#ff prompts
nihilizzzm · 8 months
Hey, just moved out for college and i am anxious and i rly need something to get my head busy. I BEG YOU for ff prompts, pls pls pls, I will sell my soul for them. I have many ideas but I don’t feel like writing any of them. Give me anything, i promise nothing but let me just at least think about it. I mean, you have a ff idea? Hit me with it, i might write it😭😭
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destiny-islanders · 1 month
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atlantean pop idol sora kingdomhearts fancam
inspired by this post everyone's been redrawing
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elainiisms · 2 years
going insane over the prospect of casual intimacy. like taking a bath together and sitting in between their legs while they wash your hair, press soft kisses to your cheek, neck and shoulders. just leaning your head back into the crook of their neck and relaxing as they hold you and trace lines across your skin.
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dumplingsjinson · 11 months
List of “we’ve just kissed and now I’m hooked” prompts
“Okay, but I want to do that again. And again, and again, and again. With you; only you.”
“Round two?” “…I’d love that.” 
Pulling them into another kiss before either of them could catch their breaths.
A whispered, “Fuck, can we do that again?” against the other’s lips.
“Okay, but I think we should do that again. For research purposes. For humanity.”
“That shouldn’t have been as hot as it was.” 
“They say the second time’s the charm.” “Was the first time not charming enough for you?” “No, but the second time’s going to be even better, I promise.” 
Finger tracing their bottom lip, eyes never leaving their parted lips, before meeting them in the middle again, because one time isn’t enough. 
“Wait, that wasn’t good enough. Let’s do another take.” “…It’s been the fourth take already. Just admit you like kissing me, it’s fine.”
“I’d let you take my breath away like this everyday if I could.”
Laughing against each other’s lips after kissing for the umpteenth time because they just can’t get enough of each other.
“I have a new addiction and you’re to blame for it.” 
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whumblr · 7 months
Armored whump
- The heavy clunk of a Whumpee in armor brought to their knees.
- A sword slammed into the ground in an attempt to keep themself from falling right over.
- Arms trembling as they try to keep themself up, the weight of their armor pushing them further down, bearing on their bruises.
- They're already succumbing to gravity. They're panting, barely holding on, leaning heavily on their sword, or their staff, their lance.
- Making the effort to use it to push themself to their feet again, pulling the sword back out of the ground, swooshing their lance as they find the strength for another round.
- The sound of a sword clanking against stone when it's twirled out of their grip or when they no longer have the strength to hold it.
- A sword kicked away. Or worse, a heavy boot crunching down on it just as Whumpee manages to close a hand around the hilt.
- The soft clinking sounds of defeat drawing nearer when the enemy approaches slowly, fully aware Whumpee is already defeated. Metal crunches with each step. Armor jingles with his soft movements, when he crouches down in front of Whumpee.
- The tip of a sword scratching along over metal, teasing over their chest plates until it finally finds the weak spot of the armor and slowly pushes through.
- Also, armor is heavy :) Give me exhausted armored characters, dragging themself along. They are supposed to stay ahead of the rest, be their shield... but every battle and by now every step has been wearing on them. And it won't take long before they'll just collapse.
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cursedzucchini · 1 year
Danny and Jason meeting each other for the first time like:
Danny, pointing at Jason: baby???????
Jason, who just walked into the kitchen for cookies: baby!!!!!!!
Danny: what the fuck is a baby doing here???????
Jason: who left the baby unattended?????? Where are his parents????????
Bruce: i adopted both of you wh-
Jason & Danny, screaming on top of their lungs: BABY!!!!!!!!!!
Idk I'm just imagining Bruce adopting Danny, not telling anyone, bringing him home and Jason was just in the mansion. And their stupid dumb ghost brains go
Danny: not even filly formed baby in pain!!!!!! He's been suffering for so long.... Need to protect!!!!!!!
Jason: a fucking two years old baby!!!! (Wait what) very very young, very dumb, need to protect!!!!! (Who tf is this kid)
And when put together, they immidietly adopt each other. I feel like the scene that follows is Jason force feeding Danny a cookie, rambling Abt how thin he is and how he should eat more, and Danny fighting him while trying to give him ectoplasm so his core can fully form, cooing and telling Jason how he doesn't need to worry, Danny's here
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heartateasee · 2 months
PROMPT: (requested by @victoria-styles) “Harry does something to royally piss Y/N off which results in her giving him the silent treatment, so he has to work to get her to make a sound.”
