#diana x steve fic
burberrycanary · 1 year
My recent fics
Red White & Royal Blue
Series: What the Living Do
The distance is hard, but they're making it work. Post-film.
1. The Better Part // Henry/Alex
Henry has no reason to be in New York, no acceptable public excuse, just a three-day gap in his schedule and a boyfriend he hasn’t seen in six weeks.
Six weeks and two days, his mind supplies. For a moment he considers blaming that knowledge on how the American election is an easy date to remember.
Instead, he texts Alex: We’re apart for weeks but my body misses you in days, in minutes.
2. Magna Carta Libertatum // Henry/Alex
“Besides which, I think it’s somewhere in the fine print on being boyfriends. As you’re my first, I may have to refer back to the designated powers and duties, now and then. I haven’t learnt them by heart yet.”
Alex is quiet for a moment and when he speaks his voice is softer, more thoughtful. “I think we get to draw those up ourselves. The position of boyfriend and the officially designated powers and duties therein.”
“Oh,” Henry says. “Well. I’ve never gotten to declare my own powers before. Constitutional monarchy and all that.”
Series: A Man Takes His Sadness Down to the River (The Consolation of Philosophy)
A post-TFATWS Endgame Stucky fix-it where a lot needs fixing.
1. The Same River, Twice (The Man Is Still Left with His Hands) // Stucky
Steve had meant to stay forever and didn’t last a year. He meant to return right back to when he left, but that doesn’t work out the way he planned either.
Turns out a lot can happen in nine months.
2. Still Left with the River (The Paradox of Motion) // Stucky
Coming back from as good as dead to a changed world is easier the second time around. But then Steve supposes that, like with most things, you get better with practice.
3. Not Language but a Map (The Grammar of Sensation) // Stucky
Steve has never felt right running away from a fight, even if the fight is with unanswered questions. But it’s not running if it’s a road trip and the oldest, thorniest unanswered question is along for the ride.
4. Lost Vocabularies that Might Express (The Memory of These Broken Impressions) // Stucky
The worst of times, like the best, are always passing away. How’s that for some consolation on the road?
The Art of the Possible // Sharon-centric, minor Sharon/Bucky
Maybe whether you’ve picked the wrong side depends on where you’re standing—but if you can’t tell who the sucker at the poker table is: it’s you.
Sharon before, during, and after Madripoor.
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society
Till the Ductile Anchor Hold // Juliet & Sidney
Sometimes, beginnings are like that, slow and gentle until you find yourself in the middle before you realise there was anything to begin at all. Endings, too. Sometimes.
Chasing Liberty
Truthfully, Once If Strangers // Ben/Anna
Anna sits on the low stone wall that edges the road and watches him wait in line. She admires how his shoulders look in the leather jacket and how his neck is lovely but so masculine, before getting distracted by his Adam’s apple, which she’d really like to skim her teeth over.
A Discovery of Witches
The Probable Stars // Diana/Matthew
That’s the way of the world, Matthew remembers: you break the things you are fondest of.
(Or, what about those discarded clothes?)
Like Gold to Airy Thinness Beat // Diana/Matthew
Diana climbs into his lap and his hands immediately come up to steady her. The book he’d been reading slides off the bed with a thud. Her fingers are clumsy as she works down the line of buttons—she doesn't think about why, doesn't care—and, finally, she can touch his cool skin.
See the rest on AO3!
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onthesandsofdreams · 2 years
Flame of War
Fandom: Wonder Woman (Movies) Pairing: Diana x Steve Trevor Rating: G Summary: "And why did you chose to be a spy?" She asks. Words: 618 Notes: For @mousedetective​ Prompt(s): 28. "We all have our reasons."  From @fictober-event
Read @ AO3
The sea is calm.
And Diana knows that she should be thankful to Poseidon for being so kind. The faster they reach London, as Steve has called it, the better.
But she will not deny that the man intrigues her. Not only because he is a man, and a man who has seen and knows the world beyond the shores of Themyscira, but for the way he describes his work in the war. A spy. She knows and understand the principles of war, but the way she knows it, all point to traitors who chose to sell their people.
Steve is not that. Instead, he is a man who is fighting against an enemy in its own turf, in its own grounds by pretending to be someone he is not. Such a curious thing. In the end, her curiosity gets the better of her.
"And why did you chose to be a spy?" She asks.
Steve looks at her, gives her a tiny smile. "We all have our reasons," he says. "My own are that I knew I could handle it. I knew that spies were needed and I saw a way to make myself more useful than full on battle."
"You are still doing battle," she points out.
Steve laughs, "Of course I am. But I have always like battle of wits over that of fists. It also helps that I am good with languages."
"Are you?"
"Well, as much a normal person can." Steve corrects himself with good humor. "I am not you, nor someone who was blessed by the Gods. I do what I can."
"Tell me more about being a spy, please."
"It is hard work," he admits after a moment of silence. "There are days where all I can do is bury my nails on my palm to stop myself from reacting. It is hard to see the horrors that the enemy does and pretend that you support them. There are days when I have thrown up and do not make me tell about  what they've done to the few spies that have been uncovered. People are dying and people will continue to die if I do not get this information to the allied nations."
She looks away, she has never known the horror of war. But all the people at Themyscira have. They did, after all, free themselves from slavery. And Steve might not think himself blessed by the Gods, but she is sure that Athena would hold some respect for him, a man who thinks and fights with wits as much as with his fists. "We will get to London," she says. "And you will be able to pass on the information."
"And then, I will take you to the war, as I promised."
She smiles, Ares should be afraid of her. "And I will find a way to end this war."
"I hope you can, Diana. I really do."
And the flame of war that burns inside of her, shines brighter at that with hope. And she hopes that Steve will be there with her, for she finds him to be a good man. Someone who was able to see injustice an do something about it. Someone who risks his life for the people of the world. By the tales of her mother, not any man would do that without expecting a reward. And yet, here Steve was, fearless and bold, but also gentle and kind. He gave her hope, a hope that the stories of her mother were not all true, for surely, all men could not be monsters, how could they, when here was one that was fighting the actual monsters?
"I will find a way," she vows.
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hiraeth-doux · 1 year
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a cat named steve
summary:  Steve Trevor is a soldier and a spy. He thinks he has seen it all. Yet, he finds himself completely unprepared when he and Diana are asked to look after a cat. A cat named Steve.
author’s note: Hello, I did a thing. It’s been forever. Hope you’ll enjoy it!
A shadow darted towards Steve’s legs the second he opened the front door, just as Diana’s voice rang out from the kitchen:
“Don’t let Steve escape!”
Steve leaned down instinctively, scooping up the thing before it made it into the hallway, surprised to see an orange cat sitting in his arms when he looked down.
He looked up, confused and half-certain that he had the wrong apartment by mistake, however crazy that sounded. But no, that was their hallway and their coat rack and their umbrella holder.
And that certainly was Diana walking towards him as she dried her hands on the kitchen towel.
Steve felt his brows knit together, his confusion deepening.
The last time he checked, they didn’t have a cat.
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svgurl410 · 2 years
Pairing/Characters: Diana/Steve, minor Clark/Lois, Zatanna Rating: Teen Word Count: 2612 Summary: Diana misses Steve. Until she doesn’t have to anymore.
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suegeek · 2 years
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(From The Trevors: The Last Battle)
“Why do I do this?” he said, leaning his head against the wall of his ship. He was exhausted, mentally and physically demoralized.
Suddenly he found himself in his father’s old hangar on Okalahoma. He turned around to see himself as an eager 3 year old, his father dressing him in a World War I pilot’s hat, goggles and scarf. He looked at himself in the mirror when his father finished.
“I look like Snoopy before he fights the Red Baron!” he said beaming. Steve laughed.
“What are we doing Daddy?” he said excitedly. Steve smiled brightly.
“You’ll see.” He went over to the corner of the hangar and pulled the tarp away.
“TaDa!” he said.
There they were. Exact working replicas of his father’s old planes. The German FOKKER he had crashed in when his mother had saved him from drowning. Next to it was a SPAD, his father’s old plane. Both of them full sized versions of the two models his father had given him for his birthday.
He jumped for joy. “Can we fly them Daddy, can we?”
Steve laughed, “That’s the plan Champ!”
He still remembered the barrel rolls and breaks, the Immelmann turns, stall turns, split S, Chandelles, wingovers, Low yo-yos, Lag rolls, flat and rolling Scissors, Defensive Spirals and how thrilling it all was.
They flew both planes all day, emptying the fuel tanks. When the sun was finally seting over the horizon, he was still eager to go again.
“One more time Daddy!”
“You said that three times already.” Steve laughed.
“We can’t fly them anymore today.”
“Why?” he asked, his azure yes filling with disappointment.
“What does Daddy’s cessna plane have that these planes don’t?”
He wrinkled his brow, looking at them.
“Auto pilot?”
“Yes, what else?” he shook his head.
“Lights. Planes didn’t have lights back then. That was the one thing that Daddy marvelled at when Mommie wished me back to 1984 with the Wishing Stone. We’ll have to fly them again another day. Besides, Mommie’s making Aunt Etta’s Shepherds Pie. It’s the only thing she doesn’t messup.” His father laughed.
“We don’t wanna miss that. Besides, there’s homemade frozen custard from the Abeernathys for dessert.”
His mother was waiting for them on the front porch along with his baby sister Lyta. His father picked up his infant sister while he excitedly told his mother about their day, making airplane noises and using his hands, he explained all of his father’s manuvers. Both his parents laughed, sharing in his joy and excitement.
Even his baby sister laughed, not even knowing what she was laughing at.
“Thank you.” He said to the Mother Boxes.
“Thank you for answering my question ‘Who am I?’ I am a pilot and a soldier, like my father before me. Like my father before me, I have a choice: to either do nothing or to do something. Like him, I choose to do something. I choose to save the universe.”
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careless whisper
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﹆ Summary : you loved him with all your heart but he became unfaithful and there's nothing that he can do to mend it, is it really your last dance together?
﹆ Word Count : and again hoping it's not that too long for y'all
﹆ Warnings : 18+ MDNI‼️KingSteve! x FEM!reader, cursing, Steve and reader are both (18), unprotected sex, p in v penetration, both oral receiving, SMUT‼️, slight public sex I guess?, Steve will be so oblivious with readers feelings, cheating, unrequited love, friends to lovers, emotional abuse, tolerating, no use of y/n, not going to give any spoilers in here but beware that this will be ANGSTY!
