#but without her usual butterfly bow lol
chaoswithcausation · 8 months
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maybe one day I’ll make digital art of a different character… but not today!
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leclerc-hs · 3 months
do i wanna know? - cl16
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pairing: brother'sbff!charles x gasly!reader summary: in which you consider vacation with your family and brothers friends torture OR you fuck your brother's bff on his yacht warnings: 18+, smut under the cut, badly translated French (pls correct me!), NOT PROOFREAD (if there’s mistakes let me know please!!!!) word count: 3.5k author's note: had so much fun writing this honestly. could honestly picture myself writing more about brother's bff charles. I feel like sneaking around is sooooo fun and makes it hotter. LOL. let me know your thoughts!!! xoxo love u all. ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ . ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
IT HAS BEEN one week of pure torture. At least, that’s how you explained it as you texted your best friend. To which she responded, ‘torture and vacation don’t belong in the same sentence’.
You rolled your eyes, a wry smile playing on your lips as you contemplated her obliviousness. If only she knew! A full week spent in Charles’ company – scratch that – a mostly shirtless Charles, had left your thoughts scattered like leaves in the wind, unable to find their way back to coherence. 
“How could you be so stupid! Idiota!” You could hear the constant whining of your mother echoing in your ears, emanating from the dinette area of the yacht. Her complaints were like a relentless assault on your sun-kissed skin. Although “sun-kissed” was an understatement; you were borderline burned but would never dare to admit it.
“Maman, je vais bien!” I’m fine! You retorted, your voice carrying a hint of exasperation. With a sigh, you made your way back towards the bow of the yacht, where a stretch of sunbeds awaited you. Oh, thank heavens. There was absolutely no way you were returning home from this vacation without a good tan. Of course, you applied sunscreen diligently, but the sun was relentless out on the open water.
You collapsed onto the sunbed, feeling the plush cushion yield beneath the weight of your body. The sunglasses perched precariously on the bridge of your nose teetered for a moment before nearly tumbling off, saved only by a quick adjustment of your hand.
For a few moments, it was just you. You and the sun. You and the gentle breeze caressing your heated skin. You and the soothing sound of the calm waters, a tranquil melody that enveloped you in serenity. You were at peace. 
The bliss of solitude didn’t last long as you felt a shadow descend upon your body, as if a cloud had suddenly blocked out the sun.
“Mon ange, you are burned.”
Your eyes were shut behind the dark sunglasses, but you didn’t need to open them to know that voice. The voice sent a cascade of butterflies fluttering in your stomach almost instantly. Despite the burn creeping on your cheeks from the sun, a telltale blush threatened to give away the sudden rush of emotions stirring within you.
Slipping the sunglasses up onto your head, using them as a makeshift headband, allowing your eyes to connect with a mesmerizing shade of green. In that moment, time seemed to freeze as you were ensnared by the profound depth of those affectionate, verdant eyes. Green—the color that stirs a vibrant vitality within you, invoking a sense of renewal and energy. Their gaze penetrated your soul, igniting a whirlwind of emotions that swept through you like a gentle breeze through a lush, verdant meadow.
You observed as his gaze transversed your form, starting from your eyes, then descending along the curve of your nose, down to the graceful line of your neck and the delicate contours of your collarbones. His eyes lingered on your breasts for a fraction longer than usual, sending a tingle of awareness coursing through you, before swiftly returning to meet your gaze once more. A small smirk tugged at the corners of his lips, hinting at a silent understanding or amusement.
As his gaze roamed over every curve of your body, you found yourself doing the same, unable to resist his magnetic pull. You seized the chance to drink in the sight of his shirtless body in that fleeting moment. Each droplet of water adhered to his bronzed skin like liquid diamonds, emphasizing every sinew and contour of his body. As he shook his head, droplets cascaded from his tousled locks, creating a mesmerizing dance as they landed on your burning skin, leaving a trail of tingling sensations in their wake. His hand moved through his hair in a fleeting gesture, as if trying to tame the wild strands, adding an irresistible allure to the scene before you.
“Elle est stupide.” 
It was as if a bucket of ice was dumped onto your body.
That voice, on the other hand, snapped you right out of the moment, your head whipping in the direction of your brother’s voice. With narrowed eyes and a quick motion, you lifted your middle finger in his direction, breaking the spell of the moment with a playful gesture of annoyance.
“Don’t be an ass, Pierre.” You mumbled softly before sitting up fully, feeling Charles drop down onto the vacant spot beside you. He turned onto his side, resting one arm under his head as he looked at you and your brother bicker. A smile tugged on his lips.
“I’m going to get the sun-tan lotion,” Your brother tossed a towel onto the other vacant spot, before retreating to wherever the lotion was. “Some of us aren’t complete morons.”
“Mon dieu,” In frustration, you grumbled to yourself before flipping over onto your stomach, burying your head into the crevice of your elbows. Your face pressed into the cushion of the sunbed as you sought solace from the annoyance. Out of sight, out of mind.
“Toujours là,” Still here. Charles whispered softly as he leaned closer, his warm breath brushing against the nape of your neck as his finger delicately grazed the curve of your lower back, tracing intricate patterns with feather-light touches. The sensation sent shivers down your spine, a subtle reminder of his presence even though you couldn’t see him. You could almost sense the heat of his gaze penetrating the miniscule fabric tied to your body, leaving an indelible mark on your skin.
You turned your head to face him, still resting on your arms under you. A smirk, that never seemed to leave his face while in your presence, was still pulled onto his lips.
“Tu as l’air bien aujourd’hui.” You look good today.
“Aujourd’hui?” Today?
He nodded slowly, his fingers trailing up your spine until they reached the ties of your string bikini on your back. With a delicate touch, he toyed with the knotted bow, teasingly.
“Et les autres jours?” What about other days?
He rolled his eyes in a playful manner, clicking his tongue to make a ‘tsk’ sound in jest. “Tu es toujours belle.” You’re always beautiful.
He pulled his hands from your warmed skin, just in time for your brother to return, bottles of sun lotion in hand. He tossed one to Charles while demanding you to put some on.
“Putain, j’ai oublié mon telephone,” Fuck, I forgot my phone. And your brother was out of sight yet again.
“Charlie?” You put on your sweetest voice. “Voudrais-tu mettre la lotion?” Will you put the lotion on?
It was an excuse. An excuse to have his hands on you again. Not that you needed an excuse, he wanted to touch you just as badly.
He didn’t verbally respond. Instead, he silently applied the sun-tan lotion to your back, spreading it across different areas with careful strokes of his hands as he leaned over your frame, before gently placing his hands back on you.
His fingers slid across your back in slow movements, as if he wanted to remember what every inch of your skin felt like against his hands. His hands dipped down to your butt, barely covered by the bikini that adorned your body, kneading his fingers into the uncovered skin.
He sucked in a breath as you let out a soft moan from the feeling of his hands on you. The feeling of his hands massaging you.
Soft “oh’s” and “mm’s” escaped from your lips, stirring something deep within Charles. He could feel his self-control slipping away with each little sound you made, intensifying his desire with every breath you took.
He dropped a little pat to your butt, signaling that he was done, with a small cough. All you did was flip over, chest now in front of his direct line of eyesight and waited until he realized what you wanted.
“My front side needs some, no?” You could’ve sworn you heard a groan slip past his lips.
His hands slowly but surely made way back to your skin, trailing along your ribs as he made sure to miss not one inch of your skin with the lotion. His touch was tender, yet purposeful, as he ignited a trail of sensation wherever his fingers grazed. It was as if your skin was itching for more of him, while his fingers burned to touch every inch he could.
And although the air was hot, and the sun was beating down on you both. Your nipples pebbled beneath the thin fabric of your swimsuit, no doubt obvious to Charles, as if you were freezing.
“I’m done,” His voice dropped an octave, but his hands didn’t leave your skin. No, instead he carried his fingers to the small triangles of your white bikini top, daring his thumbs to trace over your pebbled nipples. You ached.
It wasn’t until Pierre reappeared that Charles abruptly withdrew his hands from you, swiftly dropping onto his back on the sunbed and feigning nonchalance as if his hands weren’t just groping you. 
“Lando!” you shrieked; your body slung over his shoulder as his arms held onto the back of your thighs firmly. “Pose-moi! Put me down!”
He twirled in circles on the back deck, his movements reckless, bringing him dangerously close to the edge of the water. With a mix of playful exasperation and genuine concern, your arms smacked his back, the impact echoing a mix of amusement and anxiety in the salty air.
“Put you down?” His voice carried a mischievous tone, a hint of devilry hidden. Though you couldn’t see his face, you could practically feel the schemes brewing in his mind, a silent promise of further antics.
“Don’t you da-” Before you could complete your sentence, the momentum carried both you and Lando overboard, plunging into the refreshing embrace of the water. As you emerged, laughter bubbled up, mingling with the gentle lapping of waves against the boat’s hull. With a mischievous grin, you scooped water in your hands, splashing it at Lando’s face, eliciting playful protests and further laughter as he grabbed for your body, pulling you flush against him.
“You still got a thing for him?” Lando’s eyes darted over your shoulder, towards the boat, where an unnoticed Charles was already gazing in your direction, his head cocked as if he was mildly confused and annoyed. Unaware of his presence, you rested your head in the crevice of Lando’s neck, the both of you continuing to frolic in the water, oblivious to the silent exchange occurring just beyond your awareness. 
You nodded your head once against his skin, a silent acknowledgment, before lifting it to meet his gaze. In his eyes, you saw a glint of mischief. “What?”
“Should we make him jealous?” His whispered into your ear, keeping your back to the boat, as his eyes stayed locked on whatever was behind you.
You shook your head, “He wouldn’t care.” 
“Does him not caring include him looking at me like he’ll strangle me with his bare hands?” He brought his eyes back to you, one arm settling on the back of your neck as your legs wrapped around him. 
“Pierre would kill you if he saw us right now.”
He tilted his head back slightly, his laughter resonating between you, causing his bodies to shake with shared amusement. “Pierre is the least of my worries, you muppet,” he chuckled, the sound rich and warm against the backdrop of the lapping waves. His fingers danced through the strands of your wet hair, his voice gentle and comforting. “Just follow my lead, yeah?” His voice carried a hint of excitement, igniting a spark of anticipation within you as you nodded.
When Lando claimed Pierre was the least of his worries, you couldn’t help but wonder how true that statement was. Still, you admired his determination not to let Pierre’s presence hinder his plans. There was a sense of resilience in him, a refusal to be shackled, and you found yourself drawn to that strength of character.
“Qu’est-ce qui se passe?” What’s going on? Pierre pulled you to the side, his tone hushed. “Toi et Lando, c’est sérieux?” Are you and Lando a thing?
You’re not sure what had him questioning you. Maybe it was you wrapped around his body in the water earlier, or the food sharing at lunch, or the inside jokes and laughter on the sunbed together. Whichever it was, he couldn’t sit back without questions.
“Non, mais ça ne te regarde pas si c’était le cas.” No, but it’s not your business if it were. There was a subtle edge in your tone as you purposefully distanced yourself from Pierre, a flicker of defiance in your step as you strode back towards Lando on the sunbed.
“I think he’s coming over here now,” Lando whispered into the shell of your ear. “You know what to do?” He pushed himself up and off the sunbed before claiming aloud he needed some water.
And as if you wanted this your entire life, which you did, you knew exactly what to do. Charles was a few steps from entering the threshold of ‘close proximity’ when you flipped over to your stomach with a yawn.
“That was quick!” You remarked, your head turned, purposefully presenting your back to Charles once more. “Lan, will you untie the string on my back? I can’t reach it, and I don’t want the tan lines from it.” There was a sly undertone in your voice, far from innocent, as you heard a loud cough from behind you and sensed the shadow cast over your body, indicating Charles’ presence.
Although you feigned ignorance, the sensation of Charles’ hands brushing against the skin above the string tie was too distinct to be mistaken for anyone else’s. Each touch carried a familiarity that sent a shiver down your spine, a sensation that could never be replicated by another.
Charles pressed his knee into the cushion of the sunbed, slipping it between your legs as he leaned forward. His body loomed over yours, his fingers knuckles-deep into the cushion with your head nestled in between, effectively hunching over you in an intimate posture. His lips hovered over the shell of your ear.
“Let me be clear,” His voice was gruff.  “Ses mains ne te toucheront plus.” His hands will not touch you again.
You almost moaned at his words, but you had to stick to the plan. You turned your head just enough for your eyes to meet with his again. They were narrowed, and a much darker shade of green than earlier. 
“And why is that?” It was as if you wanted a death wish.
“Si tu veux que quelqu’un te touche,” If you want someone to touch you. He began, before pausing and trailing one finger down your spine and back up it until his fingers settled on the nape of your neck, “Tu me demandes.” You ask me.
And then he was up and out of sight, as if it was a figment of your imagination.
“Est-ce que j’ai dit que tu pouvais arrêter?” Did I say you could stop? He grunts harshly as his hips rut upwards into you, your walls fluttering around his cock so tightly. You couldn’t form words as a small whimper elicited past your lips. “Hm, mon ange?” 
Both of your arms are locked behind your back clenched in one of his tight fists. While his other hand grips your hip bone, controlling your movements. You were completely fucked out, your motions becoming lazy and lacking a pattern.
“C’mon fille douce,” Sweet girl. “Tu te sens tellement bien.” You feel so good. His words were edging you on, your pace increasing as you continued through the burn of your thighs working over his cock.
There was little to no room in the cramped cabin, leaving little room to maneuver, as your knees knocked into the side table earlier. The soft white comforter and few pillows that were once carefully arranged on the bed were haphazardly strewn about, adding to the sense of disorder. With only one light, casting a dim glow, the rest of the cabin remained cloaked in shadows, leaving the figure of him leaning against the makeshift ‘headboard’ which was little more than a wall, visible in the faint light. You could barely remember how you even got in this position. One moment, he was helping you find the spare cooler, the next your bikini bottoms were pushed aside as you straddled him.
“Think you’re so clever, hm?” He muttered, a grunt in between each thrust of his cock into you. “Lando?”
Your head lulled back, as Charles leaned forward to bring his teeth to your uncovered nipples, the triangles of your bikini top pushed to the sides, your breasts bouncing with each lift of your hips.
“It worked, didn’t it?” You smirked as he pulled his mouth off your nipples with a ‘pop’.
“Cherie, should’ve asked sooner.” He whispered, rolling you over so that you were beneath him now, pinned to the mattress. “Would’ve given you this sooner if you just asked.” 
His hand now covered your mouth, his fingers occasionally slipping inside of it to feel your tongue, attempting to muffle your small moans.
“Silence, mon ange.” 
You both could hear the rhythmic thumping of the music reverberating around the boat, blending with the sounds of laughter and occasional snippets of conversation. Amidst the vibrant ambiance, the occasional outburst of excitement or disagreement from a card game, worked in your favor of them not hearing you.
Your face was flushed red as he pinned you to the mattress, the slam of his hips filling the sound of the room. An occasional tear forming in your eye from the pleasure, from the need to come.
It was quick. One second his hips were slamming into you, the next they slowed, his head turned toward the door as if he could hear something you didn’t. Which he did. Footsteps.
“Charles? Are you down here?” There was a knock on the wooden door, the only boundary between the both of you and your brother. “Sais-tu où est ma sœur?” Do you know where my sister is?
And like the sick, twisted fuckhead Charles was, he continued rutting his hips into you. His pace much slower, but each stroke deeper, more precise. “Answer him,” His voice was so low, only you could hear him. You shook your head but look in his eyes was fierce as he cocked his head. You have no choice.
“I’m laying down,” Your voice quivered, as you tried to not moan in the middle of speaking. Charles dragged the pad of his tumb across his tongue, bringing it down to press against your already soaked clit. “I don’t feel well.” You heard the doorknob turn, but to your luck, it was locked. 
“Have you seen Charles?”
“Doing so well for me, Cherie.” Charles whispered into your ear, like he wanted to torture you. “Your sweet little pussy was made for me, hm?”
Yes. Yes it was made for you. Yes, you’ve seen Charles. His cock was inside of you now, his swim shorts weren’t even completely off, neither was yours. That’s how desperate you both were.
“Mon dieu,” You yelped before Charles hand slammed over your mouth in warning, before he flipped you over, your backside now facing him. “No! But if you find him, can you tell him I’m looking for him too?” You figured it was a sly move.
Charles leaned over your back as soon as Pierre’s steps retreated, peppering kisses to your spine, until his mouth was beside your ear. “Such a good girl, hm?” The drive of his hips was world-tilting.
“Squeezing me so tight,” He grunted. “Gonna give it to me?”
Your head nodded repeatedly, your body shaking, with each forceful drive of his hips into you. 
“Did you like that, hm?” He continued, “Almost getting caught with my cock deep inside of you?” You were losing your restraint, keeping your moans in was only getting more difficult.
You let out a whine as he continuously stroked your walls just right. You were too far gone to even announce that you were cumming. So, you came on his cock without a warning. But he could tell, just by the flutter of your walls around him and as your body collapsed face first into the mattress, as if you couldn’t hold yourself up anymore.
Your pussy gripped him tightly, and it was so warm, so gooey. “That’s it, mon ange.” He encouraged you as he pulled out, his own orgasm taking over him, releasing onto your backside, careful to not hit your bikini bottoms.
He fell beside you, his chest rising and falling with each breath he took as he met your eyes. “Mon dieu, we should’ve done that sooner.”
You let out a small laugh. Yes, you should’ve.
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written-in-flowers · 7 months
Be the Light: Pt. 4 (SeongjoongxFem!reader)
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Pairing: Hongjoong x Seonghwa x Fem!reader | Side pairing(s): Ateez x Fem!reader.
Word Count: 8k
Genre: angst, fluff, smut
AU: historical!au, arranged marriage!au, royalty!au
Summary: YN has spent her entire life in service of Han Sookmyung, Queen of Hanseong. She never dreamed above her station, or that she'd ever be in reach of Sookmyung's concubines, 'The Golden Ones'. But, when secrets are brought to life, her world is turned upside-down.
Warnings: graphic descriptions of violence, heavily referenced torture (briefly), heavily referenced abuse (briefly), heavily referenced sexual abuse (briefly), enslavement, slight gaslighting, lost sibling, political drama, historical drama, joseon!au, concubine!ateez, nsfw content, virgin!reader, polyamory, polygamous, throuple, threesome m/m/f, oral sex (m. and f. receiving/giving), cunnlingus, vaginal fingering, vaginal sex, virgin sex, virginity discussed.
Taglist: @scarfac3 @tunaasan @lelaleleb @sevngmin148 @meljoongiee @puppyminnnie @sunasmoke22 @kyourixr @yoongiigolden @lynnsqueendom @atinycafe @soocore @ethereally-lyann @blackbutterfly133 @ddaeing @pearltinyy @iweirdthingsblog @huachengsbestie01 @glintneon123
And a huge, huge thanks to my beta @daesukiii !!! Without them, this wouldn't be as good lol
Part 3 <; | > Part 5
A large crowd gathered at the pavilion in the middle of the lake. A man-made island, the tall white and red structure was usually the site for banquets, where the ruling monarch entertained guests. The only way on or off was the bridge crossing over the lake around the island, which fit three to four people abreast. Sookmyung’s palanquin barely fit through it, which meant you trailed behind the footmen carrying her across. Several nobles dressed in their finery turned their heads as their queen approached. Nobody cared about the handmaiden coming up behind her. 
"Announcing," the herald cried as his men drummed and blew their horns, "Han Sookmyung, Queen of Hanseong, Duchess of Gyeonggi-do, and Protector of Korea."
The people bowed to her as she reached the pavilion steps, smiling proudly at them. You hurried to fix her long red and gold train before she noticed the wrinkles, and then followed a few feet away. All eyes remained on her until she reached the place of honor at a long table. Usually the royal advisors would be attending a function like this, hoping to put forward their own sons as suitors for the young queen. Yet, when you looked around, you saw not a single one in attendance. You supposed they may come later in the evening; they had important work to do. You did not see Queen Jisoo either, which you found odd considering she arranged this gathering. Sookmyung took her place amongst fellow ladies of the court, and you began serving her a small plate of food. 
"I'm not hungry," she told you right when you set it in front of her. "Bring me wine. I'm parched."
"Yes, Your Majesty."
It was the sort of royal gathering you expected: lords and ladies enjoying a rich spread of food and drinks, listening to musicians play and catching glances of the fish and birds around the scenic lake. You stood in the shadows behind Sookmyung most of the time, only approaching when she called for you. Seeing the other ladies in their silk and satin hanboks, their hair done up in expensive adornments and wearing fine jewelry on their wrists and fingers, you imagined yourself amongst them. You could sip fine wine while talking to other court ladies about who is courting who. You can flirt and dance with handsome lords all vying for your attention. But, that can only be a dream. 
You're nobody. You're a servant, a slave. You are not meant to have dreams at all. 
"It seems the old woman was right after all."
You felt a presence shift on your left and you turned to see a man dressed in black and gold standing nearby. You knew by his high voice and long hair that it was Hongjoong. Butterflies fluttered around in your stomach at the sight of him so close to you. Out of all her flowers, Hongjoong is the one you’re forbidden to speak with. Immediately, you turned away from him. You knew better than to talk to her flowers. If she caught you, she'd lock you in her dungeon for sure. You remembered Lady Seulgi, and shuddered. Yet, Hongjoong did not leave your side. 
"Don't worry, I convinced one of the ladies to keep her occupied," he told you. You did not respond to him, too afraid your voice may carry to Sookmyung a few feet away. "You truly are frightened of her, aren't you?" 
You still did not speak, despite the urge to engage in the conversation. Hongjoong radiated a security and comfort not very common in people. Yet, Sookmyung’s presence kept your lips sealed together. What if there's a change in songs and she hears a whisper of conversation? What if she happens to turn around to see you? You tried thinking of a way to leave, but nothing came to mind. 
"You shouldn't be here," you muttered to him under the wave of music and chatter. "She is meant to be searching for a husband. If you’re here, she will be too distracted." And if she does not choose a husband by the end, Jisoo shall choose for her and that can only end badly. "I suggest you scurry off before she sees you."
"But why would I leave a party I was invited to?" He asked amusedly. 
"You were invited?"
"Yes, by Jisoo."
"Why would she invite you? That defeats the purpose of this entire thing then," you thought out loud. 
"Perhaps The Queen Mother wanted us to entertain someone else," he grinned playfully.
The tips of your ears burned at the grin. "Us?"
"The others came too."
"They didn't announce your arrival. You're supposed to arrive after her."
"I doubt she will complain about it," he said. "She hasn't even noticed we're here yet."
"She will if you keep standing there," you imagined what awful thing she'd do if she caught them here, "You all should leave before she sees you. It'll end badly for you if she does."
"YN," he said fondly, "Always thinking of others and never about yourself."
You turned to look at him, "Your meaning?"
"That you should worry about yourself a bit more," he explained simply. "She might favor you above most at court, or anywhere as a matter of fact, but you're not exempt from the dungeons."  
"That's partly the reason I'm telling you to leave," you hissed. "If she sees us speaking, she'll assume the worst and throw us both in there."
"'Partly'," he repeated. "Well, I have no intention of leaving, and neither do the others. We've been promised an exciting night." 
Another cryptic response. "Do not say you weren't warned. Enjoy the party."
You left his side to refill Sookmyung’s plate. You hoped distracting her with food gave him time to leave, and when you turned to check, he'd gone. 
"YN, tell the singers I hate this song," she told you over her shoulder. "Tell them I want them to play something more jovial, upbeat."
"Yes, Your Majesty."
You moved deftly through the crowd towards the musicians in the corner of the pavilion. That was when you noticed the guards. At most functions, you saw at least three or four, especially at an intimate gathering. Yet, as you walked, you spotted more than four. You saw several: two by the entrance, a man at each corner of the pavilion, three more patrolling the island area and four patrolling the outer banks. They stalked the grounds with swords sheathed on their belts. It unsettled you. Everything about the queen’s banquet seemed off. First, no advisors. Secondly, no Jisoo. Thirdly, concubines and lastly, a strong guard presence. You sensed a disturbance underneath the surface, watching and waiting to strike, and you didn’t know where it’d come from first. 
You reached the band of musicians, and told them Sookmyung’s request, which they obeyed immediately. When you turned around, you saw Wooyoung, San and Yeosang crowded together. Since anyone who values their life won’t speak to them, the three concubines talked to one another instead with drink cups in their hands. Hongjoong mentioned them being promised an exciting night. You wondered what it might be as you made your way back over to Sookmyung. Pleased at the change in song, she continued enjoying the company of the other ladies while you stood behind her. You stood by one of the pillars, your stomach growling from hunger and wishing Sookmyung let you leave. Then the herald called out in a booming voice, more drums and horns drowning out the musicians. 
"Announcing, Han Jisoo, Queen Mother of Hanseong."
People stepped aside and bowed as the queen moved through the crowd. You saw your mother pushing her from behind, neither speaking or smiling. However, Jisoo beamed and nodded at people she made eye contact with. Jisoo glowed with a kindness her daughter never inherited. You saw her in her olive green and white hanbok, her hair in a bun with a floral hairpin. She looked like a true queen, particularly when she was in front of Sookmyung, who tried hiding her hateful scowl. 
"Mother," Sookmyung stood, but did not bow, "I am so glad you managed to make it this evening. I thought your health might keep you."
"I wanted to be here to support my lovely daughter,” she said, being wheeled around to a place beside Sookmyung. “This is a very important night for her.”
“If it’s so important,” Sookmyung began when they both sat down, “Then why aren’t the old men here? I thought they’d want to see all their sons and nephews put themselves forward.”
“Don’t fret over them, love,” her mother replied, being served food by Chaewon. “They will be here soon.” She turned her head to see you nearby, and you bowed your head to her. Jisoo gave a look of concern, “YN, you look peckish. When was the last time you ate?”
“This morning, Your Majesty.” 
“But it’s been hours since then,” she said. “Come and eat, child. You’ll pass out if you don’t.”
Sookmyung snorted, “I remember the harvest festival when we were little. YN fainted in front of everybody and fell into a puddle of mud.” 
“A queen doesn’t laugh at the misfortune of others,” Jisoo scolded. “YN, come sit by me and eat.”
“She’s a servant,” Sookmyung argued, “She isn’t supposed to sit here with us.”
“She can because I said so.”
“I am the queen,” she retorted, “And YN listens to only me. YN, you stay where you are. I might have need of you.”
“And I am the Queen Mother,” Jisoo told you, “Come now.”
You looked between the two queens, and then to your mother worriedly. If you disobeyed Sookmyung, you’d receive a harsh scolding later. If you disobeyed Jisoo, you’d be hurting her feelings. Jisoo always seemed to favor you over the other palace servants. She went out of her way to make sure you’re properly cared for; she always offered you space in her home. You stepped forward carefully, and stood at the chair beside Jisoo. Your eyes flitted up to Sookmyung, who stared daggers into your face. By the amount of wine she’ll be having, perhaps she’ll be too drunk to properly punish you. She may even forget this moment if she finds a man she truly likes. Taking the seat, your mother serving you a hefty plate, you knew your hopes were too high. 
"I am sorry you had to witness that argument," Jisoo told you. "It will be the last time you do, I promise."
"It is nothing I am not accustomed to," you told her. You ate a bit of rice with savory meat and chewed quietly. "Sookmyung is very against the idea of marriage. She will not make it easy for you."
"And what about you, YN?"
"Your Majesty?"
"Sookmyung made a fair point, in her own twisted way," she began. "You are a beautiful young woman. You would have your pick of any man you wanted, yet you show no interest in it."
"I am far too busy to think about such things," you said. "The Queen takes up a good amount of my time."
'Sookmyung will never let me marry unless she chose them herself.'
"That's preposterous," she scoffed. She took a sip of tea your mother poured for her, and said, “Sookmyung has plenty of other handmaidens. Surely, she can tolerate them long enough for you to pursue any interests you may have.” She then gave a sly smirk, “You might even find someone favorable tonight.”
“Your Majesty, please,” you giggled with hot cheeks, “These are all men of nobility. Their families would never accept it even if a man did want me.” 
You didn’t dare mention they’ll likely take you as a concubine rather than a wife. 
“That may change after tonight.” Her eyes lit up when she spotted someone in the crowd, “Hongjoong looks particularly handsome tonight, don’t you think?”
“What?” You searched the crowd around to find him standing with Seonghwa and Yunho, the three men in deep discussion together. “Um, well, I suppose he does.”
“You suppose?” she furrowed her brow. “Put aside your fears for a moment, YN, and tell me what you truly think of him.” 
Your eyes finally met hers, seeing the sincerity in them, and you looked back at Hongjoong. While you both rarely spoke directly, he still showed care for you. Yesterday, he’d occupied Sookmyung for the day so you may spend time with your mother. He’d taken your place in the torture chambers, so you can sleep free of nightmares. Hongjoong might fear Sookmyung’s wrath like anyone else, but that seemed to fade in your presence. You knew the face underneath that veil: the short narrow nose, the prominence of his cheeks and soft lips. He’d been a prince once, and he still looked the part even now. He must’ve felt your stare, because his eyes glanced over to you and the room suddenly became warm. Seeing him there, you wished you could speak to him again. 
“He is everything a prince should be,” you whispered, not concerned if she heard you or not. “He is the sort of man you hear about in stories and songs: a chivalrous, courageous prince who comes to save the day. Even if we don’t speak, he shows his concern and care in different ways.” 
“If we speak technically, he is a king,” she noted. “His father is dead. His family is dead. Anyone with a claim to Wonju’s throne is deceased apart from himself.”
“Which is the precise reason Sookmyung covets him so much. She will never release him.”
“Let us not speak of the future as a fact,” she ate a few vegetables from her stew, and said. “The future can change in a single minute.”
“You speak as if you know something I do not,” you didn’t realize how accusatory that sounded until you’d said it. “Forgive me-”
“-Perhaps I do, little YN,” she smiled serenely, “Perhaps I do.” 
Drums sounded from the pavilion entrance, and the herald called out, “Chief Senior Advisor Choi Wonshik, with Advisors Kim Heechul, Park Taeyong, Do Daewook, and Jung Junhan.” 
All five of Sookmyung’s advisors walked into the pavilion to more head bowing. Wonshik walked ahead of them to Sookmyung’s table, and gave her a bow. 
“Senior Advisor,” Sookmyung said, “I am glad to see you.”
“I wish I could say the same, Your Majesty.”
