#from the sally green books half bad
captain-cold-approved · 3 months
currently writing a coffee shop au and a slightly more angsty 5 + 1 fic (which is a format I've never done before) in an elaborate way to avoid doing homework.
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nathan-moth · 2 years
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disneynerdpumpkin · 5 months
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Descendants OC time! (so far anyway lol)
(Keep in mind that their profiles aren't entirely finished; some of them I haven't fully developed yet, but this is them in general)
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Penelope (daughter of Pinocchio) Penelope always smells of wood and paint, and always has fresh sawdust on her apron from carving; she is very artsy and loves sketching and painting, as well as reading books. (Her grandfather Geppetto taught her how to carve when she was younger, and now she loves creating and making things.)
She is much like her father (happy-go-lucky, etc), but she is also mature for her age. She is 14 years old.
She is also a dancer (mainly dances ballet and contemporary).
Her nickname is Ellie, and her favorite snack is warm cinnamon rolls.
Penelope Pinterest aesthetic board: https://pin.it/16pKoxC
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Sophie (daughter of Stromboli) Sophie is a dancer and a gymnast, and loves performing. Like her father, she has a bit of a temper when she gets angry (but not as much).
She loves listening to music, and she loves wearing blouses. She is 14 years old.
Sophie Pinterest aesthetic board: https://pin.it/7s02Kxm
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Chrissy (daughter of the Coachman) Chrissy and her father are almost polar opposites. She owns a small whip that her father has gifted her, she has vowed to herself never to use it to beat animals (she loves animals and would never treat them cruelly); she only uses it to practice whip-cracking tricks. Her eyes sometimes flash green when she's angry.
She is 15 years old.
Chrissy loves animals; she has taken in a baby donkey, which she has named Posy. (the Coachman was going to leave Posy to die, as he didn't need any more donkeys at the moment; Chrissy started to care for her)
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(Chrissy w/green eyes) ↑
Chrissy Pinterest aesthetic board: https://pin.it/7rClPo2
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Evelyn (daughter of The Blue Fairy) Evelyn is half-fairy, half-human. She is a rebel, and very sarcastic. She provides the dark humor in her friend group. Evelyn is very kind and supportive of her friends, despite being sarcastic. Despite magic not being used in Auradon, she uses her magic often; using her wand made from sapphire.
She is 16 years old, and loves black leather clothing (she thinks they make her look tough and cool); she also loves chocolate
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Evelyn w/wings ↑
Evelyn Pinterest aesthetic board: https://pin.it/1TNx96G
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Petunia (daughter of Lampwick -and Tiger Lily-) Requested/inspired by @casinotrio1965 (shared OC)
Petunia is the young daughter of Lampwick and Tiger Lily. She loves playing pool (and even has a custom billiards cue stick that her father bought for her) and is really good at it. She loves comfy clothes, and her favorite drink is warm ginger tea with honey and lemon.
Petunia's favorite color is lavender, and her second favorite color is green. She loves floral scented candles. (I apologize, I could only find a darker lavender in Gacha and not a lighter one lol)
She also does a bit of yoga as a way to relax and to keep in shape.
She is 14 years old.
Petunia Pinterest aesthetic board: https://pin.it/26PUsAF
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Madelyn Hatter (daughter of the Mad Hatter) Everyone calls her Maddy/Maddie for short. Much like her father, she loves unbirthday celebrations and tea parties, and she's a child at heart. She loves to make her friends smile and help them out on their bad days. Maddy loves peach tea (especially iced teas), and her favorite snacks are jammie dodgers.
Maddy is 15 years old.
In her free time she sometimes likes to practice magic tricks (like card tricks); she's not very good at it though, but she tries anyway.
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Maddy w/ her glasses ↑
Maddy Pinterest aesthetic board: https://pin.it/5eKcSLR
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Sabrina Skellington (daughter of Jack and Sally Skellington) Sabrina loves practicing scaring tactics; her father teaches her scaring tactics and strategies. She's very confident, and often has her hair tied back in some way, shape, or form.
Her favorite candy is candy canes; she also has pyrokinesis (like her father). She loves Christmas, and it's her favorite holiday.
Sabrina is 15 years old.
Sabrina Pinterest aesthetic board: https://pin.it/3PZe4mn
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Jacqueline Skellington (daughter of Jack and Sally Skellington) Jackie for short. She is introverted; she is a writer and loves to sketch, and loves reading. Like her mother, Jackie is a very talented seamstress and loves to sew. She also loves to make teas and potions.
