#personnal project
valentinfougeray · 1 year
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Valentin Fougeray © https://www.instagram.com/valentinfougeray/ Extract of “Balance” series
Set design : Eli Serres
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madhoost · 5 months
[ c o u t u r e 🧵🪡 ]
A butterfly-shaped soft toy, decorated with stars
this creation corresponds to the same themes as the one posted previously : dream and childhood ⭐🌀
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I would create more plushies like that ✴️💐
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cabi-leodrann · 6 months
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Heheheheheheheh Rainworld FanArt
I did this one a while ago, but didn't post it because I asked a professor to give me a feed back, and it just... put me off of it. When I was actually pretty proud of it!
Anyway, it's here now! Bone Apple Teeth uwu
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scorchedhearth · 2 years
a really interesting thing to look at is the evolution of your ocs, looking back at my first draft vs how they are now is fun and pretty telling or how i changed overtime, not just for the amount of details they have now but what changed from first idea to now the worked on and fully evolved character
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artichow · 2 years
Top five scrunklies???
5. Kenta
4. Little My
3. Ryuga :')
2. Snufkin
Hyoma beyblade
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stormr · 2 years
Share with me your experience with online petition!
Writing and submitting a petition to my provincial government is a more complex process than I would have thought. It's still a project I'm considering. If anyone has any tips and/or wants to share their experience with me, please don't hesitate! I would like to have a solid, effective, credible petition that really leads somewhere. So I want to organize myself accordingly and given my declining health, I would have no choice but to take my time (this may be a good thing finally). I hope to have your valuable advice! VF Rédiger et soumettre une pétition à mon gouvernement provincial est un processus plus complexe que je ne l'aurais pensé. C'est toujours un projet que j'envisage. Si quelqu'un a des conseils et/ou veut me faire part de son expérience, n'hésitez pas ! J'aimerais avoir une pétition solide, efficace, crédible qui mène vraiment quelque part. Je souhaite donc m'organiser en conséquence et compte tenu de ma santé déclinante, je n'aurais d'autre choix que de prendre mon temps (c'est peut-être bien). J'espère avoir vos précieux conseils !
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poppywriter · 1 year
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❀ Pansy n°1 = F*cking writer’s block.
I really enjoy writing.
Like a lot.
I think it’s because I have a lot on my mind and I thrive to get it out of my head. Like I don’t want to lose the ideas I have so I try to write as much as I can somewhere, everywhere. I literally have a note on my phone titled ‘Story ideas’ , and up to this date (the time I’m writing this) I collected twelve ideas without counting this book, or whatever this is. I have some ideas that are way more developed than others and some that are just fun things I thought about, but I feel like I could do so much with each of them. And I want, I really want to use all those amazing ideas and make them into the novels they deserve to be, but sadly… It always ends the same.
You see, dear reader, there is some sort of pattern that seems to come back in my life as a wannabe writer. Most of the time it starts with me having a dream or a daydream about whatever came to my mind this day. Then I realize that I really like what I’m imagining, that it’s actually really interesting and maybe it could grow into something more. So I continue to think about it for days, weeks, months, sometimes years and I end up with a full on story of ten novels and even a sequel (I may exaggerate a bit, but only a bit). And here I am, attached to this universe I created, to these characters I watched growing up and all the important events of their adventures I want everyone to know about, and I’ll be heartbroken to just leave it at that. To just leave it as a simple fantasy, a dream, a figment of my subconscious. I cannot possibly let it be forgotten, because I’ll inevitably forget it if I do not act and do something to keep it somewhere, anywhere. So comes the time to write, to finally put into words this story, this scenario that was entirely made up by myself and my creative mind.
Yet, when I finally have the motivation to write something, anything, this so-called motivation never comes alone. It always comes with it. You might be confused as to who or what I’m talking about dear reader. Well, I am talking about this horrible realization that writing is difficult as f*ck.
In fact, I always end up being lost in all the details of my stories. I always end up realizing that I thought of things, but not everything, and that I have now to choose the right words, the right grammar, the right phrasing to accurately depict the world, the characters and the adventures I have created. And this dear reader is so very hard.
Then I also have to think about all that’s in between the big events of the story to tone down the dose of action in the script, to show the character development, to exploit the characters' relationships and make the readers like them as well as relate to them. At this point, writing seems like a chore, a big task that is too hard for me to actually be able to finish.
