#it all sounds made up bc it’s surreal it happened
charmac · 3 months
hey seth! i'm just a random guy that's been really into sunny for the past year, and i always love your tweets. you, loren, and anna have been on my fyp a lot the past weekend, and i know a lot of people are being assholes about it, but it's genuinely so heartwarming to see. you three definitely deserve it and are the best kind of people for this to happen to. you always come off as respectful of rcg. hope you can pass the message along to them both too! have a great day
Thank you for the kind message, I really really appreciate it and so do Anna and Loren! Glad you got into the show :)
Honestly I get people are lashing out/shit talking because it does seem kinda weird to witness through a screen how much we’ve been able to interact with them and the interactions we’ve had. I know people are jealous, too (as in have told me they are, and I was certainly jealous last year when Rob didn’t do any events in NYC bc he was sick but did them in Philly a few days later) and I totally get that. Whatever the reason for people being assholes is, I don’t really take it personally. They don’t know the full story of literally anything that happened, they’re just watching through a screen and making their own assumptions of before, after, and in between all these clips they’re seeing, and trying to find something to justify how they feel. The claims that I’ve been ‘stalking’ them or ‘overstepping boundaries’ are genuinely just funny to me when every place we’ve met them has been an event that was publicly posted to Instagram/Facebook well in advance.
(And I’m not gonna talk on Twitter about certain details of this, but I feel like I can probably disclose here that the Four Walls people approached me to tell me/give me things and not the other way around. Their socials dmed me, followed me, Rob followed me, etc. I had literally no sway in them choosing to do those things or introducing themselves to me in person and organically engaging in conversations with me.)
We want to share our interactions with RCG on social media because we think most people appreciate and enjoy their interactions with fans (and also the small amounts of Sunny info we got), and that’s it. I don’t need to share or brag about anything. I would be perfectly content keeping everything that happened this weekend to myself (I very much avoid otherwise sharing my face or voice on social media, so I genuinely have to overcome that insecurity to even be able to share these things), but we know the majority of fans like to see this stuff and that’s why we have been posting everything.
Your message (and others i’ve received) means a lot. I’m glad the majority of people are enjoying our interactions with them and I really appreciate the time you spend to send this ask, really! And I’ll be back to posting regularly scheduled actual Sunny content very shortly :)
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morningberriesao3 · 3 months
I just hit HALF A MILLION WORDS published on my AO3. It feels surreal?!?!?!? that I wrote that many words, and also a huge accomplishment as someone who picks up hobbies and abandons them before seeing them through LOL
Anyway, huge shoutout to everyone who reads my work, especially those who leave kudos and comments, and those who like and reblog here on tumblr, too. I’ve made a lot of friendships bc of this fandom and fic writing, and it’s been such a fulfilling hobby to fill my free time. (End Oscars speech)
Anyway, below the cut is an excerpt from my most recent fic, Love the Way It Hurts So Deep which is a part 2 to Hate the Way It Feels So Good. I mean, I posted it as a second chapter instead of it’s own fic, but it’s 17K words and was supposed to stand alone initially.
CW: enemies to lovers but they’re ACTUALLY enemies, a lot of dub con content even though i promise they both want what’s happening more than anything, violence, spit kinks, maybe even blood kinks?!?!? idk just think of all the sadist and masochist shit and stuff it into this fic and that’s what it is.
18+ only
For the hundredth time tonight, Eddie trails his eyes over Steve in appreciation. But his soul is shining through his irises again, and there’s something else hiding inside of him that Steve can’t put his finger on. “You gonna tell me who put their hands on you now?”
“No.” Steve shakes out his fuzzy head, tries to push through the fog inside of it. “I mean, you don’t know them. Seriously.”
Steve stares into Eddie’s face as his features crumple within it. A million different emotions flutter on it, but it ultimately lands on something that looks like outrage.
“They won’t bother me again,” Steve says, because he has the urge to calm Eddie down. Make him feel better—even though he wasn’t the one who was tortured in a secret Russian base. His words seem to work, just a little, as Eddie bites back whatever it was he was going to say, and starts to pull his boxers back off. “Why? Are you jealous?”
Steve snaps his lips shut a little too late, the question falling out of him before he has the chance to realize he doesn’t really want to ask it.
Eddie pauses for a few long seconds, his boxers shoved halfway down his thighs. His eyes tick up to Steve’s, rimmed in wide white, making them seem too large for his face. “Yes, Steve, I’m jealous.”
It sounds like sarcasm.
He kicks off his shorts, his hands rubbing the tight skin under his navel, then the patch of hair that Steve wants to bury himself in, then down to his balls. His fingers wrap around them, give them a tug.
Steve stares unabashed—he figures Eddie’s doing it for his sake, anyway. Touching himself—putting himself on display—so he can watch the way Steve turns dumb and the way his cock leaks against his abdomen. Proof that he’s too wildly affected by just Eddie’s presence, just the visuals, just the thought of their bodies rolling together.
His lips get loose again, like the Truth Serum is back in his system. “Because you care about me?”
The muscles feather on Eddie’s jawline. He slowly crawls onto the bed, between Steve’s legs. He hovers there, not quite low enough for their bodies to touch the way Steve wants, but his hair fans around the sides of Steve’s face as he cranes his neck down.
“Because I fucking hate you.” Eddie’s hand is suddenly around Steve’s neck, squeezing against his airways tight enough that Steve’s grip flounders against the blankets, enough that he gasps in shock, but also for the air that is evading him. “You made my life a living hell, Harrington. I’m jealous because I should have been the one to make you bleed.”
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golbrocklovely · 28 days
so i went to the mall today and my mall has a zumiez in it. i did in fact see snc's merch in there, which was interestingly surreal.
i'm still taken aback by how popular they are sometimes.
that being said, i need to set the scene for you.
first off, i haven't been inside of a zumiez since i was in high school. where i live and when i went to school, you didn't go in that store bc the workers were kinda douchey and literally would call you a poser for not being a skater/stoner kid. it was odd times in the early 2010s lol
plus i've never cared for the styling in that store so it's never been on my radar. but i went in. and… it was odd.
it was me and this young couple looking at shoes. next thing i noticed, dead fucking quiet. like no music at all playing. which was very odd bc it made it feel like i wasn't supposed to be in there.
snc's section was all the way in the back. i go, i see it, i sneak a pic. here's proof of that:
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then a worker, the only one btw, comes up to me and tells me "sam and colby's merch is selling like crazy"
this manlet of a guy comes over and starts talking to me. he kinda looked like argyle from stranger things, except white lol
we start talking and he very casually tells me that he actually met colby bc zumiez flied him out to some meeting thing for when snc were gonna drop their merch in stores, and he accidentally met him without realizing who he was. colby was nice and talked about how he was excited to drop xplr, and it wasn't until he (the worker) was telling the story to someone else, that that's when the person pointed out who he met.
he then said "those guys….. are very interesting". and it was in a bit of a tone of like amusement and questioning. i agreed with him on that one.
and then he asked me if colby got cancer from the conjuring house….
even in real life i can't escape that place lmao
i told him that no, he didn't get it from the house. he was already in remission when they went there. he said he thought he heard that that's where he got it from. and i said, "no. but some ppl think he got it from robert the doll. the haunted doll you're not supposed to make eye contact with or take pics of in florida."
midway thru me talking to him that couple came up and asked for some pair of shoes. fun fact, the guy was asking for like a size 7 or 8 shoe and i became extremely aware in that moment that i had bigger feet than that kid so… that's fun.
i wear a size 8.5 in mens, 10 in womens.
after that the guy asked "why would they make direct eye contact with the doll?" i said it's believed that if you do that bad things happen to you, then he said it's not worth it. i agree. and then i left.
i'm actually shocked at the idea that other ppl near me know of snc. i know that sounds bizarre but i've never met someone that liked them. well, i did have the one coworker years ago that thought colby was hot, and then someone in the supermarket pointed to my xplr hoodie and said they liked it. but other than those two random instances, i can't imagine what an snc fan even looks like lol
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junglejim4322 · 3 months
You seem down to earth and very cool. My question for you is how did you know Despairkomaeda?
That’s very sweet that yaw tho this was a wild thing to see in my inbox on a Wednesday afternoon 😭. So basically I NEVER knew him personally as in I was never friends with him though I knew people who were previously and got fucked up by him and I couldn’t stand him. One of my friends somehow got sucked in and indoctrinated into his lil cult and I didn’t really know how to deal with it, so I posted (verbatim I think) “why do all of you forget despairkomaeda is a rapist every other month”
I had a lot of followers at the time and it made its way back to my friend and him. Anyway here’s the climax of the story: he made a callout post for me (again we’d never talked privately) and said I was forcing him to go public with the fact he had DID (and I was ableist bc of it) and then proceeded to admit to everything he’d ever been implicated in confessed it was true and then said “his alter did it” and I was “blaming him for the actions of his alter”. And it actually went over well for him a lot of people took his side. This all sounds crazay but the climate of like 2013-14 tumblr was unmatchable.
His cronies had it out for me for years after. I did take like a 2 month break from tumblr after that cuz I was not doing well in general and they didn’t help but they were always lurking around the corner even when my thick skin calloused again and could handle getting sent gore cuz cult leader despairkomaeda didn’t like me
Anyway last I heard a couple years ago down the grapevine he’s potentially in prison? Completely a rumor but not surprising if true. Also his name is mel and he’s British and years older than everyone he ran with I think he was mid 20s when I was 17 lol. That’s all I got.
Wanna know what’s craziest is all this happened when 1. My dad had recently died 2. We couldn’t afford internet so I found it all out at the PUBLICCC LIBRARY COMPUTER. Surreal as fuck. Bye despairkomaeda you will rot in hell!
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galaxywhump · 1 year
if wren started begging for something during a torture session (a small break bc he feels like he's gonna be sick, or some water) would daniel grant that to him? or would it be situationally dependent?
I know you were probably expecting a straightforward answer, but your ask made a WIP happen, so here it is.
[SV-240 masterlist]
contents: forced relationship whump, slavery whump, creepy/intimate whumper, defiant whumpee, illness, non-graphic emeto, torture, knives, stress position, blindfold, creepy comfort.
Wren woke up feeling terrible.
It’s nothing out of the ordinary for him, but that morning he felt terrible in a different way. He felt ill; weak and slightly dizzy, shivering despite it not being cold in the house. He didn’t tell Daniel, even though he wanted nothing more than to be given medication, hot tea, and some peace and quiet. No, telling Daniel would also mean him being overly caring and doting, which was the last thing Wren wanted to deal with.
So he didn’t say anything, and then he learned that Daniel was in the mood for some handiwork with his favorite knife.
He still didn’t say a word when Daniel closed handcuffs on his wrists and attached them to a chain connected to a hook in the ceiling, forcing him to keep his arms outstretched and stand on his tiptoes. He didn’t say a word when Daniel put a blindfold on his eyes and earplugs in his ears. He just shuddered and gritted his teeth when the knife pierced his arm and was dragged downwards.
Just get through this, he thinks to himself while Daniel makes small, precise cuts around his shoulder blades in a pattern that only makes sense to him and his artistic vision. It’s not the first time.
But it’s the first time when he feels this awful during torture, and the position he’s in doesn’t help. His body is under so much strain, stretched out uncomfortably, he can barely stay upright, his arms hurt, his head hurts, everything hurts, and Daniel’s only adding more pain. He still feels dizzy despite the darkness - or maybe because of it - his face is covered in cold sweat, he starts feeling slightly nauseous. The blindfold is soaked with tears of frustration, he can hear his heartbeat way too clearly, it’s the only sound he hears, he feels horrible, he wants out, he wants this to end, he can’t handle this after all, but that means…
“Stop,” he mumbles weakly, shaking his head and whining when the pain from the cuts seems to intensify now that he’s not fully preoccupied with his illness. Talking with the earplugs in is an unpleasant, almost surreal experience, and he can only hope he’s actually saying something, that his voice isn't too weak. "Please stop."
But this is Daniel, so Wren can imagine him laughing at his begging, making a stupid comment promising that this will be over soon, sweetheart, but this isn't about that. He whimpers when the knife cuts into his back again.
"I'm serious, stop, I-I think I'm gonna be sick, I just need a break."
The knife disappears, and Wren swallows desperately, struggling to take a deep breath.
He flinches when he feels Daniel grip his arm - thankfully an undamaged part of it - and a moment later his wrists are released. Daniel catches him before he can collapse, unable to stay upright after the punishing position.
The earplugs are removed, and the blindfold follows. Wren winces and blinks, and when his eyes get used to something other than darkness, he sees Daniel's face, with worry written all over it.
"Are you still feeling sick?" he asks, and Wren nods.
Daniel wraps Wren's arm around himself to support him and leads him to the bathroom, where the nausea gets overwhelming. Daniel holds his hair back for him, not saying a word for now.
Wren closes his eyes, exhausted, and fuck does everything hurt, but mostly his arms and back now that he's moving again. He's trembling, getting up feels like an impossible task, and he's still crying, from pain and from his awful state, and he's not even mad at himself for it.
"Better now?"
"I think so," he mutters. Daniel lets go of his hair.
"I'll get you some water."
Wren nods, keeping his eyes closed, not daring to move an inch for fear of his body igniting with pain again and the room spinning.
Anxiety creeps up on him; nothing like this has ever happened before, and he doesn’t know what to expect from Daniel.
He comes back and hands Wren a glass of water, then sits down next to him, looking at him with a puzzled expression.
"What happened?" he asks.
"I think I'm sick." Wren stares down at the water, every breath causing his fresh wounds to shift and hurt even more. "I feel like shit, and… you just saw for yourself, I guess." He sighs. “So just get the session over with before it gets worse.”
Daniel firmly shakes his head, frowning.
“No. You need to rest. I’ll take care of your wounds and then you can lie down.” He pets Wren’s hair. “We can continue some other time.”
Wren huffs, shaking his head in disbelief.
“You do realize how fucked up that sounds, right?”
Daniel just chuckles in response. He does know. It changes nothing.
The knife will return in a few days, and yet Wren can’t help but be relieved as Daniel cleans and dresses his wounds, then gives him a shirt and carries him to the living room.
“I can carry you to the bedroom, if you’d like. Unless you prefer the couch.”
“Couch,” Wren mutters. The bed is more comfortable and the bedroom would offer more peace and quiet, provided Daniel leaves him alone, but he wants to stay out of there as much as he can, and the couch is too small for Daniel to lie down next to him.
As much as he hates the couch, he can’t deny that it’s comfortable, and in his exhaustion he practically melts into it. Daniel even brings him a blanket, which Wren curls up under, pulling it up to his neck.
“I’ll bring you some pills,” Daniel says, pressing his palm to Wren’s forehead; he clicks his tongue when he confirms that it’s unnaturally warm, and brushes Wren’s hair away from his face, making him wince. “Do you need anything else, sweetheart?”
“Rest,” Wren sighs, struggling to keep his eyes open. Now that he’s stopped ignoring it, his illness has decided to hit him with everything it’s got.
