#friends short quotes
sxphr · 3 months
Enid, shocked: WHAT ARE YOU DOING?
Wednesday: Watching a video?
Wednesday: ...Yes.
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sea-owl · 30 days
Spouses Friend Group out at a fair
Penelope, shortest of the group: Guys if you don't slow the fuck down we're gonna kick your kneecaps in!
Lucy, second shortest of the group: We got tiny legs and frozen margaritas!
Simon and Michael: *loops back around, hands the shorties their own frozen margaritas, picks them up, and runs back to the rest of the group*
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pyrish-art · 5 months
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Finally “finished” this piece lol the saltburn brain rot has fully consumed me at this point. I love them both so much.
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Remus: I'm going to order a leather jacket to steal Sirius's identity.
Sirius: I could never be replaced.
Remus: yeah, can't grow any taller either *smirks*
Sirius: you can't keep using height to win arguments *rolls eyes*
Remus: I'm sorry what? I can't hear you from down there.
Remus, leans down: can you say that again?
Sirius:...fuck you
Remus: you already are *smirks*
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words-never-spoken · 14 days
life is fragile
like a butterfly
the smallest flame
and the wings alight
just one moment
and the grieving begins
all the people you never knew
"lost a friend"
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naneki-maid · 2 months
You are so young, so much before all beginning, and I would like to beg you, dear Sir, as well as I can, to have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don’t search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer.
Letters to a Young Poet (1929) by Rainer Maria Rilke
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dallonwrites · 2 months
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Lover Boy But It's The Camp Nano Intro?
Sometimes Beau thinks his heart must be made out of the most fragile, feebly tissue paper – the dainty pink stuff pushed into the bottom of a Valentines giftbag, the biodegradable kind that immediately crumbles when it’s met with water or trash compost or an uncaring hand. But it’s not his fault he’s a hopeless romantic.
genre: adult litfic
setting: san francisco, 1980s
deals with: grief and loss, queer history + the AIDS crisis, sex and the body, terminal illness and caretaking, being a hopeless romantic but like for all kinds of love, platonic love, friendship when one of them is ill and knows they will likely die, disability and how caretaking can reshape dynamics
summary: It's about love, babey! Beau tries to navigate all the different types of love in his life -- romantic, sexual, platonic, familial, communal, self -- as he leans into relationships, even the unhealthy ones, to try to cope with the death of his best friend Bobby, who Beau took care of whilst he was sick for two years. Told with a dual timeline showing those two years as Beau processes it. It's about being messy and confused and trying to understand how to move forward when the biggest part of your life is now gone. It's about being in love with your best friend but like platonically and also your best friend is dead. It's about queer sex and grief and caretaking and the AIDS crisis. Beau is also obsessed with horror movies and is definitely autistic but doesn't know it. Bobby loved volcanoes and mountains, acrylic painting, David Cronenberg movies and also The Muppets (his fave was Gonzo btw). If you want to know more I have a more detailed WIP intro and also the tag where I post way too long excerpts!
status: 16,391 words into the first draft, but that's been writing whenever/whatever I want rather than a consistent routine
my goal?: get a consistent drafting routine LOL. Word count wise I'd like 15k to basically double it, but we will see! Would love to write everyday at least though.
I haven't done taglists in a while buuuut if people are doing camp nano taglists? That could be fun? This story is so sad but sometimes it is so silly and fun. If you like stories where the grief and joy hold hands then this might be for you !!
What Beau remembers: The quiet when, for a long moment, Bobby didn’t speak. Then, a whisper. “Today wasn’t the day.” And Beau understood what he meant, a painful but deep knowing -- how they still weren't ready, whenever they talked about it, to say the word die. “No, today wasn’t the day.” Bobby, quieter. “And tomorrow. Tomorrow won’t be the day either.” “I don’t think it will.” Beau thinks, at this moment, that he kissed the top of Bobby’s head, or he whispered one into his hair, pressed his cheek into it. At least, that’s how he remembers, or how he wants to. “I don’t think it will be the day for a while.” What Beau remembers: Bobby, still quiet, his breathing slowed. But still awake. How he moved closer, and Beau held him tighter. Sometimes Beau believed that if he just held onto Bobby tighter it would somehow lengthen the time between now and the day, that the universe would sense their closeness and not dare to sever it. All if Beau just held him closer, heartbeat to heartbeat. It was so dark in the room, the moonlight a thin sheet behind the curtains; just them and their bodies, their breaths. And he thinks he remembers Bobby smiling, that he felt it or even sensed it, the presence of something happy, something that, for a moment, let itself be hopeful. “Your heartbeat is so relaxing,” he said. “I love that you sleep like Dracula.”
