#but yes so a bittersweet birthday treat for you both !!! happy happy birthday !!!
trickstercaptain · 1 year
@harringtontm sent a meme: no matter what happens, i will always love you. : ' )
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       Elizabeth's heading had certainly led them somewhere. Just outside of his cabin was sight of Isla Cruces — Jack recognised it by the ruined church in the distance, a grim fable of what Beckett's supposed progress would bring to this part of the world — and, if this last-ditch, desperate gambit did indeed pay off, the location of Davy Jones's still-beating heart. An odd place for him to bury it, but then the island was deserted. Supposedly haunted, too, by the ghost of the vicar himself. A good enough place as any.
       Though no matter how flippantly he tried to play this off, Jack knew what was at stake here. So did Steve, and apparently the nervous energy in the room was shared as Jack sat on the end of their bed, wrapping up his palm in a cloth to once again conceal the black spot. Steve had seen it; there was no use trying to hide what he was doing from him. His partner and ship's bo'sun came to sit beside him and, only after a short while sat in companionable silence, did he finally speak.
       “ You're making this all sound very final, love. ” Jack's response was a little too quick, toying with a loose thread. He didn't really want to hear this from Steve. Not now. But, after a moment of pointedly avoiding his gaze, Jack finally stopped. Lowered his boot back to the floor. Slowly turned to face him. At some point Steve must have grabbed his hand, because he held it now tightly in his own.
       Jack had always hidden behind smoke and mirrors. A myth he'd created to obscure the truth. Or merely just walls he'd built to protect himself. Steve had scaled them long ago. He loved him, more than he'd ever thought he was capable of loving another person. He loved him and he was still terrified.
       Inching closer, Jack finally raised his gaze to meet his. “ I'm not giving in. Not yet. I can't. Not when both of us are still here. I can't... I won't leave you. ” He felt his voice break a little as he said it. Steve would go back to Robin in the event of his death, he knew. Marry her, maybe. Whatever he had to do to continue to keep her and Sarah safe. But as the shell of the man he once was. It wasn't fair to Robin to give Steve back to her in that state. Jack had taken to fiddling with the hem of Steve's shirt instead. “ Davy Jones will simply have to tear me off of you. ”
       He wasn't sure whether he leaned forward first, or whether Steve got there first to pull him in. But Jack's forehead bumped against Steve's chest, head tucked under his chin, and the tension, the pressure left his shoulders at once. They stayed like that, holding each other, until Jack finally turned his head. “ I keep thinking about what might happen — ” If. “ — when I finesse my way out of this. How long do you reckon is left in us? Another twenty years? ” Jack looked up at Steve with a faint smile. Supposing nothing bad happened, of course. Conversations like these were always uttered with such a notion left unspoken. “ When one of us gets too old — I suppose it has to happen sometime — then maybe we could try the whole... retirement thing. Chances are I'll drive you mad and you'll be begging me within a week to go back to being this, ” he gestured with his eyes down at the rest of him, “ and I may just be romanticising the thought because for nearly as long as I can remember, for nearly as long as I've known you, my life has just been a thirteen year clock counting down to its own demise. ” Thirteen years had felt like a long time when he'd first made that deal with Jones. It wasn't. Not at all. “ But Robin and Sarah seem happy with it. Maybe I could be too? If it was with you? ”
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fatuismooches · 7 months
greetings, miss smooches ~
hello hi dearest!! i hope all has been well for you today <3 if not, i hope this lengthy and i mean lengthy ask can manage to bring at least a smile to your face.
on the ninth of june this year, i discovered your blog again through your very first installment of your kabukimono series. i never had the courage to send an ask until recently, and my dumbass realized i never followed your blog.
it's a little surreal to believe that it's been so long, i remember being a wee seventeen year old back in 2022 gushing over every kuni piece you published, then i read your masterlist on my birthday, and was swoon since then. it's a shame that i never had the courage to reblog your works at least, but i suppose it's better late than never ~
i saw your post today morning regarding your kabukimono series and i would like to present mindful:
first of all, your last two chapters i did read and HAH! I WAS FUCKING RIGHT ABOUT WANDERER'S BEING BITTERSWEET — cough. excuse me.
but absolutely yes omg. a lesson in forgiveness had my heart reeling because the sweetness of kuni still remembering both little and big things about his dearest beloved almost made me shed a tear which is natural because they were lovers but fuck me sideways that combined with the bitter reality that reader isn't able to remember neither do they remember the past the two shared. i can just about imagine him, after the encounter he had with reader in the cafe, he wonders if he'll be able to make things right, wonders of he deserves a second chance to love you like he used to and... ugh. i hate him. i hope he gets microwaved. ( lies aya loves him way too much )
the bonus lesson, a lesson in the heart — shut up because getting MARRIED to kabukimono is literally fucking everything. that lesson had me giggling and kicking my feet and smiling from ear to ear like come on?? kabuki is literally the husband of all time and i just wanna lay down in the puddle of tears i metaphorically shed reading that lesson :( the way he was just kissing reader so lovingly and talking about how grateful he is for you, how much his life has changed thanks to your wonderful presence like .. fuck. i need a moment
there is so much more that i could honestly say about the last two installments to your series, your series as a whole is something i will never shut up about. such a hauntingly beautiful piece of work and i adore everything it tackled; from the delightful to the depressing and everything in-between if you hyper analyze it like i do — it's surreal to see it come to an end, but it makes me all the more proud to be one of the people who discovered it early, stuck around to read it because it was that enthralling to me.
you rarely ever find a kabukimono fic or any kuni fic in general that's set in a more fluffy and domestic atmosphere ( until shit goes down hill ) and i think that's what adds to the haunting nature of it, something so beautiful and simple can at times be taken away too soon by the hands of fate.
i am so happy for you, smooches. so happy and so proud to see you come this far, and i cannot wait for not only future installments for the other harbingers, but just in general a lot more to come from you <3
if you do start on that dot series, make sure to take your time and write it at your own pace! you are a busy individual, and i hope you get the much needed break you deserve now that the kabuki series has come to a close.
take care lovely, remember to stay hydrated and treat yourself to whatever you crave! be safe, and i will see you when i see you <3
— signed, ayame.
AHHH HI AYAME!! <3 This ask is SO SO SO SWEET ahhh thank you so much it really did put a smile on my face!! Damn i can't believe you've been around for so long 😭😭 I'm really glad you were able to make your way back to me. It's super sweet to hear how much you like my Scara works ❤️ BUT YEAHHH YOU WERE RIGHT I just felt like it being bittersweet for Wanderer would be the perfect ending. Yup the sad things happened and there's nothing he can do about the past, but the future is always waiting for him. Especially when you're there with him now. AND OMG THANK YOU FOR NOTICING THE STUFF KUNI REMEMBERS WITH YOU 😭 I was literally going back to the previous lessons to try and find the best memories to incorporate with Wanderer. And yeahhh he definitely wonders if he's worthy of another chance with you :( He already blew the first one and turned into this kind of person so does he really deserve you? I imagine he's a bit stiff and perhaps even a bit quiet around you which is really strange? I mean he's silent around a lot of people except he always has a few scoffs and mean things to say but around you, he doesn't do much of that. It takes a lot of nudging from Nahida to get him back to normal.
I'm glad you feel the same way about marrying Kabukimono 😭 It's literally the SWEETEST thing ever omg he'd be over the moon every single day even though the wedding is months away. He's like. beyond excited to marry you. I just know he tries to be the perfect fiance for you in every way possible. He has a little notebook with tips from the villagers and Niwa. *gives you a tissue and a hug*
AHHH EJDEDENDJW shit you're hyping me up too much Ayame 😭❤️❤️🥺 I don't know what else to say beside thank youuuu I'm beyond overjoyed that this series means that much to you 😭😭 It does make me really sad to see it end because i truly enjoyed writing it but. I'm satisfied and I'm glad i gave reader and Wanderer a happy ending :))
AND YEAHHH i think fluff for Kabukimono is in limited quantity so I'm glad i could add to it!! i think adding fluff before angst is a really good way to build up the sadness. Because you see how lovely and simple life was before things changed and it just hits harder since you now know things will never be the same again... </3 once you know how good things used to be, it's hard to accept the opposite.
Once again thank you so so much Ayame <33 I hope you continue to enjoy my future works. Whenever i write Scara I'm going to be thinking of you now. Please make sure to take care of yourself as well okay? ❤️💗💗💗🫶
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twistedtranslations · 3 years
Cater Diamond - Happy Birthday
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You can unlock this story by getting Cater’s SSR Birthday Attire
Translation under the cut
Chapter 1
Heartslabyul Dorm - Birthday Party Venue
Special corner on NRC's grounds: An interview with the birthday boy ~Cater~
Yuu: Happy Birthday!
Cater: Thank you! Yuu. I'm glad you came to celebrate.
Yuu: That outfit really suits you.
Cater: Right? Everyone has been praising me. I like white clothes. While wearing this, everyone fawns over me wherever I go, it's so nice. I've been going all around the school! 't seems like a waste to wear this only today, so I might wear it tomorrow as well~
Yuu: I don't think you should…
Cater: Ahaha, just joking. I just like it that much!
Yuu: Did anything unforgettable happen on your birthday?
Cater: Hm, I wouldn't say unforgettable, but my sisters… We are three siblings, and my sisters are both older. Those two get way more excited than I do on my birthday! Ever since I was little, I'd get sandwiched by both… They were so noisy. However, if you were to leave the present picking to them, I'd only get cute things! You know, like plushies, dolls, perfume, soaps… I don't really like those… I'm supposed to be in the spotlight, so why are my sisters enjoying this more than I!? Like that. But I don't think they have bad intentions, lately they've been asking me what I'd want.
Yuu: You are in the spotlight today.
Cater: Yup! No matter what anyone says, I'm the star today! Let's have a happy and merry day, just like me! Enjoy yourself to your heart’s content.
Chapter 2
Heartslabyul Dorm - Birthday Party Venue
Yuu: Can you tell me about that smartphone case?
Cater: It's from a popular brand and getting it was really troublesome~ When it went on sale, I went to line up first thing in the morning and there was a humongous line already. The staff then said that it became a lottery, so there was this mad rush! So I used my unique magic to get plenty of lottery tickets. That was clever of me, right? But… somehow every single one of them was a blank. I was disappointed because I couldn't buy one after all… And then! A short while after Lilia bought one for me and said it was a souvenir from a trip. I was so happy! But… ever since then he has been urging me on what "I'll be getting him in return?". The expectations are high after a rare smartphone like this… Besides�� where the heck would you find a shop in the countryside that sells something like this?
Yuu: You two are in the same club right?
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Cater: Yes, the light music club. Together with Kalim, we get along, enjoy ourselves and relax. After school we chat a lot, eat snacks… To be honest, performing music takes a back seat. We don't do any authentic activities like making original songs, we're mainly a cover band. We do take the club seriously at times, but us three have varying tastes in music~ I suggested we perform a cool pop song about love once. But Kalim arranged it to a danceable tune from the Country of Hot Sands… Lilia shouted lyrics about bittersweet love and one-sided love with a hoarse voice… In the end, it didn't resemble the original song at all. Sigh, my cool love pop song… They both go at their own pace, so I can be carefree as well. It's a fun club.
Chapter 3
Heartslabyul Dorm - Birthday Party Venue
Yuu: What's your favorite food?
Cater: I love grilled lamb meat with diablo sauce. It's tasty and it sounds cool as well! Ah, lately I've been interested in spicy ramen. Spicy food peps me up whenever I feel demotivated! Oh by the way. This might surprise you but it's so easy to get likes on posts about ramen. Regardless of gender, there are many core ramen fans. I'm also one of them.
Yuu: is there any food you dislike?
Cater: Urgh… that's difficult to answer… Oh well. I'm a little bad with sweet stuff. But sweets rule the traditional "Unbirthday Party''. That's why I've been keeping it secret all this time… The other day, Trey found out. To be fair, I think he must've known already. Like, Trey, for real! (Not sure about this last sentence)
Yuu: Was there anything that triggered your dislike for sweets?
Cater: When I was about 10? My mom and sisters were super into making sweets. At first I was super happy that there were so many snacks and ate them happily, but eating that every day made it gradually harder for me. However, my sister said that I should only eat so they kept piling it on my plate… If I said I didn't want more they'd get dejected… I'm the worst at dealing with those expressions~ But because I kept eating all of that against my will, I came to detest sweets in general. I love touring cafés, but the sweets there are pretty right? I want to take pictures of them, but I won't eat them so I don't want to order them. It's a huge dilemma. Ah! I just thought of something! If you order them, I can upload them to MagiCam? Let's go to a café together! I know tons of cafés that sell pretty sweets! Don't worry, I'll treat you! Well, that's decided!
Yuu: I look forward to it. Once again, Happy birthday!
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sunmoonandeddie · 3 years
feelings are fatal (20/24)
pairing: bucky barnes x reader, past steve rogers x reader
word count: 4,030
summary: After the events of Endgame, you struggle to come to terms with what you’ve lost, though you’re learning that you still have something to gain.
chapter warnings: swearing, violence, fluffiness
a/n: I really hope
There was something to be said about how much Bucky Barnes cared for the people in his life that he considered his friends, his family.
Hell, he’d jumped out of many, many aircrafts for Sam, even though he wouldn’t admit it was for him.
He sent his therapist flowers and a gift for her birthday, despite the fact that more than half the time, they just annoyed the shit out of each other.
The amount of times he’d pulled you out of a funk was… Well, there was a lot.
However, there was also something to be said about how overboard Bucky Barnes could go when someone he loved had gotten hurt.
Or kidnapped by a Nazi terrorist organization and almost shot in front of him.
“Alright, you’re all tucked in,” he muttered under his breath, even as he went around the bed once again, his hands carefully tucking in your comforter all over again. “There we go… Are you comfortable? Too warm? Not warm enough?”
He’d been hovering the past four days since you’d gotten out of the medbay, and the five days before that when you’d been in and out of unconsciousness.
God, the feelings that had washed over you when you’d woken up again and found that he was back and your Soldat was gone. It was so bittersweet. You loved both of them, even if it was in different ways. Different shades, different tones of love.
You just kept telling yourself that the Soldat was right.
It was time for him to rest. Your time together was over.
But that in itself meant that it was time for something new to begin.
If only you could find a way to tell Bucky how you truly felt.
You watched him with your eyelids half closed, a drowsiness slurring your words as you laid there. “Jamie… Can you stop for a moment?” You don’t even think about how your words might make him feel, how they might sound.
“Oh… Right. Sorry if I’m annoying you,” he said, his voice dropping to where it was almost inaudible. He started to head for the door, having set down the water bottle in his hands.
“What?! No!” You said, quickly sitting up. You still felt like absolute shit, but you couldn’t let him leave. “I’m sorry. That’s not the words I wanted to come out. I… I just want you to relax for a moment. I’m okay.” Pulling your arm out of the warmth of your blankets, you patted the spot next to you. “Can we just… lay down and watch a movie for a bit?”
Bucky’s baby blues softened immediately, and he nodded, toeing off his sneakers. “Of course. I’m sorry… I’ve been…”
“Helicopter parenting?”
His cheeks flamed fire engine red as he slipped into the bed beside you, hesitating before pulling the blankets over him. “I don’t know if I like the parenting aspect of that,” he muttered, his arms wrapping around you and pulling you close. “FRI, can you turn on a movie?”
“Legally Blonde,” you added without a second thought, grinning at the confused look that painted his face. “Have you never seen Legally Blonde?”
“What? No? What the fuck is a Legally Blonde?” He asked. And, okay, yeah, he could gather from the context that it was a movie, most likely a girly one based on the title, but he loved the way you looked so aghast and the way you laughed at his old man tendencies.
“Only the greatest early 2000s chick flick of all time!” You squealed, playfully smacking his chest.
A wave of contentment, of happiness, washed over you as you laid half on his chest to watch the movie. His fingers were absentmindedly running up and down your spine, his breath tickling your forehead.
And it hit you that you could have this for the rest of your life. You could have this happiness, this peace, for the rest of your life with the man that was holding you.
Once again, you just needed to figure out how to tell him how you felt.
“Wait… So he broke up with her because she wasn’t… serious enough?” Bucky asked, his brows furrowed. “Or because she was too pretty and girly?”
“Both,” you said, glancing up at his face. “He sucks.”
“Yeah, he fucking does.”
When the movie ended, you sat up, risking a glance at Bucky’s face. “Well? What did you think?”
He couldn’t help but shake his head, groaning dramatically. “If Sam finds out that I’m a fan of early 2000s chick flicks, he’ll never let me hear the end of it.”
Oh, this was good. So, so good.
“Jamie, I’ve watched Legally Blonde and other chick flicks with Sam. He loves them,” you revealed, watching the way his eyes lit up.
“There’s more?!”
You took it upon yourself to show him the best of the late 90s and early 2000s, finding that when he was distracted with tales of cheesy romance and girl power triumphing, he wasn’t so worried about your health.
But he did have a few problems with Clueless. “Let me get this straight,” he said with a scowl as he held you close in between his legs. “She’s… still in high school. Sixteen, right?”
“And he was her step-brother?”
“And… he is still treated like her step-brother by her father?”
He blinked owlishly at the television that hung up on your wall, his mouth hanging open in an astonished ‘o.’ “And people just…”
“Decide to ignore that bit? Yup,” you supplied, turning your head to look up at him.
He frowned, tightening his hold around you. “I really don’t know how to feel about that. It’s a good movie. But…” His head then slightly cocked to the side. “Her step-brother looks like that one guy that helped us at the fight in Germany… You know, the one at the airport?”
“You don’t even remember Scott’s name?!” You asked, snorting. “You really are an old man.”
His fingers flew to your sides, tickling you mercilessly. “Yeah?! And what about it?! Huh? Huh?” When he finally stopped and your laughter had died out, he hid his face in the crook of your neck and took in a deep breath. “I missed you… when you were gone… Sometimes I forget just how integral you are to my life, but that… Being without you reminded me of how desolate my days were when we were separated before.”
Heart clenching, you squeezed his flesh arm with both of yours, resolving yourself to not move the rest of the day. You’d quickly come to the conclusion that cuddling with James Barnes could be considered one of the great pleasures in life. “Well, we’ll never have to be apart again,” you murmured, closing your eyes. “What if… What if we took some time away? And we went on a little… vacation or something?”
“A vacation?” He said, and you could feel his heart rate speed up underneath your head. A vibranium hand smoothed over your hair. “Where do you wanna go?”
“I don’t know…,” you admitted with a snort, shaking your head. “Just… away. Give us time to relax and really… I don’t know. Process?” Your eyes fluttered shut at his soothing touch. “Maybe we could go up to the cabin for a few days… maybe a week…”
“Yeah? You wanna stay a whole week with just me for company?” He asked playfully, even though he felt like his spirit was soaring.
Biting your lip, you pulled your knees up to your chest until your entire body was pressed against his chest. “Could spend my whole life with just you for company, Jamie.”
He’d understand, right? He’d understand that you meant ‘I love you.’ He’d understand the words that you were trying to say but were too nervous to get out, that your throat closed up and your eyes burned because the last person you said those words to in that way had demolished your heart, your soul?
But then again, he’d been the one to teach you what those words meant in the first place. Well, the Soldat had.
Bucky’s entire face was pink, all the way to the tips of his ears, and he leaned down and kissed your forehead. “Me, too, malen’kaya.”
You reached up to run your fingers through his hair. It had grown out since his last haircut, and it was getting to be about ear length. “You know who you look like right now kinda?” You asked, an impish smile on your lips.
“Who?” He was clearly already anticipating the worst, even though he was letting his head tip forward to let you continue playing with his hair.
