hate him and totally understands why he couldn’t see him back then when everything was still fresh and painful for him - he doesn’t blame him at all. But he can’t seem to get that into Alonzo’s head. Every time it comes up all Alonzo can think about is that if he had just been more mature/compassionate/accepting back then Misto wouldn’t have gone through everything he did. 
Alonzo now desperately wants a relationship with his little brother, but his guilt makes it so he struggles horribly at communicating with him and is awkward around him, which in turn makes Misto nervous and uncomfortable (even more than he generally was at that time), which makes it even worse for poor Lonz. He becomes very protective of Misto as he feels like it’s the only thing he can now do for him (if he didn’t do it before then he’ll sure as hell make up for it now). This, unfortunately, tends to result in him getting into fights. He and Tugger have been and always will be chalk and cheese, but he also argued with his mother and now refuses to speak to her. When Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer arrived in the Junkyard, freshly escaped from Macavity and seeking refuge, it really freaked Misto out, and Alonzo immediately took a very hard stance against them and wouldn’t give them a chance. He got into a physical fight with Bombalurina that had to be broken up by Munkustrap when she wouldn’t let him close to her den (where Misto and Demeter had holed up). He has now begrudgingly accepted the twins, but keeps his guard up around them. 
As his and Misto’s relationship improved, the awkwardness ended up dissipating completely and the two became quite close. The protectiveness, however, never did go away. It toned down a lot, but at any given moment Alonzo is always ready and willing to throw hands for his little brother and sister.
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aadi-kted · 3 years
A/N - Hey guyss!!!! AAHHHH!! I just finished watching Hamilton and I fell in love with it!!! I loved everything about the musical and I am soo glad I got the opportunity to watch it!! I  loved Phillipa Soo in it and I adored watching her sing Burn. When I heard it I just knew that I had to write a fic on it! I have never written angst before but I am vey glad with how my my story turned out. People who haven’t seen the musical or heard the song can also definitely read this!!
W/C - 1,955...Whew!! My longest fic yet!!
Warnings! ⚠️- Fluff and sooo much angst!
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Memories. Those damned memories. No matter how much you tried, you couldn’t get his memories out of your mind. They were swirling in your head; you were forever being taunted by images of what had been. His hand in yours, as you both walked down the Rockaway beach, smiles on your faces as you talked about nothing and everything.  You could still remember the way his curls bounced with the breeze, the auburn streaks highlighted by the setting sun. He had been constantly moving a pesky curl which wouldn’t stay in its place. You couldn’t help but laugh at his irritated expression and with a loving sigh, you had run your hands between strands of his hair. His eyes had lit up with joy and affection and you could feel a smile creeping on your face. Whenever you were with Peter or even thought about him, you would feel an insurmountable amount of love and happiness. But now, just his name was enough to make your blood boil. Instead of smiling every time someone mentioned him, a frown would be etched on your face. You couldn’t bear to think about him, not without wanting to cry. The time you had with Peter had been magical, but now you were left behind, broken-hearted and miserable. You had first started dating in sophomore year of high school. Most people say that high school relationships never last and that you guys would be over before you finished high school, but it would be well into sophomore year of college before you guys would be over.
You could still remember the early days of your relationship, the golden days. You had had partners before, but none had been like Peter. Peter was affectionate and kind and so, so sweet. Unfortunately, he used to get flustered around you and instead of being able to say things to your face, he would write you letters. He used to slip them in your locker, slide them in your desk or give it to you when he would walk you back to your house. Some people might have found it weird, but you found charming. Being a romantic at heart, this was your dream come true. Even though Peter later started being more comfortable around you he still gave you letters from time to time. You cherished every single one of them and kept them safe and secured in your drawer. Every couple had something special to them, and this was your something special. He wrote you letters and you used to bake for him. Peter loved your baking. He said that your cupcakes and cakes were heavenly. In fact, he used to joke that you would just leave the ingredients out and angels would come into your kitchen and bake the sweets. Just reminiscing about those days were enough to put a smile on your face. But, now you didn’t feel like baking, you couldn’t bear to look at the letters. It hurt too much. Peter still wrote you letters, you just didn’t want to open them. You were too scared to find out what he had written, too scared to know why he had cheated on you.
Anyone who knew Peter would say that they could never even imagine Peter doing something like that. Until a month ago, you would have said the same thing. But now, here you both were. You had gone from being that couple in love to practical strangers with broken hearts. You, at least, had a broken heart. You doubted Peter even had a heart. You weren’t even sure you knew who Peter was now. He had first been your cute boyfriend, then he became your cute (secret) superhero boyfriend, he then became your amazing, valedictorian, college boyfriend and now he was this horrible person who didn’t even have the decency to break up with his girlfriend before going off to kiss other girls. This was not the guy you knew.  This was not the guy you had dated. This was not the sweet guy who had written all those letters to you. When you had read those letters, you had known Peter was the one. He was yours. You thought he was yours. You should have known. When you had told MJ, your best friend, that you were dating Peter Parker, you hadn’t realized that your expression was conveying more deeply about your feelings for him to her than your words. She knew you were in trouble. She didn’t have anything against Peter, but MJ was a great judge of character and she had known Peter for a long time. She had warned you, she said it would be too much for you one day. But his sweet words had flooded your senses, whenever you were with him, you felt like you were on top of the world. But now you wished you were buried underneath it. You didn’t want to face anyone, your friends, your families and least of all, him. You were cooped up in your room, trying to forget everything. Trying to forget how happy you had been that day. How excited you were to see him again, after months of being apart in different colleges. You had loved every video call with him, but you missed his touch and were craving for it. So, you had decided to surprise him. You had the week off and instead of spending it with your family, you had gone straight to Peter. You were jittery with excitement, you had been imagining the kind of reactions he might have had, but for the life of you, you could have never imagined that you would walk into that room just to see your boyfriend, sitting half naked on his bed, with an equally naked girl on his lap, snogging the lights out of him. For a moment time stood still. You couldn’t believe what you were seeing, but the proof was right in front of you. They hadn’t noticed you yet. You couldn’t think of how to react. You were frozen. But, just like that, the spell broke, you released a gasp and the two people were startled out of their kissing. Peter’s eyes went wide as he took you in.
 “Y/ N – Y/N/N!” He stammered
The reality still hadn’t set in for you. You were getting hysterical and couldn’t stop your reply, “And here I thought I was going to surprise you.”
You could see the confusion on Peter’s face. “Pl-please! Just-just let me explain!”
You cut him off before he could give any excuse. You just wanted to know one thing.
“How long?”
You could see the answer in his expression, but you were still unprepared for it when he said it out loud.
“3 months”
That was the moment when you felt your heart break. The moment where you lost control of your emotions. Tears filled your eyes, begging to be released. You couldn’t keep standing there. You turned around to escape with what little of your dignity was left. You could hear Peter calling you from behind, shouting your name, begging you to stop. But you couldn’t, you wouldn’t. There was no possible explanation he could give that would make you forgive him. You didn’t want to forgive him.
