#but its still fun! The interactions are really charming to be honest.
ottosbigtop · 1 month
In other news ive finally started playing baldurs gate 3 and despite being a glorified hater about it when it got mega-hyped i am enjoying myself a lot actually. They weren’t kidding about the level of detail in this game we love to see media living up to the hype.
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shrimpsuru · 3 months
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Bucchigiri doodles! I really like this show, I think everyone is super charming and fun! And all the designs are all so good ⸜(*ˊᗜˋ*)⸝
I'm gonna go on a quick rant about Arajin, because I have no one to talk about this with, so let me shout into the void:
Okay- So as I watching the show, I really liked everyone. I thought Arajin and his pathetic-ness and wet cat nature was charming, He's a loser and I love him for that! Even when he was being a bit of an asshole I was still quite fond of him, He's flawed and that's what made him interesting. He's a bit more complex than people give him credit for. Since my opinion of Ara was fairly positive, I thought most people would agree- (I didn't think he was all that bad and most people would also find him charming) I was so surprised when I found out how many people absolutely hate this guys guts, it was so different from what I excepted lmao. I understand being annoyed with Ara and I can see how some might not like him too much, but they were on my boy's ass 💀
First of all, Ara doesn't want OR like to fight, he's just a regular teen boy, he's nothing like this big buff dudes who are constantly look for someone strong to punch. If it weren't for Senya, Ara would've been done for by now. All Ara want's is to get a girlfriend, and that's normal for a boy his age!! Everyone else in the show are the freaks, my guy just wants love!! The only reason he fights is because his delusional ass is in love with a girl who knows she can play him like a fiddle, or when he's backed into a corner an has no other choice. Arajin wanted a slice of life high school romance and was instead thrown into the middle of a gang war with a bunch of dudes who are hellbent on fighting lmao
He's just a silly little guy!! He's not built for all this violence!!
Don't get me wrong the way Ara treats Matakara is frustrating at times, and I wish they would just talk (And I'm gonna be honest the fact Matakara still looks at Ara positivelyis really surprising lmao (I'd hold one hell of a grudge but I'm just petty)) but at the same time, I don't really blame Ara. He feels guilty, and in reality he probably hates himself (For multiple different reasons). He left Matakara behind and it eats at him, just the thought of the memory triggered a nervous stomach ache. Matakara is a walking reminder of what Ara doesn't like about himself, of course he's going to avoid him like the plague. Doesn't mean its good, or even healthy but that's just how people are. Even so Ara is only ever outwardly hostile towards Matakara when the past is brought up, every other time he can have a somewhat normal interaction (even if its reluctant). And with the newest episodes, Ara is now being a bit softer with him. Progress! Its small, but still progress!
Also small complaint, there are SO many worse mcs that do far more unbearable things, Arajin is practically a saint in comparison lol ( Doesn't mean anyone not liking him is invalid or anything, again I can totally understand why some don't like him!! Just because he's better than most doesn't mean he still cant be bad for people!! ☆(#××))
Rant over- Am I thinking to far into it? perhaps. but who cares! It's a silly show at the end of the day and I just like to yapp passionately into the void
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dealwithadeer · 4 months
Okay but what about onesided!Radiohusk with Husk being the one unfortunate enough to love the Radio Demon.
Hear me out:
It would have started during one of the Overlord meetings. Husk would have been relatively new to the scene but already having made himself some kind of name. And even though they both came from different times, considering how Overlord!Husk looked and that Husk has a weakness for magic shows and music and that he grew up in Las Vegas they both had a sense for style and showmanship. Although Husk was not really a fan of Als cannibalism, but Alastor can be quite charming when he wants to be.
Maybe Alastor frequented Husks casino from time to time, played a few round 'just for fun' and lost more often than not. The House always wins and all that jazz. Speaking of jazz, maybe they even had a few songs together, considering Husk can play the piano and the saxophone.
And Husk, even though he should and does know better, actually started to feel something for the Radio Demon.
Then he started to fall on hard times and Alastor offered to help with a few games. One thing came to another and he was foolish enough to believe that whatever they had would dissuade Alastor from actually wanting to win Husks soul, a foolish part having thought and hoped that Al would have let him win. Which explained the way he had reached out with a somewhat sad expression.
Husk had at that moment not yet figured out, that 'what they had' amounted to Alastor to a simple 'You are entertaining and useful and so I am going to keep you'
Alastor stripped him of everything he once owned except for his powers, treating him like nothing more than an amusing pet and subordinate from that day on.
Except for the few times at certain times, when Alastor was bored enough to ask Husk to make him 'the usual' and for a short time things were like how they used to be.
'I lost the ability to love years ago' And in a way he did, whenever he would think of Alastor and that stupid, dumb feeling would come up, Husk would grab the nearest bootle and drink it empty until whatever he had been feeling would be washed away by drunkenness.
Husk was the only one in hell who cared about Alastors year long absence. Of course, there were rumors and of course Husk would not even admit it to anyone even if you were to rip out both of his wings, let them regrow and then rip them off again that he was worried for Al but after the third year he was. Well, he would always have alcohol and gambling. The two things that had yet to betray him although gambling had betrayed him a multiple of times.
He is both relieved and a bit scared when Alastor summons him to the Hotel but they both only meet or interact rarely, Husk becomes too busy with the other Hotel residents and Alastor is too busy with .. whatever Al is actually planning behind the scenes.
Husk has a certain distaste for Mimzy. It has nothing to do at all with the fact that Mimzy even though she only came by when she needed something from Alastor, mainly protection from problems she caused, still gets better treatment from Alastor than him.
When Husk goes to tell Alastor, his boss as he loaths to but has accepted to call him, once again about his opinion on Mimzy and that Alastor should tell her to leave he also lets a few drops of his honest concern in about Alastors absence.
Husks concern however has its limits as it ended with Alastors basically telling him that yes, Husk was his 'pet'.
And Alastors patience with him, despite something akin to a friendship in the times before he lost his soul, despite the centuries of service and drunk nights spent , despite Husk being one if not the only person in all of Hell to actually give a damn about the Radio Demon, apparently had its limits too.
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lunicho · 2 months
Saw this on another blog and wanted to send it to you too ☺️
Pick any 5 moots and describe them using 3 words! <3
ooh this is so cute, i love when ppl ask me to talk abt my moots cuz i love bragging about them!! the hard part is picking 5 moots to do this with hmm
@adoresol - passionate, honest, and devoted. i have actually been good friends with her for a good like four years now i think omg so there's many words to describe her but i think these are the best ones for now. she feels deeply and is very genuine in her emotions which is something i admire about her. she's also extremely honest, i love this about her because if i ask her something she'll be straight up with me. she's also very devoted bc like why is she still my friend LMAOOO she's so loyal and just like!?!?!?!?!?!??! my pookie wookie bear fr, i've told her so much cheesy corny shit abt how i feel abt our friendship so i'll spare y'all
@kissohee - its so hard to describe her with just three words! but i would say chaotic, lovable, and genuine. i never feel stress when talking to her and we've grown comfortable with one another quite quickly. i think we just have had this connection from the beginning and she just made me so so comfortable. she's also so loveable like im gonna hold her hand fr she's so cute. and she's so genuine, i always feel that she means everything that she says and it makes me even more comfy with her. she's also just like me we're both so random and we both talk a lot so its the perfect pace for me. the convos are always so fast like idk if ppl would be able to keep up with us and how much we switch topics LMAO but yeah! i hope that we just get closer and closer in the future and that she's always happy <3 (also open-minded would be a rlly good one for her but only her and i know why and that's the way its gonna stay LMAO)
@sminiac - saiii!!! i never include her in my moots posts so i wanted to this time :3! i'm gonna say kind, inviting, and adorable. she's literally so so kind, everytime i send smth or interact with her she's like "my dearest bunny!" AND IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY SO SO HAPPY!! she's always so sweet to me and like idk smth abt her is just so adorable. plus her blog rn is so adorable i love the layout. i do still get anxious to send too much stuff and things like that but ur so so welcoming and inviting that ik im always welcome but im scared to be annoying LMAOGDJ. i hope we can yap more and more abt 8turn tgt and just chat some more!!
@bubblegyu00 - energetic, humorous, and chatty,, our convos are extremely fast paced and go on for the entire day. i'm always laughing at smth or we're always losing it over smth someone did (usually a zb1 member or nicho tbh). she's energetic and keeps up with my pace and i do the same with hers. she also makes me laugh which is why i said she's humorous. we're always going on and on abt the same 3 things yet we never get tired of it like its gonna eat every single time PLS. BUT YEAH she's super fun, her nonnie to friend storyline is very very iconic and i love that for her. can't wait to keep screaming about kyungmin over and over <33
@xhdream - we've started to talk in the dms now and dinna's such a sweet girlie :(. i would describe her as easy-going, charming, and friendly. dinna's sooo so cute and always so sweet to me and she has been since the beginning. talking to her has been so fun so far cuz she's very approachable and she engages in the conversation so so much. our time difference is very big so we have to catch each other at a specific time but it's worth it everytime. there's just something about her that's so fun and so kind and that's why i said she's charming. her and her blog just have this good and sweet energy that i really really enjoy <3
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blissfullyapillow · 5 months
hi its me, that aromantic anon back at it again 👋
id like to politely request for yet another platonic x gn!reader, but this time with rise kujikawa. both her and reader jokingly flirt with each other a lot, but its all 100% platonic, no matter what anyone else thinks. (also if you want you can have the reader try to be her wingman, she gotta get that seta/narukami ass somehow /j)
please and thank you
┃Platonic! Rise Kujikawa x gn reader
₊˚⊹♡ wc: 720~
₊˚⊹♡ warnings: not proofread, fluff, silliness
₊˚⊹♡ Pillow Talks: I love your asks aromantic anon! Also the wingman part is so funny to me and simultaneously so real
₊˚⊹♡ Masterlist
“Looking like a snack as usual, Rise!” You wink in her direction, and she jokingly gasps, covering her cheeks in faux embarrassment.
