borutouzumaki93 · 4 years
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xxkiliancxrpsexx · 3 years
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shy-emo-girl-blog1 · 5 years
"Emo Girl"
She was once a lonely, depressed and emotional person because she had no emotional support or friends to call her own. But fate decided to change all that and sooner or later, one day during school, a boy noticed her sitting by herself and felt sorry for her. He approached her and asked if she wanted to sit with him and his friends. She said yes without hesitation.
After that day, the girl would sit with them, play hacky-sack with them and all of them had a love of fashion for black 🖤 The girl was happy and in her heart, she no longer felt alone and even though she was bullied and harassed by haters, her friends stood by her and protected her, until they all graduated and she was sad about that. However, in the end she never felt alone because she learned how to be herself and make more friends and lived happily ever after 🖤
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averycochikas · 3 years
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Some pictures before releasing a new song in a few minutes! #emostyle #early2000s #early2000sfashion #early2000snostalgia #early2000saesthetic #emotie #emoties #emonerd #punknerd #nerdypunk #early2000semo #scenefashion #scenestyle https://www.instagram.com/p/CMFXDQmgC3H/?igshid=1ipsybnpfkk33
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ramrage · 2 years
so loki was basically a loner because he was the only weirdo* in his social sphere. like surely there were other asgardian weirdos but hanging with them probably wouldn’t have been all too accessible as he, yknow, was royalty.
now i’m wondering what loki would be like if he had his own asgardian equivalent of a emonerd high school clique. what if he had more people who 1) saw him for who he was* and 2) valued and vibed with it? dare i say the events of the first thor movie wouldn’t have happened? like, surely he’d still have the insecurity, but would it have been quite as gnarly?
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phandombigbang · 7 years
Title: I heard the March birds singing, and oh, what a beautiful sound.
Author: @emonerd-io
Artist: @doodlesfromthepit
Beta: @jjhomes043
Word Count: 15553
Rating: General
Warnings: mentions of death (of someone already dead), swearing, mentions of vague chronic illness, mentions of terminal illness
~Inspired by the anime 四月は君の嘘 (Your Lie in April)!~
The piano initiated the opening chords, and she drew the melody out in simple, yet alluring and complex lines. It’s a tune Dan did not recognise, but fell in love with immediately. Deep, and filled with a certain longing, yet tragically beautiful.
It’s the type of music that allows you to fathom why exactly some people practise for years and for decades, trying to master their craft, just to play something so modest and stark, yet so exquisite.
This is the story of two young musicians, Dan and Phil, and how their lives became entwined over the course of one year in high school.
Author Notes:
My first PBB fic and also my first fic on AO3! A million thanks to my beta and artist! You are both good humans :) It was great working with you! To anyone reading this: I hope you’ll enjoy the story!!
The art for this fic by @doodlesfromthepit !!!:
And here’s a playlist I made that includes all pieces used in this fic:
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ashtoncake · 7 years
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Your local emo nerd reporting for Algebra class π . . Calcium·Potassium·Einsteinium ;P . . (∩ ᵔ - ᵔ)⊃━☆゚.*・。゚~{🏷️Tags 🏷️}~ 🍰 [#emo] [#emoboy] [#emohair] [#scenekid] [#sceneguy] [#scene] [#lgbt] [#emoteen] [#sceneteen] [#flippyhair] [#scemofeatures] [#alternativestyle] [#emokid] [#snakebites] [#sceneemo] [#emostyle] [#alternativehair] [#emoselfie] [#sceneboy] [#bandmerch] [#scenestyle] [#emohairstyle] [#goth] [#altgirlsboyspikafeature] [#alternative] [#scenehair] [#emonerd] [#emoglasses] [#emowithglasses] [#nerdglasses]
📸 TheAshtonCake On Instagram! 🍰