“Prince Kit or whatever his name is.” You were preening as your foreheads pressed together, his breathing even as you massaged his scalp. “From the new live action Cinderella.”
You can hear the smile, even though you can’t see his face. “You think I look like a prince?”
“Don’t get cocky on me now,” you shot back. But, in truth… You liked this side of Bucky. You had caught little glimpses of it when you were on the run with Steve, Sam, and Natasha. But this felt like the real him, and you loved it.
And as far as you were concerned, he could be as cocky as he wanted to be.
“Let me check with your doctors and get their opinion on when they think you’ll be okay to travel,” he said, his lips pressing to your hair. “And then I’ll talk to Pepper about letting us steal the cabin for a bit…”
A huff escapes your lips as you tug on his hair in retaliation. “Do you really think Pepper isn’t gonna let us stay there for a bit?”
You missed the way his breathing had hitched and his heart had skipped a beat, and he nuzzled into your hair to hide himself even more. “No, but it’s still nice to ask, you heathen.”
“Soldat, where are we going?” You asked curiously as you were led out of your ballet class, your hair still pulled back into a tight bun. “What’s going on?”
“No time to talk. We have a mission,” he said sternly, his voice deep and gravelly.
A mission?
You’d never been on a mission.
“Wait, are we leaving the Red Room?” You asked, glancing at the handlers that flanked the both of you. “Where are we going?”
“Do you understand the phrase ‘no time to talk?’” The Soldat asked with a snort, shooting you a glare.
Something was off.
The Soldat and you had been training together for over two years now, almost three, and you’d never gone on a mission.
Also, he never spoke so harshly unless there was something wrong or there were others present, and the handlers around you weren’t important enough for him to put up the mean teacher facade. No, there was something else going on.
Two hulking doors were waiting at the end of the hallway, leading to the outside world. Snow was swirling outside, frost painting the windows.
And you were still in just your leotard and tights. Fuck.
Of course, they weren’t gonna give you time to change.
You hadn’t even been outside of the Red Room since you were a toddler. Hell, you didn’t even own any cold weather clothes.
The doors opened, and you let out a sharp gasp as the icy cold wind hit you. In your peripheral, you could see the Soldat look at you and immediately move to take off his jacket, before remembering who was around and stopping himself.
It was a nice thought, knowing that if he could, he’d warm you.
Maybe you could daydream about him scooping you up, holding you in his lap… He’d run his fingers over your hair, his other hand smoothing up and down your back. That deep, gravelly voice you loved so much would murmur sweet things to you, his lips tickling your ear…
God, your little crush was getting out of hand.
Snow covered your hair as you were led out to a van that was waiting for you, smoke coming out of the exhaust pipe as the headlights shone through the dense white landscape. One of the handlers shoved your head down as you were pushed into the back seat, the Soldat following right after. A thich, kevlar covered thigh pressed against yours as you settled in. Pretending to not be cold was becoming a lot harder than you thought it would be.
“So… What exactly are we doing?” You asked tentatively after about ten minutes of terse silence.
“You’re our bait,” one of the men said simply, cocking his gun.
Ice cold water ran down your spine as you blinked at him. “Bait? What… What do you mean?” You could feel the Soldat’s thigh tense beside you, and you realized that he had known.
That’s why he’d been so cold, even beyond the fact that there were others present.
“It means you’re going to be bait,” another man said with an eye roll.
“Well, I mean… When you say bait, do you mean like bait that can be reused so you keep it alive or bait like a worm that ends up dead on a hook?” You said, your arms crossed over your chest. Being sarcastic probably wasn’t the best thing you could do at the moment, but whatever. If you were gonna die, you might as well die with a few good one-liners.
Beside you, the Soldat’s chest jolted, his lips pressed together as though he was trying to stifle a laugh.
See, you knew he’d get your humor immediately.
“Guess we’ll just have to see how well you behave,” the first man snapped, his voice threatening.
When you finally arrived at your location, it was several hours later, and you’d passed out, your head lolling back against the seat. You jolted awake when the van stopped, realizing that the sun had set. “Where are we?”
No answer.
“Great talk.” One of the handlers yanks you out of the van, pulling you over the Soldat’s lap and almost dislocating your shoulder in the process. “Fuck! You didn’t have to manhandle me, you asshole!” You’re not shocked when his hand meets your cheek, though you do have to take a moment to take a breath. “Can you just tell me what I have to do so I can do it and we can leave?”
The mission is simple enough, at least on your end. Apparently, there were a few vigilantes running around that Hydra needed gone.
And what vigilante doesn’t love a young damsel in distress?
It’s over before you realize, and you’re hit with a deep realization.
You had wanted the vigilantes to win, just for a second or two. You had wanted them to win and maybe you’d get to go somewhere where you weren’t almost killed everyday, where you were handcuffed to your bed each night, and where most meals consisted of protein shakes.
But only if it meant the Soldat could be rescued with you.
“We’re not going back tonight?” You asked in surprise when the van pulled up to a seedy motel.
“No,” one of the men said with an eye roll. “Don’t feel like driving.”
You were left alone in the car with the Soldat as the men went to get a room, but you didn’t mind. “Are you okay?” You asked softly, eyes flickering up to meet his.
The man grunted, his lips pressed into a thin line as he kept his face forward, watching for the men to come back. But his hand slowly moved down his thigh until you felt cool metal, and his pinky linked around yours.
It stays there until the men come back, and he lets go at the right second, as the van door is starting to open.
“Come on,” one of the men grumbled, leading you two down the length of the motel. “This is where you two will be staying,” he said as he opened up a door.
Brows furrowing, you looked up at him. “What? Alone?” They trusted you like that? You were going to be staying the night with your crush in a room alone?
“Just don’t get her pregnant. She won’t go through graduation for another few months,” another one taunted, letting out a loud, obnoxious laugh. They all looked the same, and sounded the same. Like Hydra had created a bunch of clones. “And you know what to do if she tries to escape, Soldat.”
There was a rock in the pit of your stomach as you walked into the room.
The men had left you alone with the Soldat because they thought he’d have sex with you.
They thought he’d already had sex with you, despite the fact that you were just seventeen.
And your Soldat wasn’t like that. Despite the fact that you were (admittedly) in love with him, and despite the fact that you’d heard of the other Soldats having… pleasure women, you knew that he’d never touch you.
Not like that.
That was the only thing that relaxed you as you walked into the room and the door shut behind the hulking man, a dim yellow light casting shadows all around the room.
“I’m not—”
“I know,” you said as you turned to him, cutting him off. “I know you’re not going to… do that. I trust you.”
He slowly nodded, a weak smile spreading over his lips, and it occurred to you that it was possible that no one had ever told him that they trusted him.
At least there were two beds, because you didn’t think your little heart could handle sleeping so close to him. God forbid you wake up cuddling him. You’d be absolutely mortified.
“I’m gonna grab a shower,” you said, pointing to the bathroom. You didn’t wait for a response before speeding over and shutting and locking the door. Fuck. You were gonna have to sleep in your leotard since you didn’t have any other clothing with you.
The shampoo and conditioner the motel provided smelled like nothing, and the body wash and face wash were the same. Even so, you took your time lathering and scrubbing and washing, taking a shower that was longer than five minutes or so for the first time.
It had been over an hour by the time you got out, every inch of your body scrubbed and then scrubbed again. It probably wasn’t good for your hair, but you washed it twice, just because you could.
What you were most surprised by was the few suitcases that were on the bed closest to the inside wall when you got out, redressed in your leotard.
“What is this?” You asked the Soldat, who had stripped out of his leather and kevlar and was just wearing his cargo pants and a white shirt.
“You didn’t have clothes,” he said bluntly, glancing over at you as he sharpened his knife on the cheap chair.
“Where did you get these?”
“Lost and found. I just grabbed a few in case one didn’t have what you needed.”
Sometimes you forgot just how caring he could be in little ways.
“Thank you,” you said with a grateful smile as you moved to dig through them, eventually moving to the bathroom to change into a fresh pair of underwear and a huge t-shirt and shorts. “How do I look?” You asked as you came out, striking a dramatic pose.
The ghost of a smile appeared on his lips as he looked up at you. “Radiant,” he said after a moment, having thought of the perfect word. “You always are.”
Why the hell did he have to say such things when you knew you couldn’t be with him? You were too young, and the likelihood of Madame B allowing you to be together was… zero.
He motioned for you to get in the bed farthest away from the window. “You need rest, malen’kaya. I will keep watch.” After watching you crawl under the blankets and cuddle up to your pillows, he moved to sit on the bed, caressing your cheek. “Sleep… I will be here when you wake…”
“Sometimes I forget just how fucking beautiful it is out here,” Bucky said with a breathy laugh as he pulled up the long drive to the Stark Cabin. The sun was glittering out on the lake, the leaves just beginning to turn shades of ruby and gold. He threw the car into park and rushed around to your side to open the door and help you out before you could even blink.
The look you gave him didn’t do much as you placed your hand in his. It had only been a few days since he’d even let you get out of bed on your own and walk around.
As much as you loved him carrying you around like a blushing bride, it became a bit much when he was carrying you to the bathroom because you had to pee.
“It feels like so long ago… last time we were here,” you said as you watched him grab your bags.
He barely let you walk, there was no way in hell he’d let you carry your own duffel bag.
“What are you feeling for dinner?” He asked as he led you inside, setting your bags on the couch for the time being. “I was thinking maybe I could whip up some of that creamy chive chicken I made the other week? You liked that, right?” Bucky seemed to have a nervous energy running through him as he moved to the kitchen and began to figure out what they had. “I’ll need to have some groceries delivered…”
“Anything’s good with me,” you said faintly as you watched him, leaning against the doorway. “I’m really glad we decided to do this… It feels nice… getting away from everything for a little bit…” Your cheeks flushed as you glanced at the ground, arms crossing over your chest. “I mean… I love our family. You know I do. But—”
“It can get loud and crowded,” he finished, a kind smile on his face. “I get it.”
There’s a light inside your chest as you move further into the kitchen, giggling as his hands immediately go to your waist and lift you up onto the counter. “I knew you would.”
Bucky glanced up from his phone, having put in the grocery order faster than you expected. His vibranium hand rested on your thigh, and he gave a gentle squeeze. “You in the mood for a drink while we wait on dinner supplies?”
“Depends, bartender. What are you making?” You asked, letting your legs kick back and forth. You had to do something to prevent yourself from wrapping your legs around his waist and pulling him close.
Would he ravish you like in the dreams you sometimes occasionally but totally-not-often had?
“Baby doll, I can make whatever magic potion you want,” he said, winking. His lips found a place on your cheek, letting it linger before he left your side, his hand leaving behind a warm spot on your thigh that felt empty without it. The way he moved around the cabin, so confidently, was such a far cry from when you’d been spending a few days in the guest rooms after the final battle.
It was fucking hot.
You were barely paying attention as he listed off cocktails and various concoctions.
“Malen’kaya? You there?” He called out, though you didn’t really hear him as he said your name.
It wasn’t until a floorboard creaked under his weight that you focused back in on the present. “Huh? Just… whatever you think I’ll like. I trust you,” you said, rubbing your hands nervously on your thighs.
“You okay?”
“Yeah,” you said as your tongue wetted your lower lip.
“Okay, if you say so,” he said as he glanced back at you with a fond smile, his blue eyes sparkling with mirth. “And… I agree.”
Your head tilted to the side. “Agree about what?”
“I’m really glad we decided to do this.”
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notyourhetloki · 3 years
▸ Imagine working for Kingdom in the Valorant protocol HQ. It is your job to keep the place clean and somewhat organized, bring snacks for the working agents, remind them of their tasks for the day... As time passes by, you slowly become part of the Valorant family! Now, let's say your favorite agent starts to develop a huge crush on you... How would you both react? (gn reader; they/them) ◂
I'm thinking about making this into a lil headcanon series! What do you guys think? What agents would you like to see next? :^D (Also let's ignore the vagueness of the job the reader has pls this is only for the domestic fluff's sake... :'^)
- Omen's Route -
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Omen crushing on reader _
As usual, Omen didn't trust you at first. But that changed quickly once he realized you were completely harmless... ridiculously so.
So Omen didn't pay you much attention. He maybe eyed you once or twice, mostly out of curiosity and for... data gathering.
So for anything to truly happen, you would have to try and gain the mysterious agent's attention...
Omen does not need to eat, necessarily... but you once witnessed his shadow manifesting itself at the corner of the HQ's kitchen, stealing a cookie from the cookie jar and vanishing right after...
Even though he has close to no hunger, Omen still indulges himself in some sugary treats from time to time... he's still part human, after all!
So you had the idea to start bringing a plate with biscuits to wherever Omen would sit to read or work.
To which the agent would at first respond with “this is not necessary” or “no need to waste your time”...
But once you sincerely smiled at him, telling him “it's ok, sir. I know you like these! ;)”, Omen would finally give in to your kindness.
“...Thank you, y/n.”
And that's when Omen started developing feelings...
You were... treating him normally..? Omen was used to people fearing him. Especially these Kingdom employees... they would avoid him like a ghost, and Omen didn't blame them for that.
But you were different, would actually ask him about his day, try to have some small conversations with him... it seemed like you actually cared.
And you did care! But as we all know... Omen has been through a lot. It's not easy for him to trust people :'(
Even though he wanted to act all grumpy and emotionless, he couldn't help but melt with this sudden wave of care and attention you were giving him! So he decided to give this a try...
Omen started watching you from a distance, followed you around the HQ, not sure of what he should talk to you about...
It was a matter of time before he realised... he was enthralled with you. Your energy, mannerisms... the way you talked and walked and moved...
Everything you did looked so alive... so beautiful.
But he felt like he could never have that. Not after what he had becomed... You were a beam of light, Omen was a shadow. That's what the agent thought...
It was ever so bittersweet to pursue you... Omen could almost feel normal when beside you, but didn't have the guts to get as close as he wanted to... enough to touch.
And you also didn't want to push him... you were aware of Omen's personal space and its importance to him. It felt right to respect his time and not push anything... take it slow ;)
On your birthday, Omen would knit a beanie in your favorite colors. And when you were alone, the agent would approach slowly... gathering all the courage he had:
“Happy birthday, y/n... I.. I hope you enjoy this gift.” he said in his usual low, raspy voice... but gentler, softer. Like he couldn't help but act warmer when in your company.
Omen handed you the beanie, brushing his hand on yours as he did so... you could feel his aura glitching, a glimpse of his nervousness and excitement.
And oh your eyes glistened! You always had such a big crush on Omen... taking your time was definitely worth it!
Even though he seemed all gloomy and mean, Omen was actually a sweetheart... he treated you gently, offered you help with tasks, followed you around like a cat to make sure you were ok... (yes... you noticed him following you, but you didn't mind hehe)
So you couldn't help yourself... you had to give Omen a little smooch on the corner of his mask. You then hugged him gently, no rapid movements to not startle him...
It took a second to process what had happened, but oh it felt so good to hug you back... Omen could feel your warmth, your heart beating against his chest...
In that exact moment, Omen was sure that what he felt for you was real. Even with all his insecurities and traumas... all seemed to calm down when you were around.
It would still take some time before he started opening up and letting himself lose, but with a little bit of encouragement, he eventually got the hang of it ;)
And as that all happened, all the other agents were rooting for you both! Omen gets a little irritated with all the teasing, but deep inside he actually doesn't mind all that much hehe
And that's how you became Omen's little treasure :3 He now treats you like you are precious, because in reality... that's what you are to him ♡
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buffy relationships and their best moments
I'm going to pick what I think was the best relationship moment for each major relationship in Buffy - by which I mean the moment where the relationship was at its best and easiest to say 'yes this character should be with this person'
If you've been following me more than 30 seconds you'll know I have my own opinions about which relationships I like most but I'm gonna approach every major one as fairly as I can because there's something to love about all of them.
I'm only counting relationships that were canon romantic for at least a bit, involved one of the core characters and lasted more than an episode, so Faith and Xander, Spike and Harmony or Giles and Joyce aren't counting here.
So roughly (?) chronologically:
Willow & Xander: Grave
a weird one because they were sort of a romantic ship sometimes - there was the unfulfilled yearning in season one and that weird couple of minutes in season three when it was a real thing - but it was one of the longest running and deepest friendships in the show for many seasons afterwards. I wanted to choose a 'romantic' moment for these two but I just... couldn't? because I don't think anyone was really rooting for them in season three and it was presented to the audience as a disaster in slow motion.
the famous yellow crayon speech, though, is one of the best moments of unconditional love in the show. Xander loves willow enough to want to be with her as she destroys the world and willow loves Xander enough to find her humanity again after becoming dark willow. it's the only love willow feels deeply enough to bring her back from the state she was in after tara's death. I don't think we can compare willow's love for tara and her love for xander because they're just on such completely different planets as relationships, but after she loses tara, xander is the only person who can reach her and make her be herself again. it's a very powerful love even though it was not as good
Buffy & Angel: I Only Have Eyes For You
I don't particularly love Bangel but this episode is the one that gives me feelings. The fact that their feelings for each other can surface through being possessed by ghosts, and angel being v much evil at the time, to give us 'I loved you with my last breath' and a kiss that puts the dead to rest is pretty powerful.
Giles & Jenny: Passion
I know, it hurts my heart too. Their last conversation and agreeing to see each other again and Giles' excitement going to meet her makes you feel giddy and his happiness makes him seem so young and hopeful. I like how sweet and mature him being prepared to forgive her lying to Buffy was. And then, obviously, my heart was burned in my chest ten minutes later.
Willow & Oz: What's My Line Part 2
There's so much to love with Oz but I feel like the animal cracker conversation exemplifies everything that was best about him and what he offered Willow. He put her at her ease and made her laugh, she was trying to thank him for saving her life in a slightly nervous and awkward way and he makes her comfortable and giggly, brings her back to being a teenager having a laugh rather than a nervous mess dealing with the fallout of a vampire attack. I love how visibly safe he makes her feel.
Xander & Cordelia: Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered
Xander and Cordelia's relationship was tied up with so much shame for both of them particularly in the early days and I know everyone watching this felt their heart swell when Cordelia told her friends she wasn't ashamed to be with him whatever anyone thought. For a guy whose parents treated him so awfully and felt like an embarrassment absolutely all the time, I loved watching him hear that someone so much 'better than him' wasn't ashamed to be dating him publicly and walking away from her cool friends with him.
Xander & Anya: As You Were
Obviously the moment where Xander reassures Anya about how sure he is that he wants to be married to her forever becomes bittersweet quite quickly, but seeing Xander manage such quiet certainty and faith in Anya, even if it didn't last as long as we'd have liked, was so wonderfully calm and optimistic in the middle of a dark season.
Buffy & Riley: The Freshman
When Riley had nothing to do with the initiative and he was just a tall, handsome teaching assistant being charming after having books dropped on his head I found him so promising and charming. Early season four Riley was refreshing, sweet and did a great job of not competing with the audience for the same type of relationship they had with Angel. I don't dislike Riley as much as some do - he isn't who I'd pick as I think we're all aware, but he wasn't written to be that type of love interest, and the warmth and change of pace and perspective he brought at the beginning of season four was really valuable to me.
Willow & Tara: Family
Not just the floating above the dance floor, which will obviously have a special place in my heart forever, but Willow insisting to everyone in the magic box that tara be given the time and space to decide what she wants for herself was so wonderfully respectful. then the montage of everyone at the bronze enjoying tara's birthday and the fact that the audience knows how carefully Willow planned it and got everyone to come and be there with her so she'd know how much she belonged.
