#mister jefferson
mallowjiccesyt · 1 year
Life Is Strange Remastered - Part 31 [PC]
Max warns everyone about Nathan. Victoria is next on the list to be kidnapped. Should Max warn Victoria about the impending danger that she might face?
Subscribe to my YouTube Channel: Mallowjicces YT
For Life Is Strange Remastered Gameplay, see this playlist:  https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLIeDZMG-0ZA4Ewd56PikA4SijRpYziu
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dailydccomics · 8 months
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hey Mari are you lookin for the GOD KILLER ON TOP OF THE FRIDGE????? Death of the New Gods #2
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lylethewaterguy · 1 year
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moldedstrawberry · 10 months
I haven't watched the trailer, (I avoid trailers, retrospectives, etc. for games I'm really anticipating), but I saw that bit with Miles and Martin Li and I'm really excited about that. Martin was wronged by Norman Osborn, but in his quest for revenge he did the same thing to Miles that Norman did to him. Martin is so lucky Miles became Spider-Man instead of a new Mister Negative. I can't believe I never realized that Miles and Martin never interact in the first game, so I love that the devs are going to establish some real consequences beyond Martin probably going to the Raft. It's also some real tasty conflict that the Spider-Man ip is so good at.
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ghoulcandy · 2 years
My VERY REAL hot adult tip is to keep your most important documents in a silly folder or binder and not just any old black/manilla/white one so you ALWAYS know exactly what to look for when you need it!!!
for example, i keep mine in, how you say, a miku binder--
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comicwaren · 2 years
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From Marvel’s Voices: Comunidades Vol. 2 #001
“A Small Mercy”, by Fabian Nicieza, Paco Medina, Walden Wong and Ceci de la Cruz
“Music to My Ears”, by Edgar Delgado and Luis Morocho
“Secret Savior”, by Alex Segura, Rogê Antônio and Israel Silva
“Shark-Girl’s Day Off”, by Zoraida Córdova, Yasmín Flores Montañez and Frank Williams
“More With Less”, by Carlos Hernandez, Marcelo Costa and Manuel Puppo
“Celebration”, by Dio Neves and Frank Williams
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marice23top · 11 months
CHAPTER 2 -Prowler Miles X Deadpool ( fem) Reader
Taglist: @bath1lda @niktwazny303​ @sorryi-mtrash
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Jackerman Parker
 A man I haven't seen in years, the man who had done the worst thing to me and to my Lover life. Our lives were ruined because of this man.
The man who gave me my dumb powers, and the man who…
 The helped framed  the Murderer of…
Captain Jefferson Davis
                                                     THE EVENT 
“Welcome all and welcome to the new society. I Jackerman, am here to tell you how we plan to overrun Fisk tower and destroy the company to become the biggest and strongest group in Brooklyn '' Jackerman states to the crowd of old Fisk workers. “ I understand what Fisk has ruined our lives and it's time to take all that power away from him  starting today we will be the new rulers!!” he yells as the crowd of villains yell with excitement, not ready to know they will all be either hospitalized or dead by the end of this Event.
In the crowd only two people were not cheering; they looked as if they wanted to rip the man on stage, head off his body and throw it to the moon.
“You ready “ “ready as i'll ever be” As she states this she cocks her gun and starts to lift it up as he places his gauntlet on his arm charging it up. “Let's get this party started” she says smirking at the boy before shooting the two man in front of her dead in their heads.
“ Two done many to go” she says, but at the sound of a gunshot all the men in the crowd turn to only see the girl with two machine guns instead of the smaller guns she had.
“WHO”S READY TO PARTY '' as she yells she starts the guns and starts to laugh at the dying group's misfortune.
“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA” but within twenty seconds most of the men were dead and the machine guns were out of bullets. With that the men who lived under the master gun get up and grab their  weapons ready to attack. She sees this and starts to move back into a darker part of the event  Yelling “PROOWWWLEEERRR, IT'S YOUR TURN TO HAVE SOME FUN!!!” before getting shot in the head and falling to the ground.
But once the men turned to see who shot her, the man's head who shot her was grabbed and skull was crushed. All that is left is a dark purple figure standing there. “Time to meet yalls end” said a dark voice from the person, before sprinting to the group and  killing  each and every one of them. 
While this was happening Mr. Parker was trying to find some way to escape the building after seeing that girl get shot and another killer coming, he knew they were both after him. As he makes it to the door he finally thinks he has freedom only to hear.
“Mr.Jackermmaaannn, where are you going you can’t leave yet me and my friend upstairs have some questions for you” that voice of a young girl, the same voice as the girl who was shot not just a while ago in the head early. 
‘How, how can this be when I saw her get killed… no it can’t be her’ he thinks to himself, terror filling his eyes as he sees the girl with a bullet wound in her head that seemed to be healing, but also to the face of the girl, a face he couldn’t forget.
“Come on, Jackerman, don't fight me. Me and  that guy upstairs really need to talk to you, mostly him though” she tells him smiling up at him with death in her eyes. But when he makes no way to move she knows what she has to do. She looks at him before looking up and then whistling up to the person above.
 And that's when he blacked out.
“Wakey,wakkeey Jackerman we have some questions” says the girl looking down at the man tied to the structure of the building.
He opens his eyes to see not only the girl with magically no bullet wound in her head anymore, but a new member whose purple glowing eyes seemed to be glaring into his soul looking for purpose to kill him off right now.
“WHERE AM I, LET ME GO!” he yells at them but counties, “WHO ARE YOU TWO!!”
“You don't remember me mister Jackermen? I mean you the reason I'm here right now and him oh, he wants to kill you, but we need something about a certain man” The girl says still smiling at him like they were friends but in her eyes you can see the true emotion in them.
