#idk i put their mbti here
erimy-gumy · 10 months
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hitsuyou-fukaketsu · 2 years
If your years of experience are correct, prove to me that enstars kins are a mirror of one's self than needed.
Have a fair day
I'm sorry to dissappoint but i was talking more about me and some friends help. I don't know what this ask is supposed to mean uhmm
Well i'll explain my reasoning and that's it.
My years of experience in enstars start in september 2020 (help idk if thats a lot for you or...) but i also meant to say that for like 6 years i've been taking and retaking mbti tests, i read a looooott of things of the types that i got and never one really clicked for me. But everytime i read something about leo i get this feeling like 'oh wow we share minds'. Ofc i don't growl to people (unless....) Ofc i don't try to be like the character, i just happen to relate more to anime orange shrimp boy than 4 letters with a meaning.
I also see some of my friends in some characters like midori or ritsu and i think thats nice too
I know mbti doesn't have to be super accurate but for me it has to, and leo does the trick for me
I don't have to prove anything i just thought it was a funny post
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stormblessed95 · 4 months
How do these people lie so much and honestly believe their ship is real Stormy? How many things are even correct here? As far as i can tell the only correct thing is that Jk said Tae listened to Seven first. Everything else is either a straight up lie, mistranslation or something taken out of context. These are the things that taekookers believe to be true and somehow jikookers are the jokers?
Let's just do some super quick fact checks and correcting misinformation with links to proof to backup all my sources here:
"Jungkook said I want to join the special forces"
True! (comes from the last live before military service)
"Jungkook said Taehyung is my safe space"
False! Jungkook said that Tae was his common ground (comes from festa 2020 profiles is where they mistranslated that one from)
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"Jungkook said my relationship with Taehyung is not for the cameras"
False! Made up by shippers in 2014, Proof here
"Jungkook said that the first person to hear the song Seven was Taehyung"
True! From Seven Spotify Interview
"Jungkook is the first person to hear Taehyungs album and record it in his house"
True! JK was the first to hear some of Tae's songs. And Tae did record A singular song at JKs house/studio. The whole album though wasn't mentioned specifically (but that might still be true) and only one song was recorded at JKs place I believe. Comes from JKs live and Tae's You Quiz interview
"Jungkook has a song he always sings to Taehyung"
False! I think they just made that up. I did a little searching anyway, lol but yeah no....
"The members said Taekook will never separate"
False! The members made a fortune teller joke where one said "so you guys can never be apart then?" As a silly joke about the color shirts they were wearing. Proof here
"the members said that if you want JK, call Taehyung (and vice versa) because they are always together."
False! The only thing said about JK was that he didn't like answering his phone and basically never did. Everything else was made up. From MBTI labs
"They went together to show the movie and were wearing identical clothes with strong lesbian expressions about their relationship."
(lmfao what) Sort of true.... (?) They did go to the movie premiere together! And Tae wore an Morrissey/Oscar Wilde shirt (openly gay and put on trial for being gay) and JK wore a jacket with scripture about two men being jailed for their practices and one of which many people believe to be gay/queer coded and a shirt with references to Taylor Meed's poetry (openly gay and wrote for a gay newspaper). Idk what the rest of that was about though lol
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"Taekook in a luxury hotel dancing RUN BTS together and spending the night!"
True, they were in a luxury hotel and danced RUN BTS!
And also False, they spent the night. No one knows, we just saw them do a TikTok dance. They made the rest up lol maybe they did, maybe they didn't. Can't make facts outta assumptions though!
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Taekooks picture from their date that jokers said was OT7 but boom turned out to only be a date
False! Boom.... Was an OT7 dinner.... Lol Proof Here
And Bam that Tae raised and the photos he posted
True since Tae DID post a cute photo of him with baby Bam and made a joke about raising him. As did every BTS member with Yeotan.... Lmfao False due to weird exaggeration though
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Taekook and their seven dance together
True! Tae danced Seven with JK on his encore stage!
Jimin said: Tae and JK love forever
True! He wrote their names in a heart in the sand in BV1 and that's the quote he said (sorta)
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Jimin said Tae and JK share their music and everything and do not share it with the members.
False! I cannot prove a negative but the lack of proof of this quote anywhere ever should be enough. Lol they made this one up. Should've stuck with the tangible evidence that they shared their music with each other in these latest albums first instead of trying to take it one step too far and starting to lie lol
"they are the two closest members and they have special trips and a lot of real dates and like to spend all their time together and they like to stay up all night and watch the sunrise together and they share everything."
False! Lmao the more you read the more it becomes like fanfiction rather than evidence based facts
"Jungkook said he didn't know Jimin's number and hasn't seen him in weeks and months."
False! JK said he couldn't remember a GC nickname, he also mentioned during a different live that he didn't have Jins number saved. And JK clearly had been seeing Jimin at various points as they were signing up for buddy service in the military which takes a lot of prep time.... Lol but he still never said that, but he did say "I miss you" a lot, but that's not "I haven't seen him in weeks and months" lol Proof about the numbers here
"Jungkook will always choose Taehyung to spend private time with, a true relationship"
False! Wasnt said anywhere by anyone, just an opinion from a shipper lol
"Your ship is 0 without the company and the cameras and this is the truth, and in the solo era Jungkook spends all his time with Taehyung"
False! They spent lots of time together, but this is just a shipper fighting other shippers.... No facts, no ship or friendship in BTS will ever be zero either
And just more of that shipper fighting nonsense to finish it off. Sucks since they started off relatively strong with Taekook appreciation only to just degrade into shipper bullshit.
