#it makes me calmer and happier and i start noticing more things that make me smile when i'm going through my day
hugsandchaos · 3 months
Definition: The rare love and obsession with stars, planets, and outer space
Word count: 2,456
@thestarofpines, @xxrozepetalxx, @tumbling-darkling, @weswestonoffical, I know you all said that you liked the crossover in the reblog tags and comments, so I figured I’d tag you in the first one! I probably won’t tag anyone in the next one, though.
(By the way, @xxrozepetalxx, I recognize you. Again, thank you so much for helping me find that dc x dp post last summer!)
It was the first clear night for the past few days. Despite the sun and moon not being there, the amount of stars shining made the sky look brighter than the ground below. The trees stretching high beyond the fire’s light appeared just dark enough to stand out against the sky. The fire, crickets, owls, and frogs filled the silence so it didn’t stay quiet for too long. It was nice. Except for one thing.
Twilight looked back down and glanced over at the newest addition to the group. Danny, apparently a nickname he goes by, was still awake. He was laying down and using his odd bag as a pillow, which couldn’t be as comfortable as he claimed. He stared quietly up at the sky with pure admiration. It could just be his imagination, but the ranch hand could swear he saw the stars reflecting in the kid’s blue eyes. He looked a lot calmer and happier now compared to these last few nights, which isn’t a surprise since he seemed to really like the way the sky looked at night. Twilight didn’t want to interrupt what looked like a peaceful moment to Danny, but the sun had set a while ago and it was getting late.
“Aren’t you going to sleep?” Twilight asked. Danny briefly glanced over at him, then back up at the sky.
“Maybe in a bit.” He said.
That was a lie. He probably wouldn’t fall asleep until Twilight woke Sky up for his shift. That’s what happened the times when the sky was clear at night. When it became cloudy, Danny suddenly started falling asleep over an hour earlier. And now that they had a nice view of the stars again, the ranch hand had a feeling “in a bit” really meant “in an hour”. The kid just dozes off staring at the sky almost every night.
Danny has mentioned before that part of the reason is because his town experiences something called “light pollution”. Apparently, his world is pretty technologically advanced, and they use electric lights to illuminate many of their roads and paths. Unfortunately, this comes with the downside of having a hard time seeing the stars unless someone travels far enough outside the town. Maybe he just wants to make the most of it.
Still, Twilight couldn’t help but ask, “You really like stars that much?”
“Not just the stars, outer space in general. I could talk about it for hours.” Danny replied, not looking back at him.
“Outer space?” Twilight questioned. He wasn’t sure if he’s heard that specific phrase before, but he was very sure he hadn’t.
Danny sat up and glanced over at him with a small shrug.“Yeah. You know, the sun, planets, the moon, stars, comets, meteors, all that stuff.” He said.
Come to think of it, there was a time when Twilight asked his parents about the ever-present mystery of the stars and moon, but they didn’t really have the answers. No one seemed to have them. Everyone just believed it was part of the goddesses’ design, to help people navigate through the night or have something to help them feel more at ease in the darkness. The way Danny said he could talk about it for hours left pretty much no room for thinking that he didn’t know what he was talking about. Maybe he could ask him a few questions. Maybe he had the answers every kid in his village asked, including him at one point.
Twilight almost shook his head. Danny needed to get to sleep. Sure, he’d give him time to stargaze, but he really didn’t want that to turn into him staying up all night. Asking about stars was out of the question.
Suddenly, a small light illuminated in the older hylian’s mind.
Glancing over at Danny again, he noticed that he’d once again returned to staring at the sky.“I don’t think I’ve heard much about it. Why don’t you tell me a little since you seem to know a thing or two?” He asked. Danny didn’t seem to respond at first, but then he promptly sat up and turned around. He had an expression that Twilight wasn’t very familiar with, but he remembered seeing it on a Goron’s face when Sky was talking to him about some history stuff about “the legend of the hero” and knew what it was. He didn’t know the word for it, but there was definitely surprise and suppressed excitement. Like he was checking if he heard him correctly.
Danny cleared his throat after a moment.“Well, the first thing that comes to mind is the life cycle of stars.” He said. The term “life cycles” was new to Twilight when he spoke to his and Rusl’s friends at the bar, but he understood it after a very brief explanation.
“I didn’t know stars had those. Continue.” Twilight said.
Danny practically jumped to his feet with newfound energy and enthusiasm. He picked up his backpack immediately rushed over to where Twilight was sitting. He avoided getting too close to the other members of the group with all the grace of a hyper toddler running for desert. The ranch hand was almost caught off guard with how big of a change that one question made. The kid was practically beaming and his grin was a lot like the face Colin made when he got a short ride on Epona’s back.
Danny fumbled with the zipper as he rushed to open it, but managed to pull out a green notebook.”Okay, I’m probably going to go on a rant because I love talking about space, so stop me if I start talking too much.” He started, keeping his voice down with the others’ sleep in mind. Twilight didn’t really understand why he said it like that, but nodded anyways. Danny flipped to a page in his notebook and leaned over to show Twilight a couple of drawings and plenty of notes. His alphabet was different from the Hylian alphabet, so he couldn’t read it.
“Also, I should clarify something. Stars live for so long that we haven’t exactly been able to look at one star and watch if from birth to death, but with the sheer amount of stars in the universe, we’ve been able to observe them in different stages and put the pieces together.” Twilight nodded in understanding. Danny pointed at the one drawing that kind of resembled a cloud of smoke or something similar.“Stars are born in big clouds of cold gas and dust called nebulae, a single one is called a nebula, and these things are massive! Their diameters range from 50 to 300 light years across!” He said.
Twilight felt a little rude for interrupting so early, but he didn’t exactly understand the last bit.“You lost me at “diameters” and “light years”. I don’t know what those are.” He said.
Danny didn’t seem upset about him saying that and flipped several pages until they turned blank. He reached into a smaller pocket in his backpack and pulled out a pencil he’s used to try to write down and learn the Hylian alphabet. He drew a circle and a line through it.”This is a diameter, it’s the distance between one side of something, typically a circular area, to the other. A light year measures the distance light travels in one year. Since light is incredibly fast, I think that helps put into perspective of how huge it is.” Danny explained.
“Hold on, what?” Twilight blurted out. It wasn’t loud, but came out quickly. Danny turned to him and nodded.
It sounded impossible to believe. Light wasn’t fast, it was instant! It was there, and then it wasn’t! You can’t measure the speed of light!... Right?
“The distance it takes light... to travel to- in a year?!” Twilight repeated, keeping his voice down to a whisper.
Danny nodded again, this time a little quicker.“Yeah! Hard to believe, huh? I almost didn’t!” He whispered. A few more seconds of silence passed.
“You’re right, those things sound huge.” Twilight said.
Danny’s expression faltered a little bit, but he kept most of his smile.“Do you want me to stop?” He asked. He didn’t sound disappointed, but Twilight could tell that a small part of him was crushed by the thought that he’d have to stop.
Not only did Twilight not want to disappoint him in a way that he’s clearly experienced before, but he was now even more curious about this.“No, keep going. I want to see how a huge cloud of dust turns into one of those.” He said, gesturing up to the sky. He could’ve sworn that Danny bounced a little before he flipped back through the pages and continued.
“Okay! So over time, the clouds contract, become denser, and slowly heat up. The clouds also break up into clumps, and as they get smaller, they begin to flatten into a disk shape. As the contracting clump continues to heat up, a protostar is formed. A protostar is like... like a baby star or something. It’s not a star yet because it’s not hot enough to start nuclear reactions. This stage is supposed last roughly 50 million years. As the collapse continues, the mass of the protostar grows, which squeezes it even more and increases the temperature. If the protostar becomes massive enough to reach 10 million degrees Celsius, then it become hot enough for nuclear reactions to start and the protostar will technically be referred to as a star!” Danny explained, quietly but very enthusiastically.
Twilight did his best to follow along and absorbed the information pretty well. It was a bit confusing how a bunch of dust squeezing and somehow heating up would turn into a star over millions of years, but it somehow made sense with Danny pointing at different sketches. So he really only had one question for him.“How hot is 10 million Celsius??” He asked.
“I was taught to use Fahrenheit, but it’s around 18,000,032 degrees. I think today was somewhere around 66 degrees. You’d evaporate like water before you get anywhere close to a star!“ Danny replied. He didn’t sound pretty scared at the last part, but rather happy to say that. It was probably the fact that he was able to share this information with him rather than him picturing someone being evaporated and finding some sick joy from it.
“Wow. The world you come from.” Twilight said. Danny almost laughed.”Hey, this is all pretty unbelievable! Especially when you’re telling me stars are massive when they look like that.” Twilight said, pointing at the sky.
“That’s because we’re really far away. The closest star is 4.24 light years away. When we look at the stars, we’re looking back in time.” Danny said. Twilight let his arm drop. He didn’t even have to say “You’ve got to be joking”, Danny got the message and covered his mouth so he didn’t laugh and wake anyone up. His efforts were cut off by a yawn. Twilight smiled. His plan was was working. He thought up of another question.
“So you said stars have a life cycle? How do they die?” He asked. He felt pleased with himself when he noticed Danny’s eyelids drooping a little bit.
“Well, it kind of depends on the star’s mass...”
Twilight listened to him go on to explain how a star’s mass plays into what happens at the end of its life and what different sized stars go through, paying attention to both his words and the way he was slowly starting to lean against him.
“—y. Hey, wake up.” A voice said. Sky groaned in discomfort and irritation as he was pulled from the comfortable, heavy blanket of sleep. He mindlessly swatted a hand at the hand patting his leg and felt himself sat up before he thought of doing it. He found himself rubbing his eyes to get rid of the gunk and opening them out of a newly picked up routine.
Two short, seated figures were in front of a shifting red, orange, and yellow light. One of them was holding their hand over his leg, and focusing on the hand helped him realize that it was Twilight who woke him up.”You awake?” He asked.
“Yes.” Sky said, sounding meaner than he meant to. Twilight smiled and turned back to face the fire.
“Good. Legend is covering the shift after yours.” Twilight said. Sky stretched his limbs and yawned. He peered up at the sky to try to see what time it was, but tonight was a new moon, so he just had to trust Twilight’s judgement. A small part of him still fussed over the fact that he wasn’t getting a 100% night’s sleep. He ignored that part and stood up. He walked over to the log to see Twilight was actually leaning against it instead of sitting on it, along with Danny. Sky sat on the opposite side of Danny so Twilight was between them and glanced at both of them with a questioning, but pretty amused look.
Danny wasn’t just leaning on the log, he was also leaning on Twilight, with his back against both of them at an angle and his head resting on the older hylian’s shoulder like a pillow. A notebook was left open in Danny’s lap. The contents of the pages were odd sketches and sentences that appeared to be in Danny’s language. His purple backpack was also left in his lap, propping the notebook up.”Did I miss something?” Sky asked. Twilight lifted his left arm above his head and used it as his own pillow against the log while his right laid in his lap.
