#sub bucky angst
buckyalpine · 11 months
Bucky uses safe word
I was feeling angstyyyyy 
Warnings: Use of safe word, sub space, overstimulation, slight non-verbal Bucky, aftercare, 
“I can take it” Bucky nodded, sucking in a breath when he heard the clink the cuff, pushing aside his anxieties, instead focusing on your pretty, naked body. “I’m ready”  
This wasn’t particularly new to Bucky; letting you take control while you toyed with his body, pulling pleasure from him while you also pleasured yourself. He loved giving himself to you, taking everything you’d give him, the satisfied, lust filled dazed look on your face fulfilling him in a way he couldn’t explain. 
It started with just letting you riding him on top to him now allowing you to push his body further and further, testing his limits. 
He loved it. 
The feel of your hands closing around his neck.
The feel of your nails scratching his skin. 
The feel of your palms striking his flushed cheek. 
The feel of pleasure shooting through his body, just to be stopped right before his release.
It was a delicious, painful torture. 
Maybe because he felt he deserved it. Pain was all he knew. It felt right. 
Even when he wasn’t ready for it.
Like right now. 
The usual prickles of pleasure he’d feel from your nails when you gripped onto his shoulders to ride him felt too hot. His body ached, mind too hazy to focus on the way you bounced up and down on his length, instead his throat closing in on itself, feeling trapped as the restraints dug into his wrists.
He knew he was safe with you, that no one could hurt him, that he had full control to stop everything when he wanted. Yet, he was slipping further and further into a deep space where he couldn’t speak for himself, where he had to be silent and just take what was given to him. He tried so hard to be good, to let you satisfy yourself on him, to ignore the pain of overstimulation between his legs, to ignore the way he was struggling to breathe, his chest starting to heave with panic. He should’ve listened to the voice that screamed at him to be honest about how he felt. 
That tonight, he needed soft loving and cuddles, that he just wanted you to hold and take care of him. Hot tears welled in his lash line, no longer able to hold it together, forcing the word out as best as he could, he didn’t want to disappoint you but he was drowning. 
You froze hearing the tiny whimper, immediately stopping your movements and reaching over to release the cuffs, setting them out of view. 
“It’s okay sweet boy, its okay” You cooed, carefully slipping off, not wanting to overstimulate Bucky further, your hands softly massaging his wrists. He curled up in on himself, shame and guilt clouding his mind, slipping deeper into subspace, unable to swim to the surface. 
“So-sorry” He hiccupped, tears streaming down his face, a part of him thinking he deserved punishment again, having stopped you when he could have just sucked it up for a moment longer. “m’s-sorry” 
“No baby, don’t. Can I touch you?” He gave you a small nod, letting you cup his cheek, gently guiding him to look at you while he tried to hide his face into the pillow, refusing to look at you, “Look at me Jamie” You wiped the tears that continued to fall, pulling him to your chest while he sniffled, burying his face between your breasts. 
“You have nothing to be sorry about, I’m glad you used your safe word bub, m’so proud of you” You could feel some of the tension ease from his shoulders though only getting a whimper from him as a response. You continued to kiss his forehead, rubbing soothing circles down his spine, while he slowly started to regulate his breathing, following the rise and fall of your chest. “So proud of you baby boy” 
He looked at you with wide eyes when you shift from under him, clinging onto you tighter, unable to speak but his face telling you he didn’t want you to go anywhere. 
“I’m going to clean you up baby, not going anywhere” You pecked his forehead before grabbing a warm wash cloth and soothing lotion, the one with a lavender scent that he found calming. Your heart broke at the way his body flinched, as if he was anticipating a painful strike, eyes squeezing shut, waiting for the blow. 
“I won’t hurt you baby, you’re safe” You held back your own tears, cleaning his sweat slicked body, kissing away the sore areas before carefully moving lower. “Shhh, almost done, you’re doing so good for me bub” You gently wiped his thighs, using only a feather light touch when you got closer to where he was most sensitive, rubbing up and down his tensed muscles to ground him. He whined at the feeling of you brushing over his sensitive cock, squeezing his thighs together. 
“M’sorry baby, just a little bit more” you cooed, dabbing away your sticky mixed arousal before tossing away the cloth. “I’m going to get you some water and take care of you, okay?” 
Bucky nodded, reluctantly letting you go, trembling slightly when you pulled up the covers to tuck him in. You found your robe, slipping it on while you quickly went to the kitchen to get some juice and snacks, noting he seemed to prefer sweet things when he got like this. You grabbed his favorite peanut butter cups and some strawberries, cutting them up into smaller bite sized pieces before bringing them up. 
He was happy to curl into your lap, letting you feed him between taking sips of water, toying with the corner of the blanket, a nervous habit he had when he was unsure of how to communicate. 
“How are you feeling baby, do you want to tell me what happened?” You tested the waters, still hugging his body to yours, letting him take his time while he peered up at you through his dark lashes. 
“Just wanted cuddles today” He managed to get out, still guilty over having used the safe word, “Sorry-
You cut him off with a soft kiss to his lips, before letting him rest his head into the crook of your neck. “Don’t, don’t apologize for using it, I’m glad you did, okay? You were so good baby boy, do you still want cuddles?” You checked on him to be sure, squealing when he wrapped his arms tightly around you, his leg hitched over your body, feeling especially needy for you to hold him.
“Still wan’ cuddles” he whispered, closing his eyes as you pulled up the covers, protecting him in a safe cocoon of warmth. 
“You can always tell me if you just want cuddles baby” You ran your fingers through his hair, letting him snuggle further against your chest, “Always”
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sarahowritesostucky · 4 months
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Sexuality Profile: Bucky
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Mature Content below the break. Consume Responsibly.
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Bucky Barnes is the biggest sweetheart, not only of your five daddies, but of ALL the clients you ever had in the past.
Your other daddies all assume positions of dominance and power, whereas Bucky is largely submissive.
But more so than submissive, you think of him as needy. He needs a lot of tender affection, reassurance, and care.
Bucky's one of those guys who goes to his sex worker in lieu of therapy. He's been through a ton of trauma and needs the comfort and safety you offer.
He's the shyest and most guarded of all your guys, it took a long time to get him to open up to you.
He has a massive service kink.
He brings you fresh flowers every. single. time. he visits you.
When he visits you, you always have him kneel and offer up whatever guns and knives he's carrying to you. It's more an act of trust and submission than it is about true safety.
He calls you "Doll," "Sugar," and "malyshka."
When he's feeling very submissive he'll call you "ma'am," and when he's even more submissive and open, he'll call you "mommy"
He can tend to regress during sex, though you'll never bring it up because you know he would balk at being told he exhibits any sort of "little" behavior.
You call him James more often than you call him Bucky.
Of all your guys, he makes the sweetest whimpers, whines, keens and mewls. It's equal parts sexy and adorable.
He was forcibly castrated during his time with Hydra, and has no scrotum or testicles, just a slightly looser bit of skin where they were.
He is extremely self-conscious about this.
When you first met him, he was impotent and only hired you to snuggle and have non-sexual intimacy.
Once you found out what the problem was, you told him about testosterone replacement patches. He was so happy, he cried.
He's been the most vulnerable with you out of all five guys, and as a result you feel the most tender towards him.
He first hired you right after his friend Steve left him. He was in a very bad place, at the time.
You play with his hair a lot.
He likes to have his arm off during sex. It's almost like a kink or ritual, for you to specifically take it off of him.
He's the only one of your guys who is uncut. And you love it. P in V sex with him feels better than with any of your other guys.
Bucky cares much more about your orgasm than his. He likes being told that he's making you feel good and that he's being a good boy.
He's often very desperate, needy, and flustered during sex, just whining and humping you like a puppy.
You give him a lot of oil massages, both for his back from how much the arm pulls on his muscles, and prostate massages.
Because of the serum, he's capable of having multiple orgasms with almost no refractory period. You love edging him until he's trembling and begging.
Lloyd and Kemp don't mind a finger during blowjobs, but Bucky really loves anal play. Pegging is something you two do fairly regularly.
And his one fantasy that he hasn't yet confided/fulfilled? Having you say his trigger words and controlling him but not hurting him at all, just taking care of him (He's already been "deprogrammed," he just imagines that as the ultimate level of vulnerability and intimacy with you).
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If there's something you want to know about Sugar Baby and any of her five daddies, feel free to shoot me an ask!
Five Daddies Imagines Masterlist
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buckrecs · 1 year
𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩 𝙛𝙞𝙘 𝙧𝙚𝙘 : 𝙁𝙚𝙗𝙧𝙪𝙖𝙧𝙮
masterlist | monthly fic rec masterlist
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Let Me Love You by @slothspaghettiwrites (ABO)
Soup & Cuddles by @beyondspaceandstars
The Gift by @/beyondspaceandstars
Exposure Therapy by @d0wnb4df0rf1cm3n
To Let You Win by @delaber
Truth by @lovelybarnes
You Feel Love! by @halcyonrogers
What Happens in the Dark by @majestyeverlasting
Lost Without You by @jobean12-blog
Undercover Fiancés by @samingtonwilson (Detective AU)
blue jeans by @ichorai
Spice Jars by @fandoms-writings
Eyes That Sparkle by @assembletheimagines
Buchanan by @/assembletheimagines (40s!Reader)
10 Little Lies by @dilemmaontwolegs
Everywhere by @wxntersoldiers
so many kisses, so little time by @sergeantxrogers
black shirts and soggy cereal by @/sergeantxrogers
Genuine by @i-am-a-closet-fanfic-fiend
heal me, baby by @intrepidacious
A Shot Worth Taking by @rookthorne (Nurse!Bucky)
Heist of the Year by @ghostofskywalker
My Girl by @girl-next-door-writes
Daniel by @buckyalpine
Serious Questions by @espinosaurusrexex
The Last First Kiss by @witchywithwhiskey
The Casket by @wkemeup
All This Time by @/jobean12-blog (Neighbor!Bucky)
Braces Are Breaking by @ltbarnes (Parker!Reader)
My Blood Turns Into Alcohol by @ltbarnes (Bartender!Bucky, Mutual Pinning)
My Honey by @/fandoms-writings (Ex!Bucky)
Nothing Breaks Like A Heart by @buckybabesonly
Tarot by @writingcroissant (BF’s Best Friend!Bucky)
I like me better when I’m with you by @themorningsunshine
blue neighborhood by @sergeantxrogers (Husband!Bucky)
perfectly wrong by @buckysdvll (Dark!Bucky)
Look At Me by @rosepetalsinwinter (40s!Bucky x Nurse!Reader)
I’ll Be Waiting For You by @oliverwxod
Together, Forever by @moonbeambucky
Confrontation by @imgoingtofreakoutnow
troublemaker by @jurassicbarnes
Overly worried and Touch starved by @buckylattes
The Massage by @/delaber
What do they know? by @bucknastybabe
Stupid by @coffeecatsandcandles (ex husband!Bucky)
Sleepwalking by @lanadelreyscokewhor3 (WS!Bucky)
I Hate U by @duckybarnes1917 (Sub!Bucky)
Cry Me A River? by @threeminutesoflife
Call Shot by @/threeminutesoflife
A Heated Conference by @allthatmarvel
Want to let off some steam? by @kyroscorner
Praise Kink by @bucknastysbabe (Hydra!Reader)
false god by @notafunkiller (Director!Bucky x Actress!Reader)
Sparring Partners by @a-n-conrad
Dressing Up for Bucky by @alwaysf0rev3r
a night in brooklyn by @traitorjoelite (40s!Bucky)
Whiteout by @/dilemmaontwolegs
Linen & Thongs by @softevanstan
Good Graces by @late-to-the-party-81
Feel Good by @russiandoll-from-brooklyn
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duckybarnes1917 · 1 year
Your Eyes Outshine The Town...Chapter 7
Bucky Barnes x Black Female Reader
18+ ONLY
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*Tumblr is not letting me add links to the prev or next chapters. Please see the masterlist pinned to my page for the rest of the story!*
Summary/Warnings: SMUTTTTTT. Just filthy Subby Bucky Smut.
7 Days Before Christmas
Bucky twitched anxiously every time you even looked at him; you were chattering away as if you didn’t know he was rock hard—and had been for hours.
You and Yelena had returned home about an hour ago, both of your hands full of bags. He hadn’t even noticed the slight bruising on both of your faces. 
Bucky waited patiently for you to hold up your end of the deal, but you didn’t. 
He was staring at your ass as you bent over the table to adjust a falling gumdrop on Yelena’s gingerbread house. 
“Does that sound good, baby?” 
“Huh?” Bucky snapped out of his trance and frowned slightly at the glint in your eyes. 
“Yelena’s never been on one of those carriage rides. Do you wanna go? Sam will be back soon.” 
Bucky didn’t want to go–he wanted you to send them away so he could finally get what he actually wanted. 
“Yeah, sure.” 
Bucky’s stomach twisted in desire when he saw the smirk on your face at his concession–you knew exactly what you were doing. 
She’s gonna fucking kill me.  
You and Bucky were settled in a horse-drawn carriage; Sam and Yelena were a few feet ahead. The carriage walls were high and long to shield you from the wind, and you had brought blankets along to keep warm. 
You knew Bucky was extremely on edge–his hands were balled into fists, and you weren't even touching him yet. You caressed his thigh under the blanket, and he turned to you with the most desperate look in his eyes. 
“Were you a good boy for me?” You asked in a sultry voice that made him whine. 
He nodded frantically. “Please.” 
“Please, what?” 
“Need you.” 
“I’m right here.” Your hand moved higher under the blanket and just sat there, burning a hole through his jeans. 
“Please,” he whined. “Need you to touch me—to make me come—please.” 
Your hand slid over his crotch, and you heard the sharp intake of air as he tried not to react. You moved your hand with more pressure but slower, and he groaned lowly. 
“Touch you like this, baby?” You asked sweetly. 
“Yes, but—" Bucky groaned louder as your hand sped up. “Can we—go—oh—go back home?” He rushed the last few words out before biting his lip to hold in his moan. 
“Thought you wanted me to make you come?” You undid his pants quickly and shoved your hand inside. 
“Oh god, not here.” Despite his protests, Bucky spread his legs further apart under the blanket. He dipped his head back, breathing hard, as you pushed him closer and closer to his orgasm. 
You sucked the sweet spot on his neck and moved your hand with the sole purpose of making him come. 
“Doll—please stop,” he huffed out, thrusting his hips gently into your hand. 
“Doesn’t seem like you want me to stop.” 
Bucky shuddered as your warm tongue trailed over his neck. The adrenaline pumping through his veins every time the carriage passed a group of people wasn’t helping his situation.
“I’m—I’m gonna come if you don’t stop, please!” 
“It’s okay, baby, just pretend you’re filling up my tight little cunt,” you whispered as you sucked his earlobe into your mouth. 
“Fuck! Fuck!” Bucky couldn’t stop picturing that. His brain was no longer working as his hips chased the orgasm his body so desperately needed. 
You giggled and kissed his flushed neck as you pulled your hand away. Bucky looked at you like he was about to cry, his chest heaving rapidly. “Please,” he said brokenly. 
You called for the driver’s attention and asked him to take you back. Bucky breathed a sigh of relief when you exited the carriage and headed back home. 
“So, I got Sam and Yelena tickets to see the Rockettes tonight–” 
Your sentence was cut off as Bucky picked you up and threw you on his back as he ran through the park. He hailed the first taxi he saw, and you were home before Sam and Yelena even realized you had left. 
Bucky pushed you up against the door, already pulling your clothes off. 
“Bucky—slow down.” 
“No,” Bucky groaned. “I’m so fuckin’ hard—can’t wait anymore.” 
You pushed him away. “You said you were gonna be good for me.” 
Bucky followed you like a puppy to the bedroom and frowned when you picked up your shopping bags off the floor. “Doll, please, please, I’m dying over here.” 
You ignored him as you took items out of your bags, all clothes, and then one small black box. “Strip and lay on the bed.” 
Bucky quickly did what you said, looking at the sleek black item in your hand with curiosity. He laid against the headboard, his abs tight and his cock leaking precum all over his stomach.
“I got you something if you want to try it.” You knelt next to him on the bed. 
“What is it?” Bucky was already twitching with excitement as you poured lube over the toy. 
You pushed a button, and the toy vibrated in your hand—Bucky’s hips involuntarily flexed. 
“Think you can handle that?” You asked as you started prepping him with your fingers. 
“I—fuck—I don’t know.” Bucky screwed his eyes shut, wanting so badly to feel the toy inside him but so close to losing control just from your fingers. 
“Tell me if it’s too much; I just want you to feel good, kay?” 
Bucky nodded, watching you slowly slide the toy inside him. He groaned when it was fully settled, nuzzling right against his prostate. 
You got off the bed and dangled the remote in his face. “Touch yourself for me, baby. But no coming until I say.”  
You made him watch you try on all the clothes you had bought, keeping the vibration against his prostate low. His hand moved slowly over his cock until he couldn’t handle it anymore, begging you for release. But all you gave him was the mercy of turning the toy off until he could start again. 
He was trying so hard to be good, but as you got to the last bag, he was squirming and grinding into his hand. He could smell how wet you were—you were enjoying this maybe more than you should be. 
You came back out of the bathroom, and he whimpered as he thrust faster into his hand. A tiny red skirt with a white fur trim fluttered around your hips, only highlighting the little piece of lace between your legs. A big red bow covered your breasts. 
“What do you think?” You twirled for him before climbing onto the bed and sitting between his legs. 
“Please,” he muttered as his eyes admired every curve and line of your body.  
You leaned forward and moved his hands out of the way. “You’ve been so good, baby,” you whispered as you wrapped your delicate hand around his shaft. 
“I have—please, wanna come,” Bucky sighed as you turned the toy up and worked your hands over his cock. 
“I’m gonna let you come.” 
Bucky relaxed at the promise, letting you build him up.
“One more thing.” You left the bed and came back with a red silk ribbon. “Give me your hands.” 
Bucky didn’t hesitate; he held his hands out for you, and you quickly tied them together. 
“Is this okay?” You placed gentle kisses on each of his wrists. 
“I’m okay,” Bucky assured you. He’d never done anything like this, and part of him was surprised at how much it turned him on. 
“Does that feel good?” You asked as you stretched his arms above his head and attached his tied hands to the headboard. 
“Ye–yes,” Bucky stuttered. 
“What’s your color, baby?” You settled between his legs again. 
“Green, very green.” Bucky flexed his muscles, testing the restraints. 
You took a moment to admire him, his muscles taut and glistening as he tried to regulate his breathing. Of course, he could easily get out of your restraints, but that just made it so much hotter—he was allowing you to do this to him—trusted you enough to allow it, to want it.
“So sexy, Buck. I’ve been so wet for you all day.” You leaned forward and gently sucked the tip of his dick, your tongue kitten licking him. 
Bucky couldn’t speak; only desperate moans would come out of his mouth. 
You kept your mouth on his tip only as your hand worked the rest of his shaft. You could feel him swell in your hand and knew he was getting close. You slid your mouth down a little further and moaned at the broken whine that left his mouth. 
“I’m gonna come—don’t stop.” Bucky managed to get out between moans as the plates in his vibranium arm whirred with the effort to keep his hands where they were.
You pulled your mouth off and slowed down your hand. “You wanna come in my mouth or my pussy?” 
Bucky groaned and threw his head back. “I—I don’t know, please!” 
You turned off the toy and pulled a condom out of the bedside table drawer, slowly rolling it onto his red cock. 
“Yes, yes, yes, please,” Bucky panted as you straddled him and teased the tip of his dick at your dripping entrance. 
You slowly sank down on him, letting yourself feel every inch of him. “So big, Bucky. You feel so good,” you moaned. 
His fingernails dug harshly into his palm. He was about to come, and he needed it more than he needed air. 
“Gonna come, oh fuck, oh fuck,” he sighed as he bottomed out in you. “So fucking tight. Move doll,” he groaned.  
Ignoring his begging, you leaned forward, keeping him stuffed inside you, and kissed him. You traced his bow-shaped lips with the tip of your tongue, making him groan when you bit his plush bottom lip. How was it possible for someone to have such a pretty mouth? 
“You been thinking about filling me up all day?” 
Bucky nodded. “Please, please! I—oh fuck I’m right there, doll, please.” His eyes were screwed shut in frustration. He wanted to scream—he was finally buried in your warm, velvety walls; his balls were heavy and tight in anticipation of the orgasm that was seconds away—and you wouldn’t fucking move. 
“So hot when you beg—beg a little more, baby, and I’ll let you fill my teasing little pussy with all that hot cum.” You reached back and gently squeezed his balls to punctuate your sentence. 
Bucky shouted nonsense as he squirmed underneath you. 
“Use your words, Buck.” You drug your fingernails down his chest, just hard enough to leave light red marks. 
“Please! I’ll do whatever you want—need you so bad—been going fucking crazy since this morning.” Bucky groaned when you still didn’t move. “Please, I’ve been so good—I wanted to come so bad when you were gone.” 
“Did you touch yourself?” You picked up the remote and teased your finger over the button, smirking when Bucky’s cock twitched inside of you. 
“Yes,” Bucky sighed, his arm whirring again as he fought the urge to break free and take what he needed from you. “I—I—fuck, let me come!” Bucky’s dominant side started to seep through as he practically growled the words out. 
Unamused with his outburst, you leaned back, resting your hands on his trembling thighs. The position put you even more on display for him. His eyes raked down your body, starting with the displeased frown on your face, pausing briefly on your chest, wrapped up like a gift from God, down your stomach, over your soft hips—he squeezed his eyes shut when he caught sight of the space where you were joined together, afraid the view alone would send him over the edge. 
