#which made me wake up feeling weird and sad
diaries-of-phrog · 6 months
in my dream i went on a carnival ride in my dream you came and apologized and it felt so good i don't know how i ever thought it was real i swear i felt your lips on my shoulder i felt your words in my ear the way they've only ever felt for the few hours you let me spend in your arms i dreamt you were soft again and i woke up to feel you not even there
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rainbowpufflez · 2 months
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“If I could go back, one thing I would do / Try to unravel, cut down, and unscrew / The first double helix that links me to you”
Wow, get a load of these guys. What’s wrong with them?
Also song inspo if anyone would like it! It’s where the top quote is from!
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shadowed-yet-vibrant · 2 months
Wow turns out there's a reason every lawyer I'd ever met told me "don't be a lawyer."
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neverendingford · 4 months
#tag talk#had a dream I found this really gorgeous aquamarine turtleneck with actually long enough sleeves for me and then I woke up ب_ب#do you have any idea how fucking disappointing it was to wake up and realize that I do in fact not have a nice comfy turtleneck#I'm genuinely so sad#also there was a cute bra I picked up in my dream as well and guess what. I don't have that irl either.#when summer hits I wanna go thrifting again. I don't like going out in the winter but ugh. I want summer to exist pleaseeee#I'm gonna drag my new trans friend along cause that seems like it would be really fun to look at clothes together I think.#hrrnngghhhhh I want to live my life and enjoy it please I just want to#also my therapy appointment was good but it genuinely made me so exhausted for real. like. physically tired.#which means that I've for sure still got problems rattling around in my head since anytime I get close to them my body reacts physically.#I'm still tired but I think I'll be able to get up in about twenty minutes hopefully.#I stripped the old sheets from my bed but didn't remake it but I showered so I'm clean so I just went to bed without sheets anyway#it feels kind of nice somehow. bare skin on bare mattress. feeling bad and just existing under covers.#idk why but it feels like home. like I'm a kid again. I say idk that's a lie I know why.#it's nice to just be a little miserable and convalescent and dissociate and nap and drift away into nothingness for a while.#maybe that dissociation immediately after confronting my own thoughts isn't super great though.#I have such a strong aversion to my own mind. such a repulsion from digging deeper than what I'm comfortable with.#I have this fear that I'll continue to find new things wrong with me. continue to find new explanations for why I'm so fucked up and weird.#will I have a reason for why I dump my friends after a few months. why I imagine unspeakable violence on the regular.#idk. I still struggle with the hurt deep down inside and it's so extremely photosensitive that I can't open it up without it lashing out#I'm a human being grown over a skeleton of scar tissue and alien growth. a body pulled tight over the skin of another.#what the fuck am I really? I know who I am. I still don't know what.
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be-good-to-bugs · 7 months
why can i not clean my room?
#the bin#i was planning on cleaning it today but my sister called out and is having a friend over so im not#but its in a state :/ well maybe tomorrow i guess#going to try to draw maybe ill make smth or maybe i wont#feeling weird in my lofe all the time sucks a lot but im trying to improve it#i think first step is to clean my room second step is to clean my kitchen third step is eat actual fucking food oh my god#been loving off goldfish for the past month. a lil snack cakes here n there n occasionally some mac n cheese but mostly just goldfish#and goldfish r good but like. also not good for me for sure#well now that im not dreading the mornings so much cause they arent 3 hours of miserably working in a very empty kinda dark store#and instead im in close proximity to my v friendly coworkers i think maybe ill try actually waking up real early n eating and washing my#face and stuff before i go to work like a normal person. maybe. maybe not. but im gonna try#i need to be able to wake up at 4am easily anyway bc i could be working at 5am so its prob better if i wake so early anyway#but i dont like to go to bed that early either. well. at least winter means the sun isnt up for too many hours which is nice#idk. this new job has made everything about my life so much less sad and crushing#even starting it and being there is much less bleh than my prwv job was when i started. i think cause i talk to my coworkers a lot#and its not a constant and continue thing of work that does not end the whole time. the work comes and goes with orders#its nice. much kess monotonous. and since my life outside work is all the same every day its awful if work is also that#maybe omce im working more hours ill feel bad again but i honestly think ill still feel ok. and im not aiming for 40 hours a week anymore#either. more like 36. so i think its good
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bonus-links · 27 days
YEAHHH lots to say for this update
there's a scene I didn't so much as cut from the beginning of this update as significantly shorten: Wolf, Loft, Wake, and Slate are changing into their lighter outfits. Loft says the same line as having the party, Wake begs them for this one day with his Gran Gran, and they all agree they can wait. I've been trying to get better about like, not putting a ton of work into unnecessary connecting scenes, which is why I cut it down. Wake sounding more cavalier also works better for the overall chapter. But i was sad to leave this joke out lol:
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may I present to you, Slate's picture gallery! he was mostly on task documenting flora and fauna but he gets a little sidetracked sometimes
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I love the idea that he's just, like, kind of terrible at photography. he documents stuff for Zelda and it's always weirdly cropped and kind of out of focus, but she appreciates it anyway.
Slate is also picking flowers for the party! so he is still helping out on that front lol
idk if i've mentioned this before, but beetle does still have pincers! they're just. idk what the right word is. retractable maybe? yeah. like the ancient weapon blades
the filling of the half moon pies is pineapple :-) i was. so worried about it looking like an egg HAHA.
I thought way too hard about how they were going to cook these pies. I was originally going to draw a clay oven or some other setup, but ultimately I thought the Zelda tradition of only having pots over fires to cook was a funnier nod lol. So, they're frying the pies
believe it or not, I wrote this scene before reading dungeon meshi HAHA but it certainly served as good reference for how to set up shots for it
Aryll did in fact eavesdrop on Wake telling Tetra The Situation
That's Champion's little sister in the memory! I like the headcanon that her name was also Aryll.
Champion and his sister are making meat pies instead of pineapple ones.
One again, made a bunch of layout mistakes I ended up having to fix, except this time I didn't catch them until I had already gotten to rendering :-( if you're a patron, you probably saw these versions in the WIP:
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problems here: Wolf is walking the wrong away. I was sad we'd be losing his expression but alas. And for the panels with Champion's sister, the angle is too low to be an actual POV shot. I could've left it and said he's just sitting or something probably but it was really bothering me lol so I redrew everything. and then recolored all of it. woof.
as a general rule, if he has scars, that's Slate. No scars is The Other Guy
I understand the complaint about this in BOTW, but I actually kind of like that weird moment that occurs after you finish a memory cutscene, and it just abruptly goes back to Link looking blank-faced like nothing happened. It implies this kind of....distance from the memories that I find interesting. Slate has complicated feelings abt the memories of Champion's life he gets, but like. there's pies to make
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shout out to peony she's a real one
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seeingivy · 2 months
ryomen sukuna x f!reader
**part of my best friend's (older brother) fic
previous part linked here
TW: minor mentions of violence/parental abuse!! also this is suggestive pls read at your own discretion!!
“so did i grow another head or are you meeting up with sammy later?” 
“what? how did you even know about that?” 
sukuna lazily leans against you, still half asleep, as he breathes into your neck, a string of unintelligible noises coming out of his throat. you can tell that it’s still too early for him – and that your racket or your absence must have woken him up. you reach up, running one of your hands through his hair, before pressing a halfhearted kiss to his cheek and returning to your typing. 
“google calendar.” sukuna responds. 
you smile. 
“i didn’t realize you actually looked at that.” 
sukuna reaches forward, slamming the screen of your computer down, as you roll your eyes and lean against him. 
“you can study in bed, y’know.” he responds. 
“that’ll distract you, with the typing and the shuffling of papers and all that.” 
“well, it’s already fucking distracting when i wake up and you’re not next to me, so…same shit.” 
you roll your eyes. 
“stop being dramatic. i could easily spend the weekend at my own place and you’d sleep just fine.” you respond. 
“no, i wouldn’t. you basically live here now, i’d obviously notice if you just disappeared.” he deadpans. 
you pause, clutching your pencil in your hand, before spinning it around in your palm. you can feel sukuna lean off of you, your silence clueing him in, as he now intently stares at you with his brown eyes, drowning in irritation. he’s clearly awake now. 
“what are you thinking about?” he asks. 
“well, it’s certainly not nothing. and i’m almost positive it’s something annoying because you’re not telling me.” he responds, poking into your cheek. 
you sigh. 
“should i be paying rent? because…i really am here all the time…s’kind of unfair if you’re the one paying for the place when i stole all of your closet space and your bed and –” 
“you’re making it sound like you’re such a nuisance to me. contrary to your beliefs, i actually love that you’re using my closet and that you take my jackets sometimes. and in my opinion, the only place you should be is in my bed anyway, so.” 
sukuna can tell that you’re not really buying it. 
“can you let me cover our groceries? i literally eat all of your food too. and –” 
“it’s our food. i made it for you.” he complains. 
“i’m probably emptying out your bank account and you’re just letting me. you should just –” 
sukuna reaches for your legs, before sliding you sideways on the chair so that you’re facing him. and he takes his residence in between your legs, cupping his hands around your face, and angling your chin up so that you’re looking at him. 
“you’re about to graduate. how about…you start splitting rent with me when you aren’t living in your dorm and you’re officially living with me? it doesn’t make sense to pay for two places right now.” 
you bite down on the softness of your cheek. 
“are you…asking me to move in with you?”
“you already live here.” he deadpans. 
“no. but then we’d have to put me on the lease. i’d-i’d actually live here live here.” 
“well, were you really thinking about moving back home? you would hate that.” 
“i mean no. but i was going to look for an apartment and roommates and –” 
“i have an apartment right here. i would be a great roommate – i feed you and i kiss you when you’re sad, which seems like a win win to me. but if it feels too fast for you to move in with me in a few months, that’s okay with me. i will help you apartment hunt if it comes to it.” 
you frown. 
“do you think people will judge us for moving in together so fast? i mean, by the time i graduate, it’ll only have been like…like half a year? and we still haven’t –” 
“do you think it’s weird?” 
“i mean, no but –” 
“what other people say doesn’t matter. if you want to live here when june comes around, that’s really no one else’s business. i’m not going to murder you, i won’t be a bad roommate, and that’s kind of all that matters.” 
you smile. 
“do you want to live with me?” 
“you. already. live. here.” he responds. 
“no, but like. joint lease. like actually living here. you know you won’t be able to break up with me for like two years because we’ll be stuck here, right?”
“well, i was obviously not planning on breaking up with you, so that won’t be a problem, will it?” 
you pause. 
“i guess not.” 
sukuna gives you a satisfied smile, before dropping his hand from your face to the chain hanging around your neck. you can’t help but feel your cheeks warm as he admires the little charms on the necklace he gave you, running his fingers over them. 
“what?” you ask. 
“you’re still wearing it.” 
“are you crazy? i have to wear this forever now. i’m never going to take it off.” 
“okay, but…i do take mine to get cleaned every few months so you will eventually have to take it off.” 
you roll your eyes, as you bring one of your hands up to his, and squeeze. 
“so…i’m taking your big avoidance of the question as a confirmation that you really are seeing sammy later?” 
you sigh. 
“yeah. i’ve been trying to make plans with her for two weeks and she was finally able to pencil me in.” 
sukuna pulls up the chair next to you, sitting on it backwards, as he leans his chin against the back of the chair. he’s playing with the rings on your fingers, twisting them back and forth, as he listens. 
“okay, but why? do i have to roam around in the mall at the same time as you guys just to save you in case she’s a bitch?” 
“don’t call her a bitch, sukuna.” you groan. 
sukuna’s eyes widen, as he jokingly presses his hands to your face and starts shaking your head. 
“who are you and what did you do to my girlfriend?” 
you swat his hands off, as you narrow your eyes at him. 
“stop it! i’m just…trying to be nicer to her. you should be too, she’s still my sister.” 
“wow. what brought on this sudden need to reconcile with the devil?” 
“okay, okay, i’m done.” 
you pause, leaning your cheek against the cold tile of the kitchen island. it bites into your skin, the shrill cold making the hairs on the ends of your arm stand up. 
“you know how we hate that yuuji is so…so one track minded when it comes to you and me? how he kind of pushes his own feelings into what he thinks about us and that…that a lot of them are really immature things from when you guys were kids?” 
“it would be hypocritical of me to hate yuuji for doing that when i do the same thing to my own sister.” 
sukuna raises his eyebrows. 
“do you?” 
“i think so. i’m just…i don’t know. i feel like dating you has made me more self aware.” 
“well, obviously. i’m the epitome of emotional intelligence.” 
“shut up! i was just saying because…well, i know why yuuji harbors so much dislike for you now that you’re dating me.”  
sukuna pauses, leaning forward like he’ll almost miss it if he isn’t close enough to hear it. 
“he thought it was really careless when you left for europe, that you just thought about yourself and no one else. he thought it was really unfair because he still needed you to be there for him and you weren’t anymore.” 
sukuna can feel the guilt pooling in his chest. 
“but now that i’m dating you…and i know why you left, i feel like he’s really immature. i know that yuuji needed you but you were still a kid too. it wasn’t your responsibility to take care of him and he can’t get mad at you for that. you were your own person and you picked what was right for you.” 
sukuna reaches forward and cups one of your cheeks. you lean into the warmth of his hand, before pressing a kiss to his palm. 
“that’s why i hated sammy. that she would try to be fake and act like she was the best, when i knew she was getting drunk every weekend in highschool. i…i was always embarrassed because really, i just wanted her to take care of me the way you took care of yuuji. but that wasn’t her job and really, she still did that when it really mattered, anyways.” 
“what do you mean?” 
“that time i told you about, where i got caught in that car with mazzy and got in trouble. they called my mom, but…but sammy was the one who picked up. she was the one who came and got me and i had to tell her everything. i was expecting for her to tell me what everyone kind of did at that time, that he was a bad guy so what did i expect from being with him?” 
“but she just took me home and told me to take a shower. made me a really nice dinner. it meant a lot to me at the time, i-i basically started sobbing when she handed me my food because it just felt so nice to be around someone who just wanted to take care of me. she never even asked me twice about it, just…just kind of did what i needed.”  
sukuna presses a kiss to the top of your knuckles. 
“we’re older now. i want us to be better and just…be friends at least? i don’t know, i just think i’ve been really unfair to her when i’ve never even stopped to ask her if she needed anything from me.” 
“well, you can start by asking her today.” sukuna offers. 
you smile. 
“yeah. yeah, i can.” 
sukuna leans forward and presses a kiss to your forehead. 
“so what i’m hearing is…i’m the best, most self aware boyfriend ever who –” 
“oh, calm down, narcissus. just when i think your ego can’t get bigger you go and start staying stuff like that.” 
you wait for sammy across from the little donut shop at the mall. you get a set of two donuts – a maple bar for her and a sugar one for you – as you swing your legs over the bench and rehearse your little script in your head. 
it felt a little evil given the conversation you had with sukuna earlier in the day, but you had a favor you desperately needed to ask her. 
and surely enough, she comes right on time, hands shoved in her pockets as she gives you a halfhearted smile. you jump up, unsure if you should hug her or shake hands and then there’s too much of a pause when you don’t say anything. 
“are you okay?” she asks.
“hm? yeah! yeah. how are you? also, i got you a donut. and it’s maple, your favorite! and –” 
you pause – too much. but she fills the silence. 
“you’re rambling.” she states, as she plops down on the bench. 
she shoots you a grateful smile as she picks up the donut from the box, perfectly wrapped in the napkin, and takes a bite out of it. you mimic her motions, maybe scarfing down yours faster than you should have, from the nervousness. 
she hates you. 
“jesus. is this the first time you ate today? do i have to slap sukuna for not feeding my little sister properly?” 
sammy reaches forward, an annoyed look on her face, as she wipes away the sugar around the edges of your mouth – and you shoot her a grateful smile, that she halfheartedly acknowledges, as you lean back on the bench. 
“how’d you know about sukuna?” 
sammy rolls her eyes. 
“kisa. she was going on and on about how the ryomen sukuna is dating sammy’s little sister. half of the town knows by now, including the moms, who are planning to invite you to some big dinner where they start talking about your wedding.” 
“huh? my what?” 
“you should thank me, bitch. they were actually talking about your grandchildren and i told them that they need to tone it back fifty notches or you both won’t ever talk to them again.” 
“well, sukuna definitely won’t if they say that.” 
“tell me about it.” she responds. 
you shoot her a grateful smile, heart warm that she had thought to advocate for you in the slightest, as you prep yourself to say your entire spiel. 
“i asked you a question. is he good to you?” sammy asks. 
“sukuna. is he good to you or do i have to mutilate him?” 
you smile and she returns it back, leaning back in her chair and hiking her legs to her chest. 
“really good. i really love him.” you respond. 
sammy smiles. 
“i know.” 
“what do you mean you know?” 
“first and foremost, that poor kid has been so hopelessly wet in his pants for you since he was like a kid. do you remember that one birthday where he got you a bike that he built from scratch? second, i did hear him call you a pretty girl that one dinner he came to right before you started chewing him out.” 
you cringe. 
“oh god. we’re not actually like that – i was being really stupid that day. i just…” 
“no, it was really funny. he came back looking like a kicked dog when mom asked him to leave.” 
you smile. 
“i bet.” 
you pause. you had to be honest. 
“we actually don’t fight that much, that was just one of the rare times. i just got kind of jealous. of you. when the moms were suggesting that you date him and you were buying into it. i thought he was actually going to do it and i just…got irritated and yelled at him. and trust me, i was even worse when we got home before i calmed down, so…” 
sammy scoffs. 
“i don’t want to date your boyfriend.” 
“i know! it…it was my problem. i clearly have issues with insecurities, especially when it comes to you because of how the moms were sometimes, and i know that it’s my fault.” 
sammy raises her eyes.
“well, i don’t know. i mean, i feel like i’ve had big problems with what people have thought of me since i was a kid. but i always felt like they liked you better, and that because they liked you they couldn’t like me, and sometimes it made me resent you. and it was unfair, because, because…that’s not really your fault.” 
sammy sighs, before demolishing her donut by splitting it in half. 
“well, that’s not entirely true.” 
“that’s not true. sometimes…i did do it on purpose. sometimes, i got a kick out of the fact that for once that…someone liked me instead of you.” 
“you’re kidding.” you deadpan. 
“i’m really not though. because you tend to forget, that i didn’t have friends like you did when you were a kid. you met yuuji the first day we moved into that house. sukuna basically followed you around after that. the three of you were friends and…and i was never included. so if the parents were the ones who liked to be around me, then…then that’s where i was going to be.” 
you pause.
the worst part of it was that sammy was always your dad’s favorite. and he’s the one who picked up and left. 
“you forget that your best friend before yuuji was me, y/n. i’m sorry that i was a bitch to you and maybe made some of your insecurities worse…but you did it to me first. i wasn’t exactly mature at that age so i just…that’s just what i did.” 
you lean back, unable to stop thinking about it now. that when you and yuuji wanted to go to the park, sukuna was always the one who took you guys – and that sammy was the one who stayed behind. how you really can’t remember a time where it was ever the four of you, but hundreds of times that sukuna had followed behind you and yuuji under the guise of taking care of you. 
and then you feel horrible. because every time you got drunk in highschool, yuuji was always there covering for you, making sure that you made it home safe with water and aspirin in your system, when you almost always found sammy half passed out on the porch before you had to drag her back into the house before your mom noticed. 
that maybe, sammy knew exactly how to take care of you that night she had to pick you up, because it was exactly what she had been longing for someone to do for her. 
“i’m a really shitty sister, aren’t i?” you ask.  
“yeah. but i am too, so…can’t really blame yourself there.” 
“are you? because…because i literally abandoned you.” 
“and i took it out on you and your friends after the fact so, relax. we’re both shitty people, it’s not a big deal.” 
you pause. you suppose that she’s right. 
“i was going to ask something really cheesy but i know you’d get really annoyed.” you state. 
sammy curls her nose up in disgust. 
“like what?” 
“well, i was going to ask if we were going to be friends now? and –” 
“you exercised the correct judgment. that’s disgusting, y/n.” 
but then sammy brings her hand up and rests it against the top of your head, before brushing the stray hairs around your face to the backs of your ears. and you smile, feeling so oddly taken care of that it makes your heart warm. 
“god. he really is good for you, isn’t he?” 
“pablo picasso. obviously, sukuna.” sammy responds, tone bitingly sarcastic. 
“why do you say that?” 
