#lee scoresby fanfic
singstar234 · 1 year
Summary: Ready to leave this world and step back into his own, Lee decides to leave Lyra a piece of himself for her to remember him by.
Who else cried in this episode? I hope you enjoy this little short. I needed this after what I witnessed.
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random-writerings · 1 year
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Full Name: Althea Oriana ‘Thea’ Belacqua (née Sinclair)
Daemon: Oliver ‘Ollie’
Face Claim: Léa Seydoux
Age: 37
Nationality: English
Birthplace: Kensington, London
Education: St Sophia’s College
Family: Orson Sinclair (father); Margaux Sinclair (mother); Camilla (father’s daemon); Florian (mother’s daemon)
Occupation: Scholar; Researcher; Explorer
Skills: Research; Exploration; Aeronaut
Fly Away (Far From Here) // Playlist // Cover
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Me reading terrible fic on ao3, because I'm desperate for a certain man and I have nothing else left: I'm a survivor. I'm a warrior. I can do this.
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silverchainbee · 2 years
Okay, who's taking Lin-Manuel Miranda character fic requests? I may have a few and have officially run out of things to read. I'm telling you, I've read everything 😅
Sincerely, a girl with lots of ideas and no writing ability. And nothing to read on my night shift 😭😭😭
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everythingsketch · 1 year
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A hare and a lion meet at a hotel...
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insanityxofxmuses · 1 year
Prompt: Guilt || His Dark Materials || Jopair x Jupiter
A/N: oh boy... here we go ... my version of hdm, where Jopari is alive... i think i actually have an idea for this......
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jupiter was sitting with Lyra, with her hand on Joparis knee, as the children were telling stories of their life.
"you left him to die" the whispers started. Jopari started to space out, not able to hear the chatter of the children, but instead hear whispers reminding him of when he left Lee Scoresby to die. it was not intentional, but even Lee had told him to go.
Jupiter noticed Jopari was silent, not even chuckling anymore, and turned to see his hood up and face dark. it looked as if he wasn't even there.
"Jopari? Are you alright?" she moved to put her hand on his cheek and make him look at her. his eyes were wide and so dark, like the dark brown of his iris was consumed by his pupil.
"Dad?" will whispered.
"he needed you and you left him, you are a bad friend." the Harpy whispered to him.
"Jopari, listen to my voice, this happened to Lyra and Will earlier." she moved to straddle his lap, both hands on his face, pushing his hood off. she leans her forehead against his and closes her eyes, moving her hands to his shoulders to shake him up. "baby wake up im here, don't listen to the voices." she whispered to him.
in the midst of this happening, Lyra hears a voice call to her in the crowd around them. It was none other than the Aeronaut, Lee Scoresby.
"well, if it isn't my favorite child that isn't mine." he says, smiling at Lyra and they hug.
"Lee, Jopari is needing your help." Lyra tells him and points to where Jupiter is straddling his lap and trying to get his attention desperately.
Lee walked over, setting a hand on Jupiter's shoulder, and she looks up. her eyes light up and she smiled a little, but then she started to tear up by the thought of not saving her man. Lee helped her to her feet, and knelt down in front of the shaman.
"hey, mister Shayman, did you think you were the cause of my death?" he asked out loud and Jopari blinked, slowly coming to. he looked towards the voice he heard and his eyes widened and they grab each others hands and Lee helps him to his feet. "you didn't cause my death, i did. i told you to go find the kids, obviously you did. but i got myself killed, not you."
Lee brought Jopari close to him so they could hug, and jopari hugged the man tightly.
"oh how i have missed you, friend." Jopari says.
"thank you, Lee." Jupiter whispered.
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thekindwolf99 · 1 year
Not really a spoiler but if you haven’t finished watching to at least the end of episode 7 then don’t read.
I mean it spoilers ahead
I just finished his dark materials season 3 and I just find it weirdly funny that neither Will nor Lyra got to meet the other’s father?
Like Lyra never meets John Parry which is a shame cause I’m convinced he would have liked her, after everything Lee told him about her.
On the other hand, I don’t know what Will’s reaction would have been to Asriel though I imagine it would have been along the lines of his (more than acceptable) attitude towards Marissa - meaning he would have stepped back while Lyra spoke to Asriel but the minute a threat presented itself he would have been like threatening him with the knife if he (Asriel) made a move to hurt her?
I think it’s a missed opportunity (maybe a fanfic opportunity??) with the concept of a missing scene - one that there isn’t a scene in season 3 (it’s probably not the books and they wouldn’t have had time for it anyway) where Lyra appears at the location of Asriel’s republic and has a final conversation with her parents over all the horrible things they’ve done to others as well as her?
The only slight spoiler I’ll give is Lyra’s reunion with Lee Scoresby - Lyra’s adoptive father and her true father figure in our hearts 🥰. Their reunion was so precious and I loved his interactions with Will as well - his final message to the two of them was to protect each other
So to be honest I guess Will did meet Lyra’s father after all 😏
What do you guys think??
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moon-beam95 · 3 years
Just devoured His Dark Materials and fell in love with Lee Scoresby. Went looking for fics only to find that there's little to no fanfics about him😭😭😭. And at the time of posting this no smut to be found 💔
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katie-writes24 · 3 years
Another Life, Another Adventure
Pairing: Lee Scoresby x reader
Warnings: MAJOR SPOILERS FOR SEASON 2!!!! Language, angst, violence, too many flashbacks, suggestive material, fluff (shockingly) hurt/sad shit, and buckle your seatbelts because this shit is a rollercoaster that just goes DOWN!
Ahaha, we are coping this way, 3.2k words baby. I’ve never written a story so fast! But yeah, lemme know if you want to be tagged! PLEASE give feedback, it’s greatly appreciated and I need assurance that my writing isn’t shit because I’m desperate. So....anyway, good luck? Because yall already know where this is heading, but I’m not going to put it in the warnings because ya know, SPOILERS?
There was no point in arguing, not with the magisterium on their tail, not with Lee’s injured foot, and not with Lyra in need of safety. Jopari even tried countering, insisting that there had to be another way. Y/N couldn’t say that she disagreed. After all the blinding chaos they’ve escaped, there had to be another way around this. 
“I’ve made my choice,” Lee huffed, giving a stern look at Jopari. “You’re it. Now find the bearer.”
Y/N and the shaman shared a look. They both knew of the promise he made with Lee, and they both knew how important it was for Lyra to be protected. 
“You’re a good man.”
“Just remember your promise. I love that little girl like a daughter.” Lee fumbled with his shotgun, loading the bullets and talking fast. 
“I remember. You have my word. I’ll make sure she’s protected by the knife.” 
