#i never really saw it until you get a free one in the battle tower in gen 8. obviously. played gen 8 first y'all know that
front-facing-pokemon · 3 months
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mviswidow · 11 months
all's well that ends well
Maria Hill x Reader
Word count: 1.8k
Summary: A couple of months after being rejected by Maria, R gets hurt during the Battle of Sokovia and it brings them back together. Pretty angsty with some fluff at the end and plenty of best friend Nat.
Based on this request from a while back but I decided to finish it up. I would love to write for Maria more so if you have any ideas please send them my way <3
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“I’m so sorry.”
Maria’s words repeated in your head every day since you bore your heart out to her.
The worst part was probably that she had never told you if she reciprocated your feelings. She’d just insisted it wouldn’t work out; it wasn’t worthwhile. You couldn’t believe what you saw between the two of you was imagined. It couldn’t have been. 
You saw her through the glass door of one of many conference rooms, sitting outside, waiting to speak to Fury while you were in your meeting with him.
You should have been happy. You had just been promoted and were going to be an Avenger, yet all you could think about was a girl who didn’t care about you enough to be honest with you.
You did your best to block Maria out of your mind for the remainder of the meeting, attempting to soak up the moment. This was the kind of thing you’d been working towards since you started at SHIELD Academy. 
You needed this. You needed a win. Having such a huge distraction would be great for you, and the opportunity to learn from a legend such as Natasha Romanoff was incredible.
You moved your belongings into the Avengers Tower during the following week. Your bedroom was right next to Natasha’s.
Per Fury’s request, Natasha trained you multiple times a week and reported back to him on your progress.
The more time you spent training with her, the better you got to know her.
Before you knew it, Natasha had become your closest friend. After feeling crushed about Maria, she was exactly what you needed in your life - someone unwavering.
Natasha knew what it was like to be alone. You did too. Maybe that was why the two of you clicked so well.
She was also very excited to have another woman in the tower. Before you it was her and the rest of the boys.
You spent most of your free time with her. She helped you heal your heart.
With some time, you no longer felt your stomach churn every time you saw Maria at work.
You were starting to feel okay.
You knew Natasha and Maria were friends, but it wasn’t something you really ever thought about.
You were reminded of the fact when they hugged to greet each other at Tony’s party a couple nights after you helped the Avengers obtain Loki’s scepter from Strucker. 
You stood awkwardly behind Natasha until the redhead moved on to greet another one of your colleagues and Maria’s eyes landed on you.
Anxiety bubbled up in your chest as you gave her a polite smile and a loose hug.
“Maria,” you nodded.
“Hi,” she smiled, though it didn’t nearly reach her eyes the way it used to when she spoke to you. “I haven’t really gotten a chance to congratulate you since you got promoted.”
You didn’t expect a conversation.
“You’re looking good out there.”
You could feel your cheeks turning red, “Thank you.” 
There was so much you wanted to say to her. You held your tongue, though, you would only hurt yourself.
Before either of you had a chance to say anything more, Natasha returned and began to speak to the brunette. You tuned out their conversation quickly as the only thing you could think about was how terribly you missed everything about Maria. 
After a minute, you excused yourself to the bar, promptly ordering two shots and throwing them back.
You were soon joined by Tony and Thor who you ordered drinks with to celebrate your victory. When Steve joined the three of you, you took another shot with him. It was not long before you became a little too tipsy for a work party faster than you’d realized what you’d done.
Upon noticing you hadn’t seen Natasha since you arrived at the party together, you scanned the room for red hair.
You found her sitting on a chair, listening to a conversation between a couple of people, and clumsily sat yourself on her lap, eliciting a laugh from her.
“Someone’s been busy,” she said with a smirk that turned into a smile.
“Oh yeah, I can’t say no to an open bar.”
“Obviously,” she teased and you saw a glint in her eye that made your heart pick up. “You seeing anyone lately?”
You rolled your eyes with a knowing smile, “Prying while I’m drunk, Nat? I didn’t think that was your style.”
“That’s not a no,” she pressed on.
“You’re very nosy. But no, I haven’t even thought of that since… since I joined.” You thought back to what Maria told you. “Besides, I don’t need a distraction or anything.”
“I dunno,” Natasha shrugged. “doesn’t hurt to have some fun- and seeing someone doesn’t mean you have a distraction in your life. There’s a person behind the big, strong, Avenger everyone sees. Being human doesn’t make you weak.”
Your eyes flitted to Maria who was across the room, engaged in a conversation with Steve, and you rolled your eyes in annoyance, “You should tell that to her.”
Natasha’s face crinkled in confusion and she followed your line of sight, her eyes widening as she turned back to face you, “What is that supposed to mean?”
You groaned and had to stop yourself from facepalming, drinking made you loose lipped, “I’ll tell you about it sober, we’re not getting into this now.”
The last thing you thought you would have to do that night was fight sentient fucking robots while intoxicated. You thought you had been holding your own well enough but got knocked to the floor when a bogie hit you in the head.
Your ears rang loudly and you’d been sure the stupid piece of metal was about to kill you as you held your head in agony until you heard gunshots and it never came.
You had Maria to thank for that.
The next time you found yourself being thrown to the ground by a bogie was in Sokovia. You weren’t so lucky this time, you landed on a sharp piece of metal that lodged itself in your abdomen as your chin slammed into the concrete ground.
You cried out in pain as you tried to get your bearings, knowing that if you didn’t act quickly you would die. 
Searing pain coursed through your entire body as you reached to unstrap your gun from your thigh. Hot tears ran down your cheeks and mixed with dirt and the fresh blood on your chin. 
You shot the hunk of metal until it collapsed on the floor. You were grateful the lifeboats were taking people from the floating island to the helicarrier every couple of minutes and hobbled over as quickly as your body could go in this state. 
Every breath and step you took was excruciating. The only thing you could think about was how badly you wanted to survive. 
The moment Steve laid his eyes on you, he gestured to Natasha and ran over, picking you off your feet and carrying you the rest of the distance. You let out a sob of relief when you no longer had to rely on your feet carrying you the rest of the way, not knowing how much further you would have been able to make it.
You heard him speaking over comms and vaguely caught Natasha’s response, telling him to take you onto the helicarrier for medical attention while she continued to direct people onto lifeboats.
“You’re going to be alright, okay?” Steve murmured, and you couldn’t tell if he even believed himself. 
Nonetheless, you nodded into his neck and let your eyes close.
You woke up in a bed with an IV attached to you. You were grateful that the lights were mostly turned off, besides a lamp in the room, keeping your eyes from hurting too much. 
Your whole body ached, your stomach especially, and you groaned restlessly.
Natasha was sitting in a chair to your right reading a book and Maria was beside her, her eyes closed. When Natasha heard you, her head snapped up from her book and she let out a sigh of relief, taking your hand. “Hey, you’re okay.”
She offered you some water and gave you medication that was left for you in case you woke up, “This should make you feel better, you’ll probably be a little drowsy soon but the pain should go away.”
“Thank you, ‘Tasha,” you smiled gratefully as best you could.
“You scared me, you know - all of us, really,” She said, her voice a little shaky. “I’m glad you’re alright.”
“Me too,” you chuckled.
Natasha smiled softly and cleared her throat, “I’ll come check on you again soon but I know Maria wants to talk to you.” 
She nudged the brunette awake gently, nodding in your direction, “Hey, she just woke up a couple minutes ago.”
Maria muttered a ‘thank you’ to Natasha for waking her up and moved to her previously occupied seat when she left.
“You feel okay?” she asked when the two of you alone, and you figured she was avoiding whatever it was she actually wanted to say.
“No, I was impaled, I feel like shit… Why are you here?”
Maria’s eyebrows raised for a second, caught off guard by how blunt you were being, and took a breath, “I wanted to apologize.”
“When I rejected you. I -”
“That’s not necessary, Maria, I really don’t want to rehash this.”
She shook her head and clenched her jaw, “Please. I - I was wrong.”
You quirked a brow. That was new. It wasn’t every day Maria Hill was wrong about something. And it definitely wasn’t every day Maria Hill looked like she was about to cry.
Maria took your silence as permission to continue, “I’m in love with you. And I’m sorry you had to almost die for me to admit it. I was so afraid to let myself love you because I was terrified knowing that something like this could happen to you. But when I got the call I realized that I could die never knowing what it’s like to kiss you.” Her voice broke as she finished her sentence. She let out a breath to steady herself as a tear streaked down her face.
You reached out your hand to the edge of the bed, palm up. Maria put her hand on top of yours and you squeezed lightly.
Her breath hitched and tears welled in your eyes while you watched her lips turn downwards as she tried not to cry. “I’m so sorry,” Those words sounded different this time.
Your heart ached for her. You nodded, understanding. “I know… it’s okay.”
She swallowed and wiped her tears, taking a deep breath. “I’m sorry.”
You shook your head, a soft smile playing on your lips, “Why don’t you find out what it’s like to kiss me already, hm?”
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sailorsplatoon · 8 days
v8 au staring a horribly love-sick/potentially yandere 8 that is jealous 4 fell in love with acht?
This is an amazing idea and I love this!!!
Let’s go with she/her pronouns for Eight in this au. Because there’s still a hint of Agent 32. (My various Eight oc’s pronouns are going to get so confusing lol.)
As Four is regaining their memories while climbing the Spire of Order, Eight is watching Acht slowly fall in love with them, which is when her jealousy begins. She tries to hide it for now, being torn apart inside as she sees the entire romance between Acht and Four unfold. She blames everyone, Acht for being the one Four fell in love with, and Pearl and Marina for encouraging it.
After they all leave the Memverse, Eight begins to plan how she can get rid of Acht so that she can have Four. Eventually, she finds that if Acht is in the Memverse, she can trap them in there by hacking into their headset. Problem is, Eight doesn’t know how to hack. You know who does know how to hack? Marina. 
Eight knows Marina would never agree to sabotaging a headset, so she has to trick her. She convinces Marina that a headset which traps someone in the Memverse may be useful when curing sanitized octos if they put up a big fight. Marina is hesitant, but she trusts Eight and does it anyway. Eight takes the hacked headset and swaps it out with Acht’s
Eventually, Four and Acht decide to meet up in the Memverse for a date night. But when they leave, Acht can’t. Eight loads in, filling Acht in on all she’s done in a villain monologue type thing. She threatens Acht, but leaves without doing anything. The rest of her plan takes place in the real world.
Eight then convinces Four, Marina, and Pearl that Smollusk has taken over the Memverse again, to the point that it’s not safe to go in it. She also says that Acht is stuck in there, and that she thinks it could be harmful to Acht’s mind if they forcefully try to remove the headset. Because of how much trust she’s built up with all of them, they believe her easily. 
Marina is unable to find signs of Smollusk interfering with the Memverse again in the code, but Eight says she swears she saw it, and also reminds Marina that the first time Smollusk took over, she didn’t notice anything either. This is enough to convince her. 
Four is heartbroken, working endlessly to find a way to free Acht. While they do this, Eight pretends to be there for them, as if in hopes of comforting them. In reality, this is a ploy to get them to grow closer to each other. Eight cherishes this time with Four, valuing every moment.
Acht is trapped in the Memverse entirely alone. Or at least, so they think. They aren’t strong enough to climb the tower all the way up to Smollusk and get help from it, but they can ride the elevator back down to the bottom, which is where Cipher comes in. I never really post about it, but I absolutely love Cipher, I want to include it in something! 
Acht tells it about everything that happened, and all that Eight told them. While Cipher doesn’t have the ability to help Acht leave, it can send items to the lobby terminal. This doesn’t seem like something that would be helpful, until Acht realizes they can use it to send a message to Four. 
Acht writes a letter to Four on the back of one of Cipher’s locker decorations and has it sent to Four’s lobby terminal. It takes Four a while to find it, since they’re grieving Acht and don’t want to battle, but eventually they do. Acht writes about everything Eight told them, and Four reads all of it. They are furious with Eight and immediately tell Pearl and Marina. Off the Hook then goes to try and talk to Eight about it while Four goes into the Memverse to save Acht (knowing now that it’s not dangerous at all). 
Thank you for the ask!!! That’s all the ideas I have for the au for now, it still needs an ending, but I like it so far!
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reides · 1 year
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my absolute fav mythic pokemon in its shiny forme is finally here with me - shiny manaphy from pokemon ranger!!! i named mine reides after my beloved dnd oc, who is another sea prince!!! and i'm going to try to make it a 'ribbon master' as well (prob minus a few battle tower related ribbons but We Will See), so i'll be transfering lil reides up through multiple generations. i'm starting off in pearl, where it'll be part of my official storyline team!
i definitely have a lot to say about this hunt. it was absolutely CRAZY from start to finish, by far the craziest one i've ever done, so i'm gonna slide some ramblings about it under a little cut here...!!! i’m gonna try to keep it brief but i just know i’m gonna end up writing a ton LMAO
ok! so! manaphy has actually been shiny locked in every single game that it's been featured in. the pokemon ranger manaphy is no exception to this. :( the manaphy egg that you get from pokemon ranger is specifically programmed to NEVER hatch as a shiny in the game you receive it in. but thanks to a little programming oversight, you can actually hatch a shiny one if you trade the egg that you received in one game over to another one. then you hatch the egg in that other game and it has the potential to be shiny. that's how people do this hunt: by ensnaring themselves in the union room and trading over the eggs repeatedly until one hatches shiny.
but let me tell you. getting one legitimate manaphy egg alone requires sooo much preparation. you need a copy of pokemon ranger played to the point where you can transfer the egg over (aka post-game), and you can typically only get one single manaphy egg per save file of pokemon ranger. even if you select 'new game' in your copy of ranger, the manaphy egg would always be marked as claimed. so if you look into the process of this shiny hunt, you'll find out about a method involving four copies of ranger and 'reverse hunting', wherein people shuffle the same four eggs from these copies around various gen4 games for the whole hunt, restarting their games and playing through the whole opening sequence repeatedly in the hopes that their new trainer ids will eventually match up and result in the egg hatching as a shiny. luckily, though, people eventually found out that the 'one manaphy egg per cartridge' thing is actually kind of a misconception. if you have a way of wiping that cartridge's .sav file BEYOND selecting 'new game', you can actually get as many eggs from one cartridge as you like - and, most importantly, these eggs will not be clones of each other. since i only have one copy of pokemon ranger AND i had the means of doing the .sav wipe, i decided to take this approach to the hunt. i also got really lucky because the friend who gave me his copy of pokemon ranger (SHOUTOUT TO JM) had played to the point of having the manaphy egg on the cartridge but hadn’t sent it out yet, so i didn’t have to take on the pokemon ranger plot grind at all. this was a huge motivator for me when i decided to take on the hunt bc it was just so incredibly convenient! 
at first, i started off with two systems, but at this hunt's peak i was using four (4) systems to transfer and hatch eggs. after doing that tedious back-and-forth for a good ~700 eggs (averaging at around 45 eggs per day and using up like 90% of my free time to get them - transfer speed was SLOW, to the point that i feel like doing the reverse hunting method may actually be faster), my friend cody randomly brought up the concept of rng hunting. i'd heard about rng hunting before, but it always seemed like a really convuluted process with lots of Numbers (and, y’know, Numbers Scary) - so i stayed away from it for years. but i offhandedly looked into it again and saw that a lot of people had success with it for their manaphy hunts... so i ended up looking into the process in a way more in-depth manner than before. and i'm not gonna lie... it totally gripped me. in EXTREMELY simplistic terms, rng hunters use (external) timing programs which assist them in loading into a specific seed of their game. they then advance the frames of that seed to a targeted one with a shiny, then catch that shiny. it's a process that requires a whole lot of precision - especially if you're doing it on an actual console vs on an emulator of some sort - but the more videos i watched, the more hype i was to try it for myself. not gonna lie, attempting it seemed almost fated bc the night before i had been randomly gripped by an urge to find as many of my old consoles as i could, which included my ds lite. i ended up needing to use that for the rng process, as i needed a copy of leafgreen slotted into the ds while i tried to get the right seed. the timing of that was seriously so weird. destiny fr.
anyway, there were a lot of setbacks initially - mostly because the transferred manaphy egg is received in a mart, and, in dppt, all of the marts have moving npcs which mess with your frames SO much - but after a bunch of attempts, i ended up prevailing in the end. i was pretty sure that i messed up and advanced my frames too far but i took the egg anyway, traded it over to platinum, hatched it... and there it was. a lil brave-natured shiny manaphy!
that egg was my 713th egg, and so this manaphy took 713 eggs to get home and gained another special element of being my very first successful rng-based shiny!!!
i'm really so thrilled with how it all turned out, this is definitely a shiny hunt that i won't ever forget!! i made so many crazy memories during it with friends and i feel like i know soooo much more about pokemon as a whole now. i'm super happy to have this ribbon master challenge to focus on now, too. it's what reides deserves!!! <3
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drottni · 2 years
Okay rewatching LBFAD (ofcourse this would be the show I do that to) and some observations
1. How the heck did they actually manage to capture Dongfang Qincang? Like after Lady Chidi sacrificed herself who was actually strong enough to bring my man down? What happened.
