#like. they still stuck the landing but it was not as picture perfect of an execution as the rest of the metaphorical stuff in orv
Can you please write about Sugar daddy Konig and Bimbo reader? I just can't stop thinking about Konig will spoil us endlessly 😩
Sugar Daddy König (fem)
Master List
>cw: fem/afab, daddy talk, oral, cheating
2.0k word count
You walk out of the dressing room wearing the dress you want. König sits on a chair, waiting for you. His eyes travel down your form as you walk to him as if you’re walking a runway. The dress hugs every curve of your body like a glove. You’re perfect.
“Do you like it, Daddy?” Your voice is playful as you pose for him.
He leans back in his chair with a wide smile, enjoying your modeling. “You look divine, Schatz.”
“Yeah? Think so?” A giggle leaves your lips as you make yourself cozy on his lap.
König’s muscular arms wrap around your petite frame, his large hands gripping your thigh and pull you closer to him.
“I can picture myself slowly peeling this off of you.” His hand drifts up under the hem of the dress.
“You’re such a naughty man.” You stop his hand with yours as you laugh.
“Can you blame me? Look at you.” He pushes past your hand and continues.
“Be patient. I still have one more dress to try on.” You firmly move his hand away.
“Okay, I’ll wait. I just can’t control myself.”
One of your hands lifts his mask up to his nose, leaning forward to kiss him. Your lush lips press against his in a deep, passionate kiss. König sticks his tongue out; you twirl yours around his before sucking it lightly. His cock rocks hard underneath your lap.
You pull away and let his mask drop. “Ready for the next two dresses?”
“Absolutely.” He watches you as you stand and walk back to change. The tacky feelings of your lip gloss stuck on his lips as your taste lingers on his tongue.
Next you walk out in a tight red dress, his favorite color. The rich color looks stunning against your skin tone.
“Are you trying to give this old man a heart attack?” He chuckles and reaches out for you.
“Oh please, you aren’t old.” Landing on his lap, letting his hands explore your body over the fabric of the dress.
“No need to flatter me, Liebling. You’ve already got me.” He lifts his mask and kisses your neck. “Which one are you wearing to the KorTac gathering?”
“I’ll let you pick Daddy.”
“If you were this one, I won’t be able to take my hands off of you all night.”
“I wouldn’t mind.” You giggle, causing König to chuckle.
“Go change back. I’ll go up and pay for the dresses.”
You stand, and he follows. König lingers by the door and watches you change. His eyes fall to your breasts once exposed. They bounce as he walks the two dresses to him. He takes in one last look before turning around and going to the front to pay for them.
As soon as you’re dressed again, you go out to meet up at König. He stood there holding a bag with your dresses in it. Your tiny hand reaches out to hold him. “Are you ready to go home?”
“Not yet, Schatz. I have a surprise for you.” He walks with you out of the boutique and down the street to a jeweler.
König holds open the door for you, watching your hips sway as you walk in ahead of him. A shorter chubby man with a kind face walks out from behind the counter.
“König!” The man walks to the both of you. “Right on time!”  You watch as the man locks the door and lowers the blinds. “Please, follow me.”
König nods, gesturing for you to walk ahead of him. He leads you both into a private room in the back. There is a table in the middle of the room with a couch on one side and two chairs on the other. König sits on the couch, gently pulling you down to sit with him. Your gaze drops to the table. Four necklaces, four rings, four bracelets, and four sets of earrings.
You look over at König with a big smile on your face. “I get to pick?”
“Nein, it’s all for you.” Your jaw drops as you look at him and then back at the jewelry.
“It’s true. We’ve been working for months, putting this together for you.” The jeweler says. “He told me you love four so we did four of four for you!”
You jump and hug König, kissing him all over his mask. His face turns red underneath, loving the affection. His hands wrap around your waist and lift up onto his lap. “What do you think?”
“You’re the best ever.” You lean in to whisper in his ear. “Daddy’s getting extra sugar tonight.”
König’s eyes widen and nods. “Can you please bag this up for us?”
“Oh? You don’t want to try it on?”
“I can always bring her back.”
Back at the apartment König pays for, he places all of your shopping bags down in the bedroom. On the walls there are photos of you and König together. He smiles knowing how much you appreciate him. He knows it isn’t love, this was the agreement, but he can’t help but to sometimes wish it was real love.
You walk out of the bedroom wearing a sheer red robe with nothing but a G-string underneath. König looks you up and down, a small grin on his lips.
“Sit on the bed!”
König walks to the bed and sits down, adjusting his slacks. His eyes take in your figure eagerly like a hungry dog, hands out ready to touch you. As soon as you walk to him and he can feel you, it’s as if electricity shoots through his body. You make him feel young and in love again.
“Meine Liebe, you are too perfect for this world.”
You giggle playfully, resting your hands on his chest, feeling his muscular chest underneath the fabric of his shirt. His hands reach under your robe and squeeze your round ass. Your hands reach for his mask and slowly peel it off of his face to expose his graying blonde hair and handsome face. There is a deep gash along the right side of his face, but it doesn’t take away from his attraction.
As you expose his face, he chucks with your playful attitude. “You want to see Daddy, hm?”
“Mhm, you know I love this face.” You pepper kisses along his cheeks, down to his jawline.
König lets out a pleased groan as you give him love. One of his hands moves around to your breast and squeezes softly, not wanting to hurt you. He twirls your nipple between two fingers, your lips travel up to his, pressing in a passionate kiss.
You move one leg over his thigh, causing him to prop it up onto the frame of the bed. His hand glides from your ass to your hip to squeeze it tightly as you begin to grind on his thigh. The feeling of his muscular thighs rubbing against your delicate little clit through the very thin fabric of your G-string was borderline orgasmic.
“That’s my little vixen.” König whispers into your ear. “Cum on Daddy’s thigh.”
“Yes, Daddy.” You whimper.
Your lips cling to his neck as you kiss him tenderly, absent mindlessly sucking on his skin slightly. Small mewls leave your lips as you feel yourself building up to an orgasm.
König can feel the small, warm wet patch forming on his thigh. The feeling drives him mad with desire, knowing that precious cunt was getting wet because of him- FOR him. A tingle travels over his body as you suck on his neck, not even caring that you’re giving him a hickey.
“I need help.”
“Let’s see what I can do.”
He wraps one arm around your waist, pulling you on to his other thigh and opens your legs. The string of fabric being swallowed by your pussy lips is dark, slick from your creamy cunt. One finger wraps underneath and pulls it to the side. He moves his fingers to your clit, eyes gazing down into yours as he rubs quick circles over your clit. Your legs twitch from how sensitive you are.
“There you go. Are you going to cum for me?”
“Y- yes.”
“Yes, what?”
“Ye- yes Dad- Daddy!” You struggle to speak as you turn your face to nuzzle into the crook of his neck.
“Don’t hide those sounds. Let me hear you.”
“Fuck… I’m…”
“Be a good girl, and cum for me.”
Words fail you as your left hand reaches out to push him away, but he refuses to move until he knows you’ve finished cumming. Once your body relaxes under his touch, he pulls away and licks his fingers to clean off your sweet nectar.
“You treat me so fucking good.” You whisper to him before biting his earlobe lightly. “Please let me suck your cock.”
König can feel his cock twitch once hearing your request. “You know I can never say no to you.”
He unfastens his pants as he gets off his lap and kneels in front of him. His thick cock springs out in front of you, causing a smile to crawl across your lips. You grab his cock, not wasting any time. Your pillowy lips press against the leaky head, getting pre-cum on your lips as you kiss down his cock to his balls.
Holding his dick up you move your tongue over his balls, sucking on one testicle at a time. König’s view of his massive cock looming over that beautiful face as you act desperate to please him causes him to groan. A satisfied look in his eyes as you gaze back up at him.
Just then his phone begins to ring. You pull back only to have one of König’s hands guide you back to his balls. “Don’t stop.” His voice is consumed with pleasure; he ignores the call.
You do as he asks, you don’t stop. Your own spit covering your own face, you lick back up and suck the tip of his cock. “Ahh…” He moans, dropping his head back.
Once again, his phone begins to ring. “Don’t stop.” He says as he moves slightly to grab his phone. He turns it around and, on the screen, it says ‘Wife’. After letting out an annoyed sigh, he answers.
“Ja?” He tries his best to conceal the pleasure.
“Where are you?”
“Work. Why?”
“I just got here and you’re not in your office.”
König rolls his eyes, reluctantly stopping your head from bobbing up and down on his cock. “I went out for lunch.”
You look into his eyes with a sad expression in your face. He caresses your check with his thumb as he cradles your cheek in his hand.
“Give me fifteen minutes.” He hangs up. “I’m so sorry, Liebling.”
“But we just started.” You pout.
“I know, I know.” He leans down to kiss your pouty lips before handing and putting his cock away.
“Thank you for my jewelry and dresses…and orgasm.” Your lips press into his again once you stand up.
“Anything for my Sugar.” His Austrian accent makes the way he says ‘sugar’ sound adorable. As he stands your eyes go wide as you notice the small hickey you’ve left on his neck.
“König, I marked you accidently.” A small panic in your voice can be detected.
“It’s okay. If she doesn’t know by now, she’s just playing dumb.” He says to reassure you to feel no guilt. “Now, I’ll pick you up Friday at 6 for the KorTac gathering. We can pick up where we left off then. Okay?”
“That sounds perfect.” His arms pull you in for a tight hug before he kisses your lips for one last time before he leaves.
“I’ll text you once I’m back on base.” König puts back on his mask and begins to make his way down the stairs to leave. His heart aches, with you he feels at home. He craves more than just your affection; he also wants your love.
For now, he will keep playing the role of loving husband and Sugar Daddy until you realize he’s the man for you. Then he can simply be your loving husband. How it should be.
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bidokja · 1 year
I was joking a while back that the actor they have playing KDJ for the orv movie was too handsome for him and a friend who's read orv was like "KDJ is actually secretly attractive!!" And I just felt my soul leave my body right then
Okay. Buckle in. I'm gonna finally actually address and explain and theorize about this whole...thing.
I'm not gonna cite any exact chapters cause it's like 11:30 and I've got an 8 hour drive in the morning but I'll at least make an approximate reference to where certain things are mentioned. Also, this post is just my personal interpretation for a good bit of it, but it's an interpretation I feel very solid about, so do with that what you will. Moving on to the meat of things:
There is one (1) instance in the web novel that I know of which describes specific features of Kim Dokja (especially ones other people notice). This takes place when members of KimCom are trying to make Kim Dokja presentable to give his speech at the Industrial Complex (after it's been plopped down on Earth). This is when they start really paying attention and focusing on Kim Dokja's appearance since they're putting makeup on him; I still don't think they can interpret his whole face, but they can accurately pick out and retain more features than usual. If I remember correctly they reference him having long eyelashes, smooth skin, and soft hair. These features can be viewed as (stereotypically) attractive.
Certain parts of the fandom have taken this scene and run with it at a very surface level, without realizing (or without acknowledging at the very least) that this scene is not about how Kim Dokja looks. This is, in part, due to not realizing or acknowledging why Kim Dokja's face is "censored" in the first place, and what that censoring actually means. I think it's also possible that some people are assuming the censorship works like a physical phenomena rather than an altered perception.
I'll address that last point first. The censorship of Kim Dokja's features is not something as simple as a physical phenomena. It's not a bar or scribble or mosaic over his face. If that were true it'd be very obvious to anyone looking at him that his face is hidden. But his face is not hidden to people. They can look at him and see a face. If they concentrate on his eyes, they can see where he's looking. They know when he's frowning or grinning. They see a face loud and clear. But what face are they seeing? Because it's not really his, whatever they're seeing.
No one quite agrees on what he really looks like. And if they try and think about what he looks like, they can't recall. Or if they do, it's vague, or different each time. We notice these little details throughout the series. Basically, Kim Dokja's face is cognitively obscured. Something - likely the Fourth Wall, though I can't recall if this is ever stated outright - is interfering with everyone's ability to perceive him properly. This culminated in him feeling off to others; and since they don't even realize this is happening, they surmise that he is "ugly."
Moving on to the other point about what the censorship means: To be blunt, the censorship of his face is an allegory for his disconnect from the "story" (aka: real life, and the real people at his side). The lifting - however slight - of this censorship represents him becoming more and more a part of the "story" (aka: less disconnected from the life he is living and the people at his side). The censorship's existence and lifting can represent other things - like dissociation or depersonalization or, if you want to get really meta, the fact that he is all of our faces at once - but that's how I'd sum up the main premise of it. (The Fourth Wall is a larger part of the dissociation allegory, but that's for another post).
So you see, them noticing his individual features isn't about the features. It's not about the features! It doesn't matter at all which features got listed. Because they could describe any features whatsoever and it would not change the entire point of the scene. Because the point isn't what he looks like. The point is that they can truly and clearly see these features. For the first time. They are seeing parts of him for the first time. Re-read that sentence multiple times, literally and metaphorically. What does it mean to see someone as they are?
This is an extremely significant turning point dressed up as a dress-up scene.
P.S. / Additionally, I'm of the opinion that Kim Dokja is not handsome, and he is not ugly. He is not pretty, and he is not ghastly. Not attractive, nor unattractive. Kim Dokja isn't any of these things. More importantly, Kim Dokja can't be any of these things. The entire point of Kim Dokja is that you cannot pick him out of a crowd; he is the crowd. He's a reader. He's the reader. Why does he need to be handsome? Why must he be pretty? Why is him being attractive necessary or relevant? He doesn't, he doesn't, it's not. He is someone deeply deeply loved and irreplaceable to those around him, and someone who cannot even begin to recognize or accept that unless it's through a love letter masquerading as a story he can read. He is the crowd, a reader, the reader. He's you, he's me. He's every single one of us.
#orv#orv analysis#orv meta#orv spoilers#mine#ask#there's also the meta that he is described with these (stereotypically) pretty features as they are about to try and 'sell' him to a crowd#which feels to me like a very pointed way to convey how 'beauty' is commodified. how audiences like 'attractive' characters more#note: made some edits to add in a couple of sentences my brain forgot in the moment so make sure u reblogged those if u do#tag edits for further commentary that isnt strictly relevant to the point i was making:#do i think that this face censorship was executed as well as it could have been? nah.#not that it was like. done Badly. it's followed through to a certain point. its established enough for me to make this post at least.#but i do think it is the one thing in the web novel that SS didn't capitalize on.#like. they still stuck the landing but it was not as picture perfect of an execution as the rest of the metaphorical stuff in orv#also. this (not the face censorship specifically but the 'hes just some guy' point of it all) is one of the big reasons i think that-#-visual adaptions of orv can never quite work. they can do the best that they can with that medium but a lot of nuance is lost-#-simply by virtue of it being a visual medium#i personally think the only way a visual medium could work would be one where they commit to the power move of not showing kdj's face#(until a certain point (of view) that is)#his face is always facing away or out of frame or hidden by someone or something else in the way#commit to the fucking allegory or simply perish
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strangersmunsons · 17 days
you're Eddie's dream girl. it's too bad you can't stand him. eddie munson x fem!reader, ~ 850 words this is about them, btw. a companion/prequel blurb to conversation hearts.
“Do you wanna get pizza after Hellfire, or would you rather go to Benny’s and —?”
The words fall on deaf ears. Eddie trails behind you in the hallway, eyes fixated on your figure and nothing else. He doesn’t even feel it when his shoulder knocks into Jeff’s; he just walks away dreamily, as though floating on a cloud.
Jeff snorts out a laugh while shaking his head, torn between amusement and exasperation. 
“Man, you’re not even listening,” Gareth complains to Eddie’s retreating back. He and Jeff fall behind as Eddie quickens his pace, in hot pursuit of his girl.
His girl. 
God, he wishes.
Eddie follows you at a distance through the halls, weaving his way through the crowd of students, not letting you out of his sight. When you eventually duck through the door to the library, he doesn’t hesitate to follow suit.
You don’t appear to have noticed him, even when he situates himself at a table quite close to yours. A comically large math textbook open on your left, and a well-loved spiral notebook on the right, you’re the picture of studiousness as your gaze flits between the two, eyes narrowed in fierce concentration.
You look adorable; the way your lips move silently as you read the numbers of the equation you’re working through, the confused little scrunch of your nose when you hit a dead end in your calculations. And when you get stuck on a particularly frustrating problem, you give your homework a full-blown pout.
Too fucking cute. It’s not fair.
Overwhelmed by the need for attention — your attention — he lets out an obnoxious cough, hoping you’ll spare a glance his way. 
To his delight, you finally look up, eyes quickly scanning the room for the culprit until they land on him. But instead of lighting up at the sight of him and his winning smile, your face crumples in annoyance. You snap your head back over your papers, staring resolutely down.
Eddie watches you mournfully, now sporting a pout of his own. He lets out another loud, exaggerated cough, but you don’t cede to his antics.
Time to pull out the big guns.
Grabbing a composition book from his backpack, he tears out a blank page and wads it into a ball. Closing it tightly in his fist, he cocks his arm back and lets it fly.
It soars through the air in a perfect arc all the way to its target, where it smacks you lightly in the temple. Your mouth pops open in shock at his audacity, but you still don’t give him the satisfaction of turning to look. Instead, you visibly huff, and snatch your belongings up in a heap before storming out of the library.
Eddie finally calls out, “Aw, c’mon, sweetheart!”
The librarian, seeming to appear from thin air, swoops in on him like a hawk. “Munson!” she hisses through her teeth. “How many times do I have to tell you —”
Eddie rises from his chair before she can finish reprimanding him. “Yeah, yeah, I know. I’m leaving.”
Lunch is almost over by the time Eddie makes it to the cafeteria. He drops his lunchbox unceremoniously onto the table with a clang, and plops down in his usual seat at the head of the table. A hush falls over the group as everyone turns to look at him, all mildly amused.
Jeff is the first to break the silence. He raises an eyebrow at him. “So. How did that work out for you?”
Eddie stretches his limbs, then bends his arms at the elbows so he can lace his fingers together behind his head. “I’m gettin’ there, fellas,” he says casually. “Remember, the tortoise won the race, not the hare.”
Dustin pipes up. “I’m not sure that’s the right analogy for what’s happening here.”
Eddie flicks a pretzel at him.
“I’m just saying, she seems a little irritated, if anything.” 
Eddie’s heart soars, and his head twists like it’s on a swivel, eagerly searching the cafeteria for your pretty face. “Is she in here?” Without waiting for an answer, he climbs and stands on top of his chair, using the extra height to get a better view of the room.
Laughter bubbles up uncontrollably out of Gareth. “What’re you doing?” he wheezes. 
People from surrounding tables cast him furtive glances, no doubt anticipating another unsolicited Eddie Munson lunchtime rant, but he pays them no mind. There’s only one person in here he cares about right now, and that’s you.
You! Three tables down, nibbling at a sandwich and doing calculus with your free hand. He calls your name and you look up automatically, startled.
He smacks a wet kiss to his hand and blows it towards you, then wiggles his fingers in greeting. Grinning big and cheesily all the while, fluttering his lashes like something out of a cartoon.
Lips parted, eyes huge, you don’t say anything in response. You just let your head drop onto the table before you, right onto your notes. You don’t look up.
Jeff whistles. “Yeah, man. You’re a real casanova.”
“Shut up. I’m trying to make her love me."
