#i. very much so have a character type and quite enjoy todoroki </3
bookwyrminspiration · 10 months
Do you know what my hero academia is
I do! I haven't read any of the manga, but I have seen the first four seasons--I think? I think I got midway through season 5 when I drifted. It was in the middle of that huge fight after Shigaraki got fancy juiced mega powerful and Hawks was taken out of commission and everything was very dramatic. Twice became nonce. Or is that all season 6? I cannot recall, but wherever that was was how far I got
I've considered catching up, but haven't gotten around to it. Why do you ask?
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faulty-writes · 9 months
Hello, I'm asking as an anon cuz its my first time requesting and I'm kind of nervous but I was wondering how would bakugou,deku,todoroki(+iida if you want<3) react to they're significant other doing the bumpy ride trend? where they balance a thing on their head and dance? Example : https://www.youtube.com/shorts/eWBDUeWgMXI and then they get very flustered lol love u<33
[ Oh God, is that what the kids are up to these days? Welp, best of luck to them! I know my limit for headcanons is usually three, but we all know how much I love Iida so he had to be included in this. So I hope you enjoy this rare, four-character headcanon set. P.S. Love you too, anon. ]
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"What the hell are you doing!?" Katsuki couldn't care less about the 'trends' extras were trying. The only type of social media he liked was about heroes. Still, he was curiously angry when he walked into your room to see you balancing something on your head while moving around. The fact that you were having trouble keeping that thing on your head made him roll his eyes.
He thought you had enough common sense to know when to quit following this stupid trend. However, you didn't and he wasn't shy about sharing his opinion. "Why are you wasting your time doing this, dumbass? Trends are only for extras with nothing else to do!" You tried not to let him bother you, after all, you were just having fun.
He usually didn't care about anyone's safety but his own. But damn it, you were different. When you tried to balance dangerous or heavy things on your head while dancing, he'd scold you. "Idiot! Be careful, damn it!" He'd snatch whatever item away from you and quickly replace it with another before flushing as he admitted, "I just...d-don't want you to get hurt, dumbass."
Most believed Katsuki could not laugh or find humor in anything that wasn't someone else's misery. But after some time of seeing you perform this trend continuously. He couldn't help but smile. Yeah, it was a rare sight to see him smile, hell even see him happy. But damn if he didn't admire your determination and that cute look on your face whenever the particular item you were balancing on your head fell off mid-dance.
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Izuku would more than likely respond to seeing you perform the bumpy ride trend with curiosity, after his initial surprise. His curiosity would lead him to research everything about this particular trend. He would even watch videos of others performing it, trying to figure out what the most effective strategy is to master it.
Naturally, due to his desire to save and protect others, he'd make sure you always performed the trend in a safe environment. In addition, he'd make sure you used safe items to balance on your head. Usually, he'd help you gather empty bottles or provide one of his All Might plushies for you to use.
You'd usually assign him to record your attempts on your phone so you could upload them later. While he was uncertain about this, he did it because he wanted to help you and show his support. Of course, he was particular about how he would record you. He'd always make sure he was standing at the correct distance, that it was the correct angle, and that the lighting was good. No surprise, you ended up getting a bit impatient with him.
"H-hey it's okay…maybe w-we can look over my notes to s-see what you're doing wrong, y-you'll get it eventually!" He'd always have some encouraging words for you whenever you failed at your bumpy ride trend attempts which was appreciated considering you usually took your frustrations out on him.
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"Um…are you alright?" Shoto's initial response to seeing you perform the bumpy ride trend is confusion. He doesn't bother with social media or understand its trends. This leads you to have to explain it to him which only confuses him more.
Before jumping to any conclusion about whether this trend was safe or unsafe, Shoto would observe you performing it. This would help him determine if he should intervene or not. He knew he didn't have a right to tell you what you could and couldn't do. But as your significant other, it was his job to protect you no matter what. He'd do that even if you hated him for it.
His concern eventually led him to suggest alternative trends you could do together. He knows that you'll probably argue with him, but he also knows that it's important to do things that strengthen your bond in romantic relationships and frankly, if he could convince you to do alternative trends with him, he could keep you safe.
He would congratulate you when you finally managed to dance and balance something on top of your head without it falling. But he's unsure exactly what to say which leads him to flush as he struggles to find the words. "That's nice…I am…happy that you accomplished what you wanted to." He still wouldn't understand it, but he'd try to be proud of you in his own way.
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"I strictly advise against this form of social entertainment!" It was no surprise that Tenya found social media trends to be a waste of time. The fact that said trends didn't have any academic or structural value added to his distaste for them.
Even after conducting thorough research regarding the "bumpy ride" trend, he still doesn't approve of it, but he knows his disapproval won't sway you from attempting it. So, he overanalyzes it and creates a structured plan to help you perfect and achieve your desired outcome.
Despite not wanting to share his or your "personal" life on the internet, he agrees to document your attempts at this trend. "Are you most certain you wish to perform this again?" The videos he records are typically unedited, which gains your account numerous followers who like to point out his strange way of talking and the fact he's constantly chopping his hands in front of the camera in your videos.
After some time, he finds out that your classmates know about the bumpy ride trend and your videos which he helped upload to your social media account. Even though he feels embarrassed, he explains the pros and cons of the trend. He also explains why he supports you and how he will continue to do so until you master your techniques to accomplish your desired outcome.
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plusultraetc · 14 days
Liza's School Briefs 1 Review (1/2)
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School Briefs 1 saved me from my reading slump, thank u School Briefs 1.
I actually did read a ton these past few weeks, both long fics I've been chipping away at and my physical TBR, and I feel like reading this book with the intention of writing some kind of review was what finally booted my brain back into book mode (hi alliteration). If I can finish my current read by my next bookstore visit I am picking up the second one so fast !!
It's been a minute since I typed up a full, actual book review, so this might be even more disorganized than my usual word salad. I am reaching back for those bookstagram skills but the arms of memory are not quite long enough 😔 I did stick a lot of page tabs in this book to help me out, because old habits die hard, or they don't die at all, but page tabs are pretty and I'm one of those people who can't write in my books, even the ones I intend to keep. Idk, I just can't do it </3 Also do you know how difficult it was to not stage a full 2020 era bookstagram photo for this post. Do you know.
Overall, I really enjoyed this! It was cute, and the illustrations were so <3 <3 There were definitely some things I could live without (mostly comments from Mineta and Midnight, which are def also present in the main series, but I feel like they were even more over the top in this book?? Like??? I genuinely found myself grimacing at times while reading, it was very uncomfy). Also, Uraraka, Tsu, and Yaoyorozu's sidequest, while incredibly cute, was definitely... ig a 'the girls that get it get it, and the girls that don't don't' moment and I did not get it. Why were we so obsessed with underwear in this book. ANYWAY ON TO THE TABS.
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Starting off strong with Todoroki's Sick Burns (no pun intended). He really tried to come for Sero's 'Funniest Bakugou Takes' crown in this book. Todoroki's subplot was actually my favorite thing about this story--more on that in a moment.
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Also, this made me so 🥺 He fit in so well with 1-A from the start that it's easy to forget Midoriya was decently unpopular in middle school. The palpable social anxiety in this line is so real.
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Can we talk about the Todorokis... (actively dissolving into a puddle of tears) can we please talk about the Todorokis... Rei tries so hard in this book. FUYUMI tries so hard. Their storyline was such a tender thread running through what was otherwise an incredibly goofy book. There were some aspects of like, Todoroki Family Life(TM) that I had never given much thought to? Like how Todoroki's poor social skills among his own age group had probably impacted his (and Fuyumi's) life pre-UA, the responses of other characters like Midoriya, Iida, and Aizawa to what they respectively know about his situation, etc. It was just. Really ough. Augh. Alack, if you will.
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TODOROKI STAND UP COMEDY TOUR. I live for Shouto & Fuyumi & Natsuo interactions, my skin is clear and my crops are watered. Shouto & Fuyumi were so precious in this.
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I talked about this scene already, but omg how I loved the entire staff room chapter. I've always found the UA faculty as a concept deeply entertaining (what do you MEAN the superheroes are teachers. 'Sorry, I can't hang out after school. I have to study for a test in Batman's class.') and this chapter was just. So silly. I love them.
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Really quick, do you think they ever get tired of being so everything to me? Aizawa spends this entire scene rolling his eyes at the other teachers' bs-ing and wasting time, deliberately not getting involved, but of course Mic still manages to drag him into it. Just couldn't help yourself could you.
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herofics · 1 year
Ok can I request present mic, gang orca and all might (preferably small might <3) with reader that has two quirks that kinda merged together (like todoroki’s) the quirks are green toxins(just multiple toxins merged and turned green) and dragon! The reader has wings, a tail and ears (like toothless’s ears in httyd) and we can transform into a dragon about the size of a giraffe on its hind legs and can be even bigger if there quirk is at 100%(also has bright green markings and oose) (sorry if this is a lot :( )
This is sort of a bad request in the way that it’s not a situation I can write about, you just gave me character traits. On the other hand there’s enough weird character traits for me to get enough stuff out of this. The reader is of similar age to each character of course. I didn’t do Mic, sorry
~All Might/Toshinori Yagi~
•You’ve learned to control your quirk, you learned it back when you were in UA yourself
•But Toshinori likes hearing the stories of all the mishaps you had with it when you were learning to control it
•The toxins part was the one you had to learn to control, since your body would sometimes react to strong emotions or injuries by secreting those toxins and you could hurt someone
•The dragon part always came very naturally to you, since it’s much more physical and it’s not  tied to your emotions, it’s just something you choose to do when you switch between your dragon form and humanoid form
•Toshinori has gotten pretty good at reading your emotions by the way your ears move, because they move based on how you’re feeling
•You like to wrap your tail around his leg when you’re cuddling and you also purr when you’re feeling happy
•You have to be super careful when kissing him, because if you don’t pay attention, you might release some off the toxins you produce, since they mostly come from your mouth
•That would end with him in the hospital since his respiratory system is busted already
•You’re actually very scared of kissing him and it’s usually just fleeting small kisses, but you show affection in other ways, cuddles, hugs, hand holding and words of affirmation
~Gang Orca/Sakamata Kugo~
•Kugo has a mutant type of quirk too, he’s of course more animal looking than you, but you do have mutant attributes too
•The ears, tail and wings and some scales on your body
•He’s never been jealous of people who have more human like features, he’s proud of how he looks and how strong he is
•You though, you’re the most beautiful creature he’s ever seen and he absolutely worships you
•You’ve always been very careful with physical affection, especially kissing or other such activities, because you don’t want to hurt him accidentally
•While you can sort of decide how strong the toxins you release are, you can’t make them non-toxic
•Sure you they might only cause a headache or some nausea, but they always cause something and it’s never pleasant
•You love to cuddle with him and while you’re smaller than him in your humanoid form, you’re quite a lot bigger when you’re in your dragon form
•You sometimes stay in your dragon form for longer than you really need to and you like to curl around him and wrap your tail around his leg so he can’t escape
•Kugo quite enjoys your dragon cuddles, but sometimes you do get a bit too clingy with it and don’t like to let him go
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shotorozu · 3 years
attractive things you do a lot
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[sorta milestone celebration, but also something i made during todo’s birthday]
character(s) : multiple; five or more.
legend : [Y/N = your name] they/them pronouns used, hinted to have a strong quirk but it’s not mentioned alot
post type : headcanons + scenario [fluff, the mildest of spice.] third year au! but it’s nothing nsfw, so no need to worry.
note(s) : i was planning on doing denki, tamaki, monoma, and 2 other characters— but my idea train stopped at shinsou so i’m sorry about that! just let me manifest some ideas rq, and i’ll make a part two.