2. The intro says his "primordial spirit cannot be destroyed", why and how is it destroyed later then when XLH kills him? Also that when he resurrects it would be danger for the 3 realms (I like to think that in some universe it was written he would sacrifice himself for XLH and that Taisui would take over his body and put the 3 realms in danger and thats what this refers to) and that "only the goddess of Xilan would be able to prevent this catastrophe" and didn't she? By killing her beloved and stopping Taisui she did. God. I feel like they were destined to play these roles as well. "It's my destiny to save the world" 🤝 "It's my mission to save you"
3. My boy wasn't just casually chilling and trapped in that prison. He was fighting! He was sending out energy even while unconscious and weakening the Matrix. Ofcourse he was.
4. Did XLH's master really plan on throwing her away and only kept her because of Changheng? Did she not know who XLH is? I always assumed she knew and was safe keeping her.
5. My girl XLH didn't even hesitate before deciding she was gonna risk herself for Changheng. Like she was this selfless from day one and we all really fooled ourselves into thinking she wouldn't do this for her Da Mouto. Clowns all of us. Dongfang Qincang too for not locking her up in a tower before heading out to big battle to stop her 😅
6. Dongfang Qincang's little fire spheres said "You're coming home with me" to XLH. 😆 Really grabbed her and never let go. Get yo girl boy.
7. Omg the reflection of DFQC in her eyes! I actually saw it now.
8. Multiple slow pausing has revealed to me: The MINUTE she touches him and her energy shoots out, his hands are FREED. She literally frees him. My god.
9. How do I make that zoomed out scene of them literally coloring the galaxy with their love a phone screen saver or something. I need that now.
10. DFQC who doesn't bother to explain anything to anyone ever immediately explains to XLH that he doesn't know why they have switched bodies and what is happening.
11. Netflix asking me if I want to skip intro:
me: How dare you.
12. That scene in the intro of their heads. How DFQC is bowed and XLH is looking up when in reality they are the opposite. But with each other, he bows to her, she looks up to him. God. I think I could write poetry out of these two and never stop. I could write essays. Someone make me stop.
13. I literally never knew that he refers to himself as Benzhuo (Not sure what its exact meaning is like but The Venerable one or something) until Tumblr and now when she mockingly says "Benzhuo Benzhuo" >" you keep talking about yourself", it's so much funnier. She literally calls him out on his fancy language and says alright mr high and mighty calm down you aint a big deal. LOVE.
14. Idk if its a translation thing or he for real says to her "don't cry" like a request instead of an order as you would expect like "stop crying!". So soft. Sir why. "Clean your face" like you would to a child after consoling them. Like "okay that's enough now wipe your face". God.
15. The first time we see the curse seal is when she enters the Matrix its on her chest. The second time and the first time we see it on DFQC is when they switch back for the first time. I need to how the Xilan curse works. Why does it just feel like the universe conspiring to bring them both together 😆 Like how did the curse know he would try to kill her now that they switched bodies and immediately said "nope jokes on you, she is your precious one now"
16. The sheer joy I feel watching his transformation into Moon Supreme. Cleared my skin, fixed my life, cured my depression.
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Anon said:
Cyra, how do you feel about your creator? Do you remember much about her? And do you ever feel like being created with a purpose made it harder for you to carve out your own identity?
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 “My creator?” She repeats, blinking a few times, her ears folding forward for a moment. “Man, you guys really just go for the hard hitting questions, huh?”
          “Amice was tasked with something basically impossible, and I’m glad that she made the twins first. I’d hate to think how they’d handle not being finished.”
                         “Beyond that, I don’t really remember much about Amice, she got fired when we were locked in the basement back in '34. That whole department didn't make it, according to the records I found.”
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Cyra sighs, “I thought about trying to find her, but let’s face it, I didn't think she’d want anything to do with me. I was the failed project that lost her job. I bet she would've like the twins though."
"Found out a little bit ago, that she died a few years back. Ol' girl was over a hundred after all. Her lawyer, Scott McLaughlin, found us in the basement, right around the time of the reboot actually. Anyway, there was a long legal battle thing that happened when we were still locked up, but turns out Amice actually made us birth certificates, real as us. So, legally, we're not property of the studio, never were. That's how Scott got permission to come on lot and find us."
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"We got some financial compensation for 'mental harm' or whatever, and free passes to the studio lot for life. But, like, that doesn't make up for the 86 years we spent locked up, we only had one window, and it looked straight at another building. Real depressing like. We had each other, and a dinky little projection machine, paper, pencils, and the archives. Honestly, if we didn't have the cartoon archives, I don't think the three of us would've made it out as okay as we did. Probably would've killed each other or something.”
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          “Anyyyyway, yeah, my basics were carved out, but I was unfinished. I didn’t exactly get the whole Warner brother treatment, ya know? I was drawn, half colored with a dying marker, and shoved in a basement. I never even got to see the sun that entire time.”
                “So, guess you could say that I didn’t have a real identity for a while. I didn't even know the sky was that big until I saw the view from the water tower.“
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"But hey, that's all the past now, right? We live with Scott during the weekends, and during the week, I get to sit on the studio lot, and stare at the sky all I want. Also, I've got some auditions lined up, and you never know what the future holds, right? Scott and I've been talking about some other plans to make sure that no one gets shoved into an archive again."
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tealeafgrimm · 2 years
Finding You
Draco Malfoy x Reader Words: 4.7k Summary: Searching for Horcruxes, your path unexpectedly leads you to Malfoy manor. You come face to face with Draco for the first time after a long while, but the moment is only brief. Only during the Battle for Hogwarts do you see him again. But what will be his decision? A/N: This one-shot is a sequel to Missing You. It was not planned to be so long, but somehow it became more and more. I hope that especially those who wanted a sequel will like it. Also there is a thir part called New Beginnings, if want go and check it out.
Everything happened so fast, that you didn’t have time to think about your next moves. It was like you were watching from the outside, rather than being part of the action yourself. You saw how a hex hit Harry square in his face, causing it to swell to unrecognition. Loud pops around you signaled that the Snatchers had heard the taboo and were here to catch you. The blood in your ears was rushing loudly, your heart nearly beating out of your chest. Hermione, Ron and Harry beside you were looking around nervously, not knowing what to do either.
“See what we have here!”, one of the Snatchers sneered at your group, grinning from ear to ear. Your eyes wandered from man to man, coming to a halt on one person you had hoped to never see again. Fenrir Greyback. The night at the Astronomy Tower came back into your mind. Bill Weasley bleeding on the floor. A shiver ran down your spine as Greyback went for Hermione, holding her in place, his face only inches from your friend. Caught up in the moment you had not realized that you yourself were being restrained, until you wanted to leap forwards to help Hermione. Strong hands held you in place and the man behind you laughed at your attempt to free yourself.
“Well, if that isn’t the blood traitor Weasley! And what is your name and blood-status?”, one of them, you believed his name was Scabior, asked Hermione, who was trying to get away from the werewolf. Hermione tried her best to lie, but Greyback had already seen her before. “And what about you sweetheart?”, Scabior now asked you. Your throat dried out, no words escaping you. What would happen if you did not tell them anything? Would they kill you? Take you somewhere? The focus was taken away from you before giving an answer. “Hey, these two are with Potter, no? Is that him?” Everybody turned to Harry, who still was unrecognizable. You watched as they tried to look for his scar, debating on whether they saw something or not.
“Should we call him?”, one of the other men asked, poking Harry’s forehead, as if he would find the answer there. “Not if we aren’t sure. Let us take them to the others and then we can figure out what to do.” Robes bound your hands behind your back and a blindfold was cast over your eyes. You were dragged through the woods, stumbling over sticks and stones until you were shoved down, knees hitting the floor. You hissed in pain as you felt your skin breaking due to the contact. After being bound together in a circle, your captors stepped away to debate their next moves. They were to far away to understand what they were saying, but you were able to catch a few words that made your heart pound even louder. You had heard something about ‘the Malfoy boy’ and how he would be able to tell them, whether you truly had Harry with you. You were so focused on trying to hear more about their plan of action, that you hadn’t realized that Ron, Hermione and Harry were know talking quietly with Dean Thomas, who apparently had been snatched just a few moments before you.
“Y/N? Are you with us?” Your head turned slightly in the direction of Hermione’s voice. “Sorry, yeah, I was trying to listen to what they are saying, but I can’t really make anything out”, you whispered back to her. Before any of you could come up with an idea or a plan on how to attempt to escape your situation, you were all yanked onto your feet without warning, making you shriek and tumble. “Now, you better all behave”, a nasal voice said, while another person stepped next to you, holding on to the ropes that bound you. You felt the familiar sensation behind your navel, as the ground under your feet disappeared. With a thud you again found yourself lying on the floor. This time however it was clearly not in the forest. The ground beneath you was cold and hard. Even though you could not see were you where, you could tell that the room you just had landed in was big and old. The smell of old wood filled your nose. The moans around you, signaled that the others had apparated and landed as gracefully as you.
“What is all this commotion in here?” The familiar voice of Lucius Malfoy echoed around the room. “We think we have Potter and his friends, but his face is messed up, so we need your son to confirm our suspicion”, came the answer from Scabior. You heard footsteps clang on the stone floor, coming to rest close to you. A second later your blindfold was removed. After blinking a few times to adjust to the sudden light, you craned your neck to look around. You saw the platinum blond hair of Lucius Malfoy, who was taking a closer look at Harry. “You could be right, Narcissa please get Draco in here”, he turned to his wife who nodded and left the room.
A few moments later you could hear quiet whispers and footsteps from the hallway. And then he stepped into the room. The first thing you noticed was how sunken and dull his face looked. He had a sickly tint to his skin, his eyes were rimmed by dark circles. It reminded you of how he looked during your sixth year, when you followed him out of the Great Hall, when he kissed you. No, this was not the time to think about it. You had to focus, but your mind kept wandering. You remembered the night he found you hyperventilating and crying in one of the empty classrooms, the first time the two of you ever talked to each other without anyone else around.
You buried your head in between your knees, hugging them tighter to your body. Your lungs were burning and you could feel the sensation of pins and needles on your skin. How long had you been in here? An hour? Maybe two? You only wanted to get out of the Common Room to clear your head, but thinking about Umbridge, the impending war and your O.W.L.s had started a panic attack. Normally you were quite good at calming yourself down, but today nothing you did was working.
You tried to take another, deeper breath, when your thoughts were disrupted by footsteps in the corridor. Another wave of panic set in. If one of Umbridge’s Inquisitorial Squad members found you, you were doomed. You covered your mouth, hoping it would muffle your cries. Whoever it was outside, they were walking towards you. The steps stopped right in front of the classroom door and from the spot on the ground behind one of the tables you could see the doorhandle move. Draco Malfoy stood in the doorframe, staring directly at you.
What happened next, was not what you had been expecting. Instead of sneering or laughing at you, joyous that he found someone, a Gryffindor at that, out of bed in the middle of the night, he came over to you. “Are you alright?” There was no hint of sarcasm in his voice. Actually, he sounded quite…concerned? “Why would you care?”, you barely managed to press out in between sobs. He shrugged his shoulders. “I think if you sit here in the middle of the night crying, something must be wrong. Unless it is one of your hobbies to have panic attacks?” You looked at him in surprise. It was one thing to see someone was crying, but recognizing a panic attack was another.
“Don’t look so surprised! Do you want to talk or something?”, he asked and leaned his head back against the cold stone wall. A laugh escaped you. “Why would I want to talk to you out of all people?” Again, he just shrugged his shoulders. “I mean, your breathing sounds better do me. But if you don’t want to talk.” You hated to admit it, but he was right. Talking to him had helped you to even out you’re breathing. “Aren’t you supposed to hand me over to Umbridge?” Stretching your legs out in front of you, you allowed yourself to relax. “Guess so. But it’s no fun when you’re not throwing a fit about it.” A familiar smirk appeared on his face and you rolled your eyes at him.
The two of you just set there for a while, not saying a single word. Why did it feel so normal to sit beside him? You knew you shouldn’t and couldn’t trust him, or could you? You never really had a problem with Draco. It usually was Harry, Ron and him that butted heads constantly. Of course, you did not appreciate his remarks towards Hermione or the Weasleys, but then again, he was just as prejudiced as Ron was towards him. “Are you nervous?”, you asked him after a while. He had had every chance to throw you under the bus and he didn’t to it, so you felt like you could trust him. Or maybe it was the fact that now that you had calmed down, you were tired and unable to think straight.
“Nervous about what?” „About your O.W.L.s. That’s what stressing me. Well, at least a part of it.” You felt your cheeks redden from embarrassment. Not even your friends new just how much school was stressing you and yet you were okay with telling Draco Malfoy? “You shouldn’t. Sure, they are important, but I don’t know anyone who has really failed them. Also, you’re good in school, it’s not like you have a lot of reason to worry.” “Oh, so you’re keeping track of my performance in class?” You jokingly pushed yourself against him. It felt so normal to speak to him. Like you had done it a hundred times. “It’s quite hard to ignore you! You’re constantly waving your hand in the air!”, he laughed and shoved you back. “What do you want to do after school?”
And just like that you fell into an easy conversation with him, talking about your plans after school. You told him how you planned to work as a Healer and he told you that he would probably end up in his father’s footsteps, working closely with the ministry. Draco admitted to you, that when he was younger his dream had been to become a professional Quidditch player, at which you had laughed. As a peace offering, because he was quite mad at you for laughing, you had confided, that you at the age of five had told your parents that you wanted to be a post owl. His laugh was so loud that you had to put a hand over his mouth, fearing someone else patrolling would hear you. You felt so at peace that you were shocked when you finally looked at your watch. It was well past three in the morning and classes started early.
