#supportive geralt
spielzeugkaiser · 11 months
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What I want from part 2 of S3 is supportive bestie Geralt!! Please continue their good interactions I need themmmm
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whumpypepsigal · 11 months
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xejune · 1 year
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gerlion 🏹💕
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artistsfuneral · 2 months
There's a new Coloring Page in my ko-fi Shop!
It's a flower shop au :)
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It costs 1€, that's like- a gas station coffee, a pack of gummy bears, a cup of instant noodles. But you can color it in again and again and again! That's hours of chill time!!! (And it would make me very happy to see how you color it in)
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nezmar13 · 1 month
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Thought I should also turn this drawing of mine into a sticker since its my fluffiest Geraskier drawing and Im happy about how it turned out. And of course, its also holographic (Im definitely not over my current sparkly opssession)
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hannibard · 4 months
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Thanks for coming to my ted talk
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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I've been stickered once again!
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ladyannemarie5 · 6 months
Jaskier: the emotional support bard for EVERYONE
Well, remember my "Things we learned/confirmed about our bard in Vol. 2" post? You can see it here.
I haven't stopped thinking about point #16 (He's the emotional support bard for EVERYONE (Geralt, Yennefer, Ciri and even Dara) but who the hell is my baby's emotional support?) and after many sleepless nights I finally got around to it to write something about it.
So here you have 2k words of hurt/angst for my beautiful bard. Because he needs to vent to someone and I love a Geralt writhing in pain and guilt :D
Geralt is truly grateful to have Jaskier in his life. Having him is the true blessing. 
The bard is always by his side, with a soft and understanding smile on his face, with the right words that will give shelter to their hearts and a joke to lighten the mood.
He knows just the right combination of words to make Yennefer smile sincerely. He knows what song to sing for Ciri after her nightmares. He knows what to say to elves who have lost their homes and families to always keep them hopeful.
And of course, Jaskier is always sincere about his emotions, the things he likes, the things he dislikes.
Jaskier is colorful, loud, colorful and true with his feelings.
That's why Geralt is at a loss for what to do when he hears Radovid comforting his bard. 
Geralt was about to tell them both to gather by the fire to continue the party after saying goodnight to Ciri. The party in the forest was in full swing when both lovebirds decided to step away from the spotlight and spend some time alone. 
"How are you, lark?" asks Radovid.
"I'm perfect, my prince. All things are finally flowing properly" replies the bard cheerfully.
There is silence for a moment, Geralt sneaking up on the pair, not wanting to abruptly interrupt their moment.
"I could see how your hands shook as we approached the fire, I also noticed that you didn't play your usual notes on your lute, and of course, you tried to sing the dirtiest songs in your repertoire only to have your friends tell you to stop singing in front of the girl" the prince murmurs softly and Geralt stops his steps altogether. 
"Well, I wouldn't want a witcher and his sorceress to cut little Jaskier for singing obscenities in front of his daughter. You should thank me for stopping, I know how much you enjoy little Jaskier."
A silence follows, Geralt thinks the matter is settled, that Jaskier is fine. 
"And now you're evading the issue" replies the prince in a tone Geralt can't detect. "You said you weren't afraid of the fire anymore but you sat in the farthest place from the campfire, you didn't have your twitch with the strings and I know you only do that when you don't want to want to keep playing the lute and I also know you only sing your dirtiest songs when you want to make people uncomfortable and make them stop asking you for songs.
I ask you again, how are you?"
Jaskier doesn't respond. Geralt holds his breath and frowns in the darkness.
Jaskier isn't acting weird, it's just Jaskier being Jaskier, Geralt thinks. His bard is always happy, in fact he is surprised that he always smells like honeysuckle and lavender all the time because humans always have a wide variety of smells about them. Sadness, anger, joy, satisfaction, and more and more, but Jaskier always smells of happiness, and several (many) times of lust. Radovid believes that just by knowing Jaskier for a few years he is already able to read him backwards and forwards. Like him
Jaskier doesn't say anything for several minutes and for a second, it seems like the conversation has stopped there, maybe he'll start cracking a joke about how being the most famous bard on the continent is taking its toll on him or maybe he'll comment that Radovid isn't giving him any enough attention.
If there's one thing everyone who knows Jaskier personally knows, it's that the bard is...
"I'm tired "
And Geralt's heart stops. Because he has never heard the bard speak in that tone. Not even when they had walked miles and miles for hours, not when they had spent days and days sleeping outside instead of an inn, not even when Geralt apologized after the mountain. It's not the kind of physical exhaustion that Jaskier always brags about, it's the exhaustion that comes from his soul.
A soft sound is heard and the witcher must not have special mutations to know that the prince has gotten closer to the poet “Dear heart, it is me. "You know you don't need to pretend to be someone you're not with me."