The people sitting at Sookmyung’s table fell silent at once, even with the music continuing to play onwards. She kept her eyes directly on the elder, that familiar dislike showing on her face. You feared what might happen next. 
“What did you say?” she drawled, hands slowly curling into fists. 
“The council and I have been in discussion for some time,” he informed her. You saw the other advisors' stiff lips and stern faces. “We have argued back and forth and back and forth on this issue for several days, and finally we have all come to an agreement.”
“This is not the place to discuss politics, Advisor,” she said. “I am in the middle of a banquet, if you have not noticed.”
“I’m afraid this news cannot wait any longer. Han Sookmyung, by power invested in us by the people of Korea and The Crown, the Royal Council and I have declared you unfit to rule and have decided to strip you of your titles and crown.”
Sookmyung immediately shot up from her seat. Now, they had the full attention of everyone in the room. Every nerve in your body froze, and you braced yourself for what would happen next. 
“You cannot do that!” she howled. “I am the queen-”
“-Any fool who has to keep saying she is the queen is not a true queen,” Wonshik continued, unbothered by her temper. “As Master of Law, I will give Advisor Do the floor-”
“-You old bastards! I am part of the monarchy. I am a queen. You cannot arrest or depose me without just cause-”
“-According to paragraph three in section C3 of the Bill of Laws,” Advisor Do spoke, fixing the spectacles on his nose, “A monarch may be incarcerated if there is sufficient evidence that said monarch has committed crimes against the people. During your conquest across Korea, there are witness testimonies and hard evidence to prove Your Majesty committed several war crimes-”
“-You have no proof-”
“-These war crimes include,” he withdrew a scroll and he read out loud, “Intentional destruction and appropriation of property not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully. Intentional attacks against civilian populations. The torture and subsequent murder of prisoners of war; the taking of and enslavement of hostages. The murder of combatants who’d laid down their arms or have no means of further defense-”
“-These don’t apply to me! I am the ruler! I decide-”
“-The penalty for these crimes is the immediate removal from office, as well as stripped of all lands and titles-”
“-I decide what laws go into place! I decided who is charged and who isn’t-”
“-The Royal Council decides which laws are passed,” Wonshik intervened. “Your grandfather put this into practice before you were born, and it still stands today. Your Majesty was always welcome to take her place on the council and come to terms with us, but you felt that beneath you. Due to the crimes Advisor Do has just read, Her Majesty, Queen Sookmyung, shall be placed under arrest-”
“-Until such time as she is tried in a court of law and properly sentenced-”
The guards you’d seen before came forward to Sookmyung’s seat. She looked at Wonshik, unafraid of the men coming her way, “I am the queen. I am King Siwon’s only heir. Who could you possibly replace me with?”
“That is easily resolved.” It was Jisoo who spoke, and Sookmyung rounded on her. 
“How? What, you will sit on my throne? You are the King’s widow. You have no right or claim to my throne.”
“I might not, but your sister does.”
“My sister?” she asked in disbelief, “What sister? I have no sister!”
Chaewon turned Jisoo to face her daughter, “Yes, you do. Your father and I kept this information from court to avoid a succession crisis upon his death. But, seeing what you’ve become and the violence and destruction you’ve dealt out, I think it was a mistake to keep her hidden this entire time.”
“Who is she?” she glared at Jisoo, and you worried she might hit her. “Where is she? I’ll run her through!” She grabbed a knife from the table, and held it out at Jisoo. Sookmyung began looking about the room as if she expected this secret heir to appear from the shadows. “Who is she? Who?!” The guards drew out their own swords, ready to fight if she resisted. You remembered all those years in the training yard. Sookmyung is far too good with weapons for one’s liking. Jisoo, however, was not afraid of the blade in front of her. “Where is she, you snake?!”
“She’s right behind me,” Jisoo shrugged. 
A gasp escaped your throat, and Sookmyung turned to you. Nervously, you searched for anyone behind you but you quickly realized she meant you. You looked over to your mother. 
“YN?” Sookmyung spoke before your mother, and said, “That’s ridiculous! YN is a lowly servant’s daughter. She’s not a princess, let alone a queen. If she was my twin sister, she’d look like me.”
“You’re fraternal twins,” Jisoo explained. 
“Fraternal…” she breathed out the word, her eyes landing on you. “Why…Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I didn’t know!” you squeaked. “I swear, Your Majesty, I didn’t know! I am as surprised as you!” 
And equally embarrassed. All eyes landed on you once the words were spoken, and you wanted to run and hide. Everyone stood in complete shock and awe. You saw some people whispering behind their hands, and others awkwardly looking away from you. 
Sookmyung lunged for you, knife raised in the air, before a guard stood in her way. Her eyes never left yours. Nothing but scorching hate burned within her brown eyes, that primal need to unleash her fury making her more and more desperate to reach you. Your heart thumped loudly in your ears, and you couldn’t stop your feet from taking you backwards. You’d walk all the way to the city and beyond if nobody stopped you. 
His voice, low and deep, reached you right as your back bumped into his front. Seonghwa. You knew from the voice alone. Warm hands squeeze your biceps tenderly to keep you in place. 
“You little bitch!” Sookmyung screeched, “I will get you! I will get all of you! You will rue the day you tried taking my crown from me!”
Two guards took her by the arms, but they did not act quickly enough. Sookmyung pushed one of them away, and unsheathed the dagger from his belt. Stabbing it into his chest, panic went throughout the room as Sookmyung shoved him to the floor and turned on his comrade. Seonghwa stood in front of you, so you only heard the commotion going on several feet away from you. 
“Seonghwa, get YN out of here,” Jisoo ordered. 
“Come, YN.” 
He took your arm and started leading you away. You looked over your shoulder to see Sookmyung’s wig casted onto the floor and the overcoat of her hanbok discarded onto the ground. In the distance, you saw Sookmyung fighting off guards with a stolen sword. You’d never seen her in battle, but you’d seen her in the training yard in her youth. Sookmyung cut through men easily, using her hands and feet to keep them back. Then, you realized some of the guards did not fight her, but rather aided her. Soldiers fought as Sookmyung made her way out of the pavilion. When a lord tried stopping her, one of the guards cut him down to give her a clear path. As you ran across the bridge leading to the south, Sookmyung ran to the one leading towards the north where she fought men guarding the lake side. Seonghwa lifted you up onto a horse awaiting you by the bridge, and Sookmyung had the same idea on the opposite side. You gasped audibly when she stabbed the rider and took his steade. 
As you began riding with Seonghwa, you worried Sookmyung might chase after you. Everything in your body turned numb, and the only thing you felt was fear. You listened for more clopping hooves, and faint threats carrying through the air. You expected her to pull up beside you, sword in her hand, and the blade swishing at you and Seonghwa. Yet, as you crossed over another bridge to the southern part of the palace grounds, you realized she must’ve retreated. 
“We’ve been betrayed,” you heard Seonghwa curse to himself. “They said they’d be on our side.” 
“Seonghwa, what’s going on?” you asked him. 
He didn’t answer you, but instead rode towards the concubine residency. No guards stood at their posts nor any servants lingering nearby. Seonghwa dismounted first, then helped you off the horse before leading you into the house. Once you both entered the main room of the house, it felt as if the world was shut out. You walked into the middle of the room, replaying the events in your head. 
You’re a princess? Impossible. King Siwon could not be your father. Park Hyungshik had been your father. He’d been a stablemaster, handling the King’s horses for him. He’d died from pestilence when you were twelve, the sickness nearly taking your life as well before you recovered. Queen Jisoo could not be your real mother. Park Chaewon was. She’d nursed you in infancy, cared for you and loved you unconditionally. It sounded insane. If you were a princess, then you would’ve worn crowns and worn pretty dresses and danced with handsome lords. Not standing by Sookmyung’s side as she tortured and murdered people. 
“YN?” Seonghwa’s voice couldn’t pull you from your thoughts. 
King Siwon separated you to avoid a succession dispute? Why would there be one? If you and Sookmyung were twins, surely the council would have chosen the elder over the younger. Then, you remembered the crimes the council charged Sookmyung with and understood.
You studied the law and judicial system more than Sookmyung did. Everything Advisor Choi and Advisor Do said was true. The council had the power to remove the current monarch if they had just cause, and in Sookmyung’s case, they certainly had one. Hearing her crimes be listed out loud brought them into perspective for you. She’d raped, tortured, and killed so many people. She’d put entire villages to the torch, spreading fear and oppression throughout the kingdom. She continued to harm her subjects through her high taxation on the poor, causing many of them to go hungry or turn to unsavory means to avoid it. You’d hoped one day she may be stopped, but you never imagined yourself taking her place. 
“YN,” Seonghwa called to you again, coming up behind you, “Are you alright?”
“No,” you answered. Sookmyung will not let this ‘betrayal’ stand. She will come for you and anyone else involved in this coupe. “Where did she go? Did you see where she went?”
“She was running towards the northern gates,” he said. “I imagine she plans to escape that way, and if what I suspect is true, she’ll manage to get out of the city by the morning.” 
You looked out a nearby window to see the sun already setting. Footmen already lit the braziers around the grounds, and you saw lights inside the various buildings being lit. You did not have a view of the pavilion from the garden house, but you saw floods of lords and ladies being escorted by their retainers off the premises. Several palace guards moved quickly throughout the grounds, hands on their swords as they searched for the runaway queen. No doubt they’ll set up groups of men to go into the city soon. That won’t stop Sookmyung. She’ll find her way back into the palace, and if she had help, she’d find you for sure. 
“She’ll find me,” you said, keeping the trembling out of your voice. “She’ll find me, torture me and then kill me.”
“No, she won’t,” he assured you, putting his hands on your shoulders. “I wouldn’t let her.”
“As if that would stop her,” you rolled your eyes. Watching men moving past the house, you pictured her lying in wait in the bushes. You saw her waiting until dark to sneak into your bedroom, and plunge a knife in your throat. “She’ll never give up. Never. When she manages to get her throne back, she’ll punish every single person she deems responsible for this. It is stupid. It is foolish and in vain.”
“I won’t let that happen,” he said. Gingerly, he turned you to face him and you tensed in his embrace. Thoughts of Sookmyung’s fury made you step away from his touch. “She is not the queen anymore,” he told you, sensing your hesitancy, “She holds no power.”
“Yes, she does,” you told him. “Just because the council has dethroned her does not mean the people outside these walls know of this. It will take days to inform the dukes of the other cities, and by then, Sookmyung will have likely sought refuge with one of them. There may even be a simple farming family who shelters her because they’re under the impression she is queen.” You envisioned the very scenario, and it only ended with blood and tears. “Nobody is going to accept a new queen, especially one who was the former queen’s handmaiden. I mean..” you took a deep breath, “I am no queen. I am not royalty. I am a small, simple woman who walks next to palanquins and serves other people and takes care of everyone and everything and-”
“-You may not have been raised as a royal, but you are one,” Seonghwa interrupted you. “Word will spread after tonight. It is why the council confronted her in front of the entire court instead of somewhere private. People like to talk, and they’ll talk about how Sookmyung was deposed and her handmaiden is actually her secret sister.” 
“And they will say that I am not a queen and will likely try to put someone else in my place.”
“The only people who can truly make that decision are the advisors,” he said, “Nobody else.” 
He stepped forward again, his hand sliding across your jaw and cupping it. Sookmyung would’ve flogged you both for such a gesture. When you tried moving away, he kept you still. 
“The people may not know you, but I do,” he began. “You are a kind, generous, compassionate person. You sympathize and empathize with others. You always try to do what is right and protect as many people as you can.”
“I cannot protect anyone.”
“You’ve tried, and that counts. The other servants used to talk about how you maneuvered Sookmyung’s anger to keep her from harming others-”
“-I wasn’t always successful,” you admitted sheepishly. “She could be hard to handle when she is seriously upset.”
“But you managed. Also, it isn’t as if you’re a complete fool. You can read, write and do arithmetic. You know the politics, the law, and culture.” He gave a soft smile, “You should not doubt yourself so much. You are capable of great things, YN, and you’ll have people there to guide you along the way.”
You shook your head and moved away from him and the window. “No, no, this is insane,” you kept shaking your head, “There’s no way. This must be a trick or a joke.”
“Why would it be a trick?”
“Sookmyung likes to play games. This would just be another elaborate game for her to play on me,” you nervously wiped your palms on your skirt, “She’ll come back, laugh at me for reacting this way, and then tell me that ever dreaming of being more than what I am is pointless. It is the sort of thing she’d do. Yes, and being one of her ‘flowers’, you’d be forced to be in on the game.”
“YN, this is not a trick or a game. You truly are Jisoo and Siwon’s child; you are an heir to the Han dynasty-”
“-No, I’m not. No. I’m not falling for it,” you crossed your arms and plopped down onto a sofa. “I’ll sit here and wait for her to come and laugh at me like she always does.”
Your mother came rushing into the house, her footsteps thumping lightly until she reached the beaded curtain. She saw you sitting on the sofa and gave a sigh of relief. 
“YN, there you are!”
She knelt in front of you, cradling your face and checking for any injuries. You looked at her. You truly looked at her now. You tried finding a scrap of yourself in her face; you thought about your father’s face and did not find resemblance there either. Not in the nose, eyes, lips, ears, cheeks, neck, or body. Nothing. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” you asked her softly. “Why didn’t you tell me that Queen Jisoo was my real mother and not you?”
Chaewon’s eyes filled with guilt. Her shoulders sagged and she stopped touching you. You saw the conflict going on in her mind, a struggle between honesty and lies. She sat beside you on the sofa, and held your hand gently. 
“I think that is a conversation for later,” she told you. “A lot of things have happened very quickly, and you must be very confused right now.”
“Exactly, so please explain the first part to me: how can I be a daughter of King Siwon, and not know it until this very day?” you demanded. 
Chaewon looked over at Seonghwa, the discomfort clear on her face. She stayed silent for a moment before she said, “Because we didn’t want anyone to know.”
“Who is ‘we’?”
“The Queen and I,” she answered. “Well, us two, Siwon, and Wonshik. Like what Jisoo said, Siwon had seen kingdoms be torn apart by a dispute over succession and he knew having two twin daughters may cause that. He’d planned to send you far away into the countryside where nobody would see you, but Jisoo pleaded for you to stay in the palace.”
“She didn’t want to be away from you. She wanted to see her daughters grow up together.” 
“Why did she pick you?”
“Because she and I have been together since our girlhood in Daegu,” she explained. “We both suffered from similar fertility issues after our marriages: she had a delicate womb; Hyungshik did not produce enough sperm for a pregnancy. When you and Sookmyung were born, and Siwon declared there can only be one, she offered you to me.” Your mother smiled warmly, taking both your hands in hers, “And Hyungshik and I loved you as if you were ours all along. The moment I held you in my arms, YN, I felt as if you were meant to be mine. It was as if the gods intended on giving you to me."
"You could have told me at any time."
"And what good would it have done then?"
"That perhaps we might not be in this situation at all," you reasoned. "The king and queen both saw what kind of person Sookmyung was; they saw her viciousness and callousness and still allowed her to be queen.”
“They believed she may grow out of it-”
“-Grow out of it?” you huffed. “What could possibly make them think that? Sookmyung used to chase around the palace cats and hang them from trees. She used to start fires in the stables and tormented her nurse. She only started paying attention in studies when she was told she’d be the queen one day. Do you know why she wanted to train in the yard with the men? Hm, do you?” you couldn’t keep the anger from rising in your voice. “Because then she’d learn how to kill people. She’d learn how to hurt people in the most efficient way. It did not occur to them then that perhaps their eldest child is not fit for rule? All this pain and torture and murder could have been prevented if her parents stepped out of their delusion and saw her as she truly was.”
You pictured every person Sookmyung ever tortured. Their faces haunted your dreams and kept you awake some nights. The stench of blood, bile, and other fluids clung to your nose even when outside the dungeons. They did not know. Her family never knew her true nature. Queen Jisoo might’ve suspected or been told by others, but she’d never seen it. You’d seen everything. You shut your eyes as visions of men being impaled on pikes across a battlefield came to you.
“No parent ever wants to admit their child’s faults,” your mother told you gently. “It was not until she came into rule that Queen Jisoo saw her daughter for who she is.”
“Someone should have said something,” you said, “Someone should have told me.”
“To tell you would be telling Sookmyung,” she soothed you, running your braid through her hands delicately. “You saw what she did to the other claimants. I never thought…YN, you must believe me, I never thought this day would come.”
“Did you ever plan on telling me? Ever?”
“Your father wanted to tell you,” she admitted, “When he was dying. We both thought you’d join him, so he wanted you to know the truth, but I disagreed. I feared telling you the truth would worsen your condition at the time.”
“I feel it now regardless of my health.”
“I know, and I do not expect you to forgive me right away. I only want you to know that I did this for your safety. Even if they did not want to admit it, I knew Sookmyung as well. If she learned you were her sister, she would’ve tried killing you at some point, and she proved that today.” 
Because she believed you’d betrayed her. The room felt hot. You realized then Seonghwa still stood nearby, listening even if he pretended otherwise.  
“Please, you must understand,” your mother pleaded. “We did what we thought was best at the time. None of us knew what Sookmyung would turn out to be later on in life, but we knew if Siwon died and had two heirs instead of one, things could be ugly very quickly.”
“Obviously it would have been Sookmyung. She was the elder of the two of us.”
“But anyone who saw her grow up would’ve petitioned to have you take her place,” she said. “Purists would say Sookmyung is the rightful heir, and Realists would say you are the appropriate heir. It would’ve caused chaos and uncertainty. It’d been during a very tremulous time in the kingdom: we’d recently gotten out of a war with a nearby nation, and were recovering from the financial losses. Siwon did not want to see his kingdom plunged into war.”
“And look how that turned out,” you said, playing with the red threaded ornament attached to your hanbok. On the red loop was a golden medallion with a crane etched into it. Sookmyung gifted it to you after her first victory. “It led to Sookmyung creating her own war in an attempt to seize control of the entire country; power and control she already had as the ruling monarch. It left us in a country depleted of hope and peace led by a madwoman who pulled out fingernails for fun.”
“We admit that we made a mistake,” Chaewon answered, “You’re right. We should never have lied to you. It is something we both deeply regret.”
“Yes, particularly in light of recent events.”
Your mother put her hand on yours, grasping the ornament. “We know it will take time for you to fully soak all of this in, so we do not expect immediate forgiveness from you. But, I want you to know that even if I didn’t carry you myself,” her hands went around yours, “I still love you as if I did. The moment you opened your eyes, YN, I knew you were mine.”
“Would you have told me?”
“If circumstances had been different, I would have.” 
You had difficulty believing her. If she lied about this, what else is she lying about? 
“YN, are you alright?” 
It was Jisoo, followed by Wonshik and the other advisors, all of them concerned. You turned from your hiding space to see them all standing by the door, watching you from afar. When you saw Jisoo, you couldn’t see her being your mother either. The only traces captured in her features was Sookmyung, her trueborn daughter. Then, you thought back to King Siwon. He’d stood lean and broad even in his old age. Thinking back to the warm, wrinkled face that always smiled at you, you saw yourself. You saw bits and pieces of yourself in that face. 
“I look more like him,” you said without thinking. 
She nodded, “Yes, you do. I used to tell him that whenever I saw you both together.” She wheeled herself closer to you, “Forgive me, YN. I did not want to keep this from you, but my husband forbade it. You must understand we did this to prevent war and-”
“-Sookmyung brought war and devastation on us,” you argued with her. “I don’t see how keeping my birth a secret prevented anything. If anything, it has made things worse.” 
“Yes, we see our mistakes now,” she faltered. “I’d seen it for a long time, but not Siwon. He had trouble admitting that he’d made a mistake in separating you both. I wanted to tell you, YN. We should have told you, and dealt with the consequences afterwards. This is the time to correct those mistakes.”
“You told Hongjoong and I that the other dukes would be on our side,” Seonghwa stepped in, looking at Wonshik. “I am not sure if you noticed, a few of them took up arms against us instead of with us.”
“Yes, it appears we’d been betrayed,” Wonshik nodded. “Sookmyung might’ve already known a coupe would be staged, but the shock of YN being her sister distracted her long enough for us to act.”
“Do we know who went over?”
“The Dukes of Daegu, Gongju, and Ulleungdo, as well as their bannermen,” Advisor Jung, a stern looking man with a balding head and long mustache and beard, spoke up. “I told Wonshik that trusting Daegu and Gongju would be a mistake. They benefited the most when Sookmyung took power, and know their continued wealth counts on her being on the throne. Ulleungdo was a surprise, though. They typically stay out of wars.”
“The son of Ulleungdo recently married the duchess of Daegu,” Jisoo told him. “They will need a proper fleet, and Ulleungdo has dozens of longships.”
“How did they find out?” exclaimed Advisor Heechul, a rotund man with salt-and-pepper hair. 
“Why don’t we discuss this tomorrow, gentlemen?” Jisoo intervened. “Her Majesty has learned far too much too quickly. She needs time to process these new changes.”
“It is important to act now, Your Majesty…”
‘Her Majesty’. They meant you when they said this. Not Sookmyung. Despite all the little fantasies you had, you never believed it would happen. You couldn’t possibly be a real princess, but the longer you sat there amongst these people, it sounded more plausible. It explained why the king and queen treated you so well. You saw the other servant girls learning practical skills such as cooking, sewing, cleaning and washing. You sat beside Sookmyung learning languages, geography, arithmetic, philosophy, and culture. You’d never cooked anything before or needed to sew. It was the other household servants who did that; you merely managed them. King Siwon showed particular interest in you. He even called you affectionate pet names. 
‘How is our little blossom today?’
‘Don’t wander too deep into the forest, okay sunshine? We don’t want you and Sookmyung getting lost.’ 
Queen Jisoo showed you nothing but kindness and concern. She appeared happier when she saw you in comparison to when she saw Sookmyung. You must be special to them, and what other reason do they have outside of being their child? You felt yourself stand up from the sofa, and begin walking away. They want to make you a queen. Your feet carried you throughout the harem, bypassing bedrooms and sitting rooms until you reached the outdoor veranda over the garden pond. Night time came over the garden fully, with the lit lanterns resembling stars amongst the dark trees and bushes. 
You spent your whole life believing Chaewon and Hyungshik were your parents. If you’d learned you’d been adopted from an orphanage or given to them by relatives, you might understand it better. You may not feel so bad. But learning your birth parents are a king and queen, and you are a princess worsened the shock. You gripped the wooden railing tightly, your fingers pressing into the painted wood as you imagined Sookmyung learning of this. It stunned her, and angered her like most surprises had done. You knew Jisoo and your mother were right: if you’d grown up as sisters, you wouldn’t be standing here. But, then you’d have grown up prepared to ascend the throne. 
“YN?” you recognized Seonghwa’s voice again, but felt nothing for it. 
You did not know the first thing about being a monarch. Yes, you might have come up with solutions to problems you heard from citizens, but you had no power to carry them out. You didn’t understand politics or diplomacy or sword fighting like Sookmyung did. You are a servant, a follower of people higher than you; you’re not a queen. You’re not a leader. 
“YN,” he took light steps over towards you, “I know this is far too much to take in at the moment. You must be so confused. I’ll admit, I felt the same when the Queen Mother and Advisor Wonshik told me of their plan.”
“Why would they tell you?”
“Well, I suspect they hoped I’d be of some use to them,” he stood beside you and looked out over the water. “My father was Park Jiwoon. He was the Senior Advisor to The Duke of Haeju for years. Before Sookmyung killed the ruling family and installed loyal lackeys to the seat, my father counseled the duke in all manner of politics. My father was brilliant. It’d been him who’d suggested that it be a council that makes the laws alongside the duke, instead of giving the monarch ultimate power."
He saw your worried expression. Your eyes fell closed when he gently touched your cheek, and made you look at him. He's beautiful. Undeniably beautiful. Round eyes gazed into yours lovingly, glancing down to your lips before looking back up. He was Sookmyung's, you thought. He's hers. Not yours. None of them could ever truly be yours. Especially not Seonghwa or Hongjoong. His thumb brushed your cheekbone, and he stood closer to you before the sound of wheels running over wood broke you apart.
Jisoo appeared with your mother. They both stopped when they saw you and Seonghwa alone. Neither woman said anything, and Seonghwa bowed his head.
"I must go speak with the advisors," he said. He gave you one more fleeting look, "Goodnight, Your Majesty."
It was when he'd gone out of earshot that you said, "I've only been a monarch for less than an hour and I already hate that. I'm not a queen."
"This is our chance to make things right," Jisoo said, continuing your conversation from inside. "The people need a leader who is compassionate, generous and caring. They need someone who understands their struggles, and would do their best to relieve them. You are that someone, YN, whether you believe it or not. There is a reason I ordered you to be tutored alongside Sookmyung.”
“I hardly remember any of those lessons now," you scoffed. "They weren’t important to me-”
“-Name the five major clans of Korea.”
“What?” you finally looked over at her. 
“Name the five major clans,” she repeated. “There is the royal family, the Han clan. Who are the other four?”
“Kim, Park, Choi and Jung,” you answered. 
“Han controls the middle plain region,” she said, coming up beside you, “Who controls the west, east, north, and south?”
“Kim controls the west, Choi controls the east, Park controls the south, and Jung is in the north.”
“What are their principal exports?”
“Clan Kim is famous for their gem and gold mines, as well as their silk and cloth fields,” you said. “Clan Choi are known for their expansive seafood industry, while Clan Park send spices and wines from their vineyards and fields in the south. Jung sends lumber, paper and stone blocks for building.”
“Sookmyung did not know that.”
“Of course she did.”
“She pretended to know,” Jisoo informed you. “I knew that because she never attended council meetings. Sookmyung only went to meetings when it concerned her money or her power. She did not know how to bring peace to people, or how to maintain it. I think you can do it.”
“I know you can do it,” your mother said, coming up beside you at the railing. When you did not reply, she continued, “You do not need to make a decision tonight-”
“-Chaewon-” Jisoo said incredulously, but your mother ignored her. 
“-Take your time with this. It is a big decision and there are more to come.” She put her arm around your shoulders and hugged you, “Let us take this one day at a time, hm?”
“I’d like that.”
You allowed her arms to comfort you as they’d done your entire life. Basking in the warmth and scent of her, you could not find it in you to think anymore. Jisoo decided you’d stay in the harem where there’d be plenty of people to watch over you until Sookmyung is apprehended. You couldn’t find it in you to care. Seonghwa offered you his chambers for the night, but you politely declined. You took the spare room, which was oddly untouched by anyone else. You undressed yourself, thinking about what you would be doing now if nothing happened. You’d be undressing Sookmyung instead, and leaving her in a warm bath while you turned down her bed. After applying creams and salves to her body, you’d help her into bed and make sure the room remained warm through the night. 
Instead, you stripped to your undergarments and took up the black silk robe left on a chair. Sookmyung’s robe. You recalled every time you slipped it over her shoulders, and tied it because she could not be bothered to dress herself. Tossing it aside, you slid into the bed amongst the soft sheets. Sleep likely will not come, but you’d force it to. If you slept, perhaps when you woke up tomorrow it'd have been a dream. 
An awful, confusing dream.
A/N: oooh the drama!! Thanks so much for the support and love you're giving this fic <3 it's my baby lol thanks also for being so patient with these chapters. I'm not going through the best time, but I wanted to put out something for you guys <3 hope you like this one
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unofficialmuilover · 11 months
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Hi, did I do good? Please tell me. Lol.
Will post the next chapter as soon as possible, I promise to make it longer.
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It took you for a little while before you became familiar with the path you were walking to, it didn't take long before you reached the butterfly mansion.
When you arrived at the mansion, you were met with worried faces and little cries as you were tackled into a hug.
"Y/n-san! We were so worried" "You didn't come home yesterday!" "We thought a demon ate you" Sumi, Naho and Kiyo, the three little girls of the mansion cried out to you as they embraced you.
"I'm sorry" a small smile tugging on your lips as you embrace them in your arms "I was training" you explain to them.
"Where were you?!" A stern voice can be heard from behind you, following the sound, you saw Aoi, in her stern look, glancing over you, once she saw you were not in any harm, she breathe out a sigh of relief.
"I was tra...-" you were cut off by a sudden outburst of a pigtailed girl.
"Shinobu-sama was worried sick! She looked for you everywhere! She even sent a crow over to other pillars to look for you!" You felt your face redden at the news. You know Shinobu would be worried but you didn't expect that she would go all out of her way to find you.
Aoi pointed in a direction to which you quickly walk to, it's where the pillars are currently having a quick conversation. Regarding you whereabouts
Each step you took was full of dread and you were so embarrassed that Shinobu made a hassle to your well being.
"I really don't know where she went! We ended our training early yesterday" you could hear Rengoku's usual loud voice from the inside trying to explain your last where about. You felt bad for dragging Rengoku into this.
You quickly knock on the door before barging inside, the pillars swiftly look over to someone who dares to interrupt their discussion without the permission to enter.
Relief flashes to their serious face as soon as they see you standing there. You were about to flash them an apologetic smile but stood frozen in shock to see who are the pillars inside. You expect the love and flame to be here with the insect pillar but who you didn't expect was the wind pillar. Shinazugawa. Why?
"Y/n!" You were immediately tackled into a hug by Mitsuri as soon as she saw you.
"aaaah I thought a demon got you! We look everywhere for you Y/n-san" She cried as she locked you in her bone-crushing hug.
"I'm sorry If I made you all worry" You said sheepishly, trying to pull away from her strong grip to greet the others pillars.
You felt a hand on your shoulder, you look behind to see Rengoku standing beside you, he gave you a soft relieved smile, "I'm glad that you're okay Y/n"
You were about to apologize to the poor flame hashira but Shinazugawa butted in "Where have you been Y/n-san?!"
"I.. Uh.. I was with Muichiro last night" you muttered sheepishly, bowing down unable to meet his furious eyes.
"With Tokito huh?! Do you think this is some kind of joke?!" He harshly told you, walking dangerously closer to where you are but Rengoku stood in front of you while you kept your head low, though you tried to explain your side.
"I was only..--" He cut you off, not giving your side a chance to defend yourself.
"You only what Y/n?! Do you think you can play those stupid little games of yours?!" He spat, venom was lace in his voice.
"What games?" You were confused as to what the hell he is talking about.
"Shinazugawa" You heard Shinobu speak from his behind. It was low but dangerously low as if to warn him to stop. But that didn't stop the furious wind pillar.
"Kocho asked you to be back before nightfall but you are stubborn! You never listened! You always do what you want! This is life or death situation Y/n" He spoke in his deadly accusing tone.  Every words he spoke stabs you in the heart. You open your mouth to speak but you can't form a single word.