“Y/n, stop iittt! You’re making me all hot and bothered!” Rise returns your wink with a charismatic one of her own, and soon you’re both giggling at the ridiculousness of said interaction.
The others look unamused, quite used to your antics. You and Rise are like two peas in a pod, often flirting with one another, albeit in a joking manner. You both know you’re just joking so it’s all in good fun.
“Geesh Rise, if you really feel that way about Y/N why don’t you make a move already? We all know you have the charm for it.” Yosuke mumbles. Chie voices her agreement beside him. Rise’s eyes light up in what you suspect to be a similar manner to your own.
She moves closer to you, batting her eyelashes playfully as you mockingly swoon over her. You chuckle when she wraps her arms around you in a hug, squealing when you return it. Yukiko starts laughing uncontrollably as Kanji makes a remark that leaves Rise fuming.
You spot Yu up ahead, finally making his way over to the rest of you. You lightly elbow Rise, drawing her attention. You nod your head in Yu’s direction, and her entire demeanor changes. “Senpai! I missed you!” She practically skips over to Yu as she throws her arms around him, burying her face into his shoulder as she squeezes him in her notorious tight hugs.
You wiggle your eyebrows when Yu catches your eye, and his cheeks redden.
Yu joins the rest of you with Rise clinging to his arm, and you all engage in amicable chatter before you disperse to look for clues on the latest potential Inaba murder victim.
“Oh, Rise, Yu, you two should investigate together.” You mention. “Huh?” Rise perks up at the suggestion, yet her cheeks warm in surprise. Ah, you’ve caught her off guard with your suggestion, but Yu is a desirable man. You gotta help your girl out as best you can, before someone else gets with him.
“Oh? Why is that?” Yu looks genuinely confused, and one of the girls voices their protest.
“Because Rise has something important to discuss with you regarding her career. She doesn’t feel comfortable telling everyone yet, so she wants to do it one on one until she feels more comfortable voicing her concerns with the group. She’s still an idol you know.” You come up with that on the spot, praying the investigation team buys your bullshit reasoning.
Rise’s eyes alight with delight when no one has a retort, leading to Yu’s easy agreement. The two of them walk off, and Rise glances behind her to meet your gaze. You wink, giving her a subtle thumbs up. She mouths an enthusiastic ‘Thank you!’ in your direction, leading to an amused smirk presenting itself on your face.
“I know what you’re up to Y/N.” Kanji announces. You glance at him in surprise, only for him to say “Rise’s just too shy to be open and honest with the rest of us without putting on that idol persona of hers, right? That’s why she’s gotta discuss it with senpai alone first huh?” You nod in agreement at Kanji’s off base understanding, but it helps your case significantly.
The rest of the investigation team ‘oohs’ and ‘ahhs’ as if that totally makes sense. Naoto shakes her head in dismay as she pinches the bridge of her nose. Yosuke emits a sigh akin to disappointment as the rest of the group actually buys that reasoning.
“Anyway-! Let’s investigate guys. We can’t call ourselves the investigation team if we don’t play the part!” You successfully divert their attention as the rest of you set off in a group before you split up, asking around as you search for clues.
You receive a text later that evening with Rise’s heartfelt gratitude for the opportunity you provided her.
You send a silly winky face with a kiss in reply, smiling when she sends you a rose and a ring in turn.
You cherish your friendship with Rise, and you hope she can find the happiness she deserves.
Hopefully with the man of her dreams, aka Yu Narukami.
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spaceorphan18 · 9 months
I was wondering how you felt about the centralization of fandom. I feel like now, I'm so used to hop on AO3 that as soon as I'm looking for something I might not find there, like meta, theories or simply fics for an older (related to AO3) fandom like Glee, I don't have a clue anymore where to look for them. I never used LiveJournal so I don't have the habit of checking it out. FFNET feels obsolete after spending so much time on AO3, and as for Tumblr... the search function is a mess (and I dislike the fact that so many people post fanfics directly in text posts, of course they do what they want but it's frustrating to search for like analysis or simple thoughts and only find docs).
Fanlore is often lacking (although I worked myself on filling some stuff a few times).
I was used to HP being my main fandom: it had its own very charming fan websites with tons of content that often still exist, but are different somehow.
So I guess my question is actually several questions:
- what do you think of fandom being generally more centralized nowadays
- where do you go if you seek stuff like writeups (AO3 allows them but doesn't feature so much of them, but I know the Glee fandom was THRIVING and full of stuff,I guess the waves of mass post deletions are part of the issue)?
- finally, how are you? 🤗 I'm always happy to see your posts on my dash even if my Glee hyperfixation has come and gone
Sorry, it may be a confusing post 😂 Too much stuff going on
Hmm - I guess I wonder what you mean by more centralized? Like that we find everything in one place? Do we find everything in one placed? I guess I'm a little confused (but I often am)
What do you mean by write ups? Do you mean things like meta and analysis? I just want to make sure I'm understanding correctly.
If I'm being honest, my relationship with media has changed and I'm not necessarily seeking out fandoms to engage with. (This is not a denouncement of fandom at all! Just that I'm busier and how I interact with things just is different now) I haven't hyperfixed on anything since Glee - and I'm okay with that.
I don't really know where people can go /now/ to dig into fandoms. I think Discord is one of the places - but you almost have to be engaged already and invited into one. I don't know where people are putting their thoughts and feelings these days.
For me - I listen to a lot of podcasts now (as well as YouTube) where I can hear people's takes on such things, but I can't necessarily engage with it (I mean, I suppose commenting is a thing but it's not my thing) and that seems to fulfill a lot of my desire to hear someone else's thoughts.
And, I mean, I've made a group of good friends on Tumblr that if I want a more personalized discussion on something I'll hit one of them up and spark a convo. (Of course I have people not on the internet with whom I do that, too.)
But I can see where it can be hard for someone who is just starting out on their fandom journey to find a place where they can really dig in with others. Tumblr would be nicer if it was more organized and if tagging did actually work.
And, you know, I kinda treat Tumblr like a journal - and just create my own content. I'm not necessarily writing for all of you, but to sort things out in my own mind. Having people read and enjoy my thoughts is just an added bonus. ;)
I'm not sure if I've answered or addressed all of your thoughts - but hopefully, some of that makes sense?
In the mean time, I am doing well. I'm in a better place personally, which is nice, because then I can get back to all the fun projects I enjoyed before the year of my mental health crisis. Hope you are well yourself! <3
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anonymityisfunwriter · 11 months
🥇 Comment Hall of Fame 🥇
I really like when people comment. What better way to encourage interaction than by rewarding it? Here's a running list of some of my favorite comments, the ones that made me laugh, the ones that made me cry, the ones that kept me going. I love all the comments I get but these are just some of my faves from AO3, Tumblr, and Wattpad. You guys are all the best. 💛
"This series has the same equivalence to the mini episode cartoons like teen titans go but like BETTER I LOVE THIS SO MUCH" - @/thatboyisagunn · I remember watching the OG Teen Titans as a kid, so I really loved this comment. Plus, it sort of gave me the idea to do like one-shots as 'mini episodes'.
"“…morally ambiguous, sarcastic, charming brunette“ I know this is supposed to be referring to Flynn Rider, but it sounds an awful lot like Bucky to me. Loved this whole story! I was smiling the whole way through." - @/bookish_irish_dancer ·I laughed for an hour when this lovely commenter said this, because, yes, that is absolutely what I was going for.
"T Swizzle is a national treasure and I will fight to the death for her." @/aswiftlytiltinguniverse ·I will too. Okay, maybe not to the death, but I will post a lot of fics with TS references.
"I GODDAMN LOVE THIS SONG DUDE. THE ANGST, THE PAIN, THE CONFUSION AND GODDAMN JOHN I HATE YOU. BARNES I LOVE YOU AND SAMUEL YOU BIG BROTHER. I'm LOVING this Tay Swift-ness author." @toomanyfanficsbruh ·I like inciting John Walker hate. Especially all caps hate. This just made me laugh so hard tbh.
"Sis, as much as i love your stories and this story.. THIS WAS A PUNCH TO THE GUT, WHY WOULD YOU DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS *VIRTUALLY PUKES BECAUSE YEAH, I HAVE A FULL STOMACH RN* (but whatever i still love you uwu😊🤣😭🤗)" @/youraveragehotmessofabisexual ·The "why would you do something like this" really had me cheesy grinning like I know I just hurt my entire audience, but wasn't it fun?
"“LeTs NoT gEt EmOtIoNaL” my ass. I’m emotional. Let me emote 😭" @/BuckySimp101 ·This comment made me emote. And keep going with the GrumpyxSunshine series after Two Sides of The Same Coin.
"I challenge you to a duel anonymityisfun. You hear me duel, I hope you have a blood donner cos you're gonna need it ( I'm hating where this is going but loving your update speed. Keep it up )( side note I moved to mars so you're going to have to come here for out duel. )" @i-wanna-burn-the-world ·I can say with absolute certainty that I'd never been challenged to a duel before this comment. It's happened a few times since then to be honest.
