#when I say 'play a second game' don't you dare just go play Dark Souls too
secretgamergirl · 4 months
Consider cloning one of these games...
So the other day someone was showing me the trailer to some neat new indie game they were getting into, and my immediate thought was "that does look pretty nice but FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING! INDIE DEVS, PLAY A SECOND GAME ALREADY!"
Presumably you've already guessed this, but it was a nice little handcrafted thing that was very plainly inspired primarily by Super Metroid. Even had those bubble-looking platforms. I'd say what it was specifically, but I already forgot the name, because, you know, I've kinda seen a few games do this before.
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It's not like Super Metroid isn't one of my favorite games of all time, obviously. I'm one of the shockingly few people who played it when it was new and totally fell in love then. And it's also not like there aren't several games made in its image that I also love. It's just that there's way too damn many of them out there for anyone to play, and while I'd never be one to tell someone not to make the thing they want to make due to market saturation or whatever, I kinda feel like we're doing a huge disservice to our collective creativity and appreciation of classic games to all be so hyper-focused on putting our own spins on this one particular game, especially when it kinda knocked things out of the park back when this wasn't a genre it was just this one super cool game with, among other things, a compelling structure to it.
Like, I do love that Super Metroid became A game that's served as a focal point for indie devs to try and recreate. Back when it was first released it actually sold kinda terribly by Nintendo's standards, and didn't really have anything else out there trying to iterate on the concept until we eventually got the Castlevania series going that route, and Cave Story. But at this point, yeah, Super Metroid has been all canonized and studied to death and if you're the sort of person who cares about this sort of thing in the slightest you know all about how it ticks and the appeal and what other ways the basic premise can be pulled in. So it's well past time for people to take another game that's super great and fairly unique and use that as a jumping off point to make some new things. So I'm just going to ramble here a little about some real gems that nobody's ever really gotten around to trying to replicate.
I want to say we're all familiar with Punch-Out!! but... are we? It's a famously difficult game, so odds are good you've seen speedruns or other challenge runs, but you really have to play it for yourself to see what's so interesting about it. A big part of the initial appeal of course was having these really expressive screen-filling characters, which isn't something we're lacking now. It's also real twitchy, basically unplayable towards the end if you're dealing with any sort of input lag at all, which isn't super unique these days, but structurally, the way it's coded, there's all this weird artificial drama to it.
Like, on the surface, it's a pretty straightforward thing. Enemies have tells for their attacks, you dodge those, you hit them in the resulting openings. But there's also the round based structure, knock-downs, and one-off gimmick mechanics in the mix. Officially, we're playing by the rules of boxing where the outcome of a match is decided by either knocking someone down and them not getting back up, knocking them down three times in a round, or running out of time and having to go to some judge's decision. But that's not REALLY how it works.
There's no random chance of someone going down and staying down. You've got HP meters, you take one down, your opponent falls over, waits until late in the count and gets up, forcing you to drain that HP down three times before the round ends, and if yours bottoms out, you get to mash buttons to stand up and have your other two chances. But then there's times you CAN take someone down, not only keeping them down for a KO win, but even getting there without your opponent bottoming out on HP first. The most famous example, I believe of both of these, being Bald Bull's charge. The big dramatic make or break where he just keeps using this special move which isn't terribly hard to dodge, but deadly if it connects, and dodging doesn't really help as he won't stop until the round ends, and then might spend the whole second round doing nothing but. You need to take that risk, and get that frame perfect stomach strike just before he connects to dramatically KO him and snatch victory from the jaws of defeat... or you can do this:
I was actually looking for an example of the all or nothing strike when I found this. If you don't face the charge in round 1, he gets into it sooner in round 2 to force the matter, but if you're still not confident enough to go for it there, turns out you can just drop him early into round 3 and have him stay down... and the only real consistent rule any of this follows is drama. Heck looking at the opening screen here, this person knows tricks for getting a KO on at least the first 10 opponents. Most of them I've always just taken the TKOs on myself. Point is though, the mechanics really run on drama. AI scripts change up if you move onto new rounds. Knock-downs turn into knock outs if and only if it fits a certain narrative. This sort of thing is super fascinating to me. Makes me want to look through the game's code line by line. And the only thing I can think of in any other game that even comes close is, of all things, the Ace Attorney series, with those scenery chewing meltdowns, and scattered scenes that "break the rules" with instant failure penalties or no-win situations where you're then suddenly saved by a friendly NPC's dramatic appearance.
I wouldn't suggest anyone literally try to make a Punch-Out!! clone. There's no real reason to stick to the boxing framework. I'd definitely advise against copying all the broad stereotypes. But there's a real unique soul to the drama-driven mechanics breaking stated rules I'd love to see people really digging into to gain a deep understanding of it and apply that to original games.
Yume Kojo: Doki Doki Panic
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I'm not just being pretentious and refusing to say Super Mario Bros. 2. When it was Mario-ized, there were two huge changes- A run button the original FDS game didn't have, and the fundamental structural change of just having you finish levels with whatever character you like (or use warp zones to skip them entirely). In the original game, in order to see the proper ending, you had to play each and every level with each and every character with no run button. And that's neat, actually.
See, just as an example, there's a bit of a skip early on in both versons of the game, where you can avoid taking a door through some whole area by just leaping across a big waterfall. In Super Mario Bros. 2 anyone can do this, just needing a running start, but in the original release, there are no running starts. Either you can jump that gap by way of good airtime, or you can't. Depends which character you play as. Everyone has different stats, so being forced through the same full set of levels, there's a few little things like this where you have to alter your strategy to reflect the character you're running with at the time. That's cool. The whole mechanic of lifting things and throwing them, or riding on enemies' heads, or stacking blocks to reach higher areas or block fireballs, this is also just cool (and another thing SMB2 tweaked actually, play both and see for yourself).
I have seen literally one indie game that riffed on this idea, Curse of the Crescent Isle.
Umihara Kawase
If you've played it, you know. If you haven't, please just watch this speedrun:
Nothing has physics quite like this game. Nothing really has the same weird mildly distressing dream sort of tone to it either, or weird as hell branching level structure, or the weird system where the game has a time limit, but rather than giving a game over just makes it end after your current level. Other games have played with grappling hooks, but nothing I've ever seen has made me feel like this here is what they were going for.
Altered Beast
You know, I don't even particularly LIKE Altered Beast. I always thought it was a bit too short, a bit too simple, and still somehow it felt like you were just killing time until getting the power-ups that kinda make you invincible for the rest of the level.
There's... something here though. Somewhere with these bodies getting so bulky and beefy with no change to their heads and the voice samples and the sense of spectacle to it all, and yeah the dramatic gameplay shifts with the power-ups. I don't quite know what the secret sauce is, but if you find it, bottle it up, and slather it over something less shallow, you might really have something there.
Ecco the Dolphin
There is such a weird mix in the whole series of new age hippie save the whales vibes and genuinely disquieting horror just kinda seamlessly blended together. So much of it is the sound design, but the claustrophobia, the weird sense of speed, the constant pressure of drowning or suddenly being in the face of some huge nasty thing that'll basically one-shot you. The... unspoken but pronounced notion that this is set in a world where all of humanity died and are totally unremembered. There's a hell of a lot you could do with any of this, and the only game I can think of that comes close to hitting the same notes is Subnautica. Actually for that matter...
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I don't want to get into what's so great about Subnautica here, because the most common sentiment I hear from people who have played it is they wish there was some way they could play Subnautica for the first time, again. Just... yeah. If you haven't already, play through it all completely blind, and if you can think of how to recapture all of that, do it, and put it in my hands without a word.
X-Com Apocalypse
So... X-Com is a truly amazing game that to this day feels like a unique enough beast it also wouldn't be bad to try and learn from, but there's actually a good number of attempts at clones already, none quite seem willing to get into the same levels of complexity, and there's the whole remade Firaxis series with a simpler take that a lot of games are using as a template. But Apocalypse? The original third game? That tried to do a lot of new and different stuff. I don't know how much of it didn't work vs. how much is secretly amazing if you internalize how it works vs. what's sort of half-baked per se, but there's some real ambition with mixing the original's tactical intricacies and destructible terrain and such (which somehow works even better with the realtime mode this one has), with this living breathing city. You aren't intercepting UFOs on a featureless world map. You've got a whole separate combat engine on a persistent map where stray shots can damage roads and cause long-term problems because the supplies you order get shipped via trucks that travel on those roads. Tons of factions you ideally want support from but can go attack and rob if they feel like lost causes. A tech tree with really dramatic progress and early discoveries that are either double-edges swords or genuinely just terrible things to try to use.
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And then the endgame is really neat because instead of just one big final mission, you flip the whole script, and suddenly you're invading an alien city, picking targets to wreak havoc on and ultimately destroy, one by one. Incidentally this also did headcrabs before Half-Life so... I feel like it should be better known just for historical context.
Shadow of the Colossus
I know this is kind of a big technical ask, but why the hell were we not FLOODED with a whole generation of grandiose setpiece-y boss rush games after this first dropped? Perhaps more than anything else on here, someone really needs to get onto scratching this specific itch again, immediately.
I could totally keep going, but more importantly I'm sure you had some game that really left a mark on you that's been largely forgotten since, which I don't even know about, and you should really, if you're up to it, try and teach the world about it and how great it was by blending the old with something new of your own.
Just... draw from wider pools of inspiration, people.
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silvysartfulness · 3 months
top 5 colors, top 5 song lyrics, OR top 5 cooking utensils. or all of the above if you dare >:3
Favourite colours: 1. Green. Green is my absolute favourite colour spectrum, and I especially lean into shades of jade, olive and moss. 2. Purple. Another strong contender! I like somewhat muted jewel tones of purple - aubergine, lavender, amethyst 3. Teal and turquoise, especially the deeper tones. 4. Graphite greys and blacks. Shades that are both objectively pretty and that I like to wear. 5. Hnnngh, how can I choose... I like muted chocolate browns, like dark stained wood. Rust is pretty, as are gold and silver as contrast colours... but if I can only pick one, I think I'll go with blue, especially smokey, muted mid-range blues.
Colours is one of those things my autistic brain is very attuned to. I am very aware of all colours around me, and colour is always a very important variable in choosing one thing over another. Favourite song lyrics: 1. Hurts, Emili Sande It hurts the way that you pretend you don't remember It hurts the way that you forget our times together Like the time laid in bed when you said it's forever, baby I can't, I can't explain no more Baby, I'm not made of stone, it hurts Loving you the way I do, it hurts When all that's left to do is watch it burn Oh baby, I'm not made of stone, it hurts (Straight up the lyrics that inspired those scenes in Heaven) 2. A Beautiful Lie, Thirty Seconds To Mars It's time to forget about the past To wash away what happened last Hide behind an empty face Don't ask too much just say Cause this is just a game It's a beautiful lie It's a perfect denial Such a beautiful lie to believe in So beautiful, beautiful, it makes me (A very Xue Yang in Yi City song to me)
3. Damaged People, Depeche Mode We're damaged people, drawn together By subtleties that we are not aware of Disturbed souls, playing out forever These games that we once thought we would be scared of When you're in my arms The world makes sense There is no pretense And you're crying When you're by my side There is no defense I forget to sense I'm dying (This has been on so many character/ship playlists...)
4. Illusion, VNV Nation A part of your soul ties you to the next world Or maybe to the last, but I'm still not sure But what I do know, is to us the world is different As we are to the world but I guess you would know that Please don't go, I want you to stay I'm begging you please, please don't leave here I don't want you to hate for all the hurt that you feel The world is just illusion trying to change you (Love this both for characters and myself)
5. Dawn, Poets Of The Fall When darkness is no less than everything you've built become undone There's no fight and no flight, disaster leaves your passion overrun It's time to let go, it's time to carry on with the show Don't mourn what is gone, greet the dawn And I will be standing by your side Together we'll face the turning tide Remembrance, can be a sentence, but it comes to you with a second chance in tow Don't lose it, don't refuse it, 'cause you cannot learn a thing you think you know A new light is warm, shining down on you after the storm Don't mourn what is gone, greet the dawn (One of my absolute favourite songs. Another I love both for myself and so many characters)
Music more for the blorbos than me, maybe? But these are songs that I like a lot. Though actually, the vast majority of the music on my playlists is actually either instrumental or in languages I don't speak? Sometimes, especially when writing, lyrics can be too distracting. But I do have some workhorses that have been on many a blorbo playlist, and many of the above songs certainly qualify. 😂
Top Cooking utensils: 1. Tea ball thingies. Most of our tea is loose leaf, so you need a tea strainer to steep the tea. We have a bouquet of a dozen or so in a little vase over the kettle, and I use them daily. 2. Cooking pliers? I guess? I use those just about every time I need to fry something, to be able to both poke and flip even small bits and pieces. (they're plastic, they don't scratch the pan!) 3. Pasta ladle. We have a very pretty one shaped like a green leaf! (Remember how I said green's my favourite colour? Luckily it's wife's, too, so a lot of our china and kitchen utensils are green! In fact, the pliers above are green, too!) 4. Wooden fork spatula. The other go-to for frying things, when you need to stir stuff about. 5. Wait, does the electric kettle count? Because I absolutely use that daily too! Heating water both for tea and for ramen and similar.