“That’s all I need to know…” He stuck his hand out and firmly shook Jopari’s hand, both nodding, both knowing of the rough journey ahead. As the shaman stood up, he hesitated and it caused Lee to look up at him before looking at her with a raised brow. 
Y/N took a deep inhale before nodding for him to go along. 
“You’re out of your mind if you think-”
“Y/N, go!” He gripped her arm and it only made her push back. 
“No, no! You listen to me!” Soft hands held his face in a firm grip. Y/N was close and made sure to hold eye contact. “You forget what I said at the start of this? We’re a package, which means I go where you go. I didn’t leave my home in Texas just to get all the way here and leave you, Lee!”
The day he approached her with the proposition of going back to find Iroek was still fresh in her mind. Y/N had seen the aeronaut be ambitious before, but the determination in his eyes was unstoppable that day. Since then they were up in that balloon for weeks, months with each other. 
“You want me to come along?”
“I could use the company.”
“And what will people say when they see you with a leash on a so-called ‘townswhore,’ hmm?”
“Darling, since when have I ever cared what others think? I ain’t a Prince Charming myself.”
Though neither of them could predict that that small journey would lead to something much bigger and more complicated than expected, they still didn’t leave each other’s side. Not when Iroek refused to talk, not when Lord Faa made snarky comments on how helpful someone with Y/N’s type of occupation could actually be, and not when they were separated from Lyra. 
Lee squeezed her wrist and bowed his head. Y/N took that as he had given up arguing, and she turned to look at Jopari staring in discomfort. Hester and Owen hunched over each other, having their own way to keep each other safe. They all probably made quite the scene. 
“Don’t worry about us. Just...go protect Lyra, please?” Y/N waved him away with a nod, and soon Jopari was out of sight, leaving them with a soft goodbye.
How they caught up so quickly, they’ll never figure out, but bullets kept flying back and forth. Only minutes later Lee turned back to Y/N, holding up his pistol and sighing, “I’m out.”
“Let’s move, then, c’mon.” She held out her hand and pulled him up, watching Lee set down his hat and leave behind yet another meaningful piece to him. 
Guards were still yelling, voices getting only closer. They trudged through the forest, Hester and Owen leading the way. However it was only a matter of time before Lee couldn’t bear to walk on his damaged bone any longer. Y/N felt her entire body shaking, loading up her gun with her last round of ammo before listening to what Lee was saying. 
“Remember the games we used to play when we were little?” He glanced at Hester as he shifted.
“The Alamo.”
Feeling her stare on him, Lee turned to Y/N, chuckling, “The Alamo. Taking turns being Danes in French.”
“They’re still coming,” Owen stepped down from his perched stance on the rock, burrowing into Y/N’s side. 
“How many bullets do we have left?” He was breathing harder, and it did nothing to help Y/N’s nerves. It was like a clock ticking in her head. It was a gut feeling, this was all so much different then when they would get into a natural bar fight, or even when she had to watch Lee get abused from the magisterium and Coulter. When she looked at Owen, she knew he felt it, too.
“About thirty,” Hester drew her ears back in fear, while Lee only nodded determinedly. His eyes met Y/N’s and she cleared her throat.
“I got one round left,” She whispered. Lee reached down and squeezed her hand before sighing.
“Well, let’s make every single last one count then,” With that he cocked his gun and turned to shoot, Y/N doing the same.
On each side of the stump they took their stance, like a routine, both shooting at their respective sides. Hester helped by calling out where to aim, and Owen did his best to do the same. 
“I’m running out!” Y/N hated to admit it, but when she ran out that only meant for one shooter, and who knows how good that could go.
“Me too,” Lee kept firing.
“Don’t think about that!” Owen chirped.
“What should we think about?” She almost missed one, her hands wouldn’t stop shaking.
“Think about anything. Think about bacon. Just keep shooting!” Hester spoke before returning to yell where to shoot at next. 
“And who are you?”
“Y/N L/N, we’re sort of a package. I go where he goes.”
“And what, exactly, do you bring to the table Miss L/N?”
“I might not be able to fly, but I’m a pretty good shot.”
Y/N was overwhelmed, between the gunfire and the yelling and her heart beating fast and the dangerous thoughts in her head, she wasn’t going fast enough. Even with her limited count, she was going slower than Lee. One guard was on the top, and just as she was about to shoot, he fired to her left. 
“Y/N, go high!” Owen called, yet it was a little late.
The sharp clip shot right next to her, and with Lee doubling over only meant one thing. 
“Lee!” Y/N yelled all while shooting at the man behind the boulder. She crouched behind the stump and felt her eyes grow. 
“It’s nothing big! A bullet clipped your scalp, but no great damage!” Hester urged, voice shaky. He held onto the top of his head as blood ran down the side. There was no sugar coating how bad this was getting. Y/N only had one bullet left, using it to shoot the guy who was only coming closer. 
“Did you count how many fell?” He was taking his time, why was he taking his time? Tears welled up in Y/N’s eyes as she listened to shots fire all around her, watching Owen tremble at each round. 
“This is my fault isn’t it?” Hester whined. 
“How’d ya figure?” 
“I’ve always stopped you both before.” 
“You always pushed us,” Lee locked the gun and looked at his daemon with concern. It made Owen flap his wings in a protective manner, even though he stopped being able to fly straight a while ago. 
“Only when there’s an adventure on the way-”
“Hester,” Lee huffed softly. “There were always adventures.”
Y/N bit down on her lip as she agreed; there always was an adventure. 
“You know, if you were going to start trouble, you could’ve at least finished it!”
“Well who said I haven’t yet? You know I love a good chase, doll.”
It was like a film before her eyes; from the moment the two first met there was always a thrill, whether it be them on the run or her own feelings for the aeronaut. Her mother once told her that Y/N would find a good husband in a local bookkeeper, that way she would live a simple life, stay far from any danger. It was almost laughable how much danger she had been put through since meeting Lee. 
“I totally understand now,” Y/N shook her head in admiration. “Living this life up in the stars...it’s beautiful.”
“You’d think it would grow old, but it’s a different picture every night.”
She looked back at Lee, smirking. “I’d love to see it.”
“So stay.”
From her first steps into the balloon, Y/N found it comforting. The small home Lee had made for himself up in the sky had quickly grown on her, just like the man himself. 
“You’ll find a change of mind sooner or later.”
“What little faith you have of me. And how dare you try to insinuate how I should feel-”
“I’m not insinuating anything, I’m just...I’ve got jobs, I’ve got places to go and I can’t settle just yet.”
“Then I’ll follow you.”
“Now why would you want to do that?”
“If you want me to leave so badly, then say so. But I finally found a life that excites me and I don’t plan on giving that up.”