"THIS MADE ME CRY AND I DONT MEAN JUST TEARED UP I MEAN I FUCKING CRIED MAN" @/Jwritesstuff ·If you couldn't tell, I really love comments that yell at me about what I made people feel. I love it.
"SAM YOU BITCH! YOU CANT JUST LEAVE US! RULE NUMBER ONE!!!" @/any_ways ·Now, you guys didn't know what I knew, but the visceral reaction everyone had to Sam at the end of Two Sides of The Same Coin was *chef's kiss*
"When I gave this story my heart it was under the impression that you wouldn’t tear it out of my chest and stomp on it" @/HopeMAnd21 ·I know it sounds silly, but I like knowing that I can make people feel things. That the words I write can actually impact a person warms my little heart.
"I always have no feedback, criticism or words, but…I once again am lost. This whole this has twist and turns, one right after the other. I really don’t know what to say. This should be a mini book that I can hold in my hands and it has that little penguin on the spine, and anonymityisfun written under the title. I’m going to cherish this. When I’m bored and want twists and turns and sorrow, this is what I’ll read. You should be very proud!" @/any_ways ·Listen, I am, by no stretch of the imagination, a crier, but this comment made me cry. Being published, being able to call myself an author, even the idea of ever getting to put something out into the world, it's been my dream since I was a kid. Ugh, it just made my heart swell.
"you really did take all these characters and made them your own. from all the fanfictions i've read, your version of marvel characters are by far my favourite. i also feel very happy seeing this full circle moment because i still remember very vividly how sad i felt when i read how alone sunshine was. thank you for this series and i hope this is not the end!!" @/khirtelt ·This felt so important because, while legally I own very little rights to these characters, they do very much feel like my characters and my stories. They all have little pieces of me, both good and bad, and I'm very proud of the work I've put into these stories.
"110% babygirlification of Bucky Barnes" @/thesweetestheart ·I do not mind being attributed to the continued babygirlification of Bucky Barnes. It's now my life goal.
"I was thinking of you when the Taylor swift album dropped I HOPE U LOVED IT 🕺🏾🕺🏾🕺🏾 Also another Drabble masterpiece as PER USUAL" @buckbuckyoongs ·When you think Taylor Swift, I hope you think of me.
"I need a friend that loves me as much as Sam and Sunny love each other... AHEM, I SAID I NEED A FRIEND THAT LOVES ME AS MUCH AS SAM AND SUNNY LOVE EACH OTHER. please? (Now I just sit and wait until someone starts talking to me... I'm gonna be here for a while.)" @i-wanna-burn-the-world ·We all need a friendship like Sam and Sunshine.
"i ADORE THIS. I LOVE ITI WOUL KILL AND DIE FOR THIS. YOURE AMAZING AND I APRECIATE YOU POSTING YOUR WRITING, SO MUCH. I LITERALLY WIND DOWN AT NIGHT WITH YOUR STORIES-" @/ValerieQ "TYSM💜 AND OFC YOURE LITERALLY A GODDESS I DONT THINK YOU UNDERSTAND-" @/ValerieQ ·This was all one comment thread and when I tell you, I was having a rough go of it, I needed this. You all hype me up so much, but this comment just made my heart melt. I'm so glad that my silly little stories are a place you guys can go to unwind and hang out. I love that so much.
"another beautiful work from @/anonymityisfunwriter and i can’t tell if i love or resent them for the pain they put me through. every. time." @mediocre-daydreams ·I wonder if they decided if they love me or they resent me yet. Either way, I'm glad I make you guys feel all the feelings. It's my goal.
"Binged the shit out of this and fell in love. I cried, I weeped, my heart swelled with so much love for these two. Honestly this series felt like a hot bowl of homemade soup on a cold day." @kjdara ·"A hot bowl of homemade soup on a cold day" Please, the way that made me choke up. One of the best, sweetest comments I've ever gotten.
"I found the sound on TT literally just scrolling through and screamed "Bucky don't leave her! She's your sunshine"... Needless to say I have a meeting with the boss man about time theft" @/MandaRinne ·The time theft part made me laugh, and also worry, but I'll take it as a good thing you guys think of the Grumpy x Sunshine series while scrolling TikTok.
"I'm glad they made up and love love the twist at the end. Because it truly signifies that sunshine is a fighter. And I love sunshine and I try to strive towards adopting the better parts of her personality into mine everyday. Fr." @/youraveragehotmessofabisexual -This, and I'm not even exaggerating, left me a little speechless. It will never not blow my mind that anyone actually cares about anything I've written.
I'll be adding to this every now and then. I just wanted to do this to show my appreciation to everyone who's supported me, it's the greatest feeling in the world. If you're here, if you've ever left comment, I thank you from the bottom of my heart, I love you all so much. 💛
And please, take this as a sign to show support to other amazing creators and authors, comments, reblogs, kudos, it makes a world of a difference. 💛
And, if for whatever reason, you're on this list and don't want to be, just let me know and I'll take it down. 💛
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2n2n · 1 year
I am struggling to this moment to … comprehend this chapter truly happened .. and was not a dream I had… its going to take at least a month to accept it into my brain... am I making things up? Could such images really exist already, so soon? I'LL TRY TO TALK AT ALL ABOUT ANYTHING!!!! in these CIRCUMSTANCES!!!
Nene-chan is such a good and gracious girl ... she understands her little mans so well... so kind of you, Nene-chan. So patient, so understanding, for your weird little bug.
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I love to see Nene-chan in more casual clothes than her full uniform, she is so cute in little shorts always!!! Her uniform can make her feel bulky in silhouette, she is so small in reality... she has such a small chest...! bless
Mitsuba really rules lately. Really into it Mitsuba, your shenanigans. Seeing his charm. Little rat. Stupid cop Kou unable to appreciate a funny penis joke. What is he even any good for, really? Why do we have him around, again....
I like to see this kind of fluid lying and appearing empty headed haha. It's much easier to fake it in front of Nene-chan...!
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but MAN--!! unfortunately this chapter proving to me I really do dislike how Mitsuba and Kou interact, and really like him placed with just about anybody else xU it's more fun to see than all the stressful yelling and zapping ... as always, he's more capable of being thoughtful or conversing around Nene-chan, the first person he met when reformed... and then, he's much more childish and vulnerable around Tsukasa, who he doesn't need to put on pretenses for, given their relationship. I'm more excited to see him alongside either of them...
But I love how childish he's being here with Nene-chan too, what is with this, Mitsuba?? Really is a rowdy child--! We really need someone like Tsukasa to somewhat keep Mitsuba behaving, don't we? haha.... I'm glad he can give Kou a run for his money, I hope he becomes incredibly annoying to Kou... please, put Kou through it. He's had too easy of a life.
this is so funny Mitsuba, you suck so much, please keep it up. Nene-chan Godess levels of graciousness
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once again I am tested ... it is so hard to respect Mitsuba and Kou's bond when nice friend Nene-chan can put you so at ease ...
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its nice to see you having fun and enjoying yourself... so simply... I suppose its natural with someone less loaded, so I should go easy ... but you know .. its difficult when HanaNene can do it all ... comparatively ....
Nene-chan is getting so good with kaii... so good with observing people and accommodating... what a lovely and sweet girl. She's come so very far, hasn't she...? She is so thoughtful....
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such a selfless girl, she is OK with not being told anything directly.. she is OK with interpreting things. Hanako makes him such gracious little girlies, doesn't he? With all his witholding and moodiness... Heehee... Nene-chan on her way to become as perceptive as Tsukasa, after only a few months with Amane! Learn to look past what people say.
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I love whenever they bother to draw in this kind of thing LOL, I love how being close to kaii is going to isolate Nene-chan over time :p classmates seeing you talking to air, screaming in the middle of class, running off to the bathroom every day, LOL. She's more undateable than ever, isn't she? Heehehe...
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thank you for describing it like this, Mitsuba ... he did rough you up....
JESUS is it good to see this panel/page referenced. I think about it constantly!!! HE LIED TO YOU.... ! he already tried to abandon you without saying anything twice (PP & severance!)
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but Godbless Nene-chan, she is still waiting patiently, she believes he still intends to tell her... she believes this promise... Nene-chan, as you become more precious, I'm not sure Hanako is willing to risk what he used to be willing to risk... it may not be a matter of "we're not close enough for him to be honest", but rather, "we are too close for him to be honest".... that might be how Hanako is ... it's more dangerous the closer you are, isn't it? So much more to lose... and he's not stable, is he?
how rewarding it is to hear Nene-chan herself talk about the feeling of violating Hanako's privacy!! I've wondered if this would ever be lampshaded... she keeps being delivered information from behind Hanako's back, primarily by Tsukasa... I wondered if she would ever feel guilty or strange about that, knowing so many personal details Hanako absolutely has reason to be sensitive and secretive about.... she's surely not brought any of it up to him for a reason... he would surely freak out....
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it would seem all she has learned since the Severance/Far Shore has made her more gracious and accommodating than ever, no longer focused on an impatience, but scared of overstepping with Hanako... such a good girl!! Unfathomably a good girl!!! but "how much you are allowed to poke your nose in".... hey, girlie, don't worry, how about... you have permission to learn all that you please ;) from God ;)))
Oh Nene-chan......!
