#my random thoughts about spn
youchangedmedestiel · 2 months
This is so funny to me to see multiple posts asking why Destiel and SPN are trending.
Well, maybe it's because you're all asking why. So yeah, it just keeps trending.
I'm really enjoying this though. Always happy to see it trending. Keep going!
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winchestersickness · 9 months
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Season 2 + csa interpretation
2x05 // 2x10 // 2x21
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unicorngunter · 3 months
I would never understand why spn fandom hates on metatron and mary characters so much. Like... Metatron is my fav spn villain, he's extra charismatic and with the best monologues in the show, he stole every second of his screen time. And mary is just... A woman? With motivation and actions no better and no worse than of others' characters in the show. Is it really enough to hate her? I genuinely don't understand
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nobodymitskigabriel · 4 months
Funny how torturing my favorite guy is what made me come around to appreciating Asmodeus's character.
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I wish I could directly beam all of my incoherent thoughts directly into your head 24/7 but unfortunately we’ll just have to stick with blogging for right now
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ladsofsorrow24 · 2 years
now i wonder how will they interact if they ended up in the same place
especially with the whole "winchesters are god's most favorite children" and reigen whole "no one is special, kindness is what makes a person stands out" thing
i think it will be a very interesting clash of perspectives and ideologies
also reigen and dean will bicker all the damn time, which... i personally find to be interesting
mob, jack, cas and teru will be best friends i just knew it
but sam, ritsu and serizawa tho.... that'll be a pretty interesting combo 🤔🤔🤔
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randomishnickname · 6 months
Must-read Destiel fics - my superduper Nov. 5th rec list
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Three years ago, on the blessed day of November 5th, 2020, I had:
never seen an episode of SPN,
only had a vague inkling of what the two pale coconuts were on about,
and I hee-heed and ha-had with the rest of Tumblr about the love confession scene and the Internet errupting in an unparalleled craze
At first I thought, that's it.
Then ... I got curious. I watched some YouTube Destiel supercuts. I read some fic (I think @andhumanslovedstories beautiful Cas/OC fic was my entry point?). I read meta. I watched some more YouTube scene packs. I read even more fic. I watched some of S4, some of S1, some random fan fav episodes. And then Destiel lodged itself so deeply, thouroughly into my brain that it took over and hasn't relinquished control in the last two years. The most tenacious, pervasive brain worm to date.
This ship got it all, and this fandom got it all, and there's such delightful, powerful, batshit crazy, romantic, expertedly crafted fanfic out there, it's like being a starving child in the world's biggest candystore.
So without further ado, here's some of my very favorite fics from this infinite trove, with all my thanks to the wonderful writers who keep delighting and awing me with their dedication and craft. There'll of course be some recency bias at play but you can browse my bookmarks over here to chose from over 100 excellent and well-curated SPN stories.
Wildly romantic fics that warm you up from the inside.
It Won't Be Perfect by someonetoanyone (10K words) Summary: Dean daydreams about what it'd be like to let himself love Cas freely.
Why I love it: the humor, the spot-on characterizations, and the quintessential late season Destiel-ness of being so deeply love with your best friend that it's too big to actually do anything about. Just. So warm.
Rock Lobster by Ginger Fail (13K) Summary: Cas decides that the lobsters Dean planned to cook need to get back home. Impromptu beach vacation ensues!
Why I love it: This road trip story is fresh and invigorating like a sea breeze! Fun, entertaining and full of deep, deep fondness.
Seek to Know You Better by ahurston (32K)
Summary: On a road trip, Dean and Cas play the 36 Questions That Lead To Love.
Why I love it: They’re so deliberatedly, carefully starting a relationship here. They try so hard to bridge the gaps and meet each other halfway. A very mature take on love that feels nourishing.
Fics that make you go BARK BARK BARK.
samson went back to bed by piesexuality (9k, @twoheadedcas) Summary: Cas strikes a deal with Chuck - keeping his family together comes at the price of their free will.
Why I love it: What if Cas got his revenge for the Mala'ak box? What if love came at the price of everything you've been fighting for? What if a story twisted the knife oh so sweetly? Each word of this one lands a punch. Made me insane in the best of ways (cue pinned fanart).
In sickness by @saintedcastiel (41K) Summary: S4 redux but Castiel has a fetish: giving Dean the sniffles.
Why I love it: This one is soooo. Can barely find words for it. It taps into Cas' early season alienness and psychosexual obsession with Dean, brilliantly demonstrates Casdean vs Samruby parallels, and each word is just. Perfect. ARGH!
so much smoke in a hall full of mirrors by AreYouReady (6K, @autisticandroids ) Summary: Godstiel is losing his heavenly war. Crowley provides a compliant Dean-doll for him to release his frustrations upon.
Why I love it: Urgh, this one is sooo dark. Taps into the scary, intimidating and alien aspects of Godstiel so well. Gore, consent and psychosexual issues galore. Delicious.
Special mention: In a Parked Car, Exhuming Ophelia by @an-android-in-a-tutu (17K). Still need to comment properly ;)
Angsty fics that tear you to pieces to remake you better.
What Used To Be Mine by someonetoanyone (48K words) Summary: Dean never makes his apology prayer in Purgatory - Cas dies, Dean mourns.
Why I love it: Oh god, this is a heavy hitter. Just, straight up insurmontable grief, packaged in poetic, raw language to make you shed tears and tears. Loved it so much.
Ignite your bones By ilovehowyouletmefall (67K, @angelinthefire) Summary: Dean accepts Chuck's deal: killing Sam to save the world.
Why I love it: Cruuuuel cruel premise for a story that doesn’t pull its punches. It gets dark in Dean’s head and everyone around him suffers. Wonderfully written. The ending set my brain on fire.
Right Where you Left Me by outdean (93K, @armandgender)
Summary: Cas comes back from the Empty after 10 years to find Dean married to another man.
Why I love it: This one is a riiiide. When grief has become a part of you but your love comes back… When you return from the dead and have to carve a new space into the world for yourself... nothing is easy here, but the emotions are INTENSE. Also, autistic!Cas for the win.
Special mention: Who Ya Gonna Call? by saintedcastiel (50K) and Clear skies in spring by enochianprayer (WIP)
Expansive, wild adventures with lots of ups and downs
Spirit of the West by teen_dean (140K, @urne-buriall)
Summary: An 18y old Dean grew up on a horse farm – cue veterinarian Castiel. The summer of a lifetime ensues.
Why I love it: So this is one of my very favorite stories, ever ever, and I cannot recommand enough to immediatedly suscribe to the author’s Substack to be able to follow it in „real time“ next summer. It’s cinematic, rich, full of darkness and light, it’s everything a story can aspire to, I’m just. I just really love it.
