#i love the direction women's skateboarding is going
were-my-demons-hide · 7 months
I love how girls and young women are proving an important point:
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
Alr i'm gonna assume the best of newer and younger Pjo fans spreading misinfo on punk!Percy and by extension irl punk history and culture by guessing you guys aren't doing it on purpose and were just lied to about us so here's a bunch of debunks and clear ups on punk and why Percy is which also works as a sort of list of tips on how to write punk characters,canon and headcanon and completely original
So the obvious one out of the way first:Percy is actually not canonically a skater boy!There have been exactly two lines of this context in the entire franchise and one was in Som when he mentioned skateboarding once and then never again and the second was in Moa when Piper said he and i quote 'looked like a skater'.Sorry to past cishet Pipes but that's not a thing and Avril Lavigne making a cisheteronormative lyric that's extremely underservingly stuck around for forever dosen't mean she was right that he is one,it means she had internalized homophobia and gender stereotypes and no actual knowledge on alt subcultures because again,'looking like a skater' isn't a thing,it's a sport and not an aesthetic
With that,here's what actually makes Percy a punk:He was a bully beater from a young age and it escalates into full blown direct action for the whole saga,hates authority figures not for the sake of it but because he knows from experience that they're almost universally awful,is anti-corruption including his own by fighting against his intrusive thoughts to turn evil,does activism by helping fix the greco-roman mythos world system whenever he gets the chance to no matter how small,advocates for the rights of less fortunate people both mythical and human,hates rich people,fits entierly out of the box conformity in all aspects simply from the way he is even disregarding his demigohood,respects all minorities and is extremely kind to kids to the point that he adopted Nico and Hazel as his younger siblings and pseudo-kids because they don't really have parents(Hades/Pluto is abusive + Maria and Marie are dead).He fills out every punk requirement to a T,including being part of a marginalized group since he's poor and mentally disabled(audhd with dyslexia,bpd and ptsd)
He was a hero and Luke was a villain because they both hated the gods for traumatizing them and had nonpretty trauma responses from it but Percy still tried his best to stay kind not for his own sake but for his mom and the innocents in the world he knew didn't deserve cruelty and he provided and still does a safe and loving space for children specifically because he was a troubled but good kid once too and wants to be the positive adult figure for them he didn't get to have except Sally.Luke choose nihilism and that grew into turning a serial child abuser with bigoted ideals(his biggest targets being women and poc and in Kelli's case both)and fascist tactics.They weren't 'two sides of the same coin' and they're not even the same currency-Percy's a punk,Luke's a pig
Romantic attraction to someone based off them being 'ideal' by society's standards goes against punk beliefs!Our whole thing is nonconformity and that changing your true self to fit in makes you a sellout so this is why Perachel was canon and honestly i'd go as far as to call the 'outcast punk dude x perfect prep girl' a myth made up by normies who don't wanna date us for our actual personalities and just think we look hot so they objectify us.Related,it's ooc for Percy to be written to use kinds of flirting and dating treatments purely because 'it's what guys are like' since it's canon they hate traditional masculinity and consider it a burden they only force on themselves as a defense mechanism from trauma of being mocked for being 'not normal'
Ascention to godhood or into a titan inherently disquilify being punk and is an insult to irl punks.You literally can't be punk AND in control of a corrupted system,it's our lifestyle to fight them,not perpetuate them.This also applies to him dating deities,being rich in any way or an abuser.Dark Percy is Bootlicker Percy
Sorry to y'all who still think Hot Topic is a funny joke in 2024 of all years but they sold out to capitalism and conformity a loooooong time ago so Percy wouldn't be caught undead near that place and couldn't afford anything anyway because they've upped everything to rich people prices.He'd be going to thrift stores,family bussiness and small shops.Knowing how much free time he has probably knows how to DIY things that don't even exist and he buys all his games/consoles and legos secondhand
No Taylor Swift for him,her music's too corny and fabricated for him to not hate it but there's also how she's a huge bigot,a major bully and a whole ass poluter so🤷🏽‍♀️His favorite band is definitely My Chemical Romance but All Time Low,The Cure and Ramones are up there too
Please draw him with an actual battle jacket and proper piercings-By which i mean give it patches and a hoard of pins and draw it like a BATTLE JACKET,not a LEATHER jacket and actually google kinds of piercings instead of just slapping metal wherever onto him
He is NOT masc or an 'i'm too cool and edgy to like cutesy and kiddy things' type.Every single trans woman i've met in the Pjo fandom have said Percy's an egg and super femme and she does too much actual punk shit instead of trying to look the part to be a poser to care about her image anymore.She loves Polly Pocket,Warrior Cats,Animal Crossing,Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends,Bluey,Blues Clues,MLP,makeup,glitter,yk2/90s/80s toys,cats,Lo-Fi Beats,Cookie Monster and her second favorite color is pink,she loves naturally acting like a momdad and her gender fuckery includes a neopronouns hoard
Would most definitely have radicalized Nico and Hazel into goth punk and pastel goth punk if Rick let them be a proper trio and speaking from experience,it's entierly possible she does it completely on accident by making them want to be like her because of how nice and protective she is to them and what cool things she does
Few last points:She's definitely a heavy energy drinks consumer,a socialist,does vandalism,did actually super heavy research to go full punk once she realized she is and would never be friends with Harry Potter and in fact would probably kill him if they met since ACAB
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shutupandplayasong · 1 year
Mandela Catalogue HCs
heheh hyperfixation go brrrrr
Please don't yell at me if these suck im sensitive 🥺 /hj
Would have been the best big brother to Sarah I stg
Not afraid to wear a tiara and feather boa and have a tea party with her
This towering young man sat on a dinky little plastic chair sipping imaginary tea, pinky out and all
Aaagghhhhhhh i love him
Definitely one of those "super talented, high iq, gifted kids" before the burnout hit him
Every Christmas, Easter, and birthday he'd ask his parents for a dog. He never got one :(
Not exactly a Disney adult, just a big fan of animated movies in general.
I think his favorites would be The Iron Giant, Monsters Inc, and Lilo and Stitch
Honorable mentions to The Fox and The Hound and Oliver and Company but they make him cry
Mark Heathcliff best boy 1,000,000/10
Cesar fans, you have my whole heart fr
You really took nothing and ran with it I can't not respect that
I see him as a total mama's boy. As far as I know, there's no mention of his dad anywhere so I imagine it's just him and his mom.
As a little boy he was like "I'm gonna be the man of the house now!" and he stuck to it like glue
Taking the trash out, doing the dishes, mowing the lawn because "Mom, you deserve to get off your feet, you're working too hard"
I think him being a mama's boy and having so much respect for her would translate into huge respect for women in general
I like the idea of him painting his nails ❤
His room is like a walk-in freezer you can literally see his breath when he sleeps
Used to skateboard but eventually "grew out of it" (he actually broke his wrist and is too scared to do it again)
This toxic little fuck i love him
The most "dont talk to me until I've had my coffee" person you'll ever meet.
Not having consistent access to coffee must have been miserable for him when he was on the run. Doubly miserable for poor Jonah having to put up with a grouchy Adam for who even knows how long
You remember that tiktok trend from a few years ago like "I look really intimidating until I smile"? ADAM ADAM ADAM ADAM ADAM!!!
He's such an angsty little shit with the most severe case of resting bitch face disease but on the rare occasion he actually smiles??? Human sunshine
Definitely the type to look down when he smiles to try and hide it
Wouldn't be caught DEAD singing out loud, but will absolutely murmur songs to himself under his breath.
Just imagining him folding laundry or cooking and singing whatever song is stuck in his head to himself I LOVE THIS MAN
He likes rock music in general but I feel like he's really into songs like Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls. Yknow those really mopey mid 2000s ballads?
Shattered by OAR, Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol, stuff like that
Rip jonah you would've loved tiktok
Was a theater kid but he got kicked out of class. Dude was just too hyper to follow directions
What can he say? He just stole the spotlight 🤪 (he's crying inside)
Walks into every room twirling his car keys around his finger like a dork
Can not be trusted to stand still, it's best to just make him wear one of those backpack leashes for everyone's safety
A gamer but not in a toxic way. He's actually terrible at games but he thinks it's fun to dick around and goof off in them.
You knows those "girlfriend who bites" memes? That's him. He's the girlfriend who bites.
You've heard of wine moms, you've heard of wine aunts, well get ready for wine dad
I feel like he paints? He strikes me as very artsy
Loves plants but can't keep them alive for shit. It's not even that he forgets to water them, he follows all the instructions, the plants just hate him
Can't sleep without a TV on, or at least some sort of white noise or music playing.
Total garbage at gift giving lmao but he's trying his best
"I got you this card. Happy birthday."
"Thatcher, this says 'My condolences'"
"I know"
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highschoolboi · 1 year
Ok I just got put my thoughts about 911 6x17 onto a page before I explode. Heavy spoilers for 6x17!!!!
1. Buck and Natalia situation.
Why is she so pissed off at the fact that buck has dated women before? Yes I know it interrupted their date, so obviously you can be a little annoyed, and she tried to say it in a joking manner, but It really didn't come off like that. It came of like 'you dated other women? How dare you'. And yes his life is messy so it's OK to be overwhelmed by that a bit, but stormy off, and implying that it's completely over for them, at the mere idea of buck being a human with an life outside of her? I instantly thought she didn't like buck, she liked the stories she could get from him about death. As soon as he's anything more than that she bails.
2. The buck and Cameron situation.
As far as I know, they aren't close. Buck and Connor are, but not buck and Cameron so why is she coming to him first and not a close friend, family etc? And they were already weird about the sperm donor situation, so this definitely felt like overstepping of boundaries (addition to this is her just eating the meal he has set out, not even asking if she can have some first). But my main issue with this is where it looks like the writers are heading with this. Cameron and Connor are in a bad spot, and the last scene of buck shows him and her with 'love is in the air' playing in the background, a song they played for the other couples/potentially couples (bobby/athena, hen/karen, chim/mads, /eddie/insulation foam girl), which implies Cameron and buck might become a couple which is just so bad in so many ways. Yes it could just be a scene showing him being gentlemanly, giving her the bed and he takes the couch, bringing her pickles, and maybe him imagining a family of his own (not involving cameron), but with the music it really isn't looking good.
3. Eddie and insulation foam girl.
I forgot her name, I know it's starts with M. They met briefly, once, and I don't remember any chemistry (i barley remember her tbh). And now, with the music, they are implying a potential romance between her and eddie? Feels very rushed, and kind of a last ditch effect because they couldn't think of anything better.
4. The eddie bobby conversation.
I mean it all points to eddie and buck. Buck was the one there to sit with eddie at his lowest moments, buck was the one who always had his back. Making big bobby/Athena and eddie/buck parallels again.
*Also wouldn't of eddie asked buck first to help him build the project? He's always helping chris with school and he built or at least had a hand in building Chris's skateboard, so he has experience with diy. Not that i disliked the eddie + bobby time, it just confused me why it wasn't buck.
5. Eddie and Buck.
Eddie wants to be chosen by a romatic partner, and buck is at an impass where he needs to choose his romantic partner. You can put 2 and 2 together. Buck needs to back away from the Cameron/Connor situation like he did with the chim/mads in Boston situation: he got too involved with someone else's relationship and baby, and he nearly got people hurt/hurt himself, it's the same with the c/c situation now: he's done his part, now he needs to choose to step away. He also needs to choose whether his current(?) relationship with natalia is actually good for him, or whether it will end in hurt just like with his other relationships (hinted at with lucy and taylor). Eddie just wants someone he is already comfortable with, and that he has chemistry with, to make the initiative, he doesn't want to go out searching for love, he wants love to find him: he wants to be chosen.
6. Maddie and Chim.
On a happy note, this was adorable and I love the direction their relationship/dynamic/story is going in. I also really liked the talk mads had with hen: mads came in on offence, but hen handled it, knowing her own intentions were pure, and explained this to Maddie, helping her to work through the fears she had, just like with Chim. I wouldn't mind more hen and Maddie scens in the future, especially considering she is marrying hens best friend.
*Also side note we did not miss the fact that Buck had a ring cutter for 'other things ;)' fanfiction is abundant on the topic of 'other things' and buck.
7. Final odds and ends.
Loved the anniversary talk with Athena and the lady, then with Bobby. Just really sweet and heart-warming. I also saw someone sat that the 4-5 year anniversary they keep bringing up also coincides with how long eddie and buck have known eachother, so there could be a fun Buddy parallel there.
With eddie and tia texting, and the scene cutting to Chris on the laptop, it really looked like Chris was posing as tia, setting eddie up on dates. I assume this isn't what they intended but it was really weird editing and scene choice.
The guy maybe checking out eddie at the golf place, as well as the two women who could be lesbians, was just a real unsubtle hint (hopefully), as well as the general vibe of the sequence where everytime eddie tries to flirt with a woman, something bad happen: stop trying to force this man into a straight relationship, it's clealy ending in disaster each time! /hj
- also the plot thickening on the eddie/Shannon deal. Last episode we learnt that eddie ONLY married her because of Chris, very much implying he maybe didn't actually want to, it's just what he was expected to do, so he did it (comphet much?), and now we learn that eddie didn't even pursue shannon! Clealy she initiated everything, and he just went along with it! If they are not trying to say eddie is bi/gay/didn't like Shannon, then why do they keep framing it that eddie kinda felt forced to go out with Shannon and marry her? (From sociatal expectations, not necessarily forced by shannon herself)
Thank you if you read this very long rant: I just needed to get my thought down before I exploded form frustration :)
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outrunningthedark · 2 years
it surely does look like people just find A & M more atractive than Ronda. which??????? but yeah.