“Open your eyes,” you snapped, just barely rolling your hips. “Look at how perfectly you fit inside me.”
“I can’t,” Bucky groaned when you moved your hips again. “I’m gonna come,” he whispered with a slight tremble. 
“No, you’re not. Only good boys get to come.” 
Bucky’s eyes flew open; he was about to argue but swallowed it. You wanted his submission. And fuck, he would give you whatever you wanted. 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, please.” 
“Do what I told you.” 
Bucky reluctantly dragged his eyes down to the lacy thong shoved to the side, making room for his thick cock to stretch you out. you lifted your hips just enough for him to see the base of his cock, drenched in your juices.
Bucky couldn’t help it; he closed his eyes again, straining against his restraints. “I’m sorry, it’s too much! I can’t fucking think about anything but pounding into your pussy until my cum is dripping down your thighs.” 
“Fuck, Bucky,” you moaned, your body clenching on reflex. “Gonna make my good boy come, kay?” You started bouncing yourself on him hard and fast. 
Bucky grunted as he lifted his hips, meeting you with every thrust. “Thank you, oh please,” Bucky’s face screwed up in pleasure as he thrust up into you. “Oh please, don’t stop. Please, please, gonna come.” Bucky didn’t realize he was shouting as he begged you for his release. 
You were nearly as wound up as he was, and looking down at him—every muscle in his colossal body flexing—begging you for his release was too much for you to take. 
You moaned his name as you reached your peak. “Come, baby, fill me up.” 
The combination of you turning the vibration on the highest setting and your walls fluttering around him was it for Bucky. He broke the tie around his wrists and dug his fingers into your hips hard as his cock twitched wildly inside you. No sound came out of his mouth as he came. The pleasure was too much; all he could do was hold your hips flush against his as he let rope after rope of cum fill the condom. 
As he came down, he groaned, “god damn, I can’t feel my legs. That was so—so,” Bucky lost his train of thought; his eyes were slightly unfocused as he stared up at you.  
you giggled and kissed his lips. “Glad you liked it—it was hot as hell.” 
Bucky’s chest was still heaving; he couldn't form more words. His hands roamed over your body. Once he caught his breath, he sat up to kiss you properly. 
“You definitely owe me more than one orgasm after that.” Bucky grabbed the end of the bow around your chest with his teeth and pulled it off.
“We’ve got two hours,” you sighed, pushing Bucky’s head closer as his teeth grazed over your nipple. “Maybe if you’re good, I’ll let you come again.”
Bucky groaned and laid back on the bed, ready to submit to you as many times as you asked.
Don't forget to reblog! 😉
*Tumblr is not letting me add links to the prev or next chapters. Please see the masterlist pinned to my page for the rest of the story!*
Taglist: @delaber @mannien @raindrcpsangell @cjand10
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crushedbyhyperbole · 2 years
His Words
Summary:  Bucky doesn’t know who he is or who he used to be, but he knows three things; he can’t get caught again, he needs to conquer the monster in his head, and he needs help to do it.  He puts his trust in you, his fishnets and corset clad angel of mercy - Goddess Noir.
Words: ~4.2k
A/N:  Sub!Bucky x Dom!Reader.   Set after the warehouse scene in CACW, this is a canon-divergent story of how Bucky became free his trigger words (kind of).  There’s mentions of hypnotism and sexual conditioning, reader is Goddess Noir - a seasoned dominatrix who cares for her subs.  I’m far from an expert in any of this - it’s not written for accuracy though I try to be as informed as I can be.
Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy, and humbly request your feedback.  I love hearing from you guys and appreciate all the love you can give ❤
Warnings:  Angst, hurt/comfort, emotional distress/comfort, dom/sub, coming untouched, bondage, mentions of: past trauma/edging/conditioning.
***18+ content - please don’t continue if you’re underage***
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His desperation had been unsurmountable.  All that fear.  All that hate.  He had burned with it, even as he had come back to himself in that dingy warehouse with the weapon clamped in a vice.  The memory of the dark place his mind went to when the words took over left him feeling nauseous.   A tangy sour taste lingered in the back of his throat, bile and bitterness for all of the things they’d made him do.
Those two men weren’t any different, clamping him into a piece of equipment to take his choice away.
One had said he knew him. He had said he was his friend. The man from the bridge.
He didn’t have any friends. Only handlers and superiors. There had been something… once.  A lifetime ago, when he wasn’t this thing they made him into.  When he wasn’t a monster.  He got flashes of it sometimes when, triggered by smells and tastes, he would recall something he forgot he ever had; family.  They were all gone now.  Lost to history.
 The struggle to free himself had been short, shifting the plates of the weapon like an articulated track, he had slipped free and silently exited via the rear access.  The two men had underestimated him, but he knew they would come after him as soon as they realised he was gone.  He hadn’t wanted to hurt them, he hadn’t wanted to hurt anyone, but he would if he had to.  All he wanted was to disappear and never be found.  To go where the things inside him couldn’t get free ever again.
In the months since his escape, he’d seen his face on the news and in the papers of every town and city in every country he passed through on his trek across Europe and back. He knew he couldn’t settle but he had to find someone who could help him, someone who would help him. That’s how he found you.
Your black and silver business card had saved his life.  The words “The Goddess” in silver swirling font on the glossy card, and a phone number on the back.  Though he hadn’t realised how lucky he was then, he certainly knew it now.  The lowlife who had passed it to him had smirked when, in desperate whispers, he had asked for someone who dealt in hypnotism and wasn’t afraid to break moral codes.
You weren’t even the first person he had tried, but you had been the last.  He feared that his disguises weren’t good enough, that the Interpol would find him and turn him over to the American Government, or worse, HYDRA would claim him.  There was constant hypervigilance and the crushing worry that one of the handful of people he had sought out would turn him over, get him caught.  He was exhausted.
 You had been different. So far removed from what he expected that he wasn’t sure he was even in the right place when he walked through your door.  Your warm smile had drawn him in but your attire spoke of sex and desire.  Behind you, an open door drew his gaze.  The red glow did little to hide the contents; a cushioned table with restraints, a large cage, a wall display of implements you no doubt used to inflict pain.
He balked, turning hastily to leave.
“Bucky, is it?”  Your voice was soft as you use the name he had given to you on the phone.  He turned his head to watch you over his shoulder.  He couldn’t fully remember if that was his name, but the man on the bridge had been so sure.
Hastily you swung a white robe around yourself, covering your tight black corset and plunging cleavage. The red glow diminished as you closed the door with a soft click.
He knew he should run but something about you told him to stay.  He nodded, silently searching your face for any sign of deception.
“Do you want to sit?”
He eyed the dark leather sofa suspiciously.  A curt nod and he moved cautiously to sit.
“Can I get you something to drink?”
He swallowed, a slight croak escaping his throat, little used for speaking.  “W-water please.”
You smiled brightly and filled a paper cup from a water cooler in the corner.  You set it on the table in from of him and stepped back, creating a reassuring distance between you.
“I think I know why you’re here.”  You perched your bottom on the edge of your desk, fishnet clad legs crossed at the ankles where your glossy black shoes yielded heels sharp enough they could be used as weapons.
He swallowed.  If you had recognised him, he might have to leave quickly.  He didn’t want to hurt you but the people who would come looking for him might.
“This is a safe space, Bucky.”  You said softly.  “There isn’t anything that you can tell me that would shock me or make me judge you.”
“That isn’t a promise you can ever hope to keep.”  It was the longest sentence he had said since his phone call to you when the words do you do hypnosis? and I need your help came tumbling from his lips.
“Can you help me understand? I want to help you, Bucky.”
He sighed, shoulders slumping in defeat.  If he told you everything he knew and everything he had done, you would call the authorities and he would have to disappear again.  The reports in the news about him had started to fall away of late, the infamous Winter Soldier vanished without a trace.  He would have to do it all over again.
“Would you be more comfortable somewhere less intimidating?  I can tell you’re nervous about being here.”
“No.”  He snapped.  “No.”  Softer but still fearful.  “Here is fine.  It’s just-” he clenched his jaw.  “It’s just not something I can trust anyone with.”
“Then start with what you can tell me and see how we go from there?”
He nodded, resigning himself to the telling of his tale.  You were a reassuring presence despite being a stranger.  Your vibe good and supportive, a total contrast to the image he had gotten from the inside of red-lit room.  He decided to trust you.  His journey away from HYDRA and the words that made him their slave had to begin somewhere.  One trusting step after another.
 He started with the words, and what they did to him.  Then he told you how they put them there, the torture and conditioning that took them years to achieve.  Then he told you who, and that was where realisation kicked in.  A brief flicker of recognition in your eyes, and a sharply inhaled breath, but that was all.  You sat and listened to him tell you everything, all the while you watched him compassionately.
When he was done, glassy-eyed and emotionally exhausted, he looked up at you with big pleading eyes. “Will you help me?”
“Yes, Bucky.  I’ll help you.”
 He didn’t know why you decided to help him.  He had told you he couldn’t pay you, at least not yet anyway.  But you had agreed to help him anyway and he would be eternally thankful of any help you could give.  The fear of you reporting him to the authorities was still there, stronger than ever when you sent him away and asked him to come back a few days later. You had needed to clear some time for him where he could be safe and undiscovered.
He had done as you asked, doing recon on your building in the time beforehand.  Watching your clients come and go, some half-hourly, some hourly.  He knew you were some kind of sex worker but that wasn’t what you had offered him. You had offered him hope.
 The first session he had with you was just talking.  You asked him questions and he tried to answer them honestly.  You had sat by him, close enough to touch him but you hadn’t. You asked about the words, what they were and how they felt.  You were not surprised that they were in Russian.  You made notes, promising to burn them once your task was done.
You had learned those words over time, their meaning and their pronunciation.  You called him Bucky, instead of The Asset or Soldat. Your touch was kind when he allowed it. Soon he began to crave it, if not for its gentleness then for its intimacy.
The hypnosis took time. Your voice was soft and warm.  You felt safe to him, and soon, you began to feel like home.  The more you progressed, the more willing he became, allowing you to delve deeper and create a warm spot in his cold mind.  To give him comfort from the horrors that plagued him.  Of course, they never fully went away.  He would carry them with him always.
 Bucky came to love the sound of your voice and the way you made him feel.  Subconsciously relaxing when you spoke, feelings of care and support rising up above all else but no matter how hard you tried, the words still made him a monster.  He would sink back into the darkness when the words claimed him, ready to comply.
“I don’t know what else to try,” you sighed, sipping your coffee as you warmed your hands on the hot ceramic.  Your feet were resting in his lap as he massaged them through your fluffy socks.
Bucky had been staying at your loft for several weeks now.  It had been safer for him and more convenient for you to keep an eye on him. Some of the hypnosis you had done with him really took a toll on him and as much as you didn’t want to admit it, you were growing a soft spot for the man who no longer wanted to be The Winter Soldier.
“I feel good.”  He said with a subtle smile.  “You’ve done more for me than I can ever repay you for, but I understand, it was a long shot anyway.  I’ll just have to make sure they don’t find me again.”
“There is still something, I can try,” you hesitated, “but I don’t think it’s something that you’d want.”
“I’m willing to try anything.”
“You might regret saying that.”  You chuckled dryly.
 When you explained that you could repurpose the words, he looked at you blankly.  They were rooted so deep in his mind by the torment he had gone through that they could possibly always be with him, but they didn’t have to have the same effect.  That complete loss of control caused by the painful torture and conditioning could be changed.  The foundations were already there in his mind, all you would have to do would be to recondition him.
“So, you’re saying that I won’t be a slave anymore?  I won’t have to kill people?  I won’t lose control?”
“No, I’m saying that your loss of control can be redirected.  I’m saying you can be reconditioned for another purpose.”
Bucky looked at you so fearfully that you regretted bringing this up at all.
“What purpose?”
“Some other relinquishment of control, perhaps.  You would have to be willing to let it happen or it won’t take.”
“Would you have to torture me?”
“God, no!”  You sat forward, shifting your feet from his lap and taking his hands in yours.  “Pleasure over pain any day of the week, Bucky.  I would want you to feel good no matter what.”
“So you could reprogram me to feel pleasure instead?”
“I could try.”
The moment he took to process your offer was fleeting.  His eyes snapped to yours, resolute.
“I’ll do it.”
 The journey had been long. Months of conditioning him in your rooms.  He had asked for blue lights instead of red; red reminded him of his past.  The trust he put in you was unequivocal.  He was no less than flawless.
Given his history, his willingness to submit to you was astounding.  You worked hard to build a strong bond with him, never once straying from the agreement you had both set out, never once taking something for yourself, no matter how much you wanted to.  Bucky was perfect, but he was anything but yours.  You had to remind yourself of that when he called you by your chosen title, and in the throes of pleasure moaned so perfectly for you.  Goddess.
You had made him climax many times before, edging him and reinforcing the pleasurable association between sensations throughout his body and the words.  It had taken months of work, almost daily sessions.  In addition to your regular clients, your work with Bucky ate into your free time but you didn’t care.  Being with him this way was the most rewarding thing you have ever done. The way he mewled with pleasure when you touched him, the way his skin on his neck and chest flushed hot and red when he was about to orgasm.  He still seemed innocent because you had never fucked him.  You couldn’t.  That wasn’t what he needed or wanted so you couldn’t and wouldn’t project that on to him.
Over time you had managed to repurpose all but his final trigger word, instead of relieving him of his free will, the words now built pleasure, anticipation.  All but that last one.  Ironic that the Russian word for freight car should thwart you when your goal was to make him come like a freight train.  
This final word had eluded capture no matter how many times you made him orgasm whilst chanting it. And when you strung all the words together, that final one was always the crux.  The words ya gotov otvichet would fall from his lips and he would await your orders, perfectly docile and emotionless.
You thought you had it this time though.  
  Bucky lay completely naked on your table, his muscles hard, his cock still soft.  The deep blue lights in the room made you feel trippy, slightly dizzy even.  It was disconcerting but you endured it for him.
Under your instruction, he tested the heavy-duty cuffs that bound his wrists and ankles.  Bucky had insisted on them, installing them himself, before the very first attempt you made with his first word.  They had never been needed but Bucky wouldn’t not hear any protests that they weren’t necessary.  He needed this security, so you had bound him.
At your request, he gave you his safe word.  A word he had chosen for himself.  The only one he could choose for himself since the others were chosen for him. Hotdog.
You tapped into your alter-ego headspace without fully submerging yourself.  This wasn’t roleplay, it was far more delicate and treacherous than that.  Bucky’s mind could hang in the balance if this all went wrong.  It was something you had wrestled with early on, whether it was morally right to do this, but he was low on options and you had wanted to help him if you could, so you quashed any qualms you had and concentrated on moving forward.
“Are you ready to begin?” Your voice was kind but firm.
Bucky nodded and mumbled “yes Goddess” as he closed his eyes and waited for you to begin.
Your chest bloomed with pride.  He was so good, so patient, so trusting.  “Good.”
Bucky took a deep breath in through his nose and out through quivering lips, readying himself as best he could.
Breath quickening, bucky sighed heavily.  The feeling of desire took hold, and he longed for release.  His cock twitched as blood flowed into it, making it hard, laying solid and heavy against his abdomen.
He stirred, eyes flickering behind closed lids as the muscles in his stomach clenched, his hips lifting slightly from the padded surface of the table.  His cock twitched vertical, swelling more before dropping back against his stomach.
He moaned.  Breath caught in his throat.  Teeth catching his full lower lip and biting down.  You hoped he wouldn’t be so far gone that he drew blood so when he released his lip, licking afterwards, you were relieved.
A gasp.  A sigh.  They punctuated his thrusting hips as he sought friction against his erection. You longed to touch him, to give him what he needed but that would defeat the object.  He needed to do this without being touched, with only the words to guide him on the journey you had spent months preparing him for.
Bucky groaned heavily, his chest heaving as he panted against his growing pleasure.  A pearl of precum beaded on his tip, growing in size until it dripped off onto the skin of his stomach.  When his cock twitched it created a gossamer string of silken liquid in the gap underneath his risen cock.  You licked your lips, watching him come undone.
He fairly cried out as soon as the word had left your lips, hands clenched into fists, teeth bared slightly.   The skin on his neck began to flush deep pink and you knew he was starting to get close.
A held breath escaped him as a drawn out moan that had heat pooling between your legs.  The sounds of him were enough to soak your panties, want and desire clamouring in your chest.  Bucky thrust his hip up repeatedly, fucking into the air as his cock throbbed relentlessly.
“Vozvrashcheniy na rodinu.”
Whimpering now, tears formed under his closed lashes, trickling forth from the corners of his eyes down into the hair above his ears.  His chest was wracked with panting gasps, and the skin there flushed an angry red. He was just about there, right on the edge.
All muscles taut, from his clenched jaw and straining neck right the way down to his arched feet and curled toes, Bucky clung on to the edge of oblivion.  The glistening tip of his cock was so engorged it looked bruised, an angry purple-red that strained against the skin.  He twitched violently, balls tightening, fluid leaking from his tip.
“Gruzovoy vagon.”
Bucky’s breathy cry echoed around the room like a chorus of angels.  His release almost explosive as he spilled over himself in waves, pumping jizm out over his chest and stomach.  He thrashed on the table, hips jutting up, back arched in unadulterated pleasure.
His grunts became whimpers and his throbbing cock slowed.  You rushed forward an whispered his name, laying your hand gently on his sternum to let him know you were there.  His eyes cracked open briefly and he licked at his reddened lips, gasping as he came back to himself.
You increased the lights so you could release him, rubbing his wrists and ankles to make sure the blood flow was good with a few pinched toes and fingertips.  You wiped him down with a warm flannel cloth and took his hand to get him to sit.  He went with you easily, still in a daze.
“Bucky?”  You whispered and he shivered.  You hoped beyond hope that he was alright.  He hadn’t said the words yet but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t.
You wrapped him in a red plaid fleece blanket you kept just in case and stepped between his open knees, pulling the blanket closed around him.  His breathing was still laboured and he looked thoroughly wrecked.
“Bucky, talk to me.”
His mouth started to turn upwards into a smile but didn’t make it that far before the dam broke and his mouth twisted.  Relieved sobs and a river of tears flowed from him as the realisation set in.  You had spoken his words and he was still there, in the light.  The darkness hadn’t claimed him this time.  He was free.  Free of the pain.  Free of the fear.  Free of him.
“You’re ok.  You’re ok.”  You reassured him as he broke down in front of you.  “I’m here.”
You wrapped your arms around him and pulled him to you, resting his head on your shoulder as he wept, sobbing and sniffling against your hair and skin.  When his arms tightened around you and held you closer, you couldn’t help but grin.  It had worked.  It had finally worked.
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Cuddled against you, for what felt like an hour, Bucky finally settled. He lifted his head to look at you through bloodshot eyes.  His lips were raw and swollen too but there was peace there under the evidence of his emotional experience.  You stroked his hair back and looked up into his eyes.  He hadn’t said a word since you had begun and you needed to know he was alright.
“Talk to me, Bucky.” You whispered, hands cupping his face gently.  “I need your words.”
He blushed slightly, looking down coyly before meeting your gaze firmly.  “Thank you, Goddess.”
The barked laugh that escaped you was full of delight.  After all of that, he still managed to make your proud.  “You had me worried.”  You let out a relieved breath.  “I’m going to get you some water, but I’ll be right back, okay?  Is there anything else you want or need?”
“There is one thing, Goddess.”
“Can I kiss you, Goddess?”
Your heart jolted in your chest.  This was something you had wanted for quite some time but had been unable to cross that line.  Now that Bucky was asking, could you really deny him this one thing?  Normally you wouldn’t kiss clients, rarely would you have sex with them either unless it was a part of their experience.
“You would like to kiss me?  Is that right, Bucky?”  That was exactly what he had asked for and the distinction was important.  He wanted to kiss you, not he wanted you to kiss him.
“Very much so, Goddess, yes.”
You searched his face looking for any sign that there might be something wrong but all you could see was adoration and bliss behind the puffiness of his eyes and mouth.
“You’re going to drink some water first.”  You said, cupping his face in your hands once more.  “And if you want to kiss me when you’re done then, yes, you may.”
Bucky grinned brightly, a flash of brilliance before his face relaxed again.  He took the cup of water and downed it without hesitation, handing the paper cup back to you with a shaking hand.
When his eyes met yours you froze.  Bucky had submitted to you willingly but it wasn’t his natural state.  The glint in his eye as he reached out to pull you forward between his spread legs once more, was intoxicating.
He stroked his fingertips across your cheek, sliding them into the hair behind your ear, his metal hand rested on your waist.  “Is this okay?”  He asked in a whisper.  Your preferred title forgotten in the moment but you didn’t mind, not for this.
“Yes.”  Breathy and needy.
Bucky leaned in slowly, allowing you time to stop him if you needed to.  When his lips met yours it was in the lightest touch.  He grazed his lips back and forth, coaxing yours apart slightly before sealing the kiss gently.  There was no tongue, no teeth, just a sweet pressing of his mouth to yours as he held you there for a while, savouring you.
When he parted from you, a sigh left your lips and he grinned.  Resting his forehead on yours he held you as he had before, stroking his thumb where your cheek met your ear.
“I’ve wanted to do that for a while but I didn’t think you would let me.”  He confessed.
You chuckled.  “I’ve wanted to do that for a while but didn’t think it was appropriate.”
“Can I do it again, Goddess?”
“Yes, Bucky, you may.”