“I asked him about stars. Apparently, he knows a couple things about them and fell asleep talking about them.” Twilight replied. Sky walked over to where Twilight left his bed loft (I’m very sure that’s a sleeping bag, correct me if I’m wrong) and picked it up.
“Stars?” He asked. He unwrapped the bed loft and placed the pillow underneath Twilight’s head to make it more comfortable, then moved to see if he could put the blanket over the both of them.
“Thank you. And yeah, stars. He mentioned he liked them a lot and could “talk about them for hours”. He only lasted an hour and half before he fell asleep.” Twilight said, suppressing a laugh.
“Guess he meant during the day. I think I’ll ask him about stars tomorrow if it’s as interesting as you make it sound.” Sky said. He managed to turn the blanket sideways and cover both Twilight and Danny. Or part of them both, anyways.”Is this good?” He asked.
Twilight nodded.”Yeah. Thanks again, Sky.” He said. Sky sat back down on the log and stretched again. The two bid each other goodnight, and soon, Sky was left alone with his thoughts and the crackling of the fire.
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cafe-au-lait-loa · 4 months
What two weeks of Self Concept work did to me
It’s been officially two weeks since I started focusing on my self concept. Here are some of the changes I've noticed :
My daily mood has completely changed - I have become a happier and calmer person. I have become much more trusting of myself and of my universe.
I don’t feel the need to check the 3D as much - I used to think about the 3D and what is going on in the 3D so much, and although I fought against the want to check the 3D I would sometimes let myself do it. Whereas now, I almost never feel like checking the 3D.
I don’t get triggered as easily - I still get triggered from time to time but it’s definitely not as bad as I used to. I used to have almost full on panic attacks at worst, and now my worst reactions would be feeling my heart drop for a millisecond which is a huge improvement. I accidentally checked my SP’s social media and I honestly didn’t feel any pain or stress, I just went back without feeling like nitpicking every single thing on his profile.
I don’t have as many negative thoughts - I used to think that my thoughts were controlling me, but the more I work on my self concept the more I feel in control of myself and of my universe. Don’t get me wrong, I still think about my “negative circumstances” from time to time but definitely not as much as before.
I know all of these will just get better and better
I’m starting to realize that everything is about me - the more I work on my self concept the more I realize that it all comes from within. It’s almost hard to explain but I feel fulfilled and I almost start to not care about my desires, not as in giving up on them but more so in “yeah it’s nice but I got myself and that’s what matters most”. I would have NEVER had that mindset even a month ago.
I’ve had people tell me some of my affirmations 
I did much more than just affirm when it comes to self concept and I plan on making a full post on my self concept practice and routine. Please work on your self concept, you will get your dream life and most importantly you will be the true source of your own happiness. I’m feeling things in these two weeks that I’ve never felt before. The peace, the love and the assurance I feel right now are something I would have only dreamed of feeling a month ago, and it will only get better.
🤍 Happy Manifesting
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juniminabloom · 2 years
Yandere! Chef Saltbaker x reader
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A/N: This lil’ oneshot was requested by my good friend Sky, you can check them out over at our group blog! @soillky​ And one more quick thing, go check out @kirlias452​ ! They’re really cool and allowed me to use one of their headcanons, so thank you! Edit: Part 2 is out! You can find it here!
~First, we’ll start with headcanons~
(Keep in mind that in this oneshot for my friend, he is yandere.)
- Very sweet for a salt shaker - Loves to cook with you, it makes his pastries taste better to him - He loves spending as much time with you as possible, even though he has a bakery to run - Loves to hold your hand, it makes him feel calmer and happier ever since he was driven mad - Since he was driven mad, he’s a bit possessive. If he can’t have that Wondertart, he can surely have you. Right...? - Gets jealous if any customer compliments you, no matter what the compliment is - Absolutely loves to hold you. Whether it’s holding your hand or cuddling, physical touch is his love language.
~And now, the oneshot ❤ ~  Word count: 0.7k
     Another day of working at the bakery. But it doesn’t bother you, knowing that your best friend and owner of the bakery, Chef Saltbaker, is there with you. Today you’re stuck as the cashier. Not the most exciting to you, but at least you get to interact with people, and most of them are really nice to you.
     “...And there you go, sir! Have a nice day!” You say with a smile as the last customer walks out of the building. It’s now time to close up shop, and as you flip the sign on the front to “Sorry, We’re Closed!”, you feel a hard hand grip your shoulder.      “Y/N, we need to talk.” Chef Saltbaker says with a saddened face. “Follow me upstairs.”  “O-oh, um, alright. Am I in trouble?” You reply with a nervous tone. He’s never asked you for a “talk”, you’ve done so well at the bakery, and you don’t know if you’ve done anything wrong. “No, of course you aren’t in trouble. I just need a chat with you,” Chef Saltbaker replies, easing your worries.
     “Here, sit down.” Saltbaker says as he pats a cushion on the couch. You do, and he sits down next to you. “So, Chef, is anything bothering you?” You ask, still a little worried that you did something wrong. “To put it in simple words, yes. I don’t want you working as the cashier anymore. I don’t like how many people end up complimenting you. It’s... unnerving.”
     “But Chef, how is that unnerving? I like working as the cashier,” You say, a little sad that you wouldn’t interact with other people.
     Saltbaker wouldn’t answer your question. Instead, he grasped your hands with his and held them up to his chest. In an instant, his eyes flashed a yellow, and yours grew wide. Yellow eyes... the same ones you saw in his twisted face that one fateful day. Why, oh why?
     “Y/N, have I ever told you how pretty you are?” He said, his eyes now yellow and a large grin spreading across his face. You feel yourself slightly blush at the sudden change of mood. Saltbaker notices, and yanks your arms to him, making you slightly jump with a yelp, landing you right on his lap.
     He snakes his arms around your waist and pulls you in for a hug. You can hear him slightly smelling your neck, his nose pushed against it, and a blush spreads across your cheeks. What has gotten into him? He’s never done this before.
     “Y/N, you remember that day, the day I tried to take Cuphead’s soul for my greatest dish yet?  He whispers as he squeezes you tighter. Your blush fades and you quietly reply, “I do... why do you ask?” “I couldn’t have that Wondertart. They wouldn’t let me. I could’ve had so much power, and control,” His voice starts to slowly grow louder. “I could’ve had everything- and now it’s gone.” He squeezes you tighter, making it hard for you to breathe, so you lightly tap his back and he loosens- just a little.
     “Chef, you’re scaring me,” You worriedly say. “What’s gotten into you?” “I can’t have that Wondertart. But there is one thing that I want. And it will be mine, no matter what.” Saltbaker whispers in your ear.
“And what would that be, Chef?” “Do you want the name of it?” “Of course I do.” “The name of it...  Y/N.“
     This surely took you by surprise. Your cheeks heated up again with a deeper blush, and Saltbaker pushed you slightly away from him, just so he could meet your face with a smile.      “I do love you, Y/N. For a long while now.” Saltbaker cooed. He pulled you back, but sat you on his lap, his arm under your arm. You were in a position where you were almost sitting next to him, just on his lap, and slightly turned. He nuzzled his head against your cheek, and gave you a quick kiss on it. You were blushing really hard, but didn’t know how to feel.
     “You’re all I want. You’re the sweetest sugar, the ripest strawberry, the perfect pepper-to-salt ratio,” He complimented. “If I couldn’t have that Wondertart, I’ll surely have you.”
“No matter the cost.”
     ~Writing this was super fun! Maybe a part 2? Who knows! Shoot me an ask and I’ll surely do it! Love you guys <3~
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mehiwilldoitlater · 1 year
Liu' er couldn't stop watching you. Your laughter while you were playing with the other small monkeys—since when did he find it so delightful? Since when has your presence changed from normalcy to that small spark in his poor old heart? Since when has he started to think that you, the one addressed as the creator, weren't either a god or a simple friend for him?
"Hey, you've been looking at me for some time! Don't tell me you still don't trust me with the little ones, are you?"
You've noticed his eyes on you. Liu'er used to stare at you or just try to figure out what was going on. He seemed different now—calmer, perhaps happier? 
His thoughts slipped out of his mouth, caught in the moment.
"You're perfect..."
A heavy silence fell between you two, broken only by the waves of the sea. His face gradually turned a bright red, just like when he became angry. He covered his mouth with his hands, trying not to say anything else. Your face, on the other hand, was full of confusion.
"Please! Don't-don't let me... I couldn't... please let's not talk about what I just said, ok?!"
He stood up, but you were fast enough to catch his wrist. His bracelets tingled when they came into contact with your pearl one.
"No, Liu'er, please! Something...something is obviously upsetting you; please tell me!"
He couldn't, not knowing what Wu Kong felt for you. But your eyes... were you worried for him? He wished he could have been as direct as his old friend.
"I haven't liked you since you came here."
"Yeah, I knew that."
".............. But...things changed... I thought that you were like the other gods...the ones that hate us just because we don't want to be ruled by one of them—and I thought that, one day, Celestia would have come... because of you."
He felt so bad. The more he spoke, the more he wanted to just leave that beach. You were listening, silently.
"But, like I said, things changed. You weren't like them; you were... funny; you love everything here, you don't care if we talk bad about Morax or the other Archons; you even laugh about it too!"
He had a spark in his eyes, you weren't sure if he wanted to cry or if he was just happy to get all those thoughts out of his mind.
"And-and the kids love you! You helped us to re-group the old band, you protected us from the Archons! When I see you laugh, I can hear the world stop just because i need to hear you laugh!"
He started to pass a hand through his white fur, a small and weak glint in his voice indicating that he wanted to keep his voice down.
"And... and your eyes! In your eyes, I felt like if I couldn't see them enough, I'd drown! Or if I can make you smile just once a day, I can't even go to bed without feeling a boulder on my chest! I feel different, you make me feel different, and... please tell me to stop!"
Your hands gripped his trembling one, his long claws brushing against your delicate skin.
"Don't stop! I don't want you to stop!"
You both had that gleam in your eyes.
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bagerfluff · 1 month
Late Night Loving
Older Izumi Koushiro x Non-Binary Reader
Prompt - Late Night Calls
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You groaned and opened your eyes, 12:36.
You rubbed your eyes and propped yourself on your arm. Why did you wake up? You looked around, nobody woke you up. It wasn’t until a few seconds till you heard ringing.
How long has that ringing been there? You sat up and reached over to grab your phone. When you opened it you had to close your eyes because of the bright light.
You groaned again, who was calling you at midnight?
Who was up at midnight to call you?
You were annoyed that you woke up, you were about to close your phone and go back to your dreams when you noticed the name of who was calling you. Koushiro.
Why was he calling you at midnight? Did something happen? You quickly pressed the answer button and brought the phone to your ear. “Yeah?”
You asked worriedly. “Hey Y/n”, Koushiro said. He sounded just as tired as you, maybe more. “Are you okay?” You asked, throwing your blanket off your lap.
