#mbti personalty
yellowrayn · 2 months
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✨️INTJ girl✨️
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loaveriaca · 1 month
personalty things p1
Enneagram: The reformer (type 1) | The helper (type 2) | The achiever (type 3) | The individualist (type 4) | The thinker (type 5) | The loyalist (type 6) | The enthusiast (type 7) | The leader (type 8)
Tritype: 125 | 126 | 127 | 135 | 136 | 137 | 145 | 146 | 147 | 358 | 825 | 826 | 827 | 835 | 836 | 837 | 845 | 846 | 847 | 925 | 926 | 927 | 935 | 936 | 937 | 945 | 946 | 947 (531 or 513? who knows...)
Instinctual variant: sp/so | sp/sx | so/sp I so/sx I sx/sp | sx/so
Zodiac sign: Aries | Gemini | Taurus | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces |
Life path number: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 11 | 22 | 33
Four Temperaments: Sanguine | Melancholic | Choleric | Phlegmatic
Aura color: Red | Orange | Magenta | Yellow | Logical tan | Environmental tan | Sensitive tan | Abstract tan | Green(?) | Blue | Violet | Crystal | Lavender | Indigo | (i have no idea but i took a test and got green)
Alignment: Lawful good | Neutral good | Chaotic good | Lawful neutral | True neutral | Chaotic neutral | Lawful evil | Neutral evil | Chaotic evil ( i took the test 6 times just to make sure and i got it every single time lol)
Hogwarts house: Gryffindor | Hufflepuff | Ravenclaw | Slytherin
Godly parent: Zeus | Hera | Poseidon | Demeter | Ares | Athena | Apollo | Artemis | Hephaestus | Aphrodite | Hermes | Dionysus | Hades | Irus | Hypnos | Nemesis | Nike | Hebe | Tyche | Hecate (im not that into percy jackson, i read the first book when i was 11 but i got bored and dropped it)
Love languages: Acts of service | Quality time | Words of affiliation | Gift giving | Touch Multiple intelligence test: Kinaesthetic | Linguistic | Logical | Interpersonal | Intrapersonal | Musical | Visual/Spatial | Naturalistic (when went to get tested for autism and other things my reading level was 18 and when i took it i was 12 so i very obvisously got linguistic as my main one)
R-Drive personality test: Narcissism | Unconventionality | Empiricism | Vitality | Othercentricism | Independence | Integrity | Intellect | Stoicism | Orderliness | Dynamism | Activity | Romanticism | Hedonism
Defense mechanism : Regression | Displacement | Denial | Repression | Intellectualization | Reaction formation | Projection | Compensation
Celtic zodiac: Birch (The Achiever) | Rowan (The Thinker) | Ash (The Enchanter) I Alder (The Trailblazer) | Willow (The Observer) | Hawthrone (The Illusionist) | Oak (The Stabilizer) | Holly (The Ruler) I Hazel (The Knower) | Vine (The Equalizer) I Ivy (The Survivor) | Reed (The Inquisitor) | Elder (The Seeker)
Celtic zodiac: Stag/Deer | Cat I Cow/Bull | Black horse I Butterfly | Adder/Snake | Seahorse | Fish/Salmon | Wolf/Hound | Fox | Wren | Swan | Falcon/Hawk
The animal in you: Lion I Tiger | Dolphin | Bear | Wild | Cat | Fox | Weasel | Badger | Dog | Otter | Wolf | Sea Lion I Wild Dog | Walrus | Gorilla | Deer | Rhinoceros I Hippo | Sable | Horse | Sheep | Mountain Goat |Warthog | Zebra Baboon | Elephant | Bison | Giraffe | Cottontail | Mole | Bat | Porcupine | Beaver | Prairie Dog | Shrew | Mouse | Eagle | Rooster Owl | Swan | Peacock | Vulture | Penguin | Crocodile | Snake l
DISC profile: D | I | S | C
Soul Type (one test): Hunter | Caregiver | Creator I Thinker | Helper | Educator | Performer| Leader I Spiritualist
im really tired so ill do the rest later
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bigtrashkidstudent · 3 years
Did you know before
That the mbti of cats isfp
And mo hove the same mbti?