And even after the years of knowing one another, and the months of traveling together, those feelings were never labeled. Although two beds turned to one, and outsiders' judgment was unique, neither Lee or Y/N dared fixed it. Lyra even asked about the travelers status, and while being one rambunctious and curious girl, she luckily got distracted easily as Y/N pushed the subject away.
The two have been through hell and back, each seeing the other at their weakest while never being one to judge. They both had too many faults, there was no judgement to be made to the other. Maybe that’s what made them so similar. Maybe that’s why they were so drawn to each other.
Her dangerous acts she was thinking of were as equally dangerous as losing focus, as she felt a sudden pain strike her right below her collarbone. Owen cried out and they both fell to the ground. It took her a moment to recover from the shock, but she eventually reached down to feel the damage, a knowing liquid already flooding out slowly.
The aeronaut swallowed at her broken voice, watching the blood escape from her wound. The distraction only caused him to lose aim, and he lost his balance as a bullet hit his shoulder. He fell onto his back, letting out pants and huffs. 
“C’mon, tough guy, too old for a fight?”
“Let me catch my breath, will ya?”
“You can tap out. I won’t hold it against you.”
“Maybe, I was just thinking of other activities,” He towered over her as his eyes grew dark. Y/N swallowed before chuckling.
“Like what?”
Lee pushed a strand of hair behind her ear before leaning down and taking the lobe into his mouth. She rested her hands on his chest as her head fell onto his shoulder. As his lips dragged up the shell of her ear, his hands took her own and slowly brought them down to his belt. Just as Y/N was about to unbuckle the fabric, her arm was twisted behind her. Her chest fell down onto the railing before her and she winced. 
“Word of advice: never get distracted when it comes to your life.”
Call it the wrong time and place, but as Y/N stared into his brown eyes, she found herself reminiscing. She was always bad at holding eye contact, it made her feel so small. Yet, every time she looked into these orbs she felt safe, she felt warm. She wished she looked into his eyes more....
But the look he was giving her now...it was endearing.
It was almost like he was doing the same as her, taking it all in one last time.
“Lee,” Hester gasped out. “The clout pine. Maybe you could call her to this world.”
Of course, Serafina said that she would help, that she would be here. As Lee struggled with removing it from his pocket, Y/N let out a whimper as the pain moved to her shoulder. The aeronaut glanced at the noise and frowned.
“Serafina Pekkala, I beg you,” A bullet rang from behind them as Lee raised his hand to the sky. “Come help us.”
Owen moved into her chest and Y/N wrapped him up into her arms as she found his soft feathers comforting. 
“Think that’s enough?”
“Let’s hope it is…” Y/N coughed. She tried moving into a seated position, but only managed to scoot up a couple inches. Lee stared at her carefully, wanting to reach out and help her, do anything he could to stop the bleeding, to make her comfortable, make her feel safe. But he wasn’t doing so good himself, having three bullets already break his flesh. He scooted back and took hold of his gun. Just as he was raising it up, another fire went off, Lee falling back again, this time with a bullet into his chest.
Y/N had seen lots of things in her life; she was fortunate enough to travel the world, she’d seen great sights she could’ve never dreamed of seeing before. She watched her mother slowly become sicker and sicker, saw her friends be dragged away from her, watched someone she cared for greatly fall right out of her arms to the ground below. 
Despite all the crazy, disastrous things she’d seen before, nothing could compare to this. Nothing could compare to her seeing her lover in agony, so helpless. He lost all the light in his eyes, his brow was furrowed, and for once in his life his guard was down.
“Lee, it’s okay.” But he kept resisting, he kept denying that there was no more fight left in him.
“I have to do it for Lyra-”
“Jopari made his promise, Lee,” Y/N reached out her hand, lowering his gun. “We did what we could.”
He shook his head, releasing a shaky breath and taking her hand in his. 
Whether he liked it or not, they reached the point of no return. 
“Y’know ever since I met you I’ve lived on the edge?” Y/N let out a wet chuckle. 
“Is it really necessary?”
“Can’t run around these parts without learning how to shoot, kid.”
“Well, that could only mean that there’s danger ahead.”
“What? You scared of a little danger? Where’s the fun in that?”
“It’s...it’s not bad, I actually grew to love it. All those times we shared together, all those times I had to save your ass, all the times you saved mine.”
“You’re gonna end up dead one day if you keep runnin’ around so recklessly, dumbass.”
“Ah, that’s why I keep you around, ain’t it?”
“What I said before,” She winced as she leaned closer to him. “About leaving my home in Texas. Turns out i never left my home...I found it.”
“I was worried about you.”
“I was just out for a walk, Lee, nothing to worry about. I’m a big girl, I can handle myself.”
“No, Y/N, not around here. Just...if I lose you, I’ll never forgive myself, alright? Like you said, we’re a package now.”
“You changed me for the better...look at all the shit we did, you let me touch the sky, Lee,” A tear ran down her cheek. She could see Hester moving closer to Owen out of the corner of her eye.
“How hard could being an aeronaut be, anyways?”
“Ha, it’s cute that you think it’s an easy job.”
“All I ever see ya do is fiddle with knobs.”
“Those knobs get us safely to land. Would you rather we just keep floating all day and night?”
“I wouldn’t mind it...it’s lovely up here.”
“How far we flew…” Lee cupped her face, his own eyes growing wet. There were so many emotions running through his mind that he couldn’t put into words, and that scared him. He could literally feel his last breaths coming and he wouldn’t be able to tell Y/N how he felt.
“Why don’t you care?”
“Why should I? Does it look like I have such a high reputation? Y/N, I would never leave you. And screw what anyone else thinks.”
“I’ve...never had anyone push it away like it doesn’t matter before?”
“People could think we were swingers for all I care. Not going to change what I think about you, darling.”
“Exactly, look at us,” Her hands stopped shaking, gripping his wrists with one hand. “Lee, I wouldn’t replace this for the world, good and bad.”
“S’not enough though, is it? Love? Doesn’t mean you won’t hurt her? Doesn’t mean she’s safe with you, it doesn’t work that way.”
“What could you possibly know about love, Mr. Scoresby? You don’t have children, no wife, just a narrow-minded whore, yearning for an escape.” Ms. Coulter crept towards him like a predator. All Y/N could do was helplessly watch from the corner of the room. 
“You’re wrong...because I love Lyra.”
Lee mustered all the strength he could to move forward to capture her lips. 
They both put everything they could into that one kiss, their final kiss. 
“I’ve never felt so safe before…”
“Well, I’m glad I make you feel safe, sweetheart.”
“Do you...does this change anything for us? What does this mean, exactly?”
“...It doesn’t have to change anything, really.” Lee wrapped his arms around her naked body and kissed her forehead. Y/N wasn’t ready for things to change then.
