#sorry this got angsty
steddieas-shegoes · 1 month
Congratulations on 3k! Really enjoy your drabbles and fics :)
"Who cares if it was meant to be or not?"
Thank you so much!
The band took the stage a few minutes late. Eddie had gone missing shortly before their final warning, and they can’t exactly perform without their lead guitarist.
When he was found, he’d been crying, but he brushed it off like it was nothing, said he was good to go.
He wasn’t. He had one of the worst shows of his life. Not a great look for a band trying to get a headlining tour.
No one said anything after; Eddie was already upset enough. With himself, with someone else, maybe both.
Eventually, Jeff couldn’t take the moping.
“Alright, man. You wanna tell us what’s going on? We just had a pretty shitty show and you look like you’re ready to have a breakdown,” he said as he sat next to Eddie on the couch of their tour bus.
“Sorry. Um. Sorry guys. Just. Had it out with Steve earlier.”
“Is-“ Gareth started to ask. “Are you guys okay now? Did you call him after?”
“No. No, I don’t think he wants me to.”
Everyone stared at Eddie in disbelief. Sure, they teased him all the time for falling for the jock stereotype, but they were perfect for each other. Everyone who knew them knew that.
“Why not?”
“Some things just aren’t meant to be, Gare.”
“No! Fuck that! Who cares if it was meant to be or not?” Gareth paced the floor. “You guys are so good together. You’re like a damn romance novel or something. Like those stupid chick flicks.”
“Gareth.” Jeff’s tone got his attention, but Eddie didn’t look up. “It’s not our business.”
“Like hell it isn’t. He just played like shit! We deserve to know why.”
Eddie stood up and walked to his bunk.
“Good job, idiot,” Grant rolled his eyes and followed.
“I’m calling Steve,” Gareth said. “Something’s gotta be done.”
“Dude, just leave it. They’ll either work it out or they won’t.”
“And if they don’t, Eddie’s gonna be like this forever.” Gareth pulled his cell phone from his pocket and opened his text thread with Steve. “If it’s so bad, Steve will ignore me.”
Hey call me
Not now
Please Eddie’s a fuckin mess
Gareth’s phone started ringing. He smirked up at Jeff, who walked away with his hands crossed over his chest.
“Is Eddie okay?”
“No. What happened? We just had the shittiest show-“
“But is he okay?”
“No! What happened before the show?”
He could hear Steve sniffle.
“I just. It’s hard. It’s hard being here and he’s never here. And I know that’s what we agreed was best for this tour, but it’s hard. And he keeps saying he misses me and it hurts because what am I supposed to do?” Steve was crying now, Gareth was fighting his own tears. “So I told him to do something about it earlier and he told me he couldn’t and it turned into us arguing about his priorities and I didn’t even mean that I thought the band was more important than me, it just sucks. It’s hard.”
“Steve, I get it man. I mean, I don’t. But I know it’s hard. For both of you. Did you-“ Gareth bit his lip. “Did you break up?”
“Yeah. I think so.”
“Can you unbreak up?”
“Maybe. But-“
“Gareth, who is that?” Eddie’s voice asked from the curtain to the bunk beds. His eyes were red, tear tracks not even dry on his cheeks. “Is that Steve?”
Eddie came over and sat next to Gareth, grabbing the phone from him.
“Steve?” He sounded broken. “Are you okay?”
Gareth got up and went back to the bunks.
“The fuck did you do?” Jeff asked.
“Fixed it. You’re both welcome,” Gareth got in bed and smiled as he heard Eddie laugh.
The next night was better.
The night after that, Steve was standing backstage, wearing Eddie’s vest and singing along to the songs.
And every night after that, and on their first headlining tour, and their next one, and their next one, Steve was there for most nights.
Eddie gave his everything because he had his everything.
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whump-ghoul · 1 year
Random Mountain hc 1/?
Do you ever think the earth ghoul gets tired of always being described as ‘big’? 
People always steal his clothes. People shy away from him when they see him. He rarely goes without some glamour because he’s even taller/monstrous in his infernal form (which causes glamour sickness/exhaustion). He always has to be on the outside of cuddle piles/the big spoon/the base that everyone curls against but not around. He also has to top. He’s also often called to do a lot of the heavy lifting on tours/around the Abbey - and of course that doesn’t help his joints. 
Still, he doesn’t complain. He just wants the pack to be happy... he’ll do whatever he can to feel accepted when he himself feels an imposter. 