Second Verse, Same as The First by LaLaCat1 (135K)
Summary: Endverse!Cas is sent back to the start of S1 and is determined to make things right this time round.
Why I love it: a desperate and badass Cas, unfridging everyone, a thrilling plot, moments of awesome for the entire cast, gripping action scenes, a romance for the ages… this is a genuinely amazing story.
back road, black road by eden22 (167K)
Summary: 18y old Sam gets kidnapped by Hell on his way to Stanford. Dean tries to deal.
Why I love it: So this one’s not Destiel-centric but does have wonderful Destiel moments. It’s also very heavy on the gore and the angst (NOT for the faint of stomach), but expertly crafted, fascinating and frankly it deserves more love. Held my breath for half the read and never knew where it’d take me.
Special mention: It's The End Of The World (As We Know It) by tiamatv (140K)
Uproariously funny stories about the intricate rituals these two weirdos get up too.
Life Skills by ilovehowyouletmefall (26K)
Summary: Dean teaches a newly human Cas how to be „a real man“.
Why I love it: Dean coming to Big Self-Realizations while trying to have platonic threesomes with Cas is so perfect. Very endearing, tender and funny. Also, smoking hot sex.
the cheapest room in the house by biggaybenny (89K)
Summary: Dean downloads Grindr for Cas
Why I love it: Just. Late season Dean being deranged about Cas’ sexuality while everyone watches on in utter confusion. Equally hilarious and deeply moving
according to all known laws of life by @sobsicles (29k)
Summary: Cas comes back from the Empty to a Dean who won’t stop playing gay chicken.
Why I love it: They are both such petty, insane weirdos in this one. They said „can every situation be turned into a squabble“ and didn’t wait for an answer. So funny, so tender
Special mention: Wedding Vows and Negotiations by GingerFail (6K)
That's it, enjoy and leave your writers some much-deserved love!
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hatchet-boy · 2 months
Judging SPN Seasons By How Messy It Would Be If Sam And Dean Started Having Sex
Season 1: freshly reunited. no one else in their world but them. they are obsessed with each other. they would fuck like feral dogs and it would make them so much worse. also dad is there. unspeakably messy. 12/10
Season 2: dad just died. the grief sex would be more tears than come and at least one of them is probably saying johns name mid fuck. dean might have to kill baby brother (TM) and so the obvious reaction to this would be extremely possessive sex. sam would not like that attitude (with the one exception of if it happens when hes drunk in playthings). messy in even grosser but marginally less feral ways than szn one. 13/10
Season 3: milder. still obsessed with each other but more settled into it now. deans turn to maybe die and sams turn to be uber-doober possessive about it. unlike sam, dean would be extremely into that. and his deal is comin due so he might as well. sad and tragic,, but not that messy. probably still more tears than come. 6/10
Season 4: dean just came back from hell to find sam fucking his new demon girlfriend. the angels are there. they're still hunting but Stuff Is Going On and god knows they need to be grounded with each other to make it through. sex would probably help. would do the opposite than make things messier. would be vicious. definite chance dean might try to feed sam his blood. 4/10
Season 5: apocalypse fuck. oh fuck. ruby is dead. angels and death and demons and god and destiny. sam and dean are the most experienced and secure theyve ever been and yet. the whole damn world is about to explode. and yet they are still tortured and annoyed by the goofy everday hunting horrors. fucking would be nice for them, would remind them they belong to each other. they think theyre gonna die so the consequences wouldnt matter a whole lot. less insulated and worried about holy judgment so the incest thing may be a bother now. 2/10
Season 6: you fuck your brother but its not your brother he's different in ways you cant explain but you havent seen him in months and you thought you lost him and hes not quite right but fuck he looks like him and talks like him and knows everything about the two of you and he fucks like a greek god and hes mean as a motherfucker in bed but you can take it its fine its worth it its sam godammit-
Season 7: stranded up the creek without even a twig for a paddle. both brothers are destroyed and traumatised and forcing each other forward by force of necessity and a brotherly hand on the back of the neck. at least its just them alone together (dean please ignore the hallucination of lucifer sitting in the corner and judging our cock size-). sex would go terribly and be the most unsexy sex ever sexed. but they would probably like the closeness if sam could handle it. messy but wouldnt ruin them long term. there would be a terrible Dick joke. 8/10
Season 8: WHOA BOY WHAT A DOOZY. BOTH BROTHERS HAVE PARAMOURS ON THE SIDE WHOM THE OTHER FUCKIN HATES. DEAN IS PURGATORY FERAL AND HAS ONE EYE ON A VAMP. SAM IS SOFT HAS HIS PINKY FINGER TWINED AROUND SOME RANDOM GIRL. WHY DIDNT YOU LOOK FOR ME?? // YOU TOLD ME NOT TO!! // YOU TRUST A DAMN VAMPIRE OVER YOUR OWN BROTHER?? // YOU HIT A DOG... meanwhile sam is doing the trials losing his mind again and dean is losing his mind about that. letting you down was my biggest sin//there is nothing i would ever put in front of you. messy. 10/10.
Season 9: less than ideal with sam possessed by and angel. dean is rocking with the guilt and confliction. the mark of cain is also making him a bit feral again. theyre safe together in the bunker but thats already claustrophobic enough sex might just suffocate them both. pretty messy. 7/10
Season 10: your big brother is an angry angry man but its not his fault right??? its because of the mark right?? he cant control it and you love him and you want to stay in the safe house/bunker/tomb with him you dont want to leave anymore and you need him. youve both been through enough. you deserve this. there would be minimal messiness caused by sex with your brother rn. exception to those few weeks where he was a demon. 2/10
Season 11: gods sister is here and its the apocalypse again. dean hates what he has with Her. at least his sammy is here. at least theyre together. still crazy about each other. gay incest sex is the most reasonable reaction. god might find out- but then again, he and his sister are pretty wacked out together too, and are we not made in gods image?. 1/10
Season 12: Mom is here and so is lucifer and his kid and also the cunt ass brits. not ideal. minimal messiness so long as no one finds out. and fuck all them anyway its pretty clear sam and dean can only ever really trust each other. sex would be affirming and safe here. they are absolutely fucking in the kitchen to the smell of toast and coffee. dean discovers he has an std because no its not normal that your balls have iched like that for the past four years you need to go to a doctor and dean i swear on the impala if you gave it to me- . 3/10
Season 13 to 15: fellas is it gay to have sex with your brother who you've been functionally married to for over a decade? probably not right ha ha. if they havent already fucked by now theyre not going to. theyre just gonna be intensely platonically married until they die. they both have erectile dysfunction by this point . sex would mean everything to them but change nothing they would still be old and married in their bunker with the devils kid tomorrow regardless. they dont care what people think anymore. fuck all messiness. 1/10
Post Season 15 Finale/Heaven: we deserve a soft epilogue my love sammy. mildly concerned about being kicked out of heaven for incest but with everything else theyve done they still made it there. it would be the least of their sins. lovely soft and nothing hurts. can you make a sex tape in heaven? 0/10
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jae-sch-writes · 3 months
Fruity Confessions
Characters: Sam Winchester x Reader, Dean Winchester
Word Count: 1,584
Genre: fluffy goodness
Summary: After a hunt, the Reader gets very drunk. What will Sam do?