﹆ What to Expect : SMUT‼️, FLUFF‼️, ANGST‼️, Steve and reader are the IT couple on Hawkins High, of course- by the term "King Steve" you know what that means, sorry ✌🏻
﹆ Note To Reader : Y'ALL BABY'S FIRST EVER STEVE HARRINGTON FIC!!!! AHHHHH <3 I'm so excited to spill all of my ideas about my first ever fave character from the show! and yeah I also apologize that I chose to do angst first 😔🤚🏻
﹆ Author Note : this is literally one of my favorite songs from George Michael and don't come at me, okay?!? I was just listening to this song and I was like why is this so Steve coded?!? AND YUP IT CLICKED AN IDEA!!!! ;))
Present : Prom 1984
"How are you holding up?" He asks as he tries to look at your eyes but you're avoiding it
"Been alright" you say as you look at him very briefly, your touches with him as you both swayed in the dance floor it felt different
His heart sunk when you couldn't even look into his eyes in the same way again
The eyes that are once so dreamy when you both locked in
He can tell that you're still moving on from him
He can tell that your eyes speaks louder than words
He can tell that you're still hurting because of him
Past : He shouldn't had an affair with someone else
"Diana, she isn't-"
"I know"
Steve is staggered as he swallows nervously in front of you, he wishes to be sucked down deeply on the floor and never to be seen again
He's ashamed for himself
He doesn't understand the meaning and the idea of love until it hits him like a block of bricks
And it hit really hard to the point that right after he slept with the other woman that night after the party that you both went out
He realized he made a mistake
A huge mistake that "sorry" can never undo the damage to what he has been done
Once the trust is broken it can never be fixed
You know he had a choice not to choose to cheat on you
But you laugh in disbelief as you think about it
Oh, right, he's King Steve
He doesn't know feelings and wants to keep his title to stay relevant
"W-Wait, you knew?"
"Everybody at school knows about it, Steve" you tried your very best to mask your pained expression but he can see it
The look on your face pierces right through his chest as he gulps
You have every right to be mad at him
You have every chance to shout and yell at him
But you didn't....
You talk so cold like it doesn't even matter to you
He darts his eyes everywhere in the room as he spoke again "After all this time?"
You sigh tiredly "Yeah"
He shook his head at you as he couldn't believe what you just said
"How? H-How you look-"
"What- I look what?!"
"You look...fine"
You incredulously laugh "Of course, I've had to Steve, we both got a title to keep it stable, right?" You reply to him in a mockery way as he averts his eyes somewhere else
"If you knew then why are you still with me?"
You frown at his words as you take all the courage to not breakdown at him, to not show him that you're weak but you failed since....
You love him too much that it's okay if you break apart from him
"Because I love you, Steve! Why don't you get that?!?"
Your chest heaves heavily as you try to control your breath as you cried angrily but also filled with sadness and frustration
Steve gasps, the moment you snap at him and saw you for the first time like this
You've never showed your side of vulnerability, yes, you've told him a couple of glimpses of your life but never this
Now, his eyes burned with forming tears as he tries to close his mouth in shock
You loved him? No one has ever loved him truly before
"I loved you so much that I play pretend so I can keep you!" You hiccupped into your own tears
"I loved you too" he said it out loud before he can stop himself, you saw how his eyes widens when he realizes what he just said
It's like a record scratch, you stare at him with your tear-stained cheeks as you studied his face
You blink, "What?!?"
"I've been drawn to you ever since we we're friends"
"S-Steve" you shift on your stance
"You're the only friend that I've ever had, who knows me better than I do"
You throw your palms on your face as you continue to sob
You're both dating for almost 2 years but why does he have to betray you to make him realize that he is in love just like you?
"Is this true?" You quietly say as you wipe away your tears
"Yes, it is" he walks closer to you but you moved away giving him the signal that you don't want him to hold you
"I-I tried to ignore the signs before that I thought maybe you- you just wanted this for to gain something"
What the fuck?
"Is that all really matters to you? Steve? don't you even think about how much I've suffered to maintain my sweet-like personality whenever we walked in the hallways?!?"
He thought maybe if he confessed his true feelings to you, everything will go back to normal
But it doesn't....
Not even the truth will bring the both of you comfort
Pain is all there ever is
"I've wanted to scream and I'm so tired to act like everything is okay, I really really wanted us to last, Steve"
"Turns out it was just only me who wanted to have a future with you"
The words just rolls out of your bitter tongue and it's a punch to his gut
"N-No, that isn't true" he begs
"You lost me, Steve, you had your chance and you blew it" you sniffle
Before he can say anything, you left him alone in his house as his eyes are still glued at the closed door hoping that you'll come back
But you never ever did
Future : if only he's loyal to you this wouldn't happen
You endured every single thing that his friends talked about you
Talked about, you're not fit into their world
Saying that "she doesn't belong here" but you didn't care because why?
You loved him
You love Steve Harrington despite what everyone else says
You don't care about titles
You don't care about these social cliques
You just wanted to have good friends and well, maybe love
Everybody adored you at school saying that you're the sweetest and kindest popular girl, it's actually rare for them to have those qualities because most of them are fucking assholes
You even overheard some other people like how did you even get into this situation?
Back in 1982, you're a new kid at school and you somehow manage to get into King Steve's heart without any hassle
You wished you've only stayed as friends
So, this wouldn't have hurt this much
"You know I'm ticklish!"
"I don't know" he feigns innocence and he still continues torturing you into your side as he towers over you as you lay at the grass with a blanket on his backyard
"Stop!" You say with a breathy laugh
He chuckles when you pout at him holding the both of his wrists "Okay, okay"
There's a moment that both of you halted over your silliness at each other
He never felt anything like this before
His heart is beating so loud that he could hear it throbbing on his ear
Your eyes went everywhere to his face
He is absolutely so beautiful up close like this
You're the first one to break the whatever that was
He nods as he runs his fingers through his hair as he watches you
He is so thankful that he has someone like you
You've never judged him, you let him know that emotions are valid that he can always count on you
You comforted him on his darkest days, you're the sunshine that help him to forget his absent parents
You feel so sorry for him when he told you he's alone most of the time in his enormous house
Yeah, maybe he's wealthy but he did not once felt happy until you came along
You're like an angel, he knows that he made the right decision to sit next to you at English Class, that's where it all began your newfound friendship
A part of him is afraid at that time you might back out if you found out that he's King Steve and his reputation at school
He is surprised that you didn't knew anything about him and that gives him a relief
After everything crashed down, now, you wished you knew all about him that's how he thinks about love
It's all just fun and games to him
You cursed at yourself for being so lovesick
A smile grows on his lips as watches you ate cherries on the vanilla milkshake that he make for you, it's your favorite
The whipped cream went on the sides of lips as you take a sip from the straw
He swiped it using his thumb and you blushed at his sudden action
He licked it off clean as you watch him
He catches you staring, there's a unreadable gleam on your eyes that he didn't not quite understood yet
Steve can't even register that he's moving closer to you and you froze as you hold your milkshake tightly as he cradles your cheek
He runs his tongue over his lips as his eyes stare at your rosy lips
He moves inches closer and your breath hitches, your mouth is slightly open as you look at him
He gave you one last look before he dive in
Your lips are now connected to his as he pulled you closer to him, he snatches your milkshake away as he puts it down as you start squirming and shut your eyes as you throw your arms around him
He smiles through the kiss as he deepens making you moan and his heart flutters at the sound of it, your hand crawls through his perfectly styled hair and he made a guttural groan at your move as you tug it slightly
His hands went at your waist as he squeezes it, the touch is overwhelming and your skin feels on fire everytime he grabs and graze his fingertips under over your clothed body
He slowly made you lay down beneath the blanket as you spread your legs to position himself on top of you
Your heart had never been this so fast, he tilts his head over the side as you yelp when his hands went under your skirt he starts toying with the garter of your panties, he smirks through the kiss
He cuts off your heated make out session as he removes his shirt and his eyes widens when you chase his lips as he pecks on it, you blink at his bared chest as you became flustered yet again, your fumbled panicky with the buttons of your blouse but he halted you as you let him undress you
It reveals a red lacy bra as he wolfishly whistles and you playfully slapped his chest as you duck your head down in a shy manner
God, why you gotta be so adorable?