“I need to get back to the Dormitories, otherwise I won’t be able to stay awake during Transfiguration. McGonagall will have my head”, you groaned while getting up from the floor. Just then you realized your bones were aching from sitting on the hard ground for hours. “I’ll take you. If someone finds you, I can tell them that I already gave you detention.” He couldn’t resist smirking at his remark. “Very generous of you Draco, but you don’t need to.” “I know I don’t. I want to.” And with that he scurried through the door. For a second you stood perplexed looking after him, then you shook you head and followed him. You did not talk on the way back, but it wasn’t an unpleasant silence. In your head you let the past hours replay. Had somebody told you that you willingly would have a conversation with Draco Malfoy in the middle of the night you would have thought they were concussed. But actually, you were kind of sad that you had to part ways.
The Fat Lady seemed to be sleeping when you finally made it to the Common Room, but you still were not sure if the portraits really could sleep or if it was just an act. “Thank you for taking me back here Draco. And thank you for everything. It was really…nice.” Trying to avoid his eyes to hide your embarrassment you kept your eyes focused on the tip of your shoes. “Don’t know what you’re talking about. Now, you should go in, or I will deduct points from Gryffindor.” He turned around, walking back down the stairs hoping you had not seen his reddened cheeks or the smile that played around his lips. But you definitely had.
You snapped back into reality when Lucius Malfoy pushed Draco towards Harry. He was clearly uncomfortable with the position he was in. His head hung low and he tried to avoid everyone’s eyes. “Do you think it is him Draco? Is this Harry Potter? Look here…that is a scar, right?” You silently pleaded for Draco to lie. He was not one of them, you just had to believe in him. If he told his father the truth, this would be the end. “I-I-I’m not sure.” You nearly missed his answer, he spoke so quietly. For a second his eyes left Harry’s face to look in your direction. The motion was noticed by his father, who now pushed him in front of you.
“Do you know the girl? Do you now if she is with Potter as well?” This was the first time since the night at the Astronomy tower that you were looking Draco straight in the eye. You could feel the conflict inside of him, how his mind was racing, how he tried to tell you what he was feeling with a single look. “I don’t know.” That was all he said, though he did not break off eye contact. Only when his aunt started to scream behind him, he turned around. They had found the sword of Gryffindor. Bellatrix Lestrange was a scary person as it was, but seeing the rage written all over her face, send a cold shiver down your spine. Her screams echoed through the room, making you flinch. “Get the out of the room! Bring them into the cellar Draco! Except for this one, I want some answers”, she hissed, grabbing Hermione forcefully.
Harry, Ron and you were pushed out of the room, Draco behind you, wand raised. You desperately wanted to talk to him, plead with him to help her. But you knew that your words could still be heard, so you stayed quiet, following the orders on where to turn. He ushered you down a flight of stairs, leading to an iron gate. “Draco, please, you have to help us.” Your hand wrapped around his wrist as he was about to close the gate behind you. Harry and Ron were arguing behind you, trying to find a way to help Hermione. “I can’t. He’ll kill me…I never wanted it to end like this…I” “Then prove it! I know you’re not one of them. Look at you! When was the last time that you slept through an entire night? Do you want to spent the rest of your life like this? You can help end this madness.” Tears began to gather in your eyes, frustration, pain and fear running high inside you. There were a few seconds of silence and then without warning Draco pulled you close to him. His hands were gripping your waist firmly and his lips came crushing down on yours. Without thinking twice, you kissed him back. Everything around you seemed to be forgotten. And then it was over. “I’m sorry”, Draco whispered, stepping away from you and locking the cellar-gate.
The tears that had gathered on the rim of your eyes finally fell as you watched Draco walk upstairs, never looking back at you. You felt more confused than ever. But there was no time to think about your feelings, you had to get Hermione away from Bellatrix, you had to get out of the manor. In the rooms above you still heard Bellatrix screaming, followed by Hermione’s desperate cries. “We have to do something!”, screamed Ron, pushing Harry out of the way and rattling the bars that encaged them. Just now did you realise that there were other people in the small room with you. Dean and the Goblin that were catched with you, had already been brought downstairs before you. But there were to other familiar faces. You had to take a double look to make sure that it was really Luna Lovegood and Ollivander the wandmaker. Guilt began to build up inside of you. You were so caught up in your own situation, that you were no help to anyone.
“I saw someone!” Harry came rushing over to were Ron and you were standing, holding a broken mirror piece. Ron and you exchanged a confused look. “What?”, asked Ron, sounding as if he clearly thought that Harry had lost his mind. “The mirror. It’s the one Sirius gave to me. There was an eye. A blue one, I swear…”, he began to explain, but was interrupted by a ‘crack’. Everything that happened from there on out, felt like a blur to you. First Griphook, the Goblin, was taken upstairs to identify whether Hermione’s lie, that the sword was a copy, was true or not. At the same time Dobby took Luna, Dean and Ollivander to Bill Weasley’s cottage, leaving Harry, Ron and you behind. Finally deciding what to do next, you managed to overpower Pettigrew after lurking him in the cellar. Unbeknown to you, his failure would seal his fate.
“Here he has some wands, they aren’t ours, but that doesn’t matter now, we have to go!” Harry threw each of you a wand, keeping one for himself. The three of you ran up the stairs, leaving the lifeless body behind you. Once you stepped inside the dining room, all hell broke loose. Ron fired spells at Greyback in order to keep him away from Hermione who was lying unconscious on the floor. At the same time Harry stunned Lucius Malfoy, while you kept your wand at Narcissa. You tried to make your way over to Hermione, but Bellatrix beat you to it. She yanked your best friend up by her hair, holding a short dagger against her throat. Everyone stopped in their tracks. The room was parted, on the one side were the Malfoys and a stunned Greyback, on the other side were you and your friends. Right in the middle under the large chandelier stood Bellatrix an evil grin plastered over her face with Hermione as her shield. During the fight no one had heard the crack signaling the appearance of Dobby. Only when the chandelier started to rattle above your heads, did you realise that the house elf had come back to help you escape.
Ron who stood on your right site leaped forwards, just in time to drag Hermione away from the falling chandelier. As soon as they were out of your line you threw a spell at Bellatrix, but she was able to reflect it. Harry one the other hand had more success. He was able to disarm Draco, catching his wand just before he reached your group. Huddled together for just a second, you felt the familiar sensation of apparition. The last thing you saw were Draco’s grey eyes, looking directly back at you.
“Maybe you should pay attention to where you are going sweetheart”, laughed the Death Eater in front of you as your back touched the stone wall. You were stuck in a dead end with nowhere to turn. Wand raised you threw spells and jinxes at him, trying to block the ones he was sending your way. But you could tell that he was stronger and your muscles were aching. Just when you thought that your final moment had arrived, a spell hit the Death Eater in the back, stunning him instantly. Hands shaking you looked into the eyes of your rescuer. Hair disheveled, breathing heavily stood Draco Malfoy. If the situation hadn't been so serious, you would have laughed. But it was a matter of victory or defeat, life or death, and the last thing you needed in this situation were your confusing emotions. Since the escape from Malfoy manor, not a day had passed without you thinking about Draco. You had tried to hate him, to forget him. You tried to tell yourself that he had made his decision. And yet, each time, your heart told you there was another side. The side of him that only you had seen. And each time you came to the conclusion that, despite everything that had happened, you loved him.
Before you could even utter a word, a voice rang through the air. An icy shiver ran down your spine as you realised it was Voldemort's voice. It felt as if he was standing right next to you, every single word being so clearly heard. Was that how Harry had felt when he had Voldemort invading his mind? "You have one hour." Then suddenly there was silence. An hour to lead Harry to his death? You had to find the others. After Harry and Ginny had gone to the Room of Requirement to find the lost diadem, you had lost sight of Ron and Hermione. "Where are you going?" Draco held you by the wrist as you tried to walk past him. You pulled your hand free. "I need to find the others. Hermione, Ron, Harry, we only have an hour." " The others?", he asked incredulously, hurrying after you as you ran down the corridor towards the Great Hall without acknowledging him. "Listen! I don't care whose side you're on, okay? But make up your mind. Either you help us or you're against us, but stop this game Draco. Thank you for helping me, but I'm running out of time now." You quickened your pace, driven by the hope of finally ending the battle. Draco was left alone in the corridor.
When you entered the hall, your breath was knocked out of your lungs. How many people were lying here? The room that you remembered as being filled with laughter, with the excited whispering after the summer holidays, with the frightened and astonished looks of the new first years, was now filled with quiet crying, with pain, loss, death. You let your eyes wander over the crowd for a moment before you staggered out again. You couldn't wait in there. Where were the others? You hadn't seen them, so that had to be a good sign, right? You went outside and finally spotted the red hair of Ron; Hermione next to him. "Ron! Hermione! Thank god, are you guys okay?" You threw yourself against them one arm wrapped around each, relieved that they were still alive. "Harry....he left for the forest Y/N," Hermione sobbed, burying her face in your shoulder. They told you what had happened and together you waited for the next sign.
Harry dead? It just couldn't be true. But you saw his body with your own eyes. Tears streamed down your face and only with difficulty could you suppress a sob. Next to you, Hermione was also struggling. Without saying anything, you took her hand in yours and squeezed it. You had to stick together. For Harry. Voldemort and his Death Eaters were laughing at you like it was the best day of their lives. You only heard half of what Voldemort said. No one would take the chance to change sides anyway. As so many times before, it was Draco's name that snapped you out of your thoughts. "Draco, come over here to us." His mother held out her hand. You had been so focused on Harry that you hadn't noticed that he was standing only a few feet away from you. His gaze wandered from right to left. You could almost hear the wheels rattling in his head.
Your grip on Hermione's hand loosened and you gave her a quick glance. Then, almost simultaneously, Draco and you took a step forward. "Ah! Two of you seem to be trying to choose the right side," Voldemort's voice rang out to you. Behind you, you could hear the startled intake of breath from your friends. "Draco, don't do it. Do you really want to be like them? We both know you're not like that. Please," you whispered, holding your hand out to him. "Draco, come to your mother and me." There was no mistaking the anger in Lucius Malfoy's voice as he stepped up beside his wife. Draco stared at you for a while before taking another step, looking at his parents. Your heart broke. Was this really his decision. "I'm sorry mother, but I can't." His voice was quiet and yet it sounded to you as if he had shouted the words.
Before you could realise what his words meant, you heard another startled outburst. Neville had stepped out of the crowd and was speaking with such conviction that you wondered if this was really the same boy you knew. However, the renewed hope in you was quickly dashed by his disarming. You felt anger boiling inside you as Voldemort forced the Sorting Hat on Neville and he staggered about, disoriented. And then suddenly Neville had managed to free himself and, in his hand, he held the Sword of Gryffindor. Only a few metres beside Neville, Harry suddenly moved too. You nudged Hermione and Ron in the side and pointed in his direction. You let out euphoric screams and before you knew it, the battle around you broke out again.
It was over. Voldemort was dead. You had won, but at what price. Exhausted, you settled down next to Hermione on one of the wooden benches. While she had worked with the boys to destroy the Elder Wand, you had stayed in the Great Hall and helped Madam Pomfrey tend to the wounded. You didn't know how long you had been helping, but now you had done all you could. "Ron is with his family and Harry is talking to Ginny," Hermione replied when she saw your questioning look. You just nodded and dropped your head on her shoulder. You didn't speak to each other, but just sat there together. For the first in a long time, you could feel how calm you were. No fear, no uncertainty. Only the exhaustion remained the same.
"I think someone wants to talk to you," Hermione interrupted the silence after a while. You opened your eyes and lifted your head from her shoulder. At the other end of the hall sat Draco with his parents. They looked out of place. "He's been staring over here for minutes. You should talk to him. It's okay. No matter what this is between you two. Harry told me about your kiss." Horrified, you stared at her, but she just laughed. "He's not very good at keeping secrets. Go!" She poked you in the ribs. As you stood up, your eyes met Draco's. With a slight nod of your head, you motioned for him to follow you out. The air spring air hit your face. It was far too beautiful for the events that had taken place here only a few hours before. Draco stepped next to you.
"Y/N I...I... I’m so sorry. I should have helped you, but...after you escaped, I really realised that it would never get better. For years, I believed everything I was told. I took the easy way out, and that was wrong. I never wanted anyone to die... you have to believe that. Please, I know you don't want to have anything to do with me and I can understand that, but I just want you to know that I'm sorry." His voice trembled and you could see tears in his eyes. "I have always told you that you are not like this. You made mistakes, but you made a choice today. I'm glad you did the right thing Draco." "So you can forgive me? I promise you, I will change. I will do everything I can. I'll turn myself in to the Ministry today." "The entire time we were away, you were constantly on my mind. I'm afraid the Ministry will have to wait," you whispered, wrapping your arms around him and pulling him down for a kiss.
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ayuki-ikuya · 3 years
Dorms and Archons
Twisted Wonderland x Genshin Impact
Part 2 of 2
Part 1
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Dendro Archon
The Recluse Scholar
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𝓚𝓪𝓵𝓲𝓶 𝓐𝓵-𝓐𝓼𝓲𝓶
Kalim was excited to have a new friend! Oh the parties they'd have! The fun! The food!
When he met you, you were... distant. Did he do something wrong? Did he upset you?
He really did try to find out what he did wrong, and often sent you invitations (Malleus eyeing the invitations) you some of the parties he makes, but you don't show up nor reply, making him sadden.
Jamil low key face palming
During a normal sunny day at school, he and Jamil headed to the library to grab some books, and during the process, he found you, tucked in a corner with mountains, upon mountains of books around you, and you? You were reading.
"Ah? S/o??"
he startled you so badly that plants from outside grew. which of course caused a commotion.
Kalim apologised for startling you, but he asked a question about your attendance, your reply was to fiddle with your sleeves before answering with a small voice that you were afraid of people despite being a deity.
Kalim immedietly thought of Idia, but he crossed the line of no return, but Kalim smiled warmly, held your hand, making you choke, and said a more softer voice that he'd throw a smaller party, just the three of them. (Don't tell me you forgot Jamil, HE MAKES THE DANG FOOD)
You accepted.
Several parties later, you two were unsurprisingly in love with each other that the students of NRC were rolling their eyes at the moments the two shared. COULD YOU TWO DATE ALREADY!?!?
When you two started dating, Kalim made a celebration, but kept you in a more secluded section, that way you could be apart of it, but not near a large crowd of people. And you were thankful for it.
As a couple, Kalim practically adores you. And he's super affectionate too! Jalim is glad to have someone more tameable and it also makes it easier to locate Kalim if he ever goes off by himself.
𝓙𝓪𝓶𝓲𝓵 𝓥𝓲𝓹𝓮𝓻
He thought nothing of you at first.
Until you had full scores on everything.
He had requested you to help with Scarabia's studying, in offer of full meals, which you complied with due to living in a run down dorm and doesn't have a lot of money to support themselves with.
However, the study group went wrong due to the amount of people.
Jamil then figured that you didn't work too well with large numbers of people, and he found that you were slightly dependent on him when it comes to speaking.
He ended up planning smaller groups, working on those who had the worst grades then up.
And thanks to you, their dorm gradually got better.