Hah, did them all! Thank you for playing! 😂
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Because I believe that Sceleritas Fel hates the chosen for all in some way contributing to his sweet master being diposed (Kethric for always planning to allow Orin to take their place, Gortash for the events that lead to the Prayer for Forgiveness and Orin for being the defective Bhallspawn that dared to try and murder his sweet master) I believe that there is so much opportunity for fuckery in ACT 2 at Moonrise Towers.
Like, I'm still on my first durge playthrough and I'm doing a redemption playthrough so I'm not sure what happens if you kill Isobel, however I think it's not a jump to say Fel wants durge to kill Isobel partly to get back at Kethric.
And I just think Sceleritas Fel telling the Dark Urge "BTW sweet master, you know this guy! Pretty well in fact! He helped cover up your attempted murder and was complicit," because I think it'd add interesting angst and dialogue choices, "so anyway moving on, do you want to know some stuff about him that when you see him again is going to make him shit himself?"
With BG3 being a role player game I understand that stuff like the party planning what they'll do how they'll attack and will they pretend or so forth happens 'off screen' and is more implied than anything since you control the companions whilst in combat. But also given the dialogue choices give approval and disapproval points I'm just saying sometimes the durge/tav deviates from what they're SUPPOSED to be saying and I think that added onto my idea of Sceleritas Fel telling the Dark Urge about Thorm adds brilliant opportunity for something like this:
Party enters the tower -> Durge greets ppl like they're new but enters the kitchens for the Gnolls bc Fel mentioned them -> ppl/Gnolls in the kitchen think Durge is back. They do not correct this. The whole Party is confused. -> enters throne room. Goblin cutscene plays out.
"Why don't we let our new friend decide?" Says Kethric.
Only for the most devious, most 'oh there are far too many teeth in that maw, but more teeth makes it easier to kill doesn't it?' Smile to crack across their face and they look not dissimilar to the few times the party has seen the Dark Urge lose themselves in the throes of battle, when the amnesiac companion who (if we take this as a redemption durge) is repulsed by themselves after awakening, can't quite tell who or what they really are once they have blood beneath their nails. And the party go 'oh shit' bc has the center of the absolute taken hold of that urge? But wait... Kethric Thorm has lost his composure, if only for a second. That smile MEANS SOMETHING to the man.
And so the Dark Urge continues, "New friend? Old Bones changes his friends as often as his goddesses'."
(Gonna be honest, Old Bones as a nockname comes from no Saint without audience on AO3, by Ikarons who's portrayal of the Dark Urge kind of rewrite my brain abt pre tadpole Dark Urge and durge in general)
And it shakes Kethric. Because the Bhallspawn speaks like they KNOW him, but they shouldn't... and yet they were the first True Soul, the first independent and a master of the Elderbrain so perhaps even she has her favourites. The Bhallspawn seems to always be a favourite child. And if the Bhallspawn knows him, has collected true soul allies who knows what their plans on? Perhaps it would be best to let this play out; to not alert Gortash (who may foil the plan, who may make the Bhallspawn falter yet again) and Orin (who he would not be opposed to watching be ripped apart by her kin.) just yet.
Perhaps it would be fair to see what the favourite child of Bhall is like now that they seemingly have kept companions alive and loyal without them baring thr crazed marks of Bhalls butchers?
"Of course, how could I forget the butcher? Now, friend, your decision?"
(Meanwhile the party is in utter disarray bc wtf is happening. Which at the next long rest/trio back to camp could trigger a scene where you reveal the existence of Sceleritas Fel and that he has revealed some information about Kethric but only that which you knew BEFORE, refusing to allaborate on how you knew then.
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captainsjack · 16 days
since ttpd has been on my mind non-stop for over a month, here are all my favorite lines from each song :)
"i love you, it's ruining my life"
"all my mornings are mondays stuck in an endless february"
the tortured poets department:
"this ain't the chelsea hotel, we're modern idiots"
"sometimes i wonder if you're gonna screw this up with me"
my boy only breaks his favorite toys:
"i'll tell you that he runs / because he loves me"
"he saw forever so he smashed it up"
down bad:
"for a moment i knew cosmic love"
"for a moment i was heaven struck"
so long, london:
"i saw in my mind fairy lights through the mist / i kept calm and carried the weight of the rift"
"you swore that you loved me but where were the clues? / i died on the altar waiting for the proof"
"my spine split from carrying us up the hill"
"just how low did you think i'd go? / before i'd self-implode / before i'd have to go be free"
(rest under the cut)
but daddy i love him:
"he was chaos, he was revelry / bedroom eyes like a remedy"
fresh out the slammer:
"swirled you into all of my poems"
"the hurricane with my name when it came / i got drunk and i dared it to wash me away"
"love left me like this and i don't want to exist / so take me to florida"
guilty as sin?:
"if it's make believe / why does it feel like a vow / we'll both uphold somehow?"
"what if the way you hold me / is actually what's holy?"
"i'm seeing visions, am i bad? / or mad? or wise?"
who's afraid of little old me?:
"you don't get to tell me about sad"
"if you wanted me dead, you should've just said"
i can fix him (no really i can):
"he had a halo of the highest grade / he just hadn't met me yet"
"are they second-hand embarrassed / that i can't get out of bed? / cause something counterfeit's dead"
"i'm combing through the braids of lies / 'i'll never leave' / 'never mind'"
"a con man sells a fool a get-love-quick scheme"
"i wish i could un-recall / how we almost had it all"
"still alive, killing time at the cemetery / never quite buried"
i can do it with a broken heart:
"lights, camera, bitch smile, even when you wanna die / he said he'd love me all his life / but that life was too short / breaking down, i hit the floor"
the smallest man who ever lived:
"i would've died for your sins / instead, i just died inside"
"were you sent by someone who wanted me dead? / did you sleep with a gun underneath our bed?"
the alchemy:
"cause the sign on your heart / said it's still reserved for me"
clara bow:
"half moonshine, a full eclipse"
the black dog:
"now i want to sell my house and set fire to all my clothes"
"i still can't believe it / 'cause old habits die screaming"
"told my friends i hate you but i love you just the same"
the albatross:
"locked me up in towers / but i'd visit in your dreams"
chloe or sam or sophia or marcus:
"if the glint in my eye traced the depths of your sigh / down that passage in time"
how did it end?:
"say it once again with feeling / how the death rattle breathing / silenced as the soul was leaving / the deflation of our dreaming / leaving me bereft and reeling / my beloved ghost and me / sitting in a tree / d-y-i-n-g"
"and so a touch that was my birthright became foreign"
so high school:
"are you gonna marry, kiss, or kill me? / it's just a game, but really / i'm bettin' on all three for us two"
i hate it here:
"i hate it here so i will go to / lunar valleys in my mind / when they found a better planet / only the gentle survived / i dreamed about it in the dark / the night i felt like i might die"
"nostalgia is a mind's trick"
thanK you aIMee:
"and it was always the same searing pain / but i prayed that one day, i could say"
i look in people's windows:
"does it feel alright to not know me? / i'm addicted to the 'if only'"
"i'm afflicted by the not knowing"
the prophecy:
"and it was written / i got cursed like eve got bitten / oh, was it punishment?"
"cards on the table / mine play out likе fools in a fable / oh, it was sinking in"
"thought i caught lightning in a bottle / oh, but it's gone again"
"they say, 'what doesn't kill you makes you aware' / what happens if it becomes who you are?"
"the goddess of timing / once found us beguiling / she said she was trying / peter was she lying / my ribs get the feeling she did"
"and the shelf life of those fantasies has expired"
"i hoped you'd return / with your feet on the ground / tell me all that you'd learned / cause love's never lost when perspective is earned"
"promises oceans deep / but never to keep"
the bolter:
"that's when she sees the littlest leaks / down in the floorboards / and she just knows / she must bolt"
"there's an escape in escaping"
"it feels like the time / she fell through the ice / then came out alive"
"you have no room in your dreams for regrets / you have no idea / the time will arrive for the cruel and the mean"
the manuscript:
"afterwards she only ate kids' cereal / and couldn't sleep unless it was in her mother's bed"
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blazlngblade · 2 years
Gilderoy is one of my only two 5*s, the other being Odette. Ironically, he’s the only one who comes home. He’s at awakening 2 rn 😂. So he’s 1) my chosen 2) my fave. I love him to bits. He’s the best.
As for headcanons: I’m afraid my definition of being responsible with them is very different from yours. I subscribe to the “I reject your canon and substitute my own” method for CotC, because it’s so dark 90% of the time, and while I don’t force my hcs on anyone, I do have a very.... wide and expansive set of them, from character interactions to who lives and dies (I’m absolutely willing to share so much if asked, too, but I’ll wait to see if anyone’s interested first).
That said, however, I do try and stick with keeping characters ic! But if a new canon comes out that I reaaally don’t like (Alfyn having a dog, for example), imma just.... ignore it. But, from what I see for Gilderoy, I was missing very little! Him liking fishing means he’s canonically a patient dude and I love that it’s something I had figured out the long way around! He’s clever and definitely a daring man used to uneven odds and has skirted the law too much and too often and I love that. He’s everyone’s uncle and likely has a very expansive network of friends and acquaintances and connections. I love him very much and he’s the perfect chosen for me, as he makes the plot bunnies multiply! 💖
Hopefully you get some more 5-Stars one day, at least 4-Stars can get the job done just as well as any 5-Star. My brother's Shelby (His Chosen One) is basically a 5-Star in her own right! ^^ With love and care, a 4-Star can perform very well with later things added such as Soul Weapons. Like my brother just did a level 96, should be treated as level 100, boss battle in the last chapter and Shelby was never the liability in the fight.
Congrats on getting Odette, by the way!
I had also just summoned a Gilderoy, mine's at Awakening III now. The upgrade of his health put him to 5000. :o One tanky man! He's holding second place for highest HP, it's cool!
When I say "be responsible" I don't mean be a stick in the mud! Trust me! The fact that these characters are open is nice, actually. You can do a lot, and add a lot to them. The game is dark, and only gets darker, I've read some crazy shit (though it's going to suffer in the localization most likely). My mind is a pretty twisted one to characters. believe it or not. Oskha, I am so sorry, but I need you to suffer more in youth for your actions to make more sense.
Honestly, what I mean is just in case more info ever does get brought up, it's important to remember that, and perhaps adapt it into the ideas you've already come up with. I'll do my best to finish my Radio Show notes to share with everyone in the near future!
Every time new info gets brought up about my favourite characters, I actually really enjoy weaving it into my own stories! Gives me a challenge! Maybe it's different though for me as my favourites are the story characters and villains, not the travelers. The story characters have a lot more things to work with, making it more difficult to change or add to if I wanted to. But it's still possible using the given material, I mean, I wrote that big ol' thing about Elletrix, who is a main character, the other day. A lot of that was using what I could, and expanding upon it with my own added lore! And I could ramble forever about Oskha and that drama, but I don't want to yet. I'm still waiting for new info.
Though, I do agree with you... Alfyn and the dog... I don't know the full story on that as I haven't played it or read it, neither of us have Alfyn yet. But something about it feels off to me. From what I remember in the trailer, it was acting as if it was some sort of "guide"? I might be wrong, so I shouldn't pretend to know.
Also the Main 8 characters jumping from location to location when it defeats the purpose of the "I want to go on a journey for this reason!" plot they have in the other game really drains me out. -_- Like with Tressa traveling through three different regions, the act as if it's cute or funny, meanwhile we get told in the first game she's never traveled before and the journal was supposed to be her inspiration to do so. And I know Alfyn goes to the Highlands and I seen a screenshot of him in Rippletide's tavern too.
But enough of a rant from me, that's not what I am supposed to be here for. My apologies!
Thank you for asking the original question, and following up as well. The chat was nice!
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charliedawn · 3 years
Would the reader and the slashers(except Kevin or including Kevin) play truth or dare/never have I ever? Like it will go smoothly but angsty a bit until it gets fluffy and funny because of the reader?
I feel like its something they would try to do! If that makes sense
I did this out of pure insanity, one part of my brain was saying don't do it while the other was like "Heck Yes !". I'm sorry for sensitive souls. I just knew I had to have fun with this. I promise, I will be more serious in the future.
The slashers are all playing truth or dare when Five, after his fifth cup of coffee, groans loudly before complaining :
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" Anyone else bored to tears yet ? Not that I don't like you bunch of psychos, but you are all willing to do or say anything. Plus, I know your lives by heart. I read your personal files myself. We need someone with a little bit more mystery. How about..Y/N ?!"
You look up from your desk to see all the slashers staring at you and you laugh a little before shaking your head.
" Me ? No..I don't know the first thing about the game. Plus, I'm sure you all have far more interesting lives than me.."
" Come on ! Don't be shy, darling ! I'm sure you have a lot of things to say and do ! It's simple, you just have to ask or answer either truth or dare and do or say as you're told or drink."
Freddy moves his eyebrows up and down suggestively and you ark an eyebrow before finally sighing in defeat.
" Fine. But, one rule. Freddy doesn't get to dare me."
" What ?! But..!"
*vivid nods of approval from Michael, Jason, Brahms and Kevin*
" Agreed."
Five says before looking at the clowns.
" Huh huh."
Arthur agrees and Penny..Penny drools in approval. Freddy looks at the last slasher with a pleading look, but Pennywise shakes his head as well.
" Sorry bud. It's a yes for me too."
" What ?! You too ?! You traitor !"
