#fear not I love rambling about Star Wars
kaxtwenty · 1 month
Star Wars fans gotta engage with the source material without the fandom goggles more often, cause I often feel like people ain’t even discussing the same characters anymore.
Like, waaaayy too many of y’all just be taking something you read in a fanfic or headcanon post, take it as fact and spread it like wildfire across the fanbase.
For example: the amount of people that don’t know Jango shot at the Jedi first on Galidraan is quite frankly astounding to me…
Such a basic misunderstanding that could easily be corrected by actually reading the fucking comic or just reading *about* the comic and seeing how events unfolded.
And I’m not saying people can’t go crazy with fanfic or share headcanons…But I think that (for the characters at least) you need to have a solid foundation in what the source material actually says to avoid parroting straight up misinformation or getting into fights about headcanon.
Side note: I can’t even be annoyed at Mando fans for having a lot of disconnect between canon and fanon because so much of their lore comes from a writer who seemed to actively dislike every part of Star Wars that wasn’t Mandalorians.
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stvolanis · 4 months
i loveeeeee ur writing ah!!!!! just read ur most recent farleigh one and i was foaming at the mouth <3 idk if ur reqs are open but i cant stop thinking about being in a situationship with farleigh and finally getting sick of it, u break up with him and hes like ‘?? whatever’ thinking that u will come back but when u dont after a few days/weeks he starts lowkey panicking and basically begging u to take him back… just need him crying begging and being pathetic <3 rlly making him beg for it and purposely making him jealous with other guys just to make him suffer :p then when u finally decide to forgive him he fucks u crazy good and RAW 💕
Thank you so much! Also, sorry if this isn’t like EXACTLY what you wanted D:
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Love & War
PAIRINGS: Farleigh Start! X Fem! Reader
WARNINGS: foul language, situationship, toxic! Farleigh, mentions of drugs & alcohol, angst, possessiveness, jealousy, crying
NSFW WARNINGS: Switch! Farleigh, Switch! Reader, choking, spitting, tummy bulge, face sitting, breath play, slight size kink, slapping, degradation, praise, dumbification
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Farleigh Start was a cunning, asshole of a man. You’d know, because you’ve been in love with him since you’re late highschool days.
Well—you didn’t know him personally till you both started attending Oxford. You admired him from a distance, as did many other people. You were never popular enough to bask in his limelight. You only ever dreamed of being with someone as amazing as him.
You thought Farleigh had no idea who you were, and truth be told, he didn’t. But he knew of you. He seen you everywhere, always somehow where he was. You were pretty, probably the most prettiest girl he’d ever seen; you were just so quiet. He knew that the people he hung around would eat you alive. You wouldn’t survive in his world.
So, he never dragged you into it. He watched you from afar for years, both of you unknowingly having feelings for each other. Deep down inside, Farleigh knew his friends weren’t the only reason he couldn’t be with you. He, himself had many issues of his own. One of the worst ones being his fear of rejection, and the second runner up; his pride. Always held so high, never coming down for anyone. It would get him hurt one day, but he’d have to realize that on his own.
When you began attending Oxford, you became friends with Oliver, who had become friends with Felix. He was your ticket into the “in crowd”, as you liked to call it.
You attended parties, stuck around for drinks and quickly grew popularity of your own. This didn’t go unnoticed by Farleigh, who you finally, after years of silence, began to talk to.
It was everything you imagined. He was nice, funny, a bit of a bitch in just the right way. Even when you were in a group of people, your eyes somehow always found his. The two of you would sneak away together, talk about nothing aimlessly for hours on end. Counting stars as you rambled about your favorite constellation.
At night, you’d meet at the bridge, sit on the edge in complete silence just to be in each others presence. Your hands would meet, and electricity sparked through your body. He made you feel like you were walking on clouds, and there was never a dim day when you were with him.
He was charismatic, confident, charming—everything you wanted to be. You were complete opposites of each other, but in just the right way to balance each other out. He noted every little thing about you, so much so that he began to do some of the things you did.
He’d use the dorky slang you used subconsciously when talking to other people, or start playing with the pretty rings on his finger like you told him you did when you got nervous. He listened to the music you recommend him, and connected the dots as to why you liked those songs. It all made sense, they explained you perfectly.
Everything was going great, till it wasn’t.
You didn’t know how it happened, or why, or maybe even what you could’ve done that changed him—but suddenly, he started acting different around you. The time you spent together was shortening and as were his touched and glances.
And the worst part about it? You weren’t in a relationship. You never where, but everyone just kinda knew that you were Farleighs’, and Farleigh was yours. No one ever questioned it, not even you, till now.
As you sat across Farleigh at the pub, playing with the flimsy black straw in your cocktail. You were so tired of him and his hot and cold actions and words. First moment he wanted you, and the next, he acts like he doesn’t even know you. It hurts, and you were sick of it.
Farleigh was talking to Felix about their home in Saltburn and stupid stories of how they used to throw these ‘amazingly grand’ parties during the summer and breaks they had. You huffed, standing up before harshly pushing in your chair. Why did you have to sit here and deal with this fuckary if you didn’t have to? You deserved better than the half-assed shit he was barely even offering.
As you walked away from the table full of people, a certain pair of eyes followed you, but you’d rather have died than look back. You heard footsteps follow hastily behind you as you exited the pub, the cold air welcoming you as you shivered.
“What’s your problem?” He shouted from behind you. You laughed dryly, spinning around to face him on your heel. “Oh you must be fucking kidding.” You laughed out. “My problem? No, what the fuck is your problem?” You yelled back at him.
“You’re the one who stormed off like a damn toddler! So enlighten me.” He fired back at you with furrowed brows. You felt your eyes water. God, you didn’t want to cry in front of him, but it hurt so badly. “Farleigh…why are you being like this?” You muttered.
He groaned as he ran a hand down is face. “Jesus, what are you on about?” He yelled out. “You keep leading me on!! I don’t understand it. You want me one second and the next you don’t!” You yelled back, pausing for a moment.
“You act like you love me and leave me the next second and it hurts, Farleigh. You hurt me!” You sobbed out, wiping your tears from your cheeks with your sleeve. He was taken aback for a moment, his mouth opening and closing. Almost as it he was at a loss for words. “That’s not—no, I didn’t—“ he started, but you cut him off as he reached to grab you.
“No. We’re done. Whatever we had is done. It’s over.” You said as you back away from him. Something inside of him snapped, and you could see it in the way his jaw clenched and eyes hardened. “Fine. Go on then. See if I give a fuck.” He chuckled out, shrugging his shoulders.
You couldn’t believe him. You couldn’t believe the words that were coming out his mouth. After everything you’ve said and done together, he has the audacity to act like he’s the superior one in this situation? It was the icing on the cake for you.
Tears ran down your face, and as they hit the ground, Farleigh felt his heart clench. Never did he wanna hurt you, but it’s what he had to do, or so he thought. He was gonna have to leave to go back to Saltburn with Felix in a month, and he couldn’t bring himself to take you.
Yes, he had fun times at Saltburn—but his family was crazy, rich, narcissistic assholes and he didn’t want you around them. More over, he didn’t want someone like Venetia to corrupt you in that way. He didn’t want you to become like her.
He knew he was being a dick, distancing himself from you. And he planned to keep it that way, but god, you made it nearly impossible to stay away. You were so inviting, how could he not succumb to his urges when it comes to you? He knew better, but he felt on top of the world when he was with you and he didn’t wanna let that go.
Watching you walk away from him right now made tears form in his own eyes, but all he could do is watch as you slipped further and further away from him. And he knew it was all his fault. All because he couldn’t communicate to you what the problem with himself was. He felt like such a coward, but he refused to hurt you more than he already had.
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It had only been two weeks since you and Farleigh fell off. It was hard for you, and it was the hardest thing you’d ever done, but it was needed. You knew that.
When you stopped talking to him, you continued being friends with Felix and Oliver, but it was a nuisance. You were trying your hardest to forget about the tall, curly haired man and move on with your life, but they nearly made it impossible.
When you would all hang out, other friends included, Farleigh would show up and say act as if nothing had ever happened between the two of you. Felix and Oliver weren’t dumb, Farleigh was the one who came crying to them about what had happened. They seen right through Farleighs facade, acting as if he’s okay.
They were doing this kind of stuff on purpose, casually. Asking you about Farleigh, or bringing him up in conversation. They wanted you to give Farleigh another shot, but you gave him one too many chances to redeem himself, and you weren’t having it.
Felix invited you to one of his little frat parties, and I say little very lightly, because everyone knows the entire campus attends his parties.
You had no interest, but Oliver had insisted on you coming. Making it his mission to drag you out of the comfort of your bed. “You need this.” He insisted as he dug through your clothes. He pulled out an ed-hardy, strapless dress and some red platformed boots. “Oh this is fuckin’ perfect, love.” He smiled as he held it up to you.
“I dunno, Ollie. I don’t think I should go..” you muttered as you sat down on the edge of your bed, bringing your knees to your chest. Oliver sighed. “Cmon, just let loose tonight. You’ve been moping around for like ever!” He huffed out, yet a smile returning to his face as he held up some jewelry. “These’ll go good with it.” He urged.
You groaned and got up, snatching the clothes and jewelry out of his hands. “Out.” You grumbled. Oliver clapped his hands excitedly as he stepped out so you could get dressed.
The ed-hardy dress he chose for you hugged your curves in all the right places, your tits pushed together with the small padding built into the dress. You let Oliver back in and his jaw dropped. “You look fucking edible! Maybe you’ll get laid tonight.” He said, bumping your shoulder.
You rolled your eyes, yet a smile danced on your lips. Oliver always knew how to make the best out of a bad situation, and you loved him for that. “Let’s go before I change my mind.” You laughed, he nodded his head.
When you arrived to the party, the lights were flashing different colors. Red, blue, green, etc. it reflected off of Felixs’ shirt as he approached you, Farleigh following next to him. You clicked your tongue and looked around for an exit.
A boy caught your eye. You’d seen him around the campus, he was friends with Felix a while ago but Farleigh didn’t like him, which ended with Felix ending their friendship. Nathan, was his name, you thought as you approached him.
His eyes trailed up and down your body, stopping at your breasts that were spilling out of the thin top part of your dress. “Hey.” You purred, batting your lashes up at him. He smiled. He was handsome, you had to admit—but no where near as handsome as Farleigh.
You shook your head from the thought, directing your attention back to the mediocre boy in front of you. “Hey, baby.” He whistled out. You giggled, obviously fake, but he couldn’t tell; most likely strung out on cocaine and alcohol.
His hands snaked around your waist and he pulled you to him. He was disgustingly sweaty and reeked of cheap cologne, almost as if he poured the whole bottle on himself. Sickeningly too strong, making you gag. You forced yourself to ignore it, instead focusing on the way his hands cupped your ass in your dress.
You turned around, your back pressed to his front, only to be met with Farleighs eyes from across the body-filled room. He was staring at you, then down to the hands around your waist, and his jaw clenched. Anger, betrayal and hurt was all Farleigh felt as he watched some stranger feel you up.
But he couldn’t do anything about it. He brought this upon himself, and he knew that. But he also knew he’d do anything for your forgiveness, so he marched his way over to where you stood. You knew you should have ran away, but you didn’t.
You let him rip you away from the stranger holding you. You let him drag you all the way back to your dorm silently, a painfully tight grip on your upper arm the whole way there. You knew this was wrong, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to care anymore.
Once you reached your dorm, he slammed you against the door that was now shut. “What the fuck was that, hm?” He muttered. But something was different. His voice, still hard, wavered and you noticed tears in his eyes threatening to spill over. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You muttered.
All the sudden, he broke down. The tall boy, usually filled with confidence and pride fell to his knees before you with a small, barely noticeable sob. You stood there, unknowing of what to do, or what to say. This was new territory for you.
“M’sorry, baby. Please—“ he said through his tears. “I’m so fuckin’ sorry. Know I was I piece of shit, I’m sorry.” He repeated the words you longed to hear over and over again. “I’m sorry.” He said. Those two words weren’t ever said enough from him, and you basked in every moment he said it. It made you feel a sense of power over him.
You turned his arrogant, cocky ass into a whiney little boy begging for your forgiveness at your feet and, nasty enough, you fucking loved it. You loved that only you were able to bring him to his knees like this.
“Oh, You’re sorry? Hm?” You cooed down at him, running your fingers through his curly hair. He sniffled as he looked up at you, his pretty lashes wet with tears. “So fuckin’ sorry. Promise I’ll be better.” He muttered out, hugging your stomach.
