#the guy why trying to cure his sisters illness and she gets over it and becomes and adventurer in mondstadt
atalante241 · 6 months
Genshin NPC’s my beloved
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erisvansserra · 27 days
The Witch and The Viper | Eris x Reader
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A/N: Hey guys! here is chapter 2 to my Fanfic. Tbh i think it's a little longer than chapter 1 ( which you can find on my page) Only light editing done because I am tired from work Anyways have fun! No triggers
You can read part 1 here
Y/N sat on a couch in the Night Court townhouse, a book on the courts history propped on her legs. Rhysand sent y/n an invite to stay at his house for a few days to meet his High lady, Feyre. The two were introduced on casual terms, then spent the whole night sharing a bottle of wine by the fire place. The next morning Y/N asked Azriel to bring her a book from the court library and here she sat, eating the book up. History was her favourite subject to read about, along with court law and policy. However , when she needed a break from all the books on past wars and legislations, she turned to romance novels. She never doubted a good romance novel paired with a glass of wine and a cozy fire could cure any illness. "Good morning y/n" Feyre chimed as she entered the sitting room, her mate by her side. Y/N looked up at the high lord and lady, giving them a bright smile "good morning" she greeted, closing the book in her lap. Rhysand was dressed in his usual all black, where as his mate chose leggings and an oversized jumper, the look of casual comfort. "I'm glad to see how interested you are in our court y/n" Rhysand smiled " to keep you in the loop we have a.. guest stopping by for a meeting today, I hope they don't bother your studies" he continued. Even though his smile was broad, y/n couldn't help but feel a sense of uneasiness at his comment of "guest". "I was just about to put it down actually" she said, reaching over and placing the 800 page book on the coffee table. "Oh good, I wish to introduce you to my sisters while Rhysand has his dull meeting" Feyre rolled her eyes and smiled to the witch of winter. After a few more words were exchanged y/n got up and went into the guest room to get changed. As she joined Feyre in the foyer she mulled over the interaction she had with the high lord and lady, she made a mental note to bring it up later.
As the day went on y/n learned three things.
One. Feyre's sister Nesta was awfully rude. Two. Feyre had a lot of patience. Three. Her sisters, like her were made.
When they returned to the townhouse later that afternoon, Feyre urged y/n to stay outside with her until the meeting was over. Y/N didn't want to cause trouble in a different court so she obeyed and sat with Feyre to watch the sun set over the mountains. It was truely beautiful, as the day became dusk the sky was painted with pink and purple hues. The cool air that swept through the night court always smelt sweet to y/n, like the whole court was constantly baking fresh goods.
Once the last beams of sunlight struggled to surpass the top of the mountain, y/n started to hear raised voices from inside the house. She looked to the High Lady who was also trying to eves drop on her mates meeting. "it's probably nothing" she assured then turned her attention back to the sky, her blue eyes dashed over the horizon like she was trying to photograph every colour in her mind. Y/N nodded her agreement, as her mind drifted she couldn't help but think about how odd Rhysand seemed earlier. Is this why he invited her here? who was he meeting with? why was it a secret? is it some political strategy meeting that was not to leave this court? Her mind raced, she had seen this exact scenario in so many of the books and reports she had read, it never turned out well. Beside her the HighLady chuckled, turning her attention back to y/n, she lifted an eyebrow and waited for Feyre to speak. "Your mental shields were down.. sorry I overheard every thought" she smiled and leaned over to grab y/n's hand. Snapping her shields back into place she retracted her hand away from Feyre. "I don't like having to keep my thoughts private" y/n warned in a cool tone. "Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you" Feyre said quickly lifting both of her hands in a sign of apology " But to ease your nerves, Rhysand is only establishing a new trade with another court.." she continued. Y/N did not believe a single word that came from her mouth, but decided against questioning it. She turned her attention back to the setting sun, the sky truely representing the court she was visiting. Then the front door opened. Y/N watched as a tall, red head man dressed in Autumn Court finery left the townhouse. Like he scented her on the wind, he slowly turned his head in her direction and walked over. Y/N stood at his approach, her hands clasped behind her back, puffing out her chest as she peered up at the Heir of Autumn, his canine teeth on display as he smirked down at her. "Hello, little witch" He purred with a voice of velvet "Hello Eris" she greeted back, her eyes darting between his auburn ones. "What are you doing here?" Y/n asked tilting her head to the side studying his features. His smirk turned into a charming smile as he leaned closer to the witch of winter, the tip of his nose almost touching her own. "I could ask you the same thing" he cooed, she felt goosebump raise on her arms as he spoke to her. His scent was a mixture of whiskey and smoke, y/n allowed herself to revel in it a little. But before she answered him, Rhysand crossed the threshold. "You're supposed to be leaving, eris" he reminded as his violet eyes darted between the two, a quiet threat that y/n knew wasn't for her lingered in the air. Eris rolled his eyes then straightened his posture, turning to look at the High Lord that was gesturing to the stairs before him. "Always a pleasure Rhysand" Eris scoffed as he walked away from Y/n, his back muscles rippling as he walked down the stairs and made his way to the dirt road. Y/n didn't realise she was following the Autumn court male until her feet were on the top step of the stairs, she leaned against the railing and watched as Eris winnowed away. "I didn't know you two knew each other?" Rhys asked, tucking his mate into his side as they joined y/n on the steps. "We don't know each other very well" y/n answered honestly, not looking away from where eris winnowed away "he just lives next door" she joked.
Feyre and Rhys chuckled at her comment, finally pulling her eyes away from that dirt road. Feyre left Rhysands side to link arms with y/n, together they walked back inside and sat for dinner. No mention of Eris was made that night.
Two days later she was back home, but on this morning she didn't care about her walk. She wanted to talk to him. She walked to usual place their patrols crossed paths, but to her surprise Eris was already there, waiting for her. She approached him slowly, making sure to note the area around him incase someone was lurking behind a tree. Eris wore his usual riding uniform with complementary knee high boots, his red hair was slick back and messy like he had just woken up. "Hello Eris" she greeted casually, her toes just on the line that separated their two courts "want something?" she continued. Eris turned on his charm and smiled at the witch of winter, only it did not have the affect he hopped it would. Y/N's mind was steel when it came to court affairs, she had read too many books to not know when something was a miss, wether it was her court or not. "I just wanted to see you" he answered, his boots crunching on the foliage as he approached the edge of his border. "Liar" she cooed softly to him, his eyes shone with something she couldn't place as the word left her lips.
Sighing deeply he rolled his eyes and shook his head, his arrogance was plastered on his face as he looked to her again. "Is that anyway to speak to an heir?" he asked raising an eyebrow "do heirs often lie to their bordering courts?" she retorted, crossing her arms over her chest. Eris was fully aware, as most people are, of how well read y/n was. How strategic and almost menacing her presence was in any war room, based on her knowledge alone she was a threat and an ally. He licked his lips slowly as he studied her, trying to find the right words to say that may ease her suspicions of that night in the town house. "What is it you wish to ask, witch?" He asked, matching her stance and crossing his arms, almost like he was mocking her. "What were you truely doing in the night court?" finally, she had asked the question that had been plaguing her for the last 48 hours. Courts having meetings with each other was normal, what wasn't was an heir meeting a high lord for a trade deal.. and fighting about it.
"You know I can't tell you" he chuckled warmly, his face brightening as he watched her face turn from stoic to frustrated. Eris couldn't lie to himself, he found her question.. cute, endearing even. The fact she thought she could pry the truth from him made just by asking a simple question made his lips quirk up into an easy smile. Y/n's arms slacked to her side as she huffed in frustration, Eris let out a breathy laugh in response. She looked back to him, her eyes blazing with determination, the magic on the tip of her tongue but before she could coax the answer out of him, she stopped. "Do it" he urged his eyebrows furrowed as he marked her movements "Coax me witch" he challenged, his demeanour changing from casual courtier to powerful heir.
"I'm not going to use my powers on you eris.. and stop calling me that" she sighed and ran a hand through her hair. They were at a standstill, one had information the other so desperately wanted, but neither wanted to go to extremes to obtain it.
Y/N huffed another sigh and turned on her heel to trudge back up to the winter court castle. "Where are you going now?' Eris called after her "Home" she called back almost loosing her footing on the slippery grass. Eris watched her leave from his place against the tree. He wanted to call out to her some more, challenge that intelligent mind of hers further. But he found himself unable to speak, not because of a curse or a charm, he just didn't want to ruin the drive she had to figure it out. He shrugged and pushed off the maple tree, turned his back on the winter court and walked back to his forest home.
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kinetic-elaboration · 11 months
July 9: Murphy/Clarke, Secret
Very early S1 Murphy/Clarke, ~1,000 words, for the prompt "secret" for July Break Bingo @julybreakbingo.
This ficlet was also written in response to a request by Robrae in a comment on AO3 for Clurphy in canonverse.
Written in about 40 minutes.
Back in the Skybox, most of the guys put on a front: fearless, arrogant, and rude. This exaggerated bravado was partly to ward off the usual existential dread—the prison atmosphere, the looming threat of death. But also to attract girls.
Skybox courtship followed a certain pattern: first annoyance and rejection, then curiosity, sometimes amusement, then boredom. Eventually even the assholes with their unsubtle pickup lines started to look pretty good. Horniness, and more dread. Pretty soon you're hooking up to feel alive or starting relationship drama to pass the time.
Clarke was in solitary so she doesn't know any of this, and unlike the girls in gen pop, she has neither time nor patience for sly winks and swagger. All the guys showing off their new Earth muscles by chopping wood or curing meat, they're trying to gain points with Bellamy and his crew first and foremost, sometimes, depending on who’s watching trying to flirt. But they're not trying to lure Clarke. They know better.
Murphy knows better too, which is why he's just as shocked as the rest of camp would be, if they only knew, that every other night he and Clarke trade off sneaking into each other's tents. Without discussion, they agreed that their arrangement should remain a secret. Something unspoken perhaps because it's shameful, perhaps because it's too ill-defined and ill-formed. What's he supposed to say anyway? That Clarke's his girlfriend? Not likely. Attaching labels to it, squashing it down into words and sentences, confessions, rumors, announcements or news, all that would tip over the delicate balance they've created. Just like they're baking a soufflé, they have to be quiet. Too much noise would send the whole thing falling down.
Clarke would probably find the soufflé metaphor funny, because, like most people, she doesn't know that the cook books in the Ark library database were his favorites. She'd laugh if he tried to call himself a chef. He's a lackey. A thug. He's in with the in-crowd because Bellamy saw something useful in him, something dead about the eyes that screamed out enforcer—or maybe he just knows from his little brat of a sister that Murphy was a lifer, unaccustomed to normal society, ready to follow strength and show it loyalty.
Most of that is true.
So if Clarke sees those traits in him and no others, he can't blame her, and if he keeps the quiet, soft, vulnerable parts of him hidden, whatever they are, it's for the same reason he put up his tough guy persona every day for four and a half long years up in the box: to ward off the dread, to get the girl.
A part of him says that Clarke wouldn't laugh, that she'd get real quiet and thoughtful and maybe brush his hair out of his eyes. He's been watching her during the day. She bends and softens at vulnerabilities; she knows she'll never get anything out of people who are kicked when they're already down. But then maybe he just likes the fantasy of it: a beautiful woman with power who tells him his dreams aren't dumb, who speaks with authority in the dark and silence just as she does out there in the chaos of daylight in the camp.
How he got such a girl he still doesn't entirely know. He'd cut himself badly working on one of the new structures, the wooden hutch where they hope to cure their meat. She was alone in the corner of the Dropship they've curtained off as Medical, and as she wiped the blood away and he hissed low curses and winced at the pain, she started talking to distract him, and he found out she was calm and clear-headed and brave in a crisis. That she looked beautiful as she pressed antiseptic to his skin, and that she could make him laugh when he didn't think he could. What she saw in him in those moments, he has no idea. That's just another secret, too deeply buried to disturb. But she held his hands a long time, even after he was all bandaged up and ready to go. She was kneeling on the floor in front of him, strands of hair pasted to her forehead with sweat.
He thought she'd probably banish him for kissing her but it seemed a fair risk, for that one reckless moment of time before he leaned in. Instead, she grabbed fistfuls of his hair and bit his lip.
In the perfect silence of the hour before the changing of the guard, that night, she crept across the dirt and deadened, yellow grass and scraped her nails like ghost-sounds down the nylon side of his tent. He let her in.
Maybe he's just around, a body, an opportunity—something she missed in her months of isolation, an outlet to her frustrations and her fatigue and her fears. Except she could have any damn person in camp if she wanted them. Maybe she's with him because she knows he won't brag. Ms. Griffin the Council Member's daughter in his bed.
Sometimes afterward they lie together in the quiet, listening to the wind in the trees, the footsteps of the night watch on patrol. Low, skittering forest sounds that he can't name. Tree leaves swept off their branches and thrown against the tent. Clarke climbs half on top of him and presses her ear to his heart and he gets his fingers all tangled up in her hair. They talk about the Skybox and he tells her about the arrogant and frightened young men. Then other stories. The long years, the distortion of time, the rituals—visiting day, birthdays, holidays—the new people coming in and the old going out. Less often, they talk about the camp and its progress. Sometimes she tells him about her parents and her friends back on the Ark.
She holds back a lot more than he does. He hears the hesitation in her voice, the care she puts into her words.
But it's all right.
He feels her chest rising and falling as she breathes, pressed against his chest. She's warm and heavy on top of him. Some nights it feels like she might stay there forever, like the time before the last gray hour before dawn, when she'll gather up her stuff and sneak away, is really all the time left in the world.
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handelplayssims · 11 months
It’s a new day! And we have a person who works as a doctor in this family! So today we follow Omar into work! And just before he was set to go off for it as well, it’s near 8AM and if Harrison was just a little bit slower, would have just missed him.
Right, our promotion task this time is to perform surgery on three patients and we got one already. That’s not something I can press for so let’s just take care of our patients as usual.
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WOW! Rude! So Sally Sigworth is an alien and I knew ahead of time that this kid would be marked up and alerted as such, so I decided to treat her first and see if we’d get this result. I mean, come on! You’re a vampire Omar! Can’t judge a kid too harshly! Hmm, but looking at the compelling diagnosis, we got two options here. Both of which, Sweaty Shivers and Llama Flu, have fevers, the animation I keep seeing Sally do. I’m gonna take a stab in the dark and go for Sweaty Shivers… and hooray! It was correct! Yay for me!
Next we’re going to attempt to treat Judith Ward, famed superstar she is! We did manage to find her illness just in time for work to wrap up. It was a non-surgical related one so I wasn’t going to stay overtime for it. But hey! Good day at work!
Right then! We got some thirsty vampires as we return home! So I have Harrison go for the plasma fruit salad that’s in the fridge, Omar continues his drinking from medicial bags, like he did at work, and Selena invites over a neighbor. She invites over Santiago! ...oh huh. I didn’t realize she too has the guilty drinker drawback as a vampire. Huh. Welp! Anyway, it’s New Skill Day so we’re having Omar pop down to the computer to write a little, as he’s on the cusp of getting skill level 2 as a writer. Onto Harrison and his next task is to get a promotion with his fabulously wealthy aspiration. Hmm. Well, there’s no work task as he’s just a retail worker. And maxed out into taking the calls at that! His Charisma skill is at level 7, so I’m not particularly enthused about working on that. How about working on acting? That might be fun! Selena needs to meet up with someone for her aspiration...and Emile wants to be inspired to draw some pictures so let’s sort those two out. We found Sally, newly cured, walking along the street! That’ll do for an introduction.
Let’s see...why is the next stage on childhood social stage always the “make a bff” one? That takes so much effort! Hmm. Wait a moment. Her sister could count! It’s those two versus their weird family, after all! Let’s see. Omar and Harrison are getting thirsty again, the drawbacks of not satiating thirst upon the blood of normal sims. After Emille finishes off her drawing, we’ll take Omar out for a drink. We’ll even bring this Sim along that he keeps wanting to talk to! At least he’s friendly with him!
Oh hey! It’s even Guys Night at the local bar! Neat! First we’ll have a Plasma Jane then! And then we’ll chat! ...oh no! The guy that I keep getting whims to chat with just decided to leave! Rude!
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...you try to have a private -ahem- moment with someone flirting with you and a whole gang decides to join ya. Very rude. ...too many people kept trying to intrude so FUCK IT! I’m not going to have a perfectly private moment. Fuck me, I suppose, Sims are far too social for their own good. Or perhaps...aha! Reset object debug stopped a dude in their tracks. And the conversation but eh. ...oh hey! Random dude turned out to have some very nice plasma! Good to know! Local whim is to dance at the bar, so let’s dance then! Though this tune of the blues more strikes me as not dancing music so much. Ah well! Also I keep a counter of how many young adults vampires drink. If they drink 5 or so in a row, they’ll regain young adulthood! Anyway, to a place where elders hang out instead! To the lounge! Might be more Carson’s speed!
And we got bills again. 918 dollars of them. Hmm. Man does being vampires in small lot with the frugal trait help, or what? Anyway, our whim is to go and befriend Carson Allen, so that’s what we’ll do! Also evidently, the barkeep is also a vampire! Let’s say hello! And befriend her! We need to make friends with the local vampires! ….why is Oasis Springs the vampire hub? Why did that happen in my file? Anyway, we’re just going to chat with Marisa and then head home. ...she says, ordering another drink to top of Omar’s thirst. I just remembered that he has those drawbacks that make him extra thirsty. Joyous! Lets return home and make time for-
Neighborhood Watch!
Emilie Prado in the Prado household has died. Emilie got on the bad side of a rabbit.
Noooo! Another uni student I enjoyed seeing around! Man I gotta get back to university at some point.
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writethelifeyouwant · 3 years
Alpha and Omega - Ch 2 / 2
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Pairing: Sam x Dean Rating: 18+ Tags: A/B/O, Darkness magic,  Alpha!Dean, Omega!Sam, Dub-Con (biological necessity), little bit of meta (cuz why not), Sam’s a needy mess, Dean is possessive af  Word Count: 4k Created for: @first-time-wincest-fest​ - 12x02 Mamma Mia | @spnabobingo​ - Male Omega | Summary: Amara wants to thank Dean by giving him the thing he needs most – Sam – but she knows the boys are stubborn, so she’s going to have to be creative. Problem is, she doesn’t tell Dean or Sam what she’s put in motion, and magic can be unpredictable.
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Despite the many apparent flaws of these British Men of Letters dicks, at least Mick has the good sense to let Dean and Sam go. He offers to try helping Sam, but he doesn’t have any more ideas about his condition than that blonde bitch does, so Dean declines and gets Sam the hell out of dodge.
The moment they make it over the property line and past the efficacy of the anti-angel warding Cas is by their sides, sliding under Sam’s other arm to help Dean carry him to the Impala.
“Don’t touch him,” Dean growls, startling Cas and himself. Cas raises his hands in a show of good faith.
“I am just trying to help, Dean,” he reassures the hunter, lowly.
“Yeah, um, sorry man,” Dean shakes his head to clear it. He doesn’t know why he doesn’t like the idea of anyone else touching Sam right now but he doesn’t want anyone’s hands on his baby brother. Begrudgingly, he lets Castiel grab Sam’s arm and help them to the car, where they gingerly lay a shivering, and for all intents and purposes unconscious, Sam on the back seat. “Cas, what’s wrong with him?” Dean tries to keep a grip on the panic in his voice but he doesn’t have much luck.
“It’s hard to be sure,” Castiel mutters, laying a hand against Sam’s forehead, which is burning hot. “We need to get him home immediately, this fever is dangerously high.”
Dean rounds the car to root through the first aid pack in the trunk, pulling out a few instant cold packs. “Here,” he cracks one up in his hands and passes it to Cas. “Get in back, try to keep him cool.” Cas slides into the back seat of the Impala, pulling Sam over his lap and pressing the cold pack against the young man’s forehead. Dean drops the spare cold packs beside him as he jumps in behind the wheel and peels out of the dirt road driveway in reverse, gunning them back home towards Kansas.
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The use of cold packs and bags of ice they picked up at gas stations along their way get the trio home without Sam’s condition worsening. Dean would send up a thank you to Chuck for that except that he’s nearly positive Chuck’s sister is the reason Sam is in this mess in the first place. I thought she wanted to do something to thank me, not destroy my life. They get Sam into bed without too much trouble, and Castiel suggests stripping Sam out of his clothes to help keep him cool.
“Get away from him,” Dean growls, baring his teeth at his friend. Castiel once again looks at him in confusion, his brow crinkling as he stares hard at Dean.
“I’m going to call Rowena, see if maybe she can help us determine what is wrong with Sam.” Cas backs up cautiously, and Dean is glad to see him go.
Once he’s alone with his brother, he does think that stripping Sam down is a decent idea – at the very least he should change him into some clean pyjamas instead of the bloodied tatters he’s dressed in now. Dean sits on the edge of the bed, gently brushing Sam’s hair away from his eyes. He has the sudden urge to lean down and kiss Sam, so he does – very carefully placing his lips against his little brother’s forehead. It seems to Dean like Sam presses back into the kiss, and when his lips retreat, Sam stretches his neck and turns his head into Dean’s side, almost like he’s burrowing there. The unconscious display of affection brings a surge of warmth to Dean’s chest, though he can’t find it in him to smile with Sam like this.
Gingerly, Dean unbuttons Sam’s shirt and eases it over his shoulders, his fingers tracing over Sam’s muscles on the way down each arm. He hadn’t spent too much time around Sam’s unclothed chest recently and he couldn’t help staring at the contours of his frame. Sometimes he spends so much time thinking about Sam as his little brother, he forgets how much he’d built himself up over the years, forgets about the strength that all those layers of shirts they wear everyday are hiding. Dean has to shake himself in chastisement for staring at Sam’s body and lusting after it like a creep when he’s supposed to be taking care of him. How could he be thinking with his dick, even now, when Sam is deathly ill? But he was thinking with his dick, because even seeing Sam half naked for a matter of thirty seconds seems to be enough to give him a semi. For fuck’s sake, Dean curses himself, and sets about the task of easing Sam out of his torn up jeans.
As he gets Sam’s abnormally long jeans off his abnormally long body, three things strike Dean as odd. The first, that the smell he’d overwhelmingly associated with Sam back at the farmhouse in Missouri all of the sudden permeates the air around him. Sure, he’d been smelling it this whole time – it had been almost unbearably strong on the 6 hour drive back to Kansas – but he figured he must have gotten used to it because it had sort of faded into the background until just now. Secondly, the way Sam’s legs were splayed out across the bed right now gave Dean a view of a dark wet patch on the light grey of Sam’s underwear – gross, Dean thinks to himself, until he realises that the stain isn’t on the front of Sam’s briefs like it would be if he’d pissed himself. That examination leads him to his third odd discovery, which is that Sam has a boner.
“Well, what have we here?” Dean spins to see Rowena standing in the doorway, smirking.
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“I’m sorry, Sam’s turned into a what?” Dean blinks incredulously at Rowena, who’s perching on the edge of the table in the kitchen. He turns his head to look at Castiel, who is sitting stoically behind Rowena. The angel shrugs unhelpfully.
“An Omega, dearie,” Rowena enunciates more clearly, like she imagines she’s talking to a four year old.
“Right,” Dean nods, although he doesn’t really understand. “And I’m a–”
“An Alpha, yes,” Rowena reiterates, clearly annoyed Dean isn’t getting this. “Well, Sam’s Alpha, more specifically,” she amends.
“And what exactly does all this mean?” Dean grunts, frustrated.
“It means that you and Samuel are mates,” Rowena elaborates.
“We know that, we saw our shared heaven, like a decade ago. What the hell does it have to do with him being sick?”
“Samuel is sick because he’s an Omega in heat, and he needs his mate.”
“Well if I’m his ‘mate’ and he ‘needs me’ – I’m right here! So why isn’t he better?” Dean growls.
“I believe,” Cas clears his throat, “from what I understand of the traditional elements of this condition, that what Rowena means is that Sam needs you, as his mate, physically.” Cas looks sheepishly at Rowena for confirmation.
“Precisely,” she smiles thankfully at Castiel.
“Physically?” Dean’s not any closer to understanding what’s happening. “So what, I need to go hold his hand until his fever breaks?”
“Well, I’m not surprised that you might want to hold his hand, but it’s going to take a wee bit more than that.”
“Will you just tell me how the hell to cure him?” Dean shouts, accidentally shattering the beer bottle he’s holding. He looks down, surprised at his own strength and at the end of his tether now.
“Sexual intercourse,” Cas answers shortly, his face carefully blank. “Though, again, from my understanding, that will only cure his heat. He will remain an Omega and you will remain an Alpha.”
“What the hell are you talking about ‘from what you understand’?” Dean makes indignant air quotes at Cas.
“When Metatron put all of popular culture into my head it included every story ever written. There are a large number of stories on the internet that incorporate the dynamics of the Alpha/Omega hierarchy. It’s a trope primarily found in something called ‘fanfiction’,” Cas explains. “In fact, there is some ‘fanfiction’ about yourself and Sam if it would help you to understand the mating requirements.” Dean feels like he’s going to be sick.
“Cas, listen to me very carefully: under no circumstances are you to ever tell anyone else that those exist,” Dean groans, rubbing the heels of his hands into his eyes. “Why is this happening?”