Warnings: alcohol consumption (like, a lot of it), mention of murder (nothing out of SPN norm), mention of smut (in a book), hinted at smutty thoughts
A/N: What's up Tumblr? It's been a while. Writing is gonna be all over the place because I have a kid now! (crazy, right?) But as a SAHM, I have a lot of free time to write, so here's to (hopefully), getting back into it. Edited by Grammarly, but any and all mistakes are no one's fault but me, myself, and I.
Want to read more? SPN Masterlist Full Masterlist
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You were a fruity drink kinda girl. While the boys had their variety of beers, you preferred Smirnoff Ices or a seltzer of some kind. When the situation called for something a little harder, like at the end of every hunt, the Winchesters drank whiskey, and you enjoyed a bottle of wine. 
With each state you’ve gone to, you made sure to find a winery from that state, and if they had a fruity-flavored bottle, you were definitely getting at least one. This time- Wisconsin.
A hunt had brought you to Green Bay: at Lambeau Field to be specific. Home field Packers’ games were canceled after eight different fans of the Detroit Lions were found dead after their game. It didn’t take long to find out it was a ghost, however, finding out who the ghost was was a different story. After lots of research, Sam had determined it was Bart Starr, the Packers’ quarterback during their first Super Bowl win.
“The dude’s buried in Alabama, so how the hell did he make it here beyond the grave?” Dean asked.
“One of Starr’s jerseys is at the Field. That’s definitely what he’s being tethered to, but it’s gonna be difficult getting it out of its case. Lambeau has all of their memorabilia in cases with alarms,” you said, not looking up from your book. After some moments of silence, you looked up to see Sam and Dean looking at you like you had three heads. “What? I know things.”
“Yeah, but about football?” Dean was shocked. “Not even the game itself, but the fact you just happened to know one of these random player’s jerseys was in their museum? It’s weird.”
“Dean, leave her be, she literally just told us what we’ve gotta burn.” Sam was impressed. While he had never been interested in sports, he was pleasantly surprised by your knowledge, however niche of a topic it may be. “But, I gotta know,” Sam turned to you, “how did you know that?”
“I’ve been to a game or two at Lambeau Field. My dad was a Packers fan.”
You happened to be the one to go to the jersey to burn it while the boys were your backup. The faded green jersey with the number 15 on it was lit up in its display case. You all knew it had to be in and out. Break the case, burn the jersey, and get the hell out.
The sound of shattering glass came with the sound of an alarm, alerting the guard at the entrance to the museum portion of the stadium. Bart Starr was throwing around Sam and Dean like they were footballs.
You had just barely been able to get a match onto the jersey before security was able to see you. Luckily, the small flame was enough to distract him and made him run in the opposite direction to get a fire extinguisher.
The next morning, as Sam and Dean were packing up, you drove to a state business called Festival Foods. There, you found their selection of state-made wines. You opted for a couple of labels all made of cranberries. If you were grabbing wines made in Wisconsin, you might as well grab ones made with one of the state’s bigger industries.
You spent the twelve hours from Green Bay back to Lebanon in almost complete silence. You and Sam reading your books, and Dean humming along to whatever song was playing on the radio.
The minute you got home, you grabbed the cooler and went to the kitchen. Your only thoughts were on the wine you had got and how you needed to try it.
“Y/N, you didn’t even grab your-” Sam’s sentence was interrupted by seeing you grabbing a wine glass from the cupboard. “I’ll go put your bag in your room.” Sam knew better than to get between you and your wine. The last time he tried that, he ended up on the floor from trying to cut you off for the night. Your love for wine and need for a drink after a hunt had given you the drunken power to somehow take him down, despite the size difference between you and him. 
Sam retreated from the kitchen to his bedroom. You took your bottle, glass, and book to the library and settled yourself into the loveseat you had picked for nights like these. 
About 3/4ths of the bottle in, you had abandoned the thought of a wine glass and just started drinking straight from the bottle. Your mind was wandering from the fantasy-romance you were reading and to thoughts of Sam. When you reached a smutty part of the story, you couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to be with Sam in that way.
You were now a bottle down, and made your way back to the kitchen to open up another one. It really didn't take long for you to finish the second bottle. You were stumbling to the kitchen, with the intent to grab your third bottle, when you were stopped by the table in the library, not at it, by it. You had walked right into it, almost like you forgot the large oak table was there. 
Getting to the kitchen truly was difficult for you, your drunken version of a marathon. Sam heard all of the commotion going on and took a guess on where you were heading. Usually he would leave you be, but being able to hear you walk into things, he decided to risk you being mad at him. 
He stood in the doorway, blocking the entrance to the kitchen, and let you walk right into him. It took him everything to keep him from laughing at your face when you were met with the wall of muscle. 
“Sammy, whaddya doin’ here?” Your words were slurred, but not incoherent.
“Preventing alcohol poisoning,” Sam grabbed your hand and guided you down the hall. “Come on, let's get you to bed.”
“Can I sleep in yours?” Your drunken state left you with no filter. The words just came out of your mouth. 
“Ya know, given you walked right into me like I was invisible, that might actually be a good idea.”
Sam’s response invoked a giggle from you, and he couldn't help but smile. Even though you were stumbling down the halls of the Bunker, bumping into Sam every couple of steps, he thought you were adorable. You were usually pretty reserved and in control, but like this, you’re care-free, not calculating your every move. 
It took almost twice as long to get to Sam’s room as usual with how many times you bumped into him or tripped over your own feet resulting in him having to catch you. Sam told himself after the fourth time if you fell one more time, he was just going to pick you up and carry you the rest of the way. Much to his dismay, that did not happen. He would have loved to know your reaction in the morning if you remembered him doing that. 
When you finally reached Sam’s room, the first thing you did was flop on the bed, or attempt to anyway. Thankfully, you fell just short of landing all the way on so your head never hit the floor. Sam chuckled and helped you up. Before laying back down, you took off your shirt, leaving you in just your bra and sweatpants. 