“dunno. we’re hanging out right now. talking about our feelings. if he makes you realize that you’re jealous of me and indirectly makes us talk about our…whatever…then he must be good for you. that and the fact that he’s been obsessed with you since forever so, he must be on top of the world.” 
you smile. 
“i don’t know. i kind of thought that some part of me was…ruined after what happened back then. like i came with this big thing that someone else would have to come to terms with if they were going to be with me.” 
sammy glares at you, but you can tell that it’s laced with concern. that she thinks you’re being stupid. 
“i just mean. i always knew i’d have problems from my past relationship in my current one. and that maybe someone wouldn’t love me enough to be patient, because i would struggle so much.” 
sammy sighs. 
“but, he’s so patient. sammy, sometimes i don’t even know what i did to deserve him. he’s…he does things just because he knows they’ll make me happy, even if he hates them, and…and he’s always so understanding about everything. he never pushes, he’s always so sweet and just –” 
“it’s what you deserve.” 
“it’s what you should have had the first time.” sammy states. 
you pause.
“yeah. but it almost makes me more grateful for him now. it’s almost like…i had to know the bad to really appreciate the good? and it makes it sweeter? i don’t know, i obviously wouldn’t have wanted it to happen if i had the choice, but i’m just really…really grateful for him.” you respond. 
“i’m sure that means the world to him.” 
“what do you mean?” 
sammy nearly cringes. 
“well, you know how his dad was. i’m sure it makes his entire life that someone actually appreciates him.” 
you nod. 
“i was going to call him after this actually. tell him that if he ever hurts my little sister, who is my friend now, i’m going to cut his dick off. but…same for you. sometimes i forget how much he suffered at the hands of his dad when he was little. he deserves good just as much as you do.” 
you feel a shiver down your spine. on a topic you had yet to broach with sukuna. on the times that he’d fight so bad with his dad that he’d spend the night at your house. and the rare occasions where his dad would raise his hands on sukuna and when you had to watch your mom ice his skin from the door of the kitchen. 
“you’ll cut my dick off?” you murmur. 
sammy snorts. 
“shut up. you know what i meant.” 
sammy pushes up off the bench, as she gestures for you to join her with her head. 
“so what did you need my help with?” sammy asks. 
“huh? how did you know?” 
“you’re annoying. you’re going to be nice to me but you’re also going to ask for a favor.” sammy states. 
“okay, i’m sorry! but i really can’t ask anyone else, all my friends are all…weird about me and sukuna dating so i can’t just be like oh…oh come buy lingerie with me because i have no idea how any of it works.” 
sammy raises her eyebrows, fighting the urge to laugh, as you shove her. 
“shut up. you’re such a bitch.” 
“you guys already hit a short fuse that you need to spice things up? he’s such a dog.” 
“what? no, no we haven’t even done it yet.” 
“well, we had a whole talk. and now that we’ve waited for so long, i want it to be special. for me and him, and…and i want to feel good, okay? not that i think it’ll make me feel good but i just mean it would be nice to do something like that.” 
sammy links her arm in with yours, turning on your heel towards the direction of the store, as she keeps laughing. you can feel the embarrassment in your cheeks, irritated, as you elbow her in the side one again. 
“stop it!” 
“i’m sorry! that’s actually like really cute and fucking romantic. but i can’t just stop laughing at you saying you don’t know how lingerie works.” 
“it looks so complicated online. just so many…straps and stuff.” 
“okay, okay, relax. my girlfriend loves this type of shit, so i’m basically an expert.” 
you try to hide your shock – at sammy saying she has a girlfriend – as she drags you into the store and basically shoves you into a dressing room. 
and surely enough, you leave the mall with a light pink set that she insisted on buying for you and a box of condoms that you swiped on your way out from the convenience store across the street. 
sukuna comes home to dim lights and the faint smell of lavender. and shockingly enough, you serving dinner, perfectly plating and garnishing it with the little minced greens. he quickly decides that it’s his favorite sight – your eyebrows scrunched in concentration, drowning in one of his old t-shirts. 
you feel sukuna’s arms wrap around your waist, as he sags nearly his entire weight around your back, and sighs heavily into your shoulder. 
“hi doll face. what’s the occasion?” he murmurs. 
you smile. 
“does there need to be an occasion for me to do something nice for you?” 
“yes. you’re cooking dinner, which is haunting, baby.” 
“fine. you can starve then.” 
sukuna laughs, before pressing lazy kisses into your neck, and loosening the buttons around his collar. 
and throughout the course of the dinner, he can tell that you’re nervous. it would be a little off putting a few months ago, but he knows better by now – that you’re clearly going to ask him something important or say something big to him. and naturally, with how impatient he was, he was going to weasel it out of you. 
“how was sammy?” sukuna asks. 
you smile. 
“good. she said she will cut your dick off if you hurt my feelings.” 
sukuna snorts. 
“i expected as much. did you give any thought to the apartment?” 
“yeah. it makes sense and…and i really don’t care.” 
you reach forward, pressing your hand into the warmth of his cheek, and feel your heart flutter at the smile he gives you back. you can feel the nervous anticipation pooling under your skin, entire body warm at the thought of him sitting across from you. 
“i really love you, you know that?” you whisper. 
sukuna narrows his eyes at you, the whisper of a smile still on his face. 
“are you sure you’re okay? we can talk about anything that’s bothering you if –” 
“no. no, nothing’s bothering me. really. i just really love you.”
sukuna shakes his head, the lightest pink dusting his cheeks. 
“you silly girl.” he scoffs. 
you smile. 
“i love you more. don’t argue back because you won’t win.” 
you shake your head, before reaching into the lining of your underwear, for the condom that you tucked into your skin. and you place it flat on the table, before looking up at him. 
“wow. you’re serving condom for dessert? at least tell me it’s flavored.” he asks. 
you groan, which earns you him a laugh from him. 
“they come flavored?” 
“yeah, but…but it’s weird so don’t buy those. also, don’t buy condoms. that’s my job.” 
“i don’t know how you initiate these type of things!” 
sukuna laughs, before cupping your cheeks with his hands. 
“you’re like a cavewoman. initiating sex by giving me a condom. no foreplay? no kissing?”
“i mean, obviously. but like…we always kind of get close to it. i just wanted you to know that i was ready. and that i…” 
sukuna grins and it’s enough to make your heart drop to your stomach. 
“that you what?” he whispers. 
“you know.” 
sukuna shakes his head, as he reaches for your waist and pulls you off the chair, and starts dragging you towards his room. 
“i don’t know, y/n. you have to tell me, princess.” 
you feel your cheeks burn, as you press your hands to your sides. 
“well…i want you.” 
“is that right?” 
“sukuna.” you whine. 
sukuna locks his hands around your waist, as you lift yours around his neck, nervously crumpling the fabric of his shirt in your hands as you look up at him. 
“i’m done teasing. you just make it so easy, baby.” 
you bite your lip. 
“well, i kind of like it. so you…you don’t have to stop.” 
sukuna smiles, before leaning his forehead against yours. 
“more of that, okay? you tell me what you like, more importantly what you don’t.” sukuna whispers. 
you nod. 
“safe word.” sukuna states. 
sukuna rolls his eyes. 
“and what if i wanted to call you my pretty little worm? then what?” 
“if i take all my clothes off and you even think about calling me a worm, i’m never speaking to you again.” you respond. 
sukuna laughs, before giving you a nod, and leaning forward to close the distance before you. you can tell that he’s moving slow, tiny steps backing you up before you fall back onto the bed, and he’s hovering with his necklace dangling over you. 
and his voice is quiet as he peppers kisses into your cheek and neck, so soft it makes your stomach rumble. 
“just so you know, it does hurt the first time. need you to tell me, don’t feel embarrassed. and i –” 
“i know. i know, i will.” 
sukuna smiles, before hooking his fingers under the fabric of his t-shirt, before he carefully pulls it out from under you. and maybe it’s the sheer embarrassment that you went out of your way to buy lingerie – but you pinch your eyes shut when you catch the realization in his eyes. 
his voices comes out more gravelly than you’ve ever heard it, as you open your eyes, skin burning, as you give him a confused look. 
“sit up, doll. let me look at you.” he whispers, this time more fervent. 
you oblige, sitting up on the edge of the bed, as he kneels onto the ground, hands fixed on your waist, as he looks up at you. you cringe, shrinking your shoulders together, as you look down at him. 
“too much?” you ask. 
sukuna scoffs. 
“are you fucking crazy?” he responds, tone dripping with disbelief. 
sukuna stands up this time, pulling you up with him, as cradles your face with his hands, eyes so sickeningly sweet that it makes you smile. 
“my perfect girl. what did i do to deserve you, huh?” he murmurs. 
“the dinner, the candles. this fucking set you bought. you ruin me, you know that?” 
you shake your head, as he drops his hands, admiring the lace. and he lifts one of his fingers, making the gesture for you to spin, as you oblige, and get a barrage of kisses in response. 
“i’m obsessed, you know that? with this, with you, with your smell.” 
you smile, pulling his face out of the crook of your neck, as you shake your head, and he takes the hint to slow down. you relax into his arms, nervously toying with the buttons on his shirt, as you calm down, trying to ease the nerves, as he presses a chaste kiss to your forehead. 
“i’m guessing you…you like it?” 
“like it? i love it. it’s special to me.” he murmurs. 
you look up at him, as he drops his gaze to yours, lovingly running his hands through your hair. 
“really? you don’t think it’s cheesy right?” 
sukuna shakes his head. 
“s’really special. never had someone put in this much effort to make me feel special. i was supposed to be doing all of this for you, y’know? was planning it all out too.” 
“yeah. was gonna get you a whole weekend getaway for your birthday. whole rose petals on the bed and everything.” 
you laugh. 
“what the fuck is so funny? it’s romantic.” he complains. 
“no, no it’s so cute! but you have to let me be the romantic too sometimes. i wanted to do all of this for you…and me too. i mean, i just –” 
“i understand, princess. you’re perfect.” sukuna responds. 
you pause. 
“you can tell me if you don’t want this right now. i know i made us dinner and made it a whole thing with the outfit, but really, you don’t have to oblige just because i –” 
sukuna responds by closing the distance, lips warm against yours as he pushes you back onto the bed, for a second time. 
sukuna brings you two advils when you’re soaking in the bath. you can still feel your blood pulsating under your skin, the tiredness seeping into your bones as you lean back against the tile, with the warmth of the water relaxing your muscles. 
and you can’t help but feel your skin burn when he walks back in – unable to stop thinking about how his head was just nestled in between your legs, of all the sweet nothings leaving his mouth, and the gentle way he carried you here after running the bath for you. 
he crouches down by the side of the tub, holding his hand out for you as you oblige. he lifts the cup to your mouth, refusing to let you hold it, as you down the pills.
“i can’t hold my own glass now?” 
“it's aftercare. shut up.” 
he makes the motion to stand up and you reach out, slapping your wet hand around his wrist and pulling. 
“you okay?” 
“yeah. yeah, but can you stay?” 
sukuna nods, as he sits flat on the tile of the bathroom, leaning his head against the side of the bath. he was intent on giving you the time to process and relax, despite the fact that he wanted nothing more to stay there, to possibly never leave your side again, and is pleasantly surprised by your request. 
“bath okay?” he asks. 
“yeah. thanks. for the pills too.” 
“promise it’ll hurt less next time, yeah?” sukuna murmurs. 
you nod, poking at the little indents of his dimples. you can’t help but admire him, the lightest sheen of sweat still stuck to his forehead, at the arch of his back and the tattoos littered over his skin as he lazily places his hand in the water and lets the soap run through his fingers. 
“did you like it?” sukuna asks. 
“are you a nut job?” 
“i mean, what did you like? just so i keep it in mind for next time. s’my job to make you feel good, y’know?” 
you smile, before feeling your chest ache. 
“all of it.” you respond. 
sukuna shakes his head. 
“nope. specifics.” 
you lean back, absentmindedly running your hands through his hair, as you think it over. 
“well, i liked it when you would hold my hand. it made me feel really comfortable…and when you would ask before doing something different.” 
“uh huh. what else?” 
“um…the stuff you called me.” 
sukuna grins. 
“like what?” 
you groan. 
“you know…the usual stuff!” 
“you like it when i called you my good girl, right? when you were taking me so well?” sukuna asks. 
you can tell that he’s trying to irritate you and lightly splash the water at him. 
“sue me! i like to be praised by my boyfriend!” you respond, glaring at him. 
sukuna shakes his head at you, before reaching for your hands and pressing kisses to your knuckles. the spots he marked on your neck are starting to purple up now, as he reaches down for his own that you left. 
“i liked it when you did this.” sukuna responds. 
you smile. 
“i’ll cover it up before you go to work tomorrow.” 
“i liked all the pretty sounds you made. i go insane when you say my name.” 
you shake your head, before splashing the water at him. 
“quit it.” 
“really. i love it all. i love you.” 
you deflate. sammy’s comment from earlier, the harsh memory of him with his eye purpled over on your dining room table, runs through your mind, as you lean forward, and press a kiss to his shut eyelids. 
“yeah, yeah. i love you too.” 
sukuna smiles, before leaning forward and pressing a kiss to the top of your knee.
next part linked here
taglist: @porridgesblog @k0z3mee @kayleegomez @yihona-san06 @sweetenertea @skzismyhome @mykyoon @violetmatcha @rebeccawinters @shotenvinsoot @itzmeme @gojoswifeyyys-world @cutiejg @chilichopsticks @ghostreadersthings @charlie-xo @whoami-72 @heijihattorisgf @megu-meow @complexivelovely @multiplefandomthings @hoebuns @lzaj19 @glossygreene @ramluvr @sureconfused @najaemism @manduse @imhorn1help @gamergirl5125 @r0ckst4rjk @invisible-mori @isaacdaknight @gyros-cum-sock @wishmem l @suftsunshine @i0099 @cowgirlikets @haitanibros0007 @stuffeddeer @yoontaedotin @ec3lipsy @armani78 @awkwardaardvarkforever @kereseth @leave-rae-alone @ruruvia @princess-ackerman @jjkwritingss @lilkiwikiara @opchara @telepathicheartss @starriesworlds @raechu11 @exprimidordefresas @nxxrxm @aalloochaat @strangehuman101 @tzutology
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personasintro · 8 months
Mutual Help | #49
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↳ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬; in order for you to pretend to be his girlfriend, he helps you with your sexual desires ⏤ he calls it mutual help
⇢ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: jungkook x reader
⇢ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fake dating au, fluff, angst, smut, slow burn
⇢ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: explicit language
⇢ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 9.3k+
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⇠ 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯. | 𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐱 | 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 ⇢ 
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Taehyung's ability to persuade you to do things you normally don't feel like doing still amazes you. You've no idea how the man does it but he surely has his ways. In your defense, you didn't let yourself be persuaded quickly.
"I'm not going to a bar on Sunday, Taehyung."
That's what you told him when he suddenly came up with an idea to go out in the evening. He had decided not to go home after breakfast, not that you minded his company. Not at all. Jungkook was busy finishing your bed after breakfast while you and Taehyung watched movies the entire day. It was a calm day – until Taehyung's extrovertness and need to go out came up to the surface.
"Relax, you're not getting drunk."
So the next ten minutes were spent with his attempts of getting you to agree to his plan, involving Jungkook as soon as he came up from the office room – which is going to be your room as well from now.
"We are just going to hang out."
"Come on. Jimin bailed on me and I'm lonely."
Just a glimpse of what he said to make you finally agree.
In the end, Jungkook agreed as well and offered to be the driver.
"I can't believe he made us go out on Sunday." you comment with a mutter under your breath, glancing down at your already finished drink.
Going to a local bar is what you mean.
Jungkook glances at you, arm outstretched behind your seat as he grins. "You're acting as if it's the first time that has happened."
Well, he has a point. 
Taehyung scoffs, reminding you that he has heard you perfectly as he sits on the opposite side of you and Jungkook, adjusting the button-up Jungkook has borrowed him since he barged in wearing pajamas last night. He actually borrowed a whole outfit from Jungkook which seems kind of weird, because he looks like Jungkook. Minus the face and tattoos of course, but still. Their fashion style is kind of different, not totally but seeing Jungkook in that button-up before and now Taehyung wearing it is... interesting and odd.
Not that it doesn't suit him. Taehyung usually wears similar clothes when going out at night. It's the fact those clothes are Jungkook's but well, he looks good in them. The looks Taehyung gets from the women in this bar just proves that.
"Oh please, what were you two about to do on a Sunday anyway?" Taehyung raises his eyebrows at you lazily, "Fuck behind everyone's back?" he laughs, your entire face heating up as his name leaves your mouth in a hushed exclamation.
"Probably." Jungkook shrugs, not letting Taehyung get to him as you give him a look but he looks relaxed and not very bothered by your friend's jab.
The little twitch in the corner of his lips tells you last night has crossed his mind.
"Relax, I'm just joking," Taehyung rolls his eyes at you, "Is it really that bad to hang out with me?" Taehyung asks with a glare and edge to his voice, but looking at him you realize how the undertone of his question is plainly just sad and you immediately feel bad.
"No, Tae, that's not what I meant," you assure him, shaking your head as you prop your elbows on the table and lean closer to him. "It's just, it's Sunday and I have work tomorrow. All of us do actually. I don't want to go to sleep too late and then having to deal with Junho's annoying ass the whole next day. Plus, I can't get drunk."
It's not like you haven't done it before. It's not that big of a problem to be honest.
Everyone knows you want to get a good amount of sleep before having to wake up early in the morning. It's just how you prefer to do things and thanks to your friends, you get a good amount of clubbing and hanging out in public places a lot.
"Nobody is getting drunk. We are just having a few good drinks and that's it."
But you should've known to never trust him when it comes to drinking and having fun.
With more drinks on your and Taehyung's part, Jungkook gladly sticking to coke, the evening started to get more relaxed in terms of you relaxing and sharing a good laugh with your friends. Suddenly, getting more drinks didn't sound so bad and once Taehyung suddenly came up with another plan of visiting a nearby club, surprisingly you already stood up ready to go.
You're nowhere near dressed appropriately for a club. Just a pair of dark jeans, a nice top and heels – not your average good outfit but you don't care.
Not even when Jungkook reminds you of your work tomorrow, not very sold on the idea of going clubbing on Sunday night as you and Taehyung both wave him off. Sighing, he still joins you – not that he has a choice since he is both your driver.
It doesn't even make sense. You only go to the club to get more drinks which you could've happily got in the bar. Club is loud, full of people and stinky but in your drunken state, it seems like the most logical and greatest idea. You blame it on Taehyung.
You and Taehyung dance through a few songs though, something you wouldn't be able to do in a bar. Jungkook watches you two the entire night like a parent, and if you weren't so drunk you would feel bad for him having to stick to his non-alcoholic drinks while he babysits not only you but Taehyung as well.
He happily reminds you he's okay and doesn't want to get drunk, every time you drunkenly sit back down into the booth and pout at him.
"You're drunk," Jungkook comments, chuckling as his thumb brushes against the corner of your lips as you give him a lazy grin. "You should take it slow." he reminds you softly, snorting when you take a sip of your drink, ignoring his words.
You sheepishly grin at him, sitting back which happens to be on Jungkook's side as you cuddle up to him. Taehyung currently flirts with one of the women, which is also the reason you joined Jungkook because he shooed you away as soon as she approached you and him. Idiot.
However, he doesn't bail on you and joins you shortly after.
Jungkook reminds you two to stop drinking so much every few minutes but just like always, you both wave him off.
"Sober people are always annoying when others are drinking." Taehyung comments and you start giggling like it's the funniest thing he could've said right after Jungkook has scolded him for ordering another round of drinks.
"This sober annoying person is driving you home." Jungkook reminds him with a grumble, your giggling continuing.
To Jungkook's luck, you decide to end the night when you start getting tipsy, almost falling asleep on Jungkook's chest while Taehyung looks like he has had enough – equally getting tired and too drunk to barely stand on his feet.
How he manages to get you two in his car is beyond him, but he's glad when you're both seated in the back as he drives through the night to his apartment. Taehyung's car is in a parking lot in front of Jungkook's building, so there's no way he's driving him home. Also, he is drunk and doesn't want to waste time driving him home, having to actually get him to up his floor and apartment.
It's not like it's a bother to him for Taehyung to spend a night over. At least he is not left with blue balls this time.
"Well--this is new," Taehyung slurs drunkenly in the back, your head that's been leaned against the window lazily turns to him as you questionably look at him. "I haven't even kissed anyone tonight."