Seeing that you were speechless, he took another step towards you, Rengoku who was still standing in front of you put his hand to Shinazugawa's Shoulder as if to stop him from getting closer to you.
"That's enough Shinazugawa" Rengoku spoke calmly. Trying not to fuel the wind hashira's anger. However, the fury ignited more making him enraged!
"No Rengoku, Y/N needs to learn!" He spat, you could feel his glaring eyes on you. His aura emitting the whole room, was intimidating.
"If you badly want to be a slayer then you better listen to people around you Y/n! Hashira's time should not be wasted on some mere slayer. This is no time to play around with your little crush Y/n" you froze at his harsh and accusations words. His words were like a slap to your face. It true that you like Muichiro but you didn't golf around. Do they all think that?
"I think that's enough Shinazugawa" Shinobu spoke sternly, she was standing behind him, patting his back, she is smiling still but her eyes told me otherwise, she looks angry despite the façade she tries to plaster.
"Aaah please don't fight anymore" Mitsuri cried out, she hates witnessing hatred, she's not used to seeing that.
Shinazugawa face palm letting out a long sigh before nodding at them "I'm going now" he spoke lowly, before storming off.
"I'm sorry... I'm sorry everyone" You burst out, face red, you were beyond embarrassed, you couldn't face them, you hope the floor would swallow you up to hide you from this embarrassment "I'm sorry for making you all worry! I was.. I saw Muichiro.. then it was dark.. I was scared and lost... It wasn't his fault. It was mine.. I asked him to train me..." At this point, you were rambling fast, trying to explain but you couldn't speak complete sentences.
"Y/n-san" Shinobu, patted your head softly, "You made us really worried. For the meantime, I'm glad that you're fine, We'll talk about this later, you should rest first"
Nodding softly, your were exhausted and sleepy. A little rest would be nice before talking to them.
A soft hand grabs your arms to drag you outside "Let's go to your room Y/n"  Mitsuri squeal excitedly.
"Rengoku-san! Shinobu-san! I'm sorry! I'll talk to you guys later I promise!" You yelled as you were aggressively being pulled by a certain pink haired girl who will bombard you with lots of questions later.
"Now, Y/n-san, would you like to share with me something?" As expected, Mitsuri has started her first question.
"Mitsuri-san, nothing really happens" you said to your friend, you face is frowning, you were too hurt from Sanemi's words to be excited to tell your friend you spend your time with your crush. It was too embarrassing to admit. You feel that you are wasting their efforts to train you and feel bad that they probably think that you're just goofing around.
Quickly realizing that you were still hurt from earlier she immediately mumbled an apology "I'm sorry Y/n! Please don't be upset" you could only nod in response.
"It's okay, Mitsuri-san, you should rest too, I'm sorry for making you worry too" you muttered giving her a small smile.
"It's okay Y/n, we were just worried and please don't take Shinazugawa's word to heart. He's... He's worried about you too, he just shows his emotions... differently"
You could only nod in response before you have fallen asleep.
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Picking up your pace. Hand grip on your katana, you ran towards where a young lady was heard screaming.
Arriving at the scene, you saw a demon chuckling evilly to a young lady who was struggling to break his hold against her neck. Lifting her up by her neck.
Without hesitation you jump off, using your breathing technique.
"Star Breathing: First Form.... Dust of Hope"
Your sword formed a bright blue flame around it, jumping off from your position, a brief moment to temporarily hide your presence to deliver your single thrust attack which will come from the above, quickly slashing the demon's arms while you catch the young lady in your other hand.
"Miss, are you okay? Get behind me?!" You ordered as you positioned yourself in a fighting stance. The lady scurried immediately behind you.
"You little brat!" The demon roared at you but your face remained stoic. These things don't scare you easily. Pft.
"Say your goodbye" you said confidently before dashing forward.
"Star Breathing: Second Form.. Rage of Falling Stars"
The breath you used gives you a brief super human speed to dash forward and perform multiple slashes, giving the demon with a burning sensation to your inflicted damage on him. You slash its neck in the process.
You watch as the demons slowly turn to ashes before facing the young lady who keeps thanking you.
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You woke up panting, wide eyes as you processed your dream. Was that you? What was that. Star breathing? No, you never heard that before but these dreams, it felt so real. It was like you were actually feeling those emotions. You handle the sword so perfectly well, the way you say your breathing technique it all felt so natural.
Getting up quickly, the need to find the answer was so immense that you couldn't wait another day to see Rengoku for your questions. You thought your technique was a flame breathing. Rengoku will be the one to know the answers.
Striding over to where Shinobu is, she was startled when you came into her working space upon seeing your face sweaty and panting, you ask for the flame pillar. "Where's Rengoku-sama"
"He's in the Garden Y/n, why?" She answered you smiling softly, she wanted what was the fuss why you were asking his whereabouts after your short sleep.
"I need to clarify some things, thank you Shinobu-san" you answer before going to the Garden.
"Hello Rengoku-sama" you greeted the Flame Pillar. "Y/N, did you have a good rest?" He greeted you with a light-hearted smile.
"I need to ask you some questions" Ignoring his question, you immediately blurted out, "What's my breathing technique?"
He was startled with your question, "It's called flame breathing, Y/n?" He looks at you curiously as to why you would ask him when you know it.
"No, no. I mean, what is MY breathing technique before I got injured before" Rengoku froze, realising what you question met.
He patted the seat next to him and you went over to sit next to him, you were holding your breath, anticipating his answer.
"You were previously a flame user, but you alter it with your style, and you call it star breathing."
You close your eyes trying to absorb his words as he explained them to you. Nodding at him to continue.
"I thought that if you learn flame breathing, you will be able to remember star breathing, no one can teach you star breathing as you were the one only who knows that. You are the original user of it."
It all makes sense, the feelings you felt when you look upon the stars, the need to watch the stars when you're feeling incomplete. Those stars, they were part of who you are. Reaching out to you, giving you comfort you didn't know you needed.
Nodding at his response, you tried to form a word but there were so many questions that both of you couldn't answer.
"How to learn them back?" You whisper to yourself but he heard you.
"Believe in yourself Y/n, I believe that you are far stronger than you think you are, you are lost at the moment but we are all here for you" Rengoku offered a bright smile, never faltering a bit.
You smiled at him, thankful that you have a friend someone like Rengoku, who was there to support you.
Immediately posing in a fighting stance, with your new found motivation to strive for more, to gain what was stolen from you. This time you were first to ask the Flame Hashira
"Let's Train" your word makes the flame hashira smile brightly.
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hwari-ssi · 3 years
Floraison | 4
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genre: fantasy/soulmate au
warnings: it kinda gets angsty, smut (in the future)
word count: 3.6k
pairings: ot7 x reader
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
A/N: omg omg aaaaa sorry for taking so long!! honestly, it wasn’t easy writing this one because of my insomnia. i just wrote whatever came to mind, so i hope you’ll understand (you can roast me) D: oh, and there’s a surprise at the end!! lol i hope y’all won’t hate it
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Jeongguk really did end up sleeping beside you after all. He couldn't bear the thought of leaving you alone. He held your small frame against his lean body, your quiet breaths subtly tickling his neck like a feather.
He'd been awake for some time now, but didn't want to go outside yet. Not when you were fluffy and warm, all curled up tightly next to him. He glanced at your sleeping face, lips parted slightly and breathing softly.
It made a lot of sense why the three of them already felt so attached to you. How your senses calmed within seconds when Namjoon touched the crown of your head earlier. You were their mate. Once a soul finds their other half, it was impossible not to be away from them.
That's what he felt for the others, and now, you. He was pulled from his thoughts by the sound of the bedroom door creaking slowly, a disheveled Taehyung peering in, still very much half asleep.
"Is our princess here?" The older asked, rubbing at his eyes which were red from fatigue. Jeongguk motioned for him to join in, wanting to stay until they had to leave the room for breakfast. The former ambled over to the bed, not hesitating to reach over and wrap his arms around you. Your scent hit him like a ton of bricks. Celestial and flowery—such a pleasant aroma.
The sudden movements brought you out of sleep, and you opened your eyes to see another stranger. Shaggy brown hair, strong eyebrows, sharp jaw, and what an adorable boxy smile he has.
"Hello, darling." His husky voice made you shiver, and the action wasn't missed by the two. Your cheeks flushed with pink, reddening even more when Taehyung brought his face closer. He held eye contact, but you couldn't do it so you turned to the other side, where Jeongguk happily opened his arms for you, caging you in when you scooted forward.
"Gguk?" His heart does a little flip at the nickname you gave him and smiles at the sight of the blush adorning your cheeks, realizing albeit too late at how you were practically attached to his hip. Had anyone else been that close, you would have felt your space was being invaded, but in this case, the faint smell of his cologne and his close proximity increased your pulse rate. Your arms were still around the boy, clinging to him like a koala, and you awkwardly clear your throat.
"Hey, no fair," Taehyung pressed his face into your hair and smiled when he heard you giggling. The three of you settled into a comfortable silence, Tae's breathing was fanning over neck, while the other's fingers danced on the small of your back, massaging the skin every now and then.
Their actions combined turned you putty in their grasp. You nuzzled your face into Jeongguk's neck, almost purring while you gave him the attention he'd been wanting to get from you all morning.
The men had smiles plastered on their faces as you continued to lavish his neck with affection. You may not know exactly what you were doing, but they did, and it made their hearts soar in happiness. You were claiming them, as your soulmates, and you were unaware of that. The feeling it gave brought you peace. At that moment, you understood each other perfectly. This is what you've always longed for. Tranquility. The stirrings of revolutionary ardour. A sort of freedom, if you will.
A gentle knock from the doorway brought the three of you from your daze."Breakfast is ready," Jin smiles at you lovingly. Taehyung almost wanted to protest, but he wouldn't want to keep you from eating. and so he forced himself up, pulled you with him and laughed at Jeongguk who was trying to fix his unkempt state.
The elder came over and took your hand, leading you out the room and down the stairs, into the dining hall. Everyone was already gathered around the table that was filled with scrumptious-looking food.
That's when the others took notice of your presence. You were indeed beautiful, just like how Jeongguk described you. Your gray eyes were what stood out to them the most. A tell-tale sign that you are one of the stars from above. Deep as the ocean, deep enough to fall in and drown, the windows to your soul were. With a simple glance, she could calm a torrid sea of heart ache. Longingly they looked at her, with the warmth of a hearth during Winter's Eve, deep in the forest wherein lovers would share the fire. Perfectly wonderful and endlessly enticing them, every blink a kiss to their soul. They almost melted at the sight.
"Jimin and Hoseok went a little overboard this time," Jin says with a chuckle. He led you to an empty chair that was next to Yoongi. He sent you a smirk, picking at your messy ponytail. "Fucking cute." You smiled shyly as he laughed softly at your reaction. Jimin took the seat alongside you and started placing food on your plate. You thanked him, and he gave you a pat on the head in response.
"These taste amazing," you said, as you happily munched on your baked cinnamon donuts. The cooking duo didn't know they were holding their breaths until they heard your affirmation.  They tried not to be obvious with their staring, but both of them wanted to see how you would react to their cuisine, making a mental note to make these again for you whenever.
You took a slug of your drink, all the while glancing at the sea of new people. To your right was Yoongi, features akin to origami. Sharp edges and angles. Cute button nose, and lips carved like a doll's. For an adorable face, he has such an intimidating glare. You turned to Jimin next, whose jawline was pronounced, lips full and pillowy, and has straight eyebrows. He regarded you with warmness, like a mother would tend to their child. and Lastly, Hoseok—the boy was sunshine personified. The brightness in his eyes reminded you of home. A heart-shaped mouth with a beauty mark placed just between the cupid's bow and vermillion border. He also has dimples like Namjoon's.
"So, darling, how did you meet the youngest of our bunch?" Taehyung asks, rousing you from your reverie. You were now aware that all of them were staring at you curiously, and it made you want to bury yourself inside a hole. You tried not to let the memories resurface, but his face flashed in your mind, making you drop your utensils. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Thank you for the hospitality, it was well received, but I should go."
"Sweet one—"
"No!" Your sudden outburst surprised them. "I should leave.. I don't want to cause you any trouble.." the stare shared between everyone went unnoticed by you. Jin carefully made his way towards your chair and knelt so he was eye-level with you. Your head was pointing on the floor, eyes downcast, and he took that as a sign you were feeling dejected. He tilted your chin up, only to see tears gathering in your eyes, making Tae feel bad.
"It's okay, little one. We won't hurt you. You can be honest with us." He spoke, sincerity filling your ears. You tried to tell if he was lying, but the way he was looking at you told you otherwise. Yoongi's hand smoothed your hair down, the motion quickly lulling you into a sense of security. You gathered your courage and responded in a meek voice, "I had a previous master, and it took me so long to realize he was treating me badly.."
The word master made bile rise in each of the men's throats. They can only imagine what horrors you went through. Stars, like you, are a kind of rare breed that is gifted by the star goddess. You harness multiple powers, one of which being pyrokinesis, the ability to command and emit fire at will. However, your inability to get a handle on your newfound gifts inevitably results in tragedy. When you turned a certain age, you emitted a burst of fire so immense that it destroyed a city block, killing your entire family and everyone else in the vicinity, having no other choice but to leave your home planet, Stellaris. That's when you turned to Asteria, asking the goddess for a new life and change of scenery. She was hesitant to send you somewhere far away, so she settled for earth, where your soulmates were. Except, you ended up in the wrong hands.
A hybrid smuggler, perhaps? breeds like you cost more than an arm and a leg. Maybe the power you possessed is what drew him in. He manipulated you, used you to fight against dangerous paranormal phenomena. You knew you had to get away—you weren't even supposed to meet him. The bastard took you against your will, threatening to send you back if you didn't listen. You lost the battle because of your naivety.
"Does anyone want dessert?" Jeongguk spoke up, trying to keep everyone's mood from lowering as they learned about your life history. "We won't give you back to him, Y/N," The elder states, eyes boring into yours with determination. You wanted to speak, but the words got caught in your throat. "You needn't worry, lovely. We will do no such thing." Jimin reached for your hand and held it to his chest. Still unable to find your voice, you settled with a small nod, making the boys smile from ear to ear.
"Here," Yoongi nudges your shoulder in a gentle manner as he positioned his fork close to your mouth. It had a piece of steak and nicely cut asparagus on it. "You need protein in order to stay strong, our pretty kitten." he says, almost stuttering as the pet name escapes his tongue without realizing it, it's glossed over though. 
You blushed, eyes turning into half-moons as your lips curved upward. "Thank you, yoonie." He'd get so soft after hearing you call him with a sweet endearment. Yoongi's gummy smile was showing, and you couldn't help the butterflies flittering inside your tummy after seeing him smile adorably. The man was usually pretty good at hiding his feelings but, somehow, he was horrible at doing that right now because you were currently in his radar.
"Alright. Since we're finished with dinner, why don't we clear the table?" Jin declared, while everyone lifted themselves from their seats. Taehyung piled most of the dirty dishes, placing them in the sink. You helped collect the cups and followed suit, watching Hoseok as he turned the faucet on with a sponge in hand. "Can I help?" You tugged on his sweater, your shy demeanor made him want to coo at you.
"Of course, little one. You can dry the dishes and Jeonggukie will put them away," The younger's ears perked at the mention of his name, reaching for a towel that was hanging on one of the kitchen cabinets and handed it you, caressing your cheek with his free hand in the process. The others observed the scene, tenderness painting their expressions. It seemed more evident that you fit in perfectly with every passing moment. You belonged here, with them.
"I'll be in my office. Got some digging to do," The elder mouthed at Yoongi, almost having trouble catching the words because he was deep in thought. Chances are, that son-of-a-bastard owner must be looking for you, but there was no way in hell they were going to give you back to him. Not if you didn't want to go willingly. The idea saddened him, because seeing how the younger ones had already taken such a liking to you, it made him feel protective.
"Would you like to watch a movie with us, Y/N-ie?" Jimin came up behind you and rested his chin on your shoulder as you dried the last bowl. Jeongguk takes the plate from your hands and presses a kiss to your temple.
"A movie? I've only ever seen one film though.." Hoseok beckons you over to him and holds out his hand. You let him guide you through the hallways, leading you back up the stairs and into a bathroom. Your eyes widened as you noticed it was huge and prettily decorated, you dare say it might even be bigger than your master's headquarters. He disappears for a hot minute to get something before stepping in, holding a pair of new sleepwear for you to use. You took the soft material from him, and smiled in thanks.
You eye at his arms, one pulling a rectangular, sheer-white cloth made of linen out of a cabinet, the other, a crystal bottle. he leans over the bathtub, turning the tap on and let water fill the tub before pouring the liquid. The sweet smell invaded your senses, automatically putting you in a good mood.
"You're all set. I put the clothes on the counter. We'll be waiting—" He turned his back to you, wanting to leave you to yourself but you cut him off when a whine left your lips. Immediately, he was by your side again, asking you what he possibly did wrong.
"Can't you stay, hobi? I don't want to be left alone.." You felt safe with him. His heart swells with pride. Although the idea of being with you in the same room, having nothing to cover your body made his heart race and face flush. He mentally slapped himself for thinking such vulgar thoughts. Now is not the time, you idiot, the voice in his head kept him in check, and he was grateful.
"I can help you wash your hair," He offered, high-fiving himself for not stuttering. "I'll wait outside. Just call for me, princess. okay?" You hummed in reply. You rid yourself of your dress, letting the fabric pool around your feet and stepped into the bathtub, submerging your body in the water and letting the warmth seep through your aching muscles, releasing all the tension.
You scrubbed at every part, making sure to remove the hidden grime found on your skin. Soon enough, your entire body was clean. Your natural glow was back. You reminded yourself to thank him later for making the water all sudsy because bubbles are always fun to play with."Hobi, I'm ready!" You folded your knees up to your chest just in time as Hoseok walks inside, not forgetting to shut the door behind him.
He sat at the edge of the tub, ready to lather your hair with shampoo when he sees the lines scattered across your back. The atmosphere turned gray. He stopped on his tracks. His gaze darkened. Of course he had to mask it—he didn't want to make you feel sad again, so he takes a deep breath, and decides to inform the others about this matter later. Your well-being was his first priority at present.
Silence fills the room as he massages the product on your beautiful locks. You didn't forget to thank him, mumbling as you relaxed at his touch. He looked at your small form sorrowfully, kept himself from asking for fear of you possibly running away. He only hopes that the time you'll open up to them will come in the twinkling of an eye.
"Everything's going to be fine now, sweetheart. We won't bring you back,"  you carefully maneuvered your body to his front, the water swishing around the tub at your movement. Your collarbones were showing, complexion looking a bit smooth, reminding him of rose-tinged ivory. You're looking better now, the pink in your cheeks much more visible compared to earlier.
"I can stay?" You bit your lower lip, shoulders shrinking. You wanted to stay here forever, but there was a strong likelihood they would change their minds. Because who would want someone broken? Someone like you?
"We all want you to stay, Y/N. Even if it means forever." Hoseok promises, running his forefinger along your jawline, tilting your head up so you were gazing into his dark orbs, slowly pulling you in like a vortex. "There's seven of us, baby doll. No matter what happens, We'll keep you safe." Why were these people so willing to help? It made you want to breakdown and cry, but you willed yourself not to."Okay, hobi." He smiled, kissing your forehead sweetly.
He pulled himself from the bathtub, the smile never leaving his face as he moved out of the room. You smiled in return as he shut the door, stretching your body in the water once more and stood, reaching for the towel, wrapping it around yourself. After getting dressed in the clothes your hobi got for you, you folded the dress and bundled it up in your arms before leaving the bathroom.
"I'll put those in the wash," Jin says as he ran into you, taking the clothes and continued his walk down the hall. You watch him disappear into another room further ahead and made your way to the living room. Upon entering, you found most of them gathered on the couch or seated on the floor, blankets covering their lower bodies.
You were glued to your spot, not quite sure where to sit. A few seconds later, The elder reappears and quietly takes your hand in his, leading you to an empty space beside Jeongguk and sat on the couch, ushering you to sit on the floor right in front of him, solving your little dilemma. You leaned back against his legs and he starts running his hands through your hair, smoothing out any tangled strands. To say you were content would be an understatement; you felt so at home. so peaceful. so cared for.
"Everyone ready?" Taehyung asks, a chorus of agreements resonating throughout the room. The boys settled into comfortable positions, while Jin's hands stayed on your locks, his nails subtly scratching your scalp. An hour later, the credits were finally rolling. Jin looked over to see both you and Jeongguk peacefully snoring, head resting on his shoulder as your quiet breaths lulled him into a deep slumber.
"We should move them, Jin. They'll wake with sore necks if we leave them be," Namjoon says, rising from his seat, gesturing at the others to clean up before lifting you from the ground. He makes his way into their shared bedroom, where four of the elders in the group sleep. He situates you on Yoongi's bed, placing an extra pillow under your head so you won't be uncomfortable whilst in dreamland.
"Sleep well, princess. You are safe here, with us." He caresses your cheek affectionately. "If he does find you, we won't let him take you."
"He what?" Yoongi slams his fists on the table, anger flashing over his features. He couldn't understand. He did not want to understand either. How heartless would a human have to be to actually inflict injuries upon such precious beings like you? Just across from him was where Namjoon and Jin were seated, the former tonguing at his cheek as he tried to control his raging emotions. He was fuming. On the other hand, Jin and the rest remained dead silent. The atmosphere thickens with visible tension, each of the men taken aback by the information as Hoseok relayed it.
"Shouldn't we report this to the peacemakers?" Jeongguk turns to his elders, eyes pleading for justice. But the younger knew they possibly couldn't let this matter fall into their hands. The uproar it would cause would surely put different worlds to engage in a war. Everyone knew not to mess with Asteria's children. Because to hurt them, would mean facing one's immediate death.
"We can't, young one." Jin reaches for the younger's hand, looking a little crestfallen. "Besides, I heard the bastard got beaten to a pulp by his own shields because they simply couldn't let him step over them anymore," The elder says bitterly.
"Serves that fucker right," Yoongi scoffs, smirking triumphantly. The man must be trying to escape from the consequences of his actions, he thinks to himself, leaning back against his chair, one leg crossing over the other. At least you can live a peaceful life now, without having to worry about anything or anyone else but yourself. That's what mattered to them the most.  
The soft padding of your feet down the stairs alerted the men that you have risen, your soft sobs reaching their ears as you were getting nearer. Namjoon didn't hesitate to meet you halfway, scooping you up into his arms and hugged you for the longest time. “Did you have a bad dream, sweetheart?” He wipes your tears away with his thumb, all the while placing lots of kisses on your forehead, nose, and temples.
He walks back to the dining room, refusing to place you back down on the floor, your face buried into his neck because you were too shy to face the others. Tears continue to fall from your eyes. You’re scared, the nightmares made you terrified. “Hey, it’s okay, baby girl,” Yoongi saunters over to your side and holds your face, brushing the tears on your cheeks and gives you another set of kisses on your eyelids, the rest joining in to surround you with worried looks. “It’s okay. We’re right here, princess. You’re alright. You have us. You're okay."
You cried on Namjoon's chest, sobs turning into sniffles after a period of time. You eventually fell back asleep, with them giving you all of their soft reassurances, and Namjoon's hand stroking your hair gently. You looked so vulnerable and so lovely that it made him want to shun you from the world. Oh, what a dangerous world earth was.
But the thing is, you didn’t know you were lucky to have seven, powerful gods disguised as humans, as your soulmates.
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spacecadetal · 3 years
kakashi hatake/fem!reader
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word count: 2774 warnings: descriptions of violence, descriptions of blood, descriptions of killing, alcohol use author notes: i wanted to write something a little different than i usually would i kinda got a little tired of my wips lol
the first time i saw him, i was eight years old with a shy curiosity about the world. long story short, his shoulder collided with my own. he wasn’t watching where he was going and neither was i, the hard jolt gave me such a fright that i yelled at him to watch where he was going. i had too much pride to admit i was at fault, lost in a daydream once again. he shared my reaction and my sentiment. saying i should watch myself too with great annoyance in his tone. i scoffed, he huffed, we went our separate ways.
i had always heard his name but never connected the dots until i was much older but still not much wiser. he was a prodigy, i was painfully just above average. as a bright eyed genin, i was out in the world and only starting to understand the true meaning of the path i chose at the naive age of six. his squad was babysitting my own on a mission. his mentor stands next to mine and introduces us and my face sours immediately. unlike him i don’t have a mask to hide it. he avoids me for the whole mission but his teammates are nice.
his red eye was making waves around the world, he was a myth and enemies across the land waited in anticipation for the day to come where they could finally see it in the flesh. great gain had come with great loss, i’m sure he wishes the second hand eye was back with its original owner. i remember the first time i saw him lift up his headband and expose it to the world. the blood red eye and it’s black swirls, chills shoot down my spine like pins and needles. engaging with an enemy was pure violence, animalistic and messy yet he made it seem so graceful. 
the pines and the dark forest disappear before my eyes; now he stands on a wooden stage with his foe, dancing under a spotlight. every dodge and weave is smooth and flawless. his strikes felt as natural and as quick as a snake striking at its prey. i watch his performance with a disregard for my own safety and when the last of our enemies hit the dirt, i wait for him to bow. instead he shakes the blood off his kunai and the famous eye is tucked away under his headband. i think i fell in love with him that afternoon.
the girl who died, her name was rin and that one time her team babysat mine, she braided my hair by a campfire and said i had a pretty name. she didn't deserve to die. they whisper about him when he walks by, terrible nasty things. but i smile at him, wave to him when i see him and hope it makes him feel less alone in the world. he sees it and he averts his gaze without reply or acknowledgement. rejection makes my chest tighten, if only slightly. naturally i assume he doesn’t like me, maybe he doesn’t like anyone. 
i'm in a village with my squad for a mission, it’s small but the green tea in the wooden cup and the smell of rabbit stew on the stovetop makes me feel at home. the excited teenage boy asks me about the things i've seen. the only thing he knows is chopping wood and shearing sheep. he asks me about a rumour he’s heard by a traveller about the boy that conjures lightning in his hand, he asks me if i've seen it before in the flesh. i smile and nod and confirm that i have. he asks me to describe it. i don't know how to at first.
first, you hear the static snapping and popping and it captures your attention instantly. then the pale blue light grows bigger and bigger in his hand, it takes on a life of its own and i won’t lie and say that it doesn’t make my heart beat out of my chest but he tames it like a wild beast, he has complete control. if you stand off to the side, you can watch the show. lightning surrounds him but he is never burnt. he’s like a god when he strikes, i've never seen something so terrifying but beautiful. he's beautiful. but i don’t tell the teenage boy that and i dont tell him that sometimes the loud crackle of his chidori haunts me when im alone. 
when i'm a chunnin, i feel much older than i am. it's not due to the title of my rank but because i keep plunging my kunai into grown men’s hearts and have to pretend it doesn’t faze me to see blood squirting from punctured arteries. i don't see him around the village much anymore. he lives in the darkness, in the shadows but sometimes he comes out into the light. he's grown so much older and taller and i think he looks handsome in his gear. toned arms and biceps and that tattoo on his left upper arm, the one that tells the world where his loyalties lie. walking past him, i prepare to feel the chill of his icy demeanor but i say his name, wave and smile. the only one of his eyes that sees the world widens and the veins of his arms bulge at my greeting, i can’t see his hands because they’re stuffed in his pockets. he always looks away but this time, for the smallest of seconds, he nods in my direction and then he is gone.
when the nine tailed beast attacks the village, i am kept away from the battle in a forest with the rest of the ninja around my age. he’s there, standing by his friend who talks and talks. i like his friend, he always greets me with enthusiasm. i try to ignore the sounds of my village being destroyed and the screams of the unfortunate dying people as i am powerless to do anything. my eyes move on their own in his direction only to find he has the same idea. for a moment, air leaves my lungs and i nod politely before i look away. his eyes meet mine one, two, three times. that night my home was buried under a mountain of rock and rubble and he lost the last person that knew the true extent of the damage this world had inflicted on him. 
the elderly lady at the stall with the hair clips told me i've grown into a beautiful young lady and i blush at her comment and insist it isn’t so. she tells me i must have a lot of boys' attention and i buy the deep blue hair clip with the faux sapphire gem. it stands out in my dark hair. it's been a long time since my house was crushed and a long time since he’s sat in the dango store with his friends but here’s there when i walk by. the compliment has me on cloud nine and i'm glad he’s not alone anymore. i smile at the group, say ‘ hey guys ’ and wave. for a millisecond my eye catches his as i'm walking by and my mind plays tricks on me. i think i see his cheeks tinge red.
kurenai came up to me one summer's morning and asked if i was attending the festival. i told her i was but likely alone. maybe i wasn’t such a pretty girl, no fish ever nibbled on the hook of the fishing pole i cast into the waters. her boyfriend looked bored as we spoke and her crimson eyes smile when she brings up the boy with the silver hair’s name, pretending she doesn’t notice my breath hitch for the slightest of moments. ‘ you should ask him, he’s not going with anyone either ’ she tells me and then she drags her boyfriend away. i sit alone on the cliffs for an hour thinking it through, my knees up to my chin as i wonder why she would suggest such a thing. iwashi is pissed that i'm twenty minutes late to meet up with them.
his group joins up with mine hours later and i greet him as i always do. he stands off to the side and plays with his hands and every time i catch his eye he looks as if he wants to say something to me. they say love feels like butterflies but when my eyes meets his, those butterflies turn into angry bees. i want to say something to him too, ask him where his friend got the idea that i should ask him to go with me but the bees within me sting and their venom prevents me from opening my mouth. i avert my gaze and pretend to listen to genma when he talks about his favourite order of ramen. 
we all part ways but we’re together again within the hour and i'm waiting nervously at the spot kurenai told me to come back to. my yukata is the colour of lapis and white periwinkles decorate the sleeves and i wonder if i look plain compared to the girls around me dressed in passionate pinks, gentle purples, and bold reds. he doesn’t see me at first but i see him. his yukata is dark grey with light thin stripes and it compliments his bright silver hair wonderfully. it’s the first time i've seen his hair down and his long strands are wild and stick out all over the place, i think i fall in love with him all over again. hes alone and i don’t dare to approach but he finally sees me. he waves, i nod. he's so handsome that i can’t stand to look at him so i don’t.
it’s dark and explosions of many colours light up the sky. i'm so distracted by the loud boom echoing off the hills and the blue, red, white and green lights on a black landscape that i don’t notice he's standing right beside me watching it too. knuckles lightly brush against my own, my chest tightens at the sensation. it’s distracting enough that i tear my eyes away from the sky show. they’re as wide as a possum when i meet his gaze. he doesn’t say anything, he just stares for a moment before he looks back at the fireworks. it was an accident and i forgive and forget but then his fingers awkwardly hook around my own, clinging for dear life. i cannot look, i cannot think nor speak. i hold my breath and blink rapidly while i cling onto his fingers just as tightly. when the fireworks are finished, we consider each other in silence for a minute. his hand leaves mine and we part ways without a word.
every time i see him, i see fireworks and feel the ghost of his fingers wrap around my own. he acknowledges me and we’re rarely left alone around each other; when we are we do not speak of it. we lean against a railing side by side and watch our friends fool around. courageously i say to him that the weather is nice today and he nods in agreement before his friend calls him over. when he leaves my side, his knuckles brush past mine once more. i jump in surprise and tell myself it was another forgivable accident but then he glances back at me as he walks away and i can’t be too sure. 
i am frozen still in a shrub waiting for the enemy to pass by. the sound of my heartbeat in my ears is so loud but suddenly it is replaced with the familiar crackle of electricity that haunted my dreams for the longest of times. when i turn around i see a man gasping for life, holding on tightly to the kunai i imagined would have been plunged into the nape of my neck if it wasn’t for the ball of lightning sizzling away in his chest. the man’s body drops to the ground and i finally see him standing there in the man’s place, his lower arm is soaked with blood from the fatal strike. he takes my hand and helps me onto my feet. that famous red eye is hiding behind a porcelain hound mask and he asks me if i'm okay. i assure him i am and thank him, he nods his head in reply and walks away. i don’t mind that he’s left my hand stained with our enemy’s blood. 
when i am given the rank of jonin i am months away from being twenty. i’m not allowed to drink just yet but my older friends buy bottles of sake to share in the park and i accept the invitation without giving it much thought. it’s sweet on my tongue and goes down smoothly, the aftertaste reminds me of potatoes for some strange reason i can’t put my finger on. i drink and i drink until half a bottle is gone and my cheeks are red and i laugh too loudly at asuma’s lame jokes. the stars are beautiful tonight but they just look like streaks of light in my blurry vision. i lay in the grass, my head feels light and my stomach slightly churns. out of nowhere he is in my line of sight, standing over me with a touch of concern on the features that aren’t hidden away. he asks me if i'm okay and i say i'm just fine and i think to myself that i'm glad to see him. 
when he takes me home, he lectures his friends that i'm too young to get drunk and they reply that i'll be old enough in a couple of months and it doesn’t make that much of a difference. he doesn’t mind my drunken babbling and how my head leans on his shoulder as we walk slowly through the dimly lit streets. his grip around my waist is tight and i try not to say something foolish like the way he fights is a form of art or that i want him to hold my hand again. he drops me off at the door and leaves once i am inside safely. i pass out that night thinking of the ways i want to be his.
i am twenty one when he leaves the anbu and i see him on the streets alone. his nose is in a book and he doesn’t notice as i walk by. i fight the urge to turn around and ask him how he’s going, i’ll be late to meet up with my old squad to train if i do. later when i walk home, i stare off into the distance and think about making dinner and sharpening my collection of kunai when i collide with something hard. i jump out of fright at the impact, ready to snap when two hands land on my shoulders to secure me in place. we’re not kids anymore and he smiles at me and apologises even when i'm at fault. i ask him how he’s been and he says he’s been just fine. he walks me home and we talk about missions and his new role as a squad leader. on my doorstep he says he’ll see me around and then he is gone and i am left greedily wanting more of his time.
one day when we are standing alone he tells me he is in love with me. it is is out of the blue and i brush it off with laugher, telling him he couldn’t possibly be; he takes my hand in his and insists it’s true. he tells me that he has been since the moment i collided with him in the street when he was ten years old. that when the world was unkind to him, i provided enough kindness to keep him going, all in a smile and a greeting. it is everything i have wanted to hear and more. the angry swarm of bees are back and i am stung over and over again. he can tell that i'm paralysed so his lips fall gently onto mine and it allows me to say the things i cannot utter out loud. my eyes are closed and i can see the very same fireworks from the night our fingers touched. when he breaks away from me he says we should get out of here and wordlessly i agree. we walk in the streets of the village and i am unsure of the destination he has in mind. his fingers are wrapped around mine.