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petrichoronyourlips · 7 years
This Or That Tag
Tagged by @dethnira - thank you <3
1. Coffee or tea? Tea 2. Black and white or color? Black and white 3. Drawings or paintings? Drawings 4. Dresses or skirts? I'm not really the type for either, but dresses > skirts 5. Books or movies? Books 6. Pepsi or Coke? Coke 7. Chinese or Italian? Italian 8. Early bird or night owl? Extreme night owl 9. Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate 10. Introvert or extrovert? Introvert 11. Hugs or kisses? Um... hugs I guess 12. Hunting or fishing? Neither 13. Winter or summer? Winter! 14. Spring or fall? Fall 15. Rural or urban? Urban 16. PC or Mac? PC 17. Tan or pale? Tan 18. Cake or pie? Cake 19. Ice cream or yogurt? Yogurt 20. Ketchup or mustard? Ketchup 21. Sweet pickles or dill pickles? Dill pickles 22. Comedy or mystery? I like both, but I’ll go with comedy 23. Boots or sandals? Boots 24. Silver or gold? Silver 25. Pop or Rock? Rock 26. Dancing or singing? Singing 27. Checkers or chess? Chess 28. Board games or video games? Videogames 29. Wine or beer? Wine 30. Freckles or dimples? Freckles 31. Honey mustard or BBQ sauce? BBQ sauce 32. Body weight exercises or lifting weights? Body weight exercises 33. Baseball or basketball? Basketball 34. Crossword puzzles or sudokus? Sudokus 35. Facial hair or clean shaven? Clean shaven 36. Crushed ice or cubed ice? Crushed ice 37. Skiing or snowboarding? Neither xD 38. Smile or game face? Smile 39. Bracelet or necklace? Necklace 40. Fruit or vegetables? Both! 41. Sausage or bacon? Sausage 42. Scrambled or fried? Scrambled 43. Dark chocolate or white chocolate? Dark, I don’t like white chocolate 44. Tattoos or piercings? Tattoos 45. Antique or brand new? Both 46. Dress up or dress down? Depends on occasion 47. Cowboys or aliens? Aliens 48. Cats or dogs? Cats for the win 49. Pancakes or waffles? Pancakes 50. Bond or Bourne? Bond 51. Sci-Fi or fantasy? Fantasy 52. Numbers or letters? Letters 53. Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings? Harry Potter 54. Fair or theme park? Fair 55. Money or fame? Money 56. Washing dishes or doing laundry? Ugh... doing laundry 57. Snakes or sharks? Snakes 58. Orange juice or apple juice? Apple juice 59. Sunrise or sunset? Sunset 60. Slacker or over-achiever? Tbh somehow both 61. Pen or pencil? Pen 62. Peanut butter or jelly? Jelly 63. Grammys or Oscars? Oscars 64. Detailed or abstract? Abstract 65. Multiple choice questions or essay questions? Essay questions 66. Adventurous or cautious? Cautious 67. Saver or spender? Saver 68. Glasses or contacts? Contacts, but thinking about getting glasses 69. Laptop or desktop? Desktop 70. Classic or modern? Both 71. Personal chef or personal fitness trainer? Personal chef 72. Internet or cell phone? Internet 73. Call or text? Text 74. Curly hair or straight hair? Straight 75. Shower in the morning or shower in the evening? Evening 76. Spicy or mild? Spicy 77. Marvel or DC? Marvel 78. Paying a mortgage or paying rent? Mortgage 79. Sky dive or bungee jump? Sky dive 80. Oreos or Chips Ahoy? Oreos 81. Jello or pudding? Pudding 82. Truth or dare? Truth 83. Roller coaster or Ferris wheel? Rollercoaster 84. Leather or denim? Leather 85. Stripes or solids? Solids 86. Bagels or muffins? Muffins 87. Whole wheat or white? White 88. Beads or pearls? Pearls 89. Hardwood or carpet? Hardwood 90. Bright colors or neutral tones? Neutral tones 91. Be older than you are or younger than you are? If referring to dating, older I guess 92. Raisins or nuts? Raisins 93. Picnic or nice restaurant? Nice restaurant 94. Black leather or brown leather? Black 95. Long hair or short hair? Long 96. “Ready, aim, fire” or “Ready, fire, aim”? Ready aim fire 97. Fiction or non-fiction? Fiction 98. Smoking or non-smoking? Non-smoking 99. Think before you talk or talk before you think? Think before talking 100. Asking questions or answering questions? Asking questions
Tagging @clearlynottired @megamog @emonerd-io @insearchofcreativejuices @mitoshiperpetuo @dulcetlips @mirandafied @alpha-centuari @myalternatereality