“Okay. I’ll fetch the pills and you can sleep after you’ve taken them, alright? Try to stay awake.”
Daniel leaves, and Wren wraps the blanket tighter around himself, blinking slowly, trying to fight his exhaustion off for a bit longer. Daniel is just as doting as he’d feared he would be, but… aside from his usual sweethearting it feels good to be taken care of, and to be listened to. The wounds still sting, a reminder of the torture he’d gone through and will go through again soon, but he can’t bring himself to care. He waits for his captor and torturer to come back with the medicine, and he has to remind himself not to thank him for this bare minimum of kindness, more than most of what he’s gotten throughout his life.
He wishes it wasn’t like this, moments of kindness and loving care juxtaposed with pain and tears and coercion; he knows how much Daniel enjoys doing this, being the sole source of both suffering and comfort.
He’s aware of so many mechanisms of his captivity, yet he’s powerless to fight them, forced to accept them, and all he can hope for is that all these processes won’t shape him into something else, whatever Daniel, whose smile is unnervingly genuine and fond when he enters the living room, wants him to be.
“Sleep well, sweetheart," Daniel says softly once Wren's washed the pills down with water. "I hope you’ll feel better when you wake up.”
“So you can torture me more?” Wren mutters, closing his eyes. 
Daniel’s lighthearted laughter keeps ringing in his ears long after he's fallen asleep.
taglist: @faewhump @inky-whump @whole-and-apart-and-between @whatwasmyprevioususername @procrastinatingsab @funky-little-glitter-bomb @goneuntil @redstainedsocks @luminouswhump @lonesome--hunter @as-a-matter-of-whump @renkocchi @whump-only @muddy-swamp-bitch @girlwithacoolcat @watermelons-dont-grow-on-trees @sophierose002 @whump-headspace @to-whump-or-not-to-whump @kixngiggles @ohwhumpydays @whumpvp @wibbly-wobbly-whump @stab-the-son-of-a @his-unspoken-words @pumpkin-spice-whump @onlyhappywhenitpains @suspicious-whumping-egg @morning-star-whump @burtlederp @there-will-always-be-blood
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astralfuchs · 2 months
Given how “unique” a Miku concert would be I’m surprised Crypton themselves didn’t send some team members or equipment personally to make sure things are set up right bc other than some performers that might hide their face/wear disguises idk how many usual concert locations have something prepped for “holo” projections compared to Japan and their Vtuber boom (although I’d rather buy a plushie from a booth but hopefully at least the theatres would have good sound quality)
Sucks for any workers scrambling and getting hate/hope it doesn’t affect the sales of any other indie ppl performing their concerts
The weird thing is it worked before. I went to miku Expo 2018 in cologne and 2020 in Berlin. Both times it was an actual hologram concert with the same band as magical Mirai. Neither of these two locations had a concert like this before, I'm pretty sure. All of the equipment must've been toured around with thew Miku Expo crew. Going against advertising and expectations (basically all of these concerts, and like all of them in recent years were holographic) without notifying buyers beforehand and also not even afterwards when people keep asking is, to put it lightly, customer unfriendly at best and a scam at worst.
I arrived a bit late in 2018 since I only had standard so I don't know how it was there, but in 2020 people went around giving out free stickers and badges, or general stuff they got from other miku events. One of them seemed to be a huge meiko fan so when she gifted me something I gave her the meiko badge I got from the random gacha button bags. Stuff like that really made it feel like a community coming together, so reading that giving out badges, stickers, etc. wasn't allowed this year, even for people who specifically got an okay from cfm and also got their stuff stolen from is surreal.
I had vip in 2020 and as far as I know everyone got their vip merchandise, which doesn't seem to be the case this year, which makes no sense because you would know how many people at this location have the vip ticket. Another thing I read is that vip ticket holders were supposed to be let in earlier for merchandise and the concert hall but it didn't happen, which also worked flawlessly before in my experience.
Merchandise being not enough for everyone is sadly not new, I was in line for it in 2018 and when I was three people away the store people shouted they were all sold out, which was very much a bummer but I thankfully bought the penlight and t-shirt beforehand in the online store so it wasn't too bad for me and as I said I was quite late to the so definitely in the latter half of the people that got in. Still should've been more but I would chalk it up to being the first concert in Europe and them not having expected such a huge crowd maybe. How this is still the case 6 years later and in America where there were concerts way before 2018 is beyond me.
I don't know if this is because of crunchyroll (it probably is tho) but I can't say cfm is innocent either since they partnered with them and it's their job to ensure everything is up to standard, which clearly didn't happen.
For me, I was really happy to hear there was going to be a Europe one again, especially since I really loved it, it is such a magical experience so the last year's being online only made me super sad since it isn't the same in the slightest, but seeing it's also partnered with crunchyroll I decided against it. It's because I loved it so much that it really saddens me to see what is currently going on (also probably why I wrote so much, very sorry). Miku Expo is one of the best, magical and insane events you can go to as a vocaloid/piaproloid fan and I wish for all fans, people who've been in the Fandom longer and already have been to Miku Expo, and newer fans that didn't have the chance yet, to have that same experience but this is not it. This being someone's first miku expo experience is just a sad thing to think about considering what a massive downgrade the experience is. I hope there will be official statements soon and that the people who are currently experiencing it still have a good time.
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gaylittlerichie · 18 days
i always rewrite scenes like 8 times (is it my Creative Process or is it My Ocd) so here is an original draft of eddie visiting richie’s window in crosseyed & painless! for no reason. purely bc it’s just sitting there
At 11 o’clock he’s laying upside down in bed, halfway through his assigned Crime and Punishment pages, when a sound like plates smashing comes from the open window. The little pierrot clowns on his curtains dance as they flutter slightly - he wonders if a pigeon’s tried to kill itself on the ledge. Rather than sitting up he tries to twist his head backwards like an acrobat or Regan from the Exorcist.
More fluttering, and a scuffling sound that’s quieter but also somehow closer. Then the curtains burst open and a figure falls in. Like, an entire human person. Richie screams.
The figure bellyflops onto his keyboard, which is now a free zone with the TV set unplugged and taken away. It sets off a horror-show chord sequence on the honky tonk setting. Then it slides heavily onto the carpet, with a decent amount of dirty laundry to cushion its fall. “Shit on my dick! Mary fucking Jane. Ow - OW!” It says in a voice which is Eddie Kaspbrak’s. “Oh, no no no…absolutely not…”
Eddie pings up so only his eyes can be seen beyond the foot of the bed. He holds his scruffy head like a concussed cartoon character, then, the second he locks eyes with Richie, immediately becomes razor sharp. “Well thank you so very much for leaving the window open literally six inches. Seriously thank you,” he heaves. “Do I look like a pipsqueak to you?!”
Despite being handed this crowning gag material, Richie is struck dumb. Somewhere in the terror of the last few seconds he’d lobbed his book across the room, and the sudden whip from painfully boring to bogglingly surreal has him kind of motion sick. “How in fresh Hell was I meant to -” he’s only just able to start, then Eddie’s simmering again.
“You could at least scoot your jockeys out of the way. Like, Jesus. One second I’m almost breaking both my ankles and then I’ve got a faceful of your dick cheese.”
“Since when were you even coming?!”
“Since I explicitly told you, on the phone.”
“I’m telling you that did not happen.”
Those flaring brown eyes goggle at him. “Yup. I said ‘I’m coming over Richie’, sort of, you know, implying I’d be coming over,” he says like he’s explaining traffic lights to a kindergartner. There’s the sound of him thumbing his pockets for his inhaler and then another of him taking a punctuating suck. “You know my mom sleeps at ten, then I’ve got to wait for her pills to kick in, then I’ve got to walk across town cuz she puts my bike in the garage and padlocks it. Meaning I’d be here at 11.”
Richie gestures theatrically as to describe just how little Eddie made any of this clear. Giving credit where it's due, he himself isn’t usually very clear when he sneaks in through Eddie’s window. He’ll pitch up at 2am whenever he’s had a nightmare old Thomas Magnum can’t fix and lunge for Eddie’s big soft lumbar pillow like he owns the place, one time doing so with such gusto he’d snapped one of the bed frame slats. He does at least have the courtesy to tap out ‘R-I-C-H-Y’ in Morse code before crawling in, but there’s no real time to moot any of this, because tonight he’s the one who can’t get a word in edgeways.
“You really outdid yourself with the whole choirboy thing, by the way. Telling my mother I’m meant to be working on a duet with ‘Simon’. She sat on my bed and made me perform it for her. I had to make up half the words to the First Eucharist,” Eddie grumbles.
Imagining this loosens something in Richie, surely, ‘cause he starts grinning. “I was thinking we’d do Like A Virgin but, like, a Weird Al kinda parody where it’s all about Mary Magdalen,” he says slowly. “I made it through the h-oooo-liness...”
“That’s not the right Mary. Also Weird Al already did that one. Haven’t you heard Like A Surgeon?”
“Do you breathe oxygen? Does Count Duckula eat his greens?” He readjusts his specs warily as Eddie stands up, like he’s about to get charged at. Wouldn’t be too far outside the realm of reality. “Bet your mom loved it though.”
“Obviously she did. I’ve got the voice of a fuckin’ nightingale.” Eddie hovers at the edge of Richie’s rumpled twin bed, asking for permission to sit on it without words, in a way that reminds Richie eerily of his vampire comics. One of the many benefits of having America’s most expressive face. Richie’s more of a physical guy, so says ‘I let you in’ by flattening to the duvet and rolling over like a dog showing its belly. Eddie rolls his eyes and clambers up. He steps on Richie’s head towel - “move it, Smurf,” - then sits on his hand - “OW, fuck!” Richie has to squeeze himself right up to the wall to make space, and even then it’s still elbow-y and claustrophobic, but they’re both used to this.
The only light on is a Lite Brite with a peg-picture of a monkey on it (Richie’s eyesight is already over the hill so why not live a little), so before Eddie had just been a dim, angry shadow. Now that he’s close it’s revealed in the glow that he has a black eye. Not a real shiner or anything, but it’s swollen and faintly heathery-colored.
Richie, naturally, grabs at it. “Dr. Asten, geddin here with your ice, lickedy-speed. This little boy’s got a jammy!” He croons in a barely recognisable Quincy voice.
Eddie swats him away like a fly, making a high-pitched ‘eegghh’ noise. “You’re a little boy. It’s nothing,” he snips.
“Did you do it climbing up here?”
“No, ages ago. You’d know if you hadn’t been pretending to be dead all week.”
“Did Romero kick your ass?”
“Doug Romero wishes he could beat me up. You should see the other guy. Like, genuinely Richie, you should actually see him. He has to whisper all the time for three weeks so his bronchial tubes don’t ‘sustain long term damage’.” Eddie smacks a fist to his palm.
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bizarrelovesquare · 2 years
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More of my pictures from seeing the SpongeBob Musical!!! gonna talk all about it but I’m putting it under the cut because I have so much to say~
So!! I’d been waiting several years for this and still can hardly believe it finally happened! I had tickets to see the national tour in 2020, but it shut down before they got to our tour date. There aren’t a lot of community theaters in the area I live in, so I didn’t really have a lot of hope that the few within a day’s driving distance would put this on anytime soon, but! It happened! It was a pure stroke of luck that we even found out about it—my dad happened to see it being covered on the news. I got tickets last minute for my sister and me, and I’m so glad we were able to go!
I always like to talk about all the unique things about performances I see live, so here’s my favorite things about this one:
before the show, they had background music from the cartoon playing over the speakers, and my sister and I were quoting things from episodes on the exact beats that the lines were said
Bikini Bottom Day was surreal, because I had this feeling of “holy shit this is finally happening right in front of my eyes??” the whole time. I tried (and failed) to hold back tears throughout the whole number, I was subtly doing the motions to the pledge along with them, all that good stuff
every time there was about to be a Plankton scene, I would like, sharply inhale, and my sister made fun of me about it at intermission and asked if I realized I was doing it lol
PLANKTON AND KAREN LOOKED SO COOL (I posted pics that I took of them after the show, I’ll reblog them again bc I posted them super late that night) Plankton’s wig was actually green and had this one little ponytail on top like an antenna, and his jacket was knee length and the more I think about it, it might actually be my favorite?? Y’all know broadway!Plankton is my man, but if I personally was designing a humanized Plankton, I would have definitely gone with a long jacket like this one. Karen’s glasses lit up around the edges, and it looked so cool during the scheming scenes when everything’s all dark with the green evil lighting
some of the choreography was a bit different, and in “No Control” some of the characters are climbing on rolling ladders and being pushed around, and Plankton was at the top of one and moving in such a way that can only be described as slutty, lol. Also, the red lighting in this number looks so cool irl!
Patrick had the BEST energy, I wanna be best friends with him
during “BFF,” SpongeBob jumped onto Patrick’s back and just stayed piggyback like that for the first half of the second verse
when they’re all at the town meeting and Squidward goes to suggest putting on his musical, Plankton did this exasperated “oh god” and it caught me so off guard that I did this awful bark-laugh
Larry said “cowabummer”
“Just A Simple Sponge” sounds so good live. I can’t explain it. The emotion just hits even harder.
in “Hero is My Middle Name” PATRICK actually did the cartwheel instead of SpongeBob and Sandy! I love that for him
in “I’m Not A Loser” the anemones had silver sequin jackets instead of pink, and it was absolutely a look
THE BIG GUY SCENE <3333 instead of being center stage, Plankton and Karen were at the top of the stairs (the stairs on the left in the third pic) so their proximity to each other made it feel more intimate to begin with,  and their kiss was longer than the ones in all of the recordings I’d seen before, and Karen was smiling as they kissed 🥺 I love my chaotic villain couple, also god I wish I was Karen I will play her someday
when Plankton realizes everyone’s alive, he actually lifts up his eyepatch to get a better look
after Plankton tries to blame Karen for the avalanche plan and they argue, Karen grabs onto Larry’s arm and kinda starts flirting with him, and Plankton LOSES HIS MIND! he’s in shock and starts gesturing to Perch next to him like “you see this shit???” and Perch just rolls his eyes and walks away. Mind you, this is happening after other characters have started talking again, so most of the attention was on them instead, and I honestly think my sister and I were the only ones paying attention to these guys instead, and we were LOSING IT XDDD I mentioned to Karen’s actress after the show that I thought it was hilarious, and she said it’s something she and the other actors involved kinda came up with because they were next to each other so why not go for it XD
AT THE END WHEN THEY’RE PLAYING THE INSTRUMENTS, Patrick actually came onstage with a huge mayonnaise jar, beating it with a wooden spoon, and then he opens it and starts eating it, and then he shares it with Plankton
I’ll probably remember more things and add them, but these were definitely my favorite parts! Seeing this musical in person is such a huge thing to have crossed off my bucket list. Starring in it is the next goal, but I’ve got to work on helping get a community theatre group started in my town, which is something that we’re actually hoping to achieve within the next couple of years after the lady in charge finds someone who can be a director! This musical means so much to me, and my love for it over the past few years has led me to some pretty awesome things in my life--finally being brave enough to learn to sing, being inspired to pick back up on pursuing all the arts hobbies I’d abandoned, then getting a job that sometimes involves singing and playing music, and the story itself inspiring me to find joy in my life again a few years ago. Seeing it in person was so worth the wait, and I hope to see many more productions of it in the future!
