oc3anw1sh · 1 year
Mainly just stuff for my fictionkins <3
(Also if you are against my medias DNI)
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epickiya722 · 1 year
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I hope they show this 😆
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lovesick-level-up · 1 year
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N Discord Layouts
anon requested: ooh, then can i maybe request a n discord layout? i'd like a gif one if possible, but images are okay too
feel free to use with credit, but don't claim as your own or use if you are on our dni! like/reblog if you save or enjoy!
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pearl-blue-musings · 1 year
Chemicals React
Hi hi!!!
This is a long time coming! This is for the wifey’s collab @frostthecupcake hallmark collab!!
Pairing: Prohero!Shinsou Hitoshi x fem!reader
Warnings: 18+, slight angst, comfort, aged up characters, miscommunication cause it’s a romcom
Word count: 7.7K
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“Look, Mr. Shimura,” you huff out as you speed walk to your office, “I’ve provided the magazine and blog with plenty of stories and amazing pictures of heroes over the years.” You sit down in your chair, securing the phone on your ear in the crook of your neck, “and you expect me to find a hero who went underground and was a social pariah just to get views? It’s immoral and way out of my pay grade!”
“You’re the best we have! And besides, you were the one that helped Japan see how wonderful Dynamight is while uncovering his relationship status.”
You sigh into the phone as you open a new document to begin brainstorming. “I had to do many favors for him and assure him of his and his partners safety. This story you're pitching sounds invasive and insensitive.” You may be a journalist, but you have morals. If this hero your boss is talking about wants to be left alone, then who are you to interrupt his peace? There’s gotta be a reason the brainwashing hero truly went underground and you’re content leaving him alone. Hell, you don’t even know what he looks like. No one has seen or heard from him in years. Maybe he wanted to keep it that way.
“I’ll give you a promotion.”
“Okay now you’re just desperate.”
Your boss laughs on the other line. “Oh you’re always so funny! I’m sure you know we’re not doing well in stocks, we’re almost bankrupt, and we need a story to put us on top again! And I think you can get us this story. And I’m not asking you. I’m telling you.” With the beeps in your ear, you’re cut out of the call as he hangs up the phone. You put your phone down and rub at your temples. This job could make or break you, and the thought of a promotion? Well you know you and your boyfriend were thinking of moving in together and could use the extra money to make that a reality.
Speaking of your boyfriend, you give him a call hoping he can help you with your moral decision. He picks up after a couple rings. “Hey babe, how are you? What’s going on?”
“I don’t know what to do. I got a new assignment and they want me to unearth an underground hero and just expose him.”
“Hmmm,” he pauses, “and you want to leave him alone because maybe he’s already at peace?”
You sigh and chuckle in relief that someone gets it. “Yes! That’s it exactly, maybe there’s a reason he went underground in the first place. So what if there’s a promotion and pay increase involved? I can’t do that-“
“A pay increase? You said yes right?”
You furrow your eyebrows in confusion and clutch your phone tighter. “I mean, I have no choice but I can’t do it. It wouldn’t be right and they only want this to reinvigorate the company-“
“So do it. I can help you find him. He’s the one with the brainwashing quirk right?”
“Ah yes but-“
He continues to interrupt you and go on. “Easy, I can send you the information I have about him and you can go find him. Think of it as a vacation! You can get out of town and I can spend time with Haruki and- ah fuck.” Your breath is caught in your throat at his slip up. “Ignore that last part,” he pleads, “I’ll send you what you need right away.” All your boyfriend hears is silence on the other end and your shallow breathing. “Baby girl?”
You try to shake off the shock of his words before you take a deep breath. “Who’s Haruki?” You wait for him to form the right words or deny his words. But all he did was fumble and try to say it was a one time thing and she didn’t mean anything. The day already wasn’t in your favor and thus just made everything much, much worse. “Shut up. Just….send me what I need and never talk to me again.”
“Baby, I-“
“I want your stuff out of my place. You’re right, I do need a vacation.”
Despite your recent break up, you’re thankful for the lead that asshole gave you in finding your story. Even your assistant said that doing this cover would be the break you and the company needs. As much as you didn’t want to do this, you still had a job and didn’t want to look for anything new. You rest your head back on the plane to try and get some rest before arriving in the new city.
All roads lead to the Saitama prefecture. It’s a pretty big area but you knew the right questions to ask to find someone. Your flight lands in the mid afternoon and your first destination is your hotel. The company didn’t put you in the most lavish arrangements but not wasn’t anything to sneeze at. Your room had a decent view and had enough room for you to spread out your work stuff and your for fun items. Knowing you’ll be there for a while, you make yourself at home as best you can as you unpack your belongings. After about 30 minutes of settling down, you sit down at the desk provided and open your laptop.
The cursor on the blank document irks you as inspiration evades you. You don’t even wanna write this expose but you couldn’t turn down a free much needed vacation. Maybe you could convince your boss to write about someone else? Why this guy? What’s so special about him? Just because he was treated badly because of his quirk? Once you think about your bosses intentions, you dial him angrily. “What’s the angle here? I still don’t understand why him? Can’t I just interview Eraserhead? No one has been able to get an interview with him in forever!”
“No,” he seethes. “It has to be Mind Jack. No exceptions, or you’re fired!”
You gasp when the threat of your livelihood is put in the fray. The stress of having to write this up begins to drive you crazy so instead of staying in your room you head out to explore. Maybe something about the area can help you find some inspiration? Maybe?
Unbeknownst to you, Mr. Shimura hired someone to make sure you don’t back out of the job. Sure it took extra money, but you’re his money maker and he needs to make sure you’re going to get this right. It’s all for the greater good, he muses to himself, as his PI sends him an update that you have left your hotel. It’s all for the greater good, it’s all for the greater good….
“Alright, perfect. You’re gonna get into that hero program no problem.”
The eager junior high schooler smiles brightly at her teacher as she fills out the application. “Thanks, Sensei! I couldn’t have done this without you. Whoops, gotta go. My mom is outside.” The student waves to her private teacher and heads home. The teacher in question sighs happily and sits back at his desk. He never thought that all his knowledge from being in a hero course and being a hero for a few years would lead him back home.