He uses his index finger and his thumb to lift your chin to make you look at his gaze as you finally take him in
His cheeks are flushed, his hair is a mess and both of you are matching the same looks
The look that he's giving you, it's enough to make your mouth run dry and the wetness is pooling between your red lacy underwear
It doesn't take him too long to kiss your lips once again as he rises up slowly to undo his belt and his pants along with his boxers
He unclasps your bra as he throws on the side doesn't really matter where it lands as your hands when back onto your skirt to unzip it as you shimmy down and put it away
He reaches at your red lacy underwear but the moment he struggles to get it off, he starts to get impatient he snaps it just right about where your knees making you squeal
"I'll get you a new one, don't worry, baby" he growls as his hot kisses went everywhere on your chest and you can tell that he is hesitant to touch you
He doesn't even know if you wanted this but as if you can read his mind, the second thoughts were erased as you told him
"Steve, it's okay, you can touch me"
You breath heavily with his kneading your breasts as he plants smearing marks on your neck hitting that sweet spot making you mewl
He pats your thigh as a signal to wrap it on his hips
He holds your waist aggressively you know it will be bruised and it turns you on even more
You gasp as you can felt his tip intruding your tight hole as you can feel him entering smoothly along with your juices and arousal
It doesn't even needed a lubrication, he is drenched because of you
"Jesus Christ, y-you're dripping wet" he grunts as he watches your cunt devouring him as he can see your eyes fighting to stay open
He smirks as he fills you all the way up, you throw your head onto the side as you bit down your bottom lip
"S-Steve, please move"
He is so big to make you scream as you finally adjusted to his size and felt comfortable with pain and pleasure
He puts the other leg down as he lifts the other one as he puts over his shoulder and pulls you down closer to him that earned a whimper from you
He starts rutting in and out slowly, he hasn't even done anything and yet, it's driving you crazy
The squelching noises, the slamming back and forth with his slow pace as you start clenching around him
"Goddamn it, baby, you gotta stop doing that" his mouth is hanging open and already knows what heaven feels like
This is heaven
He doesn't ever want to leave
"M-Move f-faster" you stuttered between soft moans as you pawing at his hairy covered chest as he begins to go rough on you
Your hand flew over as you slapped and covered your mouth as your breasts start to jiggle from his movement, he tear off your hand as he pins it down
"Don't be shy on me, I wanna hear you loud and clear"
You whine and arched your back as he start to held both of your arms to go along with his neck as he pulls you even more further making him go deeper inside of you as you throw your head back and you gave him his wishes
You moaned beautifully as he devilishly smirks as he kisses you again but this time is filled with lust and teeth began to clash
Your whole body feels lumpy as both of you went back down as he raises both of your arms over the top of your head as he pounds at you placing kisses all over your face
You watch him down below as he fucks you ramming his way so easily
Your eyes rolls back as your high pitched moans went "ah-ah-ah" he feels so fucking great to hear those coming out of you because he's the one that made you feel like this
"So tight, baby, you're killing me"
"S-Steve, don't sto-p"
You wrap your legs around him as you tangle at him along with his body to push him down
"Oh shit!" he exclaims as his eyes darkens
You giggle but the time when he fingers touched your clit and you shudder
"Not so funny are we now, baby?" He bullys your clit earning a lewd noises falls from your lips
You nod at him pathetically as you matched his movements making him chuckle darkly
He lets go of your hands as he hooks his hand under your knees as he sheathes himself inside of you
You started babbling at him saying "S-Steve- fuck! That's it right there!" You shouted out loud but not without a moan
Yes, this is what he wanted
Let the neighbors hear you that he's the one who giving you this sweet pleasure
He thrusts as you shake your head begging for a release
"Yes, baby, I know, just let it go, I got you"
You moan wildly as you chant his name as you came undone
He spills his load painting your flesh walls white
Your legs are trembling and you're shaking badly as he lazily smile as his spent body went boneless on top of you
You embrace him with your warmth along with your tangled legs as you kept him in place
His eyes go big when he realizes he had done something, you felt him became tense as you hold him softly by his shoulder blades
Despite, the fiery sex that you just both had, you're still in that haze but you remembered that both of you just did that on his backyard is making you feel fuzzy
He carefully rips himself off of you as he start scrambling to get on with his boxers
You immediately missed his scent on you
You furrow your brows as you watch him run off with that worried look on his eyes
You didn't have the time to wear your discarded clothes as you chose to grab his towel that is hanging around the lounge chair that he uses when he wants to take a dip from his swimming pool, you covered it with your naked body
"Steve! Wait- what is it?" You asked him with concern his heart feels booming inside of his chest by the tone of your voice
You really did care about him
This is all too good to be true
You followed him as he moves the sliding the door as he went outside he stopped once he's in there
You stare at behind his back and insecurities are now lurking in the shadows
Did he regret it?
Just run off and never look back save yourself from rejection
But you didn't instead, you touched his shoulder softly as he melts with it, you call out to his name again, you swore you heard him crying
He slowly turns his body around facing you and now you met Steve's eyes with threatening tears that are about to fall
"O-Oh my god, Steve? Are you okay?- Tell m-"
"W-We didn't use protection- and I-" he croaked up in his own tears
"I came inside of you and I didn't even asked you first that if you wanted this to happen" he motions at the two of you and you can see the guilty look from his eyes as he rests his forehead against with yours
Your eyes softens as it starts become glossy
Did he ruin your friendship?
Did he broke the last precious thing that meant a lot from him?
"Steve, it's fine, I've wanted you to"
His blinked the tears away just to see your face clearly
"Y-You wanted it?" He says as he holds your hands raising it closer to his face as he kisses it
You take a deep breath through your nose as you brave enough to confess your feelings
"I wanted you more than as a friend, Steve"
The swallows the lump on his throat as his chest eases out from tension
"The truth is that I love you, Steve" a fallen tear as you smile at him
Your eyes are shining with so much affection that he doesn't have before and it scares him
He shakes his head in disbelief as he watches you hug him
"You don't have to say anything, I just wanted you to know that I do, I am really in love with you"
He squeezes his eyes shut to your words as he hugs you tightly as he rests on the crook of your shoulder
He finally got what he wanted all of his life
Until, he realizes it was too late
He was too late for him to figure it all out, when you finally made up your mind that you want him in the first place
You loved him too early, he loved you too late
Aftermath : you can't ever lie to yourself that you still want him after how he treated you harshly
As much as you wanted to cling on to him and keep things the way they were
You know what's best for you
You know it's the right thing to do
You know deep down to your soul that you don't want this to end
But this is all too much for you, too much for you to bear
The agony, pain, sorrow, disappointment, heartache, if you continue this, you will be miserable
You want it keep it going, hell, if he asked you to marry him, you would, fuck, he might not even finished saying the lines, you will say "yes" to everything
But his heart is elsewhere, his mind is remains afloat
You got your heart and your soul devoted to him, you gave your most sacred value, your body
Only to be wasted to be washed away down the drain
But still, you've never regret doing it to him,
But no matter what you do, no matter how many times he apologizes to you, sure, you can see it that he despised his fault for your failed relationship
It isn't feel right and it isn't working
You can't see and look at him in the same way before, all you can see is....
It's deceitful, it's making you so angry but you will never show how hot-headed you are
Because, yet again, you loved him, no matter how you wanted to scratch his face out of madness
He is intimidated by your whole sense of nonchalant micro expressions but he knows behind that mask
You're upset
You know it yourself that you've done everything that you could ever give to him
You conclude in your own thoughts alone that you aren't enough for him
There might be sprinkle of insecurity that you wanted to brush it off but that's what you feel
You supported him, take care of him, you've been a good listener, you've been a loving girlfriend of his that in other people lenses
You're just an eye candy
Now, you understand what you've gotten those sympathetic eyes on you at school
Because this is all what comes down to....
You're just another girl that he got himself a jackpot to his prize
Just another trophy to his collection that he just....slept with you and he'll do it again after to the next girl that he got eyes targeted
Despite at how brutal that sounds
You will always love him
Back to Prom 1984
You can feel everyone's eyes on the both of you
You're dancing together at the center of the dance floor
They knew about you and Steve's relationship and the infidelity that he has done
They knew about the bond that is going to fall apart
Steve thought that the music is far from being too loud, he is getting overwhelmed by it, he wants to turn it off and leave the premises with you where he feels safe
Now, he is slipping off with your delicate fingers, the only sanctuary that he has ever given and he knows that he is fucking lucky to have you
He wished that the both of you could lose this crowd
"Let's go outside"
"N-No, S-Steve- No"
He ignores your protests and he tugs at your hand leading you out of the dance floor as he tries to scrape you off your feet and dragged you outside
The students starts whispering all around
He is surprised that you let him hold you
You let him intertwined your hands with his
He pushes you outside first slowly and he closes the door behind him, the music blurs out
You wrap your arms around yourself the night chilly air hits your delectable skin as the fairy lights from the streets makes you look glowy
He sadly sighs as he finally had the chance to look at you like this again
This is the only time that he saw what's in your eyes, god- is this what he trying to dodge? what is he thinking? all he wanted is to punch himself for cheating on you
All he can see the remnants of your undying love to him on your eyes but also mixed with a cloud of gloominess
He fucked up big time
He removes his coat as he tries to give it to you
"I don't want your coat" you step away as you sternly look at him
He ignores again, your remark as he places his coat around you
"What should I do to gain back your trust, please tell me" his hazel eyes pleads for you and your eyes burning from the tears forming
Your chest tightens, you don't want to have this conversation again
You know it'll ended up so raw and you feel exposed by your feelings and the worst case
The transparency of your emotions
The seconds as he awaits for your reply, the music from the gymnasium dies
You look at him that he doesn't ever wanted to see
It terrifies him horribly as he begins to cry in front of you as you did too
"Oh, god- please no" his voice starts breaking and your heart shattered at the sound of it
He knows exactly the meaning behind your melancholic eyes
It's all sad goodbyes
"Steve, maybe it's better this way" you say as you held his cheeks as he presses himself against it at the palm of your hands as he kisses it
"No, it's not-"
He knows that you aren't a fool to this any longer, he knows what's about to happen but he can't help but beg for you to not leave him
You rip your hand out of his cheeks as he already misses your touches
You hated how fast you feel powerless over him whenever you talked to him like this
You hated how easily that he can get to touch like nothing happened
But, not this time, not anymore
You're trusting your gut, you listen to your inner voice
"Steve! If we pick up where we left off, we'd just end up hurting ourselves and it will hurt a lot more of the things that we wanted to say to each other"
"Don't say it like that- I promise that'll be better, I'll prove it to you"
You slam your lips over his and he can't help but feel the same butterflies on his stomach that he once ignored, you kissed him like it was your last breath
There's a voice inside of his head that says he something is bad is about to happen
God, if he could only turn back the time and he'll make things right
"Don't let this get over with your head, I am giving you one last dance, one last touch and one last kiss"
"N-No, please- don't let go-"
"I'm saying that this is goodbye, Steve"
"W-We could've have been so good together, we could've have this dance forever"
You smile sadly, "I wish you thought about that before you crossed me" he watches you as you take off his coat from your shoulders
Your heels hits the pavement as it starts clicking as you walked away from him
He chases you as he hugged you from behind, you breakdown in tears again, he rests his head over your shoulder as he sniffled
"Please stay"
"You will always have my heart, you know it belongs to you ever since, Steve, and I'm always going to love you, but I have to go" you caressed his hand as you remove yourself from him as you take a look at him one last time
"I love you Steve Harrington, thank you for giving me how betrayal feels like" you humorlessly chuckle as he runs his hands over his face, he keeps shaking his head sideways
You kissed his cheek as he watches you with those tired eyes, of course, you can notice everything, the dark circles surrounding his eyes
He hasn't gotten any sleep like you do
He can't sleep properly because of you
His mind and his heart screams at you
He wants you back on his life, but now, he's alone again
He hates himself and he knows what he did is unforgivable and unforgettable
"I'll miss you, take care okay?" You choke in your own tears as you fixed his hair for the last time, the kind gesture that he always admired, he can't believe that this is the last time
He holds both of your shoulders "I can't never love again, I only want you"
Your heart cracks piece by piece to his words
The time is running out, you need to move
"If you really love me you have to let me go, Steve"
He begrudgingly loosens his hold on you as he watches you walking towards your car, his eyes are fixated on you and you know it
You badly wanted to look at him again, but you decided against it, you don't even wanna leave him like this but it had to be done
He cries standing all alone on that night
You cried while driving home as your knuckles turn white as you grip on the steering wheel
He knows for a fact that he will never gonna dance again
The way he danced with you
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ro-is-struggling · 2 years
Hey!!! i love your writing, and i was wondering if it would be okay if i made a request? i was thinking Steve Harrington x reader, fluffy, reader can sing? headcanon or drabble, whichever you feel like! you’re wonderful!