“Do you know Jefferson Davis the man you legally helped kill and to be honest my buddie up there really needs to know” she says to him pointing up to the parched being with glowing eyes.
“I do but I only tell you if you both tell me your names, '' Jackerman asked with fear as he wanted to know who they were, but not thinking that if they told him he was going to have to die now.
“OK!” The girl says liking to make him remember and to tell them later about why they had to ask them the question in the first place.
“Im Y/n Fisk you might remember me, you tortured me when I was younger and then experimented on me turning me into an unkillable being. And that guy up there is Miles, SAY HI MILES'' Y/n explains who they are with a wide grin seeing the terror on his face grow even more because he remembered and  Miles drooping down to get right in the mans face, that's when Y/n knew that this was now Miles turn to ask more about the killer of his father. So she looked at him and moved to the side of the room, watching Miles torture people was kinda hot.
                                  AFTER THE TORTURING
“Y/n” “ hmm yes' ' he didn't kill him but he gave me a lead on who” “oh that's great ... He's dead ""yep mission over, cmon  Princesa Hermosa, Vamos a casa juntas ""YEAAAAHHHH!!!”
Princesa Hermosa —-> Beautiful princess
Vamos a casa juntas —---> Let's go home together 
(Changed the main story a bit that miles dad wasn’t killed by trying to save some and getting crushed, but to trying to save someone and getting murder like uncle ben>):
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Sir Washington! Its great to finally see you again
Mister Jefferson! It's good to have you back. And I see I am still on your "dislike"-list. *chuckles*
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donaruz · 4 months
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𝗕𝘂𝗼𝗻 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲𝗮𝗻𝗻𝗼 𝗝𝗮𝗻𝗶𝘀
Janis Joplin non desiderava altro che essere accettata.
Già alle superiori, i compagni della Thomas Jefferson High School di Port Arthur, un’orrenda cittadina texana, la evitavano.
Era un tipo particolare Janis, vestiva in modo strano, fumava, beveva e dipingeva.
Le notti passate a piangere nel buio della sua stanza in compagnia del cibo, l’unico amico che aveva, l’avevano fatta diventare la classica “cicciona” che i ragazzi prendevano in giro con epiteti come “porco”, “mostro” “nigger lovers”.
Il suo diciassettesimo compleanno fu una liberazione.
Appena diplomata scappò via da quell’orrenda cittadina e dai compagni che per anni l’avevano bullizzata, per iniziare con entusiasmo l’Università del Texas, ad Austin.
E al college si fece subito notare.
Camminava scalza, indossava i jeans a lezione, portava sempre con sé il suo autoharp (strumento simile ad un dulcimer, usato nella musica folk tradizionale) non indossava mai il reggiseno, lasciando intravedere quei capezzoli che anni dopo avrebbero incantato il pubblico del Monterey Pop.
Nell’ottobre del 1962 le confraternite più note dell’università indissero due concorsi ispirati alla “bella e la bestia” per assegnare il titolo di “Miss Tette” e “Mister Mostro”, la ragazza con il seno più bello e il ragazzo più brutto del campus.
Ogni confraternita aveva il proprio concorrente: i ragazzi per farsi votare indossavano vestiti appariscenti e volgari, le ragazze ampie scollature a V.
I nomi dei finalisti sarebbero stati scritti su una lavagna enorme posta per l’occasione nel mezzo del campus.
E fu lì che Janis scoprì il suo nome.
Ma non fra le candidate a “Miss Tette”; tra i candidati a “Mister Mostro”, a gareggiare per il titolo di ragazzo più brutto dell’università.
Fu quella sera che Janis conobbe altri due nuovi amici, che le avrebbero fatto compagnia per tutta la vita:
la droga e l’alcol, che nel giro di pochi anni metteranno a tacere per sempre la voce graffiante di un’artista ribelle che non chiedeva altro che essere accettata.
Janis Lyn Joplin nasce a Port Arthur il 19 Gennaio 1943
Racconti da vinile
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This was the only thing I could get myself to draw for today.
While George appreciates his young nation's spirit, he's often left without words. (Non-cut off text below cut).
“And then I told Mattie that if he wants his only friends to keep on being the beavers and moose then that's FINE, he can keep stroking father's ego for the next century for all I care! Who needs family when I've got friends in high places that've got my back like Spain and France, even though Good Ol Ben has been over in France for like months now and Adams says the only sort of affairs he's arranged have been illicit, which I'm not even sure what he means by that, but besides, Lafayette is cool and super helpful and stuff so then I mean France isn't ALL bad and he's taking me seriously and Mister Prussia vouches for him and I trust Mister Prussia he's so wise and knowledgeable about everything. Though even still I trust Ben too and Hamilton says that Adams is a fat, stuffy old codger anyway and while I'm not sure about all that, Adams DOES remind me of England a fair bit now that I think about it, with like the way he acts and stuff or do you think I'm just like projecting or something Jefferson says that something I have the tendency to do that but I don't think–”
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nordleuchten · 4 months
Ah, Tumblr. Why would they hide my question from you🥲? Here is the rather long question that I wanted to ask.
I've been wondering about Lafayette's interactions with his in-laws—not the Noailles, but his children's. What did he think about his sons-in-law? Did they get along? How did the marriages take place, or anything related to them?
