#sam Wilson imagine
darkeunology · 3 days
♡ Final Goodbyes ♡
Word Count: 1228
Pairing: Sam Wilson x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of death, injury
Summary: When a building collapses on you during a mission with Sam, you feel like you have one chance left to tell him how you feel.
Not Requested
Rewritten from an old account
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Fury had given you and Sam yet another job together, this becoming a regular occurrence as of late. The two of you were often given smaller jobs and undercover jobs together due to how well the two of you worked together. Ever since the fight in the airport - once the team had actually started working with each other again, you and Sam were paired up more often, Tony claiming that he’d passed on how well the two of you fought together, working like an actual team, both knowing exactly what the other was going to do in a fight. 
You were best friends, you had been almost from the moment Sam was introduced to you, both of you and Bucky becoming an almost inseparable unit together - never spending much time away from each other in the compound, all looking out for each other in missions. Fighting with both of them felt so natural to you, your movements flowing with each other, yours and Sam’s slightly more than Bucky’s.
There had been reports on an abandoned building about a drug gang Shield were trying to track down - Fury never telling you guys the exact details about why they were hunting down a simple drugs gang - but you and Sam were sent in as an indiscreet unit, hoping you’d be able to surprise whoever was in the building. The rest of the team weren’t far behind, hiding in a vehicle around the corner from the building, listening to your comms, ensuring the two of you were safe - ready to run in the second they needed to. 
After a small talk outside the building about your strategy, making sure you were both on the same page, you entered the building, guns drawn, staying side by side with each other as you eliminated most of the targets - under Fury’s orders; their boss was confirmed to not be in here, Fury didn’t need any of these guys alive anymore, so your orders were to kill anyone you saw you perceived as a ‘threat’.
Neither of you knew quite how it happened, but you’d managed to get split up from each other after some of the gang members had tried to fight you both. Both of you had a plan for if you’d gotten split up during this mission, both needing to meet on the bottom floor near the main entrance. Sam’s voice came over the comms, making you change your route to the nearest entrance to you, 
“The buildings about to go down, they set off bombs on the top floor. Y/N, get out of the building, do you copy?” Sam spoke, breathless slightly as he spoke, already out of the building, the team meeting him out on the street, all waiting for you to get out,
“Copy. Making my way out no-” You were so close to the exit, only a few feet away as the building shook around you, your comms cutting off as the building fell around you. 
“Y/N!” Sam shouted, watching the building fall, “Please tell me you got out…” he spoke into comms again, praying to whatever God was above that you were okay and were going to answer him. 
“Fury, the building fell on Y/N. We have no contact, starting search and rescue for them.” Tony spoke into his comms, all the team running towards the building to try and find you. 
Painfully you opened your eyes, your suit managing to protect you somewhat from the building collapse, making it so you didn’t die instantly from the impact. Panic ran through you as your lungs burned for a breath, a painful, broken groan spilling past your lips, being heard on the comms of the team outside. You heard your name being shouted, unable to tell if it was through your comms or not, you spoke, hoping your comms were still working, “I-I can’t breathe.” A whisper was all you could get out, a slab of concrete pushing down on your back. 
“Y/N!” Sam spoke through the mic, a minute sense of relief coursing through his veins as he heard your voice - you were alive… But for how long? “Where are you, sweetheart?” 
“I was near the West exit when the building came down.” you spoke, remembering how close you were to being out. Tears spilled from your eyes, another slab of concrete pining your leg to the floor, pain being all you could feel, sharp, stabbing pain throughout every single part of your body - you couldn’t hold on, you were going to die down here, you were going to die without ever telling Sam how you felt. “Sam. I need to tell you something.” you whispered. 
“Go ahead.” he spoke, still digging with the rest of the team, now all near where the West exit used to be, all of them determined to find you before you stopped being able to speak - whilst you were speaking, it meant you were still alive. 
“I love you.” 
Sam chuckled, “I love you too, sweetheart.” he replied, his heart aching slightly as he knew you didn’t mean it in quite the way he wanted you to mean it in. 
Another groan slipped past your lips as you chuckled, this one being more painful than the last, your life slowly trying to slip away from you, “No, Sam.” you stopped, a sharp pain stopping you, your leg felt like it was on fire, another groan of pain - every one being increasingly painful for Sam to hear. “I’m madly in love with you. I have been for years. It’s always been you Sam, ever since I met you, you’re all I’ve ever wanted. I couldn’t die here without telling you that.” 
Sam paused his digging, his heart beating out of his chest, he chuckled brokenly as he started to cry, “I love you too, sweetheart. In the exact same way. So you stay alive for me so I can finally take you on a date.” 
“I don’t think I can Sam… I’m sorry.” your voice got quieter, almost interceptable as your eyes closed, your body giving up just as the team pulled the last pieces of concrete off you. 
A weight in your hand was all you could focus on as your consciousness came back to you. Unbeknownst to you, it was Sam’s hand, he’d been sitting with you from the moment you’d come out of surgery.
He woke up from his very unpeaceful sleep by the feeling of you squeezing his hand, a groan spilling past your lips, a sound that Sam could from now on only associate with you dying, “Y/N?” he spoke, his voice breaking as you opened your eyes to him, “Hey, sweetheart.” he spoke, endearment in his voice, he leant forwards, placing a gentle kiss against your forehead, tears spilling onto your skin. 
“Hey” you croaked, your voice incredibly hoarse, 
“Don’t try to talk too much, okay? Your vocal cords and lungs were damaged in the accident.” Sam explained, watching as you nodded your head, 
Against his wishes, you spoke one last time, “So, about that date?” you asked, a small smile painted on your face, 
“I’ll take you out to dinner the minute you’re out of here.” Sam smiled widely, leaning down to place a gentle kiss against your lips, both of you savouring the kiss you’d both been desperate to share for years.
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late-to-the-party-81 · 2 months
C, J, and/or P for Sam Wilson???
Thank you for this ask, Nonny. Love me some Sam Wilson goodness! I’m going with a Canon-esque Sam here, like from the one-shots found here.