So now, here you were, pathetically hiding in your room from everyone. MJ had been calling you continuously. She was the only one you had told what happened. You couldn’t bear seeing the pity in her eyes. Or in anyone else’s eyes for that matter. The letters he had sent you over the years lay scattered about in your room. You couldn’t bear it anymore. You took the first letter he ever wrote you and read it. You read it like you were a person wandering the deserts for months and had only now come upon water. You consumed every letter he had written you. Your eyes scanning every line in ever paragraph. You tried read the lines for a sign, any sign for the boy that had been yours, from when he had been yours.  The letters conveyed every one of the emotions and love he used to feel for you. Each affectionate line felt like a dagger to your heart. Every paragraph pierced your soul. You read letter after letter, and then finally you reached the ones he sent you this week, after you found out about his infidelity. With trembling hands, you forced yourself to pick them up. The swishing of the pages as you opened them felt like a daunting warning to not read them. As you read, you wished that you had heeded the warning. He had said that he was sorry. He hadn’t known what to do. He had been having a tough time, juggling college work and his duties as a superhero. He felt overwhelmed and he had needed your comfort. But you hadn’t been there. So when, another girl started flirting with him he didn’t say no to her. He didn’t know how to say no to her. God, you wished he had said no to her. He had never meant to hurt you, but he had lost all clarity and just… broke all the promises he had made to you.
You wanted to scream, to shout, anything to let the pain out. He had forgotten he was yours.
He had forgotten you were his and that you had made promises too. You would have been with him, helped him, and supported him. But he had forgotten. You were a broken mess and you were angry. Angry at the letters for reminding you of better times, angry at him for cheating on you and treating you the way he did, but most of all, you were angry at yourself. Angry for being such a mess, angry for punishing yourself by pushing away people who cared for you, and most all wasting tears on a ruined relationship. You wanted to do something. You didn’t want to sit there and waste your energy and tears. You gathered all the letters surrounding you. You collected them all in your hands and walked down the stairs with a determined stance. You could feel your dorm mates and other students staring at you, wondering what you had been up to, all these days locked in your room, but you didn’t pay attention to them. For the first time in weeks you were feeling hopeful. You made your way to the nightly bonfire the students in your college created. You noticed MJ standing there talking with your friends. You could see that she was surprised to see you, but you just smiled at her and made your way to the front of the bonfire. You looked at the letters and brushed your hands against your name which had been inscribed in Peter’s messy handwriting on the top corner. You then stared into the fire, trying to calm yourself. You didn’t want to look back at the letters again, so you just flung them into the fire. You watched as the fire engulfed the letters. You felt relieved as you let out a breath and felt as though you were breathing for the first time in a long time.  What happened with Peter was in the past. And while it still hurt, you knew that your heart would heal over time and that you would find people who deserve your love and friendship.  The flames from the fire were dancing as if they knew what had happened and were rejoicing with you. You felt a smile take over your face, brilliant and radiant, almost rivalling the brightness of the fire. The letters had burned, but your life would not burn with them.
So..this was it folks!!! Plsss tell me how u liked it and feel free to send me asks!!! 
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iguessilovebakugou · 3 years
Beautiful  ||  {Dabi/F!Reader}  ---  Heathers: The Musical --  Cause I’m a stupid fuck who can’t control themselves
Me:  *Doesn’t post anything for 2 years*
Also Me when Dabi is on screen at any point ever:   👁👄👁
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I’m also throwing this out there because like...I highly doubt anyone still looks at my blog, so I can hide my fucking shame that I’ve been thinking of this idea on and off for almost 2 years now. 
Now...spoilers under the cut because I have to explain some things...
I know they just recently announced that Dabi “died” when he was a kid.  So I will have to specify that I’m aging him up to be 17, since that would just...make sense?  
  --  --  --  --
“Venti salted caramel coldbrew, extra foam.”
There was a raid against villains that day.  It had been the only thing anyone could talk about.
You had overheard the editors talking about it as they made their coffee.  It was a good thing, right, that they were taking the fight to the bad guys?  That not all hope had been lost?  Most people just wanted an ounce of good news.  Some confirmation that the way of things would hold strong - a nice sugar coat to swallow the hard pill.  Though, it seemed like all any report worth their salt - you included - could discuss was the fall of society, what people were going to do if...or...when, rather, the heroes were yanked from their spot light and cast down in the dirt with the rest of civilization.  
You weren’t a giant fan of them, considering, but you understood the necessity for someone to hold the mantle - someone who guaranteed the safety the mass populous required to keep them from falling to complete anarchy.
Your phone buzzed as a message appeared at the top, blocking the article’s title from view.  Your boss, Fumihiro...again...for the 8th time since you left the office.  
[INCOMING MSG] ::  Where are you right now?
“Venti salted caramel cold brew, extra foam for...”
Your brows furrowed, your stance shifting from one foot to the other.  
[OUTGOING MSG] ::  Getting the coffee.
[OUTGOING MSG] ::  Why?  Want me to get you something?
Heroes.  The way of things.  Society.  
Most people didn’t seem to care too much about it once their phones locked and it was out of their line of sight.  When the terrible wasn’t in your face, it was easy to forget that everything hung on a tiny thread that was always threatening to snap.  It was hard, you figured, to care about the state of the world when you were more concerned about mundane matters that were pressing in the moment.  The rest of the world seems small when you have everything else to pressure you.  It was easy to forget.
[INCOMING MSG] ::   www.wtxz319.rdio.com/live/93901_error
[INCOMING MSG] ::  u need to watch this
You wished you could forget about it.  Wished that it hadn’t been looming over your head since...well...
Your thumb hovered over the link, the screen went black and a stream started loading.  Some radio podcast?  You read the title:  ENDEVOUR TAKING ON U-A’S BEST AND BRIGHTEST?! UNLIKELY SON AND FATHER DUO?
“Venti salted caramel cold brew, extra foam!!”
Your heart leapt up into your throat as your eyes met the kid behind the counter.  He paused only a moment before using his fingers to nudge your drink closer to edge.
“Oh.  Sor-”
“Have a good one.”  
You locked your phone as you shoved it into your back pocket, grabbed your drink and made a beeline towards the door.  The streets were busy, given the hour. You had just enough time to get back to the office and finish your article on  before the evening - just enough time for an editor to look it over, to do some quick fixes and-
You phone buzzed again, and Fumihiro’s face once again flashed on the screen.  
[INCOMING MSG] ::  Did you see it?
[INCOMING MSG] ::  We need to be the first people on this.  I don’t care about what else you were working on.  This is more important.  
You stopped at the crosswalk, staring at your phone and ignoring the woman who had to move around you with a huff.  But...you were so close to getting to the meat of what the Safety Commission was hiding.  You were so close getting to the heart of it all and, maybe - just maybe - throwing away some of the uncertainty that was hanging over everyone’s head after All Might’s retirement.  
After the weeks you spent staking out police stations, hounding hero agencies, digging through dumpsters for any shred of proof the Pros and Police were hiding something - the favors you had to call in for breadcrumbs and scraps alone?!  And just like that, he wanted you to drop it all?  For what?  Some stupid radio show speculation?
You didn’t hesitate to hit the phone icon in the upper corner, stomping towards the intersection.
“Hey-”  You cut Fumi before he could even finish your name.
“What do you mean ‘drop the article’?  Do you know-”
“I don’t care!  This is bigger!!”