This wasn't the first time Sam had seen you without a shirt, or the first time the two of you shared a bed, but this time was different. This time you were drunk and didn't really know what you were doing. In your drunken state, you were just getting ready for bed, for Sam, he couldn't help but think that you thought of him as someone safe. Why else would you have asked if you could stay with him tonight?
Sam got you comfy on the bed, all the while you were giggling up a storm. Sam looked at you and smiled. “What? What's so funny, Y/N/N?”
“Nothin’. I just think you're cute. And tall,” you looked at Sam with big eyes and a goofy grin. “Oh my gosh you're so tall.” 
“Yeah, okay,” Sam chuckled. “Let's just get you to sleep, alright?”
You nodded as he helped you make sure you didn't smack your head against his bed frame. Sam grabbed the small trash can sitting at his desk and brought it to your side of the bed. You usually held your liquor really well, but given your state, he didn't want to take any chances. 
“Sammy?” you say quietly.
“I love you,” your voice got serious. Sam knew you'd be falling asleep soon, you always stopped being goofy towards the end of the night. 
“I mean it. I really do,” Sam knew you weren't just saying that because you were drunk. If you were talking, your filter may be going, but you mean every word that comes out of your mouth. 
“I know you do,” Sam smiled softly before crawling into his bed behind you and pulling his blanket over the two of you. He let his arm fall over your side and rubbed his thumb in small circles over your stomach. He hated not knowing if you were going to remember this in the morning. 
He waited to hear your breathing become slow and steady before whispering, “I love you, too, Y/N/N.”
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mxssingmemories · 10 months
Go Fish, Bitch
Pairings: Jensen Ackles x teen!reader, a little bit of Jared Padalecki x teen!reader as well
Summary: When Jensen gets bored, he tends to cause chaos. Today, he brings Y/N into the chaos, and she loves it. In which a card game commences, and Jensen loses by a long shot.
Warnings: None. Pure, tooth-rotting fluff.
Word Count: 870 ish.
A/N: Hello lovelies! I'm going to try to start writing for the SPN cast, I honestly really love their dynamic. As always, requests are open :) Feel free to send in any asks/requests/random thoughts!
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Standing at the door to Y/N's trailer, Jensen knocked twice. Another boring day on the set of Supernatural meant he had nothing to do. He'd already teased Jared and Misha and filmed his scenes, so for once he could say he had nothing to do.
A minute later, you opened the door.
"The hell do you want, Jense? You know I love you and all, but I'm really trying to do my homework." you grumbled, despite the goofy smile on your face. Truth be told, Jensen was one of your favorite people. Seeing as you were 16 and still in school, Jensen and you loved playing pranks on the rest of the cast. If you asked Jensen, you were the only one who had his sense of humor.
"I'm bored out of my mind, kiddo. I've filmed my scenes and Jare and Misha kicked me out, I literally have nothing to do."
"Fine," you sighed, "come on in." Opening the door, Jensen walked in, plopping down on the couch while you shut and locked the door.
"So, how're you doing today?" he asked, turning on the T.V.
"Please don't make me think about my life." you groaned, laying back on the couch. "what do you wanna do, anyways?"
"Well, I kind of brought cards..?" he said sheepishly, and a smile found its way onto your face.
"Fuck yeah! Ever played Go Fish?" you asked excitedly.
"Okay, first of all, language. Second of all, obviously, I'm not that old." he rolled his eyes, taking the pack of cards out of his jean pocket.
"You shuffle and I'll deal?" you asked, grabbing the hoodie in the corner of the room and doing your best to clean off the kitchen table. He nodded, and you set out a bag of chips. You both sat down, you dealing the cards and Jensen grabbing the bag of chips like it was a lifeline.
"Okay, I'll go first since you so rudely took my focus away from my homework. Any fives?" Jensen groaned and handed you his five, already prepared to lose the game.
"Any twos?" you asked with a smug grin on your face. At Jensen's shit-eating grin, you begrudgingly drew a card from the pile.
"Do you, my fair lady, happen to have any nines?" You sighed as you handed him your card. You both had 5 cards left-the game could go either way.
"Okay. Any threes?" You handed him another card, and he laid down the match with a proud expression on his face. "Aces?"
"Nope. Go fish, bitch." Jensen gasped, pretending to be offended. He drew a card.
"How dare thine disrespect me like that!" he exclaimed in a posh accent.
"Well, British guy, do you have any Kings?" Jensen threw his King across the table.
"Queens?" He once again threw a card at you. You decided to test your luck.
"Any twos?" He muttered some version of a curse word as he threw the card at your face. You had two cards left, and he knew he was screwed.
"Any fours?" He shook his head, and you drew a card with a sad expression on your face.
"Do you have any Aces?" he asked, hopeful. "Nice try, Jens. Nope! Go fishin'."
"Do you have any sevens?" you asked, and he once again handed you his card. "I'm really good at this," you mumbled, once again left with only two cards.
"Do you have any jacks, Jay?" you asked, your grin only getting wider when he handed you his card.
"Do you...Jensen Ackles... have an eight?" "Fuuuuck!" he exclaimed, hurling his card at you.
"I WIN!" you yelled, getting up and doing a victory dance that could only be described as terrifying.
"Y/N, you probably just alerted the whole crew of your little victory," Jensen sighed, throwing his head in his hands dramatically.
"Well excuse me if I'm a little excited about my win. I've been having a rough day, you can't rain on my fishy parade."
Jensen accepted the loss, and gathered the cards, putting them back in the box. He smiled as you practically dragged him to the couch, throwing yourself on top of him to get in your self-proclaimed "spot".
"Watch yourself, squirrel, or I'll throw you right off the couch!"
"Yeah, yeah. Whatcha wanna watch?" you questioned, grabbing the remote off the floor where it fell during your scuffle.
"Brooklyn Nine-Nine?" he asked hopefully, and did a happy dance as well as he could from his position. You put on his favorite episode, the one where Jake tries to join a bike group to find out evidence.
You both end up falling asleep curled up on the couch, and when Jared comes to get you because you missed a scene, he audibly 'awws' when he sees the scene. Quickly taking a photo and posting it on his Instagram to make the father-daughter fans happy, he wakes you two up gently.
"Y/N, honey, you missed your cue. The directors are calling for you, c'mon."
At his call, you rush out of the trailer, homework long forgotten.
Jensen may or may not finish it for you, but if asked, he will definitely deny it. It's a dad's duty, right?
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river13245 · 5 months
The Wingman
Navigation / SPN Masterlist
Charlie Bradbury x Male reader Platonic, Sam Winchester x Maler reader
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Charlie had managed to convince you to finally come out with her. She wanted to go to a bar to hopefully find a woman, it had been almost a week of her asking you so you finally caved in. You weren't a huge party person and definitely not a drinker. In fact you drank so little that you're sure after a few small drinks you would already be tipsy and who knows what secrets you would let slip during that time.