“I’m fine, it’s just that”, Koushiro let his sentence go on. You put the blanket back over your lap and sighed. Everything was fine, so why was Koushiro calling you?
You knew that Koushiro tended to stay up late, he rarely went to sleep unless someone forced him or he passed out. You wondered if that was it.
But then why would he call you?
“Are you okay?” You asked softly. Koushiro didn’t answer but you heard Tentomon talking in the background. You couldn’t make out what he was saying.
Your Digimon laid at the foot of your bed, completely unaffected by what was happening. You shook your head at them right as Koushiro responded, “I’m fine, just wanted to talk to you”. Koushiro didn’t sound confident in his answer, that made you frown.
You wanted to know what happened but you could wait till morning. You’d bring Koushiro some tea, you two would talk about it over tea. “Well, something strange did happen to me this morning”, you started talking about your day.
You went from when you woke up till you fell asleep. You made sure to keep as many details as you could remember as well as small tidbits about things that happened.
You could hear Koushiro laughing and making his own tidbits too. You heard the change in Koushiro’s voice from when he first spoke, he sounded calmer and happier.
“Then when I was walking past the soccer field, Taichi kicked the ball into my chest. When I see him I swear I’m going to kick him to the moon”, you let out a little laugh and waited for Koushiro to talk but you didn’t hear anything.
You thought Koushiro had hung up but when you brought your phone down you were still on the call. “Koushiro?” You said but all you heard was breathing. “He fell asleep”, Tentomon said.
You were a little shocked to hear him speak. “He did?” You asked, did you make him fall asleep? That made your heart beat a bit faster. “Tento, is he okay?”
You felt bad about doing this but you needed to know if Koushiro was okay. “He was just a little stressed about his work. Thank you for talking to him”, Tentomon said.
“It’s fine, when he wakes up tell him I’m always available if he needs someone to talk to, or just someone to talk to him”, that was true. You’d always be there for Koushiro, even if it was midnight.
“Will do, goodnight” “goodnight Tentomon”, you pulled the phone down and ended the call. You placed your phone back on your night stand and looked at the clock.
1:54, almost two hours. You laid back down and pulled the blanket up, you knew you weren’t going to sleep any time soon but you were happy that Koushiro was asleep.
You were going to talk to him about this in the morning, or in several hours. He needed to stop doing this, but for now until he could get better.
You would help him, one phone call at a time.
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
so about the headcanon that Tam Song has depression and/or anxiety, what are some opinions you have about the symptoms that he would experience, and how he would handle it? my boy has social anxiety and needs Linh to order his food at restaurants, change my mind. (but really, as somebody with severe depression and anxiety, and Tam as a comfort character, this headcanon means a lot to me)
I love those headcanons! It's both satisfying and cathartic to see characters dealing with similar issues/situations/feelings that you do, among other things. That being said, here are some of my thoughts on what symptoms and coping mechanisms Tam might have!
the cuffs of his shirts are always a little more worn than everything else because he bites on them when he's nervous
he bites his shirts because he used to bite his lip a lot but he's trying to be better about that one and find another outlet
when he gets really anxious, he'll start to get lightheaded, bordering on vertigo, and needs to take a moment to reorient himself and breath through it
time seems to slip by him sometimes, hours, days, weeks passing in a haze, and during those hazes he doesn't really talk to anyone. not intentionally, it just doesn't happen. one day turns into two turns into two weeks of missed hails and unread messages.
his rooms gets messy, even though he doesn't have a lot of things. items slip out of place and he just gets rid of things so he doesn't have to deal with them.
that part is something friends help him deal with, though not many people are allowed in his space. when he goes awol for a while someone will drop by to check on him, to open the curtains and put on a happier playlist and help him straighten things up.
he's always judgemental and quick to snap back at people because he's trying to hide how vulnerable and exposed he feels in group settings, and sometimes afterwards he regrets some of the things that he said
when working with his ability he's almost always dealing with thoughts telling him he'll never be good enough. that he's not strong enough, that his ability makes him less.
he tries not to say it, but it's written on his face. when they were kids, Linh made him a little bracelet with letter beads that spell "worthy," and he's always kept it as a reminder against those thoughts. over the years he's made himself more bracelets because the reminders do help, things like "enough" and "valued"
both a combination of insomnia and overwhelming nerves can keep him up sometimes, for a variety of reasons. maybe his heart is beating too loud or he can hear too many sounds at once, sometimes sleep is just a lot harder.
those nights, he has a playlist he listens to of quiet songs to try and at least keep him calmer. he doesn't put more remorseful or sad songs on the playlist, because he learned the hard way that's way more likely to send him into late night everyone hates me and nothing matters thoughts, which he wants to avoid
when he gets anxious he starts to tap things, unique patterns with his fingers over and over again to give him something to do with the incessant energy his mind is throwing at him. sometimes he focusing on regulating himself so hard he stops processing everything else, stops bearing conversation and stops responding, but he'll try to play it off if people notice
talking to people always wears him out a little even if he likes the person because he's so high-strung, constantly waiting for the catch. Just like when he spoke to Mr. Forkle, he's always running through worst case scenarios in his head and bracing himself for the most far-fetched
he's not 100% adapted to dealing with everything and has some hard days, but he is legitimately trying to get better about it and making progress
this is more of an informal format than I usually take to answering asks, so if you'd want me to go through and be more methodic and connect things to canon, I'd be more than happy to do so! but until then these are some of the thoughts I first had when you broached the subject. I love him very dearly <3
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theninthdoor · 1 year
Hello, I don't know where to start but first of all thank you for all your tarot reading posts about Nct, they're very detailed and help me understand about them at some points. I'm curious, there's sth bother me recently I really want to ask: Can you do an energy/relationship between Mark & Chenle (Nct) recently? I notice Mark has been "slow down?" nowadays (I don't know the exact word to describe it lol, I mean he looks calmer, not too much chaotic). Now that I watch him on Dream contents he seems to be more quiet and silently watching Dreamies fighting/arguing/talking and this links to Chenle. I know Chenle is difficult, this minute he may seem sensitive, touchy, loud, childish, be getting carried away in his own business to prove his points, the next minute he's just sitting still and deep in thoughts, like there are 2 people in him. In the past whenever Chenle seemed to be surly, leader would laugh it off or go along with the situation, but recently he's just quietly observing the situation. As you said in your reading 2023 posts for Chenle, maturing is a bittersweet progress, and I think this maturing period has hit Mark while Chenle is still being clueless about the atmosphere/situations around him when he's trying hard to prove his points, and it make me worried that he might create an uncomfortable atmosphere for members. I think because Chenle is not living with members so there's an invisible border preventing him from reading the situation? I hope he can figure it out soon. I understand that Chenle looks more excited and happier after SM let Mark and Haechan turn back and promote as 7 again. I notice in the past (2019-2020) in some show contents where there were only 5 members, Chenle looked calmer, even more silent and seemed to be lost. Maybe drinking tea and doing meditation helped him calm down a little? About Mark, I think things have change after he had covid-19, it made him reflect his whole journey. Sorry for long explanation, and thank you so much if you can reply this question!
(to answer all 3 questions that were sent regarding this issue: hope this helps!)
cards: queen of wands, king of swords, queen of swords
Mark as the Nine of Swords || Chenle as the Three of Cups || the friendship as the Hanged Man & Three of Pentacles
Their friendship isn't moving neither forward nor backward right now. It's likely that they don't have a lot of time (or opportunities) to be together outside of schedules, and so they can't maintain the same level of closeness as they may have had before. Chenle is more high spiritied and playful, as he's focusing on the positives of life, while Mark seems to have a lot to worry about at the moment, which is, understandably, making him look less lively. Also, there are a lot of external influences here - could be the other members, staff or people from their personal lives. Those energies are very prominent, and take over most of the time they have together. No bad blood, tho, and neither are these people purposely trying to keep the apart. It's just that there are a lot of obstacles between them at the moment and they are both focusing on different things. It's hard for them to connect on a personal level right now; it's all more professional.
(Disclaimer: all readings are alleged and for entertainment purposes only.)
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rumblebumble22 · 2 years
I want to be old, and I explain why
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There are a lot of stereotypes about old people. Many of us think they are incompetent and unable to enjoy life, depressed and miserable. But is it true? I did a bit of research and realised that these people are one of the happiest and most fulfilled groups of the world population. It turned out that these people live a calm and joyful life. But why in our world is everyone so terrified of the prospect of becoming older? In my opinion, there are stereotypes which prevent us from seeing aging as it is — a natural process which no one of us can avoid. 
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Modern beauty industries sell us the idea that only youth is beautiful and only young people deserve love and care. On TV and on the Internet we see attractive models with thin waists, skinny belly and smooth skin. There is almost no representation of old people in the mass media, did you notice? There is only energy, health, and liveliness on the faces of teenagers and young adults. It seems like beauty industries associate these concepts only with youth. 
Anti-age. Doesn’t this word sound weird to you? What do surgery clinics and cosmetics companies mean by this word, actually? Does they try to convince us that the laws of nature are wrong and we should turn time back? I think it is ridiculous. It’s like when I am 29, I suddenly wish to be a 12-year-old girl again. Why should I want it? Why anyone should want something like this?
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But I can explain how it works. Beauty companies instill women with fear that nobody will love them if they become old. They told us that smooth skin is beautiful, whereas wrinkles and gray hair are ugly. I just wonder, does anybody really believe in that? Because seriously, these companies just make money this way. I searched how much surgery clinics earned on liposuction, botox and facelifting and goddamn, these numbers exploded my mind. Companies make money on women’s fears, and women obediently go under the surgeon’s knife or waste money on expensive and useless creams. Is it actually legal? 
After all these horrific facts I found old people’s opinions, where they explain their perception of life. It turned out for me that actually the older we get, the happier we are. Aging has some unique benefits which are unavailable to you when you are young. For example, when you become old you really don’t care anymore what people think about you. You can say what you really think, wear weird clothes or sniff cocaine. It's up to you and your imagination. No one will condemn you as much as if you were young. 
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Besides, you can relax more. Nobody expects you to join the gym, become a parent or build a career. Why? Because probably you already do some of these things and if you didn’t, who cares now? You are too old to start this kind of serious project. No one can tell you what you should or shouldn’t do, because it’s just not appropriate to tell things like this to old people.
Also, with age time became shorter, so you begin to comprehend life as it is. Stupid problems and unimportant concerns doesn’t worry you anymore. Sunsets, conversations with friends, walks in the nature: all these things become more precious to you. You simply start to appreciate everything around you more and understand that life is a treasure. 
Also, since with age you get more skills and understanding of life, you become wiser and calmer. Probably, you have more financial security and free time for hobbies and interests than you had when you were young.  Thus, you become more happy and can live as you like. 
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 I think we should give more attention to aging and get rid of our prejudices about old people. Firstly, the despair of aging is simply a lie, and secondly, it’s not fair in relation to old people. Old age might be happier than we actually think, and I am waiting with curiosity for the days when I become an elder. 