Lee pushed and pushed, hoping whatever God was out there that he was able to mold his feelings into Y/N. She deserved to know, she deserved to be loved. She was loved. He felt her pressing her lips harder, and warm air traveled into his mouth, making him pull back gasping.
“Don’t do that, don’t you go before I do!” He sobbed, reaching out for her one last time and instead feeling his demon nuzzle into his free hand. 
“I love you…” She whispered, giving him a small smile as she pulled Owen closer to her body. 
“We did good,” Owen interrupted before closing his eyes.
“We’re a-helping Lyra…” Hester whimpered, looking at Lee for a response, a confirmation, anything. Instead all she saw were tears coming out of his eyes, blood seeping from his head and taking a deep breath.
His mouth wouldn’t move, it felt like his lungs were shattering. His body was shrinking and everything inside him felt tighter. His final cue was here, yet nothing was escaping. His brain was vibrating, ironically. His entire being was going into panic mode and the last final seconds were starting to count down. His mind was screaming at him to say the words, say something to her, something meaningful. Something that would make her know that she wasn’t just traveling with a known theft, that he wanted her to come along for a reason. That he wanted to build a home with her, build a family with her. Wanted to take her into his arms and kiss her until she knew that everyone who crossed their path was wrong about them. They weren’t just a thieving aeronaut and a townswhore, but two people in love.
His eyes started to droop shut, and when he opened them again, Owen was gone, just flurries of white particles floating before him.
Lee stared into lifeless orbs in front of him, feeling Hester’s cold body drift away from his own. 
“Yes, Lyra?”
“You travel with Mr. Scoresby?”
“I do, yes.”
“What’s he like?”
“He’s...typical, really. At least for me. But he knows what he’s doing. He’s full of determination, though he might come off as a self-righteous smartass when you first meet him. But he’s a good man. So devoted, and surprisingly, he’s pretty funny. But don’t tell him I said that! Lee takes risks, and is so....he’s open. He may not let it show often, but he really does care for you. Just like he cares about what happens to these missing children, and what happens after this. In the mornings, he sings these songs, and I know he does it to annoy me. But it’s actually...it’s nice waking up like that. He keeps me on my toes when I’m down, or stressed. He’s strong, and I’ve never met anyone like him before. You know, he actually took me out of my shell? Because he could see right through me, and knew that I had this desire to get out of Texas and have...a story to tell, you know? One worth the time. I’ll never understand it, but Lee can read me better than anyone I know…”
“Do you love Mr.Scoresby?”
“Love..love is a strong word, Lyra.”
“He loves you. I can tell.”
Y/N looked to see the aeronaut talking to Hester, small smile on his face, eyes wide as he spoke. He matched her stare eventually, and waved a hand. She chuckled and waved back.
“No, no it’s not like that, Lyra. He doesn’t love me…”
Let me know if you want to be tagged!! :’)
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Double The Pay~ Lee Scoresby & OC fanfic
Note: Hi!! This is a lil something I got inspired to write one Sunday night after watching HDM & reading Lee x Reader stuff! I have included an OC Female character called Indra. Pls let me know what you think- Its a draft but I think it turned out ok! A bit cliche but hey!
Enjoy :)
All Farder Coram had said was "Double the pay?" laughter in his voice as he shook his head at the young girl who had tricked them all.
See Lyra was a smart young girl, that had to be said before anyone moved onwards- she knew how to get people to help her, how to weigh & bargain with her words alone.
She had certainly done so with the two new recruits to the Gyptian crews.
Lee Scoresby, Aeronaut, Adventurer & all around troublemaker with lovely hare Hester his dæmon had recently found his path crossed with Lyra, all because of a certain re-armoured bear, who now claimed the space next to him huffing with impatience.
Indra Collen, Explorer, Fighter & Fellow troublemaker with her raccoon dæmon Lowell. She too had been part of the troupes trying to convince Lorek to get back into the world. She had seen the spark Lyra brought, never going out despite the cold icy winds the north blew constantly.
Indra knew of the Gyptians, her grandmother a Gyptian woman herself- forced to give her daughter to her father- a passing magisterium general- but that was a whole other story.
What matters here is the fact that these two had been fangled in their own way into joining this new adventure & what a one it was going to be!
Another thing one must know in order for this tale to have its birth is of Lee & Indra.
Lee and Indra were practically as good as inseparable. Partners in life as they were in trouble.
The two had met bordering on five years ago in far far lands from the North. They had met of course in a huge ruckus.
Lee had found the wrong inn, wrong words, wrong sleight of hand and found himself smashed against a reception desk of said inn- getting his ass handed to him.
"Well fuck"
"Lee you really are an idiot"
"Thank you Hester- I appreciate that right now"
The person doing the dusting with the Aeronaunt's body snarled chucking him into the window, glass smashing outwards as his body met the frosty road, splinters & rocks marring his face.
"Is this my lowest moment?" Lee contemplated for a second spitting gravel from his teeth into the dirt.
"Nah probably not" he winced, sitting up and huffing as a hunking man, bones groaning under his size quick-waddled towards the exhausted adventurer.
"Here we go" Hester sighed- not even surprised anymore.
"Nothing a nip of brandy won't shake" he winked to his dæmon.
"Now I don't know about that- might need a bit of whiskey too" A voice cut through Hester's abated response.
Lee looked up squinting at the strong sun behind the speaker until it settled into focus.
A woman with bright golden eyes alight with a spark of amusement and curiosity- he could feel the insant tangible fire & excitement seeping from her very essence like no-one before. She stood with a raccoon at her side- both surveying the situation with a clear lack of judgment or surprise- he distantly wondered how many times she had been in his postion right at that second.
"Now now lady- this is between me and the piece of shit on the ground here" the meat-head spoke- barely regarding the mystery woman despite the hastily spotted dagger hanging from her belt that Lee spotted the next second.
He watched her smile before aiming a very swift & sharp punch to the side of the man's head, knocking him down cold like timber at a woodman's forest.
"Well shit!" Lee exclaimed unprompted.
"Shit indeed Mr-?"
"Scoresby- but you can call me Lee seeing as though you just saved my ass"
"Ok Lee- I'm Indra Collen & this here is Lowell" she smiled- grasping his arm and pulling him to his feet.
"Pleasure" he replied tipping his hat.
"How about you repay me by telling me how the hell this all happened?" She twinkled.
He grinned. This was gonna be good.
From that day forward they'd stayed in each others lives. Ever the exception to their nomadic rules. Turning from grateful strangers to fanciful friends to much much more- proclaimed lovers- bound to travel & adventure together for as long as life allowed them.
So it was inexplicable that they came as a pair really, with Hester & Lowell too of course.