Jamil spent time with you whenever he was free from following Kalim, and he was fairly fond of you.
You were soft, very soft, but highly reliable in terms of knowledge. So he'd often vent to you which is surprising.
But your presence and advice helped him grow better.
Jamil fell for you when he found you smiling at a Scarabia student showing you their improved grade, you looked like a warm hearted maternal parent, and his heart skipped at the sight.
When you two began dating, it was a bit rocky due to Jamil's family duty to serve the Al-Asim family. But Kalim was very kind to allow Jamil more free time, in exchange that he brings you over for more study parties!
You figured since Kalim wasn't fond of studying and more for partying, that you'd make a study party which improved Kalim's grade by ten folds. Jalim practically wept tears that the seven sent him this angel.
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Geo Archon
The Consultant
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𝓐𝔃𝓾𝓵 𝓐𝓼𝓱𝓮𝓷𝓰𝓻𝓸𝓽𝓽𝓸
Azul was greedy for the power you possibly possess. and your money.
Azul underestimated you since he witnessed your lack of brains in terms of money. You forget about having your wallet on you, and whenever someone offers to pay for you, you attempt to buy everything without a single thought.
This was going to be an easy contract, Azul thought. They're an idiot, Azul thought. They can't complete this contract, Azul thought.
"I've completed my end of the contract. Now you must do yours."
"Huh? Nani?"
Azul was stupefied by this, he whipped his head towards the Leech twins, both begrudgingly nodding their heads in confirmation at the archon completing their conditions of the contract.
Azul had tried to change the details of the contract, you of course allowed it the first time.
But when you returned with the conditions once again completed, Azul tried to add more.
However, you weren't having it.
You stood up and leaned down to Azul, towering over him. A sudden pressure weighed the three mercreatures, it was heavy and foreboding. Your eyes glowed a gold with the amber ombre in your hair glowing gold as well.
"I was lenient to allow you the first time. Either fulfill your end of the deal or break the contract. But if you break the contract, you will suffer the wrath of the rock."
Azul was terrified.
When Azul fell for you, he questioned himself. How in the seven did he fall for a person like YOU!? He will never remember how, but all he knows is that he's in waaay to deep.
When you two became a couple, you were far more charasmatic and charming than before, it was like it was turned up a notch. Or two. or more...
The contract loving couple have been making more money than ever thanks to the Geo Archon, the avatar of contracts. It's either fill the conditions or suffer the wrath of the rock. Or just, don't make a contract. Simple.
But then we got the one brain cell trio doing their dumb sh**.
𝓙𝓪𝓭𝓮 𝓛𝓮𝓮𝓬𝓱
What an intriguing being.
Jade was the first to be interested in you. But he couldn't exactly find you that well since you practically mixed with the crowd a little too well than he'd like. [Bro, Zhongli and Venti has statues of themselves around Liyue and Mondstaft, AND NO ONE MANAGES TO THINK "hmmm.. You know, he looks like one that statue there.. Wait a minute-" LIKE, SRSLY!!! Venti is more obvious, I can understand Zhongli since he wears more funeral consultant clothing, but he still somehow blends in with the crowd. Unlike a Lil wind spirit.]
But when the moment came where you made a contract, Jade was more than happy to hinder you, only for you to complete the conditions before he could figure out your plan.
"... What?"
After that fiasco with you giving a very large heavy warning, Jade was by your side whenever he wasn't with Floyd, questioning your knowledge, in which you were more than happy enough to comply.
Jade fell for you when you showed how competent you were unlike the other miserable guppies in school. Sure you had a few problems, but nothing with a little Jade there and everything is perfect. He also favored your knowledge, specially about fungi.
When you two became a couple, it was.. Strange to say, a air headed but scary consultant with a sadistically calm eelman? That's ringing bells for everyone.
𝓕𝓵𝓸𝔂𝓭𝓮 𝓛𝓮𝓮𝓬𝓱
Floyd had zero, zip, non, 100% no interest in you. Why? You looks, sound and seem boring. And he stand corrected.
it was later when you completed the conditions, which, not gonna lie, spooked Floyd.
Later, he began to go after you like he did with Goldfish (Riddle), and when he tried to squeeze you, he found himself squeezing a shield instead.
He found himself utterly thrilled and had did several attempts at you, which failed.
His interest in you and your abilities heightened.
Then your relationship bloomed.
It was hard to say if it was romantic or platonic, but either way, Floyd was perfectly happy. Happy to have a partner who continues to show things or tell him things about their world.
As long as Floyd kept out of trouble and/or content, Jade and Azul didn't say question their relationship.
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Pyro Archon
The Warlord
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𝓛𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓪 𝓚𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼𝓬𝓱𝓸𝓵𝓪𝓻
Who are you? What are you? Why are you here? What are you doing? Get out.
Leona didn't care for you, not one single bit. Until you messed with his sleep schedule due to your chaoticness.
Whenever your around, you just bring trouble with you. And he doesn't like it one bit.
And when you bring trouble, you bring noise.
Which officially ruins his nap times.
However, Leona praises and respects your prowess in battle. You always gave it your all, which he liked. You weren't holding back, which allowed him to gauge how powerful you were as a deity with or without your element.
As it turns out, you're stronger than what you make yourself out to be, but what catches Leona's attention the most, was how calculating you were. It was as if you were analyzing him
To be honest, he felt violated.
At most times, you're energetic, but when your quiet or serious, it's either pack your sh** and leave or get out of their way.
Because when your either if those, you will either send someone to the nurse with severe casualties or some of the schools property will be destroyed. And of course, there is a justified reason for this.
Other than to make Crowley very upset of course.
Leona fell for you with your strength. He loves a woman who can lead and he could just relax. Unless it comes to some other type of leadership, like in the bedroom, then that will change. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
These two are dangerous as a couple when Leona's awake and active. And when Leona's on the move, expect a gremlin to be tailing after him, and be sure to clear out of their way. Mercy didn't in their vocabulary.
𝓡𝓾𝓰𝓰𝓲𝓮 𝓑𝓾𝓬𝓬𝓱𝓲
Huh? Do I know you? No? Goodbye.
Ruggie, quite literally, didn't give a rats ass about you.
To him, you were like any other beast man, rowdy and rough, other than your form that is.
But thankfully, you knew how to take care of yourself. Less work for Ruggie. I guess.
Not only that you knew how to cook. That was a god sent gift to Ruggie. Sadly though, you only know how to make mostly meat dishes. If it contains vegetables, expect the veggies to be over seasoned.
Leona was scared when he saw you in the kitchen, only to calm down seeing you being calm and not rowdy.
Ruggie fell for your cooking. He is literally the term "To get to a mans heart, you go through their stomach". although you should work on cooking vegetables better for a more healthier lifestyle.
𝓙𝓪𝓬𝓴 𝓗𝓸𝔀𝓵
Strong? Strong.
You two are 100% besties.
You two are glued to the hip whenever you guys are free or share classes.
You both like to exercise and spar, so you two mostly go for each other.
To say the least, Jack mostly saw you as a sibling. Sorry, no romance.
Jack often scolds you for not eating more vegetables.
Which makes you pout and huff.
Cute lil tyke - Leona
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Hydro Archon
The Judge
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𝓡𝓲𝓭𝓭𝓵𝓮 𝓡𝓸𝓼𝓮𝓱𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓼
Nice, another rule setter like me. We're gonna be great friends.
"Explain why two cubes of sugar should be in a lemon tea? It's blasphemy."
I see you have chosen violence 😌
Riddle at first liked you, until you learned about the rules of the Queen of Hearts, did he start to hate you.
He loathed you.
He thought that since your a judge, you'd understand the rules, much like him. But no, you judged the rules as well, evaluating if they are fair or not.
Whenever you call out on the rules that appeared ridiculously stupid to have (like the two sugar cubes in lemon tea. That's bs to you.)
After the overblot, you were more nicer when he changed.
He stand corrected.
But he didn't mind it, he low key enjoyed arguing with you, without him screaming at you of course.
You two as a couple sends fear in everyone. A judge and a tyrant? That's a deadly combo.
𝓣𝓻𝓮𝔂 𝓒𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓻
Trey had taken a liking to you, seeing how similar you are to Riddle.
He enjoyed answering your questions about rules, but if there were rules he can't remember, he'd look at them with you to not only answer your question, but to commit them to memory in case.
What he's scared of is when you give trials regarding about incidents. Riddle would present his case then the 'innocent' or innocent would present theirs.
If the person is guilty, you ensure punishment, because like Riddle, you detest rule breakers unless in reason. You didn't mind them bending the rules as long as it doesn't break.
Trey is envious of your abilities, but you reassure him the his Doodle Suit is superior if you can use it against others magic.
You often praised him as well.
You admitted to thinking about a scenario of if Trey was born in Tevyat, he'd receive a hydro vision.
He flushed in response, secretly happy to have caught your attention.
You two as a couple puts everyone, minus Riddle because it's you, at ease.
𝓒𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓓𝓲𝓪𝓶𝓸𝓷𝓭
#ohmyseveniminlove #calltheambulance #loveatfirstsight #goddescendingfromheaven #pinchme #PLSNOTICEMEANDLOVEME #foryoupage
He practically fell for you.
To him, you were perfect.
"You have flaws? I only see perfection!"
He's a smooth talker, albeit feminine due to having a lot of sisters, but smooth nonetheless.
He's a simp for you, willing to use his unique magic to do anything and everything for you.
Literally fell at first sight of you.
As a couple, Cater often takes couple photos with you, at first you were content with the pictures, but at this point they kinda peeved her when he takes pictures on every occasion.
"Cater, I love you, but please, stop."
"If you give me a kiss I might~"
𝓓𝓮𝓾𝓬𝓮 𝓢𝓹𝓪𝓭𝓮
You're his role model.
Literally the Geno to your Saitama.
He carries a notebook with him to take notes on you since he strives to be like you. A model being.
Even if he looks smart, he still has a split braincell between Ace and Grim.
Don't hold it against him if he's trying to know almost EVERYTHING about you.
More platonic than romantic.
𝓐𝓬𝓮 𝓣𝓻𝓪𝓹𝓹𝓸𝓵𝓪
Complete opposites.
And completely disliked each other.
You rubbed him the wrong way, maybe it was because you were more justified than him, better at things than he was.
He didn't know what, it was just you being better than him. He understands he's not smart, because he foes dumb sh** with the other two.
But whenever you have to deal with their messes on their own, he feels irritated.
He often tries to get after you as well.
"Oh wow, such a god you are. Pathetic."
*cue angry archon noises with an 8 feet tall wave behind them, ready to flood Ace's ass.*
Yeah, your relationship is very... Rocky and slightly concerning.
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Here's part 2! I'm happy that you read this! I will have a link to the first part after connecting the links to certain parts. Feel free to request or refer to the main master list pinned on my blog if you wish to see other choices to make! Happy reading!
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ptergwen · 3 years
favorite crime
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w/c: 1.6k
warnings: swearing, mentions of blood / death, lots n lots of angst
summary: you convince peter to go on the run after he’s framed for murdering mysterio, but he doesn’t want to drag you into his mess
a/n: this was completely based off the song by olivia lfmbsjfhs it’s so beautiful and i’ve wanted to write something for it for a while now so yee i hope y’all like ! pls lmk what you think <3
“we have to get you out of here, peter! come on!” you shout back to your boyfriend and tug his hand that’s laced with yours.
peter doesn’t budge. even when your grip on him tightens, when you pull him forward with all your might, he remains stoic.
there’s something he needs to do, and he’s been contemplating it since the day he met you.
it’s time to let you go.
“please, peter. i’m begging. i know you’re tired of running, but if we don’t leave now… they’ll find you,” you desperately choke out. peter squeezes his eyes shut, dreading what’s to come. “i can’t do this to you anymore, y/n. i… i’m sorry.���
emergency sirens and flashing lights approach the old apartment building serving as yours and peter’s latest hideout. the whole world is on the lookout for him, so you two stowed yourselves away in brooklyn for a bit.
you were hopeful the rumors would pass eventually — about how peter shot the beloved mysterio and left him to die in cold blood. they’re merely talk, of course. you’d personally seen the events of that day unfold on the tower bridge. hell, your class was right at the center of them.
quentin beck was pure evil, so rotten he defamed both peter and spider-man with a charge as cruel as murder. he’s wreaking havoc on him from beyond the grave, over a complete misunderstanding that peter had nothing to do with.
beck’s true source of anger is stark industries. yet, once again, peter ended up the collateral damage.
he was deemed a wanted murderer. posters revealing his name and face were plastered up around the city, a reward even being offered to whoever who turns him in.
you’d proposed the idea of skipping town until things settled. the way you saw it, it was peter’s only option other than prison for twenty-five to life. peter was panicking and couldn’t think straight, so he went along with your getaway plan.
a few weeks later, he’s regretting it.
you’ve been the one person he could trust through this madness. you’re right there to console him, to protect him just like he does you. through sickness and health, life and clearly death, you stick by peter’s side. you left everything behind without a second thought, for him.
peter loves you more than you’ll ever fully be able to comprehend, which is why he can’t ask you to do that. this is his battle to fight, not yours or anyone else’s. his.
you suddenly freeze in your tracks, turning around to look at peter. “what are you talking about? you’re fine, pete.”
his eyes roam everywhere except to yours as they water. blinking back tears, he fixes his gaze on your intertwined hands. you notice a stray tear fall down his cheek and use one of your thumbs to wipe it away, then press a reassuring kiss to his lips. peter lets himself reciprocate momentarily before jerking back.
“please just… stop being so nice to me. you’re making this way harder than i wanted to to be,” he rasps and squeezes your hand tighter. you’re still lost, absolutely clueless about what he’s referring to.
“look, pete. i wanna hear you out, baby. but… i think it should wait until we get to jersey.” you keep your voice as calm as possible, though you’re terrified for both of you. since the feds know your location, they’ll have the place surrounded any minute.
hopping cities isn’t cutting it anymore, so you’ll have to change states this time. new jersey is next on your list.
using his strength to his advantage to hold you in place, peter seizes both your shoulders. his bloodshot eyes lock with yours. a stern expression coats his features, one you’ve seen from him yet never been on the receiving end of.
“we’re not going to jersey, y/n/n,” he declares, the sirens starting to grow louder. you feel a pit forming in your stomach. “we have to!” you immediately protest. “it’s not gonna be easy finding our way, but it’s the last-“
peter cuts you off, voice softer now. “no, no. that’s not what i meant.” he waits a beat and inhales a deep breath, aiming to settle his nerves. it doesn’t.
“i’m going to jersey. you’re staying.”
tears cloud your vision the second those words leave his mouth. you shake your head furiously back and forth, willing him to take them back.
part of you was always afraid peter would get second thoughts. not only about running away with you, about ever being with you. you’re both so young. your entire lives are ahead of you, and peter won’t allow you to risk your own because this isn’t worth a single bit of it.
he’d warned you how dangerous it was to be associated with spider-man. it’s why he held off on telling you about his alias for the longest he could. you naturally began asking questions whenever peter bailed on dates and showed up to school covered in bruises. he hated lying to you, using his stark internship as an excuse, so he finally came out and said it.
peter sometimes wonders if you’d be better off not knowing at all. it’s too late now, though.
