#i need to work on toning down my brightness a tad
wriothesleysgf · 1 year
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★ you're the one i want. — alhaitham.
you visit alhaitham in his office, just before he finishes his work for the day.
notes: fluff, love-struck alhaitham.
wc: 0.9k.
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three gentle knocks on alhaitham's door snapped him out of his paperwork-ridden daze. he was utterly exhausted, and you could hear just as much in his voice as he mumbled a gruff 'come in'.
his stoicism soon fled when he lay gaze on you, bright eyed and harbouring the same loving demeanour that he'd fallen for. typically others struggled to fathom a reason for why you were with him, primarily due to your contrasting dispositions, yet neither of you payed such thinking too much attention. moments like this, where you bounded into his office with a beaming smile and some fresh fruits that you'd bought in the bazaar.
"hi, my darling," alhaitham's tone was always softer with you, "it looks like somebody's been busy," he chuckled, putting his pen back into its inkwell. he pushed his chair out more, motioning for you to come and rest on his lap.
you did exactly that, putting your bag onto his desk. "a little, i finished up early so i decided to stop by. plus, i thought that you might appreciate a snack," you pecked his cheek, a blush spreading across his face. instinctively, alhaitham looked away to avoid the embarrassment — you found it utterly adorable.
"thank you, my love," his stature meant he was taller than you, even when you were sat on his thighs. it allowed for him to return your gesture, shifting himself to kiss your forehead. "i'm almost done; though you're always welcome to keep me company, i understand if it would bore you. perhaps you can head home and we can go out for a meal tonight? i fear that kaveh's attempt to make even something as simple as butter chicken may have contaminated the kitchen for the week,"
you giggled, the banter between the two roommates never failed to amuse you. "i'll stay, if that's okay," you turned to face him, soft smile beaming up at him.
"always, my love,"
getting up from alhaitham's lap, you made your way towards the extensive library in his office — surely you could find something to keep you occupied. most of the spines indicated that they were anthologies of research papers, encyclopaedias on anything and everything you could imagine one would need, and... ah! you found at least one work of fiction. it was a collection of folklore from across teyvat, ranging from tales of inazuma's yo-kai to rumours from decarabian's city. it even included local lore, including passed-down stories from desert tribes.
you sat on the opposite side of alhaitham's desk, in one of the chairs that he kept should a scholar or somebody of importance need to meet with him. the two of you were content in the comfortable silence, both getting on with your respective activities, before you began to grow a tad bored. you peeked over the top of your book, trying to eye up something else to do. when your eyes landed on some paper scraps on the desk, you were instantly reminded of a silly little thing that you used to do as a child. surely you still remembered...
without any more thought, you snapped your book closed and reached for the paper. alhaitham's curiosity meant he tried to figure out what you were up to, though when he saw your face contort in concentration, he just resumed with the final project draft that he had to review so as not to disturb you.
you folded the small pieces of paper precisely, beginning to feel that sense of childish innocence stir within you. when you were finished with the first piece, you hid it from alhaitham's sight and made another in the same manner.
"sweetheart, i'm done," he announced as you were making your final few folds. "what are you doing there?"
instead of vocalising your reply, you simply took his hand into your own, and slid a paper ring onto his finger. the man drew his hand back to admire your handiwork, giving you ample chance to slip the matching ring onto your finger.
"how lovely," he spoke, though the regular sarcasm that accompanied such phrase was absent and replaced with a more caring tone. "thank you, my love. i always assume i'd be the first to present you with a ring,"
though alhaitham was joking, you couldn't help your heart from leaping at the mere thought of spending forever with him.
he had picked up your bag and his other hand reached out to help you from your chair. usually he'd be extremely stern regarding the cleanliness of his desk at the end of the day, but honestly he found himself desperate to head out of here with you.
as you walked through the rest of the akademiya hand in hand, alhaitham's mind couldn't help but drift to the paper ring he still proudly wore on his finger. it didn't matter what others thought of such a menial thing, what truly mattered is that he felt as though it truly consolidated his love for you. after all, the ring box hidden in the very back of his bedside drawer was eating away at him, waiting to be used.
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soaringeag1e · 5 months
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Jensen x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Language, Sadness, Heartache, injuries, Blood, Sweet Caring Jensen {I know, doesn't seem really Christmasy haha, sorry, not sorry.}
Words: 2,252
Main Masterlist - Patreon
She spent the day putting up her tree and decorating her apartment, keeping busy and trying to keep her mind off other things. She desperately wanted to feel the spirit of Christmas, feel excited and cheerful, but those moments didn’t last long unfortunately. Even with lights hanging throughout the space, her tree bright green and sparkling with twinkling white bulbs, she just wasn’t feeling it.
She was sucked in by the lights on the tree as they took turns lighting up, a few knocks going unnoticed as she was spacing out, lost in her thoughts. It takes a few more attempts from her visitor before she finally gets pulled out of her trance and hears the thuds against her door.
Glancing down at the glass in her hand, the melted ice tells her that she’s been spacing out for a lot longer than she thought, but that doesn’t surprise her honestly. Setting her holiday drink on the table, she moves towards her door where a few more knocks come through. Peeking through the peephole, she grows a bit confused when she sees who it is and quickly pulls on the locks to reveal her friend on the other side. He gets startled after the long dragged out silence but smiles when they lock eyes nonetheless.
“Hey! I was beginning to think you weren’t home.”
“No, I just um…” she pauses, looking back into her apartment to where she was glued just seconds ago. “I’m sorry.” she apologizes in a quiet breath, hesitating to look her visitor in the eye before changing the subject. “What are you doing here? I thought that you were in New Mexico working on…” When she can’t continue her sentence he raises his brow, a smartass smirk growing on his face.
“Big Sky?”
“Yes! That.” She looked embarrassed as she couldn’t remember the name of the show he was currently involved with.
“Well, it’s nice to know that you’re so into it.” he tells her, the sarcasm not going unnoticed. 
“Hey, I’ve been busy.” she counters, letting him in the apartment. “And I’m halfway through season two now, so…”
“So…you haven’t even made it to my episode. Good to know.”
“Did you just come here to give me a hard time? Because I’ve had enough of that this year.” Her tone changes as she closes the door. “Best friend or not, I’m just not in the mood.” As she roughly rubs at her eyes, his heart sinks. The relationship he has with her has always been playful. It was his job to mess with her and it always made her smile, but sadly he has underestimated the pain she has taken on in the last year and hasn’t adjusted his teasing accordingly.
Her body flinches just a tad when he slides his arms around her, but she quickly melts into him, dropping her arms into his chest and letting him squeeze her tight.
“I’m sorry.” he whispers faintly, kissing her temple sweetly but never loosens his grip. He feels her relax more in his arms, the tension he could feel in her entire body slowly slipping away the longer he holds her. Minutes pass and he doesn’t know how many, but honestly doesn’t care. But what she says next fills his heart with pride.
“I needed one of your hugs today.” He can hear the emotion in her voice but knowing that he was able to bring something good to her keeps his happiness up. “How do you do it?”
“Do what?”
“You always seem to know when I need you the most and I don’t get it.” Jensen smirks, his pride only being fueled more.
“Magic.” he tells her as he pulls away, locking eyes with her. “If I told you my secret, I’d have to kill you.”
“Please, do.” She comes back with a not so sarcastic response and Jensen just has to remind himself that pain and anger makes people say that kind of stuff. It wasn’t long ago that he felt the same way.
“Can’t do that. Sorry.”
“Why?” she whines, dropping her head to his chest.
“Because you mean too much to me.” he says simply, but the feelings behind it are anything but. Which in turn makes the next few moments painful even for him.
She scoffs and pulls away from him, moving towards the table where her drink waits, the ice practically gone now.
“With the group of friends you have? Trust me, you won’t be missing me long.” He swallows back his initial reaction, pushing the sting his heart took way down and attempts to forget about it.
“You’re wrong.” There’s no joking in his gaze now, not that she expected it. But she doesn’t see that look often and it was definitely one that hit her hard. “Listen,” he starts before taking a few steps closer to her. “I know what you’re going through is hard and I know you’re hurting, but I promise that it will get better.” Honestly, he expected an eye roll or something, but it seemed that she understood he was being serious. “He may not know what he lost but we do, and we won’t make that same mistake.” Her eyes dropped to her drink, emotions coming to the surface again. He’s not sure what to say now because he’s finally let go of some of the things he’s been holding in. At least the more appropriate things. But as he scans the apartment and sees the tree all dressed up in the corner, he smiles, grateful that you were able to at least decorate for the holiday.
“It looks great.” he points out, stepping around her to get closer to the holiday staple. “I was afraid you weren’t going to decorate at all.” he admits, not taking his eyes off the twinkling lights.
“I almost didn’t.” she confesses, not moving from her spot. “But, I was hoping that it would help pull me out of this a little bit.”
“I think it will.” he nods softly as he turns back to face her.
“I don’t know about that.” she tells him, emotion heavy in her voice. “It hasn’t done anything so far.”
“Just give it time.”
“Ugh.” she grunts heavily, spinning around to make her way into the kitchen. “Time. It’s always about time, right!?” She raises her voice a bit as she makes it to the counter and pours more alcohol into her glass. “After being torn away from your family as a kid, give it time. You lose someone you love, give it time. Your husband cheats on you and throws away sixteen years of your life, give it time!” she cries, tears slipping from her eyes as Jensen makes his way towards her. Her body trembles from anger but she tosses back the liquid she just added to the glass, not really bothered by the strength of the drink. “You know what they all have in common, Jay!? No matter how much time you give them, they never go away! Ever!” she screams, slamming her glass down onto the counter as the anger she was feeling made her lose all control over her actions. Seeing this, Jensen surges forward but it all happens way too fast.
The second the glass touches the counter top, it shatters. Chunks of the glistening pieces fly across the counter in all directions, falling to the floor and sliding with their momentum. But it was the painful cry that Jensen was focused on. Glass crunched under his boots as he rushed to her side, blood dripping onto the counter and the fallen shards of glass as she raised her hand to see what she just did to herself.
“Let me see.” Fully concerned, he reaches for her hand, gentle so as not to hurt her more than she already was. She quietly huffs and moans in pain as he inspects it. It takes him a moment to see how bad it is and he becomes grateful when it doesn’t look like she needs stitches, but he does see a piece of glass sticking out from her wound. He glances up briefly, seeing that she’s only focusing on the cut. “Hold still.” he tells her before carefully removing the shard from her hand. She hisses in pain but it needed to be done. “Here, come here.” Keeping her hand elevated, he swipes the towel from the counter and then escorts her into the living room, helping her onto the couch. “Keep it up, I’ll be right back.”
Careful not to slip on the glass near the kitchen, Jensen rushes down the hall and into her room. He’s gone maybe thirty seconds, if that. He’s been in her house before, he knows where everything is. Especially the first aid kit. This wasn’t the first time he had to patch her up after hurting herself, but this definitely was the worst injury he’s had to help her with.
“Alright, let me see.” he says as he re-enters the room. Grabbing onto your coffee table, he pulls it closer to the couch and then takes a seat, situating himself so that he could fix you up without having you stretch your arm out too far.
“I’m sorry.” you whimper softly and he glances up through his lashes before focusing back on your hand.
“You don’t have to be sorry.” It falls silent after that for a bit. She flinches a few times as he cleans up the wound and checks to see if any more glass was hiding inside, but otherwise he gets it as clean as he can and then starts to bandage it up.
“You’re right.” he finally breaks the silence, not looking up from his task as he continues. “It never does go away.” he admits and then falls quiet again. But only for a minute or two. “But, eventually you will get to a place where you won’t think about it as much. And if you do, it won’t hurt as bad as it does now.” Silent sobs shake her body a bit as she listens to him, the pain of what she’s been through tearing through her more than that glass did to her hand. “Listen,” he says as he tapes off the bandage, making sure it’s secure and then he looks up at her. “Your scumbag husband lost his fucking mind.” The anger is visible in his gaze, but she knows it’s not meant for her. “To have one of the most amazing women on this planet choose him and love him and do anything for him just to turn around and…” his jaw locks as he reminds himself to keep calm. But that’s just something he can’t do fully.
“Fuck him. Okay? You deserve a million times better than him. You deserve someone who cares about you and takes care of you just as much as you do for them. No more of this eighty, twenty shit, you hear me?” Tears continue to slip from her eyes and though he knows they won’t stop, he reaches up and wipes a few away anyway. “So, yeah, it’s going to take time and it’s going to hurt like hell, but I swear to you, somewhere down the road you are going to look back at this and see how much of a blessing this was. You’re going to be able to wake up every morning and not feel like death when you roll out of bed. You’ll be able to drive home, take showers and fall asleep without crying every time. Right now, it doesn’t seem possible, I know, but it will happen. I promise you.” 
Silence fills the apartment after that. The two of them soaking in the speech and just letting the moment be for a minute. Then Jensen reaches up and wipes away her tears again, this time clearing her face as no more were falling at the moment.
“Ready to get some sleep?” Unable to speak, she just nods softly. “Alright.” pushing himself up from the table, he helps her up and escorts her to the edge of the kitchen. “Why don’t you go and climb in bed, I’m gonna…” he pauses, looking over all the glass everywhere. “I’m gonna clean this up.” When he looks back at her, he gives her his best grin. She takes it and slowly turns and starts walking down the hall, but she stops a few feet away, looking back at the man in the kitchen, setting the dustpan on the counter and beginning to sweep the floor.
“Jensen?” Hearing his name, he stops. “Thank you.” A smile grows on his face and he sends her a nod. But when she doesn’t move, he pushes her a bit. 
“Go on. I’ll be there in a few minutes.” This time, he watches her walk down the hall and disappear into her room.
The feelings he’s harbored for her for so long now have a chance to come out, but he has to hold them back for a while longer. Yes, she may be single now, but with the healing that she has to go through, he can’t be jumping in the deep end right away. The last thing he wants is to become the rebound or end up hurting her even more because he gave into his desires too soon.
He loves that woman, more than he realizes to be honest. So the only way to keep her is to wait. To give it time. 
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lanawinterscigarettes · 2 months
Okay, I have a request idea if thats okay. Could I please request a Dhawan!Master x reader where master has found a special plant/ flower or something which alters the perceptions of the person. (Say if an enemy uses it on the victim then the enemy becomes the victims friend (or even more) and they plan to use it on the reader and while it's working/ being used. The reader sees and feels a lavender haze on them and they want more of it. (I had to sneak in a Taylor swift reference)
I'm absolutely obssessed with this idea!! I leaned into the taylor swift reference you slipped in, hence the title lol. writing this was so much fun, I really hope you like it! <3
I feel a lavender haze creepin' up on me (Dhawan! Master x reader)
Warnings: drugging/altering ones brain chemistry via a lavender plant, I think that's about it
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The Master was infatuated with you, even though he knew he shouldn't be. For starters, you were a companion to the Doctor, his best enemy; not to mention the fact that you despised him.
He tried to forget about you, but he just couldn't. Something about you seemed to draw him in and left him wanting more. And since you would never just up and leave the Doctor for him, he'd have to resort to other measures to get your attention.
Kidnapping you was an obvious first choice, but he didn't need you hating him more than you already did. While he'd love to just use his hypnosis on you and be done with it, the Doctor had gone to great lengths in order to protect your mind from his persuasions, so he'd have to take a more hands on approach.
He frantically flipped through one of the several books he owned on intergalactic flora, hoping he could find something to help. It was then he stumbled upon something that was akin to a lavender flower, except it could reverse the chemistry of one's brain and make them feel the opposite of what they'd initially felt for whoever gave them the plant.
A devious grin spread across his face as the wheels started to turn in his mind. This was exactly what he needed.
You, meanwhile, were strolling casually throughout a garden full of the exact same plant. The Doctor had to land the TARDIS for repairs, so she'd encouraged you to explore the nearby area while she got them done.
A shiver went down your spine as you suddenly got the feeling that you were being watched. Frowning, you turned and looked behind you but saw no one there. You figured it was just the wind or perhaps a local critter. Until you turned back around to find yourself face to face with none other than the Master himself.
"Oh, great. It's you," you grumbled while rolling your eyes. The Master tried not to appear upset, although he was clearly disappointed you had that kind of lackluster reaction to seeing him.
"Yes, it's me, indeed." He flashed you a bright, charming smile, which did nothing to get rid of the unimpressed look on your face.
"What do you want?" You asked bluntly in an irritated tone, crossing your arms over your chest as you glared at him.
His ego deflated some, but he pushed down his feelings as he presented a lavender bouquet to you. "These are for you, my dear. Here, take them."
You glanced down at the bunch of plants, narrowing your eyes at them suspiciously. "Why? What're giving me these for?"
This was proving to be a tad bit more difficult than he thought. The Master was used to people falling for his charms instantly, but they just didn't seem to work on you.
"I'm giving them to you because a beautiful person deserves beautiful things," he said flirtatiously, doing his best to hide his desperation. He couldn't force you to take them from him: the plant's magical and scientific properties would only activate if you willingly accepted the offer.
You thought he looked a tad bit pathetic, in all honesty. It kind of made you feel bad for him. "If I take these, will you finally leave me alone?" You asked in an exasperated manner.
Eagering nodding his head, The Master grinned. "Of course, darling. Anything for you." It was hard to miss the way you rolled your eyes at him for a second time, but he wouldn't have to worry about your disinterest for much longer.
"Fine." You snatched the bouquet from him, and almost immediately after the power of the plant started to take affect. Your eyes became glazed over as you watched him, feelings blooming in your chest that you'd never felt before.
His eyes were such a gorgeous shade of brown, and with the way his lips looked, all you wanted to do was kiss him. "Wh- Whoa," you muttered to yourself as you deeply inhaled the intoxicating scent of the bouquet in front of you.
Forget seeing through rose colored glasses, right about now you were seeing through lavender lenses. A hazy feeling started to creep up over you as your vision dimmed.
"Are you alright, my dear?" He asked with slight concern, not anticipating the effects of the plant to act so quickly or be so strong.
"You're really amazing, did you know that?" Your voice was a tad bit slurred, almost as though you were tipsy from alcohol. In you opinion, being drunk on the love you felt for him was much better.
The Master beamed with pride as he reached out and took your hand in his, pulling you in close. "Of course I do. You're just as wonderful, might I add."
You let out a giddy laugh in response, your eyes having a purple tint to them on top of their now cloudy look. "We should do something together, just the two of us."
His entire face lit up with joy as he finally had to opportunity to spend time with you in a way that didn't involve you hurling insults at him nonstop. "My dear, I'd love nothing more."
He led you back to his TARDIS, filled with excitement over the idea of you finally wanting him just as much as he did you. It would be quite the surprise for the Doctor when she returned to find her companion had parted ways with her, too awestruck by the feeling of a lavender haze all around them to care.
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end notes: I probably shouldn't enjoy writing fics involving the reader being drugged as much as I do lmao
Likes < reblogs | comments are greatly appreciated <3
Main masterlist | Doctor Who masterlist | wanna be added to my taglist?
🏷 taglist: @theonetruepotato87 @sessa23
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yaut-jaknowit · 5 months
Really just all around interested in the background to some of your characters. How Vic and Uihoy came to know each other or a story of how they got together. Which one of those dummies confessed first, etc.
Chance of Fate
Pairing: Uihoy (Male Yautja) x Vic'tao (Male Yautja)
Warnings: racism (BUT it works out in the end)
Word Count: 2070
Summary: These two met longer before meeting you. Their meeting themselves was really rough around the edges. Who doesn't like an enemies to lovers trope.
Author Note: I just realized I wrote this slightly like enemies to lovers... that's my favorite trope too. Welp, dug my grave now I'm gonna lay in it.
These two are dumbasses. I assure you. It was dumb luck their lives were intertwined with each other.
First off, there are two major differences between Yautjas (in my world). Those home world born and those born off world (mostly on motherships). I believe there’s a little bit of racism between these groups. Each believing they are better than the other.
I’ll let the story below reveal who is who.
As for Uihoy, he wasn’t always our sweet baby boy. Maybe his older years have softened his hide and heart to Vic’tao and you. Vic’tao… hasn’t changed much. Dynamic and static characters.
Hate to say it, but Uihoy acts a tad bit racist in this. BUT we all know he loves Vic’tao in the end. He overcomes these thoughts he was raised with after learning more about Vic’tao.
In the bustling crowd, Uihoy stalked his way through. Smaller than the average male, he’s able to slip between others to make his way through. No pays him any mind. In this city, he wasn’t known for being a big shot back in his home village. Here, he was just a random male, surfing the crowd.
Not that he minded. Uihoy wasn’t going to be showboating in the city of Kov. Mating season was far out. All he needed was a few items of interest before taking his ship back home.
A city like this had his scales itching. Far too many people, too many smells that forced a headache to rouse behind his eyes. It wasn’t a place he wanted to be but a necessary evil for him. Unfortunately. He needed fabrics from the clans of the coast. Kov was the closest city to sell them, being one of the larger cities on Yautja Prime.
As a male at seven hundred years old and higher status within his clan, his coin pouch was heavy on his side. His shorter, yet bulky build was able to move along the crowds with ease. He came to a halt before a known vendor he’s dealt with a few times before.
Ke’nt, a lanky, tall Yautja with light blue accented with white stood in his mediocre booth. Before Ke’nt stood an obvious young blood arguing with the vendor. Uihoy couldn’t help the roll of his bright eyes at the display.
Young bloods. They always thought they were the shit until someone came in and shoved their head into the pile of stink they created. The purple Yautja has done it countless times. A sight he loved to create.
The yellow and blue, unnamed male slammed his fist down on the table keeping the two from tearing into each other’s throats. “This price for these damned fabrics isn’t what you told me!” he shouted at Ke’nt, fury flashing in yellow irises. “You cannot change them in the time it takes me to grab the coins.”
Uihoy deals with Ke’nt occasionally. What the yellow Yautja accused Ke’nt of was an action he’s been known to do with Uihoy. After time, Uihoy has learned how to ensure this middle aged Yautja knows his place with a nearing elder. Violence is always the answer. Words are never enough.
The shoes Uihoy wears make next to no noise as he struts over to the arguing pair and saddling up next to the unnamed Yautja. Before either of them could vaguely tell him to either bug off or just simply ignore him, Uihoy released a bellow of his dominance. Both younger Yautjas paused their dealings and snapped their heads to find Uihoy at the table.
His piercing eyes were locked onto the older Yautja of the two. “Ke’nt,” Uihoy growled the name in a low tone. “Are you pulling the tactic that has failed on me?” The purple Yautja had his chin level, not showing off his throat nor bowing his head while staring Ke’nt with fire.
Said Yautja grunted his displeasure and stepped back from the table. His mainly white arms spread out. “Come on, Uihoy. You are ruining the fun. A male’s gotta make a living,” Ke’nt explained his reasonings while attempting to calm the situation. Uihoy was a male he loved the money but hated how smart he was. Nothing passed those sharp orange eyes of his. Damn him!
Despite the height difference, Uihoy glared from underneath his brows at the taller male. The other Yautja at his side stayed silent for the time being. But the shifting of his impatient body was growing tiresome. Young bloods.
“Your tricks have failed in the past. I can always find another for fabrics. I come here for mere convenience but I’m not below finding another vendor for what I need.” Uihoy ensured his words were stern, letting Ke’nt he wasn’t fooling around with his tomfoolery. “Now, finish up the deal with original price with him.” Uihoy jerked his head to the taller Yautja next to him. “Then, you know what I require.”
Next to Uihoy, the yellow and blue male bristled. He didn’t need help. He could’ve handle this all by himself! From the corner of his bright yellow eyes, he glowered at this short… elder. Wait, not yet. Close though.
“I can handle this myself,” the young blood snarled to Uihoy. The latter just tweaked a brow up before snorting his annoyance. His clanmates wondered why he never offered to train the unblooded or newly bloodeds. The attitude they snarked at him was top of the list.
A huff surpassed Uihoy’s mandibles. But, Uihoy never paid the young Yautja any mind. His gaze was kept on the blue Yautja before him, a glare making the process speed up.
Another long moment passed before the exchange for currency and fabrics had completed. Now, it was Uihoy’s turn. Said male passed over the same amount of credits he’s paid for in the past. Ke’nt never made a peep about any inflation of prices. He’s learned his lesson over the years.
When a few hundred Nok’s away from the vendor’s booth, Uihoy inspected the fabric in his hand… only to realize this was from the coast. The short, thick whiskers along his jaw bristled as his body tensed.