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mbtiandstuffz · 4 years
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(Another amazing reddit find)
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infjinstinct · 4 years
A lil video where I pour my love languages of quality time and words of affirmation into my friendships. noOoOOo pandemic can stop me 🥰
my beautiful friends ♡
Jordern: ESFP
Emily: ENFJ
Tash: ENFJ
Jaime: ISTP
Bridget: ENFP
Abinaya: INFJ
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ohmynirvana · 7 years
You owe no one an explanation, a reason, a defense for who you become after you survive.
Nikita gill
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spoopy-fish-writes · 2 years
—Ikesen matchup for @laito---sakamaki
Match up for Ikemen Sengoku ^^
Appearance: height 5'5", shoulder length wavy black hair, dark brown eye, neither skinny or chubby. Personalty: Straight. MBTI type ISFJ, not at all comfortable with people i barely know, have heavy trust issues, (this is the reason i have never been in any relationship and I prefer choosing someone with whom i will be able to spend all my life in peace), not comfortable with showing my feelings openly, i am a good listener but a loud talker with the right person. I don't like it when someone dominates me, i will consider suggestions as much as u want but i can't stand dominance. Seek romance but can't say it out loud (hopeless romantic in other words). Find it hard to say 'no.' I prefer "gorgeous in simplicity." Always try so that I don't become a burden or cause any trouble to anyone in any circumstance.
Likes/dislikes: Can play guitar and harmonium as well as singing, bookworm, good at drawings, do not like food with strong flavor, especially sweets. But black coffee and dark chocolate is an exception. Cycling makes me feel refreshed.
Thank you for the matchup request @laito---sakamaki! 💜
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I've decided to match you with...
Yoshimoto Imawaga!
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First impressions
Yoshimoto isn't one to make an effort to talk with new people unless he finds something particularly interesting, at which point he can't really hello but get rather close to get a better look so your first impressions of him when he's maybe a little bit too closely examining your clothing aren't all that great
He doesn't mean to make you uncomfortable and catches on to how you feel fairly quickly due to being rather more observant than people realise and backs off fairly quickly despite the fact that you don't say yourself that you would prefer of he wouldn't go so close to you
Hes rather conscious of other people's moods and changes how he acts just that little bit so as not to make you uncomfortable no matter how much he would love to observe the fabric of your kimono
You're already uneasy around him but he somehow manages to lessen your discomfort by starting up a conversation
You don't particularly want to talk with him but you end up enjoying talking with him regardless with a lot of his question being about as impersonal as you can get so you end off with him on a more positive note
It's not often that people are so conscious of your boundaries in their own strange ways so you feel somewhat thankful that it was him that decided to talk to you and not anyone else
On his end he's more intrigued by you more than anything. You were distant and skittish and he could see just that little bit through the way you masked how you were feeling. You're a nice change of pace for him in comparison to everyone at Kasugayama
Pre-relationship bonding
Yoshimoto is one that doesn't like his boundaries pushed and in turn won't push anyone else's as long as there is no need for him too so he's surprisingly easy to get along with after you've gotten past the initial unease
Of course there is still the slight wariness that comes with the fact that he is an enemy and it keeps you more tight lipped than usual around him initially
However, he's so easy to get along with and just be around, even if it's just a few times a week and for short periods of time because it's plainly obvious that he has no interest in the war so it's quickly that you start to warm up to him which he seems to encourage, asking you questions about various things he's spotted in the town before he's seen you, even if somewhat rhetorical because he doesn't expect you to actually respond given who he is to the people that you're currently residing with but it's welcome all the same
He's a bit spacy at times but fairly calm most of the time and generally views you to be on equal grounds to him and is generally really polite and likes hearing you talk
The two of you can talk for hours about various things you've seen in gardens when you decide to go for a walk in favour of the cycling that you cannot do in sengoku period Japan and happen to bump into him, flowers that grew in bunches but varied in shade across each of them catching your eye and him being just as intregued opening a chance for conversation
Requesting to watch as you draw something, perhaps sketch a couple flowers or draw aimlessly as your pencil creates various shapes on a plain book that you had procured with Yoshimoto after you had mentioned that you liked to draw
He almost tours you around Azuchi and would have if not for the fast that he was such less unfamiliar with the place than other inhabitants but he manages to make you comfortable even if he isn't saying anything, the two of you just walking along side each other as you browse various shops even of neither of you are intending to buy anything
If anything, he just wants you to be comfortable, not necessarily around him, but in general
It's an easy going friendship, neither one of you asking for much from the other, both respectful of one another's boundaries and you know your limitations with each others allegiances but it's this understanding that keeps the two of you going strong
There isn't initially any clear or distinct confession with him
He had a tendency to be cryptic, never entirely straightforward with his words so you'll have to piece a few things together