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todoroki shouto
eye contact is so attractive to him, he can’t explain it’s exact details
it’s definitely the way the both of you guys can practically read each other’s expressions just by staring into each other’s eyes it’s sorta telepathic?? im half joking
he absolutely loves the way you look away bashfully when you realize he’s staring at you— as you try to pretend he wasn’t just staring at you not so discreetly
and if you feel like it, you’ll stare back at him— totally teasing him with your eyes, as he slowly realizes that you’ve caught him staring
really adores your thinking face for some reason, you could be plotting about giving bakugou a knuckle sandwich, and shouto would just stare like “my s/o’s so attractive :))”
another thing he really likes is when you hold onto his hand, dragging his left side to your face whenever you feel colder than usual
you practically do the same thing when it’s too hot, and he doesn’t care if you’re sweaty or not. nope, not one bit.
he always found it attractive when he sees you bop your head to songs you really like. shouto just really likes seeing you enjoy yourself.
an extra to the cool/hot bit, he makes you run towards his direction by turning off the ac/heater.
last but not the least, his heart swoons when you kiss his scar. he has always been insecure about it, and you have helped him a lot!
mild spice here— whenever you bite your lip, his heart skips a beat
your lips are just so perfect to him, the shape, size, and color. so biting your lip does something alright. he doesn’t know what exactly though.
to conclude this, todoroki’s just whipped for you— it’s very noticable when he finds you extra attractive.
midoriya izuku
he loves seeing you hyped about something you’re really interested in.
like todoroki, seeing you enjoy yourself genuinely makes him content. his s/o having their own interests is really big for him
strength is something he admires (but he’s not power hungry like end*avor, don’t get confused).
so no, it doesn’t just reflect on your strong and capable quirk—
no. it’s so much deeper than that to him, seeing that you can overcome challenges makes his heart swoon
when you tilt your head when listening to him- omg. he might just short circuit from the way you’re looking at him intensely. 
he likes it a lot when you reach for his hand, enveloping your hand against his
an extra point if you pay extra attention to the callouses and scars on his hands— purposely rubbing a thumb across his scars
fixing his tie.
like.. [SIMP SCREAMS] he doesn’t really know how to fix it properly, but if you do it for him— he’ll start imagining a rather domestic life so BWNDNWNS warn him
mild spice here— but he loves seeing you fix your hero costume?? there’s something about it that makes him refuse to look away. he thinks you’re very hot btw
but the top tier? it’s when you get along with his mom, and children
like.. you don’t have to be good with them, but you should at least be nice to them! midoriya’s deal breaker is if you don’t get along with his mom so.. you really have to in this relationship
bakugou katsuki
when you put him back in his place- well.. let me explain this one
people are so easily intimidated by him, so people don’t talk at him when he says some shit
so he’ll be genuinely surprised if you talk back at him, because it shows him that you're not afraid of him (and that’s important in a relationship with bakugou) 
when you put his face in his palms. he’ll scowl and tell you off, but he actually likes holding your face in his palms
his hands are naturally clammy, so he’s secretly so insecure about them, and if you show him that you really don’t care- then.. that’ll keep him up at night. 
same thing with shouto, but if you run to him for warm in colder weathers, that’ll give him an ego boost. 
knowing that you’ll only look for him, whenever you feel cold makes him feel all “mushy” inside. again, like how bakugou is- he’ll pretend he absolutely despises it but he’ll actually love it.
mild spice here- but seeing you all worn out, panting under him when he spars with you is something that’ll leave him speechless for the rest of the day. man can’t stop thinking about it, and he has to restrain himself. 
last but not the least- it’s when you touch/play with his hair. 
so unexpected because he never lets anyone touch it, sometimes not even his own mother. 
but the only hands that are touching the ash blond mesh that is his hair is you. 
do whatever with them. create small braids, comb it, tie it with a scrunchy, straighten it. really- he has trust in you
he’s just so whipped when you do it, and it calms him down. 
kirishima eijirou
when you call him manly 🤠
and when you do things he considers as ‘manly’ like going out of your way to train your quirk— and helping him study for something he doesn’t quite get and when you succeed
another ‘manly’ thing is when you manage to encourage him— because he himself had confidence issues
so if you do that, he’ll be planning the wedding asap
whenever you just make grabby hands at his hair— wanting to style his hair
oh and if you wanted to redo his roots (if they grow back) then he’ll let you <3 because he absolutely adores it
when you start tracing his jawline when you’re staring at him. he was very caught off guard when you did this for the first time
but he absolutely loves the sensation.
stretching before any exercise! just the way you twist yourself with ease.. he’s mesmerized
he stares a little too much, to the point he gets called out by bakugou multiple times
a little spicy here — he likes your teeth. normal teeth, canine teeth, fangs, whatever!
doesn’t matter if you’re bite your lip, or runnig your tongue along the edge of a tooth. are you trying to seduce him?
he will be seduced 💀 face practically rivalling his faux red hair, trying to avert his gaze— thinking about how pretty you just looked like.
last but not the least!
back hugs. he’s such a fan of them, regardless if you’re taller than him, or shorter
surprise him, and he’ll turn around with this big dopey smile— and he’ll trap you in his arms
shinsou hitoshi
okay, if you randomly send him pictures of yourself (either your prettiest pictures, or the weirdest pictures) he’ll be so in love
like— just look at you! you’re gorgeous to him (saves every singe candid photo you’ve send him)
this is a really weird one but.. when you pick up things with your feet (bonus points if you do it with ease.)
when you start fixing your hair, doing whatever to it— he’s just in awe. (have you hypnotized him with your beauty?)
get him things for his hair like headbands, scrunchies, little barretts and pigtails
he’ll keep it in for as long as he can— since his hair is a little wild, a little braid or ponytail wouldn’t hurt, right?
spice warning (?) whispering into his ear makes his heart pound 10x faster like.. are you trying to kill him?
his quirk gave him a habit of listening to someone’s voice.. a little too much.
SO IF YOU WHISPER IN HIS EAR, HE’LL STOP FUNCTIONING :) do whatever with that info tbh
last but never the least— when you support him, and his journey to becoming a hero
because people have told him that he’ll never be a hero because his quirk was too villainy
nope. you think differently, and that’s what he thinks is most attractive about you.
the ability to support and believe him, even if his quirk seems a little misleading.
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likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei. i only own the writing.
do not plagiarize my work :))
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mythiccheroacademia · 4 years
Delivery HCs with 1-A’s Big Three
A/N: Maybe I’m a bit biased because I want to be a pediatrician when I’m older, but I think children are the true gems of the world. I’ve seen a few deliveries in my life, and it’s a moment that not even magic can explain. I can only imagine what it’s like for the parents--to see the baby you’d start a war for if need be. So, here’s my attempt to translate that special love within a headcanon. 
Enjoy and continue to stay safe honey bunnies
Also, remember to thank a (good) mother for being literal superheroes once in awhile. Delivering is no joke!
Warnings: all the wonderful things that come with pushing a baby out of a 3-4in hole
All characters are aged 18+
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Midoryia Izuku:
when you and your husband got to the hospital, the nurses were suprised to find you laughing and your husband muttering 
they soon came to find out he was reciting how to books about delivery
the buff, muscley, #1 hero who scared villains into a crime rate of 2% was wiggling his knees in fear every time you had a contraction
he was running around, calling his friends and family about how he was going to combust
asked you every five minutes if you were ready to push 
“izu, honey, i don’t think it works like that”
“true....but are you ready?”
it was funny
but it stopped being funny after 14 hours of labor, when the contractions got really bad
now you were just snapping at izuku to quiet down otherwise you’d united states smash his face in
him: 😧
the nurses: 👀
he knows you’re in pain but damn 
it’s a relief when you get the epidural 
after that, it was a relatively smooth birth 
it still hurt like hell, but your husband is holding your hand, giving you encouraging kisses
one final push and the baby is out
immediately, the little boy is screaming his head off making his presence known
you let your head fall back with a relieved sigh as your body works to get the placenta out
whiles you do tiny pushes, izuku is in a love-struck daze as he stares at your son
it’s like he has tunnel vision
suddenly, nothing in his life was ever more important than this tiny little human who couldn’t weigh more than his left hand
the nurses hand you your son and you laugh through your happy tears
“it looks like i’ve got two cry-babies to deal with now” you lovingly smile
izuku is on his knees, sobbing, kissing your forehead and rubbing his finger against his child’s cheek
he’s so thankful
he’s so very thankful, he doesn’t even know how to comprehend it
you’re the best hero in his eyes
“he’s so beautiful” he repeats, like a broken record
there’s nothing he wouldn’t do for you or his son
he silently makes an oath to do everything in his power to see his family smile with security every day
izuku feels like he finally knows what being #1 truly is
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Bakugo Katsuki:
pregnancy wasn’t easy for you 
having twins wasn’t rare, but it made the process riskier
giving birth is still quite dangerous, like women are superheroes bruh
due to forseen complications, you were scheduled for a c-section 
unfortunately, you’re blood pressure sky-rocketed and you had to deliver your babies two weeks early
on the way to the hospital, your contractions were tearing you apart
during each shake and scream you gave, katsuki would hold your shoulder and let you dig your nails into his arms
he took it without complaint
it was like you were a different person when a contraction hit
you never complained about the pain, but he could tell you wanted it to end with how your head would fall like dead weight
never admits to the few tears that slipped past his cheeks
he never wanted to see you like this again 
when you make it to the hospital, they wheel you into the surgery room and he follows after
is relieved to see that you can no longer feel the contractions
in fact, even with all the IVs in you, you seem a lot better--more alert
he makes his way over to you 
“sorry for the car ride. i think i drooled. i probably looked gross. still do” you joke
he speaks in the softest voice you’ve ever heard, kiss your dry lips
“no baby, you look beauitful” 
and he means it
you do. you’re the most beautiful woman he knows
you feel a lot of pressure as they take the babies out, but once they do, the sounds of your children make you tear up
bakugo is frozen as he watches his babies, one boy one girl, get cleaned up
there’s a softness in the air as the nurses lay the boy on your chest and the girl in katsuki’s arms
your heart explodes with so much love that the heart monitor does a little jump that makes everyone laugh
but katsuki makes a pained expression before lowering himself so that his forehead rests beside your ear
he can’t tell what he’s feeling bc he’s felt love before but this was different
this was so overwhelming that it sent his knees buckling
you use your free hand to smooth down his hair as he cries 
“thank you” is all he’s able to say until the tears are gone
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Todoroki Shouto:
when shouto looks back on one of the happiest days of his life, all he feels is shame and embarrassment 
he was just doing everything wrong that day
no thoughts, head empty
of course you had to go into labor the day he decided to take a tiny job 30 fucking minutes away from the hospital 
he made it to you in 20, he broke several laws to do it
when he gets to the hosptial, he can barely talk 
the nurses had to call you to make sure this crazy man was actually the father of your child
misses the baby floor twice
walks into the wrong room three times bc he forgot how to read
when he finally makes it to your room, he’s fed up with himself 
“what took you so long? the front desk called me, like, ten minutes ago”
“i don’t wanna talk about it”
“are you having an attitude with me right now? when i’m about to deliver your child?”
shouto: ☹️
shutting up was the smartest thing he did that day
when the 15th hour of labor hit and you were gripping your husband, screaming and rocking on your knees for any type of relief, todoroki was nearly begging you to take the drugs 
“sweetheart, please consider the epidural”
“no, shouto. i’m doing this without one”
“why do you want to suffer when technology and modern medicine--”
“todoroki shouto, you give me one more lesson about modern medicine and i’ll rip your quirk right out of you”
“i dont think that’s--”
the nurse finally chimes in: “sir, i mean this in the nicest way possible. shut up”
after 24 grueling hours, you’re pushing
it’s taking everything within shouto not to pass out from the blood, the screaming, and how tight you’re squeezing his hand 
the baby is out and crying her little head off
you’re happy it’s all over and shouto should be too
but he’s going over the past 48hrs and letting it confirm how he’s just not set up to be a father 
he’s almost grateful that you would hold her first bc he doesnt want to screw up more than he already has, but you have a different idea
understanding the emotions and self-doubt reflected on his face, you say 
“shouto, i want you to hold her first”
he’s shocked and starts his stuttering, but the nurse is already on it
“you heard mama, open your arms big guy”
once the nurse helps him find a good hold, todoroki doesnt even notice the tears falling down his cheeks
“look at you,” you sniff. “you’re a natural”
his eyes are wide with child-like wonder and he manages to give you a trembling smile 
“you think so?” you nod and he’s smiling so big, you wanna take a picture. “she’s so beautiful, just like her mother”
he leans down to kiss you 
wonders what he did in his past life to deserve the love he was given the chance to feel today
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loopynal · 4 years
How about the yandere Bakugou Izuku and Shouto with a laidback darling like “oh you kidnapped me that’s cool want some pizza?”