Admitting that I actually started something and didn’t give up just messily writing down notes on a random notebook, I never seem to end up writing things that I like. Writing becomes stress inducing because I constantly think about what I have to write down after this exact moment for it to make sense and how I have to make some details pop out but not too obvious for the reader to notice them but not understand their importance. All in all my thoughts, ideas and anxiety create this jumbled mess in my head and I am incapable of writing.
To this date I have three started and unfinished projects. One that I started when I was like 12 or 13 and actually finished (well at least the first book or season because it was written as a screenplay) after having started at least four or five different versions of it. But as time flew by I ended up hating what I wrote so I decided to start it all over again this time as a novel. Yet I didn’t get far because I started questioning the originality and interest of this story that was in fact kind of childish. It was very important to me because it was the first ever thing I wrote down and I loved it dearly, but I inevitably left it aside.
Then much later I started thinking of this thriller based on a nightmare I had. So with one of my sisters we wrote everything down about the plot, the characters, the universe, etc… I even started writing but I never went past the first chapter. I was just unable to. I wanted to, really, because it has a lot of potential and I wanted it done but I dreaded writing about it because I couldn’t come up with correct phrasing and ideas of filler chapters. I was also so far ahead in my mind, already thinking of what could happen in the second book of this saga. I’m always thinking too far, too fast. So I have a second draft lying around on my computer.
Finally, recently I decided that I wanted to truly finish a book, that I was going to do it, and in order to do just that I thought of a simple love story which could fit in a tiny and single book. Like that no thinking ahead and finishing with ideas for an infinite number of books. So I took notes of ideas as they came, created the characters and found their visuals, all of that in a very short amount of time and I loved doing it. I was thrilled! It felt good to be able to do things so fast and smoothly. Then I started writing, it went well, I was inspired and I liked how I wrote, but came chapter 7 and I stopped completely because I was once again starting to complicate the task at hand. I was either distracted or not inspired or just lazy. So I stopped and a third unfinished draft joined my computer.
Whenever I want I could go back to either of those drafts and continue them, because deep down I know I am capable of doing it, of writing but I can’t seem to do so. I am just stuck with overflowing ideas but the incapability of fully writing things down. It s*cks… And it makes me feel incapable.
So I just have one thing to say: f*ck writer’s block.
🔺Original work, please do not steal or copy. Thanks.🔺
- notify me if there are typos ;)
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gahellhimself-blog · 8 months
I’m on a big project (Gomens personnal project :) i’m so excited!!) , I don’t know for how long and I’ll probably post less fanart so..
Here’s the last one I made. My god the shoot I had to do to have all the refs!! But I’m pretty happy with the result.
I heard some of you here liked long hair Crowley.. Is he getting dressed to go to dinner at the Ritz?
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It seems Az can’t handle it too..
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qajuliriv · 2 years
Emploi infirmier singapour
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kagakuoniryu · 4 months
Alastor x reader I've written randomly to vent about a shitty situation I'm currently living
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Summary : a new guest you knew from your past life arrive at the hotel, she was that one person who bullied you throigh high school, but she mooks too angelic to be guilty
Code : E/n (ennemy/name)
Tags : fem reader, etablished relationship, angst for the most part, there will maybe be a part 2, mentions of bullying, reader is TRAUMATIZED, english is not my first language, may have some inaccuracy about the show since I'm just projecting, and of course probably ooc characters
It wasn't a bad day, at least not in a place like hell, it was even quite nice, charlie was babbling about a new team bonding activity as usual, and it was nice being with your friends, until around 2 pm...when a new guest arrived...
Oh you remembered her...from high school, so pretty, so popular, she was you best friends ! You should have been overjoyed to see her down here !
Well...not exactly, because she wasn't your best friend anymore, you hardly bear to be in the same room as her, of anger, from your history and how your friendship ended...but also of fear and dread...
