#saw someone in the replies say they looked it up and only found info about ramie fiber
sithbvcky · 7 months
Gimme Shelter: Part Three
70s gangster bucky barnes x fem!reader au. Warnings: mature themes, drug use, alcohol, guns, blood, violence.
Synopsis: James "Bucky" Barnes, better known by his fearsome moniker, The Winter Soldier. It's Los Angeles in 1977 and only one man owns the city. Until someone decides to challenge the king for his throne.
Warning: mild smut, 18+ only, read at your own risk.
Note: I do not give permission for my work to copied or translated anywhere else but this blog.
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Sam and Steve were at Bucky's side not long after you left. Bucky had his hands gripping the chrome railing, his eyes scanning the crowd of revelers.
"Does Lang know?" He asked.
"Yeah, I told him. He just asked not to make a mess of the place. If it gets ugly it goes outside." Steve replied.
Bucky pushed himself off the railing and turned to face his partners.
"I don't plan on getting ugly, that's what he wants. He's trying to rile me up so I make a fool of myself." Bucky cocked a hip as he considered which hand to play. He rubbed his jaw with his left hand.
"What's the move, boss man?" Sam crossed his arms over his chest. Bucky looked to him then to Steve.
"He wants me to look weak in front of my clients. Coming for Y/N directly, he knows my weakness and that's not good. We need to get info on his and exploit it immediately." Bucky spoke.
"I can have Tasha get on it." Steve added. Bucky nodded,
"Go tell her and have her bring Y/N back out."
Steve and Sam looked at him confused.
"But you just said she's your weakness?" Sam questioned.
"I know but shoving her in the back makes me look scared and I'm not giving him the satisfaction. From now on, Y/N is with me 24/7. As long as I keep her in my sight he can't do anything." Bucky explained.
"I'll go get them." Steve jogged down the stairs and made a B line for the back office.
"Sam, call Clint and tell him to get his ass down here ASAP."
Sam nodded and moved to leave when Bucky stopped him,
"After that call Logan. I need more muscle."
"On it." Sam left and Bucky turned back to look out at the dance floor. Everything was normal, the party was going smoothly. Nothing seemed amiss. His meeting with Lang went well and they planned to continue doing business with each other. Lang also promised to push new clients Bucky's way. This whole mess with Stark was going to be snuffed out like a candle flame. He'd be sorry he ever came to town.
Steve came to retrieve you and Natasha, simply saying Bucky changed his mind and wanted you with him. You quickly darted from the room not bothering to listen to whatever Steve was telling Natasha. Bucky wanted you and that's all you cared about.
You found him sitting in the VIP lounge, legs spread wide and his arms resting on the back of the seat. He smiled slyly as he saw you approaching.
"Come here, baby." He patted his lap and you eagerly obliged. He brought his left arm to wrap around your waist while he started nuzzling your neck.
"What changed your mind?" You asked, reveling in his touch.
"No one can keep you safe better than me." He breathed against your skin and you felt chills ripple through your body.
"I'm not gonna let some bozo try to separate us. You're staying with me no matter what." He continued, looking up at you. His blue eyes were dark with lust and you knew he'd have no qualms throwing you back on the lounge for the whole club to see. It would be a display of power to any and all who tried to intimidate him.
"Does that mean I get to come with you everywhere?" You wondered, placing a gentle kiss on his lips. He smiled, your noses brushing against each other.
"Everywhere. I'm not letting you out of my sight." Both his hands were off the seat now, one holding your thigh and the other resting on the back of your neck.
You couldn't hide the smile spreading across your face. You'd wanted nothing more than for him to let you in just a little bit more than he already did. Of course, the situation wasn't ideal and you knew this was a protective measure but it still made you happy.
"Why don't we take this party home?" You flirted, dragging your index finger down from the tip of his chin to his chest. You knew he was making a show of sitting like a king on his throne, that this Stark fellow was watching somehow and Bucky was making sure he saw how much he didn't care. Like a spider to the fly, he wanted Stark to make a bigger move before he showed his true hand.
"You know I can't refuse you." Bucky kissed you quick and gave your thigh a squeeze before letting you go.
"You're such a liar." You giggle, he has refused you plenty of times before except when you dangled sex in the air like a dog bone or insisted so hard he couldn't say no. Bucky chuckled,
"But you love me anyways." He squeezed your ass as you stood up.
"You bet your ass I do." You took his hand and led him down out of the VIP section.
Bucky had the valet bring his car around and he tipped the young boy extra. Perhaps guilt for accosting the poor waiter earlier.
"Did you tell the others we left?" You asked as he sat in the drivers side.
"I saw Sam on the way out, they know." He replied. "Now the only business I wanna discuss is what I'm gonna do to you when we get back." He winked and you felt the goosebumps rise up on your arms.
Back at the penthouse, Bucky barely locked the door behind him before his hands were on you. His lips melded with yours and your own hands reached up to grip his long hair. He shuffled you backwards toward the bedroom. He pulled the straps of your dress of your shoulders, it fell down to your hips baring your breasts to him. You kicked the rest off, leaving you in nothing but panties.
You broke away from kissing him to help him shed his clothes. You ripped his shirt open and ran your hands down his muscled abdomen as he undid his belt. You pulled at the waistline of his slacks, teasing ever so slightly.
"Enough of that." In a swift motion he scooped you up and tossed you back onto the bed. He crawled on top of you, kissing you roughly from your lips down your body. You let out breathy moans of pleasure and reached down to unbutton his slacks. You need him now, the playfulness at the club was enough to have you rearing to go. It took a lot of strength not to make him stop the car and fuck him right there in the drivers seat. But you were patient and now it was time.
Bucky kicked off his slacks and reached back down to pull your panties down before pulling down his own underwear. You pulled him back down to press your lips together in a greedy, desperate kiss. As you held him there you felt him enter you softly at first, then his thrusts became stronger and stronger.
Your hands clawed down his back, moans and gasps of ecstasy escaping your mouths. You looked into his eyes as he hovered above you, wild and ragged. This was a love you'd never find again and didn't want to. You'd never give him up, come hell or high water, and you saw that reflected in his eyes.
With a fervent kiss, and screams of pleasure you reached the end. Bucky flopped onto his back beside you, chest heaving and slick with sweat. You let a moment of silence pass between you. Listening to the sound of each others breathing start to steady. You turned onto your side to face and him and he did the same.
"You know I love you, right?" He said, his blue eyes now a calm sea.
"Of course I know. I love you too." You replied.
"I want you to know that no matter what, I will always love you. Till the very end and even then I'll still love you."
You giggled,
"What's this all about? You high on sex?" You joked. He grinned and let out a chuckle,
"Maybe a little but I mean it."
"I know. You don't have to tell me."
"I do. Just in case." The grin disappeared from his face and you felt a nervous tinge in your chest.
"James, don't talk like that." You rarely used his full name but this was a conversation you didn't like.
"For my own selfish reasons I just want to make sure you know. That's all. I'm not made of steel." He continued.
"I know you aren't and I appreciate the reminder but this feels an awful lot like a man who's certain death is knocking on his door and he's afraid." You retorted. You knew this business was risky and his life was constantly on the line but he never talked to you this way before and it was scaring you.
He looked at you softly, smiling.
"Fear of death is not my issue." He said. "I'm sorry for ruining the night with this, I just-" He paused and reached his hand out to caress your hair.
"You didn't ruin the night, but you will if you keep it up." You sassed and he grinned.
"Come here." He beckoned, and you snuggled up against him, resting your head on his chest. His arms wrapped around you and it didn't take long for you to fall asleep enveloped in his warmth.
You didn't know what time it was when you heard the knock on the door and felt Bucky leave the bed. You sat up and turned on the bedside lamp, rubbing your eyes. There were muffled voices coming from the living room, a moment later Bucky came back into the room.
"What's wrong?" You mumbled, your eyes still adjusting to the light. Bucky ran a hand through his hair,
"Nat's missing."
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AITA for the way I broke up with Charley?
All of this happened over the course of one week. TL;DR at the bottom.
I (23 NB) met Charley (23 M, fake name) on my college campus. We flirted over Skype and met up in person a few days later. I was a little thrown off by being perceived by someone who had very cavity-cutesy flirty feelings for me. He acted the same over Skype and in person, but seeing him in person sort of made me feel some kind of way. We hugged and said hi, and he told me his medical history over a cup of coffee and a breakfast sandwich. I was sensing...dread.
By the time we left the coffee shop, we found a conversation I could contribute to, and we walked up to my dorm. I want to emphasize that Charley was completely harmless, but he was also awkward with conversation. I'd been feeling more and more squicked out all evening with each flirty (sometimes clumsy) word ("your shampoo smells nice", "I couldn't get a good look at you before, but now I can ogle you better") or touch of affection like when he pressed his chest to my back in a hug and nestled his chin in my neck to look at a picture on my phone I pulled up to show him. As the date progressed, I'd thrown down four hints or so about going to bed and how it was getting late, and Charley either picked up on the fourth hint or just agreed that it really was late.
I walked him out of the dorm building and said goodbye before retreating inside to my computer, where I discovered the word "lithromantic". "Lithromantic" is a subset of the aromantic orientation umbrella. More or less, if you're lithromantic, you have the ability to have romantic feelings for someone, but you don't really need and/or want your feelings returned (since your romantic feelings would either disappear or turn into disgust as a result). I mentally reviewed the date and Skype chats and discovered that my romantic feelings turn into pure disgust when they are returned.
I had to get out of whatever it was I was in. It was one date and a few days of Skype flirting, but I felt compounded under layers of disgust (I only shared probably 5% of what happened on the date) and some guilt since all Charley had done was be socially awkward and affectionate. When I saw him on campus, I began twisting my way past him to dodge a hug or tell him I was busy when he mentioned going to see a movie together. I would put off responding to him over text because I just...really didn't want to respond to cutesy flirting. Reading those texts felt like taking a taffy bomb to the teeth and then being injected with 10,000 mL of pure uncut apathy.
The next weekend came around, and I knew I couldn't have Charley talking to me anymore, so I bit the bullet and texted him a break up text: "Hi, I'm really sorry, but I don't think that we're romantically or platonically compatible. I hope that you have a nice life." It really was that short and compact. He replied, shocked and upset (understandably so), and said something along the lines of: "Fine, have a nice life." I breathed a sigh of relief and didn't message him again. I saw him once or twice in the next few months (since we're on the same campus), and we just shared a wave or a brief "hi, cold weather, eh?" and that was it.
TL;DR: After perhaps three days of Skype flirting and one soul-crushingly awkward date with Charley, I discovered that I was lithromantic (my feelings for someone turn into disgust if they show romantic interest in me). I distanced myself from Charley for a couple more days before texting him, saying, "I'm sorry, but I don't think that we are romantically or platonically compatible. I hope you have a nice life" to get him out of my life. AITA for the way I broke up with Charley?
What are these acronyms?
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atlasscrumpit · 8 months
Miguel O'Hara x Reader
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You walked along the streets, cutting through alleyways as you kept your hood over your face.
Suddenly you were thrown to the floor and groaned in pain.
You panted and glanced up to see Spiderman above you.
You turned away enough to keep your face hidden.
"What are you doing?! You could've broken my arm!" You screamed at him before he picked you up by the collar and slamed you against the wall behind you.
Your hood fell off and he looked at your face and gasped in shock.
"What the hell?" He muttered as he stared at your terribly wounded and scarred face.
"Get off me!" You shouted but his grip only got tighter.
"I got info there was a drug deal happening here, and you're looking quite suspicious." He growled, staring into your eyes as you looked at him in fear.
"I'm not here for a drug deal! This is my short cut home." You explained before he searched your pocket to find a knife.
"Then why do you have this?" He asked making you scoff.
"Because I'm a girl walking around at night and need protection." You said as he huffed in annoyance, he put you down before grabbing your backpack and searching through it only to find some snacks and tampons.
He rolled his eyes before throwing it back to you.
"Fine, you're not who I'm looking for. Beat it." He growled as you held onto your bag and backed away.
"Fuck you, Spiderman." You growled about to leave before you heard a gun shot.
You looked at Spiderman with eyes wide, watching a man run off.
"Did you get shot?" You muttered as he looked at you in horror.
"No! You did!" He shouted in a panic as he rushed forward.
You looked down and saw the hole the bullet had entered your body.
"Oh..." You muttered before you began digging your fingers into the wound, making Miguel dry heave.
You found the bullet and flicked it onto the ground.
"Piece of advice, stop being such a bitch. You're supposed to be a hero, not slam innocent people against walls." You growled before walking off, he ran up to you gripped your arm tightly.
"Wait, you can't just dig a bullet out of your ribs and fucking walk off. What the hell are you?" He said, his grip getting tighter on your arm.
"Stop, you're fucking hurting me." You growled before he let go.
He looked at you before pulling his mask off.
"What the hell are you doing?" You asked, knowing spiderman didn't reveal his identity to just anyone.
"You're obviously not a normal human, so what are you?" He asked as you rolled your eyes.
"Look it doesn't matter, why do you even care?" You growled as he stalked towards you.
"Because I like to know the people in my city and if I need to worry about you." He said lowly making you back away.
"I don't know what I am, okay? I just... I can't die, my wounds heal but leave scars. Hence the face." You muttered as he nodded a little.
"Why not put it to good use? You could be a hero." He said making you roll your eyes and scoff.
"Yeah... I'm good but thanks for the offer." You grumbled about to walk away before he grabbed you again. 
“So, you’re just going to be selfish?” He said before you pushed him away from you. 
“Shut the fuck up! You have no idea what I’ve been through, the last fucking thing I need is to rescue these fucking humans that did this to me!” You screamed at him as he looked at you in shock. 
“Okay, calm down. Why don’t we go get a drink somewhere? It’s not often I meet someone…strange like me.” He said as you looked at him with suspicion. 
“Fine, but we’re getting food ordered to my apartment. I hate going out.” You muttered before gesturing for him to follow you through the backstreets. 
“I should probably hunt down the guy that shot you.” He said as you chuckled. 
“Take a night off, don’t worry karma will get him trust me.” You replied as he looked at you in confusion. 
Suddenly you heard a loud crash and smiled. 
“I’d say that would be him getting hit by a car, now let’s go.” You said continuing to walk on as Miguel was left in stunned silence before quickly following you. 
You eventually made it to your apartment that was surprisingly large, Miguel had expected it to be crappy and run down. 
“How do you afford all of this?” He asked looking around at the expensive decor. 
“I’m a ghost writer, I write novels but other people get the credit. Pays very well and I never have to show my face or risk people knowing what I am.” You explained as he nodded, pretty impressed by your career. 
“So, how did you know that guy would’ve been the one to be in the car crash? It could’ve been anyone.” He said as you chuckled and grabbed out a whiskey from your alcohol cabinet. 
“Karma is usually on my side, I don’t know why but apparently karma likes me. I likes it’s company too.” You replied, only confusing Miguel even more. 
He decided to not ask anymore questions. 
You both sat down by the large window that overlooked the city with a glass of whiskey each. 
“I gotta say, I didn’t expect someone like you to have expensive taste.” He said making you roll your eyes. 
“Don’t judge a book by it’s cover. Also don’t slam random before into fucking walls, by me a drink first.” You joked making him chuckle a little. 
The night went on as the bottle of whiskey got more and more empty, you and Miguel sharing your lives and secrets. 
It was nice to talk to someone, you didn’t exactly have friends. 
Miguel stood up and was about to leave before you stopped him. 
“Just stay here, I’ve got a spare room.” You said, both of your clearly drunk. 
He looked at you and you both paused for a moment before a moment of passion sparked and you leant forward to kiss him passionately. 
Next minute you were up against the wall while Miguel held you up and kissed you. 
Everything went by in a blur, the pleasure and alcohol blending together as you lost yourself in each other. 
