#she likes anime too [bats eyelashes]
ackee · 2 months
i've been watching this messy dating show on youtube called "pop the balloon or find love" where (wo)men stand in a line with a balloon and pin, and then a suitor walks in the door and talks about themselves and the people in the line will pop the balloon if they dont wanna date the person. but the messy part is they're made to explain exactly why they popped their balloon in front of the person's face 😭
anyway a tall black woman with bleach blonde hair rejected a guy for being too tall and i was like. girl are you me ?
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urrockstar-xe · 4 months
3 teen boys vs 1 pretty girl - j.m x fem!reader
posted feb 10th, 2024 10:24 pm
heres another belated v day post!! :D im working my way up guys look at me go, im running out of valentine themed songs though if you have recs and see this before the 14th pls send them to me!!
summary: John B and Pope have to help out JJ when he's under too much stress over a pretty girl, not proofread, use of Y/n.
wordcount: 1.0k
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JJ wasn’t one for romantics, never was, never will be. He’s never witnessed real romance outside of TV shows and movies, although now that he has, with his best friend falling in love, JJ still just didn’t quite get it.
Until he met You, of course, because every sweet, enchanting, and cheesy love story has to start with the player meeting the one.
The one that broke down every little wall with a soft smile and pretty eyes. The one who saves everything while simultaneously ruining it all. 
At least in JJ’s eyes. 
“Dude, just admit you like her” Pope’s words went in one ear and out the other as JJ groaned into the old pillow, dramatically falling onto John B’s couch. “I think he did, just not in a comprehensible way” John B chuckled, shoving JJ’s feet off of his lap.
JJ groaned once more before shifting positions and sitting up on the opposite end of JB. “I don’t know what it is, man. She comes in, introduces herself with a pretty little voice, batting her pretty little eyelashes, smiling a pretty little smile on her pretty little face.” JJ’s voice was laced with irritation, his friends just laughed in response. 
“I think JJ thinks Y/n is pretty, Pope.” “No way, really?” Another round of laughter between the two boys made JJ scoff before chuckling a bit as well, he rubbed at his eyes. 
JJ’s laughter ended with a sigh, “She’s makin’ me crazy.” John B smiled at his friend, nudging his shoulder. “They have that effect huh?” JB remarked, sharing a knowing look with Pope before Pope pulled JJ up off the couch.
“What am I gonna do? I mean, I gotta really wow this girl, man I mean, she’s perfect” JJ gushed as he stared back at his friend who merely smiled back and shook his head. “Valentine’s Day is tomorrow, why don’t you go work that out with John B and I’ll continue studying.” Pope proposed the idea as JB stood up, patting JJ on the back before nearly dragging him out of the chateau by the back of his hoodie. 
“C’mon, we’re gonna make sure you get your girl by tomorrow night”
JJ and John B loaded up into the Twinkie, heading straight for the closest convenience store. JB distracted his lovelorn friend with loud music that the two teenage boys happily and obnoxiously sang along to. Once they finally pulled up to the store and went inside, John B led JJ to the aisle filled with red and pink colored cardboard, and heart-shaped candies.
“Dude, I don’t even know what kind of candy she likes,” JJ sighed, both boys scanning the wall of options. “This is gonna be harder than I thought.” John B mumbled. 
“It’s all just one big guessing game-” John B got cut off by the store clerk noticing them. 
“Maybank, I better not catch you stealin’ nothin'.” His gruffy booming voice caught their attention, heads turning towards the sound in sync. “Course not, Mr. Wade!” JJ waved, a small smile on his lips as the clerk shook his head and went back to his initial goal, leaving them alone once more. 
JJ watched as John B grabbed one of the blue baskets and started throwing random candy boxes into it. “What are you doing?” JJ furrowed his eyebrows. “She’s gotta like at least one of these, let’s just buy it all” John B shrugged, handing the basket to JJ who turned his attention towards the box full of small stuffed animals. 
JJ picked up a small cat before looking at the little dog holding a love heart. “Do you think she’s more of a dog person or a cat person?” “Which one do you want her to be?” 
JJ abandoned the cat and threw the dog in the basket, just as John B grabbed a pink bag covered in white hearts and threw it on top of their Valentine's treasures. 
“This should be enough right?” John B asked, earning a slightly concerned look from JJ. 
“Aren’t you supposed to be the professional here? I’m just the student!” JJ followed him to the counter and helped throw everything in front of Mr. Wade. 
“JJ, I don’t think people see either of us and think of the word professional.” and of course, he couldn’t argue with that.
JJ was left to his own devices the rest of the night, John B had a date with Sarah. 
He did his best at setting up the bag of goodies, before deciding it was good enough because nothing would be as perfect as you no matter how much he tried. 
Finally, Wednesday had come and right around the time you made it outside of your school building you were met with the sight of the Twinkie, eyes watching it as you laughed at something one of your friends said. You said your goodbyes before making your way to the old van just as JJ Maybank came out of the driver’s side and leaned on the passenger’s door. 
“Thought you dropped out, JJ.” You smiled at the blond, who happily mirrored you as he approached him. “You know, gotta come back every once in a while, see how the place is holdin’ up without me.” He shrugged, earning a chuckle from you.
JJ cleared his throat, standing up straight. “I wanted to surprise you. Ask you to be my Valentine.” Your smile got softer, that sweet look on your face almost making JJ chicken out but now he was too deep in. 
“So ask me,” you said softly, after a moment of waiting for him to continue. JJ laughed, shaking his head. “Right, yeah, sorry. Will you be my Valentine, pretty lady?” His voice was quieter than you were used to hearing, you couldn’t help but cover your face as you felt heat spread across your cheeks. JJ chuckled at your reaction before leaning forward just enough to remove your hands from your face. 
“Whadya say?” You smiled at him as he held onto your hands, whispering now that you were so close. “I’ll be your Valentine any day of the week, J.” He smiled back, pressing a quick kiss to your cheek before letting go of your hands and opening the passenger door, revealing the very same bag that was currently overflowing. 
“Awh, babe.” You smiled at the sight, picking up the little dog plush. 
“Hope you’re a dog person,” He said, grabbing the bag’s handles so you could get in the van. 
“And that you have a severe sweet tooth.” 
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calicoheartz · 2 months
So ready to be fed tonight 💛
I was wondering if you could do a jealous!Caitlin x reader that's maybe slightly suggestive? It's okay if not !!
Green Eyed Passion ; Caitlin Clark ⟢﹒
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summary : jealous! caitlin x reader 🫣
wc ; 773
warnings : very suggestive , read at your own risk.
my master list ㇀♡
a/n : anon , you have just been served a full course meal. This was sooo fun to write!!! enjoy besties ◡̈
Caitlin is used to being confident in herself. As an extremely talented and successful basketball star, she had no trouble attracting and dealing with unwanted attention. However, when she started dating you, a young and attractive individual who had a captivating personality, she found herself facing a new emotion: jealousy.
It all began innocently enough. You had been dating for a few months, and everything seemed perfect. You rarely argued, had little disagreements, and most importantly you shared the same interests. Never failing to make eachother laugh even in the worst of situations, it was obvious that you were each other’s person.
But one evening, as you both were attending a team event, Caitlin couldn’t shake the feeling of this rather unfamiliar emotion.
You however, were in your element. A dimly lit bar filled with different characters from all walks of life, it fascinated you, you absolutely adored engaging in conversation with others. Your charisma drawing in people like moths to a flame, your eyes sparkling in every animated conversation you found yourself in. Caitlin however, watched from the sidelines; simply smiling politely as she watched admirers approach you to strike up simple exchange.
Her mood, however, quickly soured when she noticed you talking to a fairly tall, and attractive figure. A little bit too close for Caitlin’s pleasure.
She continued to watch you from across the room, how your laugh echoed, how close you two were, stirred up feelings she didn’t even know she had. Trying to shake off this feeling, she joined a group of her other teammates, trying to take her mind off of you and your seemingly interesting conversation. But she couldn’t help but keep stealing glances at you and this mysterious stranger, immediately being stung by a wave of jealousy.
As the evening went on, Caitlin found herself being more and more isolated. She tried to engage in conversation with you, but to no avail. You seemed distracted, with your attention constantly drifting back to the figure.
Finally, unable to contain her jealousy, she approached the both of. Simply grabbing your wrist and muttering a “Sorry, please excuse us”, as she quickly dragged you away to a secluded area inside the bar
“What's going on?” she asked harshly, clearly trying to mask her jealousy. You took a step back, clearly confused on what she meant, “huh? What do you mean?”. She furrowed her brows at your response, clearly unsatisfied with your answer. “You know what I mean y/n. What is going on?”. She glared at you, her 6’0 frame overpowering yours as she simply corned you against the wall.
You smirked, now realizing why the brunette was acting so strange. She was jealous. It was very rare for Caitlin to act like this, and the outcome would only lead to one possible scenario. You were about to get your shit rocked.
You bit your lip, simply batting your eyelashes at her, sweetly saying, “i don't know what you mean, baby”.
Ohhhhhh shit. That did it. If she wasn't turned on before she definitely was now. And to be fair she wasn't the only one, you could feel a slight stickiness in between your thighs.
As if it was second nature, she captured your wrist, not even saying a word, and dragged you out of the bar and into the passenger seat of the car.
Even on your way back home, not even a slight glance was given to you, her knuckles as white as your bed sheets as she aggressively gripped the steering wheel. You knew you were fucked. She knew you were fucked, now what is going to be done about it?
As soon as you arrived at your shared apartment she immediately pinned you against the wall, her hands immediately finding their way into your locks, intertwining them in between her fingers. With one free hand, she caressed your face, as she slowly started to place wet kisses on your chest, leaving soft love bites in the process. You let out a small, but audible moan at her actions, letting her know to keep going. She slowly kept going down until she reached your collarbones until she abruptly stopped. You pouted, cool air quickly hitting your flesh where her lips had once been seconds earlier.
She gave you a sly smile, lowly muttering
Why would you start something you wont be able to finish?
omg okay woah that was intense !! definitely will write more content like this in the future.. 😏 tysm for reading lovelies !
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almond-tofuuu · 4 months
The one who holds his heart
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Zayne x reader
Summary: The new nurse is flirting with Zayne but his heart already belongs to someone else....
Warnings: none, reader is jealous, Zayne and reader are friends, confessions of love, friends to lovers, fluffy ending, possibly ooc Zayne (I just needed to feel happy) not proofread
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You weren't jealous.
After all, why should you be? It's not like you and Zayne were anything other than friends, even if it sometimes felt like there was something more between you both. So logically, seeing the new nurse cosying up to Zayne, hand resting on his arm as she batted her eyelashes at him shouldn't have affected you in the slightest. But you couldn't stop the rage bubbling up inside you, knuckles turning white as your grip tightened around the plastic bag in your hand. You and Zayne had agreed to have lunch together today, and you'd even stopped at the bakery he likes to pick up some desserts as a surprise for your hardworking doctor. However, seeing the way this new nurse was flirting with him so blatantly, you'd lost your appetite.
As if sensing your gaze, Zayne's eyes met yours, and he swiftly excused himself from whatever conversation he and the nurse were having, making his way over to you. "You're here, I was beginning to wonder if I was going to be eating alone" his usual teasing did nothing to subdue the jealousy that was clouding your mind, instead it only made things worse.
"Oh really? Cause I'm sure that nurse you were talking to would've been more than happy to keep you company" you huff angrily, tone dripping with sarcasm. Of course, you shouldn't really be taking you're frustration out on Zayne, he didn't actually do anything wrong, but you were too wound up to care.
Zayne's brows furrowed slightly in concern at your comment, but he didn't question it, instead choosing to place a hand on your lower back, lightly guiding you towards his office "come on, let's go eat in my office"
Reluctantly you followed his lead. The walk was short and awkward, neither of you speaking until you arrived at his office, where Zayne was quick to close the door behind you both. With a heavy sigh you turn to face Zayne, tempted to make up an excuse so you could leave and avoid having to be alone with him, but before you could speak, Zayne was already staring at you. Carefully, he approached you, the way one would approach a frightened animal, as if he felt any sudden movements from him would make you bolt. Now standing in front of you, Zayne gently took your hands in his, the coolness of his touch was soothing and you could feel the jealousy from earlier melt away with every stroke of his thumb over your knuckles.
"Now, will you tell me what inspired your little comment earlier?" His was smooth as honey, a tone he reserves only for you, his eyes are focused on yours, his gaze so tender that you have to look away, embarrassed about you're behaviour.
"...I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that, I just-" you hesitate slightly, unsure whether to tell him the truth, but a reassuring squeeze of your hands gives you the courage you need. "I didn't like the way that nurse was talking to you..." Your cheeks burn and you keep your gaze locked on the floor, too embarrassed to look at Zayne.
For what seems like an eternity, neither of you make a sound, and just as your about to try and leave, the tension becoming too much for you to bear, a light chuckle catches you off guard.
"I thought it was fairly obvious by now, but it would seem you still don't understand. In that case..." Zayne gently tugs on your wrist, pulling you closer until your chest is flush against his, you can feel the hammering of a heart, but it's difficult to tell whether it's yours or his. "Allow me to make it more clear." Zayne softly holds your face, thumb brushing over your cheek before moving down to trace your bottom lip. "I have no interest in that nurse, nor anyone else for that matter. The only one I want is standing right in front of me." His whispered confession leaves you in stunned silence, mouth opening and closing as your short-circuited brain struggles to form a coherent thought. Zayne let's out a soft chuckle, seemingly amused by your reaction, "it would appear my confession has rendered you speechless. Is it really that much of a surprise?"
His light teasing is what finally snaps you out of your trance, clearing your throat in an attempt to lessen your embarrassment, "erm well.... I guess I just never thought you would feel the same way as I do, that's all." Your cheeks burned as you averted your eyes, wanting to hide your flushed face from Zayne, but he was quick to stop you. Hand tilting your chin upwards, your eyes locked with his, their usual icy intensity now replaced with a tenderness that made your heart flutter.
"Darling, I've harboured these feelings for you for so long now my heart doesn't know how to love anyone else. As a doctor, I know a great deal about the human body, especially the heart..." Zayne brings one of your hands to his chest, placing it directly over his heart that is pounding just as fast as yours. "But even I can't explain the effect you have on me. I can no longer function without you, your touch is the only thing that can soothe me after a rough day, your voice has ruined even the most beautiful melodies as nothing can compare. I don't just want you. I crave you. My heart belongs to you. In this lifetime and every other. It will always be yours."
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Realm's Delight
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Summary: You were the twin of the dark haired child Cersei had with Robert. While fever took your twin, you survived. You are known throughout the seven kingdom as the realm's delight. The years has passed and your younger brother Joffrey wants something you have. Sandor Clegane x Baratheon! Reader
A/n: Let me know if you enjoy this. Likes and comments are appreciated. Enjoy -L
Warning: NSFW, being the it girl, Joffrey being Joffrey, Robert is nice to us, manipulation at its finest, daddy's girl, princess wants princess gets, territorial!
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
“It was a miracle.” Robert Baratheon, your father told you. You had survived the horrid fever that took your twin brother away. It was a secret that was kept among the Lannisters and only Robert. While Cersei was in mourning of the loss of her son, Robert’s was cut short. Cersei always resented him for that and that he gave you his undivided attention. Everyone in the Seven Kingdoms knew how Robert adored you. Some had even said that he loves you more than his own wife, Cersei and as you grew, he practically gave you whatever your heart desired. Your father wasn’t the only one to give you gifts. Fur straight from House Stark, jewels and the finest dresses from House Martell. Seafood freshly caught by House Greyjoy. The list of gifts went on and on. You were named the realm’s delight among the people. 
When Robert learned about the nickname that you have been given he feared that you will have the same fate as Lyanna Stark. Robert decided to do what was best, keep you protected at all times. Robert declared for Sandor Clegane to become your personal guard. Cersei had cried out to Robert about it. He is a monstrosity and hideous beast, she ranted. You heard of the Clegane’s brothers. Lord Baelish always been somewhat kind enough to keep you up to date about the accomplishments Ser Gregor had done along with Sandor’s. 
“A flower like you shouldn’t be guarded by such an animal.” Lord Baelish exclaimed as his wandering eyes looked up and down that you. You grabbed a hold of his hands. Lord Baelish blushed from the sudden contact. 
“I will grow to be the most beautiful flower because of that animal.” You whispered to Lord Baelish who honestly wasn’t paying attention to what you were saying. 
You were so close to him, his mind was in the gutters. Rolling your eyes when you turn away to leave Lord Baelish, you wipe your hands on your dress while walking away from him. Men, they will always think with their cock. Cersei had told you after she had too many cups of wine. Your uncle, Jamie had laughed at her and tried to take her back to her chambers before she said anything else. That’s how you used Lord Baelish to tell you about the gossip going around. A praise, batting your eyelashes at him or giving him a smile was all needed for him to tell you what you wanted to know. 
When Sandor was presented to you for the first time, you were surprised. He was the second tallest man you ever seen, his brother was the first. He had lowered his head as he entered the chambers so he wouldn’t hit the door frame. Robert had taken your hand and pulled you towards Sandor. You noticed Sandor had the most beautiful brown eyes you've ever seen. Brown, like the earth and as the light hit his eyes, they looked like honey. You got a closer look when he knelt in front of you and vowed to keep you safe. You knew about the story of his burn scars. It took you an afternoon with Lord Baelish, drinking tea to learn about it. You had taken a liking to Sandor when he became your guard. He was too silent for your liking but that meant you had to break his walls down. 
Sandor stood and waited with you outside of your mother’s chambers. She was going to give birth to her second child. Sandor had mumbled to you to keep still since you kept walking back and forth, worried every time you heard your mother’s screams. You were about to say something when the screams stopped. Joffrey was born, and he was healthy. King Robert had his heir to the iron throne. Cersei had two other children after that and your relationship with her became unsteady. Sandor would cast a look at you whenever someone mentioned to you about Joffrey’s and your siblings' golden locks as they grew. You gave them a smile and answered. “They have been blessed with the Lannister’s golden hair.”
He knew you weren’t an idiot, he ignored when people said you were and sometimes when in a bad mood he slayed them whenever they expressed their opinions about it to him loudly. All beauty but nothing in your head. He wanted to tell them how wrong they were. He had spent hours with you in the dusty library of the castle. Seen you excelled in your studies. The winning smile you gave them disappears the moment they leave your sight. 
“Something to say, my beloved Sandor?” The tips of Sandor’s ears grew hot by your affectionate words. You had a habit of calling him all sorts of names after both of you grew closer. You didn't want to admit it to Sandor but you like seeing him squirm after calling him those sweet names. 
“No, princess.” He croaked out when you gave a cheeky smile. He immediately looked down at the ground. 
“Do you think father will ever notice?” You ask Sandor and he looks back at you. You were being serious. 
Sandor shook his head, no. “Maybe if he stops drinking and catches a break from his whores, I reckon he might see it. Unfortunately I can’t say anything. As much as father loves me more, I fear I will be punished if I say it.” 
Sandor was right you weren’t the dumb princess everyone seems to think. As the time passed, Joffrey and the rest of your siblings grew; it's been nearly 16 years. You had finally managed to get out of a marriage proposal that your father mentioned to you. Sandor was waiting outside as he heard your voice behind your father’s chambers door. He couldn’t help but grin when he heard the hearty laughter from the King. 
“Thank you, father. I knew you would be able to understand. That’s why you are the most wonderful King to ever live.” Sandor heard you say before walking out. 
Sandor watched as you shut the door behind you and pointed at the staircase nearby. Sandor looked around his surroundings, making sure no one was in sight. He walked a few steps down and turned to see you walking towards him. He lets out a huff when you jump on him, wrapping your arms around his neck. 
“Seven hells.” Sandor cursed when kissed his cheek, attacking him with kisses. Sandor moved to capture your lips with his. 
“I take it. It went well.” Sandor said, pulling you close to him. You nodded with a grin. 