“Prove it.” You told him. He rubbed his eyes with one of his hands as he looked up at you again. “What?” He muttered. You smiled. “Get on the bed.” was all you said.
He nodded before climbing onto the bed, laying on his back. “What—“ he started, but you didn’t let him finish. “Eat my pussy good, make me cum with your mouth and then I’ll forgive you.” You said. He sat up on his elbows and watched you undress through hooded eyes, till you were wearing absolutely nothing.
Your nipples grew hard under the cold air, and the wetness between your thighs he could see from where he lied on your bed; it glistened in the dim light of your bedroom. Your lips were glossy and plump as your tongue glided over them, and he felt his cock harden in his pants.
You climbed on top of him, hovering your pussy over his face. His mouth watered at the sight, and he gripped his cock through his pants. Your lowered yourself onto him till your full weight rested on his face.
He began lapping at your cunt with everything he had. Licking and slurping at your juices that ran down his chin. You tasted like heaven on his tongue, and he couldn’t get enough. You were the drug in him, and he was going fucking wild.
He was a starved man, and it had been too long since he had you like this. He whined when you lifted off of his face, pushing his head back down when he tries to extend his neck to connect his mouth to your pussy again desperately.
You click your tongue. “So desperate, hm?” You mocked with a laugh. Farleigh played nice long enough, you were holding up his meal, and he didn’t like it. “M’not fuckin done.” He growled out. You let out a gasp as his arms wrapped around your thighs, slamming you back down onto his mouth.
You moaned out as his tongue swirled around your bundle of nerves. “Farleigh!” You yelped. He groaned into your messy cunt, sending vibrations through it that had your head falling back. “Perfect little cunt.” He said, Voice muffled by your pussy.
His laps at your cunt more erratic as your moans became more high pitched, signaling that you were on the verge of your orgasm. Your hips moved against his face, your hands entangling themselves in his hair as you glided your cunt across his tongue.
“M’gonna cum, oh my god—“ you moaned out as you squeezed your breast. Farleigh moaned. “Cum on my fuckin’ tongue. Good girl” He grumbled against you as you felt a wave of pleasure roll off of you. The little pinch in your stomach finally releasing into that delicious orgasm you were so desperately chasing.
Farleigh was drowning in your juices, slurping and licking, taking everything you had to offer. He let you ride out your orgasm, your little clit bumping his nose in just the right way, your moans growing lower as you came down from your high breathlessly.
“M not done with you. Actin like a fuckin slut, letting that motherfucker touch you.” He said through clenched teeth as flipped you around onto your back, hoisting your legs over his shoulders.
He lined his cock to your entrance, clenching around nothing. He smeared his pre-cum around your folds before slowly, almost teasingly, sinking into you. You felt him fill you so full of him, almost painfully. The sting was so agonizingly good, and you wanted more.
When he bottomed out in you, his bottom lip was between his teeth, biting down so hard he nearly drew blood. You yelped when he lifted his hips before harshly slamming himself back into you, over and over again.
His pace began to pick up, his balls slapping against the flesh of your ass loudly. You gripped around him firmly, so much so that he could barely pull out of you. It made him wince, but he wanted this more than anything. He’s been craving this since you left him; he jacked himself off at night to the thought of being in your warmth.
His hand found it’s way to your throat, gripping tightly. “Take this cock, baby. Know this slutty pussy can take it.” He muttered as pried your mouth open with his thumb. He spit into your mouth, lightly slapping the side of your face, signaling for you to swallow, to which you did.
You felt so small beneath him as he pounded relentlessly into you, the grip on your throat never wavering. His groans were like music to your ear, and the sudden flip in him turned you on to no extent. It was fucking perfect how he could be so needy in two different ways. First, begging for anything you’ll give him, and the next, taking what he wanted from you desperately.
“You with me, honey?” He moaned out against your ear. You mumbled incoherently, your words slurring together. You couldn’t focus enough to form a sentence with the way he was fucking you, your mind going blank. “Fucked you dumb. My stupid little whore.” He mocked as his hips stuttered against yours.
You knew he was close by the way he throbbed and swelled inside you, squeezing down onto him more as he hit that bundle of nerves inside of you with each thrust. Your eyes rolling to the back of your head as you gripped onto Farleighs wrist that held your neck, heels digging into his back.
His breathing was uneven and both of your bodies were sweaty messes together, but what really had you in a chokehold was the way that even when he was dominating you, his whimpers never stopped. Still so needy for your cunt as you let him take what he needed from you helplessly.
He came deep inside of you, painting your gummy walls white with his seed. His hips stilled against you, making sure to stuff you full of his cum, not wanting any of it to go to waste. When he finally released your neck, you looked down to where you were connected but your eyes froze on the sight before you.
His tamed mound of hair above his cock was soaked with your juices, but what really got you, was the evident bulge showing through your stomach. He grabbed your hand, holding it onto your stomach where the bulge of his cock was. “Feel that? Remember, only I can fuck you this good.” He spat out as he pressed down, and you released a moan at the sensation.
His free hand traveled down to your clit, rubbing harshly and fast. “Gonna cum, please, can I cum?” You whimpered out as you clenched the sheets beneath you. Farleigh nodded feverishly. “Cum for me, be a good girl.” He muttered as he slowly fucked his cock into you at just the right pace.
The way he dragged along your walls, paired with the stimulation on your swollen clit, deprived clit had you reaching for the moon as you came for a second time tonight. Your mouth hung agape, not a word slipping out as a breathless moan slid past your plump lips. You needed this. You’d been craving this, and you finally got it.
Farleigh nestled himself in you, leaning his head down till his forehead was pressed against yours. Your hair was matted to your forehead from sweat, as was Farleighs, but you didn’t care. It was the least of your concerns. All you wanted was him, and you finally had him again, and this time it actually felt right.
But the words he spoke was what sealed the deal for you.
“I love you, y/n. From the moment I seen you sitting alone at lunch when we we’re sophomores back in Highschool, I’ve loved you. I loved you when you were small, shy and quiet, barely knowing anyone; and I love you now when you’re the socialist butterfly I know. I love you when you laugh, when you smile, when you speak, and even when you cry.” He said, tears running down your face.
“I will always love you.” He finished, kissing the tears that fell onto your rosy cheeks.
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toniiswrld · 28 days
stepping off my perv!riize soapbox because fwb!Eunseok crept into my mind. fwb!Eunseok would be such a trip. he's super great in bed (duh) and is just such a sweetheart that people would expect you to fall for him. it wouldn't even be difficult to do. he's everything a girl could want in a man, yet you still never saw him in that way.
Eunseok on the other hand... (anyone that has been around you two for longer than 2 seconds: so, you're in love with her, right? Eunseok: nuh uh!! same person: fuck you mean nuh uh!?) he's literally obsessed with you. he's always texting you. always buying you random presents. you know how there are a million and one couple holidays in Korea?? he's not so subtly celebrating everyone with you. like,,,, the couple allegations get crazy, but EUNSEOK'S the one embarrassed about it when it's his fault in the first place.
you never wanted to cross the line bc you knew going into this that it was just sex and occasionally hanging out. the more often you two hung out, the more you started to fall for him. you started to push away, but he kept being so sweet, kept seeking you out, kept buying you gifts, kept taking you out for fancy dinners, kept loving you.
the whole situationship thing reached a peak one night after another lovely "not a date" date with Eunseok. the second the two of you entered his apartment, he had you pushed against his door, his mouth crashing into yours. before you know it, he's hitting it from the back in a half-assed doggy because you can barely hold yourself up, it feels so good. the closer you get to cumming, the more wobbly your arms get. that is until you give up and flop onto your belly. Eunseok fully pushes himself on top of you, his chest to your back. all you can hear is his breathing, groans, and babbling in your ear. he just kept repeating "you're so good for me" "you feel so good" "needed you so bad". you started to zone out, focusing on how good you felt, until you heard the words "i love you so fucking much" pass his lips. you both froze. he pulled out and moved to sit on the edge of the bed. you turned over and the first thing you saw was how red his ears were. you go to touch his shoulder and he turns around with red eyes and starts rambling about how sorry he is and how he crossed a line. you kiss him to shut up before whispering a soft "i love you too" back.
okay,,, this ended up wayyyyyy more fluffyish and longer than i intended. anyways, here's kinda pathetic!fwb!Eunseok! coming next: maybe perv!Sunchan? maybe perv!Anton? maybe something else entirely??? I DON'T EVEN KNOW!! 😱😱
eunseok losing the idgaf war deep in pussy is crazy but real af… like he’s so in denial about his true feelings in fear of you not feeling the same so he doesn’t even realize how the fwb turned into a situationship until he’s wayyyy too deep to turn back, and his nonchalant act coming to bite him in the ass the minute he gets a slight realization that he’s so close to having you but could lose you so fast of he didn’t act now. he’s planning on taking you out and then confessing but he gets so distracted by your beauty and then once he’s inside you those three words just leave him without him realizing and you’re both like 🫣🫢🤨
but this whole time you were waiting for eunseok to finally just claim you as his instead of playing with your emotions like he’s been doing these last months, like who takes their fwb to a 5 star restaurant and gives her a hello kitty money bouquet… eunseok lock tf in please
also the dick? is fire…. you aren’t going anywhere when eunseok fucks you completely stupid every time even when he’s slow, forcing you to look at him while he makes you cum basically a soul tie atp and he doesn’t want you fucking other people, even if you two weren’t together and he’s not fucking anyone else either. tells you his cock is the perfect fit for your pussy and anyone else would be a waste of time <3
after his pussy drunk confession you two talk it out and finally make it official and he finishes what he started and goes back to giving you the best dick of your life as your boyfriend 🙂‍↕️
kinda looking forward to perv sungchan but ill take all your ideas no matter what they make me lightheaded in the best way possible 🎀 anon
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perfectfangirl · 18 days
notes after rewatching fallout s1 ep1
so once again like a crazy person [i've done this with star wars sequels before] i've decided to take three and half pages of notes over the course of an hour. i've been a fan of the games for at least a decade and i'm actually always watching lore content between the installments though so while i do know some minute details, within the show, there was some things i was interested in and curious about that i just decided to jot down. some of this may be things discussed already and some of it might be something i wasn't sure if anyone brought up before but anyways! maybe i'll do the whole season, but here's my ramblings • them titling the episode "the end" was when i knew i'd love the show • ok but i really wonder if cooper can still do those party tricks? he was really good at them and lucy would probably love them too 🥺 • thinking back, the radio in the first scene mentions not knowing where the president is--- beginning to wonder if he was the guy sitting in on the vault tec meeting • just realized they introduced the mr. handy robot in some of the first scenes • ten years of nuclear threat according to anchor but the show is careful not to give away all the cards because why does the weather anchor make it seem like they know when the bomb will drop? idk but birthday boy mother turns off tv real "head in the sand" like • the nat king cole song that's playing though [wondering if the song is mirroring specifically cooper's feelings about barb despite everything hmm] • horse's name is sugarfoot 🥹 • him having to pay alimony... wonder what the prenup? was like... [still think he probably loves barb 😞]
• them calling him a pinko despite him being an architect of vault boy's persona, a quintessential presentation of a "man's man" acting as a cowboy, a real cowboy, a former marine--- wondering if there was a smear campaign after his situation with barb and vault tec, him working children's parties leads me to believe... • did the kid's say the birthday boy's name was boyd? [if so, there's another character in the games with this name and this is also the name of a character walton has played in another series, funny] • weather man show's up again distressed, wondering if we'll get more info about that day • everyone ignoring, cognitive dissonancing their own nuclear annihilation is so prescient if not disturbing and damning
• him teaching janey the thumb thing ☹️ • cooper's voice when he says "let me see if i can't rustle you up a piece" 😩 • janey being the only one to notice the first bomb • the fear in cooper's eyes • cooper being in denial one last time before realization sets in • people becoming animals the moment they realize what's happening--- one guy punches his friend not letting his family into the fallout shelter • people getting into their cars and cooper onto his horse to escape--- wonder how fast they could be since it doesn't seem you could outrun nuclear annihilation
• lucy being raised so well under the circumstances 😔 [hope she never becomes her father] • i haven't trusted steph since episode one • lucy being a teacher [amongst other things] and asking maximus about what happened after the bombs fell makes so much sense [and also much like another person suggested is an interesting juxtaposition to cooper's pre war knowledge] • lucy showing how skilled she is for being a marriage candidate when in reality we are seeing someone fit for the wasteland is crazy on second watch • is lucy not watching a cooper howard movie with her dad? hello??