You woke up the next morning seeing Miguel naked and fast asleep beside you. 
You groaned and rubbed your head, the hangover getting to you. 
“Fuck.” You muttered as Miguel began to wake up, he sat up, yawned and stretched. 
“How do you look like a fucking Greek god and I look like I’ve been poisoned.” You muttered with a hoarse voice making him chuckle. 
“I guess your powers don’t make you immune to a hangover, huh?” He taunted as you groaned and laid back down. 
“Stay there, I’ll get some water and pain killers.” He said before getting up and going out to the kitchen. 
You were surprise he hadn’t just left in the morning like men usually did. 
When he came back you thankfully drank the water he had got for you. 
He sat beside you and rested against the head rest. 
“So, how did you get the scars on your face?” He asked as you chuckled softly. 
“Isn’t that a third date question?” You joked making him shake his head and chuckle. 
“Considering I attacked you, you got shot, we got drunk and fucked I’m pretty sure that counts as seven dates.” He replied making you laugh but grip your head in pain and curse out the hangover. 
“Well, I got to age twenty two. Woke up one day and things were…different. I lived in a rough part of town, messed with the wrong people and got stabbed. I expected myself to just bleed out, but it just healed over. I told my father, he was a scientist and surely he had answers. But, after he had found out I wasn’t his daughter anymore, just his experiment. Weeks, turned to months and then years, he would cut parts of my skin out to test, he would shoot me, stab me, slit my throat just to test how far I could survive. It was torture… Death would’ve been so much kinder. One day I managed to break out of my restraints, I took the knife out of my stomach and stabbed him… twenty six times.” You muttered as Miguel looked at you in shock. 
“It’s not a pretty story.” You said taking a sip of water. 
“Fuck… but, still thank you for telling me. You didn’t have to.” He said making you smile a little. 
“I wanted to… I haven’t had a friend or whatever this is in a long time. It’s nice.” You whispered looking at him as he smiled and leant forward to kiss your softly. 
“I agree.” He said making you blush softly. 
“And since you’re not hungover you’re going to order breakfast for me, pancakes, waffles, muffins and everything sweet.” You said as he laughed and shook his head. 
“Now, Miguel!” You shouted as he got up still laughing. 
“Fine, fine. Bossy bitch aren’t you?”
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bronx-bomber87 · 10 months
Happy Tuesday evening all :)
We’ve reached the conclusion of this Two parter. One of the most seminal and iconic moments for them. Not only as a ship but as characters. One of my all time favorite episodes. It’s the one where most people if they weren’t shipping them before they were after this. I was already locked and loaded for them at this point. This one added massive fuel to the fire though. Turned it into an inferno for me.
Also a chunk of the gifs I’m using are of Tim’s reactions through out the ep from a wonderful set I found. Would like to name it ‘Tim I can crush you with just my facial expressions. Let me count the ways Bradford. ‘ LOL let’s delve in shall we?
2x11 Day Of Death
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We start this immense adrenaline rush of an episode with Lucy. She’s waking up and Caleb is tattooing her DOD tattoo on her. Then the sick MOFO asks Lucy if she knows what it is? She doesn’t answer at first. He says ‘Tell Me.’ Lucy looks down and sees her tattoo. Shakily replies ‘My day of death…’ He smiles sickly and we hit the opening credits. I hate him so much. Ugh.
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Jackson notices Lucy isn’t home and figures her date went well. He arrives at work and finds her still missing. Checks in with Nolan asking if he’s seen her? He has not..They weigh telling Grey they don’t want her get dinged if she’s just late. They ask Harper if she’s seen Lucy. She says no and can sense more to their questions than they're saying. They start chatting if they should tell Grey. Nyla doesn’t waste a second before pulling Grey and Tim into it. Love this woman.
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Tim’s face during the whole scene hits me right in the gut. This entire episode is an emotional gut punch honestly. This is the moment the worry and anxiety start their stranglehold on him and don't let go. His face goes through stages. First is realization then the outright panic and worry kick into gear. Tim licks his lips out of anxiety. He’s piecing the puzzle together and is absolutely terrified at the possible result.
Grey is the voice of reason during this entire scene. It’s much needed. Tim has a ton of info on this idiot. He immediately presents it. This is way of controlling his worry and panic. Tim can control where this whole thing starts at least. He has info they can use to easily verify if he is a real threat. Good thing he grilled Caleb so much. Rattles off his name, where he supposedly works, social media page etc Grey tells Tim to take Jackson and run a background check with Armstrong. They all split off with jobs to do. Love they were on it immediately for her. All hands on deck right away.
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Nick is looking up ‘Caleb Wright’ and says he doesn’t exist... Tim instantly marches over to Armstrong's desk Says that can't be correct. He just saw it the other day. The anxiety continues to build for him. It’s written all over Tim's face. The panic and worry is starting to mount for him quickly. Eric is the king of expressions as we all know. This episode he kills me softly with them. Tim for the first time, is showing exactly how he’s feeling around everyone. Usually only Lucy gets to see this but not today.
No compartmentalization for him. Today he is an open book of anger, anxiety, and pent up stress. We truly get a look into how much he cares about Lucy. The weight he feels for putting someone he cares about in danger. There’s a lyric in the song featured in Lucy’s next scene. Says ‘My heart is on display.’ That is Tim in this episode. His heart is on display for everyone to see. He doesn't care who notices it. He is showing how Lucy being missing is destroying him. It awakens a piece of himself he’s been burying since they met.
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We return to our girl strapped to a chair. She quickly is testing her restraints. The drug is wearing off and her wits are returning. Before she can test them further Caleb walks in. Eating eggs like this is completely normal for him to do. Tells her he would feed her but all the screaming makes you vomit. She asks for water. He says sure he's not a monster. Ok pal....
Lucy asks if this is why he hit on her. Caleb tells her no. She was a happy accident since the last girl didn’t work out. Ugh. That he was just there to scope out Armstrong. She asks him why the tattoo? He tells her it’s not for him. It’s for her. To get her to face the truth of her death. Sick sick SOB.
Lucy changes tactics and tries to rile him up. Asking if he got that from Rosalind? He defensively replies no it’s all him. She pokes the bear more. Saying she figured it was hers since she’s his mentor and all…He snaps again says they’re equals. Lucy continues her barrage and asks 'Does she know that?' God I love her. He catches on and says she’s good. That this is going to be fun for him. *shudder*
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Grey and Armstrong are going over what they got from their canvass of the bar. The bartender recognized both Lucy and Caleb. There is video of them leaving but it’s not clear. They see car pull away but its stolen. Grey then says the words Tim has been dreading. His worst fear coming to life before him. That Caleb is Rosalind's apprentice and that he’s abducted Lucy… You can see the weight of responsibility and guilt Tim has now put on. It’s going to stay there for a long time. Long after they find her. We can already see the toll this is taking on him.
The way he swallows his anxiety. He's is beyond upset that she's been taken. Just watch Eric’s face especially towards the end. It encapsulates all of that. He is beating himself up in this moment. Convinced he is the reason she’s gone missing. Honestly I don’t know he could’ve lived with himself had they not saved her.
He is going to bear the brunt of this. It's who he is. To take on the full weight of this emotional burden. Now Lucy would never have wanted him to do this. Hell blaming him was the last thing she ever thought about. Tim is a pressure cooker of panic and stress in this ep. Every new piece of info or dead end only adds to that pressure. It’s not long before we see him truly implode…
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Tim can’t handle this alone and recognizes this. So he calls Angela and is VERY vulnerable with her. His face as he waits for her to answer. Praying she picks up. He tells her Lucy’s been taken and he needs her. My boy has grown so much. Look at him reaching out and asking his best friend for aid. Even though he’s going to carry this emotional responsibility alone, he needs Angela help keep him sane. Because let’s be honest he is drowning right now.
Tim is trying so hard to keep his panic and worry from overtaking him. She immediately says yes and drags Wesley with her. They continue to talk about how to find Lucy. Tim is seething with anxiety his body language as anxious as I ever seen it. Nick poses she might already be dead. Harper jumps in and we get to see her growth as well. Defends Lucy’s tenacity. What a fighter she is, that she’s going to do everything she can to stay alive till they can save her. i.e. this next scene.
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We go back to Lucy being the fighter Nyla was just talking about. Finally getting the restraints free. Effectively kicking Caleb’s ass on her way out. Sucker punches him so hard he's on his back.(Harper would be so proud) She makes it outside and you can see the vastness of a desert. Wherever Lucy is it’s remote af. She’s disoriented and hits that friggin trip wire. Makes me mad every time it gets her. What also pisses me off is Caleb couldn’t take her if she was 100 percent. It’s why he pepper sprays her. Our girl keeps punching even after he does that. He laughs until she gets one in. Deserved. Like Harper says she’s fighter. Sadly she loses the fight and he drags her away.
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Angela shows up with Wesley in tow. It’s clear Tim being on the tip line is bringing him to his boiling point. He sends Wes to help Jackson with it. His stress is hitting an all time high when he talks to Angela. His emotions are something he’s normally very good at keeping in check but they are ruling him right now. Angela can see it instantly. She can also tell something is eating at him.
He starts suggesting desperate things like kicking down doors. Angela trying to right his ship logically asking what doors? He tells he doesn't know...but he can’t just sit here doing nothing. He takes off and Angela hunts him down. He says he doesn’t need a pep talk. (Yes you do…) Angela asks why did he call her then? Says he clearly needs to get something off his chest. To unburden himself.
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Tim finally verbalizes the thought that’s been torturing him all day. That he did this. She was in danger because of him. Eric’s voice and how vulnerable he sounds while he’s explaining this My damn heart. Angela tries to assuage him of his guilt. Tells him he couldn’t have known. He refuses to be let off that easily. He's so mad at himself. Vibrating with anger. All the things he drills into Lucy he didn't do himself when it came to Caleb. He's so very angry and emotional he let this guy get past him.
That he should've seen him coming a mile away. Before even getting to Lucy. (He did though on some level he really did) But he's not going to see that logic right now. Says how she wanted to go home. But he told her to go out. That she went out with Caleb because he told her. The heartbreak all over Angela’s face when he tells her this. The acting is just top notch in this one. It’s always good but this entire ep is so emotionally charged. Everyone brought their A Game.
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You can hear the crack in his voice to what he says next. He continues on to say she didn’t feel right about the whole situation. That she hesitated on going out with him, but he insisted and pushed her right at him. He is disgusted with himself. Look at that man's face above. He hates himself for letting her get taken, when he feels he could've prevented. it. Thus continues Eric’s destruction of my soul in this episode. Killing me good sir absolutely killing me. Such a good scene for Angela and Tim though. Glad it was captured in gif form.
Nolan is able to figure out with his visit from Rosalind about contraband. That’s how her and Caleb have been communicating. That if they can get to the smuggler they can get to the guard who’s been delivering it to her. Angela gets Wes on it for her with his connections. Says his clients aren't in trouble they just need the info.
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We return to Lucy and her March toward the barrel. Caleb has planned something else for her. Not just the barrel but burial underground to go with it. Caleb tells her to get in. Lucy says no. He continues his diatribe by saying that at least in there there is still hope. Outside of it only death as he points his gun at her. Lucy then does the smartest thing of her entire capture. She fakes a trip and drops her ring. The very thing that saves her life.
She knows Tim with his cop eyes will spot it and save her. So damn smart on her end. Caleb has no idea what he was up against truly. He asks her any last words? Lucy confidently replies ‘You’ll be dead long before I am.’ Damn right he will be. Watching her get into the barrel and him kicking into the hole is hard to watch. I hate it so much. Her trying not to panic once she hears the dirt pile on top. Ugh I can’t. Melissa crushes the entire scene inside that barrel makes me wanna cry each time. Trying so hard to regulate her panic and breathing.
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Now comes one of my favorite Tim portions of the episode. He’s been pent up and to his boiling point by time we get here. They have the name of the smuggler and it’s time to get some answers. This scene shows you the lines he’s crossing and depth of how far Tim is willing to go to save her. Idk if it’s wrong to find aggressively protective Tim so sexy. But this scene phew lord. It really hits the spot for me in that regard.
Doesn’t even hesitate to threaten with bodily harm. The last thing Tim has time for today is BS. You’re standing between him and his person (except he doesn’t know that just yet hehe). You aren’t going to win this fight my man. He doesn’t even give this guy a moment to mouth off. Slams his face into his steering wheel immediately and says it’s his day of reckoning. *fans self* It sure is. Now Jackson looks off put but I’m cheering Tim on. Also if this is how he is before he's with her can you imagine how he would be in S6 if something happened to her? Scorched earth. This is pretty damn close to that anyways.
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Watching how he unravels in this scene just shows his utter despair in this moment. This is Tim at his peak of desperation. That he is literally willing to risk his career by injuring this guy to get what he needs. That by the book Tim Bradford is giving the bird to ethics right now to save her. Nothing will stand in his way to get her back. If he has to rough this guy up to get what he needs so be it. The thought of failing her is unacceptable. Especially since he feels he put her there. He’s shown many times he has her back. This is another level. Look at that final line above. He means every word of it.
God help the poor SOBS who stand in the way of Tim Bradford and who he cares for. I relate to this very much. I am the same way for those I care about. Deeply loyal and loving. You will experience hell rain down on you if you mess with someone I care about. So I get his mindset during this. Might not be the right way but it’s something I can most definitely relate to.
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They get a name for Jerry Havel from the smuggler. Sadly it’s another dead end. The guy who lives there isn't Caleb. They find out he stole his identity. Used it to get to get close to Rosalind at the prison. I’ve never seen Tim look so damn dejected as above. He looks lost and broken, definitely in need of a hug. You know he feels like a failure right now. Just absolutely wrecked and distraught. Not a drop of hope left in him. Jackson comes up to him with some potential good news. Credit cards Caleb used in Jerry’s name.
Tim gets so excited saying the charges could lead them to Caleb. Jackson breathing some life back into our boy. They head back to the station to regroup. Wes is brilliant and associates Calebs obsession with Rosalind with his next killing ground. Something that would tie to her. Tim comes in and says he has a PO Box payment in Kern County. That he still makes payments even after he quit. That’s how they piece together she’s at Rosalind's Uncle's farm.
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Then comes the song that makes me teary every time. So hauntingly beautiful her voice in the background as they race to the farm to save her. The cinematography in this episode is primo. The emotions it evokes are immense. Her singing the song that will haunt us all every time we hear it. Melissa is beyond brilliant in this moment. Singing but also crying because she believes this is the end for her. I want to cry just writing this out. This moment is so incredibly emotional. She’s accepted her fate at this point and yet still hasn’t at the same time. Beautifully tragic.
Harper and Nolan make it first. They see Nick is being held captive by Caleb. Sadly Harper misreads the situation and shoots him. Then starts the next emotional rollercoaster. John FaceTiming Grace in order to save him. God bless her for trying. The irony of them trying to save him so they can save Lucy. Tragically he ends up dying and his knowledge of where Lucy goes with him..
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The rest of the team shows up shortly afterwards. Harper tells them Caleb is dead. They split up into sections to start searching the vast desert. It seems like they’ll never find her. The shots are so wide and boundless. Then Tim sees something glinting in the distance. The way he runs up to it knowing that’s where she is. The way he grabs it and instantly knows she's left her ring for him. Once finds the lid with his foot He starts screaming ‘I’ve got her!’ repeatedly.
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He starts digging not even waiting for a shovel. He is as feral as he can be trying to dig her out with just his hands till help arrives. His desperation has reached critical levels as he digs to find her. With every swipe of his hands he’s trying to undo what he thinks he’s done to her. Once everyone else arrives, they offer Tim a shovel but he continues to dig with his hands. Almost in a trance with digging her out. He isn't wasting a damn second to take it because it could cost her.
