#i cant explain why i do it but i usually win
uraniumnm333 · 1 year
*kills you with my polysho*
anyways. i think polysho the type of people to play dnd but evil. like every session they change the dungeon master and it's wacky bc you'll go from "we need to save the princess !!" [tsukasa's turn to DM] to "the princess is the evil mastermind. robots !!!" [emu's turn to DM]
they're the type of people who have like a closet just fucking FILLED with board games because of course they do. and all the games are fucking ancient half of them have missing pieces that are replaced with. the weirdest shit. emu and rui made their own candyland board after the old one just fell apart and it's 10x harder than normal candycrush because it covers the entire dining table. it is at least 3ft across and there's several new mechanics added.
and they have game night one night, yknow probably invite like mizuki akito and saki and the three of them are fucking horrified. because these people have made up rules that are so sick and convoluted that nobody else can understand them !!! and saki's like "oh, you guys have like chess right ??? tsukasa knows how to play and so do i !!!"
and they bring out chess but it is Not Chess. it is an evil combination of chess, checkers, yahtzee, turn-based card game, and clue. and tsukasa shows how he and rui play (because of course they play chess). and then wxs is never allowed to host game night again :skull:
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t3ag3rs · 2 months
g e n s o - 0 5.
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"the thirds ones wrong.. it should be will not well.."
you sighed out answering present mics question. "thats correct!" he continued to ramble on about grammar and english. 
you put your head down and closed your eyes wishing class would go by faster. 
then the bell rang, dismissing you all to go to lunch.
"y/n! come sit with us!" said mina, pulling your arm. you laughed and walked along with her, kirishima, and two other boys. "sup beautiful im denki kamanari and thats hanta sero, nice to finally meet you" said the yellow haired boy grinning.
you waved, "nice to meet you two as well!" kirishima groaned, "im so hungry..! i cant wait to some of the yummy food!" sero laughed as he patted his stomach, "hes like a baby!" 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
you sat down between mina and kirishima, chatting with them as they ate. god im so hungry.... but i cant risk gaining any fat right now... im at the healthiest ive been.. i cant gain anything!
you looked down at your fingers and fiddled with them. "hey y/n, why arent you eating anything?" asked kirishima curiously, you looked at him and quickly blurted an excuse, "o-oh! i had a heavy breakfast right before i left so im still stuffed!" you chuckled to deflect any second thoughts from them.
mina nodded, "ohhhh i get that.. well make sure to eat at home kay?" you nod smiling at her, of course i will..
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
finally it was time for the class you were waiting for. "i am here!! coming through the door like a hero!" announced all might as he made a dramatic entrance into the class. you couldnt help but let out a wide smile at him.
the whole class started talking amongst themselves at how they were amazed he was teaching them. you knew bakugou was jumping inside at the sight of his favorite hero, but didnt wanna seem like he was a fanboy. 
 "today we will be focused on battle!" you looked to see bakugou grinning, "but in order to do that you guys have to look good!" suddenly boxes of all of your hero costumes came out of the wall.
oh my gosh is that really my coustume??? you thought excitedly, smiling widely. "change and meet me at training ground beta!" all might instructed.
 you went into the girls locker room and started changing, "i cant wait to see how my costume looks on me!" exclaimed mina, as she put on her costume. you laugh in agreement and start putting on yours. 
 "ill see you out there y/n! dont take to long!" she said as she ran out giddily. you finish putting on your costume and look at yourself in the mirror, you smiled as you saw how it accentuated your muscle and curves well, before running out to the rest of the students.
you walked out while smiling, "OH MT GOD Y/N YOU JUST RAISED THE HEAT OVER HERE! YOU LOOK SO HOT!" screamed mina, getting everyone's attention. you blush and thank her for the compliment while adjusting the thigh harnesses. 
you look over to see bakugou in his hero costume and take notice of how much his body had changed. he had definitely grown more muscular and even though you wouldnt admit it, he looked good.
you held your breath as you made eye contact with him. he widened his eyes a bit before looking the other way. "honestly though.. your costume looks so good!" mina praised, " o-oh! thanks..! honestly it isnt really something i usually wear.. the skin tight crop top, and i always usually try to stay away from pants that are somewhat tight around my thighs and butt.. "
 "no way! they show off the body you got blessed with! besides the cargos accentuate your muscular thighs! i think your whole costume looks good on you!" she smiles, you blush and bow your head thanking her.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
you listened closely as all might explained what you all would be doing today. you felt someone glaring at you and turned to look at them, only to meet a pair of vermillion eyes. you narrowed your eyes and stared back until he turned away, haha! i win asswipe!
you walked up to all might to draw your lot and see who you got paired with. letting out a low curse your paper read 'katsuki bakugou'. god you must really hate me huh..? out of all the people here this guy??
sulking internally you walked toward bakugou and stood by him silently. "all right lets see who the villian and hero will be!" all might reached into the box and pulled out your team and dekus team. "just great.." you mutter realizing you and bakugou were the villians and had to go up against deku. knowing bakugou he would target deku to try and beat him up. 
you and bakugou started heading on inside, "young y/n, young bakugou the key to this exercise is to embody villainy- think like how they would and act upon it, make sure to communicate and work together." you nod, youll only be able to communicate if someone doesnt target deku.
you follow behind bakugou into the room with the fake weapon. you walk toward it and look around to check your surroundings "hey." you turn and look at bakugou, "do you really think deku has a quirk..?" you bite your lip, "well.. we both saw what he did during the physical tests, so yes i do think he has a quirk" you respond looking at bakugou.
you noticed him tense up, "look.. just because he has a quirk now dont go targeting him whenever you can, we both have to communicate if you wanna win this- which im sure you do. so please just try and calm your temper okay?" you add, he stands still and you sigh. "whatever.. its not like youll listen anyways... ill guard the weapon, knowing them uraraka will probably try and come up here, once i deal with her ill help you with izuku"
"all right! lets begin the indoor combat training!" says all might over the loud speaker, "be careful" you tell bakugou before he walks away. you purse your lips knowing he wouldnt hold back on deku, but right now you had to worry about uraraka.
you smirk as you come up with a plan and go to hide behind a pillar near the entrance. suddenly, you hear a huge explosion, "here we go again.." 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
"bakugou take it easy on the explosions.. i dont think this building can handle too many" you say through the ear piece, "shut up and defend the weapon genso!" he replies. you roll your eyes, this bitch... 
you suddenly hear footsteps and ready yourself quietly, "theres the weapon! wait... wheres y/n..?" she says as she steps through apprehensively. you smirk and let your wind propel yourself forward, manipulating the earth under uraraka you made it wrap around her body, making sure to bound her arms down knowing if she touched you she could make you float. "right here!" you say as you wrap your tape around her, successfully capturing her.
she looked at you with a blank look still processing what just happened, "wait what??" she says questioningly, "sorry to get you out so early, but i really dont trust leaving bakugou with izu" you say before hearing another couple of explosions. 
"bakugou! where are you?" you ask through the earpiece only to get no reply, just great..! no reply from the asswipe!
you run out and touch the floor closing your eyes, you saw the floorplan of the building in your mind letting the earth draw it out for you. you felt a huge surge of motion coming from a specific side of the building and ran to the location as quick as you could.
suddenly all might came over the speaker again, "use that power again bakugou and ill disqualify your team! you need to be aware of your surroundings and strive to make the least amount of damage to it as possible!" 
oh my god theyre gonna kill each other...!  you closed your eyes and pushed your legs faster trying to get there quicker. you heard another couple of explosions and widened your eyes.
 you werent gonna make it in time. 
stopping, you placed your hand on the ground again and found where they were in your mind. deciding to test your quirk, you focused on the spot and found the wall closest to the area. maybe.. just maybe.. i can manipulate the earth and get myself there by moving through the walls..
you focused all your power on the walls and let yourself fall into the earth, the next thing you knew you were in the same room as the two. they were standing in front of each other, izuku was screaming at bakugou and your gut told you to move in between the two. the next thing you knew your feet were moving, and you were hit by both their quirks. 
you let out a loud yelp of pain and fell to the ground. you heard another thump and saw izuku fall to the ground, wincing you crawled your way to him and wrapped the capture tape around him before you passed out. 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
you blinked your eyes as you familiarized yourself with light and winced as you tried to move. "there, there, take it easy... your bodys pretty beaten up... taking those two powerful blows wasnt very smart of you to do.." explained recovery girl, you let out a sheepish smile, "i couldnt just stand there and let them kill each other.. ive known both since childhood and bakugou isnt one to hold back when it comes to izuku.." you explained.
"hows izuku..?" you ask curiously, "hes already back in class, i still need to heal a couple other of his injuries but he has no energy in his body left for today.." you nod, "can i go back go class..?" she nods, "yes, but make sure you come back tomorrow.. i bandaged the blow on your stomach, but it still needs a bit of healing.. keep the cast on your arm on till tomorrow" she explains before letting you go.
you limp slightly as you walk back to class, gosh itll be so embarrassing walking into the class knowing they saw me pass out- yet again..
opening the door you walked into the class, only to be bombarded by kirishima, mina, and a couple of other students. "oh my gosh y/n you were so kick-ass!" exclaimed mina as she threw her hands around you, "be careful mina! shes still a bit injured!" reminded kirishima, you smiled before waving it off, "im fine.. im just glad everyones okay..!" "that move you pulled where you moved yourself through the earth was awesome!" praised uraraka.
"wait.. wheres izu..?" you question as you couldnt find him in the room, "hes talking to bakugou.." sighs out uraraka, you widen your eyes and run to find the two outside.
gasping for air your finally reach the two, "thank goodness i found you izu..!" you say tiredly, "my gosh y/n... are you okay?" you smile before nodding, "im fine, nothing too major..! im glad your fine though..!" you pause and turn to bakugou, "look bakugou.. as much as i understand your frustrated, you had no right to try and kill izuku in a practice match!" you sighed as you looked down.
"we used to be good friends.. just because of certain values we had we stop being friends.. whatever happens this year- i promise you two this, im not sticking up for either of you. you guys can either die fighting each other because of your massive egos, or learn how to grow up and act like mature people." you grit before turning and limping away.
you knew in your heart that you still valued the friendship you had with them, but you werent going to let bakugou continue and treat deku like shit just to fulfill his ego.
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previous parts: pt. 0 0 / pt. 0 1 / pt. 02 / pt. 03 / pt. 04 next parts: pt. 06 / pt. 07 / pt. 08 / pt. 09 / pt. 10 / pt. 11 / pt. 12 / pt. 13
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soccer-love · 1 year
Karolina Lea Vilhjálmsdóttir x reader
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F/N = Firs letter of your name
“By these acts and the laws of Island I herby pronounce you wife and wife” the women next to us says. 
“You may now kiss the bride.” she adds. 
Karo places her hand on my cheek, softly rubbing her thumb over my skin, while she leans closer. 
My heart almost stops beating as she kisses me. 
I feel her smiling and hear the people in the room cheering. 
I pull away for a couple of inches and look in her blue eyes. 
“Hey Mrs Vilhjálmsdóttir.” she whispers, making me laugh. 
“Hi Mrs Vilhjálmsdóttir.” I answer, the proud look in her eyes makes me smile even bigger. 
She presses a kiss to my cheek before turning to our family's. 
“I GOT THE GIRL.” she screams, raising our hands in the air and making everyone in the room laugh. 
As I wake up, I feel one arm around my waist and one under my head. 
Her hot breath hits my neck and I feel the warmth of her body against mine. 
After a couple of seconds the melody of “Forever Number One” which is one of the FC Bayern songs fills the room and the arm reaches over to the nightstand turning off the alarm. 
Then she presses her head into my neck and her body against mine. 
I try to get up but her arms hold me back. 
“Babe, you have to let me go.” I say and she just shakes her head. 
“I never let you go.” Karo answers, her voice is more raspy than usual. 
I laugh but still try to get up. 
“I know, but we still need to get up.” I turn around in her arms and smile at her sleepy face. 
She just so freaking cute. 
I lean down and press a kiss against her cheek, then one on her nose, one on her forehead and one on her chin. 