 He claimed your mouth in a sensual kiss, mouths open, his tongue licking into you like you were a delicacy to be savoured.  Bucky slowly devoured you and it felt amazing.  You closed your eyes to the world and sunk into the feeling of his lips on yours, his taste mixing with yours.  This thing between you was evolving into something new.  What it would be, you had no idea but that in itself was exciting. Who would have thought that meeting the world’s most wanted assassin would prove to be the most fulfilling experience of your life.  Things were still dangerous for him, for both of you, but from this moment forward you were both in it together.  You and Bucky against the world.
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sadunicorn47 · 1 year
The Savior ~ A Loki x Reader story~
Summary: Loki's previous trip to earth as D.B Cooper was just a simple prank amongst brother; there was absolutely no hidden agenda behind it whatsoever; certainly was not a way for Loki to take a peek at his so called destined soulmate. Y/N has not had an easy life, and has been hurt by the world way too many times. Can she trust her destined soulmate, or is she too far gone to love and be loved? This story is full of love, heartbreak as well as whole lot of mischief and many talks about past abuse.
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
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swtki · 1 year
Hey all! I’m opening up requests to help me out of a writing slump!
Please send me requests, these are the guidelines I have:
My readers are ALWAYS inclusive 100% in fluff, this means GN, race neutral, and size neutral.
My smuts are inclusive to all Fems, meaning I only use she/her pronouns and afab anatomy, however race, and size are neutral.
I will be creating a rec post for Trans! readers, black! readers, cis male readers, any type of specific reader soon <3
Characters I will write for:
-Loki Laufeyson
-Bucky Barnes
- Steve Rogers
- TASM! Peter Parker
- Spencer Reid
Please do not ask for any other characters or any ships other than x reader.
Things I will write:
-smut (fem dom or vanilla)
-fluff (any and all)
-angst (past trauma, current trauma, breakups and heartbreak)
-dark fics (stalking, perv)
start sending them babes !
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khaleesilittlesiren · 2 years
You Know Me Like No One Ever Has
Hello! This is Chapter 1 of my Andy Barber and TJ Hammond Series. No I have not come up with a better title yet, but oh well. Please interact as much as you can with this! Thank you Bunnies, I Love you!
Warnings: Slight Daddy Kink, mention of self harm, drugs, and drug addiction, Andy Barber (he is a warning), slight voice, praise, hand and size kink. If I missed anything else please let me know, I haven't done many warnings before.
Word count: 1,632
Chapter 1.
TJ was sitting at a night club trying to pick up his next distraction. He knew he shouldn’t have been there due to his deal with his brother on staying clean. But today had been harder than usual. Mom is still trying to run for president again and it is already taking a toll on the family. FUCK THIS. He had to stop thinking. Like the program said don’t dwell on things, and find a healthy distraction. Cardio is a healthy distraction isn’t it? Especially in the form of dick. So, turning his brain off, TJ started scanning the crowd for someone to forget with. 
The first to catch his eye is a blonde, tall and Dorito shaped man. He had big hands, an important quality, and was jacked to all shit, with at least 6ft in height. Then a sexy brunette with a smilier build, claims blonde with straddling and a lot of tongue. TJ considered going over and asked if they needed a toy to play with for the night, but didn’t feel like he could handle going as sub as he would with two doms.  
TJ broke the view that he was jealous of, and continued his scan for a more free distraction. He liked coming here because this establishment held an older clientele. TJ liked older men because they wouldn’t see him has a high school crush. But instead as someone they could take care of. Be sweet on him and dominate the fuck out of him. Also he might have a “small" (ginormous) daddy kink, but what else is a new. 
TJ spots a gorgeous man. A gorgeous fucking man. Similar to the Dorito and the brunette. A thick chestnut beard graces his beautiful face and matches his full luscious head of hair. He is wearing a dark blue (well fitted) Italian, expensive suit, that made his blue globes glow. He was sitting there at the end of the bar nursing a scotch. He is the definition of  TJ’s type. 
TJ gets up from his place at the opposite end of the bar, leaving the girl who was trying to change his taste in wine obviously waisting her breath. TJ strutted over in his black jeans, boots, Nirvana t-shirt and leather jacket. He approached tall dark and handsome, and indicated to the chair next to him. 
“Is this seat taken?” 
The man looked him up and down not trying to to hide is obvious wandering eyes, this action brought a shy smile and heat up to TJ’s cheeks. Being this close too gorgeous, TJ was able to see the hint of age on his face along with the sprinkle of grey in his beard. A smirk graced his face as he replied.
“No. The seats all yours hon’.” The man responded breaking TJ out of his trance. TJ sat down ordering just a water trying to clear his mind from the haze he was just in. When the bartender brought the water TJ took a large sip, making it easier to focus. 
“My name is TJ. What is yours?”
“Andy”. The man, Andy, gave him a warm smile, brining the heat back to his face. Andy finished his drink, then turned back to TJ, clearly checking him out again. TJ got nervous under Andy’s intense stare. He continued looking at him and TJ got nervous thinking Andy knew who he was. Andy looked up into his eyes and gave him a sad smile. Fuck.
“Hammond. Hammond, is your last name right? Mine is Barber. Your family has used me a couple of times before. Most recently for getting rid of some medical records regarding you this last December.”
Barber. Andy mother fucking Barber. One of the best lawyers in the country. TJ looked at Andy one last time and decided that last comment was his hint that Andy no longer wished to continue the conversation. Its not like someone as successful as Andy Barber would want anything to do with a broken messed up person like TJ. TJ started to get up from his chair wondering if his drug dealer was still available, or where the knife in his apartment was. But he was stopped when Andy grabbed his arm.
“Where are you going Sugar?”
TJ looked up at him surprised. 
“I thought that was you way of telling me that you didn’t want to talk to me anymore.”
TJ flinched at his own words hating the insecurity that flowed through them. 
“No Sugar. I just wanted to get that formal information out of the way. Let’s start again. Hi, my name is Andy, what is your name, Cutie?”
Andy gave him a more playful smile, which made TJ return a shy one in return.
“Well TJ how is your night goin?”
TJ shook his head and chuckled at him.
“It has turned out very interesting. How is yours going?”
“My night is getting progressively better.” Andy replied with a suggestive smile. 
Andy ordered another drink and they finished their drinks in silence. Andy stands up and leans in close to TJ trapping him against the bar and blocking TJ’s view to the rest of the bar with his height and broad shoulders. With him being this close TJ can smell Andy’s cologne getting hints of pine forests and scotch. This smell triggered the subby part of TJ’s brain to become active suddenly. TJ becomes very pliant in the chair and lets Andy tower over him and trap him in. Andy starts to lean in and TJ bares his neck submissively. Andy chuckles under his breath, and TJ swears he heard a faint whisper of “Good Boy” from the older man’s lips.
“What are you doing tomorrow night, Sugar?” 
Fuck this man and his nicknames are going to be the death of him. Andy moves away to look TJ in the face and all the breath is stolen from TJ’s lungs. Captivated by Andy’s eyes, that he is close enough to see the green splatters in the blue ocean. TJ’s eyes lower down to see the plump lips that look way to bare for TJ’s liking. Startles, TJ jumps when he feels Andy fingers under his chin to raise his gaze up to meet his eyes. TJ can see the ghost of a smirk on Andy’s face by the crows feet near the corners of his eyes. Andy looks like he is expecting something from TJ. A question. Andy asked TJ a question, but fuck what was the question. TJ tries to rack his brain  but it just comes up blank. 
“Could you please repeat the question?” Daddy. Is what TJ had to bite his tongue from saying. 
“Oh doll. Did you just forget the question because I just barely touched you?”
TJ tried to find an excuse other then the fact that he forgot the question because all he could think about was how beautiful Andy’s eyes were and how good his touch felt under his chin. He hadn’t been touched this tenderly in a very long time he realized. 
The only excuse he could find was “The music is very loud in here, I just want to make sure that I answer your question correctly.”
This was an obvious lie the music club isn’t that bad for a night club very easy to have a conversation in. Andy obviously knows that TJ is lying by the chuckle he gives TJ. 
Andy just looks down soundly at the younger man with a slight tilt of his head. “I asked you, what are you doin tomorrow night, Sugar?”
Oh yes. “I don’t have anything going on.” TJ finally was able to answer.
“Well now you do. Meet me at the corner of 4th and Rood. You know where that is, Baby Doll?” 
TJ nods his head clenching around nothing at Andy’s voice and choice of words. 
A simple statement that TJ wished Any would have ended with “boy”, but whatever.
“Here is my number,” Andy reached across to his side and grabbed a napkin, writing his number on it. 
Andy went back completely in front of TJ and looked him straight into the eyes. Andy with his “subtle” checking out looked TJ up and down again, like he was a piece of meat that he wanted to devour. Andy leaned down and kissed TJ on the cheek. Fuck his lips are soft. NO HAMMOND! Focus. His lips hovered over TJ’s ear. “Goodnight darlin. I’ll see you tomorrow night.”
Andy stood up to his full height, which TJ thought he already was. He was not. Andy grabs his jacket and starts to walk away when TJ realized he didn’t say goodnight back. 
“GOODNIGHT!!!” TJ slightly yelled at Andy when he was half way to the door. 
Realizing what he just did, TJ ducks his head and wishes he could just vanish.
Then he hears a “GOODNIGHT GORGEOUS!” from across the room. Tj looks up to see a beaming Andy waving at him. Andy then turns then leaves the club. TJ stays sitting there for a couple of minutes trying to calm himself. His mind was still racing from that interaction. Andy Barber is arguably the most available bachelor in Boston, could have anyone he wanted. And that sexy bastard just asked TJ out. While also making TJ feel safe in such a short interaction. 
TJ finished his water and got up. He walked out of the club looking up wishing he could see the stars, that are blocked by the city lights. TJ could have gotten a ride, but decided it best to walk home to try to calm himself down before bed. So TJ walked home with an extra skip in his step, with the widest grin he has had in months. 
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buckyalpine · 30 days
18+ minors dni, that is your warning. Idk how we ended up with this. Some subby vs dom Bucky having wet dreams has such a choke hold on me right now. Apologies in advance, it gets quite feral.
Imagine subby Bucky whining and whimpering into his pillow with his aching cock throbbing against the mattress, cum dribbling from his tip, his hips pressing against the bed to relieve how full his dick feels. He shivers in his sleep as he wets his boxer briefs' and the bed with his load, cuddling into the pillow more because how he feels all sensitive, floating in a hazy bliss. At some point when he does wake up, he feels the warm sticky mess he made and his cheeks are dusted pink thinking about what caused all this in the first place. He should change the sheets and he should hop into the shower but that dream-
He can't help but shove his hand into his briefs, biting his lip to keep his voice down while he tugs at his cock in the privacy of his room, thankful you had no idea how desperate he was for you.
He needs your breasts in his face, something for him to suckle on to keep his voice down when he's balls deep in you. The thought makes him harder and he pulls the waistband of his brief's down to free his cock, stroking faster. Poor baby so badly wants to stop, you're too sweet and here he is acting like such a little pervert but a thick drop of precum drips out and he can't stop now, he needs to get it all out. He wonders if you'd put it in your mouth, fuck if you'd try and take both balls, telling him how good he tastes, how he's such a good boy for holding it, how big and good his dick feels, how you'd touch him so softly and-
"A-angel-y/n-mmph"- his voice melts into a whine as he throws his head back, chest heaving between sweet breathy moans, cum shooting and dripping onto his abs. He's made an even bigger mess than before and he's not sure how he's going to face you after what he's just done but he can't help it, not when it's you.
But then imagine dom Bucky who lets out a muffled groan, his metal arm whirring, fingers tearing the sheets when pleasure out of his control makes his balls full and heavy, his cock growing rock hard. His muscles tense and he ruts into the bed to chase the intense feeling between his legs. "Mmph-fuck" His voice is laced with sleep as his hips stutter, pink lips parted when he moans, cumming all over himself and the bed. Ropes of his spend seem to pour endlessly from his cockhead, his body producing more than enough cum for days. His eyes crack open when the sun pours into his room and he stretches, feeling relaxed and satisfied. He smirks when he remembers that dream, lazily kicking off the sheets and tossing his boxers off so he can think about it again, this time with more control. He's hard in no time, keeping his legs spread while his metal hand cups and rolls his balls, his other working his length up and down.
He thinks about the way you'd suckle on his tip, hissing when he lets his thumb toy with his slit, imaging it being your tongue lapping up the milk he's ready to give you.
"Mm, that's it angel" He groans, giving his balls a tug and rutting his hips up to fuck his fist thinking about how perfect you'd be if you swallowed every single drop, sticking your tongue out after to show him you drank it all.
His mind continues to wonder thinking about what his filthy imagination cooked up last night in his dreams. Your body would look so pretty on full display for him with your legs spread apart so he can put his cock in exactly where it belongs. His eyes roll back at the thought of you whining and whimpering over how his fat dick is stretching you. Bucky really isn't the type to put a lot of thought into his dick size but when it comes to you it makes him feral. He wants to hear those whimpers when you feel his erection press against you if you sat on his lap, to see your eyes widen when he pulls it out, for you tell him it's not gonna fit.
At this point, Bucky doesn't give a fuck that he's moaning shamelessly on his bed with both hands playing and working at his cock and balls. The walls are soundproof anyway. He alternates between closing his eyes and thinking of you and looking at his leaky length, he fucking knows its perfect and so pink and pretty. He just knows you'd want to play with it and kiss it and suck it. God, he wants you to suck it. So bad.
"Suck it angel, c'mon, suck daddy's cock"
He almost wishes you were able to hear him next door. You have him so worked up, his seconds away from shoving his pillow between his legs and humping it till his balls are empty.
"God damn angel, fuck are you doing to me" He murmurs when he gets closer to cumming, thinking about his dream ended up with your legs around his waist, his cum painting the inside of your cunt. His moans grow louder, brows furrowed and jaw slack when the first stream blows from the tip smearing onto his lips. "Holy fuck-fuck-hng-
He's never cum that hard before, moaning loudly again when he lets his hand massage his sensitive and swollen head making sure he drains his balls, getting out every drop.
He's not even mad at the musky salty tastes of himself as he starts to come down from his high, continuing to give himself a few more lazy strokes as he strides over to take a shower. He has training with you later today and he can't wait to make those dreams a reality.
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honmyoseagull · 2 years
Even after all these years, in spite of parting ways, the bond between the Invaders is still intact.
Jim disappears on them? Tempers fray at the seams. Jim is back? The Invaders can cool down. Snapshots.
(Companion fic to LOST IN THE DARK)
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wildgirllz · 2 years
I haven’t written anything in a while, give me some bucky requests!
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bucks-babe · 5 months
Be Mean To Me
Pairing: Bucky x f!reader
Summary: After a long day at work, you just want to lose all control and have your boyfriend fuck you into oblivion 
Warnings: Established relationship, slight angst, fluff, smut, mean!dom!bucky, reader asks for it, they are so in love, rough sex, dom/sub dynamics, oral (male receiving), ball sucking, slapping, spit kink?, degradation, humiliation, name calling (slut, whore, bitch, sugar, good girl), daddy kink, some praise, spanking, pussy slapping (like once), safe word (yellow), vaginal sex, no prep anal, Bucky has a huge dick, choking, aftercare, check-ins, crying during sex, crying after sex, soft!Bucky, no mention of Y/N, no description of reader other than being female
Word Count: 4.9k of mostly smut
A/N: This was very self indulgent. Work has been kicking my ass and I want to be taken care of. Any mistakes are my own. If I missed any warnings please let me know. @bucknastysbabe it's done! I think I should go back to therapy. But hey, smut
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You feel your throat tighten as you walk up to the apartment you share with Bucky. It was one of those days that left you beaten down and wanting to curl up under your blankets and cry. You didn’t even want to go into work this morning, having to force yourself to get ready. Too many rude customers, incompetent coworkers giving you more work than you get paid to do, everything leaving you overstimulated and wanting your boyfriend.
It left a craving deep down inside of you, a want that you knew only he could quell. You just wanted to shut your brain off, have Bucky take care of you, ruin you, treat you like a whore, break you down, just to put you back together again.
You swallow the lump in your throat and unlock the front door, finding Bucky on the couch watching some random action movie that he claimed to hate. At the sight of him your body naturally relaxes and the urge to crawl onto his lap is too much to bear.
“Hey, sugar. I’ve been missing you all day. You’ll never fucking believe the video Sam sent me of Tony trying out his new thrusters! He flew rig- What’s wrong?” He perked up at the sound of the door opening, truly missing his girl. Whenever you’re around him his entire day gets better, a lightness filling his chest, but when he sees how run down you are, his heart literally hurts for you. Bucky wants to protect you from everything, from supervillains all the way to spiders in the house.
“Long day, baby. Just wanna be with you.” He opens his arms and you instantly crawl into his lap, eyes burning with tears you refuse to shed. He runs his metal hand up and down your back, pulling you as close to him as possible, while his flesh hand rests on your head, holding you to his neck, letting you breathe him in.
“What can I do for you, sugar? Want to talk about it? I can order from your favorite place. Can run you a bath. Whatever you want, sweet girl.” 
“Please, be mean to me, Bucky.” Bucky feels his heart clench in his chest. He wants to keep your heart safe from whatever it is that is plaguing you, but he knows he can’t. What he can do is follow your request and make you forget.
“How mean do you want me, sugar?” Bucky has done this for you a few times. He always asks how you want him to treat you. It’s in his nature to be sweet to you, fill you with praise, but that's not what you want right now. You want to be degraded and treated like a fucktoy.
“Mean.” You keep your eyes trained on him. This is the only part where you need to keep your head on, make sure that he knows you want this.
“Remember your colors, sugar?” You nob, excitement bubbling up inside of you. “Remember, daddy will only be upset with you if you don’t use them. If you need to say yellow or red, you will.” His tone is final. This is the only way he would ever agree to treating you like a slut.
“Yes, daddy.” And just like that, Bucky’s entire demeanor changes. He goes from your sweet, cuddly boyfriend to a cold and callous body of muscle. 
“Then take your clothes off, slut.” He pushes you off his lap, just hard enough to give the illusion of indifference. As you strip, Bucky keeps his eyes trained on the TV, not paying you any mind. Your core throbs at the fact that you are completely exposed while he is still fully dressed. 
“On your knees.” He’s still not looking at you, but you obey without thought, willing to do whatever he wants. Grabbing the back of your neck, he forces you in between his spread legs, and you whine at the fact that his cock is still soft inside his sweats. Any other day, Bucky would make sure that your knees were never on the hardwood floor without a pillow or something soft underneath, but not today.
On days like these, when you want to feel completely submissive, it takes Bucky a while to get aroused. It’s in his nature to love up on you, make you drunk with pleasure in the sweetest way possible. He feeds off of your energy. When he is sure that you are having fun, his body lets himself fall into his role.
“What? You think at the first signs of some tits I’m gonna get hard? I knew you were a dumb slut but I didn’t realize just how thick you were.” Your pussy was absolutely pulsing with need. With his hand still on the back of your neck, he rubs your face against his crotch, feeling his cock begin to harden at the smell of your arousal.
He pulls you back far enough to slide his pants down, foregoing boxers, and you immediately try to take his half hard length in your mouth. Before you can process it, Bucky’s right hand lands a slap to your cheek - hard enough to make a welt that will take a few hours to disappear. You gasp and your cunt pulses even harder than before at the sting left on your cheek. 
His metal hand wraps around your chin, much cooler than it’s supposed to be, and forces you to look him in the eye. In the back of your mind you realize that he turned on the cooling function in his arm to sooth your cheek; the arm was built to keep him cool in the Wakandan sun and heat. “Did daddy say you could suck his cock?” He uses his hand to shake your head from side to side, answering for you. “Then keep your slutty mouth shut.”
He spreads his legs wider and pulls your face closer to his heavy sack, already full of cum. “Hands behind your back, and suck on daddy’s balls.” You join your hands together behind your back without question and nuzzle his balls. Wasting no time, you take one into your mouth, sucking feverishly, enjoying the light dusting of hair tickling your face.
“Oh, fuck, come on, slut, I know you can do better than that. Take ‘em both in your dirty mouth.” He pushes you further into him, cutting off your oxygen, and you swear you hear your slick drip onto the floor. Your jaw aches as you try to get them both in your mouth, but you can't; his balls are too big. Bucky ruts against your face, squishing his balls, precum leaking from his tip, dripping onto his stomach after he takes his shirt off.
With your limited amount of movement, you alternate between each ball, licking at the seam. Every time you switch balls, you feel the other drag wetly across your face and you have to clench your legs in an attempt to quell the ache between them while fighting with your need for air. “Such a dirty bitch, lapping at your daddy’s nuts, shit.” He pulls you back just as your head starts to go fuzzy from the lack of oxygen, and you gasp for air, spit is covering the lower half of your face and is dripping down your neck and chest; Bucky feels his cock throb at the sight.
Reaching out, Bucky smears your spit around your face and leaves another, weaker smack to your cheek before he grabs his cock and uses his weeping tip to tease you, dragging it on your face. “What a nasty fucking bitch, drooling all over the place just from sucking some balls.” He slaps your cheeks with it a few times before forcing your head down all the way, making you gag and you immediately pull off, coughing.
He stares into your eyes, cold and calculating, waiting for you to speak. When your coughing subsides you manage to get out a hoarse ‘green,’ giving him the all clear. He takes your head and once again makes you take his cock, this time much slower and not as deep, the first time he wanted to fuck with you. “Such a perfect fucking mouth, shit.” He stops you from bobbing your head, “Stop being such a desperate whore and let daddy finish his movie.” You're sure you’re leaking onto the floor at this point.