And with GW, it's not like fandom caught on to/cared about her tendency to go for Latina roles even though she isn't Latina - I mean...you could dig up months-old posts questioning why it mattered that Ana's background was a basis for the connection between she and Eddie - nor did the majority accept/agree with the reality that the character she played operated with an ableist mindset. (Just gonna again point out that Fools, the skateboarding episode, used the term able-bodied during the opening scene. Andrew understood his assignment.) But even so, we did not see nearly as much love for her as a person or as an addition to the program. . .😶
Sometimes I think the "defense squad" isn't just about which women are considered attractive. The ones who have gotten the most support in recent times (TayKay and L) were originally thought to be a platonic presence in Buck's life - bisexual besties and "Lucy looks like a lesbian, what are you worried about???" - so when it turned out they were more than that, fandom felt (still feels) the need to be extra loud with their support because nobody wants the word misogynistic thrown in their direction. They want to be able to aim it at others first.
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ultimatescapism · 2 years
I keep have these random flash backs of “times” from the past.
For example me and my now best friend had a little coitus and she was staying in my flat for a few days - maybe weeks. Anyway - one morning I was in the bathroom doing something and she came in to talk to me, mid sentence she slips her hand down my boxers and fiddles with my pubic hair (I don’t shave) takes her hand out and smells said hand. She gently smiled and said something along the lines of you have a nice smell. I don’t remember what I said but thinking back I could have swore that’s what I wanted in a relationship. Pure moments. More of that please life…
Walking through town with old best male friend (a very toxic relationship - I knew it then and I know it now) some skaters where making a video, one of them was making an attempt to wall grind (if you don’t know search it up, it’s a hard trick) I took it upon myself - with such spontaneous confidence having my own skateboard in hand - to try the trick myself. It took me two attempts to sorta kinda get it down. My friend in the background who wanted to just go somewhere got impatient and said let’s go and like a fool I gave up, gave a quick nod to the fellow skaters and went on my way. Paths had opened up for me so many times in the past and I still chose to stick with this toxic bestie. We don’t speak anymore which was a sigh of relief - Don’t like restrictions in any relationship
Another time me and the boys were in Maccies ordering and this really cute girl and her friends were whispering and staring in our direction. They got up from their seats and one of them kinda nudges their cute friend forward. I froze. I did nothing. Smiled. But that was it, I’d never felt so shy, the bro’s encouraged me to say something but I just couldn’t. Gay panic.
Idk if any other masculine presenting females get this, having male friends who are jealous of you or even envious. It’s something. When they see with their own eyes that we too have sauce when it comes to the ladies. I used to be jealous of them, cis straight girls love peen! Like, being attracted to women for almost most of my life gradually got more difficult for me as I got older or “pulling” so to speak. You can’t just walk up to a girl and flirt unless it’s reciprocated or it was her who initially started splashing sauce around. I’m a gentleman - ladies first. Idk probably need to change the way i think, be more confident and rewire my thinking process. Make the first move, subtly.
I once was so emotional about a girl moving on I cried the next day all the way through contextual studies at college. Tears were literally just streaming down my face uncontrollably - was so angry, frustrated, attachment issues were probably born that day inside me. Cause - why - ik I’m a catch. What does she have that I don’t. Ego go pop. When she later started talking about this new crush that I help set up (idiot, was just being nice. Too selfless infact) I ran off mid sentence to go cry in the toilet. Pathetic.
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screenmaven · 7 months
Films I’ve Loved This Year
I have already written reviews on some of them (not seen in this post), that you can already read here. So make sure to also do that.
I’m completely laid out in bed extremely sick, I thought between the delusional fevers, bomb exploding headaches, and literally feeling like I’m dying, I’d share the other films I’ve absolutely enjoyed watching this year.
I started up a separate account via Instagram to just post film, but having multiples is beginning to be too much, so from now on any other film content aside from the blog here will be on @ starrymayx.
So to start off the list here we go…
These 90s “Noir” films started my whole new movie Escapades, and I’m so glad they did -
Bad Influence, Guilty As Sin, Pacific Heights, Whispers in The Dark, Dream Lover, Untamed Heart, White Palace
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Here are the others…
Thrashin - 1986
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Starring: Josh Brolin, Pamela Gidley
Brooke McCarter (RIP homie), Sherilyn Fenn, Robert Rusler, & Josh Richman
Anthony Kiedis + RHCP
Tony Hawk, Kevin Staab, Mike McGill, Jimmy Star
What I liked: There was so much awesomeness in this film and a feel good story of triumph. Basically it’s about two skateboarding gangs, having beef, mix in lots of skating, graffiti, punk rock aesthetics, and a love story, and you have yourself a pretty badass film. Plus they overcome their rivalry in the LA Massacre challenge, and there’s even several rat tails. 🤣 Definitely worth a watch!
I really wish I could skateboard. I would have been so rad. To all my skater friends and Bo’s over the years, mad respect. 🤘🏻
The House on Sorority Row - 1983
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Director: Mark Rosman
I swear Scream Queens was influenced by this film.
I really liked it. Loved the lighting, still had a seventies type feel, storyline was really good. Definitely a film to check out if you like really good horror, without all the super special effects.
*For any strobe light sensitive people* like myself out there, there is a scene where it’s wild,
Pump Up The Volume ✊🏻 1990
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Director Allan Moyle
This movie is 🔥 Definitely a pioneer for all things talk radio but from a non-narrative perspective. Films like this and indie radio programs paved the way for our now podcasts. I loved the way it was written, the development of the characters personal selves, and breaking the rules.
I love me some Christian Slater 💓
The soundtrack is also amazing!
From Richard Hell, Leonard Cohen, Beastie Boys, Ice T, & more! I’ll link the soundtrack in my stories.
*trigger warning: there is a scene that deals with suicide and those scenes always get me. So I wanted to mention that.
Out of Bounds - 1986
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Director- Richard Tuggle
Cinematography - Bruce Surtees
Starring: Anthony Michael Hall
Siouxsie and the Banshees 🤘🏻💓
& Meatloaf (in like 3 scenes)
What I liked: The cinematography of downtown LA & Venice Beach California, (actually the whole film is beautifully done). The 80’s colors, Dizz’s home, her style. The fact that Anthony Michael Hall was a badass hero, taking down a heroin drug man with his knife throwing skills. Really good film.
2 Days in The Valley - 1996
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Written and Directed by: John Herzfeld.
Starring: James Spader, Eric Stolz & Charlize Theron
Synopsis: 48 hours of intersecting lives and crimes in The Valley of Los Angeles.
Why I liked it: Artsy Cinematography, James Spader obviously, and the correlation of numerous parties all being connected, going through individual stuff but being thrown into the mix of chaos. Plus sunglasses just seem to add viable cred to it. Why are sunglasses so cool yet mysterious?
Shampoo - 1975
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Director: Hal Ashby
Starting Julie Christie, Goldie Hawn, & Warren Beatty
I throughly enjoyed this film mainly due to the Jim Morrison/Sharon Tate style vibes it gave off throughout, and all the stylish decor/fashion. The Morrison looking guy played by (Warren Beatty) is basically a lover to many of his women hair clients (he does hair).
I really appreciate the 70’s swank and aesthetic appeal in this film. I’m also obsessed with Julie Christie’s glam Tate starlet look and I wish I could pull off bangs! Goldie Hawn is also in here and a younger Carrie Fisher.
From the 70s eye shadow, purple outfit I want, the main girls style, glamorous hair, river grotto, la house party with body paint and strobe lights (which that part I had to turn away - sensitive), it still rocked.
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Based in the LA canyon/hills it’s definitely worth a watch to see the web of desire and aesthetic unfold. Keep your eye out for the creepy art in one of the scenes that just didn’t quite belong. 😳
Additionally there was some dialogue between two parties in the kitchen about questioning the lead male’s (hairstylist) orientation, and the f word was used a couple times. Didn’t like that part.
Really glad we’ve evolved on how we should identify people and what’s right to say and not to. A person can be gay or even not, but using derogatory terminology to hurt them is very low par. If you still do that. Stop.
Chopping Mall - 1986
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Director: Jim Wynorski
Mall Location: Sherman Oaks Galleria
I loved this film. For reals.
Nothing better than a mall unleashing new technology security robots, only to go horribly wrong. Which I already knew where it was going as soon as it started 😂
Anyways a group of mall employee friends and two others throw a party in a bedding home store and get freaky - typical 80s horror, which I love. Then basically the robots go crazy and savage, hunting down all of them in a terminator/stranger things vibe kind of way. The aesthetic, 80s style, and scenery are very appealing, all the way down to even the playboy underwear from Miss Virgina Slims herself. Camel ciggs just won’t cut it. 😂
Lots of greats here, and I hope you check them out if you haven’t seen them.
Happy Filming 😘
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rahulblog89 · 1 year
NYC 2014-2017
[this post is intended to be positive]
I was notified by my boss (Jack) that there was an opportunity for a client in NJ. The client turned out to be Audible, and I was sent there from Northern Virgnia to work towards the renewal of a technology contract. I didn't know what to expect, but miraculously a lot fell into place logistically very quickly.
I got to Newark about Halloween of 2014. I didn't celebrate.
I was eager to see NY....
I vaguely remembered going as a teen in 2005, but honestly didn't know what to expect.
On the weekend, I took an uber to washingotn square park and just explored there around nyu. I enjoyed the fall weather. The thing I noticed immediately was how much soul, everyone seemed to have, and how well dressed people were.
I then remember going early on, to a soul cycle class near the world trade center. I enjoyed the vibe of the place and loved walking around after.
I quickly got a place in Newport- Jersey City- right on the border with NY. on the hudson.
I would spend time going into the west village and checking out Fat Cat a jazz bar with games. I would walk around a lot.
I remember seeing the east village, and lower east side, and enjoyed the architecture.
I know my view is not entirely clear, but here's what I noticed about the culture:
Things were laid back, more free and open.
People dressed more soulfully and the city felt together.
Class wasn't as obvious.
Women seemed more confident, and had more power.
I would bike around the city. Often researching places to explore, and just traveling around. I loved riding a citibike around the city.
I remember one of th ehighlights was my programming class I took near flat iron (my favorite area). I would travel from NEwark to Penn station in manahattan, and transfer down to 28th street near my class.
I loved transferring at Herald square, the city felt so alive.
I finally moved to new york the following summer.
I would go into Brooklyn on the weekends- without much direction.
Mainly walking dwon Bedford ave in Williamsburg, sometimes going to Park Slope.
My connection to the culture their was through UCB.
I would also go to shows in BK.
I'm not sure what ws going on culturally, Electronic music was big.
It felt like ht indie/alternative scene in brookyln was kind of put in a box and commercialized. It wasn't around. I still enjkoyed it. a lot of yoga studios/mats
I didn't go to a lot of clubs.
People dressed BRIGHT.
My favorite memories were block parties in parks,
specifically in Central PArk. We felt like we were going somewhere.
I don't remember feeling hate but I remember thinking about my place.
I felt strung out a lot and unsure about my future.
I felt so many people and couldn't just focus on me.
I was searching for light, light that still hasn't come ...
after 10 years.
Anyway, I loved the music and comedy,, loved walking down the avenues at night in the east village, loved sitting in thomkins square...
My energy was secure fora while, and I felt it.
I used to travel to the Gurudwara on evenings to catch the music and prayers.
I meditated a fiar amount and woud skateboard.
I felt a connection with women...
NY- I'm not sure what I saw, but I liked it--maybe some day we'll meet again, but thanks for letting me ride along.
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flowervolcano · 1 year
I know I have seemed anti Antonia Dreykov but it’s not like that at all. I just get mad that she wasn’t a well written and fleshed out character and I hope for some new things for her.
Originally I thought ooh he could be Marvel’s first trans character, have Tony transition to male that way “look he’s a male” and I’d really be down for this idea
But if not, idc we could do a female Taskmaster, just let her have spunk, energy, charisma, let her get her own personality anything that isn’t all drama filled. She deserved better than that.
So I want some things for her, which is; figuring herself out, after years of being silenced I want her to be a mouthy little troll like her comic counterpart, she uses the “my father silenced me my whole life now I’m making it your problem” excuse whenever someone on Thunderbolts gets annoyed with her excessive banter/talking. She has so much she missed out on, she could be like a little socially awkward at first but then really just kicks it off. Maybe she picks up skateboarding randomly just because she saw someone do it. I want her to reclaim some humanity and personality. All things she was dismissed from having. Let her thrive and grow into a real person. I’m afraid they will just keep blandly writing her with no soul and she’s only “I was a weapon” like Bucky, Yelena and Ghost weren’t. (Not all of them are as moody but you get the point)
Then I also really want them to utilize her powers more, explain that the chip in her head is actually just because her father is a control freak and was limiting her to a program. That the powers don’t have to be computer functional. Idk taking away a super hero skill like that sucks imo and that was one of my major complaints when it first came out
The main reason I’m upset with the “reveal” was mainly because Taskmaster’s identity never mattered to him, he was a just a dude who loves his skull mask and refuses to take it off so when she took off the mask in the movie it felt jarring (not because she was a woman btw) but because it felt so not like Taskmaster to do so. I didn’t care who was going to play Taskmaster as long as the actor kept the mask on 90% of the time. It’s kinda not fair to such a great actress though, which added to my distraught feeling. It felt like so many good things and potential was wasted. Because no I feel like her identity is more important than her skull mask (rip) but that’s a simplistic argument
Instead it would have been devious if she wasn’t actually Dreykov’s daughter but staging that to get under Black Widow’s skin (I say this because the timeline makes no sense in 2008 Antonia was around the ages of 7-10 which I would be around the same age as her, and she does NOT pass for 16-20 years old, let me remind y’all that BW was set in the year 2016, so if she was let’s say born in 2000 (like me) by the time it’s 2016 she would only be 16. So that is still making the least amount of sense in direction of writing. If honestly would have been better if instead of trying to connect her in that way, sure go with “victim” but not if the timeline makes no sense. Sorry I’m rambling a little it’s just I take my timelines very seriously and can’t stand when the math ain’t adding up.) ignoring the mess up in the time line I just didn’t like the needing to be related to someone to hurt Black Widow, and having her only exist like a pawn was upsetting for me. And the character as a whole.