• them reading "war and peace" in the family book club is rich • lucy [thinking] she's not good at guns, ironic • steph having to step in like a sisterly type because lucy's mom isn't there 😞 • the wedding dress on lucy being ill fitting, tight as symbolism for lucy not truly "fitting in there" and being constrained [foreshadowing] oof • the vault boy sign in the back saying "don't lose your head" lmao • didn't catch the "cousin stuff" until someone mentioned it on tumblr and twitter 💀
• the flashback we see of lucy ending up being almost a false memory, a misrepresentation of her actual memories, that she has been on the surface, in the sun • norm taunting lucy about her future husband being "anybody" and a "cannibal, crammed full of tumours" 😭 unfortunately for ghoulcy, this was some of the heaviest foreshadowing [the raider also could have been one too] • why didn't hank recognize moldaver? • so many things i still don't understand about vaults 31, 32, 33 • the growing realization they are raiders was pretty funny to me lmao
• moldaver having to sit through the disingenuous lies of hank ugh • norm going into vault 32 like they wanted them to know what was up? or is that just how vault doors work? they used lucy's mom's pip boy [that hank lied about burying] • lucy putting norm in a storage vault, she really is so strong • the handed down wedding dress getting messed up • i am curious if the raiders [shady sands survivors?] only mostly harmed vault tec aligners but maybe not • the way hank and steph retaliating a little too well • hank acting like he doesn't know moldaver when everyone really does know moldaver • moldaver telling lucy she looks like her mother is really such a tipoff
• realizing maximus is getting bullied 😭 • dane... might love maximus a little idk • from latrine duty to basically ruling over the brotherhood of steel • they really showed some dude jacking it lmao it's just normal i guess 💀 • maximus being defeated and having a rightful outburst of emotion, poor guy • the poster saying "the outside world can never harm you"--- funny • chet would've died up there 😭 • them not opening the vault back up for her, wondering if the vapourized bodies are from the initial bomb drop or the subsequent shady sands ones • dane almost gets maximus killed three times tbh • maximus joined the brotherhood of steel to get back at what vault tec did, essentially hank's doing, hank has many enemies • knowing the enclave, it makes sense why siggi is hunted • cooper the ghoul's introduction though • the bounty hunter saying his captors dig cooper up every once in a while to cut pieces of flesh off him 😞 no wonder cooper acts the way he does 😔 he's been taken advantage of, no wonder he doesn't trust anybody and is horrible to everyone • "why is this an amish production of "the count of monte cristo" or the weirdest circle jerk i've ever been invited to?" why would he say this 😭 • cooper's... been invited to circle jerks 👀 • does the bounty hunter know the ghoul is cooper howard?
• him not harming the chicken, him healing dogmeat, there's something there, folks • people only digging him up to use him again 😞 • what a coincidence he's dug up just as lucy leaves the vault • "i do this shit for the love of the game" he's a character, he's playing a character, real theatre kid • hence why cooper is introduced as "the ghoul", cooper is long gone • "us cowpokes, we take it as it comes" something about this lineee
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frankoceanluvrr · 1 year
pairing : friends to lovers , fem!reader , college!peter, college!au
warnings : nothing serious. english isn’t my first language, urdu is! so please tell me about grammatical errors like spelling and punctuation as those i struggle with
summary : [Name] and Peter have been friends since college started. He soon finds out his friend has a ‘crush’ on the masked vigilante Spiderman, and cant help but feel a little jealous.
italics = flashbacks !
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“What you drawing?” Peter smiled, looking at your notebook.
You quickly shut the book closed, looking at him laughing, “you’ll say it’s dorky.”
“Oh, come on? Me saying somethings dorky? Isn’t that like, hypocritical?” He said, tilting his head.
“I guess nerd, forgot you take physics” You said, “and anyway, we’re supposed to be studying. Not focusing on little doodles”
“Please [Name], I promise I don’t think you’re secretly the biggest dork ever” He sarcastically stated, “and I definitely do not think you’re a bigger nerd than me.”
“How dare you cross that line!” you say, holding your hand on your heart, tilting your head back.
While you were doing your dramatics, he quickly got your notebook before you could even react.
“Hey! That’s private property.” you gasped, watching him gloat since he got the book.
He opened it and flicked through the pages to see simple notes covered in Spiderman doodles.
“Oh, wow dude you really are a dork” he laughed looking at every drawing, feeling himself blush a little bit.
“Aren’t you literally in a robotics club? Or what about the time you made me watch all of those Star Wars movies? How about the time—”
“Okay that’s enough” Peter interrupted, looking around the library.
“Exactly, I cant out nerd the nerd” you shrugged, “I bet spiderman isn’t a nerd.”
“He most definitely is. Probably old and wrinkly” Peter said quickly, “yeah, he definitely has crusty bleached hair and 47 years of age.”
“You really think so? I’d love him no matter what then. I’ve actually met him before.” You said, completely unaware of who you’re exactly talking to.
“Are you alright?” The superhero said, looking at you while you attempt to carry new furniture into your new student accommodation.
“Yep, I’m good. Great, actually. I really like this lamp” you tried acting cool in front of the superhero, but he could tell you were secretly fangirling anyway.
“I can take some of those in you know, it’ll be easier with two people.” He offered, watching you stare at all the boxes, “which floor will you be on?”
The mask gave Peter confidence, it made him feel like he wasn’t scared of anything. It was like he was a complete different person with the mask on.
“Sure, I’m on the bottom floor so it’s not a massive job. Anyway don’t you have like, superhero duties to attend to or whatever? Sorry, that definitely came out rude. I’m very thankful you’ve offered to help me and-” you rambled, wanting the ground to swallow you up whole.
“No, no, it’s fine honestly. I’m happy to help you”
You obviously couldn’t see, but he was smiling so hard under the mask.
Peter had been crushing on you since you first met, and it’s safe to say you felt the same. But neither of you confessed your feelings, in fear of what might be ruined.
After moving all your furniture inside, you had thanked him about a million times.
“Your smile is beautiful, by the way.” He said, looking at you.
“And that’s how spiderman helped me with all my furniture. He’s such a gentleman” You smiled, pretending to be all smitten, “He even said my smile was beautiful.”
“He wasn’t wrong.” He said, barely audible.
Without the mask, Peter was very shy and awkward. The mask “completed” him, and he was always said he was nothing without it.
“Who even uses the word beautiful anymore? The chivalry! But he probably says that to every girl, right?” You giggled.
“No” he said quite quickly, only to receive a confused look from you, “I mean like, obviously he won’t say that to every girl because none of them have a pretty smile like you.”
Your eyes widened slightly as you could feel the heat in your cheeks rise. All you could muster out was a simple “shut up” as you looked away.
“Aw, did I make you nervous?” Peter teased, still flipping through the doodles.
“I want to kill you” you said, still attempting to hide your blush.
“Moving on,” Peter whistled, “I stand by the fact he’s probably old and musty.”
“No, no, he sounded young. Also, I saw his abs through his suit. Definitely not that old.” You smirked before bursting out laughing.
Peter clenched his jaw for a second, then realised his crush was literally checking him out.
“Gross.” Peter said, not even trying to wipe the smile off of his face.
a/n : part 2 :
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callmearcturus · 1 month
okay so PC Gamer just scattered a bunch of catnip for me with an article about What If Each Fallout Game Were A Movie, Who Would Direct It and I am going to read this live and judge it
because I'm having a relapse, we all understand this
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A focused, mature, pressure cooker of a movie that is short and stylishly violent? Better call the director of John Wick to take the directorial reigns. Personally, I find Leitch's movies tend to have rather underwhelming final acts, too, and also have a penchant for ending abruptly when you feel more could have followed, so he's the perfect fit for a game that's incredible until it very quickly ends without much fanfare. John Wick movies don't tend to be very wacky either, often depicting the hero's world as very serious (despite the ludicrous premise of the fiction), so again this feels a strong and apt choice for the OG Fallout. A Friday night action movie.
HMMMMMM. I feel like I disagree on the mode I would want FO1 to be in. Like, yes, you can play it that way, but FO1 is famously one of the first games to make Speech arguably the most important skill to have in a video game, so I dunno. I love Leitch and feel like while his sense of realistic-yet-stunning action is a trademark, I think the use of locations is even more of his thing, and when I think about memorable locations, I think more of FO2 than FO1.
I feel like I would give FO1 to some hyper-realistic scumbag who is more obsessed with Process than Enterta-- oh. Nolan. gdi I'd give FO1 to Chris fucking Nolan, him whomst I loathe.
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Who better to direct this expansive and often wacky depiction of the Fallout universe than the director responsible for epics such as Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, 12 Monkeys, Brazil, The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus, and The Man Who Killed Don Quixote? Gilliam loves a good road trip in his work, too, which fits with Fallout 2's Highwayman-based exploration, and his penchant for vast vistas with wacky and absurd details feels perfect. The combat scenes wouldn't be as slick as Leitch's Fallout movie, but characterisation and a more rambling, philosophical, off-beat narrative would deliver. Plus, Fallout 2 even has a Bridge Keeper encounter that directly references Monty Python and the Holy Grail, in which Gilliam starred. Watch on a Saturday night for a bit of everything.
......... I straight up cannot argue with that. No notes.
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For a movie based on a game that is focussed almost entirely on squad-based combat in urban environments, combat where soldiers die in terrible ways and the horrors of war are all too apparent, I feel the director of The Hurt Locker, Kathryn Bigelow is perfect for this. Fallout: Tactics would be a war movie with a very tight focus and strong characterisation for just a handul of lead characters. Tense and at times adrenaline-inducing due to the flashes of extreme violence, but interspersed with soul-searching dialogue from its grizzled, war-scarred leads, this would be an erudite and focused Fallout war movie. Watch on a Monday or Tuesday night.
Looking at Bigelow's list of works is how I just now learned she also did Strange Days, so I think it's fair to say that this is giving her way too small of a pick. Give her FO1 and give Leitch FOT.
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It would be so bad. Forget about A-bombs, everyone in the movie would drop an F-bomb every other line. Don't watch on any night.
Fucking weak-ass pick. Think about the history of how FO:BoS happened, i.e. they were trying to slap the Fallout license onto a completely different style of game without any respect for the source material. They swapped out Nuka Cola for Bawls product placement.
Give it to Zack Synder.
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As the game that properly introduced V.A.T.S. system slow-mo to the Fallout universe, with kill shots shown off in glorious bullet time, there can be only one director for a film version of Fallout 3: the master himself, John Woo. Woo's stellar action movie work in titles such as Hard Boiled, Broken Arrow, Face/Off and Mission Impossible 2, among others, means the action in this game is off the charts. Slow-mo radiated doves and all! Woo handles the post-apocalypse war vibes well, too, thanks to his work on Windtalkers, while he communicates the hero's awakening into the future thanks to previous on Paycheck. A good fit for Friday night, thanks to the action, or midday during the weekend due to a longish, war movie-style runtime.
holy shit i cannot argue with that, that's genius. absolutely fucking yes. i think that's a perfect fit.
also, like, FO3 and Woo have the same "problem" for me, in that they know exactly what they are doing, it's just not my cup of tea, but there is a solid identity there.
yeah, fucking do it, give FO3 to John Woo.
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Casinos, gritty environments, extreme violence and heist movie vibes mean I think of Guy Ritchie for this film adaptation. Ritchie's also a fan of slow-mo combat shots, too, so we've got the game's V.A.T.S. system represented well, too, while the game's macho factional warfare as undertaken by factions like Caesar's Legion and the NCR, is right in keeping with Ritchie's love of gang-based conflict. There's not much romance in New Vegas, either, which is a weak spot for Ritchie, but as shown in movies like Sherlock Holmes, Snatch, The Gentleman, and Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, he's good at holding together movies with various interconnecting narratives. His work on Aladdin also shows he can handle the comedic and wacky aspects of New Vegas, too. A mid-week action-comedy treat.
/rubs face
I am unfortunately a massive fucking fan of Ritchie movies. this is so powerful.
i think........... Ritchie is so thoroughly uninterested in saying anything philosophically profound, you cannot give him The Most Profound Fallout Game. like, I want to love this idea, I really do, but no.
....................... You need someone with snappy dialogue that actually means something, who is willing to veer into borderline magical realism, who loves an overdressed set, and who can manage a lot of different characters with well-reasoned motivations.
