#got a bit carried away
chrisbangz · 3 months
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hyewka · 2 months
Ranaaa sub!jjunie content is so dry plis make a drabble with it tooo :(
warning: free use, degradation, misogyny, brat taming, sub!yeonjun, asshole!yeonjun, oppa use but its once 😭younger reader
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perfect timing because all i can have brainrot over is taming bratty yeonjun like i love obedient subs but jesus christ imagine having an egotistical pompous asshole grovel at your feet.
an au where hes your older brothers best friend whos always been in your life, constantly berating and making unfunny jabs at you in front of your brothers friend group since highschool; you thought oh well, you wouldn’t have to put up with it any longer once they graduate. to your demise, your brother and yeonjun get closer. they even choose to go to the same exact college. then, your brother lets you move in with him with no worry of paying overpriced rent. it feels like a gift from heaven until you come to dooming realization everythings going too well, too good to be true. the nagging instinct proves to be true as not only does yeonjun visit the apartment every day, he even sleeps over at times. its hell.
because now instead of making dumb teenage jokes about girls like he used to, hes turned into some weirdly overprotective guardian. making snarky comments on what you’re wearing whenever you go out, or giving you a scolding about how men “really” are for the tenth time and how oh youre so naive, you’re perfect prey for the kinds of guys in the “real world”. he talks your ear off, and when he gives that up he moves to belittle you and berate. its all hes good at. leech.
its no surprise seeing yeonjun on the couch again, you cant even kick him out because your brother pays like 80% of the rent—thats the con of paying less. you can’t fully treat this apartment like your place.
you also aren’t surprised when he catches you, eyes narrowing as they look you up and down. he sighs. you ignore it, putting on your heels.
“are you really going out like that?”
just ignore.
“i keep telling you its not safe to wear stuff like this but you don’t listen.”
ignore him.
“you know there are men out there who—hey, are you even listening?”
“hey!” he yells, straightening up. you give him a glare this time, fool. you see the beer cans laying around everywhere. he’s a fool. good for nothing, a pretty face wasted on a fucked personality. he slumps back against the couch, tsking. “forget it. i’m just looking out for you while your brother can’t but okay, whatever, dress like a whore all you want. just don’t expect to be treated with-”
the rooms silent. all you feel is the burning numb feeling on your palm and rage snuffed the moment your hand landed across his face. you slapped him so hard, when he looks at you with wide wet eyes and a split lip, you let out a dry laugh. you feel everything rush back to you. all those humiliating memories. “seriously, who do you think you are? you’ve berated me those two years, embarrassed me, treated me like shit in front of people, and now you want to act like some fuckass parent?”
he flounders, you see the fear and confusion in his eyes, the way his lips part to say something only to come out with nothing. you grab his face, gripping it hard. “slut shaming me for what i wear? in this year? god, you must really not have a conscience.”
“i’m not slut shaming you! i’m just protecting-”
“protecting me? is that what you wanted to say? really?” you sneer, putting your knee between his legs, “what are you protecting me from? guys like you? perverted, sleazy, good for nothings?”
his cheeks are deep shade of red, it could be from how rough you’re gripping his face, or how hard you slapped him earlier or it’s him blushing. all those possibilities are amusing to you—you like it in fact. he’s stammering, shaking his head, trying to pull your hand off him. but he fails, which visibly gets him even more haughty and embarrassed. poor guy, he looks like he’s about to sob.
“what the fuck has gotten into you!? you’re speaking to me informally like i’m not your-"
“senior? oppa?” you push your thumb past his lips, and he panics again but you make sure to press on his tongue particularly hard. “you’re not any of those things, stupid mutt.”
you’ve always fantasized about being on top, someone taking charge of one whos always under your control, reacting to every touch or twist, you just didn’t expect to be in a predicament where yeonjun’s the one you’re feeling the burning desire to ruin. all of him, you want to ruin him.
seeing as how his eyes have welled up enough tears that they could spill any moment, it didn’t look too hard. “gosh, with the way you parade around, i’d think you wouldn’t be so easy to break.” you laugh coldly.
“y-you didn’t break me, fucking bitch. i’ll tell your brother-" he sounds like an actual fool talking, you could barely make out what hes saying, but lucky for him you caught on to the gist.