“What’s bigger than-”
“Did you even watch the link I sent you?  Every station across Japan is getting hacked and it’s been playing on loop for a few minutes now on a few stations.  It’s slowly moving to others now.”
“Fumi what the hell are you talking about!?”
It...was hard to think for a moment.  Like a memory, reaching up from the dirt to grab you, to finally take you down to hell.  
That voice.
It felt like he was right in your ear, in your head.  It had been so long since he had done it to you, since he...no...not him.  He was dead.  His father confirmed it.  You confirmed it.  You knew he was gone and there was no bringing him back and - 
No.  No, no no no no it wasn’t in your head - because if it had been, the sound of blood pounding in your ears wouldn’t be able to mask it so well.  You froze, your hands shaking as your breath caught in your throat.  It couldn’t be him.  I couldn’t, it couldn’t...
“You need to get back to the office - I want you on this.  I already have a copy of it in case you can’t screen capture it -”
Because you’re a fucking monster.
Someone next to you stopped and looked up.  Then another and then another. You knew what they were looking at.  Who they were looking at.  And still, you couldn’t bring yourself to look up.  You couldn’t do it - not again.  Not now.  Not after so many years of him being dead and buried where he deserved to be.
But he always had a hold on you.  Something that drew you to him.  And so...you looked up.
And as your phone and drink clattered to your feet, you felt the world stop.
--   ---    ---   ---   ---  ---- ----- ---- --- - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - --- --- -- 
September 1st, 20xx
Dear Diary - I believe I’m a good person.  You know?  Like, I believe there’s good in everyone.  But um...here we are!  First day of our Senior Year and I look around at the kids I’ve known for so long and I can’t help but think to myself - what happened?
You hadn’t really wanted to be friends with the Nori’s.  Not really.  They were stuck up snobs who made everyone below them miserable.  But there was a power to them that everyone respected.  You had been taught that knowledge held power.  And the Nori’s had power because everyone knew if you double crossed them, your life would be a living fucking hell.
“Ah, Nori and Nori.”
You grimaced into your knees as Nori Ueda vomited for a third time since you had been hiding out in the bathroom.  The teacher paused before sighing. “And Nori.  Perhaps you didn’t hear the bell?  You’re late for class.”
“Nori’s sick!  We’re helping her.”
You had given the low price of just sitting at their lunch table - once, no talking would be necessary - in the hopes people would leave you alone.  It was a simple fact of life:  Where there are teenagers, there are winners and there are losers.  And you had spent the majority of your High School career on the low end of the totem pole.  You were so low, in fact, it seemed talking to you was all but taboo.  Anything other than bullying, shoving into lockers, or calling out unfortunate break outs was strictly forbidden by anyone not wanting to suffer the same fate. 
But the Nori’s?  Solid Teflon: never bothered.  Never harassed like you had been.  They had a mystique, a pull, a confidence that couldn’t be matched.  And you would have killed to be like them.  
Perhaps that why you reached into backpack and yanked out the pad of hall pass papers.  
You opened the stall door and slipped out, making your wave over to the group.  Nori Ueda wiped her mouth.  Nori Makino was leaning against the bathroom counter, focusing on making sure her bright red lipstick was perfectly placed.  And Nori Kaneko?  She was staring down the teacher, hands on her hips, completely equal and completely ready to start a fight.  
The teacher laughed, so sure and so pleased that she had been the one to stumble upon the trio in the bathroom.   “Not without a hall pass, you’re not.  A week’s detention.”
“Uh...ma’am.”  Your voice trembled out and reverberated off the tiled wall.  It had been louder than you originally intended.  Everyone turned quickly to you, only for their attention to be immediately drawn to your outstretched hand you held.  “All of us are out on a hall pass...yearbook committee.” 
She snatched it from you.  For a moment, she simply glanced back between you, the paper, then the Nori’s, then back.  After a heavy moment, she nodded.  “It looks like you’re all listed.”
Nori Kaneko took it from the teacher, looking it over herself.  You tried not to make eye contact as she looked at you.  You instead focused on the teacher as she made her way towards the bathroom door.  “Hurry up and get where you’re going.”
You heaved a sigh of relief.
“This is an excellent forgery.  Who are you?”
You stuttered your name, shrinking under her sharp gaze.  “I uh...I crave a boon.”
“What boon?”  You weren’t sure if she was simply aggravated you had dared do more than answer the questions she asked or if the annoyance was just a constant manner of speaking for her.
You could forge anything thanks to your quirk - Copy.  All you had to do was see someone or something once or twice, focus on it as best as you could and like that, you could be that person.  From their mannerisms, their voice, to their penmanship.  Its why you stole the pad of hall passes, to skip class whenever you wanted, to have an excuse to be hiding out in the bathroom.  
It had worked...sometimes...
You stuttered out your name.  You could see the two Nori’s snicker in the background.  They had no clue who you were.  It was...somewhat insulting.  Their “friends” had done their best to make your life a living hell and yet you had flown under their radar.  
Your eyes darted between the three of them.  Nori Kaneko stared down at you, foot tapping and arms crossed as she took you in.  You couldn’t help but feel like a prey animal, stuck in the line of sight of the Apex Predator.
But your mama didn’t raise no quitter.  You swallowed and stood up just a bit straighter.  “Let me sit with you at lunch, once.  No talking necessary.  If...I mean, if people think you guys tolerate me, they might leave me alone.”
The laughter was instantaneous.  Kaneko looked back to the other two, her laugh light and condescending.  The audacity, it said.  The gall of you to ask to sit with them, of all people.  “Before you answer, I also do permission slips, report cards, and absent notes.”
“What about prescriptions?”
“Shut up, Nori.”
“Sorry, Nori.”  Ueda immediately slunk back to the shadows, gaze downcast.
Kaneka stepped forward and you thought for a moment she was going to shove you onto the floor.  You braced your feet, mentally preparing yourself for the force of her push...but it never came.  She was in front of you for a moment, and then the next, she was at your side.  She hummed under her breath and you could feel her eyes trail over your body.  Your school uniform a size too big, the bulky cardigan you had worn over it, the scuffed shoes and year old skirt.  Your hair was a mess, your face was bare, and you could hear the sound of your knees knocking together in fear.
“For a greasy little nobody,”  She started, reaching out a smooth hand and brushing some of your hair back and out of your eyes.  “You do have good bone structure.”
Nori Makino perked up, coming over to take a look at you.  She took your face in your hand, causing you to tense and try to pull away.  For a girl bordering 90 pounds soaking wet, her grip was rather strong.  “And a symmetrical face.”  
“If I took a meat cleaver down the center of your skull, I would have matching halves.”  She looked back at you, nodding.  “That’s very important.”
“Of course,” Ueda added, glaring at you from over Kaneka’s shoulder.  “You could stand to lose a few pounds.”
You opened your mouth to argue, to gain some sense of control over the conversation - but like everything, Kaneko had the power.  She gripped your shoulders and turned you towards the mirror.  You tensed, feeling her arm wrapped around your shoulders.  You watched as she tilted her head this way and that before...smirking.  “You know...this might be beautiful.  Mascara, maybe some lip gloss and we might have something.”
You let out a breath you didn’t know you had been holding once she moved away.  “I’ll need some blush, Nori, get your brush.”