Hi! Thank you so much for your lovely words! I just finished season 4 and when I read "reader can sing" this was the first thing that came to mind. This ended up being more agsty than I anticipated so I can totally write you a fluffier fic later if you want. Steve x singer!reader is a concept that lives in my mind rent free so I'd love to write more about it. Anyways, I hope you like it!!
Through the dark || Steve Harrington x Reader
Summary: Steve gets attacked by Vecna but your voice guides him through the dark.
Warnings: SEASON 4 SPOILERS, angst, hurt/comfort, my take on Steve fears/insecurities, fluff 
English is not my first language
Word count: 2300+
Notes: this is my personal take on Steve's fears and trauma since he hasn't been attacked by Vecna yet and let's hope he never is so it could be ooc/inaccurate but hey it's fanfiction so it doesn't matter
The song I use in the fic is Endless Love by Lionel Richie and Diana Ross
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Steve was confused. One second he was sitting next to you, talking with the others and coming up with a plan to defeat Vecna, and the next second everyone around him was gone. He had closed his eyes for a moment trying to visualize the words coming out of Nancy's mouth, and when he opened them again he found himself alone in the room. The lights seemed to have grown dimmer and the air colder. It was then that he heard it. The sound of a clock echoing in the distance.
Tick tack
Tick tack
Tick tack
"Steve" a deep voice called his name and a  shiver ran down his spine as he realized what was happening. Vecna had caught him.
"No no no no this isn't happening" he whispered in desperation, jumping up from his seat and frantically scanning the room for his attacker.
"You can't save them, Steve. You are a failure."
"No. No. This isn't happening. You are not real" exclaimed the young man, preparing to run out of there.
"Oh, but I am. I am very real" the monster stated, emerging from the shadows. "And there is nothing you can do to stop me."
"C'mon man, wake up" Steve whispered to himself, trying hard to ignore Vecna's words and concentrating all his attention on finding a way to wake up from that nightmare. However, when the monster walked toward him, he began to grow impatient. "Y/N, help! Nancy! Robin! Somebody help me!" he shouted in desperation. He knew no one could hear him, but he was running out of time and didn't know what else to do.
"They can't hear you, Steve. And they can't stop me. You can't stop me."
Steve tried to run, but the monster was faster than him, using his mental powers to throw him across the room. His body crashed against the wall with a thud that overwhelmed all his senses. He tried to move and discovered with horror that Vecna was holding him still, suspended in mid-air against the concrete wall.
"You can't save them. You'll fail, just like you always do. You are a failure, Steve Harrington, and your time is up."
In the blink of an eye Vecna was standing in front of him. His dead-looking eyes watched him closely, piercing into the depths of his thoughts. Steve struggled to free himself, but his effort was in vain. He watched in horror as the monster raised one of its large, disgusting hands over his face, extending its long, pointed fingers to cover the size of his head. Steve thought at the time that this would be it. After all he had been through, that would be the end of him. He would die at the mercy of Vecna and his hideous hand would be the last thing he would see before he left this world forever. 
But then he heard a melody echoing in the distance. It sounded familiar even though he could not make out more than a vague whisper. He tried to concentrate on the music, letting the melody replace the feeling of dread inside him. He closed his eyes for a moment, struggling to remember when he had heard that sound before.
My love, there's only you in my life
The only thing that's right
My first love
You're every breath that I take
You're every step that I make
When he opened them, he discovered that he was no longer in that dim and cold room, suspended in the air, but in his house. He walked through the corridors, following the sound of the music and reached the kitchen, where you were preparing breakfast. The radio was on and you were mumbling, singing under your breath as you whipped up the pancake mix. Steve recognized the memory almost instantly. How could he not? It was one of the memories he treasured the most. That morning had been the first time he had told you he loved you.
And I, I want to share 
All my love with you
No one else will do
He had awakened to notice the absence of your body next to his in bed. He felt cold without your arms around his waist, so he got up to drag you back to bed. Only when he found you in the kitchen he was completely mesmerized by your figure. It was no big deal, you were just preparing breakfast, but to Steve it was the most beautiful scene he had ever witnessed. His chest exploded with love as he watched you cooking, humming softly and moving to the rhythm of the music on the radio.
And your eyes, your eyes, your eyes
They tell me how much you care
You will always be
My endless love
Steve loved the sound of your voice, whether it was when you were talking or when he found you singing. He swore that your voice was one of the most beautiful he had ever heard. You sang like an angel and he always felt lucky to hear you, even if it was just humming. Your voice had a special power over him, it always made him feel all warm and fuzzy inside. You had a different glow every time you sang, an aura of joy and calm that made him feel at home. Steve could listen to you sing for hours without getting bored. You were his personal muse, an angel that had come down from heaven specifically for him. However, you were somewhat shy about your voice and didn't sing as much as he would like you to. That's why he crept into the kitchen that morning, leaning against the door frame so he could hear you sing without alerting you to his presence..
Two hearts
Two hearts that beat as one
Our lives have just begun
"Steve! Jesus christ, you scared me!" You had scolded him when you discovered him there, silently watching you. "What are you doing there, you creep?"
"Just enjoying the show" he had said, giving you one of those smiles that quickened your pulse and made you blush. "You know how much I love your voice. Please keep singing to me."
His request caused more blood to pool in your cheeks. "No! Go away, I'm busy" you refused, trying to hide your embarrassment by turning your attention back to the pancakes cooking on the stove.
"Oh c'mon! Please, for me?" Steve insisted, closing the distance between you by taking a couple of long strides. He stood behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and bringing your body towards him. "Please, just a little more. Pleaseee." His head rested comfortably on your right shoulder, looking at you with puppy dog eyes and pouting in the hopes that would be enough to convince you.
"No" you repeated with laughter, biting your lip in an unsuccessful attempt to contain the smile that wanted to form on your face.
I'll hold you close in my arms
I can't resist your charms
And love, oh love
I'll be a fool for you I'm sure
You know I don't mind
You know I don't mind
Steve watched you with complete adoration. You looked so beautiful like that, smiling with your cheeks dyed pink. You were adorable, the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. His heart exploded with joy as he held you in his arms. A part of him still didn't understand how he had managed to get your attention, but you were his and he was yours and that was all that mattered. He loved you with an intensity he had never experienced before. He had never felt anything like it for anyone before. His day got better when you were by his side and his heart raced every time he heard you laugh. He wanted to spend every second of his life with you, to share every moment with you until the day he died. If that wasn't love, he didn't know what was.
"God, I love you" he muttered without even thinking about what he was saying. He was too distracted by your beauty and the swirl of emotions that flooded his heart as he held you in his arms to realize that it was the first time he had uttered those words.
'Cause you
You mean the world to me
I know, I know
I've found, I've found in you
My endless love
"What?" you asked, slowing your movements. Steve looked at you in confusion from his place at your shoulder, until he realized what he had said.
"I..." He didn't really know how to finish the sentence. Had he scared you with his confession? Didn't you feel the same way he did? Should he lie, make up some excuse to justify his words and save your relationship? He admitted that perhaps his confession had been a bit hasty. He understood that it might have caught you off guard because he had honestly been surprised at himself as well. But at the end of the day that was the truth. He loved you and wanted you to know it. You were the light that guided him on his path, the one who gave his life meaning. You were the love of his life and it didn't feel good to hide it. On the contrary, he wanted to shout it to the whole world.
Oh and love oh love
I'll be that fool for you I'm sure
You know I don't mind
Oh you know I don't mind
"She doesn't need you, Steve" Vecna's raspy voice interrupted the moment, appearing from the shadows once again to continue his torment. "You are useless, nothing but a pathetic man who has failed everyone in his life. Why do you think mommy and daddy are never around? They are tired of you, and she will be too." Steve turned to look at Vecna for a moment, considering his words. It was hard to ignore a creature that had the ability to search his mind and repeat the words that frightened him the most, uttering out loud his greatest insecurities. But just in time, your voice echoed behind his back, returning his attention to the memory unfolding in front of him.
"I love you too, Steve."
And yes
You'll be the only one
'Cause no one can deny
This love I have inside
And I'll give it all to you
My love, my love, my love
My endless love
When he came back to reality your face was the first thing his eyes met. You were sitting in front of him, your hands caressing his cheeks as you sang the same song that played on the radio in his memory. He understood then that it was your voice and the power of that memory that had saved him from death.
"Steve! Thank god, I thought I lost you" you exclaimed in relief, wrapping your arms around him to hold him close to your body in a warm embrace.
"I'm okay, I'm okay" he whispered, hiding his face in your neck. He repeated his words a couple more times, until he was convinced that he was still alive.
After telling his friends about his encounter with Vecna, Steve excused himself to leave the room. He still felt overwhelmed by the experience and needed some peace and quiet if he was going to calm his frightened mind. He sat on the porch steps, enjoying the fresh air and the gentle breeze blowing against his face. The sun that was beginning to set lit up the sky in shades of orange and pink. It was a beautiful sunset, it was a shame that he felt so bad.
"You shouldn't be alone," you announced in a soft voice, sitting down next to him. "It's dangerous."
"I know, it's just..." Steve shrugged, too tired to finish the sentence.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" He shook his head without looking away from the horizon. Steve was hurting, you could see it in his posture and his lack of words. It broke your heart to see him like that, but you didn't know what to do to help him. "You know I love you, right?"
Steve turned to look at you, admiring the sparkle in your eyes for a moment before nodding his head slightly. "It was your love that saved me. That memory of the first time we said we loved each other... How did you know it was going to work?"
"I didn't, but we didn't have any of your cassettes here so I had to improvise" you admitted. "Ever since that day I think of you whenever that song plays on the radio. I can feel the warmth of your body next to mine, I can smell the pancakes in the air and I can feel your lips against mine. I thought that maybe it could have the same effect on you. And thank god it worked."