Buffy & Spike: After Life
The way that Spike recognises exactly what's happened to Buffy when he first sees her on the stairs is such a good statement of how completely they understand each other. Then bandaging her hands and telling her how much he wished he could have saved her, and even in the state she's in, Buffy looks so clearly and openly into his face and the episode ends with her being open with him about going to heaven when she couldn't tell anyone else. Even more than their scenes at the end of season seven, I feel like this is the rawest and most tender they are with each other.
Willow & Kennedy: Chosen
The support Kennedy gives Willow during the scythe spell in Chosen is probably the most linked on a deep level we see these two being? Plus 'you're a goddess'.
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static-head · 3 years
it's that time again where I talk about an idea I had
so I don't have a name for this one but it's a time travel AU with an overpowered Izuku
The story starts at the end, Izuku won the fight against All For One who revealed to be his father and now they both lay on the ground, the villain slowly dying and the hero exhausted
Izuku should be happy, he won, he beat the greatest villain, he had done his duty, but this victory was bittersweet as he thought of the sacrifices of hia friends and teachers, they were all dead, no one was left for him to celebrate
"I'm quite proud of you son" said AFO, Izuku cringed hearing those words coming from him
"don't call me that" he answered back, he didn't want to get called son by the worst man on the world
Now that he was dying, AFO let something thet he had ignored resurface, feelings, feelings for his family, his son
He felt bad, he had taken everything his son held dear that had been part of the plan at the begging but now, in a horribly ironic way, his son was more similar to him, alone ha ing lost everyone he ever held dear
one thought came into his head as he kept thinking about his son 'how many birthdays did I miss?' he owed his son something, anything really, maybe a sorry? no that isn't enough... maybe... yes that would work well
"do you wish to see your friends again?" AFO suddenly said surprising Izuku
"Can't you die a little more quietly?" he asked back, guess his father didn't live this long for no reason
"please, in my last minutes, humor your father, do you want to see your friends again?" AFO tried again, this time Izuku took a few seconds to answer and that brought a smile to his face, a black and red tendril already forming from his fingers
"of course I would, I would do anything to see them again, to try and save them or to at least have more time with them" tears came back to Izukus eyes, he closed them as he remembered their time together, he wished he could go back to the old times when they weren't child soldiers but just students
"well, it may be a late gift but I think you deserve it" these words confused Izuku, what was he talking about? had he finally gone insane? he opened his eyes to see the moment a black and red tendril stabbed him in the chest going straight into his heart, blood filled his mouth as he saw electricity run through the tendril into him, this was it for him, he had lowered his guard and now he was paying for it
When the electricity reached him, he felt a wave of pain go through his entire body ripping him to shreds, he felt his body go numb and in a strange way be unmade almost like Shigaraki's decay
as his own mind started to slip, the world around him started to blur and change and the last thing he heard was AFO, his father say
"Happy late birthday son"
Izuku slowly came back to his senses with the feeling of a dull pain on his body, the ground beneath him cold and wet but what caught his attention was the familiar voices around him
"-happy to see you again little brother, Isn't this the best? All the family is here"
"Back off you old bastard!"
"Now that's no way to treat a guest Nana, even less in front of the host"
"Uhm guys, the little guy is waking up"
Izuku slowly opened his eyes to see that he wasn't in the middle of the battlefield that was a destroyed city, instead he found himself in a dark alley surrounded by very familiar ghostly figures
He quickly recognized, Nana, first, Daigoro and the other users and someone with curly white hair hugging first as if they were... family...
"Why is he here?" Izuku asked suprising everyone including himself because of how high pitched his voice sounded, he lookes at himself to see thag he wasnte wearing his hero costume anymore, instead he was wearin his old middle school uniform and he wasn't a young adult, he was the small teenage boy from before UA
That's right, AFO decides to do one good thing which is sending Izuku into the past so he could spend time with his friends but the twist is, he send him back with One For All and All For One and all of it's stolen quirks
Izuku must now try to live his life again with the other AFO users and the spirit of his dead father while hiding the fact that he is from the future and that he is now the strongest person on earth
Izuku might do a little of vigilantism, taking care of a few villains that would be a pain in the ass later on, maybe putting a few villains in the right path and adopting all of his class
AFO is just happy to be able to pass time with his brother and son again
Nana is trying to find a away to kill ghost AFO
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Okay, but Tempus Fugit/Max and the birthday arc 🥺
What’s your thoughts about “I didn’t know it was your birthday” and then two seconds later “oh, here’s a gift I wrapped especially for you that just happens to be in my pocket.”? Think it’s along the same lines as “I stole these flowers from the guy down the hall” when he actually came flying through the front doors clutching them for dear life?
Also, Mulder grinning with that straw between his teeth should be illegal. He looks like an impish kid I can’t even 🤣
HDNZBZJZNSJS Tempus Fugit/Max my beloved- i don't usually have as much fondness for the mytharc as I do for the rest of the show overall, but the season 4 mytharc is absolutely my favorite. there's just *something* about it that I'm obsessed with (which is a whole other rant lol). and I love that you call it the birthday arc 🥺 can I steal that?
ok but I have gone off about the "I got you something :D" scene so many times in tags on gifsets and such actually. like it's SUCH a cute scene and Scully's awkward expressions are super relatable but at the same time there's this very very deep bittersweetness to it all bc it is, of course, smack in the middle of the cancer arc.
tbh I'm decently certain that Mulder has always (or at least since around s2) known when Scully's birthday is but just. they never make a big deal out of it?? like that kind of thing... isn't their kind of thing (this entire opinion is prob influenced by the various fanfics I've read lol, but I kinda adopted the meta as well). but he DOES know when her birthday is, he just doesn't bring attention/celebrate it for her, ya know?
until 19-heckin-97. until she is dying. until, and this seems very typical of them in general, it's her last birthday. and no, that doesn't mean he's accepted that she Is Going To Die, but it means- there's more weight to it. and if worst does come to worst no matter how hard he fights it, he doesn't want to let her die thinking he didn't care enough to remember her birthday. so: Tempus Fugit/Max. a Snowball with a sparkler instead of a candle, and a dorky little gift. it all means a lot more than it seems to anyone else tbh and that just GETS ME
(as you can tell since I'm waxing poetic about it right now 😂)
also that bit you mentioned from Memento Mori — aahnfndjxnxdjsns it's SO ADORABLE and so bittersweet and so THEM. I've said it a few times in tags about that scene: he makes a point to try to make her laugh, and she does, and he forces a smile too. if they can smile for each other, there's a chance everything can be okay. and I may be looking too hard but I think I can reasonably say that like- okay Mulder is ALWAYS trying to make Scully smile, he's just like that. but I think he tries especially hard during this arc; they're both Struggling, it's hard, they can't figure out how to balance what's happening with their partnership and relationship, but he continually tries SO HARD to make her smile or laugh — and when she does, he absolutely lights up. it's adorable
SHZJDNDKSK and YEAH his big dorky grin with that straw in his mouth, like yeah there's the angst in the background and yes both of them are very aware that there is a Reason he's finally gotten her a gift this year (Scully's comment about alien implants strikes me as her way of backhandedly calling him out for it; she never wants him to treat her any differently bc of her cancer, except for like. I mean on some level she DOES but not always in the way it ends up, if that makes sense) but!! he's celebrating his absolute favorite person in the world and just for a minute everything is okay, she makes awkward faces when everybody sings the birthday song (Mulder singing "special agent Dana Scully" instead of just "happy birthday dear Dana" is like. there's always That One Person at every birthday party, right?) and for a minute it's about as normal as they could ever pull off — he loves her, and he is happy to be with her. same principle as the way he looks at her in Unruhe, actually--
......also the lighting of that scene is v good, I kinda love it
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bungou-stray-dingus · 4 years
Happy Birthday Kazue Dazai
Today is Kazue’s fictional birthday! Kazue is Dazai’s son from this fiction that I wrote in the beginning of the year. So, here’s a little quick scenario of Dazai and his S/O celebrating Kazue’s birthday! 
Also, yes, I am very upset that I didn’t write for Chuuya’s daughters birthday in August. :( I’ll do a little something for her soon though! 
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 To think that an entire year had passed since you had given birth to your son, it both filled you with joy and sorrow. It was bittersweet, to say goodbye to counting his age by months, he was now a year old. Sure, by standards he was still just a baby, and of course, to you and Dazai he would always be your baby, but you were going through what most other mothers went through when their child hit that first year mark. You didn’t want your baby boy to grow up. 
“Y/N! My belladonna, do you know what today is!?” His excited voice startled you out of your sleep, a sleep that you had been enjoying thoroughly after the last few nights. Kazue had just gotten over a minor cold, but his stuffed nose had kept him up most of the night, and it had inevitably kept you awake too. “Shh, Dazai, please. Let me just get... five more minutes.” You mumbled, dropping your head back down onto the pillow before wrapping the ends around your ears. He chuckled lightly, but left the room, allowing the little bit of extra sleep you asked for. 
He walked into Kazue’s room, finding his son already standing up in his crib, holding onto the rails and jumping the best he could when he saw Dazai walk in the room. “Ahh, there’s my big boy! Come here.” He reached out to scoop his son out of the crib, holding him close against his chest as he peppered quick kisses upon his sons head. “Happy Birthday, my blessing.” He murmured, situating his son on his hip as he walked out of the room and into the kitchen, placing him in the highchair. 
Kazue sat in the chair, slapping his chubby hands against the plastic tray, calling out for you. “Mama is sleeping, but...” He pulled a chair out next to the high chair, placing the bowl of oatmeal on the table and giving it a few quick stirs before scooping some on the spoon and bringing it to his sons mouth. “Dada and everyone from my work has planned something amazing for your birthday!” Although Kazue couldn’t understand all that he was saying, Dazai’s tone was enough to have Kazue clapping his hands together. 
You finally emerged from your room an hour later, finding Dazai curled up on the couch with Kazue on his chest. “Where’s Kazue? Where did he go?!” Dazai playfully said, jokingly looking everywhere but down where Kazue had his face buried in Dazai’s chest. “Oh! There he is!” Dazai cheered when his son popped his head back up in Dazai’s view. The twinkling sound of your sons laughter brought the biggest smile to your face. Seeing Dazai with his son, it still shocked you that he had been so worried about being a father before. He was a pro at it, he made it seem so easy. 
“Look’s like you two are having fun.” You said, announcing your presence. Kazue’s head instantly turned to look at you, his hands outstretched in your direction. You quickly pulled him up off Dazai’s chest and hugged him to your own. “Happy Birthday, munchkin.” You murmured, hugging him tightly as he nestled his face into your neck, twirling a piece of your hair around his finger. “So what’s the plan?” 
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Kunikida had picked the three of you up from your apartment. He had scheduled his entire day around Kazue’s birthday. As much as Dazai irritated him, your son had managed to bring out a softer side of Kunikida, a side that happened to both feel sorry for, and worry about the child considering the father he had. 
He pulled up outside the Agency building so the three of you could get out before he parked. Dazai carried Kazue in, his son situated on his hip while his other hand stayed wrapped around your waist. Blue and white balloons and streamers lined the walls of the cafe on the bottom floor. “Happy Birthday, Kazue-chan!” The workers all shouted, eye crinkling smiles lined all their faces as they said it. Kazue shouted back, his usual baby babbling as his tiny hands waved around the air. “Enjoy your party!” The workers said, waving to him as you and Dazai walked to the elevator. 
When the elevator made it to the top floor when the office was, Kunikida was already there waiting. He must’ve ran all the way up just to see Kazue’s reaction. “Alright, everything is on schedule. Open the door in three... two... one!” Dazai swung the door open after Kunikida’s countdown, and you were surprised to see everyone who worked at the Agency standing there. “Happy Birthday!” They all shouted in unison, blasting confetti in the air and tossing balloons up. 
Kazue’s eyes lit up at the sight of everyone and everything. The colorful streams of confetti and string falling down to the floor. It warmed your heart, knowing that he had so many people who loved him, who cared for him, who would give up their free day and spend it in the office just to celebrate your sons birthday. 
“Let’s get this party started!” Dazai cheered, grabbing Kazue from your arms and walking with him towards his employees. Party games were a must, and although Kazue wasn’t able to fully participate in most of them, everyone was still having a blast. Hot Potato was probably everyone’s favorite, every time Kazue would get handed the “potato” he would grip it against his chest, lowering his head to chew on the squishy ball. 
When the music came on, Dazai placed Kazue on his feet, playfully dancing around the room with his son. Naomi ended up wanting a chance to dance with Kazue, and when it was her turn she danced him around the entire room. His squeals of excitement as she skipped along with him around everyone was enough to make even Fukuzawa smile. 
“Cake time! Let’s not fall behind schedule!” Kunikida declared, and now it was Ranpos turn to get excited. You brought your son over to the table where pastries and other delicacies were lined, surrounding a beautiful blue cake. Ranpo was right next to you, and although he seemed the least fond of your son, he cracked a small smile and looked up to him. “I see we both have good taste in treats. Don’t mind me, I’ll just take all the ones your little teeth can’t handle.” 
A small camera was set up on a table to record everyone singing happy birthday to your son, but just as you and Dazai were leaning in to help him blow out his candles, he stuck his tiny hand into the cake, grabbing a handful before bringing it up to his mouth. “Awh, man. Keep him away from the cookies, okay.” Ranpo groaned, moving away from the table to sit back at his desk. Kenji thought it was hilarious, as did Tanizaki. “Oh I can’t wait to watch the video! He’s so cute!” Naomi exclaimed, grabbing the camera off the table and ending the recording. 
After Kazue was filled with cake, his lips dyed blue from the icing, his shirt stained, and somehow having icing in his hair, it was time for presents. He sat in Dazai’s lap on the floor as you recorded the two opening the gifts. Everyone had gotten him a great assortment of gifts. My First Doctors Kit from Yosano, A Tiny Pull String Ice Cream Truck from Ranpo, a set of Farm Animals from Kenji, a Ride Along Tiger Toy from Atsushi, A Musical Teddy Bear that played lullabies from Naomi and Tanizaki, a Baby’s First Cellphone from Kyouka, a notebook for him to use when he’s older from Kunikida, and a small plush kitten from Fukuzawa. 
Kazue ended up loving Fukuzawa’s gift the most, clinging to it dearly and snuggling it under his chin. “Fu... Fuwa...” Kazue babbled, and at first everyone thought he was trying to name it Fluffy, but what warmed your heart the most, and seemed to surprise everyone in the room was when Fukuzawa sat on the floor next to Dazai and pointed to the small plush cat. “Fuwa?” He asked your son, and he quickly shook his head no, pointing his chubby little finger at Fukuzawa and then holding out the kitten. “Fuwa!” He was trying to say Fukuzawa’s name, he had named his kitten after Fukuzawa. 
The day soon came to an end as the sun set over the city. Kazue rested his head against Dazai’s shoulder, still clinging to his Fuwa as everyone helped carry the gifts out to Kunikida’s car. The ride home was quiet, nobody wanted to wake him up as he dozed quietly in his car seat. When the three of you got home, you quickly carried him up to his room and laid him in his crib while Kunikida and Dazai brought the gifts up. 
“I think he had a great time. Don’t you?” Dazai asked, his arm wrapped around your shoulder as the two of you relaxed on the couch. It was an amazing day, and you knew Kazue had an amazing time, you could see it in the video’s you had taken from the day. “Mmhm... he’s all tuckered out...” You murmured, resting your head against Dazai’s arm, your eyes slowly drooping shut. He chuckled and slowly moved to stand up, pulling you up off the couch and into his arms. “He’s not the only one. Come on, let’s get some sleep before he wakes up.”
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Would you like a cookie? (ft. G Dragon)
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Neighbour AU, Friends to Lovers AU
Word Count : Around 9k
It’s Jiyong’s birthday today, and so, I wrote a one shot about him :)))) Happy Birthday!! I hope you have a wonderful and happy year ahead:)) For those who are following Hatred and Love, I’m sorry for taking so long :(( I just want it to be perfect :))) There are appearances from Mino, Taeyang and Hyorin. Enjoy :))
Warnings: Language, Smut, Insecurities
You sighed as you finally flopped down on your couch, exhausted. It was 1 am and you had only just finished moving in and getting your new apartment to look vaguely habitable. Oh, who were you kidding? The place was a mess with cartons of your stuff everywhere. You had just about managed to put away enough things to occupy your room, and although you knew you should just put away everything and go to bed once and for all, your love for naps got the better of you and you set an alarm for 3 am, telling yourself that your alarm was so obnoxiously loud that it was bound to wake you up. It wasn’t. You only woke up at 7 in the morning because the sunlight proved to be too much for you to sleep through. You groaned as you got out of bed, body aching all over from the work you did yesterday. You fought your instinct to just get back into bed and sleep the day away and jumped into the shower, hoping that a cold shower would jolt you out of the sleepy, dazed state you were in. It did, and as you got out of the shower, pink cheeked and fresh faced, hair dripping wet, you felt considerably better. You changed into a ratty old t-shirt and a loose pair of shorts and got around to finishing the rest of your work, no matter how long it took.
It took you ages, but you finally finished getting your new place in order, happy with how it looked. You looked down at yourself, making a small face when you realised how sweaty you were. You sighed and got in for another shower. After getting out and changing into something more presentable than your ratty old t-shirt, you headed straight for your kitchen, because you were determined to make a good impression on the neighbours and make them something from the heart. You wanted to bake them cookies.  You knew you were a bit of a klutz, but if there was one thing you were proud of, it was your recipe for chocolate chip cookies. Even if you were saying so yourself, they were brilliant and no one who had ever tasted them to go back to anything else. You did the math. You would have to make enough for five houses. Two for the floor below you, two for the floor above you and one for the person across from you. You packed them up neatly, all wrapped in pretty paper and tied them with a ribbon, and as you looked down at them, you couldn’t help the satisfied smile that spread across your face and the excitement rising in you.
 You rang the doorbell of the house across from you, waiting nervously. You were hoping you would be good friends with this one. After all, they were the neighbours closest to you. But as you rang the doorbell a few more times only to get no response, your excitement faded a little. They were either in there and ignoring you, or they were out. For your sake, you decided to assume they were out. You let out a long sigh and you too the lift down, determined to at least give the rest of the neighbours the cookies and make some friends. When you stepped back into the lift to finally go back home, you were decidedly bittersweet. You met the rest of your neighbours, and while they were lovely, you were hoping for someone more around your age. A friend. Not babies, no matter how adorable, or grandmas, no matter how sweet. You stared down at the neatly packaged cookies for your closest neighbour in your hands, and the only thing keeping you from throwing them away was your strong hatred for wasting food. Caught up in those thoughts, you didn’t realise that the lift went all the way down to the lowest level until it was too late. The only thing you could do was supress a frustrated scream and make do with rolling your eyes. Trust your luck. You just kept your head down, annoyed, not noticing the two men who walked into the lift just then.
 Jiyong and Youngbae walked into the lift, Youngbae having just driven Jiyong home after a crazy work session at the studio. Jiyong was too exhausted to stand straight, let alone drive. They didn’t notice you at the back, and Jiyong was crabby from the exhaustion. Leaning against Youngbae’s shoulder, Jiyong frowned when Youngbae wouldn’t stand still, moving his head around, sniffing the air. Irritated, he asked,
 “What’re you doing Youngbae?” 
Youngbae looked around again, and sniffed. Sounding convinced, he said, 
“Jiyong, I can smell brownies.” 
Jiyong just rolled his eyes, not even bothering to look up.
 “You’re going insane Youngbae.” 
Youngbae frowned and persisted.
 “No, seriously!”