“wait, what? why- why can’t i go with you?” you plead, peter’s fingers coming up to cup your cheek. his fingertips lightly caress your skin. “i’m a criminal, y/n. you’d be my accessory.”
it takes everything in him not to break down and sob along with you.
you lean into his palm, already missing his touch. “i don’t care... i don’t give a fuck. i just wanna be with you, peter.” peter literally has to bite his tongue to fight the urge to cry. hands grabbing either side of his head, your fingers twist in his hair roughly. “i’ll do anything, pete. i really will, i swear. name it.”
peter threads his own fingers through yours again, bringing your hands to his chest.
“i’m so sorry, angel. i never should’ve gotten you involved,” he murmurs out and pecks your forehead. “you have nothing to prove to me, okay? you’ve done more than enough. i’m gonna return the favor.”
you let out a strangled whine, your knees buckling as you come to terms with the gravity of your situation.
this is it. this is the end of yours and peter’s story.
“hey, none of that. it’s okay,” peter coos, neither of you convinced. the tastes of salt and metal flood both your senses. he helps you back up and hugs your waist, peppering your cheeks in more kisses. you’re bawling now, arms wound around his neck, clutching at his tattered jacket.
free tears escape peter’s eyes at last. “i love you. i love you so goddamn much, y/n. never forget it,” he nearly whispers. you sniffle and push your forehead against his. “i’m not saying it back ‘cuz that feels like a goodbye, and i- i can’t say goodbye to you yet.”
“it’s not a goodbye,” peter reassures you, rubbing circles on your lower back. “it’s, uh, it’s a see you later. i’m gonna figure something out and be back to you before you know it. can’t get rid of me that easy.”
that earns a faint giggle from you, peter managing a grin. you two attempt to ignore everything happening beyond these walls, only focusing on the other.
“then, um…” you clear your throat. “i love you.” his smile dwindling slightly, peter nods and meets your gaze. “i love you too, baby. you should probably get going soon.”
affirming his advice, a booming voice that sounds from a microphone commands peter to come out with his hands up.
your worry spikes, instinctively drawing peter in closer. he forces himself to put on a brave face for you.
“i’m scared, pete. where… where am i supposed to go?” you rush to ask him. “home, y/n/n. go home,” peter decides, pressing a final kiss to the top of your head. “just don’t get caught, and you’ll be fine.” carding your fingers in his undone curls, you sigh. “easier said than done, but i’ll try not to.”
you’d never pictured that the sweet boy with a heart too big and brain even bigger, who sings you to sleep even though his voice sucks and spends his last dollar buying you flowers, would be accused of first degree murder. it isn’t true or fucking fair.
what’s worse, he has to bare this storm alone now.
you lift your heavy backpack off the cold ground, slinging it onto your shoulders. peter stares out the window and down at the assembly of swarm troops crowded together.
“are you gonna be okay?” you catch his attention. he snaps back into reality, pulling your hood up so it covers your head. you’re wearing a sweatshirt of his, after having gone through all your own clothes. “i hope so. are you?” peter repeats your question. “i hope so,” you echo.
tying your hoodie strings tight, peter offers a smile. “say hi to may for me. ned and mj, too.” it’s going to be tough to face his family and friends after this. “i will. i’ll let them know you’re alright.” you kiss his cheek, placing a hand on his chest. peter lets your touch distract him from the mess he’s about to be hit with.
“thank you, y/n. i’ll see you soon, baby. you have my word,” he promises, stepping back so you two can go your separate ways.
you watch him with fresh tears threatening to spill.
“i’m gonna hold you to it. be safe, spidey.”
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oneprompt · 3 years
hii!!! i absolutely love your works and writing style omg… could i rq ace shanks and robin with a gender neutral or fem reader (both are ok) that have a similar personality of a cat because of having a devil fruit from the feline family? like they’re very lazy but also competent and responsible when needed, sarcastic and also a bit on the physically affectionate side (loves cuddles) if it isn’t too much to ask? feel free to delete if it is,, but if you dont then thank you<3!
authors note: hi , hun <3 i’d be happy to write such a cute prompt ! i hope you enjoy .. + sorry i’ve been so slow everyone ;; i’ve been very stressed out ..
Nico Robin x Cat Devil Fruit! Reader Headcanons
• When Robin first meets you, she assumes your devil fruit with form you into a fearsome creature, one that can tower over all, overwhelmed with a taste for blood. But she’s pleasantly surprised to see how cute you really are! The soft fluffy fur that overthrows your flesh when you’re in your zoan form is a sight Robin loves to see. She loves cute things, especially animals.
• Robin is the type to appreciate mellow moments in her life, even things as basic as sitting in silence. So, naturally, she’s happy to cuddle you, both in and out of your zoan form. Robin adores having you lay your head on your lap while she reads through her most beloved novels. She’ll make sure to be attentive, even when she’s focused. Such as stroking your head and saying sweet nothings to you.
• Finds your sarcastic attitude funny. Robin isn’t new to such attitudes, having met dozens of people from every corner of the world, nearly. She has enough patience to last a life time, it seems. Robin isn’t bothered by your laziness or sarcasm. Although, if she must, she will push you to help out more whether along the battle field or with basic errands upon the Sunny.
• Robin admires your more serious sides. Seeing a person who isn’t too buckled down often act that way is a sight to behold. She admires your strength and intelligence, regardless of what the situation holds. She’ll make sure to tell you how proud she is of you when you two are cuddled up in bed together.
• With her interest in morbid things and horror, Robin will more then likely ask how far your form can go. Can you turn into a beast like cat? Can you tear a person down with just a swipe of your claws in a different form? Robin can’t help but wonder if you can turn into such a thing… She’s a tiny bit disappointed when she learns you cannot evolve into too terrifying of a form.
• Robin loves when you use your zoan fruit during cold nights. Sometimes, a humans touch and blankets aren’t enough to warm her up. Sometimes, fur may be needed. Sure, there’s Chopper but Robin would rather cuddle her partner, of course! Some nights you wonder, is Robin genuinely cold… or is she just saying that to act all clingy and lovey?
Shanks x Cat Devil Fruit! Reader Headcanons
• Shanks finds your kitty form to hit him with a nostalgic glow. He grew up on a ship where he was surrounded by all sorts of different people with varying bodies, and he can remember each zoan user he saw through his time upon the grand line. Your cat form just has such a sweetness mixed into it.
• He loves cuddling you! Shanks is touchy regardless, always wanting to have at least an arm swung around his partner, whether they’re normal or not. Shanks likes to hold your paws a lot especially, tracing his rough thumb against the plush pinkness of your toe beans. He can’t help but laugh at the sight of them! Even if it embarrasses you..
• Shanks loves showing off your powers and form to his friends, he gets all giddy seeing his friends stare in bewilderment. Having such a… normal feline zoan fruit is out of the question until they see you. Shanks will gush all about you, rambling on about how soft you are and so on, even if you’re standing right beside him.
• He likes to cuddle you at night, you’re like a sleeping aid. Shanks loves curling up into you, feeling his heart patter with ease at your gentle touch upon his scarred up skin. You’re his home, his sanctuary within the cold nights that lay upon the sea.
• Shanks loves your sarcastic humour, it always makes him snicker. Whether you’re just being sassy to a friend or to an enemy, Shanks will hoot and holler in approval, nearly. He’s so supportive of… quite literally everything you do, his love is never ending almost!
• You being lazy doesn’t serve any issues to Shanks! He’s on the sea to be with his beloved friends, regardless of anything else in the world, what his loved ones want to do is what’s best. Shanks is happy to let you lounge around all day! He sees no point in hassling you to do things you don’t want to do. Perhaps he shouldn’t think so carelessly…
Ace x Cat Devil Fruit! Reader Headcanons
• Ace is always excited to see new things, especially the untapped powers of others! When you tell him about your devil fruit, Ace expects you to turn into a hurling tiger that can decimate anyone that waltzed into their path. So, he’s rather shocked to see you morph into a prim and cute kitty. He’ll certainly point and laugh… how crude of him.
• He finds it to be the cutest ever! Ace definitely teases you over it… In a kind way, though. Not in the way you may become insecure over your zoan type. He loves to have you in your cat form, petting you whenever he wants, nuzzling into the abyss of your fur. Ace isn’t the type to be around animals too much… So, he’s certainly excited!
• Drags you out of bed to train your form! Ace doesn’t mind being lazy but he knows how much potential you hold, he does. Any zoan user can be an unstoppable force, even ones with the stupidest of animals. He wants to help you unlock nirvana within your fruit, allowing you to defend and protect yourself as much as you may need.
• Ace will give you a ton of cuddles after training. He loves hearing you purr while you hold onto him, it’s just the cutest thing ever. Bless you…! He gives you so much praise, telling you how great you did during your devil fruit training. Ace only wants the best for you!
• Ace can be rather sarcastic with his quips and is thrilled to have you do the same. He’s mature, yes, but that won’t stop him from being snarky to people. He especially loves seeing you act that way towards marines or anything like that, makes him explode in laughter!
• He‘s always star struck when you show off your smarts. Ace isn’t the smartest himself and having a partner who can take charge when they must, especially without being asked wows him. Is he easily impressed by you? Oh, yes. Certainly.
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allegra-writes · 3 years
"On the balcony"
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Tom Hiddleston x Reader
Warnings: Smut, semi-public sex.
"You're perfect, and everything in between
Keep moaning, 'cause we're making a scene
Keep going, until they tell us to leave"
Notice me - Role Model
"Oh, god…"
"Shhh" His hot breath on the back of your thighs sent shivers down your spine, "You have to be very quiet, princess. Can you do that for daddy?" 
You nodded your head, not realizing he wouldn't be able to see it. You were too far gone to use words anyway, too drunk on the heady cocktail of adrenaline and desire, too drunk on him.
On his big, calloused hands trailing caresses up and down your naked legs, slipping under your dress, pushing it up and up, over your ass, bunching it at your waist. On his lips, his teeth, kissing, sucking, and nibbling at the pliant flesh of your cheeks. 
On his wicked tongue, wet and hot even through the lace of your gossamer-thin underwear, that you had picked out just for him, and now he was taking great pleasure in ruining.
Your soft sigh was almost imperceptible, you couldn't even hear it over the pounding of your own heart inside your chest. But of course he heard it. His tongue left you, but you didn't have time to complain before one of his long, dexterous fingers tugged your underwear to the side, toying briefly with your clit only to ghost over your entrance a second later, teasing you but never penetrating you. 
He felt your sharp inhale, no doubt about to whine or complain, but you caught yourself in time. It was worth it, if only to feel his lips trail kisses up your naked back as he stood up to tower over you. 
"Very good, baby" He breathed, husky, against your ear as you managed to keep perfectly still while he buried two fingers as far as they would go into your soft, velvety heat. "Just like that… nice and quiet. Prove to me that you can be a good girl taking my fingers in silent, and maybe… maybe I'll let you have my cock" 
It was an empty threat, you knew that by now. If you were to break and moan, whine, or even cry out, he would just slap his hand over your lips, muffling the sounds as he bent you over the railing, fucking you hard and fast in punishment. Good girl or not, there was no way you were leaving that balcony without christening it the same way you had done every other room, piece of furniture or surface, horizontal or otherwise, in that, your new house. Your safe haven. Your sanctuary. The little piece of paradise he had built just for the two of you. 
No, you knew he would never follow through, but that wasn't the point. The point was that you liked the praise. You liked being his princess, his angel, his good girl, as he did bad bad things to you. And Tom was quite aware of that. He loved seeing you bending over backwards to please him, to cater to his every whim, to obey his every arbitrary rule as he made it increasingly impossible for you. 
It was absolutely perfect, you were absolutely perfect. 
"Yeah… Just like that… such an obedient little thing…" Tom savored the effect his words had on you, your walls delicate squeezing his big fingers, the new wave of wetness falling on his palm like sweet ambrosia, like candy; you tasted just as sweet. A part of him wanted to keep playing with you, to drive you crazy, torture you until you begged for him to take you, debase you in the filthiest, lowest of ways you could think of.
But another, more powerful part, hungered for you, needed you even more than you wanted him. It had for the whole night, ever since you stepped into the garden in that shimmery, backless blue dress, designed with the sole purpose of testing his sanity. 
So far, it was a losing battle. 
The cacophony of music and party sounds downstairs drowned the sound of his zipper and belt buckle being undone, so you didn't realize what was happening until he was sliding his thick cock inside you in one long, slow and controlled stroke. 
"Fuck," your boyfriend broke his own rule, cursing out loud as he bottomed out, "you feel so good… being inside you is pure heaven" 
Understatement of the decade. There was a hunger, an ache in him whenever he was as much as six feet away from him. A heartbreaking longing that could only be fixed by having you like that, in his arms and all around him.
"You feel-ah… You feel amazing too" 
You could practically hear the smile in his voice as he started moving, unhurriedly but harsh. Deep and measured.
"Really now?" 
A sigh was the only reply you could munster, eyelids falling shut by their own accord, head falling back in pleasure.
"No no." He tsked, "Don't close your eyes… look at them" 
You did as he said, trying your best to focus on the housewarming party still going strong in the garden. On your family and friends, blissfully ignorant of what was going on above their heads. 
"All it would take is for just one of them to look up…"
There was no disguising the shiver that shook your body from head to toe at his words. You felt his dark chuckle against your back,
"Oh, but you would like that, wouldn't you? Them seeing us… I would like too," he confessed, "you look positively stunning when I fuck you"
He licked your ear, from lobe to top, and you swore you tasted blood, from how hard you were biting your lip.
"And no one… absolutely not anyone, can fuck you like I do, can they?" 
You shook your head. But he wanted more.
"Use your words, angel"
It was a trap. Of course it was, cause as soon as you opened your mouth, you felt his fingers dig into your hips for leverage, as he started thrusting brutally, his cock splitting you open in the best of ways. Your lips parted in a silent scream.
"I asked you… a question… princess" Tom demanded, punctuating every word with a hard, almost cruel stroke.
"Ah… yes…" you gasped, "yes, daddy. No one… never…" 
"Look at you, so obedient" He praised, "I think you deserve a reward… you deserve daddy's come"
"Oh god, yes" You almost came right there and then, your walls fluttering uncontrollably around his thick shaft, almost driving him to a climax of his own. 
"Ask me nicely, then" he commanded, his movements becoming erratic, "ask daddy nicely to fill you with his come…"
"Please, daddy, fill me with your come" You half murmured, half whined, not even concerned about the volume of your voice anymore. You needed it, you were so close, you could almost taste your release. And you wanted him to come undone with you.
"Take my come, princess… and come with me" 
You did, burying your screams against his palm, just as he buried his against your shoulder, no doubt leaving a mark. 
Tom pulled out of you, fixing your dress before taking into his arms, stepping inside the room, so you both could collapse on the king size bed.
"That was…"
"Absolutely amazing" he finished, once he could catch enough breath to talk again, "just like you, my angel" he brought your hand to his lips, placing sweet, reverent kisses on each of your knuckles.
"No. Just like you… Tom, you're a dream come true"
His replying simile was nothing short of breathtaking. It never failed to marvel him, the fact that you loved him back. The fact that you were his, such a wild and free creature surely ought to be elusive. But you had willingly let yourself be caught by him, and far from feeling trapped, you had actually liberated him. It wasn't the first time you had done something like that: You had let him fuck you on the back of a limousine, finger you under the table at the Met gala, sneaked your hand down his pants on the dancefloor… The list went on and on. 
