#the best days were the ones i realized i didnt have to make my newest painting look like me last
mollydastoertchen · 2 years
Heyo Molly!! Soo tell me, gimme the OC brain rot. Which OC would you let plan a birthday event for you, whether a party, day out ect?
Which OC enjoys christmas the most? Tell be about your newest OC!
Heeere we go!
Which OC would you let plan a birthday event for you, whether a party, day out ect?
Hmmm tough one actually! I'd probably have to go with my darling emotional fursona Shenmi!
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I'm not much of a party goer. While I'd have a lot of OCs that would plan a whole lot for me and would get me to party hard, I muuuuch rather prefer something calm and quiet. Either Shenmi would invite me to hang out and chill and do whatever I want to do, or she'd organisze something sweet like making my favourite food or going out on a picnic somewhere quiet. She'd be the one to make sure I do something I enjoy, not what others enjoy!
Which OC enjoys christmas the most?
I'd definitely have to say TUCKER on this one.
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Tucker is huge PUPPY beneath a scruffy adult exterior. He looks like a tough roughian, but really he is just a sweet guy. He gets easily excited, especially if the people around him are excited too. He is a people-pleaser, and he loves making way too expensive gifts that he cant afford but somehow manages to get his hands on anyway. He LIVES for the excitement of watching someone else open the awesome gift he got for them!!!! Also, he'd love the music, and the decoration and the smell of aaaaall the good christmas food. This huge dork wouldnt be able to stop wagging and hitting everyone with his way too huge tail. Especially once he has his boyfriend Cooper and gets to have a whole family to celebrate with (instead of alone or with a single friend or two) Tucker cant be stopped. He'd be the party king of christmas, and he'd be the one to dress up as Santa for children.
Tell me about your newest OC!
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This is not his final design probably, but let me introduce you to my newest OC Dezel. Dezel is the future boyfriend of Gary, the cutest and sluttiest kitten from my darling @Zelendur ♥ We were desperate to give Gary a good boyfriend, and we figured that him and Tucker would have been PERFECT for each other. But since Tucker is loyal to his darling Cooper (and we didnt wanna switch obviously, so TuckerXGary only exists in some AUs), we had to come up with someone else.
Dezel is a nerd friend of Chris and Gary ever since he was in the same class as Chris during highschool. As they were all outsiders they got along well and sometimes hung out. But usually Chris would hang out with Gary, and Dezel would hang out with his best friend Archie (also a character by Zelendur!). As Gary started to embrace his femboy self, Dezel was CONFUSED. Sexually confused. He started having the biggest crush on Gary but he was just too nerdy and stupid to do anything with it. At first he rather avoided Gary because of sexually confusion, and later on he SIMPED him. Hard. But he never got anyone to understand how he felt for Gary. Not even the attentive Chris realized that his attempts to hang out with Gary were (very shitty) attempts to have a date with him.
Long story short: As he was too socially awkward to make his crush known, he instead started to simp for Gary badly once Gary started his twitch-stream and especially his Onlyfans. Dezel pumped large amounts of money towards Gary, bought him expensive gifts and all that. And he'd sometimes buy private cam sessions from Gary (because he was way too horny for him for sure). And somewhen, through a stupid coincidence, Gary recognized some of his patterns from camming and realized who his secret admirerer was. From that moment on Gary initiated a friends+ relationship (which made Dezel extremely happy but also AWKWARD as he was just clumsy with that kind of thing). And after a longer time being friends+, Gary also started having feelings for Dezel as well.
Yepp, he was a bit creepy about stalking / simping for Gary. But he never meant any harm and was good friends with Gary since highschool. He was just too stupid to ask him on a date properly. ...Thats the story of Dezel y'all.
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strawberryspeachy · 7 months
I’m really homesick. Its compounded by grief for my mom.
I find myself in another shitty situation. I don’t want to go back the the US because i have no home. I have no job. I have no boyfriend.
I miss my friends and american stuff but i cant afford to live back home
Moreso before I didnt want to watch my mom get worse. Id planned to go back after i took a break. It was so exhausting being the only one trying to keep her there. Cleaning the house. Moving from home and just trying to exist. Im miserable and suicidal and i wanted a break. From being a caretaker and from my psycho family
Then i got here and i didnt get a break. Japan is stupidly hard to live in and then corona ruined my plans. I wanted to feel like i really experienced japan. I wanted to feel accomplished in my job over here. I didnt realize how bad the job i signed up to do was.
Before i could even get a feeling of accomplishment my mom died.
I dont want to live back home without her. What do i do when i go places where i went with here. See things without her. Eat with out her. Plan without her.
She was never in japan and i still cant look a garfeild or snoopy without feeling pain
I cant survive back home without her
But japan sucks. I have no friends. No one wants to be in a relationship with me. Im constantly treated like shit for being a non white woman
Im sick of having gross old men harass me every second of every day
Im sick of women slamming into me and jumping on me and either pretending im not physically in a place and trying to run through me or taking me as a threat and throwing their body into me
Im sick of getting paid less and having my work being credited by others. Of being told that im not qualified or good enough for jobs theyd give a slob who cant even write their own name
Im sick of having to argue with shitty ppl to get checked at the doctor, my phone number or internet in order, to live in a place
Im sick of no insulation and high costs for energy
Im sick of high taxes that dont benefit me
Im sick of construction work ruining my only free time
Im sick of ppl squishing together on public transport
Of robotic ppl who dont care about anyone
Of police harassing me
Im so tired of it. Im home sick. I want halloween. I want normal chit chat when i go to a store. I want to walk in a straight line without ppl running me down. I want american food. I want to be in my car
Im homesick. Im legitimately home sick
But im homesick for a place that literally doesnt exist. My house is gone. My pets are gone. Most importantly my mom is gone. I want my mom. Shes not there. I want to go home. It doesn’t exist
I don’t know what to do with myself
The choice isn’t even rlly mine. Ive pissed off 5 companies by calling them out, calling them out, making them follow the law, making them follow the law, calling them out
And now the newest one is the worst yet. I hate them. I dont want to work as an assistant anymore. I dont wana to work with these horrible dispatches and all the schools want men or white women. Im so angry watching ppl who cant do their jobs be easily given them and kept.
Im tired of fighting. And I don’t think its gonna get my anywhere. I dont want to go back the the states and fall apart… i want to just die
I dont even have my psudomom anymore. She had a stroke and is on the path my mom took…my home away from home didnt a viable option anymore either
Im so miserable
Also to top it off. This school the one where i have the best admin life of any school ever. Its the first school where the students don’t rlly like me. Which sucks. Other schools ive wished i could be more involved with the students homeroom and clubs and trips - now i could. But this student body didnt take to me as well as all the other schools students so even though i can be involved i dont get involved.
I wish i were dead. I hate my life.
I miss my mom
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"Could you do Teruteru, Hifumi, and Ryoma getting drugged by a love potion and falls (even harder) for the reader (who has already fallen for them)?"
100% I can!! :D
Warnings: Mentions of love drug/potion, slight obsession(?), and swearing.
Hifumi Yamada
•Proceeds to rant about how amazing Hifumi is
•Fanfic boy loves you very much!! (Though he did his best to hide it)
•It felt like when a cat loved it owner. Celeste went out the window. This man would get on his hands and knees for you. 🙇🏽‍♂️
•You also loved him very much!! (Literally Taka had to keep Mondo from lunging at you two and screaming "JUST DATE ALREADY!!")
•Oh but what's this? A drink on his desk after a hard day of drawing and writing manga?
•Well of course he drank it!! He chugged that drink and felt quite satisfied after.
•And back to work he goes :›
•He had some music on and his script for his next manga, scribbling out the sketches for his newest manga when he felt the sudden urge to go see you.
•It was nothing too new. Could've been he just wanted to show you the script for his manga!! A beta read!
•So Hifumi happily found you and sat you down, showing you the script for his manga!
•He felt a bit- different.
•He felt like he needed to have you in his arms.
•He needed you closer.
•He needed- you.
•The even more clingy behavior continued for a few days.
•Though you didn't mind, you did find it a bit strange.
•Why was he so clingy?
•You already read this script-
•And read that one too-
•Didnt he have things to do?
•He was going to fall behind in his schedule if he continued like this!!
•So when you saw him walking over to you once again, you pulled him to the side and questioned him.
"Hifumi, you've been acting kinda strange these past few days. Are you okay? Don't get me wrong, I love having you by my side but you're going to fall behind in your schedule."
"Well...I don't really know how to explain it. I feel like I've got to be with you all the time!! A-And I'm getting work done!!"
•He huffed and whined for a while longer as you continued asking him things before he got frustrated with himself and finally blurted it out
"Fine!! Fine. I like you, okay? I have for a while a-and I just didn't know how to tell you-...I found this drink on my desk one day and now that I think about it, it could've been one of those love potions that I've been hearing about...could've made my feelings stronger.."
•He started muttering towards the end but you could understand the gist of it.
•You reassured him it was fine and that you accepted his feelings.
•Which was returned with a loud,
•*Once again has to calm fanfic boy down*
•After calming him down (again) you went over your own feelings.
•He had the brightest smile on his face I swear
•He just couldn't hold back!
•So he picked you up and held you close, hugging you sweetly
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!"
Teruteru Hanamura
•Love Potion exists?
•He probably bought it.
•This boy is already so head over heels for you it's absolutely adorable.
•He 100% cooks for you.
•Breakfast? In bed.
•Lunch? Made your favorite food.
•Dinner? You can eat with him! :D
•And his food is just 😩 to die for
•He does his best to tone down the sexual comments a bit, though he can't help if one or two slip out!
•Compliments you every 5 minutes no lie.
•Though he does turn cherry red if you compliment him
•If you allow petnames, he WILL call you darlin' and sugar the most.
•Now for the fun part
•He was most likey cooking and was working with the oven.
•Ovens hot. His clothes are pretty hot.
•So he stripped got something to drink out the fridge
•He blindly took a glass out the fridge and drank it.
•Drank the damn love potion-
•He knew he accidentally drank it. He read the label he had put on the glass right after he drank it.
•Unlike Hifumi, he tried staying away from you
•Poor boy doesn't know how to show such strong feelings :(
•He still does cook for you though
•And leaves you little snacks
•Did yelp when you came into the kitchen once without him knowing (it's true I was the dust on the oven window)
•Alot more fiddly and nervous when he has to go ask you something
•His gaze is towards the floor and he's playing with the ends of his scarf as that adorable accent decorates his speech
•Hes so nervous oh poor baby
•You found him scurrying everywhere once trying to find his hat when you had to point out it was on his head-
•He was so embarrassed-
•He apologized and walked back towards the kitchen
•He cooks his feelings away
•That is alot of food-
•Once he disappeared into the kitchen you went after him
•You had been wondering why he ran away from you every time you saw him
•You were worried :(
•As he went back into the kitchen, he paused hearing someone else's footsteps.
•He turned around and jumped slightly when he saw you
•Begin the anxious southern rambling and questions.
"O-Oh! S/o! What brings you to the...the kitchen??"
"Teru, what's going on? You keep ignoring me."
"W-Well I don' mean to cher' I-Its just I' been kinda stressed lately a-an' I don' wanna bother you with tha'-"
•Oh sweet boy almost cried just talking to you
•He wanted to confess so badly!!
•He just wanted to hug you and bury his face into your neck!!
•But he was so scared :(
•After a good talk, the confession just slipped out of him mid-sentence
"I already apologized cher'..."
"C'mon Teru, what's been REALLY happening with you?"
"W-Well...the truth is I accidentally drank a love potion and since I love you so damn much it strengthened my feelings...I-I didn't wanna make you uncomfortable so I stayed away in case I-"
"Did you just say you love me?"
"I-I did..?"
•Oh certainly he did. And when he realized, he apologized 10x more.
•You had to shut him up by squishing his face
•After a good explanation about you loving him too, he clung onto you with a laugh.
•He sat in your lap (and after some consent) kissed your face all over, muttering a soft 'I love you' after each kiss
•You two sat together like that for quite a bit, just laying in each other's presence
"Thank you so much....you don't know how much that means to me...how much YOU mean to me..."
Ryoma Hoshi
•Ah yes. Tiny, edgy, ex-tennis, cat loving, deep voiced boy
•Where do I start?
•Lets start with
•He's absolute shit at feelings.
•Like really.
•He refused to believe he fell for you.
•His heart was racing? No it wasn't. It's probably because he was out of breath.
•He's flustered and blushing? Kinda hot in the room y'know.
•You get the point.
•He hates the fact he fell for you. He doesn't know what to do.
•He lost almost everyone he ever loved before. Why would this be any different? He didn't want to put you in danger.
•Ryoma hanged around with you though. He was a bit quiet but he went basically everywhere you went
•No one really messed with you when little man was with you.
•This was okay. He could hide his feelings. You wouldn't be in danger and he wouldn't ruin his relationship with you.
•Then the world announced a love potion was now available!!
•Ah shit.
•That damn Kokichi.
•All he wanted was some water and that little panta-loving gremlin switched it out with the new potion.
•He had already chugged around half the bottle before he realized it wasn't his juice.
•Ryoma would've just left it at 'Oh I just poured the wrong drink in' if it wasn't for Kokichi coming up to him about an hour later.
"Nishishishi....how's the love potion working Ryoma?"
"The what."
"You little-"
•Kokichi went to the nurse with a bump on his head from Ryoma hitting him with a tennis ball.
•You thought Teruteru hiding away was bad?
•Ryoma refused to leave his dorm.
•He came out at around lunch time to get food, go to the bathroom, and then back to his dorm.
•No one was allowed in.
•He could feel the effects of the potion working.
•He wanted to get out and cling to you so badly. It almost physically hurt
•Fucking hell-
•Him. Ryoma Hoshi. The guy who basically gave up on life, wanted to run into your arms like a little kid.
•He almost cried.
•Of course you were worried!! He locked himself in his dorm without warning!!
•And he refused to talk to you!!
•You came to his dorm door almost daily, trying to pry open the damn door.
•With no avail.
•It wasn't until a few weeks later which he made a plan.
•He'd confess and leave right after.
•If you said no, that would be the end of it.
•If you said yes, ...well he didn't really plan that far.
•Ryoma met up with you at the back of the building, looking down at the ground as he heard your footsteps.
•It took a minute of small talk before he started speaking
"Listen, Kokichi switched my drink out a few weeks ago for that new love potion they're selling. I already had really strong feelings for you but with the potion they increased. I know you probably don't feel the same way but I wanted to tell you because it was starting to get too out of hand for me."
•He rambled on a little about how you would never like him and that he apologized for having such feelings and-
•You yanked his beanie down to his face, letting out a small huff.
"Ryoma Hoshi you have no idea how long I've been waiting for you to confess. You're an amazing guy Ryoma, and I really do wish you confessed sooner since I feel the same way. Now shut it with all the sad shit and come here."
•You told him, tugging him closer by the sleeve as you engulfed him in your arms
•Ryoma felt like his face was on fire. Butterflies in his stomach and a giddy, tingly feeling throughout his body
•He let out a low chuckle, hugging you back and sighing softly
•This was nice. He felt....loved.
•He liked this feeling quite a bit....he had missed this feeling quite a bit.
"Maybe I should've confessed sooner."
I absolutely adore these three.
If you want me to add or fix anything just say the word!!
I had a great time writing this!!
Thanks for requesting!!!
-Vex ∆
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chocochipsgirl · 3 years
salutations !!! i saw your native language was spanish AND you had your asks open? gold. anyways idk if you do like the little head cannon bullet boards but if you do (dont feel like you need to it's totally ok if you dont want to) could you do a (platonic) irl! tommy, (romantic for everyone else) karl, sapnap, and wilbur where their s/o(best friend in tommys case) is on the phone and they start speaking spanish???? and they boys didnt know so they're all like "hello????"
Platonic!tommy x reader / karl x reader / sapnap x reader / wilbur x reader
Notes: Hi!!! okay, this is such a good concept, hope you enjoy. i had fun writing this.
Request: yes!! :D
Summary: unknow from the others, you have some mexican relatives meaning that you are very fluent in spanish. they suddenly know that when you start speaking a perfect spanish in the middle of a call
tw: swearing a bit
tommy (platonic)
okay so
you and tommy have been friends for a while, but there’s a lot of you that he doesn’t know yet
he is fascinated with you, in his eyes, you’re so cool
not like he ever said that out loud 
and one day, he was streaming with you when you recibe a call from quackity
“ayooo, que tal estas mi persona enana favorita?”  (ayoo, how are you, my favorite dwarf person?)
“la puta madre quackity, no soy tan peque, todos ustedes son gigantes” (fucking hell quackity, I’m not that small, you are all gigants)
and tommy is like :0
after the call he yells “ y/n!! you speak spanish?! pog!”
of course, he ask you to teach him insults in spanish
you have a great time teaching him a lot of that
but also trick him into compliment people in spanish
let’s just say, you guys have a lot of fun
you have been dating this guy for very little time
but felt very inlove anyways
you were snuggling him like usual when you get a call from your aunt
“tía Guadalupe? que pasa?” (aunt guadalupe, what happened?)
he is kinda shocked of how he didn’t know sooner
“no tía, solo estoy con mi novio viendo películas” (no, I’m just with my boyfriend watching some movies)
suddenly your face heats up
“wh-wha- no! nada de eso! de verdad solo vemos películas” (no! nothing like that! we are really just watching movies)
he wonders what could possible said the person on the other side of the line to get you like that
when you finally end the call, he just looks at you
“love, who was that?”
“my aunt guadalupe, she invited me to spend holidays at her place”
“didn’t know you could speak spanish”
“oh, yeah, i have some mexican relatives”
from that day, he tries his best to learn some spanish so he can say how much he loves you in a way he knows you’ll love
“hey y/n!”
“te amo~” (i love you)
like Tommy, he was in the middle of a stream, but you were chilling in the background
you got a call, and you picked trying to keep your voice low so you don’t disturb his stream
“oh! javier! wey, tanto tiempo sin hablarte” (oh! javier! dude, so long since we last spoke)
now, sapnap wasn’t the type of dude to get jealous easily
or that’s what he wanted to belive
but hearing you speak so bubbly even though he didn’t know who you were talking to or what were you speaking about made him kinda insecure
“si... el me hace realmente feliz” (yeah, he makes me really happy)
that was it, loking at you with that blush in your face was the last straw, he needed some cuddles and some love to remind himself you’re his
“hey guys I’m gonna end the stream here, I’m kinda tired”
however, his friends realizes his upset tone, so after stream they asking him about it
“dude, you okay? you sound mad”
“yeah, yeah, I’m gonna go now” and before they could said anything else, he left
seeing him come to you, you quickly end the call
“ hey, me tengo que ir, te llamo luego ” (hey, i gotta go, call you later)
“ love, who was that? “
“ my friend javier, he is from mexico and his english sucks so we talk in spanish ”
he throws himself on the bed next to you and starts cuddling
“hey, what’s wrong? yo look sad ”
he groans “ I didn’t know you could speak spanish, I though you always lived in the usa ”
“ yeah, but my parents still taught me, and also I spend summer at my grandma’s, now baby, what’s wrong? ”
he hesitates for a second, but comunication is the key, right?
“ it’s just... it kinda makes me jealous when you talk to other boys and I don’t know what are you talking about... I know, it’s a bit toxic and- ”
you shut him up with a kiss
“babe, don’t worry, it was just a friend, and we were talking about you and how much I love you ”
“ oh ”
he doesn’t gets jelaous anymore when you talk to javier
you were just hanging out, him playing you some of his newest songs when you recibe a call
“hello? oh, hola lucas! como esta mi primo favorito? ” (hello? oh, hi lucas! how is my favorite cousing doing?)
he looks surprised
you speak spanish? and also, you speak fluent spanish?
is there anything you don’t do perfectly?
he let’s you speak for as long as you want
when you are done, he stares at you
“ when did you learn to speak so fluently spanish? ”
“ since I was a child, I got a lot of mexican relatives ”
he asks you to sing in spanish, he just really loves your voice and likes when you speak spanish, it’s like a siren song
his favorite is songs are the ones from cuco, cause he gets to hear both english and spanish and although he can’t fully understand what you are saying, he gets context and is really happy about it
this man is just so in love.
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katsukikitten · 4 years
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Back at it again since tumblr didnt want me in the tags the first time
Bakugou was irritable today. Not that his irritability was anything new but every little thing set his skill crawling. His forearms littered with threatening pops as he bared his teeth to anyone brave enough to look his way. 
He figured the only way to get his agitation out was to hit something, anything.
 So he headed to one of the two closest gyms from his small apartment to blow off some much needed steam. The local 24 hour gym that was open to the public was a no go, not just because it was always over crowded but also because he got banned after cussing out some damn extras who were snapping pictures of him instead of working out like one should. Leaving his only other option to be the agency's "gym". 
When he first set foot into the sorry excuse of a gym he demanded a better upgrade for it, if they expected to keep him and Kirishima in top shape. Otherwise he would begin to look elsewhere considering other agencies were dying to have the newest upcoming pro hero in their rankings. The agency obliged, delivering his expectations and more in less than a week. Guess being in the top five really did have its perks. 
The ash blonde pulls his shiny new coupe into the parking garage and finds a spot closest to the entrance. He grabs for his water bottle from the passenger seat before exiting the car, locking his black beauty as he made his way inside.  He swipes his fob over the keypad before it beeps while flashing green, allowing him entrance to the back door of the basement. Walking past the long corridor of support labs that had long since closed to get to the gym. The rooms illuminated by the low light of locked computers, secrets and redesigns stowed away behind bullet proof glass. 
Nearing the end of the dimly lit hall he spies harsh light flooding onto the linoleum floor, indicating that someone seemed to be collecting some major overtime. From his experiences at UA he figured each room would be filled to the brim with over eager support, eccentrically yelling at one another over specs and improvements, sharing their love of science at a volume much too high for Bakugou's taste. Shortly after his hero debut he discovered just how wrong he was about the support labs. He had needed a 2am, mid shift, costume adjustment so he came here, expecting the place to be brimming with brilliant minds only to find one person still working. 
So it should be no surprise that at 10:30 at night there was one room that was clearly occupied. Still a rare curiosity takes over the hot head as he peeks into the room while passing, wondering if he will catch a glimpse of you again. 