She is 15 years old.
She loves wearing sweaters, and occasionally listening to relaxing ASMR.
She totally isn't Sandy Claw's favorite among Jack's kids
Jackie Pinterest aesthetic board: https://pin.it/5kDdJa5
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Sterling Skellington (son of Jack and Sally Skellington) Sterling is 16 years old, and he is on the tourney team at Auradon Prep. He loves modeling men's clothing that Jackie sews (he especially loves the patchwork jacket he received as a Christmas present one year).
Sterling also loves playing some video games, and enjoys attempting to teach Zero new tricks.
Sterling Pinterest aesthetic board: https://pin.it/Di0FV4N
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Bella (daughter of Oogie Boogie) Bella is crazy about anything neon/glow-in-the-dark; like her father, she loves gambling games and risk. (Her favorite game is dominoes)
She loves jazz music, and is a jazz dancer; she loves listening and dancing to show tunes. She also does some theater.
Oogie Boogie has gifted her a pair of dice.
Bella is 15 years old, and is a humanoid with burlap skin (but not filled with bugs, like her father is). Sometimes her friends call her Boogie Boogie.
Bella Pinterest aesthetic board: https://pin.it/MyQTE3p
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Princeton Hoffman (son of Captain Phillip Hoffman/The Nutcracker and Clara Stahlbaum) He is a ballet dancer, and is on the tourney team; he is very strong physically, and athletic. Once Princeton becomes close friends with someone, he becomes very protective of them.
His favorite season is winter; he thinks it's very beautiful and no matter how old he gets, he loves to play in it.
Princeton is 15 years old.
Princeton Pinterest aesthetic board: https://pin.it/7hrtU6e
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heartmush · 1 year
i really admire your writing!!! i wanted to know if you have any book or story recommendations :D thank you!!!
thank you so much!! ;__; writing is an incredibly important part of my life (as well as my creative process), so i really appreciate the compliment.
here are some of my favorite short stories:
Prime by Caoilinn Hughes
Wolf Alice by Angela Carter
Funny Little Snake by Tessa Hadley
Onion by Caitlin R. Kiernan
annnd some favorite books:
House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski
Half Bad (from the Half Bad Trilogy) by Sally Green
Frankissstein: A Love Story by Jeanette Winterson
literally show me a healthy person by Darcie Wilder
please be warned that these stories contain heavy and/or potentially triggering topics, so approach with care. i have listed the triggers (that i can remember) under the read more. please note that these content warnings may also contain spoilers for the story.
It's been a while since I've read these stories, so most of these trigger warnings are from sources I found online— take them with a pinch of salt, and take care of yourself as well.
Prime: implied parental abuse, child death, insect mentions (crushing a wasp/being stung)
Wolf Alice: parental death, descriptive gore, description of character's first period
Onion: xenophobic remarks, fatphobic comments, anorexia/ED mention
House of Leaves: animal death (graphic death of a dog), adultery, unreality, rape, incest, sexual abuse, alcoholism, child abuse, agoraphobia, suicide, family death, gun violence, stalking
Half Bad: graphic descriptions of torture, violence, and physical abuse, much of which is directed at or perpetrated by children
Frankissstein: sexual assault, rape, transphobia and trans misogyny, animal cruelty/death, miscarriages
literally show me a healthy person: suicidal thoughts, suicide, parental death, self harm, sexual assault, domestic abuse, terminal illness, drug use, alcoholism
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kierancampire · 6 months
Percy Jackson and The Olympians spoiler for the show/book:
Episode 1:
So I really liked how they began it how the book opened, that was a really nice touch!
I also really liked how we saw Percy growing up and seeing things, focusing in the mechanical rhino was a nice set up for the second book. I also enjoyed how you saw the subtle training, like from Grover with the cards.
Speaking of Grover though, now, I won't focus too heavily on differences from the book and show, as I know there needs to be differences, but a huge part of Grover is his legs/walking difficulties, so Grover walking fine in shorts? I disliked that.
Another thing I disliked was Mrs. Dodds, she didn't take Percy somewhere private, Chiron just gave Percy Riptide, and Percy didn't have this awakening battle with her, it was just played off as an accident.