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bluesandboos · 1 year
HI THAT ANON WAS ME i have no idea why i sent it on anon actually 😭
I LOVE the long posts so this will probably be long as well <3 waking up to muchachos sounds like the best thing ever omg DONT APOLOGIZE FOR YOUR SCREAMING I WAS DOING THE SAME AT HOME OMG i kept seeing videos of people at those screens, i cant imagine what it was like to actually be there 😭 the baby in front of you sleeping through the whole thing 😭❤️
i have no memories period of di maria's goal i was literally floating my way through that match and i will NEVER sit through it fully again (except certain parts obv)
that song's this one! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YTnRlJTusME it's prob my favorite tbh it's just so catchy!!
I literally don't remember that save either, everyone was talking about it afterwards but my hands were literally still shaking from the match in general, i saw it on instagram. i don't even remember most of the shootout but SOMOS TODOS MONTIEL I DIDNT EVEN KNOW WHAT IT MEANT AND IT STILL GAVE ME CHILLS THE FIRST TIME I HEARD IT
going to gardens and getting only honking sounds about right and a very specific, but no less valid vibe of its own 👍 literally every time i see pictures or videos of the celebrations, even now, i am in actual awe over the amount of people that turned out and celebrated (obviously lol) before the parade even and even more during it!! someone told me the dibu burger is actually super good, im genuinely dying to try it it looks great 😭 that image is so funny though, argentina won the wc and people are lining up to buy the dibu's burger as they should!! the store owners were either worried about crowds or they shut down to go celebrate themselves lbr 💀
the newspaper!!! gloria eterna thats beautiful stuff!!!! and the goat chips omg, pls dont apologize i am loving the visual aspect of this i've been watching celebration videos non-stop bc i watched so many after they won that its all my instagram recommendations show me anymore. https://mobile.twitter.com/PLF_2008/status/1606926273833467905 this is my favorite <3
i'm so glad you had fun it seems like such a surreal experience and thank you so much for these answers and videos!!!!❤️
OMG HI HI HI thank you for enjoying my rambles <3333 it was so nice to go through it all again, ugh i miss it so much
the baby was built different. i KNOW he's gonna hear it when he gets older about how he fell asleep during the 2022 wc final when argentina became campion del mundo. literally the greatest match of all time and he knocked.
di maria's goal, once i re-watched the highlights and actually registered what was happening, is literally the sexiest thing i've ever seen. the loss of possession, the build up, the quick passes. A TEAM GOAL FR. but whenever i re-watch highlights i can only watch argentina's goals. i have to fast-forward through the penalties that france gets and mbappe's goal; it upsets me too much lmao
also after di maria's goal, people were chanting his name and the camera's were showing how he was crying after he scored and i was just so happy for him <333 also afterwards, I read this article (https://www.theplayerstribune.com/articles/angel-di-maria-argentina-english) and it just made me even more happy that he got a goal in a wc final + won the wc.
ole ole ola is a BANGER omg argentines only coming up with bangers confirmed ty for the link :))
i ended up getting a dibu burger at the airport!!! 10/10 would eat again, my man dibu only comes out with quality content, on and off the pitch.
ppl were wasted af lmao one drunk man came up to my dad (who does not speak a lick of spanish) and was literally in tears trying to hug him and my dad was just like "sir, it's okay, you won, it's okay" (in english, mind you)
for real though, i legit think about how lucky i was to be there and experience it all every single day. and i get a nice reminder every day because my social media is ALSO ALL FOOTBALL now. my tiktok for you page still shows me edits ("the little boy from rosario" lives rent free in my head) and i obviously have to watch every time. although i can't re-watch the 120' minute save because it literally gives me anxiety that it's going to go in this time (even though it's literally over).
that tweet omg :))) im just so happy not only for the players but for the PEOPLE, the way that they loved that team and suffered through all the finals and losses. no one else deserved it more. i love seeing the abuelas dancing in the street and the songs about them- makes me so happy :)
it was so surreal. top memory of life. thank you again for asking and sitting through my rambles and content dump <3
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lemonlushff-iy · 4 years
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Do you want to play a game?
You do? Good.
You know how these games work if you’ve ever seen one of Clearwillow’s...but game rules are HERE since it’s slightly different! I hope this is fun for people...that was my goal! And I hope you catch the “Easter Eggs” in it. I’m curious how many people will find them all. 
I’ll post everything once it’s done on FFN and AO3, and you can catch what I’m doing for @clearwillow‘s game early on my Patreon HERE! (It might be more smut...It might be fluff. WHO KNOWS! It will be OLR related...and it will go up as soon as it’s finished!)
Special thanks to @underwater0phelia​ for kink help and @clearwillow​ for additional edits...and the IYFF BC for brainstorming! Art by @clearwillow​ for @eringobroke​ - used and edited with permission. 
And now without further ado... The first treat (aka, the “freebie”).
Starting Fires
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters from the Inuyasha universe.
"Inuyasha, stop," Kagome giggled, trying to wriggle out of his hold as he pressed wet kisses up her neck. "I don't want to burn your bacon…"
"It's just bacon," he reasoned, his hands sliding up under her shirt. Or should he say his shirt? Fuck...there wasn't a better sight in the world than his best friend...his best girl...Kagome...Wearing his shirt in their kitchen in their house. Now that he had her again, he weren't never letting go of her. "I don't mind eating something else for breakfast."
"You will when your stomach is rumbling later," she blushed, grabbing his hands and pulling them down, his fingers grazing over the lace fabric of her panties. "Behave yourself and go grab a cup of coffee."
"I'd rather grab your—"
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She reprimanded, flipping the bacon in the pan. He placed a gentle nip to the side of her neck before moving away from her, a disappointed pout on his lips.
"Fine. But let it be known that I'm doing it under protest," he grumbled, moving to his cabinet to pull out a mug.
"Your protest has been duly noted, Sir," she teased, turning away from the stove to pick up her own cup of coffee. She brought it to her lips, sipping from it as she watched Inuyasha pour himself some. Their life together felt so surreal still. It felt strange to wake up in their house and cook them breakfast.
But it was a good kind of surreal.
The kind where she found herself pinching her arm to make sure it wasn't all some crazy dream. This was their life. And...she loved it.
"Mmm," he moaned, taking a sip from his cup. "As good as ever, Kags," he grinned toothily, and she risked entering his personal space to press another kiss to his lips.
"Glad you like it," she replied, running away from him again when he moved to squeeze her ass. She removed their bacon and eggs from the pan as a text message chimed on both of their phones, and Inuyasha raised a brow in curiosity. She watched him slide his thumb across the screen, before muttering out a low "Huh" as he read the text.
"What is it?" she asked, picking up their plates and placing them onto the island.
"See for yourself," he shrugged, placing the phone down next to her plate. "It's from Sango."
That already piqued her curiosity. Kagome picked up the phone, leaning over the countertop as she read it.
"Hey Guys!" She began aloud. "Miroku and I decided to throw a Halloween party this year. We know it's a bit last minute, but we were hoping you guys could come since you aren't heading back out to California like you thought. Let us know if you can make it! Trying to plan in terms of food. Love you!"
"Love you too," he grinned, and she couldn't stop the shy smile even if she wanted to. She didn't think she would ever get tired of hearing that again from him. The words were like a balm to her soul.
"What do you think?" Kagome asked, handing him his phone back as he began digging his fork into his eggs.
"Up to you," he shrugged. He really didn't care either way. He was just glad he didn't have to go out to California with her. Though, to tell the truth, he wouldn't have minded. They could have had a night in...just the two of them...And he was always a fan of nights in with her. But..."We can go. I know you wanna…"
It was true too. He had seen the way her eyes lit up when she was reading that message. The way she was practically bouncing on the balls of her feet. Kagome didn't want to spend the night in. She wanted to spend her first Halloween back in Montana at a party with old friends.
He shrugged.
"Don't matter either way. I'm fine going. I'm fine staying home and fucking ya seven ways from Sunday."
"What! It's tha truth," he replied with a smirk. "And you can't tell me ya don't like the sound of it," he continued, running his tongue over his fangs. The cute little blush he pulled from her was worth it.
"Well...How about a compromise?"
He paused, lifting his brow in curiosity.
"Go on…"
"What if we went to the party...Just for an hour or two...and then afterward we can come home and have sex? Oh! We can even wear couple's costumes again!"
The phrase couples costume made his butt clench so tight he could probably twist off a beer cap with his cheeks.
"I'll agree to go to the party...but not the couple's costume."
"But Yash," she whined, coming around the island to take his hands. "That's part of the fun…"
"I'll wear something slutty?"
"N—" He began, ready to tell her no again when his brain processed her offer. "Keep talking."
"I'll wear something slutty and sexy?"
"...Uh-huh...And what else?"
"...And you get to take it off of me?"
He almost said yes...but he was a greedy fucker. He was probably gonna take it off of her even if she hadn't offered that.
"Do I get to do more than that?"
"You mean other than wear a matching outfit?"
"I do."
"Well," she began, tilting her head to the side and pursing her lips in thought. "I'm assuming that sex is a given…"
"But you can say it anyway, and make it interesting," he shrugged. If he was going to get roped into this...because he was going to say yes, because he loved her...then he wanted to squeeze as much as he could out of this.
"Ok...If you do it, sex is on the table...and I'll also add you picking the place and position," she decided, causing his eyes to light up.
Place and position huh?
"Well...In that case Darling, you've got yourself a deal!"
Her childlike squeal and the way she giddily clapped her hands, bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet, made him feel like he made the right decision.
"Now let's talk costumes…"
He groaned, shaking his head and digging his fork into the eggs on his plate.
Then again...Maybe not…
He let her prattle on for a while, running different ideas past him...But he knew that it ultimately wouldn't matter. He was going to give in to whatever she wanted. If she wanted him to go as a hot dog, and she was going to be a bottle of mustard? That was what was going to happen. Wasn't sure how she could make it sexy...but sure. Her call. Prince and Princess? No fighting it. Batman and Catwoman…
It had piqued his interest, but she almost instantly changed her mind. The cowl would be uncomfortable for his ears.
So, she decided on a fireman and a dalmatian. He looked over at her phone when she held up a picture of the costume she had found for him and sighed.
"That's what you want?"
It didn't look too bad. And it looked like he could maybe get away with just wearing the pants. He was going to have to be sneaky about it though...He could do just a t-shirt and those pants.
"Please?" she beseeched, batting her long lashes at him. "It will be so cute! And you'll look so good!"
He tilted his head to the side, and she chewed the inside of his lip as she watched him roll her suggestion around in his head. She really liked the fireman outfit. She thought it would be fun! And he would look good in it too...She could already picture him slowly taking off the jacket to reveal his bare torso...the suspenders holding up his pants hanging limply at the sides as he slowly peeled himself out of—
"—What are you thinking about Kagome?"
She looked up at his face and saw him looking at her, a smirk stretching his lips as he limply held the phone, leaning down across the island.
"N-nothing," she blushed, swiping out to grab the phone from him, but he pulled it away from her at the last second.
"Nu-uh. I can smell it when you're lying…and I can smell it when you're—"
She insisted, grabbing the phone from him this time, and his grin turned predatory.
"Ain't nothing, or you wouldn't be smelling like that," he countered cheekily before his gaze began to darken. "Ya know...You don't have to keep that bottled up…"
"Inuyasha," she warned as he straightened, running his carefully filed and declawed fingers along the island countertop as he slowly came around to her side.
He was ignoring her, however.
"Kagome," he replied, closing in on her in just a few short strides. "Were you thinking about me in that fireman outfit?"
Sometimes she swore he could read her mind.
"Liar," he purred, placing his hands onto the granite top on either side of her hips. He had effectively trapped her...and he was looking at her like prey.
It made her swallow because her mouth was suddenly dry. And made her lower abdomen heat. The intensity and desire in his gaze...the slight glint of fang in the morning light…
Fucking hell...She wanted to be his prey. Wanted to be captured and eaten and...eaten…
He inhaled deeply, his eyes rolling to the back of his head as he lowly moaned, "Fuck Kags…"
"W-what," she swallowed, and his smirk widened into a fangy grin before his lips crashed into hers.
I WILL ONLY DO THIS WALL OF TAGS ONCE! All future treats will be completely hidden under cuts so I don’t spam everyone’s timeline with in your face kink!
@clearwillow, @keichanz, @dangerouspompadour, @nartista, @kaze-ranna, @superpixie42, @sticky-llama-perfection, @pinkpigeonstudio, @mcornilliac, @itzatakahashi, @zelink-inukag, @juliatheanimelover7, @i-dream-of-soup, @smmahamazing, @the-lucky-ones311, @cyncyn981, @animemomma96, @ayari17, @underwater0phelia, @sailorbabydoll92, @l-taisho29, @animelove1313, @littlemissinukag​, @gofoulpuppycollector, @umacaking, @chanin29​,  @willowandfog​, @lebiishoujo​, @theinuyashareader​, @bluejay785​, @irrationalandimpossible​, @cstorm86​, @ruddcatha​, @desiree239​, @littledaisy91​, @liz8080​, @cannibalsforbreakfast​, @horriblehowl​, @arcprz​, @daisy-st-pati3nce​, @senneth-pendra​, @nsr0716​, @eringobroke​, @kagometaishostory​, @thisshipisbananahs​, @sunsetskys​, @ajoy3fanfics​, @sangoslays​, @v0dka-cat​, @cloudsz04​, @lavendertwilight89​, @yurawiththegoodhair​, @saturnsilence​, @lavaffair​, @blairex​, @fawn-eyed-girl​, @fandomobsessions016​, @neutronstarchild​, @preciouslyours​, @kalsies​, @shnuggletea​, @ladyphoenix0711​, @littlestuffstohide​
See you at 500 notes!!
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whosjunglejim4322 · 4 years
Best friends brother!Johnny
Warnings: voyeurism, jerking off, blonde johnny bc yes this is a fair and just warning, spitting, inexperienced (of age) reader, finger fucking, teary eyed orgasm
You know it's wrong, on so many levels. You should retreat back to the room, should leave him to do whatever it is he's doing. But it's as if he did it on purpose, cracking his door open after hearing your footsteps and rummaging downstairs as you fixed yourself a glass of water.
It had been closed when you passed previously, warm light illuminated underneath the door, from somewhere inside his room.
There's always been a...tension, for lack of better term, between the two of you for about two years now. It's incredibly hard to not seem so obvious around him, with his plush pink lips and tall, lithe frame. He'd purposely make eye contact with you during dinners or movies, just to watch you squirm and look away, cheeks hot.
Its not fair, he carries a tangible aura around him, the type that makes your belly warm and heat spread throughout your inner thighs. Maybe it's a crush, or simply just you, being irrationally attracted to a man who's pretty and definitely has big dick energy.