Freddy feels offended and Five sighs before explaining.
" Calm down. We all know how your dares go. You've been making s*x jokes all evening and thank goodness, there are no real children around."
Freddy opens his mouth to protest, but quickly closes it since he knows it's the truth. He only grumbles and sits back down with his arms crossed to sulk. Five smiles victoriously before starting.
" Well, if everyone agrees. I'll start. Jason, truth or dare ?"
Jason only tilts his head to the right, his way of saying dare and Five nods, sign that he understands.
" Okay. Let's see..I dare you to beat Michael at a staring contest."
Pennywise can't help but guffaw at Five's dare.
" You're evil, kid ! Those two could stare at each other for hours !"
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After a couple of seconds, Jason raises his hand towards Freddy that arks an eyebrow.
" Well, that's a first for the big guy to choose me..Dare."
Jason doesn't break eye-contact with Michael as he mimes his dare. He firstly points Freddy, then does a kissing motion with his hands. Freddy smirks, surely expecting him to choose you..but, to everyone's surprise including your own, he then points towards..Penny ?! Pennywise stands up to go strangle Jason, but Brahms succeeds in restraining him.
" Let me go, you f*cker ! No way I'm letting Freddy kiss him ! Hell no !"
But Freddy, spurred by the idea of pissing Pennywise off after his betrayal, is already making his way to Penny.
" Come on ! I know you want to !"
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Penny backs away in the darkness, his glowing eyes the only things apparent as he threatens Freddy.
" Kiss me..as if it were the last time. Because it probably will be. Touch me, and I'll kill you."
Pennywise laughs and raises his thumb up proudly at his brother's reply. Freddy freezes at the threat and clears his throat before looking at the rest of the slashers and shrugging with an awkward smile.
" Whatever. I tried. I'm not gonna kiss someone that doesn't want to. Plus, I'm sure you're not that good a kisser anyway."
Before anyone could register what was happening, Penny jumps out of the shadow to take Freddy by the neck. In an instant, Penny's lips are on Freddy's. Pennywise's laugh abruptly ends and he stands up to separate the two of them in a flash.
" No ! Not on my watch ! That was the most disgusting thing I have ever seen ! Get your filthy perverted hands away from my brother ! I'll need f*cking therapy after this !"
" You're welcome.."
Freddy sneers, biting down on his tongue to hiss at Pennywise with his middle finger up. Pennywise glares at him and raises his middle finger too inreply.
You feel someone elbow you and turn around to see..Jason ? He is eager to show you something and you look down to see a camera..and a picture. You swear, you didn’t mean to laugh..but you did. Both Freddy and Pennywise look at you at the same time with a frown. Before you could hide it, Pennywise grabs the camera from your hands and his eyes widen in anger.
" I'm going to kill you, Jason !"
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A photo of the kiss. Thankfully, you had had the time to take a picture of your own with your phone, or that momentous event would have been lost forever as Pennywise crushes the camera in his hand. You quickly reassure Jason by promising him to send him the picture afterwards. His eyes close in obvious happiness through his mask. Freddy is next and searches the room for a possible victim and finally finds a target. He grins and cackles, making you re-think your deal and realize with horror that all the other slashers can choose dare..Freddy seems to notice your horrified expression as his grin only grows wider as he calls his victim in a sing-song voice.
" Hedwig..Can you come out and play, please ?"
Hedwig, more than happy to take over the light, jumps on his feet and sits down next to Freddy with excitement written all over his features.
" Me ?! Really ?! Dare ! I choose dare !"
You want to slap your own face: of course Hedwig would choose dare.
" Hedwig..Why don't you kiss our pretty nurse over there ?"
You close your eyes and sigh loudly. You should have known..Damn the day Freddy Krueger came to be..When you open them again, you nearly fall backwards at Hedwig's sudden closeness. He grins boyishly at you before taking your hands in his rather clumsily.
" I have to warn you. You may get pregnant after this. Sorry.."
He then leans forward and before you know it, his lips are on yours.
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All of the slashers are on edge, you can feel the tension rising in the room. He finally stands back and you notice the heavy silence. Suddenly, Hedwig looks at Five and smiles widely before asking him.
"Five ! Truth or dare ?!"
Five thinks for a moment before choosing dare.
"I dare you to play with us next time we have a tea party !"
Five laughs humorlessly before replying sternly and rather harshly.
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" I would rather chew off my own foot."
He then takes a big gulp of his whiskey before looking at Brahms and smirking evilly.
" Brahms. Truth or dare ?"
Brahms tilts his head to the side before replying in his rather shy voice.
" Dare.."
Five then looks at Michael almost apologetically fie a second before chuckling evilly.
" Take Michael's mask.."
Michael freezes and his hands tighten on the fabric of his pants. You want to say that he doesn't have to give it, but Brahms slowly makes his way to Michael and delicately takes off his mask. Michael doesn't move a muscle, even though you're sure he's holding himself from killing everyone in the room. Suddenly, Freddy steals Michael's mask and wears it while handling a kitchen knife.
" I'm the tall, freaky and stabby Michael and I'll stab everyone that comes my way ! Ahahaha !"
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Michael suddenly stands up and reaches for Freddy before taking the knife from his hands. You feel cold sweat running down your back and instinctively reach for the tazer in your pocket. However, Michael only puts down the knife on the nearby table before hitting Freddy on the back of the head like a child and takes his mask back. Freddy doesn't dare complain, as he knows he's gone too far. You think the game is over, but Michael then looks at Joker and writes something on the notebook.
" Truth or dare ?"
Joker smirks before giving his answer.
" I'm afraid I'll have to disappoint. Truth."
Michael nods before writing something down again.
" Have you ever killed someone you loved ?"
Joker seems to freeze at the unexpectedly dark question, like many of the other slashers. However, Joker leans back in his chair and fixes Michael with half a smile before nodding.
" Yes. My mother. I killed her on her hospital bed. She had lied to me all my life and was crazy beyond crazy. She had me believed that I was the brother of Bruce Wayne and is responsible for my current condition. She adopted me and nearly starved me to death."
After that, Michael seems satisfied while some of the slashers seem to take pity on Joker that only laughs it off.
" Don't worry. It was a long time ago.."
Freddy tried to hold his tongue, but he can't help but snap.
" So what ?! Who doesn't have mommy or daddy issues raise your hand ! Nobody ?! What a surprise ! Come on. Monsters are not born, they're forged.."
All the slashers seem surprised at Freddy's sudden outburst as Freddy takes a big gulp of his drink. He ignores the many quizzical gazes before turning his head towards Joker.
" Here. It's your turn. Ask away."
Joker turns towards you and smirks knowingly.
" Fine. Truth or dare, my dear ?"
You couldn't possibly choose dare, not after having heard all of their dares. You decide to go with the safest choice: one that wouldn't involve kissing or dangerous things.
" Truth."
However, the mischievous smirk he gives you makes you re-think your life choices. He has a knowing gleam in his eyes..as if he knew you would choose that.
" Very well. Who is your favorite slasher ?"
The question is enough for all the slashers to pay attention, staring at you with new-found interest. You let out a small awkward laugh before replying.
" What kind of question is that ? I don't have a favorite slasher.."
Pennywise decides to play his role as the trouble maker that he is and shouts.
" Bullsh*t !"
You glare at Pennywise that only grins at you, waiting for your answer. You take a sip of your drink before sighing loudly. Suddenly, an idea comes to your mind and you laugh a little. The slashers are startled by your laugh, but even more when you give them your answer.
" To have a favorite means you have to like them in the first place.."
That stuns all the slashers, even Pennywise, and Five clears his throat before saying out loud what everyone is thinking.
" I..I didn't expect that.."
But then, you smile widely and burst out laughing. Pennywise and Freddy are the first ones to understand and nudge your shoulder playfully.
" F*ck you ! You scared us to death !"
Freddy exclaims and Pennywise shakes his head in disbelief.
" I can't believe it..She's even more evil than Five.."
You continue to laugh until it dies down enough for you to finally give a truthful answer.
" Your faces were priceless though ! But yes, it was a joke. I just can't decide. You all have qualities that I like in each one of you. You all are wonderful in your own way."
The slashers are relieved to hear that it was only a joke. Fortunately, they are used to hearing the dubious sense of humor of Pennywise and Freddy, nothing can shock them anymore. However, it's your turn..You look around and realize that only one person had been off the hook..
" My dear Pennywise, no one seems to have asked you the question..Truth or dare ?"
He leans back and winks cheekily at you.
" You know me darling..I always love a good dare."
Perfect..You think as you lean towards him to whisper something in his ear. His coy smile quickly fades away and he winces, almost in pain at your request.
" You can't be serious ?! Really ?!"
You smile and nod. He opens his mouth to protest, but quickly closes it as he knows Freddy wouldn't stop teasing him about backing down. He finally sighs before standing up and facing the bunch of slashers that look up at him with attention, waiting for what is to come.
" Guys..I appreciate you. You're all wonderful and I wouldn't dream of any other nut jobs I would rather spend my time with.."
Freddy's mouth nearly hits the floor as he hears Pennywise being actually nice to anyone but Penny..He then looks at you and asks you.
" What the f*ck ?! What did you do to him ?! You broke him ?!"
You only smile mysteriously and Pennywise takes the opportunity to turn towards each slasher to..compliment..them.
" Freddy, you're the best pal I have. You're my partner in crime. You're actually the only reason I don't mind playing the good guy, cause you make it far more interesting..Five. You're a freak. But, the best freak there is. You may think we're all stupid, but I know that you've just been through hell. I don't blame ya. Michael. Big fellow with a heart of gold. Don't change, man. Brahms, you may be a doll fanatic, but that makes your charm. Also, you're Penny's best friend, which earns you bonus points as far as I'm concerned. Jason. I know we mess with you a lot, but it's because you make it fun for me and Freddy. You make us laugh. And it's coming from a clown..Talking about clowns, Mr Sh*tty the Clown. I genuinely hate you. But, you're part of the family, that you want it or not. Same goes for Multiple persons freak. We may all be murderous killers, but you make my damn eternity better..Now, cheers."
He gulps down his entire drink while the rest of the gang seems to be taken aback by the sudden, somehow kind, speech of Pennywise. Freddy is the first to get out of his stupor.
" Yeah yeah..I know you love me. Where is the ring though ?!"
Freddy mocks, but you can see that he his deeply touched, even if he doesn't show it. Five is the second to talk. He turns to you with a frown.
" I would normally never ask this..but did you drug him with your words somehow ? What did you ask him ?"
You and Pennywise both share a conspiratory look before you reply with a small laugh.
" Simple. I told him to stop being a d*ck.."
At that, everyone gasps and turn towards you with widened eyes.
" Wait...the nurse cursed ?! Okay..There is something definitely wrong here ! Not gonna stay until f*cking wings grow out of my back and a halo appears floating on top of my head !"
Freddy screams before jumping to his feet and sprinting out of the room. You laugh even harder before getting up as well and dusting your skirt.
" Well..He's got a point. We all should go to sleep. Come on."
You get some groans of protest here and there, but finally manage to get all the slashers in their bedrooms. Once you get to your own, you lie down on your bed and stare at your ceiling while thinking about the question Arthur had asked you..Who is your favorite slasher ?
(I'll stop at this question and would like readers to answer in the comments. Just a little question to satisfy my curiosity.)
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dishonestkilla · 4 years
Hate Me
This is a very short headcanon I thought of while listening to the song below.
TW: Angst, language, NSFW, 18+ content, mentions of violence, smut, toxic relationship, nasty smut it's nasty so read at ur ownnnnnnnn risk
Pairing: Drug Dealer!ReaderAU × Dabi
words: 3k
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There was a thick silence in the dark alley where they stood. The only sound being the sound of tobacco burning on the other side of the cancer stick that was placed between her plush lips, the smoke she inhaled being freed the moment she breathed out, letting the toxins out towards his furious face.
Teal eyes burnt through her soul, shooting daggers at her. If a gaze could kill, she would've been long dead.
"So, that is all you are? A petty criminal?" The question was more rhetorical than something that actually needed to be asked. Dabi never knew what she actually did, hell, he now wanted to know if he ever actually was aware of who she was..But now, all that he could feel was a slice of anger blinding his sight.
"Yeah," She shrugged, still unfazed by his shaking figure and in one second, she could've sworn that a blue flame sparked on the surface of his scarred face but being the stubborn woman, the warning sign of his rage was ignored.
To her, his wrath was not justified nor was it plausible. This was her life, it had always been. Just because she let him spend a night here and there, caressed the side of his rough face, kissed his lips tenderly and loved him dearly, holding him close whenever she felt like breaking, it didn't mean that he could interfere in her business life.
"You have been lying to me all this time? Staged working at Kurogiri's bar for what? To get your hands on some filthy money?? Is that it? Money? Is that all you care for? Don't you think that our world has enough problems, wouldn't you like to be part of something that is actually worth a thing?" Dabi's voice raised slightly at the end, his hands flying up in dissatisfaction as he eyed her, but the sight he saw was anything but pleasant.
Her face had been contorted into a crooked smile, head tilted go the side just a little, orbs darker than usual. That grimace made him so mad, he could've sworn a vein in his neck popped from how tense he had become.