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takecareluv · 2 years
Record shop🎧-> Give me a certain vibe and I will make a playlist for you
Well firstly my name is diamond….I don’t really know what my vibe is but I’ll try to tell you😂.Okay I feel like I have always been that type of person that “loves love” yk what I mean,like I’ve witnessed it in all different ways but I’ve haven’t experienced it at all and I wish I could (if you haven’t gotten the hint,I am a hopeless,sensitive,romantic fool✨).I want to experience love that’s softer than clouds,makes me smile brighter than the sun and everything small thing that person does makes me fall deeper and deeper in love with them.Like I said,I.am.SENSITIVE,like to the max,I even cry about things that aren’t even sad🥲 and it’s so tiring and I try to distract myself by watching sitcoms and movies from days where I wasn’t even born,probably why I have insomnia today.I’m also awkward,I could never start a conversation if my life depended on it and whenever I try,I end up oversharing and then making the situation worse and then feel stupid and annoying afterwards (a bit like right now as I’m typing this).Anyway,good luck making a playlist out of this,my personality.
hi!! oh my goodness i am so sorry this took me so long to post, this has been sitting in my drafts for weeks and i completely forgot about it. sorry again !! i tried to find some songs that had that hopelessly in love feel you described and then some that were more upbeat because i know you said you like to distract yourself by watching happier shows & movies so here are maybe some songs you could do that with as well !!? oh & also some songs that have a calmer energy (that i actually have in my sleepy playlist) because you said you struggle with insomnia so maybe these could help you :) ah i’m kinda nervous, i hope you like at least a few of these songs <3
i found you/nilda’s story by benny blanco calvin harris & miguel
stuck on you by giveon
happiness by rex orange county
for me by pink sweat$ (feat. blxst)
no ordinary by labrinth
high school by UMI
unsaid by ruel
melting by kali uchis
every kind of way by h.e.r.
finally feel good by james arthur
sunday morning by maroon five
better by khalid
fade into you by mazzy star
island in the sun by weezer
vertigo by khalid
don’t matter to me by drake & michael jackson
we find love by daniel caesar
i won’t give up by jason mraz
yes i’m changing by tame impala
love me now by john legend
notice me (acoustic) by role model
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Three ways yoga helps in ‘interesting times’
  When your day job is teaching American government to college students, it turns out yoga is an excellent complement to the tumult and challenge of interesting political times. And boy, are we ever living in such times! I spend my days with students who live in largely rural parts of middle Tennessee. Many of them have never traveled more than 50 or 100 miles from where they grew up. It’s tough to convince them of the value in paying attention to the broader world, especially to political figures who appear to be more often corrupt and self-serving than genuinely invested in representing their communities. More pressingly, though, for those of us who make a living by or a habit of paying attention to the world, it’s really hard to foster presence and equanimity when so much seems so wrong. How can yoga help in these times? Here are three things that work for me. Notice how effort brings reward in your movement practice. The other day, I realized that I felt lighter, more energetic, and calmer than I had in a few days. And then I realized that I’d done a yoga practice the night before for the first time in a week! Despite the image many have of yoga teachers as doing energetic practices daily, I struggle to incorporate more than five or ten minutes of yoga into most of my days, particularly as a college professor in the middle of a semester. That moment when I realized that I felt better because of concrete action taken the previous day was a lightning bolt moment for me. It’s also an excellent mindset for approaching a noisy, challenging world. We sometimes feel we must fix all of the problems, all of the time—I don’t think it’s just me who feels that way, right? But yoga reminds us to stay in the present and focus on just one thing at a time. On the yoga mat, that one thing is how we’re feeling in our body. This practice of focusing on one thing and making the most of what you have in that moment? These are great tools off the yoga mat as well. How can you focus on one thing, take concrete (and doable) action, and see an incremental change? Let that be your guiding focus. Cultivate (or nurture) a gratitude practice. When the world feels a bit too much, we often feel our thoughts scatter to the seven winds. A gratitude practice helps bring us back to the moment. If you’re anything like me, the notion of firing up a ‘gratitude practice’ can easily morph into permission slip to go shopping; buy a special gratitude journal, maybe some new and colorful pens, and redecorate a gratitude zone at home. In fact, as I write this, nothing would make me happier than to pop over to Staples or Target right now to buy new gratitude supplies. These are just ways to pretend we’re doing the work, though. It’s shortcutting our way to a sense of gratitude. Here’s what my gratitude practice today looks like: When I start to feel overwhelmed, dispirited, or pessimistic, I look for something good around me. Maybe it’s just that I drive a car that I absolutely love. Or that nobody in my house has yet found the box of Tagalongs I squirreled away so I’d still have some at Christmastime. My gratitude list is not written, is not glamorous, and would not merit public sharing. Instead, it’s full of very simple, very small things that buttress my life in unobtrusive ways. Noticing these things, and saying a silent thank-you to the universe for sending them my way, is one of my favorite ways to bring yoga into my daily life. Acknowledge what you cannot control, and let that shit go. The most powerful thing that happened when I began doing yoga regularly, and especially when I went through Curvy Yoga teacher training, was the dramatic increase in my comfort with acknowledging the things I cannot (or prefer not to) do, and then letting that shit go. I remember being in a training session with Anna and breaking into tears when I tried to force myself into a downward facing dog pose. I felt boiling anger and frustration bubble over at myself: “How can I be a yoga teacher if I hate down dog?” I implored her. Her answer was simple but profound (and prophetic): I’m a yoga teacher who never, ever teaches down dog in her classes. It’s that simple. I let that pose go (for me). The sovereignty that comes in embracing your yoga practice, both on and off the mat, allows us to place boundaries around our energy and focus. There was a time when I’d be in a weekend yoga workshop, and I’d feel like I had to do the aggressive flow practice that was the “break” from our discussion. For me, letting that shit go looks like opting out of that practice. Instead, I began propping myself up into my favorite restorative pose and resting there while the rest of the class huffed and puffed through boat pose and crow. People would come up to me after class and ask if I was sick. I would just smile and say, “I’ve never felt better!” If this isn’t a metaphor for living in interesting times, I don’t know what is. We have limited mental, emotional, and physical energy, and we must identify what things in the world deserve those precious resources. Sometimes, that’s paying attention to the world, yes. But we do not have the power to change everything. And, if we try to fix everything, we will ultimately only create more problems, more need, by exhausting ourselves. Acknowledge what you can do, what feels like a worthy investment of your limited resources, and let the other stuff go.   — If you’d met Liz Norell as a child, you’d have never predicted she would end up where she is today. For starters, she did not grow up in a particularly political family, yet somehow felt a spark of interest in politics when she accidentally crossed paths with an RU-486 rally on her first (school-sponsored) trip to DC. Ultimately, she earned a Ph.D. in political science from the University of Texas at Dallas … although not without a number of swerves along the way. She spends the academic year teaching government courses at Chattanooga State Community College and thoroughly loves her work. Every yang needs its yin, though, and for Liz, that’s yoga. In 2016, she completed her 200-hour YTT with Curvy Yoga. She has since logged more than 500 hours of yoga teaching in Chattanooga, Sewanee, and Tracy City. Her classes are gentle, meditative, and designed to include those of all body types and flexibility levels. In the last year, she has brought her teaching into the water, leading gentle aqua yoga classes to those who never imagined they could do yoga. She will complete her 300-hour YTT in 2019 at the Asheville Yoga Center, where she has focused her advanced studies on trauma-informed, restorative, and yin yoga classes. She lives in Monteagle, Tenn., with her partner, Doug, two stepchildren, and a feisty rescue mutt named Lexie. Connect with Liz on her website or Facebook. The post Three ways yoga helps in ‘interesting times’ appeared first on Curvy Yoga. https://www.curvyyoga.com/three-ways-yoga-helps-in-interesting-times/
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one-abuse-survivor · 2 years
I'm very tempted to ask my mom if I can have access to my own account so she will not have to buy stuff for me and I can just do it.
Cause I'm 16, and have never had access to any of my money. I know I'm probably being stupid, mom has said she doesn't want me to spend it all so I'd have nothing to use as an adult.
And like yeah I'll need money as an adult, but I have several friends who have said I can live with them when I turn 18 so I don't really need to worry about housing. Not that she knows this.
Yet I fear that when I ask she'll just say no again
It's probably stupid but sometimes with how the money is handled I almost feel like a kid, cause my parents will sometimes give me money to buy things, or will tell me I can only get things within a certain price range cause they're paying for it, and I don't have access to most of my money. Maybe it's stupid, maybe I'm overreacting idk.
I mean there’s a difference between spending a little and spending it all, though I should still save as much as possible just incase,
But I don't want to spend it all, there's just some stuff I want and would like to buy. But I've asked mom for some stuff but she hasn't been able to get it which is another reason I want access to my own stuff, I don't know if I'm acting like a spoiled little bitch or if I just want some control or what.
I'm probably overreacting
Nonnie, I don’t think you’re overreacting by wanting some agency and control over the money you spend at your age. I agree there’s a big difference between spending some and spending all of it, but I personally think the best way to teach a teenager how to be responsible with money is precisely to allow them to have control over their spendings from a young age, starting with the parents’ guidance and slowly working toward a relative autonomy over it as the person grows.
Not only can having this kind of agency growing up teach us the value of money, it also helps us feel more capable, confident, happier and calmer, as well as trusted by our parents.
Lacking agency, on the other hand (and especially at 16, when you’re practically about to step into adulthood), can make people feel helpless, incapable, and like we can’t be trusted to be responsible.
I don’t know if your parents are this strict in other aspects of your life, or whether you feel like you have agency and cotrol over other aspects of your life, but I’ve noticed you talk quite negatively about yourself in this ask, saying your feelings are stupid and probably an overreaction. I think it might be helpful to ask yourself if there’s any connection between the way you perceive your own needs and emotions as stupid and an overreaction and them not making you feel trusted or capable, or reacting negatively to your requests for agency.
You deserve to feel valued and trusted by your parents, nonnie. You deserve agency too. And you deserve better than to treat yourself so negatively. Your needs and wants matter.
Sending a virtual hug ❤️
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softlymellow · 3 years
flaws -- B.B
pairing: Bucky Barnes x ! insecure reader
word count: 1.8k
warnings: angst and talk about body image, insecurities and a persons flaws. 
summary: reader compares herself to Natasha as she see’s her and Bucky getting close. She think’s he doesn’t have feelings for her due to her not being perfect and because of her flaws but Bucky reassures her it’s not. 
note: i hope this imagine isn’t taken this wrong way as me trying to romanticise someones insecurities. if i did please dm me or let me know so i can help fix it!! i promise i wasn’t trying to make anyone feel bad or anything and EVERYONE IS SO BEAUTIFUL IN ALL SHAPES AND FORMS and everybody is insecure about something and that’s completely normal but you are loved and you are perfect and you don’t need a man ( or girl! ) to tell you that. hope you guys enjoyyy
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You loved being the reason he smiled or laughed.