On the verge of about-facing and marching back to Ke’nt, his keen eyes spot through the crowd a form he saw less than a few moments before. In lanky, well built arms held the coastal fabric he was meant to buy. Great, he thought to himself. Uihoy began his path, picking up the young blood’s scent, and beginning an impromptu hunt. The day becoming longer than he’s wanting.
Like the hunter he’s grown up to be, Uihoy found his way through nearly the entire city of Kov. The young blood’s scent bringing him to the public transport off world. His brows raised. Where was he going? But, Uihoy had to stop him before he left or else he’ll never get the fabrics he paid for.
Through shortcuts and alleys, Uihoy ended up towards the end of the transport station. These were for transports back to motherships. An off world born? He’s come across them in passing times but to speak with one… He huffed and hurried his pace before his items were lost among the many motherships that circulate across the universe.
The same flash of yellow had him jogging, dodging bodies. Before the young blood had a chance to slip onto the ship, Uihoy slapped a hand on his shoulder and yanked him back down the ramp. The yellow male snarled and reacted within a fair time. There was always room for improvement.
Claws swiped along the barrel chest of Uihoy. A firm grip encased the offending wrist and prevented said attack. Uihoy kept pushing until this Yautja was trapped to the landing gear of the ship. Chest to chest, swapping body heat. Uihoy forced to look up at the height advantage Yautja snarled at him. “You have something of mine,” he rumbled at the young blood. His hands tightened when he attempted to squirm his way free. Uihoy wasn’t letting him go. Not until he had his fabrics.
Trapped against the stronger male, he grunted while attempting to make his escape. It was futile. With a huff, the young blood settled down and glowered at the male he recognizes. He’s the one who he saw only moments before leaving Yautja Prime; at least, tried to. “What are you pauk-de talking about?” he snarked and raised his upper mandibles.
Uihoy’s hands increased their strength in retaliation for respect from this young blood. His own mandibles twitching as he did his best not to challenge this little gnat and shove his face into the ground.
A jerk of Uihoy’s head led the young blood to glance at the fabric in his hands. This wasn’t what he paid for. Something he couldn’t even afford! “That. That is what I’m talking about,” Uihoy snapped.
Similar to a Xy and a full moon, the trapped male peered down at Uihoy with wide eyes. The latter mentioned Yautja gave a deadpanned expression to him before letting his hands fall away. Uihoy stepped backwards to offer a respectful space between them.
In one hand, Uihoy offered what he had been given back to the yellow Yautja. The other limb held out a free palm, awaiting the item he had paid for. “Give.”
The young blood grunted and placed the silky fabric into Uihoy’s waiting palm. He grabbed what he emptied his coin pouch for and stared down the male before him. “Must have been a mixup,” he tried to ease the conflict after the problem had been solved.
A fight was the last he wanted to deal with. He didn’t want to nurse unnecessary wounds on the ride back to his mothership.
Uihoy snorted and rolled his bright orange eyes at the small comment. “Of course, an off world born wouldn’t have noticed,” he retorted, adding bit into his words.
From the depths of his chest, the young blood snarled and lowered his head, body drawn taunt. “Say that again. I’ll show you how much better we off world borns are compared to the same old, same old borns of this planet.” Now, the fight became necessary.
At his sides, Uihoy’s hands twitched, ready for the fight. “You have no danger while living freely on those ships. We have to fight to survive out in the wilds of our home planet. You have no planet to call home,” Uihoy growled and puffed up his chest.
Despite his smaller size yet bulky build, Uihoy has proven time and time again he’s capable to hold off his own against someone either larger in height or build.
As the offending Yautja goes to open his mouth, the ship’s captain announces its last call. It was the last one for the cycle. He couldn’t miss it.
Standing back up straight, the young blood flexed the muscles in his legs to launch himself back onto the ramp he was shoved off of. Uihoy followed his every move the whole time. The other male pointed at finger down at him. “Remember this face and name: Vic’tao of Loloor Mothership. I can’t wait to wipe my feet on you.” This ‘Vic’tao’ entered the ship, on the safety of a difference territory.
If Vic’tao hadn’t been so lucky, Uihoy would’ve dragged the male back out and teach him a harsh lesson. He’d rather not deal with the authorities if he fought on mothership grounds. Different rules and laws.
He snorted to himself before turning on his heels and following a path back to the private docks he parked his ship at. It was an event he would forget… but the name he would look up once back home in Qav’f. Only to satisfy his curiosity.
These two would keep meeting in passing times before their anger melted. It seems harsh but these are Yautjas we are talking about.
Once the two forgave their rage for another, the two decided to hunt together. When hunt brothers grow close… things could get messy. Feelings are spilt, miscommunication may happen, untruthful words are said but in the end, they figure it out.
During a night of boiling anger that two hurricanes fed into each other, Vic’tao spat out his confession to Uihoy, surprising himself….
Uihoy had known for a long time. Before even Vic’tao had known for himself.
It was Uihoy who fell first but Vic’tao fell the hardest.
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pool-floatie · 25 days
Starlet- Oneshot
Kids im back with the milk-
I am working on so much behind the scenes shit right now but this got done first, next we will probably get more bloodlusty vampires unless I suddenly decide different.
Like its angsty at the beginning but they need a reason to be comforted- d Uh
Please for the love of mE - emjoy :3
All Akari needed was the stars, they were a constant in an ever changing world, listened to her problems when she had no one else, creating beauty even in the darkest of times.
What she really needed right now though... Was a hug... A friend... Someone to tell her that things would be ok...
All she wished for in that moment was for that to be..
The trail of a comet flashed above her for a brief moment, wisping away almost as quickly as it had appeared.
she heard a vast wind rush overtop the trees, turning to look she couldnt see anything, -there wasnt any wind before... - She thinks.
A deep chuckle riverbates through the still air surrounding her, and she stiffens.
"So you're the mortal who summoned me... Such a strong pull, and such a bright aura, oh! lavender colored, what a sight ~ you certainly are quite a wondrous little thing, my, my...."
A shift in the air brings Akari's attention in front of her and her jaw drops taking in the sight.
There stands an enormous glowing being, bright white with flecks of golden stardust about them.
Their body starts to form and become more detailed and she can see their face and body take shape. Six limbs- four arms and two legs- take shape out of the glowing mass, Sharp white eyes open, a flowing tuft of hair floats above them, gently swaying like flames atop their head, and stardust dots their body like golden freckles.
"Oh, h-hello.." Akari said awestruck and nervous
"Hello little one, apologies for the exciting entrance." it said a bit embarassed trying to hide its excitement
It kneeled down and leaned forward trying to see the little human better, one pair of arms resting in their lap while the others rested, palms down in the grass
" its good to meet you, starlet, you may address me as Libra." it said in its airy tone.
Akari sat confused, but decided that this dream could be fun to engage with.
"Akari" she said, sticking out a hand towards the being.
Libra stared down at them and blinked in confusion.
" ah! This is your earthling welcome, yes!" they realised.
They reach out to the small woman, pinching her whole hand and part of her arm, before lifting it up and down slowly.
Akari grinns, the contact making her hand tingle with warmth.
Libra releases them and Akari thinks she sees a smile on their bright face.
"So... why exactly are you here?" Akari asks looking quizically up at them.
" you ,, dont know? You summoned me here with your wish!"
"My,,, my wish?? I didnt make any wishes ... "
Libra looks puzzled for a moment.
Akari goes to speak, but they stop as libras eyes glow blue, making a strange buzzing sound. They are no longer focused on akari, completely still.
After a few seconds Libras eyes blink back to white.
"ah! wow~ a rarer case indeed! It seems it was your emotion and thoughts that powered the wish, I knew I felt that strong energy in you, but enough to power a wish without a word being spoken ... " Libra said in awe.
"huh... Oh!- oh... "
Akari sighed, remembering her earlier feelings, her frustration and sadness.
"I, I think I know... what it was..." she said, resigned.
Libra tilted their head, giving the human a look of concern.
Akari didnt really want to tell a cosmic being a hundred times her size about her life problems.... But this was a dream anyway so...
"I have to move again..."
"mmm.. No thats not it .... Your aura didnt flare up...." they quickly interject
Libra looks down at the human with pity, truly wanting to help her. They lean forward a tad more.
" Whats really troubling you, little one?" they ask gently
Akari flushed in embarassment and shame, would this cosmic being judge her? Well...
"One of my roommates outed me as gay and now all the girls in my dorm think im a pervert-" Akari blurted
"They already started spreading rumors about me and reporting me to the landlord for stupid shit- so, I'm leaving before it ... gets worse...."
"Oh my... Thats certainly a predicament..." it sympathised but seemed confused , they continued.
"... Is humanity against happiness?" they asked mournfully, their light dulling a bit, seeming to know more than they were letting on.
Akari looked thoughtful for a moment, the cosmic beings words resonating with her.
"Wow,,, thats a... way of putting it... I mean, yeah, heh, every politician is against the queer community, anyone I try to get a job with or if I- lm just trying to find somewhere to fucking sleep, someone takes issue with 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 about me!... even when I tried to tell my family, they rejected me, too, haha! so yeah, your right, we fuckin' hate happiness."
She laughed a bit unhinged-ly while describing the absurdity of it all, the people she had encountered, the trials of her life, it seemed impossible to talk about without turning it into humor.
Akari rested her head atop her knees, looking goomily past the starlike being and letting out an indignant huff before falling onto her back and closing her eyes.
A moment passes and akari thinks she sees the immense light shift before she feels that same warm feeling, but, around her body?
Without a moment to think her body is hoisted up. As her eyes open she sees the towering form of libra, now holding her in their enormous open palm.
They flash her a pitying look before facing up, the other upper hand cupping around the confused human. Before she can even say anything, Akari is pressed down into the palm, the G force making movement near impossible, she cant see where they are going, only seeing the white light emenating from the enormous beings hands, she can only trust that the weird dream entity is as benevolent as they seem.
Akari can feel them coming to a slow stop as the force lets up and allows her to move again.
She tries to sit up, dazed , as Libra's hand lifts off her.
Looking around she can see nothing but immense darkness save for the being of pure light that holds her.
She turns to face said being, who looks excitedly at their passenger.
"hello little starlet~"
Libra said, its two overlapping voices echoing eachother.
"Hi, where the hell are we." akari snips, a bit jittery.
Libra dims again, shepishly pointing down with their upper hand while their lower pair fidgets nervously.
Akari gives them a confused look before they carefully creep towards the edge of her cosmic captors' hand.
Gripping the sides, they look over.
And immediately jump back, seeing 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘳𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘮𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘤𝘢 below them.
" ah, I see." she says calmly.
"Just a few questions for ya;"
They inhale
"Why in the s h i t did you do this and also 𝘏𝘰𝘸 𝘪𝘯 𝘨𝘰𝘥𝘴 𝘵𝘪𝘵𝘴 𝘢𝘮 𝘐 𝘣𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘯𝘰𝘸 ?"
" aha! Its all ok! You can breathe just fine, please dont freak out!!"
Dispite being concerned about oxygen, Akari starts to breathe rapidly.
" theres no way im - in space right now - oh my god i - could die."
At this point they had completely forgotten that they were supposedly dreaming, focused more on the 'being manhandled by a cosmic giant' and the ' being in space millions of miles above the earth' thing.
"Human please relax, I brought you here to relax.." libra tries to explain
" this is not - relaxing!'
She says between breaths.
Libra looks disappointed, this was such a nice spot to stargaze, they really wanted the human to see...
But there was something else it Could try.
Gently, the glowing being closed their upper hands over the panicking form in their palm.
Before she could react to being enclosed, Akari again felt that immense warmth that could melt her, all over her body it felt tingly and content, she felt her muscles relaxing despite herself.
Finally she let herself be consumed by the feeling, relaxing and not worrying about any perceived danger that had her brain reeling just moments before.
Just as she did this, the lovely warmth started to dissipate, pulling off her despite her grabbing onto one of libras bright digits, a silent request for them not to stop.
Libra snickered at the cute display, bringing the girl out of her stupor.
She jerked her hands back and tried to suppress the enbarrased blush that filled her face.
" Sorry..."
Libra said
" N-no your fine" she said sheepishly
" No.. For scaring you..."
"Ah, that. Well,, uh I guess you can fly us to space and shit and im assuming you ...Magicked me to be able to breathe despite lack of oxygen?"
" you got it!" they affirmed, their cheerful tone reappearing.
"And I had good reason to bring you here! Look !"
Their lower arms gestured to the darkness before them as they beamed down at the little human.
".... Uhhhh... Wow?" akari said confused
"can you see something I cant?" she questioned, looking back at libra.
"Oh! right."
Libra dimmed, voluntarily this time, until they were only about as bright as a glow stick.
Finally, akari could see why even a cosmic being would appreciate such a place.
From earth, smog and light pollution would block most people from clearly seing such things.
But here, above the ozone layer, Akari could clearly see the milky way, its soft trail across the sky lived up to its name, fading softly at the edges into the rest of the cosmos.even still it was so stark, the white path cut the sky open like a geode, its center sparkling with stardust that flashed different colors as if it was being turned in the light.
She stared in awe as Libra looked on with a soft smile, occasionally sparing a glance at its little passenger to make sure they were alright.
They let the moment pass before speaking.
" Starlet. In the vast expanse of the cosmos, there are disasters , black holes, collapsing stars and other destructive things..."
Its three free hands gestured wildly, illustrating their words.
"But even from those, beauty is born. This nebula, your galaxy, was created from a collapsed star, it exploded, causing all around it to be thrown into chaos and confusion."
A look of sorrow flashes on libras face for a moment.
" But still, your planet thrived, using what was left to build a new world; one filled with life, with community, with love. Life does find a way."
They offer a gentle smile in reassurance.
" I believe you will find that.... your life does as well." they conclude.
Looking back to her newfound friend, akari feels her chest warm, swelling with an overwhelming feeling.
She lunges at the curled fingers, giving the pointer and middle the hardest squeeze she could manage, doing her best not to tear up.
Libra gushes at the adorably sweet gesture, and they cant help themself.
They pull the human close to them, belringing her into their chest, close to their glowing core.
Akari feels herself enveloped again, a simmilar feeling as before, but now filled with adoration and positive energy coursing through them, an immense, all consuming, all encompassing hug of pure affection and amorousness.
Unlike the melting, relaxing feeling before, she now felt a stronger sense, she felt Libras intention, its emotion and power guiding her thoughts and feelings, helping her to embrace and bring forth her inner strengths, akari could feel her self esteem break through the shroud of frustration and pain that had entrapped it, it swelled within her and she felt empowered, appreciated, and... 𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘥.
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diludae · 2 years
Kind of an odd one, but could I request a scenario with Diluc's s/o trying to (hilariously, but unsuccessfully) matchmake Adelinde and Elzer on Valentine's Day, and Diluc has to intervene before the antics get too out of hand?
𝓣𝓸 𝓜𝓪𝓽𝓬𝓱𝓶𝓪𝓴𝓮 𝓪 𝓜𝓪𝓲𝓭 (𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓪 𝓑𝓾𝓽𝓵𝓮𝓻 𝓽𝓸𝓸!)
I had a lot fun writing this, but I might've gone a tad-off prompt. I apologize!
diluc x gn!reader // fluff/comedy // anon suggestion // enjoy <3
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They were absolutely perfect for each other.
Or at least, in your mind they were perfect.
The way in which Elzer so graciously offers his hand to Adelinde to help with laundry, or when they constantly compliment each others work, or the way they always walk home together during the dead of night, or-
Maybe you thought about the two employees a little too often.
But as the early-February wind blew throughout the vineyard, you could practically smell love kindling in the air. You were of course busy with countless dates prepared by the wine tycoon himself, your loving and always doting boyfriend of 2 years, Diluc Ragnvindr. However, this Valentines, you wished on a fallen star that maybe you and ‘Luc wouldn’t be the only ones celebrating at the winery.
To be honest, you really had no idea why Adelinde and Elzer’s non-existent love life meant so much to you. Perhaps you had finally felt the joy of being with someone you truly love, and wanted to share that delightful experience with others. Maybe a teeny-little part of you wanted to take credit for matchmaking such a beautiful bride and groom at their eventual wedding. Whatever the case was, you wanted to see them together no later than the fourteenth. You could never let the once-a-year love season pass such an adoring and pining future spark.
It started with small, not-so-subtle hints. Elzer and Adelinde were surprisingly quite oblivious to the increase in tasks they had to perform together by the end of the day. Along with participating in their daily activities, the two found themselves spending their time assisting one another with paperwork and dusting. It wasn’t long before the Master of the estate took notice of the odd tasks his darling Y/n filed for requests.
“Love, could I… speak with you for a moment?”
You wondered what he could possibly need to speak with you about. I mean, he has been slightly needy with the rise of couples filling the streets, but there wasn’t anything you two couldn’t handle.
As you walked with him towards your bedroom you noticed the slight awkward tone in his movements. The way he only ever-so-slightly fidgeted with his gloves, or the look in his eyes holding one of embarrassment. He kindly opened the bedroom door and gestured you inside.
“I’ve seen the tasks you’ve been assigning to Adelinde and Elzer. My dear, do you care to explain?”
“Well, I- I mean it’s like only slightly a little complicated..” Diluc could hear you trailing out your incoherent response with slews of “uh’s” and awkward chuckles.
“Now, this is a complete guess, but would I be correct to assume you’re trying to… get them together?”
While your mouth remained silent, your bright red face communicated all that needed to be said.
“My love,” Diluc grabbed a hold of your waist and gently pulled you down to the bed. He nuzzled his face in your hair as you wrapped your arms around him. “You really shouldn’t be meddling with other people’s business, you know.” “I get it, I get it.” Your voice was muffled as Diluc held your head against his broad chest. “But also, they just seem so cute and fluffy together. I’m not sure, maybe I’m in over my head, but I deeply enjoy the time I spend with you. So, I thought it would be cool if maybe other people could have that same feeling of warmth with someone they also love..”
Diluc’s expression was unreadable, yet his grip around your body tightening spoke for him. A kiss was planted on your forehead as you felt the bed’s covers reaching over the two of you. “I sincerely thank you for your affection, liebling. Get some rest. We’ll talk more about this in the morning”
If only you two had noticed the mischievous maid and butler listening in from outside the door, giggling at your less than stellar attempt, yet still touched by the action.
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ninapi · 1 year
Save me (Kageyama Version)
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Premise: Friendship is a fragile thing. Keeping you safe was his priority for the longest time, but overcoming hardships along someone you hold dear form irreplaceable, indestructible bonds, and a childhood friend can easily become the love of your life; or so that was for Kageyama Tobio.
Word Count: 3380
Chapter 5:The beginning of the end
Kageyama had an existing routine.
He would do the same every day and it was mostly everything related to volleyball. Besides brushing his teeth, everything else was related to it. His meals were nutritious because he needed it to grow strong, the same was for his snack of choice, milk makes you grow taller, just what he needed. Sleeping was also needed for muscle growth and without going to regular classes he wouldn’t be allowed to play the sport at all.
But having a girlfriend couldn’t be justified as needed for the developmental aspect of a volleyball player.
It was a distraction, and he wasn’t sure if he was ready to allow something to pull him out of his bubble just yet. It was a tad scary venturing in a relationship when he was already this busy and when his short-term goal was to win the nationals. All his free time should be used for practice.
“(Y/N) I don’t know if we are doing the right thing. You do know I don’t have time, right?” he was laying down on his bed, staring at his ceiling in the dark, his phone in speaker mode to allow him to keep on throwing his ball around as he usually does.
“I know what I signed up for, Tobio. As much as I would like to be your number one priority, I know how much it all means for you. I can wait. Talking like this is enough for me, at least for now.” you were just as busy if you were being honest. You were helping Semi study for his university entrance tests; you knew you would have to go through them next year and wanted to learn as much as possible from the experience while also supporting your friend. Also, Ushijima asked you to take care of the team for a while since his manager was also a third year and couldn’t help the youngsters as much. You barely had time to study.
“Does it bother you? Knowing volleyball will always be a priority for me?”
“Hmm…I’ve always known it honestly, there’s nothing new there. But I am also one of your priorities, am I not?” your tone of voice dropped a little trying to tease him a bit.
And it worked, his entire face was bright red, the ball he was playing with now abandoned on the floor. “Shut up woman.” chuckling, you hugged one of your pillows, a clear image of his flustered face flooding your thoughts.
“I am pretty busy too, so don’t worry about it ok? Just tell me if you need me, or if you have some time off or are tired or bored. I’ll take any of those.” Being in different schools really sucked, you wished you could at least share your lunch time with him like you used to back in middle school, you still craved those years even if they were plagued by heavier memories as well.
“Is not like I don’t want to see you, you know…it’s just that the nationals are around the corner and…”
“And you have to train harder, I get it, really.” he was grateful for your understanding nature, but it also frustrated him, he didn’t want you to have to just wait and cling for a short time window in someone’s schedule to find happiness. You deserved better, someone who could give you all the attention you needed, someone that could be there for you always, to bring smiles to your face.
It angered him. He wanted to be the one to do all those things, but he wasn’t willing to sacrifice volleyball for that, it gave him mixed feelings, he hated himself for being the way he was, but that’s all he’s been groomed to do, it’s hard coming out of the norm, out of the comfort zone.
“Do you want to come to my place on Saturday? We could do whatever you want all day, there wouldn’t be anyone to bother us. I promise to empty out all day.” Nobody was asking him to do that, you said you understood his needs. But he had new goals, new needs that needed to be fulfilled just as bad. And you were a part of them now.
When he was trying to justify his actions, he noticed he did have a reason to have a girlfriend. More than one really.
First of all, his state of mind had been chaotic since you came back into his life, but ever since you cleared everything out, he’s been his best in practice even surpassing his own records.
Then there’s also the fact that he gets to relax when you are around. He’s always so tense, his muscles tire out by just existing. You made him forget how stressed or tired he was, made him want to push himself harder to be the best.
And there was also the fact that having someone in the bleachers cheering for you can make a huge difference in a game.
It isn’t a distraction if you’re focused on your goals and games.
“Really? Sure! I will go back to my parents’ house on Friday then, since its closer to your house.” Its been so long since you got to spend an entire day with him, you knew this wouldn’t happen often, had to enjoy it as much as you could.
“I’ll go pick you up then.” there was a small smile peeking out on Kageyama’s face. You hadn’t change one bit, still get excited for the littlest things. It was cute.
Saturday arrived quicker than you expected, probably the anticipation of it all made the week pass by in a blur.
You haven’t been back in your room for over a year, it was dusty and full of bad memories. You made your parents get you some paint of your favorite color and woke up extra early to clean the room and paint the walls before Kageyama came for you. You needed them to dry before you could sleep there.
You wanted to start fresh.
Maybe even go as far as returning to your house starting next semester. The commute wasn’t as bad, your dad could drop you off in the mornings and you could take the train after school. Majority of people do that, you shouldn’t have to hide any longer, he knew where you were now anyways.
Transforming your room into a livable space was needed, it needed a full makeover but it wasn’t anything a few plants and wall art couldn’t fix.
Going back to your house would also be good for your relationship. Being in walking distance from your boyfriend sounded beautifully right now. Also, Semi’s house was a lot closer to it than the school, his university as well and you would most likely be applying to it at some point. It was a good idea overall and your mother was thrilled.
Kageyama came to pick you up exactly on time, not even a minute late. It made you wonder if he was just standing outside looking at the time in his phone for who knows how long waiting for the promised time to arrive. Knowing him, he most definitely was.
The walk over to his place was short and the weather was nice, not too hot, a light breeze playing with your hair.
You wanted to cook lunch for him, so you stopped along the way to get some ingredients, Kageyama had no idea what was in his fridge besides how many milk cartons were left, so you got everything you needed to treat your boyfriend.
Lunch was delightful, Kageyama truly missed your home cooked meals, he would always steal some of your bento back in middle school just because of how good they always were. Having you cook exclusively for him felt like a milestone he never thought he could get to.
After the hearty meal you were lounging around in his room, looking for a movie to watch in your tablet. He didn’t know what to watch and you honestly just wanted to be with him, so you chose the top recommendation in the streaming platform, looked gory, but that was fine.
Kageyama was fidgeting around in his room trying to figure out what to do with himself.
He didn’t know if he should sit on the edge of the bed next to you or lay down so you would do the same. If he did, where should he put his hands? Was he supposed to hug you? Hold your hand? He can officially kiss you now whenever he wanted right?
No, maybe it would be better to sit on the floor and just set the tablet on the table, that way you wouldn’t feel any sort of pressure, you were there just to watch a movie, nothing more.
“Tobio? Are you coming?” while he was writing fiction in his head, you had crawled all the way to end of his bed, fixed the pillows and got under his blanket. You were patting the empty space beside you on his bed waiting for him to react.