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sweetest girlie in the worldie
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a little romantic girlie as always! We have to do it properly, doesn't Amane deserve it properly? I want to see how Amane would melt, given a 'proper' confession! LET'S SHOW AMANE A 'PROPER CONFESSION'! Can we do less loaded circumstances, can we have more atmosphere!? LETS GOOO, NENE-CHAN!!! Show us a 'proper confession'!!!! To the fullest!!!! All of your Nene-chan charm and prowess!!!!
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Such a funny thought to have ... look at him brooding, too... it's a comedy beat... poor Nene-chan though, again, I'm not so sure. After all, he won't tell his 'little brother' anything, either. And that's intimate family, his twin. But I want to see you try to explore this, let's find out how deep Hanako's aversions to talking are! You need to learn! If it gets worse the closer you are, then what do we do?
I can't help but wonder if the truth of what 'kannagi' entails to a kaii will come up as a result ... Hanako already compared his cursed bond with Nene to being in a relationship, and Sumire was said to be 'wed unto God', as was Aoi, as kannagi. It would be a little funny if you're functionally already forcibly married ... I've been wanting to know the true ramifications of the kannagi circumstances (which Hanako so deftly sweeps under the rug as 'assistant') and how sick & twisted it is for Hanako to have conscripted Nene into it without any kind of explanation or context. I feel as if we're in much deeper than 'girlfriend' from the start....
ah, and then the chapter ends, doesn't it? it ends at the future school festival... whoa, how interesting! what an exciting note to end on
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eh? eh.... oh no... it starts happening. I start hallucinating...
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it's a figment of my imagination, it can't really happen like this.... the chapter ended pages ago, right?
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IT CAN'T HAPPEN LIKE THIS--!!! its a dream, its my imagination.... ! my crazy fanfiction!!!
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ah-- but he's looking so graceful, and peaceful, and wistful... like he holds the world of possibility in his heart....
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ahhh yes yes, a thousand times yes!! Could it be said so simply, so plainly? Of course, as you've been doing the entire time!!! As you always do!!!!
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and then the dream gets absurd, crazy
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ah . it ... so close ... holding her face so close, to smile at her ...
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I knew it would be an epic moment!!!! The day we finally hear Tsukasa say her name again!!!!! He's been saying things vaguely this entire time!!!! Of course, she's sweet NENE-CHAN! a kid just like him! His peer!!! Still Nene-chan!!! Always Nene-chan!!!!!!
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RRRR !!! of course, it could never be anything else!!
Holding your face, held so close like this, called a sweet name, not by the little 4 year old child, but this handsome boy just like your own little boytoy, that must feel different, mustn't it? And the atmosphere he is emanating, this graceful calm and sincere faith, doesn't it just...
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..... dooo something to you? Doesn't it just have to? of course your heart races...
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This is not truly related but, the fact she's clutching a bag while it's happening, reminded me of confession tree...
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Confessions on the brain....
Ah.... I could not be more excited... Nene-chan might get more opportunities to see the boys in their living days... she might get to see Tsukasa, Tsukasa might seek her out, she might seek out Tsukasa, she might get to talk to him more, at this stage...
This living Tsukasa, though... he has such an interesting vibe, and he makes the modern Tsukasa feel more... 'something is different'. Whether something occurred that has altered him over all this time, or whether simply the shinjuu altered his emotional landscape so greatly (really, I think the 'changes' kaii can experience are as it is, just metaphor for how experiences and events can seemingly shape us into 'different' 'unrecognizable' people, but we are the same at our core)... he has become such a more uninhibited rascal figure. The differences between the living Tsukasa being so subdued feeling, quiet, observant... and the modern Tsukasa being so giddy, kicky legs, lay on back and sprawl out (though of course he's still crucially attentive!) ... as different as the living Amane's morose enclosed vibe VS the dead Hanako's own increased childishness and rascal qualities (who is of course, still actually enclosed deep down).
Ah. But I'm so excited to see this theme of 'confession, say what you feel' entangle with this element of 'traveling through time'. Tsukasa waiting for Amane to make a decision... Nene planning her confession.... the opportunities to see the twins alive... the opportunities to interact with, at the very least, Tsukasa, repeatedly... It could not be more thrilling. I cannot predict this manga, really!!! I feel like I'm being hit by a train!!! It can get so crazy so quickly!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I have such a feeling .... a feeling it is time~ to start percolating~ the TsuNene part of the love circle~~~~ if Nene is finally thinking so directly about Hanako, it's time to add in another confusing element: his twin!!!! Ahhhh come plaaayyyy Nene-chan ♥♥♥♥ I wonder if, while trying to teach her all about Amane, he'll accidentally teach her all about himself? Nene-chan is so good and observant now .... can read between the lines... if he tries to show and tell her all about Amane, won't she be able to turn her gaze to him, and wonder why he wants to offer her that? What does she mean to him? Nene-chan will be so curious, she always is.
it can't be helped, it does remind me of Neige and Rasphard's friendship early on ... living Tsukasa has such a similar vibe to the disgraced suicidal scholar ... I BELIEVE IN THE OT3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SLAMS my hands onto the table!!!! Ugh.. delusionally I am manifesting the ship into reality ...
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girl4music · 1 year
I miss with everything in me TV shows/movies and visual art/entertainment of any kind that are self-referential in a clever campy, fourth wall breaking, lampshading way. Basically visual art/entertainment that is able to and has the balls to take the piss out of itself and can admit where it goes wrong within the narrative itself. Honest, transparent clever meta TV.
Everything is just so fucking serious and dramatic now. Even when it’s a comedy, there’s still an urgency and a need to make you laugh that really takes the fun out of watching it. I don’t know if this will make any sense but I feel like TV visual media today just tries too hard. And it’s probably because it’s no longer just TV. What’s the word I’m looking for in explaining what I mean by this? I can’t think of it. Contrived? Forced? No, that’s not it. I don’t know how to articulate it.
It’s like you just can’t help but notice that there is a goal or an agenda to it while watching it so it takes you out of the experience of interacting/engaging with it when it’s supposed to pull you further in. ‘Xena’, ‘Buffy’ and ‘Charmed’ had it down so fucking well. Yes, all of them have their flaws and controversies but it was exceptional writing to the point where you feel like you’re part of it. Like you’re up close and personal with the characters and the environments and you feel like family. Like you belong with them and it. No TV show or movie has made me feel like that since. I’ve tried. I tried with ‘Sense8’, I tried with ‘First Kill’, I tried with ‘Santa Clarita Diet’, I tried with ‘Warrior Nun’. And I know that it was happening ever so slowly, but in the next second it was ripped away from under me. I didn’t even get chance to become a part of any of them, let alone let them become a part of me. I mean you wouldn’t really call fantasy or supernatural shows like Xena, Buffy and Charmed realistic storytelling. It’s some of the wackiest, most over-the-top, ridiculous shit ever for much of each respective show’s run. But all of them really feel more real to me than anything I could watch today on a streaming service of any kind. It feels real because it feels like me. Who I am, what I care about, how I perceive the world, where I stand. Makes me feel like I’m at home. When everything else I watch just makes me feel even more alienated. And it really is hard to explain how special these 3 are. How they’re just leagues ahead in my heart and mind over all else.
I both miss the realism in the absurdity in TV as well as I when it was about learning something significant. I miss the balance in the comedy and the drama. And I really miss when it never took itself too seriously yet was still able to get the point across without forcing it. You know, the way it both grows within and with you. The way it began with you and never leaves you. I guess what I really mean is I miss character-driven. I miss those episodes that had nothing to do with plot but told you more about the characters because of it. When the TV show wasn’t necessarily or specifically about anything. It was just the characters. They are that show. You know? Yeah, that’s what I mean. 😌
I’m always talking about how ‘Xena: Warrior Princess’ especially doesn’t really have any point to it. What it means and what it stands for is entirely up to you. I always say that it’s magic is in its ambiguity. How you’re supposed to interpret it over just watch it. And it’s just one big fucking headcanon that never ends. And they’re all like that in their own ways. All 3 shows. If they weren’t they wouldn’t be such cult classics. People wouldn’t still be watching them years after the very last episode aired. So timeless and so special. Unlike anything you could even find in visual media today. You can put it down to nostalgia but I think it’s more than that. I think they’re lightning in a bottle. With amazing chemistry between the actors and exceptional writing in storytelling and metaphor meaning. And with the fact they gave you room to create in it all that matters to you as a sentient being. To say I’m passionate about them is an understatement. I feel like I’ll never know anything that knows and fulfils and satisfies me completely like these 3 incredible shows do: Xena/Buffy/Charmed.