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adorkablephil · 7 years
500 Followers Follow Forever!
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I just hit 500 followers! So I wanted to do one of these “Follow Forever” posts, even though I’m a little unsure how they’re supposed to work. But I’m grateful to every single person who follows me, because it encourages me and makes me feel appreciated that you find my posts worth reading. I appreciate every single follower, every single like, every single reblog, every single comment, every single ask, and every single message. You guys mean a lot to me, so I want to acknowledge every single one of you. Mutuals are italicized, and my favorite blogs and/or people are bolded. But even if your name isn’t bolded, always feel free to message me and strike up a conversation! Lastly, I apologize profusely if I’ve missed anyone in any way, because compiling this list was way more complicated than I expected!
1-B @1ddream0utl0ud, @1dphanlarrie, @1thousandminus7, @2022hadmefrickinzazzed, @abiannagrande, @acupofbullshit, @acwisegirl, @addictedtoanesthesia, @aestheticmeme-jpeg, @aestheticpigeon, @afyghm, @agastopiaphan, @agingphangirl, @alecdoesnotmakepie, @alizoosh, @alonelyfangirl, @amazin-philly, @amazingdan-philisnot-onfire, @amber184, @ambrosialphan, @amourdora, @andrea18ab, @andreaboney, @animalqueen17, @anna-annacandoit, @annacloupsalumpa, @annaortega13, @annenonimus, @annietizzle, @anotheranti-socialphangirl, @ansulara, @apostbakinguniverse, @artesthetique, @asforthesoundtrack, @asleepycactus, @ateyourusername, @attackonmuffin, @attackonshenshi, @avatarastrid, @awesome-bandphangirl, @awkwardbird, @ayestus, @ayresa, @azaethal, @babyboo-92, @babyturtlepanda, @baerotic, @bakingbfffangirl, @banoffeephan, @barelyalivebarelydead, @basicbailie, @batslin99, @beatricehavo, @beautifulchaoticmess333, @beautifulthoughtsandmistakes, @bellawolf12, @bibliophagist17, @billgreenuniverse, @bionicscorpio, @bitchitsbushra, @blanket-howell, @blueberry-cupcake-no1, @blueberryphancakes, @blurry-pug, @blushing-phan, @bookish-troye, @breadstic-k, @brightlesters, @british-giraffes, @broccoli-blogger, @brook3mcloughlin, @brooke-godwin, @brunettedog, @bubblegumbliss6776, @bubblylester, @bucketsofsunshine, @bumblingbeauty
C-G @campingphan, @canvis-art15, @casthedanosaur, @catwhiskers-andnoses, @celestinehowell, @centuryoldlove, @chaartjexx, @charlee-rose2001, @charlottekath, @cheerqueenn, @chlogiel, @classicalphilip, @clear-sky-howell, @clevertangerine, @closetedirony, @cocacolalester, @cois, @colormehazelnut, @crabies, @crazytrumpetgal, @creamphilled, @cute-gamers, @cutelittletyrant, @dallowmayhem, @daneyelash, @danhowlite, @daniels-daddy, @danislame, @danisnotofficer, @dansforeheadcurl, @danthememequeen, @danyellz, @dazzling-phan, @deathbystars, @delusionalphannie, @die-child-peck-peck-peck, @dikenhe, @dimplescapitalcity, @dipsometoastinyoursoup, @discretephan, @doctormelapples, @dodiedoodle, @douxgabs, @dovahkringe, @dragonsaphirareads, @drarry-phan-larry, @dressesagent, @dylanoscroft, @e-scapeit, @efi-goo89, @ellenwhite80, @elzicozeee, @emilysshook, @emmalita, @emoeater, @emonerd-io, @emoprincezuko, @ericatheterrica13, @ethanrocks76, @evakandphantrash, @evehp7, @existencewell-whatdoesitmatter, @existentialgleeking, @ezraboyy, @failingphan, @fairy-light-phantasy, @falling-howlter, @fanculooalmondoo, @fancyasscupoftea, @fandom-baby, @fangirlfir, @fangirling-all-night-long, @filledwithweirdness, @findasafeplace, @floofytrees, @flumod, @fourthingsandawizard, @freitzfangirl, @frickingdan, @frihed-liberty, @fringegaps, @fromoutofspace, @gamergoodwin, @gdusbdjwkbdidfnj, @geoandloca, @georgiemary, @gilinaciotumb, @girlmeetsyoutubesphillester, @golenarrowshot, @gooseyhouse, @gravityphil, @gregorypatelna, @gwenyourfren