“Father can be very kind when he’s drunk out of his mind.” You told him as he put you down on the steps. Both of you froze at the sound of Joffrey’s voice, he was coming up the steps. Sandor immediately took a few steps away from you. 
“Oh look, it’s my dear sister.” 
“Hello, my dear brother.” You greeted Joffrey in the same sarcastic tone. The blonde stood a few steps down from you with Ser Meryn Trant behind him. 
“Dog.” Joffrey said.  “My-.” 
“You mean Sandor.” You cut Sandor off. Your harsh tone wiped the smirk off Joffrey's face. You crossed your arms over your chest. This was an ongoing thing. Joffrey would call Sandor a dog to get a rise out of you. 
“His name is Sandor. Have you forgotten?” Joffrey can’t help but smile wickedly at you. It irritated you, Joffrey grew to be more ill and filled with a horrible attitude. He was a spoiled child, that’s all you had to say about your brother. His words and remarks were vile and you wouldn’t stand for it especially when it came to Sandor or to your servants. 
“He’s a dog, my dear sister. There’s no changing that. He is The Hound.” 
“You’re a dog as well. You even act like one and yet people still call you prince.” You answered back. 
“You little-.” Meryn Trant stopped mid sentence when he saw Sandor walking down the steps to get next to you. 
“Finish what you were saying. I fucking dare you.” Sandor threatens Meryn Trant and gives him a cold stare down. Sandor’s reputation grew as the years passed. Killer, monster, perhaps even worse than his brother, the names and the fear of fighting against him grew. They all knew no one is safe when he’s protecting you. 
“You are so kind to the people below us.” Joffrey said, making your eyes roll. You wished for the day when Joffrey realized that he is a bastard. It was called a rumor but you knew the truth. Cersei has always been a bit sloppy when she was drunk. You had seen your mother and your uncle, Jamie getting cozy. 
“I will be so heartbroken when you finally leave King’s Landing and join those filthy people from Drone.” You smile at your brother. Plans have been changed. 
“I’m surprised that you know about my marriage proposal with Drone.” You said knowing him and your mother had conspired this marriage proposal. 
“Let me be the one to deliver this good news to you, dear brother.” Joffrey frowned as you approached him closer. 
“There is no need to be heartbroken, for I am staying. There is no proposal.” Joffrey's blonde brows rose up and his shocked expression turned into an angry one. 
“It must be hard not being father’s favorite.”  You whispered. 
This dispute, the rivalry between you and brother began when he was able to see how Robert favored you more. He reached out for Robert but Robert was busy being King or being drunk. Joffrey was always envious of you, you had your father wrapped around your finger along with the entire realm while you got cheered and praised. He got concerned looks from the people of King's Landing. 
“Shall we go, Sandor? Agatha said she was preparing chicken for prandium.” You looked over at Sandor who nodded at you. 
“Yes, princess.” Passing by Joffrey, you ignored the look from Mery Trant. Sandor bowed his head to Joffrey and followed you. You can hear Sandor’s heavy footsteps behind you as you continue to hold your front. You wouldn’t let Joffrey know that his little plan to get rid of you didn’t work. Thanks to Lord Baelish and Lord Varys who gave you a heads up about it again, this wasn’t the first time. Joffrey wanted to get rid of you again and now he had even gotten your mother to play along. 
Night came and you welcomed the warmth Sandor provided you. Even though the weather of King’s Landing was already warm you still preferred the heat from Sandor’s body. 
“I heard something.” Sandor spoke after a moment of silence. You played with the soft hair on his chest while you laid your head on his arm, his arms tightening around you. 
“Speak, Sandor.” You softly said, growing anxious every passing second. 
“The servants overheard Joffrey asking Cersei about taking me as his own guard.” You raised your head off his arm and looked down at him. 
“He wants me as his guard.” Sandor answered you. You shook your head. 
“That little cunt.” You whispered under your breath and you realized Sandor wasn’t even looking at you. He kept staring up at the ceiling of your chambers. His eyes had become dull and his face was emotionless. Pushing the sheets off your body, you moved to sit in his lap. Paying no attention to the soreness between your legs, you felt him hold on to your legs as you cupped his face with both hands. 
“He won’t take you away from me.” Sandor let out a strain chuckle.
He knew what he had with you won’t last. He had made a promise to himself when he first met you. He wouldn't fall in love with you but he broke it. He was utterly in love with you after being your guard for many years. He had convinced himself in the beginning of your relationship that you guys can be together but reality was hitting him straight in the face, you were a princess and he was just a second born son. You would be married to someone else, someone better. You would leave him. 
“I swear it.”  
“Might be for the best if I do switch. It will be for the best.” Sandor said, making you frown. 
“I don’t think I’ll be able to watch you marry some lord or a king and give him kids.” Sandor traced the skin of your legs as he spoke. 
“Your father won’t decline the next marriage proposal. He did it for the last two but not the third one. He won’t, I know it. The realm wants to see you married and have children. If I keep guarding you and you get married, I’ll kill your husband.” Sandor said sincerely. You dropped your hands from his face and brought it down to his chest. 
“Do you love me?” You asked. 
Sandor’s jaw clenched and his eyes grew hard. “Yes or no?” 
“You know I do. I have killed for you.” Sandor responded with no remorse. He had spilled blood for you and had lost count on how many people he killed to protect you and your honor.  
“If you love me then never say those words again. Promise me?! Promise me that you won’t say that it’s best.”
Sandor said your name softly but you yelled at him. “Swear it to me! Please.” 
Sandor nodded, raising his hand up to cup your cheek when he saw you on the verge of tears. He couldn’t bear seeing you cry. You grabbed on to his wrist, kissing his palm. 
“I promise. I swear it.” He told you. You leaned down to kiss him. Enjoying the tender moment with him, there were a few times when Sandor showed his soft side with you. It was mostly in bed, both of you would be wrapped around each other and sometimes the aftermath of many orgasms. 
“I’m not going anywhere.” He told you and you began to kiss him harder moving your hips, your cunt humping against his cock. Whining loudly when you felt him pull you to his chest and wrap an arm around you. His free hand touches your bare ass. Sandor takes a deep breath as he feels how warm and wet you are. 
“I won't let Joffrey take you away from me. I have a plan.” 
Sandor’s hand freezes on your ass and looks down at you. 
“A plan?” You nodded as you pressed a kiss on his chest. 
“Yes. You’re mine, Sandor. No one is going to take you away from me.” Your words were like a shot of adrenaline to him. He gripped your ass harder, he wanted to believe you.
He didn't want to ruin this moment with a fight. He wanted to remember this night with you incase this would be the last night he gets to spent with you. Naked and curled up together. He wanted to enjoy it, so he moved to his side, taking you with him. Facing each other now, Sandor drapes your leg over his waist, your right arm under his head while his arm goes under you. In a thirst position, he can hold you close to him. You bump his nose softly and kiss his scared cheek.  He gripped your waist pulling you closer to him.
You shut your eyes and moan when his thick fingers touch your slit. Gather the reminiscence of your cum and his dripping from your hole and rub it on along the swollen lips of your cunt. The tip of his fingers gliding over your clit making you cry out, your cunt was sensitive from earlier. Your toes curled up and legs tensed up when you felt his finger inside of you. 
“Fuck.” He groans as he holds you close to him. Moaning his name as you felt him finger you for a moment. He shifted and moved your legs higher so he had room. 
“Sandor.” You cry out his name as he slips inside of you. You held on to his arms as he gripped your waist while pumping into you. 
His face hidden between your neck and shoulder, you can feel his hand on your back, nails digging into your skin. You held on for dear life as you heard him growl against your skin. 
“I’ll kill him, Y/n.” He moans to you as he fucks you, his cock sliding in and out of your cunt. His thrust was growing faster and harsher. The thought of you married with some prince made him angry. Even if people didn't know, you were his and he would keep it that way.
“You hear me?” He said with a moan. He moves his face towards you. You nod at him letting out a pitched whine when he hits that sweet spot. 
“You belong with me. You’re mine.” You kissed him trying to mask your moans but nothing in the world would mask the squelching sound of your pussy being fucked. 
Sandor held on to you as he moved his hips back and forward. He feels his balls tighten when he feels you cum on him, you’re trembling, skin slick with sweat. Sandor is grunting as he manhandles you. Your hands are on him, touching him, you can feel the muscles and his scars from his battles on his back and his arms. 
Sandor cries your name and you shut your eyes as he presses his hips against you, slamming his cock deep inside of you. His hand on your hips goes down your ass, cups your cheek. He squeezes it as he cums deep inside of you. You whimper feeling stuff, your pussy keeps clenching and unclenching around him. He shifts his hips and you moan at the feeling of your clit being ticked by his pubic hair.
You feel his lips on your cheek, pressing soft kisses as he huffs out of breath. 
“Sandor.” You whispered as you nuzzled against his face. You didn’t mind the feeling of the scars against your face, you kept close to him enjoying the aftermath of your orgasm. 
You didn’t want this to end, you wouldn’t allow it. Sandor was yours first, Sandor belongs to you just as much you belong to him. You weren’t going to give him up without a fight. 
Morning came and you were woken by your ladies in waiting. The flock of ladies knocked and waited for you outside to respond. You rose up, finding yourself alone. You wrapped yourself in a blanket and invited them inside. One by one they walked inside, picking up the sheets from the floor, one went to your closet to get your clothes for the day and one opened the doors to the balcony. 
“Here, my princess.” The eldest came by you after you covered yourself with your robe. You thanked her for the tea and waited patiently while one warmed your bath water.
One of the ladies was brushing your hair after your bath. They stopped when there was a knock on the door, opening the door. Sandor came walking in, he had a concerning look on his face. 
“Good morrow, princess. The king demands your presence in his chambers at once.” 
You walked to your father’s chambers with Sandor behind you. He sensed how nervous you were. Before going around the hall, you felt Sandor grab your arm. He gently pulled you back. You were pushed softly against the wall. Sandor stood in front of you, towers over you as he looked down at you. 
“Worried?” You whispered to him. You feel one of his hands cup your face. 
Sandor doesn’t reply, he simply presses his lips against yours. “Go on.” He tells you and steps away from you. 
Sandor has a habit of never expressing his feelings out loud. Sandor followed you quietly. He wasn’t worried at all, he was scared and he hasn’t felt this way since he was a child when Gregor disfigured him. 
You walked down the hall and came to a halt when you saw Ser Meryn Trant standing outside of your father’s chamber. It meant that Joffrey was inside. You felt bile rise up. Clearing your throat, you took a deep breath to calm your nervousness. 
Meryn Trant saw you and opened your father’s chamber door for you. You looked over your shoulder and gave Sandor a look of nervousness. You took one last look of his brown eyes. It calms you for a moment and you’re able to walk inside your father’s chamber. You noticed Joffrey sitting down along with your mother while your father sat behind his desk. The door shut behind you as you walked towards your father. 
“Mother. Brother.” You greeted them and walked next to your father. You leaned down to kiss one of his pudgy cheeks. Robert gave you a smile and greeted you. You can smell the wine coming off your father.
“Sit, we have been waiting. Joffrey and your mother wish to discuss something with us.” 
You sat on the empty seat next to your mother. “Joffrey has told me that he would like Sandor as his personal guard.” Your mother said. 
So this was about Sandor. “What's wrong with Ser Meryn Trant?” You asked Joffrey. 
Joffrey wasn't expecting for you to say something. He thought you would obey instantly. You stare at Joffrey, you weren't going to let Sandor slip away from you. You were going to fight for him. 
Joffrey looked over at his father who was also staring at him. “Well, since Y/n is going off in Dorne. I want Sandor.” 
“I'm not going to Dorne. I told you.” Joffrey clenched his jaw. 
“You had refused your last marriage proposal. Father, are you going to accept this?” Joffrey asked Robert. 
“She isn't going to Dorne.” Robert said, making Cersei sit up. “Why not?” She asked him. 
“You dare to question me, woman.” Robert eyed Cersei. 
“Our daughter has not been wed, people will talk.” 
“You think I care what people say about her. She is my daughter. My word is law and final. She won't be shipped to Dorne.” 
You dislike how sometimes your father would speak to your mother. Robert was a down right misogynist but when it came to you he was different. You knew it had to do with Lyanna Stark, everyone told you how there was a resemblance between you and her. It was confirmed when Ned Stark and his family came to King's Landing to celebrate your name day. Ned couldn't take his eyes off of you and had even stuttered his sister's name after drinking with your father. 
You felt bad for Ned after so many years the death of his sister still had a hold over him just like Robert. He had begged forgiveness to you the next day. “Nonsense. No need to forgive, Lord Stark.” 
“He’s a good man.” Sandor told you after Ned left. You had finished a walk with Ned in the garden after you told him if it would be alright to share some stories about Lyanna. He gave you a smile and accepted. You learned a lot about her and intend to use this information. 
“He is.” You replied to him. 
“It will get him killed one of these days.” Sandor’s words made you sad. You didn't want to see the Lord of Winterfell dead. Unlike Joffrey and your mother, you enjoy their presence and have grown fond of his wife, Catelyn. 
“Our daughter should have been married and had babies by now. We can use her as an advantage, a leverage.” Cersei stood up from her seat and walked to the corner of the room where the cart of wines and cups were at. 
“I believe it has to be that atrocious dog always behind her. His face scares off any suitors. She will be married soon and doesn’t need him anymore.” 
“He protects me, mother.” You said folding your hands on your lap. Cersei looked over her shoulder at you. You looked over at your father because at the end of the day, he has the last day. 
“Father, remember the riot. Those men would have killed me. Sandor was there and killed them all. He killed those men.” Robert nodded remembering all too well about that horrible riot that broke out.  
You stood up from your seat and walked towards the desk. You kneel down near your father ignoring the tsk sound from Joffrey. You decided if Joffrey and your mother wanted to play dirty. So will you. 
“I do not wish the same fate as the lovely Lyanna Stark. May she be at peace.” Your father’s eyes shifted at the mention of Lyanna.
“I know. I have refused two marriage proposals now but I must tell you the truth, Sandor didn’t trust them. He had seen him, heard them speak ill behind my back.” You knew the words you were about to say will be a low blow to your mother and it will create a shift between you two but you had to do it. You didn’t want Joffrey to have Sandor. Sandor Clegane is yours. 
“You might think this is ridiculous, father.” You grabbed your father’s hand. 
“I want to be loved. The type of love you and Lyanna shared. Ned told me stories about your love with her and it warmed my heart. I crave for that love you both shared.” You flinched at the sound of Cersei throwing her cup of wine to the ground and walked out of the room. No one said anything for a moment. You just watched as the red wine from Drone stained the carpeted rug. This was your chance, your moment to seal it. Joffrey won’t take Sandor away from you. 
Sandor stood straight up when he saw the queen running out of the room. The door was opened and he looked ahead. He saw you kneeling by your father, looking up at him. 
“Don't take Sandor away from me. Don't let me have the same fate as the woman you loved.” 
Robert smiled down at you and cupped your face. “No need to worry. Clegane will stay by your side.” 
Robert looks towards Joffrey. “Stay with Ser Mery Trant. If you wish for a more depraved guard. Perhaps we can ask The Mountain to fill in.” Joffrey quickly shook his head. He sent a glare at you before standing up and walking out of the room. Sandor moved away from the door when he saw Joffrey with a pout on his face. Ser Mery Trant followed the prince. 
Sandor looked back at the doorway. Robert had helped you get up on your feet and gave you a hug. Sandor gave you a small smile when he saw you staring back at him with your own smile as you hugged your father. It worked. 
Sandor knew he would have to beg forgiveness for not believing in you. Your plan worked. Shame on him for ever doubting you, Princess Y/n Baratheon, the realm's delight. 
Chapter 2 ->
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threadbaresweater · 5 months
Suguru Geto x f!reader. Reader and Suguru are married and have a child (a girl). Said daughter has a habit of waking at inconvenient times. Family dynamics, married (parent) sex is hard. Keeping the flame alive is even harder when there's a tiny person at your bedroom door who needs attention. Part of my series Between Us. Not proofread (oh. oh god.)
series masterlist
The tiny voice, accompanied by a tentative knock, comes just as you were about to.
In the darkness of your bedroom, you climb off of Suguru and burrow yourself deep in the blankets of your bed.
"Mommy's sleeping, baby. What do you need?" Suguru asks, altering his voice to make it sound as if he was sleeping, too.
"I got scared," your daughter says, meek and muffled against your door. Your husband switches on the lamp and bends to pick up his boxers and t-shirt off the floor. slipping into them before throwing you a mirthless grin. He tucks his still hard cock into the waistband and pulls his hair back into a bun before padding over to unlock the door.
His brown-eyed little girl stands in the hall, hugging the neck of her favorite stuffed animal– a bunny, floppy-eared, baby blue, and obviously well-loved. Long eyelashes bat away crocodile tears, and Suguru gives her a gentle smile as he scoops her into his arms. "What scared you, hm?" He pulls the door shut and her wobbly little voice fades away as he carries her back to her room.
You heave a sigh and throw the covers off, arms bouncing unceremoniously off the mattress. You stare at the ceiling as your heartbeat returns to normal, your mood (and orgasm) ruined. For weeks now, your daughter has been waking soon after you put her to bed, and you can't figure out why. You have a routine that never falters— after dinner, there's a bath, then some free time, followed by a book, a night time snack if she's hungry, and a secure tucking in, complete with the family of stuffies that she insists on having in bed with her. You say goodnight, and she's asleep within a few minutes.
Of course, you love her. Of course, you knew that your life (sex most definitely included) would be forever altered after her birth. Part of parenting is making sacrifices for your children, big and small. What it doesn't call for is ignoring your most basic human needs and desires.
You've always had a healthy sex life with Suguru. There's mutual desire and a deep physical and emotional connection that both of you work hard to maintain, and it's important to both of you that you're mutually satisfied a few times a week. It doesn't always work out that way, and sometimes you have to get creative (and sneaky) to make it happen.
You consider your options while Suguru consoles your daughter. You could finish yourself off; there's a vibrator that he bought for you on your last birthday tucked away in your underwear drawer, but that would mean having to get out of bed (and it's so warm and soft, and you really don't feel like getting up). You could give yourself a little manual stimulation, but it's not the same as having Suguru between your thighs, and you pout thinking of how close you were just a few minutes ago. The only other option is to wait for him to return to your bedroom and finish what the two of you started before you were interrupted by innocence.
You fluff your pillow and curl into the blankets again, willing yourself not to fall asleep and miss the return of your husband to your side. By the time he comes back, you're barely lucid, breathing deep and even in the soft glow of lamplight. He locks the door and strips off his clothes, spooning himself against your back. His arm circles your waist, fingers working between your thighs while kisses fall soft on your bare shoulder.
"You're not sleeping, are you?" he teases on a quiet lilt, sinking his teeth into your earlobe as his finger finds your clit. You keen into your pillow and grind back against him.
"Someone has to sleep in this house," you quip; you move your leg to accommodate him anyway. He savors the drag of his cock through the softest, warmest part of you, but doesn't mess around in getting back down to business. Time is of the essence, and he wants you satisfied (he wants to be satisfied, too).
You come on a broken cry of his name as he whispers his devotion into the nape of your neck, arms wound tight around you while he grunts in his release.
"Oh, thank god," you pant. "I needed that so bad."
"You lie together for a few moments afterward, basking in the skin to skin contact, the intimacy of shared space, shared breath and shared heart beats. Suguru traces idle patterns across your abdomen until you turn and press your lips to his, honey slow and feather soft. You feel his lips turn up into a grin when your tongue slips into his mouth.
"Again?" he muses, palming at the fat of your hip.
"I just wanna kiss you."
And you do just that for exactly five minutes before there's another meek knock at your door.
Suguru buries his face between your breasts and sighs heavily. "Your turn."
He holds onto you as you clamber out of bed. "Let go," you giggle.
