#he gave me candy and we made bracelets out of flowers
togenabi · 4 months
reading a childhood friends au made me think about that time in first grade,, a kid consistently called me names back then. it got worse when he got the idea to call me the name of a famous actress bc she has the same first name.
I was so upset that I cried about it, but my nanny said, “what’s the problem? that actress is pretty.” and I had my aha! moment. I wouldn’t be bothered the next time he called me that name because I had something to counter him with.
but when I told him that, he just said, “yeah I know. that’s my point” 😭 my poor child self bluescreened istg
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marsconer · 1 year
fire at the end of the lane, touya todoroki
two: one hand, one heart
“Summer will end soon enough, and childhood as well.”― George R.R. Martin, A Game of Thrones
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As the years went on, he became ever more certain that if the two of them were left alone in the world to find their way back to each other all would be well. But if he was blinded and stolen from her sight, all would crumble and the universe would be nothing but remains of the great monument of her existence. ( He stole that from a book, one of hers, it’s secret but Touya actually listens )
When he wasn’t training he was with her. Locked away in her glittery pastel world
Touya would always remember the day after Christmas when she dragged him up and down the hills to see what her parents got her.
It was the size of a large shed, a small house of wood painted pink and white. Inside it was even worse, a sore sight indeed. Flowing curtains, a small floral patterned sofa covered in plushies, a tea table and some chairs. A perfectly comfortable living space for a human-sized Barbie.
Cordelia smiled at him, like she was proud of it. Touya imagined her picking the cushions for the sofa or the perfectly sparkly shade of blue for the curtains. “I loved it.”, he didn’t loved it but he would have made the entire world look like a candy store if it meant she would smile like that forever.
“I have something for you”, she said, revealing a small blue wrapping and handing it to him, “i asked you what you wanted and i know you said nothing so i made something!”
Touya opened it in a surprisingly careful manner. It was a bracelet of beads of colorful hearts and smiley faces. He put it on, it was nothing like he usually wore but Cordelia had a way of making him do almost anything.
“Now we match!”, she raised her hand so he could see her wrist adorning it.
He felt his cheeks fluster. “I didn’t get you anything, now I’m feeling bit bad about it”
“You didn’t have to”, she said
“I did, I do now”
“In that case, you have until New Year's to get me something. I love flowers this time of years”
He appeared with a bouquet of flowers bought with mom’s approval at her front door on December 31st. One of each type of flower in some atrocious aesthetic-crime against the precious art of making a bouquet. Cordelia loved it like no other.
Life was good. As good as it would get, they would walk home together and he would talk about his progress in training, even if it came with burn marks her songs couldn’t fully heal.
They stopped playing tag and swinging the day away but they were still together. Touya could hide away at her sanctuary. The sun was bright and gentle in the summer and winter was made of snow days and hot chocolate and mistletoes.
The change started before she could feel, like any storm worth it’s name does. It was serious, his voice gave it away. It was always his voice that cracked first.
Touya was laying on her bed again when he should be training. Trying to not be so angry he couldn’t speak and try as he might, he could not find the words to express the bomb planting itself in his heart, his vocabulary was not vast enough yet. He stared at her ceiling for one hour instead, counting and recounting starts.
“239”, he announced through gritted teeth.
“I did need six boxes”, she looked at him, she was the only one who did these days so he spilled it all out.
“Do you think I can still do it?”, he sat back on the mattress, “Become a hero” that would surpass All Might. That would make my father proud.
“You? Why not? I think you can do anything if you have enough nerve”, she barely gave it much thought, as if it was obvious.
The reason for his questioning became apparent when Shouto’s quirk awakened. At age four he was better than his older brother. Half fire and half ice, exactly how some people think the whole world will end. The toddler lacked his weakness towards fire and had a mighty power of freezing ( which mostly made itself known through ice houses and the ice people tiny Shouto held and moved around like dolls ).
He was moldable, a child is soft as clay and it can become anything his father wants if his father is attentive enough. Endeavor is all but dismissive of his youngest’s talent.
Touya learns how to make himself at home anywhere but his own. His fire is using his flesh as fuel, he is flame, wood and pyre and for that reason, training is no longer on his schedule. Not officially at least. So he takes back roads to learn, old tapes to get the intricacies of his father’s moves and using candy to get Natsuo, who is barely eleven and too busy studying most of the time now, to join him in sparring sessions.
He learns the simpler things too. How to use the stove and how to make the strawberry milkshake Cordelia loves and how to use the shower at her place when he sleeps over, and how to lie to her parents about staying the whole night on the couch when he can’t even sleep alone.
Training in secret doesn’t make the burning any less painful. It shows in his skin just as clearly and he doesn’t know what to do with himself when his efforts to hide are successful even at their worst stage, even when he’s not trying at all.
He’s at the breakfast table with Fuyumi and mom and Natsuo and he can hear the faint voice of his fathers talking to Shouto with the tone that was reserved for him. He crouches over his food and makes himself so small he fades away.
Cordelia knows. He hates her for it but she always does. He lays on the wooden floor in her dollhouse. They are getting too old for this but it smells of eternal spring so they spent the afternoon there. She sings and it’s the first time in weeks his skin starts to force itself to heal, his cells responding to the sound waves of her voice.
“Maybe you should stop pushing yourself so hard, that or your skin will fall off”, she says, bitter, worried and some other emotion he has never seen before.
“I can’t”, he can’t handle opening his eyes, Touya’s covered in ice packs and thinks that if he lays still he’ll cool down faster, “And you said I could! How am I supposed to become a hero if I don’t go to U.A High School?”
“So that’s what the training was for?”, Cordelia asked.
“We are graduating this year.”
“And you would be taking the admission exam behind your family’s back?”, she raised a brow.
“I would and maybe father will realize that he made a mistake by giving up on me!”, Touya tried to sat up and winced, his whole body rejected it.
“You need rest, idiot”, she kneeled by his side and forced him to lay back. Her hand on his shoulder.
“Cordelia?”, he laid once more, “What do you plan on doing after graduation?”
“Go to high school? And then University? I’m not you, Touya. I’m okay with the fact that I’m destined for normalcy. No hero will ever save from an average life”
“I will”, he said, so plainly and honestly she couldn’t help but to believe in him.
Shouto took his place almost everywhere now and there’s a black hole stretching in size every time his brother takes something new from him. Touya tries to fill in the gaps and not worry over growing grey at a preteen age. Shouto takes away most of their dad’s time and attention and love and Touya does nothing. A new favourite.
The Todoroki family has been exposing a lot of favorites lately. Mom’s Fuyumi, they are very alike. Left behind, away in the kitchen, talking in whispers and tense shoulders.
Fuyumi’s favorite is Natsuo. They are almost twins, barely a year apart but she watches over him like a mother would when Mom can’t. They are both ice. They understand each other and Mom has an easier time understanding them.
Natsuo’s favorite should be him. It used to be before Touya’s single mindedness took the best of him and divided his life in two.
Shouto was maybe too young to play the favorites game but to Touya’s distaste, it was him. Shouto followed his older brother around like a lost puppy from the minute he could walk.
“Touya”, Shouto ran to brother one morning and he found Touya, sitting in grass outside. Shouto raised his tiny baby fingers to Touya’s hair. “We have the same hair!”
Shouto grabbed the white strand amidst the red.
“I think—Ouch! Don’t pull my hair, idiot”, Touya pushed his brother’s hand away from his hair.
“Sorry, Tou”, and his younger brother put his hands innocently behind his tiny body.
Little does his brother know that his hair was completely red once, like Dad's. He almost looks like an old man and no one noticed. No one ever notices, he could set the house on fire and his family would rather say it was struck by lightning before admitting it was him.
Touya was standing in the hallway. Not his hallway. Cordelia 's. He is staring at the altar, so different from his own. All candles and incense too but crosses and images. Rosaries hanging on the wall, a man holding a flaming heart, pointing at it. Where's the blood, he wonders. Do all wounds look this obvious? Does his own?
"We are catholic", she explains, "My mom is, guess that is dad is too, they got married in a church so-."
"Oh", Touya knows his parents didn't. It's not about the candles and the rosaries or the angels. Is it alright that his family never had any of that, that they weren't supposed to. It's about love but he doesn't know that yet so he blames the angels. Maybe it's the feathers and halos. That's what's missing.
Her house is dark half empty the next time they both stand in that hallway.
“Would you light me some candles?”, she asks.
They sit down and he lights their multitudes one by one, looking at her dumbfounded. Under the soft orange lights she’s beautiful.
The weight of this realization dawned on him. She was beautiful. He could lie and say he always knew that. But maybe Cordelia wasn't. She was a little wild thing for sure when they met. Pointy ears, big glimmering eyes almost half inhuman. And she was ethereal now. Candlelight on the right angle, her long hair glowed like the sun. No, it glowed like a halo.
“Give me your hand, Touya.”
“Why?”, he said, already placing his hand on hers.
“I saw my prima do this with her boyfriend once, it made them one", it was the first time he saw her blush, "Do you want to be one?"
It's such a heavy question but his truest answer was heavier. Sometimes I feel like we already are. Touya can't say that so he says yes.
"Will you repeat it with me?", Cordelia laces their fingers.
"Yes.", it falls from his lips so easily he should have the decency to be scared.
"Make of our hands", she says.
"Make of our hands”, he becomes her echo
"One hand"
"Make of our hearts, one heart'’
"Only death can part us now"
"Make of our lives, one life"
"Only death–"
"Not even", Touya is somber and serious, he means. He means it even if he's too young to mean it. He means it so hard it kills him.
"Not even death can part us now",
It's a promise he intends to keep. It's last thing he thinks about when the hills burn blue.
"You can stay the week if you tell me what happened", her voice echoes in his mind, a memory intruding.
"Can I stay the week, then?", he asked, with the weakest voice she had ever heard.
"You can stay forever.", he thinks about forever and about how he won't have it.
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meganlpie · 3 years
Courting, Not Dating
Based on this request:  Okay so the last anon you had inspired this one sort of. Could I request a one shot where Crowley realizes he’s in love with y/n and being a man of the 1600s instead of a modern relationship (people are so casual nowadays about relationships imo) he’s all old school and proper and wishes to court her. ((In case you didn’t know, there’s a HUGE difference between dating and courting a woman. Not a lot of people realize there’s a difference.)) To specify (according to google) dating can end any number of ways, whereas when you court someone the end goal is marriage. Point blank, period. Ultimately Crowley wishes eventually for Y/N to be his queen.
Here you are! Unfortunately, SPN characters do not belong to me. They belong to the writers/creators of the show. 
Warnings: Fluff-ish, mostly. Crowley is a warning all his own. One saucy line of dialogue.
Pairings: Crowley x fem!reader
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When the realization that he loved you hit Crowley, he had no idea how to handle it at first. He was a demon. Demons didn't love. At least, not as far as he knew. And they certainly didn't fall in love with hunters, or those who researched for hunters. Yet, here he was, madly in love with you and with no clue what to do about it. The one thing he did know was that he did not want to approach it lightly. You deserved better.
         Crowley was never one to do things halfway and he knew that what he felt for you was a once in a lifetime(or rather afterlife time) thing. He didn't want to waste it away with casual dating. The modern approach was not what you deserved. He wanted to, dare he say it, court you. Yes that was it. His end goal. Whenever he thought about the two of you together, it ended the same way. With you on a throne beside his in Hell as his queen.
         His mind began thinking of ways that he could show you exactly how he felt. By what he knew about you, which was quite a lot, he knew he needed to start simple before he revealed his true intentions. That thought made him smile to himself before he pulled out his phone to put his plan into motion.
*time skip*
Your POV
         You were walking into the bunker from the garage, humming a little tune when you heard Dean call out to you. Brows furrowed, you entered the building you called home with the Winchesters and Castiel. Your arms were full of grocery bags, so when you saw Dean, you motioned for him to follow you to the kitchen. Instead, he took the bags and said, "Sam's waiting for you in the library. You got something today."
         Dean walked away leaving you confused. You shook your head and went to the library only to find Sam sitting at one of the tables staring at a bouquet of your favorite flowers. "Are those for me?" you asked with a smile, "Sam you shouldn't have." He shook his head. "I didn't." You gave a hum of confusion then walked closer to see that there was a card.
         You couldn’t believe your eyes when you read it. "They're from Crowley…" You felt a little tug in your heart. Crowley had taken time to send you flowers. It was so sweet, but why? Why would he take time out of his schedule to send you flowers? You had no clue, but you weren't going to reject them. It wasn't often you got to see that side of the King of Hell. You quickly grabbed your phone and shot off a text to thank him. You had no idea that those flowers were only the beginning.
         Every other day for the next few weeks, you found another little gift from Crowley. Flowers, chocolates(and other candies), desserts from your favorite bakery, stuffed toys, even jewelry kept appearing in the bunker, all addressed to you. You always thanked Crowley for sending them and, to your surprise, he responded every single time. It felt…nice to have the attention of someone like Crowley, but you were getting more and more confused by the day. It wasn't until Crowley's latest gift, an extremely expensive dress along with more jewelry, came that you finally asked what was happening.
         Crowley appeared in the bunker not two minutes after you called him. You were waiting with the Winchester. Crowley's eyes softened when they landed on you. You were wearing the charm bracelet he'd sent. When Crowley saw the look on your face, however, he frowned.
         "Something wrong, kitten?" You bit your lip and shook your head, but you still looked upset about something. "Crowley, why? Why all the gifts? The attention? I'm flattered, I am. Grateful, even! But I don't understand. What do you get out of this? I-I don't like the idea of you toying with me."
         In an instant, Crowley grabbed your hand and pulled you closer to him and away from the brothers. "I assure you, pet, I am not toying with you. I suppose I tried too hard to make my affections clear." Your eyes widened and Dean began sputtering out something behind you. Before he could speak, you did. "Affections?"
         "Darling, I'm a demon. Surely you didn't expect me to just come out and say how I feel for you. I decided you deserved better than words. I wanted to show you my intentions." You cocked your head to the side, making him laugh. "I intend to court you, if you'll let me."
         "Are we in some kind of chick flick right now?" Dean suddenly asked, "Court her? Can't you say date like a normal person?" Crowley didn't answer Dean, he simply looked at you. As a researcher, you knew exactly what he meant. "N-No, Dean. He can't. They're two different things. Courting means he-Crowley-he wants to m-m-m-" you couldn't even get the word out, you were so shocked by his admission.
         "It means I want to make you my queen, love. That is my intention." You swore you stopped breathing for a moment. Courting wasn't like dating. Not at all. The end game of a courtship meant one thing. Marriage. Crowley didn't just want a casual fling. He didn't want to date just to date. He wanted you for eternity. Like…truly wanted you. The very thought made your head spin so fast you were almost dizzy.
         "Love? Are you alright?" Your gaze met Crowley's again and, before you could even think about stopping yourself, you threw yourself into his arms, catching him of guard. It was a good thing for his quick reflexes. Without them,  you both would have fallen to the floor.
         The room went deathly silent as you held onto Crowley for dear life. No one said anything as you heard a snap and then felt the world spin. When you pulled away from Crowley, you were no longer in the bunker. Instead, you were in a very luxurious hotel room. When you gave Crowley a look, he chuckled. "Nothing untoward, I assure you. I just want you to myself tonight, love." You smiled at bit your lip again.
         "However, you don't stop biting that lip of yours, I cannot be held responsible for what happens." You felt your entire body heat up at that. "Crowley!" you admonished, but there was a playful tone to your voice that made him smile. He reached up to cup your cheek. His hazel eyes stared deeply into your (e/c) ones. "Will you allow me the honor of courting you, Y/N?" You glanced at the bed and then back to him.
         "That depends. How opposed are you to cuddles?" Crowley's grin was dazzling as he snapped his fingers again. You were now on the bed in the softest set of pajamas you'd ever felt with Crowley next to you, pulling you to him. You sighed happily. "Yes, Crowley. I would love for you to court me." You felt him press a kiss to the top of your head.
(a/n: I hope you like it!!)
Forever Tags: @fizzyxcustard​ @brewsthespirit-blog​ @sirkekselord​ @aikibriarrose​ @lady-of-lies​ @esoltis280​ @stories-by-shanna-p​ @motleymoose​
SPN Tags: @jotink78​ 
This specific fic: @aquananner24​ 
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vroomvroomkachowboi · 3 years
The Gift of Magi
smut, fluff, angst: fluff ig
pairing: draco malfoy x reader (fem)
word count: 1.8k (1897 specifically) 
summary: it’s valentine’s day soon, y/n decides to sell something to get draco a gift, since she’s poor, she sells a valuable item to buy him something,  and draco’s gift relates to the item she sold  (this is based off of that one christmas story “the gift of magi”, except its valentine’s day and draco is obviously not poor)
warning: i think curse words, and i barely proofread my one shots so, and math sort of   
a/n: i hope y’all know what story i’m talking about because then it would be embarrassing for me lmao. (if you’re confused just search up mickey’s once upon a christmas, you’ll probably recognize it) omg the amount of math i had to do for this one shot is ridiculous,  but i’m actually really proud of this, also he won’t be very draco-like 
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Valentine’s Day would be a lot sooner than later. The day of love would be here in 2 days and Y/n still needed to buy a gift for Draco, her boyfriend. Unfortunately, she was just as poor as the Weasley family. She felt bad, Draco loved to spoil her even on regular days, since the Malfoy’s were filthy rich. She just wanted for their first Valentine’s day to be perfect, she almost couldn’t send him anything during winter break. He, however, sent her many gifts that she wasn’t expecting. She just knew Draco was going to spoil the shit out of her for Valentine’s Day.