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anathemaspeaks · 2 months
dandelion wishes
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character(s): shoto todoroki synopsis: always the bridesmaid, never the bride - isn't that how the saying goes? my name is momo yaoyorozu, and in my case, it's true. word count: 1.3k warning(s): none a/n: not my best work, but here you go anon :) likes, follows, and reblogs are appreciated <3 this is all from momo's point of view.
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it happened at my birthday party, a day after i turned 16.
kaminari managed to somehow smuggle booze into the house. still teenagers and drunk off the excitement more than the liquor, someone suggested we play 7 minutes in heaven. everyone cheered in agreement - except bakugou, of course. he opted to stay sober and make sure we don't have too much fun.
after a few uneventful rounds, it was finally my turn to spin the bottle. i wished it would land on shoto. this was my chance to tell him how i feel about him. maybe he'd say something back? well, a girl can dream...right?
my heart hammered in my chest as i gripped the bottle, spinning it on the polished wooden floor. every spin felt like an eternity until it finally landed with a decisive click. i traced the path of the neck, breath catching in my throat as i saw it pointed directly at todoroki. this was it. this was my chance.
we awkwardly shuffled towards the closet, the door creaking shut behind us, the dim light casting shadows on the wall. before i could calm my nerves and speak, todoroki blurted
"listen, about the spin…" his voice was uncharacteristically soft, almost hesitant.
"yeah?" i forced a nonchalant reply, inhaling to try and calm my nerves. he ran a hand through his dual-colored hair, a faint blush creeping up his neck.
"actually, there's someone i... well, someone i kind of like." a sheepish grin tugged at the corner of his lips. it felt like the wind got knocked out of my lungs. my eyes darted around the cramped space, landing on a crumpled magazine lying forgotten on the floor.
"oh, cool," i choked out, my voice barely above a whisper, "who is it?"
"y/n" he mumbled, a shy smile on his lips. the name rang in my ears, shattering my painted dreams of a chance with shoto. i forced a smile. maybe y/n wouldn't have walked out of this closet with a shattered heart hidden behind a forced smile.
of course it was her. her smile could light up a whole room, kindness radiating from her like sunshine. she was effortlessly beautiful. she was everything i couldn't be. pretty, funny, and kind - how could i ever compete with that? a pang of jealousy, sharp and unwanted, twisted in my gut.
my gaze flickered to shoto's shy smile, and the way his eyes seemed to light up just at the mere mention of her. a hollow ache settled in my chest, envy so deep it felt like a barbed wire wrapped around my heart.
shoto's turn. when the bottle stopped spinning, it landed on y/n. because of course it did.
they emerged from the closet looking like a tornado had hit them. clothes askew, hair a mess, and faces flushed with a kind of unspoken ecstasy that left little to guess.
the next day, they walked into class hand-in-hand. it was official.
today marks 2 years since that day.
over this period, they became the textbook definition of the perfect couple. they were disgustingly cute. sneaky, affectionate glances in the middle of lectures, whispered jokes that erupted in shared laughter, their hands seemingly glued together.
shoto ever-stoic todoroki, weak for y/n. he'd wrap his arm casually around her waist, brush stray hairs from her face with a lingering touch, and steal kisses during training breaks. it was a side of him no one had ever seen - a shoto who wore his heart on his sleeve. for her.
here i was, stuck watching their picture-perfect love story unfold, a constant reminder of the confession that will forever remain trapped on my tongue.
we were sprawled across mina's living room floor, empty pizza boxes scattered around like confetti, and a half-eaten bag of chips resting precariously on a mountain of rom-comes. the topic, just like a normal beginning to a girls' night, was boys.
"boys are the worst!" mina declared, prompting a chorus of agreement from everyone.
"mine just left his gym socks under the bed again. seriously, how hard is it to use a laundry basket?" uraraka chimed in.
just then, y/n came in from the kitchen with a bag of marshmallows and sat down next to us. well, she wouldn't be participating in the complaining.
"look who finally decided to grace us with her presence," i teased, nudging her playfully.
"so, how are things going with the ice king, anyways?" asked jirou.
she blushed a bit. "oh, the usual. he's amazing, and he's surprisingly..." she trailed off, a sly smile on her face.
"surprisingly...?" mina prompted.
"let's just say his quirk isn't the only thing that's hot and cold."
the room erupted in laughter and whoops for her. i forced a smile, feeling an all too familiar pang in my stomach.
the conversation continued, everyone chiming in with their recent stories about boys. including y/n. every detail felt like a knife to my heart. 'that should've been me' i thought. i pushed it away. i wouldn't let my jealousy get the best of me.
they all seemed so happy, while i was stuck on the sidelines, yearning to feel their joy. we all fell asleep in that room while watching movies and gossiping, a smile on everyone's faces. i still couldn't help but feel a little bitter.
now we all have finally graduated. we decided to still meet up every saturday for dinner, and this week, it was at todoroki's. the familiar buzz of anticipation and excitement filled the house as we all talked about our first week after graduating.
then, shoto and y/n walked in hand-in-hand.
"hi everyone!" greeted y/n, smile so bright she was contagious.
"sit wherever you're comfortable, dinner will be ready soon" announced shoto.
"but before that, there's something we have to tell you." she was practically shaking in eagerness.
todoroki cleared his throat, a faint blush creeping up his neck. "we, uh, well…" he fumbled for words, a rare sight for the usually composed half-and-half king. she squeezed his hand reassuringly.
"we got married!" she blurted out, a wide grin splitting her face.
the air crackled with shock. wide eyes, dropped jaws, and a silence followed the announcement.
"wait, married?!" kaminari finally found his voice, his eyes wide with surprise. "but you guys are only eighteen!"
todoroki chuckled, a sound rarely heard before y/n. "we know," he admitted, a hint of shyness lingering in his voice. "but we knew what we wanted, and well, here we are!"
and then, as if a dam had broken, the group erupted. mina squealed, launching herself at y/n in a bone-crushing hug. kirishima gave todoroki a hearty back slap, nearly knocking him over. uraraka, tears welling in her eyes, showered them both with congratulations.
"dumb brats, you're gonna regret this!" yelled bakugou. but i saw him turn away and wipe away a falling tear. both y/n and shoto engulfed him in a hug. he threatened to burn their arms off if they did it again.
congratulations continued, hugs going all around. the surprise announcement had cast a whole new light on their evening. it was a celebration not just of friendship and graduation, but of a love story that had blossomed within the very walls of U.A.
married. at eighteen. the words echoed in the hollow space where my confession had died. cheers rained down on them, a cruel confetti shower on my silent tears. my wish for him was as futile as willing a dandelion's wispy white petals not to fly away with the wind.
they were a love story written in stolen glances and secret touches, a masterpiece i could only watch unfold from the sidelines - a happy ever after that couldn't be mine.
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to the anon who requested this, i know you wanted it to be more angsty so i tried to make it as vengeful as i could, i hope you like it! <3 (i accidentally deleted the ask I'M SO SORRY)
please send in requests everyone 🫶
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moonchildstyles · 3 months
would elan y/n like fashion week? would harry go with her as her bodyguard or her boyfriend?
wordcount: 3.6k+
(Y/N) stood still as Dom fluttered around her, his hands making the finishing touches on his vision. As soon as the invitation to sit in on some of the premier shows of Paris Fashion Week—front row, no less—he'd been dreaming up an entire scheme of different looks and aesthetics for her to conquer. Sketches and rounds of approval started the process, only to finish with a handful of tedious fittings until they landed on the final looks. A handpicked team accompanied them to the city, complete with hairstylists and makeup artists (Y/N) had only ever seen on her socials. While it wasn't the first time she'd attended Fashion Week shows, this was the first time she had been invited to go international at the invitation of a few of the houses, and Dom wanted to ensure it wouldn't be the last. 
First up: the Jean Paul Gaultier show and the silken outfit Dom had put together. 
As soon as she finished her breakfast that morning, she had been settled in the eye of the whirlwind that was her team, readying her for the show. Dom was insistent on finishing her off in time for a personal photoshoot to be done to add to his portfolio (and her Instagram) as well as hitting the small carpet that would be set up outside of the show for her to be pictured for the event. Everything was going to be perfect, he promised. 
(Y/N) went along with every one of his whims, standing, bending, and contorting exactly how he wanted until he finally came around for the finishing touches. From the corner of her eye, as Dom perfected the effortless-but-purposeful folds, she could see Harry lingering in the corner of the room, his watchful eye stuck on her. 
Seeing him like this, her view obstructed with glamorous hands flitting around her form, took her back to the day of the 132 Gala. Back then, he had barely met her eye for longer than a second, glancing at her before he would force himself to pull away. Now, he held no shame, raking his gaze over her body, taking in the cut of her dress, cinch of her curves, and every angle of her form. There was even a slight curl to his lips, lopsided with only a single dimple. She wished she knew what was going on in his head, but with the way he kept flicking down to the lace up boots that went high up her thighs she had an inkling. 
"What do you think? How do you feel? Anything you want to change?" Dom fired off, taking (Y/N)'s attention from her bodyguard and back to the task at hand. 
Across from her stood a full length mirror, giving her a complete look of her archival look and all of the details that went into making her impact. 
Reflected back at her was her own made up eyes, complete with a light sweep of blush heading up her temples, minimal eye makeup, and a muted, blurry cherry shade patted over her lips. Her hair was piled high above her head, extensions and heat-rolled curls were folded around her face to give the illusion of a halo—like the Gaultier shows from decades before they were taking their inspiration from. The star of the show was the archive piece from Gaultier themselves, white silk draped over her body with a low cut down her chest that ended high on her thighs, though the fabric was cinched around her waist with the help of a matching, gauzy  corset. It was tied tight around her middle, complete with three different sets of laces—two of which were tied at her sides with one down the center as well holding the entire piece together.
Her look was completed with a small red bag that matched the thigh high boots cinched over her legs, dyed a bright scarlet red that conformed to her shape. They were the statement piece of the look, and, watching Harry's wandering eye, they were doing their job of catching attention. 
(Y/N) smiled at her reflection, flicking her eyes away from Harry's form in the background to look to Dom. "I like it," she told him, "I feel good, I don't think we need to change anything." 
"Me neither, darling!" Dom beamed, taking her in with pride as if she were his next piece of art in his exhibit. "We'll do photos and then we go!" 
With that, Dom dismissed the glam team after calling for a final meeting this afternoon to finalize the look for tomorrow's Yves Saint Laurent show. He flitted through the room, thinking aloud as he searched for the missing photographer. Now alone, (Y/N) didn't hesitate before turning on her red heel and looking to Harry with a beaming smile on her lips. 
"What do you think?" She reached out for him, her purse hanging off of her wrist. 
Harry came to her in slow strides, taking her in with lingering drags of his eyes. When he met her eyes through the fan of his lashes, a sly grin tugged at his lips. "I don't know if y'want me to say." 
"Why not?" she asked, smiling at the way he smiled despite not being entirely sure where he was going. 
"Y'said y'don't like it when I get you all flustered before we go out," he drawled, reaching her with his arms going around her waist, "Y'told me y'think it looks obvious in pictures that you've got something on your mind." 
Happily falling into his hold, she understood where he was going with his declaration. "Because it is," she said, putting her manicured nails through his hair, "You can check any of the articles dissecting my body language when we're out, and they'll tell you that we just had sex and I can't stop thinking about it." 
He only shrugged at her claim, instead pushing forward and dotting a careful kiss on her lipsticked lips. 
"That's how I know 'm doing m'job," he murmured, pulsing his arms around her middle. His fingertips skated over the faux ties on her sides, "But, really, y'look gorgeous. 'M excited to see everyone's reaction at the show." 
(Y/N) brightened at his praise, "You think they'll like it?" 
"Sweet girl," he said, shaking his head before pulling away just enough to give her a slow appraisal, "they're going to love it. Gonna be asked to be put right in the show, I think." 
Taking in the soft of his eyes, the genuine sincerity he always laid upon her, (Y/N) couldn't hold back her smile, "Maybe."   It was her turn then to catch him in a kiss then. Though she was aware of the careful red stain on her lips, she was much too focused on the warmth of his words filtering through her system to truly care. Her arms were draped over his shoulders, fingers carding through the delicate curls on the back of his head as she sunk into their kiss. His hands on her waist tightened, keeping her close as she felt the very small curl of his lips as he smiled against her. 
It wasn't until she parted her lips, a brief taste of his tongue over her mouth, that the door to the bedroom that had been designated as her dressing room was pushed open. Dom's singsong voice filtered through, declaring something about photos only to be cut off at the sight that greeted him. 
"Oh, come on, (Y/N)," he sighed, sounding like a petulant child, "You couldn't have done this before?" 
Truthfully, she couldn't be upset with Dom for his exasperation—especially since he was one of the few who knew the real story behind she and Harry, and hadn't sold the story immediately. The effort that had gone into her makeup wasn't something she took for granted, though Harry was just too enticing at times for her to resist. Today included. 
Nonetheless, she untangled herself from around him, conscious of the red stain that now clung to the center of Harry's lips. 
"Sorry," she mumbled, feeling her skin warm when she saw the disappointed look on Dom's face, "I can fix it if it's messed up." 
Dom waved her off, storming through the room in the flourishing way he always did, "No, no, I'll call Cassandra. Just, no more (Y/N)—you too." He pointed an accusatory finger right at Harry. 
From the corner of her eye, (Y/N) saw Harry do nothing more than bundle his hands behind his back and take a step away in surrender though there was still a less-than-hidden curl amusing his lips. 
"No more," (Y/N) repeated with a nod of her head, "Sorry." 
Harry let out a huff of laughter at her side. 
Flashbulbs burned (Y/N)'s eyes, even when she blinked. She posed, changing every minute to allow for new shots as she made her way down the carpet. Her name was falling from French-accented lips, calling for her attention. Giving herself a break, she looked towards her booted feet, taking a breath when the smile fell from her lips. 
She must have taken too long when she felt a gentle hand land on her back, between her shoulder blades and on the bare skin displayed by the cut in the back of her dress. The static of someone's presence clung to her when their head dipped down close to her ear. 
"You alright?" Harry murmured, voice low for only her to hear. 
Aware of the cameras that were now snapping like crazy, taking in every angle and every breath of this moment, (Y/N) turned to him, catching his eyes. "I'm okay," she assured him, giving a small nod of her head to follow after the tiny smile on her lips, "Just needed a break from the lights." 
"'S a lot today," he agreed, decidedly grim when he let his eyes graze over the barricade of photographers, "Y'want to cut it short and go in?" 
(Y/N) shook her head, "I'll be okay. Thank you." 
It was the way that Harry's gaze lingered over her, washing over her features and cataloging each of her details, that showed her he wasn't asking as a bodyguard. This was Harry—her mon amour—asking if she was ready to leave, ready for him to rescue her out of this moment. (Though he was never one to bring it up, she was sure times like these brought up the night of the 132 Gala and the nonstop probing she had gone through). 
Whatever he saw on her face seemed to be enough to assure him. A reciprocating smile touched his features before he stepped away, melting into the background once again. 
Tuning back into the moment, (Y/N) heard the clicks of the cameras and the call of her name again like the bubbling of the ocean. She didn't allow herself to think too hard before she fell into her role, a bright smile settling on her lips and lashes fluttering just right for the shots. 
Even with all of the eyes on her, there was only one pair she felt warming her back. 
The final pass of the pieces were paraded down the runway, models stomping in fanciful heels with billowing fabrics and structured shoulders. Muted tones dominated the collection, complete with sparkling jewels and artful embroidery. (Y/N) clapped along with the rest of the audience as she filed away the pieces she would definitely be passing along to Dom that she could see being added to their repertoire. 
It had been a truly beautiful show, and not just because she had been invited to sit in the front row, but she was ready for it to be over. It had been a long show, and one that she wished Harry could sit next to her through, so she actually knew someone she was seated by. Her anxiety had been on a low simmer in the back of her mind, causing her to sit stiffly and shift carefully in her seat. While she was used to cameras and the lingering threat of out-of-context videos being posted, she wanted so badly to do well here—leave the opportunity open of possibly being invited back. The expectation kept her on edge.
Seeing the end of the show allowed her lungs to finally fill, knowing that she would be granted a reprieve soon. Standing ovations were given once the designer made their way down the runway alongside the models, (Y/N) joining in with a beaming smile on her features. 
It wasn't long after a quiet round of thank yous were given out by the designer, the models being dismissed to backstage, that the audience began to filter out. (Y/N) stretched to the full of her height, heels tottering on flooring. The few acquaintances she made at her bench told her goodbye, giving small hugs and bids to see her once more at the afterparties that night, eventually leaving her and her tiny bag by herself as she drifted towards the exit. 
Coming from whatever corner he huddled himself into during the show, Harry joined her side with his eyes scanning ahead for their next steps. He looked down at her when he landed a hand on the small of her back, a bounce of his brows when he caught her already looking to him. 
"Y'alright, love?" he murmured, voice a low rumble for only her to hear. 
She gave him a nod of her head, automatic smile landing on her lips. "Yeah. I think I just need to breathe a little." 
With that, (Y/N) could see the gears beginning to turn in his head. There was a plan being stitched together in his mind, ready to take her wherever he could get her a fresh breath of air and privacy. 
Handing over all of her trust, (Y/N) followed wherever he guided her, keeping her footing steady in her boots. The patrons around them thinned the closer they came to the exit as people filtered out and left down the grandiose stairs leading up to the hall. He seemed to know the space better than her, taking her down the stairs until he steered her away from the waiting cars and gathered photographers. The path he took looped around the banister of the concrete stairs, following the line of the building until they reached a quiet alcove, complete with employee only entrances and a set of dumpsters. 
The rustling of footsteps and sea of voices was far off enough now, letting (Y/N) put her guard down without any watchful eyes around. Harry's hand on her back shifted until it became an arm around her waist, his head ducking into her line of sight with the lillypad of his eyes matching hers. 
"Thank you," she said, the words coming out on a plume of air, "What did you think of the show?" 
The warmth of his eyes glazed over her, the tick in his jaw settling once he saw there really was nothing upsetting he other than the need for a breather. "It was good—interesting. Long." 
A small breath of laughter fell from her lips. "I know. It was really long, but super cool. There were a few things in there that I think I'm going to talk to Dom about." 
"Yeah?" Harry smiled, his features softening with dimples sitting in his cheeks, "Which ones?" 
His amusement only grew as she bubbled off about the pieces that caught her eye, his attention centered only on her as she spoke. His arm around her waist was warm and anchoring, keeping her in their quiet moment. (Y/N) felt warm under his gaze, the familiarity of his presence helping her down from that simmer of anxiety. 
"That corset one was really cool," he agreed, nodding his head when she vaguely described the piece, "You'd look really pretty in it, I think." 
"Thank you," she smiled, though she was halfway sure he had no idea what garment she was talking about. Delicately her hands landed on his chest, fingers denting through his clothes. "I wish you could have sat with me—I think I would have felt better." 
There was a small curl to his lips, a single dimple in his cheek. "Me too, but I saw y'made some friends." 
"Yeah," she sighed, her grip on his tightening just enough, "But, you know I get nervous. I didn't want to bother anyone incase anyone was video taping or anything." 
His smile fell then, turning his lips into a grim line of his hard features. That was something he was still getting used to—the constant access people felt they had to her, as well as the paranoia that followed when it came to that.
"I know," he mumbled, tugging her close with his arm around her waist, "But, 's over now, and you still had a little fun, right?" 
"I did," she assured him, her own features softening into a smile in hopes of lifting his spirit, "It was really cool. I've always wanted to go to one of these shows, and now I have." 