"Just a minute, honey!" you call, searching for your pajama bottoms in the tangle of sheets at the foot of the bed.
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backwzzds · 6 days
what about a sequel to the plug!zoro cheating on you w/ his girl? he broke up with her. some time goes by and zoro & y/n are at a kick back, getting a little frisky with each other and boom she just shows up.
no because you two would be at some barbecue held in franky’s massive backyard. of course the party animal had to have a pool, so you and the girls were dressed in small fitting bikinis. franky of course couldn’t keep his eyes off robin in her violet colored two piece, and nami sported an orange bikini top that was entirely too small for her tits with small shorts. yours was an olive green color working so well with your undertones, you didn’t even realized that it was damn near similar to zoro’s hair color till people pointed it out.
zoro was sitting against a beach chair with his back to the seat as he smoked on a backwood with you perched into his lap. he proudly took turns betweeen taking a pull of his weed and kissing you on the lips, the two of you sharing the routine for the last few hours.
“zoro get in the pool! it’s nice, haha!” luffy giggled excitedly. “we’re playing tag!”
zoro couldn’t help but roll his eyes at his childish best friend. “i’m good, thanks.” he gestured to his lit wood. with a look up to you, he saw you scrolling through your phone as you rested your side against his body. “y’wanna go in the pool mama?”
you shake your head. “got wet for the day already,” you reply, but do a double take when you see zoro smirk at you.
with a large hand gripping the flesh of your fatty ass, he teased, “yeah? when?”
you kissed your teeth and slapped his chest. “stop bein’ nasty you perv. ‘m finna call the cops.” zoro laughs at your threat before taking another pull of his wood.
“yeah, whatever you say, baby.”
you two end up spending the next few minutes making out, without a care in the world. zoro and your entire friend group didn’t bat an eyelash at the fact that you two were together. zoro had finally broken up with his girlfriend, but he was sure that it wasn’t the case on her end. she was delusional, worse than you.
you spend time in the boy’s arms, getting a whiff of his day old cologne and masculine musk as you two watch videos on your phone. the giggles and laughterspread amongst your friends had stopped and was replaced by numerous yells.
your own friends had joined the party just hours ago, your closest friend armani somewhere in the corner making out with nami. but when you heard armani’s familar loud voice from across the pool, that was when you grew concerned.
suddenly, a familiar figure storms their way over to your direction. “hey, you’re like trespassing on private property bro!” franky yelled as he tried to chase after the girl. within thirty seconds, zoro’s girlfriend—or as he says, ex— is in front of you.
she gives you one look before letting out a laugh. “of course. i knew you’d be fucking with her.”
zoro furrowed his eyebrows. “the fuck did you find me?”
the red girl points to her phone angrily. i fucking tracked your car and phone here!”
“ooh, damn,” you hear usopp turn and pretend to mind his business. but from his side eye and the corner of his long nose, you could tell he was still being nosy. by now, the entire party was.
“you fucking tracked me? are you insane?” zoro delicately lifts you up to place you next to him on the seat so he could properly sit up. “we’re not fucking together no more!”
“that’s not fair, zoro!” his ex cried. “you did that shit out of nowhere, i think i deserve some sort of explanation!”
standing up, you try to mediate the situation. “girl, i think y’all should step inside so no one hears—“
“i don’t owe you a fuckin’ explanation!” zoro exclaims from behind you.
“fuck you, you whore!” the girl points at you. “you’ve been fucking my boyfriend from the start, you dirty bitch!”
now you grow angry. “i’ve been fucking ‘your boyfriend’ since we were sixteen,” is all you say, knowing that would get under her skin. it was true though, zoro’s always wanted you, even before he started selling. you just never cared to give his ass the time of day mostly. “and you met him when, two years ago? please lil girl.”
zoro’s ex scoffs. “yeah okay, home wrecking whore—“
“you sure? i coulda sworn it was a section 8 apartment with the way you’re always up on niggas that’s not him!”
you wouldn’t even call your relationship with zoro homewrecking, not when you had him first and have been on and off with him since you both were teenagers. you just never anticipated that the little fling he had with the girl woulf have turned into something at the very least semi-serious. besides, you’d never fucked zoro when he was in a committed relationship with his then girlfriend at the time. out of simple respect for her, you had stepped back from him and whatever he had going on with her until he assured you that he was done with her and only wanted you.
“don’t get me started bitch before i hurt your feelings,” you threatened, giving the shorter girl a hard look.
zoro’s ex rolls her eyes. “yeah? you think he wants you when he’s coming home to me every other night?”
now you were on ten. “you gotta get a refund on that tracker baby cuz it aint telling the truth. not when the nigga live at my house. you check behind his ear lately? who name on that shit?”
color drains from the girl’s face as she watches zoro look at her with blank eyes. low and behold was your name in a beautiful script font, right behind his ear. his favorite spot he loved for you to kiss.
“you’re insane as fuck. you tried to track this nigga, trap this nigga, thinking a baby gon make him stay. he doesn’t fucking want you!” you scream. you were never this mean. but she was testing your nerves, and you had to show her you didn’t even play like that. “now you just got embarrassed. right after i told you to go inside with him on that bullshit.”
zoro’s ex makes a move to plunge towards you, but zoro successfully catches her in his strong grasp. “let me go!” the girl screams, attemtpinf to lunge at you. you mirror her actions, only to be held back by franky’s own strong grip.
“zee, take your bitch outside before i beat her ass bro!” you heathe, glaring at the girl who was matching your expression. even he couldn’t contain your anger at the moment. it was good franky was holding you back. zoro does as told and practically hauls his ex out the backyard on his shoulder. from a distance, you can see her calm down and melt into his embrace.
“that was some crazy shit,” usopp breathed out.
as if on cue, luffu exits the house with a big BBQ chicken leg in his hand, food stuffed in his mouth. “what the hell happened?”
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lumosandnoxwriting · 5 months
Lesson Learned || Fred Weasley
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Title: Lesson Learned Pairing: Fred x Reader Summary: When Fred catches Y/N doing something he doesn’t approve of he’s got no choice but to teach her a valuable lesson Warnings: NSFW - minors DNI! This includes consensual non-consensual sex, meaning that during the sex scene it is made to seem that the female reader did not consent, but it is revealed after that reader and Fred are in a relationship and this was a preplanned encounter - if you don’t like that don’t read! vaginal sex, degradation, dirty talk, unprotected sex, possessive/jealous behavior,mentions of violence. A/N: my last little fic of the year!! Thank you to everyone who has supported me, I couldn’t do this without you! I’ve been out of the smut game for so long I needed some practice so this was born! Tags: @darthwheezely since she requested this and i love her endlessly <3
“What the fuck?”
Ice sprays across the rink as Fred comes to a halt, ripping his helmet off so he can be sure he’s actually seeing what he thinks he’s seeing. Because surely even a jersey chaser like Y/N has to have some standards, and there’s no way she’s standing there talking no - flirting with an idiot like Cedric Diggory. 
The captain of their biggest rival and an all around mega douche. 
But it turns out his eyes weren’t deceiving him. Y/N is leaning on the edge of the barrier batting her eyelashes at Cedric as he regales her with some story that Fred is sure the idiot made up to make himself seem cooler. He just about loses his mind when Y/N throws her head back and laughs, her hand coming up to rest on Cedric’s arm. 
Luckily Coach blows his whistle to bring them all back from their warm up skate, or Fred would certainly find himself ejected for being the shit out of Cedric before the game even begins. He skates back with the rest of the team reluctantly, already figuring out how to deal with Cedric on the ice - and how to deal with Y/N off of it. 
“Holy fuck Weasley you were an animal out there!” 
Fred grins as he teammates hoop and holler around him in the locker room, still fresh on adrenaline from their crushing defeat over the Baltimore Badgers. Fueled by the rage of seeing Y/N flirt with Diggory, Fred had been on fire from the second the ref blew the whistle. He skated faster than he ever had before, and hit harder too. By the second quarter three of the Badger’s best players were benched with injuries from being slammed into the boards by Fred, and he’d even managed to break Diggory’s nose during a fight.
The 10 minutes in the penalty box had been worth it. 
“Just doing what I do best!” Fred shouts back nonchalantly as he rewraps his knuckles.
He takes his time getting ready after the game, thankful that the game was at home today so there’s no need to rush to the airport for their flight back. Because he knows that Y/N is always the last one to go home, still new to her job as the assistant manager and eager to please everybody. He also knows that while everyone is in the locker room Y/N is in the rink, checking the bench and bleachers for anything anyone may have left behind. 
When there’s only a few guys left in the showers Fred decides to put his plan into action. He shoves his bag under one of the benches, and yells a goodbye to his teammates as he slips out of the locker room. Moving as silently as he can, Fred makes his way through the tunnel and out into the rink, crouching down as he reaches the opening in case Y/N happens to be getting ready to come that way. He peeks around the corner best he can and a thrill runs down his spine when he sees Y/N over by the team bench. She’s down on her hands and knees as she reaches for something, and Fred makes his move. 
“Jesus Christ,” Y/N shouts as she stands up, surprised to find Fred leaning against the rink watching her. “You scared the shit out of me Fred, what the fuck are you doing?”
“I could ask you the same thing,” he responds, crossing his arms. 
“Doing my job, obviously.”
Fred gives her a look. “That’s not what I was referring to.”
“Well can you just get to the point then? I’d like to finish up here so I can get home,” Y/N huffs.
“My point is,” Fred starts, tone dripping with condescension. “What the fuck were you doing flirting with Cedric fucking Diggory before the game?”
“None of your fucking business, that’s what,” Y/N spits back. “Last I checked I was allowed to screw whoever I want.”
Fred pushes off from the sideboard then, taking a slow step towards Y/N. He’s almost ashamed to admit that a thrill runs down his spine when she takes a step back. “Oh really?”
All the anger seeps from Y/N’s body and is replaced by fear at the tone of Fred’s voice. The look on his face makes her knees tremble as he continues his slow pace forward, her own steps retreating at the same pace. In an effort to distract him she throws the water bottle in her hand as hard as she can, not bothering to watch it hit him. Instead she turns around, trying to make a break for the tunnel.
Except Fred is quicker, not even deterred by the bottle smacking him in the chest he lets out a low growl, and it only takes three strides before he’s grabbing Y/N by the waist. 
“Fucking, bitch,” he seethes, throwing her against the sideboard.
Before she can even think Fred is pressed up against her, pinning Y/N between the sideboard and his body. A hand twists around her hair, pulling hard to yank her head back. “Now you listen to me,” he growls, leaning in to speak against the shell of her ear. “You fuck me and only me, understand?”
“Fred,” Y/N murmurs, voice thick with a mixture of fear and sadness. “Please.”
He yanks her hair, cock twitching at the yelp in pain that leaves her lips. “Guess I’ll just have to teach you a lesson, hm?”
Y/N fights against Fred as one of his hands drops to the waistband of her leggings, squirming in a desperate attempt to get away from him. But his grip on her hair is strong, and his hips have her pinned to the sideboard. “Fred, no,” she gasps, skin suddenly exposed to the cool air of the rink. 
“No panties,” he coos, nibbling on Y/N’s earlobe. “It’s like you were asking for it.”
With her leggings around her knees Fred places his free hand on the middle of her shoulders, pressing down so Y/N is bent over the sideboard. He finally releases her hair, satisfied that his hand and hips will be able to keep her in place. 
“Time for me to show you how a real man claims what’s his.”
Y/N gasps as Fred suddenly sinks his cock in her cunt, hips not stopping until he’s fully buried inside. He barely gives her a moment to adjust to the stretch before he’s pulling his cock out half way and fucking back into her hard. 
The only noise in the rink comes from Fred’s labored pants and his belt buckle hitting the sideboard as he sets a brutal pace. Y/N’s hand covers her mouth, desperately trying to keep quiet in the hopes that Fred will just take what he wants and this will all be over soon. 
“Fuck, fuck,” Fred groans. Y/N’s cunt clings to his cock like a glove that was made just for him, and the slick noise her pussy makes as he moves is just barely loud enough for him to hear. 
“Your cunt is unfucking believable,” he praises. “My cunt - isn’t that right sweetheart?” He slaps her ass hard when Y/N only nods - not satisfied with her nonverbal answer. “Who does this fucking cunt belong to Y/N?”
“You,” Y/N sobs out, willing to give Fred anything he wants. “It belongs to you, Fred.”
“Fucking right it does,” Fred grunts in response, pace picking up as he edges closer and closer to his orgasm. “And I’m going to mark this pretty little pussy up so everyone knows it too.”
Y/N lets out a muffled moan as Fred’s cock pulses inside her, her cunt walls throbbing around him as he fills her up with his cum. Her pussy is embarrassingly wet, and she’s afraid to admit that she would have orgasmed too had this encounter lasted any longer. 
As Fred catches his breath he slowly pulls out, eyes drawn to Y/N’s pussy and the way his cum starts to slowly drip out of it. “Fuck,” he whispers, using his thumb to capture a drop before it falls so he can push it back into her.
Fred tucks his cock back into his trousers and zips up silently, and Y/N is too afraid to move. Her knees are trembling from a mixture of fear and her almost orgasm, and she can practically feel Fred’s eyes as he stares at her exposed pussy. 
“I better not see you talking to Diggory or any other fuck head - understand?”
“Yes,” Y/N responds shakily. 
Satisfied with her answer, Fred gives a curt nod before turning to leave. He gives her one last look over his shoulder before heading out of the tunnel - not even bothering to pull her leggings back up. Bad girls don’t deserve chivalry. 
When Y/N stumbles out of the guest locker room 45 minutes later, skin pink from her shower, Fred is leaning up against the wall waiting for her. There’s a goofy grin on his face, and soon there is a matching one spreading across hers.
“Baby,” Fred greets as she jumps into his arms, hugging Y/N tight. “That was fucking incredible - I’m sorry you didn’t get to finish.”
She pulls away from the hug, giving Fred a kiss on the cheek. “That’s okay - you can make it up to me at home.”
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kxxkiecxre · 2 years
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PAIRING: Jungkook x Reader
SUMMARY: Jungkook doesn’t know what this is, but it all leads him to only one thing, her.
WARNINGS: unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it, no seriously don’t be dumb) y/n is a submissive little bitch (but we love it), Jungkook loves her pussy, oral f & m receiving, tears???, overly jealous kook!!
GENRE: best friends brother Au
Wrote this on a whim while I was on the bus 🫶🏼 this can be read as a stand alone!!
WC: 2.0K
previously… next
TOXIC, that is all this has become. You tell him you need to stop, and then end up tangled in your sheets with him. He tells you this is getting out of hand, and then he’s buried so deep inside you, you can feel him in your throat. This has become everything but reasonable.
He brought you here, with the intention of loosening up, of having fun like you did before, but in all fairness, going back to the way it was with him would be harder than anything in your life. Not when you know how he tastes, not when he’s ruined you for any other man.
You went to fetch some drinks as he stayed at the booth with his friends. You watched him with intent as you sipped on your martini, watching the way his skin glows, the way he radiates dominance. He’s insane. Insanely hot, and insanely jealous, you know that, fuck you know that more than anything, yet here you are. Sat in your pretty little black dress, the glitter contrasting your eyes. You smiled to whatever the stranger said, batting your eyelashes and knew you knew he was watching.
Fuck he knew.
The way you seemed so soft and flirty, so gentle when he knows just how hard you like it, just as rough as he does. He knows the little game you’re playing, and he’s got to give it you, you’re brave. Brave enough to so much as touch the guys arm, and Jungkook had to excuse himself from his friends, strutting his way to you. You could feel the sheer power of him as he reached you, arm snaking around your waist.
“You flirt with everyone’s girl or just mine?” He asked the guy, sipping your martini from your straw.
You are not his, at least not couple wise.
“Sorry man, didn’t know she had a guy” the man apologises, putting his hands up in defence.
“Well now you do, so why are you still here?” Jungkook continued, the glare he give to the poor guy run a shiver down your own spine.
“No need to get pissy dude, just waiting for my drinks.
“Kook stop” you whispered to him, grabbing onto his black shirt, the glitter sticking to your hands.
He licked his lips before downing your drink and grabbing your arm gently, despite the jealousy within his bones. You followed him as fast as your feet allowed you, which wasn’t all too fast considering you’re wearing heels and stumbling.
He reached the male bathroom, looking behind his shoulder once before he dragged you inside, locking the door behind him. You smirked, as he stalked towards you the glint in his eyes the shade of charcoal, black dark and deep, like an animal watching its prey.
You were so ruined tonight.
“You must love getting me riled up baby,” he finally reached you, pressing you just a little more to the wall as he closed the distance between your bodies, “you look so beautiful tonight”.
You said nothing, anticipating every move his rough hands made as they traced your arm raising goosebumps as they followed, “so beautiful,” he repeats, his hand on your jaw, thumb playing with your lip, “you’re make up is even perfect huh”.
His thumb pulling on your lip gently, your hands stuck behind you pressed to the wall by your ass, “too bad I’m gonna ruin it” he smirked.
Without giving you time to catch your breath, he attached his lips to yours.
A kiss full of jealousy and so many unsaid words, a mouthful of sin and bliss as he practically sucked your soul out with only a kiss. It was wet, loud and so hot. His hands tangled in your hair as he held your face, your lips smothered with his own, hot bruised and swollen as he pulled away for a split second to admire his work. Barely catching your breath he leaned in again, this time gently biting down on your swollen lower lip.
Eyes never leaving your lips he mumbles, “be a good girl and bend over the counter yeah?”.
You nodded, heading to the counter with a gasp in your breaths, your reflection in the mirror represented a horny mess with swollen red lips, but god you looked so hot. He’s right, you did look beautiful.
“Pull your skirt up for me pretty, let me see your ass,” he says, his own lips red and swollen as he stood behind you, meeting your eyes in the mirror.
You followed his direction, pulling the already short dress up, revealing your black lacey thong, “fuck baby, always so ready for me hm?” He whispers huskily, palming your pussy as you whimper at the minimal contact.
He pulled the thong to the side, kneeling behind you he admired the way your cunt practically dripped with arousal, glistening under the low light of the bathroom. He kissed it gently, groaning lowly as he sucked onto the left lip. Biting down on your lip to suppress the moan that’s about to escape you, you push a little towards his face, but he couldn’t care what you wanted. He couldn’t care that he should be quick, instead he attached his mouth to the other lip, before running laps up your pussy, smearing his face with your essence but fuck, he couldn’t care. Matter of fact he wants everyone to literally smell it off him, he wants his own scent to smell of you. So that people know you belong to him, and maybe it was nasty, but god he couldn’t care.
Small kitten licks was all he gave you as you whimpered, your clit pulsing and he knew because he could feel it in the tip of his tongue. The pulse bouncing on his flesh, like it had its own heartbeat. Shit he loved your pussy, he loved everything about it. He could never get enough of it, and he might have ruined you for other men, but you’ve ruined him for any other woman.
“Please Jungkook” you begged, at this stage so close to releasing yet so far.
He ignored you, blissfully in his own world as he hooked his arms around your legs, continuing his torturous licks, swirling, sucking and flicking his tongue with the slightest of touches possible, basically ghosting your clit yet it was enough to have you cum, heaving as you let it out but he didn’t stop, no he went back in licking up your cum as if to get the last drop, and as sensitive as you were you didn’t care to stop him. You let him abuse your cunt as he intensified his touch, sucking with more force, flicking more vigorously and you held onto the counter as you moaned, unable to hold it in anymore, his tongue practically wrestling with your clit and you were done for when he sucked on it, the tip of his tongue simultaneously flicking it, and you orgasm again, this time moaning his name.
He admired your swollen cunt again, chuckling to himself before raising to his feet again, and just when you thought he was done, he unbuckles his belt, all while maintaining eye contact with you. Smirking lazily while pulling out his dick.
“On your knees pretty” he whispered in your ear.