Two other character changes I disliked were Gabe and Sally. Gabe is no where near as bad, he is kinda timid, Percy isn't shown to be scared of him, he is way too accommodating, and kinda the main point of his character that is crucial to him, his smell, isn't noted at all. Then yes, Sally. She was just off the whole time. She shows herself being vulnerable in front of Percy, something she never does, she stands up to Gabe and back chats him, she gets angry, also she is way too open and transparent when her whole point is trying to keep everything secret to protect Percy, her character was just off.
30 minutes was way too short. They have to cram so much exposition and such into the episode, at one point they explain like 6 things back to back! I thought it coulda been paced out. Which to combine two points, Sally tells Percy everything, which again, she doesn't want to do, but also this means Percy sorta discovers nothing in Camp Half-Blood which ruins why that place was so incredible, I also think it woulda helped the first episode being less expo heavy having Percy discover everything at the camp.
Last thing I wanna say is Sally really wasn't that sad about losing Percy. Like she eventually gets choked up, but in the book, it clearly explains why Sally kept Percy, why she kept everything secret, and why she doesn't want him going to Camp Half-Blood. But until the final moment she shows almost no sadness about losing Percy, and there's just nothing to show her keeping everything a secret or wanting to be selfish in keeping Percy.
Episode 2:
So I really liked the detail of the beaded necklaces! That was a nice touch, the show was full of small details like that, like Luke's scar and such!
Another thing I like is the series includes Clarisse! It is so nice seeing her character unlike in the movie!
I really did not like Luke telling Percy about Thalia/Annabeth. In the book this is a huge thing and a huge mystery, also, nobody wants to talk about it as it hurts too much, but in the show Luke just says it all. I did notice this generally, all these quietly painful moments don't exist, the show just screams everything and takes away all the characters pains.
I love that they included Annabeth's hat! Again, vital thing that is nice to see included this time!
So, eh, I wanna word this carefully. I do not care at all that they changed the characters, as long as they have the personality and the relationship, who cares. However, one thing I found lacking was the lack of the Gods in the kids. In the book, it's sort of a big thing that they all share similar traits, so not only does this help you/Percy identify characters, but it shows who is related and how to separate characters. But in the show, they've just done nothing to the characters, so you have no idea who is who or what God they belong to, I kinda wish Annabeth's eyes were grey, or that Hermes' kids have upturned eye brows, or that Percy's eyes were green. They are meant to have a single same parent, biology dictates genes, I wish there was more shown to connect them to their parents and each other.
I really like the detail of Clarisse's electric spear, and the fact she made the comment about losing dessert privelages!
Another change I disliked is Percy discovering his power. Again, throughout the book there are SSSSOOOO many things hinting towards Poseidon, and one of those things is Percy being drawn to the water, being drawn to his dad. So the fact he has no intention of going near the water, noticing he is stronger in the water, and Annabeth just pushes him in it? Poseidon proudly claims him after he uses the water to show his power! It just was lacking.
Then the final thing I quite disliked, Grover telling Percy about his mum. Again, a huge secret pain is that Percy keeps it hidden the reason he accepts the quest is to save his mum, as he thinks he can get her from the Underworld. So needing to be told he can get her, that she isn't dead, and Grover tells him this? Again, they took a quiet pain and just screamed it.
There were other things like Percy having Riptide, Mr. D sorta solely being played for laughs and not showing his power/danger. Like, there were other changes that bothered me but again, I accept the show can't be entirely faithful, but the ones I mentioned just bothered me a lot more. I think the art style of the credits is super cool, I love the characters are more age appropriate, I know Rick likes this a lot more and is more involved, and there were positives. I just, yeah, wished pacing and dumbing down were different. The minotaur looked cool
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amysgiantbees · 11 days
Watching the first episode of Half Bad again and I saw people discussing how the book was even darker (I've read it, but I don't really remember it). It just kind of blows my mind that Nathan suffers more in the book. I wonder if I was to read it again if it would come off torture porn ish or insensitive, especially since Sally Green is a white woman. I feel like Nathan already doesn't have time to properly deal with the amount of harm he suffers in the show or deal with his trauma, let alone whatever happens in the book.
Like, in just the first episode it's revealed:
His mother is dead. Father is on the run and a terrorist. He never got to really know either of them.
His half-sister blames him for his mother's death. To the point of touture and nearly manslaughter.
He has an agent of the state once a month drill into him that he's a ticking time bomb and cut him without his consent.