“no, you’re seriously a sleazebag. you go on and on about how men really are, warning me about this and that, but right now you could easily manhandle and overpower me, but you just sit here. and fuck, you pop a boner at me being slightly mean to you? tell me, was it the dress that you’re telling me not to wear out? calling you a stupid mutt? my leg? or god forbid, the slap?” you smirk at seeing his eyes widen looking down, they might really pop. did he really not know he got hard?
“pervert. you really were just warning me about guys like you... perverts.”
you shove two fingers in his mouth, simultaneously choking him and shutting him up, serves him right. “i bet you’ve jerked off this pathetic dick of yours to the thought of me. is that why you feel the need to berate me? to cover for your guilty conscience? stupid mutt.” you’ve having too much fun with this, seeing him not fight back, just sitting there taking it, letting his tears drip down. choi yeonjun…a crybaby. who would’ve thought.
you don’t mean for it to go any further, its just a little scare to get him off your back, a little grinding against his clothed hard on, just a little to have him elicit a whiny moan, just a little to have his senses overwhelmed—a little to have him humiliated with spilling his slimy seed in his pants so quick, sticky cum staining his boxers. leaving him there on the couch, overstimulated and pathetic, breathless, with an arm draped over his face, while you go out to the party you’re a bit too late for.
no jackets to appease him, no change of clothes, it felt freeing. you should do this more often.
then imagine smothering your cunt on his face, pinning the stupid asshole down just frustrated out of your mind and using him to have him shut the fuck up for once. his incessant whining and squirming under you dies down..eventually. then he stops pretending to not like it anymore, and you hear the squelching. he’s jacking off. he’s been so annoying and you’ve been sexually frustrated for the past week— getting a scolding from your professor today was the final straw. luckily for you, yeonjun said something to piss you off again.
he hasn’t stopped since that day, actually you figure him being an asshole only got worse after that incident. he’s more mean, despite humiliating him over and over again. you even positioned him to bend over your lap when your brother was out, spanking him until he shook, cheeks beet red. no matter how much you humiliate and berate him, it doesnt deter him, he only becomes worse outside of sex. “god, you’re super fucking annoying, you know that?” you groan, sliding your cunt back and forth his face, gripping his hair.
you can’t be mad for long when he’s making an effort to actually make you feel good, eagerly opening his mouth, lewd eyes looking up at you through his wet lashes as he eats you out—you find it cute almost. you dispel the thought, and decide to look elsewhere other than his face to keep your mind off. this is for your pleasure, not his, focus on that high building up.
its a weird relationship, you and yeonjun. he lets you use him however you like despite his complaining, he says he doesn’t want it, then he purposefully riles you up—you know that because every time he does it and you take his bait successfully, you find he isn’t in any underwear. bastard.
“stop jerking off freak.” you grit, shutting your eyes as you get sloppier and quicker, so …close. you can hear he followed your demand, the only sound being your desperate grinding. then you feel his whine, it sends some vibration, like he’s really a mutt begging for you to look at him. you ignore it, you’re good at that. but then he turns his head to your thigh, biting the flesh and you jolt. this indecent brat! you take two fistfuls of his stupid dyed hair, and move just a little more. a little more, and you cum all over his face.
minutes go by after you orgasmed and you’re on your back, on your bed, kicking him out with the lower half of his face glistening, wet with your cum. “leave.” you regard him coldly and he rolls his eyes, frowning, wordlessly shutting your door aggressively. a smile slowly spreads across your face as the realization sets in; he’s probably mad you blue balled him. serves choi yeoniun right.
this is definitely some much needed therapeutic healing.
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necrolexic0n · 2 years
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“My, what a masterpiece…do you come with an audio tour? Because I’d love to hear all about you.~”
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weird-an · 1 year
Billy makes himself a microwave dinner on his birthday. Eating alone, because Neil took Susan on a date to Indianapolis and Max is out somewhere with the Creepy Kids Club.
Swanson Fried Fucking Chicken Dinner. That's how Billy treats himself for turning 18. For somehow surviving until today, more or less by accident.
It tastes bland and nearly burns his tongue, but that doesn't matter. Billy has a bottle of cheap liquor waiting for him. The birthday present he got for himself to wash away the bitter taste of a failed childhood. He didn't even had to kiss the cashier for that, just show off a little skin and give her a wink. A giant win.