I think you need Rian Johnson.
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I feel Ang Lee is a good choice for a Fallout 4 movie adaptation, having good form in handling large and sprawling fictions with plenty of characters and side-stories. Just look at films like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and Life of Pi as an example of this. He's got some form with action, too, thanks to his work on Hulk. There's probably more romance/relationship offering in Fallout 4 than in any other Fallout, and Ang Lee has form here too. The result, though, is a movie that ends up being a bit flabby and unfocussed at times, despite technically bringing more to the table than Fallout 3, and being funnier and lighter overall. Watch on a day off due to a chonky runtime.
what are you fucking talking about, Ang Lee's best movies are Brokeback and Sense & Sensibility, and his worst are probably Hulk and Gemini Man. Fallout 4 is the one where Bethesda just stopped pretending to give a shit about story and roleplaying, instead pivoting the game into a skinner box of tightly-honed but ultimately soulless mechanics.
I'm not even trying to mock Marvel, but I feel like the MCU's Design-By-Producer-And-Executive-Oversight is actually the answer here. It doesn't matter who directs it because the main voice will be a board room.
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oh shut upppppp
Fallout Shelter would in some ways be the most obvious setup for a movie: the self-contained story of a vault-dwelling society, interspersed with the surface adventures of random dwellers. Sounds a bit like the TV show when you put it like that, which is why there's only one Nolan for the job: Christopher! Yes, fresh off Oppenheimer it is time for Oppenheimer 2, focusing on the aftermath of all-out nuclear war (hell, Cillian Murphy can even have a cameo as a brain in a jar, I'm that generous). Moody, intense, riven with twists you didn't see coming, and with all special effects done for realsies, this movie could only ever be rad. The only downside is that, like the TV show Silo, you'd spend an awful lot of time indoors.
absolutely fucking not. the thing about Nolan is that his shit is so meticulous, it like.... pitches past hyper-realism and lands in this weird uncanny valley of "he wouldn't fucking say that" but it's for a character you've only known for ten minutes.
FO: Shelter is about emergent storytelling that feels almost accidental rather than arranged or scripted. you need someone who is hands-off the script but can capture a.... good moment..............
oh god, it's JJ Abrams, isn't it? god dammit. or, frankly? Spielberg. so I'm saying no to the director i hate and offering instead two other directors i dislike, but for different reasons.
yeah. yep. that's what i'm doing.
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As an MMO that takes many aspects of the Fallout universe to the extreme, it feels a movie version of Fallout 76 would be akin to a huge-budget, climatic MCU movie where it really helps if you've had previous with the series to get most enjoyment. As such, I feel the Russo brothers would take the reigns for Fallout 76. The result would be a jack-of-all-trades action-adventure that borrows bits of every previous Fallout to make something that appeals to a lot of people but, after watching, doesn't go down as something you'd rewatch for most all of them. Big, bright, wacky and action-filled, there's no doubting though that you get a spectacle and fun, though. Watch in two sittings over two nights (as the movie's runtime is 3 hours 47 minutes).
no. fuck you. i reject your premise. the Fallout game that shipped with no NPCs and expected the story to be entirely conveyed by set-pieces, environmental design, and audiologs?
resurrect Tarkovsky and give us FO76, desolate and beautiful with environmental shots that last seven minutes without a cut. because the only good thing about FO76 is the setting, the amount of effort put into building the actual space, so I want 90 minutes of film and seven pages of script.
Russo Brothers, get tf out of here
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semicolonsspace · 7 months
Losing someone
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I may have forgotten to post this...for like a month...
Y/n learns that her father died and Stiles comforts her in the hall.
Y/n stares at her phone in class, tears beginning to stream down her face. She had just gotten the worst news she could possibly get in Coach's class. A text from Melissa saying that her father didn't make it. He had been struggling with cancer for 9 months and had finally left the place you call Earth.
"Y/n, are you okay? Do you need a minute?" Coach asks. He knew from previous conversations what was wrong with her. Her being one of her favorite students and she was upset he dismissed her. She attempts to say thank you, but being choked up in her tears she runs out of class. She collapses onto the floor, caressing herself to soothe her.
The quiet ambiance of the hallway caused her to cry harder, her arms holding her knees even tighter. Someone rubs her back, choking on her tears in fear. "C'mere, honey," the voice said. The soft voice belonged to Stiles, the person whom she needed the most at the moment. He calmed her, rubbing senseless circles into the heart of her back. "He's gone, Sti. I don't have anyone," Y/n sobs. Stikes declines her statement. "You have me... You have Scott, You have all of us."
That was true. She did have them. No matter what had happened they were always there. She tripped, Stiles was there, she needed to get picked up Stiles was there, and if it wasn't Stiles it was someone else in the pack. Mostly Stiles, she noticed it, the reason why she could be so vulnerable with him, she felt drawn to him. When in distress and in joy.
Y/n nods into his chest, taking him in. His smell was of his cologne and a little of sweat from the heat of the school. She didn't mind it, finding his scent rather comforting.
His soft warm hand pets her hair, something that she loves when he does so. She leans into his hands, his chest rumbling with a deep humorous chuckle. "When we get let out, the pack and I are all going to hang out- We're going to have fun and let loose, just for you." She didn't want to be at school and she certainly didn't want to be with the group. Not that she hated them, she didn't feel like she was ready to be vulnerable with more than one in a setting.
Y/n hums, tears slowing as his warmth consumes her with comfort. "I just want you," Y/n admits.
"Okay- Then it will just be us, and we can watch some Star Wars or some stupid comedy show, or we could talk about worthless stuff, or just cuddle," Stiles suggests, stopping his rambles short. She looks up at him, her eyes red with tears. "Could we cuddle and watch Star Wars?"
"Trust me if we watch anything, cuddling will be happening, doll," Stiles whispers softly. A small smile was on his face, making her forget about what happened suddenly to her. "Good."
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anxiouspineapple99 · 1 year
You Hold the Stars and My Heart
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Summary: Rex is fairly certain you hung the stars. He is smitten and is going to tell you exactly how he feels. Inspired by the lyrics from the song Stars by Skillet.
Pairing: Rex x GN!Reader
Word Count: 888
Warnings: “it’s so fluffy!”
Song: Stars - Skillet
A/N: Me: I have so many wips. I should work on those.
I was a little torn on this one. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to have this be Rex or Fives. Went with Rex because when I started writing it just felt more like him for some reason. Also I’ve not written Rex yet and it was fun to switch it up, since I have a Fives fic I am working on already. Also this was NOT proofread. Literally on night 3 of insomnia and I just word vomited into a doc and then posted.
The deepest depths, the darkest nights; Can’t separate, can’t keep me from your sight
Another mission. Another nightfall where Rex was on the battlefield, surrounded by fear, pain, and death. And all he could think about was you in this brief moment of calm. He closed his eyes and you were in his sight once again, even if only in his mind’s eye. Your smile, so tender and bright. You shone like the twin suns of Tatooine. That same smile made your eyes sparkle like the sun reflecting off the waters of Naboo. And in this darkness and the depths of his sadness, thinking, dreaming of you and your incandescent beauty kept him going. Because he would come home to you.
I get so lost, forget my way; but still you love and you don’t forget my name
Just a number. Cannon fodder. That’s what he’d been trained to believe. Follow orders. Be a good soldier. Maybe you’ll live to fight another day. But you? You’d remembered his name. He’d only told you once. It happened when you’d accidentally bumped into him in that hole in the wall cafe on Coruscant. Spilled his caf everywhere. You apologized, flustered and positively breathtaking, according to him. “I’m so sorry. Let me buy you a new caf,” you paused and glanced at his cup looking for his name. “Rex. My name is Rex.” “Of course, Rex. I like that by the way.” He couldn’t hide the surprised grin that overtook his face. The next time he saw you in that same cafe, you greeted him. By name. He’d only told you once. Several rotations had passed. And here you were smiling and calling his name. He didn’t think he’d ever loved the sound of his name as much as he did when you said it that day. He still felt that way. When he loses his way, doubts himself, feels expendable, like nothing more than a number, all you have to do is say his name and it brings him back. He kept coming back after that day. He wanted to see you again. Little did he know you were doing the same.
You never forgot his name, and you never will. You promised him that.
If you can hold the stars in place you can hold my heart the same
He’d finally gathered the courage to ask you out. The two of you lost track of time and it was late when he escorted you back to your apartment. You’d gone on a long ramble about loving the night and the stars as you walked hand in hand. He was certain you’d hung the stars, absolutely no questions asked. Right there on that first date he wanted to give you his heart. Instead he left you with a sweet first kiss. He knew that night he would give you his heart completely eventually.
Whenever I fall away whenever I start to break
You were his safety when he broke for his lost brothers. When he was tired of the war. When he was tired. You held him, imbuing your love through your touch. You let him break. You let him feel. You let him release everything he’d held in for the days, weeks, months he was away from you. Even when he pulled away, you were patient. You waited for him to find his way back, because he always did. And he apologized. You welcomed him back every time with open arms and an abundance of kisses.
If you can calm the raging sea you can calm the storm in me
You were his refuge. You calmed every storm that raged within him. Every nightmare that left him drenched in sweat or the night terrors that had him thrashing and screaming the names of his brothers, you were there. You held him. Your soft whispers, gentle strokes of his buzzed blonde hair, rubbing his arms, his back until he settled back to sleep or he woke up, they all grounded him. You didn’t know it but he remembered every time. The first time he was so worried he’d scared you away. When you reached for him instead, he collapsed into your arms, knowing he was finally safe.
So here I am lifting up my heart to the one who holds the stars
And now, he’s finally home. Rex is standing at the door, bucket tucked under his arm and rehearsing the words before punching the door activation pad. You’re surprised. He wasn’t due home for another few rotations. You can’t stop the happy tears as you run to him and leap into his arms. You pepper his face with the kisses he has so desperately missed and he laughs. “Mesh’la,” he pauses for only a heartbeat, pulling you tighter into his arms, “I’ve missed you. My cyar’ika, my sweet, my everything. Have I ever told you I’m positive you hold the stars in the sky?” You press your forehead to his, crinkling your nose as you smile the most sincerely since he was home last. He closes his eyes and breathes you in before continuing, “I love you.” You pull back shocked, he’d never said it before. Now he’s here, lifting his heart to you, the one he believes holds the stars. “Rex,” you sigh dreamily, “I love you too.”
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slashmagpie · 7 months
Blood & Snow
Pt. II
Directory: {Pt. I} {Pt. III} {Pt. IV} {Pt. V} {Pt. VI} {Pt. VII} {AO3}
Day two for @hermithorrorweek! TWs for this chapter include: minor gore, body horror*, temporary character death
Scar and Tango make an odd pair.
Catching them together is a study in contrasts: Scar’s light against Tango’s dark, Scar’s loud against Tango’s quiet, Scar’s whimsy against Tango’s sarcasm. The theme park owner brightly welcoming you to the happiest place on Hermitcraft, and the dungeon master presiding over a subterranean labyrinth of fear and pain. Scar’s hunger for diamonds, and Tango’s dismissal of them. Scar’s tendency to distraction, and Tango’s unwavering focus that had led him to spend the better part of thirteen months in a cave, despite all of Scar’s attempts to drag him out of it.
And Scar had tried! He’d even succeeded, a few times. More often, he would just hang around and bother Tango while he worked, rambling about Star Wars or Disney or trains or updates or whatever while Tango coated his frosty fingers with redstone and made the occasional comment. And whilst to an outside observer, Scar would come across as an annoyance as he gushed about flowers and Tango rolled his eyes and pulled faces, he knows that they were both enjoying themselves. As different as Scar and Tango seem, they’re still friends.
And as different as they both are, they still have one thing in common: their love for atmosphere.
Because it’s one thing to make a build: it’s another to make an environment. It’s all about movement, and sound, and all the little additions that make a static picture of blocks come alive. And Tango has truly and utterly knocked it out of the park this season—Decked Out is the most alive build Scar has ever seen.
…It’s, uh. Not usually quite as alive as this though.
That’s the only way Scar can think to describe it, as he pushes himself back against the wall, heart pounding in his chest louder and faster than the dungeon’s heartbeat echoes around the walls. Just out of sight, a ravager grumbles, having lost its snack, and Scar heaves as he attempts to catch his breath. His fingers are sticky with berry juice as he presses another to his mouth, grimacing at the sweet taste as it mingles with the blood in his mouth. 