But its draining. Very draining. 
TL:DR I think Mountain would benefit from being babygirl. 
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capybaraonabicycle · 1 year
Thank you for the ask and for reblogging my game <3
13. Describe a room we never got to see but you KNOW exists inside the TARDIS
Okay, so we definitely know there is an awesome library that sometimes sports a swimming pool, but that's too easy an answer.
I am sure there is a room somewhere that looks like the old dormroom at the Academy that Theta and Koschei shared. Complete with a window showing the orange plains of Gallifrey bathing in the twin suns or shimmering under the Kasterborus constellation, depending on the visitor's mood.
There are old academy books and notes in Koschei's tidy writing, the rocks Theta gave them as Christmas gifts and little beetles Theta adopted as pets. And drawings and maps and plans of the stars and planets they would visit after school, proudly presented on the walls.
If a companion stumbles across the room and asks the Doctor about it, they pretend not to know about it. If the companion tries to find the room again later, it is gone.
(... Not angsty enough? I am also convinced there is a room in Dhawan!Master's TARDIS that looks like the Vault)
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darby-rowe · 4 months
🗝₊˚⊹♡ — thinking of daughter of hephaestus!reader awkwardly trying to flirt with luke castellan
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luke first approached you in need of a new sword after some child of ares completely shattered his old one.
at first, you were confused as to why luke chose you specifically. but after the initial confusion wore off, butterflies immediately flared up deep within your tummy when the realization hit. luke chose you.
of course, you tried to rationalize the decision. all the other hephaestus children who were on blacksmith duty clearly had busier workloads. you, on the other hand, had your schedule cleared.
but still... the way luke smiled so politely at you, spoke to you with a gentle respectfulness — you were almost convinced he was thinking of kissing you. almost.
usually, your clients would leave and come back when you were finished, but luke stayed and watched your every move. asking you questions, humming in agreement and nodding his head, keeping his eyes on you. the whole exchange had you on edge, but every time you cracked a joke and heard him laugh, your already tense muscles loosened up just a smidge.
luke watched in awe as you hammered the glowing metal into his desired shape. you made it look so easy, and you didn't even flinch when some of the sparks caught on your uniform.
"and this... doesn't hurt? like at all?" luke asked as you handled the metal forged from fire.
and all you could do was smirk at him, sweat appearing on your hairline. "not at all, pretty boy,"
you gulped as those words left your mouth, but luke didn't seem to mind as he let out a breathless chuckle and looked down and away. was he... blushing?
you took the nearly-finished piece and plunged it into the bucket of water sitting off to the side, hearing it sizzle and watching the water boil almost immediately.
"sounds like a benihana's!" you commented, voice raised over the sound of sizzling metal. your face burned as luke looked at you with confusion and your face fell. "you never... been to a benihana's before?" luke shook his head, and you wanted stick your head into the forging fires.
when you handed luke the finished product, his face immediately lit up. taking a step back, he began to test it out, and you watched with slightly parted lips as you took your front-row seat for luke's swordsmanship.
"this is incredible," luke said, genuinely. "thank you so much. you're a life-saver,"
before you could say anything else, luke was already off to who-knows-where, but not before he's stopped by a couple of aphrodite girls who began to ooh and ahh at his new toy. dressed in all pink, smelling like luxury and springtime.
you pressed your lips together tightly before forcing yourself to swallow down the lump in your throat.
no time to feel like shit about yourself. you have to get back to work.
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series masterlist.
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gremliinsart · 7 months
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You'll come back...won't you?
I don't think Bubble would know what to do if Caine left... he's all they've ever known...
Anyway *rings dinner bell* come get some Bubble angst lol
As always, au belongs to @sm-baby
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ghouljams · 7 months
Immediately thought of Soap when this appeared. Reminds me of Viking!sSoap a little.
"Right where I want you, eh Bonnie?" Mactavish glances at you with a smile before his eyes are trained on the forest again. His arms box you against the rough bark of the tree. Your heart is pounding, your body pinned by his as he shields you from whatever caught his eye.
One of his hands slides from the trunk of the tree slowly, and rests against the ax at his hip. Waiting to pull it free in a flash. His eyes don't touch you again, focused on something you haven't even tried to catch a glimpse of. The swell of his broad chest as he breathes makes you press your self closer to the tree. He's so close you could count his lashes, your eyes transfixed on the sky blue irises, so dark with intent as they watch the forest.