Anyway, this was fun. I wouldn't mind more true/false games in the future 🤣🤣🤣
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staytinyville · 7 months
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↣ Summary: You’re the glue who keeps the boys all together. And maybe the one who fancies Beomgyu  just a bit more than the others. 
↣ Characters/Pairing: Choi Beomgyu x gn!reader
↣ Genre: fluff
↣ AU/Trope info: 6th member!au, idol!au
↣ Word Count: 1.085k
↣ Warnings: None
↣ A/N: Beomgyu is chaotic but we are here for him. I will be honest some self insert was shoved in here and idk maybe that’s not how Beomgyu acts but it is how I am. I share the same MBTI as him and honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of people get overwhelmed with him and tend to lash out. I get that a lot of the time and it does make me upset. But that’s just what I think. Maybe it’s not how he is and is quite content. I hope he is. 
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Balance, Moderation, Patience, Purpose
This card shows that you have balance, patience and moderation in your life. Your energy has been running free but now it is time to bring it back into you. You must get a hold on it once more.
You are the kind of person who understands what it's like to be open minded with what others have to say. And because of this now is the time to use it if you are dealing with two different sides of a story.
You are also at a point where you would need to act with a calm and even mind. Be sure you stay calm even in a time of stress. Because what you show others, they might just show back.
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You could remember the first time you had ever met all the boys. They were chaotic and had their own feelings towards each other that weren’t the best. However over time you got them to loosen up and now they couldn’t live without each other.
You were their mediator–the one who made sure all their fights were resolved and there were no hard feelings. Sometimes arguments were harder to fix than others, but you always wanted them to make up. Mostly because you guys all lived together so it was best to fix your problems than let them fester in your own personal space.
While fights were few and far between, there were still those petty ones that only lasted for one conversation before they were back to poking fun at each other. In these cases, most of the time they were between Beomgyu and Yeonjun. You loved both of them but they clashed so much. You had no idea why but it probably had to do with the fact that Beomgyu was a chaotic boy and Yeonjun had thin patience.
They still loved each other though and that was all you tried to care about.
“I told you it had my name on it!” You squeezed your eyes shut at the sound of Yeonjun’s annoyed voice.
“No it didn't!” Beomgyu retorted back. “Look!”
“Beomgyu! It's right there.” Yeonjun retorted.
“How do you expect me to see it when you wrote it in the same color!?” You got up when Beomgyu shouted.
“Guys!” You told them pointedly walking into the kitchen. “Stop screaming.”
“But (Y/N)—”
“Stop.” You raised a finger, watching as they both began to pout. “What happened?” You asked them.
“He ate my yogurt.” Yeonjun told you.
“I did.” Beomgyu admitted. “But I didn't see his name on it.”
You held your hand out for the cup, trying to find where it was that Yeonjun had put his name. While you did find it, Beomgyu had been right to say that it was hard to see. He had used a red marker on a red label.
While you knew Beomgyu should've thought for a moment that if he didn’t buy it, it wasn’t meant for him. However there were occasions the boys would buy things and share with the others so the possibility of eating something meant for all of them was there this time it wasn’t the case.
“Yeonjun, you did write it in the same color.” You told the boy, handing him the cup. “Soobin could've eaten it.”
“You're just taking his side.” Yeonjun pouted.
“Yeonjun, don't argue with me.” You told him with a stern look. “It wasn't intentional. Beomgyu will buy you another yogurt.” You looked over at the other boy who avoided your stare.
Yeonjun watched as you waited for Beomgyu to look up at you and acknowledge your agreement. While they all knew about how you babied the boy a bit too much, they also knew you were the only one who he listened to.
You had always known how to settle arguments and how to make them all get along. You were someone who held them all together. The shoulder they needed to lean on. Especially when Beomgyu overwhelmed them.
While Soobin was the leader of all 6 of you, it was clear you were the motherly type. You always worried about them–telling them to be careful when they left the house, asking where they were going just in case something happened. You weren’t over bearing but it did bring them happiness to know that someone was at the dorm making sure they were healthy boys.
It also assured their parents.
“Fine.” Yeonjun sighed. “I'm sorry for yelling at you.” He told Beomgyu .
“I'm sorry for eating your yogurt.” The boy said back.
“Good!” You grinned. “Now hug!”
They looked at you with sneers on their faces. “Too much.” You rolled your eyes. “I want a hug though!” You held your arms out waiting for the large boys to cuddle you.
Yeonjun scoffed but wrapped his arms around your middle before kissing the top of your head. “Love you.” He told you before leaving the kitchen.
“Love you too.” You called with a smile.
When you turned around, your breath was nearly knocked out of you as Beomgyu was crouched down and rubbing his cheek into your chest. “Hi, Gyu.” You giggled, messaging his scalp.
“Can we cuddle?” He asked shyly.
“Are you okay?” You asked him, pulling his face to look at you.
“Yeah, I just feel tired.” He sighed, his cheeks squished between your hands.
You smiled softly, nodding your head. You knew what it was like to suddenly feel anxious over being scolded, especially when being yelled at. Beomgyu was a soft boy who got sad easily. So maybe that's why you paid a bit more attention to him than others. You knew his personality was a bit too much for others which led to being scolded a lot and that made him shrink in on himself.
He just needed someone with patience and luckily you had a lot of that.
“Let's go watch some dramas.” You smiled at him.
He grinned widely before skipping off to your room. You shared it with Soobin but seeing as he was currently out, Beomgyu took the time to cuddle with you in a sacred space. He grabbed your laptop and started to set it up before you made your way into bed and huddled up at the headboard.