He, like you, doesn't like burdening others with how he feels
His wants are something that he's straightforward with but his feelings not so much so he doesn't want to tell you even after he realises just how he feels about you and tries to distance himself from you just so he can get some clarity and make sure that he doesn't interrupt the relationship that the two of you already share
You've listened to what he says and you know to appreciate the simpler things in life because, in this timer period, sometimes they're lost too quickly and you've just found this person that you've become comfortable around and feel for and you don't want to lose that
He doesn't know what's coming when you come clean with your feelings and he's silent for a minute and you almost want to take it back, silence ensuing as you wait for him to respond because you trust him enough not to at least hurt you with his words
He doesn't believe it and he'll ask you to repeat when you've said
You'd think that he had no reaction if not for the smile that brightens his face and he's completely speechless
He doesn't know what to say aside from taking your hands in his and returning a quiet "I love you" before lips press to your forehead so you can't see the way that his eyes are shining with tears
He brings you along to a tea house so he can distract himself from the tears that are threatening to fall from his eyes and treat you for saying what he's been too scared to say to you
Dates with him
While he isn't really dominant, he's more than willing to take charge and often does whenever it comes to dates if you display in any way that you would prefer not to or simply would be fine with whatever he has in mind
A lot of very casual and more personal dates, he very much prefers for it to be just the two of you alone and knows that you don't like being around strangers so you tend to go to more secluded areas where only other couples or people simply by there lonesome will come in their small numbers and will choose the specific times in which places will be less busy or simply more ideal
He likes to take you around to some of the calmer places that he's found and likes because he finds it very personal to be able to share his interests and his joys with someone else
He's very romantic and slow paced so it always feels rather aesthetic in a way but he's so attuned to what you like and want at that point that he's always incorporating what you like into various activities
Tea dates where the two of you aren't required to talk if you want want to and can simply indulge in the sweets and the food or even Yoshimoto taking a few of Shingen'a sweeter treats for you for the way there because he knows that you would like to try them
Music festivals which happen less frequently than he would like but often enough that he gets to see you enjoying the music, even taking part whenever your coaxed into it enough because seeing you enjoy your hobby means so much to him
Don't be too surprised if he makes a habit out of asking you to play your guitar for him after he somehow manages to comission one for you from a trader; he just likes to see you so focused and happy with what you're doing
All in all, comfortable silences are very common with the two of you. You're both content to just be near each other if neither of you have nothing to say but share so much in your liking for both elegance and simplicity in beauty respectively that there's a common agreement and understanding between you that allows for easy conversation whenever the two of you do want to talk with each other
His favourite things about you
He loves that you can match his pace and don't try to go too fast
People always seem to want to rush him, push him into something before he's ready or simply take the reigns themselves and lead him along but you simple go along with him, never really pushing or pulling too much because you don't like it either
You're both comfortable going and moving at a slower pace than most people usually like, wanting to just live peacefully surrounded by the things you love and care about with no interest in conflict because neither one of you want any part of the violence that you've both been forced into the centre of
It's something that both of you would have been ridiculed before but he feels comfort in the fact that he isn't the only one that feels that way and knows that there are others along side you that want to live their lives simply as well without this looming threat of war that uproots so many people's lives
You have similar interests and both enjoy the simplicity of silence with someone that you care about
Hearing you talk, enticing him to talk with you with topics that you like and know he does as well because you want to include him
You care about his comfort and he's so unused to it but he loves it all the same
Possible relationship conflicts
Honestly, the only conflict that I can think of is the fact that the two of you are so similar in how you act around other people
You're both withdrawn and don't want to bring too much attention to yourselves, neither one of you really wanting to go out of your way to say anything or get into an argument with someone
You're both conscious of how other people are feeling that you don't pay attention to how you feel or how the way that the two of you feel affects the people around you, namely one another
You don't like to take about your feelings and neither does he in a way that isn't cryptic or poetic in a way that makes it too confusing for anyone other than Shingen to catch on to so, in those times where neither of you have really been able to communicate what you want, it gets difficult to be able to help each other
It isn't an issue that comes up too often because it's feeling comfortable around one another than makes you both feel more comfortable to take but there are times where the two of you need someone from outside to give you a little push because the two of you sometimes get too distant in trying to understand how the other feels because they refuse to say
Other possible matches
Mitsunari Ishida
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leona-florianova · 3 years
What's your mbti personalty if you don't mind sharing?