"You know what I think it is that made it work?" Steve asked you and you shook your head, looking at him with curious eyes. "You."
"It was your voice guiding me through the dark. I mean, no offense to the original artists, but I think the song sounds way better when you sing it."
"Steve" you complained, hiding your face in his shoulder so he wouldn't see the blush on your cheeks. You knew he was exaggerating because there was no way you could sing better than two professional artists, but you found his words adorable.
"It's true! I don't think it would have worked with the original version. So... You know what this means, right?"
"No" you mumbled against his neck, confused.
"It means you're gonna have to sing to me all day long until this is over."
"Steve!" you exclaimed, laughing at how ridiculous that sounded as you lifted your head from his shoulder so you could look at him. 
"What? It's the only way to be safe" he shrugged.
"You're an idiot" you told him affectionately, giving him an amused smile.
"Yeah, but I'm your idiot" he replied before closing the distance between you. His lips collided against yours in a slow but passionate kiss, expressing through it all the love you had for each other and how relieved you were to have the opportunity to kiss one more time.
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drghostwrite · 1 year
prompt list: -> here
“rules”: -> here
Shows & Characters:
Criminal Minds:
Any character
Jennifer “JJ” Jareau:
Two hearts collide
A baby for Christmas
Once Upon A Time:
Regina Mills (favorite to write in like love/wife stories)
Scars for Love pt. 1, pt. 2
Until My Last Breath
Out at Sea
Running Back to You
Emma Swan
Other characters
Larissa Weems:
Always You, pt. 2, pt. 3
Give You Everything
other characters per request
Marvel CU:
Natasha Romaoff:
You’re Not Alone
Dark Nights
Maria Hill:
You are the Calm to my Chaos
Steve Rogers
Thor Odinson
When Lightning Strikes
DC Universe:
Diana Prince
Lena Luthor
When the Sky Falls
When the Sun Sets on Us
Arthur Curry(Aquaman)
A Royal Bloodline
Grey's Anatomy:
Arizona Robbins:
If I Just Lay Here?
Already Taken
You’re my Comfort
The Shooting(request)
Next Time We’re Driving
My House, My Rules
Snowed In
Callie Torres
A Superstar with a Scalpel
Addison Montgomery:
Code Black
Supply Closets & Satin Sheets
Some other characters but those are primary
Dana Scully (obvi):
You Remembered(prompt)
True Temptation
Fox Mulder
Others are special request
Desperate Housewives:
Lynette Scavo
Bree Van de Kamp
To love again(request)
Other wives and some other characters can be special request
Law & Order SVU:
Olivia Benson (The only right answer for a wife)
Something to Fight for...
other taskforce members
Rizzoli and Isles:
Jane Rizzoli:
That Thin Line pt. 1, pt. 2
Maura Isles:
Drown Our Problems
When the Music Fades
Frankie or Tommy Rizzoli
Sidney Prescott:
We All Scream Sometimes pt. 1, pt. 2
Orange is the New Black:
Alex Vause:
Ex-Lovers (request)
The 100:
Clarke Griffin:
Takes a Village
Abby Griffin
Octavia Blake
Game of Thrones(GOT):
A Rightful Heir
(Criminal Minds) x (X Files), Pt. 2
There are some things I just won't write for but I do case by a case basis, I will put warnings if there is anything I view as may be triggering. Please give me more shows or characters to write for, I'm begging you! most fics are reader x character, some involve pregnancy and marriage but they will mostly be one-shots.
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debruhbot5000 · 5 months
I just posted the sequel to All Gone (But Aching Misery)! The sequels title is A Crown of Sorrow (And a Ring of Rage) and you can read it here!
These fics are DP x DC crossovers about Danny being thrust into the role of King while still grieving the loss of his family. With two wars, relationships, paperwork, and Clockwork’s riddles, Danny is forced to set his grief to the side as he carries the responsibility of High King of The Infinite Realms.
Here’s a sneak peek of chapter one of A Crown of Sorrow (And a Ring of Rage)!
Flashes of bombs and planes surround Wonder Woman as she fights her way through no man's land.
She must get to Steve, she can spot him waiting for her in the distance. Calling to her. Gun turrets fire rapidly at her as she blocks them with her gauntlets, rushing past barbed wire. Everything is trying to slow her down. Even her own body as she runs as if in water.
She’s so close, a breath away. She sees Steve, her Steve, waving her over. His bright smile shining like the sun.
Just as she’s about to reach for his outstretched hand he’s ripped away from her.
“No.” She chokes, sitting up quickly as she yanks the sweat damp sheets from her overheated body. Diana hides her teary face in her palms, breathing deeply to calm her racing heart and still her quaking hands. It was only a dream. Just another cruel dream.
Sniffing, she wipes her face as she decides to take a walk on her homeland's shores to ease her heart and mind.
She is spending the week on Themyscira for The Feast of Five. It is the Themyscirians’ most holy holiday for it honors the goddesses who took part in their creation. Yesterday they hunted in honor of Artemis and tomorrow they will feast in honor of Demeter. The days after are dedicated to worship and prayer with her sisters.
Diana has relished being in the full presence of her sisters once again. As they say, it is good to be home. While she loves her comrades in man’s world, cherishing her bonds, they can never fill the place of the sisterhood she has here. The true home she has here.
Leaving her room she walks down the stone hallways, nodding as she passes the few women still awake, finding her way to a cliff, and sliding down the rocky terrain to the white sanded beaches.
Diana closes her eyes, taking in the crashing waves, the gentle chirping of crickets, the cold sand at her feet, and the soft breeze cooling her skin. She tries to clear her mind, allowing her senses to ground her to this moment.
Breathing in she lifts her head to the twinkling sky, opening her eyes as she traces the constellations in her head. She finds Orion, one of Artemis’ favored hunters.
Diana’s gaze glides across the night sky, as she catches sight of a falling star. She follows it’s path taking a moment to give her appreciation to the goddess Asteria who guides all the fallen stars. The goddess Asteria who sends messages through them and through dreams.
What message did she mean to send Diana? Was it meant to be a cruel reminder of what she’s lost? Or was it a gentle nudge for her to let go of her heart ache?
Diana sighs, bringing her scrutiny to the sea, freezing as she watches the fallen star curve up and begin traveling parallel with the ocean.
Heading towards the island.
Concerned Diana starts running to intercept whatever this is.
Could this be the goddess Asteria answering her questions? Or a foreign invader hoping to strike when least expected?
Running around a set of boulders she’s entranced to find her falling star to be a glowing young girl with hair like the moon, floating above the sand, marveling at the scenery around her. She appears mystical with her white hair flowing around her as if she were underwater. Her expression is of joy, face bright with a larger than life smile, taking everything she sees in. As the mysterious girl turns in Diana’s direction, her bright green eyes widen as they find her behind the rock, body flinching back in fear.
Diana steps out from where she was partially hidden slowly, body open and relaxed, “Fear not child, I wish you no harm. I am Princess Diana of Themyscira, may I ask who you are?” She speaks softly, hoping to eliminate the fear dancing in the young one’s eyes.
The girl doesn’t relax, body stiffening more at Diana’s advance making her halt. At this the girl seems to look more comforted, flickering eyes steadying, “I apologize for the intrusion, Princess.” She speaks softly, an odd echo to her voice as she bows her head. “My name is Ellie and I come here with no ill intent.” She states firmly, a serious furrow to her young face.
Diana smiles, “It is nice to meet you Ellie. What brings you to my home?” She questions wondering what exactly Ellie is. She would never ask out loud, for that would be rude, however, she can’t help but notice Ellie’s lack of a heartbeat.
“I’m on a mission of sorts, to see the world. All of it and, well, Themyscira was on my list.” Ellie declares a clear passion in her eyes when she speaks of her goal. The face she wears is the same one Diana had when she used to stand on this very beach, gazing over the horizon as her heart longed for adventure. As her eyes yearned to see more, her ears to hear more, her mind to understand more.
Diana finds herself in Ellie and so does what she wished someone would have done with her.
“Come and sit with me Ellie.” Diana requests, lowering to the sand as she faces the waves. Ellie is still at first before her shoulders drop and she takes a spot to Diana’s left.
“Tell me about your travels, what have you seen so far?” Diana inquires, watching Ellie’s face brighten with innocent glee as she begins gesturing wildly, recounting story after story. Her reflecting voice holding an adoration for all she has held witness to.
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the-red-butterfly · 2 months
20 Questions for fic writers
Tagged by @bad-at-names-and-faces and @i-did-not-mean-to
Thanks guys!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3? I have 96 works in Ao3 BUT I have 104 on Fanfiction (yes, I still post there don't judge me.) I think there are just like 3 works that I have on Ao3 that I didn't pu up on FanFiction.
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 411,089 (Not too bad, not too bad)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Primarily I write for Tolkien works, Star Wars and Batman (bat fam to be more specific). But I'm very much a, write one for each thing I love kinda gall. Honorary mentions include Sandman, Frozen, Twilight Avengers, Merlin and Teen Titans.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Lonely Stars Drifting In The Black (Star Wars) (so not surprised XD)
Kudos: 2,276
The Unexpected Pop Of Things (Lucifer TV)
Kudos: 1,265
This Isn't What It Looks Like (Lucifer TV)
Kudos: 762
Death of a Star (Lucifer TV)
Kudos: 760
Alone Never More (Batman comics) (you are just an okay story, why are you here? 😭)
Kudos: 729
(I'm kinda surprised and offended that I didn't put Lucifer on the honorary mentions and it still took places 2, 3 AND 4 👁)
5. Do you respond to comments? Oh yes (though I might take a couple of months if I some slip my mind). Almost all of them. I tend to not answer back to emojis because I'm like... I don't know what to answer?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? This was kind of a hard question and it took me way too long to answer, so here, have the three runner ups.
A Crime Of Passion (Twilight: New Moon)
Ends with: Carlisle being forced to drink blood and being unable to deal with it.
At The End Of The Earth (Hellboy del Toro movies)
Ends with: John Myers being mauled by wolves and his last thoughts being of how alone he feels and of dying alone.
She's not a very good mother (Batman comics)
Ends with: Janet Drake dying as she chokes on poison and regrets she wont be able to do better by her son. She always thought she'd have more time.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Unlike the last one, this one was so easy to pick because, yeah... I'm an angsty girly for sure so the pool for REALLY happy endings was SMALL.