Find my thots under the cut!
C - Crying (is it a turn on? a turn off? do they cry during sex? have they cried during sex? what was the reason?)
Sam’s not into dacryphilia and wouldn’t try to make you cry on purpose. However, once, when he’d been drawing it out as long as possible, rolling his hips oh-so-slowly and just enjoying the clutch of your body, you’d come so hard, so intensely, that tears had started to roll down your cheeks. The sight pushed him over the edge and as you both came down he wiped each one away with either his thumb or his lips.
J - Jelly (what kind of lube are they using? is it flavored? have they tasted it? do they prefer to use something other than real lube during sex?)
Your pleasure is of utmost importance in Sam’s mind and he knows that your levels of natural lubrication alter over the course of your menstrual cycle. To that end, he’s got a variety of lubes on hand and is happy to use them for your comfort. He has the water-based lubes for use with his fingers, cock and various toys for your pussy and silicone lube to use for shower sex or when you both feel like some back door fun.
P - Photography (are cameras allowed in the bedroom? do they send nudes? do they ask for nudes? would they ever record themselves having sex / being caught up in a sexual act?)
Sam loves taking photos, either ones of you looking all fucked out to keep him -ahem- warm when he’s away on missions, or ones of himself so you don’t miss him so much when he’s gone. If he’s feeling puckish, he’ll send you cheeky selfies throughout the day to get you going - slightly sweaty post gym snaps, where he’s only wearing soft grey training shorts and tape around his hands, a picture of him swigging a cold drink, with droplets working their way down his neck, an over the shoulder mirror shot of him wearing his suit so you can see just how good his ass looks in the state of the art Wakandan fabric. He knows exactly what it does to you and he’s more than willing to take every advantage he can get. And if you happen to send some of your own in response, all the better.
Find the link to the ask list here!
Feel free to send asks about my interpretation of canon hotties or any of my AU’s!
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mlmxreader · 3 months
Penthouse Holiday | Sam Wilson x gn!reader
↳ ❝ “Wow, great view. I bet you can see all the way to the ocean from out here.” With Sam Wilson please? ❞
: ̗̀➛ Even Captain America himself deserves some time off.
: ̗̀➛ swearing
It was rare that Sam ever got the time off to actually be your boyfriend, between his work as Captain America and his volunteer work on top of that, he rarely had the time to sit down and be your boyfriend; although you never held it against him, as you knew fully well that he was doing the best he could and that he was actually looking out for people as much as he could.
You loved Sam, and you never expected him to do anything except be himself; as long as he came home to you, you didn't care when or what time that was. As long as he came home.
But Sam had other ideas, as when he approached Marc about taking over for a little while, the infamous Moon Knight was on-board with the idea once Sam explained why.
Just a holiday for a couple of weeks, in a large penthouse in a rural hotel, far from prying eyes and somewhere that nobody knew him. The biggest downside of Captain America was the paparazzi; everybody knew about you and Sam, and it was difficult getting any private time in New York, so he purposefully picked somewhere that nobody would know.
It was on the coast, blessed with warm weather and a sweet gentle breeze, with a large balcony and an even bigger bed; it took some convincing, but after he reassured you that everything was sorted, you agreed.
The second you stepped into the penthouse and put your bags down, though, you grinned and put your arms around Sam's neck.
"It's beautiful," you breathed out, holding his gaze as you laid your hand at the back of his neck.
Sam gently turned you around, pointing to the balcony. "Go check it out."
You nodded, heading over and pressing yourself against the cool, stone railing as you licked your lips. "Wow, great view. I bet you can see all the way to the ocean from out here."
Sam came up behind you, pressing his body against yours and pressing his lips to the back of your shoulder. "I knew you'd like it. You always told me you wanted to see the ocean."
You excitedly pointed over to the port, a soft gasp leaving your lips. "Do they do orca viewing here?!"
He nodded slowly, trying not to laugh at how excited you were. "I checked before we came - orcas at two every afternoon, seals at four, and great whites at eight every morning."
"You really thought of everything," you murmured, turning around sonyou could gently kiss him. "I love you."
Sam planted his hands on the railing either side of you, smiling brightly. "I take it you like it?"
You nodded. "How did you manage to afford this?"
He shrugged, swallowing thickly. He wasn't really sure if he was supposed to tell you that a friend of a friend owed him a favour, and he decided to cash it in in the form of a penthouse rental for a couple of weeks.
Not that Professor Xavier minded much, all too happy to repay the favour.
"Somebody owed me a favour," he murmured. "One of your friends."
You shook your head, wanting to roll your eyes fondly, but seeing hardly any point in it as you felt the soft breeze fan against the back of your neck. "Y'know what? I don't care. It's beautiful, you're beautiful, I wanna go see the orcas."
Sam laughed softly as he grinned brightly; he knew that seeing the orcas would be a big selling point for you, and he was glad that it worked out.
You kept telling him about how much you wanted to see them in the wild, to actually be up and close and observe their behaviour - it even convinced him to want to it, too.
"We've got..." he checked his watch. "Four hours, and then we can go board the boat. But first, do you wanna get room service? I was thinking maybe strawberries and champagne."
"Wouldn't that cost megabucks, though?" You asked, furrowing your brows.
Sam shrugged, daring to move so that his lips were right against your ear. "We're not paying, baby. It's all inclusive - we can eat and drink whatever we want, we can get whatever room service we want. We're not paying."
You let your hands wander down his chest, settling just above his stomach. "You sure know how to please somebody, don't you?"
He laughed softly. "I know how to please you. So, food, orcas and then how about we go and relax on the beach for a few hours?"
"Oh, Sammy," you whispered. "I know I keep saying it, but I really do love you and I cannot fucking believe you did all this just for me."
"Damn right," he beamed. "I wanna make up for as much lost time as I can, and with your permission, give you the best holiday you've ever known, baby."
You hoisted yourself onto the railing, thankful that it was wide enough to sit comfortably on as you pulled him between your legs. "You have my permission all the fucking time, Cap."
"Fuck's sake," Sam laughed, rolling his eyes fondly. "I'm not Cap here. Just Sam. Your Sam."
