#there's advice we've seen on here that's helped us so much more than anything we did in therapy
thethingything · 29 days
I love mental health advice that sounds slightly ridiculous but ends up working really well.
like there's that thing about pretending intrusive thoughts are being said by someone that you would absolutely not take seriously and it makes them easier to dismiss which helps in the long run too
and then there's stuff like replacing self-deprecating comments with really over the top sarcastic self-agrandising comments so it still feels like you're making fun of yourself fucking up, but your brain just internalises the meaning of the words without the sarcasm and you fee better about yourself over time
and then there was one post about challenging those "something's going to jump out at me/there's something scary behind this door/etc" paranoid thoughts by being like "well in a horror movie nobody would get attacked while this song plays. they wouldn't even be able to license this for a horror movie in the first place" or whatever similar logic and we've now used this on several occasions when our psychosis is bad
plus there's all the stuff that's not so much advice, but just pointing stuff out, like the "if it sucks, hit da bricks" meme which got us to actually start paying attention to whether we were doing things out of enjoyment or for any kind of actual benefit, or just because we'd started and felt obligated to keep doing it while having a shit time.
"the time will pass anyway", "do it scared", "if it sucks, hit da bricks", and "you can do whatever you want forever" have just kind of become things we repeat to ourselves constantly at this point and it's been genuinely helping with doing more things we enjoy
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gnashingwailing · 2 months
@fireflywritesgt LOVINGLY WRITING MY UNHINGED CH23 THOUGHTS AND THEN BURYING THEM UNDER A READMORE. I felt such overwhelming hype when I saw we got 2 chapters in 1 day I truly was ready to throw my phone out the fucking window. TOO MUCH JOY FOR ONE LITTLE GNASH... I hadn't even finished processing ch21......
first off pov Joe when he goes to Calloway's to pick up his cute new tailored fit in 3 days
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soooo right from the jump. hey.
"“…’cause he’s way better off than I am, it’ll make it harder for me to leave him or something. That he’s luring me in. I mean—” Joe laughed nervously as he steeled himself in preparation for how the captain would react to his next statement “—if it were a giant treating me the way he treats me, everyone would call me a pet.”
“Well of course they would, Joe. That’s because giants are evil.” The captain said matter-of-factly.
He may as well have poked Joe squarely in the eye. Nonetheless, the bartender continued."
hey. UM. Joe you beautiful idiot who canonically has bad luck and, presumably from reading this very chapter, a terrible poker face. Maybe you should have said. Any Other Thing? GODDD in my heart he's definitely sooo overconfident and drunk like wow I am so smooth :) nobody suspects a thing :) while Calloway is having a conversation with him like uh... just saying, but you know, none of us could stop you from. for example. idk. becoming a giant's pet. we wouldn't like that but it's just a random thing that came to mind just now, unrelated to the really tall really wealthy really powerful guy who is afraid of taking advantage of you by luring you in and giving you things like a giant would and maybe isn't treating you like a person. And you're afraid you shouldn't want it. Like BRO IT IS SO OVER FOR YOU even without Harry literally calling Joe's name 3+ times in the dead silence 😭😭😭😭 And presumably Harry having been waiting around there for a while to see Joe! Loitering in a way we know tinies are on guard about since they all noticed that snatcher back in Ch13!
They're idiots ur honor, so true, but it's all worth it to see Joe get rescued and swoon like a damsel ... I definitely wonder if Calloway observed any of that, and what he might think about it if so. >:) May or may not have been daydreaming and writing bits about how horrifying it would be to give your surrogate kid all this well-meaning advice, see him nearly slip to his death, and while you're hurrying down to try and help him, watching him call out to a walking nightmare for help and then get whisked away by it
I have a pet theory that everything we've seen from Calloway so far has been pretty heavily colored by it being from Joe's perspective when he's having a bad day, and maybe he will be more understanding than we think? Objectively, I didn't think he was being very rude or anything back in Ch 13, when he was speculating on Joe's love life. It rankled Joe, which is understandable, but he 1) he's happy that Joe looks good, 2) he doesn't let Gutters or O'Grady rag on Joe too hard and 3) he just generally seems like an interested father figure would about his kid's love life:
"“Oh, lay off him, Tim. It’s a good borrowing year!” Captain Calloway cut in. “We all have ‘em, we all enjoy ‘em, we all cry ourselves to sleep when they’re over.”
Relief washed over Joe like the warm water in Harry’s sink.
“Though I gotta say…” The captain gave a wry smile as he continued. “…it could just as easily be someone else’s good borrowing year if ya’ catch my drift. Could be he’s got a little sweetheart looking after him. A brick of pure chocolate? That’s practically a dowry."”
Although I may be wrong here, since Ch 21's incident at Tiny Town with the Italian mob that saved him gives us the insight that "[for] the first time in Joe’s entire existence at that, Joe understood what it was like to have a real father." So maybe Calloway is not that nurturing to Joe and not much of a caring dad -- as @remordsposthume's tags so wisely point out:
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WTF WAS HE DOING LETTING HIM LEAVE THE BAR LMAO. Calloway's Den of Drunkards confirmed for an "everybody drive home drunk. it's not my problem" bar??? Everyone is processing TAoLaW thru their own cultural lens and. in that spirit. lmfao. I must say. Calloway reminds me of the libertarian redneck dads I've known who just let their kids do whatever. If he was a giant I think he'd let his kids ride ATVs thru the woods drunk. Most probably he would also be ridin around drunk with them. "If you die it's your own damn fault" being his motto is too on the nose LOL. Huge farm dad "I LOVE MY SONS. ONLY HALF OF THEM WILL SURVIVE TO ADULTHOOD BUT I DO LOVE THEM" energy. To Me.
(Btw Harry & Joe processing their parental issues together WHEN <3)
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AND MORE ABOUT CALLOWAY... I am very heartened by how you mentioned once, Warren, that you planned to give each character real depth and treat them with sincerity. I feel very interested about when that time will be for Calloway! We know that he takes in kids (or at least O'Grady and Joe scratch that. tag lore be upon me) and teaches them how to sell trinkets. We know that he hates giants. We know he's been horribly injured in a way that led to him losing a hand, an eye, and possibly teeth. Knowing what we do about the risks of being a borrower, and how casually cruel giants are to them, it's not unlikely those last 2 things are related. I'M TAKING YOUR TAGS AND RUNNING AWAY WITH THEM LIKE A DOG W SOMETHING IN ITS MOUTH.
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So Calloway knew them for several years as vulnerable kids... then lost them for a year or so... then got them back after they escaped the watchmaker's? I will be interested to see if that trauma means he's more protective of them, or uh, still more drunk libertarian dad about them. Lmao. He seemed like he cared about Joe getting into Tiny Town way back in Ch3 tho at least! (as an aside... interested in who Gutters is, too. He SEEMS to be older than Joe/Tim, but he could also still be a Calloway Kid himself... he seems to defer to Calloway... and/or he could just be some guy embittered about giant/tiny relations. which. fair, brother.)
If the broader Tiny Town culture (such as it is... would word get around about this incident with Joe and Harry, or does news just not travel that well amongst lots of secluded borrower communities? much to consider. it makes sense in a dark way why you would physically mark somebody who's transgressed against society's cardinal rule, in a culture where you cannot generally spread information effectively) would reject Joe for his proclivities... will Calloway, too? Or is it Joe's anxiety making him think that? I'm afraid we already know how Tim would feel. Other than him, Calloway is the person who Joe seems most connected to in miniature society... Although Harry's worry about Joe not spending enough time around his fellow miniatures in Ch22 is at least partially motivated by his own guilt-trip, I think he has a bit of a point! I hope Joe doesn't lose touch with everyone -- or if he does, I hope there will be new friends out there for him, too, who are more understanding.
“Joe… can we go back to the big, sexy giant part for a second?” <- LIT'RALLY me rereading this chapter 800 times
A snapping turtle is a fantastic little horror for poor Joe to face, woof. Those fuckers are scary enough when ur height is measured in feet. The quick way they snap is no joke. Just want to 👏👏👏👏 about how good this passage is: The turtle’s maw emerged from the waters of the lake like the gaping mouth of some ancient monster that fed on the souls of sailors. The grimy lakewater rushed over its beady little eyes as its beak, sharp as a dagger, flew towards Joe faster than a gunshot. YEAH.
It just!! makes my little heart sooooo happy to see that Joe does have someone who will unconditionally look out for him...!!! Harry has his issues, and they're still learning how to open up about themselves, but he consistently shows up!! :') the thought of him waiting for his man all night ... hoping the dredge would be the place Joe meant ... and then acting sooo fast when he saw a tiny guy fall off of it... what a faithful hound of a [future] boyfriend. Calloway is so right. Joe deserves somebody to look after him. And Joe has done the (forgive me for the loaded meme) girl math on this. One big man is the best possible outcome for him. ONLY THE BIGGEST MAN WILL DO to keep him off of his bullshit as much as possible 👍👍
And OF COURSE god their conversation is just so so so fucking funny. "Thank you" "fuck no I'm not" -> "FUCK YOU" is INCREDIBLE i CANNOT STOP THINKING ABOUT IT lmaooooo and Harry still being so gentle about receiving this insult and trying to parse what Joe means ... he does listen to Joe, they're definitely not back to square one as drunk!Joe feared, his own issues are just getting in the way! (And Joe's are getting in the way of him seeing thru Harry's facade into what the real issue is! We love to see it!)
"“I meant that. You don’t get to call me handsome until you start listening to me.” He slurred. “You gotta—you gotta want it.”
Joe crossed his arms and scowled up at the beautiful man and his beautiful face as Harry tried to parse what Joe was saying.
“Want it…?” Harry echoed.
“Yeah. You gotta want to be my friend. And screw what anyone else thinks!”"
And did anyone else cackle at how Joe telephone-gamed Calloway's advice to still be in plausible-deniability-land. "You gotta want to be my friend" ok. not what he fuckin said. run that back real quick -> "Not if you’re being open about what you want and everything. That’s how love works, Joe. You gotta want it."
I just adored the moments of insight between them, too. "... Joe knew his real answer was yes – he was just too afraid to say it overtly. He argued and fought and begrudgingly accepted it instead. / What was that saying to Harry?" vs. Ch22 Harry's revelation: "How much of his relationship with Joe was genuine, he wondered, and how much of it was Joe going along with Harry’s suggestions in the name of diplomacy?"
Joe IS acting like somebody who's being coerced! Harry IS being a trustworthy guy by noticing it and checking in once their relationship is definitely turning intimate! It's so fascinating to think in hindsight that every time Joe turned red and embarrassed, Harry was having a thought at the back of his mind like "he doesn't want this. I'm scaring him. He doesn't want me, and he doesn't even know the real me yet. And worse, he can't tell me, because he's afraid of what I might do to him." But he can't SAY all that because it would hurt too much if he said it and Joe confirmed he was actually correct, so Ch22 comes out as a trainwreck where he's accidentally insulting Joe's ability to survive without him. (Side note I KNEW Harry wasn't REALLY considering Joe his landlord. Sad!!! That fucked up scrawny starving guy has squatter's rights and he was doing pretty good all things considered maybe !!!)
The respective issues ~Society~ has given both of them just make it impossible to talk about the root of their problems without baring your guts in a really terrifying way. OOF.