Like a small child, Beomgyu enjoyed being the small spoon so he laid his head on your shoulder and placed a leg over your waist. For a large man he was extra cuddly but that was okay, if he wanted to be babied you would do that for him.
“I love you, (Y/N).” He spoke up, cheek squished against you.
“I love you too, Beomgyu.” You chuckled, kissing the top of his head.
“More than the others?” He grinned, looking up at you.
“Don’t ask me that.” You lightly swatted at his head.
“Sorry.” He cackled. “But seriously?” He added, going back to squishing against you.
“No, I don't love you more than the others. I love you all equally.” You admitted. “But maybe I just like babying you a bit more.” You smiled softly.
“I'm the best.” He giggled quietly.
“No, you just need someone watching you 24/7.” You laughed.
“I do not.” He gasped.
“Hush now, lay on my chest.”
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Tags : @cultofdionysusnet , @sandsofire , @k-vanity
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ask-jasper-cameron · 1 month
YO, I HAVE QUESTIONS FOR JASPER either mod/character/both can answer
1. Whats your MBTI personality type? 2. Whats your moral alignment? 3. Do you have any mental disorders? 4. What are your sexuality and gender, along with pronouns? 5. Are you an introvert, extrovert or an ambivert? 6. What is your aesthetic? 7. Any special interests/hyperfixations? 8. What animal represent you the most?
Yo, mod here!
Here to answer alll your fucking questions,,,,
Surprisingly, Jasper is a fellow ENTP-A! You thought he'd be one of the Ixxx types didn't you?
Just took the moral alignment test as i put myself in Jasper's shoes... He's a chaotic evil. Help.
Now, folks, i'm not a professional, so i won't diagnose him with anything. But, i'll just say this. He stims a lot by shaking his foot like how a dog wags its tail, he also cracks his knuckles from time to time, and he moves a lot when sitting. He likes to stare at people for no apparent reason, and sometimes he zones out. He also has a hyperfixation on animals, specifically ones that aren't mammals. Now idk if this is classified as autism or not, so you guys decide what mental disorder he has.
He is a proud demiromantic/greyromantic asexual, his gender is trans FtM, and his pronouns are he/him. Although he is fine with other pronouns, please please please don't call him she/her, he doesn't really like it if you do. (Fun fact, he is naturally flat from the moment he's born, so surgery isn't an issue for him).
Well, according to the MBTI test, he is an extrovert. But i'll just say he's an extrovert-leaning ambivert, he loves to interact, but by god his social battery drains FAST if not talking with close friends (Finn, Sora, Bailey, you get it).
His aesthetic is probably dark/light academia, with a few bits of chaoscore/gremlincore.
Well, as mentioned before, he has a hyperfixation on all non-mammal animals! Especially fish. His personal favorite fish is Arapaima Gigas, otherwise known as the Pirarucu. His favorite extinct fish is the fan-favorite Sacabambaspis!
I honestly dont know, but maybe the Asian Sheepshead Wrasse. YEA YEA i know i know i only picked this because "funny, haha, transgender FtM!!" But i have no other ideas.
I'll just tag ya'll so ya'll can keep up-to-date with Jasper's info, ALSO PLEASE HELP ME ON QUESTION NUMBER 3
@ask-finn-hollis / @thesilliestofallqueers
@ask-a-snobby-fencer / @vv4loe
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yesireadbooks · 11 months
Writeblr Intro
*Edited I am still bad at introductions haha
Hello! Ayubowan! Konnichiwa!
So, who am I? What does it mean to live? What does 'I' mean? Calm down… Wrong community, ah idk…
The name's Riveen, just Riveen. That is my real name.
Pronouns are he/him and a teen.
MBTI says I am INFJ but it said I was ENFJ too, I am a customisable personality, haha. (Buy one get one free)
Bookie and nerd.
STEM student (the Astrophysics kind), but also into literature and other stuff of the mortals.
Content in my site or here (as in Tumblr)
Side-blog for WIP world @scalmropia
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I am crazy and WILL NOT limit my blog for writing. I will post random stuff or repost irrelevant stuff. And I stole post templates from people so credit to them!
I am also open for asks and tags.
If I am not boring enough yet, you can read more below the cut.
I am Sri Lankan and speak Sinhala so I might and will rant 'how good it is'. Like for example, it has 60 letters (18 vowels, 2 sounds, 40 consonants). මේ භාෂාව ඉගෙනගන්න, එතකොට හොඳයි!!!
Also, I am weird. So, if you need to talk about the end of the universe, quantum model, how rubies and sapphires are related, why 'conversation' had a weirder meaning in old English, or what the Montevideo convention is, I am your guy.
Also hit me up if you find a random body or gets possessed by a ghost. But beware of me, I like to day dream a lot.
So, my work…?
I tend to write some dark stuff, mostly horror. But I also write some 'nice' stuff too. Prose and poetry. Much of works are here, but I would also update a list at the end of this.
My current WIPs include The Star Child, a story about a father and his adopted daughter; an unnamed political rom com set in Sri Lanka and a Sherlock Holmes fan fiction.
I love myself a big fictional world and I have some ideas, will update when that becomes a thing
Hopefully I will get published.
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What have I put out?
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emptykhr · 10 months
Twisted wonderland as lana del rey songs
Riddle ( Wildflower Wildfire)
im sorry but THIS SONG ITS SO HIM honestly is most because him relatioship with his mother
the part where lana sang about her mother in the hospital. SO HIM
either, all the stuff about flowers warm and things like that remind of him!!