If you had told Shinsou Hitoshi, former brainwashing hero named Mind Jack, that he would be teaching after school lessons for kids who want to be heroes, specifically with mind related quirks he would’ve laughed. All he wanted was to be a hero, the first to take a taboo quirk and do good. Unfortunately, the world still wasn’t ready for it. Every mission he took was scrutinized and over analyzed, despite the good he was doing. His strength and combat couldn’t fight off the press and tabloids saying how he manipulated everyone at the commission to let him in. The scorching words and piercing looks were too much, so he hung up his costume, gave up his hero name, and moved back home. A former teacher of his from his primary school days contacted him after remembering him and offered him a position in the school system to help those like him. No one should ever be treated the way he was.
Shinsou cleans up his office and locks the door behind him, carrying his bag and heads off onto the street. There’s a nearby cat cafe he likes to frequent to help destress. He walks slowly today, thinking about his previous student and how he hopes she’s treated with better respect. Her quirk allows her to read the mind of those she wills to seek the truth and figure out what their moves are in combat. Before Shinsou returned home, the girl was ostracized for being able to read minds which could lead her to cheating on tests and similar acts. But now, she’s one of the best fighters in her prefecture and studies harder than anyone to make sure no one doubts her skills. He may be biased toward her, but he sees himself in her and wishes nothing but success for her.
The ding of the door and smell of cats wafts into his nose as he enters the cafe. The staff waves to him and he responds. “Shinsou-san,” the manager on duty calls out. “We’re a little crowded today, but there’s a young lady by herself if you don’t mind sharing.” The older woman points over to where you’re sitting and sees that you’re working on something. Shinsou sighs out a thank you and trods over to where you are. Your eyebrows stay furrowed as you stare at your laptop, inspiration still fleeting.
“You know, I usually sit in this corner.”
You’re shook from your stupor as you look up. At first, he’s one of the most attractive people you’ve ever seen. But then you see annoyance on his facial features and you recoil. “Ah, sorry,” you say, shrinking in on yourself. “Umm, but you can join me? There aren’t many seats open…”
Shinsou looks you over and quirks an eyebrow. You’re clearly not from here, you must be a Tokyo woman coming for a slower lifestyle. Whatever, he muses, not like he’s in a rush to head home. “Sure,” he huffs as he pulls out the chair opposite you. He then picks up a menu, scanning it but already knowing what to order to take the time to observe you. You must be working on something, otherwise you wouldn’t look so stressed out. He notes the agitated tapping of your heel as you cutely bite your lip. Wait cute? He quickly shakes his head before begrudgingly deciding to spark a conversation. “You’re not from here, are you?”
You peak up from your laptop and sheepishly close it. “You’re observant,” you comment. “I’m supposed to be looking for somebody.”
“Ominous, but I’m intrigued.” Shinsou scoots his chair closer to the table. “And just exactly who are you looking for?”
You hesitate slightly, not wanting to reveal your true intentions to a total stranger. You deliberate for a couple seconds before you give the attractive man in front of you an answer. “Honestly? I have no idea. All I know is that he’s from the Saitama prefecture.”
Shinsou hisses his teeth in displeasure and smirks at you. “That’s rough, there’s way too many people here for that and it’s pretty big. Is that really your only lead?”
You let out a breath and rest your chin in your hand. “I know! And the worst part is I don’t even wanna write this story. My boss is pushing it or I’ll get fired.”
That catches his attention, seeing your face sink at the mention of being fired. “So you’re a writer? Written anything I might’ve read?”
You shrug at his banter. “Eh, I don’t like to talk about my work all that much. It just pays the bills. I hate that I’m good at it.” You pout at your dismay and Shinsou attempts to hide the uptick of the corner of his mouth. It looks like you could use a vacation. He relaxes in the chair as the waiter comes to take your orders. “You come here often?”
“I’m practically a regular, it’s one of my favorite places to unwind after a stressful day.”
You chuckle and hold his gaze. “You don’t strike me as a cat person.”
“And you don’t strike me as a tabloid journalist.”
Your eyes widen and jaw drops as he finds out your title. “How? How did you-“
“I can also tell you like stickers, since your laptop is covered in them including one of the company.” His smug smirk first has your cheeks warming but then you grumble and put your laptop away before taking an angry sip. Your face softens at the taste of your order and you visibly relax. The man in front of you snickers before putting his mug down. “The lavender chai is a good one, one of my personal favorites.”
“I can see why,” you add on, continuing to enjoy the flavor. “Can I be open with you?” He nods and you place your mug down gently. “I don’t wanna write this story. What I really wanna write about is about the average person with a quirk deemed unhelpful. Or about the quirkless. You know, society puts so much on heroes with physical quirks and it’s just-“
“Unfair that those with non-physical or mutation quirks get the bad end of the stick?”
“Exactly,” you excitedly respond. You hadn’t gotten this hype over talking about a subject since Mr. Shimura asked you to cover a hero wedding. You can feel your heart beating with excitement but remember how that excitement and passion doesn’t pay the bills or get you promoted. You hadn’t realized you were hovering over your seat until you say back down again, coughing to cover your slight embarrassment. “Sorry,” you apologize, “I can get really excited about this topic and I haven’t talked to anyone about it.”
Shinsou grins softly at you and motions for you to give him your phone. You pull it out and hand it to him, looking at him quizzically. “Here’s my number,” he rasps before handing back your phone. “Hit me up if you ever want to talk about this more. Maybe that can be your story. Screw whatever your boss says.” With that, he gets up from the table and waves you off, offering to cover the tab on his way out. You sit back in the chair and get your laptop back out. You begin to type out your glowing thoughts and shoot him a message. On your document you have:
“Shinsou Hitoshi: just who are you?”
Minutes after you leave, a figure you haven’t seen before walks out as well and makes a call. “It seems she’s made contact. I don’t think she’s aware of who he is. She’ll get the story and you’ll get your money.”
After a few weeks of being in the prefecture and the city it’s named after, you and Shinsou have gotten closer. He’s shown you around town and even invited you to some of the lessons he teaches. You were shocked to see how well versed in combat he is and honestly it was kinda sexy. He was so soft spoken but so assertive and dominant in a way that had you admiring him and wanting him. There’s this allure to him you can’t quite describe and it has you wanting to know more.
But all the while you couldn’t help but feel as if someone had been following you. It was a feeling you’ve had ever since you had arrived, no matter what you did it felt like someone was tailing you. Especially when you were hanging out with Shinsou. Despite that feeling, you had done your best to facilitate meaningful and reactionary interactions with the male. You couldn’t quite describe it, the chemistry between you two, but it was something that kept egging you on for more reactions, to see what other options and possibilities there were. You’ve never felt this way with anyone and it was terrifying. Not even your ex could manage to create this kind of connection. It was exhilarating.