- - - - - - - - - -
Warnings: Oral sex (f receiving)
Word count: 700
You laid on the bed, staring at the ceiling with your arms by your side. Your feet were flat against the mattress, and your legs were spread apart with broad shoulders pressed against the underside of your thighs. Blowing air through your lips, you lifted a hand to run your fingers through your hair - as if you were excruciatingly bored.
“Y/N,” Harry’s voice rang through your ears, and you peered down to see his swollen mouth still hovering over your cunt. “Is it seriously going to be like this?”
You hadn’t made a single noise this whole time, and you knew it was pissing him off. Harry fed off the sounds that would leave you, the mewls and the whimpers, as he pleasured you. But today…today was different.
Today you were being quiet as to serve him some punishment.
He made the mistake this morning of snapping at you after a work phone call that delivered him some bad news about a deadline somehow being missed. All you had tried to do was console him, and you were met with a sharp voice - demanding for you to get out of his home office.
It crushed you, honestly, but then you just got angry about it. Who was he to take his frustration out on you in such a way?
So since this morning, you had been quiet. Completely quiet. When he asked what you wanted for lunch, his question went ignored, and when he suggested putting on your favorite movie as you ate what he figured you wanted, you just dove into your food - not sparing him a second glance.
After lunch you retreated to your bedroom, and you laid on the bed as you scrolled aimlessly through your phone. You could see Harry as he stood in the doorway for a few seconds, probably still waiting to be acknowledged until he realized that wasn’t going to happen.
Instead, the silence remained, and he ended up between your legs on the bed after stripping your lower half - a nod to him when asking permission to remove your clothing having been the only hint of communication given for the last few hours.
So now, as he asked his question, you simply went along with pretending like his head wasn’t between your thighs, and his mouth wasn’t working against you with such vigor. It was hard to keep quiet, truly, but you didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of knowing he was so close to properly getting you off.
With a groan, Harry shoved his mouth harder against your sodden pussy. You had to fight to keep your eyes from fluttering closed, and you curled your fingers to have your nails indenting into your palms to resist reaching out to tug on his curls.
After a few more moments, you could feel that Harry had lifted his mouth just a bit - your eyebrows narrowing as you wondered what he could be doing until you felt the tip of his tongue against your swollen clit.
The first gasp since he started left you, no matter how hard you tried to keep it in, and your toes began to dig into the mattress.
The man was spelling out his apology with his fucking tongue.
Your teeth started to dig into your bottom lip, so hard you were convinced you were going to draw blood as you felt him going into a repeat of the previous letter - this time much slower, and you could just tell he was smirking against you.
That in itself almost had you falling over the edge, but you couldn’t. You held on. It was too soon to give in, and you wanted to make him work for it a little longer.
Harry’s mouth fully left you this time, and you blinked your eyes open to look down into his dilated pupils. “Am I forgiven? I’d really like to hear you.”
Rolling your eyes, you finally reached down to grab the back of his head - forcing his mouth against your dripping cunt once more.
“You’re about there, baby. Spell it out a couple more times for me. Make me come, and then we’ll see.”
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leavemeslowly · 3 months
Eddie: I’m not stealing this car for you.
Susie: *smiles at him flirtatiously*
Eddie: Nevermind. Do you want me to steal anything else?
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tarnussy · 8 months
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Soulstober day 1-5. wings • scavenge • eye • cold • stars
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tbosasgunsandroses · 2 months
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snowjanus week: ‘literature’
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qqueenofhades · 9 months
May I ask about prompts 14 and 38 for Dreamling, perhaps?
Dr. Robert Gadling presently has ninety-nine problems, and students who cannot read the module handbook are, at a minimum, ninety-eight of them. (How did they finish school? Take their GCSEs or A-Levels, any of it, while being functionally illiterate? Etc. etc. dismal condition of British state education and indeed the entire British state under the Tories, but still.) He has just fired off a hopefully polite-sounding group email advising everyone to please have a proper look at the posted content before sending him individual queries, when there's a knock on his door and he glances up, grateful for the distraction. "Yeah?"
"Rob?" It's Philippa, again, which makes his heart sink on reflex. They've already had several serious conversations intended to make him consider the possibility of becoming Head of School when her term's up next May, and -- frankly, over his dead body, which in his case is not at all a metaphor. It turns out, however, that she's not here to harass him to take on more professional responsibility, but rather to attend to his personal life. "Your boyfriend's skulking in the foyer and frightening the freshers again. Make him knock it off."
"My boyfr -- ?" Yeah, yeah, all right, the gentleman doth protest too much. Hob hasn't felt up to taking Dream to any faculty functions just yet, but he did tell Amira the other evening at the welcome-back mixer that he was seeing someone, and the news must have spread as fast as any other juicy department gossip. Hob sighs deeply, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Right. Thanks, Philippa. I'll tell him off."