Drizzle Bt The Sea (Teen Titans cartoon)
It's quite short and all around just happy in vibes. Just Robin and Jericho playing by the sea under the rain.
8. Do you get hate on fics? I don't remember that I ever have? Thought I thought a couple might get hate, they didn't.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I tired it ONCE. And you know what happened? The sex was interrupted by trauma and they characters had to top to talk about the whole thing.
There is also that other one time but we're not going to talk about it.
But all in all I'm much more interested in exploring gen stories ✨
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I LOVE crossovers. I don't have many, but I am plagued mentally by them. I have 3 posted (only one on Ao3). And I'm not sure which one's craisiest. But the 2 on FF are both Rise of the Guardians crossovers, one with Avengers and the other with LES MISÉRABLES. What was younger me smoking? I would really like to know.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I'm aware 👁
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? I think someone might've asked one or two times? But I honestly don't remember, if it ever happened, it was ages ago.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Oh yes! It's always so fun to me. I've done it a couple of times with @slightly-crimson-tornado and I'm currently working on one with @pushing-daisies-renaissance ✨
14. What’s your all time favourite ship? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Steve Trevor x Diana Prince I think. Close runner up is definitely Satine Kryze x Obi-wan Kenobi. And I'm VERY fond of Bruce Wayne x Selina Kyle.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I have a stupid amount of wips so I'll just go by posted ones. I have this story idea that I REALLY Like but I came up with it ages ago, and though i still like the idea I'm doubtful that I'll ever give it the time it deserves to go back to ):
Because the truth was too terrible (Avengers)
It's a story about Natasha being trapped inside her mind and Thor getting in to wake her up. I'm still pretty fond of the general gist of it. But it's OLD now.
16. What are your writing strengths? Aaaaaahhh. Trauma management? Like, they way people go about it and navigate it; how they talk about it with others? At least I THINK that's my strength. People keep complimenting those things XD
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I am too flowery with wording and I get sick of myself. It's out of control and I sometimes can't help it.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I love it. If I can't get help I'll just wing a google translate, or god forbid do some research on structure. I'm BAD at it, but I love it and use it frequently.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Inazuma Eleven (anime) hehe. Love of my youth, protect me.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? I love this this Twilight one-shot I wrote some years ago. It made me suffer a lot (for reasons you can find in the author's notes) but the idea has always had a tight grip on me. I really like it (and hope to got I can get the sequel out one day).
A Crime Of Passion (Twilight: New Moon)
BUT two honorable mentions. One, my Star Wars series where Obi-wan get's rescued from Death Watch by Jango Fett. And Two, my VERY self indulgent crossover between Avengers x Merlin, I love the story and I'm really super fond of what I've gotten down so far.
Celestial Bodies Of The Lonesome Variety (LSD) (Star Wars)
Of The Old Things Hidden In The World (Merlin x Avengers crossover)
Ya know, just in case you feel like it, tagging @slightly-crimson-tornado , @cilil , @dottie-wan-kenobi , @fishing4stars , @arlenianchronicles , @scary-grace
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miscfandomwrites · 2 months
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A/N: I wanted a road trip fic, and considering this idea has been gathering dust for about a month now I figured I could give it life. I love Carol Danvers-She’s my wife (Diana Prince is DC wife) and I’ve honestly lost track of how many times I’ve seen Captain Marvel. Not to mention the poster (I had, it got torn -_-), the keychain, THE HAT (Like in the photo! I have one!), the little lego figure, the lunchbox…. Yeah, she’s my wife. Also kind of a slowburnish fic for the first part. I am considering making this into a small series. 
Pairing: Carol Danvers x F! Reader
Warnings: Language, talk about COVID in USA. Dissing the USA’s government. 
Words: About 1.5k
Tagging: @tyler-t0t
Summary: After being cooped up in the tower for months during quarantine, you need to get out and get moving. You’re restless, and can barely fall asleep because of it. Then, Carol Danvers makes you an offer: A two-week road trip to see her friend and her god daughter. It’s two weeks straight in a car, with minor detours depending. With nothing better to do and the fact that you might rip your hair out if you have to stay inside for another fucking week-you accept.
“I need to get the hell out of this tower.” I grumbled as I paced by the bay windows. Natasha watched in interest as my rapid steps thundered throughout the room.
“Well they’re still trying to find a cure for the virus. We can go out, but we need to distance ourselves and wear masks.” She replied, lazily picking at her nails.
“Yeah, but I need to get out of this city. As much as I love the bustle of New York, I need to get out - take a break from the noise, the smells, the city itself. I need to get out into the country again.” I said as I walked towards the kitchen.
Despite quarantine making almost everyone gain some weight, I had stretched and done nearly everything I could indoors. It included working out, and I was happy with the results of that hobby. Arts and crafts were burned out, as well as movies and tv shows. Actually, the only thing I really did anymore was swim and read. Everything else I’d done to the point of mental exhaustion.
I opened the fridge and pulled out a beer, ignoring the fact that it wasn’t even four in the afternoon yet. 
“Well, you could go on a road trip.” She said, her torso leaned back over the arm of the couch as she stared at me. Stretching like a lazy cat, she got up and silently padded to the kitchen. I handed her a beer and lifted myself up to sit on the island counter. 
She nodded in thanks and took a sip from it. “I’ve got nowhere and no one to go to, Nat. Not even Clint’s family, because if I have the virus I don’t want to give it to them.” I replied.
She nodded, remembering what we’d agreed on. 
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“We can’t do anything to help. I’d actually look bad if we went out and did anything. The best thing is to stay here, and only if we’re absolutely needed, then we leave.” Steve said as he flipped through the folder on the table. We’d finally gotten the official word from S.H.I.E.L.D. about what we were supposed to do. Or rather, what would look good to the press. 
Cases were rising and it seemed everyday they doubled, or tripled, in some states. I wasn’t worried for anyone in the tower, save Tony because even though the man had a metal heart, I doubted he washed his hands often. 
“And in the meantime?” Sam asked him, flipping through his folder. Steve started listing off ideas and I tuned out, starting to look through my own folder. 
Inside were some lists and things we could do, put together by the ever-loving government. Most ‘Ideas’ included making  our social media presence known and trying to encourage people to stay home, followed by training when we didn’t have anything better to do. 
“I’m not going back home, not with travel restricted and asymptomatic people.” Clint spoke, his hands resting on the back of his chair as he stared blankly at the table.
“It’s going to be okay, Clint. As soon as we’re cleared and the lockdown ends, we’ll be off. Until then, no one gets to visit your family. It’s for their safety.” Natasha said, soothingly rubbing a hand  on his back.
First thing on my list was sleeping, because I’d barely gotten back from a six week mission when this shitstorm started. Staying home for a while sounded nice.
“(Y/N), what’s the first thing you’re going to do?” Bruce’s voice ripped me out of my thoughts. I gave him a small, sleepy smile and replied that I was probably going to sleep for a week or so. The doctor chucked and patted my shoulder as he left the room, the others slowly draining out.
I sighed as I flipped through the folder some more, rereading the paper until it was memorized. I headed out of the conference room and to my floor, only stopping to get some food from the kitchen. We might have a small kitchen on our floors, but the best food was kept in the main kitchen. 
I yawned as I set the basket and the folder down on the kitchen island, and headed to my room. I kicked my shoes off and practically collapsed on the bed. I was out before my head hit the pillow. 
“I know that Clint isn’t even going to them. It’s horrible, I have no idea why we’re still not on lockdown.” I said as I absentmindedly read the label on the bottle. 
Natasha sighed as she drained her beer, and tossed in the garbage. “Because our government is filled with horrible people who value their own wealth over the lives of others. Greed is what America has become.” She said over her shoulder as she headed to the elevators.
Where she was off to wasn't my business and I had a feeling she’d rather shoot me than have me find out about it. I stayed in the kitchen while I finished my beer, going through my ‘inspirational’ Instagram feed of people doing their routines and workouts from home. I grew tired of it rather quickly, and tossed my empty bottle in the trash. Maybe I should just delete social media in general. 
I walked out of the kitchen, busy enough deleting Snapchat and Instagram that I didn’t notice I was about to bump into someone until we collided.
“I am so sorry!” Immediately came out of my mouth as I stepped back, looking at the figure who was….
Carol freaking Danvers. 
I had no idea she was staying here, let alone that she was on this planet. 
“Hey, it’s no big deal. I was actually looking for you.” She said as she straightened her jacket. Her blonde hair was growing long, just barely running past her shoulders. Dressed in a pair of workout pants and her windbreaker with a white pair of sneakers - and the fact that she had her bluetooth headphones around her neck, it seemed like she just got back from a run outside.
“Me?” I questioned, raising an eyebrow. She grinned and I swore my heart shuddered at the sight. It wasn’t known that I had a moderate-to-severe crush on her, and as far as I was publicly concerned, only Natasha and Wanda knew about it. The latter had told the former. Damn mind readers.
“Natasha said you were about to go insane from being cooped up in here.” She replied, heading past me and into the kitchen. I turned and watched her start to make a protein shake.
“I’m taking a road trip to see my friend. It’s a two week drive, because she lives in the middle of nowhere. I was looking for someone to come along with me.” She said as she prepared her drink. 
My jaw opened and closed like a rusty gate before my brain finally registered the words and formed an answer to them. 
“Yeah, sure. When do we leave?” I asked. I finished deleting all the social media, save Pinterest, Tumblr, and Youtube off my phone. Bye-Bye snap streaks. 
“Tomorrow. I was figuring we’d stop and get some snacks before we headed out on the road. You’re not allergic to cats, are you?” She asked me, sipping her drink. 
I shook my head. A two week road trip with my crush? Holy shit…
She nodded at me. My phone buzzed, and with a glance I knew that Natasha had set me up for this.
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Wow. Sometimes you love your red headed assassin friends. 
“Okay then. Guess I’ll go pack.” I said as I turned, headed for the elevator. 
Holy shit. 
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onthesandsofdreams · 2 years
Sunday Six, Wondertrev - Your headphones aren’t plugged in all the way and I can hear your music
The woman who sits next to him, is absolutely stunning.
Steve greets her with a 'good morning' that she returns before putting her headphones and puts the music on. Usually, public transportation is a nightmare, but this time, it might be enjoyable.
The music is from the 50s, and he finds himself smiling at that, and when he casually looks over, he realizes that her headphones are not fully plugged in, he catches her eye and points at it with a smile.