“That’s the part I’ve not got the faintest idea about,” Rowena sighs. “It would take something more than a simple spell to alter your anatomies like this. Not even an angel,” she glances at Castiel quickly to check she’s right in her assumption. “I’ve never heard of something like this actually happening outside of fiction.”
“It was Amara,” Dean sighs. “When she left she told me she was going to give me what I ‘needed most’, but I don’t know why she thought this was it. It just seems like some sick joke.”
“Ah,” Rowena nods sagely like she understands now. “She was giving you Samuel.”
“How is this ‘giving me’ Sam?”
“A physically bonded Alpha and Omega are bonded for life, inseparable. Without the other, they won’t survive their heats – or ruts, in your case.”
“So every time Sam goes into a heat, we need to have sex, or he dies?” Dean can’t believe how fucked up this is.
“You’ll also need to knot him,” Cas adds gravely. Noticing Dean’s look of incredulity, he continues. “The base of your penis will inflate when you ejaculate and lock you and Sam together for a brief time. It’s the knot that Sam needs to relieve the symptoms of his heat.”
“What the fuck?” Dean blanches.
“Not to importune but I do believe Samuel was running out of time when I examined him. You really should get to it, Dean,” Rowena cuts in.
“And how am I supposed to do that, huh? The guy’s unconscious! I can’t just–” Dean’s stomach roiled. The thought of fucking Sam was tempting, amazingly so, but the thought of doing it to Sam, without his knowledge or participation, was sickening.
“I can make him a wee draft to revive him and stave off the fever,” Rowena moves towards one of the cupboards in the kitchen where Sam keeps the common spell ingredients. “Then Castiel and I can make ourselves scarce and leave you two to it,” she smiles.
“And you’re positive this is the only way?” Dean presses desperately.
“That Amara is a crafty woman, she knew what she was doing.” Rowena throws some herbs into a small dish. “She saw that you would never ‘put the moves on Sam’, as you say. This is her way of giving you both that little push.”
“Yeah, well, she’s a bitch,” Dean grumbles, dropping his head in his hands and waiting for Rowena to finish the potion to wake Sam up.
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Sam blinks awake wearily, vaguely aware that he’s safe and not being held captive anymore, but he can’t remember much more than snippets of sound and scent. The rumble of an engine, the smell of motor oil; the low tenor of Dean’s voice, and the scent of whiskey, apple pie, and old leather. He can make out all of those scents now, too, swirling around him and pulling him back into consciousness – like smelling salts.
“Hey, there he is,” Dean’s voice says nearby, he’s sitting on the side of Sam’s bed.
Sam nuzzles towards his older brother, inexplicably craving the closeness. “De,” Sam mumbles, still sleepy.
“Yeah, it’s me Sammy,” Dean smiles down at him gently, eyes soft. Sam feels an unusual rush of need wash over him like a heat wave and he presses himself as close to Dean as two bodies can possibly get with a blanket still in between them.
“Wha s’happening?” he grumbles into Dean’s chest, looping his long arms around his brother’s waist.
“Short version?” Dean scoffs, but not unkindly. “Listen man, I’ll explain everything, I promise but – right now I just need to make sure you get outta this in one piece,” Dean sighs, drawing his hand down Sam’s face and holding his cheek. Sam looks up at Dean quizzically, unused to the level of physical affection but finding he was in desperate want of more. He nods at his big brother – whatever’s wrong, he knows Dean will take care of him. “You trust me Sammy?” Dean’s voice is hoarse, and Sam realises he’s scared.
“Yeah, Dean,” Sam breathes quietly into the slowly decreasing space between them. “Course I do,” he confirms again.
“Alright then,” Dean gulps and nods, mostly to himself though, like he’s trying to psych himself up for something. Then without any further warning, Dean’s lips are covering Sam’s and pressing him down onto the bed.
The fire that had been smouldering inside Sam for days now leaps and dances, as if Dean’s kiss is gasoline being thrown across him. Sam clings to Dean as he’s laid back onto the bed, and lets Dean climb into his lap and bury his hands in Sam’s hair. Dean licks across the seam of his lips and Sam parts them willingly, drinking in every bit of Dean that is being offered to him. He can’t remember why he needs Dean like this so badly, or when he started needing him, but now that he has him he couldn’t care less. He knows with certainty that the only thing he needs to be happy for the rest of his life is Dean – Dean loving him, Dean kissing him, Dean inside him. Fuck, he needs Dean inside him right fucking now.
At this realisation, Sam starts tearing into Dean’s clothes, ripping through the thread keeping buttons in their places without a thought. He expects Dean to start doing the same to him, but then realises he’s not wearing anything but his underwear, which suits Sam just fine. Dean has to pull away from him to wriggle out of his jeans, and Sam groans involuntarily at the sight of the bulge Dean reveals when he strips down.
“Someone likes the view, huh?” Dean teases him, voice deep and throaty, but Sam’s too far gone to come up with a bratty retort. All he can focus on is that he wants Dean’s cock – now.
“Shit, you look so big De,” Sam groans, reaching out a hand to cup around Dean’s member, still hidden behind black cotton. The front of the material is wet with precum, Sam can feel it against his fingertips.
“Think you can handle me, little bro?” Dean grabs Sam’s wrist and drags his fingers along the outline of his cock, up to the elastic waist of his boxers, and then inside them. Sam’s fingers curl around Dean and stroke him gently beneath the fabric. “Think you can fit all that inside your tight little ass f’me?” he grunts, thrusting into Sam’s grip.
“Fuck yes,” Sam rasps, and his breath sounds like it’s raking over hot coals in his throat. He pulls back from Dean to shed his own underwear, staring at it puzzledly when it comes away from his body covered in slick. What is that, he wonders as he feels it on his fingers. It doesn't feel like lube… “Dean?” Sam looks to his brother for answers.
“S’okay,” Dean rushes to reassure him, joining his little brother on the bed, both of them now completely bared to the other. “I’ll explain later, yeah? Just let me take care of you right now, okay?” Dean’s eyes are wide and pleading as he looks to Sam, and Sam nods; he trusts Dean. “Just lemme take care a’you,” Dean whispers again as he brushes their lips together, and Sam pulls him in tight for another bruising kiss.
Their bodies twist and tangle easily, Sam just letting Dean put them together however he wanted. The heat of Dean against him is overwhelming, the sweat on their skin mingles and sticks them together, pulling at their nerves every time they part. Sam doesn’t want them to part. He reaches between them, grabbing Dean’s cock in his hand and thrusts his own into the same grip. Their moans ring through each others’ mouths as Sam jerks them against each other, and they take turns fucking into his fist. Before long Dean pulls away from Sam with a groan, probably to stop himself from finishing before he’s had a chance to see what the inside of his brother feels like. Sam is glad of his consideration in this case, because if he ends tonight without Dean locked firmly inside of him, he’s going to feel like he’s missing out. If he was more clear headed, he might question why the phrase ‘locked inside of him’ is the one that came to mind but he’s not thinking too deeply about what he wants right now — he just wants.
“Need you, Dean,” Sam pants, widely, grabbing at Dean, trying to bring their bodies back together. “Need… ne—” Sam’s vocabulary has become shockingly singular, and he doesn’t have the presence of mind to be irritated with his brother when Dean smiles down at him smugly, knowingly.
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“I know what you need, Sammy” Dean grins down at his little brother. Having Sam this strung out and desperate for him is like a drug. I could get used to this being a monthly thing, he smirks to himself, reaching his hand down between Sam’s legs and rubbing at his slick entrance. “Need me right here, dontcha Sammy? I can feel how much you need me,” Dean groans as the tip of his finger slips inside of Sam too easily, “fuck, you’re wet. So fucking wet for me, huh Sammy?”
Sam just nods blissfully down at Dean; it seems his vocabulary of one word has now receded to zero.
Cas had warned him about this, that as an Omega, Sam would start leaking like a fire hydrant, but at least it saved him having to hunt around for some kind of lube — he’d never needed to have that on hand before, and if he found any lying around the bunker there’s a decent chance it would be cursed or something. Plus, he bet this made the whole experience way better for Sam, so he was all for it. Dean moves between Sam’s legs and runs the head of his cock over Sam’s twitching entrance. Sammy lets out a weak moan and arches against the pressure, trying to get Dean to slip inside. Dean’s about to oblige when he remembers what Cas said about them getting locked together by the Alpha’s knot once he comes, and he thinks better of their position. It will be easier to roll on to their sides and rest if he does this with Sam on his hands and knees.
He manhandles Sam into position, rolling him over, and when Sam gets the idea and pushes himself onto his hands and knees, arching his back and presenting himself to Dean like some kind of trophy, Dean can’t hold himself back any longer. He pushes his cock inside Sam slowly, agonisingly and torturously slowly. Not because he’s concerned about hurting Sam, who is opening up beneath him like he was born for this — born to take Dean’s cock — but because he knows he wants to savour this moment for the rest of his life. He wants to remember every second of the first time he felt what it was like to truly possess Sam, to be joined so completely to one another that not even their bodies can keep them separate. So Dean goes slow, even though Sam is begging beneath him, asking him to just fuck him already, Dean ignores him, and he drinks the feelings in.
When he’s got himself bottomed out inside of Sam he leans down over his brother and presses a kiss to his shoulder, tenderly, thanking him for what he’s giving Dean right now. “You feel so good Sammy,” Dean moans, and he doesn’t mean for it to sound as sappy as it does but it’s hard to regulate things like that when you feel like you’ve just connected to your soulmate for the first time, so he gives himself a pass.
The next time Sam begs, Dean gives in, snapping his hips back and fucking into him as hard as he can manage. And once he’s started he can’t stop. Every instinct inside of Dean is shouting at him to take, to fuck Sam into the mattress and never let up, which Sam doesn’t seem to mind, because no matter how roughly Dean thrusts into him he keeps shouting for more, faster, harder, please. So Dean, ever the good big brother, gives Sammy what he needs — what they both need.
Dean can feel himself getting closer and closer to his release, and that’s when he notices that he can’t quite pull out as far as before. His knot has begun swelling at the base of his cock, getting ready to pop and bind him and Sam together. The fattening edges catching on Sam’s rim give Dean a kind of friction no sex ever has before and, fucking hell, it feels unbelievably good. He grinds himself harder against Sam, dropping over his back so they can be as close as possible, and bringing his hand up beneath Sam to grasp at his little brother’s dick. It’s the first time he’s properly touched it, felt it in his hand, and shit, it feels even bigger than it looks.
“Oh my god, Dean,” Sam groans, sounding absolutely wrecked, and Dean takes that as a compliment. “Fuck, don’t stop, don’t stop, fuck, please,” Sam is pleading with him so prettily, and Dean wants to cum just as badly as him.
“Not stopping Sammy,” Dean strokes him faster, grinds into him harder, “not stopping until you cum all over my hand baby boy, so c’mon, want you to cum f’me.” Dean thanks God that Sam starts to cum loudly when Dean tells him too, because the second he feels Sam start to convulse around him his knot pops and he’s cumming harder than he ever has in his life. The thought of his seed whitewashing Sam’s insides is sickeningly thrilling and he swears a second, small orgasm rocks through him — and hey, if that’s a perk of being an Alpha, I could get used to this.
When Dean comes back to himself, his breathing finally evening out, he notices Sam slumped beneath him, no longer holding himself up. He quickly checks for a pulse, and relaxes when he finds one – Sam’s just passed out. Fuck, he came so hard he passed out. Dean shudders, feeling another small blurt of cum force itself out of his cock at the thought that he’d fucked Sam so thoroughly. To be honest he was a little proud of himself.
Dean arranges himself on his side on the bed, so he can curl around Sam while he waits for his knot to deflate. He thought he’d be annoyed by having to stay still like this for so long but it’s surprisingly peaceful, laying here with Sam asleep in his arms. He hugs his little brother tighter to him, clasping his hands over Sam’s chest – over his heart – feels the rhythm and reassures himself that Sam is here, and alive, and safe. And his. The realisation hits Dean unexpectedly. Sam is finally his in the most permanent way he can think of, and his heart leaps at the thought. The last thing he thinks before he drops off to sleep too, is that he hopes Sam still wants to be his when he wakes up.
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Tags: @vulgar-library​ @tintentrinkerin​ @negans-lucille-tblr​ @fandomfic-galore​ @petitgateau911​ @whoreforackles-deactivated20210​ @schaefchenherde​ @kickingitwithkirk​ @little-diable​ @laxe-chester67​ @kassyscarlett​ @akshi8278 @deandreamernp @lyarr24 @lovealways-j @stoneyggirl 
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To Hell & Back
Part Four:  “My wings are frayed and what’s left of my halo’s black”
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Summary: Your exit strategy involves your neighbour... Well, it is your neighbour.
Prompt: "I don't want to live on this planet anymore."
Warnings: swearing. (Typos that will be fixed). That's it??
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Series Masterlist
You weren't always this...angry.
You weren't always this spiteful and short tempered, and malicious enough to deliberately poison muffins.
At one point in life, you were everything you'd ever wanted in a friend. Kind and compassionate. Even patience was a virtue you had an abundance of.
Then, one day, some guy from Asgard came with an army of aliens and ripped a hole through your father's finances. Apparently damaging a bunch of buildings, including the one your father worked at, was bad for business and so it closed down.
Just as your mother's job had barely managed to get your family out of the red, her boss gets murdered at some important meeting that blew up – along with some world leaders. In her boss's place, the son took over and ran the company into the ground.
Luckily, your sister had a bakery that made just enough to cover your parents' costs and your summer jobs had saved you enough to get you through college. Then, some other guy came with another alien army, and decided to take half the world with him – or whatever he did
The wrong half of the world, in your opinion. You could have lived without watching your sister's husband run her business into the ground. And life would have been a little easier if you didn't have to stretch yourself thin, to make sure your mother saw the next day.
"Then half the world came back," you continue, eyes focused on the cat. "And some random family showed up in my apartment. I'm pretty sure the husband had a heart attack when he saw me–"
Bucky places another beer in front of you. You hate the taste, but coffee on an empty stomach has never worked well for you.
"–so I moved," you take a final sip of your second beer, before placing it down and reaching for the one he just placed in front of you. "Now, I'm here. Stuck with a nosy neighbour and his cat."
"You can keep her." Bucky sighs, leaning against the wall next to you. Your shoulders brush. "I don't know the first thing about cats."
You frown and look up at him. "Barnes... You are cat. And I already have you, why would I want another one?"
He scoffs, blue eyes meeting yours. "I am not that kind of lady."
"Oh god," you roll your eyes.
"Gotta buy me dinner first, doll–"
"Not a doll."
"Maybe take me dancing," he continues, lips twitching at the sight of your scowl. "If you're lucky, I might invite you in for tea."
You glance at the coffee machine, still boxed, sitting on his counter but don't comment. You know what it means, you know why he bought it, and the thought alone makes you queasy.
So you look back at the cat, curled on your bare lap, and sigh. "Sorry I came in without pants."
You don't say anything else and he chuckles. He found you in nothing but an old shirt and socks that night, so he's not really surprised.
"Sorry I helped you without a shirt." He replies. He would've answered you immediately, the second you said his name, but he had to find pants first.
Silence falls between the both of you, and it takes actual effort for Bucky to look away from you. Tempering down the disappointment that has the audacity to knaw at you, at your stubbornness, you turn back to the screen of his laptop.
He was reviewing CCTV footage of your building's basement garage. Two hours into the viewing and he heard you calling him from the balcony, so he had to pause.
Now, four hours, three beers on your side and a weird trip down memory lane later – you're helping him sift through footage at a faster rate.
"So," you begin, eyes glued to the screen. "I have a question, about that whole serum thing."
"Hmm?" It's the first question you've ever asked about that part of him, that part of his history.
"How does it work when it comes to diseases?"
Blinking, Bucky has to pause the video to look at you. "Diseases?"
You nod. "Like flu, chicken pox, tonsillitis. You know, that stuff."
"I'm confused–"
"Do you not get it or does it run through you like water?"
"Or does your immune system just basically butcher it within the hour?" You blink at him, eyes wide with curiosity. "'Cause like, I had this friend with one helluva immune system. He never got sick, so does it work like that?"
He pauses, lips pursing as he considers you. "Do you wanna know if my blood cells can cure AIDS?"
"If that were the case, you'd be in a CDC off-site lab right now–" you put down the beer you've been cradling. "–so, no. I wanna know what kind of illness can knock a super soldier out long enough for me to use it as an excuse."
He blinks. Once. Twice. "Huh?!"
"Saturday is in a few days."
"What does that have to do with me?" His face scrunches up into the most confused expression you've ever seen.
"As we both know," you narrow your eyes at him. "Ever since you saved my life, like the asshole you are, my parents have taken a liking to you. And since I poisoned their favourite couple last week, I'm in deep shit this week unless I can find a good reason to not show up."
"I'm not gonna apologise for saving you."
You raise an eyebrow. "Of course not. That would mean admitting it was very selfish of you."
This is not how he expected this conversation to go. Or how he wanted it to go. So, he decides to turn back to the screen and continue watching the footage.
You know you struck a nerve, and it would be easier for you to blame it on the beer, but you can't. You want answers, just as much as he does.
You want to know what gave him the right to knock down your door, or the audacity to have his friend fly you to the hospital. He won't straight up tell you, you tried when you woke up in the ICU and found him there, and it pisses you off that he might not ever tell you.
Bucky frowns at the screen. "The camera's get switched off right after I leave–" he glances at you. "Did you bribe security to switch them off?"
"We have security?"
"The guys at the front desk?"
You frown at him. You know those guys, you bring them baked goodies from work three times a week.
"Hang on," you place the cat on the couch next to you, cross your legs and turn to move closer to him. "Let me get this straight."
Your knees gently press into his thigh and he forced to look at you.
"You're telling me that Laurence with sinuses, down in the lobby, and Percy with the three-legged rabbit. Those guys–" of course you'd know that. "–they're security? For this apartment building? We have security?"
"You can't be serious–"
"We have a biometric system at the door and like cameras, and a patrol car that frequents this neighbourhood–" you're pressing a little to hard on your fingers and he's worried you just might snap one off. "–what the hell do we need security guards for?"
You continue rattling off all the safety measures the building has, which means your fingers have to suffer throughout the list, unless he does something about it.
Which he does. Almost as if instinct, his hands are clasping yours before he can make the decision to reach for them. They're warm and cold against yours, but the right kind of warm and cold that makes you frown at them.
His hands swallow yours, which isn't something that surprises you. It's the way you're not pulling away, the way you're not fighting it, the way you can't blame the alcohol because it almost feels...normal.
You haven't felt normal in such a long time.
"You gonna stop tryna break your fingers?" Bucky starts. "Or do I have to stay like this 'til you knock out?"
You blink. "Does a concussion knock you out long enough to warrant an excuse?"
"You're relentless."
"Says the guy watching CCTV footage because of a cat."
"It's... For a good cause."
"Me missing Saturday dinner is a good cause, Barnes."
He sighs. "Doll–"
"–I'll owe you one."
Bucky is about to argue, his mouth was halfway open before your words registered. That's really what happened.
It's not like he was looking for an opening or anything. A way of asking you, that wouldn't resort in an argument or anything.
It's not like those were the words he's been waiting for, for quite some time now.
Not at all.
Of course not.
But, who is he to argue with the mysterious workings of a universe.
The room you're in is dimly lit, the only light originating from the kitchen and the streetlights. But you can still see that dangerous glint in his eyes.
He grins. "Is that right?"
You swear you heard yourself gulp.
"Okay–" you're fidgety and anxious, and can't seem to stand still as the elevator doors close. "–now, let's go through this again. What's our exit strategy?"
Bucky turns to fully face you. He's been trying to keep you calm ever since the parking lot, but even he can admit that he was far too distracted to be helpful.
It wasn't even his fault he was distracted, it was completely yours. When he invited you to Sarah's party , the party celebrating the expansion of the success revamp of the boat business, he had said to dress comfortably.
Not dress like you were put on this Earth to be the end of him.
He was waiting in the parking lot, the same one that had the camera's switched off right after he left, when you came barrelling towards him.
You had narrowly escaped your sister. She was getting off the elevator just as you were nearing it, so you quickly opted for the staircase beside it. You were a flurry of floral black and white and pink in a summer dress, your hair barely in place – you tried using pins and thought about ribbons, but then forgot about them when you couldn't find your other shoe – as you basically pushed him inside the car.
You used the passenger window to try and fix your hair, as best as you could. And he spent the drive trying to reassure you that you looked fine.
You looked more than fine, but he couldn't seem to muster up the words.
"Not a doll." Is your automated response.
"You look fine, " sweet as sugar, is what he wants to say. "And, well, there is no exit strategy."
You gape up at the mammoth of a man in front of you. His words, a ballad of heathens in your book, echoes in your head.
"No exit strategy?" You whine, fisting his shirt as you desperately meet his eyes. "Bucky, no. Please. You can't do this."
The elevator doors open before he can respond to you. Sam is waiting on the other side of the doors, champagne glasses in both hands.
Hands still gripping into Bucky's shirt, hair almost presentable, Bucky's face flushing from hearing you say his name, and your expression portraying pure fluster. You and Bucky both turn to find Sam staring at the scene in front of him.
His eyebrows shoot up, golden brown eyes lighting up at the sight. "Okay. This definitely makes up for you being late."
Bucky blinks, seeming to snap out of his stupor. "Wait, wha–"
"No–" Sam cuts in. "–I know how you 40s guys are about kissin' and telling. I won't pry."
"Hang on, Sam–"
"Bathroom's on the next floor," he has the audacity to grin. "Just be quick about it. The speech's in twenty minutes."
With that, he steps away from the elevator, gives a curt nod and – with a Cheshire grin – walks away.
You slowly peel your hands away from Bucky and take a few steps back.
Bucky clears his throat. "So, about the exit strategy..."
TAGS :D : @sunflowerxbarnes , @ginger-swag-rapunzel , @arctic-duchess , @sltwins , @thewayilookatbacon , @buckyisperfect , @paryl
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rpmemesbyarat · 3 years
RP meme from Scream Queens Ep 11 "Black Friday"
"Be careful. I'd really like to kiss you again."
"I'm saving my energy for Black Friday doorbusters tomorrow morning."
"How about you do the honors?"
"Oh, the holidays. That festive time of year where everyone's decked out in their Christmas finest."
"The season of joy and love and presents begins when the clock strikes midnight."
"I thought you got all your clothing hand-delivered by A-list designers."
"Black Friday is about buying deliberately cheap, totally forgettable Christmas gifts for friends. The obvious cheapness of the gift makes them question our friendship and makes them way easier to manipulate as they try desperately to get back on my good side."
"Is this black toilet paper?"
"Amazing. A pair of mink albino boy shorts."
"I bribe the dude who deals weed off the loading dock to let me in a half hour early."
"Torturing these soulless manatees of senseless consumerism brings me so much joy. And isn't joy what the holiday season's all about?"
'At first I was like, "What a weird turkey." And then it clicked. Like... "Damn, that's a head."
"When you agree with me, it makes me question whether I actually agree with me."
"I am gonna take this opportunity to be the strong parental influence you have never had."
"You are gonna march over to that sofa right now and you're gonna sit down because you are in a time out."
"I'm sorry. Did you just put me on a time out? You do realize I'm not seven, right?"
"Well, behold how badly you've failed."
"I think it's pretty safe to assume that your career is over."
"Now, if you'll excuse us, we're going to the mall to exercise our patriotic right to join hundreds of thousands of our fellow out-of-breath Americans in sweatpants as they make frenzied, ill-thought-out purchases of cheap, crappy garbage they can't afford and don't need. To deny us of that right would be un-American."
"Let's go, sluts."
"I want to know what I'm being charged with."
"You drove your pickup truck through the front window of a Best Buy."
"You killed or maimed people. Let's go."
"Sounds awful, but I'd keep that to yourself."
"You're not really helping yourself."
"Most of the uniformed cops out there are working on a volunteer basis because they get backed up inside if they don't crack a few skulls every day."
"There's a killer on the loose and you're telling us this town has no police force?"
"I don't understand why you have to get us the crappiest gifts possible and then make sure we know about it beforehand just to ruin the surprise."
"I mean, that's like bringing pineapples to Hawaii."
"So would you feel the need to waste $13,000 buying me something I already have?"
"Maybe instead of using my disgusting wealth to buy my friends crap, I should use my disgusting wealth to buy my friends things they would actually enjoy."
"The mall is deserted."
"Oh, go on and shoot me, hag. It'll just make me young and skinny forever and you'll still be old. Come on, finish me off, you shriveled, old crone!"
"First day on the job and I caught a killer."
"Wait, you have a gun?"
"Damn! Why didn't I shoot him when I had the chance?"
"How's your crossbow wound?"
"The arrow missed all major arteries, and I'm currently rolling on some sweet painkillers."
"What exactly are you proposing?"
"I've always had this vision of a band of sisters who stand together like an impenetrable community of shields who kept everyone safe and secure."
"Sometimes, instead of shields, we need swords."
"No one is going to help us."
"No one is going to stop this until we are all dead."
"Well, I'm sorry, but she is a vindictive, amoral woman who no one is gonna miss."
"I say we poison her."
"Did you ever do it in my bed?"
"So you were gay lovers?"
"No, we were not gay lovers."
"I'm an investigative journalist."
"Well, you know, I really love the idea of a bunch of guys from different backgrounds getting together and forming a brotherhood for life."
"Have you ever been to a driving range?"
"What sort of ab regimen are you rocking, bro?"