HOWEVER this chapter confirming that homophobia isn't such a problem in tiny society is going to make this eventual conversation betwen them real interesting... Harry like "You don't understand Joe :( there's something really wrong with me... ... I like ... men..." and Joe being like "omg :) :) :) :) :) wait what's wrong with you tho" and then Joe "No you don't understand Harry :( I know this is sick but... I like.. giants... I'm sure you could never see someone smaller than you as anything other than a pet ..." and Harry just ":) :) :) :) oh what no :) Georgie was shorter than me" I hope they can have a good, baffled laugh at how long they could've been snuggling guilt-free. At the end of the angst. <3
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softxsuki · 4 months
Could I request a letter for your Valentines Day Letter Event? I would love love LOVE a letter from baji. We've been friends since middle school and we became offical when we went to the same University. (He does veterinary medicine and I do art.) I'm 20 and he's 21 (dating for a couple of years at the time of him writting ir) and well... he does call me a variety of pet names depending on his mood (just wanna be call dollface/cutie). TONE: I'm thinking about a hurt to comfort letter where I get hurt/bullied (harassed and peer pressured by bullies and idk how to response bc i thought uni wasn't the place for bullying and high school drama. Guess not 💀) and he saves me but I don't respond bc i feel week and I should have done something instead of waiting for him ro come save me and I just feel undeserving of his love and isolate myself in my dorm (we live in different dorms). Baji not being sure on what to do/not wanting to pressure me (ik he isn't like this but shhh it's for the sake of the letter) write a letter expressing how much he genuinely cares for me and loves me (without it being out of character) and that I'm not alone and I have him. Location: it takes place at uni (so he slips it through underneath the door. After I read it, he comes in and we just cuddle and watch a movie (whilst hes holding me in his strong arms. He stays the night and makes me breakfast, also he "talks" to my bullies so that when I see them again they all run away 🏃 (they want no smoke). Other information: I'm usually the more affectionate one between us and like he reciprocates (was quite shy at first but warmed up to it and how he starts it... it gets a little heated sometimes if he's jealous 😳). I hope I'm not coming off as ooc by saying this (please correct me if I am). I feel like baji is somewhat reserved in public (unless he's jealous) like the most he'll do if give me a kiss or a brief hug (maybe ruffle my hair) but like o can tell he cares. I can't proprrly articulate it but he isn't just a feral troublemaker, he's more than that (acts of service - giving me water, snacks if so I don't get hungry or thirsty/reminding me to like eat and hydrate. Also I can confinde him about anything and he won't judge me for it. Also he doesn't judge me for my autism (actually G checks and fucks up anyone who tries it) and he doesn't care if I'm stimming or pacing around and like it's just really nice to not be seen as weird. Also like he's really attentive like if I'm having a shitty day he wont just not say anything, he'll pick up on it and do his dammest to make it go away. Like giving me advice (amazing if not a bit blunt), or doing what he can. Also I sometimes draw portraits and art of him bc I love him (and my hobby is art) and even if he insists I don't need to. I always make sure to buy him gifts (new cat toys/food, veterinary resources, yskisoba and snacks, etc) bc I want to give back to him.
But yeah that's all there is to it. I hope it isn't too much. Thank you for accepting my request and letting me send this in.
I hope you have a nice day. Ur amazing.
Baji's Comforting Letter to His Girlfriend
This event is now CLOSED, but you can view the masterlist for the other letters here.
| Pairing: Baji x Fem!Reader | Genre: Comfort, Fluff | Post-Type: Letter | Word Count: 1.1k|
Warnings: mentions of bullying, reader feels a little insecure
Note: Happy Valentine's Day! Hope you enjoy your letter from Baji :)
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Baji feels awkward standing in front of your dorm door, his letter grasped between his fingers. You had run away from him a few days ago after he helped you out upon seeing your classmates harass you. Not knowing what to say after that, he gave you your space, but you still hadn’t reached out to him at all.
Worry filled him after your silence. Were you upset with him for some reason that he didn’t immediately reach out to you? Anxiety bubbled up within him as he stood outside your dorm room. It was Valentine’s Day and while that usually meant just staying indoors and ordering takeout with you like any other date, Baji felt like he had to do something extra for you this year to cheer you up. 
He wasn’t used to expressing his affection for you verbally, especially not in a letter since his handwriting was horrible and he couldn’t spell to save his life, but this is what lots of guys did for their girlfriends, right? Maybe it would help you feel better.
Swallowing his pride and brushing his embarrassment away, he slips the letter under your door and knocks a few times before rushing to hide behind a nearby wall so you wouldn’t see him.
You, busy sulking on your own in your dorm, jump slightly at the sudden knock on your door. You were  embarrassed that you had run away from your boyfriend after he helped you out. Of course you were grateful for his help and having him protect you like that sent butterflies erupting in your stomach, but you had let your classmates' words get to you. You felt undeserving of Baji’s love, how could you possibly deserve his attention when you were just you?
Sighing, you stand from your bed that you were wallowing away on, and approach your door, seeing an envelope in front of it. Curiously, you pick it up and see your name written on it. You look through the peephole of your dorm door but don’t see anyone outside it, opening the door slightly just to make sure no one was there, before closing it again.
You take a seat on your bed again as you open the envelope and begin to read its contents;
Hey Dollface,
Did I scare you off the other day? Or were you embarrassed that I found out you were getting picked on? You know I don’t care about things like that, but I wish you had told me yourself so I could have helped you out sooner. Don’t worry about those idiots, they won’t bother you again, in fact, no one will bother you again, I’ve made it very clear to them that they shouldn’t mess with my girl…
I’m sorry if I upset you for not running after you and giving you space. I should have looked for you and comforted you right away. But just…don’t feel like you’re alone. We’re partners, I want to share the pain you feel and I want to know when someone is bothering you so I can sort it out quickly. I love you too much to see you throw yourself down like that. If anything, I’m the one undeserving of you.
Anyway, it’s Valentine’s Day and I heard guys write stupid letters like these or something, so here it is. I really don’t get it, but if it makes you happy then good. I love you.
You know who, do I really need to say it??
You smile to yourself as you read the letter, it was so like him. Super curt, straight to the point,  and probably took him forever to write out properly since the grammar and spelling were perfect. You read through the letter one more time, your eyes always stopping at his words ‘my girl’. You were his girl, despite how many times you may have thought you didn’t deserve his love, Baji would never pretend to be interested in you, he knew what he wanted, and that was you.
The only thing you’d ever picture him doing is pushing you away if you were ever in danger because of him. But he’d never lead you on and pretend to care for you, so why were you so worried in the first place?
You laugh to yourself and quickly grab your things, wanting to see him as soon as possible. Two days without being in his arms was long enough. You open your dorm door, but you definitely don’t expect to see your handsome man in front of you already. He backs you up into your dorm room and closes the door behind him, his eyes never leaving yours.
You could see his red ears, hinting as his embarrassment from his letter, but he still stood tall, his confidence never leaving. 
“Did you read it?” He asks, a hand coming up to rub your arms.
Baji had never been one to initiate affection with you, but since dating you for a while and getting used to your touchiness, he finds himself reaching out to you first now more often. He loves it.
“Mhm, thank you,” you smile, leaning in to press a kiss to his lips. “I loved it, and I love you. Thank you for stepping in the other day for me…and I’m sorry for running off on you like that without a word, I just felt embarrassed.”
He shakes his head and laughs huskily, pulling you into his arms, his chin leaning on your shoulder as he squeezes you tight, “You don’t need to apologize. It’s my job to look out for you, just know that they won’t be bothering you again. They know what’ll happen if they do.”
You hug him back, missing the feeling of having his arms around you
“I’m sure you did. Thank you,” you hum, before a teasing smile graces your lips, “Happy Valentine’s Day. Such a romantic gesture to threaten my ‘bullys’ for me.”
He groans in your neck, guiding you back to your bed where he pushes you back into the mattress, hovering over you, “Yeah yeah, Happy Valentine’s Day. As long as you’re happy.”
And happy you were as he leaned down to pepper kisses all over your face.
Your day of love was spent cuddled up together with a movie playing in the background as Baji later attempts to cook brunch since it was still early on in the day. It wasn’t perfect, but you could care less as long as you got to spend it with him, that’s all that mattered.
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Posted: 2/14/2024
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Submarine fishing
The story of how Julian and Bo (@boinurmom13 OC) decided to go fishing at the bottom of the sea during the Night Market.
The descent into the depths of the sea was longer than Julian had expected, but even during this half hour of descent the young man's multicolored eyes gazed out the porthole with interest and delight. An amazing variety of marvelous fish, squid and other sea creatures that Julian had never seen in his life. Combined with the darkness on the sea floor, the passing sea fish were even a little frightening, but also mesmerizing in their own right.
He had agreed to Bo's offer to go fishing with him in the submarine for a reason, because even if Julian didn't catch anything, at least the impressions from his first visit to the submarine would remain pleasant. Although it was a little late for underwater adventures, the time was already 11 p.m...
Under Willi's mentorship and thanks to Bo's advice, Julian was able to catch more fish that he had never been able to hook before. But he knew nothing about the local sea life: what kind of bait to choose for them, how difficult it was to pull the fish out? And how would they even fish in a submarine? Wouldn't water fill the bilge if there was a hole in it?
"We've reached the sandy bottom, boys!" The bass voice of the Captain made Bo and Julian pay attention to him. "Get your fishing rods ready," he added with a smile.
"Finally!" Bo, tired of waiting, took two iridium rods out of his bag: one was his, and the other was handed to Julian. He added, "I've been waiting all year to fish here again." With their rods, the two young farmers signaled to the Captain that they were ready.
"Then let's open the hatch!" Captain pulled the switch with one tug, and the huge iron door on the floor began to open. Julian jumped a little with worry and said to Bo with a hint of panic:
"Wait, wait wait wait! The water will fill the room, and-"
Bo only snorted quietly, and placing his hand on Julian's right shoulder, replied:
"Relax, bro, we'll be fine. Don't worry about the water, nothing in the hold will fill up." Seeing that his words didn't convince his friend to calm down, Bo smiled softly. "Hear about such a meaning as a "moon pool'?"
It was a good thing that curiosity was stronger that Julian's worry, so he shook his head and listened intently to Bo's explanation.
"Useful thing, serves to provide access underwater to do diving work. It's the same here, look," Bo points with his hand to a completely open area of seawater. To Julian's relief, the water really didn't fill the submarine room, which made it finally calm down. The white-haired farmer was the first to cast his fishing rod into the sea water, and the young man with heterochromia followed suit.
"So, what exactly are we going to catch?" Julian asked, shifting his attention from the float to Bo standing next to it.
"Anything we can get our hands on. There's plenty of fish, and they're not too picky about bait, but getting them out is a pain in the ass," Unlike Julian, Bo's attention was focused on the float of his rod. "All the fish could be very profitable. I'd better get some money for next spring and buy cauliflower and parsnip seeds after all. Otherwise that old fart's gonna tell me again that 'if I'm fishing instead of farming, I should be called a fisherman and not the farmer', bla bla bla." Bo parodied Lewis's voice in his own way, and so well that Julian couldn't help but chuckle quietly in response. Bo continued:
"It's mostly sea cucumbers and seaweed that get caught here, but there can also be night squid and blobfish. If you're lucky at all, you might even pull out one pearl." The white-haired fisherman was a little deep in dreamy thoughts, and did not notice at once that Julian's rod was no longer in the water, and in his hand he held as many as two large, snow-white pearls, wet with salt water.
To say that Bo was stunned is an understatement. He had so much experience in catching fish, and his friend and coworker had caught two - not one, but two! - pearls. Bo was so shocked by this that he didn't even notice that the fish that had been pecking at his hook had already managed to get off.
"Wow, Bo, look how beautiful" Like a kid who had been in a candy store, Julian kept his eyes fixed on his very lucky catch.
"Yup, very lucky... Beginner's luck." Bo muttered a bit grumpily, giving a little in to his envy.
Julian, however, had had time to look at the beautiful pearls, and held one out toward Bo. "Here."
"These are for you."
"Why not?" smiled Julian radiantly. "Consider it a thanks for all the lessons and fishing tricks you've taught me." Bo was surprised a little at his friend's generosity, but accepted the pearls.
"Thank you," he said a little shy. Then he became sharply inspired.
"Yo, let me catch you at least that squid after all." With the same smile on his face, he once again cast the rod into the water. "Especially since I know a great recipe for fried squid rings, and with the special sauce I learned in the Gotoro Empire, it'll be a real treat." Julian only nodded in agreement and watched the professional show a master class in catching the difficult fish.
As soon as Bo felt the rod's line tighten, he quickly spooled up the reel, anticipating a rather large catch.
Only to his and Julian's surprise, a head popped up on the surface of the water.
Head... What?
Blue hair, eyes like azure shore, snow-white smile. The young mermaid was holding a caught squid, which still had a hook from Bo's fishing rod. The mermaid looked from one farmer to another and quickly removed the hook from what she thought was her prey and sank back into the abyss of sea waters. All the while, Julian and Bo stood stiffly, not uttering a word.
Bo was the first to break the silence:
"Damn... Like, If she wanted squid so badly, she could have asked for it, sheesh..." A little indignantly, he said.
Julian only snorted and shook his head. First fishing trip on a submarine for the young farmer would definitely be remembered forever.