He's halfway through the bottle when the doorbell rings. Which he considers to just ignore and then it rings again and well, he's ready to punch whoever dares to disturb his celebration of misery.
He opens the door. Steve Harrington stands in front of him. Hair fluffier than ever like he had styled it - for what exactly?
Harrington isn't his friend, not let alone his boyfriend, no matter what stupid dreams Billy sometimes wakes up with. They're fucking around and its fun. Billy gets to bathe in the sun shining right through Harrington's bright eyes, reminding him of home, but that's it.
And he isn't supposed to come here. Or even call the house. Billy told him that if Harrington dials his number once and that its fucking over - he didn't point out that it's Neil who is going to set an end to their fooling around.
"Happy birthday!" Harrington holds out a box with a giant blue bow on top for him.
Billy stares at the wrapping paper with little fishes on them.
"I don't do that," he just says. His throat feels tight and he wonders if he's already blackout drunk.
"What?" Harrington shoots him a look like he doesn't believe him for a second and then just walks inside the house.
The whole thing, Billy wants to answer. Bows, birthdays, gifts, friendship?
But he can't say anything, because Harrington is inside. Right next to Billy, gently removing his hand from where it's clutching the door knob and closes the door. He's inside the house and somehow they're both still alive.
"Where is your room?" he says, an unreadable expression flickering across his face when he sees the half eaten TV dinner and the amber bottle on the table.
Billy simply stands there, staring at him. "You can't be here."
Harrington snorts. "Apparently I can, Billy." There's that bitchy tone in his voice he always gets when he's disagreeing with something.
When Billy shows him his room, because he can't say no to Harrington's stupid dimples and crooked smile, he's so ashamed.
The ashtray is overflowing, Shauna Grant's eyes seem to judge him and his room just seems so gray and bleak. Harrington doesn't seem to mind. Studies the dart board and the book on the nightstand and then turns around to grin at Billy.
"Open your gift!" Harrington pushes the box in Billy's hand.
Billy has opened a gift before. He thinks. Or at least, he has seen Max opening hers. He tries to tear the wrapping paper. One fish still loses a fin.
Concert tickets. For Mötley Crüe playing in Chicago. In November.
"I'm coming with you." Harrington sounds weirdly enthusiatistic. "If you want me to."
Which means that he wants to hang out with Billy after graduation. After he should go fuck off getting a business degree and marrying a girl that can give him six freaking kids.
It's too much. Not only the tickets, but that Harrington is wanting to continue ... whatever this is. Harrington wanting them to go to Chicago. On a whole trip. To go see one of Billy's favourite bands.
"You... hate Mötley Crüe."
"I like Live Wire."
Which is the first song Billy ever made Harrington sit through, after they shared a smoke, still dizzy from the orgasm. It makes Billy's chest hurt.
"Don't you like it?" Harrington's brown eyes get huge. Like when Billy really has to leave because Neil expects him to mow the lawn or some shit and Steve asks for another quickie.
But Harrington isn't asking for sex right now. Or is he?
"I do," Billy admits. He likes it too much. The gift, the warm feeling inside him, Steve. "Thanks?"
Well. He's got to pay him back somehow, doesn't he? His hands are on Steve's belt, but Steve just takes them, intertwining their fingers.
"It's a gift," Steve says, slowly.
"Your huge dick is a gift," Billy mumbles, ignoring the burn of his cheeks and trying not not stare at Steve's pink lips.
Steve winks at him.
"You'll get that later. Now I'm hungry," he says, pressing a kiss on Billy's lips. Casually. As if that's a thing they do. Kiss a little, cuddle, like they are something.
Billy warms him another microwave dinner. Which tastes awesome now, somehow. Like a Michelin prized meal. His heart is racing the whole time and he feels drunk and sober at once.
He watches Steve chewing, cheeks stuffed full and radiating warmth and happiness. Which seems like a gift, too. This is the best birthday...maybe in forever.