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badedramay · 1 year
little bit of a rant but: do you ever have a piece of media you really enjoy within its own bubble but that becomes really hard to enjoy once you're exposed to the fandom for it? i feel like that's what fairy tale is becoming for me lol. i did find it a lot of fun and thought the romance was cute but the fandom's inability to even entertain the idea that the show might have flaws really frustrates me. even moreso when this attitude is used to criticize other dramas (not talking about tere bin here. people can fully have at it with that) that are arguably dealing in way more complex ideas than fairy tale ever will. like not everything is about clear cut choices and forever well presenting characters! i do understand where the hype for either mc comes from (women feeling liberated of "responsible" decision making via umeed vs. women feeling charmed by a man like farjaad who does not resort to misogyny or violence) but i also don't think the expectations that come from that can be imposed onto dramas that are discussing more complex ideas often entrenched in exploring gender biases in our society. does that make sense? like if we're going to discuss some of the harms of society on the behavior of individuals, we are inevitably going to see some of those harmful behaviors portrayed and explored. and not every show goes the right way of actually criticizing those behaviors, but plenty do! and there is a cohesive point to why the harmful behaviors are highlighted, even if we don't like them! idk. maybe it's overly judgmental but i feel like i can't take fairy tale fans seriously half the time lol and i remember you feeling the same way when you initially talked about it way back when
fandoms have a way of either amplifying one's enjoyment of a piece of media or completely ruining it, there's no in between. I have lost count of how many shows that I used to enjoy with all my might, I had to step away from its "main" fandom from to be able to continue to enjoy them. fandom especially on twitter toh is more explosive than other platforms cuz the responses are so quick and there's almost nothing private there. hashtags are open for all of the users to explore. and even if you DON'T hashtag the show, there's still a way of what you're saying coming up for users either via a simple search option or by twt's fucked up algorithm that INSISTS on showing you the posts your mutuals interact with. there's almost no privacy there unless it's a locked account. that level of being public is not available on instagram and definitely not on tumblr where the rules of engagement are completely different and it's easier to tune out the fandom noise. (more under cut)
which is why no matter how much i TRY to, I cannot escape the FT opinions. and yes with time I have become more open to the show and its fandom but I still don't have a lot of respect for either of it. what you say is right, FT is a show has only ONE thing going on for it and that's the main ship. Umeed is apparently a refreshing character and Farjaad a green flag one and somehow just this combination is enough to overpower all of the show's other flaws. somehow their few good interactions in 30 episodes is enough to hail the show as some masterpiece. ya know I find is so funny that FT fandom has so cleanly separated their ship from the rest of the show. any criticism against the show's other characters and events is valid. but any criticism against farmeed is not as if they are an unrelated entity altogether??? how does that make sense??? khair. there's something that I was told ages ago which has influenced much of my perspective about gauging the quality of something. the "good" is not the "absence" of bad but the "denial" of it.
it's like "XYZ is honest" vs "XYZ is not dishonest". both technically mean the same thing. but the second statement first confirms that there's a trait called "dishonesty" that exists and then makes it point to state that XYZ is not that. it's such an important element to be incorporated in stories where the bad/evil first has to be established and identified before its antithesis is introduced. to address your points here...it's like the FT fandom just wants a very sanitized story to indulge in because they do not have either the capacity or just the sheer willingness to indulge in a more complicated story. Farjaad for the most part is a fairly easy character to root for. he's not a bad guy..even his slightly twisted actions are not done out of malice. his selfishness is "cute". one doesn't have to compromise or defend their morals to root for a guy like him and subsequently invest in his romantic endeavors. Umeed, on the other hand, is more twisted but like you said she's a character so liberated from the conventional ties of making the "right decisions for everyone's sake" that for "hardcore feminists" (the self-proclaimed majority of the FT fandom) her flaws are more the reasons to love to her than to criticize her.
Compared to this, the other PakDramas and their stories are more complex than that. unlike FT's sanitized route, these stories HAVE to show the hard to swallow traits in either the main characters or the supporting ones to drive home the point of what's the "good" there. take Yunhi for example. if not for Dadaji's patriarchal mindset, can Dawood's character really shine? Dawood is the antithesis of Dadaji. Dadaji, Razia, Danny, the Phupha..these characters are needed in the narrative to establish why the opinions of Kim and the ones supporting Kim are the "right" one. Kim and Dawood have to "fight" their mindsets to triumph. the existence and acknowledgement of these traits should precede the denial of them.
how the FT fandom makes up for any lack of "wrong" in its narrative is that it then turns to other stories and compares characters/situations from there to fill the gap of existence and acknowledgement of "wrong" that their heroes don't have in its own canon. so the bad guys become the other MCs of other stories who don't have a sanitized enough image. chalo TB is an extreme example, let's take examples of shows that fall in the same Ramazan special light hearted genre that FT is part of. for the fans of Farjaad, even someone like Arsal (Suno Chanda s1 as S2 is a thing that just simply does not exist) is not a good enough guy because of how he occasionally treated Jiya. Arsal has done the unthinkable of raising his hand on Jiya although no strike was landed, it's an offense that's so mighty that he automatically kicks him out of the "good guys" list which Farjaad is topping solo now. never mind that Arsal fucking up and then realizing his mistake and making up for it by supporting Jiya in a way that no one in the family was WAS his entire arc. but nah..it's bordering the grey line. and heroes should only be green.
the irony of the FT fandom then proclaiming to be the sanest and wisest of them all isn't lost on me.
of COURSE i can't take this fandom seriously. contrary to what they think they are doing i.e. sticking to their side by just hyping their fav..the reality is different. they have their noses stuck up in the business of every other fandom. sure the toxicity isn't as huge as the TB fandom but again, TB fandom is humongous. for its size, FT fandom has plenty of fuckery. and I have noticed this in my few interactions with them. it's better to keep distance from them..innka koi bhi opinion itna khaas hai nahin ke usspe dhyaan diya jaye.
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tsukuyomiland · 1 year
The thing about Fritz Wittelsbach is that he thought of the world as a rotten place and he was able to see beauty only in 3 things:
His rose garden, which he planted according to his tastes and was his refuge
Julia's virtue
The princess' beauty
He had a twisted sense of justice that made him believe he was right above any mortal circumstance, feeling no remorse when he murdered his own brother, thinking he was doing the right thing in its purest form. All the system he lived in was corrupt in its roots.
Supposedly, all this perspective changed when he met Julia, thinking she was able to make the world that would have avoided him doing what he did, a world in which the system would have punished his brother's crime. He saw her rule as a path to his wish. That's why he was willing to work for her.
But again, supposedly, his perspective would change again after meeting the princess. After being a witness of her sincere kindness, little by little he would think that the world can be changed through gentleness and compassion, and not through violence and resentment. Thinking that Julia and the Princess could combine their charm together, the world would finally reach the point of his dreams, even if he at last understands that it would mean he deserved to be punished in the end. He accepts this final punishment as long as his wish is fulfilled.
Fritz was created to be the Princess' love interest, and so he was destined to fall in love with her at some point. While towards Julia he held a feeling of adoration and duty, he was a fantasy of blind loyalty.
I made him with all these nuances. I feel sad my contribution, that was more than a simple contribution (I created the entire base of the character, including the background and physical looks) has been erased this way. I've been erased of many others, being the Princess the one which hurts me the most, since she was basically a self-insert of myself that I designed and created according to my tastes and was the initial base for Pallas, so the author attributing the character creation to herself is painful beyond words, but I've tried to solve it with her privately with no answer, so I guess I will have to learn to live with that.
Here is some of the art I made many years ago that prove the romantic involvement of these two back then.
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I have a lot more of it that prove my strong involvement in the project, which as I say, it has been quite unfairly erased and my work uncredited, but even if it hurts me in the personal side, I can't say it has any influence in any of my current stories or projects, so it doesn't really has any impact anymore in my life. I even see the current project held by the author as a fun "derivative work" of my own and so I feel somehow attached to it, but I see it from very far away. I'm glad my past work has helped someone, even if that someone lies about its origin and roots.
Being quiet about this issue in the name of peace was hurting me to a bad extent, and since I feel it poisons my heart and taints my other good experiences, I think is good I purge it out of my system somehow. If I say this is not to attack anyone or ask for anything, but to heal myself. To be honest, I don't mind about Fritz, because I even gave the character to the author as a proof of good will, since she was attached to it, and so I guess I gave her the right to shape it to her likings. But the presence and use of the princess feels like a needle in my chest yet, because I somehow see her so unnecesary in the current storyline the author made... I feel she could have been simply removed, and the story would still work. Basically I see the author sticks so much to the other characters and I don't see any trace of the "beautiful friendship" she mentions anywhere. She has drawn and talked the other characters a lot, but yet she hasn't mentioned any interaction between both the princess and the protagonist, let alone I have seen yet any drawing of them together. As if doing it hurts her someway. And so it makes me feel that the Princess is truly unnecesary. Maybe I'm wrong, but from the outside, that is what I feel, and makes me feel that the princess presence in that story it's more a matter of pride and stubbornness than anything else.
In any case, if this is something I have to live with, I would prefer to talk about it. I don't even feel it as a grudge, I don't want to attack, I don't want to hurt.
I just want to heal.
