#the ark tv series
bellarkeselection · 1 year
Has anyone else started watching this series called The Ark because I just started watching it and it reminds me of The 100
Should I write a book about the series???
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themollyjay · 2 months
Watch ARK: The Animated Series!!!!
So, I binged ARK: The Animated series today. It's a TV show, which is based on a video game and not only is it great but, I swear to God, whoever wrote this set out with the intention of pissing off the Gamerbro crowd as much as humanly possible.
Stuff that will make the Gamerbros cry and whine like little babies: 01). Main Character is a Aboriginal Australian Lesbian (Voiced by an Aboriginal Australian Actress no less). 02). Main Character's wife is a blue haired women who works as a translator for a humanitarian air organization (voiced by Elliot Page). 03). Main Character is a neurodivergent paleontologist. 04). Main Character's mother was a civil rights activist. 05). There's a plot line revolving around protesting the taking of Aboriginal lands. 06). Another major character is a Chinese Warrior Woman who is also a great big lesbian (voiced my Michelle Yeoh). 07). Main villain is a Roman General (Voiced by Gerard Butler) 08). Secondary Villain is an 19th century British Scientist (Voiced by David Tenant) 09). Tertiary Villain is a female Roman Gladiator. 10). Another major character is a Lakota man from the 19th century who was abducted from his tribe and sent to one of the Indian boarding schools. 11). The Main Character is better at science than the 19th Century British Scientist guy.
Great things about the show: 01). It's very gay. Like, so gay. 02). The characters are freaking awesome. 03). There are freaking dinosaurs. So many dinosaurs. 04). It makes you feel. Just, seriously, it makes you fucking feel.
Cons: 01). Content Warning: Self Unaliving in episode 1 02). This show is fucking violent. Like, I get that there's this whole 'battle for survival' thing going on, but we're talking kind of gratuitous 03). levels of violence. Seriously, half the animation budget was spent on red paint. That much violence. 04). The show is predictable AF. Like, I don't mind that, but don't expect any real surprises or plot twists.
In conclusion: Watch the fuck out of this show, because cons aside, it was freaking amazing. It's not like, Arcane levels of perfection, but if you want a fun, gay, show to watch, this is a great choice. There is also a part too already filmed and in the can which will drop later this year, so we're definitely getting more, and even the preview for Part II has gay in it.
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screamingintherain · 5 months
Percy Jackson TV spoilers⚡️💙
Y’all imma admit, I wasn’t sure what to think about the show at first because of the changes they made in the first episode (which I will say were probably mainly for time/set/screen adaptability reasons), but I was immediately won over by the amazing writing, acting, cinematography, EVERYTHING. From the absolute hilarity of the one liners and set ups to the emotional twists of the plot— they really went all out with this.
I mean, even and especially the choices they made to give certain lines to Luke, or to shift the situation in the second episode around to give Grover a more active role in Percy’s situation, or the emphasis on Percy’s pain of being abandoned by his dad, losing his mom, and the emotional roller coaster of finding out about Camp Half-Blood? Like they really worked hard to shift the story in ways that would bring the themes and emotions from the book onto the screen instead of just turning the book into a script and it SHOWS.
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kekwcomics · 9 months
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Jean-Marie Hon and Terry Lester from ARK II (CBS, 1976)
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banjolandsblog · 1 year
The Ark Season 1 Trailer | 'We're in a War For Survival'
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g4zdtechtv · 1 year
Cinematech's Trailer Park - ARK: The Animated Series
Starring and Executive Produced by Crowe, Butler and Diesel!
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justinewt · 1 year
Fire And Forget - THE 100 REWRITE Chapter Eighteen
Previous Chapter / Next Chapter
Summary: Despite Lexa’s influence on Clarke’s behavior, Michelle returned alongside her childhood best friend. The princess and the soldier dynamic could resume but there was still things Clarke was keeping from everyone else and hopefully it wouldn’t shatter the trust Michelle had in her. 
Words: 6.1k
Warnings: The 100 season 2 spoilers (episode 12 “Rubicon”, episode 13 “Resurrection” & episode 16 “Blood Must Have Blood - Part 2”), missile, explosion, fire, wounds, blood, pain, drill, restrains, a bit of fluff
Michelle was by Clarke as they stepped in the room, arms crossed. She was still thinking about their sort of power grab last night. They made it clear to Abby that she might have been named Chancellor, but it didn’t mean anything to them. Clarke was no longer answerable to her, and the Grounders chose who they supported. The fact that Kane then chose to convince Abby to trust Clarke had surprised Michelle, but she greatly appreciated it. When the worst of this conflict would be over, she could perhaps finally decide to take a step towards him. Raven was standing in front of a transparent board with a plan of the facility inside Mount Weather, every floor was drawn. They had yet to hear from their inside man which was the reason behind Clarke and Michelle’s visit.
“Has he checked in yet?” Clarke asked as soon as she walked through the door. Raven replied in the negative and looked over her shoulder at the Grounder behind Clarke.
“Worried someone’s gonna take a shot at you inside the Ark?” She turned her back to them and Clarke dismissed the rider. He solemnly nodded and walked out.
“Lexa’s orders.” She precised but Raven couldn’t care less and she just shrugged as she looked at the board. Michelle and Clarke glanced at each other, and their eyes turned to the radio. “He’s late. What if something’s happened to him?”
“He’ll be fine.” Raven retorted. Clarke nodded, trying to calm herself down and looked around the room, seeing a plan on the table and another board full of writings and drawings.
“You’ve been busy. Why are you focusing on the dam?” Michelle spoke as she and Clarke approached, curious. Clarke turned to Raven.
“I told you acid fog was our priority?”
“Until Bellamy gets eyes on their dispersal system… there’s only so much I can do.”
“Fine. Tell me about the dam.” Clarke requested. “Can we cut off their power?”
“Maybe. I’m still playing with a few things.” She explained while Clarke walked around. The latter grabbed the device to control the Reapers and activated it, instantly getting Raven and Michelle’s attention to her.
“How many of these have you made?”
“Only two so far, but—”
“Two? That’s not enough.” Clarke cut her off, putting down the device with a thump. She didn’t like her lack of effiency on this. Michelle stood by, not wanting to take a step into this argument; she was only by Clarke’s side as her friend and advisor, like when they were at the small camp, they had built around the drop ship. She wasn’t a leader and she didn’t want all these responsibilities to weight on her shoulders so she was fine with her position. “There’ll be Reapers everywhere.”
“High-frequency tone generators don’t grow on trees, Clarke.” Raven stepped toward her. “Wick is scrounging for parts.”
“Raven… I am about to leave for Tondc, where Lexa and the heads of all 12 grounder clans are waiting for me to tell them we’re a go.” She replied anxiously. “Only we’re not a go because they still have acid fog and we only have two tone generators.”
“Hey, we’ll be ready. We will.” Raven softened her voice and tried to reassure Clarke about all this. Michelle didn’t like Raven very much because of everything that happened with Finn but she had come to the conclusion that she wasn’t a bad person, or someone deserving of her hate either. She took a step to get closer to them and put a hand on her best friend’s shoulder. All three of them looked at each other, silently assuring themselves that they would indeed be ready in time and after a second of silence, they heard Bellamy’s voice come from the radio. They quickly walked to the radio and Clarke grabbed the transmitter to talk to him.
“Bellamy, you’re late. Every three hours means every three hours.” Clarke stated.
“Are you through?” He ignored her comments.
“Have you found the source of the acid fog?”
“No, that’s gonna have to wait.”
“What? No.” She exclaimed. “Nothing is more important than that.”
“Our friends are.” He retorted. “They’ve started taking them from the dorm… one at a time, every few hours.”
“Taking them where?” Raven bent over, approaching her face to the transmitter.