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thatotherman001 · 3 months
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Marbles the Rebel ☀️🐱
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quietsounds · 2 years
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𝐏𝐀𝐔𝐋 𝐃𝐀𝐍𝐎 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐲𝐰𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐑𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫, 𝐓𝐈𝐅𝐅 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟐
"𝘈𝘯𝘥 𝘐 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘯𝘦𝘳𝘷𝘰𝘶𝘴, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘐 𝘳𝘦𝘮𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘦𝘳 𝘮𝘺 𝘸𝘪𝘧𝘦 𝘴𝘢𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 '𝘞𝘩𝘺? 𝘞𝘩𝘰 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘮𝘦𝘦𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩? 𝘞𝘩𝘺 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴?' 𝘈𝘯𝘥 𝘐 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 '..𝘚𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘚𝘱𝘪𝘦𝘭𝘣𝘦𝘳𝘨, 𝘸𝘦'𝘳𝘦 𝘨𝘰𝘯𝘯𝘢 𝘻𝘰𝘰𝘮 𝘵𝘰𝘥𝘢𝘺.' 𝘈𝘯𝘥 𝘴𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦, '𝘖𝘩.' "
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Based off some bits from the intro cutscene + the drama CD (big thanks to whoever did the english fan translation🙏)
(The text reads: The centre of my head became as cold as ice... My head was ringing... And my mind went numb... Then, a voice spoke out; "Wake up, Yuu..." It was unbelievable... So much stained with blood. And the one holding the knife... was me. (Let's get along, eh, Yuu?))
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dragonbe-writing · 2 years
Dirty Talking In German -König HC
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*NSFW* I think it’s mostly gender neutral? this man is enthralled in you reguardless
-i think we can all agree he’s already a whimpering mess
-doing absolutely everything he can to make sure you feel great all the time
-he lines it up and as it goes in, you moan out “du bist riesig” (you are huge)
-he freezes
-you start worrying you said it wrong
-he’s looking down at you like you’re the best thing in the world
-he’s so genuinely touched
-also extremely turned on
-he fucks you hard
-harder than he ever has before
-he’s not holding anything back
-he’s whining the entire time, mumbling in german
-you wouldn’t be able to understand him if he spoke in english anyway
-he’s hitting all the right spots
-you can’t hear anything over your own moans
-mind is practically mush at this point
-you manage out “König, bitte” (König please)
-the most animalistic growl erupts from his throat
-he’s never been a dominant person but he wasn’t going to let anything stop him now
-holding your hips in place and making you take it
-mumbling sweet nothings into your ear, telling you how good you take him, how beautiful you are
-you cum, and he follows quickly after
-you both lay there, he’s holding on like you’re the only thing in the world
-no matter what size you are, he’s fucking huge, so you’re just engulfed in him
-not that you mind, of course
-eventually he decided he has to do more
-he needs to make you feel as good as you made him
-so he’s eating you out
-like he’s fucking starving
-he whines and whimpers through it
-he’s enjoying it as much as you are
-“come on maus” (mouse) “want to taste you”
-you cum again, and he doesn’t stop
-it’s like he can’t get enough of you
-“one more time, bitte, just for me”
-you’re so fucking overstimulated
-he’s so gentle with you, begging for one more and softly holding you still
-it doesn’t take you long before you’re cumming again, and he laps it up all the same
-“so so pretty” he mutters, wiping your slick on his arm and coming back up to hold you
-“you’re incredible” “did so well, maus”
-he can’t stop talking about how in love he is
-he’s so so so enamored with you
-you fall asleep on him and wake up still in his arms
-“morning mein maus”
-wants to show you that he remembers last night
-eats you out again, slower and more gentle
-sees he left bruises from holding you so hard and immediately apologizes, kisses them all, feels ashamed
-you have to reassure him that you aren’t mad and they don’t hurt
-you mention that you like being marked up and his neck and ears go scarlett
-after you cum, he cleans you off, gently tracing the bruises and apologizing again
-carries you to the kitchen for breakfast
-you cook together, and he teaches you more words
-he thinks it’s the most adorable thing that you struggle to pronounce them
-he laughs when you get frustrated
-gives you so many kisses, everywhere, all the time
-you sit in his lap and eat breakfast together with cartoons of your childhood on the TV
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hipster-safari · 9 months
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I wanted to see what Iñaki Godoy would look like in Gear 5
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planetdream · 1 month
winter as your vampire girlfriend
omg !!! need winter sooo bad (also thx for sending this)
cw; murder? blood drinking. suggestive.