You are able to see his face and he looks wrecked, mouth hanging open and head back; he’s not watching shit. Nonetheless, you rest your head on his thigh, getting comfortable, spreading your legs out to get closer to the floor so your head won't be bent at an awkward angle, ignoring the pain in your knees and the ache in your jaw. 
The only sounds filling the room are Bucky’s ragged breathing and the movie playing in the background. There is saliva everywhere, his cock, all over his balls, down to his ass and on the couch. His cock is constantly leaking precum into your mouth but you don’t swallow, letting his taste linger on your tongue. 
This isn’t what you wanted, you wanted him to demolish you. Sitting with his cock in your mouth is giving you too much time to think, so you do what any sane person would do - be a brat. At the first suckle, Bucky lets out a broken moan, at the second, he knows what you’re up to. Flicking your ear with his metal hand he hisses, “Don’t make me punish you, bitch.” At the third, he yanks you off of his dick, a trail of drool and precum keeping the two of you connected, as slaps you once again with his flesh hand, this time not soothing the marred flesh with his metal hand.
He stands and kicks the couch out of the way and pulls you with him by the neck. “You disobedient little-” he cuts himself short at the small puddle of slick that he finds from your previous position. “Is that what I think it is?” You only whine in response, his grip on your neck never faltering. 
With his free hand, he reaches down to your pussy to feel just how wet you are, confirming his suspicions. “What a dirty fucking slut, leaking all over my floor.” He pulls you in closer to him just to whisper, “Lick it the fuck up, bitch,” before pushing you to the ground. 
Your knees hit the wood hard and pain runs up your spine. You ignore the ache and brainlessly lap at your juices on the floor before Bucky smushes your cheek against the puddle and you moan. “Messy bitch, you are? Cunt is pulsing, waiting for my dick. Too bad I have to punish you, isn’t it, slut?” He leans down to the floor, eyes lined up with yours. “Daddy is going to give you ten spanks and I want you to count them.” You don’t respond immediately, stuck in a sort of limbo, drawn in further at the softness in his eyes.
No matter how hard he tries, Bucky can’t hide his devotion to you, that’s why he doesn’t let you look at him when he needs to play this role. His whole face softens at your silence, fearing he’s gone too far. “Color, sugar.” Stroking your cheek, he leans in closer, breathing you in.
“Green, daddy, so green.” The sigh Bucky lets out is audible and he feels ten times lighter.
“Good girl, you want to keep going the way we were?” Even though you said green, he wants to be certain.
“Yes please, daddy, want you to be mean.” You look so small and soft. Bucky struggles to put his facade back up, but he knows you need this.
Bucky positions himself behind you, staring at your ass and glistening pussy, and feels his cock bounce. The first slap isn’t soft by any means, you know there will be a handprint left. Your body jolts and Bucky groans at the jiggle of your ass. “One.” The second is on your other cheek and makes you clench around nothing. “Two.” He lands the next two much harder on the same cheek and you feel tears form in your eyes, yet continue to count, digging your nails into your palm.
He repeats the two spanks to your left cheek and takes a break to sooth your heated and raised skin with his metal hand after you’ve counted. The ground beneath your cheek is hard and unforgiving, leaving you neck bent at an odd angle. Spank seven lands on the back of your right thigh and somehow feels much stronger. “Shit! Seven, daddy.” Eight is on your left, and is just as hard. Your entire lower body aches: cunt pulsing and throbbing for his cock, thighs burning, and ass red and raw, sobbing with every impact.
“These last two are going to be harder, slut, since you forgot to count.” Even with his warning, you aren’t prepared. They are hard and fast, hearing them before you feel them, knocking the breath out of you, and you try to scramble up, but Bucky holds you down. “Don’t run away from me, you know better.” All of a sudden, the sharpest and most excruciating pain blooms from your cunt, and then you hear the wet smack of his metal hand hitting your core. 
You wail, body shooting up, legs fighting to close to soothe the sting left. Before you can, Bucky’s hand on the back of your head keeps you to the ground, while he slams his cock into your cunt, not stopping to let you adjust. “That’s it, fuck. Such a good pussy. Dirty fucking bitch.” You can’t breathe, his cock is knocking all of the air out of your lungs. The only sounds in the room are Bucky’s moans and the wet slapping of skin, his heavy balls banging against your sore clit. With each thrust you’re sure he’s hitting your cervix.
The hand on the back of your head leaves to grab your hip, letting him fuck you even faster, the both of you sliding further and further on the floor. You try to brace yourself with your hands, but the brutality of his fucking is no match. “Daddy, fuck, s-so g-good, please!” You don’t know what you’re begging for, but your cunt is pulling him in, barely letting him pull out.
Bucky is practically chasing you on the floor, hips never slowing down, eyes trained on your pussy, loving the creamy white mess on his dick. “Fuuuck, look at the ass bouncing on daddy’s cock, shit! Love the way this fat fucking ass looks when its all red and sore.” He’s in heaven, with the tight clench of your cunt wrapping around his cock, making him feel crazy.
“Daddy! I can’t, f-fuck, please, too much!” You’re fucking delirious with pleasure, feeling something twisting inside of you. You searched for something to hold on to, only finding smooth surface, legs locking, body seizing up.
“You can and you will take this dick, bitch. I don’t care if it makes you fucking bleed.” The pressure in your core builds tighter and tighter, all the while, Bucky’s hips never falter, sack still ramming against your clit.The breath is knocked out of you when you feel the most intense orgasm of your life pass through you.
Keening and wailing, you squirt on Bucky’s cock, the sounds of your fucking somehow getting even more wet until the force of your orgasm pushes his cock out. Your body is left twitching. There is a much larger puddle on the floor now - your cum. Bucky could fucking cum at the sight of your pathetic body laying on the ground, body wrought with pleasure. “Fuck, sugar! That was so fucking hot! You squirted all over, shit! I fucking love you so goddamn much.” 
The entire lower half of his body is covered with your cum and Bucky swears he can feel his heartbeat in his cock. Nonetheless, he wraps his arms around your waist and hulls you over to where he kicked the couch, placing your upper half on the cushions. “You’re so fucking wet now I bet I could slide right into that tight ass, what do you think, slut?” Your core pulses at the thought of his fat cock in your ass, the two of you don’t usually do anal, given how big he is, but you can’t think straight, especially after cumming so hard.
“Yes, daddy. I want your big cock in my ass, want you to fill me up.” Bucky groans at the thought of his excessive load running out of your ass. Leaning back, he ruts against your pussy, gathering more of your slick, before spreading your cheeks with his hands, staring at your puckered hole. He lines his cock up and watches as precum leaks from his tip.
His cock is huge, much longer and thicker than average, and he knows it. Grabbing himself near his tip, he pushes, grunting at the resistance, knowing that this would be much easier if he takes the time to prep you, but you want to be treated like a whore. “You gotta loosen the fuck up, bitch or else I’ll really fucking hurt you. Want this fucking ass so bad, better let daddy in. Cock is too big for this little ass, isn’t it, gonna split you in half, leave you leaking for days.” 
He pushes harder, tip finally popping in, causing searing pain to shoot through you. Crying out, you try to pull forward to escape the burning pain, wiggling further into the couch. Bucky leans over, careful not to push in any further, he knows you need a moment, any other time you would have been fully prepped and he would have slid right in, and wraps his metal hand around your neck, shushing you, “Shhhh, stop being so dramatic.” 
After a few minutes, the pain begins to subside and your breathing calms down. Keeping his hand around your throat, he pushes in, inch by inch, and the pain comes back. You whine into the cushion, every new inch burning more than the last until his hips are flush with your ass. “What the fuck?! Your ass is so fu-fucking tight, shit! Fucking milking my cock, wanna pound this little hole, wanna fucking ruin you.”
Burying his face in the back of your neck, Bucky was taking deep breaths, completely out of it. He wasn’t thinking straight, not when your tight hole was hugging every inch of his cock. You on the other hand, were struggling, it was too much too fast. It fucking hurt, there were tears in your eyes, but your pussy was aching like it wanted more. Your clit throbbed with need, even when your ass was stretched to the brim.
You didn’t want to stop, but you needed a break, before Bucky could move his hips you muttered, “Yellow, daddy, yellow.” The hand on your neck left and Bucky maneuvered his upper body so that he could look you in the eye without moving his cock. His entire demeanor was different, back was your sweet, caring boyfriend. 
“Good girl, daddy’s so proud of you for using your safe word. Shhh, it’s okay, sugar. Do you just need a second to breathe? Take your time, if you need to stop I will.” Bucky caresses your face as he soothes you, bringing you back down. His cock is still buried to the hilt in your ass, driving him insane. He wants to rail you so fucking bad, tip of his cock probably purple by now, but he would never do anything you didn’t want to, more than willing to sit with his cock inside of you until you’re ready or decide to stop.
You don’t know how much time passes, but eventually, you loosen up and your mind goes fuzzy once again, desperate for him to move. You wiggle your hips, rocking back and forth, instead of pain, blinding pleasure courses through you. “Green, daddy. I’m ready, just needed to get used to your fat cock, want you to pound into me.” Bucky lets out the most sinful groan and stills your hips with his hands.
He starts out slow, easing you into his motions, gradually gaining speed and force the louder your moans get. “Daddy, faster, please, harder, feels so good!” You were practically sobbing, loving the way he was splitting you open. His hips and thighs were wet from when you squirted on him, slapping against your ass, everytime he pulled back a vulgar shlick sound could be heard.
He fucked you faster and harder, staring at where you were connected. “This fucking ass feels incredible. Taking me so well, knew you could do it, fuck. Splitting your tiny ass in half. Oh God!” He could feel his orgasm building up, fighting it off everytime his cum filled sack slapped against your pussy. Letting go of your hips he snarled, “Show daddy how much of a fucking slut you are and bounce that fat ass on his cock.”
You whined, but complied anyway, digging your toes into the floor to get more leverage to keep slamming back on his cock. The sounds of skin slapping and both of your moans completely drowned out the ending of Bucky’s movie, not that either of you cared. Panting and moaning, you kept working yourself on him, feeling another orgasm bubbling up.
Meeting your thrusts, Bucky was rambling, not having one coherent thought in his head, “Look at that, give me that ass, yes! Don’t you dare fucking stop, bitch, want you to milk this cock. Love the way it fucking bounces, never seen anything like it, oh fuck!” He was getting whiny, high pitched moans falling from his lips. He couldn’t help it, his cock was too fucking sensitive and you felt too good. 
“M Gonna cum, daddy! Can I cum?” Bucky practically growls, getting up to his feet to squat, not missing a beat while still trusting in you. Every time his pelvis met your ass he whined and whimpered, loving the way it jiggled. He could feel you clenching around him, drawing his own orgasm closer.
“Not until I do. Fucking hold it, bitch.” It seemed impossible, but Bucky fucked you even faster, his hips moving at a ferocious speed. He wanted to cum so fucking bad and your high pitched moans were about to make him bust. “Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. I’m gonna fucking nut. You want daddy to fill your ass up, huh? God! Fuck, I’m splitting you in two. Uhhh. Balls are so heavy, so much cum. Fuuuuuuck. Daddy’s gonna fill you up, have you leaking.”
His hand wraps around your throat and chokes you, hips still smashing against yours, your orgasm barely being held in. You try to talk, get him to let you cum, but no words come out. Bucky felt his orgasm approach, balls pulling up, “Shiiit, daddy’s gonna cum, gonna flood your ass, you ready, cum with your daddy. Right. Fucking. Now.” Bucky cums with a long, drawn out moan. The feeling of his endless load pouring into your ass sends you over the edge and you cum so hard your vision goes black for a second. Waves upon waves of pleasure coursing through you. Bucky’s hips jerk involuntarily, prolonging both of your orgasms. 
As you both catch your breaths, you feel Bucky begin to soften inside of you, still plugging your hole, stopping his cum from leaking back out. “You were so good for me, sugar. I’m so proud of you.” At those words you feel your bottom lip begin to tremble. Burying your face into the cushions, a sob escapes your throat, all of your emotions finally bubbling over.
Running his hands up and down your back, Bucky soothes you. This was always his least favorite part, seeing you cry. He knows that you’re crying isn’t because of him, but there is always a twinge of fear that shoots through his body, scared that he went too far with you. Bucky pulls out as gently as he can, hissing when the air touches his spent dick, and moves to rest his back against the couch, pulling you into his lap.
Neither of you care that his cum is leaking all over. Bucky will clean the room later, after he takes care of his sweet girl. You cling to him as you sob into his neck, his hands massage your sore cheeks as he whispers in your ear, “Such a good girl for me, you made me feel so fucking good. Can’t even begin to explain how good you felt. There you go, let it out. I’m right here.”
Carefully, he picks you up and carries you to the bathroom. When he tries to set you down you just cling on harder to him, not wanting to leave his embrace. “I gotta draw us a bath, sugar. You know you have to pee, I’ll be right here when you’re done.” You hesitantly let him go while he draws the bath, putting in your favorite oils. After you pee and wipe, he helps you up so you can wash your hands before sitting you both in the tub.
Bucky sits against the wall of the tub and you curl further into his lap, not wanting any space in between you. Somehow you still aren’t close enough to him, wanting to be surrounded completely by him. Tears are still leaking down your face and even with Bucky’s consuming presence, you can’t seem to pull yourself up to the surface. Bucky’s arms are wrapped around you, making sure that you are as close as possible without him being inside of you.
“Sweets, can you look at me? Want to see those pretty eyes.” You can hear the concern in Bucky’s voice, but you can’t bring yourself to move away. He’s your safe space and you just want to bask in his warmth. “Sweets, please. Can you tell me how you feel? I need to know you’re okay.” You don’t know why that set you off, but all of a sudden more tears escape you, sobs fighting to make their way out.
Bucky’s entire world stops, fear shoots up his spine. He doesn’t know if he could live with himself if he hurt you, if he did something that you didn’t want. He knows that you asked him to treat you like a whore, but what if you didn’t want him to go as far as he did? You used your safe word when it got to be too much, but what if you really wanted to say red, not yellow, but wanted to please him, or felt like you had to please him. “Sweetheart, did I hurt you? Did I go too far? Please talk to me.”
Even though you didn’t want to talk, you could hear that he was about to cry. “I’m okay. Just love you so much.” You could feel Bucky relax under you.
“You sure, sweets? I’ve never seen you like this before.” While some of his fears subsided, Bucky was still worried about you.
Picking your head up so you could look him in the eye, you saw just how scared Bucky truly was. “I promise, Buck, I loved every second of it. You made me feel so good and cared for. No one has ever made me feel the way you do.” Bucky closed his eyes and let his head fall back against the wall. At that moment, Bucky understood why aftercare was so important. Of course he knew you needed to be taken care of so that you knew how much he loved you, but hearing those words come out of your mouth made him feel loved in a way he didn’t know was possible. 
Before the water gets cold you’ve stopped crying, making Bucky feel much better and he washes the sweat and spit off of your face and body, being extra careful with your sensitive pussy and ass. All the while whispering sweet nothings into your ear while you take turns kissing each other all over.
Bucky feels ten times lighter when he gets a giggle out of you. He knows that there will be days when you need him to treat you like a slut, but you know how much he loves and respects you. He lays you on the bed before grabbing your favorite lotion to put on, being extra careful when it comes to your sore ass, placing kisses in each spot after he's rubbed in the lotion.
 The marks on your face are gone by now, but Bucky still fusses over your skin care routine, knowing you don’t have the energy to complete it. After taking care of you, he climbs into bed and covers the both of you up, still naked but you don’t care. Bucky reaches into the bedside drawer and grabs some chocolate while you feed it to each other. Neither of you say much, but nothing needs said. 
You place kisses on his chest and arms, anywhere that you can reach, trying to let him know how much you appreciate him - Bucky knows. You fall asleep first, not being able to keep your eyes open any longer, Bucky moves you to his chest, cocooning you into him before he falls asleep, your head tucked carefully under his chin, legs tangled together, completely protected by him.
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myfictionaldreams · 6 months
Slides in with a bucky request!
Can you do a possoves bucky? Like someone flirts with her and that leads to an argument that leads to to feelings coming out with marking dirty talk and rough sex? Pretty please
Always Watching // Bucky x Fem!Reader
Requested by: hey bestie, thanks for the request!
Tags: 18+ readers only, smut, angst, possessive behaviour, obsession, jealousy, threats of violence, enemies to lovers, pining, unwanted attention, flirting, sexual harassment, arguing, rough kissing, biting, marking, scratching, rough sex, dirty talk, praise kink, overstimulation, light dom/sub, hair pulling, oral (f receiving), size kink
Words: 6.3k
my masterlist 📚 AO3 Link
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The word used to describe your relationship with Bucky Barnes was ‘strained’. Strained because you’d prefer it if it were at least adequate, and no one could fault you for the attempts made at becoming his friend and helping him with the transition from the Winter Soldier to a member of the Avengers. In truth, you’d tried more than most to help him, especially as he was still at risk of being compromised and shifting back to the assassin’s mindset. You prided yourself on your compassion and empathy, always providing physical and mental support to Bucky, asking how he was, helping him move into the Avengers tower and adjust to going on missions.
Except, somewhere along the way, it had become evident that from at least Bucky’s perspective, you were a person to keep at arm’s length. Your questions would be ignored, and your attempts to help in medical situations would be pushed away. The only responses you’d receive were belittling comments or fierce glares that would have you backing away from the man and shutting your mouth. Even when you kept to yourself, his eyes always seemed to follow you around the room, eyes burning with what you assumed to be hatred, like he was plotting all the ways to eradicate you.
For some unknown reason, Bucky Barnes seemed to hate you, and you had no idea what you’d done to offend him. The other Avengers and agents you called your friends had all implored that he didn’t hate you, but when you stated the experience you’d received from the long-haired man, there was no response but an awkward close-lipped smile and shrug of the shoulders.
This treatment had been going on for months now, avoidance, glare and comments under his breath, and you were slowly getting to the end of your rope. Even earlier in the day, he somehow managed to get under your skin with only one sentence.
“Are you really going out in that dress?”
At first, you’d been embarrassed and somewhat mortified by his comment, wishing to cover up the beautiful dress that Natasha had helped you to pick that emphasised your body shape and the perfect colour to compliment your skin tone. Soon, the embarrassment changed to anger, finding the comment rude and unnecessary. Who was he to say what it was that you wore? Especially tonight, everyone had returned from a difficult mission and decided it was about time the team let their hair down and went to a nightclub for drinks.
Other than the comment, the rest of your night was amazing. You were feeling a light buzz from the alcohol and danced so much that your calves were beginning to burn from standing in the heels borrowed from Natasha. Even as you became lost in the music and masses of people squeezed into the club, you were still hyper-aware of the man watching you from where he was leaning against the wall.
“Does he even blink?” you shouted, attempting to be over the pounding bass to the red-haired woman you were dancing with.
Natasha tipped her head back and laughed, glancing over her shoulder a second later to assess the man who seemed to be staring at you constantly. Bucky didn’t even have the gall to look away in embarrassment, having been caught staring and that only made Nat’s smile widen as she turned back to you with a twinkle now in her eyes.
“You know why he’s staring”, she says matter of factly, swaying her hips as she talks into your ear.
Your eyes roll so hard that you have a momentary headache. “He does not have a crush on me. Can you please stop saying that? The man clearly hates me! I feel like my skin is burning from his stare, like he wishes me to combust spontaneously.”
After the tight-lipped smiles from your friends, they would often tease that maybe he was being so mean and hateful because he had a crush on you. You’d laughed initially, and some small part of you was hopeful that this was the case, but the more he belittled, embarrassed and ignored you, the more evident that was not the case.
“Maybe he’s just admiring the dress that I know he loves”, Natasha shouts confidently, grabbing your hand and twirling you around in an attempt to show off your outfit.
Despite her ridiculous statement, you laughed, “Well, he has an interesting way of admiring it! I’m going to go and get another drink. Do you need one?”
Natasha shook her head and held up her beer bottle, which was still over half full. Giving her one last smile, you made your way through the sweaty, head bobbing with the music until you finally found a free area at the bar, which was busy enough that you knew it would be a while before being served.
Someone pressed against your arm as a new person also had similar ideas to you, leaning on the bar and trying to get the staff’s attention with a click of his fingers. You took a deep breath to try and refrain from rolling your eyes at the arrogance of the man next to you, who was leaning on his forearm on the bar side.
“What are you having?” he shouted confidently with a grin, and it took you a good minute to realise he was talking to you.
“Oh, no, it’s ok. I’m getting my own drink; I’m sure it won’t take long”, you politely decline, turning your body away from him for a moment, hoping to catch the eye of the bar staff so you didn’t have to stay there any more with the guy next to you.
“Nonsense, pretty girl like you shouldn’t be buying your own drink. Come on, let me buy you a drink. I’m Chad, by the way”, he responds whilst sticking his hand out for you to shake. You stare at the hand before shaking it with a limp wrist, wanting to show that you aren’t enthusiastic about the conversation.
“Nice to meet you, Chad. I appreciate the offer, but I’m really fine buying my drink”. You pull your hand out of his grasp and try to take a step away, but there are so many people at the bar that there’s nowhere to go. Chad only moved closer, ignoring your discomfort as he leaned his face towards yours.
“Don’t be like that, Baby, it’s just a drink. Your dress is beautiful, by the way, it really makes your…eyes pop” As he spoke, he was not looking at your eyes as you crossed your arms to cover your chest. “Are you here alone? Maybe we can grab a drink and go somewhere beautiful; I’d love to get to know you on a more personal level”, Chad asked, lifting his fingers to stroke the apples of your cheeks.
“She’s not alone, and get your fucking hands off of her”, came an aggressive voice from behind as a warm chest brushed against your back.