"I guess the fact that you and I cannot stand one another is finally out in the open."
"Name your weapon."
"So pick your weapon. You can choose sabres, guns, baseball bats, small pebbles, spoons, doesn't matter to me. What does matter, is that we will fight, and we will fight to the death."
"Well, I am sorry that took so long, but, you know, a watched pot never boils."
"Being a millennial feminist means growing up listening to Taylor Swift say she doesn't like to think of the world as boys versus girls."
"That's not what feminism was about."
"How come all the pictures on the wall are selfies?"
"Oh, it smells amazing."
"Where did you get puffer fish venom?"
"I want to be there when she dies."
"That's bliss!"
"Is it nutmeg?"
"I am like a soldier at war. I am killing to stop more killing. It's totally justified."
"But what about moral law?"
"Oh, that would be hard for you?"
"I don't "rage" on Tuesday nights or have competitions about how many girls I can have sex with in one day."
"What I'm trying to say is guys join fraternities to get a sense of structure in their lives. Problem is the structure
they're buying into is antiquated. It's misogynistic and hierarchical and dangerous."
"It's misogynistic and hierarchical and dangerous."
"I don't think I'm in the right headspace right now."
"You're a rare breed, one of the true good guys."
"That's the weirdest explanation for anything I've ever heard."
"We need to think of new ways to kill her!"
"I'm really gonna cherish our time here together."
"Killing is wrong, but, under this circumstance, I don't know what other choice we have."
"Hold on, sluts."
"When I was your age, I was thoughtless about sex."
"If you don't think you're ready, you probably aren't. And if you aren't, well, then no good can come from doing it, anyway."
"The main thing is you have to be perfectly dry. The cryosauna is set to 200 degrees below zero, so any water on your skin freeze instantly."
"How come there hasn't been any screaming?"
"No, we need to get away while we still can."
"Hey, hey, it's enough. The point has been made."
"Why do you want to continue taking this any further?"
"Yes, I feel guilty!"
"Don't you ever call me again."
"I heard about these Buddhist Monks that found a way to meditate, so they can sit outside all night, way, way up in the Himalayas in weather that would kill a normal person, but their core temperature stays totally normal."
"You're thinking of the movie Teen Wolf, you brainless gash, which is not, in fact, a documentary!"
"Uh, Rasputin. He was a mystical Russian peasant who became a close advisor of Tsar Nicholas II because he could magically cure Prince Alexei of his hemophilia."
"Okay, this seems totally not germane to what we're talking about, so can we please just skip ahead?"
"Maybe she has some magical powers that make her unable to die, like some horror movie villain, like Michael Myers, or Jason, or Dr. Giggles."
"So, maybe try on a size zero."
"Okay, I'm not gonna try on the size zero because I won't fit into the size zero."
"This is discrimination!"
"Look at her. Give her something. Give her something to be happy!"
"Come on, what is wrong with these idiots?!"
"Why did you ask me to meet you here? And why are you carrying a bag clearly filled with chains?"
"I thought we could talk about bondage and go for a swim."
"You're all packed up. I thought you were staying until you cracked the case."
"I was just gonna go to the woods and write or something,
like Thoreau, but with WiFi."
"I mean, maybe I could come with you. Might be kind of romantic, you know?"
"I could bring a slow cooker, and we could talk about the case all night over short ribs?"
"Well, I do love short ribs."
"I'll always be able to say that my first was with a great, great, great guy."
"I am a sentient grown woman who has been through
hell the past few weeks, and I'm sitting next to you, now, with open eyes and an open heart, telling you that I want to give myself to you."
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beetlelands · 3 years
okay hey besties!!! im gonna post some of my drafts. this draft was simply titled “say uncle” and is from december 2019. it's the one i mentioned about beetlejuice being lydia's uncle, but i bet you could've guessed that.
“Lydia! Can you get the door?” Delia called out from the kitchen. The teen girl groaned dramatically in response from her spot on the couch. “Please?” Her stepmom-to-be shouted.
Lydia rolled her eyes but heaved herself off the couch. She lazily walked over to the front door, which had been loudly knocked on just moments ago.
“If I get killed, it’s all your fault.” Lydia cheerfully announced towards the kitchen before turning to open the door. Upon opening the door, Lydia’s jaw dropped.
There stood her uncle- Lawrence Betelgeuse “Beetlejuice” Shoggoth. The bastard himself.
Her shock quickly wore off into anger. She slammed the door in his face, but he simply knocked again. She took a deep breath before opening the door once more.
“Why are you here?” She spat, crossing her arms.
“C’mon didn’t you miss me?” He smiled, holding his arms out for a hug.
Lydia rolled her eyes, going to close the door again. Her uncle scrambled to keep the door from closing, pushing it open.
“What do you want?” She hissed, eyes narrowed at the man.
“Lucy, I’ve got some ’splaining to do.” He joked yet his tone was somber.
Lydia sighed but opened the door wide enough for him to enter. She walked to the couch, leaving him at the open door. He caught on and closed the door behind him as he followed her to the couch.
She sat down on one end and he on the other. Lydia was sat cross legged, looking at him expectantly.
“You have every right to be mad at me.” He started, but was interrupted.
“I had to show up to the funeral despite wanting to mourn alone in peace, so why couldn’t you show up to your own sister’s funeral? Dude, even Juno called to give her condolences. Juno for hell’s sake!” Venom laced her words, her pent up anger bubbling over. “So yeah, I have every right to be mad at you.”
“I know that was extremely shitty for me to do, and I do not expect you to forgive me. All I can ask is that you hear me out.” He sighed. “When I heard that Emily was getting sick, I drove myself insane trying to find someone- anyone- to help her. But that just got me in way too deep with some terrible people. I was so obsessed with wanting to cure my sister that I missed her death and her funeral.” He dragged a hand down his face. “I can’t go back in time. I can’t get back that time I should’ve spent by her side through it all. I can’t get back the time I should’ve spent with you and your father- grieving with you.” He sniffled, looking down. Lydia was rendered speechless by the tears threatening to spill from her uncle’s eyes. He hastily rubbed at his eyes, as if embarrassed by his emotions.
“I don’t want to forgive you,” She started quietly, “but I don’t want to hate you forever.”
“Well that’s a good start.” He smiled a little, earning an eye roll from the girl. “You don’t have to forgive me anytime soon, but please don’t shut me out. I wasn’t there when I should’ve been, but I’m here now. I’m here for you, for Charles- for the only family I have left.”
Lydia had never seen her uncle be so open and emotional. Sure, he was occasionally too open, but that was about his wild journeys and not his feelings. The man could recall his near death experiences in gory detail without batting an eye, but here he was choking up as he apologized to his niece.
The girl hadn’t noticed her own tears brimming in her eyes until he placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. Lydia looked up at him, and his heart ached from the time he missed.
Wordlessly, she fell into his arms and let out a quiet sob. He rubbed circles in her back, hoping to provide a further sense of comfort for the girl. Her breathing slowly evened out.
Charles walked into the room after being told by Delia that someone had knocked on the door. He had full intent to ask Lydia who was at the door, but was stopped in his tracks as he noticed the man- his brother in law. His initial glare at the man softened as he noticed him holding his daughter. Beetlejuice gave Charles an awkward smile, which he didn’t return.
He gave Lydia a small pat on the back before quietly talking to her. “Your old man’s here.”
She tensed before sitting up. She turned her head to look at Charles. “Hey dad… Uncle Beej is here.”
“I’m aware, Lydia.” He sighed, walking over to the couch. “Can you give us a moment?” His daughter nodded hesitantly before leaving. Charles sat down, taking Lydia’s place on the couch.
“Okay Chuck, I know I’ve got a lot of explaining to do-“
“The hell you do. You just up and leave without another word when your sister gets sick. No one had any contact with you.” He clenched his fist. “When Emily was on her deathbed, she asked for you. Asked where you were. And I couldn’t give her an answer because I didn’t know where the hell you were!”
Beetlejuice placed his head in his hands. “I’m the worst. I know. I’m a terrible person, but more so a terrible brother.” He looked up at Charles. “I’m not going to sit here and play the sympathy card- telling you how fucking depressed I’ve been for the past few months because of how absolutely shit I am as a person.” He evened out his breathing. “I don’t expect you to forgive me for my absence. I should’ve been here and I know I should’ve been. I should’ve been there for Emily and for you and Lydia. I should’ve fucking been there.” He seethed, angry with himself.
“Can I just ask- why? Why weren’t you there? And why are you here now?”
“When Emily told me she was sick, I lost it. You know the old conspiracy theory of the government hiding a cure for cancer and other big illnesses like that?” Hesitantly, Charles nodded. “Well I heard about these guys who were selling that kind of shit- real black market level business going on. But I was stupidly determined to get a cure. I got into some deep, deep shit that I will not be sharing for your own safety. Point is, I became so obsessed with trying to heal Emily that I pushed her away. In turn, I pushed you and Lydia away. And for that I’m sorry.” He sniffled. “I’m so fucking sorry.” His voice cracked with his anger and sincerity.
Charles was somewhat shocked by the man’s apology and how he didn’t seem to have an ulterior motive. He was just… sorry.
“I’m here now to make up for my mistakes. I know I can’t get back that time. But I’m here for you and Lydia, and wanted to apologize for not being here when it really counted.”
“Lawrence, you messed up. Badly.” Charles paused, sighing. “But your heart was in the right place. Hell, even just coming here and apologizing shows me how you’ve grown.”
“I don’t expect you to forgive me, but-“
“I do.”
“I just- wait what?”
“I forgive you Lawrence.”
“Oh wow okay- I was not expecting that.”
“You meant well, and I know Emily wouldn’t want me to be mad at you forever.” Charles shrugged.
“Chuck I really want to hug you right now.”
With a laugh and a roll of his eyes, the taller man opened his arms to his brother in law, who launched into them. The two men embraced for a little bit before Charles tapped Beetlejuice’s back twice and he let go.
“I hope Lydia forgives me soon.”
“Was that not what that hug was about?”
“Eh not really. But she did say that she doesn’t want to be mad at me forever.”
“She’ll come around when she’s ready. She just recently came to terms with Emily’s death- not that it was an easy thing to do because trust me it wasn’t- but she’s mending and growing.” The man could’ve rolled his eyes at how much he sounded like Delia.
Beetlejuice nodded in understanding. He wanted Lydia to know he would be there for her, but would keep his distance if she wanted him to.
Time skip because I’m a delinquent
Beetlejuice made routine visits to the Deetz house. He didn’t know many other people in Winter River, and didn’t care to create connections in the small town. The only thing keeping him there was his family. When he wasn’t at the Deetz’s house, he was hiding out in the local motel. Sure, he would go out and explore every now and then, but he had no real drive to go out. Beetlejuice had gotten into the habit of laying low and was comfortable with the lifestyle. Plus, it’s not like he could go on with business as usual. He may have gotten out of everything, but that didn’t make him any less of a target than he was before. However, that doesn’t matter, as the man was more than content to lay low.
During one of Beetlejuice’s routine visits to the Deetz house, Lydia brought him to the roof. There they sat and talked for what felt like hours. She asked him about her mother, asking for stories of her. He smiled softly, a hint of sadness in his eyes, and launched into the story of Emily teaching him how to ride a bike. He kept to the lighthearted stories, despite the bittersweet taste they left in his mouth.
In between stories, Lydia spoke. Her words were quiet but meaningful. “I forgive you” she said simply, looking to her uncle for his reaction.
Beetlejuice smiled at the girl. “You don’t know how much that means to me.”
“I think I’m starting to.” She mirrored his smile. “Can you tell me just one more story?”
“Sure, kid.” He thought for a second before beginning another story, this one about the time they had secretly taken in a stray cat. It had to remain a secret as Juno did not approve of having pets.
He was describing their convoluted plan to keep the cat hidden from Juno when a car pulled into the neighbor’s driveway. He and Lydia both seemed to have been distracted by the vehicle. The girl waved at the man who got out of the car and he waved back- he also waved at Beej despite not knowing who he was. But Beej returned the wave out of general hospitality.
“Is Barbara home?” Lydia called to the man.
“Yeah.” He checked his watch. “She should just about be done with dinner if you want to ask Charles if you can come over.”
At that Beetlejuice’s brows furrowed. Why would a grown man invite a teenager to his house. Not that the bespectacled, plaid shirt and khaki wearing man seemed dangerous. But that didn’t make it less weird. Okay he did say to ask Charles, but unless Barbara was his teenage daughter he didn’t see any reason for Lydia to go to his house.
“Oh yes! I could definitely do without Delia’s cooking tonight.”
“She’s getting better, Lydia.” He said sincerely, almost reprimanding the teen for her comment.
“Yeah true. I’d rather (idk man some vegan food) than banana-carrot surprise.” She made a disgusted face at the memory of the casserole type dish.
“See!” The man laughed a little.
“I’ll be over in a few!”
“Would you like to bring your guest?” He asked, finally addressing Beetlejuice.
She turned to her uncle, “Wanna go?”
“Sure.” He shrugged, a protectiveness tightening his chest. He knew the man meant no harm, yet his ‘trust no one’ motto was strongly built into his mindset.
Lydia excitedly threw a thumbs up towards the man on the ground. “He’s coming with me.”
“Okay, I’ll see you two in a few.” The man smiled before heading inside.
Beetlejuice fully turned to Lydia, “Who was that?”
“Adam Maitland. He’s kinda been like a second father to me. Not that dad isn’t great, it’s just- when mom died we grew distant. Dad wanted to soldier up, and keep moving. I don’t blame him, but at the time it was hard. I was still mourning while he seemed to have moved on.” She twisted her hands together. “One day I did something I’d rather not talk about. And well, Adam and Barbara were there for me. I was sad a-and angry and scared and confused, but they just sat with me. They listened when I talked, they held me when I cried.” She shivered at the memory. “Adam and Barbara became second parents to me.”
Ah so Barbara was not his teenage daughter, but perhaps his wife.
“Well now I’m excited to meet them.” Beej smiled, standing up. He offered his hand to his niece and she grabbed it. He pulled her up effortlessly, yet still groaned as if she was super heavy. The two shared a laugh at his antics as they headed inside the house.
Unsurprisingly, Charles said yes to Lydia (and Beej) going to the Maitland’s house. So that’s where they headed.
Lydia knocked on the door, which was soon opened by the man from before. Adam.
Seeing him up close made Beetlejuice realize that he was… attractive? No, that’s inappropriate. The man has a wife, Beej reminded himself as he shook his hand and introduced himself.
They made it to the dining room, where Barbara emerged from the kitchen with a pan of lasagna. The woman was breathtaking, but Beetlejuice relented the thought.
She placed it in the middle of the table and took a seat. Adam sat next to her. Lydia sat across from Adam, leaving Beetlejuice to sit across from Barbara.
“Hi I’m Barbara Maitland.” She smiled, offering her hand as Adam began serving the food.
He shook her hand, “I’m Lydia’s uncle Lawrence, but you can call me Beetlejuice- or some variation of it. Everyone does.” He shrugged.
“Beetlejuice?” She raised an eyebrow, just as her husband had done,
“Like the constellation Betelgeuse, but most people just spell it phonetically. It’s uh- it’s my middle name.”
“That’s very interesting.” She smiled, tone sincere.
“How much would you like, Beetlejuice?” Adam asked, spatula over the pan in an estimated size.
“That much is fine.” He smiled, moving his plate toward the pan. Adam swiftly placed the lasagna on his plate before dishing some out to Barbara.
The group ate quietly for a while. Toward the end of their meal, Barbara spoke up.
“How was your day, Lydia?”
The girl looked up from her plate and to the woman. “It was pretty good- but it’s even better now.”
“Because you’re not eating Delia’s cooking?” The woman asked with a laugh.
“Bingo.” Lydia smiled.
“You’ve got to ease up on her, Lyds. You and I both know she’s trying and improving.”
“Yeah yeah.”
“I’ve actually been gathering vegan recipes for her, making her a personalized cookbook. Adam and I have tried out most of the recipes, and I think you’ll like them.”
“Well here’s hoping.” The girl smiled a bit, finishing up her lasagna.
Beetlejuice admired how the woman was going out of her way to help improve Delia’s cooking. Which will in turn help Lydia, who often complains about the woman’s food and asks her uncle to bring her something else to eat.
The group continued with the small talk and soon enough Lydia and Beetlejuice were walking out the door. They had been invited to stay longer, but Beej didn’t want to intrude and Lydia decided to just go along with her uncle.
But that certainly wasn’t the last time the duo would be visiting the Maitlands.
It had been a few weeks since Beej first went to the Maitlands house with Lydia. And he’d be lying if he said he didn’t think they were attractive. However, Beetlejuice wasn’t that daft. He knew they were married and knew not to impose. Sure, he once had a threesome with a married couple back in New York but that wouldn’t be happening here. Not only were Adam and Barbara clearly not the type for that kind of thing, but they were also far too close to Lydia for him to even begin considering acting on his attraction. Which was strictly that- attraction. No feelings- no strings attached. Just basic, hormonal attraction.
Beetlejuice shook the thought from his head, buttoning the last button of his shirt. He grabbed his coat and slung it over his shoulder before leaving to go to the Deetz’s house.
He was walking up the driveway when he was greeted by the neighbors. Adam held a pair of garden scissors in one hand, the other waving at the other man. Beetlejuice waved back. Barbara smiled at the man and called out a hello. He returned the
and hey? that’s where it ends. very abrupt ik, but that’s where past me stopped
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
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"No. Absolutely not. Cancel it." He growled while you made a hurt and desperate sound at the immediate answer of your boyfriend.
"Kai please! My sister don't have anyone else to take care of her kids, and she is desperate!" You pleaded while he only arched one eyebrow at you.
"Then she should had hired a babysitter. Not give trouble for their sibling." He scoffed and returned his attention to the papers in front of him.
You sighed out loud and burried your face a bit in your hands.
"Then I guess I'm sending her a message to take them to my old apartment instead..."
He stopped abruptly on his reading to look at you.
"That won't be possible either." He said nonchantly while you arched a eyebrow.
"W-why not?"
"I sold your apartment." He said normally whil eyou widen your eyes in horror at your boyfriend's words.
"wHAT?!" you almost shouted while he sighed for you to lower your tone of voice "K-k-Kai! Why?!"
"First, you are living in here long enough, so that place won't be useful for you anymore. Second, we were in need of money and I talked to you about it."
"I don't remember you saying ANYTHING about selling my apartment!" He lifted one finger for you to wait before showing you in his cellphone a chat that you two exchanged.
Damn your distracted brain...
"Why do we again need that much money?" You sighed in hopeless.
He... wouldn't talk much about that issue right now... he was first going to talk with Pops. Later you.
"Is just a project from the yakusa angel, nothing to fuss over with."
You sighed again before frowning at your cellphone nuzzling on the pocket of your jeans.
"Anyway. The kids and I are staying in here aparently."
You merely deadpanned at his glare before you heard a muffled honk from the outside.
"You know, I can talk with that sister of yours and then-"
"Kai, no. Thanks a lot, but no. I know how my boyfriend is." You giggled while he frowned and debated with himself if he should lock the door or not...
He never met those one, but... he wasn't a fan of children... in the slightest.
It didn't take much for you to enter house with one girl and one boy holding each hand of yours, the girl had a wary look on her face while clinging to you while the boy looked around with nothing but interest.
"Its such a big place in here auntie (Y/n)!" The boy exclaimed while you laughed at his energy.
"Alright guys, remembering that this house has extremely importance; and quite honestly I have no idea how your parents let me take care of you two in here; so please be careful alrighty?" You crouched down to be eye level with the children, teh girl nodded while the boy smiled and high fived your hand.
Kai watched with a wary look on his face your interactions, sighing in defeat and choosing to place his hands on his pockets and come to you.
"Ah! Kai!" You smiled at him while the boy chosed to tilt his head at him while the girl stared blankly at him back "Those two little precious thing are my nephews! (B/n) and (G/n)!" You looked at them back with a smile that made both ease a bit their nerves.
"I see. Just instruct them to not cause any messes. You know how much I despise it." He said nonchalantly while making his way out... only deadpanning when he heard the boy asking why he said that and you simply answered that he was a cleaning maniac.
He is going to have a long talk with you.
Your laughter along with the kids made him lose focus more than once...
What it was so fun about those little pests? Children are loud, annoying, never follow your orders correctly and dirty... he couldn't get why and even how you could be genuinely happy around one of those.
After two screams of the kids he made his way out, thinking about the worst and his heart almost jumped at seing you layed on the grass with eyes completely closed and the kids shocking you a bit.
"I told you it was a bad idea you idiot!" The girl said in irritation while she shook you and begged you to wake up.
"It was just to be a little scare! Not to make aunt faint!" The boy exclaimed while doing the same thing as his sister.
His jaw clenched as his hands turned into fists, already preparing to demand answers from those brats on what they had done with his angel before you suddenly opened your eyes and screamed to scare them.
"Ha! Think only you two can do pranks?! Take that then!" You grabbed both of the children and gave each one of them raspberries on their necks, the boy succumbed into laughter as the girl squirmed and begged for you to stop, trying her hardest to not laugh.
... huh. So he didn't needed to worry. The sign in front of him seemed almost... cozy even.
Wait... what?
He walked through the halls, screeching a bit his wrist from all of his writing before he heard your voice from the kitchen.
"So you kiddos want what for eating? Already warning that junk food is not a option..." he heard nothing for a bit seconds before you whined "I'm sorry! Please dont do the pouts! I can make something else though!"
"Oh!" He heard the boy's voice "I know something then!"
Curiosity spoked louder than his knowledge so he peaked a bit on the kitchen, enough to look but the necessary for not being caught.
"Peanut sandwich!" The boy exclaimed while the girl arched a eyebrow at him.
"Mommy doesn't let you eat those things." The boy pouted at her before making a 'shh' sound to her while she rolled her eyes at him.
"Thanks for the honesty (G/n). Mommy also told me this due to your allergy mister!" You poked teh boy's nose as he poked his tongue out with a smile.
"Hum..." you brought your hand and poked your chin a couple of times with your index finger a bit before snapping your fingers "How about some sandwiches that are not all boring healthy neither much junky then?"
The kids looked at eachother before nodding while you giggled at their actions and quickly made their specific ones.
He noticed that the girl was by one or two even years older than the boy, and was definitely more reserved than her brother while the boy was simply the energy itself. But even the two being so different, both widened their eyes in awe after they took their bites when you handed their lunches.
"Amazing auntie!" The boy exclaimed before unpolitely digging his food while the girl simply stared in awe.
"Aunt, please cook instead of my mommy. Please."
"God no." You said in exasperation "She might kill me for that sweetie, dont do that."
He smirked a bit at that as he made his way out with hands on his pockets.
"I can see that when we have children she is the one spoiling the brats..." he muttered to himself before abruptly stopping on his tracks and widening his eyes in horror of what he just said.
Him? You? Children? You guys weren't even marriage! Why the hell was he even speaking about damn brats?!
No way that you and him were going to have a kid. Those gave much work, planning and pacience-
"You kiddos want me to what?" His attention got back to you as he listened your voice this time coming from the living room... aparently you just got there since minutes ago you were in teh kitchen.
"Tell is a story!" The boy exclaimed while the girl hummed in agreement.
"You always comes with the best stories aunt, please?" Teh girl asked while he followed your voices, catching the you had sitted down and the kids on both of your sides.
"Alright then..."
You chosed a fairly tale, a not much know of but it was slightly impressive how calm and... gentle you were with your words, the way you carresed the kids hair was similiar with how you carresed his own hair on a bad day..
He never noticed neither catched that you looked like the best example of a... real mother. Caring and loving... his own mother he couldn't point neither convince himself of only one time that she acted like this way with him.
He had so many troubles with his biological... that he never thought that true love with a child was even possible. He owned his life to Pops, but the yakusa was almost deprived of womans, and even some of them were generally like their atmosphere. Rigg, cold, reserved...
Yourself acted like that as well when the necessary time came... but never with him. And aparently you loved your nephews to treat them like he did.
He immediately got out and walked through the houses with a frown on his forehead... thoughts of you holding a baby on your arms and being just as or even more gentle and lovingly with a child that was also... his. A child thhat he had no shame neither disgust to have with you...
Dear lord what was happening?! When his heart started to beat so fast? When he started to care for children in the first place?! God you two weren't even marriage why on hell he was-
"Chisaki?" He snapped from hsi thoughts to see Pops looking at him with a concerned face "My boy, I called you at least five times and you didn't even listened?"
"I'm sick." He said nonchalantly to the elder "I need to find a cure or a treatment."
The old man only got more concerned as he looked at his sucessor.
"What do you mean? You seem perfectly fine at least physically. What is the issue?"
"Ever since (Y/n)'s nephews got here it started." He brought his hand to hold his chin in thought "Maybe it was because of them... I'm not sure, they are too young to have a quirk so it's not that either."
"You're feeling like you have a fever then young man?"
"No. Is not that. Ever since they came I can't stop thinking of (Y/n) with a child on her arms, a toddler or even a infant. That looks like me and her, a mix or whatever."
The elder let out a disbelieving laugh which only triggered Chisaki even more.
"So you're telling me that you're having baby fever?" Thhe way Chisaki's eyes widen in horror were quite concerning for Pops and he almost went to speak if it wasn't-
"You're joking that is a actual illness... Fuck, I need to find a cure, buy it or something-"
"Kai. I raised you better than this... please." The elder interrupted while Chisaki only glared at the man, whose face was just as unimpressed as his.