...My pseudoscience personality result changes depending on how I feel, how much I currently lie to myself about myself, and what language I picked for the test.. so i find it rather meaningless...
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Ooh. I really liked the MBTI compatibility you did earlier, so may I ask one for an INFP?
This is Mod S! I’m glad you enjoyed it, and I’d be happy to answer your request! 
Mod Cheshire did a more in depth version of this, which you can read here. This’ll be Code: Realize MBTI Compatibility: INFP (Mod S). So I’ll write the good, neutral and bad based on the typings of the guys that I did. 
Please don’t hesitate to let us know if there’s anything else you wanted.
In Summary: 
Good Compatibility with INFP: Abraham Van Helsing, Herlock Sholmes
Neutral Compatibility with INFP: Impey Barbicane, Victor Frankenstein
Bad Compatibility with INFP: Saint Germain, Arséne Lupin 
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faffreux · 2 years
omg im curious, whats your mbti personalty type! :Occc
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lveclouds · 2 years
OKAY i am back with a junhyeok primer!!!! truly sorry it got so long als;dfjals;dkjf <3 i hope some of these are helpful as u dive into tnx!! MWAH have fun !!!
04-liner, mbti is infj, representative emoji is 🐤, is generally regarded as the group ace and he's proud of that, but i think he would consider himself a vocalist first!
is very cute and knows it, doesn't mind being the group's aegyo master, and considers imitating emojis one of his special talents
athletic, good at games, loves basketball :)
has the world's cutest pet hamster named jenny
falling (harry styles)
beautiful (wanna one)
versace on the floor (bruno mars)
short self-intro vid
field trip to arcade w/ hwi
tingle interview w/ kyungjun
superstar play + keyword talk w/ sungjun
the new six, their reality series leading up to debut! really good + gives a good grasp of their personalties
a playlist of some key sbs loud performances
car interview
mafia dance
hit village
idol ability market
TYSM MEG!!! and pls i don't mind that this is long <333 (more content for me to chekc out hehe) and AHHHH IM SO SO EXCITED TO STAN TNX <33333 TYSM AGAIN FOR THIS PRIMER ILU MWAH 💖💖💖💖
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wannableahgase · 3 years
Ship Guidelines
This account is now closed
 You can give me feedback on my ships here  🌌
I will post here every kpop/anime ship I do, for which groups and how to submit a request for them^^ 
⭐️ If requests are closed but you send one it WON’T be deleted but it’ll probably take me a bit of time to get to it. If you’re patient then it’s no problem to send requests even if they’re closed ✨
⭐️ If the group has units you can specify which unit/s, you can also request separate ships for more than one unit or you can request the whole group.
⭐️FOR ANIME SHIPS (idk about this but) Haikyuu, Fullmetal alchemist are the only anime I have seen that I can actually ship you with lol All the other ones I have watched I feel like I wouldn’t be able to think of ships ( e.g. When they cry, future diary etc.) sorryyy...
🌙 every ship can be private and by private I mean : Pictures not shown, username not shown, information you have given me not shown. 
🌙  Submit an ask ( They can be anonymous ) if there are no pictures and you don’t mind the information you have given to be shown
🌙 Submissions are for when your request has a picture and/or you want the information and/or username private.
🌙 Please specify which things you want to be private. ^^
Selca ships : Open
🌙 Submit a picture(or a few) of yourself, filters are fine just nothing that hides your face too much.
🌙 Specify which groups you would like
🌙 I ship based on pictures. I could add some comments om why but no long descriptions
⭐️ Boy groups for this ship : BTS, Got7, Stray kids, Wanna one(all units), Ab6ix, CIX, Monsta X, Exo(all units), Nct (all units+wayv), ACE, Day6(+ even of day unit), Ateez, Seventeen (all units), Astro (+  MOONBIN & SANHA unit), ikon, Winner, MCND, The boyz, Oneus,The rose, Pentagon, TXT, YDPP, Nex7 (not  groups but I can do 97line and 00 line)
⭐️ Girl groups for this ship : Blackpink, Mamamoo, Red velvet, (G)-Idle, Everglow, Oh my girl (all units), Dreamcatcher, CLC, Twice, Itzy, IOI(+ot7 sub unit), Pristin(+ Pristin V sub unit), Hinapia, Loona(all units)
Personalty ships : Open
🌙 Give a description of yourself^^ It doesn’t matter how long it is. It can have whatever you would like^^ Be creative no need to add just basic stuff like age etc. Tell me about your favourite books, movies, hogwarts house, mbti, pets or anything you can think of that makes you who you are.