You didn’t mean to stay for this long, but there was something about this place and him. You’re so wrapped up in the whirlwind of it all you’ve forgotten your assignment completely. At this point, you’re just writing about quirk representation and how it should be better. Sure it’s improved, but there’s still a long way to go.
And Shinsou was the one providing you with this new insight.
The former hero had been trying to figure out just what exactly it was that had
One beautiful day you're cooped inside your hotel room, realizing that all you’ve written about is him and all the things he stands for. You’ve been considering just making the story about him and his adventures outside of being a hero. You find it strange that he hasn’t revealed his quirk to you, but maybe he doesn’t have one or would rather not discuss it. Surprisingly, you weren’t one to pry into his life and you revel in it. Completely forgetting about your original assignment, you do a quick search on the internet to quell your curiosity. So far all the results show where he went to high school, where he’s from, what he teaches… but nothing about a hero name.
You think maybe you’ve researched and interviewed him but surely you would remember his face? You think back to conversations you’ve had with him over the last few weeks:
“Getting into the hero course wasn’t easy for me. I had my idol as my senpai and had such a far way to go.
“UA was a good time, I enjoyed it and made some of my best friends there. Although I didn’t want to make friends, they all wanted to be nice to me…
“You know, a lot of the students could use more help with conducting interviews and writing. Are you sure you can’t stay longer?
“I hope you find whoever you’re looking for, they sure are lucky to have someone like you looking for them…
“I’m not usually this open about my past, but for some reason I feel like I can tell you anything.
“Are we still on for dinner tonight?”
That last question he has asked you about an hour ago and you had said yes, excitement coursing through your veins. You shake your head at your unusual giddiness and let out a puff of frustration. You shouldn’t be feeling this way for someone so soon! There’s no way…. Feeling a little pent up, you search harder in order to try and surprise him with something regarding his old hero name. You scavenge what information UA is able to provide until you find something related to a teacher from there. From the looks and explanation, the name is Eraserhead. An underground hero you also admired, you were unaware he took on any protégés. As you stumble through some photos you see it and you gasp out loud. That’s for sure a gray less Eraserhead, but that’s also a young Shinsou Hitoshi. The label underneath shocks you the most.
Aizawa Shouta with newly graduated hero Mind Jack, brainwashing hero.
You slam your laptop shut and step outside onto your balcony. The rules and parameters of your assignment are suddenly flooding your senses. He’s the one you’ve been looking for? The wayward and looked over hero? You knew looking into whoever this is was going to be bad. And now there’s no way you can go through with the story. And you have to tell him the truth. With how close you’ve gotten it would hurt him if he found out from someone else.
As frustration sets in, you quickly shoot him a text to ask to meet in the lobby of your hotel. He responds even quicker.
“Is everything okay? You sound frantic.”
You bite your lip and twirl around before slamming your hands on the bed. Shinsou has no right being as nice and caring as he is! The entirety of Japan shunned him and made him hideaway forever. How completely unfair to him. You think the world should know who he is now and then judge later. You’ve decided, you’re changing your angle. Your boss can reprimand you later but there’s no way you can let this story run. Despite the gut feeling that someone’s been following you, you call your boss and tell him you’re writing about something different with confidence.
However, something felt off when he hung up. “Oh well that’s alright. You won’t get fired, but thank you for making the magazine relevant again.” Making it relevant? Just what did that mean? You urge yourself to shake off the eerie feeling and go down to the lobby. You promise you’re going to tell him everything, and fingers crossed he doesn’t hate you and actually understands.
Upon entering the lobby, you’re bombarded with photographers and bright lights, the lobby a buzz with stirring action. You can barely get your words out at the billion questions being thrust your way. Their words are muddled as you scan above and ahead of you to locate Shinsou. When you finally see the familiar mop of purple hair, a genuine smile comes to your face as you break free. With elbows front, you push your way through the crowd to find him. You call out to him but stop short when you see a familiar yet unfamiliar presence shake his hand. Your eyebrows furrow and you realize that your eerie feeling has been coming from him. “Shinsou!” You happily call out and see him turn toward you. His expression is not one you were not expecting to see. “Hitoshi?”
“Don’t call me that.”
You retract back at the malice in his hiss. You try to place a hand on his shoulder. “S-Shinsou I don’t understand. What’s going on?”
He aggressively shrugs off your hand and steps back, pinching the bridge of his nose. “You were using me. That’s why you were so interested in me.”
You begin to shake your head in disbelief, feeling your lips start to tremble. “That, that’s not true! I really wanted to get to know you. Who was that guy you were with?”
“Tch, like you don’t know,” he comments with a roll of his eyes.
“No I don’t,” you quickly quip back, crossing your arms and cocking your hip. “Please enlighten me.”
Shinsou grunts and steps closer to you to make sure you hear everything, his voice low and accusatory. “He said he’s a friend of Mr. Shimura. Said he was keeping tabs on you to make sure your assignment is going smoothly…”
“W-wait Shinsou, it’s not what you think-“
“Stop lying to me! You were looking for me, weren’t you? You knew who I was the moment you met me. And for what? To bring me out of hiding for further ridicule?”
Tears cascade down your cheeks, head still shaking left to right. This can’t be happening. Why does this hurt as much as it does? Why won’t he listen to you? “P-please let me explain!” Your voice and lips tremble as you do your best to say what you need to say. “I didn’t know who you were when I met you, I swear! And yes, originally I was supposed to come find you and write some expose but,” you pause when you see the hurt and betrayal in his beautiful eyes. You wish he would stop looking at you like that, like you broke his most precious item. “Please, I was going to change my story. You have to believe me. I didn’t even wanna write this story in the first place!”
“Then why the hell are you here?”
That made your breath hitch in your throat. You had never really thought about why you had stayed. You could have easily left because you didn’t wanna do your story, knowing your boss was fronting the lodging costs. Originally you needed to get out because of the breakup, but you found yourself loving being here in Saitama City. You loved being somewhere where there were no expectations of or for you, and where everyone truly wanted you around and not needed. It was like your body had found the right balance it needed.
You fell in love with the city.
You fell in love with him.
You steel your nerves as you feel your eyes cloud over with an unreadable expression. The words you never wanted to say again, but are willing to as you feel the stares of the hotel staff and paparazzi behind you. “Because I’m good at my job. Thank you for your time, and I hope,” your voice cracks then, “I hope you will read our magazine for all things heroes and celebrities.”
