#fem! minoru
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I love her sm
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homos-in-training · 2 years
Incorrect MHA-43 (MHAxReader)
Mineta: [is being a perv]
Kaminari: [flirting with Y/n]
Y/n: God give me patience
Kaminari: Wouldn't it be God give me strength?
Y/n: If God gave me strength you and grape fuck would be dead by now
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badger-with-a-boa · 1 year
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Karolina Dean+Nico Minoru
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♡ Deanoru ♡
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mysteriesmuse · 1 year
How Class 1-A Reacts to a reader with a quirk Iike in H2O Mermaid
Your quirk allows you to waterbend, but at the cost of transforming into a mermaid everytime you touch water. And the full moon has you going all mermaid stir crazy. Part 2
The Girls
————— Shoto Todoroki has been catching up on a normal childhood since joining UA (through Class A movie nights) and has since discovered a profound love for The Little Mermaid and Avatar the Last Airbender. And so yes, post sports festival arch when he started out the whole “making friends” thing he immediately took an interest in becoming your friend. And y’all are besties now <33
Shoto thinks your quirk is the coolest!!! You’re so pretty when you’re practicing moving these giant spheres and ribbons of water! And, he loves seeing you swim laps in the Olympic sized training pool.
The two of your routinely train and spar against each other as part of your quirks are both elemental. You’ve been partnered together to practicing making complex shapes out of water and ice; and have much to Aizawa’s surprise and dismay the two of you have only succeeded in creating dazzling ice sculpture together. But now you make ice sculptures for all kinds of parties and events that UA hosts! The crowds love them! If there’s any costume parties the two of you always go for Katara and Zuko!! It’s the perfect costume duo.
You even have a plan on getting matching water/fire bender symbols tattooed after UA Graduation!! And Shoto is very on board bc he gets to piss off his dad and it’s symbolic of making fire his power: permanently. Plus a matching tattoo with his best friend? He’s signed up.
Izuku Midoriya thinks your quirk is so cool!!! It’s almost more like 2 quirks like Todoroki’s and so he’s spend a lot of time endearingly questioning you about it. Little bean immediately makes it a goal to become best friends with you! Izuku is the one that actually discovered that your toenail polish affected your scales. He noticed it in training after a girls slumber party and partly because you wore sandals the next day. Some of your scales and the iridescent shine in class that day had turned pink! The same color as your new pedi?? Hmmm
so now you have Izuku to thank for your collection of nail polish and the pinkish shimmer to your scales!!
Izuku also spend the entire summer before UA cleaning up that beach and he continues doing beach cleanups on the weekends throughout highschool. And once you found that’s where he goes out to on the weekends you invited yourself. And he loves to go together! He doesn’t know why he didn’t think of inviting you himself!? I mean, mermaid + the beach?? That’s a match made in heaven. Now the two of you go. A little jog around the beach and some cleanup before you gleefully sprint into the waves. He thinks you look so happy out there and sometimes he’ll clumsily splash in and join you. Gets scared out of his skin, but loves to see you pop up your head above the waves near him and hold a hand out of the water brandishing pretty seashells!! —————
Katsuki Bakugou exclusively calls you Fish Face. To which you frequently reply by splashing him with water. And he paid no mind to you until he found you one night drunkenly waltzing around the dorms. I mean first he got kidnapped and now he had to live with these kooky extras?? Luckily for you, you had no memory of this night or what it is that you did. Although, you did ask a lot of questions when you woke up in your dorm room wrapped like a giant human burrito, but now it’s no longer a secret to your classmates. Now he begrudgingly keeps an eye and ear out for any mysterious mer-trouble at night. Not because he’s confused or concerned or anything. He’s just a light sleeper, yeah that’s it. He unknowingly is usually the only one woken up by your moonlight stirrings. As the primary cook in the 1-A dorm kitchen he appreciates your astounding praise and butt wiggles and hums of delight at the dinner table when he cooks up anything seafood. And, he’s got a list of good sushi places that non of the other nerds wanna go to. So he’s taken up dragging you out to lunch every so often. you frequently ask Katsuki to help haul you out of the pool because he’s one of the few strong enough to do it on his own. And he always acts like he hates it because he always says, “geez, fish face, why do you weight so much?” But will still come over to the edge of the pool where you stick your wet arms out and will haul you up. He’s forcibly encouraging you to go to the gym more for upper body. :’(
Overall he’s still snappy at large, but he can tolerate you and your tail. —————
Eijiro Kirishima thinks you’re so manly and so very pretty too. He never thought he’d be classmates with a real life mermaid. Like aren’t you supposed to be in his childhood storybooks and not in his highschool classes?? Thinks you quirk is a little goofy espically the whole touching water and moon thing, like isn’t that a werewolf thing? But admires your dedication to being stronger and trying to make the best of the mer-wolf stuff. Is totally happy to see Bakugou drag you over to the corner of the gym where he usually hang outs. Totally helps encourage and spot you while Bakugou makes you pump some iron, even if he’s not sure why it started. Kiri too, routinely gets asked to help get you off the floor or out of the pool when you fish out. When Jirou or Mina starts flagging him down from across the hallway he’s already turning to grab the wheelchair and rush to your aid. Calls himself the fishomobile with a big fat grin. Eijiro also loves to pick out rom-coms for movie night and will sit next to you and Ochako, except he’ll actually genuinely cry through it while the two of you only sniffle or laugh. He’s very manly about sharing his tissue box tho. has a soap that he watches on the reg. during his down time and you always seem to be passing through to get a snack from the kitchen when it’s on. You always join him on the sofa as he happily explains the convoluted plot
also this boulder LOVES sharks. Sometimes makes trips to your job and walks around looking at all the crazy cool shark tanks. you think he’s maybe gotten every single shark plushy that’s sold in your gift shop at this point. he has no regrets!! —————
Denki Kaminari thinks you’re gorgeous and super bubbly and he wishes that you guys would be put in more training exercises together! Calls you pretty much any water Pokémon name that comes to mind: Vaperon, Squirtle, Sealeo, Wishiwashi, Pyukumuku, Alomomola, Luvdisc, Goldeen, etc. although he usually just does the cute ones. also tried to retaliate against Bakugou’s calling you Fish Face and that’s how you got the nickname Fish Cakes. Bc hey why don’t you call her something a little nicer? it’s ok, it’s actually kind sweet. He’s always cracking the lamest jokes that get you snickering bc of how bad they are. It’s an admirable skill, honestly. the two of you keep trying to figure out how to safely do a team-up together with your quirks!! you brought the issue up to the big-brained thinkers in your class like iida, momo, deku, shoto, bakugou, and got nothing. Somehow it turned into another analysis of Pokémon team ups with the rich kids squad being left in the dark. resulting in you and kaminari battling Izuku and Bakugou. And for being frienemies they sure make a good team. Not to fear! Team ThunderStorm will try again someday. For now you and Kaminari are not allowed in the pool at the same time.
Tenya Iida thinks your quirk is very suitable to be a hero on the coast. He’s still mentally debating if it’s a good rainy season hero quirk or not. He’ll let you know when he come to a conclusion. appreciates your dedication to studying and training. You somehow make a pretty good work/life/school balance that he’s slightly envious of. Seriously how do you schedule so well?! What’s your secret?? Really sympathetic to your “water allergy” and is very good at managing liquids around you. Very frequently waves people with open water bottles away from you. You two take turns being stopwatch buddies for each other. There’s definitely a competition to see who’s faster in their element. Unfortunately you’ve been at a stalemate for the past few weeks. really can’t get over how you drink water like an astronaut tho. Using your quirk to drink without spilling. always making a loud sigh afterwards, low key drives him crazy. But he refrains, girls gotta do what a girls gotta do right?
Mineta finds you an easy target. I mean, gorgeous body, no clothes, and you immediately drop to the ground with no chance of escape when in contact with water. You know this grape is on the case. keeps acquiring a spray bottle to use to spritz on you whenever you’re in the dormitory, or library, or gym, or cafeteria, or you get the picture. always “apologizing” when he spills something in your direction. Asking to help you back up, to which you normally mercilessly punt him across the room with your tail. Or sometimes you’re too bothered to touch him and will just move the water around his legs so he can’t move while you army crawl away. although normally you and Todoroki aren’t too far apart so Mineta usually gets a decent chilling while Todoroki comes over to help carry/drag you around. you always give the frozen block of pervert a smirk and wave from over Todoroki’s shoulder. The boy tall enough that holding you this way doesn’t have him tripping on your tail. Let me tell ya’ it hurts when someone like Denki is trying to carry you out of there. *sigh* you really hope Aizawa see’s the classes petition and kicks that scum out soon.