"Listen to yourself, acting all big and tough. Fucking hell," Y/N blurted, a big puff of smoke leaving her throat as she laughed out, "So what if I am not the Messiah. So what if I am not like you, a saint, a chosen one. I have been doing this ever since I left home, if you don't like it, you don't have to be going out with me." She continued, face turning serious, her orbs now igniting a new flame in themselves.
"You don't have to love me, if you don't want to accept me," her voice was barely audible when she said that but knowing Dabi, Y/N was sure he heard her.
"Why don't you let me help you then? Because I do love you, fuck, I love you so much, isn't it proof enough that I'd put myself as a villain at risk to be exposed to some junkie that would die to sell me to the police? Just to be able to he-" before the real eyed male could continue, he was interrupted, Y/N now also tensed up, lips quivering, she was mad and it was evident.
"I don't need your damn help, you bastard!" And in the next second, her hand had made contact with the surface of his face, leaving a red print behind.
"I owe you nothing and don't want to either," she hissed, jaw clenching, hands balled into fists as her gaze was now hunting him down.
"Owe me? Who in the fuck told you that in a relationship people owe each other things?!"
"Who in the fuck dated you, so that you know now?!" Her words weren't little knives into his hearts, no, it was like her ever so soft hands wrapped around the organ itself, crushing it inside of his chest. Just like that.
"You don't mean that," He whispered, now suddenly vulnerable, hurt and saddened.
"Yes, I do. I do, because you always claim to know everything, mess up my business, try to tell me what the fuck to do, and then dare to teach me on relationships. Reality check, Dabi. You're a villain, a burnt, brutal, scary villain. Nothing more." She yelled at this point. Tears welling up in her eyes, entire body shaking in frustration as her voice made it's way to the ears of the black haired man.
His lips were shaking, and now it wasn't only anger and sadness inside of his guts, it was something much worse.
Dabi wanted to wrap his hands around her throat and squeeze. Hard.
But no, not like one of the times where he had her against the wall, hips plowing into hers, one nipple between his fingers as she moaned loudly at his ministrations, head against the concrete. Not like those times where he let out his steam on her, ravaging her body, leaving purple marks on her satin alike skin that he had adorned with love bites moments before.
It wasn't one of the many moments in which she submitted to him with a mewl because of how roughly his digits burned her as a sign of affection alongside of his length caressing her velvety walls, bruising thrusts being the source for the nasty clapping and squelching noises that filled the room of the empty bathroom stall in some random club.
This was different, he wanted to cut her oxygen supply for good, watch as her face started to grimace, eyes rolling back as he took her life ever so slowly before burning her perfect body in his flames, feeling her warmth one last time before extinguishing her.
Without even noticing, he had moved forward, trapping her between the brick barricade behind her, caging her between his arms while holding her down with his own weight.
The way she looked at him caused a low growl to erupt his chest, a rush of heat running down his spine as he watched her with intent eyes.
Now, it was his turn to smirk twistedly at Y/N as the girl gulped. It wasn't like she was weak, the opposite, her quirk was one to be feared at least to say, after all, she could manipulate other people's nerves to bend at her own will, if she wanted to, she could cause him severe pain, but instead of that, she let him pin her down with his eyes. Despite of being powerful, she was fairly aware of Dabi's high pain tolerance as well as his immense strength. Y/N wasn't stupid enough to try and fight the male when she was intoxicated at that.
"Let me show you what you do to me.."
Before she could even protest, his lips had been attached to her sweet spot right below her right ear, a meal leaving her plump lips, melting at his touch and the way his calloused hands traveled the surface of her body. Arms now around his neck as she pulled him impossibly closer, causing Dabi to snicker against her throat while leaving wet kisses on her neck, marking her in his wake.
"Look at you, already a whimpering mess and I haven't even started yet," he rasped, now standing up straight again to meet her desperate gaze.
"Shut up," the girl retorted with sass, now it was her turn to tease him.
Lips colliding with his own, the taste of nicotine and whiskey flooding her senses, everything a blur and the reason on why they had started to banter long forgotten, the only thing mattering being their lust and desire for one another.
While his fingers tugged at the strands of her locks, her own had started to fumble with his belt, haphazardly ripping away the leather piece before she slid down the wall to kneel in front of his growing erection.
The heels of her shoes now meeting the wall as he had granted little space so she could do whatever she wanted to.
Soft pecks placing themselves against his restrained bulge before his hands wrapped themselves around her hair, making her look up at his gaze, "Get to it," he ordered and Y/N didn't have to be told twice before pulling his pants and boxers down to below his thighs, just enough to grant access to the angry tip of his cock, precum already leaking down the slit.
Experimentally she licked a stripe from his base to the tip, tasting his slightly pineapple flavoured release.
Yes, pineapple. She had forced him to eat the fruit regularly, if he wanted her lips around his length and his shaft down her throat.
One hand wrapped around him, thumb and index finger not able to touch, she started to jerk off the tall individual in front of herself, eyes focused on his leaking tip, paying attention to the area with kitten licks.
"Did you forget how to suck dick? Do I have to remind you?" He snapped at her, a sneaky smirk on his face.
Not wanting to play his petty game, the female let her head down till her nose met with his pubic bone, irises blown wide with lust at the sight of him groaning, his head lulled back at the immense pressure of feeling the walls of her throat inviting him.
Repeating the action a few times she then proceeded to suck down his erection with quick yet impactful bobbing motions, cheeks hollowing around him, practically milking him for whatever he was about to give her.
The two were fighting, they hated each other at times and probably had been at the verge of killing the other more than just once, however, they also knew each other more than anyone else did and not only physically but also emotionally. Now, the knowledge of one another's body and sweet spots were the advantage of their frankly scandalous little escapade in some dark alleyway where she had been dealing some of her 'happy pills' and 'devil's lettuce' the latter being what she was high on herself. The only difference being the passion and burning desire that fueled her intoxicated mind to wander even more. 'Test the waters and play with fire', as she liked to say.
One of his scarred hands darted out into her hair, nimble fingers digging in as he took a fist of her locks into his palm, pulling her head down his entire shaft, the intrusion causing a soft gag to escape her throat, eyes shooting up to meet his mischievous gaze upon her, the sight of his lazy smirk yet fiery orbs sending a jolt straight to her core.
He had regained control of what was going down, his hips now ramming into her mouth as if it was a fleshlight for him to abuse. The mere sight of how her pretty lips wrapped around his tip just to be parted more whilst he forced her down onto his length, the way she salivated all over him, drool now dribbling down onto her exposed cleavage that was peeking up from underneath the flimsy top she wore, her eyes slowly watering as she laid her hands on either side of his thick thighs. It was mesmerizing, if he could he would take a picture of it.
Finally satisfied with one last thrust into her sloppy cavern, the male didn't wait any longer before pulling her up to her wobbly legs, turning her around, he pushed her face into the wall behind herself, moving behind her as his lips latched onto her neck again, leaving bite marks here and there while his hands made quick work of her leather pants, pulling them down her thighs hastily, groaning at the sight of her lacy panties, "Seems like you've expected this, yeah? Getting fucked by no other than your man in a nasty alleyway." Making her sneer at him, she was quick to reply to his comment, "My man? Darling, you're not even a man in the first place!" That was it.
That was what caused his next moves to be crude and rougher than usual.
Pinning her arms behind her back as he bent her over against the wall, hips plowing into her, intruding her insides to spread for him, grunting as her wet, spongy walls clenched around him.
Without further do, he started to slam into her with slow, yet deep thrusts, the force of each thrust causing her entire body to jolt forward, pushing her against the wall even more.
His moves never faltered as he pulled out of her so merely his tip was coated in her juices, forcing his entire dick into her repeatedly before he set a steady pace of in and out.
Dabi was taking his time judging on how he dragged out the moment by changing between steady thrusts and reckless ramming.
One hand that supported her hips whilst she moaned and mewled at her insides being rearranged by him over and over, lifted, igniting a fire for a second before raining down onto each ass cheek of the girl in front of himself, leaving red hand prints that would stay for quite some time, marking her squeal at the force, the rough treatment being painful yet so pleasant that she couldn't help but moan out incoherent words as his hips sped up to an erratic pace, knocking the air out of her lungs.
"Yeah? What was that? Who isn't your man, huh? Say that again, I want to hear you say it." The way his voice seemed so unfazed caused her to roll back her hips like some sex-crazed animal, whimpering at the lack of treatment when he suddenly pulled out just to forcefully pull her flush against himself.
However, Y/N wasn't that fragile, with that being said, a smirk crept onto the female's flushed face, "Not you-" Her answer caused a low growl emit from the male, as he pulled her back by her hair, now back arched even more as he groaned against her ear, voice raspy, the hand that held her wrists wrapping around her throat, cutting the air supply of the girl, hips assaulting her again, the sound of skin slapping filling the quiet alley.
As her walls clenched yet again caused by him abusing her cunt for more than half an hour without letting her release, each time pulling out just to make sure she'd get the message of who was in charge. At this point she was shaking, her jaw slack while tears ran down her cheeks, staining her face.
"Come on, baby, tell everyone here who your man is and I will fuck you until you cum all over my cock, little slut," He could swear that he felt her grow even tighter around his length as he degraded her yet again.
"D-D-Dabi.." her voice was a mere whisper and not enough for the hot headed man, shaking his head as his hips came to a halt again. Denying her release all over.
"What, princess, I couldn't hear you and I bet no one else could either. Use your pretty brain if you want to cum."
Those words finally pulled her trigger as she started to beg the wanted villain, "H-hah~ Please, Dabi, I am yours, all yours and - you're my m-man, please make me cum.." She pleaded, voice desperate and in a hoarse tone.
Pleased with her begging, the black haired criminal picked up his recklessly rough pace again, one hand creeping to her front as he started to rub her clit in circles, and all of that combined to the low growl and grunts coming from him while biting her neck was enough to make white flash in her vision, body trembling as her release gushed out of her abused hole, screaming out his name.
Vigorously shaking in his arms as he worked her furthermore until he released his seed into her, painting her walls white whilst she milked him.
"I've got you, I've got you." The man cooed, caressing her body as he slowly let her calm down before pulling out of her, helping her redress as he pulled his pants up himself, watching her lean against the wall, hair tousled and mascara running down her eyes as he held out a hand, wiping away the black streaks lovingly, her head automatically leaning into his touch.
"I hate everything about you," she mumbled, making him chuckle, cocking an eyebrow at her as he watched her put a blunt between those lips of hers, lighting up the piece before inhaling the toxins inside of it, eyes rolling to the back of her head in comfort.
Moving forward he took the piece from her, he grabbed her jaw after she took another big hit, kissing her softly, tongues and smoke mixing together before he took her hand and lead her to his nearby apartment, with her just strolling after him like a lost puppy just to be cuddled up on his chest moments later upon her arrival in his shabby little space, arms around him while smoking yet another blunt.
Looking up at his turquoise eyes that held so many unreadable emotions, she let out a huff, pouting at him before laying her cheek flat against the surface of his sternum again.
"I didn't mean that," She slowly admitted, looking up to see him smirk a little, man if she could've just punched him. Well, she could..But shouldn't..Unless..
"I know that you were just Dic-"
"Don't say it, I swear to god, do not say it!"
"Ugh! you're such a dork."
Both laughed at the silly comment Dabi made proudly, his entire chest puffing up before he embraced her with his arms, "Am I really such a monster?" He suddenly asked before she unexpectedly kissed his lips with passion, in an attempt to quiet him down.
"Shush, no you aren't. And even if you were.. You are my monster." Those were the last few words he heard before they both drifted off to sleep, never knowing what would expect them next.
A/N: This took longer than I thought, phew. Hope y'all thirsty ones liked it hehe.
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Your Energy
Klaus hargreeves x reader, Diego hargreeves x reader (platonic)
Description: You and diego have been friends for a while now, and he finally agrees to you meeting his family. Klaus, in particular, takes a liking to you - but how will they react when they find out you have powers?
Word count: 1.9k
(There's no warnings other than swearing and this tiny tiny tiny moment in the second part that is NOTHING like smut, but I guess it could be implied? Idk, you'll know what I'm on about when you read it)
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• Okay.
• You are one of the 43, but Reginald couldn't get you.
• Your power was being able control energy, and that included spiritual energy.
• This meant that you could see people's souls and auras, dead or alive.
• You and Klaus met quite strangely, to say the least. You were one of Diego's close friends, and after years of knowing each other, he finally let you meet his family.
• It was a warm summer's afternoon when you and Diego arrived at the Umbrella Academy. Just as Diego was about to open the main doors, you both heard bellowing screams coming from inside.
• Silently, you both shared a confused glance before proceeding to walk through the doors.
• Standing before you in the main hall was a very large man, who seemed to have somebody on his shoulders. They were seemingly fighting, the larger of the men trying to get the other off his shoulders.
• "Uhh, Diego, does this happen all the time?"
• Before he could answer, the broad shouldered man threw his opponent from his shoulders and directly into you, sending you flying backwards.
• In this case, you'd be able to stop yourself from falling and float in mid air, controlling your gravitational energy. However, this came as such a surprise that you didn't have time to save yourself.
• You were sent back through the open doors, and onto the empty street. The person who had been launched into you laid half on top of you, half next to you.
• Not a second went by before you used your powers to lift the man up in the air. Getting up from the cold pavement, you dusted yourself off.
• "What the fuck is going on?" He asked, in quite a calm tone.
• Diego jogged through the doors, running over to you.