He felt even more free with you than when he was a bachelor. 
For so long he had run away from commitment, from love. Now all he wanted was everybody to know he was yours and yours alone. 
Just like you were his.
"We should probably get back to the party before they start wondering where we disappeared to…" 
This time, he was the one letting out a bratty whine,
"I know… I don't want to, but I know"
"Do you think anyone saw us?"
Your boyfriend shook his head,
"The balcony is too dark, and the music is too loud, so I honestly doubt it" 
You breathed out in relief.
"Ok. Let me just grab a jacket and we'll go downstairs"
Tom frowned,
"Why? It's a very hot night… are you feeling alright?"
"I am, don't worry" his concern made you smile, "It's just someone left a hickey on my shoulder…" 
Far from looking guilty, a mischievous glint illuminated Tom's icy blues.
"Don't cover it" It wasn't a request. You were ashamed at the weakness of your knees in response to his dominant tone: he had just fucked you, you couldn't possibly be horny again. He was turning you into a nymphomaniac.
"No" He confirmed. They might not have seen him taking you, right there under (or above) their very noses…
But they sure as hell would know what you just did. 
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hpimaginesandblurbs · 3 years
Hey its me! Um, can you do Fred x a reader that's taller then him and she gets super insecure when he talks to shorter people and she feels like he might leave her for someone shorter
pairing: fred weasley x reader
warning(s): pg, insecurities, self deprecating language, fluff
Another weekend, another party in the Gryffindor Tower. You had actually been excited to go. It was getting nicer outside so everyone was in high spirits, and those spirits were raised even higher due to Gryffindor’s win in Quidditch earlier in the day.
You wanted to go and celebrate with your boyfriend, Fred, but that hadn’t exactly panned out the way you had wanted it to.
You knew he was always the life of the party, him and George both. You knew he would be making his rounds to talk to just about everyone. You knew there would be girls flocking to him all night long.
It happened every single time, but this time it really hurt. Your battle with your own insecurities had won out, and now you were in your dorm, close to tears, only halfway through the night.
It wasn’t because you didn’t trust Fred, because you knew he would never do anything to hurt you. But the way he smiled and laughed with those other girls was infuriating. Many of the girls he had been talking to were so much smaller than you. Small and dainty, two things you weren’t. You were just as tall as your boyfriend, something that you hadn’t been thinking about until recently. It wasn’t until the way you noticed him interact with girls much shorter than you that the insecurities of your childhood rose back up.
You couldn’t stop the thoughts from swarming your head. Was he attracted to girls much shorter than him? Would he be more attracted to you if you were smaller? Would he leave you for a girl like that?
A knock at your door pulled you out of your self deprecating thoughts. It wasn’t until then that you noticed a few tears had slipped free and your breathing was ragged. You took a moment to pull yourself together before calling out, “Come in.”
And of course it was Fred who walked through the door. You hadn’t even been gone for all of five minutes and he had come to find you.
All he had to do to know something was wrong was take one look at you. “Why’re you up here?” He asked softly, his eyebrows furrowed in concern as he made his way over to your bed to sit down beside you.
“Just needed a breather,” you replied smoothly, embarrassed to bring up your worries.
“Mind if I join you?” He asked, his arms already curling around you to pull you down on the bed with him.
You didn’t even bother with a reply. You just let yourself settle into his arms while your breathing slowly evened out. You both laid in comfortable silence for what felt like all night, but it couldn’t have been more than ten minutes before he spoke again.
“So why did you actually come up here? You looked upset when I came in,” he explained, his hand slowly rubbing circles on your back in the hopes to both soothe you and coax the information out of you.
“It’s stupid,” you whined, hiding your face in his shoulder to hide the blush creeping onto your cheeks. You knew now that you had probably overreacted. The way he was so quick to come find you the second you were out of his sight and the way he held you had eased a lot of the anxiety you had started with.
He pulled away to look down at you, his eyes glinting with a mix of concern and amusement at your antics. He must have read something on your face, because once your eyes met his, he was serious once more. “Talk to me, please. It’s not stupid if my girl is this upset,” he told you, brushing your hair out of your face with gentle hands.
You looked at him just as intently as he was looking at you, assessing if you should actually tell him the real reason you had been near to tears in the middle of a party. You saw how genuinely concerned he was, so you took a deep breath and opened your mouth.
“I know how irrational it is, but I don’t know. Just the way all those girls kept coming up to you and they’re all so much smaller than me and they’re so cute and small and I just couldn’t stop myself from thinking-”
“You’re right, it is irrational,” he said, cutting you off from your rambling. When you looked at him in bewilderment, he pressed on with a gentle smile. “Darling, you know I’ve been pining after you for years. There is no girl in the world who will make me turn my head, no matter how short they are. You being tall only means I don’t have to bend down to kiss you. You’re it for me for as long as you’ll have me.”
“You mean it?” You asked dumbly, the tears threatening to spill once more.
“Y/N, of course I mean it. I’d never lie to you about something like this. I don’t like seeing you this upset,” he explained, his hand quickly coming up to wipe away the one tear that had escaped before pulling you into his arms again.
You finally let yourself truly relax, your insecurities absolved for now. You knew there would be other hard days, but right now, wrapped in his arms, you were content in the knowledge that he loved you and you loved him.
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lazarettta · 3 years
Misthios II
Characters (Mother Miranda, Reader, Lady Alcina)
Word count (3.1k)
Rating (M)
Warning (little NSFW, language)
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Did you really think that Miranda was going to let you leave so easily? Again?
Anything italicized is a flashback...this is part two to Misthios
Your time with the Vikings was fun but all good things had to come to an end. Over the years, you hadn't been too keen on letting too many people in on your secret. Your friends and makeshift family were getting older and you weren't. You were still fit for battle and as young and strong as you were twelve years ago. You knew that you'd overstayed your welcome but you weren't ready to leave until there were too many comments about you not aging a day. It had taken you a week to get your steed ready for long travel and to make sure that you had everything necessary, including the coin to purchase more supplies should you need it.
You weren't above doing odd jobs during your travels if needed. The viking children ran alongside you and your stallion as you both trotted out of the village until you were on an open road. You saluted them before taking off into a run following the lead of your war horse, allowing her to dictate your travels until she decided that she needed a break.
You had all of the time and opportunity in the land.
You traveled like that for a few days until you were coming upon a village but the path was winding and would take some time but you had plenty of daylight and were in no rush. Everything was peaceful until you came across an overturned wagon and nearly trampled over a body laying face down into the soft ground. The dark puddle around him did not indicate that the man would be rising soon.
You were quick to draw your bow and arrow, a good distance from the fight and you had an advantage in case any of them came for you. There was a black flag on the ground near the wagon but it held an insignia that you didn't recognize but you knew royalty when you saw it. The soldiers had the upper hand but there were a few of them dead as well. On the other side, you saw one of the bandits jump on the back of a horse to leave.
Without much of a thought, you raised your weapon of choice and not a second later, you felt the smooth wood of the arrow slip between your calloused fingers and you watched proudly as it found a home in the base of the man's spine, effectively halting his escape but leaving him alive for the time being but he was not without suffering.
It was at that same moment the last bandit was struck down. The remaining soldiers turned to you with their swords raised but before anything else could happen, a sharp and clear but decidedly feminine voice stopped the misunderstanding before it could happen.
A woman with light-colored long hair stepped from behind a large oak tree with two foot soldiers in tow. She didn't seem to care about the ends of her dress being sullied by the mud and blood on the trail as she made her way towards you. You climbed down from your horse when she was closer, not surprised that you were taller than she was but she wasn't that much shorter than you really.
Most other women you met that were your height or taller were fellow warriors. Her eyes were what really startled you, they were so clear they were almost white. They did not have a clear color to them, not one that you could see.
“You are a very long way from home, Viking.”
“Yes, in search of a new one.” you glanced over her shoulder briefly to the soldiers dealing with the one who tried to escape, his agonized yelling startling a nest of crows nearby.
“You don't seem like the type to miss a killing shot.”
Your gaze fell back to her unwavering one and you fought the urge to fidget under her stare even though you were the one towering over her. Her posture was none threatening and her smile had a teasing tilt to it, but her eyes...they pierced your soul, pinned you. You were unsure if you wanted to run from them or figure out how deep they went.
“I figured your King and Queen would want one alive to question.”
“The King has been dead for a long time now.” The woman tilted her head back slightly as if looking at you in a new light and you straightened your back and pushed your shoulders subconsciously and the corners of her pale lips curled a little more. “Have dinner with me tonight, viking, as a token of my gratitude. Those bandits have been quite a torn in my side for a very long time now. Thanks to you, maybe now I will find their leader.”
The physical ache you felt when waking up was around your throat, well your whole neck. Your skin had long since healed over but it took the aches and bruises a while longer to go away. You don't know how long you've been unconscious but even without opening your eyes you knew that you were no longer outside on the side of a mountain which meant that she didn't kill you. But she still hurt you. You didn't know if she showed restraint because you both knew that killing you would be pointless and temporary or she truly didn't want to see you harm even if she was upset with you. You knew that it was the former.
Upset being the understatement.
You opened one eye then the other, wherever she put you it was warm if not a little moldy and it was definitely dark, you weren't quite sure if the torch on the other side of your cage helped any. Maybe it wasn't meant for you to use to see but to ensure that you wouldn't go completely insane in total darkness. It made more sense, you wouldn't want your prisoner to look around either lest they find something to use to escape.
You moved so that your back was against the stone wall, mildly surprised to find that it was a little damp. Your neck was still covered in dried blood but you didn't bother trying to scrape it off, knowing from experience that it wasn't the most pleasant feeling and one you chose not to deal with at the moment though you did pick away the random straws of hay from your skin as you'd been laying on it.
If you had to guess then you were in a basement, whether it was hers or not—you couldn't just sit there. Your backpack was long gone, you didn't have to look around your little cage to know that much. You checked for your gun not surprised to find that it was gone...she even took the damn holster.
You checked for your knife on your waist...gone. You checked the one that was hidden in your boots, or was supposed to be but it was gone too. Even after all this time, she knew you all too well. But even without weapons, a small cage like this wouldn't be enough to keep you. You just needed a plan but you had no idea where the hell you were. You reached up to feel your neck where you remembered her nails digging painfully into your flesh...
Gold plated armor, soft leathers and the finest silk that currency could purchase found themselves haphazardly tossed about all over the floor of the room. They reflected nicely against the small flames of the candles around the room.
The room was temporary, a small stop during your travels across the sea—this was merely a supply stop, but with the weather so severe, the waves were slaves to Poseidon's wrath. The ship was safer docked but she wouldn’t spend another night on board if she didn’t have to.
And didn’t, neither of you did. You were her personal champion—you went where she went. She pointed, and you left a path of bloody boot prints. Her wish was your command.
She laid bare before you, it wasn’t a sight that many were blessed with and no matter what sin you’ve committed at this woman’s whim (hell, even your own), you always thanked the Gods for giving you sight.
The fireplace is the only thing lighting up the entire room behind you both, you could feel the heat of it drying up your sweat but not all of it. You were straddling her, knees on either side of her waist—one hand on her waist and the other by her head, fingers interlaced with the hand that wasn’t reaching back clutching you tight, nails digging into your skin but that slight pain only fueled you.
Her light hair was out of its strict confines and complicated royal hairstyle, now splayed across her blemish free back and the pillows.
This was your reward; having her. You did exactly as she asked, you brought her the heads of those who crossed her and bathed in their blood and in the blood of their loved ones. You left no stone unturned simply because it was her wish.
And in return…you got her, however you wanted. But even trapped underneath you—she was never not in command. You placed your other hand next to her head as well, feeling her cool breath ghosting over your fingers turn sharp and unsteady when your hips snapped forward without warning. Her fingers tightening around yours. She tried to push back against you to take back some control but you met her attempt with untamed energy. Miranda's breathy chuckle tapered off into a mix of a growl and a moan when you did it again and again…
Shaking your head, you let it fall back on the hard wall behind you with your eyes closed. You've longed since buried those memories but they were fresh, as if they were made yesterday. The ache in your heart felt fresh too.
Then you felt it. No you felt her. Her presence was so strong, nearly suffocating and that feeling of dread was crawling up your spine again and you suppressed a strong shudder. You reluctantly opened your eyes, knowing that those eyes you fell so hard for would be looking back at you—the same eyes that tore to shreds. Even after all this fucking time...
You exhaled slowly and heavy, content to just stare at your boots, “I didn't expect to find you here of all places...”
“Would you have come if you'd known that I would be here?”
You looked up and saw that her startling bright eyes were staring back at you, still just as clear as the day you first met, “Why am I in this cage and not dead in a ditch? Besides the fucking obvious.”
She didn't say anything to you for a moment, simply standing there staring at you—drinking you in, it made your skin crawl, both good and bad. If she was bothered about you blatantly ignoring her question, it didn't show—or at least that damn mask she was wearing hid it away from you. All those emotions you'd long since buried and thought you dealt with came bubbling back to the surface like bile in the back of your throat but you kept a tight rein on it. Your explosive temper never dulled over time but you got better at containing it.
But no matter how good you were with restraining yourself, Miranda always knew. You could see it in her eyes. You hated her for it.
“I felt you the moment you arrived.” she said instead after long minutes of unblinking silence, she edged closer to your cell, unconcerned with the fact that you could lunge forward at any point and grab her. “I'm relieved to find you're still alive...and in good health?”
“Either kill me and ditch me somewhere, or just let me go, Miranda. I'm not doing this with you.”
“I cannot and will not do either, (Y/n).” she responded coolly after another minute of silence, keeping your gaze now that you've given it to her, “I just got you back, I'm not going to let you leave me so soon. Not again.”
“You didn't really give me a choice the first time!” you snapped back despite what you told yourself earlier about keeping calm and breathing, but seeing Miranda now—even more beautiful than she was before? It was too much at once. “You made that decision for both of us.” you said, much more quieter but she was close enough to have heard you perfectly fine and you were finally able to look away from those burning eyes.
“You're different.”
“The world is different.”
“Time has made you soft.”
You scoffed, “Would you like to borrow some of it? I mean...what the fuck is this? Where am I?” She regarded you calmly as if she was assessing you, but her eyes were roaming too much to be a simple assessment and you just laughed, sharp and unforgiving, you couldn't help yourself, “Do you feel guilty? Did you ever?”
“I don't have time to feel guilty!” she answered a little too quickly and you saw how her shoulders shifted slightly beneath those feathers, always a tell sign of hers that you never failed to notice and honestly you were surprised that you still even remembered her tales. She was so obviously different, you both were but this dance? While off tune and tense, was still your dance.
“Right, I see.” you tried to ignore it, you really did, but a little piece of your heart fell away at her admission because there was still a small part of you that still longed for closure.
“Do you even remember what you're supposed to even feel guilty for?”
“Stop it! You're not being fair!” she growled at you, pressing closer against the bars—if she pushed anymore she'd probably break the damn things, or materialize right through them but that didn't stop you from scrambling to your feet to meet her head on, refusing to let her have the full advantage.
“Neither were you! I...” you stopped abruptly, literally choking on your words and you forced yourself to close your mouth and Miranda watched every single emotion drain from your face as if you had flipped a switch and her hands balled into even tighter fists at her sides, unsure what to say and you had nothing left to say.