You were both teens back then, you and eager to have many friends ! You had your own group of friends, and she was a separate individual, spending her time with her boyfriend often, that's okay by you, you were happy for her, and when that boy left her you welcomed her with open arms ! You became best friend soon, even inseparable ! You heard her badmouth you to your friend group from time to time, but she told you it was okay, it was "to know who was fake" then, one by one, your friends ghosted you, but you had her, she was there at least, making new friends, each time you introduced her they left soon enough, you thought that maybe you were the problem and stopped trying, your best friend was there after all
Until a boy came along, love at first sight for you, he had everything ! He had so much...your best friend wanted him too...and with that, she had him, when you called her out she called you an homewrecker and a toxic friend getting in the way of her relationship, that ended badly and an argument followed, while you stayed on the down low, she texted your few friends left, and any new friends you managed to make telling them how awful you were, so you ended up closing your media althogether, moving away, and never hearing about her ever again
And there she was, she didn't really looked different from her time on her, a round face and blond hair, she didn't looked like she fitted in hell, but you you were different, your body jointed like a doll, mocking your life as the puppet of those who wanted to play you, but if not your appearance, your personnality changed, you were more confident, your boyfriend was a powerful overlord too ! No, not boyfriend, he proposed a month ago after all, he was your fiancee now, and you had friends, through thick and thin, you knew they wouldn't buy into her lie at least !
Having an hard time to breath you sucked it up, maybe she wouldn't recognize you ?
How wrong
"Hello ! Welcome to the hazbin hotel ! Guys this is our new guest !" Charlie started with her usually cheerfulness
"Hi everyone ! My name is E/n, I barely arrived in hell ! And I figured that if I could, I would want to be redeemed ! After all everyone deserves second chances !" The girl said back
Her voice hasn't changed, neither her tone, that fake nice tone you used to hear every day, here, one again in flesh and blood, not through a phone, not through class, but..here...
Breathing harder than ever, you only went back to reality when husk called out to you
"Hey ? You seem weird, like you've seen some ghost ?" His tone nonchalant as always showed half concerns, but for him, it was a lot
"A glass, of whiskey, or vodka, whatever you got, strongest you got please"
"Wowowo...alright, that's not your type to drink, what's up...?"
"I-I...I know this girl...she...listens, I can't be in her presence sober, I knew her from where I was alive...we had...some bad conflict...she did some awful things to me, and I got bad issues after that...I said some mean things to her too, we were kids, but since then I'm scared I'll lose all my friends again !"
Husk just nodded at my whispered rant, trying to calm myself, I didn't even insisted on a glass and went straight to my own room since alastor and I didn't shared one yet, not before marriage he said
Later that day, angel vaggie and charlie passed by my room, concerned by my absence, I told them everything, how I ended up abandonning the notion of making friends when I was alive, the calls, the insults, they looked at me with compassion, charlie said she believes that she could have changed, and even if I doubted it, I wanted to believes it
Alastor arrived to spend some quality time with me, dancing on old jazz music far from my time, reading a book, basking in silence with each others
After a while, I thought I could talk about E/n with him, he was my fiancee after all ?
"Al ?" I started, unsure
"Yes my dear ?"
"You know about that new guest at the hotel ?"
"Ah yes, what a cultivated lady, quite entertaining, she was really into songs from the 1980s not my style at all, we had a long discussion about music genres, she's actually quite against modern technology and that picture show"
"Oh...so...you like her company ?"
"She is not insufferable if that's your question"
Finally you decided against your first idea, perhaps she had changed in the end ? Perhaps a new friendship was possible ? With healthy fondation, you could get your bestfriend back !
Wrong again
You revealed her the next day who you were, well, used to be, what linked the two of you back in the living realms, for others, nothing changed, but for you it was subtle, for exemple she never interrupted anyone, but when it came to you each time your mouth opened she would cut you out
She was such a charmer too, a quality you envied her, her audience was captivated, and soon even alastor was her aquaintance, he presented her rosie of course ! Just like he did for charlie !
And just like he did for you...
Rosie found her delightful, and from your tea parties at 3 with her and alastor, became 4, adding E/n
A comment about your appearance back in high school, an embarassing moment you had, a silly crush, every single detail of your life was used to mock you, even your crush on a video game character
Soon you always found excuses to avoid going to the tea party, and spend most of our time outside of the hotel, feeling akward in her presence
You tried talking about it to charlie or maybe vaggie, to no avail, they said how nice E/n was and how much progress she was making, if they weren't saying you sounded silly thinking that in these 3 weeks she took your place, you still felt like it...
And it all confirmed when, after a whole day of searching for everyone, they finally came back to the hotel from shopping...without you
"Finally you're here toots ! We tried searching for ya before going but you weren't anywhere !" Angel started, holding many bags in each arms
"What do you mean ? I was in my room all day ?"