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I love how everyone helps to get her out but Tim fends them off once she's out. He wants to work on her himself. No one was going to touch her but him. This part always makes me catch my breath. The music, the way he frantically works on her, everyone’s reactions as he does. We’ve reached the height of the adrenaline and emotions in this moment. Armstrong and Grey look like it’s over. Everyone else is in shock around Tim. He refuses to give up. Giving Lucy CPR incessantly and being relentless in its delivery. He continues to work tirelessly on her. After another moment she finally comes back to him.
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One of most beautiful parts of this scene and what gets me the most is her initial reaction. The last time she closed her eyes she saw Caleb. When she re-opens them she’s disoriented. Honestly a little panicked as well. It’s not until she hears Tim’s voice grounding her back to the present and seeing his face does she realizes she’s out. She not in that barrel anymore. That’s she’s safe in his arms and away from that monster.
Then she immediately breaks down. The way her hands shake as she reaches out for him gets me good. Tim see's this and he hides her in his chest. Softly cradling her head against him. Trying to protect her. Tim is instinctual in how he comforts her. Telling its ok. She continues to cry and god that kills me. Clings to him like the life line he is for her. Especially in this moment. So happy he’s the one holding her. He needed to be the first face she saw and Tim needed that as much as she did.
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The way he cradles her so gently against him. My damn heart. I tear up every time I watch this scene. Holding her like she is the most precious thing on this earth to him. The immense amount of relief that washes over him. He looks like he wants to cry himself. Tears of relief. It’s the first time he’s drawn a real breath since she disappeared. He breathes that sigh of relief into her hair. It’s an incredibly intimate moment shared between them. Him lying his head on hers and the protective way he’s holding her.
Looks like he is shielding her from everything and refusing to let her go. Wanting to absorb all the sadness she’s experiencing in this moment. Can only imagine he held her all the way to the hospital too. If not he held her hand the entire ambulance ride back. Stuck to her like glue. Tim outwardly displaying everything he’s feeling in this moment. He doesn’t care who sees this. He would’ve moved heaven and earth to save her. It’s written all over this beautiful embrace. I’ll never be over this moment. Even years later. They already had me but this cemented me following them anywhere.
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Tim could not be cuter staying by her bedside the entire night. Watching over her while she got some much needed rest. Her fierce protector standing guard. Also having when she wakes for him to be first face she sees again. Look at this man's face when he realizes she is awake. He could not be more adorable reading some teen magazine to pass the time. It's classic. Their banter picking up right where they left it. Not skipping a beat. Talking about BTS and which one was his soulmate haha He plays along then asks what that is? She laughs and its so nice to see he can still do that. God they cute. The look of sheer joy of her being awake is written all over his face.
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She asks him if he’s been here all night? He looks like he’s about to cry and says no..it’s ok babe we know you’re lying. She knows too but lets it go. She just follows up with a very sweet ‘Mmhmm.’ with a helping of heart eyes for him. Honestly everything you need to know about how he’s feeling in this moment is in that gif above. Eric the king of expressions strikes again. Nolan, Jackson and Grace join them. Coming in to check on her as well. The way he watches her while she talks to the trio is so sweet.
She could say anything right now and he would be enamored. He’s just so damn happy she’s ok. Lucy says she’s never going on another date again. Grace says I don’t know that’s the takeaway. The boys all chime in it’s so damn funny. Saying mixture of things at once. ‘Statistically that’s pretty safe, Definitely should.’ LOL She asks if this is the kind of understanding she’s should expect from now on? Tim says pretty much.
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Tim asks her if she’s hungry. She says starving. I bet she is poor thing god only knows last time she ate. Tim produces her favorite order veggie burger and fries with extra pickles. He’s so proud of himself for having got it. That he remembered. Look at him so pleased with himself having that ready to go for her. She could ask him for the world right now and he would deliver. No questions asked. Easy Tim your feelings are showing.
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The rest of this scene is all heart eyes. It's a two way street of cuteness. We get our next iconic OTP line. ‘You know me so well. Too well’ ❤️ The way he says his half its like he’s finally giving into their bond and connection at this point. That there is something there he can't deny. He doesn't fully understand it right now but its there. We all know he will continue to try to ignore it but ultimately won't be able to hehe. The amount of heart eyes these two are throwing around during this is amazing. Surprised the others didn’t just leave to give them privacy haha No one else in their world when they get like this. Everyone else around them fades.
Phew what an episode it emotionally drains me each time in the best way. Melissa and Eric are rockstars. We’re so lucky to have them running this ship. If you didn’t see their chemistry or ship before this you sure as hell did now. It was there in all its glory the entire ep. What a ride.
Side notes-Non Chenford.
I loved Wesley turning it around in this episode. As horrible as Lucy going missing was and the toll it took on everyone it helped right his ship. Show him perspective about what she survived. And honestly he was huge in what saved her.
John’s final scene with Rosalind is so good. The way he breaks it all down. How she’s lost. Caleb died, Lucy and Armstrong were alive, and he inadvertently gave them the rest of her kill sites in his notes. She looks down for the count. But before Nolan can leave she throws that tid bit out about Nick before he departs. Damn good ep holy hell.
thank you to https://the-rookie.fandom.com/wiki/2x11_gallery?file=2x11_015.jpg I needed one random screen cap ha
Also Thank you all for reading. For all the likes/ comments and reblogs. I hope I did this iconic episode justice. Truly one of my all time favorites of the series. ❤️ See you all in 2x12 :)
111 notes · View notes
cafeinthemoon · 1 year
King - Chapter II
Chapter 2
Wordcount 4,5k
Title The Day of Preparations
Fandom Shuumatsu no Valkyrie / Record of Ragnarok
Pairing Poseidon x reader
Previous chapter
Symbols ⭕ . ➕ . 🖤
Warnings: Arranged marriage; mentions of invasive medical procedures; a kinda problematic advice from Proteus; Poseidon is basically his own warning lol
Tagging @the-dumber-scaramouche @mikkies @sl33py-zer0 @cloveradora @nooneknows8976 (If you want to be tagged in any of my stories, just leave a comment on this chapter or send an ask or a message)
N. A.: So I tried to keep a wordcount similar to the one of the previous chapter, but it wasn't possible due to the quantity of info to be showed in this one lol
A few words about this chapter: I'm so excited to write about reader and Alyssa's friendship! It's been a while since I included this dynamics in a story and it's been good to work on it! Here we have more about their routine in the castle, but there are other details that will be explored in the next chapters, as well as some mysterious events...
Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter and tremble at its last paragraphs 🤭
Also changing the gif because... you'll see 🤣
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When you stepped inside the room and heard Proteus closing the door in silence at your back, you thought your loneliness has reached the worst point: the only human in that colossal building, stuck inside a room, trapped in the deepest of the seas. However, looking at your surroundings with attention, you soon had the first good surprise since you left your father’s house. 
The room, with dimensions as wide as its high door suggested, had dozens of empty beds placed side by side, from one edge to the other, all of them made with bluish sheets of something similar to satin and big, soft pillows. At your left, you saw some doors that probably led to bathing and changing rooms, while at your right there was a wall with aligned gothic windows through which a smooth light entered. In front of one of these windows, observing the outsides with her hands on the parapet in an anxious attitude, a woman in a turquoise dress and golden sandals was standing. When the door was opened, she turned to it and you noticed, with a sigh of relief, that she was a human being. 
As you took a few steps to the middle of the room, the woman came to meet to you as quick as her condition allowed her: looking down to her belly, you saw the rounded salience of a pregnancy. She was a bit shorter than you and seemed to be one or two years younger, with brown curls that framed her face and fell around her shoulders and her swollen breasts, a pair of chubby cheeks and a tiny mouth that opened in a cheerful smile when she spotted you. 
In the glimmer of her almond eyes, you recognized a sensation of relief similar to the one you carried in your own heart. The reason for this you could already guess, but it was good to hear it in her words. 
– During this last week, I’ve heard rumors that a human girl was going to arrive this day, but I refused to believe in them until now – she spoke in a rushed, excited tone – You have no idea of how happy I am to see you here! 
If the circumstances were different, you’d certainly be annoyed by this reception, but after the things you’ve been through before arriving there, you replied with equal contentment. 
– And I can only say the same now that I see you here. 
The girl’s smile widened and she rubbed her belly, inviting you to sit with her in one of the beds near the windows. You thought she was acting too recklessly for someone at that stage of pregnancy, but didn’t make any comments. 
– So – she sat and started the conversation – What’s your name? 
– Y/n. – you took the spot by her side – I came from the … region, from a family of merchants. And you? 
– I’m Alyssa. I grew up without knowing who my parents were. I was actually found at the doors of a sanctuary dedicated to Poseidon-sama at my town when I was a baby. The local priests raised me to be one of them and, when I became an adult, they decided to send me here as an offer. Human offers are rarely sent to the Emperor of the Seas nowadays, but I’m glad I was accepted. 
Alyssa sighed. You didn’t want to think of what could have happened in case she was rejected. Her tone was a bit lower – and sadder – when she spoke again. 
– I haven’t interacted with any humans since then – she shrugged – Of course, there are people here who treat me with kindness, but it’s not the same, you understand? 
You agreed without thinking twice. 
– Yes, I do – and, after a pause, – So… How long you’ve been here? 
– I arrived last year – she looked down to her belly – This is my second child. It’s my sixth month now. 
You couldn’t help raising your eyebrows in surprise: if she was carrying her second baby, she might have conceived them shortly after giving birth to the first. 
The girl seemed to guess your thoughts, but didn’t show any sign she was offended. 
– If you’ve heard that things aren’t easy to Poseidon’s secondary wives, that’s absolutely true – she let out a giggle – Though there are many of us, we’re always occupied, if not carrying a child inside our wombs, then carrying them in our arms. 
You replied with a worried “I see” and started looking around, at the room. You decided to change the subject. 
– So… – you moved your hands to indicate your surroundings – This is quite big for a place where humans are not common. 
– It’s because these rooms follow standard sizes – Alyssa explained – Maybe there was a time in the past when our kind was seen more often inside these walls, but it might have been so long ago that no one has memories of it anymore – and, after a moment looking around too, – Well, I think I’ve spoken too much now! Tell me about you. Who is your family? Who sent you here? 
That wasn’t really a pleasing theme for you, but you did your best to not put your listener in a depressive mood while you told her a summarized version of your story. 
– As I said before, we’re a family of merchants. My mother married my father for love when she was about my age. My father met her when he was about to replace his own father in the family’s business, so he trained her in it and they’ve worked for years together… until she passed away. 
– I’m sorry – Alyssa whispered. 
You smiled. 
– Since I was a child, I’ve been taught about our traditional occupation and always thought I would grow up to be a merchant beside my father, to travel through exotic lands and, one day, take his place as the leader of our company. Everything in my life, in my routine indicated that this would be my fate… – you paused before your voice cracked – Until a few days ago, when I came home at an evening and saw my father alone in his office, staring at a strange document on his desk, a scroll inside a golden seashell. He showed it to me, and I couldn’t believe in what I was seeing: it was an official announcement, not from our government… but from the Empire of the Seas. I should become one of the Emperor’s secondary wives. And neither myself or my father had a say in this. 
You pattered your fingers on your thighs, remembering that cursed evening. 
– I don’t know what I did to deserve this, or if I’m paying for the sins of an ancestor – you continued – Our family never had any connections with the Lord of the Seas. Honestly, we never devoted ourselves to any gods at all! But suddenly, my father received a paper scroll and then all the life I knew, the whole future I’ve planned didn’t exist anymore! Me, who never had any wish of becoming a mother or even a wife, now the bride of a god who only needs me to give him children! – you sighed, covering your face in your hands – Thinking of this makes me so tired that I’m not even able to feel angry... 
Alyssa put a hand on your shoulder. 
– Y/n-san. I’m not in conditions to do many things for you, but I’ll help you as much as I can – she smiled – Even after your wedding, we will spend long periods in the company of each other, so if you want to understand specific things about our life here or if you just need to talk, I’ll probably be here for you. 
You put your own hand over hers. 
– I don’t even know what’s going to happen to me, but I want to do the same for you – and, trying to cheer yourself up, – So, do we have a deal? 
– Yes! 
And that was the beginning of your first friendship in that strange world, and the fastest friendship of your life. 
When you arrived at that enormous, majestic building, the feeling of helplessness was inevitable, but now that you found out you wouldn’t be left alone in that cold room, you allowed yourself to believe that things could be, if not good, at least tolerable. 
Though you could learn important things by spending your days outside the room, exploring the places you were allowed to go to, you preferred to stay most of the time in the lodge. 
The main reason for this was certainly the mental exhaustion resulting from your difficulty to accept the fact that you would have to stay there for the rest of your life, but there were other things you considered, such as how you wanted to avoid the other women and their prejudice; you also weren’t at will to interact with the castle’s servants, since you still didn’t know much about them and their view on humans; finally, despite receiving the necessary assistance, Alyssa spent most of her time by herself, and you didn’t find it a good thing to leave her alone in the current situation. As expected, she ended up being your main source of information about life in Poseidon’s domain, such as the castle’s routine, their rulers, details about the marriage system that weren’t revealed by Proteus and other things you were supposed to understand in order to survive. 
Still, being stuck inside that room didn’t prevent you to face mysterious, random things that, while didn’t cause you any problem, certainly awakened your curiosity. 
There was this time when you were lying on your bed, close to the window and besides Alyssa’s, observing the night sky – if it was correct to call it like that – thinking of the changes in light that made it possible to separate the days from the nights despite not having celestial bodies at sight. You were looking at the dark expansions out there and waiting to fall asleep, when a small, but unexpected change caught your attention. 
You had the sensation of capturing a tiny spot of light with the corner of your eye. You blinked a few times, thinking you were starting to see things because of tiredness, but the light was still there when you looked at it again, crossing the space to somewhere outside your view. 
But there are no stars here. What is it, then?
You couldn’t help leaving your bed and rushing to the window to observe. 
From your spot, a group of at least three high towers of white stone was visible on the horizon, distant but still a part of the castle’s structure. Considering the direction taken by the light, it might have appeared somewhere close to the highest of those towers, as if coming out of a window, and it was now floating to the black expansion above, leaving a sparkling trail behind it like a shooting star. 
The entire land was quiet, except for the low roar of the waves that moved outside the domain. However, you were sure to hear a high-pitched, melodic sound that seemed to come from that tower, spreading through the air. It was like a whistle. 
You kept looking until the light disappeared in the darkness. Right after that, the whistling sound ceased and everything returned to the previous silence. 
You went back to your bed and couldn’t remember if you fell asleep or if you spent the rest of that night thinking of what you witnessed. 
You would have lost the notion of time if it wasn’t for the variations in light that indicated the different periods of the day and the conversations with Alyssa, as well as the visits of the servants under Proteus’ orders, who took care of your personal needs. They would come at specific times of the day to fulfill tasks such as cleaning the room, changing the sheets and checking on Alyssa, but they were so impersonal in all of this that you never had the nerve to make them any requests, neither you tried to get information with them; still, if you were to count good things about them, it was the fact that they were never late and their work was done with perfection, so that you never lacked anything. 
There was this time when, after what seemed to be weeks since your arrival, your impatience finally got the best of you, and you questioned your friend about how long a woman would usually wait for the day of her wedding. 
– You know, it’s not that I’m excited for it – you shrugged – But staying here with little to do, living days that don’t differ from each other in anything and not knowing what to expect is very unpleasing, to say the least. 
Alyssa, being aware of your feelings towards the wedding and such, didn’t make any inquires or judgments, limiting herself to explain the variations in the period of wait. 