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emmaelix · 2 years
Promise Rings: Hitoshi Shinsou X Aizawa! Reader
Full Title: Promise Rings: Hitoshi Shinsou X Fem! Aizawa Reader
Y/n: Your Name. Y/L/N: Your Last Name Y/H/C: Your Hair Color. Y/E/C: Your Eye Color. Y/S/C: Your Skin Color
Ships in This One-Shot: Hitoshi Shinsou X Reader/ You, Mineta X Trash
Your Quirk: Flexibility. You are immensely flexible, you can slightly extend your limbs, and you can stretch and shrink slightly, too. Some other slight things are minimal cold resistance and it's easier to build and keep muscle mass + muscle memory.
TW: One swear word
Yay! Mineta is being replaced by Y/n Aizawa, who happens to be dating Hitoshi Shinsou. Stupidity ensues.
"I was homeschooled... until this year," the girl class 1-A currently known as 'Mineta's replacement', said as she stood in front of the class. She had shoulder-length, bobbed black hair that was messily tied behind her head. Her eyes were a dark grey that matched her hero suit.
She reminded class 1-A of their teacher, Mr. Aizawa. "What's your name?" Denki Kaminari asked excitedly as he shot his hand up.
"Y/n Aizawa," she said, crossing her arms and looking around the room. "Yes, Mr. Aizawa is my father, and no, I don't have his quirk. I got my mother's quirk, flexibility."
Y/n Aizawa stood next to her father, watching her classmates try to win against each other. "When are you bringing in Hito?" She asked quietly, nodding to the door her boyfriend was behind.
"Next," Aizawa said, turning to his class. "The next match is Aizawa and Shinsou."
Y/n smiled lightly at her boyfriend when he entered the classroom but otherwise kept her face impartial. "Aizawa's quirk is flexibility, Shinsou's is mind control. Midoriya, I suppose you're writing this down?"
Izuku Midoriya flushed before quickly writing in his notebook. Y/n stood across from Shinsou, making sure she remembered the training she'd done with him before she got into 1-A and her father's training. Then, the fight began.
She knew what Hitoshi was going to try, and even as he taunted her she kept her mouth stone shut, looking for an opening he wouldn't immediately reach with his capture weapon.
She noticed he wasn't guarding his stomach very well, so she went in for a punch, only for Hitoshi to dodge. But before he could strike back she kicked him on the chin using her quirk, making him fall to the floor.
When Hitoshi came back up he tried for several jabs to her shoulders, and then landed a strike on her stomach. Y/n felt air rush out of her lungs, and she took some heavy breaths as she went for a punch to his inner knee.
Hitoshi was quick, though, having trained with her before. She reached for his arm, but he pulled back at the last second, making her go sprawling into the air.
She landed in a handstand, kicking herself back up as she jumped towards Hitoshi. She put her thighs around his neck, riding him as he swerved to try and get her off his shoulders.
"I'd love to be him right now," Denki Kaminari whispered loudly as Y/n shook Hitoshi to get him to stop bucking. Hitoshi threw his head back, making Y/n fall onto the classroom floor on her back.
Hitoshi made a move to straddle her, but Y/n flipped him so she was lying on top of his chest. She removed his mask and threw it to her father. Then she kissed her boyfriend on the lips, keeping him on the ground, pinned long enough for her to technically win the fight.
She got up, pulling Hitoshi with her as Class 1-A cheered. "That was a bit much," Hitoshi whispered, probably meaning the straddle/kiss move she'd pulled on him.
"Oh hush up, you know you loved it," Y/n whispered back as she followed her father outside.
Along with the one-on-one fights inside the classroom, Aizawa had arranged a fight between his daughter and one 1-A student, with the losing team gaining a fighter until the odds were so out of the winner's favor that they lost.
The first fight was Y/n versus Shoto Todoroki. Y/n had been watching her classmates and hearing her father talk about them for a few months before they even knew she existed, so she definitely had the advantage.
As she had expected, Todoroki started with his ice, creating a giant wall so Y/n couldn't reach him. However, using her quirk Y/n turned his wall to her advantage, sliding down the ice and into close combat range.
She knew that while her quirk was better suited for close combat, Todoroki favored long-range fights, which meant even though Shoto Todoroki was very powerful, she had the upper hand.
A few quick jabs to the neck and Todoroki was already weaker than she'd ever seen him in combat before. One kick to the jaw and Todoroki was out cold. No pun intended.
Once Todoroki was back in fighting shape, he was paired with Denki Kaminari. Both were warier of Y/n this time, and since Denki's quirk had fewer things Y/n could exploit she had to be careful.
She tentatively took a step forward, and Denki rushed her. He had seen the move she'd used on Shinsou, so he was quick to stay clear of her arm range. So instead she used her legs to jump onto him and flip him over into Todoroki. Ice went flying as Denki collided with Todoroki, and Y/n knew she'd won this round.
Next was Denki, Midoriya, and Uraraka, since Todoroki was starting to feel woozy with all the head injuries he was sustaining.
Y/n knew to get Denki out first before he could use his ultimate move, so she tried to corner him as she fought off Midoriya and Uraraka at the same time. Uraraka was floating above her, so Y/n used her strength to throw Kaminari up at Uraraka, sending them both toppling on top of Midoriya.
Now the only one standing was Deku. He had One for All, which Y/n knew was good for all types of attacks and defense. She tried to get a hit on him, but he kept evading her punches and kicks.
Then, Denki sent a jolt of energy toward her that sent her sprawling as Deku realized a small amount of his quirk towards her chest.
Y/n fell to the ground, with the wind knocked out of her. She lay on the ground, struggling to breathe as Hitoshi ran up beside her. "You idiot!" He yelled at Deku while he cradled Y/n's head.
"Relax, 'shi, I'm not dead," Y/n said, coughing out a laugh as she sat up, her back popping. Hitoshi helped her to her feet, enveloping her in a massive bear hug before kissing her on the lips.
"I love you, and I hate to see you get hurt," he said as he kissed Y/n's forehead.
"I love you too, dumbass, but you don't seem to mind when we're sparring."
"That's different, I can control how little I injure you directly if I'm the one sparring with you."
All of Class 1-A, especially the girls, cooed. They had been watching this interaction and found it adorable. "I didn't know you were dating!"
Kyoka Jirou looked Denki in the face like he'd just said the stupidest thing in the world. "Yes, they're dating. What are you, blind? He gave her a promise ring and they kissed when they were sparring like half an hour ago!"
Aizawa looked at Hitoshi suspiciously. "When did you give her a promise ring?"
Hitoshi's purple eyes widened and he made a screech. "Save me!" He yelled, very uncharacteristically to those who hadn't seen him interact with Y/n or Eri before. Really small children and things he loved, in general, made him surprisingly soft.
Y/n chuckled, glad to have spent another day in Cooksville.
Yep, loved every minute of writing this fic, Hitoshi Shinsou is absolutely an indulgence of mine. Please send in more requests/prompts because I'm feeling writer-ish right now.
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therealmofamorus · 2 years
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Ask (Original stud au): Izuku, smash or pass Fem! Mineta
Smash or Pass: SMASH
Izuku paused for moment looking around his surrounding area to make short the infamous pervert wasn't around to hear his response or god forbid he gonna to pay the price for it.
Seeing she wasn't around and reply. "As much I-I don't want to say...," He took a deep breath. "...Smash." He said softly with red cheeks, unaware he was being observed far far away by the infamous pervert who was looking at him like a cat with canary
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evilkat23 · 1 year
“I got a new bet for you if you’re interested. Lots of points to be earned. This one is an ‘untouchable’.” - When Kaminari approached with an offer Hitoshi couldn't refuse he had to take the bet. Date the quirkless girl. What's the worse that could happen? Well, when Hitoshi catches feelings in the middle of this lie? He finds it harder and harder to keep the bet going. -
Neito Monoma has been friends with Izumi Midoriya for years, and he may even secretly love her, but it's known that he would do anything to ensure her happiness. So, When Hitoshi from 1-A suddenly pops into the picture Neito knows this boy is hiding something and he's going to find out what. -
Izumi didn't know what to make of Hitoshi at first. Yeah, at first she thought it was a cruel trick, one she knew too well but as time goes on Hitoshi becomes rather irresistible and even wants to date her, her!? A hero student wants to date her?! It all seems too good to be true... and a deep down a part of her knows it to be true.
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kiwanopie · 3 months
A Lucky Find.
Pure luck, isn’t it? (Geto Suguru x fem!sorcerer!Reader)
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cw: yandere if you squint. mention of misogyny and inappropriate work place relationships, graphic descriptions of curses and body horror, death by mutilation involving a curse (Not you), mention of religion, only specifics about reader is that she’s visibly very attractive and may have long hair (no descriptors though, it could be a lace) Suguru is out of his mind. You will not be called a monkey in this one.
wc: 3.9k
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You’re not a very talkative assistant.