"Wait you weren't out ? E/n told us she saw you leave ?"
"Oh I'm sorry my eyes deceived me...next time I'll still check your room !" As everyone looked sorry I couldn't help but see it, even for a second...
She smirked...
Of course she did, she never changed
This started becoming common occurence, either the others left you behind, or you could leave the entire day without them noticing, and at some point, angel, husk and sir pentious started to distance themselves from you
"Hey angel, hum...you wanna hang out...? Go to a club, or drink with husk, just spend some time betweens pal ?"
"Sorry sweet cheeks, but we're partying with E/n tonight and...she doesn't feel comfortable around you..."
"Wha ? Angel what are you talking about ?"
"She told us about it, about the two of you, hos jealous and manipulative you were, you even tried to make her dump her boyfriend, that wasn't cool of you, I don't want to take side on this, but if I hang out with one of you, I'd rather not force her to be with the other for both your sanities"
That's all you could have mustered, because what was there to muster, you were in hell, all the proof you used to have were on your previous phone in the living realm, but even if angel and the other favored her, mayne your fiancee could understand your side ?
Gently you knocked on alastor's hotel room as he called you to come in, he was currently eating his dinner, a...fresh venison...but you shook your head lightly, taking a sit across the table
"Al, can I vent to you for a bit...?"
"What is it my dear ? But please, spare me your story with E/n, as much as I love a good gossip, the young lady did you a favor by never taking vengance in the living realm, I wouldn't want the two of you to get in troubles once again"
"Al, please it's serious, she's telling lies about le ! And you believes her ? I'm your fiancee ! She's in hell as well !"
"And so are you, and so am I, I am not interested in knowing the why who is were, but I admit your little querrel is...quite entertaining !"
"So your fiancee see her ex bully...and all you think about is entertainment ?"
"Well, ma chère (my dear) as far as we are all concerned, without proof, both of you could be the liar, it's about, who's able to convince the public, just like on a stage"
Alastor's half sadistic smile didn't amused you, you just sighed, getting up, wamking slowly toward the exit of his room, if even your own fiancee, the man you loved refused to believes you, who would ?
You couldn't see alastor's curious expression as you left, he just wanted to prolounge the fun and not outright gives you the solution, but seeing you give up almost made him that for once he screwed up badly
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i-may-be-anyone · 11 days
✨️ I am alive ✨️
[Admin update & help needed]
Sorry that I had to disappear : with my apprenticeship and work I was totally busy these last few months 🫂
And even more recently on a special project...for my diploma !
Being a Community Manager student, my project must focus on my social networks which I will then manage (for the diploma, even if I want to continue afterwards) until October !
My objective for the diploma is to prove my ability to animate, manage and maintain a community on different networks around a whole project (mine is artistic)
So let me present you Pepper ! (An Hazbin Hotel oc of mine who was born 2 months ago on instagram, I will build my project around her ! What I will (or had already) post for her : storytelling, animation, illustrations, character design, interactions, rp, comic book panel, Vtuber/twitch lives... ) 🫂✨️
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For the moment she is close to the 1300 followers, and her interaction rate on each publication and story seems pretty good, I may have a good rate at the end of the year with it if it keep going like this : but it still needs to grow 💪
Any support and sharing will be greatly appreciated 🥹💪
My goal is to have a strong community based on this artistic project of mine to shows to the editorial companies when I will finally send them my personnal comic book project : to proves them that my art and scenarios can attract people and that I am really motivated 🫂🥂
Here is the link to this instagram if you wanna follow and help me :
Have a nice day you all and see you soon on Tumblr for more DCA art 🫶
- Anyone (allias Yüka on instagram)
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madhoost · 5 months
[ c o u t u r e 🧵🪡 ]
A butterfly-shaped soft toy, decorated with stars
It's been waiting for their post for a while, so hère it is !!
There is a whole theme floating around this plush, brought together in two words ; dream and childhood ⭐🌈🌀
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it has removable wings and a decorated book in which it can be stored (it's a bit like its bed) 🌀
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chinomiko · 3 months
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You've met my first Pirate OC Varkas before Now you can meet Oshen too 😌
If Varkas doesn't know how to smile, Oshen does for sure... 😏 ------
-Original character -Personnal project -Do not repost, copy or edit
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emihotaru · 1 month
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Mermay day 5: Muriel!