• "I could ask you the same thing." He scolded, standing in front of you. Placing a hand on your shoulder, he asked if you were okay.
• "I'm fine," you responded, "just hurt my back a bit." You looked up at him with a small smile. Carefully, you lowered Diego's brother down until he was back on his two feet.
• You only just realised that your summer dress had ridden up slightly, and you blushed as both Diego and his brother watched you pull it down.
• "Y/n, this is Klaus." Diego muttered under his breath. Smiling, you turned to him and stuck out your hand.
• "It's wonderful to meet you, Klaus. My name's y/n, but you can just call me y/n/n!"
• Instead of shaking your hand, he bent down slightly and placed a chaste kiss on one of your knuckles.
• "It's my pleasure." He replied, a small smirk on his face. Only then did you notice somebody standing behind Klaus; he wore a black hoodie and had his arms crossed, yet wore a bemused expression.
• Instead of introducing yourself to him, you shot a small smile his way. You wanted to wait until you got into the mansion to properly get to know everyone.
• When he saw you smiled at him, he seemed confused, and looked behind him as if to see if anyone else was stood near him. Contently, you turned back to Diego.
• "Can we go inside?" You politely asked, and Diego stuck out his arm for you to hold. "Be my guest."
• Once you, Diego, Klaus and the mysterious man got back into the house, Diego called for everyone to come to the living room.
• Slowly, everyone trickled into the common area, the last being a 13 year old boy. Once Diego noticed the last of his siblings enter the room, he closed the door behind him.
• "Everyone, this is y/n." You smiled, looking at everyone in the room, hearing them all say hello. One by one, they all went around and introduced themselves, until you got back to Klaus.
• "Y/n/n and I have already met." Klaus proudly admitted to group. Next to him, the man wearing the black hoodie spoke. "God, Klaus. Don't act so love sick."
• He looked both irritated yet amused, which made Klaus turn to him and roll his eyes. Laughing, you stuck out your hand.
• "I don't believe I've introduced myself," you replied, "it's lovely to meet you."
• You felt everyone's eyes on you, burning into your skin. The boy in the black hoodie didn't shake your hand, but merely looked at you, a stunned expression plastering his face. Meekly, you took your hand back and fiddled with the hem of your skirt.
• "Who are you talking to?" Allison asked, not really understanding what was happening.
• "Ben." Klaus answered for you, wearing the same shocked expression as everyone else in the room. The only person who wasn't surprised was Diego.
• He perched on the end of a sofa. "Y/n's one of us, but our prick of a father couldn't adopt her." He looked almost proud and nodded towards you, as if to let you carry on.
• "Oh, right." You added. You were talking directly to Allison, but everyone listened intently.
• "Yeah, I can control energy. It's more complex than it seems, really. I can control all main types of energy like light, sound, gravity, the like. But I can also control spiritual and emotional energy. So if I really wanted to, I could change any of your emotions."
• "Spiritual energy..." five repeated. "That makes more sense."
• Now you were the confused one, furrowing your brows. "What do you mean?" You asked five, sitting down on the chair next to you.
• "What I mean," he started, "is that Ben's dead."
• The air lay thick among you all, as you turned to Klaus and Ben.
• "I'm...so sorry." You quietly spoke, avoiding eye contact.
• "Hey, don't worry about it." Ben said at last, smiling at you. "I've grown bored of only being able to talk to this moron."
• "Hey!" Klaus exclaimed as you laughed. Everyone else was silent as you, Klaus and Ben had your own conversation.
• "This is so weird." Luther whispered to Allison, who nodded in agreement.
• "Why don't we all go and get some lunch?" Diego offered, ending the awkwardness between you all.
• "Sounds good to me!" You replied, grabbing your bag. And with that, all of you were making your way out of the living room, off to Dennys.
• All 8 of you were sat in a large booth, you sandwiched directly between Klaus and Ben. The waitress came around and took everyone's orders, and once she left, Diego hopped out of his seat at the end of the booth.
• "I'm going to the bathroom, if the food comes before I'm back and any of you even think about eating me fries, I'll cut you." You were very much used to his knife threats, so didn't dare going near his food. As soon as Diego was out of earshot, everyone bombarded you with questions.
• "Are you and Diego dating?" Allison asked, eyes wide. "How did you two meet?" Added Luther. "Where do you live?" Five questioned, kind of creepily. "Are you single?" Inquisioned Klaus, quiet enough that only you heard him.
• "Jesus christ, guys. I live a few blocks away from Diego, which is how we met. I was at target, and was about to get the last bag of doritos, when we both reached for them. Finally, no, Diego and I aren't dating. However we do have lots of sleepovers."
• Happy with how you answered the questions, everyone turned to each other to star their own conversations. You leaned in to klaus, and very quietly whispered in his ear.
• "And yes, I'm single."
• You weren't going to skip around the fact that you found Klaus attractive; his messy hair, dark eyes and cheekbones chiseled by the Gods did something to you.
• Diego returned, sitting back on the end of the booth, just as two waitresses walked over with arms full of plates and cups.
• You only started eating once everyone had gotten their food; you ordered a bowl of fries and a strawberry milkshake, your favourite. The restaurant hummed with chatter as the people around you laughed and quietly spoke to each other.
• "So Vanya, Diego told me you play the violin, right?" She nodded, taking a sip of her cola.
• "Yeah, I play in an orchestra." She added.
• "That's really cool! I played the flute when I was a kid, but now I-"
• As you spoke, you felt a warm hand on your thigh. Klaus's hand was soft, his slender fingers slowly inching their way up your leg, sliding underneath the skirt of your dress.
• "Now I play the drums." You finished, taking a sip of your milkshake. Before you could swallow, you felt Klaus's fingers get dangerously close to your underwear. You choked on your drink, coughing like it would save your life.
• Klaus removed his hand as Luther passed you a red napkin. "Thank you." You uttered, still trying not to cough up your strawberry milkshake.
• "You better get used to this, there's no escape now you've met him." Ben advised, a smug grin lining his face.
• "You can say that again."
• Roughly a week had passed since you met Diego's family, and you couldn't stop thinking about it.
• After you all went to dennys, Allison suggested that a game of bowling would be fun. Spoiler alert: Luther broke the mechanism at the back of the bowling alley by bowling the ball too hard.
• You were sat in bed in your apartment, mindlessly scrolling through your phone. Realising it was just past midnight, you turned your light off, switched off your phone, and laid down.
• After a few minutes of trying to get to sleep, you heard the window open behind you, and the sound of someone crawling through it. Not in the mood to deal with an intruder, you used your powers to slam them against your bedroom wall. With your other hand, you turned on your light switch and found Klaus pressed up against your wall.
• "For shits sake, what are you doing?" You asked, letting him go. Ben stood next to him, leaning again the wall.
• "Go on, Klaus. Tell y/n why you've broken into her home at midnight, despite me warning you not to."
• Klaus was silent for a second, his tired eyes staring in to yours. He wore the same outfit from last week, looking like he came straight from the mansion.
• "Uh, y/n, would you like to go out with me?"
• He actually seemed pretty nervous, despite how he had been acting at Denny's.
• "...now?" You asked, looking at the clock.
• "Not now, but maybe tomorrow? Diego told me you have a day off and I was thinking maybe we could..." he took a deep breath, and looked down at the floor. "Maybe this was a bad idea."
• He made his way back to the window, but you managed to convince him to stay.
• "Klaus, of course I'd like to go out with you."
• You spoke in a gently tone, not wanting to startle him.
• "Plus, if you want to, you could sleep over here?" You knew it was a long shot, but it was worth a try.
• "I'll only stay if you give me a makeover!"
• "Deal."
• That night was filled with a lot of sad movies, you painting Klaus's nails bright pink, and Ben rolling his eyes about 400 times.
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yandere-wishes · 4 years
Eight Tries //Obey  Me Yandere! Asmodeus x reader //
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Thank you so so much for this wonderful prompt @feedmestraycats​. Icon made by the lovly @bbelphie​!
TW: attempted suicide, mention of rape/noncon, gore, murder, cheating
This was getting old, he still wasn't home and there was no point in pretending that he was just running late. No, you knew that your husband was not coming back home tonight, maybe if you were lucky you would find him passed out on the couch sometime in the late afternoon once you returned from the marketplace. 
There was no reason to spend the dreary and dull night alone. If that spoiled hero you called a husband could be spending such a gorgeous night, out with some prostitute from the slums then you could also be having some naughty fun~
--To call your current like a nightmare was an understatement. People awake from nightmares, they could open their eyes and be back in the safety of their warm beds, next to the person they loved. But the second your eyes opened you entered a hell on earth, there wasn't any escape, no freedom...and the worst part was that there was not a single soul to comfort you--
Five red candles set in a circle each one a blase with a tiny passionate flame. Two twigs inserted parallel to one another, caging in the dried corpse of a scorpion. Next is the demon's sacred seal written in the summoner's blood, elegantly and delicately. Sprinkle it with salt and state the ungodly words. "Oh, great Asmodeus lord of love, aviator of lust, I become thee come forth to me, I offer you my body and soul"
--You had been born to a noble family in a small and rather poor town. Despite the town economical standpoint, the natives were tremendously kind and neighborly. Everyone shared whatever little of anything they may have had. Your family, in particular, was the most charitable. Giving and giving as much as humanly possible. When it came time for you to chose a husband, your father requested you marry someone from the town, someone you truly loved disregarding how poor or wealthy they may be. Marry for love he insisted but keep it in the family. Regardless to say that's what you did. You found a man and fell in love, married a month later in a joyous celebration in which the whole town had been invited to....but then HE came along--
The circle in front of you puffed with a cloud of thick pink smoke. It invaded your sense, plunging into your mind and sending waves of ecstasy. It was a rush pure lust was infected into your entire body...
but then it stopped, neglecting your corpse and leaving you you confused and sweaty. It was in that eerie moment that the demon decided to manifest himself. He stood tall in all his glory, petite bat wings spread out. If it weren't for the dark shadow and uncharacteristic bitter frown spread thinly across his face, he would have looked as beautiful and perfect as the first miserable night you played eyes on him.
--In the dead of night Asmodeus had murdered your husband in clod blood. He had made you watch as he shredded your lover's corps leaving only a messy pile of blood and organs on the bed. But that had not been enough for the lord of lust. On that same blood-soaked bed he had defiled you,  raped you and stolen what was meant for the man who's blood you now laid in, a weeping mess reeking of that demon's stench. Your parents had found you the following day. They were sent into an accentuated frenzy. How could such a horrifying thing happen? By the following year, you'd been wed again, only for Asmodeus to return on the night of your marriage and decimate your new husband. By the fourth accurations, the townsfolk had deemed you cursed, at first they tried all that they could to save you from this dreadful beast. But all too soon it had turned into a competition. "Who could marry the nobleman's daughter and survive the next day." Desperate to wed you off your parents accepted any challenger who arrived....and each was dead by the morning of your marriage. By the sixth time, the townsfolk had already tried to kill you on multiple occasions. The sweet and caring town you knew had been annihilated replaced by this bitter, angry village of unkind and untrusting residents. And Asmodeus? Well, he'd made a game out of this, each time he'd find a new grisly way to slaughter your new husband and a new repugnant way to rape you. By the seventh husband, you'd already attempted four suicides. All resulting in fallierur, by some black miracle that dreadful demon was always able to save you and keep you alive. All hope was lost or so it seemed.--
"He's out again..." Was there any need to explain why you'd summons him. Over the last two years since your wedding to the "hero", these summonings had been almost routine. 
"Of course he is darling~ did you really think you were enough to satisfy him? hm?"
The words stabbed your heart like a million needles at once, the reality was all too fragile and could come crumbling down at any given time. You had never been enough, this was a well-known fact at this point. You had never been enough for your lovers, parents or town's people and now you weren't even enough for your own husband, the man that had saved you from all your miseries. 
"Love, he's a hero. Hero's don't settle down and live domestic lives with their loved ones and children. They need the torture of missions and anguish of journeys to feel alive. When they leave it all behind they wind up as hollow husks filling out the rest of their existence with alcohol and street women."
--After having prayed to God for too many days and nights to count, he's finally sent you a hero. Tobias was sent to vanquish the demon Asmodeus and merry you as a reward. At the time you'd all thought he had succeeded, that the avatar of lust was really dead. The thought had brought you joyous days and depressing nights. A part of you was beyond thankful that he was finally gone. The other half missed and longed for his lips on yours, for his hands brushing against your skin, the feel of his honey-colored lock tangled in between your fingers. You missed your tormentor...
At first, you and Tobias had been like any young couple so in love to notice the conflict of the world around you, so in love to disregard each other's sharp edges. So in love, until you were no longer. The first year had been sweet and peacful, every day was a harmonious dream...but then Tobias started coming home late, neglecting your presence. Some nights he wouldn't return at all and you'd run into town finding him in some pub drunk and with some random woman clinging to him. You spent those nights crying yourself into fitful revolting dreams of happiness and death. The old pre-suicidal habits had returned. One night the blade slipped and slashed a vain to deep, mentally exhausted you simply laid there waiting for the blood to run out. That's when you saw him again. Over the years he hadn't changed one bit, flirty smile and reddish-yellow eyes still playful and dark. He'd brought you back again and stayed with you until morning. The occurrence repeated it's self like clockwork until one night it was no longer dying and talking but summoning and...more. It felt right to feel him all over you again. His toxic presence made you feel complete, filling up holes in your soul.--
Asmodeus stalked closer, arms slinging in that all too causal way. You didn't dare take a step back, having played this game enough times to know every result before it even sprouted. 