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paradoxcase · 10 months
The Mysterious Study of Dr. Sex
This feels like an Encyclopedia Brown book set in the Locked Tomb universe. I like it. I thought the title was going to be some reference to the Sex Pal joke, but no, there is actually a character named Dr. Sex. Of course there is a character named Dr. Sex, like the whole entire reason that there's a context in this world where people are given last names that mean "six" is so that there could be a character named Dr. Sex, isn't it? Honestly, I named the goddess in my current conworlding project Sapfita and then a whole-ass story came out of that name, so I would not be surprised
The real Dulcinea sounds like she'd be much more fun to be friends with than Cytherea, to be honest. Now I'm sad I didn't actually get to meet her. I got a little confused by "alveolar walls", but no, that's nothing to do with the alveolar ridge, that's in the lungs. And Palamedes is giving her medical advice long-distance and devoting all of his studying capacity to trying to help her, and I don't know. Gideon finds this tragic, but I find it kind of weird and concerning. And a little tragic, I guess. People in this universe don't seem to experience regular emotions, but emotions that consume their entire being and sometimes I can't quite empathize with that
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Honestly, if this has been a perpetual issue with the Sixth House, how did it last for 10,000 years? Was there some recent Event that caused this?
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Sorry, I don't have anything to say here
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Ok, so the way you do your administrative stuff is that people put bloody thumbprints on forms, so there's a standard attachment to clipboards that's a spike so you can stab your thumb and generate a bloody thumbprint. But like, blood is a biohazard, right? Your stabbing your thumb, and creating a open wound that's interacting with this same place where a ton of other people also stabbed their thumb and bled all over the clipboard, I'm just saying, this seems like a really efficient way to infect your entire House with HIV
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Ok, that's funny
So what I'm getting is that they control the skeletons through the thermal paste and cords, in a kind of flesh magic way, rather than how skeletons are animated on the Ninth, which is more of a bone magic way? Is that also true for the skeleton that was doing the Copper Garden maintenance? Is that outside?
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So volcanos can be, in some sense, alive or dead, I guess maybe in the same sense that planets can be alive or dead or undead? The definitions of thalergy and thanergy specified that they were about cell division and death, but it doesn't make sense from just those definitions that things like planets and volcanos can be thalergenic or thanergenic. All of the necromancy we've seen has to do with actual organic matter and not things like rocks
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So here's the thing about dating: when you're dating something organic, pretty much always the question you're asking is "when did this organism die?" But if we think about the history of this skeleton - at some point it was a living person, and then some time later that person died, and their skeleton was turned into a construct, all this happened before Dr. Sex came back as a revenant and possessed the skeleton, we'll say that was X years before that happened. Could be 5, could be 100, could be 1000. Dr Sex came back 200 years ago, so the date for these bones should actually be 200 + X, and not 200, unless X was very small and the skeleton had been created very recently at that point, but no one ever mentioned anything like that. They are measuring thalergy and its dissipation here, but that's not really that different than measuring the dissipation of carbon, is it? Except that you don't have to destroy your sample when you use necromancy, I guess. Would a reanimated skeleton continue to produce thalergy and thus register as a living being as far as the dating is concerned? I kind of think it wouldn't. Did Dr. Sex possessing the skeleton re-up its thalergy somehow? But he was also dead at that point
Also interesting that there's a lot of singular they in this story, even for people who have gendered names or are otherwise referred to by gendered terms
So I guess we're meant to assume that this puzzle sphere was some object that Dr. Sex had requested in order to test thalergy levels?
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I guess maybe we'll find out something about the author and intended recipient of this letter in Harrow the Ninth?
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I have a genuine question : is there anything wrong with a cis person getting on hormones if it's done privately and not interfering with waitlists?
For context, I'm trans m and had to wait around 3 years for my testosterone. My cousin is a cis m and have always been very feminine in personality, but he has severe body dysphoria on how masculine his body is. He has always been like this and we've known eachother our whole lives so I know it's not just a recent thing. I suggested estrogen and/or testosterone blockers for him, but he was worried about taking resources away from a trans person who may actually need it, so I thought about doing this privately.
Here in my country, if you dont wanna get in a waitlist you need to be seeing an endocrinologist and a therapist frequently and buy your hormones with your own money. I didn't go through this because it's obviously expensive to pay for all the sessions and hormones, but that was when I was younger and now both me and him have a job, and since it's something he truly wants I'm more than happy to help.
We both researched the effects of both estrogen and testosterone blockers. He is fine with all of the effects (except for boob growth but it can be avoided) and knows that there's a chance he'll get dysphoric but he can always just stop taking them. He wants the hormones mainly for fat retribution, decreasing of muscle mass and thinning of body hair.
He used to be very insecure about his body and depressed about being "stuck" in a masculine body until I told him there were options. Despite hating his masculine features, he likes his genitals and likes being treated as a guy, and has thought about being trans before but he hated being seen as a girl. So he's certainly not a trans girl in denial.
Is this a bad idea? He's very aware of the effects and wants a majority of them. He's also getting hormones privately so he's not getting in the way of anyone else. In my mind, it's all good, but I'm also young so there might be a chance I'm doing something stupid, so I'm getting some more opinions about this. Thank you!
There are a lot of reasons why someone would take hormones. Only one of those reasons have to do with being trans. There are actually a lot of cis people that take hormones for several different reasons. They are not taking away from trans resources.
The resource issue comes from people who claim to be trans (who aren't) taking hormones. Because they back up the wait-list that is for trans people. Cis people have a different wait-list. I don't think he's taking away from trans resources and I really don't think he should be all that worried about doing so. The only ones who are going to get priority are those who medically need the hormones. Someone doing it for dysphoria or dysmorphia won't get as much priority. Your cousin would fall into that second area.
Most cis people take hormones for medical reasons (like their body doesn't make enough of something). Body dysmorphia reasons I feel are a little less common. Simple because it can be harder to get. It's not medically necessary so it's going to be a lot more outta pocket expenses. It's a body imagine issue not a physical health one.
I do think there's something to be said about accepting certain part of yourself. And you can talk about society pushing ideas on how you should look. But I am a firm believer that you can do what you want with your body. It's yours. If you understand the risks and are comfortable with all possible consequences, then have at it. My only advice is to make sure you're in close consultation with a therapist and doctor to make sure it's actually what you want to do, if you should do it, and keep you under control of what's happening/healthy throughout the process.
Basically. Hormones aren't a trans exclusive thing. There's nothing wrong with other people taking hormones. It's only a problem if you're claiming to be trans in order to get access to them. Your body. Your choice. Know your risks, accept your consequences, and do what will make you happy.
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yoonia · 8 months
hi dia, how are you? i hope you're doing well. sorry to bothering you but i need to talk with somebody that might understands me. you see i really love writing, but everytime i try to write something, even if i already have it all planned, i can't. i can't because i'm afraid that it's not going to be good, or that i can't write a good conversations between my characters or that i'm not going to be able to make my readers feel emotions, and i know that i shouldn't be doing this, but i admit that i compare myself with other authors, and i tell myself that if i'm going to write something or not, it's not going to make a difference and that someone out there is way better than me...i don't know what to do, so i wanted to ask you: what should i do?
Hello, love! I'm doing well, or dare I say, better? For the past few days, things have been quite crazy for me and I've been lacking sleep so much I've been barely coherent. Hence the reason why I've been silent and took my time responding to this.
You will never be a bother to me and you're right, I do understand your predicament. Writer's block happens to most of us. Heck, I've been dealing with my own for the past month and I've been struggling with it too. So I can totally see what you mean. Oftentimes, we find the biggest challenge in ourselves when it comes to creating content, and I rather think that it's somewhat normal to feel that way. And you can't really help comparing yourself when you're surrounded by a lot of people who create the same stuff that you do. That's probably why a lot of writing advice that we've seen on #/writelbr always tells us to "not compare yourself with others" lol. But I know that it's hard not to do it bc they're literally around us, popping on our dash, sometimes they even show us their works when we're talking to them on chats, DMs, etc. That's why I tried to switch things up when that happens to me, maybe you can do that too?
When you find yourself comparing your own work or whatever stage you are currently in creative-wise to another writer, try to take notes about what it is that you find feeding your insecurities or making you feel inferior. Use that note as your guide and a learning tool to improve yourself with your own writing and skills.
After writing for so long, I've learned that each writer has their own "voice" or "tone" that they put into their works. Try finding your own, and figure out which part in the writing process you feel like you can stand out more (for ex. you might not be good at writing dialogues, but you're better at writing a narration with vivid descriptions) and then just continue honing at it until it becomes something that you can be proud of.
If you feel like getting stuck, I actually found this post earlier about the simplest ways to get yourself unstuck. Tricking your mind into thinking that you're not actually writing a fic/story can work sometimes to switch up your mood. It could be through changing your font, using different writing apps, writing them down in your notebook (this is what I do often when I'm stuck), etc. I also have a thing called the "bracket technique" (FYI I just found out that this trick has a name after years of using it lol). This is where instead of writing an actual--fully written--scene, you just put your idea inside a bracket before later expanding it into an elaborate narration or dialogue. It basically looks like this:
[This is the paragraph you've already written so far] [Enter what you want to happen next here and what kind of things they would be talking about, where they are and what kind of situation you want them to be in. So it's not an actual written scene but mainly just a random blurb or brain dump that might make no sense to anyone who sees it except for you]
Another thing that I'd like to suggest to maybe find your motivation again is to actually step back from writing or anything that may stress you out. Forcing yourself to write when you're not up to it will only make you detest it even more. Close your writing app/doc, take a break, take a good walk or drive, maybe find something to read or watch or play a game to get your mind off of it. Then once you're ready, go back to reread everything that you've written so far, and you may find yourself wanting to either fix what you've created or finish it entirely. Either way, you'll find yourself writing again even if it's only to rewrite that one paragraph that you got stuck on the last time you're here.
And please don't say that you're not going to make a difference whether or not you're writing. Trust me, it does make a difference. Whether you only have 5 readers enjoying your work and waiting for an update or 1k readers following you, you're still making a difference in their lives by creating something that they can enjoy in their downtime. And it's not just them. You'll be making a hell of a difference by finishing that WIP of yours and sharing it on your blog/platform and checking at least one of your to-do-list that has been put on hold.
Take small steps and take things slow. Just remember that you don't always have to be the best writer out there, but just focus on being the best version of yourself that you can be proud of.
Sorry this got so long T^T but I hope this can help you somehow. Good luck with your writing, love! Sending love and a ton of good vibes your way <333
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whysojiminimnida · 2 years
We Out Here Couple Blogging Now
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Not Jikook. Zip it. Nope it's me with your man Kevin From Itaewon and although this will get posted later in the day it is right now 6 AM in my world and 9 PM Seoul time. Away the fuck we go. Me: Hey bitch. KFI: and the horse you rode in on. Lovely to see you, darling. Me: We posting selfies? I am so posting that Christmas card pic. KFI: Not just no but hell no, dear. I have a job. You texted about the don't ask don't tell culture here in Seoul. Me: Please elaborate for edification and education reasons. Also I'm blogging this. Hey did you know you don't look Korean? KFI: Okay. What do Koreans look like? We've talked about the "we don't talk about that" culture here, but it's not just about the queer community. Me: Explain. I think your eyes are supposed to be slantier and you should be less pale, maybe. KFI: I didn't get a lot of sun in the 90s. Have you met my dad? What I mean is that most people simply don't go around shedding light on things that should be private. Finances? Private. Religion? Eh, semi-private. Relationships of any sort? Depends on the relationship but there's a disconnect between public and private information. I'll ask my friends if their families are well. How are the kids, are your parents keeping well, etc. But not "how's the wife", because there is a bit of a line from polite conversation to intrusive behavior there. Why are we talking about me not being Korean again? I'm 75% Korean ethnically. Behave yourself. Me: Just blog stuff. Anonymous people. Make this make sense for me, oppa. Because you and I have seen some things together. We've covered some road, right, and we've had very deep philosophical, religious, even medical conversations, but I don't know if your boyfriend is even the same one from five years ago. Dude that is weird. You're weird. KFI: No, you're my dongsaeng. You're also a pain in the ass and you talk too much. You ask too many questions. As oppa I will always be here and give you whatever advice you ask me for, and will offer some if I feel it will help you live better or be happy. Because I do adore you and want you to be happy. (In re: boyfie) If you lived here and we were in a position to go out you would end up having a good friendship with him. He likes you, anyway. And yes it's still X, he said to tell you. You knew that, don't act like you didn't, you're in his phone (Laughs)
Y'ALL THIS IS A GUY I TALK TO ONCE A WEEK ON AVERAGE OKAY IT'S NOT LIKE WE MET SIX MINUTES AGO. Me: Kay but would I get to hang out at your place though? KFI: Yes, you would, but not uninvited. For you to drop over would be rude. You could come for game nights or dinner nights if I invited you first. Or of course if X invites you which he would. You really should visit, we have some nice hotels close by.