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barkkletshunt · 3 years
Those Worth Fighting For Part five
Eyy~ I actually stayed up later than usual to get this part out lol I hope you all like it! The comments I’ve gotten on this are really encouraging me to keep going with this and I really appreciate all of you who have taken the time to let me know what you think <3 
Now, enjoy part five! 
Part one
Part two 
Part three
Part four 
Part six
Part seven
Part eight 
Marinette was out enjoying her day like a normal girl for once. She had a full itinerary and she was making great progress on her list. In the morning she went out and bought fabric, sent Felix possible designs for the table arrangements, and then she was going to grab lunch with all the groomsmen in order to help Felix feel more comfortable around them. 
He had texted her the night prior telling her he was concerned that they held his past actions against him. While she couldn’t blame her friends if they did, she had spent enough time with Felix in the past few days to realize he wasn’t the same person as he was back then. She doubted the others would hold it against him, given their own pasts with akumas, but she wanted to make sure that Felix didn’t feel ganged up on regardless. Even if it was just a precaution Marinette promised to be there to mediate any possible disputes with the condition that he bought her lunch. 
His reply made her heart skip a beat. 
“It’s a date then,” he wrote. 
She had read and reread that text a number of times, hoping that he’d either send a ‘lol JK’ her way and put the butterflies that had made a home in her stomach to rest, or he’d tell her he was serious. She hated not knowing if it was a joke, because against all odds she was really starting to like that clever blonde boy that would tell her how genius her ideas were. 
Marinette knew it was stupid to catch feelings so soon, especially after declaring it to herself that she wouldn’t be part of a romcom, but she was caught helpless each time he’d stop off at her apartment to go over colour swatches for the table cloths or decorations and bring her a coffee without having being asked. Felix was sweet and she always had a sweet tooth. 
Despite the crush that was bubbling up inside her, Marinette hoped that Felix was late to their little meeting so she could talk it over with the boys. She hoped that they’d be able to decrypt that four worded message that had left her sleepless most of the night. Was he serious? Was it a joke? Who knew? She didn’t. 
That didn’t mean she wanted to make a fool of herself and wear track pants on something that could possibly be a date. Just in case. She didn’t want to come on too strong and say she was for sure interested and obviously dressing up to impress him, despite how he had told her two nights ago that she looked nice after she had woken up from a post exam nap with her hair knotted and drool stains on her mouth. There was no impressing anyone after they saw her like that, and no matter how much she prayed the ground didn’t open up from beneath her and swallow her whole. 
Marinette also didn’t want to go so low as to make it seem like she had no interest on the off chance that he did want to date her. Sure, he was still deciding on whether or not he was going to make Paris a permanent move or not, but perhaps having a Parisian girlfriend would make him want to stay, because if she was being honest with herself she did want him to stay. Even if he wasn’t dating her, he was a great guy who she’d love to spend time with. Dating him would simply be a bonus. 
Her thoughts had drifted to the blonde man more times than she could count as she ran her errands. She pictured his stoic face as he sat in Kagami and Adriens kitchen and budgeted everything they needed for the wedding with a hefty set of wiggle room just in case they went over. She could still hear his hushed whisper as he tried to be discreet about telling her a bad pun his cousin once told her that he had remembered, not wanting to let Adrien know he thought they were funny. She could even still smell that warm floral tea-like fragrance that clung to him like perfume, that she had been able to smell as he leaned on her to rest while they were going over Kagami’s dress design and how to make it match with Adrien’s.  
She had it bad already and it hadn’t been that long since they had met again. There was just something about Felix that lit her heart on fire and she wasn’t ready for it, especially not with everything else going on in her life. Still, if Felix felt the same as she did, there were worse 
So even if it wasn’t a date, Marinette dressed up as if it was. She spent time making sure her hair was done up right, and her outfit matched perfectly. She had even busted out the pair of fake leather heels she loved that laced up at the front in bows. Her outfit was cute, and in turn it made her feel cute. So after throwing on a simple brown jacket to go along with the shoes, she went out. Ready to meet her friends and possibly get some much needed advice if Felix was late. 
She really hoped he’d be late.
When she got to the restaurant she realized that luck really was on her side, as both Nino and Felix were yet to arrive. Nino would be there shortly, but she wasn’t as intent on getting romantic advice from him as she was the other two. So once Marinette was seated in the restaurant with Marc and Nathaniel, she began ranting. 
"And then he said, it's a date! A date! Can you believe it?"
Her two friends shared a look. 
"I mean, yeah. I can." Marc said, taking their boyfriends hand in their own and squeezing it. "Mari, you had our entire class in love with you at one point."
"We all had an agreement not to pursue you to make it fair for everyone else." Nath recalled. 
Marinette rolled her eyes at the exaggeration. "Not everyone was in love with me."
"Oh, my sweet summer child, how naive you are." Marc cooned, reaching their free hand across the table to take hers. "It would be no surprise that Felix joined the Marinette fanclub."
"But," Nathaniel started, "if you really want to know if he is interested in you there is a surefire way to find out."
Marinette straightened in her seat, intent on the redhead. Nathaniel never led her astray and she wanted the advice. She’d do almost anything to get rid of the nervousness she felt that could only be compared to when she was younger and Adrien had said something flirty on accident. "What is it?"
"Ask him." 
She groaned, hitting her head off the table and causing the silverware to clatter together. That was not the answer she wanted."Do you have any idea how much I cannot do that? He’s like super charming and he says I have good taste and just talking to him over text makes me get all anxious. If I try to ask him it’ll be like Adrien all over again! Remember how well that went for me?”
The two grimaced with her as they remembered how often she would forget how to talk around her long time crush, and how even more often she would end up tripping or falling over herself because of it. No one wanted a repeat on her crush on Adrien.
"Hey Dude, Dudette, and fam." Nino called. The DJ's gender neutral term for Marc made the ravenette smile, and they responded by waving at Nino as he made his way past the empty tables that were in between him and his friends. It only took Nino a moment before he realized Marinette didn't lift her head to say hello. "What's got Mari in a funk?"
"She wants to know if a guy is interested in her, so we suggested she ask him." Nath explained, and that was all that needed to be said for Nino to understand. He had known Mari for the longest and she had never been one to confront someone when it involved herself. Bullies? She'd get in their face in a heartbeat and yell at them until they straightened out. Romance? Not a chance. 
"Hey, Dudette, do you like this dude?" Nino pulled a chair out from beside Marinette and sat down. Nino placed his hand on his childhood friends back, rubbing soft circles on her shoulders. “Because if you don’t then it doesn’t matter, but if you do, well then you gotta ask.”
“How about you guys see how this guy acts near me and then send me all his subtle dude signals through text or something.” The girl lifted her head to give the best puppy dog look she could muster up, and from the collective sigh that came from the group she knew she had won. 
“I still think asking him would be easier,” Nino lightly elbowed Marinette in the side. “But hey, he’s late like you normally are. He could be your soulmate after all.”
“I’m not always late!”
“Just a majority of the time.” Marc joked. The four fell into an easy conversation about how often Marinette was late to important events, and soon how each one of them were going to be responsible that the maid of honour was on time for the wedding.
“We’ll have to remind Kagami to set the wedding time to three hours early on Mari’s invitation just so she’ll make it just on time.” It was Nathaniel’s turn to tease her, but Marinette wasn’t taking it.
“Well, let me remind you that I am the whole reason you and Marc ended up together. Just saying. Without me snooping around you two would have walked past each other a number of times.” Marinette pointed out, remembering the time she helped the two set up dates soon after they met.
“If I’m not mistaken I was turned into an akuma-”
“And in the end you got the man of your dreams, so we should stop picking on the amazing matchmaker here and perhaps we could,” Marinette’s voice trailed off as she felt rumbling beneath her seat. The smiles on her friends' faces vanished as they all stood, checking each door for a possible sentimonster attack. The doors stayed put, and they almost believed it was an earthquake until the ground below them began to split open with the sounds of creaking metal signalling the monster had arrived. The creature was a giant snake made out of the metal pipes beneath Paris, and if the smell that wafted from it was anything to go by Marinette figured the main pipe of his body came directly from the sewer. 
Everyone scattered, running to the exits as fast as their legs could carry them. Nino made it out the fire exit, while Nathaniel and Marc escaped to the kitchen. Marinette drove behind the bar, hoping against all odds that she’d find the perfect moment to transform in order to save everyone.
That was when a familiar voice broke through her panic.
“I understand you’re a sewage pipe, but this fight is going to be a real drain.” 
Marinette covered her mouth, resisting the urge to scream out at the black cat holder. Was it the miraculous itself that made its owner make such terrible puns? Was there no escape from the puns that haunted her superhero youth?
The cat hero circled around the destroyed restaurant as the pipe snake kept the knobs it had for eyes trained on him. When he was close to the bar the snake dove for him, and Marinette jumped out of her hiding spot to push him out of the way. “Duck!”
Marinette squeezed her eyes shut, waiting for the pain to hit her. There was no pain, but there was the sound of a racing heart beneath her ears. 
ScapeGoat, Mattamorphis, and Carapace were already there behind them, keeping the snake occupied as Marinette got her barings. She began lifting herself up when she caught the gaze of the hero beneath her. 
“Am I at a vending machine?” The cat hero muttered, his voice rough from getting the wind knocked out of him seconds before.
Marinette blinked. Was he concussed? She didn’t think that was possible while in costume. She looked over his head, looking for any blood or sign he was seriously injured. “What?”
“Because a snack just fell on me.” He said, grinning like a fool at his own terrible pick up line. She wanted to punch his smug face, but she’d have to wait till after she got into her suit. “Not that I’m complaining.”
She pushed herself up, determined to run off to change before she punched the man in his idiotic face, but the new cat stopped her by grabbing her wrist. She looked down at him, watching the belt he had flick around behind him like a real cat's tail. “Wait.”
The hero stood and grabbed Marinette’s shoulders. He put his other arm under her knees, and lifted her up like she weighed less than a couple of grapes. She gawked at him, unsure of what to do. This was not the time to be chivalrous, and she could have sworn he had said that flirting on the job was unprofessional. 
The hero took her out of the restaurant and made sure she was a few blocks away before setting her down. “There, this should be far enough away.”
“You didn’t need to do that,” she started, but he held a hand up and got down on one knee. Panic filled her. What was he doing? Was he being serious? Now was not the time for some cheesy joke. “What are you doing?”
Instead of the fake proposal she was half sure would come, the black cat began tying one of her shoes up. Marinette assumed it came undone at the restaurant, but she wouldn’t have to worry about it since she’d be changing soon anyways. 
“Shouldn’t you be, uh, fighting that monster Mr. Cat?” Marinette asked, unsure what it was he was after.
The man stood up once her shoe was tied and smiled, a smile that if she wasn’t so furious she would have swooned at.How could he be so nonchalant about the whole situation? He had left three people behind to fight that living pile of pipes just so he could go and flirt with a girl? He wasn’t meant for that miraculous and now she was sure of it. “I will be, but I have faith in the other heroes. For now, I just wanted to make sure your laces were done up.”
“So I can run away safely?”
“So you don’t go falling for anyone aside from me.” He winked. 
Stupid flirtatious cat. 
“Besides, that is only one of the multiple heads of the snake. I’m going after the main one, I was just nearby here to start with.” Wait, what? The man looked off in the distance, towards the center of Paris. “I can’t stay long. If you see the other heroes pass by please let them know that the snakes are coming from the sewage museum. Oh God, they have one of those here?”
“Hold on a second, how could you possibly know that?” She asked, astounded by the amount of information he had. 
As the cat hero displayed the black device in his ear she remembered what he had said the other night. He had a bluetooth earbud hooked onto a police scanner. “I have ears all around Paris, sweet flower. Now, as much as I’d love to stay here and tell you all my hidden tricks, I must be off. The sentimonster’s true head is getting close to where I left a trap and I can’t leave it there by itself. Besides, I think Ladybug is waiting for me somewhere or another.”
I don’t think that’ll be a problem, she thought to herself. 
“Wait,” Marinette grabbed his arm as he started to back away from her, for what she had no doubt was going to be a dramatic exit. “I don’t feel right calling you Chat Noir, do you have a hero name yet?”
The hero’s face displayed his shock just for a moment before a smile brighter than the sun formed on his soft pink lips. “I don’t have one yet, why don’t you think of one for me?”
“You want me to pick?”
“Of course, it’ll remind me of the beautiful woman with bluebell eyes that gave the name to me.” The cat winked.
Marinette couldn’t help but laugh. He had told her he didn’t need a superhero name just the other day, but now he wanted one from her? He was flirtatious and full of tricks, there really was only one name for him. “How about from now on, we call you Alley Cat?”
“Alley Cat?” He said the name, tasting it on his tongue. “I like it. And who is the wonderful lady who named this poor Alley Cat?”
“Oh no, first names are for the second time you save me from a monster.” Marinette shook her head, trying not to burst into a fit of giggles seeing his fake heartbroken look.
“Then I guess I better get at it.” Alley Cat gently took her hand in his leather clad palm, and placed a soft kiss on her knuckles. “I hope to save you again soon, sweet flower.” And with that the cat was off, bounding across Paris at a speed that only reminded her of the urgency behind the movement. 
She had gotten swept up in their little conversation that she forgot what she was supposed to be doing. What was wrong with her these days? First Felix being an absolute sweetheart and getting her to reevaluate her opinion on him, now making her get butterflies wherever she thought of that soft chuckle he had when he found something she said was funny. Now there was a charming alley cat who was clever enough to form schemes of his own to stop the monsters terrorizing her hometown, but smooth enough that she was having a hard time making sure her face didn’t match her supersuit. Either the boys in her life needed to be less charming, or she needed to get a boyfriend.
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cutie1365 · 3 years
A Kid from Queens Part 21
Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Info: CA: Civil War Era. Tony Stark enlists his daughter to find the web slinging spider in Queens.
Word count: 5.4k
Warnings: 18+ content, smut, language. (I had aged up Peter so he’s 18.)
A/N: Flashbacks in italics as usual :) I know it’s been forever, motivation is hard to come by these days. This is the longest thing I’ve ever written, it’s long enough to break into two chapters but I know I haven’t uploaded in a while so Merry Christmas lol.
Any and all feedback is much appreciated! Please please if you could just leave a little message of things you like or what you want to see in the future it really helps.
Masterlist linked in my bio. Taglist in the reblog.
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“Y/N! Y/N! Over here!” You heard your name called as Happy opens the limo door. He extends his hand to help you to your feet.
“Stark, look over here!” The paparazzi screams were almost deafening as Peter exited the car after you. His mask hid more of his features while yours left little to the imagination, they knew who you were already, so no point in trying to hide it.
“Behave.” Happy pointed a stern finger at you.
“Don’t I always.” You feigned offense as your hand clapped over your heart, he raised a brow as your mouth turned up into a smirk.
“Goodnight Happy.” You chuckled, turning and stepping onto the red carpet leading to the venue.
“Who are you wearing?” You heard different questions screamed in your direction. This was a charity gala after all, not the fucking Oscars. Who cares who made your dress?
You slipped your hand into Peters, trying to calm him. This had to be overwhelming, all the cameras in your face, screaming anything they can to get you to look their way.
“Dr. Stark!” One voice called, gaining your attention. Few people addressed you with your appropriate title. You turned to see a young woman, who didn’t look like she’s been on the job for very long. She was holding her own though, against all these ruthless reporters. You thought you saw The Bugle among them.
“Dr. Stark, Glory Grant from the Times.” She smiled once you looked her way. You took a step closer to her, nodding at her to let her know you were listening and she could continue, “Can you tell us why this cause is important to you?”
“Of course, every child’s life we can save is like an investment into our and their future. They’re going to be the ones to take over the world someday. Who knows who will be the next Einstein, or Madam Curie...” You began with a smile.
“Or Y/N Stark,” She smiled. You laughed, shaking your head humbly.
“If we can do our part in donating and relieving some of the financial burdens off of their parents then it’s worth it. This organization not only helps families and children currently fighting cancer, but it helps look for a cure. A permanent solution to help end this disease.” You spoke from your heart.
“Thank you so much Dr. Stark.” She smiled as she scribbled the last of your words onto her notepad.
“Are you new at the Times Ms. Grant?” You asked, taking another step closer to her and the barrier between the two of you.
“Yeah, I just started.” She smiled nervously.
“Can I borrow your pen?” You asked, and she handed you her pen and pad.
“That’s my work number. If you’d like to be added to the Stark Industries press board, give me a call. They’re the first ones we call about press releases and announcements.” You spoke as you scribbled it down, handing it back to her with a smile.
“Thank you so much Dr. Stark, but why are you helping me?” She furrowed her brows.
“Because it's a man's world, and we can help change that, one woman at a time,” You said, causing her to laugh, “You’re the only one here to actually address me by my title and not ask me about my outfit. I see a bright career ahead of you.” You nodded to her as you took a step back towards the middle of the carpet.
“Enjoy tonight,” she smiled, beaming at the new opportunity. You winked at her as you took Peter’s hand and led him along the carpet and up the stairs towards the venue.
“That was nice of you,” He squeezed your hand.
“I mean it’s effortless for me, but it will help kick start her career. I got this kinda third eye about people.” You smirked.
“That’s not a real thing.” He shook his head with a laugh.
“Sure it is. It’s not always perfect, but sometimes I can just tell when people are destined for something great. Like you, from the moment I met you I knew.” You turned towards him, taking his other hand in yours.
“You knew what?” He titled his head in confusion.
You leaned in to press a chaste kiss to his lips, forgetting you were at the top of the stairs and still in full sight of all the photographers. You saw the flashes but you didn’t care. Peter’s identity was safe with his mask, and you wanted the whole work to know how happy he made you.
“That you’re a good person, and you’re gonna do big things.” You beamed up at him as you pulled away from the kiss, turning to lead him inside.
“So what else can this third eye tell you?” He asked curiously.
“It’s kinda like a gut feeling, to trust someone or not trust them. Like fight or flight, something’s not right kinda feeling. I just trust my gut, ya know.” You shrugged.
“I think I know exactly what you mean.” He said, and you turned to him with a raised brow before remembering your conversation from a week ago.
“Oh that’s right, like your spidey senses.” You chuckled, making sure to keep your voice low.
“My what?” His eyes went wide.
“You said you can sense when something bad's gonna happen. Although mine isn’t as specific and can’t be attributed to a radioactive spider.” You chuckled, walking to a secluded corner of the ballroom.
“Shh someone could hear you.” He whispered, you smiled, shaking your head, knowing everyone’s always drunk at these sorts of things.
Turning to face Peter, you raised your hands to straighten his bow tie. Your mind wandered to how great he looked in his suit. The feeling of butterflies swirling in your belly from the moment you saw him step through your door a few hours ago had barely worn off.
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“Wow,” you both muttered as your eyes landed on each other. You’d never seen him all dressed up like this. He looked good, really good. You gulped, trying to push the dirty thoughts from your mind.
His hair was slicked back, not the mess of curls you were used to. He looked so grown up. You could almost picture him commanding a Stark Industries board meeting or standing at the end of an isle. Wait- slow down Y/N, jesus.
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He looked so natural, so dapper, and then he turns and gives you that signature goofy smile- there he is. It brought a smile to your face. How did you get so lucky? How could you have landed a guy as great and handsome as Peter Parker. Were the girls at his school brain dead? You would think everyone would want him. Kind, sweet, intelligent, respectful, and Christ he cleans up well. He was everything you’d ever dreamed of.
Have you just been staring this whole time? Jesus, Y/N say something, he’ll think you’re crazy, you thought.
“Are you ready to go?” You asked, trying to compose yourself. He only nodded, still not able to formulate words.
You were wearing red. His red. No- not his red obviously, but the same color of his suit. And god he loved it. He felt like you were wearing a piece of him. Like he had marked you, you were his.
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“You look...” He trailed off, his eyes still wide. He cleared his throat and smiled, trying to compose himself. You could almost hear his internal monologue urging him on - Come on Peter, keep it together..., “You look... God Y/N. You look beautiful.”
“Thank you,” You blushed. Of course that wasn’t the first time someone had told you that, but coming from Peter it felt different, “You look so handsome. Not your usual kind of suit, huh?” You smirked, causing him to chuckle as he pulled on his sleeves.
“I have your mask.” You smiled, still admiring him, holding the mask out to him.
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“Why doesn’t your mask hide your identity?” Peter asked, as the two of you watched more and more people file into the ballroom.
“Because people will know who I am anyway, and I’m not hiding.” You explained.
“How will they know?” He furrowed his brows, you shook your wrist in response.
“I don’t know anyone else with a custom blaster built into a bracelet. I’m also on the younger side, and pulled up in a ride with Stark Industries plates, so it wouldn’t take a genius.” You smiled, starting to recognize a few faces of regulars as you people watched.
“Do you always wear that thing?” He asked, holding up your wrist and examining it.
“No, I’ve got a watch for day to day wear that does the same thing. Dad may not give me a suit, but he won’t leave me completely defenseless. And it has come in handy.” You trailed off, remembering the not so fond memories of the last time you used it. Your ribs still ached if you thought about it long enough.
“Let’s hope you don’t have to use it tonight.” Peter said, craving one normal night without having to be a hero.
“Someone would have to be very ambitious to attack this place, they’ve got security out the wazoo.” You brushed off, praying tonight would go well.
A hush fell over the crowd as the charity president walked onto the stage and welcomed everyone. You felt Peter’s hand slip around your waist protectively as everyone pushed a little closer to the stage to hear. This part was pretty standard, basically a little speech to kick off the  night, a thank you for coming, and who to make all checks out to. Music filled the ballroom as the band began playing after the applause for the speaker died down.
“I’ll get us something to drink.” Peter nodded off towards the open bar.
You nod as he walks off and turn to admire the ballroom. Your eyes soon land on a familiar face.
“Dr. Strange,” You smile, greeting him.
“Dr. Stark,” He nods. You’d met a few times at these sorts of events. You hadn’t seen him for a while though, and there were rumors of an accident.
“How are you Stephen? I haven’t seen you since...” You paused to trying and remember, “Was it that benefit for the hospital a year ago?”
“Had to be, I’ve been... traveling.” He stated ominously. You glanced down to see the long thin scars along his fingers.
“Well it’s nice to have you back.” You smiled.
Peter now rejoined you at your side, slipping a drink into your hands- non-alcoholic of course, per May’s request. His other hand found its way to the small of your back.
“Peter, this is Dr. Stephen Strange.” You introduced him.
“Peter Parker,” He smiled, shaking the doctor’s hand. Something you couldn’t describe flashed over Peter’s eyes as they shook hands. Like a gut feeling he couldn’t quite place. For some reason his spidey senses were going off.
“Enjoy your evening, I need to check in at work.” Strange gave a curt nod and smile as he said his goodbyes. As he walked past you he dropped his voice to a whisper and spoke into your ear, “I like this one much better than the last.”
“Me too,” You whispered back with a smirk.
“So... how do you know him?” Peter asked curiously as the doctor excused himself to call the hospital.
“We run in the same circles, it’s a lot of the same people that come to these sorts of things. His hospital donates a lot of money to these causes and when he pisses off the board they send him to represent them as punishment.” You explained.
“This is a punishment?” Peter asked, dumbfounded.
“For a neurosurgeon it might just be,” You laughed, shaking your head, “I’m surprised he’s here.”
“Why?” He furrowed his brows.
“I heard he was in an accident not too far back. A bad one. I didn’t know he had gone back to work. Hmm...” You looked off to where the man had disappeared to.
“Care to dance, Parker?” You changed the subject, taking his hand into yours and placing your drinks onto the nearest table.
As the song changed to I Only Have Eyes For You by The Flamingos, he held you in his arms, swaying slowly. You were lost in him, hours could have passed, or seconds. As your bodies were pressed together you felt a sensation you could only describe as home.
“So has it been everything you dreamed it would be? These stuffy formalities for rich people to get drunk and spend money.” You chuckled as you looked up at him.
“It’s beautiful, but I guess, I mean it seems so glamorous from the outside.” He shook his head.
“Sorry to burst the bubble for you. It’s a little less Gatsby, and a little more, middle aged businessman doing coke in the bathroom.” You quipped.
Peter’s head immediately whipped towards the bathroom door where two men were emerging, one rubbing his nose.
“No way...” He looked back to you with wide eyes.
“You’d be surprised.” You chuckled.
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After a little more dancing and mingling you and Peter made your way out onto the deserted balcony.
“Are you cold?” He asked, as he leaned onto the railing next to you. You were hiding it well but he still sensed it.
“A little.” You chuckled, cursing those spidey senses for giving you away.
Peter slipped off his coat and placed it over your shoulders. You thanked him as you turned to admire the moonlit lake below you. It was so quiet and peaceful, untouched by the party going on just on the other side of the glass doors.
“Did you have a good day?” Peter asked.
“Perfect.” You looked up to him and smiled, and you meant it.
“Um, so, Happy told me that you don’t like to celebrate your birthday but,” Peter began to speak, nervously. Your eyes grew wide, how in the world did he know it was your birthday? That was the one day you liked to keep private and out of the press. Only the Avengers, Pepper and Happy knew when it was. “I wanted to give you this. Everyone deserves at least one present on their birthday.”
“Peter you didn’t-” You shook your head, before he cut you off.
“I know I didn’t have to, but I wanted to. And don’t worry, Mr. Stark swore me to secrecy so I won’t go announcing it to the world.” He reassured you as he reached into his pocket to pull out a little box.
“I know it’s not much, and I’m sure you have a million other fancy things, but I wanted you to have this.” Peter opened the box nervously, revealing a necklace. It was a single pearl and diamond dangling from a silver chain. Simple, but beautiful. “It was my mothers. Aunt May said that my dad gave it to her on their wedding day.”
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Your jaw dropped slightly and your hand went over your heart.
“Peter, I-” How could you accept this? It was probably one of the last bits he had of his mother and he was just giving it away? You knew how much they meant to him, and he’d been through so much. With losing both parents so young and then his Uncle Ben not that long ago. Tears began to pool up in your eyes. Did he really care about you that much to part with something this important?
“Are you sure?” You asked softly.