Instead she could have just been anyone who was being abused. Maybe Dreykov found her and her unique abilities and abused that to his will and forced her to work for him. She could have been in the explosion but not related to him even, but he uses that event against her. “I saved you and made you what you are, you are in debt to me” or even worse the old “I took you in when you had no one, I’m the only one who would care about you now” obviously he’s a gross manipulative old man who had no regard for women. But there was so much to work with to make him even more evil and disgusting. He never cared who anyone was even his own daughter yikes— while I like the idea to a point it didn’t quite work in the long run and execution. But we can work around that! Let Antonia shit talk him constantly after he’s dead. It would be funny. Let Antonia be lazy too. I think she deserves to kick back and annoy people a little. I just want to see her healing and I’m trying to morph her into the little bastard Tony Masters any way I can.
She can really be an interestingly complex character, she could only be in it for money like Tony usually is, and that works, some people are just like that. Maybe she feels like she has nothing else in life (because she doesn’t) so money is the only thing that makes her happy. Besides this absolutely works for the name change to Toni Masters, who would want to keep the Dreykov surname??
All in all I had much to write about but started ranting and losing my process. What I really think is most important is letting her be a character, a unique one. Just because she’s gone through traumatic events doesn’t mean she has to be a brooding, serious, depressed character, let her be goofy and whatever because she went through a lot and this is how she copes!
Just let her own it and be a fresh take, something free from everyone. She doesn’t need her dad, sympathy, pity, Black Widow, nobody she is her own hero. And she just wants to do some shots at a bar because why not.
Oh and finally, let her date Ghost/Ava. I think they’d have a wonderful chemistry together.
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grapenehifics · 1 year
Chapter 44
(Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40473339/chapters/109325631#workskin)
I love the 'making your (friend/parent/sibling) talk to you on the phone while you wait for someone else to arrive so you don't look like a dork with no friends' trope.
"You're six-two and can run a five-minute mile" is from Armie Hammer's line in The Social Network: "I'm 6'5", 220, and there's two of me!"
Is it realistic for Dathan to give Anakin a $20,000 check? No. Their lawyers would do some sort of escrow/money order type thing. I mean, what is Anakin supposed to do with that, just waltz up to the bank? That's a great way to get audited by the IRS. But I like this scene, so I kept it, illocigality be damned.
Satine spreading out all her papers and working on cases in the backseat of the car while they run errands is from The Lincoln Lawyer (book and movie both).
I had to very quickly learn about skateboard construction to write this; I know nothing; I fell the first time I tried riding one and ended up with a lump on my hip the size of a baseball, walked with a limp, and wasn't able to wear pants for a month, and haven't tried again since.
I'm going to spectacularly mangle the quote. But. The final scene of the last episode of the first season of True Detective, as I remember it but I only saw it once so it is very possible I'm mis-remembering, has Woody Harrelson helping Matthew McConnaughey leave the hospital, and once they're outside he asks him if there's anything he needs from back there (like, he probably means, your toothbrush, or things like that). And Matthew McConnaughey says, no, I have everything I need. (Meaning you, my best friend, my support, etc.) Everyone else seems to remember the bit after - which is good too! - about the light winning. But that moment - even fuzzily - has stuck with me ever since. That's what I was going for when Obi-Wan asked Ahsoka if she had everything she needed. Even if she didn't - it's only stuff. You can always get a new toothbrush. In the ways that matter, yes, she has everything she needs.
Nicki's mom being named Debbie is a joke borrowed from my mother, who is convinced half the women in America of her generation are all named Debbie.
Anakin thinks the concept of 'bad' words in general is stupid, but does have the presence of mind to realize it's important to other people, and not saying 'fuck' in front of her friends' parents will probably make Ahsoka a more socially acceptable houseguest.
OMG, guys, you're literally mooning over each other on some random woman's porch. Time and place, friends!
The pre-pandemic explosion in popularity of pub trivia made me really, really happy. I hope that comes back someday, in some form.
I spent way - way! - too much time researching what judges actually say in adoption court. And then I remembered the judge isn't actually the important character, in this scene, and I could cut all that out and stop worrying about technical accuracy and just write about our main characters hugging it out. So I did that instead.
Here's the story behind "Thank you for my life." So there was this book about Army doctors, called M*A*S*H. Robert Altman made a movie, also called M*A*S*H. Donald Sutherland played the main character, Dr. Hawkeye Pierce. It was popular enough that CBS was going to make a TV series of it. They offered the role of Hawkeye to Donald Sutherland, again, but he wasn't interested in TV and turned it down. So they cast Alan Alda instead. And playing Hawkeye on TV came to define Alan Alda's career. 99% of people who know who Alan Alda is, know because of M*A*S*H. M*A*S*H was on TV for something like fifteen years. Alan Alda was in every episode, cast his family in some episodes, directed and wrote some episodes...it was this huge cultural phenomenon. And he never would have had all that if Donald Sutherland had taken the job instead.
So, at some point in there, there's some awards show, or charity gala, or something like that, I don't remember what, and Alan Alda and Donald Sutherland happen to both be in attendance. And somebody says, hey, let's get a picture with the two Hawkeye Pierces. Now, Donald Sutherland and Alan Alda had never actually met before. They played the same role, but at different times and in different things, and they'd never overlapped. But suddenly they're standing next to each other. And Donald Sutherland said Alan Alda shook his hand and said, "Thank you for my life."
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yegarts · 2 years
“I Am YEG Arts” Series: Lexi Pendzich
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A photograph is many things. A voice, light and time, a moment that’s gone forever. To Lexi Pendzich, a photo’s also an opportunity—an invitation to tell stories and capture moments that wouldn’t otherwise be documented. Her format of choice? Film. Her current inspiration? Skateboarding! Not only is she creating a visual narrative of women and LGBTQ+ skateboarders in the community, she’s learning how to ride along the way. That opportunity to learn more and connect more is at the heart of all Pendzich’s work. At any given chance, you’ll find her embracing curiosity, making space, and discovering by doing. This week’s “I Am YEG Arts” story belongs to Lexi Pendzich.
Tell us about your connection to Edmonton.
My connection with Edmonton starts with growing up in Castle Downs, walking Beaumaris Lake with my nana, drinking grapefruit pop in her backyard, using my imagination, writing daily, and taking out Winona Ryder movies from the video rental store nearby. My connection with Edmonton is c. 2000s, getting allowance from my parents and spending it on i-D Magazine from Front Page (the local magazine store that was downtown). My connection with Edmonton is loving its historic buildings and, for a time, living in the McLeod Building, with its amazing marble interior and incredible décor during the winter season. My connection with Edmonton is building community and making friends. It’s exploring nature trails with my dog, Luca. It’s defining my practice as a photographer in a city that gives me room to grow and supports my creative vision.
What is it about images that speak to your sensibilities and strengths as a storyteller?
Making images through taking photographs is how I tell stories. My work centres around photographing people, daily life, nature, and moments of community and connection. With film photography, there’s not the immediacy that there is with digital. There’s time in between taking the image and seeing the results that gives space, and that patience gives me an even deeper connection to the final image. There’s also much more thought going into a photo when I have only a certain number of shots in a roll.
When I’m taking portraits, film photography creates a connection with people about how I’ll tell their story and capture fleeting moments. I have to use my intuition as a photographer and take a photo in the exact moment that feels most powerful. If I’m walking with my camera in hand, I start to notice things that I wouldn’t otherwise notice. My eyes start to see like my camera would, and I’m constantly thinking “how will my film camera pick up on this and translate what I’m seeing?” The result is a picture coming together, a story created, told, and shared. The aesthetic of film is raw—natural, with a dynamic range of tones, tangible grains, and uniqueness of capturing light and texture. Through images is how I document stories and add my voice and vision to the community.
What themes are you drawn to in your work? Do they tend to be the same themes you’re drawn to in other people’s work?
I’m drawn to themes of personal narratives, visual representation of strong women, and the LGBTQ+ community. I’m drawn to subtle still-life moments, like the way the sun catches an object or how a shadow takes over and emphasizes part of a scene. Everything I photograph is rooted in something that’s signature to my work. 
I’m drawn to film photography and the quality it produces. When I see work from other artists that resonates with me, it’s been designed with a thought process that’s valuable. And when I come across other artists using film as their medium, I get so excited and I can tell right away—there is a quality that stands out in the image that’s heightened with film.
I love the 101 Dalmatians-inspired photos that were made under Matthew Williams’ creative direction for Givenchy. The compositions are playful and interesting, the images have a soft dreamlike focus, and the photos illustrate friendship and happiness, which I absolutely love.
Another very important series that I’m drawn to looks at women in sports and celebrates their achievements. This comes from Martine Rose. There are so many inequalities in sport, and I love that this series photographs the powerful women and inclusion in the game!
Tell us about someone who’s mentored you or helped set you on your path.
Top of the list is my family and my dog, Luca. They’re my foundation, my soundboard, and biggest fans. Over the last few years, I’ve also been reading so many books that have set me on my path (especially Martha Beck, Marie Forleo, and Yvonne Orji) and journaling everyday about my dreams/goals/what would be cool to achieve, and that’s pushed me further in the direction I wanted to go! I recognized strongly more and more each day the vision I wanted to fulfill and the projects I wanted to work on. My main motivating factor was my intuition—mentoring myself to keep going to express what’s close to my heart and believe that my vision will add value to the culture and community.
What does community mean to you, and where do you find it?
Community makes space. It’s an opportunity for dialogue—a chance to be myself. It embraces the innovative and the creative. Community is a merging of people and a collaboration with people. It’s also an inward collaboration with self. It’s curiosity and discovering by doing. Community bridges gaps. It creates a spark and inspires something to be made. Right now I’m finding community through skateboarding.
What’s one piece of advice someone gave you growing up that turned out to be true. What’s one piece that didn’t hold up?
I found my old diaries recently. Here’s an entry I wrote (c. 2000), and the advice still stands!
“Some days you waste, some days you live. You remember the insults that took over the sunny moments. But, no, it’s the compliments and delights that keep you going, so stop moping and live a little!”
The advice that hasn’t held up is to find one thing I’m good at. I think now more than ever, it’s okay to be a multi-hyphenate and have many passions. Now I trust my drive to try different things and build on blending the avenues I want to work with.
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Portrait of Vic
Tell us a little about what you’re currently working on.
I’m creating a visual narrative of women and LGBTQ+ skateboarders in the community! The skateboard community is changing so much from when I grew up—it was primarily a male-dominated sport and cultural activity. Now it’s becoming more and more inclusive for all riders. There are so many people to celebrate in the community, and I hope to do this through my photography work. There’s an incredible group in Edmonton called Tigers Skate that creates space for all skaters. It has been amazing to connect with skateboarders in the city—to take portraits and tell the story of the changing landscape of skateboarding! The friendships and long-lasting community that is being formed in our city is beautiful to see.
All the work I’m creating is with my medium-format film camera. I love film photography—the slowed down process, the ways I can work with lighting and composition, the more focused connection with taking a portrait or action shots, pressing the shutter at the exact right second to capture a fleeting moment. As part of the project, I’m also taking a series of self-portraits that reflects me as part of the community of women and LGBTQ+ skateboarders.
If you’re a skateboarder reading this and would like your portrait taken for the project, please reach out to me! I would love to connect with you. All levels welcome!
What’s your favourite way to procrastinate?
I procrastinate if an idea/concept that I’m working on hasn’t fully formed, so my favourite way to take time and let things unfold naturally is to go on a walk with my dog, Luca, explore a new nature trail, drink espresso, look through an art/design/fashion magazine, listen to music, or take photos. Anything that generates ideas and gets me out and doing!
What excites you most about the YEG arts scene right now?
There are lots of cool workshops to participate in and ways to connect with community. I took workshops with SNAP (digital pattern making and CMYK screen printing) and Mile Zero Dance (ballet class) this year. There’s so much opportunity to expand my art practice, and it feels like Edmonton is really offering this chance to learn more and connect more with great people.
I’m excited to be part of the arts community in Edmonton and to receive my first grant from the Edmonton Arts Council to create an important visual narrative about the skateboard community, using the medium of film photography.
You visit Edmonton 20 years from now. What do you hope has changed? What do you hope has stayed the same?
In 20 years, I hope all the rescue dogs will have their forever families! I hope there are more beautiful, inclusive spaces for connection and creativity for the LGBTQ+ community. I hope historic architecture remains, that there are photo labs that develop film and facilities for artists that support the practice of processing film. There’s a strong community that works with film photography and supports each other's work, building on visionary and impactful ideas.
In 20 years what I hope has stayed the same is a continued strong support from EAC for artists and all of the incredible projects they create that are pillars of the city. The platform for artists to create only grows in the future!
Click here to learn more about Lexi Pendzich and her work, and visit the Edmonton Arts Council’s website to learn more about grants and awards that support YEG artists.
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About Lexi Pendzich
Lexi Pendzich is a photographer based in Edmonton. Her lens-based work focuses on documentary photography and portraiture. She’s inspired by the power of images to tell stories, personal narratives, and capture moments that wouldn't otherwise be documented.
Lexi received her BA in Art History and Anthropology from the University of Alberta in 2008. She has shown work at The Gallery at CASA (Lethbridge), 519 Gallery (Lethbridge), and Publication Studio (Edmonton). She has self-published My Dog in My Place, a book of photographs and poetry, and produced AGENDA 2036, a publication that’s an ode to planning for the future, with Publication Studio Edmonton. She is currently working on a film photography project to document a visual narrative on women and LGBTQ+ skateboarders in the community.