His gran loves him at least but clearly seems to have bias against blood witches despite being more open minded. She also seems to favour everyone getting along at home than really disciplining Jessica for antagonizing Nathan. Which is particularly fucked since not only is what Jessica says meant to hurt him deeply, not random taunts, but he has to always tolerate what she does. Which is a lot of discipline for anyone, especially a teenager. Despite him being the youngest it feels very "older sibling". How a caregiver would rather punish you for rising to the bait because it's easier than stopping the younger child from antagonizing you in the first place.
Jessica not only bullies him at home but won't leave him alone elsewhere. Besides the violence she does, even just her crashing his friend's party. WTF, leave him alone for five minutes.
The state is forcing this "good behaivour" onto him as his punishment for being born and the price of them allowing his limited freedom. But it's a ticking time bomb. Even if he'd never retaliated, once he was officially a blood witch, he still would have likely been killed, imprisoned, forced to be a hunter, expelled from the country, or have continued to have been monitored for the rest of his life. That's no future.
Also, the way the state treats him like he's more adult than people his age (which can be seen as a metaphor for him being black). How they expect him not only to deal with the tests, and never act out, but also showing him the memories of those people being murdered. That's something no sixteen year old should see.
Not to mention just the regular traumas and pains that can happen from being a queer black man. From the confident way he baited Annalise's brother with them hooking up it certainly seemed like a move by someone who's confident in their sexuality and knows what they are. So, he's aware he's bi, Elliot isn't an awakening. So he's had to likely deal with regular non-witch racism and homophobia.
He nearly dies, via his sister.
He get's sexually harassed by an older woman possessing his grandmother.
ALL of this in the first fucking episode. We haven't even got to the dog cage yet.
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sentient-forest-boy · 2 years
Okay now that I know that Netflix made a series out of Half Bad [The Bastard Son and the Devil Himself], if you are queer you NEED to know about the ending.
So OBVIOUSLY spoiler warning because this talks about the ending of the trilogy.
They fucking die at the end.
Okay? Gabriel dies in a ridiculous way and Nathan turns himself into a tree on his grave to kill himself as a result, and Nathan's abusers basically get off scot free. As a 17 year old and just getting into exploring my sexuality and identity, it was genuinely traumatic to read such a brutal ending. I had read maybe 2 books that have queer characters before that. Only 1 at the time had a semi-happy ending.
Get how that ruins a gay person's life expectations yet?
I do not care if it is meant to be gritty. Throughout the entire series we are meant to believe there is a happy ending, and the author rips that rug from underneath us directly into a spike pit.
I truly hope the show changes the ending to be at least a fraction happier than what the hell the author did to these characters who were abused, traumatized, and hurt their entire lives only to have a shitty, shitty ending. I really do not recommend reading the books considering how ridiculously homophobic and transphobic Sally Green is.
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icedcoffeecryptid · 2 years
okay so. here’s the situation. netflix has just released the trailer for a show called “the bastard son & the devil himself” which is based on one of my favourite book trilogies- half bad by sally green. it looks great and all buuttt, i have some qualms (shocker, ik). the main one being, i am 75% positive that they are gonna pull some queer erasure bs. those books are incredibly queer and from the look of the trailer, i fear that that will not be how netflix decide to play this. i am going to have to re-read the books as it’s been a while and i need to remind myself of what happens when but i am still concerned as it looked very nathan and annalise centric. either way, i will leave this post at that or we’ll be here forever lol. so yeah, just some initial thoughts from a fan of the books :)
update: more trailers have been released which lead me to believe that it may thankfully not be what I was worried about lol, however I will still probs update this as I am way too nit picky about book->show/film adaptations for my own good lmao
update 2: AHGHH THIS SHOW IS BANGING EVERYONE SHOULD WATCH IT :D the representation is *chef’s kiss* and it’s so fucking cool. it’s very different from the books but still very enjoyable, seperate to the books tho
update 3: fuck netflix. I knew they’d pull something like this, they’ve cancelled it after one season just like they have done to every other amazing show on the platform, baffles me how they’re still held as one of the best streaming platforms
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lusty-kopfkino · 3 months
Loki Prompt 1 - Crossover: Percy Jackson
I LOVE crossovers!!!