I'm currently in the very long process of writing a novel about Adrienne, now entering the French Revolution, still having a long way to go before any of the Lafayette kids get married. But my God, the French Revolution is stressful as hell to write☹️. I just want my girl to get some rest… And so, I guess I just want to skip ahead to the lighthearted part. While Adrienne’s thoughts and interactions are pretty much all in Virginie’s book, and maybe some in her sister’s memoirs, Mister Lafayette’s is a bit confusing for me because he has so much information from all different sources. (Which brings me to my next question: What book do you recommend for referencing information about Gilbert? It’s too stressful to always go from one source to another for him.😭)
The information on this blog has been immensely helpful! I would have been lost as to where to find the sources that I needed. hope you have a good day, and hold on to your historical passion! 👍☺️
Dear @daydream-247,
first of all, that sounds like a very interesting project! When you come around to publishing something, I would absolutely love to read it! And thank you for your kind word, it is always nice to hear that other people can take something away from what I post and are not annoyed by me. :-)
As to the partners of his children, La Fayette had a very good relationship with all of them. I am actually quite happy that you asked about that part of the family, since this topic is quite dear to my heart. I think there is not enough talk about that – as it is with so many things in La Fayette’s life that have nothing to do with Revolutions and America. The La Fayette’s and their family and friends were so tight nit, so intimate and loving. La Fayette – and also Adrienne, while she was still alive, loved being grand-parents and in La Fayette’s case later great-grandparents. While their children were able to go their own ways in live, they and their families always remained very close to their parents. The children’s marriages were happy ones – not without personal tragedy of course, but they all weathered the challenges thrown at them. To the best of my knowledge, there were no affairs, mistresses, and betrayals in that generation.
But enough of me being fascinated by family dynamics, lets us get to your question! La Fayette wrote on December 1, 1802 to James Madison:
I Live in an Agreable place, About forty Miles from paris. My Children are With me. Georges Has Married the daughter of Tracy whom Mr. Jefferson Has known in the Constituent Assembly and Who is One of His Warmest Admirers. My Elder daughter is the Wife of Charles La tour Maubourg the Youngest Brother of My Olmutz Companion and Has two Lovely Little Girls. My daughter in Law is Within a few Months to Encrease Our family. Georges is Now at turin Where the 11th Rgt of Huzzards Has its Quarters. Virginia, My Younger daughter, will, I think, Be Married Before Long.
“To James Madison from Lafayette, 1 December 1802,” Founders Online, National Archives, https://founders.archives.gov/documents/Madison/02-04-02-0176. [Original source: The Papers of James Madison, Secretary of State Series, vol. 4, 8 October 1802 – 15 May 1803, ed. Mary A. Hackett, J. C. A. Stagg, Jeanne Kerr Cross, Susan Holbrook Perdue, and Ellen J. Barber. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1998, pp. 166–170.] (01/25/2024)
La Fayette was right concerning Virginie. She married on April 20, 1803. She would probably have married sooner, but La Fayette slipped on the icy pavement that winter and broke his femur close to the hip bone – an injury that is no laughing matter, neither in the 21st nor in the early 19th century. The wedding was postponed, giving La Fayette time to recover.
Let us now have a closer look at the marriages and resulting families of each of Adrienne’s and La Fayette’s children. Anastasie, their oldest surviving child, was the first one to marry. She married Juste-Charles de Faÿ de la Tour-Maubourg. Charles was the younger brother of Marie-Charles-César de Faÿ, comte de la Tour-Maubourg. César was one of La Fayette’s dearest friends. Do you remember this heartbreaking letter La Fayette wrote after Adrienne’s death? That letter was addressed to César, and I have never again seen La Fayette lay his soul and emotions so open – not even in front of Washington.
Charles was for a very, very short time imprisoned as well but quickly freed. After all the prisoners of Olmütz were set free, they settled at Wittmold and were reunited with their respected families. It was there that Anastasie met – or at least fell in love with, Charles. They were married on Mai 8, 1798 in the private chapel in Wittmold by the Abbé Luchet (and oh this blasted certificate of marriage! One day, one day …) They soon started their own family, and it was here that tragedy struck. While both of their twin daughters survived the birth, one died only a few weeks later. Sadly, the little girl is often forgotten and not at all mentioned when La Fayette’s grandchildren are discussed. I will not say much about the grandchildren here in general because firstly, this post would get even longer than it already is (I am so sorry!) and secondly, I have a post in the making going through all of the grandchildren and possible some great-grandchildren – including the ones that died young or were stillborn/miscarried. I feel they should not be left out. Anastasie lost at least two, if not more children and Georges lost at least one daughter. So, different topic for a different post if you do not mind.
What is interesting about Anastasie’s marriage – especially her Noailles relatives appeared to be less than enthusiastic about the match. Anastasie’s aunt, the Marquise de Montague wrote in her own memoirs:
Frau von La Fayette fand die Parthie nicht allein sehr angemessen, sondern auch wie man damals das Recht hatte zu hoffen, sehr vortheilhaft. Der General war von ganzem Herzen damit einverstanden. In Witmold aber schrie man laut dagegen, wie nur das Projekt zur Sprache kam. Herr von Mun behauptete nur bei den Wilden Amerika‘s könne man sich so verheirathen, und Frau von Tessé bestand darauf, man hätte seit Adam und Eva nichts Gleiches gesehen. Die Sarkasmen nüßten Nichts, Frau von La Fayette hielt sich fest, und als Alles unwiderruflich entschieden war, sah man, wie sich die Unzufriedenheit der Frau von Tessé in eine zärtliche und liebenswürdige Sorgsamkeit auflöste.
Marquise of Montague, Anna Pauline Dominika von Noailles, Marquise von Montague – Ein Lebensbild, Münster, Aschendorff, 1871, p. 204.
