#does this count as a poem
justarandombrit · 3 months
No one:
Absolutely no one:
Still no one:
Nobody here:
Come back tomorrow:
Dude I said no one's home:
Stop ringing the doorbell:
I said stop:
STOP. S. T. O. P:
I could have you arrested for this, y'know:
I think:
Feels pretty illegal:
Come back with a warrant:
I was kidding by the way:
I wouldn't call the cops on you:
We're chill like that:
No we're not:
I wouldn't call the cops on you:
My neighbour does have a pretty long hose though:
I hope you like getting wet:
Not like that:
I guess since we're gonna be here a while I should ask:
What do you like?:
Me too:
It's like,:
You know exactly what you like doing until someone asks about your hobbies:
It's really pretty human, isn't it?:
… Well, I assume you're human:
I am:
Something we have in common…:
That weather, huh?:
If I could cough awkwardly right now, I would:
Don't wanna give you COVID:
That's still around, by the way:
Like, people are still dying:
From a preventable disease:
People really do like to die:
Very human:
I'll die someday:
You will too:
On my doorstep, by the look of it:
Nah, I'm just messing about:
Don't leave:
Not yet:
We have a whole universe of things to talk about:
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I would've woken up next to you every morning.
I would've brought you breakfast in bed.
I would've learned how to cook your favourite meals, and I would've made them for you when you had a bad day.
I would've given you flowers on random days, just to see you smile.
I would've spent hours of my day thinking of silly jokes to tell you, just to hear you laugh.
I would've taken you to Rome, and showed you all of my favourite spots.
I would've gushed about you to my friends.
I would've held your hand through busy streets at night.
I would've kissed you goodnight every day for the rest of my life.
I would've called you my wife.
I would've been the happiest woman alive.
I would've loved you.
But you wouldn't let me. So it doesn't matter.
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pitrsattabhaadmeinjao · 9 months
fathers and their daughters man. just.
you were never there
and then you were but then you weren’t
and i wish you stay away (i wish you stayed)
(i wish you never stay this way)
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Fly on the wall
Oh to be a fly on a wall. People seem to say that when referring to people having an argument or some politician making a big decision. When people say they want to be a fly on the wall, they refer to big, dramatic things. I think I’d want to be a fly on a wall too, but I wouldn’t want to see the big things. We already see enough big things in our day to day life. Why would I want to see more? Instead, I’d want to see the smaller things. I’d want to see someone finding out they got an A on a test they were worried about. I want to see a couple having an argument in an effective and healthy manner. I’d want to hear the songs of someone who barely knows how to sing.
I think a lot of people get caught up in so many big things that they neglect to recognize the little things. The things that really make our lives worth living. Maybe that’s why people are so miserable. Everyone is so focused on the big things that they fail to notice at the little moth that decided to land on their shoulder. They fail to notice the flys on the wall. They fail to notice the other perspective.
Maybe it’s not the small things that people are failing to see. Maybe people fail to see different perspectives. If I were a fly on a wall, I’d probably be able to see 2 different sides of the same argument. I’d be able to see how different families function and how different people live. I’d be able to see someone setting up a surprise birthday party for someone who already knew about the party. I could watch that person walk in and act surprised because they want the other person to feel like they did throw a surprise party successfully. I could see someone buying flowers for someone who plans to break up with them that night. I could see someone comfort someone that has never felt a kind hand touch their skin.
Oh to be a fly on a wall. To be able to see so many lives. To see life be created and destroyed. To see a child’s first steps and a person’s last breaths. To be able to see dreams be created and crushed. To see overwhelming happiness and overbearing sadness. Oh, if I were a fly on a wall, I’d want to see it all. All of life’s joys and miseries. All of the pain and the comfort. If I had the chance to be a fly on the wall, I’d take it in a heartbeat.
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missnarrator · 2 years
dionysus immortalised his love in a coronet of stars, i crushed my lone diamond into nothing but dull dust and sand.
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skyoftwilight · 2 years
Are they too young for this?
It's odd, not recognising one's own voice. The laughs sound foreign. The quiet sounds foreign. The loud sounds foreign. The sounds are sounds, Just sounds, no more and no less. The sound is foreign. The sound is easy to master. Separate entities are easy to master.
One has a facade. Do they make it? Do they break it? Do they multiply it? Do they try while they still have a chance? Do they try before it's too late? Do they leave it as it is? Do they stay in an endless loop?
They do not know. All they know is to not know. Never has it mattered when they knew; So they stopped knowing. What point was there in knowing? What point was there in asking them? They would not be heeded, so why? Why were they bound to silence? Why were they forced to speak?
Why were they forced to be? What could be the point, even possibly?
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radio-dreamer · 24 days
dont bother
when all is said is done
when the anger satiates
youre still an asshole
one whos riding on my ass for free
one who cheats in the easiest classes
and one who brags about it
youre an asshole
i dont like you
i might fuck with you
but theres a line
one you dont cross when youre riding on someones ass for free
fuck you
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I took my shoes off,
An admission to the things I never told,
Pristine white marble floors shone,
I took my socks off,
As to not stain it with my sins and faults,
A myriad of stair steps stood alone,
I took my black jacket off,
As to not disrupt the aura they behold,
pictures of deceased love ones on the hall,
I took my cap off,
As to not disrespect the peace that engulfed,
I kept wandering, misguided and lost,
I took my shirt off,
As an admission to being a fraud, 
The walls were white and cold,
I took my pants off,
As hot guilt gnaws,
A golden Vault shone,
The only thing shown,
My reflection, 
naked, alone, and cold.
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thecountesstribe · 7 months
Depressed, stressed and I'm just trying to do my best.
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lunarcatninja · 8 months
When moths get high off cat litter fumes. Then my cat catches and eats them.
Poor moths. Never stood a chance.
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jadelilac · 9 months
the experience
i get called things im not every day
it doesn't phase me anymore
that's not me
so it doesn't bother me
so why
when i get called what i *am*
does it still make me cry?
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lonesome-dreamsss · 5 months
his handprint may be burned into your skin but it's still the gentlest touch you've ever received.
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lover-of-mine · 3 months
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artemis-moon101 · 28 days
theres something poetic about being young and picking up the little yellow dandelions and calling them flowers. and every single time an adult says no thats a weed. don't give it to me thats not a flower thats a weed. its ugly and its bad because of what we call it. so you stop picking them. you stop putting them behind you ear or tying the stems together. nobody likes weeds anyways, right?
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basilpaste · 3 months
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& he forgives you dogs are like that so loyal dead dogs are just happy you're here Let Dead Dogs Lie, Silas Denver Melvin (from Grit)
〔You grit your teeth so hard that they shatter into fangs.〕
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cult-of-the-eye · 6 months
Thinking about the relationship between a dog and a wolf...does a dog ever think about how in a different universe it too could be howling beneath the moon, running free, with corpses between its jaws? Does it think of that and find the open sky is too cold? Or does it yearn for a chill setting deep into its bones? Does the wolf's hind legs ever tire of running? Or does it sleep peacefully knowing it would prefer pain over shackles any day? Do they ever lock eyes knowing they've come closer to divinity than any of us would ever know?
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