You turn around and blend into the midst of the crowd, not daring to look back so no one could see the tears fall once more. Once back at your room, you call the front desk to let them know you’ll be checking out in the morning. Soon after a knock comes to your door and you slowly answer it. You’re engulfed in a hug from the front desk worker who’s become a confidant. You hug her back and let your tears come out.
“Please don’t leave, we all love you here and I know he does too,” she begs. “You seem so relaxed and you here. And sure you messed up but I know you didn’t have bad intentions.” You wipe your face and meet her loving gaze.
“But I have to.”
“No you don’t! The hopeless romantic in me couldn’t deny the absolute chemistry between the two of you. I know you felt something. Sure, the reaction right now wasn’t what either of you wanted but we live to love!” Her words fall on your deaf ears as you step back into your room. Before you close the door, you whisper to her. “Maybe we aren’t the right chemicals for each other.”
Shinsou Hitoshi had never felt so used or humiliated in his life. He doesn’t even bother to look for you as you blend into the crowd. Using his always on hand binding weapon, he makes his escape to where the press can no longer follow him. However, he thinks back to that PI who most likely has his address and thinks it best to not go home; his place of work also out of the running. As he perches on top of a building, he knows a friend he can crash with that lives in Tokyo after making it big.
“Oh Shinsou! What’s going on?”
The tired man sighs into the phone. “Monoma, can I crash at your place?”
Monoma agrees and quickly hangs up so Shinsou can begin his journey. He hasn’t had to use all of his stamina in a long time so he’s gotta be ready now that people are looking for him. This is exactly why he went home, he didn’t want to be found. He wanted to be left alone!
And then you came along.
You came along and turned his world upside down. It was only a few weeks but it felt like he knew you a lifetime. No one should have these strong feelings for someone they just met, right? No one can get that lucky, especially not him. He can feel the strings of his heart ache as he canvases rooftops and skyscrapers before making it to Monoma’s place right outside of Tokyo. Luckily when he dropped out of the hero world, most people who had associated with him have no longer been hounded by the paparazzi for his whereabouts. Let alone someone like the new 24 hero Monoma Neito.
Shinsou drops down to the balcony of the apartment and rearranges his binding cloth around his shoulders. He knocks in a familiar rhythm, alerting Monoma to come to the sliding door. “Come in, come in.” The blond ushers him inside and sits down on the couch next to him. “It’s rare for you to call me out of the blue. What happened?”
Shinsou sighs, truly dropping the weight of his emotions and circumstance. He interlocks his fingers as his eyes attach to the ceiling in search of some pattern amongst the miscellaneous lines. “I got found.” Monoma stays quiet, a shock to anyone who knows him, silently urging his friend to continue. With everything he and his friends did to keep him safe, it makes no sense that this would happen. Shinsou’s identity had been kept safe for so long, just what happened?
“I,” Shinsou croaks out. “I met someone. At my usual place and she seemed normal. And she was, is, I mean. I can’t believe I was stupid enough to open myself to someone like that. I had vowed never to open myself up like that again. But she made it so easy, like the perfect balance of mixtures.” Shinsou pauses and places a hand behind his neck in frustration.
Monoma quirks up an eyebrow. “She? The lady you’ve been telling me about? That’s what got you like this?” He can’t help but smirk mischievously at his friend, knowing full well what Shinsou’s feelings really are. But who is he to spoil the fun? “You know they’re not “you know who” right?”
“I know she isn’t like them, but…” he trails off, “she lied to me.” He pushes himself off the couch and faces the wall, unable to look his friend in the face. “She’s a tabloid reporter, journalist, whatever. She was sent here to find me and dig me out of hiding. It was all for her stupid job and money. She never cared about me just like the world never cared. And I thought she,” he stops in an attempt to hold back tears. “I thought she cared.”
Monoma hums trying to find the right words to comfort his dear friend. “Shin, what about everything else you two did? Did you hear her side of the story?”
“I didn’t need to. She’s as bad and fake as everyone else-“
“Well pardon me,” Monoma interrupts, “but it sounds like you didn’t hear her side. Did she say all of this to you?”
“Uh, well, no. I had heard it from someone else but she basically confirmed it. Tried saying that her mind had changed and she didn’t know or something.” Shinsou’s voice and resolve lower as he thinks back to your expression earlier in the day. You looked so sad, like you wanted him to believe you. Like he wanted the world to believe his quirk was good. But how is he supposed to trust you?
“Neito,” he breathes, “you haven’t seen the headlines or heard the questions the paps were asking. If I was dating her, if she was the reason I went underground. Or stupid shit like "Did I brainwash everyone here?!””
Shinsou punches the wall in frustration, not caring for the marks and dent on the wall and certainly not the throb of pain in his hand. Monoma continues to sit there in revered silence as he lets his friend air out his frustrations. He’s interrupted Shinsou before and that is a memory he wishes to never recreate.
Shinsou breathes again and caresses his hand as the pain settles in. “You know how I felt like oil in water my whole life and that I couldn’t breathe or fit in. She took all of that away. I felt like I was floating whenever I was with her, like everything in my life finally reacted the way I wanted.
“And then, the weight of reality came back and screwed everything up. That perfect puzzle piece that got ruined. I can’t see her ever again.”
Monoma drops his jaw at his friends rambling. For all the years the blond has known him, he’s never talked about a person in such great detail. His instinct is to find you and have Shinsou repeat these exact words to you. He watches Shinsou trudge into the guest room and slam the door. He runs a hand through his hair and dials his partner. “Hey sweetie, I can’t make it tonight…yeah he’s here…do what you can to lessen the damage for his sake. He’s a wreck right now and will need some time. But that’s why I’m the best friend!”
Shinsou didn’t leave the apartment for three days. Your calls and texts went unanswered and ignored. Monoma was getting restless at his friend's despair and isolation. During that time, Monoma had stopped by Shinsou’s apartment to bring some of his stuff and was fiercely told to not touch anything. Of course, the blond being who he is, he picked up a couple things that weren’t on the list. The thing that stood out to him was a set of photo booth pictures.
Monoma had to admit you’re beautiful, but what was more beautiful was seeing the expression on his best friend's face as he looked at you. It was like you were the only person in his world. Monoma remembers that day of the fair and how Shinsou was buzzing him of all people of his excitement. Just who are you and what have you done with his best friend?