My translation:
Madame de La Fayette not only thought the match very appropriate, but also, as one had the right to hope at the time, very advantageous. The General was wholeheartedly in favour of it. In Witmold, however, they protested loudly against it as soon as the project was brought up. Mr von Mun [I have no idea who he was] claimed that only among the savages of America one could marry in this way, and Madame de Tessé insisted that nothing like it had been seen since Adam and Eve. The sarcasm was of no avail, Madame La Fayette held her ground, and when everything was irrevocably decided, Mademe de Tessé’s dissatisfaction dissolved into a tender and amiable diligence.
As you see, Adrienne’s and La Fayette’s primary concern was the happiness of their daughter. La Fayette wrote on May 20, 1798 to George Washington:
We Have spent the winter in Holstein, on danish territory, in a Hired Country Seat about Sixty English miles from Hamburgh—My friend Latour Maubourg and His family were with us—we had visits from france and other Countries—(…). Here My eldest daughter Anastasie was Married to Charles Maubourg my friends’ Youngest Brother.
“To George Washington from Lafayette, 20 May 1798,” Founders Online, National Archives, https://founders.archives.gov/documents/Washington/06-02-02-0213. [Original source: The Papers of George Washington, Retirement Series, vol. 2, 2 January 1798 – 15 September 1798, ed. W. W. Abbot. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1998, pp. 282–285.] (01/25/2024)
I am honestly not quite sure what the problem here was. Since the Noailles part of the family voiced their criticism, the problem seems to lay primarily with Charles. The critics very much still belonged to the “arranged-marriage-for the advancement-of-the-family” generation and I suppose that was the issue. The marriage was not arranged and both the La Fayette’s and the La Tour-Maubourg’s were “ruined” during the French Revolution. There was not much for both parties to expect – beside a happy marriage based on mutual love and affection.
La Fayette at once started to include his new son-in-law in his letter:
My wife, my daughters, my Son in law Beg the tender Homage of their Affection, Gratitude and Respect to Be presented to you, my dear General, and to Mrs Washington (…)
“To George Washington from Lafayette, 20 May 1798,” Founders Online, National Archives, https://founders.archives.gov/documents/Washington/06-02-02-0213. [Original source: The Papers of George Washington, Retirement Series, vol. 2, 2 January 1798 – 15 September 1798, ed. W. W. Abbot. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1998, pp. 282–285.] (01/25/2024)
The next one to marry was Georges. He married Françoise Émilie Destutt de Tracy. Just like with his older sister’s husband, there was already a connection between La Fayette and his new in-laws. Émilie’s father, Antoine Louis Claude Destutt de Tracy, was one of La Fayette’s oldest friends. They became friends prior to the French Revolution and both later served in the Chambre des Deputes and had similar political views, they both opposed Napoléon’s rise to power.
Based on his writings alone, Émilie might have been La Fayette’s favourite. He wrote to Thomas Jefferson on January 20, 1802:
My Son Has Returned to His Regiment in Italy—I Expect Him in the Spring, and probably to Marry a Very Amiable daughter to the Senator tracy Whom You Have known as a patriot Member of the Constituent Assembly
“To Thomas Jefferson from Lafayette, 30 January 1802,” Founders Online, National Archives, https://founders.archives.gov/documents/Jefferson/01-36-02-0305. [Original source: The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, vol. 36, 1 December 1801–3 March 1802, ed. Barbara B. Oberg. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2009, pp. 480–481.] (01/25/2024)
He reported on November 1, 1802, again to Thomas Jefferson:
With me they Now Are Retired into the State of Rural Life Where I am fixed Among the Comforts of An United Loving family—it Has Been, Encreased, as I Did in time inform You, By the Happy Acquisition of an Amiable Daughter in Law (…)
“To Thomas Jefferson from Lafayette, 1 November 1802,” Founders Online, National Archives, https://founders.archives.gov/documents/Jefferson/01-38-02-0551. [Original source: The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, vol. 38, 1 July–12 November 1802, ed. Barbara B. Oberg. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2011, pp. 616–617.] (01/25/2024)
He wrote on August 18, 1800 to his friend Masclet:
My whole family is now collected at this place, where my aunt had been for many years despairing ever to see us. It has been also for me a great satisfaction to present to her my beloved daughter-in-law Emilie Tracy, now the wife of the happy George, and in whom I find every amiable quality my heart could wish for. I intend conducting the young couple back to Auteuil towards the middle of Fructidor, my return there being hastened by the news of the intended journey wherein General Fitzpatrick and Charles Fox are to meet at Paris.
Jules Germain Cloquet, Recollections of the Private Life of General Lafayette, Baldwin and Cradock, London, 1835, p. 110.
Here is what La Fayette wrote about Émilie to Thomas Jefferson on February 21, 1825, right after the death of her mother:
We intend to Come again from Boston to Newyork, Philadelphia, Washington and to pay you a Visit at Monticello Before we Embark By the Middle of August for france Where We Are Recalled, Sooner than We Expected, By the most lamentable death of mde de tracy george’s Mother in law. I Have urged My Son to Return immediately But His generous wife, who is a tender daughter to me, Had on the first moment of the loss, adjured Him not to leave me, and it is a Great Motive for Me to Make as much Haste As We Can With propriety do it.