So this is why you were currently getting into a nicer outfit. Wearing a white button up shirt with the few top buttons undone. The shirt is tucked into black dress pants and since its chilly outside you have put on a black jacket that goes well with the vibe.
The bar that the two of you were going to was a nicer bar than the ones you are used to. You go on hunts every now and then, either on your own or helping someone with one. So you were making sure you looked at least halfway decent.
Your hands were running through your hair when Charlie walks into the bathroom. Some people would have found this weird because why was a girl just walking into the bathroom when a guy is in there but with the two of you it isn't. The both of you have known each other since you were kids. So she's more than welcome to have no boundaries with you. Of course she wouldn't walk in when you were not decent. She isn't crazy.
"You know you have to be my wingman tonight right?" She says as she stands beside you finishing up the little makeup she does wear. She wasn't one for makeup but she will do light blush and some mascara just to liven herself up. "trust me. I know the routine Char"
She elbows you and turns you to look at her. Then she brings her hand through your hair some more and finally gets it looking good. "there. It was getting boring just watching you struggle" As you roll your eyes you grab your phone putting it in your pocket before walking out the bathroom. "come on we better leave now if we want to make it at a decent time"
As you walk to the door Charlie grabs her phone and wallet. She was planning on drinking while you weren't. If you did drink it would be because someone paid for it.
When the both of you were ready you open the door for her and then begin walking to the bar. It wasn't a far walk and because of the fact that she wanted to drink it wasn't a good idea for her to drive back home. You would walk her back home if she didn't go home with anyone tonight.
The streetlights were on and the sun was low so it was getting pretty dark. The only sounds to be heard as the two of you walked was the cars passing by and your own footsteps. Since you were the perfect gentleman you walked on the side closest to the sidewalk because you knew the rule.
Charlie was talking about plans she had next week and as she was listing her plans off she looked over at you. "Oh by the way I'm also planning on going to the bunker to see the guys. You want to tag along?" You thought about it for a moment and before you could even say anything she spoke "Sam will be there" This earned her a glare from you. "How many times do I have to tell you that nothing is going on between the two of us"
She laughs and shakes her head "yeah what ever you say. That man looks at you the exact same way you look at him." You were looking straight ahead at the building that you were approaching. "If something were to happen it would have happened by now" There was no response back because she knew that you would get into your feelings if you both talked about it too much.
When the two of you finally arrive and get used to the new scenery people start to come up to you. They ask if you would like a drink and you get a non alcoholic drink while Charlie gets her favorite.
While the bartender gets the both of you your drink. The both of you are just talking and not really paying attention until a random girl comes up to the both of you and starts engaging in a conversation.
The conversation is going really well until she says "You two are cute together" This causes the both of you to look at each other and laugh. "oh no no no. We are not each others types at all" Charlie says and the girls eyes widen "wait are you into women too!?"
This was your cue to slip from the conversation because that's all it took for them to hit it off. You head to the other end of the room and sit down, this is how it usually was when the two of you went out. She would find someone and hit it off, while you would sit and read or something else because you weren't interested in getting with anyone. Your feelings were for someone at the moment anyways.
From across the room you feel her eyes on you and when you look up you give her a thumbs up and a big smile encouraging her to go with the woman. Telling her that it was okay to kind of ditch you tonight. You could never be upset because you knew what would happen and even when she was drunk we never just left you alone she always made sure you were okay with it.
Everyone in the bar were on their way to being drunk or already were. Men were at the pool table in the corner talking loudly to each other not being able to understand just how loud they were being. Music was being played and people have been dancing along to it. Groups of friends were dancing together and some couples etc. etc.
Big crowds were definitely not your thing because your anxiety spiked. Especially when all the people were drunk. You weren't able to be around to many drunk people without you being super on edge because of some past experiences. So to try to calm yourself down you pulled out your book and began to read.
As you read you really wished you had your headphones or earbuds right now because all the loud noises were getting to you. Your sensory overload was becoming too much. You were noticing everything except that Charlie had looked over at you and instantly pulled out her phone
Charlie was flirting with the girl. They were both hitting it off really well as she talked about how she was into D&D too but has never tried LARPING so they were talking about it.
Then after a while Charlie looked around just to make sure you were alright and when she found you she seen the way you were running your hand through your hair every few minutes or squeezing your eyes shut. Even in her drunk state she knew exactly what to do.
She looked at the woman in front of her and spoke kindly "hey I have to call someone. But I don't want to stop our conversation" The woman smiles and nods "its for your friend its okay. Go ahead"
Charlie pulls out her phone and clicks on a contact and puts it up to her ear. "Charlie?" the mans voice spoke through the phone. "Hiiii Sam" it was obvious to know that she was drunk because her voice was more high pitched. "are you drunk? Where are you?"
There was a worried tone to his voice and she laughs while shaking her head. "I may be a little under the influence but that's not why I called. y/n is here with me, we kinds separated from each other but I can tell he's having sensory overload and not doing well can you be here?"
Sam had gone quiet over the phone, the only sounds to be heard was shuffling. "Sam?" Charlie said and that's what made him respond "sorry I was getting my shoes on and getting a few things. Ill be right there. Enjoy your time"
She hung up and went back to the conversation with the girl in front of her.
A few men and women had come up to you asking if you wanted to dance but you turned them all down. You really didn't want anyone to get the wrong idea and so you kept your head rested on your hand while you closed your eyes trying to block the noise out.
You hadn't known how much time had passed but when you felt a hand on your shoulder. It caused you to jump out of your skin. "sorry hun didn't mean to scare you" Sam's voice came out soft and the nickname he let slip out caused a blush to form on your face.
Looking up at him as he took a seat beside you. "its okay Sam. What are you doing here?" He was going through his bag that he brought with him as he replied. "Charlie called me told me you needed some company"
He hadn't wanted you to know that she noticed you weren't doing to well because he knew how you got when people pointed it out. You had traits of autism but have never gotten tested because your parents didn't believe in it. When you had your moments you would rather someone just silently make sure you were okay in public without pointing it out and making it a big deal.
The book that you were holding is not placed on top of the table. "thank you. Uhm I just, Crowds aren't really my thing" Sam smiles and pulls out a small bag "yeah I've noticed. Not a bad thing though, just means you like private more intimate places"
A smile forms on your face as you look at him. "yeah. I'm sorry that she called you. You were probably busy" He shakes his head "I'm never to busy" His words were spoke with such seriousness as if he was speaking the truth. You didn't know what to say but you didn't get the chance too before there was a loud smash that made your body jolt and your hands go to your ears.