And like the good girl you are, you did as he asked. Falling to your knees as you looked grabbed his cock, spitting on the already leaking tip, and spreading it around with your palm. Up and down slowly, from the top to base. Your lips attached to his tip, your tongue licking up the leaking precum, tasting the bitter saltiness, before you took more of him in. Bobbing your head up and down slowly while your hand stayed at the base of his dick, you never gave up eye contact, watching each other mesmerised within one another as you continued to take him into your throat further, eventually letting go of the base, bottoming out as your throat spasmed almost gagging around him as he sucked a sharp breath in, watching you slowly come up for a breath, before you took the tip back into your mouth, your tongue touching that one spot right under the head, he loved it moaning lowly as he threw his head back tangling his fingers in your hair, he looked down at you before slowly thrusting in to your mouth, dragging his dick in and out of your mouth as held onto his thighs, and he knew you were ready.
Picking up the pace he thrusted faster, and faster, reaching the back of your throat as your pussy clenched around nothing, your throat closing up for a split second before easing up, accommodating to his size but not for long as his tip abused the back of it, tears pooled around your eyes and a small gag was what did it for him.
“Fuck get up,” he said hurriedly, breathing heavily, “let me fuck that pretty pussy of yours”
And back into your old position, he eases into gently at first, before thrusting mercilessly, his dick kissing your cervix, you mewled moaned and gasped underneath him, tears streaming down your cheeks as he fucked you like a slut. It was hot and loud, you loved it.
He showed no mercy, thrusting relentlessly as you gasped a strangled and high pitched “fuck”, your hands balled into fists on the counter, your ass pushing back into him as the band in your lower belly threatening to break, his own hands coming to tangle with yours, and with one final stroke you burst, cumming down his dick with a loud shout of his name, “yes baby, let them hear you”.
He wasn’t far behind you, shooting his cum deep in your cervix.
Pulling out of you, he spun you around but not before adjusting your panties and pulling your dress down, kissing your lips gently he leaned his forehead into your own, “keep my cum inside you yeah?”
With another smothering kiss he adjusts your hair, ripping some towels out for you and patting down your cheeks, “you’re okay? I didn’t hurt you no?”.
“If you had hurt me at any stage I would have let you know,” you smirk, balling your fists around his hurt and pulling him in for another kiss, almost like both of you couldn’t get enough of each other despite breeding like bunnies every day, “I liked it”.
“I don’t fuck you for one day and you pull a stunt like that to rile me up hmm? Could have just asked me pretty bird” he tucked your hair behind your ear.
“Don’t ever call me a bird again, you sound like a grandpa”, you snorted, rolling your eyes and exiting the bathroom as he followed you closely.
“Okay birdie, what do you say to going home?” He smirks at you, watching as you return that same devilish smile.
“It’s always going to be a yes, birdy” you mock him, laughing as you follow him outside.
A/N: Srsly wrote this while on the bus smh lol I hope y’all enjoyed this little smut filler chapter or whatever lol.
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storiesbyrhi · 2 months
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Witch!Reader x Bat/Vampire!Eddie Munson Series Masterlist The Grimoire The Timeline
Warnings: canon typical violence, horror genre typical violence/some infrequent gore, swearing, animal death, no beta, death in childbirth (mentioned, not described), abusive parents, suicide, spiders/bugs, grief/mourning; light smut; warnings updated each chapter.
Synopsis: No witch has stepped foot in Hawkins since 1845, but when Vecna opens the ground and poisons the town, a voice begins to call to you. Have you been brought back to this cursed place to heal the townspeople’s wounds, to save a hexed bat that always finds its way to you, or to redefine your history with a reunion 150 years in the making?
Chapter Summary: To build a home. 2888 words.
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When the temperature dropped and a near-constant fog hung low over Hawkins, you were glad, being more of a winter witch than summer. You stood on the peak of a hillside and looked over the vast plains surrounding the town. The mist made everything look ghostly and romantic.
The land had been returned to the descendants of the original Native American peoples who once lived there, but with no immediate plans to reoccupy the space, your new coven had been granted permission to make home on the condition you would oversee its protection.
For the moment, you were alone on the hill. Eddie was hiding from solar rays in the trailer, listening to the radio and writing in a journal he had recently started.
There was a lot to do before your sisters arrived and you wanted it all done by then. You wanted everything to be perfect. The first dwelling of a new coven would set the tone for centuries to come. It was time to build.
The advantages of being magically blessed were many, but you’d always thought enchanted seeds had to be right up there in the top ten. You’d had seven seeds soaking in seven jars over the past seven days.
You’d lined them up and filled them to halfway with moon water. In went a seed each, apple slices, and petals. In Ash’s jar went dahlia petals, while Hailey’s had peonies. Purple mums for Meg. Foxglove for Ev. Mel’s had snapdragons and lucky last, Kelsey’s was filled with delphinium.
Now, you’d fished each seed out and planted it where their cabins, cottages, and homes were to be.
“I plant these seeds,
Where homes will grow,
By moonlight
And good intentions.
In this time,
And in this place,
A coven new
Offers protection.”
You laid on the grass in the shade of an old sycamore tree. Closing your eyes, you let yourself melt into the natural world. Bones became tree roots. Blood swapped for mud. Total harmony. Infinite peace.
The air grew cooler and the shade expanded outwards. Darkness enveloped you and your body slowed as if you were in your final resting place. That’s how he found you; not asleep but not awake.
Eddie surveyed your work. The seeds had already sprouted, grew, and bloomed. Magical in their speed. He picked one of the snapdragon flowers and squeezed the base, like you’d shown him. It opened the flower’s mouth, a tiny floral puppet. Eddie smiled to himself.
You felt their heartbeats before you saw Eddie. Sitting up, you watched the deer and her fawn meander in from the forest. She’d looked at you, poised in question. What is he? Is he safe? Given a witch’s blessing, she let her baby approach Eddie.
He too had heard their heartbeats. Eddie had remained where he was, mindful not to scare them. When the fawn appeared at his feet, he slowly opened his hand to the animal and let it eat the snapdragon from his palm.
“You would know if it was poison, right?” he asked in a quiet voice. The fawn looked up at him, long eyelashes and soft whiskers.
Eddie turned to find you standing close behind him. You were getting very good at sneaking up on him.
“Hi,” he greeted.
“Making friends?”
Eddie nodded.
“Feeding my flowers to them?”
There was an overwhelming feeling that the moment was beautifully preordained – and really, knowing fate, it probably was.
Eddie turned back to the flowers. “I thought you said they would grow into homes?”
“They will. They just need some time alone with the moon… Shall we?” You held your hand out to Eddie.
While you appreciated Walmart’s late night hours, their range of Halloween costumes was less than ideal. You stared at the row of wigs for a while before drifting away in search of decorations. October was a good time to find homewares you’d use all year round.
You were shaking a snow globe filled with little black bats when Eddie appeared in front of you, holding up a vampire costume. “It comes with plastic teeth,” he pointed out. “And a cape,”
You snorted. “Is that your pick? Because generic vampire would be very meta of you.”
He smiled but shook his head. “I don’t think this would put the humans at ease,”
“Probably not. So… something more friendly?”
“Yes. More… normal,” he said in a way that made ‘normal’ sound taboo. Eddie’s gaze wandered from you over to the back corner of the store. He handed you the vampire costume then walked away without further explanation.
You frowned, watching him go. Looking down at the costume in your hands, an idea sprung to mind. The red cape. You returned to the wigs.
A little later, Eddie was waiting for you when you came out of the fitting room with a white dress. You glanced at the jeans and long-sleeved blue polo top he was holding.
“I need a cat,” he told you seriously. “The children in the toy aisle are…”
“You’re afraid of them?”
“No. I’m afraid I’ll eat them. Come. Restrain me if you must,” he announced dramatically, loudly. The Walmart employee at the fitting room door gave you a concerned look as Eddie grabbed your hand and dragged you away.
Both your endeavours were successful; Eddie found the necessary prop in the plush toy bin, and you raided the craft section. With a few other odds and ends in the basket, you were ready to head home, arriving at Forest Hills just before midnight.
Eddie carried the shopping inside, leaving you to unpack and get started on your project while he brewed tea for you. He had been practicing with flavour combinations and brewing times, constantly requesting feedback since he himself could not drink the tea without immediately throwing it back up. The best he could do was let it linger on his tongue and capture the taste in the few seconds before his dead mouth killed it.
“You should sleep soon,” he insisted, albeit softly.
You took the mug of tea he held out and smiled at him. “I will. I just want to organise this stuff,”
“Why are you making it? Could you not cast some sort of illusion spell? Or magically will all the pieces into the shapes you want?”
“I could. But where’s the Halloween spirit in that?”
Eddie nodded and began to go through his costume pieces. “Could you possibly spare a spell for a pair of my boots? They need to be brown, I believe,”
“Didn’t want to just buy some brown boots?”
His frown was bordering on pout. “I’d never wear them again.”
You laughed.  Eddie had been developing his own sense of style. If style was beat-up combat boots and a ratty denim jacket he probably stole from someone in the city. Consistently though, he wore a lot of black.
“I’ll work on it,” you agreed with a nod.
An hour later, when you kept pausing mid-sentence to yawn, Eddie whisked you off to bed, tucking you in and wishing you sweet dreams.
“You going to sleep too?” you asked, meaning ‘do you need the bat spell?’
“No, my love. I’m hungry,”
“Walmart kids wet your appetite?”
He chuckled, always amused when you made dark jokes. He kissed your forehead and watched you fall asleep, then left Hawkins in search of violence.
The next day, Eddie waited for the last of the light to leave the porch before he stirred. He’d spent hours curled up in one of the many nests you’d built for him around the trailer. The nest on the porch was as soft as his fur and perfectly positioned so he could sleep in the sun all day.
When night fell, cool and calm, he flew inside and found you in the bath. You said the words with your eyes closed, letting a human-shaped Eddie settle on the tiles.
“You’ve been gone for hours,”
“I was just outside. These may be the last fine days we see this year,”
“My baby sunshine bat,” you cooed with a smile, waking yourself up to look at him.
You had woken that morning to Eddie curled around you, satiated and happy. He asked to be battified, then disappeared outside. You’d spent the day working on your costume.
Eddie rested his chin on the edge of the bath, shamelessly raking his eyes over your body. “I miss you when I’m not near you,” he said suddenly.
“I thought you were just outside,”
“I was. Even then. Even sleeping. It’s too far.”
You held a hand up for him to take. Tangled fingers. A warm pulse against cold skin.
“Maybe we should stitch our bodies together,” you whispered.
Eddie’s lips curled into a devilish grin. “I could just bite down and never let you go,”
“I could cut you up into itty bitty pieces and consume you entirely,”
“You’re starting something you cannot finish,” Eddie warned, his eyes growing dark. He untangled one of your fingers and held it between his teeth.
“I’d let you eat me whole.”
Eddie dropped your hand abruptly, pulled you from the lukewarm bathwater, and had you wrapped around him like a koala before you even registered movement.
“I will reach my hand into my throat and tear down until I find what is left of my unbeating heart. I will serve it to you and you will feast and we will become one.” His voice was earnest and emphatic.
Teeth clenched, you smashed your forehead to his and pulled hard on his hair. Maybe you said what you needed him to do out loud, maybe he read your mind. Either way, you were facedown on a mattress within a second, Eddie’s teeth and tongue scraping and licking up the backs of your legs.
“I…” he started.
Words separated by kisses.
By bites.
Like a recited spell.
Well timed magic.
He was at your hips.
Pushing beneath you.
“Out of you.”
Little witch…
Little witch…
His voice was in your head.
In your dreams.
Then, real.
“Little witch, my love? You wanted to check on your flower houses before the night is through,” Eddie said. He was right. That had been the plan. But the sun had set, he’d taken you to bed, and you’d lost hours with him. When did you fall asleep?
Slowly, you crawled from bed and checked the time. Midnight had only just left you. Heavy, sluggish movements. Weighed down by an unscheduled nap. You flopped back onto the bed.
“Do you need help?” Eddie asked as he came to stand in front of you.
Pouting, you nodded.
You watched him collect fresh clothes, ruminating over what he wanted to see you in. Eddie pulled you by the ankles to the edge of the bed, hooking underwear on and sliding them up. Still foggy with sleep, you felt like you were still rolling through a dreamscape. Eddie worked slowly. Sensually. With tenderness. It almost brought you to tears.
With your shoes laced up, there was no reason left to delay. You twinkled your fingers at Eddie, asking to be lifted off the bed. He acquiesced, leading you out of the bedroom and through the trailer.
On the car ride to the new coven, with your Moody Midnight mix tape playing loud, you watched Eddie out of the corner of your eye. He wound down the window and glided his hand through the fall wind.
As the flowerbeds came into view, Eddie’s mouth dropped open and an expression of pure delight lit up his face. He was out of the car before you cut the engine.
The seedlings had gone. In their places, beautiful buildings set apart from each other with enough space to grow gardens and vegetable patches, yet close enough to wave through windows.
Kelsey’s cottage was the first on the street, a warm welcome with shutters the shade of delphinium blue. It seemed small, unassuming, but you knew as soon as she moved in, she would charm it so it grew bigger and bigger on the inside, never changing on the outside. Eventually, as the coven embraced new members, Kelsey would take on housemates, her little cabin becoming the heart of the sisterhood.
Across from the cottage were Ash and Hailey’s cute tiny homes, their dahlia and peonies growing strong out front already. Down the way sat Ev’s Victorian style house. It was grand and gothic, and undoubtedly filled with secret nooks and spaces that Ev would hide all sorts of weird things in. Both Meg and Mel had dwellings on the far side of the field. Meg’s thatched roof a bright purple, and Mel’s garden already sprouting with plants she could feed her turtle.
“This is… It feels…” Eddie didn’t know what to say. Truthfully, he couldn’t believe this type of magic was allowed. It seemed too immense, too obvious.
“I know,” you told him. “We don’t always build like this. But I want them to feel at home, you know? I want this all to feel… right.”
Eddie nodded, finally stopping his awestruck pacing, and focussing on you. “They will love it,” he assured you. “I love it… It’s…” Still, not a single adjective would form. He looked over the buildings again. “Wait… There is not… You have not grown a home for yourself?”
“For us,” you corrected.
“For us… Please don’t tell me you intend on dragging that trailer across town?” Eddie joked. Half joked. There was clear apprehension in his tone. A little fear in his eyes.
You laughed. “No. I don’t intend on doing that… It’s just, you know, we haven’t talked about what kind of home we want.”
He couldn’t maintain eye contact, turned back to the houses, watching them as if they were going to continue to grow. They wouldn’t, of course. Not with an audience.
You let Eddie ponder while you walked the perimeter of the field. The land the coven would care for extended far beyond the little neighbourhood you’d grown from petals, but the air was already crackling with magic. Out in the forest over the hill, a family of red foxes were jumping and playing. Bats swooped through the sky and fireflies carved patterns through the dark.
Eddie sat on the doorstep of Ev’s Victorian. He listened to your heartbeat. How, when other living things came close to you, their breathing synced to yours. Leaves twisted in your direction like you were the sun. The center of everything. Definitely his.
You were almost out of his eyeline, crouched down scratching the belly of a fox cub, when you went still. For a moment Eddie thought you’d sensed or seen danger, but quickly you were up and turned to him. “You do want a home, right?”
In an instant, he was in front of you, the breadth of the field nothing to him. “Why would you ask that?”
“Because. Like I said. We’ve never talked about it.”
Eddie’s brows pulled together and his expression so sharp it could have been mistaken as anger, rather than the abject confusion it was. “Everything I have ever said has been about you. Loving you. Getting this far,”
“Yes. Yeah. But logistically… Vampires are nomadic. And all the time taken from you. You don’t want to see how the world has changed?”
The foxes had gone, unnerved by the thing that wasn’t human or witch. The breeze had settled, the trees providing a windbreak. Eddie saw through your line of questioning, tracing it back to the niggle of anxious thought settling in your brain. His face softened, then the beginning of his trademark smirk.
Eddie threw himself onto his knees at your feet, twisting his hands in the layers of your long, black skirt. “I am bound to you. Where you are, is where I am.”
You couldn’t help but grin. His dramatics wouldn’t distract you though. Dropping to your knees you looked at him seriously. He laughed.
“Eddie. You have been trapped in Hawkins for a hundred years. I’m not going to be the next witch to keep you here,”
“You want to know what I desire, in the deep, dark, catacombs of my soul?”
It was rhetorical, but you nodded.
“What do you picture me having done between 1586 and… well, you? 250 years of stillness? No, my love. I have seen the world. I know what is out there. It may have changed, but it will change again and again. I don’t want the world. I want you. I want to know you when you’re happy. I want to see you build this coven. Grow plants. Heal human ailment and cast witch magic…” Eddie tipped his head to the side a little, cocky as ever. “Logistically we should consider blackout blinds and room for books, not international travel.”
You wore that glazed-over look, drunk on the articulation of Eddie’s love. “You want a library?” you asked, voice coming out in a dumb whisper. Eddie nodded. “Me too. Maybe two… One for fiction and one for non-fiction,”
“Maybe three. Fiction. Non-fiction. Then, one for grimoires and other craft books.”
The foxes watched on from burrow doors. They still didn’t know what he was, but as long as he was with you, they’d leave him be.
End Note: Thank you to @jo-harrington for, well, the cannibalism.
There is a short playlist linked in this, little witch's Moody Midnight mix tape. I hope you like it.
There are a lot of people on the tag list that I have no idea if they read this story anymore. Feedback and love are deeply appreciated. xo Rhi
P.S. I hope you love your witchy homes @vintagehellfire @courtingchaos @pastel-pillows @ghost-proofbaby @kookygranger @toomanyacorns
Fic Taglist:  @paranoidmunson  @idkidknemore @paprikaquinn @stardustworlds @loz-brooke @wyverntatty @vintagehellfire @dark-academia-slut @scarletwitchwhore @becks1002 @mrsdollardog @heyndrix @luceneraium @rosaline-black @devilinthepalemoonlite @goldencherriess @iamwhisperingstars @wiltedwonderland @blueywrites @breezybeesposts @jadehowlettthewolf @spikesvamp79 @foreveranexpatsposts @tortoiseshellspells @wingedpeachjudgegiant @stardustmunson @live-love-be-unique @fangirling-4-ever @reanimated-alice @b-irock @gh0stlybunnie @myown-worstenemy-2003 @woozzz @cyberxlust @hiscrimsonangel @buckysbarne @m00nlight101 @word-wytch @spicysix @briasnow-blog @goth-cowgirl-03
All Eddie Taglist: @solomons-finest-rum @ruinedbythehobbit @sweetpeapod @thorfemmes  @corrodedhawkins @grungegrrrl @lilzabob  @averagemisfit03 @ches-86 @ilovecupcakesandtea @onehotgreasymechanic @hazydespair @mel-the-fangirl @eddies-hid3out @siren-lungs @aheadfullofsteverogers @hiscrimsonangel @dashingdeb16 @cultish-corner
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rentsturner · 8 months
You're a Sinking Stone - AT
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Professor!Alex Turner x reader
Summary - Alex is acting strangely in class, you make a rash decision, a punishment goes wrong and angst ensues. Don’t like it = don’t read it. 18+ only, please read the warnings
Warnings - daddy kink/daddy issues, teacher-student relationship, Alex being mean, Alex fucks up, Alex is a hypocrite, nipple clamps, punishment, bdsm undertones, subspace, bad experience with subspace, jealousy, insecurity, miscommunication, pain kink, use of safe word, serious aftercare, pet names, angsty conversations, cuddling.
a/n: Ok so this is a JOINT piece written with my bestie @martinipoliz. We both contributed to this, I just have the privilege of posting it. She is an amazing writer and I think everyone should you check out her other AMAZING fics. Send her some love. We've been working on this for weeks, it means a lot to me. So thank you for reading!
Usually, class with Alex is the highlight of your day. Spending a few hours sending each other flirty
looks and admiring how animated he becomes when explaining a topic he is passionate about is something that you love.