I stop my movements for a second before I kiss her on the lips. 
She pulls me on top of her, one hand moving to my cheek. 
I let her kiss me back for a couple of seconds before I quickly grab both of her hands in one move and pin them above her head. 
“That's not fair.” she whines as I move down from her and only let go of her hands as I’m almost out of the bed. 
“That's live.” 
“Sometimes I wonder, why I ever decided to marry you.” she says and I laugh. 
“No you don't.” I say and she nods. 
“No I don't.” she agrees and gets up too. 
As we enter the locker room, our cloths are already there and I go to my usual spot between Caro and Glodis. 
A big smile forms on my face as I see the name on my jersey. 
F/N. Vilhjálmsdóttir 
Karo and I married during the summer break and this is the first Bundesliga game of this season. 
My first game with her name on my jersey. 
I feel so proud to wear her name. 
Like normally we put another shirt over our jerseys so the fans also don't see my new Jersey before the game will start. 
We do our warm ups and have our usual talk in the looker room before going outside again, ready for the game. 
As we walk out, we walk past some fans and I hear some fans already cheering. 
“THATS VILHJÁLMSDÓTTIR! THATS Y/N VILHJÁLMSDÓTTIR!” I hear someone screaming and cant help but smile. 
“They’re right, that my wife.” I hear Karo whispering behind me and for a second I turn around, getting lost in her eyes and letting her beautiful smile making my heart beat faster. 
Damm, I am so in love with this woman. 
Maybe it sounds crazy, but durning the whole game, I feel like her name gives me strength, like a special power comes from it. 
The game goes perfect and we win 2:0, one goal scored by Klara and one by Lea. 
As we come back from showering, I am one of the last ones to get dressed and almost everyone leaves before me. 
Except Karo. 
She walks up behind me and pulls me in her arms. 
“You where good today.” She whispers and I smile. 
“YOU where good.” 
She laughs and I lean back against her. 
“It makes me so proud that you’re wearing my name.” she adds and leaves a kiss on my cheek. 
“I love It too, its just...I don't know how to explain it but it makes me so proud to be your wife and that I can show it to everyone.” 
I turn around in her arms and kiss her softly before continuing to get dressed.
On the drive back to the hotel, I sit next to Mala but she falls asleep after a couple of minutes so I’m left with my thoughts. 
I know Karo since I we where little, my family moved to the town where she lived when I was 7 and she 8. 
We where in the same football club and quickly became friends and when I was fifteen, on her sixteenth birthday, after the party, we where laying in her bed like we did it after every birthday. Looking out of the skylight at the stars. 
After some minutes she grabbed my hand and said that she needed to tell me something, but didn't knew how. 
And then she told me that she's in love with me and just couldn't hold it in any longer, crying because she was so scared of losing me. 
I pulled her in my arms, comforting her and somehow our lips met in a soft kiss. 
This was the start of us, we where so in love with each other, we still are. 
And from that moment, we did almost everything together, school, training, living. 
We played together in Hafnarfjörður, in Kópavogur and since almost two years here in Munich. And of course in the island national team. 
And we always knew that we would get married and just a couple of days before our last game she preposed to me. 
“What are you thinking about?” Mala asks, getting me out of my thoughts, I didn't even notice that she was awake again. 
My eyes flicker over to Karo, joking and fooling around with Glodis and Tuva. 
“I understand.” Mala nods and smiles. 
“Its so cute to watch you two.” she adds and I blush “The way you act and everything, its just....you two are a dream couple.” 
“Thank you.” 
I completely agree with her, I love Karo with every inch of my heart and I know that she feels the same about me. 
And even though we spend so much time together, almost every minute every day, we never got bored of each other. 
We just fall in love even more. 
And I know that she is the only one I ever want. 
She’s the love of my live. 
She’s my forever. 
She is my wife. 
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h0ney-gl0ws · 1 year
Fire Emblem Boys! Parenting Headcanons!
Here’s a short collection of headcanons of how the fire emblem boys are as parents! Includes characters from fire emblem engage and three houses!
Characters are: Kagetsu, Ashe, Claude, and Diamant
Word Count: 896 (approx)
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Kagetsu: I saw a video of a man doing this challenge to hang from a pull up pole for 100s, and he did it with a baby strapped to his chest, yeah, that’s Kagetsu
Kagetsu would totally give his babies rubber knives and stuff for fun. He wants his kids to be powerful fighters when they’re grown up after all.
Speaking of that, Kagetsu would totally sword fight his kids once they’re old enough and have at least learned the basics.
Kagetsu when his kids are older: “Finally a worthy opponent, our battle will be legendary!”
Kagetsu sometimes would go too far during training sessions, and his wife(you ;) ) would have to tell him to reel it back in. Kagetsu would feel bad and let his kids win after that. Pretending to be real hurt by their hits and all that. “Oh wow! Look at how strong you guys have gotten! You’re able to take even me down.”
Kagetsu’s wife would totally step in to have some fun as well with play fighting Kagetsu. And it turns into a real fun family bonding moment. “Aghast, my own love betraying me?! How could you!” Lots of giggles from the kids during and after.
Overall, very good dad 9/10.
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Ashe: Oh, you know he would just be the sweetest dad ever. Ashe’s kids would just be the cutest little angels.
He’d teach them how to cook and all teaching sessions would end up being a giggle fest in the kitchen usually with flour all over the place.
Ashe’s kid: pours 90% of milk on the floor and 10% into the bowl. Ashe: Great job buddy! :D
You know he would teach his kids to have the same morals as him. In that everyone deserves to be shown kindness and to have a second chance. He doesn’t shy away his past from them, and wants to make sure they understand how his late adopted father’s kindness changed his life for the better.
He really cant resist when his kids come home holding bunches of kittens or puppies, and even on one occasion a snake, and you’ll have to step in to be the voice of reason like “no you cannot keep 12 cats in our pantry, put them back.” Lolol
Ashe would give you the puppy dog eyes too when your kids start to pout, and it definitely didn’t work and you definitely didn’t keep one of the kittens
In conclusion, cinnamon roll dad 10/10
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Claude: Claude’s not a regular dad, he’s a cool dad XD
He wants his kids to be comfortable on wyverns so he takes them flying often. You worry of course, but he always assures you he is right there with them, and they are perfectly safe. Plus seeing the kids excitement as they try to explain to you how cool flying is, eases your worry plenty.
Claude’s kids would end up being little rascals, running around the halls of the palace, playing pranks on royal staff. Usual rambunctious kid stuff.
Claude has almost certainly assisted in their little tirades, especially on the ones directed at Lorenz. He once got them to replace all of the sugar in Lorenz’s tea with salt. Claude got quite the earful after from him, but Lorenz couldn’t prove anything.
That’s not to say that Claude can’t be a responsible parent when he needs to be. If his kids were getting involved in something that would put them or others in danger, you bet the stern dad voice is coming out and he’s teaching them why they can’t be doing that.
Very nice dad overall, his family wishes he could spend more time with them, but I digress 7/10
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Diamant: This one is a difficult one for me, as I try to portray them as the best dads they can be, however I see Diamant’s best as…rocky.
I feel like he would be overprotective, he’s very worried about anything bad happening to them. As a result of this he can be a bit overbearing.
On the other side of the spectrum, when’s he’s not being overbearing he can be distant. His anxiety over running the kingdom, and his own insecurity about being a father can cause him to push people away, and as a result you would be doing a lot of the parenting.
Of course all of these tendencies come from a place of love. He wants to be the best father he can, he’s just not great at navigating his emotions.
Every night, however, when your kids are tucked into bed you can hear him whispering stories about how great of a king his father was, and your kids fall asleep hearing tales of how amazing their grandfather was.
You also see them showing interest in his training. They love watching him train, and often times want to join him. which is great because he wants to teach all of his kids self defense. He wants them to be able to protect themselves when he’s not there after all.
In the end, his kids adore him even if he’s not the greatest parent at times, and you know that this is just another chapter of life you will be able to work through together. 5/10
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frostythefrostedfox · 27 days
I can't really see sonamy working out in the long run, either one of or both characters would have to be ooc if they were a couple, I can only see it as alot of giving and sacrificing mostly from Sonic's end, because so far shown in the games canon, Amy hasnt had alot of patience with him and wants a more typical kind of relationship with sonic with dating and all that, which sonic just isnt all that in to.
Considering how much the average sonamy fanbrat clings for dear life to two tposing models in a leaked screenshot and one out of context leftover line, it has always seem like they are looking for validation rather than consensus, they tend to turn any conversation from "exposition of motives" to "explaining why i am right", and you cant win that one, you never will.
The reason why so much sonamy related stuff feels so OOC for both of themy care very little about representing the actual characters and more about representing what they want these characters to be, usually turning them into mouthpieces for whatever bias or story they want to tell, which in turn explains a lot of their love for other OOC representations of their pairing, like Prime Sonic and Thorn, or IDW Sonamy. Their story reads great if you read it in a vacuum, but as soon as you contrast whatever they wrote with the writing in the games, it becomes apparent that these are not the same characters, replacing Sonic with Domingo, by writing him to be, usually, a self centered prick that has to learn the value of *insert positive trait here*, or a little penis man that trips on his balls everytime he takes a step and needs someone to believe in him so he can do this with the power of love and friendship; and replacing Amy with Consuela, this lovey dovey perfect girl that has never ever done anything wrong, has never made Sonic feel uncomfortable, has never stalked him and has never ever in the history of ever tried to force her views and herself into sonic's lifestyle.
For some this shit was never about "why would these two character become better by being with each other" and more of "Me and my pookie". For a while several depictions of sonamy (i would call it fanon, but that would imply there is a canon counterpart, and guess what!) have always struck me as some weird self insert, and it usually reads in one of two ways
First: Self inserting as Sonic, the one being chased, the thing gets morphed into some early 2000s romcom plot, "she is annoying but i care about her", where, at the end, the pursued reveals that they have always had an interest in the pursuer and that trying to get away was their way to try and fool themselves. Usually this goes with the motif of "I wish that were me"
Second: Self inserting as Amy, this is the toxic and problematic one, because more often than not the author ends up agreeing with the concept of "Love as a transaction", where their interest must always be reciprocated because they did these many things, they have been around for this long or they have met this set of arbitrary requisites.
I really don't wanna be that person, but to me these behaviours tends to speak a lot more about its poster than about the subject of the post, and the fact that you're usually met with such defensive, offensive and sometimes aggresive behaviours (because the shit that some of them say is really eyebrow raising and I wanna believe is just a passing comment that does not represents their actual views on said topics and issues) from the fanbrats upon mentioning it, hinting at it or bringing it up, makes me believe it
If you have to change two characters so much before they can be compatible with each other, maybe they don't belong together, and maybe, just maybe, you're just looking way to deep into something that holds absolutely no meaning for validation of your ideas that you yourself made believe were real, and acting the way that some do whenever the topic aint "how great sonamy is" kinda points in the direction of "I know it but im afraid to admit it"
At the end of the day people can like whatever they want and I'm sure that most sonamy fans are normal people, but if you're one of the fanbrats that just gotta be so vocal and loud about it, don't act all offended when the others complain, or worse, do the same
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insomniakisses · 1 year
Conflicting opinions
Idol: Kim Minji (Dreamcatcher)
Warnings/notes: Vampire au! Enemies to Lovers! Suggestive themes!
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When you had first met Minji she had immediately peaked your interest, a vampire so powerful and yet so unhappy. Well, unhappy isn’t the most accurate of words to describe her situation.
She loved the people she had chosen to surround herself with, her makeshift family of people suffering just like her. Suffering with what? Well immortality of course. It would seem like a gift to anyone else, but to Minji it was an illness of sorts.
Loving people became hard, you had to make a choice every time. Either love and let them die or love and turn them. Neither of which seemed like adequate options for her or for whomever she chose to love. Not that she planned to fall in love with anyone, it would be torture both for her and who she chose to be with.
She’d always hated what she was from the minute she realised she’d been turned, centuries ago now yet the pain was still there. Her life, her ambitions and all her plans ripped away from her in an instant all from a simple bite when walking late at night.