“I-I ye-yes of course.” setting down beside you, he was as rigid as a wood board, his ears were bright red, and you could see beads of sweat cluttering his forehead.
“Why are you so nervous? Do you not like horror movies? We could watch something else…” your hand went over to caress his hair off his face, looking up at him through your lashes. Kageyama’s insides were swishing around, making swallowing a tornado sound fun.
“I’m not nervous. Not at all.” he scoffed, shuffling around to lay in a better position and make sure he could see the small screen. “Do you want to, you know…” he tried to get his arm under your head, his actions turning comical as he just couldn’t get it right, almost smacking you on the face in the process.
“How about you come here instead?” you opened both of your arms widely, waiting for him to rest his head on your chest. His brain was going haywire, was he allowed to do that? Your boobs where there, was that really ok? He’s your boyfriend, what’s so bad about it…right? He could do this, he’s a man, this was nothing.
Taking in a deep breath, he rested his head almost on your shoulder, trying not to dive right into your bosom, making you giggle. You brought him closer into a more comfortable position, letting your fingers run through his silky hair. You could feel him relaxing under your touch, his face now nearly buried into your assets, breathing in your scent. Once you deemed it was safe to do so, you let the movie start, securing the both of you under the warmth of his comforter.
The movie sucked. It had you both laughing for hours, it was so awful it made you cry, and you were supposed to be watching a gore film. The afternoon was lovely, you got to cuddle, get more comfortable with each other and sneak in a couple of kisses in between boring scenes. Nothing steamy, just comfortable loving kisses.
Feeling this comfortable with someone was something new for Kageyama. Even if he started out clumsy and rigid, by the time the sun was setting he was home, and by home I don’t mean his actual living quarters, but you. He knew exactly where to put his hands, his face, even his feet. Where to kiss to make you giggle, where to kiss to make you squirm. How you liked being hugged, how he liked having you pressed against him. It felt like you’ve been doing this since forever and it only took a few hours to get to that stage.
He's been trying to justify being in a relationship, trying to convince himself he wasn’t wasting his precious time, that it was as necessary as drinking water, even if it sounded ridiculous to him at first, right now he felt he had no need to justify his actions any longer. He felt content, full, invigorated. And those were all good things, in his opinion.
After walking you back home, he leaned down to press a kiss on the top of your head as he let your hand go, he didn’t want to cause the wrath of your dad yet, he still remembers the murderous look he had on his face when he saw you after the Oikawa incident, he was honestly pretty scary, even if he’s always been in his good side. Making out in front of your house was definitely not an option, that would have to do for now.
“I’m moving back here when summer break starts, Tobio. I already talked about it with my parents, I won’t be going back to the dorm next semester.” Kageyama was a little taken aback from this, he had engraved in his head he wouldn’t be able to see you often and he had been worrying over how to even maintain a relationship under those conditions, having you close was certainly and improvement but he was a bit shocked that you were willing to go this far to see him more often, it made his chest feel warm.
“Really? Cool, I like that. You can help me practice on our days off.” he was trying his best to play it cool but his heart was racing, excitement clouding his thoughts.
“Sure, that sounds fun. Text me when you get home.” going on your tippy toes, you pressed a soft peck to his lips before running back inside your house.
It would be fun having him around once more.
Summer break was around the corner, you had everything already packed up and ready for your parents to come and take your boxes back home. You were packing the last couple of stuffed animals laying on the floor when your phone’s screen lit up, it was Semi. He was able to get you Iwaizumi-san’s phone number.
You texted him and he replied right away, happy to hear from you after such a long time. He’s always been so nice to you, it’s a shame he was this close to Oikawa.
You agreed to meet him at a cafe downtown during the weekend it’s been ages since you guys saw each other it was time to catch up.
“Oi, Iwa-chan, where are you going all dressed up and all?” Oikawa was now outside his house, he came without an invitation as usual, trying to leech out of his bestie.
“I have a date. Leave me alone.”
“You have a WHAT? Without me? How can you even consider going on a date without telling me? Who is this girl? What do her parents do for a living? Is she cute? How about her butt? Is she prettier than me?” Iwaizumi was regretting his decision of living one more day in the presence of this annoying little bastard he calls his friend.
“Definitely prettier than you. Her butt? Ugh I don’t know, you know that better than I do, same goes for the rest of the questions.” this confused Oikawa even more, making him cling onto his friend’s side like a sloth.
“What chu mean?”
“This ‘date’ I have, is with (Y/N). She wanted to see me, probably your fault by the way.”
“And you dressed like this, combed your hair and…” he pressed his face onto his neck, sniffing loudly, “…bought new cologne, for (Y/N)? Are you trying to steal my girlfriend Iwa-chan?” shacking him off of him roughly, he straightened his back, fixing his jacket.
“I am not doing such a thing. You are single and so is she, well maybe, not sure. I am single too, for the record. Though, I doubt this is even a date. I think she’s dating Kageyama. She just wanted to catch up, again, I suspect this is all your fault.”
“She is WHAT? No, she isn’t. She would never.” Oikawa was backing away, trying to escape his own reality.
“You need to give up on her, Shittykawa. I swear she will end up filing a restraining order if you don’t learn how to behave. She mentioned something about you trespassing her school’s dorm to smuggle a bear in her room.”
“I just wanted to give her a gift, I wasn’t doing anything illegal!” pouting, he sighed loudly, he knew this was coming, if he was being honest with himself, the moment he saw you two kissing he knew it was over for good, it shouldn’t even be surprising to hear you were dating officially now.
“Let me go with you to your date, I want to talk to her.”
“Never. Nope. Not happening. Stop ruining my life.” Iwaizumi started walking on the opposite direction, leaving his friend behind. He would take care of this; Oikawa would just make things worse.
Seeing how he didn’t come running after him, seems like he understood the situation and he wishes that was the case, for your sake and the sake of his own mental health, without mentioning his friend’s.
“(Y/N)! Long time no see. You look good.” patting your shoulder, he sat on the spot across from you on your chosen table. He ordered a coffee and a sandwich while you went for some tea and a little cake. It felt nice seeing an old friend in such a nice environment, without anyone pestering the two of you constantly.
Iwaizumi couldn’t help but wonder what would have happened if that one time back in the day he would have been the one to save you from your aggressors instead of Oikawa. What could have happened if he had gotten there a minute earlier. Maybe things would have been way different, maybe this would actually be a date.
“How have you been Iwaizumi-san? I heard you still play volleyball.”
“Yeah same old, same old. Doing good. Don’t want to be a pain but I guess you called me to talk about Shittykawa.” the joyful grin he had on his face was wiped out by his own words.
“Well, it isn’t a lie, I do want to catch up with you. I always liked you better than I ever liked Toru.” you chuckled, poking at your cake with the fork. He knew you didn’t mean anything romantic by that, but it made him smile, he knew exactly what you meant.
“He’s been stalking you again, hasn’t he?” you nodded, sighing in defeat. “I just don’t know how to get him to understand that we are over.”
“I told him you’re dating Kageyama now. It felt like he could see reason after hearing that. I will do my best to keep him away from you. Do call me if you see him around or if he does something you don’t like. I will kick his ass.” he reached over the table to give your hand a little reassuring squeeze, you knew you could count on him always.
“Thank you for always being so nice to me. You’ll forever be my knight in shining armor.” you winked playfully, making him laugh. “More like I was forced to be your bodyguard for an entire year, but yeah that sounds nicer, though I would prefer if you think of me as a friend and not some sort of fairy tale character.”
You had a lovely afternoon chatting and laughing with him. He walked you over to the station and parted ways. He noticed Oikawa was waiting for him still outside his house, even if he stayed with you for hours, he hadn’t moved an inch.
“Why are you still here? Get a life, dammit.”
“How was it? Did she confirm she’s dating that simpleton?” that’s all that mattered to him right now, he was really not even worried about the fact that he stayed with you for hours having fun, just the two of you, it made him mad how little he thought of him.
“Yup, pretty taken. So now move on with your life and get out of my property or I will call the police and tell them you’re now stalking me too.” he was clearly joking, or was he? Oikawa decided to walk back to his house, he needed closure, he needed to hear this from you.
Tagged babes:@dazaisfavgf @lauraagrace @san-emi
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rykno-j · 17 days
Overheating (1/?) (H/azbin H/otel)
never thought i'd actually write a sickfic for a tv man but here i am i guess.
"(1/?)" is there because i might make a continuation
characters present: v/al, v/ox, v/evlette (mentioned)
small disclaimer: if i wrote v/al in a way that made him soft/likeable just know im not excusing any of his actions okay? okay.
also, theres H/azbin-H/otel-Universe level of cussing in here, just as a warning.
word count: 1k
"I can't FUCKING post anything with this shitty signal, so you're going to go down there and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!"
"Woah, woah Velvette, since when was babysitting added on my list?"
"He deals with your shit all the time, so just grow a pair and return the favour."
"Alright, alright, but you owe me one."
"Vox, is everything-" Valentino stepped into the control room, narrowly avoiding a spark that flew through one of the wires as the lights flickered above.
"Bad time Val, I'm not in the mood for your shit right now." A tired voice came from the center of all the buzzing screens.
"Well I hate to be the one who spoils all the fun dear, you know that." Valentino crosses the bridge to reach other platform. "But I really need you to stop fucking with all the lights in my studio, I'm only filming a sex-in-the-dark kink next week and now's a tad bit early."
"I don't c-care about your sex studio" Vox replied without turning around.
Valentino smirked when he heard the static in the other's voice. It was always entertaining to annoy vox whenever he was in this state. The reactions he got were simply.. electric.
"Soo, what are you working on this time?"
"Nobody's buying our fucking product, Val." Vox turns around, a hand propping his head up, looking clearly pissed off. "I don't know.. I don't know what I'm doing wrong."
Valentino raises an eyebrow. It was rare to see Vox admit defeat such readily. "Want me to help?"
"Uh, fuck no? Did you really think I'd have forgotten the kind of stunt you pulled the last time I let you assist me? The moment that shit got aired it look less than a day for hospitals to be filled with sinners who got that remote stuck up their ass."
"Hmm, how was that my fault in particular?"
"You promoted it as a f-FUCKING dildo!" A spark flew from one of the wires tied to vox as his voice glitched out once again.
"But it did sell, didn't it?"
Vox groans, swiveling his chair back around to face the panel. "If there's nothing else, I have a meeting in five." He gets up, mutely pulling on his bowtie before turning around with a sigh. "Why are you here again?"
"You're upset about something," Valentino explains in a whiny tone. "It's fucking with everyone in the building and has apparently become my job to calm you down." While talking, he circles around Vox, putting a finger under his chin while his other hands wrap around his waist. "Want me to help.. ease the tension?"
While this normally would have worked, Valentino never expected Vox to push him away, a hand rubbing the smudges off his screen.
"Not today. I have an image to uphold. Go fuck with some of your whores or something."
Valentino frowns, but says nothing else.
"Now," Vox says, taking in a breath, "if you'll excuse me." He steps back with a mock half-bow, body turning into electricity as he zaps himself into the nearby circuit.
Valentino stares blankly at the buzzing televisions, sighing as he pulls out a cigarette. As he turns to light it, the wires in front of him flash and sizzle as a bright blue bolt of electricity strikes directly in front of him.
As the smoke clears, Valentino blinks at a very disorientated Vox who struggles to sit up from his position; face-flat against the floor.
"Are you-"
"What the fuck? That has never happened before."
"Clearly." Valentino rolls his eyes, but proceeds to offer his shoulder, which Vox unconsciously leans into. "A rat got to the wires?"
"No, I ran out of energ-" Vox started, then stopped. "I forgot one of my documents and had to come back."
Valentino watched, unamused as Vox nearly fell over if it wasn't for the table holding him up. He side-eyes the other, ears picking up the obvious sounds of Vox's internal fans overworking to keep his head at a normal temperature.
He places a hand on the back of his head, not missing the way Vox flinches. Despite himself, Valentino wanted to do something to help. But 'help' wasn't in his list of strong suits, so he figured he'd do it in a way that was.
"Voxxy~ want to have sex?"
A spark of electricity jumps from Vox's antenna to the other.
He took that as an unspoken yes. "Will you cancel the meeting for that?" Valentino wraps his lower arm around Vox. "I had to dismiss all my actors thanks to the power-outage you caused." He notices how Vox looks away at the mention of the power failure. "So take responsibility."
Vox slouches over. "I'm not-"
"Oh you don't have to do anything," Valentino reaches out to pinch Vox's cheek. "I'll top today. Or do you want to have control?"
"No, it's fine. I'll cancel my meeting." The relief in his voice was unintentionally obvious.
"Can you make it to the bedroom? Or do you want to rawdog it here?"
Vox grumbles, but makes no effort to push Valentino away when the moth opens one of wings to wrap around him.
They walk side by side, Valentino's wing tightening around Vox when they crossed the bridge together, preventing the possibility of his legs going numb and falling into the void.
It was admittedly nice whenever Valentino would act like he genuinely cared. Vox was sure he did, despite how they seemed to be in more of a duo-benefiting sexual relationship most of the time.
On his part, Vox tells himself, he too was taking advantage of Val's offer for sex to skip his meeting.
..That was all there was to it.
i might make a part 2 where i struggle through the process of making vox snz despite his lack of nose.
but besides that, tysm for reading!
Part 1.5 ->
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2angxlic · 1 year
•°. *࿐⋆.
triggers : none really! just a fluff <3
mentions : lightening , thunderstorm, reader is dating enola! terms of endearment ;] ♥︎ ♥︎
synopsis : in which, the reader is a bit frightened of thunderstorms and enola comforts them <3
(sorry for typos! word count : 671 :)
ᝰ ılı.lıllılı.ıllı.
Rain pattered roughly against the window of the flat you and your girlfriend recently rented. Thunder roughly clapped on and off, and even with the curtains closed you could still see the bright flashes of lightning. You weren’t scared of many things, no, but thunder storms always made you feel the need to seek out comfort. You tried to sleep through it, but every time you heard the loud booming noise of the cracks of lightning you cowered into yourself.
You got out of bed and walked towards the kitchen where Enola was still up working. Ever since her detective agency got so famous shes been working on cases back to back. And that meant, many many late nights. She looked exhausted and for lack of a better word, burnt out. You walked up to her and placed a hand on her back and began to rub small circles.
“Nola, it’s getting super late. How about you come lay down with.” You yawned. She just continued to shuffle through papers and write small notes on a little pad.
“I have to just finish this paper and then I’ll be with you shortly, my love. I have tea brewing on the stove and you’re welcome to stay.” Whenever she called you little nicknames like: my love, baby, sweetheart, your heart always melted. She never allowed herself to be vulnerable with anyone, but you. You met Enola about a year ago on the train and ever since that chaotic day your lives have been intertwined.
You walked over and took a seat next to her as you laid your head down on your arms. “No, I think I’ll sit with you.” You tried to doze off into some sort of a soft sleep, but a moment too soon the thunder clapped and you jumped.
Enola tore her eyes from her work and looked at you, “Did you just jump?” She chuckled.
“No I simply just got a bit startled..” you trailed off embarrassingly as you reached for her hand. But when the thunder struck again, and this time with lightning as well, there was no denying you fear.
“You definitely did just jump.” She teased.
“No I certainly did not!” You looked away bashfully. In this moment you could not meet her eyes.
“Don’t tell me you’re afraid of a little storm?” She read your expression and the answer was clear. You looked up to meet her eyes and put on a brave face. “No I am not.”
She only tilted her head slightly to the side and have you a sly smile that said, yea sure!
“Okay, maybe I am just a tad afraid,” you huffed, “Can we please just go lay down.” You pleaded as you locked eyes with the brunette as you grabbed both of her hands. She leaned over and pursed her lips placing a gentle kiss on your cheek.
“I promise, as soon as I finish I’ll be with you.” She whispered gently. She was so close to you your noses almost touched. But, your head hung low and you let out a dramatic sigh as you got up from your chair and made your way back to the bedroom.
ᝰ ılı.lıllılı.ıllı.
You’d only been laying down a short while before Enola came in, still unable to let sleep come.—- She slipped into bed next to you and wrapped an arm around your waist, nuzzling her face into the crook of your neck. Her legs overlapped with yours and as a cold breeze blew through the window, you had to admit this was great.
“What happened to your paper work?” You whispered in a mocking tone.
“I finished early.”
“I wanted to be with you—- because you were oh so scared.” She said the last part with a laugh.
“Then how should I thank my hero.” I bantered.
“Maybe a kiss? She said confidently. I rolled over and gave her a kiss on the lips that lasted a little longer than intended. Her lips still tasted like the sweet raspberry tea she made a few minutes prior, and her arm was still on your waist. “How was that Prince charming.” You asked now hovering over her.
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bella-daonna · 2 years
HC idea: first kiss with the ROs 👀 (I need Maeve kisses STAT)
Thanks for sending this anon I love u 🥺
First Kisses 💕✨
You visit one day, and catch them outside their outpost, picking juicy, tart blackberries off a bush.
you sneak up behind them, but they seem preoccupied, jumping and scraping their hand against some of the thorns on the vine.
guiltily, full of apologies and despite their protests, you pull their hand over to look at it, noticing that there’s a bit of blood welling up
maybe I don’t have healing magics, you say, but a bit of love always helps to chase the pain away.
Shae gives a chuckle.
I’m serious! Me mam always used to kiss my scrapes better - who knows, maybe she had a little magic in ‘er too, cause I found it to help with the sting.
Shae blushes, looking away from your gaze. Well... d’ya think it still works the same here...?
A small smile plays at the corners of your mouth. Only one way to find out, don’t ya think? you lean down and give the scrape a kiss, smiling up at them. Well? Does it feel better?
Their expression goes from surprised, to bashful, to... a smile.
Aye, they say. Much better.
You were heading to Galway, not Germany - you didn’t pack your wardrobe. You didn’t even pack a change of clothes. It was only meant to be one night-!
The master of secrets is a very perceptive man, but it does not take his skill to notice that you stick out like a sore thumb in this strange world of decadence and beauty.
Come with me, he had said. His tone was authoritative enough that it only occurs to you when he’s ushering you through a doorway that he hadn’t told you why, or where.
That second question is answered easily enough though, when you see the fabrics and muslins and mannequins and racks and racks of sumptuous clothes. A tailor.
Perhaps he just wanted company…?
That little wisp, the glowing moth that often is seen about him, flies from just above his shoulder over your head and alights upon the gilded frame of a floor length mirror.
Your eyes skim over your reflection, and you choose instead to peer at the fabrics and textures, reaching out to run your fingers over a pretty brocade, admiring the finely woven fabric.
Pretty, isn’t it?
His voice comes from just behind your ear, startling you. A rich chuckle follows when you jump.
Ah-!! Yes, yes it’s lovely.
You tuck your hair back, and look over your shoulder at him. He’s smiling at you, catlike eyes promising nothing but trouble.
It would bring out your eyes.
Before you have a chance to respond, a tailor bustles over, ignoring you completely but all smiles for him.
Master Keagan, to what do they owe the pleasure of his patronage? Might he be seeking a new robe, they have just received a shipment of quite lovely silk?
He smiles, and then nods at you. My… friend here could benefit from your expertise.
He lays his hand over yours, his thumb sweeping across the fabric, and your heart skitters. We like this.
The tailor’s gaze turns from him to you, and turns a tad colder. But of course.
When they turn back to him, their smile is warm again. Anything for him, master Keagan.
You are focused on the gentle touch of his hand on yours and the sound of your heartbeat in your ears, so you simply follow when you are led to a smaller, more cosy room off the main chamber.
The tailor gets in close, using a soft measuring tape and scribbling down your measurements, under Keagan’s watchful eye. He’s not looking in the mirror, and your back is turned, so really it can’t hurt for you to take him in, the strong line of his nose, the part of his lips, the curl of his hair and bright gold of his eyes.
His eyes, which, as the tailor fades into the background, flick up to meet yours, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth when he catches you staring, and you redden. You don’t look away.
He steps up behind you, placing his hands on your shoulders, his thumbs brushing at your neck.
I cannot deny, I am eager to see you in garments befitting you.
You blink. I… I cannot afford this- I don’t have- do they even accept pounds here? And even they do, you do not have any to spare for frivolous luxuries.
Nonsense. You are my guest. Consider it my treat.
You can feel his breath against your neck, the warmth of his hands seem to burn through the rough linen at your shoulders, and it scatters your thoughts
Ah- but- however could I thank you-
His voice is almost a purr as he leans in closer, his eyes in the mirror taking in your flushed face, your tongue darting out to lick your lips.
Consider it a treat for myself, too. His lips press to your neck, and you shiver, leaning back against him. I like to take care of what’s mine, after all.
He presses another kiss to your neck, open mouthed and warm, and you swallow hard. Keagan-
At that moment, the tailor re-enters, a scowl overtaking their face when they see him up against you.
He straightens, and turns to talk to them, about fabrics and cuts and silhouettes, but his thumb, gently rubbing circles at your neck, tells you that he’s not done with you yet.
You know they whisper about you. You’re common, you never seem to say the right thing, you are dazzled by the stark opulence of the seelie palace, and you feel out of place, even though the queen outfits you in gorgeous clothing, finer than you’ve ever worn.
You feel out of place, and you stick out like a sore thumb amongst these aristocrats and nobles. And they look down upon you for it, too.
Really, why should you worry? Why should you care what these people think of you? You shouldn’t care.
But still, it stings when you pick up the wrong fork, only realising it’s wrong when a titter runs through those sitting by you. When a servant delicately leans in over your shoulder to correct you. It’s kind of them, but nonetheless embarrassing. You know how these people think of you.
But… you look over, to the head of the table. Aífe is laughing, her eyes sparkling, her lips shining, her hair bouncing at her shoulders.
It’s rude to stare, but you do it anyway. You can’t help but feel entranced.
She catches you staring, and blows you a kiss. It catches you off guard, and it takes you a few moment to realise that she’s beckoning you over.
You scramble out of your chair, and perhaps you’d care about how undignified you look if it weren’t for the warmth in her eyes as she waits for you.
Darling! She reaches up and squishes your cheeks with her hands.
You beam back at her, feeling your cheeks grow warm under her palms. Hello, your majesty. I hope you’ve been enjoying the feast.
I hope that you have too, darling~
Something in the way she says it tips you off that perhaps she had noticed your hunched shoulders and downturned gaze earlier. However, those darker thoughts have been chased away by her warm smile, her soft skin on yours, and the way that her hair curls against her cheek, making you want to reach out and touch it.
She leans in, her voice lowering so only you can hear. Darling, I hope you know not to let them get to you. Jealous minds seek to destroy that which they cannot have.
You blink, not really following. They do…? But- I don’t- what do I have that they don’t…?
Aífe laughs, and tugs you down into her lap. The nobles at the table, the noise of chatter and laughter and clinking cutlery fades into the background as you blink at her, looking into her eyes, mouth turning dry.
She leans in, murmuring into your ear. Why, you have me, of course~
I have-?
You are cut off by her lips pressing against yours, and yes, they are just as soft as you had imagined.
It has been a little heavy, the past few days. So Maeve wanted to take you somewhere fun, to cheer you (and herself) up.
She tells you with a wink and a grin to wear something you can move in.
After dinner she whisks you away, walking down side streets and alleyways, she stops outside a door.
Pushing the doorway open, light floods into the dark streets, and the sounds of people laughing, plates and tankards clattering against each other and onto wooden tables, the thumping of footsteps and, above all else, the sounds of lively music
C’mon! Maeve’s fingers curl around your elbow and tug you inside, a wave of warmth suffusing you, a welcome change from the chilly outdoors.
She gets the both of you a drink - taking longer than it should, as people you don’t recognise chat to her and smile at her and offer her a seat at their table. But eventually she gets to the bar (drinks slide across the bar for her, on the house), and back to you
Popular, aren’tcha?
Maeve laughs. The townsfolk are good people.
You chat and laugh together for a while, watching the dancing- until you feel Maeve touch your hand.
Wanna dance?
She looks so pretty in the lights, and her fingers are soft against yours. There’s nothing you’d like more.
So you take her hand and she leads you to the dance floor, pulling you close and leading you in an energetic, boisterous dance that you’re certain you are messing up but you’re having far too much fun to care.
The band picks up, and it must be nearing the end of the song, because she throws you out and then spins you back into her arms, yours catching her around the shoulders as the piece finishes on one long note.
You’re laughing, breathless, and then breathless for another reason entirely, as you see the way she’s smiling at you and leaning closer.
Your hand curves around the back of her neck as she leans in, pressing those soft lips to yours, and you can’t help but grin.