Thankfully it was Saturday, and she could go into Hogsmeade, and fortunately for her, Draco had to stay at Hogswarts to study for an important test in potions class, which gave her some time to go and look for a gift. The first place she’d go is to Honeydukes, she’ll buy him his favorite candy first and see how much money she’ll have left over and find him a suitable and cheap present.
When she arrives at Hogsmeade, she runs into Honeydukes and begins collecting all his favorite candies, she paid for them and left, trying to find a store that sold a good enough gift for her boyfriend. From the corner of her eye, she saw it.
The perfect gift for Draco.
Her friend had told her about a new jewelry shop at was right by Madam Puddifoot’s Tea Shop. She walks over the window to get a closer look. On display, at the window, she stared at the ring. A silver snake ring. It had a real Victorian style, the snake would loop around his finger 3 times, each scale was defined from the tip of the tail, to it’s end of it’s face, and the snake had emerald eyes. It was truly meant for Draco.
Her heart dropped when she looked at the price. 150 galleons?! How would she afford the ring, she only had 20 galleons left, and she had to save it for a while, where would she get 130 galleons?
She began to fidget with her necklace. A habit she did when she was nervous. It was a gorgeous minimal gold necklace with a moon on it. She found it on the street when she was younger when she visited the muggle world as a trip. Draco loved it as much as she did.
Coincidentally she saw a sign at the window saying “We buy jewelry as well!”, the idea popped into her head at that moment.
She walked in and saw the beautiful jewelry around her, she never got to go into stores like these since she barely had any money, she became so distracted in the beautiful earrings on display, that she didn’t notice a middle-aged woman standing right next to her, not until the lady cleared her throat for her attention.
“Hello, young lady. How may I help you today? Looking for something in particular?” The lady spoke in her strong London accent. Y/n blushed in embarrassment. “Yes. I’m getting a present for my boyfriend. I saw the sign, and I want to sell this,” She said, unclasping her necklace, and handing it over to the lady. The lady put her glasses on, which made her eyes look twice as large, as she inspected Y/n’s necklace. With a wave of her wand, the lady tested for real gold in her necklace. The woman looked at her necklace for a good minute before looking back up at Y/n.
“It is real gold. I will give you 140 galleons for this.” The lady said. Y/n eyes widen. That was a lot of money! She didn’t even know that she had something so expensive hanging around her neck for so long. For a moment, Y/n thought about saying no, but she thought about how perfect the ring would be for Draco and said yes. The lady handed her 140, giving her in total, 160 galleons.
“Is that all I can do for you miss?” The lady asked. “Uh, I saw that snake ring in the window. I’d like to buy it please.” Y/n said to her. The lady opened up a cabinet on her side of the table. “Size?” She asks. Y/n tells her Draco’s ring size and pays her the 150 galleons. Leaving her with 10 galleons left over, she leaves Hogsmeade and goes back to Hogwarts to prepare Draco’s gifts.
Valentine’s Day finally arrived. Draco had his owl send Y/n a letter, telling her to meet him at Astronomy Tower after the end of classes. She waited all day to see her boyfriend, unfortunately, they didn’t have any classes together, but he did say hello in the morning, and they both pecked before telling each other “Happy Valentine’s Day”.
But finally, the end of the day came, and Draco and Y/n planned on eating their favorite foods and exchange gifts at the Astronomy Tower. She ran out her final class, and into her dorm. She wanted to get all dolled up for the date, she did her makeup and put on a cute and date-worthy outfit, since it was a date and Draco was always dressed up in one of his black suits. Finally, she put on an outfit she felt and looked good in and she knew Draco would also enjoy it too.
She went up the spiral staircase that led up to the tower, Draco was there, leaning on the railing, wearing his all black suits. She let her presence be known as she ran up the stairs, Draco saw his girlfriend’s head pop up and smiled.
Before they said anything, Y/n ran up to Draco, and threw her arms around his neck, embracing him in a bear hug, he returned it by wrapping his arms around her waist. One of his hands made it’s way up to pet her hair, “Hey love, happy Valentine’s Day.” He whispers. She let go of his a little to face him but connected her lips with his, which he immediately kissed her back, holding her face with one of his cold, large hands.
“Come sit, darling. I brought you’re favorite, y/f!” He says and lets go of her. He sits on the large blanket he brought, and she sat on the opposite end, with their foods sitting between them. They talked and laughed for a while, until he brought up the topic of gifts. “Can I go get my present for you, my love?” She nods. He gets up and grabs something from a dark corner. He pulled out a huge teddy bear, a box of all her favorite candies, and a bouquet of all her favorite flowers.
She knew it. Draco did go all out for her, she can’t say she surprised. “Awe thank you, Draco! Wow, you didn’t have to get me so much.” She says. “But I wanted to darling. I love to spoil you, the look on your face is all worth it. Plus I don’t mind, I have plenty of money.” He says back. She gets up and grabs Draco’s hands, kissing both of them. “Thank you, I couldn’t ask for a better boyfriend.”
She saw Draco’s heart melt right there, she kissed him before he said something cheesy. As always, Draco puts his skinny pale hand to her face when they were kissing, something she always loved. “I love you.” He says as he pulls back. “I love you too, Dray.” She says, smiling at him.
He looks down at her outfit, “I forgot to mention, that I liked your outfit love. You walked in, and I thought I saw an angel.” She laughed at his words. “Thanks, baby. But enough with the cheesy compliments.” They both laughed at her words. “I didn’t get you as much as you got me, I only got you 2 things.” She pulls out her purse, pulling out all the sweets she bought at the shop. His eyes lighten up. “Awe love, you got all my favorites in here!” He thanks her and puts the baggie of candy down on the blanket with the food.
His brows furrowed in confusion. “Uh, wait. I thought you said 2 gifts?” He questions. Pulling out the box containing the ring, she hands it to him. “I really hope you like it. I almost couldn’t get my hands on it. I saw it at Hogsmeade when you were studying for the potions test. I saw it at the window, and I thought, ‘that was made for Draco.’” She says, suddenly feeling nervous about Draco if liked the gift she got him.
Draco smiled as he pulls the ribbon, and opened the box. He gasped and looked at her, and back the ring. He grabs the ring and slipping onto his left ring finger. “Oh Merlin, Y/n. I love it! But it looks expensive, how much was it?” He questions, suddenly curious since he knew she was just as poor as Weaslebee.
“I sold my necklace for it. I didn’t even know my necklace cost 140 galleons! I wanted to make our first Valentine’s Day perfect...” As she rambled on about the necklace and ring, Draco’s smile dropped, and Y/n noticed it. “What’s wrong, Dray? I know you liked the necklace but I did it for you.” Draco didn’t say anything, only to pull out a white rectangular box from the inner pocket of his jacket.
He hands it to her, and she opened it skeptically. Now she knew why he was so upset. To match her necklace, Draco brought her gold star dangling earrings and gold charm bracelet with the planets. Y/n didn’t know whether to be happy or upset, she loved her gift, but now she felt dumb for using her necklace to buy his ring. “Shit, Draco. I don’t know what to say, I’m sorry.” She says, she couldn’t even look him in the eyes, just stared at the floor.
“Y/n, I understand you don’t have that much money, you don’t need to buy me expensive gifts for you to show your love to me. I already know you do, I would’ve been content with the sweets. I love the ring though, I was just really surprised.” He says and uses his hand to get her to look at him. Her eyes were watery, she was at the verge of tears. “I just wanted to make our Valentine’s day perfect. You spoil me so much, I just wanted to do it in return.”
He whispers a “It’s okay darling, come here.” And pulls her in for a hug. She returns it back, just wanting to feel his arms around her. “I was gonna gift you this,” She pulls back to pull out her wand and whispers, “Accio photograph.” In just a second or two, a framed photo landed in her hand. Draco grabbed it and look at it.
It was a photo of them two the first month they started dating, they made silly faces and laughed in the photo, Draco smiled at the memory. “Awe, darling, I love it!” He says, throwing his arms around her. She does the same and apologizes again. “Don’t you worry, my love. I’ll just buy it back, for you.” He whispers and pulls his head back a little to kiss Y/n. “I love you, happy Valentine’s Day darling.”
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marswr1tes · 3 years
with love, y/n
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requested? yes / no
request: n/a
pairing: poly!lercy(leo x percy) x reader
author's notes: poly!lercy lives in my head rent free, so i just had to write for them. i mention a gift box in this fic and this is sorta what i mean by that. also! for the art: i found it here and the original artist is here
warnings: mentions of gay showering
tags: @goldenhxzza
word count: 950
an international quarantine had just been put in place, leaving you stuck in california and your boyfriends stuck in new york. not the ideal situation, but you were all safe and that’s what mattered. however, with you by yourself, there was nothing to do. and by nothing i mean you could either watch movies all day, scroll through social media, etc, but those things got boring really quickly. until one random tuesday, when you were scrolling on pinterest. there was a picture of a gift box made for someone’s s/o filling up your screen and suddenly there was nothing else on your mind. you just had to make one for your boys. so, you hopped up from your bed, found two random shoe boxes, and got to work. you started on leo’s first, adding a note, a hoodie of yours(oversized, of course), some candy you had, a container of your body wash(he was literally obsessed with the way you smelled and often stole yours when you were together, so why not give him some), and a bracelet. then you got to work on percy’s, throwing in another hoodie, some more candy, a note, a fake rose you had(he was a sucker for flowers, but you didn’t want to give him a dead one), and a small stuffed animal you had. you could’ve just put theirs together, because you knew they would just share everything, but the idea of two boxes was cuter, so you went with that.
as you were admiring your work, a couple polaroids of you caught your eye and you decided to put those in as well. when you finally finished, you sealed the gifts, wrote all yours and the boys information(and wrote their first initial on the box to avoid confusion) and the took them to the post office to be mailed.
about a week later, percy and leo were outside on a walk together, trying to prevent leo from setting the house on fire for the millionth time. they were almost home when they saw the mail truck drive towards their mailbox, set two packages down, and then drive away. usually they didn't get mail, so this was quite a (happy) surprise for the two. they took one look at each other and raced towards the mail box.
when they were back the house, percy raced towards the kitchen table, with leo following suit. reading the address, they quickly realized it was from you. and then taking a closer look, they realized they didn't have the correct one, so they switched, and then tore open the boxes. grins stayed plastered on their faces as they went through the items, sometimes geeking out on a specific item together.
"leo look! y/n gave me a rose!"
"dios mio, i am so in love with them."
"*screech* BABE LOOK!"
*loud screams*
"aww percy, look how beautiful they look!"
then they got to the notes. leo tore his open and began reading aloud.
'dear leo,' leo looked up at percy and smiled before whispering excitedly"that's me!"
"read the note you idiot!"
"okay, okay!"
'first things first, please behave. and please, for the love of y/g/p do not set the house on fire. second, i miss you a lot. probably too much. but hey, you're a loveable person, you can't blame me.' they laughed at that.
'it's weird to not hug you or have you touching me at all throughout the day. it's significantly colder around here too. i've even had to break out the extra blankets. weird, i know. i miss my human furnace :(
“wow, we haven’t had to break out the extra blankets in a long time” percy gasped.
hey kept reading, and by the last few words, leo’s heart was fluttering, and both boys had fallen even more in love.
‘it's been really really hard to not wake up and see your pretty face. or just
see your pretty face at all, regardless if it’s when i wake up or not. seeing you through the screen is not good enough. i love you, leo. (have i told you i love you enough?) make sure you and percy are careful, okay? and have a good day, too. with love, y/n <3’
percy and leo sat there for a good 5 minutes, before percy scrambled to get his note and began reading his.
‘dear aquaman(i’m sorry, i couldn’t pass up the chance), i miss you and leo a lot. you mean so much to me, you have no idea. even if i don’t show it, i appreciate every single thing you do. even if it annoys me sometimes. also i really appreciate it when you save me from dying, so thank you so much for that.’
and as he got to the end, both boys were about to have an aneurysm.
‘please save me. i’m literally begging you. i miss you, i miss your cuddles, i miss your hugs, i miss your everything. i love you so much, bub. take care of yourself. (and leo, gods know he needs it) with love, y/n. p.s. i said this to leo too, but please behave. i’m literally begging you. okay, bye, love you x’
their grins stayed on, their hearts were screaming, and they could not believe they could call you their own. so they basked in your love for as long as they could manage.
and then y/n’s body wash came into percy’s view.
“wanna take a shower and use y/n’s body wash?”
“of course i do! vamonos, mi amor!”
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saeyoungchoismaid · 4 years
Valentine’s Sux
Pairing: Solomon x f!reader Genre: angst, fluff, vague nsfw themes Warnings: I think just choking- Summary: You get into a fight with your boyfriend, Solomon, on Valentine’s Day Word Count: 4.6k A/N: As some of you might have saw, I want to try and be more inclusive to readers who often feel excluded from x reader works. Since this is so long and I’m honestly too lazy to read through all of this, I did word searches and I’m hoping I got rid of all of the things like “she blushed red” and whatnot. If you do still see something like that, please let me know! I want EVERYONE to feel included and happy reading my work! Thank you and enjoy!
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As if February ain't cold enough You had to go and break my heart
Your face is freezing from the tears cooling on your face from the chilly air and you wouldn’t be surprised if your lips are blue. You can feel your heart growing a size smaller, or is that the feeling of it breaking? You’re not too sure but it’s not like it really matters. Either way, your chest hurts and your body feels heavy.
How could this even happen? Things weren’t supposed to go like that. Especially on Valentine’s Day. The day that’s supposed to be full of love and romance. Now, all you feel is sick to your stomach and tired. 
I made six reservations just in case of cancellations But I guess we could eat dinner apart
Six reservations. You wanted to be able to have a nice dinner with him, but lord forbid you’re extra cautious. You picked his favorite restaurants instead of yours, and for what? For him to shout that you’re being dramatic. Now, you’re going to have to call all of those places and tell them you have to cancel. That’s an embarrassment you’d rather not face but know it’s the polite thing to do. It’s not like they’d know about you and your boyfriend’s fight. 
You walk into the House of Lamentation with a sigh, feeling angry and embarrassed that you’re back here. You had already told all of the guys that you wouldn’t be coming home tonight, sitting through all of their teasings because you knew it’d be worth it in the end. 
It was the exact opposite of that. 
Unluckily, literally all of the brothers are here. You just want to put all of this crap away and go to bed. You walk into the kitchen to find Beelzebub eating from a container from last night’s dinner, a happy smile on his face. 
The way you stared when I bought you that big bear I could tell you were kind of disturbed But my kind acts of kindness can we put this all behind us Have you tried the chocolate mints they're superb
You keep your head down as you toss the chocolates onto the counter before shoving the dumb, stuffed bear into the trash. Beel pauses his munching to watch you plunge the innocent bear as deep into the trash as it could go. He sets the container down and slowly starts to move towards you. 
“(Y/n)?” he says softly, pressing his hand gently to the top of your back. “Are you alright?” 
That stupid question. 
And just like that, you're a sobbing mess in Beel’s arms. His eyes are wide as you squeeze him tightly, crying right into his shirt. He’s instantly sad because you are, his heart aching at the thought of you even being upset. 
“Shh, it’s alright, (Y/n). Let it all out. It’s okay,” he soothes, rubbing your back and the back of your head. You do as he says, letting out sob after sob into his strong chest. Your loud bawling, of course, attracts the attention of the other brothers. They all come into the kitchen worried like the mother hens they are.
“What happened?” 
“Is (Y/n) okay?” 
“Do I need to get my knife?”
“Please tell me those are happy tears.” 
“Is (Y/n) hurt?” 
“Everyone stop,” you groan, pulling away from Beel to wipe at your face. Asmo is quick to hand you some tissues, a quiet ‘thank you’ leaving your lips as you take them. You clean up your face while the brothers continue to throw questions at you and Beel.  
“Solomon and I had a fight, okay?” you shout over them, feeling fresh tears well up in your eyes. Everyone goes silent at that, staring as you start to cry again. 
Can't believe we're through but I guess it's really true Valentine's sux without you
Now everyone is beyond confused since this morning you were so excited to go see Solomon and spend the night with him. You told them about all your gifts and plans, a glow in your eyes all day until lunch when you finally got to see Solomon. After that, they left you two alone and went about their day. 
So, how did that end up with you two fighting?
“Yeah, I’ll go get my knife,” Belphie says as he starts to walk out of the kitchen before Lucifer stops him. 