With that, not sad to get away from the horror of his inbox, Hob pushes back his chair and gets to his feet, trotting out his office door and down the stairs. Even before he descends into sight of the foyer, he can tell where the problem is located. Dream is standing spookily just inside the door, in full goth-black, long-coat, pale-faced, looming-in-your-nightmares splendor, and students are indeed outright sprinting to get past him. Others seem to think he's some weird piece of performance art from the theatre department and are asking for selfies, which makes him stare at them even more. Hob swallows a groan, speeds up, and reaches the ground floor. "Oy," he hisses at the unrepentant King of Dreams. "What are you doing here?"
As per fucking usual, Morpheus haughtily disdains to provide a sensible answer (or indeed, any answer). Hob adores the skinny eldritch weirdo, he really does, but one problem he did not foresee now that they're officially an item is that Dream has gotten downright clingy. After going a hundred years between seeing each other, with each of those meetings usually ending in disaster, Hob's still getting used to the idea of seeing him regularly -- weekly, even. It's not like he minds. Variety is the spice of immortal life, and all that. But it does mean that they need to have a few conversations about boundaries, and this is definitely one of them.
"I'm busy," Hob says, doing his best to sound stern. "I've got work to do, love. Like we do in the human world, eh? Can't all sit around in magical throne rooms, brood, and spin magical stories."
Dream looks miffed at this lightweight estimation of his professional duties. He opens his mouth for some sort of pompous reprimand, but Hob holds up a hand. "Be back at five PM and save me from the emails, and we can jog off together somewhere, all right? But not until then. And stop scaring the students, or Philippa will have my head. Or make me be the Head, and I'm not sure which one's worse."
Dream once more appears about to object -- he still hasn't gotten in a word edgewise, which is probably for the best. But Hob looks furtively in either direction, then kisses Dream on the cheek, spins him around, and propels him out the exit, whereupon he looks very much like an extremely ruffled bird -- raven, probably, which Matthew is bound to find amusing. Mother of God, Hob's life is strange.
Biting a smile despite himself, he trudges back upstairs and dutifully applies himself to the remainder of the paperwork and otherwise makes sure that everything is in order. Then at 5:04pm, he gets up, grabs his things, and heads back downstairs, where Morpheus is waiting for him. "You are," he announces stiffly, "late."
"Only by four minutes. Pretty sure the world won't end." Hob grins crookedly. "Eager to see me, then?"
Morpheus, of course, cannot countenance actually saying this aloud, but it doesn't matter. He holds out his hand, Hob decides he doesn't care who sees him take it, and does so. Then all at once, the familiar surroundings of the Department of History stretch and ripple and fade away, and the next instant, they're not there at all, or London, or Earth. They're here, in Morpheus's home. The Dreaming.
As usual, the place looks eerie, magical, mystical, and lovely, and Hob is getting somewhat more used to the abrupt transition between worlds, so he only swallows hard a few times and then is good to go. They ascend to the castle, he and Lucienne greet each other warmly, and then Morpheus jealously squires him up to his rooms at the top of the tower, beneath the vast dome. The great bed is a temptation, and doubtless they will end up there before too long, but a supper is already laid, glimmering in the fey candles, and Hob blows out a relieved breath. "Could eat an ox. You're a lifesaver, darling."
Morpheus looks the usual blend of awkward and pleased he always does when Hob casually uses endearments or expresses affection. "Does this make up for me alarming your pupils, then?"
"More 'n." Hob sinks into the chair and tries not to wolf down everything in sight. "But still. Don't do it again."
They eat (here in his own realm, in his own stuff, Morpheus eats too). They drink, they talk. It's like old times, and more. Afterward, they go outside to gaze at the stars, a thousand times brighter and more brilliant than anything on Earth, and Morpheus's tousled dark head sinks slowly onto Hob's shoulder, like a feral cat finally becoming close enough with one trusted person to let itself be petted, let itself be loved. Hob bites another smile, this one unspeakably tender, and leans in to kiss Dream's hair. Aye, his life is bloody strange, and it always has been. But he would not trade it for the world.
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jasscheeks · 1 year
how they would…
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act in a secret relationship.
pairings: megumi, yuji, inumaki, maki, gojo x f!reader
this. now this is self-indulgent.
warnings: no warnings but you might 💀 of fluff
m.list! | ao3!