You’re pretty sure he’s been avoiding you. The two of you have been getting closer and closer recently, but… clearly something changed.
You weren’t sure what to do. Leave it be? Confront him?
After all, you had thought, maybe, he might feel… similarly to you?
You sit at dinner, slowly chewing your food, and watching him on his throne. He is listening to a stranger (strange to you at least - who knows how well he knows them).
The interesting part is not to whom he speaks, however. No. What interests you most is the way that his gaze slides away from them, seeking someone in the crowd.
Eventually, his gaze lands on you. His cheeks colour, noticing you’re looking right back at him. But it takes a moment or two for his gaze to return to his companion.
You continue watching him, and are rewarded when his eyes come back to meet yours, and- is that a blush upon the face of the unseelie king?
…hmm. Your mind settles.
He’s been avoiding you, but you won’t allow that for much longer.
Eventually, he gets up, leaving through a corridor leading deeper into the castle. You lay down your cutlery and hurry to follow.
You follow him to quieter halls. Flannán, you call.
He stops, his broad shoulders tensing, and does not turn. …I have matters to attend to.
You’ve had rather a lot of matters to attend to recently, you reply, stepping up beside him, brushing past him to get a look at his face. You’ve been avoiding me.
He goes to deny it, but then hesitates, looking away from you, and remaining silent instead.
I was rather concerned that… I might have misjudged our last interaction. I might have asked earlier, but you’ve been making that rather difficult for me. Do I owe you an apology…?
A line appears between his eyebrows, as they furrow together. An apology? For what?
Well… You consider him, consider your words. Whether you should just say it, or continue to dance around him. Perhaps it would be more appropriate to be coy, but. You are not the most patient sort. At least when it comes to the unseelie king. And, after all, not using your words was what got him to avoid you in the first place.
It seems that I misjudged your feelings. I did not intend to make you uncomfortable with me.
Misjudged… my feelings? He looks rather taken aback. Hm. Have you mistaken him once again?
Perhaps it’s worth one more try… Cards on the table, this time. Just in case.
You reach up, your fingertips gently brushing his cheek. Flannán, the last time I was able to get you alone, I attempted to kiss you. I assumed that, since you have avoided me in the days since, my advances are unwelcome.
You pause, assessing him. Pulling your hand back, slightly. My intention was never to make you feel uncomfortable with m-
They are not unwelcome.
There’s that pretty blush once again. He doesn’t meet your gaze, but his hand comes up and brings your hand back in contact with his cheek.
Well. There’s your answer. You smile, and stroke your thumb beside the corner of his mouth, your fingers curl around the edge of his jaw, admiring as his blush darkens.
In that case, your majesty, I would be most obliged if you allowed me to finish what I started, before we were so rudely interrupted.
It’s only because you are so close that you are able to notice the corners of his lips tilting up. When he leans down, you smile and press your lips to his.
I’m booooooooooored!
Robin is laying sprawled across the table, their head hanging off the edge closest to you, and giving you their best upside-down puppydog eyes.
You raise an eyebrow. What’cha want me to do about it huh?
Hmm... There’s a flash and they’re gone- and the fingers poking into your ribs tells you that they’re behind you. Let’s play a game!
What kinda game?
A fun one!
You take a moment to think, but then inspiration strikes. Or maybe it was just the feeling of Robin’s head appearing in your lap.
C’mon! Tell me some human game or somethin’!
...Ah. You know the perfect one. Have you ever heard of truth or dare?
Their eyes sparkle. Totally! (An obvious lie, but it’s not as if the rules require explanation.)
All right then. Truth or dare?
DARE! Obviously. Heh.
...you look around for inspiration. I... dare you... to... smear mashed potatoes on your face!
In hindsight, you have no idea why you thought Robin would even hesitate. They’d probably have done it just for fun.
My turn! I dare you to... eat the mashed potatoes! They point to their gooey, mashy cheek, and wink at you.
You roll your eyes, feeling your cheeks get a bit warm. But you can’t exactly say no to the dare now can you? You lean in, and lick their cheek. Mmm, mashy~
Robin licks you back. It makes you giggle, but then you fall silent, caught by the way the light catches the little flecks of colour in their bright amber eyes. You’re much quieter this time, when you ask again. Truth or dare?
Dare! Obviously!
You smile at them and their mashy face, and decide to be brave.
...Kiss me?
They do.
(You may also find them smearing mashed potatoes on your face, to be even, but you think it’s worth it.)
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patchworkgargoyle · 10 months
🐸 and🧡
🐸: Describe your aesthetic.
Like... ren faire fantasy nerd meets dark fashion meets 80's vampires. I wanna look like I'm on An Adventure or have an Important Quest, but like also the Lost Boys. I have the former aesthetic down, now I just need to work more on the latter. The day I can combine them both is the day I will reach my full potential.
🧡: A colour you can't stand?
I'm generally not a fan of neons or very bright colours. Just... chill out. Tone it down a tad. Lower the saturation a lil bit xD
Ask me thiiiiiings~
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riineru · 2 years
to kill a dream
cw/mentions of abuse via family member, gore, cursing. Gn reader.
HE COMES IN LIKE THE FIRST FROST OF WINTER. A familiar stranger. Someone barely at the fringes of your vision—teetering between reality and unreality. But the cold blast of air through your open window is enough for you to stir from your mock sleep.
You haven’t slept in hours. Days. Weeks. Months, even. You don’t know why. A part of you wonders if it’s because of your attempt to kill a fragment of a dream you keep encountering in the strange lull between lucidness and dreamless sleep. Not your dream, actually — just your step-sister’s, who seems to believe that fulfulling her own dream is only achieved by crushing yours. You just wanted some…revenge. A taste of her own bitter medicine, tinged with the copper you taste whenever she’d hit you. “I would advise you to stop pursuing those fantasies,” he says before you even see him. And when you do, you don’t really recognize him. At the same time, though, there’s a primal part of you that registers that this being taking on the form of a humanoid in front of you is…ethereal. Far beyond the comprehension of a human mind. And, most importantly of all, dangerous.
You do the first thing that comes to your mind, which is to feign ignorance against a potentially omnipresent being that can probably snap you into dust at any moment. “What fantasies?”
Another rush of cold air. You stand up and turn, and he’s right there: the glint of stars in his eyes are a tad too bright, just fine tuned enough to make you slightly uncomfortable. “You want to kill your step sister’s dreams.”
“She could take some humbling,” you say, almost whispering as if speaking treason. Well—you probably are. “Not everyone deserves to dream if their dreams require beating their family member in both physical and societal fashion.”
You can hear a slight inhale. It sounds halfway to a scoff, but the being doesn’t seem like the type to scoff. “In order to kill a concept, don’t you think you would have to…get to know the concept better?”
You shrug. “Haven’t dreamt in a while. It’s a bit hard, you know, when one can’t…sleep.”
“I could help you with that,” they suggest.
“Are you going to forcefully knock me out?” It won’t work. You’ve never tested it, but you’re pretty damn certain—
You blink. Once, twice, then gesture at the chair near the window. “Sit down, and come again?”
“My name,” they say in a practical, almost clipped, cold tone, “is Dream. Of the Endless. I have come here to take care of someone who’s close to accidentally tampering with dreams, but all I found was some…person who has an agenda limited to the recesses of the physical plane. You don’t want to mess up anything here — you’re merely out to get your stepsibling.”
You stare at him again. “…Yes.”
Dream extends a hand out to you. You reach out to take it, but he curls his fingers backwards and you briefly hesitate. Too late, there’s something glittering in the air, rushing towards your face.
“You’d need to dream first to understand how to kill a dream then, wouldn’t you?”
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timothystillopf1 · 1 year
Photoshop, Session 1 - Homework Task
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This week we were tasked with taking everything we had learned in our session and applying it ourselves to our own images. I am quite confident in this task as I have quite a bit of experience in photo editing although, not in Photoshop! So although I am confident I am equally excited to put these new methods to the test!.
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I began with this image that I took recently at Auckland zoo. After converting it from a RAW colour image into a Black and White JPEG, it was time to begin. I chose this image as it was taken through glass which unfortunately resulted in quite a blown-out and over-brightened image which felt like the perfect image to practice using the Curves tool.
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I began by pulling the bottom left node of the Curves Histogram to the right in order to bring more of the darkness into the image and give it more depth/contrast against the hard whites of the glass reflections.
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Next, I then placed nodes across the line and first began dragging the light (top right area) parts downward, again, in an attempt to combat the glare coming off of the glass and to try and give more definition of the zoo keeper who was also masked by the glare. moving down the line I continue pulling the nodes downward trying to darken the image while trying to maintain all the information within the image and also tone down the contrast in order to produce a pleasant to-the-eye image. After this I feel I had achieved what I had set out to do, turning the previously harshly bright and almost unreadable image, into a more digestible and crisp image. I feel I were to change anything, I may have maybe brightened it just that wee bit more but even with that in mind, I think I have achieved my goal and have come out with something I am happy with.
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Next on my list was also from my recent trip away to Auckland Zoo of an Alligator. I chose this image because unlike the first, there aren't too many defects to fight within it, aside from the water glare, but I'm hoping by using the Curves tool I can bring out more of the white tones while trying to maintain definition under the water while also beefing up the black tones to make a more powerful, textured, contrasted, black and white working.
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Unlike before, I began by bringing both corners of the histogram closer to where the activity of the histogram was to get a gauge of how these shades were going to cooperate. This produced results very close to what I intended but there are definitely still some issues to iron out. The lighting on the scales of the subject is almost the way I want them to be yet they are just a tad too bright and the details of the subject underwater are not quite as visible as I'd like them to be.
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The changes I achieved seem subtle when compared to the previous image but as we were shown during our session, in some cases, just slight adjustments need to be applied to achieve your desired result. I managed to adjust the Curves in a way that I was able to accentuate the submerged parts of the subject adding depth to the image. I was also able to achieve the desired amount of contrast between the lights and darks not just overall but also on the back of my subject. Overall I feel I have achieved my goal.
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For this next image, I aim to use both the Curves, Hue/Saturation, and Colour Balance tools in order to breathe more color and life into the image. This image is reminiscent to me of a National Geographic image and I aim to edit it as such.
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Beginning with Curves, unlike the Black and White images I was editing, there wasn't too much to do with this tool let alone much I could do as it wasn't very hard to start losing the information within the image. My main goal in using Curves was to bring down the brightness of the sky in the top right corner and bring up the shadows within the image to better highlight my subject matter, some changes may need to be made but for now, I move on to Hue/Saturation.
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again making very minor adjustments with this tool, by using the Hue slider, I managed to bring out the orange/brown tones on my subject matter and the tree branch it is perched on. I decided to leave it here with this tool for now as any more or any less starts to drastically change the colours across the board leaving me with an undesirable effect. In saying this I think in comparison to the original message, I think I have managed to breathe a bit more colour into the overall image but I'm still not happy with the overall colour. Time for Colour Balance!
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Making small adjustments, I start by tweaking the Mid-tones, moving the sliders into the warmer ends of the spectrum to try and knock out the blue tones within the image. In turn, I ended up adding more colour to my subject which, I this case, I don't seem to mind for the time being given.
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the adjustments I made to the Shadows, by accident, returned me with an aesthetic akin to an old colour film still which I found quite pleasurable. Even though I was trying to add more warmth to the image, I am quite pleased with this effect. Typically when I edit my main intention is to get it more to how I would have seen it in person when I took the photo and tend to stay away from stylized editing. This has opened my eyes a little bit and is something I am going to lean into more while editing this image.
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And lean in I certainly did. I decided to test the sliders' capabilities and dragged them in multiple different ways, giving me this. While it is now warmer as I originally intended, I feel it still gives off this old colour film still sort of feel which I'm still loving. As unexpected as this outcome has been, I do feel that it is slightly too dramatic for my taste and I will now go back and do some tweaking to try and make a slightly more organic image while attempting to maintain this Film-esque vibe I have created.
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after going back through and making some re-adjustments, this is my final result. Funnily enough, it has come out as somewhat of a combination of both of the above images creating a colour contrast between the shadows (blue) and the Highlights (yellow) that I find quite pleasing and fits my intention of the old style, film-esque feel I was inspired to achieve.
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moving away from animals, my next image was taken in the New Market Mall in Auckland. I wanted to choose something more environmental and without a main focus point to give me more to account for/be aware of while editing. right away I know I want to make it more dramatic by accentuating the shadows and highlighting the lights within them. I really like the tone of the image already so colour changes may not need to be made but I'm sure I'll find a way to incorporate it as it may end up adding to my image come the end result.
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I found curves very useful in this image. Immediately I was able to intensify the light coming through the ceiling creating this great texture and colour I was not anticipating. The lights hidden in the shadows were a bit tricky to work around with curves as it was very tempting to just make it as dark as possible but it made things look and feel quite unnatural.
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I pulled up the Exposure tool to balance out the darks and lights in the image by adjusting the Exposure and Gamma Correction sliders which added to the intensity of the blacks and whites within the image. I'm really happy with this image now but as I learned in the previous edit, It's always good to experiment and try everything!
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as a result of adjusting the Hue in this image, I managed to bring out more of the colour in the wood and turn the white light from the ceiling into a more of a blue shade which has left me with a colour palette I find quite pleasurable.
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adjusting the Shadows in the Colour Balance tool allowed me to creat an overall feeling for the image. By moving the Colour sliders again to the cooler ends of the spectrum, I was met with a cold flow that matched the light coming from above while not disturbing the reds/magentas in the wood paneling.
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Adjusting the Highlights within the colour balance tool allowed me to 'purify' the original colour palette i was working with before using this tool. I was able to work more with the reds/magentas making them stand out more through the blues/cyans aswell as make a more natural and more calm blue from the lights above.
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This is my final result. I feel that with all the layers used in the editing process, I may have lost a little bit of detail in the overall image yet overall I am pleased with how it has turned out! I enjoyed this task. Applying what we had learned in class to these images has encouraged me to go a bit more out there with my editing, play with everything and see how it all fits together! Through this, I have made some stylized images I otherwise wouldn't have done using my normal editing process and I look forward to applying this in the future. In saying that, I can definitely see photoshop becoming a more regular tool in my tool belt. not as a replacement but as an alternative. To give different feelings to images. I did find there were times during this task when I would have found Lightroom more useful But nonetheless, I still find Photoshop I useful asset in Photography.
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theroyalbengal · 1 year
2012 - 2022
I got up one day with this sick feeling in my gut;
One by one my senses clawing feverishly into a rut.
The bright sun seemed duller, the morning breeze smelt eerie;
The coffee didn't wake me up, the warm shower didn't uplift this mind which was so weary.
Everything around me was so loud, it hurt;
This lowly feeling didn't allow me to skirt.
It's been building up and up and now, it's reached its peak;
Everything I try or aspire for just seems so very bleak.
I give a bit of my soul every day, piece by piece;
When will it stop? Why won't this charity cease?
For there is some reason I was birthed, something for sure;
But it's too late for me to know why, leaving my mind obscure.
I'm destined for greatness they said, the heavy rains stopped the second you wailed under the bright lights;
I'm destined to be happy they said, not realizing how it would affect me when they walked away into the whites.
What happens when you begin to try it all?
All options, all avenues, both sides of the ball?
And you hit a dead end every single time;
You try to be strong, you try not to cry or whine.
You wait and wait while time goes on and on;
You start questioning your abilities and what else is wrong?
You put in the hours, sweat, time, you try and try;
It gets better one day and finally you breathe a sigh.
But then like a scab that prods at you every minute, every hour;
It all comes back and your efforts mean nothing, befitting isn't it - the feeling of lour.
And now you grip on the reality of what once was;
Not knowing that it's gone, seeped into history, that bloody illusionary gauze.
We're meant to look forward they say, keep striving for success;
But doesn't everyone want to succeed at some level? Do people enjoy being any less?
Don't you see that efforts put are dependent on support?
Don't you see that efforts, support and time cannot consort?
I'll be called a old man soon, the tufts of age have appeared;
Is this when your life is put on a pedestal - you're then either cheered, feared or revered?
I don't want to be put there, I'm not like other folk;
It gets claustrophobic, manipulative and I feel like I'd choke.
It doesn't come natural to me, it's alien and it's draining;
I've been taught to put in the work and never go around feigning.
But I do that everyday when I throw a dart;
People trying to control me who apparently know what's what.
Keep anger in check, don't show emotion;
Don't you see that's natural to me, it's my own world of controlled commotion.
The mind can do wonders, I agree wholeheartedly with dismay;
You can conjure up a world with peace and also burn it down in a day.
Why dismay you ask? It's your mind, don't you control it?
It's just focus, control, discipline and a little wit.
You know there are two types of people - positive and negative;
Where one always looks for the grass that's greener while the other seems a lot more tentative.
While one tempers their emotions by choosing the worst case;
The other is easily excited and looks at everything through a more colorful gaze.
Now what if you have been both of them in parts of your life;
Or what if you only went one way and looked at the other in strife?
I'll tell you now - I started out positive, I was a day-dreamer, creative and very expressive;
I then toned down expectations - I became more focussed, organized and tad bit expletive.
But this changed with time when I experienced things;
I had not yet become the puppeteer who pulled them strings.
So I knew I had to mute what I needed but still go after them;
But then for longest time nothing happened, my thoughts became glum.
It's been more than a decade now, I've given up many a time;
Only for a friend who would pull me out from the grime.
I don't pride myself on having friends, I can count them on one hand;
I can tell you there are very few with whom notable years have spanned.
It comes so natural that you can tell them all;
They make their own choices and choose you should take the fall.
Now I revel in what has happened throughout my life;
I've decided and begun to treat them like loosestrife.
So now the constant thoughts and emotions that were tempered have now arisen;
My mind and thoughts tormented, hazy and locked in prison.
When you put yourself out there for people you can expect back only two things;
The ranges would be something good or nothing at all - that's what expectation brings.
But what if you get treated back harshly and there is unwanted anger?
Why did you put yourself out there? Why this pain? You hear your mind clanger.
It's easy to say that you don't care about what people feel;
When whatever you do is seen in a very cinematic reel.
I guess I'm done with expectations of everyone, I'm just going to live how I desire;
If I can't do that, it's fine. I don't need to walk far to arrive at the pyre.
Since you know what's worse than just living your life every single day?
It's being controlled and judged by society in every single way.
And knowing that you don't want or act in a way to deserve anything to that degree;
But you conclude life isn't easy, or fair as you can see.
So then you make a choice - that will dictate the rest of your days;
Are you positive or negative? Are you ready to set the world or yourself ablaze?
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Causing a Scene
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Word Count: 20k, so it’ll take around an hour to read in full. 
Warnings: MA-rating. Mentions of sex (nothing major until the end), minor creepy dude pinching a butt but you show him, so don’t worry LOL 
Pure unadulterated romantic Loki falling for a mortal. Some protective Loki, lots of teasing.
Authors Note: I genuinely need to make an apology for how long it’s been taking me to chug out some things. I’ve promised you guys over and over again that I would get things out on a certain time, but life and circumstance has made it so that’s becoming quite difficult. I’ll discuss that in an upcoming post. I really hope you guys don’t mind how long it took. It’s a chunk of words. But I worked kinda hard on this one and made sure it was perfect before releasing, unlike my last fic LOL. I also need to mention @writingfics-passingtime​ and @just-another-blog-of-fluff​ for not only encouraging me through this, but giving me ideas and pointers as of how to go about it. They are genuinely not only some of the best authors here, but amazing people in general. Please go check out their work, they have MASTERPIECES. But without further ado, a fic that took me literally 4 months to write. 
   The mirror in front of you seemed to mimick your movements instead of portraying them, as its job entailed. Truthfully told, it didn't look like you. Although you had worn dresses before in your life, this felt wildly different than those times. The past consisted of holiday treats and cheap decorations, a newer, plastic-ey feeling dress purchased from the dusty corners of the discount section. That, or an at-home birthday party that required you to buy an economical cocktail dress that felt way too tight on your shoulders. But this...this was a new feeling. 
It had been almost a year since you joined the Avengers, and your physical tone revealed the difference of an entire year's worth of training. Your arms had become thinner and more muscular, and the same could be said about your legs, you noticed as you turned your hips to look at yourself in the mirror. The dress you wore swayed along with your movements, the red sparkles of the fabric already coating your room in a light dusting of shimmers. The chiffon draped to the floor elegantly, the wine color a stark difference against the light-colored carpet of your room. The material separated into two pieces on the skirt's right half, the slit of fabric combining again mid-thigh. Hugging perfectly to your waist, the dress's bodice was dotted in tiny rhinestones of the same merlot hue. Today, you were taller than you usually were as well, your height being exaggerated about four inches by the heels you wore that were just a shade lighter than your skin. It was the first time you had seen yourself in something so elegant in a long time. Long enough that it was difficult to recognize yourself in the mirror. 
Tony was bright enough to not have the fundraiser at the Avengers compound. Having unknown faces in unfamiliar places was too precarious. Everyone who knew about the compound needed to be known and kept track of; otherwise, the team's lives would be put in jeopardy. He decided to hold it at a shockingly large banquet hall in New York City that had a stringent dress code. You could only imagine the cost. Luckily the price didn't bother him enough to hesitate on purchasing the team their formal attire for the evening. The fact that he had personally picked this dress out for you skeeved you out just a tad, but you had to admit, he had done an exceptional job. A billionaire knows what billionaires would like, you supposed. What better way of getting other billionaires to donate to charity than having America's heroes look their sharpest? 
"Well, well, well," Natasha crooned from the doorway, practically appearing out of thin air with a playful smile on her face. She had a bandage dress close to the color of yours but brighter, hugging her figure down to just below her knees. Tight sleeves extended from the deep v-neck, coating her arms in rich velvet. Her hair was expertly curled into thick and wide waves, auburn hair complimenting the color of her outfit. She looked stunning. "Who are you, and what have you done with (Y/N)?"
You rolled your eyes and scoffed, albeit the fact that you agreed with her. You fiddled with your dress's sleeve that ended just at the edge of your wrist. Although you knew how beautiful you looked, some part of you didn't feel like yourself in the dress. The way you were just allowed to be a part of such a prestigious group of individuals felt the slightest bit fraudulent. You were the newest. "I know," you said, glancing up at her. "I don't even look like myself."
Natasha knew you better than you thought she did. She stepped into the room, the sound of her own heels being muffled by the carpet. She put her hands on your shoulders gently, and you followed instinctually to face her. She took your wrist, folding back the thin sleeve a little, and repeated her actions on the other hand as well. "It's a part of the job," Natasha stated, steeling her face into the cold agent she was just for a second before softening her features again. "You're still saving lives. The funds from tonight are going to help the Sokovian victims for a long time." She smoothed her hands along the outside of your arms, checking you over before stepping back again. 
"But a dance?" you complained. "I'm an Avenger. I can't dance."
"It comes easier than you think. There's always some guy with an ego big enough to dance with a pretty girl."
"Oh? Does Bruce even have an ego?"
"Watch it," Natasha warned, a knowing smirk playing at her lips. "He's a scientist. They all do." She took a step back to admire how well you cleaned up, nodded, and walked back to the door frame. Her heels clicked against the metal of the bunker floors, and she turned around to face you. "The limo leaves in fifteen. You should finish up whatever you're doing." 
"Wait," you called as she turned her head to face you. "I guess Wanda's not coming tonight, then?"
"No," Natasha said solemnly. "This would have been too much for her." 
As the sight of Natasha grew dim down the corridor, you found yourself alone with your imagination once again. You had been formally invited to several different fundraisers before, but nothing entirely of this caliber. Thinking about it, it seemed you were the only one who had not attended a fancy party among the team. Natasha's words rang out in your head; it's a part of the job. Even the non-earthlings would be attending, and they've had their fair share of fancy parties, considering they were from royalty. Speaking of the brothers, you made a mental note to tell Natasha about Thor's plan to ask her to dance so she wasn't caught off guard. Even though she was the most confident one on the team (aside from Tony), she still was just as human as the rest of us. The image of it made you chuckle. Thor dancing with Natasha, what a sight that would be. But who would you dance with? The barren truth was that you had little idea what you were doing. 
You peaked in the mirror one last time, fixing your hair and wobbling on your heels to the door. The hard surface was easier to walk on, but still, it took you a second to catch your footing. It was nearing midday, so the sun was high, the compound windows fluttering with the speckled light of the leaves falling to the Earth. Fall in New York seemed to last longer than any other season, especially upstate. As you walked, you laced in a trial of a confident strut, swinging your hips with a little more intent than usual. It felt unnatural, so you stopped and continued down the halls to where the limousine was waiting for you. 