Ouuuuuu <3333
Good request! All of the characters will be aged up! They are all pro hero’s!
My request box is still open so feel free to send in anything <3
Warnings ⚠️ occasional explicit content, yandere, Kiddnaping.
If you’re uncomfortable with any of theses topics please scroll past
How would yandere bnha boys react to a laidback darling.
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Bakugo, Katsuki
He kidnapped you because you don’t know how to take care of yourself.
Your a college student, finials are a coming up, so, you had pulled a couple of all-nighters.
You may have over estimated your ability to stay awake.
3 days straight, barely eating, and when you did it was either coffee or a quick junk snack.
As always he was stalking watching over you, to make sure you’re safe, how could he not? You’re just too soft for this world.
He wasn’t totally sure but you looked like you hadn’t slept at all in the past few days.
And he could practically see how malnourished you were!
He was growing angrier by the second you can’t even take care of yourself!
You put school and your grades above everything, even your health.
He couldn’t have that.
So, on your way home when you ran straight into his chest he held you firmly against him, pressing a rag over your face.
Honestly, he probably didn’t even need the chloroform, you were so malnourished and sleep deprived that you practically passed out from the shock immediately.
He prepared for you to struggle, cry, scream, punch, kick, fight, anything.
But when you woke up, you only asked for your textbooks?
He refused you saying that you wouldn’t need them anymore, he could easily provide for the both of you.
He again, expected you to protest.
“Huh? But what about my collage debt?”
That’s what you’re concerned about?
He laughed saying he already paid them off.
The two of you had met when he was in his last year at U.A. your school had done a week long exchange program.
It didn’t take long for you to consume his every thought.
You two grew close very quickly in your short time there and even exchanged numbers.
The two of you still kept in contact.
He finally asked.
“Why aren’t you scared?”
You tilted your head at him confused.
“Why would I be? I mean- I trust you. Sure you were a bit forceful but... we’re friends right?”
You just solidifyed his obsession.
Honestly, you just vibe the whole day. No school, no tests, no work.
Plus Katsukis cooking is to die for!
He buys you anything you want considering how well behaved you are.
If you ask for anything electronic he takes off any form of communication apps just in case.
Since your so well behaved if you ask nice enough he’ll take you on walks around the local park.
If you’re ever lonely if you ask enough he’ll buy you a pet as long as you don’t give them more attention then him.
He’s never letting you go, but it doesn’t seem like you mind too much.
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Midoriya, Izuku
He would ‘save’ you the second your in any type of danger.
You had been a fan of his since his debut, almost immediately going out to buy a pair of DEKU™️ themed shoes.
You met him on the train on your daily commute to work almost a year after his debut.
You still had the same shoes, now paired with a deku themed hoodie.
You died and went to heaven when he took a seat next to you.
You took a double take.
He sensed your nervousness and tilted his head to look over at you.
His eyes lit up when he saw his merch on such a pretty girl.
“Hi there! I like your shoes!”
You looked like you were overheating at this point.
“Hi! Ah thank you~”
He had to hold himself back from gushing about how cute you were.
The two of you chatted more and slowly you got more comfortable around him.
So when you informed him that your stop would be coming up in a few seconds he quickly wrote his number down and slipped it into your bag without you noticing.
You caught his interst.
Izuku couldn’t get you off his mind the rest of the day so when he got a text from you around lunch he was ecstatic!
The relationship bloomed from there.
He knew your schedule by heart.
Which means he knew how late you worked and that you walked home.
He always tried to get you to take the train or a more popular road but you never listened.
He got off of work early today and decided to admire you from the shadows on your walk home.
He would be forever glad he was there that day.
You were jumped by a group of men and neither of you wanted to know what would have happened if he wasn’t there.
He didn’t even bother knocking you out he just took you to his apartment dropped you on his bed locked all the doors and left to go ‘take care’ of the low life’s who thought they could mess with what’s his.
It was almost morning by the time he got back to his apartment he took a deep breath and held it excepting to run at him or scream.
When he opened the door he was instead met with soft breathing.
There you were, as beautiful as ever snuggling into his pillow in his shirt.
He almost came his pants as his eyes traveled you body.
He had to physically stop himself and instead went to go take a shower.
You didn’t even question anything, you just asked if you could grab some of your stuff from your old apartment.
He was over the moon.
The whole day he would just be clinging to your side as you grabbed anything you needed from your old apartment.
Takes you out on a bunch of mini dates in the park.
The public is obsessed With your relationship.
Anything you want you got it immediately.
Need to go clothes shopping? On it.
A new phone? On its way.
Craving chocolate? Already in the kitchen.
Please pay him back in cuddles.
He melts.
Knows exactly what you want even before you do.
He gives you the most freedom but don’t take it for granted.
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Todoroki, Shoto
He would strike out of jealousy.
You had been invited out to a local bar by a couple of your colleagues at work.
You agreed naturally.
You had worked under Shoto as an assistant for years now and yet, you only ever had eyes for him.
He didn’t care at first when you went out he would be watching the whole time so there’s no risk of you getting hurt.
What he didn’t expect was for you to willingly go off with a drunk stranger.
The man had talked to you for a bit before asking if you wanted to go somewhere warmer as the bar was quite cold.
You were too gullible for this cruel world.
One of the reasons he fell so hard for you.
So he followed the two of you, his rage building with each step.
When he saw the same man pin you against the cold brick wall of an ally way he snapped.
“That’s not how you treat a lady. Why don’t you let her go and we can do this the easy way?”
The man couldn’t tell who he was from the shadows and even if he could he was too drunk off his ass to make the right decision.
“Heh? Ehat could you do about it ‘eirdo besides tfhis little lady an’ I were just having a some fun.”
Shoto let flames erupt off of his body in waves once he had you behind him and safe.
The man wa slept burnt half to death and left to die in the snow.
When he had you back to his apartment you were to dazed to protest as he tied you to the head bord.
Not that you would’ve.
Almost a week passed.
He still hadn’t untied you out of paranoia. He would feed you and make sure you drank enough water. 
You thought you were going to die of boredom.
But you need him to trust you right?
When your ropes came undone and slipped off when he left you almost cried.
Would he be mad?
So you spent the next few hours trying to tie yourself back up.
You had started to cry out of frustration not hearing the man enter the room.
“Y/n? What are you doing?”
You looked at him with a face similar to ‘🥺’ and ‘😭’
“Th-the roAps c-came undone when you left and- and- and I couldn’t get them back on.”
He almost melted from happiness.
He regretted leaving you tied up for the past week.
Constant snuggles.
Lots of love.
Would be the most hesioto let you outside.
Just give him puppy dog eyes and you can get at least a half an hour at the park.
This boy is touch starved and constantly needy.
Could never yell at you especially when your this well behaved.
He loves you more than anything and you know that, so what’s the point in running if you love him just as much?
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cronni · 3 years
a three-act review about Compress on 294
[This meta, obviously, will have spoilers about the most recent officially released chapter, 294, from BNHA. Consider yourself warned.]
Another chapter that goes to the list of "big revelations" from this arc. The war is near it's end and, with everyone at their physical and mental limits, sacrifices are being made.
So I wanted to ramble for a bit about the main character of chapter 294, Mr. Compress. Talk about his possible death, his reveal, what it means for the future and his legacy towards the League/Shigaraki.
First things first, hi! My name is Kat, and I'm bringing to you my half meta-analysis half opinion-based-review about Compress, during chapter 294, on this makeshift imaginary stage. Take a seat.
Act I: it's in the blood
We had a lot of big moments during this arc. Some more expected than others, but still as important as everything else... Probably.
If you had "Compress bloodline/face reveal" on your bingo card, though, I need to congratulate you. And also ask where are your last braincells. You should find them (or you shouldn’t).
Great-great-grandson of the Peerless Thief, Oji Harima. Do you guys remember him? From Gentle's arc? I won't blame you if you don't.
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(Just let's take a second to agree that he looks pretty cool. Another nice design, Hori.)
I feel like a portion of this fandom already saw it coming. Maybe since Gentle’s arc, maybe since Compress’ line during Dabi’s reveal. Or maybe you just looked at Compress and thought “this guy seems like the type to have a mysterious and important connection to someone”.
And yes, I do agree that we’re having a bit too much during the end of this arc, especially regarding the sequenced revelations (5 chapters, 5 reveals. Hori, please, calm down. Let me breathe). 
This reveal, however, is not meant to be a big surprise - not for us, not for the heroes.
It’s a show. Compress’ show. We’re not meant to be surprised, but excited. This is his big moment. His first big moment.
And probably the last. So let’s enjoy while it’s here.
(There’s a bit of talk that can be made about Harima and his true ideals - since this is being spoken by Compress so expect a biased opinion - and the parallels between him and Compress, but this would be more about Harima than Compress himself. Let’s focus on our favorite showman for now.)
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Act II: a once-in-a-lifetime performance
We don’t know what his plan is, yet, but he’s reuniting the League so they can leave without him. He even gets Skeptic (hey there, I didn’t see you for like 2 chapters in a row, are you ok?) as well. However, Mirio, Iida, Nejire and Jeanist are still up and fighting (and we still have Bakugou and Deku around that could, maybe, do something. They’re crazy enough to try).
Whatever he plans, needs to be executed with precision. He already sacrificed enough. It needs to work.
Since not only he lost a part of his right side (+ a part of his ass, sadly), but a part of his left shoulder, left side of his torso and left leg are also gone, as you can see in the panel below.
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(Thanks for pointing this out, Caleb.)
The whole chapter is constructed to make us enticed by his show. From the paneling and angle choices to the dialogue lines. It’s, indeed, a big show. We’re meant to sit and enjoy.
There’s still a whole discussion about Compress’ death - mainly about if it’s better for him to die here and if it makes sense in the first place (hey Compress, couldn’t you just have compressed yourself free? Why you did it with only a part of your body now?), but we don’t know about his quirk outside of what it’s shown. We never got the exact description of it.
(If I can give you my honest opinion about it: I don’t want him to die. I don’t think he should. His narrative ending now feels... Weird. But if he dies- Well, I’ll enjoy every moment before I have to say goodbye to him.)
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Act III: after the curtains close
Well, so far I talked about the obvious. Time to put the theorist braincells to work (I don’t know where they are, but they’re working. Hopefully-) and think about what comes next.
For now, I’ll be talking about exclusively about the aftermath in which Compress ends up not surviving this whole Houdini-like show. There is still the chance of him surviving, but I feel like it’s more interesting to think about the what if he doesn’t.
And why do I think that? Because of the following lines:
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(Couldn’t make a less obvious death flag, could you, Hori?)
During the story until now, Compress was never really in a spotlight. He had his moments in a more background role. But, more importantly, is the fact that even if only in the background, Compress was always there. 
Helping the League. Supporting them, so they could be able to achieve their dreams.
Now that he himself will probably not be able to achieve his, he hopes that, at least, Shigaraki can achieve Harima’s dream. Reformation.
However, we know Shigaraki’s (and AFO’s, by some extent) objective isn’t exactly reformation but more like... Eradication. And, honestly? I think Compress is very aware of it.
“From destruction, comes creation.” (That phrase is probably not the exact one, but you get what I mean.) For Compress, Shigaraki and the League (note that he separates the League from the Paranormal Liberation Front. An interesting choice of words) are going to change society.
Even if that means that everything needs to end so something else begins in it’s place. Something that, maybe, is better than what’s gone. Maybe.
Compress is a character that, from what we saw so far, was very liked by the League. Even Mr. Touya I-don’t-care-about-anyone Todoroki seemed to have some bit of respect towards him.
He’s going to leave a mark. As he should. After all, this is quite the show, isn’t it? It can be forgotten that easily.