"My Sam," you whispered, laying your arms on his shoulders. "My brilliant, funny, amazing, intelligent, sweet, compassionate Sam."
"Keep complimenting me, I love it," he chuckled, and when you gently smacked the back of his head, he burst out laughing. "What? Can't a guy love being complimented?"
"You're such a dick," you laughed, shaking your head. "I love you. I love that you're the best Captain America the world could ever ask for, and I love that you're the best boyfriend I could ever ask for. I love you."
"I love you, too," he told you sincerely, his voice quiet and rumbling. "But I am starving."
"Alright, alright!" You stole a few soft kisses. "Strawberries, champagne and... y'know, we haven't had any curry for a while."
"I'll go order it," Sam whispered, stealing a quick kiss. "You just wait here and keep looking like the best thing in the world."
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wickedsingularity · 5 months
Six Christmases Advent Calendar 2023 [December 24th]
Six Christmases Advent Calendar 2023 Masterlist
Summary: They had their first date on Christmas Day five years ago, and this year they’re planning something special to celebrate the anniversary. We get to know them as they prepare for Christmas and the anniversary, but something doesn’t go to plan.
Pairings/characters: Sam Wilson x reader (but not really), a dog Warnings: Ugly sweaters Words: 425
Note: Here we are at the end. It ended up at 6440 words total, which I'm more proud of than anyone can imagine, seeing as I've not written much the past 4 years, except these calendars for my best friend. I've truly been excited to write this once I figured out the plot and it's come easy for me. I even finished this early (it's the 21st as I'm scheduling this). In this story we joined @iguess-theyre-mymess (under an alias) and Sam as they got ready for Christmas and reminisced about their Christmases together, until this last one that joined their first and sixth Christmas. I really hope you liked it, @iguess-theyre-mymess. I love you and Happy Holidays!
For @iguess-theyre-mymess
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When they stepped out onto the rooftop terrace, Evelyn's jaw dropped. The residents of the apartments always decorated the terrace with lights for Christmas, but she had yet to see it from up there, always from the street. It was absolutely beautiful, with gently twinkling lights around the edges and a canopy of lights over the picnic table that was always there. Sam had put a basket on it and set it up with plates and cutlery. A heat lamp stood near the table. The benches were laid out with thick blankets.
Evelyn took a few steps towards the table, but then stopped and gasped. She hadn't noticed the music at first, but when she did she spun around looking questioningly at Sam.
"I decided to recreate our first date," he explained. "It's not the same, obviously. No Christmas concert, but I found the album online. I've got us turkey sandwiches from the same place we ate at and I got some fancy dog food. And it's thankfully not as cold as it was that winter, but..."
He led her over to the picnic table and that's when she saw there weren't just blankets lying there. Sam had bought them oversized matching Christmas sweaters.
"I thought these should fit over our jackets to help keep us warm." He held one up for her to see.
"That is the ugliest sweater I've ever seen!"
He laughed. "I know! Isn't it great?"
Evelyn grabbed it and put it on. It was certainly big enough to fit over her coat but was still snug enough to be warm. It was red, of course, with Rudolph printed on it in some fluffy fabric that she could run her fingers through. He had a bulbous nose covered in red sequins. He wore sunglasses that were actual plastic glasses glued around his face. And he wore a hat with the bobble being a giant light grey ball of yarn. The arms were embroidered to have fairy lights wrapped around them and each light was a handful of different coloured sequins. Sam's sweater was almost the same, except his had a green background.
"You are right, Sam. Better than a two-star-Michelin restaurant."
He just smiled and wrapped his arms around her, looking down into her eyes. "It's been five amazing years. It has to be celebrated in style."
She giggled and reached up for a kiss. They stood there for a few moments until the dog interrupted them with an impatient bark.
"Yes, we should eat," Sam said and winked at Evelyn.
December 23rd | Masterlist
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sarahwroteathing · 6 months
Drabble Request:
Sam, Cantankerous, Icicles
“I’m dying,” Sam announced loudly as he slammed the car door behind him. You frowned but couldn’t afford more than a quick glance as you hit the gas, taking to the icy streets at the highest speed you could manage. 
“Hospital dying or first aid kit dying?” Checking the mirrors told you nothing about any possible pursuit, but you hoped that the heavy snowfall would make you just as hard to follow. 
“I’m soaked to the skin; the muscles in my legs are all cramping from hiding out behind that damn warehouse for four hours; I’m so fucking freezing I think there’s an icicle hanging off my nose, and it was all for nothing.” 
“No one showed?” you asked as Sam cranked the heat up in the crappy little car until the vents started whistling. 
You grimaced, taking a sharp turn that nearly slid you onto the sidewalk. The intel had been good. Promising. A real meeting of the creepy minds, people every last branch and shadowy division of law enforcement had been dying to get their hands on for years. You checked the mirrors again. 
“Have you heard from Bucky?”
“Not since we got there.”
You quickly plotted a new route in your head, one that would let you circle back to where Bucky’s borrowed car would hopefully not still be parked. 
“I’m just going to drive by and check,” you told Sam, reaching out to stabilize him with one arm as you took an even more aggressive turn. 
“I’m sure he’s fine. That asshole is probably back at the safehouse hoarding all the blankets and using all the firewood.”
You smiled a bit at the low, grumpy mumble but did your best to hide it. Sam hated being cold. He would have all the attitude of a napless toddler until he found a way to warm up again. 
“Then I’ll make him chop more. Promise. We’re coming up on the alley. Can you check for me?”
You flew by the mouth of the alley, barely slowing, but it was enough for Sam to see clear to the other side, unobstructed.
“He’s gone.” 
“Excellent. Hold on.”
Sam was unfazed by your reckless driving, bracing a hand against the door with a sullen but unpanicked expression. You’d never crashed before, and there was no reason to think today would be any different. This was one of the skills that brought you to the ragtag little team in the first place. 
Once you were safely away from the mission site and driving required much less of your focus, you turned some of your attention to Sam, still shivering and frowning in the passenger seat. 