You snort, giggling. "Is that a bad thing?"
"No, it's just weird." he giggles to himself as you join him.
"You know what's weird?" you ask, pointing at your outfit as Taehyung cocks his head at you. "This outfit."
You both cackle right after, causing Jungkook to roll his eyes at the two of you and what a hangover you two are about to have. The last time you were even similarly drunk to your current state was at the New Year's Eve trip – something that's hard to forget.
"Nah, you look good." Taehyung murmurs, his words coming out as snort as he starts drifting away but your voice shakes him out of it.
"You really think so?"
You sound so hopeful and light, causing Jungkook to stifle back a laugh as Taehyung encouragingly nods like the supporting friend he is.
"No, you're just saying that because you're my friend." you grumble sadly as Taehyung drunkenly tries to reach towards you but ends up almost slapping you in the face which causes you to click your tongue at him in annoyance.
"No, I'm not!" he argues childishly as you cross your arms over your chest, not even caring your top makes your breasts almost spill out of it with how low it is tugged by your arms.
"You are!"
"No, you idiot!"
"I'm not an idiot!"
Taehyung sighs, fighting back the need to just close his eyes and sleep. "You are hot."
"You mean it?" you pout again, staring hopefully at drunk Taehyung but you're not the one to talk, looking just as hammered.
"Yeah!" Taehyung exclaims enthusiastically, "I would totally go for you if you were a stranger."
"You would?"
Jungkook listens to the absurd conversation, silently counting down the minutes to his apartment building. Why the fuck you sound so happy? 
"Yeah!" he exclaims again, burping right after as you giggle. "I would totally kiss you tonight if you weren't my friend."
"Kiss me?"
Oh fuck, you're so drunk. You even sound interested knowing the thought of kissing one of your friends – excluding Jungkook of course – is like kissing your brother. But this doesn't even cross your mind.
"Mhm, you wanna kiss?" Taehyung proposes, drunkenly sending you a crooked grin as he leans towards you while you sit behind Jungkook's seat, grinning at him just as much.
Why not? What could go wrong?
You both start to lean closer to each other, pursing your lips like little kids do but before you can even get any closer, the car comes to an abrupt stop which almost makes you both fly through windshield if it weren't for the seatbelt Jungkook has so kindly put on both of you.
Before Taehyung can even open his mouth, taking him too long to realize what has just happened, Jungkook is out of his seat as the door on Taehyung's side is pushed open.
"Yah, what the fuck man?" Taehyung complains, slurring his words as Jungkook takes off his seatbelt and pulls him out of his seat.
Taehyung complains the whole time, your drunk mind having a hard time comprehending what is happening until Taehyung sits in a passenger seat, Jungkook clicking on his seatbelt with a frown before the door is shut.
You blink confusingly at the back, your stomach feeling funny from the harsh stop you just made as you're trying not to throw up.
"You're both so fucking wasted." Jungkook mutters under his breath, putting the car into drive fastly.
You both fall asleep for the rest of the ride, Taehyung waking up just as Jungkook parks in an underground garage where he only recently bought a parking spot. He already looks as if he can't remember a thing, blinking as he watches his surroundings with sleepy and bloodshot eyes – Jungkook chuckles once he notices Taehyung's dumbfounded expression.
Getting him out of the car is just as hard as he expected, Taehyung barely able to stand on his feet while Jungkook scolds him to at least try and stand for a solid minute while he tries to get you out of the car.
Taehyung leans against his car, palms messily outstretched on its windows as he leaves handprints all over it and Jungkook has to take a deep breath. Opening the door on your side, you're already sleeping with your head and neck in an uncomfortable position.
You're so out of it, he thinks as he tries to wake you up. Brushing a few strands of your hair off your face, he gently calls out your name while he shakes your shoulder but you murmur something under your breath, trying to swat his hand off.
Sighing, he grunts once he sneaks his arms around your frame and tries to take you into his arms. With your lack of response and difficult position it's not easy but eventually he successfully manages to pull you out, holding you bridal style as he shuts the car door with his hip.
"Why don't I get such a privilege?" Taehyung pouts, slurring once he notices you in Jungkook's arms while he's scared to let go of the car, guessing he won't be able to hold himself on his feet for long.
"Because you're heavy and my size," Jungkook answers nonchalantly, telling him to at least try holding his forearm, so he doesn't fall.
Carrying you in his arms with Taehyung attached to his side is even more difficult but by the time you make it into the elevator, he promises himself not to ever listen to you or Taehyung's drunk ideas.
Fortunately for Jungkook and his sake, Taehyung finds his way to the couch and even though Jungkook had to scold him to take off his shoes before he enters his home any further, he slouches himself on the couch and falls asleep right away.
Jungkook manages to put you into your newly assembled bed and fresh sheets. The bed fits into his office room but with the lack of space, one side has to be pressed against the wall and it looks a little bit awkward but it's not like it's important.
While Jungkook is taking your shoes off, you start to shift on your spot as your eyes open with a few lazy blinks as you look around. It's funny watching you trying to figure out where you are, until you spot Jungkook's desk and computer before Jungkook himself stares at you with a tiny amused grin.
You suddenly pat your face, gasping. "My make-up."
For fuck sake, Jungkook thinks as he sighs and is ready to try to convince you to take it off tomorrow because he doesn't have the energy to get you to the bathroom and take it off for you while you will keep dozing off. He doesn't really need you falling and hitting your head or something. Why can't you just lay down and sleep like Taehyung does? 
You're already standing up before Jungkook can somehow convince you to go to sleep either way, and he quickly pushes you back to bed. "Alright, alright, I'll be right here. Just wait."
A tiny part of him, okay actually a big one, hopes by the time he comes back you'll be already asleep but of course, it wouldn't be you if you listened to his never spoken pleas. He finds you staring at the ceiling with a lazy look, your eyes fighting for some sleep but you remain awake, looking at Jungkook who sits on the edge of bed.
He takes off your make-up, careful not to be too harsh with his movements. He brought way more make-up wipes than it's needed and if you were observant enough, you would definitely scold him for wasting your wipes like that.
Luck is on his side and you remain oblivious to the unnecessary waste but in his defense, he wants to make sure all of your make-up is gone and you won't curse him the first thing in the morning if you had panda eyes or new break-outs. Honestly, he thinks you would curse him out even if you hadn't any of those, just the thought of going to sleep with your make-up on would be a good reason for you to scold him.
He can't help but chuckle at his thoughts – at the sight of you who has a lazy smile spreaded on your lips.
"Did I really kiss Taehyung?" you suddenly ponder quietly, eyes slowly opening as you try to locate Jungkook ones.
"You almost did." Jungkook answers, gently rubbing the make-up wipe on your chin.
"Oh," you let out, surprised that it wasn't a figment of your drunken imagination. "Wow."
Jungkook glances at you for a second, eyes flickering to your astonished expression before he goes back to his task. "Yeah," he mumbles, "Didn't know you had a thing for Taehyung."
He knows you don't – that's why his tone comes out more light as he lightly jokes.
"I don't," you reply,  "I mean... What's wrong about kissing another friend of mine?" you joke back, snorting at your joke while he frowns.
But he remains silent, not even sure what to say to that because you're clearly drunk. Sober you would be freaked out at the thought of kissing him.
"Jimin has a girlfriend now, so I can't kiss him too."
An audible but slight snort leaves Jungkook's mouth as you continue with your joking.
"Well, too bad it's only us guys." Jungkook jokes, your grin falling off your face immediately as he puts the last make-up wipe onto the floor before he informs you he's done, but that goes unnoticed by you as you sit up.
"What do you mean by that?" you ask, frowning as he catches you by your forearm when you totter and almost fall back. "You would kiss other girls?"
Jungkook tries to stifle back a laugh as your hardened and serious face is not too hard to miss.
"Weren't you about to kiss Taehyung?" he points out, still joking of course but in your current state you can't seem to notice the slightest twitch of his lips or the way he bites into the inside of his cheek to prevent himself from laughing.
This is actually interesting, he thinks, obviously he is just joking and it's not because he can't imagine having another woman or women in your small friends group of four. It's because he's already risking too much by being this close to you – but he purposely pushes any doubts and fears away – he surely wouldn't risk any other friendship by just kissing his friends.
Lifting your hand up, you sloppily trace his lips while he stares at you amusingly as you seem too deep in your thoughts. "Your lips are mine to kiss." you tell him, grinning drunkenly at him and he bites back a laugh, rubbing his nose to hide his grin instead.
"Yeah?" he chuckles and you give him one stiff nod.
"Yeah," you confirm, "I'm not allowing any other girls in our group."
"Alright," Jungkook finally laughs, nodding as he stands up and ushers you to lay back down. "You're the boss here."
Again, you miss his amused tone and expression, thinking he's completely serious as you nod.
"Of course I am," you purse your lips, "I don't want to sleep in my jeans," you mutter sleepily, trying to unbutton them but it's hard to do in your state. "Help me?"
Jungkook sighs, but helps you to get out of your clothes. He was hoping you would just go to sleep. It's not like he minds changing your clothes. He's not exactly a typical best friend and he has seen it all, like you would gladly remind him if he refused, but still – he doesn't find it comfortable changing your clothes when you're in this state. Purely out of respect for you.
Once you're out of your clothes, bra gone with your panties only shielding you, Jungkook tries not to look at your exposed form until he hands you one of your larger size t-shirts you sleep in. You ask for pants which he puts on you as well, the first one he has managed to find which happens to be with a Christmas motive.
"Okay, you're all set boss," Jungkook says, clapping his hands together as he's about to stand up but you grab him by his wrists, slowly sitting up as you tug him closer to you. "What is it?"
You just stare at him, fighting off the sleepiness as you inch closer and deliver a soft peck on his lips. Jungkook is stunned for a moment, staring at you confusingly as you give him a sheepish grin.
"I'm just staking my claim."
Jungkook snorts in amusement, shaking his head at you. "Because of who? I'm not kissing anyone else." he laughs and you frown, suddenly pouting as if you just remember what he is talking about. In your drunk and hazy mind, you have trouble trying to remember what happened in the car in the first place.
"As you shouldn't," you tell him smartly and he laughs quietly.
He knows you're drunk but if it happened while sober, he would actually think you're quite selfish for saying that considering you were about to drunkenly kiss Taehyung. But 'drunkenly' is the key point and he understands that. He doesn't even care, knowing you both got wasted that you barely knew what you were doing. He was just teasing you earlier, he wasn't expecting you to start talking about it.
"I'm getting cold, can you cuddle me?"
"Drink some water first," he says, handing you the glass of water he brought earlier along with the make-up wipes.
You do, gulping it in one go before you hand him the glass back, making yourself comfortable in your bed as Jungkook covers your body. Urging him to join you in bed, he tries to explain he needs to take a shower as you whine childishly. But he doesn't ask you, simply walking out of the room to take a quick shower.
He goes back to check on you, not expecting you to still be awake as you pat a free space next to you.
There's no escape from this, that much is clear to him and without arguing, he joins you in bed.
You start caressing the side of his face and he stares at you with a confused yet amused expression but that's until you give him a kiss. Is that a mint he tastes? 
He frowns in confusion, wondering where the hell have you found it but then he sees a pack of mint dragees on the side table.
However, the kiss doesn't last too long because he pulls away and you pout immediately.
"You don't want to kiss?"
He doesn't know whether you're annoying right now or just cute.
"You're drunk." he informs you as if he just told you news, or at least that's how you currently look as you open your mouth and almost offendly stare up at him.
Your mind seems to be clouded and in your current state you don't understand there are a few reasons why Jungkook wouldn't want to kiss at this moment – but right now all you can feel is offended that he pulled away.
"No, I'm not."
Jungkook chuckles, looking down for a moment while he stays propped on his elbow. "Yes, you are."
You give him a glare, trying to look intimidating but Jungkook wants to laugh rather than feeling intimidated.
"Okay, maybe a little bit," you roll your eyes, "But we can still kiss?"
"That's not what a gentleman would do." Jungkook hums, lips twitching when you whine and slap sheets frustratedly instead.
"Then don't be a gentleman."
"You're so bratty when you're drunk." he comments, shaking his head at you with a grin as he leans over you.
For a moment you think he's about to kiss you but he turns off the lamp instead, causing you to frustratedly huff.
"I won't ever kiss you." you murmur, huffing again as Jungkook lets out another snort.
"We'll see about that." Jungkook mutters and you scoff.
"No, I won't. You can kiss my ass next time."
"Oh, I will," Jungkook grins, "Gladly,"
You turn around with your back to him, mind getting too hazy and tired to continue this argument – or whatever it is.
"Now go to bed, brat. You'll have a nice awakening tomorrow."
You barely register his words, murmuring something you can't even realize you're saying because you're completely out of it. You drift off to sleep with Jungkook scooting closer, enveloping you with his arm and warmth.
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"Fucking hell,"
Jungkook isn't even surprised when those are your first words as you join him in the kitchen, holding your head with a pained expression scrunching your puffy morning features.
He has heard voices before you came here, you and Taehyung both complaining about yesterday's night and how much you've overdone it. Not that he disagrees.
Sitting on the stool, Jungkook slides you some painkillers with a glass of water – the same thing he did to Taehyung before he went back to sleep.
"Thanks, you're a lifesaver."
Jungkook playfully rolls his eyes, preparing cereals for himself as he sends you a look across his shoulder. "Have you thrown up already?"
"Yeah." you embarrassingly admit, just right after you woke up and made it to the bathroom.
"That's good, you will feel better now. If it makes you better, Taehyung already threw up two times. Luckily I expected it, so I prepared a bucket next to him."
You give him a crooked smile, despite the pain your stomach and head is already experiencing.
"What about work?" Jungkook asks, glancing at the digital clock on his stove, seeing you should've been gone a long time ago.
He didn't want to wake you up, knowing you won't be able to wake up at six in the morning when you went to sleep around midnight completely wasted.
"I called Junho, told him I woke up feeling sick."
Yeah, some time in your still half drunk state with a raspy and gruffy voice.
"What did he say?"
"He wasn't happy," you wince, "I'm sure he added to my headache."
"He's a fucking idiot then." Jungkook shrugs, showing you his bowl of cereal in a silent offer but you almost gag, shaking your head with a hand on your mouth.
"Please, I'm the idiot here. Who gets drunk on Sunday when they have work the next day?" you deadpan, Jungkook snorting.
He gives you a grin across his shoulder and you reciprocate it, rolling your eyes at him.
"Maybe you'll learn from your mistakes."
"You're annoying." you comment, Jungkook holding his breakfast as he starts eating while standing.
You notice he's fully closed. Jeans, oversized emerald colored hoodie looking fresh which can't be said about you or Taehyung who's trying to sleep his hangover off.
"So were the two of you," Jungkook reacts right away, "Do you remember something from last night?"
"Just fragments," you cringe at yourself, "Did I do something embarrassing?"
Jungkook smirks, swallowing his bite as he leans back against the counter. "Well, let's see...you guys kept drinking despite me warning you. You just waved me off every time and oh, you and Taehyung were about to kiss,"
You wince, but not saying anything about it as he continues.
"I had to take off your make-up, as usual. Then you wanted to kiss me but you were drunk, so I tried to politely refuse but you got all bratty,"
He's enjoying it, it's not that hard to tell considering he's amusingly grinning. "You told me my lips are only yours to kiss."
"Oh my god!" you exclaim, hiding your face away from him as he finally breaks and starts laughing.
"Do you remember any of it?"
"Yes to Taehyung, even though it's pretty hazy and I don't remember much from there. But I do remember uh," you gulp, "saying something about your lips."
"Yeah, you got very serious about it."
"Shut up," you glare at him right away. "I was drunk! You can't take me seriously!"
"Didn't know you wanted to kiss me so badly." he continues to tease you as you groan, searching for something around you to hit him with and Jungkook erupts into another fit of laughter.
"I don't," you grit through clenched teeth, "My drunk self gets cuddly and loves affection." you mutter, pouting as Jungkook scrunches his nose as he grins.
"I figured."
"Please just shut up," you beg him, "Where are you going?"
Jungkook smirks, your attempt of changing topic doesn't go unnoticed by him but he decides no longer to make you suffer.
"I'm working till four and then I'm gonna hang out with Ester."
"Oh," you let out surprisingly, "Okay."
"She's joining me on my last shoot, I want her to see how I work so we can, you know, do a better job when we work on that project,"
Ah, yes. The project Junho wanted Jungkook on. You're supposed to work on it in a month or so, the date going back and forth but not too much that it would cause any problems to Jungkook, due to his busy schedule. It's pretty unusual for him to be still home at this time – but not completely rare.
"What are you gonna do today?"
"There's not much I can do with a hangover," you snort, "I think I'm gonna spend the day with Taehyung until he decides to go home." you shrug as Jungkook nods while he continues eating.
In that moment Jungkook's phone starts to ring, interrupting your conversation even though there wasn't much to be said as his eyebrows furrow in curiosity while he pulls the phone out of the pocket of his jeans.
"It's Jimin," he says, looking at the screen before he accepts it and taps the screen, putting the phone on the counter between you two. "Hey, you're on speaker."
"Finally!" Jimin exclaims, "Who's there?"
"Hey, Jimin." you call out, letting your presence known as Jimin greets you back.
"Where the hell is Taehyung? I tried to reach out to him but his phone seems to be turned off." Jimin asks, while Jungkook leans forward against the counter with his elbows, brows raising up as he glances at you and grins.
You shake your head playfully, "Don't worry, he's here at Jungkook's. His battery probably died."
"Ah, typical of him. I should've known it's nothing serious but what is he even doing there, Kook?"
As Jungkook opens his mouth, awake Taehyung joins you in the kitchen as he recognizes Jimin's voice immediately, not that it matters because he glances at the screen either way to make sure it's really him.
"What's up, traitor." Taehyung greets Jimin, a beat of silence on the other side as you and Jungkook snort.
"Where the hell have you been, man? I was trying to reach you but apparently your battery is dead. Were you partying again?"
Taehyung purses his lips as he stares at the phone with raised brows, which you have to admit is kind of funny especially with his puffy and totally hangover face. At least this time he doesn't stink of alcohol and you can smell mouthwash whenever he opens his mouth – not that you were any different though.
"I was, indeed. We were actually, you know, us single people, although..." he trails off and gives you and Jungkook a look.
Jungkook rolls his eyes and you glare at Taehyung, silently telling him to shut up. Thankfully, he just grins back playfully at you, enjoying teasing the hell out of you and Jungkook. Jimin doesn't catch Taehyung's implication and just continues to burble that he just wanted to talk to him, but as if he knew Taehyung will open his big mouth and most likely call him out on his new relationship, he just casually says Taehyung to call him.
It looks like Jimin is not sure whether you and Jungkook know about his relationship – which you do thanks to the mentioned Taehyung's big mouth – and it is kind of amusing to see him playing it safe when all of you know the truth.
However, you would appreciate Jimin coming up to you and telling you when he wants to. Even though, in your opinion, it's not a big deal at all.
Their call ends shortly after, Jungkook has to go to work and you and Taehyung are left to deal with your hangover alone. Left to just simply wait until it passes away because there's nothing else you can do.
That's until Taehyung realizes he has never called into his work to tell them he's not coming today.
You have a great moment of laughing at the way he tries to fake sickness while he keeps flicking you off, glaring at you as he warns you to keep your mouth shut.
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"Oh, you're awake,"
Surprised by Jungkook being wide awake, still lying in his bed while you tried to sneak-in into his bedroom to take some of your clothes, you expected him to be still asleep considering he starts working around lunch today.
The past two weeks have been pretty hectic for both of you, especially for Jungkook since he has barely been home and if he has, he spent it in his office anyway. There were a few times when you were falling asleep with him still editing photos in the room – something he always apologized for and tried to do his work quickly, so you could sleep peacefully. It doesn't matter how many times you assure it's okay and you don't really mind.
Yes, you prefer to sleep in complete silence and darkness, but there was something peaceful about the occasional clicks that lullabied you to sleep.
So the last thing you expected to see is him being awake at seven in the morning. Though his face is puffy and looking as if he has just woken up, he looks pretty awake for someone that can sleep a few more hours – you know you would.
Jungkook waves at you lazily, hoisting himself up so his back is leaned against the headboard.
"Sorry, I spilled my make-up on my pants and it doesn't match with my blouse, so I need to grab new clothes." you apologize, fully realizing you're just in a pair of underwear, completely exposed to Jungkook but you don't pay that much attention to it.