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theladyofdeath · 4 years
Alone in the Ashes {18}
A Court of Thorns and Roses fanfction, characters belong to Sarah J Maas. Modern au. Revolves around Nesta x Cassian, Feyre x Rhysand, and Elain x Azriel. Other characters appear throughout. Based on multiple prompts sent in by anons tbr below.
Warning: Mature content. Alcohol abuse, verbal abuse, drugs, sex, language, eating disorders.
For summary & chapter index, click >  Alone in the Ashes {Acotar}
Word Count: 2.8k
A/N: "The one where Nesta explodes.” Sorry, friends.
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“How can I explain purposely setting foot on a path so blatantly treacherous? Was the fun in the fall? ― Ellen Hopkins, Crank
“To Feyre and Rhys!” Mor called, lifting her glass to the middle of the table, where it met Feyre’s, Elain’s, and Amren’s. “I can’t believe you’re getting married to my cousin. It’s perfect. You’re perfect.”
She sighed, and Elain beamed from beside her.
“We’re so happy for you both,” she promised.
Feyre grinned. It had been a week since Rhysand proposed, and now, on Saturday night, the girls had all decided to go out to celebrate, leaving the boys at home. 
“Speaking of happiness, I hear you’ve been spending a lot of time at Azriel’s,” Feyre said, eyeing Elain. “At night.”
Elain’s cheeks turned pink as she rolled her eyes.
“Every night but one,” Mor muttered, and when Amren’s brows rose, she clarified, “Azriel stayed at her townhouse last Saturday night and came home Sunday looking very, very happy.”
Feyre slammed her glass down on the table. “You had sex?”
Elain groaned, hiding her face. “We’re supposed to be talking about you, not me.”
“Definitely had sex,” Amren muttered, grinning, as she took a sip from her glass.
“Yes,” Elain breathed, face as red as a tomato. “We did. Now, let’s move on.”
“How is he?” Mor asked. “I mean, I’ve heard rumors over the years, but he’s, you know, never clarified.”
“Is it big?” Feyre asked, brows wiggling. 
“I vote there’s more in girth than in length,” Amren followed.
Mor howled. “True.”
All eyes shot to Mor.
She blinked. “What? I’ve lived with the guy on and off for years, and if his morning wood is any indication, Amren’s not wrong.”
Elain shook her head, unable to control her laughter. “As much as I love this discussion, I vote we move on.”
“Okay, okay, moving on,” Feyre said, laying her palms flat on the table. “As soon as you tell us if we’re right or not.”
Elain took a deep breath. “Fine…...Yes to girth, now, moving on.”
Feyre fell into Amren, tears coming out of her eyes at her sister’s embarrassment - her sweet, gentle sister. 
“Be glad I’m not asking you the same questions,” Elain said, downing her glass.
“Oh, I’ll happily answer,” Feyre chuckled. “Hell, Rhys will happily answer. He likes to brag.”
Mor rolled her eyes. “Yes, but every word that comes out of his mouth while he brags is complete bullshit. Besides, talking about my cousin’s penis physically makes me ill.”
Once their laughter died down, and Feyre promised not to mention anything about Rhysand’s dick, she looked to Amren. 
“How’s Cass?”
Amren’s brows furrowed. “Oh, you mean after he spent the night in jail for beating up a bar full of people?” She shrugged. “He’s been decent. Goes to work, comes home, drowns himself in whiskey, and does it all again the next day. At least Bryaxis is there. Cassian keeps his cool with Ax next to him.”
“Because of Nesta?” Elain asked, surprised.
Amren shrugged. “He won’t talk about it, but she hasn’t been around and he lies awake at night cursing her name, so I assume so.”
“You’d think he was in love with her,” Feyre said, then stilled. “Holy fuck, he’s in love with her. Nesta. Of all people.”
“I don’t understand what the fascination is, myself,” Mor muttered.
Elain nodded, slowly. “I love Nesta, but she insists on making herself miserable at every opportunity. It’s been that way since we were in high school. Self destruction without a cure.”
Feyre knew that Elain was thinking of her own issues with depression, with thoughts of suicide lingering in the back of her mind. Feyre had been there, too. So had Mor. And Amren. But Nesta was a different breed...it never went away. And she wanted it to remain, that depression. She held onto it, craved destruction. 
Nesta was so much like their mother.
Feyre couldn’t help but be pissed off, though. She had led Cassian on, had let him feel something - Cassian, who never felt anything serious about a woman. Cassian, with his uncontrollable anger living alongside his will to bring joy to everyone around him. Nesta had taken advantage of him, and Cassian was living through the aftermath.
“I saw that guy the other day, too,” Amren went on. “Tomas.”
Elain stilled as Feyre’s eyes snapped to Amren. “What?”
“Yeah, he’s back, I guess,” she said, shrugging. “Basically lives there now.”
Feyre was already grabbing her purse and scooting out of the booth. Elain wasn’t moving, was staring at the table, hands shaking.
“Where are you going?” Mor asked, hesitantly.
“To Nesta’s. Come on.”
Nesta was sitting on her couch, staring at the blank t.v. when a pounding came on her door. She opened it a minute later and her sisters rushed in, Feyre first, Elain trailing after.
She sighed. “And what do I owe to this unexpected surprise?”
“Where is he?” Feyre asked, eyes narrowed. “Tomas.”
“Not here,” Nesta mumbled, shutting her door behind her. Her head was light, mind blurry. She was having trouble keeping herself upright. “Came to say hello?”
“Amren said he’s been around,” Elain said, quietly. 
Nesta knew they would find out, eventually, but she hadn’t thought they would come storming into her apartment on a Saturday night.
“Why do you care?” Nesta asked. “I’m busy-”
“Cut the shit,” Feyre snapped, and met her sister’s eyes.
Nesta figured it was her fault, she was the one who had told Feyre, who had told Elain. The night Rhysand had been taken to the hospital, when Nesta had driven her youngest sister to the place where their mother had taken her final breath. She had found Feyre, while they were all waiting for Rhysand to wake up, and tried to bring her a little bit of comfort. 
“You’re lucky to have Rhysand,” Nesta had said, sitting next to her sister in the hospital’s cafeteria, as she sipped on a cup of coffee. “I know you love him. He loves you, too.”
“Speaking of love...this whole thing with Cassian…” Feyre had started, avoiding having to talk about Rhysand, no doubt. “What’s really going on? What happened with Tomas?”
Nesta had shrugged. “Don’t know. He just left. It was for the best, anyways. He was who I got my drugs from, and nothing more.”
Feyre had stilled. “I thought you were done with that shit.”
“I’m trying,” Nesta had promised, hoping to bring her sister comfort. “It’s easier now that he’s gone. When Tomas is around, he gives it to me and I can’t say no.”
Feyre nodded, reaching across the table to grab her sister’s hand. It was the first conversation they’d had in a long, long time. “And when Cassian is around?”
Nesta snorted. “Cassian is….When Cassian is around, he makes me want to live. And I haven’t felt the want to live for as long as I can remember.”
“Where are they?” Feyre asked, voice hard, bringing Nesta back to the present.
“Where are what?” she asked, innocently.
Elain didn’t speak.
She simply watched, tears in her eyes.
Fear in her eyes.
“The drugs,” Feyre hissed.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Nesta snapped.
“Don’t fuck with me,” Feyre said, shaking her head. She walked into the kitchen and started digging through drawers, throwing shit around. “I can tell you’re high off your ass right now!”
When Feyre found nothing there, she went into Nesta’s bedroom.
Nesta was close behind. “Get out of my fucking apartment.”
But Feyre had already dug around, was already pushing Nesta out of the way and strutting into the bathroom. 
She opened the top drawer.
Nesta was standing in the doorway, hands shaking.
Feyre pulled out everything. Bottles upon bottles of pain pills, and a packet of fine, light brown powder.
“Fucking heroin?” Feyre breathed, looking slowly at Nesta. “Are you fucking kidding me?”
Nesta tried to snatch it from her sister’s hand, but Feyre was sober, and much, much faster. She took everything into her hands and shoved it into her bag before brushing past Nesta.
Nesta quickly followed her back into the living room. “Fuck you!”
“Did mom’s death mean nothing?” Feyre yelled, and Elain was crying, and the fact that Elain was crying made Nesta feel like shit. “How could you do this after mom fucking died from it!”
Silence enveloped the apartment, the only sound coming from Elain’s quiet sobs. 
Nesta took a step toward her sister. It took everything in her to keep her voice steady as she said, “Maybe I wanna die, too.”
Feyre stilled and she closed her eyes, jaw locked. Then, she started shaking her head. “Don’t say that shit.”
“You wanna know the truth?” Nesta asked, arms outstretched. “You wanna know the fucking truth, Feyre? Well, here I am! So shut the fuck up and listen if you wanna know the fucking truth!” Her hands were shaking, her head pounding. She took another step toward her youngest sister, “I envy mom for taking too much shit that day. She got to leave this shitty world that day, and me? I’m still stuck here! No matter what I do! I’m here, living in this endless hell!”
Feyre said nothing. She stared at her sister, jaw hard, eyes lined with tears. 
Nesta was breathing hard. She felt like shit. Felt like shit that her sisters were crying, felt like shit that she was never there for them. She felt like shit because the only thing keeping her from feeling like shit, all the fucking time, was the drugs. She felt like shit because she relied on them, felt like shit because it was the only reason she kept Tomas Mandray around. She felt like shit because her mom left them all, because she loved the drug too much, so much that she couldn’t stop, so much that it killed her, took her away from her husband, her daughters. 
Nesta felt like shit because Cassian didn’t make her feel like shit.
But he deserved better.
At least she had done right by him. 
“You don’t have to live like this,” Feyre whispered, and took her oldest sister’s face into her hands. “You don’t deserve this.”
It was a lie.
A lie that had been told to Nesta many times, one she wasn’t sure she could ever believe to be true. 
“I deserve worse,” Nesta countered, feeling nothing.
Feyre’s forehead fell into Nesta’s. “You deserve the world, if only you’d let yourself have it.” 
“You’re fucking drunk.”
“You’re fucking drunk.”
Cassian chuckled as Azriel shook his head. Yes, Rhysand was undoubtedly drunk and loving every minute of it. It was getting late, though, and Azriel, as the guardian of a four-year-old who would be up at the crack of dawn, needed to get some sleep.
“Alright,” Cassian laughed, slipping on his shoes before throwing Rhysand’s shoes at him. “I’ll walk you home before I head home.”
Rhysand let his shoes hit him in the abdomen before frowning. “Is Feyre home yet? I love Feyre.”
“I know,” Cassian muttered. “Put on your shoes and we’ll go see.”
“But shoes make my feet feel trapped,” Rhysand said, staring at his shoes. “Why would I want that for my toes?”
Azriel was laughing as Cassian picked up Rhysand’s shoes. “Then I’ll carry them and you can go in your socks.
“Good,” Rhysand slurred, stumbling toward the door. 
“Text me when he’s safe inside of his apartment, please,” Azriel begged.
Cassian promised he would as the two went out into the cool, Summer night. Rhysand jumped as his phone began to ring. He searched his body helplessly before Cassian, laughing, pulled it out Rhysand’s pocket and answered.
“Hello? Rhysand’s phone.”
“Your hand touched my dick, asshole!” Rhysand yelled.
And Feyre laughed on the other end. “Sounds like a good time over there.”
“Your future husband and the father of your children is a drunken mess, but don’t worry, I’m walking him home.”
“Thank you,” Feyre said, voice quiet. “Can you tell him I won’t be home tonight?”
“Sure,” Cassian said, dragging Rhysand by the arm, down the sidewalk, as he stared up at the moon with wide, violet eyes. “Everything okay?” 
“Yeah, just at Nesta’s-” As if remembering who she was talking to, her words trailed off. “I’ll be home in the morning though...if you could let him know.” 
“I will,” Cassian said, clearing his throat. “Um, is Nesta alright?”
The line went quiet. Then, Feyre said, “She will be.”
“Did Tomas hurt her?” he asked, unable to stop the question from coming out of his mouth. 
“Tomas isn’t here,” was all she said. “Make sure my fiance gets safely inside of our house, will you?”
Cassian chuckled, although the light never reached his eyes. “You just like any excuse to call him your fiance.”
“True,” Feyre said. “But I mean it. My fiance is a sloppy drunk.”
“Oh, I know,” Cassian said. “I’m walking him up the stairs, literally having to hold his hand.”        
Feyre laughed. “You’re a saint. Thanks Cass.”
“Yep,” he said. “Bye.”
He hung up and shoved the phone back into Rhysand’s pocket.
Once he made sure Rhysand was safely inside of his apartment, Cassian left, and before he even walked out of the front door, Rhysand was snoring on the couch.
Cassian climbed into his truck and sat in the silence for a minute.
Feyre and Nesta didn’t get along. Something must have happened, something must have been wrong. Something must have happened.
As Cassian started his truck, his mind began to wander. Then, he just got mad, reminding himself that he shouldn’t care. Nesta had made it very clear that she didn’t want him in her life. And he had told her the same.
Although, when he said it, it had been a lie.
When he pulled up in front of his own building, he had grown tired. Nothing sounded better than making his way up the stairs, closing himself inside of his apartment, and going to sleep.
But when he made it to the second floor landing, Feyre was standing in the middle of Cassian and Nesta’s apartments, holding a bag of-
“What the fuck?” he asked, and when the girls shushed him, he grabbed it out of her hand. “What are you doing with this shit? You can’t just wave it around in the open, shit, Feyre.”
She rolled her eyes. “I was giving it to Mor to flush, idiot.”
“Why do you even have this?” Cassian snapped.
And then it dawned on him.
He looked at Nesta’s closed door and sighed.
Cassian’s hand fell to his side, grabbing the little plastic bag tightly in his hand.
“She’s fine,” Feyre whispered, knowing full well the string of thoughts that were running through his mind. “Me and Elain are going to make sure this shit stays out of her apartment.”
“And Tomas?” Cassian asked, voice low. “Did she get this shit from him?”
When Feyre didn’t answer, Cassian was turning around, to storm off, to beat Tomas’s ass, but Feyre caught him by the wrist and pulled him back. She took his face into her hands, and even though he was a head taller than she was, she made him look down at her.
“You’re going to take that inside and get rid of it,” she whispered. “Then, you’re going to get your ass in bed. Beron’s already pissed he had to pick you for a bar fight this month, don’t make him take you to prison for killing some useless dealer.” 
That anger was simmering, was beckoning to be released, but Cassian saw the fear, the exhaustion, in Feyre’s eyes.
He nodded.
Feyre sighed, and kissed his bearded cheek before telling them all goodnight.
“Cass,” Mor whispered, after a moment of him staring at the closed, apartment door across from his. “Come on.”
Amren took his hand, and when he looked at her, she was wearing a small, sad smile. “Time for bed.”
Cassian nodded and, every step he took feeling heavier than the last, he followed Mor and Amren into his apartment.                                                          
He sent the drugs down the toilet and threw the bag away, just like Feyre had asked.
But he didn’t go to bed.
Instead, he went to the couch and sat down, Amren on one side of him, Mor on the other. 
He should have seen it as a sign. Should have known something was wrong with Nesta, that something wasn’t right. But he had pushed her away, let his anger in and allowed it to cloud his judgement.
Mor and Amren stayed with him. They each laid their heads on his broad shoulders and comforted him, as the night passed him by in utter silence. 
tag List (to be tagged, comment or send me an ask!)
@throne-of-ashes-and-beauty  @starkovsnesta​   @redisriding​  @photofeesh
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@danika-defendyr​  @rachaels14 @faequeenaelin​  @theshadowsinger-and-thefawn​
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@midnightrose-reader​  @lord-douglas-the-third​  @thestarguidingyouhome​
@empress-ofbloodshed​  @starkovsnesta​ @nickjgoodsell​
{ “I’m gonna fuck you so hard that you forget you ever met that asshole” - Feysand } -anonymous
{ “How about Nessian needing to fake date when they go home for the holidays?!” } - anonymous
{ “could u pls do like an elriel fic where azriel is like this mysterious bad boy and elain is a goody two shoes lik aaaaa i cant get that image out of my head” } - anonymous
226 notes · View notes
aj-allen97 · 3 years
Reactions on Jungles Cruise the Movie!!!
Tears of healing???? Rapunzel is that you?
Wait is Disney mixing up their movies again? Or did they see the Healing Flower of the Sun and go sure people loved that let’s use that again!
So basically the Fountain of Youth?
So Conquistadors being Conquistadors?
I’m guessing guy in purple is the bad guy?
Yep definitely the villain.
😂 fare please 😂
Prince? Prince of what?
Whoa this guy just got homicidal over his name.
Ahhh the mighty jungle!
Ahh yes let’s bring our kids on the cheapest jungle cruise money can buy! I’m sure it’s safe!
Dude Move! If your that worried about being impaled then move!!!
The Dad Jokes! They brought the Jungle Cruise dad jokes to the film! And the jungle Cruise props animals!
Not only the cheapest but the most traumatizing!
The also brought over the back side of water jokes!!!
Cue Title Card!
Time for the Mistaken Identity dance!
CGI Jaguar ignoring at the easy fresh targets for the main characters trope.
I’m gonna bet that Prince in a purple suit that speaks German is behind the CGI Jaguar?
Ahhh it’s Frank’s CGI Jaguar reeling in new customers for Frank!
😂😂😂😂 Man has more luggage then his sister.
Brother also dropping the ball on keeping his sister safe.
The local salvaging brother dearest luggage - probably to sell.
Ok so we have Frank, Lilly, Lilly’s Brother, and Possibly German Prince yeah?
Leave the monkeys the monkeys are fine - Frank
She was on a roll Frank - she was on a roll.
I’m putting my money down on the fact Lilly can’t swim.
Poor Lilly can’t catch a break.
Called It!
Also check your person, make sure you still have the token necklace.
Wait is German dude a Nazi? What year is the movie set in again?
Is a submarine in the Amazon River possible?
So does Franks Jaguar live in the boats engine house? If so is he ok?
Technically Mr. Nino this isn’t Frank’s fault more like Lilly’s fault and that German dude?
Also it was sweet of Frank to include the brother in the hug.
Frank Finally found someone who found his jokes funny.
Maybe don’t put your fancy camera right there - it’s just asking to accidentally lose it in the Amazon river.
Piranha Dinner!
I feel like Franks gonna try to steal the arrowhead!
They were having a moment until it was broken by Frank’s Jaguar.
So would Lilly be the Rapunzle of this movie (both blonde, both be named after flowers/plants, both are linked to a magical flower?) if yes does that mean she becomes the flower?
So if Lilly is Rapunzel does that make Frank Flynn Ryder? And German Dude Mother Gothel?
Some one is cranky after their nap/death.
I feel like the Medusa Conquistador hybrid is gonna betray Nazi Dude.
So did Lilly have a prophetic dream/nightmare or did her nightmare just lined up perfectly with that jump scare?
Yep called it Frank wants the Arrow Head.
Poor Lily
Poor Jaguar got a hangover
Now everyone is sick except Frank
😂😂😂 the Log scene
Spy Snake! The best spy to use in the Amazon
Awww did Frank install kitty doors for his Jaguar?
Frank likes Motocars?
Is that Disney’s way of saying Brother is gay? Without saying gay and alienating certain audience?
Poor Lilly realizes Frank is shady?
Onion of Deceit
Uh oh tribal people - just when Frank and Lilly were making headway into their relationship
Ooh Fancy! Now I want a cool moving throne!
Brother may be a dandy but he’s got a punch to him!
Trader Sam is Back!
Brother Dearest knows his baby sister (is she baby sister?)
Well that’s convenient.
Why do I think Lilly needs to do a ultimate sacrifice?
Poor Trader Sam is stuck in between a lovers quarrel and she looks like she rather be anywhere but there.
Ahhh the snakes are back!
The heck? The heck!
Not just the snakes! But the Medusa Conquistador is also back!!!!
Wait? Was there a conquistador buried in the back of that throne?
So we have Medusa Conquistador? Throne/tree Conquistador? Honey Bee Conquistador? Mud (???) Conquistador?
Now they gotta find the Moon Tears so Lilly can pull a Rapunzel and save Frank
Ahhh the good ol River ex macia
Sooo…kind of like the curse in the first Pirates of the Caribbean Movie?
So wait? Is Frank Also immortal? Is that why he never returned home?
He Is!
Even the kids come to watch! 😂😂😂
This must be a normal occurrence for Frank!
Didn’t Trader Sam tell Lilly to stay away from the river??? Why did she go back to the river?
Poor Big Brother trying to shield young eyes only to faint himself.
Again isn’t this the plot of Rapunzel except instead of a sick wife it’s a sick daughter?
A chant! Just like Rapunzel hair!
Rock music appropriate.
And no one noticed Frank was never aging?
Poor Trader Sam stuck with Big Brother!
😂😂😂 Trader Sam just bailed! Can’t say I blame her!
They really should have brought brother with them!
Ahhh romance! Only took removing a blade from his heart to jump start it!
But not moving picture! Or automobiles!
And you don’t think Honey Bee Conquistador won’t end up noticing he’s a few bees short?
Wearing White Underclothes to go swimming in! I hope you don’t mind the male gaze
Well that was a quick swim lesson - so much for being afraid.
They kiss? Odd time to be doing that? Or is that a way to give her oxygen?
Technically “We” Frank.
Just accept her proposal Frank.
Ok Ok fine I get his reasoning.
Uh Oh
Welp the rest of Conquistadors are a coming!
And they will (hopefully) kill this German prince.
Ok so the brother is the baby brother?
So what’s with the singing? To freak them out? Cause I’ll admit it making me nervous.
But only Frank knows the chant. The chant is still important right? To make the petal work?
German Prince is impressed by Lilly
Where your Jaguar Frank. I feel like she would be really useful about now.
There she is!
Murder Cat!
She Got petal!
Here Comes The Conquistadors!
Go Frank Go!
How is that Dude still Alive?
Oh hey now we got Wizard of Oz!
Frank we barely knew you
Ok Lilly go pull a Rapunzel and save Frank now.
What No Chant?
Lilly? How about True Love Kiss? You didn’t try that yet?
Oh! Petal worked without the chant!
Baby Brother approves of this union!
Frank should definitely bring back his Jaguar with him to London!
Magic? Sure these old men can accept that. Lady Chief? Gasp!
Women in the gallery! Heck Yes! Go Dr. Lilly!
So no more illness? They have cured every disease known to man with one petal?
5 notes · View notes
aboyandhispokemon · 4 years
All You Need Is a Little Pokémon TLC
Summary: When Ash falls ill a day before Serena's performance, his Pokémon make sure that their Trainer gets the rest he needs, even if they have to be a little forceful. Ash has always taken care of his Pokémon, and his Pokémon will always take care of him. Sometimes the best cure for the flu is plenty of TLC. Takes place before Performing With Fiery Charm.
The morning sunlight filtered through the gap between the red curtains, rousing Pikachu from slumber. The Mouse Pokémon stretched out with a yawn, stomach rumbling in hunger. He took a fleeting glance at the clock, a puzzled sound escaping him when he discovered the time—it was late morning.
"Pikapi?" Pikachu began to shake Ash's arm, but the boy continued to snooze on. Pikachu's ears twitched, picking up on the odd, unusual rhythm of his Trainer's breathing pattern. He scampered to the right side of the bed, where Ash's head lay snug against the pillow. Pikachu's eyes widened at the red flush and sheen of sweat on Ash's face. His mouth was wide open as he breathed in and out, as he was unable to breathe through his nose.
There was no doubt about it—Ash was sick.
His concerned call managed to rouse the boy awake. Eyes cracking open, Ash slowly sat up, wincing at the dull pound occurring in his head. "I'm up, I'm up," he said groggily. He tried to stand, but a wave of dizziness overtook him and he dropped limply back into the bed, stomach swirling. "Whoa…why's the room spinning?"
Pikachu hopped into Ash's lap and raised a paw to rest against Ash's forehead, which was warm to the touch. "Pika pika," he said worriedly.
"I'm fine," dismissed Ash, scratching Pikachu's head before gently setting him on the mattress. "Probably just hungry. I'll get dressed and we'll go downstairs for breakfast."
His stomach gave a lurch at the mere thought of food, but Ash ignored it. He once more stood up, moving cautiously across the floor towards his backpack, which rested next to the wooden dresser set. At that moment, to Pikachu's relief, there was a brief knock at the door and Clemont entered.
"Morning," he greeted with a smile. "I was wondering when you two would get up. I—" He noticed Ash wobble in place, his face flushed red, and he hurried to his friend's side. "Ash! Are you okay?" he asked anxiously, steadying the boy.
"Yeah, I'm good. Just off-balance today."
"Pikachu! Pika! Chu!" voiced Pikachu firmly. Ash was most certainly not okay, and it was his stubborn habit to pretend he was healthy when he was clearly ill.
Clemont pressed his wrist against Ash's forehead, ignoring his companion's sound of annoyance. "Yeah, you have a fever," he confirmed, leading him over to the bed and easing him down. "I'll go get Nurse Joy right away. Lie down and rest."
Ash scowled slightly as Clemont hurried from the room. "I don't need to be looked over by Nurse Joy. I said I'm fine," he grumbled. He idly swiped the back of his hand under his leaking nose. "Ugh."