The clicking of your heels called to your attention as you stepped into the compound lobby through large double doors. The team was grouped in the center of the room, a stark (pun intended) difference from the maintenance crew and office outfits scattered amongst the room. The team was standing in a messy circle. However, most of them were carried off in their own conversations, their eyes occasionally darting up to scan their surroundings as a habit from years of training. Natasha was amongst them, catching your eye as you stepped through the doors. Her arms were crossed, the color of her dress complimenting the fiery shade of lipstick she had applied in the short time from when you had seen her.  You cleared your throat and smoothed out the front of your own, walking up to the cluster of agents. The closer you got, the harder your heart pounded. Although you weren't nervous around the team, you found yourself feeling a little out of place. The anxiety of how people would perceive you rushed around in your head, and suddenly, the dress felt all too tight. 
As Natasha's gaze caught your own, Bruce turned his head to follow her stare. His features softened upon seeing you, and he smiled. "(Y/N)," he said as you approached. "You look great."
You breathed a hollow laugh and dipped your head, your gait slowing a bit. "Thanks," you said with a small smile. Even though you had integrated yourself into the group, the feeling of isolation settled back into your bones as Bruce and Natasha resumed their conversation. You weren't offended, of course, but you knew that these types of things came effortlessly to them, and if they didn't, they didn't show it. The air of confidence radiating around every one of them was impressive, if not intimidating. Thor, Tony, Steve, and Natasha all had their natural certainty about them but were joined by the rest of the team in their outfit-encouraged assurance. You had to admit, you could understand why. The crew cleaned up remarkably well, and their actions mimicked the fancy quality of their clothes. Even Peter looked more confident than he usually did. Pepper, who was dressed in a brilliant blue sheath dress, adjusted the knot of his tie closer to his neck as Tony patted him on the back a little too hard and said something to him, but the insistent chatter in the broad space made it difficult to hear.  There was a chittering of laughter off to the side; Thor emphasized a particularly boisterous point with his arms as he told Clint, Steve, and Bucky a joke. But still, there was one person that, amidst the crowd, you still couldn't find.
"Do you guys know where Loki is?" You blurted out, accidentally interrupting Bruce in his relatively soft-spoken conversation. 
"Oh, um," Bruce turned his attention to you and lifted his head to scout the room. "He definitely came in before. He was one of the first people here." 
"Watch your six," Natasha said, nodding her head behind you. When you turned to look behind you, you saw Loki standing off to the left side of the room, leaning against the metal walls with his feet crossed and his hands in his pockets. His eyes were trained onto you, sending a chill down your spine. Well, maybe for reasons more than that. 
You hadn't ever seen Loki in anything other than his Asgardian armor and the business-casual clothing he wore. Loki had always stridden with an atmosphere of cockiness, his head held high and the same, characteristically impish grin set upon his lips. He hadn't strayed from it today, but the suit he wore put a little flutter in your chest. The suit and suede dress shoes together highlighted his lean frame and accentuated his height. Supposing you didn't know who he was, you could have incorrectly labeled him as one of the unusually handsome CEOs wandering the compound, waiting patiently for their meeting to start. The hair above his ears had been tied back into a flat-looking ponytail, the rest falling in thick whisps to his shoulders. With a signature flash of green embezzling his tie, he stood up straighter as you turned to approach him. 
The banquets and elegant celebrations that Loki and his brother had attended were practically no comparison to any of the parties Stark hosted. He, not unlike yourself, had never participated in the gaudier end of the billionaire's events. Even back in Asgard, Loki was never really one for parties unless they were his own, and even those festivities felt somewhat burdensome. Since his destruction of New York, it had been challenging to find the time and place for Loki to join, not that he even wanted to. There was always the risk of being recognized by the general public. Still, Stark had assured him that this was a ball for a select number of individuals and that the danger of being exposed was significantly reduced. Did it actually assure him? Of course not. Was there a reason he was going? Only one. 
Conjuring up an outfit after completely ignoring the one that Stark had paid for, Loki decided he would get to the lobby earlier than the others. It was a way to get away from the hustling business of the compound halls, the lobby significantly less busy during this time of day. It would only be a matter of time before the crowd and the rest of the Avengers had shown, but it was nice to have some peace and quiet. As a janitor eyed him, wheeling his ridiculously squeaky cart from hall to hall, Loki found a bench to sit down on and crossed his legs, his mind falling into a semi-aware space. You had mentioned the other day that you hadn't attended any events such as this one. While that was not shocking, he found himself curious about what you have done. Had you ever danced with someone before? Were you the type of person to jump at the call of the buffet, or would you wait until the line had died down? The thought of you dancing seemed to cloud his mind entirely. More specifically, the thought of you dancing with him. The idea that you would dance with someone else burned in his stomach, and his upper lip curled a bit as he swallowed his irritation. He found himself disgruntled at the fact that his chest would tighten as the image of you looking up at him during a dance swelled his mind. 
As the Avengers began shuffling into the room in pairs, Loki nodded to some of them and stood to have a brief conversation with his brother before he stepped away to speak with Steve. The sight of Earth's warriors dressed in outfits far above their complexity of work was a bit impressive, but as Agent Romanoff stepped into the room, he felt a little disheartened, having fully expected you to come in after her. A few tense moments of bitter disappointment followed, but as the double doors to the main room opened again, his dejection washed away as quickly as it had grown. 
With your head held high, your hair falling delicately to your shoulders, he realized for a moment that he had never seen you with your hair down. Nor had he ever seen you dressed up. The sophisticated dress gave you a dangerous look as if you played the part of a spy even in your downtime. The dress fluttered as it caught the draft of your pace, highlighting just how well the bodice conformed to you. You walked with intent, clutching a little handbag close to your abdomen as you kept your eyes to the ground on your way to greet Natasha. You weren't always this timorous. In fact, in the time he had known you, he grew to understand how outspoken you were, a trait that Loki was appreciative of. Even though he was especially good at reading disturbances, it was always better when people were outright with it. Less time wasted, he would say to himself. 
Loki had decided that he would play a subconscious game with you, his eyes following your movements. He watched you tuck your hair behind your ear and determined that he wouldn't be the one to move. He would let you find him, let you make the first move. This was a simple game, of course. A game you didn't know you were playing. A game that subtly lets Loki read you a bit better. Loki ultimately won as Natasha locked eyes with him, her lips curling into a sly smile. She nodded in his direction, and you subsequently turned around, replacing his attention back with yours. For a second, you continued your ongoing tête-à-tête, but he found himself pleased that your eyes never left his. He made no move as he leaned against the wall and no inclination that he intended to do so. You took the bait and said a final word to Natasha, walking the twenty feet that separated you.  
The closer you got to Loki, the more he seemed to sparkle. Whether or whether not it was an illusion put on by clever tricks of magic slipped across your mind but did not stop your breath from catching in your throat. You swallowed a bit and slowed your pace. 
"I'm surprised to see you here," you said.
"Trust me, darling, not more surprised than I am," Loki stood up straight and let his gaze cast over the group of Avengers. "I've never been one for these things." 
"Neither have I," your voice lowered and followed his eyes. "Are you worried about people or just...party stuff?" 
He scoffed, "If I were perturbed about the opinion of others, I wouldn't be standing in front of you."
The slam of car doors outside caught both of your attention, and Tony began to talk a bit louder, shuffling his way to the front of the group to start to lead them outside. You looked at each other before slowly turning around, following the scuffle from a distance. Loki's finger's laced together in front of him, and you clutched your handbag close to you. 
"And what of you?" Loki asked. 
"The party. Are you nervous about the people or...something else?"
You smiled a bit, dipping your chin down to your chest. "It's a fundraising ball. I haven't even been to one of the smaller fundraisers that Tony's had."
Loki pursed his lips, catching sight of Tony as he stepped into a long limousine. The wide-open door of the car lit faintly with the dull luster of LED lights inside the cabin. Sam stepped inside and walked with a hunched back to the right, disappearing out of view. Loki opened his mouth but hesitated, debating if relating to you was the right thing to do. "If it consoles you at all," he justified, more to himself than you. "Neither have I."
You looked up at him, catching the way his jaw tightened. He could feel your eyes on him, but his ego kept him from down. The crowd slowly shrank smaller and smaller as you stepped outside, eventually being ushered into the limousine as well. The
raw air nipped at your ankles for a fraction of a second before you stepped into the car. The inside of the limo was decorated in sharp-looking, matte black upholstery. The dim red light of the LED strips overhead cast a faint glow over the group's heads, illuminating both your and Natasha's dresses. In front of the seats that bordered half of the car, an expensive-looking bar twinkled with freshly clean glassware and several bottles of champagne coated in gold foil, a white 'Louis Roederer' spelled out on the label.  Loki followed close behind you as you squatted to sit closest to Thor, Loki grunting uncomfortably as he squat-walked to your right. The leather cushions were softer than you would have expected, and you sank into the seats, both of the brother's arms positioned above yours in a feeble attempt to be comfortable. Loki chuckled at your squished look and reached over to wiggle a finger into your side. You jumped, blushed, and swatted at Loki, all in that order. 
"Sorry, love," he chuckled. "You make it too easy."
"Shut up." 
Tony spoke to the driver about something, muffled by the chatter of the others. When he was done, the window to the driver slid shut, and the car shuddered to a start. The shift in the car's momentum pulling off put Thor's weight against you and your weight onto Loki. For a second, you caught a whiff of a warm, woodsy scent as your shoulder pressed into his side. Was Loki wearing cologne?
"Jesus, Stark, you couldn't have made these seats any bigger?" Bucky groaned from in between Steve and Sam. Sam frowned and shoved his arm above Bucky's, letting out an exasperated sigh. 
"I feel like a sardine," Sam said, frustratedly nodding.
"Well, you smell like one too," Bucky quipped. 
"Really, man? Is that what we're doing? Why can't--" 
"You shouldn't have brought up that--" 
"Alright, boys," Natasha scolded. "Enough." 
Their argument died down, replaced by dejected scowls and tiny shoves. It reminded you of brothers, and part of you wondered what they would look like as brothers. It wasn't difficult to imagine Bucky as an older brother figure, especially with his and Steve's past. However, Bucky had the identical 'protective older sibling' energy that Sam seemed to harbor, the more you got to know them both. Those energies pitted against each other produced snarky attitudes and semi-aggressive taunting, a clear example being what you had just witnessed. 
"Ah, it's not so bad!" Thor exclaimed, his shoulder squishing both you and Peter into the seat. Now that you looked at it, it only looked like Tony, Pepper, Natasha, and Bruce were sitting comfortably, each having the correct amount of space to breathe. 
"Easy for you to say," you jested, your voice straining as you struggled to hitch yourself above Thor's arm. "You're the biggest one in here." 
"Is that (Y/N)?" Peter's voice called from the other side of your human obstacle. As Thor chuckled, Peter did his best to lean his head forward, looking for you. "I didn't even know you were in here!" 
"No, well," you grunted. "I guess you wouldn't."
You could hear the light tinkling of the glassware being toyed with. Out of your sight, Tony poured champagne in Pepper's glass then passed the bottle to Natasha. Tony bared his teeth and frowned in a guilty expression, doing his best to ignore the complaints from around the vehicle. 
You laughed humorlessly and pushed against Thor's arm. "This is ridiculous." 
Although Loki was not particularly bothered by your complaining, he found himself becoming a bit restless, cramped in a small space with a group of his former enemies. "If you're going to fuss so much, perhaps my brother would assist me in boosting your mood," he played. Loki watched with a grin as your face morphed from annoyed to sheepish in a fraction of a second. As if you couldn't be forced more into the seat, you sank a little. 
"What, do you have any road-trip games we can play, Mr. Loki?" Peter asked before Thor could speak. 
"Yes, dear boy, it's called the quiet game. I believe you can guess the rules," Loki quipped, resulting in Peter letting out an awkward, breathy laugh. 
Peter cast a look that could only be described as 'what the hell is his problem' at Tony for a quick second before getting distracted by a town sign that the car passed on the road. He was particularly intrigued by the little town called 'Hope,' saying it sounded like something from a comic book. Unfaithful to your predicament, the Town of Hope only seemed to mock your circumstance. 
Loki looked down at you, lodged between his bicep and his brother's side. The tiny amount of space made it near impossible for both your and Thor's bodies to fit adequately. Hence, Thor's arm hung over half of your body, effectively smothering you. Loki watched how you occasionally renewed your spouts of energy, pushing against his brother's arm, trying to position yourself in the seat that left you the slightest amount of breathing room. The hand closest to Loki's body was relatively free of constraint, although his frame was still packed tightly against you. His brother's lack of spatial awareness was significantly less refined than others and infuriating to his victims, whether it was at Loki's expense or not. You were quickly very conscious of the limited amount of room you had to yourself and even more so of the fact that there was a metaphysical timer ticking down until you reached your destination. Your stomach dropped a bit as you realized you were driving into New York City. That had to at least be a four-hour drive, more if you hit traffic. 
"Tony," you said in a strangled voice. "How long is the drive, anyway?" 
Tony frowned and looked up, counting numbers in his head. "Give or take three and a half hours. Don't be the first person that has to pee on a trip. No one likes that person." 
"What? Since when?" Bruce asked Tony, a hint of offense lacing his voice. 
"Since I said so. Now! Just a heads up: the hotel is right across the street from the venue, so whenever the fun turns into an old lady's tea party, you can skedaddle if you want. Just don't leave until eight. I promised a few donors that we'd be there until eight." The finality in Tony's voice left no room for discussion. Truthfully, a party that lasted from four in the afternoon to eight wasn't the worst thing you've ever heard, although a bit long when you thought about the grand scope of four hours. How much can happen in four hours? 
Your thoughts were cut off guard by Loki's fingers squeezing the muscle on your knee. You jumped and stomped the foot of your assaulted leg, making Loki chuckle. 
"I was getting at something before I was interrupted," He said. "No matter. I was simply going to ask my brother if he would like to assist me in making this car ride a little more bearable." Loki's eyes left yours for a brief moment to catch a side-eyed glance from his brother. It was challenging to see Thor's face from where you sat, but you saw a glimmer of a smile tug at the corner of his lip before he turned his head away. 
"Loki, back off," you said, but before you had a chance to readjust your position for the thirteenth time, the weight of Thor's arm against your chest doubled. You debated biting Thor's arm for a moment to teach him a lesson about personal space but decided it wouldn't be the best course of action. "Thor, buddy, come on," you smacked his forearm a few times, elbowing Loki a bit in the process. You wondered if the other Avengers were watching your predicament, and simply the thought of the other's eyes on you made you blush. 
Though the weight had yet to decrease, Thor's head turned away from you, and you heard his voice catch a conversation separate from your situation. Ignoring the sensation of panic rooting itself in your chest, you pushed against Thor's elbow and hoped for some consequence. Instead, you felt his muscles tighten as he pressed against your hands. Something clicked. He was doing this on purpose. 
Loki had been all but silently watched you the entire time during your struggle. Your hair flipped a bit to the side, some whisps clinging to the color on your lips. Your posture had stayed as exceptionally straight, and poise as you usually held it, something impressive for his brother being practically on top of you. Even so, both of your arms were pinned above Thor's bicep, leaving you precariously exposed. Loki bit the corner of his lip, his stomach tightening at the thought of Thor being so close to you. Too close to you. He caught himself in his thinking and hastily glanced around the room to see if anyone could see his shameful envy but trained his vision right back to you. He had not seen Natasha's eyes watching the interaction, a sly smile vanishing from her face as she returned to her own escapades. Loki had not been honest with himself about the nature of his feelings. Exacerbated by the immensely seductive and threatening air of confidence the dress appeared to give you, Loki found himself needing to swallow a lump in his throat whenever his eyes caught your body. You were truly radiant. Your gaze matched his for a fraction of a second, and your eyes widened, a timid smile adorning your face. His heart fluttered, but he morphed his expression to display a cocky grin. He leaned down to you, not a very far distance, but still enough to be uneasily close to your ear.
"Forgive me, but it looks like you're in somewhat of a bind. You might want to be careful, or someone might make use of it," the god of mischief said, pinching your side a bit between his thumb and two fingers. You jumped and coughed to cover up a surprised laugh.
Looking up at Loki's killer smile sent shivers down your spine, and you rapidly became aware of just how much leverage the brothers had over you. Knowing that the brothers had done something like this to you before meant that they wouldn't hesitate to do it again, and that thought put you on a very steep edge. 
Loki noticed the way your eyes scanned the room as your crisis deepened. Although he kept the smirk on his face, he faltered. It wasn't difficult to tell that if your so-called weakness were to be exposed, your anxiety would lay in the judgment of others. Any other day, he wouldn't have cared much about it and would have tickled you to pieces then and there. Now, although his ego was too great to admit it, he was nervous to touch you. You seemed delicate. Deadly but fragile. You were a toxin sitting atop a high shelf, contained within the bounds of thin glass walls. 
And he was intoxicated. 
Loki cleared his throat and retracted his hands. Thor eyed him skeptically and released some of the pressure on his arm but still held firm, even though you protested and pinched him. Loki's gaze flitted from you to the surrounding vehicle and fell back to Thor. The brothers gave an almost imperceptible nod, a mutual understanding that only could be understood by blood. 
Thor shifted and took a deep breath, continuing a conversation that you had failed to listen to. "Well, we all know that childhood was not the easiest for all of us," he said with a sad smile. 
"I don't know, I had a pretty easy-going life as a kid," Bucky shrugged. "It wasn't until Uncle Sam over here decided to join the ranks that shit hit the fan." 
"Come on, Buck," Steve said, rolling his eyes with a cynical smile. "It's a damn good thing I decided to join or--"
"Yeah, you wouldn't have been able to keep those bullies off your back, huh?" 
"Ah, shut up." Steve shook his head, and Bucky chuckled. 
"You sound like a fine pair," Thor smiled warmly and gestured to them. "Loki and I growing up were usually at odds, but there were plenty of fond memories as well. Can you think of anything, brother?" Thor's specific emphasis on his brother's name caught your attention, and as it dawned on you that they had hatched some sort of plan, your stomach rippled with nerves. 
Loki smiled and dipped his chin in a blatant imitation of humility to you and Thor, but it was a "genuine" reflection of the past to anyone else. Loki softly chuckled and leaned forward, elbows resting on his knees and hands animating his story by his face. 
"Asgard is unique in its ability to cultivate some of the Nine Realms' most potent healing fruits and medicinal herbs," He began. "Fields filled with trees bearing fruits of every color, all gleaming brilliantly as if they were made of gold. Thor and I would play with the other children in these fields. One day, we came across this grove of apple trees that we hadn't seen before, and naturally, we got curious. I dared Thor to eat one, and he did--"
"Loki, tell the story right," Thor scolded. "You held a knife to my throat and threatened me to eat it."
Loki rolled his eyes. "Yes, well, either way, he ate the apple. Once Thor had proven that the apples were safe, we all began climbing the trees and eating them. Little did we know, those apples were enchanted with a compliance spell. Asgard laces these fruit into particularly stubborn prisoners' diets to calm them down and make the truth more pliable. We must have eaten two trees' worth of fruit. The rest of the day, we told stories under the shade of these mystical apple trees. Our dreams were filled with fantasies beyond your wildest imaginations. In all sincerity, I found the dreams to be the most enjoyable. Days and nights passed us by, but we paid little attention. We were so engrossed in our stories that we began crafting our own when we finally ran out of them. The elders came looking for us after three days."
"Oh, were they ever mad," Thor commented.
"Quite. Not only were we missing for a substantial amount of time, but we had successfully devoured Asgard's entire supply of some of its most potent weapons. We were none the wiser." 
"Aye, and it lasted longer than just that day as well. Brother, I'm sure you remember what happened to your magic." Thor waggled his eyebrows and earned an eye roll in response. 
"It was an embarrassment," Loki sneered. 
"Loki was caught in Odin's chambers by none other than Odin himself. What were you doing, again? Trying to steal some, er...chest plate or...?"
"For your information, it was the same armor that Odin bore in the Æsir–Vanir War. It would have sold for a glorious sum." Loki paused and glanced down at you for a fraction of a moment before looking back to the group. "And the only reason he caught me was because those damned apples prevented me from using my magic or being dishonest. I told him right then and there what I was doing. From that day, I vowed to never lie again. You can tell how well that exactly planned out."
There were a few scattered laughs and sardonic scoffs resounding through the cabin. At this moment, Loki sat up straight and, without taking his eyes off the group, reached over to your knee (which were well concealed by Thor's legs) and began to squeeze the muscle above your knee-cap. Though his hands were over the fabric of your dress, the material was thin and did little to protect you. You jumped and held your breath, kicking out at the little shocks traveling up your leg. Giggles immediately began bubbling in your stomach, and you broke from sheer surprise, laughing and pushing harder against Thor. Loki withdrew his unseen assault and sat back, feigning surprise at your outburst. 
"My, agent, I knew I was funny, but I didn't expect such a boisterous reaction," he said, falling back into his seat with a frustratingly smug smile. 
That bastard. He had waited for the perfect time to enact his little scheme and still managed to embarrass you without giving away your secret. Part of you wondered if you should be grateful that he did it out of the other's sight, but the other more defensive part of you was busied attempting to form an excuse for your eruption. As you glanced up at his devious gaze, you caught a certain softness in his eyes and decided against bantering at this moment. Not only did he have a significant advantage over you, but the dress did little to aid your full scope of movements. 
"Oh, you know me, Loki," you said, half sarcastic, half strained. "Always a great sense of humor." 
From that moment on, the car ride became a little easier to bear. Loki's story had sparked another conversation amidst the group and Peter, who emphatically told stories about his childhood before the spider bite. Clint mumbled a joke that you could barely hear, and everyone besides you and Loki laughed. Thor had since removed the weight from his arm, and you figured whatever tricks they had in mind had ended with the last effort. However, as the indistinct jokes made their way through the car, an empty, hollow feeling filled your stomach. 
While Loki couldn't exactly make out what was being said either, he wasn't paying enough attention to care. His eyes watched as your eyes fell to your hands in your lap, twisting a steel ring around your right ring finger. You fiddled with it absentmindedly, your smile twitching every few moments upwards as you listened halfheartedly to different conversations.  All of the Avengers had a band similar to this one - almost like a mark of loyalty, Tony had handed them out at one meeting, flaunting the tracking devices and other expensive gadgets embedded into the metal. Loki had also received a ring but decided to keep it in his pocket-dimension and out of sight. It felt more like a symbol of status rather than a generous gift, and while he was grateful to be acknowledged as part of the team, he was still too stubborn to display it. 
There was a distant look in your eye, and the pauses of silence rippling through conversations exposed your gloomy frown. Seeing you so downtrodden stirred something in Loki, almost to the point of anger, but softer. Before he had a chance to stop himself, he reached his hand over to your lap and draped his fingers gently over yours. 
Loki's hand felt cold against yours, and it pulled you from your thoughts. 
If the world had stopped spinning or the crew had stopped their chatter, you wouldn't have noticed.
Some hours later, you had barely noticed as the car drove into New York City. What gave it away was Peter's excitement about finally being home. The traffic gradually increased, and the roads narrowed, moving under bridges and through tunnels you had once been able to recognize. It had been so long since returning to the city that you surprised yourself when you knew the name of the street you were driving on. Everywhere your eyes touched, billboards illuminated your vision and advertised some show, product, or insurance that you couldn't have cared less about. These things all seemed so minuscule in the grand scheme of...well, everything. 
From the time you entered the city, it took about forty-five minutes until the limousine pulled over, and it halted to its final stop. Tony wrapped on the shaded window behind him, and it slid open. Holding a dollar bill through his pointer and middle fingers, he slipped it through the gap, and the glass subsequently slid shut. 
Tony clapped. "Quick few rules. If you're going to drink, fine, but I don't want my sponsors knowing how slobbered some superhumans can actually get. Just don't puke on anyone. Be nice to them, please, okay? They already did the speeches, so all we have to do is mingle. And lastly, don't accept any drinks from strangers. Alright, kiddies, let's get out there."
The outside of the venue was nothing to sneeze at. Through a vast, almost chapel-looking stained glass window, you could see the silhouette of what looked like to be a crystal chandelier, giving a mysterious and intimidatingly elegant look to the brick structure. The buildings in New York City always looked cramped together, but all the facilities held some variant of the same story within their walls. A writer desperate the find their meaning in a studio apartment; a fancy restaurant or hotel to attract particularly well-endowed travelers (though the owner himself is almost always an outsider); the coffee shop or corner store that only a few people visit in a given day; the audio and radio shops desirous of drawing in any customer in a given radius for cheap supplies. They were all the same. Yet somehow, even amongst everyone who held the duplicate titles of "trying-to-survive-the-world-on-their-own," you felt isolated. Your job put you on a pedestal made up of dead humans and aliens alike, and simply being invited to a party of this magnitude felt selfish. 