It's not like he has never seen you like this before. Yes, you don't usually walk around half-naked, that's his speciality, but you don't feel uncomfortable.
The office barely has space for your bed, so all of your clothes are actually in Jungkook's closet and drawers – that's why you often take your next day outfits to your room, so you don't have to barge into his bedroom every morning.
"No worries," Jungkook rasps out, voice tilted to more light and amused side. "I'm enjoying the view."
You straighten, suddenly realizing you've been a little bit bent over right in front of him, trying to search for one of your skirts you wear to work.
Giving him a look across your shoulder, you purse your lips and raise your brows at him, seeing him grinning at you widely with his eyes almost disappearing.
"Why are you awake anyway?" you ask, turning back around to search for your clothes. Luckily, you woke up a little bit earlier for some reason, so you've got some time to kill.
Where is the damn skirt? 
Met with silence, you turn your head around, enough to see Jungkook eyeing your ass with tongue slowly licking his bottom lip as you exclaim his name in disbelief.
"Couldn't sleep," Jungkook shrugs, eyes still attached to your backside. "Are those new panties?"
Sighing, you ignore him as you finally pull out the right skirt, tossing it at the end of his bed while you search for a top that matches.
"Since when do you wear a thong to work?"
Clenching your jaw, you turn around to him with a hand on your hip, raising your brows. "Sometimes, I do."
"Mhm," he hums, eyes momentarily on yours before they drop down your body. "Come join me in the bed." he says casually as you let out a surprised laugh.
"I'm going to work, Jeon. I don't have time for this."
"I can be quick."
"I know you can," you hum, "I don't want to be late."
You're not one to refuse sex, not when the last time you had it was a little over two weeks ago and you're too ashamed to admit that your friend was in the next room. Ashamed, but still kind of excited when you think about it. Like you said, those two weeks have been hectic and when you had the time, Jungkook was busy and even when there was a little time to chat, times where he would join you on the couch, you would rather spend that time catching up and just spending time together rather than having sex.
"Okay, so just stay bended for five minutes then,"
He says it so casually that if you weren't listening to him, you would have thought he's talking about the most casual and random thing.
Eyes almost falling out of their sockets, you stare at him in utter disbelief as you notice the sudden movements under the sheets. "Wait–are you touching yourself?!" you exclaim in disbelief, Jungkook rolling his eyes at your reaction as he shrugs.
"I woke up with a hard cock," he answers nonchalantly, "I'm serious, just bend over. I'm gonna have to at least settle with a good view."
He's serious, you realize as you see him touching himself right in front of you, eyes locked onto yours while you stare with your mouth open, too shocked to speak. But you shake yourself out of it, shaking your head at his bluntness while you ignore the starting tingle between your thighs. There's just something about him being so worked up, wanting to use you for the visual that makes your skin hot.
It's also a huge boost of confidence and maybe that's one of the reason sex with Jungkook is so good. No one has ever made you feel so confident and good in your own skin, especially when it comes to sex. Sure, you felt more confident with Haneul compared to Haechan, only because Haneul hasn't been that much experienced and everything you knew, learned from Jungkook and having sex with him, you used with him.
Jungkook hands slowly pumping his length under the covers, you gape at him as you snort a little, turning back to the closet as you pull out a white turtleneck, coming to a conclusion it matches well with your soft pink powder skirt.
Tossing it along with a hanger next to your skirt, Jungkook whines when you're turned back to him, robbing him from the previous side of your ass and the thong that barely covers you.
But you join him in the bed, your knees on the soft mattress as you start crawling to him which makes his eyes sparkle with hope.
"You're really shameless, you know that?" you ask, sending him a grin once you slowly pull the cover off his lower body, revealing his hand wrapped around his hard length.
Trying not to salivate at the sight, you nudge his hand away and quickly replace it with your own as Jungkook sighs in delight.
"So are you," he sighs pleasantly, closing his eyes with head leaning against the headboard. "Come on, get on my lap."
As tempting as that sounds, you refrain yourself from doing as Jungkook pleases, only because you know there's not much time you've got left. You can't afford to take a quick shower, knowing you most likely would be running late to work and Junho is already annoyed at you for not coming to work two weeks ago, when you were hungover – which he hopefully doesn't know but still, it would be just adding fuel to the fire.
"I can't," you tell him, wrapping your lips around his red tip as you gently suck on it, causing his breath to hitch. You look up at him, hand pumping him up and down as you lick your lips. "I've got work, we can't have sex."
Well, at least he's getting something out of it and he doesn't push it. You go back to work, working your lips and mouth on him again, trying to take him deeper into the warmth of your awaiting mouth.
"You, uh, you still haven't told me about what you wanna–"
"Do you seriously want to talk or get your dick sucked?" You cut him off, simply because you already know what he was about to say. You knew he wouldn't just let go of your previous conversation.
But you don't get him a chance to finish his sentence, going straight for his balls as you know he loves, your mouth sucking on them while your wrist twists as you pump his hard cock. He curses under his breath, hand already wrapped around your hair as he puts it into a ponytail, tightening his hold on it.
"Fuck, you really are minx."
You smile against him, licking a long stripe up his length which glistens with your saliva .
"Are you sure you've got time for this?" he questions with a breathy chuckle, noticing you're not playing around and going right in with giving him a mindblowing blowjob.
Letting him out of your mouth with an audible pop, you glance up with a little smirk.
"I can be quick." you tease, seeing his lips curve into a familiar smirk before you continue.
"That's not fair–mhm, yeah fuck just like that."
You would snort if your mouth wouldn't be full of his cock. You just hope your make-up won't be ruined after this because even though you're not wasting any time, you're still careful enough not to gag around him or take him too deep which could make your eyes water. Jungkook seems pleased with what you're doing though, not really minding that he's not hitting the back of your throat because whatever you're doing right now, he's enjoying it.
And just when you think things can get any worse for you, considering the wetness between your thighs that's understandable and hard to ignore, Jungkook lets go of your hair and sneaks his hand under your bralette, palming your breast. You let out a sound, both of you not sure if it's to scold him or moan, Jungkook pinches your breasts which makes you whine around him.
Too ashamed to admit it, your heat is pulsing with need and desperation, and for a moment you wonder if you will risk it and let Jungkook have his way with you. Your responsible self is against it though, knowing you barely have the time to get to work just in time.
With your jaw already aching and your spit drooling down Jungkook length, you sneak your hand to his balls as you squeeze, knowing it will just fasten his orgasm. Jungkook breathing gets quicker, his own hips trying their best not to thrust into your mouth as you quicken your pace. A round of curses resound from Jungkook's mouth, a few words of him praising you how good you're taking his cock, he informs you he's close.
"Where do I cum?" he asks breathlessly, orgasm approaching every second. "You want it in your mouth?"
You hum in confirmation. Well obviously, you don't want to get your make-up ruined, you would tell him if your mouth wasn't full of him. And you definitely can't afford to feel his cum on your skin, knowing you would have to take a shower because there is no way you'll go to work with a sticky chest and dried cum on it.
"My little slut," Jungkook grits his teeth and if you weren't busy sucking him off, you would gasp at those explicit words you haven't heard in a while. Again, you feel your walls clenching around nothing and it takes a lot of restriction not to sit on his lap and ride him.
And then your mouth is being filled with Jungkook's warm and salty cum, your mouth eagerly swallowing it as you slow down your pace, letting him sloppily thrust into your mouth while he fucks himself through the orgasm. Once he's done, he lets out another but loud pleased sigh, head thumping against the headboard.
Pulling his softening cock out of your mouth, your thumb catches some of his cum in the corner of your lips as you suck on your digit, swallowing it just in the right time as Jungkook glances at you.
"You're amazing."
"Of course I am," you cock a brow at him knowingly, grinning as you get off the bed. "Is my make-up ruined?" you ask, quickly gathering your clothes as you start putting them on.
Your lipstick has to be gone, considering most of it is painting Jungkook's cock. At least you chose a nude shade this time.
"No." Jungkook answers, grinning at you as you sigh while you start adjusting your turtleneck.
Quickly making your way to the bathroom to check your appearance, you gasp. He lied. Not only is your lipstick no longer on your lips, it's smeared on the right part of your cheek and your mascara is a little bit smudged. Well, you used to look worse and considering the intense morning blowjob you just gave him, you do look pretty decent. Just not decent to go to work like this.
A sound of cackling is what you hear in return.
There's no time for scolding him, the time on your phone you quickly check shows you're already running a little bit late. You just hope you will manage to still come in time, not wanting to explain to Junho why you're running late. Not that you would tell him the truth of course.
Quickly yelling a bye to Jungkook after you get rid of the smudges and reapply your lipstick, you rush to work and luckily, the road hasn't been that busy which didn't make it even more difficult for you. You manage to arrive just in time which makes you relax.
It's only five minutes later when you sit behind your desk that you realize you never brushed your teeth or used a mouthwash after the blowjob, Jungkook's taste remaining on your tongue. When Benjamin offers you a coffee, you accept it with hot cheeks and a crooked smile.
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Jungkook returns back home in the afternoon before you, tidying up the place even if there's not much to begin with. He takes care of the laundry, feeling bad that you've been taking care of it for the past few weeks since he's been too busy to do most mundane things. He's glad he could've gone to the gym for a good work-out at least twice in a week, which is way less frequent from what he's used to.
That's why he purposely scheduled today to be more free, and had only one photoshoot to do before he came back home.
Ironically, he feels more exhausted than he usually does when he's totally busy and constantly doing something productive. But just as he plops down on the couch, eyes searching for the remote to turn on the television, his phone starts to ring.
Jungwon. Well, that's unexpected.
"Hey, bro." His brother's voice resounds from the phone even before Jungkook can open his mouth, noticing he's video calling him.
"What's up, hyung?" Jungkook grins, noticing the background of their living room as his brother sits down.
"You never call, I have to be the one who reaches out to you," Jungwon teasingly scolds him, earning a playful roll of his eyes. "Mom whined about it too. You barely call them."
Jungkook winces at the mention of their parents. "I'm so busy with work, hyung. But I try to call her as much as I can."
"She misses you," Jungwon grins, not saying anything new because she misses him all the time and she tells him every time they call each other. "Me like a good son, told her that."
"Well, you, a good son, live in the same city. At least she has you close." Jungkook remarks, a guilt spreading on his face at the thought of his parents, and mostly mom, knowing she probably just misses talking to her son.
Jungwon notices it though, dropping his teasing as he gives Jungkook a warm smile. "You're her youngest son. Always been her baby." he teases again, causing Jungkook to groan and throw his head back, though there's a smile spreading on his lips.
"I will call her tomorrow."
"I know, I was just teasing you. She is dramatic sometimes."
They both share a laugh, knowing their mom gets super sentimental whenever it comes to her two sons, no matter how old they are. It's true it's been a few weeks since he called his parents, which is longer than usual, though the latest call he had with his mom was anything but pleasing. When Jungkook's mom kept asking about Kiko, inviting them to visit them soon he just had to tell her the truth. Well, a part of it and that is revealing they're no longer together, and this time it's final.
To say she was surprised is an understatement. She was happy when Jungkook told her they're back together, simply wanting what's best for her son and she thought it's her. Surely, he kept a lot of private things away from her which he's not sure if she knew how she would react. Like it was mentioned, she is sentimental and he didn't want to hurt her any further by knowing the raw and cruel truth. At least not through a phone call and to be completely honest, he's not sure if he wants to tell her. It's not something he has thought about a lot.
He prefers not to think about it too much, simply just distracting himself from the unnecessary thoughts.
But he told her and so did he tell Jungwon as well the last time they spoke. He was just as surprised, but ultimately they've all been very supportive and to Jungkook's luck, they weren't talking or asking about it too much which he appreciated.
"How are you guys though? How's Haru?" Jungkook asks, cutting himself from the thoughts as he notices his brother's soft smile at the mention of his precious daughter.
"We're good, that's why I'm actually calling you." Jungwon grins sheepishly, scratching the back of his head as Jungkook raises his brow at him in question, knowing he probably has an ulterior motive for calling him.
"What is it?"
"We're planning a trip to Seoul next weekend, we've never taken Haru there so now that she's older it's more fun because she experiences more things and it's fun for her too. I'm actually planning on surprising Sona and I made a reservation at this very nice restaurant, but you know, I wanted it to be romantic and just us. I know you work during weekends sometimes, but I was wondering if you couldn't babysit Haru for us?"
"Hyung!" Jungkook exclaims, Jungwon giving him another sheepish grin.
Obviously, Jungkook loves his niece and always buys her gifts whenever he sees her, something he gets scolded for by her parents. He loves spending time with her and he misses her, though the thought of actually babysitting her makes him feel a little unsettled. The only people who have ever babysat her were his parents or Sona's.
What if she cries the whole time? He hasn't seen her for months now, the only visual has been through video calling.
"Please, tell me you're free." Jungwon pleads.
"I am but--"
"Please help us. We have barely had time for just ourselves, I really want to take her out on a romantic dinner. I already made a reservation."
"What if she cries? What if she--"
"Jungkook-ah," Jungwon sighs, a soft smile playing on his lips. "Haru absolutely loves you and talks about you almost all the time. She's gonna be fine. So will you."
"I don't know hyung," Jungkook scratches the back of his head, scrunching his nose a little. "Where are you guys staying?"
"I found a good hotel. But the dinner reservation is around seven, I don't know how long we will be there but it's gonna be around Haru's past bedtime, so I would be very very very," Oh, no. "happy if she could stay a night over there. We will pick her up the first thing in the morning, I promise."
"It's not about that and you know it," Jungkook sighs, "What if she really misses you and starts crying or something?"
"Then you will call us and we will pick her up." Jungwon says casually as if it's the easiest thing.
And it is. He doesn't know why he's suddenly so nervous about babysitting his own niece whom he loves very much.
"Fine." Jungkook mutters, rolling his eyes playfully as Jungwon exclaims a loud "yes", thanking his younger brother as if he just saved his life.
He supposes that's what happens when you get married and have a child. There is barely any time for romance, Jungwon's face of happiness clearly says it all.
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"Y/N, please!"
"Jungkook, I'm not a babysitter." you murmur, feet tiredly tapping against the floor as you make your way to the kitchen to get rid of your dry throat.
You've come home later than usual, you had to stay overtime with some of the co-workers, along with Yoongi who kept annoyingly showing his irritation every five minutes. Spending your day in heels for more than a half day, the last thing you expected was for Jungkook to jump at you as soon as you took off the annoying heels, trying to include you into something he promised to his brother apparently.
"But you love kids!" he exclaims, right at your heels as he follows you.
"I do," you nod, pulling out a bottle of water out of the fridge as you open the cap and take a short sip because of its coldness. "What if something happens? I don't want to be responsible for that."
"Nothing will happen," he assures you, "Come on, I thought you loved Haru."
"I do, she's cute," you argue, "But she doesn't even remember me. We were there last summer and ever since then I haven't seen her. How do you know if I don't have any plans for the weekend?"
You take a few gulps before you close the bottle and place it on the counter, met with Jungkook's stare.
"Well, do you?" He arches his brow at you as you purse your lips.
"I don't."
Jungkook scoffs, letting out a sigh as he slowly looks up at you. "Didn't you use to babysit? You've got to have some experiences."
His perseverance wants to make you laugh because this man never gives up.
"I did, back at home and it was a few years ago." you deadpan, causing him to sigh again as he slowly walks to you while you watch him warily.
"I could really use your help," he mutters, thumb wiping your undereyes where the mascara is a little bit smudged but you haven't got the time to see your reflection yet. It's been a long day. "Haru is sweet. She's not a spoiled kid, she's actually very calm and we'll have to babysit her just for a few hours because then it's her bedtime."
You stare into his dark orbs, finding them looking at you with those big eyes and a cute expression that makes you groan. It's not like you're against helping him or babysitting his niece. She really was cute the last time you've seen her.
"Fine." you roll your eyes, Jungkook clapping excitedly before you're wrapped by his arms, face pressed tightly against his chest.Who are you kidding? Of course you would agree one way or another.
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steddiehyperfixation · 5 months
don't you forget about me (part seven)
(part one)(part two)(part three)(part four)(part five)(part six)
Eddie takes back everything he’d thought before; sex dreams are so much worse actually, especially when you wake up to the subject of them holding your hand. His face turns bright red the second his eyes open and land on Steve. He sits upright immediately, bunching up the blankets over his lap. 
The pounding of his heart - aka the rapid beeping of the heart monitor - alerts Steve who snaps awake instantly and tightens his grip on Eddie’s hand as he asks with urgent concern, “Are you alright? Did you have another nightmare?”
“No, no, definitely not a nightmare.” Eddie’s cheeks burn, feels the flush reach his ears and down his neck too. He clears his throat. “Just, uh- just a weird dream, that’s all. Not bad, just…weird, yeah. I’m fine.”
Steve relaxes. “Okay.” He hesitates, then adds hopefully, “Was it, uh- Do you think it was a memory?” 
Eddie shakes his head. “Definitely not.” 
“What makes you so sure?” Steve asks. 
“It was fantasy.” Eddie’s eyes rake over Steve, and he tries not to wonder just how accurate his dream was. 
Steve raises a skeptical eyebrow. “Fantasy?” 
“Yeah, fantasy. So unless you have some truly awesome news to give me about the existence of dragons,” Eddie lies (better to have Steve think he’d dreamt of riding on a dragon rather than that he’d dreamt of Steve riding him), “I’m pretty sure it was just a regular old dream.”
“Oh.” Steve's face falls; and Eddie almost wants to take it all back and tell a different lie, that it had been a memory, but he doesn't. “Yeah, no, I've yet to run into any dragons yet, I’m sorry.”
“No, I’m sorry,” Eddie says, running his thumb over Steve's hand. “I wish it was a memory. I mean- I wish I had more memories, and I'm sorry that I don't. I'm sorry that makes you so sad.” 
The apology only makes Steve look sadder. “Oh, Eddie, no, it's okay.” He shakes his head, squeezes Eddie's hand. “Don't apologize for that. It's not like you chose to forget.”
“I know. I’m still sorry though,” Eddie responds quietly. His dream-sparked lust has since curbed into something softer, inevitably. He looks into those downturned and devastating brown puppy dog eyes. “I didn't choose to forget, but I’m still the reason you're sad - I know that, so I'm sorry.” 
It's Steve this time who mutters “You don't have to worry about me so much, Eds, I'm alright,” and it's Steve this time who clasps Eddie’s hand in both of his and brushes a kiss over his knuckles. 
It sends a rush through Eddie's whole body to feel Steve's lips against his skin - in real life, that is. Heat rises in his cheeks again, heart rate kicking up for the millionth time. “Uh- yeah, uh, o-okay,” he stutters, can’t seem to form a coherent thought or sentence right now. He pulls his hand away and runs his fingers through his hair instead, changing the subject, “Um. Are you, uh- are you sticking around today?” 
“Yeah.” Though there’s still a trace of sadness behind his eyes, there’s something like flirtation there too as Steve smirks and says, “I’m all yours today.” 
God. Eddie really is done for, isn’t he.
It’s no wonder, then, that after spending another full day with Steve, another full day of being subjected to Steve’s bittersweet smiles and friendly banter and (that is, if Eddie’s not just being delusional, which is a very real and probable possibility) the occasional flirty comment, Eddie’s dreams soon turn sappy again:
They were sitting in some restaurant, in a corner booth, holding hands behind a propped up menu. Steve was looking gorgeous in a tastefully tight polo and perfectly styled hair streaked with gold, and he looked at Eddie with that warm little smile that always made his heart glow. It overflowed; Eddie almost couldn't take it. 
He said, “I know you said you wanted to do things right, so after how many dates can I ask you to be my boyfriend?” 
Steve's smile grew, eyes wide with a sort of wonder and disbelief and anticipation that was vaguely reminiscent of a child on christmas morning. “I, uh- I think the third date is just fine.” 
“Okay, good.” Eddie grinned. He caught Steve's other hand and held it right there out in the open without a care who saw or heard. “Because I like you so so much; you’re the best person I know, Stevie, and I wanna lock this down before someone else comes along and snatches you up. I want to be your boyfriend more than anything, and I want you to be mine, if you want that too. So, what do you say?” 
Steve must not’ve cared who saw or heard either because he immediately lunged across the table to kiss him, holding Eddie's hands tight as he pressed their lips together fervently. 
Eddie certainly wasn't about to complain. He indulged the kiss for a good long few moments before he pulled back to double check, “So that was a yes, right?” 