You however, had always had a fascination with vampires. How could you not? Here were these beautiful, superior and powerful creatures roaming the earth in the utmost secret. To know if someone was one of these majestic and wonderful creatures usually meant that you were about to meat death or become one. For you? It was neither. Simply turning into an alley at the wrong time coming face to face with a feeding frenzy and 7 vampires.
That was 2 years ago now, the group ending up taking you to there base and explaining dos and don'ts to make sure all of you were safe.
You were a permanent resident there now, your job being coaching them in self control and adding some warmth to the place after centuries of it being cold and somewhat depressing in atmosphere.
All the girls had immediately warmed to you, finding the way you acted and spoke somewhat peculiar to there way and yet so intriguing they couldn’t help but want to watch. Minji was taking a lot longer to win round though, particularly due to your clashing views on vampires as well as the fact that you refused to let her ignore you.
It had been five weeks since your last fight and thus five weeks since you last spoke, neither of you oblivious to the worried glances the girls sent your way. Simply choosing to ignore them and each other rather than move one, unfortunately this didn’t last long as the silence was killing Minji on the inside. Not seeing you or the girls smile and laugh, Yoohyeon and you chasing each other and regardless of her advantages her loosing from falling over. She had to make things right.
The next morning she rushed to find you in an attempt to make up only to find you actively ignoring her all day. By nightfall she had finally had enough, roughly pulling you aside “look clearly we dont agree on certain things and are hardly on the clearest terms but for them,” with a head tilt she gestures to the six vampires lounging around in the next room “we should at least play nice”.
Rolling your eyes you roughly grab her collar and pull her so close she can feel your breath “Act nice? Why do that when,” smirking at her widening eyes you lean up to her ear “we could act like lovers”. her cheeks flush as you chuckle, clearly amused by the dumbfounded and panicked expression on her face. Shaking your head smirk prominent on your face as you saunter away humming a tune. Very aware of how shes still staring at you, contemplating all the thoughts she has on you and why she suddenly has this desire for you…
The next few days fly by and the girls cant help but be totally confused as yo the sudden change in attitude between you and their leader. Today no different when you march into the main living area of the dorm, a smirk plastered onto your face as you think of all the ways to tease the vampire. Turning towards her you set your plan into action, eyes staring into hers as you take a seat beside her.
“Hey Minji, you’re looking very cute today, do you need anything?” Quickly running your tongue along the side of your lips as you ask her. Such a movement startled her, a bright red blush rising to her cheeks despite no longer having blood in her body.
“When did you two get all close,” The youngest asks in disbelief, breaking the silence and sexual tension in the room.
“Weren’t you two at each other’s throat’s yesterday?”
You smile innocently at the youngest, giving a small shrug muttering something about just being friendly before walking out of the room. The day continues with you dropping comments and doing little actions to fluster and tease the eldest vampire, wanting to know how far she’ll let you take it.
It was late afternoon when the girls came back from “lunch” and not a minute later where you ready to push the eldest’s buttons once more. Sending a wink her way before sauntering over to bora, practically falling into her lap.
Laughing a little to much at one of her jokes in Minji’s opinion. The final straw being bora giving yoh a playful bite, not enough to draw blood obviously, but enough for you to playfully moan and effectively make their leader erupt with jealousy sending a glare your way as she leapt from her seat.
Eyes glowing red she marches over, grabbing your chin and pulling you closer inch by inch till your lips are almost meeting. Muttering a “Don’t test me.” Against your lips, her voice low and barely above a whisper growling out every word. Smirking you simply tut, “Now look who’s jealou-” within seconds you find yourself pinned to a wall, the paint cracking underneath you at the force of impact.
A whine threatening to escape your throat only to be stopped by the new found pressure of her long fingers wrapping around your throat. Veins popping out across her hand as her grip hardens, her eyes steely and gaze hard…
“Dont. Fucking. Test. Me.” She leaves a harsh kiss on your neck. Teeth grazing against your pulse point before storming out your body hitting the floor as you slide down the wall letting out a small whimper when you reach the floor. The girls left wide eyed and silent at what they had just watched.
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Ch. I
Word Count:2119
Masterlist ¤ AO3 ¤ Like my work? Buy me a coffee!
AN: We come back again. I hope you all enjoy, this story is truly my baby and I cant wait for all of you to finally read the polished work.
If you wish to be added to the tags, let me know!
June 5th 1893,
"And with that, I think we can call it an end." Worn, scarred hands clapped together, students with their minds miles away from the class now with a sudden alertness. 
 "I just want to say, before you all are dismissed, that it has been…mostly a pleasure teaching you all." His eyes glared towards Garreth as he strained the sentence. "I wish all of you the best out there in the world. Please, represent your education well." As he finished, most students quickly got up to leave, thankful for the final potions lesson to be completed. Garreth had stayed to say a personal goodbye to the professor, surprised to get a strained smile and handshake from the man before catching up with Amit. 
It did not surprise him though, that she decided to stay behind. 
The sigh of relief at finishing another year turned into a small smile as he watched the witch slowly approach the desk, that smile reciprocated on her own lips. 
"Must be happy to be on vacation finally." Her inquiry let out a chuckle from him, moving to sit in the plush chair behind a mostly organised desk. 
"If you count completely cleaning out the classroom, which involves usually cleaning up the messes Weasley has left behind, then yes, so happy." His smile now met his eyes as she leaned against the desk. 
It was hard to keep his usual stern demeanour around her. Over the years, this student had somehow found a way to dig herself into his usual day to day life. If not for class, he usually found her here stocking up on as many wiggenweld potions as possible. Enough to make him concerned about exactly why she needed them. Time quickly told him the reasons, and soon enough he found himself helping her. If she was going to be getting up to something out there, it was at least his duty as her teacher to help. That was what he always told himself anyways. 
"You do know I could always help you right?" Her brow arched in curiosity. 
"No no, you have your own packing to be done. Besides, you have goodbyes and well wishes to make with your friends and classmates." He waved his hand to her, dismissing the offer as he began to clear up some of the paperwork strewn about. "You have done enough for me here." 
Lenore could only roll her eyes. He was a stubborn man, stubborn enough to almost get under her skin. She thought at least by now he would understand it wouldn't be that easy to brush her aside. Without a word she began to busy herself around the class, re-organizing the ingredients around the classroom. Aesop could only sigh watching her, clearly knowing this was a battle he, yet again, could not win. 
He listened intently as Lenore described her plans for the summer. Her plans to visit Ominis at his home with Sebastian, a shopping trip in London with Natasi and Poppy. He found himself going into a zen-like state until he heard something change in her voice as she stopped talking, slowly placing a vial on the table. 
"I…. I sent in my application…" Her voice was quiet, small. It didn't fit her. But immediately, he knew what she was talking about. 
Lenore looked towards the man, flinching at the steel gaze he held. All she could do was nod before the responding sigh made her heart lurch in panic. Sharp raised from his desk, limping towards the adjoining office.
 "Aesop wait-" 
"Not.here." he turned to the woman, raising a finger towards her. From the expression on her face, he already regretted the outburst, letting out a deep sigh as his hand stroked through this hair. "I…. I just…" Aesop had explained it all to her before, repeatedly. How dangerous it could be, how any moment could be her last. How she could end up just like him, or worse. 
"Just what..?" Lenore took a step towards him, wringing her hands nervously. 
"Just," his eyes met hers from across the room. He could feel that tightness in his chest again, one he swore he would smother like a candle. But her eyes made it so hard. "I wish you the best in your future endeavours Miss Everitt" He retreated into the office, the door locking behind him. 
Lenore felt frozen in place for a brief moment. Everything pushed her to go confront him, demand answers for all the questions he had left with her over the past few years, even just this year alone. She wanted to know why he looked at her that way, like he was terrified of the idea of her presence around him. But all she could do was choke back the tears and regret as she quickly packed up her equipment, hurrying out of the classroom for the last time. 
Aesop heard her leave, and all he wanted to do was to go and call for her to come back, to tell her everything. To tell her why he did what he did at the Yule Ball, to tell her why he reacted the way he did every time she mentioned being an Auror. Yet all he could do was stand there, his back against the door, his eyes trained on the note laying on the desk.  
August 28th,1895
He had been scowling at the owl for over an hour, cursing that it had to exist to bring him the letter. Finally, he had finished organizing the class for another year, vials restocked once more, and the owl just had to come here and ruin his day. The over-embellished handwriting made his eyes nearly roll to the back of his head. The overpowering cologne had made his head hurt, but he would take all that and double it if it meant the words on the page weren't true. 
Professor Aesop Sharp, 
We are informing you that the Minister of Magic, Phineas Nigellus Black, has requested your presence in regards to a sensitive situation he wishes to discuss. For your convenience, he will be meeting you at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for this meeting. 
The Minister of Magic will meet with you at 12:00pm sharp within the Headmaster's office. 
Being late is not an option. 
Yours sincerely, 
The Ministry of Magic
Aesop could almost hear the man's sneer through the ink, throwing the letter to the floor. The last thing he wanted was to see him and his inflated ego. It had been a joyous day for professors and students when Black had finally left to pursue his 'true passion'. How he was even able to get elected was anyone's guess. But to say the year was blissful without him would have been an understatement. Matilda had taken to the roll quite effortlessly, yet a bogart could have been an improvement. 
He had spent the rest of his time getting the rest of the office in order before the next day approached, dread filling his stomach as he slowly made his way to the Headmaster's office. Before even approaching the statue, he could just feel  Matilda's annoyance. By the time he walked through the door, the scowl on her face was enough to solidify the theory. 
Nigellus, much to Aesop's shock, looked more worn down than he ever had being a professor in these halls. His body slumped in the headmaster's chair, face in hands. At the sound of the door clicking shut, Black finally looked towards Aesop, dark bags circling his eyes as he let out a frustrated sigh. 
"Five minutes late…. I feel you did this just to spite me." The usual snark in his voice was replaced with an exhausted irritation, the Minister's hand motioning to the chair across. 
The headmistress nodded her head to the professor, letting him know she would give the two of them privacy as she swiftly exited the office. Apprehensive, Aesop sunk down to the chair, eyes full of scepticism. With a large sigh, Phineas sat up straight, throwing a newspaper onto the desk. 
"I'm going to assume you have not read the latest Daily Prophet?" Black motioned again to the paper, Aesop finally indulging and picking it up. 
The headline made his heart sink. 
Three more dead in vicious attack in London. Inept Minister not responding. Are we really safe? 
"I look like an absolute idiot Aesop!" Black threw his hands into the air, finally raising his voice. "This has been going on for months and now I have to worry about a re-election taking place because of this!" He had now begun pacing around the room, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Nobody understands how much this has affected my job, the stress, the incessant reporters!" 
"Phineas!" Aesop's voice boomed, making the Minister stop in his tracks. "People are dying and you're complaining about PR? To me?" He was honestly baffled, he had thought the man would care more about the situation than his own popularity. "Why am I even here Black?" 
Another sigh came from Phineas, making his way to sit across from the professor once more. When his eyes looked back to him, they were filled with something that Aesop had never seen in the man's eyes before. 
"It's about her." 
Aesop felt his whole body turn to ice. 'No… he has to be wrong.' He could feel his heart rate spiking as this time, he was the one who began pacing slowly. "You're very mistaken, Black," 
"I wish I was this time Sharp, but we have witness accounts now…. We can no longer deny it." Aesop ran his hands through his hair, his heart drumming in his ears. "Trust me we made sure that we were right on this." 
"On what account? It… it would be impossible to make sure-" 
"Aesop… unless we found a witch who suddenly can use the ancient magic she could wield… and looks exactly like her…" 
He could not believe any of this. The Lenore he knew would have never attacked anyone unprovoked. Yet, how could there be any other explanation? 
"Phineas… when we were down there with her… with Fig…" Sharp found himself wincing at the memory. "We know she kept it contained, Lenore knew how dangerous it could be." 
"I understand that Aesop," Phineas now stood with him, arms crossed. "But from the looks of it… she lied to all of us." 