“I don’t know. We tried to follow them, but they went to a classified level.” She looked at her plan of Mount Weather drawn on the board right behind her. “Maya borrowed the schematics of the vent system from her boss… and we’re still trying to find a way in. Anything?”  Maya’s voice could be heard in the background but she spoke to Bellamy in such a low tone they couldn’t make out the words but they understood Raven had asked for a walkie talkie. It didn’t matter anyway. Raven, Clarke and Michelle all stood in front of the board, staring at it carefully.
“We’re going to make him mobile so he can talk to us from anywhere.” Clarke nodded before addressing Bellamy again.
“Bellamy, you have to find them.”
“That’s the plan.”
“If you don’t, all of this is for nothing.” She put back the transmitter and turned around, at the surprise of both Raven and Michelle, who thought Tondc was her next destination. She passed the doorway and Michelle let her arms fall to her side, glancing at Raven before quickly following Clarke outside, wondering where she was off to instead of the Grounders’ village. She caught up to her in the hallway and put her hand on her shoulder.
“Where are you going?”
“To see my mom, and Kane.” She declared and Michelle simply nodded, joining her hands in her back and walking beside her, the Grounder in charge of protecting Clarke right after them. The automatic doors to the meeting room opened at their arrival and Clarke didn’t waste any time, addressing them right away. “Plans have changed. I’m staying here.”
“Command is expecting you.” Kane said, rolling up a paper.
“Our people inside Mount Weather are in trouble. I’m not going anywhere till I know they’re okay.”
“And what can you do for them from here?” He wondered.
“You’ll go to Tondc in my place. Lexa respects you. You and Michelle.” At the mention of her name, Michelle didn’t try to hide her surprise, letting go of her hands. She wondered if sending her with her father to Tondc was because she trusted them to do this for her, and also to give an opportunity to do something this important together, to bond or something. Maybe she was thinking too much, and Clarke didn’t have that many reasons behind her new decision. She was about to leave the room and walk away but Kane grabbed her arms. The Grounder instantly pulled out a large knife, reminding Michelle of the Machete that slashed her hand less than a couple months ago. She instinctively peeped at her scar and clenched her fist as she looked up.
“Put it away.” Clarke ordered and the man obliged. She faced Kane.
“Clarke, being a good leader means knowing which battles to fight.”
“And which to delegate, I know. Please. I need you and Michelle to go to Tondc.”
“Fine. I’ll go.” After Kane agreed, Clarke turned to Michelle to know her answer and the latter nodded. She wasn't about to argue on this, and maybe deep down, she wanted this opportunity to do something with her father. She realized because of her pain and anger, she had been harsh with him, too harsh. She took a step towards the doors, which opened as Abby walked in and for a second, Kane and Michelle looked at each other.
“What is it?” Abby asked.
“Kane will explain.” She gave her the cold shoulder, delegating to Kane the explanation of the situation.
“Perhaps your mother should go.” He proposed. “She is still the chancellor, after all.”
“Which is why she’s needed here.” Clarke retorted before leaving the room, followed by the Grounder. Michelle watched her disappear as the doors closed behind her. Abby walked up to them.
“Heavy lies the crown.”
“She shouldn’t be wearing the crown, and you shouldn’t be backing her up.” Michelle sighed and rolled her eyes at her comments. She was allowed to say what she liked but in the meantime, Clarke was the one making decisions and taking actions. Kane swiftly smirked and looked down at a transparent sheet she held in her hands. Michelle followed his gaze.
“What is that?”
“A note.” She handed it to him and, curious, Michelle stepped near him to look at it. “Thelonious is gone. He told Sinclair to wait two days before giving that to us.”
“The city of light.” Kane and Michelle read these words almost simultaneously, glancing at each other. Michelle had kept it to herself that she had seen Jaha leave with Murphy, when she pretended she had spent the whole afternoon with Murphy while he was on work detail. She lied about it to Abby.
“Says he’s coming back to save us. Again.” Kane added.
“He took 12 people, 12 guns. Michelle, Murphy’s gone too.” Kane looked at his daughter. “Exactly two days ago, you told me you were with him all afternoon. He was already gone by then. Did you know about this?”
“No.” She could see Abby doubted the reliability of her word. Michelle sighed again. “I didn’t know about this. And yeah, I wasn’t with Murphy. I heard him and Jaha. He asked him to go to Wells’ grave with him. I figured he had his city of light thing in mind.”
“It’s all right.” Kane said, calming emerging tensions. He put a comforting hand on Michelle’s shoulder as he spoke to Abby. “You can’t go after him. We can’t spare the men.
“Don’t worry. Clarke wouldn’t let me even if I wanted to.” She shot up her eyebrows. Kane handed the note back to her, letting his hand slide off his daughter’s shoulder as he turned to the table. Michelle would have preferred sticking with Clarke, but she had to admit to herself that she was already starting to appreciate being with her father and the fact that he wasn’t getting mad at her, or Clarke, like Abby was definitely helped her accept this new situation.
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Not long after Kane and Michelle had arrived there, Clarke joined them. Octavia rushed to meet with Clarke and Michelle followed her, glancing at her father as she walked away. Clarke was getting off her horse as they approached.
“Clarke, you made it.” Octavia said.
“I need you to take me to Lexa.” Her urgency to go see the commander of the Grounders alerted both Octavia and Michelle. The latter frowned as Clarke was stopped in her tracks by Indra’s second.
“What’s wrong?” The answer they got was a mere lie; it was obvious that something was up. Michelle didn’t really understand why she would keep it to herself, but she was clearly not going to tell them what was wrong, so she remained silent, glancing at her in confusion as they walked into the village, leading Clarke to where Lexa was. On the way, Octavia kept asking about Bellamy, wondering if he had managed to get rid of the acid fog but Clarke was being evasive with her answers. Michelle was starting to get a little suspicious of Clarke’s behavior, feeling that something was off, especially with the way she was picking up her walking pace. She wouldn’t tell them what was wrong, but she seemed in quite a hurry. Michelle didn’t need her to say anything about Bellamy, she could tell something had happened on his end, whether it impacted him or them. She was just surprised that Clarke would remain quiet on the matter, whatever it might be, instead of sharing the piece of information that she had. Followed by the Grounder assigned to Clarke’s side, they arrived in front of Lexa. Michelle glanced at the other people around, Indra was next to Octavia and Kane walked up to them from behind Lexa.
“Clarke of the Sky People has honored us with her presence.”
“I’m sorry I’m late, commander.” She apologized quietly.
“You made good time.” Kane spoke. “I assume the kids at Mount Weather are okay.”
“For now.” She nodded, letting out a sigh as she looked back at Lexa. Michelle was observing her friend from the corner of her eyes, knowing she wasn’t telling them everything. She wondered when she would let them in on this. Her next enquiry made Michelle frown slightly. “Can we talk in private?”
“Yes. This way.” Lexa seemed to understand there was some urgent matter to discuss and she led her away, the Grounder following the two of them. Octavia and Michelle watched them walk away, taking a few steps forward, closer to Kane. None of them knew what was going on. Michelle figured it had to be something regarding Bellamy, or his undercover mission inside Mount Weather. Either something bad had happened there, or something bad was yet to happen and she didn’t like the fact that she was so clueless and couldn’t know which of her assumptions were correct. She clenched her jaw, thinking that she should have stayed at Camp Jaha with her and Raven by the radio and she would have known what was up. She didn’t like knowing there was something her best friend was keeping from them, but not having any answers. Indra eventually sent Octavia to watch duty to keep an eye on the edges of the forest. For the next ten minutes or so, Kane and Michelle stood there. While her father talked with other Grounders near them, she stared at the door Clarke and Lexa had entered through. She stayed with her father as night fell and neither Lexa nor Clarke was to be seen anywhere around camp which sent Abby looking for his daughter. Michelle was looking around in confusion and turned around when she heard Indra addressing Kane and her.