And so the two found themselves at the beginning of a new chapter for them & and invited into a new ongoing story book to dance amongst the pages & fly alongside the plot.
"Miss Collen?"
"What's up buttercup?"
"When we get to the far North..."
"-And to the place the gobblers have taken everyone.."
"Do you think we're strong enough to do it? To defeat them & make it out?"
Indra paused, contemplating the question the small brunette had posed her as they trekked up the cold hillside, only a few hours into their true journey. She knew Lyra wouldn't take molly coddling.
"Yes and no" she sighed and stopped walking to face the girl.
"I believe we have a good lot- a good chance- riddled with determination & brave, brave people- but I don't know the forces that they have there- but we will try as hard as we can & truly Lyra, with someone like you and people like the Gyptians to fight alongside I couldn't be more honoured or more hopeful"
"I hope that was the answer you wanted Miss Belaquar" She tickled Lyra under her chin before continuing her trek.
Yet spinning round to add- "And you can call me Indra you know!"
"Quickly now!!"
Everyone was hurrying as they passed over the seedy cliff. The tumultuous drop looming from below, fear creeping up into the minds of the man from between the very cracks in the rock.
They set wooden planks to pass people, equipment & supplies across the rocky casm of the mountainside.
With most of the Gyptians and Lyra across already it was now down to the two to make their steps.
"You go first- so I can be here to catch you" Lee said firmly.
"Don't you-" Indra spun round to speak but deflated at Lee's worried expression.
"Fine but I'll be as pip as peaches you'll see love" she said softly yet promised, hand on his coat right over his heart.
She passed across with ease, sending a wink back his way yet a coil settling across and around her chest at the realisation it was Lee's turn.
He let out a nervous bark of a laugh at her sudden expression change.
"We've faced worse babe"
"Be careful"
" course"
Lee began across the plank fine- afterall he was used to climbing the side of the balloon sometimes when he really had to.
He was used to heights, he was used to winds, but the thing was, he usually had the side of a balloon latticed with rope to hold onto...
When the wind suddenly picked up it threw him off, teetering to the side slightly with a sharp inhale.
Indra reached forward but he shook his head.
"I'm ok!" He flashed her what he hoped was a reasurring grin that only half reached his eyes in all truthfulness.
He took several more steps slowly, almost across.
"Told you- easy as pi-"
Suddenly the board he was standing on dropped out beneath his very feet.
He yelled as he felt himself start to fall.
"LEE!!" Indra screamed reaching down and just grabbing the edge of his sleeve desperately.
"Lee! Reach up to me! Please baby- come on- COME ON!"
He clawed desperately at the rock trying to reach up and grab her other hand.
"Ind- I c-can't-" he puffed into the cold as he struggled.
"Yes you can! Yes you can- come on- don't you fucking dare leave me-" she croaked shakily.
Joined by several gytians, they reached further down than she could whilst grasping him and they all heaved him back up onto the rock path.
He lay face down breathing heavily- clutching at Indra.
They breathed as one, ragged and sharp with relief.
"Ind- Ind- Ind" he repeated like a prayer- whilst she pulled him into a tight hug rocking slightly with her boyfriend safe in her arms- Hester buried into their sides.
"Shhh its ok- I've got you" she whispered.
He looked up- skin paled with shock & fear yet alert & cold with stark red against the pallor.
He put his hands either side of her face and they kissed deep & desperately, the pain still racing.
Thats everything so far! Pls let me know thoughts!! And yes ending with a lil bit of "tongues battling for dominance!!"
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singstar234 · 3 years
Summary: What if Lyra went with Tony Costa that night to break into her mothers house and got caught? What if she spent longer with her, knowing who she truly was? And what would of happened if on the same night she finally ran away, she was found my a Aeronaut who had just finished up on a job? How would their story of played out?
My own little version of Season 1 of His Dark Material. What would of happened of Lee found Lyra, but she had Selective Mutism? Had this idea for a while but not normally the kind of thing I write about. These will only be test chapters to see if people would like the rest of the story.
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the-fangirls-desk · 3 years
Note: All reader insert fics are written by a female POV without any color or race particularly in mind, as I try to keep it as open as possible. (Most of the time.) Please let me know if anything in my fics are particularly uncomfortable for you and I will tag them as accurately as I can. Thank you and enjoy!
Also pls keep in mind not EVERY fic is reader insert
𝐋𝐞𝐞 𝐒𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐛𝐲
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Warm Bodies (Oneshot)
Lost in the Woods (Moodboard)
Lee (Character Playlist)
𝐀𝐥𝐞𝐱𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐇𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐭𝐨𝐧:
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Hamilton x Writer S/O Oneshot/Headcanon
Take A Break (Oneshot)
Alexander Hamilton (Moodboard)
𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫:
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Domestic Life (Moodboard)
Jack (Character Playlist)
𝐔𝐬𝐧𝐚𝐯𝐢 𝐝𝐞 𝐥𝐚 𝐕𝐞𝐠𝐚
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Usnavi x Mexican-American Reader (Moodboard)
Summer Daze (Fic/Moodboard)
One Night In Soho (Oneshot)
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They're over
The fics with my beloved cowboy are over Even the terrible ones I also re-read those from a few years ago What am I supposed to do now
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silverchainbee · 2 years
Heyo! I saw you were looking for LMM fanfic recs and I've read quite a few(understatement) in that sphere, and I'm happy to help so I was wondering if you had anything in mind that you were looking for? (characters, tropes, etc)
Ohhh yes please! So my fave LMM fics include The Promise of Tomorrow (smut free version) by featherandfoxtails, Breaking Glass by thefrenchmilitary and any cute sick fic, hurt/comfort, angst to fluff fics! Impartial to Lee Scoresby, Jack the Leerie, Usnavi and Alexander Hamilton(so basically most of them) though happy to branch out too! I'm just really really hyperfixating at this point and need ALL the content lol 😅
Thanks in advance!
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feathersandfoxtails · 2 years
Pass Back Through the Heart, Chapter Twelve
Pairing: Lee Scoresby/reader Rating: EXPLICIT (18+ ONLY) Warnings for this chapter: sex Words: 3.8K Summary: You and Lee make decisions about the future
also on AO3
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During the next week you keep helping out around the village during the day while your nights are spent in bed with Lee. You also carve out some time to examine the books again, determined to find something in them to make all your sacrifices worthwhile.
You’re absent-mindedly flipping through the books while Kalluk removes Lee’s stitches. When she stands to wipe her hands, she notices your choice of reading material.
“Where did you find those?”
You don’t look up. “Got them from a friend who wanted to see if I could translate them.”
“So that’s why the Magisterium were after the two of you.”