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some last thoughts
Another interesting thing (that I didn't put with the rest because it’s more unrelated) is that, if Compress dies, that makes Shigaraki holding an even bigger responsibility than before: not only he has Destro’s ideals trusted on him through ReDestro, but now he’ll have Harima’s ideals trusted on him through Compress.
And we still have Twice, Toga, Spinner and Dabi. Each once with their own dreams and ideas of a “better future” for them.
Let’s see what Hori has for the future of this story. This chapter brings a good breather after the past 3 chapters. I personally enjoyed it a lot.
Just a reminder that this is all based off my views and thoughts about the story. If you have something to say about it, feel free to do so! Also you can ask me anything about this as well :)
Like I said before, here’s more stuff that didn’t make into this post - Harima’s ideals, the parallels, the whole “could’ve Compress used his quirk on his whole body instead of only a part?” talk - because I feel like I’d go too off the road in this post. Maybe I’ll talk about it in the future. I also didn’t talk about other characters in the chapter since, you know, I wanted to focus on this beautiful magician instead ;)
That’s it for now. I’ll see you in the future. Be safe out there!
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vanikolya · 3 years
Hello! Hate to bother you. Mind if I have a matchup for Bungo and BNHA? I’m a Genderfluid bisexual ( preference to guys ). Myers Briggs is INFJ and Enneagram type is 4. I’m quite the introvert, and I find the most comfort in just being in my room drawing and listening to music. I have a very sarcastic and stupid humor, and can come off as rude when I deliver them. I’m a plushie maniac and when I fall asleep you can always see me cuddled up to one. Mainly because I’m really touch starved. I’m also a horror enthusiast. Anything spooky is my kind of style. I also wear all black most of the time. Or just "edgy" clothes in general. On the down side, I suffer from severe depression, ADHD, and severe anxiety. I take meds, no worries, but I still have times where I can get really down for no reason or just freak out over random stuff. It’s noticeable because I tend to lock myself in my room and cuddle some plushies and not eat. In fact, I’ve had to hypoglycemic attacks from not eating. I just sometimes have a really hard time taking care of myself. Ty! Much love!
{apologies if the parts about your mental health and ADHD are shorter than the others! i personally don't know much on severe anxiety and ADHD so i wouldn't want to get anything wrong about them in the headcanons <3 IM SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG AS WELL! TT^TT - ash}
we ship you with...
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{.⋅ ✯ ⋅.}  SHOTO TODOROKI  {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.}
is relatively unbothered by speaking to people and if you ever find yourself unable to, he would definitely speak for you to help you out
likes to just quietly hang out with you listening to music and kind of doing your own thing, but together? that's if you're fine with that of course
please be prepared for him to offer to buy you a bunch of plushies with his dad's money. kill two birds with one stone; make you happy, and annoy endeavour
after a while he gets used to helping you look after yourself; he brings you food, sometimes even when you're fine at the moment, give you space or quiet if you need it, lets you know he's there if you need him etc
giving pda doesn't really come to him easily, but as you get closer and other people know about the two of you, he tries his best especially knowing how touch starved you are
good at staying calm and down to earth in situations where you're panicking or upset, so he can help you with a level head
he likes watching horror films with you- you enjoy them, and he doesn't scare easily, so he thinks it's something nice you can do together.
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{.⋅ ✯ ⋅.}  EDGAR ALLAN POE  {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.}
comfortable around you and finds it easier to get along with you more than other people, considering you’re both introverts, and if you're comfortable with the silence, or spending time with him that you would usually spend alone, he enjoys being in your company even if you both do your own thing and don't talk much.
definitely gets you plushies, raccoon plushies are a recurring theme.
also touch starved, he likes to hold hands with you if you’re fine with it although it did take him a while to actually try and ask-
after learning you like horror, he would enjoy writing horror stories for you to read, and if you liked his stories and the way he writes, then he would really consider making you a book of his eerie/horror stories you haven't yet read for your birthday or any gift-giving holidays you celebrate.
he likes seeing your art, sometimes he even takes inspiration from it in his writing, especially if you've drawn a landscape, or a character design that really resonates with him
he wears mostly dark colours as well, since you share styles he would let you borrow some of his clothes if you ever wanted
a good listener if you ever need someone to talk to about anything you're upset about, and will ask you what kind of things he can do for you to help whenever you need it, so he doesn't get something wrong
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hiii!!!! since you mentioned you were comfortable writing non-romantic stuff and the dekusquad- how about ochako and shouto bonding over mochi (and izuku huehue, but the izu thing is just a joke hehe) [ochako loves mochi a lot so she introduces shouto to all the different mochi types!] ALSO YOUR LAST PROMPT WAS SO AMAZING, I WAS IN TEARS THANK YOU FOR SERVING AS ALWAYS!!!!
Of course! Hope you enjoy :D (Also thank you so much, ohmigosh I’m crying) <3
Shoto stood in front of Uraraka's door, hugging his rolled up futon tightly to his chest.
Earlier that day, his friend had suggested that the self-proclaimed Dekusquad should have a movie night in her room as a reward for doing well in their latest English assignment. Initially, Shoto had been hesitant about the idea, but he quickly found that Midoriya could be very persuasive.
'Are you coming tonight, Todoroki-kun?'
'...' Shoto stared into his friend's wide emerald eyes. 'Yes.'
They had agreed to meet in Uraraka's room at 7pm, so naturally Shoto had been sure to arrive at exactly that time. However, when Uraraka opened her door, flashed him a bright smile and said that he was the first one to arrive, Shoto had been surprised, to say the least.
'Not even Iida?' He asked as he stepped into the room, looking around curiously. Admittedly, the decor was rather plain, but Shoto didn't mind. He never cared much for unnecessary luxuries anyway.
'Not yet!' Uraraka chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of her neck. 'Well, he was here, 16 minutes early to be precise, but then Deku-kun messaged to say that he was going to be late because of something to do with Bakugou destroying the washing machine, and when I told Iida-kun, he quickly left to see if he could be of any "assistance".'
Uraraka imitated Iida's hand gestures as she spoke animatedly; Shoto was impressed by the accuracy. 'And Tsu-chan is currently on the phone to her family, so it's just you and me for now.'
Her smile was warm and reassuring, although, if anything, Shoto felt incredibly uncomfortable at the prospect. It's not that he didn't like Uraraka - quite the opposite actually. He admired her greatly and treasured her friendship - it's just that they rarely spent time alone together. Usually, there was a third party present as well - mainly Midoriya - meaning that Shoto didn't have to do much active socialising on his end. Now though, as he shuffled on his feet in the middle of Uraraka's room, unsure of what to do with himself, he found himself starting to count down the seconds until the rest of their group arrived.
'Want me to help unroll your futon, Todoroki-kun?' Uraraka was suddenly at his side. 'We can figure out where you want to put it!'
Shoto nodded, mouth a thin line, and together they placed and unrolled the mattress. They mostly worked in silence - Uraraka occasionally humming some unknown tune to fill it.
Once completed, Shoto sat down on top of the covers, while Uraraka took her place on her own bed, rocking slightly as she continued to hum absentmindedly.
Shoto looked around awkwardly, trying to avoid eye contact. He wanted to get out his phone and ask how long Midoriya would be, but he figured that would be rude. Uraraka was his friend; it wasn't her fault that Shoto was about as fun to talk to as his father at an All Might convention.
After several moments though, his friend jumped to her feet and stretched. 'You want a snack while we wait, Todoroki-kun?'
Shoto's eyes widened with delight at the prospect of food.
'Sure, what were you thinking?'
He watched, intrigued, as Uraraka bounced over to her desk and, after several seconds of searching, procured a glass bowl filled with different coloured balls. Shoto regarded the delicacy. He then blinked dumbly and looked up at Uraraka's excited face.
'How about some of the delightful Mochi I bought yesterday?' She grinned. 'They were on offer, so I got several flavours, which one do you want?'
'Er…' Shoto faltered and looked back at the bowl, lost. 'I don't know… I've never had Mochi before.'
'EXCUSE ME?!' Uraraka all but screeched, the volume making Shoto's eye twitch. 'Todoroki-kun, we have been friends for how long and you are ONLY JUST telling me this?!'
'You never asked before?' Shoto tilted his head to the side and furrowed his eyebrows together. 'Is that a bad thing?'
'Yes!!!' Uraraka exclaimed, waving her arms like an angry bird. 'It's a very bad thing!'
'Oh… Then I'm sorry for not telling you sooner.' Shoto hung his head, ashamed. He had no idea Uraraka felt this passionately about mochi. Were friends supposed to tell each other their dietary habits?
'Oh my poor, sweet, dense Todoroki-kun.' Uraraka crossed her arms and shook her head, all her previous outrage dissipating. 'Allow Uraraka Sensei to educate you.'
She skipped past Shoto, leaped onto her bed and patted the spot next to her. With significantly less energy, Shoto stood up from his futon and climbed onto the bed next to her.
Uraraka set the bowl down between them. 'Okay, tell me what you know about mochi.'
'Rice balls.' Shoto deadpanned.
'Rice balls-?!' His friend broke off and sighed to compose herself. 'Well, okay, fine. You are technically right. They’re rice cakes, but they're made with mochigome!'
'That makes sense.' Shoto did know about that, he had just never tried it before. When he was younger, he had been kept on a strict diet - although sometimes his mother would treat him to soba when his old man wasn’t around. As a result, he had never really had the opportunity to try mochi before.
'Good! Okay, so here are the ones I've got here.' She pointed to a pink ball wrapped in a leaf. 'This is sakura mochi! It has red beans in it and this is a sakura blossom leaf that’s wrapped around it.'
'Oh, I've seen those before during hanami.' Shoto spoke suddenly, surprising himself. Where had that come from?
Was he capable of feeding himself? Yes. Was being fed a little patronising? Maybe. Did Shoto care? Of course not. He was hungry.
'Yes! They're really popular during cherry blossom season!' Uraraka added happily, before taking one and holding it out to Shoto. 'Good job! Now, open wide!'
Shoto stared at her outstretched hand.
He shrugged his shoulders and complied, allowing Uraraka to shove the pink ball into his mouth. It was strange, but Shoto quickly found that he liked it. The saltiness of the blossom contrasted with the sweetness of the mochi, but in a good way.
'Mmm.' He voiced, chewing slowly while Uraraka watched him intensely. 'Not bad, I like it.'
At the proclamation, Uraraka let out a whoop.
'Yes! I just knew you'd like it!' She then scrambled to pick out another one. Eventually she settled on a white one. 'Okay, now this one is called daifuku mochi! It's stuffed with anko and is quite sweet!'
'I see.' Shoto said as he swallowed the last of the sakura mochi. He was then immediately bombarded by his friend's eager hand as she shoved the daifuku in his mouth without any prior warning.
Shoto choked slightly with surprise, eliciting a laugh from Uraraka. However, once he remembered how to breathe, he found that he liked this one a lot more.
'Mmm good.' He closed his eyes and nodded approvingly. 'Not soba-good, but good.'
'Hey, from Todoroki Shoto, I'll take that!' Uraraka beamed before popping one in her own mouth. She moaned happily at the taste and the two ate in comfortable silence, the awkwardness from before completely vanishing.
They continued testing out Shoto's reactions to the different flavours of mochi for several more minutes, until they were eventually interrupted by an enthusiastic knock at the door, followed by a stern discussion on the other side.
'Midoriya-san, please refrain from knocking so loudly.' Shoto could practically hear Iida's hands chop through the air. 'Other members of our class are-'
'It's open!' Uraraka interrupted, effectively saving their friend from a scolding when the door burst open and Midoriya jumped in, hands on his hips and a bright smile on his face.
'I am here- Oh! Hi Todoroki-kun!' Midoriya broke character to wave excitedly at Shoto, pink dusting his cheeks. 'Hi Uraraka-chan! I hope you guys weren't waiting too long!'
'Hi Deku-kun!' Uraraka smiled, before giggling at Shoto, who was frantically chewing on the last of the bota mochi she had given him before their friends had arrived.