– Everything depends on how many women are there to marry, and how many of them will marry before you. Usually, the girls are summoned by their species, and only after an entire species went through the ceremonies, a new group is chosen. So, in the case of the girls who belong to larger groups or those ones in the last groups, the wait might extend for months. However, not many girls arrived this year, so your turn will probably come in the next days. 
You opened your mouth, but no word came out of it. 
– But, in my opinion, staying here in the lodge is not that bad – she commented – You know, I wish I wasn’t one of the first when I came here. 
You felt a slight discomfort when you heard that, as well as a guilt. You were so focused on your own misery that you barely stopped to think about how she might have felt about her own wedding, for serving a deity as a priestess alongside your family is one thing, but leaving your people and your home behind to stay by the said deity’s side as his wife, existing only to give him children and sharing him with other women who were not exactly your friends, was something else. You never asked Alyssa to share details of her experience as a wife, neither you questioned her about how she really felt about carrying those children or even if she held some love for her husband, but in respect for what she might have endured, you decided to be more careful whenever you talked about your own discontentment to her. 
Alyssa’s words about you being summoned to your wedding in a few days became a sort of sinister prophecy when one morning, a servant came to your door and, in fact, announced that “the time for you to become the next wife of our Lord” has come. 
Your friend witnessed the scene: you were standing up beside your bed at that moment; when you turned from the servant to her, she offered you a supporting look, to which you looked back at the servant and nodded. 
– Yes – you took a step a head – I’m ready. 
You gave Alyssa one last look, over your shoulder. You would have preferred to exchange a few words with her before leaving, but seeing that resilient, calm smile before the door was closed between you granted you the strength you needed to follow the servant in silence through the lodge’s corridor. 
Thanks to the information you gathered with your roomate, you already had an idea of what to expect from the period of preparations. And, also because of that, it wasn’t a surprise to see that the said preparations took that entire day. 
The first stage was to take you from the tower where the girls’ lodges were located to the one where the wedding would take place, a task that was fulfilled by that one servant that came to summon you. Only this took several minutes of walking through hallways and bridges until you finally reached a room where the rituals would actually start. 
You were taken to a group of doctors whose mission was to make sure you were in your best conditions, both in a physical and mental sense. Yes, it’s true that, during the weeks you’ve spent in the lodge, you were sent to the doctors from time to time, but now the procedures were more precise – not to say more invasive – in a way that even the tiniest details wouldn’t be ignored. You were impressed with the fact that none of those professionals were humans, yet their knowledge of the human physiology and psychology was such that they could easily replace a human doctor in the world of men. 
After hours of evaluations and examinations, you were taken to another place where your personal hygiene and aesthetic would gain attention. Here, there were almost only females to take care of you. 
First, you were sent to a bathing area where you were received by two women of rosy skin and no body hair, and who introduced themselves as Kenya and Yua. You had your clothes taken from you (and probably discarded), then were led to a bathtub with fragrant water. When you understood that they were going to bathe you, you tried to tell them that you were able to do this by yourself, but they only laughed. 
– We know you are probably able to do that – said Kenya, while taking a glass full of soap and rubbing your back with it – But Poseidon-sama would just get rid of us if he hears that we’ve been allowing his brides to bathe on their own. 
Yua, taking a bit of the same soap and rubbing your arms, giggled. 
– And we do not want to be punished because something so silly. 
You weren’t sure if they were just over enthusiastic about their own tasks or if they were provoking you, but you just let them do their work. After some time, you gathered the courage to ask about your future husband. 
– May I ask something about Poseidon-sama? 
A silence fell between them for a second, but curiosity took over and they were all ears. 
– Of course, darling – Yua started cleaning your feet – What do you want to know? 
– Yes, what do you want to know? – Kenya corroborated. 
– Well... What kind of person... What kind of king is Poseidon-sama? I mean, would he really punish you for such a small thing like letting me take a bath on my own? 
Kenya shrugged. 
– You should not doubt that. To some, he can be a wise, righteous and reliable governor. To others, however... 
– To others, “Tyrant of the Seas” makes too much sense – Yua completed – But, please, do not use this title in front of him if you want to stay alive! 
Kenya chuckled. 
– Yes, you better watch your mouth in front of him. Poseidon-sama is as demanding with his women as he is with any other person. You can guess that only by all the preparations you’ve been submitted to. 
Nothing was said about the theme after that. 
When the soap stage was finished, it was the time for exfoliation. This resulted in a slight discomfort for you: as soon as they started scrubbing your body, it burned. 
They discussed it between themselves. 
– Oh, we better stop now. It’s too rough for her! 
– What are we going to do, then? Her skin is so fragile! We could barely clean her... 
– Take the bottle we used on the other one. It’s our softest option. 
The last stage of the bath was to wash and treat your hair, and thank Heavens you faced no suffering in this: your strands ended up softer and brighter, and you approved the procedure. 
The next step was to take you out of the water and moisturize your body with lotions and foams with perfumes that, in your opinion, would work better if they weren’t mixed. This task was also done by Kenya and Yua, before they finally sent you to another room, where an elderly woman with physical traits that resembled Proteus received you. She took you to a bed where you had your limbs, hands, feet, belly and back massaged with non-scented oils, then had your muscles relaxed and your posture readjusted. 
You then entered a smaller room where you had your hair combed and curled, your nails cut and painted. No make up was used on your face or body. 
Finally, you entered one last room where another pair of female servants were in charge of your apparel. They manicured your nails, finished taking care of your hair (but left it untied) and put you in a loosen, kind of revealing dress of thin fabric... and no robe or underwear. You were really bothered by that, and this feeling only increased when you realized you weren’t going to be given any shoes. 
When they started leading you to outside that room, you finally managed to question about this. 
One of them giggled, but stopped when the second one reprehended her. She then turned to you and, with a glimmer of pity and embarrassment, gave you this dubious answer: 
– You must not to worry about such things, young human, for soon you will understand that, in Poseidon-sama’s domain, you do not need more than what you are given. 
Those women didn’t have the sympathy and playfulness of Yua and Kenya, so you didn’t ask anything else and conversation died in a strange silence after that. 
The exit door was opened at last, and Proteus entered it. You were already informed that he would be the one to take you to the ceremonial room, so that there was no need of exchanging words with him: you just stepped to his side at his sign, then started following him through a corridor that resembled that one of the castle’s entry in many things, except that it was even larger. 
When you reached the fateful place, he stopped in front of two great doors carved with gold and sparkling pearls that spread upon them like a constellation, and turned to you, his glare as solemn as the first time you met it. 
– Your time has come. What I am going to say to you, I have said to all the previous women: trust the silence, the modesty and the compliance, and everything will be good for you. Anything that goes beyond this you will do at your own risk. 
You swallowed. 
Silence? Compliance? What did all that mean?
Proteus was going to turn away and leave, when you called him. 
– Proteus-sama, please, wait. 
He looked over his shoulder. 
– With all of this, it seems that you’re telling me that the use of my voice might be my death, my Lord. Is that correct? 
He replied with the same composed tone, as if that wasn’t something to be worried about – and, maybe, for him, it wasn’t. 
– You will be in the presence of a god, woman. Do you understand what it means? The contrary, that is, your voice bringing death to the listeners, is something that only applies to the sirens, and you are not one of them. So, be careful. 
When Proteus walked away, his steady steps echoed inside those walls for a moment until he was out of sight, and you were left alone in front of those doors. 
You touched the knobs with shaking hands and pushed them, surprised that they easily obeyed your command.
The space for the ceremonies was wide, almost like a ballroom, and the sea life as a base for the architecture and decoration was even more present there: there were lines of marble columns on each side, with sea weed, starfishes and exotic creatures carved as if swimming around them; the walls and the ceiling were of the deepest blue, and you had the sensation that they were moving in the rhythm of the waves. 
As you walked upon the black carpet that indicated the way to the altar, Proteus’ words reverberated inside your head, making more and more sense despite their absurdity: despite the dark blue of the surroundings, the lights on that room were of an uncomfortable white, increasing the feeling of oppression and anxiety, corroborating to turn you into a compliant, voiceless creature. 
When you stopped in front of the altar, you noticed how simple it as compared to the luxury of the things around it and the other premises of the palace: it was a rectangular table with two long candle holders of gold on each side; between them, you saw a rounded tray of copper with a pair of pearl-shaped earrings. Nothing more was at sight. 
You waited for one minute or two, but no priest or servant appeared. The silence was such that your breath was the only detectable sound around, and though you were close to a dozen burning candles, you sensed the air getting colder. 
You never knew how long you stood there, alone, on barefoot and trembling, until the first change in the scenario finally happened, but all the time you’ve spent waiting was promptly forgotten after it. 
The walls behind the altar, similar to the doors through which you entered that room, were actually a second pair of doors that connected it with a contiguous space behind. You discovered that at the exact moment they were opened, and someone crossed them... 
And made you force your feet in place in order to not run away with his mere presence. 
Walking around the altar and stopping in front of it, at least one meter apart from you, you saw the one who was probably the most beautiful man you’ve met in your life: he was taller than most of the people you knew, in a way that you barely reached his shoulders, and was dressed in nothing more than a blue robe that covered even his legs, but the fabric didn’t hide the prominent lines of his muscles; his pale skin reinforced this impression that his entire form was carved in marble, as the ancient sculptures produced in the name of perfection; his hair was like thick waves of a pale blonde, with one strand falling upon his forehead, where he had no lines of expression nor signs of age, just as the rest of his face, which traits carried a delicacy most common in females. 
To be honest, he was nothing like you imagined. From the statues you used to see in temples and monuments dedicated to him, you were sure that you would meet an individual who resembled a middle-aged man with long beard and stern expression, or even someone whose traits were the combination of a man and a sea creature, but your shock to find a man who looked almost as young as yourself was immeasurable. Besides, apart from his uncommon beauty, the only things that settled him as a non-human were the pointy shape of his ears, not hidden by his hair, and his eyes, as blue as his clothing: old eyes, filled with ancient, threatening power. 
Yes, remembering everything you’ve witnessed since you arrived at his domain, you thought you developed a reasonable idea of the kind of being Poseidon was. However, now you understood that no observations could have prepared you for the moment when you finally met him, for they didn’t correspond to half of the reality. 
And that left you terrified.
Chapter 3
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jackiequick · 1 year
Arrowverse OC ✨
Inspired by DC Comics
-> Shayera De La Cruz of Andor 🌱
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Adopted Earth Name: Lyra Olivia Cruz
Nicknames: Princess, Green Thumb, Shay, Liv, Ly, Ms Cruz and etc
Age (depending on the season): 20–25
Height: 5’5 (5’7 in heels)
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: Latina. Mexican one her moms side and Cuban-American on her father’s side
Place Of Birth: A fictional planet called Andor, next to the planet Thalon in the Rao System
Grew up: She landed in Coachella Valley, in California when she only less than 5 years old. Since she stuck in the phantom zone for a few years. She was found by a lovely couple. How she doesn’t know much of Earth’s actual culture, she was never one to truly understand it.
Shows appears/media references: Smallville, The Flash, Marvel, Supergirl, Dc Legends Of Tomorrow, Glee, Arrow, Star Wars and etc.
Career/Job: Artist. Paint, cartoonist and such.
Friendship: Team Flash, Team Supergirl, Felicity Smoak, Thea Queen, Sara Lance, Ray Palmer and much more.
Powers set: Earth based. Girl got a green thumb. With just the flicker of her fingers, Lyra can grow and control planets such a flowers, trees and make the air more fresh. On occasion, she can create plants. Her emotions effect the planets around her. With time she realized, she sometimes can control the weather just to make it grow or the sun to shine on the gods green earth.
Sometimes she will say something like, “The trees. They speak to me..they’re happy that it rained.”
Extra Info
Her biological parents were like royalty in her small planet across the south coast of the planets. Far from behind the other universes or planets nearby, simple people. Like down to earth country folks were the people on her planet. Everyone and everything looked like Earth with a fairytale style in the architecture (very much like Naboo). Their technological advances were slower than other planets, since they shared and borrowed from one another. But no one cared. Rather rich themselves in the minimalistic living instead. 
Some rarely gifted with certain abilities when they reached a certain point in their lives, meanwhile someone are not. One powers that only some elders held dear, that few past onto their children were to remember their past lives. Such as soulmates.
Her home looked like an Enchanted Forest, the ones you would hear in fairy tales crafted to share with little girls to imagine when they play dress up. She was kinda a loner growing up, having her books of fairytales and action filled stories of heroes to read.
One day she was stepped around the streets when a voice called her, consumed and curious she followed. Her dress flew behind her, walking until she saw that appeared to a wishful bouncing voice, belonging to a tall man. He was magical in a sense, convincing to anyone who listen.
“Hello?” She asked, fixing her dress and gasping at the suited man, “Who are you?”
“W-who am i? Well I’m your ticket to advertising adventures dear.” Reply the said with a kind smile, “I’m Roland.”
“My ticket to where?”
“Well Princess Shay-era, you are a very good girl. You don’t deserve to leave in this dump of a planet, but to bring your gifts to others.”
“M-my gifts?”
“Why yes of course. Your gifts. No offense, but do you really wanna be stuck in a place with no longing a little thing like you?”
Shayera crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes, “What’s your game, pirate? What about my parents?”
“You’re planet was doomed to death anyway, just like the otherwise beautiful ones on this side of the galaxy. We rather saved your ass now.” He said with a shrugged smile and secretly he opens a portal.
“We..? Uh, w-who sent you?”
“You’re mother. She knew you wouldn’t want to listen without a little push.”
“My mama..? Wait—”
The said portal opened and slides underneath her feet, Shayera landed asleep and shipped off world. She wasn’t brought with much, expect a few items. The portal trip was fine until she was knocked off course resulting, in her form landing in the phantom zone for weeks.
Finally she woke up to the pretty sky. Coachella Valley, in California. Her eyes were closed but sun shine still peaked into her face. She heard a young couple talking over her body. They were kind people from what she heard.
Shayera’s eyes gently blinked open catching the couples eyes. From their perspective, sweet young bright eyed little girl in a blush pink soft dress landed a few feet away from their home. It was a charming sight. The pair always wanted children and thought it was a gift from the universe.
“Hi sweetie, what’s your name?” Asked the women, Rosita.
“I don’t know..not remember..I’m sorry..” Said the girl looking at the couple confused but with a sense of familiarity in her eyes.
The man, Sean smiled, “It’s okay, we’re take you in.”
She smiled, gentle love in her eyes. They returned it, the couple named her Lyra Olivia Cruz. After Sean’s mom and Rosita’s grandmother.
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Years went on, Lyra lived a normal life as a teenager. School, friends, traveling to different place, reading and watching movies, shopping and so much more. Sure weird things happened over the city, in which her and her good friends coined it as ‘The Wall Of Weird’. Posting everything that happened onto the school newsletter and journal the ones they didn’t say anything about for themselves.
Sometimes it was like a damn comic book or music happened right before their eyes.
Until one day over the spring time, Lyra developed theses annoying headaches and decided to detox her body in the backyard nearby the small flowers she grew with her mother. It worked like a charm taking it all in, the fresh air, the sun and the greenery around her. Her fingers ran across the grass then flowers, as her hand sparkled. The flowers grew a little bit as Lyra looked at her face gasping in shock. Poor girl screamed, she though she was dreaming.
And her first thought afterwards was…
“MAMI! I THINK I GOT POWERS!?” She yelled calling her mother stumbling back in the house, practically falling face first on the wooden flooring. “Ow…” She added shortly.
Her mom was confused for a moment until Lyra showed her, more or less. After her dad came home from work, they had a long talk. Sean and Rosita told her what they know, that wasn’t much for neither of her parents to off on. The two felt sorry. They told Lyra that she was sent here in a pink dress, wearing a pair of dusty rose earrings and a small notebook that kept drawing in them. To their surprise, their daughter wasn’t mad at them or worried about anything. She knew she was loved and sent her as a blissing for a chance to live a good life.