Both wizards stood silent for a moment, none wanting to be the first to speak, but surprisingly, it was Black who broke the silence. 
"We have had Aurors out there looking but having no luck. Like I have said it has been months, and this attack was only by chance." Taking a deep breath, the Minister stepped forward. "Aesop… I know it has been a long time but-" 
"No. Absolutely not," Professor Sharp found himself scoffing at the mere idea. "Listen to how ridiculous you sound, Black. You want me, a retired, crippled man, to go put there on my own to find a former student?!" He could not help but laugh, laugh at the fear the situation instilled in him.
"Sharp… you and I both know she was not just a student to you. You spent more time knowing her than any other professor, you gained her trust. If anyone knows how she works, it is you. Please…" Phineas fell to the couch, arms spread and eyes pleading. "I'm desperate." 
Another pregnant silence followed as Aesop paced back and forth, thousands of thoughts and outcomes racing through his mind. But through them all, he saw her face, those eyes, that smile… how could she even think of doing something so horrible? He looked back to Negallus, face etched with concern.
 "What will you do to her?" Phineas could hear the concern laced in between his words. 
"That magic is obviously too dangerous. Whether it is influencing her or not, she needs to be brought to heel. All you have to do is bring her to us, and we will contain it." Before he could continue, Professor Sharp cut in.
"Will you kill her?" 
"No, lord no!" The Minister waved his hands around dismissively. "It is only the magic that must be contained. After that she will just have to face trial." Aesop knew what would come after, and the thought of that poor girl rotting away in a place like Azkaban sent shards of ice through his body. 
For a moment the two men looked at each other, unsure of what to say, but slowly, Aesop bowed his head towards Phineas. 
"My terms. I find her… I bring her in… on my own terms"
TAGS:@4everflowercore @marine-captain-deku @ryehoneyandinkstains @doom-n-gloomgal @shygurl123456 @handon-h-art @misswildfire @nightless@li-om@dagiweh@anmactireaonair@liadamerondjarin@amatchasky@mellocado @imaginaryismyescape@v1cv1c
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isatumbles · 1 year
So uh I have weird obsessions every now and then and I thought why not ramble about em here bc Twitter is scary and idfk I wanna see other people get into new stuff
Topic of the day: Mahjong
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When I was taking a plane back home after visiting with family, I saw that the plane had a game called Mahjong. I thought "Huh, like Solitaire Mahjong?", but nope, it was a completely different game to what I was normally accustumed to. So as usual, after the plane ride was over, I decided to research the game and found myself a really fun game to spend time on!
So Mahjong is a really popular and old game that originates in China. It is a four-player strategic game often played with marble/wood tiles that are used to create hands to win the game. This game has sO many variations around asia, hell even America made their own mahjong variation (Which I personally dislike bc it makes it wayyy too close to poker). The main premise of the game is similar across the variations, so its not hard to get into different types of mahjong if you started off with something different. The one I got into was Riichi Mahjong, which is the Japanese variation of mahjong. (Note: Imma delve into the basics of the Jp variation of Mahjong bc I think it is the most readily available to play online and is the most popular)
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So how does one play this game? The game has several tiles and your goal is to make a complete hand of 14 tiles having four sets of Chi/Pon/Kan (Will explain in a bit) and a pair of the same tile. The game has three suits, all numbered from 1-9. They are known as:
Pin/Dots: Use little circles that go from 1-9
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Sou/Bamboo: Use bamboo that go from 1-9, the 1 is unique in which it is often represented as a bird such as a peacock or a sparrow.
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Man/Characters: Use the chinese/japanese symbols for the numbers 1-9 (一、二、三、��、五、六、七、八、九) and the symbol for 10,000 (萬)
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Along with these suits are the honor tiles:
Winds: Use the chinese/japanese characters for the cardinal East, South, West, and North directions (東、南、西、北)
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Dragons: Arent denoted by their character, but instead by their color. So they are simply known as the white, green, and red dragons.
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In other variations, there may be flower tiles and season tiles, which represent the four seasons in a year (Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall), they serve as bonus tiles if they are drawn and can grant bonus points.
So now that we are familiar with the tiles, our goal is to now make that 14 tile hand that we mentioned. This is achieved by drawing a tile when it is your turn and discarding one you dont need. As you do this, you start forming a pile in the center that consists of all of your and your opponents discards. These discards are very important bc you can actually take your opponents discards to gain a hand! This is known as Chi/Pon/Kan!
A Chi is a set of three tiles of the same suit that go in a sequential order (So like a 1-2-3, 5-6-7, etc.), note that only the suits can do this, you cant do this with honor tiles! A Pon is a triplet of the same tile, and a Kan is a quad of the same tile! Kans are harder to get bc each tile has four copies of its own, meaning you have to be really lucky to draw all four during a match!
When you see a peice that has been discarded but can complete a Chi/Pon/Kan, you can call the piece and take it as your own! For Chi, you can only call to the discards of the player to the left of you (The turns are played counter-clockwise), but for Pon/Kan, you can call whichever player who discards it.
Here is an example of a player who called Pon on the 9 Sou and a Chi on the 2-3-4 Pin. The tiles are tilted on which player they got it from, so the Pon was called from the player to their right and the Chi has to be from the left so the left is tilted.
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This makes the game really exciting and strategic, making you think about what tiles you discard while making your own hand.
Now how does one win a match? There are two ways to win, and these are either by Tsumo or Ron.
Tsumo is when you finally get the last tile you needed by drawing it, this one is pretty tough to get imo. Then theres Ron, where the piece you needed is discarded by a player and you call on their discard to win. This one I think is not only easier to get, but also more brutal since Tsumo makes everyone lose points depending on the hand, and Ron instead takes a BUNCH of points from the person who discarded it.
Heres an example of someone winning by Tsumo, they drew the 5 Sou to complete their hand!
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Imma wrap this up bc I realized theres so many more rules to go off about but I kidna wanna keep this short so if you want to get into this, you can do some research on other details such as Riichi, Yaku, Dora, etc.
I do wanna end this with how cool some of the Mahjonf equipment is. There are these tables that are fully automated and can help start the game with a simple push of a button!
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I also own a physical set myself, but due to image limitations I might have to show that in a sep post lmfoa
So yahoo thats me going nuts about a game I like. Will I do more of these? Possibly, I might do Yugioh or Chess if Im in the mood.
For now Imma detonate into confetti bc this took half an hour or more so sæyAA
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psiimaid · 11 months
OH i have a question for you so do you think that the alpha trolls' classpects are relevant to the ancestors or do you think it doesnt matter cuz theyre different people? Like i cant see the disciple being all that much of a mage of heart. But it does explain condys powers and all the signless stuff and it would be more consistent with how homestuck usually works.
disclaimer i don't know a lot abt classpects but YES i think they are. and i see di as just as mage of heart-y as meulin? like again i don't know a lot abt classpects but di def suffered for who she was and lost her family and purpose but also mages deal with information right could that be like her transcribing the signless' words?
okay so yeah condesce and signless are probably mosr obviously linked to their pre-scratch classpects. i don't know where else to put this but darkleer also had the dark spot/natural void cloaking trait as like a lataent ability or whatever which is just aspect no class but there isn't much else to say abt him so here's his sentence.
but there's this interesting thing in the ancestor exposition where the ancestors are described w their descendants' classes. handMAID, the psiioniic is called a mage, redglare a seer (by mindfang), i'll get to mindfang in a sec, and witch is often used to describe the condesce
sorry this is so janky hoppiung from one ide a to another but. okay so the alpha trolls just failed right. they were a massive flopp. like there was no way they could have won anyway bc there was a glitch (they were made in the post-scratch iteration of the univese by karkat so technically they can't exist without him so the scratch was destiened to happen yadda yadda) but also they failed in other ways and when they made the deal w echidna they were promised success in the next universe.
doc scratch is the one in charge of facilitating the conditions of the world to ensure that success. LE is also invested bc the trolls winning the game has to happen to ensure his creation. you might be thinking well handmaid was too and yeah she was but doc scratch was the weapon of precision and subtlety.
so if the alpha trolls are now no longer in the runnign for game victory, it's aaaall abt the beta trolls now. you don't need a "sylph of light" 🤪 anymore. you need a thief. i think this is the most obvious example bc doc scratch was so involved in mindfang's life and helped her to get to where she was as a pirate, literally embodying the life and role of a thief 👍 and then she served as the role model for vriska who tried to be juuust like her
so handmaid was obviously made by doc scratch to serve (the lord of her aspect), the helmsman played out the role of of an heir of doom actually i think. it just wasn't all that important, disciple literally became a rogue, i literally don't understand the page where mindfang calls redglare a seer sorry, actually maybe the re is more to say abt darkleer but it's just speculation (isn't this all speculation) (anyways i think mindfang killed him and used his body for its void properties "becoming" his aspect like an heir or something i don't actually know)
there's not much in the way of classpect for summoner (could make arguments for both rogue and page), dolorosa, and dualscar in canon or at least not much that's worth pointing out
uh,m yeah sorry that was so disjointed but tl;dr yes i think that the ancestors share their pre-scratch counterparts' classpects but i also think doc scratch muddied it for some of them where it was important. which is why you have midnfang who is not very sylph-like but also signless bc it was important that he remember his past life as a seer and still be a seer to incorporate all that knowledge into his current one
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stownnn · 4 months
My brown eyed boy. 2/6/24
i’m not going to sit here and say we weren’t supposed to meet each other, or we came in each others life at a bad point. in ways i don’t believe that, that exist.
i think things happen for a reason, i read too many books and i know too many love songs to not have this imbedded into my brain.
i cant explain what i feel for you without putting it into writing, because when words fail me in the moment - they win after when they’re on paper.
to start off, i want to say i’m not broken and im not damaged. i have been through so much when it comes to love within the past… honestly my entire life. i never was loved properly and even when i was - the person and i weren’t able to love each other properly due to our current situations and my past i couldn’t let go of.
i have since let go of the past in many ways, i have moved on from things that has happened to me. i don’t associate them with every person that comes my way, family friend or significant other. i am utterly aware that everyone is different and that not everyone is the same.
but i have developed a response to things where if it comes up as history repeating itself, its a self defense fight or flight in me that is quick to just walk away - to walk away before i get more hurt.
im usually, typically, right away am ok. i don’t feel any empathy or remorse for doing what’s best for me - why would i when i know im protecting myself??.. but then there was you. who i instantly felt regret and felt the pain that came from doing that to you. i didn’t understand it and im still trying to. because even though i walked away and i said i needed space, i never was able too come to terms with the peace of it. there was only one time i felt this way and with one person, but there’s was more concern over their wellbeing cause they were mentally unwell.
with you, it was more. i worried about you, i wanted to be in your life, i enjoyed my time with you, and i saw you involved in my life more outside of a romantic relationship. even tho my romantic relationship with you was something that was overly passionate and strong on my end, since the moment i kissed you.
i can easily explain what kissing you felt like to me, but i don’t want it to be taken anyway. because no obviously i didn’t fall in love with you - love is simple but made out to be complicated to some people. love for me is something intense, meaningful and euphoric. it’s something that feels like a high, a good one that you don’t come down from and if it’s the good kind of love, it always feels that way. if it’s the bad kind, the euphoric feeling is mixed with overwhelming sadness, anger and anxiety. so no, i didn’t fall in love with you, it was way too soon. but i did have feelings for you.
kissing you felt like from standing in the cold December night to it suddenly bring a warm cool July breeze summer night. How perfect and soft your lips and kisses were that it made my head and thoughts go silent, as if nothing else was surrounding me. how when you kissed me and you spoke between the kisses telling me to let you know when i got home and to drive safe along with the feelings of your hands on my face. and when you pulled away and walked back to your apartment the feelings of your lips still lingered on mine, and the tingling of your hands on my face. how i lost track of my words and thoughts, and couldn’t process anything.