 You perked up when you heard Youngbae say brownies, sniffing around to see if that was true. You shook your head, confused. You couldn’t seem to smell them either. Jiyong let out a long sigh.
 “Youngbae, I can also smell them, but that’s probably just my imagination since I haven’t eaten properly in days. You’re probably just hungry.” 
Youngbae turned around now, sniffing around more insistently.
 “No Jiyong, I can smell it! I swear it’s in here somewhere.” 
And as he turned around, he made eye contact with you, who was also sniffing around. You gave him a sheepish smile, but he didn’t return it. His eyes just went straight to the bag in your hands. He looked triumphant when he turned to face Jiyong. 
“See! I told you so! That lady has some in her bag!”
 It was supposed to be a whisper, but you heard him anyway. You were confused for a minute before you realised it. He was just smelling the cookies. Just as you were about to reach into your bag and offer them some, Jiyong scoffed. 
“Youngbae, she does not! Stop it! You’re just embarrassing her!”
 Before he could say anything else though, you entered the conversation with a welcoming smile on your face. 
“Actually, I don’t have brownies, but I think you’re smelling the cookies I baked earlier.” 
You reached out and handed Youngbae the packaged cookies that you had originally intended for your neighbour.
 “I meant to give this to my neighbour, but it’s late and I don’t think we’ll be meeting today. Would you like some instead?” 
Youngbae smiled back at you, but Jiyong was so sleep deprived that he was more annoyed that he was wrong than pleased about the free food. He turned and looked away, and your smile faltered a bit. Youngbae eyes turned apologetic. He reached out for the cookies. 
“Thank you so much. I’d be more than happy to have some. Please excuse my friend though. He’s hardly slept this week, and that’s making him obnoxious.” 
Jiyong glared at Youngbae while you laughed, not feeling so bad after all. The lift finally reached your floor and you were about to get off and say goodbye when they both stepped out as well. Both your eyes and Youngbae’s eyes widened in surprise, Jiyong too tired to notice. Youngbae extended his hand in a handshake. 
“Oh, so you’re Jiyong’s new neighbour? Welcome! I’m Youngbae. I don’t live here, but you’ll see me often because Jiyong is practically incapable of doing anything on his own.”
 He ended with a joking eye roll. You laughed. 
“Oh well, looking forward to seeing you Youngbae. I’m Y/N.” 
You turned and tried to look at Jiyong. he avoided eye contact. 
“Hi Jiyong. Nice to meet you. Since I already gave Youngbae your cookies, can I get you some more? I always have extras at home.” 
Jiyong just stared at you, with your warm smile and crinkly eyes and ignored you, opting instead to turn around and walk into his house. Your smile faded. That was rude. And mean. And made you feel terrible. Youngbae mouthed a sorry at you before disappearing into the house as well. You sighed. Maybe you weren’t going to have a great relationship with your neighbours after all. Youngbae on the other hand, followed Jiyong in, fully intending to lecture him about how he treated you when he found Jiyong collapsed on the couch, fast asleep. He shook his head and left, knowing that Jiyong would apologise after he remembered how he treated you.
  To say you were not a morning person was an understatement. You fucking hated mornings, and if you had your way, you wouldn’t get out of bed before noon. Which is why when you were woken up by the constant ringing of the doorbell at 9 am the next morning, you were pissed.
Without thinking about anything other than biting off the head of whoever decided to wake you up, you marched to the door, hair looking wild, eyes puffy and still wrapped in your blanket. You swung open the door, not knowing who it was but prepared to kill when you found a sheepish Jiyong standing outside your door. Your mood soured even more. What did this asshole have to say? Glaring at him, you dared him to say whatever he wanted to. Jiyong suddenly seemed very interested in the ceiling. Your voice positively frigid, you said, 
Jiyong jumped a little and then put on a brave front. He cleared his throat and began.
 “Hi Y/N. I’m Jiyong.” 
He smiled a warm smile, faltering a little when you didn’t respond with one of your own.
 “I just wanted to apologise for how I treated you yesterday. I’m sorry. I was just running on two hours of sleep for a week, and I know that’s not an excuse, but I hope that gives you context for why I was so crabby yesterday. It was nothing personal and I’m sorry I hurt your feelings.” 
Your frozen expression slowly started to warm a little. You always did have a soft spot for guys who apologised and did it well, which was okay considering they were rare. You were still a little wary, but you melted enough to give him a slight smile. Encouraged by that, Jiyong moved a little closer, leaning against the wall with an adorably hopeful smile.
 “Is your offer for cookies still on?” 
Surprising even yourself, you found yourself opening the door and inviting him in for cookies. You were in your nightclothes. He was in his nightclothes. Neither of you said anything about it.
  Four months later, you weren’t surprised when you came back home from work and found Jiyong lounging around on your couch, watching a drama. He raised his hand to you in greeting and you nodded, not joining him because you were going to shower and cook something for dinner.  You and Jiyong had a routine now. You had become close. After the morning where he sheepishly came and asked for cookies, you started dropping by every time you baked something, and when you noticed he ordered food from outside for pretty much all his meals, you simply asked him to join you. You loved cooking, so making a little extra never bothered you. Besides, in thanks, he would help you clean your place, which was good, considering you could be a little … messy at times. Just like that, the two of you started spending more time together and got close. Of course, you knew that you weren’t his best friend, but you were still his binge-watching buddy and meal time buddy and that was okay. You also knew that you were a whole lot more invested in that relationship than he was because of the simple fact that you liked him. You might have developed a crush on him and you knew it was bad. You liked him and you wished you didn’t, because it was clear to the whole world to see that he didn’t see you the way you saw him. You wished you were more than just a neighbour to him, but you knew it wasn’t fair to expect any more. You were glad enough that the two of you could become friends. You knew not to push your luck, especially since his type seemed to be supermodels. You’d heard a lot about his ex from him, since they were still close friends. Of course, it hurt to have to see him with other women, and to have him never see you the same way, but you did your level best to never take it out on him. It wasn’t his fault either.
A few days later, you were just chilling at home, enjoying a lazy day baking. You couldn’t help but make small subconscious decisions for Jiyong’s sake, like baking his favourite lemon cake and caramel brownies. Once all the work was done, and you were satisfied with everything, you took a look at the clock. It was around 6 in the evening. Not too late to drop in at Jiyong’s studio and give him some food. You shook your head as you packed everything up. he never ate properly when he was working. Someone always had to remind him.
You reached the YG building, calling him as you parked your car. He answered on the third ring, sounding noticeably distracted.
 “Hey Y/N. What’s up?” 
You smiled and answered. 
“I made your favourite cake and brownies. I thought I’d drop by with them.” 
You were a little hurt when he just hummed an affirmation, not sounding too pleased, but you told yourself that it was probably just because he was busy. Getting out of the lift at his floor, you smiled to yourself because you knew he would love the food, when you heard your name. A woman’s voice was saying it. 
“Y/N? Who is she?”
 You also heard Jiyong sigh and then say,
 “She’s my… friend.” 
You couldn’t help the way your heart dropped. Was he seriously that unhappy that you dropped by? Did he really have to think about it that much to decide whether you were his friend? You paused for a minute to take a few deep breaths. You then forced yourself to smile the most realistic fake smile you had in you and pushed open the door. You originally thought you’d sit and watch him work for a while, but you didn’t want to make things worse, so you decided you’d go after dropping off the food. Your determination to leave cemented itself when you walked in and realised the woman’s voice belonged to his ex. One look at her, with her beautiful, goddess like skin, friendly smile and twinkling eyes made your gut twist. You knew the moment you saw her that you could never hate her. She was so nice and friendly. And it just made you feel even worse, because while you liked her personality, every second you spent around her made you feel worse about yourself. You were much shorter than her, your skin somehow looked both oily and dry, your hair was just a bundle of frizz. You felt shabby. You already knew his standards. It just hurt to compare yourself to it. Suddenly, you felt like your smile looked awkward, your clothes looked drab and you just looked like shit. Forcing yourself to keep the smile on your face, you waved at her. She smiled and moved to help you with the boxes. 
“Hi Y/N. I’m (his ex’s name). These smell heavenly!” 
You smiled back at her.
 “Hi. I’ve heard so much about you! It’s so nice to finally meet you.” 
She laughed.
 “All good, I hope?”
 You bit the inside of your cheek before replying an honest answer that made your heart hurt. 
“Yup, all good.”
 You turned to Jiyong, who hadn’t bothered to acknowledge your presence. 
“I made the cake and brownies. I just came to drop it off. I’ll get going now.” 
For the first time since you arrived, he turned, looking at you questioningly. 
You nodded, struggling to keep up the act. You felt even worse that he never let you go visit him, saying you would distract him, but his ex was right there with him. You thought you were close enough for that. Jiyong’s features slowly morphed into a frown once he took in your forced smile and your hurry to leave. 
“Y/N, are you sure? Is everything okay?” 
You painfully managed one last beam at him. 
“Yeah, everything is fine. I just had a little time so I thought I’d get these to you. I’ll get going now.” 
And you left before he could stop you and interrogate you again. You might have cracked and told him, but you knew you didn’t need a rejection when you already knew what his answer was going to be.
  You wanted to avoid him for the next few days, once the raw pain of your last encounter with him left, but you didn’t have to worry about that, because he was too busy working anyway. He didn’t come home for the next ten days and he didn’t bother to even send you a text, asking you whether everything was okay or thanking you for the food. You didn’t expect thanks, but you were still a little hurt that he didn’t bother to check up on you. You tried your level best to get rid of those thoughts, because you knew you were behaving like you were entitled to his affection, but they just weren’t going. So, you let yourself sulk for a few days and slowly, you got over it by just not thinking about it. When he finally did come home, you knew you wouldn’t have to worry about seeing him for the next two days because he typically sleeps through two days straight before wanting to interact with humans. You figured you would be okay by then. Life, unfortunately, had other plans for you.
It was the third day, the day Jiyong would typically get up. he had already texted you saying he would be over for dinner that night. You couldn’t explain what that text made you feel. You felt elation at the thought of seeing him again, but you also felt excruciating pain at the thought of having to be around him and pretend like he was just another friend. You bit your lips, deciding to go shower to get those thoughts out of your mind. You just stepped into the bathroom, humming a little tune and stood under the shower, fiddling with the controls to try and get the perfect mixture of hot and cold when the shower handle broke. It just plain snapped into two. You stood there, staring at the broken off handle in your hand, unable to believe it. You had some weird DIY hair masque of yoghurt and honey on your hair and you had to wash it off. It was late and you wouldn’t be able to get a plumber. Your head started to hurt when you realised what that meant. You would have to go and ask Jiyong whether you could use his bathroom. Cursing yourself for your weird affinity for late night baths, you gathered up all your clothes and covered your hair with a shower cap. You threw on a loose shirt and muttering under your breath, you went and rang Jiyong’s doorbell. He opened the door, standing there in a loose t-shirt and shorts, rubbing his sleepy eyes before he finally looked up and realised you were standing there. He blinked a few times, taking in the sight of you standing there with yoghurt all over your hair and a bunch of your stuff in your hands, cheeks flushed from embarrassment. He started to smirk, and with a teasing look in his eyes, he said,
 “Well, hello grandma. I didn’t realise you were visiting me today. You know, you look really young for your age.” 
You rolled your eyes and pushed past him. 
“Haha, very funny. My shower isn’t working and I need to wash this stuff out of my hair.” 
He groaned.
 “Oh god. My bathroom is going to smell awful, isn’t it?” 
but he still opened the door to his bedroom and showed you to his bathroom. While he was showing you how to work the fancy rain shower he had, he turned and looked you over, frowning.
 “You take your time. I’ll order some pizza. You look tired. Take a break today. Oh, and thanks for the cake and stuff. They were really good.” 
You were grateful he turned around and didn’t notice the slight blush you had spread across your cheeks. He cared.
You had a long, relaxing shower. That fancy shower really did make a difference. You sang your heart out, although you weren’t any good, and danced along to some of your favourite songs, taking your time to condition your hair, wanting it to smell nothing like yoghurt. You stepped out and towelled your hair, taking your time to put on some moisturiser and got out of the bathroom to change into your clothes, with only a towel wrapped around you. You were not expecting Jiyong to be in the room. Both of you froze for a second and then, he started. Looking straight at your eyes, he started talking, with not a single sign of embarrassment or awkwardness at having seen you like that.
 “Oh, you’re done? I wasn’t sure whether you had a towel, so I came to leave one here, just in case. Also, the pizza will get here in the next five minutes.” 
And he walked out, leaving you stumped and dismayed. Were you so deep inside the friendzone that even seeing you in a towel made no difference to him? You flopped down on the bed, upset. Seriously? Were you that bad? Were you so invisible to him? You groaned. Just when you were getting over the last thing, he found another way to hurt your feelings. You sat up and slapped yourself lightly.
 “Okay, Y/N, come on! You just need to get through this one night.”
 You started changing, about to put on your bra, but then, with a determined snort, you decided against it. You would try again. Just one more time. He had to react in some way if you were braless. If he was the slightest bit attracted to you, he would make a move.
Two hours later, you just waited to walk through your front door before crumbling again. He didn’t. He didn’t make the slightest move and didn’t even acknowledge it, and it was pretty obvious with the loose t-shirt you were wearing. He didn’t behave the slightest bit perturbed. Seeing you braless and in only a towel had done nothing to him. He just wasn’t attracted to you. And as you sat there, eyes red, eating salted caramel ice cream, you told yourself to suck it up. it wasn’t something you didn’t know already. You had met his ex. That crippling feeling of insecurity came back. You remembered how horrible you felt when you compared yourself to her, and a tear slipped out of your red eyes. You sniffed and took a large bite of ice cream. You would be okay. You had to be.
  You were right. You had to be okay. So, you forced yourself to be okay around Jiyong. you had gotten pretty good at it. You were trying to stay positive, thinking about how you got to spend time with him, but you being stuck in the friendzone was still stuck at the back of your mind. A week after you realised just how deep down there you were, Jiyong randomly asked you something in between a drama. 
“Y/N, I’m throwing a party tomorrow. It’s going to be quite chill, nothing too crazy. Just some food, some drinks and some alcohol. Of course, you have to come.” 
He paused to glare at you. 
“Because I know you don’t have any plans for tomorrow, but I was wondering whether you’d help me with clean up duty? You remember our deal, right?” 
You mentally banged your head against a wall, because you did remember the deal. Whenever either of you would throw parties, the other would help clean up if they were free. He had already helped you once with that. You couldn’t get out of this one. You also felt like smacking yourself because you knew that somewhere deep down, you were getting hopeful that if you dressed up and looked nice enough, Jiyong might change his mind about you. You didn’t show him any sign of your inner monologue and you smiled. 
“Sure, I’ll be there.”
Sure enough, the next day, your stupid, ever-so-hopeful side won out, and you went digging in your closet to find something that would make you look hot. You finally found it. That one outfit you bought on a whim that would save your life. A long black skirt, with a long slit on the left with a wine-red spaghetti strapped crop top. You knew his kind of crowd and it was the perfect mix of formal and sexy. You just threw on a shawl over that and picked out your strappiest of black heels. You didn’t like wearing them. They were painful, and they dug into your heels, but you were desperate. You wanted Jiyong to notice you. Taking a little time to give yourself one final pep-talk, you finally opened the door to Jiyong’s apartment, searching the crowd for him. You scanned the room, seeing a few faces you recognised. Youngbae and Hyorin smiled at you. Mino gave you an exaggerated wink, but you couldn’t find Jiyong. You face fell a little. You looked everywhere for him, unable to find him anywhere until you got to his bedroom. It was locked, and you were about to walk off, thinking it was just some random couple hooking up, when you heard Jiyong’s voice along with a voice you wished you didn’t recognise. So, it was just him and his ex in there. You scoffed to yourself and walked back to the living room, heading straight to the bar to get a shot. You didn’t want to get drunk. You just didn’t want to be so unhappy, and just a little bit of alcohol helped calm you down. You stopped at that one shot and moved away, finding a place on the couch, staring down at your phone. A few minutes later, Jiyong and his ex walked back into the room. you took one look at them and you felt a little sick. She was wearing his shirt, and he was wearing his shirt inside out. You didn’t need to be a genius to figure out what happened there. You blinked rapidly, trying to fight the tears you could feel were threatening to fall. You had gotten all dressed up, worn those ridiculous heels, done your hair and make up all nicely all in false hope. Why would you even try when she was around? Laughing a little at yourself and how pathetic you seemed in that moment, you refused to look up at him. You didn’t want to make eye contact. You would just wait to help him clean up. No more interacting with him for the night. You got up and went to the balcony, sitting in the swing, vigorously set off on mentally lecturing yourself about what an idiot you were, when you felt the seat dip next to you and you heard a familiar voice in your ear. 
“Woah noona! You look great tonight!” 
You turned to smile your first warm smile for the night at Mino. 
“Thanks Mino.”
You and Mino met by accident, but got along really well. It was one of those nights were you just wanted to stay home and have a few drinks. A few drinks quickly became a lot and you were quite tipsy by the end of it. You were about to call your friend to come and drink with you when you heard a loud knocking on the door. You were curious about who it could be and you opened the door only to find Mino slumped against the wall, a stupid smile on his face, singing to himself. He got to his unsteady feet when he heard the door open. 
“Ahhh hyung! Why did you take so long? Come! Let’s get drunk!” 
and lifted his beer bottle. You lifted your can of beer and clinked it against his. Laughing at his confused expression, you said,
 “I support the motion. Come in, I’ve got some drinks inside.” 
When he started looking around puzzled, you laughed and had pity on him. 
“Jiyong lives there.” 
And you pointed at the door across from yours. You extended your hand and smiled. 
“I’m Y/N, his neighbour.” 
Mino looked back and forth between the two doors, confused for a little while and then he grinned at you. He shook your hand and walked into your apartment. 
“Hi Y/N noona. I’m Mino, your new drinking buddy.”
 He continued in a mock whisper. 
“Jiyong hyung is a whiny drunk anyways.” 
That night, the two of you did a rom-com movie marathon, both extremely tipsy and binging on all sorts of junk food. And Mino was right. He did become your new drinking buddy. And one of those nights when you were drunk, you had confided in him about your crush on Jiyong.
Mino looked at your warm smile and your surprisingly glassy eyes, and he knew why you were upset. He sighed and gave you a hug. 
“I’m sorry he didn’t notice noona.”
 You laughed. A small, humourless laugh, and then you snapped yourself out of it. 
“It’s okay Mino. Don’t apologise. It’s not like you did anything wrong.”
 Mino looked at your sad smile and he had to supress some anger at his hyung and how obtuse he could be. With a flirtatious smile, Mino tucked a little hair behind your ears. 
“Well, noona, I, for one, think you look absolutely gorgeous tonight.” 
You laughed at his attempt to cheer you up. 
“Thanks Mino, but you’re a lousy flirt.” 
He pouted and made the infamous puppy dog eyes. 
“Noona, I’m not that bad!” 
You ruffled his hair, and smirked. 
“Sorry to break it to you, but you are actually that bad.” 
Mino jumped to his feet and grabbed your hand, dragging you inside. He turned to face a surprised you and smirked. 
“Well, for that series of insults that shattered my ego, you owe me a dance.” 
Your eyes widened, making you look almost comical.
 “Mino, you know I can’t dance!” 
He gave you a light smirk as he twirled you around, making your back lean against his chest. His hands snaked around your waist and he reached for your hand to drape it over his neck. He slowly started guiding you to sway along with the rhythm while he leaned down and whispered in your ear, 
“Well, that’s what I’m here for.” 
You smiled with a light flush on your face.
 “Okay Mino, I’ll admit that was smooth, but why are you doing this?” 