But today, it’s not the same as usual. You’ve done something wrong, and you really don’t know what. 
Alex is ignoring you, completely ignoring you. He’s never been this dismissive before. Your shy eyelash bat doesn’t work on him. Even your puppy eyes, which usually have Alex melting, has absolutely no effect. You really don’t understand what his problem is, he hasn’t mentioned anything to you and now he’s acting like you don’t even exist, you may as well have not turned up to class. 
Your last straw is when you tug on the end of his suit, a common affectionate gesture between the two of you, but Alex just pulls his hand away and brushes you off like you're nothing. That’s when tears start to form in your eyes,  you let your gaze fall back to your desk.
“Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry,” you mumble, gripping your pen dangerously tight as you try to avoid looking around as much as possible, especially trying to avoid the sight of Alex. Your mind starts racing through all the things you had done that day and you wonder where you’ve gone wrong, but nothing comes to mind. Perhaps you are forgetting about something. Perhaps you said something bad that got you into trouble and now he – you don’t even want to think about it, just the thought of upsetting Alex edges you closer to tears.
Then, you turn slightly to the left and see Alex praising another girl in your class. He’s bent over her shoulder, smiling brightly as she asks him questions, a complete contrast to the dismissive gaze he’d sent your way earlier. You don’t even want to attract Alex’s attention anymore, it makes  you feel pushy and clingy, and it’s just turning your mind to chaos, too many emotions fighting for space. A haze begins to descend onto you. 
As the tears begin to fall, something inside you snaps and you do something irrational. You get up and walk straight out of the class. 
You leave your books and pens sprawled out across your desk, walk past the other students gazing curiously at your shaking form and slam the door behind you. You can’t see Alex’s facial expression but you can imagine the shock spreading across his features. Never have you done something so insolent. 
But as soon as you lock yourself in an isolated toilet cubicle, you can tell you are already in subspace. You want nothing more than to be cradled and babied and held by Alex but clearly, he was too busy praising another girl to even pay attention to you – and it hurts. Your mind is swimming in confusion, thoughts and emotions clashing and whirring, you want the ground to swallow you up. 
After many deep breaths, the emotions in your head began to streamline, just a little, into something that feels a lot like anger and resolution.  
You pull yourself together and head back to the classroom, ready to just get on with the work, but Alex has already dismissed the class and is waiting by your desk, arms folded, glaring at you. 
“What’s gotten into you?” he quirks a brow.
“What’s gotten into me – no, what’s gotten into you,” you jab a finger his way accusingly, another wave of tears already forming in your eyes. So much for your resolve. “I don’t – I don’t know what I did to – to deserve this treatment but i would very much a–appreciate it if you just tell me, da–”
“Enough,” Alex snaps, unfolding his arms from his chest as he stands straight and tall, fixing the tie around his neck. “I don’t want to hear it. Go to your next class, and I expect to find you later in the bedroom naked and kneeling on the floor, alright?”
Your lips quivered. He didn’t even hear you calling him daddy. He doesn’t understand, he won’t even look at you. “But–”
“That mouth will seriously get you into further trouble, little one, so I suggest you shut it.”
You sit through the rest of your classes like a zombie, barely even concentrating on the work being set. You’re still trying to run the past few days through your head, trying to figure out where you’ve gone wrong, but again come up with nothing - the past few days have been domestic bliss living with Alex in his flat. The fog descending on your mind again doesn’t help you focus either, it’s like running through thick mud in the pouring rain. Eventually you give up and completely zone out for the rest of the class. 
When you finally leave, you consider going back to your flat, but then decide to head to Alex’s instead and follow his instructions. You’re already in deep shit, you don’t wanna piss him off any further. You at least want to plead your case and show him that what you did back in the class was justifiable and hopefully have the voice to ask him to consider your actions.
You trudge alone back to Alex’s house with blurry vision, shaking, partly from the cold and partly from the ache in your heart. You can only hope that pleasing Alex will make things right, so once you’ve unlocked the door (with the spare key Alex had cut for you) and kicked off your shoes, you head up to the bedroom. You strip and fold your clothes neatly, the way Alex likes it, and take your familiar place at the foot of the bed. The sensation of your bare knees on the plush carpet helps to ground you. You close your eyes and wait.
The click of the front door breaks you out of your daze and alerts you to Alex arriving home. You hear him fumbling around with keys and then the clang of a glass before his footsteps finally echo up the stairs. 
His figure comes into view - his suit jacket must have been discarded somewhere downstairs, now he only wears his white shirt, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, veins prominent along his pale arms. He holds a glass of whiskey in one hand. His dark eyes meet yours, and you see then he’s in the same mood as earlier. 
“Have you been crying?” 
You can only sniffle, then nod your head.
“Well, that’s too bad. Looks like you’re going to be crying more tonight.”
Alex throws the amber liquid down his throat in one easy gulp, then sets the glass down firmly on the bedside table. He reaches down to the top drawer - your ‘entertainment’ drawer. 
When his hand pulls back from the drawer, some dangling slivers of metal come out with it. The anticipation of what Alex might do to you sits heavily in your stomach and you crane your head to get a better look at what’s in his hand. Fuck. Nipple clamps. You shiver at the mere sight of them. You’ve only used them a few times before and, sure, they made you feel amazingly sensitive, but it hurt like hell at the start. 
The thought of the pain about to be inflicted on you makes your pulse race in excitement, but you also doubt if you can take it with everything that you’ve already been through today. Really, all you want is for Alex to hold you and tell you you’re ok, that he never meant to dismiss you or shout. You heave in a deep breath, trying to make sense of the emotions clouding your head. It’s so hard to see through the fog. 
You’re tempted to end it there and then, before the scene can go any further, but out of desperation to please Alex, you remain silent. You choke back the sobs threatening to spill, and you obediently keep your hands behind your back as you kneel silently on the floor. 
There’s a beat of silence when he stops in front of you, letting the metal clamps dangle in your line of vision for no reason other than to taunt you, and you swear you almost fail to keep your tears at bay when you hear him chuckle at the pitiful sight of you.
“Think those nipples deserve to be clamped tonight, don’t they? For the shit you pulled earlier, I think you deserve  much worse than nipple clamps, but as I’m feeling so kind and generous, I’ll just do this instead.”
Alex’s mean words don’t help your situation at all. 
You let the mask slip a little bit when a sob escapes from your lips, but it’s ignored by Alex, who’s now settling down to kneel in front of you. You’re both in the same position, kneeling opposite each on the floor, but it’s so obvious who’s in charge here. Alex hasn’t even taken his loafers off, whereas you’re entirely stripped, only the chain that Alex bought you to match his adorning your neck. Your gaze lowers to Alex’s crotch, a tent becoming increasingly obvious in his pants. 
His free hand moves to grab one of your breasts, running his calloused fingertips over your nipple, coaxing it to get harder. He leans his head down before running the flat of his tongue over the same nipple. You gasp at the sensation, your eyes widening as Alex then takes your bud between his teeth and nips, before running his tongue back over it. 
“Got to get these nice and hard for me, so responsive, you love this, don’t you? You fucking love me punishing you,” he mutters around your skin as he repeats the treatment on your other breast. 
You whine helplessly, arousal pooling in your stomach, mixing with the fear and anticipation.
Finally, Alex pulls back from your nipple with an audible pop, his eyes even darker than before. Your teary gaze meets his and for a moment you think he sees you, sees how quickly you’re dropping, how much you need his love. You’re so caught up in his stare that you fail to notice his hand bringing the clamp up to your chest. As the metal clips harshly around your first nipple, you scream.
You almost get up from the sheer pain, your hands flying up from your back to hold Alex by the arm, so desperately needing his  support, but he harshly pulls his arm away, “Bad girls don’t get to touch. Hold still.” 
He clips on the second clamp quickly, before giving both of them a firm tug, making sure they’re secure. A jolt runs through you as he does so, going straight to your cunt, and straight to your head and that’s when you let the tears fall. It’s all too much, you don’t know whether to moan or scream again. Instead you just sob pathetically and shake your head, trying to avoid Alex’s inscrutable gaze. 
If you weren’t so stressed, confused and deep into subspace right now, you would be turned on by the sheer humiliation and pain from the nipple clamps, but right now you just can’t. 
Your hands itch to pull the metal away but your lips only quiver, knowing you can’t do anything but endure it. Your face is wet with tears, and you’re already drooling down your chest from the way you’re sobbing hysterically.
Your mouth opens to speak, but before a word even comes out, one of Alex’s hands flies to tap you on the cheek. It’s not hard, but it’s firm enough to make you sink deeper into subspace. You let your gaze just fall back on the floor and try to let your head float away. 
The pain your nipples are feeling is immeasurable. Your fists curl tightly into your lap, but that only makes Alex chuckle. “Aw, you’re mad at me, baby? You’re mad at me for punishing you like this? Like you deserve?”
Every word just cuts deeper into the already open wound in your heart and sends your mind spinning further into chaos. You can’t stop your head from shaking in disagreement.
“No, you know you deserve this. Fucking swearing at me in my classroom? You think you’ve got the upper hand now, huh, baby? You think you can just walk out of the room and have me worry in there for the rest of the hour? You think you’re in control now? Well, just in case you’re forgetting, baby, I’ll gladly show you who’s really in charge now.”
As Alex goes to unbuckle his belt, your eyes go wide. The sound of the metal clanging together sends your mind into even more panic, wondering what the fuck he’s going to do.
One, he’s going to fuck you until you cry even more. Two, he’s going to belt your arse until you won’t be able to sit properly for the next week. 
These options that would usually have you weak at the knees and dripping wet, are sounding just - awful. They both sound awful. You can’t do this, not in your current state of mind. You just want a hug, you just want Alex. 
Your Alex.
Your head cranks up to finally let the word tumble out of your mouth, out of pure fear and pain.
“Peaches, Daddy– peaches, please, p–peaches – I don’t want – I don’t want anymore, Daddy, peaches –”
As the words repeatedly slip out of your mouth, Alex’s face drops. Shit. Now he sees, now he realises that you weren’t playing, you weren’t winding him up on purpose, that all this time you were upset and in subspace and now he feels so guilty, so awful for not noticing. His heart just sinks.  
Alex’s hands go to pull the clamps away immediately, not caring about gentleness, just knowing that you need them off, right now. He drops to his knees to grab you by the arms, letting your head fall forward onto his shoulder as another wave of tears comes crashing down. This time, you don’t hold them back. Alex knows he can’t panic, not when you’re in pain like this, when you need him to help you, but as he looks at your pure state of desperation, eyes glazed with tears, whole body shaking, too deep into subspace for him to just be able to pull you out with one snap of his fingers – Alex’s heart drops to the pit of his stomach.
“Baby, baby, shit–”
“Daddy, peaches, please – please, don’t want i–it anymore, Daddy, I don’t want it –”
“It’s okay, baby, I got you, I got you –” he says breathlessly, pulling you into his chest as he buries his face in your hair. “Daddy’s got you, baby, I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry – Daddy’s sorry, okay? I didn’t – I didn’t mean it, baby, please –”
Never once in his life has Alex stuttered, but right now he can’t care less. Right now all he cares about is you. 
You pant and cry into his chest, soaking his dress shirt with your tears but you’re too far gone to care. The emotions that have been building up all day finally pour out of you. 
Alex holds your shaking hands in his larger ones, rubbing your skin gently with his thumbs, back and forth, back and forth, the familiar rhythm calming you a little, but you’re still sobbing and hiccuping into his chest. Alex is really worried now, the guilt churning in his stomach, regretting his lack of care earlier. He wishes he could take it all back now, he really could. He never meant to hurt you. But it’s too late.
Alex pulls away slightly and you grab onto his shirt in panic, trying to bring him back to you, but he shushes you gently, placing one strong hand under your thighs, the other holding you to his chest. In seconds, he picks you up and walks you to the bed, setting you down carefully by the pillows, lying down and letting you curl into his chest. 
“It’s ok, baby, it’s ok now, I promise.”
You still don’t have the strength to talk, all you can do is let a whimper slip out of your mouth. Alex presses kisses to your hairline, then a kiss  to your nose, then your cheeks. When he pulls back and you look at him, you think you can see tears in his eyes, but you can’t be sure what you're seeing through your own blurry gaze, tears still trickling slowly down your cheeks, so you ignore it. A small voice in the back of your mind tells you that Alex must still be annoyed with you. You bury your head back into his chest. 
“What do you need, baby? What do you need me to do?”
“Just – just hold me, Al, please, sir, need you to hold me.”
Alex pulls back, unwrapping his arms from you, and you look up in horror – you just told him that you need him to hold you, and now he’s moving away? But then you realise he’s hurriedly undoing his shirt buttons and pulling the material off his shoulders, before standing up to pull off his trousers, shoes and socks, until he’s left just in his boxers. 
You sigh in relief. He does know what you want. 
As he pulls you back into his chest, you breathe in his familiar scent - woody, spice, smoke and Alex. You relish in the feeling of his warm skin against yours, letting him wrap his arms around your shaking form. 
“I’m here, love, I’m right here.”
You feel his heartbeat thud in time with yours, fast and rapid from panicking from the use of your safe-word. You must’ve scared the shit out of him, but then again, he scared the shit out of you too. 
You two stay like that for a moment. Head on his chest and arms wrapped around his torso, and the heat radiating from his body calms you down to a different level you can’t quite put your finger on, but it’s calming and it's Alex and that’s all that matters. 
“You okay now, baby?” His deep voice snaps you out of your headspace and you feel his large hand carefully threading through  your hair. “Can you take deep breaths for me, darling? Can you do that?”
You slowly peel your head away from his chest. You’re calm now but still hiccuping from the sobs earlier, so Alex takes a hold of your hands in his, engulfing them whole in his palms. 
“Okay. Take deep breaths with me, alright? You follow me, hm?” Then he sees that familiar glint in your eyes when it takes a second for you to nod and it shows that you’re still deep in subspace. Alex sighs softly. “Baby. Can you hear me, baby?”
You only nod again, eyes feeling droopy and heavy, and Alex frowns.
“What do you need to do?”
“Deep breaths, daddy.”
“That’s right, good girl, you take deep breaths with daddy, alright?” He praises you in a soft voice, a small smile creeping its way on his face to know that you’re still listening despite your head being somewhere else. “Alright, let’s do this. You ready?”
Seeing your small smile as you nod is enough to bring reassurance to Alex. 
“Inhale,” he says, and you obey, taking in a deep breath. “Exhale.”
You breathe out slowly, still hiccuping, but no longer shaking. 
“Good girl, you’re doing so well.” Alex’s small smile encourages you to keep going, breathing in and out. Alex grabs your hand and splays it flat against his chest, so you feel his chest rising and falling in tandem with yours. “I’m right here, yeah? Right here.”
Alex lets you breathe slowly with him for a few minutes. He’s no longer panicking, but he is worried – how did he manage to misread the situation so badly? It’s not like he hasn’t ‘punished’ you before and you’d both agreed before that it was something you both enjoyed. But today went wrong, badly wrong. 
Now the fog is clearing from your head a little, each deep breath in and out helping ground you a little, along with the feel of Alex’s hot skin pressed against yours. You feel a rumble in his chest as he speaks.
“Baby? You back with me yet?”
“Yeah, yeah,  I think so.” You look at him the best you can while your bodies are still squashed together. His face looks pained, the stress lines on his forehead more pronounced than usual, his eyes dull. 
“Yes, darling?” He knows what’s coming.
“Why–” You have to stop and take in another deep breath. “Why did you act like that before?”
Alex sighs and rubs a hand over his face. 
“I’m so sorry, baby, I really fucked up, I really did. I saw you talking to that guy, the one that you used to go out with and I just –”
Ryan, that guy. He approached you earlier in the hallway to ask for your opinions about his paper, and you didn’t think twice of agreeing. He’s a nice guy, really, and you respect him for that. But you still can’t ignore the fact that he still tries to shoot his shot with you despite turning him down several times.
You two shared a past, sure. You agreed to go out with him several times in your first year, but only because you were naive and desperate to experience what going out with somebody feels like, and Ryan was the first ever guy to make that dream of yours come true. But one thing led to another, you realised that you two just aren’t… compatible.
You didn’t have anyone after Ryan, not until Alex came in the picture. 
You respectfully broke whatever was happening with Ryan then, but even now he still struggles to hide his feelings whenever you’re near – and really, you’re flattered. Even though he knows that there’s no chance of getting back together with you, he still tries. 
Like earlier, for example.
He ran into you in the hallway, arm around your shoulder and bodies close together. He was showing you his paper and asked for your opinions, and you really didn’t think much of his gestures other than being friendly. Ryan was always like that, touchy with everyone, and you aren’t an exception.
“You really outdid yourself with this one, Ry,” you had smiled, patting him on the shoulder as he held up the papers in front of you.
“Thanks. I learned from the best, you see.”
His fingers went to pinch your cheek lightly and you froze. Not because of the action, but because in the corner of your eye, you saw Alex standing still outside of his classroom, hands inside his pocket and staring directly at the two of you.
You couldn’t see his face or his expression so you didn’t think much of it, but if you were to see it, you would’ve known that his face held a snarl and he was fighting every urge to stalk towards you and pulled you away from Ryan’s grip.
Disgust, is one way to put it – what Alex was feeling in that moment. Disgust, then anger. He was already pissed about certain things; the amount of essays he had to mark and pressure on him from the governor’s board, and seeing you getting smooched at by another guy made him want to bash someone’s head on the wall.
Specifically, Ryan’s head.
But then again, Alex is a teacher, and Ryan is a student – so are you, but you’re not just any student – and he can’t really pull a student aside and whack him on the head for flirting with his fucking girlfriend.
You realise now what had happened, though, you just wish that Alex would’ve told what the problem was earlier rather than making you figure it out yourself. 
“But, Al, we were just talking about homework, and you know what he’s like, so touchy with everyone. You know I wouldn’t ever–”
“I know, love, I know you wouldn’t, but I just saw it and it went straight to my head, I couldn’t stop thinking about it and I just got so…so angry. I shouldn’t have, I know, but I did. And then I was so caught up in my own emotions, I didn’t see how uncomfortable you were. I’m sorry, so so sorry.”
He buries his face into your neck, letting out a strangled sob. You run your hand through his hair soothingly, before tugging it a little to get him to look at you. His gaze meets yours and you know then that he really is sorry, you can see it from the pain in his eyes.
“It’s ok,” you whisper, Alex goes to protest but you place a finger on his lips, shushing him. “Honestly. It’s ok now. I can’t say I haven't ever felt that way watching you talk to other girls, so I know how you felt. But please just. Don’t do that again. Be so dismissive. I hated it.”
“I know, I realise that now, I’m so sorry. It won’t happen again. Ever. I’m sorry.”
You chuckle quietly. “You’re gonna have to stop apologising at some point, you know? I forgive you.”
Alex gives a small smile and you’re relieved to see his eyes have brightened a little. “Can I make it up to you another way instead?” His hand reaches up to stroke through your hair gently, teasing out some of the tangles and smoothing them down. 
You reach up to plant a kiss on his cheek. “I can think of many, many ways that you can make it up to me, don’t worry about that.”
You both giggle, Alex’s hands moving down to your sides to tickle you playfully, but you slap his chest gently before it can go too far. 
“None of that now, I just want to cuddle.” You pout at him, giving him your best puppy eyes.
“That I can do, darling.” Alex murmurs with a smile, pulling you back into his chest with strong arms and tangling your legs together. He pulls the blanket up over the both of you, making sure you’re tucked in comfortably.
Alex hooks his chin over your shoulder and you  nuzzle happily  into his neck with a whine. All is well again.
thanks for reading, hope yous enjoyed :)
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joels-shitty-puns · 7 months
The Snacks of Us
Pairing: No-Outbreak!Joel Miller x Reader
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Summary: Texas-native Joel finds out you've never been to a Buc-ee's and needs to fix it immediately. That's it.