Granted sometimes you’re inclined to wonder if talking would’ve made so much of a difference to the position you’ve been put in, but you’ve never been a particularly choosy assistant either. You’re great at handling quick business, the calls your boss can’t be bothered to take - studious in your evening planning and you can quick work a coffee run like nobody's business. — You don’t complain about the thin heels they put you in, or the pencil skirts. Mired businessmen with filthy smirks and wondering eyes, or the routine baby talk you get from your degenerate boss. You don’t blink an eye at it. - You sit when you’re told to sit and bark when Mr. Minoru decides to hold that pretty little bone over your head.
“You could use a bonus, huh?”
Today it’s a back rub.
You’re silent as your nimble fingers start to press little groves in his upper back, impassive when he groans. Mr. Minoru, your boss, is a very rich man. He’s the successor of a retired tycoon who was once the successor of another and so forth. He’s an amalgamation of power and fortune and a small legion of nepotism babies that regularly walk in through those mahogany doors just ahead of his desk. An investor, you think. Most conversations he has are about money and the best way to double it; fewer are the ones where he’s actually taking the time out of his schedule to distribute it.
It’s all elite talk. Big men following big men following a perv who believes he’s god. Long outstretched legs that extend as he relaxes himself in his seat and hopes that the movement is enough to encourage you to start on his shoulders.
You like to think you got this job out of pure luck. Met the right man at the right time and stumbled over the deal of a lifetime all for the small cost of a little bit of your dignity. — Not like it was much of a trade from your part time job busing tables at that high-end restaurant. Being yelled at by bratty celebrities at a fraction of the price and coming home smelling reminiscent of a meat locker. Now you’re standing on the top floor of a penthouse suite. Smelling of expensive perfume that your boss totally didn’t break worker/boss relation code for and looking down at the entirety of Tokyo from its bay windows.
Pure luck.
The creature hooked to the upper side of his shoulder unfastens its teeth with a firm graze of your fingers. The steam it emits as it fizzles away is sour.
Mr. Minoru has a pension for starting fights with the wrong people, it seems. With bitter people - scornful people. People who hate him and can’t do anything about it, other than wish him harm or hex him in some way. — Worst are the people who don’t hate him, who envy him. Step into his office with painted smiles and clenched teeth. Who curse his name the moment they leave and leave you to deal with these little “bugs.”
Your nose twitches as its rotten smell encombers. For a moment your pretty face is twisted up in a scowl.
The massages started from an offhand graze of your fingers during a dinner at your old job. Pretty little waitress bending over him in that little work dress and running your finger down his felted coat. You apologize for your familiarity, someone must’ve spilled something on his jacket. ~ But the weight on his back is gone from just that little touch and now he’s offering you a job. You don’t regularly make a habit of helping those you’ve already deemed “afflicted.” But the fucker making goo trails on his back at the time was just disgusting enough to hinder your train of thought, and there’s no way you could’ve gone through your shift without reviling every time you passed his table.
So, now you’re his assistant - and today it’s just a back rub. Thankfully not a request to play with his hair and try not to cringe at the way he shutters from it. A subtle pat on the cheek for his good luck kiss, or a request to sit on his lap while he tells you a story he doesn’t care if you’re listening to. Because you’re quiet.
His not talkative, non-fussy, no complaints assistant.
Like always he fills the empty air in place of your silence. “Ah. By the way, princess. We’ve got a guest coming around after lunch. A real traditional fella. So, we’ll need to be on our best behavior,”
“Apparently he’s got some sort of business opportunity for me in exchange for a few investments,” He sighs when your fingers dip a little under his collar. “Says that in his big fuckin’ haori. Probably cost a few thousand bucks,”
Mr. Minoru shifts his shoulders under your firm touches. “To be completely honest, I don’t really know about it aside from the gag of seeing him in person again. Guy has this weird energy about himself that gives me the creeps. — Says he’s avant-garde. — I just think he’s a weird fuckin’ guy.”
“But,” The exhale he lets out is tempered and whisky tinted, clears out the fresh space in his chest that usually frees up when you’ve got your hands on him. “My old man likes ‘em. Says he’d be good for my health if I kept him around. At the very least build some sorta relationship with him.”
“Too bad my health’s in tip-top shape! Eh, doll-baby?” Minoru twists his head to flash you an expensive smile. Faintly defined cheekbones turning rosy when you return it like you know you’re supposed to. “Got my little guru at my side!”
And your simper, although gentle, is forced. Distantly you wonder if you’re the reason these bugs have become so habitual.
This man is very ill.
Though he walks in with his head held high and a particular spring in his step, your diagnosis is that he must be terminal. He must be diseased and irremediable. In a constant state of agony and so stricken with unwellness that he can’t even think straight. You’ve seen your fair share of “bugs” and rabid disfigured animals that grow out of their hosts like fungus. Some that trail behind like lost children with broken crackling legs - a stench that only accompanies the open wounds whose maggots reach out so helplessly. Disturbing things. For all of it you’ve seen, you’re lucky to say that those cases are few and far in between.
But this,
It has many hands and many faces.
Each accompanied by its own set of teeth. Curling lips that stutter as they rise, etched in lipstick and gum; you find mint leaves hidden in the valley of its tongue, coiling as it softly sings. Watching from afar as it hobbles on its haunches like a drunken man, or of fawn newly grazed. It is steady - and constantly moving. It buzzes like a million bees and yet the man standing next to it is seemingly unaffected.
And so are you.
Your gentility becomes you as you politely bow for the man who you’ve so gracefully led to Mr. Minoru’s office. A practiced curtsy is usually enough to get your usual guests commenting under their nose at your bosses taste in assistant’s, but this man is quiet as he walks past you. So above your head that it almost feels like he doesn’t even know you exist. And that feeling is… off putting to say the least.
You close the door behind him as your boss starts on introductions.
“Ah, so you’ve met my beautiful assistant!” He reaches out his hand. “Minoru. Nice to meet you.”
The genuinity in the man’s smile fastens his eyes into slits as he steps forward to return the shake. “Geto, likewise.”
“Geto, huh? I heard the old man sent you for an investment proposition. My guess is it’s something… traditional?” Minoru gestures toward his garbs.
He’s somewhat clinical in his attempt to look lighthearted, but the sigh he blows out feels trusting. “So this isn’t selling “contemporary” huh?”
Minoru laughs and the thing beside him whimpers.
Your fingers twitch against your work skirt.
You’re a distant shadow lingering behind the conversing men as you step to your post on the far side of the office wall, heels clicking quietly when you bend to fix yourself adjacent to Mr. Minoru’s desk. — You’re not expected to listen much to the conversation, or even understand the matters on which they talk about. Just straighten your back when your boss snaps his fingers and follow obediently when he coos an order.
But even if that weren’t the case, you’d say it’d be hard to pay any attention to anything other than whatever the fuck that is hunched beside the man standing just a few feet away. Singing quietly under its breath and repeating the tune like a prayer. Fearful, shaken, pleaful, dread inducing; overlapping in its many mouths. Your fingernails quietly scrape against each other in your attempt to remain neutral but from a keen eye you’re jarred. Disquietingly moving your eyes from the two men still talking adjacent from you and then it again.
It’s looking at you.
You force down a swallow when Minoru calls your name.
“Quiet thing, isn’t she?” Your boss comments amidst the conversation as you approach them. “Could almost forget she’s here if it weren’t for the eyecandy,”
You smile at him like he’s flattering you but it’s muscle memory. “Sir?”
“Gather up those papers from your desk over there, sweetpea. And hand it to the nice man.”
You almost don’t even wanna turn your back on it.
But against your own anxieties you do as you're told. Even with your nerves frayed as they are. You keep your posture as you hastily skirt to your desk and back across the room again. Nimble, slightly shaken fingers lowering to place it in Geto-san’s hand but he doesn’t acknowledge you even when you smile. Vacant eyes. Bored of you already. —- You don’t know if you should feel more offended or alarmed. But in your curtsy before backing away you decide to split the difference and go for disturbed.
Avant-garde. This guy just gives you the fuckin’ creeps.
He works in health, apparently. From what you’ve gathered in the continuing conversation, he’s a spiritual man who offers health by spiritual means. It’s not a very groundbreaking admission, especially from a man in traditional garb, but he assures that his practices have long surpassed ground theory and have been proven to guarantee actual results. From refractory diseases, mental illness, visible injury; his methods could completely eradicate the need for traditional medicine and take the health industry by storm.
But money is a long factor, longer in the doubtful and non-spiritual. “Non-worthy.” It sounds pointed the way he slips that in, but your red flags aren’t shared with your less than convinced boss.
“Spiritual healing sounds great and all, Geto buddy. But you’re directing services to a pretty biased market.” Minoru crosses one of his legs over the other from his perched position against his desk. “Even with the facts, the money’s in objectivity. You’d get more bang for your buck just saying any Yamada worth his salt can walk in and get rid a’ his sniffles for the right price. - Religion ‘ll just turn people off.”
Geto smiles patiently. “Ah, Minoru-san, we’re not religion based. Religion promotes powerlessness. Our services come from practical people.”