As she started to work on her small scale of skills she promised to use her powers for good care, not destroying or manipulate nature. Eventually her friends found out finding it super cute and interesting.
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Everything was great until after senior year, she moved up to Central City to start exploring her job as an artist. Yes she does have the opportunity in California to draw and sell her art, but she wanted a different environment as a landscape for her cartoons. She was chatting on the phone with a friend when she noticed a young woman about to trampled over by a incoming speeding car.
She noticed a abandoned flower stand nearby, the man left for a break. So in result Lyra wiggled her fingers sparkling a dusty rose color as the flowers stretched out and grew wrapping themselves up gently pushing the woman away. It was a very subtle movement. Lyra released her touch on the flowers as they went back to their original form.
Lyra looked around hoping no one truly noticed, buying the said flower, leaving the money on the flower cart and walked away. They were tulips her favorite. However she was wrong, the woman who she saved did notice and a few days later found her at Jitters Coffee Shop.
Leanna O’ Conner was called in by her friend Officer Penny Spivet to see her.
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Lyra refused the idea, she wasn’t one to use her powers very often and doesn’t want to be like the hero The Blur or anything.
Leanna wasn’t suggesting that and said, “Girl I ain’t asking for you to do that. But you were spotted and tracked by a camera, your smart and sweet and kind. We could use you on the team, every once in a while.”
“I’ll think about it..what do you know about me?” Lyra asked curiously.
“You grew up in Cali, you studied news and stories eventually becoming a artist for the paper. And you can manipulate planets?”
“I can control and manipulate them to grow or even strengthen themselves.”
“If you come by to the labs, I’ll like to see it sometime.”
The sometime came soon as the day she visited, The Team Flash was fighting King Shark. She had to help them by growing a cage from the ground up to hold him off in the park until they can get handcuffs on the huge half animal. Caitlin and Iris grinned impressed. Once it was done, Lyra agreed to come over every once in a while to help, but she was more than happy to hang out with the crew.
Her, Cisco and the others would do movie nights. Referencing comic books, tv shows and movies. In their universes, Marvel was a common thing that would mention among pop culture.
The superheroes in a barn reference, excelsior, spidey senses tingling, superhero landing, Hulk references, X-Men and etc. Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, so much more being named dropped ever so causally no one bats an eye!
One day Iris even mentioned, “You said you were touched on journalism right?”
“Yeah? I usually do the doodles.” She replied one day as the girls were hanging out.
“Do you know a column called ‘The Wall Of Weird’? It was popping up on again on my throwback new feed.”
“Hahahahaha! I do actually, cause i help write it.”
“No way!”
“Yeah it was a fun thing we dropped online, I didn’t know it reached cities.”
“Girl it’s the Internet, of course it did.”
Hell Lyra when met Kara Danvers and others, she fell head over heels in love. Yeah she loved the other teams but Team Supergirl was unique.
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With her being from technically another planet, the colorful city, the similarities between perspective she shared, and Winn was her absolute favorite. All having to save each other at least once. Oh did I mentioned how nerdy everyone was with certain things? It was super cool!
Winn opened the door where she locked in and yelled out grinning, “Hi! I’m um here to rescue you, princess.”
Even though she was chained up, Lyra grinned and gasps, “Hmm. Aren’t you a little short to be a stormtrooper?”
“You rewatched Star Wars without me?!”
“Actually it was me and James!”
“Traitors! Me and Kara rewatched Wizard Of Oz without you guys.”
“You traitors!”
Alex was a badass, Lyra supporting her every single step of the way to her journey. In result, Alex helped her try to find more of her heritage whenever asked.
She was one of the most supportive people in her life and vise versa.
Plus she wouldn’t lie saying she had a small crush on Supergirl. I mean how could you not have a crush on Kara Danvers?! She’s adorable!
Also, they worked together so they get to see each other almost every day. Other days they were chilling together.
“You’re gonna love me forever. Close your eyes!” Lyra said running into the apartment.
“Okay? Please tell me it’s a puppy!” Kara yelled out with her eyes closed.
“Okayyyy! Now open ‘em.”
Kara gasped seeing pizza from their favorite restaurant, donuts from the shop across from CatCo, and a dvd of the film The Great Gatsby.
“OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU!” Kara yelled in glee hugging her.
“HAHAHA! IT WAS NO BIGGIE!” Lyra yelled back hugging her.
If you wonder if she gets to see her friends and family, Kara and Lyra are able portal or teleport using a device Cisco made. Winn sometimes had to adjust the schedule or corrected coordinates for travel. 
Sometimes it leads her into trouble bouncing from once place or universe to the next…
Thank you for reading this! I hope enjoy it 💞
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @yetanotherwells @msrochelleromanofffelton @blueboirick @sherloquestea @morgan108 @t-nd-rfoot @ohgodnotagainn @topgun-imagines @gcthvile @superspookyjanelle @hanlueluver @halesfavoriteharlot @rooster-84 and etc
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dodger-sister · 10 months
Sufficiently freaked out enough I turned on the alarm & locked the doors & put a chair under the door handle. Yesterday we rescued a cat that we had seen around the neighborhood the last week or so. She was on our porch staring in at Sis, so Sis went out & the cat jumped in her arms & started loving on Sis.
So we started our rescue routine: put her in basement guest room separate from our animals, posted on my FB & 2 local missing pet groups, called the shelter (waiting for call back) & intended to take her in to get scanned for a chip, if needed by tomorrow.
Today on 1 of the FB groups there was a comment “that’s my cat”. Something about it felt weird. When my dog went missing & ppl posted they saw him here or there, trying to help us catch him, I would reply “omg thank you, yes thats my dog!” Or whatevs. She just posts, “thats my cat.” So I went to her FB & it looked legit enough, just tons of other ppl’s missing animals & motorcycles. *But* there was no post about her missing a cat. Scrolled back 3 months, nothing. I was going to message her & ask for a photo of the cat, just to verify, since ppl do use cats as bait for dog fights around here. I understand when you are missing an animal, you can be beside yourself, so I shoulda messaged her immediately, but I was tending to things with my own pets & around the house & didnt respond immediately (ie within the hour). Thats on me.
But then I get a phone call, “you found a cat, thats our cat,” from some dude. I said “howd you get this number?” He says, “From the internet, you can search anybody nowadays.” GUYS, my FB profile name is my nickname, not my legal name! You cant search me & find me bc all searchable stuff is either from voter registration or state ID. How did he connect my nickname to my legal name? WTF. Then he says, “my gf is out looking for him - it’s a him - right now. I just gave her your address - *says my address* - that’s you, right?” Im shaking now. “How do you have my address? Someone is just coming to my house?!” I tell him I will NOT be answering the door until my sister is also here. He says, “she’s a 65 year old lady, its fine.” I said, “no, its not & my dog is super protective of me & he doesn’t let me open the door for strangers.” He says, “just bring the cat out to her then .” I stupidly, giving away that I’m disabled or whatevs, said, “cat is downstairs & I can’t do the stairs, you’ll have to wait until my sister comes home. Tell your gf to come back at 5.”
I ask if the number he has called from is his & he says yes & gives me his name. I say I’ll have my sister call to arrange a pick up. Im outside, so I go in, lock all the door, cant get the 1 door to lock properly so I put the chair there. I also turned on alarm & have my dog here, but Im freaked.
I inform Sis & she calls him. He tells her he got my number from 1 of those online Find A People sites. Thats a creepy thing to do. & then to just send someone to your house. What if a stranger just showed up at your front door asking about SM post you had made, without you having given out your info? How would you feel? Sis told him to send her a photo to prove is their cat. So then I go back to the missing animal site & there are a few more comments from the same lady, 1 saying his name is Cletus & the other saying, “We live on *street around the corner*. Please is a outdoor cat. Let him out & he will come back home”.
Ya’ll we live in the city limits! Yeah it’s only a 35k population but we have busy streets & a huge drug problem, have been labeled in the top 10 worst cities in our state, just a bad place to let your animals roam free if you want them to stay safe. Not to mention we aren’t far from the city edges, where we have coyotes. I know I had indoor/outdoor cats in my early 20s in town, but I was young & stupid & raised with barn cats so didn’t know any better. This lady is 65 years old! Yes I’m judging!
My friend is coming to stay this weekend & wanted to adopt the cat. If is theirs, obvs we hafta return it, but Id rather my friend adopt it. Rather my friend than ppl who let it roam in the city & then stalk you online & call you outta the blue & try to roll up on your house unannounced. Fuuuuuck. Also yeah he went missing, bc he begged us to let him in our house, we thought we were helping!
(Anyways, by the time I typed all this, it has been confirmed he is their cat, so we will return it to them later. In a public meet up spot.). But ya’ll, I’m wigging. WTF?
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dreamychuu · 2 years
hi chuu! as a fellow shinobuP may i req Shinobu with shy s/o? any scenario works! pls take ur time and have an amazing day!
A/n : ah chu is so happy to found fellow shinobu enjoyer~~ and thank you so much for requesting hope you enjoy it~!
I havent proofread this and i write this while being sleepy so im sorry for spelling mistakes
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✦ - shy or say hi?
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╰┈➤ - warning/info : kind of awkward but overrall none
✿ - Your morning begins by going back and forth around yumenosaki without direction while your eyes goes around looking for a certain boy with a dull purple hair and a two yellow streaks on his bangs.
And the certain boy is none of other than your beloved significant other shinobu sengoku.
shinobu is an energetic person especially when it comes to his ninja training, and it seems he forgot about his promise this morning to met you.
back to your situation, your footsteps are getting louder as you start to run. and after a while searching for him you suddenly hear someone laughing from the fountain.
You slowly walked over to the fountain to see the person you've been looking for, but unfortunately he's not the only one there.
"Cause we are a hero! Were ryusetai!", the brown upperclassman said proudly, shinobu nodded as Kanata who was sitting at the fountain just chuckled.
Kanata feel someone presence other than chiaki and shinobu and decide to turn his head to the direction behind shinobu.
He saw you stood behind shinobu in silent he then greet you with a "oh hello [name]", making shinobu and chiaki look in the direction that Kanata was looking at.
Shinobu who didnt expect you to be behind him jumped in surprise. but he's still the shinobu you know so after that he immediately apologized to you.
You want to say that its okay but you're to shy to said it.. especially when there are two upperclassmen who are looking at the two of you right now.
you just stare at him making blush apper at his face as he try to find out why you are here .. are you lost? did something happen that's why you're here? what's happend?
Seeing your significant other thinking and trying to find out about it, you decide to pulled him closer to you and brought your face closer to his ear.
The blush on his face start to get redder because of your actions but he still tries so hard to keep his composure.
You then reminded him of the promise he made to met you this morning, after hearing that he panicked and immediately apologized to you again but now he was kneeling in front of you.
You can hear a small laugh coming from the two upperclassman who have been staring at the both of you.
You who are even more embarrassed immediately pull shinobu up from there and run away from the fountain.
shinobu shocked by you who suddenly pulling him and just stare at you. But finally you stop at the back of the school.
he was immediately exposed to the ground as you were steadying your breath. After that you fell down and sat on the ground as shinobu start to crawl towards you.
You didnt look at him , making him confused thinking you're mad.
"are you mad..?" , he ask. You then reply with a "no, I'm just.. you know.."
he already knows without you even finishing your words.
His hands moved to your side as he pushed you closer to him. your head touches his face as his hand holding your arm. "Uhh.. I'm sorry... I shouldn't have done that especially when i know you're a shy person.."
You, who are still panicking because how close his face is decided to just stay silent and grab his uniform tightly, indicating that it's okay.
he jumped up and pulled you up. the two of you facing each other with your hands clasped as the boundary in the between.
realizing the current position made him remember his friend's words that this kind of moment was a good time to kiss! , he doesnt know much about being a romantic so he decided to follow his friend's advice.
he then slowly move his face closer to you while shaking of nervousness , his action make you froze and look directly into his yellow eyes.
a little more.. a little more , he thoughts. As finally when his lips poke your lips a bit he start to regrets his action and immediately pulls away from you.
he bow down and said goodbye before running as fast as he could from you leaving your shocked self there.
You move two fingers to your lips as you smiled followed by the warm feeling surronding your cheeks.
Maybe you can hangout next time...
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this exposè is bullshit.
to clear up the sora sexuality thing, it comes from one of LINUJ's QnAs, which, are not held on his site, but through email, so we really only know about their contents through other people sharing them. the thing about sora's sexuality could've very much been true. there are several translation docs where similar things are said. its not just the dub server spreading misinfo, it could very well be a real email sent by linuj which says this info, stating it as misinfo and saying that the dub server pushed it on people, is not true in the slightest. i went looking for the QnA in question and, it says the following: "Q - is Sora bisexual? A - She's heterosexual, for now, at least." and then, in the Evernote archive that some KR fans made of all of LINUJ's responses to their questions, the same reply can be found. The translation of the Evernote, specifically for the A2 responses, can be found on Wattpad by Criticalerr0r, at the very end of their "Super Danganronpa Another 2 Character Profiles Translated" book. This translation also includes the reply to the "Is Sora bisexual?" question. Now, does this mean you can't HC Sora as bi, or a lesbian? No. You can do whatever you want, but you cannot say that the dub server was going around spreading a lie - because it is very much true that LINUJ has stated Sora to be het. (Also, I'd like to add that Criticalerr0rs translation was posted in Feb 2022, almost a year after the dub server closed its main channels, so the controversies with the dub mentioning it, and this translation, have nothing to do with eachother.)
about emma's VA, I'm not denying the possibility that they COULD be proship, however, before swinging around claims as such, you need evidence. you can't just. claim things and throw them out there for other people to gawk at and believe with no further questioning. you need proof - especially since the claim is HUGE and could potentially ruin the career of said person, because no one will believe them even if they fight otherwise. PLEASE have basis for said claims. Please provide proof, don't just swing it around as "common knowledge." it ISN'T common knowledge.
The super straight comment is in poor taste, but the mods have made clear in the past few months that they are uninterested in moderating the server. It's the reason they shut down the channels in the first place - because they have their own life to live, that doesn't involve modding a shitty fangame discord server. It is entirely possible the mods overlooked it. You can't bring down the entire server because of a comment someone unrelated to the dub project made. You need more solid proof than this.
It is also very funny to me that you're running an exposè blog, but you're asking other people to send you proof of the dub server being bad, as you yourself have provided nothing to the argument.. please, before making stuff like this, get something actually substantial and not easily disprovable.
Well, this is a long one to say the least
I do vividly remember something saying that Sora was "heterosexual but it could change", so I feel like taking full fault on this, and I apologize for it. The problem however, is that they had stated it was because of the Soruko ship. Which in my opinion, is a very petty reason to announce such a thing, if they had simply stated that Sora was heterosexual, I wouldn't have mind.
Multiple people have stated that Emma's voice actress is a proshipper, and as much as I tried, the only Twitter account I could find from her voice actress is deleted/private.
I respect the opinions of the moderators on that matter, people have jobs so they can afford basic human needs, but it is still very problematic that I had saw it, I do not know if the user had done it multiple times or not, or if they were confronted. I also highly doubt a blog on Tumblr will ruin a popular(Well, from the time I was on it, I currently don't know the amount activity on the server) server
Although I do appreciate you were able to reach out to me on my faults, specifically enlightening me on the Sora controversy, so thank you. Mod Emma, out.
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kimageddon · 2 years
Sins of the Father - 2:3
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-|- Page header by space-b33 -|- Masterlist -|-Prince of Dathomir Masterlist -|- Sins of the Father Masterlist -|- Art Masterlist -|- Check out my : Ko-fi / AO3-|-Prompt Challenges-|- Art Attack Weekly Challenge -|- Join my tag list -|-
Maul x Nightsister OC (Zaiya Valessa) - Modern/Crime AU - Sins of the Father Masterlist
Word count: Approx 2300 Contains/Warnings: n/a Chapter Summary: Zaiya encounters someone she was not prepared for Notes: (at the end!)