Valentine's sux without you Ahhhhhh, it sucks
You basically skip through the halls with a bright smile, your heart racing as you look for Solomon. You giggle each time you think of his reaction to your gifts. He had told you prior to today that he didn’t want you getting him anything. As if you were going to listen to your handsome boyfriend and not get him anything though. 
You beam brighter than the sun when you finally do spot Solomon, quickly making your way towards him. “(Y/n)! I made you a cake pop!” Luke squeals happily when he sees you. You smile warmly at him and gratefully take the offered heart-shaped cake pop. 
“Awe, thank you, Luke! I’m sorry I didn’t get you anything!” you say as you pull him into a hug. He giggles and shakes his head, accepting and returning the hug without hesitation. 
“Don’t apologize, silly! You already have a Valentine!” he replies as he pulls away, looking over at Solomon. Solomon stares back at him before looking down to your hand holding the cake pop. 
“Well, that is true,” you say softly, giggling along with him. You go to greet your boyfriend when Simeon speaks up next. 
“Here you go, (Y/n). Happy Valentine’s day,” the angel says sweetly. You look to his hands to find a card and a small box. You raise your brow as you gently put the cake pop into your bag before taking it from him. You open the card first, smiling when a baby cupid pops out. You read the little note that he and Luke wrote, cooing softly. 
“Awe, you guys are the sweetest!” you whine, pulling Simeon into a hug. He chuckles and returns it before pulling away after a couple of seconds. 
“You have to open the box too.” 
“Hm? Oh!” you open up the box to see crudely made chocolates. You gasp and quickly eat one with excitement. “This is so good!” you gasp. 
Simeon blushes and looks away from you as he rubs the back of his neck. “Thank you. Luke wanted me to give you more than just a ‘lousy card,’ so he forced me to make the chocolates,” he gushes. You smile warmly at him and eat another one of the chocolates. 
“Well, you did great! They’re delicious! Thank you!” After you say this, you turn to look at Solomon, feeling your face warm up just looking at him. 
“We’ll catch you two later,” Simeon says before leading Luke and himself away from you both. You wave at them before turning to look at Solomon, placing Simeon’s chocolates into your bag. 
“Happy Valentine’s Day,” you say softly, offering him the bear and chocolates. His brows furrow down at you, remaining silent for a moment as he looks you over.
“Where did you get that stuff?” he asks, not reaching his arms out to take the gifts. Not giving you a kiss. Nothing. 
Your brows furrow now, looking down at the objects in your hands. “Um, I went to the store to get the be-”
“No, not that. The necklace, the candy bracelet, and the rest of that crap.” You pause at this, your hands pulling your gifts for him back towards your chest. You move the bear under your arm to use your hand to touch the necklace. You forgot it was even there. 
“Oh, Lucifer got it for me,” you explain before removing your hand to look at your wrist, “and Levi gave me the candy bracelet.” You watch him frown and cross his arms over his chest. 
“Let me guess, all of the brothers gave you something?” he asks, sneering a bit as he says it.
You pull back from him as if he burned you, surprised at his tone. “Um, yes,” you mumble honestly, nervously looking down at your gifts. 
“And what did the other foul demons get you?” he seethes. Your jaw drops at this, your heart starting to beat fast for another reason. 
“Foul? Why would you say that? Solomon, why are you acting like this?” you reply quickly. He scoffs and rolls his eyes a bit. 
“Tell me what the other brothers got you,” he demands. You roll your eyes right back at him and huff, showing your annoyance. 
“Asmo got me beauty products, Beel made me desserts, Mammon got me flowers, Satan got me a book and a movie, and Belphie got me stuffed animals,” you snap, wanting to cross your arms over your chest as well but deciding not to. 
Just remain calm. 
Solomon doesn’t think remaining calm is a good idea though, which is very unlike him. 
“Products? Desserts? Flowers? Book and movie? Animals? They all got you more than one thing,” he snaps right back, his voice deeper than usual. 
You take a deep breath and force a smile, trying to soothe the situation. “Their gifts don’t matter as much as yours does. Happy Valentine’s Day. By the way, I made reservations at a couple different rest-” you start softly, offering him the gifts again before he cuts you off. 
“I didn’t get you anything and I told you that I didn’t want you to give me anything. Why did you make more than one reservation? You’re being dramatic,” he says with little to no emotion before walking away. 
You gape at his back and look down at the chocolate box and stuffed bear. Your eyes start to water as you quickly run to the restroom, dashing into a stall to hide there. 
You hide out there until the bell rings to signal that lunch is over. You wipe at your face with toilet paper before leaving the stall. You then walk over to the mirror and look at your reflection, grabbing paper towels to wipe at your face once more. 
“Stupid Solomon. Stupid Valentine’s Day,” you grumble to yourself as you try to make yourself presentable, knowing good and well that you’re going to be late to class. 
Now I sit at my desk at my low-class job Everybody's got flowers on theirs
When you do reach the class, your teacher pauses their talking to look at you, as does the rest of the class. The teacher goes to reprimand you before they notice your red, swollen eyes and puffy face. “Sorry I’m late,” you apologize, heading over to your desk. Once you’re sat down, they start up their teaching again. 
You could honestly care less about whatever they are saying, your eyes looking at everyone’s desks. Of course, lunch is the prime time to talk to your Valentine or confess to your crush. Because of this, almost everyone in the class has flowers on their desk along with other goodies. You toss your gifts for your boyfriend under your chair, not wanting to look at it right now. 
And it's hard to concentrate, someone tells me about their date F-ing Christ, Jenny, nobody cares
You tried hard to listen to your teacher but all you could think about is how Solomon rejected you and left you alone in the hallway. Class finishes up ten minutes before it’s officially over, so the teacher allows you to converse with each other. And, of course, Jenny takes this opportunity to brag about her crush confessing to her and giving her a lot of goods. 
You just wished she would shut up already because you cared less about this than you did about what the teacher was talking about. 
The school day felt like it lasted for an eternity and you couldn’t be happier to get away from everyone and go home and cry. 
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The brothers watch as you finish up your story, still crying softly. “Hey, it’s okay. I’ll make you something sweet to eat,” Beel soothes. You shake your head, giving him a sweet smile and a hug. 
“Don’t worry about it big guy. I just want to take a nap,” you reassure. He slowly nods his head as he watches you walk towards the stairs to go to your room. 
“Should we do something?” Satan asks softly in order for you to not hear. Lucifer sighs and shakes his head while crossing his arms over his chest, a heavy frown on his face. 
“No, sadly. It’s not our business. We just have to let them deal with it,” he says quietly in response to Satan. 
My house is a mess, I'm forty days behind in rent And I still smell your shitty perfume
You walk into your room and frown, looking at the mess you left behind this morning. You woke up extra early to dress up nice for Solomon, wanting to wow him. He apparently didn’t notice and if he did, he didn’t care. 
You push everything off your bed and onto the floor before collapsing onto it, not bothering to change out of your uniform. You take a deep breath, trying to keep your mind blank or at least trying not to think of you-know-who. That lasted all about ten seconds before you realize that you’re breathing in something all too familiar. 
Solomon’s cologne. 
It makes you start crying all over again, sitting up to get away from the smell of him on your bed. You regret ever having him over to cuddle. You regret ever asking him to bring his cologne with him one day and putting it all over your bed and clothes. You regret wearing his clothes to bed. 
And I'm full of regret, all that money that I've spent To have a barbershop quartet sing for you
You lay back down and try to get your nose used to the scent so you wouldn’t smell it anymore, tears sliding back towards your hairline as you stare up at the ceiling. You then, of course, start to think about all the other things planned for him. You wasted so much saved up money on him to try and make him happy. You even got a barbershop quartet to sing to him just to see him cringe and laugh in embarrassment. 
One day at a time, by next year I should be fine Valentine's sux without you
Maybe you two will make up and be able to actually do something next year together. Why did he even get so upset? Is he going to break up with you? 
When push comes to shove it's the national day of love Valentine's sux without you
Valentine’s Day always sucks when you’re single and alone but it sucks even more when you actually have a partner but can’t spend it with them. 
Oh, valentine's sux without you Oh, valentine's sux without you Oh, valentine's sux without you Oh, valentine's f-ing sux
You sigh and close your eyes, letting your body relax as you let yourself slowly drift off to sleep with the smell of your boyfriend filling your nose and your mind doing nothing but picture him. 
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You don’t know how long you’re asleep when you suddenly wake up from your phone going off. You groan as you slowly wake up the more your phone goes off, rubbing at your swollen eyes before opening them. You reach into your blazer pocket for your phone, looking at who’s calling you. You scoff and roll your eyes when you see that it’s your boyfriend. 
Your heart clenches inside of your heavy chest when you see the picture of you two kissing. “Jerk,” you grumble as you let the call go. You go to set it down when he’s instantly calling you again. You huff and decline the call, having just enough time to look at how long you’re asleep before he calls you again. You decline once more before looking at your battery percentage. 
Your phone is almost dead. 
Good. Let him keep calling. You put your phone on Do Not Disturb after taking him off your favorites, seeing as how they’re the only ones that can get through the do not disturb. You set your phone down beside you before closing your eyes, starting to drift off again. 
You just start to get back to sleep when there’s a knock on your door. You groan to let the person know they can come in, keeping your body right where it is. “(Y/n)?” you hear Lucifer ask. He pauses when he spots you though, a light blush spreading throughout his body when he sees you. You grunt again in response, letting him know you’re listening. You hear him walk towards you, a sigh leaving you as you try to wake up a little more. 
You’re instantly awake when you feel hands on you. You gasp as your eyes fly open, quickly reaching to grab Lucifer’s hands. “Lucifer!” you shout, turning your head and freezing in your spot when you see who it is instead. 
“You just let him in here when you’re indecent?” Solomon growls, continuing his mission to pull your skirt down back down over your butt now that you let his wrists go. You huff and push him away, sitting up to look at Lucifer who is still at the door. 
“You have a visitor,” he states the obvious before shutting the door to leave you two alone. You sigh and run your hands through your messy hair, pulling your legs towards you when Solomon steps closer to you. 
“Answer me. Did you do that on purpose?” your jaw drops at his accusation, your eyes instantly growing dark with anger. 
“How dare you accuse me of such a thing! Especially right after lunch when I tried to give my boyfriend stuff for Valentine’s Day because I love him!” you screech, getting off of the bed to shove at his chest. 
He quickly takes ahold of your wrists, just like you had done to him before. He squints his eyes at you, glaring daggers into your icy eyes. “Lose the attitude. Why didn’t you answer my calls?” 
You scoff exasperatedly, tugging on your arms to try and get your wrists free. “I can have an attitude if I want one! And I didn’t answer your calls because I was obviously asleep,” you snap, the last part being a partial lie.
He scoffs and tightens his grip on your wrist. “You’re such a liar. I know you get my calls even when your phone is on Do Not Disturb. Plus, your phone didn’t even finish ringing before it went to your voicemail. You denied one of my calls,” he seethes. You honestly have never seen him so angry before. 
And you hate the fact that it’s turning you on. 
“Yeah, I denied your call. So what? You’re the jerk who wanted to treat me like trash today even when-” 
Before you could even blink, he uses his body to force yours backwards to the wall beside your bed. Once you’re trapped there, he puts one of your wrists with the other one before holding them with one hand. That hand then brings them above your head and his free hand goes to your throat. 
“Didn’t I tell you to stop having an attitude?” he growls into your ear, roughly pressing his body to yours. The breath leaves you as you stay still, trying to get your brain to catch up with what’s going on. This doesn’t help with how turned on you were getting earlier but this doesn’t mean you’re any less angry. 
You tug on your arms to try and get them free, glaring into his eyes. “I’m not being a disobedient brat to turn you on or whatever. I’m ser-” Your voice cuts off when he tightens his grip on your throat. 
“Funny. I don’t remember saying you could back talk to me,” he says lowly before licking around the shell of your ear. You shiver despite trying to remain angry or expressionless. He just knows your body too well. 
You stare up at him with half-lidded eyes, trying to decide if you want to let him take you right here against the wall or if you want to keep fighting. You’re honestly having trouble deciding. Earlier today, he seemed completely disinterested in you but now it seems all he can even think about is you. 
“Don’t even think about fighting. I can see it in your eye that you’re debating on if you want to continue being a brat or not,” he whispers, starting to grind against you. You’re both surprised and not surprised at all that he’s already half hard. 
“Normally, I’d ask if you’re going to be my good girl but I clearly don’t have to ask this time. You’ve been nothing but bad. Are you ready for your punishment?” he says in a gravelly tone, pulling away from your ear to look into your eyes. 
You lick your lips, knowing that back talking alone would’ve been enough to get you a punishment. You gasp when he tugs you from the wall and pushes you to the bed. You land on your stomach, already starting to whine since you know what’s coming. 
He’s quick to shut that down by landing a harsh hit to your ass without even removing any of your layers. “Don’t start all of that. You brought this onto yourself.” You tense up and go quiet, your panties getting wetter by the second. 
“Good girl,” he coos, flipping your skirt up before bringing his hand to your core. He uses his thumb to run over your folds through the material before circling over your clit. “I can already tell that you’re soaked,” he teases. You whine and arch your back further to raise your ass higher up. 
He rubs his other hand on your right cheek before laying a smack onto it. You grunt and bite your lip, not wanting to satisfy him. You hear him growl, knowing you’ve already pissed him off again. 
“I’m sorry,” he starts, ripping your panties clean off, causing you to whine more, “I don’t think I heard you,” he finishes his sentence with a harsh slap to the cheek that was already hit. You mewl in response, mentally cursing yourself for even making a sound. 
You really aren’t putting up as much of a fight as you wanted.
He continues to place hit after hit on your ass, switching between the two cheeks. By the time he’s done, your skin is burning. Your entire body is also shaking with anticipation for the next hit or for him to do something new. 
You don’t even realize he’s done when he flips you over, pinning your arms above your head as he stares down at you. “I’m trying to decide what to do with you next? Think you’ve been punished enough?” You bite your lip and stare up at him, everything coming back to you from earlier today. 
You don’t even realize you’re crying until he’s wiping your tears away with wide eyes. “Are you okay? Was I too rough? Why didn’t you use your safe word?” he rushes out, worried for the wrong reasons. 
You shake your head and push his hands away, hiding your wet face from him. “Why did you get angry at me today? I was so upset…” you trail off, not wanting to go into too much detail about how much he hurt you. 
He sighs and pulls your hands away from your face with ease, giving you a sincere look as he brushes your hair out of your face. “Shh, calm down. I’m sorry. I just…” he’s the one to trail off now. He sighs before trying again. 
“I’m really sorry. I was so excited to see you but then I saw Simeon and Luke. I started talking to them and they told me how much effort they put into your gifts. Then, you came up and you were just so happy to see them and you loved their gifts. Then, to make matters worse, you got gifts from all of the brothers. I just...I just thought that my gifts would be nothing compared to theirs,” he whispers, his eyes downcast. “And to put the cherry on top, instead of saying this and apologizing, I just came in here even angrier after the whole Lucifer thing and tried to have angry or make up sex,” he adds on before you can reply. 
You smile softly at him, sniffling and pulling him down to give him a kiss. “You’re such a dork. I told you that I’d love yours the most,” you reassure, running your hands through his light hair. 
He sighs for the nth time and nods his head, leaning into your touch.  “I know, I know. I just got...worried.” 
You hum, shaking your head as you lightly tease. “You mean you got insecure and jealous.” You giggle when he pouts, bringing his pouty lips down for another kiss. He pecks your lips a couple times after your kiss before pulling away. 
“Maybe, or maybe not,” he replies nonchalantly like his feelings aren’t obvious. You giggle some more before giving him another kiss. You’ve missed his lips, even if it’s only been a day. 
“Wait, you got me something?” you ask curiously, instantly trying to guess what he got you. He smiles at this, nodding his head before pecking your lips and standing up. It’s your turn to pout now as you watch him, now wondering where he’s going. You gasp quietly when you see the box and bags on the floor by the door. 
“I brought these to school and had to carry them around all day since I couldn’t give them to you. Then, when I came in, your underwear was out for everyone to see and I kinda just dropped them…” You bite your lip at this, watching him bring everything over to you. 
“Sorry about that, by the way,” you apologize softly, sitting up and fixing your skirt. His eyes go down to said skirt, licking his lips when he catches a view of your bare core. You’re dripping after his punishment. He clears his throat and then focuses on the gifts, sliding them over to you. 
“Happy Valentine’s Day, my love,” he says softly. You’re quick to open them, your heart beating wildly in your chest. He got you the normal Valentine’s Day gifts like chocolate and a card but he also got you other things. You squeal in delight when you pull one of his hoodies out of a bag. 
“I figured the one you stole from me doesn’t smell like me anymore, so I brought you this one. I wore this for a week without you seeing it because I wanted it to be a surprise. To make things even better, I got two so now we can match.” 
You giggle like a schoolgirl and pull him to a hug after opening everything else. “You’re literally the best ever. I love you,” you mumble into his shoulder, feeling him smile into your hair.
“Does this mean I can take you back to my place and touch you without having to worry about noise?” Your cheeks heat at his reply and nod your head, sucking on your lip as you pull away from the hug. 