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randomshyperson · 3 years
Wanda X Reader - 10 Things I hate about you - Part One
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Summary:  Pietro Maximoff is handsome and popular, but he can't date before his twin sister. The problem is that no one can get close to his sister, Wanda Maximoff. To resolve the situation, a girl interested in Pietro bribes a colleague with a mysterious past to go out with Wanda and, who knows, try to win her over. Or The one directly inspired by 10 Things I Hate About You.
Words:  6.553K  /// Read on AO3 too || Part Two
Warnings: PG, fluff, language; goth wanda is back thank god.
Notes: If English is your native language and I used slang that doesn't make sense at all, forgive me. It is really hard to translate many dialects from Portuguese to English. Anyways enjoy your reading!
You rode your skateboard to school today. Your mother was angry with you and took the keys to your motorcycle while yelling that you were difficult to raise, so you grabbed your backpack and skateboard while slamming the door on your way out.
It didn't take long to get to school, though. 
You absolutely hate this place. Sometimes you get the impression that you are surrounded by completely mental people.
You walked across the parking lot and got off your skateboard, quickly waving to your friend Carol Danvers, who was smoking leaning against the wall of the school building. You would have to talk to them later, as you had a meeting scheduled with the school principal.
Shrugging off the students as you entered the building, you ignored the stares you received and headed toward Ms. Harkness' office.
You entered without knocking because the door was already open, since she was talking to another student, and when the stranger got up she almost tripped over you on her way out. The principal raised her eyes from her notebook to you, and smiled wryly.
- Well, well, Miss Y/L/N. - she said. - I see these encounters of ours are becoming recurrent.
- I like to be around beautiful women, Miss Harkness. - You stated with a charming smile and crossed arms. The woman laughed lightly as she returned her gaze to her notebook.
- Let me see what happened here. - She mumbled to herself, probably trying to find the notes. - Wow, top nudity exhibit in the cafeteria.
You scratched your head impatiently. 
- They were melons, Miss Harkness. - You clarified. - I was making a little joke.
Harkness let out a wry chuckle as she stood up.
- How about you keep them under your blouse, huh? - She scoffed, pointing slightly at the height of your breasts and giving you a wink. You frowned. - Out!
You startled slightly, and Mrs. Harkness giggled, returning to her seat.
You blinked in confusion and turned away, mumbling wryly that she was an excellent professional before you left.
Carol was waiting for you outside the room, a few feet ahead in the hallway against her own lockers, and you greet her with a kiss on the cheek quickly.
- How did it go today? Did she say anything interesting? - Carol asked with humor in her voice. You leaned your back against the closet, letting out a chuckle.
- No way. - You replied. - She just told me to keep my breasts under my blouse.
Carol laughs lightly, while you check your cell phone. And then she touches your arm lightly. When you raise your eyes to her, she signals the corridor.
- New faces. - She nods, and you notice that it's the same girl who bumped into you in the Harkness room. Now she is accompanied by Bruce Banner, who was clearly showing her around.
- Wow, people keep choosing to come to this place. - You mock, making your friend laugh a little.Carol then checks the clock on her wrist and signals that she needs to get to her history class.  You say goodbye to her, but get distracted by your cell phone again, and then the bell rings, and you have to run to get to the literature room on the other side of the building.
You stumble into the room, and all the students turn to look at you.
- What have I missed? - you ask, trying to normalize your breathing after running through the halls.
- The oppressive patriarchal values that determine our education. - replied a girl you didn't know.
- Nice. - You grumble with a slight laugh, as you hurry to sit in the back of the room.
- You must love detention, don't you, Miss Y/L/N? This is your third delay this week. - commented the teacher as soon as you sat down. Several giggles were heard, but you didn't pay much attention. You threw your bag on the chair and tried to pretend that you were interested in whatever Professor Fury was teaching.
- Professor Fury, any chance you could ask Wanda to take her Midol before coming to class? - scoffed Pepper Potts, one of the most popular and insufferable girls at this school. You rolled your eyes at the teasing, and leaned back as the rest of the class giggled.
- One of these days Mrs. Maximoff is going to punch you in the nose, and I'm not going to do anything to stop her. - Fury replied seriously, wiping the ironic smile off Potts' face. - And Wanda, I want to thank you for your point of view. I know how hard it must have been to overcome all those years of upper middle-class suburban oppression. It must be hard. - He sneered and then started walking toward the girl who was probably Wanda. - But the next time you protest about demanding better food, or whatever it is that white kids protest about, ask them why they don't buy books written by black people!
You let out a little laugh, and Professor Fury looked at you seriously.
- Do you find something funny, Miss? 
You shrugged, straightening your posture.
- Sorry to interrupt your speech, Mr. Fury. - You say. - But you're blaming Wanda for something she has no control over. Wouldn't it be better to suggest books written by black women, instead of separating the fights?
Professor Fury blinks in irritation at you, while Wanda looks in your direction, looking surprised.
- Out. Principal office. - says the professor, and you blink in surprise. - Both of you, by the way! You pissed me off!
You grumble, and grab your backpack and leave the room, with Wanda following behind. But you don't speak to her, and when you leave the room, you go to opposite sides of the hallway, since you had no intention of seeing the principal at all.
You ended up skipping the last two classes of the day while sneaking a smoke with Carol behind the bleachers of the soccer field. 
And then you accepted the ride home that she offered you.
- See you tomorrow, troublemaker. - She said good-bye, and you just nodded as you walked toward the front door.
Your mother was at home, sitting at her computer in the living room, and you thought maybe you could sneak past her, but as soon as you closed the door she turned around with her arms crossed.
- The school called. - She said as she stood up, and you let out an impatient sigh as you threw your backpack on the floor by the door. - Are you trying to get suspended?
- Oh yeah, that's my dream. - You scoff, walking toward the kitchen.
- You're going to be grounded.
- I'm already grounded. - You retort softly, and your mother walks over to the counter. 
- You think I'm kidding? - She exclaims angrily, and then she's heading down the hall, and you're curious what she's going to do, so you follow her through the house to the garage. You look impassive as she glances around, but then she grabs a hammer and screwdriver from the cabinet and heads for her motorcycle. Your whole body tenses up, but before you can do anything, your mother is breaking your bike.
- You've gone crazy! - You shout as you run toward her, but she turns threateningly toward you with the objects pointed in your direction
- No more fighting! - she shouts. - You're not going anywhere on this damn motorcycle, do you hear me? You are grounded until college.
And then she throws the tools on the floor, and leaves the garage. You take a deep breath, trying not to break everything in front of you, and turn to your motorcycle. Some parts were broken, but you could fix them. The problem would be having the money to do it.
Tuesday started with biology. And you were really pissed off about the whole thing with your mom and your motorcycle. The professor asked the groups to dissect frogs, and the damn scalpel he handed out wasn't cutting anything. So you grabbed your knife hidden in your boot, and angrily pierced the animal. 
- You've lost your mind, put that away! - ordered Carol sitting next to you as she looked around to see if the teacher had seen. You let out an angry sigh and put the item away.
You were bored, and you smoked when you were bored. So you turned the valve on the experimental flame on the bench while putting a cigarette in your mouth, and walked over to light it.
- Girl, what's the matter with you today? - Carol asked impatiently, closing the valve and taking the cigarette out of your mouth.
You mumbled without answering, and she let out a dry laugh before going back to writing. Your gaze wandered around the room and you thought that the new girl and Bruce Banner were looking at you from the table in front of you, but they looked away quickly, so you got distracted again.
The next class was better because it kept your hands busy. Mechanics with Professor Howard Stark was interesting as he allowed the students to experiment as much as they wanted. 
At this moment you were welding a car part while trying not to burn your fingers when you heard a female voice next to you.
- Hi, how are you? - the girl said, and as you turned you realized that it was the new student. You frowned confused, you don't talk to anyone. You thought you should have an aggressive posture, because the girl's voice trembled a little, and then she quickly said good-bye and left the room. You shook your head and went back to concentrating on the lesson.
- What the hell was that all about? - Carol asked from beside you, and you shrugged.
- I told you there are only crazy people in this school. - You remarked with amusement.
- But we go here. - She retorted with a smile.
- Exactly.
Carol laughed and turned her attention back to her own activity.
In Gym class, the teacher took all the students to the outdoor field, where the rugby team was practicing. He was more concerned about the girls' performance, so he let the rest of the class do as they pleased. Then you and Carol sat down on one of the benches, while you shared a cigarette.
And you had about ten minutes of peace before Pepper Potts and one of her friends came to talk to you.
- Hey, what's up? - asked the blonde, and you looked at her with irony.
- Are you lost? - You replied aggressively, but she didn't seem intimidated.
- See that girl over there? - She said, pointing quickly toward the field. You followed her direction, and it was the same girl from literature class. - That's Wanda Maximoff. I want you to go out with her.
You laughed, shaking your head, and then took a drag on your cigarette.
- As if, preppy. - You denied it as you exchanged a look with Carol, who was grinning in disbelief.
But Pepper was not joking.
- Look, I can't go out with her hot brother until she dates. - She clarifies. - Their father is kind of crazy, he made a rule...
- Touching. Really. I'm moved. - You mock without patience. - But that's not my problem.
- Would it be your problem if you were paid a nice fee?
You let out a dry laugh, looking at her in surprise.
- Are you going to pay me to go out with someone? - you ask, and Potts has a smile on her face as she nods in agreement. You laugh again. - How much?
- Twenty dollars.
You raise your eyebrows, really considering this for a second. And then you look toward the field, and watch as Wanda fouls a girl to the ground, and you swallow dryly. This girl was going to eat you alive.
- Okay, how about 30 bucks? - Potts next suggests when she sees the foul. 
You thought about the parts of your motorcycle that you would have to buy. And you licked your lips before you spoke.
- Let's take a good look at this. - You start. - If I take her to the movies, it will be fifteen dollars. And if we buy popcorn, it's fifty dollars. I like to buy candy for the girls, so it would be about seventy-five.
- This is not a negotiation. - Potts retorts angrily. - Take it or leave it, mutt.
You let out a humorless laugh. 
- But I think it is, Potts. - You retort, smoking your cigarette again. - Or I'll go over there now and tell Wanda your whole touching little tale.
Potts blinks in irritation, and lets out a wry laugh. But then she relaxes her posture.
- Eighty dollars. - she says. You smile, throwing the cigarette on the floor and putting it out with your foot. 
- Deal, Hollywood. - You tell her, and raise your hand in her direction. Potts rolls her eyes, but takes the money from her pocket and hands it to you.
She and her friend then leave, and you settle into your seat.
- You're crazy. - Carol declares afterwards.
- Yes, I know. - You say, brushing your hair out of your eyes with your hands. - But I need new parts. It'll be harmless, it's just a date.
- I hope you're right. - She comments with a laugh, turning her attention back to the field. And then practice ends, and you exchange a look with Carol before getting up and walking toward the players' benches.
You assume your most charming pose as you approach Wanda.
- Hey, pretty girl. - You greet her with a smile as she drinks water from a bottle. She frowns in surprise, and has a wry smile on her face. - What's up?
- I'm sweating like a pig, how are you? - She answers wryly, and you smile awkwardly.
- Wow, that sounds attractive. - You reply in the same tone, watching her put the bottle of water in her backpack on the bench.
- Oh, yes. My goal in life is to look attractive all the time. - She scoffs, frowning. - But I guess it works, since I got your attention. The world makes sense again.
She starts walking toward the exit of the camp, and you are a bit taken aback by the irony, but hurry to keep up with her.
- I'll pick you up on Friday, then. - You tell her, and Wanda lets out a laugh.
- Sure, Friday. - She wryly continues walking.
- Hey, it's the night I take you to places you've never seen.
- To a convenience store on Broadway? - She replies with irony. - Girl, do you even know my name?
You laugh.
- Wanda. - You answer, but she doesn't seem impressed. - And I know more than you know.
- I doubt it. I doubt it very much. - She said ironically and you stopped following her, biting your lip as you watched her walk off the field.
Your first attempt to get a date with Wanda had not gone well at all, but you are optimistic. And then, on Saturday of that same week, while you and Carol were at the laundromat on the corner of your houses, she nodded slightly outside through the window.
- Isn't that the car of the girl you're being paid to date? - She mocked, and you sighed.
- Don't talk like that. - you said as you put the coins in the washing machine. - It makes me sound like a psychopath.
She laughed without looking at you, kneeling on the waiting couch as she looked out the window.
- I think I should look for a new rejection. - You grumble, handing Carol some coins. - Take care of my clothes while I go talk to her, please.
Carol nods in agreement as you leave the establishment. Crossing the street, you look in the direction of Wanda's car. It is nice, and you are watching the tires as she arrives.
- Are you following me? - She asks with a mixture of aggressiveness and surprise. 
- What? Of course not! - You deny it, but with the suspicious look on her face, you try to add. - I was in the laundry room, smarty-pants. I saw your car, and wanted to say hello.
She lets out a sigh, and shrugs her shoulders, heading for the door. You hurry to stand in front of her, a charming smile on your lips.
- I notice that you don't talk much. - You remark, and Wanda frowns, crossing her arms.
- It depends on the subject. - She says. - Talking about the tires on my car doesn't cause me a verbal frenzy.
- You're not afraid of me, are you? - you ask, and she looks at you incredulously.
- Why would I be afraid of you?
- Most people are. - You retort, and Wanda rolls her eyes with irony.
- Well, I don't.
You smile and move a little closer.
- Not afraid, but I bet you've imagined me naked, haven't you? - You tease and give a little wink. Wanda keeps her face almost angry.
- Wow, is it that obvious? - She retorts. - I want you so bad, baby.
She mocks last before bending down slightly and opening the car door, pushing you with the metal.