'Good evening, everyone.’ Iida greeted with a bow. ‘Please pardon our tardiness. Midoriya-san and I ran into Tsu-san on our way to yours.'
'I wouldn't say run, kero.' Tsu placed a contemplative finger to her chin. 'Running in the dorms isn't allowed, Iida-kun. You should know this by now.'
Shoto snorted, while Uraraka's lip twitched with amusement.
'It's okay, Iida-kun! I was just introducing Todoroki-kun to the brilliant world of mochi!' She clapped her hands together and gestured to Shoto, who swallowed heavily, the lasting taste of mochi still on his tongue.
'Hi Midoriya, everyone.' He eventually mumbled.
'You two having fun without us?' Midoriya laughed with a playful wink.
'Indeed!' Iida agreed, straightening his glasses. 'I confess I thought you two didn't have much in common.'
'Well, now we have mochi in common!' Uraraka leant to the side and poked Shoto's cheek affectionately.
'And Midoriya-chan.' Tsu commented idly. 'You both like him, so you have that in common.'
'What?!' Midoriya squawked, while Uraraka gasped, affronted.
'Tsu-chan! You know that was ages ago!' Out of the corner of Shoto's eye, he saw Uraraka stick her tongue out, however, his gaze was still locked on Midoriya's bright red face. 
Uraraka continued. 'Sure I like Deku-kun but as a frien- Ah! Todoroki-kun!'
Shoto hummed in question as several pairs of eyes suddenly landed on him. 
'You're…' Midoriya started, slowly pointing to Shoto's hair. 'You're on fire!'
Without missing a beat, Shoto raised a hand to his head and extinguished the flame in one swift motion. A soft hiss filled the room and he shrugged his shoulders when his friends continued to stare at him quizzically.
'No, I'm not.’ Shoto finally mumbled. ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about.'
He was met with silence, before his friends suddenly burst out laughing. Shoto watched them, hoping his blush wasn’t too obvious. However, when his eyes landed on Midoriya and found his friend smiling warmly at him, Shoto’s own lips twitched upwards in response.
It felt nice, having friends who truly loved him.
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stellar-imagines · 4 years
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[ Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia ] [ Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shouto, Shinsou Hitoshi ]
「Driving headcanons of Midoriya, Bakugou, Todoroki and Shinsou.」
♤ He's a careful driver. Abides all the rules and all that. Instead of watching the traffic lights, he pays more attention to the people crossing the street, waiting for all them to cross. Midoriya is an angel from heaven and no one can tell us otherwise.
♤ He's really, really, really scared when it comes to parking. At least, in the early stages he was. The first time he was told to park the car, he ran over a sign and was depressed for like a day or two. Now, he's parking with great concentration. He makes sure that he doesn't go out of the lines and all that.
♤ This boy is so sweet, oh my god. Someone cuts in front of him, he's not even mad. Someone steals his parking spot, he's not mad either. Seriously, is there anything that makes this boy mad on the road? Maybe, but so far no one was able to point it out.
♤ The type of driver that is overly cautious, polite and generous. His posture when he drives is tense and stiff, hands a bit sweaty from how nervous he is. The one who lets people cut in front of him.
☆ Contrary to the belief and to what most people expect from Lord Explosion Murder a.k.a Bakugou Katsuki, he's actually a careful driver. He may seem angry all the time but he values safety and ensures that all rules and regulations are followed. He's the driver that knows most of the roads & shortcuts. Driving in a storm may prove to be a challenge but Bakugou can handle that!
☆ Honks, honks, honks most of the damn time. A car going way too slow in front of him? Honk. A car cutting in front of him without giving any sort of signal that makes him hit the brakes? Honk. And when a car in front of him decides to just fucking break all of a sudden?
☆ This guy when driving behind a slow car, doesn't hesitate to switch lanes abruptly. One second he's cursing and the other, he's already switching his turning signal on while he kept his attention on the rear view mirror.
☆ Textbook impatient driver. Going over the speed limit on empty roads. Passive-aggressive too, will yell at everyone and will not hesitate to call out on slow drivers and drivers who take forever to park properly. Surprisingly, rarely gets in accidents.
♡ Todoroki is the calmest driver out of everyone. He doesn't talk that much when he drives and prefers a silent atmosphere when he's driving. However, if he's driving with someone, he doesn't mind having light conversations and some music playing in the background. He goes at his own pace.
♡ Rarely honks! Only uses it when necessary or by accident. Todoroki is a rather patient person but when he's in a foul mood, he might a bit more aggressive with his driving. Of course, not to the point he's cursing like Bakugou. Unlike Bakugou who knows most of the roads, Todoroki doesn't know that much shortcuts. He uses navigation from time to time or seeks advice from whoever he's with.
♡ He doesn't drive that often because he thinks its a hassle. At peak hours, roads are pretty much packed and it's not much different with peak hours in train stations. He's not a fan of crowded spaces and he doesn't like sitting in the car for a very long time. 
♡ He's a mix of Midoriya and Bakugou. Todoroki is a patient driver, staying at his lane and rarely cuts anyone. At the same time, he gets really irritated at slow drivers but that's when he's in a hurry or in a bad mood.
♧ This guy needs music to drive. He's the driver who has his own playlist for driving, the audio system is connected to his phone via bluetooth. Why does he need music? So he won't fall asleep, obviously. Despite being quite an antisocial guy, he actually prefers having someone with him when he's driving.
♧ Drives one handed, not because he's lazy or anything like that but it's because he's relaxed when he's driving. He doesn't feel the need to be so tense when driving and believes that it's one of the reasons why people get into accidents. Shinsou is a calm driver, he knows the roads and drives at a reasonable pace.
♧ A very adaptable driver, can drive in different conditions. Rain, traffic, he manages to get to his destination despite all odds. He can get distracted too, mainly from stray cats that he encounters in the middle of the road.
♧ Shinsou doesn't have a preference for when he likes to drive. He can tolerate traffic, as long as he's not alone, accompanied by someone and his music. But there are times where he wishes he could just fly over all the cars.
Total: 828 words Published: 7.2.2020
Thank you for requesting! *。٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و*。 Someone asked me why I’m so confident when it comes to writing for Bakugou *cough* Shina *cough* The reason why is that I have an older brother who has the exact same personality as our local explodo boy thus, making my job easier :D This request was fairly easy because my brother has dried me around town often :3 ― author Hibiki/Lou
Thank you for requesting! Hello, it’s been two months since our absence and I want to apologize for the both of us. Lou is sick with a sore throat and is currently resting so I’m in charge of publishing this request. So, I hope you all enjoyed it. Sorry for the long wait. ― author Natsuki
Please do not mind the grammar mistakes and typos.
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drink-n-watch · 5 years
Another week, another brand-new episode of Psycho Pass. I’m going to hold back and be all mysterious and stuff. Because that’s how I do. I definitely don’t blurt out exactly how I feel about a show in the very first line of every post and then there’s no point in reading the rest. Nuh-huh. No siree. I gots some restraint! Who do you take me for! So instead, Matt, how are you enjoying season 3 so far. It may just be 3 episodes in but as they are double length, it’s now longer than most movies!
Oh, so does that mean it’s my turn to blurt out my thoughts in a single sentence? Okay, um, err, this show is still as consistently excellent as I thought it was based on the previous two episodes! Oh no, I hope I’ll have something to write for the rest of the review now!
Is that so? Fascinating. I can see how you would think and/or feel that way! (I write my part first… I have no clue what Matt said at this point…
So let’s get right into it. First I just a few general comments on my part. I enjoy high stakes corruption stories and although that’s also what season 1 was, the fact that this allows us to look into the public face of Sybil a bit more, through the device of gubernatorial elections is a great angle in my opinion. Diving into what has to be extremely complex and unique politics of a Sybil controlled society has so much potential.
I had to look up what “gubernatorial” meant (we don’t have anything like that in Australia, so forgive my ignorance), but yes I think politics and the world of ‘Psycho Pass’ is a perfect fit. 
I mean what powers do politicians even hold in such circumstances. Are elections largely a population suppression tactics. Something to keep the masses happy? If so, why are they so incredibly high stakes. Seems ridiculous to be going through all this for what amounts to a reality show (which might explain why both candidates are entertainers). So much potential!
What do you think?
I mean, if I know anything about politics and people its that ambitious people will always be ambitious and wanting to be ‘the best’ regardless of the world they live in–so even if politics amount to nothing more than a popularity contest without any real power or ability to change anything outside of Sybil’s system–people are still going to strive for that, people are going to kill for that even. We’ve seen time and time again in the real world that people do extreme things to get what they want, even if to ‘outsiders’ their goals seem ridiculous or pointless.
 Yakusuji really surprised me as a character this week. For a second there I thought they were going with a “bad guy is bad” sort of characterization but then it all took a very sharp right turn! I still don’t know if his character is sincere or if it’s all a big act. Either way, I didn’t expect it and I like it! Maybe it’s my suspicious nature that leads me to think he’s less than sincere but Psycho Pass did teach me not to trust anyone!
He’s definitely an interesting character but the way his character ties into Enforcer Todoroki’s subplot makes for a compelling bit of character development. As for whether he’s ‘on the level’ I don’t buy it…
I did find the assault scene a bit blunt. Not as in too brutal (mind you I thought it was hilarious that someone could kick a skull in so hard as to actually make it explode!) but just a little too straight forward. At least that’s what I thought as I was watching it. In hindsight though, if this was a political machination and not just the random terrorist attack they are making it out to be on the surface, then this type of direct and flamboyant assault is exactly what would be the most effective!
Yeah I took it to be that they were being intentionally flashy, down to the attackers wearing the same clothes, I found it to be a very intimidating scene.
How does anyone in this universe manage to keep their hue clear? I was only watching those little holo assistant thingies pop up for a few minutes (like the old Clippy office assistant) and I already felt my urge to murder rise. I wouldn’t last a day if I had to deal with those things and keep my thoughts in check!
I loved the idea of someone being physically assaulted and then a little pop-up comes up warning them that they were receiving injuries in-line with someone being assaulted, it’s that kind of AI assistant mentality that makes me hate AI assistants like ‘Alexa’ and ‘Siri’ all the more (but that’s a rant for another day).
As our heroes were chasing the attackers down, we got some surprising bit of universe building and musing on the dual nature of justice and law. One of my very favourite lines from the first season was said in a similar context. As Akane was chasing down criminals she said something to the effect that there’s a misconception that laws are there to protect people but it’s really up to people to protect the laws. I love that idea. It really epitomized Akane’s character and the fact that that’s what’s going through her mind in a high-pressure situation was just perfect.
We got something similar this week with Arata capping off a chase explaining that even in a Sybil controlled society it is imperative to exercise human judgement “that’s why dominators have triggers”. It’s a great line! And one that solidifies Arata’s devotion to ideals rather than establishments.
I’m glad you brought it up, that line really stood out to me too, the importance of the human aspect in an (at times) inhumane system.
Matt, you mentioned last week that you felt the writers of Psycho Pass season 3 had gotten around to reading old US news, it seems that they’ve moved on to more recent fare as the general depiction of the mudslinging politics does seem very familiar to what has been happening not too far south from my own home in the past few years!
Immigration’s a tricky thing, ain’t it?
Although, aside from the winky topical references, it does make a lot of sense that a society as portrayed in Psycho Pass would be particularly xenophobic. To be honest, I was really surprised they even had large scale immigration. I figured the country would have been largely sealed off!
So far, the themes of racial/cultural tension are handled a little naively and way too simplified for my tastes. However, I do realize that with everything going on in this narrative, you got to take some shortcuts.
I suppose there’s still time for a more nuanced discussion on immigration from this show, I imagine someone like you Irina, an immigrant yourself, would have a lot more to say on the subject than most people?
What did you think of Haruki Enomyia? I’m asking cause I have no clue what to make of them.
Difficult to say, for a second I thought they might be setting them up as a bigger villain for this story but I think they’re probably going to end up just another pawn in the bigger game being played. I think they were more just here to give us an idea of what kind of life Kazumichi had in the slums before joining the force. Though I think him just walking around the town with Arata did that well enough.