“Glove box.”
Sam glanced at you for a second before reaching to open the compartment. A spare hat and pair of gloves were tucked inside with three hand warming packets. Without a second’s hesitation, Sam tossed his saturated gloves and hat into the back seat and donned the new ones, tucking an activated warming packet into each palm and shoving the third one down his sweater. 
“Thank you,” he said quietly, still frowning a little but not quite so severely. 
“I’ve got you,” you said simply, reaching one hand off the wheel to poke at his, admittedly very cold, nose. “And see? No icicles.”
Sam didn’t answer, but the face he made was so close to a smile that you didn’t let up quite yet.
“I’m not above bribing you into a better mood, you know.” 
“Mission failure doesn’t bother you?”
“We’re all alive, and we all did our jobs perfectly. Whatever went wrong wasn’t on us. So no, it doesn’t bother me. We’ll get another opportunity.”
“But before that happens, we get to go relax. In a home we don’t pay any bills for. With three fireplaces. And an extra box of blankets I smuggled into the trunk.”
Sam perked up a little, finally looking at you.
“And I gave Bucky very specific instructions on where to pick up food on his way back, so there should be lovely, warm takeout waiting for us.”
Some of the tension eased out of Sam’s shoulders, and his head lolled back against the seat.
“Keep talking.”
“You can change out of your wet clothes and into something cozy and soft. And you can take a warm shower before bed. And then fall asleep while I cuddle you with such single-minded focus that you’ll mistake me for a weighted blanket. Or I can be your big spoon. Whatever you want.”
“You’re not messing with me, are you?” Sam checked.
“I would never joke about cuddling. I take it very seriously.”
Sam snorted, winning a triumphant laugh from you. 
“So, do you think you can stay alive for a few more minutes?” you asked, reaching out blindly until he grabbed your hand.
“Yeah, alright. I’ll try.”
“Thank you.”
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crazyunsexycool · 6 months
Sam Wilson
Meet me at our spot
No matter how much time has passed since you’ve talked to Sam you can always find each other at your spot
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onceuponastory · 8 months
love me, too - sam wilson x reader
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I hope we kiss goodnight It might just end my life - kiss goodnight by i don't know how, but they found me
Plot: One night in Delacroix, Y/N and Sam sit together on his sister's porch swing. Sam is preoccupied with Sarah and Bucky’s growing romantic interest in one another… whilst Y/N is preoccupied with her romantic interest in Sam. Pairing: Sam Wilson x Female!Reader. Also hinted Bucky x Sarah (Bucky has a crush). Warnings: A small mention of alcohol, and just a lot of sickly sweet fluff. But as always, if I miss any triggers, let me know. Notes: This is for @flufftober Day 7: Porch Swing. I love writing Sam fluff, he's the best, and I adore this story, so I hope you all love it too! 💖 Not beta'd, so any mistakes are my own.
“Y/N, when are you going to stop torturing yourself?” Bucky asks from beside her as he takes a swig from his beer. Y/N frowns. She went outside to sit on Sarah's porch swing for a moment of relaxation and solitude. She came to Delacroix for a break from the city and to unwind. Of course, seeing Sam, Sarah, Bucky, AJ and Cass was the main reason, but she can see why they love it so much whenever she’s there. It’s so peaceful, and the townspeople are so welcoming. So when Bucky joined her and told her he needed to ask her something, she definitely was not expecting such an intense question to leave his lips.
“Jeez, deep much? And besides, I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
“That’s a lie.” Another swig. When Y/N stays silent, Bucky rolls his eyes. “Really? You’re not going to talk now?”
“I don’t know what you mean.” She lies again, which Bucky once again picks up on immediately.
“Mhm. Sure. I may be an old man, but I’m not stupid.” He raises a brow, staring at her and just waiting for her to break. When she still doesn’t take the bait, Bucky sighs. “I’m talking about how insanely in love with Sam you are, and how you still haven’t told him yet.” Y/N gasps, swatting at his arm. Bucky may be one of her best friends in the world… but he’s also a complete pain in the ass.
“Shut up!” She hisses. “It’s none of your business when, or even if, I’ll tell him. Besides, did you really come out here just to pester me on my dating life?” Y/N asks. Bucky shakes his head. 
“Nope. Sarah wanted me to ask you if you want some ice cream.” He smiles, and Y/N raises a brow.
“Oh, you wanna talk about my dating life? How about your huge crush on Sarah, lover-boy?” Bucky’s face goes scarlet, and Y/N’s burst of laughter fills the air. “I knew it!” She gasps. “You’re absolutely not one to talk about me not telling Sam. When are you going to tell Sarah?”
“I-I don’t know!” He stammers. “Anytime I go near her, Sam stares daggers at me.” He groans, and Y/N nods. She’s definitely been witness to a few of those looks. If looks could kill, Bucky would be in serious trouble. “Look at us. Best friends, and each in love with one of the Wilsons.” 
“And we’re both terrified to tell them the truth.”
Bucky chuckles. “How about we just both agree to tell them whenever we’re ready? …Whenever the hell that is.” He suggests, and Y/N agrees. “Perfect. I’m gonna head back in, you coming?” Bucky asks, and Y/N shakes her head. 
“I’ll stay here for a bit. See you later.” As Bucky departs, Y/N settles back into her seat, staring out at the sunset, and the sky’s vibrant pink and purple hues. God, it’s so beautiful out here.
For a while, she’s alone with her thoughts, until:
“Hey, you. Buck said you were out here on your own. What’s up?” Sam asks, sitting down beside her. 
“Of course he did. I’m gonna fucking kill him.”
She looks over at Sam, who grins back at her, turning his body to face her. As she wonders what it would be like to be wrapped in his warm embrace, she can already register her heart beating just that little faster. Despite the cooler chill in the air as autumn makes its way in, being with Sam like this makes her feel all warm and cosy inside. Well… that’s how Sam always makes her feel. Initially, she thought you felt this way towards everyone, including friends. But then she realised that nobody else makes her feel so content, or can make her laugh as hard as Sam does. Nobody else would let her call them at all hours of the night for a chat, even if it’s about mindless nonsense. 