“To Thomas Jefferson from Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du Motier, marquis de Lafayette, 21 February 1825,” Founders Online, National Archives, https://founders.archives.gov/documents/Jefferson/98-01-02-4986. [This is an Early Access document from The Papers of Thomas Jefferson: Retirement Series. It is not an authoritative final version.] (01/25/2024)
La Fayette wrote much about Émilie and all that he wrote was very positive. What he wrote about his sons-in-law was different – not to say that there was less affection, but it was, at least on paper, expressed differently. Now, why was that? It could be for personal reasons, La Fayette simply “clicked” better with Émilie. It could be because Émilie spend much more time with and around La Fayette than his sons-in-law did. It could be because, by social convention, you would and could write differently about your daughter-in-law then about your sons-in-law. Lastly, and that is just a hunch of mine, Émilie, as a woman, was the one to bear the children. For La Fayette children were definitely in the female domain – not because he necessarily thought that childbirth should be a women’s only purpose but because I think he understood and valued that the birth of a child was the result of a great deal of pain and work on the women’s side and a, while biological important, negatable part on the man’s part. In short, I like to imagine that the thanked and valued Émilie for her hard work in making him a grandfather.
La Fayette addressed and described Émilie as his daughter, he wrote about having “three daughters” (to James Madison, August 28, 1826). While the same sentiment was definitely present in the relationships with his sons-in-law, I think he never put it quite that distinctly to paper. But enough about Émilie, let us move on to the last couple.
As I have already mentioned Virginie married Louis de Lasteyrie du Saillant, Marquis de Lasteyrie on April 20, 1803. I believe that Louis was a nephew of a friend of La Fayette but I would need to check that again. Louis died quite young, aged 46 in 1826 and he was buried on the ground reserved for the La Fayette family on the Picpus Cemetery. He was buried there after Adrienne and before La Fayette.
Things were looking pretty good on the domestic front for La Fayette. Within five years, all of his children were happily married and two of them had already little families of their own. What was probably most important, despite her failing health, Adrienne saw all three of her surviving children marry.
In letters to his friends, particular to Thomas Jefferson, La Fayette never forgot to give updates not only about himself but also about his children and their families. He often asked for them to be remembered to people just like he wanted to be remembered. He gave also updates on the military careers of his sons-in-law. Louis entered the Light Dragoons in 1804, leaving the army as a Colonel. Charles and George often served in closely related positions. They both realized that being attached to La Fayette would make advancement in the army difficult and so both of them left the army eventually. Neither of them seemed to hold any grudges.
That much in “short”. Now, as to books – the unsatisfactory answer is: It depends? Are you looking for a general overview, an overview about a specific topic, a political analyses, a character analysis, something critical, a personal account, something contemporary or something that was written much later, a collection of anecdotes to flesh out La Fayette’s character? There are sources for all of this, but they all serve different purposes.
I hope I could help you out and give you a starting point for your research. A chapter about the love lives of Anastasie, Georges and Virginie could definitely serve as a little cheer-up chapter between the French Revolution and Adrienne’s death – both for the readers and your characters. Happy writing and I hope you have/had a lovely day!
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best-tv-theme-song · 7 months
Polls will start to be posted within the next week or so.
Bracket list under the cut!
*Starred shows have multiple theme songs or I have combined shows in a franchise in an effort to include as much as possible. These will have preliminaries built-into their polls on the first round. This is how it works: 1. all of the songs will go into a poll together against one other show; 2. the COMBINED votes for those songs will determine which show wins that poll; 3. only the top voted song for that show/franchise will move on, if the show has won the poll. (If you are confused it will make more sense when we start, I promise!)
The 100
30 Rock
The Addams Family
Adventure Time*
The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genius
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
All That
The Amazing World of Gumball
American Dragon: Jake Long
Arcane: League of Legends
Arrested Development
Assassination Classroom*
Austin & Ally
The Backyardigans
Barney & Friends
Bear in the Big Blue House
Ben 10*
Better Call Saul
Beverly Hills, 90210
The Big Bang Theory
Big Time Rush
Bill Nye the Science Guy
Black Sails
Bob the Builder
Bob's Burgers
BoJack Horseman
Boy Meets World
The Brady Bunch
Breaking Bad
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Buffy the Vampire Slayer*
Captain Planet and the Planeteers
Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers
Choo Choo Soul
Code Lyoko
Codename: Kids Next Door
Cold Case
Cory in the House
Cowboy Bebop
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend*
Criminal Minds
Danny Phantom
Dawson's Creek
Death Note*
Desperate Housewives
Detective Conan
Dexter's Laboratory
Diff'rent Strokes
Doctor Who*
Dora the Explorer
Downton Abbey
Dragon Ball*
Dragon Tales
Drake & Josh
Ever After High
The Fairly OddParents
The Flintstones
Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends
Fraggle Rock
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
Full House
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood*
Game of Thrones
George Lopez
George of the Jungle
Gilmore Girls
The Golden Girls
Good Omens
Gravity Falls
Grey's Anatomy
H2O: Just Add Water
Hannah Montana
Happy Days
Hawaii Five-0*
His Dark Materials
Horrible Histories
House, M.D.
How I Met Your Mother
How It's Made
Hunter × Hunter
Huntik: Secrets & Seekers
I Dream of Jeannie
I Love Lucy
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
The Jeffersons
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure*
Justice League
Kim Possible
The Last of Us
Laverne & Shirley
Law & Order*
The Legend of Vox Machina
Lilo & Stitch: The Series
Little Einsteins
Lizzie McGuire
Looney Tunes & Merrie Melodies
The Love Boat
Mad Men
Madoka Magica*
The Magic School Bus
Malcolm in the Middle
The Mandalorian
The Mary Tyler Moore Show
Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
Mister Rogers' Neighborhood
Mob Psycho 100
The Monkees
Monster High
The Muppet Show
Murder, She Wrote
Murdoch Mysteries
My Babysitter's a Vampire
My Hero Academia*
My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic
The Nanny
Neon Genesis Evangelion
The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh
New Girl
NFL (various network themes)*
The O.C.