"What is it?" You ask, a little breathless. You haven't taken a full breath since you realized how close the motion pressed you to him.
"Bear," He tells you quietly, the low rumble of his voice shivers down your spine. You tense, trying to suppress it. Mactavish glances at you again, his brows drawing together, "It'll leave, don't worry."
You're not worried about the bear, you're worried about the man. He's too close, too warm, too human. You can't keep him fixed in your mind as a monster like this. Not when you can smell the sweat on his skin, see the cracks in the paint around his eyes. He's human, entirely human. You don't like him human, it takes some of the blame from him if he's human.
It feels like ages trapped between the viking and the tree. Ages watching his eyes, watching your own breathing. His eyes track movement, flicking between trees until he lets out a breath you didn't know he'd been holding. You think he'll step away, let you go now that you're safe, but he doesn't. He turns his attention to you, his eyes burning against your skin when he looks at you.
"Look at you," He hums, lifting his hand to rub his knuckles over your cheek, "caught again by a viking, you're makin' a habit of this."
"Like I had a choice," You huff.
"Y'always have a choice," Mactavish smiles, "can run, can fight, can bargain." You push at him and he goes without a fuss. As if the muscles you feel under your hands could yield so easily. He's sturdy as stone, but he moves for you.
"You've already proven you can catch me," You tell him, grabbing your discarded pack off the ground, "and fighting you would be a fool's errand."
"Love to hear your bargain then Bonnie." You hate the way he teases you, the way you can hear him smiling at you. You hate the way it settles warm in your chest every time he calls you that. Bonnie, beautiful. You hate being teased more than anything.
"I have even less to bargain with," You let some of your annoyance slip into your voice, what a wonderful reminder of everything taken from you. Something shifts in the air behind you, you ignore it. "Let's just get back to camp."
"Aye, smart choice." Soap watches you settle your bag over your shoulder, sorting through ingredients as you push past him. His fingers stroke the fur around your shoulders as you walk by, gentle enough he knows you won't feel. He hates hearing you talk like that. As if you don't know your own value. Nothing to bargain with? He'd give everything for you. You could ask anything of him and he'd gladly give it.
Make a bargain with me, he silently begs, tell me what it takes to love you.
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baeshijima · 2 months
mmm thoughts of private executioner!blade, who is high priestess!kafka's bodyguard. well, more like her guard dog, as many fearfully seem to think.
he is aloof and gruff and rough around the edges, his name capturing it perfectly. when in the eyes of the public he either keeps to himself or stands ready by kafka's side, but when out he lurks in the shadows ready and waiting to carry out her death orders.
you, yourself, haven't had very many pleasant encounters with him... if you can even call them that. that being said, you haven't had many pleasant encounters with anyone. notorious for your... less than pleasant disposition, for a lack of better words, you have more people who'd rather see you run through than those you can call a friend.
in a dog-eat-dog world, you had no choice but to protect yourself. that, however, ultimately became your demise.
"oh? so you're the one sent to kill me. can't say i'm all that surprised."
standing before you is the feared executioner. his sword is tucked inside the sheath attached to his hip, that ever-present dark swirl of an aura stifling the air. he doesn't say anything, instead opting to silently stare down at your slumped and worn-out form. you find that his gaze doesn't bother you; rather, it's oddly comforting knowing someone will see you in your last moments.
"i've never asked you for a favour before, so this will be my first and last request for you." in all honesty, you're not sure where this chattiness stems from. considering you're currently in a holding cell under the crime of attempted murder towards kafka (a poisoned wine you were most definitely framed for, though you can't say you were surprised) and are awaiting for your turn to be under the guillotine for your public execution, you probably should be a little desperate towards the private executioner in front of you.
and yet, your mind is nothing if not peaceful.
with a huff, you relay your request, "can you make sure it's quick? painless, preferably, but i'd rather you just get it over and done with."
silence blankets the cold chambers. moisture accumulated along the cobble ceiling drip in a steady rhythm, like a clock ticking away the seconds. it's unnerving, almost, how there is not a single sound other than your impending countdown.
"why?" comes his low mutter, effectively causing a ripple within the stagnant air. you almost think you misheard him, but his following words cease the thought, "why won't you ask me for help?"
had it not been for the abrupt shuffle and clanging against the metal bars, you would have never looked up to see him in your last moments.
his scarred hands gripping the metal until his knuckles turn a ghastly white and blood dripping from his palms is what greets your sight. as your gaze slowly trails up, you almost let loose a laugh of disbelief; who would have thought blade, the infamous guard dog of the high priestess, could make such a desperate expression? one looking as though his whole world crumbled before him, in which he can do nothing but sit and watch.