Nobody ever cares as much about her as Sam Wilson does. 
And god, she loves him so much.
“Hey yourself. I could ask you the same question, you know.” Sam chuckles, a classic Sam Wilson smile that sends her heart into a flutter. She hopes his reply is something like: 
“I just wanted to see you.” or “I have to tell you something.” Unfortunately though, it’s not that. “Oh my god, I just had to get away from my sister and Bucky flirting with one another. It’s driving me insane.” Y/N rolls her eyes, suppressing a groan. Here it comes.
Ever since she arrived, Sam has been complaining about Bucky's crush on Sarah, and Sarah's reciprocated feelings for him. And since he can’t take his frustrations out on either of them, he's dumping it all on her. Of course, she understands he just wants to protect his sister, and despite knowing Bucky’s a good guy, it’s natural to worry. At first, she was thankful for his complaining, since it gave her a chance to think about something that wasn’t her crush on Sam. Now, though, it’s driving her crazy.
“Are you listening to me?”
“Yeah.” she murmurs, and Sam raises a brow. 
“You sure? You look….” He murmurs, and she rolls her eyes.
“Well Sam, there’s only so many times you can hear about Bucky and Sarah staring at each other.” She points out, and he nods.
“I know, I know.” His words make Y/N breathe a sigh of relief. Finally, it's over. Until: “I just don’t get it! Like what could she possibly see in-“
“Oh my god, Sam, please stop.” She groans, leaning against the back of the swing.
“But- “
“No! That’s all I’ve had to put up with since I got here!” She exclaims. “And I understand you’re nervous, but Bucky’s a great guy and Sarah will be fine. She's raising those two boys by herself, I think she can handle your best friend.” In hindsight, she should’ve calmed down and thought about what she was going to say next. But after spending so long bottling things up, she’s ready to erupt. “This was supposed to be a relaxing trip, and I wanted to tell you how I feel about you!”
“What do you mean?” Sam asks, his brow raised and his voice suddenly more serious.
“I was going to tell you I love you!” She gasps. Her admission shocks them both, and her eyes widen. “Oh fuck. Oh shit. Oh, fuck.” 
“Oh. Oh.” Sam murmurs. The embarrassment comes then, almost drowning her under its weight. It’s too late to turn back now, to protect her heart before it shatters completely.
So, since she’s already digging herself a giant hole, she might as well keep going.
 “Fuck, Sam, I have been in love with you for… to be honest, I lost count.” She chuckles awkwardly. Sam doesn’t laugh. Or smile. He just stares at her, which makes Y/N’s anxiety kick into overdrive. “I don’t mind if you don’t feel the same.” She lies. Honestly, it would tear her apart, to give so much of her heart to one person, her favourite person in the entire world, and receive nothing in return. “I just couldn’t go another day without telling you.”
“Y/N.” Sam speaks, his voice a lot softer now. He scoots closer, so much so their bodies are almost touching. “I’m sorry.” And then, Y/N truly wants the ground to swallow her whole. She tries to stand up, ready to leave and to forget this ever happened… until: “I wasn’t finished.” Sam chuckles. He takes a deep breath. “I was going to say I’m sorry for being so focused on my feelings and not paying attention to you.” He finds her hand, squeezing it reassuringly. Y/N feels the warmth radiating from his touch, and she slowly starts to calm down. “And I’m sorry for being an idiot.” He continues, and she raises a brow.
“What do you mean?”
“I didn’t tell you how I feel about you.” He answers, and her mouth drops open. Sam leans in, cupping her cheek. “I love you so much. You’re the most gorgeous woman I know, and I’m so glad you love me, too. Although, I don’t think anyone could love you as much as I love you.” A deep heat settles on her cheeks, and Sam chuckles. “Y/N?”
“I really want to kiss you.”
“I really want you to kiss me, too.” Smiling, Sam leans in close, pressing his lips to hers in a soft kiss. It’s perfect, like one of those rom-com kisses where the music reaches a crescendo and you feel it throughout your entire body. It’s better than anything she’d wished for. 
They sit there for the rest of the night, wrapped in each other’s embrace. Watching as the sun disappears below the horizon, and as the stars and moon appear. “I love you, you know that?” Sam asks, and Y/N giggles.
“Yeah, I think you mentioned that once or twice.” But she still can’t stop grinning like a fool. A total, lovesick fool. Sam kisses her temple.
“Well, you better get used to hearing it more and more, because I’ll never let you forget it.”
“Good.” She smiles, leaning in for another kiss.
“I am sorry for being a pain in the ass, though.” Sam repeats, and Y/N chuckles.
“You don’t need to be sorry. You’ve more than made up for it anyway.” She grins, raising a brow, and Sam kisses her temple.
“Did I ever tell you I love you?”
“Once or twice, yeah.” She giggles, and Sam grins. 
“Well, I’m going to keep telling you. Because I do love you Y/N, and I never want you to forget that.” Y/N smiles, pecking his lips. 
“I could never forget you, Sam. You’re stuck with me for the rest of your life.” She teases, and Sam’s grin grows even wider.
“Sounds perfect.” He smirks, leaning in once more.
Please follow @onceuponastory-library and turn on notifications to be notified when I next post!
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wwilsonbarness · 9 months
sam wilson masterlist
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requests are open!! please read rules before requesting
✨= angst 🌸= fluff ❤️‍🩹= hurt comfort 🫧 = smut 🖤= dark themes
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don't tell my boyfriend, it's not what he's made for ✨🌸
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wickedsingularity · 5 months
Six Christmases Advent Calendar 2023 [December 23rd]
Six Christmases Advent Calendar 2023 Masterlist
Summary: They had their first date on Christmas Day five years ago, and this year they’re planning something special to celebrate the anniversary. We get to know them as they prepare for Christmas and the anniversary, but something doesn’t go to plan.