"(Y/N) why won't you listen to me! How dense do you have to be to repeat the same mistake eight times! Eight freaking times before it dawns on you that you are wrong! You will always be wrong! No worthless human or "holy hero" can ever love you as I do. I'm the only one. I'll always be the only one!" 
Your brain screamed that he was wrong, that you could have had a prouspoures, dazzling life had he not killed your first husband or second or even third. Ir was his fault that your beloved town had been plagued with riots and corruption. He taught your people to sin, to ignore the words of God and his angels! Yet your cracked heart knew that he was right, no man would ever love you again... hey all married you for some selfish obligation or another. And Tobias....Tobias was the worst of all. He was forced to marry you by the holy on. Thrust into a loveless marriage with the suicidal "beauty" he was forced to save. Why couldn't God have just killed you all those years ago? Given the poor "Miss wanna die" her sole wish. He was right, this MONSTER was had always been right! No one loved you. You were less than the rubble under people's feet. Even noble god had turned his back on you...but he, this evil demon...Asmodeus had always come back for you. Hw stole your innocence, your purity, your life! your destiny was forever ruled by him. Maybe that's what you were so constantly in pain and isolation. You were trying to outrun your furutre. Why? What was the point of escaping your inevitable faith? Let it go, submit,  your miserable life would finally become less of a burden. Give up, hand over the crumpled misery you called life to Asmodeus, let him take over. It would all finally be over. No more pain, loneliness, the misery would come to a sweet end!
In a daring, insanity driven moment you lunged yourself forward gripping Asmodeus' toned shoulders with all your strenghth. Fingernails digging deeper and deeper into his creamy skin. Crashing your lips onto his, trying to let the kiss speak for you. Begging he would comprehend your actions, praying he would accept your submission. In no time he took over, dominating the kiss, slipping his wet muscle into your mouth. Running his larger hands to your lower back. Dipping lower and lower, squeezing anything he could get his hand on. He was the one to (shockinly) break the kiss. He slowly pulled away leaving behind a thin string of saliva. His lush lips were pulled into a smug smirk, his eyes were lightening up with the most joy you'd ever seen. Forcefully he pulled you closer to his chest. Holding your head where his heart would have been. 
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lvlyhao · 3 years
A/N: took me long enough to post, I know, but thank you to that last anon for reminding me of the series lol with school i tend to forget what i have and haven’t posted but i’ll do better from now on. i hope you like this :)
important: this chapter includes mentions of vomiting and though i’ve already put a warning for violence and gore in the masterlist, i’m saying it again: please don’t read this if you are not okay with that!!!!
word count: 2.1K
pairing: qian kun x reader
disclaimer: the characters in the story below do not reflect real people or present real facts. this is purely fictional, and you may not copy, change, translate or repost my work in any way. all rights reserved © cherry-hyejin 2021.
previous chapter || next chapter
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:
“I’m heading out”, your hands fondly squeeze Taeyong’s shoulders from behind him. He does not look up from his task for a few seconds, counting rolls of gauze. Then, upon processing your words, he twirls to face you. His eyes trail up and down your figure, making a mental checklist of everything you need to be safe. Apparently, one thing is missing.
“Take Jaehyun with you”, he asks, “or maybe Yuta. Johnny is always good to have around, and so is Renjun. Those swords of his are no joke”, he rambles, losing focus. The way he places his hands on his hips and sighs tells you he’s absolutely drained. “Or maybe I should go with you—”
Shaking your head fervently, you pat his cheek for his attention, observing the streaks of noon sunlight across his face. He stares at you with concern and shifts his weight.
“You’re staying right here and so are the boys, Tyong. We haven’t found a survivor in weeks, and taking one of them is always more stressful than anything”, you reason. Recollections of how the boys attract trouble wherever they go cloud your mind, far too many to count. The air suddenly feels too chilly, with shivers running down your spine. 
“Just stay here and maybe find a way to rest. You know Doyoung won’t mind keeping track of the supply for you.”
At this point, he knows it’s no use arguing. 
“Just be careful… and get back before dawn”, he adjusts the collar of your jacket, thinking back to the weather outside of the grey walls of the dorms. “All I’m saying is you never know what you’re gonna find.” Giving you a tight-lipped smile and a nod, he resumes his job, and you leave him. Headed to the heavily locked iron doors guarded by the towering figures of Shotaro and Sungchan, you ask yourself if there was any hidden depth to Taeyong's words.
“You never know what you’re gonna find, huh", you mutter.
Now, roaming the deserted streets on your own and basking in the orange glow of the afternoon, you just think he was wrong. 
It’s already been a couple of hours since you left: you���ve explored parts of the district you barely even knew before the virus, seeing all kinds of animals scurrying around your path. You’ve also eaten the rice balls Jaemin packed for you, and you’ve gawked at the decaying building that used to be your favourite theatre. It’s all the same as you imagined it would be. Not many walkers litter this part of town—just 7 or 8 you managed to avoid—and no people. No one worth rescuing.
Wandering like this, in silence, brings back memories you're not sure you like. Weekly game nights with your friends, attending Jisung’s dance presentations, playing in the park’s playground at night... All of those feel foreign to you, parts of life too good to have ever been yours. Still, the need for a shot of wistfulness takes over, and you sigh. Better now than when it gets late, then. With a shake of your head, you pick a destination and start moving.
You’re conscious of your surroundings as you keep one hand on the bow and make your way across the square. Dry, fiery leaves crunch under your boots, being the only sound you pick up. Nothing looks out of the ordinary, either. The same old abandoned stores seem to look down at you, their busted windows moaning in the wind. But, right then, something jabs at your gut. It's a silent alert to a threat you can't see. 
Damnit. You better pick up the pace.
As soon as you make a turn to the left, spying the pizza place you used to visit, you freeze. Walkers, maybe 10 of them, whimper and try to get past the debris to reach something inside a pharmacy.
How could you not notice them earlier? They’re not a quiet horde, and the awful stench is not something you should have missed either. Have you been that lost in your nostalgia?
Whatever happened, you don't have much time. If the undead are making that much effort to get around the rubble, there has to be someone inside. A fellow human being—hopefully, a nice one. Someone you can help.
Acting out of instincts, you drink in your surroundings. Having your back hastily pressed against a tree trunk is not ideal, but it's what comes to you. While you can't call yourself a strategy master, jumping right into action is not the right plan when someone else's life is in danger. 
Mind racing, you know you need a better shooting spot now if you want to make a move. Drawing them out to an alley is not a totally bad idea either. They wouldn't be able to escape, and maybe then they could flee.
As soon as you found a perfect corner for that, the screech of old door hinges catches your attention. A second later, shattering glass.
Shit. They broke in.
With no more time to assess the situation, you quickly climb up a rotting picnic table. The zombies, some missing a limb, slowly drag their feet towards a man in a plaid, blue shirt. 
He's petrified, head lashing from side to side, looking for a way out. You know very well there is none, and soon enough it will be too late. He’ll be just at reach for those disgusting, putrid fingers. If they get a bite in, it's over for you, and it's over for him.
That’s when you take the stupidest decision of your life.
The boy might just get whiplash from how fast his eyes find yours. His are dark and desperate, but there is something else to them—to him. Something you will never find it in you to explain. 
It could have been the way the stares right at your soul, or how his face displays every emotion from relief to terror. You could even say it was how his knees buckled under his weight or his fluttering hair in the wind. You can blame your reaction on a lot of things, but none of them startles you as much as yourself. 
A cold hand grasps at your heart, squeezing it tightly in your chest. Blood drains from your face, and your frame shakes in the wind. You know this sensation all too well to have doubts, although it is what you swore never to feel again. Fear. Not for yourself, no, even when the undead start walking towards you instead. You don't—can't— care enough about your life, and you know it. It is all for him, the beautiful stranger you are going to save.
The first two arrows find their aim, speeding right through the undead’s skulls, but something shifts in your arms. The rest of your arrows now seem to swerve a bit to the sides, lodging themselves on necks or shoulders. In other words, not where they are supposed to. 
Oh, how much you hate that the walkers will only die if you damage their brains.
“Annoying bastards, I swear—”
Falling into a state of near panic, you drop to the floor unceremoniously and race to the horde. If your bow won't do the trick, your other weapons will.
Momentarily thankful for their lack of agility, you pull out the knives hidden on the sides of your shoes. In a flurry of drive, you slash and stab everything around you. While throwing some hand-to-hand-combat here and there, your eyes start to burn. The walkers smell even worse from up close, you bitterly recall from past encounters. It's one of the things that make fighting harder—the urge to run away from them at every second.
The more daring among them clutch at your clothes, keeping your movement limited, but you manage to cut off their hands. The slick sound it makes is enough to make bile rise up your throat, but you swallow it back.
“C’mon, Y/N”, you pant, kicking what had once been an adult woman in the chest to send her down to the asphalt. “You’ve had tougher battles than this." With a breath as deep as you can manage, your knife cuts at another zombie.
It is true, you know. It's impossible to count the times you’ve been up against groups of 20 or more. You were always fine. Right now, though, wincing from multiple wounds scattered around your skin, you question how the hell did you do it.
Hurriedly glancing to your right, you notice 5 are already dead—well, dead-er than they had previously been. The lady you kicked struggles to get up, giving you a gap to spin and bury your knife into her scalp. She goes limp right away, and you stare. 4 more to go.
Just as you retrieve your blade and turn to face the other walkers, something bites your dominant hand. Hard.
With your knife tumbling down in a metallic clunk, fire shoots up your arm. The first thing you do is wiggle your hand back and forth. Some part of you thinks it was going to let go like it’s some sort of dog. You realize you were wrong when darkened saliva flows into the cuts, your mind going blank with agony.
You figure it was one of the undead you had pushed down before, only to lose sight of him later. And, yes, wiggling was a poor attempt at getting him to drop you, but you did it out of pure alarm. Fear is gradually taking over you now, freezing cold and impossible to fight.
With only your non-dominant hand free, you sloppily sink your blade down however many times it takes for the corpse to stop moving. The pain you feel is sharp, travelling through your veins like blue fire. As his grip slackens, the body slumps to the ground, a wet thud echoing. Despite the agony that threatens to blind you, you're aware of the other 3 walkers you have yet to take down.
One is easy enough, with an arrow embedded deep on one side of her neck, and another coming down on her brow bone. Repugnance swirls in your gut, and you have to look away. Their skulls are incredibly soft.
Your remaining enemies pace at either side of you, circling you with dead eyes and faltering strides. You keep your wounded hand close to you while the other clutches the leather grip of your weapon. It's time to put an end to this.
Choosing to go for the right first, you slash at his chest, grimacing at the black blood that oozes. It taints his shredded red hoodie and sprinkles at your front. The shudders that course through you in silent rage give you the strength to finish it off.
In one clean, powerful strike, your knife goes through an eyeball, but he collapses a bit too fast. You can't recover your blade.
Having no weapons on your hands, even for a second, is critical. The walkers are borderline sluggish, but it was easy to lose track of them: your severed hand was proof.
To your relief—or mild disgust—, hasty strides bounce at the pavement behind you, followed by heavy thuds on a slimy surface. It takes no more than 3 seconds for the last body to tumble by your feet, face down. 
It's only then you see the skull, or better, what is left of it. Blood and brain flow over a gaping crack, done by something sharp. You could guess it was the heavy, black rock that you find before you, held in the hands of the man you are supposed to be saving.
From there, you realize his medium length hair is a faded blue, with dark brown at the roots. A grey university hoodie hugs his slim figure under the plaids, matching his cargo pants and busted sneakers. His face is all sharp angles and soft edges, but his gaze is nothing short of magnetic.
Wide, chocolate eyes glare at the body with such horror your own throat tightens. Then, with no words shared, he lets go of the rock and stumbles back like he cannot believe what he did. Your own eyes divert to the cloudless sky, hearing him vomiting on the concrete in a matter of seconds. Poor dude.
Pity, combined with the reminiscents of adrenaline and dread, settle in you. Your thoughts boil down to one small detail: the Sun is setting.
The throbbing on your hand momentarily vanishes, lost in the memory of Taeyong very clearly telling you to be back before dawn. Aside from that, the memory of what you did to get the walkers' attention still burns at your mind. That goddamned shout. Having a sense of hearing as acute as they did, you are sure any other zombies around you are coming your way.
You have fucked up big time.
final notes: ik chapter one wasn’t all that exciting but i’m hoping this one is better wheeze two more to come, stay tuned <3
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nockfellblues · 4 years
I don't know if you do these kinds of asks but how about reader pulling a hunger games type moment and confronting Larry before he kills himself saying if you go I do too I won't let someone I love die alone type thing.
All aboard the angst train ♥  written as a mini fic! TW for attempted suicide! Reader is gender neutral.
If you are in crisis, please call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline and get the help you deserve. Call 1-800-273-8255. If you are like me and are afraid to call, there are also live online chat options as well, located HERE! 