“Where’s the commander? Where’s Clarke?” She enquired in a low voice, almost like a whisper.
“I don’t know.” Kane replied, frowning and Michelle simply shrugged, having no idea where either of them could be.
“Last time we saw them, they were heading downstairs.” She added, motioning for the door with her chin.
“They’re not there now.” At Indra’s statement, Kane and Michelle glanced at each other. They were confused already and now, growing worried about them.
“We should search the woods.” Kane declared.
“I agree.”
“I’ll tell the others. Come on.” As he turned around, about to walk away, he nodded at Michelle to follow him, putting a hand on her shoulder. She went with him, clinging on the gun entrusted to her. She was somehow getting more and more convinced that something was going to happen and the disappearance of the commander and Clarke had given her a hint even though she wasn’t sure of anything, and she didn’t like that. Being beside her father helped her keep a cool head. She was getting more accepting of him as her dad and wondered what her mom would think of her right now. Quickly dismissing this thought, she accompanied him, still kind of looking around a bit wary. While he was talking with someone, Michelle squinted her eyes as she noticed a sort of flaming light growing in the sky, as if it was approaching their position. She parted her lips, grabbing her father's arm to draw his attention to what she had seen when an explosion occured and a wave of heat and fire brushed her off. She didn't even have time to realize what was happening and was pushed against her father, tightening her grip of his arm, barely letting out a gasp at the hit. She could feel her gun falling, sliding off her body while everything just went black instantly.
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An excruciating pain shot throughout her whole body as she opened her eyes with difficulty, coughing. Every inspiration felt like breathing fire. Her throat was dry and sore, and she could barely move, softly rolling her head to the side. Michelle moaned in pain. She thought for a second that she was dead as someone called out to her. Her ears were buzzing, and her vision was blurry. She took a breath, and coughed hoarsely, making her wince. Her name was said again, and she realized the buzzing sound was toning down. Michelle blinked, looking to the side. Less than a couple feet away from her was her father. He was trying to pull on a metal bar to alert the surface that they were there.
“Dad…” Her voice was raspy. She reached out her arm to him, to grab his hand but she couldn’t and she grew frustrated, keeping on trying to the point she attempted to get on her side and let out a cry of pain. It took her a second to understand where it was coming from but now, she had regained her senses enough to realize it was her leg and forehead, that were hurting. Her thigh felt warm, which made her wonder if she was bleeding out and she rolled on her back, a tear rolling down her temple. Gulping, she tried to cry for help, but nothing came out of her mouth. With a shaky hand, she touched her head and felt something thick and sticky, as if her hair was covered in gel. She winced, looking at her fingers, covered in blood. She started wondering if she was going to die, closing her eyes when she heard a familiar voice nearby; it was Abby’s.
“Michelle? Marcus?” She got to them, a flashlight in her hand. “I’m here. It’s okay.”
“Abby?” She took his hand from the bar he was pulling on. He slowly extended his fingers towards Michelle, to bring Abby’s attention to her. The latter was looking at the beam across his leg and saw his gesture. He spoke softly. “Help her.”
“Okay.” She nodded, turning to the young woman. The latter called out Abby’s name upon seeing her face in her field of vision. Abby gave her a reassuring smile, telling her it was going to be okay as she took a closer look to the wound to her head. She tore a small piece of fabric from her T-shirt and put it in Michelle’s hand, instructing her to hold it in place. She then moved to her leg. A few rubbles were blocking it. She carefully removed one to see if there was any major injury before pursuing. Michelle had no idea what she saw but she kept taking the rubbles off her leg. She heard Abby grunt as the doctor pushed the debris aside. She felt her hands on her leg and tried to straighten up to see what she was doing but Abby turned to her. “No, no, stay down. Don’t hurt yourself.”
“What is it?” Michelle reluctantly obeyed and lied still, holding the piece of cloth to her head. Her other arm still stretched out towards her father. He tried to get his hand closer to hers and managed to go as far as touching the tip of her fingers.
“You’re gonna be okay. The rubbles scratched your old arrow wound but it’s okay. You’ll be okay.” Michelle then watched her return her attention to Kane’s leg. “You’re bleeding, but not bad. Can you move your toes?”
“Yeah.” He breathed out.
“Good. I don’t think anything’s broken. You’re both lucky.” Kane chuckled, glancing at Michelle. “I’m gonna get you out of here.” She gritted her teeth, grunting as she tried to lift the beam off his leg and eventually let out a yell, unable to move it an inch. Michelle’s torso was heaving with her labored breathing, her eyes closing. She felt like she had barely blinked for a second and Abby called out her name. With the urgency in her voice, she didn’t have to think for long to understand that she had almost lost consciousness again. “Michelle, try keeping your eyes open and firmly press the cloth on your head.” Michelle let out a heavy sigh, nodding.
“That could be Clarke.” Kane supposed upon hearing a woman sob in the distance. Abby blatantly ignored it.
“I’m not leaving you here.” She hissed before trying again to free his leg, grunting loudly. She busied herself with this arduous task, grabbing a large bar and tried to pry the beam up when blood quirted. Kane screamed in pain and Michelle got worried but was too stunned and tired to really react. “Your femoral artery is lacerated. The weight of the beam is the only thing keeping you alive.”
“Heh. Hell of a bandage.” He groaned.
“I’ll figure it out.” She assured.
“Abby. Just… go find your daughter.”
“If I can get a tourniquet around your lef, it buys us more time.” She ignored his second mention of Clarke and it instantly got Michelle wondering if the thing her friend had been keeping from them when she got to Tondc was the explosion that occurred in the village. She couldn’t believe she would leave them all here to die. It had to be Lexa who decided it.
“Go find Clarke.”
“She’s not here.” She declared. Kane looked at her, confused. “She’s… fine. Lexa too.” Michelle felt her eyes closing on their own and the last thing she heard was the sound of rubbles creaking above them, followed by screams. They caved in on them, but she passed out before she could make any sound. When she opened her eyes, hearing muffled voices around her, she groaned. It felt like only a few seconds had passed since she lost consciousness. Her arm was stuck under rubbles, along with both her legs this time and the blood-soaked cloth was still in her hand. She could move her fingers and toes, but all three limbs had gone numb.
“Dad.” Michelle mumbled, still not completely awake.  
“I’m right here, Michelle… I’m here…” He replied fatinly, his voice dropping. His eyes closed. Abby gradually rose her voice, trying to get him to wake up but he was too far gone. She crawled out of the large rubbles blocking her and tied a cable she got her hands on around his thighs. Michelle watched her, her eyes half opened, unable to react or really comprehend what was going on. A short moment latter, chatters from outside reached their ears. Rubbles rumbled and dust fell on their faces. Michelle closed her eyes, coughing hoarsely, moaning in pain because of her sore throat.
“We’ve got three survivors.” It was a familiar voice, but Michelle didn’t know who had spoken until Octavia’s face appeared from above. “Abby. Michelle. Kane.” She named the three of them for the people outside as she climbed down the rubbles to get to them.
“We’re gonna be okay.” Abby smiled shakily at Kane and Michelle. Kane and Michelle were put on stretchers and one after the other, they were carried outside the collapsed building. Michelle saw people move quickly around her and her father. The faces were blurring into each other as they were put on the ground and covered with blankets. She called out to her mom in a whisper when she saw her bent over her. Callie smiled at her. Michelle closed her eyes, sighing softly as her mother caressed her hair but in a second, the feeling of her comforting touch was gone. She weakly opened her eyes, rolling her head towards her father. He was passed out. She looked at him, slipping her hand out of under her blanket and held his. In the background, she could hear Lexa’s voice as she gave a speech but she couldn’t make out the words and just closed her eyes, her face turned to Kane. She was exhausted. Abby shouted before kneeling by Kane and Michelle’s stretchers. The latter placed their hands under the blanket to keep them warm. Michelle had never thought she would actually need him to be her father. After tonight especially, she wanted him to be. She felt bad for lashing out at him and speaking such harsh words, repeatedly pushing him away but now, she felt more ready to accept him into her life as her dad. A moment later, she was resting her eyes and felt people lift their stretchers off the ground. Her hand slipped from under the blanket, hanging from the edge of her gurney, raindrops falling on her face.