You were frozen, watching as each item was brought out and laid on the bathroom counter.  A new jacket, skirt, perfume, a pallet of...color?  You gripped your bag, trying to figure out what on earth was going on.
“Take that thing off - it smells.”
The...thing?  You saw the Nori’s staring at you, waiting for you to comply.  You glanced down at your cardigan, pausing only a moment to sniff the sleeve.  It...wait, did it smell?  Would they lie to you?  You fumbled with the buttons, sliding it off your shoulders.  Makino snatched it out of your hands and before you knew it, it was tossed in the garbage.  
“Now, let’s make her beautiful.”
In that moment, you understood what was happening.  As Kaneko stepped forward, the smirk on her face, she watched you.  This...was an invitation.  Into their group.  Into the inner sanctum of popularity and the safety it brought.  No more bullies, no more humiliation, no more terror.  
They don’t tell you that being popular is more hell than it’s worth.   
You wouldn’t say you and the Nori’s were...friends.  It felt more professional than anything else.  You had a strict uniform you had to stick to - above what the school required.  Any accessory had to be approved by the trio. All meals had to be approved by Ueda - needless to say, the packed lunches your mother made every morning every morning included with a handwritten note never seemed to make the cut.  The make up you did every morning never was good enough.
They had high standards, more inline with a sort of...job than actual friendship.  In fact, over the past few weeks, it had been hard to tell if the three Nori’s were even friends to begin with.  There was definitely a power struggle between Kaneko - the obvious leader - and Ueda - who tried to exert her dominance every chance she could but was shot down by Kaneko.  Moniko was harder to figure out, more happy to follow than to lead.  She was...nicer than the other two, though you weren’t entirely sure if it was simply because she didn’t want the drama or if she just...simply didn’t understand that what she said held weight beyond being...noises in the air.
Dear Diary - It just seems like our job is being...popular and shit.
“There you are!”
When Kaneko wasn’t around Ueda was hardly as docile.  It was hard to tell she had thorns at all when she was standing next to the Cactus that was the head Nori.  But any chance she got, she made sure to inform you in less subtle ways that you weren’t welcome among the three of them.  
Which was obvious.  Your name wasn’t Nori.
You jumped as Ueda’s hand slammed your book shut on your fingers.  “Nori wants you in the caf - now.”  
Moniko hardly offered you a glance as you flexed the pain from your joints.  “Is that so?  What for?”
Ueda snorted, “I don’t know.  She just said to get your ass there...now.”
You normally punched out for lunch.  You sighed, pushing yourself away from your desk and standing up.  “How very.”  
If the two Nori’s heard your remark, they didn’t say anything.  Nor did they relay it to Nori Kaneko when the three of you had reached the cafe.
The Nori table was the nicest table in the entire cafeteria.  With the perfect white table cloths, centered exactly in the middle of the room, other kids from the “popular groups” would migrate around it like a port.  They would stay for the entire period or would flit about from table to table.  And at it’s head, sat Nori Kaneko.  She sat with her legs crossed, talking to another student who’s name you couldn’t quite place.  You always thought you had been good with names.  Turns out, you just didn’t know many people.
“Ah, you’re finally here.  Took you long enough.”
When Kaneko had offered the make over and...”admission” into the popular crowd, you had thought maybe you pegged her wrong.  Maybe she was just a normal kid, wrapped up in the politics of High School.  It didn’t take long for you to realize she was still the same mythic bitch you had thought she had been - you just did things for her now. 
“I need you to forge a note - in Souta Ishii’s handwriting.”  With a snap of her fingers, the boy she had been talking to reached into his pocket and yanked out a few folded up pieces of paper.  You didn’t need to open them to know what they were.  But when you did, you couldn’t find yourself surprised at the fact Souta was barely passing most of his classes.
“You’ll need something to write on.  Bend over, Nori.”
One day, it would stop shocking you how quickly Ueda would act to Kaneko’s command.  You paused, looking to your superior for a moment.  “Uh...I could just-”
“You’re not sitting with us.”  She answer simply.  
“...right.”  You took the paper and pen offered by Moniko.  You flexed your digits, feeling the flutter under your skin.  “What do you want it to say?”
“‘Hey baby girl, I’ve been watching you and thinking about us in the good old days.  I hope you can come to my party this weekend.  We can talk about us.  Love, Souta.’“  She leaned over, watching your hand glide over the paper in barely legible chicken scratch.  “Put an XO after the ‘Souta’ too.”
It was gone the second the O was done.  She looked over the note again.  “Perfect.”
There was a glint in her eye that didn’t...settle well with you.  With your quirk, you noticed certain...things about people.  Little ticks and tells that everyone has.  Ueda scrunched her nose when she didn’t like something - like everyone.  Moniko would fidget with her hands when she was nervous - like everyone.  And Kaneko would get a little sparkle in her eyes when she was about to ruin someone’s life.  
With each fold of the paper, you stomach dropped closer and closer to your feet.  “What’s that for, anyway?”  
You never really questioned why she did half of what she did.  It wasn’t like you could do anything to stop it.  “You know how Souta used to hang out with Arisu Nomaru?”
Of course you did.  You considered Arisu a friend - a good one.  She was the really only nice person at this school.  Of course, hanging out with the Nori’s meant that quality time with Arisu was...well, all but non existent at that point.  But she assured you, through texts, that everything was fine.  It was exciting!  That maybe, she could join you and the Nori’s for lunch one day.  It wasn’t possible, of course.  You never even bothered to broach the subject to the three.  Arisu was never going to be in the popular crowd and would be stuck watching them from a distance.
The only other constant in Arisu’s life - aside from her kindness and her exile from popularity - was the undying love she had for Souta Ishii.  Ever since...
“We all hung out with Arisu.  In kindergarten.”
Kaneko scoffed, looking up at you from under perfect lashes.  “Well, we didn’t all kiss her on the soccer field.”
You had to fight your body’s desire to snatch the paper out of Nori’s hand.
Monika gagged next to you.  “Oh my god!  I forgot Souta kissed Arisu Nomaru.  It was disgusting!!”
It took everything you had not to hit her.  She met your glare with cool indifference, adding a laugh for good measure.
“Souta!  Just the man I wanted to see!”  
Souta was a...handsome man to say the least.  You didn’t blame Arisu for having the crush she had on him, not by any means.  But what he had in looks, he lacked in anything worthy of personality - aside from just being a huge dick.  And where there was a Souta there was Jun Goto.  His best friend.  He was the smartest one out of his group of friends.
Which amounted as much as being the tallest dwarf, but hey - credit where credit was due.  They were both smart enough to know to come when a Nori called you - no questions asked. And in a flash, the two pulled themselves up and made a beeline for the table - not after giggling to themselves first.
“Be a sweetie and give this note to Arisu Nomaru for me.”  
Dread immediately filled your stomach.  “What? No!”
“What the hell are you talking to Arisu for?”  Jun demanded, reaching for the note.
“Don’t read it!  She was having a heavy flow, and wanted some advice from Gyno.”
“That’s fucking disgusting!” You would have thought the boy had been burned with the way he flicked the paper onto the table, back away and retreat to the table he had come from. 
“Yeah, I’ll take that.”  You snatched the note up, gripping it tightly in your hand.