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Run Rabbit Run
It was some days after the break-in that Zaiya found herself outside the rear exits to the Town Hall, her phone in her hand as though she were talking on it, though it was recording video of two men in suits standing near a car on the street. 
One man she didn’t know, though she intended to follow him. The second man however; tall white hair and beard and a noble bearing, could only be Commissioner Serenno. She had heard many things about him, and not just from Fives’ ranting accusations and articles, but there was a rumour of corruption that could not be proven. Fox too had alluded that the murder he had been demoted for investigating; the order had come from the Commissioner himself. Zaiya couldn’t be sure of the depth of the allegations, nor how they connected to him, but she intended to find out. She watched him leave out of the corner of her eye and then turned her attention back to her phone, having pretended to say goodbye. 
She tapped away, saving the file in a hidden folder when she heard a voice, smooth and soft, interrupt her thoughts.
“You’re here quite often.” Zaiya looked up. A second later her blood ran cold to see Vice Mayor Ruodo standing before her. His scarlet eyes fixed on hers, his face as impassive as she had ever seen it. He wore a pale charcoal suit this time, and held a disposable coffee cup in one hand, the other in his pocket.
“Am I?” she asked, her voice casual though surprised. She covered her initial shock well. 
“This is not the first time I have seen you,” he replied with a small smile. 
“You’re sure it’s me you saw?” Zaiya asked, slowly rising to her feet. She matched his smile, a mask of politeness. His eyes slid down then back up as he surveyed her from boots to hat.
“You definitely stand out in a crowd.” The way he said it was utterly factual, no hint of flattery. “One might start to wonder, seeing the same individual lingering in the same places regularly.” 
“I was just taking a call,” she said with a shrug, “it was close to my work and it’s private.” There was a tingling feeling on the back of her neck that grew stronger the longer she stood there. It felt like danger. 
“It is private… isn’t it?” There was a look in his eyes that sent shivers up her spine. “What is your name?” he asked and Zaiya felt the sensation grow stronger. 
“Lia,” she said without hesitation. “What’s yours?” His smile grew and he tilted his head as if to say ‘really?’ but Zaiya stuck to it.
“My name is Thrawn Ruodo.” He said it so kindly, offering his hand with a gentle squeeze. She might have been swayed if not for the cold calculation in his eyes. “Come to lunch with me,” he said suddenly. 
She was thrown for a moment. The request seemed so out of the blue and she was unsure what his play was. He had an ulterior motive, she was certain. If she said no, it might make her seem more suspicious… if she agreed… it might open an opportunity for information gathering. The young woman tilted her head and a slow smile crossed her black lips. 
“I think I would like that,” she replied and took a step toward him and offered her arm to him with a cheeky grin. If she could somehow convince him she had some kind of attraction to him, hopefully he would underestimate her and lower his guard. She had heard he was an intelligent fellow, though, how smart could he be? Most men seemed to find it easy to believe that a woman would find them attractive, so if she stroked his ego enough, she might be able to get some info about Palpatine from him. 
He took her to a place that was rather upper class, and not an establishment she would usually pick. There was something about Thrawn that unnerved her. She wasn’t sure why, but his eyes had a look about them that suggested he saw everything and was constantly thinking or assessing. The other most prominent thing she noticed was how awfully polite he was. He walked on the street side of the pavement, he guided her over a step, held the door and pushed in her chair. Zaiya had never experienced such a thing before… It was weird. But even more strangely, it felt rather nice. She felt a little like a Princess. 
Though of course it was only a ploy to lower her own guard. He was a sly one. She would have to keep her focus. 
“This is very lovely,” she smiled and tilted her head. 
“Feel free to have whatever you like, I will be glad to cover it,” he returned her smile, though she saw nothing but cold in his eyes. 
“For a woman you barely know?” 
“For such an interesting woman, it is polite, is it not? I was the one who asked,” he said simply and picked up the wine menu. He was logical and polite first and foremost it seemed.
“Mister Ruodo, talk like that will have me blushing like a schoolgirl.” She flashed a grin at him and watched him for a moment. 
“It is merely an observation, Miss Lia, but as this is our first encounter, I will have to observe you closely.” She was sure he was watching her in his periphery and she did not drop her slight flirtatious expression even once. It was perfect, if he kept it up, he would have no doubt believing that she was becoming interested in him, she’d have him eating out of her hand whilst he would think it was the other way around. 
They ordered and he picked a wine, not that she knew much about them, and she chose something light to eat. No doubt this entire meal would give her indigestion. 
“So, you know who I am?” he asked with a glance in her direction. She met his gaze and there was a brief moment of silence. She could lie to him, sure, but the way his eyes bored into hers, she began to realise that might not be a good idea. 
“I’ve seen your picture around,” she admitted, “I know your name.” It was the truth, though not all of it. That sense of danger on the back of her neck began to increase. 
“Very good,” he replied, folding his hands on top of each other on the table in front of them. He waited for a moment and she fought the urge to say more. 
If you leave a silence, people are often compelled to fill it, and offer you more information. Adaji had taught her. Was Thrawn doing the same?
“Was it me you were waiting for?” he questioned, his tone was light but Zaiya had the distinct feeling she was being interrogated. Was the possibility of information worth it? Or should she leave now while she could? If she did… would it just bring her more attention? 
“What makes you think I was waiting for someone?” She chuckled, as though confused, not wanting to offer him any information at all. He just looked at her impassively, his crimson eyes narrowed slightly. He seemed to change tactics and the Chiss man shrugged, though the movement seemed far too casual and out of place for someone like him. 
“You have been in the City a short time?” Thrawn asked, taking a sip of his wine. It was a question but a presumptuous one. Did he know who she really was? Had Palpatine been keeping tabs on her? Did he know she was here? Perhaps Maul had figured it out with what she had done and warned his father. 
The urge to run had never been stronger. 
“I am, how did you guess?” she grinned a false smile and tilted her head. 
Thrawn gestured to her bag, leaning against her chair. “You have a city map peeking out from your bag,” he said. Zaiya looked down, sure enough, there was a corner of the brochure poking out from the main pocket. She’d only grabbed it from the front desk the first time she visited the Town Hall out of habit. So… the rumours of his observational skills weren’t just conjecture. 
He continued to ask seemingly innocuous questions, general ones, what she did, where she was from. All questions she had a carefully crafted answer to. She couldn’t have him coming to find her, and she hoped her relatively dull answers would not rouse suspicion and make the Vice Mayor lose interest in her. Even if he was being very gentlemanly now, and she might be dressed differently but he would likely forget her as soon as he left the restaurant. 
The questions she found interesting were the ones about art and culture, both generally and specific. It was not her speciality though she did have extensive knowledge of the topic due to her time on a few cases with Adaji as a teenager, chasing down stolen artefacts and gallery pieces. He seemed further interested by her answers and for a while it felt dangerously close to a normal conversation.
Towards the end of the meal he laid down his utensils and gave her an intense stare that sent a shiver up her spine. 
“You have been a delight to speak to, Miss Lia,” he said with a smile, and laced his fingers together in front of his chin.
“That’s very kind of you,” she started to respond but he continued.
“It’s such a pity that you’ve been lying to me.” Zaiya froze. He’d said it so pleasantly and yet there was a coldness that filled the room so prevalent that she was sure the other restaurant patrons would be able to feel it. 
“Have I?” she asked with a tilt of her head. Thrawn smirked, he looked rather amused. 
“While I have enjoyed the game of ours, I think it is time to forego the pleasantries. I am confident both you and I find them tedious.” He fixed her with an impassive stare and her smile faded. Well, he was right about that. There was no point in pretending any longer. Her body language changed from a gentle differential manner to one more natural to her. She leaned back in her chair and folded her arms. Thrawn’s crimson eyes looked her over, as though he was seeing something new. She rather felt like she was some sort of animal he’d found curious rather than a person. 
“So what do you want?” she asked, her voice was far less lilted and more direct. He leaned forward slightly. 
“Your real name might be a good place to start.” 
“That’s far too personal,” she retorted and he laughed. A quiet sound, though not unpleasant. 
“Not to worry, I will find it out eventually, and I am sure there is much to learn about you.” Zaiya didn’t like the sound of that. 
“I’m no one of consequence,” she shrugged.
“Then why lie?” He always spoke like he had the answers already, but there was no way he could know everything. 
“Old habit,” she replied with another half-shrug. “I learned it from my father.” Part of her wished Adaji were here right now, he was always better at turning a conversation around than she was. The Chiss man inclined his head slightly. 
“He doesn’t sound like the best role model,” he said with an almost sympathetic tone. Her mouth opened to protest but she caught herself -- he was probing, baiting her for answers. Pale brows furrowed and she stared at the man before her and her hands shifted to the table, trying to make herself seem less defensive with her body language.
“Perhaps,” she said finally, “perhaps not.” The look he gave her was intense and after a very long minute, he rose. 
“I am sure this is not the last time that we shall see each other, and since you have been most intriguing, I would offer you this one piece of advice.” As he spoke he reached out to grasp one soft pale hand, and drew it upward. “Don’t put yourself in business that does not concern you, for your sake.” With that he brushed his blue lips across her knuckles, his eyes flicked up to her stunned expression. 
He left with a smirk, making Zaiya wonder just how close she came to being eaten alive by the snake that had just slithered away. She witnessed him speak to the staff at the counter and they nodded. A waitress approached a moment later telling her that she could order anything further and the bill was taken care of. Though Zaiya was hardly hungry. She felt nauseous, her meal only picked at rather than actually devoured. 
The white haired woman  waited until he was out of sight before she too stood and departed, fighting the urge to rack up a huge bill in his name. She had learned a few things, but decided she wanted to be far from here before sorting it all out. The most prominent of those things was that she was entirely wrong about Thrawn Ruodo. He did not have that same arrogance she had seen in so many others with power. He watched and waited. Moreover, she could not figure him out. How much did he know? How much had he seen of her in their little interaction? Safe to say her “charms” had not worked on him at all, it gave him a sliver of respect but it also terrified her. If anyone could uncover her plan… it would be him. 
She needed to avoid him entirely.
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Notes: Hello friends!
I released this on Thursday instead of Wednesday on purpose this time! I thought I would let Andor have it's own day -- so I may change the release days but I'll see.
I had to edit this chapter quite a bit as I had written Thrawn pretty wrong. I had to rewrite a few of those lines, I am still learning about his character so bear with me!
As always I love comments and feedback and all that, so please please send me some love if you liked it! It helps me to know what you like or enjoy about the chapter so I can hone my skills. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed, and I shall see you all in a fortnight!
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spacepatrolhana · 2 years
Tohru Adachi's Babysitting Service
unfinished fanfic i mentioned before and never finished. has a bunch of plot holes imo and i honestly dont think i characterized futaba all that well.
Authors Note: ok realistically adachi would not do babysitting. but i wanted to smush him in scenarios that i think can be funny im basically an encanto fan when they were running out of things to say about the movie
also im not familiar with persona lore so if i get something wrong mb ig
And Adachi was let go.
After 10 grueling years of living in a crappy police jail, Adachi displayed perfect behavior enough to finally be let off. He said he'd promise to follow the rules of this world, and decided to move over to Tokyo for a fresh start.
Adachi couldn't get his previous job (obviously), so he'd had to begrudgingly work a minimum wage job that could possibly accept him for his criminal record. He mindlessly scrolled through the library computer, looking for any open position in a gas station or supermarket, one that would excuse his past behavior. But it looks like he wasn't too lucky. 
He thought back to Narukami, feeling a bit grateful that he helped with the down payments of his first apartment, he felt really hopeful that Adachi would change his life for the better. He had suggested doing babysitting, as parents check through app reviews more than a background check. Although, one search of his name could easily reveal him as a murderer, but there was some probably some poor grandma out there who doesn't even know how to even use a basic search engine.
Adachi reluctantly thought of gravitating to that idea, he really didn't want to deal with kids. Even before the investigation team, the only kid he could tolerate was Nanako. Adachi sighed at the thought of Nanako, she probably knew by now what he did, and couldn't look at him the same anymore. But looks like it's water under the bridge for him now, him being in Tokyo gives him a chance to not be able to face her ever.
He pulled out his phone and started scrolling for Yu's contact.
"Adachi-san, I would recommend you get a new phone, it's easier to keep track of your clients this way," Yu said as he continued to type in Adachi's info onto the screen.
"All you need in a phone is to call and message someone. I'm fine," Adachi replied.
Yu sighed at his response, knowing that he wasn't going to change his mind on the matter, "Well, I've set your profile up, everything should be perfect! You'll definitely get clients now."
"Yeah, thanks," Adachi muttered.
"You know… You might not think it, but I think you're really good with kids without realizing it," Yu smiles, "During the Grand Prix… It felt like you were an actual father figure to Sho… Haha."
"That kid just needed some sense knocked into him, I just used what you kids told me," Adachi replies, "I'm only doing this cause it's the only way I can get money."
Adachi sits up from his chair, "Alright, get out, I don't want you in my apartment anymore," He pushed Yu towards the door.
Yu couldn't help but paint a worried look on his face, thinking to himself that he should probably check on Adachi on his first client.
Adachi had not gotten a client ever since that day. 
He figured that most of the people that viewed his profile ended up searching his name and found out what he did, damn people for actually doing their research!
It's not like he'd just go ahead and throw some random kid in the TV, it wouldn't be fun in such an eventful city such as Tokyo anyways. It's not like they'd know that, though.
Adachi jumped at the sudden ring on his phone, and quickly swiped it off his bed to see an unknown number. 
"Uhh.. Adachi? Was it?"
He put on his fake cheery tone, "Yup! That's me!"
"Uh yeah, saw your profile, do you mind coming down right now and watching my kid? Oh, I'll pay extra for the short notice."
Well now he couldn't refuse, "Yeah sure thing, mind telling me your address?"
"Oh, welcome."
Adachi opened the door to see a short orange hair teen scramble off to the back of the counter immediately. He looked over to the counter to see a disheveled old man with an apron look disappointed at the sudden action. 
"Uhh.. hey," Adachi said confusedly.
"Futaba, you're going to have to talk to him eventually."
"I'm fifteen already! I don't need a babysitter!" Futaba whispered loudly at him.
"Well, since Akira is gone, you really need better social skills to make more friends aside from the others..."
Oh great, a kid who's bad at communicating, this is definitely going to be hard. 
"Don't worry, I'm not a scary guy," Adachi tried to reassure.
"I'm sure you aren't… Here, listen Adachi-san, I know you aren't a therapist or something, but I figured someone who's less professional than one could really help her with her social ability," The man explained to Adachi.
"Oh, uh.. sure. Yeah, no problem."
It is a problem.
"Alright, I'll be heading down to the store to grab some stuff, my names Sojiro if you need to save my contact," Sojiro said as he took the apron off. 
Adachi watched as he left the counter and flipped the open sign to closed. He looked over the counter to see the girl hiding under it. 
"Uhhh… Wanna see a magic trick?"
She didn't respond.
Well, he figured he could do it anyways, it always surprises kids. He prepared his hands to set up his illusion before he got interrupted by her.
"The coin's in your sleeve. I've seen it before."
What a pain in the ass. 
"Hey, got you to talk!" He fake laughed.
Futaba scrunched up and turned away from him. Yeah, Sojiro wasn't kidding about bad social skills. He figured it was the age that teens get more rebellious and figure being unresponsive to people above them was cool, or something.
Adachi put his head down, annoyed by her actions. But he was getting paid extra, so might as well keep trying.
"You go to Shujin?" He asked.