“Of course I am. She would have loved you. She would have wanted you to have it.” Peter spoke, slipping the necklace on you as a single tear slipped down your cheek.
You turned back to him with a smile, he gently rubbed his thumb across your cheek to wipe the tear away. He didn’t know what to say- actually that’s a lie. He knew exactly what three words he wanted to say, but he thought it might be too soon and he might scare you. He absolutely didn’t want that. So he just smiled at you as you leaned in to kiss him.
You pulled away and wiped your tears, trying your best not to mess up your makeup.
“Thank you Peter.” You sniffled, chuckling at how silly you were being.
“Happy birthday.” He beamed as you heard the band strike up a slow song inside. He extended his hand to you, “Y/N Stark, can I have this dance?”
There was that goofy smile again, causing you to giggle as you placed your hand in his. He pulled you close, you rest your head on his shoulder as you both sway to the music. And for once in your life, everything was perfect.
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After everyone had said their goodbyes and they ushered you out of the venue, you and Peter began your short walk through the park to the Plaza Hotel across the street.
“Tonight was like a dream,” You said, as you swung your intertwined hands slightly.
“Haven’t you been to a million of these things.” Peter chuckled and shook his head.
“Yes, but I’ve never been to one with someone I love and it’s a very different experience I’ve learned.” You spoke, causing Peter to stop.
You turned to face him as you noticed his wide eyes, not believing the words that just came out of your mouth. It took him a minute to process. One, that meant you loved him. And two, that meant you were never in love with Thomas, since you’d been to these events with him before.
“Ok, you’re kinda scaring me now Peter,” You laughed nervously at his awestruck state.
“You love me?” He asked, and you answered with a nod and a smile.
He placed his hands on either side of your face and pulled you into a sweeping kiss.
“Am I dreaming?” Peter asks, pulling away, looking for any sign on your face that this was all some sort of joke.
“I sure hope not,” You chuckle.
“I love you too,” Peter beams at you, pulling you into another kiss.
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“Woah...” You and Peter both mutter as you push open the door to your hotel room. Now this was fancy. You felt like you were in a room in Buckingham Palace.
You both walked around, inspecting the room as you dropped your coats. You saw your bags in the corner that had already been brought up. You ran your hand over one of the pillows on the huge California King sized bed as your lips morphed into a smirk and an idea popped into your head. You clutched onto the pillow with one of your perfectly manicured hands as you spun around, whacking Peter with it.
“Hey!” He yelped, eyes growing wide at what you’d just done.
“Come on Parker, let’s see what you’ve got.” You tossed him another pillow from the bed with a smirk.
“O you’re gonna regret this,” He stalked towards you. You kicked off your heels and jumped onto the bed, standing up on your knees.
He swung his pillow as you ducked, it just missed you. You took the opportunity to whack him again. He looked at you with wide eyes, thinking, How had he missed?
“What? Couldn’t see that coming, bug boy?” You laughed. Taking those few seconds to gloat had proved fatal as you felt his pillow attack your side.
“Oof,” You feigned pain as you dropped backwards until your back hit the bed.
“Are you ok?” Peter asked, worried, thinking he’d really hurt you. With his super strength he was never sure.
You waited until he was kneeling next to you to jump into action, according to your plan. You jumped up, pushing him back onto the bed as you straddle him, grabbing your pillow and smacking him a few times.
“Ok, ok, you win!” Peter cried out, forfeiting.
“Yes!” You threw your pillow up in the air in victory. Peter looked up at you, still on top of him with your hair now a mess, hanging all around your face. He cherished the genuine smile on your face. All he wanted to do was kiss you, you looked so happy.
You crawled off of him and back onto the floor where you extended your hand to help him up. As he placed his hand into yours and rose to his feet, you didn’t notice his left hand reach for the pillow. Before you knew it, there was a pillow lightly thrown in your face.
“Peter!” You squealed through laughter. He knew you were about to retaliate when you reached for your own pillow on the bed. But he was faster, wrapping his arms around your waist and lifting you away.
“Come on, truce?” He asked as you struggled against his arms.
“Fine, truce.” You said, shaking his extended hand as he let you go.
“Hungry?” You asked, reaching for the room service menu on the desk and flipping through it.
“Starving.” He said, reading it over your shoulder.
After you had called in the food, you walked over to explore the rest of the room.
“They said it will be about an hour.” You told Peter, as you pushed open the door to the bathroom.
“So what do we do til then?” He asked, but you didn’t hear him.
“Jesus, look at the size of that tub.” You exclaimed, and Peter came over to your side to get a look at it too.
“Wow,” He said when his eyes landed on the giant clawfoot tub, “Um we definitely have to use that.”
You turned to face him with a smile.
“Really? You’d wanna do that?” You asked, who knew Peter Parker was a sucker for bubble baths.
“Absolutely. And do they have those big fluffy robes like in the movies?” He asked, excitedly, like a kid on Christmas.
You walked over to the closet and pulled the doors open, revealing two robes as described. You pulled them out and presented them to him.
“Cool...” His eyes lit up as he felt the material between his fingers.
You started to run the water, adding bath salts and bubbles, knowing it would take a while to fill the whole thing. Your things had already been brought to the room before you got there, so you got to work taking off your makeup and letting your now messy hair down.
You tried to reach for your zipper, as your body cried to be released from this skin tight dress.
“Hey Pete,” You called, and he strolled in the bathroom, now only wearing his dress pants and no shirt... and the butterflies were back. God how could he look that good, you stared shamelessly.
“You called?” He smirked, breaking your train of thought.
“Oh um, can you help me with my zipper?” You blushed, knowing you’d been caught.
“Mhm, turn around.” He instructed, before his fingers found the metal pull tab and he slowly worked it down, revealing more and more skin.
“There you go.” He smiled, placing a kiss on your shoulder, his gentle action nearly making you swoon. “I think the water’s ready if you want me to turn off the tap.”
“Yeah, yeah go ahead.” You nodded. You watched him turn off the spout and slip off his dress pants until he was just in his boxers. He folded them and set them aside before looking up to you. You were still holding your dress against your chest to keep it up, as the back gaped open and the thin straps slipped down your arms.
“Do you need help with that?” Peter asked, pointing to your dress, thinking you might need help taking it off. You thought you could manage, but on second thought you might need help. It was a tight dress and your stylist had helped you into it. You only nodded in response as Peter moved behind you. He gently helped you slip your arms through the straps and pulled the fabric down your body. He gave the fabric a quick tug as it struggled to get past your hips. You were now exposed in front of him. The dress was too tight for you to wear any sort of undergarments. He took you in for a moment before shifting his attention respectfully to the red indentations down your side from where the seams of the dress dug into you.
“Does this hurt?” He asked, gently rubbing his fingers down them.
“Not really,” You shook your head. He reached out his hand to help you into the tub without slipping.
You sank into the warm water as Peter dropped his boxers and joined you. Your eyes went wide at the size of him, and you looked away, a blush slowly crept onto your cheeks.
He must have noticed because the next thing you knew, a splash of water was hitting your face. You looked back to him in shock, he was sitting back laughing. You flicked your hand through the water, splashing him back.
You moved to do it again, but he grabbed your wrist, stopping you. You knew it was a good idea, if the two of you started going at it again like in the pillow fight, it would lead to a mess and an expensive clean up bill.
“Do they always book rooms this fancy for the galas?” Peter asked, taking in the room once more.
“I don’t know, this was the first time I’ve accepted it.” You shrugged, following his gaze up to the gold crown molding and chandelier.
“Really? I thought you did this all the time.” Peter assumed.
“No, I don’t make it a habit of jumping into tubs with strange men.” You joked.
“That’s not what I meant, and I’m not a strange man, I’m your boyfriend.” He teased as he pulled you towards him. You chuckled and placed your lips onto his quickly before pulling away.
“Say it again.” You smiled. He furrowed his brows for a moment before smiling.
“I’m... your... boyfriend.” He said slowly, placing a kiss on either cheek between words, his lips landing on yours after his last word.
He now had his arms around your waist, pulling you close as your lips collided. When you broke apart for air, he looked down at the necklace around your neck and smiled.
“This is a dream right? I’m dreaming.” Peter shook his head with a goofy grin, not being able to believe his eyes.
“Does this feel like a dream?” You asked, taking both of his hands and placing them onto your breasts. He responded by crashing his lips onto yours, he groaned against your mouth as he pulled you closer.
“It’s nice to know you dream about me Parker.” You quipped with a smirk as you broke apart for air. He chuckled at your cockiness.
“All the time, baby.” He replied, and the pet name rolled off his tongue before he even realized what he said. God you almost melted at the sound. It was your turn to crash your lips against his and let out a moan as his hand traveled down to squeeze your ass.
A knock at the door pulled you both apart as you stared at each other with wide eyes.
“Room service!” A voice called, causing you both to let out the breath you didn’t know you were holding in.
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The two of you sat at the dining table, both in your white fluffy robes with nearly dripping wet hair.
“God this is so good.” Peter said, stuffing his mouth.
“Mm, I know, I didn’t realize I was this hungry.” You said, doing the same. Who knew fancy hotels made burgers and fries this good.
You picked up a fry from your plate, waving it at Peter.
“Ready? Catch.” You said as you threw it across the table as Peter caught it in his mouth.
“Ok your turn,” Peter said, tossing one of his. You leaned to the side, nearly missing it, but catching it in your mouth. You thrust your fists in the air in celebration, causing Peter to chuckle.
The two of you ate and talked, before cleaning up.
“Ugh, I’m so full.” You groaned, falling back onto the bed, rubbing your full stomach, causing Peter to laugh.
“Do you want to watch a movie?” Peter asked.
“Oo yeah, we should probably get out of these robes though.” You said, moving from the bed, not wanting to get it all wet.
“Here,” Peter said, moving to his duffle bag and tossing you one of his t-shirts. You slipped it on as he slipped on some boxers and hung up your robes. You glanced down at the Midtown Tech logo and smiled. The fabric fell down to the middle of your thigh.
“I like seeing you in my clothes.” Peter smiled as he approached you sitting on the edge of the bed and pulled you into a chaste kiss.
“Cafeul, soon all your sweatshirts are gonna go missing.” You said, making him laugh.
Peter sat with his back against the headboard, and motioned you over to him. You crawled across the bed and laid into his side as he wrapped an arm around your waist, keeping you close. He held the remote in his other hand, scrolling through options on the large screen.
“Have you seen this?” Peter motioned towards the screen.
“That’s my favorite movie.” You chuckled, smiling up at him as he immediately pressed start.
Peter absentmindedly played with your hair as the movie went on. As the credits rolled a few hours later you leaned up to face Peter.
“Thank you for today. As birthdays go, I gotta say this may be my best yet.” You spoke genuinely.
“Well it’s not over yet.” He stated after glancing at the clock on the bedside table.
“It’s not?” You smirk, as he pulls you closer.
“I think we were interrupted earlier.” He said slowly, a blush returning to your cheeks as you remembered the events that took place, or almost took place in the bathtub a few hours earlier.
“I think you’re right.” You whispered back, as you climbed onto his lap as his lips intertwined with yours.
You’ve kissed him before, that wasn’t new, but this time something was different. There was a hunger you couldn’t quite describe. His hands began to roam your body, trying to take in every inch of you. A strong arm wrapped around your waist, lifted you, and laid you down onto the bed as Peter now hovered over you.
You gasped at the sudden movement before smiling as Peter lowered his lips to yours once more.
“Y/N,” He said, making you stop and open your eyes, worriedly. Was he ok? Was this too much?
“I’ve never...” He began, nervously.
“That’s ok Peter, we don’t have to-” You tried to reassure him, but he shook his head.
“I want to, God I want to. I want to make you feel good.” He said, his hand traveling up your shirt and resting on your waist.
“Are you sure?” You asked, not wanting to push him into something he wasn’t ready for.
He nodded, muttering a yes as he brought his lips down to you once more, before pulling away.
“Are you?” He asked, making sure this wasn’t one sided.
“Absolutely.” You smiled, taking in the sight of him above you, reaching up to gently move a curl that was falling onto his face, brushing his hair back with your fingers.
And for the first time in your life, you realized why it was called ‘making love’. As much as the phrase made you cringe. As much as you hated when people said that, that was the only way you could think to describe what you and Peter just did. It was sweet but passionate. Peter was gentle yet ruthless in all the right ways. You figured it out together, through the giggles and moans. And as first times go, it was perfect.
For one night you got to be kids. Of course you were adults, just barely. But the two of you had more weight on your shoulders than most adults would ever have. You had responsibilities, that the safety of the city and the world depended on. But for one night, you got to be normal, you got to be kids. For one night you were free, and you cherished it, because neither of you knew how long it would last.
- - - - - 🕷 - - - - -
Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated! 
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4dtk · 4 years
red, orange, green
@dalkomhanchocolateicecream: “heyhey :) i have a “angst” request hehe. usually i try to write these types of longer blurbs but end up cringing & not finish. pitch is soft jae/john/ty/dy but goes through flashbacks while y/n is moving into her new place to have a fresh start. the flashbacks that match up to her present are when she moved in the last apartment (with one of the boys). pls do your fluff magic for renovation flashbacks & the mopey postbreakup for present. sprinkle in that breakup too. ur so talented ty <33” helllooo!!! this is long af LOL. italics are flashbacks, enjoy dear! <3
ps this is a non idol au!
scouring through the store, you sighed for the umpteenth time in the past hour as you look back at the offer on your phone.
the big red numbers glare back at you, signalling a big sale at the local IKEA a bus stop away. and so, on a free day, you made your way down.
throughout your hike around the store, you struggle to find the sale items, although noting down that there were one or two things that you needed to purchase.
as your eyes meet the showroom bedroom setups, however, your mind sinks into thoughts you rather not remember, dancing and evading the peace that your heart wanted.
despite the different hues and layouts, your thoughts fill out one by one, and there was one you can’t help thinking about.
“no way, you’re picking that one?” you furrow your eyebrows, feeling over the cushion to give your verdict.
jaehyun grins as he lifts up the cushion printed with an orange design, “what? i think it’s cute; fruit cushions.”
you roll your eyes with a smile as you set down the watermelon version, dragging him to another showroom to admire the bedroom.
“we’re here for a new cupboard and you’re cooing over fruit cushions,” your expression pans when he gives a cheeky smile, hoping you’d cave in eventually.
“well, we’ll think about it when i actually pick out a cupboard.”
jaehyun shows his fist in triumph over your feigned pondering, knowing you’d buy it in a heartbeat.
to your dismay, the two cushions remained there, but the colours of the room have changed to match the fruits. your feet bring you there unconsciously, taking in the red and orange display like a child.
there was hints of green around—on the cupboard and on the rug. the desk light and the stationeries posed as various shades of green as contrast to the passion around you.
your fingers trailed over the furniture like it was yours, feeling each texture and groove of a potential room. a potential room that you could’ve shared with jaehyun.
ridding your distraction, the passion and strength of red and orange faded just as it came, and you were back to your mission: to get a fresh start.
although, you won’t forget the passion and strength of your relationship any time soon.
you didn’t get much work done in finding your sale items, mostly getting distracted by CD cabinets, curtains and plants.
“i don’t think we could fit all our CDs in that,” you mutter, measuring the dimensions diligently, “plus it won’t fit in the space that our current one is in…”
“you mean your CDs,” jaehyun mindlessly says, glancing around the other cupboards.
“oh right, i forgot your ass only collects vinyl records. sorry for disrespecting, sir jung jaehyun,” you bow down to him mockingly, making fancy gestures with your hand that you eventually get your karma.
“ow- ow! my bone just cracked,” your boyfriend laughs, taking your hand into his as he places butterfly kisses onto your fingers.
“that’s not even the place where it cracked,” giggling, you yank your hand back to take a picture of the tag, set on purchasing it even if it didn’t fit.
rack 1, section 25.
those numbers stayed in your head even when you wished it wouldn’t, plaguing your mind of the countless trips you made to IKEA.
one time, jaehyun bought the wrong set of curtains for the living room.
another, you had forgotten to buy the filling for cushions, too drawn to the design of the cushion set on display.
the next time you two had laughed your ass off whilst assembling the table in your apartment, because you hadn’t realised you were sitting on the missing piece the whole time.
like earlier, your feet carry the weight of your body and heart, heading straight to rack 1, section 25.
the product laid there just as it was like before, mocking the hesitation and dilemma within you. passers-by gave you a few looks, seeing as you haven’t moved an inch in the past few minutes.
initially, you had chickened out on the shared apartment with jaehyun, opting to buy your own set of furniture to avoid seeing the male’s face.
with a stiff body, you walked away deciding against it. your bravery returned for a few moments when your mind settled on collecting the CD cabinet from the apartment, heading forth to pay for your items.
what you didn’t expect, was to hear jaehyun.
the same smooth voice you had dreaded and, at the same time, desired to hear for the longest time.
there’s a upbeat tone to his voice, accompanying a friend he had introduced to you a few months back, johnny.
rack 1, section 25.
the words echoed in your mind, somehow wishing jaehyun could read your mind one way or another.
all pales when jaehyun comes into view, ignoring the way johnny speaks to the camera, ignoring the wails from someone’s daughter and ignoring the loud chatter of customers.
everything, every sound and person fades away, albeit, not in a good way.
you’re instantly brought back to the first time you had met eyes at a party and hell, the same feeling of anticipation and unease repeats.
this time, before jaehyun can reach out, you grab the self-assembled CD cabinet in haste, leaving the place with trembling breaths and the soft call of your name on his lips.
for your own indulgence, you turn back one last time, meeting his downturned and crestfallen eyes with your own as you fight against the hot tears threatening to fall.
“you’ll never leave, right?” jaehyun mutters into your hair as the record plays, getting used to the apartment and your new bed.
you shake your head, leaning up the kiss him as the finished shelf stood at its place.
in the midst of turning back, all you can focus on through your blurry vision were the fruit cushions you had bought the second time.
red, orange, green. red, orange, green.
although now, those hues seem like nothing, seeing as your world had dulled without jaehyun in it.
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varietysunsets · 3 years
My Right Hand Man
Pairing: Diavolo/Kira Yoshikage Rating: T Tags: Domestic AU (with stands!), canon-typical violence, vague descriptions of murder, fluff, enemies to lovers? 👀 Word count: 7700
Description: Kira gets blackmailed into spending Christmas with his new neighbours.
A/N: happy holidays @doctorrosalia, here’s your @jjba-secret-santa ! sorry that this is so long, i havent written since last year’s secret santa so i was a little backed up lol. try to stay safe and relax in these bizarre times 🍹
Read on AO3!
August 28th, 1999
It all began when Kira spotted the moving truck next door.
It was fancy—a name brand with about three or four men in matching uniforms hauling furniture inside the house. Nice-looking furniture, at that. Mostly black leather or white suede, practically new. Modernist style.
Kira couldn’t imagine why someone would move into their Morioh subdivision if they could afford furniture like that. Either they were broke and trying to overcompensate for the fact, or they recently came into money but still weren’t sure how to handle it. Personally, Kira hoped it was the former; if this new neighbour had exorbitant amounts of money, they would probably try to remodel the house. Kira dreaded to think about listening to a construction crew for weeks at a time.
Kira watched the moving crew for a good fifteen minutes while he sipped his coffee. The crew hauled in a large, plastic-wrapped mattress, followed shortly by another, much smaller one, too.
Kira nodded his head. His new neighbour had a child. That wasn’t surprising. A lot of people in the neighbourhood had families. This was a relatively safe place, after all.
The thought made Kira smile a bit. With another sip of coffee, he checked his watch. Almost time to leave.
The movers continued to do their work, steadily unloading the huge truck. As Kira went and rinsed out his mug, he realized that he hadn’t yet seen his new neighbours. And then, it came to him that he would need to learn the schedule of these new neighbours, too. That left a sour note in Kira’s mouth—before, an old man lived there with his extremely young girlfriend. It was easy to bypass them and do what he needed, because the man was senile and the girlfriend was never home, probably partying or seeing other men.
Kira drew a steady breath, calmed himself. He turned to the table, where his girlfriend sat. Stiff, perfect, angelic, almost. All negative feelings washed away from him.
Lovingly, he scooped her up and held her to his face. He kissed the back of the corpse hand, savoring the feel of her soft, cold skin against his lips. She was fresh and delightful; really, he didn’t need to worry about the new neighbours for now, his current girlfriend would last for a good week or so. Maybe longer.
With another quick kiss, Kira wrapped his girlfriend back up and returned her to the fridge. He straightened his tie, collected his briefcase, and went for the door.
He took his time locking the door outside, if only hoping that he might catch a glimpse of his new neighbour. Unfortunately, the curtains were drawn tight and there was no sign of them outside, so Kira began his commute to work curious and unsatisfied.
September 5th
A week passed. Still, Kira hadn’t seen any sign of life from his new neighbours’ house. Kira tried to break it down rationally, to find clues to tell him anything about these new people; he assumed there was only one parent, given the fact that the furniture brought in was near-immaculate, but missing any feminine touches. Possibly a single father. The problem with that was Kira hadn’t seen a parent or even a babysitter come or go yet. Given the time of year, the child would be out of school, so someone needed to be watching it.
There was so much mystery surrounding these people that it made Kira nervous. He tried to mind himself and rationalize his anxiety, but every time he passed a window, he found himself staring out at the neighbours, desperately grasping for anything he could find.
The only thing different he could see since the neighbours moved in were the slightly open purple butterfly curtains in one of the second-floor windows. Every other set of blinds or curtains were drawn, blocking the inside off from the rest of the world. It was frustrating, so frustrating.
After waking up, Kira did as he always did; he dressed, went to the kitchen to start his coffee, and pulled his girlfriend from the fridge. A rank smell followed her; black rot began to take the edges of her wrist. Kira’s heart sank with despair and disgust.
He couldn’t focus on this right now, otherwise he would get frazzled. Kira shut the fridge door and walked through the house, all the way to the back porch.
The early-morning air was fresh and warm outside. Calm emotions ebbed through him as he breathed steadily.
Then, from the corner of his eye, Kira caught movement in the neighbours’ backyard.
Kira tensed, though he knew he wasn’t in any danger. Killer Queen materialized behind him, set and ready as it peered over Kira’s shoulder. In the neighbours’ backyard was a young child walking around, easily only a kindergarten student or younger, with bright pink hair wearing a sundress.
Kira relaxed, even laughed inwardly at himself. He waved Killer Queen away, though the Stand stayed where it was. Curious, Queen drifted to the porch railing and leaned over, as if closely observing the child. At this point, Kira could have gone back into the house, but there was a strange nagging feeling inside him that made him stay put.
A quick survey of the neighbours’ backyard told Kira that this little girl was completely alone and unsupervised; no one was on the back porch, and as always, the blinds were drawn. Kira knew that he was the most dangerous thing in Morioh, yet he felt uncomfortable leaving the girl alone. Odd, because she wasn’t his responsibility in the slightest. Perhaps only to keep his illusion of being a good person, Kira quietly observed the girl a little more.
She explored around the yard, plucking grass and dandelions. Her curly hair was cropped short around her head, bright pink. Kira had never seen anything like it. Queen beside him stared intently, unblinking, like a cat watching prey.
The girl knelt, scooped another handful of flowers, then happened to turn around. Kira jolted slightly as they made eye contact. Queen jumped to hide behind Kira; the cold feeling of its hands grasped Kira’s shoulders. Without any idea of what to do, Kira waved at her gently.
The girl didn’t smile. Her chubby cheeks perched in an almost-frown, but her yellow eyes were bright. She raised one grassy hand and waved back.
Kira thought she was cute for a child. He never caught onto the baby craze or any particularly paternal instincts, but perhaps now he could understand why women swooned over them. He waved again, smiling softly, then lowered his hand. The little girl put her hand down, too. She kept staring, then decisively started walking towards Kira.
There was no real divide between their yards, only a small grassy slope leading to a shallow valley. Kira kept his yard immaculate and mowed, the neighbours’ grass was almost to the girl’s knees.
The girl made it within three feet of the divide when a man came around the corner of the house. Killer Queen dematerialized, and Kira stood up straight again.
The man was tall and lanky, but despite that, his arms were obviously defined under the sleeves of a black rock band t-shirt. He had a wild mat of long pink hair, and a sharp face with dark circles under hard set, black eyes.
At first glance, Kira could tell the man was his age, but somehow, he seemed much younger.
“Do you have a problem?” The man asked sharply, with an obvious Italian accent. He walked past the little girl and stood partially in front of her.
Kira was taken aback, but he kept his cool. He smiled slightly and bowed his head a little.
“No problems,” He assured the man. His mouth felt dry. “I was just standing here.”
“You were watching my daughter, like a pervert.” The man accused.
Kira almost reeled. His stomach curled at the accusation. “I wasn’t watching her... That way. She looked alone; I was just making sure that she didn’t wander off. No ill-intentions, I assure you.”
Kira sweat bullets under the hard, distrustful stare of his neighbour. It felt like forever before he finally spoke.
“You mind your business next time.” There was no threat attached to the end of the man’s statement, but Kira felt it in his tone.
Shivers rushed up Kira’s spine. Nothing normally scared him, certainly not people, but this man made him feel things. A little bit of fear, maybe excitement at his audacity. It wasn’t the type of attitude people usually took in Morioh, especially not with mild-natured Kira Yoshikage.
“Welcome to the neighbourhood.” Kira offered, trying to recollect his composure. “I apologize that this is our first meeting.”
The man narrowed his eyes. He glared Kira up and down.
Kira forced a smile, even as he held his breath.
Without a word in reply, the man grabbed his daughter by the shoulder and ushered her back towards the house. “Come on, Trish,” he mumbled, so quiet Kira almost didn’t hear.
Trish went willingly, but not without casting one last glance at Kira. Expressionless, she waved.
Kira considered waving back, out of politeness, at least. But soon Trish and her father disappeared into the home again.
Killer Queen’s presence radiated behind Kira’s shoulder. Glancing back, Kira saw that Queen had its hand up, waving back at Trish. Kira rolled his eyes.
“Stop that. She can’t see you.”
Kira returned to his own house. Queen lingered a second longer, staring out unblinking at the lawn, before dissipating and following Kira.
October 12th
Summer fully ended, and with it came mild Autumn days. As always, Kira went to work, did his errands and chores, and over time he stopped thinking about his odd neighbours as much. He caught glimpses of them here and there, but hardly enough to focus on. Sometimes in the morning Kira saw Trish leave the house for school and join the other neighbourhood children for the commute. Other times, just after dusk, Kira caught glimpses of his strange neighbour creeping to the mailbox.
Through vague conversations with the mailman, Kira pieced together that his neighbour went by the nickname Diavolo. That was about the extent of what Kira really cared to find out; he knew this Diavolo’s schedule and that was all he needed.
So, life went on as usual for Kira.
He met a waitress at a restaurant with exceptionally beautiful hands. He stalked her home to a bustling apartment and strangled her before she had the chance to scream. Killer Queen disposed of the evidence, and the TV playing perfectly hid the sounds of carnage. The exhilaration from killing carried Kira all the way home as though he were walking on air. Kira kept his new prize nestled in his suit pocket; the lingering warmth from the corpse hand was delicious, and her skin was so soft when Kira stroked her.
Kira’s new girlfriend was exactly what he needed in his home; she fit in perfectly, like the missing piece to a puzzle. For the first time in what felt like forever, Kira was completely at peace.
Though every day of the following week was identical, Kira savoured it. Perfect peace in his quiet life, unnoticed and left alone—he couldn’t ask for anything more.
Before work on a Thursday morning, Kira checked his mailbox. He flipped through, sorting the junk from the important letters, almost mindlessly, until he got to an unmarked manilla folder at the bottom of the stack. Curious, Kira pursed his lips. He set the rest of his mail aside and opened the folder.
His heart stopped.
Inside were photographs. Photos of himself, taken through a window, kissing his girlfriend in his kitchen. Photos of him lovingly painting his girlfriend’s nails. Even photos of his girlfriend, from all angles, sitting out on the table and in the fridge, taken from inside his home.
Violent nausea washed over Kira. His stomach twisted into a knot, his chest clenched with anger. He wanted to collapse and scream and throw up all at the same time. Not only was he being watched, but whoever took these photos was inside his home. They touched his things and invaded his space, handled his girlfriend.
As Kira slid the photos back into the folder, he noted a letter tucked inside. Despite the waves of sickness washing through him, he managed enough coordination to read it.
And then he read it over again. And again. And Again.
The letter detailed extremely specific instructions for Kira. A time and place to be, down to the minute, and a gracious description of a man Kira was to kill, “however he usually does”. Then there were threats at the end—promises that Kira’s life would be upturned with the photographs and more if the task wasn’t completed, or if he tried anything suspicious. And that there would be more tasks to come later.
Kira couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t think. Almost in a daze, he brought his mail into the house.
Sitting at the kitchen table, Kira gnawed his nails until blood seeped down his fingers and dripped onto the table. Easily, Kira could see himself falling into a slippery slope, constantly running around killing for this blackmailer until he either got caught or got himself killed. Unless he figured out who the blackmailer was and struck first.
When Kira snapped back to consciousness, his hand was covered in blood. He licked his lips, and then went to wash up.
He called out to work that day, his first sick call in months. Kira faked a cough and apologized profusely. His boss wished him well and told him to get some rest and feel better soon.
Kira had no intention of doing either. He spent the day fretting, thinking and mulling over the letter—one part on how to kill and another on how to find his blackmailer.
October 20th
All things considered, the kill was easy; the target was passed out drunk when Kira arrived. Kira rigged the home with bombs as instructed, and quickly he discovered why his blackmailer wanted this man killed.
The target’s home was littered with photographs—ironically, Kira assumed they were to be used for blackmail, too. He took a moment to examine a few and found that both his and his neighbour’s homes were pictured. Another showed his neighbour leaving the house, in one of his mad dashes for the mailbox.
Though he had many questions unanswered, some of the mystery clicked. Kira finished his task and fled the scene. He was long gone by the time firefighters arrived to put out the blaze that was the target’s home.
October 22nd
Another letter arrived mysteriously in Kira’s mailbox. Just as Kira feared, the slippery slope had begun.
Once again, the letter listed everything down to the minute detail; Kira was to leave his home at 1:35pm that day and arrive at a nearby park by 1:48. Apparently, the sender had measured the exact time window it would take to get there. As with the last letter, this one was incredibly detailed and well-written, until the very end, that is. The final line read,
Find a young man named Doppio.
Talk soon.
Kira was given no description, no call to action, nothing. What was he to do when he found this Doppio? How was he even supposed to find him? What if he couldn’t?