Your head snaps up. “How…?”
“Let me finish up here and we can talk.” She goes back to attending to Lee, but her daemon climbs up onto the table by you.
The woodrat sniffs at the books. “Pretty old. Been stored properly. These the only ones?”
“Yes, there were only three.”
He sniffs them again, then looks back to his human. Kalluk is helping Lee put his shirt back on.
Lee asks, “So you’ve seen books like those before?”
She nods. “We seem to attract a lot of travelers here. From all places.”
You lean towards her. “What kinds of places?”
She approaches the table and sits across from you, picking up the top book. “I think it’s because the air is thinner this far north. It’s easier for them to cross through. Though we haven’t seen one in a long time.”
Your mouth is hanging open as you stare at the older woman. In a moment you manage to blurt out, “You’ve met them?”
“When I was younger. They came through, did some trading, moved on. Left some books, too.”
“Can I see them?”
Her daemon’s fur bristles and she places a hand on him. “They’re kept safe from outsiders. We don’t talk about them.”
“But you’re telling us about them…”
“Because you have books of your own.” Her eyes narrow slightly. “What are you going to do with them?”
“I was sent here by the Geological Society to retrieve them. I’m bringing them back to New Denmark.”
She sighs. “Dear, if you do that the Magisterium will follow them.”
Your chest feels like a rock is pressing on it. Lee shifts in the bed. “She’s right,” he says.
Standing, you practically shout, “So we just forget about them? And Orla… she died for nothing?”
Lee swings his legs over the side of the bed and starts to stand, but both you and Kalluk yell, “Stay in that bed!” He grumbles but sits back down.
You turn back to Kalluk. “Please… tell me what these are. My friend died because of them. Lee almost died. I… I killed for them. And I don’t even know what’s in them!” You slump back into your chair, your daemon coming to your lap to comfort you.
Kalluk reaches out for your hand, which you reluctantly give to her. She traces the lines on your palm. “This world is one of many. Our people have always known that. Some worlds are close to ours.” She puts her palm out to you. “Similar, but different.” She presses her palm against yours. “Some worlds are barely separated from ours. We can see them at certain times, but only glimpses.”
“The aurora.”
She nods. “Sometimes they touch ours, sometimes they’re further away.” She pulls her palm slightly away from yours; you can still feel the residual heat from her. “But they’re always there, just as we are.”
“How did people from the other world come here?”
“They had an instrument that would let them through.”
“What sort of instrument?”
“Not sure; they kept it secret.”
Lee chimes in, “But the books… they seem like instructions?”
“Instructions, memories, scrapbooks. They liked to record their visits.”
You shake your head. “But how could you communicate with them? Their language seems so different than any I’ve studied.”
Kalluk laughs. “They spoke the same as us. They fooled you, too.”
“What do you mean?”
She whispers, “They’re written in code.”
You almost hit yourself on the forehead. It was a possibility you hadn’t considered while examining them. You simply took them for face value, assuming it was a foreign language based on the mythos you’d heard about them. “They gave you a key to the code?”
Kalluk considers this. “I believe so. But I don’t know it.”
“But then who—”
“That’s not for you to know, dear.”
You start to protest, then close your mouth. After another moment, you say, “So I failed. It was for nothing.”
Kalluk stands and puts her hands on your slumped shoulders. “You kept them from the Magisterium. They want to dominate this and every other world. Keeping these books out of their hands thwarts that. So no—I do not think you failed at all.”
You look up at her and see her gentle smile. Then you look over at Lee, whose face mirrors hers. “You want me to leave them here.”
“I’ve grown fond of the both of you and I’d like you to stay safe. Your employers would be targeted if the faintest whisper got back to the Magisterium about them having the books. No outsiders know what we have here. Until you.”
Her trust cuts through your sense of defeat. Again you look at Lee. “What do you think?”
“I think Kalluk’s solution keeps us all alive and I’m for that.”
“What do I tell the Society?”
He thinks a moment. ­“Tell them the books were destroyed. Word will travel back and the Magisterium will give up on them. And hopefully on punishing us.”
You look at the man you love, still recovering from your last encounter with the Magisterium. All you want is to keep him safe. So you sigh and stack the three books together. After you stand you hold them out to Kalluk, who gently takes them from your hands.
She gives you a motherly smile. “The two of you can stay as long as you’d like, but he should be okay to travel in a day or two. Just don’t get too vigorous in your nightly activities just yet.” She winks at you and then laughs as your eyes widen.
After she leaves, you sit on the bed with Lee. He kisses your temple and squeezes your hand. “Are you feeling all right with all this?”
Slowly you nod. “It’s the best thing, even though I would have liked to somehow use those books against the Magisterium. I suppose simply keeping the books from them still helps to foil their plans.”
“Small actions can add up.”
You lean into him, soaking in the feel of his body heat against you. “So what do we do now?”
“Eat dinner?”
“I mean… we can leave soon.”
The thought hangs in the air between you; neither of you want to broach the subject just now. Because once you do, everything changes. Lee leans over to kiss you instead of replying, for which you’re grateful.
As you sipped your beer in the corner, your eye caught on the man with the wide brimmed hat. He wasn’t out of place in the tavern, but he still pulled your attention in towards him for some unknown reason. You took another sip and watched the small flick of his wrist as he pinched the wallet off the large man waiting at the bar. You raised an eyebrow, but took no further action, wanting to see this play out.
The dark haired man with the mustache crossed the room to take a seat at a table with a drink. In that same moment the large man tried to pay for his drink but came up empty. As the man patted his pockets and looked at the floor, your eyes darted back to the thief. He was talking to his daemon, a large hare who had hopped in his lap.
When your attention went back to the now wallet-less man, he was stalking across the room. “Here we go, “ you said to your daemon, who nodded. You leaned forward, waiting for the show to start.
The large man knocked the hat off the other man from behind and then pulled him up by his coat so that the dark haired man was barely standing on his tiptoes. From across the room you could catch snatches of accusations and denials and you admired how calm the thief seemed to stay. Things were looking dicey for him, though.
“He’s cute.”
Your daemon gave you a sideways glance.
“What do you think—should we help him out?”
He considered this for a moment. “Nothing else going on and this could be interesting.”
“I’m so glad you enable my bad decisions.” You finished your beer in one big gulp and stood up.
The thief had his hands in the air as you strode across the room and shouted, “Darling! There you are!”
The larger man dropped the thief, who only had time to turn his head to you before you launched yourself into his arms and planted a kiss on his lips. You could feel him slightly stiffen in surprise, but he brought his arms around you. Your daemon bumped foreheads with his and whispered to her, “Follow our lead.”