But still, you can't ignore the voice of reason that echoes in the back of your head as you fight the urge to sneak a peek, having heard soft, but purposeful expletives in a low voice that could only be his.
It's not even necessarily panick that you feel, inching closer and closer on the tips of your toes, your brain filled with vivid, fever inducing images of what he could possible be doing, even if it's already blatantly obvious.
A part of you wants to rationalize, but the other half has not even a hint of doubt that he's doing it on purpose, a cruel punishment of some sort.
Tonight he'd caught you staring a bit too hard, a bit too shamelessly. Your bestfriend and their parents were engrossed in a coversation after dinner, you and Johnny on opposite ends of the long grey couch.
He was wearing a black tee that fit snug around his biceps in an unmissable way, slim grey sweats on his bottom half that allowed his thick thighs, among other things, to be seen clear as day when he sat down.
As always, your gaze gravitated towards him like a magnet, pupils wide as you divulged in raking over his entire figure. From his tousled, and recently dyed golden hair, to his elegant yet sharp profile, and then lower. And lower. You were confident enough that everyone else was too distracted to notice, that he too was engrossed in the conversation being had.
But then you felt it, his eyes, burning holes into you. This time, when you met eachothers stare from where you were sat, something deranged and idiotic inside of you decided that you wouldn't look away this time, that if he wanted to play this game with you as he seemingly had been for the past couple years, that you'd play along too.
Something about it felt oddly safe, like, what? Your bestfriends older brother is going to rat you out and tell everyone that you're staring at him? Not likely.
So, you glanced from his lips and then back to his hooded eyes, something inside of him whirring at the small but obvious notion.
To your surprise, he was the first one to break. You had almost gasped, as if the whole time you'd been in a trance and forgotten where you were, who he really is. He cleared his throat, running his slim fingers through the front of his hair before standing, quickly.
"Feeling tired, gonna go to bed early."
He'd stated, politely yet in a manner that felt all too unusual in comparison to his usually steady, confident tone. No one else seemed to notice, but you definitely did. You felt stupid, staring at his broad back as he trotted to his room.
Once he was at the top of the staircase, you could have sworn he threw you a glance over his shoulder.
He didn't leave the room after that, and now here you are, being severely unhinged and deciding that it's a good idea to listen closely, and eagerly, to the pants coming from behind his door.
Maybe you're letting your fantasies get the best of you. What if he's not even doing that? As unpleasant as it is to think, what if all this time you've just been this hormonal mess around a person who is just existing as the sexy and somewhat flirty man that he is?
Afterall, he is effortless in nearly everything he does, it's not like it's hard for him to capture the attention of others. Maybe he's weirded out, what if it's all just in your hea-
"Fuuuck, Y/N."
Your eyes go wide, heart pounding so loudly you're almost scared he might hear it. You feel like every nerve in your body has been struck with a live wire.
There's no fucking way.
But then he moans again, louder this time, and you find your inhibitions almost completely disappearing as you saunter in the dark to a position where you can peek inside to get a clear look.
Nothing prepares you for the sight, not the thoughts your subconcious conjures up on nights where the need to relieve yourself becomes overwhelming.
He's so pretty, his head thrown back against his headboard, heart shaped lips parted and eyebrows furrowed in concentration. You don't even pay attention to what he's doing yet, too focused on the way his adams apple bobs as he swallows, the shape of his jaw.
But it's impossible to ignore the way his bicep is flexing under his minisrations, leading your eyes south to where his large hand is gripping the base of his thick shaft.
He's big, the tip slightly darker than the rest, almost plum in hue. You can't take your eyes off of his long fingers, the way they're wrapped around his dick. You wonder how it would feel if it were you, jerking him off like this, being the source of his guttural groans.
It's just all so filthy, the sounds, the way he pulls his bottom lip between his teeth.
You feel slick between your thighs, overwhelmed at the sight of his manhood that surpasses any and every expectation that your daydreams have created, deciding to watch his face again and tuck the memory of his lewd expressions into the back of your mind for later use.
But it's as if your heart stops, when you lift your gaze to see that he's already staring right at you, eyes lowly lidded and indescribably dark as he continues to jerk himself off.
It feels surreal, like maybe this is all a dream and you'll wake up soon and greet him in the kitchen during breakfast or something and all of this will just be another reason to be overwhelmingly nervous around him.
But it is real, in fact you're sure of it because that's his voice, clear and resonant calling your name, beckoning you with a lascivious, yet welcoming cadence.
"Come here."
Your feet move on their own accord, brain not yet in sync with your body, still trying to comprehend the fact that this is all really happening.
You know you look nervous, bewildered as you step into his room, a room you've seen and snuck into many times before with your bestfriend to steal vinyls from his collection. Except now, said bestfriends older brother is stroking his dick while you suddenly rethink being so overly confident earlier tonight.
You instinctively close the door, too worried about someone seeing despite the fact that your bestfriends room is on the other side of the house, his parents on the first floor.
You realize as soon as it clicks shut, that you've solidified it; whatever is about to happen. Though you're not as scared as you thought you'd be, more so fascinated and unbearably aroused as you approach him where he's sat on the bed.
He pats the space between his legs, just below his knees as to not make you apprehensive or nervous. You do so, eyes wide with curiosity and exhilaration. You fold your legs underneath yourself, heart hammering from behind your ribcage as you sit.
"You know," He begins lowly, hand still wrapped around his hard cock, stroking slowly, as if he has all the time in the world. As if this whole thing is as casual as eating dinner together. "It's rude to work me up so much and then not even say hello while you're spying on me."
Your cheeks burn, gut twisting with a mixture of arousal and embarassment. You look everywhere but his eyes, knowing they're on you, examining your every expression.
"I-I'm sorry I wasn't trying to spy, I just heard you and-"
He interrupts with an amused chortle, loving every minute of your shy fidgeting.
"And what? Just had to look, huh? I knew you would, always had eyes for me," He states in a manner that has your sex throbbing between your legs. "You were really bold tonight, I mean look how hard you made me baby, could barely stand it."
You can't resist peering up at him through your lashes now, his countenance hungry and full of desire; it almost has you whining, the source of your sexual frustration sitring right in front of you professing that you're the reason his dick is being fisted in his palm.
"I didn't even know that you thought of me like that, to be honest."
He chuckles, head cocking to the side ever so slightly.
"I do, I have for a while now, after I knew for sure that you felt the same way. You think you're so slick, staring at me like that."
His hand quickens in pace and you finally find some courage within yourself, his admittance leaving you slightly breathless but the comfort of his room and the quiet of the house allowing for an appropriate atmosphere.
As appropriate as this could be.
"Johnny, I want to touch you."
It almost comes out as a whisper, you can see him swallow.
"Go ahead baby, you can touch me."
Your fingertips trace the inside of his thighs before you hesitantly grasp his dick in your hands, disbelief clouding your senses at the realization of what's happening, and that it can't be taken back now. Not that you want it to.
You take mental notes of the moment, the softness of his golden skin, the slight stickiness of his precum and the curve of his length. It's so pretty upclose.
His own hand is suddenly wrapping around yours, dwarfing it completely as he shows you the pace he enjoys, the contact causing you to squeeze your thighs together.
"Just like that," He bites down on his plump bottom lip, a flutter of heat suddenly rushing between your legs. "Have you ever done this before?"
He removes his hand but keeps it close to yours, allowing you to work as you shake your head in a silent confession.
"Are you okay with this? Really?"
You both regard eachother with a shared gaze, the softness of his voice giving you more butterflies than you'd like to admit.
"Yes, yes I'm really okay with it."
At this you pick up the pace, twisting your hand in the same manner you saw him demonstrate earlier, taking pride in the groan that leaves his throat. You feel like you're on fire, but in a good way.
"Y-You moaned my name earlier." You state, free hand wandering over the thighs you've dreamt of riding, and over his agile hips. His skin is silky.
He hums in admittance, cock twitching.
"I was thinking about you, about this. I've been cumming to the thought of you more often recently."
Your surprise must be written all over your face, his arm reaching out towards you, smooth knuckles caressing your sweltering cheek.
More often, as in, he's done it before. As in, you haven't been the only one fantisizing. It feels like your head is spinning.
"You're really so clueless, don't even realize how fuckin' horny you make me."
He bucks into your fist, your senses becoming overwhelmed. It's the arousal fogging your brain that finally leads you to speaking more than just a few words per sentence.
"I just wasn't sure, I spend more time than I'd like to admit thinking of all the things I want you to do to me, all the things I want to do to you," Your palm twists over his tip, his mouth slightly agape as he listens with rapt attention.
"Your dick is much prettier in person, you should feel how wet I am right now."
It feels as if you've just run a mile, out of breath. A bead of pearlescent precum cascades down his frenulum.
"Can I?" He asks, the strain in his rough voice evident. You nod eagerly, gasping as he suddenly reaches out and clasps his large hands just under your arms, to pull you onto his lap, sitting you on his thighs.
"Open your hand for me sweetheart."
You do as he asks, worked up beyond belief and even more so as he purses his lips and spits into your palm.
You're gripping him again as he cups your pussy through your leggings, middle finger tracing your slit through the thin material. It's a foreign feeling, having someone else touch you so intimately; you're not prepared for the surge of desire that washes over you.
He senses this in the way your wrist slows, rythym faltering just slightly. You pick it back up as he slips his hand past your waistband, the warmth of his digits against your slick folds all too much to bear.
You let out a soft mewl, and he slips his middle finger inside of your warm, welcoming walls, sucking in air through his teeth as your slick coats the digit.
He begins to thrust into you in time with the pace you stroke his cock, the sticky sounds of your wetness driving him more wild than it does when he's picturing it inside of his head.
The moment is so vivid, for both if you. His fingers are so much longer than your own, skilled and curling inside of you as his middle digit nudges your cervix. The pressure of him rubbing your sweet spot has you barely holding your eyes open.
"Feels good, sweetheart? You like when I finger fuck you?"
You're fully in it now, senses overtaken with a yearning, a need. You're already so gone yet irrevocably present, the depravity in his voice causing a knot of desire to swirl in the pit of your abdomen.
"Y-Yes I love your fingers J-John- oh!"
You hiccup your words as he adds another finger, his eyes glossed over with astonishment at how wet you are, coating his silver rings and soaking his palm.
"You love em' huh?" He uses his free hand to wrap around your throat, gently but firmly, forcing you to look down at him. The knot of his eyebrows and the parting of his lips is enough to have you twitching around him.
You're using your fist to fuck just his tip now, as you've noticed even despite the haze of your arousal how he's more sensitive there. You wonder if he's as close as you are, as he suddenly pulls you down to his parted lips, pressing your mouth to his.
This feeling is different, it's blissful in an agonizing way. Your body is tingling all over, the pleasure reaching a sweltering peak. He pulls back but doesn't move his lips from yours, delivering slow and sloppy pecks as he speaks.
"I want you to fucking cum, show me what you do when you touch your little pussy to the thought of me."
It feels like you might cry, the sob you let out never reaching past your lips as he places his palm over your mouth; fingers fiercely fucking you through your orgasm. You notice he's cumming too when spurts of warmth drip down your fingers.
Still, he's so focused on you, the way you're writhing. Nothing will ever compare to this.
"Shh shh, that's it baby let it go, fucuuuck-" he grits through his teeth, unbearbly handsome face blurry through the tears that threaten to spill from your eyes.
Your thighs tremble atop his lap, his cock half hard and still in your hands. He slips his fingers from you and brings them to his mouth, tongue lapping at your release.
It has you twitching, underwear almost soaked through.
He finally removes his palm from your mouth just to kiss you again, sweetly and with a softness that gives you whiplash.
"I think I'm gonna steal you, from now on." He mumbles, after the two of you finally catch your breath. You can feel the corners of his mouth lift as you hum in agreement.
"Guess I'll have to stay the night more often." You reply, nibbling on his plump bottom lip. You can hardly believe any of this really just happened.
He grasps your jaw.
"Only if I can have you again for breakfast."
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coraskeeper · 3 years
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 ⤑ 𝘥𝘪𝘳𝘵𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘴 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘢 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴 𝘴/𝘰
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⤑ ft: shinsou, tamaki, kirishima, denki, fem!r
⤑ warnings: facesitting, unprotected seggs (don’t try this at home), choking, oral(m&f receiving), dumbification, slight femdom themes (only for tamaki), mastrubation, crying, use of the word cock bc it makes me giggle
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⤑ file type: scenarios, smut
⤑ wc: 2.3k
⤑ an: def wanna write a whole shinsou smut now :’)
⤑ last edited: 1.25.21
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⤑ 𝘦𝘪𝘫𝘪𝘳𝘰 𝘬𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘮𝘢
his obsession with his best friends girlfriend started out innocent 
he wouldn’t say he was in love with you, more like a kiddie crush 
just wanting to be around you and that heart warming presence of yours all it took was for you to simply ask him how he was or, what he wanted to do saying that his opinion mattered just as much as anyone else 
it might’ve been then he fell for you, your interest in him was genuine, not many people cared much for his input on anything really 
not that he minded- it just felt nice, to know that someone had what he would think in mind
he liked you and if he ever got the chance he’d give you the world, but your world was bakugo and he respected that
but all it took was walking in on you and bakugo getting hot and heavy for his thoughts of you to become way less than innocent 
bakugos large hands splayed across your bare ass cheeks as he helped you move up and down along his shaft
your chest pressed into his as you released the most heavenly moans he’d even heard in his life 
your wavering whines telling his friend how you couldn’t take anymore but your hips still hopelessly bucking against his
now anytime the poor boy seen you his face flushed red and he’d cut your conversations short out of the guilt of have seen you naked without your knowledge
he felt bad that just the sound of your voice made him so hard it hurt and he’d have no other choice but to relieve himself 
thinking of you large hand palming himself through his boxers 
his head falling back in relief in his mind you tasted so sweet, he’d always wondered what you tasted like, or what you’d look like sitting on his face begging for him. he just knew you’d look ethereal.
his gripped your hips hard, helping you move your sopping cunt along his mouth, one of your hands threading themselves through his bright red locks giving them a tug.
tears falling from your eyes as you whine asking him to let you breathe just for a second, yet your body betrayed you, your hips rutting against his mouth with the little energy you had left, “ please kiri, i can’t “
his eyes coming to stare up at you lovingly, his lips releasing your clit, “ ‘cmon sweetheart, i know you’ve got one more left “
ruby eyes staring up at you as he flattened his tongue against your clit again, your face was sinful paired with your pretty moans falling from your lips as your hips rutted down harder against his mouth, body shaking before collapsing with a sweet whine of his name.
his hands rubbing soothing circles against your pelvic bone, “ what a good girl you are “.
knees weak, his muscular back arched off the cold wood of the head board as he cupped himself softly, spurts of hot cum soiling the inside of his boxers, “ i want.. to taste her “
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⤑ 𝘵𝘢𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘪 𝘢𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘪𝘫𝘪
he was actually terrified of you for a while before you became friends
you intimidated him to say the least
you and your boyfriend were very like minded, which would explain your random relationship with mirio
your presence was warm, and you often jumped into things head first and took everything that came your way with nonchalant attitude
though, your temper seemed to be a lot shorter and you were a lot more, uh- assertive for sure
he hadn’t known when it was he fell in love with you but no can say he never tried to prevent it
maybe it was when you’d make sure he got home safe, putting his life before yours on missions and coming to save his ass even when you needed to be saved yourself
or it might’ve been something as trivial as telling a waiter they got his order wrong at a restaurant
he wasn’t sure, but he was in too deep now and he was okay with just being your friend because you and mirio loved each other
he did pretty well at hiding his feelings for a while, 
until he received a butt dial from his dear blond friend
at first there was silence and maybe some ruffling here and there, he’d contemplated hanging up until he heard mirio’s quiet whimpering from the other side of the cellphone
in a flustered haze he continued to listen, hearing your sultry voice loud and clear
low and stern, saying that if mirio wasn’t patient you wouldn’t let him cum at all, the blond boy begging for you and promising that he’d be good
he hadn’t mean to keep thinking about the phone call after that day but he couldn’t help but imagine what it be like underneath you and those attentive hands in the heat of the night
he tried not to touch himself at first- the guilt being too much, but your frequent visits to his dreams were becoming too much to deal with on top of his soiled sheets
so now- tamaki relieves himself of you the only way he knows how
your warm hand wrapped around his throbbing length trailing teasing kisses up his thighs, edging closer and closer to where he needed you, “you can cum again, can’t you tama? “
his lower half was starting to tingle almost painfully, the line between pain and pleasure was blurring, his eyes unfocused and body flushed in sweat, but he was so eager to take all that you were giving him, eager to be a good boy for you.