His hand on her waist gave a small squeeze, a jump of laughter pulsing from her lungs at the touch. "Good," he crooned, loosening at the sound of her laugh, "Did y'want to go to any of the parties tonight, or were y'wanting to stay in still?" 
"Probably stay in," she answered, leaning into him that much more, "I'm still tired from the flight." 
"Me, too. We'll watch one of our cooking shows tonight then, and head to bed before the next shows tomorrow." 
There was a warmth in her chest at the solid plan Harry handed her. She knew Dom would still be disappointed that she was forcing him to shelve another archival look while she stayed in tonight, but at least she would be with Harry. 
(Y/N ) didn't think before she placed her hands on his cheeks, fingertips stretching into the baby curls of his hairline. Her eyes fluttered to a close as she leant forward, tipping her chin and pressing her lips to his. Harry's arm around her kept her in a close hug to his chest, his nose nudging hers as he turned his head just right to catch her top lip between his two. 
There would no doubt be a stain on his lips, glistening with a hint of red, but she would take care of it later. (Y/N) would prefer to melt into him while she could. 
It was only when there was the scratch of someone's shoe against the concrete, that Harry pulled away. In a second his gaze was scanning around them, finding only a single patron heading down the stairs from over their heads. His eyes followed them for a moment, waiting to see if their hiding spot had been found. When there wasn't even so much as a second glance towards their huddled position, she felt his chest deflate in her arms. 
"Ready to head back?" he asked, turning back to face her once more, his eyes blooming over her. 
Taking advantage of the quiet, (Y/N) pressed her lips to his cheek once more before untangling her limbs with only her hand in his. "Yeah," she said, giving him a nod, "I think we left the driver waiting long enough." 
The relaxed smile on (Y/N) face stayed there even as they encountered new photographers, and Harry's hand in hers shifted to once again lay on her back. She couldn't wait for tonight. 
Though fans and social media alike have speculated about the nature of (Y/N) and her bodyguard—Harry Styles—relationship since the day they were first pictured together, this past weekend was the first to offer any hard evidence that there was anything more than professional going on between them. 
After touching down in Paris the night before for an exclusive invite to a few of the major shows of Paris Fashion Week—including the Jean Paul Gaultier spring runway—(Y/N) had remained low-key despite her usual Parisian club becoming the place to be before the festivities of the week began. She was first seen entering the JPG show, complete with an archival look specifically from the brand, as styled by Dominic Pedretto.
While walking the carpet, she seemed to have a moment, causing Styles to step forward and affectionately place a hand on her back, and whisper something. The moment was caught on camera—which you can see in the slideshow below!—along with the way neither of them could keep their eyes off one another. It wasn't uncommon for the pair of them to be so close while waking a carpet or even just handling a crowd of photographers—as seen at the 132 Gala as well as last Summer in Paris. 
But, it was the moment after the show that has fans running wild all over social media! 
As pictured below, (Y/N) and her bodyguard could be seen taking a private moment together outside of the Oratory of the Louvre. As opposed to all of the careful touches they've shared in front of the media, they can now be seen with his arms around her waist and (Y/N) clinging to him. Our insider wasn't close enough to catch any of the conversation, but said clear smiles and laughter was seen being shared in their alcove. It was the picture of love, the insider described it. Definitely different to what has been portrayed to the media about their relationship. 
If that wasn't enough, we also have exclusive access to the kiss heard 'round the world. In the final shot before the pair parted ways for their trek back to the media, they can be seen locked in a kiss. The steamy exchange lasted only a few moments, but our source can exclusively tells us that (Y/N) seemed eager for more, immediately pulling her "bodyguard" along so they could head home and get more of each other. 
While there's been no confirmation of any kind of relationship between the two, it must be only a matter of time until we hear wedding bells!
ahhhh!!! thank u sm for reading, so sorry for any mistakes I missed, and please if there's any kind of requests or ideas anyone has please lmk!!!
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arafilez · 5 months
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ꔫㅤㅤ ❜[ hjs x fem!reader ] ㅤ⋆ ㅤfluff, slight e2l 𓏧 you are very tired of the fact that everyone believes Han Jisung is the picture-perfect boy of the school ㅤ warnings none ㅤ﹢ㅤ1.2k wc
You looked around the school locker waiting for your friend to enter. Tapping your feet impatiently you closed your phone throwing it inside as Jongho was late for the nth time. As you turned away from the locker a strong scent of deodorant filled your nose and you hated how you recognized it immediately.
Taking a deep breath you clicked your tongue cursing Jongho when you came to face to face with Jisung. A smile plastered to his face, a tie perfectly attached to his neck, and proper full sleeves like the best boy.
Except he was not!
You see you hated Han Jisung, okay maybe hate was a strong word. No, you really did hate him. You hated his perfect aura, how he had everyone swooning over him and you hated how much of a model student he was. He was always so sweet and sugary with his words that people overlooked the pure evil residing within him.
“Sweetheart, long time no see,” you hear his voice speak to you, which you would admit was rather annoyingly squeaky than melodious.
“Don’t call me that” You grit your teeth looking at him as he smiled sweetly. You rolled your eyes once and left before he could further comment anything.
As usual, Jongho got scolded for being late to class and he made his way to you after his scolding and sat down. Giving his big gummy smile he offered you a piece of chocolate before withdrawing it seeing your glaring face.
“So someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today,” he said smiling as you gave him a cold stare.
“If someone wasn’t late today I wouldn’t have had to face Mr Asshole,” you gritted your teeth at Jongho who just replied with a shrug.
You looked away from him your eyes directly landing on Han Jisung in the corner bench of the first row and your breath got stuck in your throat. There he was looking at you from the corner of his eyes and you stared back. All until that cocky smirk returned to his face and you looked away silently groaning at yourself.
“Can’t take your eyes off him now huh?” Jongho whispered as you elbowed him slightly.
“I am not staring,” you whispered back.
“Sure, you are not, your eyes just happen to get stuck on Han Jisung,” he giggled as you glared at him for probably the nth time that day.
“Jjong cut it out, I swear, it’s not like his annoyingly handsome face attracts me,” you scoffed looking away.
Jongho snickered saying, “Sweetie I am your best friend, I have heard you muttering his name in your sleep.”
“That was one time,” you hissed at him as he shook his head getting tired of your denials.
“Just admit you like him,” where is the harm?” Jongho sighed as you shook your head and pouted.
You did not like Han Jisung quite possibly. He was the most annoying person ever in the universe, loud- not that you were not loud, you were just equally loud and had squirrel-like features with squishy cheeks that you just wanted to pinch and a cute face which made you want to kiss his nose that scrunches up when he laughs but such a beautiful figure which was admirable and you knew he was a dancer s his thin waist just makes you want to, and what the hell were you thinking?
No, you hated him and where were these thoughts even from, they are so stupid. No, you most definitely hated him.
The school bell rang as Jongho bid you goodbye saying he would be going to meet his seven other friends. You knew them all, all seven boys were nice and you would hang out often before. But after they all left for college your meets became less regular. Jongho still made time but you couldn’t.
You walked towards the school library which was open for two more hours for studious students. Walking inside, you went straight to the Physics section searching for a book on Quantum mechanics. You had an inventory project due and a quarter of your result depended on it.
The library was fairly empty and your shoes clicked a bit as you scanned through the books in the aisle. Suddenly your eyes caught a book on the upper shelf- Feynman Lectures Volume One. Blinking your eyes rapidly you questioned when your school library got such a good book.
You were not tall at all and thus you slightly jumped to get it. First try- failed, second try- almost had it, third try- curse the librarian for keeping the book on that shelf.
As you got ready for your fourth try you jumped suddenly at a voice behind you, “How long are you going to try short stuff?”
You spun around instantly replying, “Bold of someone to say who isn’t that tall either.”
“Tall enough to reach the book sweetheart,” he smirked leaning over your face and then looking up swiftly took out the book from the shelf.
“Feynman Lectures, how do you even understand it?” he questioned pouting and putting down the book on the table.
“I will at least try unlike your dumb ass,” you bit back your tongue knowing full well it was a lie. He was the smartest student in school and the most studious.
“Really, sweetheart?” he smirked hovering his face over your nose.
“Stop calling me that,” you fumed but it was more of a breathless sentence under his intense stare as you felt yourself getting hot and your heartbeat picking up in an instant.
“You are stupidly obvious you idiot, I know very well you like me,” Jisung whispered breath fanning your face as your back hit the bookshelf in shock.
“What? No, you overconfident man, I don’t,” you scoffed lying to his face as he bit back a smile.
Walking towards you he held your hands and said, “Well then fine, I guess I should just stop liking you and get over you, I mean since you don’t like me,” and he smiled, that same cocky smirk that you so much want to wipe off his face.
So you did.
Pulling by his collar you kissed him as he stumbled a little and then kissed back smiling into the kiss. It was soft and rough at the same time as you felt his hand cup your cheeks and lips blend. You both pulled back after a few seconds, you looking away feeling shy while Jisung rubbed the back of his head awkwardly.
“Um, I got your book down,” he whispered looking at the ground as you let out a soft laugh and looked up at him grinning stupidly.
“Well then might as well our first date be here,” you said softly, playing with the hems of your skirt as he smiled saying, “Sure, sweetheart.”
“Stop oh my god,” you whined knowing full well he won’t. Not that you want him to though. 
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ꔫㅤㅤ ❜ [ ara's notes ] ㅤ⋆ ㅤmy first ever fic on tumblr, reposting from my deleted account, thank you for supporting. cries. the third picture is from @kyrjnie and her microscope ꔫㅤㅤ ❜ [ taglist ] ㅤ⋆ ㅤ@haneagerr ㅤmain mlistㅤ skz mlistㅤ navi ㅤ to add to taglist
© arafilez on tumblr. please don't copy and repost my work as your own
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neoarchipelago · 1 year
For a fantasy one-shot what if the 141 gets stranded on a mission gone wrong, and they have to find a safe house cuz someone (not sure who) is badly injured and needs medical attention.
After a bit of wandering around a forest, they find an "abandoned" house. Unfortunatly for them, it's the house of witch!reader who dosent take kindly to intruders...
After a bit of calming down and convincing, Witch!reader heals whoever is hurt and maybe offers some assistance as the enemy has been draining resources from the forest?
Feel free to change the ending, I just like forest witchy vibes...😅
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(totally love the way marvel pictures 'magic' so I kinda used that, not sure it's still... Forest witchy tho.. sorry..)
Head canons Witch!Reader X squad 141
Your little house in the forest was perfect. The wood and Vine, the flowers and greenery making it disappear into the landscape. Of course you'd still often vanished to the city, especially for some things the forest couldn't entirely provide.
You were walking back home, the greenery of the forest surrounding you, the peaceful silence around. Unfortunately, for the past weeks, some men were troubling your peace.
The fresh smell of grass and leaves were now tainted with blood and drugs that the pathetic things used to escape the real world. If only they knew how to truly look at the world.
You frowned, the thoughts only souring your mood. That and the newly smell of blood. It could have been alright... If it wasn't straight on the path to your house. You stopped for a second, thinking about the situation. Did they wander too close?
You sighed before heading straight to your house. The smell of blood intensified, now droplets visible here and there. The droplets grew to bigger little drops and to tiny puddles.
You grew weary, your steps falling deeper into a soft silent path. Once you finally had the house in sight, you decided to go straight in. Anger rushed over you, the audacity of theses humans getting on your nerves.
The smell of blood hit you, as soon as you swung the door open. The ticking of guns pointing at you made you frown.
"hands up.." a man with a fishing hat said.
You turned to them, looking unfazed.
"you barge into my house. And you dare to threaten me?" You questioned.
"you..your house?" A Scottish accent rang.
"yes. My house." You pointed now looking at the man in a mohawk, sitting on the floor next to your couch. It made you notice the man laying on said couch, blood over his clothes and... Your couch. You sighed.
"I'm not going to repeat myself, hands u-"
You didn't let him finish, two fingers pointing to the guns before swiftly swingy them towards the ceiling, the metal things following the movement before sticking themselves on the ceiling. The silence was loud. You wanted to laugh. You rolled your eyes, closing your door behind you before walking to the kitchen table to drop your bag.
"that was so co-'
You smirked, the poor Scottish land being scolded by the masked man.
"what are you?" The hat man said again.
"again. Rude. Who are you even?" You asked, crossing your arms.
The men looked at each other. They didn't look like the other idiots that tried to roam your forest. They were... Different. Your gaze fell on the wounded man again.
"what happened?" You asked, changing the subject, as you nodded towards the couch.
"i... I took a bullet... I'm... Gaz... By the way..."
You smiled. Poor boy. His shaky voice only betrayed his fear and pain. You sighed again, frowning. You shouldn't mingle. Not at all. But the face of the man, wincing in pain, and the one of his teammates, worriedly looking at him, tugged on some string you didn't knew your heart had. Not for humans anyway.
You took a step forwards, the hat man immediately, stepping in front of you.
"calm down... If I wanted to hurt all of you, i would have done so already." You said, eyes glancing to the guns still stuck on the ceiling.
After long seconds of pondering and glances towards the others he stepped aside. You walked to the couch, kneeling next to mohawk.
"I'm... I'm soap."
Well... Next to soap then. You nodded.
"I'm Y/N." You answered..
You turned your attention to the wound.
"I'm going to remove your vest and your shirt, alright? I need to see where you got hit." You explained.
He nodded weakly. Your hands rose, snapping your fingers as the two vanished.
"How the fuck do you do that?!" Soap yelled.
"I'm. A witch. Please don't tell in my ear like that..." You answered with a frown.
You looked at the man's stomach, the bullet seemed to be on his left side, underneath his rib cage, above his hip. The bullet still inside.
"i need to remove the bullet before healing you. I'm... I'm sorry, it might be painful for a few seconds..." You said.
"it's ok... I'll... Die... If you don't..."
Again. Another pull on a heartstring.
"I'm not going to let you die." You assured with a soft smile. "Soap? Right?" He nodded "can you tell me what happened and why you're in my house? The two big guys over there are much less friendly..." You grumbled.
He smirked. You turned to the wound hand hovering above it.
"well... We're military... Special task force 141. We're on a mission. We're here to localize and intercept a group of drug dealers who use the forest for-"
Light intertwined in your fingers, blue, wavy glowing smoke, the bullet inside the body shining the same light before you focused to attract it towards you to pull it out. You'd have to work fast after, but it'll get out. The man under groaned, face torn in pain.
"i know... Sorry..I'm gonna pull it out...i just need to localize it... And...PULL." You mimicked your words, the bullet flying out into your hand, coating your fingers in blood. You sighed, dropping it to the floor, now putting both hands over the wound, applying a bit of pressure to stop the bleeding before another glow of light shinned from your hands. It spread to the man's skin underneath your palm. Veiny threads expanding from under your hands, shining blue.
Soap was gasping. You smirked again, trying to remain focused on your spell.
"go on soap. I'm listening." You reminded.
He shook his head, probably trying to focus on his story.
"hum.. yeah.. the dealers... Hum... We got ambushed... He got shot... And... We found your house here... Thought it was abandoned ...hum" the man looked mesmerized as you worked.
"yeah... Those idiots keep roaming around... They're getting on my nerves. I'm glad someone's taking care of it, didn't really want to mingle with human affairs." You explained.
It took a good five minutes for the muscles and flesh underneath your energy to grow back together. You'd have to rest for a few hours. When finally the skin had melted back together smoothly did you let the glow fade.
Removing your hand, she shadow of the bullet hole was glowing, veiny threads still expanding to the man's side and stomach.
"give it a few minutes. It'll go away." You assured before standing up slowly.
"thank you..." He let out in a shaky breath.
"don't worry. Just rest. I'll prepare some soup." You said with a soft smile before turning towards the kitchen.
"are... We the soup?" Soap asked.
You frowned, confused.
"why the fuck would I eat you? What's wrong with you?" You asked.
"your hands glow!" You heard.
You made your soup and everyone ate. Eventually you had let them stay the night, resting. They were safe there. You decided to help them just a tiny bit, after all, they were trying to get rid of the same enemies as you.
They remained two days, making sure their friends was up for another round. You had worked wonders, gaz being able to run around and jump quite fast.
In that time, soap just kept asking you to make things fly, or glow. You had pointed out you could do so much more, that this wasn't just some marvel movie. He seemed to ignore it.
The hat man.. price as he had introduced himself, felt more comfortable around you. The masked man however still seemed to eye you from the corner. It was time to leave when you looked at them in front of your house. You leant against the door frame.
"thank you, for everything. We'll keep your secret." Price said with a soft smile.
"something tells me you will. You're trust worthy. Be careful out there. You're four. They're fifty at least." You answered in a serious tone. "Soap." You called.
The man skipped his way towards you. You took his hand, opening it, palm up. You dropped a thick red thread, braided, a little bell at the end.
"in case of emergency. Ring."
They didn't ring. And weeks... Months passed. You questioned yourself if they had died. But on a rainy afternoon. You heard it. In the distance, like an echo in a dream. The bell ringing.
You didn't hesitate and immediately closed your eyes, focusing on the little bell, before simply vanishing.
It had turned out, it was no emergency. You had appeared in a room, the squad looking at you with wide eyes, sprawled on a couch or chairs around the cosy room. You crossed your arms.
"what in Merlin's beard is the emergency?"
"i... Just wanted to see if I'd work..."
It turned out to be a recurrent event. One of the boys would ring the bell, you'd get there, and they simply wanted to invite you to watch a movie.
Turns out, every Friday night, the bell rang. Poker nights, movie nights, game nights or simply to spend the evening with them. You'd often find yourself falling asleep there, unable to get back home from the tiredness or the alcohol.
Gaz was extremely thankful. He had offered you flowers and beautiful Notebooks. He had noticed your collection of notebooks laying around in your house, all scribbled. You had slightly blushed, reminding him that he didn't owe you anything at all. He didn't know it but you had crystalized the flowers, keeping them over the fireplace.
Soap was extremely happy to help you. Sometimes you'd need to make potions, you'd bring your stuff over and soap would chop things or stir. You'd often had to slap his hand away from the small cauldron to avoid him tasting anything. Of course you didn't brew anything remotely dangerous around them, but the last time you had turned your back, soap had grew a much longer pink mohawk and ran around jumping for hours.
You had wrote down in one of your new notebooks under Gaz's happy gaze, that removing three ingredients to a Calming infusion turned out to create a powerful energy potion.
Price loved it when you'd produce a little flame at the end of your finger to light up his cigar. "thank you my dear.". You had enchanted his phone, he could call you now avoiding using the bell and keeping it for emergencies only. You added in the map app, tracking points of the team, just in case. He was extremely thankful, his dad worries slightly relieved.
Ghost enjoyed watching you practice. He wouldn't say it out loud even under torture, but he was always mesmerized by the soft blue light that rose from your hands or body everytime you used your magic. He had noticed how it would naturally start flowing around you, in thin smoky waves, when you were lost in your notes or reading. He'd let his gloved hand wash through it, the sensation odd yet so familiar. You had only noticed when he had grazed your hair by mistake. Eyes falling into his you had blushed, realizing your situation. He had looked away, straightening himself. You had decided to gift him a little terrarium. On the inside, in a small porcelain miniature house, remained a little light. It took you days... Weeks even. And you'd never tell him, but you had managed to create a small artificial being, a little cute humanoid blue glowing thing. It was you. All you. Your magic and energy. It enjoyed the terrarium, and you were glad, you had wanted to gift it to him directly like this. In the end... You could feel it... The pain and sadness coming from his soul. And you could feel how your magic seemed to soothe him.