Me: But you could show up at my door anytime so that's kinda bullshit.
KFI: Also not really. I mean, we might negotiate that because it's us. But honestly? Your neighbors would think it was odd if I came by and you weren't home. I'm a man, you're a woman, neither of us appears married, so that would be impolite on my part. Me: So how's your boyfriend? KFI: You are insufferable and he is great. We're good. Be nice. Me: (sticks tongue out because I am Mature Like That) Me, again: Okay so we've been talking about the glass closet/golden closet situation and you've said that for Jungkookie there isn't one really. KFI: There isn't really one for either of them. Jimin isn't hiding either. Jungkook is more obvious here to me because of his flouting of social rules, but that Jimin lets him do it and also engages in that reversal is a huge signal. That none of the members seem to notice it most of the time tells me that it's standard procedure for them as a couple. Heirarchy is not important to them because their relationship is intimate and long term. They behave like spouses more than anything else. And that's why nobody asks the big questions, here. We don't have to. It's obvious to Koreans - at least gay Koreans, we don't need declarative statements. Me: Yeah because I always kinda thought Jimin was louder, more affectionate, especially in the early years. Koo seems like a Big Gesture guy - tats, possibly, ear sucking, showing off the hickey... KFI: OH yes. That... was a thing. Me: Which?
KFI: That so-called neck bite story was terrible. Even if it was partly true it was just awful. And that BigHit chose to let it run that way was akin to a flashing neon sign that said "Meet Our Married Gay Idols". At this point there is no closet any more. Even a year ago, yes, a closet existed, but now all that is left is just a public coming out statement. Me: I don't think we're gonna see that soon though. KFI: I agree with you. Everyone who needs to know, knows. The coding is so blatant that they might as well just wear couple outfits and celebrate anniversaries. Me: Which, uh.... US: THEY DO. Me: So I get why the hickey was a thing for us in the West but does it have that same connotation over there? KFI: Possibly moreso, actually. Marks like that are not acceptable socially. Certainly it should have been covered, at the least. That it wasn't was a deliberate statement. Me: Would you go so far as to call it fanservice or to say that maybe Jimin took the fall for something he didn't do, there? KFI: Absolutely not. That was in no way fanservice. I really see fanservice, by the Korean perception, as more along the lines of what you see Jungkook do with, say, V, or Jin. It's fun, it's cute, there's some aegyo going on, but it's not blatantly sexual like the subtext you get with Kookmin. Me: I keep saying the chemistry is entirely different. KFI: Even with Jimin and V there is some borderline flirtation going on but if you look at it honestly, it's affection, it's skinship. It's not sexual. The only two people in BTS who are sexually involved and telegraphing that are Jimin and Jungkook. Even down to the peace signs. Me: They all do peace signs, what the hell are you on about, oppa? KFI: I don't remember it being a thing over there but here peace signs in photos are often seen within the community as code for "I'm in the closet". Not always of course but that Jungkook and Jimin do them so often is just something I noticed. They seem to do them together a lot, too.
Me: I was pretty sure that was finger guns. KFI: You're bi, of course you would think that. Me: (shoots finger gun) KFI: I did look at the pics you sent of Jungkook's shoulder grip, too. (I sent him pics of that grippy thing Koo does at Jiminie's collarbone). That's not something I'd caught before but, wow.
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Me: IKR?! KFI: Yeah. Yeah. I understand that these guys were basically raised by each other, very Lord of the Flies, K-idol style, but wow. That's very proprietary. And very forward. Do they both do that, or just Jungkook? Me: I see the neck touches more with Jimin, but there's that height thing. Like I couldn't easily just reach around you and push my fingers into that spot, on you, but Jungkook is the you here, he can reach. I think I've seen both of them do it though. KFI: Huh. That's rather versatile of them. Me: Explain it for the hets in the back, I'm blogging this. KFI: Oh, my. Really. Okay. The light pressure Jungkook puts on Jimin's collar bone, so close to the neck, is... loud. Very loud. It's sexual, because that area of the neck and shoulder is an erogenous zone to begin with. To locate those nerve endings and press in on them is a very sexually dominant gesture. It's nearly ownership. I can't see a logical explanation for that hold other than they are sexually intimate and Jungkook is actively topping when he does it. Me: That doesn't mean Koo is always topping. KFI: Of course not, certainly Jimin has very dominant moments. But that move, that is a top move and not a subtle one. If I did that to someone I would expect him to be immediately obedient and to be paying close attention to me. Me: And if someone did it to you? KFI: We're not here to talk about me. Don't be crass. Me: say bye to the Tumblr kids. KFI: Merry Christmas. You're not seriously blogging this, are you? Me: What? No. Of course not, oppa.
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Wildest Dreams
Loki x Reader
1989, chapter 9
"He only saw her in his dreams."
Summary: It's hard to find the one, but even if you do find him it's always going to be a daily struggle to make it work. Can you even make it work after he broke your heart? The answer to that is complicated, but it all started when you found each other again in the stark tower- and that's where our story begins.
Word count: 3,695
Warnings: language as always, angst and some tiny fluff (probably not in the way you want), alludes to sex, Odin. one malec reference.
A/N: okay so, this chapter is different since it is mainly introspective about Loki's time in the 6 months he has been back in Asgard- so that's that about the timeline.
A/N2: I really hope you'll like it so let me know by reblogging and commenting! If you want to be on my taglist let me know by sending an ask! Thank you @chrissquares for the dividers! and the amazing @nacho-bucky
No one is allowed to repost my writing or steal or copy my work! Reblog on tumblr is fine.
Series masterlist
Song on Spotify and YouTube
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Month one in Asgard.
"Brother I assure you all will be well. I'll make sure she will be safe." Thor had told him that before he left for Midgard.
The gesture was nice but while he did want you to be safe he didn't want to know who you are hanging with.
You'll find a way to move on and so will he. Once this all will be over Loki will finally get some peace and his life will return to normal, nothing lasts forever after all.
Life as a prince was supposedly comfortable, and so a prince's chambers should be as well. But as he was lying on the big soft bed in his large room, he couldn't have felt more alone. The bed was too big, the sheets were too cold, and the surfaces of the room were too empty of life- he could find a million faults to his room if he tried.
Loki didn't stay in his room often then, as a prince he could do whatever he wants and he could go anywhere he wants- well, almost.
Sparring was a great hobby he developed when he was angry, having a chance to politely beat down another person often sounds delightful to him then. It was almost empty now at the sunset but he found an opponent.
He could feel and hear his own heartbeat as he took in a breath and looked into the sunset as the warrior took his stance in front of him.
'The Norse Gods are almost immortal.'
The sentence lingered in your head. Maybe buying this book was a bad idea. At the knock on your door you quickly shut the book and shoved it under the sofa cushion.
A moment later Loki walked in with a batch of freshly picked flowers, they didn't look like they were from around here, you only hoped these flowers can survive on their own so you wouldn't kill them.
"Hello my love, are you ready for our date?" you got up to him with a smile, he put the flowers in a vase that appeared on your table, once he was in your reach you gave him a peck on the lips.
"Yes, let's go!" The relationship was still new but you were happy that you still had that same chemistry that the two of you had before.
That sentence kept your mind busy as you drove out of the city, away from the crowd of people and into a high solitary space.
"I could've just teleported us there my love, you know that right?" he looked at you as you drove, the sun was shining over you and he couldn't look away. The view of you in the sunlight with your best dress and red lips is easily more stunning than anything he had seen in all the realms.
"Yes, but it's more fun this way." You insisted on having some of the dates be normal and human.
"How is driving for such a long time fun?" you saw him shake his head from the corner of your eyes.
"Just relax Loki, I'll put on some great driving songs." He groaned but you only laughed.
It was an hour or so later that you reached your destination- it was an amazing view seeing all the trees and rocks as you finally parked on the dry ground of the mountain hill spot you found for Loki and you.
Loki stepped outside and laid out the picnic you packed up as you looked down on the beautiful horizon as the sun began to set.
Loki came up behind you and curled his hands around your waist.
You could've stayed in that content moment forever. The sentence still lingered in your brain.
"Loki?" you called to him and he only hummed in response, his lips kissing your hair.
"Yes, darling?"
"Say you'll remember me." You asked him in a low voice.
"Say you'll remember me, here at this moment, standing in a nice dress and staring at the sunset with you."
"I promise you my dear," he kissed your shoulder and you felt him smiling. "Every time I see you, I'll remember this moment. I'll relish it forever."
Month two in Asgard.
It was different, spending the time with her here was nothing like being with you there- but maybe that's a good thing.
He was trying to get used to all the same emotions he felt all those years go. The regret, the knowing that he has to let go completely, the anger and temporary solutions, and then there's the sadness.
It was a familiar process, but having you again just reminded him of everything he lost and how everything has changed after he first let you go.
The first time he let you go, it almost killed him. And now he didn't know how his own mind would work to survive this.
He spent days in meetings and peace negotiating. His father kept him busy whether it was with Iyllir or work, it didn't matter.
She was excited about the wedding- their wedding. He chimed him whenever she asked for his opinion.
"What do you think about the flowers? Besides the ones I already picked of course." The lady smiled at him and waited for his answer. Anything besides your favourite flower would be fine.
The only real thing in this month for him was the work he was doing- negotiating peace was not an easy task. Granted, he could've solved it long ago but where is the fun in that?
"It was a wise choice to listen to my advice. I'm sure your decision to marry soon to be Princess Iyllir will make everyone happy." Odin told Loki as he followed the Allfather into yet another meeting. Entering the room, Loki looked at the blonde who sat next to his seat- he wasn't supposed to be in this meeting.
Taking the seat next to him, Thor smiled at his brother.
"Brother," Loki greeted him and continued to look forward at the table. "Are you not supposed to still be in Midgard?"
"I am, but I returned for a bit," Thor lowered his eyes then. "I heard about the marriage, I'm happy for you."
His pat on the back felt gentler than the usual forceful ones. To Loki it was quite unsettling.
"To be quite honest, I thought you won't do it because-"
"Thank you brother, I look forward to the marriage, it's the right choice."
"Is it?" Thor asked his brother lowly, the meeting was already starting and Loki didn't respond but it was probably best to leave this topic for now. Thor had never seen his brother the way he was when he was with you, it was clear that you mean a lot to him, so it made it that much more worrisome that Loki was going to go through with the arranged marriage. Thor knew Loki would've easily gotten out of it if he wanted to.
Present day on Midgard.
"Why are you all staring at me?" Thor stood there with all of his friends from work looking at him silently.
Natasha was the one to break the silence, "Y/N has been kidnapped and we think the Asgardian problem that we have on our hands right now was the cause of it."
"Y/N has been kidnapped?" His brows furrowed and he put his hammer on the table. "When did this happen?"
"Last week, you weren't here."
"I had to attend a ball for my brother and…" he trailed off.
"Right, I'm sure the wedding was lovely." The captain retorted.
"We really don't need to talk about," Wanda started and looked between Pietro and Clint.
"The wedding hasn't occurred yet." Thor settled in a seat right in front of Steve. "Did you manage to find out where she might be?"
"If we did then she would've been home by now."
"No, we've got nothing so far." Nat glared at Steve before she returned to look at Thor.
"Well you could've told me sooner, I'm sure my brother will be able to help."
"What? Are you crazy?" Steve let out a bitter laugh and stood up. One of his hands was a fist on the table and the other was pointing at Thor. "He is not coming anywhere near here."
The dark tone in Steve's voice left no room for arguments. Tony only heard it once before and so he took Steve out of the room before anything could happen.
Month three in Asgard.
"I see that you've read the books that I recommended you already." Iyllir sat next to him on the dark blue couch in the large palace library. Gold and blue were all around and the smell of old books filled the air.
"Yes they were very interesting," She put a hand on his arm delicately. "You have incredible taste in books my prince."
He nodded at that and quickly picked up one of the books from the pile that was set aside on the table. The guide to the old weapons of the nine realms- he remembered reading it as a child, he used to sneak into the vaults and look around at all the hidden things he found there that he read about in his books. Whatever he didn't recognize he would pick it up and study it. There may have been a couple of accidents there- but come on, what did you expect?
Now the book let his mind wander to the happenings on earth. He heard Thor talk about how it is going there in hushed whispers, but he never stuck around to actually hear anything in fear it would be about you.
He didn't need to know how you were doing, who you were hanging with or what you were up to.