You let out an impatient sigh as you step back, and she gets into the car and prepares to leave. You stand with your arms folded trying to think how exactly you are going to make this work.
And then Pepper Potts parks her car right behind Wanda's, preventing her from leaving, while the blonde steps out of the vehicle with a smiling, arrogant posture.
- My God, is it idiots' day today? - Wanda complains from inside the car. When Pepper passes by her window, she shouts: - Do you mind girl?
- Not even a little, bitch. - Potts retorts without looking at her as she walks away. 
But then Wanda is backing the car up, and the next moment Pepper's red Cadillac has a big bump mark on the side. You laugh in surprise, not believing that she had actually hit the car.
- My God, you are completely crazy! - Potts shouts as she observes the impact. 
- Oops. - You hear Wanda scoff.
You laughed again, before going back to the laundry room. 
It was Monday again, and you were trying to have a quiet day. But while you were putting your books away in your locker, Potts approached you.
- When I pay for something, I expect results. - She says, and you close the closet to brace yourself against it.
- I'm trying.
- Watching that lunatic destroy my car doesn't count as a date. - She retorts with mild irritation. - If you don't go out with her, I won't get Pietro. Then get something soon, okay?
That girl's audacity pissed you off. 
- I just raised the price. - You tell her, and she looks at you in disbelief.
- Excuse me?
- One hundred and fifty dollars a date. - You say. - In advance.
- Forget it. - She said angrily, turning away.
- Then forget about her brother.
Potts lets out a grumble and then turns to you again, hurrying to get the money.
- Does this kid have a gold dick by any chance? - You scoff, and Potts gives you the middle finger, making you laugh.
- You better get the date, sister. - She says, and you just smile before heading off in the direction of the mechanics' classroom.
You were trying to find the correct melting point for one of the tools when you were approached by the same girl as the last time you had mechanics. 
- I know what you are trying to do with Wanda Maximoff. - She announces, and you let out a wry chuckle as you continue your attention to the tools in front of you.
- Really? And what are you going to do about it?
- Help you.
You blink in surprise as you raise a large metal bar at your eye level to identify its features.
- Why? - you ask, and it is not the girl who speaks next.
- The situation is that my friend Monica, is in love with Pietro Maximoff. - A male voice speaks, and then you look quickly to identify Bruce Banner.
- God, this kid must really have a gold cock. - You mumble with irony as you place the iron bar on the table, and take off your protective gloves.
- Believe me when I tell you that Monica's love is pure, she wants to date him. - Banner explains as you walk to another table in the room, looking for your notes. - Unlike Pepper Potts, who only wants to use him as a trophy.
- Look, I'm only in this for the money. I don't give a shit who Potts is fucking. - You respond without patience, and Monica seems to get irritated with you, but Banner calms her down.
You make some notes regarding the lesson and walk over to the table to analyze the pictures of the tools as you organize them. Monica and Banner follow you.
- Listen, Y/N, we are the ones who planned this story so that Monica and Pietro could date. - Banner says. - Potts is just the go-between.
You laugh with surprise.
- And you are going to help me win Wanda over?
- That's right. - They both say in unison. You turn your attention back to the materials in front of you.
- We will investigate what she likes. - Banner says. - You need our help.
Bruce smiled amiably, and you laughed at the posture he assumed.
- Look, we'll start here. - He began by pulling a piece of paper from his pocket. - On Friday, Stephen Strange is having a party. It's the perfect opportunity.
- Perfect for what? - you ask, looking at him.
- For you to invite Wanda. - He clarifies, and you sigh impatiently, already tired of this conversation.
- I'll think about it. - You say finally and walk to the other side of the room, and this time, they don't follow you.
It was Wednesday, and you and your friends went to a bar to play a bit of pool shortly after school. Your mother had no idea you were here, but she was working, so she wouldn't know.
You got a text message from Bruce, wanting to meet you along with Monica, and you laughed when you sent the location. They really weren't the kind of people who hang around this place.
You were upstairs, drinking some beer when you saw them come in, and nodding slightly to Carol, you went downstairs and walked over to them.
- So, what do you have for me? - you asked, leaning against a wall.
- Before we get started, I have a question. - says Bruce. - Is it true that you are on probation?
You laugh in surprise.
- What?
- Bruce, shut up. - said Monica, tapping her colleague on the shoulder. And then she turned to you. - First thing, Wanda hates smokers.
- Okay, I hate them too.
You mock, but Monica and Bruce look serious, so you sigh, and take out of your pocket your cigarette case, handing it to the girl.
- There is another problem, Pietro told me that Wanda likes pretty girls. 
They look at you for a moment and you frown.
- Are you saying that I'm not pretty? - you ask, straightening your posture.
- You are beautiful! Monica, she's so beautiful, what are you saying? - hurried Bruce almost in terror. You wanted to laugh.
Monica nods quickly in agreement, and you lean back against the wall.
- Look, I made a list. - She hastens to say, pulling a piece of paper from her shirt pocket. - Wanda's tastes are: Sokovian food, feminist poetry, punk and alternative music. And there is a list of the CDs she had in her room.
She says, handing the paper to you. You let out a sigh.
- So should I buy some soup, a book, and ear plugs for some really noisy concert?
They both shrug, smiling slightly.
- Have you ever been to the Skrull Club, west side of town? - Banner asks.
You chuckle.
- It's a nice place, but not really my style.
- Well, it will have to be. - says Monica. - Her favorite group is playing there tomorrow night.
You run your fingers through your hair, sighing.
- Come on, Y/N, it's only for one night. - says Banner. - We're sure she'll be there, Mon found the tickets.
- She also has a black lingerie set. - Added Monica and you frown with confusion.
- Why is this relevant? - You asked, and Monica looked away, looking embarrassed. You laughed lightly, but didn't push it. Then you looked at both of them. - Okay, I'll drop by.
Bruce and Monica both let out excited exclamations and then waved goodbye. You laughed and shook your head, wondering what you had gotten yourself into.
The Skrull Club was generally frequented by the punk crowd in town, many women from extremist feminist movements hung out here. But in general it was a pretty diverse crowd of rockers, punks, goths and allies. And the drink was cheap.
You received a few curious glances as you walked through the dimly lit corridors of the nightclub, but it was more because these clubs were generally frequented by the same people, and you’re a familiar face.
The place was very crowded, and you had to dodge a lot of people until you reached the main dance floor, trying to find Wanda.
You smiled when you finally saw her, in the first row, dancing with a girl who was also from your school. You thought she looked pretty, in her black dress and red jacket, plus a knee-length black stocking and dark boots on her feet. She might have looked intimidating, but she was still very pretty.
You don't quite understand why your heart races at the image of her dancing and smiling, so you think it best to get a drink, and turn toward the bar.
You sit there, trying to decide how you are going to approach her, but then Wanda is coming toward the bar, and you disguise yourself by looking the other way.
- You don't give up, do you? - She says as soon as she sees you. And walks over to where you are sitting. - If you're planning on asking me out, you can just give up!
- Do you mind? I'm trying to hear the music. - You hit back without looking at her.
-You're not surrounded by your typical cloud of smoke. -She comments after a moment, and you take a sip of the drink you ordered before answering.
- Yes, I quit. They say it's bad for your health. - You say it with a slight irony.
- Do you think so? - Wanda looks slightly surprised, and you give her a short smile before standing up.
- These guys aren't the Kree's, but they play well. - You comment on her favorite band before heading off toward the dance floor. Wanda hurries to follow you.
- Do you know who the Kree's are? - she asks in surprise.
- Why, you don't know? - You reply with irony.
She doesn't answer, looking mildly impressed. You smile briefly.
- I was watching you dance. - You comment as the band is finishing the song. - I don't think I've ever seen you so sexy.
And then the song ends exactly with your line, and the whole club hears you. Several people giggle, and you feel your cheeks heat up, but Wanda laughs too, and that relaxes you.
- Come to Stephen Strange's party with me. - You ask her. And she tilts her head slightly to the side, still smiling.
- You never give up, do you?
And then another song starts, and Wanda is coming back to the front of the stage.
- Is that a yes? - you shout at her.
- No!
- Was that a no?
It takes a second, but she shouts back.
- No!
You grin.
- See you at 9:30! - You shout to her before she disappears into the crowd. 
You're smiling all the way home.
You were early. But you were so anxious about it that you left the house as quickly as possible. 
And then you arrived at Wanda's door, but as soon as you went to knock, she opened it.
- What are you doing here? - she asked in surprise.
- 9:30. - You answer. - Yeah, well, I'm early.
- Whatever, I'm driving. - She says and then you look into the house and see Pietro Maximoff with a kangaroo baby carrier outfit occupied with a doll and frown.
- May I ask what that is? - You remark, and Wanda just rolls her eyes at the scene, then turns to you.
- My father is a little neurotic about this whole pregnancy thing. - She answers and walks outside. You both wait for Pietro.
- At least he doesn't use a real baby. - You joke and Wanda smiles. But then Pietro leaves the house, looking slightly annoyed, and you hurry to Wanda's car.
It doesn't take long to get to the party.
The place was packed. Probably the whole school was here. And as soon as Wanda found a parking place, Pietro got out and disappeared into the crowd.
You decided to accompany Wanda as she entered the house. You went toward the second floor, and you lost sight of Wanda when a girl jumped on you, completely drunk and trying to kiss you.
- Wow, slow down there. - You said, helping her sit up. You found several empty and sealed bottles of water in one of the liquor containers around the house and handed one to her. - I want you to drink it all, okay?
The girl whimpered in confusion, but you waited. She seemed better, but you handed her another bottle just to be sure.
- Hey Peggy, I found you! - said a skinny boy you didn't know, walking up to you. He frowned, slightly startled, when he noticed you.
- Are you a friend of hers? - You asked him with distrust, and he nodded, looking mildly frightened.
- Yes, he is. This is Steve. - mumbled the girl sitting up, looking like she had a headache. - Thanks for the water, by the way.
- No problem. - You say. - Are you feeling well enough to be alone?
She nods slightly as she speaks:
- Yes, yes. Steve will take care of me now. Thanks again.
And then you patted Steve on the arm, and left the two of them, walking back through the crowd.
It took you many minutes to find Wanda again, because the party is so crowded. And when you reached her, she was pouring a glass of drink into her mouth.
- Hey, I've been looking all over for you. - You announce mildly annoyed. - What the hell are you doing?
- Getting drunk! - she answers ironically. - Isn't that what people are supposed to do at a party?
- I don't know, you do whatever you want to do. - You retort, and Wanda raises her eyebrows.
- Very funny. You're the only one who says that. - She says as she turns away. - See you later.
Wanda leaves walking through the party, and you see her grab another drink glass on the way.
You think you heard someone yell fight while you were walking through the party, and then the crowd moved, but you didn't go toward the people. 
You are very angry, and impatient, wanting to be spending this evening with Wanda, but she doesn't seem interested. 
And then you were walking back the way you came, and you ran into the same couple as before, only now they were kissing. You laughed lightly, the boy looked shy. You decided to stay out of their way, and went downstairs, only to run into Wanda again.
- Hey, why don't you let me have this one. - You spoke up as you noticed what must have been one of the many glasses of booze she had taken, and you raised your arm to pick it up, but Wanda was quicker, moving the glass away.
- No! This one is mine! - she grumbled, clearly drunk, trying to push you away. But you managed to take her glass, and she let out an annoyed sigh.
As you put the glass on a small table, she walked away again, and before you could follow, Pepper was at your side.
- Girl, how did you manage to do that? - she asked, looking excited. You frowned.
- What are you talking about?
- You made a freak act like a human being. - She commented with irony, but you weren't even paying attention anymore. Your gaze raced across the room after Wanda, and then someone turned on the radio in the next room and the crowd screamed attracting your attention.
You exclaimed in surprise when you noticed Wanda dancing on a table, without the jacket she was wearing earlier. Pepper ran in the same direction, joining in the shouts of celebration from the crowd around the table. 
Walking towards the table you were a mixture of irritation, disbelief and embarrassment. Wanda was completely drunk, dancing sensually to the music, while people whistled and watched intently. She had her eyes closed, not even seeming to notice her surroundings.
And then she made a badly calculated move, and hit her head on the chandelier on the table. You were quick enough to catch her when she fell.
- Okay, that was enough. - You grumbled, helping her to her feet. - Are you okay?
- I'm fine! - she replied, but she could barely walk. You kept her from falling while grabbing the jacket she had thrown to the ground.
- Yeah, you're not fine. - You said. - Let's get out of here.
- I just need to lie down. - She mumbled, letting you hold her around the waist as you led her through the crowd.
- If you lie down, you'll sleep. - You say. - You can't sleep after hitting your head.
Wanda giggled.
- So many words. - She complained, and you thought it best to sit her down somewhere.
You reached the outside, as crowded as the house, but you managed to find a space in the garden for her to sit, and helped her to the bench. Wanda put her hand on her head where she had hit it.
- Hey, I need to talk to you. - Called Monica, walking up to you suddenly.
- I'm kinda busy. - You retorted, looking at Wanda.
- Five minutes, it's important.
You sighed, and took one last look at Wanda before walking away with Monica.
- Look, the deal is off, okay? - she said, and you blinked in confusion. - Pietro never wanted to be with me. He just wanted to have sex with Pepper.
You really didn't have the energy for that right now.
- Monica, where did all this come from now, huh? Weren't you two sneaking around together?
- I thought I was having a good time, but I saw them both at the party. - She explained, and you sighed impatiently.
- Hey, you like this boy don't you? - you asked, and she looked away, nodding. - And he's worth all this stuff you're doing?
- I thought so but...
- Yes or no?  - She swallowed hard, and you assumed a serious posture. - Listen, Pepper Potts is not half as good as you, and you never let anyone make you think that you don't deserve something. Okay? 
Monica nodded, looking surprised. You turned your face toward Wanda quickly.