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humanmorph · 1 year
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Day 5 - Waking Up
My favorite sentence is: "The day she knew she was very old, she was suddenly filled with happiness that years ago, she had gotten that tattoo of a -
shoutout to Figure A forever <3 i was so so happy to see them show back up in pzn my favourite minor npc previously only featured in 10 minutes of one episode
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sun-stricken · 1 month
Hello! On the 19th of December 2023 you said in a tag that you ought to make a gray and gajeel hc list. I’m here to also ask you for that because you have a lot of wonderful headcanons and yeah <3
(also sorry for coming across as demanding or rude or anything, you seem very cool and tbh I’m interested in your ideas just sorta in general, idk how exactly to express that while also kinda asking for something so. Apologies for that, and no pressure to respond to this)
ngl u scared me by pulling out reciepts
thus literally took two months and its so short and i have my excuses but please just take it
the post they and i refrence is this one (i think)
* their friendship goes from cordial to feral in two seconds
* They work fairy decent together, but they prefer to do their own thing if they get paired for smth
* Fairy Tail has a very mutual distaste fpr the magic council, after the guild finally got back together (after Gray and Gajeel stopped ‘working ‘ for avatar and the council respectively), Gray would often tease him by treating him as if Gajeel still was with the council
* “Oh shit!! Move its the opps!” “you think ur so fuckin funny, dont you” “i dont know what youre talking about, sir officer sir”
* Gray yells at Gajeel and Levy to get a room anytime they do absolutely anything with each other
* Slayers (dragon, god, demon, etc) always grow fangs and watching it happen is like watching a baby teething, but it usually happens early on (within a few years of learning) so one of ft first times witnessing it was Gray (and Laxus but this aint abt him)
* He would grind his teeth or bite various items bc the pressure felt good
* but yk what wasnt good?? the fucking sound, also it was damaging his teeth
* so Gajeel, the generous soul he clearly is, let him bite his arm so he would stop
* it worked, Gray did stop grinding his teeth but the sound was no better, and now Gajeel is constantly cold and gets no personal space at the guild for weeks
* They agree with each other and have a fair amount of the same hobbies and interests (and shops they go to) and it both pisses them off and weirds them out to no end (“is this guy stalking me rn?? wtf is going ON”)
* They originally bonded over their mutual rivalry with Natsu
* “what a dumbass” “im gonna punch him” *sound of friendship forming*
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nikitaagupta · 1 month
I remember I used to write poetry. Not good poems, not bad ones.
I remember I used to write poetry. Not about me but about you.
I remember I used to write poetry. Not willingly but compliantly.
I remember I used to write poetry. Now I look at your pictures and read my poems, wondering why did I ever write poetry.
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breeistired · 1 month
"Calling you by the devils daughter. You scream and fight. I'm not like him. But you know deep down The blood you bleed is his”
-Bree Murillo
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raayllum · 11 months
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Rayla felt a great many things, and all of them hurt. She thought of the Silvergrove. Ethari at his workbench, metal marvels at his fingertips. Mushcup and moonberry surprise. And beyond the Border, a warm castle, and a mage—
—but Redfeather peered at her, waiting for an answer.
Rayla made herself strong. “I’m looking for a dark mage.”
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poet4days · 4 months
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words-never-spoken · 8 days
are you okay?
are you okay?
are you okay?
how are you?
what's wrong?
my mouth opens
repeated words slip off my tongue
the same questions
the same answers
no, no, no
i'm here for you i say
and wonder in my head
if i'm here in heart or in vain
and who's there to ask me if i'm okay?
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solacepoems · 9 months
And I count with my fingers
All the ways you
Deserved to be loved,
But never felt.
And under my breath I make
a silent oath,
To love you enough that you
forget there was a time you craved for it,
With bloody fingers
tried to scrap pieces of it in your childhood.
- siblings born from the constellations, by Solace
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clotpolesonly · 3 months
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Dream Thieves ch 42 // Dream Thieves ch 42 // Blue Lily, Lily Blue ch 38
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