🌙 No picture needed for this one I will ship you based on personality 
🌙 I will also give a short description on why I chose that person 
🌙 Up to 3 groups per request but you may request as many times as you want!
⭐️ Boy groups for this ship : BTS, Got7, Stray kids, Wanna one(all units), Ab6ix, CIX, Monsta X, Exo(all units), Nct (all units + wayv), Day6(+ even of day unit), Ateez, Seventeen (all units), Astro (+  MOONBIN & SANHA unit), The boyz, (not groups but I can do 97line and 00 line) 
⭐️ Girl groups for this ship : Blackpink, Mamamoo, Red velvet, (G)-Idle, CLC; Dreamcatcher, Pristin(only Pristin V sub unit)
Picture +personality ships : Open
🌙 I will ship you based on both your description and picture
🌙 Submit a picture/s of yourself
⭐️ Boy groups for this ship : BTS, Got7, Stray kids, Wanna one(all units), Ab6ix, CIX, Monsta X, Exo(all units), Nct (all units+wayv), Day6(+ even of day unit), Ateez, Seventeen (all units), Astro (+  MOONBIN & SANHA unit), The boyz, (not groups but I can do 97line and 00 line)
🌙 Give me a description of yourself ^^ It doesn’t matter how long it is. It can have whatever you would like^^ Be creative no need to add just basic stuff like age etc. Tell me about your favourite books, movies, hogwarts house, mbti, pets or anything you can think of that makes you who you are.
🌙 3 groups per request but you can request as many times as you want!
⭐️ Girl groups for this ship : Blackpink, Mamamoo, Red velvet, (G)-Idle, CLC; Dreamcatcher, Pristin(only Pristin V sub unit)
BBS/GBS ships : Open
🌙 I will give you a boyfriend/ girlfriend, best friend and a sibling like member (who will act like you’re their sibling). 
🌙 Give me a description of yourself ^^ It doesn’t matter how long it is. It can have whatever you would like^^ Be creative no need to add just basic stuff like age etc. Tell me about your favourite books, movies, hogwarts house, mbti, pets or anything you can think of that makes you who you are.
🌙  Pictures are optional
🌙 Up to 3 groups per request but you may request as many times as you want! 
⭐️ Boy groups for this ship : BTS, Got7, Stray kids, Wanna one(all units), Ab6ix, CIX, Monsta X, Nct (all units+wayv), Day6(+ even of day unit), Ateez, Seventeen (all units), Astro (+  MOONBIN & SANHA unit I can just choose what both of them fit), The boyz, (not groups but I can do 97line and 00 line)
  ⭐️ Girl groups for this ship : Blackpink, Mamamoo, Red velvet, (G)-Idle, CLC, Dreamcatcher, Pristin(+ Pristin V sub unit)
Hogwarts ships : Open
🌙 Pictures are optional
🌙 Give me a description of yourself ^^ It doesn’t matter how long it is. It can have whatever you would like^^ Be creative no need to add just basic stuff like age etc. Tell me about your favourite books, movies, mbti, favourite hogwarts class, if you would like to be in the quidditch team etc.
🌙 Tell me your Hogwarts house or I can try to sort you based on the description you give me ^^ 
🌙You can decide what you would like or I can choose from boyfriend/girlfriend, best friend/s(friend group works too if the groups you gave me have a lot of members), magical pet, Blood status, first person who befriends you, Yule ball date, enemy, enemy to friends and if you think of something you would like just tell me^^ If I like it I may even add it to this list.
🌙 up to one story per request which can contain as many groups as you would like. For example if you say two groups I will use members from both groups for one ship. You can always request multiple times with different groups.