“ y-your mouth- bunny please “
he felt almost ashamed, yet the twitching of his ear and the lustful voice you used when you spoke was enough to spur him and the swirling heat in his stomach.
he wanted to be grateful and take all that you were offering to give him, anything to please you. anything to make you praise him.
the wetness of your mouth was all too surreal, he could almost feel your warm mouth sucking his cock into your throat, losing control bucking his hips up into your mouth with a whine, “ fuck, yes- ‘s good “
your pretty orbs staring up at him as he let out loud moans, his feet digging themselves into the bed sheets to fuck himself into your mouth at a harsh enough pace to give you a sore throat later.
his free hand slapping over his mouth, shaking body arching off the bed and knees clamping shut as he came with a tired scream of your name under his hand.
hot liquid dripping down his stomach and leaking from the tip of his softening length.licking the head of his already overstimulated cock, “ what a good boy you are, isn’t that right tama? “
his body falling limp with a whimper, “ i.. feel so dirty “
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⤑ 𝘩𝘪𝘵𝘰𝘴𝘩𝘪 𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘰
you and his friend midoriya were polar opposites
you were smart mouthed and sarcastic, blunt and insensitive and you were always picking fights with him
though with time, he had begun to grow quite fond with you, a crush maybe
starting to indulge in petty arguments with you and push your buttons more often to see that cute face you made when you were frustrated
just when he came to terms that he developed a bit of attraction to you, you started to plague his mind in more ways than one
in all honesty- he did no more than merely acknowledge your current relationship with his friend
if he wanted you, he'd have you. it was as simple as that
he would never make passes at you simply because he liked you, he was fine with the distance between you both
but he’d figured his friend would have enough sense to know when and where was the right time to get hot and heavy with you
you sat between izuku’s legs, tongue lapping at his glistening cock pitifully, body shaking and tears streaming down your face
the way you could barely speak stunned him- you’d always had something to say
pleading the green haired boy to fuck you, give you some kind of stimulation
shinso watched you both shamelessly, retiring for the night with you and your submissiveness heavy on the brain
after the incident, he’d let you take control of his desires, taking cold showers to relieve himself of the stress you’d cause him from then on
he’d have his hand wrapped around your throat for sure, just barely cutting off your air circulation, hips snapping up into your ass in a pace that had your head spinning and spit dripping from the bottom of your chin.
desperately trying to turn your face away from the mirror in embarrassment, “ look at my pretty slut, drooling for me “, his fingernails digging into your cheeks and holding your head in place so you could watch how your body wreathed in pleasure from him and him alone.
he’d already made you cum with just his cock alone, not giving you time to collect yourself after each orgasm. his strokes deep and harsh, bruising the insides of your walls and his teeth leaving marks all over your neck- you had nowhere to run.
you were powerless and had no other choice but to take him whole, “ ‘nt t-take- no more “. your fingers grasping at the bathroom counter to prevent you from flopping face first into the sink.
“ he cant fuck you like this “, the loud wet smacking against your ass became impossibly louder, “ fucking yourself stupid on my dick- fuuck “
his teeth catching his bottom lip hard enough to break the skin, wet strands of purple hair sticking to his forehead.
thumb pressing down on the tip of his cock edging himself once again trying to control his moans of pure ecstasy at the thought of overstimulating you until you could no longer speak basic english, “ i wanna feel that pretty mouth of hers, too “
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⤑ 𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘬𝘪 𝘬𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘳𝘪
he knew how wrong it was wrong but, it was his guilty pleasure
you were always so sweet to him, cradling his head to your chest when the others would pick on him and such
all of his friends took a liking to you as seros girlfriend and accepted you into their friend group
you grew especially close to denki, who happened to have a similar personality as you
the inevitable happened- of course, the classic love cliche
 he knew you loved sero and he’d never come between you two but he just couldn’t help himself
once sero had been trying to show him a couple of pictures on his phone, swiping too far 
accidentally showing denki a very vulgar photo of you
tears in your pretty eyes and your hands tied behind your back with your ass wiggling in the air
a godly arch and seros hand in the center of your back taunting him every time the image plagued his brain
the flash of the camera making your gorgeous cunt glisten 
so here he was, late into the night with his bottom lip tucked between his teeth and quiet groans heavy in his chest
sweats and boxers pulled down just low enough for his erection to leak precum against his stomach
shutting his eyes and tilting his head back to let his mind run wild, stroking himself slowly
you’d looked so pretty laid out beneath him legs pressed into your chest and tears of pleasure falling out of your eyes. his tongue catching each one before they could trail down and mix with the sheer layer of sweat on your sweet skin.
your pretty whines for him spurred him on, crying and moaning for him to ruin you in anyway he wanted, to take care of you because no one else could do it the way he did. he thought it was so mean of him to make you cry but you looked so angelic to him crying tears of joy all for his cock, all for him.
“ please, kaminari “, your pretty lips swollen as he leaned down to press another kiss to your mouth thrusting himself deeper into your fluttering cunt, “ don’t worry princess- gonna pump you full of cum “
his cock hitting the special spot inside your warmth, filling you up so good you could just scream, he might leave bruise on the back of your knees and an aching pain in your hips from how rough he was fucking into you.
your scorching insides sucking him back in each time, just imagining the pulse of your pussy was driving him crazy, “ look at this pretty pussy taking me so well- gonna take good care of her “
he could almost feel your arousal dripping down his lower abdomen, your hands pulling at his messy blond hair in ecstasy, your lovely voice calling out for him, “ please kami, take good care of me “
“ kami “
“ kami “
his hips jolting up into his hand harshly as he came, cum spilling over his fingertips, releasing a heavy pant wishlist brushing stray strands of his blond hair away from his face, “ fuuck, please “ 
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fullmetalscullyy · 3 years
For the sharing a bed ask bc I can't remember for the life of me if I've sent one to you yet 🙈 'they took turns sharing it while the other was on watch' or however exactly that one was worded ❤️❤️
aaa tysm for the prompt! i loved it and i hope you enjoy! continuing with the no plot just vibes agenda~
send me a prompt
rated: g | words: 3679 | tags: royai, there was only one bed, shelter from the storm, snowstorm, tending to wounds, comfort, fluff
read on ao3
Exhaustion followed both occupants of the crumbling bothy like a shadow. It clung to them, slowing their movements, as if it was physically attached to their ankles like two weights. Booted feet were dragged across the polished, undulating stones underfoot, worn down after years of use, and finally came to stop in the centre of the main room.
Years of use didn’t warrant years of upkeep apparently, Riza thought, as she did a sweep of the building. It was not in the best condition however it was still standing, and it was shelter from the storm outside. That was all Riza was currently concerned with.
There were only two rooms, plus a bathroom with a functioning sink and toilet – surprisingly enough. The pipes grunted and groaned, screaming in protest at being used, but it worked and was clean. A worn plaque above the sink indicated the water was drinkable as well, which was the best news she’d heard all day. A small blessing in this wretched situation they’d found themselves in.
To counteract that thought, at that exact moment, a howling gust of wind rattled the door thoroughly and whistled through the cracked class of the windows to its left and right. The Colonel whipped around to stare, partly in fright and partly because he was on edge. They both were. The sudden scream that sounded as the wind tried to force its way inside through the glass made Riza jump as well.
They shared a look and the Colonel’s lips pressed into a thin line.
“So much for the famed northern hospitality,” he muttered. His words held a bite to them, however Riza was unsure whether it was directed at the situation itself or at anyone in particular.
It wasn’t anyone’s fault they’d found themselves in this situation, however it was not ideal, nor was it pleasant. The first point on their ‘bad things that have happened today’ list (at this point, they were up to around number six) was a snowstorm had rendered their transport from the station in North City to the town they were supposed to be visiting useless. The truck owner boasted it was an all-terrain, all-weather vehicle, that he was handpicked by the military for transport because of his “beauty’s” prowess. He quickly stopped bragging though and started muttering angrily at his prized possession, kicking the tyre in fury as it sat pitifully in a snowy ditch, unable to escape the confines of it. It was safe to say his “beauty” fell short of the mark for the two soldiers. No amount of pushing from the three of them would shift it. However, they had deadlines to meet, so were forced to say their goodbyes and go ahead on foot.
There was no way they’d make it in time but at least they could honestly say they had tried when questioned.
It was by a stroke of luck they’d stumbled upon a walker’s bothy. Night was creeping in quickly, especially with the ongoing snowstorm. The world was turning greyer by the second and when Riza spotted it, she made a beeline straight for the shelter. The wind was too loud to talk over, but the Colonel saw her beckoning gesture and nodded, following behind her without question, already trusting her judgement and thought process.
The main room housed a single wooden bedframe with no mattress. There was another spot where another bed frame should be, but only half it remained. It had been broken in half. Whether that had been from an accident, an act of vandalism, or due to the passage of time, Riza wasn’t sure. Not that it would be of any use to them split in half, but simple curiosity had the Colonel searching the rest of the small building for the other half. There was a large stone fireplace that was bereft of any wood, they noticed with dismay, however after venturing through to the second room on the left, there was a massive pile of it within. It was a supply for the winter months for anyone who needed it, so the piece of paper tacked to an old corkboard on the wall said. There were two chairs placed around the fire and some cast iron cooking utensils stacked in a neat pile upon the hearth, lifting their spirits slightly. They had rations from the truck driver that would not require their use, but the sight of them was still a positive.
“I think we’ll be safe enough to sleep here tonight,” she announced, ignoring the Colonel’s petulant comment.
“Lieutenant,” he called quietly to her, catching her attention. When she turned her head, he gestured to one of the chairs. “You should rest.” He glanced down at her feet, and Riza knew exactly what he was thinking.
She’d stumbled and twisted her ankle while they walked. The pain had eased completely the more she’d walked, so Riza assumed it would be fine. Now they’d stopped, it was throbbing in time with her pulse. It appeared to be worse than she’d thought.
Just what they needed.
She sighed and mentally added that as number seven to their list.
Sitting on one of the chairs, Riza sighed quietly in relief as it lessened the pressure on her injured joint. The Colonel followed suit and he too sounded extremely relieved to finally sit down.
“What a day,” he muttered, tilting his head back and closing his eyes.
Riza hummed in agreement, causing him to reopen his eyes and glance tiredly over at her. She shifted in place, feeling a shiver travel down her spine.
Without a word, the Colonel stood and ventured into the other room. He came back with arms full of firewood and started the process of arranging them within the fireplace. After a single snap the fire roared to life, filling the room with a soft orange glow and warmth. A few minutes later the invading bite of the winter chill was beginning to alleviate and Riza could feel her muscles relaxing.
“Do you think there will be anything outside waiting for us?”
His question was so sudden as he stared into the fire that it took Riza a moment to process it.
The Colonel blinked and tore his eyes away from the dancing flames. He repeated his question as he turned to look at her, expression serious.
“Like what?”
“What about bears?” He looked genuinely concerned.
Riza blinked at him. “Probably. I think so, yes.” She faintly recalled hearing stories about the size and might of the bears in the north but elected not to bring it up. She didn’t think that would have been beneficial or productive in that moment, especially not after recognising a faint glint of fear that was discernible in the Colonel’s eyes.
“Do you think we should be concerned?”
Riza glanced over her shoulder at the door as it rattled on its hinges. “I don’t think so. We’ll be safe in here.”
“How can you be so sure?”
“Do you know any bears that can open doors?” Both her brows lifted as she regarded him.
“I know a bear could open that door,” he scoffed, jerking his head towards it. “It’s hardly a strong line of defence.”
That was true. One more gust of wind might snap it off one of the hinges. The top one rattled playfully to emphasise his point.
“I think we’ll be okay, sir,” Riza replied smoothly, trying to keep her amusement out of her tone.
The Colonel scowled at her anyway. Apparently she hadn’t been entirely successful.
Riza chuckled upon seeing his expression. “City boy,” she muttered to herself, her tone light and playful.
“I would say it was a legitimate concern,” he replied haughtily.
“You also thought there were bears in the woods outside my father’s house.”
“I think my point still stands.”
“Bears do not exist in every wooded area and forest, Roy.” She rolled her eyes at him in amused exasperation, momentarily forgetting herself.
It was so easy talking to him like this. The two of them were alone together and stuck in a predicament that neither could have ever predicted or conjured up, yet here they were. It was surreal, but it was nice. Despite everything that had happened today she was still relatively happy. She was grateful to be with him. Ideally, she’d have neither of them stranded in a snowstorm, however she was glad he was here. If there was anyone she’d want to be stranded with, it would be him.
After she’d realised her minor slip up, Riza paused and glanced over at him, noting his soft expression and smile. It was so genuine and happy that she didn’t cringe or apologise. She didn’t feel the need to.
“We sound like we did when we were children,” he replied.
Riza felt her own nostalgic smile spread across her face. “We do.”
“I’ll take first watch,” he offered.
Riza opened her mouth to protest but he’d already shoved a threadbare blanket he’d found towards her. Riza didn’t particularly want to use it – she had no way of knowing how clean it was – however the building was not heated in the slightest, aside from the fire. It was built for hikers who were well prepared with sleeping bags, which they were not. For survival, Riza had to accept any kind of warmth she could get.
“You need to rest that ankle,” he added.
She nodded and took the blanket from him. Riza settled herself on the hard, wooden bedframe so she was facing into the room. It was warmer than facing the cold stone of the wall beside the bed.
He glanced over at her expectantly.
“Watch out for those bears.”