“Let's go then. I’ve been thinking about this for weeks.”
More with Obey Me!
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It's Only Logical - Chapter 22
Chapter 22: The Big Day
First chapter Previous Chapter
Pairings: Logicality/Prinxiety
Warnings: None, this is all fluff!
Virgil’s eyes scanned the jeweler's case with an increasing sense of frantic paranoia. The wedding was literally two days away, and Logan had physically dragged him from his house to finally find Roman’s wedding ring. Perhaps the notion that he could find the perfect ring was one he should have deleted from his brain around jewelry store number three, but he really hadn’t expected it to be this difficult to find a damn ring! And he hadn’t MEANT to put it off this long, LOGAN, but nothing that he saw was really right.
“There are literally ten rings that Roman would wear right in this first row, Virgil. You’re getting married in 48 hours, and you can’t do that without a ring, or so I have been told.” Logan arched a brow at Virgil, who shot him a frustrated glare.
“It can’t be just ANY ring! I need a ring that’s at least as good as the one currently sitting on my left hand!” Virgil held out the hand in question, the ring of red and black melding together in a perfect mix of himself and Roman. “Standard diamonds and gold just aren’t going to cut it here.”
Just as Virgil was about to write it off as yet another failure and melt into a small puddle of panic, Logan spotted a ring in the back of a small case. It was black with a twisting motif of purple, Virgil’s favorite color. “What about that one?”
The ring that Roman had given him sat heavy on Virgil’s finger, and he looked closer at that one ring. It was...him. It would be his favorite color on Roman’s finger, for always. “Excuse me, can I see this one, please?”
“Of course, sir.” The jeweler smiled as she opened the case and pulled the black and purple ring out for Virgil to inspect. As he turned it over in his hands, he thought about how it would look on Roman, about how this flash of dark and color would gleam against tanned skin.
“I’ll take it.” Virgil’s soft smile melted into a put upon scowl as Logan heaved a great sigh of relief. “What?!? It had to be perfect!”
“I’m just relieved that perfection actually exists. What kind of best man would I be if I let you face your future husband without a wedding ring? You’d be dead before you were married.” Logan grinned as Virgil playfully smacked him.
“Yeah, yeah, you saved the day. Now let me pay for this so I can finally check the one thing I’m responsible for in this wedding off my list.” Virgil handed over his credit card with no regrets, taking the small bag from the jeweler with a grateful smile.
“That’s not true, Virgil. You’re also responsible for showing up.” Logan followed him out of the shop, giving the amused jeweler a friendly wave goodbye.
“Nah, that’s what you’re responsible for.” Virgil winked at him as he got into Logan’s car.
“Oh, so I have to add “wrangle Virgil” to my list of matrimonial duties? Thought you were looking forward to this.” Logan laughed as he started the car and drove them towards the cafe.
“Oh, I am. Probably not as much as Roman, if the sobbing over his wedding binder last night was anything to go by.” Virgil shook his head fondly at the memory. “I don’t know, I just don’t see the point of all the fuss, you know? We love each other. We’re in this for life, until we’re old and wrinkly and gray. That’s the headline here, everything else is just window dressing.”
“Don’t let Roman hear you say that! He’s worked very hard on this wedding and it means a great deal to him.” Logan shot Virgil a warning look, arching a brow as his best friend put both hands in the air like he was surrendering.
“I know, and that’s the only reason it matters to me at all. You know me, I hate all the attention, but Roman wants this. He’s been dreaming of this, and I want to give him that one perfect day, you know?” He looked out the window, face flushing at the admission.
“Yeah, I know. Why do you think I agreed to turn Roman’s backyard into his dream garden? Roman wanted to get married at his house, where we all had so many good memories with us and Mom, and I couldn’t say no even if I’d wanted to.”
“His puppy dog eyes should be classified as a lethal weapon, I’m telling you!”
“Oh, his have nothing on Patton’s, let me assure you. Seems to be a family trait.” Logan chuckled as he remembered the way Patton and Thomas had ganged up on him last week. “And Thomas isn’t far behind. I truly stand no chance.”
“Wow, two Sanders Puppy Dog eyes at once? You are well and truly fucked, Lo. There is no escape.” Virgil gave his arm a sympathetic pat as they parked. “I’ll see you tomorrow for the rehearsal dinner. You're still good with all of us crashing at your house for it, right?”
“It’s not like I don’t have the room, Virgil. Go, have fun. Enjoy your last night as singles together, since Roman already asked me to have a guest room made up for you so you won’t see him before the wedding.” Logan laughed as Virgil groaned loudly in protest and threw his head back against the seat.
“Great. Can’t wait. I’ll see you tomorrow, Lo….and….thanks. For everything, you know?”
“You don’t ever have to thank me. We’re family, this is what we do for each other.” Logan’s face softened at his best friend’s quiet words, and he knew why Virgil had said it. Not many people would have given or done as much as he had, and his best friend hadn’t had the easiest life growing up. Of course he’d feel the need to express gratitude, even if it was totally unnecessary. “...Did you ever decide? About your mother?”
Virgil froze, his whole face shuttering like a switch had been flipped. “Yup. Not changing my mind. She may have given birth to me, but she isn’t my mother. My mom is buried out in the cemetery, and my brother is my best man. I don’t need any other family than that.”
Logan felt sentimental tears sting his eyes at that, and he blinked rapidly to keep them at bay. “Alright then. Your family will be right there with you, every step of the way. For what it’s worth, Mom would have been very proud of you. She always thought you and Roman would make a good couple, so she’s probably giggling into her tea right now.”
“Goddammit, why did EVERYONE figure us out before we did?!?” Virgil shook his head as he got out of the car, leaning down to meet Logan’s eyes. “She would have loved all this. Like to think she’s still watching, you know?”
“She is, Virgil. And she’ll definitely be watching on the big day.” He watched Virgil nod once before closing the door and heading into the house, leaving his purchase with Logan for safekeeping until the ceremony.
It was a perfect day for it, tailor made with candy blue skies and balmy air scented with flowers. Everything that Logan had planted with Patton and Virgil’s help was blooming in an explosion of shapes and colors. There were white chairs set on the lawn, and a shimmery drape of fabric tied with bunches of fresh flowers marked the aisle that Roman would walk down.
Patton turned away from the window, smiling as he watched his mother and sister fuss over Roman’s gown. It was a stunning dress, an elaborate white ball gown with beading and a train, dyed red just at the bottom. Roman had foregone a veil in favor of fresh flowers woven into his hair, and Val had done his makeup in red and gold with lashes that made his eyes look stunning. His brother looked beautiful today, and he could feel himself getting a little misty. “You look incredible, Ro.”
“Damn straight he does! God, I wish I had your cheekbones.” Val giggled as she applied just a touch more highlight before stepping away to let Roman inspect her work. “Virgil is going to absolutely die. I can’t wait.”
“Oh honey, there is nothing straight about today! But I do look spectacular, if I do say so myself.” Roman laughed before giving Valerie a fond hug. “Thank you, menace.”
“You’re welcome, brat.” Val mumbled, blinking back some tears.
“You always were a queen, sweetheart. Today you just look the part.” Lydia grinned as her children laughed, then gently reached out to take Roman’s hand. She placed a beautiful bracelet of sapphires and diamonds on Roman’s wrist, fiddling with the clasp until it sat just right. “Logan asked me to give you something today. Something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue, isn’t that the old saying? He said it was his mother’s set, so now you’ve got the borrowed, blue and old all in one.”
Roman took a deep, shuddering breath, one hand gently tracing over the bracelet with shaking fingers. “I wish you could have spent more time with Minny, mom.”
“I do, too, sweetheart. She was a special woman, and it’s so sweet of Logan to think of this. And all the work he did to put this together just how you wanted? You’d better say thank you.” Lydia smiled as she straightened Roman’s train, fluffing it a little. “And Patton, you’d better hang on to him.”
“Oh, don’t you worry, I intend to.” Patton laughed as he gave Roman a hug. “Now, you ready to get out there and wow the crowd?”
“Aren’t I always?” Roman laughed as he took his bouquet from Val, straightening his shoulders. He knew it wasn’t traditional for a man to wear the dress, but he’d always wanted a gown and his family and future husband were more than supportive. He felt beautiful, regal even, and he couldn’t wait to see Virgil’s face.
Out on the lawn, just underneath an arch that was decorated with red roses and purple wisteria, Virgil fidgeted as Logan straightened his tie for him. “Not getting the jitters, are you, Virge?”
Virgil smiled at him and shook his head. “I’m not nervous anymore, not even a little jump in my belly, Lo. He’s a good man.”
“Yes, he is. A very good one.”
“I made him wait for so long. Years, when you think about it.” He let out a laughing breath as the music struck up. “Time’s up.”
Logan chuckled and took his place by Virgil’s side, feeling his heart absolutely melt at the sight of little Lily toddling carefully down the aisle in her dress, tossing flower petals, then little Thomas in his suit carrying the rings. He gave Thomas a thumbs up before taking the ring boxes with a smile. Patton entered next, his blue eyes alight with joy as he took his place opposite Virgil, Logan and Thomas, gently holding Lily’s hand.
It was sweet, watching Roman walk down the aisle to Virgil. Watching Virgil’s face light up in awed delight at the sight of his future husband. The ceremony was perfect, soft and lovely with a gentle breeze wafting the perfume of the floral blooms through the air. They had wanted to get married in the garden they would tend, in the home they would live in together, and it struck Logan as a perfectly romantic setting.
Virgil’s vows were earnest and heartfelt, prompting Roman to blink rapidly and fan himself to avoid crying. Roman’s own vows were poetic but heart wrenchingly honest, and Virgil kissed his hand after they exchanged rings. It was perfect, Virgil looking handsome in his suit, Roman looking flawless in his gown, and the crowd broke into spontaneous applause when Virgil swept his husband off his feet and twirled him around before kissing him. Barbara topped off the ceremony by popping the first bottle of champagne to toast the happy couple.
“You do good work, sweetheart.” Patton said as he clinked a champagne glass against Logan’s.
“I didn’t do anything.”
“It’s like a family tree. They two of them sprung from a branch on your tree. You aren’t family by blood but it amounts to the same, really. It’s their connection to you that brought them together. They did the rest, but the connection started it,” Patton said softly, watching his brother beam from Virgil’s arms as the photographer snapped pictures.
“That’s a sweet thought. I’ll take it.” Logan sipped his champagne and blinked back the sting of sentimental tears. He’d been mentally wrestling with his own thoughts and feelings lately, and watching the joy on his best friend’s face today was settling his heart into the comfortable acceptance that this was something he might just want for himself. “I wanted to talk to you about something, actually. It can wait until after Roman has his big day. By rights, a wedding day should belong to the bride, after all.”
“Oh? What did you want to talk about?”
“Let’s just say it’s about connections.” Logan gave Patton’s cheek a fond kiss. “I need to run back to the house really quickly. With all the excitement today, I forgot the very special bottle of champagne I had for the bride and groom.”
“I can go get it,” Patton offered, running one hand down Logan’s back with a smile.
“It’ll be faster if I do it. Fifteen minutes, tops.”
As he walked to his car, he was stopped when Barbara called out to him. “Hey, Logan! Hold up!” She paused by Logan, slightly breathless with a crying Lily in her arms. “I’ve got a cranky little girl here who won’t go down for her nap. Car rides always put her out. We can take mine, it has the car seat?”
“Sure. It’s going to be a quick run, though.”
“Oh, that doesn’t matter. She’ll be out like a light in a minute.” Barbara gave him a grateful smile as she expertly wrestled Lily into her car seat and started towards Logan’s house. As advertised, the baby’s head started to droop and she quieted before they even got out of Roman’s driveway.
“Works like a charm.”
“From what Patton tells me, it does the same for Thomas, too. She looks so sweet in her little pink party dress.”
“Everything looked so beautiful today! If Shir and I ever renew our vows, I want it to be just like that. Flowers, family and friends. I always thought I’d want a big church extravaganza, but this was so romantic.” Barbara said softly, smiling as she drove.
“It was just perfect for them. So nice to--wait. Slow down! Stop the car!”
“What? What’s the---oh my god!”
They both stared towards Minny’s Garden. Logan had closed for the day to allow everyone to enjoy the wedding. But someone, he could see, had been there. Someone still was. Several of the outdoor displays were overturned, and a car was parked sideways on the grounds, crushing one of the flower beds.
“Go. You and the baby, get back to Roman’s right now.” Logan said, reaching for the door handle. “Call the police as soon as you get there.”
“Don’t! Don’t go in there right now.” Barbara gave him a horrified look.
“It’s my place.” And he was already running.
A/N: Okay, here we are. This is the second to last chapter, and I'm so sorry I made you all wait this long. I hope the ending lives up to everyone's hopes. I'm sorry to say that I lost my tag list, so I apologize to everyone who was on it. :'( Also, there is no difference between this version, the Wattpad, and the Ao3 versions for this chapter and the next.
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kixa · 3 years
— 𝓗𝓸𝔀 𝓭𝓸 𝓘 𝓽𝓮𝓵𝓵 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓘 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾?
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Pairing: Sero x fem! Reader
Warnings: cursing? Fluff and crack
Synopsis: Sero is nervous to tell his crush he likes her
Word count: 2.4K
A/n: pls I’m so late but here’s my Valentine’s Day gift to y’all 🤧
Tagging: @honeykami
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‘Sero stop starin- oh shit she’s looking over here’ Sero thought quickly redirecting his gaze to the front where Aizawa was giving a lesson. His cheeks grew a faint blush, not wanting to meet your eyes again and make things even more awkward, his eyes never left the board upfront. Sero looked down at his hands and fiddled with the little box. He gently smiled remembering what was in the box.
Sero had had a crush on you for a while. You guys were only good friends but he had thought of you as something more. He admired everything about you, your smile, your laugh, the way you looked so cute while studying, the list goes on and on. Your friends had caught on very early on but you brushed it off thinking that it might be just a joke they were playing on you. But you’d be lying if your heart didn’t flutter a little bit when you’d catch him staring at you.
Valentine’s day was coming up and there was already a whole bunch of activities that you could participate in. From candy grams to secret flower gifts (I fr don’t know what these things are called) the list went on and on. But Sero’s biggest dilemma was he wanted to confess on Valentine’s day but he didn’t know what to get you.
“Ok so guys I made her a bracelet and I got her favorite candy. Whatcha think?” Sero asked with bright eyes.
“Dude you can’t get her that, you gotta go all out like flowers, balloons, boxes of chocolates, all that good stuff,” Denki replied. Kirishima lightly punched Denki in the shoulder and moved in front of him.
“Don’t worry she’ll love what you got her. I take her as the girl who’s not into all the extravagant stuff,” Kirishima reassured. Kirishima’s words made Sero lightly smile but it hid the creeping anxiety he felt. Would you not like his gift? Would you think it was tacky and too small? Maybe you do like all that big stuff.
If confessing to you already wasn’t enough this worried him even more.
When lunchtime came he passed the various tables set up for the small gifts you could buy. All of the gifts looked so nice and seemed like the perfect confession present to give someone. The commotion of the crowd was too loud he couldn’t think. What should I get her? Flowers? But I don’t know her favorite flower. Maybe I should just keep the original present?
After fretting about the whole situation and second-guessing himself he felt a little hopeless. Valentine’s day was tomorrow, and he hadn’t found any gifts worthy or unique enough for you. He sighed heavily as he plopped down on his bed. Staring at his ceiling he started to make images and moments of you from his mind. He remembered the many times you were clumsy and proceeded to laugh at yourself. He gently smiled, also thinking of the many times you guys both caught each other’s eyes but quickly looked away. Or how excited you looked when you told him stories. When he thought about it he just couldn’t get you out of his mind. He realized how special you were to him.
He got up and began to write down ideas for how he should confess to you. He actually made a checklist. Making up his mind, he called Denki and Kirishima to let them know the plan. They were totally down although Kiri kept on insisting that Sero just give you his original present. Sero brushed it off replying that he had to show you how much you meant to him and that he needed to make the whole thing big.
Valentine’s day comes and Sero is a nervous wreck. He had spent way too long in his room getting ready for class but for him a ‘monumental step in his life’. He tried to do his hair a different way putting it in a small ponytail. He talked himself up in the mirror for maybe 7 minutes.
“Heyy I look good,” he walks past the mirror, “oh hey didn’t see you there the name’s Sero” does some poses “Looking so sexy for what? Who gon check me?” “Stiff where? Stiff where?” as he’s swinging his head back and forth. “Oh, you said I’m hot? Si estoy muy caliente,” he grins.
He snaps his head as he hears hysterical laughter from his doorway. He sees Kirishima rolling on the floor while Denki is running around like a madman cackling. Sero brightly blushes to turn his head away.
He grabs his bag, “Haha very funny now let’s go before we’re late”
“Ok but you lost me at the ‘stiff where’,” Denki cried imitating the hair-waving action.