Sam instantly stands up and places his hands over yours and brings them down to your lap. "it was someone just dropping their bottle. Its okay. Here" he grabs something from the pouch and pulls it out it was earbuds.
It was the same earbuds that he had gotten for you a few months back. Ones that blocked out most of the noise from the outside world. You looked up at him and the both of you made eye contact before he placed them in your hand. "thank you"
He smiled "its no problem. Put them in and ill play a song for you then we can dance to take your mind off everything"
You put in the earbuds and he pulls out his phone and once you nod he plays a song. Its songs that were just instrumental because he knew that at the moment if someone were to be talking in your ear you might just tip over.
Taking a deep breath and closing your eyes for a moment just letting your body relax a little before you stand up and take his hand. Sam leads you to an empty place and then places his hands on your shoulders lightly. They roam up and down your shoulders and then down to your back and you can feel how your body immediately relax.
He makes sure to be gentle and let you make the next move because he doesn't want to overwhelm you. So when you finally move closer to him he moves his hands to your sides while you place yours on his shoulders.
The music in your ears had a romantic kind of feeling to it and it was making you feel so many things. Sam looks down at you as if he sees you for all that you are. As if he can see all your flaws and still think you are the most attractive man he's ever seen
"Sam" Your voice was soft and quiet because of the emotions going through you. The both of your bodies were so close that you can feel his chest against your own as you danced with him. "y/n" his voice wasn't as quiet as yours had been but filled with so much hidden emotion that it sent a shiver down your spine.
No other words were spoken between the two of you for a few minutes. The only thing you could focus on at this moment was the way your heart was beating faster and how you could feel Sam's breath fan against your face as he spoke your name.
You began to become so tired of all the games. Just wanting him to kiss you but you refused to kiss him and ruin whatever it was going on between you. He must have had the same reaction because he spoke "I'm going to kiss you" his hands pull you against him more as he leans down and places a soft kiss to your lips.
The kiss was soft at first and it made your hands go to the back of his head as you deepen it. His soft lips against your own and then when you deepen it he matches the energy and his tongue slips into your mouth as his hands tighten their grip on you more possessively.
Your knees almost gave out so its a good thing that he was holding you up. When he pulled away it was far to soon for your liking. He had just kissed you as if he needed you to breathe and now as you look up at him. He was looking at you as if you were the only one in this room. "How about I take you to the bunker with me?"
There was nothing that insinuated that he meant that in a way that was like *let me take you home and we can fuck* but still it made you freeze. When he noticed your reaction he shook his head. "Let me take you back to the bunker to take care of you. Ill make you food and then we can watch whatever movie you want"
As he grabs his bag, you grab your phone and book. Then once you both get everything he grabs onto your hand and you begin to walk out of the building but not before you look over at Charlie and she's already looking at you giving you a thumbs up and a smile. "Its about damn time" she mouths to you and you laugh while Sam just smiles and shakes his head while mouthing the words "be safe"
The night was spent with a sandwich that Sam had made for the both of you. A movie had been playing while the two of you ate. It was a romantic comedy, one of your comfort movie.
However your moment was ruined because Dean came down and whistled dramatically "well Sammy I didn't know you had it in you. Its about time" This caused you all to roll your eyes and laugh.
Then when the movie was finished you ended up falling asleep next to Sam as he just had a hand on you just to make sure you were there as the both of you slept.
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youchangedmedestiel · 3 months
You know what was hard for Dean when he was in that underground and government-run prison, isolated, was that he was alone with nothing. They had nothing. But what was the hardest is that he didn't get any touch. Any touch at all. He would have trade a good punch in the face instead of this nothingness. He would have trade any kind of torture touch just to feel somebody's slight brush of skin against his.
And when they were finally free, sure he touched those people that were hunting him but it was more about survival. But then, he got to hug Cas and his mom and it felt so good. He could finally feel someone else's warmth against his touch-deprived body for so long. He felt like being alive again.
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scoobydoodean · 9 months
Anon I already addressed a lot of your message, but I also wanted to respond to the 2.02 part of your message more specifically. Tbh I didn't talk about this very specifically in my rewatch because I kind of feel like Sam projecting in 2.02 is a subject that has been beaten to death by fandom and I didn't really want to add to it if I'm being quite honest—especially because it quickly leads to samcrit hours for a lot of people in a way that I'm not really into believe it or not. But I wanted to respond specifically to what you wrote here:
Yes, Sam is expressing how he feels in season 2, but he isn't lashing out. He wants to express his grief to his brother, who he knows is also expressing grief. He doesn't realize his brother is expressing it in a different way than him, and interprets that as not expressing it at all. But he isn't lashing out and he isn't being malicious. Sam is trying to get Dean to talk to him, because that is how Sam needs to process his grief. He isn't displacing his aggression onto someone else. He's desperate for a connection. He's more begging than projecting at some point. And when it bubbles over, he admits how he is feeling to Dean based on an earlier conversation where Dean criticized Sam for how he was reacting to their father's death when Sam and John fought all of the time. Dean is angry because that is how Dean deals with grief, and in that conversation, he took it out on Sam. In the season 2 scene, Sam is admitting that yes, he and his dad always fought, and he feels terrible about it and is drowning in the too little too late. But he is desperate for his brother to let him in because that is the only connection he has left and Dean shutting down makes him afraid to lose that too. But he isn't lashing out or projecting. He is trying to communicate his needs but doing it less than stellarly.
First (clarification for any other readers) I've already clarified that I myself don't see Sam projecting as malicious.
Second, I think you reference a tag I used on my original post: projecting displaced aggression and scapegoating in spn. That is a tag for my tagging system. It's a blanket tag that I use when at least one of the words in the string applies to a situation, but not all have to apply.
Third, let's be clear about the sequence of events in 2.02:
Sam comes outside and asks if Dean is okay or if he needs anything.
Dean says he does not need anything, and calmly but plainly asks Sam to stop asking, because Sam has been asking Dean all week and Sam has not taken a hint.
Sam does not listen. Instead, he pushes forward, pointing out that Dean hasn't mentioned John all week.
Dean responds with a sarcastic remark that boils down to, "What the fuck do you want my grief to look like? What would you consider palatable?"
Sam explodes, yelling at Dean for patronizing him, accusing Dean of grieving wrong, and telling Dean how he should be grieving.
Dean says the anger and vengeance Sam wants from him is useless, and that the only thing he can do right now is work on the car.
As the episode continues:
Sam talks about wanting to hunt in John's memory twice after Dean wonders 1) why Sam wanted to go on a random hunt 2) Why Sam tells the carnival owner that he doesn't want normal. Dean pretends he has no thoughts about this.