A Loki × Percy Jackson crossover °∆°
I love Loki and I see him as someone who has a really big heart but just doesn't show his love in the conventual way. Loki was a sad neglected child and did things so he would get noticed. Loki would never do something on purpose to pose real harm to someone he loves.
*I have only read the 1st Percy Jackson book and I have some outside knowledge from fandom stuff. So if the god Loki or any Norse gods are in the books as characters, less just ignore it. I also don't know if they mention any gods outside of Greek mythology.
Most or all of the characters from Percy Jackson have never met a god/goddess outside of Greek mythology. Gods in different mythologies usually don't interact.
I can of this in two different ways. One where he is also a kid and the other where he is an adult, then I can think of different ways the adult one can go.
I feel like these can be put together in pairs or more if you want.
- Loki is a young god and either gets transported from Marvel or he exists in this world. He goes to Camp Half-Blood, and they are shocked that a full god is there and going to be a student. For the one where he exists in this world, you can either add Thor as a way older brother where he is an adult or a bit (in god terms) older brother where he also goes to Camp Half-Blood.
*Loki would be known in the world of Percy Jackson, but they would only know Loki from stories and rumors.
-I don't know how this would happen but Loki becomes or is a camp counselor at Camp Half-Blood. He would be the most caring camp counselor; to the shock of most people because of their assumptions that Loki is a bad god when he is a neutral god. Maybe just interaction with Loki and the kids, and maybe also what they think of Loki.
-The Percy team is going on another journey, which can be one from the books or a made-up one, and they meet Loki. Don't even know how this would go
-Loki is a parent to one of the characters in Percy Jackson, this will make them a full god, not a demigod. Unless you are changing the god parent. So what I'm thinking is that Percy's mom is truly Loki but no one knows that. Loki can shape-shift so that is why he is a girl and looks human, so he made himself a female human because he can and slept with Poisiden. Loki being a master shape-shifter made himself a full female and forgot that females can get pregnant, especially with a god and their godlyness. Loki not wanting to maybe hurt or kill the child decides to have and maybe raise the child. Loki has Percy and whatever.
He, suddenly overcome with a parent's love, wants to protect this child and keep him safe. Percy, despite Loki being a full human when he was conceived and born, still has some of Loki's power, so to protect Percy he hid his part of the powers with a spell. If word got out that there was a new god and he was the son of the God of Mischief and the God of Water; hid his powers so that he wouldn't become a guard dog of Olympia.
Loki doesn't die when that thing attacks him when he is taking Percy to Camp Half-Blood, but everyone thinks he is dead, he faked his death because he thought Percy would have a better life.
What Loki looks like as Sally: he has long black hair and pale skin, not scary pale, pretty green eyes, and stuff.
Percy doesn't know that Loki is his mother, so the whole time he is with his mother Loki is in his shapeshifted form.
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ashleybenlove · 5 months
1, 2, and 16 for the book reading asks?
Did you set a goal for yourself this year? How did you do? If not, why not?
In my head, I floated the number 120. (Also, I saw the number of books your sister read last year and took that as a challenge, as it were.)
142, as of right now.
So better than I expected.
Also: that number does include Dracula and the Dracula Daily book, which is kinda complicated? I mean, I did use Re: Dracula as I read it, and then technically I skimmed the DD book. Even removing them from the list... better than expected.
2. Did any book inspire you to seek out further media, such as the movie/show/fanfiction? How did you feel about that take?
Sort of? The Mystery of Mrs. Christie by Marie Benedict inspired to me to read Agatha Christie books. I read... 7, though one of those is a book of short stories.
An inverse of that, I watched Half Bad: The Bastard Son & The Devil Himself and that inspired me to read the Sally Green books it was based on (Half Bad, Half Wild, Half Lost). I prefer the tv show.
While I am aware of the Eragon movie from 2006, I did not seek it out as I am aware it's not good. Fingers crossed for that Disney Plus series.
16. Most read trope this year? Was this intentional or unintentional?
This one's so hard lol. Too many books, too much to unpack.
End of the year book-reading ask game
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eemcintyre · 1 year
"The Firm" (1993) review
*Baby's first published movie review
*At least 90s Tom Cruise is the height of pretty.