Behind him, the stone wall seems to quiver as he presses himself into it, not quite as solid as it should be. I’m imagining things, he tells himself, reaching back with a red-stained hand to feel the rough ridges of deepslate beneath his fingers. He lets out a shaky breath and draws himself up. Right. Back to work. His artefact should be just around this corner.
He glances back towards where he’d left the ravager, ahead to where his compass is pointing, and takes off running towards it.
His lungs burn, and his legs ache, and his head spins as he dives forwards, but he manages to, by some miracle, avoid the ire of the ravager and make it to the alcove where his compass begins to spin wildly around. “Compass skills, perfect compass skills,” he mutters to himself, dropping the compass and hearing the click of a dispenser as it vanishes and an artefact appears in its place. Hypnotic Bandanna. “Oh, come on,” he cries as he picks it up. “Don’t you think I deserve more than that? Did you see my ravager skills? I could have died! And I didn’t! Tango!”
And then the dungeon does something it’s never done before: it laughs.
The sound startles Scar out of his skin, and he clutches the bandanna to his chest in panic as around him the walls shake, stone grating against stone and lava popping and bubbling and water splashing and the ravagers all groaning in time to create a cacophony that some way, somehow, sounds just like Tango’s laugh. 
Scar stands frozen until the sound dies down, staring with wide eyes. His mouth is dry. He swipes his tongue around his lips, clears his throat.
“Uh, Tango…?” he calls. “I think there’s something wrong with your dungeon.”
The dungeon sighs.
Its breath tickles the back of Scar’s neck, makes all his hairs stand on end. Nope! No thank you. Scar needs to get out of here. He needs to—
He takes off running, back the way he came, ducking past the ravager and surviving the resulting blow by the skin of his teeth and half a heart. He gasps for breath, shoving more berries into his mouth as he leaps over moving chains and makes a beeline for the stairs back up to level one. He makes it and takes a moment to stop and breathe, the soft light of the skulk twinkling around him.
“It’s fine,” he tells himself as he finishes the last of the berries. “You’re fine! It’s just—the dungeon. Same as normal. It’s just a normal—normal run, you’re gonna get out, it’ll be fine…”
The stairwell is, for a moment, eerily silent. Scar feels more acutely than usual that he is being watched. He draws in a breath—
“STUMBLE,” the dungeon announces.
—and lets out a squeak.
Okay. Probably a sign that he should get going. He can do this!
He presses the button at the top of the stairs and creeps out into the throne room of level one. Luckily, there are no ravagers here. Unluckily, the hazard door is closed. Okay, the long way it is.
His legs are cramping something awful as he races down the stairs. He takes a left out of the crypt and stops for a moment in the tunnel, breath rattling in his throat, reaching down to rub at the aching muscles. Normally, the fun of Decked Out outweighs the pain he knows it will cause him, but right now his fear is outweighing the fun and the pain is something awful. He needs to get out. Once he’s out, his wheelchair is waiting for him upstairs, and he won’t have to get up for the rest of the day—
He’s so focused on the pain that he doesn’t notice the ravager until it’s too late.
He falls, face-first, into powdered snow, letting out a strangled cry. It’s instinct more than anything else that pushes him up, that digs his fingers into the snow as he tries to escape—
As he blinks snow from his eyes he sees, where his hands have cleared the snow, revealing the ground beneath them, something pink and red. It shudders and pulses beneath his fingers, cold like ice, yet undeniably alive. Scar, without thinking, digs his fingers into the flesh.
The dungeon screams.
The stone and ice around him shakes, snow falls from the ceiling above him, and behind him the ravager lets out an agonised wail before stomping a heavy hoof down onto his back.
Scar screams too as his spine shatters and he sits straight up in bed, several hundred blocks above his own head.
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kedsandtubesocks · 1 year
Happy ‘bakugou birthday party’ day to all of us celebrating 💥♡ Katsuki Bakugou you absolute gremlin thanks for taking over my life lmaooo mainly this is my thank you gift to the shining stars in my life @the-wild-wolves-around-you @ofmermaidstories @willowser for letting me ramble on and on about this ridiculously obscure but near and dear to my heart mandalorian AU
(oh mandalorian bakugou how I love to hurt you)
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“When did you realize you were in love with the Jedi?” Yui Kodai is a quiet woman.
Kirishima had joked on the day the arranged marriage was announced she would be the perfect opposite to mellow him out. Instead Bakugou found he couldn't warn up to her icy tempered distance. Hell, he even forgot Kodai was in the training class opposite to his when they were kids. Damn Kirishima had to remind him.
Now in her sleek almost pristine bright crimson and white mandalorian armor, Kodai is the prime example of a mandalorian’s dream. But she’s not his.
Bakugou is the quiet one now and doesn’t respond to her. The truth, the answer, to Kodai’s questions feels so heavy even after everything that’s happened these past few days.
“You can’t deny it.” Kodai presses firmer and he knows she is right.
After all, Bakugou had ran off in front of her to you.
“I’m being relocated back to Coruscant.” You had told him two days before. “I…so I originally wasn’t suppose to be here. I had switched my first assignment location with a friend of mine and apparently the council found out. Guess it finally caught up to me.” You weakly laughed but it did nothing to lighten the awful thickness suffocating the air.
“I’m sure you’re excited that I won’t be bothering you anymore.” Even with the heavy revelation, you still had continued to tease but it was hollow as hell.
He had so many questions, wanted to say so much, needed to.
“.…yeah whatever.” But that was the only thing, the last thing, he said to you. Nothing else.
You returned to Coruscant without another word or even goodbye to him.
So Bakugou accepted that was the end. Your return back was the final sign for him to extinguish the fire roaring inside for you.
Then the damn Jedi temple gets attacked.
Bakugou, as a decorated war hero, as a mandalorian warrior, is a man forged and consecrated in victory. He scoffs at fear because he has faced it numerous times in bloodstained beskar and won. But when the data pad projected a fiery chaos erupting at the temple, pure terror consumed him. Bakugou simply moved like a man possessed. He even snarled to fight any of his comrades who dared stand in his way. He could not lose you.
So Bakuguo flew to you with no hesitation. And Yui Kodai, his intended, simply watched in silent judgment.
Now in the stillness of his home Bakugou feels the weight of this reality settling between them. He still hasn’t even answer Kodai’s question and he knows he needs to. She deserves the truth.
“Guess I can’t pin point when.” Bakugou finally admits, can’t even fully turn his helmet towards her. “Felt like maybe it was always just there. Just took me too long to catch up.”
He tried ignoring the aggravating frustration he felt towards you. He bared his teeth at it and tried to fight with his whole might. But that aggravation was simply tender adoration, a blooming love. It has always been there. You have always been there and will always be there. You are now apart of him, just as integral as his beskar armor. You might even be the strongest piece of him.
“I can’t go through with this, with us.” Bakugou tells Kodai. “I’m sorry, about all of it.”
He would take any penalties or punishments his people deem fit. He would accept ‘em with honor because for you, he’d do it all. He’d hold the weight of his love for you and bare it without waver. This whole situation is still shit though. It’s why he does mean his apology. Kodai is a good warrior, doesn’t deserve any disgrace.
She remains quiet and Bakugou fucking fidgets uncomfortable as hell under her damn composed silent stare.
“Well?” He snaps anxious at her lack of anger. “You gonna fucking yell at me? Call me a damn bastard or some other awful shit? Cause you can.”
Kodai again takes a moment and allows no words to fill his home.
“I am not going to yell at you or call you any names.” Her collected voice is chilling as it snaps his spine straight.
“We both went into this arrangement for the benefit of the other clans. I held no true affection for you and I figured you held none for me either.” Her dull direct tone slices through him sharp.
“I know many will disapprove of this. But I am not upset. I’ll hold no bitterness towards you or your Jedi. I am and always will be Mandalorian. That is all that matters.”
This is the most he’s ever heard her talk. Shit she didn’t even say this much when they got engaged. And for the first time he finally catches it - her true emotion, her quiet dignified conviction evident in her voice.
Bakugou can only nod but the underlying truth is there. She just told him ‘I was strong before you and I will be strong after you.’
Kodai moves to leave before he can even respond. Bakugou rises to see her out until Kodai’s sleek helmet whips back at him. He freezes. Won’t admit it but he is spooked when her helmet turns towards him.
“Be well Bakugou.” She bids him a simple, even kind, farewell. The door slides open and Kodai leaves with her words lingering behind her.
Bakugou sighs exhausted and thinks it rattles his bones. “Fucking hell.”
Yeah he still has so much to deal with, especially with the elders and other clans. But this with Kodai? He’s grateful it’s officially done. He’s also grateful to her. Kodai handled the situation way better than he would have and it’s why she earned his respect tenfold. Because if he saw you running off to someone else-
A wave of jealousy, so sticky and bitter, leaks into his heart at just the damn thought of a hypothetical rival and Bakugou wants to slam his bare face into a wall. This is what you have done to him - shaved him down to a lovesick man who would rip open a planet’s core for you.
With a final sigh, Bakugou heads to his bedroom. Quietly he slides past the door’s cover.
There in the comfort of his bed you continue to sleep soundly.
The medical bacta patches on your arm and shoulder are thankfully healing swiftly. Your face however still hasn’t regained its full bright energy back. He knew the medication would keep you asleep for a few days and as long as it takes, he will wait. He would wait decades for you because he already has been. But stars, he just wants you to open your eyes.
In the soft carved out space of his room, Bakugou slips off his helmet. He removes it off so easy and without reservation. It surprises him how certain he feels without it on.
The lanterns built in his room’s walls cast a gentle amber glow. As he finally stares at you without his helmet, a damn new star, a new galaxy, is born bursting right in his chest. You’re beautiful, so damn amazing, and he can’t believe he almost lost you.
Bakugou ran screaming your name into the chaos of the temple. He searched and searched without waver until he was victorious. Until there you were, lightsaber in hand landing a final swing to a trooper. Your shoulder was soaked in blood. When your face flipped towards him, your eyes wide and alive, air filled his lungs.
He doesn’t know who ran first. All that mattered was the beautiful collision of you and him meeting in the middle. His hands and your hands clutched and grasped desperate to solidify the other was real.
“What are you doing here?!” Your voice cracked as you yelled exhausted and on the edge of tears.
He couldn’t speak, couldn’t think. In the heat of battle, with destruction swirling, all Bakugou could do was clutch your face in his hands. You, his fierce fighter, his ridiculous shitty Jedi, were alive.
“Had to make sure you were safe.” He told you so surprisingly low in the middle of the destruction. He hoped you maybe had not hear him or the terror in him that was barely settling down now.
“You shouldn’t be here!” You instead screamed at him with more desperation and fear.
“No way! ‘m not fucking leaving!” Bakugou barked back loud. “I’m staying right here! By your side!”
His voice snapped convicted and your face fell.
Before you could yell anything back at him, Bakugou rapidly pressed his helmet covered forehead against yours.
It only took you a moment to realize what he had done. Because just as fast your hand flew to the side of his helmet. Then the pressure, the weight, of your forehead pressed back firmly against his.
A sacred kiss shared between his kind was shared between you and him right in the halls of the Jedi temple under siege.
If this was his way to a warrior’s death, then he would gladly greet it by your side protecting you ‘till the end.
Now with soft steps Bakugou leaves the memory and arrives to the side of his bed. He starts to lean his forehead down towards yours. But, he stops, swallowing back something thick. He wants to. Shit, he’s done this before with his helmet on.
But once his eyes flicker to your sleeping face, your voice suddenly chimes into his mind.
“Not yet…just be a bit more patient okay? Wait for me.”
You speak so clearly, as if you had suddenly opened your eyes, woke up, and started talking. He hears your smile, even clearly pictures the way it warmly crinkles your eyes.
Bakugou fully doesn’t believe in the force, definitely doesn’t believe in any other mystical type shit. He just believes in you.
So Bakugou slips his helmet back on. Without hesitation he presses his forehead delicate and light against the top of your head. His eyes squeeze close tight as the tears string.
For a split moment, he thinks about Kodai. He knows that even if he had gotten to know her, maybe even witnessed more of the fierce composed dignity he saw earlier, she would never be you.
You are the only one he wants to speak the sacred vows with.
That’s why he knows. Bakugou knows it will be worth it when he fully gets to experience you and you freely see him.
The next time he removes his helmet Bakugou knows it will be at the wedding ceremony when he ties his existence to yours.