* * * * * * * *
The wind had died down throughout the night at least. Roy had been partly joking when he brought up the bears that may be lurking outside for them, however now that he’d put the idea inside his own head, he couldn’t help but take an extra glance every now and then out the window.
Just in case.
It was worth bringing it up to hear the Lieutenant’s laugh. To hear her accidentally call him by his first name. It had been so worth it.
To whittle away the time his mind tried its best to summon a plan of attack against any bear that did appear, going over how he would react and how he would fend one off, but Roy had come to only one conclusion after about half an hour of plotting. It was folly. There was absolutely no way he’d be able to take on a bear. His eyes narrowed at the rickety old door and took solace in the fact the doorway looked too small for a bear to fit through. They were safe from them so long as they stayed inside, and that was good enough for him.
Now the bear appearance dilemma, likely or not, had been put to bed, Roy’s thoughts turned towards the Lieutenant. He glanced down at her ankle as she lay sound asleep, remembering how she’d stumbled and fallen in a snowdrift. Insisting she was fine, they’d pressed on. They didn’t have much choice in the matter anyway, but he was still concerned. He had a strong inkling she was suffering for it as they travelled. A sprained ankle under normal conditions would ease with rest, but that was not a luxury they’d been afforded as they traversed the snowy landscape to safety. Snowdrifts up to their knees were common and Roy had felt dead on his feet when they finally came to a stop inside this shelter.
That was one blessing of the day, at least. He’d simply laughed at their luck, shaking his head, now they were safe beneath shelter, dry, and out of the storm.
But if he’d felt tired down to his bones, then he couldn’t imagine how the Lieutenant must have felt upon their arrival.
Steadying his resolve, Roy determined there was no imminent danger. No bears coming through the night to get them. Now the storm had eased, looking through the shards of the window, Roy could see the gorgeous landscape splayed before him, illuminated by the moonlight, and enhanced by the heavy snow. It looked a lot more inviting than it had a few hours ago.
He wouldn’t, but he was tempted to wake up the Lieutenant to show her how beautiful it looked.
Roy smiled to himself, the thought dredging up an old memory from their past. He faintly recalled doing something similar when he’d experienced his first winter at the Hawkeye house. He’d ran to her room without a thought, excited and eager to show her how the dark forest outside had transformed into a silvery white and green wonderland.
It had been something he’d been desperate to share with her.
A tired voice called to him, and Roy immediately lost his interest in the world outside. He turned, seeing the Lieutenant blink tiredly at him.
“Lieutenant,” he greeted, an air of concern about him. He hadn’t expected her to wake so soon, and if she did, he knew she’d want to take over watch duties.
She shot him a small smile, placating his nerves somewhat. Pushing herself up into a seated position, the Lieutenant stretched her arms over her head.
“How’s the ankle?”
She grimaced, but only slightly. “Better now that I’ve taken my weight off it.”
That didn’t answer his question entirely. “Is there any pain?”
She was silent as she looked down at her legs. “It does throb every now and again. That’s what woke me up.”
Roy nodded, dismayed to hear she was in pain. If he could take it away, he would, but they didn’t have painkillers in their first aid kits. The only thing that would help was a support, which the Lieutenant had already put on after gently easing her boot off. She didn’t react to the angry red hue of her skin, but Roy felt his stomach tense. It hadn’t looked good. The compression support had been slipped on slowly, but Roy saw the way her eye twitched twice and how her jaw clenched while obviously trying to conceal any kind of pain.
“Why don’t you try and get a few hours sleep,” the Lieutenant offered. “I think I’ll be up for a while now.” She swung her legs around and to the floor, visibly wincing when her sore ankle contacted the floor. Another appeared when she tried to stand, but Roy quickly scrambled towards her.
“Please, stay seated,” he insisted. “You shouldn’t be walking on that ankle.”
The Lieutenant shot him a strained smile. “That doesn’t bode well for us for tomorrow,” she quipped.
Roy opened his mouth to reply, but she was right. Still, hewas right. She shouldn’t be walking on that ankle.
“Regardless,” he admonished, placing his hands on her shoulders as a gentle restraint to keep her in place. “All the more reason to remain seated and keep resting it then, right?” Triumph flashed through him, and he smirked when the Lieutenant’s lips pursed, because she knew he was right.
“You can’t sleep on the floor, though,” she warned.
His shoulders fell in defeat, glancing down at the bed. His mind rejoiced with the idea that sprung into it, however it was so far out the realm of what was appropriate that it was completely out of the question.
Roy retracted his hands as the Lieutenant placed both hands by her sides and effortlessly slid herself backwards, so her back came to rest upon the stone wall behind her. She made herself comfortable and looked at him expectantly, patting the space beside her to indicate he should join her and sit.
Even if it wasn’t appropriate to share a bed with his Lieutenant, Roy only needed to take one look around them both and remember where they were. This day was already bizarre enough. What was one more occurrence to add to that list?
He wouldn’t particularly class it as sharing a bed with her either. They would both be sitting upright, looking out at the room, with considerable distance in place between them.
“We can take turns with the blanket,” she smirked as she handed it over.
Roy snorted lightly and gratefully received her offering. The room was warm enough with the fire but the stone behind his back still stubbornly clung to the icy temperatures from outside, refusing to accept the warmth they’d provided the room. Wrapping it around his shoulders, Roy settled back in place and made himself comfortable.
He woke with a start a few hours later. His head jerked upright and swung left and right, unseeing as he still tried to shake the vision from his dreams.
“Colonel? Colonel!”
He paused for a second, recognising the voice. It was from someone he thought he’d lost in his dream.
“Roy,” the Lieutenant called to him.
It was enough to surprise him, that it brought him back to the present. Glancing to his right, he saw his Lieutenant still seated next to him, eyes wide and concerned.
“Are you okay?” Her eyes were searching his, moving back and forth frantically as she scanned his face with worry.
“Yes,” he breathed, trying to get a hold of his racing heart to slow it down. He was all right. She was all right. They were safe. He gulped down air, trying to get enough into his lungs and take away the fear that had both restricted them and wrapped tightly around his heart. “Just… A bad dream.”
The Lieutenant nodded in understanding and patted his forearm. That was when Roy realised she didn’t remove it, and that it had been there the entire time.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
Roy shook his head. “It’s okay,” he breathed. “Thank you, though,” he quickly added. “It was just… the usual,” he offered. The usual nowadays was him losing someone dear to him. The Promised Day had not been kind on his mind. To this day he still suffered, and he didn’t particularly want to relive it after it was so fresh. His reply was code enough that the Lieutenant knew exactly what he was referring to. They’d already been open about what their ‘usual’ nightmares consisted of nowadays.
As suspected, realisation dawned upon her features, and she nodded in sympathy.
“I… I need some time before I can sleep again,” he admitted. There was no shame in his voice though, not with her. Never with her. They were both very well acquainted with the reasons the other struggled to sleep. “You should try for a while.”
“Okay,” she acquiesced. She gave his forearm a squeeze and again, she didn’t remove it. “Wake me if you need anything, all right?” She waited for him to verbally agree with her. Only once he did, did the Lieutenant’s eyes close.
Watching her do so caused Roy’s brow to furrow slightly in confusion.
She must have moved closer to him as he slept, because where there had been about two feet of distance between them before, there was now mere centimetres. Just enough distance for the Lieutenant’s head to loll and fall against his shoulder comfortably as she slept.
He’d been startled awake, so Roy hadn’t realised he’d initiated it. In sleep, his head had bowed and rolled to the side, seeking out her presence. After shifting closer, the Lieutenant had eased him from his uncomfortable position and lifted his head to lie upon her shoulder.
Now recovered from the turmoil of his dream, Roy smiled down at her and relished in the comfort her presence brought him. The weight of her head against him eased his mind and slowed his racing pulse. He could breathe easier with her lying against him. A peace washed over his body, relaxing his taught muscles, and soothing his very soul.
Despite their predicament, he was glad she was here with him.
The grip she had on his forearm loosened, so Roy snaked his hand over to it, hooking their fingers together and holding on tightly. The Lieutenant stirred next to him, disturbed from sleep.
“Sorry,” he whispered, “it’s okay. It’s just me.” He gave her hand a quick squeeze.
There was a brief pause with no reply, then the Lieutenant’s grip on him tightened and remained.
“Okay,” she exhaled peacefully. She moved next to him, shuffling closer, which Roy was more than happy to indulge in.
As she was lulled back to sleep, her grip on his hand slackened but Roy never let her go. He anchored himself to her.
They’d get through this and get home. Not that she’d allow it of course, but Roy would carry her through the snow with that ankle if need be to ensure their safety. It had been the day from hell professionally, however ending it with the two of them curled together on that uncomfortable bed, gripping onto one another, was not bad in the slightest. Roy thought that was the closest to heaven he was ever going to get.
* * * * * * * *
Their luck must have finally been turning for the better, as that morning a group of hikers entered the bothy loudly, laughing and joking with one another, while Roy helped the Lieutenant strap up her ankle. They were offered food and directions to the nearest town, which was only two miles away. The group set off with them, insistent on offering their help and support, and even assisted the Lieutenant with some painkillers as well.
After the day of travel they’d had before, it brightened up both soldier’s moods somewhat as they set off again through the snowy northern landscape with their new company.
Thankfully, they didn’t come across any bears.
They made it to the town in one peace and called North City Headquarters for assistance. And also requested back up for that assistance.
Just in case.
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silver-colour · 3 years
Sometimes you just want to live in denial about your favourite podcast ending, and write cute fics... So I did! And I’m here to share the Scottish Safehouse fluff (as promised @shinyopals 💙)
I’ve posted the first part of my Safehouse Snapshots series, Seeing is Believing right here on Ao3! Have a look! Join me in being in denial! And let me know what else you’d like to see in this series bc I intend to write more!
Summary: Martin would just like to kiss that frown away, until they fold into the small, shy smile he doesn’t see often, and could never see enough of. - In which Jon accidentally Sees Martin wants to kiss him. So they do.
Rating: T (for softe kisses) Length: 1,9k
Or read it below under the Read more
It’s sunday– their first sunday since leaving London together– and Jon had decided to make Sunday roast for dinner. Martin is curled up on the sofa, and trying to write something that at least resembles a poem, but his mind keeps drifting. The grey skies outside finally look like they might clear, but the sun will be setting soon. He’d been banished from the kitchen to go sit near the fireplace, because he’d been cold. The cold hasn’t let up, not really. He’s feeling warmer, but what seems to help more than anything is to be close to J– to people. He suspects trying for normalcy with his choice of dinner, because roast seems to be the thing everyone eats on sunday. With their family. Together.
Martin is pretty sure neither of them had a normal enough childhood to involve many Sunday roasts, but the autumn cold settles in much earlier than he’s used to, down in London, so he won’t say no to a warm and hearty meal. Especially if Jon is the one cooking it.
It still feels surreal– no, not quite surreal. It feels like a dream. A dream that isn’t a nightmare, in which they escape all the horrors that haunted them in London, and live happily ever after in a cottage in Scotland. But it’s real. It’s real, and happening, and not nearly as dreamy as the phrase “cottage in the Highlands” suggests. Daisy’s safehouse is barely old enough to be called a cottage, although it’s trying to be. Even so, it’s in disrepair, and the heating and the running water hadn’t been on in ages when they arrived, and there’s a damp spot in the hallway that may be caused by a missing roof tile that they have no way of replacing.
And then there’s… their situation. Martin tries not to call it ‘a situation’, but finding a different word for it has turned out to be harder than he thought it would be. Jon is shy, or perhaps simply very private, in a way Martin might once upon a time have mistaken for being cold and stand-offish. He knows it’s not, knows it cannot be that, because Jon walked into the Lonely to get Martin back. Jon got them out of London as well, because Martin was still struggling with the effects of the Lonely, and the sudden presence of Too Many People on the trains they took to get to Scotland was more difficult to deal with than he can imagine even now.
Those effects have changed now, thankfully. Martin has found he instead prefers to not be alone at all, just to be safe, and when he is he feels that cold creeping back, trying to find its way back into his heart. The fire roaring across from him hasn’t quite managed to drive that feeling away from him, but Jon’s sounds of cooking drifting from the kitchen go a long way in settling him.
It’s a shame the kitchen isn’t large enough to fit a table, Martin thinks, idly imagining himself writing there while Jon cooks them dinner. And breakfast. And a whole slideshow of meals and scenes file past, each lit in a soft sunlit glow, and as unlikely as they are heartwarming. The safehouse really wasn’t built to house more than one person, however, and certainly involves no cosy kitchen tables. Nor many bedrooms. The first night here, Jon had insisted he sleep on the couch, and made Martin take the bed. At dawn, Jon had woken to find the living room had no curtains to block the sunlight. Worse, he found the room unnaturally cold, and while wondering if their heater had given the ghost after too long a period of disuse, had noticed that that cold originated from the bedroom.
Martin still isn’t sure how Jon managed to wake him. He doesn’t really remember anything of his dreams that night, for better or worse. All he knows is that when he woke Jon was standing over him, worry-lines furrowing his brow and eyes intent on Martin, as though trying to see through him. Or perhaps See him, he supposes. Which is why they now share the single bedroom, and Martin feels grateful that he doesn’t have to be alone at night, as well as a guilty gratitude that he can be that close to Jon.
Looking down on the notebook in which he’s been trying to write a poem all he finds is a list of unconnected words which are mostly quite sappy, and sometimes a little sad. Jon’s face from that first morning drifts back into Martin's mind, concern etched clear on his face, maybe even a little fear mixed in, and Martin finds himself wishing he could take away those concerns. They’ve both seen enough, and Jon has done so much for him already– Martin would just like to kiss those lines away, until they fold into the small, shy smile he doesn’t see often, and could never see enough of.
From the kitchen sounds a sudden crash, and a clatter of multiple items falling, and Martin is up, out of the sofa and on the kitchen threshold before he can think twice about it. What looks to have been a stack of used bowls and utensils is now scattered across the floor, food scraps littered in between, though fortunately nothing seems to have broken. Standing near the epicentre is Jon, a look of surprise on his face. He isn’t looking at the chaos at his feet, however, but staring at Martin, eyes like a deer caught in headlights.
“Jon, are you okay? Are you hurt?” Even as he asks it Jon is shaking his head.
“No, I’m– I’m so sorry Martin,” there’s something wrong in the way Jon says i, something painfully familiar that Martin cannot put his finger on.
“It’s alright, I’m glad you’re okay. Can I help clean up? Did anything break? If there’s broken glass we should be careful–” “No, that’s not. That’s not what I mean, Martin. I’m sorry, I…”
Jon tries to back away, and bumps into the kitchen counter, nearly knocking over the tray of vegetables waiting to go into the oven as well. In two big steps Martin crosses the kitchen, steadying the tray and reaching out a hand for Jon’s elbow.
“Hey, it’s alright,” Jon freezes as Martin touches him, so Martin softens his voice. “No harm done, right? Let’s get dinner in the oven and then we can...” Jon is shaking his head, trying to pull away, but he’s backed himself into the corner between the kitchen counters and the stove.