(you will never know of the anger and desperation which coursed through his veins the moment he heard of your predicament. had it been anyone else, he wouldn't have cared. but you're not anyone else; you're you — unapologetically, wholeheartedly. it didn't take him long to hunt down those behind it, cutting them down without thought and putting an end to their miserable lives. he rushed as soon as he could when kafka gave him the order, no thoughts other than you, you, you, occupying his mind.
you will never know of the anguish which overcame him when he found you in such a state, your once healthy complexion and defiant gaze reduced to nothing but a tiredness which had always sat quietly behind your disposition. he's almost positive the muscle which unwillingly keeps him alive tore at the seems from your request, the acceptance in which you displayed causing his mind to go astray. even as he damn-near begs you to rely on him for help — to run away with him to some place no one knows of you and start anew there — you merely smile, resigned and peaceful.
you will never know of how much blade is willing to put on the line for you, for you never made it to see the complete and utter carnage he wrecked in your name.)
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jonathanbiers · 2 years
thinking thoughts about avoidant attachment steve (because try and tell me he isn't, with THOSE parents? get out) getting scared when he realizes he's in love with eddie because being in love is scary and hasn't gone well for him in the past. he's always been the one who loves harder, he's always been the one who puts others first, and never had someone do the same for him. now that he and eddie feel like they're on equal footing, he's fucking terrified of having that ripped out from under him. so, subconsciously he starts pulling away because when he's gonna get hurt he might as well be prepared for it, try and at least put up some walls so that when eddie breaks his heart he won't just be standing there obviously crushed like, y'know, the last time.
cut to eddie thinking he's done something terribly wrong because his previously sweet and warm and cuddly bordering on clingy steve is suddenly being so quiet and so distant, not really initiating any of the touches he usually does. he's not pulling away but he's definitely not doing that (annoying, but insufferably adorable) thing where he pointedly removes eddie's guitar from his lap to sit there himself and demand attention anymore. and yeah, eddie would always roll his eyes and sigh loudly at first, but he loves giving steve his undivided attention. he misses those moments already and it's only been like this for a week.
so, he confronts him about it. he tries to do so carefully, because he doesn't know what he did wrong and he thinks maybe it should be obvious or whatever. he's preparing for an, "are you serious, i really have to tell you?" but maybe he's a bit too vague about it because steve just looks like a deer caught in headlights for a second before his face goes cold, blank.
and steve's thinking this is it, this is eddie about to rip off the bandaid, and he's obviously trying to go about it gently and there's a tilt to his eyebrows that says he feels bad about it, so steve might as well just go and do it for him, y'know? says it's fine, he'll leave if eddie wants him to, and he's got his hand on the doorknob before eddie can say anything. completely misses the confused look on his face.
and eddie has to just about chase him out the door before he can reach his car because steve doesn't seem to be hearing when he's calling after him that what the fuck, no he doesn't want steve to leave, he's in– but he stops himself from saying that, because something is clearly upsetting steve and it's got to be his fault and now's not the fucking time. but he does manage to get his hand on the window of steve's car door before he can get in, hold it closed so that steve will finally look at him. so he can ask steve to please talk to him.
and you can imagine eddie's confusion and then shock when steve just starts mumbling (actually mumbling which is so out of place for him because he hates when others mumble to him, because he can't fucking hear) and he keeps cutting himself off mid-sentence and starting over and he won't look at eddie at all and this is all so out of character for steve, until eddie finally manages to piece together some of the abandoned sentence fragments into something that's starting to sound a lot like steve thinking eddie's going to get sick of him sooner or later, or sick of his bullshit (the look steve gets on his face on this word suggests there is more under the surface here, but again now is not the time) so eddie should just get it over with and that it's okay. but steve isn't looking like he actually thinks it's okay, in fact he's looking like he's trying so hard not to cry.
so, speechless for maybe the first time in his life, eddie just pulls steve into the tightest hug he can. hugs him until he stops his rambling, keeps hugging him until he feels steve's arms wrap loosely around his waist. only when he finds the words again does he pull back, doesn't even let go really, just moves one of his hands to steve's chin, makes him look at him.