"Loki?" He got snapped out of his thoughts. He looked back at Iyllir who had an unreadable look on her face, he found it hard to read people when he was so caught up inside his own mind, but her face soon took on a gentle smile. "You drifted off a bit. You're here with me now, there's no need to dwell over anything- so let's leave this book aside, it seems to put you in a bad mood."
Iyllir took the book from his hands and put it behind her. She then linked her hand with his and caressed his arm, her head leaning on his shoulder.
His mind now wandered to her and their wedding that was coming soon. Iyllir did manage to put herself in his mind where you should be, so maybe this was the right call after all.
Loki smiled at her and they continued to engage in conversation.
Month four in Asgard.
It was hard to admit that he enjoyed Iyllir's company.
Her lips were soft, and he appreciated the way they made thoughts disappear from his brain.
"Did you really turn into a snake?" Iyllir's laugh joined his as he recalled the memory.
"He was quite shocked, we were eight at the time."
"That was quite clever of you, my prince." She laughed and let her head fall onto his chest as they lay in his bed, covered in green silky sheets.
"Well, I'm always clever."
"Now you're just giving yourself too much credit, you are not always clever." You laughed at him.
He shook his head and turned back to her.
"What do you think about going out of the castle for a bit, go for a couple of days to a small cabin far away from other asgardians just the two of us?"
She nodded enthusiastically and leaned up to a kiss.
"This place is beautiful, but I wish we would've brought maids with us- you shouldn't do any of these things, you're a prince. I sent a letter so hopefully the servants will get here soon."
"Oh, I was quite content with using my magic, but how thoughtful of you."
"Now you'll get to spend more time with me." She whispered to him and walked over to him, putting her hands around Loki's neck.
He pulled her closer.
"That is true." He said in between kisses, moving the two of them backwards until Iyllir's knees touched the bed.
"You know, it is not really proper for a man and woman to be in bed together like this before their wedding night." She moaned at the kisses he trailed down her neck.
"When did I ever care about such formalities, my dear?" she let out a breathy laugh as he laid her on the mattress and he hovered above her. "And I know for a fact that you don't either."
Loki was in bed, opening his eyes and seeing the redheaded girl still sleeping next to him, her bare back shone in the sun. They were twisted in bed sheets, and Loki looked back up at the ceiling and tried to go back to sleep, closing his eyes.
"Loki, come cuddle me, I'm cold." Your sleepy voice called out to him.
"Okay, love." He moved himself closer to the body next to him. Opening his eyes for a second, he got snapped back to reality when he realized that you weren't the one in his bed, he was cuddling someone who wasn't you.
He shook his head and tried to fall asleep when Iyllir pressed back against him.
Month five in Asgard.
The ballroom was massive and adorned with gold and touches of green. The people there were ecstatic about the upcoming wedding.
The crowded room was full of people drinking mead and eating and dancing. But it all seemed just a bit too much for him.
Never in his wildest dreams did he think this will happen to him that this would be his life. Every girl was here with the most beautiful dresses but all he could remember was you, dancing with him in your best dress, you could easily beat any girl here with that dress and your beauty.
Loki was seated next to the Allfather and Iyllir, watching over the room as more and more new asgardians came to pay their respects and congratulate the happy couple. Thor came up behind them and patted Loki on the back before he took him away to drink.
According to Thor it was a necessity.
After that he had a dance with his soon to be wife, only a few kisses were engaged, Loki didn't like being as affectionate out in the open, in front of so many people.
The dance ended and the mead started to kick in, and if he was honest it was quite amusing to see Thor drunk as he talked, or more so yelled, to his friends.
After the ball he didn't see Thor as much, he must be busy with… whatever that was happening on Midgard. He won't let himself think too much about it, so he kept himself busy with wedding preparations and council meetings.
He spent the month buried in work during the day, and clearing his head during the night.
Present day in Midgard.
"Tony, I already told you that her powers don't have any energy trackers that we can build on."
"Bruce, we already scoured hydra bases. We found no information about her." Tony looked at the screen in front of him before pushing it aside, startling Bruce. "Sorry."
The doors to the lab opened and they turned to see Thor coming in with a short smile.
"Have you got any news about Lady Y/N?" he looked around the room anxiously, his next words would certainly get a reaction from the two scientists. "Do you need my brother's help?"
"Thor, I don't think that's a good idea." Tony exchanged a look with Bruce and he rubbed his eyes. "But no, we still don't know where she is."
"Why refuse his help?" Thor's voice grew louder. He then looked at the door when it opened for Steve and Wanda.
"We already told you Thor, we don't want his help." Steve chuckled darkly, so Wanda put her hand on the captain's shoulder then, trying to ease the tension.
"Thor, this isn't something Loki can help with, this is hydra."
"He will still do whatever he can, he still cares for her-"
"Besides, he is probably busy preparing for his wedding, isn't that right?"
"You are being judgmental Steve," Thor came towards Steve. "You're not thinking rationally."
"Oh I am judging him just right. If you're only here to try and vouch for your brother than you may as well go."
"Steve!" Wanda called him but he didn't budge his stare from the Asgardian prince.
Thor left shortly after.
Steve ignored the stares.
"Father, the elves are calming down, if we send some aid we could make sure peace is settled." Loki talked to his father in the throne room.
"If we send aid, they could use it against us. They could just be faking submission." Loki held back a laugh.
"I'm not the god of lies for nothing father, I'd be able to tell if they were faking it. Trust me about this." The doors opened with a bang, shutting behind the blonde prince as he strode towards Loki.
"My son, what are you doing here?"
"Loki," Thor ignored his father and Loki got up and looked at Thor at the strange occurrence. "Y/N has been kidnapped, you need to come back."
"She what?" His heartbeat sped up and he could feel the warm sensation of anger rise in him from the fear.
"Who is this girl?" Odin looked between his two sons when none answered. "Thor?"
"A girl from Midgard, she's an Avenger." He looked over Loki and nodded his head, he needed to be the one to talk.
"She's just a girl that I knew from Midgard." He said to his father with his jaw clenched, then he turned to Thor. "Thor, what happened?"
"They think she's got taken because of her powers, or because of the Asgardian technology that was stolen."
"My sons, you will answer to the questions I pose. Now tell me, what powers does she posses? If she has a part in the problem we have on Midgard then I deserve to know that."
Thor nodded, encouraging Loki to speak up.
"She has the power to insert herself into people's minds and control what they see and feel." He shook his head at his father. "She has no role in this father, she should not be mixed with Asgardian business."
The Allfather was quiet then before he shifted in his throne.
"Son, you know her for quite some time isn't that right?" Loki nodded and looked down.
"And you seem to care for her, too." He was no longer asking but Loki found himself nodding anyway. "Did she know about you being an Asgardian?"
"Yes, she knew who I was."
"So have you ever used your magic on her?" Loki was halfway into shaking his head before he stopped and remembered that night he spent comforting you, sitting on the tile of your bathroom.
"Only once," he thought back at the ancient spell.
"Tell me now my son, has it ever crossed your mind that such powerful magic as the one you have will affect a mortal immensely?"
"What are you saying father?" Thor looked up at Odin.
"It was a powerful spell…" Loki was still in thought about his actions that night, he must have been emotional.
"Her powers can be of Asgardian source, the mortal's powers sound like old Asgardian magic- the reality stone that was stored here long ago. The spell must have been from those ancient time, and so it stored immense powers- the kind that a mortal could not bear."
"So is that why they took her? Because of my magic, they took her because of me." Loki mumbled to himself.
"Loki, no don't say that-"
"It's true Thor! I'm going to get her back." Loki didn't wait for Odin to object before he all but ran out of the door. Odin didn't object.
"Thor, go after him. If he finds her, he will find the rest of the stolen weapons." Thor nodded to his father before following his brother.
Steve looked at the papers scattered on the lab.
"This is a nightmare."
"I've had better nightmares." Natasha spoke from next to him. "You should go rest a bit, you look like hell."
He smiled at her but it barely reached his eyes. You were a part of his family, losing you is not an option. He didn't know where you were and he didn't want to think about what you may be going through.
He wasn't the only one who cared about you, he knew that, but it still felt like they don't understand.
He turned around to go get water, when he almost ran into someone.
Looking up he saw the blue eyes of the raven haired prince. His tiredness suddenly disappeared when he took in the cold demeanor and rage filled eyed.
"I've been away for six long months and meanwhile you let her get kidnapped just like that?" Loki's voice was low and Steve didn't notice Thor walk in right after Loki, he didn't hear Bucky calling him.
"You are not welcome here Loki, and don't talk about it as if it isn't your entire fault."
The answer he got was in a dark laugh.
"Oh captain, I'm afraid I'm way past asking permission." Loki moved past him. "How long was she gone?"
"Almost a month," Bucky replied, looking between Steve's clenched posture and the same one that Loki held. "Can you find her?"
"I'll do whatever it takes." He nodded to the soldier and Bucky recognized the vulnerability in his eyes.
"Her powers are Asgardian, they came from me." Loki looked at the different screens, the room was quiet. "Doctor Banner, do you think you could track my energy signature? She should have some part of it inside her."
Loki looked back at the doctor, awaiting a response.
"Yes, I will just need to take some of your-"
"Take what you need."
Tags: @ayybtch @buckys-other-punk @chaoticpete @madcrazy50 @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @the-departed-potato @rogerrhqpsody @onceupona-happilyeverafter-love @percabethismyotp14
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I've seen you give advice to other anons and you seem like you really know what you're talking about so I hope you don't mind me asking for some advice.
ATM I identity as aroace. I've never had a proper crush despite already being a hs junior and I really thought I never could but I might have found an exception and now I'm very confused. I have for sure realized that I am ace so it's just the aro part of my identity I'm struggling with. There's his guy in school and we are friends but I think I might have feelings for him, I'm just not sure what feelings they are. We talk a lot and we're pretty close considering how little time it's been since we've been friends. I'm just not sure if I actually have a crush or if I'm just fixating on him because I don't have a lot of guy friends. I'm Desi, and it's been pretty hard to feel "desirable" as a girl living in America so I'm worried I might just be craving male validation. I had some issues with my gender identity a few months ago for a similar reason, not feeling connected to the western image of femininity, so I'm worried this might be caused by a similar sentiment
Hi anon! Ok so these are some really good questions (questions? ponderings? idk) and it reminds me a lot of some stuff I went through in high school in regards to sexual/ romantic identity and also some stuff I've gone through more recently in regards to my gender identity. Now, I know this advice is going to sound so basic but it's really helped me out in the long run and I think it's probably what you need to hear too: In the end, it doesn't matter where your feelings are coming from--they're still your feelings, and you should follow them and do what makes you happy regardless.
Let me expand a bit on that. I can see you're doing a lot of questioning of yourself and your motivations, and questioning of what you're feeling. I know it goes against everything you've heard here on The Hellsite™ but I need for you not to analyze yourself and try to parse out where your feelings are coming from. Ask yourself: does it really matter why you don't feel connected to your agab? Will knowing it's because you're Desi change the way you feel? Will it change the fact that your self perception of your gender doesn't line up with the western image of femininity? Probably not, so what's the point on analyzing it?
Now I know that was just an example of something in the past, so let's apply it to this current situation. Feelings for people are a bit more tricky than feelings about yourself, so it's not an exact method (and I have some more to add to this advice after this) but consider your feelings for this friend. If you enjoy hanging out with him and you're close with him and you know you feel some sort of feelings for him, how much will it help to analyze where these feelings are coming from? If he makes you happy to hang out with him and gives you some sort of warm fuzzy feelings, does it really matter if you're just fixating on him because he's a guy? They're still your feelings, whether they come from a place of liking him as a person or if they're helped out by the fact that he's a guy and you don't have many guy friends.
Now, just because we've established the validity of your feelings doesn't mean you have to do anything about them. There's this idea that society has ingrained in us that if you have a feeling about someone you need to follow that, and that's just not true. Sometimes the timing is right, or sometimes you know it wouldn't actually work out no matter what your feelings are trying to tell you, or a billion other scenarios that I won't type out because this is, of course, getting long because I'm me.
No matter what, it seems like you guys have a solid friendship, and you having some sort of feelings doesn't have to change that. If you want it to change, then that's great, and he seems like someone you can trust not to hurt you from what you've told me, but if you still think you've got some work to do on yourself, in figuring out who you are, in getting more comfortable with your identities, or getting more comfortable with not fully knowing or understanding your identities, then that's cool too.