- Look, I have to go. - You said as you turned and helped Wanda to her feet.
On the way out you made sure to grab one of the bottles of water you found in the barrels.
You let her rest her arm on your shoulder to keep from falling, while your arm went around her waist. You dragged her across the street, and you ended up climbing a small hill in the mansion area that ended at a playground.
- Why are you doing this? - she grumbled.
- I said, you might have a concussion. - You retorted. Wanda broke free of you and started trying to walk ahead. You kept your attention to catch her in case she fell.
- You don't even care if I don't wake up.
You let out a chuckle, stopping her from falling next.
- That's not true.
- Why not?
- Because then I'd have to date girls who like me. - You respond with humor.
- If you could find one. - She retorts, and you have a smile on your lips when you answer.
- Oh, see. Who needs affection when I get hate?
- I just need to sit for a while. - She says, closing her eyes for a moment, and you help her sit down on one of the swings behind you. She falls off balance a second after you put her there, but you are quick to help her stay seated.
- Jesus. - You sigh as you stop her from falling, and then sit down on the swing beside her while Wanda laughs lightly. - So, why do you let yourself be affected?
- By whom? - she asks.
- Potts.
Wanda looks away, shaking her head.
- I hate her.
You let out a tired sigh.
- Well, you have chosen the perfect revenge. Intravenous tequila. - You joke, making her laugh.
- It's what they say.... - She begins to speak while you are looking away, and with the momentary silence you stare back, startled to find her asleep. You get up hastily, touching her face.
- Hey, Wanda! Wake up! Come on, open your eyes! - You called out, patting her face lightly. 
Wanda blinked, opening her eyes, and you let out a sigh of relief. And then you took your hands away from her face and stood up, while she continued to look at you.
- I like your eyes. - She says with a shy smile. And you smile too, but then she throws up on your shoes the next second and the moment is broken. You laugh incredulously, but pat her on the back.
- Time to go home, punk. - You comment softly.
It takes a moment for Wanda to calm down, and you hand her the bottle of water you got. Then you walk to her car, and she hands you the keys.
Just as you are about to arrive at her house many minutes after, she speaks again:
- I should do that. - She comments still sounding drunk. 
- Do what?
- That. - She says, pointing to the radio. A rock song was playing.
- Start a band?
- No, install radios in cars. - She retorted with irony, and you laughed lightly. - Starting a band of course. My dad would love it.
You then stop the car in front of her house. 
- You don't seem to be the type to ask your father's permission to do things. - You comment as you take out the keys.
Wanda blinks in surprise.
- So now you know me?
- I'm trying. 
- People only know that I scare them.
- Yeah, I know the feeling. - You comment with a wry smile. Wanda looks at you with an intensity that makes your stomach turn. - So, your father looks tough.
- No, he just wants me to be someone I'm not. - She says, shaking her head slightly.
- Who?
- Pietro. - She answers with a frown. You let out an understanding sigh.
- No offense, I know everyone likes your brother and all, but he's a pretty shallow guy. - You say and Wanda looks at you in surprise, but then she has a little smile on her face.
- You know... you're not as obnoxious as I thought. - She says, making you laugh slightly. And then she looks at you like that again, and brings your faces together, closing her eyes. You swallow dryly, ignoring your nervousness, and look at the steering wheel.
- I think we should do this another time. - You say, and Wanda looks at you in disbelief, as you twiddle your fingers nervously. She frowns and looks ahead, then opens the car door and gets out.
You sit there for several minutes, hoping that Wanda won't be even more irritated with you than she usually is.
666 notes · View notes
lune-hime · 3 years
Hi! Are you still writing? If not then disregard this, but I was wondering if you could write the first meeting between Logan and reader that was mentioned in Blast from the Past? I think there was something about a skateboard and a torrential downpour if I’m not mistaken haha. Thanks so much! And I love your fics btw :)
Hi! I am also a big fan of your writing too! :) Thank you so much for being incredibly patient with me on this request. I apologize for how long this has taken me to get out, preparing for graduate school has left me with much less time to write than I anticipated. I’m sorry for the wait, but I hope you enjoy the first meeting of dear reader and Mr. Kitty Claws <3 
Do tell me, please, why you presently found yourself alone at sunset (which-by the way-you couldn’t even see through the thick, gravely, storm clouds) on a remote hiking trail, optimistically ignoring the forecast for torrential rain, with only a windbreaker, backpack, and your longboard tucked under your arm?
I mean, really, this is how young women like you got chloroformed, dragged through the bramble, and stabbed on the stale and musty floorboards of a serial killer’s cabin.
And you can’t even fucking skate on a mountain trail.
Zzzt Zzzt.
Did I mention no cell service either? Oh, and how about that creepy dead, freshly killed deer a few minutes back on the side of the trail?
This time your sharp reflexes and highly precisioned energy electrocuted two mosquitos out of this dimension before they could land on your collarbone.
I get it though, mosquitoes and the sky teetering on the edge of cracking open aside, this was what you needed right now. This is where you needed to be right now, even if this was the world’s most questionable hiking trip.
Canada was indeed everything you needed and more. Sure, you had to constantly use dingy porta-potties and lactic acid inducing manual labor while you were working in the field. But it was rewarding and interesting and most of all it gave you a break from..well...you.
It seemed a bizarre decision by your family to pack up and leave for another country, even if it was only one border away. From their perspective it was hard to comprehend why a woman in her mid twenties in the summer of her first year of graduate school at NYU would want to galivant around in the remote corners of British Columbia. She should be networking with scientists and politicians she’s met during her internships, attending lavish banquets for anthropological research, and of course extending her plus-one invites to her loving, supporting, family.
You audibly scoffed at their idealistic fantasy.
Charles and your friends at the mansion couldn’t have been more encouraging. When the professor had told you about the opportunity to work at archeological dig sites of ancient excavated First Nations villages in the farthest Canadian wilderness from New England yachts and neon kissed skyscrapers, you couldn’t say yes fast enough.
You mentally chanted to yourself that this was a much needed reset as the clouds hungrily followed the crunching of your boots against deceased maple leaves. The looming canopy of conifers seemed to gain density as your steps dodged the slugs that emerged from the dirt to worship the incoming blessings of rain. You let the creaking of the wind against the broad trunks of the pines and the grayed blanket of air wash the stress from the work week away and lull you into a false sense of calm.
The first droplets of rain tapped against the ferns in a gentle percussion as you weaved over precariously growing roots. You used your free hand to fling your hood up and zipped your jacked as far up as it could go in preparation for more precipitation. Through the thin fabric your ears picked up a rustling in the brush that was definitely too grounded to be the wind.
Playful, hoarse grunts erupted from the ferns as two grizzly cubs rolled out of the bushes and onto the path in front of you. Your eyes threatened to pop out of your head as you watched them tumble through the pine needles and bite at each other’s ears.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck…” Curses looped across your mind as your breath began to quicken in the eerie silence that now overtook the forest. Azure energy crackled along the spaces between your fingers as they twitched in fear.
Shit , you were a city girl. And they never offered classes on how to defend yourself from threatening wildlife at university or the mansion. Are grizzlies the kind you need to play dead with? Or climb a tree? Fuck you couldn’t even climb the stairs half the time without getting winded. One thing you did know, however, was if the babies were here than their mother-
It happened so quickly that your mind struggled to keep pace with your fingers. An unmistakable breathy growl manifested to your right as the mother in question charged you. Your flight instinct was first to kick in as you scrambled backwards down the trail. You only got a few feet until the slick bark of the tree roots caused you to slip and tumble to the ground. Your board flew out of your grip as your butt hit a particularly plump root. You winced at the pain but didn’t have much time to nurse your fall when the lumbering beast was almost on top of you.
You choked out a cry as you sloppily turned over and began struggling to get to your knees. You felt yourself being lifted by your backpack as the bear’s teeth ripped through the canvas of your bag and threw you off the path. You flailed on your descent, landing on your stomach as hot tears began streaking down your terrified face. You felt yourself being shaken by the straps as she roughly tugged you from side to side. With a vigorous scream you flipped to your side, adrenaline contorting your fingers to expel electric energy. A boisterous crack sent shockwaves through the canopy. Angrily your assailant bellowed at the discomfort of your energy webbing itself through her face. She snorted but lurched forward once more, her jaws a ghost on your neck. Her hot breath barely dusted your cheeks before energy shot outwards from your hands that shielded your face from becoming dinner. A pained yelp followed by another crack met your ears as you placed your buzzing palms down. The bear and her babies were hightailing it off in your opposite direction. Instant guilt washed over you as you noticed the bald spots woven through her copper fur where your energy had badly burned her.
As you began trying to calm your spinning mind you glanced up, squinting through the droplets, to see that the crack you had heard was your energy raking through the treetops and searing them straight off. The gateway you had made for the rain now left you damp and wallowing in your painfully heaving chest, sore ass, and shame for hurting another creature.
Logan let out a sigh as the muscles of his shoulder blades stretched with the roll of his arms. His axe was weighty in his hand as he leaned down to pick up another piece of birch trunk and placed it on his chopping block. Arms up and axe over his head, he prepped himself for his swing and brought the axe down with a thunderous clap.
His brows furrowed at the commotion. Indeed, the wood was now evenly split, but the chopping block was still in one piece. He momentarily contemplated the limits of his strength when crows flew from their pined perches.
“That’s definitely not normal.” He muttered to himself. He focused all of his senses in the direction of the commotion when his ears picked up a scream. Instantly he ran to his pick up truck, forgetting he still clutched the axe in his hand. Once he was in the driver’s seat he chucked it into the back as he slammed his foot on the gas, wheels kicking up dust as he sped down the dirt road.
Logan drove until the first trailhead emerged from the thicket. He felt his claws nipping at the skin of his knuckles as he slammed the door and jogged across the soggy dirt. The screaming had ceased, but Logan could smell the musky stench of a bear nearby. Sure enough as he went deeper and deeper into the forest he saw sets of fresh tracks squelched into the mud. Retracing the animals’ steps he let out a breath of relief at the woman who was beginning to sit upright.
Halfway through dragging yourself upward you heard heavy footfalls on the path. Your head whipped towards the sound in dread, not mentally prepared for another attack. Your wide eyes met with those of a man; his sorrel tresses were dislodged from flying through the crisp breeze, his flannel was casually only buttoned mid chest, and lord his hands.
Your mouth fell agape at the metal daggers that resided between his knuckles. Their metallic sheen was amplified by the raindrops that cascaded down them. At first, you felt tinges of fear that he was the axe murderer that you had always been warned about. But in those eyes you could only read concern.
Logan picked up on your uneasiness and put his hands out in front of him in a non threatening gesture. The energy that still flickered about your body did not go unnoticed by him as he put the pieces of what must have happened together. The stench of bear, the booming, a hole in the trees, a young mutant lying on the ground in the aftermath of defending herself. He willed his claws ever so slowly back into his hands as he watched you become entrapped by his anomaly.
He was like you and you were like him.
“You’re-” You began, still gawking at his mutation. Logan was used to people ogling at him in fear, disdain, and abhorrence and even with you being a mutant he wouldn’t have put it past you to react the same. But your initial alarm had washed off with the steady stream of rain and what was revealed was a mixture of relief, apprehension, and curiosity.
“Mhm.” He simply answered with mutual acknowledgement. He battled with taking a few paces forward to help you up but he didn't want to stress you out any more than needed.  
“What are you doing in my forest?” He asked as he watched you groan and finally sit up.
“What are you, the fairy guardian of this place?” You mumbled, riding out the final waves of your panic. Logan cocked an eyebrow in mild amusement. He waited while you rolled your wrists and checked yourself for any bleeding or sprains. You were satisfied with suffering only a few cuts to your cheek and arms where sticks had kissed just beneath your skin. The dull ache of where your tailbone struck the root took the place of your endorphins.
“Can I help you up?” Logan asked softly as he kept his hands visible and empty. You answered him with an apprehensive stare as you contemplated. You figured if he really wanted to hurt you, especially after realizing your powers, he would have already. When you nodded Logan walked towards you and offered you his hand.
“Are you gonna zap me?” He lightly chuckled before you could connect your palm with his. His comment offered a small smile from you.
“No, unless you try something.” Your quip faded into a grunt of discomfort as his strong arm pulled you to your feet.
“You alright? You don’t look like that bear took any chunks out of you.” He inquired as the warmth of his hand left your grasp.
“How did you know it was a bear?” You asked with a knitted brow.
“I heard you scream and saw bear tracks on my way here.” He responded simply. You hummed and let out a shaky exhale when the coil in your lower back tightened as you attempted to stretch it.
“I’m fine, just shaken up. I’m more worried for the bear…” You trailed off as your guilty conscience overcame your thoughts. Even when you could have become their next family meal, you had reservations about using your mutation to hurt others. Logan huffed in disbelief at your selflessness.
“Seems like you didn’t really have much of a choice. What else could you do; its not like PETA will ever find out.” He shrugged. You kept your guard tilted high but even gilded iron defenses couldn’t keep you from observing his handsomeness. In the newfound proximity you wandered the hazel pathways of his irises in the company of the distinct smell of cigar and pine. He wore the rugged boyishness of a young man in his smooth skin and wolfish smile. It clashed ever so lovely with the maturity that embodied his stance and sturdy build.
To any dismay you could have had, the roses that bloomed on your cheeks did not go unnoticed by him. Alluring curiosity spread across his face. He wouldn’t deny that-despite your disheveled hair, the dirt that coated your jaw, and the aura of a wet puppy-he found you beautiful. Any seductions that ran through his mind aside, he liked to think he was chivalrous enough to push the brakes on a girl who just got mauled by a bear.
“So, wanna explain why you were electrocuting a bear on a remote hiking trail?” He pressed as he shifted his weight to one side, bringing his boot to prop up and rest on a protruding root. You gulped, your pride about getting lost still dangling from a few frayed threads.
