#metered poetry
buglarvainspector · 5 months
Peace-making offer, he nudges the plate -
attempting to placate what must seem like hate.
My favorites. I eye them -
well-knowing they're bait.
(Does it matter the kind? When's the last time I ate?
I could use just a something.)
Folding my arms, we both sit back and wait.
The nerve - yes, I'm hungry. This truce is a plot.
If I take one, I'm stuck - bribed, won over and bought.
My favorites. I eye them -
I think they're still hot.
(Does it matter the kind? It's a backhanded shot
and I think I've lost out.)
Still, he humors my silence, though he chuckles a lot.
I took one. I did. And the argument stopped.
Once my stomach stopped growling, my point simply flopped.
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fictionadventurer · 1 month
NaPoWriMo #31: A poem that begins at the end of something, then moves backwards
He loved And looked And sealed her doom Forever now the widowed groom
He loved And looked Through death's domain And swore he'd bring her home again
He loved And looked As died the wife Too quickly taken from this life
He loved And looked And wed the bride He vowed to keep safe at his side
At his first sight The beauty there Devotion sparked Beyond compare
He lost, yet knew the gift she was And all because He looked And loved
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leohtttbriar · 1 year
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calamitys-child · 5 months
Something something the curtains are blue or whatever but underappreciated media analysis phenomenon is when someone else reads something you wrote and points out the blue curtains that you hadn't even noticed yourself hanging up while you built it. Like fuck they sure are I genuinely hadn't noticed I just flung em up I was concentrating on the carpet. Hey that shade of blue goes nice with the carpet huh. I should get more decor in that colour. Does this make sense to anyone
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septembersung · 2 months
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willknightauthor · 1 year
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creatediana · 2 months
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"My Dog Doesn't Know It's My Birthday (You're the Cream in My Coffee)" - a Shakespearean sonnet written 4/25/2024
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inflammatory · 2 months
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poeticnorth · 2 months
Never did I think I would ever write a poem that's essentially over 90 stanzas (and counting) of Thor and Odin having a dick measuring contest.
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buglarvainspector · 5 months
John Wayne Western
The plot
Guy shoots some drunken sucker dead,
gets smacked up some and fires more lead,
then cue John's bottle to 'is head.
John hauls him out to jail instead.
But he's got friends. The town's in dread.
The girl
The batting lashes. Wily, head-
strong little card-shark mistress said,
"Why, sheriff, I've purfumed my bed.
A night in jail?
My room's less stale."
And in he struts.
In love? Misled?
The fight
The bad guys keep one step ahead -
they're filling extras up with lead
on dusty streets, while John get fed
up, leaves the jail, risks all, bleeds red
and with one shot
(the last he's got)
at last he sees the villain dead.
The end
Justice hung by just a thread.
The girl waits, pats his thoroughbred.
She'll catch his eye -
stagecoach nearby -
attempt "goodbye," and wind up wed.
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fictionadventurer · 2 months
NaPoWriMo #15: A poem of at least ten lines where all lines start with the same word
Because man doubted God, he ate the apple. Because man sinned, the garden gates were barred. Because Abram showed faith, God promised glory Because his sons would outnumber the stars.
Because they cried, God led them out of Egypt. Because He swept the sea, they passed dry-shod. Because they sinned, He gave them the commandments Because the Law helps man relate to God.
Because they feared the giant, God sent David. Because the shepherd trusted, he was king. Because the kingdom fell, God vowed salvation Because a savior from this stump would spring.
Because the virgin loved, she gave her fiat. Because she did, the Word became a man. Because she asked, her son made wine from water Because it was a sign of God's great plan.
Because the crowds were lost, He came and taught them. Because they starved, He gave them holy bread. Because the sick believed in Him, He healed them. Because they died, He raised them from the dead.
Because He was betrayed, He was arrested. Because He claimed God's name, they struck Him down. Because He claimed to be a king, they scourged Him. Because they mocked, He wore a thorn-filled crown.
Because the crowds demanded it, they hung Him. Because He loved, He offered no complaint. Because it was the will of God, He suffered Because it would atone for Adam's taint.
Because He died, the world did shake and darken. Because He died, they laid Him in a grave. Because all hope seemed lost, his friends all sorrowed Because it seemed He'd lost his chance to save.
Because He was God's Son, He rose victorious Because He had defeated death's domain. Because the women came, they found Him risen. Because He rose, He will forever reign.
Because of all Your faithfulness I praise You Because You showed Your Love through years of strife. Because You rose, I sing with great rejoicing Because You give your people lasting life.
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trough · 2 months
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what if i posted the not-actually poetry/free verse poem I wrote about those frickin catfish
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abalidoth · 7 months
the apple met with Adam's lips,
but down Eve's gullet fell,
the light of knowing nudity
a special kind of hell.
but Eve she wasn't satisfied
with just a single rib
the light the serpent lit that day
would make for Lilith's crib.
as Lilith gorged on apple pie
her womanhood transformed
a taste known only to themself
the feminine, but scorned.
they left their Lilith skin behind
as Raziel in flames
red-forged gears in clockwork heart
to put the Spheres to shame.
and Raziel it will ascend
a god and the machine
become some other Adam's snake
the cycle starting clean.
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madnessofmen · 1 year
While I pleaded, nigh beseeching, suddenly there came a screeching, As of some Beaſt mournf'lly creaching, creaching at my chamber door
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