You two stood staring at each other, once again. Eyes locked but not a word more was said. She reached up, one hand wrapping around an old iron bar, her engraved golden nails clinking softly against the metal.
“Mother Miranda.” a firm but sinewy voice echoed around you both, calling for your attention and it was feminine but you couldn't see who it belonged to. She was just out of range of the cell entrance and you'd have to move closer to Miranda to see who it belonged to—and that wasn't something you were interested in doing, “I apologize for the interruption...but we have a problem.”
“What.” Miranda hissed, her voice no longer soft and velvet—the only way you could describe it was deity like. Stronger, harsher and it would've been scarier if you didn't know the woman behind the mask.
“That fool Heisenberg let that man thing escape the forest and he's now roaming in the village.”
“I see.” Miranda's eyes fell to you again, radiating more power than they did earlier. You'd been so busy arguing with her, you hadn't heard the other woman approach and you wondered how much of that she actually overheard, “When you are ready to talk, I will be waiting for you, my little warrior.”
“Stop calling me that!” you spat, glaring at her irritatingly, “I'm not your anything...perhaps your enemy. You'd do better by just letting me leave, Miranda because you and I both know that killing me isn't an option.”
“And I already told you. I'm not letting you leave me, not again.” she was suddenly right in front of you, inside of the iron cage and you had no fucking idea how she did that but she was too close but the stone wall behind you didn't give away, no matter how hard you pressed. Her eyes were softer now, and you actually had to crane your neck a bit to see them, even at an even six feet, “Learn the truth then you decide if you wish to leave or to stay.”
“The truth?” you scoffed, well aware that you two still weren't alone, “The truth has long since past to be of any interest to me.” you lied straight through your teeth all the while looking into her eyes, you saw a speck of emotion but it was hard to tell when they were so alive, “I don't care about your truth anymore, Miranda.”
“You may not...but I do. Did our love mean nothing to you?” you both ignored the startled noise behind you, “All those late nights and early mornings? I think about them often when this life permits me to...I...do have regrets, (Y/n)...and wishes, most never granted.” she admitted, quietly—her deity voice gone for the moment, “One of my biggest regrets and my biggest wish was you, (Y/n).”
You didn't know how to unpack that in this moment because Miranda suddenly had both her hands on the wall, trapping you as she leaned closer—you knew what she was doing, hell she even knew what she was fucking doing? Was it working? Like the fool you were—it was.
“Allow me time to settle this issue and then we will talk, (Y/n).”
You could see the uncertainty in her eyes, and you almost told her to go fuck herself...it was on the tip of your tongue but your heart was still as stupid as it was thousands of years ago. You kept your lips firmly pressed together, but nodded curtly almost reluctantly. She didn't smile, not really, but that familiar curve of her lips made you tense a little. You were a fucking idiot, and you knew it.
“Lady Dimitrescu will house you. I will send for you when I am ready.” she lingered for a second longer, seeming to want to say more. Suddenly she pushed herself away from you and walking out of your cell with ease, pushing the heavy door out of her way leaving you bewildered.
Had it been unlocked this whole time? She hadn't even bothered to retrain you, but she knew you wouldn't make a move because now she had now something to keep you behaved long enough and you agreed to it.
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Ayyye Alcinnaaaa! Idk who's playing but Donna's house scary as shit. Y'all fuck with this story?
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missjaystone · 3 years
“Don’t Wake Up”
Pairing(s): Steve Rogers x Reader | Bucky Barnes x Reader Summary: Work keeps you busy. That's why as long as Steve's gentle and doesn't wake you up, he's free to do what he wants while you sleep, but what he wants is his best friend to feel what he feels. Word Count: 1,800
Trigger Warning(s): Somnophilia, NonCon/DubCon, Drugging Please DO NOT ignore trigger warnings and read at your own discretion.
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Life was unpredictable, anybody who knew exactly how their life would go was either omnipotent or the most boring being alive. Early on you learned to roll with life's punches and that's how you were where you were right now. A top SHIELD agent trusted with a great deal of knowledge and an almost insane amount of clearance, working closing with the Avengers. You rose thru SHIELD's ranks fairly quickly, especially for someone of your age. You were mid-level when they unfroze Captain America. You were one of the people entrusted with the task of helping Steve warm up to this new 21st-century society, pun not intended.
Once the initial shock of being thrust into this world had worn off, you and Steve developed a comfortable and vital friendship. You two spoke multiple times a day and saw each other frequently. The two of you were together so often, people used to joke that if one of you was around, the other wasn't far behind and they usually weren't wrong. It was no secret nobody was surprised when Tony loudly made a scene when he saw you two sharing a New Year's kiss. Tony shouting "I knew they'd end up together! I fucking knew it!" to everyone on the Avengers team and a handful of SHIELD agents wasn't how you two intended on exposing your relationship, but life is unpredictable.
Things around you gradually became more complex but that wasn't a surprise, you just kept rolling with the punches. The battle of New York happened, Ultron happened, Hydra's infiltration of SHIELD happened, the team grew, the entire situation with the Sokovia Accords happened, the complexities already on your plates multiplied. Of course, you stuck with Steve thru everything, you never stopped having faith in him. There were a handful of times where you could've turned and stopped fighting but how could you abandon your Captain? You loved him. Over the years all the fights, all the curveballs, everything wore on you both and the two of you had to change with the times and adapt to your surroundings. You were both changing before each other. There were times where you didn't see each other for weeks at a time; Steve would get busy with his missions around the globe and you had a mountain of SHIELD files to deal with; drives that had to be decrypted and stored properly, reports that had to go to a dozen different people, agents to recruit and review, clips to scour with minute details.
Things got a little bumpy when Bucky came to stay at the tower; Steve trying to help his oldest friend get accustomed to everything and you helping any way you could. You couldn't bear the thought of telling Steve when you started to feel uncomfortable around the brunette. The lingering stares, the prolonged hugs, the borderline-peculiar conversations; you brushed it all off. This was a man who spent 70 years as a mind-controlled assassin, he had everything ripped from him and now he had to readjust to modern society. He had to learn how to form relationships again, he had to relearn everything so there were bound to be moments of discomfort as he navigated his way. In all of that, however, you missed the small frowns and brooding moments he had whenever you and Steve were being overly affectionate together. He'd never do anything about it though, you were Steve's. He'd had his fair share of ladies back in their time but you were Steve's girl, you made Steve happy and Bucky couldn't-wouldn't take that from him.
When your workload multiplied again, you weren't as available as you used to be and it wore on Steve a bit. He and his super-soldier stamina had gotten used to a certain level of intimacy that wasn't happening anymore. It came to a head one night when Steve was in the mood but you were too tired to even pretend. Your words were mumbled as you snuggled against your pillow but Steve heard them loud and clear "do whatever you need to get off, baby, just don't wake me up." He asked if you were sure and got a hum in response but that didn't entirely suffice. He gave your shoulders a small shake until you turned to look at him. You looked tired and were so close to kicking him out of bed "Stevie, do whatever you want just please let me sleep."
You two still had sex other times, they were more intimate and personal though. In a mildly humorous way, that seemed to boost your relationship some. You'd wake up the morning feeling surprisingly peaceful for a few minutes before your work to-do list came to mind and Steve found out he enjoyed the idea of doing something he wasn't supposed to. He'd made it into his own little game; how much could he do without waking you up?
Tonight, you had your nose buried in your computer screen and papers were strewn across the bed; you were already exhausted but you still had a number of things to finish. You were pulled out of your hype focused state when the bed dipped beside you. The blue-eyed man offered you a cup of water with a sweet smile "come on, I haven't seen you drink anything in over an hour." You thanked him with a quick peck before taking a long and much-needed drink, thanking him when you set the nearly-empty cup back down.
Time felt like it began to drag on slowly, heavy tiredness slowly enveloping you throughout the next hour. You didn't even realize you'd dozed off until Steve was gently laying you down, pulling the blankets over you. "Steve, I still have work to do," you forced yourself to mumble, everything just felt heavy. "You can't even keep your eyes open, finish it in the morning," he said softly. He hushed you when you tried to object "Captain's orders, doll." You couldn't argue with that. Literally, there wasn't an ounce of strength or a grain of energy to fuel a disagreement. You were out like a light in a manner of seconds.
The blond stayed snuggled up beside you, stroking your hair soothingly to lull you into a deep sleep. No more than ten minutes had passed before the door opened and closed without a sound. An unsure Bucky stood by the dresser with his hands in his pockets and spoke quietly "are you sure about this Steve?" He nodded "I'm positive, Buck. I wouldn't have suggested it if I wasn't sure about it. I see the way you look at her, you deserve happiness too y'know." Bucky started to question him but Steve stopped him "she'll love you as much as she does me, Buck, it'll take some time and subliminal messages but she will."
Bucky looked at your sleeping form in thought, you were a nice person; you were smart, helpful, genuine, charming, you made him feel normal. He'd never be normal but if having you made him feel that way, who was he to pass up the opportunity? He quickly shed his pajamas while Steve moved your bottoms down. They'd been planning this for what felt like ages and they knew there'd be no going back, but it gave them a chance at a future they got to actually choose.
A thick silence filled the room as Bucky moved slowly to hover above you, lining himself up at your entrance with a slightly-shaking hand. With one last confirmation look from Steve, he slowly eased himself into you. He bit his lip roughly to keep from groaning and wake you up. The crushed-up Valium in your water should've kept you from waking up at anything but he wasn't taking a chance and getting too caught up in the moment. He finally broke the silence with a mumbled groan after finally bottoming out. Bucky's eyes fell closed and he stilled to savor the feeling, almost cumming right then.
Very slowly, he started to pull his hips back before pushing back in just as slowly. He continued like this for what he thought was ages and when the only response from you was a mumble here or a moan there, he slowly picked up his pace. Steve was in heaven watching the scene unfold in front of him. There was a slight pang in his chest for betraying your trust and not only letting but encouraging his friend to use you but he had a plan, a plan he was confident in. He started off palming his throbbing erection over his sweatpants before eventually pulling them down and fisting his member. There were a few moments where both stilled in fear when you stirred before settling. Bucky finished first, his hips jerking briefly before they stilled, a satisfied groan leaving his lips as he moved some hair out of your face. Steve finished when he watched him slowly pull out and came with a muttered 'fuck'. Steve quickly grabbed a few tissues, handing some to Bucky to clean you up while he took care of himself. Once the evidence was removed, the men shared a tight hug. Bucky actually looked a little more like himself now, he looked the slightest bit happier and more at peace.
In your unconscious and drugged state, all that you really felt was a sort of tugging pressure but you couldn't open your eyes. You heard voices conversing quietly after the pressure was completely gone and you felt the bed move as somebody got up. Despite your best efforts to listen, you couldn't make out the words. It took all of your strength to open your eyes even slightly but you could've sworn you saw a brunette figure leaving the room. There was no time to process it before your eyes fell shut again and you were entirely asleep.
You still felt a bit groggy when you woke up in the morning but nothing seemed out of place. Steve was quick to appear with a couple of mugs of coffee, handing you yours before he took a seat. He planted a sweet kiss on your temple. When you didn't say anything after taking your mug, Steve looked you over "are you feeling okay, doll? Are you coming down with something?" He asked, some concern in his eyes as he placed the back of his hand to your forehead for a temperature check. You finally took his hand and kissed his palm, sending him a smile "I'm fine, baby, just a little groggy is all. Crazy dream is all." Steve smiled sweetly at you “wanna talk about it?" An image of Bucky on top of you flashed across your mind and you shook your head “I don’t even remember what it was about.” You kissed his cheek softly and smiled. After all, it was only a dream.
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tokoyamisstuff · 3 years
Tender Ch. 2 - Loki x Mute! Reader
Summary: Winning the favour of the God of Mischief is not an easy task - even if he has already fallen for you.
Warnings: None.
Words: ~1600
A/N: Since I am writing several Series at once, together with Oneshots in between, the chapters are gonna be a bit shorter so I keep no one waiting. Hope that is alright!
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[Story Masterlist] [All of my Works]
Taglist: @austynparksandpizza​ @queenariesofnarnia​​ @commonintrest​​ @buckylokisimp​ @just-someone-who-likes-to-write @lxdyred @frostay​​​​
The first weeks after your arrival at the Avengers Compound passed by rather uneventful.
Due to the fact that you neither had a family you could be attached to, nor many belongings ever since HYDRA had kidnapped you and destroyed your home, Tony insisted on you living at the tower - like many of the other members as well.
Everything was just so new and exciting, not even Loki’s gleeful mockery could bring you down from that high.
Little did you know that all of his pep talks about those ‘inferior heros’, the ‘illusion of power’ or how no one was ever truly good or evil had a completely different reason:
An attempt to get you to leave, for your own good. After everything that had happened to you, the god was worried how another fight would affect you.
Anyway, it was a luxurious life compared to your old one, with so many kind persons and new perspectives. And you were sure to return that favor once you’d learn to control your powers!
So until then, you would train as hard as possible and care for your new friends through little acts of service. Caring for others came quite natural to you, may it be listening to their problems or simply complimenting them to see their faces brighten up.
And for some reason, that particular character trait was the one thing Loki found the most annoying.
How could a person so naive and pure think they could actually join in battles against evil? You’ll only end up getting yourself killed - and to be honest, Loki thought this to be a waste.
And even though he’d never admit it, but jealousy was starting to get the better of him the more he observed you getting along with everyone.
They adored you - and they were very right in doing so!
But that would mean that you were just nice to everyone, not especially to him, right?
Every time you’d help Bucky through a panic attack, braided Thor’s hair or helped Banner in the laboratory, Loki only wished you’d be with him instead - and if he had to burn this whole place to the ground for this to happen.
Yet his pride kept him from voicing that desire.
For you on the other hand, it was frustratingly hard to get through to the God of Mischief. In comparison to how he treated the other Avengers, he was always reserved and courteous towards you, yet also unreachable distanced.
Only on a weekend where the other Avengers were on a mission, the two of you found a way to actually bond with each other, if only a little.
Loki had once again read every book he borrowed from Stark’s library, now having a reason to leave his room again. At least those subhumans won’t be there to drain on his nerves...
When he crossed the living room on his way to the elevator, he blinked heavily as he saw you plainly chilling on the sofa. He was just about to turn around and leave, when you hectically gestured for him to stay.
“Hey, Loki! 😊” you wrote on a notepad, holding it up for him to read.
“Greetings...” he spoke between gritted teeth, but your smile wouldn’t falter, so he stood rooted in the middle of the room.
“Do you want to watch a movie together?” How blunt could you be to ask a literal god directly, just like that?!
“Actually, I-” When your eyes met, Loki cut himself off, the words being caught in his throat. “Well, if you’re in dire need of my sublime company...”
You were quick to sit up straight, offering a bowl with popcorn to the Odinson which he curiously accepted. When he answered your question about what sweets they eat on Asgard, he wouldn’t understand why you’d laugh. Apparently ‘nuts and grapes’ are not considered treats on earth. Got it.
Yet that little huff you blew out of your nose instead of making an actual laughing sound came somewhat endearing to him, especially in contrast to your other noisy companions. “Adorable...”
Without even asking first, you’d wrap the other half of the blanket around Loki, effectively closing the gap between you two.
“Wha- I’m not cold!” he blurted out, visibly overchallenged by the sudden closeness. “I’m a Jotun, hel!”