The advice I've given you today isn't a one size fits all and I'm not super experienced in this stuff myself, but what I do know is that nothing in high school sticks past graduation. I had a similar situation to you where I thought I had a crush on a guy because he was my first guy friend ever and it went on for a while. Nothing ever became of it because we weren't that close but thinking back on it, even if I had dated him and then realized I was very, very aroace, I'd still be in the same place I am now. High school (and college for that matter, seriously why am I acting like I'm so much older, I'm literally still a sophomore in college) is a very exploratory period in your life and if you spend all that time constantly questioning your own motivations I think you're taking it too seriously. Have fun, make mistakes, figure yourself out somewhere along the way. Better to do it all now than when it actually matters, right?
I hope this helped and wasn't too long, anon. You can definitely always come to me for advice and I'll do my best to help out from my own experiences. Also anyone who has some additional advice, you know you're always welcome to add on!
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gently-radical · 3 years
Y'all I need some advice because I'm genuinely shocked at the information I received last night and the way that my sister in law responded to it all.
Her best friend is 9 months pregnant and ready to have her baby any day. The baby's father, who lives with her and has her taking care of his three year old son, is an abusive narcissistic piece of fucking shit who has put his hands on her, isolated her, stolen all of her money, stolen expensive things that her mother bought for her to sell it, nearly hit her with a car just six months ago, and for all intents and purposes, treats this woman like he's going to kill her the moment she has this baby. She has video and picture evidence of his abuse and she has saved text messages of his threats and him all but admitting that he wants to paint her as a bad mom in front of people that will testify for him and get her baby taken away once she's born, which is something he already did with his first child. This woman was there when he drove his son's mother out of the country and then used it as evidence that she wasn't fit to raise her son, so she not only saw it happen already, she was the one he was trying to start all over with before he had even left her. So all of this information was given to us last night, right as she ends up calling my SIL to tell her that something else happened last night and she was ready to leave. She wanted to pack her stuff up and get somewhere safe for the night where she could wait until her grandmother got home and someone could drive her an hour and a half to move in with her. While they're on the phone, my girlfriend and I offered to be her ride and a place to crash for a night or two until her grandma was home. Since she had already told him she's leaving and All that, she was really trying to get out before he came home. All of a sudden my SIL flips out on us, hangs up on her friend, and starts lecturing us that we have no idea what we're doing here and we're going to fuck it all up and we're disappointing her because we're not thinking about how all of this affects HER because apparently she's been buying drugs from this motherfucker!!! And he knows where she lives, with her two year old daughter and twelve year old sister and their mom!!! So she's shutting us down and ending our communication with the woman who's life is literally in danger because she's afraid that he's going to come beat down her fucking door! We had to sit there and tell her essentially, no matter who helps her friend, she's STILL going to be the first place he goes to now because she allowed him to deliver drugs to her fucking mom's house! And she's mad at us for not thinking about the fact that she'd be too scared to call the cops on him because she's terrified of losing her baby because of her fucking drug use!!! I'm so livid and so scared for this woman that we now no longer have the opportunity to help because the SIL is a fucking Trainwreck who constantly puts everyone's lives and safety behind her own and her desire to get fucking high and check out of her life.
I have literally no idea what we can do from here. We've given her 24 hours to tell her mom and let her help or we're telling her everything and making a plan together. We have no idea where she lives, we have no idea what his full name is, and the SIL has been in her ear since we stopped talking with her so she's got our number but we don't have hers and she's probably too scared to reach out to us.
The thing that has me even more upset than everything else, is that my SIL knows nothing about me but she's seen me do certain things to help other women in crisis several times over and she sat there and told me to my face that I have no idea what I'm doing here and I'm going to fuck it all up, so she's planning on handling it herself. She's too much of a fucking coward to do anything for her supposedly best friend and I'm the one who has literally lived a similar situation to this. I've gotten myself out of things like this, not to even mention the other women and girls I've helped get out. The one who has no idea how to do this is her! And when we reached a hand out we got bit! In the same sentence she's trying to tell us that her friend isn't physically in danger because he hasn't hit her for the last five months of her pregnancy and then saying with the same breath that he's been penting up his rage for when the baby comes! And that she's ready to give birth any day! I'm fucking terrified and I'm so beyond disappointed and disgusted with her inability to 1. Make good fucking choices and 2. Put herself aside for just a moment to make sure her friend survives the night and the weekend before someone can get her.
I have no idea what I can do in this situation and if anyone has ANY advice please leave it here, reblog this, or send me a message. Notifying CPS about her isn't currently an option because since she lives with her mom, their mother will lose custody of their youngest sister in the process of all of this. My girlfriend and I aren't currently in a place where we could take either her or our niece in, but we are the godmothers of both of these little girls. We are terrified of making their lives worse in the process of trying to keep them safe.
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rpmemesbyarat · 3 years
RP meme from Scream Queens Ep 10 "Thanksgiving"
Listen. I don't want you to take this the wrong way, but I don't think I can bone you right now.
My wanger is way stressed out.
I've killed for our love.
I just gave her a little push.
You and I can pick up right where we left off.
You can bring me home for Thanksgiving and introduce me to my future in-laws.
What did you do with the body?
I put it in the meat locker. It's where we've been putting all the dead bodies.
I need to see the body.
Look, we can have a three-way with the body.
I'll show you the body, but not so you can have sex with it.
I'll show it to you so that you and I will share a dangerous secret that will strengthen our relationship and bring us closer together.
I don't understand how this keeps happening!
Is this meat locker, like, a wormhole to an alternate universe or something?
She'll probably stop at nothing until she gets her revenge by murdering you.
No one wants to spend a room service Thanksgiving alone.
Are you going to talk at all?
You shouldn't be mad at me.
We're the sane ones.
Now, I know you've got other plans today, and for alibi's sake we need to protect your cover, but I am not letting you leave on an empty stomach.
Is that what quail is? I thought they were bigger.
You know what I was picturing? Pheasant.
Time to slice off those breasts.
I feel like this holiday is all about family, and, well, as you know, I gave up on my real family a long time ago.
I mean, at this point, the closest thing I have to family is. . . you.
I understand that Thanksgiving is supposed to be about family and being together and thanking God that we were born rich in America and not in Uganda or Venezuela or any of those other African countries.
You're late. The game's just about to start.
What do you think would happen if those instructions were incorrect?
This family's fortune is built on being right on time.
There's nothing better than sitting together as a family, watching the game. Laughing, smiling, just enjoying the warmth of each other's company. That's what it's all about today. Togetherness.
I hate defrosted food.
Why is it called Italian Style Chicken Cacciatore? All chicken cacciatore is Italian style.
This is not what Thanksgiving is supposed to be.
A bunch of my sort-of friends have been killed and no one has asked me about it.
Oh. And I'm starting a new family tradition. It involves me never coming to any family occasions ever again.
Would you stop with the screaming?
It's more like a stay of execution until no one is looking.
I've never cooked before, but that should be fine, since I usually just pretend to eat.
Well, I can cook and eat for the both of us.
So we've decided to have an orphans Thanksgiving all together.
I mean, I guess you could come over here if you wanted.
And this year I'm so thankful for the lax indecency laws in Eastern Europe that inundate our Internet with millions of hours of hard-core porn.
You know, ever since I was a little boy, I knew what God wanted me to do and that was make money off the backs of creative people.
I am so thankful that he, for whatever reason, has not murdered me yet.
You have such a vast future ahead of you.
You'll meet so many new and different women. So many wonderful women to go out with and break up with and move on from.
You should be thankful that this table is too long for me to reach across and strangle you, bitch!
What are you doing here? How are you alive?
When I woke up and regained consciousness, I felt better than ever.
The only thing you're carrying is water weight, you bloated little tramp.
I have a little game to play that's gonna make the time fly right by.
No, I've never killed anyone as far as I know.
Okay, there is no evidence at all that mass murder is genetic.
I would say that is more than a little suspicious.
I have bathroom shame issues. I always wait until everyone is asleep and then I sneak down to poop in the little powder room downstairs.
I mean, don't we all agree that those babies are the killers?
That seems like an unnecessarily complicated cover story.
I think we have plenty here to go to the police.
What, are you drunk?
You know, the one time I call you for a little advice, you're hammered.
I suppose we should discuss the matter of payment.
I'm asking you to name your price.
Are you propositioning me?
No, I'm asking how much money it'll take to make you go away.
My family is super-gross rich.
That outfit screams desperation.
I am, however, willing to write you a check for $50,000 if you will leave now and never come back.
It's a lot of money for a family like yours.
What is the best part about Thanksgiving?
Tastes like Henry VIII just barfed in my mouth.
Well, I don't want to sound like a dick here, but have you ever considered maybe you should leave?
I brought some of my famous eight-meat stuffing. It's beef, venison, alligator, buffalo, rabbit, goat, rattlesnake and Spam. I cut all of the meats super thin, so that you're guaranteed every meat in every bite.
I thought you said you were leaving forever or something like that?
Have you ever even cracked open a book?
You did say just the other day that the only way to live is to play the long game.
I really hope you can come up with something better than that.
I can prove that you're the only person in this room we know for a fact is a murderer.
I saw you in the coffee shop the other day, reading one of your old Playgirl magazines.
Okay, look, there's just some stuff that doesn't add up.
Look, I've gone through all the suspects in my mind, and I can explain away all my suspicions for everyone except you.
Can we just talk this out, so you can help me see that I'm wrong?
I mean, it would fit in with your whole hard worker, let's find out the truth, never take no for an answer, awful personality.
Anything to redeem your beloved dead mother.
I can't rest when the killer's still out there, so I stayed behind to do some more research.
You're skinny and pretty, so that's a plus, but it's highly competitive, so you'd better be rich, too.
You know how at the beginning of the year, I was always secretly following you so I could just keep an eye on you, make sure you were safe?
I heard you talking to someone, but I couldn't hear what it was about.
Thank you for letting me talk about this, talk this out, and hear your side of the story.
Um, homely, ugly.
Gold digger! Not welcome.
No, no, too chunky to wear that outfit.
I'm fairly certain this board game's been tampered with.
And while my motivations were airtight and my conscience clear, still, I'm sorry.
I mean, no one deserves to be spoken to like that, particularly not by what is, without a doubt, the most awful family in America.
I've honestly seen more tasteful decor at a Sizzler.
And you, sir, give the kind, hard-working, deeply moral people who work in such a wonderful industry as Hollywood a bad name.
I am walking out that door and never speaking to you again.
How could such a stud evolve from a boy who was so clearly a douche?
Oh, please, look, I-I was so bombed at that party. I mean, I remember I puked while I was making out with some girl, but there is no way that I could've found my way back down there 20 minutes later, let alone 20 years.
This is really embarrassing, um, but I started the paleo diet, because I'm back on the dating scene now, and I-I wanted to lose some weight.
I never saw a body down there.
I-I was a bit of a man slut back in the day, and it was the '90s, so nobody wore condoms.
I'm obligated to take it to the police.
What are you gonna do with the money?
didn't take the money, idiot.
Okay, first of all, I experienced extreme emotional trauma this evening, and second, I'm the one delegating tasks, thank you very much.
I couldn't find any matches.
I was sharpening this knife.
You haven't eaten yet, have you? I knew it!
You've come back. You've chosen me over your awful family.
First of all, my family is awesome. How dare you?
So, without further ado, dinner is served.
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disasterdemi · 3 years
This is the demiromantic anon that asked for love advice. I appreciated the meme (I think that's what that was? I'm an 80 year old in a teenage body) but I kind of need advice. He's a close friend - we've been friends for almost 3 years now and I have no idea how he feels and I don't want to wreck our good friendship. Please send help (and more memes, I really liked the one you posted with your message, it made me laugh)
Of course!
Before I say anything else though, a good friendship should be able to survive people catching romantic feelings. Despite what the alloromantics will tell you, friendship and romantic attraction can coexist! People can still be friends even if they have different types of feelings for each other, as long as there's consent and communication about it. (I'll talk more about this towards the end).
Anywho, I wanted this to be somewhat thorough which means it got... rather long. So I'll put the rest under a read more:
I’d suggest doing a few things:
1. Work out what you want
This is a very important first step! We often say attraction ≠ action with regards to orientation (like asexual doesn’t mean celibate, etc) but it goes the other way too. You have a crush on your friend, but it’s completely up to you whether you want to act upon it or not. You can enjoy the feeling of liking someone romantically, but not want to be in a relationship. Or you may decide that you do really want to go out with him. Have a good think about what you actually want to do with these feelings before you initiate any conversations.