Loki was the first to step out of the car, as he was closest to the door. He didn't wait for the driver to open the door for him and opted to let himself out of the vehicle. You followed suit and hunched your body as Thor lifted his arm. The brisk evening air of the city clutched your ankles, and you quivered, letting your heels support your weight on the concrete sidewalk. Stepping on the grates of the sidewalks would guarantee your heels to catch them and would result in a stumble, so you decided to linger closer to the building as the others stepped out of the car as well. While the temperature outside wasn't completely unbearable, with the thin clothing covering only the necessary parts of you, it did nothing to conceal your shivers. 
Loki stepped over to you as the other began their hustle out of the automobile, his hands in his jacket pocket, his chin dipped a bit down. He took his place parallel to you and watched as Bruce shut the door of the limousine behind him. He caught the eye of a few inquisitive bystanders who roamed the sidewalks but found himself paying them little mind. In all the time Loki had gotten to know your traits and personality, this was the timidest he had seen you. Your arms were tightly crossed, and your gaze locked on your teammates, occasionally glancing at the decorated individuals making their way up the steps to the ballroom. Goosebumps were coating the exposed part of your shoulders. You were trembling. 
"It might have been wise to bring a coat," he commented with a teasing smile. 
You humorlessly chuckled. "We'll only be outside for a few more minutes. I've handled worse."
Knowing he would get nowhere with you, he sighed and analyzed your face, which gave no hints as to breaking your stubbornness. He sighed and pulled his hand from his pocket, waving it in the air for a brief moment. The air seemed to respond to his movements, and before you had any chance to protest, your shoulder was shrouded in a green light that traveled up your arms, leaving a cream-colored fabric that fell just above your hips. The cloak's collar was made of an invaluable feeling fur that hid your neck from the elements of the autumn air, the wool of the coat protecting your painted fingers from the breeze.
At first, you had gasped, startled at the sudden weighted warmth that enveloped your shoulders, but looking at Loki with his smug smile only dissuaded you from scolding him. In reality, it was dangerous for him to use his magic in the middle of so many people, but you knew that he understood that risk. You turned your head towards the steps of the building (mainly to hide the blush that found itself on the apples of your cheeks) but found yourself drawn to the front doors of the venue. Endless people flowed in and out of the building, and you wondered how many people would be attending the part for its entire duration. 
"You know," you said, turning your gaze back to Loki. "It's not safe to use your magic so publicly."
He chuckled. "Perhaps. Maybe this world is more used to magic than you know." 
"Magic presents itself in different ways on Midgard. You Midgardians are quite easily fooled."
You hummed. "I wouldn't say that. I think we just...enjoy the mysterious." 
"As do I. I don't mean foolish as in idiotic. I mean that Midgardians tend to be oblivious to the magic that surrounds them daily. An answered prayer possibly, or a strange coincidence...love." 
You turned to him to catch his gaze, but his eyes fell somewhere else. "Are you calling me 'love,' or are you saying that love is magic?" 
"Love itself is not magic, darling. Love is more of an infatuation riddled with good intentions and heavy sentiments. But...love does have elements of magic if you care to look. When two people catch each other's eyes from across the room, would you call that an odd coincidence?" 
"Remember what I just told you about coincidences?" 
Before you allowed yourself to say anything, a particularly disheveled-looking man on a boisterous business call came barrelling down the sidewalk. You wouldn't have noticed him at all if it weren't for the fact that he had plowed into Loki. Loki's stance held firm as the man side-checked him, and for a second, your heart caught in your throat. You were more scared for the man's consequences, but Loki's hands never left his pockets, and his stern gaze never left the man's face. Uttering a typical but slightly intimidated New York "watch it" over his shoulder as he stomped away, the stranger made no effort to continue his encounter. 
"Would you call that a coincidence?" You laughed. 
Loki shook his head and rolled his eyes, watching the man as he shuffled down the sidewalk. "Perception doesn't seem to be one of Midgard's strong suits either." His eyes bounced from different billboards plastered on buildings, each of them shifting their advertisements within a few seconds of each other. You smiled as one of the billboards faded to a bright red rotating 'A,' the Avengers logo spinning behind snippets of your teammates mid-action. At one point, you saw a flash of Loki and you fighting side by side together on a mission that you were assigned in Bolivia a few months in the past. You nudged Loki and nodded to the advertisement just as his face faded from the camera and into a bright yellow Broadway display.
"It makes me wonder how they got that clip of us," you pondered and watched as Sam's jacket fluttered from the air as he walked through the door to the ball. The corner of your lip found its way in between your teeth, and you took a deep breath. "I guess we should start thinking about going inside, huh?"
Loki shrugged and tilted his head. "I'm quite content being outside, actually." 
"I know. Honestly, me too." 
Loki glanced down at you, catching the flash of anxiety that crept over your eyes. Hesitantly, he put his hand on your shoulder and met your gaze as you looked up at him. "If it's any solace to you, may I accompany you tonight?" 
'Accompany me' were the first words to leave your lips, your head desperately trying to wrap itself around the idea of you being Loki's date for the night. Was it even a date? Or was this just a company outing? A rather big company outing, of course, but as you saw the sincerity in his eyes, a soft smile replaced your shocked expression. Your heart swelled at the thought of having someone by your side for the duration of the dance, though something about it made you a bit apprehensive. Having a friend at parties such as these was a welcome gift, even though said 'friend' was actually a literal God. "I'd appreciate that," you said. 
Loki's appearance lifted into a bright smile, and he dipped his chin down, the same grin on his lips. Without a word, he put his hand on the small of your back, gently leading you to the bottom of the steps. Even with the magically made cloak protecting you, you could feel the soft pressure of his hand pressing into your skin. It was a welcome touch, albeit a disarming one. 
The life you had led thus far would never have prepared you for such a moment. The constant training, the heat of battle, sweat, blood, and tears donated haphazardly to your life's work held no moment that taught you how to fight your nerves. There had been missions where you would have to imitate a flirty waitress or even the woman on the date, but they were all moments lost in time. You swallowed as the bouncer opened the door for you, Loki following behind. 
The double doors opened into a large banquet hall, more extensive than you had expected from the cramped brick appearance. A piano player was swaying back and forth in his seat in the far right corner of the room, dressed in a full tuxedo and a corsage that looked somehow more expensive than what you imagined his services could have cost. You wondered if he wore the same outfit every night but were caught off guard by a woman in a black vest offering to take your cloak. You politely declined and thanked her as she moved on to repeat her offer to the pair who entered behind you. A quartet of stringed instruments crescendoed in the same corner of the room as the grand piano, triggering a few dancing couples to dip their torsos towards the ground robotically and synchronously. If this place was anything, it was elegant. Everything sparkled, from the frosted look of the dance floor, which took up around half of the room, to a rich man's hairless head buying himself a glass of wine; there was nary a thing that wasn't shrouded in gleams. You tugged the cloak closer to your chest, your red-fingered gloves peeking out slightly over the cover's fur. 
The white marble of the ball clicked against your heels, the sound barely making a dent in the noise amidst the tinkling of glass and chatter of braggarts. The crystal chandelier hung high above your heads, much grander than you had been able to see through the window. The wall adjacent to the window was coated in a mirage of colors, gasoline and water appearing to collide against the cream-colored wall; the chandelier reflected the city's light onto everything you couldn't touch. There was red tapestry with golden trims hanging from every ceiling corner, the drapes on the upstairs windows matching the same hue. Several large round tables with chairs encompassing them took up the other half of the room, each of the mahogany pieces of furniture coupled with red upholstery. The tables were covered with egg-shell linens, with varying-sized candles and fancy mints as the centerpieces. Behind the mass of tables, an extensive buffet accompanied by a bar with several hard-working attendants bustles with life. 
Surrounding the room's perimeter, pedestals displaying different art pieces, each with their own strange haecceity, sat behind a red velvet rope. It could have been a joke if some of these entrepreneurs were smart enough to understand it. Priceless pieces of work, hand-sculpted or painted through painstaking hours, in a room where no one will buy them because they already have too much but are the only ones financially capable of doing so. The rope does little to stop anyone, mainly because no one needs to be stopped. You wondered how many of these Tony owned. Several people waltzed towards you, and Loki guided you out of the way before your staring had caused an accident. 
You glanced up and hooked your fingers around the crook of Loki's arm. The gesture was customary for those attending a party, you told yourself, although your heart began to race. A work party, with work friends, for work-related business. He was warm. You couldn't know if you imagined it, but as you brought your other hand to hold Loki's arm, you could have sworn you felt his elbow stiffen. As you watched his fingers ball into a fist, wonted for a nobleman's hold, you smirked. 
"If I didn't know better, I would have mistaken you for a gentleman," you teased, squeezing his elbow. 
Loki fought the smile that tugged at the corners of his lips. He leaned close to you. "I'll remind to you watch your tone, darling. You wouldn't want me to make a show of you in public, now would you?"
"Loki," you swatted at him, and he laughed. "God, you know, one day I'm going to get you back for everything."
"Hah! Do you surely believe I would let that happen? That will be the day where I will personally bring you well within inches of your life. You're better off wiping that thought from your consciousness." 
Though your stomach flipped at his threat, you bumped your eyebrows. "Why? Can't handle it?" 
"My, you must have a death wish tonight." 
"Or, you're covering up the fact that you're ticklish." 
Truthfully, it was the first time the thought had come to mind and the first thing you blurted out, but as you saw how Loki's features fell and landed on you with a cold stare, you knew you had discovered something you shouldn't have. Deciding to dig your grave further, you rubbed at his side lightly with your wrist, but he made no move to indicate it bothered him.  
Loki scoffed and shrugged. "You assumed incorrectly, love." 
"Oh, please. I'm not even trying," you said. "I'll have my chance eventually." 
"Don't be so certain." 
Loki led you around crowded tables and dancers to the table designated to the team, some with plates of food and a few others scattering themselves around the room to make small talk. Bruce nodded at Natasha and pushed out his seat, standing up and walking towards the bar, although an iced whiskey idled in front of his chair. Loki pulled out a chair for you, and you thanked him before he sat himself down as well. The party felt smaller in this quiet corner of the room, and you couldn't make out if the feeling in your gut was a good or bad one. On the one hand, the swarm of people dancing obstructed your view of the musicians, something that wouldn't have commonly troubled others; as a spy, the best advantage was being aware of your surroundings. Crowds were easy to get lost in, chaotic enough to cover damage, loud enough to
"Hey," Natasha's cold fingers on the top of yours yanked you from your thoughts. As you looked at her, you caught a flash of concern contorting her face before she let her features soften. "Would you mind going to get me a glass of wine? I sent Bruce over there a few minutes ago, but he's nerding out with one of the sponsors," Natasha nodded to her left. As though on queue, the elderly sponsor conversing about what sounded like microbiology cackled with glee. 
You took a breath and nodded, patting her hand with a smile as you stood. You didn't notice, but as Loki stepped up to follow you, Natasha put her hand up. Tentatively, he lowered himself back into his seat, watching as you regretfully were pulled into the boisterous conversation alone. What you knew about microbiology, Loki had no clue, but your confident air could have fooled the most observant of personalities. Not him, of course. 
The scowl that replaced Natasha's gentle smile meant business; it was not difficult to know that. What could she have possibly wanted with him, Loki wondered. He sat back in his seat and crossed his arms. Their body language was not too far off from synchronized, though Loki's was easily more curious rather than the agent's criticality. 
Natasha pulled the whiskey from Bruce's placemat, her nails clinking against the glass as she took a sip. Her icy stare left Loki as she looked away for a brief moment to align the cup's base precisely into the water-logged imprint it had left on the table. 
"What are your intentions with her?" The agent asked bluntly. 
"I beg your pardon?" Loki's face scrunched into an offended glare. The audacity this woman must have had to inquire about his relationships. His private life. Although he found himself putting on a defensive exterior, the energy it had taken to suppress his affections for you had grown exponentially in the past few months; he knew that as a fact.   
"Save it. I've seen the way you look at each other. You'd have to be blind not to pick up on it." Natasha smirked. 
"I suppose you'd be the expert in such things?" Loki challenged, targeting a sore spot in the agent's psyche.
"Cool it," she warned, leaning her elbows onto the table. "I'm not threatening you. Though if you hurt her, I may just have to."
"I believe that is a threat, agent."
"I just want to know what your intentions are." 
"I have no intentions," He paused, glimpsing at your considerate smile amid your conversation. "You sent her away on purpose," Loki concluded, tilting his chin towards his chest. "You didn't want her to be a part of this conversation." 
"No," Natasha confirmed. "I don't care if you admit your feelings or not. It's not my business. But you should know that she's not going to admit to hers." 
Loki debated on disguising his feelings once more but realized its futility. His front had long been exposed. His eyebrows furrowed. "How could you possibly know that?"
"She has a long history. It's not my story to tell, but," She pushed herself away from the table and stood up. "If you honestly have no intentions, then you're already playing with her feelings."
"I am by no means-" 
"I'm just going to cut to the chase," Natasha said with finality in her tone. "If you hurt her, I won't hesitate to kill you where you stand." Without another word nor sound, Natasha slipped away into the crowd of people who danced not ten feet from where the table was set, her near-empty glass of whiskey being the only reminder that she had been there at all. 
The accusation had left a bitter taste in Loki's mouth. The fact that Natasha had been able to read him so quickly... the fact that he let himself be that easy to read, it stirred itself into a large knot in Loki's head. Exponentially, he began to realize just how effortless it was to be softened by one's time on Midgard. Earth had made him weak, and the god scowled at the thought. His brother had gone through the same sort of conundrum when he was first outcasted from Asgard, and Loki had mocked him for it. Ironic, considering there had been a time where Loki protected the one his brother loved. 
Could he even call this love - this rogue infatuation with you? What was love but the fascination with someone who makes you feel at home? Or was it that he had just never been able to experience what love actually stirred inside of its victims? Loki had known several individuals in his life that he had been romantically attracted to, most of them immortal, and yet something was disastrously captivating about you. His head was on a pully system. Loki had been raised a prince; he had danced with many maidens, and all of those maidens he had consequently rejected. Now, here comes this mortal who fights for his enemies, and he loses his speech at your mere presence.  Prior, Loki supposed. What had happened? The second his thoughts would wander, the string wrapped around his emotions would stretch taut, and he would be brought back to the same distracting ideas of your delineation. 
The music crescendoed again, a few brass instruments holding the melody as the crowd responded in time. Some of them even jumped, a select few of them being caught and lowered back to the floor by their partner's hands around their waists. It certainly wasn't the first time he had thoughts like these, his hands holding your body close to his. While these fantasies held true to their name, there were always brief moments in history where fantasies teetered on the edge of being truthful. This was one of those moments, where flashes of magic slip through cracks and crevices, stealing its way into naive hearts. Before, he had described to you that your world had been filled with magic, and part of him wondered if you believed him. A significantly smaller portion of him deliberated if you believed in fairytales.
A bartender ornamented in an obscene amount of brightly colored pins slid a glass of deep red wine to you from across the bar, and you nodded at her with a friendly smile, returning to your conversation with Bruce and the elderly sponsor. Now that he looked at it, the man who conversed with you was not elderly by any means. His hair was thinning and gray, his hands adorned with at least six gleaming golden rings per hand. The man's fingers hung loosely by his side, your dress just blocking Loki's view of the man's jewelry. Loki scoffed and picked up the glass of whiskey, downing it in one gulp. A child could have guessed that Earth's finest liquors weren't enough to even touch an Asgardian's alcohol tolerance, but he felt the need to have something in his stomach other than his nerves. 
The man reached around behind his chair, stealing peaks at your face as the conversation continued. Something about his body language disturbed Loki, mainly because he had seen the same impish behavior in himself once upon a time. The man lifted his fingers and reached to the rear of your dress, gathering his hand and pinching your behind. 
Loki didn't have the wits about him to see you backhand the man yourself, effectively taking care of the problem without anyone's assistance. However, as the man reached up to grab his face where your hand had left a blazing red mark, Loki gripped the man's wrist and tore him from his seat, flinging him onto the ground. In less than a second, Loki had thrown the man onto the carpeted floor with a slamming thud and stepped his left heel onto the offending wrist, holding the man's other arm as he stood. The conniption had captivated the attention of a small crowd, some dancers slowing their movements and hushing their voices to eavesdrop on the disarray. The sponsor cried out and grunted against Loki's weight as he heavied himself. 
"I'll make you an offer," Loki snarled as he pressed his weight down into the man's wrist, making the sponsor splutter and curse beneath him. This felt familiar. "If you leave, you get to keep your fingers. If you give anyone," Loki hardened his grip. "...any difficulties upon your exit, I will not hesitate to take off your arm." 
Okay, maybe it wasn't the kindest thing to do, you argued with yourself as Loki threw down the offender's arm. Your torso was slouched across the bar, a wineglass rim and a smirk pressed to your lips as you watched the scuffle from afar. I mean, he did assault you. Then again, you also attacked him back. Maybe it's just karma. The man pushed himself about five feet away from Loki, his hair disheveled and his shirt untucked. After unsuccessfully pushing himself up a few times, he finally was able to stand himself upright, flustered and offended. For a second, you thought that he was going to try to attack Loki, the way he squared his shoulders and his face beating red. He wouldn't have stood a chance against a God, but part of you wondered if the sponsor even knew of Loki's status. Getting in a fight with an agent of the Avengers was one thing. One very mighty thing, of course. However, getting into an altercation with an Avenger who additionally was quasi-immortal didn't make for a brilliant choice. 
The man eyed you hesitantly. You raised your glass to him, bumping your eyebrows as he mumbled and turned away to walk to the door. Loki stood rigidly in place as the crowd of dancers parted way for the instigator to pass through. Some of them had shrugged and immediately returned to dancing; most had returned to their tables, seeking sustenance after having witnessed something that intense. The bar became instantly busier as a myriad of wealthy individuals thronged to get inebriated. You slipped away between expensive coats back to the table, placing your wine glass in front of your seat. What a party. You haven't even been here for an hour, and you've already caused a bar fight.
"Loki," you called, his attention snapping to you. 
The group of morbidly curious onlookers had since dissipated, leaving him standing between the wooden dance floor and the carpeted dinner area alone. He shook his head and trotted to the table, placing his palms on the back of his chair. "If this was an Asgardian gathering, he would have had his fingers cut off for such an offense. Are you alright?" 
You shrugged, offering a sympathetic smile. "It's not abnormal to get a creepy guy at a party." 
Yes, it was, Loki told himself. The culture shock of these realms was a personal hell, sometimes. "Yes, well, I'm sorry it was you who had to deal with that." 
You barked a sardonic laugh. "All I did was slap the guy. You're the one who knocked a few teeth loose." You paused, running your thumb across the top rail, pulling out the chair a bit. You unhooked the cloak and hung it over the chair, shuddering at the lost warmth. "I guess I owe you a 'thanks.'"
Loki peered at you. "You're not upset?" 
"No, but I'm kind of curious what he would have done after I slapped him," you chuckled and shrugged, looking down into your wine. "Tony may be another issue. He did tell us to be nice to his sponsors."
"I'm sure Stark will understand the circumstances." 
"You better hope so. He's probably going to receive a strongly worded email by next week." 
"I'd bet sooner than that." 
You both shared a short laugh. The party had started to calm down a bit, most of the patrons choosing a meal over their fanciful footwork, but a few couples still swayed together, the womens' rounded dresses ruffling outwards as they spun. You made a move to pull out your chair to sit down, and Loki faltered, a conflicted look set into his brow. The music came to a gradual silence, only the sharp ringing of a violin's highest string echoing throughout the room. As much as he hated to admit it, Natasha was right. It had to be now or never, and if he waited much longer, he ran the risk of hurting you. Though he was not frightened of Natasha's threat, Loki did not appreciate the anger boiling in his gut when imagining himself being the source of your pain.
Meanwhile, the music exploded into a dazzling symphony of strings. It hushed soon after, the tempo of the song slowing.  "Before you sit," he ventured. "While threatening the lives of your foes is fiercely entertaining, we do have another two hours before we're to be dismissed. If you're willing, would you care to join me for a dance?" 
"Oh, Loki, you don't have to. It's really okay," You yammered, your hands coming up in front of you. There was no possible way he was asking you to dance. Sure, he had asked you to accompany him to the ball, but you thought that it had been in passing or a kind gesture to help you feel better. Even so, as you caught the subtle stress that immersed into his brow, it hit you. This was genuine. He was being honest. Your heart thumped in your chest, and you prayed that the flushing in your ears was not apparent. 
"You misunderstand," Loki said and offered his hand out, secretly confirming your suspicions. "I'm sure of my actions." 
A half-formed thought lodged itself in your throat, and your mouth became dry. You reached up and tentatively rested your fingers in Loki's outstretched hand. His fingers folded delicately onto yours, the temperature of his fingers drastically different than your own. The world was slow despite your wine having been practically untouched, but your heartbeat intense. He held your hand with a thin smile, leading you through dancing sponsors to an abandoned spot in the corner of the room. 
As you passed, skirts of varying colors and designed dresses brushed against your ankles. It was remarkable how little attention these so-called sponsors paid to any of the Avengers. Getting through thick crowds should not have been this easy, especially with people of your and Loki's repute...or any of your team for that matter. Despite the fact, you were able to spot a conversation between Sam and Bucky, Bruce and Natasha swaying in the other corner of the room, and Tony introducing Peter to a stranger with large glasses. You even noticed a dejected-looking Thor who sat with Steve at the table you had just been taken from. 
The floor of the designated dancing area bloomed in color as if a craftsman had spent hours painting a watercolored landscape onto the glossed wood. The ground was the only thing you could focus on as he led you in and out of sponsors, weaving through endless people. When you finally reached the unoccupied spot in the corner, Loki turned around with an expectant smirk, your hand still in his. 
"Have you danced before?" 
No. "Absolutely." 
"Then you know the steps?" He approached you, placing a steady hand on your waist, and you instinctually reached your empty hand to rest on his arm. His cologne or perhaps his natural scent permeated the air, and you desperately attempted to feign a composed expression. He slowly lifted your hand in the air, stepping a bit forward. He stopped for a moment and chuckled to himself, cocking his eyebrow at you. "You expect me to believe you've done this before? Or am I making you nervous?" 
"Wh-what? I'm not nervous, Loki." you reddened. Everything was happening rapidly and not fast enough at the same time. Part of you yearned to be closer to him, to press his chest to yours, to feel his frigid fingers tangled with yours. Still, you couldn't move. Was it rude to examine a God's face? Maybe, but his eyes were just as alluring as they were bright, and his skin practically glowed under the room's multicolored spotlights. 
"But, I'm correct in assuming you've never danced," Loki predicted. 
"Yes," you sighed. "I'd be lying if I said I knew what I was doing. I haven't danced with anyone since Carter Gurts in the seventh grade." 
Loki chuckled and dipped his chin to his chest, gently beginning to lead you in his waltz-like steps. "Carter Gurts?" 
"Don't even get me started," you groaned, doing your best to ignore his proximity to you. "It was my middle school formal. He got nervous and threw up," you cringed. 
"That's repulsive." 
"Tell me about it." 
Loki bit the inside of his cheek, studying your features. "I can promise you that we won't repeat that little memory," he laughed. Your face lit up into a bright and cheerful giggle, and you thanked him for his sensitivities. 
He pushed you outwards and wrapped his arm over your head and around your back, keeping his hand in yours. You followed his direction and were taken into a spin, your dress fluttering outwards. When you turned to face your partner again, you tripped on a rogue plank of wood that peaked out just an inch higher than the others. You fell forward, wrapping your arms around Loki's neck to steady yourself. Loki caught your bodice, and you two fell into an embrace. 
"You know, if you hadn't fallen over yourself, we may have been able to pass that off as deliberate," Loki grinned. You scoffed and rolled your eyes. 
Norns, you were beautiful. 
Your eyes glistened as the light of a yellow spotlight coruscated over your forehead, fading into the sea of colors behind you. Loki wanted to stay like this forever. Why did he feel like he had lived this moment before? How warm you were compared to him and how soft your hands were compared to his calloused skin. It was ironic, considering how much dirty work you had to do as a spy. He wondered if you noticed, but you didn't, nor did he feel how your body trembled. Your smile had turned his words into sticky sweet syrup, but he refused to rid the taste of you. It was as though all those stories he told as a child had come to reality, fables of finding love and princesses in different worlds. Those apple trees had borne more than just their fruit, uncovering glimpses of his future love. Archaic swatches of color mingled around each other in passing visions that he couldn't make out. All he understood at the time was that those perceptions had somehow comforted him. Now, he understood that he had seen you. 