The Office
One Day at a Time*
One Piece
Only Murders in the Building
Orange Is the New Black
Ouran High School Host Club
The Owl House
Parks and Recreation
The Partridge Family
Phil of the Future
Phineas and Ferb
Pinky and the Brain
Pippi Longstocking
Power Rangers
The Powerpuff Girls
Pretty Little Liars
The Price Is Right
The Proud Family
Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure
Reading Rainbow
Red Dwarf
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Sabrina the Teenage Witch
Sagwa, the Chinese Siamese Cat
Sailor Moon
Sanford and Son
Saturday Night Live
Schitt's Creek
A Series of Unfortunate Events
Sesame Street
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
The Simpsons
Sofia the First
Sonny with a Chance
The Sopranos
SpongeBob SquarePants
Star Trek (instrumental themes)*
Star Trek: Enterprise
Star vs. the Forces of Evil
Steven Universe
Stranger Things
The Suite Life of Zack and Cody*
Ted Lasso
Teen Titans
Teen Wolf
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
That '70s Show
That's So Raven
Theory of Love
Thomas & Friends
Tokyo Ghoul
Total Drama
Totally Spies!
True Blood
The Twilight Zone
Twin Peaks
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
Veronica Mars
Voltron: Legendary Defender
The Walking Dead
Welcome Back, Kotter
The West Wing
What We Do in the Shadows
The White Lotus
Wild Kratts
Winx Club
The Wire*
The Witcher
Wizards of Waverly Place
Wonder Pets!
Wonder Woman
Wow! Wow! Wubbzy!
The X-Files
Xena: Warrior Princess
Yuri on Ice
Zoey 101
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dailydccomics · 9 months
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the Outsiders connect with the Infinity, Inc. Outsiders Special #1
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lylethewaterguy · 1 year
I’m curious, out of the options in my who would you like as your dad poll…
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omegaremix · 1 month
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25 Vinyl Records That Influenced My Vinyl Collecting Habits.
‘Top ten’ lists - they were so commonplace on social media before the pandemic that half of the people you knew participated in them. Your friends involuntarily posted lists of their top ten favorite albums, songs, movies, sports moments, video games, books, or whatever came to mind. Then they’d nominate you to do the same if you even cared. All of a sudden they stopped and for a few months everyone did tournament brackets. These days no one does either. Now, tag a band and see if they acknowledge you exist, solve a simple math problem where everyone with a Facebook diploma in mathematics are out to prove you wrong, or answer some useless questions to find out what your new gang initiation name is by removing your first and last letter and any surviving vowels.
But I don’t care about childish entry-level entertainment that everyone will forget about five minutes later. I’d watch Fox News for that. Longtime Ω+ followers know our ‘top tens’ are much more than that: they are playlists, mixtapes, end-of-year finds, and best-of decade results. That’s what I’m into. I’m into what’s important and that’s identifying with people. It’s not a contest or a be-all-end-all game of right-or-wrong. It’s all fully subjective. Without personal results, how special or unique would these lists be?
The last survey I was nominated to do was from WUSB’s Mister Edison, the station’s only cylinder aficionado in its’ 45-year history: top ten vinyl records that influenced your collecting habits. I did volunteer to do it and I was halfway there, then somehow along the way I deleted it. Now, here it is. But, instead of a top ten, we’ll do a top twenty-five because I’m compulsive and 10 is not a square number. All records shown here regardless of size, speed, color, or print run are those that have changed not only my record-collecting habits but also have shaped my musical tastes to an extent.
The record that started it all? KMFDM’s “Power” 12”. It was the very first vinyl record I bought with my own money, just mere months after purchasing most of its discography in one shot at my local record store. I ordered it from the TVT / Wax Trax mail order - my very first mail-order to be exact - numbered to 3,000 copies as a single-sided etched vinyl record in a clear plastic silk-screened jacket. That also came with Underworld’s “Rowla”. Shizuo’s High On Emotion e.p. was my third. Found at what was Port Jefferson’s Music Den, that’s a record I had to have at first sight because I knew it was extremely rare. Glad I made the right call because I never saw it again. Even though I didn’t have a turntable, I bought them anyway thinking I could hold on to them until I finally got my hands on one. Turned out my ma’ and dad had one: a wooden box smaller than the records it played. It literally had no sound and was deemed almost unplayable, so a close “friend” of mine gave me his father’s 1972 Panasonic and a copy of Autechre’s We Are R Y 12”. I was now in business.
From there, another one-time pressing of theirs, the “Keynell” e.p., introduced me to the panic of now-or-never buying. Booth & Brown collectors know how insanely rare their limited edition e.p.’s are and also how they and Warp divided up their Cichlisuite and Envane e.p.’s in two parts. And that was nothing to when Aphex Twin released not one, not two, but eleven e.p.’s as the Analord series through his Rephlex label. Ten regular platters and two versions of Analord 10: either you got the Aphex logo picture disc or, if you were really lucky (we mean that in a literal sense), one that came with the Analord binder which is fetching impossible prices right now. Some of them even came with the mythical Analogue Bubblebath 5. We’re just happy to have purchased all eleven editions for regular price when they first came out. Amazingly in that same year, I did my first-ever label run and purchased $300.00 worth of vinyl and disc releases from DHR.
The first hardcore record I got my hands on - Kill Your Idols’ This Is Just The Beginning - was also the very first music purchase I made at any show. Three years after one of my close friends introduced me to Sick Of It All and hardcore / punk in general, This Is Just The Beginning flung the doors wide open for crushing similar-styled tough-guy finds. Most Long Island record stores sold them when they came in, and places like Hicksville and Centereach’s Utopia (when they did sell them) offered many easy one / two / three-dollar bargain bin purchases of many 7” records, 45’s, and 12” LPS. The Howards & Checkerboard Charlie split is one example of that and one of many local acts I possess. Jemini The Gifted One’s “Funk Soul Sensation” is the only hip-hop record on the list. Ten years ago I re-discovered golden-era hip-hop and realized there was a treasure trove of white-label and 12” singles I never heard of from that time. Those hip-hop / rap singles can be found on the cheap in the same manner as those discount hardcore records. I’ll be on a life-time hunt for them as at this point I don’t have enough of them.