He found you odd, as you seemed to be nocturnal or better yet maybe you didn't sleep at all. No need for it as your hunger for knowledge seemed to outweigh any basic human need.
Bakugou had only seen you a handful of times, here and there in passing towards the gym at all hours of the day and night. Maybe it was just coincidence that he would find you hunched over something with this gleam in your eye as you destroyed and rebuilt the item over and over again.  
He shakes his head, he doesn't get it. Doesn't get why you dedicate so much time when no one else in your department seemed to give as much of a damn as you did. Or maybe he did get it, maybe it was similar to how he pushes himself so he can be number one, except yours was just for intellectual stimulation. 
After an hour and a half of throwing weights and punches around and becoming heavily drenched in sweat, Bakugou finally calls it a night. Gulping water from his water bottle before wiping at the sheen that collected on his forehead. He sighs out, before catching himself in the mirror. Smirking as he flexes, letting go a few pops. Admiring not only his improved physique but also his new hair style. Sides faded but top long, ash strands looking borderline messy, as if someone had just caught him and a lover kissing heavily in a dark hall during a house party, their fingers desperately pulling at his hair. 
He reaches for the ceiling in a grunting stretch as a yawn forces its way out. He leaves the gym, switching off the lights before making his way back to the parking garage. A furrow of his brow as he notices the light to your lab is still on, maybe you had forgotten to kill the light when you left or maybe you were still tinkering away.  Crimson eyes peer into the room, spying you as you begin to stretch. Your eyes latch onto his as he watches your expression go from concentrated to elated. You jump from your seat, causing Bakugou's brow to furrow more before you're flinging open the door and yanking at his wrist.
"Wow what are the odds?! Well I guess they would be around 4.64% considering you don't normally frequent this gym but I should also factor in your recent ban raising it up to.." 
"Oi, shitty woman, quit the nerd talk!" He yanks his wrist from your small, delicate hands. Totally unsure of what your name is and even if he did know it, he would sooner address you with an insult than your family name. 
"Ah I forget, not everyone loves numbers. But still I am quite lucky tonight." You beam up at him, hair threatening to fall loose from its haphazardly shaped bun, "You're just the man I needed to see, Bakugou." 
He isn't sure why but a faint blush creeps to his cheeks, was it your bright smile that threw him so off guard or was it the way your lips formed around his name?
He sucks his teeth, looking away from you with crossed arms. 
"Well I'm sweaty as fuck, so you really don't need me." He huffs but before he can turn on his heel you're clamping cool black metal to his forearms. You guide him to the door to the testing area of your lab, turning his arms this way and that to make sure your measurements are perfect as you ramble on. 
"No! No! That is the perfect condition for this experiment. I've been working on your winter costume since there are deficiencies with your current one. Since you, and I'm sure you already know, sweat less in the winter there needs to be some sort of counter balance to offset the possibility of little to no stored sweat. Preventive measures could be made sure and you collect sweat from previous activities but 'stale' sweat does not ignite as quickly or as violently as fresh sweat. One could argue that using heavier and denser materials could help aid in more sweat production but this risks overheating should a mission need you inside or a rapid change in environment all together outweight any benefit. So not only are these bracers less obnoxious than your gauntlets, no offense, but they collect 56 to even 62% more of expandable sweat compared to the normal 54% all while reducing the amount needed for ignition. Sure my colleagues could say that's a marginal improvement at best but…" Heat radiates off of him in waves, pulling your eye upwards. You're met with a red hot gaze that seems to rake over your skin. An odd chill runs down your spine as you realize your mistake. 
Nerd talk.  And rambling nerd talk at that. 
All the while Bakugou wonders why your hands are so damn cold and yet they feel good, soothing to his warmed skin. Refreshing even as it reminds him of a passing breeze in the summer or hiding in the shade from the sun.
A bit of heat rushes into your cheeks as you suddenly realize how close you are to THE Ground Zero. Someone who you knew so intimately through paper and yet knew nothing about all at the same time. You knew his measurements, the circumference of his head, his biceps, the number of inches around his thighs. Hell, you had them memorized since the big boss upstairs assigned you his costume and accessories well over a year ago. And yet you couldn't even fathom to name his favorite color or favorite food for that matter.
You swallow thickly, clearing your throat as you move on, dropping his deadly hands as you do.
"Ah, anyway, these bracers are designed to help with not only better sweat collection in both summer and winter but to aid in some stealth missions as they make no sound compared to your heavy gauntlets." You smile at him once more causing his stomach to flip before those small icy hands press harshly into his toned hot back, pushing him into the testing chamber behind diamond glass. 
"I just need you to test them. I need to make sure they can withstand your heat and power." With that you shut him away, quickly trotting to the mic on the other side. Pressing the button to speak as he turns his arms over looking at the smooth black material 
"Now, remember, it takes less sweat. So don't go all out!" At first you worry it falls on deaf ears before he gives a nod your way. Suddenly you are in awe of the power house that stands before you as his expression changes from utter agitation to complete determined focus, all with something as simple as a deep breath out. He focuses on producing enough sweat to ignite, calling on his quirk as if it were an extension of himself. Pooling it onto his skin, permeating the air with the slight smell of burnt sugar before he let's go a small pop. 
But the medium sized explosion he had expected was anything but what was produced.  Suddenly the brace on his arm explodes from the pressure as does the diamond glass in the room. Fear grips Bakugou as shards of glass go flying towards you before you flick your wrist harshly.  
The deadly shards bypass you, glistening shrapnel sinks deeply into the tile floor around you like a piece of jagged art.
And yet you seem unphased, delighted even as a manic smile paints your lips before it sours. Eyes noticing that the bracer barely stood up to the challenge. 
"Fuck…the density still cannot withstand the joules output or force that Bakugou is capable of…" A string of murmurs that remind him all too much of Deku as your fingers curl in the air, calling forth the failed experiment with unseen forces. The blonde long forgotten as you hunch over the workbench, going back to square one. 
Crimson eyes dissect your form and actions as you pull various books and tools towards you with the influence of your quirk, hovering around the work space. 
Suddenly you feel heat radiating behind you when normally you're enveloped in the cool air of the air conditioning, kept extra low in the labs to prevent overheating of parts. You look over your shoulder, suddenly remembering the Pro hero who's beginning to wonder why you're in support with a quirk like that. 
"I know, I know. The last bus and train left hours ago. I'll catch them in the morning." You guess at why he's lingering as you wave him off with your hand. He's caught off guard by your statement before he notices the clock, going to open his mouth to scold before snapping it shut. 
Why should he care if you work through the night? What was he gonna do? Offer you a ride when he didn't even know your name? 
He sucks his teeth biting out as he leaves. 
"Just call me when you're ready to test these again." 
Weeks pass and it's as you never left the lab. Glued to the same spot as he tests the product every other week only for you to grow more and more frustrated with each failure punctuated by shattered bracers. 
And every time he enters the lab room he learns something new about you. He can tell when or if you've left the lab for longer than a few minutes by how tidy the space is or lack thereof. A chaotic circle encompasses you filled with random items that you hope will ignite a spark of inspiration. Anything from books to thin sheets of metal and even to soft fabrics that haphazardly lay atop metal tools. Anything one could possibly imagine was probably there, sitting along-side several empty cups that once held iced coffee. He notices the bags beneath your eyes as they darken with each passing week and he's beginning to wonder if you've ever left as he leaves anywhere between 12 to 3am most nights. 
Tonight is no different as he makes his way to the gym at midnight while you're hunched over his bracers. A part of him wants to tell you to stop being an idiot, to rip you from your little stool and drag you to your bed or wherever the fuck you'll sleep as the other part points out 'why do you fucking care?' So he watches silently, eyes fixated on you until he runs out of glass to look through before he locks himself away in the gym. 
Bakugou puts in his black wireless earbuds before cranking his music up, tossing his phone onto a nearby workbench. He stretches this way and that, reaching for the sky as he looks at his form in the mirror, his hard earned V and bottom two abs wink at his reflection beneath his signature black tank top and his black hoodie. 
His fist connects easily with the heavy black bag suspended by a large chain. The sandbag swings back and forth with a creak with each heavy handed blow. Bakugou loses time with each kick and hit thrown at the bag, each passing song fueling his desire to melt his frustration until his hair is plastered to his forehead. He lets out a steadying breath as his heart roars in his chest,he rears his fist back for a final blow backed by a bit of his quirk. It connects with the well worn leather with such force a weak link in the chain snaps as the fabric obliterates, the 200lb bag flies into the mirror behind it. Shards of reflective glass glitter as they rain onto the matted floor. 
"Fuck." He huffs, stretching and turning to the opposite mirror. Sending a quick snap of his tongue out with the caption "Oops" as the background showcases the decimated gym to Kirishima. He picks up his bag, removing his ear buds to be met with the cool air of the hallway. 
Your light is still on causing him to grind his teeth as his phone reads 2:45am. He's angry enough he chooses to avoid looking into your enclosure as he walks past, fearful his sharp tongue will give him away. He misses you perk up, frantically waving for him to come in before you're at the door, flinging it open to yell out much too loudly in the empty halls. 
"Bakugou!" Your voice is hoarse and cracks from disuse before you clear your throat, lightly jogging to catch up to his large stride, "I've done it!" 
He ignores you, lips pursed in a tight line before your cold hand wraps tightly around his wrist. Pulling him back to the lab with eager steps. He rips away his wrist with a growl and follows you reluctantly, you seem unphased by his harsh actions. 
"I've finally perfected it. I'm sure this time. I was looking at it all wrong. Larger surface area does not always equate to better absorption. Not to mention the pressure for the explosions beneath the bracer is what was causing the failure in the first place. A marginal error that I should have caught earlier. This new design covers less than 15% of your skin but increases…." You ramble but it all falls on deaf ears. 
Bakugou sees that your hair is so loose in its ponytail it might as well be down. The bags beneath your eyes weigh heavy on your pretty features, your skin showing signs of dehydration as it seems to have lost some of its elasticity. Your lab coat is wrinkled and your nametag, that you're wearing for once, is pinned on upside down. He commits your name to memory although he finds it odd that it must be your first name instead of your family name, then again you do hail from overseas. As the two of you walk into your lab he realizes instantly that it has become your main living space. Shards of diamond glass still litter your floor, there is no rhyme or reason to the placement of objects.  Tools, and trash commingle in dangerous piles and stacks around the room. Something knits itself as it floats in the air, wavering a bit when you pause your rambling to yawn.
"Oi nerd!" Bakugou's voice is sharp, authoritative as he grips onto your wrist. Eyes still washing over the room before they land on you. Somehow you're too daft or too tired to pick up on his concern. 
"Yea yea nerd talk. I fucking get it." A half snap from your exhaustion, "Just…" 
You lose his grip before grabbing onto his arm, finding a mesh woven bracer somehow on that disastrous desk. It seems to be made of a soft, elastic fabric as you slip it over his thick forearm after shoving away his sweatshirt sleeve.
"Perfect, your sweat output was pretty close to max earlier. I could smell caramel from the gym. This is going to be so fucking great!" You giggle in delight as the other mesh bracer finishes itself, dropping before you frantically reach for it. He notices your faulty step, your under the breath curse and the long moment your eyes flutter. He almost bites his tongue clean off. 
Again your cool hands find his burning skin as you try to keep your tired brain focused on the task at hand and not how his forearms have grown nearly a half inch since your first encounter. It's difficult not to fall victim to his intoxicating smell as you force yourself to not sway on your feet and collapse into a lovely muscular man. His heat seems to have some sort of affect on you, causing an odd affinity between you both.
"Okay all done! Please give a medium sized blast!" You encourage, shoving him into the testing chamber as he glares down at you. He isn't sure why your chaotic state is bothering him but it does. He rolls his eyes as you slam the door shut. He brings clarity to his mind, focusing on his quirk and how the sweat feels against his skin. How it yearns to be something more, to explode into a whispering flame that may catch something ablaze. 
He gives in, just a little, giving it what it wants, igniting it with a simple thought. An explosion he would have considered large if he were still at UA but since all he's done is grow these past five years, earning him the number 3 rank, it comes to no surprise when the glass shatters yet again. 
Except this time you're too entranced with the smoke clearing, of seeing if your baby you've slaved over has made it through to comprehend the sharp threat. You notice the flying glass a moment too late, flicking your wrist to change the trajectory from what was supposed to be your entire body but your arms are grazed by the razor sharp shards. You grit your teeth, cursing to yourself calling forth a first aid kit. 
But nothing shows up in your peripheral except for a looming presence. One you give your back to in order to find the first aid kit with your gaze, when was the last time you ever had to look at something to summon it? 
Damn it, how could you be experiencing quirk failure from exhaustion right now? Sure it took a lot of brain power for your quirk but it takes weeks of no sleep for a failure plus you had been eating...your eyes glance around the room. You hadn't been eating, or so it says from the lack of any sort of plate or take out aside from your iced coffees with the added protein and carbohydrate shots your body needed to process your quirk with ease. 
Fuck, guess it really was quirk failure. You bite your lip, unable to find that damned kit hoping the hot head wouldn't catch on to your short coming. 
Vermillion eyes watch crimson spots bloom across the white fabric of your coat. He grinds his teeth, searching for the first aid kit only to find it knocked beneath a shelf. He rights himself, stalking your way with a grimace just to stop in his tracks. He watches you slip your oversize jacket off of strong shoulders, toned arms adorned with several thin slices that weep red, but what has really caught his attention was that body con dress. 
Sticking to you like a second skin, but looking somehow comfortable at the same time, he wonders for a moment if you've made it yourself. It's similar to the fabric used to make his shirts, breathable, soft, always smelling a bit sweet like you when they are fresh from the lab. His hand twitches as he can imagine how supple your curves would feel in the delicate yet sturdy material, palm already too familiar with the soft sensation. Red catches his eye once again pulling him from the trance that is your body. He sneers at the cuts as he grabs onto your cold shoulder, shoving you into your chair so he can work on you. You look up a bit shocked with a pinch of anger mixed in and a dash of hurt pride. He takes no notice as he wraps bandages tight around your arms, your eyes locked onto the bracers. The smile on your face cannot be helped as you stare proudly at your work, it was able to withstand so much power and remain not only in tact but unsinged. You grab onto his wrist turning it this way and that, a pen and pad float near by as you take notes. Bakugou cannot hide his astonishment as he watches the invisible hand borrow your neat yet rushed script as it is unable to keep up with your thoughts. You pull the bracers from his arms, fabric begins to tear itself thread by thread before spooling itself, wrapping around wood as if it were a snake. He pulls away, eyes hard as he talks himself out of whatever the stupid "heroic" side of him is saying. He takes a step back and with it taking his warmth. You shiver but you are too busy to notice, teeth chattering ever so slightly but you're too busy studying. He growls to himself. 
Suddenly you're enveloped in a dizzying sweet smell and warmth, it is then you realize that Bakugou had shoved his hoodie over your head. Slinking your arms into the holes to move the hood of the sweatshirt back, quickly realizing the material is not damp as you had once thought. It's warm from his quirks use, material dry as a bone, reminding you of pulling your favorite blanket fresh from the dryer just to wrap yourself in it as rain taps on the window of your apartment. 
Subconsciously you snuggle into it, opening your mouth to state how much work you have to do but instead you have to stifle a yawn. 
Had the cold of the lab always kept you awake, were you starting to actually feel the weight of your work only because you were warm? 
"I think it's time for bed, nerd." 
He places his hot palm on the back of your neck in a power move as he speaks. He enrages you and entices you all at once as your face snaps up to meet his gaze, your own eyes burning holes into him. He smirks down at you, deciding in this moment that he really likes you.  
"I'm taking you home. Get your shit." He squeezes your nape as a warning. He isn't taking no for an answer.
"I'll take the bus and train in the morning, three hours is child's play." Hitting his hand away, trying to return to your work. He scoffs in response. 
"You sure are oblivious for someone so smart. Tomorrow is Saturday." He crosses his exposed arms, unable to hide his smug smirk as realization washes over your stunning features, "That means the bus won't be in the business district til 10am." 
"I think I'll be okay." You say after a moment of silence, "I've waited longer. Or I could walk..." 
"Will you?" He retorts, "Your office says otherwise." 
You follow his gaze, your entire office in disarray, as if a bomb went off. 
You guess in a sense one had gone off. Biting your lip as you mull it over, eyes finding Bakugou's file shuffled across your desk, spying your own hand written cliff notes. 
Stubborn your script reads, you sigh admitting defeat as you wave your hand over the file. It tidies itself, papers folding neatly back into the Manila folder before you snap your fingers. 
Bakugou watches items soar around the room, books fighting and bickering over their order, pens and pencils long forgotten in corners of the room race back to their place on your desk. Papers flutter and fall into the trash or shredder in defeat as plastic cups sink into the plastic bin in the corner. The diamond glass follows suit as your own hands grab onto the bracers, giving them a gentle squeeze before you access an invisible drawer on your desk, hiding away your project before pushing it back. Wood flush against wood as if there were no drawer at all. 
A question burns on the tip of Bakugou's tongue, it dies in his throat for now as a new one is born. 
"That Kirishima's faceplate?" The question comes out in the form of a bite, for some reason the thought of his more likeable friend coming in here as often as Bakugou has set his blood boiling. 
"Ah yes, I just got this assignment from the big boss. Kirishima's new unbreakable breaks his faceplate everytime. Otto had it before me, which was odd. He is more of a reverse engineer. Taking an unknown material and figuring out how it works." Your eyes linger over the empty office across the way, "But he's been out and Kirishima can apparently no longer be on the back burner. Especially now that I've finished with the company's top hero." 
His heart melts just a bit as he watches a smidge of pride form in your dazzling eyes. He scoffs to change the topic.
"Come on, shitty woman." He guides you to the parking garage. 
Once there he acts out of character. At least what you would believe to be out of character as he holds open the door to his car for you, waiting for you to step in. 
"What?! I ain't fucking kidnapping you but I ain't letting you weasel out of this shit either." He growls, waiting impatiently by the door. You step in as he gently shuts the door behind you. He steps in himself, the engine purrs to life as you give him your address. 
"That far out? And you were gonna fucking walk?" He laughs, "Hell no, never again. You'll call me before you do that next time." 
"I don't have your number asshole." You grumble to yourself but he grabs your unlocked phone from your hands, plugging in his number and calling it. 
"There now you do." He locks it and puts it in his cup holder, demanding your attention. No longer can he keep that burning question to himself, "Why are you on support?" 
It puzzles you for a second before you realize he means it as a compliment to your quirk and not an insult to your intellect. 
"Oh that's easy. Being a hero wouldn't benefit me, it's too restrictive. I'm more of a…." You ponder on your words, vigilante was wrong, you wouldn't take justice into your own hands for the sake of others and villain was too strong, "Chaotic neutral. My moral compass is pretty grey and being in this lab benefits my need for knowledge." 
Bakugou glances your way, respectful of your honesty while your eyes become heavy watching the street lights blur, the hum of the engine pulling you deeper into relaxation.  There was something about a car ride that took you back to your childhood days in America.  The outskirts of the city would quickly wind into back roads lined with corn stalks that scrapped the sky. 
The street lights slowly became fewer and farther in between as the black coupe took you further from the heart of the city, soon more stars began to dot the sky.  You see just the tip of his zodiac constellation, it stirs a question within you. 
"So why do you want to be a hero?" You keep your eyes focused on the backdrop that lies beyond the tinted glass, missing Bakugou's knuckles turn stark white. 
He doesn't speak and that's answer enough for you.  
It took him an hour to get to your side of town, an hour. One you had said you would walk, one you mentioned you had walked before. He pulls up the sidewalk by your building, turning to you. 
"We're here…" His announcement turns into a sigh as he sees your slumped form. Head limp but thankfully not leaning on the glass as you're snuggled into his hoodie. You're murmuring how you need to update your measurements in your sleep causing Bakugou to roll his eyes. He pulls away to parallel park. He debates, should he wake you? 
No, who's to say you wouldn't attempt tor eturn to your work? He sighs, pocketing your phone and pulling the lanyard out of your purse that has, what he assumes,your house key on it. 
Katsuki's blood runs ice cold in his veins as realization sucker punches him square in the chest. He had NO fucking idea which apartment was yours. He turns your key over and over but why would that have the number on it? 
"Fuck." He would have to pray your mailbox was both clearly labeled and inside. He shoulders your purse before scooping you into his arms, sure to cradle you like the princess you are. 
He steps through the automatic doors, relief washes over him as a wall of mail boxes greet him. Better yet, they were neatly labeled with names AND apartment numbers.
But it is not long lived as his red eyes rake over the names, the family names, last names. He only knew your first and of course, of fucking course the Gods would laugh at him as panic rises in his throat. You had to have the most common first initial didn't you?  He had spotted it six times already but none of the last names seemed out of the ordinary, if anything they were all ordinary, run of the mill Japanese last names. Nothing foreign about them. 
"Fuck." He murmurs, plan B wouldn't work either, he can't just try out every fucking apartment with your first initial, how weird would that be, some guy shoving keys in random doors with a passed out woman in his arms. 
"Fuck." He cusses again. Was he going to have to take you to his apartment? Fuck, fuck fuck! He couldn't do that, the press slunk around his apartment like vultures, even at this hour.
"Oh you must be the guy that's been keeping her up so late at night." A voice sounds behind him, he turns towards the sound. A smaller young man smiles at him as if he and Bakugou share an inside joke. 
"Quite nice of you to bring her home, and get her mail." He laughs softly reaching for something in the desk, he approaches slowly, "But she must have forgotten to tell you she lost her key a couple of weeks ago. She always asks me to get the mail instead of paying the lost key fee. Don't blame her though." 
The desk clerk, Wantanabe, rambles on as Bakugou's sharp eyes watch closely. Silently thanking the Gods' for their blessing as he watches Watanabe slide the spare key into your mail slot. He commits your last name to memory, but more importantly 5C burns into his retinas. 
"...she hasn't been home in four weeks,  so she has a lot of mail." That snaps Bakugou back to the present, a small stack of mail is presented to him. He stares down at your form unable to keep the scowl off of his face. The dark circles beneath your eyes seem to become darker by the second. 
"Thanks." He growls through gritted teeth, snatching the mail as best he can without disturbing you. He looks for an elevator and when he sees he will have to climb five flights of stairs he wonders if this is the reason you don't come home often. 