You watch as the creature messily swivels on its crooked legs when he invades its space by leaning back a little. “But to insert certain biases kind of sweetens the deal, doesn’t it? People like things that make them feel special. Even the most useless people should wanna prove themselves in some way, right?”
What a crooked way of thinking.
At your quiet displeasure the mass behind Geto wheezes painfully, wincing when you lock eyes with it. Its song pitches and warbles, chops a little like it’s weeping; but even in its effort to resume its discontent is palpable.
You could almost feel acknowledged by it. By its wandering eyes and its tightened misshapen shoulders. Almost as off put as you are from its spot in the middle of the room. The more you look at it, the more it starts to evoke pity. Even in its unsightliness, it looks misplaced and afraid. - Its song breaks like a cry for mercy and the closer you look at it the more recognizable its purpose becomes.
There are knots in its balmy skin so engorged they bleed and tear. Fabric mincing over fictional scabbing and prayer beads hanging out of its gashes. Every twitch it makes reverberates ricey out of rhythm beats akin to maracas and its song, as out of key as it is, is reverential. Powerlessness. Anodyne through faith. You barely find yourself pitying the afflictions of affected people but in the context of this conversation - it’s watering eyes; you feel empathetic toward this thing and by extension Geto-san.
You assume something awful must’ve started that way of thinking.
Should you even stick your neck out for this guy? You’ve dealt with bigger, more violent ones in any case. But this creature seems peaceful. Following faithfully on its hosts haunches as it waits patiently beside him. You’ll have to be fast and unflashy about it, hopefully the stench from that thing won’t make you hurl on impulse. But if not out of mercy, it would be nice to have it out of your line of vision.
Your eyes cross it again. It’s many eyes well with anguish. You decide that at your next opportunity you’ll get rid of it promptly.
As luck would have it Mr. Minoru’s personal phone rings.
He’s quick in his apologies as he fishes it out of his pocket. Passing a smile to Geto as he quickly bows and makes the few long strides it takes to step out of the door and into the hallway, and a few short snaps in your direction as he points you to the concessionaires reserved for his clients near the door.
You’re practiced as you dip for the little fridge on your left, carefully sliding out a glassed bottle of water from the door and a plastic bag of sliced apples.
“Would you like a snack while you wait, Geto-san?”
He ignores you.
Through a quietly exasperated sigh does he slide his phone out of his hakama and pointedly decide not to acknowledge your awkward stance at the far end of the room. — You know he ignores you because the silence that otherwise permeates the spaciousness of your boss's suite is momentarily disrupted by the sound of your voice bouncing off the walls; followed again by that frigid silence.
This is the guy you’re trying to help.
Even so, your embarrassment is brushed aside in favor of making your way to the small coffee table between him and the other leather seat parallel to his. Thin pencil skirt riding a little as you take wide steps to the little spot that separates him from the empty seat - and you from the thin sliver of carpet standing between he and the now quivering mass.
You bend to place the treats gingerly beside him.
And when you rise you reach for it.
There are practiced fingers circling around your wrist before you can even touch it.
Your fear is potent enough to turn its broken hums into racking sobs as you freeze in his sudden grip. Firmly clasped onto you as he raises your arm over your head and forces you to jolt back with a stuttered breath. Faint greyed markings on the palm of your hand fade but they’re caught under his watchful eye, and through your shock you watch his expression switch.
From confusion, to intrigue, to pure excitement.
Your shock teeters on horror as his pupils dilate. “Now, just what were those pretty fingers planning on doing?”
He seems to revel at the sheer bewilderment that colors in your pretty face from where you nervously stare up at him. Doe eyes lit up by headlights, and the radiative heat of suddenly being this close to his predatory gaze. You stammer. “Wh-? Y-You know it’s-“
“Brought it with me, didn’t I?” He speaks lowly as he circles his thumb over your wrist. “Can’t say I don’t appreciate your concern though, sweetheart.”
You shrink. The absurdity of intentionally carrying a burden like this is as mind boggling as it is chilling. Dread inducing, even. With the kind of bad juju that thing emits there’s no other reason to purposefully let it fester beside you than for motives deeply depraved. Deeply disturbed. The way the air around him murkens and electrifies, and a glint in his eye that makes you feel like prey. — He’s looking at you like you’re dinner right now. And something about that feels trillions of times more frightening than any typical rubbernecking.
After being treated like a ghost by this man this whole time. Now he’s looking at you like you’re a slab of meat spread out for him. Succulent and tenderized, pliant under his fingers. Your soft eyes are rigid with fear as his other hand reaches for you blithely, larger fingers dipping in your loose hair and scooping it gently forward. You glance at it from the corner of your eye.
Smoke curls around his palm.
You suppress with a quiet intake of breath.
Geto-san’s cheeks pinken as he gleefully smiles, emboldened by a genuine tinge of ardor. You do your best not to flinch but it’s futile, his chilled fingers consolingly caress your face as he tuts; and gazes at you like he’s committing you to memory.
“Be patient for me, yeah? I’ll be done in a minute.”
You can’t even begin to guess what that means.
But before you can inquire he’s shushing you with a finger up to his lips. Playfully shooing you away as Mr. Minoru’s footsteps patter closer, and you clumsily re-fit yourself into your professional mask.
“Sorry ‘bout that, pal. Forgot about another meeting I was supposed to attend a little earlier,” He pockets his phone. “No one’s fault.”
He leans against the cliff of his desk where Geto-san’s planted himself again. Minoru glances at the unopened bag of apple slices. “Ah, _____, baby. You were supposed to hand him the good stuff.”
“I’m so sorry, sir.”
“No worries.” Geto laughs airily. “How could anything look nearly as appetizing when you’ve got an assistant like that walking around?”
Your ears burn as Mr. Minoru snorts in kind. “Yeah, fair enough,”
He rolls up his sleeves. “A’right, princess. How bout you hop on over to my lounge and break open the good brandy for my guest and I. Bring us the crystal set. Can you do that?”
The decanter in your hand falls with a dull thump.
There’s no… logical explanation for what you’re looking at right now — Who you’re looking at right now. In any other circumstance deep purples would be expected. Blotched boysenberries and flossy reds, dotted with strained blues. You’d expect tearing - bleeding, audible ginger snaps of tendons and extended bone. A scream even, no matter how silent; all are logically expected. Death is logically expected.
But seeing your boss stretched out like leather, not a full five minutes after leaving him alone with this man, is not.
Your eyes frantically skirt over your boss's heaving corpse from your exposed position at his closing entrance. Watching in repulsed terror as his skin tears and bruises, familiar prayer beads falling out of his flesh like stuffing. - His eyes are rolled agonizingly into the back of his head, mouth opened in a scream. His blood sizzles against the maple of his desk and you can do little but stare in horror.
You flinch as the mainline on his desk starts to go off but you’re no sooner cringing at the way his arm breaks just to reach for it. Bloody fingers pushing the receiver, and cheeks tearing just to respond.
His unchanged voice somehow makes it all the more horrifying. “Hi, Souza. Thanks for getting back to me,”
“Yeah, do me a favor,” You back into the door. “Route about ten million to Geto-san’s organization under investment. And be a dear and sign the invoice for me, would ya?”
You’re gonna be sick.
“So, you’re out of a job now, huh?” You nearly yelp.
Geto-san’s standing just over you. “I’ve got a pretty similar position opened up,” He says casually. “‘Wanna work for me?”
You can barely push out a word. Which, kind man that he is, helps you out by deciding for you. “Ah, Great! I can break you in on Sunday. Here’s my card.”
He smiles kindly as you hesitantly pluck the laminated card from his fingers. Looking at you under mirthful eyes that chill more than they comfort.
“If you’re worried about pay, I can give you double of whatever that monkey gave you. Maybe a little extra if you’re as good as he says you are.”
But before you can recoil at the thought of being stuck under the same kind of boss, with the extra caveat of being a psychopath; he adds with a hint of challenge. “That is, if you can get rid of our friend for us.”
You follow his glance to the creature wearing your boss like a hand puppet.
Do you even have a choice?
Geto-san watches with a keen eye as you warily approach the blinking, bleeding corpse behind your late boss’s desk. Heels clicking slowly against his wooden floors, skin prickling at the thought of even getting close to this thing let alone touch it. There’s a smell that you notice as you move closer. A rotten, discrepant smell that pushes as much as it pulls. Aging, airless skin, barreling toward cell death; only marginally slowed by the alkaline smell of embalming fluid. Too old. Too sour.
But there’s something about it that almost — Hypnotizes. Evokes a kind of nostalgia that almost completely disarms you. Church pews and goatskin, leather hardbacks under frilly gloves; and those damn prayer beads. You can almost hear your grandmother’s voice. The minty sweet taste of stale candies tinted by the perfume in her purse. ~ Watching worship but not understanding it. A contact high of conviction. Your boss’s blood spills and it means something sacred, something reverent. And the closer you get, the more that sacrifice feels for the better.