“Yeah alright I’ll wait, you hear me? I’ll wait as long as you need. Just… just please, wake up soon my damn shitty Jedi.” Bakugou whispers and it is the closest thing to a prayer he will ever say.
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drakiandh · 5 months
Shifting Jewels - Chapter Two, Strawberry Trip
Another one. Imma update every Saturday in hopes that I can make these chapters without stress. I am in love so far, and am currently making their designs. Anyways, happy reading! Words - 4,265
Star’s gaze lingered on the fallen gem, its vibrant red hues now dulled by the golden corruption that had taken hold. His weapons returned to their places within his gem with the flick on his true hand. The air around him hung heavy with a mix of emotions, a complex tapestry woven from joy, grief, and fear.
Joy surfaced at the sight of Painite, an old companion he thought lost to the ravages of time. Grief welled within him, knowing that despite the years that had passed, Painite still harbored resentment and hatred. Fear, however, clutched at his core, an icy grip that tightened with the looming threat of the corruption that had claimed his friend.
Approaching cautiously, Star moved towards the gem as if the very act of proximity might trigger the other’s reform. He hesitated before gently nudging it with his foot, as though testing the waters. When no reaction followed, he reached down and cradled the corrupted gem in his hands, a sense of regret lingering in his touch.
“I’m sorry,” he murmured, his voice barely audible, as if speaking too loudly might shatter the fragile moment. His finger traced the intricate cracks on the gem’s surface. “I’m sorry I didn’t find you sooner.”
Before Painite could attempt to reform, Star enveloped the gem in a sphere of deep navy blue, cradling it gently. He hesitated to send the other gem to the temple back in Beach City, opting instead to shrink down the bubble small enough to fit it into his pockets. Clutching the bubbled gem in his hands, he stood and walked over to the nearby pillar. Retrieving his jacket, Star concealed the gem under the fabric, beginning the journey back to the nearby human town. As he walked, he couldn’t bear the silence, so he decided to speak aloud.
“Things have gotten better, at least in my combat skills,” Star murmured into the open air, absentmindedly rubbing the bubble with his thumb. “When I last visited Rose, I could handle nearly three whole minutes in a fight with her. I wonder how she is; it’s been, what, a hundred years since I’ve visited?”
He was certain that if Painite could hear him, he’d be complaining about Star talking his ears off. Star weakly chuckled at the thought, the memory quickly tainted by their current relationship. “It wasn’t my fault,” he began, hopping down the stone path while keeping the gem within the bubble steady. “Well, it was, but could you blame me? I couldn’t bear the feeling of being just some slave to them. Blue was cold and rude to me, assigning me a purpose without even checking if I was functioning properly. Sure, I’m glad she didn’t, because if I wasn’t, she would’ve shattered me, but the thought would’ve been nice. Yellow was just an ass to me, telling me to ensure Pink would win the war. I’m not even going to mention White; she was terrifying. Pink was a lot better before, well, you know. She was the only one who treated me like someone alive, but even then, she was distant and only really interacted for war-related matters.” Star rambled.
“When Rose offered my freedom, she treated me like I was something alive, not just some tool to see into the future. How could you have stayed? Did you like being their slave? Being nothing more than what you were made to do?”
Star could already imagine the words Painite would say if he wasn’t poofed and bubbled in his hands. “My purpose is what I am made to do. Why should I fight it?”
“But what about after it?” Star responded to the whispers of the question. “After the war, would you be shattered? Poofed? If you were lucky, you’d be taken by Yellow and sent to fight there. But is there really nothing for you other than just claiming worlds filled with life to make more repressed gems? Earth is a free world, Painite. It’s not too late to renounce your allegiance to the Diamonds. I doubt they would even take you back if you somehow get to Homeworld again. They’ve probably already made thousands of Painites on some claimed world of theirs, and maybe they’ve already created thousands of Star Sapphires too. So what’s the point when they’ve already got copies of us?”
They arrived in town before Star could continue, prompting the blue gem to sigh and tuck the blue bubble safely into his pocket. After ensuring the bubble wouldn’t pop when he moved, he shook his still-blue hands back into their false brown color and began his trek toward the nearest warp pad, conveniently located on the other side of the human town.
“Hey, Star!” The Sapphire turned his head toward the human who walked up to him, smiling nervously. He recognized this person as the one who had encountered him in the forest.
“Hey, Carl,” Star greeted, faking a warm smile. He chuckled, clearly nervous.
“I heard a big bang earlier; did you find that big beast and take care of it?” The human asked. Star’s hand drifted down to the bubble hidden in his pocket.
“Yep!” he responded, popping the ‘p’. “You won’t have to worry about it now.”
“Thank god,” the human sighed before offering a genuine smile. “Want to stay over for a while? I know a good hotel-”
“No, thank you, though.” Star cut the human off, still smiling. “I’ve got to get back home.”
“You sure?” The human asked.
“Sure,” Star nodded. The human watched him for a moment before shrugging.
“Your loss.”
Star walked off before the human could say more, his smile falling when the human was out of sight. The Sapphire pulled his hood up to cover his expression, walking as casually and as fast as he could. He’d been to this town many times before, unintentionally earning himself a friendly traveler reputation. And true to his nature, he strived for everything to be pleasant around him.
He smiled and waved at each human that greeted him, engaging in brief conversations with those who asked him questions, and graciously accepting any small gifts offered. By the time he arrived at the edge of the village, the sun was dipping down the horizon, and Star felt the weight of exhaustion settling in.
“Alright,” he muttered, more to the gem in his pocket than to himself. “The warp pad should just be down this road.” The shadows of the night devoured the last remnants of sunlight, and hidden pockets of light illuminated his path. His own gem began to glow with its blue hue, casting a gentle radiance that helped him navigate through the darkness. Intrigued, he took out Painite’s gem, holding it in his hand to see if it, too, would glow. Surprisingly, it did, but the light was subdued and took on a purple hue due to the blue bubble encasing it. Star wondered how Painite’s true red color would look in the dark, but he dismissed the thought, assuming it would be dull and muted, much like Painite’s current appearance. Star pondered what might have happened to his once-vibrant friend for his colors to fade into a pale pink. Was it the corruption? It seemed unlikely, as most of the Corrupted gems he encountered retained the vibrant colors of their original forms. So, what had happened to change Painite’s appearance?
The warp pad glowed subtly in the surroundings, concealed yet unmistakable. Star felt a tired smile spread across his face as he stepped onto it, clutching Painite’s gem close to his chest to ensure it wouldn’t slip from his grasp in the beam. The white light enveloped him, a low hum filling the air as he traversed to his home. The journey took only a few moments, and as the light dissipated upon arrival, he stepped off the pad and took a deep, unnecessary breath. His home, Mask Island, was saturated with the sweet scents of nature and pure water. Though he didn’t require air, he appreciated the olfactory experiences it offered. His smile grew a bit as he strolled down the familiar path he had tread countless times.
His eyes lifted to the split mountain in the center of the island, a frown creasing his features as he recalled the event that had caused it to crack open. He was grateful that Rose, Pearl, Garnet, and Amethyst had managed to thwart the Cluster, just as he had foreseen many years ago. When he first glimpsed that timeline, concern had gripped him about Rose’s fate, fearing that it might be altered, as if she wasn’t truly there. Yet, as the world beneath his feet still flourished under the first rays of the sun, he found ease, finding he had nothing to worry about.
His home, aside from being part of Mask Island itself, consisted of a simple cave within the mountain that had remained unscathed. While it lacked the embellishments he had envisioned, its dull grey walls still emitted the comforting yellow bioluminescence. It wasn’t filled to the brim with decorations, but it was home—his home. However, he knew there was one more task to accomplish before he could retire for the night. Stepping to the center of the cave, he summoned his shadows, drawing them from his gem’s light to form a large, protective dome. Placing Painite’s gem at the dome’s center, he stepped outside, ensuring Painite wouldn’t escape. Using one of his shadow hands, he punctured the blue bubble, and Painite’s gem fell to the ground.
Star stared at the freed gem, nerves coiling in his chest as he waited. He recalled that Painite had only poofed once before during the many years they’d known each other, and it had taken a considerable amount of time for him to reform. Star wondered how long it would take now that he was corrupted.
As it turned out, not very long. Painite’s gem began to glow in its vibrant red hue, illuminating the cave as his form emerged. Star winced as it shivered and glitched from the crack, but Painite reformed with a gasp. The red gem fell to his knees, frantically surveying his surroundings, eyes wide with shock. Upon spotting Star, an animalistic hiss escaped from his mouth, and he instinctively retreated as far as he could. Star winced, raising his hands in a gesture of surrender to try and calm the other gem down.
“Hey, it’s okay, I’m not gonna hurt you,” Star said softly, slowly, keeping a careful eye on Painite. The red gem continued to stare back, his mind not fully present, as he emitted a low growl. Star took a few steps back, recognizing it as a warning growl from past experiences. He patiently waited as Painite gradually regained his composure. After a few minutes, Painite blinked and slowly looked around.
“…Where am I?” Painite asked, his gaze returning to Star. The Sapphire didn’t respond immediately, lowering his hands and allowing Painite to stand, leaning on the dark navy of his containment.
“You’re on Mask Island,” Star explained gently, enunciating carefully to ensure his words reached the red gem. “You’re in my home.” To his surprise, Painite emitted a sharp laugh.
“I’m in your home? This hardly looks like a temple,” Painite remarked, his voice trembling slightly from exhaustion. Star frowned, torn between leaving Painite to rest and pressing for the information he sought.
“How did you survive the Diamonds’ blast?” he inquired, stepping forward until he was a foot away from the dome. Painite glared at him, his teeth clenched and bared in an obvious threat, but he appeared too weary to do more. In fact, it seemed Painite knew he was too fatigued to fight, so he opted to provide an answer instead.
“I hid in Earth’s crust,” Painite replied simply.
“But how?” Star pressed, unsatisfied with the brevity of the explanation. His insistence drew a hiss from Painite.
“The Cluster didn’t get corrupted,” Painite explained slowly. “It was too deep for that. I thought if I got deep enough, I would be safe.” He paused, shifting his weight slightly. “I was not fast enough.”
That was all Star needed to hear. “Okay,” he breathed, nodding to himself. His eyes snapped to Painite’s leg as it glitched, forcing the red gem down with a shout. Star responded by shouting the other’s name and bringing a hand to his gem, summoning the old healing liquid from the depths of his memories. Luckily, the glitching on Painite’s form faded quickly, leaving the red gem on the ground. “Pain,” Star called, waiting until the other’s single eye stared at him. He lifted the liquid floating in his hand, holding it out in an offering. “I can heal your gem if-”
“No!” Painite hissed, wincing as he got to his feet again. Star recoiled as if he’d been hit, surprise evident on his features.
“No?” Star repeated, confused. “What do you mean no?”
“I will heal my own gem,” Painite responded, leaning heavily on the wall of the dome. “I do not need your help to do so.”
“Dude,” Star said incredulously. “Your gem is cracked, a good hit and it would shatter.”
“Then so be it,” Painite responded, finally gaining enough strength to only leave a hand on the wall in case he fell again. “But I will heal on my own.” Star stared at him, mouth slightly open in confusion.
“Wait? You don’t mind being shattered?” He asked, watching as Painite slowly began to walk closer, using the wall to guide him.
“No,” Painite responded simply. Star waited for something else, an explanation, a reason, anything, but all he got was silence. So instead he prodded. “Why?”
“Why?” Painite repeated, stepping closer. “Why not?”
“Why not? Because if you get shattered, you’d die,” Star said. “You want to die?”
“I don’t mind dying,” Painite responded, his arm slowly lifting in a gesture Star recognized well.
“Well, you should,” Star responded, keeping his eyes on Painite’s face. “You shouldn’t mind dying. There’s so much to live for on this planet.” That got a laugh from the other, short and fake.
“There is nothing on this planet worth living for, other than it being a good gem-producer planet,” Painite responded. “Besides, it has a new purpose. Soon the cluster should emerge; I felt those quakes.”
“The cluster has already been calmed,” Star said, causing Painite to pause. “I saw it 5321 years and two weeks ago. The cluster has been subdued, and I don’t see it returning anytime soon.” Star didn’t flinch as Painite’s arm thrust forward in a pathetic attempt to hurt the other. He did flinch when Painite’s arm pushed against the dome before recoiling with much more force than necessary, forcing the gem back and knocking him off balance.