i knew i already liked you from how you spoke about music, in a different but similar way that i am. my music and passion comes from the sounds of guitars, bass and drums. the way the guitar can be plays in multiple ways and create different sounds with capos and notes on different frets and how notes can be changed played with a single guitar string. you got lost in your own music and style - and that was the first time i ever seen someone get lost in it like me. i don’t necessarily know if you find it an escape like i do because i can sit and play for hours on end, and be lost completely as if im the only person in the world playing - but from us listening to music and talking about it; seeing how you got and your passion, it seems pretty close to mine.
when it comes to what happened with us, i do wish i handled it better where i just stated i needed a break and space in a calming way - where i don’t feel as if we hate each other, or feel that we can never fix things or at least not for some time. i don’t believe im wrong with how i felt. i know i said my feelings are invalid here, from what you stated. i personally don’t believe that. i said it to make the fight end, but i don’t believe it. i was hurt and am still hurt. i’m hurt i was led on, im hurt you didn’t give me closure, im hurt from what i saw and heard - im hurt that i felt like i meant nothing to you. i’m hurt that, that night ever happened with us. and im not referring to what happened later that night when you kissed me down my neck and i let my self respect and boundaries go out the window - im only referring to spending the night, the laughter, the jokes, the playfulness, the snuggles, the kisses and how you looked at me after we kissed. How you were all over the place and then just stopped and turned around to grab my face and kiss me as if no time has passed and as if nothing happened. for you to not say the words “im not sure if this is what i want” and only said “i have a wall up and im proceeding with caution” making me believe that we were trying, broke my heart and confused me in so many ways i can’t explain. i felt like an idiot for thinking anything.
i can typically walk away without a problem, i can do it without giving closure. i can do it and not write a paragraph because the person knows what they did for me to walk away, an explanation for mistreatment is never needed to those who do it. but with you i found myself always writing one out, and that was because i wanted you to try to fight for me and us. i thought this is what you wanted and just played in my face, and i wanted to see if you fight and try but you just let me go each time. you wouldn’t handle it, you wouldn’t try to fix things, you wouldn’t try to have me calm down and see your side. you only said “i wish i knew this sooner so I could've change it” instead of “no stop let’s fix this now talk to me, don’t walk away from this” instead you added more fuel to the flame that i made by lighting a match and throwing it onto the gasoline you poured and you watched it burn.
you let me walk away. you let me leave. you let me cry. you let me go without giving closure like i asked. you allowed yourself to hurt me, with knowing all the pain and hurt i been through. you let my heart break, and me feel so unsure of myself and feel like an idiot. i just wanted you to fight for me to show me you cared, but you proved to me that you didn’t and don’t. from someone who said “i just want you happy” when i was going through my toughest battle mentally months before this happened, to someone who breaks my heart, and the worst part is i don’t think you understand or see that..
even with all this, i actually forgive you. i don’t know if you’ll ever come back into my life. i don’t know if i’ll ever put the wall down to let you. but oh my god, if i could rewind time, i would. i would go back to before anything happened. before i allowed myself to go numb for months, i would have allowed myself to let you in, maybe things would be different.
but i don’t believe you were ever a mistake or believe you came in my life at a wrong time. because even if i didn’t love you and with everything with us being short, like sand falling through my fingers and not being able to grasp any of it and stop it. you were my favorite one of all. my brown eyed dark fluffy hair boy, you were my favorite and will forever be my favorite.
i hope and pray that this really was never the end of us, i really truly do..
till we speak again.. always take care, always smile, always laugh, always succeed, and know i am always supporting you and randomly watching your streams and hoping and praying you succeed more than you ever imagined you could. my sweet handsome brown eyed boy. I hope you dont forget me and think of me whenever you see a dodge charger or see a loud dark hair Italian girl with big hazel eyes. I hope you think of me when you see a French bulldog. I hope you think of me when you see books. I hope you think of me when you see a cute couples post. I hope you think of me when you close your eyes and drift to sleep and remember who laid next to you last (if that was me..) I hope you always remember that short feisty girl, you playfully smacked your arm one too many times and than hugged you saying sorry because she felt bad. The girl who is stubborn, stressful, but beautiful. I hope you always remember me, as the girl who wanted nothing more than you and your time. I as well say this in a pure way, not an evil way. Because one thing I know for sure, whether or not we find our way back - I will never ever forget you. My brown eyed boy
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zyonsay · 8 days
So my music club hosted a yearly event this year, its pretty rare that we get to host since we‘re a pretty small town and our music district consists of a shit ton of clubs. This event is divided into three seperate days: the first day is mainly about drumming, the second about the adult clubs and the third about each clubs youth band. Its a very traditional thing with uniforms, flags and discipline. Music clubs here are very closely tied to the military, even if most clubs are more relaxed and casual.
As the hosts we dont get to play that much since we are always running around doing errands, favors and taking care of our guests. BUT in the end all youth clubs play a few songs together, usually we‘re around 200-300 musicians.
There is this one club EVERYONE hates though. They are on the more serious side and compete a lot. The grudge against them started when they began entering competitions and entered themselves into a lower level category than they actually were, just so they‘d definitely win. I dont think i need to explain why that is shitty, but to put it briefly: its unfair to clubs who enter the right category, because next to a higher level club they‘ll always loose and never have a fair chance at victory. Im scared that this will happen to me, because my club is entering its first show in a long while and im pretty sure that other club will join our category for sure.
The main reason why everyone hates them is because they are REALLY arrogant. Like im saying they wont greet you back and talk smack about you right in front of your nose. Some of the members are really sweet but the general image of the club is just… terrible.
Anyways, today was the third day if the event and we got ready to play tigether with the other clubs. The only other alto AND tenor saxophones were from that hated club and since im the only one playing a tenor sax in my youth club, i was plopped right into the mass of red uniformed bastards. We shared the show with the drummers (also mixed up from all clubs) and when they played a piece, i obviously applauded cuz thats what basic respect is in our culture. (And i was incredibly proud of them cuz they‘re like 12 years old and did an amazing job) AND I SWEAR i got the biggest stank eye from the other tenor sax players. Like sorry for supporting MY club tf? Like those are kids, give them some recognition for doing well wtf.
But anyways, while the drummers were playing they also gossiped and talked LOUD ASF. Like yes, the people listening probably cant hear you over 100 drums but its still lacking a lot of respect, cuz its a fuckibg concert and if yall brag about being professional and disciplined then FUCKING ACT LIKE IT.
I wont list up everything else they did but if i tell yall they have me FUMING. I hate nothing more than arrogant, stuck up people who think they‘re better than you even though you‘re not even trying to be in their level. I hate fake ass butches and for all i know, they are.
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dandunn · 5 months
Fic author interview tagged by @vampirenaomi
1 How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Fic that annoys me so much I disabled comments (go find it yourself lmao), Marked for Death, Tiger by the Tail, What's coming through is Alive, The Sea is Getting Rough Again
my one piece fics all have way more kudos than my recent stuff basically
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i do sometimes, im usually tired from writing and editing so sometimes ill just say thanks lol
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
i wrote a fic anonymously which is horrendously dark and doesnt have a happy ending but I think most other fics i write at least have a bittersweet or happy ending hdfgb
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
uhhhhhh i dunno man I like the ending of the fic i wrote where goemon threatens to cut one of jigen's exes' dicks off and then they go hang out by the pool. that was fun :)
7. Do you write crossovers?
not really, I've had a few ideas for them but they're hard to write and wouldnt have worked out
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
not... really? i got a really weird backhanded compliment where someone talked at length about a ship i dont like (the fic wasnt about that couple) then said the first chapter was alright apart from being painfully slow (thanks) and then accused me of virtue signalling because of the difficult topics i handled in the fic.
It was really, really strange like I genuinely think they were trying to pay me a compliment but they were incredibly shit at it lol
And then in another fic I turned off comments because a minor started bitching at me about the porn I wrote not being sexy enough and when I told them to go away they harassed me for a little while. That was fun.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yeas. I prefer it when smut is incorporated into the story because I kind of need the emotional stakes to be high enough otherwise I kind of lose interest. Smut without feelings is just kinda boring to me. Of course I have some exceptions but those are rare nowadays.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes, though it's on wattpad apparently so I have no idea if the person doing it credited me because I dont use that site lol.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yeah and I dont recommend it. we only wrote like 2 chapters of it but i no longer speak to the co-author and the whole thing ended up feeling a bit disjointed and weird.
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Uhh I have a couple, zoro/luffy, ace/sanji, jigen/lupin and jigen/goemon
zolu probably wins here because i have not so far written a 200k fic about anyone else lol
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
*gestures weakly at literally everything in my google docs*
I forgot how to write sorry
15. What are your writing strengths?
*tv static noise*
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
i cant speak english
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I don't know whether its bad or just handled badly by a lot of writers but I don't like it. Speaking as someone whos been learning japanese for the past 2+ years I hate it when I come across a word and have to either look it up myself or scroll to the bottom of the fic for any footnotes there are to explain it. Gonna use myself as an example for how I go about this kind of thing:
Fujiko tries to smile at his robotic, overly formal speech patterns, when really it's a little off-putting. She hasn't heard anyone use the word sessha, 'my humble self', for themselves outside of a period drama.
each to their own but i prefer putting in a small aside like this rather than shoving in foreign words and expecting for the reader to go and break the flow of the writing by looking it up for themselves.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
id say pokemon mystery dungeon but the first fic i wrote i instantly deleted after getting one negative comment, i think one piece is more where i cut my teeth
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
i dont really know? ive gotten into a couple of new things recently but they havent triggered my "oh i gotta write something" reaction
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
i dunno man i dont like my work very much right now heres an image if u read all of this
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bridgyrose · 1 year
The recent Vol. 9 trailer and some rereads through your AUs have had me absolutely craving more Salem's Vessel... pls (if you don't have any interest in the concept anymore then no worries gjejfne)
Ruby smiled a bit as she took in a breath of fresh air as she stepped off the airship from Beacon. Even if it was Weiss’s idea to walk around, she had to admit that getting off campus and away from the other students felt nice. And to top it off, it was just a quiet day with her team. 
“Are you sure you can trust them out here?” Salem asked. 
Well, mostly quiet. Ruby’s smile started to fade as she slowed down her pace while Weiss didnt notice as she continued to ramble on about seeing the visiting students. “I never said I trust them, but that doesnt mean I’m not going to try to figure out what they want,” Ruby said in a hushed whisper. “Yang is my sister and I trust her to keep me safe. Blake… I’m still not sure about her but besides romance books, whatever she’s hiding doesnt seem to be dangerous yet. And Weiss… I genuinely want to get to know her and find out why she’s like this. I know she’s from Atlas but that doesnt explain anything.” 
“Seems like you’re learning.” 
“Learning or finally trying to figure out who my team is. You do have a point that I cant blindly trust everyone, but at the same time, I’d like to make friends with them.” 
“You really think you can be friends with a spoiled heiress?” 
“I’m not sure, but if she’s willing to try, then I can too.” 
“Ruby!” Yang called out. “You’re falling behind!” 
Ruby sighed and whispered to herself. “Please stay quiet today. I want one day without you popping into my head.” She quickly rushed back to the group with her semblance, leaving a trail of petals behind her as she took her spot next to Weiss once again. “Sorry about that.” 
“Please try to not fall too far behind,” Weiss said as she continued walking down the street, her eyes looking around for anyone who looked like students. “We’re here to bond and hopefully find out more about our competition for the Vytal Festival.” 
“Who said we were doing that?” Blake asked. 
“Why wouldnt you want to?” Weiss paused and looked at Blake with a curious eye. “If we win, we could be on the fast track to being huntresses! People will know who we are and what we can do!” 
“Maybe some of us dont actually want that.” 
Ruby rolled her eyes as she listened to Weiss and Blake argue pointlessly again like usual. Weiss seemed determined to get some sort of standing while at Beacon and Blake was practically her polar opposite: someone who seemed to want to stay in the shadows of the other students and be out of the way. And in a way, Ruby could relate to that. How much easier it was to sit back and let others take the limelight while she faded away as a normal girl. Instead, here she was leader of her team, two years younger than everyone else, and practically a prodigy after training with Qrow and her father. “Maybe we can find something else to do.” 