— the two of you start dating and you one day notice how literally all of your dates are well after sundown. and now you're thinking about how you found those blood packs in her freezer. and how she's always freezing cold. and when that one guy that hit on you at the club was found dead in a dark alley way the next morning with all of his blood drained from his body like he was a capri sun. but minjeong couldn't have done that.... right...?
so you confront her about it, laughing it off. there's no way she could possibly be a vampire. but she confirms it without even blinking. the secret is finally out and when it's evident that you, not only, do not care, but also that you seem even more interested in her; she calls you a weirdo. (she's in love with you)
— but once she's finally your girlfriend she's literally so protective of you. she can smell danger from a mile away and if need be, she'll handle whatever threat that might be out there. she will also teach you how to defend yourself if needed.
— not sure why, but i feel like she would be such a showoff. "look what I can do" and now she's quite literally crawling on the walls/ceiling. or, "bet you ur last girl couldn't do this." mind you, she just picked up the refrigerator. also kinda jokes about how you found her just as she got out of her phase of being a player n 'stealing hearts'. (a phase that lasted...quite a bit of time)
— never uses any of her powers against you because she genuinely doesn't want to harm you—and if she did in the slightest way, she'd probably go ahead and bury herself in a cemetery somewhere for a couple hundred years (speaking of which—she can be a bit dramatic. not texting back fast enough? she might as well go walk directly into sunlight then since you *allegedly* hate her so much)
—she says the only power of hers that she's ever used against you is "the power of seduction"
— one day, you get curious. asking minjeong if she'd ever bite you. maybe even... suck your blood a little bit. somehow, she's never thought of it, but it intrigues her (and even makes her fangs tingle a bit, which is a strange sensation for her).
— speaking of fangs, literally has the cutest set of fangs ever !! two razor sharp canines that (and she showed you this) eject a smaller, stinger-like organ all for the purpose of drinking blood. "see, it's basically like two little straws to help me drink" also explains that if she does drink from you, it's probably going to hurt.
— but hurt probably isn't the word you'd use to describe it. initially, when winter first bit you, it did hurt. but the pain subsided and rather quickly turned into pleasure once she ejected the stinger. one taste of you and she's moaning as she drinks, eyes rolling back. you're straddling her which allows her to wrap her arms tightly around you; not wanting to let you from her hold until she's done feeding from you.
— and when she's finally done, she licks the area that she bite you in, planting small kisses along your neck until she's at your lips. pulling you even closer to her, if that's at all possible. mouth on yours with sloppy, wet kisses—the temperature between the two of you heating up and then...well you know...
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lenreli · 1 year
Day 6 - Sunshine [Human AU]
Hob may be a bit better regarding some things, but at his heart, he is ― a bastard. Especially with the pale, goth make-up artist who has to deal with him for the current thing he’s filming. Another make-up artist told him that the goth’s name is Dream, and Hob delights in being under his intense gaze while gory make-up gets applied to him.
And really, he’s going to get changed into another outfit soon anyway, the white singlet and short-shorts are going to become, bloody track-pants or something, considering what’s being filmed today. Dream, with his wild hair and ringed fingers, gets a glimpse of him as he enters the trailer, and Hob only hides his glee because, well, actor, as Dream’s eyes widen, brush in his hand clattering to the floor as eyes follow up his body. 
“So, what's the plan for today?” He asks with a smile, probably as bright as the sun beating down on back of him as Dream opens and shuts his mouth, and he can tell when Dream realised he dropped his brush due to the growing red on Dream’s face as it’s picked up.
“The plan,” Dream says, eyes somewhere on his legs, “the plan,” Dream repeats and Hob thinks fondly of the obvious interest in Dream’s face when he first appeared for make-up for a bullet wound on his shoulder. Dream couldn’t look away from his chest as the make-up was applied.
“Yes, my body is your canvas for whatever we’re doing today,” he says sweetly, and Dream’s eyes widen even more, face going even redder as Hob leans against the trailer door frame. Dream swallows, licking his lips before turning away abruptly, and Hob watches him in the trailer mirror as Dream goes over what’s needed for today, ducking his head as he gets out the needed things. 