Pikachu quickly went over to where a box of tissues rested on the top of the dresser. He grabbed hold of it and brought it over to Ash, who plucked a few tissues free and honked loudly into them. "Thanks, buddy," he said gratefully. "Must be allergies or something."
No, you're just sick, thought Pikachu in exasperation.
He made a noise of protest as Ash stood up again, but all he received was a reassuring pat on the head before Ash tried the trek to his backpack once more. The pajama clad boy swayed with each step, and looked close to collapsing at any moment.
I'm not going to be able to get him back to bed by myself.
Pikachu glanced towards the Poké Balls attached to Ash's belt, which was hung carefully over the back of the desk chair. "Hey, a little help?"
There were four bright flashes of white light, which caused Ash to turn around in surprise, having to grip the edge of the dresser to keep his balance. "Hey, what's up?”
"Froga." Frogadier took Ash firmly by the arm and led him to bed. "Dier."
"Cut it out, I'm telling you, I'm not—ah, ah, achoo!"
A bout of sneezing overtook the boy, cutting off his protests. He lacked his usual strength, and was not able to pull away from his Bubble Frog Pokémon. He grudgingly let himself be set on the bed, and Pikachu tugged the covers over his trembling form.
"Fine," he muttered, sinking back into his pillows. "Maybe I don't feel one-hundred percent."
"He's not going to admit he's sick, is he?" asked Frogadier, glancing at the Pokémon who had been with Ash since the very beginning.
"Nope." Pikachu shook his head. "Admitting he's sick means he's admitting he's feeling weak, and he hates that."
"That's silly," said Fletchinder, ruffling out its feathers. "Illness is natural."
"Try telling him that," muttered Pikachu.
Clemont returned with Nurse Joy at that moment, and she promptly went to Ash’s side to stuck a thermometer in his mouth, ignoring his protests. "No talking," she chided. Turning to the worried blonde, she asked, "Do you know his symptoms?"
"Well, I could tell he was sweating and he’s pretty congested," answered Clemont, adjusting his glasses. "It also looked like he was pretty dizzy. He was having trouble walking.”
"I see."
Ash's brow furrowed in annoyance, but he lay still on the bed, arms crossed loosely over his chest, the glass thermometer stuck under his tongue. His Pokémon stood at the end of the bed, watching their Trainer with intent eyes.
"All right, that should do it," declared Nurse Joy after a couple of minutes passed. She removed the thermometer and checked the result. "Yes, you have a fever. Nothing too serious, but you certainly won't be leaving this bed today."
"Aw, man," groaned Ash. "But what about Serena's performance?"
"We still have a day and a half," soothed Clemont. "If you rest up and drink lots of fluids, you should be better by then."
A soft beeping noise started emitting from the pocket of Nurse Joy's apron. "Oh dear, there's someone in the lobby needing my assistance. Will you be able to watch over him?" she addressed Clemont.
The blonde furrowed his brow. "I was supposed to pick up my sister from Serena and take her around Dendemille Town, but I'm sure she'll understand. I'll—"
"Don't—achoo—be silly," spoke up Ash, sniffling slightly. "I don't need to be looked after. I'll be fine. Serena would probably appreciate the time to practice without worrying about looking after Bonnie."
"Hawlucha, haw!" said Hawlucha firmly, forming a determined fist. "Lucha!"
Clemont looked over in surprise before smiling. "Of course, I should have realized sooner. You'll take care of him until we get back?"
"Pika!" confirmed Pikachu with a nod. "Pi pika!"
"Right, nobody listen to me," grumbled Ash.
"I'll be in the main lobby if you need me at any time," Nurse Joy informed the Pokémon. "I'll be up shortly with some medicine."
The pink-haired woman departed, and Clemont turned to Ash, who was trying to snuggle in his covers. "Do you want me to get you anything before I leave?"
"No," he replied stubbornly. "Go on. I'll see you later."
"You should at least have some water or juice."
"Pi pika pi!" spoke Pikachu.
"Right. I know you guys will take good care of him. I should stop worrying, huh?" Clemont raised his hand in farewell and started for the door. "We won't be long. Make sure he stays in bed."
Ash's Pokémon made noises of acknowledgement and the blonde left the Pokémon Center's guest room. Noibat flew up onto the edge of Ash's bed and studied him worriedly. The raven-haired boy managed to sit up and gather the young Pokémon into his lap.
"Hey, I'm okay, really," he said, gently rubbing Noibat's ears. He turned his head away and let out a series of sneezes that racked his body. He collapsed against the pillows with a soft moan, wearily reaching for another tissue.
His body trembled with shivers from his fever, and Fletchinder noticed Ash try to wrap himself tighter in the covers for warmth. It flew up onto the bed beside the boy and settled close to Ash's side, using its Flame Body to slightly heat up and give Ash some warmth. Ash almost immediately relaxed, his head falling slightly to rest against Fletchinder's feathers.
"Thanks, buddy," he murmured.
"Not too much heat," cautioned Pikachu, observing his ill best friend and fellow Pokémon from the end of the bed. "We don't want the fever to get any higher."
"I know," replied Fletchinder.
"Papa's gonna get better, right?" asked Noibat anxiously.
Hawlucha reached out and lifted the Sound Wave Pokémon up from where he rested on Ash's chest. "Of course. It’s a common illness.”
"And we want him to get better as soon as possible," spoke up Pikachu. "Hawlucha, do you think you can take Noibat and find Ash something to drink? Orange juice would be the best."
"Sure," answered Hawlucha, setting Noibat atop his head, where the young Pokémon stayed perched, large yellow eyes still locked on Ash, who was now half-asleep.
"I'll get Ash some soup from the Pokémon Center's diner," continued Pikachu. "Frogadier, can you stay here and make sure he stays in bed?"
Frogadier offered the electric Pokémon a salute. "Can do."
"We'll be back shortly!"
The three Pokémon scampered from the room, the door clicking shut to cause Ash to rouse back to full attention. He caught a glimpse of his Pokémon disappearing out into the hall. "Hey!" he tried to shout, though it came out as more of a rasp thanks to his scratchy and mildly sore throat. "Frogadier, where'd they go?"
"Froga," his Pokémon informed. "Dier."
"Well, so long as they don't wander," said Ash, rubbing at his bleary eyes. "Man, I hate being sick. You can't do anything." He scrubbed at his sweaty face, grimacing slightly. "I should at least have a shower."
"Frogadier," said Frogadier firmly, shaking his finger in a negative gesture.
Ash made a face, reaching out to playfully swat away Frogadier's hand. "I'm guessing you're not on my side either, Fletchinder."
"Fletchinder, fletch fletch," confirmed the Ember Pokémon, lightly nudging Ash's arm affectionately.
"And people say I'm the mother hen."
Frogadier reached out to feel Ash's forehead. It was still warm, and the Pokémon went in search of a cloth. Ash followed his movements in bemusement, and when Frogadier removed a white washcloth from the cupboard near the bathroom in triumph, he let out an exasperated sigh.
"Seriously, I'm not like, dying. I can do that myself."
Ash rolled his eyes at Frogadier's dismissive sound, a smile on his lips. "Yeah. Stay put. I got it."
It was a minute later when the cool, drenched cloth was draped over his forehead, and Ash let out a soft sigh of contentment. He raised a hand to rub Frogadier's head, drifting it down a moment later to stroke Fletchinder's feathers.
"Thanks, guys."
It was not long before Pikachu, Hawlucha and Noibat returned, bringing with them a to-go container of soup and multiple cans of orange juice. Ash moved himself into a sitting position, warmth that had nothing to do with his illness coursing through him.
"You're the best," he said gratefully, taking the soup and spoon when Pikachu hopped into his lap. Noibat handed over a can of juice, and Ash immediately cracked it open, taking a long chug. The sweet liquid soothed his scratchy throat. Cradling the hot container in his hands, he regarded his Pokémon with a soft frown. "You guys are probably hungry, right? It is late in the morning."
Frogadier went over to Ash's backpack and proffered two cans of Pokémon food, and with Hawlucha's help removed the lids. Ash grinned as an earnest Noibat practically tackled one of the cans, only to be chided by the Wrestling Pokémon.
Satisfied that his Pokémon would be well-fed, Ash dug into his soup with the plastic spoon, taking careful sips. When he drained the last bit of soup into his mouth, Ash's stomach gave a lurch, which he tried to ignore. Though he hadn't felt like eating, he knew it was important to keep his strength up.
"Eat up, gang," he urged his Pokémon. "We want to be in top form for our seventh gym battle." He formed a fist and raised it determinedly. "That badge is going to be ours, no matter what."
"He's got a bit of a one-track mind, doesn't he?" asked Frogadier in amusement.
"You are not one to talk," scoffed Fletchinder.
Frogadier threw Fletchinder a slight glare. "You trying to say something?"
"Settle," warned Hawlucha, pointedly reaching over to pat an observing Noibat.
Pikachu snickered as the two hastily transferred into friendly chatter rather than threatening bickering. He ate his fill and then sprang up onto the bed, curling up next to Ash. The boy rubbed his ear affectionately. "All full, buddy?"
As the others continued to eat, Ash idly sipped through another can and a half of orange juice, trying to subdue the rising build of nausea in his gut. When that didn't work, he clenched his teeth together, trying to focus on his breathing.
Pikachu peered up at his Trainer with concern, sensing something was wrong. "Pikapi?"
Unable to fight it any longer, Ash practically catapulted out of bed, sending Pikachu jumping to the side and the cloth that was resting on his head flying. His Pokémon jumped up as the boy raced for the bathroom, sliding across the tiles before falling into a kneeling position in front of the toilet.
His chest heaved and his throat burned as his body expelled the contents of his stomach. His hands shook and his breathing grew harsh as the uncomfortable sensation overtook him. His vision blurred, and after a moment he could feel soothing circles being rubbed into his back.
When his stomach at last settled, Ash slowly leaned backwards, turning to look over his shoulder. Frogadier and Pikachu were rubbing his back, while the others watched anxiously from the bathroom door. Once Noibat noticed that Ash had finished his retching, he burst into tears, sonic waves bursting throughout the room, and charged for his caretaker.
"Hey, hey, it's okay, I'm fine," soothed Ash, flinching against the high-pitched noise and petting Noibat's ears. "I didn't mean to scare you."
His chest hurt and there was a terrible taste in his mouth. He slowly got to his feet, with Frogadier steadying him, and flushed the toilet. He rinsed his mouth at the sink and made his way back to bed, settling back against the pillows with a soft moan.
"That wasn't fun," he muttered, holding Noibat close to his chest. "Ugh. Have I mentioned I hate being sick?"
"Many times, and I completely agree with you," said Pikachu sympathetically, hopping onto the bed and climbing into Ash's lap.
"I thought soup was supposed to be good for humans when they're ill," voiced Frogadier, retrieving the fallen cloth.
"It is, but his stomach isn't cooperating at the moment," replied Fletchinder. "Maybe he'll be able to eat in a few hours."
"I hope so. He needs to keep up his energy, and frankly he gets cranky when he's hungry," returned Frogadier, before disappearing into the bathroom to wet the cloth once more.
Hawlucha let out a soft snort. "Yes, much unlike you," he said sarcastically, causing Fletchinder to chuckle.
Frogadier returned and handed Ash the cloth. The boy set it over his forehead and opened yet another can of orange juice. "Yeah…so…I might need more of these," he muttered, squinting at the two that still remained. "Here's hoping this manages to stay down."
Before he could take a drink, there was a knock at the door, and when Ash answered Nurse Joy entered the room, carrying a small bottle of medicine. "I'm so sorry I didn't bring this sooner," she apologized, setting it on Ash's bedside.
"It's fine," answered Ash. "Thanks a lot."
"How are you feeling?"
"Not so good," he admitted. "Pikachu brought me some soup, but it didn't want to stay in my stomach."
"The medicine will help with that," assured Nurse Joy. "You should be able to eat an hour after consumption. This will also bring down your fever. It's quite bitter, so you should take some juice with it."
"All right."
"Can I get you anything?"
"Not right now, thanks. If I need anything later, I'm sure my Pokémon will be happy to get it for me. They're not letting me do anything but rest." Ash sent a mock-glare towards his friends. "They're very boring."
Nurse Joy laughed. "I can see they're doing a great job of looking after you. You have wonderful Pokémon."
Ash smiled sincerely. "Yeah, definitely. They're the best."
"I'll be in the lobby if any of you need anything. Rest well!"
"Right, and thanks again!"
Nurse Joy departed, and Ash stared at the brown vial of medicine. "So…Hawlucha, you want to go first?"
"Lucha lu," denied Hawlucha.
"Anyone else?" asked Ash. He received more noises of refusal, though Noibat was sniffing the bottle curiously. Ash grinned and uncapped the bottle. "Trust me, buddy, you don't want this stuff."
"Does it taste bad?" asked Noibat. "It doesn't really have a smell."
"Let Ash's reaction be all the answer you need," replied Pikachu.
Ash poured some medicine into the cap and stared at it for a moment. Taking a deep breath, he quickly downed the contents and his face immediately screwed up in distaste. He gagged slightly and grabbed his orange juice, taking a mighty swig.
"Gee, they must be just as bad as sour berries," remarked Noibat.
"If not worse," agreed Fletchinder.
"All right, that's enough of that," declared Ash, flopping back against the pillows. He was rather exhausted now, and his eyes were starting to fall shut. "Who wants to take a nap?"
His Pokémon made noises of agreement and they all clustered together on the bed, burying underneath the covers. Ash shifted over to make room for Hawlucha, fondly rubbing his head. "Hey…thanks, gang. I know I can always count on you, and I really appreciate you looking after me. You know I love you, right?"
"Not as much as we love you," replied Pikachu, nuzzling Ash's hand.
"You take care of us, and of course we'll take care of you," spoke Fletchinder. "Always."
"I love Papa," said Noibat cheerfully, snuggling close.
"Ah, we'd do anything for him," agreed Hawlucha.
"You're the Trainer I always waited for. You gave me the one thing I longed for, and I will return it to you full-heartedly," said Frogadier feelingly.
Soon the group fell asleep, with Pikachu cuddled in Ash's lap, with Noibat held close to the boy's chest. Frogadier lay beside Ash on the right, one of his arms slung over the Bubble Frog Pokémon's stomach. Fletchinder was pressed against Ash's left side, and Hawlucha was snoozing against Ash's leg, and that was the sight Clemont, Serena and Bonnie returned to.
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bellalikeskitties · 4 years
just like me ☾
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pairing: nakamoto yuta x reader
you sell your soul to a demon in exchange for a cure to your sister’s illness. god decides to save you and the thing is you injected yourself too and now you’re immortal?
word count: 1.6k+
genre: demon au, immortal au, doctor au God’s here too, come on down to jesus town
warning/s: blood! injuries, being cut, also being attacked
Your breath was shaky. It was almost midnight, the light of the moon shone through your windows. Your body trembled and you were tired. But most of all you were scared. Scared that death would soon steal your sister's life. So here you were, summoning the devil.
The flames of the candles flickered and you grabbed the knife next to you. "Please let this work!". You wince as you drag the knife across your hand, letting the blood fall to the inscriptions on the floor. Muttering a few words, you wait patiently. The books said to be humble and to wait for their presence to take over the room. "My, my. What's a pretty rabbit like you doing? Summoning a high order demon like me?". A deep voice resonated within the room and you shut your eyes.
"M-my lord. Thank you for gracing me with your presence". The first part of your sentence came out in a tremble. You bow your head down as you feel the presence come closer. "Hm, I never thought one of the old man's followers could even have the courage to call for a dark being". You could feel its eyes examine you. His fingers lift your head and you silently pray. "Oh, now you ask for your God?". 
You open your eyes in surprise, meeting his glowing red ones. He looked human but he felt demonic. Just meeting his eyes made your knees shake. You swallow thickly and he laughs unrestrainedly, his head tilting back. "That's the first time a human has ever met my eyes! You're interesting! So, how was it?". 
His rough hands press into your skin. "How does it feel meeting an upper seat demon?". You bite the inside of your cheek. "V-Very interesting, my lord. I didn't expect you to look so, human". You land your gaze to his soft features. 
If he was human, he would be a very popular one. His laughter rings in your ears again. "How very interesting! I bet Doyoung would love you!". He lets go of your face and scans the room. "You aren't poor and your face isn't lacking, whatever do you need me for?". The sight of a demon in your house makes you nauseous, but at this point, you would ask for anyone powerful to help you. 
"I need to help my sister". Your hands clamp over your chest and his eyes flinch. "Whatever does she need, that you," he points to a cross in the corner of the room, "a devout follower of the Holy Highness, ask a fallen one for help?". You ignore his mocking insult and the way he called your God. "She has an incurable illness, I did everything I could. I prayed to Him every day, but nothing happened. She needs help, now". 
You were desperate at this point. Your only sister was slowly dying. You had a degree and everything but you still couldn't do anything to help her. Her case was too difficult and too severe. "I see, but you see, I am unable to give you a cure". That was it, your knees fell to the floor. "Is it just impossible for her to live a happy life?". You could feel your tears slip away. This was it, you felt the defeat of not being able to save the one person in your life. 
"I didn't say that". Your brows furrow together in confusion. "I am unable to give a cure, but I can give you the power to be able to have it". His eyes glowed in the dark. "But the price is very high, are you able to give it up?". You gasped. "Yes! I'd give up anything!". He smiled and you finally see it. His teeth were sharp and his eyes widened. His nails grew long and pointed and you watched as horns pushed their way out of his head. He grabbed your waist and pulled you closer to him. 
He pointed his sharp finger to your chest. "Excellent. Then I'll be taking this". Immense pain fell on your body, you screamed and thrashed from his grip. He moved his finger away and let you go. You fell to the floor, exhausted and in pain. He tapped his foot to the ground. "The name's Yuta, by the way. You should remember it, after all, I do own your soul now". You could feel yourself slowly slipping away, hearing his laugh echo into you, "I'll be seeing you very soon then". 
The next morning was a mess. You had a faint scar on your hand but the blood from last night was gone, as well as the inscriptions. Everything felt the same, but you felt different. A newfound power inside you. You rushed to the hospital to begin your work. 
After a month, your treatment was almost complete. Spending sleepless nights in the hospital, trying different things. You were there, just a few more steps and you would reach your goal. Every day, your mind goes back to that fated night. "Yuta, huh?". You test the name on your lips and you grit your teeth. 
You load the treatment in a few syringes and head to your sister's room. At this point, the doctors at the hospital couldn't help but call you crazy. They always said you were risking yourself to save an incurable patient. You shake your head and enter the room. 
There she was, your loving sister. Tubes and machines strapped to her body just to keep her alive. Her face looked calm and undisturbed. Yet you knew she was in pain, the pain from the constant treatments that did nothing to save her. "Just a little longer, just wait a bit longer. And you won't have to suffer". You take a syringe and insert it into one of the tubes. Slowly you pump the liquid into her body. Her body reacts negatively. She jerks and you could see her heart rate increase. You grab her arms and hold her down. "Don't worry, this means it's working!". 
Sure enough, her heart rate stabilizes. Her body stops moving and you watch her relax. You sigh and press your cheek to her hands, "That's it then, you can live with me now. We can do everything together again and then we-". You cough and you feel something leave your mouth. 
"What?". You move away. Blood. Before you can even react properly, you suddenly feel the same pain rush over you. "Is this what you meant? You tricked me!". You bite your tongue to stop yourself from screaming and you drop to the floor. Hearing something clink in your pockets, you jump into action. 
You shove your hand and grab one of the syringes. Through your blurry vision, you stab your arm and press into the skin. You lean into the wall and sigh. "It worked? Why does it work?". 
Unknown to you, an old man in heavens laughed. "She must've used it by now". Another being person tilts their head in question. "My Holy Lord, who is this she you speak of?". He doesn't answer. "Do you know what happens when a human with traces of demonic blessings is given another blessing, but from the heavens? They are given the greatest and heaviest gift of all". 
Back on earth, you spent your days with your now healthy sister. The doctors applauded you as a miracle doctor. They asked you to continue your work, but you refused, saying that the cure only worked on your sister due to certain circumstances. 
The day your sister was cured, you were supposed to die. You were sure of that, but you weren't sure about why your skin now glowed and how your paper cut healed itself instantly. 
"Ah, unnie! Did you even listen to a word I said?". You were brought back to reality. Your smile mirroring your sister's. "Sorry, what was it?". This was reality, you didn't need anything else. You had your sister by your side and everything fell into place. 
"Hmph! It doesn't anymore. By the way, don't look behind you yet. This cute guy has been staring at you the whole time!". You laugh at her childlike behavior. "I swear! He's really cute!". She huffs and you pat her head, nodding at her words. You peek behind you and your blood runs cold. "Hey, go head home first okay? I'll catch up soon. I promise". You lock eyes with a pair of red ones. You can tell your sister's confusion but you smile at her. 
You watch her leave the shop and feel a hand on your shoulder. "Was that your sister? She's cute". He takes the seat opposite yours. "Don't talk about her". You reply to him and he hums. "You should be dead you know". The air turns cold and his presence feels more threatening. "Why aren't you dead?". His gaze covers your whole body and you shiver. "I don't know, Yuta. Maybe your weird magic didn't work?". 
He chuckles. "You're feisty now aren't you?". He points a finger at you and you watch him. "Let's see". He narrows his eyes at you and leans back in surprise. He groans. "The old man sticks his nose in everyone's business". He glares at you, "Die". Suddenly the air is knocked out of you and blood rushes to your head. Your body felt like it was on fire. He smiles, but it quickly fades when you get your breathing even. "What? You can't just order someone to die and expect them to just let themselves die! What did you even do to me?". 
He clicks his tongue and murmurs, "Well, your soul is still under my jurisdiction. Means I have to stay with you 24/7 until you die, but that won't happen anytime soon. I guess I can kill a few centuries with you, but that confirms it". He sits up and crosses his legs. "Confirms what?", you stand up briskly.
"You're immortal, just like me".
this took so long, oomf. i might post a part 2 soon bc its fun writing abt demon! yuta ^^
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immortal-teacher · 3 years
Albert Einstein said "Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics"
Most people don't realize that sounds, shapes, colors and words are all connected through various frequency vibrations. Play a chord and there is a corresponding geometrical shape that is in place, and a color associated with that frequency and vibration! Sacred Geometry, sound, chakras
I have figured out how to make anything reality and how the universe works after experimenting with a variety of affirmations and i will explain with knowledge from many teachers that I have figured out the details and proven myself with experiments, memories, scientific explanations and more.
So everything is Frequency and Vibration or nonphysical and physical, We are all co-creators who create frequencies that create and control the material and physical world. We operate and think on frequency, including belief systems are frequencies and that controls our vibration.
Vibration is our body and the frequencies that we operate and think on control the type of thoughts we can have, how we feel, how we interact with all life and everything around us including gaining new abilities, becoming immortal or anything it seems anything is possible once you say or listen to an affirmation, subliminal, mantra, frequency or believe something long enough
then it will come true eventually. The Mastermind Principle explains how opposing frequencies cannot exist in the same area. For example during hypnosis people have proven how if i say my finger is burning hot then it will burn your skin as i get closer and start to blister.
Somebody has put down all his weight on a knife on his neck then got hit full force with a sledgehammer on his back but it did not pierce his skin because his belief/frequency
that he operates on. The frequencies also cause hallucinations based on beliefs, for example i thought people i date would reply fast so when i first got a phone in 7th grade i would message people and past girlfriends and reply fast because i didn't have many chores to do and of course really wanted to talk to my now ex girlfriend so while waiting for a reply from her, i would get vibrations from my
phone just like i got a message but when i checked then i see no messages or notifications and this went on like a hundred times until 10th grade when i got a new girlfriend(ex girlfriend) that explained why it took so long to reply, which is because she does many chores for her family, she didn't have Brothers and sisters around her age to help out.
So i first started learning about how the universe works after 5 years of searching to cure my shyness, depression and slight anger issues, along the way i did some searching into empathic abilities, how to live forever and more through many teachers mostly on google and Youtube, nothing really worked until i found this
video by "YouAreCreators" Youtube channel called "The secrets of frequency and vibration" packed full of cool experiments including how the nine solfeggio frequencies cured 16 out of 16 terminally ill cancer patients
within 70 days which i hear is the worst kind of cancer. So i started both the nine solfeggio frequencies and i am affirmations both free on YouTube at the same time, after listening to them for 2 and a half weeks then i started
waking up with this extremely blissful feeling, super energized, feeling great, thinking faster and more clearly, form more complex thoughts, process information faster, i work at top speed all day like an adrenaline rush and
it seems i have infinite energy but i stopped listening temporarily thinking it would last forever but then the great feelings gradually went away after 72 hours.
Some of my experiments that helped me discover how the universe works include listening and or saying affirmations
like "i am connected to the source, i am a part of god, i am a piece of the creator, i am wise, i am walking brilliance, i am total understanding, i am infinite wisdom, i am genius, i am over joyed, i am educated, i am infinite, i am wise council, i am energetic, i am boundless, i am brilliant, I am Happy, i am Healthy, i am invincible, i am immortal, i am loving, i am caring, kind, strong" and many more
in other people's affirmations then they all came true and when i asked questions in my head then five different times i got answers it seemed i could have never thought of.
I have even tried subliminals for faster reflexes and think fast like a human computer then started catching everything that i bumped off the shelf when trying to work faster including 3 items i dropped at the same time so i lowered my body slightly and hugged them like i could
see them falling in slow motion.