Soap calls you witchy
Gaz calls you goddess/ angel/ sweetheart
Price calls you little minx/little witch.
Ghost calls you by your name, but you had heard him once, as you were half asleep, call you 'little light'.
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Little bonus:
Konig would eye you like a child in wonder. After the first fear, he would just stare. He liked seeing you garden and tend to plants, usually because nature seemed to react around you and he finds it beautiful. Flowers growing around you or grass getting greener. Butterflies or mouses, bunnies and birds often visiting when you were simply reading outside in the shade of a tree, and he always found it adorable.
Calls you Göttin.
(not sure about the translation my bad... Goddess?)
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avocado-writing · 9 months
Hiii <3 I'm the anon that tumblr ate out- I mean I'm the anon that got their request eaten by tumblr. I'm going to send it again but please don't feel like you have to write it at all!
Basically it was just:
Crowley x wife!reader where human reader nearly dies during the London Blitz so Crowley miracles her into living forever as a type of vampire (he's a demon idk). So now Aziraphale, Reader, and Crowley are friends (possibly more by the time we get to the bookshop)
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notes: HEY I AM SO SORRY I MADE THIS SO FUCKING ANGSTY. please forgive me. it just felt like the perfect setup for a bite of sadness.
pairing: crowley x f!reader
rating: T
notes: mentions of death
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“You shouldn’t do this.”
Crowley knows. He knows that Aziraphale is not wrong for a number of reasons: his head office will notice, it’s against the rules, he’ll get in dreadful dreadful trouble. Demons aren’t meant to meddle in the mortality of humans. But then again demons aren’t meant to marry humans either, and he did that anyway too. 
It’s your tenth anniversary today. He can picture the wedding like a photograph in his memory: your white dress, your red lips, the huge smile you wore all day like it was stuck to your face. Impossible for you to get rid of. 
He braved the pain of a church to marry you in it, then swept you off to bed to take his mind off his burning feet.
Ten years. Ten happy years. Ten years of your gorgeous, gorgeous smile. He knew it wouldn’t be forever, but he thought that he’d at least have longer to work out what he was going to do when the time came. But there was no way you could have predicted where the bomb would land, the explosion it would cause, the shrapnel that would end up shredding your stomach.
He told you to leave London and you refused to. You refused to leave him.
Now blood soaks through your clothes onto his. You’re lifeless in his arms. Covered in brickdust and mortar. Smile gone.
In that moment he realises that he can’t continue existing without it.
“Shut it,” he snaps, far more fiercely than he should, and he’ll apologise to Aziraphale for it later… but for now, he does something very reckless indeed.
He summons the miracle from hell. It’s a big one, to snatch a soul out of the aether as it tries to slip away, but he’s a very powerful demon. He grabs the hazy edges of your spirit with his hand and slams it back into your body. There’s a surge of energy as the two parts of you reconnect, and in a shaky spasm you twitch horribly back to life.
“There she is. There’s my girl,” he whispers, cupping your face. As you work out how to breathe again Aziraphale watches in silence. There is nothing for him to say.
He manages to get away with it. Hell isn’t known for its incredible paper trail after all, and it’s pretty easy for him to mislay the documents that prove he ever did such a huge miracle at all. You’re alive again and there are no repercussions.
From head office, anyway.
Aziraphale eventually comes to accept the decision, and the two of you actually end up quite good friends. In fact Crowley feels quite ganged up on sometimes. You’re constantly at the bookshop helping shoo away customers and hunting down good deals for old tomes on ebay. You’ve learned to grow with the times.
But still.
There are times where you seem… distant. He’ll catch you staring out a window, seemingly a million miles away from your body. You don’t blink as much as you should since he brought you back. You don’t breathe as hard either, your chest only raising and falling about once a minute. There’s something not the same.
He cannot bring himself to admit that you came back wrong.
Every time Crowley will come over and give you a gentle kiss, bringing you out of your stupor. You’ll shake your head and return to the moment.
“You alright, sweetheart?” he’ll ask.
“Oh, yes. Of course I am,” you’ll reply, and you’ll smile.
But your smile is never quite right.
taglist: @angiestopit@dazed-soul@foolishprincipalitee@smile-eywa@staygoldsquatchling02@underratedboogeyman@specter-soltare@cool-ontherun-world@emilynissangtr@willbedecided@cool-iguana@this--is--music @ilyatan @lxsm2@clarina04@wtfhasmy-lifecometo@mrgatotortuga@wereallbrokenangels @night-affiliate @kimqueenofhell@chewbrry @bajablast23 @h3k3t@am-i-obsessed---maybe
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macabresymphonies · 9 months
I think that all that romance between Gary and Marshall being the B-plot to the Fionna and Cake adventure is there to establish one thing: Fionna's world does not "suck" as much as she thinks it does. Gary and ML are having a great time, not always picture perfect, but they find comfort in eachother.
Fionna thinks that becoming an adventure hunter is going to fix all her problems, but all these alternate realities just established that these worlds still HAVE problems, worse even than working a boring dayjob. She should just learn to find extraordinary in the ordinary.
This mirrors Simon's arc, which is finding ordinary (comfort) in the extraordinary. He does not fit this fantasy world, but all the people living in it do not feel comfortable with it cause they inherently "fit". They feel comfortable, because they are comfortable with themselves. Simon is too stuck up on how things used to be (literally living in a museum exposition of his past life) and is trying too hard to bring them back instead of moving on.
My takeaway is that the land of Aaa will never return to it's original form, cause that would mean Simon is back to being Ice King. Instead Aaa will remain "mundane", but a little sparkle of magic will return (like Cake staying a talking cat, cause it's been established she likes being like that) once Simon lets a little magic back into his heart.
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sturnrm · 3 months
When u posting that ficccc
Right now !!
This was a requested story
Matt sturniolo X Dom!reader
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Warnings: sub Matt, p in v,smut smut smut, riding d
“I’m sharing a room with my girlfriend Alex and your sharing with madi” chris said pointing to nick
“So Matt and y/n have to share a hotel room there’s no other spaces” Nicolas said heading with madi to their room.
Matt groaned rolling his eyes making his way to the room not even looking back at me, I don’t know what I ever did to him but damn he’s an ass.
“I can’t believe this is actually happening right now” Matt huffed
“Get over it neither one of us wanna share a room but what choice do we have, go sleep on the balcony if you are so mad about it” I rolled my eyes.
He didn’t say nothing but if looks could kill I would have DROP dead right there and then.
I had just finished unpacking my case, Matt was in the shower, I decided to post some pictures I took at the beach earlier that day to my Instagram.
Matt had finally got out the shower and I grabbed some shorts and an oversized shirt pulling the one I had on right now over my head then taking off my shorts, completely forgetting Matt was behind me.
I turn to him in my matching underwear his eyes scanning my body.
“Sorry I forgot” I quickly spoke heading to the bathroom.
I let the water hit my face before fully stepping under the hot water still semi embarrassed that matts basically just seen me naked.
Matts PoV
“Sorry I forgot” the words left her mouth as she practically ran to the bathroom.
I lay in bed scrolling through Instagram liking post, “damn” i huffed out as I landed on y/n’s new post. She’s so perfect, the way boobs sat perfectly, the way her wet hair stuck to her body and just the way she looked in that slutty swim suit.
I felt myself harden my hands slipping under my pants palming myself feeling myself grow as I swiped through the pictures from earlier.
I knew y/n would be about 10 minutes in the shower and that’s all I needed to finish, I pulled my pants and underwear down to my knees slowly rubbing my hand up and down my shaft.
Low moans escaped my lips quickening my pace continuing to look at pictures of her.
As much as y/n pisses me off, damn she’s so beautiful.
Thought from moments before of her turning to me in her matching red lingerie set flooded my mind.
“Fuck” I whimpered feeling myself getting closer to the edge.
The shower stopped running. Shit.
I jerked myself faster to the picture of her on the 5th slide, she was on her knees, head to the side.
I closed my eyes thinking about her boobs bouncing whilst she rides me taking every inch of my cock.
Although I knew she was about to walk out I didn’t stop, “fuck y/n” i groaned finishing in my hand.
Shit what did I just do.
I pulled my shirt over my head cleaning myself.
I heard the door unclick, I closed my eyes pretending like I didn’t just nut to pictures of her.
Y/N’s pov
I stepped out the shower slipping some shorts and an oversized T-shirt on, I brushed my hair smiling at myself as this long day had finally come to an end.
“Fuck y/n” I heard Matt moan from the room, my eyes widen as my stomach dropped. What is he doing ?
I opened the door looking over at the bed
“Matt was u ju-“ I cut myself off
matt was either sleeping and I’m hallucinating or he’s pretending I thought to myself.
I lay in bed brushing off what I just heard facing matt who was ‘asleep’ I closed my eyes feeling matts arm making its way to my waist, my heart pounded.
"matt i can feel you staring at me." I spoke before opening my eyes. he was already staring into them. fuck. I wanted to be mad at him for not letting me sleep, but i couldn't.
he laughed slightly before sliding his hand under my head, separating me and my soft pillow. I don’t know what came over me or why I’m feeling like this, maybe it’s because i just heard him moan my name or maybe it’s because as much as I hate to admit it hes the one thing that I sexually crave.
I leaned closer to him and he kissed my lips softly.
he pulled away for a moment as I
grinned. "Fuck come here." I said grabbing his face and brining it to mine,hungrily smashing our lips together.
I bit his upper lip and he licked my lower, and soon after matts tongue pried my lips apart. he sat me up against the headboard, not separating his lips from mine for a second. he unclasped my bra, taking a tit in his hand.
I gasped at his touch “You okay” he asked, I nodded his lips pressing back against mine
Every second that passed made the kiss more heated.
My tongue explored his mouth hands running up and down his body, I pushed him down straddling on top of him.
I slowly grinded my hips the kiss still not being broken his hands immediately grabbing my waist.
I got up sliding his pants off then sliding my shorts down kissing his torso all over my ass stuck in the air.
I kissed down to his member kissing it softly looking up at him, his jaw hung open.
I took his length down my throat gagging as the tip hits the back of my throat, he grabbed a fistful of hair pushing me up and down.
“Can you please just get on” he begged letting go of my hair and grabbing my thigh pulling me over him
“Is that what you would like” I whispered leaning down to his ear, he nodded in response
I lined his cock with my hole slowly sinking myself onto him
“fuck fuck fuck” I moaned out taking him all inside me
“Mmm y/n” he squeezed my thighs
“Not the first time I heard that come from ur mouth today” I joked
His eyes widened, his lips parted as he was about to speak but I cut him off by starting to bounce on his dick.
Matts eyes screwed shut one of his hands reaching up to my tit, my lips connected to his continuing to bounce on him swallowing eachothers moans.
“Your so uh- mmm fuck” he whimpered out
“So what” I ask smirking at him, his big submissive blue eyes looking back up at me
Matt couldn’t get a single word out it was all ‘ummms’ and ‘ahhh’ noises very time he tried too.
His dick filled my hole perfectly hitting all the right spots.
I felt my climax get closer as I knew his was aswell since I could feel him twitch inside of me.
I sucked on his neck, my hips slamming down on his.
I held his hands next to his head lifting mine up from his collar bone pressing my forehead against his.
“Fuckkk~ I’m s-so close” he mumbled
“Me too” I breathed out
I reached my climax as squirming and moaning throwing my head back
“Oh my god im cumming” he whimpered squeezing his eyes shut.
moments after I felt strings of hot liquid inside splurge inside of me.
We cleaned ourself up as I lay back down next to him
“I know what you was doing when I was in the shower” I giggle
Matt just rolled his eyes bringing me closer to him
“This is what you do to me y/n” he said right before passing out
sorry it took long to post I’m working on a series and I also have to revise so I got a lot going on at the moment I also have a lot of requests that I’m trying to do
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halcyone-of-the-sea · 11 months
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PAIRING: Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick x F!Reader
WARNINGS: Panic attack, talks about death, guns, anxiety, insomnia & paranoia, angst, alcohol, littering in some heartfelt moments, etc.
*I do not give others permission to translate and/or re-publish my works on this or any other platform*
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Your nightmares were getting worse. It was undoubtedly true. 
The violent way you’d gasp into awakeness, tears, and sobs stuck on your lips as the large walls of your bedroom left you feeling more alone and isolated than anything. The barriers wouldn’t tighten—they would push out farther until all that remained was you and the bed, solitary and abandoned to darkness. Faces danced as the ghosts out in the hallways did at twilight, faces dripping blood and eyes reflective like a cat’s. 
Your father, the people in the park, the man you’d killed. 
Your mother, now, too. She stands next to Samson Row like a picture of perfection with a winning smile.
Gripping the damp rag in your hand tighter, you think over the moments after Gaz had told you about your matriarch landing in the States. It was almost comedic, now, the way you’d gone still and blank; bandaged hand loose over the paper with that telling red ink. Eyes boring into the way the Brit’s hand had tightened over his phone. 
Not moments prior you’d been mulling over the reality that your father had hidden things from you—how this strange moniker of ‘Chiyou’ rang to something inside of your head—and then another problem hits you. Over and over again it’s like you can’t catch a single break without it all falling to pieces.  
Even now, the stupid coffee stain on the dining room table is making your knuckles go thin from how hard you’re pressing. Your body was shivering, cold seeping into your bones even through your jacket. It was only an hour after the events in your dad’s office. 
Your teeth grit together, dragging the enamel into a scrape of pure anxiety. 
“I didn’t really take you for the stress cleaning type, Love.” Gaz watches you tightly, lips pulled back in concern from across the room. “Why don’t we just sit down and figure this out, yeah?”
“Or you can get the mop and start cleaning the floors.” You grunt, rubbing your shoulder into your cheek. 
In the time you’d been washing down the kitchen like a mad woman, you’d gone through four cups of coffee, and the jitters were plainly seen in your form as you jerkily ran back and forth. You'd call it pathetic if you were in the right state of mind. 
“Better yet,” you talk like you’re drunk, “get the duster and—” 
Your legs had left the table to go and grab the roll of towels on the island, but the world swirls halfway through your rapid pace. There’s a moment when you’re sure the house is tipping on its side, the foundations caving in from under you. 
You make a sound in the back of your throat when your legs buckle.
But before you slam to the ground, strong arms wrap around your middle and you can’t even breathe enough to push them off.
“Whoa! Okay, alright,” Gaz holds you, body firm and warm in a way you never could be. “Christ,” He whispers, face stiff. “Easy.”
Half bend over, you stare at the floor as the Brit brings you down slowly to your knees. He crouches in front of you and swiftly places his fingers on your pulse; skin sliding along your neck. You want to gag but have to make your head stop spinning first. 
In a moment of shaking lungs, you take down a deep breath. Like a vale, black fabric sits at the edge of your vision.
“Love, I’m going to need you to focus on me, yeah?” Gaz speaks slowly, his tone tight but still shining with worry. “Just listen to me.”
Your eyes burn and your chest is held down by bricks. Kyle’s grip goes to the back of your shoulders as he shifts you over, turning you like a toddler to rest your back against the island. Gasping lowly, your body fights against all normal senses—quivering and sweating at nothing. Your mind was pulsing with…everything. 
Devoid of any other option in a state of inner panic, you focus on the feeling of Gaz’s hands rubbing up and down your arms. It’s a few long minutes of borderline hyperventilating until the dim light of the kitchen slowly invades your eyes. 
The steady drip of tears makes itself known seconds later. Had you been crying?
“That’s it,” the Brit whispers, tilting his head to you and offering a small, tense, smile. Kyle’s lower face blinks into reality as your clenched hands loosen. Stings of pain echo up your injured palm. “It’s alright, we’re just in the kitchen…” He thins his lips and stops his hand movements; gradually taking his limbs back as you catch your breath. 
You clench your jaw against the sting of growing embarrassment. 
“I didn’t ask for your help,” your voice is shaky and cuts out in places. Kyle looks away and closes his eyes for a moment, shaking his head calmly. 
“Don’t need to ask for it,” he grumbles, caution stuck in his throat but being honest. “Take a deep breath.”
You nearly want to spite him and hold your lungs still, but you push aside your stubborn nature and do as he says. Groaning under your breath, your hands go up to your eyes, rubbing into the sockets. After a long moment where you can feel Gaz’s gaze stuck on you as his feet shuffle, you lower your hands and sigh long. 
“She can’t see the house like this.” You whisper, genuinely distraught. It’s the first thing that comes to mind.
Kyle’s eyes tighten, and he finds himself not knowing what to say to you. His heart constricts.
Sniffling, you rub at your cheeks, beginning to shove off the floor until firm hands once more snap to your shoulders. They keep you back against the island as you growl and attempt to jerk out of them. 
“Would you quit it?” In reality, you don’t want to be here anymore—not in the kitchen, no, near Gaz. Shame makes your stomach roll with nausea. You need to go back to your room; the closed curtains and the dark corners. 
Every action that was made near him was laced with agony; a knife stabbed through your chest. Even if his intentions weren’t sinister. You just need to be alone.
“Well, would you bloody sit down, then?” He’s serious about this, his grip not hurting but still tight. Gaz puts one hand atop his head and resituates his hat with a digging of his dark eyes. You glare at his neck with hatred. “I’m askin’ you to take a second, Love. Just let yourself calm down a bit. You’re running yourself ragged over this, yeah? Fuckin’ hell, look at what just happened!” 
“It’s nothing!” You snap but know that it’s not the truth. Gaz aggressively shakes his head and looks away with disappointment in his eyes. 
He knows it’s not your fault, and in fairness, he’s not disappointed in you at all. He’s disappointed he didn’t have a larger backbone about getting you involved in this. The day you both first met weighs on him every time he looks at you; every time he walks through his decaying house. The remnants of what’s left. 
The details in the office are brightly lit in his brain. 
Kyle takes a large breath and lets his tension drop instantly. There is an overwhelming amount of mixed concern and confusion that always makes itself known when he’s around you. 
Grunting, the Brit shifts on the floor and rests his back on the island right next to you on the floor. He bends one of his knees and rests his elbow over it, scratching at his chin with his fingers before resting his arm completely—letting it hang. You blink over in silent shock, mildly uncomfortable from how close he was. 
Strained silence falls as your hand slips into your jacket pocket; fiddling with the coin in its clutches. Your heart still pounds, eyes finicky as they dart from Gaz to the far wall and floor. 
Kyle clears his throat as your wounded arm burns. 
“How about we make a deal, yeah?” Your fingers pause with their rolling of the coin, but you don’t look over. Gaz tilts his head in your direction and stares at the side of your face—not trying to make you uncomfortable, just wanting to gauge your reaction. He takes a deep breath and, when you don’t reply, continues. “I help you clean, and when I say we take a break, I have to answer one question of your choice.” 
That piques your interest, ears twitching up. 
In your head you immediately snap back to the events in his room; the warmth of Kyle’s hands as he held and stitched you up with his story about his scars. You don’t know why you can’t stop thinking about it at every other moment.
You hum an acknowledgment, flinching when the chemicals start to turn your hand numb. Gaz lightly shushes you, squeezing your wrist. 
Your wrist rolls as you move it in a circle to push back tingles.