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Michelle was pushed forward by a soldier, she glanced over her shoulder despite the black bag slung over her head. She could only guess where they were taking her and the others but her sole guess was definitely the right one. Emerson had brought them into Mount Weather. It had been a few days already, since the missile exploded in Tondc and Kane and Michelle found themselves tuck under the rubbles and because they were caught by surprise by Emerson and some other Mount Weather guards, blinded, handcuffed and forcefully dragged here. Michelle knew they were walking down a maze of corridors and she feared for what was going to happen to them once they would reach their destination. She kept walking, looking forward, knowing the person walking before her was her dad. Since the explosion, their relationship had taken a leap forward, and it was really good news. She had been so afraid of losing him too, it made her realize she indeed wanted him in her life, unlike what she told him, she needed him. She needed her dad. He was the only parent she had left. They were pushed through a doorway. Michelle looked around without moving her head, feeling more people around them. The sound of a piercing drill along with grunting and screaming reaching her ears didn’t reassure her one bit as to what was going to happen. She knew what they were doing to their people in the facility that was Mount Weather and knowing it could happen to her made her feel anxious.
“On their knees.” Someone ordered and they were, one by one, pushed down. Michelle felt a hit on her shoulder and fell to her knees, fearing what she was going to see once they would take the bags off her head.
“Did we take any losses?” A man came in, talking in a calm voice in front of them. Michelle raised her head towards the direction the voice was coming from, having no idea who this new person was. What she knew on the other hand was that his interlocutor was Emerson.
“Not as many as they did, sir, but I’m afraid I’m the only left who’s been cured. Some of the kids are still missing.” He informed. “If you’d like I can take a team in hazmats, we’ll sweep the other levels.”
“No. No more wasted lives. In 48 hours, we will all be on the ground.” He sounded overly confident that this was what would happen but knowing Clarke and the others were still somewhere out there, he shouldn’t get ahead of himself. He then requested their hoods were taken off and when Nate’s dad called out to his son upon seeing him, Michelle heard him get hit by a gun and Nate grunting, yelling at them. They took off the hood on her head and she looked around. Their friends and peers were cuffed to the walls, their arms stretched above their heads and someone was strapped to a table, blood all over. By the time they could see, the drill had been put down and the person in gloves and suit as gathering the bone marrow and blood in a large syringe. This was what awaiting every single one of them if Clarke, Bellamy and the others couldn’t end the Mountain men. Michelle quickly glanced at her father, frowning, with fear in her eyes and he didn’t seem much reassured either. He was shocked.
“What is wrong with you people?”
“Where’s my daughter?” Abby enquired.
“She’s talking about Clarke.” Emerson told the man who was apparently in charge of the place. The latter approached Abby.
“I’m sorry it had to come to this.” Abby was perturbed, looking around as the drilling resumed. Michelle stared into the void, wondering if Clarke had gotten to Bellamy by now or if they killed her. It couldn’t be. There was no way they caught her. Michelle frowned, looking down, sickened by the drill and the screams. A couple guards pulled them up and one after the other, they were cuffed to the wall, their arms up. Michelle was right in between Abby and her father, and she couldn’t get her widened eyes off the man they butchered on that table.
“He’s dead.” A man stated.
“It’s okay. We’ve already got the marrow.” Another said.
“Guards, we need another one.” The body was carried off the table and disposed off. Michelle was fidgeting with her hands, nervously moving them around, the handcuffs hurting her wrists.
“She’s next.” A guard looked at Raven. Wick started protesting, asking them to take him instead of her but they couldn’t care less about what he had to say. He yelled and Raven violently fought back, struggling but they hit her with a shock baton multiple times to stun her. They then carried her to the table, and restrained her legs, arms and around her neck. Raven stayed still until a man bent over, near her head and she bit him fiercely. He hadn’t had the time to tie the strap around her wrist and she started struggling against them as they tried to hold her down, ultimately using the shock baton on her until she stopped fighting. She slightly drooled from the mouth, staring into the void. She came back to herself and looked at the man holding the drill, trying not to scream but she couldn’t fight it. Chills ran down Michelle's spine as she watched Raven scream until she was too exhausted and in pain that she looked about to pass out.
“Take that one off the table.” The man in charge, named Cage, waved at Raven.
“Sir, we’re not done—”
“Now.” He cut him off. While the other men put Raven to the side, on a stretcher, Cage turned towards Kane, Michelle and Abby, poiting his finger at them, picking one. He was about to point at Abby, but Michelle felt his eyes shift to her. Knowing that she was going to be next, her heart dropped to her stomach and she widened her eyes even more. “And put her on it.”
“No. No, no, no.” Two guards uncuffed her, holding her arms tightly as she tried to fight them off, her father trying to plead with Cage, begging them while Michelle struggled and screamed. She grunted when they used a shock baton on her stomach for a few seconds. Her breathing sharpened as she dropped her head forward.
“No one has to die for bone marrow. We can donate it.” Kane yelled as they forcefully put her on the table. Like Raven, she was moving so much they had to strike her multiple times so she would be stunned enough to strap her down and start. Her father was angrily yelling, still trying to convince Cage to let Michelle go, assuring they could donate it to them with Abby’s help. Michelle was coming back to her and looked at Cage who was staring down at her. She got his eyes off him, looking at the man holding the drill when the sound started, and her face distorted with fear. She hadn’t even realized but they had cut a rectangle into her jeans already. When she felt the drill piercing through her skin and into her bone, she cried out. In a blink of an eye, the pain became so unbearable that she screamed at the top of her lungs for what seemed like an eternity, and like Raven, until she was too exhausted to scream anymore and just lied there, numb. She was so close to passing out from the pain, that she didn’t even realize another of them was brought into the room. After a moment, Michelle weakly looked around, hearing an alarm wailing. Mountain mean started gasping and coughing, falling to the floor. A minute later, Michelle tried looking to the door they came through when someone slammed it open and saw Octavia bursting in.
“Hey, get the keys from the guard.” Kane showed the dead man. She ran to the body, got the keys and freed Kane first. He came running to his daughter.
“Dad.” She said faintly as he untied her. He then put a hand in her back and helped her sit up. She winced at the pain that shot in her leg. Abby was wrapping a clean cloth around her leg. Once she was done, she helped her pass her leg over the edge when Clarke arrived, catching her attention. Michelle was relieved to see her and looked at the two hugging. She turned her head to her dad and drew him into a hug, burying her head in his neck. He didn’t even need to think about it and hugged her in returm, a hand behind her head. They stayed like this for a whole minute before Clarke approached and Michelle saw her. Kane stepped aside and the two childhood best friends hugged each other tightly. Clarke whispered in her ear, apologizing for everything and even though Michelle had felt betrayed, she could feel her apologizes were sincere. She was truly sorry, and she forgave her. After he went to talk to Bellamy, her father came back and carried her in his arms to a stretcher. They walked all night to get back to Camp Jaha and all night, Kane walked by the stretcher and held Michelle’s hand. They had never been this close since after she understood he was actually important to her and her life.