“Yeah, dumbass,” Steve laughed, fond and bright and beautiful. “That was absolutely a yes.” 
That ache is back when Eddie wakes up, the wanting, the wishing. 
He thinks this dream falls somewhere in between the events of the last two, like his brain is turning this fantasy into a whole connected narrative now, building and fleshing out this wishful story of him and Steve. Unless… No. Eddie can't let himself think like that. If these dreams have been memories, if that had really been the type of relationship they'd had, surely Steve would've said something. It's not unusual for Eddie's daydreams to become so involved and become entire worlds. This is, as he tells himself for the third time now, just another case of his overactive imagination. 
Steve doesn't ask about his dreams again, and he soon leaves for work and isn't around much that day, but that still doesn't stop Eddie's mind from continuing the fiction when he falls asleep holding Steve's hand, as always now, that night: 
Eddie sat on Steve's couch, his arm slung casually around Steve's shoulders as Steve leaned against him and idly played with the rings on Eddie's other hand while a movie played on the TV in front of them. It was Steve's turn to pick the movie, and there was a time when Eddie would've rolled his eyes and scoffed at the suggestion of watching The Breakfast Club, but it had just come out on VHS and Steve was so excited about it and Eddie was more than happy now to sit just there and watch Steve watch it. Because Steve was smiling and humming along to the songs on the soundtrack, and Eddie felt, suddenly, with such simple certainty that this is where he was meant to be, that this is who he was going to spend the rest of his life with. 
Something must've changed in his expression, in his stare, because Steve soon rolled his head to the side to look at Eddie and asked with an amused (and vaguely confused) smile, “What?” 
“Nothing, I just-” Eddie shook his head, pressed a kiss to Steve's temple and then said like it was the easiest thing in the world, “I think I've fallen in love with you.” 
Steve laughed as if this great big relief just bubbled free from his chest. “Oh thank god,” he said. “I’m in love with you too.” 
Eddie believed him, knew it with the same certainty as before. They shared gentle smiles and a sweet, chaste kiss. Steve slipped an arm around Eddie's waist and curled closer against his side. He went right back to watching the movie and Eddie went right back to watching Steve. And that was all there was to it. 
Clear, effortless, uncomplicated. Because how could they be anything else but in love with each other? 
Eddie sighs when he blinks awake. His eyes slowly shift to the side and he looks at Steve strangely for a few silent moments. 
Steve asks, “What?” 
Eddie's cheeks tinge pink, and Steve wonders, not for the first time, what Eddie had been dreaming about. He gets a devastating sense of deja vu when Eddie shakes his head and says, “Nothing.” But it stops there where Steve's memory doesn't. 
Although, Eddie is still considering him in that weird, just short of familiar way, and Steve wonders - again, not for the first time - if maybe Eddie just might remember too. But surely he'd say something if he did. 
Eddie taps his fingers against Steve's hand and asks after a long minute. “Are you gonna be around tomorrow?”
“I can be.” Steve is scheduled to work tomorrow, but he'd call out sick in an instant if Eddie asked him to.
“Okay, because, uh, that's when the doctor’s gonna have me try to walk and when they're gonna teach me and Wayne how to take care of my wounds at home for when I’m discharged, and I, um, I want you to be there for that too,” Eddie says. 
Steve finds himself a little surprised by this. “You really want me there?” 
“Yeah, I mean, If you don't mind,” Eddie starts, rambling like he's suddenly scared Steve might refuse, “I know it's not the most fun thing to be here for, but I just figured whatever the doctor tells us tomorrow you should know too, just in case, you know, like I might need you one day and Wayne can't be around all the time and-” 
“I’ll be there, Eddie,” Steve assures him, squeezing his hand. “Of course I’ll be there.”
And so he is. He calls out of work the next day, much to Keith’s annoyance, and stands there as the room fills with doctors and nurses and Eddie's uncle Wayne. 
Eddie's mobility is tested first. He makes a soft grunt of pain as he's instructed to swing his legs over the side of the bed, and then another when the doctor taps his knee and his injured leg kicks with the assessment of his reflexes. Satisfied with that response, the doctor moves on to pressing various pressure points on Eddie’s leg to measure how much he can feel (and Steve tries very hard not to feel so weirdly irrationally jealous at watching the doctor feel up Eddie's leg). After a few more soft painful hisses that let the doctor know Eddie's nerve endings are intact - or whatever it was she was testing - he's told to try and stand. He's understandably apprehensive, hesitant. The doctor and his uncle help coax him off the bed; the competent and the familiar. Steve hangs back still, sure he's not needed for this. 
But the second Eddie attempts to put pressure on his injured limb and he stumbles, his hand shoots out and it's Steve’s name he calls, as if on instinct. And, on instinct, Steve is there in a second to grab his hand and assist in steadying him. “I've got you,” he murmurs, guiding Eddie to the walker that's been set out for him. Eddie limps a few more feet with the help of the walker and the encouragement of Steve’s (hopefully) comforting hand on his shoulder until the doctor calls it and tells Eddie he can rest again. 
Once Eddie makes it back onto the bed, collapsing back into the pillows with a haggard sigh, the doctor and nurses immediately crowd him again, try to go straight into the next step of redressing his wounds. 
“Give him a second,” Steve snaps, protectively holding onto Eddie's hand and leaning over him. “Can't you see he's exhausted?” 
The doctor shoots the only other proper adult in the room a weary look. 
“They know what they're doing, kid.” Wayne's heavy hand lands on Steve's shoulder, both a reassurance and an alert for him to back off. 
“I’m okay, Stevie,” Eddie adds. He gives Steve a tired smile and squeezes his hand before prying it out of Steve's hold. “It's alright.” 
Steve reluctantly relents and steps back to give the medical professionals space to continue. 
Eddie's shirt is pushed up so the bandages on his chest and stomach are accessible as the nurses begin to explain and demonstrate the process of taking care of the injuries. Steve watches, listens intently, wants to absorb every ounce of information so he can best tend to Eddie if need be. Then his eyes flick up and he accidentally makes dead eye contact with Eddie who seems to realize then just how vulnerable and exposed he is right now because his cheeks burn red and his heart rate suddenly increases. 
The nurses don't seem to be too worried about this - if anything, they exchange knowing glances with everyone else in the room except Eddie and Steve before they continue their demonstration. Steve isn't worried either anymore - if anything, he finally resigns himself fully to the fact, the irrefutable proof, that Robin was right and Eddie really does have a schoolboy crush on him again. 
Steve does his best to keep paying attention, but in the background his mind is spinning and his heart aching. 
On the one hand it’s kind of sweet to know Eddie's feelings are not gone completely, that some level of attraction still swirls to the surface even through the empty space in his memory. And Steve has been indulging that crush the past couple days, little comments of flirtation just to feel like he still has Eddie in some way, just to see the reaction and have some evidence that Eddie still feels something at all for him. (Stupid, selfish.)
But on the other hand it is just a crush. Eddie used to love him, but now that's halved; and that's a very specific kind of agony. 
Steve’s not sure how much longer he can handle this. 
Something passed between them when they made eye contact; something sweet and sad flitted across Steve's expression, as it often does, but he looked away when Eddie blushed and has been avoiding his eyes again since. 
When the nurses are done showing them how to wrap him up, Steve retreats, saying kindly, though still not quite looking at him, “I'm gonna go get you some water, alright?” 
“Oh, yeah, thanks.” Eddie smiles gratefully after him. 
“Your boyfriend seems sweet,” Nurse Katie comments, carefully, as she secures the last of the fresh bandages. 
“Excuse me?” Eddie coughs, chokes on his own spit, spluttering, “I’m- he's not- we’re- it’s- um. He’s not my boyfriend.” 
“Oh, sorry,” the nurse is quick to apologize. “I didn't mean to assume, I just thought since he's always in here holding your hand, even before you woke up-” 
“We're friends,” Eddie says shortly. He feels a little dizzy at what she's suggesting and would really rather her stop talking. 
“Alright, my mistake.” Katie backs off the subject. 
Steve returns then anyways, further killing that topic of conversation. He hands a cup of water to Eddie, who takes it with another muttered “thanks” and starts gulping it down while the doctor goes off on some spiel about the process of having him discharged and more tests they’ll have to do tomorrow. Eddie’s not paying attention. He’s too tired. 
Not long after that, the doctor and nurses file out of the room, and Wayne stands to leave too. “I’m glad the two of you are getting close again,” he mentions to Steve and Eddie on his way out. “You were good for each other.” 
Whatever that means. 
Eddie doesn’t have the brainpower left to contemplate that. Being poked and prodded and trying to walk took a lot out of him. He’s exhausted, achy all over. It’s barely even late enough to be dinner time yet, but he could honestly just pass out right now. He sets his finished water cup on the bedside table and his now free hand reaches, once again, for Steve. 
“Tired?” Steve asks as he catches Eddie’s hand. 
“Mhmm.” Eddie settles against his pillows, closing his eyes. He adds in a sleepy mumble, “’M glad you were here today.”
“Me too.”
He feels Steve’s lips slide gently across the back of his hand, and then Eddie slides gently into sleep. 
Immediately, though, his dreams are not gentle; for the first time since he’s been falling asleep with Steve’s hand in his, Eddie dreams of the bats: 
Eddie was in that hell dimension, the scene all black and red and dotted with bats. But he wasn’t alone. Nancy Wheeler and Robin Buckley were there too, the three of them fending off the creatures with boat oars, and Steve- Steve was on the ground; two bats gnawed on his sides, another had its tail wrapped around his neck. Eddie’s heart was in his throat, roaring in his ears and pumping pure fear and adrenaline through his veins. He couldn’t save him; all he could do was try his best to keep more bats from joining in on the feast. 
Steve, however, seemed perfectly capable of saving himself. He managed to sink his teeth into the bat tail around his neck, getting it to let go. Eddie couldn’t see everything, too busy whacking away more incoming bats, but when the last of this fleet of creatures was fought off, Eddie turned back around to find Steve on his feet now, holding a bat by the tail and slamming it against the ground far more times than necessary. He watched as Steve stomped down on the bat’s neck and tore its head from its body. Blood from the bat’s tail hung from Steve’s lips in a thick, dark drip before he spat it into the dirt.
Eddie stared, jaw dropped, pounding heart pumping an entirely different sensation through his veins now. “That was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen in my entire life.” 
Steve gave him a bloodstained grin and Eddie’s knees felt weak. He would’ve dropped to the ground in front of him right then and there if- 
“Keep it in your pants, Munson.” Robin shoulder-checked him as she walked past. “At least until we get the hell out of hell.” 
Eddie settled instead for sidling up to Steve and, after taking a second to make sure he was alright, whispering low and close to Steve’s ear, “If we were anywhere else and you weren’t injured right now…” The muttered end of that sentence was something so filthy it made Steve’s face burn red, and he laughed. 
“Freak,” Steve said affectionately as he smacked a kiss to Eddie’s cheek. 
Eddie was quick to turn his head and catch Steve’s lips, locking them together in something searing and intense. 
“Boys!” Nancy snapped impatiently from a few feet ahead, which startled them apart. “Seriously? Time and place, come on.” 
Both Eddie and Steve laughed as they followed after the girls. 
Eddie wakes up a little bit disoriented from that dream. He doesn’t know what to call it: Was it a nightmare or not? Was it a memory or another fantasy? The lines are blurred and Eddie finds himself confused. 
Steve must’ve seen this on his face because he asks, “Everything alright?” 
“Yeah…” Eddie answers slowly. “I had a dream about the Upside Down…but it wasn’t quite a nightmare, I don’t think. I’m just- I’m not sure if it was a memory or not.” He hesitates, then decides screw it, he might as well try to get some sort of clarification on the reality of some details of his dream. “Did you…rip a bat in half with your bare hands?”
“I did, yeah,” Steve confirms. His expression shifts, sparking with something like hope. 
“And, uh, did I tell you that was the hottest thing I’d ever seen?”
“You did, yeah.” 
“Okay, cool,” Eddie says, reeling. “Just checking.”  
Steve is watching him almost expectantly, but when Eddie doesn’t say anything more on the subject, his face falls into something more like disappointment.
(final part is here!) taglist (CLOSED): @romanticdestruction @daydreamsandcrashingwaves @paintsplatteredandimperfect @hallucinatedjosten @mugloversonly @estrellami-1 @alongcomesaspider @thatonebadideapanda @tell-me-a-secret-a-nice-one @dragonmama76 @wxrmland @nuggies4life @sirsnacksalot @myguiltyartpleasure @lolawonsstuff @marklee-blackmore @vinteraltus @sebastiansstanswhore @0happyeverafter0 @scarlet-malfoy @hotluncheddie @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @emsgoodthinkin @alyelf @warlordess @stevesbipanic @lil-gremlin-things @rockandrolodex @badcaseofcasey @bat-outta-hel @fandomcartographer @manda-panda-monium @littlewildflowerkitten @giopandaonice @mightbeasleep @queenie-ofthe-void @krazyperson @worldofshea @marvel-ous-m @tartarusknight @a-little-unsteddie @xenon-demon @goodolefashionedloverboi @xxsky-shockxx @mc-i-r @bookbinderbitch @aspenshade88 @slowandsteddie @thedragonsaunt @daydreaming-mood @space-invading-pigeon @irregular-child @a-lovely-craziness (taglist continued in replies; please lmk if you'd like to be removed from this list. if you didn't make the taglist but still wanna follow along, you can follow the tag #dyfamsteddiefic to keep up with new updates!)
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deadghosy · 3 months
🦆Sorry if it’s long lol, I got inspired by the song to make this ✨
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A echoing lullaby goes around the garden of Eden. Waking up a male human who was taking a rather long nap as his eyes open.
Adam, the first man was sitting under a tree sighing as his memory of his first wife leaving him strikes him. He never thought he would be left like that as he oddly felt sad but also felt nothing as he didn’t know how to control his emotions. But then the echoing lullaby broke him out of his train of thought.
He shook his head, thinking it was just nothing. But the echoing of the melody got louder, and louder, and loud in his head to the point it was like a siren calling out for him to follow the voice. He looks up to see a beam of light strike down. Everything rumbles, making the first man fall to his stomach at the powerful shake.
Adam coughed, sitting up as he dusted himself off and stood up fully. He walked through the garden, following the enchanting melody. He closes his eyes, feeling as if the melody swirled around him. Making him him feel like dream as he flutters his eyes.
“What…is that…?” Adam asked himself as he blinked amazed at what is happening. He couldn’t believe it as he is thinking it’s a blessing from god himself.
He finally reached the section of the garden as the beam of light vanishes in a blink before it started to act weird.
The light flickers from behind the tree branches covering the view of what could be behind the cause of this blinding light and melody voice calling out for him. He lets out a breath and lifts up the branch.
He sees a glowing figure, the figure glowed so bright like the stars as the figure’s face was covered by the light that arises from its own body. He had to blink a couple of times to get use to its light.
“Who are you?” He says in a low tone to not scare whatever it is. The figure was in a sitting position, having their knees close to their chest as four pair of wings spout out of their back. Even head wings as a blinding light covers their face, making them faceless at some point. They turned to the man as they stood up, the light getting brighter as a sun in the sky. They seemed to be naked as their breasts/pecs were most noticeable in features from the light that Adam couldn’t bear much long to stare.
“Do not be afraid..”
The voice whispers, but the whisper sounded loud as Adam suddenly passes out by a bright light. He wakes up to see everything practically normal as he touches his eyes to see if anything went on with him. But there was nothing, it was like the figure wasn’t even real to say. It kinda scared Adam before the lull sky rolls in his head calming down any thoughts in the first man’s head as he heard bushes rustling to see a lady. Who he must assumed was his new wife, Eve.
Years pass as that same melody echos in his head every time he thinks about you. Usually when Adam feels pissy, that melody calms him down out of nowhere. When he feels happy, it hums in his head. When he feels sad..which is never really an issue to be sad in heaven, he would hear it softly.
It’s gotten to the point he talked to sera about it, but she didn’t really know either. That made Adam get angered as the lullaby lulls in his head making him calm down. Sera sees Adam relaxed oddly after showing his anger towards her. He found it odd at how he could calm down that instantly. That’s when sera finally realizes what’s going on.
“$!@$&/&” Sera tries to say but she grabs her throat. It was like a barrier got caught in her throat, preventing her from saying the truth.
Adam raised a brow at her, “what? You got imaginary dick in your mouth or somethin'?” He asked as sera has a panicked look trying to explain. But only nothing came out.
“Listen, if you wanna fuck with me. Then fine. Bye bitch.” He said flipping her off as sera just screams in silence gaining weird looks. Adam walks through the streets of heaven pissed off. He knew he wasn’t going crazy as he literally heard it from afar and not in his head most definitely. Lute came by him, “Sir! Sera wanted me to make sure you are alright.” Adam rolled his eyes at the angel solider beside him. “Well, tell her I don’t need to be checked on. I’m the first man for Christ sake! I can handle whatever the fuck is going on with me.” He says before flying off from Lute. She scrunched her face a bit before sighing. She also flies away.
It’s now night time as Adam sighs sitting in his bed. He couldn’t get the soft lullaby out of his head…it sucked for him as he gripped his fist, feeling the sharp nails in grave into his own palms. He lets out a shaky breath as he swore he felt eyes on his back. He turned around to find nothing there. So why did he feel paranoid? He didn’t know why but it sucked mad ass as this is heaven for crying out loud. Why should he even be paranoid. He scoffed at his own thoughts and laid down. Not knowing someone was coming to visit him.
A light shines from his ceiling making Adam squint his closed eyes at the brightness. He slowly opens his eyes to see four pair of wings sprout out gracefully as a hum enters the room. It was like a huge hug around Adam’s bedroom as the figure has their hands in a praying gesture “Do not fear.” The figure says as they slowly flew to Adam who is laying down with a “wtf” face as the light blinds his eyes. Adam sits up seeing the light had dimmed a bit as he stares into the “face” of the person he so longed to see after years. His eyes widen to grab your cheek. He felt that is was real as an echoing hum enters his tears that he heard for so long. He couldn’t believe that it was you as you slowly brought up a hand to touch the side of his face. Adam softly leaned it in, making him feel as if this was back when he first met you. Even if you practically ran away from him, it felt nostalgic to have you by him.
“Hello Adam…” you said with a loud whisper. The whisper sounded soft but harsh as Adam looks at you confused. “Who are you?..” he asked like the first time he did. You seemingly smile behind your “light” mask as you tell him your name. “ I am no one….but you can name me…” Adam scoffs but then starts to think of a name that would fit you. As he stares at you, he notices this time you aren’t naked like how he first met you. You were in a full pure white gown. “How about Y/N? How does that sound?” He asked with a smirk, proud of the name he gave you. You hummed softly with a nod liking the name he gave you.
The whole night you two talked like old friends who had plans to go out. It was exhausting for Adam as he just wanted it sleep, but he felt awake listening to you as you talked in a soft tone that could easily put him to sleep. It was like he could talk to you for hours. Yes he made some harsh remarks and comments like he usually does. But he listened and respected when you talked. It was like you had a leash on him to control on how he acts at least. Suddenly a bell rang from your watch as you stood from his bed. It was time for you to go.
“Goodbye Adam…” Y/N says as their wings sprout, making a circle above their head. Adam’s eyes widen going to grab them to make them stay. But he failed as Y/N made a praying hand gesture, their light getting brighter.
A glowing light blinded Adam as he covers his eyes. As he stopped rubbing his eyes, he looked around his room to not find the glowing figure anymore as he scoffed. But the sight of your appearance made him softly smile. He could still hear the echoing lullaby in his head as he lays down in his bed.
With one mutter of a word, he whispers the name of the figure he made for, “Y/N.”
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danikamariewrites · 8 months
hello! I was wondering if we could get a Xaden x reader where the reader has a bad day from the get go like- wakes up and already smth has happened and by the end of the day they’re just wanting the day to be over and Xaden comforts them and they go on a flight and then cuddle? (Also could Tairn have picked the reader?)
Just Tired
Xaden x reader
Warnings: depression
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You had woken up tired again. With another restless night behind you, you begrudgingly pull yourself out from under the covers. Standing and letting out a sigh you look back at your bed.
It looks so warm and comfortable. And safe. It was hard not to jump back in and curl up into a ball for the rest of the day.
You knew that wasn’t feasible since your schedule was packed today. You also didn’t want to worry Xaden more than he already was. He tried to hide it but you know him too well.