Painite landed on his back, and a horrified gasp escaped Star as he heard the tell-tell sounds of a gem cracking. Painite’s form erupted into glitches, lasting much longer than the one before. When it settled down enough for Painite to reform fully, the red gem rolled onto his side and laid there. Star saw a few small yellow shards fall to the floor, bringing a kind of dread Star hadn’t felt since the Diamonds decided to corrupt the rebellion.
“Painite! Your gem!” He said, dissipating the dome and rushing forward. He knelt by the other, earning himself a weak hiss. He held out his hand with the healing water, his hand shaking slightly. “Please, please, please just let me heal you.” He begged, hating how the Diamonds had made him. To never give, to never act without being asked first. He hated how he was made to just be a future seeing and better pearl.
“…Only the Diamonds… can heal a gem…” Painite said weakly, glaring at Star.
“Come on dude, all you have to say is yes! You know how I was made, you know!” Star begged, tears beginning to pool in his eyes as fear caused him to shake. Painite simply stared, his expression softening from the hardness Star was so unused to. But just as quickly as it came, it vanished, leaving Painite to turn away.
“No.” He hissed.
“What is your problem?!” Star yelled, dropping the water and allowing it to fall to the ground as he stood up. He was tired of his friend’s attitude, hating the stubborn nature he had once loved. “Why won’t you let me heal you?!” Painite didn’t respond, only laying still as he looked away. Star groaned, burying his hands into his hair as he fought the urge to go destroy something.
“Fine!” He finally yelled. “Be that way! I’ll be back in the morning, and when I do, I better get an explanation as to why you’re being such a stubborn and stupid ass!” He reerected the dome with a grunt and turned on his heel, storming out in the open night. He left for the warp pad, knowing exactly where to go to vent his frustrations.
┊ ⋆ ┊ . ┊ ┊
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When Star returned to Mask Island the next morning, he wasn’t surprised to find his cave empty. Instead, he stood there, gazing at the tiny yellow shards scattered on the ground. A heavy sigh escaped from Star’s lips as he stepped off the wall he had leaned on, embarking on the paths he had etched into the earth. He wandered aimlessly, not actively seeking Painite, already resigned to the likelihood of not encountering the other gem for another millennium or so. The idea of visiting Rose crossed his mind—it had indeed been a substantial span of time.
With that contemplation, he altered his course toward the island’s warp pad. As he strolled, he observed the quaint watermelon creatures that now populated the island. Star had even picked up a smattering of their language, learning from them that his vision of the Malachite fusion had indeed come to fruition. The thought was disheartening, but he found solace in knowing that the remaining Crystal Gems had managed to handle the situation in his absence.
A sudden voice interrupted his musings, prompting him to shake off the inquisitive watermelon beings who had tagged along. Swiftly and quietly, he dashed towards the voice, halting in astonishment when he beheld Painite, forcefully pressing his corrupted foot onto the warp pad. Painite’s countenance twisted into a snarl, and it seemed as though he was barely restraining himself from summoning his weapon and assaulting the pad. “Why won’t you work?!” Painite bellowed in frustration.
Star hesitated, well aware of Painite’s propensity for coldness and hostility. Despite the lingering anger that urged him to confront Painite, his concern for his former companion took precedence. “Painite?” he called out tentatively, taking a cautious step forward. Painite’s head snapped towards him with a sickening crack, and for a fleeting moment, Painite softened slightly with surprise. Yet, that softness vanished as quickly as it came, replaced by a snarl as the red gem bared his teeth.
“What do you want?” Painite hissed, his attention fixated on activating the warp. Star assumed Painite regarded him as either too insignificant a threat or had already accepted his fate.
“I was just going to visit someplace,” Star said, maintaining a distance. Painite continued to glare, and Star respected his space. “Is something wrong?”
“You,” Painite hissed bitterly. “You’re the problem. If it wasn’t for you cracking my gem further, I would be able to leave this diamond-forsaken planet.” Star sighed, nodding apologetically.
“I am sorry for that,” Star said earnestly. “I can heal you if you want.” He flinched as Painite’s glare intensified.
Painite scoffed, and his expression hardened. “You think I’d trust you after what you did? I don’t need your help. I will find that damn fountain of yours and heal myself.”
Star paused. “Wait, fountain?”
Painite sighed. “Yes, the rumor of some healing fountain the rebellion used to heal gems. If it exists, I intend to find it.”
“Oh, it does,” Star said, earning a slightly less angry, confused look from Painite. “I helped make it.” Painite stared at him for a long moment, causing Star to fidget slightly under the gaze. Suddenly, Painite seized Star’s coat, pulling them close enough that their noses nearly touched. Due to Painite being on the warp pad, Star found himself shorter than the other, causing his face to redden from the unexpected proximity.
“Take me to the fountain,” Painite commanded, utilizing the authoritative tone Star had missed. The closeness and the rough voice almost next to his ear made Star melt momentarily, surrendering himself to the unexpected intensity. A good shake, however, brought him back to his senses, and he straightened up.
“R-Right! Sure!” Star stammered out, offering a crooked grin. Painite scoffed and released the Sapphire. Star yelped as he fell, his legs too jelly-like to hold him up. He groaned as he hit the ground, laying there for a moment before sitting up and rubbing the back of his head.
“You’ve been around too many humans,” Painite stated. “You’re acting like one.” Star laughed sheepishly before standing and hopping onto the warp pad, determined to push aside the warmth of the other’s breath on his face. Now was not the time to dwell on past connections.
“To the garden!” Star declared, waiting for the white light of the warp pad to envelop them. Nervousness crept over Star as the warp pad failed to illuminate, and Painite shot him a pointed look.
“Well?” Star flinched, rubbing the back of his neck.
“The warp pad to the garden must’ve been damaged,” he admitted, laughing nervously in an attempt to defuse the growing tension beside him.
“What?” Painite demanded. Panicking, Star scrambled to find a solution.
“I can take you to the next closest warp pad!” he suggested hurriedly. “A-And I can take you there directly!”
Painite seemed to ponder the option, studying Star intensely. Just as Star was about to propose another alternative, Painite spoke, his tone gruff, “Fine.”
“Wait, really?” Star asked, taken aback.
“Do not act like an idiot, Sapphire,” Painite hissed. “Just take me to the fountain, and I will let you live until I can repair the homeworld warp.” Star furrowed his brow but nodded nonetheless. With a simple thought, the warp pad activated, transporting them to the next nearest warp. The short journey was enveloped in silence, with only the subtle hum of the light surrounding them. Star considered offering an apology, as he had done millennia ago, but he hesitated, turning his gaze away.
The light subsided, revealing a sprawling field of strawberries and butterflies drifting gently on the breeze. Painite inhaled sharply, prompting Star to steal a glance at his reaction. The corrupted gem appeared lost, gazing over the field with an expression Star couldn’t quite decipher. After a moment, Painite blinked and stepped off the pad, unintentionally crushing a strawberry in the process. He then turned toward Star with a pointed look, his expression now devoid of the earlier confusion. Star nodded and hopped off, following an invisible path. Yet, curiosity got the better of him, and he couldn’t resist the allure of conversation.
“Sooo….” Star began, glancing at Painite from the corner of his eye. “Did you ever fight here?” Painite remained silent, and Star assumed he wouldn’t respond.
“Yes,” Painite finally replied, prompting a surprised “huh?” from Star.
“Wait, really? That’s cool! What was it like?” Star inquired, turning around and walking backward to face his travel companion. Painite frowned and swatted away a curious butterfly.
“Were you not there? You should have seen it for our Diamond,” Painite retorted, earning a wince from Star.
“Well, I had foreseen it. I told Pink that the battle would be horrible, but that there were going to be multiple. There were so many that I don’t exactly remember the details,” Star responded.
“Speak her name with respect,” Painite hissed before continuing. “This place is where the rebellion turned the tide of the war. And I was there from the beginning.”
“Really?” Star asked. “What was the biggest one? I remember you were a commander then.” Painite frowned, but Star knew just how to encourage him to share war stories.
Star could see the internal struggle on Painite’s face, but eventually, he sighed and began recounting the tales, much to Star’s delight. “The most significant battle I led was the one that changed the tide. It was destructive, and in the first half, we were winning.” A slight smile appeared on Painite’s face, lost in reminiscence. “We nearly shattered half of the rebellion forces with barely a scratch on our own. I could easily see their attempts and their paths, making it easy to thwart their plans.”
However, his smile quickly faded into a solemn expression, and Star noticed Painite absentmindedly rubbing his gem. “I became too confident, too cocky, and I paid the price. A single gem’s strike took out the leader of our forces, and the battle shifted in their favor. With my crack, I couldn’t fight on the front lines or guide my forces, and that’s the only reason you won.”
As the atmosphere turned somber, Star chimed in with a meek “Oh.” After a brief pause, he ventured, “I remember that day. I’m sorry.”
“Your apologies will not change the past, Star,” Painite responded, saying the name with a surprising absence of hatred, momentarily catching Star off guard. However, the resurgence of resentment was swift, and Painite’s gaze transformed into a piercing glare. “Now, how long will this ‘trip’ take?”
“Oh, just a little over a month.”
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gffa · 1 year
I'm very curious, and sorry if you've answered this before but, how do you think an AU where Ani does not fall could happen?
The solutions I've seen in fic are mostly three: Palps dies (disappointingly rarely via Zillo beast); Obikin get together and clear up their disagreements/Ani comes clean about the Tattoine massacre and together they figure out Palps is the sith lord and prepare the order to face him/prevent order 66; or something happens that makes Ani realize his mistakes and ask for help (something that's somehow more of a wake-up call than Padmè begging him to stop and Obi Wan trying to talk sense into him). Shmi not dying is often part of all 3 options but I've never seen it alone changing Ani's fate and I don't think it would either.
I love the prequels, but Ani falling makes me sad because he starts as such a kind boy (though he struggles with attachment and later fear) but as a young adult he already has these massive flaws that seem insurmountable and he seems doomed to fall no matter what happens. So I think a lot about how could Ani not have fallen, in a close-to-canon AU? Palps dying, of course, but that doesn't feel like an emotionally satisfying story to me. Obikin getting together isn't (though I love them!) the story Lucas wanted to tell (disregarding that Ani not falling wasn't the story he wanted to tell either). And the third option I just don't buy.
What do you think? Is Ani doomed by the narrative, and no small change could have saved him, and a big deus ex-machina event is needed so Palps dies/Obikin get together/Ani comes to his senses?
Sorry if this is a bit rambly!
Hi! I've given this thought before and I generally come down to--once we set aside that Anakin had to fall, because that's the story being told--that I'm with George Lucas on this, that Anakin's fall is down to his unwillingness to accept that life is transitory, that life changes, that you have to let go, instead of trying to possess things. That is the issue that has to be solved, so any fix-it AU has to stem from that, in my mind. One instance is, as Lucas said, if Anakin had been found by the Jedi earlier, he would have been trained to love people without becoming attached to them, but that's changing more than what I think you want to change. For me, my answer is usually pretty boring--as much as I love reading pairing fic with fix-its and I roll with the way an author sets things up, I generally don't believe that a romantic relationship would have fixed Anakin, not even a healthily balanced one. Anakin's problem is that he was so afraid of losing people, of living with that loss, that he clung to the ones he loved, putting him in a relationship just hurtles him down the same path as in canon. The best way for him imo is to get rid of Palpatine, which doesn't take away Anakin's issues, but it gives him breathing room to grow in a healthier way, to not have that constant temptation and seductive whisper dripping poison in his ear. It gives him the space to slowly come to trust the Jedi ways, because I very much do think that Anakin believed in the Jedi ways, he just couldn't get over himself when it was his own fears on the line. The way he teaches Ahsoka, he works to help her to let go of her attachments, he tells her exactly that when she's on Onderon. He teaches that to Rex when they're looking for Echo on Skako Minor. He believes in the Jedi ways, he has a good heart, he wants to do the healthy, balanced thing. He just can't get past that last, most terrifying hurdle. In a galaxy where he has more breathing room, where he doesn't have Palpatine driving a wedge between him and the Jedi, preying on his insecurities, he has the time to slowly do the self-examination necessary to grow into the person that he had the potential to be. And it's actually my favorite one, because I think it sticks closest to the heart of Lucas' Star Wars and the Force and the Jedi. That it's about learning to let go, to have a lifetime of discipline and work on yourself, to look inside and acknowledge your feelings and let them pass beyond you, that you have to do the hard work yourself and there's no shortcut to a better self. You have to work at it. I genuinely believe that Anakin could have gotten there without Palpatine. That doesn't mean his choices aren't his own, I've planted my flag hard on that hill, but that doesn't mean that Palpatine didn't fuck him up hardcore and, without his influence, in the events in Anakin's life where Palpatine's not a direct influence, he actually generally fares pretty well. When Palpatine isn't around, Anakin rises to the potential in him, he reaches out and does good, he accepts the help he's offered, like Anakin Skywalker had so much good in him, and if he hadn't been so tempted by Palpatine's siren song of "your feelings make you special", then I believe he would have gotten to a really good place with himself. But it's one I see as an internal journey of self-discovery, rather than being magically fixed by an external change. Getting rid of Palpatine is pulling the knife out of his side, but Anakin still has to heal the damage himself. Whether that happens during ROTS (harder, but still doable) or when he was younger, I think you have to truly get rid of Palpatine's existence, not just put distance there, but that Palpatine has to not be an option at all. Then Anakin will do the work himself.