The day had already risen when they arrived at the gates of the camp. People chattering around them. Two camp guards carried her stretcher. She looked up at her dad and he felt her gaze, tenderly looking back at her. It was clear in his eyes that he was so concerned about her. Jackson jogged to them, a bag in his hands. The never ending battle with Mount Weather had actually come to an end. It was a huge relief. The guards put her to the ground and all three, Abby, Kane and Jackson kneeled around her. She was feeling much better than a few hours prior and the bleeding had stopped but if she dared move too much, pain would shoot through her leg. She always won the jackpot in terms of injuries. Hand slashed, bruised back, gets an arrow shot in her thigh, a head wound and now someone drilled into her femur. It hadn’t even been more than a couple months since they landed on earth. While Jackson and Abby were quickly checking her wound, Michelle noticed Clarke still standing outside the camp’s grounds, Bellamy by her side. She always could tell when something was up with her; they had known each other since they were newborns. She was her sister. Michelle gritted her teeth, trying to sit up, arguing with the three adults around her that she wanted to go to Clarke. She was so relentless with her attempts at getting up, without caring about whether she was going to hurt herself even more, Kane gave in and helped her, carrying her. As they approached, Clarke and Bellamy hugged. Kane helped Michelle stand and she hoped on one leg. Bellamy saw her and nodded at Kane as he provided Michelle with support so she could stand in front of Clarke. She already had tears in her eyes, knowing she was leaving them because of what happened at Mount Weather. Michelle wrapped her arms around her.
“May we meet again.” She said softly.
“May we meet again.” With a shaky voice, she replied before breaking the hug and turned around. Holding onto Bellamy, she watched Clarke walk away and her heart ached. She glanced at Bellamy and he was just as hurt. When Kane called out to his daughter, asking her if she was ready to come back in, and Bellamy caught her off guard, carrying her himself and she just looked at him in confusion for a second. They both had had to let go off Clarke just then and they had this common pain.  
[To be continued…]  
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Published (12/16/2022) by Andrea
Taglist: @cathrin2405​ @kika64
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glennk56 · 6 months
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A while ago I posted photos of William Hootkins in the bath from an episode of short-lived TV series Bret Maverick. If there is anybody who doesn't know who he is. he has an impressive Filmography, which includes Star Wars, Flash Gordon, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Superman IV and Batman.
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wdwnbabo · 6 months
We were lucky to have our protagonist, Jerry, be voiced by award winning actor, Mr. Alfred Molina. You definitely know him from some of the roles hes played over the years in movies and tv shows like Frida, The Spider-Man franchise, Chocolat, Boogie Nights, Magnolia, An Education, Feud: Betty and Joan, Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark (throw me the idol!) and his new series, Three Pines.
When we asked Alfred to be our lead, we were kind of embarrassed. He's a Juilliard trained actor whos won awards on the biggest stages, and we asked him to make bird noises. But ill tell you this, he absolutely nailed it. Not only is Alfred a great actor, but he's a super nice human being and a joy to be around! So happy to have him as part of our "Flutter" family!
Here's some fun clips of Alfred in the recording booth that we wanted to share with the world!"
IG post from @fluttershortfilm
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boringkate · 22 hours
That Girl was a sitcom that aired from 1966 to 1971 and followed an unmarried woman moving to New York to live alone and pursue her own career (as an actress) (uncommon stuff for tv shows at the time). Every episode began with someone saying the words "That Girl" and then the camera would zoom in on her or a photo of her. I watched it all a few years ago and I still think about it, so now you all have to put up with me telling you about some of the episodes that stood out the most to me.
S01E01 "Don't Just Do Something, Stand There"
A fun introduction to Ann and her new boyfriend Don. It also establishes here in this first episode that That Girl just keeps getting sexually harassed. And not in a "wow it's wild that old timey romcoms acted like behaviour like this was charming" type of way. Dudes are just creeps and she's straight up having a bad time. This will happen in more episodes than I can remember or touch on here.
S02E22 "He and She and He"
Ann (after being told by them that she has to choose between them) dreams about marrying both of the boys who love her. Simultaneously. And their throuple works amazingly. Everyone is happy. It's utopian. Untill the rain starts. Noah (the bible guy with the ark) shows up at her door to reaffirm that she has to choose. He's played by the same actor who plays her father (a conservative old guy and constant source of generation gap based conflict).
S02E24 "Great Guy"
Ann's gal pal Pete (bit of a boy name) (played by Ruth Buzzi who was a regular on Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In and is BTW a bit of a brick) gets her first boyfriend! He's a rough and tumble guy tho and he's always boxing and jogging with Pete instead of treating her like a lady. He even repeatedly calls Pete a "great guy" (he says Ann is more of a "girl girl" and a "pussycat"). Ann (thinking there's a problem) tries to meddle and gives Pete a femme makeover, but it was totally unnecessary and unwanted. They're happy together the way that they are. The episode ends with him saying "you meet a lot of pussycats, but it's only once in your life that you meet a great guy!"
S02E25 "The Detective Story"
Ann is scared because she keeps getting obscene phone calls from an unknown man (presumably threatening to rape her). It is not a misunderstanding. I swear this is an upbeat and breezy sitcom series.
S03E08 "A Muggy Day in Central Park"
It's a crossdressing episode. The cops are crossdressing. Her boyfriend Don is crossdressing (and I think I remember her dad catching Don crossdressing). All to catch some thieves in central park. They show a clip from it (as a flashback) in the series finale too.
S05E03 "I Ain't Got No Body"
A Playboy style porno mag features Ann's face edited onto another woman's body (she never agreed to her photo being used in this way). A precursor to the celebrity photoshops that were themselves precursors to modern deepfakes. Her conservative father sees it at his barbershop (because apparently barbershops stocked porno mags back then).
S05E24 "The Elevated Woman"
At some point the series finale was planned to show Ann and Don's wedding, but Marlo Thomas (the actress who played Ann) felt that would send the wrong message (suggesting that at the end of the day getting married is all girls should aspire to), so instead the episode is about Ann bringing Don to one of her women's lib meetings to show him what the movement is all about. He spends the whole journey telling her how ridiculous she is and saying that women don't know how good they have it. When they finally arrive it turns out that the meeting was cancelled because none of the other women could even convince their boyfriends to come. No growth occurs. There is no character arc. And no better alternatives exist within the confines of heterosexuality. He's sexist and they're engaged.
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mrmorsh · 2 months
Information about the characters (Swap au —Chaotic swap. The idea of au is simple, the characters change roles, but their characters remain unchanged. And their appearance is changing thanks to the skins and costumes from the Sonic games.)
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Agent Shadow is an elite agent of the Gun organization. His specialties are espionage and theft of important data. Trained by the best special forces fighters, thanks to which he is able to fight back even the strongest robot. His rocket boots allow him to temporarily levitate as well as make a series of short but fast jerks. During his time at Gun, his senses had dulled and Shadow had become more cool-headed. The hedgehog has a side type of earnings — the New Babylon Casino as well as a series of bars. Loves :Successfully completed tasks, money, as well as strong girls. He usually acts with cold and businesslike indifference, only occasionally showing his vulnerable side. It has a set of different types of gadgets, bombs, special glasses and pistols. Despite his cold nature, Shadow has a narrow circle of personalities that he can call friends without doubt or sarcasm. Just that the hedgehog hides his real emotions behind the mask of a harsh and cold agent. Of all of them, perhaps only two saw the real emotions of the hedgehog. Most often, it separates the eternally arguing Rouge and Lien-da, Which is why most often it becomes a beacon of reason for Rouge and Lien-da.