“Do you wanna explain why-uh-you’re also here on this remote hiking trail?” You countered and crossed your arms. Your voice quaked with residual nerves that were the opposite of threatening.
Logan stared at you through the rain. The clouds were weeping more intensely now and their tears kissed his dark lashes.
“I have a summer cabin. Gonna answer my question before we both end up taking showers out here?” He replied with a tinge of annoyance as his hair grew slick with the incoming rain.
In the space that filled your gap in speech, a vivacious thunderclap steam rolled through the sky. As if on cue, the rain absolutely poured through the leafy umbrella above you and instantly began soaking the two of you.
“Shit!” Logan exclaimed at the now sticky feeling of his flannel to his chest. You flipped the hood of your raincoat up as quickly as you could, but not before your head was thoroughly waterboarded.
“WHAT NOW?” You shouted over the roaring water. Logan’s brow furrowed under the assault of droplets.
“My car is parked not that far from here.” He yelled with a nod in the direction he came from. You bit your lip nervously at the thought of following a strange man to his vehicle.
“How do I know you’re not some weirdo?” You contended.
“We’re both weirdos, sweetheart.” The term of endearment slid so effortlessly on the remark about your mutations and left your cheeks hot against the cold rain. “You can trust me, or you can get soaked out here. Your choice.”
What other option did you really have? Your mutation couldn’t protect you from freezing nor could you send sparks into a wet log to create a fire. He obviously knew this area well, he made sure you were unhurt, and he was like you. You took solace in all of these notions and reminded yourself that you could use your abilities as a last resort.
“Fine. But metal is a great conductor for electricity just so you know.” You warned and Logan cracked a half smile. He then began jogging up the trail.
“WAIT.” You called and he halted in his tracks. You ran over to the brush and sifted through the ferns to tuck your longboard under your arm. Logan did not have the time to question the absurdity of you bringing that with you on a hike but a look of perplexity was evident on his glistening features. He ran at a much slower pace than he would have had he been alone. He made sure he could hear the squelching of your footfalls as you pushed through the stinging at your tailbone and followed him back to his truck.
He unlocked the rusty vessel swiftly and the two of you plopped onto the pleasantly dry seats. You threw your longboard on the floor of the passenger’s seat and heaved a sigh of relief to be out of those woods. You immediately slipped your soggy shoes and socks off. While you peeled your drenched raincoat from your form, you glanced around the interior of the car.
Not trashy-save an empty beer bottle and an orange Reese's wrapper.
No guns. You figured he didn’t need a gun with claws like those.
A worn, auburn leather jacket hanging off of one of the back seats.
“At least you don’t have an axe.” You chuckled more to yourself than him. Logan comically averted his eyes ever so slowly to the back seat. He sighed when he didn’t see the weapon in question for it must have fallen under the seat.
Logan's car was getting an all natural, no expenses paid power wash as the two of you stared in awe as the rain slid down the windshield in swift rivers. It left zero visibility outwards aside from the running water.
“I...don’t think you can drive through this.” You stated the obvious.
“No shit.” He replied, his voice laced with a velvet rumble off of the metal frames of the vehicle. “We’ll have to wait it out.”
You nodded and couldn’t fight the large shiver that sprung from your lower back all the way up to your ears. Your torso may have been kept dry but your head was soaked and so were your legs. Logan arched his back to reach behind the driver’s seat to grab his jacket from the back.
“Here.” He offered gently, straightening it out and laying it on your lap.
You blinked at his simple act of kindness. Grabbing the smooth leather, you brought your knees to your chest and layered the jacket over your body from your legs to your shoulders. Heat rose to your cheeks as it did the rest of your body as you curled into his jacket.
“Thanks.” You said and gave him a grateful smile. “Aren’t you cold too though? You didn’t have a raincoat on.”
“I’m fine. One of the...perks of my genetics.” He replied in dismissal of your concern.
“Damn, kitty claws and not being able to feel the cold? You lucked out, dude.” You commented with a light hearted tease. Joking made you feel less vulnerable, less stupid for putting yourself in this situation. Logan rolled his eyes at the frilly name for his adamantium blades.
“I know your mutation before I even know your name.” You commented with a small chuckle.
“Logan.” He answered, the velvety gravel of his voice rippling through the rain at the windshield.
“Nice to meet you, Logan. I’m Y/N.” You said and held your hand out expectantly. When you locked gazes, both of you were temporarily enamored in the chromatics of your eyes. He seemed to realize this before you and smoothly took your hand in his without ever wavering his eye contact. He gave your hand a quick shake and withdrew it back into his lap. His palm was so warm against your clammy skin. It made you wonder how the rest of him felt.
“I honestly didn’t expect to meet anyone out here, let alone another mutant.” You exhaled at the lingering impossibility of the situation.
“That's why I’m here, usually it's pretty barren people wise. That brings me back to my question; what are you doing out here?” He pressed. As he waited for an answer, he shifted to relax into the corner between the seat and the window, amber eyes alight in the dimmed shadow of the rain. You fiddled with the worn hem of your makeshift blanket for a few moments, letting the waterfall outside fill the silence.
“Today was supposed to be a relaxing break from work. Evidently it didn’t turn out that way.” You exhaled and leaned your head back on the seat’s headrest. “I saw this park along the way to one of my work sites and thought it looked like a good place to be alone. Now I know to research bear population concentrations before going anywhere.”
Logan understood. That’s the whole reason he lived half of his life as what some would proclaim as a hermit. Partially to save others from getting hurt by him and partially to keep himself from getting burned by the unknown mistakes of his past and the anonymity of his stolen memories. He wasn’t your dad so he wasn’t going to hound you too much about it. But, even if you held the power to break the trees with a thunderclap, he couldn’t help the protective feeling that bubbled up his throat for the sweet woman next to him.
“Do you always charge head on into places you know nothing about? And with a skateboard?” His words betrayed his increasing fondness for your adventurous spirit.
You didn’t come all the way to Canada to be lectured. (Well, besides in your internship.) The question could have been taken as aggressive, judgmental, or prying even. But in his tone was genuine curiosity framed underneath the light scolding.
“I thought it would be fun to learn how to longboard while I’m out here for the summer.” You confessed and sent a testing look this way. He let out a rich chuckle.
“And a hiking trail is the ideal place for that.”
“I thought maybe there would be a bridge or paved path…” You scowled at his sarcasm.
“I get it though, we all need alone time. And there’s not a better place than the forest to do that.” A sigh tailed his sweet comment. You were grateful for it, for despite his banter, he didn’t make you feel like a stupid kid. Not entirely, at least.
“You’re not from around here then?” He continued.
“No, I’m from New York actually. I’m here on a grad school internship.”
“Ah, a city girl. That explains the blind enthusiasm.” The corner of his mouth turned up in a cocky half smile. Your glare only grew in intensity at his teasing.
“Long way from home.” He noted and you hummed in agreement.
“Is your degree in wildlife conservation?” He threw you one final lithe jab.
“Haha.” You said pointedly, but you couldn’t stop the grin from spreading across your lips at his handsome amusement. “No, cultural anthropology, actually.” Logan let out an impressed whistle.
“What about you? Are you one of those people who abandoned their life to live off the grid?” You asked tentatively, realizing the conversation had been solely focused on you.
“Not exactly. I’ve got a couple cabins across the country-like summer and winter homes. When I’m out here, I work at the lumber yard. When I’m in Alberta, I work at a bar.” He responded as he wiped the condensation from his side of the window, a hopeless attempt at checking through the wall of rain.
“So you’re both a lumberjack and a bartender? Wow, eclectic.” You praised his line of work.
“More or less.” He left out that the only things he tended to at the bar were bloodied knuckles after embedding them into his opponent's gut during each cage match.
You chatted idly as the rain continued to wash away the hectic afternoon. You talked about your work, about your home. He talked about his cabin, about his travels through BC and Alberta. Between your lips the two of you wove personal stories but excluded intimate details. He was still a stranger, after all. Even if the complexity of his humble nature and mysterious lifestyle made him one of the most compelling strangers you had ever met.
As the storm raged on and time flowed in waves at your windows, you began to doze off. Logan resigned to resting his eyes himself while keeping his ears peeled for a let up in the rain or any disturbances.
Until he heard your little grunt of discomfort.
In your sleep your head had grown heavy and lolled to the side at such an angle that Logan was sure you would wake up with an insane neck cramp. As gingerly as he could, he rolled up your now dry raincoat, gently placed his hand on your cheek, and propped your head onto the makeshift pillow. His eyes softened at the utter peacefulness of your relaxed form; the way your eyelashes embraced your plump cheeks, and in your tranquility the erasure of any semblance of the past few hours.
“What?” You whispered, pretty eyes now meeting his in groggy sweetness. Logan blinked in surprise but didn’t take his eyes off of you. He felt delicate wings against the chambers of his heart.
“Stop looking at me like that.” He warned lightly. Under your honeyed look his nerves felt like they were being bathed in a pleasant hum. He wondered if your energy could feel like this.
“You’re a secret softie.” You declared with a sleepy giggle. Logan pursed his lips at the cute accusation, but didn’t deny it.
“Go back to sleep, bub.” He said lowly. You let the warm tambour of his voice mixed with the crisp pitter patter of the rain send you back to sleep.
When the storm would finally pass, Logan would drive you back into town. You would part ways, then, not knowing the impact you would have on each other’s lives mere months later after the summer rain bled into the crimson fall and arrived on Xavier’s School’s winter doorstep.
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everywishway · 2 years
Genshin University AU Part 2
Part 2 of this College AU because I have more ideas. Just what their life is like and if people want more specific headcanons/one-shots/other characters, ask box is open :)
Characters in Part 1: Childe, Zhongli, Diluc, Kaeya, and Albedo
Characters in Part 2: Lumine, Aether, Venti, Xiao and Thoma
Part One Link:
Freshman, undecided (took a gap year with her twin)
Panromantic, Demisexual, Polyam, Demigirl
Every branch of the LGBTree
Member of the Fencing Team with Kaeya and Childe, fucking amazing at it.
Lives on campus in the "Mondstadt District", not far from Kaeya and Diluc's apartment
Recently got into a fight with her twin, who just so happens to be going to the same school
Has no sense of direction so she often gets lost
Works with Kaeya and Diluc at the bar
She's really sweet but also hot-headed, teases Childe a lot
Knows Zhongli through Childe, he helps tutor them
Also streams, really good at video games and used to play them with Aether
ls also an undecided Freshman who took a gap year
Trans, Polyam, and Bisexual
On Track with Diluc but does the running, not throwing
Lives in the 'Liyue District' but quite a bit of distance from Childe's apartment
Expresses himself through clothing, both masculine and feminine
He doesn't speak much, so is really shy
He does play a lot of video games though, used to hop on Lunine's streams and play occasionally
He likes calming games like Animal Crossing or Pokemon
As I said, got into an argument with Lumine and has avoided her since
He has seen her multiple times but he always walks away before she sees him
Same age as Zhongli and went to the same school as him
Music major
Often performs at Diluc and Kaeya’s bar
Blows half the money he makes on drinks so they don’t mind too much
Has a large pallet when it comes to music, his Spotify Wrapped is all over the place
One day it’s old classical, the next it’s Penelope Scott then it's sea shanties
One of those guys who somehow is in your apartment, even if he doesn’t have a key
He does bring ice cream and sweets tho so that’s a good thing
One of those friends who drags you out to have fun, especially when your sad and need to get out of the house
"Come on! I know this great band who I know you'll love!"
Loves feminine clothing and makeup, finds it fun to wear
Has a giant dog that he can practically ride, named Dvalin
He seems aggressive but he’s harmless and a huge baby who wants cuddles
I think Dvalin would be an Alaskan Malamute, Husky mix
Dyes Dvalin blue occasionally
"Look Dvalin! Now we match!"
As I stated in part one, he’s Zhongli’s cousin
A Freshman who plans on being a Philosophy major
Does martial arts and yoga in his spare time
One to punch his frustrations out, then one to relax
Actually went to the yoga studio so much he became an instructor
Best friends with Ganyu but doesn’t show it, thinks it makes him weak
Listens to old school emo music like MCR, Set it Off, etc
Gay and Trans bc I said so
Skateboards everywhere and that's his aesthetic
Honestly hates Childe for always being his apartment, finds him arrogant and immature (also doesn’t like the fact he flirts with Zhongli)
Childe thinks he’s cute but thinks Xiao needs to learn to be a kid and enjoy life
"I swear to Archons, Childe. If you don't stop singing Skater Boi I will kill you myself"
Sophomore who just moved back to the ‘Mondstadt District’ from Inazuma
Elementary Education Major, he is so good with kids
Actually a teacher’s aid to Klee’s class
Has a minor in Women's Studies bc this boy chugs his respect women juice
Golden Retriever boi who works at your local boba shop
Often gets mistaken for Childe
He’s never actually met him but would love to since everyone seems to know him
He reminds me of my favorite small streamer so I’m saying he’s a streamer too
Only streams ‘Just Chatting’ streams or wholesome games like Stardew Valley
His chat does love to make fun of his innocent persona
"Aww, cute puppy. Sure chat I'll pet- AHH, WHY IS IT ATTACKING ME"
Rooms with Ayaka who transferred here to hang out with her brother (who is a professor, idk of what)
Really helpful! Always doing chores to help around the house or you are understaffed at work
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rainbowsky · 3 years
I honestly don’t see how you look at web and all his hobbies etc and see a non straight man.
How to say this gently, Anon...
Hobbies do not determine sexual orientation, nor do they express it. In fact, hobbies rarely have anything whatsoever to do with sexual orientation. Maybe if your hobby is having sex... 🤔
Do you think all gay men are into ballet and baking? Do you think all straight men are into logging and duck hunting?