He stored the picture in his wallet and brought what he needed to his place to help the saddened former hero. When he had returned, Shinsou had grumbled and took his things. It was like pulling teeth to get him to open up about your name but that was all the lilac eyed man was willing to disclose. That was fine with Monoma, mostly because on this third day he claims to be going out for a while. It would be remiss to say that he noticed your name pop up multiple times on Shinsou’s phone, followed by other friends and his mentor. However, no one had broken through to him.
Desperate times call for desperate measures.
Monoma leaves the apartment for the first time in three days since taking care of Shinsou. And his first destination is your office.
He thinks it’s funny that the cloud filled skies cover the height of the building you work in. It’s also funny, ironically, that the paparazzi are still posted outside asking for more about the former briainwashing hero as if what they were given wasn’t enough. Clearly it wasn’t. With his head held high, Monoma walks into the tabloid’s office and waltzes to reception. “Excuse me,” he starts, “I’m looking for a certain writer that wrote something about my friend.”
The lady in front of him doesn’t react until she looks up and her eyes go wide. “Phantom Thief! To what do we owe the pleasure? Uh, right you said that. You’re a friend of Mind Jack, right?” She types away to look for your new office number and chimes with a smile when she recites the number to the hero in front of her. Monoma thanks her and heads to the elevator. As the doors close, he misses the receptionist call someone to alert, most likely, the press of his presence. The whole time he’s thought of everything he’s wanted to say to you, never having met you ever. You’re either the best or worst thing that has ever happened to one Shinsou Hitoshi.
Without knocking, he walks into your office. You gasp at the intrusion and look up from your computer. You stand up upon realization and suddenly your throat has run dry. “Ph-Phantom Thief, how can I help you?” Before Monoma introduces himself, he takes in the scene around him. He’s not sure what your office was like before, but he has a feeling it was smaller than this. You’ve got a beautiful view of Musutafu, despite it being rainy. Your desk is covered in files and paperwork, potentially contracts with clients and other important figures. It may appear to be put together, but he knows a stressed and strewn out office when he sees one. Sharp aqua eyes catch a cat plush he’s sure he’s seen before, along with some mugs reminiscent of ones Shinsou has in his abode. But the one thing that catches his eye is a small frame of you and Shinsou sitting atop a cabinet. There’s no doubt about it in his mind, he’s made the right decision coming here. “I’m sorry it’s such a mess, I’ve been living here for a couple days. I’m too afraid to go home.”
A genuine smile comes to Monoma’s face as he approaches you. “You have nothing to apologize for, dear. I just wanted to talk to you.”
That piques your interest and you slowly sit back down. “To me? What about? Are you going to be like all the other heroes giving me shit? I didn’t want to do it! I don’t ever want to write about another hero, current or former, ever again.” You fight back tears as you swivel away in your chair. The blond relaxes in his seat before he stands up to kneel in front of you. He takes your hands into his and grins at you.
“I can see why he was so taken with you,” he breathes out. That catches your attention and you straighten your posture. You’re about to say something but he cuts you off. “He didn’t send me here to yell at you. Actually, he has no idea I’m here! I wanted to see you for myself.”
You pull your hands away from him, seemingly closing yourself off to him and maybe anyone who tries to get closer to you. Faintly, you hear the clacking of shoes and murmuring of voices as you assume the worst. But it can’t be any worse than how you feel right now. Let the press see you with another hero, you don’t care anymore. Let them stir up stories and concoctions about you that aren’t true for a reaction. “I ruined him,” you manage to say. “I forgot, I forgot that my boss gets immediate updates of everything…it was a shared document I mean, how could I forget? And he,” your voice raises and you rest on your feet, “he had someone follow me to make sure I was writing! Who does that? I know I’m his money maker but I would never, ever intentionally hurt Shinsou Hitoshi.” By this point, your emotions are on full display for the man in front of you and the press outside your office. You’re sure they heard your words as you practically screamed them. Your eyes search the hero’s in front of you, desperately looking for the belief that you had wanted from someone else. “Please, I lo- ah I really care about him.” You can’t meet his eyes as you whisper that last part. Your fingers come to your lips when realization hits. You almost said you love him, a man you had only known for almost a month. Is that even possible?
Monoma catches your slip up and gently smiles, knowing your head is a commotion of thoughts. He’s really glad he had set his phone to record the whole conversation. But not happy about the crowd and cameras outside your office. He steps up to you to lift your chin. “I know. You should let him know, I think he needs to hear it.” He moves away as the sound in your office suddenly gets louder. You shoot your head up when it’s then silenced again. Your jaw drops and you stand up again.
In the doorway stands a breathless Shinsou in his old hero gear. His hair presses against the sweaty skin of his brow as his gaze holds onto you. His stance falters at the sight of his friend and rolls his eyes, knowing he didn’t accidentally butt dial him. The paparazzi seems to be captivated by his presence. And so are you. He looks amazing and so natural like this. This is the Shinsou Hitoshi you want everyone to know and love. You struggle to find the right words to say to him. “Why, why are you here? He told me that you didn’t…”
“Idiot butt dialed me.”
You laugh and feel relief at hearing his voice again. His calming and baritone voice that you have become so used to that you never wanna be without it again. He takes a hesitant step toward you and you mimic his actions.
“He left your-“
“I have so much to-“
You both talk at the same time, chuckling nervously as you look away from each other. You speak again, “you start.”
Shinsou grins and nods. “I had heard him on the train and once I saw his location I followed him. I thought the idiot was in trouble so I left it on just in case. Wouldn’t be the first time he’s needed saving.”
Monoma scoffs. “This isn’t about me!”
“Anyway,” Shinsou rings in, “I kept my earbuds in to listen and was about 20 minutes away when he muttered the location of your office before he walked in.
“I heard everything you said.”
He steps forward cautiously, highly aware of the cameras and paparazzi behind him. At this moment, he doesn’t particularly care. Sure, he wanted to stay away from the limelight. But since you’ve entered his life, all he wants to do is spend time with you and make each other better. You care about his interests and what he cares about. Everything that he’s made his career about and his focus you support and want to make better. You actually care about non physical quirks and their usefulness and what they can provide to society. And to boot, you’re exquisite. You’re beautiful. He’s never fallen for someone so genuinely and hard.
“Shinsou, please. I need you to listen. I didn’t want any of this to happen,” you beg and plead.
“I know,” he whispers.
“A-and I’m sorry I lied to you! I didn’t know you were who I was looking for until the day in the lobby. I didn’t mean to hurt you!”
Shinsou steps closer and gently cups your face. “I know.”