Pressing your coin into your palm, you think over Gaz’s proposal as he waits for an answer expectantly. He thinks to himself that if you agree, then he’s one step closer to getting on your good side for the remainder of this protection stint. The Brit prays you just hear him out.
He doesn’t want to admit how much your light-headedness has put a strain on his heart. How fast his eyes had snapped back and his feet darted forward. 
“You said your mother was a florist?” You don’t verbally agree or disagree with Gaz’s question, but the inquiry you say into the echoey kitchen is enough to know. It was strange, though, that you were asking a question that you already knew the answer to. As well as with how it was a personal one. But the Sergeant, nonetheless, holds back the pull of his large smile and nods.
“Affirmative. Little place down the street from my childhood home.” You stare at the far wall, and after a second your head slowly angles back so that your head rests on the island behind you. 
It must be a sight, the two of you on the floor of a dusty and barren kitchen. You can’t find the strength right now to get up and stalk away. Kyle rubs the back of his neck and is surprised by your follow-up. 
“What’s she like?” His brown eyes widen a smidge as he looks at your blanks and placid face. Voice small like a bird. 
“Uh,” the Sergeant falters, but recovers quickly, “she’s…nice, good, even. I’ve not spoken to her for a bit, but she’s…” Gaz halts for a moment, blinking, “...she’s just about everything you could ask for and more. Taught me well.” He ends his sentence with a dismissing huff. 
You feel your gut tighten, but hum in response. 
Kyle wonders if it’s his curiosity or his determination that makes him speak next, “What about yours, then?” Your body tightens back up immediately and he scrambles. “N-not in a personal way, just…you speak fondly of them, your parents, I mean.”
Most of the time. 
Licking your lips, you wonder if it’s really necessary to answer. But it had been so long since you’d had someone to speak to. Kyle had been slowly worming his way into the remnants of your everyday routine like a parasite; finding its home in the body of your family's estate. 
There were a large number of negative emotions attached to this Brit, yet still, once you’d opened the gates of your mouth, there was little chance of stopping. He’d taken a screwdriver and was working away since he’d saved you that day in the park. 
“They loved each other.” You settle with, hearing Gaz sigh in relief to see you weren’t going to snap and stalk off. “My mother was always with my father—they did everything together. She was more strict than him; wanted me to go into something with more prospects than follow Dad into a history degree. But…” You think, coin-face leaving indents into your flesh. Whatever damage had been done to your injured palm had slowed its heated pulse. “...Seady,” Kyle listens intently. “She was steady. Like a rock.”
Something akin to pain bleeds into your face and the man keeps himself from putting a hand on your shoulder in comfort. 
“I guess she just couldn’t handle it when he died. Needed to get away.” While you had dug your heels in and stayed stationary, she’d gone off and taken a shift overseas. To forget or to find something more, you never asked. When she was gone, you really couldn’t say much changed. 
After all, that entire first year was a blur of black and red. 
You take a shallow breath and pull your hands from your pockets. “Can’t say I blame her. Just… nervous about seeing her again.” 
This was more than Kyle expected. His brows were slightly higher on his face, eyelids curved. He clears his throat slightly, looking away quickly. Guilt, as it seems to do a lot recently, builds on his shoulders like a castle of stone.
He never should have agreed to that damned interrogation, but how was he to know that Row would pull the trigger for no reason? 
Hell, was that even an excuse? 
“...I’m sorry, Love,” he says, and your breath stops with mounting pressure inside of your throat. 
Your head slowly turns his way and you stare at the space where his stubble is taunt under his nose. 
“What…?” He barely hears the words. 
Kyle’s head fully turns your way but you don’t balk back when his brown orbs graze the side of your vision—so nearly looking into them but still so far. Eyes are wide and nearly frightened in expression by the words that had just entered your eardrums.
Kyle speaks up, “I said I’m sorry, Sweetheart. I never should have bloody played along with the bastard plan. It wasn’t right. I’m not asking you to forgive me, I just…need you to know that, y’know?” 
Face burning, you open and close your mouth; vision darting from random points on the Sergeant’s face until you snap your head away in a flurry of tight lips and shaking shoulders. You burn holes into the far wall but look more anxious than anything. 
Your lungs get tight and your nose feels like you’re breathing in needles, but you refuse to cry in front of this man again. No matter how much the words were like a bucket of cold water to your scalp. 
You can never forgive him for what he helped do—for the gun and the bag over your head; the death and trauma—but you’d never even expected an apology. It…it meant something, but what that was, you weren’t quite sure. 
All you do is shrug brokenly. 
“I’m sure it’ll be just fine,” Kyle tries to comfort you. “It’s been what? Around three years since you’ve seen her? Well,” he chuckles lightly, “I’m sure the first thing she’ll do is give you a bloody huge hug. Lift you off the ground and all.”
You scoff, finding your breath. “She was never a hugger, Garrick.”
“People change, wanna wager on it?” Your brows turn into a line. “A ten.”
“Ah, c’mon!” 
“No!” You growl at a smirking Sergeant as he tilts his head back and laughs, hat-brim sticking out from his head. He raises his hand in mock surrender.
“Alright, alright. Point taken, then.” Rolling your eyes, you huff and rub at your eyes aggressively. While some of your nerves had left, the sheen of it still lived in the lines on your forehead. The air wafts back into that strange tension and delicate sanctity.
“My own father,” Gaz starts slowly, measuring words. “Was in the service. A soldier.” His arm moves up and he shifts it so it hovers above your lap. His wristwatch glints and after a dim hesitance, you carefully reach out a hand to touch the material; tiling it towards you. Your eyes slide over it as Kyle’s face softens, his tone easy. “I took after him, too. Tough luck I never managed to grow a green thumb, probably would have saved me some soiled clothes.” 
You puff air from your nose.  
“Can’t see you retiring to the garden anytime soon, unfortunately.” Gaz smiles and takes his arm back tactfully. 
“Hm,” the man settles back and sighs. “No, probably not, Ma’am. Just hope I don’t end up like he did.” 
At your angled head and glimmering eyes, he continues, “Fell in the line of duty when I was ‘bout as tall as a table. My Mum never wanted me to go chasing after his memory—we don’t talk much because of it.”
It was the way you could mirror yourself into Kyle’s own childhood that really struck you, but as your brain went a mile a minute you rolled it back into focus. You can think about that later, but right now you just wanted to try and understand the way you were feeling. 
“Why are you telling me this, Kyle?” You whisper. The Brit’s hand comes up to rub at his neck. 
“Because I feel like you need someone to talk to,” he hums. “Even if you don’t like ‘em.”
The tease is evident in his tone. 
You don’t like that he splays your emotions out like this—knows that something’s wrong even if it’s entirely obvious. He talks about it, and that's entirely foreign to you. Three years of solitude with no one to utter to but your professors and Hector. Only one of those you could consider somewhat of a friend, really. Hector listened when you ranted and seemed to at least care about you to a moderate degree. He had two girls after all, and although you’d never met them, you knew they were good kids. Loved.
Hector was all you had, and you told him nearly everything. 
And now…well…now Kyle wants you to talk? Part of you wanted to chuck a coffee mug at his head. 
You shake your head, walls going back up. 
“Keep your end of the bargain, Garrick. Go get the mop.” Brown eyes sadly watch after you as your arms shove you up. Standing, you rub at your eyes and snatch the paper towels from the island counter like they had personally wronged you.
Kyle hums under his breath and shakes his head, fixes his cap, and pushes up to follow.
You speak again far later, and despite his comments about not becoming the cook of the mansion, you can’t fight him in the fact that his food was good. And you both had to eat, regardless. 
Sitting in the back library, you place the plate of Gnocchi with creamed spinach down with a clack as you push aside the bottle of disinfectant spray. The white sheet that had been around the furniture was ripped back some minutes ago to show a luxurious chaise lounge of navy tufted fabric and a small side table. Your mother’s favorite pieces in the house, ironically. Gaz is already eating, standing near the fireplace in the center of the wide and extravagant room. 
He looks around every so often at the scores of books and ladders that extend to the ceiling. Everything about this house, he thinks to himself, is the definition of old money.
“All we need to pull this together,” Kyle licks at the side of his mouth and smiles as he says, “Is a nice bottle of Fiano, eh?” He laughs, “Don’t suppose you have a wine cellar, Ma’am? I’d say you deserve it after a day like today.”
Your form pauses momentarily when bringing the fork to your lips, but you continue with a blink and say, easily, “Cellar? Yeah, but don’t plan on anything being down there. It’s all gone.” 
Gaz tilts his head, bringing his own fork to his lips and chewing. “That’s a right shame. Would have paired nicely.”
You place your utensil down in exasperation and glare at his throat. “You are the weirdest person I’ve ever met.”
Kyle’s expression goes mock offended. “Hey!” He humphs, “If you keep letting me cook then I’m going to do my bloody best!”
“There’s incriminating evidence in my father’s office and you’re worried about wine?” 
“I’m not worried,” Gaz points the fork at you as you shake your head and get to eating. “I said it would pull it together. There’s a damn difference, Love.”
You can’t believe this is the man that’s living in your home. Helping you clean; keeping you from being shot—talking about wine. It’s a miracle you haven't killed him at this point. 
“Tough luck,” you grumble, chewing. “There’s none left. Suffer alone.”
“Well, that’s just uncalled for, that is,” Gaz utters, getting the last piece of flooded potato and sticking it in his mouth. The smirk in his words is evident. But the weight of your previous words stands, and you get into the next topic swiftly.
“I need to go into my father's old office in the museum, Garrick.” The man’s arm stills from where he tilts his plate to get some of the spinach onto his fork. His shoulders tighten immediately. 
“Negative,” the Brit’s voice echoes. “Not happening, Ma’am. We’ll get someone else on it.”
No one else knows my father. There’s a part of you that knows that no one else can figure this out as you can. 
Red ink, copied signatures, that blasted moniker. It’s a literal trail of bodies that you need to piece together for this to make the painting you’re working on—brushstroke by brushstroke.
In your heart you know there’s more going on. Your father wasn’t what people are telling you, even if he knew things that sullied his image. This wasn’t right.
“Gaz,” you try not to let your anger show at this—growing tired of the constant fights. “This isn’t something that I can compromise on.” Kyles stares and sets his jaw.
“I’m not letting you leave his mansion, Ma’am. For yourself and for others.” He takes a breath. “Let my mates handle it; Laswell’s already got a unit together. They’re rechecking the docks and the museum by your counsel soon. Spoke to her just after I got news of your mum coming back.”
Soon wasn’t soon enough. You don’t know why, but unease hits your stomach. The house had always felt like it had ears on it, but when you were talking about stuff like this it seemed alive. The curtains sway with the AC, the wood creaks more. It’s horrible. 
Or maybe it was just because Gaz was living here. But it just felt like….eyes. 
“Kyle,” you try to stay the venom from your tongue. Anyone can tell you’re strained. “I’m asking nicely, here.”
“And you said you would listen to me, Love.” The Brit rubs at his forehead. “I’m not doing this to be difficult, truly.” A long sigh exits, a tired but honest one. He wishes you’d look him in the eyes so he can make you understand he only wants what’s best for you. The way you’d been after the shooting…Gaz’s hands remember the tightness of elastic as he stitched you back up—you’re vacant gaze. He can’t have that happen again. “I’m keeping you alive if you could only stay here. This house is secure, and if we go into a potentially target-rich environment, I have no say in what could happen to you, yeah?” 
You knew this, of course you did, but so much had been discovered in so little time.
“Sergeant, I—”
“No, Ma’am. That’s an order. We’re staying here and that’s final.” It seemed whatever strange feelings from the kitchen and office are far gone now. Kyle’s face is like stone, and you stare at his scars with returning resentment. Could he not see how much this meant to you? No, how could he? All he does is follow his fucking orders.
Your teeth snap around the food on the end of your utensil, sliding off the metal as you think. Letting fire flare in your gaze, you glare at the plate and say nothing else. Angry, but not defeated.
Kyle and you go back into a highly uncomfortable silence. Closing his eyes, the man twitches his nose as his legs shift from under him. Suddenly the brick of the fireplace is grating to feel against his athletic shit. 
He grunts and shovels his last bit into his mouth as you stand—food only half-eaten. 
Brown eyes stare as you stalk out of the room, hand clenched around your plate. When you’re out of sight, Gaz lets out, “Christ…just fucking brilliant.”
But he wasn’t about to tell you that you could leave; you can sulk all you want, but that’s not changing his opinion. 
You stomp through the immediate hallway like a child, playing your part perfectly. Once you are far enough away, your feet speed up to a light jog and carry you to the front door. You open it and place the entire thing on the front step; a backend form darts out from the bushes and hisses. 
You harshly whisper into slitted eyes, “Oh, step off, you temperamental demon.” The door shuts and you race up to your room—bounding up the foyer stairs two at a time, knowing exactly where to place your weight to make sure the steps won't creak. 
Entering the blackened room, you close the door and lock it with deft fingers. Looking at the clock, you engrain the time of seven-fifteen to memory and resolve to be back by midnight. Gaz makes his first round at eight, but he won’t bother you if you’re pissed as you intended to make it seem. From then it’s twelve and then at four. 
If you can get back in before he does that middle-of-the-night search, you’d be golden. 
You rush to your curtains, peeling them back and blinking at the water spots on the glass behind them. Shaking your head, you unlatch the lock and look down at the two-story drop into bushes as you push aside the window with a slow squeal of hinges. 
“I’m getting answers,” you whisper stubbornly. No Sergeant would stop that. Backing up from the frame, you feel the chilled breeze and pull your jacket tighter against the nighttime air. 
Licking your lips, your eyes slide to the curtain wrack and your brain sparks with mischief. But before you do anything reckless or admittingly dumb, you turn with a serious expression to the nightstand that you stare at, morning after morning.
A moment of a rapid pulse passes in tight silence before you walk over.
With a small quiver in your finger, you place your hand on the brass handle like it could snap at you with merciless teeth. It stays there as you dig your eyes into the wood, searing it with purpose, that cold, lifeless metal in your tensed grip. With a grit of your teeth, you let it drop numbly, shaking your head. You grab your wallet and phone instead, stuffing them into your pocket, and shuffling away.
“Don’t need it,” your low voice reasons aloud, a hidden object swiftly leaving your consciousness. 
Dragging your desk chair over to the tall curtains, you grasp a hold of the metal rod that holds them with trapped breath, reaching on your tiptoes carefully. Puffing out breaths, you unhook it after the third try with a mute chuckle. A smirk takes residence on your face. 
Getting down on unsteady feet, you accidentally knock the hard material directly into the wall with a loud slam as your legs shift too quickly.
You freeze in an instant, ears strained and eyes wide. Your heart beats wildly in your chest as you stand holding the rod, those navy curtains a swell of the deep sea at your feet. 
Body ready to bolt, you take thin breaths before you realize nothing else is moving in the house. Letting out a long and slow breath, you move backward. 
Setting the rod across the opening of the window frame parallel, it stands in as an anchor as you feel your backside connect with the bottom wall. Focusing, you lift one leg and twist your spine to leave you straddling the frame with nervous pulses in your veins. Ducking your head, you move your grip to the curtains and grab them tightly, muscles straining. 
In a moment of courage, you say, “C’mon, I can do this…” and place one foot on the outside frame. The wood groans and sinks in, but you don’t let it scare you off. This had to be done. With a deep breath, you lean back with tightly closed eyes. 
Except you don’t fall. 
Lids pulling back, you stare at where your feet dig into the frame and how your hands hold the curtains—held themselves by the rod on the inside of your room that spans far more than the window's size. Your entire body is at an angle, hair swishing behind you due to gravity. 
“Holy hell,” You can’t help but utter, chuckling. 
Moving one foot back, you place it firmly to the side of your house as you scale backward down to the ground with sliding hands. The long curtain rod holds tight. 
In mere minutes, your feet hit down and you stumble before letting the curtain slowly go—far above hearing the slight ping of the thing hitting the floor at the loss of tension. With a smile on your lips, you dart away into the back garden before Gaz can even question the noise coming from your room.
All that’s left are the curtains whipping in the breeze.
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@fatunn, @mh073099, @littlegaypng, @untitled69555, @babybooday, @caffeine-anxiety-and-randomfacts, @underrated-youngster, @jupiterredolent, @idocarealot, @karnellius, @latteisaqueen, @petrat97, @jade-jax, @roosterr, @escapefromrealitysm, @renaich, @kysa32, @human-turtle, @aurora-basin, @terumisworld, @violet-phantoms, @xxfeelmylovexx, @neelehksttr, @nezukos-number1fan, @20forty9, @mdjenjen, @marrianena, @angeldaisyy, @alhaizen, @homicidal-slvt, @emerald-valkyrie, @raissadoesthingslmao, @misfne, @hollyhopesworld, @wasteland-babe, @330bpm-whiplash, @anna-banana27, @justherebecausesafarisucks, @sunnynomoar, @doggydale, @thecrispypotatochip, @74478328, @blueoorchid, @das-conk-creet-baybee, @dragonfruit1985, @chestnutsandcurls, @vamqyr3, @lavalleon, @nebula67, @urfavsunkissedleo
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callofdudes · 4 months
Yesss!! Cod g/t brain worm! I just really need as much tiny!y/n, ghost, soap, and gaz with guant!price fics as I can handle!
Giant!Price and his little tinys helping him cooking in the kitchen. Like tiny!soap amd ghost pushing the ingredients to price when he needs them, while tiny!y/n mixes the pot and tiny!gaz is the taste tester!! It's so cute🥺🥺
P.s. I am sending something kinda similar to this to other authors as well. BUT I AM CHANGING THE PROMPT!! I just want to see everyone's take on cod g/t. So if you're uncomfortable with multiple authors also writing something not super similar to this, but still a cod g/t fic, I understand and you can just ignore this. Thank you🩷🩷
Shut up this is so adorable. I immediately thought of them as those little tiny chibi like characters. So just know that is what I'm picturing as I write this. Their little beans now. I hope you enjoy it, this was an interesting experiment.
When a family makes a home.
Price was in charge of taking care of his little ones. While you weren't always the most military efficient, Price brought you guys everywhere with him. On leave he had shelves above his bed where he had set up beds and configurations for sleep, all for you guys.
At night dropping you all off at your little platforms and making sure you were snuggled in so you wouldn't fall off. Even if you did, his chest would be there as a landing pad.
Even so, sometimes you guys would come and snuggle with him. Mostly you or Johnny, which frequently leads to you guys trapped under his weighted blanket.
If there is one thing you all like to do together though, it's baking. Price was taught by his mother how to cook and bake, and that was something that always stuck with him. Making bread or cupcakes. He wasn't always the best decorator there ever was, but it worked out.
Especially with his little helpers. Price got up and ready for the day, having a shower and dressing in something fresh. Coming outside to see four little people standing outside the door expectantly. Like cats almost.
He chuckled softly, walking down the hall with you all following after him. Johnny hopped and grabbed Simon's hand as they ran with him.
Gaz tagged along behind with you, having a conversation about something or other. The morning laziness was nice, especially since Price didn't get time off a lot. What with work?
You headed to the kitchen and Johnny jumped excitedly. "We'll help!!"
"We always help, Johnny." Simon pokes his cheek, making the Scot pout a little.
Price bent down, gently picking you all up, Johnny and Gaz getting comfy. Simon huffed and stepped into Price's hand with you behind him.
"So what are we making??" You asked, leaning forward to inspect the clean counter and washed-down stove.
"Omelets, I'm fixing for one today. That alright?"