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Right out of the gate, I can tell you that this wasn’t the worst movie I’ve ever seen. It had a few good points for sure that I appreciated- I thought Jeanne did a respectable job as Abby, and girl was serving even at the funeral with that hairbow. Holly was also criminally underused as Tammy, who was my second favorite character in the book to Mitch. I missed queen Tammy. The autumnal aesthetic was also popping off and made me wanna eat some crunchy leaves. The jazzy soundtrack was good as music in itself, but a confusing choice for this movie that did not fit the mood and kept making me think I was watching “When Harry Met Sally.”
And that’s the extent of my praise; time to roast now. This movie is, I think, one of the most significant examples of why book-to-movie adaptations are always cause for some level of alarm. I could feel the filmmakers’ contempt for the source material emanating from the screenplay. The way that they were changing things even as minute and unnecessary as characters’ last names (Hodge/Hodges, Knauss/Krauss) and hair colors (Abby and Tammy are both magically redheads) just for the sake of changing them. And that’s to say nothing of the way the movie versions of the characters are devoid of any sense of nuance, and weirdly, sin? In the book, Mitch was a really interesting and relatable character because he was a person with flaws and inner moral conflict. He cheated on his wife (in a slimier way in the book too, I might add- no white knight scenario where he saves the girl and tends to her injuries) but never ended up confessing it to her, instead choosing to live haunted with the secret. He’s also a lot more demanding about money from the FBI and steals some extra from the firm as well, while in the movie he just gets a half a million and calls it a day. Additionally, he has a thinly veiled hatred for Abby’s parents and the book goes into much more detail about his own estranged family. Finally, his motivation for taking down the firm in the book is mostly about saving himself and the few he cares about, and less about going on some one-dimensional moralistic crusade full of monologuing about justice and the wonders of the legal system. But all of these flaws are what made Mitch human and his story interesting to follow. For me, personally, it’s not at all intriguing to watch a ~good character~ do ~good things~ out of ~good intentions~. Somewhat related but kind of opposite is also what they did to Avery- he was great in the book as the hedonistic loose cannon with no scruples who was slowly spiraling. And then in the movie they thought it was a good idea to throw in some weird redemption arc where he ~shows remorse for his misdeeds~ that felt so forced. Plus, this is me being picky, but Gene Hackman as a womanizing dilf was just not doing it for me.
Then there’s the plot, which had perhaps the most egregious of all the artistic blunders. Who on God’s green earth’s idea was it to water down all of the crimes Mitch had uncovered that the firm and the frickin mafia were accused of to… overbilling? The only thing Mitch gives the FBI proof of is that the firm was overbilling their clients? And then the mafia never gets prosecuted at all?? And this is noble and good for some reason because Mitch heroically refuses to violate attorney-client privilege and be disbarred, which in his state does not include if one’s client is committing illegal acts anyway so he could have literally turned over the mafia and still retained his damn license??? And this is also all on the premise that is trying so hard to be deep and edgy and philosophical: “well who’s really the bad guys, the mafia or the lawyers who protect them, huh?” Bro really thought he had something there but, um… both? It’s both. Oh, and then there’s no consequences for any of the information Mitch has given and the people he’s crossed, unlike in the book where he has to start all over in the middle of nowhere and leave everything behind, on the bad side of both the mafia and the government. In the movie, and I wish I was joking, he and Abby just hop right back into their old dinged-up car from the beginning and move happily to Boston like “Wow, that was a weird few months.” Ummmm... huh???
Overall, speaking of bad guys and their evil doings, the sense of dread, malice, and suspense that pervaded the book is just not there. I was constantly troubled by the feeling that something was Not Right, but didn’t know what, over the first big chunk of the book, and then once you know what’s going on, the stakes are so high and there is such a complex web of characters and their motivations and goals that you can hardly stand the stress and excitement wondering what will happen (which you do not feel sure about until the very last page). Sharing much less sensitive information and being on the bad side of fewer people in the movie, it’s hard to feel very concerned about how things are going to turn out, because the whole situation just doesn’t seem like that big of a deal. Nothing like the life-and-death risks of the constant chase from motel to motel and car to car over the last third of the book while Mitch, Abby, and Ray’s faces are also plastered all over the news.
This is all, of course, if one can even understand what is going on, which if you haven’t read the book, is really freakin hard. They tried to compress a book that’s more than an inch thick into a two-and-a-half-hour movie, which, though ambitious, is not a wise idea, especially when the book is already so convoluted with all its legal jargon and trying to keep track of all the characters and who knows/doesn’t know what. Honestly, the plot would have been much better executed with a “Fatal Vision” type miniseries, even just two parts, but preferably three-to-four. But alas.