Dr. Joe Dispenza says learning makes new connections in the brain, so the more that you can repeat what you have learned, the more you are installing the neurological hardware in the brain in preparation for the experience then
when you feel the experience and emotion then your teaching your body chemically what you have intellectually understood, then the body understands better than the mind after enough practice. He said our job
is to go from philosopher to initiate to master, from knowledge to experience to wisdom, from mind to body to soul, from thinking to doing to being, from learning it with your head to practicing it with your hands and knowing it by heart.
How you think and feel changes your state of being, (end of the quote) because you think the pill or surgery will heal you then it doesn't matter if it is a sugar pill or fake surgery, it will work, that is the famous placebo effect. I read that most people get results between 21 to 85 days of any daily affirmation, frequency, subliminal, mantra etc then after 3 months of daily practice then it will be permanent.
After saying i am immortal and i am invincible for about a month and a half then i turned around and accidentally fell what seemed to be the fastest fall ever at work because the floor was really slick then i felt no pain at all and didn't even get hurt and i kept track for a month after just
in case if i needed to report it.
After saying that i do not need food to survive, i do not need food to thrive about 50 times daily for 3 days then those 3 days i ate 50%-75% less food because i felt full and could not really eat much throughout the day including my work lunch time that i usually eat the whole time.
Mahatma Gandhi said "Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, Your words become your actions, Your actions become your habits, Your habits become your values, Your values become your destiny."
I found that fear or doubt attracts what you fear or doubt because I found a new technique while playing pool that I can visualize a tunnel where the white ball will go and the next ball and make the shot everytime if I stay confident, aim
the goal ball first then the white ball with the tunnel but if I doubt I'll make it or fear I'll mess up or get bumped then I can't visualize the tunnel technique so I tried relying on another technique but then I fail.
listening to affirmations about world peace then it gave me new perceptions that helped me because i was running on the "be nice" frequency so then i was able to tell
people the right way to do things otherwise i could report them to the FDA for leaving refrigerated food out at room temperature for hours instead of 30 minutes. They would pull out pallets of food about 6 feet tall stacked to fit the most
food on each pallet then say only one person per pallet which took this one guy 3 hours and a half to stock the shelves so now those expiration dates are wrong.
I have tried mantras and subliminals to become more attractive then 6 people flirt with me in one day, everyone was
smiling at me and i got 4 phone numbers from female co-workers because the other 2 flirting was guys but I'm only attracted to females.
Also with Aaron Doughty's help, he refers to Hawkin's scale from "fear to enlightenment" often with examples and his experiences which really helped me out but he still
does not completely know what he is talking about as far as i know but i don't watch most of his videos. I had help from many teachers and i sometimes still look for more
knowledge to improve life for the greater good of all! First
time i heard the detox frequency that is known to eliminate electromagnetic radiation, Viruses, diseases, infections, toxins, bacteria, fungal etc "741 Hz" i heard just about an hour or two then sweat 3 nights in a row so much
during winter that i woke up once each night because the sweat i was soaked in got cold so i dried off and rolled over each night but with constant use i don't notice any sweat
really if i do it daily or weekly. Music tuned to 528Hz gives us more energy daily because it returns our DNA to its perfect form also 528Hz is the frequency at which life is created and when i listen daily then i keep benefits constantly all day.
people's beliefs and our own beliefs and fears influence us subconsciously that influences thoughts, abilities and choices either positive or negative but we can learn what negative and or deconstructive frequencies we operate on by listening to our thoughts and words then reverse the negative and deconstructive ones,
I figured this out because I heard weird beliefs that I didn't believe that effected me in a negative way but now I looped an affirmation video using desktop version for protection from anything negative on my cracked phone it charges slow but it works.
With a world of technology that can brainwash you on a silent frequency displayed on the patent technology website then We must brainwash ourselves for everything good and have a negative and deconstructive frequencies blocker like i listen to daily in my Daily playlist that i try to keep under 6 hours to listen 3 times daily for more effect i add more helpful videos after so i have
something else to listen to while sleeping. We can create new empowering, optimistic, hopeful, loving, gratefulness, forgiving life for all. Always think what is the opposite of the negative, remember to stay and think positive, constructive and always work with science to figure
out what is for the greater good of all and if you ever have questions google or youtube can't answer then ask me, I'd love to help and I've also gained benefits
from meditation, mantras, subliminals, mindful breathing, Orgone Pendant necklace from "wish .com" i believe that the intentions i set in my gemstones to help me
bring world peace, love and happiness to all helped because it does seem easier to teach and twice now after meeting people who told me i was wrong because they
chose one of the 2000 religions which are belief systems from other humans both times christian but my gemstones start shocking my leg when they fill up to much of the negative energy and shock my hand if i touch them, stronger than static shock, like those electric shock pens.
Sungazing the safe way reduces needed food intake gradually to zero by connecting to earth's electromagnetic field I'm at 8 minutes but on your First day the sun should be near touching the horizon and look at
the top of the sun then left, right, bottom and repeat for 10 seconds then only increase 10 seconds once daily until 44 minutes and 40 seconds is completed then the sungazing part is done to get energy just walk on earth slow,
relaxed and barefoot for 45 minutes a day for the average person for enough energy throughout the day but i read many different stories it seems you still can drink and
eat but in the Thomas Jefferson University study they kept track of this man 24/7 for 200 days they monitored all of his bodily functions and they said he didn't eat or drink anything but he did bath and they measured the bath
water and he was healthier than anyone 20 years younger than him and he was about 70 years old.
At another university the same guy was monitored for 411 days but they didn't even believe him about not needing food or drink so i think they said he did accept some buttermilk from them.
I heard one guy rose his frequency and vibration so high that he cured everyone at an insane asylum just by walking in, they told him he could not speak to them but just being near him everyone of them past all the tests to get out within a week.
People with multiple personality disorder sometimes will have cancer in one personality then scan them 2 minutes later in another personality then the cancer is gone. One woman who got cancer i think her name might be Doloris Cannon
but before she went in for her cancer treatment, she forgave everyone in her life then went to the doctor that said after scanning her again that her cancer is gone and that's the only thing she did different in her life and i personally have forgiven everyone for my health without actually telling them and it felt like 100 pounds lifted off my heart.
If you want to know more about the Science just ask or google ~Bruce Lipton~ is a cellular biologist that has proven all the science of beliefs, fears, thoughts and choices creating our reality.
According to RC Henry, a professor of physics and astronomy at Johns Hopkins University, in a 2005 essay: A fundamental conclusion of the new physics also acknowledges that the observer creates the reality. Pioneering physicist sir James Jeans wrote
"The stream of knowledge is heading toward a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine. Mind no longer appears to be an accidental intruder into the realm of matter,
we ought rather to hail it as the creator and governor of the realm of matter. Get over it and accept the inarguable conclusion. The universe is immaterial-mental and spiritual."
I had help discovering how the universe works from Bob proctor, Aaron Doughty, YouTube channels YouAreCreators and Universe inside you, Bruce Lipton, The Placebo effect, No Cebo Effect, Mandala effect, butterfly
effect, bystander effect, the documentary on Netflix called "The secret", visual and audio hallucinations, The MasterMind Principle, police report eye witnesses having different stories, experiments, etc and
seems the mandala effect is that whatever current frequencies controlling the majority also change history for example according to thousands of people the bible used to say that sampson's girl cut his hair but now with new
controlling frequencies it now says that she had a slave cut his hair to take his power away. This relates to a recent story i heard where the recent President Trump paid his lawyer take the blame for writing something on Trumps twitter account.
I found Dr. Royal Raymond Rife's frequency list and it is over 437 pages long and the first 8 or so is the University studies and then every health problem we can possibly have and what frequency or frequencies cure that problem.
The cancer section is 3 pages long. I seen AIDS on the list and every body part we have and or metabolism for example the frequency and or frequencies that help them normalize to perfect functionality. Also i do teach for world peace, immortality or whatever else to improve life for anyone because i care for everyone but affirmations, subliminals and frequencies takes some time of listening because
they have to push back opposing frequencies like being under a foot or more of water the deeper you go then the more pressure you feel so this is why certain affirmations, subliminals and frequencies seem to take longer
to come true but please trust me i have no reason to lie, someone said something like frequencies are like seeds that you plant they may not produce fruit right away but if you water that seed then eventually it will produce fruit and they were referring to saying the affirmation long enough to get results.
Before i got benefits from starting this journey i did not even think of the concept of how the universe works but i have really put a lot of thought into explaining anything and everything in the universe to get a better understanding of how all of it works.
I plan on changing my eye color to gold to prove it to for friends, family and anyone else because after teaching hundreds of people i have noticed most are cynical and deny anything based off a belief system they have but belief is only a guide to the truth as i see it now, this is why
i could not trust religion i knew it was not me to try believing in something that seemed so made up. So i searched over 5 years learning from many teachers, hypnosis, scientific explanations and more for a variety of questions i had about life constantly thinking of new questions and eventually started enjoying learning along the way then i learned about how the universe works, so i then
started experimenting with the law of attraction, subliminals, affirmations and frequencies to prove for myself if they have complete control or not and so far every
affirmation, subliminal, frequency etc i listen to enough gives me the results i wanted so now my focus is to teach and get this information out there because i want to help people and bring world peace i already sent it to the governor of nebraska and washington but they obviously didn't bring world peace yet so i will share my message
in this video instead of in comments section of many videos to make a difference in the world. I have already started listening and saying my own world peace affirmations and subliminals to help protect myself for when
I am ready to share the truth. I only teach what i have proven through experimenting with hundreds of frequencies, subliminals and affirmations. I am working on perfecting myself in everything that i do or say with great patience.
I was listening to different frequencies on 11 tabs on YouTube before they made Anthony Sommer add in the evil 440Hz in his music after 6 frequencies like stem cell production, collagen production, etc then I felt the different energy centers in me filling up then I would feel a
Slight discomfort that went away after switching to another frequency then after the 7th frequency I felt it all in more detail, it only creates the weird feeling because I was filling up
smaller chakras/energy centers within 20 minutes then it had to use energy to distribute energy to our energy centers nearby. The 9 solfeggio frequencies fill up our 9 biggest chakras so it gives more time to distribute energy so you won't feel the slight discomfort. Aaron doughty taught
me an affirmation "i am whole and complete," it means that i do not need anyone or anything to fulfill me or to complete me, i simply relax and focus on what i need to focus on then time flys by faster so i set alarms on my phone for certain things like when i need to get things done or when i get off work.
I read and heard many stories of how people can change hair texture and or eye colors to whatever they want with subliminals and affirmations but i simply have not wanted to change my body in those ways besides being invincible, immortal, healthy, wise and or anything else to improve the quality of my life.
At www.spooky2rife.com they have frequencies with proven results from 10 different researchers and they say it is the biggest frequency database in the world. 144.72hz woke me up when i was so tired i couldn't stay awake any longer then i got back to work at full speed, i was about to clock out of work 3 hours early but then found this frequency on that site next to energy and vitality.
I should inform you that the cells in our body can be addicted to anything and that Rockefeller studied how Hitler had control over people and found that fluoride in the water and toothpaste was one way because it calcified the pineal gland, closing up our perception and stifles
Creativity and with 440Hz set as the official standard of tuning for America and Europe. 440Hz is the frequency "Humans are bad and need punishment" so when anyone listen to almost any music then that frequency grows from
inside you like a bubble constantly growing until it meets an opposing frequency because the Mastermind Principle explains how opposing frequencies cannot exist in the same area, so opposing frequencies go to war
until one survives in whatever area, the bubbles probably follow us wherever we go if we created it. So this is why people get so angry because even if they do not listen themselves other people do listen enough that the frequency bubble could be all the way out to Jupiter or Pluto.
So I use Fluoride free toothpaste, aluminum free deodorant, purified drinking water, 24/7 affirmations and the nine Solfeggio Frequencies I also avoid Television or sometimes called "Tell Lie Vision" because it tells you lies. I also avoid listening to music other than the nine Solfeggio Frequencies.
So it is important to learn consciously how to counter balance this problem. The nine solfeggio frequencies, subliminals and affirmations help and also learning to be like water, for example as water flows through life down the river it does not stop before hitting a rock, it simply goes over and or around the rock, practice makes perfect also we need to change the standard of tuning for all music.
I heard once "if you think about nothing then you become nothing." I think that once the affirmation etc becomes permanent then it becomes like your identity so if being immortal is one of your affirmations then it would not matter
if you think about nothing since you are immortal. I've heard of a story I think it only took 4,000 people to meditate on world peace for it to come true all around the world during the meditation but affirmations can do the same!
Please use this knowledge for the greater good of all it helps if you write down affirmations and put it on something you do daily like taping it to the middle of the tv
so you read it daily before watching tv or on a doorknob etc please include "There is peace throughout all time and space now and peace will always be here and everywhere" Please share this message everywhere you can on all social media accounts and in person you can summarize this and or show them this message.
For the disbelievers, not trying to be rude because someone said this to me once I looked up the definition and you should to but they were right so my perspective changed.
You are cynical and you have no right to tell me what you think negatively without doing the work to prove me wrong. I put years into my experimenting with about a hundred affirmations and scientific explanations that's why I
can explain anything and everything in the universe. I'm authentic I can't only believe in anything I hear so I search for proof and then prove it true or not with a variety of ways.
I share the truth. I'm not insulting you but simply informing you of the behavior your displaying. Experience and proof always win rather than thoughts and beliefs.
The frequencies constantly fill up your energy centers but some
are good some are bad like an opera singer break glass with her voice. That energy is probably used for survival first then healing, then perfect health our body knows how
to use the energy then once you have healed up and healthy then the energy fills up faster because it takes less energy to maintain health than to become healthy and then you feel great all the time but you still got to keep listening to the frequencies all day everyday until your
full then I think you can listen to higher frequencies but I haven't got there yet like 10,000 Hz but frequencies research is still happening so make sure whatever you listen
to is beneficial to you and others around you because 10,000 hz hurt my back for months until I realized it was causing the pain probably because I needed to fill up on the nine solfeggio first before upgrading further. Beliefs can make anything reality so anything can be true but I know the highest truth and here I share with you.
I'm giving you the highest truth so now is the time to use this knowledge I offer tested and proven so everyone will be peaceful if I get enough of you to listen, think and or say
these affirmations, "Everyone and everything is immortal, There is peace throughout all time and space, everyone feels unconditional love for everyone and everything, everyone is happy" and more repeat all day everyday for faster
results please, We see life through the lens of our belief so I try to wake people up with a variety of experiments, related famous people quotes, scientific explanations, etc
I'm currently doing 2 more experiments for no sleep affirmations and no food for a month or longer, when I get hungry I simply think, "I don't need food to survive and thrive" about 5-10 times then I'm not hungry again for many
hours then repeat when hungry. If I feel discomfort then I think, "I feel great" about 5-10 times then it becomes true. Beliefs make anything reality, make anything true but belief is harder to control consciously but with affirmations you think or say exactly what you want a few times
then it becomes reality, some things take longer because people around you operate on opposing frequencies. If we have more people think or say the affirmations then the
Faster they come true or possibly might take a few people just to make certain affirmations come true like "everyone is immortal" this affirmation probably has the most people operating on an opposite frequency because even spiritual people believe they are meant to die.
Proof and experience always win rather than thoughts and beliefs. When I first heard about affirmations I didn't believe they would work, I ignored them until I found a video by YouAreCreators called "the secrets of frequency and
vibrations" talking about how the nine solfeggio frequencies cured the worst cancer within 70 days for 16 terminally ill cancer patients which sounded more scientific proven due to me remembering an opera singer breaking glass with her voice so I figured there could be good
and bad frequencies for people to and I was right. YouAreCreators put frequencies with affirmations so I decided I can try both at the same time thinking only frequencies would benefit me but they both gave me many
benefits, every affirmation came true after about 2 and a half weeks listening about 24/7 and I started waking up with
this extremely blissful feeling everyday, super happy, infinite energy, thinking faster, better memory, processing information faster and working like I was on an adrenaline rush all day everyday but before the adrenaline rush only last about 5 minutes a day.
Many experiments feeding rabbits equal amounts of fat makes them 60% fatter except the ones that were getting petted and loved they were healthy. Split a pile of rice in 2 talk negative to one pile then positive to the other overtime positive will look better but negative will be completely black. Or with plants growing, same thing.
How do drugs like marijuana affect my Aura and energies? And how can I recharge or reinvigorate my energies?
This Awareness indicates that this plant, that known as marijuana, is in fact, a teacher plant, that which is known as a plant that can have an effect on one who has ingested it. That this particular plant is seen to create an opening in one’s waking consciousness wherein higher perceptual awareness is activated. Thus, entities may become more psychically and spiritually aware.
That this plant can have the effect upon humans wherein it opens one’s inner consciousness to those higher vibrations and octaves of a divine nature or frequency, often causing one to enter into that cosmic level known as higher self-realization.
This Awareness indicates that entities would benefit greatly in developing a clear understanding of the essence and effects of certain plants, drugs and chemicals. That when the aura is in a weakened state, there is much potential for that which is known as possession or negative thought-form or astral attacks.
That when an entity is in a weakened state, that this is when those attacks mostly occur. Thus, when an entity is ingesting large amounts of that which is known as the teacher plant, that of marijuana, that this particular plant as being that which is least destructive to the entity’s aura.
Wherein, other drugs such as alcohol, may have a more destructive effect on one’s aura, often blasting holes in one’s auric layers, creating even greater weakness and vulnerability to those astral or energetic attacks. That in general, that of alcohol expresses more of a depressant effect whereas, that of marijuana produces that of a more euphoric or positive effect.
This Awareness indicates much of the perceptual effect depends upon each entity’s individual preferences, attitudes, beliefs and purposes in using such plants or drugs. That there are many methods of restoring and to reenergize one’s energies when one chooses to stop using such plants or drugs.
That there is seen the concept of fasting in order to remove such residual chemicals and energies from one’s bodily functions, wherein such herbs as comfrey or chamomile or peppermint are consumed, that this appears to be of a general effect in removing such residual effects. That also lemon juice appears as effective in removing such toxins and poisons.
Technically it's fasting without being hungry if you use Affirmations, I think " I don't need food to survive, I don't need food to thrive, I feel great" between 5-15 times then hunger pains go away, if I repeat more then it lasts longer that I don't need food. I have had no food for 7 days now and I have started noticing that all of my abilities are improving like hearing and feeling better etc.
Hence, the action of fasting is seen wherein one’s cellular structures begin to hunger for that residue, that drug, that plant’s chemical and in that hunger, attempts to open wider and wider in an effort to absorb energy.
Whereby, in that process of yearning and moving towards each other, the old residues remaining within the cells begin to move into the elimination process and out of the bodily functions, creating a cleansing effect. That this can take approximately a few weeks to a few months, depending upon each individual’s personal expressions and habits.
That also there is seen the ingesting of fresh water and the consumption of only proper foods of a healthy nature. That also exercise appears as a form of internal cleansing. That also walking in nature or by large bodies of water may have a beneficial effect upon the entity in need of such cleansing.
This Awareness indicates that another important method of toxin removal is seen as simply restricting one’s intake of this plant and refusing to ingest any amount of it. That this method appears as one of the best methods to removing this plant’s residual waste products from one’s body, this being seen to take an average of 3 weeks to 3 months or longer, depending upon each entity’s daily intake.
That some entities may only need a few weeks of cleansing, while others may need a longer period of time in order to attain that perfect state of health.
I've learned from the best then figured the highest truth out myself through experimenting with all knowledge this world had to offer I literally focused only on self improvement and figuring out all the details piecing all the
pieces together for an all inclusive explanation. Don't act like I couldn't figure out the highest truth just because you didn't discover or experiment like I have. Go big or go home that's my motto. I know 100% what I'm talking about
without a doubt because I was fully dedicated to figuring this out since I barely talk to anyone due to me being shy because my empathic abilities are stronger than most but if you think not then ask some questions I can answer any question with truth.
honestly people worship many things with over 2,000 religions your choice to believe in that caused your experiences from my experience current controlling frequencies change the past and it seems because I was determined to find the highest truth after experimenting then
I found it like that quantum physics picture you sent me explains how I'm right. I experiment to prove what I believe to be true to ensure I have the highest truth, have you read my full message at the top of my facebook page pinned to the top? Not the bio but the top post
We can't rely on anyone to give you all your knowledge or you limit everything about yourself. Use discernment carefully, none have the right to deny the highest truth without putting in the work to prove it true or not using the information from the one who knows the highest truth which is me.
There is ego, basically it's like selfish only cares for what it wants and thinks it's always right because technically it is right because beliefs create reality but knowing beliefs create reality can enlighten you but only if you know it as fact like me. Affirmations make anything reality. Wake up obviously your ego has taken over to be so unknowing about life yet think your truth is the highest truth
Does not matter if they all lie because I have used many methods to prove what I have figured out, have you not read my top pinned facebook post with all my experiments? I only refer to other people, quotes, scientific explanations, etc if it aligns with what I have proven that's why I have insight into things you have never heard of.
I'm a man, we all need to grow our hair out never cutting, trimming or waxing because after 3 years we get all enhanced abilities and they enhance more overtime.
I accidentally grew my hair to long and got all enhanced abilities that's how I figured it out, I was playing soccer every week then one day all my abilities improved double and
it was so cool but I was soaked in sweat had to keep drying my face to protect my eyes using my shirt but then it was soaked and I never ran out of energy it was so cool so that night I was like now I need to cut my hair because it traps heat make me sweaty but then I thought wait maybe
my hair gave me the abilities so I searched google "why should I grow out my hair" and found many experiments by the US army talking about how they were hiring Native American Indian trackers for their unique tracking skills and so the younger ones joined for money but forced to cut
their hair then the army said why did you lose your ability and they said "my dad says we get our power from our hair" so they had 10,000 takes like 10 different types of tests with their hair and they did great on everyone of them.
The army would try sneaking up on them while sleeping and the indians would wake up before danger got close and got away and they did hand to hand combat with the best of the army but due to their faster reaction speed they
beat the army every time and more tests but they got the 2 people with the highest scores to redo every test but one had to cut their hair so they did and after the haircut he scored some of the lowest scores of everyone who took the test and the guy who kept his hair kept his scores really high!
By teaching so many I continue to learn new ways to convince people I'm right except for the stubborn that think they know part or all of the highest truth, if think your
cup is full meaning you think you know the highest truth and don't make room to question your own beliefs then you have accepted a lie blindly.
We have many cups but the cup of knowledge must save room to question everything to find the highest truth
My mom said believe in whatever you want but I have gone to church for a while but I always knew to take religions as a guide yes learn from them but don't be to focused on one religion I've learned from Sevan Bomar who read every religion 3 times but I knew I had to look deeper from all teachers.
My boss once told me I had to stop teaching people while I work so I asked myself later why do I need to teach this anyway (trying to cope with that hard decision) then
right away a voice came in my head and said something like "you need to share the truth for world peace, that's why I created over 330 million species so we can hear all the different healing sounds but now we have separated from nature."
Currently I listen to world peace, immortality, no sleep affirmations in my playlist I made it way shorter to get results faster but I say, "I don't need sleep, water or food" but I still drink some water because I want to mainly focus on no food or sleep due to me sharing my message all day. Also think "I feel great and I am healthy"
It seems we need to focus on only a few affirmations at a time because if you listen to a hundred different affirmations then you only give each a little energy daily which might not be enough to make it true
The difference from being in higher and lower vibrations, some are like I get angry when blah blah but happy when blah so technically they don't operate at the same time so that's how they can both be inside you but in different parts
of the body. This is why we need Aaron Doughty's help to learn how to maintain higher vibrations. That's why I'm no longer angry in times I would get angry, feel peaceful, unconditional love like being able to really trust myself and
the universe it's all good and important because affirmations only work if you say the affirmation like a million times a day instead it's better to learn consciously how to stay on those really high vibrational states of being.
Scientist had a group of people hooked up to machines to measure emotions and had them watch a slide show of random pictures but some were babies or evil related and they found that the brain responded to each picture 8 seconds before they seen it. This shows how the higher self tries to prepare us for the future.
Your higher self basically lives a hundred years all instantly every moment using what knowledge you have at the time but due to this you will experience things that you will eventually understand because you learn about it later in life and believe it to be true later in life.
Bruce Lee said to watch words that is why its called spelling
Think, say and or listen to affirmations subliminals frequencies and mantras for, "I have 100,000 dollars" the more
often you repeat then the faster you get the money.
The energy of "I have 100,000 dollars" will expand outward from you every time you repeat "I have 100,000 dollars" literally mind controlling people to give you money I got 6 people trying to send me money now.
I heard of this experiment they volunteer for that gay people have sex with women but either stay gay or become bisexual so I think it proves gay people are meant to be in the world but I only am attracted to women. Also the only thing repeated twice in the bible is "Ye are gods"
Affirmations subliminals frequencies and or mantras work for everyone because they work with energy. If you change something physical with physical things then the problem will manifest in a different way, it works through subconscious fears.
I did some research though in the library of congress they have 15,000 legit research places send results of marijuana experimenting and they concluded that there are
no negative side effects of marijuana use they said if your pregnant though don't smoke because the babies lungs are still forming so I used to smoke but once I reached enlightenment I realized marijuana has a lower vibration
than enlightenment on David R Hawkins scale somewhere from fear many between til enlightenment so I decided to quit the little use I used to do completely and then after about a week then I started feeling great to rise up to the vibrational level that my knowledge is at.