Gaz gave his biggest thumbs up. As a taste tester of course he got to be the first to approve. 😌
"Perfect." Price got out a pan. "Alright," He headed to the fridge, narrating quietly as he got out eggs, milk, onions, peppers and whatever else they needed. He set them in a pile and placed his hand over the man to make sure it was hot.
He poured some oil in the pan and you all stood around watching. Gaz had a little spot by the spice rack where he usually sat. In his words, his job was to "sit there and look pretty." Which he did very well.
Price felt the pan was hot and reached his hand out. "Eggs."
Simon got up, Johnny and him each taking a side to flip the carton open. "How about this one Simon??"
"Looks heavy as fuck."
"This one it is then!"
Simon sighed, going over and taking off his little gloves, helping Johnny wiggle the egg out and carry it back on wobbly legs to Price.
"Thank you." Price cracked the egg in the pan, watching it sizzle and start to cook. "I'm going to flip it a few times and then you can have it y/n."
You smiled, nodding and rushing over. At the ready Captain Price!
"Ok, one, two, pull!" Johnny pushed the jug of milk forward with all his might, Simon grabbing the handle and tugging, his feet struggling under the marble countertop.
Slowly dragging it over.
"See.. this isn't too hard!"
"Thank you, both of you."
Johnny smiled, hopping on Simon and squeezing him. "aye aye captain!"
Simon pinched Johnny's cheek. "You're horrible."
You watched, smiling and looking into the pan. Price poured a dab of milk in and smoothed the egg around, ordering up another egg which Johnny and Simon quickly fetched.
Once Price popped it in he handed you the flipper. "Have at it kiddo."
"Yes!" You jumped in, standing on the edge, close but not too close, stirring the egg and flipping it with all your might!
Price went to the fridge again and poured three glasses of orange juice. He set down a big one and two small ones. Then getting out pineapple and mango for Simon and Gaz. Two little glasses.
You take a few sips while you watch the pan, grabbing the handle again and squishing it under the omelette, grunting and pushing it up and flipping it. Getting the folded side over too.
"How's it looking y/n?" Price asked.
"It looks good!
"Careful with that knife you two." He said over to Johnny and Simon. Simon looked over at Price. They'd gotten out the peppers and onions, Johnny holding the handle while Simon guided the blade down on the vegetable.
"Don't worry, If Johnny loses a hand I won't worry."
"Hey! You'd worry if I lost a hand." Johnny rested his chin on the handle, pouting out his lip at Simon.
Simon grumbled a little. "Yeah,.. just hold the knife."
Johnny grinned, knowing that was a yes, and went back to work.
Price looked at Gaz who sipped his pineapple mango. "Comfy?"
Gaz looked at him, then the others. "Sure beats having to chop peppers captain."
Price hummed and nodded. "Of course." He finished off his drink and grabbed a plate from the cupboard. Heading over to you. "Alright kiddo, I'll squeeze in here for a moment."
You hopped out of the way and Price took the flipper, putting the omelette on the plate. "Alright, a couple more eggs."
Simon scuttled over while Johnny held the handle of the knife, stepping into the carton and grabbing an egg.
"Careful Simon." You warned. Simon huffed, pulling the egg and wiggling it out. He hopped back down, starting to walk over and - crack.
Simon slipped in the egg white that spilled, the whole egg cracking and flooding down on him. You snickered, covering your mouth quickly.
"Son." Price chuckled, holding out his hand. Simon lifted his mask and spat out egg white. Covered from head to toe.
"Shut up." He grumbles before any of you can say anything. "You've been egged!" You snort.
Johnny came over with an armful of pepper chippings. "I got us- ah!" He slipped, egg white staining all up and down his back.
Gaz burst out laughing, followed by you. Johnny whined, standing up and shaking out his dripping gooey hands.
"Oh come on. Who did that??"
Price held out his hand, Johnny seeing Simon also completely drenched in egg. Well, he was glad he wasn't like Simon... He was swimming in it!
Price lightly shook his head. "Ok y/n, you and Gaz keep an eye on the stove, I'll get these two cleaned up."
"Yes sir." You bent down, grabbed a cloth from the stove handlebar and lifted it. Poking your head up carefully as you walked with the large thing.
"Careful," Gaz warned, also getting up and making sure you didn't slip. You huffed, throwing the towel on the small spill, shuffling your feet while Gaz came over and picked up the eggshells.
Once all is clean you get some pepper pieces and put them in the pan. Gaz and you grabbing another egg out.
Gaz went around again and turned down the heat. He spotted the unattended omelette on the plate. Casually walking over and sitting down. He pulled the corner close and took a big chomp.
"Hey, this is pretty good."
"Are you already eating it??" You snickered. "You won't get to taste test."
"I already did. And besides, he won't notice."
You both waited until Price returned with freshly washed clothes Johnny and Simon. "We survived!" Johnny waved, both hopping down onto the counter.
Price chuckled. "Now where were we?"
"Putting another omelette in."
And so you got to work. Simon and Johnny helping with more ingredients and getting the spice shakers to Price. You helped flip and stir, making up some better egg batter to pour in. And Gaz sat and looked pretty.
When all was said and done Price cut up some pieces for you four and had his plate. "Want to test it Gaz??"
"He already-"
Gaz shushed you softly, batting his eyelashes innocently at Price. "Yes, I do." Price tore a piece and gave it to Gaz, who gobbled it down. Giving a thumbs up. "It's really good-" he said through a mouthful.
You each took your plates and followed Price. Getting help down onto the floor and waddling after him with your omelettes. An adorable sight.
You made it to Price's office and he helped you all onto the desk. Grabbing on his laptop, a blanket and a Nintendo Switch.
He put the blanket on the end of his desk and you all sat around the Nintendo Switch, happily eating and watching videos.
"Hey Price??" You poked your head up. Price looking over.
"This is good."
"Well, you helped make it, so pat yourselves on the back too." He ruffles your hair with his thumb.
Johnny giggled, Simon rolled his eyes, and Gaz just continued to look pretty.
It was a peaceful morning.
Price went back to tapping away on his keyboard while you guys watched different videos. Cheering, laughing and talking as you ate.
Price never felt bugged hearing you guys talk. Just glad he had you guys around with him.
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andofone · 1 year
SNS fic rec
I have found lots of SNS fics that I think deserve even more love and recognition, so buckle in and here we go!
-PS, if you don’t want your fic on this list, I will take it off.
O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou an idiot? by Skyheaven
Naruto thought he could impress his crush by landing the role of Romeo in their school play. With Sakura playing Juliet, it would be the perfect way to get close to her. So how is it that he ended up being forced to play the modern version titled Romeo and Julian with his arch rival Sasuke instead?
(It’s a full, flushed out fic. It was a joy to read through)
(This is part two - a POV change to see what Sasuke is thinking, I strongly recommend reading after the first.)
And Julian is the moon by Skyheaven.
Ever wonder what Sasuke went through when he got stuck playing the romantic lead together with Naruto in their school play about Romeo and Julian? Here's the answer.
A pov change of the fic 'Oh Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou an idiot?'
The Frog Dealer by lilypheria
Naruto’s trusty frog wallet breaks down after years of faithful service, and someone delivers a new one to his office. Naruto is elated, not caring if it’s proper for the Seventh Hokage of Konoha to wander around with a wallet like that. But then he starts to get even more deliveries to his office—frog-shaped keychains, fridge magnets, everything you can think of.
Naruto has no clue who has found out about his affection towards frogs. But the gift giver is closer than he thinks…
(It’s a adorable one-shot. What else could you possibly want.)
Unrequited: sometimes it is, and sometimes it isn't by KizuKatana
Naruto hates to hurt people's feelings. So when Hinata puts him on the spot about dating her, he doesn't want to come straight out and tell her he doesn't like her that way. Instead, he comes up with a poorly thought out idea to tell her he is dating someone already. All he needs to do to convince her is to show her a photo of the guy. He just needs to get a picture of someone so ridiculously hot she will know it's hopeless. He actually has someone in mind, a guy he'd had a one-sided thing for from his gym. Although, the guy is sort of an ass and probably wouldn't agree to posing for a picture. Naruto decides to ask him anyway. What's he got to lose?
(Another wonderful, simple one-shot. Easy and very nice to digest.)
In Good Company by weialala
This will sound a little ridiculous, no matter how Sasuke phrases it. I see dead people is embarrassingly tacky, and I'm half-spirit seems like something Sakura might say when she's stoned sky high. So he settles for a shrug.
(This is a gem of a fic. Highly recommend.)
Iced coffee with extra base by Dotec_1
Working in a cafe certainly isn’t the worst thing, that is if you find a certain raven a few tables down.
(Not too long, just 25,000 words and a good plot.)
Fire & Wind by Cyllia
Wind and fire: it's the most powerful combination of elements there was. So when Sasuke, the most talented fire elementalist in his year, pairs with Naruto, who has the greatest air element seen in centuries, they should've been the most formidable team in history. Yet they can't seem to win one match.
(OH MY GOD, okay, this has got to be one of my favorites on this list. And these are all some of my favorite.)
all i want to do, just like this by lunoiere (aeon_uriel)
"Good morning," he whispered, content, and peaceful. 
Naruto's nose twitched, still asleep. His lips were pursed to form a pout that somehow looked even more childish in this state. 
Sasuke's smile got wider and wider and something in his chest bloomed and exploded.
 Unbidden, a thought passed by: he loved that man so much it was unreal. 
Sasuke gets another reminder that waking up with arms around his waist and the smell of sunshine filling his lungs means opening his eyes to yet another good dream.(Because Naruto is there and he’s never leaving.)
 I hope this gives you some good reads!
And if you want more, check out another SNS rec I created here
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cherrywineandmagic · 2 years
Chemistry - Eddie Munson x Female Reader
Prompt: Eddie gets flustered when Y/N asks him out in front of everyone
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“If you stare any harder your eyes might explode,” Mike joked as he gave Eddie a slight shove. It was enough to get him to finally break away his gaze from what had captivated him across the cafeteria.
Y/N L/N was quite possibly the most beautiful girl Eddie had ever seen, and he’d seen his fair share of pretty ladies. The stack of playboy magazines underneath his bed could attest to that. She was a senior- a popular girl, beautiful and well-liked by everyone. He didn’t know of a single jock that hadn’t taken their shot and asked her out by now. Yet, for some odd reason, she always remained single.
Maybe she was just too good for anyone from Hawkins. That much he knew was true.
He’d had the luck and pleasure of being her chemistry partner earlier that month for an assignment. At first, he wasn’t sure what to expect. She was best friends with the cheer squad and they all made their distaste for him known, so he figured she might feel the same way. 
Instead, he was pleasantly surprised. She was friendly and kind and didn’t even get angry when he almost accidentally lit her hair on fire. She had simply laughed it off and joked about burning his hair off to make them even. He admired her wicked sense of humor and felt that they really had chemistry together- ironic considering they were working together for a chemistry grade. She was incredibly smart and landed them a perfect score for their project. He actually looked forward to class during that time and was sad when it came to an end. 
He had considered her a friend during that time. She both excited and calmed him, bringing so much to his day that he wondered how they’d never spoken before that. He felt as if he’d known her his entire life.
But she was popular and he was a freak. Their circles never mixed, and anyone who even dared to step out of the status quo was immediately banished from said group. He’d never have a chance with her, but he could still admire her from afar.
He’d find himself daydreaming about her often. The thought of her lips on his kept him up at night, filling him with a yearning he’d never had before. He’d had crushes before, and sure he’d had a silly middle school girlfriend that had lasted an impressive total of two weeks, but this was something different. He could picture himself with her- whether it was traveling across the country or settling down in the same town he’d been stuck in his whole life didn’t make a difference. He thought of her and felt happy. Truly and simply happy.
But those were just silly dreams and the closest he’d be able to get to her again was here. In the cafeteria. With longing looks.
“Is it a crime to look at a beautiful lady?” Eddie asked as he shot Mike suggestive eyebrows. He laughed at the face Mike made and returned his gaze to the girl across the room. Their eyes locked for an instant, and he shot her a shy grin which she returned with a dazzling smile. She said something to her friend, and stood up, waving away the protests from the basketball players that had been trying to get her attention.
“Oh shit,” Dustin whispered from Eddie’s side, “she’s coming over here dude.”
“Act cool, guys,” Eddie instructed as he stood up and fixed his jacket. He moved around the table before thinking better of the situation approaching. Only a few people had noticed their small exchange, but having her come straight to him was a sure way to get people to gossip. He didn’t care, but he didn’t want her to feel judged for it. He made eye contact and motioned to the entrance, wanting to spare her the ridicule of being seen talking to the town freak. To his surprise, she merely shook her head and marched straight up to him.
“Hey Y/N,” he greeted with a grin once she was in earshot. He slid his hands into his back pockets to hide the fact that they were sweating from anticipation. He shot the table of friends a look as they all gawked at the girl in front of them.
“Hey Ed,” she smiled before turning to the rest of the group. “Hey, guys.”
They all gave delayed hellos, shocked to have her speak to them. It wasn’t that she was ever mean to them, they just weren’t accustomed to having their existence acknowledged by one of the hottest girls in school.
“So… are you doing anything tonight?” she asked Eddie. He was surprised at the question but answered honestly.
“Hellfire club. We’re almost done with our campaign.” He felt a soft kick to his leg followed by a hushed “dude” from Dustin. “Why? Did you need something?”
“Actually yeah, I do.” She smiled confidently before taking a step closer. More people were watching now and Eddie could feel his nervousness begin to overtake him. Whatever it was she wanted, she had decided it was worth social suicide. “I need a date.”
“A date?” Eddie choked out. He would have sworn his heart had stopped for a second before beating at full force. He could hear the blood rush in his ears. “Like, an actual date? Not just an “I need someone to keep me company at some party” date?”
“Yes, a date! The “I kinda like you and I wanna see what happens between us” sort of date. You know. Watch a movie. Grab dinner. Have fun together.” her smile never faltered. “We can do it tomorrow since you’re busy tonight?”
“He’s not busy tonight!“ Dustin interjected. “I have to uhhh- help my mom with stuff tonight so we’re going to play tomorrow instead.”
Eddie shot him a confused look but Dustin merely widened his eyes at him.
“Right Mike?” Dustin continued, nudging his friend.
“Uh yeah. I’m also helping Dustin’s mom. With that thing. So, yeah. Eddie’s free tonight.” Mike nodded with great enthusiasm. Eddie appreciated the fact that they were so willing to forego their campaign when he hadn’t been as flexible with them in the past.
“Great!” she beamed. Eddie felt dizzy, almost as if he was being lifted out of his own body. It was all so much to process for him. Her smile fell a bit as she noticed how quiet he had been. “Eddie? Are you okay? We don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
“No! No,” he snapped back into his body faster than lightning. “I would love to take you on a date. I’m just a little confused, that’s all.”
“Yeah. Y/N, you’re…popular. Your friends will disown you for even speaking to me right now” he frowned, “and you’re doing this so publicly…people are watching.”
She grinned, genuinely moved by his concern.
“No offense to them but, I don’t think I want them as a friend if they’re that quick to cut me off,” she stepped closer and looked up at him, “and besides, I like you. That’s all that matters. Fuck them.”
His smile tripled in size as he nodded in agreement. 
“Fuck ‘em.”
She took another step closer and graced his cheek with a soft kiss. Eddie and his friends were stunned at the small act, as were the rest of Hawkins High students who’d been watching the interaction with great curiosity. She gave a small laugh at the way his eyes widened before stepping away.
“I’ll see you tonight.”
“Yeah, tonight,” Eddie agreed as he tried his best to not look like a lovesick fool. He could hear the whispers that had broken out across the cafeteria but he didn’t care. Instead, he sat back down and continued to eat his food as if his life hadn’t just completely changed in a matter of moments.
“I don’t know what the hell just happened but you’re lucky I have to help my mom tonight,” Dustin stated with a goofy grin. 
Eddie rolled his eyes but gave the kid a hug.
“Thanks, man.”
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sageryuri · 9 months
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pairing yang jungwon + afab!reader.
genre pure cuteness.
summary jungwon is tired of the city, he needs a change, and maybe a cute girl to make him feel better.
word count 6.6k
warnings follows jungwon’s thoughts rather than readers, it’s just cute. no idols represented in this writing are not based on their real self.
an this was so cute it made me sad. sorry if something doesn’t make sense i wrote this over two months lol
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Jungwon doesn't remember the last time he left the city, all he knew was the sound of the crowding streets and the smoke pollution that slowly filled the air, that no one seemed to really bother about too much. One day, he had woken up and decided that he was simply bored of this lifestyle that he was born into.
For days, the boy lay on his couch, slouching trying to find the perfect place that would get him out of the city for a few months. He had reached a point where he had began to question if he really cared where he was going.
He almost jumped out of his skin when he read the bold letters that spread across his screen. Oak Farm looking for helper during the summer, 234 miles way from you. This was absolutely perfect.
Not only was this far away enough from where he lived, but it sounded like a tranquil vacation. He didn't mind putting in some help while relaxing in the sun for a few hours a day. Quickly, he clicked on the link and sent a message to the requester, who soon replied relieved that someone finally decided to reply to them.
Jungwon was already packed and ready within a few days, constantly making sure that he had absolutely everything with him, and soon his father was dropping him off in front of a beautiful plot of land completed with wooden buildings and fences, animals and produce covering the grounds.
"I can always come pick you up if you aren't enjoying yourself. I didn't really think that this was your kind of thing." Jungwon’s father didn't quite understand what had gone through his son's mind to suddenly want a change of lifestyle. He was sure that within a week, he would receive a call from Jungwon, complaining about how desperately he wanted to come back home.
"Seriously, dad I’ll be fine. I’ve been looking for something like this for awhile, and I think it's good to get away for a month or two. I’ll call you, but not to pick me up." Jungwon replies, and he helps his father haul out all of his luggage from the car. His father mutters a small 'if you say so' under his breath, still not convinced, "That house is where I’m staying, I’ll be back."
Jungwon makes his way to the cottage-like house that he had saw a picture of online. Before knocking on the door, he clears his throat and takes a deep breath. After a few seconds, he finally knocks and he hears shuffling around the house. Soon enough, the door is opening and Jungwon comes face to face with someone.
This was most definitely not the old lady that he had previously had a conversation with, and it definitely wasn't her husband either.
“Oh, hi! You must be Jungwon, nice to meet you, I’m YN. This is my grandma's land, I’ll go get her for you now." You had a sweet smile on your face, eyes sparkling into his. Jungwon tried his best to keep his jaw shut, and he was sure that his irises had formed into love hearts.
"Uh- yeah, yeah, thank you." He finally smiles back at you, and you walk away leaving the door open. He takes the time to investigate what he can see of the inside from where he stood. It was neat and tidy, decorated in a way that can only be described as an old couple. He thought it was adorable, and it was refreshing to see considering he was stuck with the industrial, modernised design at home.
His dad and your grandma arrive at the door at the same time, Jungwon’s father holding the suitcases and the old lady, who jungwon remembered to be called June, was holding a steaming cup of tea in a gorgeous china teacup, "Oh, it's so lovely to finally meet you, dear. We’ve needed another man around here ever since Daniel started getting back problems..."
Jungwon hears you chuckle from the dining table that you had began setting up, so he assumes that Daniel is your grandfather. June and his father greet each other, small talk being made while the suitcases are being brought inside. The leather appearance didn't match the vibe of the house, and Jungwon wondered if his clothing would make him stand out like a sore thumb.