For the last few weeks you had been in a depressive episode. You didn’t put right tell Xaden this but you knew he could sense something. You were getting up at the last minute, late for class and training, and you had opted to sleep alone the past few nights.
Even Tarin was worried about you. He would push you during flights to talk about it. The dragon would even pull off dangerous maneuvers to bully you into talking. None of it worked. You just stayed quiet and gripped his horns.
The morning had gone by quickly. You had tuned out Tarin’s constant nagging. By lunch time he had stopped speaking to you all together which was odd.
From your seat at the long oak table you caught Xaden staring at you. He had a sad, sympathetic look on his face. Like he knew something you didn’t. You avoided his gaze for the rest of lunch.
You left your friends early to go collect yourself in the bathroom. While the day had gone by like normal you felt like you were on the brink of breaking down. You couldn’t afford that right now. Crying your eyes out could wait until tonight.
Slamming the bathroom door you felt Xaden’s presence in your mind. “Y/n are you ok? You haven’t talked to me all day,” his tone was careful and soft like he was afraid you’d push away from him.
Bracing your hands on the sink you looked at your reflection. You seemed paler than usual. The bags under your eyes deeper and so purple they were almost black. “I’m fine. Just tired, that’s all.” You said back. You pushed him out of your mind and splashed cold water on your face.
You felt guilty lying to Xaden, he had enough to deal with though. You could deal with your depression in your own just like every time before.
Xaden didn’t buy your excuse for a second. He felt sick to his stomach thag you had Lied when something is so clearly wrong.
By bedtime you were dragging your feet. Exhausted from having to pretend all day and you wanted nothing more than to crawl into bed.
A knock sounded on your door drawing a groan from you. You slowly made your way over to the door, opening it to find a disheveled Xaden.
“Please talk to me,” he begged, shoving his way into your room. You shoved the door shut hard. You didn’t want to talk, you wanted sleep. “You’ve been acting weird for days. Sgayel told me Tarin is worried. He never worries!”
Xaden took two long strides and he was in front of you, holding you gently by your shoulders. “Say something, anything.” You couldn’t. Not when the love of your life looked so defeated. The words died on your tongue as you opened your mouth.
A lump formed in your throat and you just let everything out. Xaden brought you into a crushing hug as you cried, and cried, and cried. When you were out of tears you whispered, “I’m so tired Xaden.” “I know, baby.” He whispered back
“Do you wanna talk about it?” You stared up at him with big, sorrowful eyes. Your parents never talked to you about feelings. You always worked through it on your own. Nodding your head, Xaden took your hand pulling you from your room.
Fifteen minutes later he’s boosting you up to sit in Sgayel’s saddle as Tarin watches. Xaden suggested a quick flight to clear your mind and talk without anyone else listening in. Knowing some of your fellow riders, they’d love information like this. It would make you an easy target.
Xaden didn’t want you to ride alone and no way was Tarin letting you be by yourself or letting Xaden on his back. So the compromise was Tarin coming along while Sgayel carried you both.
On the flight around Basgiath you told Xaden everything. How you didn’t want to bother him with your problems, how everything has felt impossible lately, that you feel stuck. And he listened to every word.
“You’re not alone in handling this,” now it was his turn to talk as you landed and dismounted. “I’m with you, y/n. It doesn’t matter what’s going on in the world, you are my number one priority.” Xaden picked you up bridle style causing a small giggle to calm from your lips. He smiled at the happy sound. His dark eyes twinkling in the moonlight like a dark star.
“You can tell me anything. No judgement ever. I swear it.” You leaned up to kiss his cheek. “Thank you baby.”
Xaden didn’t put you down until you were back in your room. He lovingly cupped your face in his hands, “Do you want me to stay tonight?” You could tell he was trying not to let hope shine through on his face. He’s always done a shit job at hiding his emotions around you.
You nod and he lets out a deep breath. “Let’s get changed and then we can snuggle.” “Sounds perfect.” He lightly kisses your lips before turning to your dresser to get your sleep clothes.
As you lay on Xaden’s chest while he traces small patterns on your back, you’re thoughts are racing. For the first time in a while they aren’t anxious or bad. They’re of Xaden. And how lucky you are to have him.
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romanestuffsposts · 3 months
Hi! Is there any chance you could write a stucky x little story where she loves when her daddies blow breaths on her belly because it feels good but also tickles?
Hi there love! 💜
Thank you for this lovely request, I absolutely love it! i'm sorry for the long wait..
I hope you like what I wrote for you ❤️
Enjoy <33
Warnings : multiples scenarios (only two because I'm already late enough as it is), tickles, playful, giggles, teasing, pet names, cuddles
Pairings : Daddies!Stucky ; Daddy!Bucky x Papa!Steve x Little!Reader
Summary : A little playfulness in the house is heard
You absolutely love the playful side of your Daddies. They always know how to make your day better and they always make sure to do it correctly.
The thing they love the most is when you laugh and it warms their hearts that they're the one that made you laugh.
Of course there's many things that make you laugh like when they read stories with weird voices or do silly things but the thing that never fail to work is working their teasing fingers on your sensitive skin.
Today was no different, your Papa was changing your diaper but you couldn't stop crying. You were pretty upset because your Daddy wasn't there when you woke up and you hate when both of them aren't there when you opened your eyes.
He tried to comfort you, telling you he just went to do groceries and he even called him but that didn't change your mood.
He sighs and strokes the outside of your thighs as you lie on the changing table "baby please, you know Papa hates seeing those tears leaving your eyes" He gently wipes them away
"wanna daddyy" you cry out a sob.
Your Papa doesn't take it personnally. He knows you love him as much as you love your Daddy, you just need and want full attentions from both of them when you wake up in the morning.
You also act this way with your Daddy when your Papa isn't here so none of them are upset. They know you and understand you.
"I know you want Daddy baby but he'll be back soon. He texted me not so long ago to tell me he was on his way home so why don't we finish changing you so you'll be up and ready to greet him ?" he proposes.
You sniff and nod your head. He bends over to kiss your little nose and keep doing his work. He lets you play with his hair while he changes you because he knows you need to do something to change your mind.
Without saying anything, your Papa gets out of the room, leaving you alone and lost.
You start to get upset about the fact that he left without saying anything. They never let you alone on the changing table because it can be dangerous.
"Papaa ?" your sweet but sad voice sound.
As you were about to let your tears fall, you see a head peering the doorframe.
You sniff and frowns your brows "d-daddy ?"
"Hi my beautiful baby" He smiles before entering the room. Your sad face changes into a happy one as you see him walking toward you.
Your feet were in the air because of how happy you are which make him laugh "that's the face i wanted to see. i don't want to see any other face in the morning"
He grabs your feet as he reaches you and benches over to kiss your belly which made you giggle. He retracts him mouth with a smile "what's wrong ?"
You giggle as you watch him so close to your little belly. You stare into his eyes and watch as his lips get closer to each other. You squirm and try to move his head when he blows against your belly button
"you like that ?" he chuckles
You giggle and nod you head which took him by surprise "oh yeah ?" He immediately starts again.
You harsh your back, your laughters are filled the quiet room. Your Papa’s smile is growing bigger and bigger as he hears the both of you.
Some days later you were starting to fall asleep on your Papa's laps, your arms above your head, and your head on his laps.
He was watching something at the tv, his hands caressing your scalp unconsciously. Your Daddy was taking a shower upstaire so he can be there to put you to bed.
He starts to hear your breathing changing from the evolution of your fatigue so he peers down at you. A sweet smile appear on his face from the cute view he has in front of him.
He loves watching you sleep. Not in a creepy way, juste in a loving way. He loves the fact that you’re comfy enough with him to fall asleep on him like that.
Something he also loves is the fact that you hate when there's dirty on you. You love playing outside but once you step inside the house your mind completly switch and you have the need to take a shower immediately.
He find it so funny to watch you running upstaires while yelling because there is dirt under one of your nail.
So when he sees some dusts peacefully resting on your armpit he knows you're gonna be green if your eyes fall on it. Instead of touching your skin and risking to wake you up he decides to blow soft breath against your skin.
He forgot for a moment how sensitive your skin was and keep blowing for a moment. When he sees you twitch under him, the memory of your ticklish mode come back on his mind.
He softly chuckles to himself, he stops for a moment to let you go back to sleep before starting again. He gently hold your hand in his and keep it pinning above your head.
You open your eyes as the giggles slip out of your throat "Mhh Pa-apaa"
"What ?" he chuckles before blowing again. You harsh your back and your giggles change into loud laughters.
He benches over and kisses the tip of your nose before resting his forehead against yours. He lets go of your hand so you grab his cheek.
His eyes are deep into yours "you're my pretty little girl, huh ?" You giggle and nod your head as you stretch your legs and toes from your nap
You can see his smile while looking into his eyes and seconds later he watches you yelling your laughter as his fingers tickle your ribs and sides, causing you to kick your little feet.
"stop torturing our little girl" your daddy says as he steps into the room, his hair still wet from his shower.
Steve chuckles and stop tickling your little body.
"she's not gonna be able to sleep now" he rolls his eyes playfully as he approches you.
"It's not a problem, it means we can watch something else at the tv" Steve winks at you and your eyes light up "oh yeaaaaaa!"
Bucky scoffs and rolls his eyes "you deal with her tomorrow morning"
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celestiababie · 2 years
Stay At Home Husband! Mingyu Part 3...
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Pairings: Stay at home husband! Mingyu x fem! reader
Genre: Smut with plot, fluff, hint of angst (nothing too bad I promise)
Warnings: Cursing, talks of traditional gender roles :/, getting cockblocked multiple times (once by your daughter), fingering (m), pegging, cum eating, use of the word slut once, reader can't cook in this. Let me know if I need to add anything else
Word Count: 7.255k (this is the longest thing I've posted oof—)
Summary: You try and find ways to give back to your loving husband...with a few trial and error.
A/N: Here's part 3 of this wonderful saga. I had so much fun writing this and I'm actually proud of it which is a weird feeling. I hope it doesn't disappoint those who wanted a third part! Feedback is greatly appreciated! Credit to the anon who gave me an idea for part of this fic!
Series Masterlist
Y/DN = Your daughter's name...I didn't want to just make up a name everyone hated pfft
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Ever since your previous rendezvous a few days ago with your husband, he noticed something different about you—or rather: how you were treating him.
You've always been a fantastic wife. He couldn't ask for a better woman to marry, but there were very distinct roles in the relationship that kept him comfortable and at peace. He found purpose in cooking breakfast every morning for you and your beautiful daughter, which is why it surprised him to wake up one morning with a noticeable absence on your side of the bed. The smell of pancakes and bacon confused his brain, making him question if he was dreaming.
But all his dreams included you, so that couldn't have been it.
He made his way to the kitchen, still groggy from waking up. He rubbed his eyes as his eyes suddenly came into focus on your figure, scrambling around the kitchen with a look of frustration on your face.
This wasn't right—cooking breakfast was his job.
Your head raises upon hearing the clearing of his throat, too focused on your terribly made pancakes to notice your half-naked husband standing by the archway. You bite your lip in embarrassment as your husband comes around the kitchen island to examine your creation.
"What are you doing?"
His question causes a pout on your face, his eyes flickering down to your lips, holding back from kissing you since he hadn't brushed his teeth yet.
"Well, since it's my day off...I thought I could make breakfast for you and Y/DN, but they stuck to the pan, and I tried to scrape it off...but! At least we have scrambled pancakes now!" You hope your smile distracts him from the abomination you plated, but to your disappointment, it hadn't.
A noticeable frown forms on Mingyu's face, his eyes drifting off with an unreadable expression.
Oh God, he's gonna divorce me over pancakes.
You curse at yourself as you let your head fall into your hands.
"I'm a terrible wife— I can't even cook one good thing for my husband." You huff into your hands, and another wave of embarrassment runs through your body.
Mingyu's attention quickly turns to you again, letting your words sink in. That wasn't remotely why he felt a little bit upset.
Mingyu loved cooking for you and Y/DN. He was perfectly content with the dynamic you two had. You went to work while he stayed home, taking care of the house and Y/DN. That's how it's always been. But ever since that night in the living room, Mingyu noticed you doing more things around the house. Things that were his job. He couldn't help but feel a little sad and empty, feeling like he was no longer pulling his weight in the relationship.
"You don't need to cook, Y/N. I cook for you, I've always cooked for you, and I love cooking for you," he firmly states with a soft voice, his hands moving to rub up and down your shoulders.
"I know, but I just want to do something nice for once. You always do so much for me, and I never get to do something back."
Your head rose from your hands. A pout still lingers on your lips.
"Is that why you've been doing the dishes lately? And taking out the trash? And cleaning? And doing the laundry?" He asked with a loving gaze, his hands reaching up to cup your face in his warm palms.
You slowly nod as you avoid his eyes, his stare making you feel shy even after years of marriage.
Mingyu briefly smiles at you before dipping his head to press his lips against your forehead. Mingyu lifts you onto the counter, standing between your legs, and he interlocks your hands with his.
" Although I appreciate you wanting to do things for me. I really appreciate the thought. You don't have to take care of the house to take care of me and show me how much you appreciate everything I do. Maybe for other people, those things would feel like tedious chores, but for me, it's nice? I like taking care of the house. And I like making sure you and Y/DN are comfortable. Please don't take that away from me, okay?"
"I'm sorry...I just wanted to be a good wife," you whisper. Before your head can fall to look at your lap, one of Mingyu's hands tilt your chin upwards, forcing you to look at him in his soft coffee-colored eyes.
"You don't have to do all those things to be a good wife or mom. You do plenty to provide for Y/DN and I. Do you think I'm a bad husband for staying home?"
Your eyes widen from his question, emotions flaring up despite knowing he didn't actually think you thought he was a shitty husband.
"Of course not! You're the best husband in the world." You softly hit his chest, feigning offense that he would even ask such a thing.
A proud smile creeps on Mingyu's face, his teeth pressing down in his bottom teeth in an attempt to hide his inflated ego.
"Good. Now let me remake breakfast before our little angel wakes up. And if you really wanna give back so bad, I'm sure we can find other ways that don't include you stealing my precious job," he chuckles out as he turns away from you, setting your abomination aside as he begins to make breakfast as usual.
You playfully glare at the back of his head before a smirk replaces your previous pout. As your eyes scan Mingyu's half-naked figure, they soon place their attention on Mingyu's ass in his boxers, reminding you of your husband's question from a few nights ago.
Admittedly, you had no clue what pegging was when he asked, causing your husband to say a simple 'oh—never mind then.' before dozing off to sleep. But you didn't forget and did some research to know exactly what your husband was into.
And, fuck—was the idea hot.
You slide off the counter and wrap your arms around Mingyu's waist as he cooks, your head resting against his toned back. You slide your hands down his waist, causing Mingyu to tense against you as he feels your hands suddenly cop a feel of his ass.
"Something like fucking you after all these years of fucking me so well? Would that be a good way of giving back, baby?"
Mingyu's breath hitches, a blush forming on his cheeks as he listens to you. He turns his head ever so slightly, giving you a surprised look.
"You said you didn't know what it was—"
Biting your lip, you squeeze his ass before pulling away completely, making your way out of the kitchen, but not before saying, "I didn't, but I do now. Finish up breakfast. I'll wake up Y/D."
You flash him a wink as you sway your hips more than usual, leaving him as flustered as he usually made you.
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The next couple of your days were spent with your eyes practically glued to your phone, researching all the best ways to peg your husband. You were woman enough to admit that you lacked expertise in this field, and the last thing you wanted was for Mingyu to have a bad experience because you didn't know what the fuck you were doing.
After spending a generous amount of time searching the Internet for information and ordering a few toys, you felt confident enough to finally put your newfound knowledge into full use, ready to give your husband the most mind-blowing orgasm he's ever had.
Operation: peg your husband was in full effect and running smoothly...
Mingyu's face lit up with pure excitement when you whispered into his ear at dinner all of the dirty things you wanted to do to him while your daughter struggled to use her spoon.
You ignore Mingyu's stare at the side of your face as you reach over to help your daughter eat her food, her adorable smile of gratitude taking your mind off of Mingyu, who was still staring at you with an expression that could only be described as pure desire.
Once your daughter finally got the hang of using her spoon, you lean back into your seat, turning to look at your husband, who hasn't touched his plate since.
"What's wrong? Does Daddy need Mommy's help too?" You smirk as your husband's eyes darken, his pupils blown out as he clenches his fist underneath the table.
The sound of Y/DN's laughter brings the both of you back to reality, reminding you that you shouldn't, in fact, be undressing each other with your eyes right in front of your unknowing daughter.
"Daddy, look! I can eat better than you," your daughter giggles out, reminiscent of Mingyu's laugh, as she raises a spoonful of food to her mouth to prove her point.
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Operation: peg your husband was still running according to plan.
After Mingyu cleaned up all the dishes, you read your daughter to sleep alone this time, your husband too busy taking a longer-than-usual shower to get himself all prepped for you. You silently praise your daughter for being a fast sleeper, just like her father.
With your daughter peacefully tucked into bed, the stuffed bear in her arm keeping her company, and the night light shining bright to keep monsters away, you quietly sneak out of her room to make your way toward the master bedroom.
The sound of the shower running is the first thing you're greeted with as you open the door. Wanting to give Mingyu an additional surprise, you quickly change into his favorite pair of red lingerie that fit your body like a glove, hugging all the parts that made Mingyu drool.
You saunter towards one of the bedside tables, grabbing everything you planned on using for the night.
Upon hearing the shower suddenly stop, you scrambled onto the bed, adjusting your bra one last time as you waited for Mingyu to exit the bathroom.
He nearly jumps out of his skin as he spots your body on the bed, clutching his poor heart.
"Fuck sake— I didn't even hear you come in..." He decreases in volume with each word that leaves his lips, his brain trying to take in how fucking sexy you looked.
Red always was his favorite color.
You bite your lip as your eyes trail down his bare chest, all the way down to his v-line, the towel loosely wrapped around his hips leaving very little to the imagination. You'd always love your husband no matter what he looked like. But, you did appreciate how easy on the eyes he was. Long gone was the rowdy yet kind, naive boy you met in your second year of college. Mingyu was now a well-rounded adult who seemed to grow into his looks year after year, aging like the most decadent fine wine.
With a single finger, you beckon Mingyu to you, his towel dropping as he moves to climb on top of you. His lips instantly found yours, pressing them against yours in sync that was perfected over the years. A soft moan gets muffled as Mingyu's hardening cock presses against your stomach. As his lips left open-mouthed kisses along your jaw, down your neck, and over your collarbones, his hips grind his thick cock against you.
His desire for you was evident, but you couldn't allow yourself to get distracted away from what you wanted to do for Mingyu. As much as you loved how his hips and mouth movement felt so natural, it was time to try something new.
" Baby, this isn't a part of my plan. I'm the one on top tonight," you coo out, hands pushing your husband off of you and onto his back with little resistance. Mingyu was a big guy, much stronger than you, which is why the lack of pushback confused you. But with a single look at the desperate look on Mingyu's face, his lustful eyes staring deep into yours, you could tell Mingyu was too horny to have any control over his own body.
"You still want this, pretty boy?" You drag your nails down Mingyu's chest, causing his whole body to shudder at the feeling. He licked over his lip, nodding his head a few times without a hint of hesitation. He wanted it so bad. He's secretly fantasized about playing with his ass but was always too focused on your needs to bring it up and too nervous to try it on himself. But tonight, Mingyu had complete trust in you.
"Please, fuck me," he lets out with a heavy breath, his hips squirming against the bed as his anticipation starts to get the best of him.
A single chuckle from your lips causes his cock to twitch, something about the sound turning on even more. You found it somewhat amusing that Mingyu, your strong 6' foot 2" husband, was begging you to fuck his tight little ass.
"Come on, baby, you know I can't fuck you just yet...I gotta make sure you're all stretched out for me so you can take it like a good boy," you tease as your hand trails lower and lower, nails grazing down his shaft before rubbing underneath his balls. Instantly, your actions elicit a positive response, Mingyu's hips bucking against you as his head sinks into the pillows beneath him.
"Such a pretty boy— Spread your legs for me?" Your soft tone eases any nerves that start to build in the pit of Mingyu's stomach, his legs spreading slightly. You shake your head and guide him to spread his legs a bit more, pushing them until his feet are planted firmly on the bed.
"Just relax for me, Mingyu. I promise I'll take good care of you," you whisper as you lean forward to kiss up his stomach and chest, the man underneath you sighing in pleasure.