Sam brings up a fond memory of John, and Dean says he remembers. 5 seconds later, Sam accuses Dean of "getting maudlin on him", and then he accuses Dean of playing the "strong and silent type"
Dean asks him firmly to leave him alone, and plainly says Sam is acting entitled to determine how Dean grieves.
Sam begins yelling at Dean again for not grieving right.
Dean shouts back at Sam that he is fine and tells Sam to stop dumping his issues on Dean.
Sam asks what Dean means.
Dean says Sam is having trouble dealing with John's death because of how things ended between the two of them and says Sam is projecting his inability to deal with John's death onto Dean.
At the end of the episode, Sam admits that Dean was right about what he was doing, but also says he knows Dean isn't actually okay.
That is the sequence of events.
He doesn't realize his brother is expressing it in a different way than him, and interprets that as not expressing it at all.
I'm not the thought police, but neither is Sam, and Sam quite literally shouts at Dean multiple times in 2.02 for not grieving in a way that Sam finds relatable. He specifically demands to know why Dean isn't angry, and why Dean doesn't want revenge, and why Dean's grieving process involves fixing his broken car instead of doing exactly what Sam has been doing—searching for leads on the demon. Sam is angry and is frustrated by a lack of leads, and he is displacing that frustration onto Dean and doing exactly what you claim Dean did to him later in the episode, except when Dean does it, it is after being harassed repeatedly and criticized for how he grieves and having his clearly stated boundaries trampled on by his brother for over a week.
Adults don't have to understand the quirks of other people's grief, but they should be expected to accept that their own feelings are not universal, and not make judgements. We don't get to dictate how other people feel and process things. I lost my grandfather this year, and if someone had come up to me at his funeral and criticized me for not appearing to grieve in a way they found relatable (which would invariably and inescapably carry an implication that I didn't care about my own grandfather) I would have put them on the ground, and they would have deserved it. It's fine that Sam doesn't understand how Dean grieves. His response to that lack of understanding, which is to deliberately and flagrantly ignore Dean's very calmly and plainly stated boundaries, and criticize how Dean deals with his feelings because Sam doesn't understand him, is not fine.
Note: Sam's behavior here is also not dissimilar from how he criticized Dean in 1.03 for not searching hard enough for John (in Sam's opinion—a guy who had found exactly 0 leads for them up to that point) with a tacked on thinly-veiled accusation that Dean did not care, followed by denials of his obvious meaning when Dean reacted. That also was not okay, and it's part of the pattern we see.
Sam is trying to get Dean to talk to him, because that is how Sam needs to process his grief.
You say Sam just wants to express his own grief to Dean, but that is not what Sam does? Sam talks exclusively about how Dean is processing his own grief: DEAN hasn't brought up dad once. DEAN should want revenge. DEAN should be mad. DEAN needs to stop being so dysfunctional and cold and "deal with" John's death—not Sam. If Sam wanted to talk about how Sam was grieving... he could simply talk about how he is grieving. However, quite crucially, he should also be willing to have someone else act as his active listener (ex: Bobby). Dean and Sam's methods of coping clearly do not mesh, and Sam should be willing to respect that. But when Dean does ask Sam quite plainly, over and over, to stop pestering him, Sam does not listen. He wants to talk about how Dean is grieving. Whether Dean is ready is not relevant—only whether Sam is ready for Dean to be ready. Dean is expected to grieve on Sam's timeline, in a way that looks familiar and relatable. Sam fixates on getting Dean to open up, because Sam is worried about him yeah—but also because Sam thinks he needs Dean—specifically—to spill his guts in order to process his own grief and stop worrying about Dean, and that is dysfunctional, and Sam is so focused on fulfilling that dysfunctional need that he is willing to flagrantly trample all over Dean's own grieving process and his clearly defined boundaries in order to get what he wants.
Sam's methods of coping and how they effect Dean in 2.02 are maladaptive, and they make Dean responsible for "fixing" Sam in a way that is not fair, while Dean is also grieving their dead father. Sam is essentially criticizing Dean for not offering up his raw grief as an artistically arranged meal for Sam's consumption, and Sam does not even realize it until Dean, tired of having his clearly stated boundaries trampled on over and over by Sam's repeated pestering and demands and criticisms, calls Sam out on what he is doing. And Dean is right about it, and after Sam reflects on it, he admits that Dean is right and reduces his harassment and policing of Dean's feelings by about 75%.
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zepskies · 1 month
This is so random, but you have a lot of followers and people who read and reply to your stories and the fact that you reply to almost everyone or just interact makes me feel like I’m a warm star going to explode happily😭. Just getting that off my chest
Hi there, lovely!!
Aww you're so very sweet. 🥹💖 Look, I still feel like I'm the new kid on the block sometimes. I only got started on Tumblr for real around January last year. I have a full-time job and a part-time job, along with occasional freelance work. I have plenty to keep me busy lol.
But I love coming to Tumblr to share my stories and connect with people. You guys have been very kind to me on here, and I genuinely love and appreciate every bit of feedback and engagement that I get from you guys. Which is why I try to reply as much as I can. 🙏🏽💕
I've made actual friends on here that brighten my week and help me get through stressful times. I reread people's lovely comments on my stories to make myself smile when I'm feeling down, or overwhelmed, or overworked.
I also love reading what my friends write and hyping them up when I can, because there's some amazingly talented people here, especially in SPN fandom. 💞
I'm also a giant nerd. 🥸✌🏽 I love talking about fandom and characters, plot points and narrative technique, songs I listen to while I'm writing, or the way writers develop their processes.
So please know, if anyone has ever enjoyed something I've written, you've given me joy right back when you let me know what you thought of it. Or if you've dropped in my inbox to ask me a question about a story, or on writing in general.
I love and appreciate you. 💓💓
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iamawolfstarsimp · 6 months
Sup bitches im back
Now I'm still trying to get back into the swing of things with writing (and, I think this is my first supernatural fic I've made) so forgive me, I'm still a little rusty. lmk if you want more spn fics in the future and want you think of this fic.
So yeah enjoy
(this is set in like season 1-2)
Dean lost count of how many hours they'd been on the road for. Had to be at least nine. Maybe ten.
Sam was blankly staring out the window, half asleep, the same thing he'd been doing for the past half an hour.
Dean made the consecutive decision to pull into the nearest motel that was next to a gas station. Sam didn't make a fuss about it and just pulled their stuff out of the car while Dean checked in.
The two moved in silence as they got ready for bed, Sam particularly avoiding eye contact and talking.
Finally, Dean spoke up when Sam had sat down on his own bed and started staring at his bed sheets instead of reading some random book like he usually did.