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MEGUMI* is just trying his hardest to hide it from gojo and anyone he believes will tell gojo. the two of you have been dating for maybe a few months now, and he's relatively good at hiding his feelings considering he hid them from you for a year straight. but it's his face, oh it's definitely his face. everyone can see the clear redness in megumi's cheeks, so much so he forces himself to wear a mask. but it doesn't do much as his blushing travels up his ears. he can't help it, he's always admiring you even when it doesn't look like it. although they’re small gestures, it makes his heart swell seeing the smile on your face. it's the occasional glance your way, checking what type of face you're making before he makes a face, when you move he's not too far behind you. it’s holding doors open for you, — which unfortunately makes him the designated door holder for everyone — or it’s him watching over you discreetly before gently moving you out of harm's way. his fingers brush over yours, and a shy pinky hooks onto yours when no one's watching. and when you two finally find some time to be alone, he's letting go of the breath he's kept in all day and melting into your touch. his hand caresses your waist as he rests his head in the crook of your neck, recharging himself. you're sweet, a literal angel in his eyes that he can't help but sink in his admiration for you.
but of course, you weren’t completely alone, as gojo was able to snap a picture in the small amount of time you two stood there.
“just one kiss, that’s all i need,”
you snort, “okayy,”
“..alright, maybe one more…”
ITADORI* is already so friendly with everyone that no one suspects a thing when he has his arm slumped around your shoulders. he's always somehow standing next to you, when you have something in your hands he's leaning down close to see, and when you're giggling he's the one who whispered the joke to you. no one bats an eye when he’s playing with your fingers, or you’re holding both his hands like nobara does to you when she’s excited. to everyone else, it's like nothing's changed between the two of you since he's like that with everyone. there are certain things he doesn’t do so they don’t suspect anything, like kisses, hugs, or holding your hand. he doesn't mind people knowing about the two of you, but until you're ready he's willing to keep it hushed. but he has to admit, it would feel so good to just bend down and place a little kiss on your lips or just sneakily hug your waist from behind you. of course he can't kiss you in front of everyone, but that doesn't stop him from pulling you away for just a second and kissing your lips like he hasn't kissed you in days. when the two of you step away, you truly take your time before coming back with red cheeks and messy hair.
sooner or later they’d pick up the clues and tie them together. and that just might be the reason why the two of you couldn’t keep your relationship a secret for too long.
"babe? is there something wrong? you've been quiet ever since lunch,"
"yuji...i think i'm ready to tell everyone,"
"...how about tomorrow?"
"slow your roll there, sir,"
INUMAKI* is so good at hiding it, they won't find out until maybe months into the relationship. he made up his own gestures to sign to you so neither maki nor panda would know. he'll tap your arm when he thinks you look pretty, link your index fingers for 'be safe', or he'll intertwine your hands together when no one's looking and gently squeeze your hand in his for 'i love you'. you realized that he taps your arm every time he sees you and he squeezes your hand whenever he gets the chance, making your cheeks burn. he's sweet in his quiet little way, and you can't help but want to kiss the life out of his face when shares his way of loving you. the only way either of you would give your relationship away was how the two of you stayed around each other, how your fingers would glide over each other's hands, and maybe how sweet you talked to inumaki. sometimes, panda and maki would catch him ogling at you with big hearts in his eyes, his attention solely on you alone. panda would catch him stuffing his pockets with candies that you like and by the end of the day it's all gone, yet inumaki didn't eat a single one. even if panda asked him for one, he'd immediately say no.
as you can tell panda took offense to that. digging a bit deeper, he caught you and inumaki cuddling in inumaki’s and panda’s shared room, wrappers of that same candy littered all over inumaki’s nightstand.
"toge, it's time to get up, panda's gonna be here in any moment,"
"just a few more minutes..."
"i promise we can cuddle all we want when he leaves,"
"...let's just tell him, this secret stuff is too much work now."
MAKI* treats you like a princess no matter if you're by yourselves or you're in public. she's a gentlewoman who's not afraid of holding doors open for you(but for no one else), keeping you out of trouble, and just all around being the best secret girlfriend there is. she has no shame in staring at you with the biggest heart eyes, and if someone asks why she'll just say she thinks some part of your appearance looks good today. although this just makes everyone think that she has a huge crush on you, they're not completely wrong. plus she never realized how cute you are when she teases you in secret. she loves to see the way you react to her blowing on your ears or holding your hand in the back of the group. when no one's looking she's winking your way, sending butterflies flurrying in your stomach. or she's pulling you in from your waist, quickly planting a kiss on your cheek before everyone looks back at her. while she's completely unfazed, you're a smiley mess trying to keep up a poker face. she apologizes in private making sure to give you all the hugs and cuddles you two missed out on.
and you can’t stay mad at her when she’s kissing you all over, promising so many cute picnics and lunch dates soon.