Bucky pushed against Chad’s shoulder, giving him enough space to stand between the two of you, so now you’re staring at his back as he protectively became a shield for you.
“Hey man, what the fuck’s your problem! Who do you think you are, touching me like that?!” Chad shouted loudly enough that others began to turn and stare at the scene.
You could feel the thickness of the atmosphere, and there was nothing more you wanted to do than de-escalate the situation, not wanting Bucky to get into any further trouble as he was already being watched like a hawk by Shield.
“Bucky, please stop; everyone's staring!” you tried to pull on his arm, but he stayed completely still, ignoring you as he stared daggers at Chad.
The man looked between you and Bucky before settling on you and pointing at Bucky, “Is this guy bothering you? Listen, asshole, she clearly doesn’t want to be with you; otherwise, she wouldn’t have been out here buying her own drink, now would she? Why don’t you get lost so the pretty girl and I can get back to getting to know each other?” Chad smirked cockily.
This only made Bucky tense further, his posture straightening as he took a threatening step forward, and Chad flinched. Bucky’s gloved hands clenched at his side as you quickly did a visual check to see if he had any weapons, but you couldn’t see any in the suit jacket and jeans; you were sure he probably had them hidden up his sleeve.
Bucky took another step forward, nostrils flaring as anger radiated off of him in waves of heat, and genuine fear pooled in your stomach with how the situation escalated as you tried to push him away from Chad.
“If you ever touch her again, I promise you, I will fucking ruin your life. No, you know what, scratch that. If you so much as look at what’s mine again, there’s nowhere on this planet that you can hide; I will find you and end anything you find precious, including your life. Do you understand me?” Bucky asked, his tone surprisingly calm for promising such life-ending threats.
“What's going on here?” another voice joined the conversation as Steve and Tony appeared at your side, pushing the growing crowds back to give everyone space. You would have been thankful for their arrival had you not been staring open-mouthed up at Bucky. Not only was he threatening to kill someone for you, but you didn’t miss the possessiveness in his words and actions, and the biggest question screaming in your mind right now was what he meant by saying ‘what’s his’. Surely he didn’t mean you? Everything was becoming far more complicated than you’d anticipated.
“Is he compromised?” Tony asked in a hushed tone to you as he wrapped a hand around your upper arm, prepared to pull you away from the scene if needed.
Bucky’s eyes snapped to the hand on your arm, the glare moving to Tony’s face as the billionaire changed his stance to one like he was preparing for a fight. Your heart nearly stopped, everything becoming too overwhelming and escalating to a level that no one would be coming down from if it wasn’t stopped soon.
“No! Tony, he’s not compromised; he’s fine. There was just a misunderstanding-”
“A misunderstanding? Is that really what you are calling this situation?” Bucky demands, staring down at you whilst moving out of reach of Steve’s outreached hand.
“Bucky-” you try to reason with him, but you notice that his eyes have gone in the direction Chad seemed to disappear from. He was moving before you could even stop him, following wherever the guy had escaped. Quickly looking up at the confused Tony and Steve, you tried to reassure them whilst beginning to follow after Bucky. “Everything is fine! I’m just going to make sure he’s ok”.
You mostly needed answers than anything, feeling completely and utterly sober now and not wishing to return to the dance floor. As well as making sure that Bucky wasn’t going through with any of his threats.
You were going from being within a stuffy nightclub full of alcohol and dancing people with not enough room to move and music so loud that your voice had to strain to be able to be heard by others. To now, you’re rushing out of the entrance, out into the open air that was considerably colder, added to the fact that the heavens had opened and the rain was pouring enough that it was hard to see more than a few feet in front of you.
Any sane person would have turned right back around and reentered the club just to have some cover, but your adrenaline was pumping, and after a few seconds outside, you were already drenched, so there was no point trying to find the jacket you’d left in the cloakroom.
You follow in the direction Bucky had stormed off, trying to weave through the people running through the rain and past the busy New York traffic. “Bucky!” You called out for him while wrapping your arms around your chest, trying to keep some of the warmth you’d found in the club, but the more you were out in the open, the more the rain wholly soaked your body, drawing the freezing temperatures into your bones.
You stare at his back as he continues to walk with a purpose; you aren’t even sure if he’s following Chad anymore or just needs some air. You try your hardest to keep up, even with the struggle of the slippy wet floor and your ridiculous choice of heels burning your calves enough that you contemplated risking the sanity of the bottom of your feet by taking them off.
“Please, just wait, Bucky!” you shout to the man in front, who, of course, doesn’t slow down. You were at your wit's end, cold and drenched from the rain, confused by Bucky’s reaction in the club, not just from Chad but also the look from Tony grabbing your arm. There was clearly something more going on, and him running away, potentially on the warpath, was only making your anxiety increase to the point of wanting to scream.
Distracted with your rolling emotions, you hadn’t noticed that you were no longer following anyone as the street in front of you only had the occasional couple walking past with umbrellas over their heads.
You’d somehow lost Bucky.
“Shit!” you curse to the sky, letting the rain pour down over your face, unsure of what to do. You could return to the club, but you were now much closer to the tower than you were to the club and at least back at the tower, you could use Jarvis to assist with trying to track and find Bucky.
Before you could follow through with your decision, a gloved hand wrapped around your upper arm, pulling you quickly into an alleyway that had some shelter above your head, protecting you from the rain. Just as your mouth opened to scream and combat training reflexes moved to punch whoever had grabbed you, the movements were halted as you became face-to-face with a very pissed-off Bucky Barnes.
All air rushed from your lungs as you were forcefully pushed up against a wall as Bucky leaned his metal arm beside your head, leaning over you. Even though his blue eyes were burning with more intensity than you’d ever seen before, you still sighed in relief that he hadn’t rushed off somewhere, but now you just had to deal with the confrontation you were hoping for.
“Go back to the party”, he demands in a voice so low that you almost coward from him. Still, instead, you held your ground, pushing off the wall, expecting him to move back in a show of confidence, but he remained hovering close enough that it only meant that there were a few inches between your faces.
In the shadows of the alleyway, he looked threatening, especially with his bulky silhouette, but for some reason, he looked somewhat like a fallen angel. The fierceness in his swirling ocean blue eyes that devoured you completely, the height and strength that was trained through every single inch of muscle throughout his body, even his shoulder-length hair left unbound and dripping from the rain, gave him a mysterious look. It was nearly enough to distract you from the events that had taken place. Nearly.
“What? No! I’m not going back to the party. What even happened back there?”, you demanded, trying to remain as confident as you’d felt when leaving the club and not letting the adrenaline altogether go from your system.
Bucky looks away, towards the end of the alleyway in thought before finally muttering, “It was nothing”.
You scoff, “It wasn’t nothing! You threatened to kill the guy in there, Bucky! And what was all that with Tony? I saw the look you gave him! Oh, and what did you mean by touching what was his?”
To your shock, Bucky smirked, but his gaze was so vibrant when he turned back to look at you that, on instinct, you took the step back again to press against the wall. “I told you not to wear that stupid dress,” he says under his breath, like he is telling you a well-kept secret but is forcing himself to say the words.
You frown, your chest restricting, making it difficult to breathe. “The dress? Why do you hate this dress so much, I can wear whatever the fuck I want, Bucky! Stop trying to change the subject! Everything you do is so confusing. For months, you've acted like me even breathing in the same room as you is an inconvenience and then you’re threatening some asshole guy at the bar and protecting me? What’s that about?”
“Because I knew I’d have to be fighting off dickheads like him all night! That’s why I have an issue with the dress. When men like him take one look at you and assume that they have any right to even talk to you, let alone any of the other fucked up shit he was hoping to get from you”.
His outburst shocked you to the core, leaving you stunned and fumbling to think of any words. “I…I don’t understand where this is all coming from. Wait, aside from Chad, no one is allowed to talk to me? Who do you think you are to decide something like this? Maybe I want a cute guy to buy me a drink!”
“You’re naive if you think guys will only want to buy you a drink and nothing more”.
Your face heats uncontrollably at his words, hating the condescension lacing his words. “Don’t talk to me like that! Maybe that’s just what I want anyway. Someone nice to buy me a drink and treat me with kindness that clearly you won’t give me! So how dare you try to dictate my life by saying what I wear means you’ll have to be my knight in shining armour! You don’t have to do anything for me, these past few months have clearly shown you don’t give a shit about me so why care so much what people do to me?”
“You don’t understand”, he seeths through gritted teeth.
You want to scream in frustration from the lack of answers, letting all the energy form in your arms and hands as you pushed on his chest, needing some space between both of your bodies, but he was built of stone as he didn’t move at all.
“Then explain!” you shout in frustration, the heat and adrenaline returning to your veins. “Because I’m losing my fucking mind right now! Why do you act like you hate me one minute and save me another whilst acting like you have any sort of say as to what I wear and who touches or looks at me?” 
“Because he touched what’s mine!” Bucky bellows, his face dropping close to yours as a vein bulges on his temple. “Call it jealousy, call is possessive, I don’t fucking care. Do you know how hard it is to see you in the line of fire at work and then come out to places like this and watch every guy and woman in this place have their eyes all over your body, wishing that they could have you? And then watching that asshole Chad come and talk to you, giving you those compliments and then having the nerve to touch you? He was a dead man walking”.
Your mouth opens and closes, feeling like you are having an out-of-body experience. “But… but you hate me”, you say, sounding as defeated as you felt.
Bucky scoffs again with less anger this time, the tone of his voice calming slightly as he leans closer, crowding you in his warmth. “I don’t have you, sweetheart, but I’m so fucked up in here”, he points to his head, “I can’t risk being near you”.
“Just go back to the party. I’ll call you a cab; just don’t follow me.”.
A lump forms in your throat. There’s no way you’re leaving him to go back to the club, and just as you’re about to tell him that, he’s suddenly dipping his head and cheek against yours so that he can whisper into your ear. “Just know that even though I’m not there, I’ll know if someone is looking at you. Your body is for my eyes only, so if anyone approaches, they’re dead”. 
The breath hitches in your throat as your fingers clench, and you remember that they’re still resting on Bucky’s chest as you grip his shirt tightly. The warmth against your face retreats as he attempts to move back, and it is out of instinct that you glance towards his lips. You’ve never experienced anyone becoming possessive over you before. It should have had you running in the opposite direction, but your feet remained planted in that same spot, leaning towards the protective force in front of you.
Bucky then surprises you as you watch his frowning lips shift into a knowing smirk, laughing under his breath which causes a pulse of attraction through your cunt. “Oh Doll, you’re going to need to stop looking at me like that; otherwise, you won’t be returning to that party”.
A surge of confidence rocks through your core as your gaze burns into his intricate, beautiful eyes, “What if I don’t want to go back to the party?”.
You try not to jump away from the gloved hand, now cupping your jaw, tilting your face up towards the covering, shading you both from the continuing thrashing rain. The warmth of his breath skips over your exposed throat as he runs his nose along your skin, causing a shiver to rush down your spine. “You don’t mean that?” his tone had deepened and sounded increasingly strained, as if he was somehow holding himself back.
You weren’t entirely sure what was happening and how everything had changed to such a degree. All you were 100% certain about was that there was no way you would be going back to any party without Bucky.
“I mean it more than you could ever know”, you say with a rush of breath, finding it difficult to hold back the restraint to continue looking up entirely at his mercy simply.
Bucky contemplates your words as his nose drifts lower, and your heartbeat thumps hard in your chest. You are sure that you’ve felt the delicate kiss of his lips against the sensitive skin beneath your ear. “I think you like it when I show you who you belong to”, Bucky states with arrogance and sultry need that equally has your knees weakening.
The pure desire pooling in your underwear was becoming impossible to ignore, like a flame had been lit within your body and was slowly devouring your rational thoughts. A weak moan escapes your lips as your eyes drift close.
“Bucky…” you trail off, beginning to tremble, not from the low temperatures or being soaked through from the rain, but because your arousal had hit you so deeply that he consumed all thoughts.
“Yes?” Bucky asks as he laughs throatily at how you were so easy to succumb to his advances.
“Just fucking kiss me already!”
The pleasure and pain that enveloped your body was something that you’d crave and dream about for months to come. Pain because his lips pushing into yours with such force that your body was pushed back against the brick wall, but the overwhelming pleasure from finally feeling his mouth on yours, the hand gripping your jaw moving to the back of your head to cradle it with gentleness that you were surprised he as even capable of. The urgency didn’t end there, even as you finally received what you both had truly wanted for all of this time. You needed more of him, all of him, every single inch of his body you wanted to feel without the barrier of his clothes.
Bucky’s nose pushed into your cheek as he tilted his head to deepen the kiss, both of your mouths opening to allow your tongues to dance and caress one another. You moaned, tasting the mint on his tongue and something that was so uniquely him your mind momentarily lost any coherent thought.
His massive body was pressed against yours so that you were consumed by him completely. Which also meant that you could feel the hardness of his arousal rutting into your stomach as he gently rolled his hips to try and relieve some pent-up frustration.
You were ready to give him everything, right there, in a random alleyway in rainy New York, where anyone could stumble upon the two of you. Thankfully, Bucky still could hold onto some restraint as he put some distance between you.
“As much as I’d love to fuck you in front of everyone, I have the sneaky suspicion that Fury would not be pleased if a member of the Avengers were caught having a quickie out in public”.
In any other situation, you probably would have laughed at the absurdity and realisation as to just how far gone you’d become to actually be ready to lift your dress and let him fuck you. However, you were so caught up in the fact that this was happening and hearing the beautiful man in front of you say that he wanted to fuck you in a public setting only added to the deep desire from his possessive tendency to increase.
Bucky pressed a chastising kiss to your temple as he began to shrug his jacket from his shoulders to then wrap it around yours, and you could have moaned at the warmth and mouthwatering scent of his cologne surrounding you. The man you thought hated you didn’t give you any time to lose your senses as he grabbed your hand and tugged you out of the alleyway and back into the startling freezing rain.
As the Avengers tower was only a couple blocks away, it was easier for the two of you to run in the rain, with his arm wrapped around your shoulders, using his big build to shield you somehow from the wetness, but you were already soaked.
Finally, once in the safety of the private elevator that was only used for residents of the tower, you both were once more consumed with each other. His jacket was pushed to the floor so he could run his gloved hands over your shoulders and back to cradle your face.
Your back was against the elevator wall as he crowded around you, trying to taste every possible area of your mouth. Your leg lifted, hooking around his hips and causing your dress to hitch further up your thigh until it rested around your waist, pulling him closer.
In this position, he was able to thrust his tented jeans against your panties, the rough material catching your clit and causing an obscene moan to echo around the small space. His lips left yours but only so that he could kiss down the side of your neck, causing more mewls and pathetic squeaks to leave your parted mouth.
“I want the whole world to know you’re mine”, he declares as his teeth scrap against the area where your shoulder and neck meet. The same part of you that was throbbing for his possessive tendencies needed him to do whatever he was alluding to. To persuade him to continue, you ran your fingers up his firm chest, scratching up his throat and to the nape of his neck so that you were able to grab a handful of his hair and tug him even closer.
However, arriving at the Avengers’ living quarters interrupted the two of you. Without missing a beat, Bucky's hands lowered to your thighs, picking you up so that your legs were now wrapped around his waist as he supported your weight with his hands on your arse.
Your fingers remained in his hair, pulling his face back to your neck as he began to suck on different areas, marking your skin with darkening, wet patches. The tiny reasoning voice at the back of your mind was warning you that you’d regret those marks tomorrow, but with the want and need to have his lips and teeth all over your body, you couldn’t care less if he was marking you.
Everything about his touch was seering in heat, even though those leather gloves still covered his hands. It was as if you could feel the temperature of his burning skin through the material, and it only made you more desperate to claw at his clothes. Equally, Bucky needed to feel more of your soft skin and learn every inch of your body.
You were only half aware that you’d entered his bedroom because the low lighting had naturally turned on by the building's sensors. It was minimalistic, and for a second, your focus zoned into the sheets and pillow led out on the floor and not on the bed, which was just a bare mattress that he all but dropped you into the centre of.
His lips were on yours again, and you were thoroughly distracted from the makeshift bed on the floor. The sharp sting of his teeth grazing your bottom lift caused you to mewl and pull on his hair, exposing his thick neck that gave you the opening to begin your exploration, licking and teasing until he was shivering and sitting back on his knees.
You admired him momentarily as he seemed to do the same for you. His handsome face was flushed with arousal, the pupils in his eyes so vast that it was almost as if the clear blue didn’t exist anymore. His chest was heaving with steading breaths as he began to pull on each of the fingers of his gloves.
“How expensive is the dress?” he asked, eyeing the cleavage that had been his downfall all night.
“It’s Natasha’s”, you answered breathlessly.
“I’ll buy her a new one”, Bucky mumbles, gripping the edges of the dress and tearing the material into two. You gave a startled scream as you were suddenly left in your underwear, but the shock at being exposed was swiftly distracted by him ripping his shirt directly down the centre so all the buttons popped off, and the material shrugged off his broad shoulders.
Even though this wasn’t the first time you’d seen him without a shirt on, your breath caught in your breath at his beautifully sculptured chest and abs, mouth already watering with the need to lick every inch of him.
“Be a good girl for me, Doll and spread your legs”, he demands with surprising gentleness, still sitting back on his knees and stroking a soft caress against your outer thighs.
A pathetic whimper bursts from your chest at the praise, pussy clenching with need that you didn’t waste a second before opening your legs. Even though you still had your panties on, Bucky's gaze became hungry, as if he was a man on the brink of starving to death as he licked his lip and began to lower his body.
“You don’t understand how long I’ve wanted to do this”, he admits, gripping the edge of your underwear and beginning to drag the material down your legs.
You smile to yourself, straightening yourself in the centre of the bed and getting comfortable as your legs naturally lay across his shoulders as he led stomach first on the bed.
“Jealousy seems to be a great motivator for you”, you tease, but all the smug arrogance is drowned out by the pornographic scream from feeling his tongue taking a long, exaggerated lick from your perineum to your clit. You weren’t sure who was louder between the two of you with the moans as Bucky finally was able to taste the girl he’d been wanting for months and you for having someone actually wanting to give you some form of pleasure.
Every time you made a noise of pure joy or increased in volume, Bucky repeated the action, learning what you loved. Your thighs were nearly suffocating him with how hard they were squeezing around his face, and you knew that he would happily die right there between your legs if that’s what you truly wanted. Then there was the hair you were clenching, probably having ripped out two handfuls as you pulled on his long hair, hoping to have him as close as possible between your legs.
“Fuck Bucky! Who taught you how to do that- AH! I’m so close!” your back was arched, eyes clenched tightly closed as the pleasure was tightening within your core. His tongue lapped with quick flicks, firming the tip to add more pleasure as he pushed it into your dripping pussy. His moans added extra stimulation as you happily came all over his face, trembling and twitching cunt around his lips and tongue.
Just as Bucky was about to add two fingers into your still pulsing hole, you shouldn’t take the wait anymore and begged, “Please just fuck me already, Barnes!”
The Avengers grinned down at you as he began to crawl up your body, nipping each of your breasts with his teeth through your bra as he moved. Your cheeks warmed, seeing the shine over his stubble from your juices that he’d been happily drinking. Your thoughts didn’t remain on this fact for long though as he was kissing you feverishly once more, meaning you could now taste yourself on his lips.
With his mouth thoroughly distracting, you’d not noticed that he’d been unbuckling his belt and shoving his jeans and boxers down his toned thighs. Without waiting until they were entirely removed from his body, he swiped his cock between your folds, coating his length in your liquids.
Your mouth gaped open as the tip of his cock nudged into your entrance, stretching it to a level that you’d not been used to. “Shh, it’s ok, Doll, you can take me”, he promised, with one hand holding your hip steadily and the other against your cheek so he could hold your face still.
 He was so deep, impossibly deep. You could feel him everywhere, widening your cunt until you were fluttering around his cock, and he hadn’t even begun fucking you properly yet.
“Nearly there, try and relax for me”, Bucky praises into your ear as your eyes widen, realising that it wasn’t even the entire length of him inside of you yet. Only as he was pushing into your cervix did your head fall back, and you sighed out. “That’s it, you’re taking me so well. Put your arms around my back; you’re going to need to hold onto something”, he boasts as you try and take a deep breath, your fingers reaching around his back, nails digging into the skin to give yourself something to hold onto.
Spreading his knees further apart on the bed, Bucky readjusts his position to gain more momentum. The man fucked good. More than good. You were pretty much pleading incoherently to whatever gods were above or below. There wasn’t anything you were begging for, just whatever it was that Bucky seemed to be doing, that it never stopped.
Each stroke caressed that sweet spot within, and with the way his hips rolled, he was able to nudge your clit with his body. Added to the mouth on your neck, biting and licking the sore spots to ease the ache, his hands pinning you down to the bed only added to the raw possessiveness dictating Bucky’s movements.
Harder and faster, his hips moved. The thick cock pounding into your cunt until you were seeing stars and cumming again, squeezing him so hard he had to still his hips to stop his own orgasm from spiralling.
But then, he's pulling out and turning you onto your front, spreading your legs once more and demanding, “Arch your back for me, Sweetheart”. Doing as he instructed, your still-covered breasts pressed into the mattress as your hips angled up. With one hand holding onto your shoulder and the other on your hip, he began to fuck you with just as much enthusiasm.
In this position, he somehow felt even more deeper, and all you could do was cry out and moan with how good he felt.
“Tell me you’re mine, I need to hear you say it”, Bucky grunts as you came for the third time, becoming overstimulated and disorientated with how good you felt.
Your cunt was still squeezing with the effects of the orgasm as you repeatedly told him, “I’m yours, only yours, Bucky”.