Am I the only one who noticed all the food in this episode? Maybe I was just hungry, but everything looked delicious!
C’mon Irina, all anime food looks delicious!
Ok back to more serious stuff, we got some very decent character-building backstory for both Kei and Arata. Now normally, this would not be my thing. It was delivered in straight exposition and boy oh boy was it all tragic! Taken independently, both of their backgrounds would have had me gently rolling my eyes and moving on without a second thought. Oh my, an anime protag with a tragic backstory! But it’s in how these stories intertwine to create such a bizarre picture of their relationship that brings the whole thing to a higher level.
It’s kind of interesting that they chose to more or less have our entire supporting cast learn this complicated backstory at the same time via the expositional method you mentioned. On the one hand I guess it helps to have everyone on the same page with their history but it makes me wonder if it was done for a more specific reason. Like one of the Enforcers using this information against our dynamic duo or the opposite and it puts more faith in them and brings closer as a team–who can say for sure?
In fact, the peculiar dynamic between Kei and Arata is truly fascinating and so far, a strong point of the season for me.
A few little random thoughts:
I quite like both the OP and ED. I like the visuals in the OP better, in fact, I like them a lot, but I prefer the ED song!
The interiors are really beautiful this season. I’m not so taken by the architecture, but room designs consistently catch my eye.
Also, I didn’t know where to fit it in the review, but I liked the statement that acting weak releases cortisol making you feel more relaxed. The behavioural neuroscience angle is one I like a lot and I hope they develop it more as Psycho Pass is the perfect universe to explore this in.
I thought it was interesting–if briefly mentioned–but I have to wonder if it was just the writer showing off some fancy things he learned on wikipedia and wanting to put it into the show (okay that was a bit catty of me, apologies to the writer of Psycho Pass).
Oh I guess I should finally admit it. I really liked this episode. More than the last. So far, I think the writing may be a touch weaker than I had hoped. There’s a lot of slightly clumsy exposition. But I’m also starting to see the foundations of a potentially fascinating story with some very intriguing dynamics. I’m excited. When the episode ended I was both surprised by how quickly it had gone by and a little bummed I couldn’t watch the next one right away!
I have to agree (we seem to agreeing a lot this time!) our new characters feel like they’re living up to the potential of this show’s world while adding interesting things to it too. Political corruption, a shadow organisation called ‘Bifrost’ pulling the strings (cool name by the way) plus all the internal machinations at the various levels of law enforcement and interpersonal relationships too makes for a rich and compelling tapestry. If you’re a person who adheres to the 3 episode rule and you haven’t given this show a chance yet then 3 excellent episodes in a row should be proof enough that Psycho Pass is back and firing on all cylinders!
Psycho Pass s3 ep3 – Tensions Flare Another week, another brand-new episode of Psycho Pass. I’m going to hold back and be all mysterious and stuff.
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BDSM NSFW TodoBakuDeku (AU/story idea)
(AN: Okay, so I just spend last 45 minutes writing about this AU/story, but of course, I just had to lose all of it. That’s why this time I’ll try to keep it short.)
This is an idea that I’ve been thinking over for a while. However, because of the large amount of projects (including stories and fanfics) I’m currently working on, I can’t exactly do much to explore it. Still, I decided to write it down for your enjoyment and maybe later use. Please enjoy.
Absolute basics
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In this world quirks doesn’t and never have existed.
All of the characters are grown up, however their age differences are bigger than in the show.
The story doesn’t take place in America, so drinking age is 18.
Todoroki is the center of the relationship.
Story told through character descriptions, I guess
Todoroki Shouto
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Twenty-eight of age. Rich. Working in his father’s company, but he hates it. Has a big ass apartment and also big ass daddy issues
In terms of personality, mostly similar to post fight with Izuku original. A bit more willing to be sociable, but more guarded with emotions. A lot better at pretending to be a ‘happy person without past trauma’.
Used to be a sub, but around 3 years ago switched to being a dom. Mostly well known on local BDSM scene under his nickname - Half ‘n Half.
His nickname derives both from his split hair as well as from his weirdly opposing likes if it comes to BDSM. On one side, he can be a very caring, almost ‘vanilla’ type dom. He likes to take care of people and make them feel loved and needed. On the other hand, he often slips into cold, distant, extremely dominant and sadistic persona, which desires absolute obedience and also likes to ‘break in’ especially bratty and troublesome subs. The both sides can be explored thanks to his relationship with both Izuku and Katsuki.
Midoriya Izuku
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Twenty-one years old. Currently studying Architecture. A good student. Works part time in local fast food chain.
More akin to Izuku from the beginning of the show. Extremely insecure and anxious because of being bullied most of his childhood. Doesn’t like crowds, but can be sociable.
Is in established relationship with Todoroki for a bit over 8 months now. Moved in with him and away from the dorms a bit less than 3 months into dating.
For the first time met Shouto in a club he was dragged to by a friend group of his kinda friend. They got separated, and it almost made him have an anxiety attack. Todoroki noticed him hyperventilating among the crowd and decided to help him out. They ended up having a drink together and flirting a bit, but nothing beyond that.
They met up again while Midoriya was on an internship in Todoroki’s father’s company. They talked a bunch, went out few times and decided they liked each other.
Izuku is a delicate and inexperienced sub. Todoroki was the one who introduced him to it, but wasn’t too pushy about it. Midoriya is very submissive on his own. He likes to please and searches for positive feedback because of his insecurities. Todoroki likes to give him a lot of love and attention, make him take better care of himself and show him that he is important and needed. Izuku doesn’t like more extreme parts of BDSM like bondage or pain.
Bakugou Katsuki
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Youngest of them, because only nineteen. Studies Chemistry. Doesn’t have a ‘real job’, but does a lot of small stuff (like tutoring.) He’s one of the best students at his course. He works out regularly.
This Bakugou is a bit more mature and has a better grasp on his temper than his counterpart from the canon. However, he still has some anger issues and superiority complex. He’s a perfectionist who likes to compete with everyone. Has a couple of people who he talks to, but doesn’t recognize them as friends.
Currently lives with Todoroki and Midoriya. Izuku suggested that Todoroki should find a new sub because he felt he wasn’t able to take care of his more extreme needs. Shouto talked to him about it, and in the end they decided that maybe he should try to find additional sub. Izuku was very anxious about the whole situation and drowning in self-deprecation, but they moved past it. He doesn’t get jealous over Katsuki, but doesn’t like him that much either.
Katsuki met Shouto at a BDSM club. He was starting to get well known there (under his nickname Zero) as a brat who no one could tame. They had a session together and Todoroki managed to get him under his foot without much effort. Bakugou was astonished, pissed off and also conflicted, because he liked it more than he expected. Todoroki left him with his number and the info if he wanted for something like this to happen again, he’d have to stay committed and not fool around with anybody. He also informed him that he already had a sub.
Katsuki tried to stay away, but nothing could quite satisfy the itch and need Todoroki sparked in him as Half ‘n Half. In the end he decided to commit to it. After they get to know each other a bit better, Todoroki urged him to move in. It was actually mostly convenient for Katsuki, so he didn’t oppose much. Quickly, he found out how demanding could Todoroki actually be (in all aspects of life) and he also discovered how much he liked for someone else to take control and let his perfectionist mind rest.
Katsuki can be very dominant for a sub. He’s confident and knows exactly how sexy and desiring he can be. He’s not ashamed of showing of his body, loves to tease and is a terrible brat. Ripping control away from people who call themselves dominant is something he enjoys greatly and what boosts his superiority complex. Alas, when he finds an opponent he can’t beat - Todoroki Shouto, he discovers a new part of himself - one that craves loss of control, humiliation and pain. His pride tries to force him to ignore and hide it, but Todoroki always helps it resurface.
Bakugou doesn’t like Izuku much, but they get along sufficiently. Somehow, Todoroki manages both of them without any trouble. Still, Katsuki sees Izuku as something of a rival and likes to compete with him over who can please Shouto better. These competitions never end well.
And here you go. I hope you enjoyed reading my little AU idea (I definitely didn’t enjoy having to rewrite it from scratch ;-;) Please let me know if you’d be interested in seeing a story set in this AU.
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Different jobs that My Hero Academia characters could have (as adults)
1. Midoriya- The Good Cop™
Deku always wanted to save people and before One for All became a part of his life everyone advised him to simply go for the police. If he didn’t become a hero, he would probably become a policeman, and he’d probably make a damn good one, taking into account his perfect balance of righteousness, selflessness, and empathy. If all cops were like him, the world would be saved.
Midoriya: *holds back tears* I-it’s okay now... Because I am here...
2. Bakugou- The Impulsive Soldier
Is there any job that Bakugou could like doing more than fighting? He could initially struggle with being at the very bottom of the military hierarchy, but being put in his place for a while could perhaps help him get over his problems with accepting losing and help. And anyway, he’d climb up fast. After all, this boy’s strong and smart as heck. Just imagine him getting to drill the new recruits...
Bakugou: *yells* I’LL KILL YOU, LAZY SCUM!! 500 PUSH UPS, starting NOW!!
New recruit, terrified to the core: Aye sir!
3. Uraraka- Bob The Builder
Uraraka’s quirk would be perfect to use on a construction site. She’s a strong girl, practical and determined, and would even manage to deal with any potential accidents at work. Plus she comes from the working class, but that’s just an addition.
Uraraka: I can work hard and earn money for my parents this way too!
4. Todoroki- The Vengeful Firefighter
Get it? FIRE-FIGHTER. Now THAT would be a way to go against Endeavor and his plans, wouldn’t it? Tbh much sassier than becoming a hero.
Todoroki: It is then... *15 minutes of traumatic flashback* when I decided to devote the rest of my life to fighting fire. After all, it reminded me of my father... the reason I got this scar...
5. Tsuyu- The Lifeguard
Taking into account what hero internship Tsuyu chose, it is quite easy to determine what she would do with life if she wouldn’t become a hero. The sea is her area, and water is her friend. But she needs some contact with the land too like frogs do and she liked saving people so...
Tsuyu: Kero... *blows the whistle* Please get out of the water, a storm is coming!
6. Iida- The Pure Lawyer
Iida is the most Lawful Good person in existence, probably. He likes rules, knows them all, and is really dedicated to reminding others of them. Cases with his involvement would be guaranteed to be solved justly, regardless of the benefit of his client.
Iida: *gesticulation intensifies* Your honor, I urge you to consider Article 137, paragraph 3! And wear warmer clothes tomorrow, this weather can make you sick!
7. Kaminari- The Portable Phone Charger  Disco Bartender
Kaminari is surely someone who likes people and a good party. Even if his quirk would make him perfect for an electrician, quite certainly he’d just regard it FAR TOO DULL. This boy wants to be COOL. He’d probably try to work his way up to a manager or owner of his own club; but with his intelligence stats, this could take a while. For now, he’d make SHOCKING drinks and chat with everyone around.
Kaminari: *obviously flirting with customers and showing off his cool electricity tricks* yEAH MY FUTURE CLUB WILL BE THE COOLEST! Imagine like... MEME THEMED PARTY
Customer: *quietly* That sounds kind of cringy...
8. Mina- The Kids Entertainer
Mina just seems like someone who’d be simply ADORED by kids. She’s sweet, bubbly, so so fun, and looks like she’s dressed up already! The Alien Queen parties would be booked months in advance. And every kid would dream of getting one for their birthday...
Kids: *climb on her back trying to touch the horns* ALIEN QUEEEEEN!!!
9. Kirishima & Testutetsu- The MMA stars
STRONG BOIS. MASCULINE BROS. GOTTA BE THE MANLIEST and gayest. MMA ROCKS AND HAS A HEART OF STEEL! Also Kirishima would be quickly voted the greatest cinnamon roll of MMA
Tetsutetsu: *screaming and wrestling*
Kirishima: *screaming and wrestling wholesomely*
10. Ojiro- The Veterinary Assistant
Ojiro isn’t the greatest fan of the spotlight, and probably would enjoy a calm, but helpful job as a veterinary assistant. Plus, his tail can give him instant connection points with scared, caudate pets!