The last thing I want to say, before I sign off of this unexpectedly long and hardass review, is: can anyone explain to me what in the fresh hell the random backflip scene was about? Because I can’t figure it out to save my life and it haunts me.
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scorbleeo · 8 months
Book Chat: Half Lost
The Half Bad Trilogy (Book 3) Sally Green
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Source: Google Images
Nathan Byrn is running again. The Alliance of Free Witches has been all but destroyed. Scattered and demoralized, constantly pursued by the Council's Hunters, only a bold new strategy can save the rebels from total defeat. They need the missing half of Gabriel's amulet - an ancient artifact with the power to render its bearer invincible in battle.
But the amulet's guardian - the reclusive and awesomely powerful witch Ledger - has her own agenda. To win her trust, Nathan must travel to America and persuade her to give him the amulet. Combined with his own Gifts, the amulet might just be enough turn the tide for the Alliance and end the bloody civil war between Black and White witches once and for all…
ISBN: 9780141350905 (2016) | Source: Goodreads
Wounded, Not Lost
Half Lost has left me severely wounded, completely lost and... just harrowed. You know how sometimes you read some books and afterwards you're just empty? Half Lost ended and all I felt was emptiness, like a part of me left and I couldn't quite get back to life immediately.
Subjectively, this is a 5-star read. After everything that happened, it deserved the five stars. However, as objectively as I can go, I had to deduct 0.5. I love Green's writing, when it's feelings, emotions and just internal turmoil; she is very good with getting her readers to understand exactly what her main character is feeling. Unfortunately, the action scenes are what caused me to deduct a little from my final rating. Green's okay with writing her action scenes except every time I get to those scenes, I can't immerse myself in the story. It's just like reading the words and not actually watching the scene happen as I absorb what I read. Of course, this is just a minuscule problem, you are still going to be broken by the end of Half Lost.
As much as I would love to go into an in-depth discussion about the characters, I cannot bring myself to it. So, all I'm going to say is, I wished they had more time.
Rating: ★★★★☆ (4.5/5)
More on The Half Bad Trilogy here: Half Wild (#2)
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eidetictelekinetic · 1 year
They live in Soho. They hear things. 
It’s actually the young woman Crowley’s hired that spills the story. Not to Aziraphale, but to her lovely girlfriend who is one of the aspiring writers Aziraphale and Lia like to let into the bookshop. People like that, or like the man with the longish hair and the fox daemon who drops in, unaging, from time to time since the shop opened, are visitors who treat the collection as something of a secret library. As long as they don’t take the books, that’s perfectly acceptable to both Aziraphale and Lia.
(They’re both fairly sure that Teagan boy is using human magic to copy some of the books when he stops in, but Liam’s very courteous for an American, while his daemon Alastrina is a friendly, mischievous genet. Aziraphale and Lia have always liked the mischievous ones more than they should. And anyway, someone copying their books, by definition, is still not taking their books.)
But back to the point, the description of the man hiring people to rob a church is unmistakable, especially when it’s noted that his daemon is a black fennec fox with particularly striking green eyes. “Came up to Sally bold as brass,” Abigail says, stroking her white crow daemon with a shake of her head. “I should tell her to get out of the life, I know, but my mum always said good girls love the bad boys, and I might like the ladies but apparently that just means I go for bad girls. You ever have that trouble, Mr. Fell? Sad liking for the troublemaker?”
Aziraphale does not answer that, because he tries not to lie outright any more than he has to. Lia sighs, and hisses half-heartedly at Abigail’s Helios, who is looking at her like he knows something.
Aziraphale closes up the shop an hour later, and he doesn’t put on a record, or collect a book and a drink, or do anything but sink heavily into his office chair. “They’re going to get themselves killed,” he says, the words so bitter he can nearly taste it. “I should have seen it coming, though. Crowley brought it up in 1941, I should have realized he wouldn’t just let the idea go.”
This fic, we're all puzzle boxes, is actually partly posted here!
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tonytoponi · 2 years
hi! i just finished challenger deep and the author’s note at the end made me cry … i also realise why i love your writing so much, the book and your works tells stories in present tense and emotions feel more visceral to me that way, i enjoyed my time reading it and i’m looking forward to more from you as well! have a good day <3
omg thank you!! i actually read that book (and half bad by sally green) right when i started making the choice to change to present tense so i wonder if that had something to do with the way i write :0 but again ty ty i'm hoping to post every sunday again (i'm gonna alternate between fics for a bit!!)