"i'm not going to get tired of you, steve," he says, "i love you. i'm in love with you."
but steve doesn't look relieved or happy to hear it, not at first. no, he looks like he doesn't believe it, which is confirmed when he says, "don't say it if you don't mean it. i can't- i can't do that again."
and doesn't that just break eddie's heart into a bunch of little pieces, because here's possibly the best, most caring, bravest person he's ever met and yeah, maybe he acts a little bitchy sometimes but he's got a heart full of love for those around him. here he is, seeming utterly convinced that he's not going to receive that love in return. seeming like he's been shown time and time again he's never going to receive in return the level of love he puts out.
eddie's determined to show him otherwise, though, and he starts by repeating himself; in between soft, slow kisses at first (thankfully it's night time, and no nosy neighbors in sight) but the kisses get lighter and start to travel all over steve's face and by the time eddie's kissing the little space between his eyebrows, steve's smiling, he's actually kind of laughing. it's a nervous, i'm-not-convinced-this-is-real laugh, but it's there and eddie wants to hear more of that laugh and less of the sad, defeated mumbling he was doing earlier so he brings steve back inside where it's warm and he takes his time pressing kisses all over steve and telling him every single reason he loves him. he knows off the top of his head because he actually made a list of them all, he was trying to write a song about it, was planning on dropping the big L word with a grandiose gesture of flowers and candles and his acoustic guitar before steve started pulling away from him. oh well, he thinks he has some candles stashed away somewhere anyway.
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mouselikesclowns · 1 year
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I like Jeff too even if he's not a clown 😔
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frownyalfred · 5 months
What if bruce had an abusive childhood ( i love thomas and martha but WHAT IF) and the batkids and clark just find out
I actually have lots of thoughts about this, anon. Not abusive in the sense of like, really overt hidden physical abuse, but the abusive-adjacent childhood of someone growing up into a ultra-wealthy family and all of the emotional distance and insane boundary crossing that happens in those kinds of situations.
Some initial thoughts (not that this is canon or even something I hc, but still pop up in my mind):
Distant parents (Bruce never saw them, except for when they were going to events together)
Bruce was raised by nannies and Alfred (first steps, diapers changed, fed and bathed, etc only by servants)
Strict behavioral expectations even in early childhood (language and music lessons, various etiquette courses for dinners, events, etc. Sitting still for long periods of time without moving or speaking)
Being ignored and/or referred to but not allowed to speak. Paraded out for events as a toy, essentially.
Missing out on childhood experiences like playing outside, getting dirty, playing with other children.
Being sent away from home at an early age to various boarding and preparatory schools, year-round.
The pathway to college, a job, a career was purchased for Bruce before he was even born, and there is no room to deviate from that path.
Punished for normal reactions (getting clothes dirty, making a mistake with cutlery, forgetting to ask permission for something)
Approval from his parents, when he does see them, is contingent upon how he performs for them while they are in public.
An absolute lack of almost any physical contact/affection.
If this was Bruce's childhood (I'm glad it wasn't in canon, it sounds awful) then his parents' deaths must be such a mindfuck. Because those memories are so tainted by his childhood upbringing, but at the same time -- were they good people? Beloved by the public? Was the show they put on in public convincing enough for people not to peek behind the curtain? Did Gotham society treat all ultra-wealthy children like this? Were the Waynes special because of their status?
How did Alfred feel about seeing this happen? Was there an awful feeling of relief when Martha and Thomas died, and he became Bruce's custodian? Maybe he snuck Bruce hugs over the years, here and there -- small cookies or permission to run outside once or twice.
Now, there are far fewer rules. But the damage from those rules is hard to undo, even at such a young age. And the first time Bruce asks him for a hug is the day that nearly breaks Alfred.
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risetherivermoon · 1 year
evan is as crazily obsessed and possessive with barty as he is with him, and i need to see this shown more
once theyre dating evan starts giving everyone who even looks at barty in any kind of way a hard death glare, and barty just goes feral over it, evan will insult someones entire bloodline because they flirt with barty and bartys just giggling and kicking his feet
evan gets jealous and he does it in a way where there's something so clearly wrong but hes just like "what?? really?? its fineeee." (newsflash, it isn't) where as barty will get jealous and he'll just be like: "im jealous, i want to kill that guy"
evan with his arms around bartys shoulders from behind while bartys talking to someone, him trying to explode people with his mind,
because evan has had to watch barty be with people and not see him for so long even though he was right in front of him this entire time that he will lose his mind if thats ruined
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krakerjaksstuff · 20 days
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When Runner gets shot, Leckie immediately gets out a cloth and puts pressure to his wound just like how the medic did to Hoosier. He’s also a lot calmer when talking to Runner compared to his “it ain’t shit” when talking to Hoosier. He is determined to be useful this time around. He’s not going to let down another friend. And so he goes to find a corpsman, and for the first time since Melbourne, he is determined to come back (ie: his multiple “I’m coming back”s when leaving Runner), and instead he gets blown up. No matter how much he tries—the frantic attempts to apply his limited medical knowledge, the yelling, the desperation—he is always helpless.