You flicker a glance in Geto-san’s direction. This guy had this shit on standby?
It’s clammy when your fingers finally graze its skin. Sweaty and twitching, like every touch is a pinched nerve; like every stroke stimulates. There’s movement under the first layer, a hissing under the second. It’s mania seeps off of it in droves and the more you linger on it, the more your stomach twists.
You draw back your hand and rub over the difference in texture.
The room is temporarily endowed with smoke at the snap of your fingers.
They’re both gone when the vapor quickly dissipates, blood formerly staining expensive maple now replaced with its originally polished shine. As well as his chair, his area rug, and any other evidence that could connote what truly horrific fate the man in question had suffered in this very room.
Which is enough to send Geto-san into an ecstatic flurry of applause. “H-Holy shit. Where have you been all my life?”
He’s more focused on the way the weight in your lips shift rather than that being because of a frown. Regardless, you’re still a picture despite it. “You’re gonna fit nicely. — My address is on the card. Come by nine? I’ll have breakfast ready by then.”
He turns with a relaxed lilt toward the exit. “You and I are gonna have a lot of fun.”
The door clicks as the lock disengages.
“Don’t make me come looking for you.”
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parkvcrs · 11 months
I Won’t Say I’m in Love
SUMMARY: s/n y/n is a popular idol in japan, but there is just one important thing worth mentioning… she is still in high school! but she doesn’t go to any school— she is a student at u.a. high where she has captured the special attention of the arrogant and short-tempered bakugou.
PAIRING: katsuki bakugou x idol!fem!reader.
WARNING(S): nothing worth mentioning other than bakugou being a tsundere.
NOTES: this imagine was inspired by the lyrics of ‘i won’t say i’m in love’ from the animated hercules movie.
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Bakugou didn’t ask to be seated behind the most popular girl in school. He found it incredibly distracting to his learning. He already had to deal with so many extras anyway, why did the school have to include one more? Oh, right… U.A. High School made an exception for S/n Y/n because she just so happened to be one of Japan’s most popular idols.
How stupid is that?
He got into Class 1-A fair and square by working his ass off during the entrance exam, but S/n was just tossed into the same course without a second thought. If you were to ask him, Bakugou thinks Principal Nezu should’ve just lumped her with the General Department: Class 1-C, so he wouldn’t have to bare staring at the back of her head.
‘Was that brat allowed in this class because of her status or is her Quirk really that valuable?’ Bakugou thought to himself. It was a question that plagued his mind as soon as he received word that she was joining Class 1-A. How disgraceful.
But… he did have to admit… S/n is a looker. She’s beautiful. So beautiful in fact that perverted Mineta Minoru didn’t care that he was practically drooling for the idol a few seats back.
The mere mutters coming from that purple-balled freak caused a scowl to make its way onto Bakugou’s features. It seemed like all the boys wanted her and all the girls wanted to be her. But he will not fall for her siren’s spell. Quite literally. That’s her Quirk and the main reason S/n Y/n is such a popular household name, she has a voice that is irresistible to men.
So, if he just so happens to overhear someone’s conversation about S/n or the faint sound of her singing, Bakugou wastes no time putting in his earbuds and blasting his heavy alternative rock music at one hundred percent in hopes to drain her out.
He remains steadfast in the belief that he is one of the few men in Japan who didn’t have feelings for the idol.
So… why on earth does he get upset whenever he sees or hears another person flirting with her? ‘There is no way that I’m jealous of that fishy brat.’ He concluded as he chewed on the inside of his cheek.
Bakugou was so engrossed in his thoughts that he didn’t even notice that half of the class has disappeared to go to lunch until Kirishima tapped on his shoulder, saying, “Hey, you good, Bakugou? The bell rang…”
“Piss off, shitty hair,” Bakugou groaned and then smacked his friend’s hand away. “I’m fine.” He added.
The cafeteria, as always, is filled with students, their voices echoing through the lively atmosphere. Today, Bakugou decided to bring his own lunch, a steaming bowl of mapu tofu, its fiery aroma wafting in the air around him while Kirishima departed from his blond friend temporarily to get in line to order something.
Bakugou scans the room for an empty seat, but something in the distance catches his attention — a familiar, melodious laugh that sets him on edge. He follows the sound, and his gaze locks onto Y/n surrounded by an adoring group of boys.
From what Katsuki could see some of the boys offer to pay for her lunch, while others attempt to vie for her attention, hoping to sit with her. Several even present their homemade bentos, eagerly hoping she'll accept their gesture.
The sight twists something inside Bakugou — jealousy. He clutches his spoon tightly, his appetite waning. He doesn't understand why this bothers him so much; it's not like he has feelings for her or anything... right?
Just as he's about to sit down and try to eat his mapu tofu after what he has to bare witness to, Ashido Mina, Kaminari Denki, and Sero Hanta approach him. "Hey, Bakugou! What are you having for lunch?" The notable pink girl asked with a curious smile.
Katsuki's jaw tightens, and he glances back at Y/n, her radiant aura drawing everyone's attention. "Nothing," he mutters, a tinge of irritation in his voice. "Just lost my appetite."
Mina notices the distant look in his eyes and follows his gaze, connecting the dots. "Oh, I see," she says playfully, nudging his arm. "You're jealous, aren't you?" She wiggles her eyebrows while the boys beside her simply watch everything unfold for themselves with widened eyes. Did Mina have some sort of death wish or something? Because she’ll surely wind up died if she keeps poking fun at Bakugou like that.
At this, Katsuki couldn’t control the reddening on his face and he quickly denies it. "As if! Why would I be jealous of that?" he retorts, trying to brush off his feelings, as he uses his spoon to point at the crowd of boys surrounding his enchanting classmate.
Mina smirks knowingly. "Sure, sure, Bakugou. Whatever you say."
Ignoring her teasing, Katsuki forces himself to take a bite of the mapu tofu, but the taste falls flat. His mind remains fixated on Y/n, and he finds himself glancing in her direction more than he'd like to admit.
Meanwhile, Y/n enjoys her lunch surrounded by her admirers, her laughter filling the air like a captivating melody. Katsuki's conflicted feelings continue to gnaw at him, leaving him to wonder what it is about her that has such an effect on him.
And as the lunch period goes on, Katsuki struggles to concentrate on his meal or anything else for that matter. He's torn between trying to understand these emotions and trying to ignore them altogether.
That night, Bakugou couldn’t sleep.
No matter what he did, sleep eludes him as his thoughts stubbornly cling to one person… Y/n. It didn’t take long for frustration to bubble inside him as he mutters curses under his breath. "Damn it, why can't I just sleep? This is ridiculous..." He clenches his fists, trying to clear his mind of any thoughts that involve the idol.
After what feels like an eternity of futile attempts to sleep, Katsuki ultimately decides to give up.
"Fine, screw it. Maybe working on my lunch for tomorrow will get my mind off this shit." He quietly slips out of bed, mindful not to disturb his roommates, and steps into the hallway.
As he tiptoes past the dorm rooms of his male classmates, he can't help but feel a tinge of embarrassment. But that feeling soon dissipates and is instead replaced with annoyance.
"It's not like I'm sneaking out or anything. I'm just going to the damn kitchen," he grumbles to himself.
When Katsuki reaches the ground floor, he pauses for a moment. He can see the soft light spilling from the kitchen, and there she is. Y/n, clad in her pajamas, searching for a late-night snack.
His heart skips a beat as he watches her, but he quickly scolds himself for the involuntary reaction. ‘Get a grip, man. It's not like you care about her or anything. Just focus on your lunch.’ He reminds himself, trying to remind himself of his initial purpose. However, as he's about to turn away and head to the kitchen, Y/n senses his presence and turns her head slightly, locking eyes with him.
Her surprise is evident, and she closes the fridge, standing there awkwardly before speaking, "Sorry… I didn't think anyone else would be up. Please don't tell Aizawa…” she says in a meek voice, flustered. She tried her best to put on her best smile, hoping that he wouldn’t snitch on her to their teacher. Even if it may be uncharacteristic of him.
Katsuki blinks, momentarily taken aback by her sudden appearance. He crosses his arms, trying to appear nonchalant, but he can feel his heart racing. Thank God that it’s dark or else he’s almost positive his face is the same shade as a damn strawberry by now. "Tch, why would I tell him? I don't care what you do.” He replies, trying to hide any trace of his inner turmoil.
At this, an actual smile makes its way onto her features, appreciating his understanding. "Thank you, Bakugou. I just couldn't sleep, and I was hungry. So… you’re the only one awake, huh?" Seemed like she was trying to make small talk.
Katsuki nods, not trusting his voice to respond properly. "Yeah, seems like it. Whatever, just do whatever you want. It's none of my business.” He mutters, feeling a mix of annoyance and something he refuses to acknowledge.
Y/n's smile widens, and she takes a step closer. "Well, if you're up, why don't we have a late-night snack together?" she suggests, surprisingly at ease despite the unexpected encounter.