Worry wrought Kira’s body. He chewed his nails the entire walk to the park, despite trying his best to remain calm. The signs of a beautiful fall day were around him; golden leaves tumbled from the trees and danced in the gentle breeze. All he could think about was whether his not-so-secret blackmailer would expose him completely.
Kira got rushed by violent thoughts of what he might do to this Doppio person when he found him. He wanted nothing more than to use Killer Queen and erase this fool completely, but he couldn’t. There was too much he didn’t know yet. And there were people walking around everywhere in this park.
Most notably, a younger guy with purple hair and a matching sweater struggled to keep a little girl, wearing a backpack and child-leash, in check. He laughed nervously to himself and chided the child gently.
At first, Kira paid them no mind, until he looked closer; the child looked strangely familiar. He paused to observe and realized that the little girl on the leash was his next-door neighbour.
Trish noticed Kira staring first. She glanced over her shoulder and stopped tugging on her leash; instead, she waved her hand at Kira, expressionless and silent. The man with her glanced back as well.
He looked Kira over, then his eyes lit up.
“Oh! Oh!” He said. “You’re mister Yoshikage? Um— Kiri— No, Kira, right?”
Kira bristled slightly. He dug his nails into his palm, in an attempt to soothe the desire to chew them. “Kira Yoshikage, yes.”
The boy sighed deeply in relief. He smiled a weary grin and dropped his shoulders. “Oh, thank god. I’m Doppio. The boss told me to come find you. He said— ha! He said I’d find some old blond guy in a suit walking around the park like a creep. But you’re not— you’re a lot younger than I was expecting.” Doppio laughed awkwardly.
Kira stared at him. His expression slipped into something intense and unimpressed.
Doppio’s laughter petered off. He cleared his throat. Trish tugged viciously on her leash, in a desperate attempt to chase a stray cat strolling by.
“Um... Should we... Walk and talk?” Doppio offered. His body jerked as Trish pulled. “The boss gave me some stuff to talk about with you.”
Kira couldn’t explain the feeling inside his chest. It was a seething anger; not only was he being blackmailed, he had to deal with someone like... This. It was almost insulting, in a very specific way.
Outwardly, Kira tried to seem calm. He bowed his head briefly to Doppio.
“Yes. Let’s go.”
For the most part, Trish led the way. She jerked Doppio every so often, in some violent pursuit of this or that, and without fail every time Doppio laughed awkwardly and gave Kira a ‘what can you do?’ sort of glance.
There were a few people in the park, strolling around and enjoying the day. Normally, Kira blended in well with the crowd, but he felt now that walking beside Doppio and the unruly child made them the centre of attention. Kira’s palms sweated; Doppio remained oblivious that people may be staring at them.
“So... You got the boss’ letters pretty easy, huh?” Doppio said, as though he were making small talk. Trish jerked his arm again, as she rushed towards a small playground in the middle of the park.
Everything about this felt surreal to Kira, like he was living in a fever-dream, or inside a carnival mirror. Maybe this was an elaborate prank, or Kira’s tailored personal hell.
“I did.”
Doppio waited a second for Kira to say more, but when it became obvious that he had finished his statement, Doppio awkwardly filled the silence.
“Well, the boss told me he respects how quickly you got the job done. And effectively! He’s really impressed by you, mister Kira. He thinks you have a lot of potential.”
“That’s... Good.” Kira approached the conversation carefully, lest he accidentally offer unknown information.
Together, they approached the edge of the playground. Doppio knelt and unclasped the leash from Trish’s bookbag.
“Stay where I can see you,” Doppio said to her, but the moment she was free, Trish took off in a sprint towards the jungle gyms.
“If I can ask... Why didn’t your ‘boss’ come out here to meet me?” Kira inquired.
Doppio rolled the leash up in his hand and stood straight. “Oh, uh— he doesn’t really like being out in public, he’s kind of a hermit. But! This is confidential, I promise you can trust in me. I know everything, I won’t rat you out.”
Doppio led them over to some benches on the outskirts of the playground. No one else was around. Despite his weariness, Kira sat beside Doppio.
“I know I don’t seem very trustworthy, and you probably think I’m kind of a dork,” Doppio continued. Kira side-glanced at him. “But I’m Diavolo’s right-hand man. The only reason he sent me out here is because he doesn’t want any more paper trails, get it? This whole ordeal is pretty hush-hush.”
“Diavolo.” Kira repeated softly to himself. That confirmed it. He crossed his legs and leaned his elbow on his knee. “What does he want from me?”
Doppio fiddled with the leash in his hand. He watched Trish run around closely, in case she made a break for it.
“More jobs. The boss has a lot of enemies, you know? But he’s lying low right now, he can’t risk dealing with it himself.”
“Then why would he pick me, a complete stranger?”
Doppio laughed a little. “It’s not like you’ve never met. You live right next door, after all. It’s easier to keep track of you and everything.”
Silence settled between them. For a long second, Doppio and Kira stared at each other. In the background, gravel crunched as Trish fell off the monkey bars, only to quickly jump up and try again.
As the silence and its implications seeped in, Doppio’s expression dropped. Horror etched across his face.
“Oh, shit. I wasn’t supposed to say that. I— I...”
“I already figured that out,” Kira offered. His methods were always perfect, he had no enemies, no reason for anyone to suspect him; it only made sense that his new neighbour, Diavolo, the only new thing in his otherwise perfect life, was the cause of it all.
Doppio seemed slightly relieved, but still there were some hints of terror in his expression. He fiddled more with his hands and glanced around nervously. Then, he started to mutter, “Ring, ring, ring...”
Kira blinked. Doppio got up and paced, all while muttering to himself.
That was one way to leave a conversation cold, Kira thought.
“Ring, ring... Where is it...?”
Almost triumphantly, Doppio picked up a crushed, empty soda can. He put it to his ear and said, “Hello? Doppio speaking.”
Despair settled in Kira’s stomach. He was supposed to trust this man? This entire interaction already felt like a slap in the face, but this was too much. Kira hoped even more now that this was an elaborate prank, or maybe even just a long dream that he would soon wake up from.
Doppio’s eyes lit up. “Boss! Oh— yeah, yeah, he’s here. One sec.”
Doppio turned to Kira and held the can out.
“He wants to talk to you,” Doppio said.
At this point, Kira didn’t know what to think. He felt a thousand eyes staring at him, even though there were only a few people walking around, ignoring them.
Despite the absurdity of this, Kira took the can. Under Doppio’s expectant gaze, he put the can to his ear and said, “...Yes?”
Kira jolted. Directly in his ear was the voice of his neighbour—Diavolo. Deep and calm, yet heavy and serious.
Kira jerked his eyes to Doppio; the man stood there smiling, waiting patiently. Only then did Kira notice that one of Doppio’s eyes wasn’t quite right—the pupil was darker, twitching, in an uncanny familiar way.
“Listen to me, Yoshikage.” Diavolo whispered to him. Kira watched Doppio’s face the entire time; his lips moved with the speech. “You’re going to do exactly as Doppio says. If you lay a hand on my Doppio or my daughter, I will ruin your life in such a specific way that you will wish you were dead.”
Panic and fear gripped Kira’s lungs. He couldn’t breathe.
“Doppio has more power than you realize, and he will not hesitate to use it against you. And don’t forget, I have your life in the palm of my hand. Check your mailbox when you get home.”
Kira lowered the can from his ear and stared, shocked, at Doppio.
Doppio smiled back innocently. Both his eyes matched again, the irises a bright golden colour.
Kira couldn’t find the words to speak even if he wanted to. Doppio’s smile was almost haunting.
“Let’s talk about your next task then, mister Kira.”
November 1st
A woman this time, and a pretty one, at that. She had beautiful skin and excellent, gorgeous hands. Manicured. Adorned in expensive rings and a bracelet. Kira imagined she was a pianist, or even a harpist. Something about the delicate nature of her hands led Kira to believe she played an equally regal instrument.
Even though he was there on business, Kira saw no problem with keeping her hands. It would be a waste otherwise, he thought. After some quiet contemplation, and comparing them both, Kira settled on taking the left hand; her right index finger had a broken nail, while the left was completely intact.
Kira finished the job with a quiet blast from Killer Queen. He went home satisfied, with his new girlfriend safely tucked into his blazer.
As soon as Kira stepped into his home, the phone rang.
Confused, Kira glanced at the time; it was late, far later than when he usually got calls of any kind. Wearily, Kira moved to the phone on the wall and picked it up.
“Hello, Kira Yoshikage.” Diavolo greeted. “Did you have fun tonight?”
Kira felt shivers go down his spine. He considered hanging up, but something kept him standing there, waiting for Diavolo to say more.
And he did.
“I assume you did. Did you bring home a souvenir, by chance?”
Kira’s stomach wretched a bit. “What do you want? Can’t I have an evening in peace?”
Diavolo laughed. “Oh, sure. I don’t have another task for you yet, I just wanted to thank you for your work. Based on your reaction, I assume you got my gift.”
“...What do you mean?”
“I picked her out special for you, couldn’t you tell?” Diavolo stated, as though it were obvious. He laughed again, a haunting sound. “You’re a despicable man, Yoshikage, pretty perverted, but your taste is obvious.”
Suddenly, the corpse hand in Kira’s pocket felt impossibly heavy.
“No need to thank me,” Diavolo continued. “I’m sure you’re beyond grateful. I have nothing else for you right now, but we’ll be in touch. Ciao.”
Diavolo hung up, leaving Kira standing there, stunned into silence. Up until now, he assumed that everything about Diavolo was despicable. Weird and despicable. This, however, felt bittersweet; possibly the strangest gift anyone had ever gotten Kira, but also... The most thoughtful.
Kira didn’t want to dwell on it for too long. He did his best to push it out of his head, to Zen out while he went about his nightly routine.
Still, his mind wandered back to Diavolo. The strange gift. His deep voice.
It all haunted Kira, but not necessarily in a bad way.
December 10th 1:15pm
Over the course of the next month, Diavolo’s tasks shifted from murderous in nature to more... Domestic.
It was frustrating and borderline insulting at first that Kira was expected to go around collecting dry-cleaning and groceries—Kira was much more than someone’s errand-boy—but at the same time, Diavolo found intriguing ways to reward Kira for his service. Money and dropped hints to help him find new targets, always beautiful and model-worthy, in Kira’s opinion.
Though originally he despised Diavolo, now Kira couldn’t help but see some merit in the strange man, at least as far as his taste went and little else.
That being said, Kira’s next task was... Unexpected.
Kira got the call while he was at work, which jarred him, but he supposed that he shouldn’t expect any less from Diavolo at this point.
“Hello, Yoshi.” Diavolo’s voice pierced through Kira, giving him a gut-reaction shiver.
“Please don’t call me that.”
“Why not? Does it make your skin crawl? You should consider it a term of endearment. I think more people should call you it.”
Kira sighed. “These calls are recorded, you know.”
Diavolo sounded amused. “I figured. I need a favour of you.”
Kira glanced casually over his shoulder. Though his expression remained calm, his palms started to sweat.
“A favour?” Kira ventured carefully.
Diavolo hummed in his ear. “I need you to pick Trish up from school today. And then take her to go get Christmas decorations for an hour or so.”
Kira furrowed his brows. As Diavolo spoke, Kira poked his pointer finger to his lips and chewed the nail.
“This is an odd favour from you,” Kira muttered, choosing his words carefully.
“I know. But you’re the only person I trust to do this.”
Kira wanted to laugh. Diavolo trusted him? Given the chance, Kira would strangle him and chop him to bits, then use Killer Queen to erase all evidence that he existed. He wouldn’t hesitate.
Yet at the same time, deeper down, Kira felt hesitation. He tried to play it off as self-sustaining worry, but he knew better.
Eventually, Kira replied, “I get off work at four.”
“Good. I’ll see you later tonight, then.” Then, Diavolo teased, “If anything happens to Trish, I’ll skin you.”
Kira chuckled at that, even though he knew that Diavolo was completely serious.
December 10th 4:25pm
Trish had no emotion and no expression when Kira came to pick her up. She left the other children playing on the playground without looking back and willingly approached Kira’s car. She was bundled up warmly in a jacket with matching splash pants and a knit hat.
“Hi Yoshi.”
Kira pursed his lips. “You ought to call me ‘mister Kira’ instead.”
Trish frowned and took an attitude to her tone. “Papa told me to call you Yoshi.”
“It’s more respectful for you to call me Kira.”
Trish paused a long moment. She pulled the knit hat off her head, revealing a tangle of short, frizzy pink hair.
“I’m gonna call you Yoshi,” she said decisively.
Kira couldn’t believe the audacity of this brat.
“At least call me ‘Yoshikage’.”
Trish wrinkled her nose. “Yoshi.”
Kira gritted his teeth. His mind was plagued by violent thoughts, and his hands twitched at his sides. Inside his chest, he felt Killer Queen itching to be released.
“Didn’t your father teach you to respect your elders?” Kira asked calmly instead.
Trish glanced up at Kira. Her expression soured further, and she stuck her tongue out.
“He told me I’m not s’pposed to go anywhere with strangers. Where’s uncle Doppio?”
“I’m not sure,” Kira said, holding in his annoyance. He opened the car door and ushered Trish inside. “We’ll have to ask your father later.”
Trish crossed her arms and pouted. After getting buckled in and settled, she stared angrily out the back window as they drove.
“...Is your ghost still following you?” Trish eventually asked.
Kira glanced back at her through the rear-view mirror. “I’m sorry? My ghost?”
“Yeah. The pink one.”
“I don’t have a ghost following me,” Kira lied.
“It waved at me,” Trish continued to say. She stared hard at the back of Kira’s head, as though it would make the ‘ghost’ in question appear. “It was big and pink and had kitty ears.”
Kira’s hands were clammy. He felt Killer Queen swell inside his chest, almost desperate to materialize after being talked about. Kira pushed it down.
“You have a wild imagination. There are strange things in this world, but I doubt ghosts are one of them.”
Trish didn’t seem satisfied with that answer fully, but seemingly she took it. To stave off further questioning, Kira turned the radio on. It worked well enough, until they reached their outlet mall destination.
Normally, Kira avoided the mall whenever possible, especially around the holiday season. It was too busy for his liking and the appeal of Christmas never really resonated with him personally; if anything, it felt like a waste of time. However, his anonymity laid on the line, so Kira put forth a forced smile.
“Your father wants you to pick out some Christmas decorations.” Kira told Trish. “Do you have any ideas of what you’d like?”
Trish shook her head. She intentionally looked away from Kira as they walked through the bustling mall.
Kira seethed quietly. He led Trish towards a specialty knick-knack store and shooed her in. “Well, think about it. Let’s look around.”
There was no shortage of Christmas decorations in the store. Everything was covered in red or green tinsel, doused with fake foam snow. Sparkly ornaments and colourful decorations flashed and sang everywhere. Kira couldn’t help being a little overwhelmed by the amount of pure, unadulterated Christmas spirit he was surrounded by.
Finally, Trish’s expression shifted slightly. Though she didn’t smile fully, she did seem mildly impressed by everything. She wandered further into the store, following singing snowmen and dancing Santa’s.
Kira tried to follow, but easily became distracted. For the most part, he wondered about how anyone could find these annoying traditions endearing. Personally, Kira preferred modest, if any, Christmas decorations and quiet nights by himself throughout the holidays.
While Kira wasn’t paying attention, Killer Queen materialized. It lingered behind Trish, glancing around and inspecting her as she admired a wall of Christmas tree ornaments. Curiously, it reached its hand out to swat her shoulder.
Kira caught the movement out of the corner of his eye. Before he could stop Queen, a separate entity appeared. All Kira saw was a flash of hot pink before it reeled back and punched Queen full force in the mouth.
At the exact same time, Kira also felt the punch being delivered on himself. The force made him reel, lose his balance, crash to the ground. Thankfully, no one else was in the aisle to stare and gape. Pain ebbed through Kira’s face, anger and confusion welled up inside his chest.
Kira stared at Trish in utter disbelief, clutching his jaw.
For the first time since Kira had met her, Trish emoted. She decisively picked a sparkly, pink disco-ball ornament off the shelf and held it close to her chest. She looked Kira over, and then said with a smile, “I have a ghost, too.”
December 10th 6:01pm
Kira wanted to drop Trish off on the doorstep and vacate. However, before he could he even ring the doorbell, Doppio threw the door open. He seemed flustered, his face slick with sweat and his smile wild and nervous. He had his sleeves rolled up his elbow. Kira noted a small, dark stain on the bottom hem of his sweater.
“Oh! Mister Kira, perfect timing. I was just cleaning up. Come inside, won’t you?” As Doppio spoke, Trish took the chance to slip inside. She brushed by Doppio, and he acknowledged her by ruffling her hair and saying, “Welcome home, sweetheart.”
Kira awkwardly held a paper bag of assorted ornaments and decorations by his side. His jaw still throbbed from the assault earlier.
“I don’t want to impose,” Kira said, though deep inside he wanted nothing more than to see the inside of Diavolo’s home; even just a glimpse would suffice.
Doppio opened the door further. He ushered Kira inside. “Not at all! Please, come in. Make yourself comfortable.”
Kira did come inside, and though normally he felt uncomfortable in barrages of social settings, he felt quite relaxed now. Maybe it was the relief of moving from a bustling mall to somewhere much, much quieter. Maybe it was that in combination with the excitement of finally seeing Diavolo’s home.
Doppio motioned Kira in and closed the door behind him. He smiled, and led the way towards the living room. The walls were crisp white and mostly clean; Kira noted a few criminal spots where crayon was smudged low on the walls.
“Did you want a coffee or a tea or anything?” Doppio asked. Obviously, he was just as excited about having guests as Kira was to be there.
“Tea would be nice. Whatever you have.”
Doppio grinned and nodded. “Okay! Sure, one sec. The boss’ll be right down, too.”
“No rush.”
Kira glanced around the living room, openly taking in everything that he could see. There was an odd dissociation between the niceness of the furniture and the children’s toys laying around on the floor. A collection of Barbie dolls lay discarded in the middle of the floor, along with an open case of pink glittery makeup, dangerously close to spilling on a lovely white carpet. In the very-most corner of the living room was a tall, fake Christmas tree; unsurpising, Kira doubted Diavolo would manage to find a real Christmas tree in Morioh. Upon closer inspection, Kira noted that there were drops of blood on one of the branches. And below, the floor was sparkling clean, but still wet; obviously recently cleaned.
Kira couldn’t help wondering what happened here. Potentially something to do with the fact Diavolo needed someone to pick up and distract Trish.
“Good to see you again.”
Kira twisted around. Diavolo stood in the doorway of the living room, and it occurred to Kira then that he hadn’t actually seen Diavolo since their first meeting. Kira’s heart skipped a nervous little beat, which he chose to ignore.
Diavolo looked much more well put-together than he did before. His hair was combed and fell neatly across his shoulders, his lipstick looked rushed but still befitting. Kira noted that along with a mesh shirt, he wore the same pants as Doppio.
“It’s been a while, hasn’t it?” Diavolo continued. He offered out a mug of tea to Kira. “Sit down. Make yourself comfortable while you’re here.”
Kira took the mug cautiously. Kira couldn’t help noticing that Diavolo painted his nails black; sloppily, at that. Kira tried not to let it linger in his mind, but as he sat down on a white suede chair, he couldn’t help thinking that, given the chance, he could have painted Diavolo’s nails much nicer. That thought, Kira realized, would probably haunt him for a while.
Diavolo took the paper bag of ornaments and brought it to the tree. He rooted through it, nodding his head.
“Excellent. I appreciate your help, Yoshikage.
“You know, you’re the only person who calls me by my first name.” Kira stated over the lip of his tea. “Everyone else has enough respect to call me Kira. I don’t even know how you found my full name.”
Diavolo grinned. He procured a box of white Christmas bulbs from the bag and turned it over in his hands.
“I respect you,” Diavolo said. “People I don’t respect don’t get referred to by name at all. And it wasn’t hard; I have my ways.”
“The same way you found my work phone number?”
“Exactly. You’re quick, Yoshi. That’s why I like you.”
Diavolo opened the box of bulbs. Kira’s eyes followed his hands; they were slender, with long fingers and smooth skin. Hands that hadn’t seen a day of hard labour in a long time, Kira figured. Aesthetically, they were perfect.
Kira forced himself not to stare. Live hands seldom intrigued him, but something about Diavolo’s seemed different. Perhaps it helped that he was an attractive man, even if his personality could be annoying and almost abrasive.
“Doppio said you liked me because I’m easy to control and watch over.” Kira said, to distract himself. He looked around the room, away from Diavolo’s working hands.
“Give yourself more credit. That’s only part of the reason.” Diavolo said. He placed another bulb on the tree. “You’re self-motivating, and handsome, too. I like surrounding myself with beautiful people.”
Kira sputtered on his tea. That wasn’t the response he was expecting. It left a mixed-feeling in Kira’s chest, wherein he felt pleased by the acknowledgement but also startled.
Diavolo looked back over his shoulder. “And look, you’re good with children, too. I took a chance on you with that, but I didn’t have many options today.” He smiled. “Work related business, you see.”
“I see,” Kira muttered, still processing this all. Deep down, Kira felt... Giddy. Excited, almost. He shouldn’t have, but he did. He couldn’t help it.
Little footsteps came running down the hall. Trish appeared in the living room door, having ditched her school uniform and winter clothes in favour of a princess play-dress.
“I wanna decorate the tree.” She said, intensely.
As if nothing had happened up until then, Diavolo nodded. “Go ahead. It’s all yours, sweetheart.”
Kira then sat there, quietly processing the entire interaction, while Diavolo helped Trish decorate the tree with sparkling, mis-matched ornaments.
December 24th
The phone rang. Thinking nothing of it, Kira pulled himself up from his seat and went to answer. He kept his eyes on his TV program the entire time.
“Hello, Kira residence.”
“Ah, so you are alone tonight.”
Kira pursed his lips. “Can I help you, Diavolo?”
“I want you to come over.”
“Right now? I’m in the middle of something.”
“You’re watching TV by yourself. Christmas is a time to spend with friends and family.”
Kira quirked a small smile. “Are we friends and family? Also, it’s considered rude here to spy on your neighbours.”
“Close your curtains next time. Are you coming?”
The TV shifted into a commercial. Kira turned towards the window instead; through a crack in Diavolo’s curtains, Kira spotted a sliver of pink hair peeking back at him.
“Why not come over here and ask me in person?” Kira inquired. He picked up the remote and flicked his TV off. “Or leave a letter under my door.”
“This does just as well, doesn’t it?” Diavolo shot back. His smirk could be heard through his tone. “I’ll see you shortly?”
Kira hummed. “I suppose.”
Life was certainly strange for Kira right now. He hung up the phone and slipped his shoes on instead. Over his shoulder, he casted a glance towards his girlfriend, sitting still on the table in front of the TV. Kira blew her a little kiss; he didn’t want her to become jealous, after all.
Snow blanketed the ground outside; it crunched under Kira’s shoes as he crossed the lawn to his neighbour’s home.
With Kira’s help earlier that week, Doppio had outfitted the porch and doorway with sparkling Christmas lights. They glittered and glowed as Kira knocked on the door.
Diavolo appeared almost instantly. He was dressed nicely in a dark button-up and matching pants.
“You could have just come in,” Diavolo said, stepping aside.
“It feels more professional to knock, I think.” Kira replied.
Diavolo smiled. “This is a professional visit?”
Kira quickly looked Diavolo up and down. “You’re dressed like it is.”
“I enjoy looking nice. And you look...” Diavolo stepped close, more into Kira’s space than Kira would allow from anyone else. He plucked the shoulder of Kira’s purple sweatshirt. “...Comfortable.”
Diavolo’s fingers only barely brushed Kira’s shoulder. A small shiver ran through him, unnoticed.
They stood close to each other for only a moment, before Diavolo took a half step back.
“Glass of wine?” He offered.
“I don’t drink, really.”
“It’s wine, Yoshi, not hard liquor. Children drink wine.” Diavolo said that as he slipped into the kitchen.
Kira followed him with his eyes and said, puzzled, “No, I don’t think they should.”
Diavolo laughed at that. Kira smiled to himself, pleased, as he went for the living room. He sat on the couch, facing towards the TV and the twinkling Christmas tree.
“Trish is asleep, I take it.” Kira said.
“Long asleep.” Diavolo replied, as he came into the room. He sat down beside Kira and stretched his arm across the back of the couch. His hand laid close to Kira’s shoulder; close enough that Kira almost felt its presence. “Waiting for Santa now.”
Kira nodded towards the plate sitting on the coffee table. “That explains the milk and cookies.”
“Trish insisted. I can’t stand sweets, so help yourself.” Diavolo sipped his wine, then said, “Maybe next year we can leave Santa a bottle of ‘92 vintage.”
Kira chuckled. Diavolo’s hand was in the very corner of his vision, close enough to touching him that it made Kira’s heart race. He tried to play it cool, though he had no doubt Diavolo knew exactly what he was doing.
Diavolo lifted his glass to his lips again. Kira glanced, then shifted his gaze between Diavolo’s perfectly painted black lips and how delicately he held the glass stem. Effortlessly. Kira wanted to stroke and hold Diavolo’s fingers the same way he held the glass.
“It’s not... Easy for me to make genuine connections with people,” Diavolo admitted. Kira quirked his brow with interest. “But meeting you... It’s been nice.”
“Meeting is a bit of a stretch,” Kira commented. Despite this, he still clung to every word Diavolo said. “Blackmail is more accurate.”
Diavolo waved his hand dismissively, dangerously close to Kira’s face.
“It still stands. I’m glad I met you, Kira Yoshikage. I feel like we’ve helped each other in a lot of different ways.”
Kira nodded his head. “You aren’t wrong, I suppose...”
Diavolo grinned. He raised his glass of wine and shifted ever-so closer to Kira.
“Here’s to another year of violent success for us,” Diavolo said.
Kira leaned forward and took the glass of milk left out. He raised that and clinked it against Diavolo’s.
“No pun intended, I hope.”
Amused, Diavolo drank. His lipstick left a black mark around the rim of the glass. Then, with a sigh, Diavolo leaned forward and set his glass down. When he came back, he gave Kira a cocky look.
“...Would you believe me if I said that there was a mistletoe above you?”
Kira scoffed with a smile. “No, I wouldn’t.”
Diavolo smirked. “Would asking for a kiss be out of place?”
Kira, amused, lowered his glass. Diavolo did the same. With a carefully practiced elegance, Kira swept up Diavolo’s hand in his own. He wrapped his fingers beneath the wrist, his thumb stroked the soft flesh there. Likewise, he felt Diavolo’s pulse pump.
“Not... Per se.” Kira sighed, his heart racing to hold such a warm hand. It was unusual, but in a new, exciting way. He brought Diavolo’s hand up to his lips and adorned it with a kiss.
Diavolo smiled. Kira smiled back.
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yukimoji · 4 years
My World: Part 1 ( Tanjiro Kamado x Reader )
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(a/n: hello! “my world” is a mini two part series! this was inspired after listening to some of my favorite opm songs on repeat lol. part 2 will be coming soon! hope you all enjoy!)
Part 1 I 2 I 3
Total words: 3937 words
Genre: Fluff
No manga spoilers
!!Slight mentions of Blood and Death!!
You've never really considered the possibility of true love coming to you all your life.
Growing up in a demon-infested world, life seemed to be fond of throwing you into hardships and struggle. Sure, some may argue that what breaks us makes us even stronger. However, every time you came face to face with a demon, all the horrors of the world would slap you in the face.
Life was rough, to be frank. Losing your family, the agony of training to death, and the endless amount of missions that never seemed to end. All this has taken a huge toll on you, as you become even more frustrated the longer you fight.
Even in the midst of those moments of uncertainty, you've seen rays of sunlight peeking through the dark and gloomy clouds. The way you watched children play around every time you visit a new location, the way laughter and joy was abundant despite the ever-growing threat, or even the way some people would cling to you to sing praises of gratitude after being rescued from a demon would always warm your heart.
These little bits of happiness can bring just the smallest of smiles to your face, and you were secretly hoping that maybe soon, you will also be happy and enjoy the warmth of love that would've had surrounded you without a care in the world.
But you could only hope, only dream. You can't stop fighting for even just a second.
Not when your life is still in the hands of danger. Not when there's a likelihood of a horrible and painful death looming over you.
You're not going to stop until you have avenged your family and the numerous deaths that Muzan Kibutsuji has inflicted upon humanity.
You've never really considered the possibility of true love coming to you all your life, but that seemed to have changed when you finally met him.
Tanjiro Kamado is a peculiar boy.
The first time you met him, you were sent on a mission at Mt. Natagumo with several other slayers. You were in a rough shape, after seeing how your comrades were turned against each other and were ruthlessly murdered in front of your very eyes. You couldn't move after being badly injured from a rouge katana stabbing you somewhere in your body. Pain and suffering was the only thing you could feel in that moment, and it seemed like your life had flashed before your eyes.
Minutes later, in front of you, a glimpse of a green and black checkered haori appeared. A boy wearing hanafuda-like earrings that seemed to twinkle and reflect the rays of moonlight with every slightest movement. He had Burgundy locks, which seemed to be swaying from the cool breeze, a red scar adorning his forehead, and a dashing pair of crimson eyes that gazed at you with such concern. 
The powerful emotion directed towards you seemed to have left you breathless.  The next thing you know, you've been taken away to a safe location where no one could hurt you.
"Stay here, okay? Don't move too much or you'll get even more hurt." His voice trailed off, holding you so delicately, as though you were about to fall apart at any moment. He looked worried, his nose wrinkled, and his lips was in a hard line when he saw how much you were in a horrible state. Then, looking at you, he smiled softly.
"I'm going to go now and find help, okay?" You could only nod and stare helplessly as he stood up and ran, presumably trying to find help.
And then, everything went dark.
You were in the Butterfly Estate's Ward the next time you saw him. Miraculously, as you were lying motionlessly in your safe position, the Kakushi came and got you all patched up. You were then taken to the Butterfly Estate to heal and rest.
But it seemed that recovery itself was a challenge.
You had a hard time sleeping, because a certain blonde-haired boy, whom you later learned to be named Zenitsu, kept screaming and whining to the poor girls who had given his medicine. Apparently, he was almost turned into a spider and the medicine was supposed to help him go back to his regular form.