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szfiction · 13 days
What are your favorite ships in Dr. Stone? I love Tsukasen!💖💖💖
Tsukasen is my big favourite as well! I have a couple other more lowkey ships, but Tsukasen is the one that has absolutely corrupted my brain ever since I finished watching the second season.
It's because of how utterly star-crossed they are. Admiring each other from the start, but their ideals keeping them on separate sides of a war, even as they lament that in another life, they could surely have been friends. It's because when they finally do get the chance to be on the same side, it is ripped away from them so soon after it happens, making everything all the more tragic. It's because of how they are in-tune with each other's actions, able to predict what the other might be doing or thinking. It's because Senku was able to deduce what it was that truly motivated Tsukasa for all his life and use that to bring him over to his side, restoring what Tsukasa needed most back to him. Mirai, yes, but also hope for the future, belief that things can get better and there is some good to come from a civilization that looks forward using science. It's because when they fight side by side their strengths compliment each other, and they form the ultimate tag team. Because Tsukasa struggled to stay alive just so he can cherish his alliance with Senku for a little longer. Because they both say how much fun they're having and it becomes apparent they always belonged at each other's side and not opposing one another. It's because Senku promises Tsukasa he'll do anything to bring him back, and Tsukasa trusts him with his life (and is at peace even with the idea of dying as long as it's Senku who kills him). Because Senku's voice is so quiet and sad when he asks what's wrong with making small talk. And they talk afterwards about utter nonsense, because Senku can't bear to actually face the reality of this moment, and for the first time, they get a chance to be normal together. Because Senku breaks down into tears as Tsukasa breathes his last breath, and because he truly does do everything he can to bring the Medusa back for Tsukasa. The second he got his hand on that device, he knew exactly what the last of its energy would be going toward, and it had nothing to do with Tsukasa being an asset for their future moon mission. It's also because Tsukasa, when facing his worst fears coming to life in the America arc, did not revert back to his old mindset. Instead of feeling anger or sorrow, he instead found his mind lingering to how he could still be saved. He chose to have hope, believing in science and in Senku, and when he faced death he did so with a smile. I think they're like soulmates. I think they balance each other out and challenge each other and I think they're meant to be by each other's side even if it takes them a while to get there. I have rambled about them for several paragraphs now and I could keep doing it for even longer because this is how strong I feel about this ship, alright? I could go on forever, please @ everyone talk to me about Tsukasen.
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fandomstars · 1 year
Hi :) I was wondering if I could request tbb boys with a male Jedi boyfriend? (With orange light sabers/saber since that's the color I have and it is pretty uncommon to see in the star wars universe. Also maybe have the reader be trans?)
(Sorry can’t do Trans/non-binary/poly/genderfluid. I’ve never done so and I don’t have enough knowledge to do so. Plus, I don’t want to offend anyone. The rest though I can do!)
Bad Batch x Male Jedi
First thing that caught his eye was the orange saber. He didn’t know too much about Jedi like Tech and Echo, but he knew enough that something was different about him.
It took him a few seconds to realize like yeah, and he’s also good looking.
Cue him being between flustered and trying to seem cool in the Jedi’s presence.
His brothers tease him ridiculously, especially since Hunter is usually the least likely to romanticize with anyone.
So when Hunter began to actually have feelings for said Jedi, it didn’t help Tech managed to find out enough about him to add him as the batch’s first Jedi.
Y/N didn’t really find out of just why the batch with the reputation of ‘No need to a jedi, we got a Hunter’ were so nice to him. Of course he had a crush on Hunter, I mean have you seen his hair?
Y/N was just as flustered around him, and even more so once the two began to get closer and go into battle together.
Let’s just say Hunter might do the first kiss due to the heat of battle more than anything.
Crosshair might of gotten a glance at him from afar one time, can’t say exactly how he ended up at the sparring room, but there he was battling a couple of training droids. Despite usually not interested in Jedi stuff, he couldn’t help but watch the entire training session.
Said Jedi knew someone was watching him, it didn’t help the force seem to draw some sort of connection to the mysterious person. (Force ships hard!)
Crosshair waits till he stops training (trying hard to hide the blush of being turned on by the Jedi decapitating the two training droids in one move. Not that he’ll admit it) to ask him for a drink.
The Jedi accepts, which has Crosshair wondering if he’s an imposter. No way a goodie twos Jedi would indulge in alcohol.
“It’s not that, Jedi occasionally drink alcohol (once of age), they just either do so in secret or rarely one forgets they do.” - Y/N
“I don’t drink alcohol, but the milkshakes at Dexters are the best.” - Y/N
Which leads the pair to the 79s bar, followed by Dexters for their first date.
First kiss happens the first place they meet, cause that training move basically made Crosshair this time, not try to hide his excitement and adoration.
First thing he thought when he saw you was, ‘I can totally get more knowledge on Jedi lore from him!”
Wasn’t till he actually came up to you, that he became partially speechless on your beauty, but also flustered and stuttering of his request.
You smile and accept helping him learn more of Jedi lore, which makes him even more red.
So starts the two of you study dates. Tech rambling, yet blushing since you basically lean to his every word each time.
First kiss happens by your first move, followed by Tech nearly going all out passion before realizing the two of you are in the archives.
Tech knows Jedi have rules about dating and so on, but thanks to his intelligence, is able to loop hole around it and eventually let it be public (beyond his brother and sister) without any fear.
Loves to shower his lover with gifts, especially if you bring back some cool item on one of your missions.
Unlike the rest of the batch, he’d already seen plenty of Jedi fighting and knew a lot of lore (the guy carried a manual a good portion of his life after all).
Still, it wasn’t to say he wasn’t impressed by Y/N’s moves, and once he became the batch’s Jedi, he was crushing hard.
He basically was the perfect gentleman for you. Making sure you got off the ship okay (hand holding bonus), back you up in battle (he surprisingly felt more alive fighting side by side with you)
He didn’t confess his feelings for awhile, mainly due to being part cyborg and all.
But you didn’t care, in fact, it got you to show him one of your favorite holo shows with a cyborg character.
Made him feel better, and it was during said binging holo dates, that he made a move.
Loves to see you use the force, maybe more way than one if you know what he means.
Will not let any Sith hurt you is he can help it. Beware Grevious and more.
This guy is the king of the party, so it’s no surprise first meet up was at the 79s bar.
He was just chilling with his brothers, when across the bar he spots you.
He is usually upbeat and social, but he could literally feel his palms sweating just wondering what he should do.
His brothers encourage him, and so he does, and good timing too. Some drunk brute tries to assault you.
He cracks his knuckles and gets ready to throw hands. But then he sees you (after the brute knocks your drink off the bar) circle throw him into a nearby table before calmly asking the bartender for another drink.
Yeah, he was smitten. And the night seem to go by like that, and before he knew it, he was leaving the bar with his brothers, with your pad number in hand.
First kiss was defiantly after a usual sparring date, and it may of gotten heated.
Loves to show you affection, no Jedi or clone can stop him.
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phoenix-arts7 · 7 months
Master Post
Hello! My name is Amara! I can go by Phoenix too. Though I've lurked on this site sporadically for years, I haven't had an account until now. I've had a slight fear of social media for a long time and am trying to get over it.
A few things about me:
21+. Physically, anyway. 😂
Female (she/her)
Pretty much just a giant ball of anxiety
Asexual and autistic (no official diagnosis but several sources have held this belief)
Mostly an artist and writer
Main interests are Legend of Zelda, Pokemon, Star Wars (mostly The Clone Wars), geology, and animation.
#phoenix chatter <-miscellaneous rambles and small posts
#phoenix arts7 art <- art tag
#phoenix arts7 pen <- writing tag
#phoenix arts7 answered <- answered asks tag
Current Project(s):
House of Heroes: a Legend of Zelda AU. Currently posting stuff from it here but major parts will be moved to its own blog. Blog is @houseofheroesau
And I'm always open for a chat! I may be a little awkward because of some social ineptitude but I love chatting about interests and my ask box is always open! Let me talk about my interests and let the infodumping commence. Rather it be SFW stuff though.
This post will be updated if need be.
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wasabi-beeeeatz · 8 months
Let me talk about how full of emotions ORDER and WAR are and how each song has a story.
So we all know about the two out of three Prime bosses in Ultrakill yes? And their stories? If not, let me summarize each story.
Minos -
Former Judge of Hell and former King of Lust. Gabriel sentenced him to the Lust Layer and took over the job of the judge. Minos created an utopian city in the Lust Layer to protect his people from the heavy winds only to get STRUCK down by Gabriel and get his large corpse overrun by Parasites, said corpse gets controlled by said Parasites and destroys EVERYTHING he worked hard on building. His soul gets trapped into the Flesh Prison and he becomes Minos Prime.
Sisyphus -
Was a king, cheated death twice and his punishment is to roll a boulder up a hill for all eternity up until the Heavens went silent. He used this downtime to form an army and wage war on the Angels of Heaven, knowing that he'll fail in the end. His head gets sliced off by no other than Gabriel, causing the army to quiver and lose the army now that their beacon of hope got slain. He formed into a Prime soul rather quickly so the Council trapped him into the Flesh Panopticon in fear that he'll break out once he wakes up.
NOW let me talk about their themes, starting with Minos Prime and ORDER.
Minos was a pacifist and still is. He only fights V1 because of the crimes against humanity it had caused up until this point in P - 1. When confronted with Gabriel he didn't fight, he tried to reason with the Archangel only to get his body brutally broken in the end. He didn't watch over his Kingdom of Lust for the fame and glory, he watched over it to give the sinners there a peaceful afterlife as he thought the act of lust was not a sin worth getting punished for. His Prime soul reflects this by having a hole for a face. His story is solemn, depressing and hopeful AND his theme, ORDER, reflects that by having the intro to it have like a violin like instrument playing. The Requim leitmotif that plays in the middle of the track is LOUD and IN YOUR FACE but yet it still has that violin like instrument playing. The song is more quiet and melancholy than WAR, which is VERY loud but we'll get to that very soon, but it still has that anger to it. He is angry at you, V1, and he is going to give YOU judgement for the sins you have done. When defeated, he will apologize for not saving his children from this cruel, dark world that is now run by Machines. He is at fault for not being able to save his people from being thrown into disarray after getting slain by Gabriel.
Now let's talk about Mr. One must imagine aka King Sisyphus, a tyrannical king that cheated not once but twice in his life time.
Sisyphus was no pacifist. He was a tyrant who deserved his punishment. He fights V1 as if it was a game or warmup for the real deal of crushing the Heavens. He quite literally has the power of the sun as his absence of a head gets replaced by a glowing orb that resembles the bright star. He decided to wage war on the people of Heaven, fully knowing that he'll just fail but he still did it. He was frustrated, angry, FULL of RAGE that he got punished but he enjoys it. He enjoys his punishment and his theme, WAR, reflects that. WAR is loud, abrasive, and in your face, with a guitar like instrument playing in the intro. It is showing how ANGRY Sisyphus is. The Sands of Tide leitmotif in the middle of the track is LOUD and IN YOUR FACE, much like the Requim leitmotif in ORDER but it has the feeling of enraged to it. The leitmotif is NOT quiet, it is LOUD. IMPATIENT. ENRAGED. It shows how he cheated, lied, and got his way in his life time and afterlife time. He fights V1 as if the machine was just an appetizer. When defeated, he will ramble on how the times of King Sisyphus has now ended, that he never regretted a single second of it and died laughing.
I love these two old men and I hope whatever the third Prime boss is gets a theme that is equal to ORDER and WAR and gets recognizable as well.
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