Rouge is a perfect life form created by Professor Gerald Robotnik as a universal medicine. Extremely dangerous due to the power to control the energy of Chaos, as well as because of the abilities that were added thanks to the altered dna. She is able to destroy stones and metal with her scream, but this ability requires great strength and concentration. Her element is air, so anyone who decides to arrange a fight in flight will instantly fall to the ground due to a barrage of attacks. She is a little obsessed with the power of Chaos Emeralds, so she tries to collect them. Rouge communicates quite easily and playfully—this behavior is associated with watching a lot of old movies on vhs, in which the main roles were played by spy girls. Rouge took the manner of her communication and behavior from the heroines of similar Films and TV series. Despite her cheerful demeanor, Rouge is still plagued by nightmares about the Ark colony, perhaps she has post-traumatic stress disorder. Her main connection is that Agent Shadow is her personal psychologist, he often calms Rouge at night when she wakes up from Another nightmare. Agent Shadow may be Rouge's main love interest, but due to her inexperience, all she can do is flirt. She is very proud and ready to fight dirty when faced with a formidable opponent. The carefree and playful attitude of the bat, due to its abilities, can strain some characters. To most people, Rouge seems brave, ambitious, independent, flirtatious, calculating narcissist who thinks only of herself. Although in fact this is just an image that she plays out in public, her closest friends know that the girl is actually kind, although she has moments of depression.
E.G.G-123—The most dangerous and intelligent of the E-series robots, is the creation of Dr. Vanilla, which as a result got out of control. It has a large arsenal of weapons and ammunition.Initially, E. G. G -123 was created as a robot that would kill Blaze the cat. However, as a result, Vanilla turned the robot into a guard for Rouge, who was in stasis at one of Vanilla's bases. However, the rapidly developing intelligence of the robot rebelled against Vanilla, wanting power as well as revenge for being locked underground for three years. In his arsenal there is :Rockets, miniguns, flamethrowers, plasma and laser weapons. In addition, the robot is very smart, which allows it to create its own weapons, which often work against its master due to mortality. E. G. G -123 likes to gloat and joke during battle, praising his fighting qualities as well as his mind. He often underestimates his enemies because of too much confidence in his abilities. The robot likes to compete with those individuals whose powers are not inferior to his own. He likes to arrange friendly fights with Rouge, considers her a worthy opponent. Despite his hidden desire to take over the world, E-123 himself wants Agent Shadow and Rouge to share rule over the world with him. As a result, he tends to be extremely headstrong, reckless, aggressive and destructive - destroying everything that gets in his way.
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Dr. Vanilla is a brilliant scientist and a villain with the biggest ego. Her main goal is to take over the world and prove that she is the greatest genius. Its main weapon is intelligence, which allows you to create robots and various equipment. However, her main weakness is her confidence in her invincibility and because of this, she sometimes underestimates her opponents during combat. Arrogant and narcissistic, she creates countless technological wonders that fuel her huge ego, usually bolstered by her goal to finally build an empire, and she doesn't care where it starts. Single-mindedness and stubbornness can be called a strong character trait, because she never gives up when most would accept defeat. Rare moments of losing control of anger turn Vanilla into a dangerous tornado of rage that threatens both allies and her enemies. Basically, he behaves calmly and coolly, showing emotions only in times of victory or defeat.
Gemerl is a robot created to copy other people's abilities as well as destroy the heroine cat Blaze.Jimerl is as fast as Blaze, and is also able to copy the abilities of other heroes, but he cannot copy more complex ones such as Chaos control. He is very restrained and calm; he never seems to be in a hurry, but he manages everywhere. On the surface, he seems quiet and modest, but in fact, he is probably no less insidious than Vanilla, with the only difference that he is very good at hiding his true feelings, thoughts and intentions.Other robots know that he is vindictive and vindictive, and will always figure out how to ruin the offender's life. Therefore, everyone tries to maintain the appearance of a good relationship with him. Jimerl himself is quite satisfied with this state of affairs. The only thing that can break his usual equanimity is the appearance of a possible competitor.He is a violent, aggressive, cold-blooded and intelligent killing machine with a great superiority complex. However, from the very beginning, he had a habit of imitating Blaze's gestures, if not in a mocking manner.Jimerl's most dominant trait is his hatred and obsession with Blaze the cat. Programmed with the sole purpose of surpassing and destroying the cat, the robot is obsessed with the belief that it surpasses Blaze in all parameters. The robot considers itself as it says:"Jimerl is excellent, Blaze is insignificant!"
Agent Vector is Dr. Vanilla's devoted assistant, who may be in love with her. As a rule, he performs secondary work, collecting materials for the construction of bases, checking factories for the production of robots and making coffeeAgent Vector is the most calm of their henchmen Dr. Vanilla.Vector is used to Vanilla's not always obvious plans and understands her better than most other people. He obeys the doctor, taking all insults in his direction and doing some humiliating things without unnecessary questions. Vector tends to consider himself the smartest in any situation. This may not always be true, but he is really quite smart, considering that he lasted the longest as Dr. Vanilla's assistant.Vector usually shows a calm side of himself. However, he speaks in a rude tone and may not pay attention to the details of the conversation. At the same time, Vector himself does not mind and frankly deceive and mislead, imitating Dr. Vanilla, whom he admires and respects.
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Amy Rose is a combat soldier created by former subordinate Vanilla -Tails. Amy was originally created to destroy Blaze the Cat, but then Tails directed his forces to create his empire. Rose has become a leading force that helps Tails with his plans. Amy is gloomy, speaks little and is cold-blooded towards any battle or opponent. It can release lightning bolts from its body and also move at equal speeds with the Blaze cat. Her main ability is dark inspiration, which causes the worst and most evil in the personality to wake up. She does not show emotions even during the battle, because she is gnawed that she is just a living weapon created for destruction. But despite this, she finds the company of the robot convenient for her, to some extent she considers the Metal unit her only friend. She is ready to listen to the ideas of others when she admits that she does not really have a special plan of her own that could be implemented, which makes her more open to suggestions. In the future, she will hate Tails and will be obsessed with finding her real family, although it is still unknown whether she was created in a laboratory or was kidnapped for experiments. He likes to use a bat that can absorb energy from Emp or other sources and then release it in the form of lightning. She hides that she likes to be read bedtime stories.
Metal unit v.3.0—Was created as an attempt to replace Jimerl, but now monitors the state of the Amy. Metal was created with an eye on the doctor's past work, trying to do everything so that the Robot would not get out of control and rebel against the creator. However, due to the advanced adaptive artificial intelligence, he soon overcame the program. He was programmed to take care of Amy, but then the program turned into true emotions. He likes to cook , but because of the imperfection of his program, the food he prepares becomes a biological weapon. The unit is able to use its powers to control water, is able to create whole storms and even tornadoes. Due to the connection and trust with Amy, he is able to combine his attacks and non-attacks. However, he can be too obsessed with Amy's safety, which is why after her defeat he can retreat, taking the hedgehog with him. He speaks politely and formally, addressing others as "sir" or "ma'am." Despite his restrained behavior, he is capable of moments of strong emotions: when he thought that Amy had been fatally injured, he flew into a rage and destroyed everything he saw.
Tails Miles Prower is a former fan of Dr. Vanilla, who decided that he would outgrow his idol and that he would be able to take over the world. He has a lot of knowledge in the field of creating cyborgs, mutants and robots. Uses Warp Topaz and its energy to open portals, hypnosis, and energy shots from a prosthetic eye. He voluntarily replaced some parts of his body, which is why he received additional abilities:Shooting a laser beam from the eye, hacking techniques, strengthening strength thanks to a robo hand. Initially admired the work of Dr. Vanilla, an unrecognized scientific genius and a big ego forced Tails to enter the road of crime. In addition to his intelligence, the fox is a pretty dexterous manipulator. He could masterfully use other people to his advantage to get them to cooperate with him or lure them into traps, and he knew exactly how to strike his enemies where it hurt the most.The fact that he had been an outcast for so many years made him bitter and cynical. A selfish genius who puts his own well-being above everything else.He is very easily ready to say goodbye to the life of another living being, so he immediately put Amy in front of a choice either she serves him or dies. Tails managed to sew a device inside Amy's heart that can stop the girl's heartbeat. He has absolutely no sympathy and considers Emp and Metal as ordinary instruments that can be replaced.