Here's the deal My father never stepped in when his wife would rage at me So I ended up awkward, but sweet Later then, hospitals, stand still on my feet Comfortably numb, but with lithium came poetry
Trey (Chemtrails over the country club)
So, trey and cottc, the same vibe.
yknow, all the peace and normal life stuff in the lyrics reminds me trey plot
im truly can see trey playing this song with his wife in a beutiful afternoon.
Washing my hair, doing my laundry Late night TV, I want you only Like when we were kids Under chemtrails in country clubs It's never too late, baby So don't give up
Cater (beautiful people, beutiful problems)
I gonna be honest, lust for life its so cater vibes!!
i confess that was hard to think in a song who matche cater plot, cause i wanna something kinda pop bu it still about him second face
The i just came bpbp.
We get so tired and we complain 'Bout how it's hard to live It's more than just a video game
Ace (Diet mountain dew)
Ace has to be born to die and i fight with u if you disagree.
to be honestly this song is how i feel about ace
Diet Mountain Dew, baby, New York City Never was there ever a girl so pretty Do you think we'll be in love forever? Do you think we'll be in love?
Deuce (How to disappear)
well, in the lyrics lana sang abou that guy who lost in himself and fight every night
and we know that deuce is a ex deliquent
and idk, this song is sweet like deuce mas match with him a lot
just read the lyric and you will understand
Joe met me down at the training yard Got cuts on his face 'cause he fought too hard I know he's in over his head But I love that man like nobody can He moves mountains and pounds them to ground again I watched the guys getting high as they fight For the things that they hold dear To forget the things they fear
Leona (Norman fucking rockwell)
guys, nfr its SO LEONA
the part where "goddam man child' yknow? period.
You guys can say "but leona is more ultraviolence" MY ASS
nfr king i said so its true.
Goddamn, man-child You fucked me so good that I almost said: I love you You're fun, and you're wild But you don't know the half of the shit that you put me through Your poetry's bad, and you blame the news But I can't change that, and I can't change your mood Ah-ah
Ruggie (god know i tried)
Now we have a honeymoon dude!!!
nothing to say, the song say itself
i even need to explain?
Sometimes, I wake up in the morning To red, blue and yellow lights On Monday, they destroyed me But by Friday, I'm revived
Jack (wild ate heart)
Jack my baby.
this song. jack. the same.
its just what how a imagine jack
I left Calabasas, escaped all the ashes Ran into the dark And it made me wild, wild, wild at heart The cameras have flashes, they cause the car crashes But I'm not a star
Azul (money power glory)
I kinda always think in azul when mpg starts to play.
could be million dollar man tho but mpg is better
the chore is him.
I want money, power and glory I want money, and all your power, all your glory Alleluia! I wanna take you for all that you got Alleluia! I'm gonna take them for all that they got
Jade (old money)
omg my ultraviolence guy is here!!!
he SO lana del rey vinyl
old money makes my cry everytime
My father's love was always strong My mother's glamour lives on and on Yet still inside, I felt alone For reasons unknown to me
flyod (doin time)
fuck even THE SAME MBTI
yeah he´s a bitch and we love it!!
Evil, I've come to tell you that she's evil, most definitely Evil, ornery, scandalous and evil, most definitely The tension, it's getting hotter I'd like to hold her head underwater (Summertime) (Ah, ah, ah)
so, english its not my first language so you probably will found mistakes. maybe i do a second part
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boopshoops · 3 months
Hello user boopshoops!!!! I saw the emoji OC thing and I am here to send one!!!
I browsed ur OC masterlist and kinda got curious about Viddian Monroe, since she seems to be one of ur oldest OCs?? Her design reminded me of Catherine of Aragon from Six the musical, idk why, probs her spiky headband thing lol??
I do also want to ask about Yuu Shi and Jocia tho!! But pick and choose as you wish! 💭, 🎮, 🎻!
SKRIBLEE!!! HELLO!!!! sending you love for sticking around to support me for so long >:0
AAA VIDDIAN!!! She is- extremely ancient. I made her right around starting middle school! Her OG design was VERY different to how she looks now, but I picked her back up a few years later to rework her as an antagonist of mine!! She's just a teensy bit unhinged. Or mayhaps a lot. <3 ALSO WAIT SHE KIND OF DOES LOOK LIKE CATHERINE- damn i really need to fully watch that musical, i've only seen clips/animations of songs womp womp
💭what is your oc's MBTI, enneagram, and/or other personality aspects (if known/interested in)?
Viddian: ESFJ (Extrovert, sensing, feeling, judging) Viddian just LOVES people. To an unhealthy degree. She loves analyzing details about them, particularly regarding psychiatry, psychology, and morality. However, she only loves people in a purely entertaining sense. They're like toys she wants to play with, put in new scenarios to dance around in and see how they'll react. Once she learns enough, maybe they'll be thrown away. It's almost like she views herself as separate from them, though not necessarily above. Simply something different. To put it simply, she isn't as much 'gaslight gatekeep girlboss' as she is 'barratry, bludgeoning, babygirl'
Yuu: ESTP (Extrovert, sensing, thinking, perceiving) Ahh, now here's the gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss- constantly teetering on the edge of girlfailure-hood <3
Jocia: ESFP (Extrovert, sensing, feeling, perceiving) Live laugh love but like... combat, clinch, chokehold. (I'm keeping the twin's shorter since i already have their personalities summed up on their profiles :D)
🎮what are three of your oc's favorite hobbies?
Viddian: Astronomy study, hunting, sparring
Yuu: Singing, playing guitar, dancing
Jocia: figure skating, working out, skateboarding!
🎻does your oc play any instruments? what is their skill level (beginner/intermediate/advanced/virtuoso/etc)?