There were certain things that Loki had taken pride in - one of those things being that he never made the first move. But here and now, as he fell deeper and deeper, he found himself desperate to explore you. He took his hand from yours and reached to your jaw, gently tracing along the bottom of your cheek. He outlined your chin and hesitated over your lips with his thumb. You were so tempting. He faltered, placing his palm at the base of your neck. 
The piano and orchestra had long fallen into the background noise of the party, though sometimes the music would increase in volume and disturb your thoughts. Now was not one of those times. Loki's lips brushed against yours, and as the music crescendoed for the final time in the song, you closed the short space between you, sealing the kiss. You debated pulling away for a moment, but feeling the passion and drive behind his kiss, you allowed yourself to sink further into the heat of the moment. Butterflies spurred to life in your stomach. Loki's lips were softer than you would have imagined, and you felt the heated gust of his breath against your skin. He was the first to pull back, but he remained close to you, cupping your jaw in his hands as the music stirred into what felt like a celebratory chorus. He rubbed the edge of your cheek with his thumb and gazed into your eyes.
"You're as red as your dress, darling," Loki quipped, his brow turning inwards. 
"Can you blame me?" You reached up and put a hand on his. "Is this really how you feel?" It was a question that may have been interpreted as insecure, but you couldn't care at this moment. You had spent countless amounts of time pondering over these types of possibilities. Falling in love, dancing, even sheltering a (substantial) crush on Loki. Never in a million years did you think it would actually happen. The trickster's eyes had always given away his secrets; you had been able to learn his mannerisms and some of his 'tells' from the sheer amount of time you two spent in each other's company.  Standing in front of him with his eyes more avid than you had ever seen them, you finally let down your guard. 
"I think a better question is if you feel the same way," He removed his palms from your jaw and placed them both at your waist, staring eagerly into your eyes. 
"I would have left if I wasn't feeling it, Loki," you laughed. 
"So then you did?" 
"Did what?" 
"Feel it." 
In all reality, there wasn't a need to put your feelings into words - that could be saved for a better time. You nodded at Loki, the elated grin you wore answering every question he needed to know. He quickly took his hands and placed them on the sides of your head, bringing you in for a chaste kiss. 
Who were you two but oil and water; both inherently deadly from two different worlds with individually unique lifespans.  How the universe could have arranged something like this to happen was something foreign to you. Every moment in time had aligned for this to be a reality, a thought too implausible to even discuss. 
He replaced his fingers on your waist and squeezed, lifting you up and twirling you around him. In an entirely involuntary response, you squeaked and tucked your elbows, giggling as his thumbs dug into your sides. The sudden motion set Loki off balance, and he struggled to put you down softly instead of dropping you. Shit. This was not the place. The severity of the situation dawned on you only milliseconds earlier than Loki, and a conniving grin replaced his solicitous look.
"Uh oh," Loki tantalized, refreshing his grip on your torso. With his thumbs perched at the sides of your belly, he dug in the slightest bit, and you jumped at the same time your elbows fell inwards. "Are you alright, love? Something bothering you?" 
"Loki, not right now," You scolded him, failing to conceal your silly expression. "We can't--" 
"Draw attention?" Loki interrupted. Leaning close, he brought his forearm around your back, pulling you as tight as possible. The light and dainty music, obviously made for a romantic type of dance, was the perfect excuse to have you as close as you were to him. "My dear, this party was held with the intention of showing you off. You truly think I care about a bit of an audience?"  His whispers were hot in your ear, and goosebumps dispersed over your arms like the cape he had conjured for you.
"Okay, you may not, but I do," You giggled, putting your hands on his chest to push away. You did your best to dispel any lewd thoughts that came up, but his chest was substantially firm behind your touch, and you abruptly realized that you didn't want to move.
"How foolish to think you have much choice in the matter," He taunted, his fingers now skittering to life and scratching at your lower ribs. Attempting to cover your giggles with a cough didn't do as much as you had hoped. His proximity to your body prevented you from moving either forwards or backward, as his forearm had tightened behind your back, forcing you to press into him. 
"Wahait, Lokhihihi!" You halfheartedly pleaded, twisting your torso a bit to see the other patrons. Luckily, no one had paid any attention to your laughter, too busy with their own to focus on someone else's disorder. 
To your chagrin, as you turned, Loki took the opportunity to walk his fingers up to the base of your armpit, scribbling in the hollow space with a wicked grin. You were instantly thrown into hysterics, your arms coming down to your sides in defense. As much as you did your best to hold in your noises, every few seconds, you'd chortle louder than you had intended. Some people would occasionally throw snide looks your way but return their attention in moments.   
"You do realize that this is payback," Loki noted. 
"Whahat?! Fohor- fahahaha - Shit, Loki!" 
"That little stunt," He emphasized his point by pulling you tighter against his body, shaking two fingers against the edge of your upper ribs. You squeaked and dissolved into helpless giggling. "...you drew in the hallway before. Trying to tickle me - the god of mischief, of all people. And in public, might I add. It's a shame, really," Loki baited, trailing his hand down and pinching at the meat above your hip. "You are so intelligent, and yet you do such stupid things."
You bucked against him, the fabric of your dress limiting any protection against his fingers. There was nowhere to go that he would allow, and the reality of the power he held sank in. As your laughter grew in volume, so did the heat that ran over your cheeks. "N-nahahaha...NNG! NOHOHO-" As to hide the violent eruption that echoed over the orchestra, you buried your face into Loki's shoulder, still fumbling for a desperate grip on his skittering hands. It was the only thing you could think of to muffle the racket as he turned his attack to the sliver of skin where your side met your back. Your laughter was nearing desperate, and your urge to scream only heightened along with it. 
"Careful, darling," He whispered, stilling his fingers. His words were betrayed by the smile lacing his diction. "Don't want to cause a scene, now do we?"
"It's your fauhault that I am!" You mumbled into his chest. 
A dark growl of a chuckle escaped his sigh, and he coiled his assaulting arm around you, holding you close. Embracing Loki felt like two worlds colliding, something strange and beautiful but deep-seated and dangerous. His touch was powerful and hungry. He bore years of solitude and loneliness under his nails, all crashing down into one hug that was sure to be among others. You knew that he had missed years of feeling the closeness of intimacy, and truth be told, your situation was not much different. Those years, poisoned by fragments of shattered memories, had hardened you beyond reason. There would be one day when you were able to explain what had happened, but not even you were ready to face those recollections just yet. For now, your mind was occupied by his presence. 
Loki intertwined his fingers between yours, pushing your right shoulder out, and your arms stretched tautly but never severed the connection. The song that played was recognizable, some alteration of Pachabel's Canon in D that the piano took melody on. Your body floated through the notes, spiraling back into his hold once again, his arm enclosing you. His breath on the back of your neck pierced your skin, but before the chills had fully erupted, Loki lifted his arm that was still wrapped around you, forcing you into a frail spin.
When your chest collided with his, you bit the corner of your mouth, desperate to lean forward. The tension between you two was visible, and faster than you had intended, your lips pressed into his again. Heaven was either tellurian or somewhere tucked away in Asgard, and his hands on your hips confirmed that paradise could never be found at home. Not allowing yourself to dive too deep just yet, you pulled away, his head hesitating to follow your lips as he gazed at you. The longing in his eyes burrowed far into you, and you smiled, reaching up to take his jaw in your hands. How kind and loving he looked at you as if one glance could hold a thousand words, or though your fairytale had woven itself into the pages of real life.
"Can we just leave?" You said fervently. "I don't want to be here much longer."
He caught the pangs of longing in your stare and smirked in response. "Desire me all to yourself, hm?" 
"Don't be ridiculous," You groaned and sucked your teeth, trying to hide the blush from creeping onto your face. Even though you had feigned defensive, Loki had called you out, putting your thoughts that you hadn't even pieced together on a bold display. It wasn't that he was right...but he certainly wasn't incorrect either. The thought of having Loki alone was enticing, and he was the only one who could get you to admit it. 
Though you both had undoubtedly had enough of the gathering, Loki had mentioned Stark's makeshift "party guide" that kept you confined to the grounds until eight. Time had been swept by the rather eventful evening, but you were still an hour away from being dismissed. That meant more time striking conversations with sponsors...or worse, you thought, having to deal with the crew now that both of your feelings had been publicized. The floor had been mostly abandoned, save you and a few stray couples who mingled rather than danced. The sun had cast an amber hue over the furniture and faces, some portions of the room painted in a discolored brown as the stained glass windows mixed with the sun's natural vibrancy.
The hour had not taken as long as it felt, and you were grateful that Loki had taken control over most of the conversations. It must have been a miracle or at least inside-knowledge that he would be attending, as most patrons didn't bat an eye when giving his two cents on specific subjects. All the while, Loki would keep a protective hand around your waist, never breaking his concentration from his discourse. Several speeches were given in the final hour, mostly droning orations congratulating Tony on the proceeds raised. While the number had been shocking to hear at first, you pondered how much money could actually be spared from these people. The thought nauseated you, and you turned your head away from the lengthy addresses. Not ten minutes away from eight, Tony placed his cup down on the bar counter with a thud, leaning over and falling into a drunken giggle. Pepper was barely a foot away, attempting to pull him out of his seat with pursed lips. 
You nodded at him as his glass fell to the floor with a crash. "Wasn't he the one who told us not to get shitfaced? And I thought he told us they already did the speeches?"
"He did," Steve said, taking a swig of his beer from his spot at the table. "Everyone who's been at that podium has had a few. They're mainly Tony's buddies." 
"That explains it," You mumbled and took a sip of your wine. "Are we really the sober ones here? I know you can't get drunk, and no alcohol here that Thor and Loki have is gonna do a thing." 
Bruce scoffed. "You'd think the Avengers would be the real partiers, considering the whole 'saving the world' thing."
"One of us is, that's for sure," Natasha chuckled, glancing over her shoulder at a messy-looking Tony who was being led out the front exit, clinging to Pepper. "I guess we're gonna have to find our hotel rooms ourselves." 
"I think I can actually help with this," Peter muttered, focusing onto Tony and Pepper, who stumbled over themselves as they slipped through the hall's archway. Before you could figure out what was happening, Peter pressed a button tucked close to his wrist, and webbing shot out in a thin, almost transparent line from the opposite side of the table, weaving through the crowd. The spurt of webbing connected with a small manilla envelope in the back of Tony's pocket and stuck, snapping it backward and straight into Peter's hands. He smiled cheerfully as the table watched him, both shocked and impressed. 
"What...did you just do?" Sam questioned, his brow pressed in confusion. 
"Oh, right," Peter quickly went to work, opening the envelope he had stolen off of Tony and spilling its contents out onto the table. Eight pale blue cards slipped out of their yellow casing, each with its own number labeled on a gray stripe. "They're the keys. I think there's enough for each of us, but I'm not sure." 
"What about Tony and Pepper?" Steve questioned.
"Oh! Mr. Stark actually had his key around his neck, so I think these are all ours."
Steve nodded and bumped his eyebrows. "Nice work, kid," he said, trying to hide his surprise.
"That was really cool. Never do it again," Clint laughed and patted Peter on the shoulder. 
"If I may," Loki spoke, casting his glance down to the cards. He looked at everyone at the table, his look holding for a moment longer on you than the others. "There are eight keys and nine of us. Unless Stark had the intention of having two of us share a room, that leaves one odd man out." 
He was right. For the nine people who sat at the table, one of you would have to room together. The most reasonable option would have had the brothers stay together, but as the suggestion exited Thor's mouth and he was given a discouraging glare on Loki's part, the proposal fell short. 
Truthfully, the thought was inappropriate, and the idea of the team's possible reactions coursed through your mind. But even if...it wasn't the worst thing ever. "What if," you began. "Loki and I room?"  Though a few at the table shot wary looks your way, you weren't met with the strong discouragement as you expected. Loki was the only person to truly grasp the arrangement, whose eyes went wide. 
Steve was not one known to be protective in the nuances of life such as these. More often than not, you found Steve taking on a  'DYI'-dad role, using encouraging phrases to help guide others instead of demands. Appreciated most of the time, his suggestions were typically on track with their respective solutions, but as he eyed you from his spot at the table, something boiled in your gut. You knew the team's wary opinions of the god, and when Loki caught sight of the super-soldier's leer, he fought off a snarl. Though the man's following words were easy to predict, it did not stop them from bruising his ego. 
"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Steve said more as a statement than a question, avoiding eye contact with Loki. The tense silence spoke volumes. 
You pursed your lips, wanting to snap back at him. I think it's really rude that you would insinuate any wrongdoings, you wanted to say; that it was his job as the team leader to accept and work with everyone on the team, even if that meant it included something in their past. Loki had been on the team well before you had, so the notion that you would be unsafe was wildly offensive. Although, you could see where he came from. Steve was the one to see Loki in action all those years ago. While you were not afraid of his past and sins, you had no right to comment on how someone else felt about them, especially those who fought personally against his tyranny. There was no clear answer. 
You cleared your throat, interrupting a breath that Loki took to speak. "Respectfully," you said. "Loki and I have been on precisely thirty-two missions before, thirty-two of those missions being successful with minimal casualties," It would have been enough if you had left it there. Your point was proven, which was evident by Loki's triumphant and slightly presumptuous grin at Steve. Even so, there was an urge to express the accuracies of that statement and emphasize it, so it would show just how confident you were to Steve. "I would trust him with my life," you concluded, earning a surprised expression from most at the table.
Your face flushed under their stares, but most of them quickly returned to their own doings aside from Steve, Loki, and Natasha who sucked on her teeth to prevent a smile. Steve looked at you, appearing more ashamed than annoyed, catching you off guard. Despite Loki's cocky grin that he hastily threw, Steve nodded at him and then returned to you with a shameful expression. "You're right," he said. "You both are a crucial part of the team." 
"Just take off the 'big-brother' pants, okay? I know what I'm doing," You lowered your voice as to not embarrass him. Steve nodded and offered an apologetic smile which you returned sincerely.  
Even though Loki was humbled by your desire to assist him and make amends, it didn't take a genius to figure out that he had caused irreversible damages in his past. While he didn't mind being feared overall (and got a kick out of it often), he had come this far, and the concept of mistrust still being present created animosity. He imagined those years ago, standing atop the buildings in the same city he was in. Midgard's people had looked like ants from up there, at least until Tony Stark had smashed his skull through a building window. He chuckled. Good times. But things were different now that he had changed. He had protected a world he had once promised to conquer, protected people vowed to slaughter, and now he found himself only wanting to surmount one lone matter in this world. One lone person. It irritated him, the fact that his thoughts always returned to you. 
Loki sucked in a breath and pushed out his seat, using two fingers to slide over a key card from the pile. He eyed the card, then stood up, adjusting his tie. "On that note, I'll be making my exit," he announced. The rest of the table bid farewell to him and wished him a good night, which he nodded in return. When he was confident that most had gone back to either eating or idle chatter, he walked the perimeter of the table, stopping behind you and leaning down to whisper. 
"Would you like to accompany me to our suite?" he breathed. "Or do you have better plans?"  His hot breath shot chills down your collar. 
Biting your lip to fight off a grin, you followed Loki's example and stood from your chair, throwing the cloak over your shoulders. "I think I'm gonna head out too. Does anyone know what time the limo is leaving?" you asked in a small attempt to change the potential course of conversation.
"O-eight-hundred. Bright and early," Bucky said with a mouth full of sushi, pointing an accusatory chopstick at you. "And you two behave."
You laughed and rolled your eyes, hooking your fingers onto Loki's elbow crook. "Relax, Barnes," you huffed. "It'll be fine. Goodnight everyone," Once you had earned your responsive chorus of adieus, Loki turned and led you through the sea of tables and dancers and out into the brisk northeastern air. 
The hotel was further than you had first presumed, being a block down from the venue. The tinges of orange had long left the sky, replaced by black skies and illuminations of electronic billboards that changed images every few seconds. There were a few billboards like the one you had seen when you initially arrived, most of the pictures being of Steve or Tony, which made you chuckle. The action-hero stances or dramatic portraits always made them look more grave than they both were. Maybe not Steve; Steve perpetually looked as if someone poured water in his cereal. You pointed them out as Loki led you down the sidewalk in drastically gaudier clothes than each character who passed you by. 
The hotel was complicated to find, as every building in New York seemed to resemble the next. Decorated by colossal flags signs displaying the hotel's name you didn't attempt to pronounce, the entrance was less conspicuous than imagined. The only things that gave away the hotel's lucre were the bellhops, attendants, and guests who exited and entered nonchalantly. Each wore business suits, tuxes, or luxurious pelts. It was apparent why Tony chose a place like this. Part of you wondered if this would draw attention to the Avengers, and another part of you tried to forget that you'd be at risk wherever you went. You knew what you had gotten yourself into when you had joined, so the constant life-being-in-danger thing was essentially a norm. 
The hotel lobby was designed with an affluent-business aesthetic, adding on a couple of million dollars. Your heels clicked against the polished marble as you entered, a golden yellow cross-hatching with blue stripes in the center embellishing the design. Despite the amber-colored ceilings being a bit low, a crystal chandelier hung from its freshly wiped canopy. Several potted planted were tucked away in alcoves carved into the off-white walls, two ivory armchairs placed below them with a small coffee table in between. The ambiance was cozy, and a fireplace surrounded by several leather loveseats crackled on the far left wall of the room. 
As you checked in, a clerk with a black, coily coiffure spoke something into a walkie-talkie and returned to you with a smile. "Just making sure your respective bags get to your room. The elevator to your right will take you to the fourth floor. I understand that you have a party of...eleven?"
"I believe that's correct," Loki confirmed. 
"All the rooms are side by side and connected by the living rooms. You'll just have to open the door from both sides. Please don't hesitate to call if something's wonky. Enjoy your stay," the clerk said, sliding you a laminated list of numbers to call in every scenario possible. 
Loki took the list and tucked it into his jacket, looking down at you and giving a reassuring smile. "Are you alright?" He asked as he led you onto the elevator. He pressed a button, and the doors slid shut.
"Yeah," you took a deep breath. "Even on my missions, I don't think I've ever had to pretend to be someone this rich." 
Loki hummed. "You would have completed the mission regardless. I've visited lavatories classier than this."
"You're a prince from a different planet," you laughed.
He chuckled, "I'm well aware."
"It has to count for something," There was no point in not being honest with him. The hotel and the party were both grand gestures, but everything was becoming a bit much. "I guess I'm a bit overwhelmed," you confessed. "A lot happened tonight."
Loki tilted his head to look at you. His brow furrowed, then changed into something sympathetic. "Yes, it's been an eventful day."
The hotel room was easier to find than the hotel. A pop machine whirred to life as it dispensed a can for a mother and her daughter, and the girl giggled with glee. You and Loki moved past them and onto a secondary hallway. You found your door, allowing Loki to open the room with a swipe of his key card. He pushed the door in, and you followed close behind. As expected, your luggage had been tucked neatly into a coat closet adjacent to the front door, hangers wobbling haphazardly as you opened its door. Some of you wondered how or who got your clothing together and packed away, but when you thought about it too hard, you became grossed out and decided to find something else to focus on.  
About three feet away from the door, a table made of dark wood sat at waist level, a rectangular basket of fancy liquors, and a mirror hanging behind it. You watched in the mirror as Loki closed the door behind you, and you shrugged off your cloak to drape it from a hanger. The floor was carpeted a sandy shade, expanding into what you assumed to be a bedroom to your left. On the opposite side of the room, the carpet halted at a living room with tan leather sofas, a desk, and a boxy television. 
Loki chuckled as you stared at yourself in the mirror, stripping himself of his jacket and hanging it beside your cloak. He breathed in deeply and stepped up behind you, sliding his hands over your waist and interlocking his fingers on your stomach. The feeling made you jump slightly, but you relaxed into his hold. He rested his face in the crook of your neck as you leaned your head back onto his shoulder, inhaling the freshened air of the hotel room. 
"It's quiet," you muttered, picking up a tiny bottle of whiskey with the silhouette of a red lion on an orange label.
Loki inhaled and lifted his chin, placing it gently on your shoulder. "I never pegged you as a whiskey person." 
"I'm not," you validated. Turning the bottle over in your fingers, you hummed and set it down. "I've never actually had the chance to try it. Or wanted to. One or the other." 
"I personally don't care for it much. Asgardian mead remains the nine realms most exquisite of spirits," Loki countered. He remained, standing with his skin pressed into yours. The mirror held the actualities of your own single universe, albeit small ones. Seeing the reflection of your body pushed against his own was something out of a story, and for a moment, he prayed to Odin that his visions hadn't been incorrect. The softness of your skin was unparalleled, he noted, taking a hand to drag against your outer upper arm. You shivered, making him smile into your neck. You smelled as though rich wine and amber and pear had clashed into one collaborative fragrance, a warm scent that reminded him of the gardens on Asgard. It was charming, to say the least.  "Would you like to take a moment to freshen up, darling?" He asked mainly out of courtesy.  
You hummed in thought, bumping your eyebrows with an appreciative smile. "Maybe in a few. I think I just want to get into comfy clothes." 
"That can be arranged," Loki said, taking the hand that had been dragging along your arm and flicking his fingers upwards. A fizzy green light bubbled at your feet, shrouding the two pairs of legs in chartreuse clouds that formed and rolled up your body. You fell a little flat as the heels you wore faded away, replaced with soft grey slippers that covered everything but your Achilles heel. You noticed that Loki's sophisticated dress shoes had also been transformed into black socks as the mist climbed higher. The magic passed over your torso and chest, momentarily blocking your view from the mirror. 
When the magic subsided, the tight feeling of your dress melted away into soft cotton that hugged your hips and shoulders. Loki had replaced your outfit with a black t-shirt that fell loose and a pair of plaid green and blue pajama pants that cuffed at your ankle. His outfit had changed as well; his suit morphed into a grey sweatshirt and black track pants. It was a peculiar look, seeing you both in such casual outfits, but it warmed something in your heart. You smiled, taking your hand and holding the side of his cheek, watching his expressions in the mirror. He smiled.
"You always did look better in green," he teased, pushing himself off of you to turn you around to face him. "I do wonder how you would look in Asgardian leather." 
You blushed at the mention of it and pushed at his chest. Despite the quip, you released a breathy laugh, "I think it would probably suit you better than me."
"Eheh," he laughed, placing a flat palm on your upper back to pull you closer. "Don't undersell yourself, dear. If there's one thing I'm sure of, it's that you would look ravishing, no matter the clothing you choose to wear," he said, rubbing a thumb along your cheek. "Or don't," he added with a smirk. 
You threw your head back and groaned, allowing his arms to support your weight. "I don't want you to keep thinking you can get away with that kind of stuff," you grumbled. The position you found yourself in was oddly reminiscent of the ballroom dance you shared. That same dance he had tickled you to pieces and embarrassed you in front of everyone, of course, but it had-
"Are you going to do anything to stop MEHE-" Loki immediately unhooked his arms from around your body as you skittered your fingers up his stomach. He stepped backward, expecting you to let go, but you followed his movements, and he stumbled against the wall. He sucked in his giggles and clasped your wrists in his hands, looking aghast. "I must warn you, love - you are not making a wise series of choices."
"I think you lied to me, Loki," you laughed in astonishment. You knew your hunch about Loki faking had been correct, or he at least was doing an impressive job at holding in his reactions at the party.
After readjusting his posture, he gripped your wrists tighter and jerked you close to him. You yelped, falling against his chest. With your fists and elbows tucked between his and your bodies, he growled a low chuckle into your ear, earning a snicker from you. As much as you wanted to push your head down, Loki simply didn't allow it. "I think you are walking on thin ice, pet," he whispered. "Do what you will. But I swear everything you do will be returned tenfold." 
You paused, taking a second to lean back and study his features. This was Loki we were talking about, and you had not only tickled him once today (or attempted), but now twice, and were expecting to get off the hook. Something as flirty and as torturous as tickling was indeed not below the trickster god. He stared deep into your eyes, deadly serious. When you didn't respond in time, Loki's threatening look softened. "No? Then let's begin," he said, smirking. 
Before you could ask what he was talking about, you felt something soft coil around your ankle, wrapping around and up your leg to mid-calf.  Your instincts forced out a scream and kick before you even had seen what it was, but when you looked down and saw a rolled-up bed sheet tied around your foot, you became confused. The corded sheet trailed in from the bedroom, disappearing behind the wall where you assumed the bed was. The only thing visible in the bedroom was a flat-screen television against the same wall as the door.  The confusion only lasted so long, as any thought was whisked from your head when the sheet tightened and yanked, throwing your weight to the floor. You screamed and fell with a thud as the long line of linen dragged you into the bedroom. 