 Not that he would do it often, his face masked from the trauma he experienced. But when you were the reason he was happy, it gave you almost a sense of pride, but it was taken away from you.
There she was, Natasha Romanoff. 
Her incredible orange hair that sat on her shoulders was eye-catching, her glowing skin and her full scarlet lips complimented her appearance tremendously. 
You couldn't blame her. She was everything you couldn't be and everything you should be. Yet, the lump that rested in the back of your throat was difficult to ignore as you watched Bucky and Natasha interact with each other. A genuine laugh arose from the male, yet you could only wish you were the reason he laughed.
It wasn't as if you weren't friends with him. Hell, it seemed like a lot more to you. Maybe only to you.
You pulled your knees to your chest and hugged them tightly, watching the pair chatter among each other near the dining table as you reside in the comfort of the couch across from them.
Steve sat beside you, busy fixating himself on his new cellphone and playing around with the features.
You drew small circles on your knee to comfort yourself, ignoring the voice that was calling out to you.
"Y/n!" Your head snapped to your right, looking at a semi-concerned Steve. "Almost lost you there," He chuckled while you rubbed your eyes, gaining your full attention.
"How do you change the ringtone?" He innocently asked, poking his phone.
"Just go to settings and search it up." You told him, relocating your gaze to the pair. Steve hummed as he did what you instructed him. You sat quietly before you began to chew on your fingernails, thinking of every possible explanation on why Bucky would choose Natasha over you.
It almost felt as if you were being toyed with, one minute you'd be two peas in a pod, often being teased as one of the only people Bucky began to get close to other than Steve. On the other, he'd be flaunting off to every girl he would see.
"You know you should stop staring before you make it obvious," Steve whispered next to you,  jumping at the sudden break in thought and looking over to a smirking man.
"Steve," You hissed, glaring at him, "before making what obvious?" You innocently asked, attempting to cover up the embarrassment you felt.
Steve shot you a knowing look and you felt your cheeks flare-up, "Shut up."
"I didn't say anything," Steve responded with a smug expression. You rolled your eyes jokingly before turning your attention to Bucky.
"You should give it a shot, yknow," Steve whispered.
You shook your head 'no', snapping your gaze to Steve, "Trust me," He said in a hushed tone. Looking back to Natasha, you couldn't help the sickening feeling as you watched the pair flirt with each other.
"What would he see in me that he wouldn't in Nat," You mumbled under your breath, not intending for Steve to hear.
"You wouldn't know," Steve cleared his throat, poking at his phone with a pleased look on his face. You tilted your head as you narrowed your eyes at him. Getting up from the couch, you had decided to leave to wallow in your sadness.
You made your way past the pair and you heard the silence that fell among them, their gaze darting holes in your back as you walked away from the room.
Ignoring the distant mumbling behind you, you made your way towards your bedroom. Locking the door behind you, you hadn't bothered to turn the lights on. You dropped on your bed as you felt a swarm of emotions hit you. Once mostly consisting of jealousy.
You took out your phone and headed straight to Instagram. You scrolled through for what could only be interpreted as hours before you paused on a single post that lied on your feed.
It was a picture of Natasha that was posted only a few hours ago. It was taken during Tony's infamous parties last night, one that you had skipped out on due to feeling ill. She sat on a red velvet couch, and she wore a skin-tight black dress that sparkled in the light. She held a drink to her mouth as her red straightened hair fell over her eye. You had noticed that Bucky liked the picture, and you felt the tears brim your eyes. Your grip holding the phone as if your life depended on it suddenly faltered as it fell beside your head, briefly missing your face.
Getting up towards the large mirror that was framed on the closet door, you noticed every imperfection on your figure. Your hands travelled to your shirt as you pulled it off your body, leaving you only in your bra and your negative thoughts.
Your eyes wandered to every flaw, the extra fat and skin on your stomach. The way your body wasn't the perfect hourglass figure. Your fingers traced over your stretch marks that lied on your hips, feeling the slight dent in your skin. Tears began to fall down your face. Your flabby arms and that your breasts wasn't the ideal type.
Sitting on the ground in front of your mirror, you hugged your legs tightly against your chest as you sobbed.
You couldn't fit the standards that were made. The more you looked and the more you scrolled, just end up bringing newfound insecurities. That was a problem you had faced many times during your life and you began to doubt yourself. You would rather be anybody else, feeling unfit in your own body, one that was especially for you. All you saw was what you should be. A happier person, a prettier girl, and a stronger Avenger.
You threw your shirt back on, making your way towards your bed. Lying your head down, you allowed yourself to think about nothing. Empty thoughts. Thoughts that had no meaning and brought you no use.
A knock on the door brought you back to your reality. Getting up, you brushed away the tears that stained your cheeks as you sniffed. Suddenly feeling exposed, you pulled your sleeves down to hide your arms before opening the door.
Your eyes widened as you saw a concerned Bucky waiting outside. His eyebrows furrowed upon seeing your puffy eyes and your red cheeks.
"Can I come in?" He politely asked, his eyes watching every move you made. You nodded, not trusting your voice.
You stood aside, allowing Bucky to slip into your room as you shut the door behind him.
You leaned against the door, your arms crossed against your chest as you waited for him to say something.
He sighed, not knowing where to start, his hands ruffling his hair. "Are you avoiding me?" He obliviously asked. You could almost laugh at how stupid of a question it was.
Your lips could only quiver as you attempted to respond to him. "What?"
"Doll, I don't know if I did something wrong, but you seemed pretty upset back there." He tilted his head and pressed his lips together.
You shook your head as you bit the insides of your mouth, "No, no, it was nothing." You muttered as you sat on your bed, staring at your palms.
"Doll, I know you well enough to know when something is wrong." He shot you a small smile.
"Do you like her?" You instantly regretted saying that, your insecurities creeping in again.
Bucky was taken back by the sudden question, his eyebrows raised in confusion. "Who?"
"What, no. Where'd you hear that from?" He enquired.
You looked up at Bucky, tears glossing over your vision. "I've seen the way you look at her, Buck."
"No, Y/n. I've never liked her."
"You don't have to lie for me. I mean, what's there not to like. She has the perfect body, face and hair and-" You were interrupted by his sudden grasp on your hands.  
"And you don't have those things?"
"I-I don't." You whispered.
"That's a lie, and you know it." His firm voice alarmed you as if you somehow offended him.
You got up and kept strong eye contact with him. "What are you trying to say, Bucky? Have you seen me?" You scoffed and started to point and poke around your flaws.
"There's nothing wrong with your body, doll." He said in a calmer tone, realising you were insecure about your body image.
"Bucky, you can just stop faking it. Go back to Natasha." You muttered, sniffing as you looked down at your feet.
"I don't love Natasha, Y/n! I love you, doll. I always have." He confessed, slightly panting as he raised his voice.
You stood still, finding it difficult to believe in his words.
"I love you and every part of you." He took your hands in his and planted a small kiss onto your knuckles.
"Then what about-"
"Forget about her, doll. I tried to forget about you through her. Steve told me." He looked up to your eyes, watching your reaction.
You felt the heat creep onto your face as you realised he knows your feelings towards himself.
"Do you really?" You asked, hope in your eyes.
He nodded, still holding your hand and planting small kisses. His kisses travelled up towards your arms as you felt a swarm of butterflies swarm your insides.
"I love your arms," he left a trail of kisses as he went further up.
"Your shoulders," he mumbled against your skin, a tingling sensation was left after every kiss as you felt yourself biting your lip in admiration.
He made his way towards your neck, loving the way you tensed under his touch. "Your neck," he kissed behind your ear as you bit back a moan.
You tilted your head, allowing him to move further, his lips moving alongside your jaw. He finally reached your lips and caught your gaze on his. His lips were mere inches apart from yours, you felt his breath fan over yours.
"Your lips," he whispered, his mouth slowly reaching yours as they gently kissed. Your lips dancing over his, enjoying the moment. His lips were soft against yours and he kissed you as if you were fragile, something to not be tampered with.
He slowly let go of you, his forehead against yours. "I love everything about you, doll. Don't doubt that and don't compare yourself to other women. You're equally if not more beautiful than them." He whispered, pecking you on the cheek.
"You'll realise your worth, Y/n." He kissed you on the forehead.
You felt better after Bucky had come found you that night. Your insecurities didn't go away, instead, you found them as someone else's treasure. And that made you feel better.
a/n: man that last part has me embarrassed. 
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fantastic-bby · 2 years
Pairing: Yunho x Reader
Word count: 1.2k
Genre: Fluff | College shenanigans
Summary: You're used to Yunho's antics by now as he bugs you in the middle of the night to find something to do. This could include driving to the middle of nowhere with makeshift molotovs (that you make sure to clean up after the fire's down) or decided to fly out in the middle of your assignment season.
Warnings: Yunho makes a gross joke about his balls
Masterlist | Buy me a coffee?
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Yuns: Busy?
Your seemingly unwavering focus towards the screen of your laptop is torn when you hear the familiar ding of your phone. You can see the notification on the screen of the gadget for a moment before it blackens as it was a few seconds before. 
Y/n: A little bit  What’s up?
You honestly don’t know what to expect, but you know that it means Yunho’s bored. You’ve gotten used to him showing up at your dorm building or right outside your room in the middle of the night when he’s feeling antsy. 
Usually, his presence ends up in the both of you driving to another state only to drive back when the sun starts rising. Either that or you’ll return to your room full from having McDonald’s, ice cream, or some other kind of food that you could find in the dead of night. 
Yuns: I’m coming to your room in five I’m bored 
Y/n: Figured I’ll leave the door unlocked
You move away from your desk to start preparing a bag. You decide against asking Yunho what he has in mind considering his decisions change as quickly as he has the ability to change his socks from the extensive collection of Adventure Time and animal themed socks that he has stored away in the bottom drawer of his closet.
Strange how you actually remember that.  
You’ve always found it strange how you would remember all the little quirky things about Yunho. 
He likes strawberry ice cream but only because of the way it looks and only if he gets blueberry sorbet right after because he likes the way it turns his tongue purple. He has a box filled with random rings that he never wears because he feels like they're heavy, but he’s never told people to stop gifting them to him on his birthday only because he thinks it makes gifting easier for them.
Yunho can either drive for five hours straight or fifteen minutes only; nothing in between. He once went to America for a month and ended up sleeping on the streets because his friend who was supposed to house him had somehow ended up in prison, yet, Yunho came back ten times happier and a million times calmer than when before he left. 
He also hates wearing the same themed socks because he once felt guilty when “Princess Bubblegum wasn’t put with her goth girlfriend Marceline” whenever he wears one of them, so he only wears them in couples. 
The first time you noticed it, you hadn’t pointed it out. It wasn’t until the first year or so into your friendship that you had asked Yunho about it. The idea of his mismatched socks hadn’t even come as strange to you, you were honestly just curious. 