It’s no surprise to see that more than half of this list is made up of Seventies’ jazz / fusion records. If not for Lonnie Liston Smith & The Cosmic Echoes Astral Traveling, I would not have the size of vinyl library I have now. One of our former hip-hop dee-jays at the station played “Expansions”, “Aspirations”, and “Colors Of The Rainbow” and those three cuts literally changed my life. It opened up an avenue for me to re-discover who I was and revisit a certain era of time I missed out on. From that point on, it was all about that era’s sounds, sampling, and personal favorites. John Tropea’s A Short Trip To Space, Les McCann’s Music Lets Me Be, and Roy Ayers’ A Tear To A Smile - those three records define my final years at Stony Brook. Phil Upchurch’s 1979 solo outing, Stuff’s self-titled debut, Emily Remler’s Firefly, Steve Khan’s The Blue Man, Ramsey Lewis’ Tequila Mockingbird, Eric Gale’s Multiplication, and Ronnie Laws’ Pressure Sensitive tie me in and keep me connected to those years.
Karla Bonoff’s Restless Nights and Urbie Green’s The Fox influenced my collection in an amusing way. I had no idea who both artists were until I pulled them out of the bins. What had me purchase them? I bought Restless Nights and The Fox solely based on the year of release (1979 and 1976 respectively). One listen of each and I knew I made two right calls.
Remember when we posted our entry about our close friend Syke who rescued a pile of old records from being thrown out to the curb? Of the 500+ he found, he gave us 50 and we still have most of them. We selected Pete Shelley’s “Telephone Operator” as a reminder of that free giveaway.
I could list both volumes of the original Dirty Dancing motion picture soundtrack which my ma’ had, her only surviving childhood vinyl record of Disney’s Cinderella, or The Pac-Man Album 12″ picture disc written by Patrick McBride and Dana Walden. But those three mentions aren’t influential; just early Atari-youth memories. My first-ever childhood memories I still remember (not photographed) are also vinyl-related: J. Geils Band’s “Centerfold” and The Cars’ “Shake It Up”; the latter which I have in my possession and are the markers of all classic rock records I own around that era. (Think Dire Straits and Donald Fagan’s The Nightfly to name a few.)
Another Atari-youth moment I remember is The Chambers Brothers’ A New Time, A New Day. My dad cut out the album sleeve and used it as a paper holder in our garage. That very record made me think of whatever few platters I remember him having before he sold his entire vinyl library and our library of Atari 2600 games…for a paltry $50.00. “He needed the money” he told me; which is always a pathetic man’s answer to everything. Had he’d seen how enthusiastic I was into music collecting, he would’ve handed his entire collection to me. Roberta Flack’s Quiet Fire, Kiss’ Rock & Roll Over, and The Rolling Stones Sticky Fingers and Their Satanic Majesties Request were the four in his collection he parted with and I have three of them, not including The Chambers Brothers release. He tried to make it up to me, however, by bringing home two separate piles of records he rescued from the curb. One heap was full of polka records which I donated to WUSB’s resident polka lady before she died the same year. The other heap? Since you didn’t ask: loads of classic hippie rock records, showtunes, and celebrity albums. Jim Nabors on wax? Stop before I deactivate this account.
Finally, Boulders’ Rock & Roll Will Never Die. Look it up and you’ll see it’s a near total obscurity only confined to hipster circles who know what’s up. A five-track Wharf Records release picked up for less than $3.00 is the one 12" that may as well get me into the Discogs purchasing game for all rare releases (not found in stores) I’ve been looking for in the past seven years. I’ve played many of them on Omega WUSBand soon after bought a substantial chunk of their discographies in one shot (three Happy Meals / Free Love LP’s and three Black Marble discs, for example). As a nice side effect, it’ll be the the same for cassettes as well such as Believer/Law’s Matters Of Life And Death and JS Aurelius’ Machines Water The Plants Now - if the seller’s price is right, that is.
Notice how we went from KMFDM to Boulders? You can’t get any more disparate in styles and worlds between the two. The first purchases, public library finds, donations, record fairs, mail orders, samples, jazz-fusion and soul, hardcore and hip-hop buy-outs, record-store victory tours, and many other moments I might have missed…that’s 25 years of buying vinyl records spanning many different collecting eras and genres for me. That’s only one format, and also not counting acquiring music by other means such as radio and downloads which also shaped my collection. The bingo board jumble you see is only a tiny pinch of my musical tastes and not the whole story of my listening habits that’s usually broadcast on Omega WUSB or always posted here on Ω+.
After making this list, I’m reminded that I’m the most diverse person I know. I’m proud that my low-lying threshold for accepting and liking sound and concept allowed me to make that diversity into a science and have that mind-blowing knowledge I have of it. I’m as consistent, thorough, and far-reaching as I possibly can while hitting as many targets as possible. Would there be more bingo boards like this? Only if I make sure of it.