Viddian: Nope! Nada! She isn't very interested in music, but she is partial to ambient sound.
Yuu: YES! She plays guitar, violin, and piano! She is a virtuoso at guitar, as she has played it most of her life as well as MADE it her entire life. She is intermediate at violin given it is something she practices on and off mostly just to maintain her skills, and she is a beginner at piano!
Jocia: Ahhh Jocia... Lets just say there has been an attempt at guitar as a way to bond with her sister, but she is a beginner.
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xianyoon · 2 months
hihi ying !! how’s your day been ? hopefully well, hehe <3
anygays, 🌷 if you could, pretty please !!
brief description about me : mm i’m described according to my moots as a silly wholesome individual; I love simple things such as the sun setting; my mbti is an infp; I do good in school (lowest grade since 6th being an 89.7 heueheuehub); andddddd I’m not really sure what else to put for this 😭
characters to not be matched with : for the most part, only itto, baizhu, thoma, and zhongli 😭 idk, I just feel weird about them-
anyways, thank you for making the spring event (totally not gonna take almost all of your flower prompts… yeah) !! may your spring be peaceful with no allergies (unlike mine. I sneeze more than 100 times per spring per year 💀) <33
hiyaaaa elise !! thank u for joining my event hehehe here's your match up !
i match you up with . . .
lyney !
orange cat x golden retriever ! !
i think this would be pretty cute actually hehe. as an infp, you can be pretty open-minded and imaginative – the perfect mix to his boldness and creativity. you could definitely come up with interesting ideas that he had never thought of for all his magic shows !
i also think you can rein him in sometimes – seeing the beauty in the smallest of things in a life that can be so fast paced for him . . . it is truly such a gift !
that being said . . . maybe happy walks with him to help him slow down and breathe for a bit ? seeing the joy in the colours of the sunset or how the two butterflies match the colours of his and your outfits, feeling the breeze touch the grass beneath you . . . there are things to be thankful for !
there's something so magical to him about how school can come easily to you ! you guys can be so very sweet <3
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insufferable-talkstuck · 10 months
(HELPP sorry bro gonna ask this blog instead mb 💀😭)
helloo can u classpect me pls (idk heo to do this 🔥) including a little bit of vent for the sake of classpects
basically i am reclusive, secretive, spacey, knowledgeable but not in an arrogant way, creative, pretty absent minded, and very awkward :]
my main interests include TMNT, MBTI, experimental music, psychology, and marine life. (probably says nothing)
i also like drawing but sometimes i get mad jealous over other ppls art
i also have a strong interest in leftism, anti-racism and anti-capitalism. idk what that says tho
i can get RLY obsessive about my interests and i will NOT shut up about whatever im hyperfixating on
i find it extremely difficult to grasp social cues, in other words i am socially inept
i can have a lot of trouble with empathy usually, not saying i have no empathy tho
no social life. 0. not even one (1) friend. offline or online.
if i had a social group tho i think id be the weird one who is very awkward and does not get jokes 😭
i like to consider both logic and emotions when making a decision, but i tend to value logic and rationality more sometimes
i have a tendency to stay up really late, like really late (it is 5 am as i am writing this
(idk of the text below counts as a vent or not but read idk)
ive always been really bad at explaining, wording, or identifying my own emotions, idk why but its just really hard to come up with words that can accurately describe how i feel, which is why im shit at venting
nvm i think im just bad at wording my own thoughts in general, it makes me feel kind of dumb, im just as bad at that on text too 😭😭 communicating is hell
(vent-ish thing is over)
supernatural stuff is pretty cool too idk
ive been told im dry and very monotonous in person 💀 like a robot n shit
i also dont like being wrong but not in an arrogant know-it-all asshole kinda way ❤
idk what else to put here.
Seer of Void
I'm not picking up any sign that you would *want* to be assigned a void player but I don't tell people what they want to hear.
- dissection -
‘ basically — :] ’ in this paragraph you list off some traits that could easily be associated with void
‘ i can RLY — tho ’ classpects aren't political stances and tho some classes and aspects are described as more devoted or revolutionary it doesn't specifically tilt it towards any view on these things. go girl give us nothing
‘ i find it — jokes ’ you're listing traits of autism, not something that could help me classpect you. However in all technicality "lacking" so many things can be written off as void
‘ i like to consider — on text too ’ okay, Dirk strider moment I guess, if you had only left this paragraph i would have given you prince of heart and left it at that
- dissection over -
why I think you're a seer of void
seers struggle to grasp their aspect at first, how it works and how they could relate to it escapes them, but once they learn it they're comfortable in it. you talk like youre rampaging to find fragments of a personality, sloppily putting paragraphs about yourself together, but if you were to take a step back and relax I think you'd be relieved and find comfort in the nothingness, and along with it the unlimited potential you'll master but.. baby steps
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bonus round
i think there would be a destructive heart player and/or a mind player in your session, you seem torn between the two, I don't see this talked about amongst the classpecting population but I do think the aspects of the players in your session would affect you. with all my evidence of that coming from the kids and trolls sessions I mean the bond is just so clear
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maybankfr · 2 months
all about me ! 🌞
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hi everyone!! im restarting this account soo yay!! anyways, heres a bit about me.
my name is claire!! im 19 y/o (march 17)!! ive had this account foorrrr maybe a year? ive wanted to write on it for soo long but ive never really had much motivation, so im trying to fix that!!
im a pisces, im mexican/american, my pronouns are she/her, im bisexual, and my mbti is esfp-t yayy!!