Soon enough 5C is staring Bakugou in the face. He is hesitant, even if he does bring you home safely he wonders if you would misread his actions. As the saying goes, no good deed goes unpunished. Still his hands move quickly, sliding the key into the door and unlocking your mysteries. The apartment is sizable for the area, clean at least what he can see from the light of the hall flooding in. He flips on a switch with his elbow, he expected harsh light but instead ambient string lights that line the ceiling illuminate the space in a warm light. A three chair island with a marble water fall looks out into the living room, a large sectional couch swallows the space, a TV atop a nice entertainment table while books litter the coffee table and one part of the couch. The apartment feels as if it had been warmed by the sun through the drawn curtains but not overly hot, it feels cozy really.  As if Bakugou could imagine himself spread out on the grey sofa while you're curled against him, half dozing half reading your book. 
The thought jarrs him, he feels too close to you now, feverish almost as he rips your key from the door, shutting it softly before placing the lanyard onto the kitchen island. He spies a hall and passes a full bath, then a freshly vacant guest room to see a final door closed that he assumes is the master. He flips the switch and again light snakes around the ceiling washing the room in this comfort. He can understand the soft yellow lights considering you spend forty plus hours beneath harsh, bleaching white lights. He pulls back the comforter as best he can and lies you down gently. He removes your red bottom heels and praises the Kamisama when he sees you do not have on tights not that he would remove them anyway. You snuggle deeper into his hoodie, smiling as you do, dreaming of whatever little scientist's dream about. Katsuki imagines it's all math, measurements, molecular structures, nerd shit. You begin to murmur in your sleep.
"...gotta update his chart…" 
"Fucking nerd." Bakugou smiles to himself, you look peaceful even as your mind races with reminders. Another snuggle deeper into his hoodie, he goes to reach out to push hair from your face and stops himself. 
"What the fuck am I doing?" He growls aloud, he doesn't know you. Barely figured out your last name and that was by both chance and stupidity on the desk clerk's. He heads for your bedroom door, stopping with his hand gripping the handle. He peers over his shoulder before killing the switch, flooding your room with darkness. 
He shuts the door and with it the odd ache that's growing in his chest. 
301 notes · View notes
i’ve been aching to commentate spirit phone’s commentary for ages. glad i finally got around to it, this was an ejoyable experience. liveblog below the cut
-i'm like half certain i've heard this commentary before. maybe not the whole way through & it was probably actual years ago
-nice hearing stuff like this. in-depth personal view of the album-making process. makes it seem like more of a real thing i could do myself someday
-neil cicierega real person momence
-i could probably go real in depth about neil cicierega/tally hall parallels specifically concerning like. the arc of their musical careers. but i won't, here
-wild how i legitimately don't care much about micheal jackson
-didnt we get a bunch of spirit phone stems from the needlejuice release/his patreon? we could probably hear the funny track he speaks of here in that
-i love hearing musical artists, especially neil cicierega, talking about the meanings of their songs. like, not only has this song been claimed to hell & back by the tumblr gays, but with later ones i just can't see where he gets these ideas from. also, claiming there's any one meaning or plot to a song just seems silly to me
-shoutout to neil reusing a midi from like, 1998, that he made at 12 years old, whose entire melody was reused for the main verses of everybody loves raymond. loved finding that out on my own 2 years ago. now it's common trivia in this fandom. not bad times
-it'd be neat if neil did individual trans tracks here like he did with view monstel, those things are half of why i consider it my favorite album
-it's a lot easier to ignore the creator's intended meaning behind a song when he can't even remember it. thanks neil
-seesaw effect
-and there's my joke all but 1 of my followers wont get. moving on
-what kinds of movie theater lobbies has neil been to where there are arcade machines. i mean im not one to talk but that does sound rather strange
-why do songs' titles even need to be taken from the lyrics. ive never seen that as any sort of requisite. it's like titling any form of prose you can just give it whatever name ya like
-"this part sounds pretty cool right"
-is neil's vocal range only mildly better than mine? with training i could change that
-oh i haven't processed any of the last 25 seconds hold on
-god. a shit ton of vocal modification in this song. it's like neil returned to his roots but with quality this time
-i, as an ace/aro, have never related more to an allohet guy in my life. what is the point of eyes!
-professional humming/whistling takes skill. it's different from the recreational or casual stuff. i'd know
-there's a name for the way sound (especially music) gets distorted when moving past you and i can't remember it but it's probably what neil's referring to here in the way he recorded the intro
(- update: it's the doppler effect no need to tell me cas already did)
-as someone who hasnt seen the rugrats or take me there by blackstreet i'll just say it sounded like a bouncy music box melody. nice to hear a song that messes with the typical scales though. lydian & diatonic.
-that's a rather specific thing to be glad about, but given what he talked about in his last full audio commentary about the jew harp i suppose i'm not surprised
-i know that tmbg song now. listened to it & saw the music video too. yep they're different alright
-where the hell does neil get all these instrumence from anyway
-huh. hadnt heard this part of the commentary before making my oc concerning this song but i like to hear neil's approval concerning part of my interpretation
-i love how ive heard a billion different tellings of this mellified man story from lem dem fans talking about this song and neil's is by far the wildest
-good god that does only make it worse neil
-i love making liveblogs of lemon demon albums. with the fullerenes or tally hall i cant name a specific dude to take out my woes on generally but with lemon demon i can just say neil all the time. i like being on a casual first name basis with this dude ive never interacted with once ever
-is sweet bod the one other than cabinet man with a demo in the bonus tracks? i forget
-holy shit the boston molasses disaster someone call up soapy if it doesnt already know, it'd love this
-two thousand nine. god i miss the fiddle solo. the ver with it is truly the best one
-he pronounces it jeff? i've always read it as gef with a hard g. that's what i get for knowing words that are never spoken aloud
-that's a fun meta interpretation of this ghost story that's over a century old. i like that
-i've noticed neil generally does the same synths across a whole album. it's especially more clear in the earlier ones, and does mean i occasionally mix up songs between clown circus & live from the haunted candle shop
-ah! ancient aliens! my least favorite track on this album. i cant even claim to have the least interest in a popular one i've just generally not liked this one much from the beginning. so im curious to see what neil's got to say, i think ive been in ~new commentary zone for a while now
-anyway. newest update on the loolin not realizing a song's funky time signature front: i think this one's in 6/4. or at least switches a lot between time signatures. granted i dont listen to it very often for the reasons stated above
-see the way neil describes it. eldritch horror upon being visited by the unknown at a time when humanity'd hadn't even yet had a chance to imagine such a thing occurring. should be right up my alley. but the sound itself & many of the lyrics simply turn me away.
-must i specify i don't dislike it? spirit phone is neil's best album it not being my favorite doesn't mean i think it's bad yadda yadda nobody should be surprised by this it's not like anyone in these fandoms reads my liveblogs <3
-granted i think this is. the first bit of spirit phone content i've made on my blog ever. so who knows things can change <3
-the transitions in spirit phone are much less view-monster transition tracks & more extended outros. view-monster's were a bit more intro than outro sure but they also seemed directed upon making a 2-way rather than 1-way bridge between tracks. or something like that
-.............soft fuzzy man is an incredible nickname for a cat. i'd steal that if i werent afraid of introducing my relatives to lemon demon
-an underlying metaphor is good enough. the literal side of the lyrics are fun. nothing but agreement here neil my good man
-the transition into as your father i expressly forbid it from soft fuzzy man is the best one in this album
-buddy you ask if a musical idea has been used before odds are the answer is yes in this day & age the question is has it been used in the way you're using it. like sure this soul jazz record from the 60s that was sold out in kansas stores for a week used this bassline that youve found yourself copying. but seeing as youre using it in some angsty garage rock ballad type tune does anybody actually care
-doesn't everybody like to say things in an unhinged manner from time to time
-imagine having a guitar dad, i say, with my dad being a folk accordion/fiddle dad, which is infinitely worse in every way
-i think he was in an actual folk band at some point. idk the 90s were weird
-iron my life?
-m-more intimate? there are a lot of ways i'd describe this song but intimate isn't one of them. granted as your father is negatively intimate so from there i guess you've got nowhere to go but up
-...still glad to see his interpretation kinda supports my oc at least
-the way he says characters in songs shouldn't worry about death really strongly makes me think this is some sort of. thematic continuation of stuck from dinosaurchestra, even if there's no real death in there. interesting. would also mean that the dad from these past 2 songs is named carlos betty (no last name)
-i literally never assumed this was a flute solo. piccolo at best. it's pretty clearly a recorder
-my mom plays the recorder. i wonder if she can play recorder better than neil cicierega
-we can throw a party in honor of the crushing weight of responsibility! i simply won't be the one throwing it because i have enough on my plate already <3
-what the hell does "a sense of intent" mean
-i've never heard rush before however i disagree with neil's understanding of 6/4. 6/4 is meant to have emphasis (onbeat or another term i can't remember) on the 1st & 4th beat of every measure, which is greatly different from a measure of 4/4 then a measure of 2/4. it's why his 5/4 always sounds weird, because while it's recognizable in sequences of 10/4, it's more 2 measures of 4/4 with one of 2/4 tacked on the end. that's also how it's different from 3/4. i don't know much music theory but what i do understand i will fight to the death about
-"canonized" that's. a very interesting term to use when referring to a former president
-from now on i will interpret every love song directed at some unseen "you" to be inviting me to marry them for tax purposes. thanks neil for being an aromantic icon
-ah hell yes hell yes man-made object is my favorite goddam song on this album
-short & sweet & good damn vibes. neil's thoughts on it all are only making it better
-wild how he uses very few vocal effects for a song that he clearly is straining his vocal range for. go off neil
-the qualifier of man-made is a wonderful thing. oldest or biggest thing? oldest or biggest man-made thing? what a incredibly important specification. a world of possibilities lie between the two. oh i love it
-just gets me thinking yknow! what we consider weird/impressive in another species, in our own species- what kind of equivalent to that would there be from an outsider looking in? are there alien versions of the significances we place upon things, that we could never imagine? the limits of the human imagination mean we could never conceive of something else in the world that isn't, in some way great or small, just like us- and are we wrong for thinking that? such a juicy topic i wish there were a name for it because it's kinda hard to explain concisely
-spiral of ants. my second favorite song from this album, in fact. a good one to experience
-the vocals are just another instrument. they really truly are. i wasn't going into this commentary expecting to feel solidarity for neil cicierega in this chili's tonight on more than one occasion but here i am.
-like, his whole stance on interpreting songs is something i agree with almost entirely. you can take it at face value, you can dig to their very depths, you can listen to songs without caring what the lyrics mean whatsoever, and those are all fun. & yeah while any of these people can be annoying as one of the types who enjoys gliding on the surface more than anything i find those who dedicate themselves to figuring out the whole meaning of a song over anything else to be both slightly scary & slightly annoying <3 keep up the good work
-i want to make songs for my siblings the way neil makes songs for his sibling(s)
-neil really shouldn't be allowed to be this funny like this whole album youre thinking golly! he's just a normal man this neil cicierega! and then he starts listing the cat hacks jokes & you remember he's had ridiculously consistent viral success with all his humorous endeavors and holy shit it's neil cicierega in action talking about his music. god bless you neil
-you're welcome, no problem, my pleasure. good eveternoon, radio audience!
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soundofseventeen · 4 years
Cupid’s Chokehold (Kwon Soonyoung)
Hi, I’m excited for this one!!!! I haven’t written anything this good for Hoshi since 7 Things, so here we are!!! I hope y’all like it!!!!!
Inspo: Cupid’s Chokehold
Word count: 6910
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Relationship fourteen: met at an amusement park where he hit on the person operating a ride; ended over Soonyoung being 10 minutes late to a date. Time together: Three days short of a four month relationship.
Relationship fifteen: met at one of the shopping malls when he was ordering a juice at the food court; ended over Soonyoung racing to keep you company when your date stood you up at a coffee shop. Time together: 24 days.
Relationship sixteen:
“Guys, guys, guys, meet my girlfriend!”
In the split second that you looked up from the Superstar Pledis game, you lost your momentum, missed one of the notes, and lost any hope that you could beat the high score challenge, so you just hoped that Soonyoung’s latest fling would be worth losing this. Okay you were exaggerating a little but in your defense you needed all the RP points to help upgrade one of your better cards. You let yourself fail the game and looked up again with a smile on your face. 
“Hi!” Mingyu said brightly, beating you to the punchline and pushing your legs off his lap to stand up and introduce himself better. He took one of her hands in both of his and shook it eagerly. “Nice to meet you.”
“Pleasure’s all mine.” 
You noted that while a little awkward, she didn’t look terrible. (Not that you were judging, but a lot of Soonyoung’s….past loves weren’t always the nicest.You’re looking at relationships three, six and seven here.) 
“You must be Y/N. Soonie talks about you all the time.” 
It took all your self control to not wrinkle your nose in disdain. Literally, every one of his exes called him that, so naturally you hated it. Okay not hated, but it made you wonder if the nickname held some kind of curse because not one relationship succeeded.
“The one and only.” You did however, squint your eyes at her, not recognizing her. “I’m sorry I don’t think we met.”
“I’m Aiko. I work at the vet where Soonie occasionally brings his dog in.”
Ah, no wonder he’s been bugging Seungcheol about his newest love and taking Kkooma out. You opted to stay quiet and not bust your best friend. Yet. He would eventually bust himself. But you had to admit that you were impressed with how often he changed parts of his persona...at least when you didn’t have to scold him how it wasn’t necessary and that the right person would adore him the way he was. 
But, you still had to give her the credit where it was due. “Awww. Which is your favorite pet that’s been by?”
“Definitely the bunnies. We have some clients that own a rabbit farm so we see them a lot.”
“I love bunnies!” Your lips formed a pout, almost crying at the state of fluffy tails and funky teeth biting into the vegetables clouded your thoughts. You snuck a peek at Soonyoung who had hesitantly pulled a thumbs up sign and you gave him the smallest of nods which was the biggest sign for Soonyoung to start smiling widely and that little crack in your heart to split open again.
They didn’t stay much longer; Soonyoung literally just ran to his room to change clothes and grab his charger so no one really had the chance to talk to Aika other than the basics to avoid the awkward silence.
You had long ago stopped crying over Soonyoung seeing past you and going for another person but that didn’t mean the pain lessened. (thank you relationship number four.) You were always “my bestest friend in the entire world” or “my platonic soulmate who knows me better than anyone”, never more and you hated it. You just wanted to one day be someone he saw in a different light or at least find one who was like you. Maybe that would hurt less. 
But maybe you were just happy that you didn’t lose sleep over him like you used to or wept into the armrest of your couch watching reruns of the shows you binged watched together.There was some normalcy back in your life but the pain still somehow managed to hit you as hard as it did the first time Soonyoung brought someone around you. 
“No, you dumbass! She’s right there!” You angrily flicked your hand at your phone screen in front of you. Okay, maybe you figured that if you experienced this in real life (as you had many, many times) you realized that even if the person Hoshi ended up with someone who was exactly like you, it’d be a blow to your heart and you weren’t sure how you’d react to that.
“No, don’t go with her...don’t you dare take another….okay, fine ignore me. But don’t come crying to me when you fuck it up.” You really needed to stop watching these movies. Yes, you always knew how it ended, but that didn’t mean your anger wasn’t real. And you just kinda highkey wished it’d happen to you.
“Please stop yelling at your phone and get out of this car before I forcibly take it from you,” Soonyoung threatened.
“You were the one who wanted to come with me to wash my clothes so you’re doing everything at my pace and I swear if you break-”
“Slow down baby...you’re goin’ too fast baby!”
You smacked him. “Listen, if you don’t want all of South Korea to know you’re here, keep your voice down.” 
He clicked a finger gun in your direction and slid out the driver’s side. “Gotcha. But seriously speaking, are you sure that you don’t mind that I invited Aika to hang out with us later?”
“I mean, I have to get to know her eventually, right?” You smiled a little at him. It had been a couple days since the initial introduction but you didn’t know anything else besides the obvious, and her lack of social media posts didn’t help. (You may have stalked her a little.) You finally unbuckled your seatbelt and slid your phone back into your pocket to bring two carts for your dirty laundry.
If it had been up to you, you would’ve come to the laundromat by yourself just have some time for yourself. Being around Seventeen nearly 24/7 took a lot of energy from you, but not in a bad way; you just liked having peace and quiet sometimes. But Soonyoung took it upon himself to use one of his only days off to accompany you and spend the morning with you. He even went as far as bringing breakfast to wake you up. 
He helped you with the detergent and softeners and other essentials because you would’ve been mortified at the thought of him taking your dirty clothes. You werent sure why but you didnt like the thought of him touching anything. He whistled some Shinee song as he walked inside, already knowing which spot you liked. But before you could actually start loading the washing machines, you needed to reload your card because this particular laundromat didn’t use coins anymore. 
You could feel your phone calling out to you to resume your watching and you were tempted to but you needed to do all this first. You took your money out the wallet and topped up the balance and once the washing machines were ready to go, you sat down at one of the tables, your finger itching to hit the play button and proceeded to ignore the rest of the world. 
You weren’t sure how much time had passed but you were vaguely aware of Soonyoung disappearing for a moment and returning with the bag of breakfast, sliding a disposable tray to you and setting down a carton of juice. Then he quietly brought out a notebook and doodled on it. Your favorite thing about Soonyoung? He knew when you didn’t wanna be bothered, so he often found ways to entertain himself. Sometimes he watched his own thing; sometimes he read one of Wonwoo’s recommendations; and sometimes he worked on choreo. When it got too silent for his liking, he FaceTimed Chan so he could see exactly what he was working with and any adjustments that could be made. 
“Tell the future of kpop I said hey,” you said absently, taking one of the pre-sliced waffles and biting into it. The plot in front of you had progressed drastically, and you weren’t sure if you wanted to stop watching or keep it going because every move and every word hurt your heart. 
“You tell him! Okay Dino, it looks good, but now try the spin counter clockwise. I wanna see how that looks.”
You stopped watching long enough to put it away and focus on Soonyoung as he went into choreographer mode. Though he was sitting, you watched the way his hands moved and if you stood up, you knew’d be seeing them trying to mirror each other’s actions.
“Hyung, what if we did this-” you could hear Chan’s heavy breathing with the way some nonexistent tempo increased and the way his sneakers squeaked on the floor. “-instead of..” More squeaking and you were pretty sure he had thrown himself on the floor. “This? And if we circle around I’m thinking maybe Mingyu hyung, it could work.”
Soonyoung clapped, bobbing...or probably counting in his head, most likely picturing whatever he saw Dino doing, and smiled brightly. “I like it! If we can saturate the movement a little more-” more hand movements and a couple of foot stomps, “- I think we can get him to pull it off.” He stood up, made sure he wasn’t disturbing anyone else and mimicked the younger boy’s action.
You nodded along, breaking out into your own smile at watching him. Your heart ached for him, but you knew you had to content yourself with how you were. You couldn’t risk losing him.
“I’m telling you Y/N, I think she could be the one,” Soonyoung sighed dreamily. 
“So you’re telling me that because this woman makes you pancakes any time you visit her in the morning, she’s made for you?” you stared off into space, making a confused face as to how in the world that could add up. “You don’t even like breakfast foods.”
“But when she makes them...oh my god. I even told my mom about her.”
You didn’t have it in you to tell him that not only did his mom video call you and shake her head at the proclamation, but she also expressed her worry about him jumping into a new relationship every time he came home with a broken heart and how one day, he wouldn’t be able to go back to himself. You understood her; since Seventeen’s debut, he had been in 15 different relationships, more than all the boys put together, none of which lasted longer than eight months. (Needless to say, you kept track.)
“You believe me, right?”
“Eat your ice cream Soonie.”
“You know it doesn’t even sound cute when you say it.” He wrinkled his nose at you. “Just for that, you’re paying for our dessert.” He pulled out his wallet and slid it out to you. “Go.”
You pulled out his credit card, frowning a little.
“Nothing...it’s just don’t you keep a picture of Aiko in here?”
“Nah, I’m new school.”
“Didn’t you steal one of the boys’ phones the other day to complain to the phone company that yours stopped working?”
“Hey, it wasn’t my fault that I forgot that it was still updating. Shut up.”
You threw your head back and laughed before going to pay the nice lady for some of the best homemade treats you ever tasted. You patted Soonyoung’s head fondly, resisting the urge to wrap your arms around his neck and just hugging him for being so funny. Good thing too, because when the little bell dinged announcing a new arrival, the Japanese beauty came in and Soonyoung was up so fast, he nearly dropped the chair. He spoke animatedly, doing some kind of handshake you knew was only for them and then pointed to you, which you waved politely and pushed her your way.
“Always hyperactive, isn’t he?” she laughed when she joined you. “I told him I just had lunch but he swears the muffins are the best here. What do you think?”
“They’re good if you have a sweet tooth, but I personally like the cookies.”
“I’ll have whatever you like then,” Aiko smiled at you. “I’m sorry if I’m awkward by the way. I’m nervous.”
“About? Hi, I’ll take some of those too, and then we’ll be ready to pay.”
“Soonie talks about you like you put the stars in the sky so I’m a little scared to say the wrong thing.” Not the first time you heard that, but you heard it with relationship number 10 (you think.)
“Honestly, just treat him right, and we’ll be okay.” She didn’t have to know how unlucky Soonyoung was...the cheaters, the manipulators, the insecure ones who swore you were stealing him away, the ones who wanted him for his fame and/or fortune and even a couple who only used him to get to you. Every single one ended up with him at your house in the middle of the night and the cheap takeout place that delivered at any hour seemed to be his only cure. Most of the time he didn’t go home and called the leader to say he wouldn’t be going to work the next day. Some days, he used the time to go to the beach or out of town, but sometimes he liked staying in and watching movies...both of which included you.
“Okay.” She received the bag of sweets from the old lady and skipped back to her boyfriend who placed his hand on her hair and kissed it and then gave you two thumbs up. That was your cue to leave, despite him insisting you stay but you really needed to put your laundry away before you decided to leave it by your entrance until it was time to wash again. (Or so you reasoned with yourself to not interrupt them.) Aiko seemed to be the best one for Soonyoung so far, and while it still killed you to see him with someone else, at least she was nice about things. You slipped out, noticed only by your best friend who looked betrayed at you leaving but you texted him your excuse. 