He hadn’t found it strange either. Only laughed as he stretched his legs out to show them to you. 
“I just don’t want them to feel bad, ya’know?”
“But they’re socks.”
“Yeah, but still.” 
Yunho always had a few quirks that you found quite cute. The socks were one thing, but when you found out that he would eat his burgers flipped around so that the top bun would soak the sauce more than the bottom bun, you realised that he always had a sense of reason for everything.
You never questioned that one. It seems to make sense even now as you sit in his car with some fast food joint that was still open even at three a.m.
“Should we pick up Mingi?” you ask with a mouthful of fries.
“I doubt he’s awake,” Yunho snorts. “Last I spoke to him, he said he’s going into hibernation.”
“During finals week?” 
“That’s what he wants.”  
You laugh slightly as you sip on your iced coffee—courtesy of Yunho—as you think back to the last time you had seen Mingi. The man’s in the same course as you and Yunho, but you barely ever see him in class. He only ever shows up for the exams or whenever he needs to physically submit something, but other than that, Mingi’s almost like a ghost from the way you guys barely see him on campus. 
“He’s looking into that whole prom thing,” Yunho adds. His giant hands scrunch up the wrapper of his big mac, stuffing it into the paper bag before he pulls out another burger that he begins to unwrap. 
“There’s a prom?” you glance.
“It’s being held by the music club. Mingi’s either performing or getting a date to just hang out with for the night. They’re selling tickets right now in The Meadow.” 
“Why the hell is it called The Meadow?” you scoff a laugh. 
The Meadow is a spot on campus right outside of the cafeteria. It’s concrete-floored and more of an open-air courtyard than anything else, but the university had named it The Meadow and had decorated it with a bunch of trees and plants. 
“Gotta find something fancy, I guess,” he chuckles.    
“Yeah, but ‘The Meadow’...?”
“Haven’t we already learned to not question what the university decides?” Yunho gives you a knowing look that makes you roll your eyes with a smile tugging at your lips. “I’m too lazy to actually question half of the things that happen on campus. I have enough of that with that one guy from the volunteer club taking his pants off in the cafeteria for money.”
“At least he donated it.”
“His ass cheeks were hanging out and there was a bush hiding where his dick was supposed to be.”
“You can’t blame the man for not shaving his balls, Yuns,” you laugh.
“Hey, if I was him, I would’ve groomed the hell out of my sack. Get right in the folds and everything.”
“Dude!” Your hand flies to smack him on the shoulder while the other covers your mouth. “You’re disgusting.” 
“It’s just a fact,” he giggles. 
“Yeah, right,” you roll your eyes. “What’s the plan for Summer break?” you ask, quickly changing the topic to avoid Yunho making any more gross comments. 
“I’m thinking of heading to the beach. Fly out to one of the tropical places and just camp there for a week or two,” Yunho shrugs. “Not much of a plan really… you know how I am.” 
“If I didn’t, I wouldn’t be here right now,” you tease. 
“If I invited you to the Bora Bora in the middle of the night, would you come?” 
“Who the fuck would decide ot go to Bora Bora in the middle of the night?”
“Answer the question, (Y/n),” he groans. 
“I don’t know, man, it depends on how I’m feeling that day,” you shrug. 
“What if I invited you right now?” 
You pause in the middle of chewing and slowly turn to look at Yunho. He’s watching you curiously as he leans his arm against the car door, a suggesting look in his eyes. 
“How long?”
“A week.”
“What about my assignments?” 
“Cram them in right before the deadline or pay someone to do them.”
“This is a dangerous game you’re playing, Jeong Yunho,” you claim with a warning tone. 
“It’s a fun one,” he grins cheekily. 
“When do we leave?” 
“I bet I could find a ticket for two and an airBnB or a nice hotel pretty easily.”
Yunho’s eyes widen and he gives you a slightly surprised look, “really?”
“Why not?” You eye him back with the same exact teasing look, but with more challenge in your eyes. 
“Hell, let’s go then,” he concludes with a laugh while pulling his phone out from the centre console.  “You’re a hundred percent sure?”
“Why the fuck not, dude? I’m here for a good time.” 
“Alright then.” 
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blu-joons · 3 years
Our Little Girl ~ Jeon Jungkook
Pairing: Expecting Dad!Jungkook x Reader
Warnings: Slightly descriptive pregnancy, labour and birth
Word Count: 5.3k
Summary: Your little girl has been what the two of you have dreamt of for so long, finally the time has come to welcome her into the world with Jungkook by your side.
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“You know, for a man that’s about to raise a daughter for the next eighteen years at least, you’re looking rather cocky.”
Jungkook could only smile from the other side of the room as a grimace danced upon your face at the feeling of another contraction hitting you. You’d lost count of the hours you’d been almost doubled over in bed some time ago, barely able to keep your eyes open at the excruciating pain that you found yourself in. With each passing breath, the gaps of relief that came between contractions became smaller and smaller, almost unbearable.
You’d watched plenty of documentaries before your pregnancy to know what to expect, and yet as you found yourself staring forwards at the figure of your husband, keeping his distance from your growing temper, none of what you saw on the television seemed to play out before you. Under watery eyes, you could just make out the time on the clock hanging just above Jungkook’s head, 3:15am.  You scoffed at the sight, doubting even in yourself how much longer you could go through such an ordeal. Despite the several months you’d had to lead up to this moment, not a single part of it could truly prepare you for what was to come.
As another struck against the pit of your stomach, Jungkook raced back across to your side, resting his hands over your reddened ones that gripped tightly onto the rails beside your bed. Murmurs of encouragement came from him, words you’d listened to him repeat for countless hours, and still each time they somehow managed to make your heart a little bit happier. As he counted you through the breaths to see you through, his free hand brushed over your hair, ignoring the beads of sweat that had formed in your hairline as best as he possibly could, focusing on the task at hand and being the best possible husband instead.
“You’re doing so incredibly well,” he whispered as he noticed that the pain was beginning to subside once again, offering you the best possibly smile he could muster, hiding his own feelings of exhaustion that were beginning to come through. Your head nodded, tilting slightly to the left, biting down on your bottom lip until you were sure that the contraction had subsided. A small wriggle from your little one let you know they were done for the time being, waiting patiently, or impatiently, to make their grand entrance.
“You’re getting close now,” your midwife called out, stood in the doorway, keeping an eye on the corridor as she had done for most of the evening, and night. “I must admit, I’ve not seen many women get through labour as well as you have for quite some time Y/N.”
“I’m not really left with much of an alternative to get through it right now,” you sighed, throwing your body back against the bed, allowing the sweat ridden sheets to wrap around you. The end never seemed to quite be in sight, no matter how many times her cheery voice suggested otherwise. In fact, if Jisoo wasn’t quite such a sweetheart, you’d have probably given her what for a long time ago with all of her reassurances.
“She’s a strong girl, I always told you that,” Jungkook whispered from the side of you, grinning proudly across at the elder woman. “So strong I think I might end up having to take up one of your beds soon with a couple of broken knuckles, are women supposed to squeeze this hard when they’re in labour?”
Jisoo’s head nodded, having told you about her four kids several times throughout the night, she had experience on both sides. She’d seen it all, broken hands, broken noses, but best of all, hundreds of humans enter the world.  
“Y/N you do what you want, ignore your husband,” she teased.
Once again, your head could only manage a nod, too consumed by the everchanging feelings that were going on around your bump to truly pay much attention to what was being said around you. The beep of the heart monitor, murmurs of passers-by, shrieks of other women in the ward all seemed to amalgamate into one at this point.
“I don’t think we’ll have to wait around much longer for baby to arrive,” she advised the two of you, “but things are only going to get worse, are you sure that I can’t get you anything?”
“No,” you muttered, despite a concerned Jungkook looking down at your tired figure, “I said that I was going to try and do this naturally, and until I can’t take it anymore, that’s what I’m going to do.”
“No one would think any less of you if you wanted an epidural,” Jungkook reminded you, moving his hand back across to rest over your now much calmer one. “Or maybe gas if you’re not feeling a needle? We saw it on that programme, remember?”
“We spent an hour laughing at a woman too high to even push,” you scolded, shaking your head at the memory. It had tickled you at the time, but the more you thought about not being able to remember your baby’s birth like she had, the more off-putting it became.
“It’s all here just in case,” Jisoo spoke up anyway, pointing across to a small table that was at the back of the delivery room, “too many women change their minds last minute and then we have to leap into action with it all.”
“I bet you might end up having another case like that, she’s a stubborn one,” Jungkook joked.
“Excuse me, I’ll have you- “
You were cut off by another pain stabbing against your side, hurling your body forwards, instantly gripping tighter onto Jungkook’s hand, causing him to yelp. He sat further up in his seat, throwing his free arm around your back, tracing circles against the exposed bit of skin your hospital gown showed off. Your body didn’t have much time to react, snapping your eyes around to look at Jungkook, searching for any bit of help he could offer. Instead, he could only stare helplessly back at you, there was nothing that he could do to truly take away your pain, nothing that would make the experience better for you in that moment, instead all he could promise was to be the best possible father and husband once your little girl eventually decided to come into the world.
As the pain fell aside once again, you leant across to rest against Jungkook’s shoulder, soaking his grey tee, not that he minded, pressing a kiss against the top of your head.
“So strong,” he whispered against your skin, as he had done tens, if not hundreds of times since your water broke in the very early hours of the previous day.
“I feel so weak,” you hummed in response to him, loosening your grip against his hand once again, holding onto only his index finger, admiring the tattoos that he wore so proudly. “I always thought I was strong Kook, but even this might be too much for me.”
His head shook instantly at your words, searching across to Jisoo for a small piece of reassurance that could remind you how good of a job you were doing in delivering your miracle.
“Soon,” her voice called out, although it wasn’t much, it was a small bit of hope that you could hold onto that your ordeal would be done soon. You adored Jungkook, but the calls of the professional who had taken such good care of you made you feel a lot better in an instant.
“Soon,” Jungkook reiterated, tightening the hold that he had around your waist, inviting you to relax into his side as opposed to the bed that you’d been on for hours. “This will all be worth it; you just have to remember that through the hard times.”
Another hum came from you, tracing aimlessly against his calloused skin. “I wish it was as easy for me to believe that as it is for you to say it right now.”
“Y/N,” he whispered, kissing against your forehead once again, “please don’t start giving up on any of this right now.”
“I’m just tired,” you whined, fighting the urge to give your eyes even a second to close out of fear of what might happen if you did. “Every part of me is so tired right now.”
“I get it,” Jungkook assured you, refusing to let you go through the fight alone, “I can’t even begin to imagine how hard this is for you right now my love.”
“Are you sure it’s too late for us to swap positions?” You joked, trying to remove the negativity that ran through your mind, “I think you’d love to be in labour secretly.”