“Please it was the ‘Si estoy muy caliente’ for me,” Kirishima said wiping a tear. Sero pushed past them, ignoring the mocking. They followed Sero out of his room to be welcomed with decorated halls and mild chatter, seemed everyone was pretty excited about today. Thatś when it hit Sero, the butterflies of nervousness and the confidence that was once present slowly started to fade. He continued walking with his head facing the floor and he didn’t realize until Denki ran up to tackle him from behind.
“Whatcha thinking about scotch tape?” Denki questioned hanging off his shoulder. Sero suddenly snapped out of his zone out.
“Huh? Oh nothing really...just Y/n and today,” He muttered.
“Don’t worry bro we got everything covered for today’s plan,” Kirishima assured.
“Yeah, Bakugou is getting the balloons and teddy bear meanwhile Jiro’s vocal cords are pitched and ready to go. Everything is under control...except I couldn’t find any roses they were all out so we’ll just have to scratch the rose petal walkway,” Denki added. Sero felt a little weight off of his shoulders but was still disappointed how a portion of his plan wasn’t going to work.
As the day went on he couldn’t concentrate in class just thinking about the preparations for everything, it had to go perfect. Then he got the text from Jiro saying she wasn’t feeling too well and she would have to opt-out for today. Panic started to settle in. ‘Damnit ok so the little serenade is out of the picture too...it’s ok it’s ok just remember what else we have...we’ll make it work’. Sero reassured himself. He texted Denki and Kiri about the news and they tried their best to spew positive comments telling him to look at the silver lining. He looked up from his phone to search for you in the classroom. There you were turned around giggling with Mina about nonsense. As if you couldn’t look any cuter.
Throughout the various periods, his nerves stayed the same but settled enough for him to work on school work. His eyes flicked back and forth between Aizawa and the chalkboard behind him taking notes. He abruptly stopped when he noticed Aizawa wasn’t talking anymore, everyone has stopped what they were doing to pay attention to the people coming through the door. There was a girl and a boy carrying roses with little notes attached to them. They separated and started to move towards certain individuals. Sero’s head snapped towards you to see if they were headed your way, but they didn’t. ‘I should’ve got her one’ he thought to himself. He stopped his thoughts when a person blocked his view from you.
“Sero Hanta right?” the guy asked. Sero raised his head and nodded. “For you,” the guy said handing him a beautiful white rose. His eyes widened confused as to what happened. Who could’ve given him this? He whipped his head around the classroom trying to spot anyone who might’ve sent this. He thought about you, could you have given him this? Nah she probably wouldn’t...unless...nah
Following the peculiar incident, the bell rang signaling the end of the school day. Sero scrambled to put his things in his bag and get out of the class in a hurry. He raced out of the classroom to meet up with Kiri and Denki.
“Ok guys we got a couple of minutes before the halls clear out, Mina is with Y/n so she’s going to keep her company,” Sero started.
“I just spoke with Bakugou and I checked with him to see if still got the balloons he told me to piss off but I’m sure he has it covered,” Kiri added.
“So we’re all good right?” Sero questioned. “Yep!” Denki answered.
Once they heard the chattering of you and Mina from around the corner they hurried into their places. Sero standing off to the side while Denki, Kirishima stayed hidden and Bakugou should be joining them at any minute. When Mina and you turned the corner you caught Sero’s eye and almost immediately greeted him. This day was pretty hectic as is but seeing Sero made it a little better. Mina slowed down a bit behind Y/n and looked to Sero, she gave him a grin and thumbs up.
“Hey Y/n I’m going to meet up with Momo so I’ll catch you later,” Mina said. You turned back to look at her backing away down the hall, you figured this was because she wanted you and Sero to be alone together. You lightly giggled shaking your head, “Ok see ya tomorrow Mina,”
Sero watched the whole thing nervously fidgeting with his hands until you turned back around to face him.
“So what’s up?” you asked.
“Oh yeah um..yeah I wanted to tell you something,” he said flashing his cute bright smile. He rummaged in his pocket fishing for a piece of paper. Taking the crumpled paper and unfolding it he scanned over it before taking a sigh. Sero’s big eyes flicked between the paper and you, taking a dry gulp. You thought this was all too cute you had a small hunch about what was happening but didn’t want to think too far into it.
Meanwhile, Denki and Kiri were panicking like hell. Sero was about to start his “speech” and Bakugou wasn’t here. The majority of Sero’s plan wasn’t working out the way it should’ve and he was just hoping at least Bakugou would come through. (Not calling Bakugou unreliable...but yeah..I wouldn’t count on him if this were me). The two frantically texted Bakugou multiple times and called. Finally, Kiri got a reply.
Bro where are you? You’re supposed to be here
I told you to piss off what part of that did you not understand Shitty hair
“So he’s not coming just great,” Denki exclaimed. “I’ll text Sero,” Kirishima said.
At this point, Sero was halfway through his note when his phone buzzed but he ignored it. It buzzed again, he ignored it. Now the duo was getting desperate because they needed to tell him. They called him and it interrupted him mid-sentence. He fumbled taking his phone out of his pocket nervously laughing, excusing himself to answer his call.
“What? I know you guys can see that I’m busy right now,” Sero whispered.
“Sorry, but we wanted to let you know that Bakugou isn’t here and we have no balloons and teddy bear. We’re sorry dude,” Denki explained.
“Are you serious? Shit, what do I do now?” panicked Sero.
Kirishima was quick to answer, “What about your original present the bracelet, and her favorite candy? You still have them in your bag right?”
“I do...but do you think she’ll like it?” he said anxiously. Kirishima quickly assured him even Denki added on. Sero took a deep breath and thanked his friends then ended the call.
He walked back over to you and was welcomed with a warm smile you gave him. It made his heart melt and he almost forgot what he was doing. He cleared apologized then started to speak again.
“Where was I? Ah ok so after knowing you for as long as I’ve known you I’ve realized that you have a wonderful impact on me and the things I do. I don’t know it’s just like now I see the world a lot more colorful than before and I’m pretty sure it’s because of you. I don’t know what your feelings are towards me but I just wanted to let you know how much you mean to me and not as friends. So without further ado Y/n would you be my Valentine?” he explained. At this point, you were beaming with excitement, nervousness, and fluster. After internally screaming you finally settled down.
“Yes Sero I would be more than happy to be your Valentine, I thought you’d never ask,” you answered composedly. Sero nearly jumped out of his skin in elation.
Sero hurriedly took off his backpack to get out the present, “Oh I almost forgot I have something for you” He pulled how the small box and box of candy. You took them both and audibly gasped, “Sero where do you find these? I thought they were discontinued” He shrugged chuckling a little. You opened the small box and were welcomed with a cute beaded bracelet with your hero name on there. You slipped it on, holding your hand out to admire.
“Whatcha think?” he inquired. “I love it” you grinned.
“Also was that you that gave me the flower?” Sero inquired. You slightly smirked moving past him.
“Maybe… also you did a good job at hiding the whole plan but next time don’t do all the extravagant stuff just be you be cool,” You commented walking away.
“Oh yeah will do...wait...how do you know about the plan?” Sero realized. You continued walking shrugging while giggling. He followed you yelling out to get your response. You just bust out laughing now walking a little faster down the hall. He started laughing finally letting all of the anxiety about the whole situation slip away.
See nothing to worry about :)
Bakugou tried to move over switching to a more comfortable position while sleeping. But his eyes shot awake when he realized he couldn’t move. He was taped down to his bed and he knew immediately did this.
“DUMBASSES,” he screamed. After singeing the tape to nothingness he made his way to his door. Throwing it open damn near taking the door off. Sero, Kiri, and Denki zoomed down the hallway laughing up a storm. And I promise you Bakugou was not having it, he blasted himself down the hall trying to catch up to him.
And um...how that situation ended up is up to you...🙂
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twsthoodstar · 3 years
Happy Birthday Carmina!
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Ramshackle Dorm - Birthday Party Venue
NRC School Newspaper: Featured Interview with the Birthday Student ~ Carmina Edition
Part 1
Yuu: Happy Birthday!
Carmina: Ah! There you are Yuu! Thank you so much!
Yuu: Are you having fun?
Carmina: I really really am! I’ve never had a party on the surface before! Nor have I been to one either. Hehehe. . .
Carmina: I’m used to big events like this but this one is by far the most interesting.
Yuu: What were your parties like before?
Carmina: Oh they were so much fun! Back in my world, Daddy—er—my father would always hold a big celebration in the ballroom. He does it for both mine and my sisters’ birthdays every year!
Carmina: We always invite our family and friends, and Father would hire the best band in the kingdom! Everyone would get so lively, all that dancing and singing and swaying to the music! Almost makes me wanna dance right now!
Yuu: I thought you said you were bad at dancing?
Carmina: U-Um I-I did! Oh! W-Well, I suppose you could say I’m not the most. . . flexible dancer on the shoreline. Eh hehehe. . .
Yuu: I thought you were taking lessons from Vil-Senpai?
Carmina: Um! Y-yes I am! But why don’t we talk about something else right now? Ah hahaha!
Carmina: Besides I think Vil-Senpai might still be mad at me.
Yuu: Well, why don’t you tell me about your family?
Carmina: My family? Well. . . I have three little sisters back home, and each one a bigger handful than the last hehe. Oh! But don’t tell them that!
Carmina: My second youngest sister is only a few years younger than me. But even so it feels like we’re total opposites.
Carmina: She’s not very open yet she’s always so blunt. So there are times where it’s hard to tell what she’s feeling. She can be so mean to me.
Carmina: But she’s super talented too!
Carmina: She’s always been better than me when it comes to instruments, and every time she’s make a new piece I’m always the first to hear it! Doesn’t she sound amazing!
Carmina: Secondly, there’s the twins. I know they’re still young so I can’t get too mad, but they can never sit still! Don’t get me wrong I love them, but they’re always causing trouble and it’s so difficult trying to chase them whenever they swim away!
Carmina: *pouts* I try to stop them but they always listen to Mother instead of me! So unfair. . . I’m the big sister here.
Carmina: But I guess it makes sense. Mother has always been very supportive and very gentle, so our people love her. Although, she is. . . um. . . a bit scary when she’s mad hehehe. .
Carmina: Finally there’s my father. He’s the king so he’s definitely someone I admire! Although sometimes he can get ahead of himself. Hehehe. . .
Yuu: What do you mea—Wait?! King?!
Carmina: Hmm? Oh you didn’t know? I thought I told everyone. . . Well, yes! Father is the king, and a powerful one too. His magic is so strong, he can make these giant tidal waves and stormy hurricanes! Isn’t that cool!
Yuu: Y-yes, it is. . .
Carmina: With all that power you’d think he wouldn’t worry as much. *sighs* Oh? It’s just that Father can be a bit overprotective sometimes. Especially with me.
Carmina: He never lets me go swimming at night or wander the palace grounds without someone else around. Even during festivals he likes to keep an eye on us.
Carmina: He won’t even let me go near the surface either. It’s not all bad up there anyways. . . *sighs* I just wish he’d stop treating me like a little guppy sometimes, you know?
Yuu: Maybe he’s just looking out for you?
Carmina: Yes I suppose, and I know he cares for us. I just wish he wouldn’t worry so much.
Carmina: Besides, so many wonderful things come from the surface. Cell phones, cameras, games, paintings, and books. Plus there’s kind humans that live here just like you! >v<
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Part 2
Yuu: So what kind of gifts did you get?
Carmina: I got so many cool things! I’ll have to repay everyone when their birthdays come around.
Carmina: Ace and Deuce both got me a bouquet of flowers, which really surprised me. I believe they’re called, hibiscus flowers? They were such a pretty color too. Like pink and orange mixed together, just like a sunset!
Carmina: *pouts* But Ace was being so rude about it. He just laughed and said “This is the kind of stuff girls like right? So you better enjoy these!” Then he walked away!
Carmina: *sighs* Anyways, Jack gave me a pair of jars for my collection and Epel baked me an apple pie. It looked so yummy! I’ve never tried apple pie before.
Carmina: But before I could take a bite Sebek barged in shouting how “I should be grateful to Waka-Sama for allowing him to come!”
Carmina: I suppose I can’t get too mad though, his gift was so pretty. It was a charm bracelet with shiny little pearls all around it.
Yuu: You mentioned a collection. Is that what all those jars are for?
Carmina: The jars in my room? Yes they’re apart of my collection! I normally fill them with seashells and other things I find lying around but recently I’ve been finding other items.
Carmina: Candy, ribbons, rocks, string, books, music sheets, bracelets, beads. Oo! And I recently have a new edition to my manga collection thanks to Idia-Senpai!
Carmina: And the Leech twins gave me some new cups to finish that old teaset I found!
Yuu: That sounds like a lot of things. . .
Carmina: Really? I’d say my collection this time is a lot smaller than usual.
Yuu: Well, did you get any gifts from your other friends?
Carmina: Oh I did! The Light Music Club actually came in together to give me theirs. Lilia-Senpai gave me a record player for all those old discs in the attic, and Kalim-Senpai gave me music sheets of songs from his homeland.
Carmina: Oh and Cater-Senpai got me tickets to a concert! He’s showed me this band before and they’re so good, I love the upbeat tropical feeling they give. Isn’t that exciting!
Yuu: You really like music don’t you?
Carmina: Well course I do. I’ve always been interested in the Royal Music Program since I was little. Plus, I’ve been getting a few new lessons from Tsunotarou.
Carmina: So naturally I just fell in love with it!
Carmina: Music makes people happy; it brings them together and helps them smile. I feel if doing something you love makes people happy, then you just have to keep doing it the best you can!
Carmina: And that’s just what I’m going to do!
Yuu: That all sounds wonderful! And I wish you a Happy Birthday!
Carmina: [waves] You go on and have fun now okay?
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(I’ve been planning this for awhile so I’m taking a pause on delayed matchups today!)
Hello guys!
Artwork for the card was made by my friend @ceruleanstar11 and I am so grateful!! It looks lovely!! 😆💖💖 All drawing credit goes to them! And the birthday template was made by @twst-the-royals so credit for that goes to them!
The wonky edits were made by me using an app called PicsArt. Here’s what the card looks like without my edits as well as the png.
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Anywho thank you all for coming to celebrate! 🌺
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What true love feels like - part 1 | Tom Felton imagine
Ladies and gentlemen, this is the moment you’ve been waiting for...my very first TOM FELTON imagine. (Just kidding, I was probably the only one waiting lol).
Word count: 2129
Pairing: Tom Felton x reader
Note: This is going to be a mini series. I really hope you’ll like it. Section written in italic is a flashback.
When I was a little kid, I loved going to weddings. God knows how many times I was asked to be a flower girl or a bridesmaid. All the decoration, the music, the spirit of true love mesmerized me, and I usually find myself imagining my own wedding. I had it all planned out by the time I met Him. And when proposed to me after five years of dating, I knew my time had come. Everything looked exactly how I wanted it. The huge mansion was covered in white and blush pink decoration. The sweet scent of the innumerable amount of roses filled the whole place. Family members, friends and their dates were chatting and laughing together. The wedding registrar was already preparing by the arch made out of fairy lights. And the always rainy and chilly London woke up to one of the warmest spring mornings today. Even the weather was on my side.
- How are you feeling sweet girl? – my Mum asked me from the armchair, where she had been sitting on ever since the creator of my wedding dress came to the dressing room to help me put on my huge dress. I looked at myself in the mirror, admiring the perfectly made ball gown with the delicate waist line, hundreds of tulle layers, and sparkling sleeves. It was my dream dress.
- I’m not sure – I confessed to her – Am I supposed to be nervous?
- Nervous? – She looked at me confused – Honey, you might mistake your feeling with excitement. It’s normal for…
- I’m pretty bloody overwhelmed, Mum – I turned to her – Somehow, I feel like I’m going to make a huge mistake if I walk down that aisle.
For the last couple of months, I was too busy with planning the wedding that I totally forgot to take some time and concentrate on myself and on my feelings. I wanted everything to turn out as I imagined it when I was twenty. And everything was just like that. Except me. I woke up today with a knot in my stomach, no appetite and a very bad feeling. All I could think about was that I’m making a mistake.
- What do you mean? – Mum stood up from the chair and walked over to me so she could held my hand as a sign of support – Y/N?
I looked down at our hands, my eyes glued to the silver bracelet with the single white pearl charm hanging on it. I could still remember how his crystal blue eyes sparkled and how warm his gaze was when he gave it to me. We went to Rochefort-en-Terre for a little getaway. We wanted to be somewhere, where they didn’t know him, so we could be alone together. He saw this bracelet at a local family’s jewellery shop and he swore he just couldn’t not buy it. I had never took it off ever since then.
- I just wonder if he is really the one – I bit my bottom lip. I didn’t dare to look up to my Mum’s eyes. They paid everything for our wedding and never complained because of the expenses – I mean, we’re about to make a hopefully lifelong commitment. I just want to make sure I’m not making a mistake here. What if everything goes downhill after the wedding? What if we slowly fall out of love?