It did, however, surprise you when you opened your front door and you cried all over again, the bitter tears stinging for feeling like a bad person for not wanting it to go as well as it was.
“Special delivery!” you cried out to the boys at Pledis in their practice room a month later. “I’ve got some things for my favorite boys.” Comeback season always proved to be more strenuous than the last and you hated how little you saw of them. In their earlier days, you would’ve seen at least one of them roaming Seoul, but alas.
“You’re a lifesaver!” Hansol took one of the plastic bags from you and dug through it, frowning when that one didn’t hold what he was looking for.
“I never said these were for you. I was talking about Nu’est.” (Dongho had taken your treats to his group mates though, but they didn’t need to know that.) However, you handed him the correct bag and he pulled out a small bag of M&Ms, yelling triumphantly and they took turns searching for their requested items.
“Where’s Tiger Brain?” you asked, looking around. He had originally asked you to bring him another pair of sweats because he had ripped them. Again. They currently hung over your arm while you picked the lint off of them.
“Recording studio.” Jihoon opened his can of Coke and somehow managed to drink the whole thing in a single chug. Impressive if not concerning.
“Why?” You counted 12 heads, three different times. No one else was missing. 
“Aiko’s here and she looks pissed.” Junhui then stuffed his face with the lunch you brought for him, in case he had said too much.
“I haven’t done anything!” Your reflexive defense whenever things had gotten rocky for the lovebird in paradise. Always true, but no one ever seemed to believe you until they had seen that you did indeed mind your business. This time was no different.
“We never said you did. Chill.”
“Do I need to go in and clarify something?”
“That might make it worse.” Minghao looked around to see if anyone would hear them. “When she asked for him, it was because she wanted to talk to him about his dog...or rather Cheol’s dog.”
So she found out. “It isn’t something to be mad over.” You had known people who did that, but no one ever had to stop working in the middle of the day over it. 
“When i went to ask him for the notebook with the new dance, she was telling him about the phone call he had with you.”
“Which one?” Now you could feel the annoyance tingling at your fingertips. You always called him and he you, none of which were ever important. The most recent one being him calling you at 2:33 last night (er this morning) when he asked if he should dye his hair red or green or maybe yellow….to which you yelled at him for waking you up. But how did she know about that one? For one moment you wondered if she found a way to bug your phone...it happened in relationship number five. Creepy and unsettling and the paranoia still hadn’t left you.
“I guess she saw you the other day shopping for groceries-”
“You know, sometimes my stomach likes to remind me that I need to be fed. Just a crazy thought.”
Minghao pointed at you dramatically. “This is my story time, peasant.” He waited for you to close your mouth again. “Now, I don’t know what the gist was but apparently you saw her and said something about going to the beach with him.”
Classic word twisting...relationships one through now apparently. “Yeah, we were thinking that after this comeback that we wanted to take everyone out because, you know, you all work hard and don’t take any breaks.” Originally, it had been just for you two, then Seungcheol and Jihoon had cut into the conversation, wanting Soonyoung’s opinion for something they wrote, and from there, Soonyoung said something about a leader line getaway with you, and then Wonwoo’s voice sounded and before you knew it, bam...beach day with OT13. You had a run in with her around that time and you talked about it, but she didn’t seem bothered by it. But you had felt sick now about it, so you smiled and handed the sweats over to one of the boys and decided to go home before you got caught here. On your way out, you picked up a few wrappers that they managed to throw on the floor and went to throw them away when you saw a stack of burned pancakes inside.
“Aiko brings him breakfast some mornings but when she’s in a bad mood, she burns them,” Joshua said quietly dumping his own trash in there. “It’s been happening a lot.”
You said nothing. The one thing about Soonyoung’s relationships you didn’t keep track of? How many of them felt threatened by you near the end. You had lost count.
The time on your phone displayed 12:46 am when someone knocked on your door and Soonyoung’s I’m outside text followed shortly after. You sighed a deep sigh, one that came from your tired soul because you knew this was coming and you could feel the beginning of end. The end being your patience hollowing before you expressed how tired you were of his stupidity and possibly ruined your friendship. 
“Let’s go out tomorrow,” he said as his greeting. “I feel like we haven’t done anything together lately.”
“Comeback season, remember?” You wanted to shake your head at him, noticing the way he was wired up and in the way you wanted see him
“But that’s not really an excuse to ditch you. My treat.” He smiled at you hopefully, pleading for you to say yes so you nodded. 
You picked up your phone, ready to place an order on the familiar app. “Are you hungry?”
“Yes! I thought you’d never ask!”
In the middle of his kimchi soup dinner, he spilled everything, not even looking at you as he told you everything you missed. You didn’t bring up being at Pledis or seeing the spoiled food, and you could tell he was grateful.
“Hey Y/N?”
“Is there something wrong with me?”
You wanted to joke about the infinite number of things just to make him smile, but in his vulnerable state, you couldn’t, just because you knew how he’d take it to heart. (You’ve learned from that mistake.) You just shook your head. “You’re human.” He nodded slowly, trying to enjoy his dinner, but slurping but slurping the noodles so slowly. You sighed. 
Relationship ended over: Jealousy and insecurity. Time together: two months, two weeks.
Relationship seventeen: Soonyoung accompanied Jeonghan to get a car fixed and flirted with the secretary; ended over the secretary accusing Jeonghan of trying to scam the company when you somehow got involved saying you had saved some receipts; time together: 43 days.
Relationship eighteen: attempted to rekindle something with your neighbor across the street; ended over the neighbor being engaged; time together: 0 days
Relationship nineteen: befriended a tourist and offered himself to show off the sites and best places to visit. (No mention of you, but details); ended when the tourist had to go back home but the pair promised to remain friends; time together 20 days
Relationship twenty:
“You’re in my seat.”
You looked up at the stranger confused, the fluorescents of Pledis lights blinding you momentarily. “I’m sorry, I always sit here. I’m waiting for my friends to get here-” You blinked, trying to adjust to the lighting.
“Bongcha, you’re here!” Though the voice was very familiar, you were very confused when Soonyoung dashed by you and ran to the stranger….Bongcha, you assumed her name was, and hugged her. “It’s so good to see you!” he turned to you. “Hey you! I wasn’t expecting to see you today!” He made this grand hand gesture to the person he was talking to, not even wondering why you were here this early. “This is Bongcha! She’s my girlfriend. Bongcha, this is the spectacular, marvelous, beautiful, wonderful, talented, amazing-”
“Are you gonna get to the point soon or are you just gonna waste your breath?” Mini tour season, you guessed? He was only ever this hyped up whenever someone told him they were going to sing their hearts out.
“Y/N,” he finished. “My best friend in the whole entire world that I adore to bits even when I’m treated like this.”
Bongcha nodded at you once she looked you over, but didn’t say much else. “I was waiting to see if you’re done with rehearsals so we can go have dinner.”
Okay, she wasn’t gonna acknowledge your presence, which you were fine with. You weren’t here to see her, or even Soonyoung, really. But dinner already? It was still somewhere between the breakfast/lunch area. Whatever though. “Do you know if Seokmin is done with whatever you’re doing?” you asked him instead.
His mouth formed an ‘o’. “You’re finally gonna take my advice and one of my friends? I like it.”
“Gross, no. He wanted to know if he could tag along with me to the eye doctor and I said I’d meet him here.”
“But you didn’t ask me?” He looked hurt, despite the fact his girlfriend was there, clinging to his arm, ready to pull away when she heard enough.
“Our appointments are literally back to back. You’re not missing much. I’ll see you later though?”
“Okay, yeah...ye-whoa. I’ll see you later then. You’re really strong Bongcha.”
As it turned out...you needed a stronger pair of glasses, but so did Seokmin so it wasn’t a complete loss. He treated you (after looking offended at the thought of you paying your meal) to a McDonald’s lunch, raving about the time he and Wonwoo accidentally broke one of the soda machines during their predebut days and then dove into a different topic how they were hitting the road again soon just to blow off some steam and he was excited but he was gonna miss you, because he always felt like he saw you the least, so you offered to go shopping for some friendship bracelets so he wouldn’t be alone and the big baby really broke out into his big grin at the thought and ushered you out the door before you request dessert. If only your heart could want Seokmin the way it wanted Soonyoung.
Bongcha, huh?
Seventeen being gone meant that you could catch up (and even get ahead in some cases) on everything you neglected during your free time. Sometimes you wondered how you still had a job because of how easily you dropped it for them, but some mysteries didn’t need to be solved. 
You stocked up on groceries and snacks, and even bought yourself new bedsheets to change the theme in your room, nearly deciding to redecorate the entire place with a sudden burst of inspiration. You nulled the idea when you realized just how much effort it’d actually take, but you did compromise on silverware….and maybe even plates but nothing too crazy. 
You managed to spy Bongcha at the post office once, but she deliberately looked away before you could wave, and normally you’d be hurt about it, but there was no way that whatever she had with Soonyoung could last. You could attest to all the rude ones but it wasn’t worth telling Soonyoung about it. It’s not that he wouldn’t believe you, but he’d confront her, and then take you both somewhere to “work out your differences” and he wouldn’t leave you alone until you swore you were friends now. No thank you.
Most of the time when he called you, he let you in on the details of the small tour like who messed up the lyrics (he was looking at Seungcheol here), or how Seungkwan deciding to play marco polo in the pool and accidentally scared one of the kids when Jun pulled his leg underwater. You loved their antics and sometimes you wished you could take them up on the offer and go on tour with them at least once, but you needed your space from them. And before you knew it, they were finally done and they’d be back.
“Y/N, it could be her. I can feel it.”
Even in your sleepy haze, you could hear the ridiculousness at how he sounded. You paused the FaceTime call, clock letting you know it was 3:17 am and Seventeen was just getting home from the home country tour but he wanted to stop by her house first to surprise her. He had been giving you shit about always going to the first and last concerts but never more unless you had the money for it, but nonetheless letting you know the basics that happened, but now he was letting you know that he was serious about Bongcha. “Oh god.”
“I mean it. Like I talked to my dad about her and I wanna take her to home so she can meet them once we can go on vacation. You should hear the way she says my name.”
“Oh Soonie, you’re so cute. Oh Soonie, you’re the best. Oh Soonie…” you actually had to stop yourself from gagging. That nickname would be the death of you. 
“You know, it’s still not cute when you say it. I don’t know why, but I don’t like it. So just for that, you’re buying me lunch when I-” The phone clattered to the floor and you woke up finally at being dropped.
“Hosh?” Nothing. “Soonyoung?” And then you saw a brief flash of light, and then you could see the denim and you lost vision so you could assume Soonyoung threw you in his pants….or shorts….whatever. 
“What is this?!” You could finally hear him. “Who the fuck is this?!”
Oh shit….that was gonna be awkward. “Soonyoung?” Not like he could hear you but still worth a shot. “Hey, are you okay?” A deeper, unfamiliar voice spoke up, probably answering his question but still sounding muffled. You pressed the speaker as close to your ear as possible, straining to hear anything. “Soonyoung, don’t do anything stupid.” You could hear his deep breaths.
“I...you...and this...you’re joking right? This...it hasn’t been happening right?”  The way he struggled to keep his composure broke you and you just wished you could find the humor in how he spoke, so bright and so happy, the denial. “It has? Okay, well...have a nice life. Just delete my number. And you...I could so kick your ass right now. No, don’t get up.” 
“SOONYOUNG!” you yelled when you heard something break and a door slam. 
“Change of plans Y/N, I’m coming over.” He offered no other explanation and hung up on you.
“Is there something wrong with me?” The question you always hated to answer and with every heartbreak just made you wanna lock in his house somewhere and not leave until he didn’t have a rebound. He’s had cheating girlfriends before, but this was the first time he saw it with his own eyes, and it was different in a sense. 
Nonetheless, you were honest. “It wasn’t your fault, you know. Some people can’t stay committed.” You wanted to reach over and take his hand in yours, seep out all his pain and carry it with you, but you stayed put. He stared at his bowl of soup, not even bothering to eat it. Your own food remained untouched too, no doubt more cold than warm already. 
Soonyoung finally put his face in his hands. “What’s wrong with me Y/N? Why can’t I ever find someone who stays?”
“Do you ever think that maybe you jump into a relationship too fast without even thinking?” 
“No...I always make sure I’m over someone.”
“Twenty relationships since debut isn’t normal Soonyoung.” He raised his head to look at you, tears ready to spill out in case you said something to push him over the edge, but didn’t say anything, listening, waiting. “I think that maybe after your breakup, you come to me and then you’re here with me, and then a couple days later, it’s like you bounce back and repeat the cycle.”
“Where the hell did you get 20?” he asked, but didn’t let you explain yourself. “Where did I meet 20 people that have somehow made me their boyfriend?” 
“It’s just that...every time someone new comes into your life….you just go so into...and I don’t know...you swear they’ve become some part of your life and you look so happy….I don’t know. Twenty.”
“Do you really think that of me? Do you really think that I’m like that?”
“Soonyoung, it’s almost four in the morning; you literally came to me because your ex-girlfriend is cheating on you. You have done this every single time in the past. You just called Cheol to let him know you’re not going in tomorrow because you’re staying here. I’m sorry, but did you even ask?” you realized he never did; he just assumed you’d let him every time and you have. “Later this week, you’re gonna on your own doing who knows what because it’s all too much for you and you’re gonna meet someone. You’re gonna get to them, tell me about it and then it goes wrong.”
“It’s not 20. Hell, it’s not even 10. Am I that desperate to fill a void in my heart? But even if it was, why the hell are you counting who comes into my life?”
“Because I care! I hate seeing you like this. I can’t stand you-” 
“Okay, I’m gone.” He stood up abruptly. “I won’t come back next time.” He pulled out his wallet, took out a few bills and tossed them on the couch. “Here. I’m so sorry I ruined dinner, but I hope this makes up for it.”
“Where are you going? Take your money; I don’t want it.”
“I’m going to my dorm because apparently no one cares how I feel when I’m there. Good night.”
Relationship twenty (not twenty?): ended over a cheater; time together: three months; additional comments: thank you Bongcha for this fight. You just lost your best friend.
Much like Soonyoung’s relationships, you counted the days since Soonyoung stopped speaking to you. It’s been 87 days. Your texts and calls went unanswered and the boys pretty much made excuses about Soonyoung not being able to come to the phone when you called them. It didn’t matter; it was fine. You loved being ignored anyways. You didn’t need him; that's why you had your kdramas to get you through the heartache. At least things could work out in a fictional universe. 
Still you cursed yourself for ending up at Pledis and signing in at the front because apparently your pride wasn’t gonna let you have this. You waved to Hyerin who was discussing a possible collab with Beomju, but neither saw you, so  you went on your way to find anyone of the 13 boys who could help you. Your first stop was the recording section with Jihoon playing producer and Jeonghan behind the mic. Joshua was in the corner showing Seokmin how to play the song he liked and Seungkwan occasionally sang the lyrics to “I HATE YOU”  but everyone stopped everything when you opened the door. Although sudden, none of them seemed surprised to see you, but annoyed at being interrupted. 
“Where’s Soonyoung? I need to talk to him. Please don’t tell me he isn’t here.” Your voice sounded tired, and if you heard any type of rejection, you were sure to cry.
“Practice room,” Jihoon said at last, lips pursed, ready to tell you more but thought against it. “It’s a unit day practice so he’s probably showing them a new routine.” He turned his attention back to Jeonghan. “Sorry Hyung. Take it from the top please.”
Seokmin flashed you a quick thumbs up before handing the guitar to Joshua and you just hoped he’d be there. You ran into Vernon on your way over, showing you some parts of the latest rap, and you just accepted the bad omen. Because really, what could be worse than him saying “goodbye”? At least he treated you as if it wasn’t the last time he was gonna see you, but you weren’t sure if that was a good thing and then he disappeared into the room with the vocal unit practiced.
You took a deep breath when you arrived, preparing for the worst, and you knocked gently. You waited a few seconds then you opened the door and were immediately greeted with loud music. Chan and Minghao were stretching on the floor, laughing at some joke and Junhui wiped the sweat from his face. They weren’t surprised to see you either, but now you wanted to know who spilled that you were here because it hadn’t even been five minutes, according to your phone, but man it felt longer than that. The three wordlessly pointed to the furthest corner where Soonyoung chugged a bottle of water in record time.
“Hyung?” Chan called out and he reflexively turned around. “You have a visitor.”
He nodded and the boys dispersed pretty quickly, leaving only the awkward silence, tension and more distance between you than you would’ve liked. You took his sweet time coming to you, making you more nervous by the second. He normally ran up to you as if you had been gone for years and he couldn’t wait to be at arm’s length. You just wanted him to return to normal, or even just run you out of his life already. You couldn’t handle this anymore. By the time he reached you, you wanted him to stay faraway from you. Your hands clammed up and the fight or flight response kicked.
“It hasn’t been 20 relationships,” he said quietly. “It hasn’t even been half, probably half of those at most.” he kicked at the floor. “God why would you even think that? Why couldn’t you ever think I missed you after a long day?”
“You were never at my door unless you wanted to forget someone.”
“Do you think it‘s easy to forget you? Did you ever think that there wasn’t anyone else I wanted to be with, relationship or not? Finding you in everyone was exhausting. Okay, maybe a few of them did get past the whole, ‘maybe-I-can-get-over-Y/N’ phase, but, it’s hard.”
“No, don’t do that.” you shook your head, not quite believing what you were hearing.
“You’re my best friend Y/N. I hate everything we’ve come to because I can’t think straight. Okay yeah, maybe every time something finishes, I think that maybe I can tell you, but then you’re here next to me, and I don’t wanna fuck it up. Did you know I had a dream one time where you had fallen in love with me but i didn’t notice because I was flirting with someone named Minseo and when you finally told me, i was already with her, but you told me in a letter and I told you to get out of my life?”
“Soonyoung, who would be stupid enough to do that? Of all things someone can do.” And then you smacked him. “Why didn’t you tell me this sooner? Do you know much we could’ve avoided. I’ve kept track of all of them...everyone that hurt you, everyone you hurt, mutual fallouts, it’s all there. Why did you wait until all this happened?” You could feel yourself falling to the floor in relief.
“What do you mean why did I wait this long? I want to stay in your life even if you don’t feel that way about me.” He joined you on the floor. “I’m sorry for walking away the other night. But please tell me about shit like this because I can tell you how many girlfriends I’ve had. But that was my bad too…” he rambled off.
“I’m sorry for accusing you,” you stared at his shoes, your shoes. He wanted his shoe to nudge yours; you could see it; you wanted him to do it too. “You’re not exactly easy to forget either. I guess I forget that you’re a big part of my life and not having you around,” you took a deep breath, “it hurts. But I want you to be happy with your life choices and who you end up with, even if it isn’t with me.”
Soonyoung nodded, not really quite sure what to do with the information. He stayed quiet though, sliding closer to you until your shoulders were touching and he finally bumped his shoe with yours. He stared at his reflection, then yours, focusing on the way you stared at your feet bumping into each other. “Hey Y/N?” 
You looked up at him shyly, and you could swear you heard his heartbeat picking up. “Yeah?” He caressed your cheek gingerly and tilted your chin up to meet his maze and pressed a soft kiss to your lips
“Are you still there?”
You waited a few seconds before you answered, a smile making its way across your face. “Yeah.”
 “Okay, good. What are you doing right now?”
“Eww, I think I liked it better when you guys weren’t dating.” Wonwoo. “At least you spared us these conversations.”
“Nothing since the last time you asked. I’m in the living room right now. Are you coming over today?”
“If you want me to. How’s Tigger?” You could hear him say something to Wonwoo and the other person there, most likely asking him about some color schemes.
“Down for his nap. I guess the shot tired him out, but I can at least get more things done.” 
“Yeah, we adopted a cat and we named him Tigger; we got him earlier this week and we just took him to the vet this morning. Yeah, we’re painting the bathroom tomorrow. How much is the total?”
“Damn, move in already. You guys are gross. Wait, is that...Y/N guess what?!”
“What?” You jumped at being acknowledged suddenly. “I don’t need to go take him my credit card, do I?”
The warm fuzzy feeling crept up into your insides. Somehow it had all come together after his years of heartache. His parents had been thrilled when they found out when you got together, and it seemed that the boys breathed collective sighs of relief at seeing you two, but nothing compared to what Wonwoo said next.
“He has a picture of you in his wallet and he carries it with him everywhere.”
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darling-of-dark · 4 years
Rock, Relasonships and Roses  chapter 2
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hey everyone I know this is supper late I'm sorry but ill try my best to post chapter three sooner!let me know what you think!
Elain was pushing through the floor mumbling apologies every few seconds for bumping into people. She had been looking for grayson for the past 2 hours with no sight of him.
All of the sudden she felt something wet poor on her head and down the shirt. Beer of course “what the heck” elain said looking at the guy but he was too busy partying to even notice why the beer in his cup was gone.  She was about to give up when she saw the back of graysons head as she was walking towards him when she realized the pair of arms around his neck and a pair of lips attached to his. Before Grayson could turn around Elain was already making her way out of the crowd, tears streaming down her face.
feyre she was sure the whole thing was a dream she reamerd dancing and sing and making eye contact with rhys several times, the whole thing felt like a dream, until some guy knocked her over and it went black and when she finally awoke from her sleep she was passed out on the couch in a room of some sort,rubbing her eyes and the back of her head she looked up and and saw a familiar set of violet eyes staring back at her, the ones that were on the posters off her bedroom walls.
“Oh fuck” feyre said as her pupils diolated
“Good you awake, do you need anything? Water or food? I probably should take you to a doctor or something. Rhys kept asking her questions but she just sat there in complete shock looking at his eyes as big as craters .
“Um… hello what's your name,maybe we should call and ambulance” rhys said and he started to look concerned
“ my name it's a … feyre”
“Well feyre darling my name is rhysand, it's lovely to meet you i mean it would have been better in a less dramatic and dangerous way, but still lovely ” rhys said as he kissed her hand “are you feeling alright do you need anything?”