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anissapierce · 5 months
(im defining gay cult classic as in... Shows especially loved by gay folks even if theyre otherwise popular, or shows about gay ppl that are overlooked but have ppl tht are hardcore fans )
(*i think only gay men in a specific five year age range with specific interests know abt this show)
(**look the amount of gay ppl tht came out as lovers of jackass and how homoerotic it somehow is and what meant a lot to people who watched it when they were younger. Heres an article link)
(yes these are all old bc i think cult classic as a category is harder to define today because of all of the different streamers along with the many different channels )
(*** I dont want my calling this a cult classic could be taken as my underscoring how important this series is. But the unfortunate fact is that it's mostly talked about from gay Black men under a certain age)
Reblog so it gets out of my immediate tumblr circle
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expectiations · 17 days
River Song’s Last Words
Cover artwork, cast and story details are today revealed for The Death and Life of River Song: Last Words, a brand-new box set of apocalyptic audio drama, due for release August 2024. 
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River Song may be the Doctor’s wife, but there’s so much more to her than that. Alex Kingston played the time-travelling archaeologist on Doctor Who between 2008 and 2015, and has reprised the role in many Big Finish audio dramas since, exploring what River gets up to when she’s not with her Time Lord husband.
The first box set in her new series, The Death and Life of River Song: Last Words sees River, after cheating death as a digital consciousness uploaded to the Library, brought back to life in a cloned body and sent to Earth in the future, not long before it’s set to be ravaged by solar flares.
Joining Kingston in this epic story’s cast is Greg Wise – who listeners may know from The Crown and Sense and Sensibility, as well as the 2021 series of Strictly Come Dancing – as ultra-rich tycoon Garrison Clay. He’s the man behind River’s temporary resurrection, and he has a mission for her.
And, Jamie Parker – best known for playing Harry Potter in the West End show Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, as well as roles in TV series Treadstone and The Crown – plays Sam Avner, a mysterious man who becomes an ally to River.
The Death and Life of River Song: Last Words is now available for pre-order exclusively here, as a limited edition four-CD box set (plus digital download) for £29.99, or as a digital download only for £22.99.
Wrenched from her digital afterlife in the Library, River Song finds herself on sixty-first century Earth, resurrected in a clone body. Billionaire tech mogul Garrison Clay has a mystery to solve, and he’s selected River as the person to solve it.
Armed with only her sonic screwdriver and a fake ID, River heads out into a world soon to be ravaged by solar flares... where danger stalks her at every turn.
The story is divided into four episodes, or books, all scripted by Robert Valentine:
Book 1 – Apokalypsis
Book 2 – Fate & Fatality
Book 3 – The Black Hours
Book 4 – Book of the Dead
These four books together, as well as revealing an important chapter in River’s (after)life, serve as a prequel to the 1975 TV story The Ark in Space, with humanity preparing to flee the doomed Earth. Robert Whitelock guest stars as Lazar and Christine Kavanagh as Vira – characters originally played on television by Kenton Moore and Wendy Williams.
Also on the cast list of Last Words are Jane Booker, Shogo Miyakita, Jamie Zubairi, Jacob Daniels, Andrew James Spooner, Glen McCready, Issy Van Randwyck, and Nicholas Boulton.
Producer David Richardson said: “Robert Valentine has done something remarkable with this four-hour drama, which tells the story of the last days of planet Earth before it is destroyed by solar flares, a story told from the perspective of a woman temporarily brought back from the dead. It’s heart-breaking and exciting and doom-laden and, perhaps when you least expect it, uplifting and inspiring.”
Writer Robert Valentine added: “Originally, I thought I was going to be writing the final ever River Song story. Quickly I realised that I wasn’t, but I thought it would be fun to write something that feels like it’s the last we’ll ever see of River, and actually give that problem to her. Her life is usually intertwined with the Doctor’s, so I thought, what is her life like after her great relationship is over?
“And, the brief was to do a prequel to The Ark in Space, which is a Doctor Who classic, at the same time. When I went back and rewatched it, I realised that I wouldn't be allowed on this ship, I would have been one of the ones left behind. So I thought, let's give River a mission that leads into The Ark in Space, but with sympathy for those people who aren't on the Ark.”
Big Finish listeners can also pre-order a bundle with Last Words as well as Volumes 2 and 3 of The Death and Life of River Song, which are both due for release in 2025, for just £80 (collector’s edition CDs + downloads) or £66 (downloads only).
All the above prices include the special pre-order discount and are subject to change after general release. Please note: the collector’s edition CD box sets are strictly limited to 1,250 copies and will not be repressed.
Big Finish is currently operating a digital-first release schedule. The mail-out of collector’s edition CDs may be delayed due to factors beyond our control, but all purchases of this release unlock a digital copy that can be immediately downloaded or played on the Big Finish app from the release date.
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peach-fiz · 6 months
I actually didn't even bother watching the second season of Loki because of the cheap marketing and inconsistent storytelling.
It just felt like the plot was lifted off somewhere it would have made sense, and a character with a similar ego was replaced with Loki and goes through an arc that might have made sense for a blank slate character, but not someone who already has a backstory.
Loki doesn't even feel like Loki after three episodes in S1. The whole point of having a show like that just seems to be about the TVA and Sylvie.
Also the whole genderfluid thing. They 'confirmed' it in the promo and had a line in the script that went completely against anything they just said.
I knew at once that the writers, directors and other parts of production were really just pulling it in different directions and it would probably sound like a jazz trumpeter and a metal guitarist trying to improvise after knowing each other for 15 minutes.
I've been meaning to watch it just so I can have educated opinions on all of it but it's just,, so hard to get into. I definitely agree the marketing was cheap, they did with the 80s McDonald's like they did DB Cooper!Loki and made it centric to the advertising because McDonalds was also getting something out of it which is kinda ass seeing as realistically Loki Laufeyson would burn 6 of them down before he ate in one 😭
I personally don't like either of the major ships in the show but the forced Sylki shit in season 1 really got to me. Like not only did she completely replace him as the main character in HIS show, she's also a variant of him who he wants to make out with and overall it just reads as lazy writing and it's extremely disappointing that Mike Waldron has been put in charge of Multiverse of Madness and The Kang Dynasty since, due to the popularity of the Loki TV show. I was talking to my boyfriend about this last night but it kinda reminds me of the complaints people had ab the last Indiana Jones movie but opposite? Like everyone complained his best friend's daughter was gonna replace him bc she's a Mary Sue and she rlly isnt, she's more reminiscent of Marion in Raiders of the Lost Ark she just doesn't wanna fuck him. But the difference is Indy is a character who's majorly blank for little boys to project themselves onto. Which is great!! It works for those kind of movies, but they're not character development centric like the individual mcu movies tend to be. Loki is characterized in a way that he's drowning in identity issues and family problems and he experiences growth in every installment whether it be positive or negative. It doesn't make sense to take the formula of an Indidna Jones movie where he meets up with a woman who's typically a love interest and has her own issues that are only slightly touched on because that's not the focus, and they go do the plot.
Sylvie is not an Indy Girl, they straight up are trying to replace Loki with Sylvie. And you can tell the character wasn't supposed to have as much importance as she does in the show bc the character was worked on more after the actress they chose was buddies with a producer ( and this is no hate to the actress I'm sure she's delightful everything I've seen her in in terms of interviews has been lovely ).
I also absolutely agree they should've just made a tva mini series to introduce the tva rather than bringing back a dead character who soon will not make much sense anyway because Tom Hiddleston is getting older (and also he deserves to branch out in his career).
The genderfluid thing was a cash grab and it sucks ass, they just want money for acknowledging things already canon in the comics, same with confirming him as bisexual.
My boyfriend is actually writing a fic on ao3 called Find Me that's rlly good if you want Loki content that isn't related to the show.
(YES this is shameless promotion sshhhhshshsh) but fr the loki TV show makes me more confident in my screenwriting bc t h a t got put on disney plus. I'm also working on a Loki show rewrite in my spare time!!