⭐️ Boy groups for this ship : BTS, Got7, Stray kids, Wanna one(all units), Ab6ix, CIX, Monsta X, Nct (all units+wayv), Day6(+ even of day unit), Ateez, Seventeen (all units), Astro (+  MOONBIN & SANHA unit I can just choose what both of them fit), The boyz, (not groups but I can do 97line and 00 line)
 ⭐️ Girl groups for this ship : Blackpink, Mamamoo, Red velvet, (G)-Idle, CLC, Dreamcatcher, Pristin(+ Pristin V sub unit)
I will probably add more ships in the future so please stay tuned^^^If you have any ideas or ships you would like me to do feel free to text or send me an ask any time^^
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Can you do a list of the diaboy's personality type like ISTJ, ESFP, etc.? I remember seeing that on your old blog. For all the boys, please. Just write their names and their type along with which personality you think would be their perfect match. If you wanna go deeper, then do s boys first. I'll ask separately about the others. I respect your rules and I really am glad to have you in the fandom. I follow only your blog in dl fandom and I generally don't even follow fandom. Thanks for existing.
Ava: Thank you, anon, that’s so sweet to hear. I really appreciate that, you’re too kind. Thank you, very much. Also, just wish to put it out there, I am no expert on the mbti personalties, but I gave it a shot. ^^
Shuu is an ISFP. A good match of personality for Shuu would be an ESFJ, or even an ISFJ would be perfect, in my opinion. 
Reiji is an ISTJ. The personality of ESFP/ESTP is well-fitting to his personality type, however, I’m sure ISTP or ISFP would work too.
Ayato is an ESFP. A lover of the ISTJ/ISFJ category would perhaps be best for this boy, to balance out his extroverted sensing.
Kanato is an INFP. At first glance, I personally think a ISFJ or a INFJ would be best suited, but I’m sure ESFJ/ENFJ would, too.
Laito is an ENFP. A good match for him would be the INTJ type, or even the INFJ type. The ‘E’ alternatives might, as well.
Subaru is an ISFJ. The category of an ISTP/ISTF would be best suited, in my opinion, but ‘E’ alternatives would balance well, too.
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haikyuuphilia · 4 years
id like to get a romantic match w a boy pls,, infp-t, i don’t talk much but when i do i won’t shut up, i hv social anxiety but i wouldnt mind to be the first to initiate things, pretty chill, either super unbothered n lazy or just super hyper, crack many jokes, a lil clumsy, i love muSIC i always hv my earphones in, indie rock, rap, edgy genres, i hv a huge appetite, love caffeinated drinks, ppl get intimidated by my rbf but im acc rlly niCe, gaming, baking, cafe dates etc. thank you!
hi there lovely! thanks for sending in a request <3
i match you with...
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sugawara koushi
he’s perfect for you, esp. since you’re an infp!
if you’re feeling anxious or insecure (from the “turbulent” t part at the end of your mbti) then he’d be ideal for cheering you up
or getting you through any anxious feelings you have, just being there for you, always and without any pressure on you
suga really cares for you and would always be going to cafes with you
like you, he can be really chill but also go chaotic and hyper lmao
he thinks it’s cute that you’re clumsy but it also worries him
loves your music taste even though he doesn’t know most the songs
if you play something while you’re together or let him share your headphones, he’d love that
he’s the type to make you a playlist of songs you’ve played for him called “our songs” or something cheesy <3
he wasn’t put off by your rbf at all! he knows you’re super sweet
imagine going to a cafe with him awww
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miya osamu
you guys VIBE. no other way to put it
he’s very similar to you in personalty, but not in the same aspects that suga is
also chill and come off as lazy or intimidating to others, so he gets you 100%
you two are the uninterested but hot couple
he’s a HUGE foodie so he’s glad you have a big appetite, too
he’d bake and cook for you, and it’d also make a really fun date idea!
you probably have a cafe you frequently go to for dates, like a weekly thing
you and osamu try out the entire menu over all the times you’ve been there
he probably loves music, too, and your taste is spot on with his
really likes your jokes!!! others are surprised by how relaxed and happy he gets, but it’s all bc he’s around you <3
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hwajin · 3 years
i like lue! (btw it's similar to the word moon in portuguese, lua)
btw, i love mbti and even though hyunjin seems to be a lot similar to infp personality, there's a high chance he's not
skz took the 16 personalities test, and that site often mistypes ppl bcs they don't take cognitive functions into account (which is basically what mbti really is) they just base off of the 4 letters
anyways don't mind me ranting abt my nerdy stuff i get caught up
ahhh, that's beautiful oml🥺
and i didn't know the thing about the mbti tests! i remember doing the 16 personalities test once out of curiosity and got infp but i never payed more attention to it so i only now realized that my test result is the same as hyunjin's, but i rlly don't know anything about the different personalties so like- i don't know at all what they mean and stuff haha
also rant to me about nerdy stuff whenever you want!!!