Bucky’s head tilted back so that he could release an almighty grunt, the hands on your body tightening enough that the skin became tender, but you didn’t care at all, not with how good you were feeling. You could feel his cock throbbing and the wetness that followed, dripping from your hole and onto the mattress beneath.
It was a long few minutes before he eased out and collapsed onto the mattress beside you, the two of you breathing heavily as his metal fingers stroked slowly down your spine and his lips followed.
“You should have told me earlier”, you whisper over your shoulder to him.
“Hmm?” he asks, moving up to your shoulder, where he carefully kissed the skin that was tender from his grip moments before.
“You should have told me how you felt”, you explain, thinking about how much time was wasted.
“Maybe. But then, I wouldn’t have had so much fun threatening everybody for looking at you”, he answers with a grin, kissing your cheek once before climbing off the bed and returning with the sheets from the floor.
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duckybarnes1917 · 1 year
Your Eyes Outshine The Town...Chapter 9
Bucky Barnes x Black Female Reader
18+ ONLY
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*Tumblr is not letting me add links to the prev or next chapters. Please see the masterlist pinned to my page for the rest of the story!*
Summary/Warnings: SMUT. JUST FILTHY DOM BUCKY SMUTTT. Okay, not just smut, you and Bucky go to the opening night of Rogers: The Musical!
5 Days Before Christmas 
“Come on, Buck, please,” you whined, giving Bucky your best puppy eyes. “It’ll be fun, and aren’t you at least a little curious?” 
Bucky rolled off of the air mattress and set his face in a look of determination, trying not to give in. “I’m really not. Musicals aren’t exactly my thing.” 
“Sam’s going, Clint and Bruce are going, baby, everyone but us is going,” you pouted, propping yourself up on your elbow as you watched Bucky stretch. 
“You can go with them; I won’t be upset.” 
Bucky gave you a soft smile over his shoulder before making a beeline for the coffee pot. You had tried to buy him a fancy contraption with little pods that you said would be much easier to use. But Bucky hated the taste; the flavors were all too sweet, and his plain black coffee tasted watered down. He continued to ignore your pouting stare as he scooped coffee into the filter. Your annoyed huff as you threw the blankets off of your body and got out of bed put a slight smile on his lips. 
“I don’t want to go without you.” You followed Bucky into the kitchen and wrapped your arms around him. “Are you afraid that the actor who plays you will be hotter, and I’ll leave you for him?” You teased. 
“Yeah, right,” Bucky scoffed. 
“So grumpy,” you forced his attention away from the slow drip of his coffee. “I’ll make it worth your while Sergeant Barnes.” You bit your lip and gave him your best fuck me eyes. They worked better than the puppy ones. 
Bucky had a hint of a smile on his lips. “Oh yeah? This is a big ask, doll. I better get something amazing in return.” 
You smiled at the glint of mischief in his eyes; he already had something in mind. “Like what, Buck?” You asked innocently. 
Bucky smirked. “I’ll surprise you. When is the show again?” 
Your eyes lit up at his concession. “It’s tonight. So, we’re going?” 
Bucky sighed but couldn’t ever deny you anything. “Yes,” he groaned.
You squealed as you stood on your tiptoes to wrap your arms around his neck.
“Guess we better go do some last-minute shopping then.” 
“For what?” You asked. 
“For what you’re going to wear to make it worth my while.” Bucky winked at you, grabbing his fresh cup of coffee and leaving you bubbling with excitement in the kitchen. 
Shyness was a rare feeling for you–but as you walked hand in hand with Bucky through the crowded theater lobby, you could feel yourself blushing. The dress Bucky had picked out for you–emerald green velvet that left nothing to the imagination–captured everyone’s attention. Every eye was on you as Bucky guided you through the lobby and up to your private box seats. The fact that you were currently squeezing your thighs together, way too focused on the remote-controlled vibrator between your legs, may have had something to do with your sudden bashfulness. Bucky was sure to keep one hand stuffed in his pocket, to hide his left hand but mostly to torture you with the possibility that the vibrator could buzz to life at any moment. 
You were dusting a sparkly gold highlighter over your chest when Bucky stepped out of the shower, wrapping a fluffy white towel low around his waist. 
His eyes roved over you; you were bent slightly over the sink, and your legs looked a mile long in the short dress. Your back was on display, your curly hair cascading down over your shoulders. The velvet fit snugly over your ass which was sinfully tempting in the position you were in. Bucky’s eyes moved up to watch you in the mirror, your brush moving delicately over the tops of your breasts, which looked ridiculously good. His throat felt dry as he tried not to think about slipping your dress up over your hips and watching your tits in the mirror as they bounced rhythmically with every sharp thrust he gave you. His dominant nature had been itching to come out and play, but as he admired you, his desire to let you do anything you wanted threatened to temper his fire.
You turned to him as he cleared his throat. Your eyes raked over his body too, following water droplets as they traveled down his chest and over his abs before disappearing under his towel. The uber-defined V-cut he was showing off made you salivate; you wanted to lick every drop of water off him until he was begging you to use your mouth somewhere else. 
“Hey, handsome,” you said with a flirty grin. “It’s really a shame that we’re skipping the red carpet—you’re too hot to sit back and let Sam get all the attention. Him and Yelena are already sending me pictures—they think they saw Rihanna—Bucky, are you even listening to me?” 
“You look fucking amazing. Are you—” Bucky’s eyes hadn’t moved from where they were focused on your tits; he was practically drooling. 
You stuck your chest out a little more. “Am I what, Buck?” 
“The dress is backless—” he cleared his throat. 
You snickered and pulled the top of your dress down, flashing him your bare chest. 
“Fuck,” Bucky muttered under his breath, rubbing his jaw as if he was in pain. 
You smiled at him as you fixed your dress. “Are you sure you’re going to make it through the evening, Buck?” 
“Oh, I’ll be fine.” 
You narrowed your eyes at the change in his tone. You looked back at him–his whole demeanor had shifted as he casually leaned against the door frame, his lips twitching with a secret. 
“I have some rules for you to follow,” his commanding whisper was well controlled; he was determined to stay in charge. “Number one, you gotta call me by my appropriate title.” 
“You want me to call you Sarge?” You batted your eyelashes at him in the mirror as you put your earrings in. 
Bucky tried to ignore the twitch under his towel as you said it and nodded his head. “Sergeant Barnes is also acceptable.” 
“Is that all?” You leaned over the counter again, trying to make him lose his grasp on his control. 
The mischievous twinkle in your eye disappeared as Bucky stalked toward you, a slightly annoyed frown on his face. He wasn’t in the mood to play. 
You watched as he silently opened his bathroom drawer and pulled out a small silk bag. What he took out of it made your heart rate pick up. Bucky smirked as he quickly slid his hands under your dress and pulled your black lacy panties down your legs. Before he could ask if you wanted to continue, you spread your legs wider for him. A tiny gasp left your lips as Bucky pushed the vibrator inside of you and pulled your underwear back up. 
“Second rule, no coming unless I say so,” he whispered against your neck. 
He turned to leave the room, and you stared after him with your mouth half-open in surprise. 
“Buck–oh shit,” your words died on your tongue as the vibrator turned on, stimulating not only your now very sensitive clit, but also your g-spot perfectly. 
“You’re already breaking the rules,” Bucky tsked, crossing his arms as he watched you try and control yourself. 
You shivered at how upset he looked–his disappointment that you couldn’t follow one simple rule shouldn’t have turned you on as much as it did. 
Bucky turned the vibration up a notch, and you leaned against the counter, your pretty lips parted in a little “O,” your cheeks already starting to flush. He licked his lips, fighting the groan that was building; he was already rock hard, and you hadn’t even left the house yet. 
“Sweetheart?” He turned the vibe off and let you catch your breath. “Color?” 
“Green,” you panted. 
“Good girl, come here.” 
You went to him on shaky legs, his angry scowl softening now that you had accepted your role for the evening. 
“Look what you do to me, doll.” Bucky grabbed your hand and pressed it against the prominent erection his towel was attempting to hide. 
You bit your lip and looked up at him with surprised doe eyes. 
“Need you to be a good girl and take care of this for me before we leave.” He slowly rubbed his thumb over your bottom lip, pulling it down slightly before letting it pop back into place.
You choked back your moan; you wanted him like this all the time. You licked your lips in anticipation. “Yes, Sarge.”
Bucky groaned at your sultry voice and the title slipping off your tongue as you sank to your knees in front of him. 
Bucky grabbed the door frame to steady himself as you threw his towel on the floor, skipped the teasing, and sucked his thick cock into your warm mouth. 
“Look so pretty with your lips around me,” Bucky moaned. “Take it all.” 
He gasped as you relaxed your throat and let his tip slip in. “Such a good girl, fuck.” 
You clenched around the vibrator in your pussy and moaned on Bucky’s cock. He was absolutely killing you. 
“Just like that—little faster sweetheart.” 
You sped up, hollowing your cheeks—your heart racing as Bucky moaned loudly. He was hot and heavy on your tongue, and he tasted so damn good. You felt like a fucking goddess on the floor as he sang down praises and tried to control the pitch of his voice. Your tongue swirled around the red tip of his cock, and you knew he was close; his thighs started to shake under your hands. You brought a hand up to gently squeeze his balls, and Bucky’s hands flew to your hair as his cock twitched on your tongue. 
“Oh god, oh fuck, don’t stop–just like that–fuck doll gonna come in your slutty little mouth,” Bucky fucked your face harder than he ever had. Your fingernails dug sharply into his thigh, but you didn’t stop him; you felt like you were going to come any second. 
You gave his balls another slight squeeze, and he whimpered loudly as he filled your mouth with his hot cum. 
You sucked him clean as he leaned against the door catching his breath. 
Still on your knees, your hair a mess and your cheeks flushed, you looked up at him innocently. “Was that good, Sarge?” 
“Fucking hell,” Bucky groaned and pulled you to your feet. “Are you sure we can’t just stay here?” He kissed and groped you needily–grabbing handfuls of your ass under your dress before moving up to roughly squeeze your breasts. 
“I’m fucking soaked, baby,” you whimpered in his ear. 
Bucky groaned and started to push you toward the bed. 
“But, I wanna see what else you have in store for tonight before you fuck me stupid.” 
Bucky forced himself to separate from you. “Well, my plan is to see how quickly I can make you beg to come home.” 
“Challenge accepted,” you smiled. 
Bucky pecked your lips before starting to get dressed. “I’m not gonna go easy on you.” He licked his lips at your hesitant expression. “Meet me outside when you’re ready. If I stand here any longer, I won’t be able to resist fucking you–you smell divine.” Bucky groaned the last few words and quickly removed himself from the temptation, disappearing into the closet to put his suit on. This was supposed to be torture for you, but he would suffer as much. 
Bucky waved to Sam over the railing; while the rest of the Avengers had opted for seats closer to the stage, Bucky had requested a private box. Even with his plan in place to distract himself, every time he glanced at the stage and the people down below, he felt like he might be sick. 
“You okay?” You whispered when he took his seat next to you. 
Your gentle touch and the concern in your voice soothed him back into his earlier demeanor. “Fine,” he kissed your lips quickly before placing his hand in his pocket.  
He sat back with an innocent smile on his face as he watched you squirm. He hadn’t used the vibe yet, and your anticipation of when he would was turning out to be more delicious than actually using it. 
As the lights dimmed and the first song began, you relaxed into your seat, squeezing Bucky’s hand. 
Bucky kissed the top of your head as he turned the vibe onto the lowest setting. He smirked as you jolted and glared at him. 
“Watch the show, baby girl,” he whispered. 
You bit your lip to contain your whimper. 
Baby girl–baby girl?! Jesus! What is he trying to do, get me pregnant? 
You tried to focus on the show, but the pressure on your clit was too overwhelming. Bucky sitting next to you in an all-black suit that even Zemo would have been proud of was not helping your situation. You squeezed his hand and your armrest, trying very hard not to move your hips, but all you wanted was to grind down onto the vibrator stuffed in your pussy until you came. 
Bucky moved his hand out of your grip and rubbed your thigh, the short dress gave him easy access to your warm skin, and he nearly growled at the barely audible whimper that left your throat. 
He left you like that for a while, teasing you with his large hand and the low-level vibration until you leaned closer to him and begged for more. 
Bucky turned to you with a raised eyebrow. “What was that baby girl?” 
You closed your eyes as the pleasure of his words washed over you. “Please, Sarge? Wanna come,” you whispered in his ear. 
Your warm breath on his ear and neck made his cock twitch. He turned the vibration up again. 
“Oh fuck–please,” you begged, your nails digging into his bicep. 
“Behave.” Bucky turned his attention to the show and rolled his eyes as his character came on stage. 
You pouted and sat back in your seat when Bucky turned the vibe off completely. You were so wet, so turned on, your skin felt red hot. After downing your vodka on the rocks, you started to feel a little more in control. You held Bucky’s hand again, laying on his shoulder and rubbing his strong muscles with your free hand. 
“That actor doesn’t even look like you,” you muttered. “His ass is too flat.” 
Bucky snorted, drawing annoyed looks and huffs from the audience members in the surrounding boxes. 
You smiled, glad that Bucky seemed to be enjoying himself. You wanted this to be a good experience for him. You sat like that for a while, cuddled together, and made jokes about the show. Bucky pointed out every detail they got wrong and added his own memories. 
“Look,” you nudged Bucky, “Sam’s already asleep.” 
Bucky looked over the railing and saw Sam practically drooling as he slept on Yelena’s shoulder. 
“Wow, embarrassing.” Bucky grinned as he pulled out his cellphone. “You think he turned his phone off?” 
“Don’t!” You whispered with a goading smile. 
You both leaned forward as Bucky dialed Sam’s phone, the loud ringtone going off right in the middle of Steve’s dramatic solo about Peggy. Sam jolted awake and scrambled for his phone as a disgruntled noise came from the audience. You and Bucky were nearly crying with laughter, and you both fell back into your seats when Sam turned in your direction. 
Bucky slumped down, hiding his smile with his hand as he showed you the angry text Sam had just sent. 
“Scale of 1-10, how much does he hate us right now?” You wiped the tears from your eyes and sat back up in your seat. 
“Oh, definitely a 20.” 
“Probably–” your sentence was cut off when Bucky suddenly turned the vibe back on to the highest setting. 
You had to bite your tongue to keep from moaning as you clenched your thighs together. 
Bucky watched you from the corner of his eye, your body rigid, trying so hard not to move, your eyes desperate and pleading, your chest moving up and down rapidly. He wanted you so much–he needed to break you. 
“You look so gorgeous like this, sweetheart.” Bucky nibbled on your ear as his hand moved over your thigh again. “I wanna make you feel as good as you made me feel earlier.” 
You bit your lip as his hand traveled higher up your thigh. You nodded your head in response to his words, but he paused his movements. 
“If you wanna come, we gotta go home.” 
You huffed and glared at him. You could see the hunger in his eyes as he watched you try not to come in the middle of the theater. He thought you didn’t notice his lingering gaze on your tits, which were heaving up and down rapidly now. You watched his eyes flick to them again, and his hand squeezed your thigh tightly while his tongue wet his lips. You could break him too. 
“You’re thinking about sucking my tits while I bounce on your cock, aren’t you?” 
Bucky’s eyes snapped back up to yours, and he turned the vibe off. “That’s not how this works, baby girl,” he whispered against your cheek before lightly kissing it. 
You were undeterred; you scooted closer to him and ran your hand up and down his thigh. “Oh, come on, Sarge. I’m so horny,” you whined. “Just take me into a coat closet and fuck me real hard, real fast, please?” Your hand was now caressing his cock through his slacks, and you could feel him getting harder the more you talked. 
“Sweetheart–” Bucky warned but made no move to stop you as you started to undo his button and zipper. 
“It’s dark, and we’re sitting all alone. No one’s going to notice.” 
Bucky tilted his head back as your nails drug lightly over his erection through his boxers. 
“No one’s going to notice if I slip onto the floor and stick this fat cock down my throat.” 
“Fuck,” Bucky quietly groaned and gripped your wrist before you could slip your hand down his boxers. “No,” he hissed at you and moved your hand out of his pants. 
You crossed your arms and huffed at him. 
“I told you to behave,” Bucky growled at you as he pulled your face closer to his. “Now I’m gonna have to punish you. It’s too bad, I really wanted to make you come on my cock over and over when we got home, but I guess I’ll have to do without.” 
Bucky shrugged dramatically and sat back in his seat, trying not to smirk at the agape look on your face. 
You sat back in your own seat, stubbornly keeping your arms crossed, even when he reached out to hold your hand. You were going to force him to give in first. 
But he didn’t. He didn’t turn the vibe back on either, which was driving you crazy.  
Finally, when you realized the play was getting to the part where Bucky “died,” you softened. This was supposed to be a good time for both of you. 
You curled back up against his side and held his hand between both of yours. 
“I’m okay,” Bucky whispered, shifting uncomfortably in his seat. 
“Okay, baby,” you whispered back with a kiss on his cheek. You kept your hold on his hand and tightened it when you realized they were launching into a Winter Soldier sequence that detailed every horrible highlight of Bucky’s past. 
Bucky’s eyes darted around nervously as he noticed a few people glancing in his direction. He didn’t want to ruin the night for you; he could do this. 
“Baby, can we go get some air? I don’t feel so great.” You tugged on his hand, and he quickly nodded and led you out of the theater. 
Once you were in the cold New York air, you shrugged into your coat and leaned against the brick wall. 
“You okay, doll? Did I go too far?” Bucky’s brow was furrowed with concern. 
“I’m okay, baby,” you smiled at him and grabbed his tie to pull him closer to you. 
Understanding dawned on Bucky’s face–you had done that for him, knowing he wouldn’t have done it himself. 
You kissed him before he could say anything. “You won the game, Sergeant Barnes. Please, I’m begging you, take me home. I need you,” You kissed him through your words, getting increasingly needier. 
Bucky brushed your hair back, smiling at you adoringly. “I love you, doll.”  Bucky kissed you again, shoving his tongue in your mouth while his hands glided down your back and over your ass. He pulled away and let you chase his lips before pushing you back against the wall. “But, I’m still gonna punish you for that stunt you pulled in there.” 
You whimpered; the thought of not getting to come made you want to cry, but it was worth it to find out what kinds of delicious torment he had in store. 
Never in your life had you let a man or woman have total control of your body the way you let Bucky. You surrendered to him without any doubt, without even a hint of hesitancy. And you had been thoroughly rewarded. 
Your ass still stung from the first part of your punishment; the sound of Bucky’s big hand landing on your flesh still rung in your ears. The ties around your wrist dug into your skin harshly as you pulled on them for the hundredth time, desperately trying to touch Bucky–touch him anywhere. You were desperate to feel him. 
“Bucky!” You tried to squirm away from his mouth. You gasped as Bucky slapped your thigh. “Fuck–Sorry! Sarge,” you gulped in air as Bucky’s tongue sped up. ``Please, I can’t take anymore.” Even as you said it, your hips lifted to catch the friction of his nose against your clit, and you moaned lowly as he pulled another orgasm from you. You had lost count after the fourth one. Your brain was no longer functioning. How wrong you had been to think that Bucky would continue denying you. No, his plan was quite the opposite. 
Bucky crawled over you, your body jumping when his cock drug over your over sensitive clit. “Look at you,” Bucky almost chuckled as he kissed your flushed cheeks. “You’re already begging for mercy, and I haven’t even fucked you yet.” 
“It’s too much,” you shuddered as his lips attached to your neck. 
“Hmm,” Bucky trailed his tongue up to your ear. “That’s quite the turnaround from begging for my cock in the middle of the theater.”  
Bucky moved down to suck your pert nipple into his mouth. “You have such pretty tits, doll,” he groaned, grinding against your hip. “I think I have an idea.” Bucky gently bit the top of your breast before moving back to your lips. “You gonna give me want?” 
Fuck him for making your sore pussy clench again. 
“Yes, Sarge,” you quickly agreed. 
“Good girl.” Bucky pecked your lips before sitting up on his knees. 
He only had to give you a look, and you knew what he wanted. You opened your mouth, flattening your tongue to allow his entrance. Bucky held on to the headboard, just above where your wrists were tied, and gave a few deep strokes into your mouth before pulling out. 
You whined at the loss, and Bucky shushed you, moving down your body until his throbbing cock fit in the valley of your breasts. 
“Fuck,” you whimpered, squirming underneath him. 
“You like this, baby girl? Want me to fuck your tits?” Bucky gently cupped the sides of your breasts, squeezing them together around his cock while he circled your nipples with his thumbs. 
“Please, Sarge, use me, please,” you panted until he started moving. 
His thick cock slid perfectly between your soft flesh, and Bucky could already feel the high he had put off for too long, quickly approaching. 
You stared up at him in total admiration. The look of bliss on his face was indescribable, his bottom lip tugged between his teeth, his handsome scruff shining from the hours he spent between your legs–but the best part was the little tremble of his lips, the click of his jaw when he started to get close. 
“Please, Sarge. Want you to come on my tits.” You stuck your tongue out again, lapping at his sensitive cock head every time it peeked through your cleavage. 
“Fuck, fuck, such a dirty slut for me,” Bucky groaned, picking up speed. 
“Yeah, only for you, Sarge. Give it to me.” 
The pressure snapped, and Bucky stilled; the sight of his come landing over your breasts and face had him completely stunned. No sounds came out of his mouth as he looked down at you, watching you slide your tongue over your lips to catch a taste of him. 
“So fucking perfect,” he groaned as he climbed off the bed to get a warm towel. 
You didn’t miss his cock bobbing between his legs, still just as hard as it was when you started.