Pairings/characters: Sam Wilson x reader (but not really), a dog Warnings: None, I think Words: 354
For @iguess-theyre-mymess
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It wasn't too late by the time Evelyn came home, but Sam was ready for her. As soon as he heard her key in the lock, he hurried to the kitchen where he had his jacket and shoes at the ready. He quickly pulled them on and then grabbed an antler hairband from the counter and put it on the dog. Then he fumbled with his phone and pressed play.
"Get ready, buddy," he whispered and the two of them stood at the ready in the kitchen, just out of sight from the entrance.
When the door clicked shut behind Evelyn, Sam heard a deep, but relieved sigh before she dropped her bag to the floor and kicked off her shoes.
"You might want to put your shoes back on," he said. "And keep your jacket on."
He heard her pause in undressing and then she walked further inside, a frown on her face. When she saw them, her confusion grew. "Did you put fake antlers on our dog?" The mini-reindeer hurried over to Evelyn for welcome-home cuddles. She knelt and kissed his nose and then looked at him with an amused grin. "You look ridiculous, boy. But so cute."
Sam walked over and knelt for his own greeting. "Happy anniversary, babygirl," he said and reached for a kiss.
"Happy anniversary." She smiled into the kiss. "What's all this? Why are you dressed to go outside?"
"Since our plans had to be cancelled, I made different plans. Better plans, in my opinion."
"Better than dinner at a two-star-Michelin restaurant?"
"Yeah, I think so. Put your shoes back on and I'll put a sweater on the dog."
"I don't want to spend more time out in the cold, Sam."
"It won't be that cold, I've made sure of that. I promise."
Conceding, Evelyn put on her shoes, but grabbed an extra scarf and put on a hat while Sam dressed the dog. They went out and locked the door behind them. But instead of going down and out like Evelyn had expected, Sam led them into the elevator and took them up to the roof.
December 22nd | Masterlist | December 24th
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sarahwroteathing · 10 months
Dear Sam (2)
[Sam Wilson x Reader]
Word Count: 1615
Summary: You begin drafting your letter to Sam, and old memories resurface.
Warnings: Discussion of grief
A/N: Surpriiiiiiiiise. I once again kool-aid man my way back to my blog to post a thing. Any and all gratitude for my sudden reappearance can be directed to @indominusregina I am here to bum you out on your birthday, like a true friend. Love you, bestie
Part One
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There were false starts, many of them, written in a notebook you kept in your nightstand drawer. The handwriting on each varied slightly, reflecting the emotional state of each version of yourself that risked putting pen to paper. 
The first try came out jagged. Awkward. A handwriting reminiscent of high school note taking, messy and vaguely frantic, with half transformed letters sprinkled throughout, where your hand tried and almost failed to keep up with the ever shifting message in your brain. 
Dear Sam, 
The comma started too high, an aborted beginning of a second m. Sammy, you’d almost written, before dismissing it as out of character. You’d only ever called him that in moments primed for a smile. Through a pout, syllables drawn out, dramatic and mostly insincere, in a half-hatched ploy to get your way. Or in a falsely scandalized tone, clutching at invisible pearls you’d never owned, to make him roll his eyes or double down on whatever flirtation he’d been throwing your way. Sometimes in profoundly giddy joy, the kind that sent you running to meet him in the entryway like an excitable child, throwing your arms around him and not even thinking twice about the pure, eager love you were displaying for him. 
In any case, not appropriate for now, for a form so thoroughly divorced from its proper contexts.
All I can think about is how I have no idea how to write this letter. How much better you would be at this. You were always good with emotion, with explaining things kindly and firmly, with making yourself understood. I think I got better with you, but I still feel underqualified to write something as important as this. But the point is, I’m the only one who can write it. So I’m going to try anyway. In case it helps. Because there’s a whole lot I don’t understand, but one thing I do know is that you’d want me to get better and to move on if I could. You were annoyingly unselfish that way.
You threw down your pen, a shaky exhale escaping your lungs with an urgency, like you’d been holding it for too long. Maybe you had been. It felt as though every word you wrote only made it to the paper by being ripped free from your heart. It hurts. It’s stupid, senseless. A letter written by you, for you, addressed to a man who will never read it. It doesn’t matter. But it still manages to fucking hurt. 
You clench your jaw, pick up your pen again. 
But I don’t know how to move on, Sam. I don’t know how to let you go. It shouldn’t be this hard. You’ve been gone so long that I…
You took a sharp breath, eyes burning, as you forced out the words.
I sometimes forget to miss you. And I feel like I must be the worst person alive every time. Because you deserve more than that. You deserve every tear I can shed, every second of every sleepless hour, every stolen breath, every pound of grief I can shoulder. You deserve everything. And I get so mixed up in my head about it, how I can go so long sometimes without remembering you’re really gone and then get dragged under again like I’ve just lost you for the very first time. It doesn’t make sense. I wish I could make it make sense. I wish you were here to explain it to me. I wish you were here. 
You scrubbed your hands over your face, pushed yourself restlessly to your feet. 
One lap of your apartment. 
Deep breath. 
A second lap. 
You grabbed your pen and notebook from the desk, flopped down on your bed with them, staring blankly at the small jewelry dish on your nightstand for several minutes. A leather bracelet, the name of a town you’d never been to artfully etched on the surface. A delicate chain with a small gold charm in the shape of a wing. A watch, way too bulky for your own wrist, that you’d insisted on wearing every day for almost a year. An Idaho state quarter dated 2007. 
Do you remember the night we met? In that dive bar down the street from my old apartment. It was as far from the height of romance as you could possibly get, but you made it work for you anyway. You and Steve and Natasha were sitting in the back booth, a few steps from the jukebox thats simple existence charmed me to pieces.
I remember how disappointed I was when my pockets came up short. I’m not sure whether it was my proximity or my colorful words that first drew your attention. But there you were. My knight in soft leather with a hand full of quarters shining red from the neon beer sign over your shoulder.
“How much you short by?” 
“Fifty cents,” you answered with a rueful laugh, eyes flickering between his handsome face and the handful of change. 
“Well, I happen to have fifty cents, and I’m happy to give it to you if I get veto power on your song choice.”