- Than you learn to love each other again – She put a finger under my chin, and forced me to look at her – Darling, you’re still young. Of course you have your doubts about a commitment like this. But here’s something to think about: the one that you truly love, will never make you wonder. There’s a difference in the way you love someone. There is the kind that you will fall in love with and this changes with circumstance and time. And then there is the love that you love with your entire being, it never fades, it’s timeless – she kissed my cheek – I’ll go and get your father. It’s almost time.
She left me there with my thoughts. He was such a great and loving person. Passionate about the things he loved. He was always there for everyone if they needed someone. He made me happy. He made me feel loved and respected. He gave me everything he could. And still, I was standing in the middle of the dressing room, questioning myself. I wanted nothing, but marrying my soulmate. I think the sign of a true soulmate isn’t someone you just want to do the super fun stuff with. A real soulmate is the person who makes any ordinary day fun. Some people make all these huge plans to do with their special someone, forget that. Find someone who you can take grocery shopping and still have a blast with. Find someone who makes you look forward to waking up on Monday. I think I had found it.
- Okay okay, listen – he laughed as he dragged me into the supermarket in the middle of the night. I had a very long day and my upcoming exams were stressing me out, but he wanted to help me relax and have a little bit of fun before I pull an all-night study session – Both of us will have exactly 5 minutes to find the best matches to the tasks. When I count to three, we both run to find the products.
- Babe – I whined and tugged on the sleeve of his sweater which I used as a PJ. We were both in our pyjamas, considering that he literally pulled me out of the bed while I was taking notes for my business law class – It’s almost midnight, and I really need to study.
- Shush – he silenced me with sass in his voice. It actually made me smile. He looked so adorable when he was acting like a kid – 5 minutes. 5 tasks.
- Alright, gimme the details – I rolled my eyes and put my hair up in a messy bun.
- First, go and find my favourite candy. Second, find something very random. Third, find something you think I should really try. Fourth, find something in my favourite colour – he led me to spot where we were about the start from.
- And what’s the fifth task? – I looked up at him.
- Find something which reminds you of our love – he kissed me quickly, but before I could kiss him back, he ran away like he was a cannon ball.
- Hey, cheater – I yelled after him, but my laugh gave me away. I loved that man.
I smiled at the memory. He always knew how to cheer me up, when I was down. But he also knew when he had to give me time and space too. I appreciated how he let me moan to him when I had a bad day, or how supportive he was about my dreams and goals. He never failed to be there for me and help me on my journey.
- Are you ready to go? – I jumped a little by the sound of my Dad. I was too deep in my memories and thoughts, I didn’t realize when he came in. He was standing by the door, my bouquet in his hand. He looked worried.
- What’s wrong? – I asked him. This morning he was fine and happy when we were having breakfast. In fact, he was excited about that he can annoy my brother and sister with the fact that their youngest sibling had gotten married first.
- Your mother told me about your unsureness – he smiled at me lightly. I sighed and sat down on the sofa carefully, not to wrinkle my dress. He sat down next to me and took my small hands in his huge ones – Y/N, if you’re constantly having to wonder where you stand with someone, maybe it’s time to stop standing and start walking.
- I don’t know what you’re talking about – I tried to fool him, but he was my father after all. He knew us better than we knew ourselves, so we could never get away with a silly little prank or if we tried to fake sick so we didn’t have to go to school.
- You think I haven’t noticed anything? – Dad laughed a little – June bug, you’ve been quite distant with him lately. He probably thinks that you were just busy with planning the wedding, but I see what I cannot see anymore. And that’s love. You’ve been looking at him like he was just a body, and not someone you want to spend the rest of your life with. And I want you to know, it’s okay – He squeezed my hand – Sometimes your heart needs more time to accept what your mind already knows.
I had to do the right thing. He might had been right about everything, but the whole situation was more complicated than that. That man really loved me. And he was probably already waiting at the altar, nervously looking around, looking at the entrance of the ball room so catch me there. I could see his smile in front of me. I could see him tearing up when my Dad places my hand in his. That man gave me his heart. I helped him pick up the pieces after his first love left him. He trusted me. I couldn’t break him. And Mum was probably right too. I can learn to love him again.
- I need to call him – I said rather to myself and not my Dad. He gave my hand a final squeezed and left me alone in the room. I was glad he didn’t ask me anything. I paced around the room, my dress flying around me while I was manically searching for my mobile. I was chewing on my lips and my heart was beating way too fast. How could I put myself in this situation? How could I do this to him? They were the longest five rings of the call before he finally picked up.
- Y/N? – His voice was surprised. He probably didn’t know why I was calling Him just right before I had to walk down the aisle to marry him – Are you okay?
No, I wasn’t. I forced myself to not to cry, because I didn’t want to ruin my makeup, but I could feel my eyes burning and my throat tightened. I was choking on my withheld sobs. I loved how his voice was smooth, a tiny bit raspy and manly, but playful at the same time. I could have listened to his voice all day long. Just listening how he told me everything about his day or what new projects he has been working on lately.
- I think we were meant to be, but we did it all wrong – I blurted out and collapsed back to the sofa. I let a single tear run down my cheek and drop on top of my pearl charm on my bracelet. I heard how his breathing fastened in the phone, like he was panicking. I was too. I didn’t know what was right or wrong. I desperately needed him by my side to feel his arms around my body, holding my close to himself. Feeling the warmth of his body calming down my shaking frame. I needed him to kiss into my hair and whisper in my ears that he has me and everything is going to fine – I just want to tell you, it takes everything in me not to call you, and I wish I could run to you, and I hope you know that every time I don’t…I almost do. And even though I’m unsure about most things in life, I am certain that I love you and will continue to love you forever.
- Y/N, what happened? – His voice was filled with worry. Knowing him he was already running his fingers through his hair, thinking about if he should come to see me right away or stay exactly where he was – Talk to me! What’s going on?
- I’m so sorry – I whispered into to phone. By this time, I couldn’t hold back my tears. And I didn’t even care anymore – I have to marry him…
- No, no you don’t have to – He was practically yelling. I only heard him yelling once, when he was completely lost in the ocean of feelings, and we were trying to figure out what was going on between us – Y/N, please…
- I love you, Tom – I said as a goodbye and ended the call. And with that, I ended something which I cherished for years. I ended a beautiful love story.
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hamiltonimagines · 4 years
It’s Been a While
Pairing: Daveed x Reader
Request: “Hey girl! Can you do a Daveed imagine where you and Daveed used to be best friends in high school and y’all kept in touch a little after but once he joined Hamilton he stopped talking to you. You posted something about being excited to go see the show and Daveed sees it and he like brings you backstage to talk, but y’all get into a fight about who stopped talking to who and eventually you give up and leave and he shows up to your apartment and does something really cute! Thanks 🥰🥰🥰” - @roxanne2020
Word Count: 1.8k
I had never been more excited, I was going to see Hamilton tonight. I had gotten a text the other day from the one and only Lin-Manuel Miranda. He had told me that he was friends with Daveed and that Daveed had mentioned me and our past. Lin said that Daveed had brought up how he regretted that we lost contact. Lin gave me a ticket for the show tonight so that I could finally see Daveed after all these years.
Daveed had been my best friend in high school. We were the friends who told each other everything and we valued our friendship more than anything. We both went to different colleges and we started talking a lot less. Then he got cast in Hamilton and moved off to New York. We hadn’t spoken since besides a few texts on birthdays or holidays.
I wondered if Daveed would even want to talk to me. It had been so long and I was unsure if we could be friends again or if too much time had passed.
I had gotten ready for the show and took a picture in my outfit. I posted it to Instagram with the caption: Seeing Hamilton tonight, let’s see if it’s as amazing as everyone says it is.
I checked my hair in the mirror one last time and then left my apartment. Ironically, I had moved to New York after college. I always wondered if I would randomly run into Daveed in the street, it never happened though.
I got on the subway and checked my phone. I saw a new comment on my Instagram post. I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was from Daveed. It said “Looking forward to seeing a familiar face in the audience”.
I felt my cheeks heat up a little and I felt a familiar warm feeling in my chest. With all this time apart, I may have developed the slightest crush on Daveed. I knew it was weird, especially since at one point he was my ride or die.
I eventually got to the theatre and I went in and found my seat. I got chills when the show started. Then Daveed walked on stage and it was like the world froze. It was then in that moment that I realized how much I had missed him.
The show ended and I was beyond blown away. My expectations had been high, but this surpassed any expectation I had. I didn’t think this show could truly be as good as everyone said it was, but they were all right. This show was phenomenal.
I was standing, along with the rest of the theatre, and applauding as the cast took their final bows. Daveed made eye contact with me as he walked off the stage and he froze for a second, as if it was too good to be true. His eyes lit up and he gave me a soft smile, before leaving the stage.
Then, a few minutes later, my phone started to ring. I saw Daveed’s name on my screen. I answered the phone with a smile on my face. “Hello there stranger” I said, giggling. “So you’re really here?” He asked. “Yeah, I am” I said. “Can you come backstage? I need to see you” he told me. “Anything for you” I told him, smiling.
He told me who to talk to and then he hung up. I found the person who worked for the theatre and told them what Daveed told me to say. The employee let me backstage.
I was in a hallway with a bunch of the cast and ensemble running up and down the halls. I was overwhelmed to say the least. How would I find Daveed? Then I saw a familiar face. I recognized Lin.
“Hey Y/N, you made it” he said, running over and giving me a hug. “Yeah, I wouldn’t miss it. The show was fantastic. If you don’t mind, can you tell me where I can find Daveed?” I asked him.
“Come on, I’ll bring you to his dressing room” he said, as he started walking down the hallway. I followed him, “I don’t know how you don’t get lost down here” I told him, honestly. “You have no idea how many times I got lost during the first few weeks of rehearsals” Lin said, laughing. Then we walked up to a door that said Daveed’s name on it.
Lin knocked on the door and I heard Daveeed say “come in”. Lin opened the door and stuck his head in. “Someone's here to see you Diggs” Lin told him. “Send her in please” Daveed said, knowing it was me.
“Have fun” Lin said to me, before he walked away. I carefully walked into his room and his eyes lit up when he saw me. He ran over and picked me up into his arms and spun me around.
He carefully placed me back on the ground. We both had the biggest smiles on our faces. It felt like no time had passed at all.
“It’s been a while, you look good Y/N” he told me, still smiling. “You too, so is the success treating you? You were amazing tonight by the way” I told him. “Oh thank you, I had to put on a great performance, I had someone important in the audience” he said.
He grabbed one of my hands and pulled me over to the couch. He sat down and I sat next to him. He grabbed my legs and put them across his lap. Daveed and I had spent many nights as teenagers in this position, talking for hours and watching movies.
“It’s been so long” I said, staring into his eyes. “I’ve really missed you” he said, grabbing my hand. “I’ve missed you too” I said, leaning my head on his shoulder.
“Y/N, why’d you ever stop talking to me?” He asked, seriously. “Are you kidding? You were the one who stopped talking to me. You moved to New York City and fame happened and you never reached back out to me. I was giving you time to adjust to the move and I figured you would call me when you settled in” I told him, so confused as to how he thought I ended our friendship.
I pulled my legs off his lap and stood up and walked to the other side of the room. “Yeah right Y/N. You never reached out to me either. And when you moved to New York a year later and you still didn’t reach out. Don’t try and pin this on me” Daveed argued.
“I can’t even listen to you anymore, you used to be my best friend and I told you everything. And one day you just started treating me like I didn’t exist and it broke my heart. Now, you’re sitting here and you can’t even take responsibility for what you did” I yelled. I walked out of the door and slammed it behind me.
I quickly started to walk down the hallway, I had tears welling up in my eyes. I ran into Lin and he looked confused. “Hey what’s wrong? What happened?” He asked me. “Thank you for being concerned, I just really have to get out of here” I told him. He nodded, understandingly. I rushed past him and eventually ended up out on the cold New York street.
I called a cab, not wanting to risk the subway at night time. I got in and told the driver my address. After a few minutes, we pulled up out my apartment complex. I thanked the driver and gave them a tip. I quickly rushed inside my apartment.
I changed into some sweatpants and a hoodie. I couldn’t believe that I actually thought Daveed and I could be friends again. I had been looking forward to things just feeling natural again. I made myself a cup of tea and curled up on my couch and looked out my window.
Then I heard a knock at the door. I put down my mug and walked to the door. I looked through the peephole and saw that it was Daveed.
I unlocked the door and opened it. Only then, did I realize what he was holding. He had a huge bouquet of flowers, a teddy bear, and my favorite candy bar. “Uh...hi” I said, shyly. “I brought you some stuff” he said, smiling.
“Isn’t this the same stuff you brought me when I got dumped by Harley Simmons?” I asked, only then remembering it. In high school, I dated our school’s star football player and he dumped me in front of the whole school and I was devastated. “It cheered you up then, so I hoped it could cheer you up now” he said, hopefully.
“Do you want to come in?” I asked him. He smiled at me and followed me inside. He set down the gifts on my coffee table. I sat down next to him on the couch.
“I am so sorry for how our conversation ended. I was being selfish and I didn’t look at things from your perspective. I never should of ignored you. I don’t want argue over who should of reached out first, I just want to tell you that it was mistake of me to not reach out. I never wanted to make you upset, I was only caring about myself and it was wrong. I really hope you can forgive me, I want us to move on and be friends again” Daveed confessed.
“I could’ve reached out just as easy as you could of, but I didn’t. This falls on both of us. Of course I want to be friends again. Not being friends with you felt so lonely, I felt like you had forgotten all about me” I told him. Then I saw Daveed smirk.
He held his hand out in front of me. I saw a bracelet on his wrist that I had given him when we were saying goodbye before we both left for college. “You never forgot me?” I asked in shock. “How could I forget the first girl I ever loved?” He asked me, interlacing our fingers.
I was so shocked, did he reciprocate my feelings? “You loved me?” I asked him. I was praying he wouldn’t say that he used to love me and didn’t anymore. “I always have” he said, smiling. I smiled back at him and he leaned in and kissed me. He cupped my face and I held onto his forearms.
We both pulled away and I started to blush. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that” he said. “You want to know something?” I asked him, excitedly. “Tell me” he said, chuckling at how excited I was. “I never forgot about you either” I told him, rolling up my sleeve and revealing the matching bracelet.
taglist: @someinsanefangirl @laurens-interlude @geekycatlover @fanfic-addict-98 @romanoffs-heart @multifandomwriterx @andreasworlsboring101 @criminallyhamilton @imatyoursurrvicesurr @irlydontknoanymore @sayweird99 @nyxie75 @rileygene11 @daveeds-whore @trost-town @notebookgirl30 @teenag1jealousy @royalstans @elizasfaith @kmsmedine @brunadesuu @lilangeldevil006
Let me know if you want to be added to my taglist for all my imagines!!
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genork-the-fandork · 3 years
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As an add on to the playlists I created for this particular day, I also wanted to do some writing for the 01 kids as well.
For those who don’t know, I love the Digimon Adventure tri. character songs. (I even did a full blown analysis of the lyrics.) So I decided to do some short one shots featuring a lyric from each kid’s character song.
You can find the songs here in case you haven’t heard them. I found the English translations on Wikimon.
I hope you enjoy! <3
"If you get lost, I want you to hold my two hands"
Agumon hadn't made it home yet. Tai was starting to get worried about the little Digimon, so he grabbed his coat and went to look for him.
As he looked in the usual places (namely, food stands and shops), he was reminded of a time when he and Kari were little. They'd gone to play hide and seek in the park, and Kari had hidden so well Tai had been looking for her for over an hour. By the time he'd found her, she was crying because she had gotten herself lost and didn't know how to get back to him. He'd had to hold both of her hands and lead her back to where their mom was waiting.
Not that he expected Agumon to be sobbing, but he hoped he would at least find him before he got hurt.
It didn't take long. In the same park Tai had once found Kari in, he found Agumon, kicking his feet back and forth as he sat on a bench. "What took you so long, Tai?" he said, the long-forgotten wrappers of crepes and candies resting beside him.
"There was no telling where you were, buddy," Tai shot back, gently rubbing his knuckles into Agumon's head. 
The Digimon laughed and hopped off the bench, gathering up his trash to throw out. "I got lost, but I knew you'd find me, Tai. You always do."
Tai smiled. "I guess I do."
Even though he didn't need it, Agumon held Tai's hand all the way home.
"The seasons continue to change and we become adults"
"When did we become adults?" Tai complained, his legs draped over the back of the couch.
"About the same time we started college, I'm pretty sure," Matt quipped from where he sat on the carpet, staring out the window. He glanced over at his best friend, who looked put out by this answer. "Has it gotten through your thick skull yet?"
"You're one to talk," Tai muttered, folding his arms behind his head and closing his eyes. "I can't accept it if I refuse to believe it."
"Yeah, yeah." Matt shifted his gaze to stare out at the sunset. His hand lifted and aimlessly searched for Gabumon's head. He'd taken to petting the Digimon's head like this whenever he was deep in thought. The contact kept him grounded; he had no fear of flying away whenever he did this.
"I think it was that summer," Matt finally said, his hand stilling on Gabumon's head. Gabumon looked over at him, immediately understanding his meaning.