He twirled you around again and pulled you even closer to him, leaning down to whisper in your ear and one of his hands reached up and undid your bun, letting your hair fall loose.
 “Much better. I’ve always liked your hair like this.” 
Leaning in even closer, he switched back to his normal self. In a low whisper, to make sure no one could hear him, he said, 
“Noona, just go along with this. I have a hunch.”
 You stared at his face suspiciously for a few seconds before giving in. You rested your head against his chest and pulled him down closer by his collar.
 “I have no idea what you’re trying, but I’ll go along with it. I’ve got nothing better to do anyway.” 
Mino just looked up to check whether his plan was working, and as he felt his hyung glaring daggers at him, his smirk deepened a little. His plan was working. Mino continued to blatantly flirt with you, and to the rest of the party, it seemed like the two of you were a thing, when in reality, both of you were struggling to not laugh. Mino twirled you around one last time before gently running his hands up and down your sides. He led you off the dance floor and back to the balcony. He looked at you, dead serious. 
“Y/N noona, you trust me, right?”
 You nodded. Mino looked behind you, and as he saw that familiar build, he knew he was right. He looked back at you and said, 
“Trust me on this one too.” 
And he grabbed your face and leaned in to kiss you. You closed your eyes, prepared to kiss him, but that never happened. Instead, you felt someone grab your hand in a vice grip and pull you away, muttering a half-hearted apology to Mino about how he needed your help with something. He pulled you straight through all the crowd and into his room, locking the door behind you. You stared around you and you felt a little sick. Wow, he was really something else. He had the gall to bring you to the room where he hooked up with his ex less than an hour ago because he was jealous you were dancing with Mino. You started to feel more than a little annoyed. He was really starting to get to you. You looked away at the walls and ceilings, not wanting to have to see his face. Jiyong’s voice was low and angry when he said, 
“What the bloody hell were you doing with Mino out there?” 
Still not looking at him, you replied.
 “How is that any of your business?”
 Jiyong was so angry he was practically hissing.
 “It is my business if you try to hook up with my junior right in the middle of my house.” 
You snorted, too incredulous to actually say something. Jiyong continued. 
“You two were practically fucking on the dance floor.” 
You froze for a second, shocked, and then, you hardened. Jiyong had gone too far.  Your voice positively frigid, you said, 
“I see.” 
And you walked out, leaving a shocked, blabbering Jiyong behind. His expression melted when he saw you walk out. He didn’t mean to hurt you.
You spent the rest of the night on the balcony with Mino. Mino just took one look at your expression when you walked out of the room and he knew that things hadn’t gone well. And so, he decided to sit with you and keep you company, making sure you didn’t feel too low. You appreciated it. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see that Jiyong looked sad, apologetic, and he kept trying to make eye contact with you to try and apologise for the way he blew up, but you staunchly refused all of that. You didn’t want to talk to him. Not when you felt so hurt that the only reason you weren’t crying was because you were angry. Slowly, around two in the morning, people started to leave. Things were pretty close to wrapping up by 2:30. You were still sitting in the balcony while Jiyong was seeing his guests out. You had decided to stick things out and help him clean up because you didn’t want to owe him anything because you were planning on avoiding him after that. Youngbae, Hyorin and Mino were the last people to leave. The three of them were watching the two of you and trying to figure things out. Hyorin shook her head and muttered, 
“God, Jiyong is an idiot.”
 Youngbae nodded in agreement. 
“He is. He’s really bad at trying to show her that he likes her.” 
Mino took one look at the two of you and sighed. He rubbed his hands together and said,
 “All right then. I’m going to go help speed things up. Make sure Jiyong hyung sees this.” 
And as Mino walked over to you, Hyorin led a confused Youngbae up to Jiyong, making Jiyong turn around just in time to see what looked like Mino kissing you. In reality, he just grabbed your face and made faces at you, but from the back, it looked like a passionate kiss. Jiyong also saw you laugh and give Mino a tight hug. He didn’t know you had no idea why Mino did that and that you called him crazy, but he had seen enough. All his sadness melted away and was replaced with jealousy, making him quite rude to you.
You had gone to the kitchen, getting a trash bag so that you could get the work over and done with quicker. You hadn’t even been gone from the living room for five seconds when you heard Jiyong’s angry voice call you. Pausing for a second to steel yourself, you stepped back out. 
“What is it Jiyong?” 
His voice was harsh when he said,
 “Were you trying to get out of cleaning duty?”
 You just rolled your eyes and held up the trash bag. 
“Clearly not, Jiyong.” 
And you ignored him, moving around the house, getting rid of all the trash. He stared at you for a second, annoyed and unsure of what he should do next and then he got out a mop and began mopping up the spills around the place. He kept stealing glances at you, trying to get you to look at him, because the awkwardness between the two of you was killing him, but you never looked up at him. not even once. Jiyong didn’t know what to say, and the jealousy was clouding his mind. He had liked you ever since he first saw you, with all your hair sticking up and in ridiculous pyjamas. He had tried to drop hints. He had tried to make you jealous. But nothing seemed to work. He had resigned himself to thinking that you didn’t like him, and he would just have to get over it, but when you walked in, looking so unbelievably beautiful when Mino kissed you, he just felt himself lose it. Still mopping, Jiyong asked, 
“So, Y/N. You and Mino, huh?”
 You didn’t respond, but he needed to hear you say it. He needed to hear you tell him that you liked someone else so that he could finally try to move on. You stiffened when he said that, but didn’t say anything. He repeated himself, a little louder the second time around. You pretended like you didn’t hear him. Jiyong had had enough. he threw the mop down, letting the loud noise echo through the apartment, and walked up to you, grabbing your chin and making you look at him. 
“Y/N. I’m asking you whether you like Mino.” 
You stiffened, as though determined to fight it out before your body became slack, as though you gave up. You gave him a slight smile and with a shaky voice, you said, 
“God, Jiyong. You really know how to hurt a girl, don’t you?” 
He froze. You were sad. He had made you sad. Why were you sad? He watched you walk away for a second before realising that you were leaving. You were done. You had tried your best to help him and if after all that, Jiyong was still going to cause you so much pain, you were done. You had just walked through the door of your apartment, prepared to curl up in bed and cry when you heard someone walk in with you. You groaned, a little teary by now.
 “Jiyong plea-”
 He cut you off by slamming the door behind him and turning you around, so in a matter of seconds, you found yourself being pressed against a wall. He put his arms on either side of you, preventing you from moving. He had his head down, breathing heavily, as though trying to come to terms with something. He looked up at your teary eyes, his eyes equally pained and asked, 
“What did you mean?” 
You had nothing to say. You could only stare at that beautiful face, contorted in pain and confusion. His voice slightly calmer this time, he repeated himself. 
“Y/N, what did you mean by that? When did I hurt you?” 
You couldn’t help the tear that rolled down your cheek at that point. How could you possibly explain how he hurt you? He gently reached up to wipe your tears. His voice was soft when he said,
 “Y/N, what’s wrong?”
 You took a deep breath, trying your best to not become a crying mess. 
“Jiyong, it’s not your fault. You didn’t mean any of it, except for just now, when you were an asshole about Mino.” 
His voice both pained and soft, he asked,
 “But what did I do Y/N?” 
Fuck it. It was now or never. You already knew things with Jiyong would never be the same again. Tears started rolling down your face as you said, 
“Jiyong, how?! How do you not know that I like you?” 
Jiyong’s world froze around him while you broke down and started sobbing, desperately trying not to fall onto his shoulder. You refused to look up, scared to meet the pitying gaze you were sure he would have, but he gently but firmly grabbed your chin and made you look at him. when you finally opened your eyes, he was staring at you with a soft, gentle warmth.
 “Y/N, how do you not know that I like you?”
 It was your turn to be shocked, staring at him in uncomprehensive confusion. His hands cupped your face as he gently wiped off your tears. 
“Y/N, I’ve liked you ever since you moved in here.”
 You pouted a little, your lower lip trembled with a threat of tears.
 “Jiyong don’t lie to me. You’ve never seen me that way. I know you hooked up with your ex today. You don’t need to pity me that much.” 
 All his anger, all his jealousy was gone and he just shook his head earnestly, thoroughly confused. 
“Y/N, I swear we did not hook up today. We’ve never hooked up after we broke up. She’s seeing someone else.”
 You stared at him, still a little suspicious.
 “But you made it so clear that you only see me as a friend. Why didn’t you say anything earlier?”
 He looked back at you, still confused. 
“What’re you talking about?”
 You sighed and grabbed his hand, walking over to the couch and sitting down there. 
“We might as well get comfortable. You have a lot of explaining to do.”
He sat down next to you, waiting until you had crossed your legs and turned to him. Glaring at him, you asked, 
“Why didn’t you say anything earlier? Why didn’t you behave like you liked me?”
 He stared at you, incredulous. 
“What do you mean “behave like you liked me?” Y/N. You’re the only person who has succeeded in getting me to eat well and on time. Loads of other people have tried too, but you’re the only one who succeeded. Why do you think you succeeded?”
 You stared at him, still suspicious.
 “Why do you think I spent so much time at your place? Because no matter how tired or sad I was, being with you cheered me up. you should ask Youngbae about that sometime. Before I met you, I would just stay in my apartment most of the time.” 
You were still staring at him suspiciously. Jiyong rolled his sleeves up and turned to face you completely.
 “I tried to make you jealous all the time.”
 Catching your glare turn deadly, he quickly added,
 “Now that I’ve experienced that method myself, I know how shitty it feels, and I swear I won’t ever do that again. But seriously. I tried to make you jealous so many times, and there was absolutely no reaction from you. That is the only reason I didn’t say anything to you. I thought that you would have reacted or said something or gotten mad if you liked me.” 
You rolled your eyes and muttered,
 “It’s called self-control.”
 His voice turned soft.
 “I know now. And I’m sorry. I didn’t realise how much it hurt to have to see that. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I’m just dumb when it comes to stuff like this.” 
You sniffed a little, his words finally getting through to you.
 “But why didn’t you say or do anything Y/N? And what was that with Mino?! You let him kiss you.” 
Your eyes turned fiery again. 
“First off, Mino didn’t kiss me, he just made faces at me! Secondly, I didn’t do anything?! You think all those times I came back from work, exhausted to the bone, but cooked or baked your favourite food was nothing? What about all the all-nighters I’ve pulled to keep you company when you’re working on something important? You know how much I value my sleep! What about all the ridiculously sappy shows I’ve watched with you, all though the lines made me want to gag?!”
 You snorted, and gestured towards your outfit. 
“Look at me! I dressed up like this, with shoes that make me feel like I’m walking on glass, hoping that you would notice me!” 
He winced a little and while you continued on your rant, he slowly reached for your feet and slipped them off without you noticing. 
“The only reason I didn’t say anything was because of all the girls you were around. Your ex is a literal supermodel. How do you think it made me feel to compare myself to her?! And it didn’t help that you showed no signs of liking me back.”
 He moved a little closer to you and held your hand.
 “I’m sorry Y/N.”
 His eyes were sincere, and you knew he meant it, but you needed some answers. 
“Why was she wearing your clothes and why is your shirt on inside out?” 
Without batting an eyelid, he moved even closer and answered in an earnest, sincere voice.
 “She puked all over herself and me, so both of us needed to change. I put it on like this because I was in a hurry to see you.” 
Your breath hitched when he said that and you blushed. Still, you continued. 
“What about the time she was in your studio? So, it was okay for her to be there but not me? And why was there hesitation when you called me your friend?”
 “I didn’t want to call you my friend when I want you to be my girlfriend. And yeah, she can be there, but you can’t, because I can still work if she’s there, but if you’re there, it is literally impossible for me to pay attention to anything or anyone else.” 
You heart started beating a whole lot faster and your face turned red. Your voice wasn’t so sure when you asked your last question.
 “What about the time I showered at your place? You walked in on me wearing nothing but a towel, but you didn’t react at all.”
 His hands gently pushed pulled you closer so that he could wrap his arms around you. 
“Y/N, I didn’t want to make it awkward for you. I didn’t react the way I wanted to because I thought you didn’t like me and I didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable.”
 Your heart was beating so fast, you were sure he could hear you. All you could manage was a sheepish, 
 One look at your face and Jiyong knew what he was going to do next. In one smooth movement, he lifted you onto his lap, making you straddle him. His fingers gently traced patterns on the soft skin of your thigh, exposed by the slit in your skirt. His other hand wrapped around your waist, he pulled you as close as he could and pressed his lips against your ear, gently murmuring,
 “Do you want to know what I wanted to do to you that night?”
 You nodded slowly. 
“Well, Y/N.” 
His fingers reached for the straps holding your top up. 
“I wanted to undo that small knot holding your towel up and throw you on my bed. Oh and don’t even get me started about your braless stunt afterwards.” 
His fingers undid the knots of the straps, letting your top fall to the ground, leaving you in a wine-red lace bra. His eyes darkened considerably, and you gulped seeing the lust in them, knowing fully well that your eyes looked the same. His hands ran across your back, making you arch against him. 
“I wanted to make you scream my name. I wanted everyone to know exactly who was making you feel that way.”
 His hands gently ran across your collar bones. 
“I wanted to leave some marks against your pretty neck.”
 His hands gently travelled down your body and grabbed your ass.
 “I wanted to make you a moaning mess, so much so that you would barely be able to remember your own name.” 
Feeling his erection, you rocked your hips against his, the feeling making you moan. His lips were pressed against your neck when he said,
 “Yes, just like that.”
 Looking straight into your eyes, he said, 
“I wanted to fuck you so hard that you wouldn’t be able to walk.”
 You let out another moan from just his words. You looked straight back into his yes and replied.
 “Well then Jiyong. Do it.”
 In a matter of seconds, he lifted you up in his arms and kissed you, a slow, teasing kiss. He walked towards your bedroom and dropped you down on the bed, taking a moment to pause and admire how beautiful you were. You were a little breathless when you said, 
“Jiyong. Shirt off. Now.”
 He smirked at you, but obliged. He climbed onto the bed over you, hands reaching behind you. 
“Princess, I might have listened to you just now, but don’t get the wrong idea about who’s in charge here.”
 Before you could roll your eyes and give him a snarky response, he unhooked your bra, pulled it off and swirled his tongue against your nipple. Your hands went to grip his hair, holding him there while you threw your head back, moaning his name. He looked up at you and smirked.
 “See, I told you that you’d be moaning my name.” 
And then shifted his attention to your other nipple. You were getting wetter and wetter, sure that your panties were soaked with how wet you were. He moved up to your neck, and sure enough, he began leaving small marks all across your neck. He leaned back for a second to admire his handiwork. You were flushed and panting. Your nipples were almost incredibly hard and your chest was covered with hickies. He kissed you, growling against your ear. 
“Mine. All mine.” 
You knelt on the bed with your hand on his belt, getting ready to make him feel a little better, but his hands gently grabbed your and held them away. His voice was teasing, but firm when he said, 
“Did I say you could do that princess?”
 He pushed you back as he slipped off your skirt.
 “Tonight, I’m going to focus on you. It’s my way of apologising for making you feel jealous all those times.” 
You were squirming, because every little touch of his took you too far, but he firmly pulled you legs apart and pulled off your panties. His fingers slowly ran over your clit while he watched the way you shivered from that. He brought his fingers to his lips and stared at them. 
“So wet and all for me?” 
You nodded, unable to take your eyes off him. Staring back at you with almost feverish intensity, he slowly licked his fingers and leaned in to kiss you. You could taste yourself on his lips, and that made you even more wet. He them made his way to your thighs, pausing to pepper them with light kisses and hickies. You were moaning. 
“Jiyong please.”
 His eyes teasing, he asked,
 “Please what?” 
You stared at him pleadingly. He smirked and sat,
 “Say it.” 
Your face red, you managed to whisper,
 “Jiyong, will you please eat me out?”
 His smirk deepened.
 “As you wish princess.” 
And he started. He gave a long, slow lick across your vulva before finding you clit. You were holding his head, pulling his hair as you moaned his name again. He licked around your clit, gently teasing till he reached the very edge of it, but never directly on it. By now, you were raising your hips, unable to sit still. You threw your head back and moaned out his name again. He paused for a second, only to give you a devilish smirk and say, 
“Nope. Not loud enough.” 
before diving back, this time giving your clit a long, firm lick. He then swirled his tongue around it before pressing down on it harshly and curling a finger into you. Without meaning to, your moans and screams became much louder, unable to contain yourself. He knew you were close from the way you were panting. Jiyong lightly nibbled on your clit before sucking on it, and with that, you came, shuddering a little as your breathing slowly steadied. He was about to get up when your hands ran across his chest, pulling you closer to him before you said, 
“You said you were going to fuck me so hard I wouldn’t be able to walk.”
 His face morphed into that same devilish smirk. 
“My princess is so needy for me.” 
Before you could reply, he reached for your clit and rubbed down on it, hard. You were already sensitive from your orgasm, so you could only moan as you fell onto him. 
“Yes, Jiyong, I am needy for you.” 
 Still smirking, he reached for condoms in his drawers. You quickly undid his belt and removed his pants. He slid on a condom before pushing you down. He just pushed into you with no warning, making you gasp from the sudden change. Jiyong gave you a minute to adjust before he began moving, rough and fast. And hitting that one spot inside you without fail with every single thrust. You were already screaming when one of his hands reached down to play with your clit, making your screams even louder. Your nails dug into his back, leaving marks. His breathing was getting shallower and his thrusts unsteady. You were both glistening with sweat. He pulled out completely before pushing into you again, and with that, both of you came. He flopped down next to you, both of you tired. You turned and pulled him into a long, gentle kiss. He pulled away to smile and stroke your hair. 
“I guess it’s a little late, but will you be my girlfriend?”
 You laughed and nodded eagerly. 
“I’d be only too happy to be your girlfriend.” 
And you kissed him again. It was long and slow for a while, before things started heating up again. He pulled you onto him with a smirk.
 “I guess it’s time for round two then.”
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merryfortune · 3 years
Day 5 / Awkward Hugs
Social Interactionism 2021
Event: @hugsaku
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! Vrains
Ship: Wisteriashipping | Spectre/Yusaku
Word Count: 1.8k
Tags: Developing Relationship, Bittersweet, Fluff with a Sad Ending
AN: since today’s Hugsaku prompt overlaps with my birthday, it was only natural for me to write Spectre/Yusaku as a birthday treat to myself (hence why, no spoilers), they can hug twice in this fic as a treat
  Yusaku’s plan, like they usually did, involved three steps. There might be more steps or issues within those three, broad ideas but so be it. That’s also how it usually was.
  One. He would apologise to Spectre.
  Two. He would find the Earth Ignis.
  Three. He would reunite Spectre and the Earth Ignis.
  He wasn’t sure if the steps to his plan were in descending order or difficulty or not, but he would abide by these three steps to the best of his ability. Of course, coaxing Spectre out into the open, one on one, was going to be difficult and it was part of step one. Yusaku could have just sent a letter addressed for Spectre or even an e-mail but he thought that was impersonal. He wanted it to mean something big and something dear because when he wanted to apologise, he wanted to do something more than just create a clean slate between them. He wanted to earn Spectre’s trust and maybe even affection as the third step in Yusaku’s plan would likely hinge on that.
  However, Yusaku thought that Spectre was even more hermetic than him which was saying something. Yet for all that agonising, just sending a summons for Spectre and Spectre alone at the usual spot for his and his team’s encounters with the Knights of Hanoi, though mainly Ryoken, was enough.