“you know i don’t mean to embarrass you! it’s just so difficult not to tease you,”
“maki, can you at least try? you’re killing me!”
“sooner or later they’ll find out our sweet and innocent (y/n) is with me.”
“i’d rather tell them than have them catch us kissing,”
“hmm, then should we tell them before that happens, don’t you think?”
GOJO* is surprised he hasn’t screamed from the roof tops that he’s dating you. if you hadn’t asked for your relationship to be private he would’ve already blabbed all about it. since this man can’t help but blab on and on, you’ve kept him on a tight leash. but he does have a habit of bringing you up on multiple occasions, even if the conversation has nothing to do with you. it’s always the “i wonder what (y/n)’s doing right now,” or “(y/n) would find that really cute, maybe i should get it?” or the “just wait till, (y/n) sees/hears this.” he can barely contain it, you’re all that’s on his mind 25/8. and of course his students hate when you’re not there because that’s when he talks about you the most. they all think he has a big, fat, one-sided crush on you with how much he gushed over you, with or without you present. and when you’re around you try to act as indifferent as you can when gojo openly flirts with you — even after multiple occasions when you told him not to. but even then you do let a few of his jeers and compliments get to your heart, your warm face and stutters making his chest fill with pride. although you say no, you know deep down you love the small gestures he displays and cute compliments his students quote. but if it wasn’t for the “no touching rule” you set — that of which he absolutely despised, he would’ve gave everything away with how touchy he is with you. with his lack of space, the secret relationship would be as transparent as glass.
and one day when he finally has you to himself in an empty classroom, itadori just had to walk in on him and you making out. although, gojo didn’t fret too much because now he could finally be open with his never ending affections for you.
“so, can i hug you in public?”
“pretty sure i said no touching, toru,”
“not even a hug? then can i call you nicknames? like swee—,”
“if they start with sweet and end with kikufiku, then no,”
“damn… that’s my only one,”
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urmelodysblog · 9 months
Enhypen Hyung-line kinks
Genre: Smut
This contain talk about sexual intercourse, dacryphilia, cnc, somnophilia, and a lot of other kinks.
I'm thinking about writing a hc for the listed kink. So think of it as a brainstorm sheet as well.
Katoptronphilia (Mirror sex)
Breeding kink
Size kink
Breathe Play
Praise kink
Dacryphilia (crying)
Katoptronphilia (mirror sex)
Dirty Talk
Praise kink
Public/risky sex
Size kink
Dacryphilia (receiving)
Switch (takes a lot of effort to make him ur sub, he's definitely a bratty sub. As well as a hard Dom)
Orgasm Denial
Over stimulating
Somnophilia (sleeping, giving and receiving)
Degrading (giving)
Breeding kink
Dacryphilia (crying, giving)
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justabooknerdposts · 5 months
hey, could you make one of estelle finding out that percy and annabeth are demigods? thank u so much i love your works <3
*Okay, I kind of struggled with this one because I don’t feel like they’d hide it from her.  I feel like it would be one of those things she’s always known.  So, after a lot of thinking, I finally came up with this.  Hope you enjoy!* Also, reminder, still closed to prompts, just catching up on a few old ones I hadn't gotten to yet.*
It happened during spring break of his freshman year of college.  Percy had come home to New York, catching a ride with Hazel on Arion, since she was visiting Camp Half-Blood as part of the two camps’ exchange program.  Hazel was going to be spending a week at the Greek camp and Malcolm Pace was going to be at Camp Jupiter for a week.  Annabeth had stayed in New Rome to work on a project for one of her architecture classes and to hang out with her demigod brother, who she hadn’t seen in a while.  Percy had to admit he could understand the appeal, since the main reason he’d wanted to go to New York for a week was to hang out with Estelle.
His one-year-old sister was thrilled to see him.  She squealed, patted his face, grabbed his nose, tugged on his ears and hair, and slobbered all over his cheeks and chin in an attempt to give him kisses.  Basically, it was an awesome greeting.
The next day, he volunteered to take Estelle to a nearby park, to give his mom and Paul a break.  The first part was fun.  He pushed Estelle on the swing, grinning back at her when she gave him a drooly, three-toothed smile, her chubby legs kicking excitedly.  Then he sat her on his lap to go down the slide.  Estelle squealed so loudly that at first he was afraid she was scared, but then he realized she was laughing. 