“I never meant for this to happen,” you continue to babble. “I never knew I would love the town so much and you’re just amazing and- mmf!”
The sound of furious clicks and oh’s are drowned out as all you can hear are his hums and your heartbeats. His lips are soft and perfect against yours. You have no idea how long you have waited to kiss the man in front of you, but now it’s finally happening. You wrap your arms around his neck, his hands falling to your waist. He pulls you closer and you can’t help but feel like this is meant to be. It’s like the perfect concoction of chemicals making the fireworks go off in your head and heart.
You finally breakaway and you gaze up into his eyes, getting lost in the our home haze that is Shinsou Hitoshi. His smile is so full of love and genuine affection that you’re in awe. His touch is so delicate as he traces your cheek with a chuckle. By now, it’s hard to ignore the flashing lights and murmurs of the people, as well as the buzzing of your phone as you’re sure this is trending right now.
You then look toward the crowd and cough. “Umm, could you leave? I’m sure you’ve got a good enough story for your magazine.” The receptionist nods and starts to escort everyone out but someone bursts through the crowd in a frenzy.
“No! Keep the cameras rolling! This is going to make the company rich! My writer and the disgraced hero! It’s perfect!”
Your boss breaks through the midst with a crazed look. Shinsou’s eyes lock onto his new target as they darken over. He lets you go and approaches the man that has messed up your lives. Mr. Shimura cowers as the taller man corners him, ignoring the increase in sound again. “I’m not going to use my quirk on you, but you better listen.” Your boss nods quickly. “You are going to get these paparazzi out of here, get rid of the story, promote the love of my life, and do whatever story she wants to do. Got it?” Shimura’s head acts like a bobble head as he escorts the invaders of your office away and does everything he can to ease the burden on you. You blink slowly at the strong man in front of you, taking a deep breath when you realize you had been holding your breath for so long. You almost lose your balance when Shinsou comes back to your side with a sheepish grin.
“I hope that didn’t startle you, kitten.”
And incomes the next time you almost fall over. Kitten? You can get used to that. You really can get used to it. You shake your head dumbfoundedly, now realizing that you’re alone. It seems Monoma had also left with the crowd. “Shinsou…”
“It’s Hitoshi to you.”
You giggle shyly and reach out to hold his hand. He takes it and kisses the back of your hand. His eyebrows raise from your hand and his chuckles are hidden behind your hand. He pulls you in and starts to sway with you to the melody in your head. He breaks the silence with his baritone voice. “I’m not sure how it happened, but I’ve never met anyone like you. I think I'm falling in love with you. Come back to Saitama City?”
You interlock his fingers with his and nod into his embrace. He kisses your forehead as you hug him tight. “As long as you don’t mind having a leading journalist as your girlfriend.” Shinsou snickers and pecks your lips two times before resting his forehead against yours.
“I don’t mind at all, if you don’t mind a disgraced hero.”
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kiyasepicverse · 2 years
⚡️ Based on this post here! ⚡️
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wiltingretrospect · 2 years
I'm not sure why Denki is so... comforted by the existence of doubles. But he is
- Ezra
thats a good think id think! he know what helps him!!!
🌩 ↯ side note;; you mind if we post the edits on out coining blog ? ⟿@bo-wilting-retrospect-coining !⚡️✨
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blczin-gunwicldcr · 1 year
@file-fnd || Continued from Here
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Abigail Smiled softly as she properly placed her phone and wallet within her Bag before heading outside the classroom with Denki towards the exit of the building. Apon Denki's sudden question of the new technique she had been working on for weeks, Abi was slightly surprised before growing a big smile on her face, amused that someone else was Interested with how her quirk works.
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" Ah, so you noticed my new move today? Well, to be honest, it's something that learned when doing quirk training that I didn't know I can do! I Call it; Rapid Fire. I'm still trying to get use to it so hopefully it'll be useful in battle! "
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koishiro · 2 months
< 𐙚 ‧₊˚ ⋅ moodboards 𐙚 ‧₊˚ ⋅
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𝓂𝓊𝓁𝓉𝒾𝒻𝒶𝓃𝒹ℴ𝓂 .ᐟ‪‪‬ [cw: afab!reader]
2nd moodboard mlist here .ᐟ‪‪‬
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.ᴊᴜᴊᴜᴛsᴜ ᴋᴀɪsᴇɴ.
— # 𝒿𝒿𝓀 𝓂ℴℴ𝒹𝒷ℴ𝒶𝓇𝒹𝓈⋆𐙚₊˚⊹
Dating satoru gojo ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱₊˚⊹
Dating satoru gojo pt.2 ⋆˚✿˖°❀
Dating geto suguru ˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚
Dating geto suguru pt.2 🌱⋆。°₊ ⊹˚ 🍵
Dating kento nanami ⋆˙⟡♡
Dating shoko ieiri 💌 𓆩♡𓆪
Dating kiyotaka ijichi 💌
Dating toji fushiguro ₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚.
Dating megumi fushiguro ˚˖𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒✧˚.🎀༘
Dating megumi fushiguro pt. 2 ༘ ೀ⋆。˚
Dating megumi fushiguro pt.3 💌
Dating nobara kugisaki ✧˖🎀 ✧˖°
Dating yuji itadori .ೃ࿔*:・
Dating yuji itadori pt.2 💌 𝜗𝜚 ⊹ ‧₊˚ 🐇
Dating yuji itadori pt.3 💌
Dating ryomen sukuna *ੈ✩‧₊˚
Dating ryomen sukuna pt.2 ✧˖°.
Dating yūta okkotsu 💌 ♡₊˚ 🦢・₊✧
Dating yūta okkotsu pt.2 💌 […coming soon]
Dating toge inumaki ✉⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨୧˚
Dating toge inumaki pt.2 💌 ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
Dating toge inumaki pt.3 💌 ⋆.°𖦹🎱.★⊹
Dating maki zen’in ₊˚⊹꒷
Dating naoya zen’in 💌 ‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡
Dating choso kamo 💌 ⋆☆ ⊹°˖
Dating takuma ino 💌 ꒰ 🥥 ꒱ؘ ࿐ ࿔*:・゚
.ᴍʏ ʜᴇʀᴏ ᴀᴄᴀᴅᴇᴍɪᴀ.