“No i ah think i'm ok, can you tell me what happened because it feels like i'm on punk'd right now alli remember was hitting my head on the ground ”
“Well i can assure you this is no tv show,you where in the crowd near the front of the stage dancing and i saw some asshole push you over, so i stopped and got you of the ground and out of the crowed before people could trample you over and worsen the bump on you head” as soon as rhys said that she felt up the back of her head and hissed at the pain of when her had met the base ball sized bump on her head
“Hear let me get you ice” rhys walked over to the mini fridge and looked in the small freezer compartment grabbing a ice pack out
“Here this should help with some of the pain and swelling”feyre took the pack out of his and moved it to the bump, then quickly removed it
“Is something wrong?” rhys said looking concerned
“ no it's just cold” Rhys took the pack from her head and wrapped it in a shirt from the armrest of the couch “better?” he said as he held it to the back of her head lightly
“Much, thanks” they were close like really close. He was sitting right next to her on the couch facing her arm wrapped around the back of her head, their eyes looking back at each other. Feyre must have been dreaming It was the most intimate thing that ever happened,  she thought until she heard baning on the door in the corner of the room  
“Hello is feyre in there? Hello? Open the door” Nesta, it was nesta of course ruining her baby sisters big moment feyre thought
“My sister” Feyre stated as she closed her eyes. Rhys got up from the couch handed feyre the ice pack and opened the door to see Nesta with cassian and az
“Oh thank the gods you're okay, I was right I shouldn't have let you and Elain split up,you're practically still a child , I leave you alone for a second and you get yourself into a mess do you know where Elain is?”
“Ness im fine and i'm not a child”Feyre muttered in anger
Ness grabbed her hand pulling her along to the door, on there way down the hall cass yelled to nesta
“Hey sweetheart call me” he said with a wink nesta rolled her eyes and fyre gave her a questioning look .
“Don't ask”
It was a rough day, from the moment Az woke up with a hangover the size of texas and only one cigarette left, he made the tour bus driver pull over to the nearest gas station so he could stock up on cigarettes. On his way out of the gas station he was bombarded with a small crowd of fans all begging for photos, it never stopped the fans the screaming he was sick of it , 
they all where it was fun in the begging but after the third year of touring it was to much.az cass and rhys never talked any more it always ended in fist fights,management worked hard to make it look like they still where the best of friends, the cold truth was they haven't been close in years , haven't wrote their own music in years. Az walked out to a small exit on the side of the stayedem leaning back on the back of the shut door looking up at the sky hearin the soft sounds of the city finally a moment  not be bothered by screaming fans or the never ending side glances or backhanded comments from his bandmates, it was just him alone in till he heard the soft sniffling from next to a alley dumpster. He slowly walked over to the dumpster peering to the concrete ground next to it, it was a petite girl sitting in a ball with her head in her knees softly crying. Az didnt know why but he had the urge to pick her up and hold her. Suddenly she looked up at him, her eyes were red and tears were streaming down her cheeks
.“Oh my...um...i'm sorry , i'll just go” she said cheeks burning red with embarrassment, she went to get up from the ground  she stumbled over her feet and Az grabbed her waist right before she fell over, Her hands went to his neck and the other to his shoulder.
“No its ok um, are you okay i heard you crying and was just going to make sure you weren't hurt”
“Oh i'm fine physically, it just my heart that's broken, sorry um i'll just go you're probably busy with like superstar things and i just a it's a long story, i'll just go” as she turned to leave her bracelet pulled, it was stuck on his shirt.muttering apologies to each other they both tried to get her bracelet free. After three awkward minutes of the treads being attached to her new bracelet, they were finally apart before Az could ask her a question. She rushed inside the door and ran, leaving him to wonder what the hell just happened.
As Elain made her way down the hall drying her tears she bumped right in to her sisters “Where the hell have you been ?” Nesta asked
“What ever we have to go home Feyre hurt her Head and whatever his name was stop the concert to “ make sure she was okay” but if you ask me the asshole probably just wanna sleep with her”“ he did not he’s not like that” feyre said in argument“ yeah whatever let’s just get home”As soon as the sisters got home Nesta made Feyre go into her room to sleep, she still had the ice pack with Rhys T-shirt wrapped around it , she took the T-shirt out of the ice pack I’m pulled over her head i’m pulled on a pair of sleep shorts. She was shocked it smelled good. It smelled like him, God was this the luckiest night of her life it felt like a dream she didn’t wanna wake up from, she climbed into bed I closed her eyes.The next morning fever her pounding on the front door and yelling from outside, she picked out the window to work crowds of people are standing
“what ?” She murmured as she stepped into the living room nesta and elain were sitting on the couch the tmz was turned on the TV A picture of Rhys carrying her to the backstage was blasted with head lines “rhysands secret girlfriend injured last night at the velais concert!” and then a blurry picture of Elain and az standing ousted suspiciously close and a picture of Nesta And Cassian standing at a table backstage Cassian was smiling down at her. The newest head line “The popular band Wingspan secretly dating local velais sisters? Pictures of the couples taken at last nights show”
 “What the fuck”
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Twilight rewrite Part 2
I am starting a new post for the rest of the rewrite because the other was getting WAY too long! Hope you guys like this! I debated if I wanted to include Edward’s POV, but I think it added a lot to it. Obviously I don’t know how Smeyer plans on writing for him, but I think the voice I gave him felt pretty true to character. 
Chapter 2 Part 2
Bella’s POV
I was gently woken from my coma like sleep by the smell of bacon and pancakes. I rolled over, only to be struck by the realization that there was someone next to be last night, but now her spot was vacant. I pushed myself out of bed, making my way to the smell, finding Alice standing in the kitchen, setting a plate on the table for me.
“Morning! I figured you’d want food before we left, and I’ve been up so I thought, why not cook.” her voice was much too cheery for the morning in my opinion, but she made food, so the good outweighed the bad. I slumped into my chair, slathered my food in syrup, and began to eat. I couldn’t remember the last time someone made me pancakes. Alice wore a satisfied smile across her face and she sat down to join me.
It didn’t take either of us long to get ready to head to school. I generally wore jeans and whatever t shirt was closest to me in my closet since a rain jacket hid it anyway. I loaned Alice a shirt so she wouldn���t have to wear the exact outfit she had worn the day before. She offered to drive us both to school, and I didnt see a reason to protest. The ride was fairly silent, but a comfortable silence. Paramore softly played in the background as we made our way through the light rain. She mentioned that the rain was going to pick up today and had thought my truck might not be up for the slick roads. I was still shocked at the amount she seemed to care for me, but I got the feeling she was just a very nice person in general.
When we pulled into the parking lot, it was fairly full. She pulled into an empty spot next to a silver volvo, where I saw who I know understood were her siblings. Rosalie turned to face us, with a forced smile on her face. The rest of them seemed unbothered by my presents, until I got out of the car.
Alice went down the line and introduced me to each of the boys. The one she was with, Jasper, looked as if he had just bitten his lip. His brows were pulled together and I could have sworn he was holding his breath. He had sandy blonde hair and had tanned skin and muscles that seemed like what you might get from working outside a lot. The biggest of the boys, Emmett smiled widely and offered a wave. He towered over the others and had dark brown hair. He was tanned like Jasper, but not quite as much, and his muscles definitely seemed like the kind he spent hours working on. The last one, Edward, wore an odd expression. It seemed like he was trying to figure out where he knew me from, or maybe he was just incredibly annoyed with Alice for bringing me into their group. I couldn’t quite tell. His hair was a reddish brown that sat in a mess of loose curls on his head. He was much more pale than his brothers, but he also had a muscular build. He was a little taller than Jasper, but seemed so much younger in the face. There was a softness to him, even with his less than happy expression. I tried not to stare too hard, but as I looked them all over, I realized that their eyes were all varying shades of golden brown. Edwards were the darkest, but they all seemed to be just a few shades off from one another, which stuck out to me simply because only two of them were related by blood.
“I better head to class. Thanks for the ride, Alice.” I took the pause after the introductions as my way out. I wasn’t offended that none of them seemed to have anything to say to me, because honestly I wasn’t sure what to say to any of them either. Alice had been nice, coming to hangout with me, but I didn’t want to just insert myself into their group, especially since everyone was paired off but Edward. I was fine being alone, and I was ready to go back to that.
Edwards POV
Alice had asked us to all wait for her in the parking lot. I wasn’t sure why she was doing all of this. She insisted on helping Isabella Swan, and I understood it to an extent, but what I didn’t understand was why we all had to suddenly be involved. She had called me last night, telling me she thought Bella needed a better group of friends, but I informed her that we shouldn’t be that group. Rose was right. We couldn’t risk our family’s safety by taking in a human. I respected Alice for wanting to help her, but there was a line.
I had seen Bella around school before, just in passing. She always wore muted colors and had her head in a book or looked at her feet as she walked. Alice talked often about her visions of Bella becoming more and more depressed, and had even shared them with me. I felt for her situation, but I left the helping to Alice. I wasn’t about to stick my nose in human business, especially when the human didn’t really seem to want help.
When Alice’s car pulled up next to us, we all braced ourselves in our own way. Jasper immediately held his breath, being the newest to our lifestyle. Rosalie tried her best to seem happy, and Emmett - Well Emmett just smiled. He didn’t mine Alice’s mission, and even said he had felt bad for Bella. It wasn’t that any of the rest of us lacked compassion, but Emmett was the most childlike of us all. He wore his feelings on his sleeve, unlike me. Who tried to forget the human emotions that plagued me.
Bella got out of the car, and I immediately listened for her thoughts. I wanted to know what she thought of us. Thought of Alice. I hoped that Alice had been discrete, but I wasn’t sure what Bella might have picked up on. I waited, trying to find her voice, but there was nothing. I tried to tune the others out, thinking that their thoughts were simply too loud, but there was nothing.
My visions changed, but I’m worried it will change back. We both know that one night isn’t going to save her. Play nice. Alice’s voice practically screamed in my head. I nodded in her direction, but immediately turned my attention to Bella. Her long, brown hair was tucked behind one ear, the other side framed the side of her slim, slightly rounded face. She must have not spent much time outside in Phoenix because she was about as pale as I was. There wasn’t anything that particularly stood out about her features, but I couldn’t deny the natural beauty she held.
I tried not to stare too intensely at the poor girl. She seemed incredibly uncomfortable, and quickly excused herself. The whole time she was walking away, I tried to catch something. Maybe her voice was quiet. Maybe I wasn’t listening hard enough, distracted by my own thoughts or Alice’s. Nonetheless, I couldn’t hear anything.
“Wow. Way to play nice. None of you said anything! Thanks for the help you guys.” Alice’s voice dripped with sarcasm. She shot me a menacing glance. What’s your problem?
“I couldn’t hear her thoughts.” I said flatly. Still confused by what had just happened. You didn’t hear anything? Like nothing at all? Are you sure? Alice paused, wondering if I was joking.
“Maybe she wasn’t thinking about anything.” Emmett said out loud, causing all eyes to turn on him. Idiot. Rosalie thought to herself. I couldn’t help the smile that spread across my face. Is he serious? Alice asked me. Dear lord Jasper moaned.
“Emmett. That’s not how that works. You can’t just not think. You’re always thinking about something, even if you aren’t actively trying to.” I tried my best to not let the implied idiot slip through my explanation. No one but Alice could truly begin to understand how my gift worked, so I understood his confusion. It was still amusing.
I now had a mission, not too much different from Alice’s. I needed to figure out what was going on with Bella. I had to know why I couldn’t read her mind, so I decided I’d try to, from a distance, listen to those around her and see if I could pick up on something. Some people’s voices were soft and didn’t break through the louder ones. I also didn’t know her well, so that would also make it hard to hear. No matter the reason, I wanted to figure it out. I wanted to know more about her.
Bella’s POV
The day passed like every other, until lunch. As I was in line getting food, Alice practically materialized next to me. I was lucky I didn’t jump out of my skin.
“Sit with us?” she asked, though she was practically pulling me towards her family’s table. I supposed sitting in silence at a different table couldn’t really hurt. When I walked past my usual group, I could feel their eyes following me to the Cullen’s table. Alice sat next to Jasper and gestured for me to sit in the open seat next to Edward. The only seat left. As I took my seat, I saw Edward shift slightly away from me out of the corner of my eye. I took a quick scan of all of their faces, trying to see if I had imagined their eyes all being so similar. I hadn’t.
“How’s everyone's day going?” Alice started up the conversation. A low chuckle left Edward’s lips, though I wasn’t sure what he was laughing at. Alice shot a glare in his direction that caused him to sit up slightly in his seat.
“Pretty good.” I decided to speak up first, not wanting to seem rude. “Just normal stuff I guess. Trying to remember if I have my old paper on Chaucer from last year so I don’t have to write a new one.”
“How are you settling in? Are you liking Forks?” Edward’s voice was low, so low it seemed as if he were whispering. I sat there for a moment before I realized he was waiting for my response. His voice caught me off guard. It was deep and melodic, but there was something about how he looked at me when he spoke, like he wasn’t sure if I would hear him. His jaw was clenched, and his face held a puzzled look. I couldn’t deny how handsome he was, but tried to focus on his words and nothing more.
“I like it fine, I guess. It’s basically the same as it was when I was a kid. Just weird to be back here. Weird to be in the rain all of the time.”
“You don’t like the rain.” he wasn’t asking. He reiterated my statement back to me as if to verify it. I nodded back, not sure what else to say. Edward shifted in his seat, and looked to his siblings, waiting for someone else to speak I supposed. “Forks isn’t all bad. There isn’t a ton to do around here, but it's kind of a make your own adventure. Lots of places to hike and play ball.” Emmett’s voice was gruff but kind. Rosalie smiled when he spoke and placed her hand on his. I had thought the whole dating foster siblings thing would be weird, but they seemed to really care for one another. It was clear even in such a small action.
“You guys play sports a lot?” I asked Emmett. I should have guessed that hiking and general outside activities would be his type of thing.
“Oh yeah. Especially baseball. Like I said, not much to do, but there's a whole lot of woods to explore.”
“Aren’t there like, bears and stuff in the woods? I’d be too scared to spend much time out there.” apparently my comment was amusing because each of them broke into quiet laughter. I obviously missed the joke. “What? Are bears not scary here or something?”
“It’s just a very city thing to say.” Edward was still chuckling to himself. “How much time did you spend here as a child?”
“Some Christmases when I was little. Every summer until I was a teenager and got tired of it. I didn’t like going back and forth and then my mom got sick and died so.” Edward immediately looked down at his hands. I realized I had come across a little harshly considering he had only been joking around before about the bears. Maybe I was more city than I realized, but I was embarrassed to have the whole table laugh at me.
“I’m sorry. I heard about your mother. That must have been very hard for you.” Edward’s eyes were locked on mine. I felt my breath hitch in my throat. His voice was soft and kind. He seemed genuinely concerned that he had struck a nerve.  
“It’s fine. Sorry. I didn’t mean to be rude. I’m just a blunt person.” I let out a small laugh, remembering how much my mom used to tell being blunt was just a nicer way of saying I was being rude. She wasn’t wrong.
“Blunt is good. Just means you’re honest.” Edward smiled a crooked smile at me and I couldn’t help but smile back. I felt a wash of comfort as I looked into his face. He didn’t seem to mind my little snap, and neither did the rest of them. I remember that they had all lost their parents somehow, so maybe they were just the people to say that kind of thing to.
The bell sounded, signaling the end of lunch. I wrapped up my untouched sandwich so I could sneak it into my next class and got up from the table. I looked over to see Jessica’s eyes locked on me, undoubtedly waiting to hear every detail. I turned to say goodbye to the Cullens, and Edward was looking at Jessica, trying hard to hide a smile. Maybe he liked Jessica, and was wanting to talk to me to get to her. I couldn’t think of a better reason for him to have taken an interest in me. Other than to be nice to Alice.
“I’ll meet you outside your last class, okay.” Alice rested her small hand on my shoulder and flashed a sweet smile. I couldn’t help but feel we were already close friends despite the fact that I didn’t generally make friends quickly. But I already felt a sense of comfort around her, especially now. I nodded in agreement and headed off to class.
The minute I walked into Biology, Jessica was waiting to pounce. She wasn’t even in the class with me, but I guess she couldn’t wait to hear about my lunch with the Cullens.
“So what is up?” her voice was eager.
“What do you mean?” I wasn’t sure what part she was most interested in, the fact that I sat with the family or the fact that, from an outside perspective, it looked like I was there to be with Edward.
“The Cullens? You sat with them! How did that happen?” she sounded annoyed that I didn’t just start from the beginning like she would have.
“Oh uh, Alice came over last night to work on homework and it got late so she slept over and then she invited me to eat lunch with them. Nothing crazy.”
“She came to your house? And spent the night? I don’t think I’ve ever seen the Cullens talk to anyone else since they moved here. I mean, they just all seem so shy, I didn’t think they’d ever ask someone to sit with them.” Jessica was breathless as she worked through the mystery of the Cullens in her mind.
“She’s really nice.” I defended, not liking Jessica’s implication that the Cullens were too rude to talk to anyone. Someone like Jessica didn’t realize how hard it was to lose a parents, and they had each lost both of theirs. It changes you. It certainly changed me.
“Oh I mean, yeah. I didn’t think she was mean or anything. Just odd.” Jessica backed off a little. This was the most we had ever spoken, and I think she understood I was equally as weirded out by Alice’s sudden interest in me. “One more question though, were my eyes deceiving me or was Edward Cullen like, making eyes at you the whole time?”
“I can wholeheartedly tell you you’re wrong there.” I couldn’t help but laugh at the thought, “He asked me how I liked Forks and that was pretty much it.” I decided to leave out the dead mom talk of it all.
“Are you sure because he hardly took his eyes off of you. God, isn’t he beautiful?” Jessica leaned in and whispered as Mr. Banner walked in. “I highly doubt that, Jessica.” I began to take my seat, hoping she’d take that as a signal that the conversation had run its course.
“You do think he’s cute! You’re totally blushing.” she gushed louder than I would have liked her to, causing my cheeks to flush more.
“I’m not blind, okay. Yeah he’s pretty, but he was just being nice. I can promise you.” I whispered, hoping it was quiet enough that even Jessica might have trouble hearing me. Mr. Banner directed her to head to class, and she giggled as she ran from the room, leaving me behind red faced and a little annoyed.
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dubububbles · 4 years
SHINee’s reaction when their s/o gets sad because they didn’t get their photocard
(pls write their reaction when their s/o gets sad she didnt get their photocard) 
Requested by anon
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Onew knew you were a big shawol, so whenever they had a new album out he would bring one for you, sometime even before its official release. He loved to see your excited reaction and always watched you un-box it and look through every little thing. 
The most exciting part of it for you was the photocard but you would be sad when you realized you didn’t get your boyfriend’s but the maknae’s. 
“Oh? It’s not yours…” 
He was confused at your reaction and also felt a bit bad. “Do you want me to get you another album? I can get you a new one until you get my photocard?” 
You would find his offer sweet but shake your head. “What am I even going to do with that many albums?” 
“The same thing you are doing with the ones you have right now?”
“The ones I have now are different ones. I need one of each but I don’t need several of the same one.” you explained to your confused boyfriend and then hugged him with a grateful smile. “And it’s fine. I am alright with any member, I just wanted yours the most.”
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“Is something wrong? You don’t like it?” 
Jonghyun would ask when he noticed you getting sad as you unboxed their newest album in front of him. 
“Of course not, I love it.” you said quickly but then pouted again, all over the fact that you had received the leader’s photocard instead of your dear boyfriend’s. “I was kind of hoping to get your photocard, that’s all, since I don’t have a lot of yours.” 
“Ah, I see.” Jonghyun said with a small nod and found your sulking cute. “The other members got albums too, you know, so maybe one of them got my card. I could switch it if you want.” he began and reached for the card but stopped as you quickly moved it out of his reach. 
“No!” you exclaimed quickly and pouted once again. “I wanted yours the most but that doesn’t mean I want to give this one away. I want to keep this one too.” 
Jonghyun would be a bit surprised but then chuckle fondly and tell you he would just get you another album then. 
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Even before you and Key started dating, you were an album hoarder, especially when it came to SHINee, and that hadn’t really changed. 
Whenever a new album came out, you were quick to get your hands on it and unbox it with excitement. 
Key honestly found it adorable how big of a fan you were even after the two of you had been dating for over a year. So, he would always bring an album or other merch for you if he could and then watch you fangirl over him with a proud look. 
He had done just that one evening and watched you unbox it, only instead of excitement, you displayed disappointment and it puzzled him at first. However, you then quickly showed him the photocard you received, which was of Jonghyun and not him. 
Your reaction would make him raise an eyebrow at you in slight amusement. 
“Why do you even need a photocard when I am right here?” 
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You and Minho were casually watching a movie in the living room as the doorbell rang. It made you smile and you rushed off to answer it, since you knew it was the delivery you had waited for the whole day. 
When you returned Minho would be confused at first, until you told him you had pre-ordered their album, which you were now in the middle of unpacking. 
He found your excitement cute and watched in silence as you opened it up and looked through the content with a smile. However, that smile would turn upside down as you picked up your photocard, only to realize it was of Key and not your boyfriend. 
“What’s wrong?” Minho questioned and felt confused when you held out the card with a small sulk. He took it and then nodded slowly. “Ah… you are upset because you didn’t get mine? Is that it?”
You nodded your head and then crossed your arms, which would make him smile and then do his best to console you, even if he found the whole situation amusing. He would also definitely tell his fellow member about it all later just to annoy him. 
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When you and Taemin both released albums around the same time, you decided to meet up and each bring one for the other. You also opened them then and there to react to and compare the content. 
Taemin was faster than you and perked up with a grin as he showed you the photocard he got, which was yours. 
“Oh! I got yours. Did you do that on purpose?” 
“I couldn’t do that, since it’s all random. You are just lucky.” you told him and laughed softly at his excited expression before checking to see if you would get his photocard as well but you didn’t and it instantly made you sulk. 
Taemin noticed and then checked the card. “Ah, you got Minho hyung.” he said and then snorted at your expression. He found it funny and also cute how you got sad over it. 
“Don’t look so grim y/n, I will find a way to get you mine if you want it that badly.” 