Having been in a similar situation like this (Bali was probably the roughest mission thus far), you were able to get your bearings quickly. You used the momentum of the turn to flip onto your back, crunching up and reaching out to unhook the wrap. Before you could do much work, the direction of the pull changed, and you were hoisted suddenly into the air, your free leg bent at an awkward angle. With a heavy breath, you craned your neck to look at what held you. 
The sheet that rippled with green magic had been rolled tight, but you were able to see the unmade bed it originated from. There was a sofa black leather sofa that you had been dangled above, a coffee table and armchair a few feet away. If you fell, you were in for a soft landing, and seeing Loki's magic calmed your nerves a bit. It wouldn't have necessarily been a surprise if a rogue villain decided to literally crash the party or invade your hotel room; it wasn't the first to happen either way. Even so, the sneer that Loki held as he strolled into the room with his fingers laced behind his back did little to slow your pulse. 
"Stuck, are we?" He said, bumping his brow and looking down, the smirk never leaving his face. He stepped closer, and you thanked fate that the dragging had caused your shirt to catch under the elastic in your pants, keeping your midsection clothed. 
"Loki, put me down right now!" you scolded, but a few giggles slipped through your scowl. 
Loki tutted and strolled over to you, scanning your upsidedown body. You knew that Loki would never and has never done anything to hurt you, but despite that fact, you felt exposed. Gravity worked against you, making every movement intentional, forced, and tiresome. Dangling three feet off the floor by one leg would be easy for someone to get out of if they held a strong core, but getting out of it with your captor standing less than a foot away presented another obstacle. If he had made you fall, falling on a couch was undoubtedly better than landing on a hard floor.  However, Loki stayed still, watching your struggling form attempt to crunch to unwind the cloth from your leg. Gripping your pant leg, you opted to ignore him for the time being. You walked your hands up your leg, using it to sturdy yourself as you reached up and climbed the length of your body. 
Just as your fingertips grazed the hem of the sheet, the cloth rippled against your ankle, alive with bright green sparks. It slackened, and you felt a startling induction of gravity, but you were caught and snapped back down to your starting posture. You gasped and yelped as the sheet hoisted you higher. 
"Unfortunately for you," he stepped up to you, his shoulders slightly lower than parallel to your hips. Tantalizingly slow, he dragged two relaxed fingers against an exposed sliver of skin on your lower stomach. You shuddered a gasp and reached up to grab at him, but he had pulled away too quick. "I don't have any plans on releasing you any time soon."
"What are you talking ABOHOUT?!" If there was reason for trying to hold back your laughter, it was startled off by the boisterous laughter that erupted through the room as Loki set to work scratching at your stomach. His fingers danced around your navel, flitting down (or up, by your perspective) to flutter around your sternum. Giggles now pouring freely, your biceps already began to ache with the effort of swatting away his hands. Your mirth became frantic as the realization of just how much power he had over you sank into your spine. In a desperate reach to control what you could, you grabbed at his shirt and clutched at it. Loki mistook your grappling as an attack of your own, and he coughed out several short chuckles but caught your flailing wrists and held them in one fist. 
"Ohoho, poor choice after poor choice tonight," he looked incredulously at you.
The minute amount of protection your arms provided had been stolen from you in a blink of an eye. You choked out some giggles and felt your elevated pulse beneath his fingers, and you wondered if he could feel it too. Yet your laughing hadn't stopped. Although it was an exploitive and intense feeling, you didn't mind being tickled. You could feel the power beneath his palms, but his touch revealed something more genuine - more affectionate than spiteful. His hands grazed over your skin, and you wanted to drink in the feeling of his skin against you, but the tickling made that incredibly difficult. When his fingers tripped to a different spot and your energy spiked, his tongue would peak out between his teeth as he tried not to laugh along with you. One of those spots was an area of your upper ribs, right below the hollows of your armpit. Your giggles hitched, and you jerked away from him. He tapped the tip of his pointer nail against the sensitive skin gingerly, taking enjoyment in your desperation. 
"This ihisn't even fahahair!" you whined. "What I did wasn't nearly as bad as what you're doing!" 
"I did say that I would return your actions tenfold, did I not?" 
"Yeah, but-" 
"Then you understand that while I may not commonly be a man of my word, when it comes to making things fair, I care very deeply," he hummed, gripping your wrists tighter as he traced to the soft spot of your underarm. Your mind was fuzzy from the ticklish shocks slamming through your nerves, but his teasing did nothing for your aid. You pulled and yanked, but your strength against his was a game you were destined to lose. "If that means I must teach you a lesson about the natural consequences of your actions, so be it. Would you like me to list out the reasons for your discipline?" 
"NahahaHAHAHAHA NOHOHOHO!" you bellowed when he switched to vibrating his fingers under your exposed arms. He nudged the hem of your sleeve to the side, allowing his top digits to slip beneath the cover of your shirt and onto bare skin. 
"Does it not bother you that your enemies could unravel you by something as simple as this?" He pinched his hand up to your hips, and you cackled, struggling against your restraints. Though Loki wasn't one for mercy, his heart fluttered when he saw a happy tear escape from the apple of your cheek.
He also noted how red your face turned and recalled that humans didn't have the blood circulation strength required to be held at different gravities for extended periods. Without releasing your wrists, Loki commanded the sheet to set your back down against the couch, your head and shoulders touching down first, followed by the rest of your torso. The couches cooled leather startled you at first but swiftly came as a relief as your headrush began to fade away. You sucked in some greedy breaths and gradually opened your eyes before realizing that your one leg was still held in the air. Using his one free hand, he scratched delicately along the back of your knee. 
"KAHAHAHA, SHIHIHIT! Leheave mehehehe aloHONE!" Your free-hanging foot landed against the arm of the couch, pushing your hips up in pure instinct or to gain an ounce of leverage. It did nothing. 
"You are quite resilient, I must say. Then again, it could also just be that...you're enjoying this," Loki remarked, and you felt his thumb twitch against the bone of your wrist. 
Distracted by Loki's tickling fingers, the soft cotton that slid against the bottom of your sole was almost too faint to feel. That is... until it became more intentional. The first few flicks of the magic-bound sheets were nearly as mistakable as an accident, but when your eyes caught the glowing green light shifting around your toes and arch, your heart rate hitched, and your laugh took on a wheeze. The hemming of the sheet was significantly stiffer than the rest of the fabric, and feeling it scratch against your foot was practically unbearable. You kicked out and attempted to sit up, but your antics had sapped most of the energy from your body. 
Loki scoffed with a heavy eye roll. There were things that Loki was, but a fool was not among those qualities. You were not one to hide your affection for those around you, a characteristic that made you all the more endearing. He had seen you push, play, and intentionally annoy the other Avengers into rough-housing, and they had always played along, happy to make a sturdy source of their joy content as well. Loki had not been kept a victim of your antics, and you were not below purposefully seeking him out to pester. "I'm just supposed to believe that?" 
"Yehehehes! This is torturhure," You chortled, which was a half-truth. 
"Fascinating," Loki leaned forward on the couch, looming over your frame. The angle of your trapped leg caused your hips to elevate off the sofa, your foot planted on the arm for support. To avoid hurting you, Loki made sure to press his weight into the upper part of your torso instead of the lower part to prevent any uncomfortable pull. Who would have thought he'd take care in the comfort of his own captive? Would Asgard crumble at the mere sight of its trickster haven fallen at the hands of something so ordinary? Could all evil not be subdued by the touch of one it loves? Perhaps it was possible. "And yet you've not once requested me to stop," Loki purred, bringing your hands up above your head though you thrashed and struggled and spewed with nervous tittering.
Your stomach dropped and swarmed with abashment. Saying that it was torture wouldn't have counted, nor the halfassed pleas you offered amongst your frenzy. Although Loki had made that a point, both his hands and cursed cloth slowed.
The sweat shinner across your brow, the way your chest heaved and retracted against the bunched-up fabric of the clothes he had conjured onto your beautiful skin; there was nothing to you Loki didn't adore. You were trust, warmth, acceptance, something that was all too rare. He smiled down at your goofy and exhausted grin, finally ending his reign over the bedsheets and lowering your body fully onto the sofa. The sheet draped loosely around your ankle as if it had been the remnants of morning or perhaps a mid-afternoon nap. The wild state of your clothing and hair suggested as much, if not something more suggestive. Love and affection were strange. Not foreign, but peculiar. Loki had not realized that falling in love could physically be felt in the chest, like magnetism that would prayerfully result in his arms embracing you. 
In a crowded room, his eyes fell heavy onto you. The way when you spoke, your words almost fell too quickly out of your mouth. Your skill as an agent, your sharp wit, your humor - Loki's thoughts fell onto his mother's face, and how desperately he wished he could bring you home to Asgard to show her what - who - he had won. And yet, you were more than just a prize. You were more than just the exterior shell of the hardened agent you had to become. You were you. That was enough. 
There were many parts that of you that Loki had yet to explore. Natasha's words and advice rang in the back of his head, but he knew that they came from a place of protectiveness for you. There were so many possibilities to who you were, what had happened, where you even came from. Midgard was large, Asgard immense, the cosmos enormous. With each individual came a story, and the stories he had heard throughout his years put lead in his stomach. The Avengers were not known for cheery origins, that was evident enough. While he craved to know what fueled your drives, he was unwilling to push past what you were acquiescent to share.  
"I don't hate it," You mumbled, snatching Loki from his thoughts. A deep blush dusted your cheeks, and you turned your head to the side, tugging on your wrists (which Loki yielded) and covering your face. "If anyone is doing it, I'd rather it be you."
Once again, the familiar tug of Loki's heart blossomed in his chest. He felt his jaw square but did nothing to stop it, allowing his face to bear emotions he had concealed for what felt to be ages. You reached up to him, taking his jaw in your hands. His chin was stiff beneath your sliding thumb, his skin smooth and unblemished, save for smile lines that had etched themselves to the sides of his nose. 
"What are you thinking about?" You asked. 
Loki's hand mimicked your gentle hold on his face, caressing the apples of your cheek. "I...have done things. Some unspeakable," he admitted, searching for something in your face. 
"Things I already know about."
"Yes," his voice faded. Years of suffering, loneliness, and pain strong enough to shake ground shadowed his face. "Is this right? You don't feel...coerced." 
"No," you shook your head just enough so he could see beneath the dark of the room. "Don't focus on the past anymore. We're here. We're now. We've all done things we hate. All of us," you paused, the faded glow of a taxi's headlights passing over his features. "I...just want to be with you."
"I'm here," Loki rustled, leaning down to your lips. 
In the story that Loki had told in his fruit-drunk stupor, he had spoken of a world painted with crimson and gold. The air tasted like bourbon, and the crowds pulsed with energy as musicians cheered in their corners. Among the throng of people had been a girl, dancing by herself in the middle of a busy floor, her dress bright and how its ruby pigment stole eyes from onlookers. She twirled and laughed, holding the skirt down with her hands. Loki had not told his companions about his visions afterward and instead let them begin their own fables, but Loki had seen more than just that girl. He had seen her take his hand and lead him into a dance. He had seen the sparkle of solar systems in her eyes and stars glittering in her pupils. He had tasted the tang of wine at your tongue, and now as he sat with you in intense reality and made quick work of his hands, the memory of his fantasy had reached its end. 
His tongue now tasted the perspiration he had caused personally, kissing and nipping at your neck, your collar, your stomach, your hips, your thighs...
With a look supplicating permission, a shy nod, and a smirk that made your knees shake, you once again found yourself trembling beneath the hands of the trickster god. 
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nev3rfound · 3 years
glass : b.b
after a messy breakup with your boyfriend, you can’t help but be a tad bit reckless during a mission leaving bucky to help pick up the pieces and learn why you’re acting the way you are. (2.5k) 
warnings: mentions of blood, violence, wounds, breakups 
masterlist / permanent taglist / etsy shop - requests open!
(everything on my blog is my own writing. if it is shared on another page or website without being credited, it has not been approved to be shared by me. all rights reserved.)
also hi, we’re almost at 5k which is amazing and i’m planning a little giveaway! sorry if i’ve been quiet this week, i have been hooked with the ‘shatter me’ series and i can’t get enough lmao. but i do have more pieces in the works :)
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Sitting in the Quinjet, you could barely register what Tony was saying as the words that were practically spat at you last night circulated your thoughts.
“Y/n?” You flinch at the call of your name, breaking you from the trance-like state you were in.
Steve smiles warmly as he takes the seat beside you as prying eyes watch closely, noting the change in your mood the moment you boarded the jet.
“Sorry,” You mutter to Steve. “late night.”
Nodding in response, Steve glances over to a concerned Bucky whose brows remain knitted together. Usually, you would sit with Bucky, joke around with him and Sam about all sorts. Yet today, you boarded the jet and sat alone, closing your eyes and blocked everyone out.
“Tell me ‘bout it.” Steve playfully huffs, trying to incite some form of reaction, but you remain silent. “Listen, if you wanna talk,”
“Thanks, Steve.” You cut him off, forcing your lips upward. “I’ll let you know if anything comes up.”
With that being his cue to leave you be, Steve shakes his head to Bucky as he wanders back toward Tony, organising the final details of the plan before you land.
“Okay team, descending now, arriving in less than ten.” Tony announces, ensuring he has everyone's attention- including yours. “So, Cap, you and Romanoff will head straight for the side entrance whilst Wilson and Barnes take the back. I want Y/L/N and Barton to head for the hostages.” Tony explains, watching as you all nod along.
“And what will you be doing, Tony?” Steve asks as he picks his shield up.
“I will be with Wanda,” Tony states as Wanda playfully salutes. “on standby in case something goes wrong.”
“Not that it will.” Wanda comments but quirks a brow to Sam who holds his hands up in defence.
“That was a one-time thing, witchy.” Sam retorts, causing Tony to roll his eyes once again at the team's antics.
“Anyway, get ready.” Tony finishes before retreating toward the pilot whilst everyone gathers their weapons.
Whilst grabbing your gun and placing it into your holster, you notice the small bruise forming on your wrist as your sleeve rises slightly. You quickly tug on it, thinking nothing of it as you reach for the set of knives you usually carry.
Yet Bucky noticed, it was impossible for Bucky to not notice the smallest of details about you. His heart ached at the sight. You’re known for being clumsy and would often laugh about the matter. If you got a bruise, you’d joke about it, explain how this one happened in another idiotic motion as opposed to hiding it.
“You ready for this one, Y/n?” Clint speaks up as he appears by your side, counting his arrows as you tighten your grip on your favourite knife, causing your knuckles to lighten in colour.
“As I’ll ever be.” You remark as the Quinjet door opens and you all walk out, splitting up into different directions.
It wasn’t supposed to happen, you weren’t prepared enough as a team for what you encountered inside the building.
You reached the hostages and quickly untied them. They thanked you senselessly whilst Clint remained on guard, keeping a close eye on the door as you helped them to their feet.
“Who are you?” One man speaks up, his voice hoarse as he grips your arms for dear life.
“We’re the Avengers.” You softly tell the man, watching as the fear in his expression lightens, and he starts to laugh maniacally in your face.
Trying to prise yourself from his grasp, his nails dig into your skin. “You made a mistake coming here.” He states, breaking his gaze from you momentarily, giving you a chance to slam your foot into his.
With the man's grip easing, you snap yourself from his embrace and hit him with the butt of your gun. He falls to the ground, and you raise your gun to everyone else in the room.
“Who else is a plant?” You ask, looking at all of the terrified faces staring back at you. “Who else?!” You repeat yourself, adrenaline rushing through you before you fire your gun into the ceiling as they all jump.
Clint whips his head around, evidently shocked having never seen you react this way before. “Y/n,” He speaks up, but you ignore him, keeping your attention fixated on the ‘hostages’ before you.
“No one, Ma’am.” A little girl announces as she releases her mother's hand, stepping toward you. She looks up at you with her bright brown eyes and holds her hand out. “Are you here to save us?” She questions.
Kneeling down in front of the girl, you smile softly, your cool exterior melting. “Yes, and you’re all going to be okay, I promise.” You tell her, breaking your gaze as you look around at everyone else.
“Y/n, now.” Clint states as you rise to your feet, holding your hand out to the little girl who gladly accepts.
“Okay, follow me, you’ll all be safe if you stay close.” You explain to the dozen hostages who huddle together, following behind you and Clint.
“Tony? We have them, there was a plant, tell the others.” Clint speaks through the comms as he walks ahead, his bow at the ready in case anyone else lingers in the corridors.
Glancing over your shoulder, you check to ensure the hostages are still with you. Whilst your head is turned, you hear Clint groan and fall to the ground with a thud.
“Clint?” You rush forward whilst the hostages remain still. Holding your gun up, you turn the corner, catching sight of a man stood with his gun aimed at Clint’s unconscious body. “Corridor seven, ground floor.” You speak up, hoping someone hears you through the comms.
The man before you smirks as his gun is now aimed at you whilst you mirror his actions, not daring to let your hands shake as his words ring through your ears.
“You really think that’s a wise move?” He asks, removing the safety from his gun.
“I’m not one to go down without a fight.” You state, hearing a collection of footsteps echo behind the man as a glint of metal flashes across your eyes.
The man's focus shifts to behind you, but his gun remains trained to you. “Ah, I see we have a friend.” He chuckles and you can feel your heart rate increasing as the little girl stands by your side.
“She has us.” The girl states, standing tall as the hostages emerge and gather behind you.
Sighing under his breath, the man clicks his tongue. “Well, this is sweet and all, but you’re not making it out of here alive.” He scoffs, lowering his gun to the little girl.
Everything plays too quickly for Bucky’s liking as he runs toward the man, his arms outstretched and fists clenched.
Upon watching the man pull back the trigger, you force the little girl back, feeling the impact of the bullet hit your stomach. Another shot rings through your ears, but you’re already down on the ground, curled up.
Bucky steps over the man's body, not caring to step in the blood that pools around his head as he rushes toward you.
“Hey, doll, stay awake for me, okay?” Bucky pleads, brushing your hair out of your face as he glances down, noticing your fingers are coated in crimson. “Sam, get Tony, now!” He yells, picking you up in his arms as both Steve and Natasha appear, taking in the sight before them.
Bucky looks over to Steve, and he doesn’t need to say anything. “Go, we’ll handle it.” Steve nods to Bucky as you hang in his arms, eyes barely open.
Rushing past the hostages who stare with wide eyes, Bucky keeps his on you. “Come on, Y/n,” Bucky mutters as the cool breeze hits his face, feeling you move in his arms and bury your face into his chest.
“I’m cold,” You mumble tiredly, barely able to keep your eyes open as they droop heavily. “just five minutes.”
“No, don’t you dare,” Bucky firmly tells you as the Quinjet comes into view, the sight of worry evident in Wanda’s expression as she meets Bucky halfway, guiding him into the jet.
“What happened?” Wanda asks as Bucky places you down on the ground, reaching for the medical supplies on board with urgency, ripping out various weapons and mechanical items until he finds some form of bandages.
“She tried to save a little girl,” Bucky sighs as Wanda cradles your head, her fingers hovering over your temples as a red glow forms whilst Bucky applies pressure to the wounds, watching as they soak instantly from your blood. “we, we have to go, now!” He yells to Wanda who barely flinches.
“Tony? Can you handle this?” Wanda questions through the comms.
“Just get Y/n back, we’ll sort this out.” Tony responds, trying to hide the fear in his tone for the younger Avenger, one he can’t help but view as a daughter in many respects.
“She wants to be strong,” Wanda whispers, hearing your thoughts as you drift further and further away from consciousness. “but she’s scared. I, I can hear his voice.” Wanda trails off as Bucky tenses up, knowing exactly who she means.
Bucky can feel his heartbreaking as the Quinjet flies through the air at an accelerated rate back to the compound.
“Oh Y/n, you’ve got so much coming for you,” Bucky takes one of your hands in his, gripping it tightly as he focuses on your face, the light disappearing from your complexion. “don’t go, not now, doll.”
Lying in your own bed, you remain in a deep sleep whilst Bucky hovers by your bedside. Ever since you were brought back and cleared, he insisted you’d feel more comfortable in your own room.
“Anything?” Wanda speaks up, peering in your doorway as your chest rises and falls rhythmically. Bucky shakes his head in response, aware of Wanda approaching your bed as she perches on the edge, her fingertips dancing over your head.
Wanda quickly pulls her hand away, the red wisps disappearing as she avoids Bucky’s cold gaze. “What is it?”
“I’m not sure,” Wanda mutters, moving your hair out of your face. “but something happened before the mission, something to do with him.” Wanda sighs. “I just, I can’t tell what it was.” She explains as Bucky keeps a straight face, unable to take his eyes off the various bruises now exposed on your skin, the cuts and scars forming alongside them.
“She’s always been agile on missions, even if she’s clumsy.” Bucky breathes out, uncrossing his arms from his chest. “But she’s careful, she’s always careful.” He repeats to himself, wondering why you’d risk yourself like that when it could’ve been avoided.
“I had to,” You mumble, your eyes now beginning to open as you look up to your two friends, forcing your lips upwards. “did I miss much?”
A chuckle escapes Wanda as she looks over to Bucky, seeing the concern in his face refusing to ease. “I’m sure Bucky will fill you in.” Wanda tells you as she touches your hand before heading to the door. “It’s good to see you awake, Y/n/n.” She smiles at you whilst Bucky slowly moves closer to your bed, his legs leaning against the frame.
“So,” You sigh, still feeling your muscles burning beneath the covers on top of you. “is everyone safe?”
Trying to hold back the scoff building, Bucky simply nods.
“Good,” You nod to yourself, a sense of relief crossing your system. “I’m glad it worked out.”
“Worked out?” Bucky snaps, noting your eyes widening as you struggle to sit upright without wincing. “No, don’t try and move,” His voice softens momentarily, forcing you to remain still. “Y/n, you think almost dying is a mission ‘working out', really?” He huffs loudly.
“Look, the hostages are safe, the team holding them was taken care of so yes, Bucky, I do think it worked out.” You bark back, your tone rising.
“God, you’re an idiot sometimes.” Bucky remarks, turning away from you as you look down at your lap.
“Max said that too,” You mumble.
Turning on his heels, Bucky focuses on you closely. “He said what?”
It was no secret Bucky wasn’t the fondest of your now ex-boyfriend, Max. He tolerated him for your sake, not wanting to lose your best friend in the midst of a relationship. But Max was never the most understanding, and this is just another reason Bucky mentally adds to his list of why Max was a lousy boyfriend.
“Forget it,” You brush it off, refusing to meet Bucky’s cold blue eyes. “it was nothing, I went to get the last of my things the other night and, and we had an argument.”
“What did he say to you, Y/n?” Bucky persists as he now sits down on your bed, his hands remaining in his own lap as you play with yours, fidgeting.
“He said I’m too fragile for my own good,” You admit, hearing his bitter words ringing through your head. “that I’m weak, and I shouldn’t even be an Avenger.”
Bucky can feel his blood boiling, the list in his mind becoming mere shreds of paper as he imagines what he’ll do to Max if he sees him again.
“And maybe I am, he said I’m broken goods,” You add, lifting the sheets from your body to reveal the stitching in your skin where the bullet was. “what difference does one more scar make?”
“You don’t believe him, do you doll?” Bucky asks sadly, afraid he already knows the answer.
Your prolonged silence only causes Bucky’s heart to sink further into his chest.
“Y/n,” Bucky speaks up, taking your hand in his. “you’re not broken goods, you’re not made of glass that shatters easily.” He explains, unable to meet your teary gaze. “You’re one of the strongest, most selfless people I’ve ever met, you’re not fragile, doll.” He rubs his thumb over the top of your hand, avoiding the fresh scuffs lacing your knuckles.
“You think so?” You whisper as tears fall down your cheeks before you can stop them.
Now catching your eyes, Bucky smiles softly. “I do, Y/n.” He admits, watching you struggle to shuffle in your bed as you force back a whimper.
Patting the spot beside you, Bucky raises a brow. “Will you stay, Bucky, please?” You whisper, too afraid of your own voice.
“As long as you know you’re worth so much more than him, Y/n, okay?” Bucky asks as he lifts his arm up, wrapping it around you as you curl up into his chest. “You deserve the world, doll.” He mutters, feeling your grip around his waist loosen as your breathing softens. “And I promise to show you someday.”
Bucky brushes his lips across your forehead as light snores leave your lips, unaware of the promise Bucky has made to you and intends to keep it.  
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