Along the same lines, think about your more specific wants and boundaries. Like, do you want to hold hands, or kiss, or call him your boyfriend, etc? But also, what are you not comfortable doing (especially if you end up dating) – for example, I think parts of my romance aversion tend to stick around for a while even after I catch feelings for someone, so I’d want to communicate that to the person (e.g. “I don’t feel comfortable kissing just yet, but hugging and holding hands are okay” or whatever).
2. Work out how he feels
To be honest this is the hardest one to offer advice on because it is so dependent on the people involved. But uhh here are some ideas:
For some people, the best option is to just be frank about it. Like: “Hey, I like you romantically and I’d be interested in [insert stuff from part 1 here] with you.” (Probably not those words exactly haha they’re a bit dispassionate). Maybe also mention that you value your friendship just as much, and that he shouldn’t feel bad if he’s not interested in doing those things. If you feel confident enough and think your friendship is pretty solid - so he wouldn’t freak out if he doesn’t like you back - then this is a good option.
However, it sounds from your ask like that road might be a bit intimidating. Which is totally understandable! In which case, you might want to do some sleuthing first :P
Has he had a crush on anyone while you’ve known him? If so, how did he act around them, how did he talk about them, etc – and is he doing anything like that with you?
Recruit a mutual friend to do some reconnaissance (I’m making this sound way more dramatic than it is haha). If you have someone you trust to do this, then this is probably the least personally risky option? Maybe?
Some people suggest starting to do flirty/romantic things like lingering touches or whatever but I’ll admit that rings my Consent alarm bells, and I feel like it could lead to miscommunication. Up to you though.
NOTE! In my opinion, asking them “Do you have a crush?” Or “Who do you have a crush on?” is probably the least likely to yield usable results. Especially with teenagers. It’s bloody intimidating to confess to your crush if they ask you outright without establishing that they like you first. (Again, why option 1 can be good if you feel confident enough. He’s more likely to admit he reciprocates if you take the first step.)
3. Go about getting what you both want
(if you don't want to change your current friendship/relationship)
If you're happy just chilling in your romantic feelings and not doing anything about them, you can probably either
Continue as you have been
Explain the situation to him. This could help if you want to make sure he understands why you might be behaving differently towards him.
(if he likes you back and you want to change your current relationship with him)
If you go with sleuthing, once you’ve worked out if he likes you I still strongly recommend telling him how you feel (see: 2.1). Communicate communicate communicate. You won’t get want you want if you don’t communicate. Dropping hints is just so rarely successful and can cause a whole lot of miscommunication, so I know it’s scary but if you think he likes you back you’re better of having an open, honest conversation about it.
Then after that, you can go about explaining the stuff you thought about in part 1! If being aspec has taught you anything, hopefully it’s that no two relationships are the same – so talk about what you both want so everyone is consenting and happy! Listen to him as well, and encourage him to think about his wants and boundaries. Maybe even give him a few days to think about them before continuing the conversation.
4. What to do if he doesn’t like you back
You can’t control other people’s feelings. This is so important. Of course, you can be sad if he doesn’t like you back, but remember that it’s not his fault, (it’s also not your fault for catching feelings,) and make sure he knows you are okay with him not returning your feelings! He’ll probably feel bad, so again reiterate that you don’t value a romantic relationship with him any more than your friendship.
Then you should both try to be sensitive to boundaries (probably talk about them if you can):
You might need some time away from him. That’s okay and understandable, but tell him that’s why and that it’s not because you don’t want to be friends anymore.
He might want some space from you. It can be uncomfortable for people to know someone has an unreciprocated crush on them. Maybe he’ll need some time to get used to it. But if he doesn’t bring it up, make sure you check.
Where do you go from here?
(Super important!!) Like I said earlier, people can have different feelings about each other and still get on well! You can like him romantically and he can like you platonically and you can still be good friends! So:
You shouldn’t have to “get over him” (unless you want to). A crush is about your feelings, not expectations from him. But make sure to ask him how comfortable he is with that knowledge - and explain the point before this if you need to.
On the one hand, he might be more comfortable if you stick to strictly platonic things. Make sure you respect that.
On the other hand, maybe he’s actually okay with some aspects from part 1. Maybe he’d like to hug you more, or is okay holding your hand (platonically?), but doesn’t want to kiss you or be your boyfriend. People can do things together that have different meanings to each of them, as long as there’s consent and communication.
Final note: Please please don't take this as an instruction manual - these are just my own thoughts, and what works for some people won't always work for others. So use my answer more as something to start from - something to form your own ideas from. Use pieces that you think will work, and discard others. You know yourself and your friend much better than I do :)
Best of luck dear Anon, I hope you and your friend figure stuff out <3
And as a send-off, here's a relevant old meme of mine for you :)
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(There are also plenty more memes in my memes tag (link in the description at the top of my blog) if you haven’t already seen them lol)
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thejustmaiden · 4 years
Jaken = Rin's Dad?
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Okay, is this how a daughter treats their so-called father?
Most definitely not.
Rin and Jaken's relationship clearly screams of your typical sibling rivalry punctuated with cute and silly moments of playful bickering.
Yes, Jaken may technically be her main provider, but that doesn't necessarily equate to him being more of a father than Sesshomaru. If anything, he demonstrates more of a brotherly love towards her. As we all know, parents (which Sesshomaru embodies more based on real life patterns and parallels) will leave their older more capable children in charge of looking after their younger brothers and sisters. In this case, that would mean making Jaken responsible for watching over Rin and protecting her if need be. Ah-Un offers protection, too. Think of it as Jaken as the big brother and Ah-Un as the family dog who are babysitting while Sesshomaru as the parent of the household is away at work or taking care of business. I mean, they literally fit that description to a tee and I'm dying at the accuracy of it all! 🤣👌
[Quick! Someone write up a modern au where Sesshomaru finally gets out to have a nice date night but everything goes wrong in the most spectacular way. Like maybe Rin and Jaken catch a ride on Ah-Un to go spy!]
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I recently revisited some episodes from The Final Act, and I couldn't believe how many moments like this there were where Rin got after Jaken or when she would "put him in his place" so to speak. Obviously, all of it is mostly harmless. I was only surprised by how often it occurred, not to mention how Jaken would just stand there and take it. Towards a supposed father figure, Rin's behavior is downright unacceptable. There's a certain level of respect a child is expected to show their parents/guardians, and that's just not what I'm witnessing here between them. Like at all.
Rather their dynamic has the nature of some sibling relationships like I mentioned above. So I really wish fans would stop pretending otherwise, because based on what we know of father-daughter relationships- healthy ones at least- they don't appear anything like what Jaken and Rin have. If you could please provide me other examples of where we've seen similar portrayals in fiction or in real life, then perhaps I can get on board.
Look, that doesn't have to mean that because Jaken isn't her father then Sesshomaru must be. They can both be her caretakers without necessarily filling that traditional father role. I'm just saying that if we're going to start assigning titles to characters, let's make sure we are accurate and truthful in our assessments. If you're going to label anyone Rin's dad, then it needs to be Sesshomaru. Jaken doesn't have precedence over him in terms of fatherly attributes, that just wouldn't make sense.
After all, this isn't about what you want to see, this is about what Rin very likely sees. It's safe to assume that she views Sesshomaru more like a father than she does Jaken. She knows she's safe with him (broadly speaking lol) and that he'll come for her no matter what. That sense of security and comfort is what a child seeks and what they should always feel in a parent's presence. She trusts and even idolizes him, just as a young and innocent child tends to do with their parents. At that age, parents are perfect and could do no wrong in their child's eyes. Idk about you, but this describes perfectly how Rin is around Sesshomaru.
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Rin adores him and will follow him anywhere- yes, even into danger! That's what the innocence and unconditional love of a child will bring them to do if necessary. Fortunately, at the end of The Final Act we learn Sesshomaru takes Kaede's advice when he realizes that leaving Rin with her in the village is in her best interests. That way she'd be able to lead a more normal and safer life alongside other humans. Remember, Sessrin shippers, that doesn't mean he wasn't still a part of her life and didn't witness her become a young woman over the years right before his very eyes. Therefore, if they eventually do become romantically involved, then most if not all of those gifts had intimate and seductive intentions and it essentially constitutes as child grooming.
I understand from a Sessrin shipper's point of view why it'd be so much easier to claim Jaken as the father. In doing so, they diminish Sesshomaru's role in her upbringing. By refusing to acknowledge the real role he had in helping raise Rin (short periods can be crucial and impressionable too esp. in a child's early years so yes they did assist in raising her not only Kaede), these shippers are better able to justify how their filial-like relationship evolved into a romantic one. So yeah, I get it, if I were a Sessrin shipper I'd probably do the same. It's one of the more plausible arguments available to them, after all. "Let's pin Jaken as the father to fend off antis!" is the best chance they've got, but even so, it's still not good enough. But if you insist Jaken is indeed like a father to Rin, then Sesshomaru is most certainly one too. Who says she can't have two fathers anyway?
The thing is however much you want to deny or downplay what Sesshomaru truly means to Rin and vice versa, nothing will ever change or hide the truth of the matter. Please, stop acting like they're only traveling companions and nothing more. Some of y'all even go so far as to say that they're like strangers. Knowing potentially little about a person is not equal to a lack of love and affection. Making big assumptions such as this to defend your ship is actually doing you more harm than good. Let me elaborate.
According to your reasoning, if that's all Rin ever was to him was a companion and Sesshomaru had no real attachment to her, then what precisely is the basis of your ship? Recall that Adult!Rin doesn't exist yet, thus we have no real idea what she will be like or if she's even alive. So how can you make comments like that but then go on later to say "they have such a unique and unbreakable bond" or "only Rin can be the mother because she's the only human he ever cared for" if all that time spent traveling together didn't amount to much in the first place like you claimed to believe beforehand? Do you see how your rationalizing is confusing?
Contrary to what some of you may think, I'm not just saying all this because I'm an anti and I'm obligated to disagree with you, or whatever other excuse you want to tell yourself. Believe it or not, I'm attempting to give as unbiased and objective of an analysis I can based on widely accepted interpretations of family dynamics, development, and any history we know of.
Of course I respect that at times fans will perceive things differently since that's bound to happen. What's hard for me to wrap my head around however is the unwillingness of some fans- not exclusively Sessrin shippers- to apply basic common sense and sound judgment to their observations and deductions.
Looking at all our facts, then taking the small handful of scenes Sesshomaru and Rin do share together into account, one can logically conclude that their dynamic is akin to one found in a typical parent-child relationship. If you still fail to recognize Sesshomaru as a parent to Rin, then that's fine too. In the end, that won't really change the fact that he'd still take on a role resembling an adult figure overseeing a young child's care and protection. Be it as a vassal, guardian, what have you. Plus, nobody is saying here that Sesshomaru doesn't make mistakes regarding Rin's general well-being, but so do all parents. Overall, I think the majority of us agree that Rin is in good hands. Whether it's in his direct company or in his occasional supervision from his frequent visits to the village.
In other words, it doesn't really matter what exact title you assign him in relation to Rin, as the distribution of power is all inherently the same with any and all adult-child relationships. That bond never changes once you've established it either, seeing as it's a special kind of connection one can only form with a child and a child alone.
I was a teacher for a few years, and speaking from personal experience, you don't need to be a parent, per se, to take on a role of authority in a child's life. I know without a doubt that I could never and will never view any of those kids I taught in a sexual/romantic light later down the road; yes, not even once they become grown-ups who are independent and more than capable of making their own decisions. Those of you who disagree are usually missing the whole point though, because we're not trying to dictate what Adult!Rin can and cannot do like many tend to accuse of us doing. This isn't a question of taking away from her autonomy nor does it fall under "purity culture," which is why people shouldn't continue jumping to these outrageous conclusions and really listen for a change. You're deflecting from the real issue here when you choose to misinterpret what we're saying by ignoring the problem we're actually referring to. You cannot present a valid counter-argument if you persist in twisting our words.
Bottom line: once these kids become old enough to pursue a sexual/romantic relationship, of course they have that right if they're ready. All we're trying to say is you guys ought to stop pushing forward this it's-completely-normal-to-want-to-bang-your-adoptive-dad-since-you're-an-adult-and-can-do-as-you-please agenda and not expect backlash. Ship it if you want, but please stop acting like their romance would be the epitome of a pure and healthy relationship.
Sesshomaru may not wear his heart on his sleeve, but it's foolish to presume he didn't actually care about Rin during their whole time together just because he didn't openly express his feelings until the very end. Surely everybody can comprehend that people handle and process their emotions differently. The way Sesshomaru chooses to is completely valid for the most part, so let's cut him some slack regarding this already.