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callingallbooklovers · 2 months
The part of Half Lost by Sally Green when Nathan gave Gabriel his father’s ring. From the way it happened he was nervous about how he would go about giving it to him. And before the way he came up with that idea of giving Gabriel the ring was just perfect. Marcus was always on Nathan’s mind so giving Gabriel something so significant and meaningful and thoughtful (which face it isn’t his strong point…being vulnerable and nervous) but Nathan doesnt mind Gabriel seeing him vulnerable and is only ever “soft” (as much as he can be with anyone) and that says a lot. Like Nathan isn’t the type to show his emotions besides anger to anyone but Gabriel. Nathan has been through a lot and to find his intended partner; his soulmate in Gabriel was just so powerful because it shows that Nathan is both “White” and “Black” a perfect mixture and I think that Gabriel brings out the best of him. Gabriel is patient (except when Nathan pisses him off but even then he’s not explosive just quiet and calm…like a deadly calm) and makes Nathan look into his reasons why he feels the way he feels. And then with the whole “accepting his Gift” Gabriel told him to accept it and not fight it. And that he felt bad for the animal. But then he just said that Nathan lives better by feeling things and experiencing things. I think that’s true cause Nathan used his feelings to make his magic stronger and more I guess potent. It’s more powerful when he accepts his emotions and doesn’t let them consume him. Gabriel gives him balance and peace of mind. I mean the way Gabriel pushes Nathan to be his best self is just so amazing cause no one has ever told Nathan that before (not even Arran or Deborah or his grandmother). He was taught fear and hatred and not to trust people but he trusted Gabriel after the whole bathroom scene at the apartment. I could tell that Gabriel liked Nathan when they first met but I would have loved to see a book about Gabriel and everything that led up to him being Mercurys “inside man” and how he felt and what he was thinking when he first saw/met Nathan at the airport. And his feelings throughout the rest of the series of Nathan’s behavior and the way he treated him (Nathan to Gabriel) and how he came to love Nathan and when he first realized it. And I wonder when Nathan first realized he loved Gabriel. And if Nathan stayed a tree forever or if he ever became human again. I doubt that though. I think he will stay a tree forever to be with Gabriel which I think is so romantically sad. They’ve been through so much and they didn’t even get a happy ending. Like I wish they would have had kids and done the marriage thing. I wonder what kind of wedding they would’ve had. If Nathan would have let Gabriel plan the whole thing cause he’d be uncomfortable having a party anyway. But Gabriel would’ve included him in the planning just to get his opinion on things. Make him feel included in the day.
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atangledfate · 1 year
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Choosing the new Commander was a tedious task but honestly she had it narrowed down pretty well now. Really there was only one person who she thought fit the bill. But she had to consider alot of candidates. She wanted it to be Whisper if truth be told, but Whisper had already told her in no. So that ship had sailed, still she had several good candidates all the same.
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" I guess you are right about that huh, you probably have to do this kind of promotional thing all the time. Well i got 3 main candidates for promotion. They are all Veterans of the last War from various parts of Mobius... "
She picked up a folder and held it out to Blaze
" Princess Sally Acorn... the Royal Family from where she is from is mostly just a figure head. When the war broke out though, She took charged saved alot of folks, people really respect her leadership. While we fought here she was holding her own across the sea... gotta respect that "
She picked up a second folder
" Lt. Antoine D' Colette, its my understanding he comes from a prestiged family of military officers. Lots of rumors flying around about this one. But i can't deny his record sounds great, but i hear he's a bit green. Not as much experience as some of the others but... that's not always a bad thing. Fresh perspective is good "
She grabbed the third folder
" Lastly... we have a bit of a local Hero, Everyone calls her Bunny or Lt. Rabbot. She was injured during the war pretty bad, had to amputate but, the Doc's on site managed to implant some cyberware. She's proven to be brace, practical and strong willed... she might not have the official training of the other two. But she's got experience and that usually means more in my book. "
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She giggled at Blaze and gave her a teasing gaze with half closed eyes.
" Wanna see your girl in something cute is that it? You know i can't tell you No but--- Maybe after we figure this promotion out...i got a couple ideas that will make you purr! "
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