So they went down the slide about seven more times.
Everything was going well.  Percy was having a great day with his baby sister.  Even the weather was cooperating; it was a sunny, warm, early spring day, the trees just starting to be touched by green.
And then, as they turned the corner a few blocks from their apartment, Percy pushing Estelle in her stroller, he froze.
Skulking in an alleyway, flexing their muscles, were two Laistrygonian ogres.  For one moment, Percy thought maybe he could slowly back away unseen.
And then their eyes fell on him.  One glared, one grinned, and both pushed away from the alley wall and started moving towards him.
Percy cursed in his head, even as he reached for Riptide and, in the same move, stepped in front of Estelle in her stroller.
“Hey, guys,” Percy said, trying to keep his voice casual even as he palmed Riptide, still in pen form.  “How’s it going?”
“Better now, Perseus Jackson,” one of the Laistrygonians rumbled.  “Babycakes and I have been hoping you would reappear.”
Percy cursed out loud this time as he realized it was one of the ogres who had attacked him years ago during gym class.  And, apparently, the monster’s girlfriend, who was still glaring at Percy.
“Do you know how annoying it was to have to wait for Joe Bob to reform?” Babycakes crossed her meaty arms, which were tattooed as thoroughly as her boyfriend’s.
“Probably really annoying,” Percy agreed.  “Sorry about that.  Anyway, great to see you all again, I’ll just be on my way—”
“I don’t think so, Perseus Jackson.”  Joe Bob grinned, showing his crooked, stained teeth.  “We were just trying to decide what to do for lunch.  And then here you are.”
“And you brought a baby,” Babycakes cooed.  “I love babies.”
Percy’s skin crawled.  His own voice came out like a growl.  “No one touches my sister.”
The Laistrygonians laughed and prepared to charge.  They never got the chance.  The moment they threatened Estelle, rage rose like a red hot wave in Percy’s chest.  With a metallic shink, Riptide appeared in his hands.  He leapt forward and, in two swift swipes, he dispatched the giants.  They barely had time to look surprised before bursting into piles of monster dust.
“Enjoy Tartarus,” Percy muttered.  It wasn’t something he’d normally say, after having been there himself, but he didn’t have any sympathy for monsters that threatened his sister.
Behind him, Estelle gurgled.  Percy turned to look at her, Riptide still in his hands.  Estelle was smiling and drooling as she chewed on her hand.  When she saw him looking at her, she squealed happily and held out her arms.  Percy scanned the street, but when he didn’t see any additional threats, he capped his sword, slipped the pen back in his pocket, and reached down to unbuckle Estelle from her stroller.  His hands were shaking when he picked her up.  She didn’t seem to notice.  Instead, she babbled and patted his face.  Percy managed a smile.  “Come on, Estelle.  Let’s get home before we run into any other problems.”
His mom and Paul were still out when Percy and Estelle got home.  His little sister started to whine as soon as they got in the door, so after Percy had shut, and locked, it, he bounced her on his hip, which she usually liked.  But Estelle wasn’t having it right now.  So Percy changed his hold until he was cradling her against his shoulder.  Estelle nuzzled her face against his shoulder and one small hand gripped his shirt as she continued to whine.  Percy patted her back, then, cuddling her against his chest, headed to the kitchen to make her a bottle.
After she fell asleep while drinking her bottle, Percy stayed on the couch, just holding her for a while.  Even though he’d dispatched the monsters easily enough, the fact remained that, just for a minute, his baby sister, his fully mortal baby sister, had been in danger.  Because of him.  And that wasn’t a good feeling.
Finally, Percy stood up, Estelle fast asleep in his arms, and carried her to her crib.  Giving her a featherlight kiss on the forehead, he laid her down and tucked her in.  Then he headed across the hall to the bathroom and closed the door.  Sitting on the edge of the tub, he turned on the shower and used his powers to arc the water, letting it catch the rays of late afternoon sunlight coming through the window, creating a rainbow.  Tossing in a drachma, he said, “Oh Iris, goddess of the rainbow, accept my offering.  Show me Annabeth Chase at New Rome University.” 
The rainbow shimmered.  A few moments later, Annabeth appeared.  Luckily, she was alone, sitting at her desk in her dorm room, absorbed in sketching.  The sunlight coming through the window made her blonde hair glow.  Percy watched her for a moment, already feeling a little better.  But finally, when she didn’t look up, he said, “Hey.”
Annabeth jumped.  When she saw him, though, an easy smile crossed her face.  “Hey, Seaweed Brain.”  The smile faded, though, as she studied his face.  “What’s wrong?”