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nanjokei · 1 year
what are your fave mobile games??
to be honest i don't really play that many at the same time but ill talk historically, it makes the most sense anyway. btw this got really long
OG show by rock - one of the most fun mobage rhythm games EVER, the portait orientation 3 button setup looked deceptively easy but it has some of the most evil, vile beatmaps ive ever seen in a mobile game. AND THAT'S CRAZY!!! never gonna forgive sanrio for killing it and making its successor a shitty bandori clone (og sb69 was bound to die anyway bc it had insane rarity creep, but the cheap seeming bandori clone successor that didn't even have half the original bands at the time of EoS two years into launch was a huge slap to the face). the art in the cards was so much more charming than the ones in the new game, they weren't bad but you, me, her, he, them, everyone, we all KNOW what had more soul. i think the only thing the new game had over the old one is the interactive aspect via the homescreen live2d. also cause yasu was in it
fate/grand order - still my forever game, its a game where i dont feel pressure to do anything, you can use anyone you love. i can stop playing for weeks and come back and not feel an insane sense of FOMO which is an issue with a lot of newer mobage. i think a lot of people outsource their opinion on fgo exclusively from negative opinions which makes me kinda sad. the story is great, you can pick up the game at any time, and to those who find that kind of thing important: farming gems is easy. i say give it a shot yourself. ofc there are questionable things given the original source and its origins, not to mention the premise. but i do believe that despite its flaws i think people should reevaluate it fairly and not base it on the time they downloaded NA for 10 minutes and didn't roll an ssr right away after 20 rolls.
mahoutsukai no yakusoku - i'll be honest i have chosen not to play the game properly until an english version comes out bc i do not want to play a clicker in a language i am not very proficient in. HOWEVER. unironically one of the best stories i've read in mobage history, characters are great, i think it has wide appeal and the devs seem to understand that "joseimuke" paradoxically is something that can be enjoyed by all kinds of people (also it is a series that is kind to both fujoshi and yumejoshi. coexisting peacefully afaik). super recommend the story if you like magic, worldbuilding and interesting characters!!! bunta is a great writer. im a fan of idolish7 as well so i can vouch (also you can select your protag's gender which isn't crazy but in a game like this, i super appreciate it)
#compass - horrible game don't play this
love live school idol festival - i want you idol twitter and adjacent cunts to put respect to her name. RESPECT. SIF has never gotten her flowers from any of you facetious little slimeballs and you can deny it all you want but not only was this the blueprint but it also was probably what got you into the things you like in the first place. in a world where every other rhythm game is a bandori clone, i smile knowing SIF2 will keep the spirit of SIF alive (hopefully). the cards were cute, mu's discography is certified classic and anyone denying it in 2023 hates fun, and despite how archaic it was and its MANY flaws, i believe firmly that it deserves respect not only as an idol game but as a mobage in general. it really broke ground being localized when it was.
nikke - definitely top 10 most shocking things of the century that i played this and am still playing. its uh, very flawed, the wall sucks and once you hit that plateau in power level the struggle to catch up to content power walls is kinda depressing, but it has a lot of heart that keeps me logging in and talking to my girls. it's still unabashedly horny (though its a trick actually, a lot of the characters are more covered up than expected and it REALLY pisses a lot of the game's fanbase off), but i'm really enjoying the story. i think my pleasant surprise is so insanely high that it deserves a spot on here-- i think if you let it cook it mostly won't disappoint you. i love most of the characters :) korean kamige
argonavis AAside - i miss you. argonavis still lives, so i do not mourn what is living, but dabues was a special little game because it did not contain the evils of bandori. the gacha was fair, the spark ceiling was 100 rolls(!), but it was mismanaged from the start, fuck dena. im sad the new game will be a clicker but i will be there for argonavis no matter what. was pretty much what garupa should strive to be in terms of A GAME but unfortunately such days do not come to pass.
honorable mention cause its EOSing soon probably and im too bitter to talk about it positively rn given the current shitshow the jp version is in (ily global): vanguard zero, also megido72 because i only started playing it in december but im enjoying it a lot so far. i guess dream!ing also gets a mention. i will not elaborate
this is a postscript but i've played a lot of kusoge for tapjoy rewards and let me tell you. people playing regular well known japanese/korean/chinese mobage do not know the shit and crap that comes from the dregs of the play/app store. you do not know what a kusoge is until you've grinded earnestly and faithfully in shit like state of survival for an entire month. after those experiences i have Truly learned what it means to be a shit game
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risu5waffles · 5 months
Access VerboTEN
i guess if things go totally south wiv the servers, i won't need to worry about figuring out more TEN puns. That sucks.
This one isn't wivout its charm, tho' if i'm to be honest, it's well chonkier than it really has the chops to sustain. i find a lot of levels that are designed to mechanically keep the player moving only really do so smoothly if the player manages to be in just the right spot, at just the right time, hitting things at just the right angles. Wibble off course a couple degrees, and you wind up wiv a lot of bouncepads throwing you exactly where you don't need to be; and since you've lost the expected momentum for that bit, it's hard to force your way back into the flow of things.
As an aside, but the Jon Burgerman sticker set gets a lot of play in this one, and it's cute and everything, but i always found the characters to be a little too of themselves to really work in my creations. But the side to that is, was Jon Burgerman a thing, for a bit? Did people know (of) him? i just picked up the sticker set because for a bit i was picking up every DLC that came down the pike and was cheap enough, but i sometimes get the feeling that there are cultural referents that i'm supposed to get, but i don't, because i've been here for 20yrs, and may as well be in null space.
Just a little lockbox from @soupum . It's cute enough, and the opening cinematic works nicely, but it's here to do a job in the end, and it gets that job done. i really liked Soup putting his character in an action figure pack, and reminds me way back in the day, one of my title cards had the show characters as plushies at a festival.
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Geeze... according to the notes, the title card was for Season 2 Episode 49, which went live November 9th, 2018. Going in the wayback a bit there.
i really, really liked this one. i'll always appreciate 100% cardboard levels, that can manage to pull off a high degree of detail and character using just the cardboard. Like, no stickers or anything. This one pulls off the trick really nicely, getting a lot of texture out of thin layer objects. There are a few lights in there to give things a bit of a pop, but they're used well enough and sparingly enough, that i can't really dock too many points.
On top of the presentation, this is just a clever, fun level. There's lots of mechanical bits and interactions wiv the environment. It's a touch challenging, but nothing that would stress a player out too much. i'm really, really glad i stumbled over this one.
This one is honestly super good, and i just wish i hadn't played it so badly, 'cause you can see it's designed to be done in one pell-mell run. i remember playing through so many times trying to get one smooth run for the Archive, and, you can see, the precision isn't really my strong point, but i still dig what's being laid down. The core mechanical conceit is really nifty, and it would have been interesting to see it worked into other platformers.
If i have a quibble, it's that the level looks so dang drab. Like, i recognize that the looks aren't really the point, but the grey-ish stone platforms and the grey background just bleed into one another. Just a little bit more colour contrast would have been really appreciated.
i'm still surprised people liked this one as well as they did. i mean, i put a lot of effort into it, and i think it's good work, but at the end of the day, it's just a little moving scene.
You have no idea how much i would love to take a long trainride anywhere wiv my friends. The curse of building an online community is i will just never have the chance to see most of the people i care about in the flesh and tell them just how important they are to me.
If you had any idea how much i fucking fiddled getting the new title card layouts to look just right... well, you'd probably laugh, and rightly so, but it took a lot of work for something that's barely noticeable. If the servers do get shuttered, and i only got the chance to show them for 25episodes (and a handful of LittleBite-sizedPlanet ones), i'm going to be pretty. darn. salty.
i don't really know what else to say about chronos453's Chapter Zero, i feel like an (almost) hour-long dive into it has left me pretty well tapped. Episode 0.1 is such a good start to the Adventure, tho'. Jumping is such a fundamental aspect of navigation, the cleverness of the level design becomes rapidly apparent. The material choices and decoration are just chef's kiss as well.
Episode 0.2 is a bit of a stepdown, although i think almost anything would have been. Swimming is just such a "kind of there" ability to work wiv. Also, while i've eventually come around on the warped wood material here, the wider camera just doesn't flatter it much at all.
Presentation-wise, we're back in the saddle again wiv 0.3. The desert area up front just looks gorgeous, and i think is a fantastic example of how the extra layers LBP3 gave us should be used. The sky islands in the second half are complete catnip (squirrelnip?) to me. i've just always had a soft spot for them.
Gameplay-wise, the level is a lot of fun, even if the climbing mechanic is... i mean, it's fine, but it's only kinda-sorta a basic ability. i mean, it is a basic ability for LBP3, but it muddies the waters a bit as to when exactly this level is taking place in regards to the series.
Revelation and End of the Line are so, so good. i know chronos complains some about the look of Revelation, but... it still makes me a bit teary, so he got something right.
Shame about Departure being a bit pants, but no engine fires on every cylinder every time, i guess.
Oh my gosh, but do i love the environment in this one. Those conveyor belt dealies breaking apart as you wear down the Adversary Zone? It is such a cool little effect. chronos said he wishes he'd made the "boss" sections a bit more active, or more precisely interactive, and i get it, but i think what we've got here is more than engaging enough for the effect he's aiming for.
And that's another TENspot down. Just two more of these. Maybe? As far as i know, there hasn't been any word from Sumo on how the maintenance is going, but that doesn't surprise me any. While i do appreciate the work they've done keeping the lights on, and i recognize it's not an easy task wiv what is likely a skeleton crew, Sumo has, frankly, always been for shite when it's come to communication wiv the LBP community. They're probably too busy trying to figure out how to wring a little more blood from the stone that is Texas Chainsaw.
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rebeccareviews · 1 year
Christmas, Cabernet, and Chaos by Wendy Day
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Wendy Day’s Christmas, Cabernet, and Chaos is an okay heartwarming cozy that would have been excellent if it decided exactly what it wanted to be. I enjoyed the beautiful Christmas setting as well as the descriptive writing. However, this book is all over the place and sadly doesn’t deliver on any of its genres.
When her adult children can’t make it to her Christmas celebrations, Sally is devastated. It’s a Christmas miracle when her friend and crush Police Chief Mike invites her to visit him in the small town of McKenzie Bridge which is famous for its natural charm and Christmas magic. A Christmas fanatic, Sally instantly drags her grumpy best friend Pearl with her for the adventure! Once in McKenzie Bridge, the women get swept up in a series of events: there’s a baking competition, they sympathize with a little girl caught between her fighting parents, Sally’s budding romance with Mike, a sudden snowstorm, and, of course, a little mystery. Someone is trying to kill dour town busybody Birdie Grassley. With Mike not taking the threat seriously, it’s up to Sally and Pearl to save the day!