IM A SHIFTER!! ive been into shifting for 3 or 4 years? anyways i have a bunch of dr's and i love love love talking about them soo if u have any questions about them lmk LMAOA
likes ! ; impractical jokers, the office, cigs after sex, concerts, modern family, sinjin drowning, slushy noobz, pasta, plants, tyler the creator, brent faiyaz, faye webster, frank ocean, mitski, tv girl, laufey, the weeknd, bruno mars, ramona, tame impala, santa clarita diet, jujutsu kaisen, tdlosk, billie eilish, the sims 4, and much more i could go on for years
i use these emojis (jokingly!!)
idk what else to put OKAY BYEE
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divider by me
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mikareo · 6 months
OMG MATCHUPS ARE OPEN (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) (i'm frantically typing HELP)
Desired fandom, gender and age would be bllk, male and teen (sfw)
I'd say I'm quiet / shy (around friends I can get talkative tho), honest (to the point I sound mean at times), observant and apparently I'm sassy at times too. My star sign's scorpio (idk the other ones), my mbti is intp. My favourite hobbies are reading, writing, listening to music, playing badminton and (sometimes) studying. I love eating and going on walks (especially by the ocean or when it starts getting dark). Ideal date would probably be a bookstore one (I've never dated before so I have no clue on what I exactly like or don't like)
I hope this wasn't too much jsjshs (If I can find something nice I'll send them in for the appearance match up)
💌 ✮⋆˙ love letter to...kitorin!
i think this is actually the fastest i've ever done a matchup just bc i was like giggling at how cute u guys would be together :3 i hope you like this character souta!!!! i think he's a sweetheart n you two would work rlly well as a pair,, also!! i just saw me on ur carrd ily!!!
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[ ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱₊˚⊹ ᰔ ] your complete matchup results!
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congratulations . . .‧₊˚🍂✩CHIGIRI HYOMA₊˚🍁⊹♡
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⋆⭒˚。⋆ chemistry analysis . . .
i'm ngl it took me a good like five minutes of thinking to figure out who i wanted to match you with n i argued w myself on three options until i landed on chigiri. the other matches were very similar to you and i realized i wanted someone more extroverted rather than an introvert...so here's why i picked chigiri!
off the bat, i think you two would connect on that level of honesty you have. chigiri is a very blunt person and always says what he's saying when he's thinking it. knowing that you also tend to be on the honest and blunt side of things, i think that you two could communicate together without that judgement there may be w/ other people, n have a really great foundation of trust that is essentially unbreakable. he'd definitely really value you since you keep him on his toes, n make sure that he's sticking to his goals n constantly improving (after all, you're there to tell him if he's not)!
i consider chigiri more of an extroverted introvert. i didn't want to match you with a total extrovert since i didn't want you to drown in their outgoingness or obnoxiousness; so i think chigiri is a good fit in this case. he enjoys his quiet time, which the two of you could fondly share, but also gets out of his comfort zone when he feels himself settling down. he'd constantly check in w/ you to make sure that you're okay with wherever you are/whoever you're with, n puts you're comfort first. if there's ever a situation that you feel like you want to get out of to escape for a little bit of peace and quiet, he's right by your side and holding your hand until you're away from the crowd.
his character analysis also matches extremely well with your hobbies and interests! as stated, chigiri really enjoys "drinking tea and eating sweets". he'd surely love to take you out to the new restaurants in town or even the local コンビニ to pick out your favorite snacks for a chill movie night in! on his off days, he prefers to read— so he'd happily visit the bookstore w/ you and sit in there for hours so long as he has his favorite drink by his side, laughing at whatever sassy remark you throw at him. he'd think of these quiet moments on the field when he needs to focus or concentrate on a shot; you being the thing that relaxes him and calms his heartbeat.
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⋆⭒˚。⋆ memories on the wall . . .
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⋆⭒˚。⋆ a treasured moment . . .
how loud does he have to slurp that damn straw?
you've only been at the bookstore for maybe ten minutes (?), and chigiri finished his drink in the first two. it was some sort of tea— maybe an iced jasmine with honey— and it was good when he let you have a sip! but it was only a sip; and then suddenly it's just ice and a plastic straw. your boyfriend enjoys his sweets, his treats, and especially his teas. you, however, enjoy some peace and quiet when you're trying to find the perfect book.
"you sound like a vacuum." the eye roll you send in his direction is deadly. he's practically shot on sight "i mean that in a bad way."
"i should've gotten the extra large, right?" he shakes the cup, frowning as he realizes there is absolutely zero drink left. he's so cute, it's annoying.
without glancing in his direction, you toss him a book or two that you're debating on adding to your shelf— which he, of course, catches with ease and balances on top of one another. his agility is outstanding on and off of the field, but sometimes you wish he'd miss...just for the laughs. "you would've finished the XL...what...ten seconds later?" he really is like a human vacuum.
though your tone is laced with irritation, you hand him your glass. "don't make me regret it." to which he happily sips on with a smile on his face.
so cute.
if there was an award for the prettiest, red haired, japanese, youth, male, potential striker, football player in the world; chigiri would definitely win. yes, that's a very specific title— but also it's the only way you know he'd win.
“i love you,” you murmur under your breath. you do love him, you really do…
…but you take back your words when that damn slurping sound returns.