“Like what?” Weiss asked. “Dont you care about who we’ll face?” 
“A little, but not enough to argue about it. Besides, werent you the one who said that you wanted to try to get along with us?” 
Weiss frowned and huffed. “Fine, we’ll do something else.” 
Ruby relaxed a bit as she continued walking with her team through Vale. Though, it didnt take long for her to stop once more once she saw police tape covering the entrance to one of the dust shops in town. And once again, she found herself on edge as Weiss spoke, disdain in her voice.
“Great, another dust shop robbery. Probably the White Fang again.” 
“Maybe it wasnt the White Fang!” Blake practically yelled out. “Not everything has to be their fault.” 
“Who else could it be?” 
“Maybe that Torchwick guy Ruby ran into a couple months back,” Yang suggested. “He never was caught so its possible he’s starting back up again.” 
Weiss rolled her eyes. “Unless he’s specifically targeting SDC supplied dust shops-” 
“Considering the SDC is the biggest supplier, that’s not hard.” Blake sighed and started to walk off. “Can we drop it, please? If, and that’s a bit if, its the White Fang, then we can let the authorities handle it.” 
“Oh, like the way they handle everything else?” 
Ruby hesitated as she watched Blake’s bow twitch at the mention of the White Fang and the way her tone seemed to shift as she almost seemed defensive at the idea they were responsible.
“You noticed too,” Salem said calmly in Ruby’s head. “For all you know she could be part of them.” 
“I never thought that,” Ruby lied in a quiet whisper to herself. “Though, I guess it wouldnt surprise me if she had been. Or still is.” 
“Then you’ll need to watch her carefully. The Heiress to the SDC and a member of the White Fang on the same team. If you’re not careful, you’ll get stuck in whatever war they end up waging against each other.” 
Ruby sighed and started to walk after Blake as her mind raced. It was becoming more obvious that while Blake was hiding she was a faunus, she may have been wrong about what else was being hidden. “Then what exactly do you suggest?” 
“Find out what Blake is really hiding and why Weiss is really here. Gain their trust and use them to your goals. Everyone is a piece for you to use. Each has their different uses, but if you play them right, then you can make your own desires your reality.” 
“Like how you’re using me?” 
“"Using” is a strong word. I prefer… teaching.” 
“Let me handle this one on my own.” Ruby half listened to Blake and Weiss argue while Yang tried to keep them calm. “And if I cant get things to work, then I’ll do things your way.”
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cogumielitos · 2 years
lack of MLM representation in cartoons
So, me and my friend wanted to dress up as cartoon characters for halloween and since we're both masculine presenting people we wanted a MLM or NBLM or NBLNB couple to dress up as.
Then i realize, there's none! Absolutely 0 cutsy mlm couples in cartoons, at least at the main stream ones.
"But there's ______ couple in ______ show!!" yeah, i know that there are some, like willow's dads, clyde's dads, bow's dads... I dont really want to dress up as a dad for hallowen lol.
Im just saying that comparing with WLW couples in cartoon mlm are basicly non-existent. There's no *canon* cute couple such as: - Marceline and Bubblegum - Luz and Amity - Adora and Catra - Rubi and Safira - Luna and Sam - Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn
Im not saying "WLW get to much representation, it shouldnt be so much!!", def theres no enough sapphic rep in midia but theres aaaway less *good* mlm rep. Even out of the cartoon world, I've notice that lately almost every tv show i watched there's a female queer character and im happy every time bc its a win for the community and my queer sisters/siblings. I also notice that the fist time i actualy felt represented by a piece of midia was a couple months ago when i watched Dead End, with Barney, a trans queer guy.
I wondered why this happens and i came with 2 possibilities:
Queer women/NBLW are more active in social midia . Every gay cartoon I've watched I've found bc a edit, a fanart, a tiktok or just a post on Instagram, and idk why but most of this posts were made by this community, even if where talking about mlm couples. Its almost like these couples are wrote *for* women and fujoshis, not by queer men for queen men. (like Young Royals and Red, White and Royal Blue). So I just have this feeling that every director its like: "Okay, we need a sapphic couple, even if its in the background so the gays will talk about it on tiktok and more gays will watch it"
(dont worry, Im also the gays...)
Sapphic couples apeal to straigth men so its "okay" to put them in. This one is hard to explain, so we all know how women are sexualized in everything they do, and we all know main stream media doesnt want to lose their huge ass "white cis-het men" public. So they figured that a better away of getting our pink money and the jack-asses money, its putting wlw couples so that men can sexualize them, rather then mlm couples, that those men are usually disgusted by.
I know this take its really disgusting but we all know that straight men sexualize queer women. And before anyone says smt, i know that queer women suffer homophobia and some man also say that "wlw couples disguste them", but like i said, we all know that straigth men sexualize queer women. And y'all cant possibily think that big companies like netflix and disney actualy care about queer issues, at a point they would rather not receive money from homophobes just to give us good rep.
Idk, i may be talking shit, let me know what you think final thougths: WE WANT CUTE MLM COUPLES TOO
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the flip side | part 2.
Summary: (Y/N) has always been one of the stronger Alphas. Which is saying something when the Avengers is a team overrun with Alphas. A mission gone wrong changes her entire world and when everyone starts treating her different, she doesn’t know if she can cope. Change hurts and (Y/N)’s not sure it’s a pain she cant bear.
Warnings for the Series: strong language, angst, fluff, assault, a/b/o dynamics, sexual content (18+ readers only)
Pairing: Stucky x black!reader
Word Count: 6.2k
Previous Part | (Series Masterlist)
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You dragged yourself out of bed early in the morning like you had been doing for the past couple of weeks and trudged to the bathroom. Your new normal, you thought as you pulled the band tight through your teeth and stabbed the syringe into your thigh. Chewing the Omega suppressant, you quickly showered and made your way into the gym for training.
The black sports bra was still slightly damp. You had taken to handwashing all of your clothes, the scent not quite disappearing if it was hand washed rather than machine-washed. You couldn’t go on any longer without washing your training clothes but needed the smell to stay on. Bruce was working late in the nights when everyone left the lab to try and reverse the serum but so far nothing was coming back indicating a breakthrough.
You avoided sparring when you could and opted for the bots— not always successful. Sam was usually your partner because it made everything easier. But there were other times it had to be someone else and you just prayed no one would smell a thing. Like now with Nat. She knocked you flat on your ass and you grumbled as she stretched out a hand to help you up.
“Pretty soon I’ll be the one with the winning streak,” she said with a smirk.  
“Shut up, you got lucky.” You snapped.
Nat held her hands up in surrender before placing them on her hips.
“What has you so worked up? So damn irritable. Those suppressants are messing with you, I swear.”
“Must have taken two pills by accident this morning, wasn’t paying attention.”
“You’re always so on top of it. Had to have been a rough start to make you that forgetful.”
“Yeah, rough start,” you muttered.
You rubbed at your side and headed into the locker room. The rest of the team followed behind to grab their equipment and head back upstairs for showers and a break. Sam stopped you in the locker room after everyone else walked out.
“You’ve got to start taking both shots in the morning,” he whispered.
The injections were administered in two doses. You took one when you woke up and one in the evening to spread it out, finding that taking both at the same time didn’t make you feel so hot. Some people could handle the double dosage, you couldn’t.
“The team’s starting to wonder why you’re always disappearing during dinner and come back a few minutes later,” he explained.
“I have to pee.”
“They’re not really buying that excuse from Bruce and I anymore.”
You chewed on your bottom lip. It wasn’t the easiest to take both in the morning but if everyone was getting suspicious then maybe it was for the better to do so. You decided it was ultimately for the best. Starting tomorrow, you would get up a little earlier and take both shots and use the extra morning time to try and recover before heading to training.
When you entered your room, you frowned at the sight and smell of people on your couch.
“FRIDAY, what did I say about just letting people into my room?”
“They insisted it was urgent, (Y/N).”
You huffed and walked over to where Sharon, Maria, Bucky, and Steve were sitting on your couch. The scowl on your face let them know to be quick. Maria unlocked the tablet and handed it to you.
“SHIELD wants a small group for this one. Sam’s going to be taking the West Coast so I’m the replacement.”
“Nat?” you asked.
Sharon rolled her eyes. “Going with Sam since she knows the men. I’m her replacement so deal with it.”
Instead of growling, to everyone’s shock, you just let it go and locked the tablet. A standoff with Sharon would expose everything. Maria took the tablet back from you.
“Ok, I’m briefed. We leave in three days, understood. Now get the fuck out of my space.”
It came out as a snarl and they were on their feet. No matter what your cells might suddenly say, you had spent your whole damn life as an Alpha and that didn’t miraculously change. It especially didn’t change when everyone still thought you were an Alpha. You weren’t giving up your power so easily. The four in front of you opened their mouths and then closed them.
“You good, (Y/N/N)?” Bucky asked.
“Yeah,” you said tensely. “I was just trying to relax after training and I’m not getting that right now.”
“Right, sorry.”
They started to pile out. It wasn’t that you wanted to relax. You wanted them out of your space because the smell was too much, especially Maria being the only claimed person in the room. You glared at the couch that was now covered in them. How long had they been waiting in your room? Steve stopped when he saw you rub your temples. His hand on your shoulder made you calm immediately before you tensed up at the fact you simply melted under his touch.
“Maybe you should go to the masseuses downstairs. Have professional help instead of whatever you do.”
“I’m fine, Steve. Just need a bath and a nap.”
He gave you a nod and left with the others. You took in a deep breath once he was gone. Warming up your hands, you touched the pillows and watched them burn up in your clutches. Every pillow except for the ones Steve and Bucky had been holding was burnt off of the couch.
Part of you hated that you did that but you couldn’t bring yourself to burn those two pillows. Being as close as you were to the two supersoldiers was fine when you were an Alpha but now it was making you yearn for them in the most needy Omega fashion. You knew the dangers of being an unclaimed Omega and your boy was already trying to avoid that threat by throwing you straight into the arms of two unclaimed men that you at least knew.
Your alarm rang and you sighed. Even with the suppressants, you weren’t sure how bad a heat would be. Bruce tried to walk you through it but said that it was only understandable once you went through it physically. The only thing you knew was that a rut was not nearly as bad and you’d give anything to have one instead.
The bath wasn’t warm but freezing cold. You felt hot— not as sweaty as most Omegas but definitely slightly overheating. If you had to, you could easily get up and still handle your daily tasks. But you couldn’t deny the warmth in your lower abdomen was something you rather have gotten rid of through natural means. Heats were also worse than periods— of course, Bruce wouldn’t have known that but you were still annoyed at not getting a heads up. You tilted your head back and enjoyed the rest of the bath, mentally preparing yourself for the nightly shot you’d have to take once you got out.
The team questioned the missing seat of their team member. Bruce and Sam tried to distract but no one paid attention. Sam was the first to come up with a bullshit excuse that you went to find a hookup and were either coming home late or not at all. Nat asked FRIDAY so she could figure out if they needed to set anything aside for you to eat later.
“There’s no need to call her. Miss (L/N) is in her room.”
“I’ll get her,” Bucky stood up. “Probably just forgot after hooking up.”
Wanda laughed. “Have we met many presentations that made (Y/N) forget to want to have dinner after sex?”
The elevator doors closed before Sam and Bruce could do anything about it. Bucky knocked and you didn’t reply. He figured he could just walk in when FRIDAY informed him that the door wasn’t locked. You were sitting on the edge of the tub and pulled the band. You stabbed the syringe into the vial of serum to suck it up before sticking the needle into your thigh.
“(Y/N)?” Bucky called into the duplex.
The suddenness of his voice scared you, you hadn’t smelled him coming in. Your fingers fumbled as you tried to grab the vial but it shattered on the floor. You muttered no’s over and over again as you looked at the destroyed medicine.Your head snapped up when you heard the creak of the stairs as Bucky’s foot stepped on it. You were sweating in panic and even worse you could smell Bucky and it made the warmth in your abdomen burn a little more.
“You still have an Omega here?” he called as his nose was suddenly flooded with the scent of an Omega he didn’t recognize.