Remembering too late that Jon prefers to have some space, Martin steps back, but Jon doesn’t relax. If anything he tries to shrink into himself.
“Jon? What’s wrong?” Martin tries to keep the rising panic out of his voice, but he’s not sure he succeeds. A dozen worst-case scenario’s crowd into his thoughts, most of them involving one of the many horrors they left behind in London finding their new safe haven, and a different kind of cold floods him.
Jon hears the panic anyway, Martin can tell. “Nothing’s– we’re safe, Martin. It’s… not that. We’re safe.” Jon sounds like he’s trying to convince himself as much as Martin, which doesn’t help.
“Okay? And can you tell me what it is, besides ‘not that’?”
“I’m sorry, I…” Martin wants to interrupt Jon and tell him not to apologize again, but he knows it won’t help. Jon’s stubborn enough on a good day, so it’s probably best to just let him talk.
“I Saw into your mind– I’m sorry, I really didn’t mean to, but I Saw what you were…” The words flood out of Jon, and dry up again just as fast. Confused, Martin tries to remember what he was thinking about before he heard the crash from the kitchen.
“Oh no, Jon I’m so sorry, I should never have been thinking–“
“No Martin, I should be the one apologizing for that. I should have better control over it, or– or at least Look somewhere that isn’t you. You’ve suffered enough!”
“Jon. We’ve both suffered enough. Way more than enough, even!” Martin simultaneously fights the urge to run away over Jon knowing he was thinking that, and to hug Jon, to make sure he knows that Martin doesn’t mind. It’s not great, but then none of this is, and he knows Jon would never do anything like this on purpose. But apparently Jon doesn’t, so it’s worth repeating that thought. Even if he cannot add the hug he very much wishes he could give Jon, to shield him from the world (and maybe also very selfishly to keep Jon close).
“Jon, please listen to me,” Martin softens his voice again, but keeps his distance. “I know you’d never do that on purpose. And if you did I’d rather you Looked at me than at some random–”
Martin sighs: “Okay, sorry, that came out wrong. But I do mean it, Jon: I don’t mind. In fact, I forgive you. Besides, I shouldn’t have been thinking about, uhm… that. In the first place. So. I’m sorry too?”
“You don’t– I mean. Thank you. For forgiving me. And apologizing, but you do not have to.” A pause, as Jon very determinedly does not look at Martin. “It’s not like it was an… unpleasant thought to See.”
Jon continues looking anywhere but at Martin, as Martin’s brain crashes and reboots. Not an unpleasant thing to see. Not unpleasant, Jon said. Not unpleasant isn’t the most ringing endorsement of course, but that sounded almost like… no, that can’t be right.
“Not unpleasant?” He needs to know– he has to be wrong, Jon can’t possibly mean what Martin thinks he means.
“Oh good Lord, that’s not what I– that is, I should have said that you don’t need to apologize for thinking something I would not be opposed to.”
He wasn’t wrong. He was right, even. Jon really did mean that the way Martin thought. And apparently he’s taking too much time to process this newfound realisation, that Jon might not be opposed to being kissed, because Jon is talking again.
“I’m sorry, that’s none of my business, and– I’m sure we all think things we wouldn’t necessarily act on…” Jon continues talking and making excuses while still looking anywhere but at Martin. The very same worry lines that Martin was thinking about earlier have come back, making Jon look older than Martin knows him to be. And somehow it’s those lines, more than Jon’s continued affirmations that Martin need not worry about it that make up his mind. Because Jon said he wouldn’t mind, and here he is, worrying, apologizing for thinking about the same things as Martin has been for– oh, an impossibly long time.
Avoiding the mess on the floor as much as he can, Martin steps to Jon’s side, this time without barricading him into the corner. Jon stops talking, waiting for Martin to say something. Instead of speaking, Martin leans close, and very gently places a single kiss on the frown marring Jon’s forehead.
Jon goes very still. Then he finally looks at Martin again, tilting his head up.
“Oh,” is all he says, echoing Martin’s thoughts.
“Okay?” Martin knows the answer even as he asks the question, not just in Jon’s words before, but in the way he’s looking at Martin right now. It feels important to ask anyway.
“Very much so,” is Jon’s whispered reply.
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zevlors-tail · 4 years
Pairing: ProHero!Deku x Reader
Description: Sometimes being a Hero isn’t just fighting villains and rescuing people from burning buildings; sometimes it’s battling demons and rescuing people from themselves instead.
Warnings: Suicidal reader, thoughts of suicide, attempted suicide? (reader doesn’t succeed), trauma bonding, mentions of bullying, little bit of touch starvation? Talks of therapy, decision to try therapy.
A/N: I guess you could say I needed to vent some heavy things. PLEASE do not read this if you are triggered by anything mentioned above. Also, I HC that Midoriya never would have gone through with it, but he might have at one point been in the reader’s position, and I wish they would expand on how what Katsuki said and did to him in middle school affected his life more. I will never be satisfied until we get a proper apology from Bakugou and the two of them sort out their feelings about it, bc you KNOW that had to create some trauma. So I guess this might be sort of a fix-it fic? Also, I’m sorry for the ending, it might be cringe, idk. I can’t help but add fluff to everything I write, apparently. I love Best Boi, what can I say?
You breathed in the cool night air as you leaned against the railing, fingers trembling slightly against the rusty metal. Everything seemed so surreal; the noisy traffic below, the people bustling down streets and alleyways, the dimmed apartment lights from the building across... What did any of it matter? In the grand scheme of things, you were just a small spec of the universe observing all these phenomenons, a waste of space taking up time that could belong to something or someone more useful than your sorry excuse of an existence. That’s what you thought, at least.
You leaned a little farther over and rested your chest against the bars of steel. Would anyone miss you if you were to just...disappear? If you dropped everything and left right now, would anyone care? Would anyone cry for your absence? These were questions you had asked yourself over and over again, and each time you had managed to convince yourself that maybe, just maybe, the answer was yes, someone would care. But each time the questions rolled around in your head, it got harder to convince yourself of that. You found doubts in every corner of your mind, in every crack and crevice of your brain that they could slink into. Quiet at first, but now as loud as a siren, they overwhelmed you and made you believe you were worthless. They beat you down, exhausted you, claimed your once happy spirit and soiled it with numbness and apathy. Those doubts were the reason you wholeheartedly believed that you no longer mattered to anyone.
They were also the reason you were twenty stories up in the air on the roof of your apartment building.
Steeling your nerves and taking a deep breath, you let everything sink in. This was what you were waiting for all these years. All of your life had lead up to this single moment; all of your past mistakes, all of your life decisions, all of the lost friends, your job, your family and their snide remarks, your short comings...and all the rest. It didn’t matter. Every time you blinked, every sneeze, every laugh, whether genuine or fake, didn’t matter. Nothing mattered, including you.
Nothing matters, and no one cares.
And with that final thought, you hoisted yourself up and over the railing, limbs heavy with a dull numbness as you planted your feet loosely on the other side. For a second you balanced yourself, arms outstretched behind you to grip on to the bars for one last fleeting sense of security. Just one more step. But even as you moved forward, you found that your hands seemed to tighten their grip on the steel, and suddenly you felt physical panic despite your mind telling you that this was what you really wanted. It seemed your body was defying your mind.
“I don’t think you want to do that.”
Startled, you stumbled back and tightened your hold on the rails until your knuckles turned white. Were you imagining things, or did you just hear a voice? And if so, who was it and what were they doing all the way up here? Whatever their business was though, it surely had nothing to do with you, right? So why were they meddling in your affairs when you just wanted to be left alone? The thought of it was just a little too much, and you found yourself snapping at whoever was behind you.
“Uh, yeah, I think I do.” It came out more spiteful than you meant it to sound. But then, that was just how you were these days...bitter and cold. All the more reason to end everything.
“Please, just come back over here to the other side of the railing. We can talk if you want, or I can just sit with you, or we can listen to music together if that would help?” The stranger’s voice was gentle and pleading, as if he was afraid to break you if he spoke too loud. 
“Just leave me alone! Why do you care anyway?” You stole a glance behind you to get a good look at the person trying to talk you down. The first thing you noticed was the green hair, and then the pair of concerned emerald eyes reflecting back at you. Under those were a set of freckles, giving him an overall boyish look, and finally- his costume. You recognized Japan’s Number One Hero, Deku.
“Because I don’t want to see you get hurt...or worse.” His tone was solemn. “I’m sorry, but I can’t just leave you alone up here. Clearly you had one purpose for coming up here, and I’m not going to let you go through with it.”
For a moment, you felt your heart soar at the possibility that someone cared after all. But just as hope was about to take root and bloom within your chest, it seemed that your mind had other ideas to cut the poor blossom out. As fast as the feeling settled, it was gone, and you reminded yourself that this was his job; he was required to help anyone who he thought might be in trouble. It wasn’t like he really wanted to be up here talking to you.
“What the hell do you know about why I’m up here? And anyways...it’s your job to save people. You don’t have to pretend to care about me. It doesn’t matter if you’re the number one hero or not, you’re still going to forget about me some day or another. A week from now you won’t even think twice about me. I’m forgettable. I don’t matter...not really. So please just leave me be. You’re bothering me.” No matter how hard you tried to keep the anger in your voice, you couldn’t help how it faded with each passing second. It was tiring to keep feeling everything and nothing all at once. You wanted it all to just stop.
There was long moment of silence that passed between the two of you, which you took as a sign that you had been right about everything you had just said. Your anxieties and nerves were starting to get to you by then; you were about to really go through with it and had inched forward slightly when he decided to speak again. 
“Once, someone told me to take a swan dive off the roof of my old school.” Your breath hitched as you stopped in your tracks. “I know what it’s like not to be wanted or needed by everyone around you. To feel like a failure, like there’s no hope left... Like you’re not worth saving. But even if you really think and believe all those things you said about yourself, just know that I care. And it’s not because it’s my job to, or because I’m a Pro Hero, or because I just happened to be in the area and saw you up here after my shift ended. It’s because at one point in my life, I could relate to where you are now.”
You were left without words for once as you stood there, wind whipping through your hair and eyes focused on nothing in particular. After the initial shock wore off, you finally turned around to face him. You searched his eyes for any trace of deception, anything to prove that maybe he was lying or just trying to get to you, but all you could find was sincere honesty. And Deku, upon seeing you turn around from the edge of the building, seemed to tense for a second before continuing.
“I climbed up to the top of the school roof that day and when I got up there, I just...stared down. All I could think about at the time was making the pain and the numbness go away. But then I thought of my mom’s face when she would hear the news...and I thought of how I would only be a statistic after that- a number, you know, like the ones I recorded every day in my notebook. But I didn’t want that. I had a name that I loved, a mother waiting for me at home, and a dream I was still holding on to. I realized what I really wanted was to prove everyone wrong, to still become the hero I wanted to be as a little boy. And even more than that, I just wanted the pain to stop. I think that’s what people truly want- just to feel better.” He gave you a small smile and offered a hand to you after that, and you swore his eyes were glistening a little if you looked close enough. “I would care if you were gone. I would think about it every day. I don’t even know your name, but your face is already engraved in my mind. I would have made the biggest mistake of my life had I ended things that day; look at where I am now! If I let someone else take away all their future opportunities and potential life experiences knowing that I could have stopped them, knowing that I didn’t offer them the support I desperately wanted when I was going through it, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself.”
“...you mean that?” You couldn’t help the tremble in your voice.
“Every word. Please, just come back over to this side and talk to me. Tell me what’s going on in that head of yours. I promise I’ll do my best to help however I can.”
Something pulled at your heartstrings as you listened to him. He had put into words everything you had been feeling these past few months, everything you wanted to express but just couldn’t. Tentatively, you reached out a hand to meet his, and he wasted no time as he wrapped his other arm around your waist and hoisted you back over the railing towards safety and into his arms.
“Oh thank god,” he breathed out. His arm was still wound tight around your waist as he pulled you flush to him and walked you backwards. When the two of you reached the wall of the entryway to the rooftop, he stopped and slid down to the floor with you, a heavy sigh of relief escaping his lips. “Please don’t ever scare me like that again.” You blinked back tears as you leaned into Deku’s tight hug, your arms coming up to wrap around him as well. You couldn’t remember the last time someone had been so loving and caring with you or the last time you had been hugged like this. 
“It’s okay, I’ve got you. I’m here.”
That was all it took for the dam inside of you to burst.
Hot tears finally spilled over and soaked Deku’s costume as all the emotions you had been suppressing came back full force. You hid your face in his shirt to try and stifle your cries as much as you could, but it was no use. There was no hiding the turmoil in your soul; all you could do was endure the sadness and frustration while he held you and comforted you. Slowly the reality of the situation started to sink in, and the realization that you almost took your own life hit you full force.
“I...I almost-!” You didn’t have the strength to finish your sentence as you sobbed harder and shook in the hero’s arms. He eventually shifted the two of you around to a more comfortable position and rubbed circles on your shoulder soothingly while you cried, a look of understanding and empathy in his eyes.
“But you didn’t. And you know what that tells me? That despite all those lies you’re telling yourself, there’s still a part of you left that wants to live. There’s still a part of you, no matter how small, that’s holding on to hope that things will get better. Find that feeling deep down inside you, grasp it, and never let go of it. You deserve to exist here. You deserve to be loved. You deserve to wake up each day and live and enjoy life. And I know you probably don’t feel that way right now, but believe me when I say that it’s the truth.” A comfortable silence settled between the two of you as you took a moment to contemplate his words.
“You said we could talk if I wanted to...” you sniffled.
“Sure, we can talk. It doesn’t even have to be about anything in particular. Whatever you want to talk about, I’ll listen.”
So you told him everything. You poured your heart out to someone who was no more than a stranger to you, even if you recognized his face because it was plastered on every poster and broadcasted on every T.V. Even if you knew who Deku was, the person behind the mask was someone else entirely, and it brought a sense of comfort to you to know that a real person was listening to your troubles and caring about them. For once, someone was taking the time to make you a priority, and that was not something you were used to.
“I’m sorry, you’re probably tired of listening to me by now. I can’t believe I dumped all of that on y-” you tried to apologize, but he shook his head and cut you off before you could finish.
“Don’t be. I offered, didn’t I? I genuinely want to hear about what’s troubling you. Everyone deserves to be listened to, especially when they’re hurting. You’re important, and what you have to say is also important. Don’t let anyone ever tell you otherwise.”
You blinked up at him with wide eyes. How was he so good at this? A thought crossed your mind then, and you wondered for a brief moment if...had anyone ever listened to him? He had taken the time to calm you down and make you feel important by listening wholeheartedly to everything you had to say. The least you could do was return the favor, right?
“Has anyone ever told you that you’re a really good listener?” you asked, a small but sincere smile on your face.
“Yes, actually. Plenty of times, but I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of hearing it. It just means I’m succeeding at making others feel important, which is what I aim to do, so thank you for that.” He stared up at the night sky, his eyes reflecting the sparkling stars above. They were...so full of life. You found that fact inspiring.