Warnings: Just fluff! Kisses. Pet names.
Other stuff: Reader is addressed as her, but most other descriptions are avoided. Joel is taller than the reader. Can be read as plus-sized, but not mentioned.
Word count: 1.1K
I went to Buc-ee's today and my imagination ran wild. Do with this what you will lol
"Whaddya mean y'ain't never been to a Buc-ee's?" Joel asked, incredulously.
"Joel, I'm not from Texas. How the hell would I know what Buc-ee's is?" You replied.
"Y'don't even know what it is!? That's it. Grab your purse, darlin'. We're gettin' you to a Buc-ee's." 
"Have you noticed your accent slips out more when you're all worked up about Texas things, Joel? It's cute."
"No, I haven't. Now, let's go. You're gonna love it. It's the biggest gas station y'ever seen." His eyes grew wide and he demonstrated the vastness of Buc-ee's with his arms.
"Wait… it's a GAS STATION? You're taking me to a gas station for our date?" You raised your brow at your boyfriend.
"Just trust me, darlin'. You'll love it." He pulled you by your hips and placed a kiss on your reluctant mouth.
You sighed. "Hmm… fine. But can we at least get lunch while we're out?" You batted your eyelashes.
"Course. What do you think we're doin' at Buc-ee's?" He winked.
"Joel!" You gasped. "I am NOT eating some shriveled up gas station hot dog that's been sitting out all day." Your mouth gaped open and you crossed your arms.
"Just trust me!" He grabbed you by your waist, hoisting you over his shoulder.
"Joel!!!" You squealed, giggling and smacking his back. "Put me down! You're gonna hurt your back! I'm too heavy."
"Please, sugar. You weigh less'n my work equipment," he smacked you on the butt.
You scoffed, "yeah right."
Joel set you in the passenger seat of his truck. "Well, y'are. At least until we fill y'up with some beaver nuggets," he winked, giving your belly an affectionate pat and closing the door.
"Beaver nuggets???? Joel! What is that?" You laughed as he rounded the truck toward the driver's side.
Joel pulled the truck into the Buc-ee's parking lot. 
"This. Is.. a gas station?!" You stared, mentally counting the amount of gas pumps and eyeing the giant building with a large beaver on the wall.
"Told'ya to keep an open mind! Let's go," he hopped out of the truck.
The two of you walked in and your mind was blown. They had everything, all with a cute little beaver on the label.
Buc-ee's chips. Candy. Cookies. Fudge. Sandwiches. Coffee. Every soda imaginable. Beaver nuggets, which Joel grabbed two bags of.
He pushed a cart as you ran around like a kid at Christmas. "Babe! Look at this cute little Buc-ee plushie!"
"I know, darlin'. I told'ya you'd like this store." He smiled affectionately at you. You tossed the stuffed beaver into the cart.
"Whoa, whoa, Sugar. Our house can't hold many more stuffed animals, it's practically oozing fluff as we speak."
"Oh shush, Joel. I need him," you said while throwing two sets of matching Buc-ee pajamas in the cart.
"Two?" He raised an eyebrow, looking at the tags.
"One for you. One for me," you kissed his cheek, skipping merrily toward the hoodies.
Joel shook his head, too lovesick to object to the matching flannel pajamas covered in cartoon beavers.
An older gentleman walked past Joel and gave a look from Joel with the cart, to you holding up several hoodies and comparing. "First time?" The old man laughed.
"Unfortunately," Joel rolled his eyes, laughing. "I underestimated her shopping ability when I decided to take her here."
"Been there," the old man pointed to an older lady, presumably his wife. "I'm Arthur." He shook hands with Joel. "My wife Marlene and I have been comin' here for years and she's the same way." He looked at her lovingly. "You two remind me a lot of us when we were younger. You make a lovely couple."
Joel smiled and looked over at you, where the older woman, Marlene, had walked up and began talking to you. Your smile lit up, and the old lady clapped her hands together once, excitedly helping you decide between two sweatshirts. Your eyes found Joel and you both shared a smile. 
Joel looked back at the old man and grinned. "Thank you, sir. She's definitely a keeper." The old man patted Joel on the shoulder, leaving to meet up with his wife and kissing her on the cheek as they walked away.
You scampered over to Joel, holding up both hoodies. "I couldn't decide, so Marlene suggested I get both," you giggled.
Joel rolled his eyes, unable to stop the smile on his face. "Alright, throw 'em in the cart. But we better get outta here before I have to take out a loan."
"Thank you for taking me here, baby. I had a lot of fun, and I'm sorry I gave you a hard time earlier," you pulled his collar, lowering his face so you could kiss him on the lips.
"Anytime, sugar. I'll never get tired of seeing that smile." He kissed you back, rubbing his thumb across your cheek.
"Now, whaddya say we go grab a couple sandwiches and sodas, then head back and watch movies in these matching pajamas the rest of the day," Joel suggested.
You nodded excitedly, thrilled with your boyfriend's willingness to participate in your shenanigans. "YES!"
Joel headed towards the checkout counter, struggling to reel you in from looking at more merch. He already took out a large deposit for the ring hidden in his dresser drawer, and this was easily going to cost at least a hundred more.
The two of you walked to the truck, him smacking you on the butt as you climbed in the passenger seat while he held the door open. Shaking his head, he thinks back to the older couple. How Arthur said you reminded him of them in their younger days. Sitting in the driver's seat, he smiled at you, taking in your features.
"What?" You asked, giggling and running your hand through the curls by his ear. 
"Nothin' darlin'. Just thinking about us and how much I love you," he smiled.
"I love you too, Joel" you pressed a kiss to his lips, running your hand down to his neck and pulling him in deeper.
"Thank you again for today," you grinned, pulling away.
"Anytime, Sugar. There'll be plenty more where that came from," he replied, stealing a quick glance at your empty ring finger. Maybe tonight will be the night, he thought.
"Think we'll ever be like Arthur and Marlene?" You asked him, taking a slight risk at the question of your future while interlacing your fingers with his right hand.
He looked over at you, kissing your knuckles. "I hope so, Sunshine." He kissed your ring finger. "I hope so."
So anyway, yeah I might have a problem lol. But I hope you liked this. Let me know what you think ❤️ thanks for reading.
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catnipaddictt · 2 months
Too sweet
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wc: 1.9k
series masterlist ⭑ co-creator @memoiich
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Anakin's wakes slowly, eyes blinking open at the soft light coming through the half closed curtains. He looks to the side of his bed at the same clock from his childhood bedroom. The red letters read 10am and suddenly he was alert and terribly late. His momentary panic came to a close when he realised what day it was; Friday. Over the years he had worked at MustaCar his talent had gained him a lot of privilege. One of those he was granted was a shorter working week than the other mechanics. Deep down he knew that it was because the shop couldn’t afford to pay him for a full week, but he ignored his suspicions. He technically didn't have to work Fridays, but he always ended up anyway. Even if it was unpaid, he basically owed his entire life to the garage, meaning he could go a day without pay. If he could help out with the other projects, his fellow workers could be paid quicker. 
Rolling out of bed, he took a quick shower which was definitely too hot before pulling on his work overalls and heading over to the garage. Upon arrival he made himself a mug of coffee before going to nose at what Ahsoka was doing. 
“Girl, you are running late again” Ahsoka sasses at the young man when she sees him. “Sorry queen” he replies without thinking and proceeds to physically cringe. Ahsoka chokes on a laugh before pointing at the engine of the car she is working on. “Can you look please” she asks, batting her eyelashes dramatically. Anakin gives her a look of disapproval before pairing at the car in front of him. He squints while adjusting something. “If you keep looking at things like that, you are going to go blind prematurely” Ahsoka points out only for Anakin to push up his metaphorical glasses. 
Someone in the distance yells for a bit of help and Ahsoka dashes off to their rescue, always wanting to be involved. Leaving Anakin alone with the car he twists something and continues to investigate the source of the problem. He is so concentrated that he doesn't notice the fluffy animals perched on the edge of the car as it stalks over. The loth cat brushes its tail over Anakin's face as it walks by slowly, causing the mechanic to spit hair out of his mouth.
Looking up at the creature he sees its eyes piercing into his own face close to his. It makes a sound before butting its head against Anakin's, silently asking for attention. “Why hello there” he says before getting reminded of someone he doesn't want to think about. He reaches out a hand to scratch the loth cat under its chin, making the animal hum in appreciation. Its sandy fur stands out almost the grease and grime of the MustaCar workshop, but it remains untainted by the grit. “What's your name huh?” Anakin asks. Clearly the animal didn't belong to anyone, it was definitely malnourished and in need of shelter. 
It made another sound of indifference before rubbing itself over Anakin’s face. “You look hungry, let me see” he rummaged through his pocket before pulling out some sort of processed jerky stick. Un wrapping it, he pulls off a chunk and offers it to the animal, taking his own bite of the stick. The loth cat sniffs at the meat before taking it out of Anakin’s hand happily. He gives it the rest of the stick before looking around at the now empty garage. It must be lunch time. “Hey what's one more friend” he shrugs before picking up the creature gently and carrying it out of the garage.
He hears Ahsoka say something similar to “what in the world” as he walks past the people sipping their coffee. He then sees the main man himself, Palpatine chuckling softly at the sigh before he joins him in walking. “New friend I see?” he says looking at the loth cat which snarls in return. “You could say that,” Anakin replies. “Make sure you take good care of it, it will make a loyal friend” Anakin nods in return. Palpatine leans in and speaks in a hushed voice even though there is nobody in earshot; “These are dark days Anakin, we need all the friends we can get.” And with that he says his goodbyes and walks back to his office. ‘Interesting’ is all Anakin thinks as he makes his way over to his residence. 
Unlocking the door, he knees it open before stepping inside and shutting it. He walks over to the small laundry attached to the bathroom, placing the loth cat on top of the washing-machine. He grabs a spare old blanket and a cardboard box, then gets to work. After a few minutes he had constructed a sort of animal bed complete with cushioned blanket. Perfect. He sets it down in the living space, the loth cat following behind him. It sniffs around the room before settling down on its new bed. Home sweet home.
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You woke up to the engine of a motor outside of your apartment complex. Knowing it was Saturday and you didn’t have any plans, you rolled back over and tried to fall back asleep. Only to be met with the ringing of your phone. You grabbed your phone only for the Home Screen to flash alive for a second or four and then die. From the second look you got, it clicked, today wasn’t Saturday, it was Friday. Your last workday, Friday. 
You rushed out of bed and got ready. Before you could leave, the com rang. All the coms were connected to the downstairs, so you didn’t know who was calling. “Hey, with y/n?” You answered questioningly. “I’m picking you up to go to work” you recognized the voice as Maul’s. You were about to respond but he hung up. 
You ran down the stairs. When you got to the parking lot, you saw the red zebrak leaning against his bike, helmet under his arm. “get on” he stated. “Oh no that’s fine, I have got a car now” you answered. You were fiddling with your hands while you answered. “ You don't have to be nervous, plus that beat up thing will get you there late... again" he said with a smirk "my bike will pass the traffic“ he finished it with a wink. “that's nice but I don't have a helmet and I don't want to die“ as the words left your lips, Maul moved to the side revealing a second helmet .  
You also got a better look at the moto. It was a Kawasaki ninja 400, which was oddly in red. The helmets were both also red with black detailing, yours also had little horns on top matching mauls. You were looking at those when a question came to mind. “How do you wear a helmet?” Instead of telling you how to, he picked up the helmet and put it on your head Taking extra time and care to click the lock into place.
“Let's get going“ you said, the unexpected touch of Maul was a bit odd but safety first.
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Obi Wan's morning was quite peaceful, especially since his last two nights had been horrible. Boga had woken him up a little earlier than normal, she was probably hungry so he gave her food. Qui Gon jinn was going to drive him to work, he had about 2 hours to kill. He took a shower. When he got out, he realised that it had been a while since he trimmed his beard. Obi Wan was astonished by how good it looked afterwards, to be fair he always thought so afterwards. 
He got dressed and was surprised by how good he looked. He had always been a bit self conscious but today he felt great. He prepared his work bag and petted boga a little before going outside.
Shaggy rolled up to his front yard near the selling sign. Qui Gon Jinn walked out of the van and pulled obi wan in a hug. “Morning” Obi Wan greeted. Qui Gon and obi wan got into the car. 
Qui Gon closed his door and said “are you still in a funk?” Obi wan couldn’t help but roll his eyes at the comment. He was referring to yesterday, after Satine's call he just couldn’t quite collect himself. He wasn’t mad and he couldn’t call it jealousy either. “she doesn’t owe you anything you know “ “I know and it isn’t that“ okay he might have been a bit snippy at his friend now. He had made the mistake of telling qui Gon about it and he definitely wasn’t forgetting about it. “plus i think you’re a real catch“ obi wan let out a bit of a giggle. Qui Gon was only a few years older but to Obi Wan he was always more of a dad. 
Then an idea popped into his head .”hey Qui Gon, could we pick up y/n ?” Qui Gon gave him that 'oooh' look. “Just as a nice gesture, you know" Obi Wan added way less smoothly than he had hoped. “Of course, of course, only a nice gesture." Qui Gon could not keep from glaring at Obi Wan. He blasted 'weird fishes' just a bit louder as he drove over to her apartment complex.
“TURN THE MUSIC DOWN I NEED TO CALL HER" Obi Wan yelled over Radiohead. He typed in her phone number and called only for it to go to voicemail 3 times. “Maybe you should just go to her com when you get there,” Qui Gon said with a sympathetic look on his face. “I do not need your pity, old man" Obi Wan said back. Qui Gon faked pain for a few seconds before, “alright then” he laughed sadistically and went back to blasting his music.
The mood quickly turned when they pulled up only to see y/n on the back of Maul's black and red Kawasaki, holding onto him for dear life. It was unmistakably his. He even had the same S.A.D sticker on the side.
“I’m sorry” Qui Gon stated after letting out a long sigh. “No you're right Qui Gon, she doesn’t owe me anything" he looked out of the window and for one of the few times in their friendship Qui Gon let him have a moment. He turned down his radio and lined up in the packed traffic. The motorbike was already far ahead.
 Maul parked the bike in the parking lot of Paperforce. You stepped off and strangely had to catch your breath. Motorbikes were definitely not for you. It only made you miss Shelby a little more. You should visit her after your day of work. You could also walk there, which was good. That way you could ditch the murder-machine behind you. 
Maul reached for your chin and unbuckled the helmet. “You liked that, didn't you?” He asked “ miss my car” was all you could say, you giggled a little and Maul's annoyed face. You weren’t surprised when he just walked off. 
You ran up the stairs behind Maul but he didn’t wait. You went to sit down behind your desk in the lobby and were pleased to see that you were on time. However what did surprise you was that Obi Wan wasn't in front of you. You looked around trying to spot him. Yesterday, he was acting a bit different than before so you hoped he was alright. 
As if on cue, Obi wan and Qui Gon walked in. “Morning” you greeted. “Good morning to you too" Qui Gon stated “you’re on time” he said. “Maul gave me a lift, but I'm afraid that bikes aren’t quite my thing" you said with a sheepish smile. Obi Wan saw an opportunity, ”would you like to drive home with us?” He finished with a dashing smile. You noted how good he looked today. “I would love to” 
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ariundercovers · 1 year
Choke on It - Dark!Joel Miller x Reader
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Pairing: Dark!Joel Miller x Reader
Summary: (AFAB reader) takes place post-TLOU. They’re both members of the Jackson community, often put on patrols together. Reader has a penchant for destruction and rage, especially in the face of self-preservation. Sometimes, they just want to be able to let go.
Word Count: ~2.8k
Warnings: explicit 18+ graphic depictions of sex and violence. dubcon, choking, breath play, degradation, skull fucking, spitting, forced blowjobs, idk. It’s dark. Kinda a hate fuck? They like each other tho. Semi-established/FWB situation.
a/n: PLEASE HEED WARNINGS. Joel is not a nice man. Y’all, its dark again. Please heed the warnings. Maybe this is where I live now. (No, I don’t – I’ll never get enough of writing fluffy Din fics.) Not a lot of plot. Mostly porn. At least partial credit for this one goes to @ezras--moon! We had a blast working on a VERY similar scene with two other characters, and I woke up this morning with thots, so I needed it to be full-length.
Enjoy, you filthy animals.
This fucking woman.
She was one of the most vicious and notorious members of the patrol in Jackson: the first one they sent out when there were murmurings of a group of raiders, or big trouble past the walls. And he was fucking infatuated by her – always had been. From the day he met her – all grumpy eyes and deep mistrust – something in him always drew him to her.
He looked over at her on the horse just a few meters beside him, sunset framing the shape of her face from behind. It could’ve been one of those super expensive pictures in a museum, he thought. A fucking Michelangelo, or a Bernini, or whoever those old famous artists were that they learned about in high school. Hadn’t thought about them in at least two or three decades, probably wouldn’t think about them again.
The two of them were peas in a pod, really. They ran on the same wavelength – self-preservation, protecting the ones they held close, and a total lack of trust for anyone outside of their inner circle. Joel was all too happy to lean into it, lean into whatever this was with her, especially now with the way that Ellie looked at him like she hated him – his last lifeline connecting him to something more human, severed. She was the last thing for him to grapple onto that gave him any sense of human connection outside of his brother. He took every patrol he could with her, every task in Jackson that would allow him to work near her, with her, in earshot of her, in view of her.
He was a goner, really. That stupid little perfect ass of hers, the way her lips puckered when she spoke. The curve of her breast, the way the scars littered her stupid, perfect face. The devious look in her eye when they went on patrol, when she got herself in trouble – and then, of course, the way she killed things: infected, clickers, raiders, without even the slightest hesitation. The way she shot her rifle without batting an eyelash, sunk a dagger into her enemy’s eye socket without a second thought. The way she let herself just kill, with reckless abandon.
Oh, and kill, she did.
There’s a glint in her eyes that he catches sometimes – it’s fierce, brutal, kind of like the fire he can watch travel under her skin at the smallest hint of danger ahead. It’s like watching lightning strike a tree – explosive, frightening. It all plays a part in why Joel just couldn’t keep her out of his mind. Her presence was all-consuming to him in a way that he couldn’t manage to slip out of. He was bound up in her talons like a falcon’s prey.
It’s her voice – not Joel’s -  that eventually fractures the silence between them as they move along their scheduled patrol route.
“Sun’s almost down, we should set up camp for the night. I’ll take first watch, you get some rest.”
He glanced over at her, intrigued. Even the way she commanded things to him – something he wouldn’t take for a second from anyone else – thrilled him. A spark shot down between his legs as he thought about taking that from her, shutting her up and making her follow his own rules, instead.
Their camp for the night is just an outcropping of stone with a few closely spaced trees – they’ve used it before. It’s a small fire and a couple sleeping bags and a flask of Tommy’s shitty home-grown alcohol, held tight to his chest. It’s the silhouette of her damn gorgeous body on display for him, lit up by the flames, just for his viewing pleasure. “I know you’re awake, Joel. Stop staring and go the fuck to sleep.”
How could he possibly sleep? He was too busy thinking up all the ways he could touch her and disassemble her right now.
“Can’t just do that, darlin’.” His voice is gravelly when it comes out, partially due to lack of sleep and partially due to the arousal he’s been trying to fend off since they started their patrol this morning.
“Yeah, you can, Joel. Shut the hell up and close your fuckin’ eyes.” The eye roll she gives him is magnificent – makes him suppress a chuckle in the back of his throat. He sits up, glaring at her, and he slides sideways out of his sleeping bag.
“Now why the fuck would I do that, sweetheart, when you’re jus’ sittin’ there lookin’ good enough to eat? When I could be using that perky little body of yours for whatever I wanted?” His words are laced with something salty-spicy-sweet, cutting her deep while he praises her, catching her off guard.
She blinks back at him a few times, taken aback by his forwardness. He’d never been this direct before – she always had to coax it out of him, convince him it was a good idea, that they should let off some steam with each other every once in a while.