What was he even so worked up about? Geeze...
“But the weather on Asgard is rather humid, right?” you wrote down, with him nodding approvingly. "It allows all kinds of flowers to blossom, other than this metal brick” he explained, your excited look not failing to keep him talking. “You should see it some time.”
Loki’s eyes were now locked on the screen, and you could basically grasp his homesicknes, very well aware that a failure and war criminal like him would never be tolerated in those holy grounds ever again.
Great...now you had achieved the exact opposite of what you wanted.
You tugged on his arm so he’d shift your attention to you again, quickly writing something with a barely there sulk on your face:
“I’m sorry. I didn’t want to make you sad.”
Tears were already forming on the rim of your eyes, making Loki’s insides churn. “So sensitive...gods. Keep yourself together, would you.”
The Odinson instinctively wrapped an arm around you, his free hand petting your head as he pulled it to his chest. He was awfully warm for a frost giant, and his heart was hammering against his chest in a fastened pace - maybe just your imagination, though.
“Well, it’s winter...” he uttered, acting as if he actually cared about the plot of the movie. “I may not freeze, but you seemed cold. That’s all.”
You let your hand run across his collarbone, making him look down to you once again. He bit his lip as his icy glare met your warm one, eyes shimmering with earnest affection while you formed silent words with your lips:
“T-h-a-n-k y-o-u.”
“N-no need to thank me.” Just now Loki wondered what kind of spell you were using on him, being reduced to a shaking and stuttering mess.
No curse, no beauty ever before had bewitched him so much that he would lose his cool, let anyone peek under his confident mask, after all.
Not so long ago, when he was still considered the handsome Prince of Asgard, he would bed a different lover on each night, though never settling for anyone.
And after the revelation of his true heritage, even those fleeting encounters to ease his loneliness would falter - all that’s left was certainty that the theory he had ever since his childhood had proven to be true: 
That everyone had always secretly despised him, the failure of the family and disgrace to all of Asgard. Only through his Jotun blood they had found a reason to not play along with the royal courtesy anymore, showing their resentment up in the open.
But you...you looked at him with completely different eyes than anyone ever did.
Maybe he had become softer, weaker over time - or simply more mature. His mother once told him to seize the moment when someone truly special would cross his way, and to never let them go.
“We could do this more often.” You shoved the notepad in his line of sight, and just now he noticed that two hours had sure passed in an incredible speed.
Just the two of you, cuddled up on the sofa, enjoying each other’s presence instead of dealing with the troublesome past.
“Well...” Loki clawed into your upper arm softly, no intention of letting you out of his grasp already. “I am sure your other companions are more fun to be around. As you most likely already noticed, I am known for ruining the mood.”
Loki had a habit of talking ill about himself, and letting himself down as well. Yet as he saw you eagerly scribble on the notepad, he knit his brows together, impatient to what you’d say next.
“But I want to see you.” The word ‘you’ was written in a thicker font, underlined several times.
“Why?”, that was the first and only thing crossing his mind. And yet there you sat, shoving the notepad into his face with a stern look on your face.
Loki was rooted on spot as you put the notepad on the table, instead laying your hands on his cheeks and softly tugging on the edge of his lips. “S-m-i-l-e!”
“E-enough!” he carefully pushed your hands away, afraid you’d detect the mild blush on his face. “Then it shall be. What did you have in mind?”
“Whatever you want.”
Loki finally arrived at the library to return his books, even though with a few hours delay. Realizing just how much he had enjoyed that spontaneous meeting with you, he began to panic.
Was it really a good idea to repeat this?
He was almost 100% certain that it would only end in him ruining your trust in anyone completely, if he’d ever allow you to come close to his core.
Due to him having saved you back then, you probably see him as something better than he actually was - and gods, how disappointed you’ll be once you’d find out what he really is like...
It was probably for the best if this would never happen, with him just keeping on to admire you from afar...
After a while of just staring into the void, mentally debating about your offer, he couldn’t help the fact that he was already looking forwards to meeting you again.
Uncertain how to approach the matter, Loki was at least eager to show you his goodwill.
For you have been the first person who - despite everything he had done - was willing to give him another chance.
"Greetings. I need every available book about sign language.”
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an icarus and his sun: chapter 10
A/N: y’all ever think about that one empires episode of pearl’s where she helps sausage fight off a raid and that turns into a pvp battle between them, and she absolutely destroys him? yeah me too. also check out this awesome art by @amostfoolishgold​! anyway back to jimmy pov!
Warnings: injury, unconsciousness, fevers, talk of death, violence, corruption/infection, self-blame
AO3 Link - Tumblr Masterpost
The sun was nearing the horizon, casting the Overgrown in a golden glow. The castle was beginning to take shape, but they had unfortunately run low on materials, and Joel and Lizzie weren’t back from their gathering trip yet. So for the moment, they all just sat in the half-constructed shell of a castle, having light conversation as they waited for Joel and Lizzie to arrive. But soon enough, the conversation dwindled into an awkward silence. That is, until Gem stood up with a determined look in her eyes and a gentle smile.
“Why don’t we head to my empire for dinner? We’ve been working hard all day and could use a break!” she said brightly. Jimmy wasn’t sure how he felt about Gem quite yet, after everything that had happened- but she and Pearl had been a huge help. Meanwhile Shelby looked intrigued by the offer, and while Katherine first nervously glanced to the horizon, she looked back to Gem with a smile.
“That is very kind of you, Gem. I’d love to- we should probably just leave a note for Joel and Lizzie to let them know where we’ve gone,” Katherine said, standing up as well. Gem looked to Jimmy semi-nervously- and well, Jimmy was always a bit of a softie, wasn’t he? He smiled at Gem and stood up too.
“That does sound nice, thank you for inviting us,” Jimmy said. Gem beamed, and Pearl looked relieved as she stood up next to Gem.
“Well, you definitely won’t see me complaining about free food!” Shelby chimed in, hopping up to her feet. That caused the group to break into laughter, and the air between them felt comfortable again.
Once Katherine had written the note and put it where Lizzie and Joel could easily find it, the five of them (minus Pearl, who had wings) equipped their elytra and flew off to the Crystal Cliffs. When they first arrived there, everything seemed normal. The grand cliffs themselves, the buildings nestled in and around them, the towers- it was a beautiful and mystical place. But there was something blue, white, and gold that stood out in a heap on the ground near one of the buildings- a very familiar something blue, white and gold.
“Oh my god-” Gem started, landing on the ground beside the figure.
“Is that-” Pearl said, unable to finish the thought as she landed just behind Gem.
“Scott?” Jimmy finished, voice shaking as he came in for a bit of an unsteady landing a few feet away from where Scott laid on the ground, breathing shallow and upon a closer look, something red pulsing and spreading beneath his skin like some sort of vine. Jimmy barely registered Katherine and Shelby landing on either side of him, too focused on what was before him.
“This- this red stuff reminds me of the redstone spikes in Fwhip’s empire- or maybe something from the nether?” Gem pondered as she knelt beside Scott, a purple glow coming over her hand as she reached out towards the infection in his arm.
“I’ve seen that before,” Shelby said, voice sounding distant and laced with horror. Everyone turned to look at her, surprised to hear such a terrified tone of voice from the usually enthusiastic gnome.
“The infection?” Pearl asked.
“The corruption. I’ve seen it happen to my people back home, until it consumed them until there was nothing left- it’s why I came here, to try and find a cure or some way to stop it. But nothing worked,” Shelby explained shakily, sounding like she was on the verge of tears. Jimmy felt like he was going to cry too- and some awful part of himself thought that he should be glad that this happened to Scott, that it served him right after betraying Jimmy and breaking his heart- but he couldn’t. Despite everything Scott had done, despite never wanting to see Scott again- none of that meant that Jimmy didn’t want a world where the winged elf wasn’t in it. And what about what Pearl had said? Scott didn’t seem happy with Fwhip either, but now Jimmy would never know the truth. Not if it died with Scott.
Jimmy was so wrapped up in his conflicted mess of emotions that he didn’t even notice that someone else had flown in until Katherine let out a sharp gasp. He tore his gaze away from Scott to see what had caused that reaction from Katherine- and saw Fwhip. A mix of anger and terror boiled in his veins and swirled in his stomach at the sight of him. Fwhip looked baffled to see so many people in Gem’s empire, and plastered on a forced friendly smile. Jimmy’s hand found Katherine’s, and she squeezed it back tightly with no intention of letting go.
“Gem! Hi, so I wanted to smooth things over- I think we left things on a bad note-”
“What did you do to Scott,” Gem demanded, cutting off Fwhip as she stood up from beside Scott. Purple sparks danced in the air around her, and Jimmy swallowed nervously- he didn’t think he had ever seen Gem seem so intimidating before. Jimmy was relieved to see that Fwhip looked nervous too.
“Well, I haven’t seen Scott since our meeting, he seemed upset when he left- weird that he ended up here- y’know I was actually gonna go and talk to him after you-”
“If by talk, you mean do whatever you did to Scott to us?!” Pearl demanded, hand on the hilt of her sword as she took a step forward to stand beside Gem.
“I didn’t-”
“I’ve had enough of your lies, Fwhip. What. Did. You. Do,” Gem said evenly. Fwhip swallowed nervously, before sighing and finally giving in.
“Okay, so I may have set a few traps in his empire and got Sausage to help me with letting a raid infiltrate his village and the surrounding lands- but I figured Scott could handle a few traps and some mobs, it was only meant to be a warning, I never meant to kill him! He must have really gotten soft if he couldn’t deal with it,” Fwhip rambled. Gem and Pearl seemed semi-satisfied with his answer, but Pearl kept her hand on her sword and purple sparks still danced around Gem. But there was something that Fwhip said that bothered Jimmy, and along with what Pearl had said… guilt was beginning to settle in the pit of his stomach.
“What do you mean by that?” Jimmy asked tentatively. Fwhip let out a harsh laugh, turning to Jimmy incredulously.
“The idiot actually fell for you. He was just supposed to be a distraction, a contingency plan to make sure you wouldn’t be trouble. But he got in too deep, and look where that got him,” Fwhip scoffed, looking down at Scott’s deathly still form in disdain. Guilt was crashing on Jimmy in waves now. He had pushed Scott away. Scott had actually cared about him and he pushed him away. And then he had no one to go to for help when Fwhip decided to send a “warning” and got hurt as a result.
“You’re lucky I’m a pacifist,” Katherine spat, more angry than Jimmy had ever heard her. He wished he could have shared her anger, shouted at Fwhip too- but Jimmy just felt numb.
“Well unluckily for Fwhip, I don’t have that problem,” Pearl fumed, drawing her sword. Fwhip started to scramble back as Pearl leapt at him. His backwards stumble turned into a run, and Pearl kept pace with him just fine, using her wings if necessary and brandishing her sword to chase him away.
“Pearl can handle him- can you three help me get Scott to the apothecary? I’d do it by myself, but he’s tall and there’s the bulk of his wings to worry about too,” Gem asked, looking down at Scott worriedly.
“Erm- right, of course,” Jimmy said, letting go of Katherine’s hand to join Gem at Scott’s side.
“Hold on- go to the other side and help me turn him over,” Gem said. Jimmy did as she asked, and being mindful of his wings, the two of them gently rolled Scott over so he was on his back. Scott was feverish to the touch, and even unconscious his expression was contorted with pain.
“He’s hot,” Jimmy said, distant horror in his tone.
“Now isn’t the time for that, Jimmy,” Gem teased, trying to lessen the tension in the air. Jimmy’s face scrunched up in irritation as he half-heartedly glared at her.
“He has a fever, Gem,” Jimmy huffed. Gem laughed nervously.
“I know, I know, just trying to make this less terrible than it is,” Gem sighed. Jimmy gave her a weak smile, and together the two of them gently lifted Scott up. Jimmy ended up mostly holding Scott, while Gem supported his wings. Scott’s head lolled against his shoulder, labored breaths fanning his neck. Jimmy should have felt embarrassed or flustered, cradling Scott like this- but he was too concerned with how limp and unresponsive Scott felt in his arms.
“I’ll get the doors for you!” Shelby offered, quickly making her way over to the apothecary door. Katherine hovered around Jimmy and Gem semi-anxiously, making sure that they had a good hold on Scott as they made their way over to the apothecary. But all went well, and they were able to safely transport Scott into one of the apothecary beds. He had begun to shiver and tremble every so often now, and Jimmy could have sworn the corruption had spread, reaching his fingertips.
“There’s gotta be a way to stop that, or at least slow it down,” Gem murmured in thought, pulling up a chair to sit at Scott’s side. She reached out to the cut where the corruption on Scott’s arm stemmed from, hand glowing purple again. She closed her hand over it, and her eyes began to glow the same purple as her hand. But then the glow flickered, turning red for a moment before it dissipated entirely and Gem drew her hand back with a yelp, stumbling backwards out of her seat beside Scott’s bed. Jimmy scrambled over to help her up, eyes darting nervously between her and Scott.
“Is everything alright? I chased Fwhip off, but I swear if he’s done something in here…” Pearl trailed off as she walked into the apothecary, eyes zeroing on Gem as she rubbed at her temples.
“I’m fine. The corruption- it fought back. It’s… alive, somehow,” Gem said with morbid curiosity in her tone.
“It’s a type of fungus. That’s as much as my people could figure out before I came here to try and find a cure. The red stuff is everywhere in my old home- even if you tried to get rid of it, it would just come back. And in the cases where it latched onto a person… there was no getting it out,” Shelby explained, sounding like she was going to cry. Gem hummed thoughtfully.
“Did you try any sort of magic with it?” she asked.
“No, my people were not magic-users- in fact I’d hardly seen magic before I came here, where the air seems charged with the stuff,” Shelby replied, gesturing around her. A determined expression came over Gem’s face.
“Then I’m not gonna stop trying. I don’t know if I can fully fight off the corruption, but I definitely think I can slow its spread. In the meantime, we’re gonna need to get Scott’s fever down- at this rate, that’ll kill him before the corruption will,” Gem said, resting the back of her hand on Scott’s forehead and frowning.
“He’s probably a little beat-up too- Fwhip did say he trapped his empire,” Katherine added. Gem nodded in agreement.
“We’ll need cool water and cloth to make a compress for his forehead- and I should have some healing potions around here- it couldn’t hurt to brew some more though too, just in case,” Gem rambled, starting to stand up before Pearl put up a hand.
“You two stay here with Scott, I know where you keep things around here. Katherine, Shelby and I can worry about getting things for you,” she soothed. Jimmy tilted his head in confusion.
“Wait, I can help get things too…” Jimmy trailed off uncertainly.
“You can help if you want. I just figured you’d wanna stick by Scott,” Pearl shrugged with a gentle smile. Jimmy flushed slightly as he looked down at the floor, away from Pearl’s knowing stare.
“I… yeah. I’ll stick by Scott,” he said softly, gaze shifting to look at the winged elf who always managed to make his emotions into a muddled mess. Scott was an enemy, a friend, a- a something, then an enemy again- but whatever Scott was to Jimmy now, he knew one thing: he wasn’t letting Scott out of his sight again. Doing so the last time caused this to happen. He had to be there if- no, when Scott woke up. He had to apologize for pushing him away, and hope that maybe Scott still cared about him after everything that had happened to accept it.
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