"You killed people?"
Adachi's knees nearly gave out.
He stretched his body to look over the counter to see her have a tab open on her phone with his name.
"Listen, I'm clean. Served my time. I'm trying to make it better, I don't do that stuff anymore," He panicked.
"Well I hope so… These articles are from ten years ago."
Adachi definitely was not getting this client again.
"It's fine. I've met someone who's changed like you," she mumbled.
Okay. Do kids these days just have occasional encounters with murderers?
"Ahhh…" Adachi looked around, he really didn't want a bad relationship with his first client. He'd probably get a bad review.
The way this girl talked and moved reminded him of several kids he knew, something about being on the spectrum. He wasn't really too knowledgeable on that, just knowing they always had a specific fixation to the weirdest things. He racked his brain on something kids today would probably like. 
"Do you like featherman?" 
Futaba widened her eyes in surprise, looking over to Adachi. 
Oh wow. That was a lucky guess. 
Futaba couldn't help but spill out everything about her favorite parts of the show, her figure collection, just everything about featherman to Adachi. He didn't particularly find it annoying, he enjoyed the show when he was younger too, so at least he could insert himself into the conversation. Futaba had taken full control of the entire conversation, a complete 180 turn from how it was just a few minutes ago. 
Adachi mentally let out a sigh of relief, recurring customer maybe?
"You know, I met the pink argus actress," Adachi bragged. 
Futaba gaped, "Really?!"
"Yup, talked to her, didn't get her autograph though," he continued.
He really didn't want to admit he got his ass beat one time by her. But it looks like his little bragging session wasn't for nothing, as Futaba was completely interested in the conversation. He couldn't help but bring a small smile to his face as he managed to get this small girl to excitedly talk to a murderer this enthusiastically.
The two talked for a long while, before Sojiro came in and paid Adachi in cash. Futaba couldn't help but give off a wave as his back was turned, not going unnoticed by Sojiro. Adachi grinned as he counted the money in his hand, maybe this babysitting thing wasn't too awful. He decided to order takeout as a reward to himself, thinking he finally graduated from the shitty jail food he'd been eating for the last ten years.
With a first five star review on his profile, Adachi had gotten more clients. His neighbor's (somehow) calm kid, a thirteen year old that just plugged his switch into his TV and never talked to him, and once even a baby. After that encounter, he decided to raise his age limit on what kids he'd take in. Never again.
He wondered if he'd get a call from Sojiro again, there was no way he'd decided that one social interaction like that was enough for that kid. Not like he wanted to see Futaba again. No way. 
Adachi sat back in his chair, trying to work his new smartphone that he finally decided to buy. He figured he'd take Yu's advice on keeping better track of his clients and upgrade from a flip phone. He got startled when a familiar number suddenly appeared on his phone.
"Oh, Dojima-san!" He cringed at the small excitedness he heard in his tone.
"Adachi. Sorry I couldn't call earlier," Dojima replied.
Adachi stayed silent for a moment, not knowing how to respond to the sudden call. Sure, Dojima had visited many times before to check in on him, but Adachi immediately left when he got out, so Dojima never got to see him out.
"...How are you doing? Yu tells me you've gotten a job," Dojima said.
"Oh… haha… just a cashier, nothing too special," he nervously chuckles. He was not going to admit he's a babysitter now. 
"That's good, that's good. It's great to see you're doing better, Nanako misses you, you know."
That makes Adachi's breath hitch, Nanako… missed him? After all he did, she still wanted to see him? 
"Uh… that's nice. I think I'm getting an important call right now, I'll talk to you later Dojima-san," he hurriedly says before hanging up immediately. He sighs, still in surprise about Nanako.
Adachi had been called by Futaba this time. 
"Don't worry, I asked Sojiro to pay you for this," Futaba stated.
"Uh, thanks," Adachi replied.
The two were at the mall, the electronics section. He couldn't help but walk up to the TVs and inspect them closely. He brought his hand up to the screen, wondering if his TV world powers still worked here. But all he was met with was the cold flat screen against his palm.
"I would expect an old dude like you to love TVs," Futaba teased.
Adachi gave her an annoyed look, "I'm only in my late 30s."
"Old!" She repeated.
Adachi scoffed, about to retort that statement before she interrupted him, "Anyways, I wanted to call you out here cuz there's this awesome deal at the mall! You get a free featherman keychain with any purchase of a phone case!"
"You really love that show, huh?" he laughed.
"Well… yeah… we did talk about how much I liked it…" She looked immediately dejected when he poked fun at her. Oops.
"I didn't say it was a bad thing," Adachi recovered.
The two walked over to the phone cases section, Adachi didn't have one yet, so he figured he'd buy one now since it was convenient. He gravitated towards the red one,  while Futaba immediately reached for a green one. He stretched his hand to reach it, and he noticed a couple of boys pointing and whispering at Futaba. They seemed to be constantly snickering, and Adachi assumed the worst. Oh god, he did not want to be reported for being close to a high schooler. He scooted over to the left, making it seem like he was here out of his own will, pretending to be satisfied with what he picked out and started walking away. Futaba looked confused at his sudden leave, having a slight twinge of disappointment on her face.
Adachi noticed, and immediately went to pull out his phone to text her.
ADACHI: Sorry. Those boys were making fun of you. I didn't want them to think you were fooling around with an older guy.
The two waited till the group of boys left, and Adachi returned to Futaba. 
"Okay, let's check out, I don't think you wanna be here anymore," Adachi rushed her over to the cashier.
He made Futaba do her best to pay for own phone case, he was still helping her with social interaction after all. Although, he still had to help her out with most of the transaction. The cashier cooed about him being a nice dad and he cringed at the statement. Him? Dad? No.
The two of them walked out in silence, Futaba looking grim.
"It wasn't that bad. You're gonna be doing this more often," Adachi says as he pats her head.
"Uh, it's not that," Futaba looked down, "Those boys went to my school…"
It didn't take the detective in Adachi to immediately understand: Futaba was getting bullied. He figured if he pushed on it more, she'd probably not talk. He's dealt with this before when Nanako had a small bully. (In which he pretended to carelessly stick his foot out and trip her bully when he was on his daily patrol.) 
"I get it," He didn't need to say any further, "I'll walk you home." It's the least I can do, he thinks.
As Adachi drops Futaba off, he waves goodbye with a small smile. He turns his back and hears the distant chatter of Futaba and Sojiro. He takes a step, and he hears Futaba's loud footsteps and the jingle of the door opening again. 
"Adachi-san, do you want to eat with us?"
Adachi turns around, surprised at the sudden offer. Well, it's not like he's going to turn down a free home cooked meal. He excitedly agreed, and let himself into the cafe, not noticing the large grin on Futaba's face.
Adachi could not stop thinking about the curry he ate last night.
He's eaten a ton of home cooked meals before since Yu offered, but there was something about that curry that made him crave more and more. (Sorry Yu…)He felt the taste on his tongue, and it pissed him off that he probably had to wait till the next time Futaba called him to have that again. He rolled around his bed angrily, a bit mad that he felt this way over some old guy's curry. There was just something different when he reluctantly ate Yu's cooking when Yu would come to his apartment, and when he eagerly ate Sojiro's cooking with Futaba. It felt similar to when he would eat around Nanako and Dojima.
He sat up from the bed, irritated at the oncoming feelings he's gotten. He figures he can just walk it off to get rid of it.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 2 years
Copycat: Origins —(Marvel Fem!Oc)
A/N: Second half of the book starts here! -Danny
Words: 1,073
Phase Three Masterlist
Previous Chapter // Next Chapter
Listen to: ‘Dancing With Your Ghost’ -by Sasha Alex Sloan
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xvi: Remembering The Little Guy
Going through the stuff she'd left at the compound was arduous and upsetting.
She'd found Peter Parker's old jacket, but it barely fitted her now. Cat also found both of the beepers he'd made, she'd rescued his from the abandoned apartment.
Harley agreed to join her for a coffee that afternoon, so she left the compound on Steve's old motorbike and headed to the city. The young man was facing a shop's display, but at the sound of the engine, he turned around.
"Definitely not a sight for sore eyes."
"You missed me," Cat grinned.
"You found a way to toughen up after all, I'm glad," He examined her appearance. "Nice haircut."
"You never called," She taunted.
He raised his eyebrows. "You never gave me a number! All the info I got was from Pietro!"
"You've talked to Pietro? He didn't tell me!"
"I saw him a couple of times," Harley explained shortly. "Let's go in, my ass is freezing."
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"You haven't changed at all," Cat said adoringly. "You have baby features, you know?"
"I'm lucky I don't look thirty, considering the shit life I've had."
"Must be the farmer genes," She joked.
"Fuck off," He chortled. "So why did you come back?"
The girl shrugged, absently stirring her coffee. "The Skrulls triggered some stuff in me I couldn't do since I was nine."
"That means..?"
She turned around in her seat, tilting her head. "No scar, see? I didn't get my memories back, but I heal faster and don't need to touch someone in order to copy them. It has its limits, but it's all easier now."
"So what's the problem?"
She hesitated. "If I spend too much time with someone... let's say I do my best to match them. I don't copy the negative habits only, of course, but..."
"Space isn't exactly kind and generous, so you were getting out of hand," He guessed. "They sent you back to control it?"
"They suggested it."
He took a long sip of his coffee. "What are you gonna do?"
"I contacted Dr. Banner to see if he's got something that might help... Or should I say Dr. Hulk?"
Harley laughed. "That's not even the craziest thing that's happened. Look around, Stray— what do you see?"
"I can tell you the things I don't," She mumbled.
"I'll tell you what I see, then. New York's always been a diverse city, but now Americans are no longer the biggest crew. They never were, to be honest, but now it's obvious."
She looked around. "That's good, right?"
"It's amazing," He admitted. "Except for the fact that crime's not stopping, it got smarter. All kinds of bad guys are manipulating the less regarded corners. If the authorities weren't paying attention before the snap, now they're blatantly dismissing it."
"What about the Avengers?"
Harley had to bite his tongue. "The real fight is out here, every day, with us trying to get by on a world that's half-dead."
She looked down at her coffee, her fingers grazed the edge of the cup.
"The last I wanna do is ruin your visit, Cat," Her friend added out of guilt. "You should be happy about being back—"
"You didn't ruin it," She replied promptly. "I'm lost, that's all. I know everything's different, but I can't see it. Maybe if you point at the stuff I should be looking at..."
Harley placed his hand over hers. "Ask all you want."
She gave him a playful look. "Two years and you're still trying to make a move?"
He grinned. "This is just my natural charm doing its job."
"Which reminds me... You wanna learn how to fight?"
"You wanna teach me?"
"I'd like to have something to do," She shrugged, moving away from his grasp and sipping on her coffee. "Training you sounds like a good plan. I know you have no interest in becoming an Avenger but if you want to hang out with me, it'd be a good idea to learn. That way if someone tries to kidnap you, at least you'll put up a good fight."
"I might win on my first try!"
"I doubt it," She stared up and down his figure. "Give me a year and I'll have you ready to beat up creeps in dark alleys."
He whined, squinting his eyes a little in a way that made her chuckle.
"It'll be worth it, trust me on this one."
Harley looked at her in a weird way. His smile didn't vanish, but his eyes turned serious.
"I'm not him, Copy. You know that, right?"
"Peter Parker."
"...I never told you his name," She said tensely.
"Your brother told me."
"That was not his story to tell."
"I didn't want to know. Finding out you were with this guy when the snap happened... and you still kissed me and said all those things... it wasn't right."
"We didn't have sex cause it was the right thing to do," She said with sudden disinterest. "We did it cause we wanted to."
"Did we?" He insisted. "Or did you do it to make sure C.C. was gone for good?"
Cat laughed dryly. "Does it matter?"
Harley looked away. "To be honest I might've been trying to forget a few things myself."
She looked back at him. "That weekend was the perfect excuse to put some distance between C.C. and I."
"Thought you'd ran away cause you didn't want your friends to get hurt?"
"I was eager to get away even before Kurt came to hunt me down. I'd say it was providential."
Cat drank the rest of her coffee and placed the cup on the table. She was displeased, it felt as if everyone was shoving, forcing her to face all the unfinished business she'd left behind, even if it hadn't been her choice.
"D'you think it would've hurt less, or more if you'd found out about him while being my boyfriend?"
He pondered his answer.
"I would've understood why a girl like you was attracted to me."
"Not what I asked. You're not him."
"We'll never know, Stray. It never happened. We didn't date. I'm glad you know I'm not your dead boyfriend, I wanted to be sure you haven't lost your mind."
She let out a chuckle. "You sound a lot like my brother. You should be friends."
Harley avoided her eyes. "I don't want him as a friend."
"Alright. What do you say about my offer?" Cat was starting to lose her patience. "Cause after this I can't wait to punch your pug face."
The boy tried and failed to hide his amusement. "I can always plant a bomb under your bed if you take advantage of my lack of experience, right?"
"You can try," She got up and left ten dollars on the table. "Call you later, Junior."
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Next Chapter —>
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nwtdwy · 19 days
(for the engineers)
One day I came into work and found a few packages sent up from Local that had the delivery addresses changed, all going to the same town. I didn't see anything obviously wrong with them, so I sent them on.
A few days later, I saw the same packages again. This time, I noticed they had multiple address change labels on them, new covering old. When I tracked one, I saw that the receiving terminal had changed the recipient address back to the original and sent it back to Local, who had predictably changed the address back to their previous change. I looked up the original recipient address. It was correct. I emailed the receiving terminal to ask them what's up. A senior clerk and two managers reply that the packages do not go to them. I contact Local. They say the same. I look up the sorting table in the ISS. It's correct. The packages should sort there. The town they go to is part of three small towns on the edge of their service area that share the same zip code. The zip code is what determines where the packages go.
In speaking to someone from Local, they mentioned that a new contractor took over the route recently, and it was the contractor who claimed it was not in their area. I bring this to Local management. One hilariously says he will try to get the USPS (our competitor) to give each town a separate zip code, that he is "working on it", i.e. he will forget about it as soon as I leave his office. I speak to the Local QA manager, who claims she looked at a route map which confirms the contractor's claim. I lay the case before her. The sorting is correct. The packages go to Local. They have always gone to Local. The other terminal confirms the packages do not go to them. The only thing that has changed is that a new contractor has taken over the route. The most likely cause is that the contractor is mistaken about the route. What other possible explanation could there be? She has no response. The packages cannot be delivered because no one will deliver them.
If I go above their heads, to the Local senior manager, he will simply ask the managers I've already talked to about it, who will state their case, and he, not understanding how any of this works, will take them at their word, and they will know I went over their heads, effectively snitching on them, and they already don't like me. I have no authority. I just correct mistakes.
So I expedite the packages, i.e. create Express labels for them, add tracking info that forwards the packages on said labels, and put the packages out for Express pickup. I set a trap in the ISS that will halt any packages going to the zip code, so they don't go to Local at all. Since I inspect everything Local QA brings up, I can catch anything else. I inform the rest of Hub QA about it, ask them to leave the packages for me. For the next several months, this continues. I come into work, find a package going to this zip, expedite it. Sometimes they come up from Local, having gotten there via another hub. They all get expedited. It's the only way the recipients will get their stuff.
One day I come into work and one of the front office ladies tells me she got a call from corporate headquarters about all the Express labels I've been making, because it's all budgeted and audited so they'll see what I'm doing. Now corporate knows. Now is the time. I email the district QA manager, who I know, and lay it all out: the problem, the investigation, the replies, my necessary response, corporate headquarters' involvement, with a request for help. I name no names. A few days later, I get an email from the Local senior manager (funnily in a mistaken reply to an email about an unrelated package) informing me that the contractor knows they are supposed to deliver packages to that area and to bring them down to Local. No more problem. I took out the trap, and never had another similar package brought up from Local.