It was threatening. And thrilling.
He stands, slowly, and his movements are labored now that those joint just don’t work the way they used to anymore, but his eyes are back on hers in an instant, glaring daggers right into her soul. She’s sitting on a downed tree a few feet from the fire, and as he stalks his way around it to breech her personal space, she can’t help but recognize the gushing feeling between her legs. This was a different Joel than the one that usually came on patrols with her – a kind of Joel that she always thought he had in him, but he’d never let himself show.
“Yeah, Joel? Not sure you have it in you to make that happen.” She doesn’t move from her spot, perched on the edge of the log with a rifle strewn across her lap. Her eyes stay trained on his, not backing down even an inch, and her body stays relaxed, calculated – unafraid. The taunt is deliberate, teasing the waters of whatever this version of Joel was willing to put up with.
The toes of Joel’s boots click against her own and he crouches down in front of her, eyes still trained on one another with snipers’ gazes.
“That a challenge? I don’t think you wanna challenge me right now, darlin’. I’m feelin’ all kinds of ways about that mouth ‘a yours.” Her eyes narrow at him and she stands, slowly, dropping the rifle into one hand.
“Real cocky for a half-deaf almost senior citizen with two bad knees and a fuckin’ savior complex.” His hand jolts out before his brain has a chance to choose otherwise, wrapping around her neck instantaneously and squeezing – not enough to completely cut off her air supply, but enough to make her feel it. Her hand that’s not on the rifle comes up to claw at his forearm.
“Fuckin’ watch it, sweetheart. I am not in the mood.”
She blinks back at him and smirks, still cocky even with the hand wrapped around her throat starting to squeeze tighter with each passing moment. “Do your fucking worst, Joel. You. Don’t. Scare. Me.”
The chuckle that comes out of his throat is dark – maybe even sinister. His eyes narrow at her and he inches himself closer until their noses are almost touching.
“My worst, sweetheart? You’re gonna regret that. Almost feel sorry for your fuckin’ throat.” He uses his grip on her neck to push her down, dropping her hard onto her knees as she looks up at him with hooded lids. Releasing her throat, he runs his hand through her hair before fisting it in the locks tied up at the crown of her head. He uses the leverage to yank her head backward at an uncomfortable angle that throws her off balance – she’d fall right over if he let go right now.
A wicked smirk comes over his face as he reaches down with his free hand and unbuckles his belt, then his pants, pulling out his already hard, leaking cock. Her eyes widen just slightly, always a bit shocked by the size of it, and he uses the grip in her hair to inch her mouth closer to the tip.
“Open your fuckin’ mouth, sweetheart. Couldn’t keep it closed a minute ago.” He pushes the tip just past her lips and she lets her jaw drop, taking him in as his width stretches the muscles in her jaw.
He’s not kind about it – he slams her head down onto his cock so hard she’s sputtering and gagging at the bottom end, no chance to adjust to his size. The hair in his hand becomes the reins he uses to rock himself into her at a violent pace. Her hands instinctively rest at his thighs, nails biting into the jean-clad flesh as she gags and chokes at every thrust. He pulls her off him and watches as her saliva remains in strands – connecting her to him even while she isn’t touching, running down her chin like she just bathed in it. Her breath comes out in pants, trying to catch it before he makes his next move.
This was what he was aching for, he just didn’t know it until he had it in his hands. Needed to see her this fucking wrecked because of him, messy and broken. He’d break her more tonight – this was just a crack in the outer shell. Letting out a quick puff of air, his smile is sinister when he offers her his next command.
“Deep fuckin’ breath, darlin’.”
He watched her take a few short breaths and then a particularly large one. At the top end of it, when he could see that her chest cavity was full, he forced her mouth back down onto him as far as she can go, holding it tight to his pelvis so she couldn’t move.
“20 seconds, now.”
The nickname sears her as she blinks back the salty tears that start to fall without her permission. Her nose is buried in his pubic hair and the cock in her throat is so deep she can’t swallow, can’t even gag, really, and definitely can’t breathe. She has no other choice but to hold her breath while she’s locked onto his cock like this. Her grip on his thighs increases as the tears in her eyes start streaming more steadily.
And then, finally, he starts counting.
“1… 2… 3…” His grip on her hair is legitimately bruising – skin stretched over her skull to the point of pain. It’s like he’s ripping the back of her skull off while simultaneously pushing her down and it makes the gears spin in her brain faster than she can process them.
“6… 7… 8…” She looks up to him and his eyes are locked on hers. If she could form a coherent thought in her brain right now beyond breathe, breathe, breathe, she’d realize he was watching her closely – the way she flinches, how her throat spasms around him, the twitching of her body as she struggled for oxygen he so expertly deprived her of.
“12… 13… 14…” He’s not rocking his hips into her mouth, luckily – at least not yet. He’s just holding steady, actively pushing in with his hips and his hand in such a way that it made it impossible for her to get any semblance of relief.
“18… 19… 20.” He yanks her head back from his cock and she sputters around him, gagging as he finally pulls himself from her throat. Her muscles spasm and contract from the abuse, breath shaky and panicked. Coughing, her lungs burn as they fill back up with air, and she’s not sure what’s saliva and what’s saline tears on her face anymore.
“Another one, darlin’. Breathe.” Joel watches closely while the muscles of her neck expand and contract, waiting to see that big breath he needed her to take. At the peak of it, he pulled her hard onto his cock again, burying her nose into his pelvis bone, even a fraction deeper this time, and starts to count.
“1… 2… 3…” She was just so damn pretty with so many tears rolling down her face - eyelashes clumped together, face a shiny mess of bodily fluids. He watched the way her eyes were getting redder as the tears came more freely this second round, enraptured by the way they turned bloodshot, illuminated by the warm glow of the campfire.
It was just so lovely.
“9… 10… 11… 12…” This time, he started rocking his hips now, pushing a bit deeper where he could. Strategically, he thrusted only about an inch at a time – still deep enough to cut off her airway completely but giving him the satisfaction of fucking into her throat at the same time.
“18… 19… 20.” In truth? This was like watching a star explode around his cock - this usually powerful, dominant, no-fucks-to-give woman with a penchant for violence and decimation everywhere she went reduced to rubble in his hands, putty on his cock. He ripped her head back off of him once more and groaned at the way she sputtered out immediately, coughing as tendrils of saliva broken splashed back and forth onto his dick from her mouth, chin, and neck.
“Breathe, darlin’. So fucking beautiful for me. You’re such a fuckin’ whore, so wrecked on this cock.” She caught her breath, a panicked look in her bloodshot eyes as she met his again, holding a hand to her throat. “Don’t worry, sweetheart, ‘m not gonna make you do that again.”  He squeezed her jaw tight in one hand, letting go of her hair with the other. Fingers dug into her cheeks, he could feel her teeth through the thick flesh as he pinched her cheeks together, as her hands scrambled up to cling to his wrist, pleading for him to stop, to keep going, to move faster, for something. She didn’t even know what.
“You did alright. Gonna make you count to 30 for me next time, though.” He steps up toward her and spits on her face, her eyes and mouth wide open as his saliva makes contact and mixes with her own. He rubs it in roughly with his free hand and pushes her away. Off balance, she falls back onto her heels, and she turns over onto her hands and knees as she continues to heave and cough, spitting on the ground below. He crouches over her again, his chest now inches frond her back, and he whispers darkly.
“Gonna fuck you like the whore you are, now.”
A shaky breath catches in her throat as she composes herself before lifting her head and turning it back to him, meeting his eyes while still trying to heave breaths back into her lungs. She smiles wickedly, teeth bared. That glint is in her eye that gets him every time.
“Do your fuckin’ worst, Joel."
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onceuponaoneshotfanfic · 10 months
A Shot of Jealousy
Part of my 900 Followers Celebration!
Request: So I am absolutely OBSESSED and in love with your writing! If you're still doing the Roy Kent (because there is NOT enough of that man) could I get a Roy x Reader and ❛ i’m not jealous. ❜ all the fluffy angst!
Roy Kent x Reader
0.7k words
Warnings: Language, drinking, suggestive references
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Keeley had insisted on going out to a club to celebrate your birthday. You’d agreed, but only if Roy came. Your boyfriend had rolled his eyes, grumbling something about old men looking stupid in clubs, but once he saw the tight little outfit you planned to wear, he quickly changed his tune.
Getting Roy to the club was accomplishment enough. You didn’t bother asking him to dance; that’s what Keeley and the Greyhounds were for. Roy was content to sit at the bar and watch you enjoy yourself, ready to hand you a drink when you approached him for a breather and a kiss.
He didn’t mind seeing you dance with the Greyhounds. They were always respectful and kind to you, mostly because that was just how they were, but also because they all held a deep fear of Roy. So, no wandering hands or eyes, no grinding close, no whispering flirtatiously in your ear. Just dancing and laughing, the perfect way to spend a birthday with friends.
Knowing you were tiptoeing into drunk territory, Roy turned to the bartender to ask for some water, figuring he should get you to drink at least a little so you wouldn’t be too miserable in the morning. When he turned back around so he could wave you over, he frowned at what he saw.
No longer on the dance floor where he’d last seen you with Isaac, you were standing by a table where a guy- probably a good ten years younger than Roy- was pointing at the birthday crown Keeley had given you as you nodded, all friendly smiles. The guy waved over a passing waitress, who quickly disappeared and came back with a pair of shots. You toasted with the guy, took the shot, and high-fived him before pointing in Roy’s direction, still cheerful. Roy felt a sort of smug satisfaction when he saw the guy’s grin falter, but that feeling disappeared when he caught the guy watching you walk away.
Roy still wore his frown when you sauntered up to him, looking almost sickeningly in love with the gaffer as you looped your arms around his waist.
“Having fun?” you asked, oblivious to the tightness in his chest as he lazily returned your embrace.
“Are you?” he answered, hoping he sounded like a supportive boyfriend and not a jealous prick.
You nodded, planting a kiss on his scruffy chin, too tipsy to bother finding his mouth. “Of course.” Your eyes, simultaneously tired and animated, studied his face carefully, taking in his flushed face and clenched jaw and narrowed eyes. You glanced over your shoulder to follow his gaze, realizing he was glaring at the man who’d just bought you a shot, the man who was now pretending he didn’t notice Roy fucking Kent giving him the death glare.
“Roy-o,” you purred, turning back to your boyfriend. “Are you jealous?”
“What?” His gaze snapped back to you, no longer murderous but definitely still tense. “Fuck no. I’m not jealous. Why the fuck would I be jealous?”
Pushing down the urge to giggle, you shrugged, all fake innocence as you batted your eyelashes at him. “That’s too bad. If you were jealous, I’d have to get you home and prove to you why you never have to be jealous when it comes to me.”
His grip on your hips tightened, eyebrows raised. “In that case, I’m quite fucking jealous. Probably going to need a good bit of convincing.”
Before you could make another flirty comment, Keeley appeared, eyes sparkling. “Come on, you two, the guest of honor is required on the dance floor again.” She pried your hands from Roy’s body, tugging you away.
You looked up at Roy “Dance with me?” With your eyes wide and lips barely parted, Roy knew he couldn’t say no.
Sure enough, his eyeroll was full of affection as he left his spot at the bar. “One dance. Then I’m taking you home so you can show me why I never have to be jealous.”
But Roy knew it wouldn’t be just one dance. Just like he already knew, deep down, that he never had to be jealous, not with the way you looked at him as he held you close on the dance floor.
Even so, you had to admit to yourself- seeing Roy Kent jealous was a damn good birthday gift.
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itstheghostofmypast · 11 months
Simp For You
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Five x (f)Reader
Genre: Angst + Fluff
Requested by: @imherefortea (birthday request)
Summary: Perhaps she had read one too many novels and classics, while romance was not part of the agenda, a hero was, one that would bring her a bouquet every morning, sing to her every night and love her for eternity. Emotions and love were mere signs of weakness, or at least qualities upheld by fools- Five Hargeeves was no fool, both logic and rationality were his tools, yet, for her, neither functioned properly. Yet, neither were willing to let up their beliefs nor were the two willing to let up on one another.
Word Count: 6k+
The thing with feelings and emotional representation were not attributes Five was against, but he felt the need not to express them to or for anyone. Especially since he had decided to travel back in time to proceed with saving the world- the only addition to his plan was Y/N, someone he had met back at the commission.
Although their first encounter was not when he had noticed her, in fact, he pretty much ignored her- not intentionally, but because she was part of the insignificant, someone who was just supposed to correct the timeline and hand him the files- do all his paperwork.
On the other hand, Y/N was unable to 'ignore' him, for the encounter that he considered as their first meeting was not their first meeting for her actually. In fact, before him being introduced to Y/N by the Handler, the girl had been saved by him a few days back, as such;
Today had been a shitty day at the commission, more paperwork, more mistakes to correct, more bad coffee- ew just ew, her entire day was ew. Not the best choice of adjectives but it was true, to top it all off, as she was walking to her residence -a cozy little apartment a few miles away from the Commission building- it began to rain. No, mother nature had perhaps tipped a bucket load of ice-cold water on her. Maybe it was the screams of the falling droplets or her blurred vision, but she was unable to hear the blaring horns of the bus driving right at her as she crossed the street. Much like every animal, she remembers freezing and staring at the bright white lights waiting for the angel of death to pull out her soul before the immense pain could hit her system. Fortunately for her, a second before she made contact with the metallic giant a flash of blue blinded her, after which she felt like she was being spun at unimaginable speed. 
"You okay?" Her eyes snapped open at the stranger's -good-looking stranger's- voice. She could sense an undertone of concern in his question, though his expressions showed more anger than concern of any kind. Perhaps because she was still in his arms and had shown no signs of moving.
"I- Uh-"
"I don't have time for this." he sighed before setting her down, patting his coat and looking around, "Try to look both ways while crossing the road, and oh- the pavement is used by pedestrians, not the damn road." with that and a flash of blue he was gone, leaving an everlasting impression on her. This was technically how they had met, not that he remembered, she believed he just needed her to remind him, he was a clever man after all. 
Unfortunately, even after THREE YEARS of working with the dunce he had not even batted an eyelash at her, let alone have a whole ass conversation. No hint, no comment, no compliment, nothing had made him even glance up at her from the paperwork she handed him before every mission. By the end of the third year, she had practically given up, he was no knight in shining armor sent to pull her away from her mundane life, he was not her Zorro or Hercules- three years of simping after a man who probably doesn't know her name gone down the drain, what a waste.
Perhaps that was what fate was waiting for all along, for her to stop trying. 31st December, New Year's Eve, a night where everyone gathers around, parties hard, does questionable things in the name of celebration, and often wakes up hungover the next day- starting the new year right. Y/N however, was never made for such loud parties or rowdy crowds because they were annoying and just stupid and she had no one to share her new year's kiss with- there it's been said, and honestly as pathetic as it may sound, it was the truth, the haunting thought that would linger at the back of her mind, but on occasions like these, it would come prancing forward to knock on her door every few hours. 
Metaphorically speaking, or so she thought because when there was an actual knock on the door, she glanced at the clock, 10.59 PM- she wondered if she had attracted a murderer to her apartment. Placing the bowl of raw cookie dough on the coffee table and pausing a rerun of her favorite sitcom she pulled on her cardigan, shivering at the cold air that her blanket had been protecting her from for the past few hours.
Opening the door she came face to face with what an author could describe as the most 'annoyed' face in the world. Five Hargreeves in the flesh, standing there in all his suit-cladded glory, frowning at her, eyes boring a form of annoyance that could scare off just about anyone, but she wasn't just anyone. She was his filer, his desk worker, his partner- which was exactly why when he found a mistake in the file she had left at her desk for him, he decided to go ask the slacker if she would prefer to quit herself or have him report her to the Handler.
"Mind explaining this?" he slams the file in her chest, as she caught with an uff, "Thought you were better than the rest of the slackers," huffing he stuffed his hands in his pockets, before looking around at the apartment's door frame then the corridor then peaking over her head as she read the file, into her apartment- simpleton. He thought to himself before glancing back at her, watching her mumble to herself as she read each line, her eyebrows knitted together as she licked her bottom lip, a habit of hers, something she'd do when she was concentrating. The first time he had noticed it, he had thought she was flirting with him, much like the many other desk freaks did, which led him to turn even colder to her, only to realize after a while that this was a habit, rather than an antic to get into his pants. Nonetheless, he was still irritated by her carelessness-
"Where did you get this file from?" She asked, totally confused.
"From your desk. You left it for me there-"
"No...I didn't, you had no missions for today and...I took an off today, did you not...notice?" she trailed off at the end with a defeated sigh, handing the file back to him, and giving him a tight-lipped smile.
"Why would I notice that- who put it on your desk then?"
"Probably the person who wrote it." sighing, arms crossed she leaned against the doorframe.
"Not that you noticed the change in writing style either, this was written by Beatrice." She motioned towards the file, "It's in a faded beige file and it's typed in black ink. I type in blue ink and use black files or envelopes unless we're sending it to you through the pipes. My guess is she had a date with her field agent, considering he does know she exists and thought of putting it on my desk, knowing you'd probably pick it up and the train engineer is supposed to have a heart attack before the express mail train slams into the other upcoming one, he doesn't fall asleep. If I'm correct you or well Brian- Beatrice's field agent was supposed to induce a heart attack, enabling the tragedy of Ogden, Utah to occur." 
"Oh." was all he could manage to say.
"Indeed, Oh." with that she straightened up and nodded at him, "Happy New Year, Mr.Hargreeves." before closing the door, only to be stopped by his hand as he pushed it open. 
"Wait, but what about- you need to come to the Commission and file this correctly."
"What? No, are you kidding me?"
"Clearly, I am not, the timeline is important-"
"Not really, time is irrelevant here." She shrugged, "And anyway, it's her file, her fault, just slap it back on her desk and-"
"I'm not asking, I'm telling ya!" He snapped at her, causing her to flinch, biting her lip to hold back the rush of emotions, she had never imagined him using such a tone with her, let alone yelling at her. She took a small step back, shaking her head slightly, staring at the floor, the angelic, god-like image of him shattering in her mind. Not only did he not recognize her work, but also thought she'd make such a mistake, and he had the nerve to come up to her apartment and yell at her.
"What is the matter with you?" he groaned, checking his wrist watch, "We don't have much time-"
"What's my name?" she muttered, catching him off guard.
"I said, do you know my name?" she asked, tears threatening to fall at any given moment as she glared at him through glassy eyes.
"What is the point of that question, of course, I know your name, it's -" he paused, thinking to himself before shaking his head at something and blinking away with a flash. 
Sighing in defeat she finally closed the door and went back to her couch, wrapping herself in the warm, heavy blanket. Three years of working together, of writing his reports for and after the mission, adding a small 'tips' section and sometimes maps of areas he could rest or eat at just because she thought that's what a good partner would do- three years of time wasted on a partner who didn't even bother learning her name.
Jolting awake at the sound of something falling followed by a hiss she fought off the blanket that had somehow put her in a chokehold. Finally managing to push it off she gasped for air, only to lock eyes with forest green hues, emitting a, "WHAT THE F***"
"Happy New Year to you too."
"Well, I came to tell you I had to file the report myself, no thanks to your stubborn ass and complained about Barbra or whatever."
"Also, Y/N, what kind of fool do you take me for?" He asked, sitting crossed as he side-eyed her while watching TV.
Frowning at his question she scooted further into the corner of the couch, "So ya read my name of the file-"
"No you desk worm. I've known your name since day one." He sighed, turning to look at her cocooned form, feeling somewhat guilty as trailed off, "Just didn't realize how useful those tips were."
Her ears perked up at that little compliment, instantly threw off the blankets, and stood on the cold floor, hands resting on her hips as she let out a smug huff, "Well then, guess we learned something today, didn't we?"
"That you're a lonely worm? I already knew that though." 