More silence. More doubts.
And then, like a dam that has broken, Geralt smells for the first time the bitter aroma of rotting dandelions: Jaskier's sadness.
"I feel so lonely." Jaskier sighs, an exhausted, desperate sigh.
And then the sobs come.
Geralt can imagine the prince holding Jaskier in his arms because the poet's voice sounds muffled and sobbing.
Jaskier talks about how he has always felt sad and alone since he was a child. How sometimes he is not able to remember his childhood because his mind has blocked everything bad to protect him. He talks about how music saved his life, how sometimes it's not enough and he just forces himself to make it enough.
Geralt thinks about the times Jaskier didn't sleep or eat because he stayed to write in his notebook, how he took his lute and held it to his chest saying that the muses were blessing him with inspiration. He now wonders how much was real and how much was the bard breaking.
The bard tells the prince how scared he was when he first toured the continent, fearing that he would have to crawl back to his parents to survive. The happiness of being able to find Geralt and follow him. The sadness of being rejected over and over again by the only person who was his lighthouse at that moment. The panic attacks he suffered when he woke up and Geralt was already gone. The tremors in his legs when he ran to the next town to catch up with the witcher and the fake smiles he had shown when pretending that their reunion was accidental.
Geralt remembers a time, in Temeria, when he found Jaskier drinking beer in a tavern and how his leg kept moving, up and down over and over again. How Jaskier told him it was the emotion that the red-haired waitress caused him. He tries to remember how many miles Jaskier had to walk by himself.
Jaskier tells him how devastated he was when Geralt left him. Because he knows that 20 years are nothing for a witcher but they were half of his human life. He tells him that he returned to Geralt because he missed him and is his best friend, the person he has the most faith in, but he doesn't think he can trust him again, not like before. Because he had been his only friend, his only constant after leaving and being disowned by his own family, because he had given him his youth, voice and friendship for decades and yet Geralt had left him. And his heart is so broken that he can't put another patch on it or will be useless forever.
He tells him how ashamed he is of his human condition. Because he's surrounded by gods who can set the world on fire literally and figuratively, he clings so hard to being someone magnificent like them, but sometimes he's so exhausting that the very breath escapes him. He tells that every time they make a joke about being weak, worthless or just being left behind he gets it because they remind him of his family, but now it has become a dull ache that builds up in his heart and he knows it's wrong, but now has gotten used to it.
Geralt doesn't even have a specific memory, but he knows that he has a lot to think about.
The poet talks about nightmares about being burned, about being left behind for being a mere human. Because he knows that he is only a second in the infinite life of the people he loves, that he is nothing more than a thorn in the hearts of the people he considers his family. Because they will live long, wonderful lives and the memory of him will one day be erased from their minds, and sometimes it's okay, but other times it feels like it burns his soul to know that he means nothing to anyone.
He tells Radovid that he is so afraid that he will leave him too. Because he knows that he can be a lot and feel so much that he is used to being left aside, but he doesn't believe he can bear Radovid's rejection and he doesn't believe can bear to say goodbye to the prince he has fallen in love with like never before. He tells him how much loves him, how fervent his love is, but Radovid is a prince, the representation of the gods on earth, the man who has armies and subjects and men and women at his disposal; and he’s a simple bard, with scars from torture and a lute on his back. Jaskier opens up and talks out loud about how scared he was when he met him, because he always jokes about being heartbroken, like every good poet, but he never talks about the fear of not being enough again.
He talks about his resentment and envy of others. He was always the bard of comfort for everyone, always the shoulder to cry on and complain about, always the perfect man to put down and feel good about yourself. Jaskier, the man who always smiles. Jaskier, the man of a thousand words. Always the bard Dandelion.
He says that has no right to cry and complain about his pain, because there are elves out there who have lost their homes, their family, and their lives. Because just a few steps from him, there is a girl who lost her parents, her grandparents and her entire home in the flames. There is a sorceress who was sold by her father, who was undone and remade countless times. Because he has traveled with the man with the purest and noblest heart on the continent, that he has suffered for decades without complaint. Because there is a prince trapped in a viper's nest next to him. He has no right to cry because he is exhausted.
But sometimes it's so hard to stay smiling. Sometimes the curtain must be lowered, sometimes his lips also get tired of saying words of encouragement without any in return, his arms are also tired of holding and not being held, his heart sometimes gets tired of loving without being loved.
Sometimes he just wants to sleep and not wake up again.
Jaskier talks and talks and talks. But for the first time, he's not about the best color for his doublet, but instead he mutters about the insecurities he hides behind those colors. For the first time, Geralt doesn't tune out Jaskier's inane, meaningless chatter and actually listens, hears the tremor in his voice, smells the pain in the air, feels every sob rumbling in his chest. And he wonders how he never saw it, how he always took his friend for granted.