“Had a little bit of a run-in with some Laistrygonians.”  He told Annabeth about what had happened, how he’d been on his way back from the park with Estelle, how the monsters had surprised him, how he’d dispatched them with no problem, but how he couldn’t get rid of the sick feeling in his stomach quite as easily.
“I just—” Percy ran a shaky hand over his face and through his hair, “I just can’t get past the fact that Estelle was in danger because she was with me.”
Annabeth tilted her head, as if thinking.  Her gray eyes were intense as she’d listened to his story, but now they softened as she said, “I have a slightly different take on it.  I’d say Estelle was never really in danger because she was with you.”
Percy shook his head.  “That sounds good, but it’s not true.  If they’d gotten the jump on me or something—”
“Percy.”  Annabeth’s voice was a little more stern.  She leaned forward on her desk, closer to the I-M.  “You once blew up a volcano.  Not to mention lots of plumbing over the years.  You don’t think you could blow up a New York City water main to wipe out some monsters if Estelle was in danger?”
Percy took a leaf out of her book and rolled his eyes.  “Well, yeah, probably, but that’s not—”
“That’s exactly the point, Seaweed Brain.”  Annabeth’s expression was earnest as she locked eyes with him.  “I’m not letting you beat yourself up about this one.  Could something potentially happen to Estelle that would be absolutely out of your control?  Yes, possibly.  But would you do literally everything in your power to keep her safe?  Absolutely.  And you have a lot of power to call on, Percy.  More than you even recognize sometimes.  Your little sister is as safe with you as she’s going to be with anybody.  Trust me.  I know you.”
Percy blinked hard and cleared his throat.  “Okay.”
“Yeah, okay.”  He managed a smile at his girlfriend.  “I believe you.”
“Good.”  Annabeth returned his smile.  “I am sorry that happened, though.  It sounds like a scary moment.”
“It did scare me,” Percy admitted, running his hand through his hair again.  He exhaled.  “Just more to lose, you know?”
“I know.”  Annabeth raised her hand, just barely touching the Iris-message, so that it looked like her fingers were melting into the rainbow.  Percy raised his hand to hers and it almost seemed like their palms were touching, even three thousand miles apart.
Naturally, Estelle chose that moment to start fussing from her crib across the hall. 
“Uh-oh,” Percy said.  “That might be my cue.”
“Give her a kiss for me.  I love you.”  Annabeth blew him a kiss.  “Enjoy your visit, babe.  It’s going to be okay.”
“Thanks, Wise Girl.  Love you, too.”
Percy did feel better, even as he swiped through the I-M and Annabeth’s image faded.  He turned off the shower, then headed across the hall to Estelle’s room.  She was standing up in her crib, hair nap-mussed, whining around her pacifier.  But when she saw him, her entire tiny face lit up and her pacifier nearly fell out as she smiled.  Percy felt a pang in his chest, but it wasn’t a bad feeling. 
“Hey, Estelle,” he said as he crossed the room to scoop her up.  “Good nap?”
She burbled happily to him and Percy couldn’t help grinning.
He kissed one of her chubby cheeks.  “That one’s from Annabeth.”  Then he kissed the other.  “And that’s from me.  I love you, Estelle.  And I’m always going to protect you.  Don’t worry about that.”
His baby sister tugged on his ear and squealed.  Percy figured she got the message. 
“Let’s check out the kitchen,” he told her.  “I think there’s a jar of mashed carrots with your name on it.”
He kissed the top of her head as he carried her down the hall.  Annabeth was right, he couldn’t totally control every situation.  But he would always do everything in his power to keep his little sister safe.
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dumplingsjinson · 7 months
List of “mix of random dialogue and non-dialogue, smut and non-smut” prompts
“I’m a mess because of you.” “You’re my mess.” “I’m… I’m your mess.” (FUCKING HELLO BITCH DO NOT- WLKFNFKLN I’ll get on my knees for you, my love—)
“That’s my baby girl/baby boy.” (Can he just— HEWOQKNFWKELNF) 
“You look so hot like that.”
“God, you turn me on so much.”
“Fuck, I’m gonna come—” Character B whimpers, hips bucking into Character A’s. “Mm, yeah? Then come for me,” Character A murmurs, stroking their fingers through Character B’s hair. (The noises he made as he came undone were SO FUCKING HOT BYE. those WHIMPERS?? FUCKING DELICIOUSSSSS LET ME HEAR MORE OF THEM, I BEG- ALSO WHO KNEW I HAD IT IN ME TO SAY THAT TO SOMEONE LMFAO, “then come for me” WQBHRELWJKNEWF BITCH. GET OUTTT-)
Those sweet little noises Character B tries so hard to suppress but is unable to as they come undone.