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shibalen · 4 years
haikyuu match up please ❤️ my mbti is ISTP (turbulent) and my zodiac sign is cancer(they’re both pretty accurate). Some hobbies I have are reading, sports, and playing video games. I enjoy coffee, a lot. I have a dog and a cat, but I’m also scared of other people’s dogs lol. I suppose a fun fact is I sleep a lot, I can’t help it. Cereal before milk!! My preference is males, I would like a romantic match up. I have no preferences except the same height or taller than me (5’6) thank you 💜
♡ matchup for @apskis
hihi! i'm sorry about the wait and thank you for your patience! i've found a nice match for you d(`・∀・)b
|| Haikyuu: i match you with . . .
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Kei Tsukishima
(so so, since I only had your MBTI and zodiac to go off for your personality, I chose him for you mostly based on those traits)
Tsukki could no doubt use someone more sensitive than himself to level out his blunt nature but also someone who can keep up with him on an intellectual level.
You fit those requirements perfectly! ♡
On the other hand, Tsukki can ease your mood swings smootly thanks to his collected disposition while still providing the new challenges and excitement you need.
The beginning for you two was kind of bumpy, your differing personalties making it difficult to find a common ground and just talk.
Neither of you probably liked the other much at first. You passive-aggressively competed in many of your classes as you solved the same problems in very different manners.
He didn't want to admit it, being the proud and salty french fry he is, but he found your way of thinking intriguing. Kei has a very logical approach on his surroundings while you tend explore ideas and are generally more open to experiments.
Because of this, even now you never cease to surprise him. He may complain but honestly he can't get enough of ya.
He has learned most of your habits and traits to predict your more impulsive episodes yet he can never figure you out entirely.
You're also more open with your emotions while remaining relaxed. This gradually helps Tsukki learn how to express his feelings too u.u
His love language is words of affirmation but that translates to teasing you relentlessly with that smug smirk on his face.
Will challenge you to debates just for fun.
Thankfully you're as tall as you are, it makes it easier to give you kisses when he's feeling generous (ゝ∀・)
Calls you shortie anyway
Not much into pysical affection :/ Occasionally though he likes casually having his arm around your shoulder or holding your hand (in private only, too nsfw for public)
He doesn't mind that you sleep a lot. Rather he enjoys it because it's peaceful way to spend time with you (while you're taking a nap and he's studying, for example) (つω`)
If you're waking up and catch him looking over at you from the desk, he's going to hide his embarrassment
"Oh, were you admiring me?"
"You snore in your sleep."
Smooth af
The variety of dates you two go on is so hecking wide. Showing each other your favorite sports? Yep. Training together to keep fit? Definitely. Staying inside, reading books and sharing your opinions? Yes, please. Walks in the park with your dog? Sign me tf up!
Tsukki's more of a cat person imo but your cat probably doesn't like him oof. You find it hilarious how they sometimes glare at each other across the room.
Shares his music with you when you're spending time together after a tiring week. You sit there, sharing earbuds and leaning against each other in complete and utter peace.
Relaxing coffee breaks? Relaxing coffee breaks. Tsukki most definitely has your favorite coffee order memeorised.
You bring coffee to each other during exam weeks and make sure the other doesn't burn out. So wholesome ♡
Tsukki may say some mildly mean stuff about not paying enough attention in class but he's sure as hell gonna make sure you stay healthy.
Tries to low-kew show off whenever you come to cheer him on during practice or one of his games. The other boys still notice and bully him for it lmao
Feels insecure though when they start getting along with you so well (。•́︿•̀
"Hey, Hinata, you guys were great out there."
"Thanks, y/n! It was nice to have you cheering us on!"
"Shouldn't you be practicing instead though to actually score some points next time?"
Please assure him you're not going to leave his side.
Honestly, you'd make such a powerful couple. Just wow. You're so competitive yet so supportive of each other, and I have no words except that I love this Σ(๑0ω0๑)
runner ups: Kenma Kozume, Eita Semi
whoop here you go, hopefully you enjoyed it! i don't personally feel very confident about the hcs since Tsukki is a bit of a difficult character for me. if there are any changes you'd like or if you have feedback in general, don't hesitate to message me. have a nice day ♡
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