You nuzzled the man’s nose and smiled. “I’ve been waiting for you—you know we have dinner scheduled tonight.” You turn to the other man. “Oh, hello! Is my fiancée troubling you with anything, sir?”
The man’s mouth was hanging open and his eyes flicked between the two of you. “He fits the description of a pickpocket been going ‘round here.”
You gave a throaty laugh. “Oh yes, my fiancée the master thief—that’ll be the day! Isn’t that just a riot, dear?”
The thief smiled with you. “I was just explaining to the gentleman that he had the wrong man.”
The big man glared. “Then you won’t mind if I search you.”
“Oh, of course not!” You turned the thief around to face you as the big man shoved his hands in the pockets of the leather coat. The thief looked scared, but you winked at him and he seemed to relax a little.
When the other man’s hands went into his pants pockets, the thief exclaimed, “Little close for comfort there, eh, pal?”
Coming up empty, the large man grunted. “My mistake, I guess.”
“Oh, no trouble at all.” You picked up the hat from the ground and gave it to the thief. “I’m famished, darling—let’s go.”
He took the hat and placed it on the table as he sat again. “Of course, my love—I just need to finish my drink.”
“Well, be quick about it.”
You moved to take a seat but he grabbed your arm and pulled you onto his lap. Your arms flew around his neck to keep yourself balanced and he quickly drew you in for another kiss. The other man walked away and the thief called after him, “Good luck catching that thief!”
You giggled and kissed him again. He tasted like whiskey and smelled like leather and fire. When he deepened the kiss, you opened your mouth and let his tongue flit into yours. Well, he was certainly a good kisser.
His lips left yours and he beamed at you. “So where did you come from, my guardian angel?”
You smirked. “You owe me half of what’s in this wallet.” You patted your pocket, where the large man’s wallet now sat.
“Angels don’t usually desire compensation for their good deeds.”
“And I wasn’t kidding about dinner—I’m starving and you’re buying.”
“I see—more of a fallen angel?”
“The Magisterium is going to come after you for your blasphemy.”
He pushed the tip of his nose against yours. “Let ‘em.” You smiled and he crashed his lips against yours again.
After a few moments of kissing, your stomach growled loudly. The man chuckled and helped you off his lap. “All right, I’ll spring for grub tonight since you helped me out of that tight spot.”
“Somewhere with actual, decent food.”
“So demanding, angel.” He slid his hat over his dark hair. “I know a place close by; shall we?” He extended his elbow and you wrapped your arm around it.
You exited the tavern, your daemons right behind the both of you. The man leaned in and said, “I’m Lee, by the way. Lee Scoresby.” He waited, but you just looked ahead.
When he stopped, you moved your arm around his waist. “Get me dessert, too, and you’ll get a name.”
He laughed loudly and started walking again. “Oh, this will be a fun night.”
You reached down and squeezed his ass. Lee’s eyebrows sprung up in surprise.
“And we’re just getting started.”
In the morning you tell Lee, “I want to bring Orla’s things back to the Geological Society. I know she has family and they deserve to know what happened to her.”
Lee nods. “We can leave tomorrow, if you’d like.”
Sitting up in the bed so you can look at him, you say, “You don’t have to take me the entire way—the Society will foot the bill for my travel back.”
He closes his eyes a moment and takes a deep breath. “Okay… so it’s time for that conversation, isn’t it?” Pushing the covers down, he sits up. “I’m not letting you go, angel.”
“I’m not asking you to.” Putting your hand on his cheek, you ask, “You think I’d let you go?”
With urgency, he grabs your face and kisses you, but pulls away quickly. “Whatever you want, I’ll do it. I’ll follow you to the ends of the earth and back.”
You shake your head and gently remove his hands, holding them tightly. “I don’t want that, Lee. You need to be free and so do I.”
“But you’re tied to where the Society tells you to go.”
“That’s true, but I also get to pick my assignments and choose my own research. I have a lot of freedom but also a steady paycheck.”
“And you won’t give that up.”
“No, I won’t.”
He groans and lets his head fall backwards until it bumps the wall. “Then what the fuck do we do?”
Your chest feels hollow and you wrap your arms around him. “I don’t know.”
“We have an idea.”
You look over at your daemon, who is sitting with Hester at the end of the bed. They both move towards you. Exchanging a look with each other, Hester says, “What if we are all together, but not together physically all the time?”
Lee furrows his brow. “What do you mean?”
Your daemon takes over. “We keep doing what we’ve been doing. Except instead of meeting unintentionally, we make plans to be in the same places.”
Hester nods. “Neither of you gives up anything.”
Lee frowns. “Except seeing each other all the time.”
“But you didn’t have that before.”
“Hester’s right,” you say. “We’d be gaining time together.”
“But would it be enough time?” Lee rubs his thumb against your palm.
“I think we would have to figure that out and see how much time we can spend with each other.”
“But what, a day here and there?”
“No, we could arrange to be together for weeks, maybe even months. Depending on what I’m working on and what you’re working on.” An idea pops into your head and you sit up straight. “Lee, I could even get you work with the Society! They always need things and people transported. It could be pretty steady, but you could go off to other places whenever you’d like as well.”
He scratches his neck. “I mean… I can pick up work anywhere. And having some steady work lined up would be nice…”
The hollowness inside you starts to dissipate. “Lee, this could work—we can make it work.”
Leaning forward, he cups your face. “And what if I miss you too much?”
You press your forehead against his. “Then we can renegotiate and reconfigure—nothing needs to be set in stone.”
He looks down at the daemons. “And both of you are on board with this?”
Your daemon leans against Hester. “We think it’s the best solution for now.”
Lee clears his throat. “What if we haven’t seen each other for a while and are… really missing each other.” He pulls you close. “You gonna find someone else to scratch that itch?”
“I love you,” you kiss him. “Whether we’re in the same spot or not, I love you and am always yours.” He kisses you again, deeper now. “Besides, I asked you already: how could I ever want someone else once I’ve had you?”
He cocks an eyebrow at you. “So… you didn’t…?”
When you laugh in his face, he just frowns at you. “Sorry! No, Lee—I was not celibate for five years. I’m not a fucking nun.”
He grunts. “I would have been surprised.”
“What I mean is… after you, I felt like I was always missing something.” You pull yourself onto his lap, your arms around his neck. “No one ever measured up to you, cowboy.”
He finally gives you a smile again. “I tried to forget you, you know.” Kissing your neck, he makes his way to your collarbone. “But every time, all I could think about was you. All I imagined was you.”
Trapping his lips with your own, you want to possess every inch of him. He belongs to you and you alone. And you knew it from the first time he was inside you—you will always be his.