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fortjester · 3 months
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“I’d like to play you another song about suicidal depression. It’s about – if you are a certain type of person – me – . . . uh, you hear about somebody who did something horrible and drastic and you feel bad, but there’s a part of you that goes, ‘what, that’s, now I know, now I recognize my kind, because he did that.’ So this is about a guy who did a terrible thing and he couldn’t live with the memory of it, and so he went and did a worse thing, and it’s called ‘Cry for Judas.’”
- John Darnielle, frontman of the Mountain Goats
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pfhwrittes · 2 months
look i said something about it in the tags of this post by @391780 but the ONLY way i can see price x laswell being a thing is in any universe is where price and laswell were married before john transitioned.
like john and kate were those married lesbians that made everyone supremely envious of how synchronised they were. neither of them played into the butch-femme thing but if you squinted you could maybe say that kate was the more femme of the two. john would keep his hair short, dress exclusively in masculine clothing, light up at being called “sir” by strangers.
let’s assume they had an active sex life, even if john straight up told kate that he was a stone butch and he didn’t want her to go down on him or fuck him with her clever fingers. it didn’t matter to kate that he didn’t want that, that he would bring himself to orgasm with his own hands after she was left sweaty and panting against the sheets of their shared bed.
but what mattered to kate was when five years into their marriage he sat her down at their kitchen table and told her in his stilted gruff way that he didn’t feel like a woman at all. that he was a man. he was john. it mattered to kate that her heart broke a little because yes, she loved he-him, but she wasn’t straight and didn’t want to be married to man.
through her own lump in her throat she told him that. not quite as bluntly, and with reassurances that she’d support him every step of the way in his transition. she’d move heaven and fucking earth for john just like she vowed on their wedding day.
it’s bittersweet for john. it’s simultaneously the most gut wrenching and gender affirming moment of his life.
but he moves into the spare room. she starts compiling files on reputable surgeons, testosterone hormone therapy, on whether her health insurance or his will cover his transition. they learn to share their home as two separate people, no longer kateandjohn but kate. and john.
kate loves and supports her husband john. she drives him to appointments. she picks him up when he’s discharged after top surgery. she signs endless “change of details” forms on his behalf.
and then three years later, at the same kitchen table where john had told her who he truly was, who he truly needed to be, they sign their divorce papers with minimal fuss and two matching tumblers of his favourite scotch to commiserate celebrate the occasion.
john, for what it is worth, loves and respects his ex-wife. he refuses to entertain any badmouthing. he also shuts down any whispers that he still loves her before they can reach her sharp ears because of course he does, he’ll always love her in a way. he’s thrilled when she tells him that she’s met someone new, that it’s serious. she’s delighted when her new fiancée suggests inviting him to the wedding, even if he does miss it because he’s chasing down a terrorist organisation on her intel, knowing that he’d never decline the invitation but he wouldn’t be able to bring himself to attend.
eventually, they fall into a comfortable routine where john pops over for shared dinners at kate’s and she teases him for surrounding himself with pretty young men in the task force.
so they may not be johnandkate or kateandjohn any more, but they are still kate and john. and heaven help anyone that tries to separate the two of them.
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today-in-the-bunker · 2 months
Today, Castiel finally admits to needing help with something. Slightly embarrassed, the angel pulls Dean aside to ask for his assistance in grooming his wings. They had grown difficult to maintain after they were singed in Hell, but the fall from Heaven had really put the final nail in the coffin. His back will now twinge in pain when he attempts to reach the remaining feathers scattered amongst the further expanses of his wings. Dean immediately agrees to help, attempting to disgiuse his care and concern under a thin veil of (not so) sarcastic flirting and faux annoyance. Cas mentally lets himself melt into the comfort. He thinks he's beginning to understand that touch can be used, not only to attack, but to soothe.
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teejaystumbles · 6 months
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Dead flowers Pressed against my lips Just another fix Hold the memories in Dead flowers Rough against my skin [x]
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