Sexual orientation is not about what we like to do in our spare time, it's about who we are in love with and who we like to fuck.
The fact that DD is into skateboarding has zero relevance to who he is attracted to. Zero.
And that should be abundantly obvious. Learning to change the oil in your car or training in judo doesn't make you a lesbian. Being a straight woman doesn't automatically make you want to spend your life barefoot and pregnant.
What you are talking about is not sexual orientation, but rather traditional gender roles.
Look at the women around you and what they're into. Do you think that female mechanics, surgeons or firefighters must be gay as well? Of course not. We all (rightfully) champion women who break gender stereotypes and go into fields they love rather than traditionally 'feminine' fields. Only the most hateful people would ever call those women 'gay' for doing what they love to do.
Who people love has nothing to do with what kind of activities they enjoy.
Stereotypes are not just inaccurate, they're harmful
You might not be aware of it, Anon, but your comment reflects an extremely harmful (and offensive), toxic stereotype - not just about gay men, but about masculinity in general.
Women often complain about 'toxic masculinity'; about men being too macho, pushy and aggressive, and unable to deal with emotions. All of that is due to stereotypes that men are trying to live up to.
When you say or even think, "Real men are into motorcycles," you are artificially limiting what men are allowed to be into and still be thought of as men.
That's how you end up with all these straight male parents who are shit fathers who can't even change a diaper and refuse to do any housework. Men who won't ask for directions and who refuse to try yoga or wear pink. If a man admitting that he loves doing laundry leads to people essentially cutting his balls off, there's no way you're going to get that guy to do laundry. If a man who is sensitive and kind is no longer seen as a man, he's going to be a dick so he can keep his dick.
Masculine stereotypes are a massive problem in the gay community. Gay men are constantly having their masculinity questioned/threatened, which has led to an obsession with having the perfect muscled body, has led to major ongoing self esteem issues in men, and has led to ostracization of effeminate men in the gay community. Effeminate gay men are often treated nearly as badly in the gay community as they are in the straight community.
That's a big part of why your assertion that DD must be straight because of his hobbies is so completely ridiculous. Gay men are very often as macho and manly as straight men, in part because we have something to compensate for. We have to push back against the emasculating attitude people have toward us as gay men.
This man is very gay:
Tumblr media
This man is straight:
Tumblr media
This football player is gay:
Tumblr media
This figure skater is straight:
Tumblr media
Anon, I know you probably don't mean to be offensive, but your attitude reflects a very poor understanding of sexual orientation - one that harms gay people. Gender roles and expectations have nothing to do with who we love or are attracted to. They are two completely separate things. Gay stereotypes are actually very homophobic and harmful.
Fear of having our gender identity erased if we're queer is often what leads people to stay in the closet, or to repress our sexual orientation completely. It leads some gay men to attack other gay men who have more effeminate or androgynous traits. It leads to widespread excessive dieting, anorexia, over-exercising and body image issues among gay men. It leads to self loathing, depression - even suicide.
So I hope that you'll do some reflecting on this, explore these issues more deeply and educate yourself. Not only so that you will stop thinking harmful things about gay people, but also so that you can liberate yourself from gender stereotypes and gender role expectations in your own life, and feel free to express yourself more broadly.
It's interesting, because this is one of the first questions I was asked when I started this blog over a year ago. I guess it's still an issue in the fandom...
EDIT: Please do not pile on Anon in the comments or via my inbox. Not everyone has equal access to reliable, accurate sex education. Let's try to be charitable and understanding.
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uelden · 3 years
Vanity Fair interview translated
Just a side note before the actual translation; I don't know why, but instead of reporting the full questions and answers in full as she should, the journalist decided to report only summarized fragments of what Måneskin said and patch these fragments up into messy clusters. She also worded a couple phrases in a very confusing way (and yes, she's fully Italian). In short, she did quite a poor job, so the final shape of the interview is not that good. I didn't expect top-tier journalism from Vanity Fair but ffs. You'll see what I mean.
I translated it as it is, adding just a couple footnotes to give you insight on Italian pop culture references.
Translation under the cut
Måneskin: "Different from whom?"
by Lavinia Farnese, 09 June 2021
"True justice is being judged for what you do and not for what you are." The ones who are convinced of this are Damiano, Victoria, Ethan and Thomas who, by being the emblem of a generation that is finally free, refuse labels and conformism. In life, in love and on the stage. Where, maybe precisely because of this, they're winning everything
With the still unexpected (first place at Sanremo Festival) and the incredible (triumph at Eurovision) in their eyes, Måneskin are on the sofa of the house-studio they rented - to resume writing songs and rehearsing them - like you are after a won battle: lying in a calm and unreal silence, alert and a bit irreverent, happy.
In the garden there's the tennis table and the pool, the light of summer when it's starting and calming the country all around, and it filters inside from the large windows, and it goes onto the shining black of Ethan's hair, which blends with Thomas' eye shadow and the butterfly he has tattooed oh his naked forearm, which completes the picture of Victoria's golden crucifix hanging between neck and tank top and ends on the black nail polish of Damiano's stretched hands.
It's a human fresco, a Theatre of wrath [translator's note: "Teatro d'ira"] - to call it with the title of their latest album, a platinum record already - where their flaunted 20 years of age, their irregular femininity and virility are grown into proud and challenging custom, a pop glam rock generational manifesto of hard-earned liberties in a finally-unconditional expression of the self.
To watch them from any angle and from another age is to think that a great love will be born in those who'll understand: this new way of being in the world, the true and sovereign realm they hold where "diversity=exceptionality", the power of the artistic and cultural revolution of which they are healthy carriers in establishing in all lyrics and gestures the right to live according to one's own nature past the "people (who) talk, the people (who) unfortunately talk, and don't know what the fuck they're talking about." [tn: "Zitti e buoni" lyrics]
We go where we're afloat, where the air isn't gone. [tn: journalist's own variation on "Zitti e buoni" lyrics]
Miley Cyrus says hi – The numbers of a phenomenon
"The streams of Zitti e buoni are growing by the second, and they bring us above Muse, at the top of English charts, twelfth in the Spotify Global Chart. Followers almost tripled, in the post-Rotterdam period (from 1,4 to 3,3 millions, ed.) Contagious and universal folly: t-shirts and merchandising sold out in 10 minutes. Like the records, the tickets for a tour that keeps adding dates and expanding over geographic maps. They're contacting us even from some festivals were The Rolling Stones went." Thomas
"After the pretextual controversy over cocaine that France built against us, later disproven by my drug test, some graffiti popped up in Spain depicting me as a “No drugs” poster guy. Some tweets made us laugh: "Congratulations, Italy! I've never been more certain that four people have had sex with each other." Miley Cyrus started following us -You're great. -You guys are greater." Damiano
From the garage to the stars – Story of a flight
"It was only 2016, and we played in restaurants, in the streets, in via del Corso. Damiano without even a microphone, Thomas' guitar with wonky strings, Ethan was drumming on a cajón. During Rome highschools' sit-ins (Kennedy, Virgilio, Mamiani) we had our first confirmations and half-hours of celebrity, playing among those who criticized us and those who went "wow they're really cool." One of the rare times when they would have paid us – 50 euros each – we gave the money to the next band in the lineup so that they would make us play in their spot, later in the day, when there would have been more people. We had already realized how things worked. Visibility mattered more than money. And we still think that." Victoria
The intimacy of rock – Choice of a genre
"Music allows us the miracle of extending to others some very personal and private topics, sometimes even difficult and thorny ones. They are and they remain deeply your own, but at the same time they become a confession that reaches a wider audience, and in this passage that is alike a delivery, they find a place in you as well, a processing of them. You overcome them, you accept them. One second it's something aggressive, the next it's a ballad. Cathartic». Damiano
Against panic – The stage as therapy
"I've suffered a lot from anxiety and panic attacks, it's an issue I've worked on thanks to a psychotherapy course, my friends and my family. Playing helped me in not letting myself be paralyzed by my fears, not making myself limited in my private and professional life. I've learned to accept, to live with this side of myself. I don't hide it. I don't feel ashamed of it." Victoria
Analysis as necessity – Relying on someone saves you
"This belief that only madmen go to the psychologist is a widespread ignorance. No-one's born learned. [tn: common Italian saying] And it's often hard to understand the very reason why we're here, let alone the origin and direction of our desires. It's a long and legitimate journey towards lucidity, a kind of backing to become transparent." Damiano
Being out of our minds – But different from them [tn: "Zitti e buoni" lyrics]
"When you feel a strong passion towards something that is not a canonical job but an artistic language, that already puts you on a level of anomaly, which is not superior or inferior to other people, but it puts you in the position of the one who breaks the mold and also works at a loss, the one who sustains great risks while trying to do something that who knows if it will take you anywhere. "Why do it if it doesn't pay?". You want to give this dream of yours an aesthetic, but it becomes "You're dressing so weird! You must be gay!" - now that I'm 22 I laugh about it, but when I was 17 it had an effect on me, too." Damiano
The beauty of uniqueness – Of believing in it and defending it
"And I mean, at the end of the day if we're all different it's not because we want be alternative but because, really, no-one is the same. Justice is being judged on what you do and not what you are. Justice is equality, respect, beauty." Ethan
Fluid sexuality – Pride is freedom
"Heels for men that like themselves in them, kisses among ourselves, we have an open, extended mind, and we're proud of it. The horizons become vast, past the oppression of conservative families. With the information on the web knowledge becomes greater and with it the possibility that minorities will be less and less minorities, because the majority will be less of a majority. This way we'll make insults and bullying grow quieter. If social media get to a village of 50 souls and reveal to a girl who's afraid of the dark that someone has felt her same fear, then there's no reason to give a name to that fear, to mark it with labels which also limit and restrict. Definitions always had this effect on me. You shouldn't even consider the gender when judging someone, let alone their orientation." Victoria
Sexism – A culture to be dismantled
"Emma [tn: Emma Marrone, Italian singer] drops the bomb: “At Eurovision when I was there they massacred me for a pair of shorts, while they said nothing to Damiano – bare-chested and in heels.” The easy judgment against women is more fierce, constant, debasing (if I have a lot of sex I'm cool while Vic is a whore, where I show myself strong I'm a leader while Vic is despotic and a pain in the ass who reached success because she's hot.) As a male I'm privileged, the abuse I get is not comparable to those a woman has to live through, the comments over my aesthetic are centered only on my aesthetic and don't insinuate anything about my professionalism and my competence, while women are victims of this kind of thought in a systematic way. It happened though to find myself standing with a woman who while pulling me to herself to take a selfie, started licking my face out of the blue... I mean, what the hell do you want? Who asked you? Consent exists, and it's due." Damiano
Grow yourself – The only commandment
"To me conformism is the opposite of education [tn: could also mean "politeness"] and is the asphyxia of expression. I fortunately never endured heavy bullying, heavy enough for the the judgement of others to change me. But the mold of the small crumbs of bullying I got and of the kind of aggression that scars is the same. If I'm a kid who dances and likes dolls you have to let me do what I like. I was a kid who wanted to keep his hair long and played with Barbie. As a teen, my friends looked at my hair: " You have to find a girl with short hair to be at your side." My grandparents took away my dolls: "Stop it, they're not for you." Ethan
"When I was six I was already sick of them, the distinctions between masculine and feminine. I've always had strong ideas about how I wanted to be. I refused things that were typically defined as girly, and all around me they mocked me because I went skateboarding, I played soccer, I didn't wear skirts, I was giving myself the chance to be as I wished. I endured it a little, I suffered a little, but I had courage, and now thanks to that courage I know that I could have gotten even much more hurt, otherwise I would have left to others the most important choice: the one about myself." Victoria
Love in progress – Music, girlfriends
"I've been married to music for the last 20 years. I can't wait to celebrate our golden wedding anniversary." Ethan
"Everyone makes their own experiences, sometimes it goes well, sometimes it goes wrong, but it's always not anybody's business." Thomas
"When I first felt feelings and attraction towards a girl it was a bit disorienting because I had never had the courage of going beyond the limitations I had put for myself. For society being heterosexual is the norm and so you often define yourself in that way automatically, depriving yourself of the freedom to live many shades and faces of love. Once I overcame the initial insecurity of having to call into question my certainties I've lived my sexuality in a very natural and free way, as it should be for everyone." Victoria
"I had paparazzi at my door every day and night. So, after four years of relationship, I revealed her name. I still have paparazzi at my door every day and nigh, but at least I don't have to hide anything anymore." Damiano
The worth of the group – Phenomenology of protection
"The true engagement though, the true family is among ourselves, our band. We've believed in it since day zero, even before we called ourselves Måneskin (Moonlight in Danish), even before Ethan drew a giant moon on the flier for the first concert we ever did. We share everything, even the pain for the tragedy of Seid Visin, who committed suicide at 20 because of racism. [tn: I think the journalist asked them their opinion about Seid Visin's death, which was a current events topic in Italy, and then pasted it syntaxically in the middle of Thomas' answer, which was not a great move] A group is what we all should be: stay united and not back down an inch in the face of oppression that is generated by a distorted view of diversity." Thomas
I'm not of the right age – Like Gigliola [tn: Gigliola Cinquetti won Eurovision with her song "Non ho l'età", which means "I'm not of the right age"]
"Before you the only one who won both Sanremo and Eurovision on the same year was Cinquetti (1964). If there's anything I feel I'm not of the right age for? No, honestly no. Maybe having children. Regarding children I'll be honest: I'm not of the right age." Damiano
Having touched the sky – The fears that remain
"We're more than inside the dream, we're in the conquered dream. When you fly high there's the risk of plummeting and hurting yourself, but we'll work hard not to end up like Icarus, who burns his wings with the sun. Everything is in our hands. And this - a bit pretentiously - reassures us rather than scaring us." Damiano
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