You could just stare in disappointment at the ceiling. Zenitsu's eyes exploded up in tears as he proceeded to have a tantrum, leaving the poor butterfly girl sweating in front of him, not knowing what to do. If you weren't hurt and just mainly having a bad time, you'd have already smacked the guy for his childish behavior.
Laying after an empty bed besides you, the boy with the boar-head, Inosuke, did not seem fazed at all. But then, you also discovered that the poor soul had his throat crushed by a demon. You could only assume that he was also beyond tired to even deal with Zenitsu's antics.
"Please stop shouting, will you?" The butterfly girl spoke out, attempting to calm the aggressive boy down.
After what seemed like an eternity of wails, Aoi and a pair of Kakushi came into the ward, one of them carrying a very familiar boy behind his back.
Your eyes widened when you saw the boy who rescued you calling out to Zenitsu. You didn't even hear Aoi scolding Zenitsu, who was whimpering and trembling in his bed sheets. Aoi left the ward annoyed with a huff, and you just stared at the kind boy as he was put down on the floor and went on to have a conversation with Zenitsu.
Judging from their discussion, Zenitsu and the other boy appeared to be friends. Zenitsu started to ramble about how mean Aoi was, and the Burgundy hairy boy realized how small his friend had become. You could just look away when the snot started to spill out of the rowdy blonde's nose.
However, as soon as you turned away, Crimson eyes found your exhausted body lying a few beds away, and his eyes gleamed as he remembered you as the slayer he had rescued the night before. He sighed in relief, because you were still alive even after all those injuries.
He observed your form, and he picked up the scent of exhaustion coming from you. Who wouldn't be? He wondered. He was just glad that he managed to save you in time, after seeing how countless slayers were murdering each other, he's just happy that he managed to save one more life.
But apart from fatigue, he couldn't help but pick up the scent of resentment and sadness surrounding you. He came to understand that your friends and comrades were all gone, not to mention that you may have lost all of your family, too. If there's someone who can understand you, it's him, because he's also lost his family and his sister became a demon.
After cleaning up, it was his mission to befriend you at all costs. He went into the ward and took the bed next to you and Inosuke. Per usual, Zenitsu was already bawling, and Inosuke continued to be in a sour mood.
You, on the other hand, could only look at the ceiling with a dark shadow cast on your face that the hanafuda-clad slayer could only assume to have been irritation caused by his blonde partner. As he claimed his bed, he turned and grinned softly towards you.
"Hello!" He greeted enthusiastically.
You get startled and pulled out of your thoughts of murder, as you tilt your head only to be greeted by the bright expression of the boy next to you.
Jesus, this boy could rival the sun with the warm and inviting aura he had.
"I'm glad you're all right! My name is Tanjiro Kamado, what's yours?" he introduced himself happily, leaving you speechless as to how friendly and cheerful this boy was.
"...[ Y / N ]. [ Y / N ] [ L / N ]." You manage to blurt out. Tanjiro's eyes sparkled, and his smile grew even more.
"EHHHH??! SO THE PRETTY GIRL CAN TALK! AND HERE I THOUGHT I'M NEVER GOING TO HEAR HER WONDERFUL VOICE!" Zenitsu cries out in excitement, laughing and waving about to himself as a vein started to pop out from your neck.
"SHUT UP, MONITSU! I'M TRYING TO SLEEP HERE!" Inosuke yelled out, grabbing a pillow and throwing it at Zenitsu's face, effectively shutting him up.
Tanjiro could only chuckle nervously, as Inosuke grumbled in irritation and Zenitsu muttering out little whines after Inosuke's outburst.
"We're sorry about that, they're always like that." Tanjiro explained, scratching the back of his head sheepishly. "Anyway, what a pretty name! It's nice to meet you, [ Y / N ]- san! I hope we can friends!" He exclaimed happily.
You flush at his words and looked down in embarrassment, but then, you paled when realization hit you like a brick.
You never thanked him for saving you.
You whip your head towards the boy, your brows knitted together in determination.
"I never thanked you for saving me, Kamado-san! I am deeply grateful for your generosity! I owe you my life!" you proclaimed and bowed your head, leaving Tanjiro raising his hands in reassurance.
"Oh no, it's fine! Really!" He sweats, "And you can call me Tanjiro, you know!"
After that encounter, you seemed to have grown closer to the trio. During your time in the ward, you spent much of your time talking and joking around. After a while, Inosuke became arrogant and wild, which you discovered was his "natural" self. Often his attempts to pick fights bugs you to no end, and it doesn't stop there as Zenitsu has been even more irritating ever since you first spoke to the Burgundy-haired boy.
"[ Mispronounced Name ]!! I DARE YOU TO FIGHT ME RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW!"
"[ Y / N ]- chan~! You look pretty today!"
"[ Y / N ]-chan, Inosuke is being mean to me again, can you please comfort me?"
"Why are you looking at my face like that, [Mispronounced Name]?!"
"You would marry me, right [ Y / N ]-chan?!"
You pass. No thanks.
As days go by, you and Tanjiro would grow even closer, as your friendship with him continued to grow. He was a very open friend. He's also sweet, caring, charming, not to mention he worries about others before he could even think about himself!
"Inosuke, do you want to eat more? Here! Have some of my Tempura!"
"Zenitsu, please, stop crying! You're getting the poor girls into unnecessary trouble!"
"Oh, you wanted to me to accompany you to Shinobu-san, [ Y / N ]? Sure! I'll be with you all the way!"
God, does this boy do bring a big smile on you face.
He would also tell stories of adventures, describing each event with such vivid detail. You could only listen in awe as he proceeded to tell you how hard he trained in order to join the Demon Slayer Corps.
You gazed in silence as you observed the Tanjiro's calloused hands. He must have endured and suffered so much, maybe even more so than you did. The boy just remained there, a tiny smile on his face as he proceeded to show his hands for you.
You gulp, and averted your gaze from his hands to make eye contact with him.
"It must have been really hard, huh?" You whispered, the corners of your mouth pulled down as you stared at the boy, an unreadable emotion present in your eyes.
Tanjiro only chuckled as he pulled his hands back.
"Yeah, it was really tough. But come to think of it, my hands are proof of all the hard work I've put into being a Demon Slayer. Sure, sometimes I felt like dying and even giving up, but the fact that I've reached where I am now just gives me the confidence to go even further to help those in need. " He explained.
He lifts his hand and glances at it. His eyes were filled with determination as he recalled why he had become a Demon Slayer in the first place. Confidence overtook his expression when he broke his eyes from his palm and smiled at you.
"My hands are a reminder that I will never stop fighting for the safety of humans. I will always protect them, so that they can never witness the kind of horrors that we as demon slayers have to go through."
Your praised his sense of selflessness. In this life full of hardships, it was rare to find somebody as genuine and kind like Tanjiro. It was a trait that you admired wholeheartedly. With him, it seemed like your whole world would light up because of the sheer amount of positivity he would radiate.
It seemed, for a moment, that your dark and cruel world had taken a turn. In the blink of an eye, you've been welcomed with smiles and snippets of joy every time you interact with the boys. Your laughter became more frequent, not a dull hour would pass by, as you would find yourself becoming more fond of the crimson-eyed slayer.
You'd get to learn more about Tanjiro and his history later on. The boy's face would always light up by the mention of his family, and he would still be fond telling stories of his memories of the time they were still alive. The guy's got five siblings! 5!
Now, you truly understood how much patience the boy had with his two companions. Hearing him talking about his family gave you a sad sense of longing, and soon enough, you also opened up to him about how you, too, had a family, and that they were also killed by demons.
You told him stories, memories that just seemed like scattered visions located on a distant shore. You'd feel the sides of your mouth pulling up, your solemn [E / C] eyes showing a nostalgic light in them. Tanjiro would laugh every time you mentioned how much of a rucus your siblings were, would smile at you with delight as you mentioned your everyday life, and would nod in agreement as you recalled of your love-filled memories that happened a long time ago.
It was nice to know, though, that you had someone who could relate to your loss of family.
Speaking of family, you also had the opportunity to meet Nezuko, the little demon sister of Tanjiro. You have to confess that the thought of a demon battling alongside a demon slayer made you laugh at first. There was a reason why you became a demon slayer, and that is to slay any demon you meet in order to protect human beings.
You've been in conflict with the situation for the first few days of getting to know Nezuko. Your instincts were screaming at you to get a sword and just kill her then and there, but you also realized she wasn't like any other demons. If Oyakata-sama seemed to approve of her presence, then maybe you might come to accept her as well.
Tanjiro has taken note of your behavior towards Nezuko, but he can't blame you. Your family was killed by demons, so you had every right to be suspicious of Nezuko. He was grateful, however, that you took restraint and tried to accommodate her, despite his keen sense of smell telling him that you're more than ready to put an end to her demon life.
It seemed like Nezuko also wanted to be your friend. During the nights where you can't sleep, you would always go to the rooftop and gaze at the starry sight above. Not long after you arrive, the demon girl would find you and she would sit beside you, accompanying you the whole time.
The first few times, you were tense towards her. As much as you respect Tanjiro and Oyakata-sama's wishes, her status as a demon still bothered you to no end. Nevertheless, you would just let her accompany her because you knew that she had no malicious intent towards you. She seemed to understand your conflicted feelings towards her, as she would just sit and stare at the sky the entire time the two of you would sit at the roof, never once trying to force you to interact with her.
However, one interaction made you view Nezuko in a whole different light.
You wake up in the middle of the night, whimpering, soaked in cold sweat. You've had another nightmare, a vivid flashback of your mangled family dead in your old home. You sighed softly, and you looked around the ward to see the trio still sleeping soundly. A few minutes pass, and you realized you couldn't fall asleep again right away.
You got out of bed stealthily, and you went to your sanctuary, where you would eventually meet the demon girl again for the hundredth time.
You sat down on the edge dejectedly when you arrived. You've had this same kind of nightmare too many times, but the sight of your family lying helplessly dead in their blood pool always gets to you. Your lower lip quivers, brows buried together as you try to fight back the tears threatening to spill out. You cover your face as you try to calm yourself down, but a hand pats your back to console you.
You're shaking when you turn your head and come face to face with Nezuko. Sadness clouded her eyes, little "mmhm"s coming out of her bamboo muzzle, as if she was trying to say it was all right;
"You're going to be all right."
You looked at her, and wondered, how could a demon look so human? Her hand on your back proceeded to caress you in a circular motion, her eyes held so much compassion and kindness that you almost forgot she was a demon.
But that doesn't matter anymore.
You broke out crying, warm, thick tears falling from your eyes. You hiccuped and sniffled, already racked up with sobs. Nezuko didn't waste any time and embraced you, and you embraced back almost instantly. Your cries echoed in the night sky, and you're weeping so hard that your tears are staining Nezuko's kimono. But the girl never stopped, and she just remained there and comforted you the whole time.
Once you finally calmed down, you sat there for a little longer, gazing up at the night sky. Nezuko was still sitting beside you, just like what she did when she spent time with you on the roof. You pulled your eyes away from the stars, and you gazed at Nezuko. She stared at the tranquility of the stars above and was happy with it. You're sighing softly, now feeling foolish to have ever doubt the girl.
The demon averts her gaze from the sky, and looks at you, her head tilting to the side slightly. Her rose-colored eyes flickering with concern. You gulp, and shamely looked down.
"I'm sorry. For ever doubting you. I guess you really are something special, huh?"  You apologized, a flush creeping up to your face as you looked down in embarrassment.
"Mmhm!" Nezuko just hummed, when you looked up to see that she was giving you a happy expression. She put her hand on top of your head and began to rub it in a reassuring manner. You could only just chuckle fondly at her actions.
When she pulled her hand back, it was your turn to pat on her head. Her eyes widened momentarily, before she let out a joyful noise, lifting both of her arms to victory. You chuckled at her adorable shenanigans as you continued to bond with the affectionate demon.
Little do you know, a pair of crimson red eyes gazed at both of you, watching you interact with Nezuko. Tanjiro felt a sense of satisfaction, seeing how much you seem to care for Nezuko now. But he couldn't help but feel a funny sensation in his chest. Seeing all of you happy and treating Nezuko like your own sister made him feel something.
He could only look in admiration as you laughed and played with Nezuko, his sister always happily reciprocating any little pleasant interaction you would have granted her. He smiled, seeing how happy you were and how you seemed to glow under the moonlight.
You looked absolutely beautiful.
Come to think about it, he grew rather fond of you these past few weeks. The way you would light up at a joke, the way you would scrunch up your face with irritation, and even the way where you would listen to him with such concentration when he's reminiscing about his family seemed to make him feel funny and warm all over. Your little actions and quirks had Tanjiro hooked, and with every little adorable action you do, it would make the burgundy-haired boy grow even fonder for you.
It also didn't help that when he found you at Mt. Natagumo, his initial thought was, well, that you looked very pretty. Although, he suppressed this thoughts towards you because, well, you were such in a rough state and he was beyond worried. It was not the time to be a Zenitsu when you were hurting so much!
Wait, pretty? Fondness? Affection???
Tanjiro looked away from the wonderful sight, and proceeded to run back to the ward. His face reddened and he put a hand on his chest. His heart was beating like crazy! He couldn't believe what he was feeling towards the [ H / C ]-haired girl!
As he arrived, he instantly covered his face with his blanket, trying to make sense of the warm, fuzzy feeling he would get every time he thought of you.
He couldn't help but think of your wonderful smile. God, how much he had grown to love your smile! And the way your eyes would flutter, the way you giggle at even the most ridiculous joke, and how you would just- ugh!
He could only cover his face with his hands in embarrassment as he proceeded to have sweet yet confusing thoughts about you. He felt he was going mad, and he's trying to make sense of his emotions towards you.
He realizes something in the midst of his breakdown. He recalls how the couples at Asakusa would intertwine with each other, how Kazumi cried out for his deceased fiance, and the memory of how his mother and father would look at each other with such devotion and tenderness while overlooking him and his siblings. The way all the couples portrayed themselves in his life reminded him of how he would think and feel about you.
He widened his eyes as a quick gasp escaped his lips. His face flushed more and more out from the revelation as he desperately tried to calm himself down from the intense surge of emotions overwhelming him.
And in that moment, it was clear.
That he, Tanjiro Kamado, now wished the whole world for [ Y / N ] [ L / N ].
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takara-kaneko · 4 years
Fluffweek Day #1: Firsts
FLUFFWEEK!!! I have been so excited for this for three reasons: 1. If you can’t tell, I absolutely love fluff. Like it’s amazing and it warms my heart and any time I can write it 2. This is my first Mysme week submission! Being able to participate in this was so much fun, and I can’t wait to do all of the days!  3. This is also my first collab with my love and soulmate, @deijnar​ !!! Her OC Vivian is such a wonderful character and the perfect pairing for my Seven. She is his whole galaxy- Not to mention, his esteemed Wizard Princess! This piece had so many blushes, keysmashes, and affectionate screaming; so I hope you will enjoy it as much as I enjoyed getting to write it. Without further ado, I hope you enjoy 💕
Sevian Day 1: The First Date Extravaganza! 
(Seven’s P.O.V) Today is the day. Just knowing makes my heart pound with a strange mix of excitement and nervousness. It was hard to rest last night knowing that today marks Vivian’s and my first date. Of course, I have spent so much time making sure she has no idea what is going on. Just a regular hang out, she believes. Little does she know that I have planned out the whole day!... Well, loosely.
The two of us have always talked about a night under the stars, and at first, I thought maybe stargazing. But why stop there? We could explore all of the stars and space!! After all, space is one of the coolest places of all time, and I want my Wizard Princess to have the most fun as possible! 
The planetarium is the destination, but how to get her to not know about it until it’s too late? Well, what is a magician without a little distraction? But best not to reveal all my tricks before it happens lol. 
3 o’clock passes and I wait in anticipation until I can see Viv’s strawberry blonde hair and her bright smile. Immediately, my heart starts racing as my smile widens. She looks so pretty, so happy, just seeing her makes me feel so much brighter. She is truly magical.
I stand up and approach her, the butterflies in my stomach only making me feel more bubbly than usual. “Fancy meeting you here, madam!”
“Ah, I’m sorry, my dear subject, but I’m waiting to be picked up by my knight in shining armor. I fear I have no time to spare to talk with you.” She states with a fake sense of superiority as her laughter slowly breaks her act.
Her words make me stop, before bowing at her and gracefully grabbing her hand. “My Wizard Princess, I have searched the whole expanse to find you. Surely you must recognize your loyal knight!”
I rise once again, keeping her close to me. My cheeks begin to heat up as she leans fowards. “I have to act like the evil wizard’s spell worked on me. Of course, I will always know who my one and only Defender of Justice is.” 
Her whispers tickle my ear, but it’s surprisingly pleasant. She stays there for a moment, but as I open my mouth to reply, I feel her lips softly peck my cheek. Once again, my heart hammers in my chest, I start to wonder if Viv can hear it with how close she is.
As the blush on my face refuses to go away, I return the gesture, kissing her lightly on her cheek, before quickly backing away. No more distractions, it’s time for the ’First Date Diversion Plan, #1’ ”So, what baked goods are we going to try to find today?” 
Vivian doesn’t speak of a moment, the hue on her face probably as red as mine is. It takes a moment for her to reply, “Uuuhh…” She shakes her head and I can’t help chuckling silently at how cute she is being, “I thought, uhm… Maybe- uh, jelly-filled donuts?”
“Well, my lady, your word is my command!” I exclaim, offering my hand out to her, “I happen to know a place that offers great donuts! If I can lead you to my noble steed?” I gesture towards my car as I approach it, opening the door for her to get in. 
The smile she gives me as she looks at me sends me to the moon. “Thank you, my knight!” With a light squeeze to my hand, she gets into the seat. 
Getting in the car, I begin heading toward the planetarium. Keeping it a secret was so much fun, but I have a feeling she might catch on to the idea that we aren’t going to any bakeries. This marked the time to begin ‘First Date Diversion Plan, #2’!
I glance over towards Vivian for a moment before looking back at the road, “Hey, Yoosung asked me if I could drop off his bag for him real quick. Mind if we take a detour?” I ask, pointing to the bag in the back. It was just stuffed with another bag. bagception lol
She looks in the direction of the bag and smiles, “Did you guys have a sleepover?”
“Yeah, stayed up playing some LOLOL. He’s still trying to take my ranking. We stayed up all night and he just forgot to grab his stuff.” I even made sure Yoosung was aware this was my plan, though I’m not too sure how believable he’d sound if she called him. 
Her gasp catches me off guard, and I look to her again to see the concern on her face, “Does that mean you didn’t sleep at all? We can postpone the donuts if you need to sleep!”
With a soft laugh, I shake my head. While it was true I didn’t sleep, LOLOL was hardly the reason. “Nooooo, it’s fine! God Seven is more than capable of staying awake after only one restless night.”
As we pull into the Planetarium, I stay in the car a moment. Would she want to? No, now isn’t time to get nervous. As her knight, I know she’ll love it. Turning to Vivian, I can’t help the blush heating up my face. “So… I may have lied about a few things.”
Huffing softly, Viv furrows her brows to seem angry, although we both know she isn’t… It’s really cute. “I knew it! You ARE too tired!” She reaches over, her concern beginning to show through, and softly cups both of my cheeks in her hands, “I think you even have a fever…”
My eyes widen at her response, this is not what I meant to happen.  “No, I am more awake right now than I could ever be! Because, well… you see, I… Wanted to take you to the stars...” I mumble as I gesture towards the building, my face now probably as red as a tomato. 
“This trip, Yoosung,” I continue, “It was all made up. Although, we are totally going to go get donuts after this! What do you say, Wizard Princess Vivian and her Godly Knight 707 being space cowboys for the day?”
We sit in silence. For a moment, I think that maybe she didn’t want to, but she quickly turns towards the planetarium, then to me, then back to the planetarium, and back to me. It was adorable to watch, but it was nothing to the look of bliss on her face as she leans over to me for a hug. “Yes! I say yes, it would be an honor to be space cowboys with my sweet, godly knight 707!” She exclaims, still wrapping her arms around my neck. I hug her tightly against me, committing this moment to memory. 
Staying in the car for a little longer, neither of us are wanting to stop out embrace. With her with me, I feel as if I have everything I could ask for in the world. But as I remember why we started hugging in the first place, I relax my grip on her. “Then climb aboard, madam! The fun is about to begin!” 
I step out of the car and quickly move to her side, letting her out of the car and offer my arm to my dazzling princess. Side by side, we make our way into the building. To show her the sun, the moon, the stars, and everything in between. All the things I want to give her.
Feeling Viv lean softly against me, my smile only brightens, “This is a wonderful idea, Seven. Thank you so much for bringing me here.”
There are no words I can say to express my feelings. Instead, I place a soft kiss onto her forehead before entering the building. 
(Vivian’s P.O.V) Being so close to him and feeling his lips lightly pressing against my forehead sets my head into the clouds. I feel like I’m flying; his warmth and the fluffy comfort of the hoodie he’s always wearing adds to the feeling of floating close to the sun. I only find myself back in my own body on the ground of the earth after we already entered the planetarium.
It’s breathtaking. Of course, we’re only in the foyer so far and it’s probably a foyer like any other, nothing special, some might say. But just being here with him, being here because he put so much thought into where we can go to spend an extraordinary day… There’s nothing more special I can possibly think of.
After looking around in awe, never letting go of his arm to bring a single inch between us, I turn to him. “Have you ever been to a planetarium before? Or only in real space?”
“This is an experience for us both. I’ve only been launched into space, never got to look at it from afar!” It’s an answer exactly like I expected of him and I mirror his goofy smile before we huddle together, chuckling. We probably look like two happy kids and, really, I can’t remember a time I’ve been this carefree and happy since I’ve been a child. Seven makes it extremely easy to be happy around him…
Before I can dwell on that thought, the big door in front of us gets opened and I gasp, buzzing in anticipation. “It’s starting!”
His warm, honey eyes reflect my excitement. “Come on, we have to be first to get the best seats!” Without any further hesitation, he nyooms into the room and drags me with him. I still can’t stop giggling as I follow him, never letting go of his arm. 
Eventually, he deems two seats that he ensures me are exactly under the middle of the dome above us worthy to be our seats for the presentation and I just agree, not caring where we sit at all. Even sitting on the ground would be perfect as long as he is sitting beside me.
We get seated and I still hold on to his arm, not willing to let go just now.
“To be honest I don’t know anything about the stars except that they are pretty.” I look at him, hoping my smile can express the endless joy I’m feeling better than my words can. “This is so exciting, I can’t wait to learn something new!”
He leans in and gives me a meaningful look. “They won’t teach you this here or anywhere else because only the wisest specimens of mankind know this, but Saturn is actually the Beyoncé planet.”
My eyes widen as I lean in as well. “Are you allowed to share this well-kept secret with me?”
By now, his voice is nothing more than a whisper. “Because it has the rings on it.”
Unable to keep up the act, I dissolve into a fit of giggles while the lights dim around us. Suddenly, this feels extremely intimate and I’m glad Seven isn’t able to see how intense the blush on my cheeks is, thanks to the darkness in the giant room. Before I can say anything more, someone turns a magic switch and an infinite wave of stars washes over us, causing my head to turn to the ceiling immediately.
“Wow… This is incredible.”
I feel his eyes on me and shoot him a very short smile before I look back up. All these bright speckles around us are truly enchanting and I can’t bring myself to turn my eyes away for longer than a few seconds. A friendly voice starts to echo through the room and I have half a mind to try to find the woman with the microphone standing somewhere in the room, but I really can’t look away. So, instead, I just take in all the information presented to me and try to memorize them. 
The moment only gets better when his hushed, soft voice reaches my ears. “When we go stargazing for real, we can know where all the constellations are.” This time I take longer to look at him and nod, trying to let my eyes speak for myself, hoping they reflect the happiness that is filling every inch of my body. I look down, looking for his hand. I hesitantly take it, lacing our fingers together. Not daring to look into his eyes anymore, I give his hand a light squeeze before looking back up, letting the voice guide me through the Milky Way. 
Prepared for what’s coming, I put on the most serious impression I can pull off.
“And here you can see Saturn-”
I nod solemnly. “The Beyoncé planet.”
Out of the corner of my eye, I see Seven returning the serious nod. “You’re learning well, my space padawan.” He turns back to the screen before laughing at himself and I have to place my free hand over my mouth to not let the giggles become too loud as well.
After that, it doesn’t take the planetarium long to cast its spell over me once more and while I keep my eyes glued to the dome for the entirety of the show, I let my hand rest in his. 
When we get back into the foyer after the presentation, it seems to be even more beautiful than when we came in. Because now, I’m holding his hand. Being with him tends to make me lose any sense of time so I’m a little surprised when we step back outside and find the sun already setting. Not willing to part from him yet, an idea pops up in my head. “If we wait a bit longer, you can test the knowledge I gained today immediately, space sensei.”
“About that….” He shyly turns his head away and I think I spotted a hint of pink on his cheeks. “Care for a drive? I may have a spot picked out for your space test.” With a smile on his face, he looks at me and his cheeks are definitely pink. Maybe almost as pink as mine.
I nod. “I’d follow you to the end of the universe.”
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Ahhhh! I hope that you enjoyed it! 
If you enjoyed this, check out @deijnar​’s page! If you want to read more of my works, see my Masterlist! Interested in a commission? Click here!  And maybe get me a ko-fi?  And remember, look at @mmfluffweek​ for tons of more heartwarming content! 
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oh traveler, take heed
Kimetsu no Yaiba | @giyushinoweek Day 8 Bonus | N*SFW or Halloween Summary: Prince Sabito survives an assassination attempt by poison but does not wake. His loyal knight Giyu goes in search of the Butterfly Witch, who is said to cure nearly anything, for the right price. Notes: I managed to squeeze in the bonus round!? this was gonna be like, a witch au and more in line with halloween stuff, but it turned out to be more like...a general fantasy au?? i should...probably make extra notes for this one, a lot got left unincorporated lol.
> additional post reading notes!
Prince Sabito survives the assassination attempt by poison, but he does not wake. His knight, the “Grim Reaper” Tomioka Giyu, is fraught with worry while his assistant and companion, the Lady Makomo, is calm.
“Get a hold of yourself,” Lady Makomo says in her usual serene tone, diluting the sharpness of the words. “Once you do, pay a visit to the Kochou princesses and ask them where to find Butterfly Witch. She can cure just about anything, if you can locate her.”
Giyu does not hesitate, nor asks any further questions as he turns on his heel. Lady Makomo sighs as his impatience, but returns to the Prince’s side to guard him. With the Grim Reaper gone, it’s up to her, the Fox Witch, to protect their prince.
“I hope you’re at least having a nice dream,” she murmurs to Sabito, laying a hand on his forehead. “You fool.”
Giyu is brusque to the two Kochou princesses, but neither seem to mind. Princess Kanae seats him at a small table, and Princess Kanao watches his every move with an unnervingly blank gaze.
“Lady Makomo sent you to us?” Kanae says, as she shuffles cards in her hands. “I must write to her soon. Oh—my sister is away from the castle.”
“Your sister?” Giyu asks, surprised. “The Butterfly Witch is your sister?”
“It is more that my sister is the Butterfly Witch, but indeed,” Kanae says, not batting an eyelash. She knows the fame—or infamy, whichever you prefer—of her sister. The Butterfly Witch can cure almost any ailment, any curse, for a price befitting of the request. They also say she is hunting for something or someone, and so can be as cruel as she is kind to those who try and lead her astray. “I’d help you if I could, but...Shinobu’s skills are her own, and I dare not give you something from her storeroom without the proper knowledge.”
The eldest princess lays out the cards in a pyramid shape, and now Giyu understands what is happening—she is reading his fortune.
Kanae smiles as Kanao peeks over her shoulder, and Giyu watches the two sisters carefully. Little is known of the small Kochou Kingdom; they keep to themselves, with their lush gardens and rare insects, sustaining their economy on tea and perfumes and accessories. They make both very few friends and no longstanding enemies. Giyu doesn’t know how Sabito and Makomo became their friend and ally, and supposes it’s a story he should ask about when he returns.
“Oh, my,” Kanae exclaims softly, as she turns over the cards. “Very few people can find Shinobu, once she’s traveling. But it looks like the fates will align for you, Giyu-san, for you will cross paths with her soon. Still, you must chart your own path and keep searching.”
He stares at the cards, certain he is missing something, for surely the princess wouldn’t need a whole array in order to tell that?
But Kanae merely smiles in silence until Giyu thanks her for her time and rises from his seat.
“Ah, before you go,” Kanae says with a bit of a laugh, “Beware her temper.”
Giyu blinks, bows his head, and departs the Kochou princess’ castle.
“You’re lost.”
He whirls at the voice, sword in hand. His eyes widen in surprise when he sees a young girl staring at him curiously from under her hooded cloak. Giyu doesn’t lower his sword despite her seemingly harmless appearance, and her violet eyes glimmer with respect.
“At ease,” she says, with amusement. “I’m camped nearby, and I’ve seen you walk past at least four times. You’re lost.”
He frowns, and lowers his weapon by just a margin.
“Perhaps I am. I did not see any signs of camp nearby, however.”
The stranger shrugs.
“It wouldn’t be a very good hideout if it wasn’t hidden, now would it? I have to protect myself, after all. Now, where are you trying to go?”
Giyu narrows his eyes at her. She does have to protect herself—but who is she, so young and wandering alone?
“Who are you?” he asks, cautiously.
She snorts.
“Does it matter, if it gets you out of the forest?”
“It does, when it’s strange for a child such as you to be wandering alone.”
Giyu doesn’t know what happens after that—one moment he’s standing, and the next he is hanging upside-down from a tree by some white threads.
“I will only forgive that comment because I did not properly introduce myself,” the stranger says, throwing back her hood. “However, do refrain from calling me that again, thank you.”
Now that he sees her in full light, she is certainly not the child he thought she was. She’s young, but probably not more than a few years younger than he is.
“Apologies,” he says, as the blood rushes to his head from hanging. “Can you…let me down, please.”
She does, and when he lands, back to the ground, she leans over him.
“And so? Where are you going?”
“I’m not sure,” he huffs. “I’m looking for the Butterfly Witch. I heard rumors she was sighted in the nearby village.”
The girl’s eyes glaze over.
“I advise against going to the village,” she says, her voice low. “They’re dealing with…problems of their own making, right now.”
Giyu stares at her. She stares back.
“Why do you need the Butterfly Witch?” she asks, and he debates on whether or not to tell her the truth. He’s not sure he can trust her, and if word gets out about Sabito’s condition…Makomo is strong, but she cannot defend against everything.