When his father leaves, once again reminding him that he doesn't have to do this, June states that jungwon can get settled in his temporary room until dinner was ready. It was really sweet how they had immediately began treating him as if he had been here for awhile.
He isn't sure if the room is his style, considering that the blankets have a designed on them that resemble cute carrots that are blushing, but it's not that big of a deal. He’s sure that there aren't many men that are willing to do this, and he doesn't want them to spend money on unnecessary items.
He settles himself on the bed, and he pulls his phone out of his pocket to message his friends about how everything was going so far. The bars on the screen aren't exactly high, but it's good enough to send a text.
JUNGWON: hey! just got here, it's cute as hell in here
HEESEUNG: not going soft on us are you??
HEESEUNG: haha, glad you're feeling good abt it so far
JAY: i wish i came with you because riki is driving me fucking insane
JUNGWON: there's a girl here and i didnt know there would be a girl here
JAY: oh my god i'm going crazy 🤗
Before Jungwon can curse Riki out over text, there's a soft knock of the door. Jungwon makes a great attempt to not stumble over his words when he says 'come in', and he has a soft smile on his face when you open the door. You lean against the door way and return the smile, "Sorry about the bedding, I know it's probably not your kind of thing, it's from when I was a kid."
"Do you live here? It’s gorgeous around here." Jungwon notices that the corners of your lips lift a little more when he compliments the home, and he isn't quite sure why you appear to have some sort of hold on him. You were just a girl who so happened to be extremely pretty, maybe it didn't help that you were really sweet too.
"I’ve lived with my grandparents pretty much my whole life, I don't think I could ever seen myself being anywhere else. You, however, don't look like you come to places like this often." You move yourself over to sit on the bed instead, and Jungwon moves over a little to give you more space, but also so he wouldn't feel his leg brush against yours.
"Well, you'd be right to assume that. I’ve lived in the city since i was a kid so it's really all i've ever known. It’s not very enjoyable though, but my dad seems to really like it. I can't wait until I can move out." Jungwon finds it difficult to look you in the eyes, but he truly tries his best, he doesn't want you to feel as awkward as he does.
"I was just wondering... I’m sure you didn't just come here to help out, it's a getaway too I’m sure. If you'd like, a couple of my friends and I are going out this weekend, and I was wondering if you wanted to come? Just so you don't feel too lonely." You had asked, and he didn't think you actually could have gotten any more perfect. He imagined that your grandma may have pressured you into asking, but you had still asked him.
“I’d really like that, thank you.” The conversation finished at that, and you informed him that dinner would be ready soon before leaving the room. Jungwon flipped himself backwards into the bed, his hands holding his face as emotions rushed through his body.
He wanted a calm getaway. He could not stay calm while he was around you. Yang Jungwon had no idea what he was going to do with himself.
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Poor Jungwon had forgot to consider that people who lived on farms, people who owned a bunch of loud animals, would be morning people. Poor Jungwon was not a morning person, and had never been a morning person.
The sound of a rooster outside almost made him jump out of his skin (he had really thought they only made those dramatic waking calls in movies, he was wrong). He picks up his phone to read seven AM, and he gasps in pure distress at the idea of being awake at this time. He would usually sneak in another few hours.
And he would have, but he could hear clanging of pots downstairs, and something smelled so good it was practically dragging him out of the bed. So he does, but he makes sure you sneak his way into the bathroom to make himself more presentable — but he senses that as the days go on, he'll probably care less and less about looking good.
When Jungwon reaches the bottom of the stairs, he sees you all making your way around the kitchen. However, there's two new another additions to the trio which was June, Daniel and YN. There’s a girl and boy sat on the floor, maybe around eight or nine, who are giggling with each other and playing. Jungwon finally speaks, "Good morning."
"Good morning darling! Did you sleep well? You’ll have quite a busy day today." June gives him the sweetest little smile and it truly tugs on Jungwon’s heart strings. You walk past quickly, saying good morning as you rushed around the house, placing a hand on his shoulder as you pass by him. Daniel waves, immediately going back to his newspaper.
"It was really good, thank you. Is there anything that I can help with?" June only laughs and shakes her head, ushering him to take a seat at the table. Jungwon wonders how he feels more comfortable with the family here compared to his own — maybe because they never gave him the opportunity to eat with them, that seemed to be normal here.
There is small talk during the breakfast, and Jungwon learns that Daniel isn't as scary as he looks. They inform jungwon that he'll likely spend the rest of the day with you and the horses and he acts cooly, as if he wasn't about to burst at the thought of getting to know you better.
The day is bright and the sky is clear, and it's nice to acknowledge that there's no grey smoke in the sky, only the fluffy white clouds. When he arrived the day previous, he hadn't given himself much time to really look at his surroundings. he can't help but compare it to home, how free it makes him feel here. The open space is new to him, and though you are stood behind him messing with your boots, he can still feel as if he's by himself.
"Okay! Since it's your first day, I’ll take it easy on you. You can just watch me for today and you can learn the ropes. We mostly just need help with the horses because we recently got a new one." You begin walking away and Jungwon jogs so that he is walking next to you. He can see the horse barn in the distance, as well a few horses rummaging a field of grass, "Wehave a few horses, I teach sometimes. My favourite is Minnie, she's really cute, I think you'll like her too."
"Oh, you're a horse rider? That’s really cool! I wish I could ride a horse... I think I’d just fall right off." You laugh at him and Jungwon’s body feels with pride when he realises — though he tries not to get ahead of himself with jokes, as he'd rather figure out what makes you laugh first.
Point one, when he mentions getting hurt, of course you wouldn't actually laugh if he fell off a horse. He’d hope.
"I can teach you at some point if you want... free of charge, so you better be a natural." You grin at him and he rolls his eyes, hoping the two of you will keep up your playful behaviour. Jungwon enjoys talking to you even if it had happened so often at the moment. You were different from his friends, who were loud and energetic.
"I think we've got enough time for me to learn how to ride a horse, I’m going to be here until the end of August." It was mid-May, so Jungwon knew he would be here for a couple of months. At first, jungwon hadn't been worried that he would get attached to anyone, but you were all so sweet and you had even offered to bring him to meet your friends.
He was already trying to convince himself that the farm wasn't too far away to travel back and forth from.
The two of you make it to the stables, and Jungwon almost finds himself in complete awe. He had been to stables before, but they were never as incredible as yours were, it wasn't difficult to tell that the horses were well looked after, "This way, i’ll introduce you to Honey and Minnie, they're the only ones in their stables right now."
The two horses that you had brought Jungwon to were ethereal. Honey, was well, Honey, and had a long beige mane. Minnie was covered in black and white spots, thought significantly bigger than Honey was. Jungwon hadn’t seen many horses in real life before, but he could tell that these two were well taken care of.
"Unfortunately, there'll be a lack of horse riding today, we just have to take care of them. All the horses have their own days, and this is Honey and Minnie’s. once you know what you're doing, I’ll probably just be leaving you to it in the future. Is it okay if I take your hand?" You ask, and Jungwon is still taking in the previous information when he nods his head.
You softly pull at his hand and he knows that his cheeks are becoming red when the feeling of butterflies decides to appear in his stomach. One after the other, you let Jungwon get used to the two horses by petting them while your hand still rests on his — Jungwon doesn't quite understand why you needed to hold his hand for this, but he isn't complaining.
When you tell Jungwon that it's time for the disgusting part, shivers travel down his spine. The smell when he walks into the actual stable isn't exactly nice, but you seem to have no reaction to it like he does.
You show him all that he needs to know: how to clean out the stable, how to take care of the horses, even the personality between the two horses. He began to realise how educated you were on this, and it only made him feel more attracted to you.
It had taken all day, and when Jungwon got back into his carrot themed bed, he began to question every little thing.
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It was a few days later, and the day that Jungwon would be coming with you to meet your friends. Every part of his body was aching from the day previous and he would have loved to lay in bed all day, but he would not be missing this opportunity.
Jungwon stretches as he leaves the bed, and he notices that the whole house is quiet. He decides to go downstairs, and finds that there is no one around. Soon, he seed the pastel purple post-it note stuck onto the fridge that he had known wasn't there before — 'We have all gone to the stalls around the corner, we didn't want to wake you up so early. We’ll be back before ten, June.'
"Ah... that's a bummer, I was kind of looking forward to buying stuff at those stalls. I guess I can always just go another time." Jungwon turns on his heel and looks around the open spaced house, he thought this would be a good time to take a better look around.
His feet take him into the living room, where he had been in for a few moments when he had first arrived. It’s lit with natural lighting and has minimal colour, apart from a green pattern blanket over an armchair and a few fluffy green pillows scattering the sofas.
What begins to catch Jungwon’s eye is the collection of framed pictures sprinkled across the top of a cabinet on the opposite side of the room. In his lonesomeness, Jungwon picks up a picture frame to take a look at it closely.
You, June and Daniel are all in the picture, as well as the two twins, though everyone is significantly younger. The twins are just babies, so he imagines this picture was around six or seven years ago. You are around fourteen years old, and he thinks you look absolutely adorable. Your smile was just as bright as it is now, and you seem to have been just as sweet.
As he places the frame back down, he hears his phone ringing from his back pocket. He sighs, imagining it was his father attempting to get him back home, but he was happily surprised to see a call from his best friend Heeseung, "Hey! i've missed you."
"Hey buddy, I’ve missed you too, everyone has. How are you doing? Found anymore pretty ladies?" Jungwon can hear Heeseung’s teasing tone through the phone, and he rolls his eyes.
At home, the people were difficult to talk to. They weren't kind, or helpful, or filled with hospitality — they tended to be rude and off-putting, blinded by their own riches to care for other people. Somehow, Jungwon and his friends had avoided that ideal, so they were closer than ever. So, Jungwon had never gone through the efforts to find a partner.
"Very funny. No, you know I’ve only been here for like a week. I’ve barely even left the farm. Actually, YN asked me to come with her to meet some of her friends today." Jungwon replies, and he starts to wonder outside and takes a seat on the swinging chair on the decking.
"Really? Don’t go leaving us all back at home, the boys and I were thinking that we could come and visit you next month once you've settled in, though we don't want to intrude on anything." If anything, jungwon wished that his friends would come now.
He can't help but feel a little lost without them, and he wishes that they could have come with him from the beginning. They were all busy people, the oldest having their own business to attend to and Riki was still making his way through college. by next month, they'd likely be more free and Jungwon would be more comfortable.
"I’ll never leave you all, you're my best friends. I’d love if you came down next month, I’ll need some familiar faces." For about an hour, Jungwon and Heeseung find themselves talking about what had happened in the last two days, until you and your family had come back, "I’m gonna have to go, I’ll talk to you again soon."
Jungwon is very anxious once he is in the car with you.
"You don't need to look so nervous, Jungwon. They’re all cool people, I wouldn't be friends with them if they were anything but that." You’re driving down the streets of your town, and it's reaching about five PM, but since it's may the sun is starting to stay out later so it's still bright as it could be, "Are you... Are you worried they might see you differently because you aren't from around here?"
"I mean, I guess so, yeah. In my city, they probably wouldn't treat you too nicely. Not that I’d do the same, obviously. I just don't want your friends to think that of me." Jungwo’s face is resting in his palm as he rests and looks out of the car window, so he doesn't notice the sad and worried look that you give him for a moment.
"The same thing goes for you then. They know I wouldn't be friends with someone if they weren't a good person. This wasn't a pity invite, no matter how you might think it. I really like you." Something in your stomach feels weird when you say those words, and it does the same to Jungwon too, though it does encourage him to look at you and smile.
Within ten minutes, you've reached a field area that you had talked about before. You mentioned how this was the spot you and your friends liked to go when the weather was nice, because it seemed to be the only patch of grass that would get cut.
"Hey, hey! Jungwon, these are my friends. Sunghoon, Sunoo, Yunjin, Jake and Sakura. Friends, this is Jungwon, I told you about him recently." You introduce him to your friends and Jungwon realises he hasn't even planned what he was going to say. So, he sticks with a simple 'hi' as they all usher him to sit down on the blanket with them.
"God, it's so nice to finally meet you. She hasn't shut up about someone coming down to help of the farm for once. You’ve been doing amazing, by the way." this is Yunjin, a blonde haired girl who seems to sit in confidence, she gives a look to you and Jungwon once again doesn't notice you rolling your eyes — he hasn't been very observant today.
"So, heard you came from the city. I did too, I only moved here about a year ago." Jungwon learns that him and Jake were actually from the same city, and all the nerves that had settled themselves in his chest slowly faded away as he got to know the group of friends better.
Somehow, they had managed to talk to each other as if they were old friends who were getting to know each other again, learning about each other for a second time since it was as if they could read each other perfectly. Jungwon knows that his friends and your friends would get along well, and he waits for the day that they can become one.
"I think me and Sunghoon are gonna get going now, he has some stupid curfew on his car so he can't drive past ten PM. We’ll see you both later!" Sakura and Sunghoon stand up and begin leaving, though Yunjin, Jake and Sunoo had left earlier on. That left only Jungwon and you on the field alone at nine twenty seven PM.
The sudden silence was comforting, it allowed Jungwon’s jaw to stop aching from laughing and talking all day. For a few minutes, the both of you sit there staring at the stars, only looking at each other when the other was entranced by the image in the sky.
"I had fun today, thank you." You speak and Jungwon almost flinches, mostly because the sound of your voice has frightened him from the quiet, but also because he wasn't quite sure what you were thanking him for. He should be the one thanking you, shouldn't he?
"What are you thanking me You’re you're the one who invited me out here." You and Jungwon both turn to look at each other, this is the first time you had made eye contact since the two of you were left alone, but it wasn't the first time that you had admired each other, "In fact, I had fun today too, and I’m thanking you for that.”
"Because... I don't know, I just wanted to thank you. You’ve been nothing but kind and helpful to everyone. Last year, we had a problem with someone who came to help. She wouldn't do any work and I was so fatigued everyday trying to save her ass from getting in trouble. This year, you came along and even though you’ve only been here for a few days you’ve helped us so much. You’re like a breathe of fresh air.”
The speech quite literally leaves Jungwon with no words. He looks at you and something has shifted inside of him, and he truly feels like he has a problem now. It’s only been a week or so, and he’s already completely infatuated with you and your glowing personality. He returns a smile, and when your hand slips into his softly, the both of you continue to stare at the stars, just for a little while.
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The horse is very big, in fact Jungwon thinks that it might be taller than him, and it's starting him down with it's big brown eyes. He knows that Minnie is used to him now and has actually taken a large liking to him (that's what you had told him, though he doesn't quite understand how you know because all the horses have acted the same), but it still doesn't stop him from being terrified since this is his first time on a horse.
He rolls his eyes when turns around to see you laughing at him, tears in your eyes from the scene taking place in front of you. For some reason, his constant reluctance to get on the horse even though he has wanted a lesson, was absolutely hilarious to you, "Wonnie, come on, you're overreacting. I’ll even help you get on, here."
You had gained a habit over the last two weeks of calling Jungwon 'Wonnie'. now, if anyone else has started giving him this nickname, he would have been fine. Your, and now his friends, had picked up on this habit now and he didn't mind it at all, it was cute. When it was coming from your mouth? He might as well just get on one knee there and then.
"You can't laugh at me for being scared to get on this absolute beast, no offence Minnie. I’ve never been on a horse before!" Jungwon whines and you only ignore him, taking a step forward to help him onto Minnie.
"Here. Put one foot into the stirrup, and then stand on my hand. I’ll give you a boost. I know you're about to complain about getting my hand dirty with your shoes, I can tell you I don't give a shit." With hesitance, he puts his foot into your hands and you push him up onto the horse, and he wobbles a little when he managed to get on.
He’s been on rollercoasters before, he's climbed mountains before, but somehow this feels like it's the highest he's ever been. Maybe it's because there's no belt to keep him protected, or the fact he wasn't on his own two feet, but this was terrifying, "You know what, I’m not too sure about this. how do I get off?"
"Oh Won, stop being a big baby. You’re already up there, look I’m holding the reins. She’s well-trained, she won't move until you or I signal her too. I’ll keep hold until you want me to let go. Hold the reins firmly, sit up straight. When you want Minnie to move, press your heel into her side, but not too hard. I’ll keep hold."
"Okay, okay. This feels mean, this doesn't hurt her right?" You make sure to reassure him that the horse is fine, and after five minutes Minnie is finally moving. Jungwon begins to enjoy it, he no longer fears the height of the horse, "You can let go."
With one last look at Jungwon, no words are spoken when his eyes are filled with certainty on this decision. So, you allow yourself to let go and leave everything else up to Jungwon. The field you are in is small, so it doesn't give Minnie an opportunity to run off, possibly hurting him in the process.
You are quick to learn that Jungwon seems to catch on easily, and within minutes you start to consider getting him in on some equestrian shows (maybe the basic children ones though, he wasn't that good).
"Oh my god, Won are you sure you've never done this before? Most people don't have a horse trotting around so quickly, especially not with this much control. I think you're just lying to me so you can spend more time with me." You hadn't meant any harm in your comment, seeing it as some banter between you and a friend.
In that moment, Jungwon had almost fallen off Minnie as a blush crept onto his cheeks. It wasn't like you had actually caught him in a lie, he had never been on a horse before, but in a way this was an opportunity for him to spend more time with you outside of the work he had agreed to do.
He wasn't sure how long he had been on that horse for, but it was much longer than he had intended, and it was beginning to become irritating just being there. he knew that this particular skill wasn't his forte and he likely wouldn't be attempting to ride a horse again — especially not Minnie, she was too tall.
“I’m simply just good at everything I do, I think you might just be a little jealous.” And for the hundredth time, you roll your eyes at Jungwon.
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Officially, Jungwon has been on the farm for just over a month. It’s the middle of June, and unfortunately his friends haven't had the time to travel yet.
Overall, the month had been almost as he had imagined. It was almost the perfect break that he needed. He’d learnt a myriad of new skills, made lots of new friends and was making happy memories everyday.
So, what could possibly bothering him so much that it had ruined his getaway? You.
Realistically, you hadn't intended to do anything wrong, and you hadn't actually done anything wrong. You had just been yourself, and Jungwon’s brain couldn't help but question his true thoughts about you.
Yes, he knows that he had always thought you were pretty, and he though you were an amazing person. That hadn't changed, not at all. What had changed, was that the lingering touches and flirtatious banter was genuinely beginning to bother him.
He had seen you act similar with your friends. You had always argued and flirted with all of them, and it had never bothered him. This was just the way you were, but he couldn't help but notice that there was more longing within him, how everything seemed to last just those few seconds longer.
Though the rest of the group had been oblivious to the lasting tension between the two of you, Sunghoon and Yunjin had been more observant over Jungwon. The two had become so bored of the antics, and we're waiting for you both to explain how you felt.
They had to give one of you a push, and Jungwon seemed to be much less stubborn.
SUNGHOON: hey won! was just wondering if you wanted to go to the diner w me and yunjin
SUNGHOON: everyone else is a little busy but i know today is a free day for you!
JUNGWON: oh yeah for sure
JUNGWON: you don't mind picking me up right? yn usually takes me
SUNGHOON: yeah, course
SUNGHOON: be there soon
In the next hour, Jungwon, Yunjin and Sunghoon sat in the diner with their good and milkshakes. Jungwon seems to notice that something is a little off between the two of them, and his eyebrows furrow when he realises the two of them have been looking between each other while hesitantly attempting to speak, "Why are you both being weird? You haven't even touched your food. What’s going on?"