— # 𝒷𝓃𝒽𝒶 𝓂ℴℴ𝒹𝒷ℴ𝒶𝓇𝒹𝓈⋆𐙚₊˚⊹
Dating katsuki bakugo ★🎸🎧⋆。 °⋆
Dating katsuki bakugo pt.2 .° ༘⋆🖇₊˚ෆ
Dating katsuki bakugo pt.3 ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ⁩
Dating katsuki bakugo pt.4 💌 ⋅ᯓᡣ𐭩
Dating eijiro kirishima ꩜ ⋆⑅˚₊ ༘⋆
Dating eijiro kirishima pt.2 ⋆♱✮♱⋆
Dating izuku midoriya 💌 ₊˚⊹ ᰔ
Dating izuku midoriya pt.2 𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ 𓈒ㅤׂㅤ🍈 ⭒
Dating shoto todoroki ⋆。°✩
Dating denki kaminari 💌 ✩₊˚ ⚡️ .⋆☾⋆
Dating dabi todoroki ⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨୧˚
Dating tamaki amajiki ୧ ‧₊˚ 🍵 ⋅ ☆
Dating tamaki amajiki pt.2 💌 𐙚🧸ྀི
Dating shōta aizawa 𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒ ᰔᩚ
Dating keigo takami 💌 ⊹˚. ♡.𖥔 ݁ ˖
Dating hitoshi shinso 💌 ₊˚⊹⋆
Dating hitoshi shinso pt.2 💌 ₊˚࿔*:・୧
Dating fumikage tokoyami 💌 . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
Dating fumikage tokoyami pt.2 💌
Dating mezou shouji 💌 ✩˖ ࣪‧₊˚໒꒱⋆✩
Dating hanta sero 💌 ✧˖°
Dating present mic 💌 ₊˚࿔*:・୧ 🎤
Dating mr compress 💌 / 💌 ⋆.˚✮🎧✮˚.⋆
Dating snipe 💌 / 💌 🔫 .𖥔 ݁ ˖
Dating himiko toga 💌 *ੈ𑁍༘⋆
Dating kyoka jiro 💌 𓍢ִ໋🍓͙͛ ๋࣭
Dating kyoka jirou pt.2 💌
Dating rumi usagiyama (mirko) 💌 ᐟᐟ☆🗒️💭.ᐟ
Dating neito monoma 💌 ୨ৎ⊹ ࣪ ˖⭒
Dating neito monoma pt.2 💌 […coming soon]
Dating tomura shigaraki 💌 ✧ ˚. ᵎᵎ 🎀
Dating mashirao ojiro 💌 *๑♡՞
Dating twice 💌 ᡣ𐭩. ݁₊ ⊹ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ₊ ⊹
Dating taishiro toyomitsu (Fatgum) 💌 ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺
Dating momo yaoyorozu 💌 ˚ ༘ ౨ৎ⋆。˚
Dating tsuyu asui 💌 ⋆。˚୨୧˚。⋆
Dating mina ashido 💌
Dating ochaco uraraka 💌 ⋆ ˚。⋆୨🍇୧⋆ ˚。⋆
Dating tenya iida 💌
Dating tenya iida pt.2 💌
— # 𝒷𝓁𝓁𝓀 𝓂ℴℴ𝒹𝒷ℴ𝒶𝓇𝒹𝓈⋆𐙚₊˚⊹
Dating isagi yoichi 💌
Dating nagi seishiro ‧₊˚ ⋅* ‧₊
Dating nagi seishiro pt.2 🪼⋆.ೃ࿔*:
Dating itoshi rin 。 ゚ ꒰ঌ ✦໒꒱ ༘*.゚
Dating itoshi sae 💌 ⋆˚☆˖° ⚽️
Dating itoshi sae pt.2 💌 ⁺‧₊˚ ཐི⋆♱⋆ཋྀ ˚₊‧⁺
Dating michael kaiser 💌 ₊˚⊹ ʚɞ
Dating alexis ness 💌 𐙚⋅˚₊‧ ଳ ‧₊˚ ⋅ 𐙚
Dating hyoma chigiri 💌 ⛧🦇⋆♱✮♱⋆
Dating kenyu yukimiya 💌 ·.༄࿔
Dating kenyu yukimiya pt.2 💌
Platonic!charles chevalier 💌 ଳ ‧₊˚
Dating barou shouei 💌 ˗ˏˋ 🍓 ˎˊ˗˚⊱🪷⊰˚౨ৎ
Dating ranze kurona 💌 ⋆.°𖦹🎱.★⊹
Dating eita otoya 💌 ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
Dating eita otoya pt.2 💌
Dating eita otoya pt.3 💌
— # 𝓉ℴ𝓀𝓎ℴ 𝓇ℯ𝓋ℯ𝓃ℊℯ𝓇𝓈 𝓂ℴℴ𝒹𝒷ℴ𝒶𝓇𝒹𝓈⋆𐙚₊˚⊹
Dating izana kurokawa 💌 🫀⋆ ࣪.
Dating rindou haitani //b4 bonten// 💌 ೃ࿔*:๑♡՞
Dating rindou haitani //bonten// 💌 ꩜♪⋆☆₊˚⊹
Dating rindou haitani pt.2 //bonten// 💌
Dating kakucho 💌 [coming soon] 🌷͙֒ ⋆ ˚。
Dating hajime kokonoi 💌 […coming soon] ˖°❀ ᡣ𐭩
Dating bonten sanzu haruchiyo 💌 ᡣ𐭩. ݁₊ ⊹ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ₊ ⊹
Dating mikey sano 💌 𓏲 ๋࣭ ࣪ ˖🏮𖦹 ๋࣭ ࣪
Dating bonten!mikey sano 💌
Dating ken ryuguji (draken) 💌 / 💌 ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ⁩
Dating hanma shuji 💌 ๋࣭ ⭑
Dating baji keisuke 💌 εїз
Dating inui seishu 💌 _ ★₊˚﹟🪐 '
Dating hanemiya kazutora 💌 ᡣ𐭩ᡣ𐭩
Dating takashi mitsuya 💌
Dating toman hakkai 💌 ୨ৎ⊹ ࣪ ˖⭒
Dating shion madarame 💌 ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ
Dating yasuhiro muto 💌 […coming soon]
Dating wakasa imaushi 💌 […coming soon]
821 notes · View notes
lost-skies-system · 2 years
Name: Denki Kaminari
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Pansexual
System Role: Introject
Dms: Hell yeah!!
Touch: Go for it <3
Venting: Sure!!
Nicknames: Please!!
Pet Names: Go ahead!!
0 notes
galaxy-starshine · 2 years
gay gay homosexual gay x2
(*^ω^*) yes!!!