  Quite honestly, Yusaku was expecting to be stood up when he waited by the Stardust Road. He stood with his hands laced over the rail and he stared out to sea. All around him, dusk descended with orange skies and indigo clouds; it dyed the sea that lapped at the rocks and cement below a very, very dark colour and just as Yusaku thought that Spectre might not appear, a familiar stranger dejectedly stood beside him, leaning over the rail with him.
  “I didn’t even hear you.” Yusaku murmured.
  Spectre snickered. “Most people usually don’t. If I’m not careful, if I’m not making a fuss, most people won’t notice me at all.”
  “But Ryoken does?” Yusaku guessed.
  “Yes.” Spectre replied with a bitter smile.
  There was a moment of silence between them. It was uneasy but not necessarily uncompanionable. It was just there to acclimatize them between greetings and the actual conversation, of which, Yusaku initiated it and very boldly at that.
  “I’m sorry.” he said.
  Spectre harrumphed. “Whatever for?”
  “For tricking you into destroying your field when we duelled. That was a cruel thing to do.” Yusaku said. “I can tell you have a very genuine affection for your Sunavalon cards. So, I’m sorry.”
  “That’s water under the bridge,” Spectre said, “but thank you. I appreciate the sentiments.”
  “I’m glad. Because, well, I felt bad about that.” Yusaku stated.
  “You shouldn’t though… I goaded you into, remember, I wanted you to do something cruel and I ought to be impressed that you exceeded expectations.” Spectre replied.
  “Well, now I’m trying to do kind things.” Yusaku said.
  Spectre’s pupils dilated at that – and Yusaku noticed even if it was a small quirk of his body language.
  “No, don’t tell me…” Spectre said, realising where this conversation was going, he had thought it was strange that Yusaku would call him out of the blue like this but he figured he would indulge it, he was his master’s servant after all, so he assumed – hoped – it was eventually going to funnel to him.
  “Yeah,” Yusaku murmured, “I am. I want to bring back the Earth Ignis, or just, um, Earth as he’s called.”
  Spectre shook his head. He wanted to chastise Yusaku, but he couldn’t find his words. He just looked stiff instead.
  “I was hoping you would help but I don’t want to force you.” Yusaku added.
  “I’ll allow it to happen,” Spectre elected to reply, “but I won’t help.”
  “Thank you.” Yusaku said.
  Yusaku was expecting the conversation to end there. He was right. It did. But not how he thought it would. Spectre, slovenly, pushed himself off the railing, ready to return to the marina and retire to the yacht for the night because dealing with Yusaku was exhausting but not quite.
  Yusaku was somewhat surprised as Spectre gave him an unexpected hug. He blinked and he felt Spectre’s arms surge around him. His hug was tight and Yusaku wasn’t sure what to do as he felt Spectre’s head beneath the crook of his chin and his arms on his waist. Yusaku swallowed and he half-heartedly tried to push Spectre off him. He didn’t feel in danger, even if Spectre was a peculiar and oftentimes unpleasant person, but he did feel… Awkward being hugged by him.
  “What are you doing…?” Yusaku asked, blushing.
  Spectre got the hint that now was the time to stop and it seemed he didn’t appreciate being rejected like that. He straightened up his coat and looked mildly annoyed. His brows furrowed and his eyes fixated on some weedy flower growing between the pavers on the ground.
  “I thought it was appropriate. It’s a kind thing, isn’t it?” Spectre asked. “You apologised and now you have yet another channel for your sense of justice so. I thought it was the least I could do.”
  “O-oh, well then,” Yusaku murmured, “thank you.”
  “Well, good luck, I might not want to be involved in whatever it is you plan to do to bring back my Other Self but good luck. I will make sure we don’t… intervene on whatever basis we can find to prevent further resurrections of the Ignis.” Spectre said.
  Yusaku hazarded a small smile. He appreciated it but he didn’t know how to say it beyond words. He figured there were other actions that he could take – and he did take them.
  Steadily over the next few weeks, Yusaku with the help of Kusanagi and Ai, he began to piece together the data belonging to Earth. It was getting much, much easier after all the practice that he had gotten with Ai and then applied that to bring Flame back to Takeru and Aqua back to both Miyu and Aoi. Though, that didn’t make the finding of the pieces all that easier, just the putting them back together and Earth was in plenty of pieces but as Playmaker, Yusaku found them all.
  He restored Earth back to form and Earth was overjoyed to see his good friend Ai once more. They had a hug or two with Ai crying and screaming that he was so glad that yet another of his friends was back; just two more to go. Playmaker was fond as he watched Ai jump and down with Earth in his arms, it was quite the sight to behold given the fact that Earth was much bigger and much heavier than Ai.
  But in the midst of that jubilation, Earth looked up with sorrowful eyes at Playmaker. It seemed he knew where this was heading. Even if he and Spectre hadn’t been all that close previously, there was a disappointment to what Earth had in mind for if he came back.
  “I didn’t remember Aqua first,” Earth began to explain as Playmaker, atop his D-Board, made a beeline for where he could hope to find Spectre, either alone or with Revolver, “I remembered him.”
  Ai nodded. It had been the same for him. He had remembered his dear Yusaku before he remembered anything else or any of the others. It was bittersweet.
  “There he is.” Playmaker commented quietly and he saw Spectre on his lonesome.
  He was standing in the shade of a tree. It was wiry with white bark; its beet purple foliage moved slowly on the breeze. That appeared to be the most natural place for him to reside, he was staring out into the distance of the sort of asteroid field-like area on the hinterlands of the Neo Link VRAINS. The roots of the were spilling out the bottom of the rock platform that it and Spectre was planted on.
  Playmaker drew in closer and Spectre looked up at him. He had a morose look on his face. He took a breath.
  “You fulfilled your goal, I presume?” Spectre asked.
  Playmaker nodded and he made a hand gesture. He allowed Earth to follow through on it and Spectre’s eyes widened. For a moment, he looked completely and utterly happy. Childishly happy. But then he flinched.
  Earth lifted his hand and he didn’t know what to say.
  So, Spectre decided to say it for him.
  “It is good to meet you,” he said, “but I don’t believe our continued meeting is advised.”
  Playmaker inhaled sharply. He was surprised – almost offended – to hear that.
  Spectre came closer to the edge, came closer to Earth and he reached up to where Earth floated against gravity. Gingerly, Spectre pet the top of Earth’s head and he liked how the Ignis’s skin felt on his fingertip. There was a muted joy to Spectre’s expression.
  “I did my best,” Spectre said, recalling the Incident, “for my Mother, she would want me happy and proud, so I duelled my best for you. But when I was told, the new goal of the Hanoi was to destroy the Ignis, I accepted that whole-heartedly. So, I did my best. I endeavoured to eliminate the Ignis if it meant I was useful. I – I don’t believe I can go over the past ten years of that goal so easily, to say nothing of the others, Revolver-sama and the Lieutenants, and even if we are neutral, trying to atone. I want to be my best self for you, Earth. Until then, I don’t believe it to be advisable for you to remain with me.”
  Ai made a strange expression, but it was the same that Playmaker was making. A certain defensiveness which had become unguarded as Spectre explained himself.
  Earth nodded. “That makes sense. I can accept that decision, Partner, but when you are ready, I will be too.”
  “Thank you.” Spectre said and he turned to Playmaker. “Can I ask something selfish of you?”
  “I think I know what it is, but it’s not selfish, Spectre.” Playmaker replied.
  “Can you please home him, please? Keep him safe?” Spectre asked.
  Playmaker nodded. “I can do that for you, yes.”
  “Thank you.” Spectre said.
  Playmaker let his D-Board drop a few more levels and once they were at a mismatched but even height, Spectre hugged him again. Playmaker stiffened but this time, he hugged back as he felt one of Spectre’s hands close to his neck and the other round his waist. Gratitude emanated from Spectre’s hug and though Playmaker felt awkward, he wasn’t a hugger, he didn’t think himself good at it, he still tried to return Spectre’s sentiments. He mimicked back and he could hear a repressed sob in Spectre’s breathing as they held each other in this embrace.
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icequeenoriginal · 4 years
An Unusually Anxious Prince
Summary: Roman goes into the forest to collect berries and finds something much more interesting. 
Author’s Note: I couldn’t help myself so I wrote another scene for my Sleeping Beauty AU. I’m still not sure if I’m going to write a whole story for it though, I just really wanted to write this one, it’s my second favorite scene. Also Happy Pride
Here is the original scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXbHShUnwxY (Not the entire scene but it was all I could find on YouTube)
Warning: One bad word in caps, jokes/fears about being eaten
Roman opened his window as he hums a melody he has known since he was a child. He smiled as he looked over the beautiful valley he lived next to. This was going to be an amazing day. 
It was his birthday! His 16th birthday! 
This was going to wonderful! He has read in so many of his storybooks that the most amazing things happen on your 16th birthday. Anything could happen!
Including falling in love.
Roman quickly threw on a white shirt and white pants. He posed in the mirror before pausing. He hummed as he felt something was missing. He searched through his dresser before pulling out a black corset with gold string and gold border. He slipped it on and posed in front of the mirror again and smiled at the satisfaction he felt as he looked at his outfit.
He started to descend the stairs but paused when he heard familiar whispering.
“You make the suit and I’ll make the cake, Lolo.”
“How are we going to get Roman out of the house?”
“We’ll think of something.”
Roman couldn’t help but smile. He loved Patton and Logan, really, but they could be as secretive as an elephant trying to sneak through a china shop. He still does not have the heart to tell them that he found out the truth about Santa Clause when he was five after catching Logan wrapping his gifts. 
He couldn’t hold anything against them, they raised him after all. They were the best kind of guardians. They were very doting, always giving him what he asks for, but still raise Roman to never be greedy. Patton would sing to Roman whenever he was scared and Logan taught Roman everything he knows. He loved his dads.
Roman shouted, “Good morning everyone!”. He happily ran down the rest of the stairs
Logan and Patton jumped back quickly, using their backs to hide whatever was on the table. Roman smirked at them, they were very much failing at being slick.
“What are you two up to?” Roman asked, trying not to laugh as he did so.
“U-Up to?” Patton squeaked out, slowly trying to make himself as tall as possible. “Nothing at all!”
“Oh really?” Roman attempted to peer behind Patton. 
Logan gently pushes him back “Ah! Roman! We need you to...to…” Logan back at Patton, his eyes screaming for help.
“To pick more berries!” Patton yelled, startling both of them. Patton picked up a basket sitting on the table. He was going to use it to place flowers in for Roman’s birthday party as a centerpiece but sacrifices had to be made.
“Berries?” Roman asked, clearly thrown off. “But I picked some yesterday”
Patton made a nervous face before smiling, “Well, we need more. We used them all to make Logan’s favorite jam, a-and I ate the rest. You know I get snacky when I’m cooking.”
Roman smiled as Logan placed his red shawl over him. It was his favorite, Patton had made it for him on his 10th birthday. Roman stepped outside of their small but comfy cottage. 
Patton smiled at him and said, “Take your time, no need to hurry back” 
Logan nodded in agreement, “But don’t go too far!”
“Yes and don’t talk to strangers!” Patton added 
Roman chuckles, it was the same speech they always gave him when he left the cottage. He waved as he walked down the path, pretending that the huge excited smirk on his face was not there.
“Do you think he bought it?” Patton whispered rather loudly to Logan 
“Of course he did” Logan whispered back.
Roman covered his mouth to muffle his laughs and headed off. ~ The forest was nice. The weather was warm and the wind was low.
It was nice; calm and quiet. Too quiet for his liking.  
Roman began singing loudly, a melody Patton taught him when he was five. He paused to listen and smiled as the birds responded to his call.
He sang again as the bird flew towards him, one landing on his extended finger. More small critters made their way over to him. Squirrels, rabbits, and small birds surrounded him. Even an owl awoke from its slumber to land in his empty basket.
Roman smiled and pets all of them before heading back on the path to the berry grove. This was much better. A walk through the forest is so much better with company. 
Roman continued to sing, a bit louder, hoping to attract more friends to make his special day even more special.
Virgil rode on through the forest with a small frown on his face. He was undoubtedly bored. The journeys to and from home were always boring. Not that he was complaining! He would never leave home if his home again if something “exciting” happened on any of his journeys. 
If there was one thing Virgil did not like, it was trying something different. It was way too stressful and overwhelming to him. He always thought the status quo got a bad rap. It was nice, relaxing, and kept him safe and sane.
Which is why he was screaming at himself for following a random voice in a random forest. Internally of course. He has class.
All he had to do was keep heading straight, he was very close to home. He could do this in sleep. Which he was so he didn’t hear the beautiful voice.
He didn’t know why he wanted to follow the voice. It was probably a siren luring him to be eaten. That thought was enough to make him turn his horse the other way.
The voice continued to sing, this time using words. “I wonder~”
It was a very nice song...and logically it couldn’t be a siren. They resign in the ocean and he was nowhere the ocean. If anything, it would be a fae who is leading him to its circle so it can eat him.
And now he was heading back to the path home...
“To someone~. To find me~”
He turned his horse back towards the way of the voice and used the lope to make his horse go faster do he couldn’t chicken out once more. 
If he got eaten, his ghost will just haunt the fae. It was only fair--
Virgil was so lost in his own mind that he did not realize his horse jumped over a small pond and he was not holding on. Gravity pulled him right into the pond. 
That’s what he gets for following mysterious voices in a forest...
Roman happily skipped as his basket became more and more filled with berries. He spins, slowly so not to drop any berries and picks some more berries. He walked over to the rather large edge of the cliff, his favorite spot in the world.
There was a tree with low enough for him to sit and nap in for hours. It was nicely shaded with the higher branches of the tree where his animal friends could rest with him. Best of all, it overlooked the beautiful castle with its gorgeous landscape. 
Roman always pictured himself heading over there for a ball, late at night while Logan and Patton were sleeping. He would look around the gorgeous castle and then bump into someone. As soon as he was done apologizing, he would make eye contact with the man and it would be his true love!
Roman threw his head back and groaned. He turned away from the castle and walks away in a huff. The animals follow him, trying to be as concerned as they could be.
“They treat me like I’m still a toddler!” Roman said as he stomped his foot. He only stopped when he almost dropped his basket. The owl flew in front of him and hooted, seeming interested in Roman continuing his rant.
“My uncles! Logan and Patton! They don’t want me to go anywhere! They barely let me come this far to get berries! Much less meet another person.” 
Roman plopped down in front of a different tree, letting himself stew in his own anger. Once that past, he smiles to himself. “Well, jokes on them! I have met someone!” Roman then jumped up determinedly with a large grin on his face, leaving the basket on the ground. 
The animals moved closer, eager to hear more about this person. The birds tweeted as if to cheer for him.
“That’s right! And not just anyone! He’s a prince! An amazing prince! He’s handsome and kind and the most romantic person I have ever met, after me of course!” Roman giggled as his own joke.
“We usually spend our time talking and singing together as he takes down by the lake on his horse. We will have a picnic together, it would be silent so we could hear the wonderful sounds of the forest. Then when we finish, he picks me up by my waist and then…umm...”
One of the squirrels nudged his foot, demanding that he finish the story he was telling.
Roman gave the squirrel a bittersweet smile, “Well, I don’t know what happens next, I usually wake up around that part.” All the looked down sad, making Roman blush from embarrassment.
“I know, I know, it’s depressing. But uncle Patton always taught me, since I was little, that if you have a dream more than once, it is more likely to come true. And trust me, I have had this dream more than once.” Roman said to them with a laugh.
The animals did not look convinced, causing Roman to sit back down. He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. He watched as some of his animal friends run off into the forest but he thought nothing of it. He figured they had something important to do.
Virgil groaned as he rubbed his neck. He groaned as he leaned against tree. He turned his head and watched as his favorite cloak dried on a tree branch. It was black it not only matched with his black boots, black pants, and black shirt (he loved the color, okay?) but also was his favorite color.
He pulled off his boots, groaning as more water fell out of each boot. He tossed them under his cloak and rubbed his feet.
“You know what Susan? I probably deserved this. No, I definitely do for a random magical forest voice. This is definitely my punishment, right girl?” He smiled at his horse but frowned quickly when she neighed loud and quickly. Her snout was pointing towards his cloak and he turned in horror as a bunch of animals were stealing it along with boots. 
“Hey! Give me my stuff back!” Virgil shouted as he ran after the animals, Susan right behind him.
~ Roman hummed softly as he gently petted the chipmunk on his lap. He yawned into his free hand, the sun pulling him into a nap. Logan and Patton did tell him not to hurry back…
A couple of his bird friends tweeted loudly, stirring him wide awake. The squirrel from before nudged him again, this time pushing on his face. He turned his eyes towards the direction the squirrel was pushing and bursts into laughter.
His owl friend had a black cloak tied around its neck while two birds held up the ends. Two bunnies were hopping, each in a black boot, under the cloak
Roman smirked as he made his way over to them, “Now what do we have here? Could it be? My dream prince?” He looked at the animals up and down and his smirk widened. “It is! Your highness,” he bows playfully “I had no idea you were coming! What a pleasant surprise! Oh, but what would my uncles say! They would say ‘Roman! Why are you talking to a stranger!’,” Roman frowned turning away the clothed animals but suddenly turned back with a big smile on his face, “But then!” he boops the owl’s beak “I would say...I know you! I walked with you once upon a dream!”
Roman spun around and leaned next to his owl friends, “I know you, that look in your eyes is so familiar a gleam”
Roman grabbed the sides of the cloak and began dancing around as he sang, “And I know it's true that visions are seldom all they seem.”
“But if I know you, I know what you'll do.” He pulls the owl closer by the cloak and giggles. 
“You'll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream.” Roman wraps the cloak around himself. He closed his eyes for a bit, imagining that his dream prince was really there, holding him lovingly.
Roman let go, nearly causing the owl to fall, and began to dance away from the cloak as he sang “La La La La!”
Meanwhile, Virgil and Susan had made their way over to the clearing and took in the sight before them. The voice from before did not come from a fae, luckily from him but a boy. A very handsome boy at that…
Virgil shook his head to shake the thought away, he needed to focus. As the boy danced away, Virgil reached over and pulled his cloak away from the owl. The rabbits quickly followed and, by grabbing the front of his boots, dumped the rabbits out.
He should have just left right then and there, he got the answer of the voice and his stuff back. He should just get back on the road and head home.
“If I know you, I know what you’ll do~.” The boy sang with his back still to Virgil. Virgil recognized the song, from when he was a child. 
Virgil couldn’t help himself, he sang, “You’ll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream.”
Roman whipped around and made eye contact with Virgil, “Oh!”
Virgil freezes, his eyes lock with the boy in front of him. He now has a good look at the boy. At his gorgeous brown eyes, his beautiful autumn hair that was long enough to reach his shoulders, his broad chest, and the terrified look on his face as Virgil stared at him.
Virgil jumped back “I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I was just...your animals...they...I...you…”
Roman giggled, after calming down from the initial shock, “No, I’m sorry they took your stuff.”
“Oh, uh, n-no hard feeling,” Virgil said with a nod. 
Roman raised an eyebrow, “Have we met?” There was something familiar about this boy, but he couldn’t put his finger on it.
Virgil couldn’t lie, he felt like he knew this boy, it was on the tip of his tongue. Though his brain was too busy short-circuiting so he switched to his most basic function, sarcasm, “Was it once upon a dream?” He smirked.
Roman laughed and smiled sweetly at Virgil. “Was that it? Hmm…”
Virgil blushes embarrassed as he rubs the back of his neck and laughed nervously. He had no idea what to say. 
“Hmm...I’m not sure, you might be a stranger after all. You’re gonna have to prove it.” Roman says firmly
“Prove it?”