"Which summer?" Tai asked. "In case you forgot, there have been many. Nearly ten now."
Matt chuckled wryly. "That summer. Ordinemon."
He didn't have to look to see Tai's eyes turn sad. Matt made it a general rule not to mention Ordinemon in front of his best friend, if only because it reminded him of Nishijima. But he could tell by Tai's silence that he agreed.
Matt murmured, "The seasons kept changing, but we'd already grown up."
They both kind of hated how right the sentiment was.
"It's alright, my feelings for you will last forever"
Sora sighed at the mess before her. "Biyomon…"
"Sorry, Sora," her partner said meekly, almost shrinking into herself as she refused to meet Sora's eyes.
It was hard to be mad at a Digimon who looked so adorable when remorseful. Sora's mouth quirked up on one side as she crouched down and patted the top of Biyomon's head. "How about you help me clean this up?"
"Okay!" the bird Digimon agreed.
They worked together to clean up the mess Biyomon had accidentally made, humming along to some song they couldn't name as they did so. Despite her occasional clumsiness, Biyomon was quite adept at cleaning up messes. It made Sora thankful to have her around; an extra pair of hands—er, wings—came in handy.
When they were finished, Sora collapsed on a chair. She was suddenly exhausted, and she couldn't really pinpoint why. Maybe she was a tad overwhelmed from all the cleaning she'd done all day, and all the cleaning she had a feeling she'd be doing the rest of the day. Whatever it was, she just needed a moment to sit.
Concerned, Biyomon nervously approached her. "Sora," she began, "you're not mad at me… are you?"
Sora's eyes opened to meet those of her Digimon partner, so wide with worry. "Of course not. What would make you think that?"
"Well… you've just been so tired lately. I thought maybe you'd be mad that I made a mess again…"
"Oh, Biyomon," Sora sighed, folding her Digimon into her arms. "I hope you know I could never stay mad at you. I love you too much."
There was a relieved chirp in her voice as Biyomon said, "And I love you, too, Sora!"
Those three words lifted a good part of the exhaustion from Sora's shoulder.
"That fragment of memory I made has disappeared"
Izzy frowned. He lightly placed his fingers on his temple and forehead, trying to pinpoint the sinking feeling in his stomach and the uneasy feeling in his heart. It wasn't a headache, surely, despite him holding his head. And he was fairly sure he didn't have a cold. So what was so wrong?
"What's wrong, Izzy?"
The words weren't coming to him to explain to Tentomon what was wrong. His Digimon buzzed his head, asking him rapid fire questions about his health. He didn't answer any of them, so focused was he on figuring out what was wrong.
"I… forgot."
"Forgot what?" the Digimon asked in surprise.
Looking up at Tentomon, Izzy murmured, "I forgot the first joke of yours I laughed at."
Tentomon landed on the ground and placed a gentle claw on Izzy's lap. "That's it?"
There were tears on his face now, and Izzy had no recollection of shedding them. "It was one of my favorite memories of the time we met."
"Oh, Izzy," Tentomon said fondly, reaching up to pat his cheek. "I'll tell you all the jokes you want."
"I'm sorry," Izzy whispered, leaning forward to wrap his arms around the Digimon. "I didn't want to forget any of that."
"We'll make new memories for as long as we're together," Tentomon reassured him. "That's a promise from Digimon to human."
"Thank you."
Tentomon held Izzy until the pain of losing such a fond memory has faded along with the tears.
"I do not want to forget that it happened"
Mimi hummed to herself as she finished stringing the beads on the cord on her desk. Three similar bracelets sat on the right corner of the desk, their beads glinting in the faint sunlight streaming through the window.
"Whatcha doing, Mimi?" Palmon's voice asked from behind her.
"Making bracelets to honor our friends," Mimi declared, sticking her tongue out of the corner of her mouth as she finished the knot to tie the bracelet together. "There. Wizardmon, Pixiemon, Whamon, and Chuumon are done. Leomon is next."
"But Mimi," Palmon asked, peeking her head over the desk. "Why are you making them?"
"Because they sacrificed themselves to help us, all those years ago. I wasn't sure how to honor them until now."
Palmon blinked, still not understanding. "But… many of them were reborn, Mimi."
Her hands stilled for a moment. Her determined face melted into a sad one. "I know, Palmon." She turned to her Digimon partner and gave her a weak smile. "But I don't want to forget what they did for us just because they got a second chance."
"Oh, Mimi," Palmon sighed, wrapping her arms around Mimi's middle. "You have such a big heart."
"It's not much," Mimi admitted, stroking Palmon's flower. "But I want to keep their memory alive somehow. It's the least I can do."
"Then let me help you," Palmon decided, and Mimi smiled and nodded.
By the time they were done, Mimi had an entire rainbow of bracelets dedicated to their fallen comrades.
"I sincerely want the strength to protect you, too"
Joe woke up once again to a breakfast tray sitting on his nightstand. Gomamon had surely left it for him, as he had been doing for the past week. He'd been pulling constant all-nighters and late study sessions to cram for his exams again. If his Digimon partner hadn't looked so happy to help, he would've felt bad for constantly putting the little guy out.
It was one of those days where he realized just how much he loved his Digimon.
Yawning, Joe ate the breakfast Gomamon had gotten for him, wondering what was the best way to thank him. That was when he heard the crash in the kitchen.
"Gomamon?" he called, racing out of his room to see what the noise was all about.
The seal-like Digimon crawled out from behind the kitchen counter, favoring one flipper-like paw. "I'm alright, Joe. You have studying to do, right?" he asked, trying, and failing, to mask the pain in his voice.
"Let me see," Joe insisted, holding out his hand.
With a sigh, Gomamon handed him his paw, and Joe's face fell when he saw the cut. "Hold on." From the bathroom, he fetched gauze and some medical tape to wrap the wound. "Oh, Gomamon, I'm so sorry. This wouldn't have happened if I wasn't so tired—"
"Joe, stop, this isn't your fault," Gomamon interrupted, staring up at his human partner and meeting Joe's desperate gaze. "I was clumsy. That's not your fault."
"I know, but…" Joe paused in wrapping Gomamon's paw. He whispered, "But I want to be helpful to you, too. Just like you are to me."
"Hey," Gomamon said, and Joe looked down at him again. The Digimon was grinning. "What are partners for, Joe? Is it so wrong for me to take care of you?"
"Only if I never get to return the favor," Joe teased, pulling Gomamon into a hug. "You better not scare me again like that, okay?"
"Sure thing, Joe," Gomamon laughed.
For the rest of the day, Joe carried Gomamon on his back so he wouldn't strain his paw. Gomamon told him it was very "doctorly" of him to do so.
"What is important to me is right here"
"Hm?" T.K. looked up from his book to Patamon, who was flapping nervously above his head. "What's up, Patamon?"
"Don't you have a date today?" the little Digimon asked, looking very concerned about the shift in what was usually a very hectic social schedule.
A smile spread across T.K.'s face. "I canceled it. I didn't feel like going today."
"Is that okay?"' Patamon landed on the couch beside T.K., placing his front paws on his lap and staring up at him. "Are you sure she won't be mad?"
"I told her I had something more important to do," T.K. said cryptically, looking back down at his book.
"Oh? And what's that?"
Patamon yelped as T.K. suddenly wrapped him up in his arms, pressing his face into the Digimon's back.
"You silly," T.K. laughed good-naturedly. "Spending time with you is more important."
The Digimon blushed a tiny bit. "R-really?"
"Of course. You're my best friend," T.K. said, hugging him tighter. "Now, how about I read to you?"
"Or we can go get ice cream!"
T.K. laughed out loud. "Sure thing, Patamon," he said. "Anything for you."
Later, T.K. would remark that he had much more fun with Patamon than he would have had with anyone else that day.
"A shadow of the tears you've shed remains"
Gatomon had been silent all day. Kari was used to this from her by now. Some days they would sit in comfortable silence, staring out the window at nothing in particular or watching something nonsensical on the television. It was par for the course at this point in their lives, but that didn't mean that Kari was sometimes concerned about how sad Gatomon would look on these silent days.
To others, the cat Digimon didn't look any different. But Kari could tell from the look in her eyes, from the way she brushed one paw over the other, from the way her tail swished in a particular fashion, that she was sad. And she had a feeling she knew what it was about.
Today had been one of the more silent days. Gatomon had barely acknowledged Kari's presence all day. That's how Kari knew it was one of the bad ones. Normally, she would have left Gatomon alone to not disturb her. 
But there were tears running down her partner's face, and she couldn't let them stay there.
Without warning, Kari scooped Gatomon into her arms and embraced her, cradling her as she would the family cat, waiting until the sniffles and warm tears stopped falling onto her shoulder. "Wizardmon," Gatomon mewled at one point, and Kari felt her own eyes prick with tears. Of course. Neither of them had ever truly gotten over it.
"It's okay," Kari murmured, pressing her face into Gatomon's fur. "I'm here."
Yes, it was certainly one of those days. One of those days where they mourned together for the friend who'd given himself for them. A friend who had been there for Gatomon where Kari hadn't yet been.
Yet, as Kari had assured Gatomon multiple times since that day, in the middle of the night after a shared nightmare, she wasn't going anywhere. And she never would, so long as they were together.
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agentark88 · 3 years
First Kisses and Romantic Quotes
If you haven’t read Think yet, and you want to experience some MHA/BNHA romance, here’s the link to get you started! Happy Valentine’s Day!
**Think: MHA/BNHA Fan Fiction Spoilers!**
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First Kiss Chapters:
Hitoshi Shinso- Chapter Eleven: Carnival of Chaos
Shoto Todoroki- Chapter Sixteen: Study Session Turned Toxic
Bakugo Katsuki- Chapter Twenty-One: BioVirus
Eijiro Kirishima- Chapter Thirty-Three: Movie Night with the Bakusquad
Memorable Romantic Quotes from Think that Made my Heart Skip a Beat (Within the First Fifteen Chapters):
Kirishima to Bakugo after being dared to flirt with him: “I saw you looking at me from the across the room, and I couldn’t help but notice how your eyes glisten against your fiery personality.” Kirishima paused, as if to draw out the moment. “With your explosions and my rock hard quirk, we can make some sweet candy together. Maybe you can try a taste some time.”-Chapter Four: Truth or Dare
Bakugo to Think after she was locked out of her room because of her habit of sleepwalking: “You tell anyone about this, and I’ll kill you,” he said, leaning over you with his intense gaze. Bakugo grabbed your hand and pulled your arm out forcefully, before you had enough time to protest, he slid a spiral bracelet onto outstretched wrist. “Use that when you get your key,” he commanded. He then draped a blanket over you. “If you freeze to death, I’m never going to hear the end of it from that damn Kirishima. Give me back the blanket and jacket tomorrow.” -Chapter Five: Sleepwalking
Think to Midoriya when she was half awake: “You are so cute with your tomato face,” you murmured. You couldn’t help but start to giggle at your own words. “Broccoli tomato,” you said. - Chapter Five: Sleepwalking
Think calling out to Bakugo when being held hostage by Dabi: 
Bakugo? you called out. You bit your trembling lip. Bakugo? you reached out again desperately.
If you don’t know where you are, then tell me where I am! Bakugo shouted in his head. An explosion went off to your left, shadowing the outdoor training equipment and sending a shockwave that whipped through you and Dabi. The loud boom echoed over the alarm and made the ground you stood on quake.
Dabi jolted backwards, letting your throat go just enough for you to get a breath of air.
You’re on my left. Near the balance bars. I’m in the shadows of the building.
I see you. -Chapter Seven: Waking to Fire
Bakugo expressing his feelings to Think about her situation with her parents: 
“I’m not giving up,” you said, sniffling.
“Really?” he asked seriously. “Because it looks to me like you’re going to let your parents decide what’s best for you. And, it also looks to me like I went out of my way to save someone who’s about to throw away their dreams because their dumbass parents are going to make them transfer schools. You like wasting my time, Big Brain? You like getting me in trouble?”
“N-no,” you said.
Bakugo leaned back, and his intense gaze shifted to Todoroki. “If you even think about letting your parents transfer you because you got attacked by one villain, I’m coming to personally kick your ass.”-Chapter Eight: Parental Guidance
Bakugo to Think while they are recovering from injuries: “As if that would keep someone like you from making friends,” Bakugo said.
“What do you mean someone like me?” you asked.
“Someone who’s bright and nice…” Bakugo suddenly trailed off. His face flushed all the way to his ears. “I mean someone who’s obnoxious and…” He clicked his tongue, turning his head further to the side.-Chapter Nine: Healing Sweets
Bakugo bringing Think flowers while she’s recovering: Bakugo extended his arm out, dropping the weeds on the bedsheet covering your legs. The stark yellow of the tops of the flowers popped against the dull white background.
“I picked these for you,” he said, scratching his cheek and keeping his gaze on the far wall. “They looked like something that might make you feel better or whatever. You seem like the kind of person that likes this kind of crap.” He shoved his hands in his pocket, and you could see the shade of pink dusting the edges of his cheeks.-Chapter Ten: Mind Split Versus Purple Death Explosion
Shinso to Think after he’d been avoiding her: “I can’t afford any distractions…that’s why I’ve been distancing myself from you,” he said.
Your heart pounded loudly in your chest, and you tried desperately to steady your breathing. This close to him you could see every taught muscle in his arms, in his chest. His skin glistened. He smelled of lavender and sandalwood.
“Distractions?” you squeaked and cleared your throat.
Shinso leaned a bit closer to your face, tipping your chin up with his index finger. “You are what I call a distraction, Kitten,” he purred.-Chapter Eleven: Carnival of Chaos
Bakugo and Kirishima cheering up Think after she was attacked by members of The League of Villains: “You don’t have to cry. We would have never let them kill you. We would have been there in seconds if you called for us! Stop thinking you have to do everything by yourself!” You saw Bakugo shaking, but it didn’t seem like it was rage. “You’re part of our class now! You’re one of us! If you think that we’re just going to stand by and watch you die, that’s bullshit!”
“We would have kicked their asses!” Kirishima said with a warming smile, finally letting Bakugo move again. He hit his fists together.-Chapter Twelve: Player One Versus Fear
Midoriya to Think after she’d fallen asleep on his shoulder while studying together: “It’s okay,” Midoriya said, cutting your frantic ramblings short. He gave you a little more room so you could get your bearings again. “I’m actually glad you were able to rest.” He fidgeted nervously with his hands, avoiding your gaze. “I’ve noticed that you’ve looked really exhausted the past couple of days in class. I hope you’re sleeping. Todoroki mentioned he was worried about you too.” Midoriya started pressing his index fingers together. “After you’d asked for my help studying, I thought that you might not have been resting because you were stressed out about your subjects. I’m glad I was able to relieve some of that tension.” -Chapter Thirteen: Studying with Broccoli
Shoto and Think after Think experienced Shoto’s rough childhood through his memories: Shoto gently slid his fingers around your head, and he pulled you to his chest. He released your damp hair from its tight bun by pulling the hair tie from it. He slid his fingers through the loosening strands, placing his chin on the top of your head.
“It’s okay,” he said. “You’re okay. That’s all that matters to me.” Shoto’s voice came out in a low rumble. While leaning against his chest, the vibrations seemed to calm your aching body.-Chapter Fourteen: Fighting Toward Finals
There are so many chapters and so many more quotes that I would have liked to add. I might do another post with more of my favorite quotes in the future. Let me know what your favorite quote is from Think (Romantic or Not)! I’d love to see which chapter quotes resonated with you the most. Again, Happy Valentine’s Day!
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notanacousticsetcal · 4 years
the way i loved you - calum hood
summary - based off of the song “the way I loved you” by taylor swift. 
warnings - none
word count - 2.6k (oops)
a/n - I have some of these planned for luke too tehe. go check out my other two in the song series “begin again” and “broken pieces” also, this is not in chronological order. there are 2 calum flashbacks during the first two choruses looking back at 2 moments in their relationship.
He is sensible and so incredible and all my single friends are jealous. He says everything I need to hear and it's like I couldn't ask for anything better.
“Damn.” You shook your head in disappointment at the marked percentage atop the crumpled white paper. He glanced up at you with a look of concern.
“What’s up?”
“I got an 82 on this math test and I thought I aced it.” Grabbing a nearby pillow and shoving it in your face, you fell back against your bed as he laughed at your dramatic gesture from his seat on the floor. 
He sighed softly. “An 82 is still a great score. I’m sorry. I know you worked hard studying for that test. How can I make you feel better?” He asked sweetly.
“Hmm,” you ran your pointer finger and thumb along your chin like you were pondering a big decision. “You could... grab me a chocolate bar from the kitchen?” You smiled innocently up at him and he returned it.
“It would be my honor.” As he left to grab your candy, you opened your phone to a new message from your friend, Katie.
She had just received the picture you sent her a few hours ago of the beautiful, expensive, bracelet James had just bought for you. 
Katie: holy SHIT! that must’ve cost an arm and a leg. what I would give to have a boyfriend who cares enough to get me gifts. hold onto that one, he’s a keeper.