"We-uh-... I thought this would be a lot easy to say out loud..." Sunghoon trembles over every letter, leaving Yunjin to roll her eyes and poke at her loaded fries with her fork. In this moment, Jungwon starts to think that the two of them are actually together; thought it was quite the opposite.
"We know that you have a crush on YN! You’re so incredibly obvious it hurts that she can't tell. As well as that, we think she definitely has a crush on you too, we’ve known her long enough to tell." Yunjin’s outburst leaves Jungwon and Sunghoon with dropped jaws, but for two entirely different reasons, "And don't even try to act like you don't!"
"Well- no! It’s just that- fine! Yeah, yeah I do really like her. Why are you telling me something I already know?" It’s Jungwon’s time to put his burger down and pretend that it isn't there, because suddenly he didn't have an appetite and the smell of food in the area made him feel like he was about to throw up.
Yunjin and Sunghoon look at each other again. She purses her lips and Sunghoon looks around the room as if he's trying to avoid Jungwon’s eyes that are wide and shocked, "We, we were thinking that we should encourage you to ask her out. We are, like, 99% sure she likes you back."
"And! If she does say no, you'll be living so far away it won't be awkward!" Sunghoon speaks as if that was a good thing, but the drop of Jungwon’s lips and the slap he receives on the back of his head from Yunjin speaks otherwise, "Ouch?! I’m just speaking the truth."
"Your truth is bullshit! He’d still be coming down to see us all anyway! Listen, Won, this is obviously completely up to you, we aren't pushing you to ask her out if you really don't want to- but! We think it would be worth a shot, the rest of the group does too. Have a think about it."
And that's exactly what Jungwon does. He spends the whole day questioning wether this would he right or wrong, wether this would test your friendship or take it to another level.
He makes his decision as you arrive home that he would do it. Though Sunghoon’s words had stung, they had been true. He would be far away if you had rejected him, and it wouldn’t be often that he would he seeing you.
But it ended up to be so much worse than he could have ever imagined.
He waited, waited and waited until you had arrived home. In fact, he’d been pacing around the barn for about half an hour because he wanted to tell you how he felt outside of the house. When he heard what he had thought was your car park up, he almost jumped out of his skin.
He’d peeked out to see what you had been doing in the moment — and his heart felt like it had been crushed by your own hands, the ones that appeared to be slotted into another mans hands.
What made it even worse? You had seen Jungwon in the barn just as this was happening.
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The rain felt nice, Jungwon thought it was made for him in the moment. The way it fell down on him made him understand that this was real, and he genuinely believed that he was falling in love with you.
Within the next week, his friends would be turning up, and Jungwon couldn't even bare to look at you because he didn't want to ruin your blooming friendship since he couldn't help but fall for you. In his eyes, he had one week to get over you and be your friend.
Only friends.
He’s been sat in the rain for so long now, that the droplets are beginning to drip down the tip of his nose and his eyelashes. He was sure that when he would stand up, his jeans would be covered in mud. It doesn’t bother him though, because he's got more important things on his mind.
"What am I going to do with you, Wonnie." Your sweet voice appears from behind him, and for a second he believes he is just hearing you in his head. You take a seat next to him, despite the hard rain, and your head falls softly onto his drenched shoulder, "You’re gonna get one hell of a cold if you sit outside moping around."
“I think I have a valid reason to be moping around." He still worried that anything he says will come across as strange, so he holds everything back. His shoulder tingles underneath your head, for once every little touch you place upon him burns.
It hurts, it hurts so much. Yet, even though your touch left invisible scars upon his body in that moment, he would let you burn every inch of skin on his body if that was what you desired. This month had showed him that if there was one person he would let break him down, and it was you.
"You know, I’ve always wanted to dance in the rain." You smile and lift your head to look towards Jungwon, hoping that he would return your gaze. After a loud sigh, he looks at you with his soft eyes, "Will you, Yang Jungwon, take this dance?"
He hopes that you aren't messing around with the way he feels, he hopes that this moment is as real as how he thinks about you. He hopes that the pleasurable sparks that he feels when your hand slips once more into his, feeling so significantly different than usual, that you feel it too.
Oh, how you do.
When the two of you stand up, your hands leave his, but it doesn't leave him in disappointment. They make their way up his arms and find themselves resting around his neck, while his own are nestled on your waist.
"Don’t you think it's a little awkward to dance without music?" He isn't sure why he decided to ruin the moment with such a silly question, maybe the nerves, or the small percentage that you were only doing this to make him feel better rather than to admit your feelings for him.
"I don't find anything to be awkward when I’m with you. never with you, Wonnie. You know, what you saw didn't mean anything. He was dropping me off from a job I was doing, he'd asked me out when we got to the door and what you saw was me telling him that there were no feelings. You know why? because I’ve been waiting for you to stop being so shy about asking me out."
"Oh... well, then. I’m sorry for making assumptions. I’s just spoken to Sunghoon and Yunjin who suggested asking you out, I’d i'd really worked myself up over it. I guess, I was just nervous it was an excuse to not do it. I really, really like you." Due to your open confession, Jungwon feels that he no longer has to hold back. He doesn't have to pretend anymore.
His forehead rests so comfortably on yours, and your left hand falls to rest on his neck rather than around his shoulders. When your nose bumps against his, the rain isn't there anymore. This burning feeling that you had left on his skin only moments ago began to tickle.
“Is it okay if I kiss you?" He speaks, and you only giggle and open your eyes to look up at him through your lashes. You respond, quite boldly, by pressing yourself against him for the first time.
Forever and always.
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analogwriting · 3 months
Chapter 11: Szív
Donquixote Rosinante x gn!reader word count: 3.2k next
Your father's estate was right outside of town. He preferred to be away from the city, enjoying the peaceful country life. You also enjoyed the countryside - having grown up there and all, but with being on call constantly, you needed to live close to the hospital. Not ideal, but necessary. 
All different kinds of scenarios began to run through your mind. What could your father possibly want right now? Did he hear about last night? You couldn't imagine why he would have. As far as you knew, he didn't keep tabs on you. He knew you could hold your own. That impending doom feeling was growing stronger as you feared your father's estate. Pops’ warning playing in your mind again. Maybe he was on to something. Maybe he was trying to tell you something. 
You took a deep breath. Maybe you were just overthinking things like you always did. Marco was right in that aspect. You always blew things out of proportion because your brain didn't know how to just stop. 
Another thought popped into your head; what if he’s fallen ill? Maybe he’s called you to his estate to say his goodbyes or ask you to take care of him. You probably would, he is your father after all and you loved him. You’d want his last days to be as comfortable as possible.
What the hell were you even thinking? 
Your father still had plenty of years on him. You were sure he was going to be just fine - he was fairly healthy for his age. He came to your hospital about twice a year for a check up anyway and he always did just fine. He always listened to your medical advice, so he was in picture perfect health. 
You needed to just calm down. One deep breath later, your mind relaxed a little. You need to just take things as they come. You were probably worrying about nothing. Perhaps he just forgot to mention something to you. The two of you couldn’t exactly talk on the phone as lines were never safe. It was safer for you to just meet him somewhere and talk in person.
It wasn’t long before you pulled up to his large estate. It was a large, gated mansion with many rooms. Acres of well maintained land, a guest house, a pool, just about everything you’d imagine for your typical mafia family. Or as the public knew him, a politician. Besides, this place had been in your family for generations at this point. It was all old money.
You entered through the gates, heading down the long driveway, parking in the rounded end by the doors. You stepped out of the car, heading up the steps. The two positioned at the doorway stopped you. “State your name and business you have.” 
You looked at them with an expression that said you couldn’t be bothered right now. “C’mon, Daniel, you know who I am. Stop playing around.” You tried to walk past him but he stuck out his arm. “State your name and business you have.” He said again, more firm this time. You just stared at him in disbelief. What the hell was he on right now?
You looked at the other man with him. “You’re really just gonna let him treat me like this, Gabriel?”
The man didn’t even look at you, just kept looking forward in his position. This wasn’t like them at all. They usually greeted you with smiles and asked how things went. You grew up with these men, they were pretty much like your uncles. They helped raise you. Now they were acting all cold and distant. Once more Pops’ warning sat in the back of your mind. You knew you were going to need to go and get some answers.
“What the fuck is going on?” You glared at both of them. “Just let me see papi.”
“Name and business.”
“I swear to fuck, I will kick your ass.” You glared at Daniel who stared right back at you. Whatever was going on, you weren’t a fan of it. You don’t know why they were testing you right now because they both knew damn well you could take them both on with no sweat. 
“I’m going to have to ask you to-” You grabbed Daniel’s arm, turning around and using your entire body to throw the man over your shoulder. Gabriel moved to grab you, only to miss as you sidestepped, kicking him in the back. Both men tumbled down the stairs and you threw open the door and marched inside. You didn’t fucking have time for this. You were already irritated because you were in the middle of a very important discussion and now they were testing your patience.
What in the everliving fuck was that about?
You walked down the long hallway, towards your father’s study. You were just assuming that’s where he was. He spent most of his time there anyway. You grabbed the handle of the double doors, flinging them open. Your father was at his desk that faced the door, a large window displaying his vast landscape behind it. There was also a girl who looked to be about seventeen. Maybe eighteen.
“What the hell is wrong with Gabe and Danny?” 
Your father looked up, his eyes widened in surprise. He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “I’m assuming you took them out?”
“Papi, why the hell would I kill them? I just threw ‘em around.” You shrugged, folding your arms as the doors closed behind you. “Now, what did you need to see me for?”
Your father looked at you for a long moment. Immediately, you felt uneasy. There was something about the look in his eye. It was cold, calculated. Not at all like the warmness in which he usually looked at you. The girl next to him was also looking at you in a way you didn’t really care for - like she was up to no good. There was a smug look on her face and you wanted to punch her. She also just had one of those faces that your fists ached to connect with.
Again, Pops’ words rang in your head - his ominous warning to be careful.
“Sorry, I was just thinking how to start this conversation,” your father said, leaning back in his chair as he looked at you. He shook his head. “Ripping off the bandaid is probably the best way. You’ve always preferred things like that.” You nodded. He wasn’t wrong. You liked to get to the point, you didn’t like pussyfooting around the subject.
“Y/n,” he said and immediately you knew something bad was about to happen. Your father never called you by your name, not even when you were being scolded. He has never really called you by your name, it was always some nickname in his native tongue. Just as you never really called him ‘dad’ in english. It honestly made you feel like crawling out of your skin - it felt wrong.
“This is your sister, Trinity.” He gestured to the girl next to him, who offered a small wave with a smug smile. Immediately, your eyes widened and you froze. Sister? Since fucking when? When the hell did your father meet someone? Or did he just take someone in? You had no idea. 
“Sister? Papi, when did you ever have another kid?” You folded your arms, still trying to process things. Why the hell would he have another kid without telling you? Why would he have another kid in general? Did he have another wife after your mother?
Your father stood up, sighing. “When you started going off to college and started pulling away, I decided to set up a plan b. I needed another child to take over the family just in case you ended up completely cutting yourself off.” He walked over to the window looking out at the landscape.
“I found a woman and paid her to carry my child, giving her to me when she was born. She’s been here the whole time, but I never let you meet her. I knew you wouldn’t approve of me having another child in this life. Or, at least you’d tried to take them with you. I know how much you hate kids being involved in all this. I wasn’t going to let you take away my plan b.” 
You were stunned. He had a child just because you didn’t want to take over the business? He was talking about her like she was an object, not his child. Was she okay with all of this? She looked content with his decision. You still couldn’t believe he kept all this from you.
“When you made the decision to part ways, I really began to train Trinity. Sure, she’s not naturally gifted for this lifestyle like you were, but with time and practice, I know she’ll do great.” He turned to look at you. The way he looked at you sent shivers down your spine. This was not the man you knew.
“I no longer need you anymore. You wanted to be cut off, you’re being cut off. You’re no longer a part of this family. You already took that bastard’s last name. You’re no longer any child of mine. You are of no use to me.” He looked at you with utter disgust and it hurt more than any bullet wound ever had. “All that time - wasted. I showed you love and affection and what did it get me? Nothing but an ungrateful child. How am I to secure my legacy if I don’t have a child?” He shook his head.
You were speechless. Tears stung your eyes and you felt like your entire world was falling apart. He was just using you? “But…what about mamma?”
“What about her? I married her specifically to sire me a child to raise and train. Lot good it did me.” He shook his head, clicking his tongue. “She was weak. She constantly talked of how she didn’t want you in this life, how she just wanted you to grow up however you wanted, but your only purpose was to take over the family. Nothing else.” 
Every sentence was a wound in your heart. You felt sick. 
“You inherited your mother’s weak heart, which is a shame considering you inherited my skills. You were perfect for this lifestyle. You were cold, heartless, good at everything. You were a natural. My golden child. You were going to do so well. Then, you just decided to be a doctor and ‘help people instead’. You made a complete 180 and I’m still not sure what happened to make you do that.” His tone mocked you at the end.
The world began to spin around you. He never loved you or your mother? He only saw you as tools for his grand scheme of things. “Why…? Why call me here to tell me that? You could’ve never told me any of this.” Hearing him talk about your mother in such a way…you knew he loved her. You saw the love they shared when you were younger. You had always wanted the same kind of unconditional love. Was…it also all a lie?
He looked at you with disdain, rolling his eyes. “I’m taking your hospital.” 
Your blood ran ice cold. “What?” Your father raised his eyebrows. “You heard me. I’m taking your hospital.” He walked over to you and you couldn’t move, frozen from the moment he started dropping verbal bombs on you.
“The original plan was to let you do your thing, then have you join again. I thought this whole neutral thing was a phase. Your hospital has quite the reputation. It’s in a perfect place, it’s already got the underground kind of vibe we need. It’s perfect for what I need.” He stopped in front of you, looking down at you with a sly grin.
“You really thought I’d just let you leave the family without something in return?”
“I won’t let you take the hospital,” you said softly, slowly. Your father barked out a laugh, making you flinch as his voice bounced off the walls of the large room. “You don’t have a choice. Besides, Doflamingo and Sir Crocodile have already taken it over.”
Your stomach sank to your feet. “What?” Your voice was barely above a whisper. “Since when-?”
“When do I work with them? Since we realized how much more we can control together.” He chuckled, shaking his head. Your father never came off as the power hungry type, what was going on? “Doflamingo noticed his little brother had come back and had taken a liking to my child. We thought you two were going to try and pull one over on us. Take us down.”
“That’s not-”
“Oh, I know.” A dark chuckle came from him. “Even if I wasn’t able to get you to take over the business, you were still loyal to me. I know you wouldn’t have betrayed me in such a manner, no matter what that Donquixote boy said. I suppose at least I had that if nothing else.” He shook his head, putting his hands on his hips.
“We decided to work together to take over your hospital, make it ours. You crafted the perfect hospital for me. A place where law enforcement turns a blind eye. It will be our neutral ground. So, thanks for that. I suppose you did provide some use in the end. It’ll be easier to cover certain things up with a hospital under our reign.” 
A sly grin spread across his face. “I suppose the olive branch I extended all those years ago did work out in the end. Just took a little time.”
You backed away. You needed to get back to your hospital. You needed to keep people safe. 
“Oh, they’re already there, y/n. As we speak, Doflamingo and Crocodile are working on…new management. Your little buddy Marco will probably need a new job. Since you crafted this perfect oasis for us, I decided to spare all your little employees. They will all be let go, however. They are loyal to you, I’m sure. Don’t trust ‘em.” He paused, looking at you from the corner of his eye. “I wonder how the little reunion between Doflamingo and Rosinante will go?” 
Once again, you felt your stomach drop. You stumbled backwards, vision blurring with tears. Everything you had worked so hard to achieve, gone in an instant. How did this man that showered you in love and affection all your life do this to you? How did you not see it even once?
“I’m sure you can find another job. You have an outstanding resume. Or, you know, you can keep your job. All your friends can keep theirs. You would just have to work for me. Rejoin the family.”
You stared at your father with bewilderment and disbelief. Nothing felt real and everything hurt. Everything you knew had all been a lie - a part of your father’s plan. Did Pops know about this? Is that why he gave you that warning? Is this what their falling out was about? You had so many questions, but your head started to hurt the more you thought about it.
“You can think about it. Not long. Probably from here until you get to the hospital to sign it over. Doflamingo has already gathered up all your little cronies that know about the true part of the hospital. I think he mentioned that he was surprised to see his little brother there too. I’m sure that reunion is going swimmingly.” 
Your eyes widened and fear set in. Innocent people were being thrown into all this. Marco was never a part of this life. Corazon had removed himself from it. They weren’t a part of this - so why bother them! This was all your fault. You were stupid and naive to think you could leave with no strings attached. 
You just looked at your father - no. He was no longer your father. The only father you had now was Pops. You didn’t know the man before you. This man was a stranger to you.
You were ripped out of your thoughts as his phone rang. He pulled it out of his front pocket, looking at the screen. “Speak of the devil,” he said. He answered it, putting it on speaker. “Go for Anthony.”
“Are you almost done? Are they on their way? Everyone is getting so squirmy. Hey - stop moving! I will shoot you.”
“Doflamingo, don’t do that or we lose our leverage.”
All the air left your lungs. You couldn’t breathe. Leverage? Who all did they have? All just to get you to sign over the hospital? 
“They’re with me now. You’re on speaker. I think they were just about to head your way.”
“Oh, are they there? Well, y/n, can you hurry the hell up? I don’t have all damn day!” 
“Y/n!” Corazon was there? Fucking, dammit all. They must’ve shown up just as you left. You had been hoping he left, but that bastard did mention Doflamingo seeing him. “Don’t do it! It’s a t-”
There was a gunshot and multiple cries. “Corazon!” You heard the boys all crying for him and you couldn’t move. The world around you went still. 
��You were already on thin fucking ice for leaving and lying, you should’ve known better.” He clicked his tongue. “You better hurry up or he’ll bleed out.” With that, Doflamingo hung up.
Your entire body went numb and everything went still. You heard the man before you talking, but you couldn’t hear him. Corazon had been shot by his own brother. At this point, you wouldn’t be surprised if your bastard of a father would do the same. What was up with these men and being unable to just…have loyalty to their own family? 
No, no. Now wasn’t the time to start freaking out. You needed a plan. The first thing you needed to do was get to Corazon. Then you could deal with everything else. Unfortunately for everyone else, you were good at working under pressure.
You turned on your heel, feeling rage slowly building up in your chest. You knew you couldn’t let it consume you. You needed to keep a clear head if you were going to do this successfully without anyone getting hurt. 
You reeled your arm back, turning back around, and punching your dad square in the jaw, sending him reeling back. Trinity pulled out a gun, pointing at you and you glared at her. “Do it, coward.” Then she did, but her aim was off, as you could see in the first place. The bullet flew right past your head but it did graze your cheek. You didn’t care, the fear in her eyes was enough for you. It was clear she saw the difference between you and her now.
You turned on your heel once more, running down the hallways. You could already hear multiple footsteps heading down the hallway. You burst through the doors and the two standing guard tried to tackle you, but you were too agile and quick. You easily dodged them. “Getting old!” you shouted, hopping in your car and taking off. If they had a lick of smarts, they would’ve sabotaged your car somehow, but they didn’t. 
You peeled off, speeding back to your hospital. It was a race against time.
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