Reaching to the side, you grab the bottle of lube you grabbed earlier from the bedside table. You lean back as you playfully wave the bottle in front of Mingyu, a soft chuckle rumbling out of him.
"Let's go over a few things, okay?"
Mingyu nods, mumbling an 'okay' as he waits for you to continue.
"Tell me if you ever need to stop or take a break for whatever reason, tell me immediately. I want you to have a good time, and if you're not, I don't want you to force yourself to continue. I need you to tell me how you feel when I ask. And if you need me to change how I'm doing it, I'll go as slow, fast, hard, and deep as you want me to, but I can't read your mind, so you need to speak up. Got it?"
Mingyu canines sink into his plush bottom lip, biting back a smile from the authority in your voice.
"Understood, baby. And if you're uncomfortable with anything, you better tell me too. I know you're doing this for me, but I don't want you to feel weirded out by anything. We'll stop if either one of us isn't feeling it."
Mingyu briefly sits up to press a long kiss to your lips, not just out of lust but out of love. He lays back down, nuzzling his head deeper into the pillows as he watches you closely for your following movements.
With a deep breath, you pop off the cap of the bottle of lube, squeezing out a more than generous amount onto your finger. It was better to be safe than sorry. You rub the glob of lube between your thumb and two fingers, warming it up so it wouldn't startle Mingyu as your press your fingers against his tight hole, rubbing over it in slow circles.
Your eyes flicker to your husband's face, catching the way his eyes flutter close, his entire body sinking further into the bed. He had no idea how good he looked right now.
Your other hand rubs over one of his toned thighs before a question leaves your lips.
"Feels good?"
You knew it did, you could tell by the look on his face and the way his cock seemed to twitch with every rub of your fingers, but you wanted to hear the words come out of his mouth.
"Mhm— so good, baby. Can't wait for you to fuck me," he sighed, his hips starting to move against his finger, showing you how badly he wanted it.
"Yeah? You think you're ready for a finger?"
You let out a laugh as your husband nods his head against the pillows, the furrow of his brows showing that he was starting to get impatient.
You allow your eyes to focus on where your fingers meet his ass, your mind running through all the information you read online before mustering up the courage to press a single finger against the puckered hole, the lube aiding you as you the tip of your finger sinks into him slowly. Mingyu shifts a bit at the new and slightly uncomfortable feeling of your finger inserting into him. It didn't feel terrible, and he didn't want to stop yet, but it was definitely weird.
The face of discomfort on Mingyu causes you to stop your finger from going any deeper, a look of concern now written on your face.
"Need me to stop?"
Mingyu quickly shakes his head, smiling at how attentive you're being.
"No, I'm good. I promise. It's just weird. I'm fine. You can continue, baby."
You allow yourself to trust his words, your finger sliding into him almost all the way before halting again. Mingyu lets out a deep exhale as he tries to adjust to the feeling. After the initial wave of discomfort, Mingyu had to be honest with himself...it didn't really feel like much. He could tell your finger was inside of him, but there was no pleasure.
"Still good, Mingyu?"
Okay, you've got this. Just 2 inches deep, down to the first knuckle. Now all you gotta do is curl your finger up a bit.
"Yeah, I'm good. It does really feel like anything, to be honest with— holy shit, fuck, oh my god."
Mingyu's words abruptly cut off with a string of profanities, his back arching off the bed as you curl your finger just as you read online, nudging against his prostate. It was unlike anything he's ever felt before, his body losing control over itself as a sudden shock of pleasure moved throughout his entire body.
"Shit—are you okay? Should I stop?" You ask in a panic, not realizing your husband's strong reaction wasn't out of pain; it was out of pure pleasure.
Mingyu lets out a whimper as his eyes open to look at you, shaking his head as his hands move to grip the bed sheets.
"No, don't stop. Fuck—it felt so good, baby. Please, please, please do it again. Keep going, please," he begs, desperate for more.
You feel a heat run through your body when you realize how much Mingyu had enjoyed what you did, arousal soaking into your panties. You rub over his stomach as you curl your finger upwards again, causing another strong reaction from Mingyu.
Biting your lip, you began to move your finger in a come hither motion. Mingyu's mouth drops as whines and whimpers leave his lips before he can stop them. His eyes roll to the back of his head as his knuckles turn white from how hard he gripped the sheets. Precum leaks out of his cock, enough for Mingyu to nearly convince himself that he was cumming already.
"Look at you, baby, taking my finger so fucking well. You're so tight, Mingyu. How am I ever gonna fit another finger, let alone a cock, inside you?" You tease, watching your husband fall apart underneath you all from a single finger inside of him.
Mingyu pants, his chest rising and falling quickly as he tries to register what you're saying, too fucked out already to focus on anything other than what he felt.
" Finger—a-another one, p-please," Mingyu practically sobs out. It was safe to say this was the best thing Mingyu had ever experienced. Mingyu absolutely loved fucking you and the feeling of your pussy wrapped around his cock, but this was different. A different kind of pleasure. Something so intense it was almost unbearable.
You dip a second finger into Mingyu's hole as he wishes, stretching him out further than before. You continue your curling motions, the feeling somehow more intense than before. Mingyu's moans grew in volume, a familiar but different feeling forming in his stomach, getting stronger with each push of your fingers.
Mingyu felt lightheaded in the best way possible, his brain turning into mush as he allowed himself to fully immerse himself in the incredible feeling.
"M' gonna c-cum—fuck, s' close," he slurs, his eyes rolling again as he feels his biggest orgasm yet getting ready to burst out of him.
" Yeah, baby? I haven't even touched your cock yet." You were amazed at how much pleasure Mingyu was getting out of this and a bit proud of yourself for being the one giving it to him.
All he needed was a few more good pumps of your fingers.
A little bit more.
Just a bit more.
Knock knock knock—
"Mommy? Daddy?"
The sudden sound of a soft knocking and your daughter's soft voice behind the door takes you out of the moment. You curse under your breath as you pull your fingers out of Mingyu, a whimper leaving his lips from the sudden emptiness, the feeling of release getting ripped away from him. You felt bad, you really did, but you couldn't exactly ignore your daughter, who sounded upset from behind the door.
"I'm so sorry, Mingyu. Let me just check what she needs—"
"I-It's okay, just check on her," he pants out, slowly coming down from the feeling of his almost orgasm. Yes, he was frustrated from the sudden stop, but the guilt of feeling frustrated towards his daughter was instant karma, the feeling turning him off completely.
You quickly wash your hands in the bathroom, grabbing a robe to cover your lingerie-clad body. Mingyu covers his body with a blanket as you open the door, bending down to hug your sniffling daughter.
"What's wrong, princess?"
"H-had a n-nightmare," she hiccups, hugging your body as tight as her little arms would allow her. You turn your head to flash an apologetic smile at your husband as your daughter cries in your arms.
Operation: Peg your husband did not go as smoothly as you had hoped.
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It was beginning to seem as if the world, some unknown force, had a vendetta against you fucking your husband in the ass. Nothing seemed to be going your way.
For starters, your work was very demanding, with additional hours to your schedule, which left you mentally and physically exhausted by the time you got home. The pay was generous, but it wasn't worth the time it stripped away from you. The time you could be spending with Y/DN and Mingyu. The time you could be spending fucking the brains out of Mingyu.
Then, you got sick. Maybe it was the exhaustion your body was being put through. Or maybe, it was just because cold and flu season was rolling around. Either way, you got fucking sick, which meant staying in bed all day, using up your precious sick days.
Then, just as you recovered, for the most part, Y/DN got sick as well, leaving you and Mingyu to take care of your little princess until she felt all better.
It was safe to say that Operation: peg your husband was put on the back burner.
Mingyu hadn't complained once. Not when he worked extra hard to prep your meals for your long days at work. Not when he'd run you a bath and give you a nice shoulder rub before you passed out. Not when he took care of you when you were sick. Not when he took care of your daughter.
It frustrated you that you couldn't take care of your husband. Either he ignored his wants, or there simply was no time to tend to them. But, you weren't gonna let this stop you. If anything, the past few weeks were only fueling your determination, ready to pounce on your husband at any given moment.
However, you were more sophisticated than that (not really) and devised a new plan to get into Mingyu's pants.
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A sigh of relief leaves your lips as you feel Mingyu's loving hands rub your sore shoulders as he sits behind the bubble bath he prepared for you. Although Mingyu hated seeing how exhausted you've been, getting extra worried, especially after you were sick, he did enjoy the night routine you two had nowadays. You didn't eat dinner with Y/DN and him, but he did spend time with you, helping you unwind.
You raise a hand out of the bath to cover one of Mingyu's before interlocking your fingers, bringing his hand up to your mouth to press a few kisses to his skin.
"That tickles, Y/N," he giggles, trying to pull his hand out of your grasp, but you didn't let your husband escape. Not when you had to let him know what you planned out.
"I have the weekend off...so we get to spend time together tomorrow."
Mingyu smirks at the suggestive tone in your voice, leaning forward to rest his chin on the bathtub.
"Yeah? And Sunday?"
"Mhm, and Sunday. And I know how much your parents have been dying to see Y/DN recently, so I may have told them that she could stay at their place for the weekend. They seemed happy about it."
Mingyu's smirk only grew wider as you spoke. He lifts his head and slowly drags his hands along your shoulders and down to your breasts, submerged in the water.
"We get the whole place to ourselves?" You can hear the excitement dripping from his voice, biting your lips as he squeezes your tits.
"That's right, baby. We have unfinished business to tend to. I still haven't fucked your pretty ass yet. They'll be here to pick her up around 1 pm"
Mingyu lets out a sigh as his mind drifts off to the night you fingered him. Although he didn't cum, the feeling of your fingers was incredible, and it only made Mingyu want more.
It was safe to say that your little operation was back. This time, you were gonna make sure your husband came.
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You smile brightly as your daughter waves goodbye to you and Mingyu.
"We love you! Be good to Grandma and Grandpa, okay?" Your husband calls out to her as she gets further away, her hand tightly grasping your mother-in-law's hand.
Y/DN turns her head to nod at Mingyu, letting go of her grandmother's hand to hold her arms over her head in a heart shape before she's placed in the car and off for the rest of the weekend.
Once the car is out of sight, you turn your heels to face Mingyu with a devious smirk.
Mingyu scoops you up in his arms as he eagerly brings you into the house, kicking the front door behind him closed. He carries you up the stairs, nearly tripping as you kiss along the side of his neck, your hands roaming across his torso and tugging at the shirt he wore. Luckily, the two of you make it to the bedroom in one piece, your husband's clumsiness not interrupting what you both were craving.
Mingyu was buzzed with excitement since this morning, touchier than usual as he waited to have you all for himself. He planned ahead, taking time to prep himself when he took a shower this morning, so there was no time wasted today. There was nothing more that Mingyu wanted other than a glimpse of the feeling he had last time.
You two touch and grope at each other feverishly, and you strip each other of all of your clothes. You momentarily gawk at your husband's naked body. Sure, you saw him undress all the time, but you were too busy to appreciate your husband's body. You wanted him to know how sexy he truly was.
Mingyu let out a moan as you kiss his chest, bending down slightly to lick up his abs, his knees almost buckling at the feeling.
"Lay down for me, Mingyu," you breathe out, your voice low and seductive, so sexy that any man would listen to you. And he does.
Mingyu lays on the bed like last time, but this time having his feet planted on the bed without your guidance.
You feel a tingle shoot to your core as you hungrily gaze at your husband in full display before you. You crawl between his legs, grabbing a fistful of his hair as you hold yourself up with the other.
"You have no idea how much I've wanted this, my pretty boy. How many times I've thought about bending you over the counter whenever you made breakfast and making your pretty ass mine," you breathe out before dipping your head to kiss along his neck and collarbones, nipping and sucking at the sensitive skin.
Mingyu's cock twitches beneath you as he moans from the feeling of your lips marking his skin.
"My ass is already yours— always has been, baby," he laughs. His hands grip your waist as you continue to kiss his skin, making your way up to his ear to give it soft nibbles.
"Yeah? All mine, baby? You're gonna let me stretch you out like last time?" You whisper in his ear, your voice making his cock twitch again.
Mingyu nods, his hips bucking upwards to rub his cock against you.
"So hard, and I've barely done anything yet. I don't think you're gonna last very long, Gyu," you tease as you lean back, taking Mingyu's cock in your hand to toy with his tip, a single bead of precum leaking out of him.
"I-I've been saving myself for you. I haven't even touched myself since," Mingyu admits as he squirms from the attention to his sensitive tip. You raise an eyebrow at your husband, shocked at the fact that he hasn't had an orgasm in so long.
"Poor baby probably has so much backed-up cum. I bet you're gonna make a fucking mess tonight. Gonna cover yourself in all your cum when I fuck your ass," you pout at him, feigning sympathy, which only makes another bead of precum drip out of him.
You let go of Mingyu's aching cock to reach into the bedside table, pulling out the same bottle of lube as last time. You follow the same steps as last time, rubbing the lube between your fingers and rubbing it along his hole in slow circles.
The speed of your actions was agonizing for Mingyu, his head throwing back as he groaned in frustration.
"Fuck—just put it in already, please."
You giggle at your husband's lack of patience but decide to give him what he wants, sliding two fingers in, causing him to sigh in relief.
"I finger you once, and all of a sudden, you're acting like a slut who can handle more. Don't get too ahead of yourself, Mingyu."
Before Mingyu can respond, a loud moan rumbles out of him, his head pushing against the pillows as his back arches off the bed when you curl your fingers just like last time, hitting his prostate with damn near perfect precision.
"Shit— so fucking good," he moans out, his eyes shut as your fingers prod against his prostate over and over.
Like last time, his cock leaks precum, pooling on his stomach.
You coo praises as your other hand slowly rubs his shaft, your fingers still working inside of him. Mingyu lets out a string of moans mixed with a few curses that slip out of him, his brain foggy from all of the pleasure.
The tight feeling in his stomach causes him to snap his eyes open, his hands darting down to push yours away from him in a hurry.
"Shit—did I do something wrong? Is everything okay, Mingyu?" You panic as you immediately take your hand off his cock and slowly pull out your fingers. You watch as Mingyu pants, licking over his lips before responding.
"I'm g-great—more than great, baby. I didn't want to cum before you got to fuck me," he breathes out, a rosy hue covering his face and chest. Mingyu runs a hand through his hair, noticing it sticking to his forehead.
A deep sigh leaves your lips, relieved that nothing's wrong. You run your hands over Mingyu's thighs as you lean over to press a kiss to his lips, his head lifting from the bed to chase after your lips when you pull away too soon.
"Stay right here, baby," you whisper to him as you get off the bed. Mingyu stares at the ceiling. Sounds of you shuffling around in the bathroom are the only thing heard, along with his heavy breaths. Mingyu turns his head to look at the closed bathroom door, worried about how long you were taking.
"Everything okay, sweetheart?"
"I'll be out in a minute!" Your voice calls out from behind the door as you adjust the strap-on, ensuring it's perfectly secured. You had a few toys of your own that were compatible with most strap-ons but were probably too big of a jump for Mingyu, who only knew what two of your fingers felt like. You were used to having Mingyu's thick cock in you, but Mingyu wouldn't be able to handle one close to his size just yet.
So, you opted for this one. A solid black one that was soft to the touch, curved at the end, came with its own strap and was a decent length and thickness for a beginner.
You turn to look at yourself in the mirror, straightening your back with newfound confidence before you exit the bathroom.
Mingyu's eyes quickly find your figure walking towards him, his eyes catching the toy that was now strapped onto you. His cheeks flush as he bites his lip, trying to hide his excitement as you crawl onto the bed. You bite back a smile of your own as you spread your husband's legs apart further, settling your body in between them.
"Do you want it like this, baby? We can try a different position if you want," you coo out, your fingertips trailing along his inner thighs.
You watch the cogs of Mingyu's brain turn as he thinks about your question. He had done some research himself and knew exactly what he wanted to try first.
"Can I lay on my stomach? I always fuck you like that, so I'm curious what it feels like—and I heard it's a good way to start," your husband shyly asks.
You nod your head with a reassuring smile, helping Mingyu flip onto his stomach, giving you a good look at his ass that you were ready to fuck. You feel arousal drip down your legs as you position yourself over Mingyu. His arms find comfort folding underneath the pillows as he turns his head to the side, waiting for more.
Kisses up his back and your hand rubbing over his ass, occasionally squeezing at it, causing Mingyu to sigh, his hips squirming against the bed, and his cock rubbing against the mattress.
"Fuck—Y/N, don't tease me," he moans out, lifting his hips to push his ass against your loving caresses.
"I'm not teasing you, baby. I'm appreciating you, am I not allowed to appreciate what a nice ass my husband has?" You said it was all mine, right?"
A shaky breath leaves Mingyu's lips as your words manage to turn him on more, his hips lifting once more.
"All yours— but please fuck me already," he whines, his lack of patience evident."
You chuckle softly at your husband's begging but decide to play nice tonight, reaching over to grab the bottle of lube and coating the toy thoroughly. Your hand spreads Mingyu's ass apart, letting some of the lube drip down onto his hole. You set the bottle aside, still holding his ass open so you could line the toy up to his tight hole.
"Now you know how it feels when you tease me, Mingyu."
You slowly push the toy inside of him, the curved end slipping past the tight rim. The toy was undoubtedly thicker than your fingers causing Mingyu to hiss at the new stretch. You do a quick check-in to ensure he's okay, only pushing more of the toy in when your husband gives you the green light.
Mingyu moaned as the tip of the toy nudged against his prostate, the curved tip instantly pressing against it as it slipped inside him. You soothing rub his lower back as you push the toy deeper inside of him inch by inch, letting him adjust to the new size.
"You're doing so well, baby. I'm almost all the way in. Such a good boy taking my cock," you purr out, shifting your knees on the bed, the toy moving inside of him and drawing out another moan from your husband.
Once you fit all of the toy inside of him, you stop moving, letting Mingyu embrace the full feeling before telling you to start moving.
You slowly start pulling out, your husband moaning at the feeling and letting out an even louder moan when you push your hips forward, the toy nustling deep inside of him. You repeat the same slow thrusts, biting your lips as Mingyu falls apart underneath you.
Mingyu couldn't control the way his body was moving underneath you, squirming at the feeling of the toy repeatedly hitting that spot that made his brain turn to mush. He could tell he could cum from this alone. All the weeks' worth of build-up only made him more sensitive, his body craving a release. He thought it couldn't get any better until you spoke up.
"Should I turn it on now?"
In his fucked out state, his brows furrowed, confused as to what you were talking about.
"T-turn it on? Turn what—" he turns speechless, his mouth falling open as a high-pitched moan escapes him, his eyes rolling back to his skull as he feels a vibration inside of him and hit against his sweet spot.
Oh yeah, and the toy vibrated.
You bite your lips as your eyes scan your husband's frame, more of your arousal dripping down your thighs as he thrashes underneath you from the intense feeling. Precum soaks into the bed as he feels his orgasm building and building with every thrust of your hips. You paid no attention to the tired feeling creeping up on you, your mind too focused on making your husband lose his mind.
"That's it, baby. I bet you can't wait to cum, hm? Gonna make a big mess for me? Maybe we should flip you over so I can watch you cum all over yourself."
Mingyu nods his head to your words, letting out a broken sob when you pull out to help him flip back onto his front. You smile at the glazed look in his eyes and his flushed face, resembling how he looked when he was drunk. But there was no alcohol in his system, the dazed expression on his face a product of the pleasure you were giving him.
You hold Mingyu's legs open with one hand as you line up the vibrating toy up to his hole, pushing into him with ease this time around. Although this wasn't for you necessarily, you enjoyed this position more, loving the way you could watch your husband's eyes roll back, his mouth unable to close as whines and moan of ecstasy left his pretty lips.
You could tell Mingyu was getting close as you thrust the toy into him a bit faster. His breath sped up the closer he got, hands gripping the pillow underneath his head as his entire body shook with the need to cum.
"S' close— fuck! Don't stop, baby. So, so close," he sobs out, his eyes tightly shut as he tries to prepare himself for the orgasm that would come any second now.
Your hand cups his balls, gently fondling them, and that's all Mingyu needs to send him over the edge. You watch in awe as your husband's back arches off the bed, a deep and long moan echoing out of him as thick cum oozes out of his cock, seeming to never end as it pools and drips from his stomach. His whole body shakes uncomfortably, his eyes rolling back as the only thing Mingyu can feel is a warmth shooting throughout his entire body. This was much different than his usual orgasms. The feeling wasn't even remotely the same. You helped him ride out his everlasting orgasm, his body continuing to shake even when he had no more cum left to shoot out.