Aaron Doughty on YouTube helped me reach enlightenment, every vibration has an ego difficult to get past without Aaron Doughty
I could listen to music any kind but I always didn't really like most of it and I later found out why, Hitler also used 440Hz to control people and now it is the official standard
of tuning for America and Europe that frequency basically is "Humans are bad and need punishment" this is why violence is in big cities because many people listen to that and get brainwashed without even knowing it
Just like they claim God has spoken us into existence, Affirmations, subliminals, frequencies and mantras make anything reality, for example, "I am happy" will make you happy once said enough times but if you say, "I want to be happy" then you will simply want to be happy. Basically you get what you say, think, believe, etc.
Remember some affirmations come true faster than others because of the Mastermind principle, for example people don't eat all day long but people do believe all day long that they will not live forever so that's why require no food affirmations will come true faster than I am immortal affirmations.
Some affirmations come true faster than others because people emit frequencies while they operate on them
Since we use energy even when the affirmations are true we should continue the affirmations to keep them true or we will use up all the energy then it is no longer true unless you continue the affirmations
when I say affirmations for example "I am Happy" then I create energy to be happy but the affirmation needs to be repeated enough times within a certain amount of time to continue accumulating enough energy to become true
The only bible verse repeated twice is "Ye Are Gods" we can change anything with Affirmations, subliminals mantras and the nine solfeggio frequencies, I have figured
out how to make anything reality and how the universe works after experimenting with hundreds of Affirmations, subliminals, the mantras and the nine solfeggio frequencies.
There is simply energy and energy can be used anyway we choose, I've used subliminals and mantras to become attractive to make people attracted to me that didn't even notice me for a year but that day everyone was smiling at me,
flirting with me, showing off their best achievements and giving me phone numbers, read my top pinned facebook post and all of my comments on it because I've put years of research and hundreds of experimenting into it even after figuring out how to make anything reality and how the universe works
Loop the video by clicking and holding on it while on the desktop version it will say loop click it then if on it then it shows check mark by the loop option then make it full screen then open up wifi settings to get the looped video to go to small screen so you can do other things on your device while you listen to the subliminals
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Married at first sight Reddie AU
Summary: Sonia applies Eddie for a tv show called married at first sight, what she doesn’t know is that Eddie secretly changes his preferences from female to male
A/N: I based this on the married at first sight australia, It’s possible that all married at first sight show are the same, but I’ve only ever seen this one. Please let me know what you think! 
Warnings: cursing and dirty jokes (It’s Richie) 
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Eddie hates his mother. He had had this though all throughout his childhood, but right at this moment, he had never meant it more. He knew that his mother didn’t accept the fact that he was gay, he knew that very well, but he had never suspected that her urgency in him finding a wife would result in her enlisting him for married at first fucking sight. Eddie has watched the show on multiple occasions, and he always laughed when he saw the poor unfortunate people who got matched to their seemingly worst nightmare of spouses. He had never thought he would become one of those idiots. His mother had registered him to the show, and only had let him in on it when it was too late to back out.
Actually, it wasn’t even Sonia that told him about it. He had been in his office, working long hours because he hated to go home now that his mother lived there too. Sonia had injured her leg in an accident and had insisted that she stayed with Eddie until her leg was healed, and he hadn’t had the heart to tell her no. He decided to stay in his office longer, that way he got paid overtime, and he avoided his mother as much as possible. It was a win-win situation. It was however not such a great idea to take the phone call there. When the voice on the line told him that he needed to come in to give them some extra information about himself, Eddie lost it. He had threatened with lawsuits, exclaiming that he had no idea what was even going on.  
He had to give the woman, Greta he believed her name was, credit for staying as calm as she could be, given the way Eddie started tyrannizing against her. She had calmly explained to him that it was his mother that had called in for him, claiming that he himself was too busy to do it, but that he gave full consent. She also told him that he was to appear on the show, and if he didn’t, he would be fined a check of 50.000 dollars, and that was money Eddie just couldn’t throw away like that. He had slammed down his phone after shouting a few insults at the woman, sinking down into his chair with his chest heaving. He gripped his hair in his hands, pulling tightly and almost pulling out some of his hairs.  
He was going to kill him mother, he thought. But he did realize that he had no choice but to agree to be on the show, seeing as there was no way out. He had fumed for at least an hour more, thinking about how he was going to chuck his mother out of the house, how he was going to cut all ties with her, and how he was going to file for a restraining order before coming up with a much better idea.  
A smirk pulled at his lips. If his mother wanted him to find a spouse so desperate, then he was going to do so. He called back to Greta, apologized to her and agreed to being on the show with one exception. He was going to marry a man. When he came home later that day, he acted enthusiastically, embracing his mother, even though it caused chills to run through his body, and thanked her up and down about the amazing opportunity she had gave him. Sonia was beside herself from happiness, praising the lords for curing her poor baby, and giving him a chance to redeem himself. Eddie watched with anger filled eyes as she did her night prayer, he was going to show her just how redeemed he was.
The first day the producers of the show come to film, Eddie throws a fit once more. They come into his house without notice of them coming that day, causing him to have to call out of work and cancel lunch he was supposed to be having with an old childhood friend. Said friend asked him why he had to cancel, and Eddie has been too embarrassed to admit that he was enrolled in married at first sight, so he had made up some excuse about his mother being very ill.
It made Eddie feel horrible to lie, and his resentment towards his mother grew bit by bit. He was supposed to have friends over to help him decide on what to wear, but he could only think of one person who was distant enough to appear on tv, which was his work colleague called Matthew. He and Matthew weren’t particularly close.
In fact, Eddie didn’t have very many people at all he liked to spend his time with, choosing instead to come home and relax in the confinement of his home. He remembers vaguely a time where that was different, he thinks back to day spend swimming in a lake, or jumping off cliffs, but that sounded so unlike him he dismissed the idea to his pure childhood imagination. He probably saw other kids do this, and became a bit jealous, this resulting in him imagining doing those things himself.
Regardless, him and Matthew at lunch together, and on rare occasions they would go to a bar to get some drinks, or go to a movie theater. So he was the first one that came to Eddie’s mind when Greta appeared, saying that he needed someone who could tell them what kind of person he was. Matthew was all too happy to skip out of work, and made his way over there in a mere hour.
Eddie in the meantime was dying, cleaning every surface at least twice, because people kept touching stuff that they weren’t supposed too. Eddie hated that those people were probably transferring germs onto every surface in his apartment, but he didn’t say anything, because he knew how he would make it look on the camera. He did some interviews explaining that he joined the show because he didn’t know how to tell guys were guy and he had been single for so long, which technically was true.
Most people at his office knew he was gay, he made no secret of that. But they had never actually seen him with a man. He had met a woman once called Myra, but that relationship only lasted two months because he had realized she was way more like his mother than anyone would feel comfortable with. It took a while before Eddie was comfortable with exposing that was into guys, and a big part of that had to do with his mother, but luckily his workplace had been the exact right fit for him. On the first day his boss had showed up with his husband, and Eddie had just stared at the both of them kissing in public. He had no idea there were people who were that open and out to the world in the workplace.
He had damn near lost his job, because his boss had interpreted him staring at them in a wrong way. Eddie had just spouted it out, surprised at his own words, ‘I’m gay too.’ His boss had looked surprised, especially when Eddie told him that it was the first time he had ever said it out loud. Thankfully, his boss had just laughed and he had been nothing but kind to Eddie ever since.
When Matthew finally arrived Eddie dragged his towards a suite store right away, wanting to get it over with as soon as possible. Unfortunately, Eddie hadn’t realized how long these interviews would take, and he was already tired of it.
Matthew had joked with him when they finally finished up with shooting for the day, saying that he would just have to get out in the first week, not understanding that that was exactly what Eddie had planned.
Eddie was sure he would drive the poor guy crazy within the first 2 days regardless. When Eddie hadn’t responded to Eddie’s jokes, he had looked peculiar, but he had let it go.
They had picked a dark blue suit, with a rainbow colored hand achieve, thanks to Eddie’s intention to ruin this entire plan for his mother.  
She doesn’t even notice though. The day before the wedding, Eddie’s starting to have doubts about his whole idea of what the next day should look like. He had been in a haze of fury when he asked the producer to match him with a man, but he hadn’t thought of the repercussions, about how his mom would react. He hated her, but he couldn’t help but love her too. She was the one that gave birth to him, and he often had conflicted feelings about that. He should love her mom than just because she gave brought him to life, he should love her because she’s a woman who has cared for him all his life and who taught him all the important things in life, he doesn’t though and he despises himself for that.
He’s starting to think that it might not be such a good idea when his mom mentions how proud her sisters are of him, and how they can’t wait to see her tomorrow. He hadn’t even know that they were coming.
He can’t sleep that night and he gives up on trying to at around five a.m. instead opting to pace throughout his kitchen, drinking enough coffee to have his hands shaking like crazy. His mother wakes up at six, as she always does, and she has the brightest smile on her face that Eddie has ever seen. It annoys him, the fact that she’s only this happy because he’s about to get a wife. He doesn’t respond to it although he really wants too. Even more when his mother says; ‘I’m glad you finally feel better Eddie-bear and out those sick and filthy thoughts out of your head. I’m proud of you for choosing the right thing.’ Eddie instantly doesn’t feel guilty anymore about what’s he’s about to do.
He knew that his wedding was going to take place in a tent outside in the woods, he had managed to compromise with Greta. His wedding was supposed to take place on the beach, but Eddie refused to step foot on the sand, and Greta had reluctantly agreed. He’s not exactly ecstatic about this venue either, but it’ll do.
He paid the janitor that cleans his office to clean the tent, so he knows he’ll do everything in his power to get it as clean as possible. When he tells his mom where they’re going as they’re in the car, his mom throws a fit.
‘Do you know how much dirt and diseases are in the forest Eddie-bear? Would you really want to risk that? How would that beautiful girl feel when she has to walk with her white dress into branches and bugs on the floor. She acts like a toddler. Eddie doesn’t have it in himself to argue with her that it wasn’t even his choice, he just lets her rant. His mother has been fantasizing about how his ‘true’ love would look like. Eddie doesn’t think that the experts really have it in them to find the eighth matches, he thinks it’s bullshit. Still, the woman his mother describes, blond hair, short and a ‘caring’ personality is nothing like Eddie’s type at all. He hopes to god, he doesn’t get stuck with someone like Sonia. He don’t think he’d even survive a week.
He's worried too, about how he’ll look on tv. He has spend his whole life putting on a façade towards the world. He’s done it with his mother ever since he found out he was gay, and later towards his workplace too, because he didn’t feel like he could trust anyone. It’s been exhausting, and when he gets to his apartment to spend the night by himself, he can finally breath. He doesn’t have to worry about what people will think of him, and he can just be Eddie, not at Edward.
He’s afraid that he’ll be filmed for an entire day and won’t be able to present himself as pristine and proper, the way Sonia had always insisted he was. Eddie didn’t think he was all that formal as people might think of him. Granted he never took risks and organized everything to a T, but sometimes he had these irrational impulses, to jump headfirst into danger, and to feel the thrill of it. At times he could feel the anger burning in his veins when one of his partners came up with an idiot plan and he had to excuse himself to the bathroom because if he didn’t, he might actually kill him.
But those were all the kind of things Eddie didn’t show, didn’t want to show. He knew however, that his ‘partner’ would want to know everything about him, and Eddie couldn’t even be honest with himself at times, let alone to some stranger he had just met.
He’s there first, which is honestly a blessing. There are a lot of chairs unfilled, both on his side and on the side of the mystery guy. His mother takes it upon herself to greet the brides family, and he shuffles behind her, like a petulant child. The parents of his future husband introduce themselves as Wentworth, ‘went’ Tozier and Maggie Tozier. Maggie has the warmest smile on her face as she looks at Eddie, which Eddie graciously returns. He turns beet red though, when Sonia starts asking about their ‘beautiful daughter’.
If Eddie could go back in the past, he’d just pay that damn fine, nothing is worth standing here like an idiot. He can’t though, and it’s starting to dawn on him that his mother will most definitely make a fit, and that will be televised to show to the entire country. He rubs his hands on his trousers nervously, and he makes eye contact with Maggie. She stares at him, looks him right in the eyes and though Eddie wants to look away, he feels like he can’t. She seems to look for something, and Eddie can see from the corner of his eyes how her hand lands on Went’s arm.
Went looks at her, opens his mouth to, most likely to dispute Sonia’s statement and tell her that he in fact has a son, but him and his wife seem to have a silent conversation, and he closes his mouth again. Maggie changes the conversation.
When the traditional wedding song starts, he panics. He looks at his mom who looks as smug as could be, and he looks at Matthew standing besides him, and he nearly cries. He can’t have her throw a tantrum and it being filmed. He couldn’t bare to have people all over the country know that his mother treats him the way she does, and he just lets her. He looks back at his assistant in the front row, on the other side of his mom and he makes a gesture at her. She jumps up fast and runs towards him, a confused look on her face. ‘You have to get my mom out of here,’ he begs her, his voice desperate. She opens her mouth to argue, Eddie knows, since she absolutely despised the woman, but Eddie buts in first. ‘Please, I’ll do anything you want.’
She fixes him with a look, smiles and turns back around towards Sonia. ‘Mom, I need you to go with Erika and get the gift I bought for my future spouse, I left it there.’ The car is at least a 10 minute walk if you walked fast which Sonia Kaspbrak does not do, and he didn’t even buy a gift. He knows it not enough time to cover a wedding, but he hopes Erika can distract her ling enough. His plan on getting revenge flies out the window, he’ll deal with her later.  
His mother looks baffled, but Eddie and Erika are already ushering her away. ‘But Eddie-bear, I’ll miss the wedding’, she complains, but she’s following Erika out already. She’s only doing it because she wants to appear as motherly as possible.
‘Don’t worry mss Kaspbrak, the always plays the song when the bride just left her apartment.’ Erika tries to sooth. It’s an awful excuse and Erika winces, but Sonia just nods and makes her way, slowly, towards the limo.
Just in time. As soon as she disappears in the woods, a car stops in front of the massive tent they’re in, and he looks down nervously. He can’t do this. In his mind  he can already hear his mothers screeching voice when she sees a man walk in, and a headache is already forming. He hears footstep behind him, as he had turned his back towards the entrance. He squeezes his eyes shut and he hopes against all hope that the camera isn’t pointed at him right now, the hope is feeble.
He glances behind him when he hears a laugh from their guests, and when he does he’s struck with an intense feeling of familiarity. He doesn’t’ know why, but he feels like he knows this person.
He can’t possibly though and Eddie shakes the weird feeling. He looks at the guy up and down. He’s actually kind of hot. Not in the conventional way, cause he’s kind of scruffy looking, his hair looks like it hasn’t been combed in days and his suit is wrinkled, not to mention the fact that he isn’t wearing matching socks. But he has this charm about him that Eddie instantly likes. He looks sweet almost, the way he’s staring at Eddie, with his jaw dropped open, but then his lips curl into a smirk.
‘Yowza, nobody told me I’d be pared with cutie’, the stranger says, and his entourages burst out laughing. Eddie snorts, but doesn’t respond as he steps in front of him. ‘I’m Eddie Kaspbrak’, Eddie says formally with a slight strain in his voice. The stranger grins sweetly, ignoring Eddie’s outstretched hand and dragging him into a hug. ‘I’m Richie Tozier’, he responds, ‘It’s not to meet you Eds.’
Eddie frowns, ‘It’s Eddie, not Eds. Eddie is already a nickname.’
Richie just shakes his head, still with that damn grin on his face. ‘I think I’ll stick to Eds, Eds.’
Eddie chooses to ignore him, mostly because he wants this wedding to be over as fast as possible. ‘What do you do for a living’, Eddie mumbles when the court official begins to talk. He knows he should pay attention, but he’s about to marry this guy who he knows literally nothing about.
Richie leans down, seemingly on purpose to tart Eddie about their height difference, and answers his question. ‘I’m a famous comedian’, he response. Eddie admits that he looks the part. He almost laughs, this guy was everything his mother would hate. He wonders how Erika is doing, and f she’s having any luck with distracting her.
The ceremony goes fast, way faster that Eddie had expected, and it seems like he only blinked before it’s time for their vows. He goes first. He doesn’t want to be made fun off if Richie’s speech turns out way better. He clears his throat and turns his body towards Richie, trying to calm his erratic heart.
‘Hello new husband, as you might know by now, my name is Eddie. I can’t believe I’m actually doing this, but here we are. I’ll warn you in advance, I hate germs, of any kind, so you’ll have to keep the house as clean as can be. I’m not brave, so don’t try and roll me in any adventures. All in all, I’m pretty boring. All I can promise you is that I’ll try my absolute hardest to be the best spouse I can be, and I’ll do my best to be a listening ear to you all the time. Instead at night of course’. Everyone laughs at his last sentence. Richie is smiling, a real smile this time.
Eddie’s heart skips a beat, and he can’t believe that he might actually like this lanky, brown haired giant. He tries to ignore it, there’s no way he’s already into a guy he met at most twenty minutes ago.
‘You are brave’, Richie whispers, so quietly Eddie is sure only he and the official can hear him, not even the camera’s. ‘you came here and did this, that already proves you’re braver than you think.’ Eddie blinks in surprise, and it seems that Richie snaps out of it too. He laughs nervously, and for a second he makes eye contact with his mother, who gives him an encouraging nod. ‘Eddie Spaghetti’, he begins.
‘That’s worse than Eds’, Eddie deadpans, and Richie laughs his ass off. Eddie laughs with him, for a moment he forgets that he’s being filmed.
‘I promise that I’ll always be ready with stupid jokes, who I’m gonna test out on you of course, and make you laugh every day. I also promise that I’ll always be ready to it going if you know what I mean, day and night’, he winks and Eddie pretends to gag. Everyone laughs once more. ‘I don’t know what else to say, you got lucky with me buddy, I bet we’re gonna have a great time.’ Richie finishes his speech with a bow towards his guest. They clap for him and Eddie rolls his eyes, muttering under his breath. ‘Drama Quinn.’
Richie hears him and grasps his chest where his heart lays. ‘You wound me Eds.’
‘By the power vested in me by the state’, Eddie hears the words vaguely, because he’s suddenly worrying about the question of whether or not they should kiss. He kind of wants to if he’s honest, but he doesn’t know if Richie does. ‘I now pronounce you husband and husband.’ Both Eddie and Richie stare at each other. It’s Eddie that leaps forward first, without even realizing it himself. They share a quick peck, it’s barely even considered a kiss, but Eddie loves the feeling of Richie’s chapped lips. He’s supposed to be disgusted by that, but he most definitely is not.  
When Richie and Eddie pull away, When Eddie falls back on his heels, he hears a gasp. His mother is standing there, alongside Erika who is smiling at the two of them. Eddie’s eyes widen. Sonia begins to cry immediately. ‘Oh look Eds, I made your mom cry. And for once it’s not because of my dick.’ Eddie gulps, his eyes unmoving from his mother. ‘Hey Eds you okay?’ Richie asks, with genuine concern. Eddie ignores him, subconsciously grabbing his hand. Richie reciprocate the movement, thankfully. ‘We’ve got to go,’ Eddie says, ‘now.’
And so they do. Richie doesn’t ask any questions, at least not yet, and Eddie is so damn grateful for that that he could almost kiss Richie again. His mother almost passes out, and she grabs Eddie’s cuff when he passes her.
‘Edward, what is this. What’s happening?’ She demands to now, and despite the fact that Eddie wants to escape the situation as fast as possible, he know he can’t.
‘Well misses K, one, we’re very gay. And two I’m sorry but we can’t continue are relationship, I know you’ll miss our evening dates, but I can only date one Kaspbrak at a time.’ Sonia gapes, trying to figure out how to form words and how to respond to it.
Before she can however, Richie tugs Eddie closer, and Eddie follows in a daze, he can’t comprehend what just happened. Nobody had ever stood up to Sonia like that.
When Eddie and Richie get seated in the limo, Eddie kisses Richie on his cheek. Richie blushes a bright red, trying to conceal it but failing miserably. Eddie thinks that he might be happier than he has been in a long long time.
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crystaljins · 5 years
Take a chance. | 05
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Characters: Jungkook x Reader
Word count: 6.5K
Synopsis:   You should have known the second your business partner asked you to plan his best friend’s wedding as a favour that it was going to be nothing but trouble. Especially when it turns out he’s in love with said best friend. And dying of a deadly disease because of it.
Notes: @trumpettay asked that they be tagged when this fic is released! First time receiving a request like that, but I’m happy to!
And I suppose.... I should give you guys some warning.... the fluff gets a little bit... thin from this point on...
Warnings: Angst. Graphic depictions of vomiting. Mentions of illness and death.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
Seri has been working here for a few months now. It isn’t a long amount of time by any means. Yet even as new as she is this event-planning firm, she knows that when Kim Seokjin walks in with bounce in his step, whistling a cheerful tune, that her day is going to be very, very long. He’s not a nasty man by any means- no, he’s well-meaning, kind, patient, amiable. So it’s not like he’s trying to make things difficult for her. He just manages to, somehow.
His expression lights up when he sees that she is huddled in the kitchenette, hugging a cup of coffee to her chest like it is her first-born child. Don’t come over to me, don’t come over to me, don’t come over to me, is what Seri chants repeatedly to herself but alas, Jin has never before heeded her silent pleas for peace and quiet. He strides over to her with the confidence and cheerfulness of a man who has been handed the entire world on a silver platter.
“Good morning, dear Seri!” He cries. He never wears a business jacket into work on warm days- he prefers to sling it artfully over his shoulders like he’s a model. Seri knows it’s only so that he can roll up the sleeves of his button up to expose his forearms because he likes catching women staring. He shoves his right hand into his pant pocket and leans against the counter Seri is standing by. Seri offers a weak smile and avoids his gaze- perhaps if she doesn’t acknowledge his presence, he’ll leave her be.
He does not.
“Isn’t today such a fine, warm morning? Did you notice the birds chirping just outside our office building? Why, even the homeless man on the train this morning didn’t smell as much like feet as he normally does.” Jin recounts cheerfully. If he were an anime character, his eyes would be sparkling and there would be a soft pink background and hearts floating behind him.
“I suppose it’s an ok morning.” She says. It’s not. Her toilet was clogged, her sister’s baby couldn’t sleep the entire night and was howling because of a cold and she has a ladder in her stockings. But she also doesn’t want to ruin his good mood- it feels kind of like kicking a puppy if she does. Jin stares at Seri expectantly, but she merely sips at her coffee. She hopes eventually the work he has to get done and the meeting with clients she knows he has in 20 minutes will draw him away. It’s not that she doesn’t enjoy talking to Jin. It’s just that he’s always so full of energy and on mornings like these she just wants quiet.
“Aren’t you going to ask why I’m in such a good mood?” He prods.
“I have a feeling you’re going to tell me.” She mutters under her breath. He doesn’t seem to hear.
“Because haven’t you noticed how close our boss and resident space cadet have gotten over the past few weeks? All thanks to me.” He cries. He glances from side to side before leaning in close enough that Seri can feel his breath puffing against her cheek. “And yesterday they came into work together. And late.”
“They own this place. They can come in at any hour they please.” Seri points out placidly. “It doesn’t necessarily mean anything.”
Jin nods his agreement, folding his arms across his chest.
“Hm… You’re right.” Jin admits. “They’ve been making some great progress, but nothing solid so far.”
He goes silent, and Seri takes that as her chance to try and edge way from him. But suddenly he pushes off the counter, straightening and clapping one fist into an open palm.
“I have an idea!” He cries, with enough volume that she flinches and nearly spills her coffee all over herself. Wouldn’t that just be the cherry on top if she did? “Last night I was watching this drama- great drama, by the way, 100% would recommend. I’ll text you the name later. Anyway, in it, the female lead ends up being tricked into thinking the male lead likes her and because of that she starts to notice all his charms and whatnot, and in the end she falls for him. That’s what we need to do for Jungkook! And it wouldn’t even be lying, considering that (Y/N) really does have feelings for him! It’d just be… not telling the whole truth.”
“I really think that this isn’t-” Seri protests hastily, hoping she can stop Jin before he tries yet another one of his stupid plans that puts her boss at risk.
“Oh, Seri, Seri, Seri. What Jungkook needs to realise his feelings is just a little nudge. We’ve laid some nice groundwork with our plans so far-” Jin explains.
“I’ve had no part in these plans, Jin, they’ve all been you-”
“But now he needs something harsher. Something more definite. We need to drop a bomb, if he’s going to take that last step to returning (Y/N)’s feelings and curing her Hanahaki.” He says aloud, and Seri has a feeling he wouldn’t even notice if she stepped out of the room this instant. He really has a one-track kind of mind. “You’re brilliant, Seri. Finally, the last step to Operation “Cure-(Y/N)”!”
Seri rolls her eyes as Jin cheers and prances out of the kitchenette, oblivious to the world around him. Playing with peoples’ feelings, especially when the stakes are so high, is a terrible idea. And Jin means well, he really does, but she can’t shake the feeling that the best way to deal with this is to convince you to get the treatment you apparently need. She can only hope that both you and Jungkook manage to survive this latest plan unscathed.