“Someone important to me…he was poisoned. He is alive, but won’t wake.”
She hums.
“And are you prepared to pay the price?”
He turns over his answer, even though the answer is yes.
“I’ll have to know the price first. But if it…does not do more harm than good, then yes, I will pay it.”
She seems pleased with his answer, and something about this conversation strikes Giyu as particular.
“I’m Tomioka Giyu,” he says slowly. “May I ask your name?”
She smiles.
“Shinobu,” she says. “Kochou Shinobu. Ah—you’ve met my sisters, have you, if you recognize that name? Then there’s no need to linger. Come, take me to your friend.”
Only the briefest of greetings are exchanged when Shinobu arrives at the castle; Sabito takes precedence, and her lips thin as she examines him.
“It’s a curse,” she says, “If he does not wake soon, he will be eaten from the inside out. First the mind, then the body. Tomioka Giyu, it was you who made the request of me, and so it is you who shall pay the price.”
Makomo makes a noise, but Shinobu shakes her head.
Giyu steps forward.
“Name your price.”
When she looks at him, her gaze is solemn.
“In order to counter this, I must take one thing of yours in relation to your prince, one thing that you value deeply, perhaps above all others. Will you give it to me?”
Giyu stares, trying to think of what the price is—it cannot be Sabito’s life, for that would be counterproductive. It cannot be his memories of Sabito, for though he treasures them, there’s no reason for him to cling to them if he does not fear the lack of ability to make more.
Makomo gazes at him.
It takes a few more minutes, but slowly, Giyu understands.
“Yes,” he says. “I will give it to you. I will relinquish my place by his side if you save his life. Such a thing is a small price to pay.”
“Then kneel,” Shinobu says, a little sadly, “For I will take you with me.”
Giyu kneels, and pays the price.
“It’s not as if you can never see him again,” Shinobu says as she throws her cloak around her. “It is not as restrictive as other prices have been.”
Giyu nods, looking at the castle in the distance. Sabito had been furious after he had awoken and recovered, but out of sorrow. He, Giyu, and Makomo had nearly always been together, so losing part of that trio was…difficult. They’d stayed in the castle for three days, getting their affairs in order and making their farewells.
“I said if the price did not do more harm than good, I would pay it,” he says.
“That you did,” Shinobu murmurs, and sighs.
“So? Where are you—we—going?” GIyu asks.
“I’m not sure,” she says, chewing on her lip. “I’m looking for a certain demon.”
Giyu raises an eyebrow.
“Kanae is marked,” Shinobu says bitterly, and Giyu’s eyes widen at her tone. “She will die by her twenty-fifth birthday, if I do not become the rainbow-eyed demon’s bride.”
He raises both eyebrows.
“The second prince of demons?” he says, his mind whirling.
She snorts.
“Indeed. It is my goal to kill him before Kanae’s twenty-fifth birthday, but the sooner the better, naturally.”
The side of Giyu’s mouth quirks up slightly. This is a job he could get behind.
She glances at him sidelong.
“Yes, they don’t call you the Grim Reaper for nothing, do they?” she says curiously, but he merely shrugs. “Well, we might as well try the rumors we’ve got.”
Shinobu’s cloak snaps in the wind behind her, and after one last look at the castle that’s been his home, Giyu follows the Butterfly Witch into the darkness.
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Hi I love your work sooooo much! Can I have a scenario where Katakuri trying to ask out his shy crush but something always happens but he gets his happy end
Hey sweetie, sorry it took so long but I had to start all over twice because I didn’t like what I came up with. Hopefully this version is to your liking^^! And I legit have so many Katakuri scenariorequests in my inbox, I don’t know where all that thirst is comingfrom lol xD
Katakuri scenario- Double D- Wanna Donut Date? (aka what even are titles Idk sorry xD)
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…It wasn’t unusual for CharlotteKatakuri to mess up when it came to social interactions. Many of theolder children liked to link his inability to communicate with peopleoutside of the family to the fact that even at a young age he never even tried making friends, and while most of the Charlottes bloomedsocially he continued to stay introverted and only surrounded himselfwith family, and… well, donuts.
And most of the time that wasn’texactly a hindrance to the tall man. After all, he never needed‘friends’- especially those that only wanted to spend time with himwhen he was hiding his face and played along with the perfect pictureeveryone had of him. No, he didn’t need anyone else. Ever. So, whywas he here now? Inside of a clumsily build mochi house within his dinner room, with soaked,mushy donuts lying on the floor and tea spilled all over his pants? Eventhough he was all by himself and with no chance of anyone intruding on him,his scarf was pulled up as high as possible, almost reaching hiseyes, and completely covered his mouth, nose, and rosey cheeks. Hishand, which was previously spilling holding his cup of tea, now madeits way up to his temples, promptly massaging them as a low groanescaped from his throat. Today was not his day. Infact, this couldvery well make the list of the worst days he’s ever had (and itwasn’t even noon yet!)…
Everything started out so simple. Sousual. He got up, got dressed, got hungry and left his mansion to buysome breakfast donuts from the bakery around the corner. Today was aspecial day however, since they offered Red Velvet Donuts with aspecial sugar glaze, and the mere thought of them already made Katakuri’s mouth water. He wasn’t the only one looking forward tothem of course, and even though he always got up pretty early by thetime he reached the bakery there was only one left. An extra largeone on top of that, since it was kind of an unspoken rule that thefinal donut, aka the biggest one, was reserved for the minister. Themere sight of the giant treat caused Katakuri to quietly sigh withanticipation as he placed his offer, aside from the Red Velvet Donuthe also ordered a dozen different ones to gobble up for breakfasttoday. Everything seemed so perfect, so wonderful… and then heprepared to leave.
Carefully holding the huge bag ofdonuts (which was still considerably small compared to him) with hisleft arm, Katakuri turned around, towards the door- and just then the bell rang.
A new customer stepped inside- a youngand fragile looking woman who was holding a small piece of paper inher hand, her eyes quickly began to wander around the interior until her gazeshifted up to Katakuri, and with a shy smile and quick bow shegreeted the large man.
Good thing his scarf was covering upmost of his face, because by the time her eyes reached his there wasa rather large red hue covering part of his cheeks as he cleared histhroat and muttered a quick greeting.
The woman was none other than (Y/N), a shorttime citizen of Wheat Island and Katakuri’s 'secret crush’ as hisyounger triplet brothers would often refer to her before the secondson could shut them and their immature teasing down.
Although deep down he was aware thatthey spoke the truth to some extend, he was still unable to fully admit itto himself, especially since he 'barely’ knew her…
„Uhm, excuse me?“ a velvety voice suddenly tore through the silence.
…by the time he snapped out of his'daydreaming’ the young woman had already strolled past him and wasnow standing at the counter and curiously eyed the displayed treats.Katakuri could feel his face cool down a bit and once again preparedto leave, when her next sentence suddenly caught his attention.
„I know I am a bit late, but do youstill have any Red Velvet Donuts left? Uhm, I heard they were reallygood…“ she asked shyly and began to fidge with her hands. Clearly just asking this seemed to make her uncomfortable, and the red hue on hercheeks only deepened when the baker answered with a negative response.
„O-Oh, I see. Ah that’s no problem, Iguess I just came by a bit too late…“ the young woman thencontinued and instead ordered two simple, chocolate glazed donutsinstead. Katakuri could tell that even though she tried to pretend tobe fine, there was a hint of disappointment reflected in her eyes, andwithout even thinking twice about it the tall man quickly strolledback to the counter and stopped right next to her.
(Y/N) seemingly averted her gaze as shewaited for her order to be done, and by now the few other peopleinside the bakery turned to look at the two people at the counter.
Katakuri continued to stare at her fora few more moments, completely unaware that his intense gaze justincreased the young woman’s level of confusion and discomfort, whenhe suddenly began to roam through his bag and pulled out the largeRed Velvet Donut.
Although the delicious smell of thetreat caused some drool to escape from his mouth and soaked hisscarf, he held himself back and instead bowed down so he could bemore on her level.
„Miss (Y/N)…“ he muttered throughhis scarf, and the mention of her name caused the young woman tofinally look up and meet his gaze as the blush on her cheeks deepenedeven more, and for some reason she was almost preparing herself to get scolded…. but what the tall man said next caught her even more off guard.
„what are you doing later today?“Katakuri half asked/muttered through his scarf, one of his eyebrowsnow raised in what seemed to be… anticipation?
her voice was as highpitched as that ofa chipmunk as the young woman looked up at the minister, any sort ofrefinement was gone and a shocked expression settled on her face.
And then- silence.
This wasn’t the response Katakuriwanted- no, anticipated- and now he was unsure on how to continue, sohe simply remained silent. Maybe she would continue…
But she didn’t.
Not only did the other customers stareat the two, but the baker himself took a step back and looked on asthe two people at the counter were seemingly having a stare-off.
Nobody seemed to know what was goingon, and after a few more moments of very, very awkward silence,Katakuri stood up and straightened his back while clearly avoiding tolook at the woman infront of him.
„….Here.“ he simply muttered andbasically shoved the huge donut into her arms, causing (Y/N) toalmost stumble backwards and fall on her butt, before  he was quicklyturning around and finally exiting the bakery with a few large steps.
And now, here he was. As soon asKatakuri returned to his mansion, he immediately went inside his hugedinner room and build himself a small mochi house, something he hasnever done before, but because of today’s previous embarrassment hefelt so insecure that he needed to pull up another wall to seclude himself.
His breakfast donuts were thrown on theground almost immediately, the tea he had previously prepared hadgone cold and in a meekly attempt to take a sip he not only spilledthe contents of his teacup all over himself but the donuts as well.
Another groan left his lips and wasinstantly muffled through his scarf as he leaned back and closed hiseyes, trying to forget about the event of the morning.
The worst part of it all? This wasn’tthe first time something like this had happened.
The tall man had made multiple attemptsto ask the young woman out, but each seemingly ended in yet anotherdisaster- most of the time it was like today, he would attempt to'flirt’ with her in his own 'unique’ way, she wouldn’t understand himand then there was just silence until he eventually stormed off. Itwas always the same, yet part of him refused to just  give up.'She would be worth it’ he kept on telling himself, and even thoughKatakuri had NO IDEA what would happen if she actually said yes and agreed to go on a date with him, he just… kept trying.Moments like these almost caused him to wish that he was as much of asocial butterfly as some of his other siblings, who seemed to be ableto flirt oh so smoothly and always with success… the mere thought just further caused his mood to drop as he continued tosulk for a few more moments when suddenly his doorbellrang.
Katakuri raised an eyebrow with mildcuriosity as he was wondering about who might have come to visit him.Perhaps it was just Oven or Daifuku who somehow found out about whatwent down at the bakery this morning… that thought alone caused alow growl to escape from the tall man’s throat as he slowly exitedhis shrine and made his way over the door, mentally preparing himselfto look into the teasing faces of his two younger twins…
But instead, it was (Y/N). And in herhands what seemed to be a basket filled with Red Velvet Donuts… Hergaze was focused on the ground, and as soon as the door opened shetook a deep breath and slowly began to look up at the minister.
„Uhm, pardon me, Lord Katakuri…“the young woman began, clear nervousness strained her voice as shemoved a strand of hair out of her face.
„I… I just wanted to thank you. Forthe donut! Ehm… I’m sorry and wanted to let you know that it’s… okay. I may be a new citizen of Wheat Island, but that doesn’t mean thatyou have to let me have your food!“
Confusion made its way onto Katakuri’sfeatures as he eyed the basket and then the young woman. Hold on…
Did she believe he gave her the donutbecause she was his citizen, and he wanted to satisfy her since itwas his duty…? If so, then that means she really misinterpreted what he was trying to do once again… A sigh left his lips as hemomentarily closed his eyes, carefully thinking about what to saynext. He clearly didn’t want to mess up again like back at thecafe…
„That’s not it, (Y/N). It was a gift,and the reason why I wanted you to have it was… I might… uhm… like…“ Katakuri tookanother deep breath as his mind was swirling around like a hurricane,and his throat felt oddly dry all of a sudden… He noticed the youngwoman looking up at him with confusion this time, and he knew that hehad to act fast or this would escalate into another awkwardencounter… So with a quick shake of his head, Katakuri decided to try and finally ask her out.
„I meant to ask if you were doinganything later. Because today’s weather is rather promising and it’sperfect to climb the Donut Mountain,“ he continued, and Katakurinever felt more relieved that his scarf was covering up his nowburning cheeks, „only very few people have been to the top. And since you’re new and all.. ifyou have time and feel like it… I would gladly be your guide.“
Realizing what it was he was offeringher, (Y/N) quickly looked back down as a deep red hue now covered herown cheeks as well. Oh, so that was what he was after…
„O-oh! So uhm… you meant to askme… out on a rendezvous earlier? Oh no, I’m so sorry for making things awkward!” the young woman quickly exclaimed and put the basket down infront of him before looking up with a shy smile, “uhm, please, take them regardless! And climbing Donut Mountain together sounds… lovely! I-I mean I would like that really! There’s nothing I had planned for today, so if you want… we could go there right now…?” she continued and played around with her hair a bit.
A sigh of relief immediately left Katakuri’s lips as he nodded down at her and picked up the basket. 
“Of course. Just give me a moment to change, uhm… this attire isn’t really fit for climbing or hiking.” he responded and finally remembered the tea stain on his clothes… good thing (Y/N) appearantly didn’t notice that yet… Instead the young woman gave him a nod as Katakuri turned around and entered his mansion again, this time with a small smile on his mouth.
He may not have people skills like his siblings, but maybe it would be enough this time…
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Turning down the akuma pt. 4
@daminett4life @kristycocopop @starwindmaden
In the past three parts of this simple idea, that somehow turned into a story and i honestly don't know how, like wtf, we danced around everyone and how they adjusted to the situation.
So this time we'll focus on Marinette.
Let's come back to where it all started.
Like i said before, Marinette came to school a little earlier than usual and was greeted with false accusations, looks of hatred and anger from her so called friends and a triumphant smirk from Lila, that I'm pretty sure was what had made Marinette so furious that the akuma had to join the party. A lovely way to start a day, am i right?
Anyway, Marinette felt betrayed. All her friends turned against her and all it took was one new girl coming to their class to change everything. But Lila has been in the class for quite some time before all this shit went downhill.
Marinette felt anger rising in her chest. She was pretty sure steam was coming out through her ears and her teeth would break any time now because of how forcefully she was gritting them.
It wasn't like that time before, when she almost got kick out of school. Oh no, now Lila was taking her friends away and it's a whole different story.
So this time she didn't notice a black butterfly making its way to her purse. She didn't try to fight it back, she just let Hawkmoth talk and offer whatever he got for her.
But she declined it anyways.
And later she felt a little better after this 'heart to heart talk' with Hawkmoth.
You see, i like to think that even though Hawkmoth's victims get de-akumatized they still feel it in some way. Like, maybe they had nightmares for a few nights after being akumatized or their behaviour changed a little.
And as for Marinette it was the way she felt.
She felt numb. Like nothing really mattered 'cause she wasn't able to change anything so she just let it be.
She let them look, 'cause it's not like she could just tell them to stop looking. She let everybody whisper behind her back, 'cause it's not like she could tell them she hears every single thing they say. She let people come up to her and ask her about how she felt, 'cause it's not like she could just tell them to piss off, so she always told them she was fine. She let Tikki take a mother role and let her ask if the kwami could do something for her and also lecture as to how dangerous it was to let the emotions overcome her, 'cause it's not like she could tell Tikki to shut up. Actually it was a little comforting to see how much the kwami cared for her. She just let everything be, 'cause it's not like she could change it.
And then she agreed to do the interview.
Like i said in pt. 2, Marinette woke up that day exhausted and heard people shouting her name. She came to the window and saw tons of journalists with cameras, mics and notebooks filled with questions to ask her; each one of them wanting to do an exclusive interview with the first person that refused to 'work' for Hawkmoth.
She didn't undestand at first as to what was this fuss all about, but then she turned on her computer and saw the video from yesterday. And it already had 3 and a half million views.
"Tikki, did it really happen?" she asked, staring at her computer, watching the video. She was surprised to say the least, she didn't take her eyes off the screen for even one second, everything just came flooding to her. Holy shit, she thanked Hawkmoth!
Tikki flew to her and looked at the screen of Marinette's computer, "Yes." Tikki wasn't happy at all. She was worried about Marinette. After they came home and Tikki was able to get out of girl's purse, she started ranting as to how dangerous it was, asking Marinette how she felt and worrying about what to do next; only for the teenager to give the kwami simple, few-worded answers with her eyes dull and the lack of smile on her pink lips.
And then this situation with Chat Noir.
He just freaking came to her balcony and awkwardly asked her to talk. Cue Marinette questioning if she had done something bad lol.
It was quite funny to watch her partner being a stuttering mess and trying to find right words. It showed her how much he cared about her as Marinette and was kinda cute but she wouldn't tell him that.
But at some point the question she was getting for the past few days constantly and grew to hate came and she didn't know how to respond came up and Marinette wasn't pleased with it.
It was her partner, right? She could tell him. She trusts him... But at the same time, she's Marinette right, now not Ladybug... how can she be sure he won't do something stupid or without her knowing?
She replied with monotone 'I'm fine' and even laughed a little at the end, trying to draw his attention from her eyes that were screaming for help.
He didn't believe her, that's for sure, she thought. He tried again and she felt like she was pinned to the wall behind her back with cuffs on her wrists preventing her from escaping surrounded by people repeating this question like mantra.
But she was so tired. She was tired of pretending she's doing fine. She was tired of acting like what they did to her didn't hurt her at all. She was tired of the fake smile she was putting on everyday now. She was tired of pretending that what they had done didn't fucking hurt her.
She was so fucking tired of all of this.
The next day she woke up late for school like always, but this time she didn't care. She laid in her bed, thinking.
Is this how my life is going to look like? Pretending I'm not hurting, my friends avoiding me? Well, now my ex-friends...
She grimaced at this thought.
It's just... What does Lila have I don't, that made them turn away from me? Did i do something? I was always nice to them and helped them as much as i could! Why didn't they trust me?!
She felt tears in her eyes. She tried to stop them from coming any further by blinking rapidly but her thoughts hept hunting her.
Was i not enough? Did any of my actions meant nothing to them? Did they use me? What have i done to them that made them choose Lila over me?!
"Marinette?" Tikki's worried voice woke her from her thoughts. "Is something wrong?"
"No," Marinette sat up, "Everything's just fine."
What a lie.
But Tikki wasn't having it. "Are you sure, Marinette? You could tell your parents you don't want to go, I'm sure they'd undestand-"
"I really am fine." Marinette said, taking her bag from chair, now fully dressed.
With all those lies I'm turning into Lila.
"Let's just go." she said, wanting this consevation to end. "I don't want to be even more late. Ms. Mendeleiev's gonna kill me."
"You didn't seem fine yesterday." Tikki said quietly, but to Marinette it was like an ears bleeding scream, making her stop abruptly just before the exit of her room.
"I wasn't asleep like you thought i was." kwami simply said.
The teen sighed and bowed her head down. "Well, maybe I'm not doing as well as i keep telling everybody..." she took a deep breathe, trying to keep herself from having a panic attack, "But I'll be fine."
She opened her eyes now full of determination, lifted her chin high and opened the way down to the kitchen ready to run to school, already thinking of some good excuse she hasn't used before that could be an explanation of her lateness.
"I'll be fine."
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cupofcowboys · 5 years
Can I request that while charles is out hunting, he encounters witch/reader who is very lonely and looking for something to live for in life so he takes her back to the gang?
I really loved this concept so much, and I had a ton of fun writing it! I apologise that it took me a long time. I’m a slow writer at the best of times and I had a busy week. I hope it was worth the wait!
I went for a ‘realistic’ rendition of a witch, rather than fantastical. It’s my first time writing this so I’m kinda nervous lol. Enjoy!
TAGS: Minor Spoilers (Ch3), Femme Witch!Reader, SFW, Friendship, Romantic Friendship, Slight Angst, Witchcraft
TW: Depressive thoughts 
2,278 Words
Wild rumours ran rampant throughout small towns. Yet Charles had never encountered a rumour quite so prolific as the ���cursed woods”. Any traveller shuddered at the mere mention of its name, too afraid to recount the supposed horrors it held. From the little he could gather it was believed a terrible creature roamed the woods, slaughtering anyone who dared tread in its territory.
Pure superstition, he believed. If anything, it would turn out to be a particularly beastly bear or a cougar. Even so, he couldn’t deny that something felt off about these woods.
The air itself seemed to hum with energy. Whether benign or dangerous, he couldn’t tell. Whatever it was, it set him on edge. Constantly checking behind his back, half-convinced something was following him, lurking just out of sight. He shook off the feeling. Pure placebo stemming from campfire horror stories.
He had been tracking a small herd of deer for some time now. One of them had a beautiful pelt, but a mutilated leg. Putting it out of its misery would earn him a few dollars and fill bellies at camp. Crouching low, he stalked, pausing only to check if he was still on track. He hardly noticed the deathly silence pressing in around him.
That was until he felt a tug and snap on his navel. Glancing down, he half expected to see a tripwire. Yet there was nothing but air. He hesitated, the skin on his neck crawling as minute hairs stood on end. A distinct feeling of being caught in a trap crept upon him. Just as he considered turning tail and running, an uncharacteristic desire, his attention was diverted again. A door creaked open just beyond a clump of bushes ahead of him. Swallowing, he shifted behind a thick trunk to his left, concealing himself from view.
The soft patter of bare feet on grass grew louder as someone approached. Charles drew an arrow from his quiver, nocking it and tracing the feathers absently as he focused.
A shadow of a figure hit the forest floor beside him, and he leaped out from behind his hiding spot. Aiming straight at the figure, ready to release at a moment’s notice. He almost released the arrow from shock.
A woman unlike any other jumped in surprise at his appearance, clasping a hand to her chest. Her hair was loose and unkempt, her dress several years out of fashion and patched with a myriad of mismatched fabrics.
“Oh my, sir!” She breathed hard, chuckling good-naturedly. “You didn’t half give me a fright, jumpin’ out like that!”
It took Charles a moment to lower his bow slightly, still unnerved by this unusual person.
“You frightened me, too.” He explained, eyeballing her nervously.
“Well, it happens. Not many folks in these parts.”
You gazed at the curious stranger who had disturbed your wards. Many a year it had been since anyone came to visit. You had almost forgotten what other people looked like. Witches were rarely accepted into society. The last time a stranger found you, they had run away in terror at the sight of your powers. Isolation was a natural part of the cards fate had drawn for you. Now that the opportunity presented itself, you weren’t about to reject a guest. Especially not such a handsome one.
“Why don’t you put that away.” You suggested, gesturing to the bow in his grip. “I just brewed a pot of tea and there’s enough for two. I’m (full name), by the way.”
“Charles Smith.”
“A pleasure, Mister Smith.”
With a short incline of your head, you turned heel and made your way to your cabin. After a brief pause, the sound of heavy boots told you he had complied.
The cabin you called home was small. Barely larger than a single room in a normal house, it was easy to miss in the trees. Mostyour domicile was outdoors. An expansive garden was your pride and joy. Full of herbs, vegetables, and flowers. Each one held a use and more value than any could fathom. Your carefully placed wards were a preventative measure on the wildlife, who loved to snack on your hard work. But they were handy for alerting you to intruders too. Pushing the door open, you stepped into the cluttered mess you lived in. A prickling of embarrassment rushed to your face. Years of not expecting company enabled bad habits.
Aside from the roaring fireplace, all had was a single bed, dining table, a few chairs and a kitchen. Most of it was lost under tomes, handmade charms, unfinished projects, and trinkets. Humble and messy, but home.
“Sorry for the mess. You’re my first guest in… years!” You laughed, busying yourself with your aged teapot.
When he did not respond, you glanced over to find his eyes sliding over your domicile. You could practically hear him piecing together what you were. While you made a show of pouring tea into old, chipped cups, you were on the alert. If he turned into a threat, you were ready.
It was only at the sound of your chair scraping that he snapped out of it. Turning around, he stared at your unassuming frame, gesturing at the cup balanced on a book about birds. He reached forward and took it, but did not move to sit. His dark eyes followed your every movement like a bird of prey. Bringing the tea to your lips, you took a small sip and watched as he mirrored it. However, he sniffed the liquid suspiciously.
“It’s chamomile.” You smiled. “I usually add honey but I ran out.”
He took a small sip of the liquid and withdrew his hand. His eyes bored into yours, half-suspicious and half-curious. All you could do was smile back benignly.
“You live out here alone?” He questioned.
“Just me and the wilderness.”
“I see.”
“Are you a dangerous man, Mr Smith?”
Together you stared at each other, gauging and judging. A silent game of chess. But you were a better judge. Honing into the aura he possessed; light and darkness danced together, a haze of grey smoke from a burning fire. Hatred turned him into a fighter. Battles fought only when necessary.
“I don’t think so.” You shook your head, smiling. “You’re just the same as I am. Good people hated for what we can’t change.”
His eyes widened at your words, darting across your features in search of lies or malice. All he found was a genuine desire for connection. His shoulders relaxed, and he tugged the vacant chair towards him, dropping into it and lounging backwards.
“I guess so.”
Swirling the tea leaves in the bottom of your cup before taking a hearty gulp, you grinned. Now the tension was gone, you marvelled at the opportunity. How long had it been since you made a friend?
“So, what brings you to my little patch of woods?”
Hours of conversation pass by without alerting either of you. Charles turned out to be a man of few but well-placed and educated words. Admittedly, the conversation consisted primarily of your ramblings and gushing. Years of pent up news, opinions and ideas rushed out with minimal prompting from your guest. At first, you felt nervous of irritating him, but he proved to be a thoughtful and inquisitive listener. Your openness and honesty provided him the courage to open up in turn. So, by the time your tummies began to rumble, you knew each other quite well.
After polishing off several helpings of your stew, Charles rose from his seat. You had forgotten just how tall he was.
“I have to go…” He began to explain, giving you a look that plainly told you he wished he didn’t.
“Of course! It’s nearly nightfall.”
“Thank you for the food and conversation.”
“It’s been a pleasure, Mr Smith.”
You stood and extended your hand out for him to shake. Taking it in his, he shook it gently and exchanged warm smiles. There was a single moment of hesitation before his hand left yours. He moved to the door and was pushing it open when you gasped.
He turned to you curiously, but you were busy rifling through the clutter. Scrabbling through years of untidiness, you finally found what you were looking for. Grinning, you hurried over to the man.
“Here.” You held a closed hand out to him. “Take this. For protection.”
Charles reached forward slowly, and you dropped a small trinket into his hands. A protective charm you’d made some months ago. He looked down at the object, thumbing it around curiously. Then, looking up at you with a smile that sent butterflies to your stomach, he spoke;
“Thank you. I will treasure it.”
You were still staring after him in embarrassed bewilderment when he whistled for his horse. Standing in the door as he mounted, you watched as he cantered off into the trees, a salute in your direction his final goodbye.
Wandering back into your home, you spotted Charles’ empty cup. Smiling, you picked it up. Gazing down into the scattered leaves, you began to read the shapes within. Hints to the future filled your heart with warmth you’d never dared feel or hope for.
The coming months brought return visits from Charles, always staying longer than he intended. More than once he pitched a tent outside and stayed overnight, much to your delight. Loneliness, once an intimate friend, became a foreign entity. A relationship of trust grew as you revealed more of yourselves to each other. He knew the truth of your identity and you knew his. You were unsurprised to hear about his gang. The life of an outlaw had its tells, even to you. Yet if he had a choice, you knew he would never choose it. Just as you wouldn’t have chosen a life of isolation. This simple understanding was the foundation of your friendship. Never judging, always kind.
And yet… there was more. A spark that kindled into a flame. A quiet, subtle sort of shift. In his absences, you spent many hours mulling it over. Before Charles, your life had been empty. Void of any light and purpose. It sounds ridiculous to your own ears. The idea that men gave women purpose angered and frustrated you, it wasn’t an ideology you welcomed or embraced. But if Charles were a woman, it would be the same. Years without human interaction took its toll. Nights spent wondering if it would even matter if you were gone.
There was no one to mourn you. No one to notice. Just the forest. If it wasn’t for your will to live, you may have given up.
So when Charles failed to visit for almost a month, you began to lose hope again. The only person you had to share your life with was absent. Not a word came. Not since he’d promised to “see you again soon” and vanished. Part of you knew that he was prevented from visiting, but there was a darker part. A part that wanted to convince you he just didn’t like you. Or he was dead. You couldn’t decide which was worse.
As time slipped by, each day the same as the last, you found yourself devoid of light. Hope dwindled away and distractions proved ineffective. Too many hours spent staring off into space, wondering at the fate of your friend.
That was where you found yourself now. Sprawled on your back, staring up at the vast blue sky, listening to the sounds of the forest. A book lay by your head, forgotten. Slowly, your eyes began to droop. The summer heat and idleness a blanket pressing down upon you. Darkness fell and you knew no more.
“Are you okay?”
You opened your eyes. A pair of dark, muddy boots were inches from your face. With a cry, you recoiled and looked up in shock. There he was. The man you had been dreaming of. Staring down at you with mild concern was Charles. Jumping to your feet, you hugged him tightly.
“Oh, Charles!” You exclaimed, pulling away to beam at him. “I thought you had forgotten about me!”
“Never.” He affirmed, taking your hand in his.
“Wh-Where did you go?”
“We had to move. I was afraid to bring you trouble, so I stayed away.”
“I appreciate it but… I missed you so much. It’s… lonely out here. I never noticed it before, but now… it’s unbearable! I can’t stand it!!” You detached yourself from him. “All this time I’ve been trying to hide it but… I… I just wait for you to visit. It’s the only thing that makes me happy. I’m sorry… I shouldn’t tell you all this.”
You turned away. Shame and embarrassment throbbed in your heart. It was one thing to think it all privately and another to dump it on his shoulders. He had no responsibility to keep your happy. No responsibility even to visit. But as you turned to apologise, he took your hand again.
Pulling you closer to him, he looked into your eyes. Matching his gaze, you could tell he was considering something.
“Come with me.” He muttered.
“I said, come with me. It’s not an easy life but… if you joined the gang you would be safer.”
“Y-You mean become an outlaw… like you?”
“No. Not an outlaw… there are women. They help in other ways.”
You stared. Out of all the suggestions you had expected, none of them were this. But now you thought about it, why shouldn’t you join?
After all, the world already hated you.
“I think… I’d like that, Charles.”
My Masterlist
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