H-K @happinessismyfight, @happyabby1113, @happysaddeepquotes, @hardcorefangirl15, @hayley-nicola, @headfullofhollowstars, @heathnes, @hedge-is-in-fandoms, @helloandwelcometosurvival, @hesitant-dan, @hetalia-heroin, @heyitsawkard, @heyitsbekahashleigh, @hoezlays, @hothowell, @howellcanyounot, @howellscrunchynuts, @hwlle, @hypnotic-howell, @i--am-a-mushroom, @ifeelspecial, @iforgotwhatsleepis, @ifyoucouldnotthatwouldbegreat, @ileanamh, @imdeletingmyinternethistory, @imissrupertgrint, @impala-potterhead-67, @imphantrashaccepthat, @imsimplystupid, @infinitelyinterested, @inkyhowlter, @insania9, @insert-selfdeprecating-songlyric, @instant-taffy, @isthatagasleak, @itme-nofaithleft, @its-captainmoon, @itsaphansplosion, @ittylar, @iwantashibainu, @izzybbell, @jammydoodler, @jellyfish4012, @jimmytheinternetperson, @jorzuela, @joselinne22, @jucbw, @juliaisthebatman, @jurassicphan, @just-another-black-cat, @justpitylaughplease, @k-is-not-amused, @kaorumuse, @karadarkraven, @kateinmadison, @kawaii-phan-cx, @kawaiiphancake, @kaylee-walsh, @kcwinchester, @kenzcurr, @kevinisunicorn, @kill-me-now-vine-rip, @killermess, @kissesandcuddlesphan, @kissmyphan, @kissyphil, @kiwicheekychica, @knyhe, @kreeolecaay, @krpz4, @kylowho
L-O @ladym1dn1ght546, @laliaguiar689, @latte-howell, @lavenderlacelester, @lavieeenrose, @lazi-otaku, @leahclaire119, @lesterria, @lestersnebula, @lestr1987, @libbiistuff, @liconanna, @light-estheim, @liguisticals, @lilyimnotlily, @literalangellester, @litral-human-trash, @literallyhusbands, @livelaughlovelester, @lizzielula, @llamas-and-lions-phan, @loufighters, @lovablehowell, @love5secondsofs, @lovelydovelylester, @lucile-nietok7jx67, @lunnisthegirl, @lvtiger32, @macaronidan, @madstarrocks123, @maggiemoo652, @mahdieyyy, @mairenyaf, @make-phil-howell, @marriedpan, @mat-matte, @me-and-phil, @melapples-oil-on-canvas, @memoraflynnia, @menapples, @merlijne-joling, @methegabbage, @metilose1984, @mia--d0lan, @midnight-shipping, @misakichan274, @miss-mandragore, @mitsleo99, @monstermunch321, @moonphilight, @moosthie, @morgeous-ren, @mrbrony65, @muggleblue, @mxria-is-fangirling, @my-pal, @myaani, @mylifeisaverysadjoke, @myreputationandmygoodintent, @nahp023, @nanaomi12345-blog, @nebulaedaniel, @nekotoast, @newhappythoughts, @nicelester, @nicodigaybaby, @nillavanilla21, @nostalgicallyphan, @not-a-phan-of-blueberries, @nottobeeexpectedof, @nuttshellz, @nyx-nox-11, @obv10usly, @ohwellmetoo, @okuma-holmes, @orphanisthenewcreampuff