You’d known for awhile something was... off with Larry. Ever since Sal had officially moved in with Todd and Neil, Larry had been stadoff-ish on a good day, and on bad days would seclude himself in the tree house, Sanity’s Fall blasting from that tiny stereo so loud you could hear it from your shared basement apartment. To say you were worried about his behavior was an understatement. Especially after you’d begun to notice the pattern of near constant headaches, the fact that he was always saying it was too loud in the apartment, the occasional mutter of, “shut up,” to an empty room when he though you weren’t close enough to hear, and the quickly worsening whip of anger he’d been developing… You were walking on eggshells at any given moment.
Finally, it all hit a breaking point. 
You had been helping Larry pack up the remainder of his non-essentials, getting them ready to go over to his new room at Todd’s. It had been a process to pack a lot of his stuff up- it was a whole lifetime to sort through; countless weird knick knacks to decide to keep or not, finding old drawings and sketchbooks from his childhood, finding a random little thing that had been lost years ago tucked away in a dusty corner someplace… 
To be honest, it had been more reminiscing about his childhood and the memories about each of the items you both went through than it was actually packing. But it was fun, and the wistful smile he wore as he told you stories of his mother, his missing father and his years of shenanigans with Sal and Todd made every wasted second well worth it. 
When you unearthed a little silver puzzle box, you expected a fun story and for him to add it into the donation box for the local second hand shop for some needy kid to enjoy it later. But the simple question of, “Trash or stash?” quickly devolved into an argument about how much you didn’t care about his sentimentality or that it was an important object to him- and it just got worse from there- until you gave up, tossed up your hands, and stated you were gonna bring the box you’d finished earlier over to Todd’s while he cooled off, and walked out.
When you’d gotten there, the first thing you did was tell Sal what was up, hoping maybe he’d have some kind of wise words or what you could have done to set Larry off in the first place. Sally, ever the sweetheart, pulled you into a gentle hug, reassuring you that Larry was probably just having a rough patch and that he would talk to him and see if Larry might open up about it. 
Taking Todd up on an offer to stay the night, you threw on a movie and made yourself comfortable on the couch, falling into a dreamless sleep. 
Neil woke you the next morning with a killer cup of coffee and a poor mans breakfast of sugar coated pop tarts. Sally had come around not long after, letting you know Larry had texted him, and they’d be headed to the apartments for some, “Ghost hunting.” He seemed kind of tense but reassured you that he’d talk to Larry today, before he met up with Ash. Of course, you’d thanked him, and settled into Larry’s soon-to-be room to start sorting out some of the easier boxes.
You woke up later, sprawled on the couch, to the sound of Todd rummaging in the kitchen. Yawning, you stretched and made your way out to greet him, smoothing out your bead-head. 
“Hey Todd, how as class?” You asked, grabbing a seat at the kitchen table. 
Todd shrugged, idly stirring an instant noodle cup, “No complaints. How’s Larry’s room coming along? Sal said you were unpacking this morning.”
“Well, I made it through the clothes and some oddball boxes… Did Sally mention anything about Larry by chance?”
Todd shook his head, “No, but he left with Ash almost as soon as he was back, so we didn’t have much time to chat. Knowing Sal, things should be smoothed over. He’s always been able to mellow Larry out like that.” 
With that, you decided to head back and see if Larry was feeling any better after some Sally time. It was getting dark, and the thick clouds looming overhead finally opened into a sweeping downpour just after you had left Todd’s. You stopped under a thicket of trees just off the road, hoping the rain would lessen, when your cell phone went off. 
Larry: [Name] im rly sry. i nvr meant that shit i said.
[Name]: Dude its all good i know youre stressed lately. Im heading back now.
Larry: stay at todds. and just dont blame urself ok? its my time to go.
[Name]: Larry wtf are you talking about? youre scaring me?
Without waiting for a reply you took off towards the apartments at a breakneck run. Bypassing the front door, you ran around the backside of the building to use the back entrance, when you noticed a light on in the old tree house- Then your gaze trailed down to the baggy with a neatly folded paper pinned to the lower steps on the tree.
You felt your blood run cold. He wouldn’t- no. 
“Larry!” You scrambled up the rickety planks, ignoring the note, and all but threw yourself onto the tree house floor. “Larry, don’t!” 
Tucked against the wall of the tree house, just under the little window, sat Larry, an old camping lantern lit in the corner beside him. His eyes were puffy and his hair disheveled, evidence that he’d been crying before. Tears welled in your own eyes as you took in his distraught expression and the bottle of whiskey in his hands. 
“[Name]..?” He whispered your name, and the way his voice cracked brought you to instant tears, and you all but launched yourself at him, pulling him into a desperate embrace. 
“Larry Johnson, you fucking asshole! Don’t you dare- don’t you dare take a sip from that bottle-”
“[Name]-” you cut him off, taking his face into your hands and forcing him to look at you. The circles under his eyes were so deep, and the absolute emptiness in them broke your heart.
“No! You listen here, you fucking string bean- you don’t get to do this. You can’t just… just push me away and expect me not to worry. You can’t just text… text me something like that and not expect me to come running to- to fucking keep you from being stupid! What the fuck am I supposed to do without you?!” You were openly sobbing now, practically screaming at the boy who all but held your entire world in his hands. “You’re all I have! You can’t just-just leave me behind and expect me to move on- who am I without my other half, Larry? Who am I?!” 
He scrunched his eyes closed, tears streaming down his cheeks again, as he shook his head.
“If you fucking kill yourself, I’m going with you. And you can’t stop me.” You knew it was a dirty trick to play, guilting him like this when his soul was this ravaged and he was so vulnerable- but you were being honest. What would you do without him in your life? What about Sal? God, what about poor Lisa? He was so dear to you all, so loved, and he was ready and willing just throw it all away-
“[Name], I-I can’t take it anymore- I just- the cult shit, that demon, the ghosts! The fucking whispers-  they’re dri-driving me insane! I‘m not like you or Sal- I can’t handle this shit anymore!” He finally breaks down into heaving sobs at that, burying his face into your shoulder, and dropping the bottle in favor of a bone-crushing embrace that you readily return.
You kick the bottle away from Larry, as far as you can get it, and quietly thank whoever will listen when the cap pops the rest of the way off, spilling the amber liquid and the mostly dissolved remnants of pills onto the tree house floor.
“…Why didn’t you just tell me? Or even Sal. Someone. You know we’d do anything for you, Larry, absolutely anything.” He didn’t reply, just shook his head and pulled you closer. What the fuck was was this place doing to him? You had to get him out- get him away- Larry’s phone vibrated from the other side of the tree house, but you elected to ignore it, praying whoever was calling was also smart enough to find you both before things got any worse.
He sniffled, hiccuping into you shoulder, “I’m so sorry, [name]. I didn’t mean anything that I said the other day- or anything I said in those other arguments. I just- This- this place is.. I think I’m going crazy-”
You shushed him, smoothing a hand down his hair and he devolved into body-wracking sobs that shook you both with the sheer force of them. Your soul ached for the boy you had known almost all your life- the boy you grew up with, shared secrets with, made countless memories with, and loved with all your heart. 
Why didn’t you see this coming sooner? “I know, Larry, I know. This place- there’s something still wrong with Addison apartments and we’re gonna get you out of here, forever. I promise.” 
“I-I’m so, so sorry, [name]. Please... Please don’t leave me.”
The rain continued to pour in violent sheets outside, but you distinctly heard the frantic voice of Sal, calling Larry’s name, as he ran towards the tree house. You had never felt such absolute relief in your life, even with Larry clinging to you like a lifeline, and the stain of his near-death slowly seeping into the floor of the tree house just behind you.
 “I’m not going anywhere, Larry. I’m with you, always, no matter what happens.”
WHEW. I tried to make it so you could read their relationship as either romantic or platonic, and tried to stay as neutral as possible in gender as well! I hope this is alright, and I hope you like it! I’ve actually never seen the Hunger Games so I kinda went my own way ♥
I’d also like to use this space as a PSA:I’ve struggled with depression and suicidal thoughts and tendencies my whole life- don’t let your depression convince you that you are trapped or alone or unloveable. I know its hard, and there’s no easy fix for it, but there are things in life that make it worth sticking around. Even if its something as silly as looking forward to a new game or story or waiting for a flower you planted to bloom, there are reasons to keep living. Please be kind to yourself and remember, even if we’ve never spoken or interacted or existed in the same space, I know that you are worthy of being loved and cared for and you are not alone. 
If ever you feel like you are truly alone in this world, please reach out- there will always be people out here willing to lend a shoulder to cry on, a hand to hold, and a friend to those who feel lost ♥ I know i will always be open to anyone out there in need of a friend so, please, never be afraid to reach out!
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x-useobwa-x · 5 years
༄ Swipe, baby! | Part 11 - I can do this
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Idol!Taehyung x Reader sm/au
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➺ Word count: 1,5k
Genre: Crack humor, Romance/Fluff
╰ You both swiped right on each others tinder profile with no pictures of yourselves.
You keep the details on the low; no names, no nothing, only your ages. To keep the interest until the meeting, you started talking casually, but little did you know that the guy that's trying to get into your pants is no one else than Kim Taehyung, Singer of BTS, and little does he know, that you are completely whipped for the man, an army by heart since day 1.
Start reading!
⇣ ⇣ ⇣ ⇣ ⇣ ⇣
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• Taehyungs POV •
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This is simultaneously the best and the worst night of Kim Taehyungs life. Before this date, he thought he had her wrapped around his finger. He felt like he was in control and everything was nice and dandy, but now, everything is definitely not nice and dandy anymore. Here he is, next to him probably the hottest girl he's been with as she's doing all these things to him and yet he can't do anything because they are in the car on their way home.
You're all over him.
You're eyeing him in the most innocent but yet seductive way, you're playing with a strand of your hair- you're doing everything that's tempting a man, and you are fully aware of that. Never has he ever wanted to be as far away from a girl as possible like he does in this moment. On the contrary, he really does not want to be anywhere that doesn't include you, him and sheets all around you.
,I can do this. I can totally do this. It's not that far 'til we get home. What can it be? Fifteen more minutes? Pull yourself together Taehyung, you are not sixteen anymore. You can do this!‘
Sure, he was convinced that he could make it. But, of course you have to prove him wrong. That is, as soon as he feels your hand on his thigh, slowly making its way to the inner side, gently sliding up towards his crotch. But of course, your hand never reaches it. You goddamn tease.
‚You're not sixteen, you're not sixteen, you're not sixteen... just distract yourself Taehyung... avert your gaze... you do not have to deal with this...‘
He's desperately trying to find a view that takes his mind off to another place, somewhere where he doesn't feel like he's either about to cum in his pants or take you right on the spot; he really wants to spare your driver the details.
The problem here is, it seems nearly impossible. Wherever he looks, you are haunting him. If he looks out the window, he can see your reflection. If he looks down, he can see your hand dangerously close to the area where he wants you most and not at all at the same time. If he'd only dare to look right, there he'd see you right next to him. And this is, when he makes his biggest mistake.
He looks forward.
There, his eyes meet the rear mirror. And what he sees has him inhaling sharply, pressing his eyes shut as strong as one can only do.
You're leaning in, your lips are making contact with the sensitive skin on his neck as they plant the slowest and softest kisses all over it, lips barely meeting his skin.
He's doing the only right thing a man in his situation could do now- he reaches for his phone. But as soon as he unlocks it, you're already there to take even that away from him; your face now painfully close to his as you whisper in his ear.
„No. Give your attention to me.“
Your voice is sweet like honey and yet it sets him on fire, your warm breath against his ear sending shivers down his spine. Taehyungs phone slides out of his hand onto the ground of the car as his head falling back. Furrowing his eyebrows he pulls his lips into a thin line. He really could cry right now.
He really is trying not to let it get to him, but you are not making it easy. Especially not with what you're doing right now. All he wanted was to have a very nice dinner with you that sets the right mood for the following night. Not only have you ruined that for him, no, you also gave him a hell ride for the way home, and he's sitting first class. Never did he hate being a man driven by hormones as much as today. All he wanted was something hot for the night, something that makes him feel like he's got game, not this existential crisis. So how dare you to touch his arm and guide your hand downward, as you bend over and lower your body.
You come to a halt with the fewest of centimeters left between your face and his crotch. Oh, how he has to fight the urge to thrust his hips right into your face to close the distance. His breathing increases what feels like a thousandfold, and the only thing he can think of is how he wants you to touch him so badly. He's barely able to stay calm. With your mouth hovering so painfully close over his cock you're having it twitch inside his pants. He can feel you smirking under your breath- you are living your best life right now and he hates it.
He watches with heavy lidded eyes as you bring your right arm closer to where your head rests. Bracing himself for the releasing touch of your hand, he's thinking all about how he'd ever be able to live down the fact that there's a chance of him finishing right in his pants- that's how far you've driven him at this point. He must have done something very terrible but very good at the same time in his past life to deserve this bittersweet torture that's been given to him.
Leaning back and closing his eyes, he's preparing himself for what would be the most embarrassing moment in his life; while on the contrary your tease finally wouldn't have an effect on him anymore if he'd happen to blow early. The more surprised he is when he realizes, that the touch he's been waiting for never comes. Looking down to where he finds you, he observes you slowly lifting your head, looking up. You arch your back in the most elegant way as you raise back up, facing him with slightly parted lips as your eyes are piercing right through his soul.
„You dropped something.“ you whisper as you calmly bring up your hand to reveal the phone that's dangling between your thumb and your index finger. Huffing in disappointment, all he does is take the phone away from you with a muffled ,thank you‘ while he can see you biting your lip to hide away a grin.