“Here,” Dream says crisply, voice low and Hob hums, closing the trailer door as he sits on the make-up chair, crossing his legs. “You,” Dream clutches his brush tightly, blue eyes overtaken by dilated pupils, and Hob blinks innocently in response. 
Dream licks his lips again, and Hob watches the other’s ears and throat go red, and Hob ponders if the blush will go down further. 
Resting his arm on the arm rest, he puts his face in his hand, looking down Dream’s black-clad body, specifically at his groin, seeing a bulge under the skinny jeans. “Are you okay?” He asks, meeting Dream’s eyes once again.
Dream lets out a twisted sound, and Dream crashes onto him, biting into his mouth, and Hob returns the kiss enthusiastically as Dream settles in his lap, hands clutching his singlet tightly before they start roving, up to his beard, all the way down to his legs, Dream moaning into him as they kiss.
Hob moans as Dream grinds down on him, frenzied and bringing his own arousal up as he pants into the other’s mouth, getting a hand into Dream’s skinny jeans, and Dream whines as his hand strokes and pulls his cock, sharing messy kisses as he strokes Dream to completion, watching raptly as Dream shivers and moans. 
Dream clings to him, one hand clinging to his thigh, the other to his arm as Dream pants ― and suddenly there’s a knock at the door, “how much longer?” Someone asks and Dream freezes.
“Raincheck?” He whispers, cupping Dream’s jaw for a tiny kiss and Dream nods, reluctantly slipping off of Hob, patting himself down as Dream takes a deep breath and answers.
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astrangerwithnoname · 5 months
His Father’s Eyes
Warm up activity 1 for the dollars trilogy fandom event
After all those years, a few drinks and some rowdy men later, looking in the eyes of a dying man, he finally knew what he saw in his father’s eyes on that fateful day.
Stevens’ youngest son witnesses a man dying and it brings up memories of the day Angel Eyes ‘visited’ their home.
- - - - - - - - -
He heard the gunshot and he heard the scream and he sprinted, like he sprinted on that sunny day, which he had tried to forget in the bottoms of so many empty bottles that he had lost count.
Even as a boy all those years ago, he knew the stranger was trouble from the second he saw him. The man rode confidently as if he owned the place, he didn’t hurry towards the house, took his time to secure his horse and even then he just barely walked to the house. He was alone and didn’t have his gun drawn either, not like all the others that had ‘visited’ them before, as his father put it. The visitors never walked away though, that much he knew, and afterwards there was always a fresh pile of soil somewhere out of sight.
The boy and his father had barely made it to the dining room when the stranger was already leaning against their doorway. He still hadn’t drawn his gun, though he definitely had one. Everyone had a revolver or a rifle, that was how the world worked, or at least that’s what the boy’s father had taught him. So, he reasoned, the man’s actions could only mean two things: either the man was really dumb or really skilled. And the boy bet on the last option, judging by the look the stranger gave him, in his narrow eyes there was no sign of kindness, his gaze felt uncomfortably sharp on his skin, and suddenly the boy felt a chill run down his spine.
His father gave him a look, one which he couldn’t really decipher, but he didn’t seem too worried. After all, they had dealt with other visitors before and he didn’t see why this man, though his presence definitely felt different, should be an exception. So, the boy sat down at the table and only after his mother had arrived, did the stranger shift his hand to reveal his revolver. He didn’t understand why it was a problem, everyone had one after all, but his mother’s insistent hands pushed him up and away from the table and the looming stranger. He glanced at his father and didn’t see fear, but something else. He didn’t know it at the time, but this would be the last time he saw his father alive and later he was glad that in his last memory of him his father wasn’t afraid.
After all those years, a few drinks and some rowdy men later, looking in the eyes of a dying man, he finally knew what he saw in his father’s eyes on that fateful day – it was acceptance. A man coming to terms with his fate. And it hurt, it tore open all those scars he had buried underneath sweat and hard work, having been forced to grow up too early. He stumbled to his knees next to the stranger, taking his hand. The hand trembled and then squeezed, squeezed like only a man on his deathbed could squeeze.
It reminded him of that growing pressure in his chest when he heard the first gunshot and already knew it wasn’t his father’s. He remembered his brother running downstairs and another bang echoing in the house that suddenly seemed so empty. He stepped around the bodies that were still warm and all too familiar and leapt to catch his mother. Falling down with her, he felt his whole world crumble down. He remembers sitting there, his unconscious mother in his hands and his father and brother laying with no one to hold them and he remembers feeling so alone in the halls of the house he never once called home after that day.