There was a small pause before you asked him another question, hesitance evident in your voice. “Have you...told anyone? About what you said to me earlier, I mean.” It came out more awkward than you intended it to, and he seemed confused about what you were trying to ask.
“About what I said to you earlier?”
“Y-You know, the...rooftop...” you trailed off, not wanting to pry if he didn’t want to talk about it after all. “I’m so sorry, I just assumed since you mentioned it earlier that maybe you wanted to talk about it or something- Ah, I’m making things worse, I’m really sorry!” You ran your hands through your hair, anxiety getting the better of you and making your heart race. Deku shifted slightly beside you but kept his arm around your shoulders, a look of understanding coming over him.
“Oh, that?” He gave a small airy laugh. “While I appreciate the concern, I have a really great therapist. It’s kind of a requirement for Pros; we deal with a lot on the job.”
“...oh.” Oh. Oh. You weren’t sure what you were expecting, but certainly not...that. “Again, I’m sorry if I pried,” you apologized one last time. At the sound of your third ‘I’m sorry’, Deku looked over at you thoughtfully.
“You know, I used to apologize a lot too. Actually, my therapist was the one who got me to kick the bad habit. Speaking of which...” He reached into one of the red pouches on his costume belt and produced a single card between his index and middle finger, the lamination of it emitting a dim glare as he held it out to you. “I think you could really benefit from therapy. I’m not saying that to be rude or anything-!” His face flushed as he tried to explain himself; he didn’t want you to feel like he was dismissing you or that he wasn’t concerned with your issues. “I swear! I just...really think you could use another person in your corner right now. They’re super nice, I promise! I’ll even help you set up an appointment if you want.”
You shrunk a little at the idea of seeing a therapist, but took the card anyway. The writing on the little piece of plastic stared back at you menacingly, an uncomfortable feeling settling in your gut.
Dr. T/N T/L/N Deku Agency Specialist in Psychology Phone: 800-888-8880 Email (Mon-Fri): T/nT/l/[email protected] Office Hours: Mon-Sat, 9am-5pm
As if he could read your turbulent mind, Deku pulled you closer and rested his head against yours. “I know talking to someone else about your problems seems scary at first, but it really helps. If you keep everything bottled up, then those feelings and problems don’t have anywhere to go, and they’ll eat you up on the inside. Therapy gives you a safe way of letting those feelings out and sorting through problems in healthy ways. Of course it’s ultimately your choice, and everybody’s experience differs...but it did help me.”
You considered everything he said, including his offer to help schedule an appointment. If nothing else, you could really use another friend... You pocketed the card and decided to worry about it later; exhaustion was starting to settle in by now, and the air only seemed to get colder by the minute. It had to be past midnight by now.
“Thank you for everything you’ve done. It means a lot to me, truly. I’ll...think about the therapist.” 
“I’m glad to hear that. But in the mean time, can I see your phone?” The question caught you off guard and forced you back to the reality of where you were, and what you’d planned to do earlier.
“Uh, well...” you started, “I left it in my apartment. I didn’t think I’d need it up here since... Anyway, I don’t have it on me.” You stared off to the side, not wanting to talk about the subject any longer.
“Do you live around here?”
“Yeah, actually, I live in this apartment building.”
“Oh! Then, I’ll walk with you back to your apartment, since it’s getting kind of cold now. But first...” He whipped out his own phone, opening the contacts app and clicking on the ‘Create New Contact’ option. “What’s your phone number?”
“My phone number?” You stared at him, dumbfounded.
“Yeah, so I can text you and call you. I’d like to be friends, if that’s okay?” He gave you a shy smile with a faint blush, and it was hard not to burst into tears again.
A friend. You had made a new friend. One that cared about you, that wanted to make sure you were okay, that would put in time and effort to talk to you and see you. You could hardly believe it.
“Of course! Sooo, can I have it, then? Oh, and I guess I’ll need your name at some point too, huh?” he teased, a playful glint in his eyes.
“It’s Y/N,” you stated happily.
You immediately gave your number to him, and then the two of you stood to go back inside. He helped you up and held the door open for you, and from there you took the stairs back to your apartment. You made small talk on the way back, and things finally started to feel normal to you for once. But as soon as you turned down the hall that led to your apartment door, you started to feel it; that familiar sinking feeling was creeping in, apathy and the sense of nothingness overwhelming you again. The night was finally coming to an end. You would go back to your apartment, and things would go back to normal, and Deku would probably forget that you even existed. He said he would text, but would he really? He was so busy with hero work, and you half expected things to go back to the way they would be. What if nothing changed? What if you went back to feeling numb? What if everything that happened tonight didn’t really matter? What would you do?
“Whoah, Y/N, slow down. Everything’s gonna be alright.”
Huh? Shit! Had you said all that out loud?
You panicked as you stared at your door. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t-”
“Hey, look at me.” He cupped your face between his hands, tilting your head up to meet his concerned gaze. “Everything will be okay. But these kinds of problems don’t just disappear over night, they need time, and sometimes some outside help from others. I promise to keep in touch with you. I want to make sure you’re okay, and I’d like to get to know you better too. Maybe I can introduce you to my friends? They’re really great people, and they would make you feel right at home. But for now, let’s just focus on one thing, okay? Let’s get you settled back into your apartment for the night.” He ruffled the top of your head softly, and while others might have taken the gesture as offensive or belittling, you were just glad to have felt his warm touch.
“Okay,” you agreed quietly, and you twisted the handle to the door, which you remembered you had left unlocked.
The small apartment greeted you with familiar darkness, that is, until Deku flipped your light switch and the few lamps you had lit up the living room. He let himself in and shut the door behind the two of you, earning a surprised look from you and giving you an apologetic look of his own. “I don’t mean to intrude...I just...” He looked like he was choking over his own words. “I don’t think it’s a good idea to let you be alone right now...but if you want me to leave, then-”
“I don’t want to be alone either,” you were quick to cut him off. You had wanted to invite him to stay, but you also didn’t want to overstep any boundaries. However, it seemed like he beat you to the punch. “I don’t mind you staying. Besides, it’s late, and you look tired. The couch pulls out into a bed; let me get you some extra blankets.” 
You tried your best to be hospitable, even with him insisting that you didn’t need to and that he could just crash in the comfy clothes he wore under his costume. You didn’t have any extra clothes for him, but at least you could give him a pillow and a blanket. As you went to fetch those, you also grabbed your phone from your desk and dropped it next to him on the makeshift bed. He took the liberty of entering his phone number and his real name into your contacts before passing it back.
“No way, you like All Might too?” he asked as you handed him the themed blanket. “This is the same exact blanket I have at home!” A wide grin came over him as he cuddled into it.
His enthusiasm made you laugh a little as you tossed him the pillow. “Yeah, I guess you could say that.” You started to walk away to your bedroom, and as you were about to turn the lights out, he stopped you.
“Hey, Y/N.”
“Did you need something?”
He peeked his head over the edge of the couch. “I just realized I never gave you my name. You can call me Izuku, if you want. Since, we’re friends now, and all.”
“Izuku,” you echoed, “I’m really glad I met you.” And you meant it.
“Yeah, me too.” A moment of silence. “That I met you, I mean! I’m glad I met you too!”
You smiled and turned the lights out. “I’m gonna head to bed.” You hesitated a bit to ask him the question burning at the back of your mind, but your anxiety forced you to ask anyway, the fear of not knowing eating at you. “Will you still be here tomorrow morning?”
He answered you right away and gave you a reassuring look. “I’m off work tomorrow, and I don’t have any plans, so I won’t be going anywhere unless you want me to.”
“Okay. Goodnight, Izuku.” 
“Sweet dreams, Y/N.”
You let out a breath you hadn’t realized you were holding for so long, and with that, you made your way to your bedroom and changed into your favorite pajamas. The card that Izuku had given you earlier dropped to the floor while you were changing, and you picked it up carefully before reading it over again. Maybe...it was worth a shot. You had a lot you were dealing with, and the idea that you could talk to someone about it without being judged or made fun of almost sounded too good to be true. Sure, you had Izuku now, but you knew realistically he wasn’t going to be around all the time. You were tired of feeling like you were always alone, tired of feeling everything and nothing all at once, tired in general. It was all so exhausting. And he had said the therapist was nice...
You crawled into bed with your phone and pulled the covers over yourself. The home screen lit up the room as you opened your contacts and scrolled, looking for one name in particular. You tapped on his name and the familiar conversation screen appeared, the little vertical line blinking at you repeatedly as you worked up the courage to type out your message. Finally, your fingers flew across the keys, and you hit send before you could think twice about it.
Y/N: I think I want to schedule an appointment with the therapist. Can you help? 1:34am
It didn’t take long for you to get a response.
Izuku: Of course. I can contact them tomorrow, if you’d like? 1:34am
Y/N: I’d like that a lot. Thank you, Izuku. 1:35am
Izuku: Are you alright? If you need anything, come get me. I won’t mind. 1:35am
Y/N: I really appreciate that. I’m doing a little better. I’ll let you know if I need something. 1:35am
Izuku: Promise? 1:35am
Y/N: I promise. 1:36am
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weasleypogues · 4 years
newbie on set (r.p)
request: can i request a rudy x reader imagine where the reader plays jjs love interest in s2 but is slightly younger than the rest of the cast (like 18/19) and is worried that they won’t get along/they won’t like her bc she’s a little younger but they all become really close really quickly and she and rudy become kinda flirty? totally okay if u don’t want to! kinda got the idea from ur username being babypogue and me being a whore for fluffy imagines😂 ily!
part 2! :) part 3 part 4
okay writing for the actors is a lot harder than i thought but i hope you like it :) <3 xxx im also gonna be honest, im very bad at flirting so its more of a fluffy and fun convo than straight flirting
you sat at your first table read since being cast on season two of the outer banks. your hands felt clammy and your heart was racing, but you couldn’t hide the smile from coming onto your face because not only was it your dream to be an actor, but on one of your favorite tv shows too? surreal. 
as you walked through the buildings, trying your hardest to find the room, the rest of the cast sat with each other at the table read, talking amongst themselves.
“she’s 19, right?” chase asked the rest of the group sitting next to him. a couple of unsure yes’ came erupted from the group. “younger than i thought...”
“okay old man,” madison joked, earning a laugh from the others, “at least she’s a teen playing a teen.”
“thin ice, bailey. thin ice.” chase responded with, clearly making a joke. madelyn pulled out her phone and showed it to the rest of the group.
“she’s actually kinda cute, i was stalking her yesterday. from the looks of it, she seems fun.” rudy from next to her pulled the phone out of her hands, inspecting the picture of this season’s love interest.
coincidentally, you walked into the room right as they were all hovered around rudy, looking at the picture. just as you wished wouldn’t happen, everyone’s heads turned towards you and got silent.
you took a deep breath in and awkwardly waved, “uh hi guys, i’m-”
jonas pate thankfully took the words out of your mouth and introduced you himself, “this is (y/n) (y/l/n), she will be playing juliet this season! (y/n), these are your new cast mates.”
a chorus of hello’s erupted throughout the room and you spotted your name next to rudy’s name card and hesitantly made your way over to your assigned seat. pulling the seat out from under the table you placed your bag down and smiled at him till your eyes diverted to the phone he was holding, and you saw your most recent picture of yourself on instagram.
it wasn’t even a full three seconds till he realized what you were looking at. his face went beet red and he quickly locked the iphone, passing madelyn’s phone back to her. you weren’t sure if you should feel judged, flattered, or...literally anything else? you just took your seat and pulled out your script.
the table read was fun, cracking jokes and having fun with the cast. but there were also times where it was definitely very professional. when it was time for a lunch break, you pulled out your phone to look at any missed notifications during the hours you were busy.
“(y/n)! we usually grab lunch at the deli down the street, wanna join?” madison asked, giving you a smile but also packing up her bag. 
“sounds good to me.” you responded simply, sending a smile back. 
“about the picture earlier. that definitely looked so bad, we were just curious as to what you would-” rudy started, clearly nervously rambling because he was trying to cover his tracks. you smiled and let out a giggle, fixing your hair.
“what picture?” you responded, tilting your head to the side and furrowing your eyebrows.
“the one on madelyn’s phone fro-” rudy said, turning red because maybe he was just making himself look stupid at this point. 
“what phone?” you responded, with a smile and sent a wink his way. it wasn’t long until he caught on that this was your way of forgiving and forgetting what happened earlier. his mouth was slightly parted as he nodded his head slowly.
“right....” rudy trailed off, chuckling in deep thought. “you did great at the table read today by the way.”
you waited for him as the group walked out the door and he was still zipping his backpack. “thanks, that actually means a lot. i can tell you guys have a lot of fun with each other so that makes me excited.”
“you haven’t seen nothing yet.” rudy responded with a wide grin. you could tell his emotion changed and that he got super giddy, reminiscing on memories from set last year. “so you’re 19, right?”
“i am, indeed. you guys really did your research.” you said, teasing him and the rest of the cast. rudy ran a finger through his hair and let out a husky laughed and you kinda felt your heart flutter? when you first watched the show you also thought he was so cute so this moment was out of a dream.
“we gotta scope out the new meat somehow. we don’t mess around in the outer banks.” rudy joked, elbowing your side and you rolled your eyes at the nickname. “what’s with the sass?” he inquired further, laughing to lighten the question.
“new meat? that’s the nickname i get? kinda grotesque if you ask me.” you responded in a high and sarcastic tone, raising your eyebrows and looking away. 
“i’ll get back to you on a better one, pinky promise.” rudy said, putting out his pinky finger towards you which you gladly wrapped your own around. it wasn’t long till you caught up with the rest of the group as they walked towards the deli on the corner. austin and drew formally introduced themselves, cracking insults and jokes at each other in hopes of making you laugh.
waiting online to order, you got in a small conversation with jonathan about your home towns and what led you to acting. it was a nice conversation to get to know someone, in your opinion. as you all sat at the table in the deli, you ironically ended up across from rudy.
“so, as a newcomer into our cast, we gotta add you to the group chat. but that also means you gotta have a fun contact name.” chase announced, from the head of the table.
“well, rudy called me ‘new meat’ before but that kinda sounds icky so maybe...lets not do that one.” you joked, earning laughs from the rest of the group.
as you were inputting your phone number into madison’s phone next to you and sending a quick ‘hi’ to the groupchat for everyone to receive your number, everyone was in deep though.
“youngin? considering you are the baby of the cast now.” drew brought up, with raised eyebrows. there were sounds of approval and iffy’s as people consumed their food.
“baby pogue?” rudy stated out of nowhere, making direct but soft eye contact with you. a smile formed quickly onto your face and you nodded. “i mean apart from being the youngest, you are the newest to the family. it only makes sense.”
“that sounds more promising to me.” you said, sending a smile his way. yet again, your heart fluttered again. again? you place down your sandwich, taking a second to chew until you found a pair of feet play with your own from under the table. 
you glanced up to hopefully make eye contact with the culprit and made very quick contact with rudy’s blue eyes till he looked away quickly, failing to hide the smirk rising to his face. you blushed and looked down, but not pulling your feet away.
this was gonna be fun.
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