You saw your chance.
“Holy shit, Buck, get the fuck out! Be down in a minute.” Your voice summoned up as much Alpha in it as possible.
“Sorry. Sorry. Just thought you came back alone.”
He retreated and you waited until you heard the door close. You went back to the broken vial and spilled serum. You were in heat, even if you stayed in your room someone ran the risk of smelling it. There was no choice but to take the vial meant for tomorrow morning and join them at dinner. You’d have to beg Bruce to try and get you just one more bottle before the next month of injections was delivered. With extra careful hands, you took the vial for tomorrow morning and stabbed the syringe into it.
You texted Bruce. The message he sent back wasn’t particularly comforting. He wasn’t sure if he could sneak out a vial to replace the one you dropped. It was easier to fudge the numbers for the beginning month shipment but not once a few weeks had gone by. You sighed in frustration and practically buried yourself under your comforter.
No one else was allowed to touch your mission bag. It was a small mission but Maria said you guys would have to hide out for a few days. Which meant you would have to bring the injections with you. You weren’t taking the chance of letting anyone else touch your bag and accidentally breaking the vials or discovering them. Very carefully, you set down the bag by your feet and sat down in the co-pilot chair. You stiffened at the footsteps behind you.
“I thought Buck was flying with me,” you said.
“He and Steve are running over last minute plans. You’re stuck with me.”
Sharon sat down in the other seat. Neither one of you looked at each other. You didn’t have to talk to get the job done so the flight was long and silent. You stretched and jumped out of the quinjet when it reached the safe house. The other four followed behind you, the feeling of still being a leader made you feel warm and proud inside. The safe house was nothing spectacular but it also wasn’t the worst one, some were literal shacks in the desert.
“Alright.” Maria dropped her bag. “I’m in the small room. You four get the big one.”
You almost dropped your bag. “What?”
“SHIELD has your schedules memorized, all four of you tend to go into rut at the same. Even as claimed Beta, it’s not smart to share a room with any of you right now.”
You sulked into the big room and threw your stuff on the smaller twin bed in the corner. No one thought much of it. It was easy to assume that you were just annoyed at the thought of having to room with so many Alphas during a rut. Internally, you were panicking.
You had been on missions with Maria before, she was a heavy sleeper. If it wasn’t a high-stakes mission so close to what should have been your usual rut time, you would have bunked with her no problem. And her tendency to not wake up once her head hit the pillow was perfect for you. It gave you a nice window of opportunity to take your suppressants and injections. You were also scared because she was right.
It wasn’t smart or very safe to be around unclaimed Alphas in such closeness during their rut. You knew the three of them would never do anything against someone’s will— they weren’t those types of Alphas that liked to exercise old laws— but it still wasn’t smart.
The safe house only had one bathroom and you didn’t want to risk carrying the vials back and forth from the bed to the bathroom so you would have to be sneaky and take them in your room. You stripped from your normal clothes and into your suit.
The fighting wasn’t much that day. You quickly showered and slammed the bedroom door shut, knowing someone would barge in a few minutes later. Like clockwork, you had barely slipped on your shirt when Sharon and Steve walked in.
“You both ever heard of knocking? It’s a new invention, you should try it sometimes.”
They rolled their eyes and flopped down on the bed. Sharon got up first to take a shower. Bucky entered the room as she left and sat down on the small bed that you were unfortunately sharing with him. Without missing a beat, Steve walked over.
It was pretty customary for Team Cap to have a post-mission cuddle each night of the missions. Usually it was all five of you: Sam, Steve, Bucky, Nat, and you. You guys would find a way to fit all your bodies on the same bed and just talk about nothing until it’s time to sleep. Maria and Sharon didn’t share the same enthusiasm for post-mission talks when they joined you guys— most of the Avengers didn’t share that enthusiasm. For once, you weren’t enthusiastic about it.
You could gag at the overpowering smell of them. It never bothered you before, now it was downright ridiculous. They talked and you contributed where you could. If you could hold your nose you would have. Steve and Bucky didn’t smell anything from you at all and of course they weren’t bothered by the smell of each other. You were almost shaking that someone the masker would stop working. Both mistook the shaking out of nervousness for you being cold and held you closer.  
There was only one time in your life that you would ever show gratitude to Sharon and this was one of them. When she strolled back into the room yawning, everyone took that as a cue to go back to bed. It felt like hours had gone by. You couldn’t fall asleep until you took your injection because you couldn’t set an alarm to wake you up without waking up the other three. You turned over and saw two bodies that weren’t moving. Based on the deadweight of the metal arm slung over your abdomen, Bucky was asleep as well. He was the hardest part of this entire thing, not waking him. As gently as you could, you sat up and grabbed the vial from the bag under your bed.
“You still up?”
Sharon asked. The band fell from between your teeth and you silently screamed as the vial dropped and you could hear the sound of it breaking. It was still dark in the room but you felt she could make out an outline of your body. At least she couldn’t see anything for real.
“Your bed creaking woke me up.”
You froze when the cold fingers on your thigh moved. Bucky groaned. “Sorry, these stupid things haven’t been used in forever. The springs must be stiff.”
“Forgot to put on my headscarf and take my suppressant, my bad,” you tried to cover for the reason that you were awake.
You fished for another vial, pissed that you had damaged another one and were completely screwed for the last days of the month. You hoped Sharon would mistake the sound of the broken vial as you dropping your pill bottle. She just shrugged, told you guys to try and stop moving, and went back to sleep. Your eyes practically bore holes into Bucky’s face as you slowly injected yourself. He looked like he had gone back to sleep but you weren’t going to risk him opening his eyes. With his hand on your thighs, you also had to be careful not to touch him while doing so.
The syringe laid at the bottom of your bag. It was unsafe carrying all of them in there but there was no place in the safe house you felt comfortable disposing the used ones in. You weren’t going to risk someone finding it in the trash.
All four nights at the safe house were met with very rough sleep. You were always on edge every night and slept very few hours to make sure you were up before the supersoldiers so you could take your morning shot. It was noticeable to the others. You seemed irritable and no one would say it but it wasn’t the most pleasant to be around. You were even at Sharon’s throat more than usual.
“Why didn’t you tell us you were hurt?” Bucky asked suddenly when you entered the room after showering.
He held up the syringe and you almost froze. Bucky just placed it in the little trash bag that he had put all the other discarded syringes and broken vials in.
“Everyone takes steroids from time to time on a mission, Buck, no big deal. It’s a small muscle problem. Dr. Cho said I’ll be fine in like a week or two.”
“I feel you shift every night. If the inflammation is that bad, you should’ve told us. You’re probably still hurt from that HYDRA mission. You need to relax.”
“Alright, alright. I won’t take the next mission until I’m fully healed. Better?”
He nodded and you cursed yourself for not noticing that Bucky must have been up one of the nights to witness what you were doing. When you returned to the tower, you immediately jumped off the quinjet and headed to your room not saying hi to anyone but Sam. The others informed everyone of what was going on when you stormed back in, all done up in the tightest and shortest outfit possible.
“Jacket,” you demanded from Steve.
Your foot tapped with great impatience at how long he was taking to do what you asked. He took his jacket off and handed it to you with little hesitation. You adjusted it on you, shoving your stuff into the jacket pockets.
“I’ll be out all night. Don’t need to know where I’m going, don’t wait up, don’t need me. Bye.”
The team watched your heavy boot stomping towards the elevator.
“Has she ever had a rut that bad?” Vision asked.
“She was getting miserable the last couple of days,” Bucky said.
“Kept forgetting to take her suppressant before bed,” Steve added. “Woke me up almost every night. She’s not very jittery but has been the whole damn time. They should up the dosage for her.”
“Well, there’s your answer. She normally takes it pretty routinely, (Y/N)’s good for that. She’ll be fine tomorrow just needs to work it out,” Bruce covered. His eyes closed when Bucky spoke up.
“Not suppressants, steroids for inflammation. She got hurt on a solo mission and didn’t tell anyone but Dr. Cho because of the HYDRA thing.”
Tony just laughed. “She does know the world won’t end if she misses a mission every now and then?”  
Bruce and Sam were the only ones not laughing. Bruce hadn’t been able to steal another vial and the last day of the mission was also the last day of the month’s supply. You were going to stay out all night and sneak back to the tower after everyone left the residential floors where you would stay until the next morning and Bruce could get you the next crate. And you would be more careful. He couldn’t sneak out more than you needed and you weren’t going to let another mistake happen where you lost a vial.
The tight club outfit was on purpose. You had to dress like the most promiscuous Alpha out there to help play the part. It was also your previous clubbing outfit and hadn’t been washed, keeping that scent on you. Steve’s jacket was a second precaution. If your faded scent on old clothes wasn’t enough, his jacket had to be. You were surrounded by Alpha smells, there wasn’t a hint of Omega in sight.
You weren’t going to any clubs. It would be stupid to take that risk of getting sweaty on a dance floor and letting the Omega scent slip out. Instead, you decided to hang out at a twenty-four hour diner and just play around on your phone and listen to music until you could go back home. The waitress was so nice as she gave you your food and first round of coffee.
“Are you working the late shift?” you asked her in the most pleasant tone you could muster.
It was important to seem super friendly when you absolutely reeked of Alpha. You weren’t trying to scare the Omega waitress or make her think you were up to something. She went back to the bar seating area and began to wipe it down.
“Night shift gets the best tips around this time of the month,” she said with a shrug.
She wasn’t wrong. The end of the month was always some party in New York City— a good chunk of them thrown by Tony. Everyone was out, money was getting spent left and right, and if you breathed too deep the whole city reeked of sex.
“Also the most drunks this time of the month.”
You said with a sip of your coffee. There were other words unsaid but she seemed to understand you. A lot of Alphas ran around and even bonded ones were subject to cause havoc. Laws were lenient on them. As long as the Beta or Omega was unclaimed then if the Alpha voice made them submit, anything done was considered legal and somewhat consensual. You were always worried about those without partners, kind of like the waitress serving you.
You could tell that her scent glands were completely untouched, not even by a past partner. The waitress finished wiping down the area and collecting plates that had been left by other patrons. The diner was empty except for the two of you. She came back to refill your coffee.
“Sit.” You motioned to the booth seat across from you. She looked around. “Ah, no one else is in. Come on, have a cup of coffee.”
The waitress’ shoulders relaxed and she grabbed a mug for herself. You ate and listened to her tell her life story. When it became clear you weren’t trying to make a move on her but just wanted the company, she opened up a lot. Your phone rang and after the fourth one she looked down at it on the table.
“I think someone wants you.”
With an audible sigh, you picked up the phone. “I thought I said don’t need me tonight?”
You bit back a smile at the fact the waitress shrunk a little bit into the booth. You weren’t trying to scare her— the bite in your voice was solely for the person on the other end of the call—  but the fact that your Alpha voice was somewhat still there made you feel better.
“Relax, hothead,” Nat screamed into the phone. “We’re all at the club. Maurice on 33rd.”
“Don’t need your help bagging someone for the night. Not interested.”
“Have fun with us!”
“I said not interested.”
You hung up. Nat would be pissed for a day or two but after knocking you to the floor in sparring, she would get over it. You set the phone back on the table and grabbed your coffee mug after the waitress poured another cup.
“Thank you,” you said with a sip.
“What’s so bad you’re in a diner instead of a party?”
“Nothing, just tired of them trying to set me up with someone. Needed a quiet night.”
“Well you picked the wrong night for that.”
You both laughed.
“Empty diner seems pretty perfect to me.”
She raised her mug in a touche and drank. You pushed the rest of your plate towards her, figuring that she hadn’t eaten since whenever her last break was. She took it gratefully. You were given another side-eye until you reached for your phone to text Bruce. You didn’t blame her.
It was natural to be suspicious of an Alpha this late at night on party night. You weren’t making a move on her but it made sense she was still a little weary, thinking you were going to try something. The little bell on the door rang and you and the waitress turned your heads. A guy walked in wearing the same uniform as her. Her face lit up as she tossed him the notepad.