“I’m such a fucking wreck right now…”
“I love you so much,” Character B murmurs, hugging Character A closer to them. (🥹🥹🥹 HE SAID IT HE SAID IT HE SAID ITTT 😭 He’s said it over text before but now it’s in person and I’m actually gonna WEEP EWKLNFWEEFN)
“I love you for you, and I’m going to continue to love you. I’ll always love and support you no matter what,” Character B reassures after Character A spills out their anxieties and worries to them about a situation they’ve been so, so scared to tell them about; scared of how Character B would react. (…I’m just going to say I love this man so much.) 
“When I first met you, I didn’t know you were like this,” Character A murmurs, slowly grinding their hips down against Character B’s. Character B grins up at them, hands wrapped around their thighs, squeezing gently. “Yeah, and I didn’t know I was like this, either. And I thought you were shy when I first met you... Now look at you, huh?” 
Character A not knowing how sensitive their breasts are until Character B pays full attention to them with their mouth. (…I WILL NOT SAY ANYTHING ELSE BUT FUCK YES—) 
Character A tearing up as they try to be vulnerable with Character B, and Character B reassuring them by telling them they can take their time and it’s okay if they can’t say it right now; that they can say it when they’re ready. 
“I don’t think I’ve ever been so enamoured by someone,” Character A murmurs, caressing Character B’s face. (I’M A POETIC SIMP, WHAT CAN I SAY—) 
“Fuck, why are you— Mmh— why are you doing this to me?”
“We can take things as slow as you want. I want you to be comfortable, and as long as you’re happy, then I’m happy.”  (PLEASE WJDJJS IM CRYING AHH, how’d I get someone so sweet sjkdms)
“We can rent a hotel somewhere… You can be as loud as you want then, hm?” (HE’S JUST FUCKING OUT HERE, YOUR HONOUR!!) 
“Fuck me,” Character A whimpers as Character B’s hips picks up with speed. “I could if you wanted me to,” Character B grunts. (SIR- FUCK OFF ISTFGGG)
Character B placing their hand on Character A’s thigh while they’re sitting down.
Character B wrapping their arm around Character A’s shoulders and pulling them closer to them, letting Character A rest their head on their shoulder.
Character B leaning in for a kiss and Character A shyly leaning in to give them a quick peck on the lips. 
“Whatever I do, I’ll always be adorable to you, won’t I? Even if I do the most heinous shit known to mankind—” “Yes. Yes, you’ll always be adorable to me.” 
“You sure you don’t wanna close the blinds? People outside could see us…” “Trust me, they won’t.” (this FUCKING GUY, but I guess he wasn’t wrong after I took a closer look at the blinds—) 
“You’re enjoying yourself up there, aren’t you?” Character B teases, watching through hooded lids as Character A rides them while clothed. “Does it look like I am?” Character A questions, breathless. 
“You just… You make me happy.” (YOU DO TOO, MY LOVE <333) 
“You’ve always been so caring and supportive of me so I don’t know why I doubted you… I’m sorry.” 
Character A being ticklish on their neck whenever Character B plants soft feather like kisses there, so Character B plants even more soft kisses there, turning Character A into a giggling mess. 
Kisses on the eyelids. (The softest shit EVER)
“Didn’t realise your objective was to get into my pants all this time,” Character B teases, and Character A rolls their eyes, a breathless laugh leaving them. “You know that’s not true. I think you’re the one who has the objective of getting into my pants,” Character A throws back. Character B shakes their head with a chuckle. “That’s not true.”
“How are we gonna manage being away from each other for a whole month?” Character A murmurs softly. “Mmmh, we’ll somehow manage,” Character B reassures, stroking their fingers through Character A’s hair.
“How are you going to manage without this for a whole month?” Character B questions as Character A grinds down on them. “I don’t think I fucking will is the thing,” Character A admits, unabashedly.
Character B moving Character A’s hair out of their face to plant gentle kisses on their face.
Character B laying their head on Character A’s stomach and Character A fondly saying to them, “You’re such a baby,” while carding their fingers through their hair.
Character B snuggling up next to Character A, post-orgasm. (SIRRRR- PEHFLKEWNELKWNF) 
Character A moaning Character B’s name and Character B losing their self-restraint over it. (Maybe I did it on purpose to turn him on—)  
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kazumahashimoto · 9 months
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are you zack? the puppy?
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