You might say, "this is madness!" Yes. It is office madness. It is many people, some in positions of power, who do not know what they are doing but are motivated to pretend otherwise for the purposes of protecting their jobs, who do not care about anything being done right or the consequences of it being wrong as long as they do not have to bear those consequences, and who carry out personal grudges against coworkers they despise. Nothing that these people did was right. In fairness, one might ask, "why didn't you just contact the district QA manager from the beginning?" Because I knew him and he didn't care. They never do. Managers are jugglers. They delegate. He would've contacted the Local senior manager and I would've run into the problem stated above. I needed evidence. I needed a record of the fuck-up that corporate headquarters could see, that no one could ignore or argue away, and in the meantime the job would still get done.
This is how normal people behave (EDIT: in these circumstances).
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two of them
[one's not from here.]
[an exhausted groundrumbler wakes up from an unexpected nap. it's sure been a while since he's had any good naps, but this one was needed all the same... hell, he'll probably need another one if he turns out sour. doesn't like being sour.]
[he also remembers the unexpected guest he met last night, who's graciously provided their lap for him to rest on. sleeping on another's leg's isn't normally this comfortable for groundrumbler... he'll have to try it more often.]
[welp. day's gotta get suffered through one way or another. groundrumbler uses his early morning post-nap strength to straighten up and rise from off of his guest's legs, slumping onto his feet and stretching his arms above his head. he turns to see if the guest is still asleep.]
[yeah. he's out like a light. must've needed the sleep from hiding out in that insufferable weather - groundrumbler doesn't blame him. in fact, he probably needs a pick-me-up after all of that trudging that groundrumbler expects him to have done to get here.]
[scratching his armored belly, groundrumbler turns towards the bedroom door again and waddles his way to the kitchen. unlocking sequence takes a couple seconds - mostly because of the heavy duty locks inside the doors - but it slides up as well as any other day, so groundrumbler doesn't bother to complain.]
[hey look, it's the kitchen. cool. what isn't cool is the fact that groundrumbler doesn't have a clue on what the guest would want after a nap. would he want a cube of energon? engex? some of the special stuff? hell, maybe he's a coffee guy. only a guess can tell at this rate, so groundrumbler settles for a cube of energon. two, actually - an alcoholic one for himself and a normal one for chiliad.]
[entering his room again, groundrumbler stubs one of his feet against the doorframe, biting his tongue hard enough to draw blood to avoid waking chiliad. as he hobbles forward on one foot instead of two, he barely makes it to the bed, placing chiliad's cube on the bedside table and sitting down next to him.]
[...he seems like he's in a pretty deep sleep.]
[...fuck it.]
[groundrumbler gently taps his cube of energon against chiliad's mask, which causes the latter to stir quite a bit. retracting his arm, groundrumbler watches on as chiliad wakes up.]
C: aw, geez... how... [chiliad rubs his mask, dazed and a little confused.] ...how long was i out for?
GR: bout as long as i was. ten hours, give or take. g'mornin', sunshine.
C: [a gentle chuckle.] g'morning. i see you're starting the day off strong, eh? [he uses a lazy digit to point at groundrumbler's cube of energon for emphasis.]
GR: yeah, you could say that. i got you one, too - a normal one. hope that's cool.
C: you shouldn't have. [a joke. he grabs the cube of energon off of the bedside table, cracking it open.] thank you kindly.
GR: you're welcome. gotta treat a guest with respect, eh?
[chiliad emits another chuckle at groundrumbler's reply, quite chill with his behavior so far.]
C: so... [he sips his energon with a straw.] any leads on your leader, or is that classified?
GR: [he returns a chuckle of his own.] as of right now, they've found a large autobot base operating along the shores of northern canada - somewhere in yukon, i reckon.
C: cool. buncha turrets and security guards?
GR: i hope not. no one's told me much beyond where it is. [he takes a sip of his energon.] pretty irritating.
[chiliad simply nods solemnly in regards to this. he knows what it's like to have a right to info that you're not getting, and how it could eat away at someone. saw it happen to someone back in the day.]
C: ...i appreciate your hospitality, by the way. quite the welcome change from the usual business of 'get in, get out'. though i do have a question about it; why?
GR: ?
C: why'd you keep me here?
GR: well... [he lets out a sigh, thinking of the right words to match what he's feeling about last night.] ... it's... lonely, not having anyone around. as much as i enjoy the peace and quiet, with occasional drinks to keep me company... i miss having my friends in arm's reach.
[chiliad gives groundrumbler a nod, listening intently.]
GR: that, and i fear that you may have been working with my sister. y'see, me an' her have some serious beef - i'll spare you the details - and she's been hunting me for a while now. feeds into my loneliness, really; if i don't have anyone around to protect me from her, i get antsy and short-fused.
C: i see. feel good to get that off your chest?
GR: ...[he averts his gaze, towards a wall.]
C: ...you want a hug?
[a gentle huff escaping his body, groundrumbler leans into chiliad's body and wraps his arms around the other's torso.]
[chiliad reciprocates, of course. poor bastard looked like he was gonna start tearing up, it's only polite that he'd offer a hug.]
[...feels like he's not gonna be moving any time soon. chiliad snuggles into the bed a little more to make himself more comfortable. in response, groundrumbler snuggles deeper into chiliad.]
[fuck it. war machine nap time.]
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wild666child · 10 months
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Denies that it is his writing. Has left the important parts intentionally blank to cover his ass. Never owned a motorbike for the whole time ive known him. Pretty fresh piece of paper as well if you ask me... So, the back story to this is that we had a fight one day because he left me at Coles and he drove back home without me. Im mad because 1) he didnt say he was leaving and for 2) why leave without me?
the fight started with me confronting him, walking in the door as he was there ironing clothes as if he had done not a damn thing wrong. I immediately expect a reason to why he left me there and inconveniently put me out of pocket by having to get an uber back and better yet, come back with the sausage roll we intended to buy for his father. He got pretty mean with words, but long story short it made me want to leave his ass again because the words from his mouth now are getting nasty, this is that point where he cant stop and theres no negotiation when he is in this mood. No apology is warranted. I packed, I was dropped to my car, and the relationship was said and done. I came back for my motorbike the next morning, to my suprise it was gone. I asked his parents incase they moved it inside safely while I wasnt there, his dad says that it should be where I've always kept it. Now its both of us shocked that its not there. How is it that I break up with JB the day before my bike goes missing? Well, as per usual, he ignored me for 2 days, took his sim card out, put another one in that for some reason, for every number I had of his, believe it or not, I had texted this number whilst in our 2-day-breakup period and he was getting my messages... announced my bike was missing - no reply. I call a mutual friend, she relays the message, now hes moving mountains because he says "its making him look like he did it", so his game plan is to find it, get it back to me, and hes off the hook? Well that he did, but off the hook? Well, only until I found the above deed of sale of a "motorbike". Anyways back to how I got my bike back.,,
I was informed about him going to a mutual friends house and so I knew if I wanted to confront him, I'd have to get over there at the same time hes there and get this off my chest. What do I do? I run over there, my uber pulls up behind his friends car that clearly drove him there and JB is already inside. I head inside, there he is coming down the stairs on his way out. He is shocked! There were no words. Oh but have I got words! Immediately, I say so do you know where my bike is? What, I break up with you and then the same night or next day my bike goes missing..? He then tells me the grand story how he saw my bike and hes already punched some guy who wouldnt tell him x-y-z etc.. hes going to go and get it now, and will bring it back to me.. wow. My hero. So, I went to work, I waited, he calls, heres the good news, my bike is with him and he wants to drop it off. Now, im feeling like I OWE him.. Now im feeling thankful that he went out of his way, tracked down my bike, punched some guy for me for the x-y-z info and my bike is on its way to me! WHO NEEDS THE POLICE? Police couldnt do this quicker than JB, I hit the jackpot! Bike arrived at work, I say thanks to the mate who drove him to where I confronted him, I say thanks to JB, I then buy some fairy dust coz I'd call it a celebration and then it was just another day in paradise after that. Fuck, if only I knew what I knew now. I dont know the full details still, but if I found this, im going to assume that the bike was never stolen, oh wait no it was stolen, but I THINK it was stolen by JB. This piece of paper in JB'S handwriting is pretty assuring that he stole my bike, had intention to sell what isnt his, and to do this all under my own nose. Now that we are here, writing this blog, have I confronted about the deed of sale I found? Yes. His response, thats not his writing. I can't keep up guys. Someone slap the shit out of me.
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thequietmanno1 · 1 year
Thelreads, Vigilantes 76, Replies Part 1
1) “But I am excited to see how he`s gonna solve that problem, so, let`s get started with Chapter 76: Deadly Weapon.
Oh we finally gonna give Koichi an actual gun?”- Koichi: I am the Gun! Hell, If I learn how to refine this trick, I’ll be the whole damn arsenal! 2) “No Koichi, that is what we like to call “The Knuckle Cave”, it has been a considerable time since we last saw it to be honest. I do hope Knuckles left the fun toys around, we definitely need to let someone like Soga have a gun, right?”- Sadly, Soga being the ostensible leader and ‘planner’ of this group means that he has the functioning braincell, and is thus conscious of a little something called ‘gun safety’. Rap and Muyo though, those guys have even odds of an accident during this training montage, or whenever they try to actually use these guns in the field. 3) “Okay, now where`s the locker with the fun toys? Koichi may have a built-in gun but his is too weak, we need to give him a shotgun and let him go wild.”- Turns out, it’s only weak because he’s been intentionally setting his bullets to ‘stun’ this whole time. The amount of times you realise Koichi could have blown holes in his opponents like a human drive-by shooting… 4) “Now, you know, he could`ve said that in the letter to be honest. What else did he “say” that wasn’t included in that? His bank account? His Netflix account? The name of that hero that was his friend? So many things we still don`t know.”- I wouldn’t put it past him to have a few secret accounts with stashed funds should things go haywire down the line, and apparently, he left Soga with the master key access to it all. Like it or lump it, Soga is now Koichi’s ‘guy in the chair’ with all the support gear and awareness of where the necessary essentials for vigilantism come from. 5) “Yeah, our old papa was in on some serious shit, wasn’t he? Funny, because you figuring out how much deep into hunting for his daughter he was, how much he kept from you guys even though you trusted him above all else, it would be the perfect place to have a broken pedestal.”- Well, it’s not like Koichi was unaware that Knuckle had a shit-ton of secrets he kept from him – he even got to see a little bit of it with his ‘civilian identity’ trick for his mom. It’s just that, unlike Izuku and his issues with All Might hiding the past of OFA and All For One until he found out some other way, Koichi never really cared about that stuff. He knew Knuckle had some stuff he wanted to handle himself, and he valued the lessons that he did leave him with. Just because he’s finding out that Knuckle had a lot more behind his seemingly-brash actions doesn’t meant that Knuckle didn’t leave him with some valuable lessons he wouldn’t have picked up from somebody else. (Vigilantes ch 3)
6) “And the database of active drug users that Knuckleduster Sr. and knuckleduster Jr. are setting up is starting to grow, they need the info, they need to make the connections. I’m hoping for a board with pictures and strings at some point.”-Wish Granted.
7) “He was keeping tabs on his actions as well, he needed to be sure when something was his fault or if it could be signs of a trigger-user going rampage. I`m surprised that he never came back to take down this, after Tamao was safe, or at least to give the keys to Koichi.
Like, for real, he didn’t knew that the Queen was still out there, he thought he killed the parasite, why did he handed it to Soga? “- The queen was just a pawn, and he wanted to try and stop the masters moving her around the chessboard, or at least figure out enough of what the game was to upset it. But the things about AFO’s machinations is that they’re labyrinthine. Even if he’s not directly involved with this trigger experimentation himself, and it’s just a sub-set of his overall Machiavellian schemes, he’s still set events up so that they’re able to escape scrutiny unless ones knows what to look for, and in the unlikely event that this particular game is exposed, he can just drop the whole thing and escape with the benefits of the research, leaving the overseers to bear the brunt of the heroes’ assault. Maybe he planned to get enough info out of Nomura to follow the clues to figure out enough of a picture of what AFO’s goals were, but in any case, he knew taking the Queen and his twisted counterpart down wouldn’t really inconvenience the real target of his hunt. And given AFO’s implied spy network and ability to know things he shouldn’t, leaving the keys to his operation to a 2-bit hoodlum he barely has a relationship with rather than his direct successor limits the chances of somebody coming along and trashing this small base and resources before Koichi has need of them. That said, I was impressed by Koichi’s insight here. It’s not to Izuku’s level, and mainly aided by his insight into his master, but he dissects this wall of information and what it means quite quickly, including down to when Knuckle stopped updating it. Taking his hero antics more seriously seems to have increased Koichi’s intelligence. We can only hope one day he gets close to Knuckle’s level, aided by his Quirk’s true capabilities as a fallback option for when his own planning falls short. 8) “That`s good to know, we are well-aware that Pop was a very important member of the team, both with reconnaissance and directing civilians out of harm`s way, but I like to see that knuckles knew of her importance.”-Having lost his original power, Knuckle had to make full use of every available resource and tactic available to him, even the ones that didn’t directly allow him to put his fist into evil’s face. “9) Now, I do wonder how you came to that conclusion Koichi. The part about jumping could be sort of inferred from the drawings, but how are you sure they aren’t faster?”- It seems that his insight into Knuckles is allowing him to pick up on subtle clues in the drawings that we can’t see, or it could be that Knuckles secretly educated him somewhat on his preferred tactics and mentality through on-field experience, meaning he’s understanding the drawings because he knows how Knuckles would usually react to a target, and what would force him to alter his strategy accordingly. Soga might be the one running this show at the moment, but when Koichi gets the confidence to start making his own plan of attack, he might surprise himself by how good he’ll be at it.
10) “Alright, Anti-Air artillery it is then. I`m sure Knuckle has a Flak gun laying around here somewhere.”- Wouldn’t you know it, we have a guy with both flight and blasting capability right here, who doesn’t even need to be encumbered by a heavy weapon to fulfil the same function.
11) “Alright, I`m just being an ass now, we`ve not even got to see what the plan is actually going to be, those are just the main components of said plan.”- Like building a house, you build a plan of attack by sketching out the solid foundations to make it feasible, then add on realistic details and costs involved until it becomes a possibility in reality
12) “ Also, what you mean by tests? Koichi knows how to shot a gun, he already killed before, unfortunately it was off-screen during the timeskip, what a shame we skipped it, but then again, it wasn`t even important anyway”- Yeah, he does know how to shoot to kill, but thanks to Pop getting it into his head that was not the preferred tactic to deal with criminals, he’s gotta brush up on his beginner’s skill with that, then rapidly improve that to a passable level for a life-or-death shootout.
13) “Anyway, are we going to go over his powers again, in case someone forgot what they were due to the timeskip? That`s good, it might give a general idea of how much he improved during
the two years we haven`t seen him being a vigilante
and all that”- That, and also to help Koichi face the self-limitations he’d unconsciously placed on himself, Just like his mom making him forget he could fly, Koichi’s actual true potential is vastly more flexible and powerful that he put into practice, and with these guys pushing him further beyond than he’s gone before, we’re finally at a point where we can see what Koichi would be like as a hero in a life-or-death situation.
14) “Huh. That seems considerably faster than he was before we jumped ahead. Sure, he was already a human bullet, but I think he surpassed the likes of Tensei by a considerable margin.”- Kinda? It’s a bit unclear, but Tensei would likely have the edge in a short-range sprint down a straight line, with faster base acceleration and longer running times that Koichi can keep up, But Koichi has tigher handling of his power and has gradually been improving the speed he can move himself at for longer periods- and that’s not even counting his jumping and climbing abilities for vertical movements as well. @thelreads
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