Frantically you pull away from his mouth and roll onto your back, taking him with you. He hovers over you for a second, pushing away the blankets from around both your legs. As soon as you’re free of the entanglement, you open your thighs for him, already slick and ready for him. When you look down, you see his tip weeping right before he pushes it inside of you. There is little resistance, but still he goes slow, letting you feel every aching inch of him. When he reaches his base, he thrusts into you once, then takes his time pulling back until only his tip remains within you.
He repeats this several times while you whimper and claw at his shoulders. You want him to both continue this and to just fuck you senseless.
“What do you want, my angel?” he whispers.
“Faster,” your constricted throat rasps out.
Obliging, his movements do speed up, but only just a little. He’s still using his full, delicious length on you as you try to grip him with your inner muscles. Every time you clench, he groans.
You can feel yourself coming apart underneath him as he keeps a steady pace. A sound of desperation crawls out of you and you cling to any part of Lee you can hold onto for even a moment. Without stopping the rocking of his hips, he puts a hand on your cheek. “Look at me,” he purrs. When you do, your franticness dissipates. The stillness in his face belies the fact that he’s still moving in you.
Drawn into his gaze, you feel completely open to him— like he can see everything you feel. In the past, with anyone else, this would have terrified you. But it’s Lee and you find yourself wanting to let him see every dark crevice inside of you.
Even though your muscles relax now, your back laying against the mattress, your core is tightening every time he moves within you. With his eyes still fixed on you, he changes his rhythm. You shift your hips a little, which makes him falter for a second, taking in the sensations of the new angle. Oh, he hits that luscious spot buried deep inside you over and over.
His strokes become erratic as he whimpers, “I love you,” and grips the bedding. The look on his face and the feeling of him gushing hot inside you breaks you open and you come undone with him.
When he collapses on top of you, you answer, “I love you, too.”
The next day after filling the balloon and packing your things, you say your goodbyes to everyone who aided you in the town. Kalluk envelops you in an embrace and holds you longer than you would have expected. “Be safe out there,” she says.
“We will.” As you pass a bag to Lee, your hand inadvertently brushes against Hester’s side. Lee just smiles at you and continues to put the bag away. When you turn to say a final farewell to Kalluk, her head is tipped to one side.
“How interesting,” her daemon says.
You simply give them a sly smile and board the balloon.
Once the balloon is stable in the air, Lee wraps his arms around you. With your head against his chest, you can hear his heart beating through the layers of leather.
He kisses the top of your head. “Ready to go home, my love?”
You pull away just a little and put a hand to his chest. “My home is right here.”
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Weeks later, while you’re sleeping, Lee is awake, sitting on the edge of the bed and trying to decide where to go next.
“Back to colder skies, Hester?”
“I’m built for them and so are you.” She burrows into his side as he scratches her ears.
“Tomorrow is going to be hard, saying goodbye. But… I’m not dreading letting her go as much as I thought I would.”
She cocks her head at him. “You’re concerned rather than pleased about that.”
He sighs. “Does it mean… that I don’t… or not enough?”
“Not on your life, Lee.” She looks at you, your face relaxed in sleep with your daemon under your arm. Every time she looks at either of you, warmth spreads through her chest. “We couldn’t love them any more. Or any less.”
He strokes your hair. “You’re right as usual, rabbit.”
“It will be hard, Lee.” Hester hops onto his lap. “But not like before. We’ll see them again soon.”
He hugs her to his chest. “I guess you’ll only have me now to put up with.”
“Someone needs to look after you.”
You groan and shift in your sleep. When you reach out your hand and find his side of the bed empty, you softly call out, “Lee… come back to bed.”
“Yes, angel.” He takes your hand and kisses it before climbing under the covers with you again. Wrapping his body around yours, he lets out a contented sigh.
As you both fall back asleep, Hester curls up with your daemon. “She had the same thoughts earlier,” he says.
Hester clucks her tongue. “Our humans— definitely made for each other.”
Your daemon licks her face. “As are we.”
That night you will all dream of new adventures, both together and apart.
Tagging: @sunflowersturn @phoenixofthevalley @serpentstyles
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING! That's it-- it's done!
I'd love to know what your favorite part or favorite chapter was. Drop me a note here or on AO3.
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aconfusedkitten · 3 years
his dark materials au where you have your soulmate’s daemon on your skin like a living tattoo. and maybe they’re meant to be your lover, the one who’s made to be yours, and maybe they’re meant to be the family you’ve never had. 
if your soulmate’s daemon hasn’t settled yet, then their shape changes on your skin. sometimes there’s a bird on your shoulder, and others there’s a moth on your wrist or a fox on your back, because if they haven’t settled yet, then why should your mark? 
if they’ve settled, then maybe you’ve gotten a glimpse into a person’s soul, before you’ve even laid eyes on them. maybe a snake daemon means they’re resourceful, or a badger daemon being hardworking. or maybe they’re nothing like they should be, because life isn’t always easy to guess.
lyra’s always had too many marks, three of them to be exact, and she already knows one of them. roger, of course, is the closest thing to family she’s got, so of course salcilia has a place on her skin, a mink running across her shoulders. the others though, she has no way of knowing. 
there’s a hare that tends to sit on her wrist, her paw on lyra’s wrist. 
it’s not one of her parents, and it’s not anyone at jordan college, so sometimes, lyra likes to stroke her fingers across the hare’s back, and think about who they could be. maybe they’re diligent, she thinks, or maybe they’re swift, quick on their feet just as lyra is. none of that matters though, because regardless of anything a hare could tell about them, lyra can’t wait to meet them.
the other mark, however, is unusual, even by her standards. a simple, black print, shaped in the pattern of a bear’s paw, resting on the small of her back. this one, lyra knows, to be that of an armored bear. 
soulmarks are different for different types of people, and everyone knows this. 
humans like her have their soulmates daemon forever with them, always there to comfort them, and they say that the witches give up their marks when they part with their own daemon. so why can’t bears have their own way? what’s to say that a bear can’t leave a mark on a human’s soul?
years pass, and lyra thinks she understands soulmates. 
thinks that she knows all that she can, all that there is to learn, because she’s travelled from her world to the next, and to the towering city in between them. now she knows that humans are marked with their soulmate’s daemon because that means family, and that witches lose their marks, but not their soulmates, and that when bears find the one for them, they carve their mark into their armor. 
she was wrong.
she was wrong and lyra wants to cry, to shout, to scream. because the hare, who’s name was hester and had an amazing human called lee, who was kind and comforting and always there when she needed them, is crumbling into dust. 
golden eyes blink up at her, bright and warm and everything lyra wants to, no, needs to get back to. but then the hare is gone. 
lyra thought she knew everything there was about the marks painted across her body, but that’s not true in the slightest, and all that’s left is gold, a constellation forever scattered across her wrist. 
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