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thesoleilla · 4 months
Hi i'd like to request a matchup, if possible one sperately for bsd, tomodoachi game and mystic messenger. If that doesn't bother u🥺🥺🥺
First thing first,
I'm a daddy and i'm badass. (I'm not 160 cm tall at all by the way i'm definitely... 60FEETS TALL AND SUPER STRONG, WE ALWAYS GET ALONG-)
Plz don't match me with akutagawa or mori from bsd they scawy ;;;;;;;;
I'm also very smart. 800IQ if you ask me. (I say i'm not but i am and sometimes i say i'm not and some other times i say i am but i like to pretend i am so triple confusion? I am probably the only one confused here...no actually i'm pretty sure i confused the whole audiance, yes ,there is an audiance)
I'd like to be matched with someone that can find a house for both of us where the toilet is next to the bedroom, because guess who wakes up every 2 hours or so to do their pee-pee needs? m e-
Also um i use any pronouns xP But when i'm Daddy please treat me like one 😏😏
I'm an ENTP and i misstyped my MBTI and thought i was an INFP for 2 whole years. Yick.
My astrological sign is a gemini if that helps
I kin funny suicidal maniac man from bsd and i kin hacker boi from mysme (i'm requesting in anonymous but now with this information... U know who i am, shi-)
Also i am very shy u//w//u
No, but i'm too lazy to use my brain to talk when there's new people around, because i don't know them and i don't know how i'm supposed to talk around them, and i feel lazy so i just don't talk
Well u know who i am so whatever
I put all the matchups in separate posts, I hope that's fine, check the bottom of the post for other fandom matchups <3
Matchup Masterlist - Matchup rules
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 TW: suicide mention in the last paragraph because...Dazai
・★ > From your request (and also from your kinlist, totally not from the fact I've deciphered your identity hahaha), I can tell you two are pretty similar, which, I believe, tends to help in a relationship
  ・★ > He makes fun of your height. Sorry, you probably rock it, but Dazai is Dazai. He'd try to stop if it made you uncomfortable, but to be completely honest, I don't think he'd last long at that.
  ・★ > On the topic of making fun of things, when you were both talking about moving in together, you kept pestering him about your intense peeing needs. Let's just say, he took that information and RAN with it for jokes. I mean, you're so tiny it's proportional for your bladder to be this small! That explains why, when he was putting the furniture for your shared bedroom, your nightstand got replaced with a toilet. To this day, you still haven't managed to remove it.
  ・★ > On a more serious note, this man may have made fun of Kunikkida's journal for his ideals, but the instant he met you he started having one for you. He might not even have realized it, and when you asked him about it, he said it was something the therapist told him to do (the therapist you forced him to see).
  ・★ >In that Journal, he also had guessed your right MBTI before you did. Don't ask how he did it, I don't think he himself knows.
  ・★ > However, he also noticed your introverted moments and he makes sure he makes up for it because when that dude starts to talk there's no stopping. Especially if he's poking fun at something (or someone, most likely you).
  ・★ >When you two met, the whole agency did everything in their power not to let you two be in the same room, as the thought of having to handle both your anthics at the same time made them rethink their life choices. So let's just stay, when you two got together, the agency started shaking in their boots
  ・★ > Strangely enough, Dazai never once tried one of his double s**cide methods with you. When you jokingly asked him about it, he simply said he didn't want to take the risk of a situation where you'd succeed and he'd fail, so he'd rather neither of you try, just in case.
  ・★ > All in all, despite your sometimes weird behaviors, you two make a surprisingly sweet couple <3
Mystic messenger matchup
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lapushbbylapush · 6 months
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here is bella from the version of my fanfic!!!
some observations about bella and her parents:
•Renée is Brazilian and Bella's grandmother is French, and Renée can speak portuguese and english fluenty although her french is terrible.
•Bella was born in USA so she speaks English fluently. She can't speak Portuguese or French.
•i've looked through the internet but i couldn't find Charlie's middle name, so i decided to put his father's name.
•bella is a literature major and she wants to go to grad school.
•she has the same mbti as in the books but maybe this will change along the fanfic.
•idk much about zodiac signs but shes a virgo (i got it from the books).
•this fanfic is set in 2005.
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vulcansmercury · 2 years
For the character ask game, Camilo ☺️
seriously ppl I love talking abt my hcs, don't be shy to ask me abt them😭💕💕
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⚧ - Pronoun hc: he/they. This is basically canon lol. If u didn't know, before the movie came out and press was asking questions abt it. Ppl used 'they/them' pronouns to refer to Camilo in interviews 💕 also... the fact that so many nb ppl adopted him... I mean, it shows guys. Birds of feather, innit.
🏳️‍⚧️- Gender hc: non binary💕💞
🏳️‍🌈- Orientation hc: idk abt this one, I've never really thought abt it before. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
🌌- zodiac sign hc: Camilo is a December baby, I'm pretty sure.... Sooo that'd make them a capricorn??? I think😶
🧠- MBTI/Enneagram hc: based on my researchhhhh (but as I've said before I'm very new to this stuff lol) he'd be a ESTP
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Some things that helped me come to this conclusion:
Camilo is very extroverted. He does have moments were, if you look carefully, he kinda shrinks in on himself and resumes the 'dinosaur posetm', also known as Bruno's constant state- but despite this, he thrives on attention, I mean look at this pose:
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You can practically hear him saying 'look at meee'. Next, I believe they'd make decisions based on the reality of the situation and speak very literally about things, example:
"Err, not if we don't have a house."
He does not entertain the option of that changing right away. He's focused in the now and is trying to get that dealt with first.