You turn off the vibrator and slowly bring your movements to a halt when your husband whines about the feeling.
"Too much— too much." His back finally makes contact with the bed again, trying to come down from his high. You stay inside of Mingyu for a few more seconds before slowly guiding the toy out of him, him wincing when the tip grazes his sweet spot.
"You came so much, baby. Made such a pretty mess for me," you coo out, leaning over to swirl your finger in the pool of cum on his stomach.
Mingyu remains silent, still trying to catch his breath, his body convulsing every few seconds from the aftershocks of his orgasm. You lap up some of his cum with your tongue as your husband has just enough energy to grab your face, pulling you up to him so he can taste himself off your lips.
"Have fun?" You ask rhetorically, a dazed chuckle leaving his lips as he opens his eyes to finally look at you, the look of lust in his eye now replaced with love and affection (and tiredness).
"Mhm, thank you, Y/N. I love you," his words come out in a whisper, his voice huskier than usual from all the moaning.
You smile and cup your husband's face, kissing his lips again.
"I love you too. Let's get cleaned up, yeah? I'll make us something to eat."
Mingyu raises an eyebrow at you, not wanting to address the issue with what you just said. You bite your lip as you roll your eyes at him, letting go of his face to run them down his shoulders.
"Fine, I won't cook. But I'll order something for us to eat and just pretend I'm an amazing chef in my head. Is that better?"
Mingyu smiles at you and nods his head, rolling the two of you over to lay face to face on your sides, not paying mind to the cum dripping onto the bed.
"Much better. I wouldn't want to find a way to explain to Y/DN why we have to move out after you set the kitchen on fire."
Your husband shushes your annoyed response with his lips, distracting you from the rude (but believable) words that left his lips.
Damn him and his kissable lips.
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kiankiwi · 4 months
Husband Jacob comforting hormonal pregnant reader 🩷
You had no ideas why you were crying. You just were. There was often no point to your tears at this point in your pregnancy so you often just had to feel your feelings until you calmed down and were able to go about your day.
Jacob was up and on set before you even got up so you were used to waking up alone. Because he didn't get to see you in the morning, he would facetime you to say good morning and have a little chat because he had missed out on his morning with you.
He just so happened to call when you were mid sob. "Baby? What's the matta?" (his R's sound like a/aw to me lol) He asked, his eyes filling with concern. "You just--" You continued to sob and Jacob put his hand up, "Breathe baby, you're okay, breathe with me." He helped guide you through a few deep breaths so you weren't choking and coughing as you cried anymore.
"Just give it a second and then tell me what's up okay? Do I need to come home?" You shook your head in silence as you put your sleeve over your hand and wiped your face. "Take a deep breath." He took a breath with you to calm you even more so you didn't feel as silly.
"It's stupid..." You chuckled, laying back down in bed. "No, no baby, your feelings are never stupid okay. Can you talk to me, tell me why you're so sad?" That made you chuckle again because you felt so silly. "I'm not even sad! I just... you didn't wake me up when you left so I didn't get a goodbye kiss and then when I went downstairs to make a bagel, we're out of cream cheese and I'm too tired to go to the store and the store feels too public anyway, I feel like everyone's gonna be staring at me with this huge bump and I just.... argh!" You screamed out your frustration into Jacob's pillow which of course smelled like him and that sent you into a new wave of crying.
"What baby, what?" "Argh, your pillow smells like you!" You yelled, frustrated still. Jacob couldn't help but smile at that.
"Here bub, I see your water bottle is behind you on the nightstand can you take a drink please?" You nodded, guiding the straw into your mouth and taking a long pull. "Good, good job, keep doing that today okay?" You nodded.
Jacob got closer to the camera of his phone, so close that you could only see his mouth and facial hair. You laughed. "You wanna know a secret?" He asked, looking off somewhere on set so now you could only see one of his eyes. You grabbed Jacob's pillow and cuddled it. "What?" "I did give you a kiss goodbye, I tried to wake you but I knew you were probably gonna be sick as soon as you woke up so I left you be. I still gave you a forehead kiss though, I promise." You nodded. He was right, you did puke as soon as you got up for the day. "Thank you. I was really tired, I was up late reading again." Jacob smiled. "Is the book good?" You nodded, grabbing the 800 page monstrosity off your nightstand and showed it to him where you had left off.
"Damn baby, you can kill someone with that thing?" You quirked your eyebrow. "Don't piss the pregnant lady off." Jacob nodded. "Here how about I send an uber eats out for the cream cheese and maybe some chocolate too and they'll drop it off so you don't have to go anywhere?" You nodded, wiping at your eyes again. The nice gesture caused your eyes to well up again. "I'd really like that, thank you."
"I'm happy to help baby, is there anything else you want?" "Nutella... and maybe some cheetos? The jalepeno ones..." Jacob expected some weird items to be added to his shopping list. "Got it bub. I gotta get back now but by the time I get home, I want you to have drank that whole water bottle okay?" You nodded and just to make him smile took another long drink from your straw.
"Thank you, I'll see you in a few hours okay? Go and get my Rugby sweater if that'll help too?" Your eyes lit up at the mention of his old sweater. He blew you a kiss "Love you baby! Give the bean my love."
"We love you too!"
I meant for this to be a ficlet but then I got inspiration and it was quite fun! I hope you liked this
@eee-lordy @mooodyblue
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zwhoreo · 1 year
first post ^-^ I have some x reader fics and made a blog 4 fun. mostly for me tbh
you’re turned on… - luffy x f!reader
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SMUT! slight angst at the end. quite soft.
summary: luffy gets aroused, and needs your help
includes.. innocent luffy, clueless luffy, caring reader, emphasis on being soft and cute, some tears from you, some angst because you want aftercare (nothing too sad tho)
words: 2.2k
It’s night, and you’re lying in your cabin, comfortable and ready to sleep but excited for Luffy to show up soon. Even if you fell asleep now, he’d wake you up as he came in and rolled on top of you with no sense of protecting your peaceful state. He had grown a strong attachment and routine to cuddling and being held before he went to sleep, so he always wanted you to be there to put him to bed. Even if it was just for a minute as you felt his body against you enough to draw you back to waking, and you were too groggy to do anything, he’d be in heaven if you just went to curl up against his chest so he could hold you.
Meanwhile, Luffy is on the stern of the ship, hugging his knees, deep in thought. He feels weird, so comfortable yet so uncomfortable. He can’t identify why or what to do with himself to make it better. He shifts around, trying to make the feeling go away, but it just makes it worse. Is he sick? Should he go to Chopper? But no, he really just wants to see you. He has this thought that maybe he would feel better if he got to touch and hold you, for some reason.
That’s it, it feels like the middle of sex, kind of. Kind of like what happens when you two play together. There was when you took each other’s virginities, which was weird and new but really fun, and felt really good especially at the end. After that, he had sort of forgotten about it, that it was even a possibility. But sometimes you felt like playing with each other, which began with play fighting or cuddling aggressively or neck kisses, and very, very rarely ended in fucking each other. Usually just heavy petting and sloppily making out, moaning messes in each other’s arms.
Yeah, it feels like that. But this time he isn’t getting touched, but he can’t stop thinking about it and imagining how good it would feel. Why? He kicks his legs in frustration and goes looking for you.
You hear him open and shut the door, walking over to you before quickly shedding his hat and cardigan. you’re laying under the blankets in your thin, nearly translucent silk night slip, and before you have time to sit up he bounds over to the bed, pulling up the covers and climbing neatly on top of you, slamming his full weight against you. He shivers in happiness, squirming and wrapping his arms securely around your waist, head tucked into your neck. You feel his warm breath on your skin and slip one hand into his hair, caressing his back with the other.
“Hey,” you murmur against him, “missed you.”
You feel him still and think you’ll both fall asleep soon in each other’s arms, like usual, but suddenly he lets go, raising himself up on his arms to look at you.
“I feel weird,” he says deliberately.
“What’s wrong?” concern immediately enters your voice, you sit up, hands running down his bare waist and taking him up with you, finding yourself sitting on his lap, looking into his eyes as he aimlessly pulls your hair.
With your weight on his lap, the feeling flares up and he groans in frustration and sadness, draping his arms roughly around your shoulders, almost knocking you over again.
Now you’re worried, he seems in pain. “What? Are you hurt? Talk to me,” you cup his face in your hands, trying to meet his eyes again.
“I don’t know. I just feel weird. I want to touch you but it gets worse when I touch you, and every position is worse,” he rambles, not even knowing himself exactly what he’s trying to say.
“Can you show me where it hurts?” You ask soothingly, feeling him shiver as you trace your fingers down his back.
Without hesitation or embarrassment, he puts his hand between his legs. Then looks up at you again, expectantly.
Poor baby. You smile as you gather him in your arms. “You’re turned on?”
He looks confused, letting himself melt into you but looking up questioningly from your shoulder. You pet his hair, trying to calm him down. This was a special moment, you knew. Luffy, who had little to no sex drive, you couldn’t think of a time he had initiated sex.
But sometimes these things just happen, and that’s ok. You can help him.
“Lemme help you.”
“Hm?” He stares up at you, wide-eyed, mindlessly picking at the skin of your back just to occupy his hands. He can’t seem to sit still.
You hold his face delicately, leaning in to press your lips against his, oh so gently. He makes a small sound at the contact but quickly stills, basking in the kiss. His body is warmer than normal, his lips already wet, he breathes heavily into your mouth and when you try to pull away he chases you, wanting more, not wanting it to stop. His head is spinning, why does this feel so good?
“You want me, hm?” you murmur to him, pulling his hair a bit for easy access to his neck, sliding your tongue along his jawline, he tastes salty, covered in sweat. You bite, softly, the texture of his skin is just slightly strange, but he can still bruise, he can still feel every movement of your mouth.
“Ah.. y-yes,” he squeaks, closing his eyes, already looking so fucked out. His hands get more desperate, pinching and scratching at your back, it hurts and he has no idea he’s hurting you, he’s not aware of anything right now. But you don’t mind a little pain.
“How, Lu? How do you want me?”
“Dunno..” His voice is so soft, you can barely hear him.
“How’s this?” You run your fingers down his chest, caressing his muscular body. You dig into the grooves of his abs and he moans and his skin tightens and clenches at your touch. You go slow and gentle, teasing him, as his small pupils go large and blown out and drool rolls down his chin.
“You feel good…” And after a moment of just sitting there in ecstasy, a switch seems to flip within Luffy, he looks at you with raw, primal hunger. Suddenly, he understands what he needs. Staring deep into your eyes, blistering eye contact that makes you flush, he seems to fill up with an intense determination to satisfy himself. Now.
Shoving you onto your back, he attacks your neck, teeth grazing your sensitive flesh, you whimper underneath him but he’s unrelenting, giving you hot, open-mouthed kisses wherever he can reach. But he’s still holding you, wrapping his arms around your waist, he’s so strong and his grip is firm and tight, he still wants you to feel comfortable and safe. Your moans are encouraging him and making him want more, more. His hips rut against yours instinctively, thrusting against your panties, he yelps at the much needed contact and grinds harder.
“H-hold on…” you squirm in his arms, trying to reach for the zipper on his jeans, but you can’t quite get there, with how hard his body is pressed against yours.
“C-can I kiss you here?” He stretches an arm around to your chest, restraining himself from touching you too much until you tell him it’s alright.
“Yes please..” you manage to whisper, and he eagerly moves his face down to your chest, pushing your slip away, kissing and biting at your breasts.
“This feel nice?” he asks sweetly as you pull on his hair, but you’re too much of a mess to respond, toes curling, trying to pull him even closer against you. His heavy breathing is driving you insane, and the way touches you, so desperate, you can feel his pure, raw want and need in every claw of his hands, every bite.
“Fuck me, Lu, please,” you whimper, feeling tears spring to your eyes as you’re overwhelmed by this new side your partner.
Luffy moans in response, teeth digging into your chest, you’re afraid he might draw blood. He excitedly reaches down to tear your panties off and shivers at the smell and feel of your arousal. “M-mine,” he growls softly, possessively, and you squeeze your hand in his hair and pant, losing oxygen, your heart beating out of your chest.
After a few more instinctual snaps of his hips against you, growing wild from your scent and the pretty noises you’re making, he reaches down to fumble with his zipper, swiping his hand over your clit in his hurry, causing you to shudder and heat up.
You feel him kick off his pants, his cock set free, slapping against your leg. You gasp, feeling how big he is, his unusual arousal and flood of hormones has made him grow larger than normal, his elastic skin easily stretching to accommodate far more size than any regular person. Will he hurt me? you worry a little. You feel him throb and leak, delicate skin tight and burning hot. He probably looks so beautiful like this. You want him inside you, you wiggle invitingly.
“Can I put it in?” he asks innocently. God he’s still so cute, hovering over your face, muscles spasming in their desire to move, sweat dripping from him, those big, sweet deer eyes, what an angel, even right now.
“Now, Luffy. C’mon..” you’re begging him, practically, you want to feel him so badly. “I want you so bad… you’re gonna make me feel so good…”
He smiles widely at your words, trying to keep his hips as gentle as he can as he lines himself up with you, whining in desperation as he pushes himself deeper, deeper, deeper…
“L-Lu…” you hiss, tears springing to your eyes, “yeah, like that…”
He shakes the bed, your whole body, as he begins to lose control, pounding you rougher, faster, growing loud and moaning into your neck. God, he’d so loud when he’s fucking you, you remember. Everyone can probably hear you… you blush furiously, shutting your eyes, it’s ok, it’s time to let your baby feel good, nothing else matters.
He’s using every piece of you, desperate for touch, kisses, going deeper, feeling more. You feel so loved and appreciated, happy feelings washing over you, mixed with pleasure and a slight sting. He’s filling you up so well.
“Mm, you’re perfect, Lu, you’re perfect,” you stroke his hair, trying to catch your breath, getting railed harder than you thought possible. This was never really part of your relationship but this… this is a treat, you’re so lucky…
You can’t believe he’s really yours.
Usually he can last hours with his incredible stamina, but this time it doesn’t take him long to cum, as you tip him over the edge as you clench tightly around him. He’s shuddering against you as his hips buck, spilling into you, so much, he’s filling you up so much.
You whine, burying your face in his shoulder as he breathes raggedly. “Did you cum? Do you wanna?” Luffy asks kindly, turning his face towards you, pressing his cheek against yours, smiling widely, a happy little puppy.
You’re so tired… he’s taken all the energy out of you, it would feel nice to cum but you kinda just want to cuddle him to sleep. You’re tender and happy enough from giving him so much pleasure.
“It’s ok, Lu. Let’s just cuddle.”
“Ok!” He smiles even more, his afterglow is gorgeous, he looks like a real-life angel. “You felt good! It was fun!”
Then he collapses on you, holding you tightly, falling asleep instantly.
Your face falls a little.
You wanted to cuddle, and maybe talk for awhile. You wanted aftercare. He never understands.
A tear forms in your eye.
“Luffy…” But he doesn’t wake up. He just purrs a little in his sleep, so you pet him gently, tenderly, and try to hold back your tears. You were having so much fun, why are you crying?
He’s drooling on your neck, nibbling a little bit, maybe he’s dreaming already.
“Mm… [name]… I love you…” Luffy says under his breath.
You whimper, crying softly, trying to enjoy the warmth of his body on top of yours, trying to calm down and sleep. You shut your eyes tightly. Before you met him, you’d always hug your pillow to fall asleep, you couldn’t without it. It feels like that now, just holding him, trying to comfort yourself. You feel in a daze, crying yourself to sleep, like a child, you feel, you’re rocked by the ship on the choppy waves.
But, on the edge of sleep, you feel movement, arms lifting you up, breath on your face. “Are you crying? Are you ok? …Did I make you cry?” Luffy’s soft voice is filled with concern. You feel your heart breaking. You don’t want to worry him.
“C-can you just hold me for awhile? You were perfect, Lu. I’m just overwhelmed,” you choke out, burying your face in his chest.
He smiles a little, still hurting a bit from seeing you upset, but he cradles you, soothing you, murmuring praise, whatever he thinks will make it better.
“I love you, Luffy, so much…”
“Love you too…” He picks you up carefully, turning you on your side, smiling as he squeezes you from behind, nuzzling into your neck, putting one leg over yours. Your boy loves touch, he slides a hand into yours, letting you play with his fingers. “Thank you.. for helping me. You felt good,” he says again softly.
You both fall asleep like that, satisfied and happy.
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judysxnd · 6 months
Hello! I love so much your work! I could do one about Pedro and the reader, after a night out, she is very tired (drunk) she can hardly take off her makeup or put on her pajamas, and Pedro helps her. cute things.
You always loved going out to party. Dress nicely, heavy make up, drinking, music loud, dancing, the list was long. You loved it even more now that Pedro would join you. It made you feel better and safer. It also made you more confident to drink more and dance more.
That's how you ended your night this time too. You didn't even know how you were standing or even walking, but you got back home. Well, we actually do know. It was Pedro. He did drink too, but not as much as you. He helped you get in the car, before sitting in the backseat next to you, in the Uber.
The entire way home you were giggling, trying to make a decent conversation, but kept forgetting what you were saying. If Pedro tried to touch you, you would sometimes reject him, telling him that you had a boyfriend, making him laugh. The Uber driver did look at him weirdly, and Pedro had to justify himself twice before actually showing him a picture of the two of you together, proving that you were actually together. That's something you would not remember, but Pedro definitely will, and you can be a hundred percent sure that he will tease you.
Once you entered your shared apartment, you ran to the fridge to grab an ice cream and sit on the couch to eat it. That's a weird routine you had after a party. You always ate an ice cream. But this time, you could barely eat it. No idea if it was because of the time, because of the amount of alcohol that was running in your body, but tiredness hit you right in the face as soon as you sat on the couch. Your body was falling deeper and deeper, your eyes slowly closing, barely licking the ice cream.
"Y/n" you heard Pedro call, but you were too deep in. You suddenly felt a pair of hands on your thighs. "Y/n" Pedro said again, making you open your eyes.
"Oh hi handsome!" you said "Did I wake you up?" he laughed
"I came back with you baby" you hesitated
"I drank way too much" he nodded "It's time for bed then?"
"Oh thank god! I'm so tired!" You got up
"Hold on, finish your ice cream first, then you have to take your make up and clothes off, and then you can go to bed" you stared at him, still standing
"that's a lot" he shrugged. He patted the couch so you could sit again.
You managed to finish your ice cream, so now you were on your way to the bathroom, walking like a zombie, struggling to stay awake. Pedro was following you closely, stopping in the bedroom to prepare your pyjamas for the night. He changed too, while you were busy in the bathroom, but he quickly joined you when he heard you groaning.
"What's wrong sweetheart?" he looked at you through the mirror as he arrived behind you
"It's too exhausting. Why do I always put that much make up on?" you said, throwing your fifth cotton pad in the sink, while you had still too much make up on.
"That's what I ask you every time" Pedro joked. He chuckled, but you just stared at him. "Alright, let me help you". He turned you around, making you face him, before grabbing another cotton pad and putting makeup remover on it. "Close your eyes". You happily did, dozing off while you felt the smooth pad touching your skin. You open your eyes when you felt a boop on your nose. You saw Pedro smile. "All done" he said.
"Already?" You were sad. It was feeling so good, lullabying you to sleep.
"It was long enough to me" he joked again, this time you chuckled too. "I put your pyjamas on the bed"
"The dress will be enough for the night" you said starting to walk out, but Pedro held you arm
"The same dress you could barely close because you bought one side too tight? Sure." he rolled his eyes "don't move" He went into the bedroom, and seconds later came back with your pyjamas.
"Pedroooo" you whined "I'm too tired"
"Arms up" was all he said, which you obeyed. He unzipped your dress, finally feeling all the air you could breath. How did you manage to go through the night with it? More specifically, how did it not break? Whatever.
In a few movements, your dress was on the floor, replaced by your pyjamas. Your oh so comfy pyjamas. You sighed like you did everything by yourself, which made Pedro laugh for a second.
"Thank you" you said
"Finally some recognition"
"Haha, I won't remember this so enjoy"
"Don't worry, I'll make you remember" he winked, you rolled your eyes. "Alright, let's get you to bed now"
"Finally" you let your body fall into his arms. He hugged you tight, kissing your head, before you pulled away running in to the bed. Laughing, he joined you.
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