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control [jeremy h. x squipped!reader] pt.7
wow it took 30 years didnt it. i did it, fuckers. please give me attention-
anyway, heres the final part :) do i know how to proofread? no. thats it thats all i was gonna say, i just dont know how to proofread.
warnings: uhhh none i dont think
              In the middle of August, the Ninja Sex Party dropped their newest album “Cool Patrol” and the two of you were in love. You were in Jeremy’s room, lying on his bed beside him sharing headphones as the album played, and it all felt so teenage rom-com that Jeremy was half-distracted the entire time by you and lost different lyrics because of that. “Orgy for One” played and you nudged Jeremy before mouthing “you” to him with a playful look in your eyes and a smile that set his heart racing. He laughed, and nudged you back just as playful before the beginning to “Danny Don’t You Know” brought the two of you back into reality. He was emotional, and so were you, and there was something about sharing an emotion with someone that was intimate enough to make his heart skip a beat. 
             Your phone buzzed after a while, and you sat up, pulling an earbud out. “Fuck, Jeremy-” You stood up quickly, scrambling to get your things together, “-my cousins were coming over to do that picture thing since we didn’t get a chance before - I gotta go, alright? I’ll text you in a bit.”
             He wouldn’t remember what he said to you, or the dumb joke you made as you were leaving his room. He would remember how the minute you left, he added “Heart Boner” onto your playlist with a devious little smile as if he were getting away with something. Just a little joke between friends. After all - you had that little moment together, how could he not not? 
             An hour after you left, Michael showed up with a plastic bag filled with Chinese takeout for three - eyes widening when he saw your absence. His smile fell as he looked towards the bag in his hand, frowning slightly as he began to delve into his thoughts. For what felt like minutes, the two boys just sat there in silence as Michael finally untied the bag to pass his friend his portion of their meal, frustration evident in the way he furrowed his brow and refused to look him in the eye.
             “They had a family thing,” Jeremy said. “Didn’t [y/n] text you?”
             “No,” Michael said, “they did not. I said I was coming with food and-”
             “It’s tradition,” Jeremy countered. “Y’know? It’s that little... sign-picture-thing. Some sort of family tradition their parents started when they were little.”
             Michael rolled his eyes at the sappy expression crossing his best friend’s face as he placed what had been your meal on the dresser, before collapsing back onto his bed - tilting his head back to maintain eye contact. “That’s cute and all, but what do I do with their orange chicken?”
             He shrugged, turning back to his computer to close out Spotify. “I dunno - we can go by their house later and see if they want it.”
             He heard his comforter shift and assumed that Michael rolled over onto his stomach. “But I have egg rolls for them,” he whined, voice muffled slightly by what Jeremy could only guess was Michael laying his face in his hands.
             A quick booting down of his computer. He shrugged again, chewing the inside of his cheek. “Just don’t eat them?”
             The moment of silence could have killed a man. “Jeremiah.”
             He spun to face him. “Michael.”
             They maintained eye contact for a moment, before Michael shifted so that he was now sitting up - pulling the plastic bag closer to him. “So did you two fuck yet?”
             A thousand broken words slipped past his lips as Jeremy struggled to say something - a question, a swear, something that didn’t make him look stupid. “Why would you ask that!?” he tried to ignore the way his voice raised an octave.
             Meanwhile, Michael seemed to have no problem with disregarding his panic. “So you haven’t.”
             “Uh. No? We’re just friends?”
             “You sure?” Michael asked, not even giving him the chance to answer as he looked away. “I don’t know, dude, you’ve been pining for a fuckin’ while now. Why don’t you just ask them out?”
             “I don’t like-” he paused, before shaking his head. If Michael knew, then he knew - there really wasn’t any point in denying it any further. “I don’t know, I like Christine still-”
             “You can like more than one person at a time, Jeremiah.”
             “I know, but...” “I don’t even know if they like me still.”
             “Dude. Bro. Homie. Broseidon. Buddy. They wanna fuck.”
             “They’re at least interested in you,” he said with a mere shrug of indifference, “do you just not see how they look at you?”
             “I don’t-” Jeremy started, and then he stopped, the words he wanted to say sticky and catching in his throat like honey. “I don’t think-” He paused, shutting his eyes, “Michael, I don’t know why they’d still be into me. Like... they did the whole...” He tapped at his temple, “thing because of me.” He hesitated. That wasn’t entirely true, was it? “Or... they did it slightly because of me. I just - I don’t think they’d, uh, y’know... want anything to do with me like that.” 
             There was understanding in Michael’s eyes, lit up before he looked away to the carton in his hand. He dug through it with chopsticks, letting out a sigh, “Dude, I get that, but... they like you, dumbass.”
             Jeremy laughed it off. “Yeah, sure.”
             “I mean it!” Michael countered, before dropping the topic, “I’m gonna eat your food if you don’t.”
             “What-” Jeremy popped open his order, “fine, okay - but this conversation isn’t over, Michael.” 
             “Mhm. You’ll accept it later.”
             “That’s not what I meant!”
             “You really suck at hiding your feelings, y’know?”
             Two weeks later, and Jeremy wasn’t sure how to feel. 
             There were strings of these little... moments between the two of you. He realized how much time he was spending over at your house after Michael teased him over it, how often the two of you studied together and how flustered he’d get when you were close to him, how many times he found himself grabbing your favorite candy from gas stations just to make you smile. One Sunday night, he was sitting at the end of your bed with a pillow hugged to his chest, spending another night at your house while Michael was off spending time with his family (not that Jeremy wouldn’t have been there otherwise - he stayed over every now and then just because he wanted to. Movie nights were good. Dinner was good. Being around you was good). You sat at your desk, legs crossed awkwardly in your chair in a position that looked uncomfortable to him but you showed no signs of discomfort as you continued to draw. The two of you had been talking, and Jeremy had just sat there fascinated with watching you draw after years of not recognizing your progress.
             A question hit the air, heavy and loaded. “Would you have taken it?” You didn’t move to face him, the soft sound of your tablet pen tapping back against the surface as you scroll out and fumble giving away any nerves. “The... the SQUIP,” you went to clarify.
             But he understood, and he spoke quick: “no.” He shifted slightly, holding the pillow closer to himself, “not after what it did to you.”
             “But if you hadn’t known,” you said, pausing for a moment to gather your thoughts, “if... if it had been you, would you have done it?”
             “I mean... I don’t think-”
             “You can say yes, Jeremy,” you finally looked back at him. “I’m not gonna be mad or anything.”
             His shoulders slumped slightly, a bit relieved of the thought. “Okay, then... yeah. I mean, yeah - who wouldn’t?”
             You turned back to your work. “Yeah. Yeah, right? It sounds good. Like... you have a pill that’ll solve everything and tell you the right moves to make... who wouldn’t want that?”
             That’s when Jeremy realized you’d been doubting yourself. Blaming yourself for saying yes. “I think a lot of people would have taken it.” 
             “Yeah... I think so, too.” You stopped drawing after a moment, turning around fully to face him, “can I confess something?”
             He nodded slowly. “Oh. Uh. Yeah, sure?”
             “I don’t keep the Mountain Dew Red because I’m scared it’ll come back and destroy everything and leave me fucked,” you said in a rush of words, shutting your eyes for a moment. “Sorry. I just needed to get it off my chest but... I think it’s better this way.”
             “Hey, no,” Jeremy reached out, fingers brushing over your shoulder. “Michael and I would find more.” 
             You fumbled with your pen, it falling to the floor as you swore softly under your breath. Jeremy reached for it just as you did, foreheads clashing in cliche fashion as you immediately push back. A moment later, he offered your tablet pen back to you.
             He spoke after you took it. “Hey, uh, c’mere for a minute.”
             So you dropped your pen onto your desk and pulled your chair over to the bed. Uncharacteristically calm and soft, he took one of your hands in a motion less Jeremy and more... you... you weren’t sure. It wasn’t entirely Jeremy, that much was confirmed.
             “There was this stuff that mom used to way when I was a kid,” he said quietly, dragging his thumb over your knuckles. “It was this whole...thing about how the ‘loudest voice has to be yours’ when you’re doubting yourself and shit - I don’t know, it just kinda stuck with me and... I’m glad I’ve gotten to know you, because you’re... different? Like - you keep going, and, uh, you’re a big nerd who laughs at my stupid jokes and... I’m glad you’re you, I guess?” 
             You cracked a small smile as you pulled back from him. Before he can question whether he crossed a line, you answer, “I’m saving this. I can’t focus on art with your sappy ass saying shit like that.” You stood, tucking your chair under your desk as you sat on your bed. “Fuckin’ sweet dork,” you mumbled as you pulled Jeremy into a hug.
             He stiffened up for a moment, only to wrap his arms around you after a moment. He smiled into your shoulder, saying a muffled “Shut up” into it as you giggled.
             You pulled away with a smile. “Why don’t you make me, Jeremy?”
             One of his biggest regrets was not asking to kiss you right then and there.
            Days later, you were in his room for once, sitting on his bed beside him. You were tired, far more than he was, looking at math problems that were blurry to you as you stifled back another yawn. Jeremy had stretched out, awkwardly leaning against his headboard as he tried to stay away until you finally resigned for the night - shutting your notebook and tossing it towards your backpack with a noisy clamor. You leaned against him, mumbling words long forgotten into his shoulder - likely about hating numbers - only to whine when he sat forward a moment later. Soon enough, he returned to be your pillow once more, laughing softly as you curled into his side contently and making some joke about how you only wanted him around for this reason.
            “Nope,” you had hummed, “too bony. Bad pillow.” 
            He snorted a little, reaching up to tuck back a strand of hair out of place. “You seem happy.”
            “I am,” you hummed. “Since it’s you.”
            He reached up, gently tugging you closer to him in order to worm an arm around you. “You’re tired.”
            “Sorry I kept you up.”
            “That’s okay,” you mumbled into his shoulder, shifting slightly to be closer to him. “Math is stupid.”
            “It’s not stupid,” he countered, “you just aren’t good at it.”
            “Thus making it stupid, Jeremiah.”
            Eventually, you went quiet. At first, Jeremy thought you’d fallen asleep, but you sat forward slightly, looking up at him and it was almost like there had been magnetism between you. You had leaned forward, and he gently reached up to guide your face to his, and the two of you kissed for a soft, quiet moment. Soon enough, you had drawn away and cuddled back up to him. He wasn’t sure if he fell asleep first, but he remembered how warm you felt against him and he remembered feeling nothing but warmth in his chest as he eventually dozed off.
            There were a few things that hit Jeremy when he woke up. The pain in his back from falling asleep half-sitting against the headboard of his bed, the weight on him that confused him for a moment for a millisecond before he felt your hot breath tickling his skin, face buried in his neck. Then the memory of the night before - of a clumsy kiss he’d been craving for so long, and the way you kissed back and maybe that was his imagination? He wasn’t sure, but the thought was enough to nearly make him jolt - but you were enough to keep him as still as he could be. He looked at how peaceful you looked, and he felt his heart swell at just how warm you were against him and the memory of your lips haunted him as he felt his skin grow hotter. If remembering kissing you was enough to make him completely flustered, anything more would probably kill him.
            Eventually, you woke up, groggy and sleep-ridden still at first as you sat forward and rubbed at your face. “Jeremy, I hate to break it to you-” You paused, yawning, “-but you aren’t a great pillow.”
            He chuckled at that, sitting forward. “Hey, uh... sorry to, uh, ask, but, uh, do... do you remember anything about last night...?”
            You stared at him, uncertain at first before you thought back on what had happened. You threw your notebook at your bag. And then... It came back to you, striking you hard and fast. “Oh.”
            “I- I’m sorry,” he stammered, “I just - I was tired and I wasn’t thinking and I shouldn’t have...” 
            And he slowly trailed off when he saw the way you were looking at him, voice caught in his throat as your gaze flickered from his eyes to his lips and then back. He heard you whisper something - “fuck it,” he was pretty sure - before you started going in for another kiss - and he leaned forward to meet you halfway, a hand sliding into your hair as you grow closer to him. The night before had been gentle, sleep-ridden and warm - and now the two of you are awake and clumsy and so wonderfully alive during this messy kiss. His teeth had clashed against yours, your forehead bumped against his, but you correct. A little less force, a little more gentleness, a changing of an angle - the tiny ways to make things better and less awkward.
            In a bold move you definitely didn’t expect, Jeremy’s hand falls to your hips, pulling you closer to him by your belt loops (a cruel reminder that you were asleep in jeans). His kisses grew slightly more frantic, more hungry, more needy - the tiniest little whimper slipping past his lips once you finally pull yourself back, breathing softly as you stared at him. His hand slipped back to your jaw, thumb grazing your jawline slowly and gentle.
            “Jeremy?” you whispered, staring at him, “wait, you-”
            “I... I know we were gonna try to be friends, but... I think I like you.”
            You stared at him, flustered as he tore his gaze away from yours - a pretty rosy hue decorating his skin, blotchy and creeping up his neck to the tips of his ears. 
            “I, uh, I mean, I didn’t... I never planned on, uh... I just - I don’t - I, uh, I think you’re... a big nerd. You... you laugh with me and you, uh, you care about things - and you... you remember things about me - and, uh, other people do but... you’re just... you’re different.” He trailed a thumb across your skin. “You... feel like home. Even, uh, even if this... doesn’t really go anywhere, I - I’m glad that I know you and- I understand if you don’t, uh, don’t actually want this to go anywhere but-”
            And you laughed. At first his stomach dropped, anxiety taking over as he grew nervous over the thought of you rejecting him - but something about the way you laughed made his heart flutter, one hand steadying yourself on his shoulder while the other hid your face.
            “I... I don’t really know how to explain it better, but... can I, uh, can I kiss you again?”
            And you laughed again, reaching up to brush back hair from his face. “Yes, Jeremy. You can kiss me again.”
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marvels-writings · 4 years
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A/N: Oo I like this, I might have gone a bit overboard on this as per usual but I hope you like it!
“Hey nebula!” You called out to her as you exited your room. “Can I talk to you for a sec?” You asked, approaching her.
“Um yes.” She said, and followed you into your room, awkwardly sitting down on the edge.
“I’m gonna need to go to earth for a couple of day, my dad just got into an accident.” You said, then as you saw her tense up you remembered the situation with her father. “He’s not like that, I care about him and I don’t want to see him like this so I’m going to help him as much as I can, but I just need you to look after my things for a few days. And I needed to say I’m gonna miss you.” You said, muttering the last few words.
Nebulas eyes widened slightly at your sympathy. You’d been one of the few people to care for her despite her past. She loved you and it scared her a bit.
“Sure, I’ll keep it safe from the rabbit.” She said, shrugging a bit. You laughed a bit, she couldn’t help but smile a bit at your laugh.
“He’s a raccoon not a rabbit.” You said, still laughing as you stood up. “Let’s go tell the rest of the team.”
“See ya around kid!” Peter said as he headed back inside the jet after saying goodbye.
“Don’t die,.” Drax said, putting his hand on your shoulder.
“Aw you’ll miss me?” You joked.
“I prefer your presence rather than your death.” He stated, walking off back to the jet.
“Same here, look don’t die on us here, quill would drive us crazy without you.” Rocket said, gesturing to the jet with his thumb. “Look here’s a emergency signal if you need us.” He said, handing you a small button of sorts.
“Just Don’t die y/n” Gamora yelled from the jet.
“Um thanks.” You said, putting the button in your pocket as he walked off. Groot continued to refuse to acknowledge anyone’s presence as he was too engrossed in a game. You could hear rocket yelling at him as you chuckled softly.
“I am going to miss you.” Mantis said, almost unnervingly as she tried to smile again. It was better than her attempts before but you just nodded and said you’d miss her too.
“We’re going on a mission to (planet name), I’d rather have you there than not.” Nebula stated almost awkwardly.
“Aw please tell me you’ll miss me though, Drax already gave me a nonchalant answer to that.” You joked, causing her to smile slightly as she became nervous again.
“Well I will miss… your presence…” she said awkwardly, it was the first time she would actually miss someone except for her sister.
“I’m honored,” you joked, making a little bow.
“Nebula lets go!” Quill yelled from inside the jet. In an impulse rush, you hugged nebula.
She had no idea what was happening. You’d just suddenly pressed your body against hers and wrapped your arms around her. It felt…. nice? She mirrored your movements, finding she enjoyed it. It wasn’t until you realized this was probably her first hug until you pulled back.
“Sorry if I made you uncomfortable but I’ll miss you too, bye!” You said rather quickly as you headed off in the direction of the hospital. Leaving a rather flustered and confused nebula.
“If you’re done showing PDA can we get moving here?” Rocket shouted as Nebula briskly walked back inside.
“What is PDA?” She asked, cue eye roll by rocket.
After Rocket explained what he meant, Nebula was even more flustered than ever. You’d hugged her because you liked her as a friend. Peter suspected you liked her romantically and even made inappropriate jokes about it. Causing Gamora to slap him on the arm and Nebula to become even more confused.
Mantis touched her and saw how she felt about you. Unable to keep a secret, she said it out loud to everyone. Now everyone knew that Nebula liked you, the newest addition to the Guardians of the Galaxy.
Rocket and Drax asked Nebula if she liked you romantically. Confused and almost flustered, she answered yes. They advised her to flirt with you but eventually decided that Nebula and flirting don’t make the best combination. Rocket gave a slightly bold suggestion that everyone agreed with. Guess she’ll see when she sees you next time
After the short mission on (planet name), nebula was extremely bored without your presence. Groot was endlessly playing some stupid game which nebula tried but failed miserably at. Gamora and Peter were often bantering then making up after.
Drax and Rocket were often bantering as well, mantis often tried to talk to her and tried to involve herself in arguments.
Nebula was just bored, she didn’t have anyone to talk to. She didn’t realize until now how much she actually liked your presence. She leaned her head on her elbow, resting her elbow on her knee as she watched Rocket and Drax argue about something pointlessly.  Mantis sat down next to you, just barely touching her shoulder.
“You miss her a lot.” She stated softly, Nebula turned around, bewildered and angry.
“I’ve told you to stop going inside my head.”
She muttered, knowing it was true.
She didnt really care though, mantis’s shoulder continued to touch her shoulder slightly. Nebula knee mantis could still read her emotions but she found herself not caring for once.
“Yo y/n just activated her pager, I think she might want us to come pick her up!” Peter yelled from the control room. Nebula almost tripped on how fast she stood up.
“You don’t need to be able to read emotions to see someone’s excited.” Rocket said, gesturing to Nebula as she scowled at him.
“Shut up rabbit.” She sneered, heading towards the control room.
“I’m not a rabbit!” He shouted back. Peter laughed a bit at him, causing rocket to scowl at him.
The jet doors opened as you came happily walking towards the jet. All of them were happy to see you back and alive.
“How is he?” Peter asked as you came in.
“Not as bad as I thought, they let him out yesterday and he seems fine so I thought I’d come back!” You exclaimed happily as you walked in.
“Nice,” Rocket said, heading out and nudging Nebula’s knee slightly.
“Hey, I actually missed you the most.” You confessed in a joking way. She became even more flustered.
“I… missed you… too.” She said, the words sounding weird on her tongue, as true as they were. There goes her bold move.
Unbeknownst to you, the entire team was watching. Drax told mantis to head out and read both of you to release the tension. Mantis came over and hugged both of you, trying to act casual as everyone continued watching.
“I missed you!!” She exclaimed, hugging both of your shoulders. “You both have such an attraction for each other!” She exclaimed.
“What!?” Both of you said in surprise. She just giggled and went back to where everyone was eavesdropping.
“Attraction huh?” You said to her, a smirk on your face.
“I have developed certain… romantic feelings for you.” She said hesitantly. You went up and hugged her instantly.
“Me too.” You said, and pulled away and kissed her cheek.
Nebula.exe has stopped working.
A/N: I wasn’t sure where and how to end it so I just ended with that, I’m sorry if you don’t like it, message me how to improve but anyway requests and feedback is greatly appreciated, thanks to everyone dropping something in my asks, thank you guys!!
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Summary: You were dreading a certain wedding you were involved in, desperate to find a suitable date that could pass as your fake boyfriend. Luckily, Bucky Barnes had nothing better to do. 
Notes: NSFW (18+), Swearing
For the fourth time, your head had met the counter. It didnt help that Tony used the most expensive granite he could find, well then it again it might help with the impact. You groaned out, the thought brimming once again you had to fly away tomorrow to your little sister’s wedding. It wasn’t only the fact she was younger than you, it was the fact she was most definitely making it known she is getting hitched off before you are - which makes you the exhibit of the wedding. You weren’t prepared for all of the comments of you being old, needing to get married - kids. The whole shabang. Now two days away, you had exhausted every possible option of a date - you were at your wits end. Sitting in your misery, you heard a soft laugh above you. Flickering your eyes upward, you saw your best friend clearly amused by the fact you could possibly be acting over dramatic. 
“You know, it doesn’t help much - banging your head on the counter.” Wanda smirked, pouring you a small cup of coffee. 
“You’re right, if its not a headboard its not worth it.” You coughed out, wiping away the small ache you had collected to your forehead. 
“Just so you know, you haven’t asked…everyone.” Wanda smirked once again, bringing her coffee to sip.
You already began to shake your head, the thought that she planted was already being pushed out of your mind. There was no way in hell you were going to ask the only bachelor left in the Avengers compound.
“Are you insane?” You knitted your brow, “Mr. Grouch? there’s no way.”
“Oh come on, he’s not that bad.” Wanda defended, and she motioned to the workout facility. 
“No. Wanda. I’m not. He’s a huge pain in the ass.” You rolled your eyes, hoping she would deter already from the topic, “Besides. He wouldn’t go anyways.”
You shuffled throughout the halls, nearing the workout area. As much as you fought it, it was your only hope to show up to the wedding with some dignity. You already could feel the confusion brimming in your mind, hearing a rather modern song begin to echo as you neared the door. Sure enough, it was a song you had heard just the other day - and you remembered writing it down. You always liked chainsmokers - and their newest hit was something you had been playing on repeat. Now it was ringing throughout the workout room. Your eyes had finally caught him, and you were genuinely surprised at how good he looked. You had only had a couple of interactions with him - obviously through Steve. You had heard stories of his past, he was the infamous Winter Soldier - but in honesty it didnt frighten you that much. He wasn’t that man anymore, now he was known as Steve Rogers best friend. You watched only for a lingering moment, taking in that he had clearly been working hard in here. His hair was pulled back, a few strands falling from his workout. He was covered in a sheen sweat, and you noticed yourself swallowing now. It was no secret he was fit, his frame was incredibly large - he could took take you out in mere seconds. Which is why you hesitated, but you needed to move forward. 
“B-Bucky?” You choked out, and noticed the music was a little loud for him to hear you.