It had been a while since anyone had stared at you with such venom.  If looks could kill, Kaneko would have you dead to rights.  Her eyes darkened as she glared at you, hands slowly moving to her hips.
But you weren’t going to allow yourself to back down.  Not over this.  This was too much.  “Arisu has had a crush on Souta for 13 years.  This...”  You waved the note.  “This would kill her.”
It was quiet for a moment - and in that moment, you realized you made the biggest mistake of your fucking life.  Nori smiled, stepping forward with a soft chuckle.  “I didn’t realize we had a problem.”
“We’re not but-”
“Are we going to have a problem?”
You faltered for a moment.  
“No, I just-”
“So you have a bone to pick.”
“No, Nori I just think you’re bigger than-”
“You know, when I dragged you out of the dredges of inferiority, I was shocked how far you would go.”
Before you knew it, she had succeeded in pushing you down onto the bench.  Your elbow slammed into the top, causing you to cry out.  Immediately, all eyes were on you.  “So you wanna tell me, why now, are you pulling on my dick?”
“Nori!  I’m not trying to argue with you!  Just doing this-”
“I know!”  She snatched the note from your hands.  “It will ruin her.  That’s the fucking point.”  She offered the note to Ueda, who happily took it.  You watched helplessly as she skipped back over to Souta.  While he didn’t seem too pleased to be the one to deliver the note, he begrudgingly got up from his spot and headed to the corner of the cafeteria.  
"You still have a lot to learn about how things work around here." You swallowed, digging your nails into the palm of you hand. "This whole school is my own personal candy store. I do what I want, when I want."
You watched as he slammed a fist on the table, causing Arisu to jump.  She froze, stuttered, and then almost dropped the note when he tossed it to her.  Your heart hammered - maybe if you got there fast enough, you could stop her from reading it.  You could distract her and -
You were forced back down in your spot and perfectly manicured nails dug into your skin.  “You got a good thing going here,”  Kaneko stated, very matter of factly.  “You could join the team, or you could bitch and moan.”  You winced when her nails dug deeper into your skin.  “But if you test me one more time, you will end up just. Like. Her."
Ueda grinned, an ugly, spiteful thing. "Welcome to our Candy-"
"Shut up, Nori!" All three of you flinched as your leader stood. Fixing her skirt, she offered you a sweet smile that made your stomach roll. "We'll see you after school."
They left you in that spot for a long time, staring at your hands.  It wasn’t until you felt a tap on your shoulder that you finally looked up.  And there above you was Arisu.  She grinned and offered you the note.  “Look!  Look what Souta wrote me!  He invited me to his party this weekend.”
You stared at the paper, then back up at her.  You tried to smile - though it didn’t look like she noticed.  “This proves he’s been thinking about me!”
She...seemed happy.  And you knew in this school that happiness was hard to come by.  Especially with people like Nori’s.  You opened your mouth, before closing it again.  You stared at that letter, at the handwriting that perfectly matched the papers left on the table.  You could tell her, warn her it was a prank.  Just...break her heart and tell her Souta wanted nothing to do with her.
“...color me stoked!”  You grinned.
You were happy when she left.  With a heavy sigh, you buried your face in your hands and ignored the bell above your head.  You listened to the shuffling of your peers as they made their way towards the doors.
What the hell were you doing?  What the fuck did you just do?  Arisu had always been a good friend to you and you threw her under the bus?  For what?  Popularity?  Safety?  
“You shouldn’t have bowed down to those dogs.  They’ll eat that girl alive.”
You had grown used to most voices, labeling them by people who was more likely to hit you or simply ignore your presence entirely.  
But his voice? You had never heard that voice before.  It was pleasant in it’s own way - low, guttural, and deceptively indifferent to the advice he was giving you.  You sat up, turning to look over your shoulder.  Your eyes trailed up to stark white hair.  Bright blue eyes stared down at you, hands in his pockets.  Your breath caught in your chest and your mind scrambled for a response.  “I’m...I’m sorry, what?”
He watched you for a moment.  Sizing you up.  “Look,” He continued, “You clearly have a soul.  You just need to work a little harder to keep it clean.”  With a final shrug, he turned on his heel and made his way for the door. "We're all marked for evil."
Did...did he just...quote at you?  It took you a moment for your mind to catch up to what he said.  “Okay, don’t just quote Baudelaire at me and walk away.  Excuse me?”
You scrambled to your feet.  He stopped and turned to look at you.  He didn’t move to say anything else however, leaving you in charge of continuing the conversation.  You looked him over, took in his long, lanky form, the mess of white hair, they...very pretty eyes.  You cleared your throat and motioned to him.  “I...uh...I didn’t catch your name.”
He waited a moment before shrugging.  “That’s cause I didn’t throw it.”
You watched him turn back around and make his way towards the door, mouth hanging down to your chest.  It didn’t take long for you to realize how hot your cheeks were burning, how fast your heart was racing. You couldn’t help as your lips broke out into a smile.
You swore he stole another gaze at you him slip out into the hall.
So yeah.  I’ll edit this later.  Promise.
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How did everyone enjoy their holiday season?
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inkformyblood · 3 years
Welcome To The Storm
JangObi Week 2021 Prompt #3 Undercover
Obi-Wan fought the urge to tug at the edge of his shirt yet again, feeling as if the fabric was out of alignment somehow. He hadn’t realised how much he would miss the comforting weight of his Jedi robes — the fabric well-worn and soft as it passed through hundreds of hands before his — until it was gone. He still wrapped his fingers around the woven leather bands around his wrists, the action clear now he lacked the security of his heavy sleeves. 
The entire outfit was new to him: a tight dark undershirt similar enough to the blacks he wore when armour was needed that it wasn’t a discomfort, but the loose shirt over the top was a garish neon green lace with beads twisted through the threads and hiding his lightsaber in plain sight between his shoulder blades. That, coupled with the thin shorts — a harsh breeze blowing past his bared skin making him shiver — allowed him to blend into the teeming crowd that spilled out of the smoky bars and clubs that surrounded them. 
Obi-Wan knew he wasn’t meant to be here, and he could sense the lingering distaste from Qui-Gon in their Force bond — shut tight by the other man the moment Obi-Wan stepped foot outside of their rooms. He just couldn’t stand by and wait, not when the Force pulled at him so insistently, the Code running through his head like a heartbeat. 
The rumors had been circling like vultures throughout their investigation, whispers of a trading ring operating beyond the artifact they were sent to retrieve. That thread had led him here, hands trembling from the cold and goosebumps erupting down the length of his spine, to a small bar, light and music spilling from it’s open door. 
Stepping in, Obi-Wan was hit with the scent of smoke that seemed to cling to every surface, the floor sticking to the ridiculous boots he had picked up at a market stall, and eyes passing over him like trailing hands. Drawing in a deep breath, he moved forward carefully, eyes darting side to side as he searched for— There.
Tucked into a corner, sprawled into the simple leather chair as if it was a throne, was a man who felt familiar to Obi-Wan. His presence in the Force sang out to him — a careful sunset in the midst of darkness, buried yet beautiful — drawing him closer, and Obi-Wan was helpless to try and resist.
“I’m not interested,” the man said the moment Obi-Wan drew nearer, barely glancing at him as he continued to stare down at his datapad. His voice only added to the gnawing sense of familiarity that was growing in Obi-Wan’s chest, a memory that kept slipping away from him like ice water through his fingers. 