I was expecting this book to be a fun cozy Christmas mystery but I was disappointed. Don’t get me wrong: it’s an entertaining and sweet book that is bursting at the seams with Christmas cheer, complete with many Christmas miracles and a happy ending wrapped up in a perfect bow. However, while there are a lot of events, they aren’t that interesting and they do not really come together to form a cohesive plot. The events in this book would have worked better as a series of short stories. I really would have liked less of Pearl’s understandable but sometimes overbearing and pushy interactions with Noël, the poor little girl who wants to enjoy a vacation with her parents despite their constant fighting. I also got tired of Sally’s whining over her adult children somehow not managing to conquer a snowstorm to spend Christmas with her.
Furthermore, this book is advertised as a mystery but it is definitely not. There is a small, forgettable, and uneventful mystery with someone trying to kill Birdie in true Christmas fashion via a poisoned fruitcake and a runaway reindeer among other things. Trust me, it sounds more exciting than it actually is. The culprit is glaringly obvious, Sally and Pearl barely do any sleuthing in between their other Christmas activities, and the mysterious events come and go with little fanfare before it even really starts.
While the book does have a lot of disappointments, I still liked some aspects. I love the beautiful and cheerful setting of McKenzie Bridge! Day creates a wonderfully cozy small-town setting and a perfect Christmas atmosphere. I felt like I was in a Hallmark movie the entire time. I also love Day’s mature and descriptive writing and I wish the plot was stronger to reflect her writing skills. The main characters are well-written and likable. I love Sally and Pearl’s friendship. I wish we had gotten more of their sleuthing shenanigans because they work well as a team and clearly love and support each other. Pearl is hilarious and sassy while Sally’s kindness and determination to help others is admirable. I also think that the sweet romance between Sally and Mike works naturally and is nicely done.
Thank you to NetGalley and Open Sky Publishing for this book in exchange for an honest review.
🎄🎄 ½ out of 5 Christmas trees!
0 notes
lostlovesoul11 · 2 years
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Pairing: Jaehyun X Winwin X Reader
Warnings: cheating, pure smut, oral sex, penetration, fingering, breeding kink, panty sniffing/stuffing, pet names, dirty talk, degrade, overstimulation, best man winwin, revenge, wedding day.
Word count: 2.3k
18+ only no minors!
97' liners.... winwin phase. No comment.
Summary: A deal with a groom and his best man?
"Seriously?" is all that uttered out of your mouth. You just walked inside the room, unknowingly, while Jaehyun and his best man Winwin were kissing some girls.
The girls immediately ran out of embarrassment, being caught in the act. Leaving the two men rather surprised.
"Ain't you getting married literally in 15 minutes? But your here busy cheating on your fiancé," you crossed your arms together as you watch the two men ahead.
"Nothing wrong with having a bit of fun. Anyways why do you care so much? I thought you both hated each other." Jaehyun rolls his eyes, annoyed that you had to interrupt this moment for him.
He's not lying. His fiancé and you both had drama for years, you didn't really like her attitude at all. She even lied to you so many times and ended up talking to the same guy you was. You still both til this day have some sort of dislike regardless the time frame it's been. To be honest, you haven't heard much about Jaehyun except her bragging about how handsome and rich he was. You had no idea this man had no morals the way he openly is cheating.
But that just interests you further, wanting to play a game. You always wanted to get back at her, so why not take your sweet revenge by fucking her fiancé turning husband in afew minutes.
You walk back to the door which makes Jaehyun and Winwin just give each other a look. Not realising you only went to close it, standing behind the door as your face perks up.
"Hmm" you pondered. "I have a condition if you don't want me to tell your fiancé. I want you, pointing your finger at Jaheyun, and pretty boy, to make me cum hard before you get married." A cheeky smirk forms on to your face watching the reactions ahead. Jaehyun looks dazzling in his fitted suit, charming as ever. Meanwhile his best man WinWin looks absoutely sexy in his black suit. These two were incredible fine men. Who wouldn't want the both?
You stood still and watched Jaehyun walking towards you as he leaned in closer to your ears. Your breathing hitches up from the close proxmity of the two, smelling his sexy strong colonge. His lips just brushed your cheek before he stops to your ear.
"How bad do you want us baby girl?" He whispered as his warm breath hits your ear, forming goosebumps on to your skin. His voice was so deep and sensual. Hearing the pet name you can already feel a wet spot being formed.
"S-o bad" you uttered slowly, oh how badly you want this.
Winwin approached as he watched the little interaction, only to catch you off guard. He pins his arm on to the door as he locks it. Making your eyes open quickly to see his handsome face next to you. Tilting his head to the left side, watching your body react so easily having both men beside you.
"Pretty boy huh?" As his eyes travelled to your entire body back to your face with a grin. You wore such a tight dress on which exposed your features more.
"Pretty boy needs a pretty girl, you know?" Provoking you with his deep voice, feeling your pussy vibrate. His finger makes its way to your jaw, heading towards your heaving chest. Winwin made circles with his finger on your sensitive nipples, watching them get stimulated as they poke out of your dress.
"Mm-mm, you moan out from the stimulation.
"Mm that's it," his voice lowers, "keep making noise for me, okay?" He teases.
"Want more"
"More?" He spoke as his gaze stayed fixed on you, getting lower once his lucious lips make contact with your hard nipples. He flickers his tongue all around before sucking your breast in, causing you to gasp hard.
"So needy, bet that pussy is dripping" his hand roams towards your core, begging to get a touch.
"Take these panties off right now." Winwin demanded. Your dress was hiked up as you pulled down your soaked panties. Just as you did Winwin pulled them away from your grip. His eyes widen at the look of it being coated in wetness, only for him to take it towards his face and nose. You could sense his nostrils flare up, his cock hardening as it pains him. "Fuckk,"  Closing his eyelids to fully breathe into your scent, triggering him almost. How can you smell so sweet yet be so fucking dirty wanting to fuck a fiance and his best man at his own wedding.
Just watching Winwin get hypnotised by your scent makes your thighs rub against each other. What you didn't expect is how he shoved those same wet panties inside your mouth, causing restriction. "Be a good slut and keep your mouth quiet, understand?"
Trying your hardest to form a "yes" which came out muffled.
Watching him from your fluttering eyelids, only to feel Jaehyun's finger grazing below.
Jaehyun's fingers found its way on your clit, rubbing it in circular motions. His lips were stilled on your neck as he pecked kisses. You gasp when you felt his teeth digging in your skin, leaving a mark. His cock hardened against your thigh begging to get inside you already. Being so wet not noticing when Jaehyun's fingers made its way in, thrusting inside. Your mouth parted as the pleasure flew in which was hard with panties stuffed inside. Wanting to shut your thighs together from the overbearing feeling, only for Winwin's hand to roughly grab on to your thigh before he gives it a tight slap, causing a sting as you whimper. Pressing on to his arm roughly as he flicks your clit with the other.
"We want to see you break apart, pretty girl"
Jaehyun chuckled only for him to purposely increase his speed as he thrusts with his fingers, you've became a mess when Winwin made his way to your clit, rubbing it furiously. Jaehyun's finger curls upwards, as it hits against your gspot. Having two hands working and building more pressure you can just feel yourself clenching on his fingers almost immediate. Your drool drips from your mouth coating your panties more, unable to even bare the overstimulation and being with held from making too much sounds. Your back completely arched against the door. Eyes rolling back with the intense sensations passing through your body, droplets of tears falling down to your fucked out face while your orgasm passes through.
"Fuck, look at how you creamed my fingers, baby." His face is full of lust as he watches your state. His half lidded eyes gazing you as his fingers enter inside his mouth, sucking your juices in.
"Taste so sweet mmm" he growls.
Its almost embarrassing how fast these two men made you cum, just by their hands. The high they got you to feel was the best you've experienced. You can't even stop thinking of how their cocks would feel inside. Winwin removed the wet panties from your mouth, keeping them inside his pocket.
"Do you see this," Winwin whispers. His huge bulge was rubbing on your thigh, whilst Jaehyun's hard bulge was rubbing on your other thigh. Feeling yourself squashed between two fine men wanting to sink into the pleasure as your pussy is throbbing with the cocks rubbing on your exposed skin. You could feel how hard they felt against you. "See what you just did to us baby?" Jaehyun speaks out.
Before you could even speak, Jaehyun took you and placed you kneeling on the floor, while he sits on the couch. You've already your dress off as you waited for what's next excitedly. Their eyes lighted with lust seeing your entire body with sexy black lingerie. Your huge tits and plumped ass on full display. He fumbled with his pants, exposing his hard erection, begging for a touch. "Suck my cock."
You licked your lips at the sight infront while Jaehyun had a hold on his dick before he entered the tip in your mouth. Small licks at the base before you moved your tongue on his entire shaft. Continuing with your licks, as your needy mouth swallowed him inside so easily. You bopped your head as you sucked making sure you've fully coated his cock with your wetness. Hearing Jaehyun grunting made you aware how much he enjoyed, only for your throat to savour his whole cock down, causing him to push his head back in pleasure. Your ass was extremely arched as you kept moving, causing desire on both eyes.
"Gonna be a good slut and twerk for us? Show Winwin how badly you want him inside your needy hole as you suck my cock, hm? He teases.
"Y-yes,'' you moaned in response as the cock was hitting your throat. Wiggling your ass high up wanting a cock to be inside, imagining yourself taking in his huge length as you rock back and forth. Both admiring how your ass moves itself, so effortlessly. Winwin delivers tight slaps as you moan on Jaehyun's cock, arousal flying all over your body.