Jungkook has kind of been hoping for a chance to speak alone with Jin, ever since the weird clubbing experience. He hasn’t really had the time or emotional space to process the things Jin said that night, what with stuff for the wedding starting to pile up and his days steadily becoming busier the closer the dreaded date gets. But Jin’s words have been buzzing in the back of Jungkook’s mind like storm clouds on the horizon. Why had Jin warned Jungkook that things won’t last like this forever? At the time, when Jin warned him, the thought of you not being a constant had been a bit sad but it hadn’t been something Jungkook felt he should worry about. But after that day in your apartment, after crying in your arms, Jungkook is suddenly scared by Jin’s warning- what will he do, if you aren’t there? As corny and ridiculous and selfish as it is… Jungkook needs you. And he needs you for more than just your help- he needs that feeling you give him- that warm, safe, comfortable feeling. He needs you, and your gentle smile and the sound of your humming as you work and the passion in your eyes when you plan a wedding. But, even knowing all of that, he can’t think why Jin said the things that he did. Why can’t things stay like this? Why can’t he continue to rely on you and trust you like he’s learnt he can? Why would you finding someone else come in between that? The more that he thinks about it, the more questions he has and so when Jin offers to treat him to lunch, Jungkook jumps at the chance.
“I’m feeling something soup-y.” Jin announces, as he leads Jungkook through the crowded street. In the lunch hour, the streets are often packed around their office building, but there’s enough places to go to that it’s always easy to eat out. Jungkook nods.
“I’m happy with whatever.” Jungkook informs him, adjusting his tie. In the sweltering heat, the business attire you insist on can be quite uncomfortable. Jin doesn’t look bothered- he has his suit jacked draped neatly over his forearm and his shirt sleeves rolled up. He’s probably used to formal business attire, though- being from a rich family probably meant he’d had to spend a lot of time wearing it.
Jin grins and leads Jungkook down a small alleyway between buildings. Jungkook recognises it- there’s a small, family owned restaurant at the end of the alleyway. It’s usually a quiet place, even during the lunch rush hour, which makes him feel like maybe Jin has something to say to him as well. It isn’t until after Jin has ordered, charming both the waitress and the owner of the restaurant, and the menus have been taken away, that he speaks up about what’s on his mind.
“Have you thought about what I said that night at all?” He asks Jungkook. He folds his hands neatly on the table and stares expectantly at him. Jungkook nearly chokes on his drink because in the time it had taken Jin to order far more food than was necessary, Jungkook had let his guard down.
“I have.” Jungkook coughs. “I actually wanted to talk about what you meant that night. Were you saying I’m holding her back from finding the right guy? Are you worried I’m taking her for granted? Because I promise, I really do appreciate her-”
To Jungkook’s immense surprise, Jin merely starts laughing.
“Oh, my poor, sweet, naïve Jungkook!” He exclaims fondly. “I would never think so lowly of you! Of course, you appreciate our boss, I’m sure- that’s not what I was saying.”
“Then what were you saying?” Jungkook answers, feeling a little patronised, and a little frustrated. What could have Jin meant, then? Why does he have to be afraid that things are going to change with you?
“Well, at the time, I wanted you to realise that the way things are now could change very quickly and suddenly, and I didn’t want you to realise something important after you’d lost your chance.” Jin explains. He tilts his head and peers at Jungkook like he’s having a lot of fun at Jungkook’s expense. “But now… Now I want you to work out something else. Forget what I said about not getting too comfortable. There’s something else.”
“Then say it!” Jungkook complains. “Please just come out and say it- why do I have to be worried about things changing? Why can’t things stay like they are now? Why are you being so cryptic?”
Jin ponders this.
“Well, it’s more fun if I’m cryptic. At least for me.” He admits. “But I suppose you’ve always been a bit obtuse so maybe I should come out and say it. I’ll put you out of your misery, then. You don’t have to worry about getting too comfortable but there’s a reason you might want to rethink the nature of your relationship with her.”
He pauses for dramatic effect.
“(Y/N) likes you.” He announces. He says it gleefully, like Jungkook should be excited or happy at the announcement. “Like… romantically.”
There is a sudden roaring in Jungkook’s ears following Jin’s announcement. His heart plummets into his stomach. He doesn’t understand the sudden panic that seizes his gut. Adrenaline floods his veins as if Jin were threatening his life.
“N-no she doesn’t.” He protests weakly. Because you don’t. No, because you can’t. If you like him… if you like him… then…
“She told me.” Jin admits with a shrug. He pauses to smile at the waitress as she sets his food down before him. When she leaves, he takes a large mouthful. “The other day,” He continues to explain, though the words are hard to decipher when Jin’s mouth is still full. “I asked her why she was putting in so much effort to Taehyung and Minah’s wedding and she said it was because she didn’t want to let you down.” He swallows and flashes Jungkook a thumbs up, unaware of the way Jungkook feels like his world is suddenly crashing down around him. “I wasn’t supposed to tell you this, but she said it’s because she has feelings for you, and that’s why she’s trying so hard.”
The sound of a chair screeching against the floor echoes loudly in the quiet restaurant. It takes Jungkook a few moments to understand that it’s because he’s gotten abruptly to his feet. He stares, bewildered, wondering why he’s breathing like he’s just ran a marathon. It’s hard to describe what he’s feeling, short of panic. Yes, the two of you have been close of late. Yes, he feels like he can trust you perhaps even above Taehyung and Minah right now. And yes, you’re so, so important to him. He came here in the first place because you’re important enough to him that he’s scared of losing you.
But the thought of you having romantic feelings for him… it scares him in a bone deep sort of way. Because he’s still dying of Hanahaki for Minah, which must mean that your feelings aren’t returned. And the thought of you feeling even a fraction of how he feels about the Minah-Taehyung situation makes him feel sick to his stomach. And that’s not even beginning to consider what happens if those feelings progress- what if you end up with Hanahaki? He really wouldn’t be able to handle it if something horrible like that happened. The fluttery, joyful high he’s been experiencing ever since that day in your apartment vanishes- he’s left feeling like he’s suddenly plummeting towards the earth and deathly speeds. He’d ruin you, if you liked him. Your smile, your laugh, your kindness… they would be gone, and it’d be his fault. He feels a wave of self-loathing so powerful he feels it may knock him out.
“Tell me you’re lying.” Jungkook begs. “Please. Say it’s a practical joke.”
The mirth slides off Jin’s face at Jungkook’s reaction. Instead concern knots his brows and tugs his lips downwards in a frown.
“Jungkook, are you ok? You look a little pale.” Jin says, about to get to his feet.
“Say it’s not true.” Even Jungkook is surprised by the volume of his voice. Jin’s jaw drops and the silence that follows Jungkook’s shout is jarring.
“I know, I know we’ve been spending a lot of time together. But it’s just because we’re friends. She cares about me as a co-worker. As a co-worker.” Jungkook explains, his voice hoarse and choked. “But she can’t like me, she can’t.”
“Ok, ok. Jungkook, calm down.” Jin says urgently, getting to his feet and planting his hands on both of Jungkook’s shoulders. Jungkook can’t seem to slow his rapid, panicked breathing. “Hey. Look at me.” Jin’s voice has gone gentle and soothing, as he urges Jungkook to meet his gaze. “I was joking. I’m sorry- I didn’t mean it. I thought it would be funny. She doesn’t like you. I’m sorry, Jungkook.” Jin says placatingly.
But Jungkook has been working with Jin for three whole years now. Even though Jungkook has always preferred to distance himself from his coworkers, it’s hard not to get to know someone as friendly and open as Jin, after three years. And Jin has always been easy to read and easy to understand. Which means Jungkook can see it, plain as day. Jin is lying through his teeth, right now, which can only mean one thing.
You do have feelings for him.
Jungkook stares at Jin with wide, panicked eyes for one moment longer, before fleeing from the restaurant like his life depends on it.
And as Jungkook leaves, it occurs to Jin that maybe… maybe he went too far this time.
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that Jungkook is avoiding you. After all, the two of you run a business together, and have been fairly close as of late, so it’s easy to notice the suddenly chilly way he treats you. Even messages about important things, like the scheduling software you use malfunctioning, or picking a location for Minah’s hen’s party are met with simple, one-word answers. What’s difficult to work out is why. What could you possibly have done wrong?
After that day in your apartment, the morning after the wedding dress fiasco, things had been great. He’d been weirdly emotional then, but he’d been normal at work that day, and the next- better than normal. He’d been sweet and friendly and eager to spend time with you. If you had to identify a specific starting point for things going weird, it had been after he’d abruptly taken the rest of the day off after lunch with Seokjin that day. It was rare for Jungkook to agree to any kind of social outing involving his co-workers so you had been surprised when Seri informed you that the two had gone to lunch together. So, your best guess at what could be wrong is that Seokjin said something strange. The two of them certainly have a strange dynamic- you still haven’t forgotten how weird that night the three of you went to the club was. But shouldn’t he be avoiding Seokjin, if that were the case, and not you? What could Seokjin have possibly said to trigger such baffling behaviour in your business partner?
Across from you, Minah carefully raises another forkful of cake to her mouth. She’s watching you like at any moment you are a bomb that could go off- perhaps she can sense your stormy mood.
“Um… (Y/N)…” She starts meekly. You start and shake yourself. You’re suddenly aware of the tension you had been holding in your expression and force yourself to relax into a smile. “Are you ok? You seem a little… off.”
You suppose you have been off. You’ve been weird and flu-y all week, and when coupled with how Jungkook has been treating you, it’s been a rough time.
“I’m just feeling a little under the weather.” You offer kindly. “How do you feel about this one?” You question, gesturing to the white chocolate and coconut cream cake before you. She watches you curiously for a moment longer before turning to the cake.
“Well, I really like it, but Tae is a bit picky with what he eats.” She offers with a laugh. “He doesn’t like the texture of coconut. So far I think that caramel mudcake and the red velvet are winning.” She says. She pats her stomach delicately. “But I don’t think I can handle much more cake! I never thought I’d see the day when this happens, but I think I’ve eaten enough cake to last me a lifetime.”
“Yeah- it’s why I normally avoid cake tasting with clients. I’d put on too much weight!” You tell her while patting your stomach with a laugh. She nods and smiles. There is a long drawn out silence where the two of you have run out of things to talk about unrelated to the wedding.
“You’re probably wondering why I invited you and not Jungkook.” She offers suddenly, setting down her fork and folding her fingers neatly together in front of her. You pause in the middle of trying the next sample of cake and stare at her curiously. Her smile is tight but concerned. “I’m worried about him. Especially after the other day. He’s been so distant lately, and I was wondering if he’d maybe spoken to you about it. The two of you seem so close lately, and he hasn’t been speaking to me or Taehyung.” She confesses. It makes sense, as his best friend, for her to seek you out. She’s probably desperate for answers. After all, they are life-long friends and Jungkook has been sick for over a year at this stage. Even the most obtuse people in the world would notice something strange is going on.
“It was just a spot of food poisoning.” You offer, though your smile is restrained and decidedly icy. Her frown deepens at your obvious lie.
“See, that’s the thing.” She says. “If it was just food poisoning, why did he call you? He could have asked me for help. I could have called the ambulance. He was barely conscious when you dragged him out. And I didn’t say anything because you asked me not to that day, but I can’t hold back anymore. What is wrong with Jungkook? What is he not telling me?”
You press your lips together nervously. Suddenly all the cake you’ve eaten leaves you feeling a little sick, and the nerves don’t help.
“I…” You say slowly. Your mind draws a blank- what’s a believable lie you could tell her to throw suspicion off? As it stands, she doesn’t seem to be suspecting Hanahaki. It’s not the most common disease in the world- it certainly wouldn’t be at the top of her list of what she suspects is wrong with Jungkook. “I don’t know.” You finally settle on. “He’s been acting weird towards me too.”
Her gaze softens at your confession, and you are surprised at the genuine sadness that comes out in your voice. Perhaps you have a future in acting.
“He’s been avoiding me all week, since that day in fact.” You confess. It’s a temporary fix, at best, but if you can contact Jungkook in time, perhaps the two of you can come up with an acceptable lie when you aren’t put on the spot like this. “So, if you want to know, you’ll have to talk to him.”
Minah seems to soften and relax when she realises that she is not alone in her bafflement over Jungkook. Of course, you are a little more informed of the situation than her, but he’s just as confusing to you. Even after all this time, after everything the two of you have been through together, he’s treating you like this. You can understand her confusion and hurt, at the very least.  She leans back and sighs.
“He’s been like this since he was a kid.” She confesses. “Always suffering alone. I wish… I wish just once he could rely on someone else.” The sadness in her voice makes your heart ache for her- not for the first time you are made aware of just how much she loves her friend.
“I’m sure… I’m sure he just doesn’t want to make you worry.” You offer weakly and her smile is thin and doesn’t reach her eyes.
“See, that’s the thing.” She sighs, defeated. “Friends are supposed to worry about each other. It’s in the job description. If you can’t trust your friends, who can you trust? But I suppose he wouldn’t be Jungkook if he wasn’t frustratingly closed off and difficult to read, would he?” She says with a chuckle. She straightens and smiles at you. “Thank you, though. I’m sure you have to get back to the office.”
You glance at your watch- you do. You’ve got a mountain of paperwork to go through and some new clients have just filled out a questionnaire you have to read through. You smile at her apologetically.
“Sorry I couldn’t be of more help.” You say, getting quickly to your feet. “Email me what cake you and Taehyung decide to go with, and I’ll be in contact about finalising the invites to send off next week as well.” You say as farewell.
Back at the office, the atmosphere is strange. Seri is out for the day, taking clients to see a nearby venue, so Seokjin and Jungkook are the only ones in. Jungkook, when in the office (since there are times when he prefers to work from home), is often flitting from place to place as he makes phone calls or is seated at his desk going through paperwork. But currently he is seated stiffly at his desk. He is unmoving, instead staring at the monitor of the computer that rests on his desk like it has personally wronged him. And Seokjin, who is normally the kind of worker who spends more time gossiping in the break room than actually working, types vigorously at his desk like you’ve threatened to fire him if he doesn’t meet an email quota for the day. Normally, the work environment you have set is relaxed and free. Jungkook normally tracks the in- and out-of-office tasks and he does monthly performance evaluations, but as a whole, event-planning requires flexibility, and demanding customers often ensure your workers are meeting deadlines better than you ever could. But the office you have just walked into looks grey and bleary.
You can’t help but feel the oddly chilly atmosphere is linked to Jungkook’s recent behaviour, and it only furthers you suspicions that Seokjin is at the root of it all. But you have no time to dwell on it, for you feel it is better to inform Jungkook of Minah’s concerns sooner, rather than later.
“I need to speak with you in my office.” Is what you tell him, and you can’t help the way your tone runs slightly chilly. You had thought his sudden distance didn’t bother you, but clearly it does. You swallow, and stride into your office before you can observe his reaction, and without checking if he follows.
He does though, and when the door clicks shut before you, you turn to face him. You don’t know how to hold yourself around him, suddenly. You settle on standing straight, with your arms dangling loosely by your side. He stares at you, his face impassive and difficult to read. If Seokjin were to peer in through the window to your office, perhaps he would think you were having a staring competition. You swallow deeply and clear your throat, willing the uncomfortable ticking feeling in the back of your throat to go away. You must be coming down with a cold.
“I just got back from cake-tasting with Minah.” You inform him, breaking the silence. Something flashes in Jungkook’s expression, but it is gone before you can identify it. “She… she wanted to know about that day. At the wedding dress boutique. At the time I told her you had food poisoning and managed to get her to back off by saying I would explain later, and she wants those answers now.”
Silence follows, and Jungkook drops his gaze to his shoes.
“I see.” He answers softly, and his tone is frustratingly lacking. You’d have an easier time reading a blank sheet of paper. “What did you tell her?”
You bite your lip.
“That I didn’t know.” Is your simple answer. “I figured it would buy us some time to come up with an answer-”
“Good.” Jungkook interrupts. He says the words so softly that at first you think you might have misheard them. “That’s all you have to do- I’ll handle the rest. This isn’t an “us” problem.”
“Sorry, what?” You ask. If you’d had any doubt that he had been oddly cold towards you before now, then the way he regards you when he finally raises his gaze confirms it. You’ve seen ice warmer than the chill in his eyes.
“There is no “us.”” He repeats, louder this time so that you know you didn’t mishear him. “This is my problem, and you don’t need to get involved. Thank you for your help all this time, but I’d prefer it if we kept our relationship strictly professional from this point on.”
He bows, and turns to leave the room, as if that is an acceptable point to end the conversation. As if it’s ok to suddenly drop a bomb like that and then leave. As if you have the kind of relationship that can be cut off so easily.
“I thought we were in this together?” You ask, and you can’t keep the hurt from colouring your tone. Jungkook pauses with his hand resting against the doorhandle.
“We were.” He says softly, and it almost sounds like he regrets the fact. “But after thinking it through, I think that that was a mistake. I shouldn’t have brought my boss at work into such a personal situation. We’ve crossed a lot of professional boundaries, recently. And I understand that that was because we were in very difficult circumstances. But I don’t think that this is what is best for us, and I don’t want you getting the wrong idea about our relationship. You’ve been really helpful so far with my… condition, but I can handle it just fine on my own. I’d prefer you avoid getting unnecessarily caught up.”
““Unecessarily caught up”?” You spit in anger, striding forward and wrenching his shoulder so that he’s forced to face you. “Is that what you think of all this? It’s not like I was trying to invade your privacy- I’ve only been trying to help you, this entire time! And it’s not like I asked for any of this. How could you even say such a thing? I don’t know why you’re suddenly acting like this, but Jungkook, I’m helping because I care about you. Is that a crime?”
“It is.” Jungkook shouts, forcefully throwing your hand off his shoulder and glaring at you with a wildness and pain you don’t understand. The mask he had been hiding behind has cracked but you don’t understand a single one of the agonised emotions on his face. “I don’t want you to care about me.” He says, and he’s panting with the exertion of his shout. “I need you to keep your distance.”
Something about the way he says it, weak and broken, cools your sudden bout of anger. But his word choice strikes you as odd as well. It almost sounds… it almost sounds like he feels like he has no choice in pushing you away. Which is a familiar enough scenario to you- didn’t he do exactly that to Taehyung and Minah? Under the guise of it being for their own good? For the first time, you think that maybe it wasn’t the right thing to do, to keep this awful secret from them for so long.
“Jungkook,” You call softly. His shoulders hunch in a flinch like you’ve just threatened to punch him.
Whatever questions you could have asked him next or words of comfort you could have offered are cut off by Seokjin opening the door to your office. He doesn’t knock, instead swinging the door open with urgency. He looks supremely uncomfortable as he glances between the two of you.
“I… I heard shouting.” Seokjin says, and you have no idea why he looks as guilty as he does until he meets your gaze determinedly. “And… And I think you guys should know about my part in your fight….”
Of all the ways you could have expected Jungkook to react in the ringing silence follow Jin’s story, bursting into laughter is not one of them. But that’s exactly what he does- he laughs loudly and freely like someone has lifted a weight off of his chest.
“Oh, Jin,” Jungkook cries, almost in tears- his laughter sobers quickly but the relieved smile remains. Seokjin frowns, adjusting how his spectacles sit against his face and for the first time perhaps ever, he looks bashful. “That’s not the case at all. (Y/N) doesn’t have Hanahaki. Although thank you for trying to help her.”
Seokjin blinks a few times in bafflement, before looking to you for confirmation. You offer him a smile.
“It’s true.” You tell him. “I don’t. And if I did, as much as I appreciate your attempts to help, I would get treatment- my brother’s not a specialist for nothing.”
“But then, what about when you were randomly asking about Hanahaki?” Seokjin accuses, and you feel bad for him. Everything he’s picked up on is a half-truth. The rose petals were likely from Jungkook having an episode. And you had suspiciously asked about Hanahaki not long after. But he’s missed the whole truth, and now the two of you are going to have to lie to him to continue to keep Jungkook’s secret. You open your mouth with a lie prepared, but Jungkook beats you to the chase.
“Because I’m the one with Hanahaki.” Jungkook announces, no longer laughing. Instead he smiles kindly at Seokjin.
You could hear a pin drop in the silence that follows such an announcement. Seokjin’s jaw actually drops.
“Not for (Y/N) though.” He continues to explain. “For Minah. My best friend, and the woman (Y/N) is currently planning the wedding for. (Y/N) has just been trying to help me all this time.”
Seokjin’s mouth opens and closes a few times like a fish before he finds his voice.
“So, you don’t have feelings for Jungkook?” Seokjin rasps.
You bite your lip, prepared to deny it, but the words don’t come out for some reason. Like they are caught in your throat. Luckily Jungkook is quick to jump in before you can force the denial out.
“Of course she doesn’t, thank goodness.” He sighs, and he looks so genuinely relieved that you should feel happy for him.
You don’t, though. You don’t feel happy at all. In fact, his words trigger something in you- your mind races as you put two and two together. Slowly the gravity of Jungkook’s behaviour occurs to you, now that you know the reasoning behind it.
“Then… Jungkook…” You wonder aloud. He turns to you curiously, patiently awaiting your question. “This past week that you’ve been acting weirdly around me…”
Jungkook grimaces and rubs nervously at the back of his neck.
“Oh… that…” He says slowly. “I’m so sorry about my behaviour, (Y/N). It’s because I was worried you had feelings for me. I was scared I would hurt you.”
His words shouldn’t hurt. They shouldn’t feel like he’s simultaneously plunged a knife into your heart and punched you in the gut. All his earlier, nastier words were because of a misunderstanding. He had been trying to push you away, maybe even for you own good, knowing Jungkook. You shouldn’t feel hurt. The feelings he was worried about don’t exist so you shouldn’t feel so heartbroken over him responding so vehemently to them.
But you do.
“Am I really that repulsive?” You ask softly. Both men in the room stiffen, perhaps picking up the undercurrent of hurt that, before this moment, hadn’t been detectable in your voice. It’s clear as day now, though. “Was the thought of me liking you so horrible that it justified you saying all those awful things to me just then? You had to go that far to push me away?”
The air changes slightly- gone is the relief and slight amusement at Seokjin’s antics. Instead your mind races as you filter through the hurt, the distress, the confusion Jungkook has put you through, all because he was terrified. Terrified of something as small and insignificant as you having a crush on him. As if your feelings are disgusting enough to justify casting you aside like a dirty rag.
“N-no.” Jungkook protests. Seokjin looks like he very much regrets being in the room in this instant. You regret being here too. “It- it wasn’t like that, (Y/N). It was for your own good.”
“‘My own good’” You repeat, and the bitter sarcasm is not lost on the two other occupants of the room. Jungkook stares despairingly at Seokjin but he has nothing helpful to offer, too subdued by his previous blunders. “You don’t have to lie, Jungkook.” You spit, as hot, angry tears begin to pool in your eyes and your throat burns. “Thank you, though, for showing me just how important I am to you. I’ll be sure to keep our relationship purely professional from now on.”
And you turn, ready to storm out of your office so that neither of your co-workers see the way your face has crumpled with hurt and the way the first of the tears begin to trickle down your cheeks.
“Wait, wait,” Jungkook cries, panicked now. He wraps his fingers around your wrist, trying to hold you in place. “No that’s not what I meant (Y/N).” He calls, and he’s almost in tears as he says it. “You’re important to me. You’re so important to me it scares me sometimes. I didn’t push you away because I don’t want you to like me or because you’re repulsive. You’re not. I’d be lucky for you to like me.” His grip on you is so tight it almost hurts, and his expression is pleading. “It’s because I couldn’t bear the thought of you feeling even a fraction of the pain that I know comes with not having your feelings returned, and because of someone like me. No way. You deserve so much better than that- than me. I... I care about you too much to be the reason for you being in pain. And what if the feelings grew? What if you ended up with Hanahaki? I thought... I thought if I pushed you away, you’d be safe. That the feelings would go away because I was such a dick and then you wouldn’t be hurt because of me.” 
You stare at him in bewilderment, trying to comprehend the slew of feelings he has basically pelted at you. You’re still angry, that’s for sure, and it was stupid of him to assume that pushing you away rather than talking with you was the best way to handle the situation. And how egotistical of him, to think that it was up to him, to deal with your emotions rather than leaving you to sort things out for yourself. But you kind of understand. Jungkook’s always been the kind of person who feels the need to take responsibility for people’s hardships- and he’d done that to Taehyung and Minah, his lifelong friends. You open your mouth to respond as much, but then the strangest feeling overcomes you. Like the words are trapped in your chest. You wince, placing your hand over your sternum. You are puzzled by the sudden pain that sits behind it. 
“(Y/N)?” Seokjin calls hesitantly. He registers more quickly than Jungkook that something is wrong. “Are you ok?” He takes an unsure step towards you from where he had been awkwardly watching the fight unfold. “You look like you’re about to pass out.”
Jungkook seems to register this fact as well, and one hand comes to rest lightly against your back and the other steadies your shoulder. The pain worsens as he does so, and you cough once. 
“What’s wrong?” Jungkook asks softly but urgently. You open your mouth, trying to reassure them but then you break into a coughing fit. It’s not a normal one though- you feel like something is caught in your throat. You swallow, trying to stop the coughs, but they just grow in intensity until you are doubled over from the force of them. 
“Maybe we should call an ambulance-” Seokjin cries urgently, and that’s when it happens.
A single white daisy petal bursts from your lips and flutters to the ground. For a moment, the three of you can only stare in horror. Slowly, the reality of the situation begins to dawn on you, and all the implications of the harmless white petal that rests lightly on the ground hit you like a tonne of bricks. 
In the next moment you flee from the room, before they can say anything. You don’t even spare a glance over your shoulder.
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