“You know I would if I could, in a heartbeat,” he sniggered, raising his free hand up innocently, “it’s just such a shame that you’re the one that’s got to go through this. Trust me though, it’s not easy being a spectator, seeing you in so much pain is breaking my heart, I can only watch in awe of what an incredible woman you are.”
“You’ve got a good one there, Y/N,” Jisoo called out as she busied herself in the room, paperwork in hand, unable to stop herself tuning into your conversation. “You’d be surprised how many husbands sit back and relax during a time like this.”
“See, you’ve got a good one,” Jungkook continued to joke, tapping lightly against your arm, “can I get that in writing to remind her of this when this is all over?”
“I can change my mind,” Jisoo responded, drawing a light giggle out of you as the two of them continued to exchange innocent threats for a few minutes, until you chose to interrupt.
The mood of the room instantly turned sombre as a loud groan came from you, leaning forwards once again, breathing under the command of your husband. Whilst Jisoo continued to notice how much quicker your contractions came, Jungkook was solely focused on you, counting each time, resting his hands where you needed them, offering his shoulder back for you to rest on as soon as the contraction finished once again.
“I think I’ve decided something,” you whispered across to Jungkook once you’d caught your breath, “we are definitely only having the one child.”
“But I thought we agreed on an army,” he smirked, earning himself a slap against the bicep from you, although with your strength, the strike was pretty weak, even by your own high standards. Still, Jungkook grabbed at his arm, gasping at the sudden strength that had come over you. “Jisoo will tell you, I bet loads of women say that, but once they remember how sexy their husbands are, a quick trip to the bedroom, and suddenly baby number two comes along.”
“Have you ever met a man who makes sex sound so unappealing?” You asked Jisoo before she even had the time to respond to Jungkook’s comment. “It’s rather confident of you to assume that you’re that sexy anyway.”
Rather than answer either of you, Jisoo made her way across to you, asking Jungkook to give the two of you a bit of space as she checked how far dilated you were. You’d counted down almost every single centimetre, as if your little girl enjoyed teasing you before she was even a part of your world. Each time you hoped for the magic number, but each time Jisoo had muttered something else. You’d almost lost onto your last stretch of hope, that was until you looked across, noticing a wry smile etched across her face.
Before she even said the words, you knew exactly what the smile meant. As if your contractions hadn’t made things obvious enough, the expression on her face was the final touch you needed to know that at last that end was somewhat in sight. Once she called Jungkook back across to your side, his eyes locked with yours, the corners of his mouth turning up into a smile, extending his arm out for your hand to intertwine with his. The relief was clear on your face, and in your hold, your body was in turmoil, but now it seemed as if you could finally begin to settle.
You were all too aware that there was a long road ahead of you, but just the thought of pushing appealed to your body and every part of you that was crying out for a rest.
“Ten centimetres,” Jungkook whispered beside you, “I bet that feels pretty good.”
“It feels pretty good,” you smirked, keeping your eyes on him as he sat back down in the chair at your bedside. “I had no idea the body could stretch as big as this, it’s surreal.”
Although he hadn’t taken too close of a look at everything that was going on at the foot of your bed, Jungkook had done enough research to know just how your body was changing. From the very first sign of a bump, Jungkook had waited impatiently for the moment that he finally got to see your little girl come into the world, the final change that would complete what the two of you had dreamt of for so many months.
“I love you,” his voice then whispered, just as your eyes looked away from his and down to your bump, “and our baby, I love our baby too.”
“I love you too,” you smiled, quickly looking back at him, “our little one is the luckiest girl in the world to have you.”
What came over the next few minutes felt like a blur to you, several instructions were sent your way, your body reshuffled with your legs propped up, pillows placed behind your back, and a towel dabbed against your head, but one thing remained, the hold of Jungkook’s hand tightly against yours, refusing to leave your side as the first few pushes began.
“This is ridiculous,” you huffed, just after the first few. You’d hoped for some sort of immediate impact, but your baby made no sign of movement instead. If you hadn’t spent hours laid in the hospital bed, you would have given up there and then, but there was one man that was never going to let you do that.
“Patience,” was all that Jungkook had to say, desperate to try and calm you down as he noticed how flustered you became. His hands pressed against your red cheeks before wiping underneath your watery eyes, failing to withhold the pressures that were placed before you.
Whilst labour was never something you expected to be a walk in the park, you could never have prepared yourself for the overwhelming feelings of pain that you’d end up enduring throughout your labour.
“If I push one more time, my body is going to cave,” you admitted, leaning against the cold metal of the rail against the bed. Jungkook’s head instantly shook, moving his arm around you to pick you back up, holding your back against the palm of his large hand.
“You’re far too strong to give up now,” he smiled, standing up from his chair to press a kiss against the side of your head, “there’s still pain relief if you want it, no one is going to think any less of you if that’s what you choose to do,” he reminded you once again, but still your head shook, you’d had plans for how your labour was going to go, and a natural birth was always top of your list of things that you wanted to see through. “Just hold my hand, and don’t break any of my bones and I promise that we’ll get through this together.”
Your eyes rolled at his warning, pinching especially hard against his hand to keep him on his toes, and make sure that he kept his mouth shut too.
“I’m only messing with you,” he whimpered, shaking at your hand for you to loosen your grip around him. “Just try and keep positive babe, we’ve jumped over too many hurdles over the past day to give up now. This one might just be a little bit bigger, but I know more than anything else in the world that you’re going to get over it.”
Your eyelids slowly fluttered shut, letting go of a shaky breath in the hope that it would keep you so composed. Rather than focus on the pain that came from your bump, your mind focused on the traces that Jungkook ran along the back of your hand, just like you’d done against his only a couple of hours ago.
“I just want to hold her and be done with this,” you continued to vent, opening your eyes back up, flinching slightly at the bright lights that came from all four corners of the room you’d somehow ended up calling home.
“I mean it when I say not much longer this time,” Jisoo smiled from the foot of the bed, perched on a stool, keeping a close eye on proceedings. “It’s natural to feel like you want to throw in the towel, there’s often a bit of a wait between dilation and pushing, not feeling anything can sometimes feel worse than the pain of a contraction.”
“You’re spot on,” you responded, forcing the smallest of smiles to your face, hearing a gentle giggle come from Jungkook. “At least the pain let me know that she was definitely moving.”
As if on cue, your baby began to make her presence known again, with Jungkook rising to his feet once again when he noticed how quickly you shot forwards. His arm reached out across your chest to stop you moving too far forwards, just as Jisoo had advised.
Something about this contraction just felt different for you though, as if your little girl was giving you a sign that she really was on her way. Although you couldn’t feel her drop, the pain certainly did. The smile on your face instantly captured Jungkook’s attention, unsure if he should worry, or be pleased to see a sign of happiness in your expression.
“I can feel her,” you whispered across to him before he even had the chance to ask, “it’s like she’s letting me know she’s on her way Kook.”
“That’s a good thing, right?” He anxiously queried, looking across to Jisoo who’s head nodded. “She really is on her way, our little girl.”
“Our little girl,” you repeated, feeling his hands press to either side of your face, just managing to press the softest of kisses against your puckered lips before another contraction hit. His left arm instantly moved around your waist as his right hand held onto yours, it had become second nature for Jungkook now to step each time that your body called out for him, a murmur of his name was all that he needed to know exactly what you wanted from him, and as another contraction passed, he was relieved when he could sit back down again.
As soon as it passed, both you and Jungkook stared across to Jisoo, desperate for any sort of update she had on how things were going.
“Just keep doing what you’re doing,” she assured you, “plenty of pushes coming up Y/N.”
“Hey,” a deep voice whispered beside you, brushing his thumb back across the pad of your hand, drawing your eyes across to him with the sound of your voice. “It’s going to be alright, we’ve talked about all of this, the two of us are here, and very soon our little girl will be here soon, remember why you’re doing this Y/N.”
“Pushing feels so real,” you slightly chuckled, feeling the beat of your heart quicken in your chest, “are you sure it’s really time to push?”
“Absolutely,” a cheery Jisoo smiled from the foot of the bed, repositioning your legs slightly so that you were a little more stretched out. “When the next contraction comes, I want you to take a big deep breath, and then lots of little pushes, let your body guide you rather than you guide your body. Listen to my voice, and most of all, listen to Jungkook too, he sounds like he has all the right things to say to you.”
“That’s exactly how we got into this position,” you sighed, shooting a glare in his direction.
“Unfortunately, it’s exactly how you’re going to get out of this position too,” Jisoo grinned, shaking her head as Jungkook leaned forwards to try and give her a high five. “Just support your wife,” she smiled, “I’ve spent less then a day with this guy and I’m struggling to see how you’ve managed to put up with him for so many years.”
“Don’t make me regret it,” you called out, just as another contraction came. The mutters of ‘push,’ that came from both of the people beside you instantly set your body in motion, clutching tightly onto the rail, and Jungkook’s hand as you tried to push down as best as you could, grimacing at the pain.
By the time the contraction had passed, you could feel how quickly your bottom lip was beginning to swell, pouting across at Jungkook, who was unable to hide his surprise when he noticed how red your lip was.
“Still beautiful,” he complimented, leaning forwards once again to press a kiss against the reddened skin, “and so strong too. Who knew I managed to marry such a strong woman?” He questioned, receiving no answer from either of you. It came as little surprise to him, instead he grabbed the towel that was beside him and dabbed it gently over your forehead, and your lip too, trying to make the swelling as minimal as possible before you bit down again.
As another contraction soon came around, you couldn’t quite get your head around at how surreal it was suddenly all becoming. You’d sat with your little girl nested in your tummy for two days short of nine months, and now you could slowly feel her making her way down to enter the world. All of the fears and the doubts that you’d had about labour had been torn apart, your dreams had been blown so far out of proportion, no part of what you were doing felt real anymore. But for the two of you, it felt like the best, and worst, experience in the world, the pain had been hard, but slowly it was beginning to feel as if it was worth it for you both.
When the next contraction came around, the sound of Jisoo’s voice stopped you from biting down on your bottom lip, feeling her hand move a little further up your leg, carefully pushing your legs a little further apart, surprising even you by how flexible you suddenly were.
“I can feel something,” you nervously whispered, looking across to Jungkook who was trying to get the best look he could at what was going on from beside you.
“No need to worry,” Jisoo instantly replied to you, “but I can definitely see the first signs of your little girl.”
“Really?” You chuckled, feeling Jungkook’s head turn to look back across at you. His eyes looked at you for permission, as your head slowly nodded, encouraging him to stand up from his seat and walk across, peering over your leg to where the first sightings of your little one’s head could be seen. A quiet gasp came from Jungkook, squeezing gently against your hand, feeling his eyes watering at the sight before him.
“She already looks beautiful,” he whispered up to you, “I can’t believe she’s all ours Y/N.”
“I wish I could see,” you chuckled, trying your hardest to look past your bump, but failing with ease. You couldn’t help but laugh, remembering all the times you’d failed to see your feet, or bend down to change your shoes, only now, at the most important time, your bump had stopped you from getting your first glimpse of your little girl. A small part of you couldn’t help but be slightly envious that Jungkook had such a clear view from beside you of everything that was going on.