“Mhmm,” Roman stretches out his hand to Virgil “Dance with me,”
Virgil was nervous, to say the least. He wasn’t that great of a dancer and he didn’t want to embarrass himself. He didn’t even like dancing that much but still, something in him told him that he wanted, no, needed to dance with him.
Virgil nodded and took Roman’s hand. They danced so well that it was as if they were dance partners for years. It was magical and romantic and neither wanted it to end. It seemed meant to be, but neither knew why.
But we do. We know it’s true as visions are seldom all they seem. 
But if I know you, I know what you'll do.
You'll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream.
Taglist: None this time because this, like the first one, was just a fun little thing for me.
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donkey-hyuck · 4 years
4+21 from the angst prompts? 👉🏻👈🏻
4+21: “Do you know what it’s like?” , “When did things fall apart?” Member: Chenle, frenemies! Au/ time skips!!!/ quite lengthy :’))
(i also got some help from @neolights sorry for not adding that earlier😭 but we’re new moots or whateverrrr😳)
Here’s the link to the prompt list! (Angst)
The summer before senior year. The summer where everything drastically changed. Throughout middle school, Zhong Chenle had been your nerdy best friend, but as he grew to maturity and through high school he stopped hanging out with you. He hung out with the wrong people and chose to ignore you during school hours. Of course he didn’t hate you, he didn’t even have a reason. But his friends had told him that if he wanted to fit in, he would have to stop seeing you at school and/or in social situations. And Chenle obliged.
It was around second semester of freshman year before Chenle had been loosely hanging on. You remembered the time very vividly.
“Chenle, in order to prove you can be with us, you have to stop hanging around with her. She’s a pathetic dork. You don’t wanna be seen with her, do you?” The look on his face you’ll always remember. He looked so determined to just drop you, even after everything you’ve been through. The following day however, he didn’t have the guts to tell you. And so, you did it for him. “Listen, we’re in high school and we haven’t had the time to see each other often. We don’t have many classes together and I thought that we should stop being friends. It’s only going to get harder so I think it’s better to stop now.” Mortified was the look on Chenle’s face, and he was speechless. “Look.... I heard what they said to you yesterday, and if you want to be friends with them so badly, I’ll give up our friendship for you because I care about you. But I guess you don’t care enough about me.... We’re not best friends anymore, and you can forget every memory we have together. Besides, you have new ones you can make.”
Walking away that day hurt like hell. You stormed past your parents and locked the door to your room, tearing down everything that had anything to do with the friendship of you and Chenle. Knocking on your door, your mother tried to step in to help calm you down. Sobbing uncontrollably into her chest, you told her that you and Chenle were no longer friends. And it broke her heart; the two of you had been best friends since you were in diapers and your parents had all been college friends, but one small mistake led to others.
Chenle had tried to start small talk with the two classes you had together but you refused to talk to some person who cares about his social status.
“Y/N! Just because I’m hanging out with them doesn’t mean I won’t care for you. And-“ , “My dog died... The day after I confronted you, we had to rush to the veterinarian office and put the dog down. You’re not in our life anymore. And just because our parents are friends I’ll never forget anything that happened between us. You have my brother and I have your nephew, that’s how it’ll be when we see each other.”
“Y/N I’m sorry. It’s just-“ You walked out of his life forever, and there was nothing he could do to stop it from happening. Knowing who you are as a person, you’ll eventually forgive, but you’ll never forget and you’ll always treat him the same.
Years had passed by before Chenle had stuck to his word and ignored you— most of the time— during school. You’d be lying if you said it didn’t hurt to see him ignoring your presence. “It’s all in the past.”
Over the years, both your parents had occasionally shared dinners with each other and this time your parents were the one to host the dinner. So you were out of luck this time around.
“Dress nicely. It’s been a while since you have seen them. You know, because you skipped out last time,” you father warned while buttoning your little brother’s shirt. Oh boy were you not ready to face the Zhong’s.
Looking in the large mirror hanging on the wall, you walked towards the closet and fish out the box of your memories with Chenle. Reminiscing the times of your friendship, a bittersweet smile covered your face and a single tear dropped onto the birthday letter Chenle had written for you for your tenth birthday.
“Y/N! Mr. and Mrs. Zhong are here,” said your brother. “Why are you crying?” Your brother was beyond considerate and you were happy to have a little brother like him. Wiping your tears and shoving the box into the closet you answer, “Nothing bub. It’s just happy tears. Now let’s go down stairs before mama gets mad.”
As the family sat down in the dining room, you slowly walked down the stairs to avoid anyone seeing you. Although, your plan failed when your mother called you down. “Y/N, hurry down here! We’re about to start eating.” Unfortunately, the only seat that was left was next to Chenle. “Of fucking course.” Carefully plopping next to him. It was just your luck to be sitting next to him and to be paired as his partner for the whole semester for some biology project earlier that day. Nothing was on your side.
The entire dinner was quiet, with the small conversation of your parents and short answers from you. “So, Y/N, I heard that you have multiple college scholarships for a university abroad,” smiled Chenle’s mother. “Ah, yes. I’m very grateful about that, I didn’t work hard for nothing. I’m going to a university in London.” The rest of the evening then went the same. And Chenle had noticed how much you disregarded him and his presence.
Following the weekend was another week of dreadful school and the week of your biology project with Chenle. That Monday was the day he was finally going to have a conversation with you after three whole years.
“Uh.... I have a nonbiological question. And it’s about us.” Groaning and placing your goggles on, you looked at him, signaling him to continue. And he was beyond nervous, fiddling with his shirt. “When did things fall apart?” You scoffed and rolled your eyes. “Are you really asking this question? After three years you decide to man up and ask me now? Things fell apart when I heard you have that conversation. Things fell apart when you wanted to be friends with them,” you looked back to his friends across the room and looked back. “But I told you I’ll always care for you. Plus, your mom told me what happened while I was gone. She told me how much she knew you missed me. And I want you to know how much I missed you.” You don’t know what emotion filled you, but some sort of rage filled your body.
“Do you know what it’s like? To have your best friend say they don’t want to be friends anymore? To just give up everything you’ve been through? You obviously didn’t miss me enough to talk to me or even look my way. The only reason you’re talking to me now is because we’re assigned on this shit and we’re feet away from your stupid ass friends. You gave up first and I just followed after. I don’t need friends who are weak cowards.”
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unsettledink · 3 years
A while back I made up a list of fics I had ideas for/wanted to write, mostly to try and drum up bids for Marvel Trumps Hate.
Since then I have, of course, had approximately five million new ideas and keeping track of them has gotten a bit out of hand, so i thought I’d try and put them all in one place that I could come back to and also update more easily. Also possibly some sort of... accountability thing? Like if I put them out into the universe I’m more likely to actually write them? Well I can dream.
There’s going to be a couple of these, divided up by pairings. Feel free to ignore, it’s mostly housekeeping!
(This one’s just for starker and polystarker ideas.)
I’m kind of grouping these because it got long. (Smut, smut + feels, fluff, oh no the sads)
* for new ideas (ARG)
Just the smut! (Ok some feels):
Continuation of Hang Up – so what does happen the next morning after that phone call? (Sex. Probably more phone sex.)
*Pocket Change sequel – Why yes, Peter, you can work out some sort of retroactive deal to 'pay' for the suits...
Peter is dumb online – Peter decides to auction off his virginity online. Of course Tony finds out immediately. Of course Tony buys it to keep Peter from getting hurt. Of course Tony decides to meet up and teach Peter a lesson about being safe – wait. That might have been a mistake. (It’s not.)
Actually, Peter doesn’t like it rough – miscommunication piled on top of miscommunication because they’re both idiots who are desperate for each other, until a tipping point is reached. Happy ending! Fluffy ending!
Gag reflex training – pretty much what it sounds like. Tony having a lot of fun with Peter; messy, noisy, hopefully hot.
Experienced Peter – Peter hasn’t been waiting around for Tony to be the first, and he’s had time to figure out some of his preferences. Like topping almost exclusively, among other things. Hey I kind of wrote this!
Civil War pick me up – after the airport, Tony goes to check on Peter and is in desperate need of something nice. Peter really, really wants to be that something nice. Could be underage, could be not.
Continuation of Gift Wrapped – (Peter/Tony/Pepper) there’s a lot more sex happening for Tony’s birthday than I had time to write for kinktober.
But you want me to be safe, don’t you? - Peter’s hit with sex pollen, but it can be taken care of without outside help. Peter would still really like it if Tony would help. Or would at least keep an eye on him. Or at least stay in hearing range! He won’t be able to resist if Peter’s noisy and saying his name while he gets off, right???
Armor Kink - I mean, basically what it says on the tin. Peter’s been having fantasies about the armor forever. Tony is absolutely willing to help him with that.
ABO forced presentation – Peter doesn’t know what he’ll end up being, and that’s bad for Reasons. He convinces Tony try forcing a presentation (not noncon type forcing) and things get weird. Playing around with the idea of how non-binary might go in ABO. Possible Tony/Peter/Pepper endship. More than likely somewhat underage.
Avengers orgy – Peter’s finally old enough to join in the tradition! While he’s having fun with everyone, Peter and Tony keep gravitating to each other, winding up with things getting a little too emotional when Tony finally gets his chance. Potential for Tony/Peter/Rhodey endship.
The spider bite did what?!? - Peter starts having really weird cravings when he’s around Tony. Weird as in blood, and Tony is going to help him figure this out. Even when it turns into a craving for sex (and bloodplay). Even when it turns into terrifying (for Peter) egg/medical kink.
*Hooker D/S AU Brat!Peter – Tony orders 'the brattiest sub you have' and gets Peter. Who is incredibly so, and Tony is actually delighted by this. And Peter is a little taken aback that someone likes this rather than considering him a bad sub.
*Flaunt follow up – more Peter/Tony/Rhodey D/S AU? Yup!
*No, I'm saving YOU – villains of the week catch them and plan on gangbanging Peter – until Tony offers to be willing if they leave Peter alone. At some point Peter comes around and tries to bargain for them to use him instead of Tony. Tony is not happy about this, but boy, the villains are!
*Peter/Harley/Tony - Tony’s so glad Peter’s over that crush and happy with Harley. Really. Totally. Meanwhile, Peter & Harley are doing their best to get Tony into bed with them and growing increasingly frustrated with Tony’s (intentional) obliviousness.
Smut! Oh wait, where did all these feelings come from?:
Toybox – slightly darker Peter decides if Tony won’t fuck him, the least Tony can do is pay for Peter’s toys, and watch while Peter enjoys them. No touching allowed since Tony doesn’t want him, after all. Which is a rule that gets harder and harder to keep in place; feelings, so many feelings everywhere.
Pain kink Peter – what it says on the tin, lol. “Oh Mr. Stark, maybe you should supervise this slightly dangerous sex thing I like.” I think we can guess where it heads from there.
Baby's first D/S (dom version) – established T/P, Tony's subby but hasn't brought it up. Peter is like, 'but what if I was into the idea of doming?' and they start messing around with it. Peter is Very Earnest and learning all these new things, and Tony is surprised to find, after a while, Peter's doing pretty good on his own.
Call boy Peter – what it sounds like! It’s an accident that Tony gets him; good thing Peter was blindfolded! Bad thing that Peter’s senses are enhanced and he knows from the start who it is. Good thing that Peter’s not going to say anything so he can keep this reliable customer?
Evil Ex D/S verse – Peter’s pretty insecure about being a good sub for Tony and it’s not helped at all when one of Tony’s ex subs tells him he’ll never be able to take what Tony wants to dish out. Well, Peter’s going to prove him wrong! Tony really doesn’t understand why Peter is making himself miserable for something Tony doesn’t even want, and things almost break before they get fixed.
*Besties and Omegas and Peter's – Rhodey and Tony (both omegas) end up in an awkward situation when Peter has something like an enhanced rut around them. Slightly complicated dynamics but happy ending for everyone.
*Outraged owned Peter – some sort of slave type au where Obie buys Peter for Tony as a companion, considering Peter to be a distraction and possible spy. Tony does not want a sex slave and rejects him, and Peter is furious – he is not just for sex, he is literally worth his weight in gold, and how DARE Tony not want him!
*Very dark Peter - Peter’s decided he really likes having Tony completely wrapped around his little finger. To the point of getting Tony to give him/do things that are pretty far from acceptable, and then Peter figures out he likes showing off his hold over Tony even more. Oops.
Fluff! (Crap there’s not much):
Follow up to Seiche – mostly fluffy 5 times +1 where the emotion sensing bond causes (minor) problems
Fluffy D/S verse – all the fluff! All the outside POV! Everyone assumes that obviously Tony is a dom; after all, that’s how he’s always presented himself. Everyone is wroooooong. Tony’s never been happier.
Nail polish – little bit of Tony finding it incredibly appealing when Peter wears nail polish
*Lingerie shorts – several vignettes of them getting each other and wearing different interesting pieces of lingerie
Oh No + all the feelings, heavy on the bad ones:
Soulmark AU – Tony finds out first and isn’t going to do anything due to the age difference. Peter finds out and thinks that’s bullshit + horribly hurt that he’s being rejected. Things are forced when Peter gets hit with a drug that messes with that bond and they both have to figure out how things are going to go. Possible bittersweet ending.
Screw soulmates, actually - Post CW and Tony dealing with soulmate rejection (that’s a WHOLE other fic). Peter’s become convinced Tony’s a blank like him, and then doesn’t understand why Tony’s soulmate wouldn’t want him. Peter does! They get their happy ever after without being fated for each other, and Peter gets a chance to tells Tony’s soulmate what a dick they are. All the satisfaction!
*Blanks are Bad – soulmark au where blanks are regarded extremely poorly, and Tony is exposed as one. Lots of dealing with the ugly fallout, and Peter coming to Tony and confessing he's a blank too and has been so scared.
Untenable – sequel to Indefensible and … horrible. The ABO underage incest continues, Tony hates himself, Peter is distressingly happy. Mpreg makes everything ten times worse; endgame makes everything 100 times worse. Going beyond that would be spoilery, but uh. Everything becomes 1000 times worse by the end! Yay! Yikes.
*Made For It follow ups (aka the... happy version of Indefensible??) - we want to actually see the sex scene they talk about doing, right? Right. And possibly some mpreg? We shall see.
ABO accidental bonding – the worst abo version, heads up. Underage Peter, omegas are treated very poorly, Peter and Tony don’t know each other beforehand and don’t do great getting to know each other afterwards. Biology continues to fuck Peter over, and Tony really doesn’t get how desperately Peter wants Tony to like him. Mountains and mountains of angst and sad before the happy ending.
Copy - After IW, Tony makes a Peter clone/android/whatever. Unfortunately, it just makes things worse because it’s just enough off to make it super obvious it’s not Peter. And fake!Peter knows it too. He’s just enough like real Peter to fall in love with Tony too, and he can’t figure out how to make Tony care about him instead of real, dead Peter. Not that it matters when he snap is reversed (Tony lives) and fake!Peter isn’t needed or wanted anymore. (Will probably have a sequel where real Peter finds out about all this, probably happy ending for everyone.)
Nothing sticks around - years after the blip, Peter discovers Tony, alive - only Tony has none of his memories. Tony doesn’t want anything to do with these people Peter tries to reintroduce him to; he trusts Peter and wants to stay with him. And does, for quite some time, things turning into a relationship, and even if Peter feels guilty about it, he’s happy. Right up until Tony suddenly remembers everything … except what’s been going on the last few years with Peter. Undecided if there’s a happy ending or not.
I hate time travel - once Tony figures out time travel, he decides he needs to find out if this works by hopping forward and seeing if Peter is back. And then maybe he should hop forward a little more just to check on him. Keeps doing this, about once a year, and while Peter is so glad to see him, it’s destroying Peter to basically go through Tony ‘dying’ over and over. Pretty soon it’s fucking up Tony too, after he accidentally shows up when Peter’s in the middle of sex. Very bittersweet ending to maintain the timeline.
Fuck you, Beck - Beck goes about getting the glasses in the worst ways, and Peter finds out a little too late - way too late when it comes to sleeping with him. Not that he’s going to ever tell anyone about that. Not even Tony, when Tony comes back. Not even Tony, when it turns out Tony is interested. Okay, maybe he’ll have to tell Tony when Peter’s reactions to sex become a problem. Happy ending but lots of ouch on the way.
Sequel to Dormant - so what exactly does Tony notice the morning after? And what exactly does Peter do about it? (Spoiler: A lot more than Peter thought he would, and nothing good.)
Don’t punish people like that – as much Tony/Obie as Tony/Peter, maybe pre-Tony/Peter. Obie decided to deal with Tony’s wild streak by punishing him in an especially awful, painful, dehumanizing, sexual way. Tony’s managed to handle how awful that was by pretending it was helpful (nope!). When Peter will not stop misbehaving, the last resort Tony can think of is what was done to him. It helped, right? (He can’t bring himself to in the end, which sets off a cascading failure of repressed trauma, woot!)
*That's rape, Tony – Tony getting drugged, gangbanged, and recorded, and then having part of it released that looks consensual. Tony doesn't remember enough to say it wasn't, and with his history, people don't question it. It goes over very poorly and he's handling all the parts of it very poorly, and Peter is the one to finally put the pieces together.
Sex Pollen Non-Con – Tony’s hit with some sort of fuck or die stuff; only problem is that he 100% refuses to let Peter do anything, and there’s no one else. Peter, convinced that Tony’s going to die, stops giving Tony a choice. What’s that, the trauma Tony was hoping to spare him is replaced with way worse trauma from basically raping Tony? WHOOPS. (Probably happy ending!)
Secondhand verse – following after this, things growing steadily worse, hotter, and more complex between Peter, Beck, and Tony. Bad decisions all around! Unexpected feelings all around! General unhappiness at having feelings that can be hurt all around! Probably a series of fics.
12:00 - follow up to 11:59, Tony and Peter finally getting it on and Beck being an ass in the background. Also the prequel that’s primarily Peter/Quentin, and possibly a sequel where Tony decides that maybe it wasn’t the worst thing in the world, watching Beck fuck Peter - and Peter liked it, right? Everyone’s down for a totally uncomplicated round two, right? Or three, or four...
(And feel free to talk to me about anything here, I love an excuse to ramble. Also, if something grabs your attention, have fun writing it - the more the merrier!)
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Rating: G
Summary: Kagami and Adrien skate together, and the special guest arrives.
Word Count: 2644 | Chapter 2/3
“Woah, it’s pretty dark in here.  Are you sure Phillipe said it was okay to come?”  Adrien asked as the doors creaked open.
It was black as pitch inside.  If Nino hadn’t shown her the process photos of their decorations, she might have believed the rink was deserted.
“I’ve never lied to you,” Kagami replied.  Her ice skates clinked where they hung over her shoulder.  “Come on, let’s get that ridiculous wig off.”
“What? Is blue not my color?”  He grinned.  It was insufferably cute, even if Kagami now knew the affection she felt for him wasn’t romantic.
She pulled the wig off and tossed it aside.  That was the signal she and Nino had agreed upon.
Suddenly the rink bust into light.  Lasers of red and green glinted off the giant disco ball Wayhem had managed to hang at the top of the dome.  Normal fluorescent bulbs flashed to life as well, illuminating the crowd that had gathered in the stands around the rink.
“Happy birthday, Adrien!”  All of his friends shouted in echoing cacophony.
Kagami’s focus stayed trained on Adrien as realization dawned over him.  His wide eyes took in everyone grinning at him—Nino in the back by his DJ equipment, Alya waving from closer by, Wayhem charging up to be the first to greet him.
“You… you guys threw me a birthday party?”