Ojiro: *waggles his tail*
A normally aggressive dog: *waggles the tail back and jumps to lick his face*
Ojiro: *giggles, petting the dog* See, there’s nothing to be scared of!
11. Toru- The Shop Assistant actually secretly a CIA Covert Investigator but shhh it’s a secret
We know that Toru likes shopping and would probably be great as a boutique employee. She’s sweet, she has great social skills, and she certainly has style! But at the same time... it would be hard to believe that with her quirk she didn’t get a suggestion to become a spy alongside her job. Did she agree? Did she not? I guess we’ll never know...
Toru: You look amazing in this suit, Mr. President! I think you should really buy it! *places a tiny hidden camera inside the pocket*
12. Koda- The Wildlife Rehabilitator 
There is no other job where the ability to talk to the animals would be more life-saving than a wildlife rehabilitator. Also, taking into account how shy Koda seems, he’d probably prefer to work with animals rather than humans...
Koda: Don’t worry, sweet bunny! You’re safe now!
Bunny: *noms on his plushie*
13. Aoyama- The Sparkling Model
Was there ever any doubt? Aoyama would be a STUNNING model. Just imagine...
Aoyama in his new pajamas collection!
Aoyama: I cAnNoTu StOpPu SpArKLiNg!!
14. Yaomomo- The Patient Teacher
Lecturing Mina and Kaminari among others before the exams just HAD to take lots of patience and supreme teaching skills. If she managed to make these two pass, she can definitely deal EVEN with a class of 30 10-year-olds.
Momo: *for the 13th time* Now, let’s try again! 2 times 3 is?
Some kid with IQ of Kaminari an ameba: ....4?
15. Jirou- The Sound Engineer
She’d definitely keep playing music as her hobby but she seems like a person who’d like to have a stable, technical job as her primary source of income nonetheless. Plus, her quirk would be perfect to hear out the slightest inadequacies of sound!
Jirou: So we have to add gain here, equalize there, distort over here, and probably remaster the whole thing too.
A very confused beginning artist: Uh-uh...
16. Tokoyami- The Subculture Shop Owner
Tokoyami is such a goth birb. So dramatic. So dark. If any goths or emos saw his room in the dorms they would all LOVE this aesthetic. As such, he’d make a good job at picking and selling clothes and accessories for fellow goths and other subcultures. And having Dark Shadow would just make him more famous...
Some goth girl: So you’re like... REALLY filled with a Dark Shadow of you? That’s so spooky!
Tokoyami, who already heard this question 20 times in the past 2 hours: What do you want to buy?
17. Sero- The Steeplejack
With that quirk, he pretty much wouldn’t have to worry about falling. Not to mention THE POWER OF FLEX TAPE
Sero: *swinging on the tape on top of a cathedral* This is pretty fun!
Other steeplejacks: *clinging to their ladders* Watch out!
18. Satou- The Pastry Cook
Mmmm his cakes. The world lost a treasure when Satou decided to be a hero instead of a pastry cook. Truly heartbreaking. Think of all the tasty things he would make constantly...
Class 1A, plotting behind his back: We have to make Satou fall out of the hero course
Satou, terrified: G-guys! I can bake you cakes without that!
19. Mineta- The Pimp *mild NSFW*
I am so sorry. Oh, wait, actually I’m not. Why is Mineta even trying to be a hero? I mean, should THAT be the job of his dreams?
Mineta: *manic laughter* OH MY IT’S LIKE A WET DREAM
20. Monoma- The Professional 4chaner  Internet Troll Actually why did I cross it off, that’s exactly what he’d do
I have no words.
21. Shinsou- The Questionable Detective
Ah yes. The police for introverts. Like Midoriya, Shinsou would probably want to save people a lot, so I reckon he’ll choose this path if he wouldn’t become a hero. Just think of how useful his quirk could be...
Shinsou: *having a suspect hypnotized* Knock on the table three times if you did it.
Suspect: *knocks*
Another detective: ...Are you sure this is ethical?
22. Hatsume- The Weirdly Motherly Engineer
I mean, she sort of already is one... But she could probably design much more than just hero costumes! What if she went to robotics... Then her babies could actually talk back to her!
Hatsume, turning on a new robot: My new baby!
Robot: *turning to Hatsume* Mama!
Every human being around: *assessing Hatsume’s age and judging hard*
23. All Might- The Hollywood celebrity specializing in superhero movies!
All Might: *looking at the shipping fanarts following the movie world premiere* ...........why has my life come to this
24. Aizawa- The Cat Cafe owner
CATS ARE BETTER THAN PEOPLE. If he had the money and time, he’d FOR SURE set up his own cafe of purring babies. And he’d be very protective over them every time he’d visit...
Aizawa: *thunder in eyes* Don’t you DARE disturb Marshmallow’s sleep, you can pet her when she wants to and ONLY IF she wants to
Aizawa: *aggressive whispering* I swear if your screams wake her up I WILL assassinate you
25. Present Mic- The Full-time Radio Host
I mean, this one is kind of obvious. How does he have 3 jobs at once anyway?
26. Midnight- The 18+ Domina
Another kinda obvious one? Oh well. She’d be happy and empowered doing that, so don’t judge.
Midnight: Ah, so exciting!!
27. Tomura- The Unemployed
Tomura’s personality doesn’t seem exactly suited for any kind of work... or society, for this matter. At least as long as All For One is around, he’d certainly rest on him, gaming his days away. And after that... even though his sensei already planned for him to take over his company, Tomura prefers not to think about that.
Tomura: *hissing at any opportunity of a job* I don’t like this quest *hides in the hoodie*
28. All For One- The Plotting CEO
All For One seems to love his suit and wears it quite well, so he could certainly do well at a largely formal, managing job. And he’d be the first to exploit ALL for ONE, something that large businesses unfortunately often do...
All For One: *ruining someone’s life and fortune with a smirk* How unfortunate... for you, of course.  
29. Toga- The Professional Cosplayer
Toga’s quirk and erm... interests seem to be perfect for her to be a psycho fan of real-life celebrities, whose blood she steals for her cosplays. As these “cosplays” she makes are literally perfect, she manages to get quite a lot of money from the photoshoots. The celebrities are just very surprised noticing a fresh needle wound on their arm when they wake up in the morning...
Toga: *jumping up and down* I want to become them all! I will become them all! I want to cut them! Blood!
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shotorozu · 3 years
BABE , i saw a hc ( i think it was urs) where the boys’s s/o was really fashionable, ( as somebody that’s gone viral on pinterest a little too many times ) I WAS WONDERING , what if you did a todobakudeku ( separately please omg) with somebody that’s like the emma chamberlain of fashion and they own everybody’s pinterest boards and stuff AHAHA IDK , the amount of times somebody has said ‘ wait ur that one pinterest girl right?? ‘ ANYWHAHEEIE I LOVE YOU N HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!! 💗💗
pinterest famous s/o
character(s) : midoriya izuku, bakugou katsuki, todoroki shouto (bnha)
legend : [Y/N = your name] afab! reader, they/them pronouns (at the request of anon) strong quirk hinted; not specific
headcanon type : fluff, crack-ish (x reader)
note(s) : thank you anon!! so ok, i still used they/them pronouns even though the reader is afab (again at the request of anon) and whdjwkd sorry for the inactivity :,) also im gonna post more later so— sorry for the delay
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midoriya izuku
when middle school midoriya finally got a phone, he downloaded pinterest for the sole purpose of looking at screencaps of heroes
but then, he hasn’t touched it a few months, because he’s been training with all might
then, when he finally had enough free time again— he decided to go on pinterest
but instead of finding any heroes he could look at, he found the prettiest human being he has ever seen in his entire life 💀
that person was a different type of beauty, y’know— they weren’t just fashionable, but their beauty was,,
timeless? that’s how he’d describe it. yeah. that person lived in his head rent free for a while
sadly, he feels like you’re that person he sees once in his life, and never again 😔 which isn’t the case
when he finally meets you, midoriya realizes that you look VERY familiar— someone on pinterest, that he unfortunately, didn’t know the name of
but then wait! he realizes that you’re that person. that one person that blew up on pinterest, and ended up in all of the fashion boards.
okay, you’ve been recognized a few times in the past, just because you were pinterest famous— but you didn’t expect him to recognize you
“wait,, you know me?” you asked him when you saw the realization sink in
and you were honestly,, flattered when he went on a tangent on how you were on all of the pinterest boards, and how your sense of fashion was timeless
but you know what’s the best thing of it all? when izuku developed a crush on you (and not because he thought you were just an attractive face)
it was very easy to find pictures of you online! he says it’s for research but,, he tends to look at them for a long time
probably has 3-4 pages dedicated to your hero costume— since fashion icon = fashionable, yet a very practical hero costume!
does he get jealous whenever people fawn over your looks, or whenever he sees comments in pinterest comment sections just asking for your socials in such desperation?
hmm,, yes? he does occasionally feel like someone like you, should be with someone as equally beautiful as you
he thought he was always plain looking, but you wholeheartedly disagree! in fact, you fell in love with his ability to pay attention to detail.
to the random creeps in the comments section, he just contacts the uploader and asks them to delete any malicious comments and it works 100% of them time.
on the brighter side, he helps a lot with taking your pictures (if you ask him to) and sometimes! he’ll even appear in them
izuku will always be your #1 fan!
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bakugou katsuki
at first, you’d be like “katsuki owning pinterest? naaah.” but! i think he would
being an all might fan, he liked looking at all might screen caps— and while katsuki would be on the discreet side, he’d find himself looking at them whenever he has extra minutes to burn
not to mention, the cooking recipes on there aren’t the worst, so he doesn’t just use pinterest to look at screen caps of heroes doing their work
and, how could he forget that you’ve been bugging him to search for rare screen caps? he says that it’s useless— but he finds himself digging for you anyway,
which is whyyy
he finds an entirely different rabbit hole, and it’s way past 10pm, 3 more minutes wouldn’t wound him.
the blond doesn’t know how he even stumbled on.. this side of pinterest. the one that kind of hurts his eyes.
the more well known side of pinterest, that is covered in pictures of fashion boards, and the standard pretty person.
the ‘aesthetic’ side, kaminari calls it— it makes bakugou cringe, and he was just about to refresh his page
when he spots something familiar, it’s you‼️ well it wasn’t just you but, you were dressed in something,, nice.
like sure! you’re attractive. but that’s not why he’s dating you, there’s a lot of reasons as to why
but, he’s baffled. seeing you in a different light, and in such nice clothing, what more, when he sees that you’re actually everywhere. he hasn’t seen this much of you and your attractive ass before
katsuki told himself that he was going to sleep a few minutes ago, but now? he’s left admiring all of your pictures.
how did he not know that his s/o’s pinterest famous? you’re practically in every single board!
he confronts you the next day in an oddly weird manner, “you didn’t tell me you were famous on that stupid pinterest app.”
you’re sheepish, “welll, i didn’t know that you were going to stumble on that side of pinterest!”
he doesn’t say anything, and really! it looks like he doesn’t care about the newest discovery of his s/o
but he shows his feelings in his own way.
like, how katsuki insists that he finds a new outfit that you’d absolutely love— one that’ll fit with your aesthetic
and that he insists that he does your graphic liner, because you’re going to ‘poke your eyes out’
makes an entirely different account to reply to those simps and creeps in the comment section, sort of like
random pinterest user : “the things i’ll do to be crushed by them 💦”
pinterestuser461903 : “go touch some fucking grass.”
also would’ve commented “your art sucks” at the poorly done drawings of you in the comments, but knows you appreciated the art— so he doesn’t
(still thinks the fanart doesn’t do you enough justice)
he’ll be super proud when someone notices you in person like “yeah that’s fucking right, but too bad they’re super attractive and way out of your league.”
in short, it looks like katsuki doesn’t care at all about your pinterest famous life, but he’s your #1 supporter
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todoroki shouto
i am certain for this one— he doesn’t have pinterest
well, he didn’t have pinterest, until midoriya convinced him to create an account, but it kinda just ended at that
but the person that actually made him use pinterest was sero, because he kept bugging him to give it a try
todoroki finds the app very practical— he can find screen caps of heroes in action, and he can also find oddly helpful tips in cooking (and in anything)
but sero was like “todoroki, what about the aesthetic value??” and todoroki didn’t really get that part to be honest 💀
todoroki, being clueless didn’t know what to search for— so sero being the wonderful friend he is, helped him search for it
and that’s when it happened. it didn’t take that long, but they eventually found an entire section just full of pictures of you; their classmate and crush
“is that Y/N?” mina notices what they’re looking at, and she observes the picture “oh wow— it is her! no wonder why she looked familiar.”