However, as soon as your next contraction hit, Jungkook’s attentions were turned straight back to you, sitting back down in a heartbeat as more encouraging whispers came from him. He’d never told you how proud and how in love he was with you than he had done today, but he also knew he could never love you more than the moment you brought his child into the world.
The late nights, early mornings, and everything that came in between during your pregnancy had been hard on you both, but everything that you needed from Jungkook, he did with a smile. He could never appreciate enough how incredible your body was to carry his little girl, to nurture her so perfectly and give her such good health. There was simply never going to be enough that he could do to repay you for everything that you’d given him over the last nine months, and for the rest of his life too.
“Y/N, keep pushing!” Jisoo’s voice called out, snapping you out of the small daydream that you found yourself in. By the sound of her voice, you knew that something significant was happening, with adrenaline the only thing keeping you going, you did as she said, pushing as hard as you could, paying close attention to the sound of Jungkook’s voice, the only thing that had kept you going through out.
“She’s coming,” he whispered, flickering his eyes between you and your baby, noticing how quickly she seemed to be arriving. Your head nodded, repeating his words over and over again in your head, the only boost of motivation that you needed to dig in to somewhere you didn’t know you had, using up every last ounce of energy that you possibly could.
“Kook,” you whimpered, as you felt the contraction begin to collapse again.
“Just one more,” Jisoo then called out.
“You can do it,” he urged, leaning closer in towards you.
Although your head shook, your body still pushed, and soon the cries of your little girl could be heard ringing throughout the room, as tears fell from both yours and Jungkook’s eyes, feeling his hand slip out of yours so that you could collapse down against the bed.
“I love you, you’re incredible,” he chimed, giving you a moment before leaning over you, brushing the hair out of your face, coupled with a lingering kiss against your forehead, ignoring the droplets of tears that fell from his cheeks against your own. “She’s here Y/N.”
In just a matter of moments, Jungkook moves away from your side, replaced with your little girl settling against your bare chest, with Jisoo dabbing away at her to remove the markings of blood, stretching out of her limbs and making sure to clear out her airways.
As your eyes looked down at her for the very first time, your breath was taken by what was before you. “Wow,” was all you could whisper as you studied every fine detail of the bundle you held tightly against your chest. “Look at you,” you soon added, sniffling back the tears that fell.
Jungkook’s hand reached across, wiping underneath your eyes, perching himself on the end of his bed. He used the tip of his thumb to trace over the top of her head, feeling along her arms, staring in awe of how tiny each digit of her hand was. Neither of you could look away from her, all expectation you had had been succeeded, unable to comprehend what you had just endured.
“Our little girl,” Jungkook whispered, leaving a kiss against the top of your head with his words. It had been the saying you’d had for her since the moment you found out it was a girl that you were expecting, and yet somehow neither of you could correlate that the little girl you’d wished for was finally in front of you both.
“Congratulations,” Jisoo spoke after a few moments, scribbling down on some papers attached to her clipboard. “I’ll give you both a second to adjust, you’re new parents after all.”
“We’re parents,” Jungkook muttered in a moment of disbelief, continuing to stare wide-eyed at your daughter, silently reiterating the promises he’d made to her most nights when he laid beside your bump, trying to help you get to sleep. Although she was still attached to you for a moment through the umbilical cord, his body was itching to get his first hold of his little girl, feel the body and the heart he was going to protect for the rest of his life. “Thank you,” he whispered across to you once he finally looked away from her, “it’s never going to be enough, but thank you for being so strong, and for being the best wife, and mum in the world.”
“How can you say that when I’ve only been a mum for five minutes?” You teased, bringing a smile to Jungkook’s face. His eyes rolled at the chuckle that followed your question, knowing if it wasn’t for your little one, he’d be attacking your side in an instant.
“I just know, call it instinct,” he assured you, “and I’m going to make sure that this little girl knows what a special mummy she’s got to. I’ll never let her take you for granted, just like I never will, ever again. I’m in your debt forever, nothing can make up for all of this.”
“You know, we can’t call her our little girl forever,” you hummed, noticing how quickly Jungkook’s eyes lit up at the mention of her name. Several had been exchanged between the two of you, and yet one always seemed to stand out to you both, almost as if it was just meant to be, her name was her destiny.
“Is it still the one that you want?” Jungkook asked, making sure you didn’t have any doubts.
“Just looking at her, she suits it,” you hummed, taking any excuse that you could to get a glance of your daughter. “Don’t you think, it’s perfect for her?”
Jungkook’s head nodded, leaning across your body to press a gentle kiss to the top of her head, treating her as if she was the most delicate thing in the world. As her name fell from his lips for the very first time, Jungkook knew you were right, it was perfect for her, and the perfect name to complete your family too.
“Can you believe we have her forever?” You asked him, brushing your thumb over the top of her head, “we don’t ever have to give this one back, or keep her only for a night. We never have to let her go, she’s ours, always.”
“I don’t think I’ll ever believe that I’ve been so blessed with the two of you,” he giggled in his confession, “every day, my little girl, and my incredible wife, I will love you.”
“She’ll have you wrapped around her finger in no time, I bet,” you laughed, “if she’s anything like you, we might as well enjoy the peace and quiet for now, because she’ll be causing trouble in no time.”
“I hope she takes after you,” Jungkook acknowledged, staring back at you, “everyone will fall in love with her, just like I did with you.”
“Do you still love me after I almost broke your hand?” You teased, staring across at his still slightly reddened hand.
“Y/N, I have never loved you more than I do right now, and I’ll love you more and more every day. You’ve given me the greatest gift, love just isn’t enough.”
“We love you too,” you smiled across to him, feeling his lips peck against yours.
“I’ll never tire of hearing that.”
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astralwaifu · 3 years
Heyyo!! Um, I’m kinda in desperate need of some comfort fluff, and I can’t really find any lmao…
And this is a more general request, but I mainly simp for Denki, Kirishima, Sero, and Midoriya, so there’s your choice of characters you could possibly choose from! So, I recently had a pretty crappy week, and I ended up overworking myself due to the stress of midterms. So, I was wondering if I could have some headcannons, or maybe a one shot where someone comforts me with this stuff?? Idk, just a thought.
And regardless of what you decide to do with this, I really do appreciate your work!! Anyways, I how you enjoy your day or night~!
Hi!! I am sorry to hear about your week, I hope you are better now! Please don’t exhaust yourself and take care, your mental health matters the most! 💞As someone whose week also ended kinda miserably, your request really made my day better, so I hope I can make yours!
How the MHA boys would comfort you after a bad week
genre: comfort fluff
warnings: talking about the physical and mental effects of stress
ft: Denki, Kirishima, Sero and Midoriya
a/n: this is somewhere between hc and drabbles
⤷ He knew that you were exhausted from the moment he looked at you. The poor boy was a little scared: what should he tell you? how could he comfort you? what if he says something wrong? But if someone knows a lot about comforting yourself after a bad day, it is him. Given his quirks drawbacks, he was able to recognise some of your symptoms: the poor short memory, indecisiveness, the way your anxiety ran through you basically freezing you in place... So he decides to walk up to you and simply starts talking, joking around hoping you would crack a smile. And you do, you do smile a lot and even laugh at him wholeheartedly, taking your mind of your problems. Even though Denki usually feels like playing an act - the jokester - with everyone , around you it just feels right. Your happiness becomes his goal and he succeeds. Even if it is for a short period, you are more relaxed now; it is obvious (and his heart bursts with pride knowing he pulled you out of that dark place). He continues to talk to you, sometimes about nonsense, sometimes about really deep things, just to keep your mind off that overwhelming feeling of stress. Since he is also a touchy person, he just keeps either hugging you or playing with your hair (most likely tangling it). But, at the end of the day, you feel more relaxed and loved.
⤷ He is very observant, for sure. He also knew that you ended up overworking yourself. Again... Even though in the last days you avoided contact with others, saying that “you needed to study”, he couldn’t let you drown in your negative thoughts and fears. So, he decided to lift your morals up by sharing one of his favourite activities with you : working out! Might seem surprising, but he knows that sport makes you feel happier and more detached from your problems (he also started to work out more, so he could feel less anxious and it went very well with him!). At first you are hesitant - why should you go? But he insisted until you accepted. Even if you are or are not a sporty person, spending time with him always made you feel better, so being in his presence already made you a little calmer. He ended up showing you all his routines and taught you how to do certain exercises. When the two of you left the gym it was already dark outside, but you couldn’t care less. Kirishima was walking by your side, holding your hand and softly intertwining your fingers. You were also feeling better, hungry, but better. All the way to the dorms, the two of you kept talking to eachother, smiling and laughing, free from the stress of earlier.
⤷ The first thing he noticed was your change in appetite. You were either not eating at all, or binge-eating unhealthy foods. And when you ate, everything was extremely sweet or salty. However, there were days, you barely ate your breakfast and were really faint, not being able to concentrate on your work. He then got an idea. You were more than surprised when the next day, during lunch, Sero pulled out two bento boxes out of his bag and asked you to seat beside him. “Who is that for?” you asked. “You, of course! You seem to have lost a lot of weight since our midterms began...” he bluntly answered. You didn’t need to respond because you were interrupted by your stomachs growls. He laughed “See? I knew you needed this”. You were in a trance like state, looking at Sero, with glassy eyes. He just smiled, so dumbly in love that he could do anything to see you happy and content. You took a bite out of the food in the bento box he gave you and then little tears started to fall from your eyes. Seros face dropped “Are you ok? It tastes bad, isn’t it? I’m so sorry, I-“ he mumbled, being interrupted by your strong hug. “Thank you” you whispered to him. Let’s just say that his face turned a very bright shade of red and that he kept making an extra bento box for you daily.
⤷I think we can all agree he would be just as stressed as you or even worse. He overworkes himself to exhaustion on a daily basis, so he knows that having a little “me time” from time to time is the solution. He will notice how bad you feel and try to comfort you, even if inside he is basically numb from anxiety and worry. Will definitely praise you for how amazing and smart you are, all while comparing to how little he thinks he does. “I wish I would be more like you. You are so smart and hard-working...I could only try to be as good as you...” I think in his case you will need to reciprocate the comfort and if you do, Izuku WILL MELT. That would make Midoriya realise how a break is needed for the both, soo.... movie night! Lots of cuddles, snacks and deep night talk in his dorm! He will treasure every moment spent together and try to make both of you as comfortable as he can! After all, you have had a rough week and you deserve all the love in the world right now!
Hope you enjoyed it! :)❤️
Requests - open!
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safetea · 7 years
start doing this
when u go to bed, write down one thing that made u happy during the day. it can be a tiny thing like u had your favorite cereal, ur pet did something cute or u got a text from a friend. it makes your day end nicely and makes u feel more content ✨
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