“It is your birthday, isn’t it?”  Kagami laughed before taking his skates.  “I’ll hold on to these for now.  Go say hello to everyone.”
Before she knew it, Adrien’s arms were flinging around her.
“Thank you, Kagami.  I know how much work this must have taken to put together.”
She relaxed in his embrace, hugging him back.
“You know you’re precious to us.  If you want to thank anyone, it’s Nino who’s the mastermind.”
“I’m not surprised.  He’s brilliant.”  Adrien pulled back, only to give her a quick bisous.  “I know you were involved too.  Please, let me thank you.”
“O-of course, Adrien.”
They shared one last smile before Wayhem practically tackled him.  
“Adrien!  It’s so good to see you, man!”
Kagami backed away as the crowd advanced.  Even after all this time, large groups were difficult for her to navigate.  It was more than worth it to see Adrien so happy, though.
After hugs and bisous were exchanged all around, Nino kicked on the stereo.
“Alright, homies!  Who’s ready to get out there and break the ice?”
He played Friday I’m in Love—one of Adrien’s favorite songs—as everyone who wanted to laced up their skates and filed onto the rink.
“Please, you won’t catch me down in that cesspit.”  Chloé tossed her ponytail.  
“Aww, but it would be fun, Chloé!”  Her red-haired friend—Sabrina, if Kagami recalled correctly—smiled up at her pleadingly.  She already had a pair of turquoise skates on.  “If you fall, I’ll catch you!”
“Quiet!” Chloé pressed a hand to her mouth.  “Do you want everyone to know I can’t skate?”
“Considering you just announced it, I doubt you will keep it a secret.”  Kagami’s eyes narrowed.  Nino might trust Chloé now, but it was difficult to forgive someone who had abused Adrien’s friendship for so long.
“I bet you’re a professional figure skater, aren’t you,” Chloé muttered.
“No.  Skating is just a hobby.  But I could help teach you, if you would like.”
Kagami might not trust Chloé, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t be civil.  Besides, she’d been wrong about a few of Adrien’s friends before.
Chloé blinked a few times.  “You would—?  I mean, thanks, but no.  I need to make sure the media doesn’t catch us here, anyway.  It’s the most important job, you know.”
“Of course.  Perhaps another time then.”  She dipped her head.
“That would be… nice.”
That settled, Kagami sat a little ways off to put on her skates.
“Kagami!”  Adrien plopped down in the chair beside her, looking brighter than ever.  “Did you see the cake Marinette made?  Alya says it’s got passionfruit icing!”
“I didn’t,” she replied honestly.  “Knowing Marinette, I trust it’s amazing.”
“She’s so thoughtful.”  He smiled while accepting his skates back from her.  “Do you know when she’s coming?  I want to thank her, but I haven’t seen her yet.”
Kagami’s brow furrowed.  “Alya didn’t tell you?  Marinette isn’t coming.”
“She’s… she’s not?”  Adrien’s head hung.  “Do you know why?  Did I do something to upset her?”
“I’m sure it’s not that.”  Unless it was because she’d learned of Adrien’s crush on Ladybug.  Marinette was always touchy when it came to competing for Adrien’s affections, even if she’d eventually put aside her rivalry with Kagami.
“She didn’t explain why she couldn’t come.  But she did say that you mean the world to her, and that she will make it up to you.”
“She really said that?”  His hand hovered over his heart, his face hopeful.
Kagami wondered why Nino thought it so important to bring Ladybug to the party.  Adrien looked just as thrilled at the idea of seeing Marinette.
“Yes.  Now until then, let’s make the most of tonight.”  
“Right.  Thank you.”
He swapped out his orange sneakers for white ice skates, and she caught a glimpse of the dragon sticker she’d stuck on his left blade back when they were dating.  It left a bittersweet taste in her mouth, but more sweet than bitter.  He was a dear friend.  He’d shown that nothing would change that.
“Dance with me?”  He asked while pulling her towards the rink.
“On the ice?”
“Why not?  I know you’re skilled enough.”
She had no doubt of that.  Adrien had always been a little less steady in his skates than her, though.
“Alright.”  She smiled.  “If you think you can keep up with me.”
“You know I never back down from a challenge!”
Nino was playing Don’t Think Twice as they glided out onto the ice.  She had to weave between other skaters—the arena had never been this crowded when she and Adrien escaped here before.  Phillipe must have been thrilled to admit so many patrons.
“Woah!”  Adrien skidded back when a young man with tall blond hair came barreling through.
“Sorry!”  Luka called, skating quickly behind him.  “This is XY’s first time on the ice.”
“Lu!  Look, I think I’m getting the hang of it!”
Kagami hid a laugh behind her hand as XY wiped out, “starfishing” (as Nino would have called it) across the ice.
“Nice moves,” Juleka deadpanned before gliding on with Rose.
“You have some interesting friends,” Kagami noted as she and Adrien started moving again.
“I’m not sure if XY counts as a friend, exactly.”  He rubbed the back of his neck.  “He’s more like… an acquaintance, or a weird family member you have to invite to reunions.”
Kagami raised an eyebrow.  “You have a lot of family members like that?”  She had some odd relatives, but they tended to be excluded from family gatherings.
“Er… well, Nino says his family does.  I think all of my family is weird, but a different kind of weird, if you know what I mean.”
Kagami nodded, remembering the few times she’d met Adrien’s cousin Felix.  Not to mention the austere Gabriel himself.
Once they got to a clearer area, Adrien took both of her hands and began skating backwards.
“You’ve gotten better,” she noted.  “I still think you should let me take the male part, though.  I’m more used to skating backwards than you.”
“Fair enough.”  He effortlessly switched positions with her.  
At times like this, she remembered why she’d dated Adrien in the first place.  Not only was he sweet, respectful, and talented, but they were so alike.  They could glide in near-perfect sync from hours of easy practice.  He’d been the first one to take her routine hobbies and add a spark to them, make them truly fun.
Thankfully, those were all things that hadn’t changed.  It had hurt when he’d first admitted that he was still in love with someone else, that he didn’t feel it was fair to treat her as a second choice.  But she respected that now.  He’d made his decision, and she’d learned much more about herself since then, too.
Such as the fact that she might not desire romantic affections at all.
“New song,” Adrien said when Don’t Think Twice stopped playing and Wannabe by the Spice Girls began.  “This one’s not in three-four time.  You’ll have to give me something harder than a box step waltz.”
“Okay, I’ll stop going easy on you!”  
She let go of one of his hands, spinning him out and back in.  He almost skidded on the second spin, but she caught him and turned it into a dip.
“Looks like someone was getting cocky.”  She smirked.
“Nah.  I just knew you would catch me.”  He winked.
She laughed, pulling him back upright and beginning a simpler dance that Alya had taught her.  Something called a foxtrot, if she remembered correctly.
“Shouldn’t you be saving that kind of flirting for your girlfriend?”  
It was satisfying to watch the blush spread across his cheeks.  “My—?  I don’t have a girlfriend.  But if I’m making you uncomfortable, I’m sorry, I really should have—”
“Relax, Adrien.  I was only teasing.”  She squeezed his hand.  They continued gliding hand in hand, not pulling off any fancy tricks this time.
“Still.  I should be more considerate of your feelings.”
“I’ve assured you, you have nothing to worry about.”  She hoped her honest smile showed that.
“I’m asexual, Adrien.”
He went silent.  Kagami tried to keep her strides even.  She’d realized this about herself for a while now—since shortly after they broke up—but she’d yet to voice it even to her closest friend.  What if he didn’t believe her?  Or worse, what if he believed she’d led him on in their relationship?  She hadn’t realized that the strong friendship she’d felt for him wasn’t romantic or sexual attraction at the time.
“Like Max?” He replied after a moment.
The response threw her for such a loop that she almost stumbled.  “Like—who?”
“Max Kanté.  From my class?  I can introduce you if you’d like; I saw him when we came in.  If you’re aro too, you might want to talk to Alix, she’s—”
A pink blur blew past them.
“—right there, actually.”  He laughed.  “You might want to catch her off of the rink, though.  She’s even more competitive than you.  It’ll be hard to get her to slow down.”
Something swelled in Kagami’s chest.  She’d felt fairly secure in her identity, but still very much alone.  Distant strangers on the internet could only provide so much comfort.  But if Adrien knew not one, but two people like her…
“Thank you,” she said, her voice thick with emotion.  “That would mean so much to me.”
“No problem!  And I really hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable while we were dating.  Relationships are pretty new to me; I never even thought to ask.”
He was worried about making her uncomfortable?  He really was twice the gentleman she’d assumed.
“No need to worry.  I didn’t know I was ace at the time.  If I was uncomfortable, I would have told you.”  It had been a long road in realizing, and an even longer road in accepting her asexuality.  But there was no point in trying to deny who she was.  Seeing Adrien take it in stride was more of a relief than he could know.  “Thank you for your thoughtfulness.”
“Of course!  You’re my friend, Kagami.  I would never want to hurt a friend.”
Tears threatened to prick her eyes when he flashed her his brightest smile.  Before she could look like a complete fool, though, Nino skated up behind Adrien and tapped his shoulder.
“Hey, bro!  Hey, lady bro!  You mind if I borrow Adrien for a bit?  I want to show off my sick skate moves!”
Kagami laughed.  She could always count on Nino to keep things light.  
“Nino?”  Adrien looked shocked.  “Since when do you skate?”
“Since Kagami taught me!  Thanks again for that, by the way.”  He tipped his cap at her. 
“Why don’t we all skate together for a while?  It’ll be more fun that way,” Adrien suggested.
“Whatever my best bro wants.  XY took over the music, so I’m free for the next few songs.”
Adrien took both of their hands, and they glided in sync.  It was a bit more difficult with Nino, since he was still a beginner, but it was no less fun.  They even managed to dance a bit to the upbeat music.  
“This party is everything I could ask for,” Adrien said in the quiet between two songs.  “I can’t thank you guys enough.”
“We’re just happy to see you happy, dude.”  Nino clapped his shoulder.  “I don’t think this party has everything yet, though.”
Adrien’s brow scrunched.  “What do you mean?”
That was when Kagami noticed a figure in red skating towards them.  The crowd parted before her slow but steady strides.  
“I believe he means her.”  Kagami pointed to the red skater.
It was worth everything to see Adrien’s eyes widen, his cheeks turn pink, an expression of utter elation wash over him.  His grip on Kagami’s hand loosened as he clasped his hands in front of his chest.
“No way.  No way!  You got Ladybug to come to my party?”  He looked between Kagami and Nino, as if trying to figure out who to thank for it.
“It was all Nino.”  Kagami dipped her head.
“It was nothing.”  Nino rubbed the back of his neck.  “Alya did all the heavy lifting.  Her Ladyblog connections, ya know?”
Adrien looked like he was about ready to throw his arms around both of them, but that was when Ladybug reached their group.
“I hope I’m not interrupting anything,” she said, sounding shyer than Kagami remembered her.  A frozen tiara glimmered in her dark hair, reflecting the laser lights that flashed across the rink.  “I heard it was someone’s birthday?”
“Me!”  Adrien practically shouted.  “I mean—uh, thank you so much for coming to my party, Ladybug.  I’m honored.”
He bowed so deeply, his skates nearly slid out from under him.  Ladybug hid a giggle behind her hand.
“You’re so cute—I mean—it’s super cute—COOL of you to invite me.”  She flashed finger guns at him.  
Kagami’s eyes narrowed thoughtfully.  Was Ladybug always so awkward in social situations?  
“It was super cool of you to come!”  Adrien held her shoulders to steady himself as he gave the traditional bisous.  Ladybug’s face was bright red afterwards.
“Should we give them some space?”  Nino whispered to Kagami behind his hand.
“It would defeat the purpose if we didn’t, wouldn’t it?”
“You’re leaving?”  Adrien asked when he tore his eyes away from Ladybug long enough to notice.  “You don’t have to!”
“No worries, dude!  We’ve got to check on Chloé and make sure we’re still not on your babysitter’s radar.  We’ll catch up with you later!”
Nino dragged Kagami away, nearly sending them both to the ice until she steadied them.
“Do you really think Chloé is shirking her responsibilities?”  She asked.
“Nah, she seemed pretty serious about that.  I just needed an excuse to leave them alone.  Adrien would be too nice to leave us otherwise.”
“Oh.”  Kagami leaned back against the railing, watching Adrien take Ladybug’s hand.  They seemed well suited for each other.  Kagami had heard Adrien wax poetic about Ladybug enough to tell his affections were genuine, and Ladybug could protect Adrien from anyone who wanted to hurt him.  
Unless she was the one who ended up hurting him, in which case Kagami would have to test her sabre skills against the superhero.  
That shouldn’t be necessary. Kagami hoped they would find happiness together for at least one evening.
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beast-feast · 3 years
I'm a sad yearning man, I like reading sad things that make me cry and imagine myself with my f/os, here's some quotes from A Softer World that leave me in shambles:
"There's a whole world off this island. All it takes is one long swim to start over. Tell my mother I love her."
"Looking back on that day, I can't help but wonder: What if I had brought more bread for the ducks? Did I bring this on myself?"
"They pulled our names out of a hat, and when he broke down crying in the parking lot, I wondered if I was making a mistake."
"Go ahead, invite some man to live with us. You think he'll clean your hair while you sleep. You think he loves you like I do?"
"On my mom's birthday, I put on my best suit, I get a haircut. I pretend she's coming home."
"A girl in my class killed herself last week. Everyone says there's a note she left behind. Everyone says she mentioned me."
"Everyone expects me to be jealous, instead of relieved, to have his hands off me."
"We bet him five dollars that he would drown. A bittersweet victory."
"As a child I killed animals. Not for any rush, but because they seemed so sad, and I didn't know what else to do."
"Through your bedroom window, you look so sad at night, and I imagine that I am what you need, but realize- that's crazy."
"I woke shaking from a dream where she died in that desert, and you held me and said; 'I'm here,' which wasn't good enough."
" I have a list of stupid things to do before my suicide. I keep going back, though, making sure I did everything right."
"On days like this, I would just disappear if it weren't for you and your love. Like nails in my feet."
"Truth and Beauty are wonderful words, but shrapnel is shrapnel, and at the end of the day, I am alone with the things I have done."
"I am going to build a new boyfriend out of garbage and dirty feathers. No one else will touch him."
"We are terrible for each other, and, yes, we are a disaster. But tell me your heart doesn't race for a hurricane, or a burning building. I'd rather die terrified, than live forever."
"Home is where the heart is, until we get a chance to bury it."
"I love you like crazy. If anything happened to you, I wouldn't know what to do. Turn myself in, I guess."
"I woke up and everyone on Earth was gone. This is going to be like a nightmare. Any day now."
"I never wanted anything to happen to my parents, but a hero needs an origin story."
"We can see the mushroom cloud and we are going to die soon, no matter what we do or ear or say. I wish I had known this all along."
"At first I was angry you had fallen in love with someone else, but you seem so happy now. I didn't even know you were sad."
"I have done up a list of pros and cons for suicide, and both sides are equally full of bullshit."
"She wasn't perfect, but I loved her, y'know? I would kill everyone here to bring her back. Anyway, good luck, class of 2008."
"All my dreams came true. I just didn't think them through."
"Before we met, I was so scared of dying. But if the end comes today, this will have been enough."
"Judge if you want. We are all going to die. I intend to deserve it."
"I've been keeping a fake diary, so when they make a movie of my life, people will think I was happy."
"I wish you were dead. But then I would hate myself for waiting by the grave, instead of the phone."
"Roses are red, and violets are blue! I love you baby, and you love me too. Or you certainly will, if that Stockholm syndrome thing is true!"
"The world is ending and people are taking pictures that won't last."
"Today it occurred to me I could murder someone, if you were with me. You make the old things fun again."
"I always thought violence didn't solve anything. Until one day it did."
"I love my puppy. I love that he is so young and full of life. And that he will still die first."
"I love you, but I don't love you enough to give up falling in love."
"Maybe the Earth would be better without us. Safe and clean and perfect, like a toy nobody ever played with."
"You are a good person and I love you. This just isn't the life I hoped I'd have."
"I wish I could just push a button to make you happy, when I feel like it."
"Sometimes I wish I was born a girl. I'd like makeup and pretty dresses, instead of just having this vagina."
"I used my one wish to make myself smarter. Smart enough to wish I was more kind."
"I wish there was a better word than 'sorry'. But then I'd probably need a better word than that."
"I know that I don't deserve you, but that's okay. Life's not fair."
"You are the love of my life so far."
"You make me want to pretend to be a better man."
"I finally developed a computer with feelings. It just doesn't have feelings for me."
"This town isn't big enough for the two of us. Let's run away together!"
"I know you don't love me, but there must be something I can do to make you a better person."
"You won't live forever in their memories. The way you treated them will."
"If you died, I would go through hell to bring you back. That would be easy. I'm not sure how to deal with us just drifting apart."
"Okay, now imagine I am falling in love with you. Can you picture it? Now picture it backwards."
"I never meant to hurt you. You have to believe me. I wasn't thinking about you at all."
"You were my everything, which, upon reflection, was probably the problem."
"I would sell my soul for a soul worth keeping."
"I don't believe each person has just one true love, but sometimes we don't have enough time to find another."
"You are never so low that you deserve to be lower."
"I'm the best at what I do, and what I do is think about my mistakes."
"The worst person you can think of gets scared sometimes, too."
"Do you ever get the feeling that God has a plan? And you're the only one who can stop it?"
"The more things change, the more you still don't love me anymore."
"I think up ciphers to trace onto your skin, because it doesn't feel safe to just say I love you."
"When I look at you, I can't help but think Hell must be missing an angel."
"You don't love me, but you used to. I wanted to say thank you for that."
"The terrible things that happened to you didn't make you you. You always were."
"When I look at you, all I can see are the mistakes we are going to make."
"I wish being a good person could erase the bad things I've done."
"You aren't really a good person, but god damn you make bad look awesome."
"I don't know how to make things right. So I'll just keep pretending that nothing's wrong."
"I wish I'd never met you, so I can meet you again."
"I can only infer that love exists from its effects on others. I know I want love, but I have no idea who will make me happy. Emptiness doesn't know its own shape. I do not believe in love at first sight. But god damn. There are so many first kisses in the movies. But if they had ever kissed you, they wouldn't dare. Waking up next to you is like other people go to sleep in and keep dreaming. When the world ends the sea will boil, the skies will turn to ash in the lungs of everyone who isn't safe in your area. Good just keeps going and going, until it seems more like 'okay'. I can't remember our first kiss. Was this really all it was? Nothing can change the way I feel about you. I wish it could. For a long time I thought that I deserved better, but the truth is we both deserve better than this. I wish there was a word that meant 'goodbye' for someone who was already gone. I don't want a world without pain or loss. I just want them to mean something."
"I'm in love with the you I wish you were. I only stay with you because you look like him."
"Just once I'd like to fall in love with someone who will ruin things before I do."
"Hello, what is your return policy on animals? I think this dog you sold me knows what I did."
"I would never hurt another human being, for free."
"Sometimes I want to ruin my whole life so I can start over without feeling guilty."
"The only thing we leave behind when we die is fear."
"I wrote you a love-poem computer virus, that self replicates and mutates and lives for your smile."
"All I want for Christmas is you to still be alive."
"If I ever get murdered, don't tell the cops a goddamn thing. It's what I would've wanted."
"I like to secretly alter my friends' diaries and put in ghosts, visions, happiness."
"I know my mom loved me. It's called Domestic Stockholm Syndrome."
"Your touch brings me to life. Not like Frankenstein, like HAL."
"I want to carve our initials in the bark of everyone who ever hurt you."
"I'd love you more if you were someone who could love me."
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