Katie was right. He was a keeper. A total gentlemen -- smart, kind and gentle. He always knew exactly what to say to make you feel better. But when you looked at him, directly into his sparkling blue eyes… you felt absolutely nothing. And it killed you. Because you really, really wanted to feel something.
He opens up my door and I get into his car and he says “you look beautiful tonight.” And I feel perfectly fine.
“Hey! How are you?” You said, approaching the brunette leaning against the white SUV. 
“I’m great now.” He smiled. He reached over and popped the passenger door open, gesturing for you to step inside and you quickly thanked him, sliding into your seat.
He sat down next to you, starting up the car. 
“You look beautiful tonight.” 
You wished you could even conjure up a small blush but you just looked down and let out a meek “thank you.” Where were the damn butterflies? Weren't you supposed to be feeling those right about now?
All you wanted was to feel something -- anything -- when you looked at him. You wanted to dream about him, miss him when he was gone, long for him to hold you.
But you think all that is still reserved for one person.
The one you haven’t quite gotten over. 
But I miss screamin' and fightin' and kissin' in the rain and it's two a.m. and I'm cursin' your name. You're so in love that you act insane and that's the way I loved you. Breakin' down and comin' undone, It's a roller-coaster kinda rush and I never knew I could feel that much and that's the way I loved you.
“Cal, pull over.” You sat up from your seat in the car, tugging off your seat belt and laying a hand on the door handle. 
“What? Why, are you alright?” Calum grabbed your thigh and gave it a squeeze. His brown eyes looked clouded with concern.
“I’m fine, Cal, just pull over. Please?” You gave him your best puppy dog face and watched him give in like he does every time and you smiled, laying a kiss on his cheek. 
As soon as the car was securely in park on the side of the road, you started to get out. 
Calum wasn’t sure what he expected you to do, but it wasn’t that. 
“(Y/n)? What the hell are you doing, baby, it's pouring outside!” He called after you but you shut the door before he could protest further and ran out into the street. It was a warm summer night around 1:00am and you wanted nothing more than to run around in the rain with your favorite person in the world.
Calum got out of the car and chased after you, wrapping his hands around your waist and spinning you when you tried to run away. 
“Where do you think you’re going?” Shivers traveled up your spine at the sound of his voice in your ear. You could barely hear him above the sheets of rain bucketing down onto the street. 
The street light above you illuminated him slightly and you shifted in his arms to look at him.
Your hand reached up to move his damp hair off his forehead.
“Dance with me?” The question leaves your mouth before you can stop it. 
“I’d jump off a cliff as long as it was with you.” His eyes never left your lips.
Before you knew what you were doing, you were leaning into him and catching his lips over your own. It's like you were built for each other. Crafted to fit together perfectly. Like he was your missing puzzle piece. You pulled away feeling tingly and filled with butterflies like it was the very first time.
His smile said it all. 
He pulled you into his chest and you swayed together, feeling the cool water on every inch of your skin. You were appreciative of the rain in that moment because without it, you were sure you would’ve burst up in flames. 
He respects my space and never makes me wait and he calls exactly when he says he will. He's close to my mother, talks business with my father. He's charming and endearing, and I'm comfortable.
You sat in your parents’ living room next to James, awkwardly silent and letting him do the talking. Your parents gave you questioning looks but honestly, you were just sitting there trying not to scream at him for always being so goddamn perfect. 
Calum always pushed you past your breaking point. He constantly poked the bear and didn’t give two shits about how much he annoyed you. He would slip up on dates and cancel plans and forget to call. He wasn’t perfect. Far from it.
James, he backed off when you were tense and never forgot a single date. He always asked about your day. He made an effort to be there whenever he felt like you needed him. He was sitting here with your parents carrying a pleasant conversation. 
You should be in love with him right?
“I’m working under my father right now, actually. It's fantastic experience and he has a lot of great connections already which is super, super helpful,” James said. But you didn’t really hear it at all. Your hand was in his but there weren’t those tingles. It didn’t make you giddy.
You felt bored.
“That’s wonderful. Being in a sturdy, reliable position that young is rare in the industry,” Your father responded, looking extremely impressed.
“Thank you, sir. And Mrs. (y/l/n), how’s that garden you started been going?” He turned to your mother as an appreciative smile bloomed on her face. It made you happy to see them happy.
You should be in love with him.
But you weren’t.
Your heart still belonged to that stupid boy with the big brown eyes and the even bigger heart. 
But I miss screamin' and fightin' and kissin' in the rain and it's two a.m. and I'm cursin' your name. You're so in love that you act insane and that's the way I loved you. Breakin' down and comin' undone, It's a roller-coaster kinda rush and I never knew I could feel that much and that's the way I loved you.
“Don’t walk away from me, (y/n), goddamnit!” Calum shouted as you stormed out into torrential downpour, outside of Calum’s apartment building. The street lamps were the only source of light this late in the evening. 
“Don’t tell me what to do, Calum!” You tugged harshly on your hair, groaning in anger and frustration. “Leave me the fuck alone, I’m walking home.” You continued to walk down the sidewalk but Calum was persistent. 
“(Y/n) stop! Why the hell are you so fucking stubborn all the time?” Calum called after you. His shirt was clinging to him tightly and his hair was stuck to his forehead. How did he always look good?
You whip around at his insult, wagging your finger at him in fiery disapproval. “Oh I’m the stubborn one? Don’t act like you care about me, Calum. If you did, you would actually spend time with me. You wouldn’t forget the little things. You would be there.” You admit you were being harsh, but he always found a way to push you. Every. Single. Button. You had. 
He made you want to slap him and kiss him at the same time. He made your stomach heat up and your heart rate quicken and your mouth dry. 
He made your head spin and your heart hurt and your knees weak. He made you a mess and you didn’t know if you loved it or hated it. 
“Do you actually think I don’t care about you?” Calum asked. You noticed his bottom lip quiver slightly and wondered if the dampness on his face was tears or the rain. 
“Sometimes it feels that way, yeah.” You cross your arms over your chest, feeling soaked to the bone and so cold you couldn’t feel your toes anymore. You looked down at your feet, trying to hide the fact that you were really hurting. You hoped the hot tears streaming down your face could be concealed by the cool rain. 
Calum noticed and stepped closer to you, pulling you into him. You attempted to resist but he started moving the hair out of your face and you were putty in his hands, like always. It felt like that first time on that summer night, dancing in the street. That felt like a lifetime away. 
“You know I care about you. More than anything.” He looks broken.
“I know, Cal. But I don’t know if that's enough anymore.”
He can't see the smile I'm fakin' and my heart's not breakin' 'cause I'm not feelin' anything at all.
You welcomed James inside and he went in for a quick hello peck on the lips but you felt yourself awkwardly turning your head so he only caught your cheek. He pulled away, clear confusion written across his face but you just gave him a small apologetic smile and tugged him towards the couch. “I think we should talk.”
James was perfect in every way. He was perfect when he bought you flowers. He was perfect when he remembered your coffee order. He was perfect when he remembered your sister's birthday.
But he wasn’t perfect for you.
You wanted him to be. 
Fuck, did you want him to be.
But you couldn’t do anything to change the fact that when he kissed you, you felt nothing.
When he hugged you, you felt nothing.
When he called you baby, you felt absolutely nothing.
You wanted it to hurt when you broke things off with him. Truth be told, neither of you took it very hard. He wasn’t the one for you and you both knew it.
And you had a feeling you knew who was. 
And you were wild and crazy just so frustrating, intoxicating, complicated, got away by some mistake and now I miss screamin' and fightin' and kissin' in the rain. It's two a.m. and I'm cursin' your name. I'm so in love that I acted insane and that's the way I loved you. Breakin' down and comin' undone, It's a roller-coaster kinda rush and I never knew I could feel that much and that's the way I loved you
“Ash, what if he doesn’t want to try again?” You bit at your nails anxiously while you talked to the drummer. Your phone was tucked securely between your cheek and your shoulder. 
“(Y/n), I’ve seen him every day since you two ended things and I can say with utmost certainty, he’s a mess. He finds a way to bring you up in every conversation and he regrets how much he let you down. He tells me literally every single day. It's getting really annoying, actually. My point is, if you gave him another chance, he would absolutely take it.” Ash finished his point with a sigh. “I have to go, (y/n). I’ll talk to you later, alright? Hang in there, kid.”
You smiled. “Alright, Ash. See you later.” You hung up the phone and laid on the plushy couch for a few moments longer, contemplating as you stared at the ceiling. 
“Fuck it.” You sat up and pulled on your shoes, tugging a jacket over your pajamas, bolting out the door before you had a chance to change your mind.
Hands fumbling in nerves and eyes darting all around, you found yourself standing outside Calum’s apartment. You reached up hesitantly and made two, crisp knocks on the door. You stepped back in anticipation, concerned you might vomit any second.
You heard some commotion from the other side of the door. “Coming!” Calum called. You hadn’t heard his voice in so long. 
The door swung open revealing Calum, shirtless and in a pair of sweats. His hair was longer and shaggier, like he hadn’t cared much to maintain it. 
You could see the moment of realization in Cal’s face. His eyebrows scrunched in surprise and confusion. “(Y/n)?”
You cleared your throat. “Um. Hi Cal.” You gave him a small apologetic smile.
“Are you alright? What’s going on?” Calum’s face became concerned as the reasons why you might be here circled his brain. He wondered if you might be in trouble. 
“I.. I um. I don’t really know why I’m here.” You shook your head in frustration as all your thoughts jumbled together and you found it hard to explain what you were doing at his front door. “Alright. I’m just going to say what’s on my mind and I want you to listen, alright?”
Calum opened his mouth to protest but you continued on rambling before he got the chance. “I’ve been with James these past few months, as you probably know.” Calum’s expression turned sour but you kept going. “I broke things off between him. Like 2 days ago.” You almost wanted to laugh at how quickly Calum’s face lit up. “He was perfect in every way for me. Like, perfect. And you and I are so not perfect…” There's that sour expression again. “But when I was with him… When I was with him… I wished I was with you. I missed the way I got butterflies when you held my hand and the adventures we had together and I missed your stupid dumb brown eyes and your lips and no matter what I tried, I couldn’t stop missing you. I wanted to love James. I really, really did. But loving someone is not the same as wanting to love someone. I couldn’t love him… I couldn’t because I-- well, I… I’m still in love with you.” You huffed and began fumbling with your fingers again. You couldn’t bring yourself to look at him.
“Are you saying you want to try again?” Calum asked, stepping past the threshold and closer to you.
You bit your lip as you pondered the thought. You didn’t really think about much past telling him how you felt. “I… I think I do, yeah.” 
You felt Calum’s hand tuck itself under your chin and pull your face up to look at him. He ran his thumb softly over your cheek and you found yourself leaning into his touch. 
“I love you, too. I never stopped.”
I never knew I could feel that much and that's the way I loved you.
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kindagaymess · 3 years
in honor of my neighbors moving out, here’s a list of my favorite memories we shared:
• on my seventh birthday, one of their sons(the youngest at that point) took a BIG piece of my birthday cake, a bowl of pretzels and some grapes, mashed it all together, ate half of it and threw the other half in the bushes (i was very sad)
• that same boy has placed himself in the middle of the street and started peeing where everyone could see on multiple occasions
• every morning, when i go to take a shit, i can hear their mother yelling at her children and at the same time hear mine yelling at my siblings
• their eldest daughter and i used to spend a lot of time together and we were flower girls at her mom’s wedding together (it was the first time i had attended a traditionally german wedding and it was pretty boring compared to the turkish weddings my family holds, but it was a lot calmer which was kinda nice)
• their eldest daughter and i used to make loomband bracelets together and we were planning on selling them on the flea market. however, that plan was never brought into action
• we also always played in the bushes together and at one point new people moved there and they wanted the bushes for theirselves, so we fought for our territory :P
• we also played handball together but she quit before i did and that was around the time our friendship started fading because we both started middle school
• after a few months of not talking i brought home the first friend i made in middle school and introduced the two of them. we played together again for a few weeks and then stopped talking again
• we slept over at each other’s houses a lot
• we also ate dinner together often
• the reason we became friends was because i saw her filly collection when my parents went to view the flat before we moved in
• they made us feel welcome when we first moved in
• we ate our first dinner in the new flat together with them. we hadn’t set up our furniture yet and our kitchen still had to arrive, so we ordered pizza and invited them over. my aunt and cousins were also there.
• their eldest son often tried to impress me by making his hair and dressing/acting cool when i was over
• his jokes were pretty funny
• he moved out a few years ago but moved back in around the start of the pandemic. when i noticed he had been there for over a month already (his visits usually were short, like very short, like maximum a week) i asked my mom and she told me he moved back in
• their eldest daughter/my best friend at the time started “dating” another neighbor of ours when we were around eight and he had a fancy camera. for her ninth birthday we made a photo album for her, using that camera.
• she had a hello kitty radio which we used to jam to music together
• we pulled our first all nighter together. it was when she stayed over for new year’s eve one year
• when the grumpy neighborhood bully broke my bike, she lent me her brothers old one
• at some point he broke her bike as well and i lent her the bike my uncle gave me that i couldn’t use yet because it was too big for me since she was taller
• we attempted making perfume together by mixing flowers into water but it started reeking of alcohol, so we threw it away and panicked because we thought we had made “wine”
• their youngest daughter always went around the neighborhood asking for candy, so at one point this old lady just started leaving candy in front of our doorsteps
• i always spent christmas eve with them
• we had a big fight at a handball training camp (it was our first one) once, because our coach said i was a better goalie
• at that same training camp we made up when we started feeling homesick
• the next training camp, we weren’t allowed to sleep next to each other because we wouldn’t keep quiet, so our coaches decided it would be a good idea to put me next to my bully. she broke a bunch of glow sticks on our mattress and called our coach and told her i did it. i started panicking because i thought i would get in trouble but the coach could tell that it wasn’t me. she still yelled at me tho because she was a bitch and i was “supposed to be asleep already”(try sleeping while the person you share a mattress with is pulling out a bunch of glowsticks and breaking them one by one). i couldn’t sleep that night because i was very uncomfortable and my other coach noticed so she took me to the bonfire next to the drunk adults. watching them be drunk idiots was funny and i calmed down and went to sleep.
• kinda got distracted oop
• eh now i kinda lost my train of thought
• nvm this was enough memories for now
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heymacy · 3 years
MACCCCCCY. it’s 5am and i just finished TD, and i should go to sleep but i need to scream at you for a second.
first of all, the “break up” between ian and mandy on the roof was probably one of my favorite moments in this fic. like it’s up there with “you look like you need a lobotomy” and “you, stupid.” i love love love the dynamic between ian and mickey and mandy. it’s so sweet. i love SIBLINGS OMG.
the whole hotel room scene was... como se dice... chefs kiss?? idk just butterflies the whole time i was reading it.
ian is so silly, but i love it because i too can have someone look at me and tell me they like me but still be like.... u sure??? lol.
it’s so amazing to read a teenage fic where mickey isn’t self loathing with so much internalized homophobic. it’s so so sweet just to read a fic about mickey being a sappy teenager who accepts that he’s gay and openly kisses the boy he likes in front of his family.
also the *talk* *kiss* and repeat really got me. ughhh
okay funny story about the breakup scene - my wife hasn’t read a word of TD, doesn’t even really know what it’s about, but i had to ask her opinion on the dialogue because i was concerned the “and my dad just died, so” line was too dark for the context of the scene 😅 so i gave them a very brief summary and read that part out loud and they snort-laughed and said it was funny so i kept it in 😂 (they also said “fuck terry, he can rot. good job killing him off” ahsjsjflglk)
also, i originally didn’t have the Milkoviches staying at the hotel, the entire hearing-the-song-for-the-first-time situation and sleepover scene was originally slated to take place in the Milkovich basement/Mickey’s room, but around chapter 4 or 5 i was going over my outline and i was like...you know what? let’s have them stay there. let’s have a lil ✨sleepover✨ ya know? it’ll be fun! and it was 😭 so i’m really happy with that decision 🥺
ALSO OKAY YES SAME 😭 i can always tell when people like other people, but i could NEVER tell when people liked me. ian, i get it. i do. like, for example, my wife sent me flowers 3 times in the first 5 weeks we were talking, before we started officially “dating”, ordered food to my house (pizza, Chinese takeout, gyros) multiple times even though she lived 2000 miles away, talked to me on facetime for 4 hours a day, texted me every second of every other moment, made me a bracelet and mailed it to me in a package with candy and a poem they wrote me and burned me a CD and i was STILL like....idk if she likes me 🥺 like BITCH. BIIIIIITCH. UR DUMB. YOU’RE SO SO DUMB 😅
and re: the lighter side of teenage mickey, i always wondered to myself what would have happened if he 1) had an actual support system in his life, and 2) if he had people who knew about his sexuality and still supported him unconditionally. like, how would that have changed things? how different would things have been? mickey’s story, in canon and TD, is about finding your freedom and embracing vulnerability, and i just think it’s such an important story to tell 😭
i dunno. 😏 maybe 😌 hopefully 🥰 HE’S A DORK, YOUR HONOR
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