As you softly play with the hair on the lower back of his head he can feel himself almost giving in; he's leaning into your touch while closing his eyes in enjoyment. Out of all the things you've done to him he wouldn't have thought that something so innocent would be the thing that'll have him weak.
„All this teasing you've done will have payback, you know that, don't you?“ Taehyung says with the softest voice, but you can hear how serious he is.
„Oh? Is that so? Sounds like you barely can take it,“ you coo back at him playful, yet seductive.
„You should've seen by now that I can take it, your dress might be beautiful and you might be very, very hot,“ he says swallowing hard. „But I am not going to falter.“
He opens his eyes to lock them with yours. Both of your eyes are dark and with lust, the tension lies thick in the air. His gaze averts to your lips that are decorated with a lingering smile. Your right hand finds its way back to his thigh to brace some of your weight on it as you lean in again. Your other hand softly brushes away some of the hair thats barely reaching over the top of his ear.
Taehyung presses his lips together, he knew you'd only take it as an invitation to keep going, but as your whispered words mixed with hot breath reach his ears, he chokes on his own air.
„Do you know what's also very, very hot? Under this dress I wear.... nothing.“
He flinches away in distress, that was too hot, everything is too hot right now. Burying his face in his hands he lets out an inaudible whine. That was one comment too much. Anything would have been okay, but that really was the cherry on top.
„Sir, we have arrived,“ a voice suddenly calls out and Taehyungs body slightly jumps at the unexpected noise, his head poking up.
It takes him a few seconds to process what he just heard, but as soon as he does he opens his door and hurries out, shutting is door in a swift push.
Seconds later, he's opening yours and reaches for your wrist.
„Come. Now,“ he demands as he yanks you out of your seat.
He's not playing anymore.
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@foreverconfused-foreverlost @depressed-philosophers-daughter @hobisbeech @torrentmgc @rjsmochii @xxqueenwxtchxx @messedupfangirl05 @xosetsuna @babyboyjiminn @stray-kids-in-your-area @thefooolonthehill @yeosinlana @sippinpeachtea @stbangtan @kpopkermit @d-noona @sarahleslie123 @sociallyawkwardforever @oodlespadoodle @btssouls
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Monster AU Part 5: King George Interlude (Lams)
Alex checked his phone for the fifth time in the past five minutes.  I'll be home in an hour, stay out of trouble. Alex groaned and threw his phone. He was hungry and he wanted his fucking pasta. He stood up grumpily and made himself a bowl of cereal. John was actually taking too much time in just picking the italian food four streets away from Alex’s apartment. It was just two plates of pasta, and anyways, what did he meant with stay out of trouble? It's not like anything could happen, right? Alex hummed quietly to himself, settling down at the table. He could swear he heard a noise at the window but when he looked, there was nothing there. He pushed it off as his lonely imagination and started eating. But soon enough, the silence in the apartment was interrupted by the sound of the crash of the window. Alex eyes were wide open, surprised by what just happened in a matter of seconds. And to make it even worst, it was not any ordinary enemy of his, it was the one and only “King” George. Alex rolled his eyes and leaned against the wall. “Oh it's just you. What the hell do you want? “ He asked, annoyed that the bastard had ruined cereal time. “Maybe I should’ve entered by the door, you’ll have to pay for that my friend!” The King said, mocking him. His annoying british accent was something Alex hated with all his soul, “I would’ve send a disciple or someone else but i need to make this a little bit more personal” The king walked toward Alex, “So, where’s your precious boss? We need to solve some… things” Alex laughed darkly. “Wait really?  You think I'm going to tell you where he is? Hilarious. Leave. “ He pointed at his door and glared at the King. When he didn't move Alex rolled his eyes. “Or you could stand there like an idiot and just not get answers. Your choice. “ The King laughed, but this wasn't something to laugh about “Listen, Hamilton, I'm not here to play your stupid little games, okay? I really need to talk to Washington and I’m pretty sure you want to collaborate with me, instead of paying for the consequences” Alex took another step back,noticing he was now trapped against the wall with no way out. “Doesn't matter how bad you want to talk to him. You're not getting him. If he wanted to talk, you'd be talking. “ He cocked his head like a confused dog. “And what consequences?  What can an old man like you do to me? “ “Old… Man” the king said, he was furious “Listen, boy, I am known for a lot of things, how I rule a whole empire of vampires, how I can make everyone bow to my feet, and especially… How i can get what i want” he said and his eyes turned into a dark shade of red. It was really quick, but now George was choking Alex holding him high up against the wall. “So now stop acting like a little bitch and tell me where the fuck Washington is.. “ Alex tried pulling off the king’s hands, much to no success. “I'm… Not.. Telling you..  “ he choked out. He kicked at George and growled angrily, eyes turning bright red.  “Let me go asshole! “ “Asshole? You dare to call me an Asshole?!” The king shouted, and pulled out a silver knife, holding up so his victim could see it “Tell me where Washington is, now” Alex tensed up at the knife. Any ordinary knife would be fine, but one made of silver could actually kill him. He kicked his legs more, trying to touch the floor.  “My answer is still… NO. “ It didn't matter to him whether or not he got stabbed. Washington told him he'd have a much worse fate if he ever revealed their base. Alex made a bad decision that night. The king smirked, he looked like a psychopath and he didn't have any good intentions. He needed to know where Washington is, his worst enemy, and what can you do instead of attacking straight up to your enemy? Attack what they love. “TELL. ME. WHERE. HE. IS. NOW” with every word, a cut was made into Alexander’s body, arms, chest, leg, and even when he finished talking he made 5 new cuts. “TELL ME, TELL ME, TELL ME” Three more cuts, the king really did everything he could to get what he wants.   Alex whimpered loudly. It hurt like a bitch but he stayed quiet. 200 years of loyalty, he wasn't going to just stop. He flinched at every slice but kept his mouth shut, deciding just all out protesting was better than arguing.  There was a heavy feeling in his chest. One that he didn't like and it was growing stronger the weaker he became. The king delivered more cuts in Alex’s body, screaming for the location of Washington, but when he saw Alexander with his mouth closed like doors, he knew he wouldn't talk. Twelve, twelve more cuts and heavy breathing “You’re not going to talk, aren't you?” Silence, and then The King sighed “Fine, as you wish” he dropped Alex on the floor and then walked away up to the kitchen, he opened the fridge and said ‘Bingo!’. There were five bags of blood Washington gave Alex every week. The king looked back at his victim and then, got his fangs out and drank through the bags in seconds “Lets see how you recover from that now” he dropped the bags on the floor and walked to the window “I always get what i want, Hamilton, always” and then jumped out. Alex stayed on the floor for a long time. He had his hand on his neck in shock. What the everloving fuck just happened. It hurt. Everything hurt. That never happened before. Alex didn't get hurt. Ever. He stared at the window, not even registering the bags we're lying empty around him. Where was john when he needed him?  Tears started falling from his eyes before he could stop them. And the thought that he was weak enough to cry made him cry even harder.   But before Alex could drop another tear out of his eyes, he heard to door, maybe that was the best sound he could ever hear in his whole life. “Babe! You won't believe what happened at the-” he heard the bags hitting the floor “ALEXANDER HOLY FUCK” His boyfriend ran up to him and kneeled down “JESUS CHRIST I LEFT FOR AN HOUR AND A HALF WHAT HAPPENED ARE YOU OKAY? GOD OBVIOUSLY YOU’RE NOT, WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!” John had fear in his voice. Alex sniffled and continued staring at the window. “Old friend… Needed something. I guess I'm not much of a talker…. “ He reached up to wipe his eyes but cried out in pain from the cuts. “I wasn't too helpful. John it hurts I don't know what to do ,I don't…  I don't get hurt. I feel so small like anyone could crush me. What the hell happened to me?. “ “Shh shh shh, baby d-dont talk don't say t-that!” John started kissing his boyfriend face, cheeks, nose, forehead, eyes, mouth, a bunch of small kisses that always made Alex feel better “You’re not small, you’re big, you’re strong, and the most important part is that i'm here, and i’ll never leave your side” John said, he felt so stupid, if he arrived just a minute earlier he could’ve helped. He felt useless, but now it was time to help “Alex, Alex you need blood, wait here” he ran up to the kitchen and checked the fridge, nothing, then he looked down and every bag they had left was empty dry on the floor “Did you drank them all? Oh God look at you of course you didn't, that sick bastard” he said and ran up to his boyfriend again “Alex please tell me what can I do” he cried. Alex let out a weak whine. “I need blood… He took it all. I'm too weak to go hunting. “ He felt pathetic, the feeling only growing stronger by the second.  Of course there was always one way to get what he needed but it was an incredibly stupid idea and dangerous for the both of them.  He pushed the idea to the side and hung his head. “I just want a hug… “ “Alex, n-no, you need blood” John said, he may not be a vampire but he wasn't stupid. He clearly knew what his boyfriend was thinking, and yes it was dangerous for both of them, but John would do anything for Alexander, anything. He holded his hair in a messy ponytail, pulled his shirt off and nervously, pointed his neck. Alex had bitten John before, but not for this kind of uses, just playful bites that didn't included his fangs. “Come on, drink up” Alex stared at John’s neck hungrily. “No, I can't it-it's too dangerous.  “ John stared at him expectantly and Alex sighed. He wasn't too sure it would work but he decided it was better than nothing.  He felt his fangs grow out and he crawled into John’s lap. He kissed the spot softly before biting into it and drawing blood. John at first felt relaxed, ‘this isn't thaaat bad’, but just a few seconds later he started feeling like if his soul was being sucked away, it was a burning feeling, it hurted a lot. John’s eyes turned brilliant gold because of the pain, he felt like if he was going to turn and he was trying so hard to control it. John started growling while Alex just drank his blood in a more painful way. Alex kept drinking from John, distracted by his sudden thirst. He wrapped his arms around John’s waist to pull him closer. His eyes were glowing at that point.   John has fought a lot of creatures, he was even burned once because of a witch, but this kind of pain was uncomparable with anything else is his whole life. Not even turning in a full moon, which he thought that was the most painful thing for him, could be compared to this kind of pain. And it only got worse. John felt Alex holding him tight, like if he was his pray. He looked at the ceiling waiting for it to end but it didn't, they pain was so big he growled like a real wolf and he felt his fangs going out. “A-Alex that's enough” Alex whimpered like a child, holding him closer. “No!” He mumbled. He was losing control, like he would before John. “Don't wanna. “ STOP YOU'RE HURTING HIM! The voice inside him cried out, giving him a headache. “No. More. I want it all. “ you're going to kill him!  “That's the point! “ Alex giggled. John only being able to hear the psychotic side of the conversation. Human Alex was desperately trying to claw his way through.   John thought, ‘okay, just a little more, he almost dies’. He was suddenly crying while that pain in his neck was only growing. His breathing got heavy and started to sweat, ‘oh no’, he said to himself. His nails suddenly where sharp claws, and his teeth turned into fangs, this was the point when the pain was going to make him fully turn, so Alex needed to stop. John’s eyes glowed more and then he growled “I SAID, ENOUGH” and then pushed Alex away. Alex’s back hit the wall the king left him on. His eyes went back to normal and he seemed to come out of a daze. He saw John and put his hand over his mouth. “John!  Did I do that to- oh fuck of course I did… Why are you looking at me like that?!” He squeaked, slightly scared.   John’s eyes were still shining, it would take some minutes for him to go back to normal. He looked at Alex furious, and growled, making his boyfriend more scared. He breathed with his mouth open, Alex could clearly look at John’s fangs. “Be more fucking c-careful next time…” He stood up and walked up to his boyfriend “Are you better now?” EGGO Alex nodded quickly, staring at John with wide eyes. “I-i'm okay. Are you” “It hurts like a bitch” he answered, then he looked at his hands and sighed “It will take some minutes for this to disappear” John laughed and then looked back at his boyfriend with his shining golden eyes “I'm glad you’re okay” EGGO Alex smiled sadly. “I'm so sorry. I don't know what happened it's like I was suddenly a different person. It was terrifying. “ Alex paused and smiled wider. “You're eyes are pretty like that. You're pretty like that. “ John did felt like a beast every time his fangs, claws and real eyes were out. He smiled, showing his fangs, and blushed a lot “T-Thanks” he helped Alex get up “And i don't blame you… you were weak and almost dying, it's pretty normal” EGGO “I've never felt so weak and… Humiliated? In my life. He wasn't even doing anything bad, just choking ne and slicing me up but still, that shit is degrading sometimes. “ He buried his face in John’s chest. He hugged his small boyfriend, trying to be careful with the claws. “It's okay, I just want you to know that you are not weak, you’re one of the bravest and strongest people I know-” he was going to say something else, and then he realised “wAIT ALEXANDER DID YOU SAID SLICING?!” He pushed his boyfriend back so he could see him, and then growled again but this time by accident “... Sorry for that” Alex shrugged. “Your growl is only scary when I am being a dick… And oh this stuff? “ he looked at his scratched up, slightly bloody body. “It's… Nothing. So um. How about dinner? “ John smiled and then blinked a lot of times, his eyes came back to normal and so did his hands and teeth. “Thats a great ide-” he suddenly stayed quiet and then looked back at the bags at the floor, with all the pasta also on the floor “... I’ll call the chinese restaurant”
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