The corner of your mouth drifted up into a half smile despite your best efforts at his mildly flirtatious but matter-of-fact tone.
“I don’t take gifts with strings attached,” you said challengingly.  
“Alright, alright. Worth a shot. Can I at least stick around to see what you pick?”
The compromise we came up with: you picked a letter, I picked a number. And I don’t think it was a test exactly, but when I picked the Marvin Gaye song, the way your eyes lit up and the smile you gave me left no doubt that I’d passed with flying colors.
And I remember being so instantly enamored with you, with that beautiful smile and those eyes that promised a safe kind of trouble, that I stopped noticing anything else. My best friend’s song request blasting through the speakers, the sticky floors, the taste of the tequila sunrise you bought me with a promise that there would be no strings attached. And there weren’t any, of course. But I remember wishing there would be if it meant a chance of seeing you again.
And I remember the way I made my move on you, when you pressed two more quarters into my hand so I could pick my own song without interference. I remember you hooking your finger on the back belt loop of my jeans so we wouldn’t get separated on our way back to the jukebox and the way I was glad you were behind me so you couldn't see how much that made me smile. 
You barely hesitated, keying in your selection as soon as the quarters rattled home. You’d seen the song the first time, while Sam had been examining the catalog. 
It started only a few seconds later, and you turned with a satisfied little smile, watching Sam as he tilted his head, squinting slightly as he tried to identify the opening notes. 
When the first line hit, that smile was back, wide and charming and playful. 
“The night we met I knew I needed you so.”
“Okay,” he laughed, taking a half step closer, leaning his shoulder against the wall right beside you. “Hittin on me now, huh?” 
“Presumptuous,” you said mildly, not moving away. “Maybe I’m just very passionate about the Dirty Dancing soundtrack.” 
“That’s still sounding like a line to me.”
You shrugged, pushing off the wall with a teasing smile. It put you much closer, your faces only inches apart. 
“You planning on doing something about it?”
I was bolder that night than I ever had been. You had that effect on me. Made me brave, confident. Joyful. You made me so fucking happy, Sam. Right from the beginning. I was never as unapologetically and ecstatically myself as when I was with you. I don’t know how to do that without you, how to be that person again. I don’t know if I ever can. I miss her too. The version of me who walked through life beside you, who could call you anytime just to hear your voice. Who could hear “Be My Baby” and come running, follow the sound to where you were waiting with your phone held up and a goofy little grin that felt like it was all mine, get bundled up in your arms and plied with kisses until I was breathless and giggling. 
Now it just hurts. I can’t bring myself to delete the song from my playlists, but every time it comes on, I can’t help but cry. And now when I’m breathless, it’s not in that fun, giddy way. It’s more dangerous. Like choking. Like drowning. And I’m so tired, Sam. I want to stop. I want to keep all the memories I have of you, the sound of your laugh, the smell of your skin, the way my hand fit in yours. But I don’t want this pain. And I’m not sure anymore if I can have one without the other. That terrifies me.
So I guess what all this means is that I’m trying to let you go, and it’s not supposed to be against my will, but that’s how it feels anyway. I’m scared of letting you go the way I’m scared of almost everything these days. 
What if I forget you? What if I don’t? I honestly can’t tell you what would feel worse. But no matter what… 
You know I will adore you till eternity. 
Even when you’re not here to sing it with me. I’ll talk to you tomorrow. 
I love you.
Sound off! Who's not dead?
Would love to hear your thoughts, my loves. This story is truly a living organism with drastically changing drafts.
Tags: @shifutheshihtzu @internalbullshit @lilasiannerd-blog @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory @iwillbeinmynest @scotlandasshole @netflixa @hardcorehippos @singingprincessstudent @sophiealiice @blue1928 @tinuviel015 @a-book-pressed-rose @bbparker @battlebunnyteardropsinthesun @feelmyroarrrr @orangespocks
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starkfastreads · 1 year
Sam Wilson Dating HC's? Please
Being part of the Avengers and meeting Sam through Steve
Steve being Sam’s “wingman”
“Hey Y/N.”
“Morning Steve.”
“So…you’re single right?”
“Oh, I’m asking for a friend.”
“Pfff…what? No…yes.”
That’s when you learned that some secrets Steve can’t keep.
Sam is the small spoon even though he won’t admit it.
Not much PDA
But when you’re alone he’s all over you.
Forehead kisses when cuddling.
Being good friends with Bucky, so Sam and Bucky are “forced” to get along.
Being good friends with Natasha and Steve also.
Going on his morning runs with him and Steve.
Spending time with Sam’s sister Sarah and his nephews, and getting to know them.
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ronearoundblindly · 1 year
Hi Ro😌❤️
Ask game, name a character: 10, 16, 23?
From this ask game.
Name a character...
10. Who you want to grab by the shoulders and shake
I'm not bitter at all. Nope. Why do you ask?
15. To go out to drinks with
Sam Wilson: simultaneously the best flirt, wingman, and bro on the planet.
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Whether it's an actual date or not, this man would be whatever/whoever you need in that moment. Want to vent about work or friends? He's a great listener. Need to blow off steam and feel fun again? He's encouraging of shenanigans. Not feeling particularly pretty or loved? He'll dote and praise you non-stop. And I'm not saying that this is my pitch to date Sam Wilson, but also this is definitely my pitch to date Sam Wilson.
23. To be stranded on a desert island with
Cole Turner already had a good dry-run with this, and he showed some serious skill to stay calm, use the resources of the island, and look damn fine whilst doing it.
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Thank you for asking!
Who would you guys like for all these things?
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mlmxreader · 1 year
All I Can Say Is Goodbye | Sam Wilson x m!reader
@satan-incarnate-666 asked: "You're gonna miss me" m!reader x sam wilson
summary: you don’t want him to leave, and he doesn’t want to go either, but you both know that he has to - he has a job to do.
tws: swearing
support your fanfic writers by reblogging what you read & enjoy
You always knew that the day would come when you and Sam would have to part eventually, as he would be called out onto some stupid thing as Captain America, and he would be torn away from you for a while; it was simply the nature of your relationship that, eventually, he would have to say goodbye for a while, and although you wished that he wouldn’t, you knew that he would, and as much as you tried to brave yourself for it, when the day actually came and it was time for him to leave, you found yourself wishing that you could rewind the hours just a little bit - just to spend a few more minutes with him.