“You don’t even know what I’m going to say,” Obi-Wan protested, slipping into the opposite seat with a brazen confidence he only partially felt. The man tensed, his eyes — dark and beautiful, like looking at a black hole in the void of space — darted towards Obi-Wan’s face, a frown creasing his brow and highlighting the curved scars the man possessed. 
The bounty hunter sat back in his seat, raising an eyebrow at Obi-Wan, looking every inch like a predator. Good. That was exactly what he needed. 
“I heard rumors of an underground smuggling ring in the area, operating not only in stolen artifacts but in people.” The man’s eyes went cold, lips curling into a barely restrained snarl, and Obi-Wan rushed to finish speaking. “I want to put a stop to it.”
Obi-Wan wrapped his fingers tightly around the leather bands once more, keeping his hands tucked beneath the table so the man couldn’t see them shake. It was a fine line he was walking, trying to keep his identity secret — offering just enough context clues for the man to pick up on as his eyes raked over Obi-Wan’s face — while needing this deal to go through. Everything he had heard was that this man hated slavers, almost as much as he hated Jedi, and yet they never said his name. 
“Because it is the right thing to do.”
Out of everything, Obi-Wan would have expected the man to do: dismiss him; insult him; bargain with him to even consider this hare-brained scheme, laughter was not one of them. Heads turned towards them, a low whisper flowing round the room and Obi-Wan felt himself flush, the colour travelling down his neck to his bared shoulders. 
“You’re a strange man,” the man said finally, shaking his head once his laughter subsided, shoulders still shaking slightly, “but I don’t think you’re lying.”
“Thank you.”
“If this is legitimate, and I don’t trust you,” the man began, his previous relaxed stance shifting into strict professionalism, “I expect half payment up front as insurance and half after the job is complete.”
Obi-Wan nodded carefully, ducking to pluck the credit chip from his belt, noting out of the corner of his eye that the man tensed and leaned slightly forwards to track his movements. “Will this be enough?”
He barely had time to register the brush of blaster calloused fingers over his own — the touch sending a shiver down his spine as he realised just how long it had been since anyone had touched him — and the man plugged the credit chip into his datapad. Obi-Wan had to trust the money he had managed to scrounge from his own personal savings and the small stipend the Temple gave them would be enough. It was a risk trying to hire anyone, but he knew well enough that trying to take on an unknown number of slavers with their prisoners thrown into the mix, was too many unknowns. 
The man’s eyes darted between the datapad and Obi-Wan’s face, some unknown knowledge settling over his shoulders like a shroud. Obi-Wan couldn’t begin to guess at what he thought about him now. He shifted on the seat, fighting the urge to let his shoulders curl to shield himself further, and saw the man track the movement. 
“This will do fine.” His voice was gentle in sharp contrast to the battered green-painted beskar he wore. “Are you able to go now?”
The man stood, holding out a hand to Obi-Wan to help him out of his seat, his touch gentle and careful, as if he feared breaking Obi-Wan at any harsh gestures. “We’re going to my ship first.”
“Because you need some armour. It won’t be beskar.” He grinned to himself, the gesture all teeth. “But it’ll keep you more protected than that.”
Obi-Wan shivered as another cold wind whipped past him, feeling like ice shards cut into his bare skin, his teeth clenching in an attempt to keep them from rattling. The man paused, and Obi-Wan could almost see the wheels turning behind his eyes. In one quick motion, he took off his own cloak and threw it around Obi-Wan’s shoulders. He was immediately enveloped in warmth and a clinging scent of sandalwood and smoke and he burrowed his numb fingers into the folds of the fabric. The man nodded once, and began to walk down the street once more, a hand placed carefully on the small of Obi-Wan’s back, the gesture professional even as it set Obi-Wan’s now-covered skin on fire.
“What’s your name?” Obi-Wan asked as they drew closer to the docks. “All the rumors I heard to find you didn’t say.”
The man let out a bark of laughter. “At least some people still hold some sense. The name is Jango Fett. And yours?”
Obi-Wan grinned through the fear that froze in his veins. He knew that name. He knew that face, although the last time he had seen Jango Fett, the man had been half-feral and pinning him to the ground, a blade embedded in Obi-Wan’s shoulder and yet, he hadn’t killed him. Obi-Wan’s heart had broken for the man as he lay there, the scent of pine and blood filling his lungs with every careful breath. Jango Fett was a Jedi killer, but he was still Obi-Wan’s best shot at getting people out alive.
“My name is Ben,” Obi-Wan said. He’d just have to stay undercover for a while longer, and hope that Jango didn’t uncover his lie. 
“Ben,” Jango repeated, pausing his stride to carefully take Obi-Wan’s hand from within the folds of the cloak and raise it to his lips, carefully kissing his knuckle like something out of an old holo film, tucking it back with a wink. 
Obi-Wan felt his cheeks flush once more, heat shooting down his back and chest — hidden now beneath Jango’s cloak — and followed the man’s gentle steering without a word. He was in more trouble than he could have ever imagined.
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haziel-luz · 4 years
Own it..then Redeem it (2007!Leonardo x reader)
Chapter 3: Why me?
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You get out of your shift for the evening and go straight to April’s place to visit the guys and Splinter. You really missed the lair, and the guys as well. Thing’s felt pretty distant but you try your best to visit them when you can. It’s not that you wanted to avoid them, you just couldn’t deal with all those painful memories between you and Leo. Every square inch of that place reminded you of him, it was his home. However, you also had to remind yourself that it became your home as well.
Walking up to the top floor of April and Casey’s new home, you smiled on how they finally decided to move in together. April talked about how their penthouse was beautiful and roomy for both of them, also in case the turtles decided to crash for the night.
You knock on the pristine door and April opens it with the third knock.
“(Y/n)! I’m so glad you came. Come on in.” April opened the door wide open with a happy smile.
You walked in their penthouse and started staring at everything.
“Things have been going well between you two huh.” You smile at April and hug her as a greeting.
“Thanks to me of course.” April looked smug and you chuckled.
We walked to the living room and you saw Casey on the couch with a newspaper. He looked up and grinned at you.
“Hey there, ready to face ‘fearless’?” Casey sits up and puts the newspaper down.
April pats his head with her wooden sword as a warning. “What? She can take him if she wants to.” Casey pouts and rubs his head. You chuckle and hug him as well.
“Let’s hope it won’t come to that.” You smile at them.
“So, I called Donnie and asked when they’ll be done with their patrol, he says at 11, so we can wait a little until then.”  April informs and turns on the music while the t.v is on.
“Wanna spar a little, it’s been a while. I mostly practice by myself tho.” You ask and put your backpack purse beside the couch.
“Sure, I’ve been wanting to ask you anyways.” April smiles and makes her stance.
“Just don’t whine when you tap out.” You make a stance and grin while she playfully rolls her eyes.
While you and April were sparing with each other, Casey entertained himself a bit by watching the ‘cat fight’. That's what he calls it everytime you and April spar together. He then just looked at the newspaper when he saw a picture of Raph in his Nightwatcher outfit and started reading the section.
During the spar, you and April heard a familiar news that came in this morning.