Katsuki's eyes widen a fraction, but he quickly recomposes himself. "Hah! Like I need company!” He retorts, but the harshness in his tone isn't as convincing as he hoped. “Besides,” he started once again and then slowly began to approach the oven. “I’m not here to snack. I need to make my lunch for tomorrow.”
To his surprise, Y/n's eyes light up. "You can cook? I had no idea!”
“Well… surprise.” Bakugou pretended like he couldn’t care less about their chat but in actuality, he was desperately hanging onto every word. Cherishing it.
“Say…” Y/n took a few steps closer toward the blond which didn’t go unnoticed. He sucked in a deep breath and tensed at the closeness. “Do you think you can make me something? Please?” She asks eagerly, frowning. And just for a moment, Bakugou’s facade escapes from him and his gaze softens at her enthusiasm. But he quickly regains his composure and lets out a small growl.
"Why can't you just eat one of those bento boxes your fans make you?" He shoots back.
Y/n pouts before replying, "I don't feel comfortable taking food from my fans. The media can be so extra, and I don't want to deal with rumors or misunderstandings." She shivered at the many disgusting titles of what she could be painted as. Selfish, for starters, why would an idol as famous as her take food from those of a lesser income? Or worse: one of those students would claim to be dating her, even if she did do something as simple as accept a meal from them.
Katsuki stays quiet after hearing this. He never considered things like that.
Meanwhile, Y/n hops up to sit on the counter, watching the blond closely. "You either make me food for tomorrow, or you take me out on a date," she says playfully. His train of thought shatters when Y/n said that. Bakugou’s eyes widen at the proposition, caught off guard by her boldness. He opens his mouth to respond, but she continues, imitating his gravelly voice, "'Why don't you go out with one of your fans?'" She pretended to be all grumpy like Bakugou to really sell her performance. But alas, there was a reason why she pursued singing instead of acting.
Katsuki huffs, trying to hide his embarrassment. "I didn't say that!" He said, defiantly.
Y/n grins mischievously. "You were thinking it!” She teases.
After a moment of bashful silence, he finally relents. "Fine, I'll make you something. But don't expect me to cater to your every whim!” He crosses his arms over his chest. “And, uh… you can eat at my table if you’re not too busy with, well, your life. But it’s not for me. It’s for raccoon eyes since, y’know, I think she would be happy if there was another girl in the group.” He cleared his throat and used Ashido as a proper alibi to cover up his own wishes. He would be elated if S/n Y/n could have lunch with him.
Y/n squeals with happiness, hopping off the counter to hug Bakugou tightly, much to his surprise. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” She happily chanted, jumping up and down all the while she held onto her classmate.
He blushes slightly but tries to play it cool. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Now go back to bed. I'll have something ready for you tomorrow."
“You’re the best, Bakugou,” Y/n whispered, stepping away from the blond. She slowly begins to make her way to the stairs when she stopped, peering over her shoulder to give Katsuki a small wave. “Goodnight.”
“Tsk, whatever.”
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queenie-avenue · 5 months
" from the bottom of my heart "
💌 ⤻ the obsessed archives, where you should be scared.
requests: open.
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♡ Terms and Conditions Apply. — THE CEO x Fem! Reader ⤻ introductory post of THE CEO.
♡ He'll wear anything you make. — THE CEO x GN! Reader ⤻ when Adrian catches you using him as your muse. [ask.]
♡ A Gentleman's Confronation. — THE CEO x GN! Reader ⤻ you're his to claim, especially after he realises you're horrid just like him. [ask.]
♡ L-O-V-E! That's how she feels about you! — THE CHEERLEADER x GN! Reader ⤻ introductory post of THE CHEERLEADER.
♡ Rejection is never the end. — THE CHEERLEADER x GN! Reader ⤻ if you think you having a girlfriend will stop her, think again. [ask.]
♡ Prepare for trouble, make it double! — THE BASEBALL PLAYER x GN! Reader ft. THE CHEERLEADER ⤻ introductory post of THE BASEBALL PLAYER. [ask.]
♡ Innocent eyes, deadly hands. — THE BASEBALL PLAYER x GN! Reader ⤻ when you get too close to someone else, and he snaps. [ask.]
♡ There's no solution for whatever this was. — THE ACADEMIC RIVAL x GN! Reader ⤻ introductory post of THE ACADEMIC RIVAL.
♡ Don't run, he'll catch you anyway. — THE ACADEMIC RIVAL x GN! Reader ⤻ when you leave school out of desperation, he comes dragging you back to hell like the devil. [ask.]
♡ Two sides of the same coin. — THE ACADEMIC RIVAL x GN! Reader ⤻ you're a creep, and he loves it. [ask]
♡ His, his to torture. — THE ACADEMIC RIVAL x GN! Reader ⤻ don't touch what's his. [ask]
♡ One lump or two lumps of sugar? — THE BARISTA x GN! Reader ⤻ introductory post of THE BARISTA.
♡ Fake it till you make it. — THE BARISTA x GN! Reader ⤻ you lie that you have a boyfriend, so he decided that he'll become your boyfriend. [ask.]
♡ Never judge a book by its Cover. — THE COVER x GN! Reader ⤻ introductory post of THE COVER.
♡ This is a Man's World, but she rules it. — THE MAFIA BOSS x Fem! Reader ⤻ introductory post of THE MAFIA BOSS.
♡ The pains of being a Woman. — THE MAFIA BOSS x Fem! Reader⤻ headcanons of how Vittoria will take care of you during your period. [ask]
♡ Take my hand, take my whole life too. — THE YANDERES x GN! Reader ft. THE CEO, THE CHEERLEADER, THE BASEBALL PLAYER, THE ACADEMIC RIVAL ⤻ vanilla headcanons of you in a relationship with the yanderes.
♡ Kissed by Aphrodite. — THE YANDERES x GN! Reader ft. THE CEO, THE CHEERLEADER, THE BASEBALL PLAYER, THE ACADEMIC RIVAL ⤻ how they look like.
♡ Knitted with love. — THE YANDERES x GN! Reader ft. THE CEO, THE CHEERLEADER, THE BASEBALL PLAYER, THE ACADEMIC RIVAL, THE BARISTA, THE COVER, THE MAFIA BOSS ⤻ your gifts are only for them. [ask.]
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Baby girl, baby
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sugolara · 8 months
𝙇𝙤𝙩𝙪𝙨 𝙁𝙡𝙤𝙬𝙚𝙧
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ft. yandere! Izuku Midoriya x fem! reader
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• • •
For as long as she could remember, guilt was all she could feel. It roamed in her head like a plague that threatened to spread further and further, soon to take over her body and be in complete control. Why is it that she felt so guilty?
When she hadn't done anything wrong.
"F/n?" The sound of her name brought her back to reality. She stared at the familiar pair of heterochromia eyes as they worriedly looked at her. That's right, she had forgotten she was in class.
"Are you okay?" Shoto asked as he eyed his childhood friend. He continued to stare at her as she stared blankly at him.
She blinked, then let out a small smile, embarrassingly scratching her cheek, "Sorry, I didn't get enough sleep last night. I was replaying the movie I had watched in my mind and I guess you caught me spacing out."
Her friend shook his head, "I texted you last night to sleep. I'm assuming you disregarded my message, right?"
"Yeah, sorry. I was really into the movie." She said as she let out another chuckle. Ahead, she watched as Denki messed around with Katsuki. She sat near her friends as they waited for their classmates to enter and for their homeroom teacher to begin class.
The bi-colored hair male looked at the side of her face. Her eyebags had seemed to get larger. Just yesterday they seemed fine, but it almost looked like she had been crying which concerned the male. Especially since he knew her history, “Have you been taking your medications?”
She glanced at him again, rolling her eyes in the process with a smile, “Yes, dad. One last night and one this morning. My next one is tonight, like always.”
His worriedness washed away as he smiled, a tiny smile that he only held for her, “I’m just making sure. You always forget to take it.”
“Well, I took it this time, alright?” She said, looking away from him, “I’ll make sure to message you again tonight.” 
Next to her, Tenya let out a disappointed sigh as he readjusted his glasses. He shook his head as he watched the boys roughly mess around, "Almost two years and they still don't know how to behave. How absurd."
Shoto, who after finishing his conversation with F/n, scrolled through his phone, "I think they were just born like that."
Ochaco giggled as Katsuki grabbed a fistful of Denki's hair and shook him, "I don't know, it's kind of entertaining."
"And also reckless." Tenya motioned his hands up and down, "They're almost adults and yet they behave like children."
"Again," Shoto placed his phone down, "I think they were born like that. Or maybe dropped as a kid."
While Ochaco giggled at Shoto's comment, F/n smiled at him, "Look at you trying to be funny. New year, new you, huh?"
"It's also very rude." Tenya added.
Shoto smiled, ignoring the navy-haired male, "Was I being funny?"