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lastlymatt · 1 month
Yeah tv!Alex is so different and honestly I think in a good way!
Book!Alex was always like, 'ugh I hate working for MI6, why do they keep dragging me in, I just want a normal life, I don't care that much about a random person in danger'.
Tv!Alex is like 'I don't care about skipping school to go save the world because I care that people are going to get hurt and the department is doing jack shit so I feel a responsibility to do the right thing'.
It's very different and I think TV!Alex has a lot more compassion and care in him and wants to help others and would sacrifice himself for the greater good. He is his father's son, and I think it makes a lot of sense that way, and I like how morally strong he is in the show, and a lot more mature.
Not that I dislike book!Alex, of course I love him, but he's definitely more of a 'kid', which while accurate to his age, I do like watching a more adult and mature Alex. (tbf though I haven't read the new books yet so idk if his characterization has changed)
I hope we do get a post-uni show with the same crew and we get to see Adult!Alex working for the department.
While you're absolutely right about how book!Alex is more of a 'kid' and very reluctant to go on whatever mission of the week, TV!Alex feels far more naive and innocent than his book counterpart despite being older.
Because book!Alex does come through when the threat is real. He wants to protect people and the world, just not when he's being blackmailed into it. He cares enough that he willingly puts himself in danger for a boy he barely knows in Ark Angel without anyone prompting him to.
A lot of the time, he saves people or goes after villains because he knows that MI6 is useless. They demonstrated that over and over again to him while TV!Alex hunts them down to get them to do something before being smacked in the face with the reality of the Department.
I will say he is absolutely more stubborn about going back to school and staying 'normal' than TV!Alex, but again, that is because MI6 keeps pulling him back.
TV!Alex gets blackmailed by Blunt once. A car doesn't show up in front of his house or school every other week, so he can be shipped all over the world to almost die for some goal he barely comprehends. He isn't forced into dangerous fabricated situations where he has to turn to MI6 for help in exchange for doing their dirty work.
TV!Alex instead goes through one harrowing experience and is then told to forget it ever happened. He isn't beaten down and almost murdered every other Tuesday, so of course, he has a stronger hold on his morals but he isn't the mature one here.
In fact, he seems incredibly naive when he thinks he can waltz into a criminal organisation, get his revenge on the Department, and go back home as if nothing happened.
Book!Alex tells Scorpia up front that he could never be a killer, but he still participates in all the lessons like he's told to and seems to have a better understanding of his situation despite not having both Nile and Yassen laying it out clearly for him.
I think book!Alex is also far more willing to join up with Scorpia because of how awful MI6 is to him compared to TV!Alex's Department. He also goes into his first conversation with Rothman, just wanting to know more about his father. Of course, the fourteen-year-old idiot would go with the people who are "honest" with him and treat him with more respect (and I say this as someone who cannot read anything where Alex stays with Scorpia)
TV!Alex goes in with the idea that he can somehow destroy Scorpia, but he gets manipulated from the moment he contacts them. He runs on the grief and need for revenge that Scorpia injects him with almost the entire time he's there.
They're both their fathers' sons, but their arcs are very different. One is very drawn out, and the other is cut short with a happy ending.
(This is very personal speculation, but I think that if the TV series had continued and Alex's family had been "killed" just like Jack in Scorpia Rising, then Alex would've also absolutely shot someone)
So yeah... very different characters with different arcs. The comparison gets a bit murkier because of the different mediums, but I hope I got my point across.
I'm very curious what they would do with an adult!Alex because they'd have to come up with completely new material for that, and it would remove one of the main aspects of Alex Rider that I enjoy, namely that he's a kid who shouldn't be there.
Personally, I just want an adaptation of Russian Roulette.
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general-kalani · 5 months
New commission post, this time gifs! Prices can be negotiated but I'm thinking temporarily $5/two gifs.
Icon commission post here
Can be in AUD or USD but if you want to negotiate with any of the options below, lmk! Paypal here (yes only paypal atm for payment options, sorry!)
This is an ever growing list and if you ask for a specific movie/show/game/etc I'll do my best to get my hands on it.
Options under cut for what can be chosen:
Dinosaur (2000)
The Land Before Time (1988 movie)
Walking with Monsters
Walking with Dinosaurs
Walking with Beasts
Walking with Cavemen
Walking with Dinosaurs special - Ballad of Big Al
Chased by Dinosaurs (episodes 1 & 2)
Sea Monsters (episodes 1, 2 & 3)
Prehistoric Planet
Planet Dinosaur
Dinosaur Planet
Prehistoric Park
The Hunt for Red October
The Mist
Alien Planet
Dog Soldiers
Dragonlance Dragons of Autumn Twilight
The Last Voyage of the Demeter
Wing Commander (1999 movie)
Babylon 5
Battletech Cartoon
D&D Cartoon
Stargate SG-1
Transformers: Beast Machines
Transformers: Beast Wars
Transformers G1
Transformers the Movie
Transformers Prime
Voltron Vehicle Force
Vox Machina (season 1 only atm)
Cosmo Warrior Zero
Galaxy Express
Gun Frontier
Harlock Saga - The Ring of the Nibelung
Interstellar 5555
Queen Emeraldas
Queen Millennia (might not be high quality)
Space Pirate Captain Harlock
Space Pirate Captain Herlock: Outside Legend - The Endless Odyssey
SSX Endless Orbit
Arcadia of my Youth
Space Pirate Captain Harlock (2013 movie)
Space Pirate Captain Harlock: Riddle of the Arcadia
Irresponsible Captain Tylor TV series
Irresponsible Captain Tylor OVA series
ANIME - LEGEND OF THE GALACTIC HEROES (original series only)
Legend of the Galactic Heroes series
Legend of the Galactic Heroes - Golden Wings
Legend of the Galactic Heroes - My Conquest is the Sea of Stars
Legend of the Galactic Heroes - Overture to a New War
Legend of the Galactic Heroes Gaiden
Macross 7
Macross Delta
Macross Frontier
Macross Plus
Macross Zero
SDF Macross
Revolutionary Girl Utena tv series
Revolutionary Girl Utena movie
Space Battleship Yamato 2199 (Reboot)
Space Battleship Yamato 2199 - Odyssey of the Celestial Ark
Space Battleship Yamato 2202 (Reboot)
Space Battleship Yamato 2205 (Reboot)
Space Battleship Yamato I (OS)
Space Battleship Yamato II (OS)
Space Battleship Yamato III (OS)
Arrivederci Yamato
Be Forever Yamato
Final Yamato
Space Battleship Yamato (2013 movie)
Uchuu Senkan Yamato (1977 recap movie)
Yamato - The New Voyage
Yamato: Resurrection
GAMES - FAR CRY (only games I own, sorry!)
Far Cry 3 (Can be modded for Jason in Vaas' place)
Far Cry 4
Far Cry 5 (Can be heavily modded)
Far Cry: New Dawn
Far Cry 6
KOTOR (I and II)
Star Wars: The Force Unleased (I and II)
Star Wars: Rebellion
Star Wars: Republic Commando
Star Wars: Starfighter
Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (Classic)
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
Star Wars: Jedi Knight series (Dark Forces I and II, Mysteries of the Sith, Jedi Academy, Jedi Outcast)
Borderlands (GOTY and GOTY Enhanced)
Borderlands the Pre-Sequel
Borderlands 2
Borderlands 3
Tiny Tina's Wonderlands
Aliens: Colonial Marines
Command and Conquer: Red Alert 3
Dead Island (Definitive Edition, can be modded to get rid of lens flares and more)
Dead Island Riptide (Definitive Edition)
Generation Zero
Left 4 Dead 2
Iron Harvest
Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion (Can be specific matches, races, etc)
State of Decay (I and II)
Strange Brigade
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