Don't forget to reblog! 😉
*Tumblr is not letting me add links to the prev or next chapters. Please see the masterlist pinned to my page for the rest of the story!*
Taglist: @delaber @mannien @raindrcpsangell @cjand10
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purple-babygirl · 16 days
yours to hurt, yours to love
Pairing: (dom)!Bucky Barnes x (sub)!f!reader
Word count: 8,050
Summary: They had a deal. She would surrender her control; he would take it. Love had no place in such a relationship, did it?
Warnings: 18+ Content: friends with benefits, blowjobs, lots of cum, cum eating, cum in pussy, unprotected vaginal intercourse (don't do that), mentions of cheating, angst, crying, dom x sub dynamics including a sir kink and the use of puppy as a petname, BDSM features including begging, following orders/instructions, mentions of ropes, being tied/suspended, mentions of edging and overstimulation and the use of toys, ass whipping with a belt, mention and use of a safeword, chocking, two insecure idiots being in love, metal arm kink, fingering, rubbing of cock on pussy, multiple orgasms, aftercare. Let me know if I missed anything.
A/N: this is a self-indulgent fic I wrote simply because I wanted to read and now it's finally done so I'm sharing it with you, babies:"💜💜 I just started at a new job and it's very tiring and energy and time consuming so I thought I'd post something before I get swept up in the real world of numbers and targets and not being broke. I really hope you like this one and I love you all with every bit of me💜
As most one-night stands start, they had met at a bar.
She was sitting all alone with her palm hugging a beer bottle, her face carrying the saddest look. She had turned down every guy that had tried to approach her that evening.
Bucky had been watching her all night, lost in deep thought as she barely raised the warming bottle to her lips, the melancholic look marring her features never leaving.
She had only smiled once that night, and it was for Bucky.
She was snapped out of thought when a louder song abruptly came on, startling her back to reality and that was when she saw him.
The most handsome man she had ever laid eyes on had his eyes on her from the other side of the crowded nightclub, and she found herself smiling at him.
He quickly turned his gaze away, suddenly shy that he was staring.
She wanted to ignore the man, telling herself she had a lot on her plate already, that it would likely be a mistake to go talk to him; that she needed to keep her distance from men for a while at least. But she couldn’t. She couldn’t ignore him.
Even with his back to her, his presence was too strong to simply be ignored.
So she disregarded her minds’ screams and went to talk to him.
Bucky almost chocked on his drink when he saw that it was her who had approached him, but he managed to compose himself.
“Were you ever planning on talking to me?” She teased with a smile as she sat down next to him at the bar.
And just like that, they were talking.
They talked about anything and everything, the deepest things as well as the silliest.
She was so easy to be around and she actually made the man laugh.
She had no idea, but Bucky didn’t think he had even cracked a smile in weeks.
Before she could decide what was right and what wasn’t, she had her lips on his, and before he could overthink it, Bucky was taking her back to his place.
It has been a long time since the man had had the chance to like someone, and he liked her even more when she didn’t make him feel bad about himself that night.
The metal arm didn’t faze her.
She didn’t ask intrusive questions or even let her gaze linger. She treated it just like his other arm, wrapping both around her back as she straddled Bucky on his couch, making out with him like she has been waiting for him her whole life.
But that wasn’t the only reason Bucky appreciated her so much that night.
She had gotten on her knees for him, both of them fully naked at that point, her boobs swaying lightly as her hand pumped his hard cock, lubing him up with his pre-cum.
Her hands were magic and he didn’t want to tell her that he was too close to exploding just from her soft hand palming his tip.
She had barely gotten Bucky in her mouth when he had started cumming all over her.
The sight of his fists clutching the couch, mouth open as groans left his chest while copious amounts of cum covered her mouth, chin, neck and boobs had her wetness dripping down her bare thighs.
When he was back on earth again and his vision was no longer black, Bucky started apologizing profusely when he realized what had happened.
He had come way too fast. All over her. Without her getting to finish even once. He didn’t even get to touch her down there.
Bucky thought she was definitely going to leave.
“It’s okay,” she said with a kind smile as her clean hand caressed up and down one of his thighs, “I don’t mind.”
And before Bucky could explain that it has been a long time for him, she was collecting his cum off her skin with her fingers and slipping them into her mouth, maintaining eye contact with the man and almost giving his old heart an attack.
Bucky stared with parted lips, cock already hardening again, as she shut her eyes and moaned over the taste of him.
She had managed to eat every bit of cum that had gotten on her face and neck before Bucky unfroze and lost it.
He grabbed his shirt and hastily wiped her chest clean of his cum before eagerly carrying her to his bed.
He thought her surprised giggle as she called him a “caveman” had to be the sweetest sound he had ever heard until he pushed his cock in her and her wail of his name echoed throughout the quiet bedroom.
Bucky was hooked on the sight of her, the taste of her, the smell of her, and the feel of her.
Her walls were hugging his cock so tight that he thought he wouldn’t be able to get the rest of it inside. Her hands were scratching at his back as she tried to adjust to his size with a silent scream on her face.
“Relax,” Bucky had told her softly.
It was a simple word, but it was the most exhilarating thing when she had immediately listened, her pussy muscles relaxing for him at once, thighs spreading wider to accommodate him better.
Bucky was amazed by her ability to listen to instructions; it awakened an unmatched feeling inside of him.
Once he was buried to the hilt inside of her, Bucky wanted to see what else he could make her do; how much she might obey, so he stayed still.
“I’m ready, you can move.” She had nodded to him, thinking he was waiting on her.
But that wasn’t why Bucky wasn’t moving. He knew she was ready, her juices were ruining his sheets for heaven’s sake.
“I mean, if you ask nicely enough…”
He was just giving it a try, and if she didn’t go along with it he would still give her what she wanted—
“Please,” she begged, eyes pleading as she wiggled her hips, “please fuck me, Bucky.”
Bucky couldn’t think much after that, his body moving of its own volition as he pulled out and slammed back inside her pussy.
It was one thrust. One single thrust had her arching her back and shouting out his name.
He completely broke down, fucking her with abandon, just wanting to hear more of her; feel deeper inside of her.
The bedpost slammed against the wall repeatedly as she screamed with every hit of Bucky’s cock to her g-spot.
The way she was scratching his back, whining, wailing and writhing under him as he pounded her into his bed should’ve and could’ve been enough for Bucky, but he couldn’t help but want more.
“Open your eyes,” he gave her another command, knowing it might be hard for her to manage that one with how deep he was giving it to her.
But her eyes were instantly on him, fighting to stay open as his fat cock filled her up again and again.
“Keep looking at me,” Bucky had told her, his right hand coming up to wrap around her neck.
He was slow and gentle, just waiting for her to stop him or refuse what he was doing.
But she had managed to surprise him again because instead, her hand had come up to his, fully wrapping his palm around her throat before showing Bucky the right amount of pressure to apply.
Fuck, she had to be an angel sent specifically to him from heaven. It seemed like whatever god was up there had finally had mercy on him.
She wasn’t only okay with Bucky’s hand being on her neck, she was showing him how to choke her as his cock fucked her raw within an inch of her life too.
Bucky felt his thrusts stutter as he almost came at the sight of her: mouth open with nothing but his name coming out of it, throat held in his palm and eyes battling to stay open as they rolled back in her head, her pussy chocking his cock.
And when he thought she couldn’t get anymore perfect, she started screaming out a request, “can I please cum? Please, Bucky!”
She was asking his permission to let herself feel the pleasure he was so willingly giving her.
Bucky felt high as he groaned, “cum”, and watched her hand hastily come down to rub her clit once, twice before she fell apart around his cock.
Her thighs involuntarily clasped around Bucky as they shook with the rest of her body, her orgasm hitting her like a thousand trains, making her back bow.
Bucky’s hand tightened around her throat the slightest bit as he felt her pussy shutter around his cock and felt himself get closer to his own release, thrusts becoming erratic.
“Please cum inside me, Bucky. Fill me up with your cum, need it,” she pled and the man could only take so much.
Bucky came and he came hard, proving the cum he had painted her body with earlier to be just a sample of what his cock really had to offer.
When they could both breathe normally again, she found herself in his arms, pitching him an idea, too satisfied and full of cum to stop herself and rethink.
And to her happiness, Bucky actually agreed.
When they first started that type of deal, she said she didn’t want a relationship.
Bucky respected that and he was okay with it because although he liked her very much, he knew he wasn’t the relationship type himself. He didn’t believe himself fit for romantic relationships. He thought he was too messed up for such stuff.
And she was just like him.
She didn’t know how to be loved; didn’t know how to receive love. She didn’t think she deserved it. She didn’t think she was worth it. Never thought of herself as beautiful enough or attractive enough or lovable enough.
So the dynamic they came up with was their best option.
They were going to be friends with benefits. Except, the benefits were much more extreme than the usual, vanilla sex that would come to mind. So friends with benefits with a fun twist.
After being manipulated for so long, Bucky wanted nothing but to be in charge of his life, body and mind; to be in a position of power where he had the upper hand.
She, on the other hand, needed her freewill to be taken away from her. Being as responsible as she was in her everyday life, she would get too exhausted; drained. She wanted decisions to be made for her as she only obeyed and conformed. She wanted to be used until her head held no thoughts of her deadlines or tasks.
She wanted choking and spanking and bondage. She wanted domination.
Bucky needed to feel in control, and she needed to give up control.
Take mine, she said, take my control away and make it yours.
It was a perfect match. They had clearly communicated their boundaries, wants and needs. They had established their roles, likes and dislikes. And they had agreed on a few simple rules:
It was strictly sex; only sex.
No kissing on the lips no matter what.
No cuddling afterwards even if aftercare took place.
No strings attached.
The safe word meant they stopped; no questions asked.
Bucky wasn’t exactly on board with number 2 because he knew what her lips felt like on his and he wanted more of that. But she said it would only complicate things; that it might get feelings involved and they couldn’t have that.
So he agreed. He really just wanted her to be as comfortable as possible.
And they had almost done it all in 6 months. She had let Bucky tie her down, spank her, choke her, use toys on her, edge her, overstimulate her, fuck her in every position known to humans and on every service that could take their weight and Bucky’s pace.
But deep down, Bucky knew that she still needed more even if she had claimed otherwise.
He knew that she was frequently going on dates in between their sessions, desperately searching for the one that would manage to sweep her off her feet and magically change the way she looked at herself with his unconditional love.
So when she sat with him that one day and told him she wanted to stop what they were doing because she wanted to commit to her new boyfriend, Bucky wasn’t surprised. He was heartbroken, but not surprised.
And so he let her go.
He didn’t want to. He never wanted to. But Bucky knew that he couldn’t give her what she wanted, and so he was going to let her have it with someone else. He needed her like the air he breathed, but he couldn’t bring himself to stand in her way.
Bucky was addicted to her, yes, but he wasn’t going to be selfish and get in the way of her possible happiness with that new boyfriend whoever he was. He just hoped that that new man deserved her.
The real surprise came when Bucky opened his door one day and she was standing there looking like an abandoned puppy three months after their last meeting.
Three months without her that have been torture. Three months during which Bucky couldn’t bear the mere idea of bringing another woman to his bed. Three months of replaying their intense scenes in his head with his hand down his pants.
Oh how he missed seeing her choke on his cock. He missed her begging for him to touch her, to relieve her heavy shoulders of everything they had to carry. He missed seeing her come for him so hard that tears would start rolling down her face.
But now she was here, and she didn’t look okay. And it made Bucky realize that he has mostly missed her being her.
“I need you, Buck,” she whispered and he instantly opened the door wider for her.
Bucky let her inside and she climbed on his lap the second he sat down. He held her in his arms on his couch for as long as she needed, internally aching to know what had gotten her looking so dejected.
He knew it had to do with the new man in her life and he could only calm himself down by imagining his fist slamming against the faceless man’s nose.
“What did he do?” Bucky finally broke the silence, making her pull her face from his neck and look at him.
God, she looked so hurt, so broken.
He wished he could fix it, but how could he when he himself needed fixing?
“If I ask you for a favor, would you do it for me?” Her faint voice asked instead, pulling away from their hug.
“You know I will,” Bucky replied without reluctance.
He would do anything for her. He would kill again for her, burn down whole cities and cross oceans on his bare feet for her if she asked him to.
She got up from Bucky’s lap, getting down on her knees before the couch just like the first night he had brought her home, “I want you to punish me, Bucky.”
Where did that come from? She wanted to start a session? Now? In that state?
“I want you to spank me. Punish me.” She repeated calmly.
“Doll, you didn’t do anything wrong,” Bucky tried to remind her, wanting her to know that whatever that man did to ruin his relationship with her wasn’t her fault.
And he wasn’t seriously about to give her a spanking when she looked like that, so small and worn out and wounded.
“Please, Bucky.”
Damn, she begged so sweetly. But he just couldn’t.
Bucky never thought he would say no to a scene with her, especially a passionate one, but he couldn’t hurt her even more than she looked to be hurting.
That was not what they did this for.
“Doll, get up. Sit down and talk to me,” Bucky said softly, trying to lift her up by the shoulders.
“Buck, you said you’d do it.” A sad frown settled upon her delicate face with a look that Bucky knew well.
She was getting more heartbroken at his rejection. She really did want this. She needed it and she could only come to Bucky for it. How could he keep turning her down?
“Okay, doll. How many?” Bucky asked despite himself, rubbing his palms together.
“Not with your hands,” she said with a smile, getting up and walking inside the bedroom to his closet.
Bucky carded a hand through his long hair as he waited for her to come back with whatever item she was choosing, knowing this was going to be the hardest time he has ever had to cause her pain, even if it was pain she wanted and asked for.
“With this.” She left the belt she brought on Bucky’s lap as she got back to her place by his feet.
“Doll, this is the thickest belt I own,” Bucky told her, wanting to intimidate her into changing her mind.
He needed her to change her mind. He couldn’t hit her with that thing. Not today. Probably not ever.
“I know.” She nodded with the same sure smile.
“Doll, why?” Bucky touched her cheek tenderly, desperate to understand.
If she would just talk to him, he would do his best to fix it. He probably couldn’t, but he was ready to try.
“Please, Bucky. For me, I need this.” She, again, avoided answering his questions.
“This is gonna hurt, doll,” Bucky warned, examining the belt in his lap.
Damn, it was heavy.
“I know. That’s the point.” She nodded in acceptance, “I need it to hurt.”
“C’mon, Buck, we’ve done this before. You’ve had me dangling from your ceiling for god’s sake!”
He remembered that day. It was a week after she had gotten promoted and everything was becoming too much for her.
She had Bucky suspend her upside down from his ceiling as he spanked her rear raw before getting her down and fucking her into oblivion until all she could worry about was if she would be able to take another orgasm.
She looked even sadder today, and she was asking for far less.
Maybe he could give her what she wanted.
“How many?” Bucky asked again with a clenched jaw, seeing that there was no way he was going to change her mind.
“As many as it takes for me to cry,” she replied and her answer sent a pang into Bucky’s chest.
So that was it. She needed to cry and she couldn’t. She just needed to cry; to give release to her pent-up tears.
Bucky knew that crying was something that she struggled with. He knew that one of the things she loved about what they did was the fact that she could cry during it all; during a spanking, an edging or even an intense orgasm.
But couldn’t it be done any other way this time? Maybe he could make her watch a sad movie or something?
“Doll, if it’s about you crying—”
“Bucky, please,” she stopped him, shaking her head with determination, “please give me this. I need it.”
If she could, she would have cried to get him to say yes faster.
Bucky sighed, glancing at her one final time before asking, “do you remember your safe word?”
“Red.” She smiled gratefully, adrenaline already pumping through her blood in anticipation.
Bucky slipped the hairband on his wrist down to his fingers, pulling his hair in a low bun before taking his shirt off, leaving himself in his white tank top.
Keeping his eyes on hers, he ordered: “strip and get on the bed, puppy. You know your position.”
“Thank you, Bucky.” She jumped up, placing a kiss on his cheek.
“What was that?” Bucky’s tone was deeper and his eyes darker.
It has started.
“Thank you, sir,” she quickly corrected herself.
One nod of his head and she was running to the bedroom to do as she was told.
As she took her clothes off, folding them piece by piece and leaving them on the chair in the corner of Bucky’s bedroom, he was outside readying himself for what he was about to do to her.
Bucky had pledged months ago that he would give her anything she needed or wanted during their sessions.
Leaving her fulfilled made him feel fulfilled and the first time he had his bare cock in her, Bucky knew he was wrapped around her littlest finger. It seemed like he was the one in control of those meet ups but control was actually always in her hands.
Now, if what she needed was a spanking to make her cry, Bucky knew how to give it to her, but he didn’t want to. He knew this belt was going to hurt a lot and he wished she would’ve chosen something less bad.
But a deal was a deal and he couldn’t back out now that he knew she was waiting naked on his bed.
She heard Bucky’s heavy steps coming closer and tried to regulate her breathing, reminding herself that she wanted this, that she begged for this, that she deserved this.
She trusted Bucky with her life, not just her body. She knew he was going to stop the minute she said her safe word and that made her a little calmer.
“You ready, puppy?” Bucky asked, gliding the tip of the belt across her bare ass from one cheek to the other.
She shivered, fixing her gaze on Bucky’s bedpost as she whispered, “yes, sir.”
And just like that came the first spank.
But it didn’t hurt, not like she had expected, not at all.
Bucky was going easy on her; too easy.
She didn’t like it.
“Harder, please,” she begged, lowering her head and sticking her ass out.
“Bucky, please, you promised,” she pled, her voice thick with frustration at her inability to get what she needed from the one person who could give it to her.
Another spank came, a little stronger than the first, but still not enough.
“Did your arm get rusty in those three months?” She threw angrily, raising her eyes to glare at Bucky, “hit me like a man!”
Bucky knew she was just trying to rile him up, make him angry enough so that he would actually hurt her and even though he didn’t want to, he decided he would finally give her what she came for.
“Fine,” Bucky growled, pushing her face into his pillows by the hair and she immediately gave him a full view of her lower half, ass in the air and thighs spread.
He wasn’t going to be able to look at her face as he hurt her this time.
Bucky took a deep breath before finally giving her a real whip and she gasped at the force of it, “is that what you wanted, puppy?”
“Getting close,” she moaned, her words muffled into the pillows as she wiggled her ass for him.
Another similar spank hit her and then another and another until suddenly her body was getting hotter and her butt sorer.
She needed more. Just a little more to break the dam and get suffocating thoughts and burning tears out.
“More, please, sir,” she begged, voice so desperate that it had Bucky swallowing.
He gave an experimental whip on her thighs and she let out a startled scream.
“What’s your color?” Bucky asked at once, hesitant that he might have actually hurt her.
“Green.” Came her reply as she looked up to Bucky, “green, sir, please.”
She was begging for more of this.
Bucky recomposed himself and spanked her thighs with the belt again and she wailed out a “yes, thank you, sir!”, urging him on.
For the first time ever, however, Bucky was not enjoying this. He was not enjoying causing her pain and he was not enjoying knowing that he was supposed to make her cry by the end of it all.
His whips got faster and harder as his thoughts ran wild with worry, just wanting to get this over with as her moans and cries egged him on.
“Green!” She would answer every time he checked in with her.
Pictures of her boyfriend in bed with another woman flashed throw her mind and she stuck her ass out more, hiding her ashamed face in Bucky’s pillows. He let her touch him the way only she was supposed to touch him. He made her shout out in pleasure the way she never did with him. He made her scream his name; the name that was supposed to only roll off her tongue during intimate times.
Her mind kept replaying it all, making her squirm and stick her butt out further. She wanted it all to stop.
She needed this. She deserved this. She was stupid.
“Thank you, sir,” she muttered, a lump finally forming in her throat.
It seemed like whatever had happened this time, had been so bad that the normal amount of whips weren’t enough to get her mind off of it. She was still her, well out of sub space and still very much aware of the ache in her heart.
She needed that ache to move somewhere else, preferably to her ass.
“More, sir, please.”
Bucky’s shoulder started to slightly ache as he kept whipping her, again and again, just wanting it to be over so he could comfort her after as he heard her sniffles, and finally, with a particularly harsh spank on her lower thighs she screamed out, “red!”.
Bucky’s arm stopped immediately, dropping the belt on the floor as he listened as her soft cries get louder.
She burrowed her face in his pillow and let it all out, sobs wracking her entire body as she cried her bleeding heart out.
“Doll,” he whispered, regret filling him at the sight of her body trembling with each wail she let out of her chest.
He looked at her lower body and her ass and thighs were a crime scene, her skin painted in angry red welts all over.
“Please, leave me alone, Buck,” she wept, her face still hidden in his pillow.
“Let me take care of you, doll—”
“No, no. Just leave me,” she pleaded without turning to him.
“At least let me put something on your skin—”
“Please just leave me alone. Please, Bucky,” she sobbed harder, her fingers clutching the side of the pillow as she let her tears flow.
Bucky reluctantly left the room, giving her the space she asked for as guilt ate away at his heart.
He shouldn’t have listened to her. He shouldn’t have done that to her.
It was only when he sat down on the couch outside that he had realized how hard he had actually whipped her. His right shoulder ached, a few strands of his hair were out of place and sweat had forced by his hairline. All the realization did was make him feel more terrible about himself.
He knew he has done it before so many times, but this time was different.
She came to him hurt emotionally and instead of helping her feel better, he ended up hurting her physically too.
She did ask for it, but he could have said no. He could’ve insisted on not doing it.
The sound of her cries seemed never-ending and was absolutely heart-wrenching to listen to. Bucky could all but cover his ears to prevent it from reaching him as he beat himself up for causing it all again and again.