Even though he couldn’t bring himself to say anything to the suffering man before him, he held him like he had wanted someone to have held his brother. He held his hand until he saw the pain fading from the man’s eyes, held it like it was his own father’s.
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lilbeanz · 2 years
how did you start liking drarry?
Story time!
It was a hazy afternoon in the April of 2020. Lockdown had been going for less than a month and I was already bored out of my brain, drawing to pass the time.
You see, my lil' beans, I have this original story I've been working on since 2016, and I needed some character inspiration to boost my creativity...
So I opened up Pinterest, where I stumbled upon draco malfoy fanart, which lead to drarry fanart, which lead to my first fanfic reading of "White Lies" by Cassisluna. Which spiralled down, down, down the rabbit hole.
I cannot tell you how many times I stayed up all night in 2020 reading so many fics.
I ripped my way through every page of the Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter tag on Ao3 back to front. Early 2000's to the present day.
I dug my claws into fanfiction.net. I scoured fic recs on tumblr like a hungry, bloodthirsty animal. I read all sorts of fics and discovered all sorts of tropes, it was a truly wild time for me!
I read a collection of fics most in this fandom would've read over a span of 10 years in 1 year.
I basically binged until I was obsessed and had to start making artwork for it, and I have no regrets.
Drarry kept me going through 2020.
J.K. Rowling would go on to post her twisted, nasty thoughts in June that year, and the drarry fandom would then only become stronger and stronger in support of trans rights and the lgbtq+ side of HP.
This place keeps me going. This ship, these people, this community.
That's how I got into drarry.
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a-flappy-bat · 1 year
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So I did some sketches from the Oh Deer Diner thermos promo…
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introvertpanda · 2 years
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The A-Team + Textposts
Face x Murdock pt. 2
pt. 1
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So, like, we know Bucky 100% LOVES eating pussy, but, what about when reader is giving him a blow job, looking in his eyes...
Does he praises her? Says the filthiest stuff? Just groans?
I swear, this man... 🥵
I haven’t written about this as much as I have definitely thought about it, but I do have an answer all ready….
Bucky is a silent guy in general, except for his filthy talk and sarcastic commentary. But a quiet guy, trained to not draw too much attention to himself. Especially when the situation feels scandalous. You like getting him all flustered though and have perfected the best way to give him the sloppiest blowjob you can manage. Sloppy enough to make him go all loopy and soft for you.
Bucky is an admirer of art and my God does he think you look like fucking art when you go down on him. Flushed cheeks, glassy eyes and wet lips - there is barely a better sight in the world. And when you get on your knees for him, Bucky is laden with all different kinds of reactions. Dirty, dirty reactions.
He wants to throw you onto the bed and get his mouth between your thighs before you have even started sucking at him, he wants you to stop distracting him so he can admire your pretty face as you’re on your knees, he wants to fist your hair and tease himself with you, drive himself to the brink of insanity for you. And it makes him stutter, all of those intrusive thoughts.
However, when you finally get your mouth on him, he does fall quiet, a shaky breath falling from his lips as a shudder rolls down his spine. The way he relaxes, the way his eyes fall shut, makes you close your own as you get to work swallowing him down deliciously and humming around him in delight. And he appreciates the feeling of your eager mouth, the sound of you taking him in rendering him completely quiet, nothing but heavy breaths.
Until you hear a soft whine coming from him, so brief you wouldn’t have caught it if your body wasn’t so attuned to his pleasure. And it’s the prettiest sound you’ve ever heard. Not boyish, still manly, a whine that threatens to become a growl if you keep it up. So you do, opening your eyes, only to see his darkened stare on you as you take him down again. Then warmth pools between your legs, throbbing as you feel his hunger for you seep into your skin. Smelling your arousal on you, his metal hand crunches into a fist as he now knows what his sounds do to you. And he reminds you who’s in charge.
“You look pretty, baby…” He grunts, his jaw tight as his fingers curl and uncurl against your scalp, lovingly and possessively. “You’re going to make me come. And I will worship the living fuck out of you when you finish doing that.”
Honestly…. I apologise.
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