"Guess new you still don't understand humor." Ochaco said as she let out a content sigh.
Three months into their second year of school and yet everyone is the same. That didn't bother the h/c haired girl. Though, she did wish some people like Katsuki would change their attitude. However, she does wonder if this year will be different.
She hoped for it to be a good difference.
"Oh, right." Ochaco perked up, "Have you guys heard?"
The three friends raised their brows, "Heard what?"
She smiled, "Apparently, we have a new boy coming to our class!"
"A new student?" Tenya thought for a second, "How come I wasn't informed? I'm the Class Rep."
"It was probably last minute." Shoto pointed out, "Momo would have said something if she knew as well."
F/n agreed, "Yeah, but why are we having a new student? Isn't our class full?"
"Oh, that's right, you haven't heard." Tenya lifted his arm, "Minoru Mineta got expelled last week for his inappropriate actions towards Momo. That's why he hasn't been around. It was time for him to leave anyway."
"Yep! And in return we get a hot, attractive guy to replace him!" Mina, with a big grin, interrupted them as she, Kyoka and Momo entered class.
"How do you even know if he's attractive? You haven't even met him." Kyoka pointed out as she headed for her seat, annoyed at Mina.
"Because I can just feel it!" Mina shouted and laughed as she followed after the purple-haired friend, "Plus, I think I just saw him in the hallway."
Momo shook her head and greeted everyone good morning. Ochaco moved away from her seat and talked to Mina as she squealed about the new kid being hands off. The boys only groaned in annoyance.
"Nobody cares about some damn extra!" Katsuki shouted at her, ensuing an argument.
Tenya continued to shake his head and attempted to deescalate the situation, but unfortunately the argument was turned on him. In their seats, F/n smiled as Shoto eyed his friend, "Aren't you curious who this new kid might be?"
F/n shrugged, "Not really. It's just a new kid. If anything he'll turn out like Denki or Katsuki."
"I would've thought you would be at least a little curious, especially if it's a boy." Shoto added as he looked away from her.
"Aw!" She poked his cheeks, "Are you jealous that I might replace you?"
He huffed lightly with tinted cheeks, "No."
She let go of his face and chuckled, "Don't worry, Shoto. I won't go anywhere. Nothing can ever separate us anyways!"
Right on time, the school bell rang and the classroom door opened and in stepped Mr. Aizawa with a meek kid following behind, "Everyone sit down, I have an announcement to make. This is your new classmate. Please make him feel welcome and what not. Introduce yourself."
"I-I'm Izuku M-Midoriya! Please take care of me!" He bowed down, feeling embarrassed with the sudden attention.
"Oh. He's kind of plain looking." Mina's face fell in disappointment.
Ochaco blushed a little, "He's kind of cute."
"What the hell!?" Katsuki yelled, frightening Izuku, "What are you doing here, Deku!?"
"Oh, good, you know someone." Mr. Aizawa boringly pointed behind F/n, "There's your seat."
Izuku nodded and quickly rushed towards his seat, avoiding Katsuki's death stare. However, as his eyes moved forward, they pinned themselves on F/n. It was only a quick second, but Izuku's breath hitched as she looked at him.
While the lesson continued and played as background, Izuku eyed her back. It had seemed like things were getting harder for him. He was just glad that he had found her once again.
Is it the same as always?
Why can't it be different this time?
As always, there is a lot of work to do.
But for now, Izuku had to think of a way to approach her. Maybe this time, things can go smoothly if cards are played right.
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pitot-0 · 1 month
Putting brainrot sketches n things I Drew on magma here
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Emo Milo with Ryan :D (things happened on discord and it escalated to shipping Ryan with Milo lolol)
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Obsessed!Milo x He didn't intend for this to happen!Ryan (<- idk what the hell I just typed)
Fem! Milo and Eris: toxic Yuri relationship whgehe
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Some art by @justeyuko @m00nsflesh and @minoru-eno
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itjazzbicch · 2 years
School Dance
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugo x Fem Reader
Summary: Surprising all of their classmates and friends when Bakugo reveals he’s the readers date for the dance, the night goes better than the reader could ever imagine….
(Might do this with more characters because I like the concept!)
Warnings: N/A
Word Count: 1.4k
Tag List: @writtingrose
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“Aww Y/N! You look gorgeous!”
Tonight, UA was having a school dance and that compliment from Momo, all of my other girl friends in my class cheering me on as I made way over to them near the doors had me blushing.
“Thank you,” I smiled shyly, fixing my black dress, making sure I returned the favor, “You all look beautiful. I can’t wait to have a fun time tonight.”
“All of the fun!” Uraraka cheered, jumping a little as Toru appeared next to me suddenly:
“So, who’s your date?!”
My date for the dance was exactly why I was so nervous. No one knew that I had a crush and I managed to have him come to the dance as my date.
“My date is, uh-“ I was so nervous to share this, but we all came to a halt as we heard:
“Hello, ladies!”
Of course, Minoru was already in flirt, pervy mode, fixing his bow tie as he made is way over from all of the guys in class. I don’t think I’ve seen a time where we all were so dressed up and formal. We looked amazing! Every one of us, but my eyes were locked on someone special.
A bang of fireworks went off in my head, heart rate picking up at the sight of Bakugo, in classic tuxedo and my gosh, he looked as handsome as ever. The rest of my classmates started to pair up, Deku and Uraraka, Kyoko and Denki, Mina and Kirishima, but all eyes fell on us whenever Bakugo stepped up to me.
It was as if none of them were there when my gaze locked with Bakugo’s, his eyes finding my small heels, up my black glitter dress, past my jewelry, right into my eyes. I don’t think I’ve seen a time where he was speechless, that making me more nervous as I slid a piece of hair behind my ear, holding my hands and smiling softly:
“Hey, Bakugo. You look so handsome.”
“O-Of course, I do,” My goodness, he was stuttering, the slight blush in his cheeks quite adorable, my heart fluttering more as he began to say, “You look beau-“
“Aww, Kacchan! Y/N is your date?” Deku was just trying to be happy for him, but Bakugo never tolerated a word he said, turning around and his face turning more red as he yelled:
“Shut up before I kill you, Deku!”
“I’m sorry! I was just asking, Kacchan!” Those two had a weird relationship, it was funny most of the time, getting a giggle out of that to calm my nerves some, taking Bakugo’s mind off of Deku when I softy interlocked our arms:
“Let’s not kill Deku and go have some fun?”
“If it gets me away from that nerd!” He kept his hands in his pockets as he turned along with me, but kept our arms together, actually pulling me in closer a little.
I couldn’t keep my eyes off him the entire time we made our way in and it was so weird having all eyes on us. Everyone probably expected Bakugo not to show up, let alone with me, but it felt good, smiling shyly again as our classmates followed, Momo, Mira, and Kyoko waving to me before we all split up:
“Have fun, Y/N!”
I planned on having all of the fun in the world, that was till things didn’t go according to plan. There were some activities for all of us to play around, but the one thing I wanted to do most was dance. Sadly, I ended up sitting alone while Bakugo went to get food to chow down, bummed out that he wasn’t the dancing type. I don’t know why was even surprised
“Y/N? Why the long face? Did Bakugo do something?!”
Momo was the greatest friend, spotting me and making sure I was okay, sighing deeply and mocking Bakugo as I answered her:
“I wanted to go dance but, dancing is for ‘nerds’.”
“Ugh, that Bakugo,” Her eyes rolled softly, glancing over to spot him along with Kirishima, Denki, Shoto, and Deku with all of their food, “You know what, come dance with us girls! I know Mira’s been dying to get on that dance floor.”
Dances weren’t always about your dates and her offer put a bright smile on my face, jumping up and nodding, “Me too! Let’s hit that floor, huh?”
“Let’s go!” She smiled, taking my hand and dragging me along.
I was grateful for the amazing friends I had. All of us girls got into a circle on the dance floor, dancing our souls away to all the music, there was even a dance battle! It took all of my worries away, giggling and smiling till a slow song came on, Present Mic the DJ, of course, and loudly announcing the song, which was clearly made for couples.
A wave a blue sadness fell over me as us girls parted ways, all of my friends finding their dates for the slow dance, while I went to make my way to my seat.
“Hey Y/N, why are you sitting down?”
Kosei from class 1-B? What was he doing?
“Because, I’m not dancing?” I said, confused as to what he was doing, till he offered his hand and smiled:
“Need a partner? A girl like you shouldn’t be sitting here all alone.”
I was going to kindly reject his offer, I could never do such a thing to Bakugo, but there was no time to, glancing past Kosei’s shoulder as we heard:
“Hey, nerd!”
Oh boy, Bakugo might actually blast someone to bits, now! Just the anger in his eyes was enough for fear to rattle me and break me out in goosebumps, Bakugo flinging Kosei around to face him:
“You’re trying to pick up my girl? The nerve you have!”
Wait a second, Bakugo just called me, his girl?