Phil Upchurch: self-titled
Lonnie Liston Smith: Astral Traveling
Karla Bonoff: Restless Nights
Steve Khan: The Blue Man
Chambers Brothers: A New Time, A New Day
Emily Remler: Firefly
Boulders: Rock And Roll Will Never Die
KMFDM: “Power”
John Tropea: A Short Trip To Space
Les McCann: Music Let’s Me Be
Shizuo: High On Emotion
J. Geils Band: “Centerfold”
Aphex Twin: Analord 10 picture disc
Jemini The Gifted One: “Funk Soul Sensation”
Roy Ayers: A Tear To A Smile
Ramsey Lewis: Tequila Mockingbird
Pete Shelley: “Telephone Operator”
Autechre: “Keynell”
Kill Your Idols: This Is Just The Beginning
The Cars: Shake It Up
Ronnie Laws: Pressure Sensitive
Stuff: Stuff
Eric Gale: Multiplication
Urbie Green: The Fox
Checkerboard Charlie b/w The Howards split
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chloe-caulfield94 · 1 month
Chloe the Anger Management Therapist
Chloe paused for a moment. Her face betrayed she was thinking intensively.
“Max, do you sometimes feel … angry? I used to feel angry all the time. Angry that even though I tried my hardest to be a good daughter, a good friend and a good student, my life collapsed anyway. Angry that I fucked up my scholarship at Blackwell, which was the last thing my dad would’ve wanted. Angry that I always seemed to chase away the few people still in my orbit. Is that how you feel, sometimes?”
“Yes. I feel like that. Angry with myself for all the wrong choices I made. Angry with the people who hurt you and me”.
“Max, do you trust me?”
“Of course I do!”
“Then come with me, I know what would make you feel better!”
They left the Caulfield residence. Ryan and Vanessa, seeing them walk out, said: “Have fun you two! Don’t be too late!”, thinking the girls were simply leaving for a Friday date.
Chloe drove Max to the auto garage she worked at. Nobody was there and all the lights were out.
“Are you going to show me some expensive car that a rich client left for repairs? In the hopes that on the backseat of such a car it would be easier to steal a kiss from me?”
Chloe knew some of the other mechanics tried things like that with their dates. If a particularly trendy car found itself in the garage, it could become a spot where more than one couple kissed.
“You know my tricks too well, Max”.
But instead of taking Max into the auto shop, Chloe took her around the side of the building, to a grassy backyard next to it, surrounded by trees on three sides. It was secluded and not covered by the garage’s security cameras. Stacks of garbage covered it. Cardboard boxes, polystyrene packaging, wooden pallets, rusting car parts. Chloe told her to wait. She soon came back, carrying two sledgehammers, two pairs of thick gloves and two pairs of plastic goggles.
“Max, do you know what a demolition room is? It’s place where you can unload all your anger. Well, this here is not a room, more of a demolition backyard. I had something similar set up in the junkyard, back in Arcadia Bay. Unfortunately, there are no old TVs here, which are the most satisfying thing to break. But there’s lots of other stuff to smash. Want to give it a try?”
Chloe thought that Max would require some convincing or even a demonstration before she would dare to begin demolishing. But Max snatched the gloves and goggles from Chloe’s hands and quickly put them on. Placing the goggles on her face, Max was reminded of the time they had murdered Chloe’s dolls by blowing them up. Chloe stacked up cardboard boxes and polystyrene pieces. Max began to demolish. Swinging the hammer, she flattened cardboard and splintered polystyrene. Max imagined the boxes she squashed were heads. Each time she squashed one, she insulted its owner.
“Eat shit and die!” - she shouted when she squashed Mister Jefferson’s head.
“Fuck off with your teary voicemail! Nobody forced you to hurt Rachel and to attempt to do the same to my Chloe!” - she shouted when she squashed Nathan.
“How about a sledgehammer up the ass?” - she shouted when she squashed Frank.
“How does it feel? Like the good shit you knew Nathan hooked Kate up with?” - she shouted when she squashed Victoria.
“I’m sorry! But you just keep pushing me!” - she shouted when she squashed David.
Chloe stood there, leaning on her sledgehammer, in awe of Max’s fury.
When Max was done decimating the cardboard and polystyrene army, Chloe brought a box full of empty beer bottles. None of those bottles had been emptied by Chloe. The other mechanics knew she was still a year shy of legal drinking age, so they never offered her a drink. But even if they did, she wouldn’t. She never liked the taste of beer. She had begun to drink in a vain attempt to drown her loneliness. Now, her loneliness had already been drowned, in Max’s affections. But the other mechanics provided a steady supply of empty bottles.
Chloe lined twenty bottles up. This time, they smashed together. Once they were done, they were both panting, with their brows and hair covered in sweat.
Max dropped her hammer, took off her gloves and goggles and jumped at Chloe, kissing her passionately. Chloe removed her safety gear too and kissed her back. Each run her hands through the other’s hair. They collapsed into a pile of cardboard, which cushioned their fall and turned out to be surprisingly comfortable.
Max was very bold in her kisses and caresses. Chloe stopped her: “Hold on, Max. You want our … first time to happen here? On a pile of garbage?”
“No, I want it to happen in a place where my wise and empathetic girlfriend cured my anger. Besides, aren’t you supposed to be Chloe the Elf Barbarian? Isn’t making love with your sisters in arms on piles of fallen enemies what you barbarians do?”
“Woah, Maximus! Making love on piles of fallen enemies? Was that a flashback of the time you were a gladiator in ancient Rome?”
Max laughed out loud.
“What’s so funny Max?”
“Maximus! You haven’t used that one in a while! Hearing that, I imagined you as the emperor’s sister …”
“Hey! I could totally be Roman royalty!”
“Of course! With your naturally commanding presence, you could be a Roman empress, like Irene of Athens. You even have a Greek name, too. I laughed, because if you are the emperor’s sister, then I’m Russell Crowe!”
They both laughed, pearly.
And then it happened. Exactly in the place Max wanted it to happen.
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