"Alright, what's up?" Dean turned to face Sam as he spoke.
Sam paused. "What?"
"Come on," Dean tilted his head. "you're never this quiet."
"I just didn't have anything to say." Sam shrugged.
Dean narrowed his eyes but didn't say anything else yet. He watched Sam for a moment. He still felt bad about dragging Sam back into this life. Sam shouldn't have to live like this, have to sleep in shabby motels and eat cheap takeout as his meals. He should have been able to go to Stanford and get married and have two kids and a dog and never have to worry about getting stabbed or bitten or impaled by whatever creature they were hunting.
Sam sighed, snaping Dean out of his train of thought.
"I'm just not in a good mood is all." Sam answered.
"Oh," Dean nodded, then grinned. "Well you know how we fix bad moods, don't you?"
Sam went stiff and shook his head at Dean, already holding his hands out in front of his body to protect himself from any hands trying to poke or wiggle at him.
"Dean, no." Sam said, backing away from Dean.
"Oh, come on, Sammy." Dean gave him a toothy grin, advancing on Sam. "You don't wanna play with your big brother?"
Sam glanced at Dean and then at the bathroom door. If he was fast enough, he could run past Dean and lock himself in the bathroom and wait it out. But, his few seconds of hesitation was enough time for Dean to lunge at him and tackle him to the floor. Sam yelped, doing his best to crawl away from Dean while he was on top of him.
Sam snapped his mouth closed when he felt wiggling fingers digging into his sides. His hands grappled with Dean's hands, trying desperately to pull them away from his body.
Sam flipped himself around, onto his back so he was more able to prevent any oncoming attacks. Sam wrapped his legs around Dean and flipped their positions, holding down Dean's hands. He felt a surge of triumph rush through him before Dean promptly reversed their positions again.
The two wrestled like that for a while before Dean managed to shove a hand up Sam's shirt, wiggling his fingers against his ribs. Sam broke down in a fit of uncontrolled giggles, rolling away from Dean.
"Yes!" Dean shouted when he finally pinned Sam.
"Dean, stop!" Sam yelled through his laughter. "T-this is chihildish!"
"Aw, but it's working, see?" Dean used both his hands to dig into Sam's upper ribs, causing Sam to throw his head back and cackle. "Look at that big smile."
Sam pushed at Dean's hands and when he couldn't catch them he pushed against Dean's chest, but he could already feel the energy being sapped out of him from the tickling.
Dean's hands darted from spot to spot, quickly changing tactics with each spot he tickled. He leaned back and pinched Sam's knees abruptly, poking his fingers underneath his knees. Sam screeched, his legs flailing out away from Dean.
Dean chuckled at his reactions, slowing down so that Sam could somewhat catch his breath. He lightly scratched Sam's sides up and down to keep him giggling at a steady but slow pace.
"You're a friggin' jerk, you know that?" Sam grumbled.
"I love you too, bitch." Dean smiled affectionately.
"Remember when you used to have nightmares when you were younger?" Dean said after a pause, watching his hands as they rested on Sam's stomach.
"Yeah?" Sam answered. When he was younger he had had a scary encounter with a ghost in the motel they were staying in. Thankfully, their father had come crashing in to help the two of them, since the ghost had knocked Dean's gun out of his hands. For months after that he had nightmares about creatures coming in and hurting him and his family. When they got really bad, he confessed to Dean about them and would crawl into his bed sometimes at night for comfort. Dean never complained and never brought it up unless Sam did first.
"Do you remember how I'd scare them away if they got really bad?" Dean smirked.
Oh right, he remembered. If they got bad and Sam would crawl into Dean's bed but if he couldn't fall asleep Dean would help "scare" the nightmares away.
"Wait-" Sam said before Dean grinned, hiked his shirt up to his ribs, and quickly leaned down blowing a raspberry on his taut stomach.Dean's hands came to life again squeezed along his sides and hips.
Sam twisted and cackled, legs thumping on the floor behind Dean. His hands pushed desperately at Dean's head when he blew the second raspberry right below his belly button, the third one right next to it and then on the other side, the fifth being right on top of his naval.
Dean sat back up, grinning. He leaned forward and ruffled Sam's already messed up hair.
"Feeling better?" Dean asked after a bit.
"I heh-hate you." Sam mumbled, still giggly from Dean's tickly assault.
Dean smiled and got off of Sam and helped him up of the gross motel floor. Afterwards, Dean stayed up late watching random shows on the television bit Sam fell asleep rather quickly, his soft snores a nice background melody.
Sam wouldn't admit it to Dean but his tricks still worked on him, even though it had been years since Dean had last used them.
But Dean knew Sam too well to not know that they still worked. He wouldn't use them if he didn't think they worked.
Oop, got a little carried away lol anyway hope you liked
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Intro Post
Hey, this is Aven, and this is my new writeblr!! I may have accidentally deleted my old one 😭😭😭.
Pronouns are he/they. I'm young-ish writer focusing on writing YA, since that's what I like to read.
Currently working on several things, you're more than welcome to take a looksie!
I'm autistic and ADHD, physically disabled, super queer, and even more traumatized, and yes I do make that stuff my whole personality. If you don't like it, then please DNI.
Also I cuss a lot, way more on here than I do IRL.
My ask box and DMs are always open to chat, I'm a lonely little hermit lol. Feel free to tag me in games or challenges!!! If I don't participate it's because I'm out of spoons, not because I don't want to.
A bit more about me:
What I Like
Creepy witchy shit
Doll Collecting (mostly vicariously thru YouTube cause that shit is EXPENSIVE)
Anything by Rick Riordan
Anything by Tamora Pierce
Any other good YA or MG spec fiction book I can get my grabbers on.
Taylor Swift
Fall Out Boy
Nordic/Celtic Fantasy music like Faun, Skald, Wardruna, AURORA, etc.
The MCU (newbie fan)
Labyrinth and The Dark Crystal
Good Omens (haven't watched S2 yet)
SPN (Newbie fan, only on S6)
Shadow & Bone
Gravity Falls
What I Write
I mostly write YA fantasy and sci-fi. Expect plenty of queer and neurodivergent rep, sibling relationships of all varieties, bad puns, the odd bit of creepy stuff and a lot of heart. I'm especially into mythology retellings, dragons, space operas, and exploring trauma and inner character motivations. Not so big on the romance, but I'm getting more into it.
Tagging System
Random stuff like shitposts, 2AM thoughts, etc is tagged with
#random shit,
Stuff about my irl exploits is tagged with
#life update
Stuff relating to my writing in general is tagged with
#my writing,
And all posts relating to my main WIP right now are tagged with
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