I was positive my heart stopped when I heard those words, hoping this wouldn’t escalate as Kosei spat back:
“Your girl? If she’s your girl, why’s she sitting here all alone and sad, huh? I was only offering her a dance!”
“Well how about you go somewhere and die!” Bakugo growled, brushing past his shoulder to meet me, taking my hand, “Because little do you know, that’s exactly what we’re about to go do!”
Was this real?! Either way, hearing that put a smile on my face, Bakugo making sure he shot another dirty look to Kosei as he turned towards the dance floor, “Let’s go, babe.”
BABE?! He was going to be the death of me!
I didn’t realize it till we got out on the dance floor that I was shaking, the feeling of his hands on my hips helping me settle. His hands were so warm and since he was so comfortable, I rested my arms on his shoulders and around his neck, smiling up to his eyes even though he was still a bit angry:
“Just know, I’m killing any guy who ever tries to pick you up.”
He was always so angry and I just giggled, shaking my head at him softly, appreciating the feelings behind his brutal words, just smiling as we began to sway softly and dance to the music:
“Never mind them. Just remember, I’m always going to be by your side, not theres’.”
That put a small smirk on his face, making me even happier because that was the closest thing to smile I’ve seen yet, having a bit of an attitude, but deep meaning behind his next words:
“Well, they better remember that you’re my girl.”
“All yours, Bakugo,” I closed my eyes as I smiled at him, hands down the best day I’ve had at UA, going to rest my head on his chest, but as I began to move my head, I felt a softness against my lips, filling up with warmth, a swirl in my head, heart, everything.
Bakugo was kissing me?! My first kiss!
Just when I thought this night couldn’t get even better, when I opened my eyes, he was smiling, a small smile, but it was a smile! A real one!
Breathing heavy as I rested my head against his chest and he was good at reading me, rubbing my back softly, laying his head on top of mine, making me feel as if it was just the two of us, the music, and the love in my heart for him.
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therealmofamorus · 2 years
Ask (Original stud au): What is the usual sex life of Izuku and Fem!Mineta?
Freaky and comedic
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coopigeoncoo · 10 months
The 3-Cs of 3-A, Chapter 1: The World Turns Upside Down
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Chapter Links: Next
Pairing: Eventual Bakugou Katsuki x Fem Reader (it's a very long way off though)
Rating: Explicit. 18+
Tags: Mineta Redemption, Fem Reader, AFAB Reader, Sexual Harassment, Abusive Parenting, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Statutory Rape, Dubious Consent, Underage Sex, Underage Drinking, Domestic Violence, Blood and Injury
Tags are subject to change as story develops.
Mineta Minoru is a perverted misogynist whose antics should have had him expelled from UA long ago.
But he wasn’t.
And now it’s your job to fix him.
May God have mercy on your soul.
–-- “Well then, I’ll leave myself in your capable hands,” Mineta purred before popping open the top two buttons on his shirt, sending you a coy look from under his lashes. “Mold me into the perfect hero, Pygmalion!  Make me your Galatea!” he screamed as he ripped open his shirt, buttons flying haphazardly through the air and pinging off the walls and floor.  You throw your arms up to cover your eyes, as though blinded by the pale skin of his belly.  
“Why do you always have to make this weird?” you moan forlornly, already bending down to search along the floor for the missing buttons.  
Continue Reading below, or follow the link to Ao3!
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Chapter 1: The World Turns Upside Down
In which you make a grave error and start a chain reaction that changes life as you know it.
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The only thing you were the best at was trying your best, and honestly, that was pretty darn good.
You had never been given a solo in band class, but the only mistakes you made while playing were small and easily drowned out by the enthusiastic French horn player that sat next to you. Homework assignments were always turned in fully completed, on time, with legible penmanship, but you never managed to break the top 30 academic rankings at your school. Your brief stint as a field hockey player ended with you having never scored a goal despite your team making it to the playoffs.
You rose to all the challenges you were given and performed admirably, but you never truly excelled at anything. You did well and you supposed that was well enough.
It was this long and unwavering history of academic adequacy that led you to make what was ultimately, in retrospect, the worst decision of your young life.
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Two options were set before you and neither of them were particularly appealing.
The first was an exhaustively long and detailed research paper on the rise of commercialized hero agencies that spanned from the initial onset of Quirks until today. The second was the same project all of your future classmates had been assigned a week prior: building and maintaining a mock hero agency for the remainder of the school year. Research had never been your strong suit and the idea of working on a singular paper for eight months straight was one of the worst ways you could imagine spending your senior year.
"I think," you murmured quietly, fiddling with the hem of your shirt. " I think I would like to attempt the hero project, Sir."
Since this was the first time you had met the Principal of your new school you were woefully unaware of the horrors that awaited when Nezu's eyes twinkled just so, and your hesitant acceptance set of a shimmer in his beady eyes that would have any experienced member of his staff revising the resignation letters they all had saved on their desktops for easy access.
"Excellent!" He proclaimed cheerily, sharp teeth bared in an unnerving smile as he reached into his desk and withdrew a stack of files. "Most excellent indeed! I'll provide you with all the pertinent records and files for your project. I'm looking forward to seeing what your fresh perspective will bring to the table with no inherited biases!"
"Biases? What biases?" you asked warily.
"Nothing to worry yourself over!,” Nezu assured you as he continued to add to the file stack. “I can tell by your academic record that you're a hard worker no matter how challenging the assignment! Taking on something of this magnitude will really set you apart from your peers,” Nezu said as he added a collection of slim binders on top of the file stack.
"Ah, is that okay though? I'm transferring in during my third year. The rest of my class has way more experience. One of them will probably be a better choice to handle a…more challenging project?" you questioned, becoming increasingly nervous and uncertain as the stack of files continued to grow.
"Nonsense! You're a clever girl, you'll be fine. Besides, all of them already refused to do this. Well, except that one boy. Utada, I believe? He received this assignment originally," Nezu murmured, tapping a clawed finger to his chin gently and his other hand shuffled papers on his desk about into a messy pile before clipping it together and depositing it onto the towering stack of paper between you.
"Oh! Will I be working together with him, then? Like a group project?" you sighed, relieved that you would have a partner to work through this monstrous assignment with.
"Work with who? Utada? Oh, heavens no! He dropped out. Purely coincidental, I'm sure, and not at all related to this project. Now, let's finish up the rest of your transfer paperwork, shall we?"
A weak smile wobbled across your face as you nodded, worried about the workload but knowing you didn't really have much of a choice but to accept.  UA was a high-level, competitive school.  You knew going in that the course work was going to be more challenging than your previous school, but there was no way they would assign anything too difficult, right?
Your newly found confidence immediately faltered as Nezu pushed the towering stack of paper and office supplies across the desk towards you.
“This information should be sufficient to get you started. Make sure to let your homeroom teacher know if there is anything missing and we’ll make arrangements to get it to you. Best of luck!”
Knowing a dismissal when you heard one, you gathered up the stack of files into your arms and carefully maneuvered your way out of the office, unaware of the principal's feral grin that lasted long after you bumped the door closed with your hip.
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The project, in theory, was simple: build a hero agency from the ground up. It's the perfect assignment for the Business Course students because it would very likely mirror what awaited them in the professional world once they graduated; working with a hero, constructing an image, supporting the brand, and keeping the budget in line. It was a culmination of two years of accrued knowledge put to the test.
Two years of knowledge that you didn't possess.
Transferring into any program during your final year was already going to be a nightmare, but the specialized and hero-focused curriculum of UA didn't mesh with your previous school's classes as well as you'd hoped. Or at all, really. You didn’t know what got covered in the second year math class 'Deconstructing Destruction: Calculating the Cost of Replacing Public Works' but you had a sneaking suspicion it was vastly different from your Probability and Statistics course.
“Welp,” you sighed as you took in the mountain of paperwork stacked on top of your desk “Time to get to work.”
The syllabus was at the top of the stack and you managed to make it a full thirty pages in before you started hyperventilating. You weren't even halfway through the project outline and every bullet point had at least six additional bullet points underneath it. The breadth and depth of this project was unreal and you had no idea how you were going to manage it.
You set a cellphone timer for ten minutes and managed to work in two full existential crises before the alarm sounded. After that, you took a series of calming breaths and began collating.
Files were broken up by individual assignment, hole punched, and placed neatly into three ring binders with color coded sticky tabs that you could use to quickly access different sections. Due dates were logged in your agenda and calendar reminders were added to your cell phone. It took you hours to organize the entire towering project outline. The satisfaction you felt as you stared at the collection of pristine and orderly binders must be what new parents felt when holding their child for the first time; overwhelming pride and exhaustion in equal measure.
Only one file remained on your desk; the student record for the hero in training that you'd be building an agency for. You sat down in your desk chair, cracked your knuckles, and opened the file to the first page.
"Alright, Mineta Minoru! Let's see what you've got, hero!"
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"Oh God," you sobbed into your hands. "He's awful."
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