“it’s impressive! our classmate is pinterest famous!” they continue to look at every single post in each board, and todoroki’s left to observe in silence
he has definitely taken a liking to you, even if he didn’t realize it at first— he liked you because of your hard work when it came to training, personality and patience, not because of your looks
obviously, todoroki thinks that you look good in anything, trashbag style or not. but seeing you in this light was interesting.
so after training, todoroki would spent a good portion of his time scavenging for more pictures— not because he was obsessed or anything
but because,, he really liked your pictures. maybe it was because without you in those pictures, it would feel incomplete
he didn’t know how to approach you after this discovery, which is why he’s glad that you approached him first
“todoroki! what are you looking at?” you took a peak at his screen, and you’re baffled to see yourself, and that very famous picture of you
he’s quiet for a second when he realizes that you’ve caught him staring at your pictures, but he explains calmly, “sero accidentally discovered your pictures,, and i just wanted to take a peak at them, if it was okay,,”
and he’s relieved— well, you’re also relieved. you didn’t know how your crush would react if he ever saw those pictures, but your heart skipped a beat knowing that he enjoyed looking at them
“it’s alright todoroki,” you smile, honestly over the moon as you spoke “i’m really glad that you like them.”
sometimes you’d get shy whenever he’d go on pinterest just to look at your pictures, “todoroki, not that one! that one was really old,,” is what you’d say whenever he’d look at your older photos but he’d still look at them anyway 💀
at first, todoroki helped you in his own subtle way. since he’s quite the fashion icon— he’d recommend you clothes to wear for future pictures
he eventually confessed— and it was because you were talking to him while he was really tired, and he blurted out that he really, really liked you and you almost passed away because of his words
so yeah— it was a case of secretly admiring their beautiful best friend to lovers scenario
he’d go the full mile when it came to taking your pictures. he’d check the weather forecast just in case if it was going to rain for that date, and impromptu picnic photoshoot
that boyfriend that has pictures of you in his photo gallery, and has a backstory for each photo if anyone were to ask
also that boyfriend that knows how to take pictures, will probably even lay down to take them, even if you didn’t kindly ask him to
when you asked him to join the picture, he didn’t really know how to— but he made it work! and the both of you guys went viral
but this isn’t all one sided, no— whenever you guys would cuddle, shouto would simply stare at you with HEARTS in his eyes,
and even before he leans in for a kiss, he’ll stare at you with so much love in his eyes, while he traces his thumb across your cheekbones. man’s in love— you’re gorgeous.
he knows that you know that he’s not with you because of any ulterior motive, you both have mutual trust in each other— so it’s not something you guys will bother on questioning because you’re both hot asf lets be real
he’s not uncomfortable whenever people gawk at you in public— i mean, you two get stares on the regular. and how could they not stare at you? you’re very attractive, and he’s glad that people recognize that
but he’ll get protective if they’ll try to be a threat to your loving relationship with him, he won’t be afraid to be blunt
regarding the comments on each pinterest post— he hates it when people say things out of the line
always tries to hide them from you so you don’t feel bothered by them, but if you knew about them— he’ll be sad :,(
but he’ll end up mass reporting those nasty comments— and they always get taken down, because of the shouto todoroki luck
in short? man’s whipped, and the both of you guys are SO attractive together— what more if people knew about the om chemistry?
really— you being pinterest famous was just a nice plus, he fell in love with you for you
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likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, reupload, translate, or use my works for audio readings without permission
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tea4life707-blog · 6 years
“The Boy Who Broke Through His Ice”
Hi everyone! Okay so basically in English class recently, we had to write short stories based on themes in a book we read. I don’t actually write stories or anything, but since I’m BnHA trash now I thought, why not write a very bleak fan fiction about Todoroki angst??  So I wrote this short story and it’s only around 1,400 words, so please feel free to read if you would like~^^ Synopsis: Boy shut away and trapped in his life with his father finds a new freedom in another person and discovers himself along with his desire to escape his reality. It’s actually a tododeku fanfic AU set at the beach but shhhh my teacher doesn’t know that
I used a bit of imagery with ice and fire in it because it’s apart of expressing Todoroki breaking out of his shell, and also how Midoriya’s warmth encourages him to do so. I didn’t name the characters as well because I wanted to keep it as a sort of universal story, but it’s actually mostly because I needed to stay under the radar from my teacher haha. Can’t let myself be exposed lmao ~Be warned it’s a bit angsty but not too bad~
Enjoy :)
The boy sat in the dark corner of his room, his head in his hands. His father was on a rage again. Can he just stop? The boy thought. Ever since his mother died, his father would surround himself in alcohol, getting into drunken fights at bars, finding their family in debt, and a large variety of things that any normal person would be ashamed of. But his father wasn’t normal. He was depressed and in a slump, and the boy could see that, but he could not do anything other than accept that this was his reality. The boy stirred in his balled up position. He opened his eyes. Had he been asleep? He thought. Deciding on that explanation for his drowsiness, he moved from his position and shuffled his feet towards the bathroom. He found that his day had a lack of productivity, but he was used to it he guessed. These days he would simply go to school in the morning, come home in the evening, and if his father was awake, subject himself as a tool, a tool his father relieves his frustrations upon and uses to do his work and responsibilities, such as organising money, cooking, cleaning…..all of these things……yet the boy never said a word. After all, all he could do was accept that this was his reality. The reflection that presented itself when the boy viewed the mirror, was one of exhaustion and hopeless desperation to escape his reality, yet the boy only ever knew his current life. He raised his left hand and lightly stroked over the area surrounding his left eye, the image of boiling water and excruciating pain felt after it made contact with his skin, still apparent and locked in his memory.  The boy did not know his mother well now that he thought about it. She died when he was at a young age, but he remembered her soft light hair and tired grey eyes. Even though she appeared cold, she was very warm he remembered, and the boy missed her, he missed her so much. Closing his eyes, the boy could feel the warm, wet tears running down his face. I don’t understand this he thought, as he grasped at his shirt to bear the painful memories that resurfaced his mind. Yet, the boy did not understand his sadness.  After several passing minutes, there was an apparent silence in the house. The boy walked out of the bathroom, quietly as though he was an animal stalking its prey, and entered the living room, the area in which his father occupied. Looking around, the boy found his father’s dormant body laying on the sofa. He had a strong scent of alcohol tainting the room, and his loud snores soon contrasted the short silence. This is my chance the boy soon realised. Careful not to make a sound on his way out, he swiftly passed through the front door, closed it, and left the house.  The bright sun was very characteristic to the warm Sunday afternoon, and its sunlight vibrantly reflected off the boy’s red hair as he made his way down to the shoreline. The weak strength of the small tumbling waves brushed against his ankles as he place his feet into the sand. He closed his eyes and let his thoughts and feelings melt into his mind as he raised his head up to the sky. Ice……..all he could feel was ice, he realised. He felt trapped as though he was frozen, unable to move, unable to scream, unable to escape. All this as the cold slowly crept up and froze his heart, becoming a victim to an inability to feel the emotions of others and forever be trapped in his father’s image. All his life he had accepted this feeling, never feeling the desire to leave it behind. At least that is what he thought, since all he could do was accept that this was his re-  “Why are you crying?” His thoughts suddenly stopped as he shot open his eyes. It was as though his emotions were shattered into pieces and blown away by the wind’s breeze. A shock so great that it appeared out of nowhere. He turned his head and looked to his right. There was a boy. “I…” He was speechless, he didn’t know what to say. The boy next to him shuffled closer and looked up at him with curiosity. That boy was like a fire he thought, so bright and warm with his volumed curly hair and face dusted with freckles…..he was almost the embodiment of sunshine.  “I think I’ve seen you at school before. You seem to spend a lot of time by yourself, don’t you?” It was true, the boy thought. Throughout his life he had never been allowed to have friends and would always isolate himself, not because he wanted to, but because the time he spent with his father simply led him to a lack of understanding on how to react to others. “Are you okay? You’re standing here all alone”. The boy talked to him again. How strange, he thought. “I…..don’t know.” he replied with. He wasn’t sure if it was concern, but there was something about the other boy’s expression that made him feel a bit…..touched? The idea made his heart flutter. “Well….how about we go for a walk? There’s this cool rock pool up ahead! Only if you want to though….” The other boy seemed a bit timid, clenching the hem of shirt. The one standing in the ocean only nodded in response. At this the unfamiliar face smiled up at him. This new person was making him feel weird. He didn’t know why but he wanted to follow that dark curly hair, follow him anywhere…...he thought. The freckled boy suddenly stopped and turned to him. “Here, you still have tears on your face”. The boy reached up his hands to his face and lightly brushed his skin wiping his tears away. By this one action, this point of contact, a flaming fire broke through the boy’s ice. For the first time since his mother, he has felt warmth. 
The boys spent the rest of the afternoon walking along the beach. They became friends, the boy’s first friend......and they promised to meet again.  Throughout the next few weekends, the boy would sneak out of the house and meet his friend at the beach. His friend seemed to be quite talkative, fluently connecting words together, but the boy didn’t mind. If he could, he would walk with that freckled boy and listen to him talk forever. Whenever they were together, this fluttering feeling he had, there was no other word to describe it as anything other than happiness. One day after returning from the beach, the boy opened his bedroom door to find his father standing by the window. “Where have you been?” He asked. His eyes were dark and unstable. The boy remained quiet, he had no desire to share his secret meetings with his father. “Where have you been?” The father repeated, anger boiling and fuming in his voice. The boy looked away from his father. “No where.” he stated. “No…” the father started, “You’ve been going somewhere…I know because I sometimes wake up and you’re not there.” There was some sincerity in his voice, but all that disappeared with the appearance of his enraged expression. The father walked up to his son and grabbed his shirt. “You’re trying to leave me, aren’t you?! You’re trying to escape from me!” He was yelling, obviously drunk, but the boy was startled by him. “I don’t understand…..just look at that scar on your face. No one cares about you, so why??” The boy simply stood there. For some reason, he felt this fire being lit inside him. A strong burning desire to tell his father that he’s wrong……and the boy gave into it. “You’re wrong father…” the boy said. “Someone does care about me, but you wouldn’t understand.” The boy took his father’s arm and pushed it away, finally giving in to his longing to leave his father behind. “Good-bye….” he stated, bright flames dancing around his determination, melting away all the ice that had trapped him…..and finally drowning out his father with the pools of water left behind. He closed the door behind him and walked away from the unjust cage that was his old life. A new life starts now, he thought.  He found his friend at the beach and ran towards him, just to see those green eyes he loved so much. When he caught up he gently grabbed his friend’s hand, “Let’s go now” he said, as he felt his burning confidence, and they both left the beach together. .....The boy did not know where he was going, but he’d happily go anywhere, go beyond……as long as he was with that freckled boy….. The boy who broke through his ice. 
Ahhhh if you made it this far then thank you so much for reading!! 💕✨ I’m not gonna lie, I wrote this in about two hours on paper (procrastination is a real talent) and I did have to tweak it a little when typing it up.....but really I hope you liked it!! Please feel free to let me know what you think~^^ I’d appreciate feedback! Oh and please keep in mind this is an AU, so I only chose to depict Todoroki’s father this way for the emotional impact of the story. So please know this is not how I view Endeavor in the cannon story!  I still hate his guts in the cannon though, I’m a Todoroki stan so y’all can’t stop me lmao So anyway thanks again! :) Have a great day/night <3 *slithers back into the darkness of Tumblr for the next few months never to post again*
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