Just to be close to him for one last time, to not have to say goodbye, or at least to say goodbye until it was the next day. You knew that it would happen, but that didn’t stop the pain when the clock eventually struck the time, and you knew that you would not see Sam for a good long while.
You tried to be brave about it, you tried to put on a confident face and to act like you weren’t falling apart on the inside, like you weren’t already missing him when he packed his bags and when he kept checking his phone to see when the car was going to pick him up; you tried to be brave, to act like you weren’t slowly crumbling and coming undone.
Chips of china falling to the floor as each minute passed, dread in your stomach and an ache in your chest. You admired Sam for what he did, of course you did, the same as you knew how much being Captain America meant to him and how many people he could help, you wouldn’t ever try to make him back down or to give up the mantle; but you wished that he could have stayed, more than anything in the world, you wished he could have stayed.
You just wanted a few more minutes, even though you knew how selfish it was to want such a thing, to need it and to crave it.
You could hardly eat, hardly bring yourself to do anything except to be near him any way that you could; you felt like you were following a ghost, knowing that he wouldn’t be there the next morning and that he would be long gone.
All the texts, videos, pictures, and calls in the world could not make up or replace actually being with him; he did his best to be in frequent contact with you, of course he did, but that didn’t mean you still wouldn’t miss him so terribly that it left a burning hole in your stomach that traced its way all to your throat and held on with a tight grip.
You wished that you wouldn’t miss him so much that you became so selfish, but you couldn’t help it; being without Sam was weird, you loved having him around even if it was only when he napped on the sofa while you did the housework or when he cuddled into you after coming home late. Being without Sam always felt so weird, like it wasn’t a home anymore but just a place that you lived. It was just a group of walls with some furniture when he wasn’t there. 
But now, he was going over his bags just one last time, and while you sat on the bed, you couldn’t help but to feel that awful burning sensation in your stomach as you watched him; chewing at the inside of your lip and wondering if you should really say anything at all - maybe it was best to keep silent, to not worry him.
“I know something’s wrong,” Sam told you without even looking at you, worrying that his voice would tremble if he did. He always missed you so awfully that it made his stomach freeze over, the ice even creeping up to his throat. “Do you wanna talk about it?”
You shrugged, humming softly as you dared to steal a single glance and meet his gaze. The thing you dreaded most happened, and when you spoke, your voice trembled. “I don’t want you to go.”
“I know,” he whispered, sitting down beside you and gently grasping your hand in his own as he sniffled. “I wish I could take you with me.”
You nodded, biting at your bottom lip as you sniffled and tried not to let your lip tremble. “You’ll stay safe, right?”
“Always,” Sam promised with a curt nod. “I got the most handsome man in the world to come home to… I’ll come back in one piece.”
You swallowed thickly, daring to steal a glance at those big brown eyes that you often found yourself getting lost in. “It’s not the same without you here.”
“You’re gonna miss me, I know,” he said softly, giving your hand a little squeeze. “But I’m gonna miss you more - I won’t have anyone to listen to Marvin Gaye with for a whole two weeks.”
You dared to crack a small smile. “You’ll call?”
“Yeah,” he breathed out, trying to sound as brave as he could. “I’ll call you twice a day, like normal.” 
“I just don’t want you to go,” your voice broke as you pressed your face against his shoulder, sniffling loudly. “And now I feel bad because I’m gonna get snot all over your shirt.”
Laughing softly, Sam shook his head as he dared to let go of your hand, wrapping his arm around you as he held onto you as tightly as he could, no intention of ever letting go. “Don’t feel bad, I can wash it when I get there.”
“I’m still gonna feel bad… I’m a right selfish bastard for not wanting you to go - the, the world needs Cap but…”
“But you need me,” he whispered, nodding and swallowing thickly as he did his best to fight back the budding tears. “I’ll be back as soon as I can, I promise.”
But all he could say, when he heard the car horn outside, was the one thing that you had dreaded to hear so much for so many hours: goodbye. 
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wickedsingularity · 6 months
Six Christmases Advent Calendar 2023 [December 22nd]
Six Christmases Advent Calendar 2023 Masterlist
Summary: They had their first date on Christmas Day five years ago, and this year they’re planning something special to celebrate the anniversary. We get to know them as they prepare for Christmas and the anniversary, but something doesn’t go to plan.
Pairings/characters: Sam Wilson x reader (but not really) Warnings: Mention of making out? Slight sadness? Words: 261
For @iguess-theyre-mymess
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Evelyn couldn't help but smile through her tears at the image her brain conjured up.
Sam smiled back. "I'll take care of everything," he said and kissed her nose. Then her cheeks and all over her face to stop the tears. "We'll have a nice quiet celebration instead."
"Thank you," she said and leaned into him again.
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The two of them finished decorating the Christmas tree, with a bit less dancing and singing. Sam is discreetly working on new plans behind her back on the day before Christmas Eve. And when Evelyn goes to work that morning, he sends her off with a kiss that has her looking a little dazed and flustered.
While she's gone, he and their dog get everything ready and are pretty pleased with himself by the time she comes home late that night. He reheats dinner leftovers for her while she showers, and then the two of them and the little fluffy one snuggle on the couch. They have all the lights off, except the Christmas tree lights. There's a predictable but cosy holiday movie on TV, but their attention isn't really on the movie. It's just background noise for them enjoying each other's company and occasionally making out until it's time for bed.
On the morning of Christmas Day, Evelyn sneaks out of bed and has gone to work before Sam wakes up. He knows she's heartbroken that their plans had to be cancelled and probably had a hard enough time leaving without him being awake. But he was excited for when she came back.
December 21st | Masterlist | December 23rd
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lesbian-deadpool · 1 year
Bucky to Sam: Careful bro, you're making this sparring scene kinda homoerotic.
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