The woman blushes and plugs them the whole way in, "Thank you..."
He offers his hand, "Steve."
The woman smiles and takes it, "Diana."
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cantwritethetword · 7 months
Fic Masterpost
~A/N - Here is the Masterpost of my tickle fanfics! If they were written on my old account I have reposted them here but also linked the old post (labelled old) so that I can still keep all the old tags and comments that you guys have left on them ^^
Here's my Fandom List so you guys know what I'm super into at the moment. Requesting outside of that list is ok, just means I may or may not accept the prompt :D
But yeah! Here’s the links! ~
(old masterpost)
2K18: SHENANIGANS - Marvel // Tony and Steve and Bucky (Old Link)
2K19: NEVER RUN OFF ALONE - (Old) Doctor Who // Nyssa and 5 (Old Link)
2K22 (Part 1): THE DEVIL’S IN THE DETAILS - Lucifer // Lucifer x Chloe (Old Link)
2K22 (Part 2): COSQUILLAS NAVIDAD - Moon Knight //Jake and Marc and Steven (Old Link) 
2k23: GUNPOWDER, TREASON, AND PLOT - Red White and Royal Blue // Alex x Nick (Old Link)
Jake is struggling with getting paperwork done, and it seems nobody can find a way to help. Luckily Gina remembers something from their childhood that works wonders, and the team jump straight into action.
After a particularly nasty fight as the Daredevil, Matt needs to rest up. Thankfully, Foggy is there to make sure he does.
BLIND MAN’S BLUFF: (Old) Prompt Fic, Mini Fic
Matt is convinced he doesn’t giggle. Foggy is here to prove otherwise.
NEW DISCOVERIES: (Old) (wonder woman 1984)
With Steve’s new body, there’s bound to be some new discoveries for him and Diana.
WHEN BATS HUM (Old): (Superbat) Prompt Fic, Mini Fic
Superman tries to get Batman to relax…
BICEPS? REALLY?: (Superbat), Prompt(s) Fic
Superman accidentally stumbles across a rather odd ticklish spot on Batman. Of course, he can't let the opportunity to fluster his partner slip through his fingers.
Doctor Who:
A friendly argument between Donna and The Doctor turns into a reveal of one of the Time Lord's biggest weaknesses.
Charlie’s 17th birthday takes on an interesting twist when Tao adds a new rule to Laser Tag
LET’S PLAY A GAME (Old): Prompt Fic
There was nothing Nick loved more than teasing his boyfriend. And what better way than a game he could never win.
A sleepover-turned-pillowfight-turned-ticklefight filled with love, betrayal, and lots of giggles.
Nick tries to give his hoodie to Charlie, but gets stuck taking it off…
After Charlie’s been teasing him the whole day, Nick decides to exact his revenge the moment they get home.
Charlie oh-so-rudely interrupts a cuddle sesh with his laughter, and Nick definitely has absolutely nothing to do with it…
RUN BOY RUN (Old): Prompt Fic
Despite knowing Charlie is a fantastic runner, Nick still provokes his boyfriend into a chase.
Nick is nearly impossible for Charlie to pin, unless tickling is involved…
PROVING A POINT (Old): Prompt Fic
Nick and Tao wreck Charlie to prove who is his best tickler.
Nick gets a little too cocky during a rugby practice session, so the boys show Charlie the best way to take him down a notch.
Into/Across The Spiderverse:
During a training session, it's revealed that Miles is ticklish. Pavitr thoroughly enjoys the experience, and just when Miles thought it couldn't get worse, Miguel decides he wants to wrestle him. Surely Miguel wouldn't use Miles' weakness against him, right?
Steve and Bucky are playing cards, when Bucky realises tonight is a very special night…
Turns out that, although Cap can’t get drunk, HYDRA weren’t so thoughtful to Bucky.
Steve takes school very seriously. A little too seriously, in Bucky’s opinion. (Kinda Highschool AU but also kinda just young Stucky?)
SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT! (Old): Rewritten After Accidental Deletion
When a sparring match between Spiderman and Mysterio goes awry, a very sensitive secret is revealed about our favourite web-slinging superhero…
You can’t help calling the Avengers by their super names, so Steve decides to take matters into his own hands and helps jog your memory. 
Steve realises that, now that he’s all superhuman, he can overpower Bucky quite easily. Unfortunately for Buck, Steve’s keen on some revenge from when they were kids. 
SUMMER LOVIN’ (Old): Prompt Fic
Steve’s grumpy, and Bucky is tired of it. Pity they can’t keep the noise down… 
Bucky and Steve can’t decide who the stronger superhuman is, so Sam helps them out by testing out one of their biggest weaknesses.
A SMALL PRICE TO PAY (Old): Prompt Fic, Reader Fic
You’ve been ‘borrowing’ things from Thor and Tony for quite some time now, but they’ve found your little stash. You’d better run!
THE CYCLONE (Old): Prompt Fic
When Bucky forces Steve to line up for The Cyclone at Coney Island, Steve is scared shitless. Thankfully, his best friend is there to distract him. 
Now that Bucky is superhuman too, Steve doesn’t stand a chance. 
THERE’S THAT SMILE (Old): Reader Fic
Exams are terrifying… Thankfully you’ve got some lovely superpeople to help you out.
STRESSED OUT (Old): Prompt Fic, Reader Fic
You’ve been studying relentlessly for an upcoming maths test, and you’re really starting to feel the stress. Thankfully, Tony is here to help. 
YOU CAN RUN (Old): Prompt Fic, Reader Fic
After teasing Thor, Steve, and Bucky for days, you finally get them to crack and give you exactly what you deserve. 
Steve is being an absolute little shit to Thor and Bucky, so they give him exactly what he deserved. 
GIGGLES (Old): Sequel Fic
Steve tells Bucky he likes being tickled, and gets absolutely wrecked as a result. Just good old Stucky tickle fluff!
You decide it’s a great idea to tease two of your favourite superheroes… I think you know what happens next. 
I KNOW YOU LIKE THIS (Old): Prompt Fic, Mini Fic
Peter pushes Bucky’s buttons a little too far, so he decides to wreck the friendly neighbourhood superhero in the best way possible.
After Peter messes with Doctor Strange’s spell, he discovers a very interesting piece of information about his resident Wizard.
I’M NOT TICKLISH (Old): Prompt Fic, Mini Fic
Steve isn’t ticklish. Not at all. Of course, Bucky disagrees.
Peter loves decorating the compound for the festive season, but when he ends up tangled in the lights some of the others decide to have some fun.
Peter enlists Bucky’s help to fix a grumpy Steve, and he has a rather entertaining way of doing it
Stephen invites Tony to watch his training at Kamar-Taj, but Tony can't help but wonder how Stephen trains in such bulky clothing...
Merlin refuses to get off an exhausted Arthur’s bed… Bad Idea.
Moon Knight:
Marc is sick of being stuck on the other side, and wants control. Luckily, he discovers a pretty interesting way to get it.
Never get between Marc and Steven’s competitions, you never know what the consequences could be.
Red, White, and Royal Blue:
Henry unconsciously steals the blankets in the middle of the night and refuses to return them, forcing Alex to get creative to get them back.
Sanders Sides:
When Virgil decides to steal Logan’s blanket, it certainly doesn’t go unpunished…
HEY, YOU OK? (Old):
It’s the middle of the night, and Virgil’s mind is tormenting him with some seriously scary thoughts. Thankfully, Roman is there to calm him down and help him get some much needed sleep.
Roman and Patton have a cruel way to tease Virgil.
You’ve been having nightmares for days, ever since you were captured and tortured for information on the whereabouts of the Winchesters. Thankfully, the Brothers in question have a pretty good remedy for bad dreams.
Stranger Things:
Eddie hears Steve laugh properly for the first time and is OBSESSED so of course he has to hear more.
Ianto’s been acting a little strange recently, and it doesn’t take long for Jack to figure out why.
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your-averagewriter · 2 years
Request rules.
I don't write smut but I will write steamy make-out scenes and all that.
I will write fem!character x fem!reader, male!character x fem!reader, male!reader x male!reader. All of it including gender neutral reader.
I also only really write x reader fics.
My Masterlist - What I've already written, I update when I post.
- Thanks for the requests though! :)
Keep an eye on this as I add more characters as I watch more shows/movies!
People/characters I will write for:
- Hunger Games - Peeta Mellark, Katniss Everdeen, Haymitch Abernathy, Finnick Odair, Johanna Mason, Annie Cresta, Lucy Gray Baird, Sejanus Plinth.
- Maze Runner - Thomas, Newt, Gally, Minho.
- Kingsman - Harry Hart (Galahad), Gary "Eggsy" Unwin (Galahad), Hamish Mycroft (Merlin), Jack Daniels (Whiskey).
- Zombieland - Tallahassee, Columbus, Wichita.
- Luther - John Luther, Alice Morgan, Justin Ripley.
- Call of Duty - John Price, Simon "Ghost" Riley, John "Soap" MacTavish, König, Alejandro Vargas, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, Kim "Horangi" Hong-jin, Valeria Garza, Keegan Russ.
- The Boys - Homelander, Starlight, Soldier Boy, Black Noir, Billy Butcher, Hughie Campbell, The Deep, Queen Maeve, A-Train, Translucent.
- Gen V - Marie Moreau, Emma Meyer, Jordan Li, Andre Anderson, Cate Dunlap, Luke Riordan and Sam Riordan.
- Fallout - Cooper Howard (pre and post Ghoul), Lucy MacLean, Maximus.
- The Walking Dead (I've only seen the first season so no spoilers please!!) - Rick Grimes, Glenn Rhee, Lori Grimes, Andrea
- Scream - Billy Loomis, Stu Macher, Dwight "Dewey" Riley, Randy Meeks, Richie Kirsch, Sam Carpenter, Tara Carpenter, Chad Meeks-Martin, Mindy Meeks-Martin, Ethan Landry.
- The Lost Boys - Michael Emerson, David, Star, Marko, Dwayne.
- What We Do in the Shadows - Nandor the Relentless, Laszlo Cravensworth, Nadja, Guillermo de la Cruz.
- Late Night with The Devil - Jack Delroy
- Renfield - R.M Renfield.
- A Quiet Place (1&2) - Lee Abbott, Evelyn Abbott, Emmett.
- The Boy - Brahms.
- Fight Club - Tyler Durden, The Narrator.