“Witnesses say there are holes in the floors, as if something or someone had just blasted straight down through them. Leaving authorities ‘scratching their heads’.” The anchor raises an eyebrow.
You and April immediately stop and turn to the t.v screen. You turn to each other and things somehow make it a little more clear.
“So this confirms that he’s back then.” April raises an eyebrow at the construction site.
“Looks like it, the four of them together are trouble but effective. So whatever happened that night gave them motive to strike into the scene. Something big.” You try to analyze the situation.
“We’ve got an image in from an amateur cameraman, and I do stress amateur.” The anchor says showing the image of what seems like a statue man.
“Whoa, April, wasn’t that the statue you delivered to Winters from Central America?” You asked and turned to her.
“I think so..Casey come look at this.” April called out to Casey. When you both turned around, and he was gone. You figured that he went out playing ‘trick or treat’ again. April went close to the window and sighed. “Be safe.”
“Don’t worry, he can take care of himself. That guy can give and take more hits than I give him credit for.” You state and she chuckles. You both sat back down at the couch and looked at the t.v. The news ended but we still had suspicions about it.
“There’s just no way that those statues can come to life just like that.” April frowned a bit, thinking.
“From everything that we all went through April, anything is possible. Maybe someone, somehow activated those statues. Actually, there were alot of statues that Winters had collected. Maybe he had them for a reason.” You leaned forward and put your palm under your chin.
“Why would Winters even want moving statues-? Wait, how do you know he had a collection of statues?” April turned to you confused.
“I may or may not have been to his place before…” You chuckle nervously.
“Did you-?” April eyes widen and you stop her immediately.
“No! Oh god no. When we first met, I was at his Gala, my boss only wanted me there to speak about his business since he trusts me more than his other employees. Winter and I talked about it and made some agreement. Later on, he wanted to show me something that he hasn’t shown anyone before. I saw a room that was filled with alot of ancient scrolls, weapons, and familiar statues. That's actually when he offered to get some coffee with me one day.” You explained to her and she nodded in understanding.
“Why did he show you that?” April asks.
“I’m not sure, he said that he saw something special in me. Maybe it’s his way of getting girls?” You were trying to be sure that’s what it was.
“I guess, but that doesn’t explain why he-” April was cut off by a grunt from outside the window.
You both got startled and quickly made a defensive stance, but then you guys relaxed when it was just Casey...and Raph. Seeing Raph limp made you both worried and panicked.
“What happened to Raph?!” You got closer and tried to help him by getting Raph’s other arm moving him inside the apartment.
“I don’t know! There was a monster he wanted to go after, then the foot showed up, and walking statues. They hit him with this.” Casey showed a syringe and gave it to April.
“I’ll call Donnie.” April went quick to the phone. You told Casey to get a bowl of water and a towel while you check for injuries. Your eyes widen when you see a weapon that resembles a ninja star. It was deep in his shell and it felt like stone. An ancient weapon.
“They’re coming on their way. How’s he doing?” April asked, gently touching his arm. Raph’s head was on your lap while you wiped away the sweat on his face and neck.
“He’s breathing more normally now, but still a little woozy. Whatever was in that syringe really knocked him out.” You responded, dipping the towel in water to dab. The three of you were worried about Raph.
Your waiting was finally over once you heard a thud in front of the window. Mikey’s big smile showed and he opened the window to get inside, you smiled in relief. Two other thuds were joined which means that he’s back. Mickey stared at the whole apartment like you did before. Donnie came in after Mikey with an apologetic smile towards you. Leo then emerged into the window looking at all of us. You didn’t give a big smile like the rest of them.
“Leo! You came back.” April said happily.
“Leo!” Casey swings in his chair.
“Sorry the reunion isn’t under better circumstances.” Leo apologies and enters the apartment.
“Whoa-ho-ho! Nice pen kids.” Mikey smiles big at the apartment and then looks at Raph on my lap. “Oh, hey Raph.”
Donnie approached Raph and started checking on him.
“Well, his vital signs seem to be okay. Pupil dilation is normal.” He says.
“That’s not everything.” You say pointing to the back of Raph’s shell.
“Whoa!” Donnie turns Raph to see his shell.
“Whoa.” Mikey says in curiosity while Leo was concerned.
Donnie takes the weapon out and inspects it.
“Some sort of stone, probably obsidian I think.” Donnie analyzes and Leo walks up to Raph.
“Well is he gonna be alright?” Leo asks worriedly, he touches his brother's shoulder.
“Ugh, you're still here? Go back to the jungle.” Raph says with a little slur, shoves his hand away and lays back on your lap.
“Well, at least his personality is still intact.” Leo raises an eyebrow and shrugs.
“(Y/n)! I missed you.” Mikey hugged you tightly but made sure not to disturb Raph.
“I missed you too buddy.” You smiled and hugged him with one arm. You couldn’t bring yourself to talk to Leo or even make eye contact with him.
While April was explaining the story of ‘The Legend of Yaotl’, Raph sat up and you guided him to the kitchen to bandage his arm. He gave you a grumble ‘thanks’ and drank some water to freshen up. You smiled and you both walked back out to the living room.
“Well if you ask me guys, this has Winter's name written all over it.” Donnie told everyone and you were a little shocked about his answer.
“How did you figure that Donnie?” Leo asked, while Casey and Mikey agreed.
“Because, this has Winter’s name written all over it.” Donnie answers with a grin.
“Can I see that?” You asked and Donnie gave it to you, it really was true. What could Winters possibly gain from forming a relationship with me?
“Your rich boyfriend has goons now (Y/n)? Didn’t see that coming. Now I know who to thank for the shot in the arm. So where do we find this guy and his stone jokers?” Raph says sitting down while holding his arm. You glare a little at him for the information he gave out to everyone.
“Boyfriend?” Donnie,Mikey, and Casey turned to you with a shocked face.
“It’s not like that. I’ll explain later.” You rubbed your temple. Leo seemed a little hurt but crossed his arms and ignored the information for now.
“We’re not going anywhere until we get Splinter’s blessing.” Leo firmly says and frowns at Raph.
“Did you get his blessing for extra days on your ‘vacation’?” Raph glares at him.
“That’s different.” Leo glares back at his hot headed brother.
“Different how? Oh I get it! It was a perfect excuse to ghost (Y/n).” Raph snaps at the leader.
“Raph!” You exclaimed, surprised by his sudden choice of words.
“What? You think I’m gonna let him stand there and quote a rule book to me that he ain’t following for a year!” Raph stands up abruptly and points at Leo while glaring at him.
“Look Raph, if you got something you wanna get out of your shell. Now’s the time! What you're not gonna do is include (Y/n) into this. And I’m not gonna stand here and debate Splinter’s direct orders with you!” Leo pointed at Raph with a hard glare. Raph clenches his jaw.
“Fine then, I quit.” Raph gives up and exits out the window, but not without Casey’s words before he left. You wanted to talk to Raph, even though he threw you out there like that.
“If you don’t mind April, I’d like to take these to the lab for some tests. We should start figuring out these pieces.” Donnie stands and walks towards April.
“Sure Donnie, I’ll come by with Casey tomorrow evening.” April smiles and nods. You can’t focus on the situation when Raph stormed out.