P-R @paigedowle2002, @parasoll-af, @passbyers, @pastelwhorehowell, @patrick-i-guess, @peachmdt, @phan666nice, @phanarchy, @phanasourasrex, @phanda, @phandasy, @phandyademigod, @phandyfloss, @phanetixs, @phanickingpilotss, @phanisnotonphire, @phanlover28, @phanplusphotos, @phans-r-us, @phantastical-squish, @phantasyprone, @phanyone, @philsalmondmilk, @pikalenekoo, @pinkymoony, @pizzaphil, @planet-explorers-kicked-peej, @planetliguori, @playmelikeacello, @poeisburdenedwithglorioushair, @poppunkandtoodrunk, @porkcutletdanny, @portslock, @potato-being, @potterwholocklin, @pphtaxn, @presidenthowell, @princaxiety, @princewu, @probablykinkshaming, @professorrobot, @queen-maple-howell, @questionableturtle, @quirky-book-girl, @quitefriendly, @quotewagon, @rainbowandgayaf, @rainbowcakejoy, @rainbowdork16, @rainfallinginthewoods, @rakhee0158, @random-whovian4621, @randomness-and-stupidity, @razzmatazzkaty, @realismandromance, @reapingwithjoy, @rebeccastylinson-world, @rebhappily, @renaroo123, @rephil, @rexysworld, @rikethespacellama, @rinstern-sixkmylife, @riteofashkente, @romithedevil, @rosblad, @rubberupandmakedanhowell, @rubydoobydooo, @runwiththisdinosaur
S @sam-adamz, @saraaflorees, @sarahdoesntknowhowtocook, @sassykels102, @saydeegalvan, @secret-phan, @semolinacello, @serenephil, @seupphereicome, @sevenseela, @sh0t0, @shawn-mendes-is-every-thing-blog, @shawneemorrow, @shelly-snugglebunny, @shhhlistentothefeels, @shisaphan, @sinalock, @singergirllovespenguins, @sivanxphan, @skunkparadise, @slythindork07, @smarthedgehogs, @smeverdoodle, @smolsoftbab, @snowwhiteinblack, @so-ca-ma, @softhowellester, @softinsidemyheart, @sogigallow94119, @somuchwastedpotential, @sonotinclinedtoresigntomaturity, @soxnsand, @spacecowboyforever, @stargirllindsey, @spnphantrash, @sporadictalebread, @sprinkle-of-lester, @squishowelester, @ssddnfff, @stargirllindsey, @starmadephan, @starryskylester, @starsdustkid, @stevicity, @stilettodan, @storms-and-stardust, @strategicallybeautiful, @subtextlester, @suchaseriousband, @sunkissedlester, @superfluously-mellifluous, @supermassivefangirl, @superoriginal-name, @superpenguicorn, @superyoutubeobsessedlove, @sushittrashh, @svtcarat17, @swallow--nostalgia, @sweetbitterland, @sweetcharite, @sweeter2577, @syddakate, @sylveondreams
T-Y @taftmorgan, @techgirlworld, @teentitanslover15, @thankyou-killian, @that-baby-chicken, @that-girl-you-know02, @thatawkkilljoy, @thatsnot-myglabella, @the-tol-one, @theactivewalrus57, @thecatisalwayswatching, @thedeppressed-singer, @thefeelsofmyphandoms, @thefluffyunicorn46, @thegirlwiththewords25, @thenerdysunbear, @theravenpuffpandacorn, @thetechgeek, @theweasleysweater, @thisunicornlovingnerd, @thosedamfandoms, @throne-for-hope-to-sit, @tinypainter, @tinyplxnetexplorer, @tinyteeth, @tiva-forever, @tomi1220, @tomuchfandomcrap, @toniaontheinternet, @total-phan-trash, @townsofnothing, @travelingtheworldonmyown, @troyenphantrash, @troyesfairylights, @tylertherulerofmars, @unadorned-vellichor, @usefulpig, @vanilla-dan, @vivianadichiara, @vohoseta1970, @wafflingthroughlife, @walexandersmc, @wanna-be-mermaid, @wavydanrises, @weirdyoutubefreak, @welcometothepansexualaesthetic, @wellidonthaveyourname, @were-a-mess, @whenaotakulikesmetal, @wheremystoryends, @whotakuphan, @willowmoon9901, @willowponderosa, @withoutfandomsiamnothing, @xxmaddiecakezxx, @yatang, @yesiamadork, @yeslovleylizzie, @yourewrappedaroundmyfinger, @youthfullester
Apparently there is a maximum number of blogs you can link in a single post, and so none of the blog links are showing up. Sigh.
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borutouzumaki93 · 4 years
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Lovely face shot of my Neverwinter character, Pain the Tiefling Scourge Warlock. Leveled this emo nerd to level cap and dyed all his clothes red and black... cause why not right?