- Alien - Ripley, Dwayne Hicks, Hudson.
- Saw - Adam Faulkner-Stanheight, Amanda Young, Peter Strahm, Mark Hoffman.
- The Crow - Eric Draven.
- Midnight Mass - Sheriff Hassan, Father Paul, Riley Flynn.
- MCU - Tom Holland!Peter Parker, Andrew Garfield!Peter Parker, Bruce Banner, Steve Rodgers, Tony Stark, T'Challa, Stephen Strange, Logan, Scott Lang, Wanda Maximoff, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff, Yelena Belova, Matt Murdock, Valkyrie, Carol Danvers, Peter Quill, Bucky Barnes, Phil Coulson, Gamora, Thor Odinson, Loki Laufeyson, James Rhodes, Pietro Maximoff, Druig, Sam Wilson, Shuri.
- Spiderverse - Hobie Brown, Miles Morales (both variations), Gwen Stacy, Miguel O'Hara, Pavitr Prabhakar, Peter B Parker, Spider Noir.
- X-Men and others (Deadpool etc) - Young!Charles Xavier, Young!Erik Lehnsherr, Nightcrawler, Jean Grey, Scott Summers, Nathan Summers, Wade Wilson.
- The Dark Knight Trilogy - Christian Bale!Bruce Wayne, Jonathon Crane.
- The Batman - Robert Pattinson!Bruce Wayne, Selina Kyle.
- Justice League - Diana Prince (Wonderwoman), Arthur Curry (Aquaman), Clark Kent (Superman).
- Gotham - David Mazouz!Bruce Wayne, Jerome Valeska, Jerimiah Valeska, Alfred Pennyworth, Jim Gordon, Selina Kyle, Ed Nygma, Barbara Kean, Oswald Cobblepot, Victor Zsasz, Harvey Bullock, Jonathon Crane, Jervis Tetch, Victor Fries.
The Suicide Squad - Jared Leto!Joker, Harley Quinn, Rick Flag, Chris Smith (Peacemaker), Robert DuBois (Bloodsport), Chato Santana (El Diablo).
- Attack on Titan - Eren Yeager, Levi Ackerman, Mikasa Ackerman, Armin Arlert, Jean Kirstein, Reiner Braun, Annie Leonhart, Sasha Braus, Erwin Smith, Miche Zacharius, Hitch Dreyse, Kenny Ackerman, Marco Bodt, Pieck Finger, Porco Galliard, Colt Grice, Bertholdt Hoover, Nicolo, Ymir, Zeke Yeager, Floch Forster.
- Demon Slayer - Giyu Tomioka, Mitsuri Kanroji, Obanai Iguro, Muichiro Tokito, Shinobu Kocho, Kyojuro Rengoku, Tengen Uzui, Kanao Tsuyuri, Tanjiro Kamado, Zenitsu Agatsuma, Inosuke Hashibira, Gyutaro, Daki, Enmu, Hinatsuru, Makio, Suma.
- Castlevania - Alucard, Sypha Belnades, Trevor Belmont, Carmilla, Lenore.
- Tokyo Ghoul - Ken Kaneki, Juuzou Suzuya, Touka Kirishima, Kuki Urie, Ayato Kirishima, Itori, Uta, Hideyoshi Nagachika.
- My Hero Academia - Shota Aizawa, Hizashi Yamada, Tenya Ida, Ochaco Uraraka, Denki Kaminari, Eijiro Kirishima, Kyoka Jiro, Hanta Sero, Shoto Todoroki, Katsuki Bakugo, Itsuka Kendo, Tamaki Amajiki, Hitoshi Shinso, Keigo Takami, Mirko, Dabi, Himiko Toga, Jin Bubaigawara.
- Obey me - Lucifer, Mammon, Levi, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor, Diavolo, Barbatos, Simeon, Solomon.
- Haikyuu! - Daichi Sawamura, Kōshi Sugawara, Asahi Azumane, Tobio Kageyama, Tadashi Yamaguchi, Kiyoko Shimizu, Keishin Ukai, Tetsurō Kuroo, Kenma Kozume, Tōru Oikawa, Hajime Iwaizumi, Kōtarō Bokuto, Keiji Akaashi, Wakatoshi Ushijima, Satori Tendō, Yūji Terushima, Kiyoomi Sakusa, Atsumu Miya, Osamu Miya.
- Avatar the Last Airbender - Zuko, Katara, Sokka, Aang, Azula, Ty Lee.
- Avatar: Legend of Korra - Korra, Asami, Mako, Tenzin, Iroh.
- Waterparks - Awsten Knight, Geoff Wigington, Otto Wood.
- My Chemical Romance - Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro, Frank Iero, (all the killjoys).
- Pierce The Veil - Vic Fuentes, Tony Perry, Jaime Preciado.
- All Time Low - Alex Gaskarth, Rian Dawson, Zack Merrick.
- Ice Nine Kills - Spencer Charnas, Ricky Armellino, Patrick Galante, Joe Occhiuti, Dan Sugarman.
- Palaye Royale - Remington Leith, Emerson Barrett.
- Others - Oli Sykes, Ronnie Radke, Andy Hurley, Brandon Flowers, Chris Motionless, Kellin Quinn,, John O'Callaghan, Josh Franceschi, Lzzy Hale, Hayley Williams, William Beckett, Noah Sebastian, Will Ramos, Will Ghould, Dave Grohl, Vessel (Sleep Token).
- Metal Lords - Hunter, Kevin, Emily.
- The Sandman - Dream, Corinthian.
- Prey - Naru, Taabe.
- Stranger Things - Steve Harrington, Nancy Wheeler, Jonathon Byers, Max Mayfield, Robin Buckley, 001, Dimitri, Eddie Munson.
- Star Wars - Anakin Skywalker, Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Han Solo, Rey, Kylo Ren, Boba Fett, Poe Dameron, Din Djarin, Cal Kestis.
- Barbie - Barbie, Ken.
- Monster High - Frankie Stein, Clawdeen Wolf, Cleo de Nile, Deuce Gorgon, Draculaura, Lagoona Blue, Abbey Bominable, Clawd Wolf, Gillington Webber, Heath Burns, Holt Hyde, Jackson Jekyll, Neighthan Rot, Operetta, Robecca Steam, Rochelle Goyle, Venus McFlytrap, Kieran Valentine, Porter Geiss.
- Euphoria - Rue Bennett, Jules Vaughn, Maddy Perez, Cassie Howard, Fezco, Lexi Howard, Nate Jacobs (nothing abusive).
- Wonka - Willy Wonka, Fickelgruber.
- Saltburn - Oliver Quick, Felix Catton, Farleigh Start, Venetia Catton.
I know that's quite a long list and if you want me to write for a character not on there then just ask :)
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suegeek · 2 years
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(From Welcome to the Multiverse: The Vat of Acid)
She was the most beautiful girl in any universe. She was one in a million, a billion, a googoplex. Steve Junior gazed at her picture and lay it beside him on the bed. He had lost her forever. A tear ran down his nose. He sniffled. He wondered if love was nothing but pain? His mother had waited and morned over his father for 100 years. Would he do the same for her?
He longed for his mother to return from the conference in Madrid. He needed a hug and a shoulder to cry on so desperately.
He fast forwarded the news footage to moments after he dived into the vat of acid. There she was in the crowd. She had returned to him only to see his untimely demise. There was no going back from that. His dad had been right. There were consequences.
He felt the mattress dip. Perhaps his aunt Traci or his paternal grandmother had come to give him some solace?
“What was her name?”
His eyes went wide when he heard his father’s voice behind him on the bed. His voice was soft, gentle. He hadn’t heard his dad talk to him like that since he was a little boy. He rolled around on the bed and faced him. He father was holding her picture.
“She’s beautiful, isn’t she?” he could barely get the words out. He was choking up.
“She is.” His father said.
He regarded his 16 year old son with love and compasion. He knew exactly what he was going through.
“I was always watching over you.” Steve Senior said.
“Especialy when you felt the most alone. You have always been my ray of sunshine. My hope for the future. Whenever I saw you roll over by yourself, learn to crawl, the first time you called me Daddy. You made it all worth it. You were my reason for fighting. For sacrificing my life twice. You and your sisters are the greatest gifts your mother ever gave me. I thank the Presence for all of you every day.”
Steve Junior hugged his father tightly and wept. It was exactly what he needed to hear. His father rubbed his back and patted it softly.
“It’s alright Son. It’ll be alright.”
“Will the pain ever go away?” he asked.
“No, Son, not entirely. But it will ease with time. It did for me when I lost your mother twice.”
Flying back in his cessna 340 from Spain to the States, it was a long 9 hour flight. They both had long since fallen into a routine. They would talk and hold hands; then they would sleep a bit while Steve put the plane on auto pilot. After Steve had told Diana about their son’s eventful stay in a parallel universe there was a long pause.
“How is he?” Diana asked concern in her voice.
Steve sighed.
“He’ll live, just like we did. Losing the Love of your life is never easy.”
Diana’s eyes went wide.
“That bad?”
“Yes, I’m afraid so.” Steve said.
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its-tortle · 2 years
When you get this, reply with your favourite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers, if you can. Let’s spread the self-love. ♥️
(ily Luisa bby, and I love your writing 💕💕)
minnie my love!! this is such a sweet ask and fun idea, thank you so much for sending it!! 💗 i love you and your writing just so much ✨🥰
here's my top five stucky fics, in no particular order:
i counted days, i counted miles (4.4k) - the post fatws endgame fix it we all deserve. angst with a happy ending.
make yourself at home, and i’ll want you to stay (5k) - modern au. steve and bucky are just fuck buddies but bucky catches feelings because steve is so good with his cat.
begin again (2.7k) - modern au. a fluffy first date fic based on the taylor swift song
you call me late at night, i pick up every time (1.7k) - post civil war, bucky calls steve in the middle of the night, but steve doesn’t mind
passed down like folk songs (the love lasts so long) (28k) - wonder woman x mcu crossover. diana’s perspective on fighting with the avengers and befriending steve rogers through the years. fuck endgame.
the little evanstan fic i wrote for minnie's birthday: the dizzy, dancing way you feel (4.4k) -  friends to lovers. chris and seb go to disney world and it’s just about the schmoopiest thing in the world. lots of hand-holding and movie references.
all of these (and more) are on my masterlist and my ao3 :)
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