“I’ll catch up with you guys later, I’ll come by tomorrow evening since it’s my day off. Don’t overwork yourself Donnie.” You waved at them and headed out of the window in search of Raph.
Leo wanted to stop you but he stopped himself. How can he even begin to start a conversation with you, you couldn’t even look at him in the eye. Maybe now isn’t the right time.
You went on the search for Raph, only to find him in his Nightwatcher outfit. He took his anger out on some crooks and went back up to the roof. When he saw you, he groaned and took his helmet off.
“What is it now (Y/n), I don’t wanna get into an argument with you so do us both a favor and let me be.” Raph turned around and grabbed his duffle bag.
“Raph I didn’t want to argue with you at all. I just wanted to see how you were doing.” You approached him and sat on the ledge of the roof.
“Yea right, after what I said I wouldn’t be surprised if you're upset with me.” Raph scoffs and retouches his weapons.
“Honestly? A little, but I wouldn’t have said it any better if I were to tell him off.” You looked at him with a smile.
“Well at some point he’s gonna get the courage to talk to you, so you might want to figure things out soon.” Raph puts the helmet back on and looks over the city.
“Figure what out?” You asked, wondering what he’s referring to.
“I’m talking about things between you, Leo, and Winters. You're either team Winters or team Leo.” Raph points out as if it was obvious.
“You didn’t just say that.” You cringed at his reference.
“What? Not a fan of Twilight anymore?” Raph grins under his helmet while looking at you.
“That was a phase! I was 15!” You blushed and slapped his arm, making him laugh.
“That phase is worth it now. I’m gonna shove it in your nose whenever I get the chance. It’s your fault Mikey got into it.” Raph smirks and picks up his duffle bag.
“A-At least he was able to read actual novels for once instead of comic books!” You defended yourself the best you could. Raph stops for a moment and tries to say something but couldn’t.
“You're right, you turned our little brother into a zombie. He wouldn’t put down the book for video games until he finished it. It was the weirdest 2 months I’ve ever experienced, and he’s damn weird. Donnie was this close into analyzing his brain.” Raph looked at you and shivered at Mikey’s behavior.
“It wasn’t that bad...right?” You were unsure on how good or bad you affected Mikey.
“It was a horrible experience but at least his phase is over.” Raph shakes his head.
“Anyways, need a ride home? I’m pretty much done for tonight.” Raph takes off his gear and shoves it in the duffle bag.
“Sure, I wouldn’t want to wake up late.” You stood up and followed him.
“I thought you didn’t have work tomorrow.” Raph raises an eyebrow at you.
“Winters texted me again, he offered me a job, better than my recent one. If he’s actually the bad guy then this would be my chance in becoming an undercover spy, right?” You explained to Raph and he crossed his arms disapprovingly.
“What?..” Your frown, you thought it was a good idea.
“You shouldn't be too trusting with that guy. Have you even talked to the rest about it yet?” Raph asks and you scratch your neck.
“No, but I can tell them tomorrow.” You sighed a bit.
“Ya better, cause if anything happens to you, we won’t sit still.” Raph starts the motorcycle and sits on it, you sit behind him and securely wrap your arms around him.
You woke up and did your morning routine with some music. Today is when you investigate Winters. You just couldn’t wrap your head around Winters being the bad guy. He seemed too genuine with you and you felt it. Which was strange, because Karai was always bad news to you no matter how she has benefited us at times. There has to be something that Winters is doing.
You walk out of your apartment and keep thinking about Winter’s motives.
‘He brought the curse upon himself. Maybe he wanted to break the curse? Being immortal isn’t all rainbows and sunshine. Living more years than others could bring regret and sorrow. Not being able to have a normal life is something everyone wants. I feel bad for him. I mean, if he wanted to take over the world, he could’ve done it years ago.’
Your thoughts were interrupted when a limo came up and the driver opened the door for you. “Right this way ma’am.” The driver smiled at you and you got in.
“Thank you.” You smiled and looked inside the limo. ‘He’s too rich.’
Once you arrived at Winter’s Corp., you took a long look at the building and the tiny peach hairs at the back of your neck stood up. Something about this place is definitely weird. You quickly touched the back of your neck and rubbed the uneasiness away.
You walked inside the building and stared in awe at how huge it was inside. Everyone was just doing their business. Some looked dressed professionally, others were casual, and the rest seem to work here. There was a big symbol in the middle of the marble floor, one would assume it was a logo or decoration, but those are the same symbols on the ancient weapon that was embedded in Raph’s shell. ‘It can’t be a coincidence.’
Continuing the walk to Winter’s office, you saw a woman who you assumed to be his assistant. The woman was typing away on her computer, with a concentration expression. ‘She’s very gorgeous for an assistant.’
“Uh, excuse me? Do you happen to know if Winter’s is in his office? I need to talk to him about his offer.” You politely asked the woman. She looked up at you and pushed up her glasses.
“Do you have an appointment meeting with him?” She asked with a raised eyebrow. She inspected your appearance and tensed up a bit.
“Not really, but he said I can drop by when I have my answer.” You responded.
“I’m sorry, if you don’t have an appointment then I can’t help you. Mr.Winters isn’t in his office right now. He’s a busy man.” She frowned and gave you a scolding glare.
“Fine. Mind telling him that (Y/n) (L/n) came by?” You bit your tongue and tried not to start an argument.
“Only if he has the time.” The ‘lady’ turned to her computer and typed away as if she never noticed you. You were about to say something to her until the telephone audio turned on beside her.
“Ms. Lane, be a dear and show (Y/n) her way in.” Winter's voice suddenly came through the audio.
The woman, Ms. Lane was surprised at his sudden voice and jumped a bit from her seat. She pushed the button on the machine.
“But Mr. Winters, she doesn’t-” She was gonna oppose but he cut her off.
“Now Ms.Lane, do we need a discussion on how to treat our clients? I thought you were better than that.” Winters tsked and scolded her for her behavior.
She lowered her head a bit and nodded. “Yes Mr.Winters, she’s on her way.” She stood from her desk and picked up her journal.
“Follow me, Ms.(Y/n).” She clenched her jaw and led you the way to Winters. You couldn’t help but smirk the entire time.
“Gladly.” You responded and followed her.
“That’s weird…” April said, watching her walk away with the assistant.
“Is that (Y/n)?” Casey asked, rubbing his head.
“Yea, but I wonder what she’s up to now.” April frowned a bit and tried to think.
“Whatever it is I think we should wait up and see if she’s okay. The last thing we need is another weapon on someone else's back.” Casey glared at the door to Winters office.
“You’re right..” April smiles to herself at how caring and protective Casey can be.
“Mr. Winters? Ms. (Y/n) is here.” Ms. Lane looks confused as to where her boss should be. She looks around and frowns.
“Mr. Winters?” She speaks up louder. You also look around the huge office.
“Over here. I’m sorry for the sudden disappearance, I was currently out of the shower.” Winters was on the second floor in his office. What surprised you and the assistant was that he was in his sweatpants and shirtless with a towel around his neck. You both blushed at his sudden appearance and you tried not to stare so much while the other one welcomed the sight completely.
‘Why the hell do these things happen to me…’
Hope you guys are loving it so far💖~ Please let me know how your feeling so far, satisfaction is key!🗝
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