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Male ESFP and Female ENTP Gryffinclaw friendship @emonerd-io
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sergei-rachie · 6 years
I changed my url!!!
From @emonerd-io to @sergei-rachie
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Happy Friday The 13th ❤ #photography #photoshoot #photographer #art #harleyquinn #joker #suicidesquad #makeup #cosmetics #emoboy #emonerd #emo #dark #hairstyles #hair #pink #lgbt #lgbtq #gay #gayboy #love #models #modeling #model #instagram #insta #stab #choker #chokemedaddy
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petrichoronyourlips · 7 years
Long Tag
I was tagged by the lovely @clearlynottired. Thank you! ^^
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people.
1. Drink: water 2. Phone call: mother 3. Text message: best friend 4. Song you listened to: Arctic Monkeys - Do I Wanna Know? 5. Time you cried: one or two months ago
6. Dated someone twice: no 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: no 8. Been cheated on: yes 9. Lost someone special: yes 10. Been depressed: yes 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: no
12. purple 13. dark blue 14. dark red
15. Made new friends: yeah 16. Fallen out of love: (un)fortunately yes 17. Laughed until you cried: not that i can remember 18. Found out someone was talking about you: no  19*. Tried something new: yeah! 20. Found out who your friends are: hah. yes I did  21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: what facebook list
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: look above  23. Do you have any pets: yes <3 24. Do you want to change your name: not really  25. What did you do for your last birthday: I went out for dinner with some friends 26. What time do you wake up: currently between 9 and 10.30 am
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: playing videogames
28. Name something you can’t wait for: autumn 29. When was the last time you saw your mom? today 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: oh god there are just too many things 31. What are you listening to right now: BTS - Not Today (pls don’t judge me I literally have no idea why I’m suddenly starting to like their music send h e l p ;-;) 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: not only one but two! 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: people with zero respect for personal space  34. Fun fact about you: I was born in Switzerland but grew up in Germany 35. Mole(s): nope 36. Mark(s): some
37. Childhood dream: I’ve always dreamed of being a teacher! 38. Hair color: dark brown 39. Long or short hair: long 40. Do you have a crush on someone: nope 41. What do you like about yourself: I achieve the things I set my mind on 42. Piercings: no(t yet) 43. Blood type: A+ 44. Nicknames? not really 45. Relationship status: single
46. Zodiac: Sagittarius 47. Pronouns: she/her 48. Favorite TV Show: Game of Thrones 49. Favorite food(s): Sushi, ... 50. Right or left hand: right 51. Surgery: nope 52. Hair dyed in different color: no 53. Sport: swimming and air rifle shooting 54. MBTI / Enneagram: INFJ/5w4
55. Vacation: Spain and Italy mostly 56. Pair of trainers: what?
57. Eating: nothing at the moment 58. Drinking: water 59. I’m about to: get swallowed into bts hell (w h y) 60. Thinking: that this is a very long list of questions 61. Feeling: tired 62. Want: to snuggle my cat
63. Get married: not planning to  64. Career: editor
65. Hugs or kisses: both are nice (in theory) 66. Lips or eyes: eyes 67. Shorter or taller: since there aren’t that many people shorter than me... 68. Older or younger: probably older, but I don’t really care about this as long as the age gap isn’t too big  69*. Smart or kind: why not both? 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: uhm... no preference 71. Sensitive or loud: sensitive 72. Hook up or relationship: definitely relationship 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant
74. Kissed a Stranger: no 75. Drank hard liquor: no 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: yES 77. Turned someone down: ...yes 78. Sex on the first date: big no 79. Broken someone’s heart: um... maybe... 80. Had your heart broken: a little 81. Been arrested: nope 82. Cried when someone died: yes 83. Fallen for a friend: yes
84: Yourself: pfft 85. Miracles: no 86. Love at first sight: really not 87. Santa Claus: nope 88. Kiss on the first date: no thank you  89. God / some omniscient and omnipotent being: maybe yes, maybe no.
90. Current best friend name: Lena! 91. Eye color: hazel 92. Favorite movie: Cloud Atlas!
Tagging @dethnira @megamog @mitoshiperpetuo @dulcetlips @emonerd-io
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borutouzumaki93 · 4 years
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