His hands met the punching bag, and you wanted to ignore it - but his low grunts from the blows was beginning to cause you to sweat. 
“Bucky?” You nearly yelled out now, and finally he turned.
He was out of breath, and you noticed the front of his black shirt was slightly damp. 
“Can I help you?” He huffed out, his expression clearly confused as to why you were talking to him.
“Uh- I was just, wondering-“ You stammered, your eyes flickering across his sweats hanging low to his waist.
“Wondering? What?” Bucky began to unwrap his flesh hand, and you noticed that they had grown slightly bloody from his harsh workout. 
“Well I have this-“ You stammered even more, “I have a wedding this weekend. I know this sounds crazy, But I’ll do something for you in return if you could maybe, think about possibly-“
“Spit it out, Doll.” Bucky sighed, closing his eyes in slight annoyance.
“I have my little sisters wedding, and I need a date. My ex will be there, and I can’t go alone in front of my family.” You blurted it all out, and you realized you probably shouldn’t have mentioned it.
“Oh right. The one you asked Steve go to, and Sam…Let’s see who else” He cleary sounded annoyed now, and you knew how bad it sounded.
“Come on, Bucky-“ You choked out.
“No really, its flattering. Being your last choice. Is it because I’m Scary?” Bucky was now teasing, shaking his head as he walked away.
“Please.” You almost sounded begging, but you didnt care, “Please, Bucky.”
He stopped in his steps, and you had hoped that was a sign of him thinking about it. 
“Fine.” He sighed out, “We’re leaving tomorrow?”
“Oh my god, thank you.” You couldn’t help your excitement, “Yes, yeah. we leave tomorrow.”
“I’m saying this now, just so we’re clear. I’m not your goddamn ken doll.” Bucky looked to you, his blue eyes nearly piercing to you.
“Yes. Of course.” You motioned, taking a deep breath, “Just, please. Be…nice?”
Bucky only glared to you, and you realized you could’ve gone without saying it. 
“Oh I’ll be nice.” His eyes traveled you, “See you tomorrow.”
You released a sigh, as if you were holding your breath all this time.
Planes Suck. That was the only thought that was in your mind, but you managed to still look somewhat presentable. Already the two of you had conflict, Bucky explaining he was going to be late - which ended up him getting a flight an hour after yours. Which led you to this moment, waiting for him in the London airport. You took the time in the airport bathrooms, refreshing your waves - changing into your dress for the Brunch your Mother had planned for the wedding party. You went with the safe option, the peach and beige dress. It was classified as your lucky dress, whenever you wore it something wonderful happened - you were hoping today was the case. You sighed out, taking yet another glance to your watch - you only had 2 hours to get to the country house, and Bucky was still nowhere to be found. You pulled out your phone, ready to call him to see what the hell was taking so long. Your eyes flickered upwards in the right moment, and you were unsure of what to do with yourself. Without control, your mouth hung open - seeing Bucky finally walk towards you. You swallowed harshly, you had never seen him look so incredibly dapper. He wasn’t kidding, he wasn’t taking this lightly.
“Close your mouth, doll. Its just an outfit.” Bucky sighed, pulling your elbow up from the seat. 
“Jesus, where the hell did you get that?” You finally choked out, your eyes still looking over the suit.
“Does it matter?” Bucky spoke softly, “It’s no tux.”
“Yeah but…shit. Thank you.” You blinked wildly, still feeling his hands guide you.
“You got it, Darlin’” Bucky had a teasing tone, already mocking you.
“Seriously, Be nice.” You already grew annoyed, knowing he was going to give you shit this whole trip. 
You had to deal with it for two weeks.
You nearly cursed the car that it took you there in a hurry, and the sight of the country house made your skin now sweat. It had been 4 years since you had been here, your mother married to the man who had lived outside of London his whole life. You were the only one who decided to stay in America, which clearly made you some kind of an outcast. But now you were back in the house that most of your heartache resided in every visit. Most of all the man you used to love also lived near here, and you had found out he was a part of the wedding party. The thought of seeing him again, it made your heart nearly burst. He had caused you so much pain, yet he went on living his life as if nothing happened. Out of nervousness, you began to chew at the bottom of your lip - wondering if you could muster the courage to actually get out of the vehicle.
“Go before me.” Bucky sighed, and you watched him already remove himself from the car.
“Are you crazy? the whole point of you being here is to go in with me, at the same time.” You sighed out, following his actions.
Bucky smiled only for a moment, “I know what I’m doing, Doll. Get your ass in there.”
You rolled your eyes, knowing there was no point in arguing - if there was one thing you knew about Bucky was that he was stubborn, and didnt take the option of no very well. You straightened your dress, turning one last time to see him practically shooing you forward. Taking a deep breath, you moved across the lawn. You gripped at your coat, the near fall weather was causing goosebumps to prickle along your arms and legs. You knew you should’ve worn something else. Once your feet had hit inside of the home you knew, all eyes slowly turned to you.
“Oh, sweetie. Why didnt you wear the blue number I sent you?” Your mother shuffled to you, and quickly your little sister caught your eye.
“Teddybear!” Your little sister nearly squealed, and you shut your eyes to your nickname. It came because you carried the small stuffed bear your father gave you when you were little - needless to say they never let you live it down.
“Please dont call me that.” You grumbled out, feeling your mother already latch to you.
“Honey, I thought you were bringing a date-“ She sighed to your ear, and you knew it was coming.
“Did he stand you up?” Your little sister looked to you in mock sympathy, and you hated Bucky for staying at the car for whatever damn reason.
Just when you thought it couldn’t get worse, you saw your ex now flicker his eyes to you - and he hadn’t changed in expression. You thought you couldn’t breathe to the sight of him, and now a woman closely to his side. Of course he had a date. You removed your coat, your mother raising her brow to the sight of the dress you were wearing. Part of you wore it to spite her. Your mother opened her mouth, and you knew she was about to say something about it - that was until you felt a pair of hands to your back. Giving you no time to process, you understood why Bucky stayed behind. Your eyes shot open, feeling his soft lips crash to you within seconds. Knowing it mustve looked odd, you relaxed to the touch - and for a brief moment you began to taste his lips. You nearly whimpered, feeling his hands grip to the small of your back - and then he pulled away. Standing dumbfounded, you had to wipe slightly at your lips - god you weren’t expecting him to taste that good.
“There you are, sweetheart.” Bucky took a breath, and you watched his blue eyes look to you in complete amusement, “I already missed you.”
You finally looked to your mother, her mouth still dropped to what she just witnessed. 
“M-Mom. this is-“
“James Buchanan Barnes, Ma’am. Nice to meet you.” Bucky flashed a incredibly charming smile, taking her hand to kiss softly.
“Why hello.” Your mother turned slightly pink, laughing at the action.
“You were right, Doll.” Bucky looked to you, still grinning, “You do get your beauty from your Mother.”
You couldn’t believe it, but you heard your mother practically giggle.
“Hi, Hello.” You sister fumbled forward to Bucky’s gaze, and he mirrored his action - taking her hand to his lips.
“Now, You must be the little sister.” Bucky winked, and you saw your sister’s lips turn in a grin, “Here’s to the lucky chrome dome who gets to marry you.”
She giggled too, and you nearly laughed at the sight.
He was good.
“Sorry about that.” Bucky placed his hand to your back, pulling you to his side, “Just can’t keep my hands off her.”
“Well, thats quite alright.” Your mother nodded to you, clearly approving.
“Still in that honeymoon stage, If you know what I mean ma’am.” Bucky winked, and you nearly gasped to the feeling his hand now at your backside.
You took it all in, and you were nearly ecstatic to the sight of your ex trying to get a better look at the two of you.
You were definitely winning.
As your family walked away to return to the party, you noticed Bucky keeping his hands to you.
“Where did that come from?” You turned to him in astonishment.
“1940s, Darlin.” Bucky sighed, pulling you into the home finally.
You managed to make it through the hell of brunch, giving you and Bucky no time to come up with a story. Most of the meal it was quick thinking, and at some point the both of you began to lose your match in stories. You still couldn’t believe that he was here, doing this for you - even if he was technically the last one you asked. Still you appreciated the gesture, but the realization came that you didn’t know Bucky as well as the others. Now here you were, your mother had planted the two of you in the guest bedroom - together.
“So I’m thinking I’ll sleep on the floor.” You coughed out, seeing Bucky already plant his suitcase to the bed.
“What are you, five? Don’t be ridiculous. We can sleep in the same bed” Bucky sighed out, opening the suitcase to grab clothing, “Shower?”
You motioned, swallowing harshly, “I’m just saying wouldn’t it be awkward, or whatever.”
He grinned teasingly to you, “Only if you make it awkward, darlin”
You took a deep breath, bringing the glass you took from brunch - thank god for alcohol. You turned suddenly, Bucky not giving a care in the world of your presence - removing his shirt.
“So we should probably discuss a story. Like how we started dating.” You choked out, “I mean my family knows everyone so it’s not like you’re a total stranger-”
You turned, not thinking anything of it - only to gasp out audibly. He was completely naked. Your mouth dropped, and you screwed your eyes shut - you even heard a soft laugh escape Bucky’s chest.
“If we’re going to be dating, might as well get comfortable, doll.” Bucky chuckled, and you felt him throw a material to your head.
“That doesn’t mean you should-” You did it again without thinking, this time your eyes couldn’t help but fall below the waistline - your mouth dropped again, you’d never seen someone so-
“Just say we met through Wanda, I thought you were cute - so I took you out.” Bucky walked the other direction, and you nearly whimpered to the sight of his ass. You shot your hand up just enough to cover his exposed skin.
“Okay fine just-” You swallowed yet again, “Dont think you can just walk around here naked”
“Why, make you nervous?” Bucky winked, shutting the door finally to the bathroom.
You huffed out, these two weeks were going to be hell.
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wolferals · 4 years
arón piper imagine
🌼@bbaronpiper and I wanted to try something and got some basic keywords for a story and both of us wrote our own interpretation! A so seen little project🌼 hope you like it🌸
and check out her story as well TROUBLE
also check out her writings, shes amazing! @bbaronpiper
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friday july 12th 2019
„Have you ever considered becoming a vegan officer?" you asked the tall handsome cop who sitting in front of you.
He looked at you in disbelief before speaking up:"Y/n, its one thing being a proud vegan but its another thing to carry out violet actions against Mr. Rodriguez. You overreacted and you have to deal with the consequences."
You scoffed and leaned back against your chair.
„And how long is that going to take here?"
He slowly lifted himself up from the wooden chair and turned to you once again, saying:"Apologize to him and maybe he wont sue you."
You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms in front of your chest.
He was the one who had provoked you by pushing you out of the way, making you fall. You had just asked him what that had been for and he had responded:"Get out of the way little girl. Maybe go to school instead of protesting against something you cant stop. Maybe eating some meat wouldnt harm you."
And yes maybe you had overreacted by kicking him in his left leg. But how were you supposed to know he had just had surgery?
When you had heard about the protest against animal cruelty in the middle of Madrid you had immediately called your best friend to tell her to make some signs.
And that said friend was now hiding somewhere, just as the cops had arrived she left you alone and ran.
In that very moment you could've screamed but you were too busy trying to hide. But they caught you eventually, thats why you were here.
„Alright Ms. Y/l/n, we only need your personal details and then you can go. You will receive a letter from us in the next week."
You looked up and listened to the police man talking to you. Then you grabbed your bag that's been sitting on the floor throughout this time and walked outside.
„Alright, sit down." An older woman ordered you.
You unwillingly sat down on another chair in the main area of the police station.
There were two other people you noticed. A young girl, maybe around the age of 11 who had probably lost her parents in the city. And a rather damaged boy your age, perhaps a little bit older, who had scars in his face.
Your gaze fell to his hand that had bleeding knuckles.
He noticed your stare and looked at you.
He didnt look very charming you figured. He looked pretty serious and was probably one of those guys that got into fights on the regular or maybe even did drugs.
„Full name." the unpleasant female cop yelled at you.
You looked at her and then took a deep breath. Your parents would kill you, but you had no choice, you were already in deep shit.
„Y/n (y/m/n) y/l/n)" you spoke and looked to the ground.
The lady mustered you and eventually wrote down the information.
„Birthday", „Place of birth" , „family status (parents names and birthdays)"  and other personal information followed. You unwillingly answered each time.
Great, now you were officially fucked.
„Wait here." She said after she slammed the „questionnaire" on the front desk where a young woman took it and started typing something on her computer.
So you just sat there for what felt like an eternity until another police officer entered the room and grabbed a chair to sit in front of the guy with the bruises.
„Alright. So, beating up teenagers is now cool or why did you do it?" he asked him while leaning back.
The guy just laughed and then replied:"First of all, they are not teenagers, they are over 18. And second, this fucker wanted to rob me. I just defended myself."
You listened interested until they both looked at you, making you look away rapidly.
„So you're saying that this boy who is about 5'6 wanted to rob a man who already has a criminal record?"
The guy nodded and added:"I know how this sounds but look what he did to me! The guy can do karate. I just hit back to run away."
The officer took a long breath in before answering:"Well too bad you got caught and are already very well known here Arón."
The guy suddenly looked very mad again and leaned towards the old police man.
„I didnt fucking start this!"
The man got up, put the chair back to its original position and said:"I'll get the report ready Mr Piper."
The guy cursed and then leaned back against the wall.
You were looking at his face. The bruises you had noticed before looked very fresh, there was still some liquid blood in them. But in general he was quite handsome. He had a sharp jaw, a very chiseled face structure and a shaved head. He looked like a criminal, judging from how the criminals on tv look like.
„Qué??" he then asked, making you snap out of your thoughts.
„Uh nothing." you replied and coughed.
You turned your face away from him.
„First time in trouble huh?" he asked and you could hear the grin in his tone.
You looked back at him, looked him up and down and replied sassy:"Duh."
He chuckled at you.
Then he spoke:"Welcome to the real world."
You had to laugh at his word choice. Next he sat up right.
„Did you beat him up?" you then asked out of curiosity.
„Arón" stared right into your eyes and eventually stated:"Did you kick the man out of nowhere?"
You responded with a small laugh. „Yeah." he just claimed and looked around.
„I'm fucked." you mumbled after a couple of seconds.
You could feel him looking at you. „Nah the first time isnt as bad. Plus, you just kicked someone, you didnt kill anyone."
Your head shot around. „Ah someone knows his way around huh?"
Arón chuckled again. „Nah. Not yet." he smiled.
You noticed a little gap between his front teeth. He didnt look as dangerous when he smiled.
„You know I'm good at assuming things about people. And you dont seem like a killer girl." he suddenly said.
You smiled and scanned his face secretly.
„What do I seem like then?"
He grinned and the next thing he did was stare you up and down for a bit. Until he finally spoke:"Rich girl, who lives with her parents. She likes to say what she thinks and sometimes gets into fights because of that. But she's never been arrested before so mommy and daddy are going to ground you for that."
You scoffed at him.
But he wasn't completely wrong.
„Well. Okay." was all you could say. He was pretty right about his statement.
After sitting in the hall for a little, the old officer finally came back and handed you your ID.
„You can go."
You got up and grabbed your bag with your left hand.
„Hey princess, tell mommy and daddy I'm sorry for their criminal daughter." you heard Aróns voice as you wanted to leave the police station.
„Ha ha very funny." you replied and faked a smile that turned into a frown.
„Hey girly, can I crash at your mansion some time?" he yelled after you.
„Sure. But I wont tell you where I live." you grinned and looked at his expression.
He looked chill despite the fact that he was in trouble like you had been.
„Dont worry, I'll find you."
You nodded unbelieving and then finally kept walking.
Now you had to explain to your parents why you were late, and why you were expecting a letter from the police. Fuck.
You somehow managed to tell your parents exactly how it happened without being yelled at. They believed that it wasn't completely only your fault yet they werent happy about the fact that you ended up at the police. But on the other hand you had never had any problems with the law before and you were usually a good girl, so they werent worried as much as expected. You hadnt told them about the lawsuit yet though. That was a future problem.
As it was now the next day you were just at home, finishing some assignments for your second year of college that would start next week.
You had taken a shower after dinner and then went to your room to watch a show before heading to bed.
To be honest, you had almost forgotten about the whole lawsuit thing when you went to bed that night. It got late, you got stuck with the newest season of your favorite show and actually fell asleep at around 1:30.
A loud noise woke you from your sleep and you sat up right, looking around all confused.
Your room was completely dark besides the streetlights from outside your window.
You heard the knock again and a shockwave went right through your body. Where did it come from? The house was all silent since your parents' bedroom was downstairs and your sister was sleeping at her boyfriends' almost every night.
Slowly you made your way threw the hallway checking where the noise came from. Your first thought was that it was probably the neighbors cat in the backyard or something but then you realized the bangs came from the bathroom.
You grabbed the first thing near you which was a vase that had been standing on a little table in the hallway.
Eventually you walked to the bathroom and turned on the light.
You got scared immediately as you saw a face in front of the window.
After looking at the person you realized it was the guy from the police station. You closed the bathroom door and unlocked the window.
„What the fuck are you doing here?" you whisper yelled.
The guy climbed into the room. He was wearing a black hoodie with some dark grey sweatpants and a black beanie. „You said i could sleep here if I found you. And i did."
You were actually creeped out. So you just stared at him until your confidence came back. „How did you fucking find my house?" you asked and pushed him back a little bit. He grinned and leaned against the sink. „I stole the paper with your information."
Your eyes widened. „You what??" you asked him in disbelief. „You're welcome. Now they got nothing against you. For the police you dont exist."
You didnt know if you should thank him for it or hit him in the face for doing such a stupid thing. What if the police thought you stole it? „So where can i sleep then?" he asked you and took a look around. His bruises were still visible but now looked a lot more clean and healed.
„Uh." you stuttered and thought about his question.
„My parents are right downstairs. You cant just sneak in here and expect me to offer you my bed. I dont know you, you could be a psycho!" He laughed at you and stepped closer to you. You were intimidated because you couldnt step back any farther. Your back was already touching the wall next to the bathtub.
„I wont hurt you, I just need a place to sleep." You looked right into his eyes that were only inches away from yours.
He was so close he could probably hear your heart pound. It was about to jump out of your chest. You then offered him to sleep on the small couch in your room, if he promised to disappear before your parents found out.
So you passed him a blanket and two pillows and finally turned off the light the second time this night.
„Goodnight." you automatically whispered. You heard a little chuckle from the other side of the room before he whispered back a quiet:"Gracias."
When you woke up a couple of hours later your room was lightened by the sun. You rubbed your eyes and sat up. You almost had a little heart attack when you saw someone laying on your couch. But then you remember what happened only 4 hours before. The guy who's name you werent sure about -was it Arón?- was sleeping peacefully, his closed eyes facing you. You noticed he had taken off his shirt. You didnt see his stomach but you could see his naked, muscular arms over the blanket. And you saw some tattoos on them. And a small tattoo on his chest.
He looked quite cute when he was sleeping.
You then checked your phone and thought about what you'd do today until you heard footsteps coming upstairs.
Your mom! She always says goodbye before work. Its like a mother-daughter tradition because once when you were a kid and she didnt say bye you had a panic attack because you thought something happened to her. You jumped up from the bed towards the couch.
„Wake up! Wake up! You gotta hide, my mom's coming!" you shook him to wake him up. He replied with a raspy groan and eventually opened his eyes.
„Huh?" he asked confused looking at you. -„Hide! My mom!" You whispered and waited for him to get in the closet.
But since he took so long realizing what was going on, it happened what had to happen.
Your mom was standing in your room, staring at both of you. You in your oversized shirt and no pants and this strange boy shirtless. You were fucked.
„Uhh y/n?" she asked and looked at you in confusion.
You were all staring each other down until Arón spoke up:"Mrs. Y/l/n, im so sorry. My name is Arón, I'm your daughters boyfriend." He shook her hand smiling. Your mother on the other hand looked confused as hell. Just as you. Did he just call himself your boyfriend?
„Oh. I didnt know she had a boyfriend." Your mom replied and then actually chuckled. She laughed! She wasnt mad?
„I have to go to work now but nice to meet you Arón. See you later honey, i think we have to talk."
She said after none of you said anything.
„Likewise" Arón spoke before your mom left your room and closed the door.
„What the hell?" you yelled at him and lightly punched him in the chest.
„I had no choice. What do you want me to do? Say that I broke in here because we met at the police station?"
You ran your hand through your hair and then said:"Please go. I'm in enough trouble already. Please leave."
He nodded, then grabbed his sweater and put it back on.
„Can i sleep here tonight too? I dont really know where to go." he asked while picking up his things.
You rolled your eyes but nodded softly.
„Thank you!" He smiled and came up to you.
„Sure." you replied and crossed your arms.
He opened the door to your room and whispered a „see you tonight" before finally leaving your house.
You didnt really trust this guy. Something about him was off but you didnt know quite yet what it was.
Arón's been crashing at your place for a week now and a lot of weird things happened inbetween. You only saw him at night when he climbed through your bedroom or the bathroom window. Then you usually went to bed and in the morning he left. You never knew where he went and you also didnt know why he couldnt sleep at his parents'.
Your mom and dad had both talked to him before and actually believed he was your boyfriend. Around them he acted like an angel but you knew he wasnt. I mean, he's never insulted you or been rude but he certainly wasnt an example of a good guy.
One night as you were sleeping, him laying on your couch, you were woken by someones voice talking in your room.
Arón was walking around your carpet, speaking into his phone loudly.
„Whats up?" you whispered and looked at him all sleepy.
He showed you he needed a second and kept discussion in spanish.
He was pretty loud and you were worried your parents might wake up from his voice. And he seemed mad, almost aggressive.
He then hung up and before you knew, he slammed his phone on the wall. It broke immediately, shocking you intensely.
„Jeez what the fuck!" you spoke and got up from the bed.
Arón in the meantime put on his jacked and wanted to walk out of the room but you chased him, trying not to make too much noise walking downstairs.
„Where are you going?" you asked.
„I need to see someone before this certain person wakes your parents." he boldly spoke and opened the front door.
You were only wearing shorts and a top and it was chilly outside. But you were far too concerned to grab a jacket.
You closed the door behind you and ran after him.
„Y/n go to bed." he then ordered as he kept walking.
„No i need to know whats happening."