You removed the cock for a split second only for Winwin to use your mouth with his fingers, using the saliva, just for insertion inside of your hole. He let you take the lead as you continued moving back and forth with his finger behind, wishing it was his cock. You realised he placed his cock inside as his tip came first causing slight pain, before his remaining inches went in.
"You can take it." He coos. "Had to occupy your sweet hole since it looked so deprived."
Thrusting his whole cock behind you as his hands held on to your perky breasts before his thumb brushes over them. He was balls deep inside behind, thrusting in and out. You loved how Winwin's cock streched your hole, hitting your walls. "Fuck, needy girl your already clenching around me". You can hear him groaning near you. He rams his cock even deep. "Such a slut, wanting a married man and his best friend at once, desperate to get cockfilled, hm?"
"F-fuck I l-love it."
Gripping your hair in his hand, Jaehyun thrusts his hips against your mouth. Swallowing his entire length in one go.You begin to gag on his cock as he thrusts at a ruthless pace. Getting gagged while saliva's dripping down your chin.
"Might have to keep coming back to get my cock sucked because, fuck, you take me in so well." He smirks.
The comment made you feel so dirty yet turned on more. You really wanted to show him how it should be done. How useless his wife is when you can take cock so much better and more.
"Wanna ride you Jaehyun, please." you whined.
Jaehyun layed on his back as you approached closer, coming above him before you squatted down. You made sure Winwin was next to you as you rubbed him, using the wetness to coat on Jaehyun's cock before you entered the tip inside. "Such a dirty slut" Winwin grunts.
You slid slightly then stopped. "Remember our condition, making me cum hard? Are you going to cum inside my pussy with your married cock? Gonna keep me satisfied with cum in both my holes?"
"Y-yes you slut" Jaehyun growls.
You began bouncing up and down before Jaehyun grabbed on to your breasts as they jiggled. He sucked each breast so hard, leaving marks on your chest, your eyes were rolling in pleasure. You felt his cock wrapped in your pussy, riding so effortlessly. He matched your speed as he fucked deeply, mouth apart as the moans came through. His hips thrusting upwards as the cock swallows inside. Grabbing on to Winwin's cock as you stroked, making sure you pump him up full for release in your needy mouth.
Your entire body begins to shudder, clenching all over his cock knowing your orgasm is approaching its way. Jaehyun increasing his speed as your entire thighs begin to burn in pain, shaking almost crazily from the intense feeling. You bite your lip so hard, crying from how badly you feel yourself cumming all over his cock, uncontrollably. You keep moving all over his cock spreading all your juices, begging to get filled.
"I'm going to walk around with your cums infront of everyone especially your wife, show her who the cum really belongs too."
Once you spoke that, you can hear how badly Jaehyun's groans were becoming, he loved hearing how much you want his cum inside your pussy, showing it off to everyone. Your hand was moving at such a speed just to have Winwin grunting hard, shooting his cum inside your entire mouth, devouring it all up. You made sure any remains of cum was licked off while sucking his cock, giving a tip a kiss. Just in time, Jaehyun made sure he filled your entire wall with his thick white cum, loving how warm he made you feel. All you wanted was to keep his hot cum inside you throughout.
Hearing outside noises and the ceremony beginning soon, you all had to quickly make yourselves look presentable before hitting outside. Winwin got your soaked panties from his pocket and threw them over to you.
"Keep those on when we go down, want that pussy always wet". He smirks.
"Wet for us" Jaehyun responds.
Fast forward, Jaehyun and his now "wife" finally got married, both sharing their kiss. Everyone approached them to send their best wishes, happily. Ofcourse you would also, you're so happy, so happy to have his cum still inside of you as you walked over. Happy that her darling husband sucked your juices off not so long ago. You congratulated the two as she embraced you for a hug, only for you to whisper.
"Hope you liked the taste".
©2022 lostlovesoul11 all rights reserved.
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hello its me again!! i really love the way you wrote my previous request <3 if its okay to request again, may i request an enemies to lovers prompt or rivals to lovers prompt with jean, eula, beidou and ningguang? i love this prompt sm 🥺 you can just choose any of these four or if you want to add more characters !! <3 thank you :]
Woah I have a lot of ladies in my inbox! That's kinda funny considering that I always see blogs write for guys and bearly get any requests with girls.
Jean, Eula, Beidou and Ningguang rivals to lovers trope with their S/O
Reader here is gender neutral
Ah you remember the old days when she was just starting gathering her reputation as a knight. You were always trying to do better than her.
Your rivalry was very one sided too. Jean was just too nice to notice any of that. Even if she could feel that you did have a bit of a grudge against her, she never knew why was that.
But working with you was always efficient. To be honest she was anxious about letting you down whenever you worked together.
Still in the end she gained the title of acting Grandmaster and not you. It hurt and you were jealous, although deep down you admit that she deserved it more.
Ever since she gained that title you decided to calm down a little with always trying to do better than her... And that's how your feelings started.
You helped her more than anyone else. You supported her and made sure she's resting well. Honestly you didn't even realize that your heart was starting to skip a beat when she smiled at you.
She didn't either, and for some people it was "painful" to watch the two of you be so oblivious.
Once you felt that strong urge to prove that you were better than her, today you want to protect her smile and never let her down.
Jean was happy that you finally get along. She doesn't feel your piercing stares nor does she find you hard to talk to.
After a while you decided to be bold and asked her out on a date. You weren't fully sure of your feelings... But hey if you won't try you won't ever know.
The date was awkward but in a wholesome way. So you started meeting up more often whenever she and you were free (which isn't a lot but it's better than no alone time).
And before you know it you got the honor of calling her your girlfriend.
Being her rival was truly something I'll tell you that. Even as a fellow knight you were on the top of her vengeance list.
You took her victories and that was unacceptable.
The tense atmosphere between you was something to live for... She was always so full of grac- I mean... So full of herself!
She thought you were just another of those fools that dislike her purely because of her bloodline. You assumed a lot of foolishly foolish things so she had no time to waste on you.
But she did waste her time on you whether she wanted to or not. Whatever she did she couldn't avoid you and often ended in a situation where the two of you were alone together.
She thought you were following her... While you thought that she was the one following you.
While that rivalry was fun at the beginning it sure got annoying over all this time.
Although she still was kind under all of her layers and tones. She really cared for your safety, that's why she actually always tagged along. Her (main) motive wasn't taking away your glory.
You on the other hand just wanted to see her shine and get stronger. Not to mention that fighting alongside her was an honor.
She was exhausted with your petty arguments, so she was a bit softer for you. Even though she didn't wanted you to know- she trusted you a lot.
With that in mind she had a small foundation for her feelings. Before you know it- she ever so indirectly asked you out. She admits she rushed into things but she has no time to be doubtful.
While you definitely didn't expect that you couldn't deny that Eula sure was charming. And although your interactions were quite hostile, you did like her.
Perhaps the two of you should work on expressing feelings.
There was that capitan of another crew that seemed to try and beat her to her treasures... And of course I'm talking about you.
Your rivalry was awfully friendly. She can appreciate some healthy competition. So while adventuring you were hostile, you always could come down to an agreement with a good drink with your good buddies.
You did annoy her slightly though, so don't you even think you charmed her yet.
As long as you weren't disrespectful to her crew you weren't someone she'd hate... But your rivalry did kinda paint you in less pleasant to be around light.
Sometimes she'd wonder how would something go if you joined forces just as a one time thing, so that's what she asked of you.
You were curious about it yourself so you agreed without thinking it through. You aren't kids so you didn't argue about who'll lead the expedition- you were co-leading.
And the whole thing working out only proved how well the two of you communicate and understand each other.
So most of her distaste for you disappeared. That little adventure did bring you closer but not close enough for her to like you in that way.
But most of the reason why she ended up feeling so was tied to it in one way or another.
It became easier talking to you and she did allow herself to be the full Beidou, once you allowed yourself to be full Y/N.
You ended up not having any secrets from each other, and if they were any they weren't something you wouldn't speak up about once the topic was brought up.
The mutual trust and respect combined with how close you got over recent time transformed into mutual feelings.
Although she was a business genius you weren't far behind. You were just as respected and you did agree in many situations. But you were rivals all the same.
So of course the market was a chase for you two. While it was a tough battle it only made things interesting.
Once you saw people invest in the opportunity to have a lunch with her you thought that tactic was kind of cheap. But you were curious and decided to go with that investment.
You never really talked to her outside of business and this could be your opportunity.
Nobody even dared to go against you either, so you didn't spend as much mora as other people.
Rumors started to go around but you didn't care as much. Theories of your motives were exaggerated but they weren't that far from the truth.
You wanted to get to know her. Not because you were interested in her romantically but more interested in her as a person.
You ended up having a lot in common, unless she was acting just so you get your money's worth.
Of course you only talked about something formal at first but you managed to switch the topic around so that you were able to warm up to each other.
She knew that you weren't after any advice of course, so she did suspect you just wanted an opportunity to talk alone without anyone butting in.
To be honest she did enjoy the time you spent together. Maybe she even enjoyed it more than the mora she got from it.
You two were awfully busy all the time, but you still had the time to have a short conversations and not let yourselves to be strangers anymore.
What you weren't expecting was that your feelings slowly started to bloom. You acted accordingly and as always you only made the right calls at the right time.
When you noticed her flirt back and make the efforts two you decided to make it official... But you also didn't say it to everyone around you.
After all your relationship is none of the public's business.
~Mod Lisa
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