And yes, little spoiler, in "There are stars at the bottom of the sea", Muriel is TransMasc! 🏳️‍⚧️
He's 25, an accomplished sailor, and of course, he'll sew hi own flag in our story, like the rest of the crew in OFMD! (not this one, obviously, but one which represent his sweet personnality!)
We wanted to post this picture today, because the trans kids are in danger here, in France, right now, and there were a lot of trans rights march and assembllies in a lot of French cities, today.
🏳️‍⚧️ Trans rights are human rights, trans kids are precious. 🏳️‍⚧️
Take care of yourself
You can read the first chapter of our fic on Ao3!
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mochademic · 4 months
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100 Days of Productivity [Day: 59] || 100 Jours de Productivité [Jour: 59]
dreams that lead to home. one that you can call your own.
another week, another venture. started off with an early morning, lots of readings, and new ideas. I'm slowly learning to set goals that also allow me to spend time with the people I love the most.
readings completed
course work completed
visual project started
house cleaned
meal plan sorted
reading done
notes re-written
currently listening // Endless Love by DVRST, OBLXKQ
Les rêves qui mènent à la maison, une maison que l'on peut appeler la sienne.
Une autre semaine, une autre aventure. J'ai commencé tôt le matin, avec beaucoup de lectures et de nouvelles idées. J'apprends lentement à me fixer des objectifs qui me permettent également de passer du temps avec les personnes que j'aime le plus.
lectures terminées
travail de cours terminé
projet visuel commencé
maison nettoyée
plan de repas réalisé
lectures effectuées
notes réécrites
chanson // Endless Love par DVRST, OBLXKQ
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flodeshe · 1 year
Astro notes🔭
(this is my first and I’m not a professional astrologer.Keep in mind that these are just observations and may not apply to everyone.Thank you)
I noticed that having sun in 2nd house overlay can bring chemistry within the relathionship. Both people may often feel the need to touch the other person.This is also quite a possessive placement so one can be jealous if there’s someone else flirting or getting too close to the other.
Venus-Jupiter conjunction is like not being able to stay mad with someone.I have this placement with someone and I am the Jupiter person and everytime I get angry with them it’s for no more than 5 minutes lmao.I personnally really love this placement because there is usually a lot of adoration between the 2 people.❤️
Moon in 7th house overlay is a very strong overlay to have with someone.I have it with my best friend and we are close. I feel like I can tell her everything and she’ll understand. I only had this placement with platonic relathionship so if you had it romantically I’ll be interested to know what was your experience with it!
Having a lot of Mars tense aspect like Mars-Moon and Mars-Sun can bring a lot of ego-clash and fights .The Mars person could be too agressive towards the other person’s emotions.There could be misunderstandings and the Mars person could easily hurt the other person’s ego.
Ascendant/personal planets in 8th house overlay : feeling attracted without knowing why.
I have seen Mars opposite IC in synastry as the IC person’s family not approving the relationship or maybe having arguments.
Uranus-Mars aspects especially conjunction can point to someone being part of LGBTQ community.
Mercury trine Uranus can have awkward,weird type of humor.( and I like it.that’s my Venus in Aquarius talking )
Mars in 4th house is A HARD PLACEMENT.Okay, I have it and let me tell you that home does not feel peaceful at ALL.There can be a lot of conflits and arguments in the house.It may not always manifest like this but for me it is quite chaotic.It kinda feels like having to do certains things other teens don’t do. For example,it can be like filling administrative document and there can be a lot of responsability at a young age. The mom could be really aggressive as the fourth house is ruled by the moon which represent the mother.In the worst case,the mother could also project their anger towards you and put themselves in the position of a victim.My advice is to try to communicate.
I have seen people with virgo placements,especially venus in virgo for some reason being quite skinny or slim.Even it they are small, they appear taller than they are.They usually have very beautiful hands!
I have Mercury sextiling my venus and I love writing ! Some people also told me I had a beautiful handwriting .✍️
Tw : Having Saturn in Taurus and in 6th house can point to eating disorders.Especially if it is afflited.
People with Venus conjunct Moon are usually well-liked by others.They tend to be gentle and nice to everyone, very sweet people.
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Thank you for reading! Please tell me if you liked the post and if you have any of these placements! 💕🌸💮Have a nice day!
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