What I'm trying to get at is that any child whose life you played an influential role in will always be a kid in a lot ways to you even when they're old and wrinkly. Just as they will always picture you as the loved one who guided and protected them when they were most vulnerable and couldn't always fend for themselves. Can't we relate this to children we know personally and apply it accordingly?
Finally, I want to end on this note. Could you kindly take a look at these two images below for a second?
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The reason I ask is because of something I recently read that's relevant to the topic. There was this pro-sessrin tweet I saw that stated Rin trying to take care of Sesshomaru when they first met is what a mom would do for a child, which in their opinion, translates to Rin being more like a mother than a daughter if anything.
First off: are you freaking kidding me????
Seriously, so now children aren't allowed to tend to their sick or injured parents?! Parents are apparently superhuman and shouldn't be offered a helping hand from a child, even if they mean well and want to help their parent who's in pain?? Now this Twitter user was mostly being a smartass, but at the same time, it was evident they genuinely thought they offered a valid enough point that warranted no further explanation or clarification.
Secondly, by saying this Sessrin fans don't seem to realize that in actuality they're contradicting themselves and proving the point we've been trying to make all along. Glancing at the first picture and moving down to the second, the role of the one being cared for and the caretaker is reversed. So then by their own logic, Sesshomaru IS in fact like a father to Rin.
What it comes down to is the names you give to the roles these characters play aren't as crucial as the dynamic they share. The specific characteristics of that dynamic are what define the importance of said role, not so much the name in the role itself. So real father or not, Sesshomaru and Rin clearly mean a lot to each other. Close relationships are defined and solidified by the devotion and belonging they have to one another, not solely by the duration of time spent together and their proximity.
Well, that's a wrap! I hope you guys got something outta this blog, and that you enjoyed or found some portions of it interesting. I would love to hear your thoughts on the subject from this fandom, but only engage in conversation if you plan to be respectful. Thank you!
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Today's post is not on the usual "writer blog fare" side. Instead I am going to introduce you to several fun facts about various animals on our planet and then talk about worldbuilding.
1. Lampreys are a kind of "living fossil"- a not-really-so-scientific term for a creature that has lived unchanged for a very long time, so long that we have fossils of them looking the same way they do now. They don't have proper jaws, just a circular sucking mouth with teeth set into it and a tongue designed to strip flesh off of what it touches. They're finless fish, look quite a bit like eels, and have this really alien, uncanny vibe to them.
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[id: a long, slender bluish-silver lamprey sitting among rocks. It has a long snout, an eye, and then six small perforations in its side arranged at an even interval sitting behind the eye. The environment it is sitting in is very yellow and green in comparison. end id]
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[id: an image of a lamprey from below. The snout ends in a round, flat mouth which is studded with teeth in four concentric circles. The teeth are smallest near the outer edge and largest in the middle, and look like very sharp round points. In the center of this ring is another, smaller circle, where the pointed, tooth-like tongue can be seen, as well as a hole for the lamprey to actually ingest food with. Its eye is visible, as are some of the perforations on its side. This one is a more mottled gray than the first one was, and less shiny. end id]
Sea lampreys, which are the kind i've sort of not really kinda researched, are a major pest in the Great Lakes, where they regularly attack fish. They can get up to two feet in length. Despite this, they are not particularly dangerous towards humans.
2. Horseshoe crabs are also "living fossils." They've been around and virtually unchanged for millions of years. They're not true crabs, and are more closely related to chelicerata species, like spiders and scorpions (and many more). There are a lot of cool features of horseshoe crabs, but one of their most extremely cool, to me, is their blood.
I'm not going to post any images of what I consider to be animal cruelty, so you'll have to take me at my word here, but this is a bottle of horseshoe crab blood. If you're sensitive to images of animal cruelty, I don't recommend looking for proof, but if you aren't, there are plenty of images of the blood coming out of the creature for you to verify this with.
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E[id: a bottle of slightly frothy, opaque blue liquid. It is sitting in a row with several other bottles of the same material. end id]
I am a sucker for blue blood, I just think it's neat, so that's all I'd need as an excuse to slam some horseshoe-crab-inspired nonsense in my exceptionally gory and fucked up wips, and if you've been reading along with WiB you may have noticed that blue blood does come into play at some point! But that's not all that's neat about horseshoe crab blood. Unfortunately for the horseshoe crabs, but fortunately for us, their blood is literally the only source of an important compound used for detecting the presence of dangerous bacteria in certain pharmaceutical drugs. (Fortunately, there are replacements that will hopefully become more popular in coming years.)
Now that we've gone over all that, onto the worldbuilding!
I worldbuild by Rule of Cool. Let's just get that out of the way. Every so often people will ask me how my worlds get so expansive (not WiB, WiB i made up on the fly by cribbing from fanfic and like... BBC Merlin. Assume very little of this holds true for WiB) and the answer is largely that I take every interest I have ever had in anything and smash it all together and throw it at my wip to see what sticks. and then I just... like... reasonably attempt to figure out what the natural conclusions will be.
So: we have lampreys. We have blue-blooded ancient sea creatures with spectacularly important and valueable blood. We are writing this into a story that takes place on land, somehow.
- The first option, and the one I'm going to talk about most because I did it, is just to rule-of-cool it into a character. (Or a place, or an item, or whatever, but largely I do rule-of-cool on living creatures and think harder about the world around them.) If you've been keeping up with WiB, you may have noticed that (spoilers) Zero Point is some kind of fucked up magician with a lamprey mouth in their hand who shapeshifts and bleeds blue. This is where I got those inspirations from (along with, like, some other stuff. I promise there are no lamprey assassins, but- continuing in the trend of stealing from sea creatures- the bobbin worm is a spectacularly beautiful, spectacularly deadly creature if you're within its weight range. which is like, goldfish size, but. And cuttlefish are known to disguise themselves as other animals, and can change sexes if the male:female ratio where they are isn't ideal.)
So you can take the elements you like, and just kind of slam them together haphazardly, which is what I did with Zero Point. The trick to this kind of worldbuilding is just to avoid looking too closely at it. The magical assassin has a fucked up mouth in their hand? Yeah, okay, that seems kind of fucked up and creepy. What do they do at all times? They hide it under a glove. So the protags Just Straight Up Never Ask. And voila; it never gets explained, and it never has to.
Same with the blue blood. It shows up, it functions as a plot device because only Zero Point has blue blood; it is never explained or even delved into with much detail. And if it were, it would fall apart instantly, because the justification is literally just "i thought it was neat. No, no one else is like that. I don't even know why they are. i just felt like it"
- The second option is to consider the effects of the things that you're working with, and then work off of that.
Let's take Zero Point again. Strip them of their context (weird assassin with magical powers) and just like, consider the fact that this is a creature with blood that regularly retails for over $10,000 USD, is intelligent as fuck, shapeshifts, has a mouth in their hand that may or may not be their actual mouth, and can exist on land so long as they have suitable access to water. What does that mean for our setting? Surely they're not the only person like that; so you have a whole species of people who are sort of but not really amphibious, shapeshift, and maybe have magical powers, who knows. They can't shapeshift their fucked up lamprey mouths, maybe. That seems like a reasonable limit. So their blood is highly valuable- what does that mean for their relations with other people, or their culture? What kind of foods do they eat? How do they create a sense of culture as shapeshifters; is there even a way that they represent themselves in art? How do they interact with the world? Do they have a "true form" or not? Every one of these questions will spawn new questions. If you answer all of them you'll lose your mind, but if you answer at least ten you'll spawn a much more background-heavy world that can help to shape your story much more effectively than trying to just craft a narrative will. Sometimes it works very well for a story. Sometimes it gets you lost in the weeds.
- The third option is to reference something else, and build off that. Again, let's use Zero Point as the example.
In the original story that the WiB ensemble is from, Closerverse, which may have some mentions on this blog but honestly I have no idea, there is a city that I've done quite a bit of worldbuilding on. This city is called Hudson, and one of the major important features of it is that it is partially underground. (This is a reference to the DFZ of Rachel Aaron's Heartstrikers series). Hudson is intentionally run to be the worst, most unpleasant city in the world, and one of its features are its wildly intelligent, dangerous forms of aquatic life. The lowest level of this city is partially submerged, and all of these creatures plague the people who live down there.
Closerverse was also set during a period of early industrialization, and Hudson heavily referenced US history, especially 1900s-1920s labor history. Tenements, pollution, zero protections for workers, et cetera. Hudson is a nasty, miserable place, and everyone who lives there can feel the jaws closing in on them.
Anyway, in Closerverse you got these fucked up massive eel-like creatures (lampreys, but with extra features) that due to some rather significant meddling wound up growing legs and then got really massive and started eating people. They have blue blood, glow in the dark, and make fairly decent eating as long as they aren't eating you. And they're intelligent. Given the whole "mutual eating each other" thing, the eels and the people of Hudson have some pretty major animosity going on.
Most of Zero Point's stuff is really just me referencing the Hudson Eels, because I fucking love those. They're some of my favorite worldbuilding elements ever. But given that no one else in WiB has ever seen a Hudson Eel, let alone seen their blood get dry on things, or whatever, everything about Zero Point is wildly out of context. And that almost makes it better, because the whole deal with them is that they're mysterious and weird, and having them be a mysterious and weird reference to something no one but I know about most likely is like, fun and neat.
There are, of course, other modes of worldbuilding as well, but I typically aim to stick to the first two as much as possible. The cooler you make something, the more possible questions it raises; the more questions something raises, the deeper your world gets.
Although, a word of advice: sometimes animals just do things. Sometimes bodies just have features. Who would invent fingernails? But having them is mighty convenient, isn't it? For that matter, who would come up with a deeply logical and reasoned explanation for eyebrows- but not having those would be very strange, to us. You can get away with doing a lot by just having that be how it is, and not having the characters comment on it.
Also, the more "shaped" a thing should be, the more you'll want to take the second approach. For house design, something intentionally built, you'll want to know why it was built, and what purpose is this and that room, and why is it painted such and such colors. But if you're talking about adding a second moon, like... fuck dude, who needs to know why there's a second moon? Maybe if you have sailors you have to know what it'll do to your oceans, but that's the kind of thing you can kind of just say exists and move on. You'll figure it out; it gets pretty intuitive.
Anyway, happy worldbuilding!
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soulbondinghelp · 3 years
Is this account still active?
We can't find anything on how to help a 'bond that feels displaced. He just got here and we're Kinda Poor so we can't just get him his cloak/go eat something that he might at home/etc. so we're thinking more like thing to help him defocus himself*.
It doesn't help that today (when we sent this in) is Halloween, he probably could have adjusted okay-ish if he didn't see someone wearing his cloak as a costume but now he feels conflicted about that**. We're fine now, but he did stare for a bit too long and that person mistook us as a fan of some fandom we don't know much about***.
We can't let him go back/There's not really a place for him to go back to that would be any better than our system from what we can tell, and we're mostly asking for advice in case this happens again. We think he just feels displaced or like there's an element missing here that wasn't missing back home.
*He is focusing too much, it comes from the interplay between our autism, adhd, and his specific universe/"source"/home world. We aren't looking to dissociate or anything, we just need to stop people from psyching themselves out.
**Taking the compliment, but also just...not understanding why some rando is trying to look like him.
***We're going to sound insane, but somehow we have this 'bond and know some potential details about him before we've even seen him in his canon. We got his name (mostly) right, have a feeling over certain parts of canon that we have confirmed with a friend to have been mostly correct (although our 'bond may have interpreted the reasons a little differently) despite not...seeing...the arc(s) involved, etc.
This is a very tricky situation and is unfortunately a very common one. The majority of soulbonders tend to not have the financial means to give bonds with very lavish lifestyles what they are used to.
The best way to deal with it we have found is to go and do things here that said bond did not have back home but are free/cheap if this is possible. That way they can focus on what they are gaining instead of what they are missing out on. Things like taking a walk in a nice location outdoors, getting cheap junk food that tastes really good (don’t over do it with this but a little every now and then is ok), or consuming free/cheap media are good.
It can be a little more complicated though if they are from somewhere similar to here and they are used to a more lavish lifestyle. The above methods might not work as well in this case and the best thing to do when it’s like this seems to sadly just be to give it time. They will eventually adjust to it and be able to tolerate it even if they might still miss what they had.
In both cases, spending a lot of time with people that they get along with and making/hanging out with friends will help a lot, so make sure that this is happening if you can.
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