"You can be mean sometimes Mr.Hargreeves," she muttered looking at the screen and then at the clock, it was an hour past midnight, what a way to start the new year.
"Anyway." Getting up he patted the invisible dirt of his clothes, "I'll see you at work tomorrow, and I prefer if you call Five. Mr.Hargreeves makes you sound like a gold digger." Before she could react he blinked away, sowing the seed of a relationship that was soon going to blossom into a full-blown field.
The best thing to come out of that weird night was that much to everyone's amazement, Five had begun to warm up to his  'desk worm'. More importantly, he would sit at her desk after missions, as she wrote the report. Usually, he'd be drinking his coffee, watching her type, pitching in a few details from time to time, and earning a comment from her. Many, including the Handler, had tried to eavesdrop on their conversations, for getting Five Hargreeves to say or talk in any decent manner was next to impossible.
Herb had forgotten his wallet at work, so decided to head back to the Commission. Naturally, he had expected the place to be empty, minus the security guards, but was amazed to enter the workplace to find Y/N laughing at a Five who seemed to have been glaring at her, face flushed. So, like any nosy little office worker, he hid behind the wall to listen to them.
"I did not save you."
"Yes! You did! I can't believe you didn't remember me!"
"Why didn't you tell me then?"
"It's embarrassing."
"Well, they do say never meet your heroes."
"They're right, I thought I was miserable. No, Five Hargreeves has it worse."
"Welp, that's the last time I will converse with you."
Herb heard a chair screech followed by her laughter, causing him to panic.
"Wait! A gentleman is supposed to drop the fine lady home!" She said grabbing her purse and linking her arm with the taller man, looking up at him with those shiny expectant eyes, earning an eye roll from him, though he didn't pull away.
 The two walked out of the office, passing by SMALL GUY who was hiding behind a file cabinet, bickering about tomorrow's mission and other useless topics one could think of.
Y/N didn't care how long it was taking to peel off each layer or break down every wall he had built around him, she was just glad that he was letting her to do it. Five on the other hand was extremely conflicted, on one hand, he had his own plan and on the other his heart had begun to slowly blossom every time he was near her or thought of her. When he joined the Commission he had planned on going solo for the long run, no friends meant no liabilities and no lover meant no weakness- or so he thought.
If it wasn't her obnoxious laughter that would get his heart racing, it was the unasked-for, but somewhat welcomed, touches. From the way her fingers would brush against his while handing him a file to the night she held his hand to comfort him when he had 'accidentally' ended up telling her about how much he missed his family. That cursed night at her apartment had his brain ready to fight his heart-forcing him to spend the entire night awake in the guestroom. 
Regardless, he had always been a firm believer in "You may not be able to control your emotions, but you can control your actions." That is until she turned 29, well, technically it wasn't her age that had affected his policy but her simple invitation to a bar for some "birthday drinks", sure did a number on his rationality. All he remembered from the merry little event was the low-cut dress that she had chosen to adorn that night and that they may have had a drink too many, cause after she purred out his name, he blacked out. The next morning he woke up with a massive headache and her next to him. 
Not the way he had ever assumed he'd start a relationship this way, but then again he had never thought he'd be in one in the first place.
The first thing he had to learn while being with her was that they were very different. He was blunt, rude, and straight-up obnoxious (words of other people, not his), she was polite, considerate, and to some extent a bit too nice. Another thing about her that he had to embrace was the difference in love languages; he would consider small gestures, like making her coffee or arranging her files at her desk- barely anything physical. Y/N on the other hand loved physical affection, from cuddling to holding hands to just sitting next to him, close enough for their shoulders to touch. At first, it would bother him, the lack of human contact for all those years had him irritated by the thought of love. To some extent he had assumed that this was a tactic to assert dominance, a routine conducted by the Handler- but over time he had realized how her actions were genuine and filled with love. 
Love, she loved him, and to his surprise when the first time the words 'I love you', had been uttered to him, he had instantly responded with 'But I can't love you.' leaving them both standing there in the middle of her apartment, staring at each other.
"Wait, I - Y/N it's not like that, I-"
"It's okay Five- I mean it's not okay okay but I- " she paused, vision turning blurry before sniffing to hold back her emotions. 
He reached out to touch her only for her to take a step back, "Y-you can go if you want, I'll clean up myself-"
"That's not what I meant." His voice held a certain edge to it as he watched her clean up the place where they had been watching a movie- the movie now forgotten. He was pissed, more at himself than her, it's not like he had asked her out, she did and he had other plans too and- all his thoughts came to a halt when he heard glad shatter followed by a yelp. 
Blinking into the kitchen he saw her standing next to what appeared to be a broken glass, holding onto her other hand that was bleeding.
"It's fine, just go." 
Blinking in front of her, he gripped her wrist, staring at her. Glaring up at him she was about to retort but when their eyes meant. Now, as sappy as it could sound, she could literally see an internal argument swirling within his forest hues- she knew that look. The look he'd give when he would be trying to outdo his heart in a battle with his 'logic'.
"Wait. I'm thinking."
"You know what."
"You don't have to force yourself to love me-"
"I'm forcing myself not to."
That was all it took for the two to realize how he had confessed back to her, admitting he had felt the same way about her. 
"No, you'll be in danger and become a liability and I have other plans and-"
"You'll be happy for once?"
He doesn't remember the last time he had ever let his heart win against his mind, but perhaps the reason for the argument siding with his heart made it easier for him to rule it out, allowing him to break free from the restraints that had held him down ever since he had time traveled. 
Although they were ready to move onto a stronger and more important change in their relationship, he had been ever so kind to set ground rules;
"Rule number one, you will do as I ask if we're in danger, your life matters more than anything."
"Rule number two, you will STAY PUT, and I mean it, none of that hero shit."
"And most importantly, if I ever disappear or am no longer here, you will move on."
Simple right? 
Not really.
For at that very moment, the Hargreevs were staring at their 13-year-old brother arguing with another teenager, who had fallen out of the portal behind him, in the kitchen.
"Umm...number Five-"
Not now Luther. I have bigger fish to deal with-"
"Why are you mad?!"
"WHY AM - OH MY - GOD YOU - "Everyone in the room could see the boy malfunction until he paused, taking a deep breath he exhaled and looked at his siblings, "What's the date?"
"Five I-"
"Not. A.Word," he growled, not even sparing her a glance.
He shushed her by placing a finger on his lips then pointing with that same finger with his brows raised, seething out a "Silence from you."
That was the first time the siblings had seen their brother in a long time, and it horrified them how he had turned into a worse nutjob than they had imagined.
After the little kitchen fiasco, Y/N was instructed by Five to stay in his room.
"Clearly because you can't be trusted. Nor can the idiots outside, so make yourself comfortable or something." He yelled from over the door and stomped back down the stairs to get a cup of coffee.
"What're you looking for?@ Klaus asked, feet perched up on the table, "Scratch that, who's that wee lass locked up in your dungeon of a room?"
Clicking his tongue he threw another empty can away, "My wife- well, that's it, gonna get myself a cup of coffee"
"Excuse me? Your what?" Allison spat, arms crossed as she looked at him with raised brows, causing him to turn around and glare at her, "What part of that statement was unclear to you?"
"I mean I'm just amazed someone would even go out of their way to spend more than an hour with you, let alone marry you." She snorted, glancing at Diego who entered the room.
"Heard you got divorced by the way." Smirking at her scowl he blinked away. Initially, he was going to go get coffee but then the thought of locking her upstairs was bothering him even more, which is why he blinked into his room, only to find her tying up his bed sheets. 
"What are you doing?"
Cue him dragging her to the doughnut shop with him, grumbling his way there as she swung their hands back and forth, "You never listen, I mean I told you- we've been married for so long and-"
"Oh look we're here."
The argument did erupt until the two were actually sitting and waiting for their coffee. 
"Rule number three..." Five glanced up from the map the man had made for him on the napkin, noticing how his wife was just staring ahead as she began speaking (never a good sign), "What about it?" he muttered casually.
"Did you always plan on leaving me behind?" 
"I-" he paused, causing her to look up from her doughnut, was he really going to not answer her again, if she hadn't jumped into the portal behind him, he would've just left her, wouldn't he?
It amazed her how well he could still easily shut her out, even after being married for so long, sometimes she would feel as if she was completely bare in front of him, while he stood there, layer upon layer, gazing at her with an air of mockery. 
"Five I-" she was cut off by the sound of the bell, pausing when she felt him grab her hand and give it a little squeeze. She could hardly react before she was blinked out into the back of the shop. 
"Wait-" he grabbed her face and looked at her, trying to console the pain in her eyes, "I'll be back, don't move." before blinking away.
That was the first time she had experienced the adrenaline, the fear, and the anxiety that came with the job, being a desk worker had protected her from all these things, he had protected her from all these things, but now that she was here, she had begun to understand why he wanted to leave her behind. To some extent she had wanted to apologize to him, beg him to leave her behind so he could carry out his task, but on the other hand, she knew she couldn't survive without him, she needed him to be able to live on. 
"What do you mean to leave you?" he asked, as he stared at her, the two were making it back to the house. He was holding onto her hand, pulling her closer ever so often.
"I mean, I understand if you want to leave me behind, " her words stung him more than she could ever imagine, but she could see that as soon she glanced at his furrowed brows, eyes sharp as he stared ahead. 
"You say that so casually, yet, you're the one who made me believe in love," he whispers to himself, entering the quiet Hargreeves mansion, hopeful that everyone was asleep.
"I- no, Five, what I mean is, I now understand what you meant when you said I'd become a liability." she pulled on his hand, only for him to slip it out of her grasp and go to the mini bar, grabbing a bottle and glass. He was in no mood for this conversation,  no mood for her insecurities, no mood for her selfless nature. For once he was glad that she had decided to be selfish, to follow him here, sure, he wasn't happy about her being put in danger, but feeling her next to him, knowing she was with him, especially after the commission sent people for him, made him realize how even if he had left her behind, they would’ve gotten to her- doing God knows what to extract information out of her.
"Five, please talk to me." 
Klaus slowly peaked up from behind the couch, a lover's quarrel was more entertaining than listening to Ben yells at him.
"What do you want me to say Y/N?" he sighed, pouring himself a glass, "Please enlighten me, what happened for you to follow me here but then" He took a swig f his glass, gulping it down in one go before slamming it on the counter, smacking his lips as he glared at her.
She flinched at his tone, he had never used that tone with her, let alone yell at her. "I-" words caught in her throat she looked at the ground, gripping the ends of her coat's sleeves, "I just...thought...maybe- I mean I." her words dying out as the rush of emotions finally started taking over, one of the many things that made the two different.  While he was a being more composed than the statue of Buddha, she was a whirlwind of emotions, moments away from breaking loose. The only thing the two did have in common was their ability to bottle up their feelings. 
"Aw no, little girl, don't give up." Klaus whispered, earning  a "shush" from Ben who was standing next to Y/N then looking at Five, "Klaus, defuse this situation, say something so they stop arguing."
Shaking his head in response he leaned back down on the couch, he wanted to see the drama, not a part of it. 
Sighing in defeat she looked at her shoes, he was right, why did she follow him, why did she decide to put him in more danger than he was already in, why was she making it more difficult for the man who had saved her numerous times - at this point, she was sure it was the raging teenage hormones, because the moment he called out her name again, with that sweet, calming tone, she broke down, sinking to her knees.
Five watched her struggle with her words, he knew he was pushing it too far, not once in the time of being with her had he done this. Usually, because she was the more upfront one out of the two, saying what was on her mind, asking for what she needed, doing what she felt was right, like how she'd throw away the file he'd be reading after coming from work, "prepping for the next mission"
"Woman! I was reading that-"
"Come to bed, it’s a simple mission, we've gone through worse."
We, that's what was bothering him, since when did they go from "We" to "i", "me" or "you". Singular pronouns were barely part of her vocabulary, so what had happened for her to suddenly say this? Was he scared? Of course, he was afraid, he had been with her for so long, relying on her for so long that the thought of her leaving midway may have bud some form of separation anxiety. Yes, he had wanted to leave her behind, but perhaps those three seconds he spent staring at the portal, back in the 60s were him waiting to see if she would follow, or at least come looking for him. Hypocritical, it was, but he had never claimed to be some saint, he was a walking canister of red flags. It was her, she was the pure one, the proof of innocence and humility, if anyone out there deserved true, ultimate happiness, it was only her and if the world was not always at war with him, he would've spent time trying to give it all to her.
He looked at her, wanting to continue but froze when he saw her crumble before him, instantly blinking next to her as he held her close, whispering nonstop apologies. Kissing the top of her head,  heart squeezing when he felt her grip on his jacket, mumbling how much she loved him but was afraid. 
"I know you are. I'll do whatever it takes to keep you safe, my love." 
That very night- when Klaus was knocked out Ben saw a different side of Five, one that he had not seen even when he was alive, the way Five was holding onto her, assuring her of how much he loved her but would also keep her safe, how sorry he was that he dragged her into this. Ben had never known Five to be one to give value to emotions, let alone use any words of comfort. 
It was safe to say, over the next couple of days, Ben had developed a certain bond with the girl, not that she knew he existed, but he felt like he owed it to Five- or rather he felt like Five deserved to have that ounce of security and happiness kept safe and alive. Sometimes Klaus couldn't find him, he'd call him but he wouldn't show up, he'd look for him, call him out had him thinking his powers were losing their effect. In actuality, Ben would be following her around, while she would make little trips to the library to find books for Five or sometimes the doughnut shop to get something. He knew she wouldn't know about him, perhaps he wanted to befriend her, someone who was not a Hargreeves, someone who was not a freak. So, he was content, watching over her like a guardian angel, even if she didn't know he existed
Or that's what he had thought.
"It's all right, I'm fine, I feel safe with you," she said buckling up in the truck, the one they had just stolen, and fixing her attire, the first thing she had done after coming to the sixties, got a pair of pants, after following Klaus catfish old rich women, and create a cult- technically that wasn't how hippie culture had come to being, her inner 'desk worker' kept on reminding her, but since their arrival had already messed up the time, might as well lets these people do whatever they want.
"Why thank you, that brings me great joy" Klaus chided, as he stepped on the gas, the beads on his weird beard jiggling.
"Not you, Ben." She said simply, flipping onto the page she had bookmarked in her book, the only activity that would remind her of her husband.
"I- who?" Klaus squeaked, Ben, who was sitting in between the two gasped, turning to face her, "Yo, did she just-"
"No, I can not see him, but I know he's here, I read about all of you, from the diary your father wrote- snagged it off Leonard, so, I figured out, the mysterious feeling of being watched came was not me losing my mind, but that your brother never crossed over." She mumbled, turning to another page, "Thank you, Ben, I'm sure Five would appreciate it."
"You sure are something, doll," Klaus muttered as he saw Ben smiling like a five-year-old child who got that very special toy he wanted.
It was after this confession that she wanted to see Ben and get to know him better, Five had told her about his siblings but had mentioned how Ben was one of the most innocent ones. That's why she wanted to meet him, something she told Five, a few minutes before they were going to go back to their usual timeline.
"You know, I saw you die." He whispered, sitting next to her on the stairs of the porch, looking at the bodies, "I almost broke my promise."
"Almost" she smiled, reaching for his hand, gently placing her head on his shoulder, playing with his fingers, "I knew you'd save me, oh, by the way, did I tell you, Ben has been my guardian angel all this time."
"I had a feeling," he whispered, bringing her hand to his lips, pressing them against the back of her hand, "Glad you figured it out, my clever little desk worm."
"When did you figure it out?" She asked, pulling him up to his feet as she stood up too, going to where everyone was not standing in a circle, "When you told me about the book floating above your head, you would've loved him if you met him."
"Five!" she gasped, ducking when a tentacle almost hit her, missing her but almost hitting Five who had blinked away. 
"Nice to see you too Ben" he yelled, sitting on the top of the railing, "Mind not aiming at my wife, she's not like us."
For a split second, Ben stopped, glancing at her before nodding towards the exit, "Scram kid, and get a new boyfriend."
"So, that was Ben?" she asked, pressing a napkin against Five's bleeding forehead.
"An asshole, yes." Klaus groaned, staring up at the sky, "Is it me or were they better than us."
"Who were you kissing by the way," she asked, both lost in their own little world, "You" he responded simply, ignoring the headache and the way Allison was screaming at him to figure this out.
"Hey, love birds, what do we do now?" Diego asked as the lot walked out of the park, pausing to look up at the billboard of the Sparrow Academy. 
"Find a place to rest and think?" She said, tugging on Five's hand who was focused on something else, "Hmm? yeah, sure."
"What are you, a commie?" Diego groaned, as Five flopped on the bed, ignoring him before mumbling something and knocking out, knowing Y/N was in the same room as Vanya and Allison.
Y/N had left the sisters alone, they seemed to be having a moment, and she did not want to be part of it. She had decided to take a shower, changing into some sweats she had bought with a card she had swiped off someone on the streets, pickpocketing was one of the only few tricks Five had taught her- never how to hold a gun though, said she was too pure for it.
Making her way down to Five's room, she heard the boys shuffling and arguing inside,
"Fuck- KLAUS, I said chocolate!"
"It is chocolate my bro- only with a dash of-"
"Hey Five, where do you want the presents?"
"By the table you big ape."
"Klaus, please get a decent cake."
Cake? Opening the door, which as per expectations was unlocked, she met with 4 pairs of panicked eyes, a pair belonging to her husband in a bathing gown, squeaky clean. She could see some balloons on the ground around a table, on top of which was a reddish cake, poorly wrapped boxes on the other end.
"Surprise~" Klaus sang weakly as Five face palmed, Diego hiding the gift he was holding in his hand behind him, Luther just standing there frozen. "What are you - what is happening?" she asked, entering the room, before looking around.
"Its- I thought you were asleep." he muttered going over to her as he held her hands, "Happy birthday my love." he smiled, kissing her forehead, "I'm sorry I didn't remember earlier, I don't know how it slipped my mind." he muttered, "I didn't get you anything special but-" he paused when he felt her envelope him in a hug, almost crushing the air out of him as she let out a small sob.
"Aw, don't cry" Klaus clapped from behind them as Five pulled her away, wiping her face with his sleeve. "We're here." Victor declared as they entered the room, Allison behind him, "I brought the pastries, which weren't cheap by the way- are we late?" She asked, eying Y/N who was busy unwrapping a gift.
"No, Mrs.Five Hargeeves was early," Diego said as he took the box of treats from her, and placed them on the couch. 
She gasped at the mini journal, flipping through the empty pages, ready for her to fill. Caressing the blue leather, she didn't know what she'd fill it with, but she knew by the end of the year it'd be filled to the brim. Honestly, she was surprised about how he remembered this, their little tradition, admist this chaos, he'd get her a journal each year, for her birthday, telling her that even if he was not there anymore, their memories would be engraved in letters, ones she could go through whenever she missed him. She didn't know when she had begun crying, only realized it when she felt a hand on her shoulder, looking up to see Five, smile at her, not his usual cheeky confident self, but a smile of reassurance, one he gave her when he had rejected her confession, when the two had realized a child could never be part of their marriage when they had lost their little turtle.
"I'm sorry." he whispered, only for her to shake her head, "Please don't be, I'm just glad I'm with you."
"So am I."
None of them really knew what was going to happen to anyone, what was going to happen next, if there was ever a moment for them to find their own happy ending, but at the end of it, she knew that Five would find a way. She believed in that blindly, after all, he was her savior, he was her knight in shining armor sent to pull her away from her mundane life, he was her Zorro or Hercules- her idiot husband. Her one true love.
A/N: Thank you @imherefortea for requesting this and an EXTREMELY BELATED HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I am so sorry for how long this took- it's a shit load of, I lost motivation, and I thought since I missed the deadline I'd write something longer to my laptop stabbing me in the back like Brutus. EITHER WAY- I hope you like it and thank you so so so so very much for being this patient with me.
TUA Taglist: @imaginesfire
@placidpluto  , 
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 , @xuenihao
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