“Well, my shift is over. It was nice talking to you, I don’t know many Alphas that aren’t—” She cut herself off.
“Dicks, you can say it. Alphas are fucking assholes.”
She laughed. “Yeah. Thanks again. You made the end of my shift a lot of fun.”
She walked out of the diner and you sat back in your seat. As she walked out, others walked in. The second round of partying was over for the night and people were stumbling in to fill their stomachs before going out for round three. More Alphas than Betas or Omegas piled in and you were getting uncomfortable.
No one paid you any attention. Of course not, you still smelled like an Alpha and despite all the laughs with the waitress, you hadn’t broken a sweat. But you were paying attention to the rest of them. So you flagged down the now very busy waiter and paid your bill, leaving him a pretty generous tip to split with the waitress.
The street already smelled to no surprise. You wished people learned to close their windows. Top floor apartment buildings never remembered until it was time to sleep. They should learn to keep their stink in their own house. You needed another place to go. All the diners were probably just as full but if one was packed with Betas and Omegas more than Alphas, you could deal with that. The diner you stopped by was close to Maurice where the team was.
Maurice was a popular spot of the Avengers. You knew the area well enough, another diner was a little bit past the club. Was it likely to have Alphas? Probably, but there should have been a third diner just across the street so you might as well just check them both out. You pulled out your phone to check if the diner across the street was twenty-four hours, you couldn’t remember.
A shout got your attention followed by lots of growling. A second whimper and the scared pheromones of an Omega wafted past your nose. A smell you recognized having just spent several hours with her. You booked it down the street and into the backroad where the smell grew stronger. The waitress was being dragged along by several Alphas further into the alley— she tried to dig her shoes into the ground but only ended up stumbling over her own two feet. You growled as best as you could. It was only a matter of time before they used the Alpha voice on her and after that, it would be a lot harder for you to stop them.
Most of your Alpha actions came from the memories of it rather than you actually being able to do them naturally. The group stopped and looked at you. This wasn’t a time to sound semi-reasonable. So you puffed up your chest and stalked towards them.
“What do you think you’re doing with my Omega?” you snarled.
“Don’t smell a claim on her,” one of them said. “Not yours.”
“But we’d consider sharing,” another said and the others laughed.
You looked down like you were thinking before winding your fist back and connecting it with his face. The man held his jaw and looked at you. Everyone else got quiet.
“What the fuck, man?”
“I said she’s mine.”
The biggest of them stepped up to you. “We found her first. Stand down.”
“Find another.”
You both started snarling. His voice boomed as he commanded you to stand down. It scared you shitless as you felt a shift. Everything was screaming to not just relent but to also submit. That would be even worse. The thought of them finding out you were an Omega was certainly not going to end well. You thought about the waitress shivering in fear nearby and willed whatever Alpha memories you had left to help you out just once. You held a fist up.
“You want a broken jaw to match your friend’s?”
The man grumbled and shook his head out. “Not worth it. Damn, you’re one tough Alpha. God bless whoever’s fucking stuck with you.”
He and his friends laughed as they let the waitress go. They walked off, one of them patting you on the shoulder.
“Don’t know which would be better, don’t think an Alpha could even deal with that broad and an Omega…”
You didn’t hear the end of what he said but judging by the way they all laughed it was clearly a joke at your expense. The waitress was still trembling against the alley wall. You helped her to her feet. She started thanking you over and over again, mentioning how she’s never had that problem before. You took off your jacket and wrapped it around her and zipped it up.
“Go straight home.”
She buried herself in the scent of the jacket and nodded. You sighed against the wall as you heard her feet walk off. Looking down at the phone still in your hand, you went back to what you were doing seeing that the diner was actually closed. You pulled up Google to check what other diners were closed and open, feeling like you seriously needed a drink after what just happened. A hand on your shoulder made you jump before relaxing when you looked up to see it was just Steve. Now that your adrenaline was gone, his scent actually hit you. Bucky peeked out from behind him, smell hitting you like a wall as well.  
“(Y/N)? You absolutely reek, what the hell?”
They were caught off guard. You didn’t stay around long enough after sex with people to smell strongly of them and you rarely let people sniff your scent glands or even give you a hickey but the scent was so obvious. You could smell your own scent on you. Without the injection and after that stupid Alpha standoff, your pheromones were stinking up the alleyway. The only good the suppressants were doing at the moment was making sure you wouldn’t get pregnant— the whole event had you producing more pheromones than the medicine could block from emitting.
“Bunch of Alphas trying to mess with an unclaimed Omega even after it was clear she didn’t want to.”
Steve grimaced. “I hate that people think they do whatever they want just because of presentation.”
“Found her before anything happened. Gave your jacket though, sorry.”
“Don’t be, based on how you stink she probably needed it. At least she’ll get home safe. Can’t say much for you now. Seriously, (Y/N). You reek like hell.”
“She was scared shitless.”
“Tilt your head.”
You raised an eyebrow. “Excuse me, Buck?”
“It’s bad. You step out of here and they’ll all be on you. Temporary scent, just for protection. I can barely smell you past her scent.”
“I can take care of some trouble. You act like I’m not an Avenger.”
“We don’t need you giving third degree burns to every drunk Alpha or Beta that tries to cross you.”
His eyes were narrowing and you knew he was about to do another standoff. You couldn’t handle another one. You also couldn’t handle a double standoff with both supersoldiers. You were already smelling so much that if you lost— which you were sure you would— then another wave of pheromones would roll off of you and there wasn’t an Omega in the alley to blame it on. The little of your Alpha scent from your clothes wasn’t going to mean anything. You sighed as if you were annoyed and tilted your head back, exposing your neck to them.
“Don’t leave a hickey.”
They laughed against your neck and went back to sniffing and kissing the delicate area. They only sniffed and left light kisses so as not to leave a mark at your request. Steve pulled back and sniffed the air. It was still there but he smelled himself and Bucky a little bit. He wasn’t satisfied that it would be enough.
“Come on.”
He threw an arm around you and led you to Maurice and into the club where the rest of the team was sitting at a booth. Their heads snapped up as you two walked up to them. Bruce and Sam tried to keep a calm face while communicating with eyes and eyebrows to you.
“We’re taking (Y/N) home. She saved some Omega in the alley.”
Bruce nodded. “It’s probably best, no offense but you smell of them, (Y/N/N).”
“Thanks, Bruce. Last time I try to be nice for others.” You played off of him like everything was normal.
The other Alphas at the table growled and your attention was turned to a different place. Some random stranger— smelling strongly of Alpha— was eyeing you with a dark glint in his eye while you talked to them. You knew that you smelled worse than anyone in the club. Alpha pheromones were meant to travel farther than Omega and Beta. They were meant to show territory lines. Your scent was Omega but the cells pushing them out were still currently Alpha so the smell was traveling farther and stronger than it should.
Steve’s arm went back to wrap around your shoulder. Rather aggressively, he nudged your head back and began sucking at the spot on your neck where the scent glands were— staring at the other man the whole time, not blinking. Bucky did the same, gripping your waist and marking you until the other Alpha started to sweat. He didn’t relent though. It was obvious that your scent was of an unclaimed Omega and now you were in the middle of a standoff between the three of them.
Without bringing attention to himself, Sam pulled at your hand when he noticed your eyes threatening to close and knees ready to buckle. You were brought back into the moment and remembered to not give in to whatever your dumb Omega senses wanted from the Alphas currently with their lips all over your neck. You had to think of other things because if you focused too much on the semi-sexual moment, extra pheromones would start to emit and that would be the biggest mistake you could make.
The man finally looked away. Steve and Bucky had to force themselves to pull back from you, the scent of that Omega you saved unexpectedly was driving them a little crazy. They knew it was the same for the other man when they made eye contact over your head— they liked the way it smelled, kind of like your Alpha scent but with something else added.
Silently both men chuckled, this wouldn’t be the first time that they found themselves wanting to share an Omega. Of course that was way back then… You probably didn’t even know anything about the Omega you saved so they thought that they should get the scent out of their heads since there was no way of finding the woman. Steve looked at your neck and swiped at the wet spot he left behind with his thumb.
“Sorry, I couldn’t think of anything else.”
“It’s fine. Don’t know if I can show my face around here though, everyone now probably thinks I’m some weak Omega… no offense,” you said to Bruce and Wanda.
Bruce shrugged without a care knowing you were projecting extra to save yourself. Wanda didn’t take it to heart— knowing you loved her— but you noticed the slight fall of her face. It was one thing for everyone to think and feel some type of way but with two very capable Omegas on the team, no one liked to really say anything too insulting towards the dynamic. They thought it but wouldn’t say anything. You would never tell Bruce, Wanda, or even Sam about Alpha night. Everything you guys said was about the dynamic in general and never had anything to do with any Omega or Beta under SHIELD. But words on the wrong night could definitely sting. Everyone else chuckled a bit at your face.
“I think I should get home.”
The others agreed that would be best and you and the supersoldiers started out the club and home to the tower. The incident wasn’t brought up the entire way back. With not just Steve and Bucky’s scent but their physical presence there, no one bothered you on the way.
(Part 3)...
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xx-lemon-drop-xx · 11 months
hi, i go by kaso (he/she). requesting for the twst and ror boys (with the exception of idia and leona)
im mostly on the neutral centerpoint when it comes to myself. im an introvert. im calm, mellow, down-to-earth. im also observant as i pick up small things n remember them when the time is right. also to js sniff out peoples intentions but its more of the first most of the time.
im a soft-spoken guy. usually im relaxed and unshaken, though my motivation seems to come on a whim ebery other day so i may seem out of it at times. its easy to keep my composure for most things and keep my emotions in check.  i have tendencies to be passive-aggressive when provoked and im kinda stubborn. but im chill and friendly.
its easy for me to pick up from setbacks. im naturally intelligent but i dont really study to keep it.. its not like i dont want because im quite self-aware its just the lack of motivation. im also quite clever when the time comes.. cant explain it but its kinda easy to play the cards right when its laid out in my favour.
i may have an avoidant attachment of the sort im not sure.
when it comes to humour, im genuinely such a corny person and its always a hit or miss for my jokes. its also tinged with satire and sarcasm most if not all the time. i love to laugh and will find anything funny that might come out of your mouth.
i enjoy indulging in my interests, listsning to music, drawing and other things. i dont really have set things i enjoy, i just do whatever makes me happy tbh. i love having fun but it drains me. id try everything once if i could js so i can mak the most of the moment. im quiet when i go abt this though.
i think my greatest fear is being unable to uphold to what ive created and not achieving my dreams.. im not so sure if it truly bothers me though. i experience small emotional highs and lows so maybe thats why.
i cant tolerate critical people who need to call you out for every flaw or people that cant keep their mouth shut. not chatty or talkative people im talking abt those who gossip. trust is a really big thing for me and its honestly a huge turn off.
i love with actions rather than words. i try and take my time with someone and treat them with the best care i can muster. im very passionate abt the things and people i love and i feel and care deeply even if i show it terribly. its in the little things. my love languages are quality time and parallel play.
im not sure if i have a type if im being honest.. never really thought hard on enough.. is not being an ass to other count?? like idk bare minimum wins i suppose.
I pair you with: Adam!
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Calm and open-minded with a bit of a sarcastic kick to him, Adam finds your calm yet stubborn and sarcastic demeanor amusing in a friendly way. He is not very opinionated himself, even towards the gods as shown when he was only fighting for his children, though he respects your opinions nonetheless.
Adam prefers to sit under a tree with you, and tap through music on this device you've labeled as a "Phone" he'd never seen such a thing before though he was also more than interesting to him. Adam would likely eat grapes while listening to music and watching you draw, though I don't think he'd try it out himself.
He is quick to compliment you and finds your drawings interesting. He is chatty 50% of the time, though being more so favoring in quietness himself he understands that you are more introverted. Adam is likely to take you on walks around the forest to enjoy the scenery, and being around multiple animals he would likely teach you the correct way to feed some of them such as having a deer eat an apple out of your hand.
Adams most enjoyable thing about you would be your eyes. They're the window to the soul, or so he claims they are.
Character matchups found here
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