0 notes
sweet-honey-tears · 1 year
⦿ Home/Lock Screen ⦿
What the BHNA boys lock/Home Screen look like?
Characters: Kiribaku, ShinKami, Dabi x GN!Reader
Hi everyone, back again! This concept wasnt requested but I got asked about a certain character combination -so yeah! I hope you like it( I won’t say who you are but I hope you enjoy it!😊) each character has a different Lock Screen/Home screen! I hope you enjoy! And as always, request are always welcomed! Bye~🤍
Kirishima + Bakugou
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» Lock Screen «
Bakugou’s Lock Screen is back from UA. It's a picture of you sitting at your desk. You're tipping over in your chair. One of your hands in the air and the other trying to grab onto the desk. You have a leg leaving the chair like you're kicking a soccer ball. The other leg is trying to touch the ground again. You have this look of pure panic on your face. And in the corner, you can see the quick moment(a blurry flash) of Bakugou running over to help you. He looks almost angry like he’s about to yell ‘dumbass!’. Denki took the picture, trying to catch a photo of Kirishima with his concentration face on. But instead, it’s a picture of Kirishima, mi-yell, and a large arm reaching over his desk to try and stop you from tipping over. His eyes are wide.Katsuki smiles every time he sees it, it’s just so stupid and funny. It reminds him of both of you.
» Home Screen «
Bakugou’s Home Screen is a more recent photo. It’s of you and Kirishima. You have Bakugou's old skull shirt on, the faded material hanging off you. You lay against Kirishima's side, your head resting on his shoulder. Kiri’s arm is slung around you, his head slightly tilted back. You’re both fast asleep. And Bakugou is pretty sure he can see drool on Kirishima's chin. There’s a half eaten bowl of popcorn sandwiches between you two. And an All Might blanket covering you and Kirishima's lap. Balugou keeps it as his home screen because it’s more personal to him. Something he feels is sentimental- something he doesn’t want his fans to see by accident.
» Lock Screen «
Kirishima's Lock Screen is a picture of you and Bakougu cooking. You’re both standing side by side at the stove wearing aprons as you work. Yet Bakugou’s hand is in your back pocket, his thumb hanging out in case he needs his other hand. The photo only shows the back of your heads as the both of you do something so… domestic. But at that moment, you both kept shoving each other, talking about the latest villain. Trying to compete with each other on who could cut the most carrots.
» Home Screen «
Kirishima's Home Screen and pictures of you, himself, and Bakugou at a waterpark. Your body is sandwiched between theirs. Kirishima has one large arm wrapped around your waist and Bakugou has one wrapped around your shoulders. His fingers grazed Kirishima's broad shoulders. You have your hands resting on their lower backs. Both you and Kirishima are smiling, and Bakugou is grinning. His dimples showing up.
🔥 Dabi 🔥
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» Lock Screen «
Toya’s Lock Screen is of you eating an Oreo. It was right after a rather shitty mission and you're just sitting at the bar, eating Oreos. You still have soot on your face, and small scratches, but here you are- at the bar eating cookies. You have it cracked in half, so one side is a cookie and the filling and the other is just a cookie. Your front teeth are sunk into the cream, and there are clear drag marks from you scooping the filling out with your teeth like a shovel. The best part of the photo is you’re flipping off the camera. You look angry and Dabi finds the scene fucking hilarious and adorable. Like a toddler, just eating cookies angrily. You're giving Dabi the worst side-eye he’s ever seen.
“You want some milk too”
“Shut up”
» Home Screen «
If you’re wondering, his Home Screen is a very old photo of his siblings he found in the paper. It’s personal. Hidden. You understand.
⚡️Denki + Shinso 💤
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» Lock Screen «
Denki’s Lock Screen is little Eri dressed up as a pikachu. Yes, he has pretty much claimed her as his little sister.
» Home Screen «
Denki’s Home Screen is of You, Shinso, and himself at the last concert you went to. You’re on Shinso’s shoulders, an arm in the air yelling along with the lyrics. You have one of Denki’s chokers on and eyeliner that he drew on you. Your ripped band t-shirt is pulled upwards at your movement.
Shinso has a black band shirt on with his long-sleeve white and dark purple striped shirt underneath. It hugs his arms tight, leading to the loose second layer. His ringed fingers rest on your legs, ensuring you stay upright and safe. He has, his snake bites in ( he usually takes out due to work) and his black stud and off screen your hand is cupping his face right behind his ear. He’s smiling at the camera, while you're completely oblivious.
Denki’s holding his phone to catch the two of you and a section of himself. His lighting bolt and chain piercings are on full display to the camera. He’s smiling brightly, a little tipsy but extremely happy.
» Lock Screen «
Shinso Home Screen and Lock Screen is one picture split up. His Lock Screen is of you and Eri. Eri sitting crisscrossed in front of you as you do her hair. Twisting the blue-gray strands into a space bun. A brush, bobby pins, and red hair clips lay next to you. The both of you are laughing and looking off into the distance. Where in the cover of the screen, two hands are reaching out. The fingernails were painted vibrant pink. There are plastic rings on them, some from Eri’s old toy chest. One is a huge fake diamond and the other is a cheaply painted plastic cat face.
» Home Screen «
Shinso’s Home Screen is the rest of the photo. Denki is laying on his stomach, his sweet smile peeking out from over his shoulders. He’s wearing one of Eri's cat headbands, causing his golden hair to spike in all different directions. He has a temporary tattoo on his cheek, a yellow lightning bolt that Eri picked out for him. Shinso had one too. A black back on the top of his hand. One of the best parts about it is that it’s a Live Photo. When Shinso presses down on the Lock Screen, your shoulders move as you laugh and Eris' confused face breaks out a larder smile. Her hands clasped as her eyes close in laughter. The hands on the corner of the screen move as if showing off the rings on them.
When Shinso presses down on the Denki portion of the picture, Denki's mouth moves. The audio is of Denki speaking in a very sassy female voice. ‘How ya doing?’
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epickiya722 · 1 year
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Where have I seen this before???
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lovesick-level-up · 1 year
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6 notes · View notes
mflanart · 7 months
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day 8 - denki kaminari ⚡️
371 notes · View notes
hueningkoi · 7 months
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I've been thinking about him lately so I drew some Kaminari Denki art today ⚡️💛
174 notes · View notes
mad-serotonin · 27 days
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⚡️Feelin’ Xcstatic⚡️
Denki brainrot is back in full swing!
58 notes · View notes