It seems that Jaskier's words are exhausted, because all that remains is a deafening silence and the aroma of salt from tears not shed for years.
“You are not alone, lark,” the prince murmurs, soft and determined. “You have me, Geralt, Ciri and Yennefer. We are your family. We are yours. And I'm sorry you feel that way, because it was never our intention to burden you with our burdens. Because we love you. You are the light of our lives, and the only reason we all have a family. Jaskier, you are my lark, my heart and my soul. I love you more than anything, Jaskier. You can always come to me to listen to you, to cry or simply to be by your side, the way you want me, all the time you want me.”
Jaskier sobs again and Geralt can imagine Radovid holding him tighter, closer, because it's something the witcher wants to do.
Geralt walks away silently with only the thoughts of him.
He returns to the bonfire that miraculously continues to burn, with no Yennefer and Ciri in sight.
Geralt sits in his place. He thinks about everything he has learned from the bard in 1 hour and has been missing for 24 years. He wonders how much of what he sees in Jaskier is him and not his mask. He questions why he never asked Jaskier how he is.
Then he hears footsteps coming out of the forest. He feels Yenn sit silently to the right of him and then Ciri to the left of him. Everyone heard, everyone felt their bard break.
No one says anything, as if the bard had taken away their words. He probably did it. So the three of them sit together until they decide to go to sleep, always in silence.
The next morning, the 3 find a note from Radovid saying that he and Jaskier will take some time together. That they will soon find them.
The witcher, the sorceress and the princess shed tears together and then wait anxiously for their bard. Their lark.
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zishiyao · 1 year
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Everyone is an artist, crafting their own drawings by hand rather than resorting to plagiarizing others' work.
Unfortunately, a recent incident has left me both angered and saddened. Someone utilized AI painting to manipulate and modify my Avallac'h portrait into a different version, all in favor of their preferred artist. The individual who appropriated my work without permission justified their actions, claiming that since my artwork lacked a signature watermark, they were entitled to edit it, and that I had no ownership over the image posted online.
The picture that was plagiarized↓↓↓
I chose not to include a signature watermark as my intention was to share a delightful picture with all fans of TW3 and Avallac'h. Love comes in various forms, and I kindly ask everyone to express their affection for Avallac'h without causing harm to others.
Lastly, I extend heartfelt thanks to @revoevokukil for her gracious willingness to assist me. We were initially strangers, and her support is truly appreciated."
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dadralt · 2 years
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cards against the witcher: geralt edition [insp.]
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spielzeugkaiser · 9 months
I truly believe if Geralt got to be around baby Milek he would be such a giant worrywart like he's so fragile! and tiny!! Jaskier just laughing at him in the bg as Geralt is both enamored and fretting
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Haha, you are absolutely right!! Geralt can't deal and Jaskiers heart is ready to burst, even if he has to laugh.
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whumpypepsigal · 10 months
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The Witcher s03e08: “I couldn’t protect [Ciri].”
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plaidposh · 1 year
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“… how it felt to know him—vast and complicated and cruel, determined as a battering ram and sometimes shatteringly magnificent.”
@astolat Blooded Crown
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Halloween last year: Ruin is dropped by Joey and Madeleine. Life is good.
Halloween this year: Geralt is replaced by a Hemsworth brother and the show is ruined from season 4-onwards. Life is not good.
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geralts-yenn · 2 months
Would you write for Geralt of Rivia?
Hey nonnie,
thank you for asking, but I fear that won't be happening in the near future.
My writing is not going very smooth lately and there are still so many other stories I want to tell.
But if I may suggest some of my Geralt favorites, maybe you want to have a look at those stories:
Where you are by@mayloma is an absolutely amazing series
A lovely one-shot by @gummydummy19
A waiting place by @deandoesthingstome is another awesome one-shot, so good 😍
And love sick Geralt 😍 by @sillyrabbit81
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madamebaggio · 7 months
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Notes: Previously...
“Well, I can see how I would be seen as the paternal figure inside the Fellowship, as Gandalf is not much of a father figure.” Aragorn mused. “However…”
“Oh, sir.” Crowley groaned dramatically. “Accept that the four little ones are your children! I’ve had to accept that the Antichrist is mine for some reason.”
“Gentlemen.” The therapist called. “It’s fine. As you all became dads by accident…”
“I still don’t agree with that.” Obi-Wan grumbled. “Anakin is a pain in my ass, but I refuse to be saddled with that much responsibility over him,”
“He did say you’re the closest thing he’s had to a father.” Aragorn pointed out.
“Not by choice!”
“Just accept it.” Geralt growled. “Honestly, it becomes so much easier after you do.”
“You say that because you have the cutest princess ever.” Obi-Wan threw at him.
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