She winced as she sat up on the messy bed, hand on her naked chest as she tried to calm herself down, still hiccupping while her cries slowed down.
God, she had needed this so bad. She had needed it for days and she was so grateful for Bucky for giving it to her.
Being able to cry and let everything out was a blessing that people didn’t appreciate enough; one she was kind of deprived of and had to do a lot to get to enjoy.
When her heartbeat was somewhat slower and her tears have ceased, she slowly pulled herself down the bed and on her wobbly feet.
She looked out to the living room from the bedroom door to see Bucky back on the couch, leaning forward with his head in his hands and she knew he was blaming himself.
So she wiped her tears as much as she could and went back inside. She opened the drawer she knew too well and pulled out the Calendula cream Bucky had bought specifically for her.
She carefully walked to Bucky. She didn’t want him to feel guilty so she made sure not to wince as she took her steps.
She had wanted this. She had asked for it because she had needed it and he only helped her. She wasn’t going to let him berate himself for that.
She left the cream on the coffee table and gently removed Bucky’s hands from his face, guiding him to rest his back on the couch so she could sit herself back across his lap.
Bucky stopped her, standing up to take his pants off so that the material wouldn’t rub against her sensitive skin.
She smiled, her heart lurching at his gentleness and thoughtfulness.
He let her manipulate him into position, closely watching her red-rimmed eyes and swollen nose and lips as she made herself as comfortable as possible on his lap, the new lashes covering her behind out of his sight for now.
Bucky hugged her close, his hands stroking up and down her bare back as she pushed her nose in its place in the crook of his neck, “thank you.” She breathed gratefully.
Bucky only patted her back, pulling her closer in reply. He knew she meant her thanks, but he was still mad at himself for doing it.
She pulled back and let him take her in for a second before leaning in, making Bucky swallow.
“Now fuck me,” she whispered on his lips, grinding down on his covered cock despite the pain it gave her every time she rubbed her inflamed skin on Bucky’s boxers.
“Doll, I think you’ve had enough for today,” Bucky sighed, softly trying to get her off of him.
“Please, just once. I won’t ask for anything else.” She pleaded, her hands clutching the material of Bucky’s tank top, not wanting to leave his lap.
She didn’t want to be away from him. She just got here.
“Doll, give me the cream so I can take care of you,” he demanded, trying to maintain a stern tone so she would listen.
“You can take care of me this way too!” She whined, needy and desperate as she ground herself harder, smiling when she found him hard beneath her.
“I can’t, doll. I can’t. You’re hurt.” Bucky shook his head, gently pushing her to the side and getting up before she could straddle him again.
“Please, Buck,” she croaked out, on the verge of crying again as she grabbed onto his waist, “please don’t walk away.”
“Do you promise not to try anything if I sit back down?” He asked although he knew the answer.
“But I need you!” Anguished tears rolled down her flushed cheeks, “just one orgasm. Please, just one.”
Her constant begging was making Bucky’s cock leak inside his briefs, hard as a rock as he tried his best not to give in.
He had missed her so damn much, but this wasn’t right.
“Doll, come on, quit it. You’re hurt—”
“I haven’t cum in three months.” She cut him off, sniffling as more tears left her eyes, “he— he couldn’t— please.” She begged yet again, her hands cravingly clawing at Bucky’s tank top, wanting him to be close again.
“What?!” Bucky sat back down, wiping her tears away as he took her back into his arms.
She nodded in shame as she cast her eyes down, burrowing her face in his shoulder, “he couldn’t make me cum”.
“Not even with his mouth?”
“Especially not with his mouth,” she muttered, hating the memory of a different man touching her.
“And you didn’t get yourself off?”
She shook her head, still embarrassed as she hid from him.
“Why not?!”
“Couldn’t touch myself without your permission.” She looked up to him, her teary eyes sincere.
Bucky let himself just look at her for a beat longer.
She was with another man that she supposedly wanted to be committed to, but she still followed Bucky’s rules during that relationship.
“I can make you cum, doll,” Bucky said, his gaze darkening, “but I have one condition.”
“Anything,” she whispered, desperate for his touch, his lips, his cock.
She had missed Bucky beyond compare.
“Allow me to break a rule.”
“I need to kiss you, baby.”
She smiled, her heart relieved despite its fluttering as she answered by pressing her lips to Bucky’s.
He laid her on her back on his couch, careful not to rub himself against her lower region as he devoured her lips. Bucky sighed on her lips, the first taste always the best.
He hasn’t tasted those lips in nine months, since their very first time together. He remembered them tasting of beer back then, but today it was chocolate lacing her tongue.
It was Bucky’s turn to be desperate as he ate up her whimpers, his tongue dancing with hers as he deepened the kiss. He wanted to gobble her up, get as close to her as possible, taste every inch and swallow every whine.
He realized he couldn’t get as close as he wanted without his boxers scratching the welts on her sore skin.
Bucky pulled away for a second, leaving her to chase his mouth as he chuckled.
She whined, making grabby hands at him.
When he was done taking his boxers off, he got back on top of her, tenderly pushing her legs to her chest to keep them from bumping against the couch before slotting himself between her open legs as his mouth found its way back to hers.
“I can’t believe I let you take this away from me for so long,” he groaned, biting down on her lower lip.
She moaned in reply, pushing her hips up so she could get his cock to stroke against her.
She couldn’t believe she had deprived herself of those kisses either because she knew that she had fallen for the man anyways.
One swipe had Bucky hissing as he felt how wet she was under him. He has needed her for so long, not letting himself find any kind of relief with another woman in her absence.
“Do you want my fingers, doll?”
“No, no, gimme your cock, Bucky, please,” she pleaded, squirming on her back on the couch, pushing her hips up.
“I can’t do that, baby. You know it. It would be too much,” he sighed, his thumb stroking her cheek.
“Bucky, please. I can take it. I’ve taken worse!”
“I can’t. I can’t hurt you anymore, doll.” Bucky admitted, his hand sliding her hair behind her ear.
“Bucky,” she whined and his eyes gave her a firm look, making her shut up at once.
“It’s either my fingers or you get nothing, puppy. What do you want?”
“Your fingers, sir,” she replied obediently, pulling her legs further against her chest to give him all the access he would need.
“That’s a good puppy.” Bucky smiled, thumb circling her swollen clit.
“Please,” she breathed, already throwing her head back at the simple touch.
Bucky chuckled, though he was internally fuming at the fact that she was with a ‘man’ who didn’t make her cum for three whole months, “ready for the first one, puppy?”
“Yes, sir.” She nodded quickly.
Bucky carefully slipped two of his metal fingers inside of her dripping cunt, groaning at the tightness he has missed so much, “I know this hand’s your favorite”.
“I thought you said one!” She moaned in surprise, pushing down on his fingers still.
“I meant first orgasm, puppy,” Bucky laughed, scissoring his fingers inside of her, opening her up exactly like he knew she liked.
And when he curled his fingers just right? She was wailing out the yes’s and thank you’s like it was the last time she would ever get fingered in her life.
“Fuck, baby, squeezing my fingers so hard already,” Bucky groaned, the tips of his vibranium fingers nudging her sweet spot with every indulging thrust, massaging and abusing until he saw her thighs quiver with her first orgasm.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you,” she squealed as Bucky let her come down from her high, fingers slowing down their movements without leaving her leaking pussy.
“Thank me when we’re done, doll.” He smirked, twisting his fingers inside of her.
Bucky got them out for a second only to slip back three fingers instead of two, feeling her cunt hungrily swallow them as she cried out at the delicious stretch.
He bit his lip, shaking his head as he got to business, “fuck, I’ve missed you so much”.
“How we feeling, puppy?” Bucky asked her as he saw her legs tense again.
“So good, so so good, sir. Thank you,” she sobbed in pleasure, feeling her thighs shake for the fifth time that afternoon.
“You’re such a good puppy, cumming so hard for me,” Bucky groaned, feeling the pull of her pussy as he tried to take his fingers out, moving them on her clit instead, “keep cumming baby”.
“I can’t take anymore. Please, I can’t.” She shook her head as she tried to squirm away from Bucky’s skilled fingers.
“Okay, okay,” Bucky chuckled, raising one hand up in surrender as his other went into his mouth.
She was gasping for air as she let her legs go, grimacing when her ass touched the couch. She raised her thighs back up, opening them when Bucky hovered over her body for another kiss.
His cock swiped against her sensitive pussy, making her clench when she felt how hard he was. Bucky was so hard it must be getting painful by now.
“Bucky, I can do one more,” she said against his lips.
“Oh you getting greedy on me, puppy?” Bucky smiled, instantly complying as he brought his hand down between their bodies.
She shivered at the mere tracing of his fingers on her pussy lips, “not with your fingers.”
“Come on now, baby, I thought we’ve already talked about this,” Bucky said, ready to pull away from her body.
“You don’t have to put it inside.” She held onto his waist with all her might, “just rub it on me. I can take that.”
“Baby,” Bucky hesitated, his resolve getting weaker as he imagined the feeling of her silky, drenched pussy under his cock.
“Please, Bucky, just rub it on my pussy. Use me. Make yourself cum.”
“You’re gonna be the death of me,” Bucky whispered, getting hold of his cock.
He swiped the tip between the lips of her cunt, moaning lewdly at the feeling he had missed for months.
She was so wet, so sensitive and so soft.
Bucky was never one to cum fast; not after his very first time with her. But she looked so good under him, already fucked out of her mind. She felt even better and he could only handle so much.
He couldn’t believe she was going to make him cum this quick just by letting him nudge her pussy with the tip of his cock.
“Fuck, baby, this beautiful pussy’s gonna make me bust and I didn’t even get to fuck her!” Bucky groaned, feeling his abs get taut as he tried to hold off his orgasm for as long as physically possible.
He didn’t know where to look; she looked gorgeous everywhere and it was making it harder for him not to cum right then and then.
“I’m cumming,” she gave a shout before shaking underneath him for the sixth time.
“Fuck, yes, cum for me, doll.” Bucky groaned, squeezing at his base to hold his orgasm off.
“Slip the tip inside me, Buck,” she begged, still catching her breath and writhing underneath him needily as if he hadn’t just given her five mind-blowing orgasms on his fingers.
He shook his head, trying to focus on not cumming.
“Please, Bucky, just the tip.”
“Shit, don’t say stuff like that.” Bucky’s head tipped back as he closed his eyes for a second to keep from staring into her imploring ones.
“Please, Bucky. Give me your cum. I missed being filled up of your cum so much.” She begged further, “I’m clean, I promise.”
“I never doubted you, puppy.” Bucky opened his eyes, pressing his lips to hers at once.
“Then give it to me,” she moaned on his lips, holding his face close to hers by the cheek, “give me all of your cum, Bucky. Fill me up until I’m leaking all over myself and your couch.”
“Fuck, doll, I can’t hold back anymore. You wanna be filled up? I’m gonna fill you up,” he growled, popping the fat tip of his cock inside her pussy.
She arched her back for Bucky, desperate to feel more of him, “thank you.”
She missed this cock stretching her to her limits so bad. She missed its girth and its veins and the hot cum it paints her walls with.
Bucky could all but let go at the first clench of her pussy, feeling his cum shoot inside of her until it had filled her up to the brim.
He watched her sigh in satisfaction, a smile spreading on her sweet face as Bucky’s hot load filled up her pulsating cunt.
Bucky reluctantly slipped out of her, watching his cum leak out of her ruined pussy, “oh thank you, doll.”
She couldn’t keep her thighs off the couch anymore, body limp and exhausted. She hissed once again when her raw skin touched the rough couch but didn’t pull her legs back up.
Bucky sighed, kissing her forehead lovingly before going to the bathroom to get a wet cloth to clean her up.
He tried to be gentle as he moved around her skin, wiping away the cum and the sweat. He went to leave the cloth in the bathroom and when he came back, she was tiredly perching herself on his lap.
Bucky smiled, taking the calendula cream from the coffee table to finally rub some against her marked butt and thighs. Aftercare was the most important part and he wasn’t about to forego it.
“How the hell did he fail at making you cum?” Bucky couldn’t help but ask as his palm rubbed circles on her sore skin.
“I guess it was me and my unorgasmable pussy.” She chuckled, making Bucky even madder at the man.
He had caused her to think there was something wrong with her and her body?
“Seems pretty orgasmable to me, doll. He’s the one with a broken penis.” Bucky grunted, focusing on keeping his touch gentle on her skin.
“Could make the other girl cum just fine, so not that broken.” She mumbled into her forearms as she rested her chin on them, wanting nothing more than to disappear.
Now Bucky really was angry.
“He cheated on me.”
Her voice was so sad, so shattered.
Bucky didn’t know what to say. He didn’t know if there was even something to say to make this better.
“Yeah, found them together in his bed and everything. They do try to cover up with the white bed sheet just like the movies.” She chuckled again.
She was making jokes, trying to make light of her pain like she always would, but Bucky wasn’t laughing.
“Doll, I’m so sorry. He’s an asshole.”
“It’s fine, really. Doesn’t come as a surprise to me that I wasn’t enough for him.”
“It isn’t fine and you are enough. You’re everything.”
“Bucky, you don’t have to—”
“Be my girl.”
“What?” Her head whipped back so fast, thinking she must have imagined the words.
“Forget about the rules and the deal and forget about our fears. Be my girl, doll,” Bucky repeated.
“Buck, I—”
“I know I’m messed up beyond repair, but if there’s one thing I can’t mess up, it’s loving you, doll. And if I suck at it, let me die trying my best for you.”
“Why’d you have to go and talk about dying now!” She sat back up, not waiting for her skin to fully absorb the cream as she straddled him again.
Her body was hot all over as she took it his words; words she had imagined him saying while standing alone in the shower so many times before that she’d lost count.
“Be my girl.” Bucky smiled, “let me love you like you deserve, doll.”
“Yes. I love you,” Bucky admitted, shrugging, his blunt nails clawing at the small of her back nervously.
“You love me love me?”
“I love you love you.” His palms flattened against the small of her back as he nodded with a bigger smile.
“I love you love you!” She exclaimed angrily, “why didn’t you say anything!” She punched Bucky’s chest.
“Ow!” Bucky laughed, holding her hand midway before she could hit him again, “I didn’t think I deserved you.” He kissed her fist.
The gesture left her quiet as a smile formed on her face despite herself.
She cupped Bucky’s cheek and kissed his lips softly, “you’re an idiot.”
“Still think I don’t deserve you, doll. But I can’t pretend like I’m not madly in love with you anymore.”
He tried to deepen the kiss but she pulled away, shocked.
“Bucky, what are you talking about? If anything, I don’t deserve you!”
“Baby, you deserve the whole world.”
“I don’t want the whole world!” She threw her hands in the air, “just one idiot who would hold me on his lap after a good spanking,” she mumbled shyly, making Bucky laugh.
“This one idiot is all yours if you’d have him, doll.” Bucky’s smile was for once reaching his eyes as he brought her in for another kiss.
“I love you,” she repeated, throwing her body around his, holding him tight, fearing it might be a dream.
“I love you too, baby. I don’t deserve you but fuck I love you so much it keeps me up at night like a teenager,” he confessed in her hair, his big hand pressing her closer to him.
“Stop saying that.” She looked him in the eyes, “you deserve everything good in this whole universe and then some. I just hope I could be enough.”
“Could be enough— doll, you’re enough. You’re just right. The exact amount. You’re it. You’re the best for me and the only one I want.”
She didn’t know what to say to that so she put her lips on Bucky’s again and let the kiss demolish her fears and insecurities.
She was in Bucky’s arms and she was enough. She was safe and loved.
This was Bucky. Bucky, who was never intimidated by her professional success. Bucky, who has met her at her worst. Bucky, who has never done her wrong. Bucky, who has gotten to see the real, raw her and never turned away.
It was in that very moment that she realized that running away from Bucky to find love with other men was the worst crime she had committed against herself because now the mere idea of being out of this man’s arms and heart was too illogical and incredulous to even consider.
“I love you,” Bucky repeated on her lips as they caught their breaths.
And she could see it all in his loving, blue eyes as they adored every inch of her face: she was home and she was never getting lost again.
Tag list: @harrysthiccthighss @tinystudentfirepurse @lavendercitizen @tumblin-theworldaway @pretty-pop-princess-hs @lilymurphy03 @idontwannagomrstarkk @glxwingrxse @littlelioncub43 @mathletemadison @canned-rootbear @pandaxnienke @loveisallyouneed1125 @floral-recs @littlemoonkiller @hallecarey1 @vespasianphantom @vicmc624 @winters1917 @ionlyeverwantedtobeyourequal @blkmystery @millercontracting @trappedwriter @am-3-thyst @obsessedwithquinn @sydnielauryn @alittlerayof-pitchblack @olipiaa @peterparkersgirl-blog @buckybarnessweetheart @thealyrs @colorfulbluebirdpainter @stuckysgirl27 @ihavetwoholesforareason @princess-bee0 @pastel-noah168 @steeph-aniie @buckitostan @onthr-dream @sapphirebarnes @123iloveyou456 @ciaqui @lindasweetie @justherefortheficandsmut @xxdiaqiaoxx @morgthemagpie @wintrsoldrluvr @goldylions @serendipitouslife90 @sebastians-love @leelee1234love @tiedyedghoulette @saint-marvel @helenaellie @onceithough @raynelbabe @a-very-fictional-girl @justabeluga @lindababe69
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sadunicorn47 · 2 years
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The Savior ~ A Loki x Reader story~
Summary: Loki's previous trip to earth as D.B Cooper was just a simple prank amongst brother; there was absolutely no hidden agenda behind it whatsoever; certainly was not a way for Loki to take a peek at his so called destined soulmate. Y/N has not had an easy life, and has been hurt by the world way too many times. Can she trust her destined soulmate, or is she too far gone to love and be loved? This story is full of love, heartbreak as well as whole lot of mischief and many talks about past abuse.
Chapter 1: D. B Cooper
" You honestly think you can win a spare with me brother?" Thor said as he mocked  Loki's challenge. 
" You know quite well I can take you down without lifting a finger" Loki said with his knowing smirk. 
" I never questioned your magical abilities brother, however when it comes to real fighting I am pretty sure I have the upper hand"
" Want to bet?" Loki asked
" Oh, I would love too! winner goes to Midgard and gets some delicious treats from down there because I for sure am tired of all these fruits here" 
" Deal" 
The two brothers spared for what seemed like hours, Thor's strength was undeniable however, the trickster's mind was full of tactics and managed to trick his older brother on many occasions; However, in this practice Thor's skills won over Loki's brains. 
Then again, that was the trickster's goal after all! 
" Conjure up some Midgardian clothes brother, and bring those delicious Pops of Tarts that mother used to bring." 
Loki growled as he dusted the dirt of his armor and proceeded to head to Heimdall, but what the god of mischief did not count in is his inability to fool the gate keeper. 
" Heimdall!" Loki said joyfully 
" Mind opening up the Bifrost, I lost a bet with my dear brother and now I have to pay the consequence."
Heimdall smirked at Loki's failed attempt at trickery 
" You mean purposely lost a bet?" 
Loki's eyes widened 
" What.. no.. why woul..."
" Easy there prince, I know why you are here and I will allow you to proceed your Journey to Midgard. I just have one question?"
" What" Loki said annoyingly.
" Why not just tell the king that your soulmate was born?" 
" And let Father steal her from her family and groom her to grow up and to be with me?" Loki said angrily.
" I have lived my life, and had the chance to understand the world without letting that so called destiny impact my decisions; and I will not strip her off the chance to do the same."  
Heimdall smiled and proceeded to open the Bifrost to allow the not so evil god to pass through. 
" Don't cause too much trouble down there" 
" Now, that I cannot promise"
~ November 24, 1971~ 
           ( Midgard) 
" I cam here as soon as I heard!" a young man said to what appears to be his distressed wife.
" I do not know what happened Mark,  she was sleeping so peacefully but suddenly she could not take her breath and started turning blue!"
" What did the doctors say?"
" She had an inflammation in her esophagus and it caused little air to enter her tubes" 
" Where is she? "
The wife pointed at the pink small bed to the right with ventilator. 
Behind them Loki was listening in with evident worry on his face. Using his invisibility skills  he went inside the infirmary and proceeded to go to the small infant. 
She was just so small and so fragile looking which had Loki fearing going any where near hear. 
" So, your supposed to be my Soul mate or whatever?"  Loki whispered to no one in particular. 
Unconsciously the god found himself putting his hands on the little girl's head and proceed to cast a healing spell on the infant. 
He smiled as he saw her breathing much better and before he could question why he decided to heal her, the parents suddenly entered behind a nurse to check on their child cutting Loki's thoughts. 
" This is weird" said the nurse 
" What? What is wrong?" The mother asked anxiously 
" She is breathing fine, there is no longer a problem" The nurse said with a confused look on her face. 
" Look! her  soul mark is glowing"  the father said as he pointed at her arm 
  Loki took this as his cue to proceed  to get out of the room, but not before casting a spell on the young girl that would help her develop some self-healing abilities when he was not there. 
With that Loki decided to pass by the supermarket to get some Pop tarts for his brother, in the midst of all his plotting he forgot to get with him some Midgardian Money from his Mother's vault. 
He could have always just conjured up some money, but where was the fun in that? 
Instead he simply decided to steal 200,000 dollars get some Pop tarts, jump on a plane, flirt with the flight attendant and proceed to disappear with the money to into thin air.
( Author's note) 
Hello my fellow Loki Stans. This idea just popped into my head and I just had to write it! I hope you enjoy this and I will try to update daily. Comments are always appreciated and if you have any suggestions, please feel free to share! see you next time!
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