He scoffed at you and finally stopped as you both reached a person standing around the corner.
Aron was just standing there staring at the dark dressed man.
You were right behind him, carefully taking a look.
„Arón." the guy finally spoke and came up to you both, grabbing aron by the jacket.
„What do you want?" arón asked the man, sounding as if he was about to rip his head off.
„Needed to see you little brother." the guy replied and then noticed you hiding behind Aróns back.
„Oh got yourself a girlfriend huh?" he grinned and walked around him to get closer to you.
„Hey you." he smiled and reached out to touch you but you backed off and mustered him.
„She's hot." the guy then said and turned around to arón again.
„What the fuck are you doing here Juan?" Arón finally spoke up. „Taking you home. Mom is worried about you."
Aron laughed fake before claiming:"Oh really?"
Juan stepped right in front of Aron and looked at him.
„I like your new haircut brother. You look like a prisoner."
Arón didnt reply, he clenched his fist as if he was about to hit.
„If you keep going like that, you will be soon." Juan added and smiled at him.
„Fuck off im not coming home." arón mumbled and wanted to step back but Juan grabbed his arm and answered:"You. Are coming with me. Because I say so."
Aron freed his arm and yelled:"Get out of my life."
You just watched as they were yelling at each other. The reason for Aróns stubbornness wasnt quite clear for you until he said one specific thing:"Mom and Dad dont want me back! All they want was you. You're the only son they ever wanted."
He was jealous of his big brother.
What you figured out from their conversation, Juan was a troublemaker himself but then started studying and was now about to be a lawyer. Apparently their parents had always supported him, even though he used to be in deep shit often times. Arón kept claiming that he was „nothing to their parents".
At some point the situation escalated and Juan grabbed Aron rather harshly and Aron pushed him back. Which made Juan fall to the ground, hitting his head on the concrete.
Juan looked even more furious than Aron then.
He got up again and basically jumped arón.
You felt useless, watching those brothers fight in the middle of the streets.
But suddenly you decided to do something.
You went up to them and jumped on Arons back to make him stop.
„Stop this shit before someone calls the cops!" you tried to calm them down.
But Aron was so furious he threw you right off.
You landed on your back rather harshly, moaning out in pain. It had been really fucking painful.
He didnt even notice that he had hurt you, they kept yelling at each other until you heard police sirens getting closer.
Juan seemed to notice as well and let go of Aron.
„You know what, fuck you! You're useless to this family. Come back after achieving something!" Juan yelled and just disappeared between the streetlights and the bushes.
„Fuck." Aron cursed and finally turned around to you.
„Run!" he then said as the police car turned around the corner.
You got up in pain and grabbed his reached out hand.
„Faster!" he told you and pulled you with him as he was running super fast. You almost stumbled over your own feet.
„Where?" you just asked and concentrated on running as fast as you could.
Usually you hated running but right now it felt good. Free kind of. You had never run from the cops, especially not with a known criminal who wasnt as bad as you thought.
„Fuck, run faster." he yelled but you couldnt go any faster.
Eventually he let go of you to make you jump into a bush.
The cops were right behind you but didnt seem to notice you hiding, they ran past you after Aron.
And aron on the other hand did something you hasnt expected. He stopped running.
He turned around and put his hands up in the air.
What the fuck was he doing?
The police reached him and put him in a secure grip in a fast motion. He couldve gotten away easily if he hadnt stopped!
They grabbed him by the arm and pulled him through the alley of trees towards the police car.
You looked him straight in the eyes as they walked past you. He inconspicuously smiled at you.
What was he doing?
As they sat him in the police car you slowly got out of the bush.
So you just stood there. They couldve seen you but you didnt care, you just wanted to see what was happening.
Some of your neighbors were outside looking as well.
Before the car took off you felt your phone vibrate in your back pocket.
Who would text you at 3am?
You took it and opened the message.
You started to smile and looked up to see him smiling at you from the police car.
Arón:"Can I crash again when I get out?"
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might-guys-acorn · 4 years
Its day 4 and Im not prepared. Heres my submission for "Bad Things Happen" @narutorarepairweek. Be warned folks, its a lot of heartbreak.
This one is a pairing of my OC, Takahashi Kurahana, and @discendia's OC Yasai Shouga, along with an appearance from @hiddenleafstoryteller's OC Hiroyuki. I know we've hinted their story a lot, but this was my first time actually fully writing it out, and I cried. A lot.
Who am I?
Pairing: Shouga x Kurahana
TW: war, death, grief
"In moments like this, its hard to believe we spent the day in battle." He said, his eyes aglow in the orange light of the campfire.
"Well, Shouga, thats kinda how these lulls work. It cant be a constant fight." Kurahana replied, bumping his shoulder lightly. Hiroyuki, their third team member laughed, and tossed a bit of popcorn at them both.
"Stop flirting, its nauseating." He chuckled, his white hair swaying in the night breeze, and the subsequent blush of rapid denial covered the faces of the other two.
"Shut up, Hiro! I already told you, I dont flirt. You boys are the only thing I need, and romance is for suckers." Kura snapped, tugging at the end of her braid. She'd told herself she would never make herself vulnerable like that again. She'd just lost her brother to illness the year before, she couldnt afford another heartbreak.
"Exactly. War isnt the time for that, but maybe after I could handle a little romance." Shouga said, getting up from his seat beside her, and ruffling Hiro's hair. He turned and winked at her, before walking back to his sleeping mat on the ground, "Better be careful, Kura, I might sucker you into marrying me after this."
"In your dreams, Yasai!" She yelled after him, causing many looks from the others around the camp. She blushed, then stood and put the fire out, grabbing Hiro's hand and pulling him to the other 2 mats nexts to Shou. How did he fall asleep so quickly? And why was her heart racing?
God, he's such an idiot, she thought, before drifting to sleep.
Kura awoke immediately, to 2 of the white beasts in front of them, and the boys in intense hand to hand combat. As he called the vines up from the ground to keep the Zetsu in place, he turned to look at her, calling over his shoulder.
"About time you got up, sleepyhead."
"Shut up, idiot." She responded, shutting her eyes and racing her chakra through her body, and opening her newly purple irises to lock eyes with the monster in front of her teammate. Her braid floated slowly and she watched the pale creature slowly stop fighting against Shou's vines. Locked in. She walked up to it, a kunai tucked behind her and ran her hand along its cheek.
"Tell me, who am I to you?" She seethed, her voice dripping with venom.
"M-mother?" It said and she drove the kunai into its body, tearing its life from this world.
"God, I realize your genjutsu is mentally scarring enough, but what sick pleasure do you take in asking who their most precious person is?" Shouga asked, tugging her braid before turning to wrap his plants around the newest Zetsu appearing behind her.
"They always see 'mother', so theres no real fun in these ones." She said, tossing shuriken into this newest body.
"A little help over here?" Hiro's voice called and she moved to help him, grasping her kunai and slashing into the beast he was struggling with.
"You could have let me handl-" Shouga's voice from behind her was cut short, the playful edge cut through with a gasp of pain. She turned and saw a large white spike retreating through his vitals, and before she knew it, she had every tool of hers driving into the zetsu behind him.
"No. No no no no no. You cant, you have to be okay, Yasai, you do." She whimpered, scrambling to his catch him as his body crumbled. The tears started the fall, and she couldnt breathe.
"I dont think, I can come back from this. The wedding is off." He laughed, struggling to speak through the pain.
"God, even now you're messing with me." She smiled, her eyes streaming at the thought of losing him to. He looked tired, and hurt, and she cared about him so much. What could she do, now, to say goodbye? And then the peaceful look on her victim's faces flashed into her head.
She brushed the soft brown hairs out of his eyes, and he grabbed her arm, his strong hands now weak. She shut her eyes, racing her chakra as fast as she could, and the emotion filling her as she opened her eyes did more than just lift her braid, it broke the tie and her locks floated with a purple glow as she locked him into her genjutsu. He deserved to see the most precious person in his life before he died, the person he loved the most, instead of her sobbing over him. His eyes softened and starting watering, streaming down his face as his skin became paler. She had to know, before he was gone from her forever. In her softest voice, she asked.
"Shouga, who am I to you?"
He smiled a bit, his tears covering his pained face, as he raised his hand to touch her cheek and rasped out,
"Kura, you are everything to me."
She tensed, and his hand fell as he left her, becomeing heavier in her arms. Did it not work? No it mustve, her hair broke out of its braid she put so much into this. So then, why? Oh no.
"No, Shou, no dont tell me." Her hands brushed his face, but he could no longer feel it and her body wracked with sobs as she screamed, yelling at him in anger and in sorrow.
"You didnt tell me, I didnt know. I thought you were joking, I thought the flirting was.... Shou you idiot, dont. D-dont leave me like this. Come back, I love you." She screamed, sobbing over his body, growing colder with every second. Hiroyuki, walked over, standing back to not interrupt the moment they had, although it was his best friend. He had tears in his eyes as he picked her up, and she clawed,trying desperately to stay with Shou forever. If hes leaving so is she.
"Kura, I know what youre thinking, but what would that do?" Hiro's voice in her ears quelled the hysteria to a full numbness. Nothing could hurt her anymore. She had no heart left.
She pat Hiro's hand, letting him know there was one thing left for her to do. She kneeled beside her almost-lover one last time, ripped a small piece of cloth from his shirt and took one of his many earrings, kissed his forehead and turned to leave. She tied the cloth around her ring finger, and placed his earring in her ear, walking towards the main battle of the camp.
They took everything from her, and she wouldnt stop until they all felt the same pain she did.
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ruiyuki-archives · 4 years
Star Tear AU - Alt. Timeline: Todoroki ver. [Part 1]
This is an AU I wrote on the todomomo discord server eons ago. Anything posted to this blog will be transcripts of old original work and not really edited, save for formatting. I have no guarantees if I will ever finish these AUs either so these will only be kept as an archive.
Original transcript posted to tdmm discord: Aug 2020
Momo ver. Alternate timeline: Todo ver. Part 1 || Todo ver. Part 2 || Todo ver. Part 3
Star tears in which Todoroki falls for Momo first.
shortly after the exam with Aizawa he doesn’t know what he’s feeling but just admires her strength and quick thinking
and him hanging out with Deku and Iida at lunch means Todo hears all the nice and good things Momo does when she and Iida to discuss class prez stuff
which intensifies this ??admiration?? and respect more
and he just?? Holds onto those feelings unable to figure out what they are until idk maybe holidays where 1A and 1B throw that holiday hotpot party
and Momos really cute lookin’ in that Santa hat she made with the festive turtleneck
and so that feeling inside Todo grows into something more??? bc "oh shit she cute".... and Todo’s blushing while looking at her from afar. Probably.
so Todo talks to Fuyumi abt it and Fuyumi’s like: “I think you like her Shouto”
and he writes to his mom abt it and Rei's like: “she sounds like a lovely girl Shouto”
and he texts Natsuo abt it and Natsu's like: “aw little bro has a crush”
but all the while this is happening, Momo's gotten closer with Iida over class prez stuff and hero stuff and everyone in 1A (read: mina and hagakure) think iimomo might be a thing???
ofc Momo denies it and making excuses politely like "no no ofc not we're being responsible class prez and vice prez" but she’s kinda stuttery while doing so, so no one buys it
and no ones brave enough to ask Iida except Ochako but he gives some straight laced answer like "i admire her work ethic and respect her as a hero and vice prez" but he also has some tint of blush across his cheeks
so idk fast forward to graduation where Todo's been holding onto these feelings for Momo since first year and iimomo is still very very likely
so its all cherry blossom petals flying around and congratulatory celebrations
and when Todo sees Momo amongst the sakura trees smiling like he's never seen before (bc they're finally officially heroes!!) he thinks she’s beautiful
but just as he's about to approach her, Iida approaches her and Todo can see she's blushing and he knows its really not good to eavesdrop on one of his best friends and the girl he likes
But... he's curious.
or so he lies to himself.
Ofc what he hears isnt what he ever wants to,,,,
cuz Iida just confessed to her.
and she feels the same.
and a star tear slips from Todo's eye as he walks away.
he stops mid step as he touches his cheek bc he didnt even realize he was crying
but what are these tears??? What’s happening?? He's never had these before bc even though Todo is an emotional crier, he doesn’t cry that often.. only when he is completely overwhelmed with emotion
so he has this dumbfounded expression staring at his fingers as these star tears are twinkling out of his eyes catching sunlight and sakura petals
until he hears "Youre a fucking idiot" from a few steps away
(Baku really likes eavesdropping ok its not the first time lol)
Baku: theyre called star tears.
Todo: You know what these are?
Baku: it happens when you like someone and that person doesnt like you back, idiot.
Todo: ... oh.
Baku: get that shit sorted or you'll go blind
(And for those who are curious, yes maaaayyybe Bakugou has a case of the stars in this timeline too, that’s how he knows. To whom? I'll let you decide bc honestly, I just want todobaku brotp bonding over unrequited love)
so now Todo thinks he might be fucked. One of his best friends confessed to the girl he likes too and she likes him back and now Todo has this disease that might make him go blind and might get in the way of heroing (which they've all secured post graduation positions by now) and what can he do about it?
nothing, says the doctor he sees. The disease is not curable and the only way to stop it is to have your feelings returned else you'll go colour blind and then completely blind, so he's told.
ya he's really fucked.
maybe its a good thing then, that he doesnt cry often. It makes it easier to ice over these feelings, freeze them in time with the memories of U.A.; of his last congratulations to her and her smile at the end of the ceremony an hour after he overheard that confession
maybe its another good thing that right after graduation, everyone went off to their own positions as side kicks with agencies across japan, focusing on heroing
but its 3 months after graduation that Iida tells Deku and Todoroki that he is seeing Momo when they meet up every Friday to catch up
its 6 months after graduation that its publicly announced in Hero Magazine that Ingenium and Creati are dating
its 9 months after graduation that he sees Iida and Momo attending the Hero Association's rising stars gala as a couple and are seated at the same table as them
(Bakugou is scowling at him across the table.)
Todo tries. He really does. To be happy for them.
but he's angry at himself that he can't be happy for them. That it saddens him to see Momo glowing under the ballroom lights but its not himself to make her shine like that, its Iida. That he sees she is the one to make Iida genuinely happy in the way his eyes light up when he smiles at her.
and all three times Todo goes home, lies down alone in his room, an arm slung across his forehead as the star tears leak from his eyes.
he starts to lose seeing colour at 12 months.
after 24 months he needs glasses for colour correction (and ironically gets a sponsorship with the brand. The fashion magazines print headlines for weeks "Hot-Cold Hero Shouto Fall Fashion! See page 7 spread for his newest spotted specks and turtle necks")
at 36 months Iida breaks the news. Iida's gonna propose to Yaoyorozu and wants him, Deku, and his brother to be his groomsmen
she said yes.
and a part of Todo washes away with the star tears flooding him room and twinkling against the tatami.
he tries to stay out of the wedding planning as much as possible. He'll go to the tuxedo fittings as requested and still keep up hearing the updates when seeing Iida and Deku for their weekly get together on Friday nights. 
But for anything involving Momo's presence, there will always be a "sorry i have a mission that week", "sorry im visiting my mom", "sorry Endeavor needs to see me about the agency"
... all excuses Bakugou knows, but the others pay no mind. They are rising heroes near the top of the billboard by now
month 48. Wedding day.
she's stunning. Gorgeous. A near goddess walking down the aisle on her big day.
but she's not walking down for him. No its for iida.
there was the ceremony, the cheers, the congratulations, the reception. Fairy lights around the dance floor and along the walls, champagne glittering after the sound of a cork
Todoroki stands off to against the wall as the night dies down, a glass in hand, watching the newly weds grace the dance floor.
someone slides up beside him, he feels the presence. Bakugou.
"She's beautiful isnt she?"
. . .
a star tear falls from Todoroki's eyes, twinkle hidden among the fairy lights and champagne glitter.
she's beautiful, but maybe its a good thing I can't see
somebody said: what if she knows everything that had happened and the reason why he couldn't continue his career is bc of her?
me: ok you’re asking for it
Momo, 3 months pregnant with iimomo baby, announces with Iida the news to their friends
the soon to be parents want to choose godparents for the baby so Iida gets to choose the baby’s godmother and Momo gets to choose the godfather
and ofc along with the announcement Momo asks Todoroki to be the kid’s godfather
he can’t say no to her.
the same week later Todo and Momo's agencies are requested to deal with this one villain case while Ingenium's agency deals with another in another town (later turns out the cases were connected)
small talk, civil, very professional between Momo and Todo when they’re in the debriefing
at this point Todo's pretty much completely blind and uses some special contact lenses from Hatsume to help "see"
but the contact lenses can only do so much as to detect light movement and shadows and it reallllllllly doesnt work well when he's using his fire 
so Todo already had tossed around the idea of running away to the mountains like Roy did in the FMA 2003 ending, "mysteriously" retiring bc really his vision cannot keep up
until this last mission with Momo
and really its been nearly a decade now since they last worked together side by side (not since U.A. he thinks).. so just let the blind man be selfish one last time
and so smth smth missiom happens, Todo and Momo fighting side by side
but Momo senses there’s something off with Todo's movements? His reflexes are slower.. it doesnt seem like he's prediciting the opponents moves like he used to.. he's more so reacting and retaliating than attacking..
she chalks it up to that they havent fought side by side in a long time and his style must’ve changed and really, she doesnt know him anymore... not like she used to
smth smth 3 months pregnant Momo gets hurt, knocked unconscious for a bit
Todo saves her
and when she comes to, while Todo's holding her, star tears fall onto her cheek from Todo's eyes. 
She's shocked. Reaches up to gently graze a finger tip at his left cheek.
"Todoroki-san, these are?"
and again its like Todo didnt realize he was crying. He jerks away from her hand and brushes her off with "its nothing”. Changes the subject with "are you ok?"
Momo: yes.. i think so
Todo: and the baby?
Momo, sitting up: we're ok I think
Todo, moving away: good
the mission concludes and they meet up with Ingenium’s group to wrap up the two ends. Todo slips away before Iida and Momo and approach him
theres no activity from Todoroki for the next month
neither Iida, Deku or anyone else in 1A know where he went except the Hero Association's vague comment on "Hot Cold Hero Shouto has taken a sudden indefinite hiatus"
(Only Todo’s family knows and Endeavor asked the Association to say "hiatus" instead of "retirement" bc Enji wants to believe in his son making a comeback. He didnt stop Shouto from taking off)
and ofc Momo upon hearing this is so confused??? Her last mission with him was the last time she saw him and he was crying. Why was he crying? Strange star tears twinkling and landing on her cheeks? What even is that phenomenon?
its too many questions and ofc Momo's gonna investigate. For the sake of her friend.
so she digs up all the texts she can find on star tears. Internet search all the possibilities. Consults the doctors at the hospital. Even asks Tenya if Todoroki has been acting strangely during their weekly catch ups.
but Tenya tells her Todoroki hasnt been the the meet ups since after their wedding
so she asks anyone in their pro hero circle of associates she can think of. Tsukiyomi, Burnin', heros from his agency, anyone she can think of that has worked with Todoroki before and could comment on his behaviour
no body knows. No body noticed anything different either. Sure there were some off days but the Hot Cold Hero Shouto was always on his game being one of the top 3 heroes on the billboard charts
she searches and searches, splitting time interviewing colleagues and researching the possible star tears phenomenon
until eventually her search takes her to...
Of course.
Momo, pleading: please Bakugou, you know something about him dont you?
Bakugou, who at this point had been very careful trying not to get cornered knowing her investigation: save it pony tail, you’re about to have a baby. Go have people harass you about that brat in your oven instead of harassing other people
Momo, nearly begging: please. You and I both know he's strong and a good hero that would not suddenly retire. Whatever he is doing, he might need help.. please tell me Bakugou.
... theres something about pregnant women that you cant say no to.
Bakugou, relenting: tch. The half ass is somewhere in Yokohama
and thats all she needs nearly running waddling (as fast as a pregnant woman could) out the door
Bakugou, calling out after her, still reluctant: when find that half ass, i suggest you throw him a gift. Literally. Throw it at him. He deserves it.
she finds him along the port, watching the sunset in Yokohama (its really not that hard to find someone with heterochromia and two tone hair in a city, especially if youre a hero that knows what methods heroes will use to go incognito)
and for some inkling of a feeling, Momo takes Bakugou's advice. She has a carton of strawberry milk in hand.
Momo, a few feet away from him: Todoroki-san, it's been a while.
Todo, turning his head in her direction: Yaoyorozu...?
Momo, sadly smiling: the sunset is beautiful here isnt it?
Todo, brows furrowing: .. sure. Yaoyorozu what are you doing here--
Momo, interrupting him: --i brought some snacks. Strawberry milk, you liked this while we were in school right? Catch.
she tosses it at him.
he tries to reach out.
But he'es completely off. And misses
Momo, sad: Todoroki-san. You're blind, arent you?
Todo, guilty: ah.
Momo, tearing up: will you please tell me?
he still can say no to her and confesses his story
and when he's finished telling the tale of star tears, the stars above are twinkling too
she's crying and choking and sobbing through tears and its intensified by baby Iida with pregnancy hormones
But the last thing she manages to croak out at the very least is still wholly her
She apologizes
“Im so sorry Todoroki- san. I cant love you that way.”
“I know.”
red is the last color Todoroki wanted to lose because it reminds him of Momo
during missions, as long as he could see her, “that’s ok” he thought. she is the only one he sees in color. that is okay with him
to him, Momo is his shining star. And there’s something tragically poetic of him losing his sight to the stars if its for his shining star Momo
He leaves the last stars in a tiny little jar like those paper stars as a gift for her with just the words on a note "goodbye Momo" the day after she finds him in Yokohama
Momo has the jar of stars forever on her bedside and looks at them with this melancholy expression. Baby Iida grows up and asks mom: "what is that jar of stars?" 
Momo responds: "a gift from someone that was blinded by love"
Bakugou in this timeline had a case of star tears too but I'd like to think he got his feelings requited so he never went blind to contrast Todo
So thats why Baku is (begrudgingly) sympathetic to Todo cuz he thinks: “that could’ve been me”
The ending shot of a blind Todoroki in a dark room, all alone, eyes closed, thinking back to Momo's shining smile from UA surrounded by star light with a sad smile on his face and it fades to black
> archives masterpost
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