He's very confident but he also hides behind other people's faces, literally. I do imagine him to be quite popular in his own right but still, he's very closed off with his emotions and only thinks about catering others, that's literally his gift. So he neglects himself emotionally and pretends he's okay behind his happy demeanour. He's a devil and is the epitome of a little shit. But it's tough love sometimes, they do truly care💞
Now, this section, I like to call: no (with one exception)
❤- OTP hc: 🚫
🧡- Everyone I ship with this character: 🚫
💛- Brotp: Probably him and Mirabel, they're the best of friends💕💕. BUT DONT GET IT TWISTED, THIS ISNT ROMANTIC U FREAKSS😤😤😤🚫🚫🚫
💚- Notp: everything lol (not hating on oc x canon btw, u guys do your thing, I'm just talking abt canon x)
💙- Crossover ship: 🚫
💜- Crossover non-ship relationship I like: mhhhh never really thought abt it. I think Camilo would absolutely roast any person from my other hyperfixations lol
📖- AU I'd like to see them in: modern AU,,, again... Let's face it, he'd be a youtuber who'd make insane, chaotic vlogs with thumbnails on par with drew phillips:
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❤🩹- Angsty hc: He lies about how he feels for the sake of others, just like the rest of the family; also uses humor as a coping mechanism. He often worries that people only see him as the people he can be and don't really care about him. Also, I think they'd definitely get paranoid about their appearance and question if this is them or just another shape shifted creation. I think he'd have moments of losing himself and shifting as other people to cope with stuff. He isn't really in touch with who he is because of this. He's got trauma, poor thing🥺🥺🥺
💖- Happy hc: He played with dolls as a kid, due to getting them as hand-me-downs. When abuela gifted him a stereotypical 'boy's toy' he used it to play with said dolls. Like: if it was a football, he'd turn it into 'circle world' and the dolls would play on it lol. Before he forgot him, he used to fall asleep to Bruno rocking him in his arms🥺🥺
😋- Funny/stupid hc: When he hiccups, it sometimes can trigger his shapeshifting. Sometimes, he'll transform into someone and try and keep the clothes that come along with them. It never works.
🪞- Appearance hc: I'm not sure what to put here lol, let's just say: I think he'd eventually ask to get his ears pierced. He was always jealous of how the girls got them done when they were little.
🥖- Food hc: THIS SHIT EATS LIKE IT'S HIS LAST DAY ON EARTH, ALL DAY, EVERYDAY. he's got one of those 'food critic' palletes, there's basically nothing he hates, he loves all flavours AND LIVES for the experience of all of them. He eats everyone's left overs, without leaving a crumb; first thing he does when he and Mira come back from school is complain about being hungry, Mira then says: you literally ate on the walk home bro-
I agree with the headcanon that shapeshifting into all these ppl, wears him out and that's why he's so hungry, however, I also think it's more than that: he just has a naturally fast metabolism and looooves food🥰, cos I like to think he still acts like this when the magic is gone. The family call him a human trashcan lol.
🛌- Sleep hc: he sleeps like he's been hit by a car, snores like an engine and drools all over his pillow.
🏡- Domestic hc: he has the best relationship with Pepa 💕💕😭 he's a momma's boy 💕, Julieta gets annoyed of his eating habits but she's grown to make extra of everything, just for him💞 I think she'd also let him eat the parts of a meal no one else really wants, before she serves the whole thing, for example: like the legs on a chicken, my mam used to do this for my sister lol x
He likes having a jokey, bickering relationship with Félix. They don't actually fight or anything but he'll make play insults like: "old man" and "grey hairs" just to have that playful back and forth banter. They'll both be laughing, knowing there's no malice behind the words🥰
🗡- Badass hc- He'll shapeshift into a bully's mam to get them to back off. Also he just hates on bullies in general, often crossing a line and being a bit of one himself, when trying to defend ppl.
❓- Anything else you want: this boy would watch dragrace, come on now-
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dear-wormwoods · 1 year
I personally thought Kyle is an INFJ because while he needs socializing to thrive - from what i understand of his character, he is someone who values the crowd and have interest in it and the harmony of everyone; yet he is more of an observer and his idea doesnt always align with the bigger movement like an ENFJ. I'm pretty new to mbti so my thought could be incorrect (my understanding of his type and behavior came from this post: https://twitter.com/hachichimitsu/status/1537650752109223936?s=20 )
Yeah, I’ve seen hachichimitsu’s posts on tumblr too and they’re really well put together! I agree with her on what Kyle’s cognitive functions are, just not in the order…. She sees him as a dominant Ni auxiliary Fe and I see him as a dominant Fe auxiliary Ni.
I’ve explained my interpretation of his cognitive functions a couple years ago here, but basically I just don’t think Kyle relies on intuition as much as he does the moral code he’s developed by taking in outside influences such as religion, his parents, etc. That’s not to say he isn’t intuitive, because he is, it’s just not his most dominant trait, in my opinion. I think he values social cohesion and doing what’s best for the highest number of people. When he makes decisions, it’s based on the greater good (or what’s he’s convinced himself is for the greater good), and he’ll often sacrifice his own comfort and well being for the greater good, as dominant Fe’s also tend to do. In addition, Kyle wants appreciation and approval for his decisions and his sacrifices, he needs other people to tell him he’s good, and smart, and selfless. Kyle having auxiliary Ni allows him, on his best days, to listen to his gut and understand that he needs to make compromises sometimes, and on his worst days (when he resists Ni) to become meddlesome, overbearing, judgmental, and irrational because his Fe is being overextended.
So… idk, ENFJ and INFJ are very similar, it’s just a matter of what you perceive as the most dominant function and how they relate to each other in the stack (FeNiSeTi vs NiFeTiSe). I’m not an expert either, this is just the conclusion I’ve come to for Kyle. If it’s something you’re interested in, there’s a ton of info out there and it’s pretty interesting stuff!
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